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Én uge fra i dag:
Et potentielt vendepunkt i historien.
LaRouche PAC Internationale Webcast,
27. okt., 2017

Én uge fra i dag:
Et potentielt vendepunkt i historien.
LaRouche PAC Internationale Webcast,
27. okt., 2017

Før vi kommer til disse historiske muligheder, der nu ligger foran præsident Trump under hans statsbesøg til Kina, så må vi rapportere om et meget signifikant, strategisk gennembrud, der har fundet sted her i USA. Det drejer sig om den historiske, potentielle vending af dette kup, der er blevet kørt imod præsident Trump internt fra de amerikanske institutioner, samt den kendsgerning, at, med afsløringer, der er kommet frem i løbet af de seneste 5-6 dage, så har dette kupforsøg totalt givet bagslag. Vi har nu mulighed for, ikke alene at fjerne den såkaldte narrativ, ’fortællingen’, om »Russia-gate«, der har hængt over præsident Trumps hoved siden før hans indsættelse; men vi har også mulighed for at nedtage hele dette apparat, denne organisation, der har kørt dette kupforsøg.

Vært Matthew Ogden: Det er den 27. okt., 2017, og jeg er Matthew Ogden med vores ugentlige fredags-webcast fra larouchepac.com.

Som I kan se her på skærmen, er titlen på dagens webcast »Én uge fra i dag: Et potentielt vendepunkt i historien«. Som I ser her, har vi vores kalender, som vi krydser dagene af på, som vi nærmer os den historiske rejse, præsident Trump skal foretage til Asien. Han rejser om en uge fra dags dato, altså om nøjagtig en uge på næste fredag. Vi har talt dagene ned til, at denne historiske rejse vil finde sted; og vi ved, at der kunne indgås nogle potentielt historiske aftaler mellem ikke alene ham og præsident Xi Jinping fra Kina, men også mellem ham og premierminister Abe fra Japan og andre lande. Men dette, langs linjerne af, at USA tilslutter sig det Nye Paradigme for udvikling, der er vokset frem fra Eurasien generelt, men meget specifikt fra præsident Xi Jinpings handlinger i Kina.

Før vi kommer til disse historiske muligheder, der nu ligger foran præsident Trump under hans statsbesøg til Kina, så må vi rapportere om et meget signifikant, strategisk gennembrud, der har fundet sted her i USA. Det drejer sig om den historiske, potentielle vending af dette kup, der er blevet kørt imod præsident Trump internt fra de amerikanske institutioner, samt den kendsgerning, at, med afsløringer, der er kommet frem i løbet af de seneste 5-6 dage, så har dette kupforsøg totalt givet bagslag. Vi har nu mulighed for, ikke alene at fjerne den såkaldte narrativ, ’fortællingen’, om »Russia-gate«, der har hængt over præsident Trumps hoved siden før hans indsættelse; men vi har også mulighed for at nedtage hele dette apparat, denne organisation, der har kørt dette kupforsøg.

Jeg vil gerne begynde med at læse den erklæring, som LaRouche PAC udstedte i går om spørgsmålet om de afsløringer, der er kommet frem om Hillary Clintons rolle og DNC’s rolle i at finansiere denne såkaldte »oppositions-research« fra den britiske agent Christopher Steeles side, samt den kendsgerning, at det faktisk har vist sig, at den udenlandske magt, der blandede sig i USA’s demokratiske valgproces, ikke var Rusland, men derimod Storbritannien. Denne erklæring har titlen, » BAM! Clinton Colluded with the British — Part of the Coup Is Now Exposed« (Bang! Clinton indgik aftalt spil med briterne – En del af kuppet nu afsløret). Det lyder som følger:


»Hillary Clinton-kampagnen og Demokraternes Nationalkomite har indrømmet, at de direkte finansierede den britiske efterretningsagent Christopher Steeles arbejde. Indrømmelsen, der er indeholdt i et brev fra Perkins, Coie, LLP, Rådgivere for DNC og Hillary i 2016, er det første træ i skoven, der falder, under forudsætning af, at vi bevarer fokus på de strategiske årsager til kuppet og de faktiske mekanismer, de er i spil. Dette fokus må holdes på briterne for deres rolle i at forsøge at diktere det amerikanske valg med det strategiske formål at opretholde det dekadente og kollapsende, anglo-amerikanske imperium efter Anden Verdenskrig. Som vi demonstrerer i vores dossier om Robert Mueller, så, hver gang, I hører, at Rusland gjorde noget for at blande sig i vore valg, så udskift det med ’briterne’, og I vil være på sandhedens kurs.

