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LaRouchePAC Internationale Webcast, 17. februar, 2017; Leder

Helga Zepp-LaRouche har krævet en international kampagne, der skal orienteres hen imod det forestående, internationale topmøde, som Kinas præsident Xi Jinping skal være vært for, og som vi få deltagelse af Ruslands præsident Putin, og forhåbentlig også direkte af USA’s præsident Trump, om spørgsmålet om den kinesiske regerings Bælt-og-Vej-initiativ, eller den Nye Silkevej, eller OBOR-initiativet. Det, som Helga LaRouche sagde, var, at, hvis Donald Trump overbevises om ikke alene at deltage i dette topmøde, men også blive en beredvillig deltager i det nye, økonomiske paradigme for udvikling, der er i færd med at vokse frem omkring den Nye Silkevej, så vil dette konsolidere dette nye, økonomiske paradigme og ændre historiens gang. Det Britiske Imperiums gamle geopolitikker vil blive et levn fra fortiden; og dette er måden, hvorpå USA rent faktisk kan sikre en mirakuløs, økonomisk genrejsning.

Matthew Ogden: Vi vil, med det samme, lægge ud med tre store initiativer, som LaRouchePAC er engageret i. Nummer ét er naturligvis fortsat det førende initiativ i USA; vores appel og kampagne for at indsamle 10.000 underskrifter i løbet af de næste ti dage for at fortælle Donald Trump, at han, under sin tale til Kongressens to huse den 28. februar, bør forpligte sig til at genindføre Glass-Steagall. Det vil sige, den oprindelige Glas/Steagall-lov fra 1933; og det var en del af hans valgkampagne. Man underskriver appellen ved at tekste »GSACT« til 52886; det giver direkte mulighed for at underskrive appellen. Man kan også underskrive via websiden, Vi vil hen over de næste ti dage overvåge appellen for at give jer en idé om, hvor vi er i forhold til vores mål. Vi har i øjeblikket via den digitale appel 2026 underskrifter; og jeg ved, at der er en masse underskrifter derude på fysisk papir, som folk har taget med til møder med progressive Demokrater eller andre kampagnebegivenheder, eller offentlige delstatskongresmøder. Det er meget vigtigt at få disse underskrifter ind i LaRouchePAC’s website-database, så vi har dem centralt samlet ét sted. Vi overgiver disse underskrifter til kongresmedlemmer; dette er ved at få stor indvirkning.

En opdatering om Glass/Steagall-lovforslaget, der i øjeblikket er fremsat i Repræsentanternes Hus – HR790 – er, at yderligere fire kongresmedlemmer er blevet medsponsorer af dette forslag; hvilket giver os godt og vel 30 sponsorer af HR790. Det er meget vigtigt, at vi fortsætter med at udbrede denne kampagne. Det var nummer ét.

Nummer to er, at Helga Zepp-LaRouche har bestilt et dossier, som er i færd med at blive samlet, mens vi taler her, og som bliver publiceret før næste uge. Den 23. februar er målet for dette, for Helga Zepp-LaRouche har foreslået en International Sandhedens Dag næste torsdag; for at afdække og afsløre sandheden. Den sande narrativ, og ikke den fiktive narrativ, om det, der fandt sted i Ukraine; og kuppet, der blev kørt i Ukraine af Victoria Nuland og andre medlemmer af Obama-administrationen under dække af en såkaldt »farvet revolution«. Grunden til, at det er så vigtigt at få en International Sandhedens Dag næste torsdag, er, nummer ét, at hele narrativen og propagandakrigen, der føres imod Rusland netop nu, hænger på de fejlbehæftede misforståelser, som flertallet af det amerikanske folk er blevet fortalt, om, hvad der virkelig skete i Ukraine. Så sandheden om dette må komme frem. Men, den endnu mere presserende grund til, at dette dossier netop nu sammensættes, er, at det selv samme apparat – den med George Soros tilknyttede Obama-administration, der stod bag denne farvede revolution og kuppet i Ukraine, nu også forsøger at køre en farvet revolution internt i USA. Denne påstand vil blive underbygget af dette dossier, der nu bliver sammensat.

