Executive Intelligence Review and The Schiller Institute in Denmark
Invite you to attend a seminar:
Now is the time for a
Just New World Economic Order!
Date: Thursday, September 11, 2008
Time: 9:30 to 12:30 hours
Place: Feugo (Argentinian restaurant), Holbergsgade 14, 1057 Copenhagen K
(near Kongens Nytorv, behind the Royal Theater
You can see a map by clicking "reservations" at their homepage. Click here.)
For more information and to register, please contact:
Michelle Rasmussen or Feride Istogu Gillesberg:
tel.: 35 43 00 17; 35 43 00 33, si@schillerinstitut.dk; fax: 35 43 87 57
On July 29, 2008, the international president of the Schiller Institute, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, issued a call for putting a demand for a just new world economic order on the agenda of the United Nations' General Assembly, which begins on Sept. 26. Read her statement, "Make the Dream of the American Revolution Come True" here. In English. In Danish.
This appeal comes in the context of,
* firstly, the current ongoing, deepening world financial collapse, which has long been forecast by her husband, Lyndon LaRouche, the American economist and former Democratic Presidential pre-candidate, and,
* secondly, the growing danger of a "Cuban missile-style" strategic confrontation between the U.S. and Russia, as foreshadowed by the recent war in Georgia, wished by factions tied to the City of London financial center and the British free trade "globalization" empire of our time (a war provoked by the same Georgian government brought to power by international financial speculator and British subject George Soros, and Lord Mark Malloch Brown).
The intention of the drive towards what could lead to WW III, is to prevent Mr. LaRouche's solution: a 4-power agreement to initiate the establishment of a New Bretton Woods financial system, by a U.S. based on a new Franklin D. Roosevelt/LaRouche-inspired policy, working together with the Russia-China-India strategic partnership already in existence. Such a new system would finance global development of the real physical economy, also for the poorest countries, and promote cooperation between sovereign nations.
The grim prospect of either Mr. Obama, or Mr. McCain, becoming the next American president, based on their policies to date, provides no realistic solution. Only if Mr. LaRouche's allies in the U.S. create a powerful public movement for the necessary Roosevelt-inspired policies, together with loud and clear demands from courageous international leaders at the upcoming UN General Assembly, will we be able to put into motion measures to solve these twin crises which threaten humanity.
These issues will be presented and informally discussed at our seminar, and we hope that it will be possible for you, or a member of your embassy, to be represented.
More information may be found at the following internet pages:
På dansk: www.schillerinstitut.dk
In English:
Executive Intelligence Review: www.larouchepub.com
EIR Online: www.larouchepub.com/eiw
Lyndon LaRouche's Political Action Committee: www.larouchepac.com
The Schiller Institute in the U.S.: www.schillerinstitute.org