RESOLUTION 22. nov. 2014:
USA og Europa må have modet til at afvise
geopolitik og i stedet samarbejde med BRIKS
Se de første hundrede underskrifter af prominente personer fra 20 nationer nederst på siden.
Nogle prominente underskrifter fra Danmark:
Hugo Andersen, Director, Taarnby Karroserifabrik, Taarnby
John Scales Avery,Associate Professor Emeritus, at the Department of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen, Chairman of The Danish Peace Academy, Contact Person in Denmark for Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs
Tom Gillesberg, Chairman, The Schiller Institute in Denmark
Anika Telmányi Lylloff, Violinist,Copenhagen
Mohammad Mahfoud, Head of Danish- Syrian Union
Jens Jorgen Nielsen,Lecturer, Niels Brock, Business School, former newspaper correspondent in Russia
Thomas Grønlund Nielsen,Physics Lecturer,Herlufsholm Skole
Ole Skjold, former director Ole Skjold ApS, Frederikssund
Erling Svendsen, Former President Danish Wheat Growers Association, Hvalso
Ole Valentin-Hjorth, Economist
English pdf: see the pdf at the bottom of the page.
Schiller Instituttet har udsendt følgende internationale resolution, til underskriftsindsamling:
I nutidens atomvåbenalder kan konsekvensen af en geopolitisk konfrontation med Rusland og Kina kun blive den menneskelige arts udslettelse gennem atomkrig.
BRIKS-nationerne (Brasilien, Rusland, Indien, Kina og Sydafrika) er gået i forening for at forfølge en politik med økonomisk udvikling ikke blot for deres egne nationer, men til gavn for befolkningerne i alle nationer. Med dette formål for øje har de skabt en Ny Udviklingsbank til at investere milliarder i nødvendige udviklingsprojekter.
Kina har for nylig taget de første skridt til den Asiatiske Infrastruktur-Investeringsbank, som flere end 20 asiatiske nationer har tilsluttet sig som stiftende medlemmer, og Kina har ligeledes oprettet en Silkevejs-udviklingsfond.
På APEC-konferencen i Beijing inviterede den kinesiske præsident Xi Jinping den amerikanske præsident Obama til at gå med i Kinas og andre asiatiske nationers, inklusive Ruslands, indsats for at udvikle den Nye Silkevej.
Disse initiativer er ikke geopolitiske i deres natur. I modsætning til frihandelsaftalen Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), som Obama er fortaler for, og som ekskluderer Kina, så er de BRIKS-relaterede initiativer, inklusive det kinesiske forslag til det Asiatiske Stillehavsområdes Frihandelsaftale (FTAAP), inkluderende. De er baseret på den idé, som afdøde Pave Paul VI udtrykte som, at »det nye navn for fred er udvikling«. På det nyligt afholdte G20-topmøde i Australien talte både Xi Jinping og den indiske premierminister Modi således begge om det dobbelte formål, at opnå global fred og bringe en afslutning på fattigdom gennem økonomisk udvikling.
Der er intet problem i verden, der ikke kan løses gennem en sådan tilgang, og modsat vil intet problem blive løst uden.
Et sådant samarbejde mellem USA, Rusland, Kina og Indien, blandt andre nationer, er nødvendigt for at besejre Ebola-pandemien i Afrika.
Den terrortrussel, der repræsenteres af ISIS og al-Qaeda, har i lige grad som sit mål Rusland, Kina og Indien, såvel som også USA og Europa. Den kan kun overvindes gennem en ny sikkerhedsarkitektur baseret på samarbejde.
Politikken med at gennemføre »farvede revolutioner« under påskud af demokrati repræsenterer, selv om dette begreb ikke nævnes, en krigspolitik, fordi det har til formål at vælte regeringer ved hjælp at penge fra udlandet. Det må stoppe. Kampagnen for at påtvinge Rusland sanktioner på grund af landets opposition mod sådanne »farvede revolutioner« og det nazistiske kup i Ukraine forværrer blot den globale krise. En fremgangsmåde, baseret på gensidigt samarbejde for at opnå menneskehedens fælles mål over hele Eurasien og videre endnu, ville i stedet skabe grundlaget for global fred.
