Kejseren går rundt i den bare
skjorte! Storbritanniens
forbrydelser er afsløret!
LaRouchePAC Internationale
Webcast, 20. april, 2018

Vært Matthew Ogden: Som I ser her på skærmen, er titlen på aftenens udsendelse »Storbritanniens forbrydelser er afsløret!«. Som Helga Zepp-LaRouche forudsagde for et par uger siden, så er, med hele litaniet af svindelnumre, der nu er afsløret som totale løgne, fra det ubekræftede og slibrige Christopher Steele-dossier, som er så centralt for Russiagate-operationen her i USA, til den angivelige Skripal-forgiftning i England og frem til Assads såkaldte angreb på sit eget syriske folk med »kemiske våben«, briterne kommet i front og centrum. Som Helga Zepp-LaRouche sagde, »briterne er gået for vidt, og maskerne vil snart falde«. Det var, hvad hun forudsagde. Hun forudsagde, at bagslaget fra disse operationer ville være så stort, at Det britiske Imperiums perfiditet snart ville stå afsløret, for hele verden at beskue.
Vi er nu her i dag, og vi har nu nået dette punkt. Husk, at, på præcis den samme aften for Donald Trumps ukloge beslutning om at foretage luftangrebene, de missilangreb, han lancerede mod de syriske militære installationer, skrev det Russiske Udenrigsministerium kæmpe avisoverskrifter. Dette var for en uge siden sidste fredag. De hævdede offentligt, at de var i besiddelse af beviser, som viste, at det angivelige angreb med kemiske våben mod den syriske civilbefolkning fandt sted under falsk flag; at det var iscenesat og styret af britisk efterretning via deres frontorganisation, kendt som de Hvide Hjelme. Her ser vi hovedoverskriften i New York Post: »Rusland hævder, Storbritannien iscenesatte kemisk angreb i Syrien«. De gik virkelig i detaljer og hævdede, at britisk efterretning havde beordret – lagt pres på – de Hvide Hjelme til at iscenesætte disse videos og bruge dem som provokation for, som det lød, »at få Donald Trump til at gå i musefælden og gå ind i en krig i Syrien«.
Her følger resten af webcastet i engelsk udskrift:

Vasly Vereshchagin: ‘The Devil’s Wind’
Then, a week prior to that, the Russian Foreign Ministry had
issued a statement calling into question whether British
intelligence had actually been responsible for orchestrating the
nerve agent attack on the Skripals — the father and his daughter
— as a provocation to attempt to start a war with Russia.
Here’s what Sergey Lavrov had to say. He said, “There are other
explanations besides those that were put forward by our Western
colleagues, who declare that it can only be the Russians who are
responsible.” He said, “Experts say that it would be highly
advantageous to the British security services as well, who are
well known for their capacity to act with a ‘license to kill’.
It could also be advantageous to the British government, who
clearly find themselves in a difficult situation, having failed
to fulfill their promises to voters over Brexit. In the times of
the Cold War, there were some rules. But now, Britain and the
United States have dropped all propriety.” Then the Russian
Foreign Ministry put out a statement demanding that the burden of
proof lay on the British, not the Russians, to prove that they,
in fact, were not responsible for poisoning the Skripals. What
the Russian Foreign Minister said is that they demanded that
London prove that British secret intelligence agents weren’t
responsible for poisoning the Skripals. Here’s the text of a
statement [Fig. 2] that was put out by the Russian Foreign
Ministry. They said:
“An analysis of all the circumstances, leads us to think of
the possible involvement in the Skripal poisoning by the British
intelligence services. If convincing evidence to the contrary is
not presented to the Russian side, we will consider that we are
dealing with an attempt on the lives of our citizens as a result
of a massive political provocation.”
So, that was March 28th. It’s clear. The Russians are not
pulling any punches when it comes to calling out the British and
identifying the methods that British intelligence is notorious
for using to stage provocations; what they called “massive
political provocations” intended to pull the world into a World
War. And it has to be understood as such; there is nothing short
of that as the intended goal. As Theresa May herself declared,
her ambition is to re-establish the British as what she called “a
global Britain”; to re-establish the global power of the British
It’s clear that the Russians have made a decision at the
very highest levels of their government, to openly go after the
British Empire by name. It doesn’t seem that they intend to
retreat from that strategy.
