Mulig ny italiensk regering kunne forandre Europa

22. maj, 2018 – Hvis den nye italienske regering, dannet mellem de populistiske partier M5S (Femstjernebevægelsen) og Lega, bliver til virkelighed, kunne det vælte EU’s hølæs. Selv om dens anti-EU-holdninger er blevet udvandet pga. pres fra Bruxelles, formidlet gennem den italienske republiks præsident Sergio Mattarella, så kræver »Kontrakten for en regering for forandring«, underskrevet af lederne af M5S og Lega, hhv. Luigi Di Maio og Matteo Salvini, forandringer i udenrigspolitik og den økonomiske politik som, dersom de gennemføres, ville bryde EU’s geopolitiske intriger og EU’s nedskæringspolitik.

Kontrakten karakteriserer Rusland som en potentielt mere relevant økonomisk og kommerciel partner og kræver en ophævelse af sanktionerne. Med hensyn til Bruxelles, så foreslår den at eftergå EU’s jurisdiktioner ved at tilbagelevere til medlemslandene de jurisdiktioner, der ikke på effektiv vis kan styres på unionsplan.

På den økonomiske side anbefaler kontrakten budgetfleksibilitet og en national investeringsbank; og sidst, men bestemt ikke mindst, bankopdeling: »Vi må gå over til et system, i hvilket detail-kreditbanken (dvs. alm. kommerciel bankvirksomhed, der servicerer den almene offentlighed, -red.) og investeringsbankvirksomhed er adskilt, både med hensyn til den form for aktiviteter, de bedriver, og ligeledes med hensyn til supervision.«

Dette er første gang, at bankopdeling (Glass/Steagall-loven) har været en del af et regeringsprogram. Både Lega og M5S havde faktisk Glass-Steagall i deres valgprogrammer, og så mange som 135 valgte repræsentanter, både på nationalt og lokalt plan, mest Lega-medlemmer, men også et par M5S-repræsentanter, har underskrevet en appel for Glass-Steagall, som i 2017 blev lanceret af den italienske LaRouche-bevægelse, Movisol.

En gennemførelse af Glass-Steagall ville være den enkeltstående regeringshandling, der kan gøre det af med det globale finanskasino, som kannibaliserer realøkonomien. Men for at Italien som et EU-medlem skulle kunne gøre dette, betyder det, at landet er nødt til at overtræde EU-lovgivning, som fastslår »universalbanken« som den eneste model, der kan få koncessionsbevilling. Det ville svare til at udtræde af EU eller fremtvinge en ændring af EU’s traktat.

På grund af dette, og pga. den russiskvenlige udenrigspolitik, har EU-regeringsfolk og »eksperter« responderet med trusler. Den 20. maj udtalte den franske økonomiminister Bruno Le Maire, at, hvis forpligtelserne med hensyn til statsgæld, budgetunderskud og bankkonsolidering ikke opretholdes af Italien, er hele Eurozonens stabilitet truet. Dette fulgtes op af EU-parlamentets Europæiske Folkepartis (Kristendemokrater) gruppeleder Manfred Weber, der sagde, at italienske populister leger med ilden med Italiens statsgæld. Den kendte tyske økonom Hans-Werner Sinn citeredes for at sige, »Dette vil føre til den Europæiske Unions ødelæggelse og bringe AfD [højrefløjspartiet Alternativ for Tyskland] til magten i Tyskland.«

Alberto Bagnai, senator i sit første år, og som er en progressiv økonom, der sluttede sig til Lega med det formål at gennemføre sin pro-uafhængighedskamp, forklarede i et radiointerview: »Vi ønsker ikke at føre krig mod nogen, hverken ECB eller Europa. Vi ønsker simpelt hen at sætte vort land i en sådan tilstand, at det kan rejse sig økonomisk og udtrykke sit potentiale.«

Foto: Lederne af de italienske partier M5S og Lega, hhv. di Maio (venstre) og Salvini, der har underskrevet en regeringskontrakt.

Meddelelse: Tors. 24. maj 2018 kl. 18:
»Bøtten er vendt: Med afsløringen af det virkelige ’aftalte spil’
– vil Obamas administration slutte sig til ledende briter på anklagebænken?«
Schiller Institut Webcast med Helga Zepp-LaRouche

I løbet af weekenden bøjede USA’s vicejustitsminister Rod Rosenstein sig for presset og udpegede Justitsministeriets generalinspektør til at efterforske, om FBI og Justitsministeriet (DOJ) infiltrerede eller overvågede Trump-kampagnen under valget i 2016. Rosenstein tilføjede, at, hvis en efterforskning afgør, at dette skete, ville de »skride til passende handling«. Nye afsløringer peger ikke alene den rolle, som er blevet spillet af FBI/DOJ-korruption og -forbrydelser, men også på overtrædelser fra CIA’s side, og især fra John Brennans side, i koordinering af en operation mod Trump-kampagnen sammen med en udenlandsk magt – Det britiske Imperium, gennem dettes efterretningsgrene, GCHQ og MI6.

De britiske netværk og Obamas netværk bag Russiagate opererede på vegne af et globalt bank-/finanskartel, centreret omkring City of London og Wall Street. I takt med, at dets beskidte tricks med at køre et regimeskifte-kup mod præsident Trump i stigende grad afsløres, bliver det ligeledes åbenbart, at dets globale spekulationskasino har direkte kurs mod et spektakulært kollaps. De tyer nu til deres gamle beredskabsstyrker – ved at bruge kup, stedfortræderkrige, terrorisme, sanktioner og afpresning – til at forsøge at bluffe sig igennem.

Men denne gang er tingene anderledes, med det Nye Paradigme, der vil erstatte den finansielle elites og dens geopolitikeres gamle paradigme, og som vinder i styrke. Mandag sagde Schiller Instituttets stifter Helga Zepp-LaRouche, der har anført kampen for dette Nye Paradigme, at, for at stoppe kuppet i USA, er det nødvendigt at gennemføre Lyndon LaRouches Fire Nye Love (til nationens – og verdens – redning) og at mobilisere for, at USA og andre, inkl. Tyskland, tilslutter sig den Nye Silkevej. »Denne krig kan vindes«, lød hendes ord. »Vi er nået langt, og der er flere kampe, der skal udkæmpes; men historien vil blive formet af Lyndon H. LaRouches ideer.«

Fr. LaRouche vil stå i spidsen for denne kamp med sin ugentlige webcast, kommende torsdag, 24. maj. Lyt med, og bliv en del af den bevægelse, der vil forme fremtiden.

Italien og Glass-Steagall kunne redde Europa
– Truslen kommer fra City of London

Leder fra LaRouchePAC, 22. maj, 2018 – Den seneste, forfærdelige »russiske trussel« hævdes nu at komme fra de to partier, der har aftalt at danne ny regering i Italien. Drabelige kraftkarle for europæisk stagnation og finansspekulation står i kø for at advare om enden på (deres) verden, hvis Lega- og Femstjernepartiernes koalition ikke bliver forhindret. Det er meningen, vi skal glemme, at disse partier af de italienske vælgere netop blev foretrukket for deres politikker i valgene, der afholdtes i marts måned – ligesom vi i to år har fået at vide, at vi skal glemme, at det var amerikanske vælgere, og ikke russere, der valgte Donald Trump.

Men, dersom den får lov at blive dannet, kan den foreslåede, italienske regering indlede den særdeles forsinkede proces med at redde Europa: fra 10 års stagnation efter krakket, som blev udløst af London- og Wall Street-banker; fra anslag mod dets produktive industrier fra anti-russiske sanktioner; og fra et nyt, værre finanskrak, der truer Amerika og Europa.

Nøglen er at indføre Glass/Steagall-loven, hvilket begge de førende italienske partier ønsker, med det formål at bryde de såkaldte »universelle banker«, som den Europæiske Union har krævet, op, og som absorberer billioner i bailout-penge – statslige bankredninger – fra den Europæiske Centralbank og Federal Reserve, og som intet udlåner til noget som helst, der er produktivt.  Den anden nøgle: En statslig nationalbank, der kan udstede kredit til produktive beskæftigelser og ny infrastruktur, helt uden om EU’s nedskæringsbegrænsninger af statslig, produktiv kredit. Disse to politiske tiltag kan, hvis partierne kan holde sig til dem, afværge et nyt finansielt blow-out og atter igangsætte reel, økonomisk vækst.

Begge de store, amerikanske partier har Glass-Steagall i deres programmer til præsidentvalget; præsident Trump krævede det på sine valgturneer. Men hidtil er Wall Street løbet med sejren, og storbankerne er blevet endnu større, mere gældstyngede og med større eksponering til super-spekulative derivatkontrakter. Eksperter som tidligere embedsfolk fra FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.) Sheila Bair og Thomas Hoenig er kommet med advarsler om, at rentestigninger på et hidtil uhørt ocean af selskabsgæld har gjort finanssystemet mere farligt og nu klart til at eksplodere.

I Tyskland har den tidligere cheføkonom for Europas farligste kæmpebank, Deutsche Bank, givet et eksplosivt interview om, hvad der ruinerede banken: »Anglo-amerikansk bankpraksis«. Et team af stjernespekulanter fra Merrill Lynch i London og New York overtog Tysklands daværende udlånsbank for 20 år siden og forvandlede den til en gigantisk hedge fund, der tjente enorme profitter hvert år – indtil det blev klart, at profitterne var falske, og banken stort set bankerot.

Hidtil er Wall Street og London gået af med sejren, og prisen har været økonomisk stagnation med massiv pengetrykning fra centralbankerne og endnu et krak lige om hjørnet. I Italien er der en chance for at indlede et omslag af dette, før det er for sent.

I USA har de amerikanere, der forsvarer præsidentskabet fra et ubarmhjertigt kupforsøg mod Donald Trump, på den hårde måde lært, at London og britisk efterretning begyndte det, og kører det. Trump-tilhængere er ved at indse, at man ikke kan forsvare præsidentskabet uden at angribe briterne og Londons anti-russiske, anti-kinesiske geopolitikker.

Denne erkendelse er endda nået til Kongressen, i senator Rand Pauls udtalelser. For at citere en skribents angreb af 21. maj på anti-Trump-udspionering, »Briterne – har aldrig tøvet med at blande sig i vores indenrigspolitik … Det fandt sted i optakten til begge verdenskrige, og det finder sted i dag. Hvis vi sporer oprindelsen til Russiagate-svindlen og kampagnen for at detronisere Donald J. Trump, så fører alle veje til London«.

Denne svindels gerningsmænd vil ikke, selv ikke, når de er blevet afsløret, opgive den; de må besejres. Det britiske finansimperium, City of London, der stadig dominerer transatlantisk finansaktivitet, må ligeledes besejres.

Konfronteret med et nyt krak, denne gang værre end i 2008, kan Italien blive starten til at redde Europa. Italiens ledende partier foreslår det, som amerikanerne ønskede, da de valgte Donald Trump til præsident. Deres udfordring er den samme: At besejre City of London.

Den Nye Silkevej – den
presserende nødvendige
modgift mod global krig.
LaRouchePAC Internationale
Webcast, 18. maj, 2018

Som I ser, så er titlen på aftenens udsendelse, “Den Nye Silkevej – Den presserende nødvendige modgift mod global krig”. Dette er noget, Helga Zepp-LaRouche har understreget i løbet af de seneste par uger; at den eneste nøgle til krisen, som vi nu ser, konfronterer os over hele planeten, er omgående at gennemføre den Nye Silkevej. Initiativet for ét Bælte, én Vej, som Kina har indledt, og som indkapsler “win-win”-paradigmet, som er modgiften mod  geopolitikker, der kun kan føre til krig. 

Engelsk udskrift: 

