Glass-Steagall er det første afgørende skridt; men resten af
LaRouches Fire Love må følge efter for at redde USA og verden!
LaRouchePAC Internationale Webcast, 3. feb., 2017; Leder

Ben Deniston: Velkommen … Vi vil omgående gå i gang med denne brandvarme situation lige nu, hvor – på trods af alle de falske nyheder; det er korrekt at kalde det for bandekrigsagtig form for operation, som splitter det amerikanske folk. Hvor man får folk til at fokusere på mange sidespørgsmål og små spørgsmål, og meget følelsesladede spørgsmål med meget lidt substans. Men der er i realiteten kun ét eller to nøglespørgsmål på forhandlingsbordet i øjeblikket, som er afgørende for den retning, USA vil gå i, for hvilken retning, denne administration vil gå; og hvordan dette vil udspille sig i den umiddelbart forestående tid.

I front og centrum for denne kamp er spørgsmålet om Wall Street og i særdeleshed spørgsmålet om Glass-Steagall. Vi vil begynde diskussionen i dag med nogle meget dramatiske udviklinger i løbet af den seneste uge, de senest par dage, de seneste par timer, og som understreger, at dette er det spørgsmål, som det drejer sig om. Hvis I vil gøre noget, der har indflydelse på amerikansk politik, på USA’s retning og på historien på dette tidspunkt, så må I kæmpe sammen med LaRouchePAC om spørgsmålet om Glass-Steagall som indledningen til LaRouches Fire Love for et fuldt, økonomisk genrejsningsprogram, og omgående; mens I ser dette program og i de nærmest forestående timer og dage. Dette er absolut afgørende.

For blot at sætte fokus nogle af disse udviklinger, vil vi om et øjeblik vise et klip; et lovforslag for genindførelse af Glass-Steagall er blevet genfremsat i Repræsentanternes Hus i denne uge, anført af [kongresmedlem] Marcy Kaptur – som har kæmpet for dette lovforslag i mange år. Hun holdt en fælles pressekonference med tre andre kongresmedlemmer; og, så vidt vi har kunnet se, så er LaRouchePAC den eneste kanal, der har en fuld dækning af denne pressekonference i sin helhed. Den kan ses på LPAC-websiden; vi vil afspille et kort uddrag af denne 40 minutter lange pressekonference om nogle få minutter. Men dette typificerer en tværpolitisk støtte i Kongressen til dette Glass/Steagall-lovforslag. Disse kongresmedlemmer erklærede ganske klart under pressekonferencen, at de er rede til at arbejde sammen med Trump-administrationen om dette afgørende spørgsmål. De vil ikke lade sig indfange i dette vanvittige, venstre-højre, dette eller hint spørgsmål, denne retorik og de falske nyheder, og virkeligt vanvittige, opsplittende propaganda, som har oversvømmet de amerikanske medier; det ligner i virkeligheden den form for politik for »farvede revolution«, som er blevet britisk og – under Obama – amerikansk politik for at vælte regimer, som de ikke ønsker, i hele verden. Det har præcis samme formål her i USA, med denne bandekrigs-lignende propaganda over sidespørgsmål, som totalt distraherer folk bort fra hovedspørgsmålene.

Men under denne pressekonference så vi en afgørende demonstration af, at højtplacerede, tænkende personer, ledende personer, er villige til ikke at blive indfanget i dette Soros/britiske sindssyge show og i stedet fokusere på reelle, vægtige spørgsmål. De vil lægge betydningsfulde spørgsmål frem på bordet og sige, at dette er et område, hvor vi kan samarbejde omkring at gå frem for et positivt resultat for de spørgsmål, som vi ved har betydning for hele landet. Demokrat, Republikaner, ’blå stat’, ’rød stat’, uanset hvad; det centrale USA, og kyststaterne i USA. Dette er hovedspørgsmålet, det første skridt i at adressere virkeligheden med sammenbruddet af USA, og som den eneste måde, hvorpå man kan opfylde de løfter, der er afgivet, om at genopbygge den amerikanske infrastruktur, om at genskabe jobs i USA på en meningsfuld, reel, substantiel måde. Det kan ikke lade sig gøre, med mindre Glass/Steagall-loven vedtages, og Wall Street lægges i tømmer, og dette system reformeres. Denne pressekonference – igen, det handler ikke blot om at genindføre Glass-Steagall, men også om at erkende og åbent arbejde på vigtige spørgsmål, og ikke blive indfanget i disse vanvittige sidespørgsmål, er absolut afgørende. Vi afspiller klippet om et øjeblik.

