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Vi har brug for en international kampagne for sandhed,
ikke kun en international dag eller uge for sandhed.
LaRouchePAC Internationale Webcast, 24. februar, 2017; Leder

Vi har brug for en international kampagne for sandhed,
ikke kun en international dag eller uge for sandhed.
LaRouchePAC Internationale Webcast, 24. februar, 2017; Leder

Meningen med denne Internationale Sandhedsdag, der fandt sted i går, var ikke kun at fortælle sandheden om begivenhederne i Maidan-kuppet for tre år siden i Ukraine; men var også for at advare om, at de samme netværk, der var ansvarlige for at bruge teknikkerne for ’farvede revolutioner’ i Ukraine for tre år siden for at vælte denne regering, og som har brugt disse samme teknikker i andre lande i hele verden – Rosen-revolutionen i Georgien, og andre steder – nu forsøger at begå præcis den samme form for farvede revolution internt i USA lige nu, imod præsident Donald Trumps demokratisk valgte regering. Dette har selvfølgelig en massiv, international sammenhæng, og det vil vi se nærmere på senere i udsendelsen. Helga Zepp-LaRouche understregede udtrykkeligt, da vi talte med hende tidligere på dagen, at vi må se dette i sammenhæng med det nye, fremvoksende, økonomiske paradigme, der kommer fra Kina; Bælt-og-Vej-initiativet, som er den motor, der driver historien frem i øjeblikket. Samt det faktum, at der er en meget reel mulighed for, at vi, under USA’s nye administration, kan gøre en ende på æraen med geopolitik og faktisk indgå i et samarbejde med Rusland, Kina, Indien, Japan og andre lande for at skabe et nyt, internationalt samarbejde, baseret på økonomisk udvikling og produktivitet.

(Inkl. hele det engelske udskrift).

Matthew Ogden: God eftermiddag. Det er i dag den 24. februar. Via video har vi i dag Diane Sare fra vores politiske komite, med os fra New York.

Som seere af denne webside ved, har denne uge af Helga Zepp-LaRouche været erklæret for en international uge for sandhed. Dette blev planlagt til at falde sammen med treårsdagen for kuppet, der væltede den demokratisk valgte regering i Ukraine for tre år siden i Kiev; det var den 23. februar, 2014. Der har været møder over hele USA, og også i Europa. Vi havde møder i New York City; Detroit; Washington, D.C.; Houston, Texas – andre byer i USA, Boston, Massachusetts, og i Berlin, Tyskland; Dresden, Tyskland; Paris, Frankrig, og også i andre lande i Europa.

Meningen med denne Internationale Sandhedsdag, der fandt sted i går, var ikke kun at fortælle sandheden om begivenhederne i Maidan-kuppet for tre år siden i Ukraine; men var også for at advare om, at de samme netværk, der var ansvarlige for at bruge teknikkerne for ’farvede revolutioner’ i Ukraine for tre år siden for at vælte denne regering, og som har brugt disse samme teknikker i andre lande i hele verden – Rosen-revolutionen i Georgien, og andre steder – nu forsøger at begå præcis den samme form for farvede revolution internt i USA lige nu, imod præsident Donald Trumps demokratisk valgte regering. Dette har selvfølgelig en massiv, international sammenhæng, og det vil vi se nærmere på senere i udsendelsen. Helga Zepp-LaRouche understregede udtrykkeligt, da vi talte med hende tidligere på dagen, at vi må se dette i sammenhæng med det nye, fremvoksende, økonomiske paradigme, der kommer fra Kina; Bælt-og-Vej-initiativet, som er den motor, der driver historien frem i øjeblikket. Samt det faktum, at der er en meget reel mulighed for, at vi, under USA’s nye administration, kan gøre en ende på æraen med geopolitik og faktisk indgå i et samarbejde med Rusland, Kina, Indien, Japan og andre lande for at skabe et nyt, internationalt samarbejde, baseret på økonomisk udvikling og produktivitet.

Som jeg sagde, så vil vi gå mere i dybden med denne sammenhæng; men, for at begynde vores udsendelse, vil jeg gerne vise en video for jer fra disse møder, der har fundet sted i hele landet og i hele verden, på denne Internationale Dag for Sandhed, den 23. februar.

Dane Sare (video): Jeg er Diane Sare fra LaRouchePAC Policy Committee, og vi står på Dag Hammarskjold Plaza ikke langt fra De forenede Nationer (New York City). Vi deltager i Sandhedens Dag, som Lyndon og Helga LaRouche har krævet. Denne uge markerer treårsdagen for kuppet i Ukraine; et kup mod nationen Ukraine, hvor den demokratisk valgte præsident, [Viktor] Janukovitj, blev afsat af en flok voldelige, pro-nazistiske demonstranter, der blev finansieret og støttet med de af [tidligere viceudenrigsminister for europæiske og eurasiske anliggender] Victoria Nuland hævdede $5 mia. gennem det Amerikanske Udenrigsministerium under Barack Obamas præsidentskab; samt med åbenlys støtte fra storspekulanten George Soros. Vores pointe er, at, i dag, begår Obama og Soros forræderi imod USA’s valgte regering, på vegne af Det britiske Imperium. Det britiske Imperium har i århundreder organiseret for at forhindre USA i at samarbejde med Rusland. Vi har nu et enormt potentiale pga. begivenhederne i 2013; oprettelsen af BRIKS-banken og den kinesiske præsident Xi Jinpings annoncering af, at Kina har indledt et initiativ for win-win-samarbejde – enden på geopolitik; at, hvis USA opgav politikken med regimeskifte og Det britiske Imperiums politik, som blev forfulgt under præsidentskaberne Bush og Obama, og i stedet samarbejder med Rusland, Kina, Indien og Japan om global udvikling, så ville vi transformere planeten; og menneskeheden ville have den mest lysende fremtid, man kan tænke sig. Det er derfor i dag meget presserende, at vi begraver løgnene, den nazi-lignende propaganda imod Rusland, der bliver brugt til at forsøge at omstyrte Donald Trumps præsidentskab; Trump, der har udtrykt sin hensigt om at ændre denne dynamik. Vi opfordrer indtrængende alle, der følger os på vores hjemmeside (LPAC), til at tilslutte sig denne indsats; til at printe vores litteratur ud, til at underskrive appellen, der kræver en genindførelse af Glass/Steagall-loven, som ville trække tæppet væk under fødderne på Wall Streets og City of Londons evne til at finansiere sådanne terrorist-operationer, og vi opfordrer indtrængende alle til at arbejde sammen med os for at sikre, at USA kan vende tilbage til den arv, som var hensigten hos vore Grundlæggende Fædre, såsom George Washington, Alexander Hamilton og, i nyere tid, geniet og den amerikanske statsmand, Lyndon LaRouche.

Kesha Rogers : Den 23. februar markerer treårsdagen for Maidan-kuppet i Ukraine; det begyndte den 23. feb., 2014. Dette har fundet sted som en bestræbelse fra Barack Obama, USA’s tidligere præsident, og George Soros, multimilliardær-narkohandleren, der tilsammen har anført angrebet for at ødelægge og omvælte nationer med det formål at få USA ind i en krig med Rusland. Løgnene, der fortsat eskalerer aktiviteterne i Ukraine, og som pegede på ideen om, at det var Putin, der anførte eskaleringen i Ukraine, er de samme løgne, der finder sted her, nu, i USA, for at omstyrte Trumps præsidentskab. Dette må stoppes. Som en del af en National Sandhedsdag har vi udgivet et dossier, der afslører Obama og Soros for deres pengestøtte og deres løgne, der har skabt totalt kaos både USA og fortsætter med at skabe kaos i Ukraine. Endemålet er Putin og Rusland. (Se dossier her: https://schillerinstitut.dk/si/?p=18018)

Det, vi burde gøre, er at samarbejde med Rusland; samarbejde med Putin. Vi må stoppe disse krige; vi må stoppe dette fortsatte kaos. Vi bør samarbejde, som Lyndon LaRouche har påpeget, om Silkevejens økonomiske udvikling; det er, hvad USA har brug for. Vi står her ved et møde i Twome ved en bro. Vore bannere lyder, »Sæt Obama og Soros i fængsel for forræderi! Ukraine 2014; USA 2017«. Folk må forstå, hvad det er, der finder sted i denne nation nu, og kræve økonomisk udvikling; vi har brug for samarbejde. Vi er her som en del af Sandhedens Dag; og vi beder om, at alle, der ser dette, deltager i vore møder og læser dossieret.

