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LaRouche PAC Internationale Webcast,
19. maj, 2017


Aftenenes vært: Jason Ross.

I denne weekend fandt der et enormt skift sted i verdenshistorien; noget absolut fænomenalt enormt, med Bælt & Vej Forum, der fandt sted i Beijing, Kina. Det omfattede flere end 1000 deltagere fra over 100 lande, to til tre dusin statsoverhoveder; flere dusin internationale aftaler blev underskrevet under selve begivenheden. Der blev truffet bestemmelser om over $100 mia. i ekstra finansiering til infrastruktur i hele verden.

Jeg vil gerne gennemgå noget af det, der fandt sted under denne konference, og dernæst sætte det i kontrast til kvaliteten af politisk debat, vi har netop nu i USA.

Her ser vi et af åbningsbillederne fra begivenhederne, med statsoverhoveder og andre delegerede, der deltog i konferencen. En meget stor begivenhed. Hallen med over 1000 mennesker. Her ser vi præsident Putin, der taler for deltagerne – han var æresgæst; viser den virkelige forbindelse mellem Kina og Rusland omkring dette projekt; her bydes han velkommen af Xi Jinping. Blandt de øvrige deltagere ved denne begivenhed var – på en meget bemærkelsesværdig måde – Helga Zepp-LaRouche, »Silkevejsladyen«; præsident og stifter af Schiller Instituttet, og hustru til Lyndon LaRouche. Lyndon og Helga LaRouche har mobiliseret for et Nyt Økonomisk Paradigme i årtier.

Det, der fandt sted på konferencen i Beijing, inklusive Helga Zepp-LaRouches deltagelse som medlem af en tænketank i et forum for tænketanke, som fandt sted, hvor hun et par gange fik lejlighed til at tale og føre sine pointer frem, var, at et helt nyt paradigme virkelig er ved at tage form. Kinas Bælt & Vej-initiativ inkluderer foreløbig disse seks landruter, som man ser her på skærmen, sammen med den maritime rute, som man ser gå gennem oceanerne. Det kinesiske initiativ vil medføre investering af billioner af dollars; for $4-8 billion infrastrukturinvestering i veje, jernbaner, havne, kanaler og den slags ting. Det, som LaRouche-bevægelsen, som Schiller Instituttet, som EIR har foreslået gennem rapporter om dette, er et Verdenslandbro-koncept for konnektivitet, infrastruktur, udvikling og opbygning af en ny platform for at gøre den fremtidige, potentielle økonomiske vækst til virkelighed.

Mængden af programmer og projekter, der er planlagt, overstiger allerede mange gange selv Marshallplanen, der genopbyggede Europa efter Anden Verdenskrig. På denne graf – som I måske dårligt kan se – repræsenterer denne lille, blå søjle her til venstre den inflationstilpassede investering i Marshallplanen, som var USA’s finansiering til genopbygningen af det krigshærgede Europa efter Anden Verdenskrig; omkring $150 mia. Ved siden af er RFC – Reconstruction Finance Corporation, som var et af hovedinstrumenterne til finansiering af New Deals infrastrukturprogrammer (i USA); RFC byggede de store projekter i USA, der var motor for den daværende økonomiske vækst. Se dernæst på størrelsen investeringerne i Ét Bælt, én Vej; et sted mellem $4-8 billion er planlagt at blive investeret som en del af dette program. Mange, mange gange større end noget, der tidligere er gjort.

Det er vigtigt, mener jeg, at erkende, at i denne verden, der er ved at tage form, er den ene ting, at det repræsenterer et Nyt Paradigme i verden; og den anden ting er, at det repræsenterer årtiers arbejde, årtiers mobilisering. Kort tid efter forummet, en dag eller to efter, inviterede et af top-tv-programmerne i Kina, »Dialog«, Helga Zepp-LaRouche som gæst på programmet. Lad os se et kort klip:

Interviewer: Hvad synes De om Kinas globale ambition?