Og så nummer tre: Helga Zepp-LaRouche har krævet en international kampagne, der skal orienteres hen imod det forestående, internationale topmøde, som Kinas præsident Xi Jinping skal være vært for, og som vi få deltagelse af Ruslands præsident Putin, og forhåbentlig også direkte af USA’s præsident Trump, om spørgsmålet om den kinesiske regerings Bælt-og-Vej-initiativ, eller den Nye Silkevej, eller OBOR-initiativet. Det, som Helga LaRouche sagde, var, at, hvis Donald Trump overbevises om ikke alene at deltage i dette topmøde, men også blive en beredvillig deltager i det nye, økonomiske paradigme for udvikling, der er i færd med at vokse frem omkring den Nye Silkevej, så vil dette konsolidere dette nye, økonomiske paradigme og ændre historiens gang. Det Britiske Imperiums gamle geopolitikker vil blive et levn fra fortiden; og dette er måden, hvorpå USA rent faktisk kan sikre en mirakuløs, økonomisk genrejsning. Så dette er emnet for denne pamflet, som LaRouchePAC udgav for to år siden: »USA må tilslutte sig den Nye Silkevej; en Hamilton-vision for en økonomisk renæssance.« Som en del af dette initiativ for at orientere arbejdet hen imod denne Bælt-og-Vej-konference i Kina i maj, er LaRouchePAC nu i færd md at opdatere denne pamflet; og det bliver en totalt omredigeret pamflet med det formål at initiere denne kampagne for at lægge Bælt-og-Vej/Ny Silkevej frem på bordet.

Dette er således de tre initiativer: 1. Glass-Steagall; vi må øge underskrifterne på denne Glass/Steagall-appel i løbet af de næste ti dage. 2. Den Internationale Sandhedens Dag næste torsdag om den sande historie bag den farvede revolution og kuppet i Ukraine og faren for, at det præcis selv samme nu køres i USA. 3. Fortælle præsident Trump, at USA må tilslutte sig den Nye Silkevej; at han må deltage i denne konference i Kina til maj. Rusland, Kina og Indien kan gå sammen om at skabe et helt nyt, økonomisk paradigme.

(Udskrift af webcastet, fortsat; engelsk):

That's the three subjects Diane
and I are going to be discussing a little bit more in depth here
today; but I'd like to begin with a short excerpt from the
strategic briefing that Helga Zepp-LaRouche gave at the beginning
of the Fireside Chat national activists' call last night.  Some
of you may have heard it; but this is very important for
everybody to gain wider circulation.  This is a short excerpt
from Helga Zepp-LaRouche's statement from last night:

HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Let me say hello to all of you. It's a
pleasure to be able to talk with you. I guess most of you saw the
press conference of President Trump today which obviously proves
that this is a very active and feisty person who knows how to
deal with a rambunctious bunch of media. I think it was quite
funny and I enjoyed watching at least a couple minutes of it,
because it shows that this is really a very interesting moment in
history. Because he is not sitting down and taking the fact there
is actually a coup in process against him. I think this is very
serious. The old establishment, the neo-liberal, neo-con,
unipolar world establishment both in the United States and
Europe, they're {completely} freaked out. They don't accept the
fact that Trump was elected and they're obviously involved in an
attempt to get Trump out of the White House. Anyway, either a
coup, a military coup which was talked about, an impeachment, or
even worse, as the chief editor of the German liberal newspaper,
{Die Zeit}, said in a talk show; he said, "Murder in the White
House." I mean this is quite scandalous that the chief editor of
a so-called mainstream newspaper would say such a thing.
        But what is going on is very serious. Because they have
deployed George Soros, who is really nothing but an instrument of
the British Empire; and George Soros who is the inventor, or the
financier of the concept of color revolution, in other words, to
finance all kinds of civil groups, NGOs, other groups how to
cause regime change. They have been involved in doing that for
the better part of the post-Soviet era, in many countries in
Eastern Europe; in Ukraine, in 2004, the Orange Revolution; the
Rose Revolution in Georgia; later the Arab Spring; they attempted
White Revolution in Russia which failed; they attempted so-called
Yellow Revolution with the yellow umbrellas in Hong Kong against
China, which failed. What you see right now in the United States
is exactly the same kind of apparatus financed by Soros, and it
is really meant to undo that election. It is very serious.
        And obviously, the whole story that it was Russia which
stole the US election is completely ludicrous. It was Hillary
perfectly on her own who did this. She talked about the people in
the Midwest and rust belt, about the so-called "deplorables," the
people who didn't "make it." And it is those people who voted for
Trump. What this establishment absolutely refuses to see is it
was {their} policies of neo-liberalism, of causing wars in the
Middle East based on lies â Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria —
which is the reason why you have a gigantic refugee crisis in
Europe; this refugee crisis was not the cause, but the trigger
for the Brexit, Great Britain leaving the EU. And more
fundamentally, it was that section of the British population felt
that they are no longer represented by the European Union and
that's why they wanted to get out. It was in principle exactly
the same reason why people didn't want Hillary, but voted for
        If you look at it from the strategic standpoint; don't look
at it from the internal US situation which right now is very
polarized. You look at the mass media, you have never seen such
hysteria in your lifetime. So, don't look at it from an internal
American standpoint; look at it from a strategic standpoint
first. And from that standpoint, one can say that, while for sure
Trump is making some things not perfect; but the most important
question is that the Trump election means the possible solution
to the war danger. If it would have continued with Obama and
Hillary, we were on a short fuse to World War III, because the
whole encirclement of Russia, of China, the whole idea of no-fly
zones over Syria, that would have brought us to a confrontation
with Russia and China in the short term.
        So, the first diplomatic activities of Trump are very, very
positive, because he had very good exchanges with Xi Jinping, the
Chinese leader, and he characterized the discussion as extremely
friendly, extremely warm; and that was the same view expressed by
the Chinese after the phone discussion a couple of days ago.
        Then, you had the visit of the Japanese Prime Minister Abe
in the United States, and they agreed on massive investment of
Japanese companies in infrastructure in the United States; and
also China offered to invest massively in the infrastructure
reconstruction of the United States. Now Trump had promised that
he would invest $1 trillion in the infrastructure in the United
States, but if you look at the actual condition of American
infrastructure, everybody can see very clearly that $1 trillion
will not be enough. There are Chinese scholars said we need at
least $8 trillion, and China would be willing to invest in a very
large part of that; and together China and Japan would have the
industrial capacity to reconstruct the American infrastructure in
a very efficient and very quick time.
        Also, the initial correspondence between Tillerson, the new
Secretary of State, and [Russian] Foreign Minister Lavrov, who
met today in Bonn in the context of the G20 are carefully
cautiously positive signs that they think they can work together
and obviously the things to overcome are huge, but these are
positive first steps.
        If you look at it strategically, the United States Trump
administration had said they do not oppose the effort by Japan to
get good relations with Russia. Prime Minister Abe was in Russia;
he will go there two times more this coming year. Putin was in
Japan in December. They are now working together economically to
develop the Kuril Islands, the so-called Northern Territories;
and Abe wants to sign a peace treaty with Russia during his time
in office, i.e., in the next several years.
        If the United States takes a positive attitude towards
Russia improving relations with Japan, if at the same time the
United States has promising signs of improving relations with
China, and Russia and China are working very well together; then
if the United States gets to a positive agreement with Russia,
then you have it! We have for the first time in — I don't know
since when, maybe the first time in history, ever, we have the
ability to straighten out the relations among the major powers of
this world, and have a real chance to eliminate the danger of war
for good.
        This is extremely important, because what is more important
than the existence of the human species and the perspective to
eliminate war forever! In the time of thermonuclear weapons, war
cannot be a way of conflict resolution anymore.
        So, this is very positive. And Lyndon LaRouche, my husband,
when he was briefed on all of these developments in the last
days, he had a very positive attitude. He said, "Don't panic,
don't fall for the coverage of the mass media. This is all going
on in a very positive direction." I think there is absolute
reason for optimism; and the way how Trump is responding to this
coup attempt, he says it is the intelligence community which is
leaking classified information to the media, they're passing them
out like candies and there should be a criminal investigation of
those who are doing it. And that is exactly the right attitude.