Harley Schlanger [voice over video med sang]: I dag er treårsdagen for kuppet, der blev gennemført af amerikanske efterretningsoperationer og neokonservative, finansieret af George Soros, for at bringe en flok nazister til magten i Kiev. Vi er her i dag som en Sandhedens Dag for at få den sande historie ud. Ukraine-operationen bliver nu atter gearet op for at skabe kamp mellem Rusland og Vesten, som en måde at sabotere det potentiale, der eksisterer med Trump-administrationen, for at bryde med denne politik for krig. De amerikanske vælgere stemte på Trump, i vid udstrækning for at bryde denne politik for konfrontation med Rusland; så det er vigtigt, at denne Sandhedsdag bringer den kendsgerning frem, at Ukraine-situationen aldrig handlede om demokrati i Ukraine. Men handlede derimod om en bevidst operation for at skabe en konfrontation mellem USA og Rusland. Dette er George Soros’, City of Londons og Barack Obamas politik, og som har været involveret i at sabotere præsident Trumps initiativ for fred mellem Rusland og USA.

Vi er her i Berlin som en del af den Internationale Dag for Sandhed, for at gøre opmærksom på det faktum, at de kriminelle personer, der bragte nazisterne til magten i Kiev, stadig ikke er blevet stillet for retten; de er ikke blevet retsforfulgt. Denne demonstration her i Berlin er en del af den Internationale Aktionsdag. På LPAC’s webside kan man downloade et dossier, som vi har sammensat, om hvem, der er ansvarlig for drabene i Ukraine. Det er ikke russerne; det er ikke præsident Putin. Det er Hillary Clinton, Victoria Nuland, de neokonservative i USA og tidligere præsident Barack Obama.

[Mand 1 taler på tysk]

[Mand 2 taler på tysk og siger, der er møder i Boston, New York City, Paris, Berlin og Frankurt am Main, og beskriver kuppet for tre år siden.]

Mathew Ogden, (studiet): Dette dossier kan altså læses på https://lpac.co/ukraine-dossier, som vi viser på skærmen lige nu. (Med dansk introduktion, her: https://schillerinstitut.dk/si/?p=18018). Det har titlen, »Obama-Soros ’farvede revolutioner’; Nazi-kup i Ukraine, 2014; USA, 2017?« Dossieret cirkuleres ved alle disse møder for Sandhedens Dag, som I netop så, inkl. i New York City. Jeg får en rapport direkte fra Diane [Sare], men før hun kommer på, så lad mig rapportere, at der er en lang artikel i Itar-TASS, som er en russisk nyhedstjeneste, der har en dækning af mødet, der fandt sted i New York City (se https://schillerinstitut.dk/si/?p=18092); det var lige i begyndelsen af vores aktion. Titlen var »Demonstranter i New York anklagede Obama og Soros for at organisere kuppet i Ukraine«. Dernæst bemærkes det, at lignende aktioner fandt sted i Boston, Houston, Berlin og andre steder. Lad mig blot lige læse et hurtigt uddrag af denne artikel fra Itar-TASS. Den siger:

I flere timer uddelte aktivister torsdag i New Yorks centrum, såvel som i flere andre amerikanske byer, trykt materiale, der erklærer, at magtskiftet i Ukraine blev gennemført med direkte støtte fra milliardær George Soros og den 44. amerikanske præsident Barack Obamas administration.

Aktionsdagen var arrangeret af Schiller Instituttet inden for rammerne af en kampagne for at oplyse amerikanere om den aktuelle situation i Ukraine, i anledning af årsdagen for begivenhederne på ’Maidan’.

Artiklen har dernæst underoverskriften,

I går Janukovitj; i morgen, Trump

I New York, siger artiklen, blev begivenheden afholdt i den centrale bydel Manhattan, på pladsen, hvor 47. gade og Second Avenue mødes, i nærheden af FN’s hovedkvarter. Medlemmerne viste i særdeleshed bannere og posters med ordene: »Obama – i fængsel«, »Din fjende – George Soros«.

Dernæst citerer artiklen Diane Sare:

»Vi har sandsynligvis uddelt flere hundrede eksemplarer af vore publikationer her«, sagde talskvinde Diane Sare fra Schiller Instituttet, som er en del af Lyndon LaRouche-bevægelsens politiske komite.

Ifølge Diane Sare fandt lignende aktioner sted torsdag i Boston (Massachusetts), Houston (Texas), så vel som også i den tyske hovedstad Berlin. Som Sare pointerede, så »går aktivister ud til hele verden, for at den skal kende sandheden om det, der skete i Ukraine for tre år siden«.

Og vi springer lidt, og artiklen siger:

»Ifølge Sare er det vigtigt, at amerikanere kender til begivenhederne i Ukraine, hvor den lovligt valgte præsident, Viktor Janukovitj blev omstyrtet, fordi et lignende senarie kunne begynde at udvikle sig i USA. De samme personer forsøger nu at fjerne den amerikanske præsident Donald Trump fra magten«.

Artiklen slutter med at sige:

Materialet, som uddeles af aktivisterne, er data fra en rapport, forberedt af LaRouche-bevægelsen, om begivenhederne i Ukraine og eventualiteten af en lignende situation i USA. TASS har modtaget den fulde version af dokumentet. I rapporten beskrives magtskiftet i landet som en »voldelig revolution«, der blev gennemført med den aktive deltagelse af »neo-nazistiske grupper«. Obama-administrationen og nogle af Washingtons allierede, bemærkes det, brugte begivenhederne i Ukraine som »en retfærdiggørelse af den nye fase af NATO’s militære oprustning imod Rusland«.

Victoria Nuland, der på det tidspunkt indtog posten som viceudenrigsminister for europæiske og eurasiske anliggender, »kom flere gange til protesterne og uddelte cookies til ’Maidan’, samtidig med, at hun nægtede at indrømme den kendsgerning, at der, ud over fredelige demonstranter, der var bekymrede over korruption og den økonomiske situation, også var eksplicit neofascistiske bander, der deltog i den bevæbnede opstand imod en valgt regering«.

Den slutter dernæst med,

Forfatterne påpeger også, at Soros, så vel som andre personer, der tidligere var en del af Obamas inderkreds, i øjeblikket er aktivt involveret i forsøgene på at miskreditere Trump og lovede ikke at give den nye indvåner i Det Hvide Hus mulighed for at normalisere relationerne mellem Moskva og Washington.

Den siger dernæst,

Ved slutningen af december 2016 bragte aktivister fra Schiller Instituttet, til minde om ofrene i Tu-154-flystyrtet, blomster til den Russiske Føderations Generalkonsulat i New York og opførte den russiske nationalhymne foran dets indgang. I begyndelsen af januar afholdt de en ceremoni ved »Tåremindesmærket« af Zurab Tsereteli, i den amerikanske by Bayonne (New Jersey), for at mindes de omkomne i styrtet.

Lyndon LaRouche – amerikansk økonom og politiker, ophavsmand til teorien om den såkaldte »fysiske økonomi« og fjende af monetaristiske ideer. Han anser Rusland for at være en hovedspiller på verdensscenen og mener, at Rusland, sammen med Kina, Indien, USA og flere andre lande, kan redde verden fra den største krise i historien.

Her slutter artiklen.

Så det er en meget omfattende reportage og dækning i TASS, og jeg ved, at du, Diane, blev interviewet af flere andre, internationale medier ved dette møde ved FN, så du kan måske give os en rapport fra marken der.

Diane Sare: Jo da! Det er slående, og jeg har hørt fra vore folk i Boston, der har en lignende, måske mere stram og storsnudet befolkning, end vi har her i New York – dermed mener jeg, at folk i vid udstrækning anser den for liberal. Man kunne måske tro, at vi ville få en meget tilknappet eller fjendtlig respons til det, vi har at sige; men åbenheden var faktisk ret usædvanlig. Vi fik uddelt 70 kopier af dossieret med den eksplicitte forståelse, at vi kun uddeler dem til repræsentanter fra (diplomatiske) missioner eller andre organisatoriske institutionsfolk, så jeg mener, at flere folk fra et par forskellige lande stoppede op for at tage materialet, og mange kom tilbage efter mere information.