Alt imens USA har forladt Kennedys rumprogram, så har kineserne forpligtet sig over for et måneprogram med fokus på udvinding af helium-3 med det formål at skabe ubegrænset fusionsenergi. Med et samarbejde mellem USA, Europa, Rusland, Kina og Indien, blandt andre nationer, ville mennesket endelig kunne virkeliggøre Johannes Keplers vision om at beherske solsystemets love, til gavn for mennesket.
Udelukkende kun en sådan tilgang ville bringe USA og Europa tilbage til deres oprindelige formål, som det kommer til udtryk i den Europæiske Renæssance og den Amerikanske Revolution, et formål, som USA og Europa i stigende grad har forladt, og som resten af verden nu har vedtaget og nu indtrængende opfordrer dem til atter at vedtage.
Vi opfordrer derfor USA og Europa til at forlade fortidens geopolitiske selvmordspolitik, som førte til de to forrige verdenskrige og er i færd med at føre til den tredje, og i stedet opbygge en fremtid for hele menneskeheden gennem atter at vedtage Den westfalske Freds princip, gennem at basere udenrigspolitik på princippet om »den andens fordel«, som gjorde en ende på trediveårskrigen i Europa, samt på John Quincy Adams’ idé om »et samfund baseret på principper mellem suveræne nationalstater«.
Dette er det eneste handlingsforløb, som er i overensstemmelse med menneskets sande natur som den eneste, kreative art. Ethvert andet handlingsforløb er baseret på idéen om, at mennesket er et dyr, og vil føre til menneskets udslettelse.
Som patrioter i vore egne nationer, og som verdensborgere, opfordrer vi vore medborgere og vore nationers ledere til at have det fornødne mod til at bryde den aktuelle cyklus med en optrapning af bestialiteter, gennem at tage imod det generøse tilbud om at samarbejde med BRIKS.
(Ved at underskrive denne erklæring giver jeg tilladelse til, at mit navn må offentliggøres.)
Send venligst navn, stilling (kun til identifikation), og gerne telefonnummer gennem (se ovenpå eller ) eller Send gerne resolutionen rundt til dine kontakter og andre som du mener burde skrive under.
Tom Gillesberg, Formand for Schiller Instituttet i Danmark, har også skrevet under.
First Name | Last Name | Title | City | State | Country |
Morad | Abou-Sabe | Arab American League of Voters of NJ | Monroe | New Jersey | USA |
Amer | Aboud | Syrian American Forum | Chicago | Illinois | USA |
Fidel | Acevedo | Co-Chair, Progressive Hispanic Caucus, Texas Democratic Party | Texas | USA | |
Ramatu | Ahmed | Founder, Federation of African Muslim Women in America | Bronx | New York | USA |
Jacques | Bacamurwanko | Former Ambassador of Burundi to the United States | New York | New York | USA |
Roseanne | Barr | Comedienne and former Presidential candidate, Peace and Freedom Party | Hawaii | USA | |
George | Bioletto | International Association of Machinist Trustee | Long Beach | California | USA |
Kofi A. | Boateng, PhD | African Federation, Inc. | Ossing | New York | USA |
Elena | Branson | President, Russia Center | New York | New York | USA |
Howard | Chang | Professor of Hydraulic Engineering (ret) San Diego State University | San Diego | California | USA |
Ramsey | Clark | US Attorney General 1967-69 | New York | New York | USA |
Jaime | Contreras | business representative, Painters Union, Las Vegas, Nevada, Las Vegas Chapter Co-ordinator for Labor Council For Latin American Advancement | Las Vegas | Nevada | USA |
Hal | Cooper | Transportation Engineer, Advisory Board for Seattle’s Freight Transportation Division | Seattle | Washington | USA |
Brian | Crowell | Teacher, former Shop Steward, American Federation of Teachers Local 1078 | Berkley | California | USA |
