Schiller Institute at Copenhagen Climate Conference Report:

British Climate Lies Will Lead to Genocide


The following report will be published in the next issue of EIR Strategic Alert, Wiesbaden


COPENHAGEN, March 15, 2009 -- The Schiller Institute (SI) in Denmark conducted an effective intervention with the slogan “British Climate Lies Lead to Genocide,” into the "Climate Change: Global Risks, Challenges and Decisions" conference, hosted by the University of Copenhagen. The intention of the March 10-12 conference, sponsored by the International Alliance of Research Universities (IARU), with high-level British and Danish political representation, was to provide updated “scientific” evidence to justify cutting greenhouse gas emissions by 80% in developed countries, as well as sizeable amounts in underdeveloped countries, leading up to the December “Copenhagen 15” climate summit, the successor to Kyoto. “Justification” for such a drastic cutback in human activity, promoted by spokesmen for the British Empire, and anti-technology environmentalists, will be used to implement genocidal economic policies, if not prevented.

British Climate Lies Lead to Genocide,” was the title of the SI leaflet issued by Danish chairman Tom Gillesberg, (read at the homepage below) distributed to 1,300 of the 2,000 participants, and emblazioned on a large banner outside, was also the subject of sharp questioning at three press conferences, and a public meeting, provoking much discussion and international press coverage.

At the opening press conference John Ashton, Special Representative for Climate Change, from the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office, was asked by EIR journalist Michelle Rasmussen: ``… What do you say to critics like the American economist LaRouche, and others, that the climate change question is just the latest argument for zero, or negative economic growth, that will have catastrophic consequences for the poorest countries, and that given the leading role of Prince Philip, and Prince Charles, and Gordon Brown and Tony Blair, that this is a kind of modern British Empire strategy to hold down the development of the poorer countries?''  

The controversy was covered in the March 11 Irish Times, entitled, “Tackling warming not 'British plot' against poor nations.” It began, “Climate Change Deal: The British government's chief policy adviser on climate change yesterday dismissed claims by the Copenhagen-based Schiller Institute that the drive to deal with global warming was a "plot by the British empire" to deny economic development to poor countries.

                 “John Ashton, a physicist and former diplomat, said: "If we ever wanted to find an issue that tells us more what have in common, it's climate change. Because if we do not address it, people won't be able to pursue their own narrower interests."...

                 The article was picked up on many homepages around the world, including the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and in Russia, and Canada.

                 Leading British economist Lord Nicholas Stern was confronted at a press conference on the final day by SI organizer Feride Istogu Gillesberg, after calling for reducing emissions by 80% in Europe, and a sizeable amount in the underdeveloped countries. "What do you say about the charges from us, as well as third world countries, that your policy of reducing CO2 emissions is leading to genocide?" Stern: "Reducing emissions, as opposed to increasing them?" Gillesberg: "No, as opposed to having that as an agenda to reduce world population." Lord Stern’s denial included defending his emissions policy and how to control population growth.

                  At a third press conference, Cambridge University professor Dr. Terry Baker, was asked why they are not calling for high-efficiency nuclear energy and magnetic levitation.

Conference participants were also hotly debating the SI leaflet, both pro and con, with one conference group sending a representative to the SI’s public meeting. People from underdeveloped countries were especially interested in discussing the issues.



John Ashton, Special Representative for Climate Change
UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office




Photos: Michelle Rasmussen





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Webcast with Lyndon LaRouche on March 21st, 2009, at 19:00 hours, at