Med Lyndon LaRouches 95-års fødselsdag
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LaRouche PAC Internationale Webcast,
15. sept., 2017

Vært Matthew Ogden: Aftenens udsendelse er noget speciel. Mange af jer ved, at hr. Lyndon LaRouches 95-års fødselsdag blev fejret for en uge siden, den 8. sept.; 95 år, en moden alder. Jeg lægger et billede op på skærmen af hr. LaRouche ved sin fødselsdagsfest den følgende dag. Det var en meget glædelig fest. Mange af de hilsner, der kom fra hele verden, var varme lykønskninger og hyldest fra mennesker, der har kendt hr. LaRouche, der har arbejdet med hr. LaRouche, og som respekterer hans bidrag til at ændre verdenshistoriens gang hen over disse mange og produktive 95 år. Nogle af disse hilsner er blevet samlet i et Festskrift; heriblandt hilsner fra meget fremtrædende politiske ledere fra USA – valgte repræsentanter og tidligere valgte repræsentanter. Richard Black fra Virginia, tidligere kongresmedlem Lacy Clay, tidligere justitsminister Ramsey Clark har sendt de varmeste hilsner. Tidligere senator Mike Gravel, der ligeledes har været præsidentkandidat og er berømt for Pentagon Papirerne. Der var dr. Hal Cooper, en ingeniør, der har arbejdet meget hårdt på visionen om Verdenslandbroen og har deltaget i nogle af de seneste begivenheder i New York City. Mark Sweazey, der er en leder af UAW (United Automobile Workers) fra Ohio, der har arbejdet med hr. LaRouche for at stoppe nedlukningen af automobilindustrien. Carol Smith, en aktivist fra Kentucky. Ron og Denna Wierczorek, meget kendte aktivister fra South Dakota, borgere i dette land. Så er der kunstnere – Maestro Anthony Morss fra New York City, en fremtrædende dirigent; Alan Leathers, en sanger fra Washington, D.C. Dernæst, politiske, videnskabelige og militære ledere fra hele verden. Latinamerika – fra Argentina, Bolivia, Brasilien, Colombia, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru. Der kom hilsner andre steder fra; fra hele Asien, inklusive flere hilsner fra Kina og Rusland. Folk fra Australien, Malaysia, Filippinerne, Thailand. Vi havde en rapport herfra for nylig; hr. Pakdee Tanapura, der arrangerede det meget succesfulde møde om Kra-kanalen, der netop fandt sted i mandags. Fra Spanien, og endda fra Yemen fra hr. Fouad al-Ghaffari, der er præsident for BRIKS’ Ungdomskabinet. Vi håber at kunne udsende et interview med ham i løbet af de næste par dages aktivisme, han vil gennemføre i Yemen for at stoppe saudiernes folkemordskrig mod det yemenitiske folk.

Men, som I ser, så er det kun et lille udvalg af de mange varme hilsner, der er kommet fra hele verden og hele USA i denne glædelige anledning af hr. LaRouches 95-års fødselsdag.

I aften vil vi faktisk gå nogle år tilbage i tiden. Vi vil gå fem år tilbage til hr. LaRouches 90-års fødselsdag. Ved denne lejlighed holdt hr. LaRouche en tale, der nu er blevet temmelig berømt, og hvori han kræver afslutningen af partisystemet; men han fremlægger også programmet for USA’s økonomiske genrejsning og en helt ny vision for det, der må sker mht. internationale relationer og dette lands politik.

Der er sket meget siden dengang, for fem år siden. Det synes næsten at være en evighed siden, mht. verdenshistoriens forløb. Hvis man tænker på, hvad der er sket, så blev denne tale, som vi skal ske et klip fra, holdt før kineserne vedtog den Nye Silkevej som deres officielle politik – Bælte & Vej Initiativet; før overfloden af nye udviklingsbanker, der kom fra BRIKS-landene – den Ny Udviklingsbank og Asiatisk Infrastruktur-Investeringsbank; før alle disse udviklinger fandt sted i udlandet. Og selvfølgelig, før det skelsættende valg i 2016 her i USA.

Hvis man ser på, hvad der er sket i USA, i betragtning af, at denne tale, som vi skal se et klip fra, blev holdt under præsidentvalgkampen i 2012 mellem Barack Obama og Mitt Romney. Men det er næsten fænomenalt, hvor forudvidende, hr. LaRouche var, mht. det, der ville finde sted i USA; noget, som ingen andre så komme og sikkert ikke troede på, da de hørte hr. LaRouches ord dengang. Begge de såkaldte politiske partier i dette forrige præsidentvalg ophørte med at eksistere i deres tidligere form. Der er intet genkendeligt Demokratisk Parti, eller Republikansk Parti. Der er måske nogle af de samme personer, men ikke de såkaldte establishment-partier, vi havde før 2016, før oprøret i det Demokratiske Parti, der formede sig omkring Bernie Sanders, og dernæst oprøret i det Republikanske Parti omkring Donald Trump; før begge disse ting indtraf, fremlagde hr. LaRouche det, han kaldte afslutningen af establishment-partisystemet, der var i færd med at ødelægge selve USA’s sjæl.

Vi har set dette fortsætte i 2016-valget, meget klart. Der var meget mere, der forenede det amerikanske folk end splittede det. Se f.eks. på den brede støtte til Glass/Steagall; noget, vi skal høre hr. LaRouche tale om i denne tale fra for fem år siden. Se på den brede støtte til infrastruktur, til produktive jobs; se på den brede opposition til konfrontationen med Rusland, der ville føre til Tredje Verdenskrig. Det er, hvad Hillary Clintons kampagne repræsenterede i det amerikanske folks øjne. Dette er, hvad det etablerede Republikanske Partis forskellige kampagner repræsenterede i det amerikanske folks øjne. Der var meget mere på det tidspunkt, der forenede det amerikanske folk end splittede det. Det var i realiteten LaRouche-programmet.

Går vi frem til nutiden og ser, hvad der er sket i USA i de seneste par uger, ser vi igen, at det amerikanske folk forenes. Se, hvad der skete i Houston omkring Harvey; den form for uselviskhed og næstekærlighed, som folk viste ved at gå ud for at redde og beskytte folk mod denne naturkatastrofe. Dette kendte ikke til skel; der var ingen partilinjer. Der var ikke noget, »Er du et flertal, er du et mindretal? Er du Republikaner, er du Demokrat? Er du konservativ, er du liberal?« Alle var amerikanere. Den samme stemning skete i Florida i kølvandet på orkanen Irma dér. Vi ser nu, at det endda smitter i politik i Washington. I en meget spirende form, men USA’s præsident har nu virkelig fornærmet establishment-personerne i det Republikanske Parti – Mitch McConnell og Paul Ryan og deres lige – ved at række ud til det Demokratiske Parti for at gennemføre et genrejsningsprogram for Houston og begynde at arbejde på noget af den politik, der burde have været politik fra Dag Ét. Dette skulle have været hans første 100 dage i embedet: Infrastruktur; produktive jobs. Dette begynder nu endelig at vise sig i en spirende form; og det er vores ansvar at forsætte med at lede.

Men jeg vil afspille dette uddrag af hr. LaRouches bemærkninger.

(Se hele LaRouche 90-års tale her (dansk): »Evnen til at gøre det gode – Mennesket har en særlig opgave i universet«)

Her følger resten af webcastet i engelsk udskrift:

I think you’ll find it fascinating

reflecting on what has happened in the past five years between

Mr. LaRouche’s 90th birthday and Mr. LaRouche’s 95th birthday.

In fact, what is the power of ideas to shape history?  What do we

have to expect in the days, weeks, months, and years to come?

This is the vision that leadership, that statesman-like

leadership that you’re about to hear from Mr. LaRouche.  This is

how history is formed.



LYNDON LaRouche: … The problem is, {the party system}.

Now, George Washington, President George Washington and

others, at the founding of our republic, as an independent

republic, tried to {prevent} the formation of {a party system}.

And I think, the time has come, to eliminate {the party system}.

[applause]  At this time, it’s the only way, formally, through

the legal process, that we could eliminate the possibility of

these two kinds of Presidents.

What’s wrong?  Why should we have {party systems}?  We have

a Constitution, which is defined;  the Constitution is fine, if

it’s carried through, as intended; it is our system.  But why do

we have to have parties intervening in between the process of

selecting Presidential leadership in national government?  Why do

we do that?  What screwball invented this kind of nonsense?

Because that’s what happened:  People become partisan, and say,

“which party wins is going to determine the fate of the nation!”

No party has that kind of right!  There can not be a party,

that has the right, to oversee and control the destiny of the

nation!  You can have a President, there’s nothing wrong with

that.  But you can’t have a President as the President of a

party.  Or, you can not have a conniving, between two

Presidential teams, or two party teams, which connive by special

agreement among themselves, to create the composition of a

national government!  These things are obscenities, which leaders

of our nation, beginning from the George Washington

Administration, recognized as evils!  And the idea of going to a

European kind of government, which is inherently corrupt — by

its very nature, not necessarily by the {intention} of the

people, or the intention of the politicians, {they just don’t

know any better!}

And the only way this can be done, is, if we infect the

population, with the realization, {we do not want a party

system!}  We have state governments, don’t we?  Under our

Constitution.  We have local governments, within state

governments, under our Constitution.  We have bodies which the

nation creates, to perform functions of the Federal government,

the military and the rest of  it. {So we don’t need parties!}

They don’t do any damned good!

I mean, it’s like Franklin Roosevelt:  If Franklin Roosevelt

had just been the President and didn’t have to deal with these

damned parties, we would haven’t the mess we got into.  What we

need, we need to have {not} a contention, over which {party} is

going to win, when the party was {not] inherent in the conception

of nation.  What we need is a Federal Republic, with its state

composition and other local compositions playing their role.

{We don’t need this party system} which is a system of

inherently corruption.  What we need, is the election, due

process election, of a composition of government.  And we don’t

want people diverting the attention of the population, from the

issues of the nation, over the issues of partisanship! {That’s}

where the problem lies!

When you rely on parties, as such, you set up a kind of

controversy, or competition, for power, between or among party

systems.  These party systems then {excite the passions} of the

foolish voters, who now are concerned about voting for the

{party, first}, and the {nation, second!}  When it must be the

{nation, first,} and the not the party.

The voluntary part of the system, that’s fine; the citizen

has a right, to make formations, to make agreements among

themselves, and to cast their votes accordingly, and to discuss

these matters accordingly.  But we don’t want the top-down rule

of a party system, which is controlled by the money sent to them,

by financial interests which control the money which gives one

party advantage over the other!  You want the bare citizen, as a

citizen, to have an equal right, and independence of this party


This has been said, again and again, in the course of the

history of the United States!  That people with insight, realize

the essence of the corruption in the United States, is based in

and derived from the use of the party system.  And you see it

right now:  You have, the nation is now mortgaged, for the

selection of its government, its national government, is

mortgaged to the {party system!}  Everything is stopped, except

which party is going to win!  And one is almost as bad as the


And why should we be spending our time, selecting a

government, of two parties, neither of which is fit to be our

government!  Why don’t we have a national government selected in

the way that George Washington, for example, President George

Washington, had intended?  We would not {have} that mess!  And

the citizen would be called upon, not to decide who’s butt he

wants to kiss, but rather what the issues are and programs that

this citizen wishes to express.  We want to engage the citizen in

the dialogue!  We don’t want to take the competition {between}

groups of citizens.  {We want the citizen to force the reality,

that he or she is voting for the government.}  And what the

citizens do in voting for a government, will determine the fate

of the nation.

We want to {confront} the citizen, with the responsibility

of {his} being accountable, or her being accountable, for the

responsibility of what government is, and what it becomes.  We

have to {force} responsibility upon the individual citizen, as a

citizen, not as a sucker, playing into some kind of game.  And

this has been understood for a long time, by the best thinkers of

the United States, that it is the party system, as typified by

the Andrew Jackson Presidency, one of the most corrupt

Presidencies in our history.  And the corruption that was done,

to the United States, by the election of Andrew Jackson, and the

people who controlled him,  which were British bankers; so,

Andrew Jackson was a tool of British imperial bankers:  They

owned him.  They ran him.  And it was because of the party

system, that this could happen.

And we got the same thing today:  You’re shacked up with a

couple of clowns — Dummo and the Crook, and the Insane Crook.

Now, the only thing we can do, or the only thing I can do,

on this thing right now, apart from telling you about this

wonderful information, is to awaken you to realize what we’re

really up against, to recognize what the real problems are.  If

you’re thinking about looking at this mess out there, from the

standpoint of Democratic or Republican, you’re not thinking!

Because you’re not thinking in terms of the essential interest.

Because what you’re doing, whatever you do, you are imprisoned to

pledging your support, to a party!  Not to the nation.  Yes, you

say, “to the nation,” but it’s the party that controls you.  And

that is how Andrew Jackson destroyed the United States, was with

the party system! That’s what doomed Franklin Roosevelt. Franklin

Roosevelt would never have had this clown, Truman, stuck on him,

except for the party system business.  And that’s where our

problem lies.

And we have to make that clear.  Because we know what the

state of mind is?  What’s the state of mind of the voter?  He’s

playing football, not politics!  He’s playing a version of

football, baseball, whatever — gambling!  Racketeering,

whatever!  And his mind, his passion, is associated with winning

this, for this party, this team, this that, that and so forth —

{not for the nation!}  The objective of our system of government

must be to {force the citizen, as a citizen, to think through

what the national interest is!}  And we don’t do it.  We say,

“Which party are you going to support?”  Well, what’s the party

going to do? “Well, I think it’s a good party,” in other words,

they don’t know what the hell they’re doing — and they’re

passion is involved in being sure they won’t do it. And that’s

where we stand. And that’s the thing we’ve got to think about.

And you’ve got to destroy the self-confidence of those

damned fools, who think that the “party vote,” the vote for the

party {should determine the decision of the nation.}  That is a

false and fraudulent conception, and it’s about time we called a

halt to it.  And right now, would be a very good time.  All

right.  [applause]

Now, what’re we going to do?  Let’s lay out, here, we have

our organization.  We have a conception of how to organize this

nation, how to deal with the great crisis, the financial crisis,

the economic crises, which occur in this nation; and which occur,

also, similarly, in other nations, which I think would tend, at

this time, to look with a friendly eye at what I might propose

here, right now.

All right: First of all, the world is bankrupt.  The

trans-Atlantic region is {totally, hopelessly bankrupt!} Every

part of Western and Central Europe is totally bankrupt!  It’s

{incurably} bankrupt, under its present system.  Nothing be done

to save it in its present form.  There’s no way you can bail it

out!  There’s no way you can take it out of this — except one

way:  Glass-Steagall.

Now, of late, you will have observed that Glass-Steagall has

become increasingly popular, in England, in the continent of

Europe, and other notable places!  So what does Glass-Steagall

do?  Well, essentially it says that the system of government

we’re running under right now, is hopelessly corrupt; so, let’s

shut it down!  Let’s shut down all the bail out.  We’re not going

to pay it!  We jes’ ain’t gonna pay it!  [applause]

So what’re we going to do?  Well, we’re going to have a

grand old time:  We’re going to go to a straight credit system,

which is Glass-Steagall, immediately!  Now, that means, that all

those other guys, the gamblers, Wall Street types and so forth,

are going to find themselves sitting — well:  They have all

these claims.  All these values.  They own all this property, in

terms of title.  But we say, the point is here, with

Glass-Steagall, that you can run your kind of banking system if

you want to  —  under penalties of law, of course! But you don’t

have any right to come to the Federal government, to demand that

the Federal government bail them out, if they happen to go


Now, I can tell you, as you probably have suspected, that

practically every part of the whole system in the United States,

today, {is already hopelessly, incurably bankrupt!}  And there’s

only one way we can escape from this bankruptcy:  You want to

have some money to live on?  There’s one thing you got to do:

Glass-Steagall!  And that will open the… it won’t solve the

problem, but it will open the gates, to permit the problem to be


If you take, and say, all these things that are not and

don’t conform to Glass-Steagall, all these things must be

cancelled.  That means these banks can still have their banking

system, as long as they don’t go bankrupt.  We’re not going to

shut them down arbitrarily, we’re just letting them out on their

own, and saying, “this is not our business.  The Federal

government is not responsible for this.”

All right, now that will reduce the debt of the United

States, {tremendously!}  It would have a similar effect in

nations of Europe!  The French banks would not be pleased with

  1. They would probably say some very nasty things about me,

but… things like that.

But the point is, the world now knows, and increasingly in

Europe, and starting in England and other countries in Europe

itself, there’s an understanding that Glass-Steagall is a

necessary alternative.  And these guys are having a terrible

time, in fighting off the Glass-Steagall popularity.  But that

will do it.

The problem is, because we waited so long, since we

cancelled Glass-Steagall, we waited too long, and they ran up a

hyperinflationary debt, which is really beyond even dreaming.  So

therefore, the result is, if we go with Glass-Steagall, we’re

going to have relatively little money, under our Federal system;

because we wasted it by throwing it into the garbage pail, and we

can’t get it back.  So therefore,  we’re going to have to go to

another measure.  Now, I said, national banking.  Now, why

national banking?  Because, unless you create a banking system,

under the U.S. government, under protection and regulation of the

U.S. government, you can’t do anything much with the economy.

We have very little industry left in the United States, it’s

been systematically destroyed.  Especially since the last three

terms of the Presidency.  We have been running a garbage pail;

and therefore, we have no means, by ordinary means, to save the

economy.  We don’t have jobs.  Now, as most of you know, under

NAWAPA, we would create, quickly, {4 million or more jobs} —

real jobs! Really productive jobs.  We would create, at least,

immediately, a couple million more highly skilled categories of

jobs.  We would start the process of a general recovery of the

United States — but oh!  Wait a minute!  Got one more problem.

Where’s the money going to come from, that we’re going to loan,

for NAWAPA, and loan for other high-technology jobs, and certain

other kinds of skilled jobs?  The Federal government is going to

have to {create credit}, which will be run through national

banking system, so that under national banking and Federal

government approval, we can conduit credit into creating these


Let’s take the practical question of the food supply in the

United States right now:  As you probably know, food is about to

be cancelled, and the Obama Administration is doing everything

possible to destroy it.  Because they’re doing everything to

destroy food, for fuels.

So therefore, what’re we going to do?  Well, what we’re

going to do, is by giving the Federal credit, into, say, the

NAWAPA system, we’re going to create a flow of credit, into the

various phases of this process, which will immediately charge

NAWAPA, in particular, and other things that go with NAWAPA.  We

have also, we have the lost auto industry, the whole Detroit

system, for example, and we’re going to put that back into work!

So, we’re going to create, instantly, that is, by Federal decree

— instantly create sufficient growth, not only to get rid of

this hopeless debt, which never was really a legitimate debt, at

all, and we’re going to restart the economy, by taking people,

when you have very few people who are actually involved in

productive jobs, they’re not involved in producing things;

they’re mostly employed in various kinds of services, which are

not particularly productive, and do not lend any productive value

to the U.S. economy.  They’re simply pass-outs, under one guise

or the other.

So in this case, we are launching a recovery of the U.S.

economy, by supply the credit, as we did in the beginning of the

development of our economy, after we won our Revolution, we’re

going back to that system of recovery to get things moving, and

it’s going to start immediately.  And the easiest way for us to

do this, is NAWAPA.  NAWAPA is a project, which is relevant,

because it’s focused on {water management}.  And the problem we

have in the United States today, is a water management problem!

In the Central States, we don’t have rain!  We don’t the means to

grow crops.  And we don’t have people who are employed, in

actually productive forms of employment!  Physically productive

forms of employment.

The difference is, with this kind of reform, of three steps:

NAWAPA as a driver, an incentive driver, which will save the

organization of production in the Central and Western States of

the United States!  The going back into the area of the so-called

Detroit area, with several million jobs, immediately, will have a

similar effect.  Which means that we then can use a credit

system, managed under Federal control, as we’ve used credit

systems, like Franklin Roosevelt did in the past, and use that

kind of credit system under a Glass-Steagall type government

system, and we can start the regrowth of the U.S. economy.

We also have, as a byproduct of this:  If we as the United

States {do} this, you will find that the nations of Eurasia, will

join us.  You will find that nations of Europe, who are now being

destroyed by their own system, will now go back into functioning,

and we will use international credit, which is an extension of

the national banking concept, instead of speculation, in order to

restart the economy.  And that can be done.

So there is a practical solution, a {sane} practical

solution, as opposed to the other kind, for this problem we have

as a nation. How far are we from getting it, is the question?

Well, that depends.  It depends how desperate people are,

and how much their desperation is moderated by the sense of

attachment to a solution.  Our job is to present the solutions.

You know, society is actually led, when it’s led, by a tiny

minority of the human race.  We have not, because of our

underdevelopment, we have not built up nation systems, which are

actually rationally, and truly represent {the will of human

beings.} What we approach is the conditional will of human

beings, by providing them with promises, which we hopefully can

keep, and that they will be satisfied by trusting us, by the

means of the measures we offer to them, as suggestions.  A very

tiny minority, of the human population in all nations, actually

has any comprehension, any qualifications for comprehension of

how an economy runs or how it should be run. We have to bring

them to us, to our ideas, our conceptions, based on the fact that

they need precisely the solutions that we present.  It may not

exactly what they would dream for, but it’s what we could

deliver!  And if people understand that that’s what the game is,

they’ll accept it, at least in large part.

It’s what they can believe that we can deliver.  And it’s

our saying that we can deliver this, but we {can’t do that, yet}.

And if you promise everything, they’re not going to trust you,

and for good reason.  If you give specific promises, that {will

work}, and make sense, and can be explained to the people, it’ll

work!  And if they don’t accept it, that’s their fault!

But our responsibility, which is limited — we don’t run the

world; we don’t have powers to supervise the world as a whole. We

can only argue!  We can only argue as an intelligentsia, that we

have done some thinking that the other people have not yet caught

onto, or didn’t know about.  And we can tell them, what [we} can

do!  What {we} understand, what {will} work for them; and say,

“We’re going to have to work harder, and better, in order to

fulfill the kind of promises we wish to deliver.”  And say, we

need their cooperation in doing that.

We’ve got to give them a sense, that whatever we’re

promising them, we’re committed to delivering, and that our

promise of delivery has been made credible to them.  And that

experience, as in the case of the Franklin Roosevelt recovery in

the United States during the 1930s, the same program, the same

policy that Franklin Roosevelt used in reviving the U.S. economy.

But we have to tell these guys, “Stop being the kind of

idiot, who believes in the party system!  That’s number one.

Number two, don’t believe in Obama, get him out of there, and

make sure he’s removed quickly.”  And we’re going to have to

figure out what we’re going to do about this Republican.

[laughter]  Because that’s a real weak point, there.

However, I believe this:  If we can establish a functional

Presidency of the United States as was done in establishing the

United States  under George Washington’s Presidency, if we have a

President, and we use our system of government, our

constitutional system of government, we can solve this problem.

Not the way people would like, by “wish factory” or something,

but by the fact, we can point the direction, and it’s up to the

people to follow the direction, and choose to follow the


{But we must do what is not done right now}:  The problem

with government now, is that the U.S. government and its

functions, are chiefly one, big, damned lie!  They promise things

that do not exist, or will not exist, and make rules which make

no sense, and are willing to get into wars, by which civilization

and mankind in general, could be destroyed.  And we have to use

that argument and that bill of particulars, as a method of

convincing them, this has to be done.

And the key thing is this, to come back to the theme I

started with:  Space.  It’s obvious, there’s a limited timeframe

within which mankind can continue to live safely under the system

of the Sun, the current Sun system.  The Sun has a limited —

some people say 2 billion years; some would say, well, long

before 2 billion years, the Sun is going to act up, and life is

going to be {most unpleasant} on this planet!

So, we as mankind, have to address this question.  And it’s

obvious that to address this question, we have to give new

attention, to space, the questions of space.  We have to find

ways of intervening in the space system, or the solar space

system and so forth, and this is possible.  But we must turn to

that direction, to think, “well, we can’t stand around, following

a fixed recipe, like a kitchen cookbook recipe, forever.  We have

to  anticipate the problems which face mankind in the future, we

have to search for solutions to those problems, and we’ve got to

convince people.

And the big thing you have to do, is this:  Most people in

the United States today, behave stupidly, and this, of course, is

helped by the educational system, it’s helped by the terrible

conditions of life of children, as well as adolescents, and there

are many things that have to be done.  And our job is, as a

minority in society, and with other minorities in society which

{wish}  to find and initiate true solutions for these problems,

we have to get out, and convince people, and educate them.

And in particular, get them immediately to understand, that

these two Presidencies that they’ve stuck out there for voting,

ain’t shucks! And we’ve got to do something about that, and the

best way, is to go out and say that these guys aren’t fit to run

anything, and give some indications of what we’re thinking.

It can work.  It can work because the situation of all

humanity, on this planet right now, is almost a hopeless one. The

war danger, the thermonuclear war which is hanging over us right

now, is threat number one.  The shortage of food in the United

States, for people, citizens of the United States, is another.

The conditions of health care, are another.  All of these

conditions are intolerable!  {And nobody’s doing a damned thing

about it, from the standpoint of government on down!}  I don’t

hear of any big riots coming out of the Congress, against the

lack of such needed reforms!  They’re going by… the party

system. And I think we have to just treat the party system, as

the kind of fraud that it has always been!

We should have a system of representative government, in

which the citizens can use those other citizens who are the most

qualified, and the most committed, to provide leadership, to

provide the ideas and the leadership which is needed for the

rest.  If you can’t be something, inspire it in somebody else.

Thank you.  [ovation]  [END VIDEO]


OGDEN:  So as you can see, this is a speech which remains

very timely in terms of its urgent political importance, and we

would encourage you to watch the speech in its entirety; we’ll

make that available for you.

But if you just thinking about what you’ve just heard, the

economic program, the prescience of what Mr. LaRouche’s remarks

there were, five years ago, our country still finds itself in a

state of dire economic emergency, perhaps even having gotten

worse in the last five years;  and that program is still urgent

in terms of its implementation.

But what {has} changed is, indeed, the party structure as we

thought we knew it at that time, has ceased to exist, in terms of

the two establishment parties — what was the Democratic Party

and what was the Republican Party.  And this is a change,

perhaps, in par with what we saw in the middle of the 19th

century when the two established parties at that time nearly

ceased to exist:  This was a turmoil out of which, perhaps the

greatest President of our entire history, Abraham Lincoln,


But our responsibility, and what we have to recognize, is

that the importance of Mr. LaRouche’s leadership and the

importance of the leadership of that small minority which he was

discussing, is perhaps more important now, because of this very

reality, than ever before.  As you just heard Mr. LaRouche

describe, in a very eloquent way, our job is to present the

solution, because society is actually led, by a very tiny

minority of intellectual leaders, and society as a whole invests

their trust in those whom they are confident have their best

interests in mind, and have the unique understanding of what must

be done; a very tiny minority has any qualified understanding of

how an economy actually must be run, and can deliver on that

understanding, which is the crucial ingredient.  That’s where

leadership comes from, that’s what makes leadership qualified,

and that’s what serves as the actual qualified leadership in a

republic such as ours.

Now, speaking of a republic, as my colleague Benjamin

Deniston noted in his {Festschrift} contribution to Mr.

LaRouche’s 95th birthday: “When age is measured, not merely in

years, but in wisdom and in creativity, and especially in

contributions to the progress of society, we can truly say,

taking due note of Plato’s famous {Timaeus} dialogue, we are

truly blessed with Mr. LaRouche’s 95th birthday, to have an old

man among us, a {very} old man among us.”

So we wish Mr. LaRouche a very happy 95th birthday, and we

wish him many more.

Thank you very much for tuning in to this special broadcast

tonight, and we encourage you to watch that address in its

entirety. Thank you and good night.

Efter Houston-oversvømmelsen møder 1000 mennesker op
for at fejre Kennedys ‘Månetale’ for 55 år siden

Af Kesha Rogers, Houston; medlem af LaRouche PAC Policy Committee.

»Vi vælger at tage til Månen. Vi vælger at tage til Månen i dette årti og at gøre de andre ting, ikke, fordi det er let, men fordi det er svært …«

Tirsdag, den 12. september markerede 55-års dagen for præsident John F. Kennedys »Månetale« på Rice Stadium.

