Listen to nearly a one-and-a-half hour interview with Helga Zepp-LaRouche

about the Schiller Institute's international world food crisis campaign

on "Platform Africa" broadcast internationaly on the internet by

Radio Gold from Accra, Ghana (myradiogoldlive.com)

and gfmradio.com, an African radio station in London.


Listen to the recorded radio show


The interview was arranged after the producer,

Roland Acqua-Steven, received a copy of

Mrs. LaRouche's article,



Humanity Is In Mortal Danger!

from a Schiller Institute in Denmark organizer,

at the Copenhagen Consensus 2008 conference.


Before the interview with Helga Zepp-LaRouche began,

the interviewer quoted from an Executive Intelligence

Review article, played a speech by the president of Ghana

about the food crisis, and a response by an

opposition politican.

Click here for a pdf version of excerpts of the transcript

from Executive Intelligence Review


Here is a copy of  an unedited version of the full transcript of the interview:




Q: A special guest on Platform Africa this evening
will join us, and she is Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche, international
president of the Schiller Institute and chairperson of the German
political party, Citizens Movement Solidarity, and also she's a
journalist for Executive Intelligence Review. And not only that,
she's wife of the American economist and former Democratic
Presidential candidate Lyndon LaRouche....
It's Platform Africa live on your power station. You can
send your text messages ahead... [gives phone numbers]. This is
Platform Africa: As I said, we're looking at the global food
crisis, and we have a {special} guest, very special program this
evening: We have Miss Zepp-LaRouche, international pre
sident of
the Schiller Institute and chairperson of the German
party, Citizens Movement Solidarity, and also she's a journalist
for Executive Intelligence Review. And not only that, she's wife
of the American economist and former Democratic Presidential
candidate Lyndon LaRouche.
And let me say, good evening Mrs. LaRouche, and thanks for
joining us on Platform Africa... [audio problems] Now you're
loud and clear--thank you very much, Mrs. LaRouche, for joining
us on this week's edition of Platform Africa.
The Schiller Institute: what do you do, if I may ask, just
by the by?

HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Well, the Schiller Institute was
founded by me in 1984 with the main purpose to work to establish
a just new world economic order. This was basically in the
tradition of the Non-Aligned Movement, and we have been working
on concrete development plans since the beginning of the '70s,
that is, even before the Schiller Institute was founded: For
example, already in 1976, we developed a plan to develop Africa
through massive investments in infrastructure, and in the
meantime, we have developed plans for the development of Latin
America, of Eurasia--so we are really talking about complete
reconstruction of the world economy, and that was the main
activity of the Schiller Institute ever since.

Q: Okay, good one. Now, let's zoom into the main subject
for discussion, the food crisis, the global food crisis. Is
there really a food crisis?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Oh, absolutely! There is a food shortage,
{and} you have a price problem.
Now, there is a food shortage, because the present world
food crisis which has already caused hunger riots to take pla
in 40 countries, is not just a food crisis, but it is merely one
symptom of the end-phase of the collapse of the financial sy
Now, the reason why we are in a systemic crisis of the global
financial system is the result of a paradigm shift which took
place over the last 40 years, essentially after President Nixon
eliminated the fixed-exchange-rate system, shut down the old
Bretton Woods system, and gave way to speculation; and ever
since, you have one neo-liberal measure, favoring free trade,
favoring the power of speculation to the disadvantage of
So essentially, this has been going on since the latest,
1971, and especially after the collapse of the Soviet Union, when
the so-called globalization really took over worldwide and
accelerated the free-trade rule. There was also a concerted
attack on the agricultural production, where the GATT
organization, and then later the WTO, tried to impose free trade
measures in most parts of the world, and that has actually de
facto, led to a decrease of food production, and the lessening of
the nourishment of the world population on an average level.
So, now, in the last phase, you had already warnings, that
we would face food riots which were expressed by the present head
of the FAO Jacques Diouf last June, warnings which were
completely ignored by the international media and politics. And
then, when, as my husband predicted it would happen, end
of July,
the subprime crisis triggered the collapse of the global
financial system, and you had a credit crunch starting in August
and basically then, the central banks decided to bail out their
bankrupt banks by pouring in liquidity. This liquidity was then
used by hedge funds and speculators to not only speculate in oil
and raw materials in general, but also especially in food--food
production, food processing, food futures, and that has then led
to the explosion of inflation in food prices, you know,
depending, cereals, milk, meat, basically between 20, 30, 40%.
So you have two processes going on at the same time: You
have a lowering of the actual physical production, and that has
always been something the free-trade faction--as Friedrich List,
the German economist called it, the British Imperial free-trade
doctrine--what they always wanted: because only if you have a
scarcity of a commodity, that you can really speculate in it.
But then you have, on top of it, now the explosion of
speculation, and that is why I have called for immediate measures
to intervene. My husband and I have demanded that the WTO should
be closed down, because it's trying to now go with the final
phase of the Doha Round, eliminating all kinds of protectionist
measures, and this is just completely insane, in the light of
what is happening today. And I have called for the immediate
doubling of food production, because we have right now, 1 billion
people who are really seriously on the starvation level
worldwide, and then you have another billion which is
undernourished, and that was already the case before this present
crisis broke out--