LaRouche PAC Friday Webcast,  May 18, 2018


MATTHEW OGDEN:  Good afternoon!  It’s May 18, 2018.  My name
is Matthew Ogden, and you’re joining us for our Friday evening
strategic overview from  As you can see, the
title of our show here today is “The New Silk Road: The Urgent
Antidote to Global War”.  This is something which Helga
Zepp-LaRouche has been emphasizing over the last several weeks.
That the only key to the crises that we now see facing us across
the planet is by immediately applying the New Silk Road.  The One
Belt, One Road initiative which China has started and which
encapsulates the “win-win” paradigm which is the antidote to
geopolitics, which can only lead to war.
Now, while there are many very positive developments afoot,
in this regard, emphatically the situation on the Korean
Peninsula; we are by no means in safe waters.  We are less than a
month away from the scheduled President Trump/Kim Jong-un summit,
which will be held in Singapore.  But a month is a very long
time, and all sorts of mischief can occur between now and then.
We saw a vivid example just this week, which demonstrates that
even within President Trump’s inner circle, there are individuals
who are still seeking to derail his efforts towards peace.  John
Bolton, one of the leading war-mongers inside this
administration, went on the Sunday talk shows this past weekend,
and said the very last thing that Kim Jong-un would want to hear
if you were Kim Jong-un.  He said that the model to be used in
North Korea for denuclearization is the Libyan model.
Now, we know that in the early 2000s, Libyan leader Muammar
Qaddafi voluntarily negotiated an end to his country’s covert
nuclear weapons program, and other weapons of mass destruction
programs in a bid to “come in from the cold” as they say, and
join the international community of nations.  Well, what did that
get him?  It got him a Western-backed insurgency which overthrew
his government and eventually cost him his life in a very brutal
murder that occurred outside of Sirte.  That is exactly what Kim
Jong-un is afraid of, and his regime has made very clear that
they have viewed their weapons program as the guard, the defense
against that kind of regime-change treatment.  It was only
through promises that there would be no regime change that the
situation has even advanced to this point.
President Trump did come out and contradict John Bolton in a
discussion with reporters yesterday, after a meeting between
himself and NATO Secretary Stoltenburg.  Trump said the Libya
model is not what he has in mind for North Korea; although he did
turn around and use the opportunity to threaten Kim Jong-un again
if he doesn’t make a deal.  Threaten him with Qaddafi treatment
in no less words.  But, this is what he said, and we can read
into it what we will.  What President Trump had to say to
reporters is the following:  “Well, the Libyan model isn’t a
model that we have at all, when we’re thinking of North Korea.
In Libya, we decimated that country.  That country was decimated!
There was no deal to keep Qaddafi.  The Libyan model that was
mentioned was a much different deal.  This would be with Kim
Jong-un something where he’d be there; he’d be in his country.
He’d be running his country.  His country would be very rich; his
people are tremendously industrious.  If you look at South Korea,
this would be really a South Korean model in terms of their
industry, in terms of what they do.  They’re hard-working,
incredible people.
“But the Libyan model was a much different model.  We
decimated that country!  We went in and decimated him, and we did
the same thing with Iraq.  But the model, if you look at that
model with Qaddafi, that was a total decimation.  We went in
there to beat him.  Now, that model would take place, if we don’t
make a deal, most likely.  But if we make a deal, I think Kim
Jong-un is going to be very, very happy.  I believe, I really
believe he’s going to be very happy.”  So, that was President
Trump in remarks to reporters yesterday.
Now the framework for creating prosperity on the Korean
Peninsula as Trump said, “harnessing the industriousness of the
people of North Korea,” and producing something equivalent to the
model of what we’ve seen in terms of the tremendous economic
success in South Korea with their industry.  The framework for
such an economic miracle in South Korea was actually, in effect,
an application of some aspects of the American System of
Alexander Hamilton, translated through the works of Friedrich
List and others.  That’s been discussed elsewhere on this
program, but the framework for applying that sort of economic
miracle to North Korea would be the new economic map for the
Korean Peninsula.  What you see here [Fig. 1] is exactly what
Moon Jae-in gave to Kim Jong-un on a thumb drive during their
recent meeting in the Demilitarized Zone.  As you can see, this
model, this economic map for the Korean Peninsula would really be
connecting the entire Korean Peninsula into the New Silk Road.
It’s this sort of H-shaped configuration where you can see North
Korea connected on the left side to China; and then on the other
side into Russia, connecting North Korea into mainland China in
terms of rail development and also other trade routes.  But also
connecting North Korea into the trans-Siberian railroad in
Russia.  You would see internal development across the Korean
Peninsula, developing the interior of the Korean Peninsula.  Then
you would see connected down, across the 38th parallel there,
into South Korea, on the one hand connected to the Maritime Silk
Road with the ports coming off the southern tip of South Korea.
Then on the other hand, bringing Japan into the entire mix, which
even be an incentive for Japan to develop the long-discussed
Japan-Korea tunnel or bridge.
So, this kind of configuration is an idea of bringing the
entirety of the Korean Peninsula into this New Silk Road.  It
would connect both Russia and China into this region, and it
would act as a bridge.  North Korea would have the opportunity to
act as a crucial bridge connecting South Korea and Japan into the
rest of Eurasia, and acting as a crucial hub for the New Silk
Road.  This is something that the LaRouche movement has discussed
for decades, and it’s something that has been on the table and
now is proving to be the key to actually bringing Kim Jong-un to
the negotiating table and providing the basis for a durable and
sustainable peace in that region.
This is emphatically the model that we need in the so-called
Middle East, Southwest Asia.  These nations where you seem to
have intractable conflict; where there is no solution in terms of
the situation on the ground.  You need to have something which
comes in in a global context and creates this kind of
connectivity in this region, where all the parties have a common
interest in embracing this sort of peace through economic
development.  This would be bringing the New Silk Road into the
Middle East.
Now what we’re seeing in this area of the world is a renewed
danger of war, which is set to explode.  Not just a regional war,
not just a war between different powers in that region, but one
which would very quickly threaten to become a global war.
Dragging parties across the world into this sort of war, exactly
in the way that it was described in the lead-up to World War I;
where all of the alliances would force parties to sort of
sleepwalk into such a global war.  The atrocities that were
committed on Monday, during the protests that occurred in Gaza,
where dozens of people were killed, and almost 2000 people were
wounded; these atrocities have caused widespread outrage across
the world, including here in the United States, notably.  A
statement was released by 13 US Senators — all of whom are
Democrats, including Senator Bernie Sanders, Senator Elizabeth
Warren, Senator Diane Feinstein, Senator Ed Markey, and numerous
others — calling for urgent action in addressing the crisis in
the Gaza Strip.  Both the humanitarian crisis, but also the
urgent lack of economic development.  Here’s an image [Fig. 2] of
the letter which they sent to Secretary [of State] Pompeo.  You
can see in this open letter what they say is the following:
“Dear Secretary Pompeo,
“We write to urge the administration to do more to alleviate
the ongoing humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip.  The
territory’s lack of power, clean water, adequate medical care,
and other necessities not only exacerbates the hardships faced by
Gaza’s population, but redounds to the benefit of extremist
groups who use this depravation and despair to incite violence
against Israel.  The United States should also encourage the
easing of restrictions on the movement of people, goods, and
equipment in and out of the territory, especially for materials
and supplies related to critical infrastructure such as water
projects, and health essentials such as medicines and hospital
supplies.  Multiple parties should also be engaged to insure
greater electricity flow into Gaza to meet the territory’s
desperate need for energy.
“The United States should also put its weight behind
proposals to build Gaza’s economy through bold initiatives, such
as the proposed Gaza sea port.  The new port facility could boost
Gaza’s economy by vastly improving the territory’s access to
goods and markets worldwide.  The political and security
challenges in Gaza are formidable, but support for the basic
human rights of its people must not be conditioned on progress on
those fronts.  For the sake of Israelis and Palestinians alike,
the United States must act urgently to help relieve the
humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip.”
So, while that statement may be limited in its particulars,
I think it’s very significant that this appeal includes a demand
for economic development as a pathway to alleviating the
humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip.  But also, to creating the
basis for real peace; a peace which would benefit the Israelis
and the Palestinians alike.
As Helga LaRouche and Lyndon LaRouche have repeatedly
emphasized, nothing can be done locally to secure peace in this
region.  But rather, this region must be understood in a global
context; both in a negative sense as a playground geopolitics in
a new Great Game where geopolitical interests have sought to
divide this region and to keep it at war against itself; but also
from a positive standpoint, where you understand that peace is
only possible through collaboration of the great powers.  A great
powers alliance between the United States, Russia — which plays
a very large role in this region with its allies — and also
China.  China which has the New Silk Road as the key, which would
be the key to developing this region.  If these three great
powers would be able to collaborate to bring the New Silk Road to
this region, it could be transformed from a crucible for war to a
new crossroads of civilization.
Helga Zepp-LaRouche addressed this in detail in her
international webcast this week.  I would like to play just an
excerpt from one of her statements during that webcast, where you
can see that she goes right at the core of the issue.  That the
only way you’re going to resolve this crisis in Southwest Asia,
is by bringing the New Silk Road Spirit to bear and using the
pathway of peace through economic development.  So, here’s what
Helga Zepp-LaRouche had to say.  [Technical difficulties playing
video.]  We apologize for that technical error.  The gist of what
Helga LaRouche got at in this statement, was that you have an
atrocity which was committed, but by no means is this to seen as
limited to the parties in this region.  What you have to
understand is that there is a long history in which this region
has been at war.  There have been several potentials for peace
agreements.  Most significantly was Lyndon LaRouche’s proposal
going back to the 1970s, but very crucially revived in the 1990s
as we reviewed during our show here on Monday afternoon.  This
was the idea of an Oasis Plan for Peace, where you would have all
the parties in this region would be guaranteed their own
security, but also would be guaranteed the benefits of the
economic development which this Oasis Plan would provide.
Helga Zepp-LaRouche, during this clip, which unfortunately
we’re not able to play for you, brought up the way that Mr.
LaRouche has always posed the crisis in this region.  That you
have to not have a myopic view of this region, but you have to
zoom out and see this region in the big picture in terms of the
historic crossroads of civilization and the cradle of
civilization going back thousands and thousands of years; but
also currently as this sort of playground for a new Great Game,
where you have British imperial interests and others carving up
the region and playing one ethnic group against another in order
to ensure that this region does not become a positive cradle for
the dialogue between these civilizations and a crossroads between
Europe, Asia, and Africa.  Lyndon LaRouche delivered a speech at
Connecticut State University, which is a state school in
Connecticut, in May of 2009, which he titled “Only Dismantling
the Empire Can Stop the War Today”.  Here, you can see, this is
the cover [Fig. 3] of the {Executive Intelligence Review}
magazine which contained the text of that speech.  But let me
just read you a few excerpts of what Lyndon LaRouche had to say,
and I think you’ll see that he gets directly at this question of
placing this region in a global context.  So, Mr. LaRouche said
the following:

“I shall suggest it is an error to talk a Middle East
policyâ¦. Instead of talking about a conflict in the so-called
Middle East, we should talk about the Middle East as conflict
that is largely globalâ¦. Because the conflict is not determined
by the Israelis or Arabs.  It’s determined by international
forces which look at this region.  How?  As a crossover point
between the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean, the relationship
of Europe to Asia, the relationship of Europe to East Africa, and
so forth.
“Therefore, what you’re seeing is thatâ¦.
“We get so involved in the issues of the Middle East that we
can never solve them.  The way we’re playing it, we’ll never
solve themâ¦.
“There is a solution, a solution in principle.  And the
solution is, end this blasted imperialist system!…
“But don’t believe that’s there’s some solution for the
Israeli-Arab conflict per se.  There is no solution in that, per
se.  That’s why I said at the beginning here: Don’t look at the
history of the Middle East; look at the Middle East in history.
There, you find the solution.
“Because it’s being played!  The whole region.  It’s being
played like a puppetâ¦.
“So now we’re in a situation where we have to change our
monetary system.  We could reorganize our monetary system and the
world monetary system.  We can cooperate with Russia, with China,
India, and other countriesâ¦.
“So, how do you do this?  Well, we have a system.  We call
it the American System, defined by Hamilton.  We can shift the
world economy from being a monetary economy to being a credit
system, as specified by Alexander Hamiltonâ¦.   “We go to a
credit system: We can organize credit agreements like treaty
agreements with Russia, China, India, and other countriesâ¦.
“We have to move, therefore, from thinking about conflict
among nations and regions, to the alternative to conflict.  By
finding that which unites us through our common purpose as
independent nations rather than seeking resolution of a conflict
we are now enjoying among ourselves.  That’s the only chance we
have.  And when you look at the possibilities for this region,
like Southwest Asia, the only chance will come {not} from inside
Southwest Asia.  We will do, and must do, what we can, for that
area, to try to stop the bloodshed, the agony, to prevent the
war.  But we will not succeed until we change the history, change
the world in which this region is contained.
“And that’s my mission.  Thank you.”

Now, that speech was delivered in 2009, well before Xi
Jinping announced the New Silk Road, the One Belt, One Road
Initiative.  But looking at this idea of changing the world
within which this region is situated, that is the attitude that
Lyndon LaRouche has always had.  That you needed to create a new
international system, a system which he discussed there in credit
terms, monetary terms.  A Hamiltonian credit system, where you
can have credit for infrastructure development, credit agreements
among sovereign nations.  He also discussed it in terms of a
revived treaty of Westphalia; where you don’t try to resolve
conflicts between countries in terms of the conflicts per se.
But you resolve these conflicts by saying what do our nations, as
sovereign nations, have in common, and what can we do to benefit
the other.
Helga Zepp-LaRouche took this question up again in her
webcast this week, and the following clip I believe should
function.  And you’ll hear Helga Zepp-LaRouche discuss the
specific projects which are necessary to connect this region of
Southwest Asia into the movement for great project development
which is now sweeping the globe in the form of the One Belt, One
Road Initiative.  So, here’s what Helga LaRouche had to say:


:  Now, what you need, is, if you
have a very complex situation like that  — and obviously, the
many things which have happened, the terrorisms, many wars —
emotions are hurt, people have an incredible accumulated rage:
You need something big, and the only way how you could get it, is
if you had all the neighbors, Russia, China, India, Iran, Egypt,
the United States, and hopefully European nations all agreeing
that the only way how this can be solved, is, you have to have
the extension of the New Silk Road into the region and develop
every country as part of one, integrated, industrial
infrastructure development program.
There are already the beginnings of that.  When President Xi
Jinping was  three years ago in Iran, he agreed already with
President Rouhani at the time, that the New Silk Road would be
extended into Iran.  You had the Afghanistan President demanding
that the New Silk Road should be applied in Afghanistan.  And at
the recent Wuhan meeting of President Xi Jinping and India’s
Prime Minister Modi, they agreed that China and India would
cooperate in bringing the Silk Road into Afghanistan, by
building, as a first step, a large train connection between
Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Iran, China, and that way
start to connect Afghanistan to the Silk Road.
That same approach must be taken for Iraq, for Syria, for
the situation in Yemen, and naturally Egypt will have to play a
very important role as a bridge between Asia and Africa.  I think
Egypt is absolutely thinking in this direction, already.  And
however, naturally, these are gigantic projects and they cannot
be done by any one country alone; even if China has a special
envoy for Syria, they have said they want to play a leading role
in the reconstruction of Syria.  You have the earlier commitment
of Russia to supply energy, of Iran to help in the industrial
development.  But that needs to be presented as a comprehensive
And I’m sure that there are people in Israel, as well, who
will not agree with the present course of Netanyahu — who, by
the way, faces his own problems and may look into not such a
bright future for his own political career.  But there are people
in Israel who agree, that you need to come out of this terrible
paradigm of the present configuration.  And if there would be an
agreement, between Trump, Xi Jinping, Putin, and Modi, and then
other leaders joining with them, to go in this direction, even
this very difficult situation of Southwest Asia could be
approached and a solution could be found.  But it does require an
extraordinary intervention.

OGDEN:  So that kind of extraordinary intervention as Helga
LaRouche just described there, must come in the form of bringing
the Silk Road to bear in this region.  On Monday, we featured an
extensive clip from a LaRouche PAC video which was produced two
years ago, which was called “Operation Phoenix”, which discussed
how to rebuild Syria, but in a broader context, how to bring this
entire region of Southwest Asia into the New Silk Road.  If we
look at this map [Fig. 4] on the screen here, just as we saw the
map of the new economic map of the Korean Peninsula, where you
could see North Korea being connected into China, Russia, the New
Silk Road, and being used as a crucial bridge, a hub in that New
Silk Road route; now we can see the same thing here in Southwest
Asia.  As you can see outline, is coming in from Eurasia, a route
of the New Silk Road which could originate in South Korea and
come up through North Korea and plug into three of the main
channels of the New Silk Road across Eurasia.  But this one would
come in and would arrive in Tehran in Iran.  You see that there
would be extensions going both south and north.  South to the
Gulf region, and then north up to the northern route going up to
the Caucuses and ultimately towards Russia, Scandinavia, and the
Arctic.  But then coming out of Tehran to the east, you would
have two different routes.  One would be the route which continue
on through Turkey and then across the straits into Europe.  But
then the other one would go southeast into Iraq, connecting into
Baghdad; where you would have a connection along the Tigris and
Euphrates Rivers down to the Persian Gulf in the southwest.  But
then proceeding upwards through the devastated regions of Syria
which have been liberated, and then to Aleppo, across to the
Mediterranean Sea at Latakia; and then a route proceeding
southward towards the Red Sea — the famous Med-Red connection —
and then into Egypt and then further into the rest of Africa.
So, with this image in mind, you can see that this region
would be a crucial crossroads of civilization and is the crucial
connection between these three great continents — Europe, Asia,
and Africa.  This is the reason that this region has been
subjected to endless wars in this kind of geopolitical Great
Game, in order to interrupt the potential for this sort of
development.  But this development perspective is the only means
by which you can resolve these conflicts.  Not in the terms of
the conflicts themselves per se, but in terms of creating a new
zone of mutually beneficial cooperation among all the parties
involved.  That kind of economic development can take place if
you have the sort of great powers arrangement among the four
powers — Russia, China, India, and the United States.
This is the core of what we continue to campaign for here in
the United States.  We must defeat this coup against President
Trump.  We are now one year into what President Trump has
characterized as the Mueller witch hunt.  Nothing has been found
so far in terms of collusion.  This attempted to coup to
undermine President Trump is not aimed at Trump personally; it is
rather aimed at Trump’s inclinations towards just such a great
powers relationship.  The second pledge in this Campaign to Win
the Future is that the United States should emphatically,
wholeheartedly endorse and join China’s One Belt, One Road
Initiative.  This is for both the benefit of the planet, this One
Belt, One Road Initiative as we discuss here, is the key towards
unlocking these conflicts around the globe; but it’s also to the
benefit of the United States itself.  Extending this kind of
great projects development perspective into the United States,
with a Hamiltonian principle — what Lyndon LaRouche discusses in
the Four Economic Laws; this is the agenda of LaRouche PAC here
in the United States.
As you can see on the back cover of this pamphlet [Fig. 5],
this is the map of the World Land-Bridge.  One of the crucial
aspects of this map is a new Marshall Plan for a New Silk Road to
rebuild the Middle East.  So, this has to continue to be kept
first and foremost in view, when we’re looking at how to resolve
this crisis and how to prevent just such a regional crisis from
exploding into a global war.  As you can see here, LaRouche PAC’s
“2018 Campaign to Secure the Future” is available on the LaRouche
PAC website if you visit  We encourage
you to become involved; to volunteer; and to help us circulate
this pamphlet as widely as we can.
Thank you very much for joining us here on
The world is moving very quickly, and we encourage you to stay
tuned and to visit regularly.  Thank you for
tuning in, and please stay tuned.