For at højtideligholde denne historiske begivenhed, der har inspireret så mange, stuvede næsten 1000 mennesker sig sammen i Stude Concert Hall på Rice Universitetet. Begivenheden, der skulle markere denne historiske dato, havde titlen, »Fiasko er ikke en mulighed: Legemliggørelsen af credoet, ’Vi gør dette, ikke, fordi det er let, men fordi det er svært’«. Gæstetaler var Apollo 13-astronaut Fred Haise. Ellen Ochoa, direktør for Johnson Space Center, talte ligeledes under en kort, ledet spørgsmål-og-svar-session, sammen med Haise.

Præsidenten for Rice Universitet, David Lebron, citerede i sine åbningsbemærkninger de samme ord, som præsident John F. Kennedy udtalte i sit første foredrag på Rice Universitet den 12. sept., 1962:

»Vi mødes på et universitet, der er kendt for sin viden, i en by, kendt for fremskridt, i en stat, kendt for styrke, og vi har brug for alle tre ting, for vi mødes på et tidspunkt for forandring og udfordring, i et årti for håb og frygt, i en tidsalder for både viden og uvidenhed. Jo mere, vor viden øges, desto mere udfoldes vor uvidenhed.« Hr. Lebron forklarede, at, i kølvandet på orkanen Harvey, der har hærget Texas-området – som Irma nu har hærget Floridas kyster – er disse ord af John F. Kennedy lige så relevante i dag, som de var, da de først hørtes for 55 år siden.

Fred Haise, der er 84 år gammel, holdt en ærefrygtindgydende tale for den tætpakkede forsamling, hvis antal overgik alles forventninger. Han talte om USA’s bemandede rumfartshistorie og den rystende historie om Apollo 13-missionen i 1970. Haise var Apollo 13’s pilot i månemodulet. Apollos 13’s mission var at lande i Fra Mauro-området på Månen, men en eksplosion om bord på rumfartøjet tvang besætningen til i stedet at gå i kredsløb om Månen uden at lande, og Fra Mauro-målet blev flyttet til Apollo 14. Da Haise talte om sin oplevelse om bord på Apollo 13, fortalte han om det tragiske tab af liv i Apollo 1 i 1967, efter en ildebrand brød ud i cockpittet, mens rumfartøjet endnu befandt sig i affyringsrampen, og alle tre astronauter omkom. Læren af denne tragiske begivenhed, og den forpligtelse, der blev indgået dengang, at »fiasko er ikke en mulighed«, reddede Haises og hans besætningsmedlemmers liv senere, som han forklarede. De, hvis liv tidligere var blevet ofret, kan meget vel have reddet livet for dem, der fulgte efter.

Jeg mener, dette er en bemærkelsesværdig lære for nutiden. Vil vi tage ved lære af Harvey? Vil vi bygge den infrastruktur, vi behøver for at sikre, at ikke ét eneste yderligere liv vil gå tabt pga. menneskeskabte fejl og forsømmelse? Så meget er blevet tabt, så mange har ydet ofre – hvordan vil vi rette op på uretten og gøre de nye opdagelser, der vil sikre en bedre fremtid foran os?

Jeg spurgte oberst Haise om den lære, man kunne uddrage af rumprogrammet og Apollo, som kunne være med til at lede nationen i denne kriseperiode, i kølvandet på orkanerne. Han svarede ved at understrege betydningen af at have den rette leder, nødvendigheden af teamwork for genopbygning og infrastruktur, og behovet for at indsprøjte tilstrækkelige resurser i denne genopbygning – som kun kan komme fra en føderal mission af den art, som Kennedy forstod, var nødvendig for at gøre Apollo til en succes. Under spørgsmål-og-svar, hvor Ochoa syntes at indordne sig under den linje, hvor NASA i stigende grad skifter over til at bero på privatiseret rumflyvning, påpegede oberst Haise ligefremt, at disse private selskaber kun eksisterer pga. NASA, og at, i modsætning til NASA, hvis de ikke tjener profit, ophører de med at have en mission.

Oberst Haise konkluderede med at sætte fokus på menneskets enestående evne til at gøre opdagelser, som intet dyr er i stand til. Hverken gris eller delfin kan bygge et rumfartøj, sagde han, men det kan vi. Han fik stående ovation for sin tale, og tilhørerne forlod meget inspireret lokalet, med store forhåbninger til fremtiden.

Foto: JFK holder den berømte ’Månetale’ på Rice Stadium, 12. sept., 1962.  

Rapport fra konference i Bangkok om Kra-kanalen

12. sept., 2017 – I dag rapporterede Pakdee Tanapura tilbage om den meget succesfulde konference om Thai-kanalen (Kra-kanalen), der blev afholdt mandag, den 11. september i Bangkok. Flere end 250 mennesker deltog, inklusive økonomer, videnskabsfolk, regeringsfolk, akademikere, militær- og erhvervsledere. Alle var meget bevægede over talernes entusiasme. Tanapura fremhævede repræsentanten fra Panama, der talte om historien om, og den seneste udvidelse af Panama-kanalen. En gruppe af 30 repræsentanter for lokalsamfund fra syd rejste til Bangkok for at give deres støtte, og for at tilbagevise dem, der forsøger at oppiske modstand på baggrund af miljøhensyn og menneskerettigheder, fra den sydlige befolkning.

Der var ingen officiel repræsentation fra regeringen, hvilket var forventet, men medlemmer af Statsrådet og de meget højtplacerede, pensionerede militærledere understregede, at situationen nu er moden, og regeringen kan og bør tilslutte sig denne indsats. En tidligere øverstkommanderende (general Saiyud, der også talte på konferencen i 1984 med Lyndon LaRouche) foreslog, at projektet blev udnævnt til et Royalt Projekt for at undgå de politiske problemer. Fire kinesiske talere gjorde det klart, at Kina blot venter på, at regeringen skal godkende projektet, for at de fuldt ud vil engagere sig.

Der var ingen fra USA’s ambassade, der deltog, på trods af invitationer, men den indiske ambassade og andre sendte repræsentanter.

Flere kinesiske pressemedier var til stede og forventes snart at udlægge artikler. Den Singapore-baserede China News Asia filmede hele arrangementet og afholdt interviews med flere af talerne og har planlagt at skrive en stor artikel (Singapore har generelt spillet briternes spil med at opponere mod Kra-kanalen og hævdet, den vil underminere deres strategiske position – dvs., briternes strategiske situation – i Malaccastrædet.)

Endnu et forum med fokus på finansieringen af projektet vil snarest blive planlagt. Pakdee mener, at konferencen skabte betydeligt momentum og entusiasme, som det vil blive vanskeligt at undertrykke.

Se også: Rapport på LaRouchePAC’s webside. 

Se også: LPAC-TV (42 min.) Kra Canal The Development of Southeast Asia


Trump udviser lederskab;
Mobilisér amerikanerne for økonomisk
genrejsning og infrastruktur

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, 11. sept., 2017 – På 16-års dagen for 11. september-angrebet på USA, er USA blevet ramt af ødelæggelserne efter to forskellige orkaner, med en tredje på vej. I modsætning til den respons på 11. sept., der kom fra George Bush, som omgående etblerede politistatsinstitutioner i USA og indledte processen med »permanent krigsførelse« – for det meste mod nationer, der absolut intet havde med 11. sept. at gøre – så responderer Trump til de aktuelle katastrofer med sandt lederskab. Efter at have fået en omfattende briefing om orkanen Irmas hærgen i Florida, instruerede Trump søndag alle føderale organisationer til at give fuld støtte til FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) og til at »fortsætte med at støtte delstatsindsatser og lokale indsatser for at redde liv, fremme bestræbelser for at finde husly og efterkomme anmodninger om hjælp til berørte områder«. De forskellige militære grene er mobiliseret til at sørge for redning og nødforsyninger af mad, vand og andre fornødenheder til de millioner af fordrevne mennesker. Han ringede personligt til guvernørerne i de stater, der lå på Irmas vej, for at forsikre dem om fuld støtte fra den føderale regering.

Trump vendte sig ligeledes mod det Demokratiske Partis lederskab for at vedtage en tværpolitisk lov om at dirigere $15 mia. af føderale midler til at påbegynde processen med genopbygning i Texas, og der vil behøves langt flere midler til at påbegynde genopbygningen efter Irma.

Et par milliard dollars vil naturligvis end ikke begynde at genoprette skaderne efter de nylige orkaner, og da slet ikke indlede processen med at genopbygge nationens smuldrende infrastruktur, for at forhindre den næste omgang naturkatastrofer i atter at fange nationen uforberedt til at forsvare sig. Hertil kræves en lancering af mekanismer til udstedelse af statslig kredit i Hamiltons tradition, for at skabe de flere billioner af dollars, der kræves for atter at gøre USA til en produktiv nation, som det skitseres i LaRouches Fire Love.

Trump hælder også mod at afslutte den såkaldte politik for »gældsloft« – som ville være et skridt hen imod at muliggøre et anlægsbudget for byggeri af infrastruktur gennem statslig kredit, der ifølge sin natur frembringer sin egen tilbagebetaling ved at løfte nationens produktive platform som helhed.

Trumps mobilisering skaber betingelserne for, at dette langt større foretagende kan realiseres. Den amerikanske befolkning væmmes ved Bush- og Obamaregeringerne, der pumpede billioner af dollars ind i bailouts for Wall Streets og City of Londons institutioners spillekasinogæld, alt imens de førte evindelige krige i udlandet og gennemtvang nedskæringspolitikker hjemme.

Kast et blik ud i verden. Blot i sidste uge bragte BRIKS-konferencen i Xiamen og det Østlige Økonomiske Forum i Vladivostok repræsentanter for flertallet af verdens nationer og folkeslag sammen for at udvide den Nye Silkevejsproces, under ledelse af Kina og Rusland, for at opbygge moderne nationer i den tidligere koloniserede verden, og for at åbne en af verdens sidste, »fremskudte grænseposter« i det russiske Fjernøsten, gennem internationalt samarbejde. I dag mødtes i Bangkok politiske ledere og erhvervsledere fra Thailand, Japan, Kina, Europa, Malaysia, Singapore og andre, for at fremskynde byggeriet af kanalen tværs over Kra-landtangen i det sydlige Thailand, et af de store projekter, som Lyndon LaRouche har promoveret i mere end tredive år, siden han holdt hovedtalen på en lignende konference i Bangkok i 1984.

Forskellen i dag er, at Bælte & Vej Initiativet nu eksisterer – som ligeledes første gang blev promoveret af LaRouche, som opfandt betegnelsen »Nye Silkevej« efter Sovjetunionens sammenbrud, som et middel til at forene verden gennem udviklingssamarbejde. Visionen om Store Projekter, der blev blokeret af det britiske geopolitiske system, der har domineret USA siden Franklin Roosevelts og Jack Kennedys død, bliver nu gennemført i forbløffende tempo under det Nye Silkevejsparadigme.

Præsident Trump har gjort det klart, at USA bør være en del af denne proces i samarbejde med Rusland og Kina, for atter at gøre Amerika stort på samme måde, som Kina atter gør Kina stort gennem samarbejde om udvikling, og som Rusland på samme måde atter gør Rusland stort. Dette er ikke en konkurrence ud fra principperne om nulsumsspil og geopolitik, men derimod et krav om, at menneskeheden nu opgiver sin barnagtige adfærd og skaber en samarbejdende verden, der er mennesket værdigt.

Foto: Præsident Donald J. Trump ved Austin Emergency Operations Center, 29. aug., 2017.

Stop Russia-gate;
Lad Trump, Xi og Putin bygge!

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, 10. sept., 2017 – Endnu engang vedr. Texas, og orkanen Harveys enorme økonomiske og menneskelige ødelæggelse, finder vi, at virkeligt omfattende infrastrukturprojekter for at forhindre sådanne ødelæggelser blev planlagt i 1960’erne. Dette var JFK-æraen med Apollo og den store »TVA« i det vestlige Amerika ved navn North American Water and Power Alliance, NAWAPA, (Nordamerikansk Vand- og Elektricitetssamarbejde). Disse muligheder blev stoppet, ribbet for pengemidler og forpligtelse, gennem udbruddet af britisk geopolitik i amerikansk politik – Vietnamkrigen. Det, der nu – under Storbritanniens Blair og Bush og Obama – kaldes krige for »regimeskifte«, har lige siden været en fjende af at sørge for det almene vel i Amerika. På grund af manglende dristige infrastrukturplatforme, der ville have kostet et titals milliarder, har vi nu set hele byer hærget af oversvømmelser og tab for hundreder af milliarder i den amerikanske økonomi.

Dette er faldet sammen med Wall Streets voksende dominans over amerikansk økonomisk politik, frem til og inklusive et enormt finanskrak, som vi endnu ikke er kommet os over. Det er ikke naturen, men derimod »grådighed og forsømmelse«, der forårsager orkanernes ødelæggelser.

Med et seriøst lederskab fra præsident Trump har en forståelse for behovet for at genopbygge nu bredt sig blandt amerikanere, sammen med en dybere følelse. Digteren Shelley, der også var en politisk skribent, skrev, at, under kriseperioder, ophørte mange mennesker, folk i stort tal, med kun at tænke på sig selv og deres umiddelbare familie og skifter ret pludseligt over til at rette deres passionerede opmærksomhed mod at hjælpe andre, og mod »det almene vel«.

Dette begynder nu at have en virkning i USA, som det ses i nogle nylige politiske diskussioner og i amerikanernes anskuelse mere generelt.

En del af dette er, at de vil have »Russia-gate« stoppet, og stoppet nu. Denne åbenlyse indsprøjtning fra britisk efterretning af en geopolitisk skræmmehistorie, til stort set at blive en ny McCarthy-isme i Amerika, må nu stoppe.

EIR har bidraget til at afslutte det gennem en betydningsfuld, offentlig begivenhed i New York i lørdags, som begravede svindelnummeret med »Rusland har fikset vores præsidentvalg«. Den særlige anklager, Robert Mueller, som nu endda kræver kommunikationerne fra Air Force One, som om præsidenten var på NSA’s liste over terroristfjender, sker på trods af den overvejende del af det amerikanske folks vilje og fortsætter med forberedelsen til at gennemtvinge en forfatningskrise. Dette må stoppe. Det samme må de gennemskuelige forsøg på at oppiske racekrige, bag hvilke ses George Soros’ og briternes hånd, og Muellers FBI’s hånd og hætte.

Præsident Trump og Kongressen må hurtigt gå frem med en økonomisk genopbygning og besejre Wall Street med en ny Glass/Steagall-lov, samt udstede statskredit for billioner til ny infrastruktur og produktivitet, og nye fremskridt inden for videnskab og varefremstilling.

Dette gør Kina allerede i hele Asien og i Afrika, i klart strategisk partnerskab med Rusland; og Bælte & Vej Initiativet er dér, hvor Trumps USA vil finde partnerskab inden for kredit og udarbejdelse af projekter, samt strategisk samarbejde for at stoppe regionale krige. Det er et nyt paradigme, mod hvilket præsident Trump på visse tidspunkter har været tiltrukket. Det må blive politikken, og »Russia-gate« må ud.

Foto: Præsident Donald Trump ankommer med Air Force One til Ellington Field Joint Reserve Base i Houston, 2. sept., 2017. Trump besøgte lokalsamfund, der var ramt af udbredte oversvømmelser, forårsaget af orkanen Harvey. (Air National Guard photo by Staff Sgt. Daniel J. Martinez.)

LPAC’s Kesha Rogers fra Houston:
»Jeg har en mission. Vi har alle en mission.«
Video: »Into the Deluge« – Ind i Syndfloden
– om katastrofen i Houston, Texas

New York Times har produceret en 8 min. lang video med titlen »Into the Deluge«, om katastrofen i Houston, og som er centreret omkring Kesha Rogers’ (medlem af LaRouche PAC Policy Committee) forældre, der mistede livet i oversvømmelserne, men som også giver et indblik i nogle af redningsfolkene, de mange tragedier og ødelæggelserne. Kesha skriver: »Her er New York Times’ dokumentar, der dækker Harvey, og hvori min familie og andre optræder. De begynder med mig, der siger, ’Jeg har en mission. Vi har alle en mission.’«

Orkanen Harvey var en menneskeskabt
katastrofe; Glass-Steagall og investering i
infrastruktur er hjælpemidlet.
LaRouchePAC Internationale Webcast,
8. september, 2017

Jeg vil gerne sige, at dette virkelig bør være alarmklokken, der ringer for at vække, ikke alene nationen til at respondere til denne umiddelbare katastrofe, men også til, at vi nu begynder at respondere til det intellektuelle lederskab, som hr. Lyndon LaRouche har demonstreret under hele sin karriere – i 40-50 år, eller mere. I dag er en meget passende dag for denne opfordring om, at tiden nu er inde til at lytte til Lyndon LaRouches vise ord, eftersom det i dag, den 8. september, er hans 95-års fødselsdag. Vi ønsker hr. LaRouche Tillykke med fødselsdagen! Men det er vores mission at tage denne opfordring til efterretning og træffe den beslutning, at det nu er tidspunktet for at respondere til denne historiens alarmklokke og tage de nødvendige skridt til at påbegynde et totalt og komplet paradigmeskifte i den måde, hvorpå vi går frem med nationalpolitik og international politik.

Vært Matthew Ogden: God aften. Det er den 8. september, 2017; jeg er Matthew Ogden, og dette er vores ugentlige fredags-webcast fra Med mig i studiet i dag har jeg Paul Gallagher, EIR’s økonomiredaktør; og via video har vi Benjamin Deniston fra LaRouche PAC-websiden og vores forskningsteam. Vi vil have en meget rig diskussion, tror jeg. Før vi kommer til det, vil jeg blot sige, at vi nu er to uger, mindre end to uger, inde i katastrofen med orkanen Harvey; og vi har udstedt en nøderklæring, som vi har diskuteret i de seneste par udsendelser, med titlen: »Ikke flere Houston-katastrofer! Lyndon LaRouche siger, hvad det er, der nu må ske!«

Jeg vil gerne sige, at dette virkelig bør være alarmklokken, der ringer for at vække, ikke alene nationen til at respondere til denne umiddelbare katastrofe, men også til, at vi nu begynder at respondere til det intellektuelle lederskab, som hr. Lyndon LaRouche har demonstreret under hele sin karriere – i 40-50 år, eller mere. I dag er en meget passende dag for denne opfordring om, at tiden nu er inde til at lytte til Lyndon LaRouches vise ord, eftersom det i dag, den 8. september, er hans 95-års fødselsdag. Vi ønsker hr. LaRouche Tillykke med fødselsdagen! Men det er vores mission at tage denne opfordring til efterretning og træffe den beslutning, at det nu er tidspunktet for at respondere til denne historiens alarmklokke og tage de nødvendige skridt til at påbegynde et totalt og komplet paradigmeskifte i den måde, hvorpå vi går frem med nationalpolitik og international politik.

Før jeg begynder, vil jeg gerne opfordre alle vore seere til – hvis I ikke allerede har, og LaRouchePAC har tweetet et link til det – at se den 8 minutter lange video, der blev produceret af New York Times. Den har titlen »Into the Deluge« (Ind i syndfloden), og er en kort dokumentar om den hærgen og ødelæggelse, som orkanen Harvey har forårsaget i Houston, Texas, og det omkringliggende område. Videoen fortæller historien om Kesha Rogers (medlem af LaRouche PAC Policy Committee) og hendes familie, og hendes far og stedmor, der mistede livet i oversvømmelserne efter Harvey. Videoen starter med et uforglemmeligt smukt soundtrack af Kesha selv, der synger en spiritual, »Walk With Me«, lagt hen over utrolige optagelser af de dramatiske ødelæggelser efter orkanen Harvey og oversvømmelserne. Den fortæller, som jeg sagde, historien om ikke alene hendes far og stedmor, men også andre ofre, andre overlevende og de første nødhjælpsfolk, der trådte til efter orkanen Harvey. Den slutter med et citat af Kesha Rogers, som jeg mener, bør være temaet for vores udsendelse her i aften. Jeg viser det på skærmen [Fig. 1]. Kesha siger,

»Det er denne form for tragedier, der får folk til at komme sammen. Der har været en utrolig respons fra hele nationen og hele verden. Men man har ikke tid til at sidde hjemme og græde. Jeg har en mission«, sagde hun. »Jeg har arbejde, der skal gøres; det har vi alle. Det er pointen.«

På skærmen kan I se citatet af Kesha, og det er også nævnt i videoen fra New York Times, der har titlen, »Into the Deluge«. Jeg opfordrer jer til at finde den online og se den. Vi har tweetet linket til videoen, og I kan finde det på vores twitter-feed.

Men, dette er netop pointen; at vi alle har arbejde, der skal gøres, og det er denne katastrofe, der skete i Houston – men også andre, der nu truer os, inkl. med stor sandsynlighed orkanen Irma, der nu stormer af sted med retning mod Florida. Brug dette som alarmklokken til den ’bratte opvågning’ for endelig at samle denne nation og til at påbegynde den form for presserende nødvendige, økonomiske handlinger, der kan sikre, at denne form for tragedier aldrig mere kan ske. Disse orkaner er muligvis nok naturfænomener, og det vil vi diskutere lidt senere med Ben Deniston. Men den katastrofale hærgen i deres kølvand bør aldrig få lov at forekomme. Og de er virkelig menneskeskabte katastrofer, fordi vi har forsømt at tage de nødvendige skridt, som vi på forhånd er vidende om, for at forebygge og beskytte os mod virkningerne af denne form for naturfænomener. Vi kan gøre disse ting, fordi vi er menneskelige, og fordi vi kan forstå og tøjle naturens kræfter, og faktisk ikke alene mildne de ødelæggende virkninger, men sætte disse naturkræfter til at arbejde for det gode; som det, hævet over enhver tvivl, blev demonstreret med Tennessee Valley Authority. Vi dækkede TVA sidste fredag og viste et kort uddrag af en video; men dette er et eksempel herpå. Vi kan som nation gøre dette, fordi vi har en Forfatning og et økonomisk system, der blev grundlagt af Alexander Hamilton med netop dette formål.

Som jeg nævnte, så udstedte vi en nøderklæring, »Ikke flere Houston-katastrofer! Lyndon LaRouche siger, hvad det er, der nu må ske!«, og den fremlægger et omgående firepunktsprogram: Genindfør Glass-Steagall, bryd Wall Street og dets magt op; skab nationale kreditinstitutioner baseret på FDR’s Reconstruction Finance Corporation og Hamiltons nationalbanker; investér kredit i ny infrastruktur med helt nye teknologier; og vedtag et forceret program for fusionskraft, der kan lade en stor udvidelse af NASA’s rumforskning blive drivkraften bag produktivitet og produktiv beskæftigelse. Selv om dette er en presserende nøderklæring, der blev udgivet for kun en uge siden, og vi vil gennemgå, hvad der er sket på denne front, siden denne erklæring blev udstedt, så er det ikke nyt. Lyndon LaRouche har krævet dette i mindst et årti, eller mere. Så før vi går over til Paul Gallagher og Ben Deniston, vil jeg gerne vise et kort, 3-minutters klip af Lyndon LaRouche selv, i kølvandet på en tidligere naturkatastrofe. Dette var et webcast, som han holdt i dagene umiddelbart efter orkanen Katrina, der ramte New Orleans. Dette er i august, 2005, og her kan I se præcis, hvad Lyndon LaRouche havde at sige dengang, som de nødvendige skridt, der måtte tages, og hvad der er, og ikke er, blevet gjort siden denne historiske storm i 2005. Lad mig afspille dette for jer:

Lyndon LaRouche (video):

»De fleste mennesker forstår ikke arten af situationen, fordi de ikke tænker ud fra standpunktet om, hvad en præsident for USA bør tænke på et sådant tidspunkt. Vi har nu en krise, der hovedsagligt er en menneskeskabt katastrofe i tillæg til det, der ellers ville have været en kontrollabel, men alvorlig, naturkatastrofe. Det er den menneskeskabte katastrofe, som er det hovedproblem, vi må konfrontere og overvinde.

Det, som vi nu må gøre, og årsagen til, at vi nu har denne krise i Louisiana, Mississippi og Alabama, er, at vi opgav politikken om en forfatningsmæssig forpligtelse til fremme af det Almene Vel. Og derfor, fordi vi indførte nedskæringer, nedskæringer af det Almene Vel, med den måde, hvorpå vi udplyndrede de sociale ydelser (til arbejdsløshed, sygedagpenge, sundhedsydelser m.v.), opretholdt vi ikke længere levestandarden og støtten til disse områder, som ville gøre det muligt for dem at håndtere mange af disse problemer. Vi leverede ikke det, der krævedes, i Louisiana, Mississippi og Alabama, selv om vi vidste, det behøvedes, fordi vi ikke ville bruge pengene, fordi vi forsøgte at skære ned på midlerne til vores sociale ydelser, så vi, lad os sige, kunne føre krig i Irak, eller en ny krig, de vil have i Iran – denne form for ting. Vi har nu denne situation for os, som er skabt af vor befolknings lidelser i disse tre stater i særdeleshed. Men det er ikke problemet; det stiller et større spørgsmål til os. Er vi en nation? Hvad definerer os som nation? Vi kan redde denne nation; vi kan bringe dens værdighed tilbage. Vi kan ikke bringe de mennesker tilbage, der mistede livet pga. embedsmisbrug i denne periode, men vi kan redde denne nation. Vi kan sige, at vi vandt denne krig. Det er op til jer. Vi må gå tilbage til Fortalen til USA’s Føderale Forfatning og anerkende, at denne nations grundlæggende lov findes i Fortalen. Ikke alene mht. det nationale forsvar, men også i fremme af det Almene Vel for de levende, og deres efterkommere. Vi har overtrådt princippet om nationens forsvar, åbenlyst. Vi har endnu mere åbenlyst overtrådt politikken for fremme af det Almene Vel. Vi dømmer os selv til foragt, med mindre vi går tilbage, og nu gør fremme af det Almene Vel for de levende og deres efterkommere til regeringsgrundlaget. Tak.«

Matthew Ogden: Dette var altså et webcast med Lyndon LaRouche fra september 2005. Under den efterfølgende spørgsmål-og-svar-tid, forklarede han faktisk mere detaljeret, hvordan man skulle anvende princippet om det Almene Vel for at redde USA. Det kommer her på skærmen [Figurer 2 & 3], to korte klip, og så læser jeg dem. Hr. LaRouche sagde:

»Der er derfor én løsning; og det er at gå til Fortalen for USA’s Forfatning, om nationalforsvar og fremme af det Almene Vel for de nuværende og fremtidige generationer. Regeringer sætter det nationale banksystem under konkursbehandling og bankerot og forhindrer bankerne i at smække dørene i; går igennem en finansiel reorganisering af systemet for at sikre, at folk ikke bliver smidt ud af deres hjem; deres foretagender fortsat er åbne; deres pensioner udbetales; og vi fortsætter med at vokse …

USA er den eneste nation, der har en Forfatning, der pr. tradition kvalificerer os til at gå over til statslig bankpraksis, som det beskrives af Hamilton. De private banker skal under konkursbehandling … de skal reorganiseres. Man rydder op i værdipapirerne, og man skaber ny kredit, der får økonomien til at vokse, gennem investering i infrastruktur og andre ting, der er tilstrækkelige til at sikre, at det, vi tjener om året, overstiger det, vi bruger om året med hensyn til de nuværende regnskaber. Og dét må vi gøre.«

Som I ser, så var dette for 12 år siden; og Lyndon LaRouche var allerede på scenen med præcis den politik, som er fremlagt i denne nøderklæring, som vi udstedte i sidste uge.

Jeg vil nu bede Paul Gallagher om at forklare lidt mere om dette. Hvor er vi nu, siden denne nøderklæring blev udstedt, og hvad mangler der at ske?

