and their teacher Johann Sebastian Bach

Robert Schumann’s 200th birthday article by Michelle Rasmussen, Vice President of the Schiller Institute in Denmark
The world celebrated the 200th birthday of the great German composer Robert Schumann on June 8, 2010. The article below is a contribution to that celebration.
Original English version:
Dansk resumé:
Auf Deutsch:
The English-language pdf is the longer version of the Danish resumé. It appears in the June 18, 2010 issue of Executive Intelligence Review (vol. 37, no. 24), from Washington, D.C.
The Danish resumé was printed in The Schiller Institute in Denmark’s campaign newsapaper 11, Summer 2010, released on June 1, 2010.
The German translation was published in Neue Solidarität, part 1 in 37. Jahrgang Nr. 23 · 9. Juni 2010, part 2 in Nr. 24 – 16 Juni 2010, and in the Ibykus 2011 yearbook.
Internet Appendix of supplementary material in English and German
A.Winning Robert and Clara Schumann’s Battle Against the Philistines. Hear author Michelle Rasmussen on The LaRouche Show, internet radio program from June 5, 2010.
B: Some Musical Examples Illustrating “Robert and Clara Schumann, and their teacher, J.S. Bach”: mp3 of class by Michelle Rasmussen in New Jersey, USA, July 17, 2010.
C: Foredrag på dansk med musikstykker fra artiklen “Robert og Clara Schumann og deres lærer, Johann Sebastian Bach.” den 29. august 2010.
1. del: klik her 2. del: klik her
D. Robert Schumann’s Fugengeschichte (The History of Fugues), from the excerpts printed in Wolfgang Boetticher’s
Robert Schumann. Einführung in Persönlichkeit und Werk (Berlin: 1942) Michelle Rasmussen has a copy of the complete manuscript.
E. Robert Schumann’s Lehrbuch der Fugenkomposition (Textbook for the Composing of Fugues), from from the excerpts printed in Wolfgang Boetticher’s Robert Schumann. Einführung in Persönlichkeit und Werk (Berlin: 1942)
F: Schumann’s Fugal Themes from other manuscripts, from Wolfgang Boetticher’s Robert Schumann. Einführung in Persönlichkeit und Werk (Berlin: 1942)
G. Examples of how Schumann wrote contrapuntal settings for non-fugal themes, in “Das Fugenproblem” chapter from Wolfgang Boetticher’s Robert Schumann. Einführung in Persönlichkeit und Werk (Berlin: 1942)
H. Clara Schumann’s performances of Bach’s fugues and other works, from Bach und die Nachtwelt.