Jeg mener, at en bemærkning fra en ung, afroamerikansk militærveteran var bemærkelsesværdig; han sagde: »Jeg havde tænkt på Trump som en del af the establishment. Han er rig, han er milliardær, han er hvid, han er en del af Wall Street. Hvorfor angriber de ham?« Han sagde, at det gav mening, hvis der var et fremstød for krig med Rusland, på den ene side – og det er noget, Trump er modstander af – at det så var årsagen til et sådant angreb.

Jeg vil også gerne forklare lidt mere om det, jeg sagde på denne video om 2013, for jeg mener, at, med mindre folk forstår dette, kan man ikke rigtig forstå, hvad det er, der foregår her, og jeg reflekterede over den sommer. Der skete to ting i 2013: Den ene ting var, at den kinesiske præsident Xi Jinping annoncerede Ét Bælte, én Vej-initiativet, der nu omfatter over 70 nationer, milliarder af verdens befolkning, ti tusinder af kilometer højhastigheds-jernbaner, forestående aftaler om byggeri af havne, kernekraftværker, rumforskning osv.; men der var også en konference i Fortaleza, Brasilien, med BRIKS-nationerne, hvor de oprettede en udviklingsbank og også en bank til at beskytte sig mod valutaspekulation, og som kom i drift omkring et år senere.

Jeg reflekterede over dette, for vi befandt os i USA’s Kongres for at udføre lobbyvirksomhed – Matt, det husker du nok – den uge, og vi opdagede, at ingen i Kongressen havde hørt noget som helst om denne ekstraordinære begivenhed. Det er virkelig stort, når man har nationer – Rusland, Kina og Indien, det er store nationer. Brasilien er et stort land i Sydamerika. Sydafrika er meget avanceret mht. det afrikanske kontinent, og de er forpligtende engageret over for kernekraft, hvilket er interessant. Det faktum, at de skaber en finansiel og økonomisk institution, der gør det muligt for nationer at komme ud af det bankerotte Britiske Imperiums greb.

Jeg husker, at vi opdagede, at Udenrigsministeriet faktisk havde udsendt et memo eller sådan noget, der instruerede folk om, at dette virkelig ikke var en betydningsfuld udvikling. Jeg rejser dette nu, for det, amerikanere ikke bør overse, er potentialet. Hvorfor alt det hysteri? Hvorfor skulle George Soros deployere sine titals millioner af dollars til at betale alle disse agitatorer og organisere denne 30.000 mand stærke hær af aktivister, som Barack Obama efter sigende skal anføre? Jamen fordi det, der nu er opstået – og allerede er langt fremme – er et Nyt Paradigme.

Vore seere er sandsynligvis klar over dette: kineserne har, sammen med Etiopiens regering, netop færdiggjort en jernbane fra Djibouti til Addis Abeba. (Se https://schillerinstitut.dk/si/?p=17298). Denne strækning tog 3 dage med lastbil, og tager nu 12 timer med tog. Det betyder, at, når man har tørke i Etiopien, så behøver folk ikke at dø. Man kan hurtigt få mad og vand frem. Det betyder store muligheder for udviklingen af hele det afrikanske kontinent, og for det sydamerikanske kontinent. Og hvis man tænker på det, folk har lært – hvad det Britiske økonomiske System er – ikke bare »køb billigt og sælg dyrt«, men Malthus: resurser forøges aritmetisk, og befolkningen forøges geometrisk. Derfor er vi overbefolkede; vi må nedlukke menneskers forbrug af energi og mad; reducere befolkningen. Det er krige gode til.

Med andre ord, så har vi et potentiale for et helt nyt paradigme for menneskeheden, globalt, og nøglen er, at USA går med i dette paradigme. Præsident Trump har, gennem at udtale sin plan om at få en fornuftig relation til Rusland, og forhåbentlig også Kina og Japan (nævnte han), indikeret en åbenhed over for at blive en del af dette nye paradigme; og derfor er bagslaget temmelig ekstraordinært. Jeg tror ikke, der har været noget tidspunkt – jeg ved, at Abraham Lincoln måtte tage til sin indsættelse, forklædt som en kvinde, pga. protester osv.; men jeg tror ikke, der har været noget tidspunkt, hvor man i ugevis, månedsvis, denne form for agitation, såkaldt »modstandsbevægelse«, eller hvad de nu kalder det for, oppositionen til en ny præsident. Jeg mener, at det er meget vigtigt, at amerikanere identificerer, hvad dette potentiale er, så vi ved, hvad der er for en kamp, der finder sted; og derfor bekæmper de løgne i de amerikanske medier om Rusland, om Vladimir Putin og om, hvad Ruslands intentioner er. Det, der skete i Ukraine, er et meget, meget vigtigt aspekt for at neutralisere dette angreb på vort præsidentskab, og for at gøre det muligt for USA at tilslutte sig dette [paradigme].

Mathew Ogden: En ting, jeg bør nævne, er, at, ud over de aktiviteter, som den internationale LaRouche-bevægelse afholdt i denne uge omkring denne Internationale Uge for Sandhed, har Helga Zepp-LaRouche også sat fokus på to meget betydningsfulde appeller, som kom fra både tidligere (ukrainske) præsident, Viktor Janukovitj, og fra Ukraines tidligere premierminister, Mykola Azarov, og som ligger præcis på linje med dette spørgsmål om »en uge for sandhed«.

Viktor Janukovitj har skrevet et brev til verdens ledere, som også inkluderer præsident Trump, præsident Putin, den tyske kansler Angela Merkel og den franske præsident François Hollande. Han appellerer til verdens ledere om at »indlede skabelsen af en særkommission i Europarådet, der skal overvåge en efterforskning af forbrydelser, der blev begået på Maidan«. Det vil sige, en »Sandhedskommission«, der skal nå frem til sandheden om, hvad det var, der i virkeligheden skete under den såkaldte »fredelige revolution« på Maidan.

På linje med dette har den tidligere ukrainske premierminister, Mykola Azarov, der tjente fra 2010 og frem til januar 2014, hvor han trak sig tilbage på højden af Maidan-protesterne, udgivet en rapport på sin Facebookside, hvor han siger: »I dag er vi og efterforskere i Kiev i besiddelse af pålidelige informationer om det faktum, at mordene på Maidan blev udført af specialgrupper af snigskytter fra Georgien, de baltiske lande og Polen, under ledelse af instruktører fra Frankrig og Tyskland.« Dernæst siger han: »Man gjorde forsøg på at lægge skylden for massakren helt og holdent på Janukovitj og Berkut-uropolitiet.« Han siger direkte her, at dette var et svindelnummer, og at de såkaldte »snigskytter« blev deployeret af efterretningstjenester fra udlandet, med det formål at få en allerede meget ustabil situation til at eksplodere, og at ændre den fra blot at være protester og til at være et voldeligt statskup. Dette er ligeledes i sammenhængen med denne Internationale Uge for Sandhed om sandheden om det, der sker, eller det, der skete, i Ukraine.

Samtidig er der flere amerikanske kongresmedlemmer, der er ved at identificere den rolle, som George Soros spiller netop nu, i forsøg på at starte en farvet revolution i Makedonien. De bør måske snarere vende deres opmærksomhed mod deres egen baghave og deres egne offentlige borgermøder og mod begivenhederne i USA; men det er meget nyttigt, at dette er siddende amerikanske kongresmedlemmer, der er i færd med at identificere den rolle, som George Soros og hans netværk spiller i disse internationale farvede revolutioner.

Lad mig vende tilbage til den pointe, som du kom med, Diane, og jeg mener, at det er et afgørende punkt, at man ikke kan forstå virkeligheden af, hvad der var den virkelige hensigt bag det, der skete i Ukraine i 2014, uden at man forstår det dramatiske vendepunkt, som historien oplevede på det tidspunkt. Dette var BRIKS-topmødet i Fortaleza – som du nævnte – og i særdeleshed præsident Xi Jinpings annoncering af Bælt-og-Vej-initiativet; en Nye Silkevej. Det var Viktor Janukovitj’ beslutning om ikke at indgå denne frihandelsaftale med den mislykkede Europæiske Union, og i stedet bevare hans økonomiske forbindelser til Rusland, som udgjorde påskuddet til, at det på det tidspunkt blev besluttet at lancere denne form for voldelige omstyrtelse af hans regering.