Her følger Paul Gallaghers indlæg, der efterfølges af Ben Denistons indlæg, i engelsk udskrift:  

PAUL GALLAGHER:  You mean the emergency statement that we
issued about two weeks or ten days ago.  I’ll come to that, but I
just want to point out, Lyndon LaRouche was making that statement
not only at the end of 2005 immediately after the devastation
from Hurricane Katrina, but also in the then-foreseeable — and
he had foreseen it for sure — preparations for the financial
crash of 2007-2008.  He was saying that in regard to that
oncoming crash and the disaster that had occurred in Louisiana,
Mississippi, and Alabama, the reorganization of the private banks
of the United States under a Glass-Steagall standard, enabling
them to be mediators of credit both from savings and from the
Federal government into the businesses of the economy and also
the creation of national banking and large amounts of national
credit in that way precisely for infrastructure, not just
reconstruction.  Construction of infrastructure that never had
been produced, and had to be produced with new technologies then
in order to prevent future such disasters.  So, he was looking to
There is a memory in the United States obviously of three
major cities being devastated.  And when we put out this policy
statement, we were thinking of the fact that the memory of the
devastation of New Orleans, the devastation of the New York-New
Jersey area a few years later, the devastation now of
southeastern Texas a few years after that, and the threat of
another one in Florida.  These are essentially a single memory, a
single thought in the minds of many millions of Americans about
what has to be done that hasn’t been being done.  When we as a
nation have allowed three of the greatest cities of the country
to be effectively, at least temporarily, destroyed.  In the case
of New Orleans and New York, the long-term damage to their
neighborhoods, to their school systems, to their transportation
systems, is still there.  The long-term damage to their economies
is still there, and it’s getting worse.  So, this has shown
something very clear that if you postpone and do not act on a $25
or $50 billion or even $100 billion infrastructure that must be
made, you will shortly be paying, in one way or another, hundreds
of billions of dollars in economic losses.  Losses of wages,
losses of jobs, losses — tragically — of human lives by the
hundreds and perhaps thousands as in Katrina; because you have
not done that.
In the 1930s, there was a kind of thinking which was driven
by Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s leadership.  We’ve seen in the
last ten days the first — as Shelley would say, the locks of the
approaching storm — the first indications of the revival of that
kind of thinking.  The way they thought then about this was made
clear in the government TVA film that you showed on this program
last week, when the announcer said in showing the devastating
flooding, the raging Tennessee River and its tributaries
destroying buildings, destroying agricultural areas, killing
people.  The announcer described it as devastating effects on
human beings of greed and neglect; not of nature, but of greed
and neglect.  And it’s that neglect which LaRouche was speaking
about there, and it’s that neglect which we’ve seen in New
Orleans and the Gulf Coast, then New Jersey and New York, now
again in Texas and the Gulf Coast in the destruction of whole
cities and killing of people, completely unnecessarily.  This was
man-made, and I think there is a video which has come out down in
Houston, put out by the newspaper, the {Houston Chronicle}, of
the former flood control director of Harris County — which
includes Houston — in which he says very strongly right at the
beginning, “This was a man-made disaster”; meaning the flooding
of Hurricane Harvey and everything that it did.  He knew that
because he was personally involved in trying to get one of the
infrastructure solutions — only one of them — right in the city
of Houston that was necessary in order to prevent this kind of
devastating flooding.  He was unable to get it done because of
political and because of greed and neglect.  Neglect of the
Constitution, neglect of the General Welfare of the population,
he was unable to get it done.  He says this was a man-made
Now, things are beginning to change.  I was in a meeting
with a senior figure who works for the House of Representatives
Transportation and Infrastructure Committee immediately after
Hurricane Harvey.  He said that they expected that discussion of
legislation on infrastructure funding would start sometime next
year.  This was only ten days ago.  He was saying it would start
sometime next year that they would begin to discuss the
possibility of legislation to fund new infrastructure in the
United States.  We were then in a situation in which the nearly
year-long and in a certain sense with his candidacy year and a
half-long attack on President Trump to attempt to force him out
as a candidate, and then attempt to force him out of the
Presidency.  That attack — the Soros forces, the British
intelligence initiated attack and the way in which the Democratic
Party leadership had gone along with this — had created a
tremendous division in the country; one which people only have to
remember back to the Charlottesville events of a month ago, to
realize how deep and how that implicit racial division in the
country was being pushed at the same time that war was
threatening from many directions.  We have to realize that, going
all the way back to the 1960s when John F Kennedy was
assassinated after having launched this tremendous infrastructure
program known as NASA and the Apollo Project, and having tried to
get started an equally ambitious Earth-based terraforming and
water management project for the entire West of North America —
the North American Water and Power Alliance program.  That it was
war, it was the Vietnam War and the tremendous economic,
budgetary, and political and social effects of that war which
destroyed those things.  It will consider and push them off the
table from then until now — for 50 years.  That kind of
preoccupation with regime change wars, it will push the General
Welfare off the table over and over again unless the American
people realize that, at a point like this, we can’t let that
happen.  Now we have to build.
So, we have seen some changes.  The one that got the most
publicity, of course, was the sudden agreement between President
Trump and the Democrats in Congress.  On the part of the
Democrats, they had already agreed and acknowledged and more or
less admitted in the days before that, that their strategy of
Resist promotes racial divisions.  Resist tried to impeach the
President.  This strategy was a failure and was dangerous to the
country, and they were going to abandon it if Hillary Clinton
would only shut up.  They were going to try and get something
done instead.  That already had dawned on them before the
terrible lesson of Hurricane Harvey and the perhaps $100 billion
in economic losses; clearly more than 100 precious lives being
lost.  This hit them on top of that.  You then had this agreement
that enable $15 billion in a first down payment of recovery aid
to go through, together with a measure to fund the government for
the next three months and a measure to remove the debt ceiling
for the next three months.  Clearing the decks perhaps for
further expansion of what is going to be done to rebuild.  Not
only to rebuild obviously in east Texas, but to rebuild in
Florida and to rebuild in Puerto Rico and some of the smaller
islands.  Puerto Rico has had for some time a very clear
possibility of a development bank needing only the guarantee of
the Federal government in order to turn development of its port
position particularly into development of infrastructure on the
island; electrical and transportation, which is currently in such
bad condition and which has now been knocked out. So, that door
was opened.
Then already yesterday, we saw the President having a
meeting with a large number of members of the Senate and the
House on the so-called Gateway Project, the major necessary
infrastructure step to repair what Hurricane Sandy left behind it
in terms of inoperable or increasingly deteriorating and failing
transportation; subway and freight rail transportation all around
the New York City area, which has famously been turned into the
Summer of Hell this summer in terms of trying to get anywhere.
You’re taking your life in your hands to get anywhere in New
There was a meeting between Trump and the two governors of
New Jersey and New York, the Senators from New Jersey and New
York, a number of members of Congress of both parties, in which
there was a least a tentative agreement made to proceed with this
Gateway Project.  This involves building two new tunnels — each
one way — under the Hudson River from New Jersey to New York in
the general northeast rail corridor of the United States.  Having
done that, then to be able to repair the tunnels which were made
almost inoperable by Sandy; which incredibly have nonetheless
been used in the five years since.  Also, to replace the bridge
which is in such terrible condition in Hackensack, over which all
of the East Coast passenger and freight rail goes from Florida
all the way to New England.  Supposedly, 10% of the GDP is
waiting to fail when that bridge cannot be hammered back into
line so the trains can go over it.  There are other improvements
in this Gateway Project.  It was given a top priority in the
National Governors’ Association list of major new infrastructure
projects in the country, which they issued earlier this year in
The members of Congress coming out of this meeting made
clear that there was an optimism and a thrust, a potential
commitment of the Trump administration to fund all the funding
that remains to be needed for that; this is on the order of up to
$15 billion from the Federal side that needs to be put in that
investment.  They were, at least on the part of the President,
they were ready to make that commitment, and talked about others
as well for that general area; including reconstruction for the
international airports there and connecting those international
airports — which incredibly, are not connected by transportation
now.  This then started people talking about the potentials for
Congress to meet these bills.  There is not a means, and there
hasn’t been a means really since Franklin Roosevelt’s
administration, there hasn’t been a reliable means by which the
Federal government can create this kind of credit that Mr.
LaRouche was talking about, and on that basis actually fund the
new infrastructure that is needed.
Now you have in Texas as well, members of Congress from both
parties talking about a major new building of flood control for
the cities along the southeast coast of Texas on the Gulf.  I’ll
just read you the comment of one Republican member of Congress.
He said, “There’s going to be another Harvey, and we need to
build at least one more reservoir, maybe two or more reservoirs.
We have to figure out how to get the water out of the Houston
area down to the Gulf of Mexico without flooding.”  There have
been plans for at least 50 years which at least expressed in
general, if you have that slide I gave you [Fig. 4], we could
show one of them, which expressed at least in general how this
has to be done.  It’s very small and can only be indicated in the
broadest strokes that what is involved there is, at the lower
right, the construction of an intercoastal canal.  Essentially a
large canal for moving water either from the northeast to the
southwest along the coast, but behind the cities of the coast.
Moving it in either direction by pumping.  Thereby you can see
generally, the numerous rivers which come down to the Gulf, which
are involved always in the flooding of all of these cities
whenever there is a hurricane. What you probably cannot see
clearly on that slide, is that there are nine new reservoirs
specified in that plan on those rivers, which together with the
canal make it possible to control flood waters that are
threatening the cities on the Texas Gulf coast and to move water
in either direction.  Either for drought relief, if that’s
necessary, but more critically here, for flood relief by bringing
the water eventually all the way down to the Rio Grande at the
Mexican border.  This is one element.  At the top of the screen
is shown another main element canal system to bring flood water
from the Mississippi River across northern Texas into the dry
plains where the Ogallala Aquifer is, which could be recharged.
These were plans of the Texas State Water Authority.  These
were state plans typical of those which were made at the time in
Harris County, within which is Houston.  Other plans were being
made for a channel underneath one of the freeways that was being
built, which would discharge water.  A very large underground
channel, tunnel, which would discharge water from those two
reservoirs which everyone heard and saw overflowing ten days ago.
It would discharge and bring that water down to the Houston ship
channel and into the Gulf.  That was, I think, particularly the
plan which the former Harris County Flood Control Commissioner
was referring to in his interview with the {Chronicle} in which
he said, “This was a man-made disaster that we did not get this
Now these clearly are, as the New York project is, these are
new infrastructure efforts which will require tens of billions of
dollars in investments.  That is exactly what we have been
circulating in Congress, and circulating this statement now with
them in order to get a national bank created, which can generate
$1-3 trillion in national Federal credit for investment in this
new infrastructure.  And in order to get the existing
Glass-Steagall legislation in both Houses to be passed so that
these disasters are not added to by a looming financial crash
which takes the banks to be bailed out again.  But rather, those
banks can be counted on to take part in this kind of rebuilding
effort because they are taking in deposits and they are lending
them into the economy.
Ben is going to talk more about the contributions here of
the space program.  That also must see not just $100 billion or
whatever it’s going to be in recovery aid for Harvey, but a great
deal more money in accelerating and reviving NASA space
exploration, which went the way of the Vietnam War nearly 60
years ago.
So the view of this is changing.  The Texas governor has now
created a commission to rebuild the state.  As a Republican, he’s
appointed a Democrat to head it.  On all of these levels, there
is the potential now that this lesson will actually be learned,
because the country has been put in a different state of mind as
a result of seeing this kind of disaster occur unnecessarily time
and time again, and the tremendous human costs that it has.  So,
let’s really push that to the greatest extent we can, and do it
in exactly the spirit that LaRouche was laying out there 12 years
ago.  He, by the way, is 95 years old today.  He has lived and is
living an incredibly productive human existence, and we wish him
many more.

OGDEN:  And one of the results of what Lyn has done over the
last 40 years alongside Helga is what’s now emerging
internationally.  You can counter pose what hasn’t been done here
in the United States in terms of these great infrastructure
projects with what is being done now by China and the Belt and
Road Initiative.  It’s a necessary counterpoint to draw.  Look at
what Xi Jinping had to say at the BRICS conference which occurred
— this is the 9th BRICS conference — which occurred in China
over the course of last week and the beginning of this week.  You
look at what China is actually now building.  Obviously, the
Three Gorges Dam is an incredible example; that’s the Chinese
TVA, but on an even grander scale in certain regards.  But look
at now what’s being done abroad, including the example of the
Transaqua water transfer program to refill Lake Chad in Africa.
There’s an excellent video update that was published by Alicia
Cerretani on just a couple of days ago on that
subject.  But that indeed should continue to be the inspiration,
encapsulating the entirety of this emergency program that must be
done nationally, we also have to follow through on the initiative
for the United States to join this great projects dynamic abroad.
What’s being done by China with the New Silk Road and the Belt
and Road Initiative.
What Paul has just been discussing, and even what I
referenced with what China has done, is an element of the
terrestrial infrastructure that indeed must be built, and should
by built by all means.  But there’s an entirely different
dimension that also must be included in this picture when we’re
talking about these great weather episodes and other aspects of
what it means to understand and harness nature.  I decided to ask
Ben Deniston to come on today because he has a bit of an
exclusive breaking report on what the space weather conditions
are right now as we speak, which are coinciding with the
developments around Hurricane Irma and the other approaching
hurricanes that are now tracking across the Atlantic.  So, Ben,
go ahead.

BENJAMIN DENISTON:  Thank you, Matthew.  So, we are seeing a
very interesting situation with respect to certain activities of
our Sun, our Solar System, and what you might call the cosmic
environment that we’re watching very closely; because these could
play into a strengthening of Hurricane Irma, which could push an
already potentially dangerous situation into something even
worse.  I’m going to get into that a little bit more in just a
second, but I think first and foremost, coming off of what was
discussed, these events — the tragedy of Harvey, the major
earthquake just off the coast in Mexico, the largest earthquake
in Mexico in 100 years.  We have Irma as we just said, coming
towards Florida, which hopefully will avoid a dangerous situation
there, but it does look like it could be potentially very
catastrophic.  All of these events should remind us that what
we’re dealing with as a single mankind on one small planet in the
Solar System and in this Galaxy.  These are unfortunate events,
but also an opportunity to bring people together as we discussed,
not just in the United States, but internationally.  To realize
what mankind can uniquely do to defend ourselves against these
kinds of situations.  Some of that includes a better
understanding of what factors actually play into these things.
In passing, just because there’s so much crazy propaganda
about supposed man-made climate change being a factor in these
storms, that’s just bunk; that should just be said outright.
It’s unfortunate that we even have to say it, but given the fact
that this is being pushed as a major top-down propaganda
campaign, we should just say outright that there is no evidence
at all that storm systems and extreme weather has been getting
worse as a function of increasing CO2 levels in the atmosphere.
There is no evidence of that.  Even just look at the history of
hurricanes in the United States.  Since 1970, we’ve had four
Category 4 or higher hurricanes make landfall on the United
States.  In the 40 years prior to that, we had 14.  So, what’s
all this talk about extreme weather getting worse?  We just
recently exited a very anomalous drought of hurricanes, where we
had no Category 3 plus hurricane make landfall on the United
States for almost 12 years earlier at the turn of this century.
So, there’s no evidence that we’re seeing more extreme
situations; there’s no evidence that human CO2 emissions play any
factor at all.  Again, it’s unfortunate that we have to waste our
time to even address this, but just because it’s being pushed
down the throats of the American people and much of the world
population, we should just make that clear outright.
But what we do have is natural weather and natural storms
and natural extreme events.  Instead of this false blaming of
human CO2 emissions, we should instead be taking a higher
perspective on what factors actually do influence extreme weather
and climate change.  These are factors that go beyond the Earth.
These are factors that go to the Sun, that go to the Solar
System.  That again, forced mankind to realize we are one very
unique species on one very small planet; and we know very little
about what actually determines the conditions we live in here on
Earth.  So, it’s about time that humankind as a whole wakes up,
stops playing these insane geopolitical games to try and compete
over some small amount of wealth developed on the planet so far,
and realizes that if we collaborate as one species, we can uplift
the entire population of this planet to a much higher level.  And
we can collaborate on defending our entire planet from disasters
like this.
So, as Matt mentioned, this is a developing situation that I
briefed him on and Mr. LaRouche and Mrs. Helga Zepp-LaRouche on
earlier this morning about possible space weather effects which
could worsen Hurricane Irma.  Again, this is an ongoing process
that is playing out, so we don’t know exactly what’s going to
happen.  But it is worth highlighting what we know so far.  As we
know, Hurricane Irma is now thought to be a couple of days away
from most likely making landfall on the southern coast of
Florida.  It is already a very extreme and intense hurricane.
Just a few days prior, our Sun — if we can switch over to the
graphic animation [Fig. 5] we have here — our Sun released the
strongest solar flare in about a decade.  This was released on
September 6th.  So that bright flash in the lower right central
region is this explosion on the surface of the Sun.  This was
classified as an X-9 flare; a very strong solar flare.  That was
actually the strongest of a series of intense solar flares that
the Sun has released in the last week.  So, the Sun — despite
going into a bit of a slumber — has decided to send out a
barrage of rather strong outbursts.  These outbursts send a
strong wave of gas and plasma from the Sun barrelling at the
Earth.  As we see in this next graphic [Fig. 6], as is a rather
well-known phenomenon, when the Earth’s magnetic field gets
blasted by these outbursts from the Sun, it causes the Earth’s
magnetic field to begin to fluctuate wildly; what’s called a
“geo-magnetic storm.”  So, a storm in the Earth’s magnetic field.
I’m sure most people know, our entire planet is surrounded
by a magnetic field that is critical to supporting and protecting
life on Earth, providing certain unique electromagnetic
conditions to the biosphere on Earth; it’s part of our regular
Earth system we live with day to day, year to year, etc.  When
the Earth’s magnetic field gets blasted with these outbursts of
solar activity, the Earth’s magnetic field goes into these
fluctuations referred to as “geo-magnetic storms.”  What you’re
looking at here [Fig. 7] is an index provided by NOAA of the
level of geo-magnetic activity over the last three or four days.
As you can see, coming into the night of September 7th and into
the very early morning of September 8th, we saw an explosion of a
very intense geo-magnetic storm, corresponding with these
outbursts of solar activity which are referred to as a “coronal
mass ejection”; an ejection of material from the surface of the
Sun, corresponding with that intersecting Earth’s magnetic field.
As you might intuit from this diagram, what we’ve currently
experiencing is a very intense event; a very intense geo-magnetic
storm classified as severe by NOAA’s metrics.
There’s much that can be said about this.  These
geo-magnetic storms are known to be potentially dangerous to the
Earth’s electrical infrastructure.  That’s something that’s
becoming a very well-known and clear point of concern, that when
we have these types of geo-magnetic storms, this can actually
wreak havoc on our electrical grid.  That’s something we actually
want to keep a very close eye on today and in the coming days.
But another aspect of this, which we see in the next graphic
[Fig. 8] is that when the Earth’s magnetic field is compressed
like this, this actually temporarily increases the shielding of
the Earth from galactic cosmic radiation.  So, we temporarily
have a stronger protection from this continuous flow, this
continuous input of radiation coming from our entire galactic
system.  This is also another well-known phenomenon; this is
referred to as a “Forbush decrease,” named after the scientist
who identified this event whose name was Scott Forbush.  But as
you can see here, from the most recent data being provided, this
is an indication of the level of galactic radiation reaching the
Earth’s atmosphere, and we can see this sharp drop coming
immediately in the context of this geomagnetic storm and the
solar outburst.
These are all well-known phenomena.  These are not
mysterious, these are not unexplained or unknown, but there’s an
element of this that does not yet get enough attention; which is
that, when you have this particular type of activity, geomagnetic
storms, reduction of the cosmic radiation reaching the Earth’s
atmosphere, this is known to very likely be a factor in
potentially increasing the severity and strength of hurricanes
and cyclones.  And what we have on the screen here is one study,
showing that in 2005, this tragic event of Hurricane Katrina
which we heard referenced earlier, was actually partially
strengthened by the activity of the Sun in a very similar way to
what we’re looking at right now. [Fig. 9]  This was a study by
Prof. Sergei Pulinets, and some associates as you can see on the
byline there; where they analyzed a very similar situation where,
when Katrina was a few days off the Gulf Coast for its actually
second landfall, there was a coronal mass ejection, there was a
geomagnetic storm, and that led to a strengthening of Hurricane
Katrina at the time.
What we’re looking at now, today, is a potentially similar
situation, where what we see with these cosmic effects on the
weather system, is that when you have these reductions in cosmic
radiation reaching the atmosphere, that actually can lead to a
greater temperature difference between the surface of the ocean
and the top of the atmosphere, which can lead to a greater rate
of convection and a strengthening of the hurricane.
And so those are the conditions we’re immediately watching
now with Hurricane Irma, which is already a very strong
hurricane.  We’re already seeing a geomagnetic storm. Various
people who are aware of these potential cosmic influences on
these events are watching very closely to see if we will see a
strengthening of Irma in response to these conditions.
This is a developing situation; I’m sure we’ll have more on
this in the coming days, but as I said at the beginning, this is
an unfortunate but valid example of the kinds of lessons we
should take to heart as mankind, and realize that this is for
example the perfect area of study that we, the United States.
should be collaborating on with Russia and with China on
developing greater insights into.
This brings back to mind Mr. LaRouche’s work on the
Strategic Defense Initiative and the revival of that proposal
with the “Strategic Defense of the Earth,” where the same
principle was brought forward; namely, that the United States,
Russia, leading powers need to move beyond a system of conflict
and mutually assured destruction and towards a system where we
realize that mankind as a whole, and especially these leading
most powerful nations, have to come together and provide all the
resources we have available as nations, all of our scientific
capabilities, all of our technologies, and actually bring these
together in joint efforts to defend our planet as a whole from
these types of events.  Better understand these cosmic influences
driving our climate and weather systems, and begin to determine
what we can do to defend our populations from these types of
So we’ll be watching the situation very closely.  We’ll see
what develops over the coming days, and we’ll certainly have more
on this very dramatic situation with these coming hurricanes as
things develop.

OGDEN:  Thank you, Ben.

GALLAGHER:  Actually, I have two questions, Ben.  The
meteorologists are saying now that there’s an extremely high
temperature differential between the upper atmosphere and the
Earth’s surface in the western Atlantic and the Gulf; they’re
connecting that directly to the great strength of these
hurricanes.  Are you saying this is related? In that work that
you just showed [by Pulinets, et al.], that this is related to
the reduced cosmic irradiation of the upper atmosphere?  That’s
one question.
The other has to do with the space assets that are watching
all this.  Do they need to be increased?  I heard, for example,
that in the case of radar satellite observations of the
development of Harvey, that these were German radar satellites
that were doing this.  Are there missing assets or assets that
should be increased in the U.S., in the NASA program?

DENISTON:  Yes, to take the first question.  Generally, over
time the upper atmosphere will be cooler than the oceans in this
region.  So you have a certain temperature differential that’s
already naturally there.
The role that galactic radiation plays, is that actually
helps to facilitate a higher rate of condensation of water vapor,
and release of latent heat, in this region. So the flux of cosmic
radiation actually helps to facilitate a slight warming of the
upper atmosphere in this region.  If you have that process all of
a sudden halted, you’ll get less warming, and obviously cooling
of the upper atmosphere, which could increase the temperature
difference and lead to an even stronger hurricane.
That process is happening now; the conditions that are being
reported on already are before we’re seeing the effects of this.
Now obviously, this is not a simplistic, mechanical, 1, 2, 3,
process.  There are many factors involved, there’s variations in
the cosmic radiation flux coming in already; there’s many other
factors involved in affecting the hurricane itself.  So we’re not
in a position to absolutely say one way or the other exactly what
the effect of this situation is going to be.  But we can
definitely identify Katrina; and then other hurricanes have been
studied as well, where it’s been shown that there formation or
their strengthening often comes a couple days after these types
of geomagnetic storms and drops in the cosmic radiation flux.
Again, the mechanism, the causal relation that Professor Pulinets
and others have presented, is that relates to this heating of the
upper atmosphere by cosmic radiation flux.
But that directly ties into your second question, is that,
yeah, we need many more satellites and other instruments to be
monitoring these conditions, much more extensively and in real
time around the world.  We do have some very impressive assets up
there;  but much more is needed to really better understand, not
just the Earth’s own atmosphere and weather system, but the
relation to the activity of the Sun and the activity of the
Galaxy.  One of our key assets for directly measuring the
activity coming from the Sun towards the Earth, which is called
the ACE satellite, is already many years past its life expectancy
and expected to fail at any time.  As of now, we have no
replacement ready to send up.  That’s just one example.  That’s a
satellite that sits directly in between the Earth and the Sun,
and intercepts the high-energy radiation, especially the plasma,
coming from the Sun before it reaches the Earth, and at least
gives us a little bit of a warning and analysis of what the Sun
is sending at us.  And that thing is ready to go.  That’s just
one example.
I think this also relates to the question of earthquakes and
earthquake forecasting which we’ve covered on this site before
also. [See interview with Prof. Sergey Pulinets]  We could use
dedicated satellites that could help measure the precursor
conditions, that could alert us to coming earthquakes, like this
devastating earthquake that just hit off the coast of Mexico.
So there are certainly more satellite systems that we could
be developing, more ground-based systems as well,  to get some
better understanding of the intersection of solar activity,
galactic activity, the activity intrinsic to the Earth system
itself;  and actually begin to get a better handle on how all
these factors play together in affecting the climate and
affecting the weather.  And really, to get serious about it,
begin to think about how we can manage these situations and
intervene; and obviously, forecast and give early warning, but
potentially even intervene to change these conditions and defend
life on Earth.
And that should be a top, strategic priority of leading
nations of the world. And I think that just goes hand in hand
with this new paradigm that we’re seeing potentially emerging
with the leadership of China, with its Belt and Road initiative,
and with this idea of “win-win cooperation”; in which we can move
beyond, finally, and put behind us this insane geopolitical games
which you’re still seeing attempting to be rammed down Americans’
throats with this crazy lie about Russian “hacking” and
attempting to make the Russians look like the biggest bogeymen in
the world, and play up this crazy game of conflict against
Russia, economic warfare against China. These are our allies!
We’ve got to put all of this behind us and look at them as
collaborators, for our nation, for other nations in the world
that can help us to defend our species as a whole against these
kinds of conditions.

OGDEN:  Let me pick up directly off what you just
referenced, Ben, and put on the screen the advertisement for the
conference that’s coming up in New York City tomorrow, which will
go directly to that point.  This is a conference as you can see
that’s featuring William Binney, NSA whistleblower; Ray McGovern,
the founder of the Veterans Intelligence Professionals for Sanity
(VIPS) and himself a veteran CIA analyst; and William Wertz from
{Executive Intelligence Review}.  The title of the event, is:
“The Russian ‘Hack’ Inside Job:  Who’s Trying To Destroy the
Presidency and Start a World War with Russia?”  As you can see on
the screen there, there’s still time for you to RSVP and register
to attend, that’s going to be available, .
That link is active now, but it’s going to be available in the
description of the video which is immediately below this video in
the YouTube player.  If you’re in New York City also you can get
in contact, and register for the event in person.
This is going to be an historic event, following up on the
memo, which is becoming a controversial memo which was published
by William Binney, Ray McGovern and others from VIPS, which
documented that according to the metadata the so-called “Russian
hack” of DNC emails could not have been a hack, but was in fact
some sort of inside job, a leak in order to set up the conditions
where, now, you have this so-called Russia-gate, and the mad
drive to undermine the efforts that Trump had at least intended
to initiate to restore the kinds of cooperate relation between
the United States and Russia.
It’s this kind of great powers relationship between the
United States and Russia, the U.S. and China, what we now see
developing in terms of the BRICS, with Russia, China, India,
Brazil and South Africa and other national relationships:  This
is what Lyndon LaRouche has been campaigning for for years, in
that form.  To say, now is the time to abandon and discard this
British Imperial mentality of geopolitics, petty competition over
so-called natural resources, or “limited” natural resources, and
perpetual war; and to initiate exactly what you’re saying, Ben,
this kind of cooperation within the species as a whole: To say,
what are the common aims of mankind and how can we collaborate in
a “win-win” modality to achieve those common aims.
And under that category you would say that common defense of
mankind  from these great natural and terrestrial,
extraterrestrial phenomena, which we see expressed in discrete
ways in the form of these hurricanes, those kinds of natural
disasters; also these earthquakes, which are obviously part of
much broader and much larger kind of terrestrial phenomena, which
we have yet to understand.  And what is the connection of that to
the space weather that our planet exists in?
So that’s a fascinating kind of view.
But just in the same way that we have to abandon those
geopolitics abroad, we also have to abandon the kinds of
British/Wall Street mentality here in the United States, which is
this insane negligence of our physical infrastructure, and in the
interest of mere, monetary speculation; and to return to the
general welfare principle, you heard Mr. LaRouche so beautifully
and emphatically say that, in that webcast excerpt that we have
from 2005, in the aftermath of Katrina; return to the general
welfare and restore the system of Hamiltonian national credit.
So I think that’s a sufficient place to conclude our
broadcast here, today.  I’d like to thank you, Ben, for joining
us, remotely there.  And we’ll stay tuned for developments as
they occur on that front.  And I’d like to thank Paul Gallagher
for joining me here in the studio.
So please tune in on this website tomorrow, at 1 p.m.
Eastern Time, for the historic conference out of New York City,
featuring Bill Binney, Ray McGovern, and Will Wertz; and we’ll be
back with you on Monday for our strategic overview.
Thank you for joining us and please stay tuned to

Lyndon LaRouche: Lad være med at diskutere det – Bare gør det!