Dr. Fred | Dallmayr | Co-Chair, World Public Forum—Dialogue of Civilizations | South Bend | Indiana | USA |
Dr. Bill | Deagle | Genesis Communication Network, Host, Nutri-Medical Report | California | USA | |
E. Leopold | Edwards | retired faculty Howard University | Washington | D.C. | USA |
James H. | Fetzer PhD | McKnight Professor Emeritus, University of Minnesota, Duluth | Duluth | Minnesota | USA |
James | Fox | President, American Fertilizer Trade, LLC | Great Neck | New York | USA |
Cornelius | Gallagher | U.S. Congressman 1959-1973 | New Jersey | USA | |
Donald | Gibson | Professor Emeritus, University of Pittsburgh, author of Wealth, Power, and the Crisis of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Battling Wall St.: The Kennedy Presidency | Greensburg | Pennsylvania | USA |
George C. | Hillman, MBA | American Entrepreneur | Boston | Massachusetts | USA |
Jim | Hogue | Host, WGDR radio | Plainfield | Vermont | USA |
Lok | Home | President of the Robbins Co. | Solon | Ohio | USA |
Hunter | Huang | Pres. National Association for China’s Peaceful Unification | Washington | D.C. | USA |
Fred | Huenefeld | Member State Democratic Party Central Committee, Louisiana | Monroe | Louisiana | USA |
Rep. Thomas | Jackson | State Representative Alabama | Alabama | USA | |
Constance | Johnson | Oklahoma State Senator (retired) District 48 | Oklahoma | USA | |
Ralph | Johnson | Professional Engineer, Nuclear Industry | Seattle | Washington | USA |
Sam | Kahl | District Leader, Democratic Party of Multnomah County Oregon | Portland | Oregon | USA |
Fred | Kaviani | sales manger surface transportation systems, Monogram Systems | Los Angeles | California | USA |
George | Krasnow | President, Russian-American Goodwill Association | USA | ||
Lyndon H. | LaRouche | Economist, Statesmen | Round Hill | Virginia | USA |
Eric | Larsen | author, The Skull of Yorick: The Emptiness of American Thinking at a Time of Grave Peril | New York | New York | USA |
LeMar | Lemmons III | At Large Member, and former President Detroit Board of Public Education; former member Michigan House of Representatives | Detroit | Michagan | USA |
Edward | Lozansky, PhD | President and Founder, American University in Moscow Founder, World Russia Forum |
Washington | D.C. | USA |
Wayne | Madsen | Publisher and Editor, The Wayne Madsen Report | USA | ||
Mike | Manypenny | Member, West Virginia House of Delegates | West Virginia | USA | |
Thomas Grolund | Miner | Chairman and CEO of Thomas H. Miner Associates, Inc. | Chicago | Illinois | USA |
Saket | Mishra | Vlunteer, Association for India’s Development, MIT | Boston | Massachusetts | USA |
Anthony | Morss | Music Director and Principal Conductor of the Nesw Jersey Association of Verismo Opera, Inc. | New York | New York | USA |
Robert | Newton | former Vice President Communications Workers of America Local 2252 | Oakton | Virginia | USA |
Nomi | Prins | Author of All the Presidents’ Bankers: The Hidden Alliances that Drive American Power | Los Angeles | California | USA |
Ganga P. | Ramdas, PhD, MA, MS | Professor of Economics, Lincoln University | Philadelphia | Pennsylvania | USA |
Phillip | Restino | VFP 136, chapter co-chair, Central Florida, Vets for Peace | Daytona | Florida | USA |
Natalie | Sabelnik | Russian-American Community Leader | San Francisco | California | USA |
Ranjani | Saigal | Executive Director, Ekal Vidyalaya Foundation of the USA | Burlington | Massachusetts | USA |
Jose I. | Sangerman, PhD | Biologics Researcher | Boston | Massachusetts | USA |
Keith L. | Shaffer | former President IAM local 1784 | Baltimore | Maryland | USA |
