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Video: En ny æra for USA: LaRouches Fire Love

Video: En ny æra for USA: LaRouches Fire Love

10. december, 2016 – Lyndon LaRouches kortfattede 2014-dokument for den politiske strategi, med titlen, »Fire Nye Love for USA’s omgående redning: Ikke en valgmulighed, men en uopsættelig nødvendighed!«, skitserer grundlaget for, at menneskeheden uophørligt kan gøre fremskridt. Ikke flere økonomiske recessioner! Denne video dækker LaRouches ’Fire Love’, der har rødder i Alexander Hamiltons originale, økonomiske principper, der skulle lede USA: Glass-Steagall, Stats-bankpraksis (gennem en Nationalbank), udstedelsen af statskredit til forbedring af produktiviteten samt et forceret program for fusionskraft. De betydningsfulde, politiske forandringer, der finder sted i hele verden, inklusive valget af Donald Trump i USA, reflekterer et internationalt skifte, bort fra det transatlantiske områdes nedbrudte og rådne system, og hen imod det spændende, nye paradigme, der kommer fra Kina og Rusland, med økonomisk og videnskabeligt fremskridt. Lyndon LaRouches politik med de »Fire Love« er midlet til at vende det økonomiske forfald omkring, som har fundet sted under Bush’ og Obamas præsidentskaber, og slutte os til Rusland og Kina for at udvikle et helt nyt paradigme med samarbejde mellem nationer. Jason Ross fra LaRouchePAC Videnskabsteam (også kaldet The Basement) diskuterer, hvordan vi kan gennemføre LaRouches ideer i USA i dag.

Se fuld dansk tekst her.

LaRouche PAC Friday Webcast, December 9, 2016


– Preface –

        The election of Donald Trump was a resounding defeat of the
legacy of the past four Presidential terms; and it was no
surprise to anyone watching the planet as a whole. It was part of
a broader, worldwide repudiation of the prevailing trans-Atlantic
paradigm of the US and NATO, in favor of the New Paradigm now
taking hold, a New Paradigm being led by China and Russia.
Consider the storm of election results worldwide that the US was
a part of: Think of the Brexit vote in the UK, think of the votes
for President in the Philippines and France, the referendum in
Italy, the elections in Bulgaria. The only reason to be shocked
by the Trump election, would be by ignoring the perspective of
Lyndon LaRouche that Russia — and in another respect — China,
have become the dominant force on the planet.
        The truth of the matter is that in spite of Obama's
assertions that he has organized the "greatest economic recovery
in modern history," most people's personal experience tells them
otherwise.  We see increases in suicides and drug overdoses,
stagnant or falling wages, exploding costs for medical care.
People also fail to see the advantage of picking a fight with
nuclear-armed Russia in order to support and arm alleged
"moderate" Syrian rebels in order to overthrow that nation's
        What Americans want, is a true economic recovery, a real
future, and an end to the state of perpetual war. Like all
people, we would like to see a world in which our children and
grandchildren are better educated, live longer, and are happier
than ourselves. We want to have a {mission}; a sense of
contributing to something thrillingly important and new for
mankind as a whole. In that sense, we need a huge leap in
productivity, and a renewed sense of the best meaning of that
        "There's a problem in the United States as such and the
world as such also; and the problem here is, we've got to
increase the productivity per capita of the human population.
It's not enough to get increased employment; you've got to
increase the productivity per capita of the citizen.  Without
that, you cannot win."
        This short video presentation is about how to accomplish
exactly that, and how to think about it. We will present Lyndon
LaRouche's economic policy for the nation, what he calls "Four
New Laws to Save the USA Now"; and we'll discuss how you can help
make it happen.