Q: Mrs. LaRouche, we'll come to the solution--but what would
you say are the causes? You know, given as causes, given as a
historical perspective, but at present, what caused what you call
the food shortage, or the price problem?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Well, there were just very interesting
hearings in the American Senate, where a professor with th
e name
of Greenberger gave a very important testimony at this hea
And he put out very concretely which specific hedge funds a
driving the prices up, and he named several of them, the wo
one of them being Morgan Stanley, but also Merrill Lynch, a
then he named a whole bunch of others. And he said, these
the ones who are hoarding diesel fuel, heating oil; they're
betting on futures, food prices to go up. So it's very concrete.
I mean, if you consider that the entire food production worldw
is really 90% or so, controlled by five of the major food
cartels, you have the absolute criminal control of seeds by
Monsanto. So it's not so ominous: You can actually say who are
these people. And this Professor Greenberger demanded that they
should be banned from the United States.
And then George Soros, at the same hearing, intervened and
said, "No, this would be very bad, they would leave the United
States and go elsewhere." And Professor Greenberger said, "Well,
let them go, they can not do any damage to us, if we drive them
away." And then he actually said that he would try to get
legislation that they would be hunted around the world, to be
shut down. And I think this is exactly what is necessary.
Because what you have right now, is a complete clash between
those forces in the world who say, "No, we have to have food
security, we have to have food sovereignty; we have to have an
increase of production to protect our people." And on th
e other
side, you have those who say, "No, free trade, more trade" to the
advantage, naturally, of those people who control the trade. So
there is right now a war going on, and I think everybody has to
take sides on which side of this war they are on.

Q: Interesting--so, which side are you on?
ZEPP-LAROUCHE: You mean me?

Q: Yes, Mrs. LaRouche.
ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Well, I'm very clearly on the side of those
people who think that the entire system of globalization is an
utter failure; that not only to speculate in food is a crime
against humanity, but for example, when you have almost a billion
people being hungry. Hunger is not a joke: I think in your
country, people also have a sense of it. In other places it may
be even worse! For example, in Haiti, when people were rioting
in the streets, they said, "it does not matter if the police
shoot us, because if we don't get shot, then we die of hunger
anyway." And that expresses a level of desperation.
And when the previous Pope John Paul II traveled through
Africa some years ago, he said, when people are living in utmost
poverty and can not even have a meal, they can not have a house
to live, you can not even talk about "human rights" because the
very basis for dignity of people is not there.
So therefore, I'm very happy that at the FAO conference,
which is just taking place in Rome, the UN Special Rapporteur for
Human Rights and Right to Food, Mr. de Schuetter basically called
the question of adequate food that that is actually a human
rights question. And he called for a "New Deal" in agriculture
worldwide to provide for adequate food on a national level. And
I think that that is what has to become a battle cry for the
whole world right now.

Q: Now, Mrs. LaRouche, what is your assessment? You early
on mentioned the World Trade Organization and so on, but
your assessment of the World Bank, or the IMF, and of cou
rse the
World Trade Organization as far as the food situation is
concerned? Your response?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Well, as I said, the neo-liberal model, as
it was developed by Nixon, by Kissinger, by Shultz, after '71,
and which went through many phases in the '80s--Reaganomi
cs and
Thatcher economics, and then, after the collapse of the Soviet
Union, the unbridled neo-liberal policies of globalization--I
mean, this system is utterly bankrupt! It is more bankrupt today
than Communism was bankrupt in 1989.
And I think that if you look at the damage that these
neo-liberal policies have done, I think that it amounts to
genocide: Because, if you look at the world situation, if you
would use existing technologies, it would be very easy to
overcome world hunger in a very short period of time--maybe half
a year, maybe one year; make a crash program to eliminate poverty
maybe in five years, and to have a decent living standard for all
human beings on this planet in one generation. And if you're not
doing it, when you could do it, well, I think that that is a
crime! And I think that these people who are pushing these
policies for the advantage of very few, are really
criminals--that is my honest conviction.
I mean, if you look at how, with globalization, the very
rich, the billionaires have become more rich, but that in all
parts of the world, the majority of the people--80-90% in most
places, 60-70% in other places have become poorer and poorer,
then this system is {clearly} not just, and it has to be changed!
I think we have to have an urgent agenda, to put a just new world
system on the agenda of world governments right now.

Q: And for clarification, Mrs. LaRouche, you're saying that
this neo-liberal model that you talked about, the effect of the
neo-liberal model or globalization amounts to genocide?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Well, I think, if you look at the realities,
there can be no question about it. As a matter of fact, if
you--I mean, this all goes back to the British Empire. And if
you look for example, at the writings of Friedrich List, who was
a German economist, he was the author of the Customs Union; and
he, when he went in 1825 to the United States, he made the sharp
difference between the American System of economy going back to
Alexander Hamilton, to the question that the aim of the economy
must be the common good of the people; and he contrasted that
with the British system, basically a system which is only
benefitting the imperial power of Great Britain at the time, then
I think you can really see that there is an unbroken tradition
which today governs globalization. And if you look at 80% of all
hedge funds have their headquarters in the Cayman Islands, which
belongs to the Commonwealth, then you can actually see who is
running these policies.
So I think that when Friedrich List, in 1827, he actually
accused Adam Smith that he only wrote his books not to educate
people but to confuse them, to the benefit of England, to make
the aims nebulous, I think that that is still today: Because
people use all kinds of nice words, they say "appropriate
technologies," they say "renewable energies," and they have
these nice words, but what it amounts to is really a system
benefits only a very few speculators and is at the disadvanta
of the vast majority of mankind today.