A major development occurred yesterday afternoon, where, in
an extensive press briefing, the spokeswoman for the Russian
Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, waged a full frontal attack on
the British Empire by name, and its record of genocide, coups
d’état around the world, and targeted political assassinations.
She presented a 17-page dossier that went through a litany of
British crimes and British killing. It was a no-holds barred
presentation. Now, because you’re guaranteed not to see coverage
of this presentation on your local cable news network, or in the
Washington Post or the New York Times, we’re going to share
with you an extensive selection from this press briefing. Not
everything, because we definitely would not have time. But I
just want to give you a taste of what Foreign Ministry
spokeswoman Maria Zakharova when through in this press briefing.
Under the subhead “Political Crimes Committed by the UK”,
this is what she had to say:
“And now I am asking everyone to fasten their belts. During
a briefing on the OPCW report held for the international
diplomatic community on April 13, UK Ambassador to Russia Laurie
Bristow said that ‘the Russian state has a record in
state-sponsored assassinations including in the UK.’ It is not
the first Russophobic statement made by a UK official, or, for
that matter, not the first UK statement that is an offense to
law, standards of decency or any morals. But it’s not the main
point. Let’s put aside morals and the law and talk about something
different. Maybe the UK Ambassador does not know his own country’s
history, role and involvement in processes that took place in
other countries over the past centuries. I don’t think Mr. Bristow
is to blame for absence of law in the UK. He probably just doesn’t
know his country’s history. I think now is the time to fill this
cognitive vacuum and tell the world something about Britain’s
history and its international activities and their consequences.
Let us talk about state contracts, assassinations and Britain’s
“Let’s start with modern history. It is not a common subject,
but Britain was one of the most ruthless metropolises in terms of
the repressive actions it took in its colonies and dependent
territories. On November 22, 2017, British journalist and writer
Afua Hirsch wrote in the Guardian that ‘from the Norman
conquest of Ireland in the 12th century, the English began
imagining themselves as the new Romans, persuading themselves
they were as duty-bound to civilize “backward” tribes as they
were destined to exploit their resources, land and labour.’
“This accepted view of Britain’s history completely
overshadows some inconvenient facts. If the motive is what
matters most of all, nobody wants to know the details. But today
we will be speaking about details. The establishment of
concentration camps in the Boer War that later inspired the Nazis
death camps, the cultural annihilation of kingdoms and palaces
from Ashanti to Beijing, British army massacres in Ireland and
the devastation of Bengal, the industrial-scale exploitation of
natural resources and the slave trade. These are only the most
glaring facts.
“The impact of colonial rule in India was extremely
devastating. In 1930, American historian Will Durant published a
book about the history and life in India, The Case for India.
His study of India brought him to the following conclusion: ‘The
more I read the more I was filled with astonishment and
indignation at the apparently conscious and deliberate bleeding
of India by England throughout a hundred and fifty years. I began
to feel that I had come upon the greatest crime in all history.’
“Britain has left fault lines across the globe, which is
most acutely felt in the South Asian subcontinent, where a single
nation was forcibly split into two in 1947. Today each of these
parts is overcoming the consequences of the British colonial
‘legacy’ on its own. Member of Parliament, former UN
Under-Secretary General Shashi Tharoor, an astute statesman who
once ran for UN Secretary-General and deservedly enjoys respect
the world over has repeatedly stated that the British authorities
suffer from ‘historical amnesia’ as regards their imperial
atrocities. One has to agree. Speaking at Oxford on July 22,
2015, he said: ‘India’s share of the world economy when Britain
arrived on its shores was 23%. By the time the British left it
was down to below 4%. Why? Simply, because India had been governed
for the benefit of Britain. Britain’s rise for 200 years was
financed by its depredations in India.’ According to Dr.
Tharoor, in fact, Britain’s industrial revolution was actually
premised upon the de-industrialization of India. Britain
repeatedly provoked famine in India, which killed between 15
million and 29 million people. The best known famine was that in
Bengal in 1943, when four million Indians died. You could think
this to be just journalistic speculations. But no. Addressing the
Speakers Research Initiative on July 24, 2015, Indian Prime
Minister Narendra Modi stressed that the discourse by Dr. Shashi
Tharoor met the aspirations of his country’s citizens. I am saying
this to you, Mr. Bristow.