At fokusere på det britiske Steele-dossier, der er blevet udbredt i dette land som et resultat af en alliance mellem Orbis Business Intelligence, et firma med direkte og fortsatte bånd til MI6, og Fusion GPS, nominelt hjemmehørende i Delaware og Washington, D.C., er nøglen til ikke alene at stoppe kuppet mod præsidenten, men også til at afsløre Obama-administrationens embedsfolks forbrydelser med oprindeligt at forsøge at vinde valget for Hillary Clinton, og dernæst, at forsøge at ødelægge præsident Trumps præsidentskab. Man vil huske, at Richard Nixon brugte USA’s officielle efterretningstjenester til at ramme og tilsvine sine politiske modstandere. Det er forbrydelser i denne størrelsesorden, vi her ser.«

Det er altså de to første afsnit af en erklæring, der blev udstedt af LaRouche PAC i går; igen med titlen »BAM! Clinton Colluded with the British — Part of the Coup Is Now Exposed«. Jeg vil opfordre jer til at læse memoet i sin helhed, den fulde erklæring, for det indeholder mange flere detaljer, som er meget nødvendige at kende mht. baggrund. Men vi viste lige billedet af Robert Mueller-dossieret på skærmen. Det lyder, »Rober Mueller er en umoralsk, juridisk morder. Han vil gøre sit job, hvis I giver ham lov«. Dette dossier er nu blevet cirkuleret i omkring tre eller fire uger, en måneds tid; og det har haft en meget signifikant virkning med at vende ’narrativen’ omkring Russia-gate. Det har faktisk fremtvunget et bagslag i ansigtet på det apparat, der har forsøgt at køre dette kupforsøg mod den amerikanske administration. Faktisk er, som denne erklæring, jeg netop oplæste, påpeger, den kendsgerning, at Hillary Clinton og embedsfolk i Obama-administrationen bevidst brugte amerikanske efterretningstjenester i aftalt spil med en britisk efterretningsagent for at forsøge at udføre oppositions-research og afpresning mod først, på den ene side, en præsidentkandidat, og dernæst, efter han faktisk var blevet valgt og indsat, en siddende amerikansk præsident. Dette er noget, der når op i samme størrelsesorden som det, der tvang Richard Nixon til at træde tilbage – at bruge amerikanske efterretningstjenester til at ramme og tilsvine deres politiske modstandere.

Det, der er kommet frem efter denne afsløring, er voksende krav om Robert Muellers tilbagetræden som leder af denne efterforskning. Dette er meget betydningsfuldt og i overensstemmelse med linjerne i dossieret, udgivet af LaRouche PAC; denne specialefterretningsrapport med titlen, »Robert Mueller Is an Amoral, Legal Assassin«. Vi er nu ved at nå det punkt, hvor folk begynder at forstå præcis, hvad det er, de kører, og disse krav om Robert Muellers tilbagetræden er ekstremt signifikante.

Her følger engelsk udskrift af resten af webcastet.

