Vil Jyllands-Posten have et Samuel Huntington-lignende "Opgør mellem civilisationerne"? Dette er hvad de skrev i en leder 13. september 2001.

Does Jyllands-Posten want a Clash of Civilization in the image of Samuel Huntington? This is their editorial from September 13, 2001. The translation follows the Danish text.

Ledende artikel: Civilisationernes opgør

Jyllands-Posten 13.  september  2001, 1. sektion, side 10

Af Redaktionen

TERROREN mod USA synes at føre et forsinket sandhedsbevis for de opsigtsvækkende teser, som professor Samuel P. Huntington for et par år siden fremsatte i sin bog om "Opgøret mellem civilisationerne". Efter Den Kolde Krigs ophør er konfrontationen mellem forskellige politiske systemer og ideologier afløst af en kamp mellem kulturer og religioner. I stigende grad antager dette opgør karakter af en konfrontation mellem Islam i sin fundamentalistiske, radikale version og Vesten. Stadig mere tyder på, at bagmændene til attentaterne i USA skal søges blandt islamiske fundamentalister i Mellemøsten. Herhjemme så vel som overalt i den arabiske verden er den uhyrlige terror blevet mødt med åbenlys jubel og hæslige glædesscener.
Disse excesser bærer vidnesbyrd om så fundamentale forskelle i livsopfattelsen politisk, økonomisk, religiøst mellem Vestens frihedsidealer med vægt på individets ukrænkelige rettigheder og en middelalderligt formørket verdensanskuelse, at ingen er tjent med, at disse forskelle til stadighed nedtones, ja helst bortforklares i integrationens hellige navn. De, der hylder de kynikere, som iscenesatte rædslerne i New York, har ingen krav på at blive forsøgt forstået. De angriber demokratiet og den frie verden. De skal bekæmpes. Det er på tide, at Vesten vågner op og erkender de trusselsbilleder, som vi står overfor. Allerede professor Huntington pegede på, at tiden er på islams side, fordi fødselstallet i den islamiske verden stiger så meget hurtigere end i Vesten. Vi har ikke særlig god tid. Lige så vigtigt som det er at slå fast, at ikke hele den islamiske verden er fundamentalistisk, og at ikke hele den islamiske verden støtter terroren i USA, lige så vigtigt er det, at Vesten viser sig realistisk. Vi skal tro på os selv og vore værdier. Og vi skal navnlig ikke vige tilbage for at sige ærligt, at vi ikke agter at give køb.



And in English translation:



Editorial: Clash of Civilisations

Jyllands-Posten September 13, 2001, First section, page 10.

By the editorial staff

The terror against the USA seems to demonstrate the truthfulness of the sensational thesis professor Samuel P. Huntington put forward a couple of years ago in his book on “The Clash of Civilizations”. After the end of The cold War the confrontation between the different political systems and ideologies have been succeeded by a fight between different cultures and religions. To an increasing degree this clash is assuming the character of a confrontation between Islam in its fundamental radical version and the West. More and more it looks like the masterminds behind the murder attacks in the US has to be found among Islamic fundamentalists in the Middle East. Here and everywhere in the in the Arabic world the terrible terror has been met with laud enthusiasm and hideous scenes of joy.

These excesses attest to so fundamental differences in the view of life politically, economically and religiously between the Freedom ideals of the West, with its emphasis on the inviolable rights of the individual and a middle age darkened perception of the world, that nobody deserves that these differences all the time are toned down and even explained away in the holy name of integration. Those that hail those cynics, that staged the horrors in New York , have no right to be tried understood. They attack the democracy and the free world. They have to be fought. It is time that the West wakes up and acknowledges the threat we are confronting. Already professor Huntington pointed out, that time is on the side of Islam, since the numbers of births in the Islamic world is rising a lot faster than in the west. We do not have much time. As important as it is to state, that not the entire Muslim world is fundamentalist, and that not all of the Islamic world supports the terror in USA , as important it is, that the West is showing realism. We have to believe in ourselves and our values. And we most emphatically should not be afraid to honestly state, that we do not want to sell out.