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, 7. september, 2017 – Det er pludselig blevet blændende indlysende, at Ruslands præsident Vladimir Putin – ligesom sin forfader i ånden, Frankrigs Ludvig »den Varsomme« XI – har været i færd med at væve og atter væve et spindelvæv af potentielt tæt økonomisk samarbejde mellem Nord- og Sydkorea og Rusland – og med Kina og også andre partnere. Dette var den oprindelige »LaRouche-plan« for fred i Koreahalvøen, der fungerede frem til den dag i 2002, hvor den blev saboteret via »udefrakommende kræfter«, der arbejdede sammen med daværende vicepræsident Cheney, og bagefter med præsident Obama. Putin har arbejdet på dette spindelvæv med uundværlig støtte fra Kina – men tilsyneladende også fra visse kræfter i Washington.

Da Lyndon LaRouche blev opmærksom på dette, sagde han,

»Lad være med at diskutere det. Ikke noget opkog af de forskellige detaljer. Lad være med at spilde yderligere tid – bare gør det! Og ved at gøre det – NU – vil I tvinge dem, der gør modstand mod det, til at bekende kulør. De vil blive afsløret, klar til at blive uskadeliggjort.«

Netop samtidigt hermed har den værste atlantiske orkan, der nogensinde er registreret, med en vindstyrke på180 mil/t, og 300 mil/t på højdepunktet, hærget igennem hele Caribien og efterladt nogle af de britiske koloniøer i ruiner, der er ufattelige for det 21. århundrede. For eksempel sagde Barbudas premierminister, at 90 % af deres bygninger er blevet ødelagt, og 60 % af deres befolkning var blevet hjemløse. De britiske herrer (Barbuda er en del af Commonwealth of Nations, tidligere Det britiske Statssamfund) havde absolut intet gjort for at forberede sig på syndfloden – men hvorfor skulle de også det?

Men den amerikanske regering, ledet af præsident Trump, er opmærksom og up-to-date om situationen og mobiliserer de relevante resurser for Florida og andre truede områder – og dette vil igen gøre det muligt for befolkningen, både de første nødindsatspersoner (redningsfolk, paramedicinere o. lign.) og frivillige borgere, at udvise den heroisme, de så blændede har demonstreret i Houston. Vi vil respondere, som situationen kræver. Vi vil genopbygge så hurtigt, det er fysisk muligt. Alt er forandret siden Katrina og Sandy.

I Caribien må USA tilbyde det fulde program for Ingeniørkorpset, som Lyndon LaRouche og tidligere præsident Bill Clinton foreslog for Haiti efter jordskælvet i 2010. Monsterpræsident Obama skød denne plan ned, så Haiti, der i dag stadig ligger i ruiner, nu arbejder sammen med Kina hen imod en genopbygning af landet.

Men vores presserende nødvendige hastegenopbygning kan kun være et springbræt til et komplet, nationalt infrastrukturprogram, der nu må indledes med udstedelse af massive mængder statskredit, og i samarbejde med Kina. Ikke alene vil vi begrænse omfanget af stormrelaterede katastrofer i fremtiden, men vi vil også transformere hele vores økonomi fra den katastrofe, vi arvede efter Bush og Obama, og til at blive den store, agro-industrielle magt, som verden, og amerikanerne, nu har brug for.

Om dette sagde Lyndon LaRouche igen:

»Spild ikke tiden på at diskutere det. Bare gør det! Og vi får se, hvem, der forsøger at forhindre det – det vil være åbenlyst!«  

Foto: Pressemeddelelser i kølvandet på forhandlinger med præsidenten for Republikken Korea Moon Jae-in. 6. sept., 2017. (

Oversvømmelser i USA fulgt af demokratisk
samarbejde med Trump. Vil USA få en ny
start? POLITISK ORIENTERING 7. sep. 2017

v/ formand Tom Gillesberg.


Amerikanerne responderer til Houston-katastrofe
– Vil de handle for at redde nationen?

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, 6. september, 2017 – Mens katastrofen i Houston, fremkaldt af orkanen Harvey, fortsætter, braser den største, atlantiske orkan i moderne historie, kategori fem-orkanen Irma, tværs over Caribien og forventes at have ramt Haiti, Cuba og Puerto Rico, når du læser denne leder, og vil umiddelbart herefter ramme Florida. En kompetent infrastrukturplan var blevet foreslået for Texas under Kennedy-administrationen, som ville have fjernet den forgangne uges værste rædsler – hvis den var blevet gennemført. I tilfældet med disse caribiske øer, hvor den eksisterende infrastruktur er forfalden eller ikkeeksisterende, er det tvivlsomt, om evnen til at overleve Irma er til stede.

I hele USA blev, under de 16 år med Bush og Obama, billioner af dollars smidt ind i bailouts af spillekasinoer på Wall Street, alt imens yderligere billioner blev spenderet på at ødelægge lande i Mellemøsten og overgive dem til terroristbander og drev millioner af mennesker ud af deres hjem som flygtninge i hele området og ind i Europa. I dag må Koreahalvøen, iflg. neokonservative, der er et levn fra Bush- og Obamaæraen, blive næste mål for deres mislykkede militære eventyr – til trods for, at bogstavelig talt alle mentalt raske mennesker advarer om, at resultatet ville blive en katastrofe for hele den menneskelige art.

Ikke desto mindre lærer størstedelen af verden nu fra første hånd, hvordan Kina har løftet 700 millioner mennesker ud af fattigdom på kun tredive korte år, med den Nye Silkevej, der bringer infrastruktur, industri, sundhedsfaciliteter og håb til de nationer og befolkninger, der i løbet af de seneste flere hundrede år har været genstand for udplyndring under koloni- og postkoloniæraen, under vestlig dominans.

Aktivister i LaRouche-bevægelsen i USA rapporterer, at amerikanere i stigende grad nu anerkender det »nye paradigme« (som Helga Zepp-LaRouche kalder det), der nu vokser frem af det kinesisk-russiske samarbejde og skaber nye, globale institutioner som BRIKS, den Eurasiske Økonomiske Union og Shanghai Samarbejdsorganisationen. Disse nye organisationer rækker nu ud til Afrika, Latinamerika og Asien – og endda til Europas døende økonomier – gennem nye, finansielle institutioner (f.eks. AIIB og BRIKS’ Ny Udviklingsbank) og tilbyder kredit til fysisk udvikling uden IMF’s politiske og økonomiske »betingelser«, som har holdt nationer i underdanighed til britiske og amerikanske diktater.

Men disse amerikanere forstår ofte ikke, hvorfor USA ikke gennemgår en lignende udviklingsproces. De er blevet forledt til at tro på den monetaristiske myte, at frihed betyder briternes og Wall Streets frihed til at køre økonomien, og verden, som de ønsker. I takt med, at New York Citys undergrundsbane bryder sammen, hvorfor gør vi så ikke det, kineserne ville have gjort, og bygger et helt nyt system med den absolut nyeste teknologi, i stedet for ynkeligt at forsøge at lappe på denne hundrede år gamle monstrøsitet? I takt med, at Houston drukner, hvorfor så ikke gøre, hvad kineserne gjorde for at redde tusindvis af liv hvert år, og byggede verdens største dæmning og vandkraftsystem, med de Tre Slugters Dæmning? Det samme selskab, der byggede de Tre Slugters Dæmning, udfører nu forundersøgelser til at redde Centralafrika gennem Transaqua-projektet, der vil transportere vand fra Congofloden til den skrumpende Tchadsø. Hvorfor har USA ikke bygget NAWAPA-projektet og vandstyringsprojektet i Houston og lignende storstilede projekter, som Kennedy, sammen med sit rumprogram, foreslog?

For at kende svaret på dette spørgsmål, må vi »få tingene til at bryde frem« i USA, som Lyndon LaRouche i dag sagde. »Vi må gøre det – tal ikke om diverse ’enkeltspørgsmål’; tal om kendsgerningerne. Det må gøres for menneskeheden – intet mindre. Og tiden er inde – sejren vil være inden for rækkevidde.«

Det eneste, der står i vejen, er Det britiske Imperium – hvilket vil sige institutionerne i London og på Wall Street, som har fået lov at bevare »Federal Reserves uafhængighed« og det »frie markeds« fjernelse af Glass-Steagall og relaterede reguleringer af banksystemet. Det var de politikker, som FDR gennemførte, og som gjorde det muligt for ham at dirigere den statslige kredit til den mest massive infrastrukturudvikling, verden nogensinde havde set, eller ville se igen, frem til nutidens Ét Bælte, én Vej, der kommer fra Kina. Nu er den amerikanske økonomi brudt sammen, og Wall Street-bankerne er bankerot og forsøger desperat at redde deres spillegæld ved at udplyndre, ikke alene udviklingslandene, men også den amerikanske økonomi og det amerikanske folk.

Størstedelen af det amerikanske folks respons til katastrofen i Houston var den, at tilsidesætte de medieskabte »spørgsmål«; spørgsmål, der blev skabt med det formål at gøre mennesker små og skabe kunstige konflikter og smålige eller irrelevante bekymringer, alt imens deres verden kollapser i økonomisk forfald og permanent krigsførelse. Men, efter Harvey, tog tusindvis af mennesker til Houston og tilbød deres hjælp for at redde mennesker, der var nødstedte, det være sig Demokrater eller Republikanere, hvide eller sorte eller brune, endda med deres eget liv som indsats.

Trump blev valgt, fordi han var forpligtet over for at afslutte dette økonomiske forfald og politikkerne for de evindelige krige for »regimeskifte«.

Hans bestræbelser på at bygge en arbejdsrelation med Rusland, og for at gå sammen med Kina i den Nye Silkevej, er løfterigt for USA’s deltagelse i dette nye paradigme. Briterne og deres aktiver i USA er desperate for at stoppe ham i at gennemføre denne plan, som ville betyde enden på Imperiet.

I dag påpegede Helga Zepp-LaRouche den inspiration, som alle amerikanere føler, der ser de uselviske handlinger hos de tusinder af mennesker, der handler for at hjælpe dem, der nu lider nød i Houston. Hvis vi skal indgyde i amerikanerne, styrken til at handle imod Imperiet, til at befri nationen og verden for City of Londons og Wall Streets diktater, sagde hun, må vi gøre alt, der står i vores magt, for at opløfte folk til det sublimes, det ophøjedes niveau, i Schillers forståelse – for i sig selv at finde den godhed, der er mere dyrebar end selve livet, den godhed, i hvilken hvert enkelte menneskes evne til at handle til gavn for menneskeheden generelt, findes. Intet mindre end dette vil lykkes, og alligevel, som Lyndon LaRouche sagde, så, hvis vi handler på denne vis, er sejr inden for rækkevidde.

Foto: 2-dages grafisk vejrudsigt for det atlantiske tropeområde. (    

Gør atter Amerikas infrastruktur stor:
Gå med i Kinas globale initiativ;
Drop truslen om krig

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, 5. september, 2017 – Øjeblikket er stadig modent for amerikanere til at lære af de enorme menneskelige og økonomiske tab som følge af orkanen Harvey: Byg den nye infrastruktur, der burde have været bygget for længe siden, for at forebygge, at disse katastrofer berøver amerikanere deres hjem, jobs, ufortalt rigdom og endda livet. Vend det sammenbrud, der finder sted i slow-motion, af forældede infrastrukturplatforme, på hvilke den amerikanske økonomi har arbejdet.

For henved 50 år siden lavede staten Texas et udkast til planer for et omfattende system til vand- og oversvømmelseskontrol, som ville beskytte statens Golfkyst-byer fra oversvømmelse – og dens yderste, sydøstlige kyst og øvre sletter fra tørke – ved at koble mange damme og reservoirer sammen via en lang kanal langs kysten, der kunne flytte overskydende vand mellem flodbassiner. Dette var i det samme årti, hvor JFK og RFK arbejdede for en vandmanagementplan i det vestlige USA ved navn North American Water and Power Alliance – det Nordamerikanske Vand- og Elektricitetssamarbejde – et dusin gange større end Tennessee Valley Authority – til overvindelse af ørkendannelse og til kunstig vanding af landbrugsjorder.

Behovet for at bygge sådanne nye og højere teknologiske infrastrukturplatforme mindskes ikke, fordi en økonomi, der køres af Wall Street, og mange krige har blokeret for dem. Der kommer et nyt, historisk øjeblik, hvor de må udføres. Vi er nu blevet bragt til dette punkt, med tre, store amerikanske byer, der er blevet fuldstændig ødelagt af orkaner på lidt over et årti, og med økonomiske tab, der langt overstiger prisen for at bygge disse store projekter.

Dette kræver mere end blot store udgifter, der vedtages af Kongressen til katastrofehjælp – selv om FEMA’s katastrofemidler vil være brugt ved slutningen af denne uge, med endnu en alvorlig orkan, Irma, der nærmer sig. Det vil blive nødvendigt at udstede statslige kreditter for billioner til infrastruktur i de kommende par år, noget, der kun kan gøres gennem statslig bankvirksomhed efter Alexander Hamiltons model og gennem den form for storstilet kredit til projekter, som blev udstedt af præsident Franklin Roosevelts Reconstruction Finance Corporation.

Kongressen må hurtigt skabe begge dele, som det er angivet i LaRouche PAC’s Erklæring om en Nationalpolitik af 30. aug. Kongressen må ligeledes genindføre Glass/Steagall-bankopdeling for at sikre, at private banker trækkes ud af Wall Street-spekulation og er med i en genopbygning af finansiering. NASA må genoplives og spille en førende rolle, som denne udviklings videnskabelige drivkraft.

Dette betyder, at vi må mobilisere for de »Fire Økonomiske Love for at redde nationen« fra 2014, forfattet af EIR’s stiftende redaktør, Lyndon LaRouche. Og Kinas og BRIKS-landenes Bælte & Vej Initiativ for globalt samarbejde om finansiering og byggeri af nye, storstilede infrastrukturprojekter, er den ramme, vi må tilslutte os.

Betænk, at USA konfronteres med tre kriser: Wall Street, som trækker det hen imod endnu et finanskollaps; truslen om atomkrig over Koreahalvøen; og sammenbruddet af fundamentet for dets økonomiske liv, infrastrukturplatforme. Præsident Trumps oprindelige plan for sit præsidentskab, som var at samarbejde med Rusland og Kina og koncentrere os om at genopbygge Amerikas infrastruktur, ville have ført til en anden og bedre situation end disse kriser. Amerikanere må skride til handling, og handling nu, for at komme til denne plan.

LaRouche PAC må gå i spidsen for at få denne påtrængende nødvendige politik; andre vil følge efter.

Foto: Ruslands præsident Vladimir Putin, Kinas præsident Xi Jinping og hans hustru Peng Liyuan før receptionen, hvor formand Xi Jinping var vært for BRIKS-ledere og lederne af de inviterede staters delegationer. 4. sept., 2017. (

Houston, vi har en løsning:
Hvad der nu må gøres.
LaRouche PAC Internationale Webcast,
1. september, 2017

… denne orkan Harvey, der virkelig er uden fortilfælde mht. ødelæggelser … dette må være momentet for at initiere en fuldstændig ny holdning hos amerikanerne og vores nationale regerings skifte til en helt anden politik, og det er formålet med den nøderklæring, vi har udstedt.

… det må genkalde en holdning, som vi mistede i dette land, der går tilbage til mordet på John F. Kennedy, men faktisk går tilbage til Franklin Roosevelts død. Og den måske mest signifikante case study, vi kan anvende, er TVA, som du nævnte, Tennessee Valley Authority.

Vært Matthew Ogden indleder webcastet med at oplæse Lyndon LaRouches erklæring, »Ikke flere Houston-katastrofer: Lyndon LaRouche siger, hvad det er, der må ske ’lige med det samme’«

Det efterfølges af en rapport fra repræsentant for LaRouche-bevægelsen i Texas, Brian Lantz, om den aktuelle situation i Houston og en analyse af de nødvendige forholdsregler, der må tages.

Herefter vises et klip fra en film, der blev produceret under Franklin Roosevelts præsidentskab, om det store infrastrukturprojekt, kaldet TVA – Tennessee Valley Authority.

Her følger en dansk oversættelse af dette videoklip og Matthew Ogdens kommentarer.

Efter dette følger komplet engelsk udskrift af hele webcastet.

Min. 31:20 (FDR-klip minuttal 35:15):

Brian Lantz (slutning): Hvor skal pengene komme fra? Det er selvfølgelig det forkerte spørgsmål at stille. Spørgsmålet er, hvad er det for institutioner, vi må skabe? Det er præcist, hvad LaRouche foreslår: Glass-Steagall, statslig kredit, en nationalbank, der kan finansiere strømmen af statslig kredit til at bygge de nye TVA’er, de nye projekter, der kræves for at sikre ikke alene kysten her, men også for at påbegynde en stor, økonomisk genrejsning af USA til dets position i verden.

Matthew Ogden: Netop, og denne orkan Harvey, der virkelig er uden fortilfælde mht. ødelæggelser, som du gjorde det meget, meget klart, Brian – dette må være momentet for at initiere en fuldstændig ny holdning hos amerikanerne og vores nationale regerings skifte til en helt anden politik, og det er formålet med den nøderklæring, vi har udstedt.

Og, som du sagde, så må det genkalde en holdning, som vi mistede i dette land, der går tilbage til mordet på John F. Kennedy, men faktisk går tilbage til Franklin Roosevelts død. Og den måske mest signifikante case study, vi kan anvende, er TVA, som du nævnte, Tennessee Valley Authority.

Hvis vi går tilbage til før Franklin Roosevelt og før New Deal, havde vi hele områder af landet, der var underkastet såkaldte naturkatastrofer, og som simpelt hen var forsømte. Det måske mest signifikante område i landet, det mest bemærkelsesværdige, var den såkaldte Tennessee-dal. Det er meget ironisk, at Tennessee-dalen, der er et helt område ikke blot i Tennessee, men omfatter alle disse tilgrænsende stater, er det område, der har den største totale regnmængde på det amerikanske kontinent.

Og hvad er så den årlige regnmængde i Tennessee-dalen? Den er på 51 inches (ca. 130 cm) om året; det, vi netop har oplevet i Houston, er 51 inches på fem dage eller mindre. Det er simpelt hen en svimlende mængde vand, der kom ned fra himlen! Men Tennessee-dalen var også udsat for meget lange perioder med voldsomme regnmængder, for det meste som følge af orkaner, der spredte sig – virkningen af orkaner, der kom op fra Golfkysten (den Mexicanske) og så fortsatte ind over denne centrale, sydøstlige del af USA.

Hvad skete der? Franklin Roosevelt, der blev citeret i vores nøderklæring, sagde, at det, der behøvedes, er »handling, og handling nu. Nationen kræver handling«. Han sagde: Vi vil ikke tillade denne ødelæggelse, som Tennessee-dalen oplever år efter år, og som skaber et af de mest forarmede områder i hele verden: Dette var Appalacherne – evnen til at læse og skrive var i bund, malaria, det øverste jordlag, der blev vasket bort. Man havde virkelig vilkår som i den Tredje Verden, lige midt i kontinental-USA. Roosevelt sagde, nej, vi vil gøre noget, som ingen før har gjort, og vi vil ikke blot forsøge at kontrollere en enkelt flods strøm, men vi vil tage et helt flodbækken, og vi vil ikke alene kontrollere dette vand hydrologisk, men vi vil indsamle energien fra dette vand og sætte det til at arbejde til gavn for de mennesker, der bor dér.

Jeg har en video, jeg gerne vil vise vore seere, et ca. 4 min. langt klip, som blev lavet af Roosevelt-administrationen. Den blev ironisk nok produceret det år, Roosevelt døde, i 1944. Men den viser, hvad Tennessee-dalen var udsat for, og det bør faktisk minde jer om de videoklip, I netop så fra Houston; men den viser også, hvad der blev gjort fra Roosevelt-administrationens side og filosofien, der lå bag TVA. Her kommer klippet:

Fortæller: Ødelæggelse fra himlen. Sådan var det, år efter år, i et glemt område af USA. Dette var den ødelæggelse, der var forårsaget af grådighed og neglekt, med mænd, der arbejdede alene og uden hjælp mod naturens kræfter. Landbrug, byer, industri – smadret; hundreder druknede, tusinder blev hjemløse. Flodens energi, der gik til spilde – og menneskenes energi ligeså.

[Landmand] Henry Clarks problemer var 3 millioner amerikaneres problemer i Tennessee-dalen. Det blev 130 millioner amerikanere i 48 staters direkte anliggende, en udfordring for demokratiet og dets evne til at drage omsorg for sine egne folk.

Tennesseefloddalen [kort] ligger i det sydøstlige USA. Det dækker et område på 40.000 kvadratmil, næsten lige så stort som England. Det var et problem, der handlede om genopbygning; genopbygning af land og af mennesker. Demokratiet bestod prøven: Det fandt mændene, der kunne overvåge jobbet – James P. Polk, national senator fra det vestlige USA; Harcourt Morgan, præsident for Tennessees Universitet, og som havde udarbejdet et landbrugsprogram for hele området; David Lilienthal, administrator og fortaler for en lov om kooperativ elektricitet; George Norris, en stor, amerikansk statsmand, der længe havde drømt om regional planlægning, om at etablere et nationalt eksperiment i én region, der kunne fungere som målestok for alle regioner. Dette var planen [kort over progressiv udvikling], at tøjle floden gennem en række gigantiske dæmninger, der kunne kontrollere oversvømmelserne, og åbne floden for sejlads fra dens udspring til dens bifloders tilstrømning; at lade fordelene ved moderne videnskab og forskning komme farmerne til gode; at hjælpe dem til at kontrollere vandet på deres jorder og genoprette jordens frugtbarhed, at genbeplante millioner af acres med skov på de hærgede bjergsider, at udvinde områdets mineralresurser; at bruge elektriciteten, skabt af dæmningerne, til at udvikle og rehabilitere industri i byerne, at føre elektricitet til landbrugsejendommene gennem et landligt kooperativ; og frem for alt, at bevise, at menneskelige problemer kan løses gennem fornuft, videnskab og uddannelse.

Tennessee-dalen skulle atter engang blive en fremskudt grænse, denne gang for at blive udviklet, ikke udplyndret; denne gang ikke til fordel for de få, men for de mange, som boede dér. Disse mennesker var de nye pionerer, arkitekterne, forsknings-kemikerne, landbrugseksperterne, elektricitetsfolkene, ingeniørerne, der designede vandkraftværker: Deres metode var at kontrollere naturen, ikke ved at trodse den som i den ødsle fortid, men ved at forstå den og tøjle den til gavn for menneskeheden …

(Slut video)

Ogden: Det var sådan, amerikanere plejede at tænke; dette var Franklin Roosevelt-administrationen, dette var New Deal. Lad mig blot lige gentage for jer, hvad I netop har hørt: Fortælleren sagde, hvad var formålet med Tennessee Valley Authority, dette projekt over alle projekter? »Frem for alt, at bevise, at menneskelige problemer kan løses gennem fornuft, videnskab og uddannelse. Tennessee-dalen skulle atter engang være en fremskudt grænse … for at blive udviklet … ikke til fordel for de få, men for de mange … Disse mennesker var de nye pionerer … Deres metode var at kontrollere naturen, ikke ved at trodse den … men ved at forstå den og tøjle den til gavn for menneskeheden …«

Det er sådan, amerikanere tænker.

Engelsk udskrift:


MATTHEW OGDEN:  Good afternoon.  It’s September 1, 2017.  My
name is Matthew Ogden, and I’d like to welcome you to our Friday
evening webcast here on; our strategic overview
for the end of this week.
This has been a very dramatic week, and I’ve asked Brian
Lantz, who is a LaRouche PAC organizer in Houston, Texas to join
us for our broadcast here today.  He’s been on the ground; thank
you Brian.  Welcome.  He’s been on the ground there in Houston.
He survived Hurricane Harvey, and he has seen firsthand the
devastation.  Those of you who were on the LaRouche PAC Fireside
Chat last night, got to hear a preliminary overview report from
him.  Also, Brian Lantz will be the featured guest at the
LaRouche PAC Manhattan Town Hall meeting tomorrow afternoon in
New York City on Saturday.  But we’ve asked Brian here to review
with us the extent of the devastation and the necessary solutions
that Hurricane Harvey should prompt us to usher in for the
Before I get to Brian, I am going to read to you in full the
emergency policy statement that has been issued by LaRouche PAC,
which is available at the LaRouche PAC website.  You’ll see the
text here right on the screen from [Fig. 1].  The
title of this statement is “No More Houstons!  Lyndon LaRouche
Says What Must Happen Right Now!”  So, the statement reads as
“The catastrophe in Texas is a man-made disaster
accomplished by the criminal negligence of this nation’s elected
officials, who have continued to support Wall Street’s
speculative economy and imperial ambitions while arguing that the
nation cannot afford to rebuild and replace its ancient and
broken-down economic infrastructure. For the third time since
2005, major American cities have been flooded and their people
devastated, because the plans for new infrastructure to protect
the people, requiring tens of billions in investments, have been
ignored and turned down. Hurricane Harvey now looms as the worst
national disaster in our nation’s history and it is a disaster
which did not have to happen.
“In 2005, Hurricane Katrina killed nearly 2,000 people and
wreaked $130 billion in economic losses. Only then, slowly, new
flood-control and sea gate infrastructure was built — at last —
for New Orleans, at a fraction of the human and monetary costs of
the damage inflicted by the storm. How many unnecessary deaths
and suffering could this project have averted?
“Four years later, the American Society of Civil Engineers
met in Manhattan to discuss several storm surge barrier options
for the New York City region. The estimate for the largest of
these was $9 billion. The government decided to do nothing. Then,
in 2012 Superstorm Sandy killed more than 100 people and caused
$65 billion in economic losses. New York area residents now are
going through a ‘Summer of Hell’ as the 100-year-old regional
transportation system, flooded and damaged five years ago, also
was not repaired or replaced at the necessary pace.
“The staggering economic and human suffering caused by
Hurricane Harvey in the Texas and Louisiana Gulf region are not
yet known, and will grow in magnitude as the water recedes; but,
what has been known for many years, is that Texas Gulf cities are
flood-prone, and have repeatedly flooded. Yet, no flood control
or storm protection infrastructure has been built since the end
of World War II. Plans for a new system for the Houston area had
been drafted, but their $25 billion cost was deemed ‘too high’ a
price tag for our Wall Street-dominated agencies and elected
officials. Now, hundreds of billions of dollars, and priceless
human lives, are lost.
All of these disasters, and others in the recent period, could
have been averted for a fraction of their eventual cost in lost
wealth, let alone in lost lives. The media insist to Americans
that each city’s disaster is caused by its particular economic
habits, its choice of location, its squabbling jurisdictions, its
ignoring of climate change, or its being close to water! This is
nonsense. Wall Street, which has been bailed out repeatedly to
the tune of trillions of dollars, with nothing but increased
impoverishment of the American people to show for it, must no
longer be allowed to dictate the economic policy of the United
States of America.
“|’The nation calls for action, and action now!’ in
President Franklin Roosevelt’s words. During his presidency, and
through the 1940s, the new infrastructure to prevent such
‘natural disasters’ — such as the Tennessee Valley Authority —
was funded by national credit, as through the Reconstruction
Finance Corporation and the Works Progress Authority.
“Hurricane Harvey drowning cities in East Texas should be
the national alarm which ends 70 years in which the country has
been without any such national credit institutions.”
The next subhead is titled “A Sea Change Is Required”.
“Lyndon LaRouche on August 30 called for a ‘sea change’ in
policy ‘right now.’ He called for the immediate creation of a
national credit institution for new, high-technology
infrastructure, like that employed by Franklin Roosevelt when the
vast majority of our current infrastructure was built. There is
no alternative to creating a national credit institution, like
that employed by Alexander Hamilton and in accord with our
Constitution, to fund the necessary trillions in new
infrastructure investment.
There must also be action on reinstating Glass-Steagall banking
separation right now, as a new financial crisis looms and Wall
Street speculation continues to prevent actual productive
investment. Allowing Wall Street to eliminate the Glass-Steagall
Act in the 1990s led to a crash that caused {$10 trillion} in
lost wealth, mass unemployment, and untold loss and shortening of
human lives.
“LaRouche insists that his ‘Four Economic Laws To Save the
Nation’ must be implemented right now if this country is to
recover from Hurricane Harvey and prevent similar disasters
stemming from our rotting physical economy now ticking like a
time bomb:
1. Re-institute Glass-Steagall: break up Wall Street and its
2. Create national credit institutions based on FDR’s
Reconstruction Finance Corporation and Alexander Hamilton’s
national banks;
3. Invest the credit in new infrastructure with frontier
technologies, including high-speed rail, fourth-generation
fission and fusion power technologies, and modern storm
protection and water management systems;
4. Adopt a fusion-driver ‘crash program’: Let a great
expansion of NASA space exploration provide a driver for
productivity and productive employment.”
Then, the final section is titled “A New Paradigm Takes
“China’s Belt and Road Initiative, an international program
of new rail ‘land-bridges’ and great projects of infrastructural
development, offers immediate cooperation for the credit and the
building of a new infrastructure in the United States. This
initiative is now moving on great projects they have long
identified as absolutely essential, such as the Kra Canal in
Southeast Asia, and the revival of Lake Chad in sub-Saharan
Africa; projects long championed by Lyndon LaRouche and his wife,
Helga Zepp-LaRouche.
“Helga and Lyndon LaRouche are leading a national
mobilization focused on moving President Trump to immediately
bring America into the China-initiated Belt and Road Initiative
of worldwide building of new infrastructure. That ‘win-win’
initiative, and the United States joining in its worldwide
projects and also building its own new infrastructure, means the
revival of the United States as an industrial power.”
The statement goes on to quote Helga Zepp-LaRouche in her
speech to the Manhattan conference on August 26th.  Then, after
that quote, it concludes by saying:
“LaRouche PAC has taken the responsibility to drive
President Trump and the Congress into this action. But this is
also the responsibility of all Americans that think of themselves
as citizens: those who have been actively supporting the
President, or supporting Sen. Bernie Sanders; those who supported
no one, out of disgust at the manipulation, and continued
manipulation of the election, but who have wanted a drastic
change in the deindustrialization and Wall Street speculation
policy ruling the country; those who know people killed, or made
homeless and impoverished by Wall Street’s induced ‘natural
disasters.’ All must now act and make their voices heard.
Because, watching what is happening, again, to great American
cities, leads anyone sane to the same conclusion: {There is no
So, that statement, which is available in full on the
LaRouche PAC website, again, under the title “No More Houstons!
Lyndon LaRouche Says What Must Happen Right Now!” is available
for you to circulate.  That is our call to action, which we’re
here to discuss today.
So Brian, I’d like to just introduce you and give you a
chance to give us an overview of what the conditions are on the
ground in Houston; what the impact is on the national economy,
and what must be done.  While you begin, we’re just going to play
some drone footage that was taken and was posted on Facebook by a
user chaseboogie; and we thank him for the permission to use this
footage.  It will just give our viewers a very visceral
on-the-ground sense of what exactly the conditions look like
there in Houston as you speak.  So, Brian, thank you for joining
us here today.

