Macron tilslutter Frankrig den Nye Silkevej

Nu må Danmark på banen af formand Tom Gillesberg:
Den franske præsident Emmanuel Macrons besøg i Kina 8.-10. januar, hvor han annoncerede, at Frankrig vil samarbejde tæt med Kina om Xi Jinpings Bælte og Vej-Initiativ, er et glædeligt og dramatisk skifte i international politik. For første gang markerede en vestlig stormagt, tilmed et af de fem permanente medlemmer af FN’s sikkerhedsråd, at man vil forlade det fejlslagne, gamle, vestlige paradigme, hvor man har insisteret på en unipolær verdensorden med USA som verdens politibetjent, der sikrer, at private finansielle interesser med centrum i London og New York kan diktere, hvad der foregår i verdensøkonomien. Hvem, der kan få udvikling og hvem, der skal leve på tredje klasse. Kina har de seneste årtier formået at løfte 700 mio. kinesere ud af dyb fattigdom og ønsker med Bælte & Vej-Initiativet at gøre det samme muligt for resten af verdens nationer. Det anerkendte Macron og erklærede, at Frankrig vil deltage i denne proces, særligt i Afrika, hvor Kina er i gang med at udvirke infrastrukturelle mirakler, og hvor Frankrig har en lang kolonihistorie og (mener Macron) en forståelse for, hvad der rører sig blandt afrikanerne. Han fremhævede, at man ikke må gentage kolonialismens fejltagelser, som han mente, at Frankrig har sin del af ansvaret for, men have en inkluderende investeringspolitik, hvor alle kan være med. …


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En ny Kold Krig? – Nej, men det kunne blive værre end en Kold Krig

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, USA, 21. jan., 2018 – Fra Rusland, fra Kina og fra New York Universitets dr. Stephen F. Cohen i USA taler eksperter om begyndelsen til en ny Kold Krig – og hermed faren for en varm krig mellem supermagterne, og endda atomangreb.

For dem, der gennemlevede det, fremmaner udtrykket »Kold Krig« billedet af et endeløst, endimensionalt mareridt uden mulighed for flugt. Det slår tankeprocessen ihjel – hvilket vi har meget dårligt råd til lige nu.

I realiteten er den historiske parallel helt forkert – men resultaterne af de neokonservatives og neoliberales vilde kasten USA ind i konfrontation med Rusland og Kina i dag kunne rent faktisk være værre end forrige århundredes Kolde Krig. Husk, at, efter forbrydelsen med to atombomber over Japan, blev atomvåben aldrig brugt under den Kolde Krig – selvom der var mange tilløb og tilfælde af ren held. Amerikanske tropper har aldrig kæmpet mod russiske tropper. Selvom amerikanske og kinesiske tropper kæmpede i Korea, var de to nationer aldrig rent faktisk i krig med hinanden. Det var på et hængende hår i missilkrisen på Cuba – hvor civilisationen kun blev reddet af den snart herefter myrdede præsident Jack Kennedy. Men på en eller anden måde blev de galninge, som fandtes i mængder på begge sider, sluttelig holdt stangen – ofte kun lige.

Men, holdes de stangen nu? Er det, hvad vi ser i det aktuelle opgør i regeringen i USA, eller i den demokratiske senator fra Illinois, Dick Durbins obskøne bagvaskelse? Nej, tværtimod! Betydningen er her, at »modstandsbevægelsen« har overtaget galeanstalten, som i Edgar Allan Poes »Doktor Tjære og professor Fjers system«. Deres »strategi« er »bare kom an!« »Jo værre, desto bedre!« Især nu, hvor kendsgerninger er ved at blive offentliggjort, som vil sprænge hele »Russiagate«-svindlen imod præsident Trump og Forfatningen. De håber, imod alt håb, at hvis de simpelt hen endevender alting og smider det ud ad vinduet, så vil det på en eller anden måde føre til fjernelsen af den forhadte præsident Trump.

En mand, der brugte sin hjerne helt, mens han levede det halve af sit liv i den Kolde Krig, er statsmand Lyndon LaRouche. Med forbløffende nøjagtighed forudsagde han vejen ud af skyggerne, kastet af et atomholocaust. Bælte & Vej, den Nye Silkevej, er blot nutidens version af hans vision, der går tilbage til 1960’erne. Selvom hans Strategiske Forsvarsinitiativ aldrig blev virkelig vedtaget af begge supermagterne – selvom vi var tæt på – så bragte det ikke desto mindre den Kolde Krig til en afslutning ved udgangen af 1980’erne sådan, som LaRouche så præcist havde forudsagt.

LaRouche og hans metode, med de Fire Love, som inkorporerer det Strategiske Forsvarsinitiativ i hele hans karriere som en banebrydende videnskabsmand og økonom, kan bringe os gennem denne krise tids nok til at undgå den katastrofe, der truer.

Foto: Præsident Donald J. Trump og præsident Nursultan Nazarbayev fra Kasakhstan under en arbejdsfrokost. 16. januar, 2018. (Official White House Photo by Joyce N. Boghosian)

USA’s neokonservative fraktion udsteder National Forsvarsstrategi;
går med i britisk kup mod Trump

20. jan., 2018 – Den Nationale Forsvarsstrategi, som i går blev udgivet af forsvarsminister Jim Mattis, og som falder ind under den Nationale Sikkerhedsstrategi fra december 2017, er en krigserklæring mod kernen i den politik, på baggrund af hvilken præsident Trump blev valgt, og som er en genoprettelse af gode, amerikanske arbejdsrelationer med verdens stormagter, der var blevet ødelagt af Bush- og Obamas regimer. Og som sådan er det en del af det britiskorkestrerede drive for at enten svinebinde, afsætte ved en rigsret, vælte eller myrde USA’s præsident.

Præsident Trump har gentagne gange sagt, at gode relationer med Rusland og Kina er en »god ting«; hans modstandere i det militære etablissement erklærer, i det Nationale Forsvarsstrategi-dokument, at deres »hovedprioriteter« er at mobilisere USA’s militære, økonomiske, finansielle, diplomatiske, vedr. retshåndhævelse, efterretnings- og »informations«-aktiver imod Rusland og Kina, fordi disse nationer – og ikke terrorisme eller »slyngelregimer« – er USA’s primære modstandere. Og hvorfor? Fordi Rusland og Kina »underminerer den internationale orden«, med dens nedskæringspolitik og permanent krigsførelse, som det amerikanske folk valgte præsident Trump for at afslutte.

»National Forsvarsstrategi vil genopbygge dominans«, lød overskriften på meddelelsen på pressebriefingen, som viceassistent-forsvarsminister for udvikling af strategi og styrker, Elbridge Colby, holdt over dokumentet i går. Den 12 sider lange, ikke-klassificerede »Opsummering af National Forsvarsstrategi 2018« angriber Kina og Rusland igen og igen for at true en unipolær verden – som ikke længere findes. Kinas Bælte & Vej Initiativ nævnes ikke ved navn (i hvert fald ikke i det ikke-klassificerede dokument), men Kina fordømmes gentagent for at »anvende aggressive økonomiske metoder for at intimidere sine naboer«. USA’s allierede og partnere skal klemmes til at yde »større forsvarssamarbejde« og »bidrage med militære kapaciteter« til »koalitioner« i især Europa, Mellemøsten og Indo-Stillehavsområdet; Forsvarsministeriet planlægger at mobilisere tværinstitutionel handling for at »modgå« USA’s allieredes økonomiske relationer med »modstandere«. Rummet erklæres ligeledes for at være et »krigsområde«, alt imens USA’s atomvåbentriade skal moderniseres.

Med en refleksion af den gamle, trætte, oligarkiske, geopolitiske hensigt, der er typisk for dokumentet som helhed, hævder uddrag fra afsnittet for »Strategisk miljø«, at »Kina og Rusland nu underminerer den internationale orden inde fra systemet, ved at udnytte dets fordele samtidig med, at de modarbejder dets principper og adfærdskodeks«. Dokumentet hævder, at den »fornyede tilsynekomst af langsigtet, strategisk konkurrence fra det, den Nationale Sikkerhedsstrategi klassificerer som revisionistiske magter« er »hovedudfordringen mod amerikansk velstand og sikkerhed … Det bliver i stigende grad klart, at Kina og Rusland ønsker at forme en verden, der er i overensstemmelse med deres autoritære model – og opnå at få vetoret over andre nationers økonomiske, diplomatiske og sikkerhedsmæssige beslutninger«.

Det hævder desuden, at »Kina benytter modernisering af militæret, operationer for at opnå indflydelse og aggressiv økonomi som løftestang for at tvinge nabolande til at genindordne Indo-Stillehavsområdet til deres fordel. Med Kina, der fortsætter sin militære opstigning og hævder magt gennem en langsigtet, nationalt omfattende strategi, vil Kina fortsat forfølge et program for modernisering af militæret og søge regionalt herredømme i Indo-Stillehavsområdet i den nære fremtid … Sideløbende hermed søger Rusland vetoret over nationer i dets periferi med hensyn til disses regeringsbeslutninger og økonomiske og diplomatiske beslutninger, for at splintre NATO og ændre europæiske og mellemøstlige strukturer for sikkerhed og økonomi til sin fordel.«

Foto: USA’s forsvarsminister Jim Mattis annoncerer den Nationale Forsvarsstrategi.

Kina responderer skarpt på Washingtons farlige neokonservative bandes provokationer

20. jan., 2018 – Kina fortsætter med angreb på de neokonservative politikker, der kommer fra USA, og som de finder farlige og truende, alt imens de demonstrerer den klare forståelse, at gode amerikansk-kinesiske relationer er nødvendige, og at der er en intensiv krig mellem fraktioner i gang omkring Trumps præsidentskab samtidig med, at de bevarer en åben og positiv holdning over for Trump personligt.

Med en respons på Pentagons nye dokument for National Forsvarsstrategi og andre nylige udviklinger, erklærede en talsmand for den Kinesiske Ambassade i Washington: »Hvis en person altid har mørke briller på, vil han aldrig se en lysende verden … Fred og udvikling er temaerne for den nuværende æra og udgør ligeledes menneskedens fælles forhåbninger. Men, hvis nogle mennesker ser verden ud fra en tankegang om Kold Krig og nulsumsspil, så er de forudbestemt til kun at se konflikt og konfrontation.« China Daily skrev, at talsmanden sagde, at Kina og USA bærer et stort ansvar, og at de har en udstrakt, fælles interesse i at opretholde fred og stabilitet og i at promovere global udvikling og velstand. »Vi håber, at USA kan lægge sig på linje med tendensen i verden og befolkningens vilje og sætte verden og de kinesisk-amerikanske relationer ind i et perspektiv for samarbejde.«

På lignende måde blev talsperson for Udenrigsministeriet Lu Kang den 19. jan. bedt om at respondere til øverste kommandør af USA’s Stillehavskommando, admiral Harry Harris’ kommentarer den 18. jan., under et sikkerhedsmøde, sponsoreret af den indiske regering, om, at »kendsgerningen er den, at Kina er en nedbrydende kraft for en overgang i området.« Lu sagde: »Hvad i alverden er de så bekymrede over, og at Kina er en nedbrydende kraft for hvad? Kina har altid fulgt en kurs for fredelig udvikling. Det er, hvad vi har sagt og gjort.« Han fortsatte med nogen ironi: »Det er blot en kommentar fra nogle personer. Det er ikke første gang, de gør dette … Jeg håber, man vil give mere opmærksomhed til reaktionerne og kommentarerne fra det internationale samfund. Der er selvfølgelig altid en dyb uro om Kina, der kommer fra nogle personer og visse lande.«

Xinhua har en artikel 19. jan. med overskriften, »Kina-iagttagere siger, hyppige interaktioner mellem Xi og Trump er vigtige for bilaterale bånd«. Artiklen citerer tre eksperter i USA, som Xinhua har interviewet, og som fastslår den pointe, at »Kina-iagttagere i USA har sagt, at et godt, personligt forhold og hyppige udvekslinger af ideer er vigtigt for de kinesisk-amerikanske relationer«.

I mellemtiden rapporterer Global Times, at Trump har mange tilhængere i den kinesiske befolkning, hvor han »sættes højt som en patriot, der trodser den politiske korrekthed«. For eksempel skrev Qiu Zhenhai, en populær Phoenix Tv-kommentator, på sin sociale medieside, »Det er en indiskutabel kendsgerning, at mange kinesere elsker Trump, og det blev mere åbenbart efter hans besøg i Kina sidste november«.

Foto: Præsident Donald Trump under sit besøg til Kina hyldes af børn med amerikanske og kinesiske flag.            

Ruslands udenrigsminister Lavrov:
USA vælger en strategisk konfrontationspolitik
i stedet for en dialog og bilateralt samarbejde

20. jan., 2018 – I en vidtrækkende pressekonference i går i New York, sigtede den russiske udenrigsminister Sergei Lavrov efter det, han kaldte USA’s »beklagelige strategiske politik over for Rusland og Kina, hvor USA, »i stedet for at bero på international lov«, føler, det må bevise sit lederskab gennem »koncepter og strategier for konfrontation«. Kremls talsmand Dmitry Peskov kom også med lignende bemærkninger i går.

Rusland er rede til dialog, sagde Lavrov, for at diskutere militær doktrin, ligesom man har gjort i fortiden, »da militærfolk fra begge lande opbyggede tillid«. Der er mange nøgterne mennesker, understregede han, der forstår, at »strategisk stabilitet bør bevares, og alle trusler mod det bør fjernes«. Men, advarede han, dette er umuligt uden amerikansk-russisk samarbejde. Han bemærkede, at USA havde klaget over, at Rusland angiveligt skulle have overtrådt sanktioner imod Nordkorea, men aldrig havde fremvist det mindste bevis på dette.

Det amerikanske dokument for National Sikkerhedsstrategi nævner Kina som den »aggressive« økonomiske magt nummer ét, efterfulgt af Rusland som nummer to, påpegede Lavrov. Sammen med Kina »er vi i færd med at få det internationale system til at kollapse indefra« og »true verdensordenen efter Anden Verdenskrig«, der »angiveligt blev skabt af USA og dets allierede efter krigen«. I virkeligheden, fortsatte Lavrov, bidrog det tidligere Sovjetunionen meget til etableringen af denne verdensorden, der blev udarbejdet af FN.

Lavrov adresserede ligeledes USA’s rolle i det nordlige Syrien, hvor, rapporterer RT, han sagde, at amerikanske styrker var »seriøst involveret i at skabe alternative regeringsinstitutioner på en udstrakt del af det syriske territorium«. Dette modsiger USA’s egne ofte erklærede forpligtelser, sagde han, »om at bevare Syriens suverænitet og territoriale integritet«.

Washingtons inkonsekvens ang. Syrien »er ganske karakteristisk for moderne amerikansk diplomati«, erklærede Lavrov, inklusive årsagerne til, at de er i Syrien og »handlingerne hos den koalition, som de befaler over«. Han sagde, at han ved mange lejligheder med udenrigsminister Rex Tillerson havde diskuteret Ruslands bekymringer over USA’s handlinger i Syrien. Selv om Tillerson har sagt til ham, at USA kun er i Syrien for at bekæmpe ISIS, »ser det nu ud til, at USA har nogle mere langsigtede planer«. »Vi må«, sagde Lavrov, »således tage dette i betragtning og søge løsninger, der ikke vil tillade ødelæggelsen af syrisk suverænitet«.

Foto: Ruslands udenrigsminister Sergei Lavrov under en pressekonference i New York, 19. jan., 2018.

Rusland vil invitere USA med til
Kongressen for Syrisk Nationaldialog i Sotji

18. jan., 2018 – I et interview med Sputnik sagde den russiske ambassadør til USA, Anatoly Antonov, at Moskva har besluttet at sende en invitation til USA og medlemmer af FN’s Sikkerhedsråd til at deltage som observatører i Kongressen for Syrisk Nationaldialog, der afholdes i Sotji 29.-30. jan.

»Vi anser kongressen for at være et forum, der er tænkt at skulle give seriøse impulser til forhandlingsprocessen under FN’s regi i Genève, og til at opnå de aftaler, som syrerne selv kommer frem til gennem gensidig enighed og uden forudgående betingelser«, sagde Antonov. »Vi opfordrer internationale og regionale aktører, der har indflydelse på udviklingen af situationen i Syrien, til at indtage en utvetydig holdning til støtte for kongressen.«

Antonov sagde ligeledes, at han er overbevist om, at præsident Trump stadig ønsker at forbedre relationerne med Rusland, men blokeres af interne kampe hjemme. »Donald Trump kom til magten med det mål at forbedre de bilaterale relationer«, bekræftede Antonov. »Jeg er sikker på, at præsidenten ikke har opgivet dette mål. Men han var ikke i stand til at opnå det.« Han sagde, »Relationerne mellem USA og Rusland er forværret i løbet af det seneste år, og de er blevet taget som gidsel i den interne, politiske kamp i USA.«

Foto: Ruslands ambassadør til USA, Anatoly Antonov, i et interview med Sputnik.

»Forlæng den Nye Silkevej til Vestasien
og Afrika« LaRouche PAC Internationale
Webcast 19. jan., 2018, med
Hussein Askary og Jason Ross, forfatterne
af Schiller Instituttets nye rapport

Vi har et helt særligt program i dag; med mig i studiet har jeg Jason Ross, og via video fra Sverige har jeg Hussein Askary. Jason og Hussein er begge medforfattere af en ny rapport, der netop er udgivet, med titlen, »Forlæng den Nye Silkevej til Vestasien og Afrika: En vision for en økonomisk renæssance«.

