A 4-point program to save the world economy
September 12, 2008 The following is a short report on verbal statements made by Lyndon LaRouche, after the state takeover of the two gigantic American mortgage institutions, better known as Freddi Mac and Fannie Mae, which account for about 50% of American mortgages. More details will appear soon.
Now, after the takeover of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, the
actual breakdown of the financial system, which Lyndon LaRouche had
forecast, has occurred. There is no possibility of returning to the
financial systems existing prior to September 2008. Only a new design of
a system echoing the intentions of Franklin Roosevelt at the 1944
Bretton Woods
To this end, Lyndon LaRouche outlined four necessary steps:
Step #1: Put the present international monetary system into
Step #2: Create a new system, a credit system, rather than
Step #3: Organize the new system on the basis of an
Step #4: Define a common, long-term mission-orientation of |