BRIAN LANTZ:  Good to be here.  I think first of all, I
should emphasize that this hurricane and hydrological disaster is
still unfolding.  Just a matter of a few hours ago, this is
Friday; Mayor Sylvester Turner requested more evacuations from
the Atticks Reservoir area, the Atticks Dam area, because of the
continued releases of water in the spillway.  Uncontrolled
releases into the area, which are necessary to relieve pressure
behind these dams.  These dams are in Houston on the Buffalo
Bayou.  Here today, the sun is out; but that doesn’t change
really the picture you’re seeing in this video, this drone
footage.  Just the extent, and what you’re seeing really is only
a small portion of Houston; the devastation extends over 50
counties — {50 counties}.  An area encompassing some 11 million
Now, besides continued rising water on the Buffalo Bayou —
slowly rising; which runs through Houston itself, right through
the downtown area and so forth.  That’s what this footage largely
covers is the area around downtown.  You also have rising water
still coming down the San Jacinto River, but also from the
broader San Jacinto Basin, draining into the San Jacinto River
and on down to the ship canal.  You have the Brazos River and the
Colorado River on the west side of Houston; these are still
continuing, particularly the Brazos, to rise.  There’s been
ruptures of the levees along the Brazos River; that’s something
they’re combatting.  There are mandatory evacuation orders and so
forth that have been placed in parts of that for days.
This all continues to unfold.  Smaller towns, over 300
smaller towns and cities are dramatically affected.  Off to the
east, roughly let’s call it two hours east of Houston down I-10,
going towards New Orleans, is Beaumont and Port Arthur.  You may
have been seeing some footage from there.  Beaumont lost its
water supply.  This is a city of 120,000 people; they’ve lost
their water supply.  They’re now evacuating their evacuation
centers because of the rising Natchez River.  This is a disaster
that’s still unfolding.  Beaumont is largely under water.  Port
Arthur, next door, is under water.  Rescue efforts are ongoing.
Here in Houston, we have over 30,000 people registered in
various evacuation centers around the city.  But of course, far
more are staying with neighbors or relatives.  You can imagine,
hotels and so on and so forth.  Also, out of some of the
surrounding areas down by the coast; Dickinson, for example.  You
had military cargo planes flying people out of the area through
Galveston up to Dallas.  This is still all unfolding.
I guess I could give a couple of just simple examples.  It’s
thought that at least 500,000 cars are lost in the flooding.  I’m
sure that’s an underestimate when you take in the broader area.
I think those figures are regarding Houston itself.
I think also to go to the heart of this, you’ve got to go to
the industrial side of this picture.  So, I’ll do that in just a
second.  But first, I want to just bring forward the other side
of this; which there has been reporting on.  That is, the
outpouring of aid that Houstonians and Texans have provided to
their fellow citizens and our neighbors from as far away at least
as New York.  I believe the first responders who came into
Houston were from New York City; fire teams from New York City to
take part in the rescue.  So, we have them here from Kansas, we
have them of course Fort Worth, Texas; 4.5 to 5 hours to the
north.  We have them from Dallas.  Hundreds of police have now
come in, arriving really as brigades into the city to relieve
policeman who, up until yesterday, hadn’t slept for days and
days.  A tremendous rescue effort; you might have heard about the
“cajun navy”; loosely organized, bringing over their boats, their
high-rise trucks and behind them pulling their boats.  This is
thousands of people, and hundreds and hundreds of boats coming
in, that have been playing a critical role at the request of law
enforcement, of the mayor, or the first responders here in
southeast Texas.
So, if you go to some of the slides, just the first [Fig. 2]
you have a still of some of the damage in downtown Houston.  I
think if you follow that up, you’ll see what Hurricane Harvey
looked like coming in [Fig. 3].  Partly I’m putting that up just
to give you a sense of the extent of this hurricane in terms of
its length and breadth.  Those outer bands — that picture was
taken basically at landfall down near Rockport, which is just
close to Corpus Christi to the south.  Those outer bands,
particularly as you see them on the east side; this is the “dirty
side” as they say, of the hurricane.  This was coming in
simultaneously more or less into the rest of the coast to the
east of landfall there in Rockport; which was, of course, this
small town just devastated along the coast.
If you go to the next picture [Fig. 4], I’m putting these up
partly to give you a sense of the geography in terms of where
we’re talking about relative.  You see there the state of Texas
off to your left, the broader state of Texas.  You see the swath
of area; that was a prediction early on. You see the top of the
monitor there, the peak they’re expecting is 15 inches [of rain].
Well of course, we got between 30 and 50 inches in rainfall in
the course of just a few days.  The next slide [Fig. 5] gives you
a sense of how this process has then trailed off to the east up
through Louisiana; now moving off into Arkansas and Tennessee.
But again, that’s to give you just a kind of sense of the
geography of this.  And all along there, you’re talking about,
across the bottom, you see the Gulf Coast.
So, having spoken a bit about the tremendous effort and so
forth, I want to return to the physical economic impact of this,
if I can.  Think of a compromised human body from disease or
aging, you name it.  Then think of that body being slammed by
some new effect, a shock to the system.  You have to ask, how
many shocks can that person take?  Well, think of our US economy
and the world economy in a different way, but related, in that
context.  For example, as some of you know, the Colonial
Pipeline, which is the largest pipeline in the United States,
which carries oil and gas and so forth; that an other pipelines
have stopped because the refineries are shut down.  20% to 30% of
the nation’s refining capacity is right now shut down here along
the Gulf Coast.  Particularly in Houston, but extending over to
New Orleans, Baton Rouge, the South Louisiana port — which is
the largest port by tonnage in the United States.  All of these
are affected to varying degrees.
That means that New York right now is not getting oil from
the major pipeline serving the New York area; but also serving
Atlanta, Washington DC, and so forth.  Gas prices are spiking and
so forth and so on as a result of this.  That pipeline, the
Colonial Pipeline, is not going to be back online until at least
the end of the weekend.  So, this is not disconnected; we’re
talking about one systemic process here, already weakened by the
horror stories of the Bush and Obama years, the financial
blow-out of 2008, Wall Street’s predatory speculation. The
British Empire’s choking off of the American System increasingly
since the passing of Franklin Roosevelt in 1944.  So, this is
having consequences across the United States.
Just to give you a sense of this, if you skip forward to the
last slide [Fig. 6], you’ll see a map of the ports along the Gulf
Coast.  Just so you have a fair assessment of this, eight of the
twelve largest ports in terms of tonnage are along this coast,
the third Coast, the Gulf Coast.  You see those in red, but also
now of course, Port Arthur; those ports are all still closed,
including the little barge port of Victoria, Texas.  Corpus
Christi is a major port.  You see Houston, it’s also next to it
in that same block as Texas City, which is a separate port also
on the Galveston Ship Canal to Houston.  So, those ports are all
closed down.  This is a long-term disruption.  Rail lines are
disrupted, the Union-Pacific Corporation, Berkshire Hathaway’s
BNSF — Burlington Northern Santa Fe — they are currently closed
for operations.  Likewise Kansas City Southern or regional
railroad.  This is going to have follow-on repercussions, not
only in terms of cargo moving out of the United States, but cargo
moving into the United States.  The Port of Houston just opened
up today for truck traffic; but this is not easy.  You can
imagine the amount of muck they’ve got to clean out of there.
Containers have shifted; they’ve got to be restacked.  This is
not an easy process to put some order back into this chaotic
The ship canal itself, the currents coming down the ship
canal are such that that itself interferes with the possibility
of ships coming in.  That’s coming down from the San Jacinto
River and the San Jacinto Basin and so on and so forth.  There’s
debris in the ship canal.  How much has shifted underwater?  The
Army Corps of Engineers has got to go in; they’ve got to make
sure that the ships can get up that canal safely.  Is there going
to be emergency dredging required?  All of these things have to
be worked out.
Corpus Christi has opened up to small traffic today; smaller
ships.  But at last report, you still have a major obstruction at
the port there in Corpus Christi.  A ship that broke loose.  Not
some sailing skiff or something; but a major merchant ship broke
loose and is blocking part of the harbor.  So again, these have
knock-on follow-on effects; and I’m hoping that I’m giving you at
least some sense of that.
In terms of the ranking of ports, the port of South
Louisiana, which is 54 miles long, the breadth of it, between New
Orleans and Baton Rouge, is the largest port in the United
States.  The second largest is Houston, Texas — by tonnage.
Third is New York-New Jersey.  Fourth is Beaumont, Texas; that
wasn’t even on that map.  That’s now also shut down.  Then comes
Long Beach, California; then Corpus Christi, which we mentioned.
New Orleans; Baton Rouge; Mobile, Alabama; Plaquemines,
Louisiana; a little bit further down, Texas City.  So, this is
enormous.  This whole area, this entire area is lowlands; people
live on coasts because it’s close to cheap transport and
communications and all the rest.  If you ask people to move, as
some Greens would like to say, “Well, people should move away.”
Well, excuse me, where are they?  Montana?  What are you
suggesting? The lifeblood of the country, its arteries of its
body are still largely these three coasts; and then of course,
the river systems and the canals and so on, including the Great
Lakes and all the rest.  This is what what’s left of the entire
US economy depends on today.  The compromise that’s been made,
the disastrous bloody compromise that’s been made has been to
withhold the resources to build the kinds of systems that would
protect from storm surges and hurricanes like Hurricanes Sandy,
Katrina, Ike and so forth.  That’s one issue; we can take that
But also what we’re talking about here is not simply
meteorology and storms and hurricanes coming in.  Most of the
damage from Hurricane Harvey has been from rainfall; as we
mentioned, 30-50 inches of rainfall in the course of a few days.
All of these low-lying areas — the high point in Houston is 50
feet above sea level.  A dam built here, say on Lake Conroe on
the San Jacinto River, it holds 14% of what the Oroville Dam
holds in northern California; because it’s built on flat land.
It’s a low-lying dam; broad, but shallow.  The capacities of
these dam structures are limited.  What’s required is an enormous
investment in canal building, retention ponds, and a whole
hydrological approach; which the Army Corps of Engineers has
engaged in, but under increasingly tight budget restrictions.
And of course, with this blind-sided approach of politicians and
policymakers looking the other way and ignoring the consequences.
Well, the consequences are now here.
Maybe I should stop there, and we can have some discussion
on this.  But I hope that gives people an essential overview of
what we’ve got to deal with now as a nation; with the Four Laws
of Lyndon LaRouche, with national credit.  This storm is going to
cost more than Katrina that hit New Orleans in 2005.  That was
$130 billion simply in terms of Federal funds; simply in terms of
Federal funds essentially after the fact.  This is going to
outstrip that by far.
Where’s that money going to come from?  Well, obviously,
that’s the wrong question to ask.  The question is, what are the
institutions we have to create? And it’s exactly what LaRouche
has proposed: Glass-Steagall, national credit, a National Bank to
finance that flow of national credit, to build out the new TVAs,
the new projects required to safeguard not only the coast here,
but to begin a major recovery of the United States to its
position in the world.

OGDEN:  Yeah, exactly, and this Hurricane Harvey, which is
really unprecedented in its devastation, as you made very, very
clear, Brian, this must be the moment of initiating an entirely
new attitude among the American and an entirely new change in the
policy of our Federal government, and that’s the purpose of this
emergency statement that we put out on
And, as you said, it must recall an attitude which we lost in
this country at least going back to the assassination of John F.
Kennedy, but really going back to the death of Franklin
Roosevelt.  And perhaps the most significant case study that we
can use would be the TVA, as you mentioned it, the Tennessee
Valley Authority.
Going back to before Franklin Roosevelt and before the New
Deal, you had whole regions of the country which were subject to
so-called natural disasters, and which were just neglected.  And
perhaps the most significant region of the country, the most
notable, was the so-called Tennessee Valley.  And what’s very
ironic is the Tennessee Valley, which is an entire region, not
just in Tennessee, but it’s all of these bordering states, is the
area of the highest annual rainfall total of any watershed in the
continental United States.
Now, what’s the annual rainfall in the Tennessee Valley
watershed?  It’s 51 inches per year; what we just experienced in
Houston was 51 inches in five days or less.  It’s just
mind-boggling the amount of water that came out of the sky!  But
the Tennessee Valley was also subject to very extended periods of
high rainfall, mostly because of the dissipating hurricanes —
the effect of hurricanes that were coming up off the Gulf Coast,
and then going into this Central Southeast region of the United
But what happened?  Franklin Roosevelt, who as we quoted in
this emergency statement, said what’s necessary is “action, and
action now.  The nation calls for action.”  He said:  We’re not
going to allow this devastation that the Tennessee Valley
experienced year-in and year-out, creating one  of the most
impoverished areas of the entire world:  This was Appalachia —
literacy was through the floor, malaria, top soil was washing
off.  You had a really Third World kind of conditions, right
there in the continental United States.  And Roosevelt said, no,
we’re going to do something that has never been attempted before,
and we’re going to not just try to control the flow of one river,
but we’re going to take an entire river basin, and we’re going to
not just control that water hydrologically, but we’re going to
harness the power of that water, and put it to work for the
benefit of the people who live there.
I have a video I just want to show our viewers, a roughly
four minute excerpt, a video that was put out by the Roosevelt
administration.  Ironically, it was produced the year before
Roosevelt died in 1944.  But it shows you what the Tennessee
Valley was subjected to, and it should actually remind you of the
video footage that you just saw from Houston; but it also shows
you what was done by the Roosevelt administration and the
philosophy that was behind the construction of the TVA.  So,
here’s a clip from that video

NARRATOR:  Destruction from the sky.  This is the way it
was, year after year, in a forgotten part of the United States.
This was the havoc caused by greed and neglect, and men working
alone and unaided against the forces of nature.  Farms, towns,
industry — smashed; hundreds drowned, thousands made homeless.
The energies of the river running to waste,  — the energies of
the people, too.
[Farmer] Henry Clark’s trouble was the trouble of 3 million
Americans in the Tennessee Valley.  It became the direct concern
of 130 million Americans in the 48 states, a challenge to
democracy and its ability to care for its own.
The valley of the Tennessee River [map] lies in the
Southeastern United States.  It covers an area of 40,000 square
miles, nearly as large as England.  It was a problem of
reconstruction, reconstruction of land, reconstruction of people.
Democracy met the test: It found the men to supervise the job —
James P. Polk, United States Senator from the West; Harcourt
Morgan, president of the University of Tennessee, who had worked
out an agricultural program for the whole area; David Lilienthal,
administrator and champion of legislation for cooperative
electric power; George Norris, a great American statesman who
long had dreamed of regional planning, of setting up a national
experiment in one region which could serve as a yardstick for
every region.  This was the plan [progressively developing map],
to chain the river through a series of giant dams, checking the
floods, to open it to navigation from its mouth to its
headwaters; to give the farmers the benefit of modern science and
research, to help them control the water on their land and
restore the fertility of the soil, to reforest millions of acres
on the ravaged hillsides, to exploit the mineral resources of the
area;  to use the electric power generated by the dams to develop
and rehabilitate industry in the cities, to electrify the farms
through a rural cooperative; above all, to prove that human
problems can be solved by reason, science, and education.
The Tennessee Valley was to be pioneered again, this time,
to be developed, not plundered, this time not for the benefit of
a few, but for the many who lived in it.  These were the new
pioneers, the architects, the research chemists, the agricultural
experts, the power men, the designers of hydroelectric dams:
Their method was to control nature, not by defying her as in the
wasteful past, but by understanding her and harnessing her in the
service of humanity….

OGDEN:  This is how we as Americans used to think, this was
the Franklin Roosevelt administration, this was the New Deal.
Let me just repeat back to you, what you just heard:  The
narrator said, what was the purpose of the Tennessee Valley
Authority, this project above all other projects?  “Above all, to
prove that human problems can be solved by reason, science, and
education.  The Tennessee Valley was to be pioneered again … to
be developed … not for the benefit of a few, but for the
many….  These were the new pioneers… Their method was to
control nature, not by defying her  … but by understanding her
and harnessing her in the service of humanity….”
That’s how Americans think.
So Brian, what lessons can we learn from what Franklin
Roosevelt did?  What do we have to do right now, what should have
been done before this disaster of Harvey, but what do we have to
do now to rebuild the United States?

LANTZ: Well, we’ve already touched on it in terms of Lyndon
LaRouche’s Four Laws, and that’s what’s required. But
specifically, it is up to us, we Americans who understand
ourselves to be citizens of the United States, to now mobilize at
this moment where there’s a receptivity among Americans to face
what has been building as a crisis across the nation, in many
dimensions,  — the opioid epidemic, the crises generated by
continuing storms — not the storms themselves, but the
inadequacy of our ability to respond and defeat them; all of this
and more requires that we step up to the plate and create a
future looking 50 to 100 years into the future, beyond our own
life spans.
I think we have, in the example of China, China that’s
lifted 700 million people out of poverty in the last three
decades.  Looking at the TVA dam footage, obviously, the Three
Gorges Dam that China built on the Yangtze River, an enormous
project exactly to continue the process of taming that river for
mankind, and the upcoming projects for Lake Chad and related
projects throughout Africa.  This should be an inspiration:  We
can unite with the Belt and Road Initiative  of China.  This is a
very important element.
We now have, with the Trump administration, we have a sea
change, at least relatively speaking, from what we have with Bush
and Obama.  Think back to Bush’s response to Katrina in 2005.
Ike hit here in Texas in 2008.  Trump, working with the governor
of the state, Governor Abbott, enormous resources have been
mobilized.  There’s at least 12,000 National Guardsmen in here,
now; there’ll be as many as 24,000, Governor Abbott has stated in
the coming weeks. I spoke earlier about the influx of first
responders as well as volunteers.
That’s a start, but we cannot allow the United States to now
dish out on itself the Haiti treatment:  Look at the island of
Haiti.  What was proposed there by the Joint Chiefs of Staff at
the time, by the LaRouche organization, by Mr. LaRouche himself,
was a massive mobilization of the Army Corps [of Engineers], C-5
cargo planes to rescue Haiti, move people out of the flood areas,
the earthquake areas in 2010, get them onto high land.  Build new
cities, build new infrastructure that never existed there, and
pick up where Roosevelt had left off with his projects in Haiti
among other nations.  Instead, a cold shoulder was given to
Haiti. Obama turned his back on Haiti, and instead, all we had
was NGOs and various private relief efforts — band aids applied
to Haiti, and it’s arguable that the situation in Haiti today is
no better off, fundamentally, than it was before the 2010
earthquake, perhaps worse.
We have to rectify that.  We have to rectify the situation
in Puerto Rico.
So this is a wake-up call to mobilize a national effort.  If
this is left to sports figures and Hollywood stars and a few
billionaires to wave around their largesse in millions of
dollars, and we have “GoFundMe” accounts and the Red Cross and
that’s the extent of it, the whole nation will be further
damaged!  New Orleans has never recovered, has never been allowed
to recover, much less develop.  So we have to address that, as
you said, Matt:  We have to address this now, the American people
have got to mobilize now:  Our congressmen, our senators,  and
President Trump have got to hear very clearly from the American
people that the Four Laws have to be implemented now.

OGDEN:  Well, the truth is that there is a development
dynamic which is already sweeping the globe and you mentioned it,
it is the Chinese New Silk Road: It’s the Belt and Road
Initiative, which frankly was something which was originally
initiated and conceptualized by the LaRouche movement, going back
30 years.  But this is now the policy of the most populous nation
on the planet, and not only are they using it for the development
of China and for the development of the Chinese people, but it’s
also being something which is for the general welfare of the
people of the planet as a whole!
You mentioned the Three Gorges Dam, this really could be
characterized as the Chinese TVA, but if you look at the history
of China and the amount of devastation that the Chinese people
have suffered because of flooding, exactly what you saw in that
drone footage which is happening right now in Houston, exactly
what you saw in that eerily familiar footage from the Tennessee
Valley, prior to the TVA, that we showed just now  — going back
hundreds of years you had that kind of devastation in China.
There’s a very famous flood in 1954, which was the flood of the
Yangtze River, and you’ll see on the screen here a memorial to
the victims of that flood. [Fig. 7]  The Yangtze River flooded,
and killed 33,000 people and displaced 18 million people!  The
city of Wuhan, which is where this memorial is, was a city of 8
million people, and it was literally under water for over three
months.  So, 1954, that was only ten years after that video that
we just saw about the TVA was made.  But this was an absolutely
unprecedented natural disaster.
There was another flood in 1998 in China, which killed over
1500 people and was equally devastating in terms of the flooding
of the Yangtze River.  But the next item that I just had on the
screen there, this is an image of the Yangtze River, before
[1987] and after [2006] the construction of the Three Gorges Dam,
[Fig. 8]. You can see the extent of the engineering marvels that
the Three Gorges Dam is: This is a picture from space.  There was
another flood of the Yangtze River in 2010, but that time, the
Three Gorges Dam and the reservoir created by it was able to
absorb that excess run-off, and in fact, not only did it
alleviate the flooding and the effects of the flooding
downstream, but it was able to hold that run-off for later to be
distributed downstream during the dry months of the year.  So at
the time there was a drought and a necessity for water, the water
was available, and not only was it available for farming and for
use in the cities downstream, but it was also available to
produce electricity, through this magnificent hydroelectric dam
that’s been built there.  The Three Gorges Dam produces almost
100 terawatts of electric power.
So you’re harnessing the power of this river, which before
was a menace, and you’re putting each one of those little water
droplets to work. There’s no unemployed water in the Yangtze
River any more.  Every single water droplet has a meaningful
purpose to its existence.
But that’s what China has built domestically, and then look
at abroad.  You also mentioned what’s being done in Africa.  I
have a slide here from the proposal which was put together by the
Schiller Institute for the Transaqua program. [Fig. 9]  You’ll
see here, this is the Transaqua water transfer project which
would refill Lake Chad, which has been drying up over the past
several decades, by transferring 100 billion cubic meters of
water, a distance of 2,500 km from the Congo River, all the way
northwest to Lake Chad and replenish Lake Chad.  So this is not
just on the books, but in fact, we’ve had the really optimistic
news over the past few weeks that a deal has been reached by a
Chinese corporation, PowerChina, which was involved incidentally
in building the Three Gorges Dam, and an Italian firm, Bonifica
Spa.; they’re going to conduct the feasibility studies, they’re
going to get started with making this Transaqua project a reality
on the ground.  Again, this is something that the LaRouche
movement has been fighting for for decades.
So these are the kinds of projects that are already ongoing.
We could also take a page out of Japan’s book:  There’s a
wonderful project in Tokyo, which is called the Metropolitan Area
Outer Underground Discharge Channel, and Tokyo is very similar to
Houston, in the fact that urbanization has created a very dense
population, but there’s monsoons which creates these flooding
conditions.  So you’ll see a picture here [Fig. 10].  This is one
of the engineering marvels of the world:  This is Tokyo’s
underground floodwater diversion facility.  You could say it’s
the Notre Dame cathedral of flood-water control infrastructure.
There’s some videos you can watch, but it’s the magnitude of what
Tokyo has built underground, under that city, is amazing.  You
have five concrete containment silos, each one of them
distributed at various strategic points around the city; each one
of them could fit the Space Shuttle inside, or the entire Statue
of Liberty. Those containment silos are then connected by 6.5 km
of underground tunnels that are buried 50 meters under the ground
level of the city and then all of those empty into that chamber
that you just saw, which you could see the proportions of it,
with the human being standing in there; it’s 65 meters high.  And
the magnitude of this kind of containment tank has caused every
storm since it was built in 1992, to be something that could be
— they were still devastating storms, but they could be
controlled, through the powers of science and the powers of this
engineering marvel.
So why hasn’t something like that been built in Houston?
Why hasn’t something like that been built in New York City?  Why
hasn’t something like that been built in the various areas of the
continental United States, which are just as much under threat as
Tokyo was?  So all of these projects, the Three Gorges Dam, the
Transaqua water transfer project, which really should be the
model for what we do with the NAWAPA project — the North
American Water And Power Alliance — which is an equal
water-transfer project; and then this Metropolitan Discharge
project in Tokyo, these are things that can be built!  We’ve
already built them!  This is the power that engineering and
mankind have if we just put our minds to it, and if we direct the
necessary national credit to the construction of these.
So you know, President Trump has called for $1 trillion in
infrastructure in the United States. The magnitude of the
investment should be far beyond that, $8, $9, $10 trillion is the
estimate that some people have given, but it’s not a problem, if
you use Hamiltonian credit.  The question has to be asked, could
we have already built some of these necessary projects and
mitigated the disaster, if you hadn’t had 16 years of failed
presidencies, with the Bush/Obama years, and if you hadn’t had
the full-scale mobilization for a political coup against this
current Presidency, in his six months in office up to this point.
But this is now the point of decision:  We have to make the
decision now, this is a sea change in U.S. policy.  Let’s now get
onboard with the great development dynamic which is sweeping the
planet, and {join} with this One Belt, One Road initiative, not
only to build projects abroad, for the benefit of people across
the planet, such as in Africa, but also to build these great
projects right here at home.
So Brian, is there anything that you want to say just in
terms of maybe the specifics of what could be done in Houston,
but also just some of the broader, actual physical projects that
could be built here in the United States?