Q: Interesting. [station id] My name [Musala Musari] and
I'm here with our special guest. She's live in Germany, Mrs.
Zepp-LaRouche... The topic of discussion, the global food
crisis, and we have on the line from Germany, Mrs. Helga
Zepp-LaRouche. She's on the line, a very interesting talk we're
having here with Mrs. LaRouche.
And back to you, Mrs. LaRouche: So, you're saying that the
World Bank, the IMF, and the World Trade Organization are
actually overseeing a genocidal global economic system. Am I

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Yes. That's what they do.

Q: Okay--let me ask you, Mrs. LaRouche, how true is the
assertion that the Food and Agriculture Organization did a
forecast in October of last year, of a situation like this and
made plans to avert the present situation? I know you're in the
North, but what went wrong, really? Why do we have this crisis,
if the FAO knew about it, if there were any warning signals?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Well, I mean, it is at least appropriate to
ask a couple of questions: Because when Jacques Diouf, the head
of the FAO, warned in June last year about food crises; he warned
again in October. And from October onward, you had food riots in
40 countries.
In December, he basically asked for $17 million worth of
food aid to buy seeds for the poorest farmers in different
countries, and he could not manage to get the money together. So
in April, Mr. Diouf accused the rich countries of not wishing to
help the poor countries, and it was only end of April when the
IMF and World Bank had their annual conference, that all of a
sudden you had a big discussion about food riots, you have TV
coverage and so forth.
But then, one has to ask the question, why was this
information being suppressed? Why was it only revealed after the
spring seeding season was over and it was too late? So now there
is a big scramble to get the seeds for the next season in the
But I think, I can not help to have in mind that you have
Malthusians, you have people who have been advertising for a long
time that the world population should be reduced to 2 billion
people or even less. You have organizations like the World
Wildlife Fund, and you have Prince Philip, of all people, the
husband of the Queen of England, who is on the record--and you
can go to the internet and look it up, there's tons of quotes
from him, where he said that he believes the world population is
too big, and there's this famous quote, where he said if he's
being reincarnated, he wants to be reincarnated as an especially
deadly virus, so that he can help to solve the population problem
more efficiently. Then you have many other people who are
Malthusian in their argumentation. So, I can not separate such
statements by relatively powerful individuals from the effect
this policy has. And then, one comes to the conclusion: Maybe
there is an element of intent in all of that.
Or, at the minimum, one can say that it's just an
oligarchical view, where some of these people who are in lea
positions, could not care less about if hundreds of millions o
people are dying of hunger, because they just think they're
many people anyway, and the oligarchical system basically
that it's only the oligarchical elite which deserves a good life,
and the majority of people are no better than human cattle.
So, I think one has to have a very hard look at the motives,
and naturally then you have other people who just greedy, and
they couldn't care less if people die as a result of their greed,
and I think that in that situation, it must be sovereign
governments which come forward and protect the common good of
the people against the speculators.
And I think that, in a certain sense, this crisis is not an
accidental crisis, but it is the result of a completely wrong
economic philosophy.