Briterne skubber på for krige i Mellemøsten,
for at afspore fremvoksende samarbejde
mellem de Fire Magter.
Helga Zepp-LaRouche i Schiller Institut
Webcast, 17. maj, 2018. Engelsk udskrift

Introduktion: I oktober måned, 2009, talte Lyndon LaRouche på Forum for Dialog mellem Civilisationer på øen Rhodos, hvor han fremlagde konceptet om, at en aftale mellem fire, ledende magter – USA, Kina, Rusland og Indien – kan danne grundlaget for at skabe et nyt, globalt kreditsystem til at erstatte det håbløst bankerotte, transatlantiske finanssystem, der på spektakulær vis krakkede det foregående år. I løbet af de seneste år er dette potentiale, under ledelse af Kinas præsident Xi Jinping, begyndt at antage konkret form. Med valget af Donald Trump til præsident i 2016, og som for en stor dels vedkommende skyldtes hans afvisning af hans forgængeres politikker for krig og finansspekulation, sås det, at han var parat til at tage skridt til at bevæge USA til at gå med i denne aftale.

Dette alene forklarer de desperate handlinger imod ham, med begyndelse i de svindelagtige Russiagate-beskyldninger, som var brygget sammen af britiske efterretningsnetværk og Obamas efterretningsfolk. Det forklarer også indsatsen for en skarpere konfrontation mellem USA og Rusland og Kina, inkl. Spripal-affæren og anklagerne om de kemiske våben i Douma, under falsk flag. De seneste, farlige handlinger fra Israels Netanyahu-regering mod Syrien, Iran, Libanon og palæstinenserne, og den fortsatte folkemorderiske krig, som saudierne fører imod Yemen, er alle en del af den samme deployering for at bruge krig til at stoppe konsolideringen af LaRouches idé om en Firemagtsalliance.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche har sagt, at det eneste, der kan stoppe denne dynamik for de Fire Magter, der har vundet frem omkring Kinas lederskab og Bælte & Vej Initiativet, er krig. Krigsfremstødet, der kommer fra Storbritannien, må nedkæmpes! Hør fr. LaRouche kommende torsdag for den seneste opdatering om denne kamp, og hvad du kan gøre for at sikre, at Imperiet og dets geopolitiske vanvid bringes til en afslutning.


Engelsk udskrift:

  British Push Mideast Wars to Derail Emerging Four-Power Cooperation

Schiller Institute New Paradigm Webcast, May 17, 2018
With Helga Zepp-LaRouche

HARLEY SCHLANGER:  Hello, I’m Harley Schlanger from the
Schiller Institute. Welcome to this week’s international webcast,
featuring our founder and President Helga Zepp-LaRouche.
Over the last weeks Helga has been emphasizing the
deployment by British Imperial geopolitical interests out to
wreck the promising potential that’s emerged in
Eurasia, and especially around the recent developments of a
potential peace agreement with North Korea.  Helga’s repeatedly
emphasized that this looks a lot like sleepwalking into World War
I and in fact, with the events that just took place in Gaza, in
the last couple of days, the massacre there by Israeli soldiers,
the threat for the situation to break out of control, obviously,
Helga, this looks like this is a potential kind of pre-war kind
of deployment to disrupt the emergence of this four power

HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Yes, I think what has happened around
Gaza in the last days is really a tragedy.  Obviously, it
coincided with the opening of the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem,
which I think was an unnecessary and provocative thing to do.
But the situation in the Gaza is an open-air jail; it’s a new
Warsaw Ghetto.  If you look at what has happened there — OK, I’m
not excluding, that there are some violent Hamas elements, who used
the fact, that people are generally upset about the conditions.
Basically, you have a very tiny area, of the size of the
city-state of Bremen in Germany, which is very small, where 2
million people are crowded.  They have no money for food, they
have only a few hours of electricity, they have no clean water,
and no medical supplies, which now, after 61 people were shot and
killed, and 2,700 wounded became a real nightmare, because you
had all these wounded people who were not treated.
So people have been demonstrating, and the Israeli IDF and
special snipers shot into the crowd, which was completely
unnecessary.  If you want to dissolve a crowd, you can use water
throwers, you can use such other means — you don’t have to shoot
people dead.  So, this has inflamed the situation and as I said,
after a day of mourning and funerals, now the thing is not
stopping.  The Israelis are firing airstrikes at installations of
the Hamas in Gaza.
This could easily lead to an escalation where you have a war
between Israel and Hamas, Hezbollah, potentially Iran, and then,
from there it goes to a big war. This is a terrible situation.
And I should remind people that what is happening in this area,
even though it’s not in the spotlight of the mass media, when you
had the Oslo Agreement, which was in 1993, already at that time,
the Palestinians were supposed to get only 25% of the territory
of Palestine, and the Israelis would get 75%.  But in the
meantime, 60% of the so-called West Bank of Jordan has been
occupied by settlers, so there’s only 40% left, and this is
really becoming a very dire situation, and obviously the aim, and
several people have said that, the aim is to demoralize the
Palestinians in such a way that they give up and just quit, which
won’t happen.
You have a situation, where the Jewish population is
becoming quickly a minority and you cannot maintain a rule a
hostile population which outnumbers you in such ways:  We saw
that in other occasions, such as in South Africa, it didn’t
function, and it will not function here.
So even if you don’t have an escalation to a big war, you
have Hell!  And I have been saying this, and naturally my husband
has been saying it for decades:  You need economic development.
Because if you have a lot of young people in Gaza and elsewhere,
who are growing up, being 14, 15, 16, and already at that time
have the feeling they have no future, it is a chain of violence,
an escalation of violence is pre-programmed.
We have been making the point, the whole time, that while
you have Christian fundamentalists in the United States who think
that an early Middle East war is a good thing — I have heard
such people talking like that.  The reality is that the Middle
East, Southwest Asia, has been the playground of British
Imperialism, and at a certain point also French Imperialism,
which basically have treated this region as a region for proxy
wars for their own geopolitical interests.  This was demonstrated
in the Sykes-Picot Treaty of 1916, which carved up this region in
ways which was the seed for future conflicts.  And right now, you
can see very clear, the aim is to get a confrontation with Russia
— Iran — but, Russia, China, and that way prevent the
possibility of a cooperation in a New Paradigm.
My husband has said this many times; emphatically he has
made speeches about it at international forums, that the only way
how you can break this terrible nightmare of violence and horror
is by having a Four Power agreement among the United States,
Russia, China, and India, and that way, you have enough people
and enough military, political, and economic power to end the
British Empire and their ability manipulate the situation.
This has to be put on the agenda, because if it’s not, the
danger is, that this thing spirals out of control, and already
now it’s a terrible nightmare and a tragedy for the people who
are suffering these situations.

SCHLANGER:  You mentioned the Sykes-Picot Agreement which
was a perfect example of the British geopolitical deployment that
led to World War I, and then the immediate period afterwards
where the British were moving in, to try to replace the
collapsing Ottoman Empire and establish what the British call the
“Middle East” today, a bridge that they could control between
Asia, Africa, and Europe.
These geopoliticians are on the march, they’re threatening
— in Israel you have threats against Lebanon, Israeli strikes
on Iranian positions in Syria.  But, Helga, I think the important
thing for people to understand, is you emphasis and your
husband’s emphasis on a bigger picture agreement, which would be
that of the great powers.  None of these small states can
maneuver effectively within this.  How is this that you could get
an agreement?  Isn’t this a perfect opportunity for Trump and
Putin to get together and sit down and talk about it?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Yes.  I think that that particular move.
They did agree on the telephone to have an early summit.
President Trump even invited Putin to come to the White House.
And given the extremely difficult factional situation in the
United States, and anti-Trump, Russiagate coup attempt, which is
completely falling apart, but it’s still not officially
acknowledged, and it needs to be gotten through in terms of
putting the culprits of this coup in trial instead.
Given these difficult and complex situations, I think that
if this summit between Putin and Trump would take place as
quickly as possible, and take all the time needed to discuss and
develop flanks to the situation, I think that is the one thing
which could cut through all of this and create new options.  I
think we should all wish, and speak out, that such an early
summit would occur.

SCHLANGER:  We also see the great potential on the Korean
Peninsula, somewhat set back by these comments by Bolton, the
national security advisor, comparing North Korea to Libya, which
is an unmistakable reference for anyone in North Korea that the
threat that, when Qaddafi went along with an agreement to get rid
of his nuclear weapons, less than a decade later, Obama, Cameron,
Sarkozy and Hillary Clinton went in and destroyed the country.
What’s your sense of where things stand now, following the
statement from North Korea of the cancellation of the North
Korea/South Korea summit that was supposed to take place, I think
today; what’s your sense of where this is heading?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  I think it is a dangerous phase.  It’s not
yet hopeless, because after this North Korea/South Korea summit
was cancelled, the State Department said the United States still
assumes that the summit between Trump and Kim Jong-un will take
place on June 12 in Singapore.  And there were rumors in the
Japanese papers that maybe even Xi Jinping would participate in
such a summit.  So this is not yet off the table.  And the Deputy
Foreign Minister of North Korea, whose name is Kim Kye-gwan, he
made a very clear distinction between the statements and the line
of Pompeo and Trump; and Pompeo was in North Korea came back and
reported very respectfully and very positively about Kim Jong-un
and Trump clearly has taken up a very respectful tone towards Kim
Jong-un as well.  However, Bolton — and this Deputy Foreign
Minister made this distinction very clearly — Bolton in, I don’t
know if it was just being unclever or deliberate, I have no way
of saying, but to tell the North Koreans that the model of the
denuclearization proposal by Kim Jong-un will following the Libya
model!–I mean, you cannot say something worse.  Because if you
remember, Libya, Qaddafi, turned over all of Libya’s nuclear
weapons and then the result was, he was overthrown and killed,
and the country has been in complete chaos ever since, basically
ungovernable to the present day.
This Deputy Foreign Minister basically said they will never
accept such a model, obviously, and that North Korea is proposing
something which is not to be taken as a weakness, but it is
actually an effort by Kim Jong-un to solve a very untenable,
terrible situation, but it’s not a sign of weakness.  And it
cannot be done by unilateral commands from the side of the United
States, but it has to occur in a trustful atmosphere of dialogue
and cooperation.  So, since I think that President Trump is
intending to do that, I don’t think it’s completely in danger,
but there clearly is a cloud over the horizon.
And obviously the events in the Middle East also have a
peripheral impact, namely the question which is being raised by
many people, if the United States can rip apart the nuclear
agreement with Iran, which was a negotiated agreement, it took 12
years, many nations were involved, the United Nations approved
it, so if you unilaterally get rid of such an agreement, you
know, it also puts a question of doubt on the reliability of the
United States in general.
All of this means we are really in a very dangerous
situation.  And, for example, there was just a new poll, where by
now, 57 % of all Russians are convinced that the crisis in Syria
will lead to a global war.  Now, I hope not, but the air is full
of worry, about war, and people who are concerned about this,
they should help us to mobilize to bring in the alternative:
Which is the cooperation among nations for a win-win cooperation
overcoming geopolitics.  And the potential clearly is there.  I
think a lot of good things have happened: The rapprochement
between China and Japan; careful steps in this direction between
China and India; clearly a good relation between Japan and
Russia; Trump clearly has stated his intention to keep, despite
all trade issues, a good relationship with “his friend Xi
Jinping,” as he always calls him; and there is the pending summit
between Trump and Putin.
So all the potentials are clearly there, but it is also
clear that as the Western financial system is in absolute mortal
danger of a new blowout, the risks to the situation cannot be
overstated, and make every intervention in the direction of
solving these problems with the Four Laws proposed by my husband,
extremely urgent.  So I would call on all of you that you should
get in contact with us, you should become a member of the
Schiller Institute, you should help us to put the Four Laws of
Lyndon LaRouche on the agenda, because they’re not only needed in
the United States, they’re equally needed in Europe and other
affected by the effects of the trans-Atlantic financial system.

SCHLANGER:  This just highlights the difficulty of existing
in between two paradigms:  On the one side you have the old
geopolitical, unilateralist paradigm, which is an imperial
paradigm, of war, of proxy wars, of false flags, of terrorism, of
bail-outs, of austerity; and that’s being rejected by the world’s
population.  But we haven’t yet seen the full consolidation of
the New Paradigm, and that’s what the work of the Schiller
Institute has been from the beginning, to bring this New Paradigm
into existence.
On that, also the Iran situation is sort of hanging between
these two paradigms; it’s not clear where that’s going.  But,
Helga, there’s been some discussion among Europeans as to whether
or not the agreement can be salvaged.  What do you know about

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Well, the Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif
travelled to China; he travelled to Russia and then to Brussels,
because all of these countries — that, is Russia, China, Germany
France, and Great Britain, and the EU basically have stated that
they want to try with all possible means to maintain the Iran
nuclear agreement, even if the United States pulled out
unilaterally.  It is not clear if that will function.  Naturally,
the fact that Russia and China are backing it is a very important
However, if the U.S. would impose secondary sanctions on
European firms that maintain business with Iran, I don’t know
what will happen:  Because the European Union foreign policy
representative Federica Mogherini said that they will pull out
some regulations which were voted in, or accepted in the ’90s,
but they were never used, to protect such firms from sanctions.
Now, I have a hard time to imagine how that will function, given
the fact that international banks are operating internationally,
so if the United States would impose these secondary sanctions,
it could cause absolute havoc in the whole situation.
The Europeans have now said that they demand additional
negotiations with Iran, this time not concerning the nuclear
program, but concerning the Iranian missile program, which is
also something which President Trump had mentioned, and he said
all the time that he would come up with a better deal — well, I
hope that this better deal is a comprehensive solution for the
whole region.
We have discussed this many times, but I want to reiterate
it: That if you want to solve the problem in the Middle East, or
in Southwest Asia, you have to take into account the security
interests of every country and every single party, and that
emphatically includes not only Israel, but it includes Iran, it
includes the Palestinians; it includes every country.  And
equally important is that you need to have economic development:
You have right now several situations which are turning into a
nightmare.  One is Yemen.  You know, you have {the} largest
humanitarian catastrophe of the planet right now taking place in
Yemen.   You have the situation in the Gaza Strip. And naturally,
you have all the areas which have been destroyed by these wars:
The situation in Afghanistan remains quite out of control, even
so, there are hopeful signs that this could be turned around.
Now, what you need, is, if you have a very complex situation
like that  — and obviously, the many things which have happened,
the terrorisms, many wars — emotions are hurt, people have an
incredible accumulated rage:  You need something big, and the
only way how you could get it, is if you had all the neighbors,
Russia, China, India, Iran, Egypt, the United States, and
hopefully European nations all agreeing that the only way how
this can be solved, is, you have to have the extension of the New
Silk Road into the region and develop every country as part one,
integrated, industrial infrastructure development program.
There are already the beginnings of that.  When President Xi
Jinping was  three years ago in Iran, he agreed already with
President Rouhani at the time, that the New Silk Road would be
extended into Iran.  You had the Afghanistan President demanding
that the New Silk Road should be applied in Afghanistan; and at
the recent Wuhan meeting of President Xi Jinping and India’s
Prime Minister Modi, they agreed that China and India would
cooperate in bringing the Silk Road into Afghanistan, by
building, as a first step, a large train connection between
Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyrzstan, Iran, China, and that way
start to connect Afghanistan to the Silk Road.
That same approach must be taken for Iraq, for Syria, for
the situation in Yemen, and naturally Egypt will have to play a
very important role as a bridge between Asia and Africa.  I think
Egypt is absolutely thinking in this direction, already.  And
however, naturally, these are gigantic projects and they cannot
be done by any one country alone; even if China has a special
envoy for Syria, they have said they want to play a leading role
in the reconstruction of Syria.  You have the earlier commitment
of Russia to supply energy, of Iran to help in the industrial
development.  But that needs to be presented as a comprehensive
And I’m sure that there are people in Israel, as well, who
will not agree with the present course of Netanyahu — who, by
the way, faces his own problems and may look into not such a
bright future for his own political career — but there are
people in Israel who agree, that you need to come out of this
terrible paradigm of the present configuration.  And if there
would be an agreement, between Trump, Xi Jinping, Putin and Modi,
and then other leaders joining with them, to go in this
direction, even this very difficult situation of Southwest Asia
could be approached and a solution could be found.  But it does
require an extraordinary intervention.