Helga Zepp-LaRouche: Jeg mener, at det er et meget vigtigt, strategisk initiativ, for det er den eneste måde, hvorpå man kan løse alle problemer, regionalt samarbejde, underudvikling, fattigdom; det er virkelig en historisk mission. Jeg ser intet andet. Bestemt ikke fra USA, og bestemt ikke fra Europa; så jeg er virkelig optimistisk. Jeg mener, i går var et fantastisk historisk øjeblik.

Ross: Jeg vil gerne læse en sætning ved dette interviews slutning, hvordan Helga afsluttede dette interview. Hun sagde: »Jeg er fuldstændig overbevist om, at, om et halvt år, så vil flertallet af de nationer, der stadig tøver, erkende, at det er i deres bedste interesse at tilslutte sig. Tyskland burde f.eks. have en fundamental interesse i at samarbejde. Tysk industri, Mittelstand, mellemstore virksomheder, er præcis den form for komplementær økonomisk styrke, der ville fungere perfekt med Kina; og jeg tror, det kommer, jeg lover det.«

(Her følger engelsk udskrift af resten af webcastet)

  So, this is reflected as well in the statements from the
many foreign leaders who attended the conference.  Let’s get a
sense of what the world thought about this event.  This is a
quote from Matthew Pottinger; he was sent by President Trump.
About a week before the forum, it was announced that Trump was
upgrading US involvement; and the National Security Council East
Asia head was sent.  He said, “You can really see that there is a
shared interest in expanding infrastructure connectivity through
high quality investment financing.  That’s why American companies
should really be involved in a lot of the projects that we’re
hearing about.”
President Putin talked about how it’s creating a new type of
world order.  He said, “We have exhausted many former models and
indicators of economic development.  Poverty, the lack of
financial security, and the massive gap in the level of
development between countries and regions; these all fuel
international terrorism, extremism, and illegal migration.  We
will not be able to tackle these challenges unless we overcome
this stagnation in global development.  None of the old
approaches to conflict resolution should be used to solve modern
problems.  We need fresh and stereotype-free ideas.
“By proposing China’s One Belt, One Road Initiative,
President Xi Jinping has demonstrated an example of a creative
approach towards fostering integration in energy, infrastructure,
transport, industry, and humanitarian collaboration.  We would
welcome the involvement of our European colleagues in this
partnership.” Putin was the guest of honor at the event.
President Xi Jinping himself said, “We should build the Belt
and Road into a road of prosperity.  Development holds the master
key to solving all problems.  In pursuing the Belt and Road
Initiative, we should focus on the fundamental issue of
development; release the growth potential of various countries,
and achieve economic integration and interconnected development,
and deliver benefits to all.”
Viktor Orban, the prime minister of Hungary, said that “the
trend of the Belt and Road Initiative, this trend is the exact
opposite of what we’re used to, and what we have been taught
about the workings of the global economy.”  More on that in a
moment.  President Erdogan of Turkey said, “This initiative,
particularly against rising terrorism in the world, will be an
initiative that will almost eradicate terrorism.  I believe this
cooperation, which will benefit everyone, will succeed as a
model.  We, as Turkey, are ready to give all kinds of support for
Jean-Pierre Raffarin, sent by new French President Macron,
said “The Belt and Road Initiative proposed by President Xi shows
that he attaches great importance to cooperation between Europe
and Asia.  It will inject vitality into global development, and
shows his global vision.”   Prime Minister of Greece, Alexis
Tsipras: “What is particularly positive for us is that the goals
of the Belt and Road Initiative are compatible with our own
regional economic goals.  And our dynamic, comprehensive,
strategic partnership with China sets a solid basis for working
in this direction.  Greece, after many years of severe crises, is
returning to a growth path which opens up remarkable
opportunities for investment and trade.”
And last, the Economics Minister of Slovakia, Peter Ziga,
said, “It’s an historic opportunity.  View it as the project of
the century.  Everything indicates that the Chinese side and
other important states such as Russia, have a strong interest in
launching a New Silk Road.  Even though the details still haven’t
been released, it’s seems that the question actually is only
whether the project will take place with us, or without us.”
And that’s exactly right.  As President Putin and Prime
Minister Orban had said, there is a New Paradigm that is taking
place in the world right now.  The past decades’ attempts to try
to control terrorism or extremism without having a real
development model simply will not be effective; they cannot be
I’d like to ask Kesha to address what Mr. LaRouche views as
one of the most important aspects of US cooperation, in terms of
what the US has to offer the world in a World Land-Bridge-type
perspective.  Kesha, what do you see as the opportunities that
the US has to provide leadership on this front?  What do we have
to offer?