Q: These neo-liberal forces that you talk about are
powerful forces. Those and the WTO, and so on, are very powerful
forces. How do you think, or what do you think those of us here
in here can do? Because at the end of the day, we're at the
receiving end: What can a continent like Africa do, about such a
situation that you describe?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Well, unfortunately, right now, Europe is not
a positive factor in this picture, because the present trend to
impose the European Union Treaty on Europe, the so-called Lisbon
Treaty, means that Europe is assuming an almost imperial
attitude. So I'm not positive only Europe as such--I hope to
defeat this oligarchical structure, and that we go back to
sovereign nation-states, in Europe, but that is not the situation
right now.
My husband, Mr. LaRouche, has advocated, since a long time,
that because of the tremendous power of the international
financial institutions, that only if you have the four most
powerful nation-states in the world, that is, Russia, China,
India, but also a changed United States--that only if these four
governments get together and put a new world financial system on
the agenda in the tradition of Franklin D. Roosevelt, and the
Bretton Woods system, and then have other nations group around
that, that you have a chance to really address this problem.
Now, as you know, China, foremost, and to a lesser extent
India, and also Russia, and in the last period also Japan, they
have taken a different attitude to African development: For
example, China has done a lot of very useful infrastructure
projects. Naturally China has a benefit also, because it gets
raw materials, but what is wrong if both sides benefit?
You know, there is a big freakout in Europe about that, and
in some quarters in the United States. But my view is, nobody
prevented Europe from doing exactly the same thing that China is
doing, namely to help build infrastructure. And I think that is
definitely something which should be strengthened; I think it was
very good that at the recent conference in Yokohama, end of May
in Japan, where 52 African nations participated, there was the
plan made to double the food production in Africa. And also
Russia has announced a new five-year farm food plan, which
supposed to overcome the food shortage which developed in
in the '90s, in the Yeltsin period, and the new government
Putin, and now Medvedev, they want to not only have food
self-sufficiency in Russia, but they also want to make Russia a
major exporter of food.
So, I think Russia also has offered international
cooperation for every country in the whole world which wants to
develop peaceful nuclear energy, I think this is very positive,
and I'm very happy that Ghana is planning to develop its own
peaceful nuclear energy. So all of these are very important
But I think what really is needed, and this will become
clearer in the next month, probably before the fall: That the
financial crisis will accelerate at an unprecedented speed. And
therefore, I think that nothing short of putting the question of
a new financial architecture on the table is going to help. And
my proposal is to discuss this now among many countries: For
example, I think it would be very good if the African countries
would develop a coherent plan for African development. I have
basically suggested that the African Union should adopt one plan,
and just tell the whole world what is needed to overcome the
underdevelopment. For example, if you look at the map of Africa,
there are no, or almost no ports, there is no railway from the
north to the south, or the east to the west. And if you don't
have infrastructure, an integrated system of railway, of
highways, of waterways, of irrigation, of desalination,
of food
reprocessing, of food irradiation, you can not even have
agriculture! Because if you don't have this infrastructure,
there is no way how you can even process the food, even if you
would have a good harvest.
So, I suggest that people should take a look at the map of
Europe, and then you see how tight the infrastructure is: You
can go by ship from the Black Sea, through the Danube system,
through canals to the Rhine, then you can go to a major port, you
ship your containers to rail systems, you bring it by trucks in
the last part of the whole transport: And that kind of an
integrated infrastructure grid is what Africa need.
So if you African countries would just get together and say,
"For the sake of us all, we put all bilateral tensions aside, we
put all difficulties which existed from the colonial period and
are relics from a period which is really not our fault but
leftovers from the colonial time--you put all of this aside," and
say: "What is the infrastructure plan Africa needs?" And then we
present it as a unity, maybe through the African Union to the
world. And invite people, say, "Look, are you helping us to
develop, to overcome this?" Because I think the world has
reached a moment where either we have altogether, the human
family as one family, altogether the moral fiber to put the
political and economic order of this planet in cohesion with
natural laws, with the real laws of the universe, or else we will
also will go down in a Dark Age.
So I think it's the moment which is really a make or break
for generations to come! And either we use this moment, and say,
"this is now the time to really overcome problems of the past"
and have a crash program; and we have developed this idea of the
Eurasian Land-Bridge--I don't know if you're familiar with it,
but for the sake of your listeners, let me just briefly outline
When the Iron Curtain came down, in '89, and especially in
'91, when the Soviet Union disintegrated, we said: Okay, now
there is no reason why we should not integrate the entire
Eurasian continent through an integrated system of develop
corridors, railways, highways, waterways; make these develop
corridors 100 km wide, put in communications systems, put
energy production and distribution; and therefore, develop the
infrastructure in the landlocked areas of Eurasia and make
as profitable and productive as the areas which normally are
located at oceans or river systems, and connect the population
and industry centers of Europe with those of Asia.
Now this proposal we first made in '89, and then we
developed it more in '91. And for a long time, we were like
"crying out in the wilderness"; we were at hundreds of
conferences, in Delhi, in Beijing, in Moscow, and many other
places. And now, in the last couple of years, a lot of these
projects are now coming into being: For example, the Russian
government is planning to build a huge railway connecting the
Trans-Siberian Railway all the way through the Bering Strait, a
100 km tunnel underneath the ocean, connecting it to Alaska.
Now, if this project is completed, which the Russian
government wants to have completed in about 20 years, then it was
be more easy to travel from Chile by train, via the Bering
Strait, to Mumbai in India; it will be faster than to go by ship
across the ocean.
Now, there are a couple of such projects which really would
make a complete transformation of the world economy,
and there is
a tremendous momentum between China, India, and Russia, who have
formed a strategic partnership, and we have proposed, already
from the beginning, from '91 on, that this Eurasian Land-Bridge
should be connected through Egypt into Africa, then we want to
build a tunnel or a bridge from Sicily to Tunisia, and another
line should go via Gibraltar. And that way, you would bring this
Eurasian development into Africa, and connect it with an
all-African infrastructure grid.
And I think that that is the way to go! That has to be
discussed among governments, there should be conferences, people
should start to work on details of the plan. But I think the
upcoming conference of the UN General Assembly in September
should be the place where all of these discussions about the
just, new world economic order, and how it would look concretely,
through the Worldwide Land-Bridge, that should be put on the
agenda: Because the alternative is a collapse of civilization,
and that is not acceptable.



Q:  As to whether it's going to be on the agenda, it's another issue, isn't it? 

          ZEPP-LAROUCHE: I couldn't hear you.


          Q:  As to whether it's going to be placed on the agenda of the upcoming UN General Assembly, in September, is another issue, isn't it?

          ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Well, I think that depends on the courage of a couple of leading forces, and I'm not so pessimistic.  Because, you see, last month, there was a very important meeting in Yekaterinburg, in Russia, where the foreign ministers of Russia, China, and India met and then the next day they included the foreign minister of Brazil.  And they are planning to have other countries associated with it, South Africa, Mexico, and so forth.  And I think there is a motion where many of these Asian countries realize that they have to change course.  Because they are vulnerable in the collapse of the financial system, and if they don't take measures to protect themselves, they face terrible crises, too. 

          So, I think we are really in a changing period, a revolutionary period, and I think it's time for new and bold ideas.


          Q:  Now, Mrs. LaRouche, the UN Food and Agriculture summit is ongoing in Rome.  Do you have hope that they may turn things around somewhat?

          ZEPP-LAROUCHE:   Well, I think what happened in Rome so far, is exactly what I thought would happen, namely that the dividing line is very clear.  You had people such as Mr. Zoellick from the American trade delegation, who went to the summit and said exactly what was to be expected, that there should be more free trade, and he offered short-term food aid, but with the completion of the Doha Round attached to it.  Then you had other people going in the same direction.