LANTZ:  First, thanks for correcting me on Three Gorges as
being on the Yangtze, not the Yellow.  But I wanted to say, this
is what great civilizations do, reaching back to the Grand Canal
that connected the Yellow and Yangtze Rivers back 600 A.D. or
thereabouts.  You can go back further to Egypt.  This is what
great civilizations do as opposed to empires, the defining
distinction, this question of the development of mankind.  When
we look today, at the United States, why not build, as Helga
Zepp-LaRouche has proposed, 50 new cities in the United States,
rather a sprawl of concrete that only increases the dangers?  It
does the opposite, by mitigating the danger of these hurricanes
and storms.  For instance, why not build the equivalent of the
Tokyo facility for the greater Houston area?  Why not really
conquer this problem?  We can channel water, we can store it, but
we’ve really got to move it off the area, fast. And what Tokyo
has done is an exemplar.
Likewise, as we’ve discussed on prior programs, Hurricane
Sandy and what has to be done, not just for New York City, but
for essentially a 100-mile diameter area reaching down to
Philadelphia as one great, mega-city of development, modeled on
similar projects in China.  Their process of building mega-cities
and transforming regions into mega-cities.
This is some of what’s occurred.  All of this requires
energy:  It requires nuclear energy, it requires the development
of fusion energy.  And I just wanted to conclude, if Kesha Rogers
could be here today, she would stress the role of science, as you
brought it up in regard to the approach to the TVA project, but
also brought up otherwise.  This hurricane — just think about it
— this hurricane would have been far worse, if we didn’t have
the kind of satellite capacity that we have, the kind of
resolutions in terms of cameras and all of that:  The whole space
program gave us a capability.  Just imagine if this had hit
without forewarning.
And that leads into the broader question of the broader
development of the U.S. space program and our cooperation again
with countries, including the leading country of China, in
advancing mankind’s knowledge of our relationship to our
planetary system, but beyond that to the galaxy, to these larger
processes that we know are at work, that man needs to gain
control of.  And really, it’s from that standpoint that we can
really begin to measure the projects we need to build now.

OGDEN: And that’s reminiscent of the point that was made in
exactly that video produced by the Roosevelt administration on
the TVA, that our human problems can be solved by “reason,
science, and education,” and we can harness nature, control
nature, not by “defying her, but by understanding her,”  and
harnessing those powers for the benefit of mankind and the entire
planet.  So this is done not just through infrastructure on the
ground,  — which absolutely must be built, the hardcore physical
infrastructure on the ground — but also through, as you
mentioned, understanding what are these meteorological processes,
what are the atmospheric processes, how do you direct these
atmospheric water flows?  Is that possible through ionization and
other ways?  And also, how do you understand how Earth’s weather
is created through our interface with the cosmic environment that
we exist in.  And how does this impact the actual large changes
in cycles in terms of our climate and how climate changes over
time, and the relationship that mankind plays to that, in a
positive way?
And we can see instances of that positive power of mankind
to improve nature, in the Tennessee Valley, in the Yangtze Valley
with the Three Gorges Dam, and now what’s happening in Africa
with the Transaqua project:  That’s mankind’s nature and I think
that’s the ultimate point here:  When will mankind recognize what
we are as a species, and change our view of ourselves, in order
to harness the full powers of that unique creative quality that
mankind as a species possesses, which really lies at the core of
all of the science of economics as Lyndon LaRouche has defined
So I would recall for people, these Four Economic Laws,
which are contained in the emergency statement which I read at
the beginning of this broadcast, this is embedded in a larger
policy document that Lyndon LaRouche wrote in which he explores
exactly this question:  What is the noëtic characteristic of
mankind?  How have we progressed over our history as a species?
How have we harnessed the powers of nature, not just through
water control, but also through different forms of fire and
energy; and what is this Vernadskyian idea, the ideas of Vladimir
Vernadsky, of the planet as a “noëtic planet” — the noösphere —
shaped by the creative powers of man?  How can we initiate that
noëtic age of man through these types of great projects which are
typified by the One Belt, One Road initiative out of China, but
which we must now initiate here in the United States, in the wake
of this {horrible} devastation, wrought by Hurricane Harvey.
So, thank you so much Brian for joining us here today.  I’m
glad that you could join us from on the ground there in Houston,
and give us this very visceral picture  of what’s happening, but
also what must be done.  And I’d like to ask all of our viewers
to take this as your call to action, as was said in the statement
on the LaRouche PAC website:  “No more Houstons.”  We must now
initiate this revolution in U.S. economic policy, we cannot watch
and wait for the next Harvey to happen, but we must act now.
“There is no alternative.”
I’d like to invite people to tune in to the broadcast of the
Manhattan Town Hall meeting tomorrow, where Brian Lantz will also
be the featured guest, and it will be the opportunity for some
dialogue with him if you’re there in person in New York City.
And otherwise, please stay tuned to, as we
issue marching orders over the coming days and weeks.
So thank you one more time, Brian for joining us.  And we
give our condolences to the family of Kesha Rogers, who lost her
father and her stepmother, tragically, in the floods there in
Houston, in the wake of Hurricane Harvey, and we dedicate our
future mission to the memory of not only her father, but also all
who have been lost in these preventable manmade, natural
Thank you for joining us and please stay tuned to

Del II af MANHATTAN-MØDE, 26. aug.:
»Bring USA ind i det Nye Paradigme, Nu!«
Spørgsmål til Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Jeg talte med nogle mennesker i Europa i de seneste par dage i forskellige lande, og de siger alle: »Jeres politik vinder. Det kommer. I ved, I var en meget vigtig indflydelse. Dette er jeres politik.« Så folk, der har kendt os længe, ved dette, og derfor skal I blot sikre jer, at mange folk kender til dette alternativ, for når folk først ved, at der er et helt andet system, begynder de at tænke på en helt anden måde, og de bliver vrede over, at man fortæller dem løgne, eller at sandheden holdes tilbage fra dem. I øjeblikket er det væsentlige, at være overbevist om, at, når folk først kender til dette, så forandrer de sig. Jeg mener, vi har et fantastisk moment, for det eneste, der behøves, er, at præsident Trump annoncerer noget stort, som Roosevelt gjorde med New Deal. Jeg ville ikke forsværge, at Trump ikke kan gøre det. Jeg mener, at Trump har karakteren til det, han har temperamentet til at overraske sine modstandere, og jeg mener, at vi skal skabe betingelserne i landet, der kan tilskynde ham til at gøre dette. Vi må øge presset på befolkningen for, at Trump skal satse på et overordnet design for USA, som er større end presset fra Wall Street på ham, for at blive inde i kassen. De ønsker at inddæmme ham. De truer ham; hvis han ikke kapitulerer, så vil de dræbe ham eller impeache ham.

Download (PDF, Unknown)

Ikke flere Houston-katastrofer:
Lyndon LaRouche siger, hvad det er,
der må ske ’lige med det samme’

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, 31. august, 2017 – I dag udstedte LaRouche PAC en erklæring om, hvad der må gøres i betragtning af, at orkanen Harveys ødelæggelser ikke er en »naturlig« katastrofe, men er et resultat af kriminelle politikker. Erklæringen vil ligeledes udkomme på tryk i næste nummer af The Hamiltonian, LaRouche-bevægelsens plakat-avis, der uddeles i New York, sammen med hele Helga Zepp-LaRouches tale på konferencen den 26. august i New York City, om den amerikanske infrastruktur-nødsituation. Erklæringen kan læses på engelsk her.

Ikke flere Houston-katastrofer:

Lyndon LaRouche siger, hvad det er, der må ske ’lige med det samme’

Katastrofen i Texas er en menneskeskabt katastrofe, der skete som følge af denne nations valgte repræsentanters kriminelle neglekt; de valgte repræsentanter, der har fortsat med at støtte Wall Streets spekulationsøkonomi og imperieambitioner, alt imens de samtidig fremfører, at nationen ikke har råd til at genopbygge og erstatte sin forældede og nedbrudte, økonomiske infrastruktur. For tredje gang siden 2005 er store, amerikanske byer blevet oversvømmet og deres indbyggere bragt til fortvivlelse, fordi planerne for ny infrastruktur, der kræver investeringer for titals milliarder, til beskyttelse af befolkningen, er blevet ignoreret og afvist. Orkanen Harvey er nu den overhængende, værste, nationale katastrofe i nationens historie, og det er en katastrofe, som ikke behøvede indtræffe.

I 2005 dræbte orkanen Katrina næsten 2.000 mennesker og anrettede økonomiske skader for $130 mia. Først da, og langsomt, blev nye sikkerhedsforanstaltninger til oversvømmelseskontrol og barrierer mod havet langt om længe bygget for New Orleans, til en brøkdel af de menneskelige omkostninger og omkostningerne for skaderne, som stormen forårsagede. Hvor mange unødvendige dødsfald og lidelser kunne dette projekt have afværget?

Fire år senere mødtes det Amerikanske Civilingeniør-selskab i Manhattan for at diskutere flere muligheder for barrierer mod flodbølger i New York City-området. Det økonomiske overslag for den største af disse muligheder lød på $9 mia. Regeringen besluttede ingenting at gøre. Så dræbte superstormen Sandy i 2012 flere end 100 mennesker og forårsagede økonomiske tab for $65 mia. Netop nu gennemlever indbyggere i New York-området »Helvedessommeren«, med det 100 år gamle, regionale transportsystem, der for fem år siden blev oversvømmet og beskadiget, og som heller ikke blev repareret eller erstattet i det nødvendige tempo.

De svimlende økonomiske og menneskelige lidelser, forårsaget af orkanen Harvey i Texas’ og Louisianas golfområde, kendes endnu ikke, men vil vokse i størrelsesorden i takt med, at vandet trækker sig tilbage; men, hvad man i mange år har vidst, er, at Texas’ byer ved golfen er i fare for oversvømmelser, og gentagne gange er blevet oversvømmet. Alligevel er der ikke blevet bygget nogen sikkerhedsforanstaltninger mod oversvømmelser eller infrastruktur til beskyttelse mod orkaner, siden slutningen af Anden Verdenskrig. Man havde udarbejdet planer for et nyt system for Houston-området, men omkostningerne på $25 mia. blev vurderet til at være »for høj« en pris for vore Wall Street-dominerede regeringskontorer og valgte repræsentanter. Nu er hundrede af milliarder af dollars, og uvurderlige menneskeliv, gået tabt.

Alle disse katastrofer, samt andre i den seneste tid, kunne have været afværget for en brøkdel af de sluttelige omkostninger i tabt rigdom, for slet ikke at tale om tabte liv. Medierne insisterer over for amerikanerne, og katastrofen i den enkelte by skyldes byens særlige økonomiske vaner, dens beliggenhed, dens jurisdiktioners indbyrdes skænderier, dens ignorering af klimaforandring eller dens beliggenhed tæt på vand! Dette er nonsens. Wall Street, der gentagne gange er blevet reddet ved statslige midler (bail-out) til billioner af dollars uden, at det har medført noget som helst andet end øget forarmelse for det amerikanske folk, må ikke længere have lov at diktere USA’s økonomiske politik.

»Nationen kræver handling, og handling nu!«, med præsident Franklin Roosevelts ord. Under hans præsidentskab og op igennem 1940’erne blev ny infrastruktur – såsom Tennessee Valley Authority – til afværgelse af sådanne »naturkatastrofer« finansieret af statslig kredit, såsom via Reconstruction Finance Corporation og Works Progress Authority.

Orkanen Harvey, der drukner byer i det østlige Texas, bør være den alarmklokke, der afslutter 70 år, hvor landet har været uden sådanne statslige kreditinstitutioner.

Et kursskifte er nødvendigt

Den 30. august krævede Lyndon LaRouche et »kursskifte« i politikken »med det samme«. Han krævede den omgående skabelse af en national (dvs. statslig) kreditinstitution til ny, højteknologisk infrastruktur, ligesom det, Franklin Roosevelt anvendte, da langt størstedelen af vores nuværende infrastruktur blev bygget. Der er intet alternativ til skabelse af en statslig kreditinstitution som den, Alexander Hamilton brugte, og som er i overensstemmelse med vores Forfatning, til at finansiere de nødvendige billioner i nye infrastrukturinvesteringer.

Vi må ligeledes handle for at genindføre Glass/Steagall-bankopdeling med det samme, med endnu en overhængende finanskrise, og med Wall Street, der fortsætter med at forhindre reel, produktiv investering. At gøre det muligt for Wall Street at fjerne Glass/Steagall-loven i 1990’erne førte til et krak, der var årsag til tabt rigdom for $10 billioner, massearbejdsløshed og ufortalte tab og afkortning af menneskeliv.

LaRouche insisterer på, at hans »Fire Økonomiske Love til at redde nationen« omgående må gennemføres, hvis dette land skal komme sig over orkanen Harvey og forebygge lignende katastrofer, der stammer fra vores rådnende, fysiske økonomi, der er som en tikkende bombe:

  • Genindfør Glass-Steagall: bryd Wall Street og dets magt op;
  • Skab statslige kreditinstitutioner baseret på FDR’s Reconstruction Finance Corporation og Alexander Hamiltons nationalbanker;
  • Investér kreditten i ny infrastruktur med frontlinje-teknologier, inklusive højhastighedsjernbaner, fjerde generations fission, samt teknologier til fusionskraft og moderne systemer til beskyttelse mod storme og til vandmanagement;
  • Vedtag et »forceret program« for opnåelse af fusion, som økonomisk drivkraft: lad en stor udvidelse af NASA’s rumforskningsprogram forsyne os med drivkraften bag produktivitet og produktiv beskæftigelse.

Et Nyt Paradigme begynder at virke

Kinas Bælte & Vej Initiativ, et internationalt projekt for nye »jernbane-landbroer« og store projekter for infrastrukturudvikling, tilbyder omgående samarbejde om kreditten til og byggeriet af ny infrastruktur i USA. Dette initiativ iværksætter nu store projekter, som de længe har identificeret som værende absolut nødvendige, såsom Kra-kanalen i Sydøstasien og genoplivningen af Tchadsøen i Subsaharisk Afrika, projekter, som Lyndon LaRouche og hans hustru, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, længe har været fortalere for.

Helga og Lyndon LaRouche leder en national mobilisering, der fokuserer på at få præsident Trump til omgående at bringe Amerika ind i det af Kina initierede Bælte & Vej Initiativ for byggeri af ny infrastruktur i hele verden. Dette »win-win«-initiativ, og USA’s tilslutning til dets projekter i hele verden, samt ligeledes USA’s byggeri af sin egen, nye infrastruktur, betyder genoplivningen af USA som en industrimagt.

Den 26. august talte Helga Zepp-LaRouche på en konference i Manhattan om infrastruktur-nødsituationen i USA, hvor hun kom med følgende forslag:

»Tænk engang på det enorme potentiale, der åbner sig, hvis USA ville samarbejde med Bælte & Vej Initiativet«,

sagde Zepp-LaRouche til konferencen.

»Jeg mener, det er vigtigt, at man forestiller sig et helt andet system. Hvis USA i dag ville gøre, hvad Franklin D. Roosevelt gjorde – en New Deal, Glass-Steagall, samarbejde med Kina – kunne USA opleve en industriel revolution, større end på noget andet tidspunkt i sin historie. Folk må simpelthen forestille sig, at vi nu befinder os ved et systems afslutning, et system, der ikke kan reddes. Vi må erstatte det med et totalt andet system, og det har de fleste mennesker simpelthen svært ved at forestille sig, men der er eksempler på sådanne forandringer. Marshallplanen i Europa var f.eks. et sådant eksempel, og Meiji-restaurationen i Japan var et sådant eksempel – det, som Roosevelt gjorde med New Deal, så folk må simpelthen tænke, at en sådan dramatisk forandring absolut er mulig i dag.«[1]

LaRouche PAC har påtaget sig ansvaret for at få præsident Trump og Kongressen til at udføre denne handling. Men det er ligeledes alle amerikaneres ansvar, der tænker på sig selv som borgere: de, der aktivt har støttet præsidenten eller senator Bernie Sanders; de, der ikke støttede nogen, på grund af afsky for manipulationen, og den fortsatte manipulation, af valget, men som har ønsket en drastisk ændring i politikken med afindustrialisering og Wall Street-spekulation, der styrer landet; de, der kender mennesker, der blev dræbt eller gjort hjemløse og forarmede af de af Wall Street forårsagede »naturkatastrofer«. De må nu alle handle og lade deres stemmer blive hørt.

For, at se på, hvad der, nu igen, sker med store, amerikanske byer, fører alle ved deres fulde fem til den samme konklusion: Der er intet alternativ.

Foto: Oversvømmelser forårsaget af orkanen Harvey nær Houston Downtown. 27. august, 2017. (Youtube Screengrab / Evan Mallett)

[1] Citatet er fra ’Spørgsmål til Helga Zepp-LaRouche’, efter hendes indledende indlæg. (-red.)

Én infrastrukturverden, der kollapser, og én, der bygges op.

Med næstformand Michelle Rasmussen:

»Man kan bruge en linje fra Charles Dickens, hvor han skrev om historien om to byer, men her har vi historien om to verdener, to verdenssyn; det ene er et kollapsende paradigme, hvor man simpelthen har forsømt at investere i moderne infrastruktur, i vedligeholdelse og modernisering af infrastrukturen og har udsultet infrastrukturen, med katastrofale konsekvenser, på den ene side; og så et nyt paradigme … jeg vil fortælle historien om Schiller Instituttets årtier lange kamp for at realisere nogle nøgle-udviklingsprojekter, som nu faktisk er ved at blive til noget, fordi en stor nation som Kina har besluttet at være med.

Så først begynder vi i Houston. I har alle sammen set billeder og nyhedsdækningen. I Houston har vi en kombination af naturkræfter, hvor orkanen Harvey i USA faktisk er blevet en storm, der har den største mængde regnfald for en enkelt storm, 52 inches (132 cm) – kombinationen af virkelig stærke naturkræfter plus menneskelige fejl, fordi Houstons vandkontrol-system er fra lige efter Anden Verdenskrig, og så har der været forslag om modernisering; det seneste forslag vil koste $28 mia., men blev ikke til noget. Og nu har de en storm, hvor det mindste beløb, de snakker om, er $100 mia. Deres system til oversvømmelseskontrol blev her for nylig vurderet og fik et C, som virkelig ringe. Nu er der 50 amter i Texas, som er påvirket. 33 af dem er i nødtilstand, og også 5 amter i Louisiana. Der skulle være 1,7 mio. mennesker, der måtte forlade deres hjem; vi har oversvømmede huse, forretninger, landbrug; ingen elektricitet i tusindvis af hjem; vi har en hel del raffinaderi-kapacitet, der er blevet lukket; vi har en meget vigtig både national og international havn, Houston, som virkelig har taget skade; jernbanenettet, man skønner, at 500.000 jernbanevogne er blevet ødelagt. …

Helga [Zepp-LaRouche] holdt en hovedtale, der er tilgængelig på dansk på vores hjemmeside, hvor hun sagde – og det var samtidig med, at orkanen Harvey ramte – hvor hun sagde, at kun ved, at vi gennemfører Lyndon LaRouches Fire Økonomiske Love, plus, at USA tilslutter sig Kinas Bælte & Vej Initiativ, kunne vi virkelig få gang i de nødvendige investeringer og moderniseringer.

Denne tragedie i Texas og Louisiana kan nu blive en opvågnings-alarmklokke til borgerne, til politikerne, om, at, nu skal der virkelig ske noget drastisk, og det kan kun lade sig gøre, hvis vi siger, at, nu skal vi ikke bare tale om LaRouches Fire Love; nu skal vi ikke bare tale om, hvor fremragende, det ville være, hvis USA tilslutter sig Bælte & Vej Initiativet, men nu skal det faktisk gøres.…«



Dias til mødet…

Det må ske nu!

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, 30. august, 2017 – I de næste 48 timer vil LaRouche PAC Politiske Aktionskomite udstede en politisk hensigtserklæring om de nødvendige handlinger, der må tages skridt til af USA – dets folk og dets regering – for at adressere den eksistentielle krise, som er blevet bragt i forgrunden af den hen over flere stater eksistentielle krise, som orkanen Harvey og dens følgevirkninger har forårsaget. USA kan ikke længere leve i vrangforestillingernes domæne med skyhøje spekulative værdipapirer og kollapsende, fysisk økonomi. Vi kan ikke længere agere, som om vi på en eller anden måde kan overleve uden at kere os om at investere i broer, dæmninger, jernbaner, kernekraft, kanaler, diger … og mennesker.

De fornødne politiske forholdsregler blev fremlagt af Helga Zepp-LaRouche i hendes bemærkninger til Manhattan-mødet den 26. august, og de omfattes helt af Lyndon LaRouches Fire Love

Det er nødvendigt med en kursændring i nationaløkonomisk politik, og det må ske nu.

Bælte & Vej Initiativet bringer allerede en håbefuld fremtid til nogle af de mest formørkede og krigshærgede områder på planeten. Transaqua-projektet i det centrale Afrika har fået grønt lys, og det vil blive udført med deltagelse af det samme, kinesiske selskab, der stod for byggeriet af de Tre Slugters Dæmning. Ligeledes har Kra-kanalen fået grønt lys, et af de store projekter i Verdenslandbroen, der behøves for at skabe et samlet verdensocean for handel og udvikling, som Lyndon LaRouche længe har forklaret. Og i Syrien – hvor russisk militærhandling og/eller diplomatisk handling, i kombination med Kinas Bælte & Vej-initiativer er begyndt at vende tidevandet bort fra folkemorderiske krige og terrorisme – er Schiller Instituttet nu i færd med, i sin fulde udstrækning, at bringe LaRouches politik for Verdenslandbroen til det højeste niveau af dette lands regerings- og uddannelsesinstitutioner, som vi rapporterer andetsteds.[1] Dette er et ægte bevis på principperne i LaRouches politikker og metoder.

Hvis Centralafrika, Thailand og Syrien kan vågne og handle, kan vi så ikke gøre det samme? Er det ikke orkanen Harveys virkelige budskab og lektie? Ved at få USA til at vedtage LaRouches Fire Love og fuldt ud samarbejde med Bælte & Vej Initiativet, kan vi kaste nationen – og med den, verden – frem på et fuldstændig andet niveau. Nu.

Foto: Agenter fra U.S. Border Patrol Mario Fuentes, venstre, og Marc Gonzales undersøger et ødelagt mobilt hjem for evt. overlevende i kølvandet af orkanen Harvey nær Rockport, Texas, 27. aug., 2017. U.S. Customs and Border Protection photo by Glenn Fawcett

[1] Se Ulf Sandmark fra det svenske Schiller Instituts rapport her:

Billioner i kredit til ny infrastruktur
– Orkanen viser os, der er intet alternativ!

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, 29. august, 2017 – Den igangværende ødelæggelse af liv, levebrød, økonomi og produktivitet, som orkanen i Texas forårsager, er et signal til landet: USA’s valgte repræsentanter må nu, for sidste gang, have afvist og opsat genopbygning og erstatning af nationens forældede og nedbrudte økonomiske infrastruktur.

Lad ikke ordene »naturkatastrofe« blive misbrugt. En storby er ved at blive ødelagt, fordi den er i fare for oversvømmelser, og gentagent udsættes for oversvømmelser, og dens sikkerhedsforanstaltninger mod oversvømmelser – designet og bygget for 70-80 år siden – er ikke længere denne betegnelse værdige.

Orkanen Katrina dræbte næsten 2.000 mennesker og ødelagde økonomiske værdier til $130 mia., og af samme årsag. Superstormen Sandy dræbte flere end 100 mennesker og forårsagede tab for $65 mia., og af samme årsag. Disse katastrofer kunne have været forebygget for en brøkdel af deres sluttelige omkostninger, i tabt rigdom, for slet ikke at tale om tabte liv.  Indbyggerne i New York-området gennemlever i øjeblikket »Helvedessommeren«, med det regionale transportsystem, der bryder sammen, og af samme årsag. Vi ved endnu ikke, hvor mange mennesker vil miste livet i Houston og det østlige Texas, men de økonomiske og menneskelige tab dér bliver svimlende.

»Nationen kræver handling, og handling nu!«, med præsident Franklin Roosevelts ord. Der er intet alternativ til at gå fremad for en national kreditinstitution i Hamiltons tradition, som vil finansiere de nødvendige billioner til nye infrastrukturinvesteringer.

LaRouche PAC har påtaget sig ansvaret for at få præsident Trump og Kongressen til at gribe til disse handlinger. Men det er ligeledes de borgeres ansvar, som aktivt har støttet præsidenten, eller Bernie Sanders, og som har ønsket en ændring i den politik for afindustrialisering og Wall Street-spekulation, der styrer landet.

Når vi tænker over, hvor forfærdelige, omkostningerne for ikke-handling er, må vi ikke glemme, at det, at tillade Wall Street at fjerne Glass/Steagall-loven i 1999, førte til et krak, der forårsagede tabt rigdom til en værdi af $10 billioner, massearbejdsløshed og ufortalt tab af menneskeliv.

Der må også komme handling for at genindføre Glass-Steagall og for hele det, Lyndon LaRouche har kaldt sine Fire Love for at redde nationen, inklusive store investeringer i videnskab som drivkraft, i gennembrud i fusionsteknologi og i en genoplivning af NASA’s rumforskningsprogram.

Kinas Bælte & Vej Initiativ, et internationalt program for nye »jernbane-landbroer« og store infrastrukturprojekter, tilbyder umiddelbart samarbejde om den nødvendige kredit og for byggeri af en ny infrastruktur i USA. Dette initiativ, som i årtier er blevet promoveret af Lyndon og Helga LaRouche, udfører nu, via BVI, store projekter, der længe er blevet identificeret som absolut afgørende, såsom Kra-kanalen i Sydøstasien og genoplivelsen af Tchadsøen i Subsaharisk Afrika.

I USA er handling ligeså presserende nødvendig, omgående. Når vi ser, hvad der sker med Houston, er der intet alternativ.

Foto: Texas nationalgarde fra 386. ingeniørbataljon arbejder sammen med lokale redningsfolk for at redde indbyggere og dyr fra den alvorlige oversvømmelse i Cypress Creek, 28. aug., 2017 (Army National Guard photo by Capt. Martha Nigrelle) 

En fortælling om to verdener

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, 28. august, 2017 – Som Charles Dickens skrev i En fortælling om to byer:

»Det var den bedste tid, det var den værste tid; det var visdommens århundrede, det var dårskabens århundrede; det var troens periode, det var vantroens periode; det var lysets tid, det var mørkets tid; det var håbets vår, det var fortvivlelsens vinter; vi havde alt i vente, vi havde intet i vente.«

I dag er det ikke to byer, men to visioner af menneskehedens fremtid, og af menneskets grundlæggende natur.

Verden er vidne til ødelæggelserne i Houston – en naturkatastrofe, selvfølgelig, men én, der fandt et »lille folk« (som Schiller sagde om den franske befolkning på det tidspunkt, hvor Dickens’ fortælling foregår, før og under Den franske Revolution), der har ladet nationens infrastruktur forfalde til randen af sammenbrud. Houston er notorisk uforberedt til at håndtere oversvømmelser, selv under de årligt tilbagevendende storme, for slet ikke at tale om orkaner eller den aktuelle 1000-års oversvømmelse. Allerede i 2012 gav det Amerikanske Ingeniørselskab byen et C- i byens »standpunktsbog« mht. sikkerhedsforholdsregler mod oversvømmelse. De to hoveddæmninger til sikring mod oversvømmelse af Houston, som begge er på randen til at flyde over eller endda kollapse i den aktuelle storm, blev bygget i 1940’erne, og deres levetid udløb for 20 år siden.