KESHA ROGERS:  Well, Jason, Mr. and Mrs. LaRouche stressed
both that the next phase of cooperation has to be around the
offer of the United States to cooperate on the space program.  We
have to go beyond what most people have looked at as come to the
space program, even going back to President John F Kennedy, as
something of a competitive avenue.  But that this is to unite in
harmony, mankind; to bring cultures together in a vision for, as
Mrs. LaRouche said, what is the natural mission of mankind for
the next 10, 100, 1000 years.  As she stressed in her remarks at
the recent event, where do we want humanity as a whole to be in
100 or even 1000 years?  As she posed in her speech, is it not
the natural destiny of mankind as the only creative species known
in this universe so far, that he will build villages on the Moon,
develop a deeper understanding of trillions of dollars [inaud;
11:46] universe, solve the problems of — until now — incurable
disease, or solve the problem of energy and raw material security
through the development of thermonuclear fusion power.  She goes
on to say that by focussing on the common aims of humanity, we
will be able to overcome geopolitics and establish a higher level
of reason for the benefit of all mankind.
As Mrs. LaRouche made clear, and Mr. LaRouche, from their
decades-long work as we know, that Mr. and Mrs. LaRouche have
dedicated decades of their lives to the formation of what has
been brought about with what we’re seeing of the Belt and Road
Silk Road initiative; what they have called the Eurasian
Land-Bridge.  But we’re not just talking about development and
cooperation among nations in infrastructure development here on
Earth with these bridges and dams and roads, but as has been
reported coming out of the Belt and Road summit, this was
actually developed in the science magazine, China is also looking
at win-win cooperation in what is called space development or
science infrastructure or a science Belt and Road.  You see
already out of this conference, there were over 370+ agreements
which took place; but on science and technology, President Xi
Jinping of China said “Innovation is an important force of
powering development.”  With that, they developed — to kind of
highlight a few things here — a science and technology action
plan, calling for 25,000 foreign-born scientists, engineers, and
managers over the next five years.  They want to give 10,000
scholarships to students from developing countries to study in
China.  You have a set-up of about 50 joint laboratories that’s
being discussed; 40+ countries to cooperate in space-based Earth
observation; observatories which would be used to identify and
manage natural resources and to respond to natural disasters.
So, when people think about cooperation in space, before we
even talk about going to another planetary body, going to the
Moon, we can actually start to set up new technologies of the
shared interests for the development of mankind on this planet.
But that takes us into the next phase of mankind’s commitment; as
Mrs. LaRouche said, “Our destiny has to be building villages on
the Moon.”  This is something that’s not new to Lyndon and Helga
LaRouche.  Mr. LaRouche developed the concept really as finally
to restore and revive that which was destroyed by the British
Empire and those who thought to take out President John F
Kennedy.  Mr. LaRouche came in and restored that vision of
President Kennedy in the 1980s with the Woman on Mars mission.
But let me just say, the concept here is vision; vision for the
future.  What the United States has to restore itself to, is a
commitment to vision in space exploration as we had under
President John F Kennedy, and cooperation.  A lot of people don’t
know and I hear all the time that the purpose of going to the
Moon, the purpose of President John F Kennedy’s famous speech to
a joint session of Congress May 25, 1961, saying we’re going to
send a man to the Moon and return him safely to Earth before the
end of the decade; people see that as merely competition.  What a
lot of people don’t know and don’t recognize is that after
Kennedy made that very clear vision directed the nation toward a
national mission, it was two years later in September of 1963,
only two months before he was assassinated, that President John F
Kennedy offered cooperation for a joint mission with the Soviet
Union, at a time when tensions had started to fade out, that
there was a move toward mutual cooperation and development.
Those people in the United States who say that the United States
can’t work with Russia, or that Russia is the enemy, these are
the same people who were denying the vision of President John F
Kennedy; who didn’t want the cooperation that he had set forth.
We could have had a joint mission on the Moon with the Soviet
Union at the time that would have completely changed the concept
and the scope of the relationship with the United States and
Russia. Also today, it’s the same thing, because when we talk
about missions for developing the Solar System, developing the
Moon as the first step for developing the fusion technology and
energy for getting to Mars and developing colonies on Mars, as
Mr. LaRouche lays out in his “Woman on Mars” speech, which he
made over 30 years ago, that we would get there in 39 years and
have this woman speaking back to us on this great accomplishment
for the project and benefit of all mankind.  That’s what we have
to restore right now, and that is the next phase and mission of
cooperation as was clearly laid out by Mr. and Mrs. LaRouche, and
also is already being taken up by nations that have developed and
have joined the Belt and Road Initiative.  The question at hand
is the creative development of mankind and the best conception to
do that is through cooperation in space, cooperation in creating
new sciences, new technologies.  We very much understand how to
do that, and we can move forward with that initiative.