“In his book Inglorious Empire released in 2017, Dr.
Tharoor cited the atrocities of the British Empire, stating that
the former British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, should be
regarded as one of the cruelest dictators of the 20th century.
This is what Churchill said in a conversation with Secretary of
State for India and Burma Leopold Amery: ‘I hate Indians. They
are a beastly people with a beastly religion. The famine was
their own fault for breeding like rabbits.’ This is not what we
are saying, nor are these our inventions. It’s a fact.
“The Russian artist Vasily Vereshchagin has a famous
picture, ‘The Devils Wind.’ This is not a symbolic comparison.
The canvas shows a type of execution invented by the British to
crush the 19th Century Sepoy Mutiny in India (1884) … A victim was tied
to a gun with his back to the muzzle and blown to pieces by a
gunshot. This was one of the most barbaric punishments in the
history of civilizations; aimed not so much at physical
extermination, but intimidation. Even without it, the British had
so many infernal instruments of torture and execution that this
option doesn’t seem so original and, honestly, was rather costly
for the Brits. But from the religious and caste point of view,
this method of putting to death is absolutely unacceptable for
Indians. Their bodies were blown to pieces and the dead were
buried together regardless of caste, which is radically at
variance with the Indian tradition.
“Yet another episode of the same kind occurred in Amritsar,
Punjab, on April 13, 1919, when 50 British troops under
Brigadier-General Reginald Dyer fired their rifles without
warning at pilgrims celebrating Baishakhi, the Punjabi harvest
and New Year festival, at the centrally located Jallianwala Bagh
public garden. The gathering was mostly made up of women and
children. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that
these British subjects were acting on direct orders of the
British authorities. According to the British government, 379
people were killed and over 1,000 wounded. The Indian National
Congress said 1,000 people were killed and 1,500 wounded.
Regrettably, millions of Indians were to fall victim to the acts
committed by the British authorities, including mass executions
by a firing squad, during at least several decades after these
sad events.
“Africa has also suffered its share of British abuses. Some
13 million Africans have been removed from the continent as
slaves. The number of Africans who died in that period is three
or four times larger than the number of those who were removed
from the continent. In other words, the overall number of victims
runs into tens of millions of people. It is notable that English
philosopher John Locke, who advanced the theory of civil society
and whose works influenced those who wrote the US Constitution,
was a major investor in Britain’s slave trade. It is a fact.
“The number of Africans who died in that period is three or
four times larger than the number of those who were removed from
the continent. In other words, the overall number of victims runs
into tens of millions of people. It is notable that English
philosopher John Locke, who advanced the theory of civil society
and whose works influenced those who wrote the US Constitution,
was a major investor in Britain’s slave trade. It is a fact.
“The British were among the first to invent concentration
camps for civilians in the Boer War of 1899-1902. These camps
were created for the civilians who were suspected of sympathizing
with the rebels or who could help them. The British torched their
farms and fields and slaughtered their cattle. Women and children
were separated from men. All this happened long before World War
II. The men were taken to outlying regions or Britain’s other
colonies, such as India or Ceylon.
“When the world learned about this horrible invention of
British military commander, Lord Kitchener, the British
government published an official statement saying that the camps
had been created to keep the peaceful population of the Boer
Republics safe from harm’s way, and the camps were renamed
‘refugee camps.’ This is remindful of the story of the White
Helmets: take militants, extremists and terrorists, put white
helmets on them with ‘Peace’ written on these helmets, and then
use them to stage provocations and present mobile phone footage
of their crimes as evidence of the plight of the civilians who
must be saved. Centuries have passed, yet nothing has changed.
Overall, 200,000 people or half of the white Boer population was
herded into the British camps, where about 30,000 of them died
from disease and hunger.
“Historians believe that Britain is the world’s leader when
it comes to genocide, given the millions of innocent civilians
that have been killed in British colonies.
“According to different estimates, between 90% and 95% of
aborigines were exterminated during the colonization of
Australia. Indigenous Australians were not only killed but also
used for experiments. The British deliberately infected them with
various diseases, primarily pox.
“Remembering the notorious Opium Wars would not come amiss.
London was poisoning Chinese people with drugs for decades.