Prashant | Shah | Publisher, India Tribune | Chicago | Illinois | USA |
Vaithilingam | Shanmuganathan | National Committee Member-Liberal Party of Sri Lanka; Secretary General-Liberal Democratic Workers Union of Sri Lanka; Former Advisor to the Governor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka | Azusa | California | USA |
Baifeng | Sun | Director, The Confucius Institute, UMASS Boston | Massachusetts | USA | |
Rosemarie | Swanger | Pennsylvania State Rep. (ret) | Pennsylvania | USA | |
Dr. John | Telford | Superintendent (retired) Detroit Public Schools | Detroit | Michigan | USA |
Judith | Van Dyke | Association of Small Entrepreneurs | Syracuse | New York | USA |
Bob | Van Hee | Alderman, Former City Council President | Redwood Falls | Minnesota | USA |
Anil | Verma | President Anil Verma Associates, Inc. | Los Angeles | California | USA |
Pat | Wadsworth | Former Chair, Current Secretary Grays Harbort Democrats | Washington | Grays Harbor | USA |
Lowell | Young | treasurer, Mariposa County Democratic Central Committee | Mariposa | California | USA |
Joanne | Wilder | Editor, Patriot newspaper | Syracuse | New York | USA |
Julio C. | González | former Secretary of State of the Argentine Republic, and university professor, | Buenos Aires | Argentina | |
Carlos Alberto Baltazar | Perez Galindo | Attorney | Buenos Aires | Argentina | |
Prof. Dr. Hans | Koechler | President, International Progress Organization | Vienna | Austria | |
Michael | Machura | counsellor and engineer, Österreichischer Wirtschaftsrat |
Austria | ||
David | Comissiong | President, Clement Payne Movement; Former Senator, Government of Barbados, Former Director, Commission for Pan-African Affairs, Government of Barbados | Barbados | ||
María Luz | Navarrete Alarcón | Vice President for Social Security of the Aquí la Gente Citizens Movement | Santiago | Chile | |
Jhon | Jairo Jaramillo | Liberal Arts Professor, University of el Valle | Colombia | ||
Georges | Beriachvili | Pianist | Paris | Ile de France | France |
Col. (ret) Alain | Corvez | Counsellor for international strategy and former advisor to the General-in-Command of UNIFIL | France | ||
Pierre | Eboundit | President of the Panafrican Leauge—Umoja | Reims | France | |
Ali | Rastbeen | President Geopolitical Academy Of Paris | Paris | France | |
Dr Louis | Reymondon | honorary Surgeon of French hospitals and President of VietAmitié (France-Vietnam Friendship Association) | France | ||
Jean-Jacques | Seymour | Radio Journalist | Paris | France | |
Bassam | Tahhan | Franco-Syrian Professor of Geostrategy, Ecole nationale supérieure des techniques avancées (ENSTA) | Paris | France | |
Wolfgang | Effenberger | Publicist | Bavaria | Germany | |
Dr. Dr. Josef | Gruber | Professor, Emeritus | Hagen | Germany | |
Ekaterina | Medvedeva-Schwerbock | Actress | Berlin | Berlin | Germany |
Dorothea | Schleifenbaum | County Councilwoman Siegen-Wittgenstein | Siegen | Germany | |
Dr. Gallus | Strobel | Mayor, Triberg Germany | Triberg | Baden-Wurtemberg | Germany |
Dmitris | Tzamouranis | Greek Visual Artist | Berlin | Germany | |
H.C. | von Sponeck | Former U.N. Assistant Secretary General | Germany | ||
Prof. Dr. Carl-Otto | Weiss | Research Director at the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) | Braunschweig | Germany | |
Helga | Zepp-LaRouche | Founder, Schiller Institute | Wiesbaden | Germany | |
Leonidas | Chrysanthopoulos | Ambassador (ret), Member of the Political Secretariat of EPAM (United People’s Front) | Greece | ||
Panos | Kammenos | President of the Independent Greeks, Member of the Hellenic Parliament | Athens | Greece | |