(OBS! Se invitation til seminar i København 5. febr. med Hussein Askary)

[Bemærk: Der er mange billeder, der hver er separat nummererede af de forskellige talere; det er selvfølgelig bedst at se videoen, -red.]

Vært Matthew Ogden: Det er 19. januar, og dette er vores ugentlige fredags-webcast fra larouchepac.com.

Vi har et helt særligt program i dag; med mig i studiet har jeg Jason Ross, og via video fra Sverige har jeg Hussein Askary. Jason og Hussein er begge medforfattere af en ny rapport, der netop er udgivet, med titlen, »Forlæng den Nye Silkevej til Vestasien og Afrika: En vision for en økonomisk renæssance«.

Det bliver emnet for aftenens udsendelse; men før vi kommer til det, vil jeg gerne lægge ud med at sige, at LaRouche Political Action Committee har indledt en national kampagne for at sætte betingelserne for valgene 2018. Som I ser her, er titlen for vores kampagne »Kampagnen for at vinde fremtiden«, og det er titlen på en erklæring, der nu cirkuleres i hele landet. Erklæringens indhold fremlægger de politiske prioriteter, der vil bestemme udfaldet af valgene her i USA i år, med hensyn til dette lands overlevelse. Vi er i det indledende stadie for at indsamle underskrifter på denne erklæring, og vi opfordrer seerne, især her i USA, til at underskrive denne kampagne. URL ses her på skærmen, og I kan også få organisationer i valgkredsene, medlemmer af delstatskongresserne, siddende medlemmer af USA’s Kongres og i særdeleshed kandidater til offentligt (føderalt) embede, til at underskrive denne kampagne.

Indholdet af denne programerklæring er meget signifikant. Den kræver, at USA vedtager Lyndon LaRouches Fire Økonomiske Love, dvs.: Vedtag Glass-Steagall for at rejse en brandmur mellem kommerciel, produktiv bankaktivitet og spekulativ bankaktivitet på Wall Street; for det andet, at indføre et nationalbanksystem (statsligt banksystem) i Alexander Hamiltons tradition; for det tredje, brug billioner af dollar i føderal (statslig) kredit til at løfte det amerikanske folk og for at skabe produktiv beskæftigelse på det højeste og mest avancerede teknologiske niveau; og for det fjerde, sæt et forceret program i gang, der går i retning af udvikling af fusionskraft og udvidelsen af bemandet rumfart.

Det er meget, meget vigtigt, at vi har indledt denne kampagne nu, for vi går nu ind i de sidste 11-dages nedtælling fra nu og frem til præsident Trumps State of the Union-tale den 30. jan. Indholdet af dette politiske programforslag må være bestemmende for præsidentskabets politiske program her i USA. Som I ser, er vore to punkter på dagsordenen 1) Vedtag Lyndon LaRouches Fire Love, og 2) Gå med i den Nye Silkevej.

Det bliver emnet for vores diskussion i dag. For de seere, der evt. ikke ved det, så blev ideen om den Nye Silkevej først udarbejdet af Lyndon og Helga LaRouche i 1980’erne. Det var den daværende Eurasiske Landbro for at udvikle det eurasiske kontinents indlandsområder, som forbinder Øst og Vest. Det blev til den Nye Silkevej og blev kaldt således af præsident Xi Jinping i Kina, da han i 2013 vedtog dette. Det udviklede sig så til Bælte & Vej Initiativet, som var en forbindelse mellem den landbaserede Silkevej og udviklingen af en Maritim Silkevej.

Gennem LaRouche-bevægelsens lederskab udvides dette nu til ikke blot en eurasisk Ny Silkevej, men en Verdenslandbro, der omfatter alle Jordens kontinenter, inklusive Vesteuropa, Central- og Sydamerika, Nordamerika og for vores udsendelse her i dag i særdeleshed, Afrika.

Udviklingen af Afrika har ligesom været en slags lakmusprøve for menneskeheden i dag: Kina har taget denne udfordring op og har bestået prøven og sat standarden, som resten af verden må følge. Vi har set dette inspirere andre nationer, og for nylig har vi haft et meget signifikant gennembrud med den franske præsident Emmanuel Macrons besøg i Kina, hvor han mødtes med præsident Xi Jinping og erklærede, at Frankrig favner billedet af udvikling af verden gennem den Nye Silkevej, inklusive, at Frankrig ønsker at arbejde sammen med Kina om Afrikas udvikling. Dette er måske en bodsgang for Frankrigs kolonialistiske imperiefortid, men det, præsident Macron havde at sige, var meget signifikant.

Som I ser, så holdt han en meget signifikant tale i Xi’an, og i denne tale diskuterede han, hvad Kina har gjort for at udvikle Afrika og for at løfte 700 millioner af sin egen befolkning ud af fattigdom, og at Frankrig nu må imødekomme opfordringen til at deltage i denne udvikling, især udviklingen i Afrika, i partnerskab med Kina. Her følger et par citater af, hvad præsident Macron havde at sige:

»Det er lykkedes Kina i de seneste par årtier at løfte 700 millioner mennesker ud af fattigdom … Men jeg tænker også på Afrika. Kina har i de seneste par år investeret stort i infrastruktur og råmaterialer med en finansiel styrke, som europæiske lande ikke har. Samtidig har Frankrig historisk og kulturel viden om Afrika, som giver det mange aktiver for fremtiden.

Vi må ikke gentage fortidens fejltagelser, med at skabe politisk og finansiel afhængighed under påskud af udvikling … det turde være unødvendigt at sige, at denne udvikling kun vil ske i fællesskab … Frankrig har erfaringen med en ensidig imperialisme i Afrika, der undertiden har ført til det værste, og i dag, med disse nye Silkeveje, der åbner op … Jeg mener, at partnerskabet mellem Frankrig og Kina kan gøre det muligt at undgå en gentagelse af disse fejltagelser … Det er en moralsk udfordring, og jeg håber oprigtigt, at vi kan imødekomme den sammen … Det enorme arbejde, der gøres med infrastruktur og økonomisk udvikling, vil give et nyt ansigt til disse nye Silkeveje på det afrikanske kontinent.«

Som præsident Macron sagde, »det er en moralsk udfordring«; og nu får Afrika, der har været et af de mest underudviklede, fejlernærede, forarmede og tilbagestående steder på planeten, muligheden for en renæssance og for at blive et knudepunkt for udvikling for hele dette område af planeten.

Som jeg sagde, så er titlen på aftenens udsendelse »Forlæng den Nye Silkevej til Vestasien og Afrika«, og jeg vil lade Jason Ross introducere jer til Hussein Askary, og vi kan diskutere indholdet af denne specialrapport, der netop er udgivet.

Jason Ross: Jeg tror, vi skal gå direkte til Hussein nu. Hussein Askary har arbejdet i området i mange år. Han er den, der oversatte EIR’s Specialrapport, »Den Nye Silkevej bliver til Verdenslandbroen« til arabisk og lancerede denne oversættelse i Kairo på et møde med den egyptiske transportminister.

Hussein har arbejdet meget på dette. Sammen har vi skrevet denne 274-siders rapport, I ser her. I kan få en kopi af denne rapport på Amazon og direkte gennem vores site også, [LPAC.CO/ExtendedSilkRoad], I ser linket her for neden, for at få en kopi.

Og hermed, lad os høre fra Hussein.


(Her følger et engelsk udskrift af resten af udsendelsen).

HUSSEIN ASKARY:  Thank you, Jason and Matt.  I’m very happy
to be on this show.  The writing of this report, actually, which
took us several months last year, together with you, Jason, and a
great team of collaborators in the Schiller Institute, it was a
bit of a paradox, because we were writing this report from the
standpoint of the future, and therefore the tone is optimism in
the report.   But at the same time, when you look at the news
from Southwest Asia, which people wrongly call the “Middle East,”
and Africa,  the news that these regions are, you know,
hell-holes and people are fleeing from there by tens of
thousands, there’s famines, there’s wars, and all kinds of
things.  But, if you keep digging your feet into that so-called
“reality,” which is artificially created by geopolitics, you will
never come out and you will never be able to think clearly to
solve the problem.
And therefore, as Lyndon LaRouche always says, it’s the
future that determines the present.  It’s our vision of the
future which gives us the inspiration and the means of thinking
to change our behavior today.  And this is something which we
hope that with this report, too, and all the other campaigns we
are having, to change the minds of people, and of leadership,
whether it’s in the United States or Europe, or Southwest Asia,
or Africa — anywhere.
At the same time, we are not naïve, we are not in the ivory
tower, sitting and drawing nice baths, but this is a very
scientific study, based on LaRouche’s idea of physical economy,
but also they are philosophical and humanist principles
throughout this whole report and the project we are designing,
which goes both humanist Christian tradition and also the
Confucian humanist Chinese tradition.  We have provided for the
readers of this report, a complete picture of what are the tools
needed, whether physically, or intellectually, scientifically and
morally, to be able to reach this future we are outlining in the
And we are not simply just reporting on “great things” that
have already happened, that China is doing, but we are drawing a
map towards the future: A future which Lyndon LaRouche already,
more than 30 years ago, when the African Union published the
Lagos Plan of Action for the development of Africa, he criticized
the reaction to that policy by saying that you cannot adhere to
the existing financial and economic and moral policies of the
existing order, and at the same time achieve the development
goals of Africa.  You have to have a complete shift.  And that
shift is what Helga Zepp-LaRouche, the president of the Schiller
Institute now says is the New Paradigm, the New Paradigm which
has been launched by China and its partners in the BRICS, Russia
and other nations, and many more nations are joining.
Now, if we look at the first slide, the Silk Road, this is
what Matt said in terms of our development of the idea — the
LaRouches’ development of the idea of the World Land-Bridge, to
bring all the continents together.  Now, the New Silk Road is
already reaching West Asia and Africa.  Egypt has been building
the new Suez Canal to adapt to the Maritime Silk Road, and the
other nations, like Ethiopia, Kenya, and others are already in
collaboration and new railway systems have been built.  So
already on the ground, that’s taking place.
But what is needed is a larger vision which we provide.
Now, also we have to reverse many of the old policies which have
been followed, which have kept Africa impoverished, such as, for
more than 200 years, Africa has been considered by the European
colonialists and their partners across the Atlantic, as a looting
ground — whether it is slavery, whether it is raw materials,
plantations, and so on.  And unfortunately, after World War II,
the vision of Franklin Roosevelt was not implemented, because he
died before the end of the war, and a wholly new type of
creatures took over in the United States.  And the United States
also, with the “special relationship” with the British Empire
became a partner in the looting of Africa. And companies we have,
like Anglo American, which is a corporation called Anglo
American, very active in mining in Africa — I mean, the name
tells you all about it.
But we just take a look at what has been happening in Africa
in at least the last 10-15 years, the attitude,  — that’s what
is fascinating with the New Paradigm — the attitude of Europe
and the United States toward Africa has always been that “Africa
is a problem,” while the Chinese see Africa as an “opportunity.”
Therefore, the focus by Europe and the United States, while they
were looting the continent, were just pushing aid programs.  Now,
the slide we have, number 2, here, is the “Foreign Direct
Investments in Africa,” where we see the United States is the
blue line on the top, and China is the red line, which is
increasing steadily.  The United States, something funny happened
in 2008 — there was the financial/economic crisis — then you
have a dip in investments in Africa, but also what happens in the
United States is that the first African-American President is
elected.  And you see, from 2009, U.S. investments in Africa
completely collapsed and came down to zero by 2015, while the
Chinese investments increased.
Now, there’s a flip side to this argument, is because most
of the U.S. investments in Africa are in the oil and mining
sector. And with the collapse of the oil and mining prices, there
was no more interest; and Mr. Obama also launched the largest
fracking operation on Earth in the United States, to make the
United States the biggest producers of fossil fuels in the world.
But China’s investments continued all the same.
In the next slide, number 3, we see the level of investments
by the Export Import Banks of the United States on the one hand,
which is the blue line which is completely dead, on the bottom;
the United States does not issue credit for exports any more to
Africa.  But then we have the China Exim Bank increasing its
investments, and more interestingly, is that the World Bank,
which is the top, and you see where the failure of Western policy
in Africa has been: The World Bank has been investing more than
China in Africa, but it’s a completely misdirected investment.
It’s on tiny, tiny, small programs, there is no financing of
large-scale infrastructure as China does; there are no
transformative projects, and no new technology.
In the next slide, we can see we have a lot of hypocrisy,
saying that the Chinese want to come into Africa to loot African
natural resources, and this image, number 4, shows a very clear
picture that it is actually the United States and the Western
countries, but with the United States, the investments in Africa
have been mostly in the mining sector and the Chinese investments
have been very diversified, in construction, manufacturing,
mining, and others, such as agriculture, for example.
We can see also, the next slide, is Britain.  Now, China is
the largest, and people think, is not the largest investor in
Africa, yet.  It’s the United States and Britain which have been
the biggest investors in Africa.  But as we showed the United
States is mostly interested in mining, energy, and metals; and
here we have Britain, you can see the last 10 years of
investments. [“U.K. Foreign Direct Investment Positions in
Africa, 2005-2014”]  And the last two columns in the breakdown
into types of investments: The red one is mining, and the light
blue is in the financial sector, which is also looting Africa’s
financial resources.
So that’s really the picture. And in the final slide in this
group, number 5, we have where the investments of the Import
Export Banks have gone:  The United States has 71% of all loans
from the Exim Bank, although it has been very, very little, but
70% of it is in the mining sector; while China, the greatest
chunk of the Exim Bank investments has been in the transportation
sector.  And of course, there’s mining and energy,
communications, water, and other — very, very important sectors
for Africa’s development.
Now, what we have, in addition to this looting of Africa, we
have the hypocrisy which is very rampant in the West, like in
Europe and the United States, that “we have to help Africa.” Now,
when they talk about “helping Africa” is simply very small relief
projects to keep things as they are.  And they usually talk about
“sustainable development.”  Now, “sustainable development” does
not mean that you build modern technology, technologies that we
have in the United States or in Europe, whether it’s in transport
or power generation; it is absolutely forbidden to support roads,
railways, nuclear power, hydropower — there is nothing like
that.  What they are proposing is simply, as President Obama, as
we show in one of the slides, when he went to Africa, his idea,
he had projects called “Power Africa,” for power generation in
Africa, and we looked at the numbers and you know, the goal of
Obama’s Power Africa is to keep Africa exactly as it is, with
very, very slight changes here and there.  And also what was
being proposed was this idea of using solar energy, which
everybody knows is not efficient to have a modern, industrialized
So this has been a real problem in dealing with Africa.  And
as we have seen, that China has completely different idea about
Africa —

ROSS:  Hussein, why don’t we switch over to a clip we have
of President Obama explaining what he thinks about African energy

PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA:  It’s going to be your generation
that suffers the most.  Ultimately, if you think about all the
youth that everybody’s mentioned here in Africa, if everybody’s
raising living standards to the point where everybody’s got a
car, and everybody’s got air conditioning and everybody’s got a
big house, well, the planet will boil over. [end video]

ROSS:  That was President Obama in South Africa.

ASKARY:  And in fact, that’s really revealing, because
that’s his soul speaking, because they consider human beings as a
burden.  Now, the United Nations statistics say that by 2050, the
bulk of the world’s population growth will take place in Africa.
And of the additional 2.5 billion new people, projected to be
born between 2015 and 2050, 1.3 billion will be added in Africa,
which means Africa’s population will reach about 3 billion
people.  Now, for Obama and the Malthusians this is a huge
problem.  But for China, this is a great opportunity!
And if we look, in 2015, which is very interesting, a
complete contrast with what Obama’s saying, when President Xi
Jinping went to South Africa, the same place where Obama was
speaking, in December 2015 at the Forum on China-Africa
Cooperation (FOCAC), this is slide number 10, President Xi
Jinping said something very interesting, which is really the
spirit of the New Paradigm: What he told the African leaders is,
I quote, “Industrialization is an inevitable path to a country’s
economic success.  Within a short span of several decades, China
has accomplished what took developed countries hundreds of years
to accomplish and put in place a complete industrial system with
an enormous productive capacity.” And then he continues and says,
“It is entirely possible for Africa, as the world’s most
promising region in terms of development potential, to bring into
play its advantages and achieve great success.  The achievement
of inclusive and sustainable development within Africa, hinges on
industrialization, which holds the key to creating jobs,
eradicating poverty, and improving people’s living standards.”
Now, wow!  What a contrast!  President Xi Jinping said that
by using modern technology as scientific development, we have
achieved miracles in China and this really applies to Africa,
too, as developing nations.  And he means it.  So the Chinese now
have turned the whole idea of :sustainable development” upside
down.  What people think in Europe and the United States about
sustainable development means, pumps for water, the small solar
panels — no!  China’s talking about [industrialization] and it’s
also the latest, the state-of-the-art technology available.
Because this is also interesting from a economic-scientific
standpoint, because what China experienced that instead of going
back to square one, going back to the industrialization process
where the United States and Europe started, with the steam engine
— no, you start not with that, you start with the best
technology available today, and that’s high-speed railway for
example.  The same thing applies to Africa.

ROSS:  You know, Hussein, you and I were both at a
conference in November in Germany, in Bad Soden, and one of the
speakers there was a Chinese professor He Wenping, who gave some
talks about Chinese approach towards Africa.  And since you’re
bringing up what China’s policy is, why don’t run a short clip of
what she had to say, to hear it from a Chinese person directly?