– Introduction –

        What you think you know about economics is probably wrong,
and what US "experts" on economics think is {definitely} wrong.
Economy is not about money, about making money. That we humans
have an economy in the first place comes from the fact that our
minds are capable of discovering principles of nature by which we
increase our power to achieve new things in the world. The first
great invention of mankind — it wasn't money — it was fire. The
use of fire is what separates our species absolutely from all the
animals, and it is the basis of the Greek creation story of
Prometheus, who, in giving fire to human beings, {created} the
human species as being the intelligent, creative, changing
        Thinking in broad strokes, new types of fire have allowed us
to fundamentally change our relationship to the physical world.
In one way, this has been by changing the kinds of materials
available and useful to us. Charcoal fires allow us to make
metals from ores. In a second way, the power liberated from the
chemical bonds of hydrocarbon fuels created the steam engines of
the past, and the internal combustion engines of the present. The
potential of nuclear power, with fuel one million times more
efficient and energy dense than chemical power, beckons us into
the future; allowing for a re-configuration of our relationship
to our material surroundings and our access to space. With a
plasma torch, powered by nuclear fusion, we would achieve 100%
recycling, and we could mine our landfills for resources. At a
higher magnitude of power availability, manufacturing reaches a
new level. And with plentiful energy, new solutions to water
supply become possible. To learn more about these topics, see our
videos on the plasma torch and on the fusion economy.
        Thinking on such a long-term scale, the factors that truly
transform human productivity come into sharper relief. What are
we doing today to achieve the next levels of knowledge and
physical power? Are we intensely working to achieve nuclear
fusion; or are we reverting to the Middle Ages and building
windmills? What course are we setting for ourselves? Where are we
going? Will we look back in a century, and point to this period
as setting the stage for the major breakthroughs that will have
defined that coming future world?
        At present, there are two main systems in the world: (1) the
relatively dying, money-based, depressing trans-Atlantic world of
the Americas and Europe; and (2) the thrilling potential of a New
Paradigm launching off from China's Belt and Road Initiative. The
21st Century Maritime Silk Road links the sea routes throughout
Eurasia and Africa in a new integrated development. On land, the
Silk Road Economic Belt presently features six economic
corridors, bringing a new high-tech infrastructure platform
across the Eurasian continent. Together, the full Belt and Road
Initiative is bringing dozens and dozens of nations into the
largest development program the world has ever seen. And it's
being led by a nation — China — that has concrete plans to
{entirely} eliminate poverty within its borders by 2020. This is
already rapidly expanding — further agreements with the BRICS
nations and other nations throughout the world are bringing this
closer and closer to the World Land-Bridge proposal made by
Lyndon and Helga LaRouche, and which has been promoted for
        This concept reaches beyond this planet, up to space, and to
the Moon. Again, China leads the way, with the first ever landing
on the far side of the Moon planned for the near future, and
permanent lunar manned bases coming after.
        {This} is the future of mankind that the US must join; and
here's the policy to make that happen:

-The Four Laws –

        In June 2014, Lyndon LaRouche authored a document, "Four New
Laws to Save the USA Now: Not an Option, an Immediate Necessity!"
He wrote:
        "The economy of the United States of America, and also that
of the trans-Atlantic political-economic regions of the planet,
are now under the immediate, mortal danger of a general,
physical-economic, chain-reaction breakdown-crisis of that region
of this planet as a whole."
        To address this collapse of the financial system, as seen in
today's banking crises, as with Deutsche Bank, the moneyed
interests of Wall Street and London proposed a system of bail-in,
of looting and theft; to steal from the economy to support the
financial system, creating the effect of further destroying the
physical economy and causing an accelerating rate of death. Take
as example the situation in Greece, where during this decade, GDP
has fallen nearly in half, and unemployment has doubled. Every
EUROur100Euro the IMF succeeds in cutting from Greek expenses h
to a 150Euro decline in income. Such are the results of
following the economic advice of the trans-Atlantic economic
        So what do we do? LaRouche points to the needed remedies:
        "The only location for the immediately necessary action
which could prevent such an immediate genocide throughout the
trans-Atlantic sector of the planet, requires the U.S.
Government's now-immediate decision to institute four specific,
cardinal measures. Measures which must be fully consistent with
the specific intent of the original U.S. Federal Constitution, as
had been specified by U.S. Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton
while he remained in office:
        (1) Immediate re-enactment of the Glass-Steagall law
instituted by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, without
modification, as to principle of action.
        (2) A return to a system of top-down, and thoroughly
defined, National Banking.
        (3) The purpose of the use of a Federal credit-system, is to
generate high-productivity trends in improvements of employment;
with the accompanying intention, to increase the
physical-economic productivity, and the standard of living of the
persons and households of the United States.
        (4) "Adopt a Fusion-Driver 'Crash Program'." The essential
distinction of man from all lower forms of life ⦠is that it
presents the means for the perfection of the specifically
affirmative aims and needs of human individual and social life."
        We'll cover these Four Laws, these four aspects, and provide
you with the means to make it happen!