SCHLANGER:  And just to inform our new viewers, and as well
as to remind our regular viewers, we produced that blueprint, the
report that we’ve done on the New Silk Road coming into Africa
and West Asia, and that’s available through the Schiller
Institute. [“Extending the New Silk Road to West Asia and Africa:
A Vision of an Economic Renaissance”
And it is a comprehensive picture of what the Chinese have
proposed, and what they’re actually already doing, moving the
earth, creating jobs, educating people, and doing the job
training that’s necessary.
As long as we’re continuing to review the danger spots,
there’s one other one that won’t go away, and that’s the
situation in Ukraine, where you had just this week the raid on
the offices of RIA Novosti; you have various kinds of threats
coming from Poroshenko, and the neo-Nazis in the security
agencies in Ukraine.
You also have this very interesting development of a new
bridge opening connecting Russia to Crimea, and this being a
cause for some wild Ukrainian fascists, calling for blowing up
the bridge because this is an attack on Ukrainian independence.
Helga, what’s the situation on the ground as far as you can
see in Ukraine right now?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  This raid on the offices of RIA Novosti is
very serious, because they arrested the office chief Kirill
Vyshinsky; they compared RIA Novosti with Goebbels — I mean,
talking about the free press, you can really say that in Ukraine
right now, the situation is quite dire.
Mrs. Merkel, the German Chancellor, will go to Sochi, Russia
to meet with Putin and this will be one of the subjects of
discussion; naturally, the other crisis spots as well.  So, I
think if one could somehow put pressure that the Minsk Agreement
is being put back on the table, which right now it is obviously
not, because Kiev is absolutely not cooperating, and you have the
law by Poroshenko to solve the situation in East Ukraine by
military means.  So this is definitely another extremely
dangerous situation.
But, because it is so dangerous, I think more people are
waking up to that, and that may be a first step to hopefully
prevent something which could easily become World War III.

SCHLANGER:  And the Ukraine issue brings up another aspect
of Russiagate.  I was just doing some review of this in the last
couple of days, and I noticed something that I had forgotten,
which is that John Brennan, the former CIA director who is at the
center of much of the operation of Russiagate against Trump, that
Brennan had made a secret trip to Kiev shortly after the
overthrow of Yanukovych, and put in motion U.S. support for the
criminal regime that came in.  So this new discussion coming up
around Brennan in the Mueller, this is quite interesting what
Sen. Rand Paul brought up.
Helga, do you think this adds to the weight against Mueller?
The judges are turning against him, there are exposés of the FBI
and overall corruption.  Where is this thing heading?  Why hasn’t
it been shut down by now?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  I think it could be shut down quickly,
because the latest twist is, I just read an article that Mueller
is now suspected of having had collusion with a Russian oligarch,
which I’d find a little bit humorous, if the situation weren’t so
But I think this letter by Sen. Rand Paul is really
important:  He wrote a letter to Gina Haspel, the newly nominated
head of the CIA, demanding that she should turn over all
information the CIA has, as to was there any investigation; did
the CIA bug the Presidential candidates in 2016, not just Trump
but every other candidate, as well? And did they work, given the
fact that the CIA is prohibited by law from surveilling
Americans, did they ask other intelligence services from other
countries to cooperate with them in doing that?  And I think he
hinted also to British intelligence directly.
And then, in an interview with NBC, he even went further,
and also brought up in this context, the visit by Robert
Hannigan, the then-head of GCHQ, the British equivalent of the
NSA, to the United States to brief Brennan about all of this.
So this is now coming out in the mainstream media that there
was such a collusion with British intelligence, and this is
really a very good thing, because obviously, this is completely
illegal, unconstitutional; it may be even criminal.  And the more
quickly these things are being followed up, the better.
Also Congressman Nunes, the head of the House Intelligence
Committee, basically said that it’s now 100% certain that there
was absolutely no collusion of the Trump team with Russia.  And
he said that given the fact that those who pretended that there
was such a collusion knew that it did not exist, why was this
whole operation instigated in the first place?
I think this question must be answered:  Because this was a
coup attempt against an elected President of the United States,
and it has shed light on exactly who are the forces of the Empire
— we call it the British Empire, because it is in the continuity
of the British Empire — but all the people who have come out
quickly against Trump on the side of those who accused, have also
shown their true colors.
So, if the United States should get back to its
constitutional form, there were demands that the entire FBI, and
Department of Justice must be cleaned out and reorganized afresh.
I think all of this is necessary.
And Trump must be freed from this, because this ongoing
situation is the only reason why the relationship with Russia,
with China, and naturally, in an indirect form in the Middle
East, why these situations are so dangerous.  If world peace is
supposed to be saved, the British coup must be uncovered
completely.  All the culprits must be held accountable.  And then
Trump can actually do what he promised he would do — and most of
it actually went in a good direction, and even some of the
critics have to see that.
However, the one Damocles Sword which is hanging over this
is the danger of a financial blowout. And we need to have this
debate on not only Glass-Steagall, but go to Hamiltonian
economics and apply the Four Laws of my husband, Lyndon LaRouche,
as an absolutely urgent matter of priority.

SCHLANGER:  And Helga, in conclusion, I’d like to pose
something to you, that comes back to this question of Hamiltonian
economics, which is, that as all of these war provocations are
progressing, as the British are pulling every string that they
have, the Chinese are continuing with very bold plans around the
New Silk Road.  The New Silk Road Spirit, as you called it, is
catching around the world.  And even the efforts of some who
sabotaged the U.S.-China relationship around trade, around
tariffs, and things of that sort, seems to be moving in a
potentially good direction, with the visit of another team of
Chinese officials to Washington.
How do you think this can affect the overall situation —
the Trump-Xi relationship?  Isn’t that really one of the keys to
breaking through the New Paradigm?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Yes.  If the proposal by Li Keqiang, the
Chinese Prime Minister, would be taken up, that the way to
balance the trade between the United States and China is not by
imposing tariffs, but by increasing trade, by increasing
investments in third countries, that way it could be done in a
much more elegant way.  And there are plenty of opportunities:
The United States could join with China in investments in Latin
America; in, as I said already, the Middle East; other Asia
countries.  And there is a new Chinese offer now to India, that
rather than being a rival in African investment, that given the
fact that Chinese has a big expertise in building infrastructure,
where India is really lagging behind, that they should join
efforts, and India should bring in the kinds of things they can
do well, and China would provide the large-scale infrastructure
without which all of these investments don’t function.
Now, for the United States, they could also be a part of
that.  And I think that, to look at the world in a
non-geopolitical way — I know that this is almost impossible for
some people to imagine, because they are so trained that the
world is a zero-sum game, that if China rises, the United States
goes under — this is just not the case, the Chinese want to have
for the situation.  China has made many times the point that they
do not want to replace the United States as an unipolar, dominant
force, but they want to have a new type of relations among major
powers.  And that involves dramatically, the idea of joint
economic projects in third countries, joint ventures, and
re-define entirely how you go about it.
If you look at it from a longer arc of history, it is not
natural that people solve conflict with weapons or wars.  This
always what I call the infant diseases of mankind.  Like little
boys who kick each in the shins when they are four years old, or
even seven years old.  Eventually, you can become an adult, and
you have cherish the creative mind of the other person and work
together like Max Planck and Einstein; like Schiller and
Humboldt; you can have a relationship to other countries where
you address the creative potential of the other and that enriches
in turn, your own potential.
I think the future of humanity, which is after all the only
species capable of creative reason, of making fundamental
discoveries about universal principles of the physical universe,
again and again, and that way develop more knowledge about our
planet, the universe in which we are living, about the principles
of science and technology, which we then apply in the production
process which leads to an increase in productivity, which leads
to an increase in living standards, an increase in longevity, —
this is what we are!  We are not animals. We are human beings,
who are the only species, at least known so far, in the universe,
which can relate to their create power as their identity.
And if we take that approach, then, to have many nations,
and to have many cultures all based on their cultural tradition,
all based on their sovereignty, they can work together to a
higher level of reason, and that is the {only} way how mankind
will survive!  I think we are at a crossroads: If we decide to
stay with geopolitics, in this world, this will lead to World War
III, for all we know, the extinction of our species.  On the
other side, the New Paradigm is already working, 140 countries
are already cooperating, and I think we need a mass movement of
people who say, mankind has reached a new era and we must
consciously form our future, our “shared community for the future
of mankind,” as Xi Jinping always calls it.
I think we need a discussion on these.

SCHLANGER:  I think you just made a compelling case for
people to give up sleepwalking, and to instead catch the New Silk
Road Spirit.  So, Helga, until next week, thank you, and thank
you for joining us.
And take up this challenge, those you watching this:  Take
up the challenge to become active with the Schiller Institute.
Thank you, and see you next week.


POLITISK ORIENTERING den 17. maj 2018:
Israels Netanyahu forsøger at skabe krig
for at forhindre Trump i at gå fredsvejen. 1. del. Se også 2. del her.

Video 1. del:

Video 2. del:


Meddelelse: Helga Zepp-LaRouche i Schiller Institut Webcast,
torsdag 17. maj, 2018 kl. 18:
Briterne skubber på for krige i Mellemøsten,
for at afspore fremvoksende samarbejde
mellem de Fire Magter

I oktober måned, 2009, talte Lyndon LaRouche på Forum for Dialog mellem Civilisationer på øen Rhodos, hvor han fremlagde konceptet om, at en aftale mellem fire, ledende magter – USA, Kina, Rusland og Indien – kan danne grundlaget for at skabe et nyt, globalt kreditsystem til at erstatte det håbløst bankerotte, transatlantiske finanssystem, der på spektakulær vis krakkede det foregående år. I løbet af de seneste år er dette potentiale, under ledelse af Kinas præsident Xi Jinping, begyndt at antage konkret form. Med valget af Donald Trump til præsident i 2016, og som for en stor dels vedkommende skyldtes hans afvisning af hans forgængeres politikker for krig og finansspekulation, sås det, at han var parat til at tage skridt til at bevæge USA til at gå med i denne aftale.

Dette alene forklarer de desperate handlinger imod ham, med begyndelse i de svindelagtige Russiagate-beskyldninger, som var brygget sammen af britiske efterretningsnetværk og Obamas efterretningsfolk. Det forklarer også indsatsen for en skarpere konfrontation mellem USA og Rusland og Kina, inkl. Spripal-affæren og anklagerne om de kemiske våben i Douma, under falsk flag. De seneste, farlige handlinger fra Israels Netanyahu-regering mod Syrien, Iran, Libanon og palæstinenserne, og den fortsatte folkemorderiske krig, som saudierne fører imod Yemen, er alle en del af den samme deployering for at bruge krig til at stoppe konsolideringen af LaRouches idé om en Firemagtsalliance.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche har sagt, at det eneste, der kan stoppe denne dynamik for de Fire Magter, der har vundet frem omkring Kinas lederskab og Bælte & Vej Initiativet, er krig. Krigsfremstødet, der kommer fra Storbritannien, må nedkæmpes! Hør fr. LaRouche kommende torsdag for den seneste opdatering om denne kamp, og hvad du kan gøre for at sikre, at Imperiet og dets geopolitiske vanvid bringes til en afslutning.

Briterne, der frygter fremskridt i Asien,
rykker ud for at sprænge Mellemøsten i luften

Leder fra LaRouchePAC, 15. maj, 2018 – Benjamin Netanyahus israelske regering har begået en utilgivelig massakre på palæstinensere i Gaza i løbet af det seneste døgn; og de har hermed øget faren for en ny og generel krig i Mellemøsten, som allerede er rykket alt for tæt på. Den fare, som dette udgør for verdensfreden, bør ikke undervurderes – og det samme gælder for den katastrofe, det kunne blive for den økonomiske genopbygning og ditto fremskridt, der potentielt står til rådighed for Mellemøsten og Afrika, på basis af Bælte & Vej Initiativet, der spreder sig i hele Eurasien.

Netanyahu er ikke den, der primært får tingene til at ske i denne optrapning, selv ikke med sin åbenlyse aggression mod Syrien og krigstrusler mod Iran og Libanon. Det er heller ikke præsident Trump, hvis hasarderede fejltagelse med hensyn til Jerusalem kom, mens han kæmpede for sit politiske liv imod en kampagne for hans afsættelse og retsforfølgelse.

Det er britisk efterretning og eliten i den britiske regering, der er de primære aktører i krigsfremstødet, og som af Trump kræver en krigskonfrontation med Rusland samtidig med, at de anstifter og optrapper kupforsøget imod ham.

Igen i dag belærte chefen for britisk efterretnings MI5, Andrew Parker, efterretningsrepræsentanter fra den Europæiske Union om nødvendigheden af at bekæmpe Rusland på enhver tænkelig måde. Siden marts måned har den britiske regering oppisket krigssvindelnumre og anti-russiske konfrontationer – Skripal-forgiftningsaffæren; det særdeles tvivlsomme »angreb med kemiske våben« i Douma, Syrien. Britiske aktiver i Israel og Saudi-Arabien har iscenesat deres egne svindelnumre imod Iran samtidig med at angribe Syrien og føre en etnisk udrensningskrig mod Yemen.

Så rædselsslagne er britiske geopolitikere over udsigten til et samarbejde omkring den Nye Silkevej mellem Kina, Rusland, Indien og Trumps USA, sammen med også Japan, Sydkorea og andre, at de med overlæg har promoveret krige imod det.

Lige nu kan truslen om generel krig i Mellemøsten kun vendes på basis af, at præsident Trump og præsident Putin mødes og samarbejder om det, som de begge ønsker. Disse to præsidenter kan stoppe denne nedstigning. Men faren kan i virkeligheden kun fjernes gennem en omfattende plan for økonomisk udvikling fra Afghanistan til Middelhavet og fra Kaukasus til Golfen, inkl. skabelse af afgørende ny infrastruktur og ved anvendelse af Kinas metoder til bekæmpelse af alvorlig fattigdom.

Dette vil være muligt gennem Bælte & Vej Initiativets nye paradigme, hvis de fire, store hovedmagter, vi tidligere nævnte, kan samarbejde om det, assisteret af de andre asiatiske nationer. Præcis et sådant niveau af – tilsyneladende umulige – gennembrud har vist sig mulige gennem fremskridtet mod fred og genopbygning på Koreahalvøen. Det er fremkommet ud fra viljen til at samarbejde mellem Trump, Kinas præsident Xi, Putin, Sydkoreas præsident Moon og Japans premierminister Abe. Denne mulighed, inkl. Indiens afgørende bidrag, må holdes frem som eksempel for Sydasien, Mellemøsten og Nordafrika.

For USA skal der mere til. Det britiske angreb på præsidentskabet er en krig imod samarbejde med Rusland og Kina; men det er ligeledes et angreb på lederskab som sådan. Det er et halvt århundrede siden, at USA havde et præsidentielt lederskab, der blot delvist trodsede britisk geopolitik; og dette lederskab blev myrdet. I løbet af dette halve århundrede har amerikanerne i stigende grad ladet Wall Street tage over fra præsidenter og styre kongresser; de har mistet fornemmelsen for produktiv beskæftigelse og er blevet kulturelle pessimister.