ROSS:  Right; and I think in terms of way that this is
really being moved on right now, you brought this up in science
and in projects that clearly demonstrate common aims and have a
universal character in that way.  I’d just like to bring up one
of the developments that came out of this forum on the strategic
or the geopolitical front; which was the cooperation that was
announced by President Duterte from the Philippines.  President
Duterte has been under attack for a variety of reasons.  People
say he’s too tough on the drug dealers in the Philippines, etc.
What he announced, in collaboration with Vietnam and China, was
that they would work out a way to collaboratively use the
resources of the South China Sea; essentially eliminating that as
a geopolitical factor, if the parties involved can agree to
common development.  This is very much like the détente and the
agreement reached between Japan and Russia, which have not fully
in a formal way worked out the ownership of some of the contested
islands — the Kurile Islands — between Russia and Japan; but
agreed as two countries working together, to exploit the
resources together in a common way.  So that the hang-ups that
allowed conflict to fester are being overcome by looking at ways
of working together in a collaborative way.
While all of this is happening — and this is something that
the US most certainly ought to join, because we have a tremendous
need for infrastructure here; we’re in desperate need of an
economic recovery.  President Trump has called for the spending
of $1 trillion on infrastructure; which is nowhere what’s fully
required in the United States, although it’s certainly moving in
the right direction.  When you would think that patriotic
Americans would all be saying, “Look at these opportunities
around the world.  An opportunity to overcome the Wall
Street-type of finance that’s characterized our economy and move
towards real physical building of things and cooperating on
projects that undoubtedly improve people’s lives; like having
high-speed rail, like creating jobs and business in this way.”
Instead, there is a total tempest-in-a-teapot going on in the
United States around President Trump and all things related to
Diane, I was hoping that you could share with us your views
on what this means about our ability to act politically in the
United States as a nation in its own interests.

