LPAC-Interview med Fouad al-Ghaffari,
Yemen. BRIKS-ungdom i Yemen siger til
deres amerikanske partnere:
’Følg Lyndon LaRouches vise ord
og gå med i hans bevægelse’.
LaRouchePAC Internationale Webcast,
6. okt., 2017

Vært Matthew Ogden: I dag, mens vi taler, begås der en folkemordskrig mod Yemens folk. Denne krig, der nu har raset i godt to år, begås af det saudiske kongedømme, med den stiltiende og direkte støtte fra både USA’s regering og Det forenede Kongerige (UK). Denne støtte omfatter våbensalg for milliarder af dollars, som omfatter kampfly, ammunition og andre tunge våben, samt direkte støtte på slagmarken i form af overvågning og brændstofpåfyldning (i luften). Ifølge den seneste rapport fra FN er over 10.000 mennesker døde i denne krig; flest civile. Andre tusinder er såret. En stor del af dødsfaldene skyldes sygdom, inklusive kolera; og der er mindst 19 millioner mennesker, der har desperat behov for humanitær hjælp. 7 million mennesker har desperat behov for mad. De har imidlertid ikke haft mulighed for at få adgang til de nødvendige forsyninger, fordi saudierne har blokeret alle nødhjælpsforsendelser.

Mange amerikanere er fuldstændig ubevidst om denne menneskelige tragedie, der forårsages af en totalt uretfærdig og ulovlig aggressionskrig imod Yemens befolkning. En krig, der frem til i dag støttes af USA’s regering. For at gøre det amerikanske folk bekendt med dette folkemord, og for at stoppe blodbadet, der foregår, endnu mens vi taler, udstedte LaRouche Political Action Committee (LPAC) en nøderklæring for et par uger siden [17. sept.], med titlen, »Det Nye Silkevejsparadigmes fjende: Saudisk folkemord i Yemen« [dansk, 12. sept.; en senere EIR-opdatering, 17. sept. kan læses her, engelsk].

Indledningen lyder som følger:

»Nye afsløringer om Saudi-Arabiens rolle i 11. september-angrebene mod USA udgør påbuddet: Det igangværende saudiske folkemord mod Yemen må stoppe; de saudiskrelaterede netværk, der udfører sådanne forbrydelser imod menneskeheden, må overvindes. At handle på dette lægger vejen helt åben for hele verden, inklusive Mellemøsten, til at deltage i den Nye Silkevejs – Bælte & Vej Initiativets – fremstød for udvikling, som er den nødvendige proces for »fred gennem udvikling«, som behøves for at gøre en ende på evindelig krigsførelse i området.

Det, der blandt andet kræves, er skabelsen af en kommission til undersøgelse af Saudi-Arabiens handlinger imod Yemen. …

* Stands al udefra kommende indblanding i Yemen for at gøre det muligt at vende tilbage til den forhandlingsproces, der eksisterede, før bombeangrebene begyndte, og gå frem mod en løsning af nationale uoverensstemmelser.

* Levering af omgående mad, vand, sanitet, medicin, energi, sundhedsydelser og anden social nødhjælp, fuldt og helt.

* Levering af al anden humanitær og økonomisk hjælp, der er presserende nødvendig, især til transport, husly og logistik.

* Indledning af beredskab til internationalt samarbejde for at genopbygge Yemen og byde dets deltagelse i udviklingsfremstødet for den ’Maritime Silkevej’ for Eurasien-Afrika, velkommen.«

Erklæringen fortsætter – Endnu mens dette folkemord fortsætter,

»fortsætter UK og USA med at forsyne den saudiske ’koalition’, der begår dette kriminelle overgreb, med våben«.

Siden denne erklæring blev udstedt, er der kommet et meget vigtigt initiativ fra USA’s Kongres. En tværpolitisk gruppe af kongresmedlemmer har introduceret en samtidig resolution med titlen, »H.Con.Res.81«, som påbyder præsidenten, i overensstemmelse med sektion 5c af War Powers Resolution (fra 1973, der kontrollerer præsidentens beføjelser til at forpligte USA til en væbnet konflikt uden Kongressens samtykke, -red.), for at fjerne USA’s bevæbnede styrker fra de uautoriserede fjendtligheder i republikken Yemen. Dette lovforslag har nu 22 medsponsorer, inkl. kongresmedlemmerne Walter Jones, Thomas Massey, John Conyers, Barbara Lee, Tulsi Gabbard, Keith Ellison og flere andre. Dette er en meget vigtig intervention, der møder tiltrækning i Washington. En af de ting, I kan gøre, er omgående at tage kontakt til jeres kongresmedlem; ring omgående til dem og kræv, at de bliver medsponsorer af H.Con.Res.81.

Jeg har i dag en meget særlig gæst; hr. Fouad al-Ghaffari, der er med os fra Sana’a i Yemen, Yemens hovedstad. Hr. Al-Ghaffari er en tidligere diplomat og tidligere chef for kontoret for ministeren for menneskerettigheder i Yemen, og er nu grundlægger af og formand for Yemens Rådgivningsråd for Koordinering med BRIKS.