Britain organized a supply of opium to China making fabulous
profits. The operation also pursued the military-strategic aim of
demoralizing the Chinese army and people, and depriving them of
the will to resist. In a bid to save his country, the Chinese
Emperor in 1839 launched a massive operation to confiscate and
destroy opium stocks in Canton. London retaliated by unleashing
the Opium Wars. China was defeated and had to sign a crippling
peace with Britain.
“|’As long as China remains a nation of opium-smokers there
is not the least reason to fear that she will become a military
power of any importance, as the habit saps the energies and
vitality of the nation.’ This was how Richard Hurst, the British
Consul in China, ended his speech to the Royal Opium Commission
in 1895. It was not until 1905 that the Chinese authorities
managed to adopt and start implementing a program to gradually
ban opium.
“One more interesting fact: According to the British
national archives declassified in 2014, the British authorities
made wide use of chemical weapons to put down the Arab rebellion
in Mesopotamia (present-day Iraq) in the spring of 1920. Winston
Churchill as Britain’s Secretary of State for War supported ‘the
use of gas against uncivilized tribes.’ According to archives,
Churchill ordered the use of thousands of mustard gas shells
against the rebels. The anti-British rebellion in Iraq claimed
between 6,000 and 10,000 lives, according to various sources, a
negligible number from London’s point of view compared to other
“Now let’s move on to espionage operations and pinpoint
sabotage and subversive acts. From time immemorial,
representatives of Great Britain have been avid fans of various
kinds of covert operations and targeted subversive acts against
specific individuals as a way to secure political benefits for
Great Britain. This predisposition is richly represented in their
art, things like the James Bond gold collection. This may sound
ridiculous unless you know that the author of the series, Ian
Fleming, had searched through the archives, so Agent 007 in fact
has real prototypes. This anthology of crime, artfully described
by writer and part-time naval intelligence officer Fleming is a
light version for those who are not interested in historiography
“Indeed, the Bondiana is a very symptomatic example of the
British government’s love of such things. Fleming died in 1964,
but what he described lives and thrives. New James Bond episodes
are regularly released, as everyone is used to the superhero.
Times change, the actors and sets change, but the idea remains
unchanged — a British agent, in the service of the Kingdom, gets
nothing less than license to kill. Once again I repeat, this is
not a fictional invention, but a result of work with archival
materials. What we see in the Bondiana is actually taking place
under the cover of MI5 and MI6.
“Thanks to the films, people have a basic understanding of
the license to kill concept — a term denoting the permission
granted by the official government or a state agency to a secret
agent who serves this authority to independently make a decision
on the necessity and expediency of murder to achieve a certain
goal. Once the mission is completed, the agent always returns to
the base.
“It is a pity that in normal life, things are not so
beautiful and dignified.
“And now getting back to reality. The following historical
episodes are not fiction; they are facts. Some of them are
proven, whereas others are highly likely hypotheses put forward
by historians.
“Scotland Yard historians also maintained the British
authorities’ complicity in the murder of Grigory Rasputin.
” [T]here are similar versions regarding the murder of
Russian Emperor Paul I
“Historians also write about the so-called Lockhart
Conspiracy organized in 1918 by the heads of the diplomatic
missions of Britain, France and the USA to Soviet Russia in order
to overthrow the Bolsheviks.
“In 2013, information was made public indicating that the
MI6 intelligence service was the mastermind of the assassination
of Patrice Lumumba, the first democratically elected prime
minister of Congo.
“As time went by, official London and its diplomatic
missions continued to actively meddle in the domestic affairs of
other states and to influence their political regimes. Suffice it
to recall 20th Century events when British secret services ‘took
part’ in staging a coup d’état in Iran in 1953.
“British diplomats working in Moscow are probably listening
and recording all this. They will have to send their report to
London today. I have done my best, and this statement is 17 pages
long. I have one question: Are you proud of your history? Then
you need to make a choice: either you advocate human rights,
international law and democracy, or you are proud of what you did
in the past and continue to do today.
“In August 1953, the CIA and the British Secret Intelligence
Service staged their joint Operation Ajax to overthrow the
government of Mossadegh.
“Although we were members of the Anti-Hitler Coalition, the
UKs behavior during World War II can also hardly be called
equivocal, due to a number of factors. Some historical episodes
give rise to major questions about the essence of the UKs
policies on the international scene. This includes, for example,
Rudolf Hess mysterious flight to the UK on the eve of the German
invasion of the Soviet Union. The history of every country has
some unpleasant facts, for which future generations will have to
pay the price and assume moral responsibility. But the British
secret services have classified all the documents on this case
for 100 years, and this deadline is being extended.