DIANE SARE:  Sure.  I think first of all, I’ll share the views of
Lyndon LaRouche, who was briefed this morning on some comments
from the British intelligence operative, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard,
who we remember from his efforts to get President Bill Clinton
thrown out of office.  He’s basically saying that they’re not
going to be able to impeach President Trump; which is true.
First of all, because Trump has not committed any impeachable
offenses.  He didn’t say that, of course, but he said that with a
Republican Congress and so on.  So, let’s just harass him; let’s
tie his hands, let’s prevent him from doing anything that he
wants to do.  When Mr. LaRouche was presented with this, he said,
“It won’t work.  The transformation of the world is too large.
It’s bigger than the British Empire.”  If you think about the
size of the investments that you showed on that chart, think
about the size of China — 1.4 billion or so people.  There are
already 61 or more nations involved in the Belt and Road, who
have experienced a massive increase in trade and prosperity as a
result of this collaboration.  Even in the United States, while
the media is doing their very best job to prevent Americans from
getting the faintest whiff of the potential in the world, the
{Wall Street Journal} two days ago was forced to admit that the
China Investment Corporation was planning to move their offices
from Toronto into Manhattan; and that they wished to change $50
billion of their holdings in US Treasuries into investment of new
infrastructure in the United States.  I think you can ask
yourself from the Chinese perspective, they’re holding $1.4
trillion of US Treasuries; if the United States is a collapsing
giant with water crises, roads and bridges collapsing, heroin
overdoses, that’s not really a viable investment.  If they’re
holding, or invested, as Mrs. LaRouche pointed out in her speech
in Beijing, that President Trump is calling for a return to the
American System which would create a pathway using Hamiltonian
credit; he’s referred to Henry Clay and others — Hamilton, we
are referring to; this creates the means for China to actually
make this kind of investment in the United States which
transforms everything.  I think you can ask anybody if they would
prefer to be stuck in traffic for five hours, risking losing
their entire car in a giant pothole, when they could be riding a
train that goes 300mph and getting to their destination in 15
minutes, what they would prefer; I think the choice is obvious.
So, what has occurred is just a spectacular witch-hunt;
President Trump is 100% correct when he refers to this as a
witch-hunt.  He has no intention of giving it up.  I’d like to go
right now to a video clip of him speaking to the commencement
ceremony of the Coast Guard so that people have a sense of that.
And then I have a few more things to say about who is behind this
attack and why.


:  Now, I want to take this opportunity to give
you some advice. Over the course of your life, you will find that
things are not always fair. You will find that things happen to
you that you do not deserve and that are not always warranted.
But you have to put your head down and fight, fight, fight.
Never, ever, ever give up. Things will work out just fine.
Look at the way Iâve been treated lately â (laughter) â
especially by the media. No politician in history â and I say
this with great surety â has been treated worse or more unfairly.
You canât let them get you down. You canât let the critics and
the naysayers get in the way of your dreams. (Applause.) I guess
thatâs why I â thank you. I guess thatâs why we won.
Adversity makes you stronger. Donât give in. Donât back
down. And never stop doing what you know is right. Nothing worth
doing ever, ever, ever came easy. And the more righteous your
fight, the more opposition that you will face.