Det er en ære at have dig med os i dag, hr. al-Ghaffari. Velkommen til larouchepac.com. For det første vil jeg gerne spørge dig, om du kan beskrive for vore seere her, der ser dette interview, hvordan forholdene er på stedet i Sana’a, og i resten af Yemen?

Vi ved fra rapporter, at over 10.000 mennesker er blevet dræbt, og at landet konfronteres med en alvorlig humanitær krise. Hvad har virkningen af denne krig været på Yemens befolkning?

Her følger engelsk udskrift af resten af interviewet:

AL-GHAFFARI: First of all, I would like to bring you,
Matthew and the LaRouche PAC team, my warmest greetings from
Sana’a. These days we have been celebrating the third anniversary
of the September 21st revolution, and the 55th anniversary of the
September 26th revolution.
Last week, on September 21st, Mr. Saleh Al-Sammad, the
President of the Supreme Political Council, made a speech in the
center of Sana’a in a celebration attended and followed by
millions of Yemeni citizens. In his speech he praised the
position taken by the BRICS nations on Yemen in their recent
Xiamen Summit in China. He also sent a message to the UN General
Assembly on the occasion of the International Day of Peace.
[Shows video excerpt of Sept. 21 Sana’a speech by President
Saleh, with English subtitles]
Going back to your question, the war of aggression against
Yemen was preceded by different kind of wars launched against
Yemen by Wall Street and the international financial institutions
such as the World Bank and the IMF. Then it was followed by the
move by British Prime Minister David Cameron and President Barack
Obama, who bypassed their Parliament and Congress, to throw their
internal failures and their hatred upon Yemen. While the
operation to destroy Yemen was disguised in complex ways before,
the latter genocidal war is attempting to completely uproot
Yemen’s people and destroy their land. The Revolution of
September 21, 2014 was launched to prevent that from succeeding.
As for the effects of this war of aggression, which is
spearheaded by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, on the
living conditions here, they are really horrible and dark, and
they surpass any human reasoning as the war has turned to the law
of the jungle. The situation is so bad, that it is becoming
difficult to smile, or even remember how to smile. Sana’a,
relatively speaking is better off than other cities, but it lacks
all the ingredients of life and of progress that have been
prescribed by Lyndon LaRouche to the nations of the world. But
that puts us on an equal-footing with other capitals that lack
these same ingredients. But although Sana’a is breathing with big
difficulty, it is looking forward to a reconstruction project
that would become a unique model, if the world starts to realize
the uniqueness of Yemen’s geographic position.

OGDEN: As you know, the LaRouche movement has issued an
emergency statement which has been circulated internationally;
which is titled “Enemy of the Silk Road Paradigm: Saudi Genocide
in Yemen”.  This statement, as I said, has been circulated by the
LaRouche movement, including being distributed in front of the UN
General Assembly meeting and distributed to the missions there.
Now, you met with the Foreign Minister Hisham Sharaf — who
represents the popularly-approved government in Sana’a of former
President Ali Abdullah Saleh — and you delivered a copy of this
statement. What can you tell us about the content of your
conversation with him, and his response to the initiative that
the LaRouche Movement has taken?

AL-GHAFFARI: As you know, genocide is the mother of all
crimes, and we are facing an enemy which is randomly bombarding
our cities and blockading our ports, airports, and territories.
On top of that, the enemy is falsely telling the world that it
has the solution to our problem. Here, I would like to thank the
LaRouche Movement for issuing that statement. It is a reflection
of your well-recognized intellectual and moral principles that
are always thinking outside the box. This feature is really
His Excellency the Foreign Minister Hisham Sharaf is a
follower of your reports. He had sent a letter to Mrs. Helga
Zepp-LaRouche in March this year on the occasion of the Women’s
Day, and invited her to visit Yemen.
On the day the LaRouche Movement’s statement was released,
His Excellency was meeting with the envoy of the UN Human Rights
Commission. And just before the arrival of the with the new
chargé d’affaires of Russia, His Excellency asked me to come to
his office to inform me of his appreciation of the calls in the
statement, the first on stopping the Saudi-led aggression, and
the second on moving towards the reconstruction process along the
lines of the New Silk Road. At that meeting I also presented to
him the Chinese Foreign Ministry’s Policy Paper on the Arab
World, because that document, I believe, includes the correct
policy to be followed by the governments of the region.
In the next days, the Minister was following the campaign of
your movement on the streets of the many nations. Therefore, he
immediately sent a letter of appreciation to Mrs. LaRouche and
the entire international LaRouche Movement, assuring them that
Yemen is planning to become an active component in the vision and
the steps of building the New Silk Road to establish world peace.
He also said that Yemen will be a key global partner to
accomplish the UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030.