So, first what I’m going to put on the screen here is the
editorial which was published in the Wall Street Journal [Fig.
3].  As you can see, this is titled “Democrats, Russians and the
FBI.  Did the Bureau use disinformation to trigger its Trump
probe?”  Now, before I get into the details of this, let me
forewarn you.  The attempt to try to bring the Russians in on
this is something which should be pointed out, that this is not a
question.  This is not the FBI being used as Russian
disinformation, but in fact, anybody who is clever enough to
point out that this is actually an attempt to divert the
attention from the British.  But the call by the {Wall Street
Journal} to have Robert Mueller resign, is a very significant
aspect of this editorial.  So, let me read you some excerpts from
this editorial.
“The Washington Post revealed Tuesday that the Hillary
Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee jointly paid
for that infamous dossier, full of Russian disinformation against
Donald Trump.  They filtered the payments through a US law firm,
Perkins, Coie, which hired the opposition research hitmen at
Fusion GPS.  Fusion in turn, tapped a former British spook,
Christopher Steele to compile the allegations.  This news is all
the more explosive because the DNC and Clinton campaign hid their
role, even amid the media furor after BuzzFeed published the
Steele dossier in January.  Reporters are now saying that Clinton
campaign officials lied to them about their role in the dossier.
Current DNC chair Tom Perez and former chair Debbie
Wasserman-Schultz deny knowing about the dossier arrangement, but
someone must have known.
“Two pertinent questions:  Did the dossier trigger the FBI
probe of the Trump campaign?  And, did Mr. Comey or his agents
use it as evidence to seek wiretapping approval from the Foreign
Intelligence Surveillance Court, of Trump campaign aides?
Congressional investigators need to focus on the FBI’s role, and
House Speaker Paul Ryan was correct on Wednesday to insist that
the Bureau comply with Congress’ document demands ‘immediately’.
All of this also raises questions about Special Counsel Robert
Mueller’s investigation.  The Fusion GPS news means the FBI’s
role in Russia’s election interference must now be investigated;
even as the FBI and Justice insist that Mr. Mueller’s probe
prevents them from cooperating with Congressional investigators.
Mr. Mueller is a former FBI Director, and for years he worked
closely with Mr. Comey.  It is no slur against Mr. Mueller’s
integrity to say that he lacks the critical distance to conduct a
credible probe of the Bureau he ran for a dozen years.  He could
best serve the country by resigning, to prevent further political
turmoil over that conflict of interest.”
So, again, this is a very significant break in this case;
and a very significant call by the Wall Street Journal
Editorial Board for Robert Mueller to resign as Special Counsel.
Now following that editorial, there was an editorial which
was published in the Washington Examiner [Fig. 4], as you can
see here on your screen.  This is by Byron York, and the title of
that editorial is “After Trump Dossier Revelation, FBI Is Next”.
This goes even further, placing the role of the FBI squarely in
the center of what should be being investigated around this
entire Steele dossier.  So, let me read some excerpts from this
editorial for you.
“Investigators looking into the so-called “Trump dossier”
were not surprised when news broke Tuesday night that the Hillary
Clinton campaign and the DNC, working through the Democrats’ law
firm, Perkins Coie, financed the ‘salacious and unverified’
compilation of allegations of Trump collusion with Russia”.
“But knowing that the Clinton campaign, the DNC, and Perkins
Coie supported the dossier is not the end of the story. The most
important next step is the FBI.
“Sometime in October 2016 — that is, at the height of the
presidential campaign — Christopher Steele, the foreign agent
hired by Fusion GPS to compile the Trump dossier, approached the
FBI with information he had gleaned during the project. According
to a February report in the Washington Post, Steele ‘reached an
agreement with the FBI a few weeks before the election for the
bureau to pay him to continue his work.’
“It was an astonishing turn: the nation’s top federal law
enforcement agency agreeing to fund an ongoing opposition
research project being conducted by one of the candidates in the
midst of a presidential election.”
“The new Clinton/DNC/Perkins Coie revelation will likely
increase pressure on the FBI to explain what it did, and did not
do, with the dossier.“