SARE:  So, as I think you can see, this is not a President
who is going to turn tail or run, or cower.  Happily, he’s a New
Yorker who enjoys fighting.  I just want to remind people,
because those of you who have been following LaRouche and been
familiar with LaRouche, there was an earlier witch-hunt in this
country, which was the witch-hunt against Lyndon LaRouche; with
the result that shortly after he collaborated with President
Reagan and the Strategic Defense Initiative came into being, at
the time that the Berlin Wall — which Mr. LaRouche had forecast
would come down — came down, LaRouche was being carted off to
prison.  This witch-hunt was orchestrated not only by the same
apparatus, but in many cases, the exact same individuals that are
targetting President Trump now.
One of the key players in the early, initial trial against
Mr. LaRouche in Boston — which fell apart — was none other than
Robert Mueller.  He did such a brilliant job of covering up the
evidence of the Saudi royal family role in 9/11, he’s now been
assigned to investigate President Trump’s alleged ties to Russia,
etc.  As was pointed out by Veteran Intelligence Professionals
for Sanity (VIPS) Bill Binney and Ray McGovern in an article that
appeared a couple of days ago in the {Baltimore Sun}, Comey
absolutely was legitimately fired; it was the right thing for
President Trump to do.  Comey had refused to investigate the
actual serious crime which was committed, which was the unmasking
of Michael Flynn; who had a telephone conversation with the
Russian ambassador and, according to US law, the American end of
that conversation should never have been recorded.  That was
illegal.  The fact that that not only was recorded, but then was
leaked to the press, is two crimes committed for which people
could and should be prosecuted; and it would be relatively easy
to discover who did it.  That actual crime was not investigated.
Instead, we are supposed to believe that somehow Russian
hacking changed the vote of the American people; which no one has
yet explained even how that would work even if they could prove
that the Russians hacked into the DNC computers — which they
can’t even prove.  Especially since it’s been revealed now that
you can change the IP address; you can make it look like Russians
hacked into a computer, when in fact the hacking was done right
from someplace in Iowa.  So, this whole thing is completely a
fraud; and Julian Assange has made the point that there was no
hacking, as Binney and Ray McGovern said.  Assange explicitly it
was a leak; McGovern and Binney also said that this absolutely
could have been a leak.
There’s another breaking story — which we have not
confirmed independently — of interest, of Seth Rich, the 27-year
old DNC staffer who turned up dead.  There’s now some question as
to whether or not he was sending tens of thousands of emails to
Wikileaks.  As I said, that has not been yet confirmed by other
sources, but it just underscores that there was no crime
committed in terms of collusion between Trump and Russia.  The
Russians did not determine the outcome of this election.  I think
every sane American knows this; and frankly, most of the
Democratic Party knows this, they’re just completely gutless in
the face of this McCarthy-ite kind of witch-hunt against the
President, to tell the truth about what they know.  Which is that
the Democratic Party abandoned its traditional base; the
forgotten men and women who voted in large numbers for President
Trump.  The people who have skills who are currently unemployed;
who should be working for $50, $60, $70 an hour producing things
for the nation and the world; who are now either working at
McDonald’s or Walmart or are unemployed.  These are the people
that Trump’s campaign inspired to turn out in large numbers; that
was simply not being offered by the Democratic Party.
I will say that if you think about two times in history
which Mr. LaRouche talks about frequently: one is 1945, where the
British — through certain military tactics or failures —
delayed the end of World War II; they delayed the victory because
they were hoping that Franklin Roosevelt would be dead by the
time the war ended.  Because what FDR envisioned was a world
without a colonial empire; where the British, the French, the
Dutch, the Portuguese would give up their colonies, and nations
would have the right to develop.  Very much like what President
Xi Jinping is talking about at this time.  Mr. LaRouche was a
veteran of World War II; he was in the Pacific theatre at that
time — I believe in Burma — when Franklin Roosevelt died.  He
often describes his fellow troops coming to him and saying, “What
do you think is the meaning of this?”  And he said, “A very great
man” — FDR — “has been replaced by a very little man.”  That is
Truman, who was a complete lackey of the British; who presided
over the only use of nuclear bombs so far, which was done by the
United States on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  This was completely
unnecessary, because Japan was already preparing to surrender.
He also presided over the new Cold War; the division of the world
between these spheres of influence — geopolitics, which has so
much colored the way people think about things.
So LaRouche determined that, in a sense, his life’s work
would be to bring into existence a higher ordering state of
mankind; governments worthy of what it means to be truly human.
That has been his life’s mission.  And to that end, he
collaborated with others to create the conditions for the Reagan
Presidency, where with the Strategic Defense Initiative and
LaRouche’s forecast that the Soviet Union was going to
disintegrate economically, you had the collapse of the Berlin
Wall.  Now that was 28 years ago.  That changed the world; and
yet, you have people today — 28 years later — trying to act
like Russia is our enemy.  The British, who truly are the enemy
of the United States, are allies.  This is completely backwards.
Happily, the British Empire is right now operating from the
standpoint of complete strategic weakness.  The trans-Atlantic
financial system is totally bankrupt; they have shut down their
ability to produce.  They have tried to squash and stifle every
scientist in the trans-Atlantic world with this Green agenda,
this fear of global warming and climate change and all of this
baloney; which happily hasn’t worked.  We still have a lot of
creative people in the United States.  I think Kesha knows many
of them in the space program in Texas.  And what you have is that
China, with this Beijing conference, has consolidated a process
that has been underway and coming together for a very long time.
So, I would like to just urge everybody who is viewing this,
to take advantage of the material on the website.  I think Jason
was involved in producing a short video and a petition basically
saying let’s suck it up and tell the Congress to suck it up and
move on; that no one is interested in this witch-hunt against
President Trump.  What people {are} interested in, is organizing
an economic recovery, and we are very much on the brink of
success.  So, I would urge everyone to not be demoralized or
fearful.  We have to take the same approach as Lyndon LaRouche,
as President Trump has said now, to absolutely not give up; and
insure the United States joins this potential which has been
opened up.