Men Houston er i bund og grund ikke anderledes end alle dele af USA. Vores største by, New York, oplever for tiden et generelt sammenbrud i systemerne for transport, kloakering, vand og mere endnu – en kendsgerning, som blev adresseret den 26. august på et Schiller Institut forum i Manhattan. Infrastrukturunderskuddet har skabt krudttønder i hele nationen, der blot behøver en enkelt gnist for at ryge i luften, som vi så det under orkanen Katrina i New Orleans, med superstormen Sandy i New York City og med tørken i det sydvestlige USA.

På den anden side har vi visionen om »håbets vår«, der er ved at blive til virkelighed med Silkevejen, som bringer storstilet infrastruktur i hele Asien, Afrika og Latinamerika, infrastruktur, som de er blevet nægtet under hele koloni- og postkolonitiden. Særligt er to af de store projekter, som Lyndon LaRouche har foreslået hen over de seneste par årtier – Kra-kanalen i det sydlige Thailand og projektet for genopfyldning af den næsten udtømte Tchadsø i Afrika, gennem omdirigering af vand fra Congofloden (Transaqua) – nærmer sig nu deres virkeliggørelse. Disse projekter er blevet voldsomt modgået af de tidligere kolonimagter og modgås stadig i Vesten under den falske forklædning af, at det ’gør skade på miljøet’ og ’ikke er rentabelt’. Bag begge disse store projekter er drivkraften Kinas Bælte & Vej Initiativ, med den anskuelse, at menneskeheden ikke er et oligarkis undersåtter, men at den derimod er formålet for regeringers eksistens.

Hvorfor kan USA og Europa ikke deltage i denne verdensforandrende udviklingsproces? Den eneste årsag er den fortsatte magt, der oppebæres af det bankerotte finansimperium centreret i London og New York. Det vestlige banksystems degeneration, til at blive et uhæmmet spillekasino, der kun er villigt til at »investere« i spekulationsorgier og er drivkraften bag stadigt større forfald af den fysiske økonomi og levestandarden for de »laveste 90 %« af befolkningen – dette er den virkelighed, der førte til valget af Donald Trump. Dette er den virkelighed, der er drivkraften bag det igangværende kupforsøg imod ham, fra magterne i Londons og Wall Streets og deres slaviske, totalejede politiske lederes og mediehorers side. »USA må ikke gå med i den Nye Silkevej«, brøler Ozymandias, fra Shelleys digt. Og han tilføjer, »Regeringen må ikke intervenere i Wall Street«. »USA må forberede krig mod Rusland … Mit navn er Ozymandias, Kongernes Konge; Betragt mit Værk, I Mægtige, og fortvivl!«

Begivenhederne i Houston må blive alarmklokken, der ringer og vækker os. Selvfølgelig vil det amerikanske folk vågne af deres slummer for at hjælpe befolkningen i Houston i denne katastrofe – men det må også, langt om længe, handle for at genindføre det Amerikanske System, for at forlange afslutningen af dette casino mondial og den omgående skabelse af et statsligt kreditsystem i Hamiltons tradition, til skabelse af den nødvendige kredit til at genopbygge vore byer på et moderne niveau, vore transportnetværk, vore vandsystemer, vores energiproduktion, vore skoler og hospitaler. Som Helga Zepp-LaRouche sagde om infrastrukturkrisen på forummet i Manhattan den 26. august[1]: »Hvorfor ikke bygge 50 nye byer?« Kina har gjort det og bringer det ud til hele verden gennem Bælte & Vej. Vi kan, og må, gå sammen med dem.

Foto: Texas’ redningsfolk redder en indbygger i Houston i båd, under øversvømmelserne forårsaget af orkanen Harvey. 27. aug., 2017.

[1] Se video her:

Helgas tale vil blive oversat og udlagt her på hjemmesiden.

Kina former sine indbyggeres udenlandske investeringer til Bælte & Vej

27. aug., 2017 – Kinas finansmyndigheder er tydeligt i færd med at kombinere deres restriktioner af landets indbyggeres udenlandske investeringer i udenlandsk spekulation gennem specifikke kanaler for at dirigere dem til fremskridt inden for fysisk økonomi, gennem Bælte & Vej Initiativet. Denne udvikling er blevet diskuteret af kinesiske økonomer siden lanceringen af AIIB og Bælte & Vej, som værende den nødvendige, ordnede måde til at dirigere nogle af Kinas $9 billioner i opsparing udenlands, under lempelse af kapitalkontrol, uden stor kapitalflugt, der ville have en ødelæggende indflydelse på det internationale finanssystem.

South China Morning Post rapporterede den 16. aug., og Reuters den 22. aug., at de »fire store« officielle kommercielle banker i Kina er begyndt at rejse særlig finansiering fra kinesiske borgere og selskaber til investeringer i Bælte & Vej i udlandet. China Construction Bank er i færd med at rejse $15 mia. i finansiering; Bank of China en fond på $3 mia. Dette er en »del af en mere generel centralbankindsats for at investere yuan i udlandet«. Bag visse falske påstande i denne artikel er realiteten tydeligvis, at People’s Bank of China bremser investeringer i udlandet i gambling, ejendom, sport og underholdningsventures, osv.; og tilskynder til BVI-investeringer i udlandet. De fire store, kommercielle banker er i færd med at skabe midlerne til dette. PBOC skal iflg. rapporter have bedt bankerne om at sætte et mål på 300 mia. yuan (ca. $50 mia.) i BVI-finansiering. Dette vil også øge anvendelsen af yuan i den globale handel.

Thompson Reuters data viste, at Bælte & Vej-investeringer i lande i projekter fra Kina var $33 mia. i 2017 i juli, og med en årlig rate på $60 mia., sammenlignet med $31 mia. generelt i 2016. Dette omfatter ikke forpligtelser, men investerede midler.

Disse nye finansieringsmuligheder er også åbne for amerikanere eller andre udenlandske investorer og selskaber.

Foto: People’s Bank of China, hovedkvarter.  

Det behøver ikke være en »Helvedessommer«

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, 19. juli, 2017 – Det kaos og den panik, som kollapset i New York Citys infrastruktur fremkalder – den fremstormende »Helvedessommer«, som newyorkere er blevet lovet, og som nu er kommet – er et meget reelt, dagligt mareridt for områdets indbyggere. Brand i undergrundsbanen; lukkede broer og timelangt trafikkaos; lange forsinkelser på proppede, kvælende tog, hvor der rapporteres om mange tilfælde af panikanfald hos trafikanterne; ingen pålidelig måde, hvorpå man kan komme sikkert på arbejde eller i skole.

Men, New Yorks mareridt er også et mikrokosmos af det, hele den transatlantiske sektor konfronteres med, med mindre USA og de europæiske nationer omgående begraver Wall Street og City of London og tilslutter sig Kinas Bælte & Vej Initiativ – sådan, som Lyndon LaRouche, som den eneste, amerikanske statsmand, utrætteligt har argumenteret for.

Vi nærmer os regnskabsårets afslutning ved udgangen af tredje kvartal, og perioden september-oktober har, rent historisk, været en periode for ekstrem ustabilitet, bankerot og kriser i finanssystemet, advarede Helga Zepp-LaRouche i dag. Et umiddelbart sammenbrud i hele det transatlantiske banksystem hænger over vore hoveder som et Damoklessværd, med en $1,5 billiard stor derivatboble, der umuligt kan opretholdes, selv ikke, hvis Social Security (basal folkepension, sygedagpenge o. lign., iflg. lov af 1935, -red.), Medicare (offentlig sygesikring til borgere over 65 år, –red.) og Medicaid (sygesikring til den fattigste del af befolkningen, -red.), alle blev udslettet tre gange – hvilket synes at være mange af vore kongresmedlemmers og senatorers synspunkt.

Trump-administrationen har, til trods for sit fremragende arbejde med at gå op imod britisk geopolitik og genetablere arbejdsrelationer med Kina og Rusland, ikke leveret varen mht. sine løfter om at vedtage Glass-Steagall og genopbygge Amerikas infrastruktur. Finansminister Steve Mnuchin – bankernes dreng, om nogen – er stadig i regeringen. Det er ren dårskab at foregive, at vi på en eller anden måde kan fortsætte på bedste beskub, uden at investere i infrastruktur, der er 50, 75 og 100 år gammel. Hvis vi ikke erstatter det, vil det smuldre, hvad enten vi synes om det eller ej, og måske, når vi mindst forventer det. Det er én af de ting, vi kan lære af New Yorks »Helvedessommer«.

Men, det behøver ikke være sådan: løsningen ligger, i bogstavelig forstand, lige foran os i dag, i Washington, D.C. I dag finder mødet sted mellem kinesiske og amerikanske myndigheder i den Omfattende Økonomiske Dialog mellem de to nationer, der blev oprettet på mødet mellem Trump og Xi Jinping på Mar-a-Lago. Kineserne har gentagent tilbudt USA at gå med i Bælte & Vej Initiativet: USA kunne både deltage i globale infrastrukturprojekter i andre lande, og også få presserende nødvendig hjælp til at genopbygge vores egen, smuldrende infrastruktur herhjemme. Hvad venter vi på?

Denne fremgangsmåde bringer Kina til de mest ødelagte hjørner af planeten, med ubestridelig succes. Afrika begynder at se fremskridt i fattigdomsreduktion, for første gang i årtier, for ikke at sige århundreder – med kinesisk hjælp. Kina tilbyder sin »visdom« og ligeledes sit Bælte & Vej Initiativ for at være med til at løse de mange kriser i Mellemøsten.

Med en omskrivning af præsident Xis ord, så eksisterer der intet, der hedder »uafhjælpelig fattigdom«, eller uafhjælpelige krige, for den sags skyld. De kan begge overvindes, med de rette politikker.

At bygge et politisk bål under bagdelene af Kongressen og deres vælgere vil forbedre deres forståelse af disse nødvendige politikker. Og at øve indflydelse gennem de fremskridt, vi er ved at opnå i den internationale situation, kan være med til at gennemtvinge de nødvendige politikker i USA.

Foto: Myldretid på New Yorks undergrundsbane, L-toget, der betjener bydelene Manhattan og Brooklyn.

En genrejsning af amerikansk produktion og
Det almene Vel afhænger af en genrejsning af
Det amerikanske System

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, 18. juli, 2017 – Udviklingerne i USA i dag er et yderligere bevis på, at præsident Donald Trumps planer om at genopbygge den amerikanske økonomi og vende kollapset i den amerikanske levestandard, alt imens hensigten er god, umuligt vil kunne realiseres uden at løse det fremstormende kollaps af det vestlige finanssystem. En genrejsning vil ikke være mulig uden skabelsen af en moderne udgave af kreditsystemet i Hamiltons tradition, for at skabe den massive mængde kredit, der behøves for blot at rokke den sårede kolos, som er den amerikanske økonomi. Det Amerikanske Civilingeniørselskab skønner, at der behøves tæt ved $5 billioner hen over de næste otte år for blot at genoprette den forfaldne infrastruktur til en anstændig standard, alt imens Kinas Investeringsselskab, en statslig investeringsfond, der ønsker at investere milliarder i USA (hvis de nødvendige, finansielle strukturer kan skabes), skønner, at investeringsunderskuddet er $8 billioner.

Hvor efterlader det så Trumps forslag om en $1 billion stor infrastrukturfond? Eller, for den sags skyld, hvor skal kreditten til at fikse det ødelagte, amerikanske sundhedssystem komme fra, eller til at genoprette vore nedgraderede varefremstillingskapaciteter, eller vores forskning og udvikling inden for fremskudte områder, såsom kernefusionskraft og udforskning af rummet?

Trump har udråbt mandag til at være »Made in Amerika Day«, Fremstillet i USA-dag, hvor han i Det Hvide Hus vil ære førende producenter og lover at genoprette Amerikas tidligere varefremstillingsekspertise. Men, han nævnte ikke noget om sit løfte om at genindføre Glass-Steagall for at gøre en ende på hasardspilskasinoet på Wall Street, der nu har opbygget en derivatpulje af værdiløse spekulationspapirer, der er næsten dobbelt så stor, som den, der førte til krakket i 2008. Uden dette første skridt med Glass-Steagall for at muliggøre en statsdirigeret kreditpolitik, vil de øvrige forholdsregler, som Trump har nævnt – fjernelse af regler og afslutning af handlepolitikker, der ikke er fair – end ikke tilnærmelsesvis kunne begynde at vende sammenbruddet.

Eller, lad os se på fiaskoen med sundhedssystemet. Det seneste forsøg for at ophæve Obamacare-katastrofen og erstatte den med noget, der er lige så dårligt, er faldet fra hinanden, idet hverken Republikanere eller Demokrater kunne udholde lugten. Trump responderede, at Obamacare nu ville kollapse på egen hånd, og at dette kunne åbne for muligheden for at arbejde sammen med Demokrater for at skabe en brugbar løsning.

Men, der findes ingen brugbar løsning, så længe, det er Wall Street, der kører sundhedssystemet gennem de forsikringskonglomerater, der udelukkende drives ud fra en maksimering af aktieindehavernes værdi med det formål at udtrække rigdom af systemet. Her er problemet igen manglen på kredit, der kan adressere kollapset i sundhedssystemets tjenesteydelser – det er ikke et forsikringsproblem, men et sammenbrud i det fysiske system for tjenesteydelser.

Én af de Republikanske senatorer, der vendte sig imod GOP-planen i dag, Jerry Moran, er fra Kansas, en stat, hvor årene med nedskæringer inden for sundhedsvæsenet har efterladt statens landdistrikter med bogstavelig talt ingen adgang til akut lægebehandling, som det også er tilfældet i mange af de indre byområder i det engang så blomstrende, industrielle hjerteland. Hill-Burton-politikken, som blev initieret af Franklin Roosevelt, adresserede ikke forsikring, men levering af ydelserne. Alle borgere havde ved lov adgang til hospitaler og lægefagligt personale op til en given standard – hvis den private sektor leverede dette til et lokalsamfund, så fint nok, men hvis ikke, var det pålagt de lokale og nationale regeringer at gøre det. Det er denne fysiske virkelighed, der må adresseres, og som udelukkende kun kan adresseres gennem Glass-Steagall og genoplivelsen af et statsligt kreditsystem således, som det skabtes under Det Amerikanske System i Hamiltons tradition. Dette Amerikanske Systems nærdød, især siden mordet på Jack Kennedy, kan og må vendes i de kommende uger og måneder.

Præsidenten har næsten knækket ryggen på Det britiske Imperiums imperieopsplitning af verden i krigsførende magter, ved at indgå partnerskaber med Rusland og Kina for at bekæmpe terrorisme og opbygge verden gennem den Nye Silkevej. Men, briterne har altid kørt deres imperium ved hjælp af magt over strømmen af kredit, under det »private« banksystem. Deres had til Trump, og deres lancering af den ’farvede revolution’, der nu føres for at fjerne eller myrde ham, drives både af hans afvisning af den imperiale opsplitning af verden, men endnu mere af hans trussel om at genindføre Det amerikanske System for statskredit, der vil knuse Wall Streets og City of Londons magt. Alle amerikanere må handle for at gennemføre dette nye paradigme i dette mulighedernes øjeblik. Det vil ikke vare ved.

Photo:Made in America Product Showcase | July 17, 2017 (Official White House Photo by Evan Walker)

Hvad New York City kan lære af Afrika.
LPAC kortvideo

New York City er nu officielt gået ind i »Helvedessommeren«, skabt af reparationsarbejde, der for længst burde have været udført, omkring Penn Station. Dette arbejde vil reducere pendlernes adgang til dette afgørende omdrejningspunkt med 20 % af den halve million, daglige pendlere.  For et par uger siden efterlod en togafsporing af et A-tog i New York dusinvis af sårede og forstyrrede hundrede tusinder af togrejser. Om to år vil den planlagte nedlægning af L-toget forstyrre 200.000 daglige togrejser i halvandet år.  I dag er der 2,5 gange så mange forsinkelser i New Yorks undergrundsbane som for blot 5 år siden. Det er tydeligt, at transport i Amerikas førende by er på randen af sammenbrud. Og dette bør ikke komme som nogen overraskelse for dem, der har fulgt manglen på infrastrukturinvestering i løbet af de seneste årtier. Og slet ikke for Lyndon LaRouche, der kæmpede imod 1970’ernes ødelæggelse og under-investering i New York City, og Big Mac Kommunale Bistandsselskabs finansielle diktatur, der overtog det.

Mange af de umiddelbart nødvendige udbedringer er fuldstændigt åbenlyse for enhver, der kender til situationen. Erstat de 100 år gamle tunneller, der krydser Hudson- og East-floderne; opgrader koblingssystemet, som stammer tilbage fra Franklin Roosevelts præsidentskab, og forøg vedligeholdelse og reparationer, eftersyn af spor og udstyr; men det, der virkelig kræves, er et langsigtet perspektiv for det næste niveau af infrastruktur, det langsigtede perspektiv, hvis fravær forårsagede den krise, vi nu befinder os i. En krise, hvor New York City blot er et førende eksempel i USA. Uden at kæmpe for at vinde en forpligtelse over for et sådant langsigtet perspektiv for en ny platform, vil alle kortsigtede udbedringer, selv om de er nødvendige, blot være at ’sparke dåsen hen ad gaden’.

For at gøre dette langsigtede perspektiv klart, lad os se på, hvad vi kan lære af Afrika og Kina.

Med et par af de lidt mere udviklede nationer, såsom Egypten og Sydafrika, som undtagelse, befinder afrikansk infrastruktur sig på et ynkeligt underudviklet niveau. Overvej engang disse tal:

Den totale transport af fragt via jernbane er i Afrika mindre end 10 % af det, den er i USA, Kina eller Europa.

Energiforbrug pr. person i Afrika: Kun 10 % af USA’s, kun en tredjedel af Kinas. Det bliver tydeligere, når vi fokuserer på den højere form for energi, repræsenteret af elektricitet: Forbruget pr. person i Afrika er kun 6 % af det, det er i USA, og kun en fjerdedel af Kinas forbrug. Ja, faktisk har under halvdelen af afrikanere adgang til elektricitet overhovedet. Et typisk, amerikansk køleskab bruger mere end det dobbelte af det gennemsnitlige elektricitetsforbrug hos borgere i Nigeria eller Kenya.

Med en sådan utilstrækkelig infrastrukturplatform er udbredt økonomisk fremskridt simpelt hen umuligt. Og alligevel siger visse mennesker – og med ’visse mennesker’ mener jeg Afrikas tidligere koloniherrer, med briterne i spidsen – at udvikling i Afrika bør ske ved hjælp af ’tilpassede teknologier’; at man bør have en trinvis fremgangsmåde over for forbedringer; at vandpumper, betjent med fødderne, eller solpaneller på en hytte, ville være nyttige opgraderinger. Det er nonsens. For eksempel den ynkelige ’Power Africa’-plan, som præsident Obama foreslog; det ville knap nok efterlade et mærke i de uhyrligt lave udviklingsniveauer.

(Obama): ’Det bliver jeres generation, der kommer til at lide mest. Hvis man sluttelig tænker på alle de unge mennesker, som alle her i Afrika talte om; hvis alle får en forhøjet levestandard i en grad, hvor alle har en bil, og alle har aircondition, og alle har et stort hus, ja, så vil planeten koge over’.

Afrika må gå frem i store spring, ikke kravle fremad, og dette kan ske. Alene Congofloden vil kunne skabe skønsmæssigt 100.000 MW elektricitet; tilstrækkeligt til 100 millioner mennesker, eller flere. Med 40.000 MW alene fra den planlagte Grand Inga-dæmning. Transaqua for Vand-programmet, der ville bruge vand fra Congofloden og dens bifloder til at genopfylde, og sikre sejlads på, Tchadsøen, der nu er ved at tørre ud; dette ville være i en størrelsesorden, der ikke har sin lige nogetsteds i verden. Udvidelse af jernbanelinjer i Afrika indtager i dag en førende plads i verden. Det vokser; nye transportruter i hele Afrika vil forbinde oplandet omkring moderne udvikling, og dette vil ændre situationen for nogle af indlandsområdernes nuværende isolation. For at give et eksempel: de nuværende fragtomkostninger ved at bringe en container gødning fra Singapore til Rwanda eller Burundi, er mere end 2,5 gange omkostningerne, forbundet med at bringe det til havnebyen Alexandria i Egypten pga. den forfærdelige, utilstrækkelige kvalitet af transportinfrastrukturen over land på hele kontinentet. Så, ved at skabe adgang til effektiv transport, har regioner fordel af mulighederne for at bringe udstyr og forsyninger ind, for at eksportere deres produkter og ideer, og for indbyggerne til at rejse. Med elektricitet til rådighed, frigøres en højere evne til produktivitet, og værdien af landet, og befolkningen, stiger. Det er der nogle mennesker, der indser. Ulig synspunktet i den transatlantiske verden, ser Kina Afrika som, ikke simpelt hen en kilde til råmaterialer; som et kontinent, det er bedst at holde nede i en tilstand af underudvikling; men derimod som en mulighed for massiv, hurtig, intens, generel, økonomisk udvikling; som potentielle partnere og fælles fremgang; som nye markeder, nye samarbejdspartnere.

Så, alt imens amerikanske og europæiske investeringer i Afrika er tungt orienteret mod udvinding af mineraler og resurser, så går kinesiske investeringer primært til infrastruktur og små og mellemstore foretagender. I 2010 overhalede Kinas handel med Afrika USA’s handel med Afrika og er i øjeblikket mere end dobbelt så stor som USA’s handel med Afrika. Og Kina finansierer store projekter; den næsten 500 km (300 miles) lange jernbane med standardspor i Kenya, bygget på 3 år; den 750 km (500 miles) lange jernbane mellem Djibouti og Addis Abeba, som vil blive forlænget; den reducerer rejsetiden fra dage til timer, mens den farer forbi med 100 miles/timen. Sådanne store investeringer, sammen med den fremtidige færdiggørelse af Grand Inga-dæmningen, af Transaqua-vandsystemet; de vil fuldstændigt transformere Afrikas økonomi, og alle lokaliteterne i den, og bringe adgang til vand, energi og transport og gøre et højere niveau af industri, udvinding, landbrug, videnskabelige og kulturelle satsninger muligt; produktiviteten vil vokse.

Lad os nu vende tilbage til New York City. Hvad er det, der har manglet i New York City? Vedligeholdelse? Nej. Det, der har manglet, er en forpligtelse til at opdage og bygge den næste platform for infrastruktur for området. I sammenhæng med et statsligt kreditsystem, med højhastighedsjernbaner, udført af en statslig jernbanemyndighed, med opgraderede og pålidelige vandveje, med højteknologiske, nye designs af kernekraftværker, og alt dette bygget med et potentielt internationalt samarbejde. Og i denne sammenhæng, hvordan passer så New York City ind i dette større område, som det eksisterer i? Hvor vil den næste generation af transport- og udviklingsknudepunkter komme til at ligge? På hvilke teknologier vil de være baseret? Hvordan kan magnetisk svævetogs-teknologi ændre vores syn på transport? Hvordan vil kommerciel fusionskraft, der virkeliggøres inden for et årti gennem et gennemfinansieret forskningsprogram; hvordan kan dette ændre vores forhold til energi, til materialer, til produktion, til transport? Hvordan vil den udvidede adgang til vand, energi og transport åbne nye områder i landet for udvikling, og for højere former for udvikling? Hvordan vil Beringstræde-forbindelsen ændre verdens handelsruter? Vil New York City stadig være nationens førende metropol om hundrede år?

Så, jo, reparér L-toget; ja, byg de nye tunneller under Hudsonfloden; udbedr absolut katastrofen, kendt som Penn Station. Men gør det alt sammen i en national og international sammenhæng; en sammenhæng, der har et fremtidsorienteret, økonomisk standpunkt om at foretage spring til en højere infrastrukturplatform. I takt med, at vores fremtidige, nationale jernbanemyndighed bygger et togsystem, der kører 300 miles/timen, med start i hele det nordøstlige område; i takt med, at transit og byer opgraderes til at gøre det muligt for pendlertiden at være en halv time snarere end halvanden time; i takt med, at Verdenslandbroen bliver forbundet med Nordamerika og gør det muligt at rejse over land fra New York til Beijing, fra Nordamerika til Asien; i takt med, at alt dette sker, hvilke totalt nye projekter vil så ske i New York City? Hvad vil byens fremtid være, og hvad vil byens mission være? Fortidens fejltagelse var den, ikke at have en fremtid, og denne fejltagelse må slutte.

Offentliggjort den 14. jul. 2017

Nyhedsorientering juli 2017

Som mange deltagere i og iagttagere af verdensbegivenhederne for længst har opdaget, så er størstedelen af de gængse nyheder »fake news«, der primært har til formål at aflede opmærksomheden fra de store problemer, som verden står overfor, og frem for alt de løsninger, der findes til dem: Det nye paradigme, som LaRouche-bevægelsen og Schiller Instituttet har kæmpet for i næsten et halvt århundrede, og som Kina med russisk og international opbakning har præsenteret som Bælte & Vej Initiativet. Med Trumps succesrige møde med Putin ved G20-topmødet i Hamborg er muligheden for en aktiv amerikansk deltagelse i dette russisk-kinesiske samarbejde for fred ved at blive en reel mulighed. Den manglende dækning af disse revolutionerende begivenheder kan dette nyhedsbrev forhåbentlig være med til at råde bod på – inklusiv nyheden om den danske støtte til Bælte & Vej Initiativet, som Karen Ellemann udtrykte på statsministerens vegne (se bagsiden) ved den historiske konference i Beijing den 14.- 15. maj, og som de danske medier har forbigået i tavshed.

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Et hundrede år med ’vise og skønne’
Sylvia Olden Lee –
’Thi skønhed lever sammen med venlighed’.
LaRouche PAC Internationale Webcast,
30. juni, 2017

Vært Matthew Ogden: Vi har et meget dramatisk billede, der venter os forude, og vi står nu ved åbningen at det, der vil vise sig at blive en meget dramatisk juli måned. Vi er nu præcis syv dage fra G20-topmødet, der finder sted i Hamborg, Tyskland. Selv om indholdet af topmødet sandsynligvis ikke bliver bemærkelsesværdigt i sig selv, så er dette en ekstraordinær mulighed. Det bliver første gang, at præsident Donald Trump fra USA vi få mulighed for at have et bilateralt, regulært, ansigt-til-ansigt møde med præsident Vladimir Putin fra Rusland. Der har i løbet af den seneste uge, tre uger, fire uger, været forsøg på at køre dette potentielle topmøde af sporet og gøre det mislykket selv inden det løber af stablen. Vi må i de næste syv dage holde nøje øje med ethvert forsøg på at sprænge dette i luften eller sprænge muligheden for den rolige og klare, rationelle relation, som præsident Trump og præsident Putin kunne få ved et regulært møde.

Vi har set en række provokationer i Syrien, først og fremmest. Vi så et syrisk fly, der blev skudt ned; vi så et amerikansk militærfly, der chikanerede [den russiske forsvarsminister] Shoigus fly. Og i de seneste dage har vi set forsøget på at sætte en fælde for præsident Trump til endnu en direkte konfrontation med Syrien – og, gennem forlængelse, med Rusland – over såkaldte »kemiske våben«, de angivelige kemiske våben. Dette forsøg døde i fødslen, og der er mange faktorer i dette, vi sikkert ikke kender alle detaljerne omkring. Vi ved, at der finder en intens kamp sted om politikken bag scenerne i Det Hvide Hus. Vi så dette udspilles i forskellige offentlige former; vi så også udgivelsen af denne meget vigtige artikel af reporter Seymour Hersh, der beviste, at disse beskyldninger om kemiske våben i den tidligere hændelse, hvor Trump-administrationen bøjede sig og angreb den syriske flybase, var falske, og blot var operationer ’under falsk flag’.

