Jeg må begynde aftenens udsendelse med at sige, at, for 24 timer siden, da jeg sad og forberedte denne udsendelse, tænkte jeg, at emnet skulle være de ekstremt positive udviklinger, der fandt sted. Både introduktionen af Glass/Steagall-lovforslaget i USA’s Senat, S881, fremsat af Elizabeth Warren, Maria Cantwell, John McCain og Angus King; som følger direkte i kølvandet på udtrykt støtte til Glass/Steagall-princippet fra et ledende medlem af Trump-administrationen – Gary Cohn, direktør for det Nationale Økonomiske Råd – hvilket fandt sted på nøjagtig samme tidspunkt som et topmøde på højeste niveau, der nu netop er afsluttet, i Mar-a-Lago, Florida, mellem præsident Trump og præsident Xi Jinping; mødet var blevet forberedt af udenrigsminister Rex Tillerson under dennes nylige besøg i Kina, hvor han udtalte sin støtte til dannelsen af et »win-win«-samarbejde og ingen konfrontation, ingen konflikt, mellem USA og Kina.
Matthew Ogden: Det er 7. april, 2017, og dette er vores fredags-webcast fra Benjamin Deniston er med i studiet, og via video har vi Diane Sare fra Manhattan, New York City, og Kesha Rogers fra Houston, Texas – begge medlemmer af LaRouche PAC Policy Committee.
Jeg må begynde aftenens udsendelse med at sige, at, for 24 timer siden, da jeg sad og forberedte denne udsendelse, tænkte jeg, at emnet skulle være de ekstremt positive udviklinger, der fandt sted. Både introduktionen af Glass/Steagall-lovforslaget i USA’s Senat, S881, fremsat af Elizabeth Warren, Maria Cantwell, John McCain og Angus King; som følger direkte i kølvandet på udtrykt støtte til Glass/Steagall-princippet fra et ledende medlem af Trump-administrationen – Gary Cohn, direktør for det Nationale Økonomiske Råd – hvilket fandt sted på nøjagtig samme tidspunkt som et topmøde på højeste niveau, der nu netop er afsluttet, i Mar-a-Lago, Florida, mellem præsident Trump og præsident Xi Jinping; mødet var blevet forberedt af udenrigsminister Rex Tillerson under dennes nylige besøg i Kina, hvor han udtalte sin støtte til dannelsen af et »win-win«-samarbejde og ingen konfrontation, ingen konflikt, mellem USA og Kina.
Men desværre, mellem tidspunktet for 24 timer siden og nu, traf præsident Trump beslutningen om at lancere et militært missilangreb mod en flyvebase, tilhørende den syriske regering, som respons på den syriske regerings angivelige angreb med kemiske våben imod syriske civile. Så jeg vil indlede aftenens udsendelse med at læse for jer, i parafrase, nogle af de bemærkninger, som både Lyndon og Helga LaRouche havde om denne situation. Det vil vi følge op på med en opfordring til en mobilisering for at få sandheden at vide om, hvad det virkelig var, der skete, i løbet af disse 24 timer.
Det, Helga Zepp-LaRouche sagde her til morgen, da nyheden netop kom, om, at dette angreb havde fundet sted, var følgende:
»Dette var dumt; et resultat af forvirring i administrationen, og af neokonservative elementer, der ikke ønsker at se de nye relationer mellem magter, som kunne komme ud af en alliance mellem USA, Rusland og Kina.«
Under en senere telefonsamtale med Helga og Lyndon LaRouche, sagde Helga:
»Hvordan skete dette? Der er tilsyneladende et stort slagsmål internt i Trump-administrationen. Det er afskyeligt. Der er en historie her, som vi ikke kender. Nogen må have manipuleret Trump til at gøre dette; eller løjet for præsident Trump. Hvordan kom han frem til dette standpunkt? Vi må anstrenge os for at finde ud af det.«
Helga refererede direkte til en artikel, der blev udgivet på en ledende militær efterretningseksperts blog – en mand ved navn Pat Laing, der har forbindelser til nogle ledende, både aktive og pensionerede militær- og efterretningsnetværk i USA. Denne blog indledte med at sige følgende:
»Donald Trumps beslutning om at lancere angreb med krydsermissiler mod en syrisk flyvebase, var baseret på en løgn. I løbet af de kommende dage vil det amerikanske folk opdage, at efterretningssamfundet vidste, at Syrien ikke smed et kemisk militærvåben på uskyldige civile i Idlib. Her er, hvad der skete«, sagde han.