ROSS:  Absolutely!  Part of the irony of this idea of a
Russian takeover of United States policy, is that if Russia took
over US policy, what are the policies that Russia is forcing
through?  Russia is not opposing Glass-Steagall.  The reason we
don’t have Glass-Steagall right now is because of Wall Street and
because of Presidents who capitulated to it; it’s not because of
Russia.  Joining the Belt and Road Initiative would make the most
possible sense for the United States right now.  Offering what we
have to offer to that; being part of an international development
program of infrastructure, that’s clearly in America’s best
interests.  Would that be some sort of a Russian plot?  The whole
thing just doesn’t make any sense.  The idea that people are
debating this and arguing whether or not Trump said something
inappropriate to Comey, while people are dying of opioids, while
communities are being devastated by unemployment and by a
collapsing economy in many parts of the country.  The idea of
worrying about this stuff, or making it an issue, makes it very
clear that these “facts” aren’t driving an investigation. What it
is, is an attempt to prevent a shift in policy in the United
States, and the fear that Trump would, indeed, play a role in
making that happen, is what has these people completely unhinged
and making up all sorts of complete nonsense and conspiracy
theorizing in order to throw him out.
I think if we look at what is being offered right now with
the initiative from the Belt and Road Forum, and you contrast
that with some empty platitudes about human rights and rights for
all coming from the West, you can’t protest unemployment; you
have to create development.  You need policies that are going to
make it happen; you need projects that are going to make it
happen.  You need a path towards a better future.  For us, this
requires overthrowing a concept of economics that we have had for
decades now, and replacing it with LaRouche’s concept of wealth
— not as money, but as the creation of an increased power of the
human species around its surroundings.
So, let me just wrap up by quoting the end of Helga
Zepp-LaRouche’s presentation at the Belt and Road Forum.  She
said: “When we organize our societies around scientific and
artistic discovery, we will perfect our knowledge on how we can
continuously advance the process of self-development of mankind;
intellectually, morally, and aesthetically.  And we will find our
freedom in necessity — doing our duty with passion!”
As Diane had mentioned, we have a petition; I’ll put it up
on the screen here.  The webpage that we’d like you to go to;
it’s  It is a petition; it begins with the video
that Diane had referred to, and then a call on the Congress to
focus on making this country a better place, revitalizing our
manufacturing and infrastructure, exploring space, working on
science, and ending the concept of regime change warfare.  That’s
something that should be our policy.  So, please go to  Sign and circulate the petition.  Our goal is
to get 100,000 signatures on this to force a response from the
White House, among other effects.  The primary effect, of course,
being Congress to whom the petition is directed.
Go there; do that; and let’s get to work!