Men ligeledes i den forgangne uge deltog William (Bill) Jones, korrespondent for Lyndon LaRouches magasin Executive Intelligence Review (EIR), i en diskussion under en pressekonference i Det Hvide Hus, og han fik lejlighed til direkte at spørge pressesekretær Spicer, »Støtter præsident Donald Trump stadig Glass-Steagall?« Og, efter at havde vævet lidt omkring, stillede hr. Jones et meget direkte spørgsmål; og han fik et meget direkte »Ja«. Og Trumps officielle repræsentant Spicer sagde, »Vi er forpligtet på vore valgløfter. Ja.« Dette er en bekræftende udtalelse på vegne af præsident Trump om, at han stadig støtter denne lovgivning. Så potentialet er klart til stede; men vi ønsker at gøre det klart her i denne diskussion, at dette på ingen måde er et afgjort løb. Det er på ingen måde absolut. Jeres rolle som tilhængere af LaRouchePAC, som støtter af LaRouchePAC, og som LPAC-aktivister, er umiddelbart, absolut afgørende. Vi må sikre os, at denne lov gennemføres.

I de næste timer og minutter venter vi i øjeblikket på resultaterne af et par eksekutive ordrer, som præsident Trump har underskrevet tidligere på dagen – midt på fredag eftermiddag, lige efter frokost. En af disse handler om, hvordan han har til hensigt at strukturere reformen af Dodd/Frank-loven. Dette er et afgørende spørgsmål, for, som enhver ved, så var Dodd/Frank en total vittighed; det var et totalt forsøg på at lade som om, at de lagde Wall Street i tømmer samtidig med, at de fuldstændig overgav sig til Wall Street og lod Wall Street skrive størstedelen af loven, der består af henved titusinder af sider – det er sindssygt. Så der forelægger et juridisk grundlag for at skrotte Dodd/Frank og indføre en ægte reform, som ikke består i en regulering, en bunke bestemmelser om regler, men som er en virkelig strukturreform med Glass/Steagall. Det behøver slet ikke være titusinder af sider; det er en meget klar fastlæggelse af et princip (lov). Man har kommerciel bankaktivitet, og så har man spekulationsbankaktivitet; de skal være [totalt] adskilte, og sådan er dét. Man har ikke brug for 40.000 sider til at erklære dette; det er en principiel erklæring, det er et spørgsmål om strukturen, og det er ganske klart. Det er ikke minutiøse, detaljerede regler om hvert eneste aspekt af hvert eneste, finansielle instrument. Det er en særdeles klar principerklæring. For slet ikke at tale om det faktum, at Dodd/Frank også grundfæstede forsøget med bail-in (ekspropriering af visse typer af bankindskud).

Der er altså juridisk støtte til og grund til at støtte reformen og fjernelsen af Dodd/Frank; men, dette kan stadig væk gå i mere end én retning. Et spørgsmål, som er af interesse, og som vi må undersøge nøjere, er den rolle, som Jamie Dimon spiller; han er ikke blot en førende Wall Street-bankier; han er også en person, der har været aktivt involveret, i udstrakt og intens grad, udtrykkeligt imod Glass-Steagall og imod LaRouche-bevægelsen og vores aktiviteter for at kæmpe for Glass-Steagall. Han nævnes nu som del af et team, der skal rådgive Trump eksplicit i spørgsmålet om, hvordan Dodd/Frank skal reformeres. Hvilken vej, det vil gå, er ikke klart; vi har endnu ikke set denne eksekutive ordre, så vi ved ikke, hvad den siger. Vi venter på det. Vi ved selvfølgelig, at Trump før har afvist folk; han er ikke bange for at udtale sin klassiske sætning, »Du er fyret!« og komme af med folk. Han har erklæret sin støtte til Glass-Steagall, men dette rejser nogle juridiske spørgsmål.