DR. HE WINPING:  But now, I think One Belt, One Road is
entering 2.0 version–that is, now facing all the countries in
the world. As President Xi Jinping mentioned to the Latin
American countries, “you are all welcome to join the Belt and
Road.” In the Chinese “40 Minutes,” Xi said, all the African
continent is now on the map of the One Belt, One Road, the whole
African continent, especially after the May Belt and Road Summit
in Beijing had taken place. …
China’s One Belt, One Road initiative is relevant to
countries, their own development strategy. For example, Ethiopia.
Ethiopia has now been named as the “next China” on the African
continent. It’s not my invention, these words–many scholars have
been published talking about which country in Africa is going to
be the China in Africa, which means, developing faster! Faster
and leading other countries forward. Most of them refer to
Ethiopia has now reached an GDP growth rate, last year, as
high as 8%…
So very quickly, let’s move to Africa. In Africa, we have
commitment, that is the FOCAC, the full name is the Forum on
China-Africa Cooperation. This forum was established in 2000, and
every three years there is a FOCAC meeting. The FOCAC meeting in
2015 took place in Johannesburg, South Africa. In that meeting,
President Xi Jinping joined the meeting, put forward ten
cooperation plans, and pledged the money–as high as $60
billion–to cover all ten areas: industrialization, agriculture,
infrastructure, finance, environmental protection, and more.
The Belt and Road is very good for Africa’s job creation. A
lot of money has been earmarked to use for the industrialization
of Africa. Let me just highlight in my last two minutes, the two
areas, like two engines–like in an airplane, if you want to take
off, you need two engines: One is industrialization, another is
infrastructure. Without good infrastructure, there’s no basis for
industrialization–short of electricity, short of power, short of
roads, and then it’s very hard to make industry take off.
We have done a lot. Africa now is rising. Before, Africa was
regarded as a hopeless continent, more than 15 years ago. But
now, with kite flying over, now it’s Africa’s rising time….
Just to show you another infrastructure map: the Mombasa to
Nairobi railway that was just finished at the end of May. We are
going to build the second phase, from Nairobi all the way to
Malaba in Uganda, and then that’s an East African Community
network. When this railway was finished–this is President Uhuru
Kenyatta, saying this laid the foundation for industrialization.
This shows people celebrating this railway connection, and this
shows a man holding a paper saying “Comfortable, convenient, very
soft, safe, and very beautiful.” And here, very beautiful at 100
years old, a grandmother. [applause] [end video]

ASKARY:  Yes, that’s the spirit, that’s the spirit of things
that are happening in Africa, which is fantastic.  But it’s also
a certain projection of the happiness of the Chinese people and
their leadership in what they have achieved in their own country.
So China’s saying, we have done this ourselves, you can do it,
and we are committed to offering you everything we have achieved,
so you can also achieve yours.  It’s a win-win policy:  It’s good
for you, it’s good for us.
It’s completely different from what we have seen in the
Western policy, which hopefully will change — what we mentioned
about President Macron, what he had said is really shocking for
me, too. And you see that the New Paradigm, it changes people’s
souls.  And this is very, very important that we are becoming
more human than before, with these great achievements
So in any case, what we do in this report is, we took for
example, if you look at slide 12, this is a map which the African
Union put together in the Lagos Plan of Action in 1982.  But
nothing has been done.  This is for highways.  Now, we don’t
prefer to have trucks travelling 10,000km from north to south; we
prefer more high-speed railway, standard gauge railways, and so
on.  But this is the kind of vision which existed, but it was
never implemented.
Our vision of connecting the whole African continent, and
also with the so-called Middle East, that this could be done now.
We also believe that the Chinese intention is the same: To
integrate all of the African nations, the populations and the
natural resources of these nations, and utilize them for the
development of Africa itself.  Now, in 2014, which is my next
slide [slide 13], the Prime Minister of China, Li Keqiang, went
on a tour in Africa.  This picture is his meeting with the
leaders of the East African Community, which Professor He Wenping
just mentioned in her speech in the video you showed.  He told
the African leaders that China’s intention is to help connect all
the African capitals with high-speed railway.  One interesting
thing which the Africans themselves say, is that when the Chinese
want to do something here economically, when they want to help,
they are not like the Europeans.  The President of Uganda said,
they don’t come here with lessons in democracy; they come here to
build things, they are not lecturing us.  This is very
interesting because China is not imposing anything on any nation.
It’s inviting others and offering its capabilities.  This was in
May 2014, and in just three years, we have the first standard
gauge railway which is in the next slide [slide 14]; Uhuru
Kenyatta, very proud, inaugurating the railway from Mombasa to
Kenya.  There was a British line which was called the Lunatic
train, which was very slow, but it was designed to loot African
wealth.  And also the Djibouti to Addis Ababa railway was built,
also in three years in record time, and so on and so forth.  So,
China is winning African hearts and minds by doing these
investments, but doing them in record time and with no
conditionalities involved.
In addition of course, some of the mega-projects which we
are demanding be built and encouraging being built in Africa with
China’s help, for example we have in slide 15 the Transaqua
Project, which is an Italian-designed project to both refill Lake
Chad, which is drying up and threatening 30 million people’s
lives with drought.  To bring just 5% of the water of the
tributaries of the Congo River to Lake Chad through an artificial
canal.  But at the same time, connect East and West Africa with
railway and roads to open these countries, which are Rwanda,
Burundi, and Eastern Congo, the Central African Republic, Chad,
and so on.  These nations need outlets to world markets and also
to import useful machines and so on.  So, we have been
propagating, as the Schiller Institute, for many years and trying
to get the European Union and the United States to support this
project; but they rejected it.  Now China is proposing to start
looking at this project, and a Memorandum of Understanding was
signed with the Lake Chad Commission to have a feasibility study
of this project; which is a huge project, but it will transform
large parts of Africa, not because of the water itself, but
because of the old infrastructure involved in the central part of
Africa.  The next slide [slide 15] outlines the impact area of
this whole project.  It will create massive agro-industrial
centers in that part of Africa which is suffering the most.  The
biggest migration from Africa is from these regions into Europe.
But instead of having all those young people drowning in the
Mediterranean, trying to flee to Europe looking for a decent
life, they can stay in their countries now and build their
countries by giving them the tools to do that.
Of course, there are also other projects, but what’s
interesting about the Belt and Road is that it’s also inspiring,
not just helping countries, but inspiring countries to undertake
plans which have been dormant for many years.  But now the time
has come; for example, the new Suez Canal project.  There is also
connecting to Europe from Morocco, which is the next slide [slide
16]; building a tunnel under the Strait of Gibraltar, connecting
Morocco and Spain; and building a high-speed railway, the first
high-speed railway in Africa is being built now in Morocco.
There are new ports being built, and also a scientific,
industrial city being built in cooperation with China.  We have
another connection between Africa and Europe; we have still not
given up on Europe.  We want Europe to its and technological
potential to contribute to this project and help itself by
contributing to Africa’s development.  We have the Sicily to
Tunis tunnel and bridge connection to connect North Africa also
to Europe; this is a mega-project, and so on and so forth.  We
have also the Grand Inga Dam which China is now interested in
building on the Congo River, which will produce a huge amount of
hydropower — 40,000MW of power — which is twice as big as the
biggest dam in the world which the Chinese built in China; the
Three Gorges Dam.  The Inga Dam, or series of dams, will be twice
as big as the Chinese Three Gorges Dam, and a Chinese company has
made an offer to the government of the Democratic Republic of
Congo; and there’s also a counterbid by a Spanish company.
People should read the report; they should look at all the
content and try to understand it with a completely new eye.  The
eye of the New Paradigm, which I think is very important.  In
conclusion, what I wanted to say initially, is that as we have in
the last slide [slide 19] is this region which people call the
Middle East; we call is Southwest Asia.  It has been a horrific
scene for the worst results of geopolitics and power politics.
Regime change in Libya; regime change in Iraq; attempted regime
change in Syria supporting terrorist groups.  We have a horrible
war in Yemen which should end immediately.  It’s the worst
humanitarian catastrophe in the world right now, taking place in
Yemen.  You look at this region and say “How could this region
get out of this Hell?”  This is what Helga Zepp-LaRouche said:
This year we should kill geopolitics.  We should end geopolitics.
The idea that nations have to undermine other nations; that
nations are in competition with each other; that you have to
weaken your adversaries; you have to undermine them, you have to
kill them, you have to ruin their economy, destroy their
infrastructure, so you can become a winner.  That ideology is not
really human.  This has to end now and be replaced by the
“win-win” idea, which is the more human kind of idea.  The
potential for enormous development exists in this region.  It’s
the crossroads of the continents.  Both the Belt and the Road
pass through there.  Forty percent of world trade passes through
there.  You have natural resources, you have human resources, you
have rivers; you have every element necessary to have a massive
development process in this region, which will be the basis for
establishing peace among the nations of this region and also the
big powers.  If the United States joins Russia and China in
developing this region, this would be the biggest test for
mankind.  Of course, Africa is very important, but we have things
happening in Africa.  But, we still have a horrible situation in
Southwest Asia, which can lead into new and maybe bigger wars
than before.  Therefore, I think what Helga is saying that if we
use the Belt and Road idea, the idea of “win-win”, to crush
geopolitics, this would be victory not only for the countries of
this region; this will be a victory for all humankind.

ROSS:  Absolutely!  It’s a victory for a concept of mankind.
One example that comes to mind is Yemen.  Yemen is under constant
Saudi bombardment; they’ve been victims of a war by the Saudis
for some time now.  Yemen has a very powerful movement within it
for integration with the BRICS; a real sense of “Hey!  Even
though our conditions right now are what they are, this is our
future; and we’ve got to have that future in mind.  That’s what
we’re going to make happen.”
You think about the economic potential of Africa, and as you
said, it’s so clear, it’s so obvious the economic potential in
West Asia and Africa.  Geopolitics is what has prevented this
development.  It’s not that Africa didn’t get the help that it
needed; China is showing that it’s an obvious thing to do.  It
was a deliberate decision to prevent development and to hold
Africa back for the purposes — as you described — of looting.
A couple of examples that you brought up, just to bring out the
contrast a little bit more: You brought up the Grand Inga Dam
which would be located in the Democratic Republic of Congo; one
of the poorest, most energy-poor per capita, very low energy
availability.  It’s got the perfect site for a hydroelectric dam
complex, making enough electricity for tens of millions of
people.  The World Bank pulls out funding on it, because it’s a
big project which of course, they’re not going to touch because
it would have a major development impact.
What I’d like to actually show is another voice from Africa.
Professor He Wenping had mentioned that Ethiopia is sort of the
China of Africa, and other African diplomats will say this as
well; that Addis Ababa is sort of the unofficial capital of
Africa.  I don’t know if everyone in Africa agrees with that.
But I’d like to hear from Dr. Alexander Demissie, who also spoke
at the Schiller Institute conference in November, and hear from
him from a direct African perspective, what the impact of Chinese
investment has been and what the future can be in Africa.
DR. ALEXANDER DEMISSIE:  So today, what I’m trying to
discuss with you, or to present to you, is what is actually this
Belt and Road Initiative and how is that connected to Africa?
What kind of long-term impacts when we talk about the Belt and
Road Initiative and Africa?
So, this is a map [Fig. 1] I always present when I do
presentations, and I ask people, “What do you see here?”  It’s a
very simple question.  But what do you see here?  Yes, you should
see something.  So, it’s a rhetorical question; I’m not expecting
you to answer me.  But it takes usually several minutes until
people realize what they see here.  You see the absence of the
American continent; that’s what you see here.  The absence of the
American continent.  By saying this, you see that the Belt and
Road Initiative, the Chinese version of the Belt and Road
Initiative, is absolutely Eurasian-oriented; meaning that
starting in China, it is primarily Eurasian-oriented.  The idea
of the Belt and Road Initiative — probably even your idea back
in the ’70s — is the Land-Bridge that we have been discussing
yesterday and today.  Within this picture or map, you will see
also Africa.  Africa is prominent, Africa is not entirely in the
center, but on the left side; and it should be part of the Belt
and Road idea.  It’s primarily an infrastructural undertaking, so
the Belt and Road Initiative we don’t have yet political
institutionalization.  We have infrastructural ideas, we have
corridors; but we don’t have yet political institutions.  If we
talk about the Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank or the Silk
Road Bank, these are just connected to infrastructure; they are
not political ideas.  And interestingly, this idea fits perfectly
into the current African needs.  What are the current African
needs?  The current Africa need is infrastructure development.
Africa wants infrastructure and the aspiration — I’m going back
here to the Agenda 2063, that has also coincidentally been coming
up 2013 together with the Belt and Road Initiative.  Africa wants
a good infrastructure connection, a good internal
interconnectivity.  So, the idea coming from China is perfectly
fitting into the idea actually happening or discussed within the
Africa continent.
We see now an actor coming in.  China is an actor coming in
and literally taking or doing part of those needed works.  This
is a huge — at least from the African perspective — this is a
huge plus for many African countries.  The idea of the Belt and
Road Initiative, which is actually coming only in 2013; we see
that it is helping what has been taking place on the continent
between China and African countries since the year 2000.  We see
this that China has clearly declared that they would like to see
Chinese-African cooperation moving into development of highways,
regional aviation networks, or industrialization.  Also we see
that China has been given a lot of clarity to the African Union’s
infrastructure development for Africa.  This program has
approximately 51 different programs, and this is translated into
400 different physical projects.  I speak about ports, and
streets, and telecommunication lines, whatever you require for a
nation to function, or for a continent to function.
What we see in Africa now is that since at least two years,
there is a growing corridorization in the China-Africa
relationship.  As corridorization, I mean that not single
countries are any more important, but entire regions are becoming
more important for China.  This is a huge departure from a
single, bilateral country-based approach towards corridor
development.  If you look at Africa corridors, the map on the
right [Fig. 2], we see right now as we speak today, there are
around 33 different corridors that have either been developed, or
are under development, or are thought out and need to be
developed.  Corridors do nothing else than combine two different
areas, and by doing so also creating a development initiative, a
development paradigm.
Let’s go to East Africa.  So now, this is Africa; I’m aware
that the plans for these things have been in the drawer for a
long time.  We know also that a lot of American research
institutes played a very good role in creating those plans in the
’50s and ’60s, especially in Ethiopia.  The Grand Renaissance Dam
that is being built in Ethiopia, goes back to American scientists
that have been creating those ideas in the ’60s.  It’s being
built already now.  So, a lot of ideas in East Africa have been
already on the table for decades, but no one was able or willing
to pay for it.  But now a lot of money is coming out of China, so
these infrastructure — and how this can change the life of the
people is easily described.  The transportation of cargo from the
Djibouti port to Addis Ababa used to take three days.  Now, with
the train, it’s already 10 hours.  So now we can imagine what
kind of economic activity will happen to this one corridor
development, or one infrastructure within this community. [end

ROSS:  I just wanted to read another short excerpt from
Alexander Demissie.  Towards the end of his presentation, he
said, “The problem as I see it, is that the traditional partners
are still in the old paradigm of thinking.  They still think with
traditional assumptions.  Africa is seen as an aid-dependent
continent; not a continent full of opportunities.  It is still
seen with the wrong mindset.  This is one of the biggest
problems, and it has to change.”
So, I think our report does a very thorough job of
addressing the whole gamut of issues here.  What the historical
errors have been, or not errors, but cruelties or injustices that
have occurred towards Africa, towards Southwest Asia with the use
of geopolitics, with the use of looting rather than development.
As well as what some of the ideas are today that hold back the
potential for development.  The ways that environmentalism is
used; the ways that there shouldn’t be any net growth of the
human species are used.  This is the basis, for example, for the
World Bank refusing any loans to coal or to large hydro plants.
But you’re not going to develop a continent with solar panels, as
much as Obama might have wanted to have done that.
The other issues are in regards to economics.  That there is
this prevailing and totally wrong view about economics that looks
for financial returns as being the metric; as opposed to going
beyond GDP and saying how are we changing life expectancies?  How
are we changing productive potential?  What’s the long-term value
of helping a nation to develop in a partnership?  This is the
sort of thing.  So, the report goes through all of this; it goes
through what the specific projects are that are needed.  It goes
through something that’s very important for policymakers — how
to finance it.  How the hopes of trying to get investment, of
trying to get loans from private banks for these big projects;
it’s simply not going to fly.  The use of national banking, as
China has done both domestically as well as with its ExIm Bank
with these two large rail projects in Africa in particular in
Kenya and the Addis Ababa to Djibouti railroad.
So, I think we’ve heard from China, we’ve heard from
Southwest Asia, we’ve heard from Africa.  Let me ask you,
Hussein, if you have any words that you would like to direct
towards our American viewers.  What would you tell Americans?
What should we be doing?

ASKARY:  Exactly!  I had also in mind to say that, because
we need to hear from Americans.  I don’t think it’s a good idea
that the United States is not on the map of the Belt and Road;
but I think a different United States should be involved.  I’m
very sure that if President Franklin Roosevelt, President
Kennedy, Dr. Martin Luther King must be very happy now for what
is now already starting to happen in Africa.  They might feel
sorry for the lost time, but I’m sure they are happy.  Americans
should look back at that best of American tradition and work with
ideas of Lyndon LaRouche and the LaRouche PAC and LaRouche’s
associates, because the United States will not become great again
with the team that President Trump has.  America will be great
again with the ideas that the LaRouche PAC, the ideas of Franklin
Roosevelt, the Hamiltonian idea of a national credit system,
rather than depending on Wall Street.  These things will make
America great again, but it also will help the United States to
have a completely different policy in the world; which will make
the people around the world see the United States with completely
different eyes.  Right now, the United States is not so liked
around the world; not because of Trump, but because of previous
administrations’ war policies, their hypocrisy.  As you showed in
Obama’s case, their policies would lead to genocide.  So, the
United States is not really a popular country around the world,
but this can shift.  In order for that shift to happen, there
should be a shift inside the United States in the mind and the
soul of the American people.  I’m sure the kind of work you are
doing in LaRouche PAC would help greatly.