Lad os se på det aktuelle øjeblik. Hvad har Donald Trump telegraferet? Ikke alene trak han sig tilbage fra TPP – som var Obama-administrationens tilsigtede plan for at forsøge at begrænse den kinesiske indflydelse i Asien; men han havde også direkte samtaler med præsident Xi Jinping, som han sagde, var meget konstruktive. Han havde dette topmøde med [den japanske premierminister] Abe. Men disse relationer behøver ikke være gensidigt ekskluderende. Og helt klart, hans relation til Rusland – det faktum, at han trak os tilbage fra randen af en atomkrig, der forfulgtes af Obama og, på sigt, at Hillary Clinton.

Det er altså i denne sammenhæng, og det er spændingen i det aktuelle øjeblik i historien, der endnu ikke er løst. Men spørgsmålet er, vil USA tilslutte sig den Nye Silkevej? Som folk ved, så er der et forestående topmøde i maj måned i Kina, om Bælt-og-Vej-initiativet; præsident Xi Jinping vil være vært, og Ruslands præsident Putin vil deltage personligt. Den aktuelle kampagne går ud på at formidle til præsident Trump, at, ikke alene bør han deltage i dette topmøde personligt; men at han bør forlade topmødet med et udtrykkeligt forpligtende engagement for, at USA vil opgive de seneste mange årtiers geopolitik og beslutsomt vil indgå i et win-win-samarbejde omkring dette Nye Silkevejsinitiativ. Der er ingen som helst chance for, at USA kan få en økonomisk genrejsning uden at deltage i dette nye paradigme for udvikling, med store projekter, som Kina allerede er begyndt at sprede i hele Eurasien. Og, som du sagde, Diane, ind i Afrika og selv ind i lande i Sydamerika.

En meget betydningsfuld ting er en rapport, der netop er udkommet, publiceret af PriceWaterhouse Cooper, som er et stort, internatonalt erhvervs- og analysefirma. Denne rapport har titlen, »2016 B&R vurdering; Kina og Bæltet og Vejens infrastruktur; gennemgang og udsigter«. Den er netop blevet udgivet i februar 2017. rapporten har en meget omfattende gennemgang af, hvad Bælt-og-Vej-initiativet er; den indeholder et meget veludarbejdet kort, der hedder, »Bælt og Vej; en genoplivelse af den Gamle Silkevej«. Den har et afsnit, der dokumenterer, hvor mange lande, der allerede er involveret i Bælt-og-Vej-initiativet. Den siger: »B&R (Belt & Road) området spænder over tre kontinenter og inkluderer i alt 66 lande, fra Litauen til Indonesien.« Dernæst, i sammenhæng med den eksplosive vækst, der allerede er begyndt at vise sig i nogle af disse lande – især i Kina, men også i andre lande, der nyder godt af denne investering i disse store projekter; rapporten har så en analyse af dem for de kommende måneder og kommende år. En grafisk fremstilling siger, »Vi ser potentiale for betydelig vækst inden for energi, jernbaner og sundhedssektor i flere af mellemindkomst-landene i Bæltet-og-Vejen. En anden grafisk fremstilling siger, «trans-eurasiske jernbanenet vil dramatisk reducere tiden mellem Kina og europæiske forbrugermarkeder«. Sluttelig siger rapporten, »Urbanisering og befolkningstilvækst vil anspore en fortsat efterspørgsel af transportinfrastruktur med stor kapacitet«.

Så dette er altså verdensøkonomiens fremtid. Væksten, tyngdepunktet er afgørende skiftet til Eurasien, til Kina og til de lande, der nu udgør en del af Bælt-og-Vej-initiativet. Hvis Donald Trump mener det alvorligt mht. at fremme en økonomisk genrejsning i USA, vil det ske ved at tilslutte sig – i et win-win-samarbejde – Kina og disse andre lande; og ved at tilslutte sig den Nye Silkevej. Som jeg har nævnt, så udgav LaRouchePAC for to år siden en brochure om spørgsmålet om USA, der bør tilslutte sig den Nye Silkevej; og vi er i øjeblikket i færd med at opdatere denne brochure på en hel ny måde. Den vil forhåbentlig være tilgængelig om en uge eller to.

Så sæt dette i sammenhæng og indse, at Ukraine-kuppet skete pga. Viktor Janukovitj’ beslutning om ikke at indgå en frihandelsaftale med en Europæisk Union, der er i færd med at blive en fiasko; og fordi han indså, at der var ved at vokse en ny, økonomisk dynamik frem med udgangspunkt i Eurasien. Vi har nu en potentielt lignende situation internt her i USA. Så denne Dag for Sandhed var ikke bare for at sige, »Her er, hvad der skete i Ukraine for tre år siden«, men, lad det være en advarsel; dette bliver faktisk forsøgt også internt i USA i dag.

Du vil måske følge op på dette spørgsmål, Diane? Men jeg bør også påpege, at præsident Trumps Tale om Nationens Tilstand (’State of the Union’) til en fælles Kongressamling finder sted på tirsdag. Det er den 28. februar, og det er deadline for vores kampagne for appellen om Glass/Steagall-initiativet. Adressen kommer her på skærmen: https://lpac.co/trumpsotu. Og denne kampagne for appellen accelererer fortsat. I går på vores aktivist-telefonmøde, Fireside Chat, fik vi en rapport fra flere aktivister i LaRouchePAC, fra New York til Connecticut og til Californien, som deltog i offentlige borgermøder og intervenerede med dette spørgsmål. Glass-Steagall haster; Trump lovede dette under sin præsidentvalgkamp. Vi må holde ham til hans ord og opfordre ham til at forpligte sig til genindførelsen af Glass-Steagall under, eller før, han holder sin tale til nationen på næste tirsdag. Vil du sige mere om denne kampagne, eller om noget andet, du har på hjerte, Diane?

Diane Sare: Jeg vil gerne sige, at Trump har udtalt sin plan om at bruge $1 billion på infrastruktur i USA. Jeg forstår, at kineserne mener, vi har brug for omkring $8 billion i investeringer; hvilket sandsynligvis er mere præcist. Men $1 billion er bestemt en god begyndelse. Men hvordan gør vi det? Hvor går det hen, hvis Japans premierminister Abe, der netop har været her, ønsker at investere $150 mia. på at bygge højhastighedsjernbaner? For det første, når man har et banksystem, hvor alle indskud kan blive brugt som sikkerhed for en bail-in af derivat-forpligtelser, hvem ville så ønske at sætte deres investeringer igennem et sådant system? For det andet, så har vi ikke en nationalbank (uafhængig statsbank); vi har ikke Finansministeriet, der er under Kongressens kontrol i den forstand, som det burde være det. Vi har Federal Reserve, der har udført bail-out (statslig bankredning) for $31 billion. Så for, at dette kan lykkes, er LaRouches Fire Love, med begyndelse i først og fremmest Glass-Steagall, absolut presserende nødvendigt. Men Glass-Steagall alene er ikke nok; men det er et første skridt. Jeg vil sige, at, hvis Trump undlader at indføre Glass-Steagall og vedtage denne fremgangsmåde, så udgør det en stor sårbarhed; for med mindre USA’s regering rent faktisk handler for at lægge denne gigantiske boble af spekulativ gæld i tømme, og rejser denne brandmur mellem investeringsbankerne og de kommercielle banker, så, når systemet nedsmelter – og det vil det uvægerligt gøre; det det.

Alle bør blot overveje, hvad vi har lavet, mht. fysisk produktivitet, der svarer til den pengemængde, der nu er i omløb? Intet. Den fysiske produktivitet er kollapset. Dette er hr. LaRouches berømte Trippelkurve, der ser ud som en trompet; med en hyperbolsk kurve, der går opad, og en hyperbolsk kurve, der går nedad. Vi befinder os ved kollapspunktet; systemet vil krakke. Vi må have Glass-Steagall på plads. Hvis det ikke bliver gjort, så skaber det muligheden for et ekstraordinært kaos i dette land, og globalt. Men dernæst ønsker man også et banksystem; et nationalt banksystem, der gør det muligt for den nødvendige kredit at strømme til drivkraften for hele økonomien. Hvilket udtrykkeligt betyder finansiering af udviklingen af nuklear fusionskraft for at hæve hele den platform, vi fungerer på, samt rumprogrammet. I stedet for blot at have små lommer med højhastighedsjernbaner, så har vi i realiteten brug for et transkontinentalt jernbanenet. Som jeg før har sagt; hvis vi vil krydse Hudson-floden, bør vi sørge for, at vi krydser Beringstrædet i den anden ende. Disse ting er kun mulige med et fornuftigt banksystem; så jeg mener, at det er meget presserende, at vi ikke lader denne sårbarhed stå åben. Alle, der ser dette, eller jeres venner, jeres naboer, få disse appeller til at cirkulere, underskrevet, og overgiv dem til jeres kongresmedlem eller jeres senator, eller send dem til os. Jeg ved, at vi har overgivet 2300 underskrifter på dette til Trumps Hvide Hus, og vi vil få mange flere. Vi bør gøre det meget hurtigt.