“Republican investigators had two big questions about the
dossier. One was who paid for it, and that now seems answered.
The other was: Did the FBI or other agencies use any information
from the dossier as a basis for warrant requests before the
[FISA] Court? In other words, did, say, the FBI use the dossier’s
“salacious and unverified” information to make the case that the
bureau should be granted the authority to conduct intercepts?…
“When the Post story broke Tuesday night, some journalists
noted that Democrats involved in the story had been lying about
their role.”
“Yes, they did. But the importance of the Democrats’
involvement in the dossier is that it could be one step on the
road to a bigger story. What did the FBI do with the dossier
material? Did judges make surveillance decisions in the
Trump-Russia investigation based in whole or in part on the
dossier? To what degree is the ‘salacious and unverified’ dossier
the source of what we think we know about allegations of
collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign?
“In the end, a House subpoena squeezed the information out
of key players in the who-funded-the-dossier side of the story.
But so far, the FBI has been much harder to crack.”
So, both of those editorials serve a very important purpose
in continuing to crack open this entire false narrative around
the so-called “Russia-gate” Trump-Russia collusion.  And in fact,
they place squarely in the center the true characters who should
be being investigated.  On the one hand, Robert Mueller should
resign, because he has an obvious conflict of interest; and on
the other hand, the question should be:  What was the Federal
Bureau of Investigation doing funding or offering to fund
Christopher Steele, who is a foreign intelligence agent — a
British intelligence agent — to run an opposition research
campaign against a major party Presidential candidate, and then
following that, continuing to use that salacious material that
was put together by Christopher Steele to attempt to blackmail
President Trump and then to release that and to use it to
continue to run this false narrative Russia-gate campaign against
him?  So, the entire story at its source is a total fraud.  As
now several members of the US Senate — Joe Manchin pointed this
out in an interview with CNN — in fact, this should not be a
question of Russian intelligence meddling in the US electoral
campaign; but really, this is a question of British intelligence
meddling in the US campaign, and colluding with Hillary Clinton
and the FBI.
So, this is exactly case which was laid out in that dossier
which LaRouche PAC issued on Robert Mueller.  In fact, going even
further back, as you can see here from a copy of the
Hamiltonian [Fig. 5] which is titled “VIPs Report Shows
Russia-gate Is a Fraud”; then in the subtitle it says, “The
British role in the coup against the President; a Master Class”.
This is from August 11th of this year, so going even further
back.  This is the story, and in fact, it’s been the activities
of the LaRouche PAC breaking this open as the story.
It’s very significant that this has broken at the time that
it has, because we’ve been continuing this countdown to President
Trump’s visit to Asia; most importantly, his state visit to
China.  To break open this entire false narrative is very
significant in the week leading up to his sit-down meeting with
President Xi Jinping.  There are also reports that he might have
a sit-down meeting with President Putin in the context of the
ASEAN summit as well.
President Trump had an interview on Fox News the evening
after those two editorials came out.  This is an interview with
Lou Dobbs from just this past Wednesday, October 25th.  In that
interview, he denounced the entire so-called Russia-gate dossier
as a total fraud and a disgrace.  He said the entire narrative
has fallen apart.  He reported that a high-level official who he
didn’t name, who had a meeting with him in the White House, said
that this Russia, Russia, Russia story has been hanging like a
dark cloud over his head since the day that he became President.
The fact that this is now clearing away is a very positive thing.
Then, what President Trump also had to say in this interview, is
that it would be very positive not only to work with Russia, but
also to develop a positive relationship with China.
So, let me put on the screen here, this is a still image
[Fig. 6] from this interview, and you can see up in the upper
corner, the title is “Trump: Russian dossier is a disgrace.”  But
you can also see here, this is the subtitle which was put on the
screen — “Trump: We have a very good relationship with China.”
President Trump is reporting in this that he just had gotten off
the phone with President Xi Jinping of China, congratulating him
for his elevation to be President and Chairman of the Party for
another five years.  So, here are some quotes from what President
Trump had to say during that interview with Lou Dobbs.  He said
the following:
[Fig. 7] “I want to say this:  I think it would be great if
we got along with Russia. I don’t think there’s anything wrong
with getting along.  You know, they are a power.  They’re a
nuclear power.  I think we could have a good relationship.  I
think that the North Korean situation would be easier settled,
and I just spoke to the President of China.  I congratulated him
on his big victory at the CPC National Congress.”
[Fig. 8] “But it would be wonderful if we could speak to
China and Russia.  I just spoke to President Xi Jinping a few
minutes ago, just before I walked into the room.  You know,
something has been given to him that’s never been — it’s really
virtually never happened in China.  He’s been given powers that
nobody’s been given since Mao.  He’s a very powerful man.  I
happen to think he’s a very good person.”
[Fig. 9] “Now, with that being said, he represents China.  I
represent the USA.  So, you know, there’s always going to be
conflict.  But we have a very good relationship.  People say we
have the best relationship of any President-President.  We have a
very good relationship, and that’s a positive thing.  It would be
good to have that relationship with Russia and other countries,
[Fig. 10] “I’ll be going there, to China, in two weeks.
We’re going to Beijing and other places, wherever he would like
to take me.  And we’ll be spending two days there, and we’re
going also to Japan and South Korea.  And it will be, I think,
hopefully, it’s historic and positive.”
So, this is what President Trump had to say about his
upcoming visit to Beijing and his upcoming meeting with President
Xi Jinping.  Hopefully, it will be historic and positive.  He was
very complimentary to President Xi Jinping and said repeatedly
that they have a very close personal relationship and that
President Trump personally thinks that President Xi Jinping is a
very good man.  So, this is obviously in accordance with exactly
what we’ve seen since President Xi Jinping’s state visit here to
the United States earlier this year.  And this personal
relationship continues to be very positive.
Now, with President Trump’s upcoming visit to China, it’s
very significant that President Xi Jinping has not only secured
this very powerful position in China with his re-election to be
party chairman for another five years and President of China.
But also the fact that the Chinese Communist Party has placed Xi
Jinping’s thought as central to the Chinese Party Constitution;
and that includes the Belt and Road Initiative.  This Belt and
Road Initiative and everything that that entails, including the
“win-win” perspective in terms of Chinese relationship with the
rest of the world, and this New Paradigm of relationships between
nations, this has been enshrined in the Chinese Constitution.
What President Xi Jinping had to say in this very significant
speech that he delivered to the Chinese Party Congress is
something which Helga Zepp-LaRouche had some very important
remarks about during her international webcast on the Schiller
Institute YouTube channel yesterday.
So, what I’m going to do for you here, is play an excerpt
from the beginning of Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s remarks during that
webcast yesterday.  You’ll hear her analysis of what President Xi
Jinping had to say; the significance of that Party Congress; and
the potential significance of the opportunities that President
Trump has ahead of him as he departs next week — a week from
today — for his trip to Asia and his state visit to China.  So,
here’s what Helga Zepp-LaRouche had to say:


First of all, I would like to note
the fact that the Western media in their either non-coverage or
what they decide to focus on, are just completely ridiculous.
The main attention they paid to the fact that Xi Jinping did not
present a visible successor.  Now, he was just voted for five
more years, so this is obviously not the key point.  But what
this Congress represents is a strategic shift; it is in line with
the Belt and Road Initiative and the whole new model of
international relations China has developed under the leadership
of Xi Jinping.  I think the West has not caught up with what this
is actually all about.  They are so much behind the curve, it is
almost absurd.  Because I think what Xi Jinping has accomplished
in the five years of his Presidency so far — the previous five
years — is he has successfully taken on some of the problems
China had; such as corruption, such as a slowing economy, and
various other problems.  So, he has actually been extremely
successful; and everybody who has been in China and looked at it
without prejudices could not help noticing it.  That it has led
to a population which for the most part is very satisfied — 83%
of the people are absolutely happy about what the government is
doing.  I would like to see the Western country which has such
approval rates.
But what has happened at this 19th national congress is
truly amazing, because in more than a week duration, what Xi
Jinping has consolidated the party around is a many-fold
perspective, which I want to start to discuss various aspects of.
First of all, in the immediate next three years until 2020, the
aim is to eliminate poverty, to lift the remaining 42 million
people who are presently living in poverty in China above that
level.  Now, that compares with a similar amount of people in the
United States, except that China is about four times bigger than
the population of the United States. And it compares with the
roughly 120 million poor people in the European Union, who are
poor since 20 years and nothing has been done about it and there
is no perspective to eliminate poverty in the EU.  The next
period from 2020 to 2035, the aim is to make China a moderately
prosperous, functioning socialist country.  And then from 2035
until 2050, China is to become a completely developed,
harmonious, culturally advanced, democratic socialist, and
beautiful country.
Now, there is an additional element.  First of all, what
impressed me very much is the focus of Xi Jinping and other
people who spoke, on the purpose of this all; namely, that it is
the improvement of the lives of people, that people should live a
better, happier life.  That is lacking in the discussion in the
West completely.  That the aim of politics is that people should
be happy; happiness is an inalienable right which was, after all,
in the Declaration of Independence of the young United States.
But there is another aspect to it.  Xi Jinping, especially in his
concluding remarks, talked about a socialist model with Chinese
characteristics for a new era.  The aim, which was formulated
very explicitly, was that China will take a global role in
creating a beautiful future for all of mankind.  Now that is
really something.  When has any Western politician had a vision
to create a beautiful future for all of humanity?  You have to go
back a long way until you find people even thinking in these
terms.  I think that China has provided a model of international
governance and international relationships based on sovereignty,
respect for the other social model of the other country; in other
words, non-interference.  No attempt to change the system to the
Western model or to their own model, but to respect the other
country’s sovereignty.
I think that this is an incredible perspective, because if
you look at it from the long arch of human history, this was an
initiative that had to be made at a certain point in the
development of humanity.  There had to be at some point somebody
to say, “We are the human species.  The human species is one.”
Xi Jinping always calls it “the shared community for the future
of mankind”.  A vision how we can organize our affairs on this
planet in such a way that the result of it is a good life for all
people living on this planet.
Now, Westerners tend to not understand that; they tend to
either overlook it and say it’s propaganda, it’s just Communist
rhetoric.  Or they cannot imagine that it could be true, because
they themselves are so unused to think in these terms that the
power of imagination is completely lacking to imagine that there
could be a political leader who thinks that way.  But I’m
absolutely convinced that Xi Jinping is a Confucian man; that he
wants to shape the world in a Confucian harmonic way.  I think
that the West should really — people in the West who want to
understand what’s going on, they should not just push it aside,
but really try to get a grasp of it.  It’s a tremendous
potentiality for all of humanity which must be supported and
should be taken up.  I think it’s important that people undergo
the intellectual integrity to try to understand what he is
talking about.