“Another example of subversive operations can be found in
Kim Philby’s book My Silent War, which contains some interesting
evidence. In April 1951, London hosted a meeting of
representatives of the British and US intelligence services
regarding both countries use of Ukrainian nationalist
organizations. Again, everything ties up. By that time, the
secret services had supported Stepan Bandera’s Organization of
Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) for many years and used them to
recruit agents and obtain intelligence on the USSR. Cooperation
between OUN and the Intelligence Service grew steadily. In 1949
and 1950, several OUN saboteur squads were para-dropped to
Ukraine. In the early hours of May 15, 1951, British secret
services para-dropped three reconnaissance-saboteur squads.
Everyone knows about the atrocities committed by Banderas
supporters, including mass executions of civilians, hundreds of
thousands of men and women, old people and children, Russians,
Ukrainians, Belarusians, Jews, Poles, Czechs, Slovaks and
Yugoslavs, the Volhynia massacre, the murder of Polish
professors, the Katyn tragedy, punitive operations in Slovakia,
Warsaw, and Prague.
“The British authorities actively recruited professional
criminals during their subversive operations. Remember, they told
us that Russia is a criminal state with which there should be no
cooperation? But the British authorities cooperate nicely with
criminals. We are not even talking about White Helmets and people
recruited into this organization who are supported all the same.
Lets talk about ‘mundane’ things. In 1973, Her Majesty’s
Government officially admitted that Kenneth Littlejohn and his
brother Keith had robbed banks in the Republic of Ireland for
over 12 months in order to discredit the Official Irish
Republican Army (IRA). This amounts to classic tactics. Kenneth
Littlejohn claims that he was instructed to kill Sean Mac
Stíofáin, the former chief of staff of the IRA.
“And here is another example: Howard Marx, an Oxford
graduate who became a drug dealer, was recruited for the purpose
of obtaining information about the IRAs weapons supply chain. In
return, the authorities promised not to prosecute him for
drug-related crimes. These are isolated examples.
“By the way, the British government is known to have created
comfortable conditions in the UK for criminals from other
countries. According to the UK Home Offices information for a
period between 2005 and 2012, there were over 700 war crime
perpetrators living in Britain.
“The British authorities also like to use prohibited methods
for treating prisoners, especially when they need to get
information from them. And, of course, nobody has called off the
license to kill.
“We also remember how Qaddafi was removed and that London
applauded the execution of the head of a sovereign state.
“God knows in how many other such cases the UK government is
“In conclusion, I will provide the ‘deadly list’ of the
prominent and talented people who died a strange death in the UK
in the early 21st Century.”
And among many others, she includes the following case:
“July 2003: a UK authority on biological warfare, David
Kelly, was found dead in Oxfordshire. The inquiry concluded that
he had committed suicide. I would like to remind you that David
Kelly criticized the Tony Blair government and claimed that the
invasion of Iraq in 2003 was based on falsified data. A decade
later, the UK government admitted that the data was indeed
So, in the immortal words of Hans Christian Andersen: “The
Emperor, indeed, has no clothes.” The crimes of Britain stand
exposed, and, as Helga Zepp-LaRouche said, they have completely
over-extended themselves. Now, it is up to us to just rip the
mask away, and let the truth stand on its own. I guarantee you,
just as the American people have never forgiven Tony Blair and
George W Bush for dragging us into war in Iraq on the basis of
damned British lies and a British intelligence hoax, future
civilization will never forgive us for allowing ourselves to be
duped again; this time into starting World War III on the basis
of these same British lies. It’s time for all of us to, once and
for all, reject the agenda of the failed British Empire, and to
instead embrace the vision of a New Paradigm of great powers’
relationship for the planet, built as Franklin Roosevelt
intended, following the defeat of Hitler in World War II; that
this partnership would be built on the pillars of a relationship
of the United States, Russia, and China. That this partnership,
this alliance of great powers, would have the power to end the
reign of the British Empire once and for all, by bringing peace
through economic development, and great projects such as the New
Silk Road to the entire planet.
This is the subject of this pamphlet [holds up Four Laws
pamphlet]; this has been in circulation now for almost a year.