        1.  Glass-Steagall

        Despite chronic lying by Rep. "Bailout Barney" Frank and
Barack Obama himself, the repeal of Franklin Roosevelt's
Glass-Steagall Act created the conditions for the crash of 2008,
then; and the imminent crash of the entire trans-Atlantic system
        For the 66 years it was in force, from 1933-1999 —
especially up until the 1990s weakening of it — Glass-Steagall
kept our financial system stable and laid the basis for physical
economic growth unseen by any other nation in the history of
mankind. Think of the economic accomplishments by the United
States over that period, particularly from 1933 through the 1969
Moon landing.
        Glass-Steagall created the ability increase the physical
wealth of the nation by strictly separating commercial banking
from investment banking and insurance. Under Glass-Steagall,
commercial banks took deposits and made loans, thereby allowing
idle money to be used by others in the community to engage in
productive activity. Under Glass-Steagall, your bank didn't
gamble with your paycheck, invest it in securities, lose
everything, and then turn to the government demanding a bail-out;
leaving the people high and dry.
        Since the repeal of Glass-Steagall, we haven't seen any
growth of the productive economy, but rather the growth of
swindles — of stealing — at the expense of the population. The
industrial capacity of our nation, our moral outlook, our
commitment to future, have all dwindled to a faint glimmer of
their former selves since Glass-Steagall's repeal.
        Without the separation between commercial activity and
investment activity, banks have transformed into parasites;
rather than functioning as Alexander Hamilton intended, when he
wrote that "The introduction of Banks ⦠has a powerful tendency
to extend the active Capital of a Country. Experience of the
Utility of these Institutions is multiplying them in the United
States. It is probable that they will be established wherever
they can exist with advantage."
        For example, despite Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Chairwoman Sheila Bair's testimony that approximately $15
trillion in bail-outs, loan guarantees, and other government and
Federal Reserve assistance was made available to major banks from
2007-2011, their lending into the real economy kept falling
through 2012. That government assistance was used for securities'
speculation, and never left the banking sector to benefit the
physical economy.
        We must get Glass-Steagall restored immediately. The
so-called Too-Big-To-Fail banks are larger now than they were in
2008. They're destined to blow any week. If they blow out now in
an uncontrolled way, the destruction to the physical conditions
of life for Americans, in terms of jobs lost, houses lost,
retirement funds lost, the chaotic breakdown of the financial
system, will far exceed the crash of 2008, and the image of 1929.
        The system {has} to be put under control. Restoring
Glass-Steagall today forces Wall Street to reconcile their huge
debts on their own (bankrupting most investment banks, in a
controlled and orderly way), and it will free up commercial banks
to act as banks again. {We don't need Wall Street gambling!}

        2. National banking

        Alexander Hamilton stated in his "Report to the Congress on
National Banking": "A National Bank is an institution of primary
importance to the prosperous administration of the finances [of
the United States], and would be of the greatest utility in the
operations connected with the support of the public credit."
Secretary of the Treasury Hamilton reorganized the
post-Revolutionary War debt of the United States; developing a
means of funding it through a series of new taxes. He then set up
the Bank of the United States, using the now-stable debt as its
primary asset. The bank was able to stabilize the money supply,
reduce speculation, and make the needed loans to finance the
build-up of the newly unified economy.
        After that first national bank was allowed to lapse in 1811,
a successful fight was waged to charter the Second Bank of the
United States, which functioned from 1816-36, during the
presidency of John Quincy Adams; who oversaw extensive investment
in canals and transportation, made possible by the national
top-down approach. Presidents Abraham Lincoln and Franklin
Roosevelt also both applied the principles of national banking.
Lincoln, through the issuance of "United States Notes" or
"greenbacks" as they were called, and through a series of banking
acts, reasserted the authority of the federal Treasury over all
the numerous banks in the various states; requiring "all banks to
purchase United States [Treasury] stocks to hold as securities
for their circulating notes." In this way, Lincoln set up a
national banking system, even though he was unable to establish a
national bank.
        Later, Franklin Roosevelt utilized his own approximation of
the National Bank principle, when he converted the Reconstruction
Finance Corporation, created under the preceding Herbert Hoover
Presidency as a means of intervening into financial markets.
Roosevelt converted it into an institution for physical economic
development. Roosevelt's RFC issued the equivalent of $500
billion (in today's dollars) of credit directed towards specific
employment programs and infrastructure and other development
projects. This credit was repaid both directly, and indirectly:
The increased tax revenue resulting from the tremendous
productivity increase brought about by the RFC, would itself have
paid for many of its programs. National banking — this approach
— allows investments whose returns are not made simply through
user fees, but through improvement in the nation's overall
productive powers.
        By making the goal the improvement of national productivity,
rather than turning an immediate profit, the national banking
approach allows investments that would otherwise not be made; and
it is absolutely essential today. The need for infrastructure
financing today is an order of magnitude beyond what the RFC
financed in Roosevelt's time. In addition to our own national
resources, the involvements of the extensive credit facilities of
China, as well as its currency holdings (and those of Japan, for
example) will be essential for the needed US recovery.