OGDEN:  And that’s exactly what we are doing with this
campaign to win the future statement.  As I said in the beginning
of the show, we’re initiating a national mobilization to bring
together all of the constituent layers — regardless of party,
political orientation — around a vision of economic development
for the United States and for the world.  If you just imagine the
kind of way that the world could be transformed in the next 15 or
20 years with what China has begun doing in Africa; something
that people thought was impossible.  They just disregarded Africa
and said well, this is just where you’re going to have
impoverishment and backwardness.  Now, this could seriously
become a hub of development for the planet.  But take that and
extend it across the Bering Strait into the Americas; have a rail
link between Eurasia and North America.  Then imagine an entire
development corridor down through the central part of North
America, through the heartland, the farm country in the Midwest;
down through Mexico, across the Darien Gap into Central and South
America.  Then also, extend the Maritime Silk Road to the
Caribbean.  That vision of what could happen in the Western
Hemisphere is the extension of the sort of optimism that you now
see China bringing to Africa.
So, as I said, I think it’s the great moral test.  Emmanuel
Macron was absolutely right; he said it’s a moral challenge what
the nations of the world do to collaborate to bring development
to the African continent.  I think we can be very happy that it’s
because of the leadership over decades of the LaRouche movement,
of you Hussein.  What you’ve been doing; what you did to
collaborate with Jason to put together this extraordinary Special
Report.  I know that this is being listened to in the highest
levels of power across the African continent and in Southwest
Asia; we have evidence of that.  The invitation that you
received, Hussein, from the Egyptian Transportation Ministry, and
other examples.  So, we have to proceed with that kind of
confidence that we are, indeed, shaping the policy for the
So, let me put on the screen one more time; this is the
vision of an economic renaissance — this is the Special Report
that Jason and Hussein collaborated in authoring.  That is
available; you can find the link to that on the screen here —
LPAC.CO/ExtendedSilkRoad.  It’s a very thorough, book-length
Special Report.  This is something that is not just important for
the African leaders and for China.  This is something that is
very important for the United States.  This is something that we
should be considering when we talk about what is US foreign
policy, and those disgraceful graphics about the plummeting of US
investment into Africa over the course of the last eight years
during the Obama administration.  That needs to be reversed; and
it needs to be reversed by bringing the United States and China
into a “win-win” collaboration for the development of these
We are going to proceed with this campaign to win the
future.  And we’re asking you to endorse this, to join our
mobilization, and to make sure that this becomes the policy
parameter for the 2018 election.  None of the melodrama, not the
soap operas, not all of the secondary and tertiary issues.  These
are the questions which will determine the future of the United
States and the survival of our country and what our role is in
respect to this New Paradigm that we’ve just been discussing on
the show today.
So, again, we have 11 days between now and President Trump’s
State of the Union address.  We are putting these two items on
the agenda.  The United States must adopt LaRouche’s Four
Economic Laws, and the United States must join the New Silk Road.
So, Hussein, is there anything that you want to say in
conclusion before we end this show today?  Any special messages
for our viewers, both in the United States and internationally?

ASKARY:  I think it’s a great opportunity for people now to
get this report, take to themselves the scientific, even
philosophical and other ideas that are in the report which are
necessary.  As you said, it’s for everyone; it’s not only for
Africans.  I think the main target of the report should be
Europeans and Americans, because we need these kinds of ideas
more than at any time before.  We have problems here in Europe
with the infrastructure, with unemployment.  You have massive
problems in the United States.  You need to have these ideas for
your own sake, too; but there is enormous potential that exists
in Europe and the United States that could be revived.  But that
has to be done in the right way; and the right way was outlined
by Mr. LaRouche, but we put it in very clear terms in this
report.  I hope people will get the report and learn something
and push the policymakers in the United States to also do the

OGDEN:  Wonderful.  Thank you very much, Hussein, for
joining us.  And thank you to Jason for joining me here.  I think
we have a lot more to come.  So, a very exciting report here
today.  Help us circulate this video; send it out to everybody
that you know; share it on social media.  Let’s get these ideas
to permeate the United States.  Thank you very much and please
stay tuned to larouchepac.com.

»Tiden er inde til at lukke britiske
imperieoperationer ned«
Helga Zepp-LaRouche i ugentlig
international webcast. pdf og video

Så vil jeg gerne sige noget om de subjektive grunde til, at jeg, på trods af alle disse farer, er fundamentalt meget optimistisk: Og der er ikke er nogen pointe i at være bekymret. Man må have en vision for, hvor man med sit liv vil bidrage til forbedringen af den menneskelige race. Jeg har en vision, der ikke er helt identisk med Xi Jinpings, men min vision er også meget lig min mands, med hvem jeg i 40 år har arbejdet på dette, at vi har en verden, hvor hvert enkelt menneske på denne planet kan få et anstændigt liv, kan opnå at opfylde hele det potentiale, som det enkelte menneske har, og at menneskeheden kan blive voksen! Vi kan gå tilbage til de værdier, der er karakteristiske for den Amerikanske Revolution, for den Tyske Klassik, for den Italienske Renæssance og andre af kulturens højdepunkter. Jeg er forhåbningsfuld mht., at vi kan få en kulturel renæssance for klassisk musik, klassisk poesi, og eftersom Kina allerede er på denne kurs ved at genoplive den konfutsianske tradition og lægger stor vægt på klassisk kultur og videnskabelige gennembrud, mener jeg, at Vesten virkelig bør gentænke, hvad vore bidrag til universalhistoriens fremme var, og dernæst genoplive dem og få en dialog mellem kulturer med alle landes bedste traditioner.

Jeg mener, at dette er menneskets natur.


Download (PDF, Unknown)



Amerikas udbytte af at gå med i den Nye Silkevej: Optimisme

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, USA, 17. jan., 2018 – Inkarnerede medieseere i USA er relativt sikre på, hvad der vil ske i den nærmeste fremtid: Regeringen går af; millioner af lovende, unge mennesker bliver deporteret; en epidemi af mere og mere potente opiater vil slå et voksende antal millioner amerikanere ihjel, elektronisk overvågning af alle, hele tiden, vil fortsætte i det uendelige; præsident Trumps planlagte $1 bio. store initiativ for at bygge ny infrastruktur vil ikke ske; krige vil fortsætte i Afghanistan, Mellemøsten og Afrika, og vi vil sandsynligvis gå i krig med Rusland i Europa eller over Nordkorea i Asien.

Erhvervsfolk har deres egen version: De kan ikke finde faglært arbejdskraft til at besætte deres ledige jobs; men de hæver alligevel ikke lønnen, fordi de er usikre på, hvad der sker, når aktie- og låneboblen brister.

Sammen med masseskyderier og periodiske terrorangreb er dette blev amerikaneres, og europæeres, »informerede forventninger«. Tingene er gået virkelig galt siden århundredeskiftet – og især siden finanskrakket i 2007-08 – og pessimisme er således dagens orden.

Schiller Instituttets stifter Helga Zepp-LaRouche, som har stor erfaring med Kina og er en intellektuel ophavsmand til instituttets politik for den »Nye Silkevej«, påpeger, at forventningerne i Kina er helt anderledes. Forventningerne her er økonomisk vækst, afslutning af fattigdom, ikke alene dér, men også i meget fattige lande, at se teknologiske vidundere og ny infrastruktur, at opleve kulturelt samarbejde med andre lande og mulighederne for fred; og endda – husker I, da millioner af amerikanere drømte om dette? – udforskning af Månen og Solsystemet.

Hun påpeger, at den voksende indflydelse, som Kinas Bælte & Vej Initiativ har – og som senest har tiltrukket den franske præsident Emmanuel Macron – er en indflydelse for optimisme og en fornemmelse af at have en mission, og ikke blot »praktiske« aftaler om at bygge højhastigheds-jernbaner, selv om disse også kan sprede en kulturel optimisme med hensyn til fremtiden.

Denne mission er afgørende for at være optimistisk. Et finanskrak af »alting-boblen« er rent faktisk på vej, og det med sikkerhed. Men, ved at genindføre Glass/Steagall-bankopdelingsloven, kan vi med lethed bringe banksystemet og økonomien igennem det og øge kredit til at udvide reel økonomisk produktivitet. Der findes metoder, som har stået deres prøve i amerikansk historie, til at få kredit dirigeret til de store infrastrukturprojekter og de banebrydende teknologier, vi behøver, og endda et forceret program for opnåelse af fusionskraft.

Det, der er vigtigt, er at erkende, at Kinas mission for Bælte & Vej Initiativet for stormagter, vendt mod verden, er en succesfuld mission, og at gå med i den. Kernen, som er præsidenterne Donald Trumps, Xi Jinpings og Vladimir Putins samarbejde for at afslutte 20 års permanent krig, findes stadig.

LaRouche PAC og Schiller Instituttet har lagt en klar plan for en mission. For det første, stop briternes og amerikanske imperiefraktioners og efterretningsvæseners planlagte kup mod Trump. Efter at have påført dette kup et tilbageslag gennem massecirkulation af vores »Mueller-dossier«, så cirkulér dernæst Lyndon LaRouches økonomiske politikker med de »Fire Love«, for at genoprette amerikansk produktivitet og få Amerika klar til at gå med i en ny Marshallplan i Bælte & Vej Initiativet.

Dette er de reelt informerede forventninger for landets nærmeste fremtid.

Foto: Præsident Donald J. Trump deltager i ceremonier i marken i 2018 College Football Playoff National Championship. 8. januar, 2018. (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)

»Tiden er inde til at lukke britiske imperieoperationer ned«
Helga Zepp-LaRouche Nyt Paradigme
Webcast, tors. 18. jan. kl. 18 dansk tid










I en artikel i Consortium News den 11. jan., skrev Ray McGovern, leder af Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) og tidligere højtplaceret efterretningsanalytiker hos CIA, at det er åbenlyst for alle, undtagen dem, der er forblindede af deres had til præsident Trump, at et »blødt kup« er i gang, dirigeret af britisk efterretning og deres amerikanske allierede, med det formål at drive ham ud af embedet. Formålet med dette »regimeskifte« i USA er at bevare dets koordinatorers geopolitiske rænkespil selv, når det betyder at sætte verden på en kurs mod atomkrig. Sidste uges »missilvarsel« på Hawaii bør være en påmindelse om, hvor faretruende tæt vi er på en atomar udslettelse.

Schiller Instituttet har fået selskab af VIPS-ledere i afsløringen af dette kup, med flere nylige, offentlige begivenheder i New York City. I sin artikel påpeger McGovern, hvilken betydning den »tidligere« MI6-agent Steeles svindelagtige dossier har haft i udførelsen af dette kup. McGovern opfordrer Kongressen til at tage sagen op med denne »J. Edgar Hoover-stil afpresning på steroider, som er blevet mulig gennem overvågning af stort set alt og alle …« Med flere beviser for FBI-korruption, der vælder frem, siger han, at »Russiagate er ved at blive til FBI-gate«.

At gøre en ende på Russiagates svindelagtige angreb, der som sit mål ikke alene har Trump, men også lederne af Rusland og Kina, ville åbne døren for USA’s fulde samarbejde med Bælte & Vej Initiativet. Det ville gøre en ende på æraen for imperial konfrontations-geopolitik, hvilket er, hvad Kinas præsident Xi mener, når han taler om »win-win«-samarbejde.

Fr. Zepp-LaRouche vil give os en strategisk opdatering af fremskridt i denne proces, og hvad der er nødvendigt for at opnå dette ønskværdige resultat, i denne uges webcast.

Invitation til seminar med Hussein Askary,
medforfatter af Schiller Instituttets nye
Specialrapport, »Forlæng den Nye Silkevej
til Vestasien og Afrika«

Tiden er nu inde til, at Danmark, resten af Europa og USA aktivt tilslutter sig Kinas Bælte & Vej Initiativ og tager del i den økonomiske udvikling af Vestasien og Afrika. Dette ville ligeledes være en konstruktiv respons til immigrationen fra disse områder, såvel som også til terrorismen.

Schiller Instituttet og Executive Intelligence Review (EIR) inviterer dig hermed til at deltage i et seminar med fokus på vores nye rapport:

»Forlæng den Nye Silkevej til Vestasien og Afrika«

Dato: mandag, 5. februar, 2018

Tid. Kl. 19:00

Sted: Valby Kulturhus, lokale 3, 3. sal

Valgårdsvej 4-8

2500 Valby

(ved Valby Station)

Fri entré.

(Mødet afholdes på engelsk; dansk tolkning er muligt.)

International gæstetaler: Hussein Askary, medforfatter af rapporten; koordinator for Vestasien for Schiller Instituttet og EIR’s redaktør for arabiske anliggender.





Taler: Tom Gillesberg, formand for Schiller Instituttet i Danmark; EIR’s bureauchef i Danmark og tidligere kandidat til Københavns borgmester med sloganet, »København skal med i den Nye Silkevej«.







Feride Istogu Gillesberg: 25 12 50 33 eller 35 43 00 33

Michelle Rasmussen: 53 57 00 51 eller 35 43 00 33 eller si@schillerinstitut.dk

Om seminaret:

Kinas Nye Silkevejsprojekt er i færd med at frigøre det utrolige vækstpotentiale, der findes i Afrika og Vestasien. Dette seminar vil præsentere nogle af de væsentlige aspekter i Schiller Instituttets nye rapport: »Forlæng den Nye Silkevej til Vestasien (Mellemøsten) og Afrika: En vision for en økonomisk renæssance«.

Rapporten forklarer projekter, der er foreslået, og dem, der er under opførelse og kommer med forslag til et nyt niveau for konnektivitet og økonomisk infrastruktur for området. Den diskuterer ligeledes det nødvendige, videnskabelig-økonomiske livssyn og de metoder til finansiering, der kræves for at virkeliggøre disse programmer.

Den fremtidsvision for Sydvestasien og Afrika, der præsenteres her, er af en helt anden karakter end noget, læseren har modtaget fra de almene mediers eller tænketankes beskrivelser af disse to områder.

Her følger et uddrag af introduktionen:

»Gennem Bælte & Vej Initiativet (BVI) tilbyder Kina resten af verden sin knowhow, erfaring og teknologi, støttet af et finansielt arsenal på $3 bio. Dette er en stor mulighed for Vestasien og Afrika til at virkeliggøre drømmene fra æraen efter Anden Verdenskrig, drømme, der desværre er blevet saboteret i årtier. Det dramatiske infrastrukturunderskud både nationalt og interregionalt i Vestasien og Afrika kan, ironisk nok, i dette nye lys anses for en stor mulighed. Selvom mange andre industrinationer i Europa, Asien og de amerikanske lande har teknologiske og arbejdskraftkapaciteter ligesom dem i Kina, så mangler de visionen og den politiske vilje til at anvende disse kapaciteter, og til at finansiere deres anvendelse. Eftersom Vestasien og Afrika i kombination er et så strategisk vigtigt område for både Øst og Vest, er det således et perfekt sted til at bringe kapaciteterne i verdens nationer ind i et konkret projekt for fredeligt samarbejde og udvikling.«

Schiller Instituttet og Executive Intelligence Review, samt dets stiftere og internationale ledere, Lyndon LaRouche og Helga Zepp-LaRouche, har ført kampagne for, at Europa og USA aktivt skal tilslutte sig Bælte & Vej Initiativet, siden dettes begyndelse i 2013. Schiller Instituttet har leveret de fundamentale, konceptuelle principper, som blev udviklet efter Berlinmurens fald og Sovjetunionens kollaps, der gav verden en gylden mulighed for fred gennem udvikling. På trods af afvisning fra den vestlige politiske og finansielle elites side, så fortsatte vi med at føre en international kampagne for dets vedtagelse.

I øjeblikket omfatter BVI’s økonomiske alliance 70 lande i Asien, Afrika, Øst- og Sydeuropa, og Syd- og Mellemamerika.

Tiden er nu inde til, at Danmark, resten af Europa og USA aktivt tilslutter sig Kinas Bælte & Vej Initiativ og tager del i den økonomiske udvikling af Vestasien og Afrika. Dette ville ligeledes være en konstruktiv respons til immigrationen fra disse områder, såvel som også terrorismen.

I denne sammenhæng vil seminaret også udforske den internationale, strategiske betydning af den franske præsident Macrons udtalelse, den 8. januar, om, at Frankrig fuldt og helt vil gå sammen med Kina for at bygge den Nye Silkevej, samt handle for at få hele Europa med om bord. Dette sender nu chokbølger igennem hele verden, idet det repræsenterer en politisk vending. Macron sagde bl.a. i sin tale:

»Jeg mener, at det Nye Silkevejsinitiativ kan imødekomme vore interesser, Frankrigs og Europas, hvis vi giver os selv midlerne til virkelig at arbejde sammen. Silkevejene var trods alt aldrig rent kinesiske … disse veje er altid fælles. Og, hvis de er ruter, kan de ikke kun være ensrettede. De må gå frem og tilbage. Jeg er således rede til at arbejde hen imod de annoncerede mål. Programmerne for veje, jernbaner, lufthavne, maritim og teknologi langs Silkevejene kan bibringe respons til infrastrukturunderskuddet … At gøre vore finansielle resurser fælles, offentlige såvel som private, til projekter på tværs af grænser kan styrke konnektiviteten mellem Europa og Asien og videre endnu, til Mellemøsten og Afrika … Det er op til Frankrig, og med Frankrig, op til Europa at bidrage med sin egen forestillingsevne til dette forslag, og at arbejde på det i de kommende måneder og år.«

Macron hyldede Kinas arbejde i Afrika og opfordrede Europa til at deltage i det, som en konstruktiv respons til sine forbrydelser, begået i sin historie som kolonimagt i Vestasien og Afrika. Vesten må overvinde den »ensidige imperialisme«, som blev ført af Frankrig og andre europæiske magter i Afrika og andre steder, og gå med i det nye paradigme.