This is “America’s Future on the New Silk Road”. It goes
extensively into the physical economic principles which could be
applied to bring about this kind of great projects, international
development perspective and finally end the legacy of British
colonialism, enforced backwardness, and genocide. This pamphlet
is now going into a second updated printing. It is incumbent
upon all of us to use this window of opportunity to go into a
mobilization like we never have before. It’s clear that there is
still a war waging for the soul of this Presidency in the United
States. Indications are very clear that President Trump himself
is very reluctant to abandon his inclination towards just such a
great powers relationship; a relationship between the United
States and Russia, and the United States and China, to create a
new strategic economic order for the planet. Despite the
ill-advised attacks under the influence of war-mongers and
neo-cons and British intelligence fellow travelers inside his own
administration, since then he has made it very clear — despite
Nikki Haley’s declaration that there will be another round of
sanctions on Russia. Trump has contradicted that, and despite
Nikki Haley’s declaration that no, in fact, we will not be
withdrawing our troops from Syria; Trump has contradicted that,
and accused Nikki Haley of being “confused”.
There is a war waging for the soul of this Presidency, and
the stakes could never be higher. It is our role here in the
United States to make very clear what the positive vision of the
future can be, now that these British lies stand exposed.
What I would like, is to conclude with a clip from a webcast
which Helga Zepp-LaRouche broadcast yesterday, where she
documents exactly this exposure of British crimes, British
hoaxes, and British lies. She says that now is the time to act
to usher in a New Paradigm for civilization. So, here’s Helga
HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Well, there is right now, in
certain European political layers, a big debate: Has the “deep
state” in the United States won already, or is there still some
options that Trump could stick to his announced policies?
Well, obviously the “deep state” is, or what people call the
“deep state,” which is this what President Eisenhower already
pointed to as the “military industrial complex” combined with the
intelligence services belonging to the British Empire faction —
obviously, they’re still very strong.
But on the other side, I think they have never been so
exposed, and at a time when ordinary people have the feeling that
everything is falling apart, — the trust in government is
collapsing, pensions are not seen as secure, there is fear of a
new financial crisis much worse than 2008 — people have a sense
that there really is no institution, I mean, in the West, people
have the sense there is no place they can turn to in terms of
trust. And in such a moment, when people realize who are the
war-mongers, and that they’re pushing war against Russia using
lies, I think this can completely backfire and once these lies
are being dismantled and ostracized; and the people pushing the
lies are being ostracized, I think there can be a real return to
an international relation among nations, not only reviving the UN
Charter, reviving international law. But also, I think sometimes
you need a shock like this present experience, to move to a New
Paradigm of international relations. And I think that is
absolutely something on the horizon.
I mean, you see a dynamic where more and more countries are
not going along any more. The East European countries, the
Central European countries, the Balkans, the South European
countries, Switzerland, Austria — they all want to have a
different kind of relation, and the more countries have that kind
of determination, and the more countries which are not yet there,
like Germany, France, Great Britain, the more people mobilize and
speak out to stick to the truth — you know, there are many
people in motion right now, there are many appeals being
circulated among people who say “we have to return to reason”; we
have to have to have a good relationship with Russia and China.
Without these two countries, no problem on this planet can be
And the more people start to engage in such a discourse and
get active; I’m in one sense a Leibnizian, believing that a great
evil always generates the potential for an even greater good,
because that’s the laws of the universe. I think the universe is
made in such a way that there is this tremendous ability to
improve, to become better; to have higher forms of existence.
And it does require the individual action — it’s not a
dialectical materialism, or historical materialism, which goes by
itself. But there is such a thing as the combination of
objective conditions and subjective intervention. And the
objective conditions do exist. They exist in the form of a New
Paradigm promoted by all the countries participating in the Belt
and Road Initiative; and if you add to that the subjective
factor, which is the courage of the world-historical individual
acting on the basis of his or her knowledge, I think there is all
the chances that we can move humanity into a more safe historical
So therefore, I can only appeal to you: Join us. That’s
the best thing you can do.
OGDEN: So, as Helga LaRouche said, with these British
crimes now exposed for the world to see, now is the time to move
decisively into a New Paradigm for civilization. So, with that
call to action, we conclude tonight’s broadcast. Please stay
tuned to; the world is changing rapidly, and we
have a lot of work to do. Thank you very much.