          But you had also a whole bunch of people who spoke very differently, namely, the representative of Kazakhstan, for example, announced a very ambitious program to increase the food production in Kazakhstan.  And he said: For us, the end of free trade is really what has happened. Then, as I said, the Special Rapporteur for Human Rights of the United Nations, de Schuetter--he is the successor of Mr. Jean Ziegler, who actually called biofuels a "crime against humanity"--so this Mr. de Schuetter made a very good speech, by introducing a resolution, saying that the whole food issue has to be treated as a human rights issue.   And then he quoted all the articles of the UN Charter, why food security is a human right, and then he demanded a New Deal in agriculture.  And you know what a "New Deal" means:  It refers to the policy of Franklin D. Roosevelt, which he introduced in 1933 when he became President, and when the United States was in a deep Depression.  And with the New Deal, Roosevelt at the time, brought the United States out of this Depression by simply giving state credits to anybody who wanted to produce something useful.           So, we have been campaigning for a New Deal and a New Bretton Woods since many years, and I have myself issued several calls for a New Bretton Woods system, which have been signed by hundreds of VIPs around the world, and there has been a discussion for a New Deal for Europe by the new Finance and Economics Minister of Italy, Mr. Tremonti.  Then the former President and now Prime Minister of Russia Putin has called for a New Deal for Russia.  [Former] President Kirchner of Argentina has called for a New Deal for Latin America.  So there is a debate, and I think we need just to have more discussion about this.


          Q:  Now, Mrs. LaRouche, the U.S. are generally--still on the UN Food and Agriculture summit held in Rome--the U.S. says biofuels contributes 3% to the prices we are having in the global food crisis, and the UN says, no, it contributes 65%.  Biofuels:  How much of an issue is it?  How important is it, how essential is it to the global food crisis?

          ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Well, I think it is important, because if you consider that with one tank full of biofuel, of one single car--one simple filling of your tank--a human being can live half a year or more!  So, you know, therefore, at a point when you have a billion people going hungry every day, I think it is perverse, and degenerate, and insane, and immoral, to use food for fuel!  It's just not right!

          First of all, economically, it's stupid, because you are not saving the environment one bit.  All you are doing is helping the speculator.  And if you would stop using food for biofuel, worldwide, immediately, you could feed {500 million} people with that!  Now for me, that is not a little issue, it's a big issue.  It's not the totality of the problem, but it's one the immediate measures one could do to help to solve the problem.


          Q:  Now, Mrs. LaRouche, you're saying this issue of biofuels, the world continuing with biofuels is economically foolhardy.  And here we are, the representatives of the United States at the UN Food and Agriculture summit in Rome, says it's going to continue.  So where does that lead the world?

          ZEPP-LAROUCHE:   Oh, fortunately this gentleman is not the only American.  You know, I have issued this call for food doubling in May, and if you go on the internet, you got to www.larouchepac.com website, or you go the Schiller Institute website, http://www.schillerinstitute.org/food_for_peace/hzl_double_food.html, you find there a list of the people who have signed my call in the meantime.  And you will find that there are many elected American officials, both acting state representatives, former senators, many trade unionists, mayors, city council members, and it is actually growing movement worldwide.  For example, just today, I got the message that eight sitting congressmen of the PRD party in Mexico have signed my call; the head of the leading agriculture research university; a leading trade union in Mexico; the head of the agriculture commission in the parliament of Argentina; there are many websites in Russia; many signers from other Latin American countries;  we have a farm commission in Europe of farmers who absolutely agree with me. 

          So it's a growing mobilization, and we are not looking at countries just as the official elected officials, but we are trying to take the interest of the lower 80% of the population, who need somebody who defends their interest.  And I think we are in a situation where that question is going to be decisive.  Because it's the system of the financial oligarchy which is failing right now.  So if you think what it means what I'm saying, when I say that the globalization system is more bankrupt today than communism was in '89-'91, nobody would have ever thought that the Soviet Union would collapse--except my husband, who already predicted that it would happen, in 1983, where he said, if the Soviet Union continues with their then-existing policies, they would collapse after five years.  And it did take six years, so he was off by one year, but he was on the record of having predicted it absolutely precisely.

          So, I think that we are right now, in a situation where you will see that all the schemes which people thought would work are not going to work, and there will be a tremendous opportunity to use this crisis to change a system which needs to be changed anyway.  And the Chinese have this character for "crisis" and it means at the same time, "a chance."  And I think that's the way to look at it: Use the crisis as a chance to correct what was wrong for a long time.


          Q:  Interesting suggestion. 

          This is Radio Gold, 90.5 FM Stereo here in Accra; we're also live on www.myradiogoldlive.com and www.gfmradio.com.  Live from Germany, we have Mrs. Helga Zepp-LaRouche.  She's the international president of the Schiller Institute and chairperson of the German political party, Citizens Movement Solidarty, as well as a journalist for {Executive Intelligence Review}, and wife of American economist and former Democratic Presidential candidate Lyndon LaRouche....  The topic is the global food crisis. [gives phone numbers for texting comments and questions]  My name is [Musala Munsari] and the program is produced by Roland Roqua Steven...

          Coming back to you Mrs. LaRouche, you scratched the surface of [of beton?] on your campaign for doubling of food production.  But tell us more:  What {exactly} is the campaign about and how effective is it?

          ZEPP-LAROUCHE:   Did you ask how effective the campaign is?