Matthew Ogden: Der er en ting, du også påpegede i går, og det er, at, på trods af mediepropagandaen, så er alle disse folk ved de offentlige borgermøder bare der for at forsvare Obamacare eller sådan noget, og de er bare vrede mennesker, der protesterer. Når man går ud med dette budskab, »Sådan her vil vi genopbygge USA; vi må have Glass-Steagall. Vi må have en økonomisk politik i Hamiltons tradition, og vi må have jobs og infrastruktur«. Responsen er ekstraordinær. Og faktisk, på trods af bestræbelserne, der udføres af Soros og nogle af disse andre Obama for Amerika, forbliv, hvor vi er former for organisationer, så ønsker det amerikanske folk at forenes for at arbejde konstruktivt sammen; og de ville ønske, de havde en præsident, der var seriøs i disse spørgsmål. Når man siger, »Dette er dagsordenen, og dette er, hvad vi bør gøre«, så har det en ekstraordinær virkning med at forene folk. Vil du sige noget om det?

Diane Sare: Du sagde det, det er absolut tilfældet. Men det går imod, hvad almindelig fornuft dikterer, for medierne vil have, at man skal tro, at alle disse mennesker, der protesterer, er en flok skrigende, irrationelle fanatikere. Det er simpelt hen ikke sandt. Man må huske på, hvorfor Trump vandt valget? Fordi den amerikanske økonomi er færdig. Fordi, af 320 millioner amerikanere er 90 millioner, der kan arbejde, uden beskæftigelse; de udgør ikke en del af arbejdsstyrken. Så det er virkeligheden, uanset, hvad medierne siger om det. Når vi går til disse demonstrationer, bliver vi alle slået; jeg tror, de var i Boston på denne Aktionsdag. Den åbenhed, vi møder, er ekstraordinær; folk er eftertænksomme, de vil have løsninger. De vil have et program; det har vi. Man kan meget hurtigt trække folk ind i fornuft på dette princip.

Matthew Ogden: Lige præcis. Lad mig blot sige, at, som konklusion, så er Talen til Nationen nu på tirsdag. I løbet af denne weekend er der fremragende muligheder for folk, der ser denne udsendelse, til at gå til disse offentlige borgermøder og uddele denne appel. Man kan også uddele dette dossier, som er meget vigtigt; få folk til at læse det og opmuntr andre mennesker til at printe det ud og cirkulere det selv. Jeg sætter adressen på skærmen, hvor man kan hente dette dossier; vi vil også vise det på YouTube-videoen. (https://lpac.co/ukraine-dossier).Videomontagen, som vi viste tidligere i aftenens udsendelse, vil også blive tilgængelig som en separat video, så man kan cirkulere den.

Lad mig slutte med at sige, at Helga Zepp-LaRouche ønskede, at alle skal vide, at den Internationale Sandhedsdag ikke kun skal begrænses til en dag, eller en uge.       

At dette må være en fortsættende kampagne; vi må holde presset oppe. Dette er noget, som præsident Trump bør respondere på, og bør opfordres til at respondere på. Den propaganda, der er bragt til torvs om situationen i Ukraine, har været den væsentligste kile, der er drevet ind mellem udsigten til samarbejde mellem USA og Rusland. Som præsident Trump sagde i sin pressekonference for en uge siden, »Den russiske ting er en snare«. Folk bør indse, at den ukrainske ting også er en snare, en list. I diskussioner i denne uge påpegede vi, at den form for kampagne, der blev ført om de 28 sider og sandheden bag det, der skete den 11. september (2001), med saudiernes finansiering af disse flykaprere, og kampagnen, som LarouchePAC førte for at få sandheden om de 28 sider ud, var en sejrrig kampagne. Men det var en kampagne, som måtte føres uden ophør; og det var en masse pres over lang tid, der resulterede i sejren med ophævelsen af klassificeringen af de 28 sider. Og vedtagelsen af JASTA-loven, der var et stort nederlag for Obama i hans sidste måneder i embedet. Dette er et meget lignende spørgsmål. Oliver Stone har krævet, at præsident Trump offentliggør dokumenterne om USA’s involvering i dette Maidan-kup. Det ville være en meget konstruktiv ting at gøre; og han har myndighed til at gøre det. Men dette er en international uge for sandhed; men det burde blot være en international kampagne for sandhed. Det bør være på linje med og i sammenhæng med, at vi befinder os på et ekstraordinært tidspunkt i historien, hvor den geopolitiske æra kan afsluttes; og USA kan beslutsomt tilslutte sig dette Nye Paradigme for økonomisk udvikling og store projekter, som Kina anfører med den Nye Silkevej.

Mange tak til Diane; jeg ved, du blev interviewet af flere medier under mødet i går i New York. Så vi skal nok se frem til mere dækning af det i forskellige internationale medier i løbet af de næste timer og dage. Vi møder dig igen på mandag til vores diskussion med den politiske komite; og det vil altså finde sted aftenen før Talen til Nationen på næste tirsdag. Så bliv på kanalen larouchepac.com, cirkuler dette dossier så vidt omkring som muligt. Bliv ved at få underskrifter på vores appel og send dem til os. Meld jer til vores e-mailliste, hvis I ikke allerede har.

Mange tak, og på gensyn.        

(Engelsk udskrift)


        MATTHEW OGDEN: Good afternoon, it's February 24, 2017. My
name is Matthew Ogden and you're joining us for our Friday
afternoon webcast here at larouchepac.com. I'm joined via video
today by Diane Sare, who is a member of our Policy Committee,
joining us from New York City.
        Now as viewers of this website know, this week has been
declared by Helga Zepp-LaRouche to be an international week of
Truth. This was intended to coincide with the third anniversary
of the coup which overthrew the democratically-elected government
of Ukraine three years ago in Kiev; that was February 23, 2014.
Rallies happened all across the United States, and in fact, in
Europe as well. We had rallies in New York City, in Detroit, in
Washington, DC, in Houston, Texas — other cities in the United
States — Boston, Massachusetts; and in Berlin, Germany, Dresden,
Germany, Paris, France, and other countries in Europe as well.
        Now the significance of this International Day of Truth that
happened yesterday, was not only to tell the truth about the
events of the Maidan coup three years ago in Ukraine; but to give
the warning that, in fact, the same networks that were
responsible for using the techniques of color revolution in
Ukraine three years ago to overthrow that government, and have
used those same techniques in other countries around the world —
the Rose Revolution in Georgia, and elsewhere — are now
attempting to perpetrate that exact same kind of color revolution
inside the United States right now against the
democratically-elected government of President Donald Trump. Now
obviously this has a massive international context, and we're
going to get more into detail on that in the discussion later in
the broadcast. Helga Zepp-LaRouche was very emphatic in stating
— when we talked to her earlier today — that we have to look at
this in the context of the new emerging economic paradigm that's
coming out of China; the Belt and Road initiative, which is the
engine moving history right now. And the fact that there's a very
real possibility that under the new administration in the United
States, we can end the era of geopolitics and actually enter into
a cooperation with Russia, China, India, Japan, and other
countries to create a new international cooperation based on
economic development and productivity.
        As I said, we will get more into detail in that context; but
to begin the broadcast, I would like to play a video montage for
you of these rallies that happened around the country and around
the world yesterday, on this February 23rd International Day of

        DIANE SARE : I'm Diane Sare with the LaRouche PAC
Policy Committee, and we're here at Dag Hammarskjold Plaza not
far from the United Nations. We're participating in the Day of
Truth called for by Lyndon and Helga LaRouche. This week marks
the third anniversary of a coup in Ukraine; a coup against the
nation of Ukraine, where the democratically-elected President,
Yanukovych, was ousted by a bunch of violent, pro-Nazi
demonstrators who were funded and supported with Victoria
Nuland's claim of $5 billion through the US State Department
during the Presidency of Barack Obama; and with obvious support
from mega-speculator George Soros. Our point is that today, Obama
and Soros are committing treason against the elected government
of the United States on behalf of the British Empire. The British
Empire has, for centuries, organized to prevent the United States
from working with Russia. We have a great potential right now
because of the events of 2013; the formation of the BRICS Bank
and the announcement by Chinese President Xi Jinping that China
has embarked on an initiative of win-win collaboration — the end
of geopolitics. That if the United States were to abandon the
policies of regime change and the policies of the British Empire
which we were carrying out under the Bush and Obama Presidencies,
and work with Russia, China, India, and Japan on global
development, we would transform the planet; and mankind would
have the brightest future imaginable. So, it is very urgent today
that we lay to rest the lies, the disgusting, Nazi-like
propaganda against Russia, which is being used to try and
overthrow the Presidency of Donald Trump; who has expressed his
intent to change that dynamic. We urge everybody on the LaRouche
PAC website to join this effort; to print out the literature, to
sign the petition calling for the reinstatement if the
Glass-Steagall Act, which would cut off the legs of the Wall
Street and City of London to finance such terrorist operations,
and to work with us to insure the United States is able to return
to the intended legacy of our Founding Fathers such as George
Washington, Alexander Hamilton, and recently the intent of
American statesman and genius, Lyndon LaRouche.