HARLEY SCHLANGER:  I found it very interesting that he
traced the period that he described as a miserable period for
China to the Opium War.

OGDEN:  And so as you could see, just in the very end there, that
was Harley Schlanger who interviewed Helga Zepp-LaRouche.  He was
pointing out that also part of Xi Jinping’s speech was that he
said the disgrace that China felt under the colonial powers.  He
didn’t obviously reference directly, but saying the Opium War,
which is a direct reference to the British Empire; that this is
something that China has recovered from, and has fought and
struggled its way back from being a disgraced, ruined country to
reclaiming its great role as one of the ancient civilizations on
Earth.  And a leading power now; in fact, one of the leading
great powers of the future.
Now at the conclusion of the CPC Party Congress, the Party
issued a final resolution which located what Xi Jinping had to
say in the global context of a vision for what China is seeking
to accomplish over the coming years.  The 5 years, 25 years, and
a vision for the next 50 years.  They announced their commitment
to “preserving world peace and promoting common development”.
They also said that the keystone of that mission is to “actively
promote international cooperation through the Belt and Road
Initiative”, and they said that the “win-win” approach which has
been formulated, articulated, and championed by President Xi
Jinping will “help China work together with the peoples of all
countries to build an open, inclusive, clean, and beautiful world
that enjoys lasting peace, universal security, and common
Now, obviously, included in that and a major aspect of that
will be China’s offers to work with the people of the United
States; to build that kind of new world of common prosperity,
universal security, and lasting peace. “A beautiful world”, in