Den pointe, vi ønsker at fastslå her i dag, er, at intet af dette er afgjort; men det viser det, vi har forventet. Og hvis I er med, bør I også have forventet det. Et totalt slagsmål over amerikansk politik, over spørgsmålet om at lægge Wall Street i tømmer med Glass-Steagall, er i front og centrum for denne kamp.

Vi vil nu afspille et par minutter af højdepunkterne af denne pressekonference; diskussion var betydningsfuld, med særdeles gode pointer, og dette typificerer den lovgivende grens (Kongressens) åbenhed og beredvillighed. Her kommer klippet:

Uddrag af kongresmedlemmers Pressekonference om tværpolitisk støtte til genfremsat Glass/Steagall-lovforslag.

(Se hele pressekonferencen her:

Marcy Kaptur: I år markerer vi, at det er 9 år siden, vi havde den største, finansielle krise i en generation. Vi er alle gamle nok, og vores hukommelse er stærk nok, til, at vi kan huske dette. Denne økonomiske katastrofe vær tæt ved at forårsage ødelæggelsen af hele landets finansielle infrastruktur og førte til det, historien nu kalder Den store Recession (økonomiske nedgangstid). I løbet af disse ni år, hvis vi ser tilbage og husker, så har Wall Street-bankerne haft succes og i realiteten tjent rigtig mange penge. I mellemtiden har mange, mange amerikanere – bogstavelig talt millioner – fortsat oplevet det, vi ville benævne med »finansielt nederlag, fiasko«. JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs og Morgan Stanley har alle rapporteret om profitter under denne recession og de efterfølgende år. I løbet af disse seneste ni år har Wall Street genvundet al sin rigdom fra før krisen, med renter, alt imens ’Main Street’ – den almindelige amerikaner – endnu ikke har set noget til en reel, økonomisk genrejsning, i lokalsamfund efter lokalsamfund, fra kyst til kyst.

For blot at nævne et par tal: For 15 år siden udgjorde landets seks største bankers aktiver omkring 17 % af vores totale produktion – Bruttonationalprodukt, BNP – 17 %. I dag oppebærer disse seks topbanker aktiver for $10,1 billion (med 12 nuller); over halvdelen af vore BNP. Dette er alt for meget magt i alt for få hænder. Så ikke alene har de haft en smuk profit, men de er også kommet til at kontrollere, regere over, vores økonomis mest betydningsfulde kontrolcentre.

Tiden er inde til, at Kongressen sikrer, at disse fiaskoer i vort banksystem aldrig vil blive gentaget. Det er grunden til, at vi er her i dag, og jeg takker mine kolleger dybt for at gå sammen med mig. For at bygge på dette momentum og tage skridt til at genindføre Glass-Steagall, for at adskille ’klog og fornuftig’, kommerciel bankvirksomhed fra spekulation.

Tulsi Gabbard: Vi ser fortsat konsekvenserne af ophævelsen af Glass-Steagall på første hånd i lokalsamfund som mit eget, og i lokalsamfund i hele landet; hvor Wall Street-banker har fået lov til at udføre deres risikable investeringspraksisser med det amerikanske folks penge. De har fået lov til at fortsætte til fordel for deres regnskabsresultat og deres profit, på ryggen af det amerikanske folk. Dette er uacceptabelt; dette er ikke et partipolitisk spørgsmål, dette er et spørgsmål, som er vigtigt for det amerikanske folk, og grunden til, at I nu ser støtte på tværs af partipolitisk tilhørsforhold for denne vigtige lovgivning.