Og igen, dette er alle faktorer, der er i overensstemmelse med dette forsøg på at køre dette mulige topmøde mellem Putin og Trump af sporet. Men alt peger nu på, at det kører på skinner og kunne vise sig at blive et meget vigtigt møde med det formål at stabilisere og normalisere relationerne mellem USA og Rusland. Vi ser, at ’narrativen’ er begyndt at flosse i kanterne og faktisk er ved at trevle helt op omkring historien med det såkaldte »Russia-gate«. Vi ser nu meget offentlige og fremtrædende tilbagetrækninger, som CNN blev tvunget til at foretage, og vi har set den seneste fra New York Times. Denne medie-narrativ begynder nu at gå i opløsning i kanterne, og det amerikanske folk begynder at gennemskue det. Vi har set forskellige Demokrater i Huset og Senatet sige til det Demokratiske Partis lederskab, vi kan ikke blive ved med at gå ud i valgkredsene og sige »Trump, Trump, Trump; Putin, Putin, Putin. Det hele handler om russerne, der hacker valgene. Vore vælgere er ikke interesseret i denne narrativ. Det, de er interesseret i, er økonomiens kollaps og perspektiverne for beskæftigelse. Hvordan skal vi overvinde krisen med narkotikaafhængighed? Og, meget reelt, USA’s kollapsende infrastruktur?«

Vi vil gå lidt i dybden med dette spørgsmål, men lad mig blot bemærke, at den anden, vigtige mulighed, som vi kunne få at se på G20-mødet, er en opfølgning af topmødet mellem præsident Trump og præsident Xi Jinping. Vi ved, at en meget vigtig relation blev skabt mellem Trump og Xi på Mar-a-Lago-topmødet for nogle ganske få måneder siden, da præsident Xi kom til USA. Men flere dramatiske begivenheder er indtruffet siden da; først og fremmest, Bælte & Vej Forum, der fandt sted i Beijing, hvor præsident Trump traf den meget kloge beslutning at sende en repræsentant på højt niveau – Matt Pottinger. Dette har nu etableret den mulighed, hvor der finder en meget seriøs diskussion sted på meget højt niveau omkring USA’s formelle tilslutning til Silkevejens udviklingsprojekter – Ét Bælte, én Vej-initiativet; og omkring at bringe Kina ind til at assistere med genopbygningen af infrastrukturen her i USA. Der er flere udviklinger, som vi dækkede detaljeret i sidste uge, men den vigtigste af disse var et regulært møde mellem rådgiver Yang og præsident Trump, der fandt sted i Det hvide hus; hvor præsident Trump – iflg. rapporter fra Xinhua – sagde »Ja, vi er meget interesseret i at deltage i en fælles relation med Kina for at bygge Bælte & Vej«. Dernæst var der flere satellitbegivenheder, der fandt sted omkring dette, og som diskuterede detaljerne i, hvad det ville betyde at få en sådan form for fælles samarbejde omkring udvikling både udenlands og herhjemme.

Denne diskussion om USA’s tilslutning til den Nye Silkevej kunne ikke være mere presserende nødvendig. Infrastrukturen internt i USA befinder sig nu ved et punkt, hvor den totalt er ved at disintegrere. Vi har netop haft nyheder fra New York City, som vi har dækket, om, at der har været den ene afsporing efter den anden togbrand, den ene krise i undergrundsbanen og forsinkelse efter den anden i New York City. Det leder alt sammen til det, der bliver kaldt »Helvedessommeren«. Vi har en overskrift her, som jeg viser på skærmen; dette er fra New York Times.

»Guvernør Cuomo erklærer New York Citys undergrundsbane i nødtilstand«.

Guvernør Cuomo har erklæret, at, efter den seneste togafsporing, der skete i onsdags – og som er en temmelig skræmmende oplevelse for alle involverede – med tog, der brændte og forsinkelser, der forstyrrede dusinvis af New York-indbyggeres dagligliv. Dette er blot en af mange i rækken af farlige og ødelæggende katastrofer, der er indtruffet i dette 100 år gamle undergrundssystem i New York. Det, som guvernør Cuomo nu har gjort, er at erklære New York City i en nødtilstand for så vidt angår Metropolitan Transportation Authority [MTA]. Han har givet MTA-formand Joe Lhota 30 dage til at fremlægge en komplet plan for reorganisering. Han har sagt, at staten New York vil bevilge yderligere $1 mia. i midler til MTA’s hovedplan.

Her er et citat fra guvernør Cuomo, som jeg viser her på skærmen, så I kan se, hvad han sagde om denne nødtilstand.

»Forsinkelserne driver New Yorkere til vanvid«, sagde han. »De er rasende over manglen på kommunikation, pålidelighed og nu ulykker. For kun tre dage siden var der bogstavelig talt et tog, der kørte af sporet. Det er en perfekt metafor for hele det dysfunktionelle system. I dag vil staten New York sende penge efter sine ord.«

Det er altså et citat fra guvernør Cuomo i New York.

Så jo, infrastrukturen ikke alene i New York City, men i hele USA er i en nødtilstand. Vi har brug for en nødplan for at udbedre og genopbygge vores eksisterende infrastruktur; meget af den er et halvt, hvis ikke et helt århundrede gammel og er ude over sin naturlige levetid. Men herudover, og meget eftertrykkeligt, kan vi ikke blot have en fremgangsmåde, hvor vi flikker kanterne sammen og kommer plastre på et system, der er i forfald og blev bygget i det foregående århundrede. Vi må også fuldstændig gentænke og danne os nye begreber om, hvordan en fremtidsorienteret, 50-100 årig vision for USA skal være. En vision med et USA, der er integreret i den nye, globale platform med den Nye Silkevej; med Bælte & Vej-initiativet, der er i færd med at forandre plantens fremtræden, mens vi taler.

Som sagt, så handler det ikke om at flikke ting sammen i kanterne og fikse den eksisterende infrastruktur. Det, vi har brug for, er en helhedsvision, en national vision, ikke kun for nutiden, men forlænget 50-100 år ud i fremtiden, og som vil bestemme de nødvendige delelementer, som vi bygger, for at komme derfra og dertil, for at opnå denne vision om en fremtidig platform i USA. Jeg kan godt lide det billede, som kineserne har talt om i Afrika; ideen om at bygge et helt nyt kontinent. Det, kineserne har været i stand til at præstere i Afrika på nogle ganske få år, er forbløffende mht. et økonomisk mirakel, som de bibringer dette kontinent; men det er præcis en sådan fremgangsmåde, som vi har brug for, for kontinental-USA og for hele den vestlige halvkugle – Nord- og Sydamerika tilsammen. En komplet vision for, hvad en kontinental infrastrukturplatform må være, integreret i denne Ét Bælte, én Vej; det Økonomiske Silkevejsbælte og den Maritime Silkevej. Og en af hjørnestenene ville være at bygge jernbaneforbindelsen over Beringstrædet, der ville forbinde de to, store, kontinentale landmasser på planeten på en måde, der i geologisk historie aldrig før er sket.

Men, hvordan skal vi gøre det? Dette kan tydeligvis ikke ske ved hjælp af økonomisk frimarkedstankegang. Man må have en vision, der dirigeres fra toppen og ned centralt, af den nationale regering; der blev skabt som en Forfatningsmæssig Føderal Republik af Alexander Hamilton til dette formål. Man må sige, hvilke er de nødvendige projekter? For Alexander Hamilton var det havneprojekter, veje, at åbne op for det indre af kontinentet; at bringe vareproduktion ind i det, der før blot havde været en tidligere landbrugskoloni på det tidspunkt. Men Alexander Hamiltons vision nødvendiggjorde dernæst skabelsen af de nødvendige, statslige finansinstrumenter – den Første Nationalbank – for at bringe denne vision til virkeliggørelse.

Det er sådan, kineserne har diskuteret, hvordan de har bygget den Nye Silkevej. Xi Jinping fremlagde sin vision i 2013, under en tale i Astana, Kasakhstan; og han har nu på fire korte år været i stand til at gøre denne vision til virkelighed. Som han sagde, »fra tanke til handling«. De har nu erklæret, at kineserne har til hensigt om tre år at fjerne fattigdom fuldstændigt fra Kina, og det er en bedrift, vi kan tro på, de vil opnå; som det er blevet demonstreret af det økonomiske mirakel, der hidtil er kommet fra Kina. Men dette er essensen i Henry Clays [udenrigsminister 1824-29 under præsident John Quincy Adams] og Abraham Lincolns Amerikanske System. Dette er, hvad programmet for USA’s præsidentskab bør være.

(Her følger udskrift på engelsk af resten af webcastet)   

We have a very fascinating report just incidentally, that

there is continuing to be discussion around this idea of the

American System; even coming from Republican circles inside

Washington.  Representatives of {Executive Intelligence Review}

attended a briefing in Capitol Hill just a few days ago, that was

sponsored by the American Opportunity Foundation and the American

Public Transit Association.  This drew some leading Republicans

from the levels of Federal and state government, who are strongly

in support of the idea of large public financing of

transportation infrastructure.  This might not seem to fit the

Republican profile, but if you go back to the original Republican

Party platform that President Trump cited from McKinley in the

end of the 19th Century, the idea of the American System was

written directly into the Republican Party platform.  Abraham

Lincoln, after all, was a strong advocate of the American System

and was the founding President of the Republican Party.  In fact,

two speakers at that event, surprisingly former Virginia Governor

Jim Gilmore and then the former Connecticut Department of

Transportation Commissioner Emil Frankel, both referenced by

name, explicitly, the “American System of Henry Clay.”  So, I

would not discount the fact that the ideas that the LaRouche

Movement have been championing along this front for years if not

decades, are becoming very pervasive in policymaking circles in

the United States.  Not only in the Republican Party, but in the

Democratic Party, too.

But it’s our job to consolidate and to pull this together

into a national leadership cadre who understand not just in

words, but in principle, the concept which underlies Lyndon

LaRouche’s Four Economic Laws.  If you start with Glass-Steagall

and return the banking system to what it was originally to be as

a commercial banking system which is able to guarantee credit for

small businesses and for projects of development which have

knowable rates of return, instead of this kind of Wall Street,

Las Vegas-type casino gambling which has been predominant on Wall

Street for the last 17-18 years since the repeal of

Glass-Steagall; that’s the necessary open door that we then

create the possibility to build the Third National Bank or an

equivalent of such.  And to direct large flows of direct Federal,

public credit into infrastructure not just of the 20th Century

variety, but infrastructure projects which have yet to be

conceived of.  The infrastructure of the future; or as Mr.

LaRouche identifies it in his Four Economic Laws, the platform

for creating a higher state of existence for the human economic


So, this is the critical element, and I cannot say enough

how important it is to understand that we’re now at the point

where the United States integrating itself into this New Paradigm

is a very real concept.  This is something which could happen in

a very substantial way.  We have a countdown now of seven days

until the possibility for a sit-down meeting between President

Trump and President Xi, where they can discuss this in much more

detail; and the very strategically important meeting that will

occur between President Trump and President Putin, despite all

attempts to derail, undermine, and sabotage this potential


Here in the United States, I think we just have to take a

moment to recognize the leadership significance of what has been

provided on the street level by LaRouche movement and LaRouche

PAC activists across the country; but most importantly, as we’ve

seen recently, in New York City.  We’ve had several on the ground

reports that we’ve shared with you via the LaRouche PAC Facebook

page and the LaRouche PAC website.  We’ve had some very important

insights that the American people are at the point that if you

present this kind of optimistic vision of what could possibly be

achieved if we were to overcome this geopolitics and the

attempted coup against the sitting President of the United

States, it’s a very optimistic kind of picture.  Americans are

ready to participate in that.

The other element of this though, is that there is a certain

element of optimism which has been able to cut through the

pessimism and cynicism that have pervaded the American people for

the last 16 years.  If you look at the two terms of George W Bush

followed by the two terms of Barack Obama, the American people

have become so demoralized and beaten down, and become so

acclimated to the idea that America’s role in the world is to

spread perpetual war; and the Federal government’s role

domestically is to bail out speculators on Wall Street.  But when

they see that someone’s willing to take this establishment on,

the American people have now begun to break out of their shells.

There are many elements of that.

As we’ve cited in recent days on the LaRouche PAC website,

there is a line to be remembered from the famous essay by the

19th Century English poet, Percy Bysshe Shelley, in his essay “In

Defence of Poetry,” where he talks about a time in which people

are able to absorb and communicate much more profound and much

more impassioned ideas about the future state of man and man’s

relationship to the Universe.  This was an insight that Percy

Shelley had as a poet; but as he said, “the poets are the

unacknowledged legislators of the world.”

Now, in a very, very special event that occurred yesterday,

just last night, that I had the great honor and pleasure of

attending, in New York City at the historic Carnegie Hall, there

was a great poet and artist, who was honored on her 100th

birthday:  This was Sylvia Olden Lee, who was born on this date,

June 29th — yesterday — one hundred years ago, in 1917.  She

would have been 100 years of age last night.  And a tribute to

her memory and to perpetuating her living legacy, was sponsored

by the Foundation for the Revival of Classical Culture, at

Carnegie Hall in New York City, to an absolutely packed audience,

and an audience which was impassioned in their involvement in the

memory and celebration of the legacy of this incredible woman.

Now, this tribute concert, which was called “Tribute to

Sylvia Olden Lee, Master Musician and Teacher” comprised of arias

that were sung by leading students of Sylvia Olden Lee from

across the United States who are now leading operatic singers,

people who had been touched by her and had learned from her and

who had lived alongside of her, they sang Verdi arias, Donizetti

arias; they sang art songs by Johannes Brahms, by Franz Schubert,

but they also sang the Spirituals, the African American

Spirituals which were so much a legacy of this woman: Sylvia

Olden Lee, who was the first African American vocal coach to be

hired by the Metropolitan Opera.  And she created the opportunity

for Marian Anderson to break the color barrier and become the

first Black woman singer to take the stage at the Metropolitan

Opera, with so many others to follow behind her.

Also was presented choral selections of Spirituals, of these

arrangements of {Lift Every Voice and Sing}, of {Lord, I Don’t

Feel No Ways Tired}, {Go Down Moses}, {Soon I Will Be Done}; but

also the {Ave Verum Corpus} by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and the

Hallelujah chorus from Beethoven’s {Christ on the Mount of


So this was an absolutely stunning musical event, but it was

also an event which testifies to the immortality of the human

soul.  Because I think, as everyone who was present at this

tribute concert can tell you, Sylvia Olden Lee was not just

remembered at this concert; she was not just remembered by those

in the room, but she was physically and spiritually present to

those who were gathered in that room in her honor.  She {was}

there, in person, in a very real way.

Now, along with these beautiful musical tributes that were

sung and presented by all the various musicians that were

involved, there were also an astounding number of written and

spoken tributes that were presented in her honor. Sylvia Olden

Lee’s daughter, Eve, spoke in person at Carnegie Hall. Her former

husband, Everett Lee, spoke via video; and there was even a video

that was played of Sylvia Olden Lee herself speaking at a

Schiller Institute conference in 1994, in which she spoke about

the relationship that she had to the legendary Roland Hayes who

was a close friend of Sylvia’s father.


There were also written greetings from Jessye Norman who is

a world renowned opera singer;  Willis Charles Patterson, a

bass-baritone; George Shirley, also a world renowned opera

singer;  Eugene Simpson, a renowned conductor and music arranger;

Everett Lee III who is the son of Sylvia Olden Lee;  Bobby

McFerrin, who is the godson of Sylvia Olden Lee and the son of

the famous Robert McFerrin, one of the renowned 20th century

African American opera singers.  Bobby McFerrin himself is a

renowned jazz vocalist here in the United States.  A variety of

others: William Ray, Marti Newland from Oberlin; also Jesse

Hamilton, a New York state senator; Blanche Cook, distinguished

professor of history at John Jay College; Gail Robinson, soprano;

Marian Dora Howe Taylor, and many others.  Also there was a

greeting from the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.

And present at the event, was the biographer of Sylvia Olden

Lee, Elizabeth Nash, who worked so closely with Sylvia to draft

her memoirs, which appropriately were published under the title

{Who Is Sylvia?}, a reference to a famous English-language

Schubert Lied, based on text from William Shakespeare.  That song

was also presented at the beginning of the second half of this

extraordinary, historic concert.

The shocking thing that occurred for the audience, was in

the beginning of the second half, a representative of Mayor Bill

De Blasio’s office came out onstage, and declared that an

official proclamation had been issued by the Mayor of New York

City, declaring that June 29th, 2017 was “Sylvia Olden Lee Day.”

And I’d like to put on the screen the text of this proclamation

from Mayor De Blasio.  It reads as follows:

“Office of the Mayor, City of New York


“{{Whereas:}} The creative energy that defines the five

boroughs has long

inspired people from across the world, and generations of diverse

artists and musicians have flocked to our city and shaped our

cultural landscape. As a trailblazing African American vocalist,

pianist, and music educator, the late Sylvia Olden Lee is among

this group of influential performers who advanced the music scene

in the five boroughs and beyond. Tonight, on what would have been

Lee’s 100th birthday, New Yorkers and performing artists of all

backgrounds will celebrate her life and legacy during a concert

at Carnegie Hall, hosted by the Foundation for the Revival of

Classical Culture, the Schiller Institute, and Harlem Opera


“{{Whereas:}} Born in 1917, Sylvia Olden Lee was raised in

Mississippi by

parents who were gifted musicians, and she began learning piano

at age five. Equipped with immense natural talent, she went on to

study piano at Howard University and at age 16 she was invited to

perform at the White House for Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s

inauguration. Lee also excelled as a vocalist and she possessed a

deep knowledge of African American spirituals. In 1954, Lee

became the first African American professional hired by New

York’s Metropolitan Opera, where she worked for many years as a

vocal coach and played a key role in coordinating the

groundbreaking debut of Marian Anderson at the Met. During her

long and successful professional career, Lee accompanied and

coached singers throughout the United States and Europe, and she

worked with many internationally-acclaimed artists, among them

Paul Robeson, Jessye Norman, Kathleen Battle and Robert McFerrin.

“{{Whereas:}} As a dedicated vocal coach and a passionate

music educator,

Lee was a mentor to generations of young artists, and her legacy

continues to inspire emerging and established musicians in the

five boroughs and beyond. Through her hard work, enthusiasm,

phenomenal talent and encyclopedic knowledge of spirituals and

classical music, Lee made tremendous contributions to the world

of music, and as a pioneering African American artist, she

fostered diversity in the cultural sector, paving the way for

others. As you gather tonight to enjoy an evening of performances

in Sylvia Olden Lee’s honor, Chirlane and I are pleased to join

in paying tribute to an outstanding artist who shaped the history

of music in New York and around the world.

“{{Now therefore,}} I, Bill De Blasio, Mayor of the City of

New York, do hereby proclaim Thursday, June 29th, 2017 in the

City of New York as:  {{Sylvia Olden Lee Day}}”

So this was an incredible tribute and celebration of Sylvia

Olden Lee Day in the City of New York.  This commemorative

program went out to everybody who was present, with this

beautiful picture of Mrs. Lee on the front of the program.  And

on the back it said, “Lift Every Voice and Sing” which was

appropriate for the concluding piece of this concert, which was a

wonderful and rousing arrangement of that national song of

freedom, {Lift Every Voice and Sing}, which was arranged and

conducted by the famous Roland Carter.  And as soon as the music

began, the audience on its feet, singing along.

Now, Lynn Yen, who is the executive director of the

Foundation for the Revival of Classical Culture, invited

everybody present to join the Schiller Institute Community Chorus

and to become part of a growing movement for the revival of

Classical culture in New York City and beyond, setting as a goal,

one year from today, that that community chorus should have 1,500

members.  And I think many members of the audience were so

inspired by that concert that they were very eager to join such

an extraordinary chorus.

The combined choruses of the Harlem Opera Theater and the

Schiller Institute Chorus comprised a chorus of hundreds on the

stage of Carnegie Hall last night.

Now, one more greeting that was written and included in this

commemorative program, was from Helga Zepp-LaRouche, herself, who

is the founder and director of the Schiller Institute.  And I’d

like to put in the screen the tribute to Sylvia Olden Lee from

Helga Zepp-LaRouche.  She said:

“Sylvia Olden Lee was one of those absolutely outstanding

artists, who are capable of crystallizing for her many pupils and

the people she inspired, the essence of a piece of music, the

true idea, only accessible to those individuals, who can read the

intention of the poet and the composer.  She implanted in many

minds throughout her life the knowledge in her students, how the

artists, the singer, the instrumentalists steps modestly behind

the composition, but at the same time adds his or her ennobled

individuality to the performance, to make it both unique and

absolutely truthful.

“In doing that, she was always playful, polemical, full of

humor, profound, loving and with a disarming openness, and by

representing all of these characteristics, she would liberate her

students, as well as the audience out of their normal un-elevated

condition to the higher plane of true art.  She was able, like

only a few, to let those around her participate directly in the

creative process, in the diligent work of the kind of perfection

it takes, to actually produce art, and not just nice sounds.

“The afternoons and evenings she would participate in

{Musikabende} or coaching sessions in our place in Virginia,

together with William Warfield, Robert McFerrin, and numerous

other Classical artists, belong to the fondest memories for my

husband, Lyndon LaRouche, and myself.  Sylvia and Bill [Warfield]

were for many years on the board of the Schiller Institute and

added an invaluable treasure to its work.  In thinking about

Sylvia, one suddenly wishes she would be still there, since what

she taught is so very needed for our humanity. — Helga

Zepp-LaRouche, Founder, Schiller Institute”

Now, I think that spirit was infused in the entirety of the

performers and the audience that was present, and many of them

are gathering again, as we speak today, in New York City at the

Lincoln Center for a follow-up symposium, again sponsored by the

Foundation for the Revival of Classical Culture, which is the

conclusion of this two-day tribute to Sylvia Lee, which is

called, “The Aesthetical Education of Humanity through Music,”

and is involving a discussion among many of those performed last

night, and who were teachers and who were touched by Sylvia Olden

Lee; including a presentation on the necessity for a return to

the so-called “Verdi tuning”: This is the A=432 tuning which was

mandated by the great operatic composer Giuseppe Verdi; and a

return to the idea of a discussion for a proposed, new National

Conservatory of Music.

Now, what I’d like to show you, just inclusion for today’s

broadcast, to give you a little bit of a taste of the

extraordinary character of Mrs. Sylvia Olden Lee, as we celebrate

her 100th birthday, is this small video excerpt from the

conclusion of a speech that she delivered at a conference of the

Schiller Institute in February 1994:

“I know from the fact that you’re here, your presence

attests to the fact that you believe in justice and one world.  I

hope you keep persevering and going into the far corners of this

globe, selling it to other people, because {we are one family}.

We all belong to {one God}, no matter what you call Him. And as

such, we should keep in touch with each other, through Classics

{and folk music}. [applause]”

So I think that’s a beautiful rallying call for all who are

believers in justice, as she said “one world,” a cooperation

among humanity, that we all send this message, sell this message

to the ends of the Earth and that we work tirelessly, to achieve

that beautiful vision, and to remain in touch with each other

through music and art, the Classics and the folk songs alike.

So again, this was a beautiful event.  All of those who had

the opportunity to attend, I’m sure, will remember this for the

rest of their lives, and will be inspired to follow in the

footsteps of such a beautiful and inspiring teacher.

As I said in the beginning of our broadcast, we are now in

the eve of the beginning of the month of July, I think we can

expect some very important opportunities, as things continue to

develop, as we look ahead to the July 7-8, one week from today,

summit — the G20, but the important bilateral meetings that will

occur on the sidelines, between President Trump and President Xi,

and President Trump and President Putin.

So we continue our work here in the United States for the

U.S. to join the New Silk Road, and it couldn’t be any more

urgent than it is right now:  Thank you very much for joining me

here today, and please stay tuned to, as we bring

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To fortællinger om én by

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, 28. juni, 2017 – Torsdag 29. juni vil en historisk koncert blive afholdt i Carnegie Hall i New York City for at fejre Sylvia Olden Lees liv og værk. Sylvia Olden Lee var en banebrydende sanglærer ved Metropolitan Operaen og mangeårig ven og kollega i Schiller Instituttet. Sponsoreret af Fonden for Genoplivelse af Klassisk Kultur vil et 220 mand stort kor, af hvilket Schiller Instituttets 110 mand store NYC-kor udgør halvdelen, optræde. Desuden vil Convent Ave. Baptistkirkens kor, ledet af Lees (og Schiller Instituttets) mangeårige ven Gregory Hopkins, stifter og leder af Harlem Opera Theater, ligeledes optræde.

Koncerten/hyldesten til ære for Lee vil dagen efter blive fulgt op af et arbejdssymposium over Verdistemningen C=256, der vil omfatte sammenligninger mellem udvælgelser sunget i A=432 og A=440 eller højere. Den to dage lange proces vil udgøre et betydningsfuldt skridt fremad for Lyndon LaRouches »Manhattan-projekt« om opbygningen af et 1000 til 1500 mand stort kor, som LaRouche foreslog for mere end et år siden.

En sådan genoplivelse af klassisk kultur er afgørende for at bringe videnskabelig tankegang tilbage til USA, og for helt at kunne skifte landet ind i det Nye paradigme med Kinas Bælte & Vej Initiativ.

Men, der findes et andet New York, som vi dagligt bliver mindet om. I går fandt der en katastrofal afsporing sted på én af Manhattans store undergrundsbanelinjer, der medførte dusinvis af sårede (heldigvis ingen døde – denne gang) og alvorlig beskadigelse af spor og tunnel. Ingen har et skøn over, hvor længe, det vil tage at udføre reparationerne. Men dette er kun en forsmag på den »Helvedessommer«, der venter New Yorks indbyggere, med start 10. juli, hvor man har bebudet en række nedskæringer af driften på 20 % for at give plads til, at nødvendige udbedringer kan udføres.

Sagens kendsgerning er, at hele infrastrukturnettet i det større New York-område er ved at bryde sammen som følge af årtiers manglende vedligeholdelse og investering i ny kapacitet. Schiller Instituttet er i øjeblikket ved at udarbejde et totalomfattende programforslag for, hvad der må gøres og omgående sættes i værk, for at adressere denne krise – hvilket indbefatter et tæt samarbejde med Kina og dets kapacitet inden for infrastruktur, der er i verdensklasse.

Faktisk er hele det transatlantiske system i færd med at kollapse – både dets fysiske økonomi og dets finanssystem – og vil ikke kunne genrejses uden en afskrivning af den bankerotte derivatboble til $1,5 billiard, på basis af Glass/Steagall-bankopdelingsloven og den bredere politik i LaRouches Fire Love. 

Dette er fuldstændig åbenbart i det aktuelle dødvande i debatten i Kongressen om Obamacare vs. Republikanernes sygesikringslov, som begge simpelt hen slår folk ihjel for at holde Wall Streets forsikrings-molokker glade og tilfredse. Og det er åbenbart i implikationerne af brandhelvedet i Grenfell Tower i London, der bedst kan betegnes som Grenfell-krematoriet, hvor disse implikationer er, at der findes dusinvis, hvis ikke hundredevis af sådanne farlige sociale boligbyggerier til fattige immigranter og andre, som følge af privatiseringen af socialt boligbyggeri og spekulation i den britiske ejendomsboble – for begge deles vedkommende takket være det bankerotte City of London og Wall Street.

Heldigvis er alternativet til disse mord og dermed forbundet kulturelt vanvid i færd med at blive til virkelighed omkring Kinas Bælte & Vej Initiativ. Kinas præsident Xi Jinping har netop meddelt, at han afholder topmøder med den russiske præsident Vladimir Putin (3. juli), og med Tysklands præsident Frank-Walter Steinmeier og kansler Angela Merkel (kort tid efter), for begges vedkommende forud for G20-topmødet i Hamborg, den 7.-8. juli. I særdeleshed kan Xi-Putin-topmødet forventes at producere vigtige, nye udviklinger, som begge sider gentagent har erklæret i de seneste måneder, især omkring forstærket koordinering mellem Kinas Bælte & Vej og Ruslands initiativer med den Eurasiske Økonomiske Union, EAEU. Det er ligeledes signifikant, at Xi og Putin vil mødes umiddelbart forud for det forventede møde mellem Putin og Trump under G20-topmødet i Hamborg.

Dette møde kunne »ændre spillet«, som man siger, ikke alene mht. de bilaterale relationer mellem USA og Rusland, men også mht. den strategiske situation, der konfronterer hele planeten.

Det britiske Imperium og de personer i Washington, der udfører underordnede tjenester for Dronningen af England, er ganske udmærket bevidst om denne situation og er indstillet på at gøre hvad som helst, og hvor som helst (og ikke kun i Syrien), for at forhindre, at dette finder sted.

Men vi er lige så forberedt til at sikre, at det finder sted.

Som Lyndon LaRouche så hjerteligt sagde i sidste uge, så vil vi gøre New York til et historisk vendepunkt.

Foto: Plakat for hyldestkoncerten for Sylvia Olden Lee i Carnegie Hall, New York.