          Q: Yes, what is it exactly about and how effective is it?

          ZEPP-LAROUCHE:   Well, I think it is very effective, because my call for doubling of the food production has been published by many countries:  For example, last Sunday, the official Egyptian state paper {Al Ahram} had on their front page a picture of President Mubarak, a picture of myself, a picture of {EIR}, our magazine which you just mentioned, and it reports extensively about my call to double food production; and then basically said this is exactly the line with which President Mubarak would go to the FAO conference in Rome.  And then the next day, on Monday, they had more coverage, basically discussing more details of my proposal.  Then this proposal was published by almost every major newspaper in the Gulf states, in Bahrain, in Qatar, in Saudi Arabia, in Syria.  As I said, in many Russian webpages; then you have a huge discussion about it in Latin America. 

          And we are continuing with this campaign until it becomes the dominant issue:  Because it's the only answer to the present system.  You know, if you have right now, a situation where the free trade faction says, "Africa should develop cash crops and export food."  Why?  So that then the African countries could pay their foreign debt!  Now, I think this is totally crazy.  I think what needs to be done first is you have to have food security, you have to have national sovereignty, and I think if you now look how many forces are echoing--maybe they were inspired by what I said, maybe they came independently to the same conclusion--it doesn't matter:  You have a growing movement of people who are talking the same way I'm talking.  For example, at the FAO conference, the Chinese minister of agriculture, Mr. Sun Zhengcai also blasted the biofuel, and also talked about food security for all as a fundamental human right.  And basically demanded that eradication of hunger, malnutrition, on a global level.  Then you had President Wade of Senegal who also spoke at the FAO conference and he is now proposing a "Great Green Wall," to be built 7,000 from Dakar to Djibouti, to basically have a 5 km wide green strip across the desert with trees, to create a new green lung, and in this way, to fight against the climatic changes in a meaningful way; and alongside of the Great Green Wall, he is planning to build water capture basins, because a large quantity of the water lost by evaporation.  Then Japan wants to help Africa to make the same kind of Green Revolution as Asia did in the '60s. 

          So I could probably add a lot of more people.  For example, the Russian Agriculture Minister Gordeyev, who is by the way a clear opponent of the WTO, he is also pushing to increase food production.

          So, all I'm saying, is while this is all is not yet a coherent policy, but all of a sudden, after many years of supposed globalization, people would say there is no alternative to globalization; but what you're seeing now is a very broad discussion of many countries and forces in the world who want to go back to the pre-GATT, pre-WTO kind of a system. 

          For example, even in Europe, which as I said, is not in the greatest condition right now because of the European Union bureaucracy, you have a very important discussion by the French Agriculture Minister Barnier, who is defending the European Common Agricultural Policy, which is essentially a protectionist system, which comes still from the era of Adenauer and de Gaulle.  And he's supported by Seehofer, the German Agriculture Minister, by Zaia, the Italian Agriculture Minister, and Barnier actually proposed the same system of the CAP, a joint African Common Agricultural Policy, modeled on the European one for Africa, for Latin America, and so forth. 

          So I think that there is plenty of motion, and I think it is very, very important that people in Ghana and other African countries really follow this, because this is a big change which is occurring right now.


          Q: And there's another dimension, that I'd want you to look at, Mrs. LaRouche, as far as the global food crisis is concerned: And that is the crude oil price spike on the global market.  How does it relate to the food crisis?

          ZEPP-LAROUCHE:   Well, obviously the speculators have jumped in the oil in the same way.  And if you have oil prices of now $135-plus--I don't know what the last was today.  But, remember, that an oil price of $25 is neutral to the economy.  People were saying for a long time, if the oil price would go up to $50, this would detonate things.  And then they said, "Oh no, if it goes to $80, that's the end." "If it goes $100, that's the end."  Now, we're at $135 and people are predicting it may go up to $200, and obviously, this is fueled by the speculators and obviously, also the fact that the fossil fuels are becoming less available. 

          So you have a clear need to think about a different energy source, and the obvious way to go, is peaceful nuclear energy, and there in particular, I think the high-temperature reactor, the pebble-bed reactor, which is right now developed by South Africa and by China, is the direction to look in.  Because this is an inherently safe variety of nuclear energy, because it was designed to shut down if there is the slightest irritation, and nothing can ever happen. 

          But, I think more fundamentally, I think one has to really consider the fact that we are right now, globally, in a hyperinflationary explosion, which can be only compared to what happened in Germany in 1923.  Now, in 1923, when Germany was forced, through the Versailles Treaty to come up with the entire cost in reparation for World War I, even no historian today would maintain the point that Germany was the only guilty party for World War I, nevertheless, the Versailles Treaty imposed all of this debt payment and reparations on Germany.  So then, the Reichsbank started to print money, disregarding the strength of the German economy, and then in 1923, this whole thing exploded and you had from the spring of '23, when one pound of bread would cost maybe 1 Reichsmark, it went up to 5, to 100, to 1,000, to 1 million, to a billion; and then in November it became so absurd, that people were literally pushing money with wheelbarrows to the baker, because half an hour later the inflation would force the price up again.  And then in November, it came to an end.