Lefteris | Karayannis | Ret. Ambassador, Diplomatic advisor to Panos Kammenos . | Athens | Greece | |
Theodore | Katsanevas | Chairman of the Drachma 5 Party | Athens | Greece | |
General (ret) Konstantinos | Konstantinides | one of the founders of Generals Against Nuclear War | Greece | ||
Dr. George | Pararas-Carayannis | Chairman, 6th International Tsunami Symposium, COSTA RICA 2014; President Tsunami Society International; Editor, SCIENCE OF TSUNAMI HAZARDS; | Greece | ||
Dr. George | Tsobanoglou | Vice President, International Sociological Association, Research committee on Sociotechnics / Sociological Practice | Greece | ||
Yufang | Guo | Chairman, Jomec International | Rotterdam | Rotterdam | Holland |
Dr. Vinod | Saighal | Executive Director, Eco Monitors Society | New Dehli | India | |
Arun | Shrivastava | Author | New Dehli | India | |
Antonella | Banaudi | Opera Singer | Sanremo | Italy | |
Gabriele | Chiurli | Member, Tuscany Regional Council | Arezzo | Italy | |
Nino | Galloni | Economist, | Italy | ||
Alfonso | Gianni | Director of the Cercare Ancora Foundation | Rome | Italy | |
Enzo | Siviero | Member of the Italian National Council of Universities | Padua | Italy | |
Valentina Iorio | Tomasetti | City Councilwoman | Galliate Lombardo | Italy | |
Chandra | Muzaffar | President of the International Movement for a Just World | Kuala Lampur | Malaysia | |
Luis Benito | Acosta Jiménez | Agronomist, Director General, Agronomy Federation of Mexico City | Mexico City | D.f. | Mexico |
Carlos | Arellano Palma | Architectural engineer, Mexican Association of Engineers | Mexico City | D.F. | Mexico |
Esteban | Palma Bautista | Civil engineer, Mexican Association of Engineers, | Mexico City | D.F. | Mexico |
Gaston | Pardo-Pérez | journatlist, Reseau Voltaire | Veracruz | Coatepec | Mexico |
Rosa Elia | Romero Guzmán | Federal Congresswoman | Oaxaca | Mexico | |
José Francisco | Rosales Argüello | Vice President of COPPPAL (Permanent Conference of Political Parties of Latin America and the Caribbean) , Justice Nicaragua Supreme Court | Nicaragua | ||
Architect Julio A. | Mendoza | President of the Chamber of Housing and Infrastructure of Paraguay | Paraguay | ||
Sergei | Cherkasov | Deputy Director for Research, State Geological Museum, Russian Academy of Sciences | Moscow | Russia | |
Guzel A. | Danukalova | Institute of Geology, Ufa Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences | Ufa | Russia | |
Victor | Kuzin | Head of Moscow Bureau for the Defense of Human Rights without Borders, | Moscow | Russia | |
Stanislav N | Nekrasov | professor; Chairman, International Legal and Futurological Information Agency | Yekaterinburg | Russia | |
Alexander D. | Petrushin | Institute for Demography, Migration, and Regional Development | Moscow | Russia | |
Sergy | Pulinets | Space Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences | Moscow | Russia | |
Sergei V. | Zaitsev | Institute of Solid State Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences | Chernogolovka | Moscow Region | Russia |
Jan | Carnogursky | Former Dissident of Czechoslovakia, Former Justice Minister, Slovak Republic | Slovakia | ||
Fructuoso Rodríguez | Morales | retired transport union leader | Las Cannarias | Spain | |
Javier | Otazu Ojer | Economics Professor, UNED in Pamplona | Pamplona | Spain | |
Leena | Malkki-Guignard | producer, opera singer, Operafabriken | Malmo | Sweden | |
Vladimir R. | Marchenko | Confederation of Labor of Ukraine | Kiev | Ukraine | |
Natalia M. | Vitrenko | doctor of economics; Chairman, Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine | Kiev | Ukraine |