Han forklarer dernæst flere punkter, inkl.
»3. Det syriske luftvåben ramte målet«
– som man mente var et våbenlager for eksplosiver for islamiske oprørere –
»med konventionelle våben. Alle de involverede forventede at se en massiv, sekundær eksplosion. Det skete ikke. I stedet begyndte røg, kemisk røg, at bølge ud fra stedet. Det viser sig, at de islamiske oprørere har brugt stedet til oplagring af kemikalier, som var dødbringende; ikke sarin. Kemikalierne inkluderede organiske fosfater og klorin, og de blæste med vinden og dræbte civile.«
Dernæst siger han,
»Der blæste en stærk vind den dag; og skyen drev ind over en nærliggende landsby og kostede liv.«
Så siger han,
»Vi ved, det ikke var sarin. Hvordan? Meget enkelt. De såkaldte ’førstehjælpsfolk’ håndterede ofrene uden handsker. Havde det været sarin, ville de være døde. Sarin på huden dræber.«
Helga Zepp-LaRouche citerede direkte fra denne erklæring ved at læse følgende:
»Dette er Tonkinbugten II. Hvor ironisk! Donald Trump kom korrekt med en alvorlig kritik af George W. Bush for at lancere et uprovokeret, uretmæssigt angreb mod Irak i 2003. Og nu gør præsident Donald Trump den samme, forbandede ting. Det er faktisk værre, for efterretningssamfundet havde information, der viste, at der ikke var noget kemisk våben, der blev lanceret af det syriske luftvåben.«
(Her følger udskrift af resten af udsendelsen på engelsk:)
Now, I’m going to let Diane elaborate a little bit more the
mobilization which we’re now calling all viewers of this webcast
to engage in. But the question is, who in the intelligence
community withheld the truth from President Donald Trump? Who
lied to the President, and influenced him to make this very bad
decision? So, Diane, let me hand it over to you.
DIANE SARE: Good. I’ll just say the Mr. LaRouche stressed that
this is a fraud; that people on the ground in Syria, from all
accounts we could get, were aware of what happened; which was a
Syrian Army strike on a rebel-held what they believe to be
weapons depot, which turned out to be a chemical weapons
facility. That Assad did not do this; that Assad would have no
interest in doing this. This intelligence was kept from the
President deliberately.
As Matt said at the beginning, you have this occurring
precisely at the moment that Xi Jinping is meeting in the United
States to meet with President Trump. We know that the British
Empire, the cities of London and Wall Street, are clinging
desperately with their fingernails to a bankrupt system. The
last thing that they want is for the United States to join into
win-win collaboration with China and Russia. We also know that
there is a history of British operations to bring the United
States into war. I guess the first one in people’s memories
today might by Maggie Thatcher’s visits to Bush to put so-called
“iron in his spine” to go to war in Iraq. Then we had Tony
Blair, who has been investigated in the Chilcot Inquiry, having
lied about weapons of mass destruction to start a war.
And now, I’ll just read you an interview with the British
Defence Secretary, published in something called the {East
Lothian Courier}. Sir Michael Fallon told Sky News, “We’ve been
in close contact with the American government over the last
couple of days following the gas attack. There have been
intensive consultations in London, in Washington, and the United
Nations. The American Defense Secretary called me to discuss the
various options early yesterday evening, and once the President
had made his decision, then the American Defense Secretary called
me again to give us advance notice of the strike. The Prime
Minister has been kept informed throughout.” Britain is running
American military decisions? Then he was asked, did this action
catch you by surprise; and the British Defence Secretary said,
“No. We’ve seen the first test of the Trump administration
here.” Then I think we have there a tweet from a BBC
correspondent, Katty Kay — I guess that’s an appropriate name
for her. It says, “On a side note, how to undermine a major
summit with China.” So, just in case you weren’t clear that the
target of this is actually Donald Trump, the target of this
operation is to destroy his ability to make America great again;
which is what collaborating with China and Russia would do. The
truth of the matter is, as everyone who has been following this
for some time would know, that President Assad had absolutely no
reason, no motive; not to mention that the chemical weapons were
eliminated three years ago, which was the arrangement that Putin
established which prevented Barack Obama from doing the same
thing at that time. The President was lied to; the crucial
intelligence was prevented from getting to him; and the actions
taken can jeopardize the success of his administration and the
potential for a global economic renaissance.