        KESHA ROGERS : February 23rd marks the three-year
anniversary of the coup in the Maidan in Ukraine; it started
February 23, 2014. This has been ongoing as an effort by Barack
Obama, former President of the United States, and George Soros,
the multi-billionaire drug pusher, who has been leading the
charge to destroy and overthrow nations in order to get the
United States into a war with Russia. The lies that continue to
escalate the activities in Ukraine that pointed to the idea that
it was Putin who was in charge of the escalation in Ukraine, are
the same lies that are taking place here, right now, in the
United States to get the Trump Presidency overthrown. This has to
be stopped. As a part of a national Day of Truth, we have
unleashed a dossier that exposes Obama and Soros for their
money-pushing, lies that have created total chaos both in the
United States and continues to push the chaos in Ukraine. The
target is Putin and Russia.
        What we should be doing is working with Russia; working with
Putin. We have to stop these wars; we have to stop this continued
chaos. We should be working in terms of cooperation, as Lyndon
LaRouche has pointed out, with the Silk Road economic
development; that is what the United States needs. We're here at
a rally at Twome and 59th at an overpass. Our banner reads "Jail
Obama, Soros For Treason! Ukraine 2014; US 2017". People must
understand what is happening to this nation now, and demand that
we need economic development; we need cooperation. So, we're out
here as part of a Day of Truth; and we ask that each and every
person who sees this, participates in our rallies and reads the

        HARLEY SCHLANGER [voice over video of singing]: Today is the
third anniversary of the coup that was carried out by US
intelligence operations, neo-conservatives funded by George
Soros, to bring a gang of Nazis into power in Kiev. We're here
today as a Day of Truth, to get out the real story. The Ukraine
operation is being geared up again to create fighting between
Russia and the West as a way of sabotaging the potential that
exists with the Trump administration to break with this policy of
war. The American electorate voted for Trump, in large part, to
break this policy of confrontation with Russia; so it's important
that this Day of Truth bring out the reality that the Ukraine
situation was never about democracy in Ukraine. But about a
deliberate operation to create a confrontation between the United
States and Russia. This is the policy of George Soros, the City
of London, and Barack Obama, who was involved in sabotaging
President Trump's initiative for peace between Russia and the
United States.
        So, we're here in Berlin as part of an International Day of
Truth, to call attention to the fact that the criminals who
brought the Nazis into power in Kiev, have still not been brought
to court; have not been brought to justice. So this demonstration
here in Berlin is part of the International Day of Action. You
can go to the websites of the LaRouche organization to get a
dossier that we put out on who is responsible for the killing in
Ukraine. It's not the Russians; it's not President Putin. It's
Hillary Clinton, Victoria Nuland, the neo-conservatives in the
United States, and former President Obama.
        [Male #1 speaking in German]         [Male #2 speaking in German, saying that there are rallies
in Boston, New York City, in Paris, Berlin, and
Frankfurt-an-Main, and describing coup three years ago.]

        OGDEN: Now, this full dossier can be accessed at
https://lpac.co/ukraine-dossier which we'll put on the screen
right now. The title of it is "Obama and Soros; Nazis in Ukraine
2014, U.S. in 2017?" This is being circulated at all of these Day
of Truth rallies that you saw, including in New York City. I will
get a report directly from Diane, but before I bring her on, let
me report that there is a long article in {Itar-Tass} which is a
Russian news publication which features coverage of the rally
that occurred in New York City; that was the very beginning of
our montage. The title of this was that "Protesters in New York
Accused Obama and Soros of Organizing the Coup in Ukraine." Then
it is noted that similar actions took place in Boston, Houston,
Berlin, and elsewhere. Let me just read you a very quick excerpt
from this {Itar-Tass} article. It says:
        "Activists for several hours, were handing out on Thursday
in the center of New York as well as a number of other American
cities, printed materials that state that the change of power in
Ukraine was carried out with the direct support of billionaire
George Soros and the administration of the 44th US President,
Barack Obama. The action was organized by the international
Schiller Institute in the framework of a campaign to educate
Americans with the actual situation in Ukraine on the occasion of
the anniversary of the events in Maidan."
        Then it has a subtitle — "Yesterday, Yanukovych; Tomorrow,
Trump". "In New York," the article states, "the event was held in
the central district of Manhattan in the square at the
intersection of 42nd Street and Second Avenue, near the United
Nations headquarters. Members deployed in particular. Posters
with the words 'Obama in Prison'; 'Your Enemy, George Soros'."
Then it quotes from Diane Sare: "|'We have distributed here
probably several hundred of our publications,' says spokesman
Diane Sare, who is part of the political committee of the
movement of Lyndon LaRouche. According to her, similar actions
took place on Thursday in Boston and in Houston, as well as the
German capital, Berlin. As emphasized by Sare, activists are out
to 'Tell the whole world the truth about what happened in Ukraine
three years ago.'"
        Then, skipping over a little bit, it says, "According to
Sare, it is important for Americans to know about the events in
Ukraine, where Viktor Yanukovych, the legitimately elected
President, was deposed; as in a similar scenario, the situation
may begin to develop in the United States. 'The same people are
now trying to remove from power, the American President Donald
        Then it concludes by saying, "The materials which were
distributed by the activists, are data from the LaRouche Movement
that have been prepared in the report on the events in Ukraine
and the possibility of a similar situation in the United States.
The full version of the document was provided to Tass; in it, the
change of power in the country was described as a violent
revolution carried out by the active participation of 'neo-Nazi
groups'. The Obama administration, and some of Washington's
allies, as noted, used the events in Ukraine, 'as a justification
of the new stage of NATO's military mobilization against Russia.
Victoria Nuland, who at the time held the post of Assistant
Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, came
several times to the protest; handing out cookies to the Maidan,
while she refused to acknowledge the fact that aside from the
peaceful protesters concerned about corruption and the situation
in the economy, there were also explicitly neo-fascist gangs that
participated in the armed rebellion against an elected
        And then it concludes, saying "The authors point out that at
the present time, Soros, as well as people who previously were
part of Obama's inner circle, are actively involved in the
attempts to discredit Trump, and promised not to allow the new
occupant of the White House the normalization of relations
between Moscow and Washington." Then it says, "At the end of
2016, activists of the Schiller Institute, in memory of the
victims of the TU-154 crash, brought flowers to the
Consulate-General of the Russian Federation in New York, and
performed at the entrance the Russian Anthem. And in early
January, they held a ceremony at the Tear of Grief Monument in
Bayonne, New Jersey, in memory of those killed in the crash.
        "Lyndon LaRouche," — and this is the conclusion of the TASS
article –"American economist and politician, author of the
so-called theory of physical economy, and the enemy of monetarist
conceptions, considers Russia a key player on the world stage,
and believes that Russia, along with China, India, and the United
States, and several other countries, can save the world from the
biggest crisis in history."
        So, that's a very substantial report and coverage in TASS,
and Diane, I know that you were interviewed by a number of other
international media outlets at this rally at the United Nations,
so maybe you can give us a report from on the ground there.