the words of Xi Jinping.  So, it will be the question for
President Trump as he departs for this trip.  Will he reciprocate
those offers from his personal friend, President Xi Jinping, and
will that personal relationship on the level of these two
Presidents turn into a formal international bilateral
relationship between the United States and China in the context
of the United States joining the Belt and Road Initiative, the
New Silk Road.
Helga Zepp-LaRouche, later in that webcast, was very
confident that there are strong possibilities that exactly that
kind of agreement could come out of these meetings.  It’s clear
that China will be offering this, since it has been such a
central aspect of President Xi Jinping’s agenda, and now is
written into the Constitution of the Chinese nation.  But it will
also be clear that President Trump, who is under massive pressure
to follow through on his promises to rebuild the infrastructure
of the United States — a commitment which he just rearticulated
during a trip to Texas, where he met with Governor Abbott.  He
said, “I’m the builder President, you know”; and said that he
will be assisting in funding some of the flood control
infrastructure that Texas so desperately needs.  It’s obvious
that President Trump will have infrastructure on his mind; and
it’s also been reported that he will be travelling along with a
retinue of other business leaders from the United States, all of
whom understand that US business would have everything to gain
from the United States cooperating directly with President Xi
Jinping and the Chinese New Silk Road initiative.
So, there are very strong indications that we could emerge
from this Presidential visit to China with a completely new world
on our hands.  It’s very significant that the coup attempt
against President Trump is now disintegrating here in the United
States; which will be giving him much more freedom to act with
the authority that he requires to make these kinds of bold policy
decisions in the United States.  This Presidency, which has been
under continuous attack since Day 1, since its inception, now
will regain some of the necessary freedom of action that it needs
to follow through on some of these bold visions that President
Trump laid out during his campaign.
Let me just conclude by saying that it will be our job to
continue to follow up on this campaign to break this coup
attempt; with the confidence now that these revelations have come
out about the role that the DNC and the Clinton campaign played
directly in financing British agent Christopher Steele’s
so-called opposition research.  Then the role that the FBI played
in following up on that and continuing that process of collusion
with the British intelligence foreign entity to try to bring down
a sitting US President.  It will also be incumbent on us over the
coming seven days, the coming week between now and President
Trump’s departure, to continue with our education campaign to
educate the American people and the American leadership on
exactly what the significance is of what you just heard from
Helga Zepp-LaRouche, what just occurred at this Party Congress in
Beijing; and what the significance of China’s offers to the
United States to join the New Silk Road are.
So, one the very important aspects of that will be a meeting
up in New York City, which will be occurring tomorrow.  This is
our regular Manhattan town hall meeting.  Will Wertz, who is an
editor with {Executive Intelligence Review} and has appeared on
this broadcast over the last couple of weeks a few times; Will
Wertz will be preparing a presentation on exactly what is the
philosophical basis for this emerging New Paradigm which the
United States and China could collaborate on bringing about.  He
has gone back to some of the papers that Lyndon LaRouche wrote
about ten years ago, which were compiled in a book called
Earth’s Next Fifty Years.  One of major papers in that was
titled “The Coming Eurasian World”.  In that paper, Lyndon
LaRouche, going all the way back to the philosophy of the
European Renaissance, Nicholas of Cusa, and other thinkers of
that time; but also, some of the thinking of Vladimir Vernadsky
and other more contemporary philosophers and scientists, laid
exactly what is the scientific and philosophical basis for this
kind of new mode of cooperation among mankind for the common
benefit of all of the human race.  Or, as Xi Jinping calls it,
“the common destiny of the community of man”.
So, that presentation by Will Wertz will be very significant
in terms of continuing to articulate exactly what this New
Paradigm which the United States now has the opportunity to join,
will be.
So, let me put on the screen here in conclusion, the title
image [Fig. 11] of our broadcast again here today, as we continue
to countdown on our calendar the days between now and President
Trump’s departure for Asia.  As you can see, the title of our
broadcast was “One Week from Today: A Potential Turning-Point in
History”.  So, if you look at that calendar, we have seven days
left in our continuing campaign.  If the last seven days are any
indication, history can definitely change very rapidly between
now and President Trump’s departure for his state visit to China.
So, thank you all for tuning in, and please stay tuned to

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