This is a big battle, because obviously the Trump administration
is far from being in place — many appointments are still in the
air and they're obviously some problematic ones including the
very high representation of Wall Street, which is a problem.
        So, therefore, it is extremely important that we escalate
this campaign. You have all this motion in the Congress. You saw
the speech by Senator Cantwell, why she opposed Mnuchin for the
post of the Secretary of the Treasury. You have a lot of motion.
You have various kinds of state legislators implementing not only
Glass-Steagall resolutions but actually what is the Four Laws of
Lyndon LaRouche: first of all, Glass-Steagall; secondarily, a
national bank to generate credit; thirdly, a credit system; and
fourthly, an increase of the productivity of the labor force
through the concentration on fusion power and space technology on
the basis of international cooperation. Because you need to
increase the productivity of the production and labor force.
There are many state legislatures, I think there are now six or
seven who have passed these Four Laws.
        That is what this call is actually about: How can we
escalate this fight to basically create a situation where Trump,
by the time of the State of the Union address, includes
Glass-Steagall, the real Glass-Steagall, and not some watered
down ring-fencing, Volcker Rule, or whatever.
        This is all extremely important, because we will put out a
dossier on Soros, showing exactly why this apparatus making the
coup attempt against the Trump administration is exactly what was
done in Ukraine; and I'm asking you to participate in a day of
action on the 23rd of February, which is the third anniversary of
the coup in Ukraine, the Maidan leading to the coup. And I'm also
asking you to help to emanate the knowledge about what is the
apparatus of Soros behind this coup in the United States.
        I want to leave it at these initial remarks so you can say
whatever you want and then we can engage in the discussion. But I
can assure you, the battle now in the United States to not only
protect the Trump administration from being couped and ousted,
but to actually make sure that the potential which this
administration represents is being implemented. Because now if
the United States goes in coordination with China, if the United
States joins the Silk Road, by not only extending the Silk Road
into the United States by building infrastructure, but by working
together with Russia and China in other parts of the world. For
example, the reconstruction of the Middle East, which only these
powers together can accomplish; or the industrialization of
Africa, which China has started now already with many, many
exciting projects. Japan is involved, India is involved, and we
have to get the United States to join in something which the
United Nations has just called the "common future for humanity in
        So, all these major nations have to be brought to work
together for the common good of all of civilization and this is
within reach. This is very exciting. It is very dangerous. It is
very dynamic. But I think these are the moments in history where
if people have a good plan, they can change the world and they
can change history.

        OGDEN:  As I said, there are going to be activities all
across the country; and we're asking people to be engaged in
planning for this International Day of Truth next Thursday, as
Helga LaRouche said, to set the record straight on what happened
in Ukraine and also to tell the truth about what's happening now
inside the United States.  There was a good interview with former
Congressman Dennis Kucinich just a few days ago on Fox Business
News; and he said very clearly that what's happening right now is
the so-called "deep state" intelligence community is waging a war
against the elected President of the United States with the
purpose of perpetuating a Cold War confrontation between the
United States and Russia.  He said no matter what you think of
the politics of the President, this is unacceptable.  We also had
a call from Oliver Stone, the Academy Award-winning film
director, who was interviewed on a Russian television station;
and he echoed the same call that you're hearing from Helga
LaRouche, that unfortunately, Americans do not know the truth
about what happened in Ukraine.  He said, "If I were President
Trump, I would declassify all this information on Ukraine â¦
because it's the focal point of where this [new] Cold War has
come about."
        So, let me just let Diane say a little bit on this if she
wants to, and any plans up there in New York.