Jeg har længe været fortaler for at genindføre Glass-Steagall-loven, og jeg ser frem til at kunne fortsætte arbejdet sammen med allierede og partnere her i Kongressen, i Det Hvide Hus og vigtigst af alt, sammen med det amerikanske folk; hvis stemme må høres.

Tim Ryan: Walter [Jones] nævnte ordet »synd«, og jeg mener, at denne ophævelse [af Glass-Steagall, 1999] var det oprindelige syndefald i vores økonomis nedadgående spiral, som førte til, at hele nabolag i min valgkreds, og i hele delstaten og landet, blev totalt tilintetgjort. Denne lov er en måde – som vi [sic] katolikker ville sige – hvorpå vi kan skrifte og få fjernet denne plet fra USA’s politiske institutioner, og forhåbentlig begynde at genoprette en grad af sund fornuft i vores banksystem.

Kaptur: Siden sidste sommer har 15 delstatskongresser introduceret resolutioner, der kræver, at den nationale Kongres genindfører Glass-Steagall; og Demokrater og Republikanere har nedfældet støtte til Glass-Steagall i deres respektive politiske programmer, hvilket var en enorm præstation på vegne af jer alle, og af alle andre i hele landet, der har arbejdet på dette i meget lang tid. Vi har en lang hukommelse. Selv præsident Trump har erklæret sin støtte til en ny Glass/Steagall-lov, og vi har en forpligtelse til at arbejde sammen med ham for at skabe dette.

Walter Jones: Jeg er glad for, at hun refererede til Donald Trump. Jeg vil oplæse en sætning, og dernæst afslutte.

Den Republikanske præsidentkandidat Donald Trump krævede i onsdags en version for det 21. århundredes Glass/Steagall-lov, der kræver en adskillelse af kommerciel bankaktivitet og investeringsbankaktivitet; en ændring, som det Republikanske Parti ligeledes støttede i sit partipolitiske program i 2016. Jeg har til hensigt at være meget pro-aktiv; jeg har til hensigt, så snart Det Hvide Hus får sig organiseret lidt bedre, at henvende mig til hans rådgivere i kommercielle anliggender og minde dem om det standpunkt, som han og mit parti har indtaget med hensyn til en genindførelse af Glass/Steagall-loven.

Jeg ønsker, at du, Marcy, skal vide, at jeg er så forpligtet på dette spørgsmål som noget, jeg nogensinde har været forpligtet på. Jeg er jeres ’half-back’; og jeg vil være derude og tage ethvert skridt til, hvad så siden der skal gøres. Men, som hun sagde, og dette er min afslutningsbemærkning, »I er nøglen i dette spørgsmål«. Amerikanerne må forstå det angreb og den skade, der er forvoldt imod dem, gennem den kendsgerning, at vi ophævede Glass-Steagall. Lad os gøre dette til en sejr for året 2017. Tak.

Her følger resten af webcastet på engelsk:

DENISTON:  So, as you saw there, there is motion. People are
ready to act; but, again, this is an open fight. Before we get
into the discussion, I want to call on our audience to sign the
LaRouche PAC petition for Trump to commit to the original
official Glass-Steagall Act, in his first official address to the
Congress, which the last we have heard, is scheduled for Feb. 28.
That's less than one month from now for a mobilization to build
the signatures for this petition.
        This, as I think we will get to in the discussion, has
already been an effective tool in mobilizing the legislature,
people in the Congress, for the support of this initiative of
Glass-Steagall, of this Bill. But it's not just going to come
from the Congress alone. This activity of rallying local
communities, community groups, organizations across the nation,
is absolutely critical. This can't just be some direct lobbying
of Congress. This has to be a unified national mobilization,
where these Members can get the support and, when necessary, the
kick in the rear end, to get behind this issue. So, that is
absolutely critical.
        You can sign the petition on-line at We
now also have the ability for text. You can receive more
information directly via text on your mobile phone. If you text
gsact to 202-524-8709, you'll immediately receive more
information about the petition. You can read it right there on
your phone, and you can sign it. We're asking you, again, to do
this yourself, if you haven't done it; but mobilize others. Get
your community, look for local groups, look for organizations,
look for your neighbors, your friends, your family. This is an
absolutely critical issue.
        Just to underscore one last point, Helga Zepp-LaRouche made
very strongly in recent days' discussions: Right now, this is not
just about vengeance against Wall Street, or something. This is
not just about getting payback for what Wall Street did to the
American people since the bail-out, or for the years prior, even.
That's true. But beyond that, this is critical. The system is
poised for a larger blow-out than 2008. Nothing was solved by the
bail-out process. The fundamental issues of the crisis were made
worse; much worse. This entire speculative bubble was supported,
it was inflated more, and you had more crazy instruments and
attempts created to prop up a system that is fundamentally
unsound, has no connection to the physical economy, is purely a
parasite on the actual economy. That process has wound itself
around to the point where it is ready to blow out again.
        So, Glass-Steagall is {absolutely}, again, {absolutely} the
central issue, the Number One issue that everyone needs to be
fighting on now. This discussion today should be an appeal for
you to get more involved, or get involved immediately in that
        Diane might have more to say. We can mention some activity
that we've had recently in Washington, D.C., also in New York
City, that underscores the type of mobilization we're leading;
but I'll just open it up with that.