We are urging that everybody — we’ll repeat this again, I’m
sure; but people should call the White House, you should contact
Trump on twitter and make the point that we know that lied were
told to the President about the situation on the ground. The
truth has to come out, and the perpetrators of this
disinformation should be exposed and fired from the Trump
OGDEN: I’m going to put on the screen right now the contact
information that you can do just that. This is the way to
contact the White House: call 202 465-1111. You can also tweet
at President Donald Trump; either @POTUS or @realDonaldTrump.
We’re going to elaborate more of the contents of that
mobilization as we proceed with this discussion. We’ll put that
contact information on the screen for you a few more times during
this broadcast.
DENISTON: I think that’s a critical thing our viewers need
to understand. This isn’t a settled thing. There have also been
references to power plays and shifts inside the administration;
there’s obviously conflicting interests coming in from all side,
trying to influence it one way or the other. So I think this is
indicative of an undetermined process; we’re not just observers
watching history before our eyes. We need to think of ourselves
as active in this process. Trump very clearly resonated with the
American people in making it very clear we want to end this
regime change policy; we don’t need these foreign wars. We also
want a serious effort against terrorism; real terrorism — the
kind of stuff Obama was supporting explicitly — that the British
had been running for decades. This is clearly a turn in a
different direction. People who want that policy, who supported
him on that basis, need to become active and vocal and say “We
need this real shift in American foreign policy” as we’ve
I think the other point is the irony that people need to
get. You’re not going to understand the reality of the
situation, what the forces are at play in creating this operation
to get this strike to go through, unless you understand the
significance of these contrary positive developments that we just
referenced. The meeting between the head of the United States
and China; this is huge. All the prior discussion about
potentially alleviating tensions with Russia, and having a
positive relationship with Russia, which drove people nuts to
revive the spirit of Joe McCarthy with a new red-scare propaganda
campaign; just shows you how desperate certain factions are to
keep this US Anglo-American unipolar world alliance alive,
requiring the suppression and keeping down of China. The fact
that that is being legitimately threatened, means that we’re
seeing the potential of real active motion towards a new global
alliance with the United States, China, and Russia cooperating on
a positive basis. This is showing the signs of potentially
completely changing world history; and Glass-Steagall is
obviously a part of that. So, all these motions, and then you
have this happen right in the middle of that, that tells you
what’s going on. You’ve got to understand where things are going
in this positive direction, to understand what a real wrench this
operation is and what forces would be behind trying to completely
up-end this and re-ignite tensions with Russia; and do this at
the exact time Trump is meeting with Xi Jinping. Blowing this
thing up.
It’s an ongoing fight; and people need to get active and
vocal, and express their support for this real policy shift
underway. In a sense, this could be an opportunity to rat out
who are the real forces that are running these kinds of
operations. Who didn’t tell the President the real intelligence?
Who pushed the line that this was Assad running a chemical attack
on his own people? Just to say it; people know that’s insane.
Assad would have no motivation for launching a small chemical
attack at this point in the situation in Syria. He’s already
winning the war; he knows that’s going to be the most decisive
thing. He knows that what’s going to draw the most aggression
against him would be any kind of chemical attack. To think that
this would something Assad would be motivated to do is just nuts.
It’s clear that this is intended to completely up-end a
process that could go in a very good direction. Whatever
happened, we need to figure that out, and we need a mobilization
to put the pressure on who was behind this. Who was really
pushing this crazy line that got the President to go with this
thing? That needs to be uprooted and taken out immediately and
get back on track in the direction that we know we could be going
OGDEN: The way that you’re going to establish peace on this
planet is through a new power relationship which is completely
diametrically opposite to what has dominated geopolitics for the
last 40-50 years. That comes in the form of a relationship
between China, Russia, and the United States. Any effort to
drive a wedge between that, should be seen as an effort to
re-ignite the fires of World War III. We were right on the verge
of that during the Presidential campaign, during the concluding
years of Obama’s administration. It was made very clear during
the Presidential debates that Hillary Clinton’s policy of
military intervention into Syria would bring us right up against
the potential for a direct conflict between the United States and
Russia. President Trump himself made that point, along with
other candidates for President during the Presidential debates.