Macrons tale har allerede skabt en ny geometri i Europa. Tre dage efter talen meddelte EU’s ambassadør til Kina, Hans Dietmar Schweisgut, at EU vil komme med et forslag til et »udkast til en sammenkobling for det eurasiske kontinent«, der skal sammenflettes med Bælte & Vej Initiativet.

Schiller Instituttet understreger, at tilslutningen til den Nye Silkevej må gå hånd i hånd med en vedtagelse af Lyndon LaRouches Fire Økonomiske Love, for at undgå et nyt finanskrak, værre end i 2008, gennem en Glass/Steagall-bankopdeling og en forøgelse af den nationale produktivitet gennem udstedelse af statslige kreditter til moderne infrastruktur og videnskabeligt og teknologisk fremskridt.

Vi håber, alle vil være i stand til at deltage i dette tankevækkende seminar, hvor der også bliver tid til diskussion.

Rapporten kan købes før eller på seminaret.

En dansk introduktion til rapporten vil ligeledes være tilgængelig.

En detaljeret indholdsfortegnelse og den engelske introduktion til rapporten kan ses her: http://schillerinstitut.dk/si/?p=22868

Se den korte version nedenfor.

Information til bestilling: The Schiller Institute’s Special Report
Extending the New Silk Road to West Asia (Middle East) and Africa:
A Vision of an Economic Renaissance

Af Hussein Askary og Jason Ross.

November, 2017, 246 sider. (A4-format)


Afhentning: 375 DKK; almindelig post: 400 DKK; quick mail: 420 DKK. Elektronisk pdf: 200 DKK

Telefon 53 57 00 51; 35 43 00 33, si@schillerinstitut.dk

Betaling til Schiller Instituttet i Danmark:

Homebanking: 551-5648408

Giro: 564-8408

Eller købes kontant på, før eller efter seminaret.


Indholdsfortegnelse, kort version:

Chapter 2: The Silk Road Reaches Africa
Chapter 3: The Economic Science behind the World Land Bridge

Chapter 4: Financing Regional and National Infrastructure
Chapter 5: Demography and Development
Chapter 6: Integration of West Asia with the New Silk Road
Appendix—Case Study: Syria’s Reconstruction Project Phoenix 103
Chapter 7: Africa — Transport Network Integration
A. The Nile Basin and East Africa
B. Southern Africa
C. West and Central Africa
Chapter 8: Africa — Water Resources Development
Chapter 9: To Power Africa, Go Nuclear!
Chapter 10: Africa — Food Security: Realizing Africa’s Vast Agricultural Potential
Chapter 11: Africa in Space
Chapter 12: Conclusions and Recommendations
Chapter 13: Selection of Proposed Mega Projects in Africa

Dansk:       www.schillerinstitut.dk
English:      www.newparadigm.schillerinstitute.com

Andre sprog: Click here

Schiller Instituttet i Danmark:

Sankt Knuds Vej 11. kld., t.v., 1903 Frederiksberg C.

www.schillerinstitut.dk           si@schillerinstitut.dk

Vi går frem fra et fordelagtigt udgangspunkt:
LaRouche PAC’s 2018 Platform
– »Valgkampagnen for at vinde fremtiden«

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, USA, 16. jan., 2018 – Vi bliver presset fra alle sider, i USA og i den transatlantiske sektor, til at synke ned på et lavpunkt, med hensyn til økonomi, kultur og moral. Under angreb fra dem, der forsvarer City of Londons/Wall Streets døende, monetaristiske system, presses vi til at fiksere på spørgsmål og »emner«, der har til formål at holde vores tankegang fangen, som i en fælde: »Hvad sagde Trump, eller hvad sagde han ikke?« Alt imens kendsgerningerne står klart: Vi må gå med i den Nye Silkevejs impuls for udvikling. USA skal med om bord. LaRouche PAC’s 2018 Platform; »Kampagnen for at vinde fremtiden«, blev udgivet i går for at mobilisere en styrke, der kan få dette til at ske.

En ny erklæring er nu under udarbejdelse, om at bringe den Nye Silkevej til de amerikanske kontinenter. Se på størrelsesordenen af krisen i Caribien og Mellemamerika! Fejlernæring af børn er f.eks. på over 17 % i Caribien. I Haiti er 47 % af børn fejlernærede; 80 % lever i fattigdom. I dele af Mellemamerika ser vi samme billede. Dette er de rene helveder på vores halvkugle.

Der findes ingen måde, hvorpå vi kan »løse« de »dagens spørgsmål«, der er åbenbare i USA – dvs., narkoepidemien, »migranter«, grænsesikkerhed, mistede jobs osv. – uden samtidig også at styrke Caribien, Mellemamerika og Mexico; samt de amerikanske kontinenter i deres helhed.

Det samme kan siges om Afrika, Sydvestasien og Europa. I Subsahara-Afrika har vi en fejlernæringsprocent på 22. Lægehjælp er en sjældenhed. De kampe, der er en følge af den onde politik for »regimeskifte«, har gjort millioner af mennesker fra Nordafrika og Sydvestasien, i Libyen, Irak, Syrien og Yemen, hjemløse. Godt og vel 1 million mennesker har søgt tilflugt i Europa siden 2015. I 2017 druknede flere end 3.000 mennesker, mens de forsøgte at krydse Middelhavet.

Se så på, hvad Kina gør i samarbejde med nationer i Afrika. Foreløbig har man bygget 6.200 km moderne jernbaner, eller de er under konstruktion, sammen med også kraftværker, dæmninger og andre projekter. Den kinesiske udenrigsminister Wang Yi har netop afsluttet en turne til fire afrikanske nationer, hvor flere projekter blev planlagt. Præsident for Asiatisk Infrastruktur-Investeringsbank (AIIB), Jin Liqun, udtalte i denne uge, på toårsdagen for bankens oprettelse, at den vil udvide lån til Afrika og også til Sydamerika. (Se Schiller Instituttets Specialrapport: »Forlæng den Nye Silkevej til Vestasien og Afrika: En vision for en økonomisk renæssance«,  af Hussein Askary[1] og Jason Ross.)

Se så på de amerikanske lande, og på, hvad Kina gør dér. Den 19.-22. jan. vil Wang Li deltage i Sammenslutningen af Latinamerikanske og Caribiske Staters (CELAC) møde for at diskutere udviklingsplaner og øge det strategiske samarbejde mellem de to områder »til et højere niveau«, hvorefter han vil tage på statsbesøg til Chile og Uruguay, der begge er entusiastiske tilhængere af Bælte & Vej Initiativet.

Forestil jer en »rygrad«, der består af en udviklingskorridor, som løber fra Sydamerikas sydligste spids mod nord gennem Darién-gabet (en sump- og skovafbrydelse af den panamerikanske hovedvej mellem Panama og Columbia, -red.) og Mellemamerika, fortsætter mod nord over USA’s og Canadas højsletter og ind i Alaska og videre til Beringstræde-tunnelforbindelsen til Asien og Europa. I USA ville denne nye korridor skabe en vej til at »genbefolke« (med nye byer, industri og landbrug) landbrugsamterne i de centrale, amerikanske stater, som i de seneste år har haft de højeste rater af udvandring, narkomisbrug og selvmord i nationen.

At virkeliggøre udvikling på en sådan skala kan ikke simpelt hen gøres »fra bunden og op«, men kræver derimod prioriterede forsknings- og udviklingsprojekter og lokaliteter, der har evnen til at hæve produktiviteten med en kvantespringsvirkning. Blandt de vigtige centre er centrene for rumraketopsendelse i det ækvatoriale, nordøstlige Sydamerika. I Puerto Rico – som stadig er hjemsøgt efter orkanerne Irma og Maria, samt af manglen på genopbygning – er der mulighed for en »Indfaldshavn til de amerikanske lande« på øens sydkyst ved Ponce, som vil være et knudepunkt på den Nye Silkevej.

Dette storslåede perspektiv for de amerikanske kontinenter blev i dag beskrevet af Helga Zepp-LaRouche, der pointerede, at vi må arbejde ud fra et fordelagtigt udgangspunkt. Fra et økonomisk perspektiv, fra et moralsk perspektiv: positionér jer fra et fordelagtigt udgangspunkt.

[1] Se Husseins Askarys tale (dansk) over samme emne

Regn ikke med Wall Street!
Hvad præsident Trump har
brug for at forstå om økonomi.
pdf og video

Den fremgangsmåde, der er nødvendig, er at opgive denne idé om økonomi; at sige, glem ’tilføjet værdi’, glem ’penge’. Ægte rigdom kommer af at forøge vores magt over naturen, af at forbedre vores levestandard og at opdage mere om universet og om os selv, gennem udvikling af videnskab og udvikling af en skøn kultur. Vi kan få en sådan økonomisk genrejsning; vi kan gå med i dette nye paradigme for økonomisk tankegang, som, baseret på årtiers organisering af LaRouche-parret, nu i vid udstrækning er Kinas politik gennem dets Bælte & Vej Initiativ. Vi kan gå med i dette. Vi kan få en økonomisk genrejsning; men vi bliver nødt til at fortælle præsident Trump: Se ikke hen til Wall Street for en økonomisk genrejsning. Forvent ikke, at $200 mia. i statslig finansiering vil blive imødekommet af en entusiastisk strøm af $1 bio., der strømmer ud fra Wall Street for at genopbygge vandsystemet i Flint, Michigan, blandt andet, eller til oversvømmelseskontrol efter orkaner i Texas; det vil ikke ske. Den eneste måde, vi kan gøre det på, er som en national prioritet, og det er ikke muligt at opnå nogen af disse LaRouches fire politikker uafhængigt af hinanden. De følges ad: Glass-Steagall; statslig bankpraksis; teknologiske snarere end monetære målemetoder til at udfordre økonomisk vækst; og forcerede programmer for at skabe dette næste niveau, som er det sande nettoresultat, den sande, økonomiske aktivitet. Vi har brug for det som et samlet hele, som et nyt koncept for, hvordan økonomi fungerer; i modsat fald vil vi ikke få en økonomisk genrejsning i USA.

Download (PDF, Unknown)



Trump skal have mulighed for at styre USA’s
politik over for Rusland: Vi må knuse
Muellers Russiagate- svindel

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, USA, 15. jan., 2018 – Præsident Trump har vedvarende og gentagent erklæret, at Robert Muellers Russiagate er en svindel; et forsøg på at vælte nationens vilje i præsidentvalget og i flere aspekter et direkte forræderi. Han har ligeledes, i hele sin kampagne og som præsident, om og om igen gentaget, at det, at have venskabelige relationer med Rusland, er en »god ting« og afgørende for en succesfuld amerikansk politik i verden.

Men politikken over for Rusland køres fortsat af andre. Præsident Putin og udenrigsminister Lavrov siger næsten altid, i forbindelse med diverse protester over amerikanske politikker, der er skadelig for Rusland og amerikansk-russiske relationer, at præsident Trump har forpligtet sig til at forbedre relationerne, men at bestræbelserne på at få ham fjernet holder ham tilbage. Dette er sandt, og må hurtigt ændres.

En gennemgang af den russiske udenrigsminister Lavrovs bemærkninger på sin pressekonference ved årets afslutning i dag demonstrerer, hvor meget det haster med, at LaRouche PAC’s kampagne for at afsløre og ødelægge Robert Muellers britiskdirigerede kupforsøg mod Trump og mod Rusland, lykkes.

Idet han pegede på USA’s ulovlige beslaglæggelse af russisk, diplomatisk ejendom i USA; på truslen om, at det succesfulde samarbejde i Syrien for at besejre ISIS nu forvandles til en opdeling af Syrien eller et fuldskala regimeskifte; på udvidelsen af NATO-militærstyrker til Ruslands grænser; på ensidige sanktioner og ensidig anvendelse af militærstyrke – kom Lavrov med en streng advarsel:

»Vi er vidne til en devaluering af international lov og de multilaterale institutioners svindende rolle.« USA og dets allierede »ønsker stadig at tackle anliggender udelukkende på basis af diktater og udstedelse af ultimatummer. [De] ønsker ikke at høre andre globale politiske centres synspunkter og ønsker i realiteten ikke at anerkende kendsgerningen med den fremvoksende, multipolære verden. De metoder, de tyer til for at begrænse deres rivaler, er for det meste snarere tvivlsomme og skruppelløse. De spænder vidt i deres metoder – fra deployering af et globalt missilforsvarssystem til ensidige sanktioner, ekstraterritorial anvendelse af deres lovgivning og trusler om at tackle alle internationale spørgsmål udelukkende i overensstemmelse med deres eget scenarie, hvor de ikke viger tilbage for noget, inklusive anvendelsen af brutal militærmagt.«

Disse ting er sande – men, det er af yderste vigtighed at understrege, at vi befinder os ved et punkt i historien, hvor denne globale krise kan ændres, at USA kan befries fra den britiske politiks indflydelse og fra britisk ideologi. Geopolitik kan og må tilintetgøres – denne darwinistiske hund-æder-hund-mentalitet med nulsums-konflikter og konfrontation – til fordel for det win-win-koncept, der ligger til grund for den Nye Silkevej. Dette er, hvad Trump favnede på sin rejse til Kina i november. Det er det, som den franske præsident Macron ligeledes favnede på sin rejse til Kina tidligere på måneden. Og det er det, som Lyndon LaRouche igangsatte for halvtreds år siden ved at skabe de nye ideer, der kræves for at løfte menneskehedens tankegang op til et højere niveau: til niveauet for lovene for det fysiske univers og se halvtreds eller tusinde år frem for at opdage, hvad det er, vi i dag må gøre.

Kupmagerne mod Trump er i store vanskeligheder. Den Amerikanske Kongres har nu i sine hænder de dokumenterede beviser på, at hele kampagnen for at dæmonisere Rusland og fjerne Trump fra embedet har været bygget på løgne, på fabrikationer af MI6-agent Christopher Steele og hans medskyldige. Meget af det er klassificeret og kan endnu ikke offentliggøres, men nøglepersoner i Kongressen har haft mod til at gøre det kendt, at alvorlige forbrydelser er blevet begået af FBI, Justitsministeriet og CIA-ledere fra Bush/Obama-æraen, og som i dag opererer som en kriminel klike uden for regeringen.

Bestræbelsen på at redde deres kup ved at erklære, at præsidenten er racist og en galning, udtrykker en tilstand af hysteri og panik fra netop de personers side, der er ansvarlige for de racistiske og sindssyge politikker, der har holdt verden nede i fattigdom og evindelige krige i de seneste to årtier.

Der er ingen tid at spilde. Den Nye Silkevej er vejen til at forene verden bag et højere niveau af tænkning og samarbejde. Det vil kun virke med en hermed parallel kampagne for at omorganisere det korrupte, vestlige finanssystem, gennem Glass-Steagall og de hermed forbundne »Fire Love«, som LaRouche har fremlagt. Det ligger i vore hænder.

Foto: Præsident Donald J. Trump afholder video-telekonference med medlemmer af USA’s militær. 24. dec., 2017.  (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)

VIPS’ Ray McGovern:
Russiagate er ved at blive til FBI-gate

15. jan., 2018 – I sin artikel, »The FBI Hand behind Russiagate« (FBI’s hånd bag Russiagate), publiceret af ConsortiumNews den 11. jan., angriber VIPS-leder Ray McGovern, en førende, mangeårig sovjetanalytiker ved CIA, liberale, der er så forblindede af »Trump-had«, at de nægter at se, at amerikanske efterretningstjenester nu gør det, som disse liberale advarede om på Watergates tid: manipulering af amerikansk politik og udførelse af »et blødt kup«.

Omdrejningspunktet for McGoverns argument her (leveret med hans typiske humor) er, at selv de allerede frigivne, små udvalg af tekstbeskeder mellem tidligere chef for kontraefterretning, Peter Strzok, og hans elskerinde, FBI-advokat Lisa Page, har givet os »dokumenteret bevis« på, at »afgørende elementer af det amerikanske efterretningssamfund forsøgte at kortslutte den amerikanske, demokratiske proces« under Obama-administrationens sidste dage. Og den hovedtilskadekomne som følge af disse beskeder »er FBI’s 18 måneder lange kampagne for at sabotere kandidat, nu præsident Donald Trump ved at bruge Obama-administrationens Russiagate-efterretningsvurdering, elektronisk overvågning af tvivlsom lovlighed og et slibrigt dossier, der aldrig ville bestå lugteprøven, samtidig med, at de brugte lige så tvivlsomme teknikker til at gøre Hillary Clinton og hendes nærmeste rådgivere immune over for forbrydelser, der omfatter at lyve for FBI og udsætte hemmeligheder for risici.«

McGovern foreslår, at tiden er inde for Kongressen til at ændre sine »vi overser«-komiteer tilbage til at være »vi fører tilsyn«-komiteer og finder »modet til at forsøge at udføre deres forfatningsmæssige pligt«. Kongressen må gå op imod »J. Edgar Hoover-stil afpresning på steroider, muliggjort gennem elektronisk overvågning af stort set alt og alle … Hvis, som mange har konkluderet, [Steele] dossieret blev brugt til at være med til at retfærdiggøre en FISA-ordre til at snuse rundt i Trump-kampagnen, vil de involverede være i dyb ’kimchi’ (koreansk ret), hvis Kongressens tilsynsmyndigheder gør deres arbejde«.

Foto: VIPS-leder, tidl. CIA-analytiker, Ray McGovern.

Hvem står bag atomterror-»fejltagelsen« på Hawaii?