DIANE SARE: Sure! What's striking there, as what also has, I've
learned from our people who were in Boston, which has a similar,
maybe more uptight and snooty population than we have in New York
— and by that I mean people consider it largely liberal. You
would think we would be getting a very closed or hostile response
to what we have to say; but actually the openness was quite
extraordinary. We got out 70 copies of the dossier with the
explicit understanding that we're only giving them to
representatives of missions or other organizational institutional
people, so I imagine that that number of people from a couple of
dozen different nations stopped to take the material and many of
them came back to get more information.
        I think, notable, was a comment from a young
African-American military veteran who said, "You know, I had
thought of Trump as one of the Establishment. He's wealthy, he's
a billionaire, he's white, he's part of Wall Street. Why are they
attacking him?" He said that it began to make sense that if there
is, on the one hand, a push for war with Russia — and that is
something that Trump is opposed to — that this might be the
cause of such an attack.
        I also wanted to just elaborate a little bit more on what I
was saying in that video about 2013, because I think that unless
people understand that, you can't really understand what's going
on here, and I was reflecting on that summer. What happened in
2013 were two things: one, Chinese President Xi Jinping announced
the One Belt, One Road Initiative, which now has over 70 nations,
billions of the world's people, tens of thousands of kilometers
of high-speed rail, pending agreements on building ports,
building nuclear power plants, space exploration, etc.; but also
there was a conference in July in Fortaleza, Brazil of the BRICS
nations, where they established a development bank and also a
bank to protect themselves against currency speculation, which
went into operation about a year later.
        I was reflecting on this, because we were in the U.S.
Congress lobbying — Matt, you will remember this — that week,
and we discovered no one in the Congress had heard anything about
this extraordinary development. It's a really big deal, to have
nations — Russia, China, India, these are big countries. Brazil
is a large country in South America. South Africa is very
advanced in terms of the continent of Africa, and they have a
commitment for nuclear power, which is interesting. And the fact
that they would create a financial and economic institution which
would make it {possible} for nations to get out of the grip of
the bankrupt British Empire.
        I remember what we learned, is that, actually, the State
Department had sent out a memo or something instructing people
that this was really not an important development. I raise that
now, because what Americans should not miss, is the {potential}.
Why the hysteria? Why would George Soros be deploying his tens of
millions of dollars to pay all these agitators and organize this
30,000-person army of activists that Barack Obama is allegedly
going to be leading? Well, because what has come into existence
— and it's very advanced already — is a New Paradigm.
        Viewers of LaRouche PAC are probably aware: the Chinese,
together with the government of Ethiopia, just completed a
railroad from Djibouti to Addis Ababa. This was a route that took
3 days by truck, and now takes 12 hours by train. This means that
when you have a drought in Ethiopia, people don't have to die.
You can quickly get food and water there. It means great
potential for the development of the entire continent of Africa,
for the continent of South America. And if you think about what
people were taught — what the British system of economics is —
not just "buy cheap and sell dear," but Malthus: resources are
increasing arithmetically and population geometrically.
Therefore, we're over-populated; we have to shut down human
consumption of energy and food; reduce the population. Wars are
good for that.
        In other words, what we have a potential for, is a
completely new paradigm for mankind, worldwide, and the key is
for the United States to join this. President Trump, by
expressing his intent to have a reasonable relationship with
Russia, and hopefully China and Japan (he mentioned), as well,
has indicated an openness to being part of this new paradigm; and
therefore the backlash is rather extraordinary. I don't think
there's been a time — I know Abraham Lincoln had to travel to
his inauguration disguised as a woman, because of protests and so
on. But I don't think there's been a time where you've had for
weeks, going on months, this kind of agitation, so-called
"resistance," whatever they're calling it, the opposition to a
new President. I think it's very important that Americans
identify what the {potential} is, so we know what the battle is
that's occurring; and therefore combatting the lies in the U.S.
media about Russia, about Vladimir Putin, and what Russia's
intention is. And what happened in Ukraine is a very, very
important aspect to neutralizing this attack on our Presidency
and allowing the potential for the United States to join this.

OGDEN: Absolutely! One thing I should mention, is that in
addition to the activities that the international LaRouche
movement held this week around this International Week of Truth,
Helga LaRouche also highlighted two very significant calls that
came out of both ex-President Viktor Yanukovych and then the
former Prime Minister of Ukraine, Mykola Azarov, which also
parallel exactly this question of the "week of truth."
        Viktor Yanukovych has written a letter, which is addressed
to world leaders, which includes President Trump, President
Putin, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and French President
François Hollande. And he is calling on world leaders to
"initiate the creation of a special commission of the Council of
Europe to monitor the investigation of crimes that were committed
on the Maidan." So, essentially a "Truth Commission," to get at
the truth of what really happened during the so-called "peaceful
revolution" of the Maidan.
        In parallel with that, the former Ukrainian Prime Minister,
Mykola Azarov, who served from 2010 until January 2014, when he
resigned at the height of the Maidan protests, has unleashed a
report on his Facebook page, saying "Today, we and investigators
in Kiev have reliable information about the fact that the murders
on the Maidan were carried out by special groups of snipers from
Georgia, the Baltic countries, and Poland, under the guidance of
instructors from France and Germany." And then he says, "An
attempt was made to place the blame for the massacre squarely on
Yanukovych and the Berkut riot police." So, he is saying,
directly here, that this was a fraud and that the so-called
"snipers" were deployed in by intelligence services from the
outside in order to explode an already very volatile situation,
and to turn it from just protests, into a violent coup d'etat.
This is also in the context of this International Week of Truth
around the truth of what's happening, or what {did} happen in
        At the same time, you have several U.S. Congressmen who are
identifying the role that George Soros is playing {right now} in
attempts to start a color revolution in Macedonia. They should
maybe, perhaps, turn their focus right to their own back yard and
to their own town hall meetings, and to the events in the United
States; but it's very useful that these are sitting U.S.
Congressmen [who] are identifying the role that George Soros and
his networks play in these international color revolutions.
        Now, Diane, let me come back to the point that you made, and
I think it's a critical point, that there is no way to understand
the reality of what really was the intention behind what happened
in Ukraine in 2014, without understanding this dramatic turning
point that history experienced at that moment. This was the BRICS
Summit in Fortaleza — as you mentioned — and really especially,
the announcement of President Xi Jinping of the Belt and Road
Initiative; the New Silk Road. It was the decision by Viktor
Yanukovych not to enter into this free-trade agreement with the
failing European Union, and instead to preserve his economic
relationship with Russia, which was the pretext behind the reason
why it was decided {at that point} to launch this kind of violent
overthrow of his government.
        Now, take a look at the present moment. What has Donald
Trump telegraphed? Now only did he withdraw from the TPP — which
was the intended plan by the Obama Administration to try to
{contain} the Chinese influence in Asia; but he has also had
direct conversations with President Xi Jinping, which he said are
very constructive. He had this summit with President Abe. But
these relationships — as he made clear — do not have to be
mutually exclusive. And clearly, his relationship with Russia —
the fact that he pulled us back from the brink of a thermonuclear
war which was being pursued by Obama and prospectively by Hillary
        So, it's in that context, and it's the tension of this
present moment in history which is not yet resolved. But the
question is, will the United States join the New Silk Road? As
people know, there is this upcoming summit in May on the Belt and
Road Initiative in China; which is being hosted by President Xi
Jinping, and will be attended personally by President Putin of
Russia. The current campaign is to convey to President Trump that
not only should he attend this summit in person; but that he
should walk away from the summit with an expressed commitment
that the United States is abandoning the geopolitics of the past
several decades, and is decisively entering into a win-win
cooperation with the nation of China and all of the allied
countries around this New Silk Road initiative. There is no way
that the United States can have an economic recovery {without}
participating in this new development paradigm of great projects
which China has already begun spreading across Eurasia. As you
mentioned, Diane, into Africa; and even in countries in Latin
        One thing that's very significant is a report that has just
come out, published by PriceWaterhouse Cooper, which is a major
international business and analysis firm. This is a report which
is titled "2016 Assessment B&R Watch; China and the Belt and Road
Infrastructure; Review and Outlook". And this was just published
in February of 2017. This has a very comprehensive overview of
what the Belt and Road Initiative is; it has a very well-made map
which is called "Belt and Road; Resurrecting the Ancient Silk
Road". It has a section which documents how many countries are
already involved in the Belt and Road Initiative. It says, "The
B&R region spans three continents and includes a total of 66
countries, from Lithuania to Indonesia." Then in the context of
the explosive growth that has already begun to be seen in some of
these countries — especially China, but other countries that are
benefiting from this investment in these great projects; it then
has their analysis for the coming months and the coming years.
One slide says "We see potential for significant growth in power,
rail, and health care in a number of the middle-income Belt and
Road countries." Another slide says "Trans-Eurasian rail networks
will dramatically reduce the time between China and European
consumer markets." Then finally, it says "Urbanization and
population growth will spur continued demand for high-capacity
transportation infrastructure."
        So, again, this is the future of the world economy. The
growth is now, the center of gravity has now shifted decisively
to Eurasia, to China, and to these countries that are now a part
of the Belt and Road Initiative. If Donald Trump is serious about
facilitating an economic recovery in the United States, it will
be done by joining — in a win-win cooperation — with China and
these other countries; and joining the New Silk Road. As I
mentioned, LaRouche PAC had published a pamphlet two years ago on
the subject of the United States joining the New Silk Road; and
we are currently in the process of updating this pamphlet in a
completely new way. Hopefully, that will be available in the next
week or two.
        So, put this in context and recognize, the Ukraine coup
happened because of Viktor Yanukovych's decision not to enter
into a free-trade agreement with the failing European Union; and
was recognizing that there was a new economic dynamic that was
emerging from Eurasia. Now, you've got a very similar situation
potentially, from inside the United States. So, this Day of Truth
was not only to say "Here's what happened in Ukraine three years
ago," but let that be a warning; this is, in fact, actively being
attempted inside the United States today.
        So Diane, maybe you want to follow up a little bit on that
question. But also, I should point out, that President Trump's
State of the Union address to a Joint Session of Congress is
coming up next Tuesday. That's February 28th, and that is the
deadline for our petition campaign around the Glass-Steagall
initiative. We can put up on the screen right now the address;
this is https://lpac.co/trumpsotu. And this petition campaign
continues to accelerate. We had a report last night on our
Fireside Chat activist call, of several activists with LaRouche
PAC from New York City to Connecticut to California attending
town hall meetings, and intervening with this issue.
Glass-Steagall is urgent; Trump promised this during his
Presidential campaign. We have to hold him to this, and urge him
to commit to the restoration of Glass-Steagall during or before
his State of the Union address next Tuesday. So, Diane maybe you
can say a little more about that campaign; or anything else that
you want to add.