DIANE SARE:  First of all, I'll say that Mrs. LaRouche made a
point at a town hall meeting she addressed here in Manhattan,
that she had never seen a case where you had a democratic
election where someone was elected — in this case President
Donald Trump — and the array of operations set into motion
immediately following that election to undermine that result.
The result was a result of the American voters who elected Donald
Trump under the Constitutional system of the United States.  I
just dug up an article that came out — it's a blog by a Rutgers
University professor named Alexander Motyl — from December 11th.
The headline is "Does a Ukrainian-Style Revolution Await
Washington?"  Then he says, "Ukrainians have seen the likes of
Donald Trump before in ex-President Viktor Yanukovich.  Both men
ran against strong women; Hillary Rodham Clinton and Yulia
Timoshenko" — that's actually funny for people who have seen
both of them — "and won by small margins" blah, blah, blah.
Then they say that Trump is going to be very corrupt; and by
flaunting his corruption openly and promoting a variety of
extremist domestic and foreign policies, Trump will infuriate the
alienated half of the population.
        What is this?  Again, as Mrs. LaRouche said, you have a
media that's drunk with their own narrative.  The media was
certain that Hillary Clinton was going to win the election.  She
didn't win the election because she ignored at least half of the
population of the United States — really more, because who knows
about all the people who don't even vote anymore because they're
so disgusted and demoralized.  People do not think we should have
a war with Russia, and they don't appreciate the leaders a
quarter million dollars or whatever it is, to go speak at private
Goldman Sachs meetings; not to mention what she did as Obama's
Secretary of State in Benghazi, and I mean, the list goes on.
You have this uproar; where does it come from?  You have Obama
moving into a walled in mansion, a compound, near the White House
where he's going to live with his wife, Valery Jarrett and his
mother-in-law; and ostensibly is going to take over the "command"
of 30,000 disaffected Americans who somehow have been able to
pull themselves with countless millions of dollars from George
Soros.  Obama is a total creation; the guy could not organize his
way out of a paper bag.  The only reason he got to where he did
is because certain forces — namely the British Empire — wanted
to use him to carry out a particular agenda.
        I think there are two ways in which the American people are
a little bit mistaken that we have to set right.  One is to be
demoralized by all this nonsense, and say "Oh, these people are
so powerful.  Look at all these people; look at all these women
who went to that march.  We're not going to succeed."  That's not
true, because this whole thing is a fake; it's smoke and mirrors.
It does not reflect the population; it's a highly funded
operation.  Then there are people — I spoke with one the other
day — who say "Oh, no.  Trump is doing a great job.  He can
handle it all.  Besides, everyone knows of course we should talk
to Russia.  What do you think they're supposed to do?  No one
disagrees with that."  Well, that's true; and in the streets of
Manhattan what we are picking up is a very interesting response.
You may imagine Manhattan did not predominantly vote for Donald
Trump; but people are coming over to our tables and saying "I
didn't vote for Trump, but I think we should be friends with
Russia.  I think the US should work with Russia and China.  What
do you have on Glass-Steagall?"  There's a real thoughtfulness;
not the kind of hysteria and nonsense that the media would have
you believe.
        What we're dealing with is something different than what it
appears.  This is not a grass-roots movement of disaffected
people who didn't like what Trump did on the travel ban.  If they
were so concerned about those people, they would have impeached
Obama when he was droning them and blowing up their countries.
Or, they would have impeached Bush.  This is all fake.  What
we're dealing with is a foreign-directed — namely British
Empire, Wall Street and London, that's what George Soros
represents — attack on the United States per se; because at this
moment in history, if the United States will shift, if we can be
liberated from our recent relationship with the British Empire to
join with China and Russia, then this trans-Atlantic imperial
bankrupt system is finished forever.  The future of mankind is
extremely bright, and we can consider what Earth should look
like; what the Solar System should look like; what the galaxy
should look like, not just centuries from now, but millennia from
now.  What are the potentials for the human species, which is the
natural thing that human beings would like to consider.
        So, I just want to underscore that it's very urgent that the
viewers of this broadcast and the collaborators with LaRouche
really try to think with Mr. and Mrs. LaRouche and to join us in
fighting this through in the short term right now.  What Mrs.
LaRouche has identified as a flank, as Matt said, on the 23rd of
this month, you have the third anniversary of the coup in
Ukraine.  It's a beautiful example; and we will be having
demonstrations across the country.  We'll be having a rally here
in Manhattan; we haven't yet selected the location, but we will
be out on the streets.  We will be calling the press; we will be
getting out letters to the editor.  There will be articles, some
of which have been posted.  There are articles in this week's
{Hamiltonian} that viewers may find very useful.  The idea is to
set the record straight on what happened in the Ukraine; because
remember, why do we have sanctions on Russia?  We have sanctions
on Russia because we say that Russia invaded Crimea; but Russia
did not invade Crimea.  Victoria Nuland, formerly of the Dick
Cheney administration, got deployed $5 billion that was channeled
through the US State Department to overthrow the
democratically-elected government of Ukraine and replace it with
a bunch of literal Nazis — people who march around the street
with torches with giant photos of Bandera, the guy who worked
with Adolf Hitler to brutally exterminate tens of thousands of
people — Jews, Poles, etc. — in Ukraine.  They are honoring
that legacy today.  What happened with Crimea is, a referendum
was held; Crimea was part of Russia originally, and 80% to 90% of
the people there speak Russian, are Russian.  So, you get a bunch
of Nazis in place in Kiev, and many people in Russia, almost
every Russian family lost someone in World War II fighting the
Nazis.  You have a Nazi regime in Kiev.  They held a referendum
and decided that they did not wish to part of that.  As you may
know, there have been no videos of massive protests against
Russia and Putin in Crimea; there is no big movement in Crimea to
{not} be part of the Russian Federation, because they decided to
join with Russia.  So the whole thing is a complete lie and a
fraud.  If you start by dismantling that, then all of the other
crap about Putin this and sanctions that, flies out the window;
and what you can see is what Matt said earlier Kucinich
identified.  Somebody is trying to put two nuclear superpowers on
a collision course; and that has to be stopped.  The Trump
Presidency has to be successful; because if the Trump Presidency
is successful, then mankind has a potential to be successful in
getting through this.
        The day of action is extremely important; it's extremely
important what people can take from our website to organize, that
you get this out.  We're also planning a dossier; the dossier
will expose George Soros, who still — unfortunately — quite
active.  It will be very important to get this out, and I would
like people to be very clear to think big.  It's the British
Empire; it's an outside operation.  This has nothing to do with
what you're presented with in the footage on the ground.  So,
that's what I can say about it.