»Jeg synes om denne leder, eller den leder« eller, »Jeg synes ikke om alt det kaos og al den interne strid«, vil ikke løse noget som helst. Amerikanske borgere må selv blive ledere og selvstændigt tænkende mennesker, som de engang brystede sig af. At tage deres økonomi og regering tilbage fra Wall Street er det formål, for hvilket LaRouche-bevægelsen forsyner dem med værktøjet.

Foto: Borgere i Gaza demonstrerer ved en barriere mellem Gaza og Israel 11. maj, 2018. (IDF Spokesperson Unit)

Helga Zepp-LaRouche opfordrer til
diplomati for fred og udvikling
i kølvandet på drab i Gaza

Leder fra LaRouchePAC, 15. maj, 2018 – Dødstallet efter det voldsomme, israelske angreb 14. maj mod palæstinensiske demonstranter på Gazas grænse er nu oppe på 61 dræbte mennesker, med 2.700 sårede, heraf næsten halvdelen fra åben ild. Dette fandt sted samme dag som den ceremonielle åbning af den nye amerikanske ambassade, der blev flyttet fra Tel Aviv til Jerusalem, en handling, man vidste, var en provokation, i betragtning af områdets historie.

Konfliktlinjerne blev oprindeligt trukket op i blod i Sydvestasien af britiske, geopolitiske interventioner for et århundrede siden, for at skabe vilkårlige grænser og fortsættende stridigheder. I dag fortsætter de denne praksis, i betragtning af den Londoncentrerede opposition mod drivkraften for global udvikling, der er knyttet til initiativet for den Nye Silkevej og potentialet for samarbejde mellem de »Fire Magter« – Kina, Rusland, Indien og USA, for at gøre en ende på imperiegeopolitik én gang for alle.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Schiller Instituttets præsident, opfordrede i dag til nødhandling i overensstemmelse med det Nye Paradigme for udenrigsrelationer, for fred og økonomisk udvikling. Hun understregede, at faren for en optrapning til generel krig er stor.

Under samtaler med medarbejdere sagde Zepp-LaRouche:

»Jeg vil blot sige, at denne situation i Mellemøsten er virkelig farlig. Jeg mener, vi absolut også må kræve, at der må komme en efterforskning af, hvad det var, der skete – for det, der synes at være sket, er, at der var disse demonstrationer. For det første, så var resultatet af at flytte den amerikanske ambassade til Jerusalem forudsigeligt, i betragtning af, at begge sider gør krav på Jerusalem, og det er nu desværre sket. Men, da der kom demonstrationer imod dette i Gaza, skød de israelske, væbnede styrker på folk og dræbte 60 og sårede over 2.000. Dette er en grusomhed.

Situationen er naturligvis superspændt og kunne fuldstændig eksplodere. Jeg mener, at dette er meget ulykkeligt. Dette er virkelig slemt, men fremgangsmåden må være den, at man får alle sider til at erkende, at dette kunne være lunten til en virkelig stor krig, hvis ikke den store krig. For, hvis dette fører til en optrapning mellem Israel, Hezbollah og Hamas, så kunne det hurtigt optrappe hele vejen.

Så dette er virkelig noget, der viser os, hvor tæt verden står ved afgrunden, eller Armageddon, for den sags skyld. Folk bør virkelig indse, at vi må have en ændring i den måde, hvorpå man fører politik, til et Nyt Paradigme, hvis verden skal reddes. Dette er virkelig en meget alvorlig situation, og vi bør gøre dette til en forstærket appel om, at vi må have en ændring af politikken, hvor de Fire Magter arbejder sammen om alle disse spørgsmål, for så ville denne form for destabiliseringer ikke kunne forekomme.«

Schiller Instituttet holder
Kulturaften i Dresden, Tyskland.
Med Helga Zepp-LaRouche


Schiller Instituttets resolution for
Latinamerika opfordrer nationer til at tilslutte
sig Bælte & Vej og afslutte fattigdom

Leder fra LaRouchePAC, 14. maj, 2018 – Schiller Instituttet er begyndt at cirkulere en resolution i hele Latinamerika, der har til hensigt at fremme en bred debat om, hvorfor områdets nationer må tilslutte sig Silkevejsånden og arbejde sammen med Kinas Bælte & Vej Initiativ. Resolutionen har titlen: »En appel til regeringerne, nationerne og folkeslagene i Latinamerika: Videnskaben om at afslutte fattigdom; Hvis Kina kan gøre det, hvorfor kan vi så ikke også?«

(Kan læses her på spansk )

Resolutionen bemærker, at 200 million af de 600 million indbyggere i Latinamerika og Caribien officielt klassificeres som fattige. »Fattigdom er ikke en naturlig tilstand for menneskeheden«, fremhæver erklæringen; den kan udryddes på én generation, som Kina har gjort. »Kina har reduceret antallet af fattige mennesker fra 875 million i 1981 til 30 million i 2018 – en reduktion på 97 %! – iflg. Verdensbankens statistik. Og Xi Jinpings regering er forpligtet over for fjernelse af fattigdom overhovedet, frem til 2020. Hvis Kina kan gøre det, hvorfor kan vi så ikke?«, spørger resolutionen.

Resolutionen diskuterer dernæst, hvordan Kina har opnået dette. »Som Kina har vist, kan fattigdom fjernes med en økonomisk plan, baseret på udryddelse af spekulation og fremme af videnskabelig innovation og introduktion af de mest avancerede teknologier«, såsom byggeri af et stort netværk af højhastigheds-jernbanelinjer over hele landet. »Kinas fremgangsmåde er i overensstemmelse med den systemiske udvikling af videnskaben om fysisk økonomi, som økonom Lyndon LaRouche hen over fem årtier har udviklet og udbredt.«

Kina udvider nu sin økonomiske succes over hele planeten gennem Bælte & Vej Initiativet, som de latinamerikanske nationer må tilslutte sig, erklærer resolutionen. Anmodningen slutter med en appel i tre punkter:

»Vi opfordrer vore regeringer til fuldt og helt at tilslutte sig Bælte & Vej Initiativet … På denne måde vil vores ungdom, i stedet for fattigdom og narkotika, have en fremtid med store infrastrukturprojekter.

Vi opfordrer vore politiske partier, erhvervssammenslutninger, fagforeninger og andre organisationer til at fremme en bred, national diskussion for at lære om BVI og videnskaben om fysisk økonomi, der ligger til grund for BVI, og til indtrængende at opfordre vore regeringer til at tilslutte sig. Vi vil ikke længere tolerere tomme taler om demokrati og korruption. Tiden er kommet til at gøre en ende på fattigdom – og gøre en ende på de regeringer, der tolererer den.

Vi opfordrer de økonomer, journalister og andre meningsdannere – der foretrækker at ty til ideologiske slogans og geopolitiske argumenter, der har til formål at afvise Kinas beviste succes uden overhovedet at gøre sig den ulejlighed, så meget som at diskutere det – til i det mindste at have så megen intellektuel ærlighed, at de offentligt diskuterer disse ideer – der, trods alt, involverer den menneskelige arts overlevelse – med repræsentanter for Schiller Instituttet, enten personligt eller gennem elektronisk opkobling til en international videokonference.«

Resolutionen er begyndt at cirkulere bredt i flere latinamerikanske lande, både gennem de sociale medier og direkte distribuering på politiske møder og stævner. For eksempel blev, under en march i forbindelse med en politisk kampagne i Colombia, 450 eksemplarer af resolutionen uddelt som flyveblad til deltagerne

Russisk general beskriver geopolitik som problem
i Astana-forhandlinger for fred i Syrien

14. maj, 2018 – I den 9. runde af forhandlingerne om fred i Syrien, der finder sted i Astana, Kasakhstan, 14.-15. maj, har den amerikanske beslutning om ikke at deltage som observatører påpeget et dybereliggende problem. Russiske deltagere har advaret om, at Astana-processen bliver undermineret af handlinger, som overvejer den faktiske deling af Syrien, til trods for, at alle deltagere i både Astana- og Genève-forhandlingerne har forpligtet sig til syrisk territorial integritet og suverænitet.

Den russiske generalløjtnant Yuri Netkachev sagde 13. maj til Nezavisimaya Gazeta, at hovedmotiverne hos de væsentlige spillere, der deltager i forhandlingerne, nu ikke fokuserer på terrorister, men derimod på deres geopolitiske og militær-økonomiske mål i afgørelsen af krigen i Syrien.

»Astana-processen sidder fast lige nu«, sagde general Netkachev til avisen, »fordi Damaskus og Moskva, med deltagelse af Tyrkiet og Iran, kun kontrollerer omkring 60 % af det syriske territorium«, rapporterer TASS. »Det økonomisk vigtige område, med mange olie- og gasfelter, kontrolleres nu af USA og dets allierede«, sagde han. Rusland, Iran og Tyrkiet er de tre garanter for Astana-fredsprocessen for Syrien.

Syrien og Rusland er parat til at arbejde på en ny forfatning med oppositionen, og til at forhandle i både Astana og Genève. Nezavisimaya Gazeta siger imidlertid, at den amerikanske koalition muligvis har sine egne planer, for den amerikanske koalition har, i overtrædelse af internationale normer, skabt 14 militære baser i Syrien – mange beliggende på territorier, hvor der er olie- og gasfelter.

»Det bliver således indlysende, at Assad-regimet og dets allierede sandsynligvis ikke vil lykkes politisk med at kontrollere de syriske områder omkring Eufrat, hvor der findes infrastruktur for olie og gas«, skriver Gazeta iflg. TASS. »Magtspillet om disse områder kunne true med at ændre form og blive til en reel krig.«

Det rapporterer ligeledes, at israelske handlinger under påskud af at bekæmpe shia-formationer i Syrien, antyder, at truslen om en krig i stor skala eksisterer.

Direktør for FN’s Verdensfødevareprogram tilskynder til anvendelse
af den kinesiske model for at takle fattigdom i Nordkorea

14. maj, 2018 – Den administrerende direktør for Verdensfødevareprogrammet, David Beasley, har netop 8.-11. maj gennemført et besøg i Nordkorea for at vurdere behovet for nødforsyninger af fødevarer dér. I et interview 12. maj til Kinas Tv-netværk CGTN sagde Beasley, at han ikke havde fundet nogen trussel om hungersnød i D.P.R.K., men derimod en stor trussel om, og eksistensen af, under- og fejlernæring.

Korrespondent Hou Nu spurgte Beasley om hans opfattelse af de »fremtidige udsigter for samarbejde«, efter han havde talt med repræsentanter fra Kinas Landbrugsministerium, og, om Kinas »erfaring inden for fattigdomsreduktion« kunne hjælpe andre lande i verden.

»Kina er en fantastisk succeshistorie med hensyn til at adressere sult i verden. Vores mål er at afslutte sult i verden frem til 2030«, svarede han. »Det kan vi ikke gøre uden Kina. Og Kina har været en model for resten af verden at følge mht. … at afslutte sult. For, raten af alvorlig fattigdom er netop faldet – det er uden fortilfælde – for over 800 million mennesker! Og under mine møder med Kinas ledere, siger jeg: ’Ligesom USA gjorde for årtier siden, [med] denne succes, må I hjælpe resten af verden. Og vi må gå i partnerskab sammen, så vi kan afslutte sult i alle lande i verden, og jeres succes er en model, der bør gentages’.«

Foto: Adm. dir. for FN’s Verdensfødevareprogram David Beasley besøgte i sidste uge Nordkorea i fire dage, hvor han også besøgte landbrugsområder. (Foto fra 2017.)

Israelske forfattere advarer om, hvad Netanyahus krigspolitik fører til

13. maj, 2017 – Præsident Donald Trumps erklærede hensigt om at tvinge Iran ind i en »ny aftale, en bedre aftale – bedre for Iran«, løber direkte ind i Netanyahu-regeringens hensigt om at have en israelsk krig med Iran og involvere amerikanske styrker i den. Tæt samarbejde mellem Trump og den russiske præsident Vladimir Putin er sine qua non for at genoprette fred i Sydvestasien.

To artikler af israelere, og som forekommer i hhv. Ha’aretz og New Yorker, gør det klart, at, alt imens visse israelske ledere og medier er euforiske over angrebene 9. maj mod iranske styrker i Syrien, så er det større spørgsmål, som konfronterer israelerne, at dette kunne føre til en langvarig krig mod Hezbollah og kunne resultere i et helt andet udfald, end de selvsikre israelere forventer.

Hvad ingen siger, er, at det kunne være gnisten, der udløser en global atomkrig.

I Ha’aretz 12. maj anerkender Amos Harel det, som den israelske regering hidtil ikke har: At israelerne udførte bombningen den 9. april af T4-flybasen i Syrien, som resulterede i syv iraneres død, og som efterfulgtes af bombningen den 9. maj. Han siger ligeledes, at, foreløbig, »har Rusland ikke anstrengt sig for at assistere Iran«, hvilket, med præsident Trumps tilbagetrækning af Iran-atomaftalen, kan have opildnet israelerne.

Harel understreger, »det er værd at vente, før man holder medaljeceremonierne og sejrsfejringerne« og »det ville være bedre ikke at lade sig indfange af den nuværende selvsikre, arrogante spiral, der åbenlyst ses i reaktionerne fra visse fjernsynsstudier, i Knesset og på de sociale medier. Under ekstremt pres eller længere fremme kunne Teheran ikke desto mindre rulle sit tungere våben, Hezbollah, frem, i tilfælde af hvilket konflikten kunne antage en ganske anden rækkevidde«.

10. maj skriver den israelske forfatter Bernhard Avishai for New Yorker ligeledes, at dette kunne ende i en langstrakt konfrontation mellem Israel og Hezbollah, som kunne ende dårligt for Israel. Desuden er USA’s militære intimidering af Iran – en politik, som Avishai identificerer med USA’s nationale sikkerhedsrådgiver John Bolton – »præcis det, Netanyahu regner med, i betragtning af muligheden af en eskalering i Syrien og Libanon, som han ikke ønsker, Israel skal konfrontere alene«.

Avishai understreger det, som Amos Yadlin, chef for Institut for Nationale Sikkerhedsstudier, sagde til han: »Situationen har et presserende behov for russiske og amerikanske ledere, der vil dæmme op for truslen om en større krig«.

Foto: Benjamin Netanyahu, der har været Israels premierminister siden marts 2009, taler i det israelske parlament, Knesset. Foto fra 2016. 


’Aftaler’ eller krige?
Om Trump går sammen om økonomi med Xi
og mødes med Putin, vil afgøre det

Leder fra LaRouchePAC, 13. maj, 2018 – En japansk avis har rejst den mulighed, at præsident Donald Trumps afgørende topmøde den 12. juni med lederen af D.P.R.K., Kim Jong-un, måske får tilslutning fra Kinas præsident Xi Jinping. Denne rapport, med en unavngiven amerikansk embedsmand som kilde, er slet ikke blevet bekræftet. Men muligheden for, at lederne af de tre våbenhvilelande i Koreakrigen vil mødes, med det inkluderede mål at afslutte krigen med en traktat, er meget betydningsfuld for, at dette topmøde vil fremme fred og økonomisk fremskridt i verden.

Det er imidlertid vigtigere, at præsident Trump træffer beslutningen om at følge sin egen kampagne for Alexander Hamiltons »Amerikanske System« for at »gøre Amerika stort igen«, eller han i stedet følger det britiske system for store profitter fra handel og billig arbejdskraft, som hans parti og rådgivere påtvinger ham.

Hvorfor? Fordi en beslutning til fordel for det Amerikanske System betyder at gå ind i et samarbejde med Kinas fremragende Bælte & Vej Initiativ for store infrastrukturprojekter, som i sig selv er en kulmination af årtier, og atter årtier, af, at kineserne har lært og vedtaget Hamiltons økonomi med kinesiske karaktertræk. Og det vil gøre præsident Trumps Korea-»aftale« til en succes.