As has now been repeated by various people, Congresswoman Tulsi
Gabbard, for example, put out a statement this morning, [saying]
any military intervention into Syria threatens to bring us into a
direct conflict with Russia, which is a nuclear power, and would
threaten direct nuclear confrontation. This is a very dangerous
and very fast moving situation. We have to get to the truth of
the matter here; and it’s obviously a very complex picture and
something that is not yet clear. As Helga LaRouche was saying,
what’s clear is that confusion is reigning; and there is an
effort by whatever element in the administration or elsewhere, to
interrupt the potential for new power relationships that could
come out of a US-Russia-China alliance.
KESHA ROGERS: I think Mr. LaRouche has continued to draw
the line in the sand and identify time and time again, the enemy
of mankind as this British imperial faction; the British Empire.
People have to be very clear, because there are a lot of people
out there who would say “Well, the British are not our enemy; you
have to make compromises with the British.” We see where this
has gotten us. Mr. LaRouche, in his statement today, also
emphatically made the point that we have to shut down Wall Street
and all the bastards who do this kind of thing; including Barack
Obama, the apparatus that’s made it number one prerogative to
stop the forward-moving progress and potential that was set into
motion by this President. When you’re talking about what the
President has made clear his intention, as we saw with the
discussion between Rex Tillerson just last week and China, on
non-confrontation, mutual respect; also the intention that was
stated beforehand. This was a direct blow already to the control
by the British Empire against the United States; and what they
have continued to keep under their control to stop the alliance
between the United States, Russia, and China. As Mr. LaRouche
has made very clear on a number of occasions, once you have these
powers come together and form the type of alliance toward the
common aims of mankind, toward economic development; this is the
end of the British Empire, this is the end of the British system.
So, what’s their only recourse? To create chaos, to create war.
We’ve seen this more than once, as we’ve already expressed here.
So, I think the key right now is, we go back to what we have
emphasized over the recent period; that what we’ve put out as the
immediate standard with Lyndon LaRouche’s Four Laws, bring down
Wall Street once and for all, bring down this British apparatus
that is completely infiltrating against this positive direction.
Start to mobilize the population right now, as we’ve already put
out the numbers on the screen here. This mobilization is
absolutely critical, because we need to move at a rapid pace to
get everybody to call into Congress to go after those neo-con
warmongers who have been pushing — people like Adam Schiff and
John McCain and others — who have been continuing to push
towards this effort to get the United States into a nuclear
confrontation with Russia. I think it’s very important that
Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard is coming out and saying these types
of actions can lead to nuclear war; but we cannot sit back and
wait for this to happen. We have to directly identify and define
the enemy; and define what they’re absolutely opposed to: the
United States joining in the New Silk Road; collaboration with
Russia, China, India and creating the four powers of the world
will eliminate the British Empire once and for all. Again, it is
important that at the moment that you have this escalation taking
place, you have — as Matt mentioned — a bill in the US Senate
for the restoring of Glass-Steagall. I think this comes at a
very important time, but it really has to be escalated around
that fight. The mobilization for Glass-Steagall, for LaRouche’s
Four Laws, and for our understanding of what the fight of the
American System truly is; that is the fight to destroy and bring
down this British Empire once and for all. There’s no other way
around that.
SARE: I just want to underscore, one, the damage to the
relationship with Russia or potential. According to coverage, a
Russian spokesman said this stuff deals significant damage to
US-Russian ties, which are already in a deplorable state. Putin
has suspended the Memorandum of Understanding on deconfliction;
which greatly increases the danger in Syria of a military
conflict between Russia and the United States. So, people should
be very clear on the intent of the British. I also want to
remind people what the {London Spectator} said the day that Trump
was inaugurated, or the day after. They had a headline article
that said, “Will President Trump be removed by assassination, in
a coup, or by impeachment?” We know the British Empire is
determined to undermine and destroy the potential of this
Presidency. I also should say that you see the potential —
there was an interview with President Xi Jinping during this
summit which has just ended, between him and Donald Trump.