DIANE SARE:  I'd like to remind all of our listeners why we are
at the point we are at; and remind people the kind of fake news
and despicable propaganda preceding the election, where we heard
over and over again how the population was divided. We had George
Soros pumping in his money to various organizations to create an
appearance of that. But, what the American people demonstrated is
that we are not divided, in a couple of major areas; which Ben
referenced at the beginning. No. 1: Americans do not think that
we should have a thermonuclear war with Russia; that this was one
of the main reasons why people, particularly Democrats — Bernie
Sanders supporters and others — turned away from Hillary
Clinton, because she was seen as perpetuating the war and murder
policy of President Barack Obama, who, so far, is the biggest
killer-President that we have yet had in the United States. And,
as President Putin warned, "Obama seems to be the kind of
President that says goodbye, but then doesn't go; he keeps
reappearing." I think it's important that Americans not forget
        The other major issue for the American people, who have
experienced the worst collapse in the standard of living and life
as measured in terms of life expectancy, employment, and so on
since the Great Depression, is that people do not think that it's
just for Wall Street billionaire crooks to have their feet on our
necks as they steal everything we own to bail themselves out for
their own bankrupt policies. Again, Hillary was seen as the
darling of Wall Street.
        If there were a "mandate" for the Trump Presidency, these
two areas are absolutely crucial. What we know, so far, is that
Trump did have a phone conversation with President Putin which
was close to an hour; which indicates a certain type of potential
there. We also know the relationship with China, given what Xi
Jinping is doing, is very important. We know Trump's appointed
Ambassador to China, Terry Branstad, has just released a
statement promoting a kind of win-win collaboration with China;
which is promising. We know, as was mentioned, that President
Trump did call for reinstating Glass-Steagall when he was
campaigning, just a couple of weeks prior to the elections.
        We know — which I find very interesting, because sometimes
the best way to figure out what the potential might be, is to
look at what your enemies are saying. Yesterday there was a very
freaked out article in CNN Money, with the headline "Will Trump
Break up the Big Banks?" They announced that Jamie Dimon,
[chairman, president, and CEO of JPMorgan Chase] was rushing to
Washington, D.C. to meet with Trump today, and that Trump is
planning on "do a big number … on Dodd-Frank." As Ben said, we
don't have the text yet of Trump's Executive Orders. We know
various matters, and frankly, Jamie Dimon is not a very promising
        What the article says, in a very hysterical tone, is "But
Trump did bash big banks before the election, especially Goldman
Sachs. Breaking up the banks would appeal to Trump's populist
message of draining the swamp by uprooting the establishment. The
new President could also argue it solves the 'too big to fail'
problem that the 2008 financial crisis exposed. Plus, it's
something that Republicans like John McCain and liberals such as
Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders broadly agree on.
Glass-Steagall was even included in the official Republican Party
platform during Trump's convention."
        As I'm reading this article I can hear the pitch of the
speaker rising to a shriek. Then they freak out that Stephen
Bannon said, "You really need to go back and make banks do what
they do: Commercial banks lend money, and investment banks invest
in entrepreneurs and to get away from this trading." And the
writer says, "That sounds a lot like Glass-Steagall." The writer
says, "It's not totally clear where Trump stands on this right
now." And you heard from Ben what Spicer said, so our point is
that this is an open fight; it is an open debate. What we have
learned in the last days, is you really cannot rely on the news
media, the so-called "non-fake" news seems to be more fake, or at
least as fake, as the fake news.
        The moment is not to sit back and try and figure out what
exactly is the policy, but to intervene to {make} policy; which
is why it's so important that every single person here get
involved. I'd also like to say, the potential has not been missed
on the few desperados who are clinging with their fingernails to
the bankrupt trans-Atlantic partnership and the European Union.
People may have heard that Donald Tusk, who is the President of
the European Council, said that the United States on Donald Trump
is as big threat as the newly-assertive China, an aggressive
Russia, and wars, terror, and anarchy in the Middle East.
        So, here's this guy, lumping China, which has just lifted
700 million people out of poverty and is reaching out to the
whole world for a program that would benefit mankind. Putin, who
has successfully prevented Barack Obama from plunging us into
thermonuclear war, and took very effective measures in the
direction of eradicating ISIS and al-Qaeda in Syria, and so on.
And he's saying that's the same thing as ISIS and now the US is
part of that.
        This is what I'm getting at; that you just have so much
insanity being promoted. I would maintain, from our organizing in
the streets of Manhattan, where we have had a very interesting
response, that Americans frankly are much more thoughtful than
this. People don't want to be at each other's throats. They
certainly don't want war. They are cautiously optimistic that
there is a hope for a turn in direction; and it is really for us
at LaRouche PAC to be able to indicate the direction, because
otherwise you're just not going to get it. Think about what Mrs.
LaRouche was doing in China in 1996 on the World Land-Bridge,
these kinds of programs. People don't have the full picture.
        What people {can} do at this moment, is absolutely mobilize
for Glass-Steagall. Don't expect to hear more. We know a couple
of things. We know that the British have said that they would
consider Glass-Steagall being reinstated in the United States a
casus belli, an act of war, because it will wipe out trillions of
dollars of crazy speculative crap. Which will be good riddance
for most of us, but for some people, not. And we know that some
people have commented that Glass-Steagall being reinstated could
be the biggest deal since Jesus Christ crushed the Roman Empire.
        In other words, itâs a revolutionary, giant change. So don't
expect that it's just going to somehow come along in an
off-handed way, and exist. Obviously, there's going to be a fight
for this; and we need every single American involved.
        The last thing I want to say, is that part of the
effectiveness on Capitol Hill was this group, the Ohio
Revolution, which has been circulating the petition. Their
thinking was not simply to just go to everyone to get signatures,
but to organize leaders in the community; whether it's ministers,
labor union officials, state legislators, mayors, councilmen. In
other words, not only do we want you to simply sign the petition,
but we need you to organize and to get everybody who has any
clout or who represents a constituency, to get on board in this
fight, and we should really move. I would say, if CNN is freaked
out enough to have an article asking whether Donald Trump is
going to go with this or not, we should presume that indicates a
possibility; and we should do everything we can to take advantage
of the opening and move on it.