OGDEN: This meeting that you just told us about was covered
in the press; they covered the meeting that you held with
Minister Sharaf, and the press coverage featured the role of
Lyndon and Helga LaRouche. The article in the {Sana’a News} was
titled “Foreign Minister Receives the Statement of the LaRouche
Movement Concerning Yemen and Calling for Stopping the
Aggression.” How well known are Lyndon and Helga LaRouche in

AL-GHAFFARI: Both my first meeting with the Minister and the
letter His Excellency sent to Mrs. LaRouche were widely covered
in the Yemeni media.
For your question about the LaRouches, this makes me smile,
because Mr. Lyndon LaRouche has been known in Yemen for many
years by both the elites and the laymen. As for Mrs. LaRouche, I
guess I was the first to circulate her name among the elites, but
most importantly among the middle class which means the
As we say in Yemen, “he who does not appreciate other humans
does not appreciate the Creator.” I therefore would like to say
that [Arabic {EIR} editor] Mr. Hussein Askary has made the
biggest effort and carried the greatest burden to make the ideas
and visions of Mr. LaRouche accessible to the people in Yemen.
The issue was not “do you know LaRouche?” or “have you heard
about him?” The issue is what he is saying in reality, not what
Google says about him. The translation of the {EIR} report “The
New Silk Road Becomes the World Land-Bridge” into Arabic, which
was done by Mr. Askary, will be the talk of people in Yemen for
generations to come.

OGDEN: We certainly hope so.
In your view, what is the geopolitical purpose of this war
of aggression being waged against your people, there in Yemen by
the Saudis? Were this criminal war to be ended, how could things
change there, on the ground in Yemen? What could changes in terms
of the conditions of life?  And most of all, what is the role
Yemen could play in the overall New Silk Road?

AL-GHAFFARI: Geopolitically, the enemy wants to create a
breeding ground for terrorism to threaten the world with, and to
pay the financial debts of the evil empire. They also want to
pull Yemen away from the New Silk Road, and thus to destroy the
New Silk Road itself and the aspirations for achieving the
Sustainable Development Goals 2030, which were approved by the
nations of the world.
What Yemen can present to the world is a unique opportunity
to establish a true national credit bank, because the governing
alliance here has the power and authority to make this decision.
This could become, without any doubt, Yemen’s ticket to join the
train of the BRICS nations.
Another reason for this war is that Yemen could become a
strong regional guardian of the New Silk Road in all its three
routes: land, sea and space. The brains and arms of Yemen’s brave
soldiers, combined with modern technology can assure that.
But, in order to turn this situation around, Yemen must
fully join the New Silk Road, and build its own foundations and
structures on its principles and visions. This will give us
credibility in the eyes of our international friends, who will
see that we are as serious as the other nations that have been
admitted to this project. There is no luxury in this issue.
Yemen’s need for the elements of the New Silk Road project is as
greater as Yemen’s need for air to breathe, if we really realized
the dignity and happiness this Silk Road carries within it.

OGDEN: Yes, absolutely.  And we really admire the courageous
actions you have taken there.
Finally, I would just like to say, that the American people
have no idea currently what crimes are being perpetrated there in
Yemen, and the American people have to know that our government
and implicitly, we, ourselves, are complicit in this genocide,
due to our support for the Saudis, through arms sales and our
political alliance with that regime.
As you know, there have been efforts on the parts of
numerous members of Congress to bring a halt to these arms sales,
and also as we mentioned earlier in the show, the House
Concurrent Resolution 81 that has been introduced, to withdraw
the U.S. involvement in this war.  And there’s even been efforts
to bring attention to the Saudi royal family’s role in financing
the 9/11 attacks. There are currently lawsuits that are being
litigates by members of the families of the 9/11 victims.
Let me ask you: What would you say to the American people,
now that you’ve had a chance to show them what the conditions are
on the ground there in Yemen, and what the effects are that our
policy is having on the people of Yemen? What should American
citizens do to an end to this atrocity?

AL-GHAFFARI: We, the BRICS Youth in Yemen, would like to
thank those Congressmen who are our partners in humanity and
Yemen today is paying the bill of the 9/11 terrorist
attacks. We announce our solidarity with the families of the
victims of the 9/11 attacks. We feel that we and the American
people are in the same side, because their conditions are not
pleasing, as their politicians are more interested in enslaving
people around the world rather than solving the crises in Texas,
Florida, and the New York subways. All these policies, that are
crimes indeed, are due to the fact that the main culprit in the
9/11 attacks, the Saudis, have escaped the deserved punishment
until now.
Our advice to the American people is: Follow the wise words
of Lyndon LaRouche and join his movement!
LarouchePAC: Well, thank you so much for that advice, and
thank you so much for joining me here, today.  It was such a
pleasure, and a privilege for me to have had a chance to speak
with you, and it was truly an honor.
I would like to thank all of our viewers, who had the
opportunity to watch this extraordinary interview just now.
Thank you for tuning in.  And again, you can take action to stop
this atrocity right now, by calling your member of Congress, and
demanding that they cosponsor this resolution, House Concurrent
Resolution 81, — H.Con.Res.81.  And you can also help us
distribute this emergency statement which was issued by LaRouche
PAC.  The link to that statement in the description to this
webcast immediately below
So thank you, once again, to Fouad Al-Ghaffari for joining
us here today, and thank you for tuning in.  Please stay tuned to

AL-GHAFFARI:  Thanks to you, Matthew, and regards to Jason
and all.  We’ll see you very soon.