        3. Credit for higher EFD

        What makes a loan worthwhile? We are {so} far behind, that,
for example, a national effort to build high-speed rail would
founder for lack of basic building supplies, such as steel.
Investments must be directed to where they would be most useful.
As a metric for this, consider energy-flux density, an economic
indicator used by LaRouche. It is a measure of the intensity of
energy flow through the economy, considered at the point of
application. For example, contrast the energy required to cut a
material with a dull blade versus a sharp one. It actually takes
more energy, more effort, to use the dull blade, while the energy
concentration in the sharp blade, delivered over a smaller area,
is more effective and requires less overall effort. In this way,
we should measure not simply energy used per se, but the density
of the applied energy in an economy. By increasing this, we are
able to achieve more with less effort, and, of course, achieve
new feats that were otherwise impossible.
        A priority must be given to these economic activities; those
that tend to increase the energy-flux density of the economy as a
whole. By investing in higher platforms of infrastructure, such
as efficient nuclear power, high speed rail, and water management
systems, in this way we increase the potential of every local
area of the economy. Just as shipping and canals made more areas
able to trade, and as the railroads opened up the interior
regions for development and an opportunity to transport goods
efficiently, increasing the productive potential of the nation as
a whole, the next generations of infrastructure increase the
value and opportunity all along the development zones they
create. And by improving the means of production itself, as
through up-shifts in the design of machine tools, the apex of the
productive and manufacturing process, the increased powers of
labor shape the entire created world.
        Alexander Hamilton writes in his "Report on Manufactures" of
the effect of increasing the power of labor: "The annual produce
of the land and labour of a country can only be increased, in two
ways — by some improvement in the productive powers of the
useful labor ⦠or by some increase in the quantity of such
labor. With regard to the first, the labor of Artificers
[manufacturers in today’s language] ⦠is susceptible, in a
proportionally greater degree, of improvement in its productive
powers, whether to be derived from an accession of Skill, or from
the application of ingenious machinery.
        "The employment of Machinery forms an item of great
importance in the general mass of national industry. 'Tis an
artificial force brought in aid of the natural force of man; and,
to all the purposes of labor, is an increase of hands; an
accession of strength¦…"
        Today, we must focus the increasing of energy flux density
in the infrastructure/public works platform, in machine-tooling,
and on science itself — the key to making all other developments
possible. Improving the economy of labor is accomplished through
technological progress in an energy-intensive, capital-intensive
mode of investment in basic economic infrastructure, agriculture,
and manufacturing. And even occupations that don't directly
change still have their effects improved. The produce of a
farmer, maybe produced in the same way, is now going to the
dinner table of a fusion scientist. The mechanic's work on a car
is now allowing a machine-tool operative to reliably drive to
work, creating parts for a nuclear power plant. The trash
collector brings this week's refuse to a regional plasma torch
facility, recovering as much rare earth metals as would be
gathered from a mine. Everything changes together; productivity
is about the whole.