Præsident Moon Jae-in fra Sydkorea har allerede fremlagt en fredsplan til den nordkoreanske leder, der omfatter byggeri af ny infrastruktur for at integrere Koreahalvøen i Bælte & Vej Initiativet; så selv om den tredje leder, der er bragt på bane for topmødet den 12. juni i Singapore, skulle vise sig at være præsident Moon, så vil det afgørende spørgsmål fortsat være det samme.

Udenrigsminister Pompeos diskussion i dag på »Fox News Sunday« om forberedelsen til dette topmøde viste det store problem med indflydelsen, der kommer fra britisk imperieøkonomi. »Private amerikanske firmaer – og ikke amerikanske skatteborgerpenge – vil gå ind og hjælpe Nordkorea med at udvikle en økonomi for det 21. århundrede«, hvis landet opgiver sine programmer for atomvåben og ballistiske missiler, sagde Pompeo.

Disse selskabers visioner om profit vil støde samme med det integrerede projekt for atomafrustning og fred: At bringe Koreahalvøen ind i hele udviklingen med den Eurasiske Landbro, hele omfanget af ny konnektivitet fra Japan til Paris og Madrid.

Schiller Instituttets præsident Helga Zepp-LaRouche sagde til Kinas Weixing Satellite Communications, at, hvis Trump vælger den britiske model, vil det føre til en dybtgående, økonomisk krise for USA og verden. »Under sådanne omstændigheder vil hele det transatlantiske system synke ned i kaos. Hvis han går … med Bælte & Vej Initiativet, vil dette nye, økonomiske fællesskab i Eurasien få den direkte modsatte virkning.«

Præsident Trump har fortsat med at have denne impuls, selv med konfliktspørgsmålet om handel med Kina. Den 13. maj tweetede han, »præsident Xi fra Kina og jeg arbejder sammen for at give et massivt, kinesiske telefonselskab, ZTE, en måde, hvorpå det kan komme tilbage i erhvervslivet, hurtigt. For mange jobs i Kina tabt. Handelsministeriet instrueret i at få det gjort!«

Bælte & Vej kan entydigt få Trumps Korea-»aftale« til at fungere.

Præsidenten ønsker tydeligvis en omfattende Mellemøsten-»aftale« med Iran og mener, at intensivt økonomisk pres – bedre kaldet finanskrigsførelse – vil skaffe aftalen. Men han har retning direkte mod den britiske, geopolitiske fælde. Britiske efterretningsaktiver i Israel og Saudi-Arabien ønsker ikke en ny Iran-»aftale«, men en Iran-krig, endnu et trin på nedstigningen i krigene fra Irak til Libyen, Syrien og Yemen, der fører til krigshelvedet med atommagten Rusland.

Trump kan intet opnå i Sydvestasien uden topmødet med Putin, som han tydeligvis ønsker, og som britisk og amerikansk efterretning er rasende for at forhindre ham i at få.

Igen, fra Weixing Satellite Communications 13. april, »I et interview med nærværende nyhedstjeneste, sagde Helga Zepp-LaRouche, præsident for Schiller Instituttet, at, jo hurtigere, præsident Trump og den russiske præsident kan mødes, desto hurtigere kan de gøre en ende på faren for en konflikt. ’På præcis det tidspunkt, hvor præsident Trump gav udtryk for dette ønske, blev mange operationer i USA sat i gang for at forhindre dette i at finde sted’.«

Helga Zepp-LaRouches forudsigelse her involverer ligeledes, at Trumps USA selv vender tilbage til det »Amerikanske Økonomiske System« i Hamiltons tradition, som det specificeres i de »fire nye love«, som hendes mand, Lyndon LaRouche, foreslog i 2014. Disse forholdsregler begynder med genindførelsen af Glass/Steagall-loven, der vil bryde de største Wall Street-banker og Londoncentrerede banker op, uden hvilket det finanskrak, hun advarede om, kan bortfeje alle »aftaler«.

Foto: Præsident Trumps rejse til Tyskland og G20-topmødet. Præsident Donald J. Trump og præsident Xi Jinping. 8. juli, 2017.  (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)

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Mød op og vær med i diskussionen.

Gennembruddene i Korea
beviser princippet! Den Nye
Silkevej er vejen til fred.
LaRouchePAC Internationale
Webcast, 11. maj, 2018.

Engelsk udskrift:

Korea Breakthroughs Are Proof of Principle!
The New Silk Road Is The Path to Peace.

LaRouche PAC International Webcast

MATTHEW OGDEN:  Good afternoon.  It’s May 11, 2018.  My name
is Matthew Ogden and you’re joining us for our weekly strategic
broadcast from
As you can see on the screen here, the title of our show is
“Korea Breakthroughs Are Proof of Principle; New Silk Road Is the
Path to Peace”.  As many of our viewers might remember, in her
New Year’s address on January 1st of this year, Helga
Zepp-LaRouche declared that 2018 must be the year that
geopolitics is overcome; and that a New Paradigm of win-win
relations and win-win cooperation is fully embraced.
In a discussion this afternoon, Helga Zepp-LaRouche called
attention to those remarks that she delivered on New Year’s Day;
and stated that we’re seeing real breakthroughs on this front
globally.  We’re seeing the forging of a new relationship between
China and India with the meetings that have occurred between
President Modi and President Xi Jinping, as we’ve reported
previously.  We’re seeing a realignment underway between China
and Japan, which has been one of the leading geopolitical
rivalries in the Asia-Pacific region.  And of course, we’re
seeing the historic breakthroughs now occurring in Korea, which
clearly China has also played a major role in advancing and in
All of these developments should show us that the
possibility for achieving the challenge that Helga Zepp-LaRouche
posed in that New Year’s message, is very real; and is very real
within this year — 2018.  No matter how incredulous you may have
been when she first delivered those remarks, look at how far
we’ve come.  If we continue to keep our eye on the big picture
strategically, and to understand what is at stake, we’ll be able
to keep a laser focus on the strategy which she laid out in those
remarks.  Remember, we have two paradigms that are now acting on
this planet which cannot continue to coexist.  Under the old
paradigm of geopolitics in which major powers compete with one
another for dominance and hegemony, war is the inevitable
consequence, as we’ve experienced time and time again.  Not only
in the 20th Century, but really going all the way back to ancient
Greece; that is the so-called Thucydides trap.  But under the New
Paradigm, we recognize that in the age of thermonuclear weapons,
war is no longer a viable option if we wish mankind to survive.
Rather, we must embrace the idea of a community of common
destiny, as President Xi Jinping of China has characterized it;
in which sovereign nations, with mutual respect, cooperate with
each other under the framework of win-win relations and common
benefit in confronting and overcoming the common challenges of
mankind.  That latter New Paradigm is now proving itself, with
the great potential that we see for a breakthrough on the Korean
Peninsula serving as an excellent case in point.  As you’ll see,
the Silk Road, the One Belt, One Road Initiative, is proving to
be the key which is unlocking all of these breakthroughs that
we’re now watching develop in front of our eyes.
Now, I’m sure that many Americans have been following this
news, obviously; including the dramatic developments over just
the past several days with Secretary Pompeo’s secret trip to meet
with Kim Jong-un.  That’s what’s depicted in this picture [Fig.
1] that we have on the screen here.  He negotiated the release of
the final American hostages who were being held by North Korea.
You probably saw the images the previous week, as we have here on
the screen [Fig. 2] of the historic summit between President Kim
Jong-un and President Moon Jae-in of South Korea, which took
place in the Demilitarized Zone.  However, what many Americans
might not be knowledgeable of, is the content of these meetings.
You saw the photographs, but what was discussed?  And how did
this possibility for peace on the Korean Peninsula be advanced as
far as it has been?  The key moment in that meeting between
President Moon and President Kim Jong-un took place when
President Moon of South Korea handed Kim Jong-un a thumb drive.
This thumb drive contained detailed plans for new rail routes,
new power development projects, and other infrastructure projects
for North Korea.  What President Moon called a “new economic map
for the Korean Peninsula.”  So, here’s how that plan was
described in an article that was published on the website under the title “A Genius Plan to Modernize North
Korea’s Trains”.  As you can see here [Fig. 3], the subtitle was
“In Korean Peace Talks, all eyes are on Denuclearization.  But a
plan to link the nations’ railways could be far more
transformative.”  The article discusses in detail what is
contained in this new economic map for the Korean Peninsula.  It
“At the center of Moon’s New Economic Map of the Korean
Peninsula is a railway modernization plan that’s much more than
an infrastructure project. It’s a key piece in the geopolitical
puzzle to connect North Korea to the world — and entice the
regime to keep its promises. When it comes to the Korean
Peninsula, North Korea’s denuclearization always gets top
billing. But the agreement to re-link the railways between the
two countries has the potential to be even more transformative
than the promise of a nuclear-free Korean Peninsula.
“As a first step, the rail project outlined in the
Panmunjom Declaration would connect the railway from Seoul to
Pyongyang, passing through Kaeseong in the North. Ultimately, it
would end in Shinuiju, North Korea, linking up at the border with
Dandong, China. But the ultimate plan drawn up by the South
Korean government is much more ambitious. It envisions an
additional high-speed line from Seoul to Shinuiju via Pyongyang,
along with the modernization of six other railways traversing
North Korea. Currently the rails there are so decrepit that
trains can only average 50 kilometers an hour, and the rails
would break under heavy loads. Retrofitting would allow speeds of
100 kilometers an hour and enable heavier loads.
“Most significantly, the plan would connect North Korea to
China and Russia, allowing North Korea to ultimately become a
crucial connector between East Asia and Europe. The
Shinuiju-Dandong crossing is the hub of North Korea’s commerce
with China; adding a high-speed train line would go a long way
toward facilitating even more trade, in which South Korea could
also participate. The renovated Manpo Line, connecting to Jian,
China, would open another logistical connection between North
Korea and China in addition to Dandong-Shinuiju. The improved
Pyongra Line would connect to Russias Trans-Siberian Railroad,
allowing overland freight transport from South Korea all the way
to Europe, while giving Russia a piece of the action for North
Korea’s economic development.
“Taken together, these new connections raise the stakes that
China and Russia have in North Korea — and that would
incentivize them to ensure that North Korea remains stable and
keeps the trains running. North Korea would share in these
benefits, as its cities on these trade routes likely develop
along the way. The Pyongra Line, for example, would connect South
Koreas two largest cities (Seoul and Busan) to North Koreas third
largest city (Chongjin) and its industrial zone with the highest
GDP per capita (Rajin).
“A version of the inter-Korean railway plan has existed for
a while; the two Koreas even had a test run for the rail link in
May 2007, having two trains cross the demilitarized zone on two
“[T]here are reasons to be cautiously optimistic this time
around. For starters, both South and North Korea specifically
want this project. Its also consistent with what their
neighboring countries want as well. China is raring to begin the
One Belt One Road Initiative, a massive infrastructure project
that would enhance the physical connection between Europe and
Asia. The inter-Korean railway could serve as the eastern
extension, creating the overland connection between South Korea
and the prosperous Chinese cities across the Yellow Sea from the
Korean Peninsula, including Beijing and Shanghai.
“A stable inter-Korean railway may also motivate Japan to
finally begin working on the Korea-Japan undersea tunnel, a
project that had been under discussion since the 1980s. If built,
it would be the longest undersea tunnel in the world, more than
four times the length of the Channel Tunnel between France and
the United Kingdom.  According to the South Korean government,
the inter-Korean railway plan caught the attention of both the
Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and the Asian Development
Bank — respectively led by China and Japan, with many other
member nations — indicating international support for the
inter-Korean railway plan. As wild as it sounds, we may see
within our lifetime a Trans-Eurasian train ride from Tokyo to
London — with a pit stop in Pyongyang for its delicious cold
That’s by S. Nathan Park, who is an attorney at Georgetown
University here in the Washington DC area.
But that vision, including the delicious cold North Korean
noodles — I’ve never had them, but I’d be interested — that
vision of a rail connection all the way from the tip of South
Korea all the way to Western Europe; that {is} the vision of the
Eurasian Land-Bridge or the New Silk Road as it’s been
characterized going all the way back to the time it was first
proposed by the LaRouche Movement and Helga Zepp-LaRouche in the
early 1980s as a way of connecting the entire Eurasian continent.
Then the tunnel between Japan and South Korea would be an added
element of that connectivity.  So that was what contained in the
thumb drive that Kim Jong-un received from Moon Jae-in.  That is
what a new economic map for the Korean Peninsula entails.  That
article was published last Friday; a week ago.
But what I’d like you to do, is to compare that development
program with all the rail routes and otherwise what was described
in that article, compare that — what was put appropriately into
the context of connecting North and South Korea to China’s Belt
and Road Initiative.  Take what was just described there, and
compare it to the contents of this video which you’re about to
see some excerpts from.  This video, which was produced by
LaRouche PAC, titled “Peace Through Development: The Path to a
Unified Korea.”  This video was published on May 11, 2016 —
exactly two years ago today.  So, listen to the excerpts of this
video that you’re about to see, which again, was published two
years ago today — May 11, 2016.  Compare it to what is being now
proposed in this New Economic Map for the Korean Peninsula as
it’s being called by the President of South Korea, which is the
key to unlocking the potential for peace on the Korean Peninsula.
So, here’s that video:

NARRATOR:  The need for a policy of peace through
development and win-win cooperation is evident across the globe,
but it is particularly stark in certain parts of the world.  The
Koreas are a case in point.  The situation in this area
represents both tremendous potential and imminent danger.  The
71-year division of the Koreas has resulted in a present-day
serious war danger, with an isolated North Korea suffering from
retarded economic growth, engaging in a series of suspected
nuclear weapons and missiles tests; believing nuclear weapons
were the only means of avoiding the fate of Iraq and Libya, who
submitted to Western demands to end their nuclear weapons
programs, and were promptly bombed, their leaders killed, and the
nations left in ruins.
Is there a potential for cooperation there?  Is there a
pathway forward to the unification of Korea which could rather
serve as an example for the rest of the world, showing that we
can achieve peace through development?  As recently as a couple
of years ago, significant steps were being made in a positive,
and they remain a basis for hope.  Around this time, there was
intense deliberation around the first-ever cooperative
Russia-North Korea-South Korea industrial project.  The Rason
Special Economic Zone, centered around the North Korean port of
Rajin.  The development of this port, situated near the mouth of
the Tumen River (itself the boundary of Russia, China, and North
Korea), involved the participation of the major South Korean
steel producer Pasco, the state rail company Korail, and the
shipping company Hyundai Marine; bringing Russian coal through an
upgraded North Korean port to the South Korean steel factory.
Two main transport corridors would feed into the port region from
China, Russia, and Mongolia, connect to the trans-Siberian
railroad at Chita[ph] with the most crucial connections extending
through Korea.


:  What we need to have is a mass
movement for development.

NARRATOR:  It is high past time for a New Paradigm.  To move
forward with a peace through development outlook and to shun the
policies of those who would prefer war.


:  Because China has embarked in the
policy of the New Silk Road, the Maritime Silk Road, the One
Belt, One Road policy, a huge infrastructure project to connect
all the countries of Eurasia through infrastructure development
and high technology investments.

NARRATOR:  China’s stated foreign policy of win-win
cooperation, an active program of creating a New Silk Road
development corridor, is a path forward which both North and
South Korea can contribute to, and benefit from.

PRESIDENT XI JINPING [translated]:  China is firmly
committed to the path of peaceful development.  It is committed
to growing friendship and cooperative relations with all
countries in the world.