SARE: Well, I would just say that Trump has expressed his intent
to spend $1 trillion on infrastructure in the United States. Now
I understand that the Chinese think we need about $8 trillion in
investment; which is probably more accurate. But $1 trillion is
certainly a good start. But how do you do this? Where does it go,
if the Prime Minister of Japan, Abe, who was just here, wants to
invest $150 billion to build high-speed rail? Number one, if you
have a banking system where any savings can be used as collateral
for bailing out derivatives obligations, who would want to put
their investments through such a system? Two, we don't have a
national bank; we don't have the Treasury under the control of
the Congress in a sense as it should be. We've got the Federal
Reserve that's done $31 trillion worth of bail-outs. So, in order
for this to succeed, LaRouche's Four Laws, starting first and
foremost with Glass-Steagall, is absolutely urgent.
Glass-Steagall alone is not sufficient; but it's the first step.
I would say that if Trump fails to go with Glass-Steagall, and to
go with this approach, it's a great vulnerability; because unless
the government of the United States actually acts to rein in this
gigantic bubble of speculative debt, and to put up that firewall
between the investment banks and the commercial banks, then when
the system implodes — which it inevitably will; it {must}.
        Everyone should just consider, what have we done, in terms
of physical productivity, commensurate with the amount of money
that is now in circulation? Nothing. The physical productivity
has collapsed. This is Mr. LaRouche's famous Triple Curve
function that looks like a trumpet bell; with a hyperbolic curve
going up and a hyperbolic curve going down. We're at the break
point; the system will crash. We must have Glass-Steagall in
place. If that is not done, it creates a potential for
extraordinary chaos in this country and globally. But then too,
you want a system of banking; a national system of banking that
allows the necessary credit to flow into drivers of the whole
economy. Which emphatically means funding for the development of
thermonuclear nuclear fusion energy, to elevate the entire
platform of how we function; the space program. Instead of just
little pockets of high-speed rail, we actually need a
trans-continental railroad. As I've said before, if we're going
to cross the Hudson River, we should make sure we cross the
Bering Strait at the other end. These are only possible with a
sane banking system; so I think it's just very urgent that we not
leave this vulnerability open. Everybody who's involved in
watching this or your friends, your neighbors, get these
petitions circulating, signed, and get them to your Congressman
or your Senator or send them back to us. I know we delivered 2300
signatures for this to the Trump White House, and we're going to
be doing a lot more. We should do it very quickly.

        OGDEN: And then the one thing you also were pointing out
yesterday, is that despite the media propaganda, that everybody
at these town hall meetings is just there to defend the Obamacare
or something like that, and are just enraged protesters. When you
go with this message, "This is how we're going to rebuild the
United States; and we need Glass-Steagall. And we need
Hamiltonian economic policies, and we need jobs and
infrastructure." The response is extraordinary. And in fact,
despite the efforts of Soros and some of these other Obama for
America, stay behind kind of organizations, the American people
want to be united to constructively work together; and wish they
did have a President who was serious about this kind of question.
When you say "This is the agenda, and this is what we should be
doing," it has an extraordinary effect of unifying people. I
don't know if you want to say anything more about that.

        SARE: Yeah, you said it; that's absolutely the case. But it
is counterintuitive; because the media would have you believe
that every one of these protesters is some screaming, irrational
fanatic. And it's simply not true. You have to remember, why did
Trump win the election? Because the US economy is finished.
Because out of 320 million Americans, over 90 million who are
eligible to work are not employed; they're not part of the
workforce. So, that is the reality, whatever the news media wants
to say about it. Then, when we approach these demonstrations,
everyone was very struck; and I think they were in Boston on this
Day of Action. The openness we're getting is extraordinary;
people are thoughtful, they want solutions. They want a program;
we have that. You can very quickly pull people into sanity on
that principle.

        OGDEN: Exactly. So, let me just say, in conclusion, the
State of the Union speech obviously is next Tuesday. Over the
course of this weekend, there are extraordinary opportunities for
people who are viewing this broadcast to go and circulate this
petition at these town hall meetings. You can also circulate this
dossier, which is very important; get people's hands on this and
encourage other people to print it out and circulate it
themselves. Again, let me put up on the screen the address where
you can get this dossier; and we'll make this available in the
description of this YouTube video also. But it's
https://lpac.co/ukraine-dossier. The video montage that you saw
earlier in the broadcast today, we will also make available as a
separate item in order to circulate this.
        Let me just conclude by saying that Helga LaRouche wanted to
make it known that the International Day of Truth should not be
limited to merely one day, or to one week. That this has got to
be an ongoing campaign; we've got to keep the pressure going.
This is something that President Trump should respond to, and
should be called upon to respond to. The propaganda that has been
peddled about the Ukraine situation has been the major wedge
driven between the perspective of cooperation of the United
States and Russia. As President Trump said in his press
conference a week ago, "The Russia thing is a ruse." And people
should recognize that the Ukraine thing is also a ruse. In
discussions this week, we pointed out that the kind of campaign
that was waged about the 28 pages and the truth behind what
happened on 9/11, with the financing by the Saudis of these
hijackers and the campaign that LaRouche PAC led to get the truth
out about the 28 pages, was a victorious campaign. But it was one
that had to be continuously run; and it was a lot of long-term
pressure that resulted in the victory of the declassification of
the 28 pages. And the passage of the JASTA vote, which was a
major defeat for Obama during his last few months in office. This
is a very similar question. Oliver Stone has called for President
Trump to release the documents on the US involvement in this coup
on the Maidan. That would be a very constructive thing to do; and
he has the authority to do that. But this is an International
Week of Truth; but it should just be an International {Campaign}
of Truth. It must be in parallel and in the context of the
recognition that we are at an extraordinary moment in history,
where the age of geopolitics can be ended; and the United States
can decisively join this New Paradigm of economic development and
great projects that China is leading with the New Silk Road.
        So, thank you very much Diane; I know that you were
interviewed by numerous media outlets during the rally yesterday
up in New York. So, we'll probably look forward to more coverage
of that in various international media outlets over the next few
hours and days. We will be joining you again on Monday for our
discussion with the Policy Committee; and obviously that will
occur on the eve of the State of the Union address next Tuesday.
So, please stay tuned to larouchepac.com; please circulate this
dossier as widely as possible. Please continue to get petition
signatures and send them in to us. Please subscribe to our email
list if you have not already. Thank you very much and we will see
you soon.         


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