Obviously, China is very determined, in spite of all these
difficulties, to hold a steady course and bring about the success
of this. What Xi Jinping said, according to {Xinhua News} is that
there are “a thousand reasons to make the China-US relationship
work, and no reason to break it.” They say it takes “political
resolve and historical commitments from leaders of both countries
to enhance the bilateral relations in the 45 years to come.” It
should be noted that Xi Jinping invited President Trump to come
to China; and President Trump accepted the invitation for
sometime this year, the time is not clear. So, the situation
couldn’t be more clear, if you think about the tweet from British
broadcasting that this is a great way to undermine a strategic
summit between the US and China, is to have this sort of thing
happen. We have to be on a total mobilization to smoke out and
destroy the British Empire faction that misinformed the President
of the actual situation, and would argue for such an
ill-conceived action against a sovereign nation.
OGDEN: Let me go back and refer again to the blog that I
raised in the beginning from the website of Mr. Pat Lang. What
he continued to say was “This attack was a violation of
international law. Donald Trump authorized an unjustified attack
on a sovereign country. What is even more disturbing is that
people like Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis, CIA Director Mike
Pompeo, and NSA Director General McMaster went along with this
charade. Front line troops know the truth. These facts will
eventually come out.” You can’t help but be reminded of what
happened when John F Kennedy was double-crossed by his own
intelligence advisors in the attack on the Bay of Pigs; a very
ill-advised attack which he launched. It was when he realized
that he had been double-crossed by the intelligence community,
that he decided that drastic action must be taken. He cleaned
out that entire apparatus; firing the Dulles brothers, and
proceeded from there. One can’t help but be reminded of that
historical precedent; but the question here is to get the facts,
to penetrate through what in fact did happen; to find out who it
was who propagated these lies or withheld the truth from the
President; how this decision was made, and what the intention of
those actions were.
So, I’m going to put on the screen one more time the contact
information. Helga Zepp-LaRouche and Mr. LaRouche both
personally called for a direct mobilization of the American
people to raise this very question. You can contact the White
House at 202 465-1111; or just go ahead and tweet directly
@realDonaldTrump. Also, the same thing should be done with all
the members of Congress; both sides of this issue. A total
mobilization should take place from the American people. This
does not detract, but this feeds directly into the mobilization
that we already have underway to restore the Glass-Steagall Act;
to put this corrupt Wall Street element away for good; to protect
the American economy; and to bring the United States decisively
into this new power relationship.
I think what this situation makes more clear than anything
is that the responsibility is our; the responsibility is yours.
It’s not going to come from sitting back, cheerleading any
political faction or leader; it’s only by keeping a clear-eyed
focus on what the realities of the present situation are, and
what the principles are. What do you stand for? What do you
know must be done? What is the leadership that LaRouche PAC has
provided and continues to provide? To set a straight and narrow
course along exactly those principles and to mobilize
So, I would like to invite Ben, Diane, Kesha, if you have
anything to add, we can do so briefly and then bring this
broadcast to a conclusion.
ROGERS: I think this mobilization is very important in the
context that next week it has been confirmed that US Secretary of
State Rex Tillerson is scheduled to go to Russia. We have to
make clear that we cannot allow for anything to get in the way of
the forward-moving progress of the potential for the US to
actually collaborate as they’ve said; and this is with Russia, to
defeat ISIS, to stop this terrorist network; to collaborate on
economic development and cooperation, as we’re seeing with the
potential of China and the United States. But it also has to be
made clear that these types of actions cannot be tolerated; and
we have to again make the point that this is an operation that
has been run against the Presidency of the United States. The
intention has been made clear from the very beginning that it was
the intention of the British Empire to stop this President from
moving in a positive direction. We have to not sit back — as
you said — and continue to escalate. Everybody should be
calling their Congress members, calling the White House, and
doing everything that you can. Those who are leading this fight
in terms of some of the statements that have come out, really
have to continue to make the point that there has been an
operation that has been run against the Presidency with the
intent to create total chaos.
OGDEN: OK. Keep your eyes on the LaRouche PAC website. We
will have more printed and video material as the situation
develops. Report back to us on the results of your phone calls,
your tweets, your mobilization; we need tight coordination on
this and a very clear focus.
So, thank you very much all of you for tuning in. Thank you
to Ben, Kesha, and Diane for joining me here today. Please stay
tuned to Good night.