NARRATOR:  The historic identity of Korea has its roots in
the Silk Road.  The former capital, Gyeongju, being a major port
city on the ancient Silk Road.  Just this past August, the
inaugural conference of the Silk Road network of universities was
held there.  At the conference, Schiller Institute founder Helga
Zepp-LaRouche spoke of precisely the need for peace through
development and win-win cooperation; while Mike Billington of
{EIR} reiterated the need to move forward with projects like the
Rason port development project, elaborated in more depth in the
recent report, “The Silk Road Becomes the World Land-Bridge”.  It
can be jumping-off point for the bonanza which has been spoken of
in achieving a peaceful unification of North and South.
In addition to this keystone port development project, which
can serve as an economic boon to all countries on the Tumen
River, crucial rail links should be completed which can allow for
the fulfillment of the vision of a Eurasian Land-Bridge extending
from Pusan to Rotterdam.  Rail originating in South Korea can
connect directly to the Chinese New Silk Road Belt through
rebuilding connection across the border.  And connections in the
North can also be directly fed into the trans-Siberian railroad;
integrating roughly 75 million Koreans into a framework of great
economic potential.
South Korea has begun to pave the way for the future of
energy — thermonuclear fusion — with their Kaestar
superconducting tokomak device in Daejong.  With this frontier
potential and an expanded skilled labor force, Korea could
demonstrate in an even more dramatic way the possibilities for
development when the false debate over limited resources is done
away with.  In fact, Korea could help to show mankind what his
future could look like.  Korea can be a mirror to the world of
what a true human culture can look like.  This culture has long
placed great value on the performance of beautiful Classical
music [music in background].  This is not only the performance of
pieces of the great European composers, but Korea has made its
own contribution to a world Classical culture through a genre of
Korean art songs.  A particularly beautiful one — “Longing for
Kum-kang Mountain”.  Rather than being an example of how quickly
the world could devolve into all-out war, a tragedy which our
human species cannot and should not enable, a peace through
development approach leading to the unification of Korea, could
serve as an example to the world of how quickly our human species
can turn on a dime, rejecting the foolish ways of the past, to
usher in a New Paradigm of cooperation and economic development.

OGDEN:  So, again, that was some excerpts from a video which
was published exactly two years ago today, on May 11, 2016, under
the title “Peace Through Development: The Path to a Unified
Korea.”  The link to the full video is available in the
description below.
But indeed, the concluding words of that video, which was
published two years ago, have now proven to be very prescient
indeed.  “[A] peace through development approach leading to the
unification of Korea, could serve as an example to the world of
how quickly our human species can turn on a dime, rejecting the
foolish ways of the past, to usher in a New Paradigm of
cooperation and economic development.”  Those were the words that
concluded that video.  And that’s exactly what we’re seeing
happening today.  The example has been set on the Korean
Peninsula.  It now serves as a model for what could happen around
the world, and how quickly things can change.  But think about
it, two years ago, while we still had President Barack Obama as
President of the United States, and the threat of nuclear war was
hanging over our heads like a Sword of Damocles.  Two years ago,
did anyone imagine that in two years’ time we would be
experiencing the kind of extraordinary breakthroughs that we’re
now watching development between those two Presidents?  The
Presidents of North and South Korea.  Did anybody imagine that in
two years’ time, you could be seeing the cessation of hostilities
on the Korean Peninsula?  The freeing of all the hostages?  The
beginnings of talks to denuclearize the entire peninsula?  And
these warm gestures of friendship between these two Presidents;
moving in the direction of some form of unification of the
economic capabilities of that peninsula?  This new economic map
for the Korean Peninsula?  Did anybody imagine two years ago that
that’s what we would be seeing at this point in time?
Honestly, I produced that video; and even I, at that time,
was somewhat incredulous as to how fast this could actually come
into being.  If someone had asked me at that time, “Do you really
think that this stalemate, which has been in a state of frozen
conflict for twice the amount of time that you have been alive —
over 70 years.  Do you honestly believe that two years from now,
we’ll be watching the Presidents of these two countries shaking
hands and entering into these historic partnerships?”  If
somebody had travelled back in time at that point from the
present, and shown me this tweet from President Donald Trump, I
would have told them that “No, c’mon, you’re pulling my leg!”;
including the fact that Donald Trump would be President of the
United States.  I also would have thought that was a joke.  But
in all seriousness, who would have thought that we’d be reading a
tweet [Fig. 4] like this:  “Donald J Trump. The highly
anticipated meeting between Kim Jong-un and myself will take
place in Singapore on June 12. We will both try to make it a
very, very special moment for world peace.”  But that tweet
really happened, and this meeting is really set.  A few short
hours after greeting the three remaining US hostages who had been
freed from North Korea at Andrews Air Force Base, once the plane
carrying them and Secretary Mike Pompeo touched down on US soil,
President Trump issued that tweet.  That meeting is set to go
forward; a very historic moment.  A meeting between the President
of North Korea and the President of the United States.
But the lesson for all of us should be, we are living in
truly historic times, and the possibility for real, dramatic,
positive change in the direction of world peace, to use President
Trump’s own words, the potential for change in that direction is
very real.  As the video which we just watched made clear, as
well as the article which I cited in the beginning of this
broadcast, the reason that that possibility exists, the key to
unlocking this entire puzzle, is because of China’s New Silk Road
— the Belt and Road Initiative.  When President Xi Jinping
announced the Belt and Road Initiative in 2013, literally
everything changed.  This created the basis for rejecting
geopolitics and the legacy of conflict and war which has made
these types of breakthroughs as we’re now witnessing on the
Korean Peninsula impossible up to that point.  And President Xi
Jinping’s announcement of this One Belt, One Road initiative
created the framework instead for this kind of win-win
cooperation and economic development between countries.  As
President Xi Jinping has called it, “win-win cooperation, a
common destiny for mankind”; which provides not only the
incentives for ending conflict, negating a state of war, but also
creates the basis for a real and durable peace.  That basis, as a
positive form of peace, not just a negation of a state of war, is
this kind of potential for mutually beneficial progress for all
nations involved.  The point is, ideas can truly change the
course of history.  The vision which was contained in that video,
which was produced by LaRouche PAC two years ago, including the
excerpts which were included from a speech that Helga
Zepp-LaRouche gave in which she called for a mass movement of
economic development; that vision is now becoming real.  These
development projects, which are now serving as the vehicle for
peace in Korea, are projects which the LaRouche movement has been
championing for decades.  If you look at this process which is
underway in Korea, together with all of the other development
projects which are now moving forward elsewhere — such as the
Transaqua program in Africa to refill Lake Chad; the Kra Canal
project in Thailand; and countless other projects.  The list goes
on and on.  All of these projects which have been promoted by the
LaRouche movement for decades, all in the context of the idea of
a New Silk Road as the pathway to peace, these are now moving
forward because of that history-changing initiative which
President Xi Jinping took in 2013, when he launched the One Belt,
One Road initiative.
The critical point is that this breakthrough in Korea was
made possible only means of the cooperation which took place
between China, the United States, and Russia; this great powers
cooperation.  As Kim Jong-un’s second visit to China in less than
two months which occurred this week proves, President Xi Jinping
is playing {the} key role in guiding this peace process forward;
as President Trump himself has recognized and has repeatedly
called public attention to.  In tweets, speeches, public
statements, and in press conferences, he has given President Xi
Jinping the credit.
But as we celebrate the anniversary again this week of
Victory in Europe Day, or Victory Day as it’s called, it was
celebrated May 8 in Europe, and May 9 in Russia.  This is the
legacy of the Allies of World War II; the Allies under Franklin
Roosevelt’s guidance, which defeated Hitler and defeated fascism.
But [who], in Franklin Roosevelt’s vision, would go forward to
form a peacetime coalition of great powers which would bring
development to the entire world.  That vision was derailed at the
time that Franklin Roosevelt died and Truman and Churchill
instead guided the world into a Cold War which lasted for the
remainder of the 20th Century.  But now, finally, we have the
opportunity to revive that vision and the breakthrough on the
Korean Peninsula should herald the beginning of a New Paradigm of
this kind of great powers’ relationship which can unlock these
challenges which the world has faced for generations.
So, Helga Zepp-LaRouche addressed this during her webcast
yesterday.  She emphasized that this breakthrough is due to the
tireless effort and vision which has been put forward over
decades for these kinds of development projects which the
LaRouche movement has been involved in intimately for connecting
the Korean Peninsula into this more broad New Silk Road, Eurasian
Land-Bridge idea.  So, listen to what Helga Zepp-LaRouche had to
say yesterday:


:  when Kim Jong-un and Moon
Jae-in met, President Moon gave his North Korean counterpart a
thumb drive, and on that, there was a whole development plan for
North Korea.  And this involves three economic corridors; railway
lines connecting all the way from South Korea through North Korea
to China, and to the Trans-Siberian Railway.  And there is now a
big discussion, in Moscow in particular, about the Tumen River
project. This is fantastic, because this is an economic
development plan which involves Russia, China and North Korea,
and it would make this region, which is now very little
developed, into one of the big transport hubs for all of Asia.
If this program goes ahead well, and the fact that Pompeo
was just again in North Korea, preparing the summit between Trump
and Kim, means, as of now, it’s still on a very good track —
that if these development projects would be implemented, you
could have a complete economic miracle between the two Koreas,
and this would really make the way for a peaceful unification,
and integration into the Belt and Road Initiative, and transform
this area of the world from a crisis spot, into one of the most
prosperous regions.
Now, for me, this development shows that if there is a good
will on the side of the political leaders, you can take any
crisis — {any} crisis —  and solve it exactly the way this was
solved, through back-channel discussions involving Russia, China,
and the United States.  And you know, it is an example that with
good will, you can turn the worst crisis into its opposite and
make it a hopeful perspective.  So, one would really hope that
this lesson is being learned, and that same method is being
applied to the Middle East right now, using the fact that the New
Silk Road is already the most dynamic development on the planet,
that all the people can be brought to see the benefit of
cooperating and joining into this development.

OGDEN:  So again, the Korea breakthroughs are a model.  This
is a proof of principle, and this is a lesson that has to be
learned and applied across the world, as Helga LaRouche said;
including, emphatically, in the Middle East.  So, while these
extremely positive developments are taking place in Asia, not
only the developments on the Korean Peninsula, but also as we
mentioned, the realignment of China and Japan, the opening up of
new relations between China and India.  While all of these very
positive developments in the direction of this New Paradigm are
taking place, on the other hand, a very dangerous situation is
developing on the other side of the world in the Middle East.
Specifically in Syria and Iran, as well as in Yemen.  The strikes
that have been launched just over the past few days by Israel
into Syria, are clearly intended to inflame this region and to
inflame a conflict with Iran; and are part of an array of other
provocations.  If you put this together with President Trump’s
announcement that he is abandoning the Iran nuclear deal, we have
a very dangerous situation developing in that region.  Helga
Zepp-LaRouche warned that she is quite worried that this
decision, under the influence of certain advisors in the Trump
administration, to abandon the Iran nuclear deal, could have a
negative impact on the Korea process.  She said later in that
same webcast that the solution in Iran, the solution in Syria,
the solution in the entirety of the Middle East, is to apply the
Silk Road model in exactly the same way that it’s being applied
in the Korean Peninsula.  Emphatically with the kind of great
powers cooperation between Russia, China, and the United States
that we’ve seen taking place in Korea.  So, listen to what Helga
Zepp-LaRouche had to say further in that webcast from yesterday:


:  [A]ny peace plan, or any
security architecture has to take into account the security
interests of all participating countries.
Obviously, given the condition of the entire Middle East,
after the destructive wars in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, it
is very clear that the only thing which will really solve the
problems of this region would be what I have said many times
before:  You need the extension of the New Silk Road into the
entire region, from Afghanistan to the Mediterranean, from the
Caucasus to the Persian Gulf, and have a development plan for all
of these countries as an integrated one.  And this could only
work if Russia, China, India, Iran, Egypt, the United States, and
hopefully European countries, are all agreeing that this region
must be economically built up. And the only way you can have
peace in a region, and really get rid of terrorism, is if you
have a perspective for the hope for the future.
So I would really hope that if President Trump says he has
an alternative plan, a more comprehensive plan, that it should
absolutely include joint ventures of the United States, Russia,
China, India in the development of this region.  A beginning was
made between President Xi Jinping and India’s Prime Minister Modi
when they met in Wuhan a week ago, where India and China said
they would start joint development projects in Afghanistan,
building a railroad from Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan,
Iran, China, and that would be the beginning of many other
projects to follow.  You need a comprehensive development plan
for it to work. And so, I would really hope that President Trump
would think in that direction, because I think that’s the only
way it could be stabilized.
And I can only say, there must be a complete change in the
attitude, because geopolitics is the stuff of which two world
wars were made, and due to the fact that we have today May 9, we
should really make a solemn commitment, “Never Again!”  We cannot
have world wars again!  And this kind of destabilization has the
potential of spinning out of control:  If there would be a
military conflict between Israel and Iran, which is not to be
excluded at this point, it could spin out of control and lead to
the extinction of civilization, so this is not stuff to be played

OGDEN:  So again, as Helga LaRouche declared on January 1st
of this year, 2018 must be the year that we end geopolitics.
We’re seeing a lot of very positive indications in that
direction, but we’re also seeing the danger that the reaction
against that is leading to a desperation which would be the
impetus towards re-igniting these conflict zones and using them
to start a world war-type of situation.  So, we have to have a
very clear and urgent sense of necessity when we look at what
Helga Zepp-LaRouche called for in her New Year’s address January
1st of this year.
We should be encouraged by the breakthroughs that are taking
place.  We should apply these lessons, and we should recognize
that the Silk Road — this vision of a new common destiny for
mankind and peace through economic development — this has been
the key which has allowed us to unlock this seemingly intractable
situation on the Korean Peninsula.  It could be applied
elsewhere.  President Trump clearly understands that to a certain
extent; praising the role that President Xi Jinping has played
and working very closely together with President Xi in the
situation in Korea.  But this must be extended to his view of the
entire world, and understanding that this great powers
relationship is necessary to solve these conflicts worldwide.
So, this is the reason why we’ve now reprinted an updated
form of this mass circulation pamphlet which LaRouche PAC is now
circulating.  This is “LaRouche’s Four Laws: The LaRouche 2018
Campaign to Win the Future; A New Paradigm for Mankind”.
Obviously, the three pledges which comprise the LaRouche PAC 2018
campaign program are:
1. Stop this kind of Russia-gate coup attempt to undermine
the Trump Presidency. [Which is not personally against Trump, but
this is a strategy to undermine the possibility for the great
powers relationship that Trump is inclined towards between the
United States and Russia, targetted specifically; but also
between the United States and China.]
2. President Trump must reciprocate China’s offer to join
the New Silk Road; and that the United States must fully come
onboard with the Belt and Road Initiative on this idea of
securing the common aims of mankind.
3. The United States must fully adopt Lyndon LaRouche’s Four
Laws for Economic Recovery, which are the pathway towards the
United States fully embracing this New Paradigm of great project
development which is now beginning to sweep the globe [and must
be applied not just in these regions around the world, but also
must be brought right here to the United States for the economic
development vision which Lyndon LaRouche has championed here in
the United States for decades].
This would a return to the American System of Alexander
Hamilton with the kind of national bank credit creation
capabilities that our Federal government was endowed with under
our Constitution, and the use of that to have a crash program for
the development of fusion power.  It would be done in conjunction
with Korea, as was mentioned in that video.  And also the
aggressive re-assertion of an expanded manned exploration of
So, that’s what’s contained in this LaRouche PAC 2018
Campaign to Win the Future.  As I said, it’s now been printed;
it’s in circulation.  You can get your hands either on a print
copy, or it’s accessible at the link that’s in the description to
this video —  We encourage you; get your hands
on that copy.  Visit the action center, and become an active
volunteer with the LaRouche PAC 2018 Campaign to Win the Future.
There are a lot of positive developments which should give
you optimism.  That ideas truly can change the course of history.
But you should also feel a real sense of urgency that this is
truly a race against time to secure the New Paradigm for the
benefit of the entire globe.
Thank you very much for joining us today.  Please stay tuned
to, as I’m sure dramatic developments are yet to

Med de voksende spændinger,
hold jer det store billede for øje.
Helga Zepp-LaRouche i Schiller
Institut Nyt Paradigme Webcast
9. maj, 2018. pdf; dansk

I betragtning af tilstanden i hele Mellemøsten, efter de destruktive krige i Irak, Syrien, Yemen, Afghanistan, er det selvfølgelig meget klart, at det eneste, der virkelig vil løse problemerne i dette område, ville være det, jeg har sagt så mange gange før: Der er brug for en forlængelse af den Nye Silkevej ind i hele dette område, fra Afghanistan til Middelhavet, fra Kaukasus til den Persiske Golf, og for at have en udviklingsplan for alle disse lande som en integreret plan. Dette ville kun kunne fungere, hvis Rusland, Kina, Indien, Iran, Egypten, USA og forhåbentlig europæiske lande, alle aftaler, at dette område må opbygges økonomisk. Den eneste måde, hvorpå man kan få fred i det område og virkelig blive terrorismen kvit, er, hvis man har et perspektiv for et håb om fremtiden.