        4. Fusion

        It is an outrageous crime that we don't yet have fusion
power, and that existing fission power — both uranium and
thorium — has seen relatively so little utilization. The next
stage in our journey of higher forms of fire and control over the
physical world, lies in the tiny world of the atomic nucleus. If
the nucleus were the size of a basketball, an atom itself would
be a kilometer in radius. Yet the forces in the tiny area of the
nucleus are of a power density 100,000 to 1 million times greater
than the chemical forces holding together atoms in molecules. A
molecule is about 100,000 times larger than a nucleus; and yet
the nucleus has 100,000 times more power. Put that together and
you're talking about a thousand million or a million million
times more power density in the nucleus.  It's almost
incomprehensible how large that number is.  It's like comparing
the mass of our solar system to the entire Milky Way galaxy!
That's the power of the nucleus. It's an absolutely phenomenal
aspect of nature. So, don't research solar panels; unlock this
almost {incomprehensibly} greater potential!
        Through a greater mastery of the nucleus, we'll open the
potential for dramatically increasing our energy supply to
transform our relationship to physical materials through new
types of ore processing, our relationship to water as through
desalination, and the ability to rapidly reach any part of the
Solar System; such as to deflect a deadly asteroid headed our
way. You can't do that with a wind turbine! This is an essential
component of becoming a truly space-faring species.
        So why hasn't it happened yet? Why don't we have nuclear
fusion power today? Check out this chart. It shows a 1976
estimate of when various funding levels would be expected to
achieve commercial fusion. At a maximal level of funding, fusion
was expected by 1990. You'll see at the bottom a line labelled
"Fusion Never." That was the level of funding expected to keep
programs alive, but without ever making the needed breakthrough.
The black line {below that} is actual funding for fusion research
in the United States. A decision was made and remade, and remade,
{not} to make this breakthrough; {not} to reach the next stage of
"fire" that would transform our civilization far more profoundly
than did the development of the steam engine. Our growing reach
into space — made possible by fusion engines — will enable the
next level of scientific breakthroughs; requiring the export from
space back to Earth of that great, man-made resource: knowledge.
But instead, we saved pennies while sacrificing the potential to
advance on the grandest of scales.
        Imagine living in a society committed to achieving fusion,
and to implementing its benefits. How would being a part of that
society shape its citizens' self-conception? A human life has
consequences and meaning that last far beyond physical death —
at least in potential. Adopting a mission to achieve fusion is
putting into practice a goal of Hamilton, who wrote that "To
cherish and stimulate the activity of the human mind, by
multiplying the objects of enterprise, is not among the least
considerable of the expedients, by which the wealth of a nation
may be promoted. Even things in themselves not positively
advantageous, sometimes become so, by their tendency to provoke
exertion. Every new scene, which is opened to the busy nature of
man to rouse and exert itself, is the addition of a new energy to
the general stock of effort." – Make It Happen! –
        We need to make this happen! You only get to vote for
President one day every 4 years. What about the other 1,460 days?
The LaRouche PAC is active {every day}. For decades, Lyndon and
Helga LaRouche and their collaborators have been relentless
organizing for the new economic paradigm coming into being now.
Decades of conferences, studies, reports, meetings, fundraising,
videos, election campaigns, and collaboration are now coming to
fruition. The outlook of the Belt and Road Initiative put forward
as official policy by Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2013, is
something the United States can adopt as well, rather than
opposing. We can join this effort, we can rebuild our economy; we
can have something fundamentally useful to offer the world.
        Work with us! Join our Manhattan Project of political,
intellectual, and musical activity in our nation's center of New
York. Work with the leadership of LaRouche and his decades-long
record as the conscience of America. From our website, you can
sign up at our action center to get more involved. There is so
much you can do, from setting up meetings in Congress to
attending and organizing events in your area, from letters to the
editor, studying economics, and raising contributions for the
LaRouche PAC. Help to:

* Force Congress to immediately vote up the reinstatement of
Glass-Steagall as the first of LaRouche's "Four Economic Laws";

* Educate yourself on fusion and forms of "fire";

* Join or start up a reading group to master the ideas of
Alexander Hamilton, our nation's first Treasury Secretary;

* Study the World Land-Bridge proposal, and create events in your
area. Discuss how the US can join this outlook. Inspire others
with what is already happening, and with what could happen.

        {You} can learn economics. {You} can be a political leader.
Do it, {be that leadership the US needs.} It's up to us; let's
work together.


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