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, USA, 14. jan., 2018 – Fremstødet for at ødelægge præsident Trump har nu nået feberhøjder. Bogstavelig talt hele den vestlige presse, og en stor del af det politiske lederskab, der har himlet op imod Rusland og imod Trumps angivelige »aftalte spil« med Putin, er nu klar over, at »Russiagate«-operationen, der blev iværksat af den britiske MI6-agent Christopher Steele, er ved at kollapse – og at de rent faktisk nu selv står over for afsløring og mulig kriminel retsforfølgelse for deres egne forbrydelser, inklusive forræderi. I deres desperation for at stoppe Trumps bestræbelser på at genoprette gode relationer med Rusland og Kina, og for at redde sig selv fra en sådan retsforfølgelse, har de udløst en kampagne, der skal portrættere Trump som en afsindig galning og racist.

Midt i alt dette blev delstaten Hawaii, og forlænget til hele landet, drevet til en tilstand af absolut rædsel søndag morgen, da Hawaiis Nødberedskabstjeneste udsendte et »Nødvarsel« til alle delstatens mobiltelefoner, og som lød: »TRUSSEL OM MISSIL PÅ VEJ TIL HAWAII SØG OMGÅENDE BESKYTTELSE. DETTE ER IKKE EN ØVELSE.«

Inden for tre minutter blev advarslen af militærfolk bestemt til at være fuldstændig falsk, men i de næste 38 minutter blev størstedelen af indbyggerne og turisterne på Hawaii ikke informeret om denne kendsgerning og var offer for den rædsel, at de troede, de og deres familier skulle dø. Folk ringede til deres kære for at sende et budskab om, at de elskede dem. Biler blev efterladt på hovedvejene, og folk løb for at finde beskyttelse, vel vidende, at der ikke var nogen steder, de kunne søge ly.

Der er indledt en efterforskning, men rapporten om, at det simpelt hen var en fejltagelse – nogen kom til at trykke på den forkerte knap – er næppe troværdig. Det bør bemærkes, at de amerikanske medier knap nok har dækket det store gennembrud i relationerne mellem Nord- og Sydkorea, eller at den sydkoreanske præsident Moon Jae-in offentligt har takket præsident Trump for dennes rolle i at frembringe forhandlingerne gennem både strenge sanktioner og samtidige, diplomatiske tiltag. I stedet har medierne og de fleste politiske leder ignoreret denne kendsgerning, alt imens skabelse af frygt og advarslerne om en forebyggende krig var næsten uundgåelig.

Det næste nummer af EIR-ugemagasinet vil indeholde en artikel med titlen: »Trump versus Durbin: Hvem er den virkelige hykler, der nærer institutionel racisme? Hvorfor sker det netop nu?«[1] Den viser, at kampagnen for at male Trump som en racist, under anførsel af den demokratiske senator fra Illinois, Dick Durbin, kommer fra præcis de mennesker, der har forvandlet en stor del af Centralamerika og Caribien til narkoinficerede og økonomisk ødelagte helveder, gennem deres gennemførelse af »frihandelsaftaler« og legalisering af narkotiske midler og således har overladt disse nationer til bankernes og narkobandernes nåde og forgodtbefindende. De har intet gjort for at vende den økonomiske ødelæggelse af Afrika, som først nu, gennem Kinas Nye Silkevejsproces, begynder at komme ud af kolonialismens og den post-koloniale udplyndrings helvede. Tror de, de kan tillade sig at kalde nogen for racist?

Den direkte forbindelse mellem denne beskidte kampagne mod Trump og Russiagate-svindlen blev klart afsløret af pastor Al Sharpton, der bruger racisme som lokkemad og er agent for Obama, og som lørdag aften på CNN himlede op om, at det »virkelige bevis på, at Trump er racist«, er, at han »aldrig har noget dårligt at sige om Vladimir Putin, vores edsvorne fjende«.

Denne nye fremgangsmåde med æreskrænkelse af Trump vil også give bagslag på samme måde, som den britiske svindel med »Russiagate« gjorde – på betingelse af, at Trump-administrationen går fremefter med sin erklærede forpligtelse til at lancere et massivt infrastrukturprogram, der kan vende den afindustrialisering af USA, der har fundet sted hen over de seneste årtier, og tilslutter sig den Nye Silkevejsproces for at opbygge nationer over hele planeten. Som Lyndon LaRouche altid har fremført, så findes der ingen løsning på de racespændinger, der stadig findes i USA, og heller ikke på spændingerne over immigrationen, uden en fuldskala udvikling og industrialisering af vores nation og ligeledes af andre nationer, og som vil give alle menneskesker jobs og håb. Det er netop dette, der er sat i gang gennem den Nye Silkevej, som først blev foreslået af LaRouche i 1990’erne og nu entusiastisk er taget op af kineserne, der opfordrer USA til fuldt og helt at gå med i bestræbelserne. Kina har løftet 700 mio. borgere ud af arg fattigdom og har planer om at gøre en ende på fattigdom i det hele taget frem til år 2020. Europa og USA kan ganske bestemt gøre det samme, hvis vi forviser geopolitik til historiens skraldespand, går med i den Nye Silkevej og genindfører det Amerikanske System i form af LaRouches Fire Love.

Foto: Hawaii; et skilt på en hovedvej meddeler borgerne, at »Missil-advarslen var en fejltagelse«.

[1] Se http://schillerinstitut.dk/si/?p=23353

Putin møder russiske medier;
Kommer med observationer om Kim Jong-un,
Russiagate og Ukraine

12. jan., 2018 – Den russiske præsident holdt en vidtrækkende pressekonference med cheferne for den trykte, russiske presse og nyhedsbureauer den 11. jan. i Komsokolskaya Pravdas kontorer.

Idet han kom med kommentarer om den nordkoreanske leder Kim Jong-un, sagde han, at den nordkoreanske leder har »løst sin strategiske opgave – han har atomsprænghoveder, og han har et missil med global rækkevidde på op til 13.000 km, der nu kan nå praktisk talt ethvert sted på planeten og i hvert fald ethvert sted på en potentiel fjendes territorium«, rapporterede Vestnik Kavkaz.

Nu er Kim Jong-un interesseret i at køle situationen, sagde præsidenten: »Han er en absolut kompetent og allerede modnet politiker«, og at den vanskelige opgave med at gøre Koreahalvøen atomvåbenfri kun bør løses gennem dialog, gennem forhandling. »Jeg mener, dette er muligt i længden, uanset, hvor vanskeligt det kan synes, hvis alle deltagerne i denne proces, inklusive nordkoreanere, kan føle sig sikre på, at deres sikkerhed kan garanteres uden atomvåben«, sagde han.

Med hensyn til beskyldningerne om, at Rusland skulle have blandet sig i de amerikanske valg, og at Trump-teamet førte et aftalt spil med Moskva, sagde præsident Putin, at »den hjemlige, politiske situation i USA ikke vil falde til ro. Vi ser og forstår alle, at det russiske kort bliver spillet i USA’s interne politik. Den amerikanske præsident trues konstant med afsættelse ved rigsretssag (impeachment), og denne intimidering bygger på Ruslands angivelige indblanding. Jeg vil gerne understrege endnu engang, at dette er vrøvl. Det er fuldstændig latterligt. Der var ikke noget aftalt spil eller nogen indblanding fra vores side. Ved at understrege dette igen, håber jeg, at dette postyr før eller senere vil slutte, og at der bliver ordentlige betingelser for at forbedre vore relationer«, iflg. udskrift fra Kremls pressetjeneste.

Putin observerede ligeledes, at Ukraine-krisen var ved at blive forvandlet til en »frossen konflikt«, der ikke er i nogens interesse, inklusive Ruslands. »Rusland ville være temmelig tilfreds, hvis Minsk-aftalerne blev fuldt ud gennemført«. Han understregede ligeledes, at, selv i 2014, begyndte Rusland at overføre »adskillige togvogne« med »militær ejendom og militært udstyr tilbage til Ukraine fra Krim«. »Jeg vil gerne sige, at vi er rede til at fortsætte processen. Vi er rede til at overlevere flådeskibe til Ukraine, som stadig befinder sig i Krim, og vi er rede til at overlevere luftvåben og pansret udstyr. For at være ærlig, så er det i en elendig forfatning, men det vedkommer ikke os, det er i samme tilstand, som da vi fik det.«

Putin sagde imidlertid, at, på trods af krisen, så »steg handelen mellem Rusland og Ukraine sidste år, og stigningen var signifikant«.

Foto: Ruslands præsident Vladimir Putin under pressekonferencen den 11. januar, 2018.

Trump versus Durbin: Hvem er den virkelige
hykler, der nærer institutionel racisme?
Hvorfor sker det netop nu?

LaRouche PAC offentliggjorde følgende erklæring den 12. januar:

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, 12. jan., 2018 – Om få dage, eller højst om få uger, vil det amerikanske folk have bevis fra Husets Efterretningskomite og andre på, at de har været vidne til et kup siden sommeren 2016 imod kandidat og dernæst præsident Donald Trump, som er blevet udført af Clinton-kampagnen, korrupte embedsfolk i Justitsministeriet og i FBI og Obamas efterretningschefer, der har ageret på vegne af britisk efterretning. Det er årsagen til, at vi nu har det desperate kapløb for på falsk grundlag at fremstille præsidenten som en irrationel galning og inkarneret racist. Dette er en nødplan, med »Russiagate«, der nu truer med at føre til anklageskrifter, ikke mod Trump, men derimod mod de medsammensvorne, der søgte at vende valget og ødelægge hans præsidentskab.

Se nøje på den aktuelle furore. Præsidenten indrømmer, at han har brugt barske ord, men ikke dem, der nævnes af demokraterne. Han har fokuseret på narkoen og de dermed relaterede kriminelle bander og terrorister, der strømmer ind over USA’s grænser, et produkt af Barack Obamas politikker for manglende fasthed i lovens håndhævelse og for legalisering af narkotiske midler. Lyndon LaRouche har brugt en hel del tid på at skrive om både immigration og narkotika. Han påpegede for år tilbage, og der absolut ikke findes nogen løsninger på immigration i fraværet af fuldskala, økonomisk udvikling, både internt i USA og i udviklingslandene. Der er ingen løsning på hærgende narkotikamisbrug uden økonomisk udvikling og en krig mod narko, der inkluderer udslettelse af de banker, der finansierer narkohandelen og Hollywoods promovering af en dekadent narkokultur.

Dick Durbin, manden, der nu anfører angrebet på Trump for at være racist, er en total tilhænger af NAFTA og anden frihandelspolitik, skabt af Wall Street, og af andre økonomiske planer i Malthus-traditionen. Disse planer har drevet amerikanske jobs inden for industriel vareproduktion ind i Mexico og andre steder, pga. billig arbejdskraft. Disse planer og demokraternes politik for legalisering af narkotiske midler har forvandlet Mexico, El Salvador og andre latinamerikanske lande til kriminelle helveder, hvor narkobander kontrollerer hele byer, og hvor ingen kan føle sig trygge for vold. En enorm andel af deres uddannede og specialiserede personer, der er nødvendige for en økonomisk genrejsning, er flygtet. At beskrive de faktiske, nuværende betingelser i disse lande i grafisk sprog, er mildt.

Den nuværende helvedessituation er resultatet af overlagte, amerikanske politikker for befolkningskontrol i udviklingslande, og som i 1970’erne blev formaliseret gennem forslagene fra Henry Kissinger i National Security Study Memorandum 200, og gennem den af Zbigniew Brzezinski støttede Paddock Plan. Disse planer for systemisk folkemord blev gennemført og var i sandhed tværpolitiske. De byggede begge på det morderiske argument, at økonomisk udvikling øger befolkningstilvæksten og herved skaber en hindring for den udviklede sektors piraters postindustrielle, systemiske udnyttelse af naturlige resurser.

Den falske debat om åbne-versus-lukkede grænser blev formaliseret i 1980’erne med begge de kontrollerede »sider« i denne debat, der var tilhængere af passionerede synspunkter med meget lidt faktuelt grundlag. Lyndon LaRouche intervenerede gentagne gange og forklarede løsningen og brugte især immigration fra Mexico som politisk eksempel. Se f.eks. artiklerne »Growth Approach Is Key to Immigration Law«»LaRouche: Use PHLINO Project To Solve Immigration Crisis«.

Løsningen er kapitalintensive infrastrukturprojekter på begge sider af grænsen. Løsningen er fysisk-økonomisk udvikling snarere end planer, der udplyndrer alle involverede, til Wall Streets fordel.

LaRouche PAC har ført kampagne for Haitis økonomiske udvikling med en understregning af storstilet infrastruktur. Den tavshed, der som respons kom fra demokraterne, fortalte os alt, vi behøvede at vide om hyklerne, der pompøst belærer om racespørgsmål. I stedet for at få udvikling, blev Haiti plyndret af Obama og Hillary Clinton, holdt nede i middelalderlig tilstand og afhængig af hjælpepakker med mad og medicin fra lejlighedsvist bekymrede liberale.

Til vores store fryd har Kina nu iværksat en plan for fuld økonomisk udvikling af Afrika og Vestasien. Frankrig har netop meddelt, at det ønsker at gå sammen med Kina om dette storslåede projekt. Alle nationaløkonomier, der deltager i denne indsats, vil nyde stor profit, ikke kun i fysisk-økonomiske termer, men med hensyn til den kreative gnist og optimisme, der skabes i det afrikanske kontinents i overvejende grad ungdommelige befolkninger. I stedet for at fungere under de begrænsninger, der gennemtvinges af IMF og kolonistyrer, vil Afrika blomstre med højhastigheds-jernbaneprojekter, nye og skønne byer og dæmninger og vandstyringsprojekter i stor skala. Folk vil ønske at blive dér, fordi fremtiden bliver bygget dér.

Er tiden ikke inde til, at Washingtons ophidsede demokrater afslutter deres hykleriske, falske og kriminelle poseren på racespørgsmålet? De fleste sansende menneskelige væsener forstår, hvad det er, og hvorfor, det finder sted nu. Er tiden ikke inde til, at de mennesker, der rent faktisk bekymrer sig om disse spørgsmål, fuldt og helt vedtager LaRouches »Fire Love for Økonomisk Udvikling?« og kæmper med næb og klør for at få USA ind i Kinas Bælte & Vej Initiativ som en fuld deltager?

Foto: Dick Durbin (venstre) (Richard Joseph Durbin, demokratisk senator for staten Illinois siden 1997; siden 2005 assisterende demokratisk leder, den næsthøjeste position i det demokratiske partilederskab); præsident Donald Trump.  

Er EU i færd med at udarbejde sin egen politik for Bælte & Vej?

11. jan., 2018 – Under pres er den Europæiske Union i færd med at udarbejde sit eget »udkast for det eurasiske kontinents sammenkobling«, som efter planen skal flettes sammen med Bælte & Vej Initiativet. Dette udtalte EU’s ambassadør til Kina, Hans Dietmar Schweisgut, på en pressekonference i går, iflg. Xinhua. Alt imens meget lidt vides om denne pressekonference, så blev den holdt få timer efter, at den franske præsident Emmanuel Macron afsluttede sit statsbesøg til Kina, hvor han opfordrede Europa til at omfavne Bælte & Vej Initiativet.

Som svar på et spørgsmål om denne meddelelse om et EU-»udkast«, sagde talsmand for det Kinesiske Udenrigsministerium Lu Kang på sin faste nyhedsbriefing: »Den europæiske side er velkommen til at deltage i Bælte & Vej Initiativet, og vi er rede til at arbejde sammen med dem om win-win-samarbejde inden for sammenkobling og andre områder.«

Baseret på princippet om at opnå fælles vækst gennem diskussion og samarbejde, vil Kina gå sammen med EU i fremme af velstand og stabilitet på det eurasiske kontinent og i opbygning af et fællesskab for menneskehedens fælles fremtid, sagde Lu.

Dette »udkast« stammer fra et møde mellem lederne af Kina og EU i Bruxelles i 2015, hvor det blev aftalt at styrke samarbejde på infrastrukturområdet og etablere en »platform for sammenkobling og samarbejde«. EU og Kina formulerede i fællesskab retningslinjer, inklusive »at åbne op, gennemskuelighed og finans- og miljøbæredygtighed«, under Bælte & Vej Forum for Internationalt Samarbejde i maj, 2017. Dette udkast vil blive udgivet i de kommende måneder.

EU vil have en god ramme for at fremme sit samarbejde med Kina og andre europæiske og asiatiske partnere, og for at tilpasse sig Bælte & Vej, skal Schweisgut have sagt.

Foto: EU’s ambassadør til Kina, Hans Dietmar Schweisgut.

Kina og Italien diskuterer Bælte & Vej i Milano

11. jan., 2018 – Samtidig med, at ledere fra EU’s ’Mediterranean Seven’, ’de syv fra middelhavsområdet’, ankom til Rom i går, fandt en stor konference: »Bælte & Vej: Opbygning af en konkret køreplan for Italiens og Kinas Fælles Vækst«, sted i Milano, sponsoreret af det Italienske Industriministerium og det Kinesiske Handelsministerium, samt af Lombardiets Industriselskab (Assolombarda), og arrangeret af det Italiensk-Kinesiske Erhvervsforum.

Med en rapport om begivenheden skrev Formiche, at »konferencen viste, at BVI, der skal forbinde Europa og Kina og skarpt reducere transporttiden for fragt, allerede i 2014-2016 har skabt 180.000 jobs inden for infrastruktur«.

»Den Nye Silkevejsplan vil være til fordel for samarbejde mellem flere end 60 lande, der tilsammen udgør 63 % af verdens befolkning, 30 % af BNP og 35 % af internationale handelsudvekslinger«, sagde Carlo Bonomi, formand for Assolombardo. Bonomi påpegede den kendsgerning, at Lombardiet alene har et handelsvolumen med Kina på over €15 mia.; næsten halvdelen af hele den italiensk-kinesiske handel (€38 mia.).