OGDEN:  I would just reiterate what you just said.  There is an
apparatus in the United States which an American should be very
angry about this; in our name, in the name of the United States,
is trying to drive the world into a thermonuclear war.  This
apparatus, which should have left power with the change of the
Presidency, is still implanted and is attempting to continue this
drive towards thermonuclear war; even though the elected
Presidency has decided to take a different course.  That was
actually one of the elements that was very clear during the Trump
press conference that occurred yesterday, that Helga LaRouche
cited.  I'd like to play an excerpt from that actually in just
one moment, but before we move on, Diane you cited that the
article that's in this week's {Hamiltonian} tells the true story
on what happened in Ukraine; this is titled "Anglo-American War
Party Seeks to Blow Up Ukraine, Wreck US-Russian Prospects".
That's available on the LaRouche PAC site.
        Then, in fact, going back to 2014 — almost three years ago
— {Executive Intelligence Review} put together a dossier at that
time that told the true story of what was happening on the ground
in Ukraine.  The title of that was "British Imperial Project in
Ukraine; Violent Coup, Fascist Axioms, Neo-Nazis"; and that's
available also on the EIR website.  So, a lot of that material
will be included in this new dossier that's being put together.
        But, let me go and take you to this press conference
yesterday that President Trump delivered at the White House.
We're just going to play a short, three-minute excerpt; but in
that excerpt you'll see that he's very clear that despite this
propaganda that a US-Russia cooperation would be some kind of
big, bad thing, he says that no, in fact, this would be a very
good thing, not a bad thing.  We're two nuclear superpowers and
nobody wins that war.  So in fact, a US-Russia cooperation is a
very positive thing; not a negative thing.  So, let me just play
a little bit of that for you right now:

        PRESIDENT TRUMP:  [T]he whole Russian thing, that's a ruse.
That's a ruse. And by the way, it would be great if we could get
along with Russia, just so you understand that.
        Now tomorrow, you'll say "Donald Trump wants to get along
with Russia, this is terrible." It's not terrible. It's good. We
had Hillary Clinton try and do a reset. We had Hillary Clinton
give Russia 20 percent of the uranium in our country. You know
what uranium is, right? This thing called nuclear weapons like
lots of things are done with uranium including some bad things.
        Nobody talks about that. I didn't do anything for Russia.
I've done nothing for Russia. Hillary Clinton gave them 20
percent of our uranium. Hillary Clinton did a reset, remember?
With the stupid plastic button that made us all look like a bunch
of jerks. Here, take a look. He looked at her like, what the hell
is she doing with that cheap plastic button?
        Hillary Clinton — that was the reset, remember it said
reset? Now if I do that, oh, I'm a bad guy. If we could get along
with Russia, that's a positive thing. We have a very talented
man, Rex Tillerson, who's going to be meeting with them shortly
and I told him. I said "I know politically it's probably not good
for me." The greatest thing I could do is shoot that ship that's
30 miles off shore right out of the water.
        Everyone in this country's going to say "oh, it's so great."
That's not great. That's not great. I would love to be able to
get along with Russia. Now, you've had a lot of presidents that
haven't taken that tack. Look where we are now. Look where we are
now. So, if I can — now, I love to negotiate things, I do it
really well, and all that stuff. But — but it's possible I won't
be able to get along with Putin.
        Maybe it is. But I want to just tell you, the false
reporting by the media, by you people, the false, horrible, fake
reporting makes it much harder to make a deal with Russia. And
probably Putin said "You know?" He's sitting behind his desk and
he's saying "You know, I see what's going on in the United
States, I follow it closely. It's going to be impossible for
President Trump to ever get along with Russia because of all the
pressure he's got with this fake story." OK?
        And that's a shame because if we could get along with Russia
— and by the way, China and Japan and everyone. If we could get
along, it would be a positive thing, not a negative thing.
        ⦠Look, it would be much easier for me to be tough on
Russia, but then we're not going to make a deal.
        Now, I don't know that we're going to make a deal. I don't
know. We might. We might not. But it would be much easier for me
to be so tough — the tougher I am on Russia, the better. But you
know what? I want to do the right thing for the American people.
And to be honest, secondarily, I want to do the right thing for
the world.
        If Russia and the United States actually got together and
got along — and don't forget, we're a very powerful nuclear
country and so are they. There's no up-side. We're a very
powerful nuclear country and so are they. I have been briefed.
And I can tell you one thing about a briefing that we're allowed
to say because anybody that ever read the most basic book can say
it, nuclear holocaust would be like no other.
They're a very powerful nuclear country and so are we. If we have
a good relationship with Russia, believe me, that's a good thing,
not a bad thing.