          Now, because of globalization, what you see right now, is that that hyperinflation is developing around the globe, in every single country of the planet.  And as long as the central banks, starting with the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England, have responded to the banking crisis with pouring liquidity into the market, by trying to bail out the banks who are sitting on three-digit trillion sums of toxic waste of worthless paper, which they can not sell, because if they start selling them, it would turn out that they're worth almost nothing.  And therefore, as long as the central banks are trying to bail out these banks by pouring in liquidity, this is fueling the hyperinflation.

          And therefore, this is not going to get any better, it's going to get worse.  And if we are supposed to avoid a terrible catastrophe from this hyperinflationary explosion, then the only measure is to do what my husband has proposed since a long time: Namely, to have an emergency conference on the level of heads of states to declare the present system to be bankrupt, and to go for a reorganization, and create a new system in the tradition of Roosevelt's old Bretton Woods.

          So, that is the only solution, and then you have to have a ban on speculation.  I think speculation on raw materials, and especially food, but also basic raw materials like energy, like gas, like oil, they should not be allowed!  Why should something be allowed which only fills the pockets of a few speculators, but which is, as a consequence, killing people?  I think it is up to the governments to make laws--and as I already said earlier, there was a very important hearing in the American Senate which started to take up this question.  So I think this all now going to be on the table, sooner or later, and you will see dramatic changes.


          Q:  Right. Interesting point, Mrs. LaRouche.  We're going for a commercial break, and then we'll come back, and read some of your text messages, open the phone lines, and then take concluding remarks from Mrs. LaRouche.  Of course, somebody wants to know how to join your campaign, and when we come back from commercial break, we'll answer this...

          Mrs. LaRouche, somebody wants to know:  How do I join your campaign, if I want to?  Is there a specific website address, and if I'm in Ghana, how do I join your campaign?

          ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Well, first of all, you can contact us on the internet.  You can either join the American Schiller Institute www.schillerinstitute.com or you can join the German one, www.schiller-institut.de; we have a Danish one, we have a Swedish one.  Actually the Schiller Institute exists in, I would say, almost 60 countries around the world in different forms.  We have conferences, we have all kinds of political activities, all kinds of campaigns.  You can sign my call for doubling the food production, you can help us to sponsor conferences in your countries.  I mean, there's a whole bunch of things:  Write us an email, get in contact with us!  Spread the idea, take my call, print it out, and distribute it to the parliamentarians of your country.  Collect signatures from trade unionists; bring it to the attention of agriculture professors at universities, organize students, get young people to discuss this. 

          I mean, this is very important:  We have a worldwide youth movement, the LaRouche Youth Movement which exists, actually on five continents.  These are young people which follow the ideas especially of my husband, and we basically think this is a question of just us elderly people--I don't know how old you are! [laughs]  But it's the question of the youth!  The youth have to live the next 50, 70, 80 years, and it is their right to decide too, you know, what kind of a world do they want to live in?  Do they want to live in the kind of world which Bush and Cheney have created by calling for 100 years of war against terrorism?  No, I don't think young people want to live in a 100 years of war.  I think young people have a right to decide themselves, what should be the economic policies, how should the countries be organized.      So get young people to joint.  Make student meetings, have discussions, download from the internet from our websites these articles which have lots of background. 


          Q:  Okay, and the website address once again, is:  www.schillerinstitute.com?

          ZEPP-LAROUCHE:   The English one it's written institute with an "e," dot.com [www.schillerinstitute.com]; in German it's without an "e," [www.schiller-institut.de].  But then, you have www.larouchepac.com, and  www.larouchepub.com -- "pub" for "publications."  And that way, you can contact us, and we'll answer you for sure...


          Q:  Let me quickly open the phone lines... and there's a text message here.  "A question for Mrs. LaRouche: The CO2 regulations being pushed down on the developing countries makes development very difficult.  But isn't these so-called global warming measures just another neo-colonial scheme, to prevent development for developing countries?"  This one is from Benjamin in Denmark.  What's your take on that, Mrs. LaRouche, on this CO2?

          ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Yes, I think absolutely, it is a neo-colonial scheme.  Because, global warming--I mean, there are climate changes, absolutely, but they are taking place as long as our planet exists:  You have ice ages, you have warming periods, you have small ice ages, you have small warming periods.  And these changes depend on the constellation of the Earth to the Sun, of the angle of the Earth's axis to the Sun, of different rays, of the position of our Solar System in the larger Milky Way galaxy, and these are cycles which are 100,000 years, 40,000 years, 20,000 years long.  And they're repeating all the time.  So there have periods where you could grow vineyards in northern Ireland, there have periods where there were giraffes in the Sahara which was a blooming countryside at that time. 

          So all these changes really have nothing to do with man's activity.  And as a matter of fact if you take the CO2 effect on the global weather changes--I always use the image of a huge elephant, which is the cyclical stellar causes for climate change--and then you have a tiny little fly sitting on the head of the elephant, and that is the CO2 emissions coming from man. 

          So it's a swindle.  And then, if you know, for example, that Al Gore is actually the CEO of two hedge funds, speculating in CO2 emissions, then you have a first glance at what is really at stake.


          Q:  Interesting.  A text message, Mrs. LaRouche, from Simon in Botswana, says, "What does Mrs. LaRouche think of bio-regionalism.  What she says is not much different from the worst aspects of globalization.  Massive structures, nuclear destruction of small, fragile eco-systems."  Your response?

          ZEPP-LAROUCHE:   I could not hear you--bio-energy, did you say?


          Q:  "Bio-regionalism."