Zhou Xiaoyan, generaldirektør for den europæiske afdeling af det Kinesiske Ministerium for Økonomisk Udvikling, bemærkede, at den italienske og kinesiske økonomi kan komplementere hinanden. Faktisk er handelen, i de første ti måneder af 2017, steget med 13,9 %, mens Kinas import fra Italien er steget med 22 %. Kinesiske firmaer har investeret over €11 mia. i Italien i løbet af de seneste år.

Fabrizio Lucentini, en direktør for det Italienske Ministerium for Økonomisk Udvikling (industri), sagde, at italienske firmaer bør øge kontakterne med alle lande, der er en del af BVI. Medformand for Pirelli, Marco Trinchetti Provera, opfordrede til, at man ændrede sine standpunkter om Kina, der ikke udgør nogen trussel for den europæiske økonomi. Formand for Bank of China Chen Siqing understregede, at, i de næste år, vil 46 % af væksten komme fra områder, der er involveret i BVI.

Der var tre paneler: én om finansiering, med deltagelse af Italiens Cassa Deposita e Prestiti, Silkevejsfonden og Bank of China Holdings; og to om infrastruktur.

Foto: Duomo di Milan, Milanos domkirke, er næsten blevet vartegn for byen. Domkirken er den største i Italien (idet Peterskirken ligger i Vatikanstaten) og den tredjestørste i verden, og tog næsten 600 år at færdigbygge! Det er ligeledes i Milano, i kirken Santa Maria delle Grazie, at man finder Leonardo da Vincis berømte freske, den sidste nadver. Igennem det meste af 1900-tallet var Milano desuden en vigtig industriby og har siden Italiens samling været landets finansielle centrum.

Paris og Beijing indvier fælles fusionsforskningscenter

13. jan., 2018 – I hælene på præsident Emmanuel Macrons besøg til Kina i sidste uge, blev det kinesisk-franske, fælles fusionsforskningscenter den 11. jan. indviet i Hefei, som er stedet for Instituttet for Plasmafysik under det Kinesiske Videnskabsakademi, og hjemsted for den Eksperimentale Avancerede Superledende Tokamak (EAST). Den franske side anføres af Ministeriet for Videnskab og Teknologi og den franske Atomenergikommission. Science and Technology Daily, der udgives af det Kinesiske Ministerium for Videnskab og Technologi, rapporterer, at rammeaftalen for etablering af et fælles forskningscenter blev underskrevet sidste november. Centrets hovedformål er at udføre forskning til støtte for ITER’s (International Termonuklear Eksperimental Reaktor) internationale fusionsprojekt, der er under opførelse i Frankrig.

Centret vil påbegynde sin fælles forskning i Europas Wolfram-miljø i Steady-State Tokamak (WEST) maskine som sit første projekt. Kinesiske og franske videnskabsfolk vil arbejde på tekniske udfordringer, som ITER vil stå over for, når den er i drift, inklusive udvikling og verificering af nøglekomponenter. Efter begge parters etablering af fælles laboratorier, vil de udføre forskning på begge landes fusionsmaskiner.

Paraplyaftalen inkluderer fælles bud på kontrakter for fusionsprojekter, fusionsvidenskab og eksperimentalforskning i fysik, sikkerhed og tekniske standarder i »projekter af gensidig interesse« og fælles arbejde på den næste generations fusionsreaktorer.

Kina og Frankrig, rapporterer nyhedsbrevet, har en lang historie for samarbejde inden for termonuklear fusionsenergi, der går tilbage til 1980’erne. Det begyndte med samarbejde mellem Frankrigs Tore Supra tokamak og Kinas HT-7-maskine, og som »gradvist transformeredes« til de nuværende maskiner i drift.

Foto: Kina og Frankrig åbnede i fællesskab et fusionsforskningscenter torsdag, 11. jan., 2018, i Hefei, hovedstad i den østkinesiske provins Anhui.

Afgørelsens time er kommet
for amerikansk økonomi
– vil Trump vende tilbage til sine

Præsident Trump vil få mulighed for en økonomisk ’genstart’ den 30. jan., når han holder sin State of the Union-tale. Forud for dette vil han afholde møder for at færdiggøre sine længe ventede infrastrukturplaner. Han er under et enormt pres fra Wall Street-spekulanter for at begrænse infrastruktur-investeringer til offentlig-privat partnerskaber (PPP’er), som, hævder deres fortalere, kan generere profitter for dem samtidig med at undgå problemet med budgetunderskud. PPP’er fokuserer primært på investering i lavomkostningsprojekter med allerede eksisterende teknologi, såsom privatisering af køreveje og opførelse af vejafgiftskabiner, som involverer få omkostninger, men store indtægter. …

Hvis han lytter til disse talsmænd for nedskæringspolitikker, med »det frie marked« og minimalstatspolitik, og som omfatter yderligere afregulering af bank- og finansvæsen, er det uundgåeligt, at aktie- og selskabsgældsboblerne, der nu pumpes op til rekordhøjder, vil briste og indlede en depression, dybere end den i 2008.

EIR-artikel af Harley Schlanger.

Foto: Præsidentkandidat Donald Trump i Charlotte, North Carolina, 27. okt., 2016.

Download (PDF, Unknown)

Frankrig omfavner den Nye Silkevej:
Bliver USA den næste?
LaRouche PAC Internationale Webcast,
12. jan., 2018



Vært Matthew Ogden: Som I ser, så er temaet for aftenens show, at vi fortsat befinder os i en nedtælling til præsident Trumps State of the Union-tale den 30. jan. i år. Der er nu 18 dage tilbage til denne tale; og vi holder fortsat fast i vores forpligtelse til, at det er vores job at sætte to punkter på dagsordenen: Nummer ét: præsident Trump må vedtage Lyndon LaRouches Fire Økonomiske Love. Nummer to: præsident Trump må udtrykkeligt erklære, at USA går med i den Nye Silkevej.

Her følger engelsk udskrift af resten af webcastet:
On that latter point, a very dramatic breakthrough has
occurred this week, and the world has substantially changed.
However, you most likely have not heard this news; unless, of
course, you are watching larouchepac.com.  But the western media
is failing to report what is probably one of the most strategic
changes in the alignment of the world in many years.  That news
comes out of a trip that French President Emmanuel Macron made to
China in the beginning of this week.  Now, this may come as a
surprise to many people who might not have expected that this
would occur.  But we do have to say that the activities of the
LaRouche movement yet again have now come to bear and really
deserve significant credit for this strategic shift that has
occurred in France.  Of course, you remember that Jacques
Cheminade, who is a collaborator of Lyndon LaRouche in France,
ran a very high-profile Presidential campaign just last year, in
which he called for France to join the New Silk Road.
Now, what has Emmanuel Macron done?  He has announced that
he intends for France, and also by consequence, Europe to
collaborate with China on the New Silk Road.  This is an
extraordinary change.  Emmanuel Macron was the first European
leader to visit China in the aftermath of the 19th Party
Congress.  He had a very high-level, substantial state visit
which lasted several days, with President Xi Jinping.  What has
he announced?  France is now making the commitment that France
will collaborate with China’s Belt and Road Initiative of great
infrastructure projects across Eurasia and notably in Africa.
That’s a very important point for France, due to its history in
Africa.  Emmanuel Macron and President Xi Jinping announced that
they will particularly be focussing on French-Chinese cooperation
in developing nuclear power technology.  This is something that
France is a leader in, in Europe; and China is also now an
emerging leader in nuclear power.  This will be what will power
the world’s economies, including the economies of all those
nations along the New Silk Road.
This makes France not the first European country to make
this commitment and to announce their interest in joining the New
Silk Road.  Of course, the 16 countries of Eastern Europe have
already made that announcement.  We had the summit at the CEEC
[Central and Eastern European Countries] conference in the fall
of last year.  These Eastern European countries have already
announced that they are enthusiastic about joining the New Silk
Road, and being the front door for the Silk Road into Europe.
However, what this is, is the first Western European country to
announce unequivocally this intention to collaborate with China
on the New Silk Road.  France is the number two economy in
Europe; it’s a leading world power.  Obviously, a global power
and a very longstanding civilization; and it is one of the
permanent United Nations Security Council members.  That topic
was also part of the discussion between Macron and Xi Jinping.
So, I would assume that, unless you’ve been watching
larouchepac.com, you do not know the significance of this news.
But what we’re here to do today, is to communicate to you exactly
what occurred during this historic trip by Emmanuel Macron to
China.  And to ask the question:  Now that France has taken this
step, whither the rest of Europe, and whither the United States
of America?  The invitation is on the table for the United States
to join the Belt and Road Initiative.  The door is wide open.
President Trump has expressed his clear intention and interest in
working together with President Xi Jinping and developing a close
relationship and a new era in US-China relations.  Now all he
needs to do is take that step through that open door, and to do
exactly what President Macron on France has just done.
So, I would like to share with you some excerpts.  First, of
a speech that Emmanuel Macron made in Xi’an, which is one of the
historic cities at the terminus of the Silk Road in China.  This
is the city where they have the famous terra cotta warriors; and
Emmanuel Macron did make a tour of that astounding museum.  When
you see this with your own eyes, you realize the power and the
depth of the ancient civilization that China represents.  Then,
subsequent to that, I will share with you some of the comments
that he made to the same effect during a joint press conference
he had with President Xi at the conclusion of his trip.
So, here are a few quotes from President Macron’s speech in
Xi’an.  What President Macron said during this speech is, he went
through the history of French-Chinese relationships and stressed
how significant this shared history has already been.  Then he
said the following:  “I want you to understand something today.
France is here; becoming transformed in depth and wants to be
that country of dialogues and construction of a new partnership
for the 21st Century, with China.  With it, Europe wants, through
the building of its own power to build a balanced cooperation
with China in the coming century.  When you build a relationship
of friendship, it is a balanced cooperation that you seek.
“It is in the same spirit that I wish for us to advance
on the New Silk Road.  Indeed, One Belt, One Road is the
perspective gave itself and that it has proposed to the world.
When a proposal is on the table, it is not my habit not to
discuss it.  I understand the opportunities for China on the
economic level for finding new markets internationally; on the
political level in order to open up regions hit by
under-development; on the diplomatic level to stabilize trade in
fragile regions where there are states in difficulty, and in
developing regions; on the cultural level, since it is a matter
of exerting leadership with the force of new ideas.  I think that
the initiative of the New Silk Roads can meet our interests —
those of France and of Europe — if we give ourselves the means
to really work together.  After all, the Silk Roads were never
purely Chinese, if I’m honest.  When we talk about the Maritime
Silk Roads, they were first Portuguese.  On land, they went
through Central Asia — Iran, Iraq, Tyre, and Antioch — and in
so doing, they were Sino-European.  The genius of the first Silk
Roads was to have often re-invented European roads and made them
Chinese roads.  I am saying that in a consubstantial way, these
roads are still shared.  And if these are roads, they cannot be
one way; they must be a two-way street.  I am thus ready to work
to the announced objectives.  Road, railroad, airport, maritime
and technological infrastructure programs along the Silk Roads
can provide a response to the infrastructure deficit;
particularly in Asia.
“The pooling of our financial resources, public and private,
for cross-border projects, can strengthen the connectivity
between Europe and Asia and beyond.  To the Middle East and
Africa, and allow better integration, structure, and opening up
through the growth of trade.  At the same time, it will do much
more.  And the city of Xi’an is a living example.  Those first
Silk Roads brought Buddhism and Islam and Christianity here.
These New Silk Roads will inevitably lead to cultural and
educational exchanges and to profound transformations in the
countries that they cross.
“Finally, it is a matter of giving ourselves a perspective
at a moment when the shared grand narratives are so sorely
lacking in the world.  I must say, it is one of the great merits
of these Silk Roads proposed by Xi Jinping.  These Silk Roads
re-activate the imagination of a new civilization of fruitful
exchanges, of shared wealth.  And they show to all those who
thought that we were in a tired, post-modern world where the
great stories were forbidden, that those who decide to live great
epics can make others dream as well.  I believe profoundly in
great stories.
“It is up to France, and with it to Europe, to contribute
its share of imagination to this proposal, and to work at it in
the months and years to come.  This will be the object of my
exchanges with President Xi Jinping:  To define the agenda of
trust that I want, that we put together.  I know that some will
say that this agenda of trust must be one to create an
equilibrium between a developed country and a developing one.
But China is no longer a developing country; it is a country
which is bypassing that, largely.  Therefore, we must reinvent
here the terms of a new relationship; and the Silk Roads are the
very expression of that new relationship of China to the world.
I propose to identify very concretely the political framework in
which we can build that partnership, that cooperation, and that
common strategy.  I am convinced profoundly that if Europe and
China know how to establish that goal together, this initiative
could be the occasion of relaunching very pragmatically the
multi-lateralism which is today lacking in concrete realizations.
“I am ready to play a key role in this direction, making
sure that the European countries progress in unity.  Because
China needs to have a solid interlocutor to exchange and build on
its own initiative.  I want the Silk Roads to not limit
themselves to economic questions, but be enlightened in Europe by
a deep comprehension of China.  All resources must be used to
this end; from the publishing world to the world of theatre and
cinema; from the French Sinology school to the world of arts.
These are the roads of exchange that we must build.
“You have understood, ladies and gentlemen, that my will is,
indeed, in this framework.  That France and Europe take up their
full responsibility and meet the proposal offered by China.”
So, that was an excerpt of French President Emmanuel
Macron’s speech in Xi’an in China; just a short excerpt.  It’s a
very elaborated speech in which he also discusses the importance
of not returning to imperialism.  He talked about the need to
create harmony between countries, and not to be competing for
so-called limited geo-strategic interests.  He said, if we equip
ourselves with the means to really cooperate, we can create a new
civilization.  He praised China’s work in Africa, and he said
China has invested heavily in infrastructure and in raw materials
in recent years, with a financial power that European countries
could not have done.  He called for French-Chinese cooperation in
developing Africa; saying that to implement projects that are
really useful and financially sustainable for growth on that
continent, because that’s where the future lies.  We must not
repeat the mistakes of the past, he said, by creating political
and financial dependence under the pretext of development.  He
also said that the West must overcome the “one-sided imperialism”
that has been perpetrated by France and other European powers in
Africa and elsewhere.  Then he commented that China’s example of
lifting 700 million people out of poverty, is the example that
must be taken everywhere.
Now, in the concluding joint press conference between French
President Emmanuel Macron and President Xi Jinping, Emmanuel
Macron elaborated and repeated and emphasized some of the points
that he made in that initial speech in Xi’an.  So, here are a
couple of quotes from that speech during the concluding press
President Macron said, “The last point in the global agenda
is the New Silk Road; the Belt and Road Initiative.  I’m
convinced that this initiative will have a considerable impact
and will provide elements that will stabilize in the regions
crossed by the Silk Road.  We have proposed to work together on
this.  Historically, the Silk Road was shared; shared by the
Europeans and the Chinese because it was a road for trade and
exchanges.  So, it’s important that this New Silk Road in terms
of its philosophy and spirit, that it should revitalize the
balanced exchanges and cooperation between us.  I look for close
collaboration with President Xi Jinping.  We will be working to
ensure that whenever and wherever we implement this initiative,
we fight against corruption and imbalanced forms of development;
to allow societies to benefit fully from the growth thereby
“Finally, you mentioned culture.  Culture is a powerful,
historic element along with language.  And again, this reflects
the quality of our bilateral relations.  I would like us to
strengthen — through multiple initiatives — our cultural
cooperation.  First of all, by organizing several exhibitions to
better understand the mutual influence of our cultures; to better
understand the China of yesterday and today; and also the history
of the Silk Road.”
So, this was an extraordinary strategic breakthrough, and it
did take people by surprise.  However, it should be viewed as a
consequence of the persistent effort by a handful of leaders such
as the leaders of the LaRouche movement and Lyndon and Helga
LaRouche particularly; and Jacques Cheminade in France, and
others, to put this agenda on the table.  It proves that the
winds of change have come.  The New Silk Road is indeed now the
prevailing dynamic worldwide.  The leaders of European countries
who are not committed to being dinosaurs and being stuck in the
past in a failing trans-Atlantic geo-political world, are
recognizing that they have nothing to lose and everything to gain
from reciprocating President Xi Jinping’s offer of mutual benefit
and “win-win” cooperation.
Now, apparently directly following Emmanuel Macron’s trip to
China, the European Union has announced that it is drafting its
own “inter-connection blueprint” for the Eurasian continent.
This “inter-connection blueprint for Eurasia” is intended to
dovetail with the Belt and Road Initiative of China.  This was
stated by the EU Ambassador to China, Hans Dietmar Schweisgut, at
a press conference that he gave this week, which was held
literally within hours of French President Macron’s return from
his state visit to China.  The EU ambassador stated that this
economic blueprint for the interconnection of the Eurasian
continent is something that they are intending to pursue.  Now,
in what form is not clear, and the big question is, will the rest
of the countries of Western Europe get on board — Germany most
of all.  Will Germany abandon some of the failed policies, the
debt break and the anti-nuclear policies and others, that would
hold Europe back from participating fully in this Belt and Road
In response to a question on the announcement of this
so-called EU blueprint for interconnectivity in Eurasia, the
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman, Lu Kang, said the following:
“The European side is welcome to participate in the Belt and Road
Initiative.  And we are ready to work with them for ‘win-win’
cooperation in interconnection and in other fields.  Based on the
principle of achieving shared growth through discussion and
collaboration, China will join the EU in promoting prosperity and
stability of the entire Eurasian continent, and building a
community of shared future for mankind.”  So, that was the
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman in response to this EU
interconnection blueprint plan.
Now also in the wake of Macron’s trip — and I think this
really indicates that there’s a seriousness among the French
political and strategic policymaking elite that this is going to
be the directionality for France.  It’s been reported that the
Sorbonne, which is the leading foreign policy university and
institution in France, and really one of the leading foreign
policy institutions in all of Europe, the Sorbonne has announced
that they will be hosting a series of 11 seminars on the New Silk
Road.  The first one is going to be hosted and chaired by the
former Prime Minister of France, Dominique DeVillepin.  So, we
can see I think indications going all the way back to the
attendance by Raffarin at the Belt and Road Forum in China in the
spring of last year, that there was this undercurrent in France.
But it has now taken a really dramatic form, with Macron’s trip.
We see that there are other countries which have also begun
moving very clearly in this direction.  There was a major
conference in Milan, Italy which was called “Belt and Road:
Building a Concrete Roadmap with Italy’s and China’s Joint
Growth”.  This was sponsored by the Italian Industries Ministry
and the Chinese Trade Ministry, and also the Lombardy Association
of Industry.  It was organized by the Italy-China Business Forum.
The coverage of this conference indicates that there are very
strong indications inside Italy also that they move in this
direction.  We do know that the Prime Minister of Italy,
Gentiloni,  and President Macron just had their own summit
meeting on the sidelines of the Mediterranean European countries
summit, where it is very much to be assumed that they discussed
Macron’s trip to China and the necessity for all of southern
Europe and the Mediterranean countries to join the New Silk Road;
exactly what has been the subject of a prolonged campaign by the
LaRouche movement in Europe.
So, this indicates that what France has done is setting the
agenda which the rest of Europe and frankly the United States
must follow.  We even see that the Paris newspaper {Le Monde} is
beginning to understand exactly what time it is when it comes to
the role that China will play in the future of Europe.  They
published an extensive story under the title “China: The
Innovation Dragon”.  They said, “The pace of China’s
transformation over the last four years is unprecedented.  The
country’s GDP grew by nearly 10% per year on average, while
reshaping global trade patterns and becoming the second-largest
economy in the world.  That success lifted 800 million people out
of poverty.  The mortality rate of children under five years old
was halved between 2006 and 2015.  The question now is whether
China, well-positioned to become the world’s innovation leader,
will realize that opportunity in 2018 or soon after.”
So, this is exactly the point.  China has accomplished a
miracle that no other country has accomplished on the entire
planet.  That model of what China has done is the standard which
all other countries now must measure themselves against, and must
become participants in; not in a competitive way, but in a
“win-win” way with this idea of a common destiny for the future
of mankind.  We also know that there was a very interesting
conference that occurred, believe it or not, in Wall Street at
the New York Stock Exchange just this week.  With Chinese leaders
discussing the necessity for a new measurement of economic
prosperity.  Not GDP, which can be a very fraudulent measure of
so-called economic growth; but actually measuring the rate at
which you are increasing the living standards of the population,
the rate at which you are incorporating new technologies and
innovations, and some very important measuring rods that you need
to measure the true success of an economy — not just stock
market bubbles.  That is a lesson which must be taken to heart by
the American people and by President Trump himself.
Now what I would like to do is, share with you the remarks
that Helga Zepp-LaRouche had during her international webcast
from the Schiller Institute yesterday, where she responds
directly to the significance of this trip by President Macron to
China.  This is Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s comments on Macron’s
decision to bring France into the orbit of the New Silk Road.

HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Well, this is a real
breakthrough, and I know that many people have different opinions
about Macron, but I must say, if somebody goes in the right
direction, one should be positive about it.  What he did, is he
went on a three-day visit to China.  He was the first European
leader after the 19th Party Congress of the Communist Party of
China; and he went to Xi’an first, which is the place where the
ancient Silk Road started from the Chinese side, and he made a
very remarkable speech. And I would urge all interested political
people, people who are really trying to get to the truth of the
matter, don’t believe what you read in the media, just read the
speech.  It’s a 1 hour and 15 minute speech, and the fact that he
admits some of the most horrible mistakes of Western policy is a
reason why I tend to believe that he really is making a change in
French policy.
For example:  He not only fully endorsed the New Silk Road
of China, he called it a “treasure to civilization”; he said we
must never repeat the mistakes of the past, like Iraq, Libya, and
then he also said he wants to invite China to cooperate with
France in projects in Africa, so that France would not make the
same mistakes of the past of imperial unilateralism in Africa.
He also said that one must make sure that one does not create new
dependencies politically and economically under the pretext of
development aid, but that therefore he invites China, because if
China and France are working together on development of Africa,
these mistakes can be avoided.
So I think there are a lot of other elements in his speech:
He praised the Chinese policy of being a great epic, one of the
great epics of history.  He said, we in the West have become
tired and epics have not been allowed any more, but that is
exactly what is needed.
I think this is a very, very positive development, and on
the plane on the way back to Europe, he was asked by reporters,
but what about the tension between the EU and China?  And he
said, this is not to be blamed on China, it’s entirely the fault
of the EU.
These kinds of statements really convince me that he means
what he says, and I find it highly interesting that today, that
is just three days after his speech in Xi’an — or maybe
yesterday already — the EU put out a statement saying that they
want to come forward with their own plan of connectivity which is
supposed to be linked up with the Belt and Road Initiative of
China.  This was welcomed by the Chinese Foreign Ministry,
praising it, saying this means there will be a “win-win”
cooperation to the benefit of both sides.
So, there is a lot going on, and I think this is very
positive, because this can only be an inspiration for President
Trump, because if even the EU, which has been really against
this initiative, they tried to block it out entirely for years,
if even they move now, one has to see obviously what they do
about financing this, because the famous, or infamous “Juncker
plan,” which supposedly had EU350 billion never materialized
because it was all based on the idea of private investments which
never came.  Because obviously this kind of infrastructure cannot
be financed by private capital, but this is something which needs
a credit system.  And that would mean the EU has to change.  They
would have to abandon their debt brake, which is now in the
constitutions of all member-states, and they would have in
Germany, to, if they would ever join, to abandon the policy of
the so-called “black zero.”  I mean Germany just had a budget
surplus, I think of $38 billion which is quite a bit.  So they
could already start investing some of this money in these
projects, because the infrastructure in Germany is also in a very
pitiful condition, let alone other European countries.
This is a breakthrough and all the various opponents of the
New Silk Road, I think they will realize that the Silk Road is
there, it’s coming, it’s spreading, and it is a new paradigm.
And I think it’s the victorious one, as compared to the outdated
neoliberal model.

OGDEN: ⦠yesterday on her webcast about the
breakthrough of Emmanuel Macron’s trip to China.
Now what I would also like to do is share with you a portion
of a briefing that Paul Gallagher, who is the EIR Economics
Editor, presented last night on the Fireside Chat — the national
activist call.  Paul very clearly puts this breakthrough which
just occurred within the context of the decades-long fight by
Helga and Lyndon LaRouche to conceptualize this idea of what was
originally the Eurasian Land-Bridge and now has become known at
the New Silk Road or the One Belt, One Road initiative; going all
the way back to the collapse of the Soviet Union.  What Paul also
does is he gives some more details on what the agreements were,
that were made between Emmanuel Macron and President Xi Jinping;
most particularly around nuclear power.  There are some very
stunning developments on that question.  Then Paul puts directly
this development within the context of the urgency of immediately
implementing Lyndon LaRouche’s Four Economic Laws here in the
United States.   So, here’s a portion of Paul Gallagher’s
briefing from last night.

PAUL GALLAGHER: The Belt and Road Initiative
launched by China — and remember, this is a policy first thought
of as bridging the whole Eurasian continent with new rail lines
and communications corridors and lines of new cities going across
from the Atlantic coast to the Pacific coast; essentially from
the Spanish coast over to the Chinese coast.  These Belt and Road
Land-Bridges were initially the idea of Lyndon and Helga
LaRouche; they were their idea in the late 1980s, when the Soviet
Union began to break up and when the Iron Curtain was being
removed as the absolutely impassable barrier to this kind of
transportation and communications development of the entire
Eurasian continent.  When that was finally being removed, they
immediately came forth with this idea.
Now this is the policy of the Chinese government, as you
know.  In a pretty important development in the last few days,
it’s become the policy of the French government.  This is the
number two economy in Europe.  The President there is a new
president.  He just made a trip to China for a summit meeting.
Out of that came a commitment of France to join into the
development of the Belt and Road initiative.  Macron and the
Chinese President spoke about the fact that this would create
much more space for the economic and technological development of
France, to be part of these Eurasia-crossing great projects of
infrastructure development.  In particular, France is a leader in
nuclear power; the two of them agreed that they had special
responsibilities to cooperate in new fourth-generation reactor
technologies for the nuclear fuel cycle in order to power all the
economies on the New Silk Road and on the Maritime Silk Road.  To
power all those economies increasingly with advanced third- and
fourth-generation nuclear power plants.  France is in the lead in
that.  They are simultaneously going to be building — in China
— a European power reactor which is a new reactor design; it’s
called the EPR [European Power Reactor].  It’s a new design for
which France is largely responsible.  They’re going to be
building that as a model in China; they’re going to be building a
fuel reprocessing facility in China.  For the first time there,
in order to reprocess used nuclear fuel to make new nuclear fuel.
They’re going to assist China in developing advanced breeder
reactors at the same time, to make more fuel.  And also a system
in the certification of the nuclear reactor which China has
developed, which is called the Hwa Hwong 1000.  This is the first
time that China has developed its own domestically built and
sourced nuclear reactor, and they’re trying to get it certified
by the international nuclear authorities like Euratom so that it
can be sold to other countries and this development can take
So, they made this partnership.  They also talked about
partnership in astrophysics, astronomics, and in space
exploration in which China right now has the most aggressive
space exploration program of any of the space-faring nations at
this point.  But France is in there, too.  So, you have the
number two economy, and also as the Chinese President noted,
these two countries are permanent members of the Security Council
of the United Nations.  Therefore, in cooperation, they have a
certain power against the tendency of neo-cons and others in
Britain and the United States and elsewhere to come in with these
crazy resolutions which demand that one or another regime be
overthrown and so forth.  They have a certain stabilizing
authority also in the United Nations Security Council.
So, this is really an extremely important partnership which
has suddenly been concretized between China and France.  It means
that pressure is on Germany, which at present is in some disarray
and has only a caretaker government; the pressure is on Germany
— the number one economy [in Europe] — and it now means that
it’s not only the Eastern European countries like Serbia and
Poland and Hungary and Austria and Greece.  It’s not only all
those Eastern European and Balkan countries which have been
enthusiastically jumping into collaboration on the Belt and Road
Initiative; but now you have the number two Western European
economy and power, which has also jumped in.
Now this really means for the United States, here it is.
Already, China has made this major investment in West Virginia.
The governor yesterday gave a State of the State address in which
he talked about the Chinese investments in his state, which is
the third-poorest state in the United States, as the 800-lb
gorilla in the room.  He had a lot to say about the importance of
this for the prospect of pulling West Virginia out of what it had
fallen into.  Already this is obviously in front of the United
States, and the French move only makes it that much clearer an
offer to the United States.  Everyone is looking for an
infrastructure initiative from the Congress and from the
President; it’s supposed to be occurring in January.  Well, it is
occurring; it’s the Belt and Road Initiative, and it’s coming
right at us both in the now hundreds of freight trains every week
that are crossing Eurasia and all the new lines that are being
opened up. But it’s also coming at us in the development of
high-speed rail across the Bering Strait and the potential that
this will come all the way down to Vancouver and into the
so-called Cascades rail corridor in the United States.
So, it’s there.  The infrastructure initiative is there.
Essentially what we talk about as the third one of LaRouche’s
Four Laws, the third action that’s necessary; the use of the
credit to develop new high-technology infrastructure.  That’s
coming to us; we have to join it as a nation.  Those Four
Economic Laws of Lyndon LaRouche, those four actions that he
specified four years ago, need to be taken.

OGDEN:  So, that’s our campaign.  We need to make the Four
Economic Laws of Lyndon LaRouche the policy of this Presidency
and the policy of the United States.  That’s the means by which
we can join the New Silk Road dynamic.  Now the pamphlet, which
is “LaRouche’s Four Laws: America’s Future on the New Silk Road”,
has now been printed, it’s in circulation.  Ten thousand copies
are in print form, and are being circulated both in the streets
of cities across the country, in key constituent layers and farm
and industry layers across the United States, including in the
Heartland.  And notably this week, a very successful distribution
of this pamphlet to all of the relevant offices in the United
States Congress.  Volunteers with LaRouche PAC were on the ground
in Washington, DC getting this pamphlet around into the hands of
members of Congress and their key advisors, and having impromptu
meetings right there on the spot.  Including very relevant
questions that were being asked by these policymakers, such as
“Now, how do you turn debt into credit?”  Well, that’s a question
for Alexander Hamilton, isn’t it?  But that’s the question that
is answered in these Four Economic Laws pamphlet.  Notably,
yesterday was the birthday of Alexander Hamilton.  Perhaps that’s
an appropriate way to celebrate Alexander Hamilton’s birthday.
We will continue our mobilization around these Four Economic
Laws, and expect that over the coming 18 days, things will
continue to very dramatically change.  What we would like you to
do is to immediately get the copy of this pamphlet; this is the
link that you can see on your screen where you can get the
digital version of this pamphlet — LPAC.CO/4LYT.  It has to be
circulated everywhere, and this has got the be the subject of
every political discussion in the United States.  The contents of
this pamphlet and “Hey! Did you know that the world changed this
week?  You might not have heard it on CNN; you might not have
heard it on Fox News.  But France, the number two economy of
Western Europe just indicated that they want to join the New Silk
Road.  When will it be {our turn}?”  That’s the question that’s
on the table.
So, we ask you to tune in again on Monday, because first
we’ll have some very important updates to share with you as to
what China has already been doing to bring various states in the
United States into this New Paradigm.  The billions of dollars
that are being invested around the country — Alaska, Iowa, other
states — and most notably, $83.7 billion into the state of West
Virginia.  You heard Paul Gallagher report that Governor Jim
Justice gave his State of the State address this week.  We’ll
have some excerpts of that address, and continue to follow the
inspiration that is coming from China to this state in West
Virginia.  That State of the State really should be the template
for President Trump’s State of the Union.  We should be
discussing the future is on the New Silk Road.
Then also on Monday, we will share with you an initiative
which is being launched by LaRouche PAC.  This is LaRouche PAC’s
intervention into the 2018 Congressional elections.  LaRouche PAC
has issued a statement; it is being prepared for mass
circulation, but it’s also an endorsement.  It’s a call to
action.  All leaders within the American population should
endorse this statement of intent from LaRouche PAC, get on board
with the Four Economic Laws, get on board with the New Silk Road.
So, on Monday we will be launching that officially; and that will
be a campaign that you can immediately join, and you can
immediately assist us in circulating all across the United
With that said, please tune in on Monday for some very
special content, and thank you very much for watching today.
Thank you and please stay tuned to larouchepac.com.  Good night.

Kinas Silkevejsånd inspirerer Frankrigs Macron;
Hvornår vil den nå Berlin og Bruxelles?
Helga Zepp-LaRouche i
Nyt Paradigme Webcast, 11. jan., 2018.
pdf og video

Mange gange er denne form for pessimisme blot en ’comfort zone’, for når folk først har boret hælene i jorden med deres pessimisme, betyder det, at de ikke behøver gøre noget, for verden er alligevel håbløs, og derfor behøver man ikke ændre den.

Det er min holdning, at, når tingene udvikler sig i en positiv retning, har alle – næsten alle på denne planet – mulighed for at forbedre ting og ændre ting til det bedre, hvis muligheden skabes. Jeg vil derfor appellere til folk om at have et kulturelt optimistisk livssyn på disse spørgsmål, for at sidde på hænderne og intet foretage sig i et historisk øjeblik som det aktuelle, er næsten en forbrydelse.



Download (PDF, Unknown)

Frankrigs præsident besøger Kina og går
med i Silkevejen og fælles projekter i Afrika.
Politisk Orientering med formand
Tom Gillesberg, 11. jan., 2018

Tom Gillesberg:

Velkommen til disse meget dramatiske tider, men også tider, hvor, selv om man ikke rigtig kan føle det gennem den dækning, vi ser i den danske presse og i det hele taget i pressen her i den vestlige verden, så sker der ufatteligt meget. Der er i løbet af Emmanuel Macrons besøg til Kina den 8.-10. januar; så har de tektoniske plader under verden simpelt hen flyttet sig. Og de, der kender noget til den slags, ved, at når det sker, så er det ikke bare et jordskælv, der udløses, så er det mange jordskælv, der udløses; måske kommer der ét lige bagefter, men når de store plader flytter sig, så skal de store jordmasser ovenover på et eller andet tidspunkt også til at have udløst de spændinger, der nu er kommet i jordskorpen. Det giver så efterfølgende meget store konsekvenser. Det kan godt være, det tager lidt tid; det sker ikke øjeblikkeligt, men det kommer til at ske.

Derfor vil jeg, bare for, at vi kan få dette nye ind, denne meget store udvikling, der er sket, begynde med at dække lidt af den tale, som Frankrigs præsident holdt i Xi’an i Kina her 8. januar, da han indledte sit tredages besøg, fordi det også er en tale, der er ekstremt unormal i disse tider; for det første er det et af de permanente medlemmer af FN’s Sikkerhedsråd, den franske præsident, der holder det; samtidig er det også en refleksion over, hvad der har været galt i den franske politik, i EU’s politik, i Vestens politik, og som ellers er noget vi ikke ser …

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