OGDEN:  That's directly to the point, and that argument can't be
argued with.  One thing that I think is very important that he
included in that answer was not only would it be important for us
to get along with Russia, but it would also be important for us
to get along with China, with Japan, and all the other countries.
But the fact that he named those three countries in specific, I
think is extremely significant from the standpoint of Helga
LaRouche's point.  That now is the time for us to have a new
great power relationship with these leading countries — China
and Russia primarily — and change the strategic geometry of the
whole planet, but also have a completely new economic order.
That's now the leading point with this campaign to say OK, Trump
should reciprocate Chinese President Xi Jinping's offer to join
the AIIB and join the New Silk Road; and should attend this
summit that's coming up in May in China.  And announce, look
we're going to join this New Silk Road; we're going to join this
new economic paradigm; we're going to build some big projects;
and we're going to create a miraculous, dramatic economic
recovery for the United States.
        I should just mention, just yesterday down in Houston,
Texas, there was a significant event that the Schiller Institute
participated in at Texas Southern University.  The title of this
was "A New Paradigm: Peace Through Economic Development; the Role
of China's Belt and Road Initiative.  Will the USA Join?"  I got
a few pictures from this event that I just want to show you.  You
can see this first picture here is the three featured speakers
sitting at the table there; the Texas Southern University sign.
This is the moderator introducing them.  The next picture, the
first speaker was Dr. Yunhin Chao[ph] who's the Deputy Consul
General of China.  You can see on the screen there his power
point; it's titled "The Belt and Road Initiative".  The next
picture, we've got Mrs. Ra Kolif [ph], who's the Consul General
of Egypt.  And you can see on the screen there, "Egypt and the
New Silk Road"; that's the subject of her power point
presentation.  The third picture is Mr. Brian Lantz, who is a
representative of the Schiller Institute down in Houston, Texas.
And of course, you can see the graphic there, "The World
Land-Bridge"; and that's the Schiller Institute's initiative to
expand the idea of the New Silk Road into a World Land-Bridge
concept, which obviously the United States would have to be a
major player in.
        As I said, this is an initiative that Helga LaRouche has
called for; for Donald Trump to attend this summit in China and
say we're going to work together and we're going to join the New
Silk Road.  And we are in the process of updating this pamphlet,
"The United States Joins the New Silk Road"; this is going to be
an updated completely new, revamped edition of this pamphlet
which will be very important for that initiative.
        But I did want to call people's attention to some of those
clips from the press conference, because I'm sure people have
seen a lot of coverage of this; but some of the most substantial
elements of this probably have not received the play in the mass
media that they absolutely should be receiving.
        So, let me just ask, Diane, if you want to add anything on
that in particular.  I do also want to say that we have the
Congress back in their districts right now.  Congress has left
session; they are now conducting town hall meetings and coffee
times and all kinds of face-to-face time with the members of
Congress.  Now is the perfect time to go and put these three
initiatives on the table; starting with our campaign to force
Glass-Steagall onto the agenda.  There is a lot of material for
you to use; you can even print out a copy of this petition and
bring it to these town hall meetings and help us collect
signatures.  But I would emphasize that it's very important to
centralize these signatures on the LaRouche PAC website.  You can
text "GSACT" to 52886 as a way to sign this petition; and then
you can also visit the LaRouche PAC action center — — to sign the petition.  We will be
publishing a petition watch over the next ten days; and this is
obviously a countdown to President Trump's address to the joint
session of the United Staes Congress, which is scheduled for
February 28th when Congress returns.  The ball is in your court
in terms of attending these town hall meetings around the country
and helping us put this onto the agenda.
        But Diane, is there anything you want to say in closing?

SARE:  Just one thing I wanted to — on behalf of LaRouche PAC
and the Policy Committee — congratulate Russia for having the
dedication to revive the Alexandrov Ensemble; which gave their
first performance I think yesterday.  This is extraordinary.
This was a horrific loss of an entire ensemble, and they
auditioned over 2000 people, had their first rehearsal about
three weeks ago, and have restored a very important cultural
institution both for their nation and the world.  I think it
underscores what is precious about mankind and the value of our
nations collaborating together in friendship on the most
beautiful levels of what is universal.  So, I did just want to
add that.

        OGDEN:  I do find it ironic, with all of the flurry around
the resignation of Michael Flynn, the pretext or occasion of his
call to the Russian ambassador was to express his condolences for
the loss of the Alexandrov Ensemble on Christmas Day, when their
plane crashed and so many of those artists lost their lives.
That's something that the Obama administration did not do; did
not even acknowledge this major loss that the Russian people
felt.  So, that's just something to be said.
        Let me just close this broadcast.  I'd like to thank you,
Diane, for joining us.  And let me just review:  We do have the
petition and I cannot repeat enough that we need to increase —
at a very rapid pace — the number of signatures on that petition
over the coming ten days.  We will be publishing this updated
dossier on the color revolutions, the truth of what happened in
Ukraine and the danger of what is happening in the United States.
There will be an International Day of Truth next Thursday,
February 23rd, which Helga Zepp-LaRouche has called for.  And we
are updating our call for the United States to join the New Silk
Road in the lead-up to this upcoming conference which will be
happening in a few months in China. So, those are the three
        Thank you very much for joining us here today; and please
stay tuned to