          ZEPP-LAROUCHE:   Oh, bio-regionalism.  Well, I think that obviously, the way to protect the environment is by using modern technology.  And obviously, we want to be very careful about protecting what needs to be protected:  But you know, there is a fundamental difference between human beings and animals.  The human being is different from all other species by his and her ability to come up with new scientific, universal principles, which then, if they are adequate, and they are valid, are called scientific progress.  And if you apply the scientific progress in the production, then this leads to an increase in the living standard of the population, and the longevity of the people. 

          Now, that is actually a law of the universe.  Because you have to have increasing rates of energy-flux density in the production process, because whenever you halt, then sooner or later, you come to the limits of that particular level.  And then you have the absolute necessity to come up with an invention which increases the productivity and which increases the power of man in nature. 

          Now, if man would have stayed at the same level, then already may 20,000 years ago, or 10,000 years ago, when the population potential of the Earth was maybe 5 million people, there would have come a collapse of the whole development.  But because man was then able to develop agriculture, then he was able to develop the use of fossil fuels, of the steam engine, and now we are reaching even higher energy-densities with the potential of nuclear energy, and soon, hopefully, fusion energy.  And then we can move to not only using waste to retransport it into new raw materials, but we can create new isotopes, and actually move into completely different regime of the production.  And I think we are really at the beginning of a development of humankind.


          Q:  Thank you very much, Mrs. LaRouche.  A text message here from [inaudible] says, "Indeed, all Africa, should today mourn and honor Kwame Nkrumah.  What he sought to do to unite Africa socio-politically and economically years ago, is what the Eurasians are trying to do today.  Africa should concentrate on intra-trade." And, okay--you didn't place your name in there.

          But another text message says, "The press's grasp of global issues and their impact of the economy is so poor that the President's ministers are taking advantage of this ignorance."  Okay, thanks for your text message.

          The text line is closed for now, because our time is almost up, we're about wrapping up on the program.  Let me quickly, probably on lighter note, Mrs. LaRouche--away from the topic a bit:  Our understanding is that there's this political energy in the U.S.  Of course, we know your husband is a well-known American economist and former Democratic Presidential candidate. 

          What can you tell us about the upcoming American elections, knowing that your husband was once a Democratic President candidate?  There's this "Barack-mania" all over the place, we've been through.  But what can you tell us about the upcoming American elections?

          ZEPP-LAROUCHE:   Well, it is not over.  There was actually in the Democratic primaries, Hillary Clinton won 18 million votes, that is more votes than any other Presidential candidate {ever} got in a primary.  Obama got more delegates, and therefore, yesterday, because of massive pressure by an actually corrupt Democratic Party leadership around Nancy Pelosi and Howard Dean, basically created a situation where Hillary suspended her campaign--but she did not release her delegates.  So, since between now and the convention, at the end of August, the financial crisis will get much, much worse, and Hillary Clinton was the only one to address the economy, and the interests if the lower 80% of the population, therefore, I would not at all call this primary process, or this election process as being decided. 

          Especially, because today, a big shock occurred, namely, that Obama, who already made a very bad move two weeks ago, when he was in a webcast organized by the daughter of Murdoch in London, and he stressed that he would even make the "special relationship" between Great Britain and the United States, better than it as during Bush, and even give Great Britain "the lead" sometimes.  Now, that already was a bad sign: But yesterday, he made a terrible thing--he addressed the AIPAC conference, and there he basically said that he would recognize Jerusalem as the unified capital of Israel; that he would not take the military option against Iran off the table; and he made a whole bunch of other terrible statements, calling the Palestinians terrorists, and similar things. 

          So I think there is a big shock.  The Palestinian leaders denounced the speech; leaders in America, in the Democratic Party are {completely} shocked, because obviously, Obama is trying to be now right of McCain!  Because, these are issues on which McCain would not go so far.  So Obama is obviously going totally out of control.


          Q:  Okay--I'm sorry, unfortunately, Mrs. LaRouche, but let me thank you, and our sponsor...  Let me thank my producer Roland Roqua Steven for this.  And before we go, let me come back to Mrs. LaRouche and ask for her concluding remarks in 60 seconds.

          ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Well, I think we are at a very important historical moment.  And everybody who is listening to this program and finds and element of truth in what I said, especially about the absolute need to have a just new world economic order, and to really change the economic policies for the developing countries and really put real development on the agenda, they should join with us.  Because the LaRouche movement and the Schiller Institute, we are linked with all the progressive forces around the world, who agree that the spirit of the Non-Aligned Movement--and you mentioned President Nkrumah, which I think is really the spirit we have to go back to.  And I think the 30 years of globalization were an error:  We have to go away from that, and we have to put real development back on the agenda and put man in the center of all our endeavors.  And then I think there is nothing we can not fix on this planet.  So, please join us!


          Q:  Thank you.  Thank you, very much, Mrs. Helga Zepp-LaRouche.... And again, thanks to Michelle Rasmussen:  Michelle, you are the reason why we are having this program.  Michelle Rasmussen of Schiller Institute and from Copenhagen, Denmark, whose leaflet she gave to my producer in Copenhagen Business School.  She's the reason why we're doing this show.  And thanks for that.

          And also, thanks to George Hollis, in the United States, facilitating the telephone connectivity to Germany from the U.S.A.  And, thank you very much to our technicians....  Many thanks to the Schiller Institute, and again, many thanks to you, Mrs. LaRouche for joining us.

          ZEPP-LAROUCHE:   Yes, it was nice to be with you.