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København, den 28. marts 2015 – Henved 85 personer deltog i gårsdagens debatmøde, der blev arrangeret i fællesskab med Russisk Selskab i Danmark og Schiller Instituttet, om spørgsmålet om krig eller samarbejde med Rusland og BRIKS-landene. Talerne ved mødet var:
Jens Jørgen Nielsen, journalist, Ruslandsekspert, foredragsholder og forfatter. Tidligere journalist for Politiken i Rusland, og forfatter til bogen: »På egne præmisser; Putin og det nye Rusland« (2013, forlaget Frydenlund).
Tom Gillesberg, formand for Schiller Instituttet og LaRouche-bevægelsen i Danmark, og uafhængig Folketingskandidat.
De vigtigste elementer i Jens Jørgen Nielsens foredrag var:
- Hvorfor vi muligvis står over for atomkrig pga. Vestens fejltagelser, inklusive udvidelsen af NATO og EU, planenerne om at opbygge et missilforsvarssystem rettet mod Rusland; samt resultaterne af kuppet i Ukraine, og
- En af-dæmonisering af Putin ved at beskrive Ruslands bankerotte tilstand, som Putin arvede efter Jeltsins udplyndringspolitik, og Putins bestræbelser for at genrejse Rusland til atter at blive en stor nation, der ønskede at samarbejde med USA, EU og NATO, men som nu føler, at det må trække en streg.
Tom Gillesberg beskrev de enorme muligheder, som BRIKS-landenes lederskab præsenterer, de europæiske landes flugt for at tilslutte sig den Asiatiske Infrastruktur-Investeringsbank (AIIB), samt Schiller Instituttets kampagne for at få Europa og USA til at samarbejde med BRIKS og opnå fred gennem udvikling.
Diskussionsperioden var meget spændende med spørgsmål og kommentarer fra tilhørerne, der blev besvaret af begge talere, og som skabte en virkelig god dialog mellem de forskellige synspunkter hos både talere og blandt tilhørerne.
Mødets betydning blev markant forstærket efter, at spørgsmålet om atomkrig blev sat på dagsordenen i Danmark af erklæringer fra den russiske ambassadør til Danmark for en uge siden. I et interview erklærede han, at hvis Danmark aktivt tager del i missilforsvarssystemet, vil landets skibe blive mål for russiske atomstyrker. Faktisk ringede en af de nationale Tv-kanaler i Danmark til Schiller Instituttet på selve dagen for mødet for at sige, at de sandsynligvis ville sende en reporter for at lave et 10 minutters direkte indslag med interviews af de to talere, men umiddelbart før mødet skulle begynde, sendte de besked om, at det alligevel ikke var muligt for dem at komme.
Seks diplomater fra fire europæiske og asiatiske lande deltog i mødet, inklusive en ambassadør, henved 40 medlemmer eller venner af Schiller Instituttet, medlemmer og venner af Russisk Selskab, samt øvrige interesserede.
Schiller Instituttet i Danmark vil, i ånden fra Manhattanprojektet, nu begynde planlægningen af den næste, store begivenhed.
Flere detaljer om talernes indhold vil følge senere.
Se optagelserne fra Mødet Her
Nuclear War with Russia, or Cooperation with the BRICS?
COPENHAGEN, March 28 — Around 85 people attended
yesterday’s debate meeting on the question of war or cooperation
with Russia and the BRICS countries, which was arranged jointly
by the Russian Community in Denmark, and the Schiller Institute.
The speakers were:
Jens Jørgen Nielsen, journalist, Russia expert, lecturer and
author. Former journalist for the Copenhagen newspaper
{Politiken} in Russia, and author of the book, {Based on His Own
Premises, Putin and the New Russia} (in Danish)
Tom Gillesberg, chairman of The Schiller Institute and the
LaRouche movement in Denmark, and independent candidate for the
Danish parliament.
The most important elements of Jens Jørgen Nielsen’s speech
1. Why we are possibly facing nuclear war because of the
mistakes of the West, including the expansion of NATO and the EU,
the intention to build up a missile defense system directed
against Russia; and the results of the coup in Ukraine, and
2. De-demonizing Putin by describing the bankrupt state of
Russia which Putin inherited after the looting policy under
Yeltsin, and his efforts to raise Russia up to be a great nation
again which wanted to cooperate with the U.S., EU and NATO, but
now feels that it has to draw the line.
Tom Gillesberg described the tremendous opportunities
presented by the leadership of the BRICS countries, the flight of
European countries to join the AIIB, and the campaign of the
Schiller Institute to get Europe and the U.S. to cooperate with
the BRICS and achieve peace through development.
The discussion period was very exciting with questions and
comments from the audience addressed by both of the speakers,
which made for an extremely good dialogue between the different
vantage points of both the speakers and members of the audience.
The importance of the meeting was significantly heightened
after the question of nuclear war was put on the agenda in
Denmark statements by the Russian ambassador to Denmark a week
ago. He stated in an interview that if Denmark actively joined
the missile defense system, its ships would be targets of the
Russian nuclear forces. In fact, the one national TV news network
had called in on the day of the meeting to say that they would
probably send a reporter to make a 10-minute live interview with
the speakers, but then, just before the start of the meeting,
sent a message that they would not be able to come after all.
There were six diplomats from four European and Asian
countries in attendance, including one Ambassador, about 40
Schiller Institute members or friends, plus members and friends
of the Russian Community group, and other interested people.
The Schiller Institute in Denmark, following the Manhattan
project spirit, will now commence planning for the next big
event. More details on the content of the speeches will come