Thank You Ireland!

Tak Irland, I talte også på vores vegne.


Kræv en folkeafstemning om Lissabon-Traktaten!

Demand a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty!


Radio Schiller: En skæbnesvanger aften - bl.a. om den irske afstemning.

På dansk:

Tryk en underskriftindsamlingsside ud her

Kræv en folkeafstemning om Lissabon-Traktaten, leder fra Schiller Instituttets kampagneavis 5. Se side 2

Lissabon-Traktaten: Den nye feudalisme, fra Schiller Instituttets kampagneavis 5. Se side 3


In English:

Demand a Referendum on the Lisbon Treaty! Abolishing Democracy by Stealth: Constitution for Feudalism in Europe by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, international president of The Schiller Institute

Executive Intelligence Review article on Schiller Institute in Denmark participation in European-wide anti-Lisbon Treaty event in Copenhagen

No to Europe as an Empire! The Militarization of the EU Must Be Stopped by Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Save Europe and the World from the Lisbon Treaty -- LaRouche Political Action Committee's homepage against the Lisbon Treaty in English

Helga Zepp-LaRouche's interview of Jens-Peter Bonde on his opposition to the Lisbon Treaty, March 28, 2008 (also auf deutsch)


Part 1  of 4 parts from Jens-Peter Bonde's (from the Juni Movement) speech against the Lisbon Treaty from the TEAM meeting in Copenhagen on March 8, 2008. In English.


Part 2 of Jens-Peter Bonde's speech


Part 3 of Jens-Peter Bonde's speech


Part 4 of Jens-Peter Bonde's speech