MEGAN BEETS:  I think, Diane, what you're bringing up is
critical; that this is an absolute paradigm shift. What we're
doing is shutting down a system of finance which has been at the
core of the British Empire for hundreds of years. Now what are we
going to replace it with? That's the big question, and that's why
we and our supporters, all of you listening out there, have to
take the responsibility to know and study the principles of
physical economics which are the core of Lyndon LaRouche's
discoveries in the science of economics.  How are we going to
rebuild the country?  You go back to LaRouche's core writings:
{So, You Wish to Learn All About Economics?}; his papers on the
issue of infrastructure not as an object which costs money like
the bridge you pay to drive over, but infrastructure as creating
a core economic platform which transforms the potential of every
process in your economy.  How do we raise the physical wealth,
how to we increase the living standard for billions of people
across the planet and create the potential for mankind to
industrialize the Moon?  These are the questions that people have
to study.  And it is that process of the American citizenry
choosing to adopt a higher identity of a more developed, more
mature mankind in the future beyond this currently collapsing
system.  Then organizing our fellow citizens to understand how
we're going to do that; beginning with the reinstatement of
Glass-Steagall.  Shutting down this bankrupt financial system;
then following that up with the establishment of a national bank
so that we can utter productive credit to the things which will
increase the productivity of the population and allow us to take
those next steps of development.  Like a crash program for the
development of fusion; like a crash program to get our
capabilities of our space program back, to re-adopt the policies
of colonizing the space between the Earth and the Moon and then
developing and industrializing the Moon.  This really is the
vision that people who are organizing with us have to begin to
adopt.  That really is our sense of authority in demanding that
we shut down this bankrupt, evil Wall Street system with

        DENISTON:  Absolutely!  And we should maybe highlight for
our viewers that yesterday we had a very useful discussion led by
Jason Ross, our colleague in the Science Team, taking up just
this subject.  I think that's definitely critical; getting at the
issue of value.  What is real economic value?  As was cited in
this press conference, the largest banks' share of so-called GDP
has actually been skyrocketing; and now represents over 50% of
supposed GDP.  That is not real value; monetary figures are not
— so you have this explosion of monetary assets, monetary
figures.  But if you take the physical standard living of the US
population as an entirety, it's down, down, down.  That's this
complete disconnect between the so-called monetary system, which
should be a functional credit system, and the actual real
economy; the thing that actually keeps people alive, improves
people's living standards, and actually supports the society —
the physical processes of economy.
        As Mr. LaRouche identified with his Triple Curve diagram in
the '90s, defining the principle in this breakdown; those have
been diverging at a more and more rapid rate.  That defines a
process that's unsustainable and as we've said, there's nothing
else that can work other than a Glass-Steagall — in its original
form — revival to separate out that monetary system.  Cut that
off; you can't go both ways.  Only then can you actually invest
in real value again. That's where the discussion needs to go, and
that's what the country absolutely needs at this point; is a real
recovery program like what Kennedy tried to do, what Franklin
Roosevelt was able to do.  That level of reform of the current
policy and investment in these higher levels of productivity
outlined in LaRouche's Four Laws is the program needed now.
Glass-Steagall is that first step.
        So, I think that's absolutely clear for our listeners what
our challenges are and what our mission is right now in the
immediate period ahead.
        So, I know we're definitely awaiting this executive order; a
sense of what's going to come out of that.  Diane, I don't know
if you have more, but I think we have a pretty clear orientation
in the immediate days — or I would say hours ahead, to move on
this thing.  We have a less than one month deadline on this
petition; but a lot can be decided between now and then, before
then even.  So, every day counts.  As Diane emphasized, that was
very important; the role of mobilizing the population and
institutions in the population, community leaders, leading layers
in the population out of this craziness that the media is
spinning out there, and into these real substantial issues is
{decisive} at this point.  Getting those people on board and
fighting with us for this Glass-Steagall reform, for this
economic reform, is critical.  {YOU} play an absolutely
indispensable role in doing that.
        So, I think we have a challenge and a mission before us.
Unless we have anything else to add today, I think this is a very
clear focus; and I think we should really get to work.  So, with
that again, people have the information for the petition;
circulate that, get the signers on that.  If you haven't signed
yourself, do it immediately; but get other people on.  You should
have a goal of getting 10, 100 people added to that thing on a
daily basis at this point.  That's our orientation, that's our
action.  We'll be back in the coming days with more; and we look
forward to speaking with you then.