Download (PDF, Unknown)



Hvis Roosevelt havde levet

Leder fra LaRouchePAC, 10. maj, 2018 – Midt i de seneste ugers begivenheder, der er uden fortilfælde, minder gårsdagens fejring af Sejrsdagen i Moskva, der fejrer afslutningen af Anden Verdenskrig i Europa, og især præsident Putins dybt bevægende hyldest til dem, der rundhåndet gav alt for at besejre nazisterne, os om vores amerikanske præsident Franklin Roosevelt, der, udslidt, var bukket under blot få uger før nazismens endelige nederlag. Roosevelts død på dette tidspunkt frastjal denne generation det løfte om verden efter krigen, og Amerika efter krigen, han så længe havde planlagt og kæmpet for.

Statsmanden Lyndon LaRouches tale i New Delhi fra 3. dec., 2008, »Tiden for et nyt system er kommet«, hvor han første gang foreslog »Firemagtsaftalen«, genskaber Franklin Roosevelts tankegang fra dengang, gennem en prisme af LaRouches mere avancerede koncepter frem til nutiden.

Lyndon LaRouche sagde, »Vi må have en koalition af kræfter på planeten, der er stærk nok, og som i tilstrækkelig grad forstår sin gensidige egeninteresse, til at genindsætte den form for kontrol, som USA forsøgte at promovere under Franklin Roosevelt. Mod slutningen af krigen sagde Roosevelt, i forbindelse med Kina og i forbindelse med Sovjetunionen, samt andre lande, man behøver ikke synes om det andet land; man behøver ikke synes om dets regering; man behøver ikke synes om dets politik. Det, man må gøre, er at etablere et internationalt kontrolsystem, under hvilket man ikke har ting, der løber løbsk, og som udgør trusler. Man må simpelt hen have traktatlige organisationer eller lignede ting, der svarer til traktatlige organisationer, hvor folk har en sådan interesse i at bevare traktat-organisationen, at de vil regulere sig selv og deres eget land. Og man kan få samarbejde omkring dette.«

Det var sådan, Roosevelt havde til hensigt at sammensætte en verden efter krigen med Stalins Rusland, Kina og Indien. Men hans efterfølger, Harry Truman, tilbød at mødes med Stalin, så snart denne kunne komme til USA – hvilket Truman udmærket vidste, Stalin aldrig ville gøre. Modellen for efterkrigstidens Tyskland skulle være det, vi har set i Østrig – neutralitet befriet for militær besættelse. Et forenet Tyskland ville have blomstret – men det skulle ikke være således. Koreakrigen, der har truet os fra dens begyndelse i 1950 og frem til nutiden, gav Stalin en mulighed for at slå tilbage mod angloamerikansk militært pres i Europa, gennem en ubevogtet bagdør i Asien. I tilbageblik fulgte der en anden form for mareridt efter Anden Verdenskrig, fordi Roosevelt døde, og hans planer og idealer blev begravet sammen med ham af britisk imperialisme.

Inden for sin Firemagtsaftale foreslog LaRouche at bruge den amerikanske forfatnings enestående træk til at forankre udstedelsen af massive mængder af kreditskabelse til produktiv investering, med vægt på infrastruktur. Der findes ingen måde, hvorpå man kan gå i gang med at transformere de millioner af ufaglærte arbejdere i Indien, for eksempel, til faglært arbejdskraft, uden en massiv skabelse af infrastruktur.

Tilbage i 1945 mislykkedes det for os at skabe den verden efter krigen, som vore helte forventede og fortjente. I stedet for dette lysende løfte, tilbragte vi et helt liv under truslen om atomkrig – en trussel, der stadig består den dag i dag. Men i dag er der åbnet op for et nyt alternativ, takket være Lyndon LaRouches kreative vision, centreret omkring Bælte & Vej Initiativet, lanceret af Kinas præsident Xi Jinping, og i hvilket flere end 100 lande nu deltager.

I dag blev Mahatir Mohamad, i en alder af 92, genindsat som premierminister for Malaysia 15 år efter, han sidst forlod denne post, og han er således den ældste, valgte leder i verden. Mahatir Mohamad er velkendt på internationalt plan for sin åbenlyse enighed med Lyndon LaRouche, for eksempel, med hensyn til George Soros. Han tiltræder embedet som en verdensleder, der er muslim, og som også frem for alt andet er en stærk tilhænger af Bælte & Vej Initiativet, som han i dag sagde, han havde detaljeret foreslået i et personligt brev til præsident Xi Jinping.

Mahatir Mohamads lederskab og støtte til Bælte & Vej Initiativet er ikke alene vigtigt for Sydøstasien, men også ekstremt vigtigt for Mellemøsten, der nu er i færd med at blive angrebet af en farlig stedfortræderkrig. Bælte & Vej er det tvingende nødvendige svar for Sydvestasien – som Lyndon LaRouche i mere end 40 år har foreslået, og som Franklin Roosevelt ville være enig i.

Se Lyndon LaRouche: »The Time Has Come for a New System«, EIR, 19. dec., 2008.

Foto: Den russiske præsident Putin under militærparaden, der markerer 73-året for Sejr i den Store Patriotiske Krig 1941-45. Et minuts stilhed. 9. maj, 2018. (   

Valget af Mahatir i Malaysia har globale implikationer

10. maj, 2018 – Ligesom Brexit-valget til fordel for Storbritanniens udtræden af EU, valget af den filippinske præsident Rodrigo Duterte og valget af den amerikanske præsident Donald Trump, så repræsenterer dr. Mahatir Mohamads tilbagevenden til lederskabet i Malaysia det igangværende paradigmeskifte og kunne potentielt have en betydningsfuld indflydelse på løsningen af kriser i Mellemøsten og andre udviklingsområder i verden.

En erhvervsmand, der har arbejdet tæt sammen med Mahatir og dennes førende, økonomiske rådgiver, Daim Zainudden, omkring projekter i hele verden, sagde til EIR i dag, at han har set, at Mahatir stadig nyder en enorm respekt i hele verden, inklusive i særdeleshed i de islamiske nationer, for sit forsvar for udvikling og suverænitet.

Man bør huske, at EIR i stor udstrækning cirkulerede Mahatirs taler og skrifter i hele verden i den periode, hvor Mahatir stillede sig i spidsen mod George Soros og IMF efter »Asien-krisen« i 1997. På det tidspunkt kørte Wall Street Journal en vildt irrationel reaktion på forsiden: »Malaysias Mahatir finder underlig kilde til Soros-kampagne: Asiatiske landes medier bruger den amerikanske konspirationsteoretiker Lyndon LaRouche, jr.« Argentinas præsident Nestor Kirchner og andre verdensledere blev influeret af Mahatirs mod og hans demonstration af, at en nation kunne overleve et britisk finansstormløb ved at gå op imod det.

Igen i dag kunne dette få en effektiv virkning og bidrage globalt til transformationen til det Nye Paradigme. Mahatir gav i dag i sin pressekonference udtryk for sin stærke støtte, både historisk og endnu i dag, til Bælte & Vej-processen.

I et interview med EIR den 16. feb., 2016 kommenterede dr. Mahatir sit møde med Xi Jinping kort tid efter, at præsident Xi annoncerede den Maritime Silkevej i Indonesien. Han og Xi skabte en ny organisation ved navn »Ching Ho-foreningen«, navngivet efter admiral Ching Ho (Zheng He), der anførte den enorme armada af kinesiske skattefartøjer i det 15. århundrede. Mahatir sagde:

»[Ching Ho] er en bemærkelsesværdig leder, en bemærkelsesværdig mand. Han kom med meget magtfulde styrker, ikke for at erobre, men for at etablere diplomatiske relationer med lande. Kina har aldrig forsøgt at erobre lande. De ønskede at etablere diplomatiske relationer og handel med disse lande. Dette står i modsætning til de første portugisere – med Vasco da Gama, Alfonso de Albuquerque og Diego Lopes de Sequeira – som kom her med det formål at erobre. Portugiserne ankom i Malacca i 1509. To år senere erobrede de Malacca. Kineserne havde været i Malacca i mange, mange år før dette, og erobrede aldrig Malacca, til trods for, at de havde så mange kinesere i dette land, der kunne have dannet en femte kolonne for dem. Men de prøvede aldrig på at erobre det. Så der er forskel på Ching Ho og portugiserne og de andre europæere. Ching Ho etablerede venskaber. Så denne forening, som vi vil danne, sker for at fejre venskab mellem nationer. Der bliver en pris for folk, der arbejde mest for at frembringe venskab mellem lande.« (se EIR, 7. marts, 2014, »Mahathir: The British Empire and Its U.S. Minions Foment Global War«)

Foto: Dr. Mahatir Mohamad bliver verdens ældste, valgte leder. Hans opposition har netop vundet et flertal i Malaysias parlament med 112 pladser over det regerende partis 76 pladser – det første regeringsskifte, siden uafhængigheden fra briterne i 1957.

Mahatir taget i ed som Malaysias premierminister;
roser Kinas Bælte & Vej

10. maj, 2018 – Dr. Mahatir Mohamad, 92 år, er blevet taget i ed som Malaysias nye premierminister efter den fantastiske og overvældende sejr, som blev vundet af koalitionen, han samlede for at udfordre sit tidligere UMNO-parti og sin tidligere protegé Najib Razak, som var blevet afsløret som ekstremt korrupt. Mahatirs pressekonference her til morgen fokuserede på Kina, eftersom han for en dels vedkommende havde ført kampagne imod de høje låneomkostninger for nogle af de projekter, Kina har indledt i Malaysia som en del af Bælte & Vej. Men han gjorde det klart, at han fuldt ud støtter Bælte & Vej og vil arbejde tæt sammen med Kina, alt imens han imidlertid ønsker at revidere nogle af kontrakterne.

Et udskrift af hans svar på det første spørgsmål til ham, om Kina og Bælte & Vej:

»Vi må undersøge alle de ting, som den foregående regering har gjort, ikke alene omkring Kina – mange ting internt i landet. Kina har lang erfaring i at behandle ulige traktater [under briterne], og Kina genforhandlede dem. Så, om nødvendigt, vil vi genforhandle betingelserne. Men, hvilken mængde penge har regeringen lånt? RM55 mia. [$14 mia.] til Øst-vest-jernbanen, og en masse andre ting, som vil blive en stor byrde for regeringen. Regeringen må forsøge at reducere låntagning, i modsat fald vil vi få vanskeligheder.

Med hensyn til problemet Bælte & Vej. Vi har intet problem med det. Bortset fra, at vi ikke ønsker at se krigsskibe i regionen, for krigsskibene tiltrækker andre krigsskibe, og tingene bliver anspændt. I fortiden har vi haft en atomvåbenfri zone, så vi ønsker ikke at have potentiel krig i dette land.

Men vi støtter Bælte & Vej-programmet. Jeg har faktisk selv skrevet til Xi Jinping om behovet for en landforbindelse med Europa ved hjælp af tog, de er hurtigere end skibe. Da efterspørgslen på olie steg, blev skibene bygget større og større og nåede op på en halv mio. ton, men togene er forblevet små, ikke lange nok.  Så jeg forslog Xi Jinping i et personligt brev, at vi må have store tog, og Kina har teknologien til at bygge store tog, der kan bringe varer til Europa og ligeledes gøre Centralasien – Kasakhstan, Usbekistan osv. – mere tilgængelig for transport af deres varer, deres råmaterialer, til Kina, til Japan og til Sydøstasien.

Det er vores politik.«

Foto: En smilende Mahatir Mohamad, 92 år, har netop vundet valget i Malaysia og bliver landets syvende premierminister. Han var tidligere premierminister i perioden 1981-2003.

Konflikt mellem Iran og Israel blusser op i Syrien

10. maj, 2018 – Kampe mellem Israel og Iran er blusset op, med Syrien, der er blevet krigsskuepladsen. Sent om natten den 9. maj anklagede Israel den iranske Revolutionsgardes Quds-styrke for at affyre 20 raketter mod de israelskbesatte Golan-højder. Talsmand for de Israelske Forsvarsstyrker (IDF), brigadegeneral Ronen Manelis, sagde, ingen af dem ramte israelsk territorium; fire raketter blev opfanget af Iron Dome-systemet, og resten landede på syrisk jord. Israel siger som respons, at det angreb 50 lokaliteter i Syrien, som det hævder, er baser for iranerne, og som Manelis definerede som »en af det Israelske Luftvåbens største operationer i det forgangne årti«.

Det Russiske Forsvarsministerium sagde, at Israel udsendte 28 fly, der affyrede mindst 60 missiler, af hvilke halvdelen blev opfanget; Den Syriske Arabiske Hær rapporterer tre mennesker dræbt. Ruslands viceudenrigsminister Mikhail Bogdanov sagde, hans land var bekymret over voksende militære spændinger mellem Israel og Iran over Syrien. »Dette er alt sammen meget alarmerende, det vækker bekymring. Der bør arbejdes på at deeskalere spændinger«, citerede TASS Bogdanov for at sige.

Manelis sagde, israelske styrker angreb køretøjet, der lancerede raketterne, såvel som også fem batterier fra det syriske antiluftskytssystem. Han sagde også, at IDF advarede den syriske hær om ikke at intervenere og informerede russerne forud for angrebet, gennem dekonfliktions-aftalen mellem Rusland og Israel.

Det Syriske Arabiske Nyhedsagentur, SANA, bekræftede, at Israel lancerede »titals« raketter, af hvilke nogle ramte deres mål og ødelagde en af deres radarstationer.

Pressesekretær for Det Hvide Hus, Sarah Sanders, sagde i et interview til Fox News, at den opblussede situation med Israel i Golan »blot er en yderligere demonstration af, at man ikke kan stole på det iranske regime og endnu en god påmindelse om, at præsidenten traf den rette beslutning om at træde ud af Iran-aftalen«.

Angrebene fandt sted få timer efter den israelske premierminister Benjamin Netanyahus tilbagevenden fra Moskva, hvor han diskuterede sine bekymringer over Syrien/Iran med den russiske præsident Vladimir Putin.

Israels forsvarsminister Avigdor Lieberman sagde om angrebet: »De [Iran] må huske på talemåden, hvis det regner på os, stormer det på dem. Jeg håber, vi har afsluttet denne episode, og at alle forstod.« Lieberman sagde, at Israel ikke ønsker en eskalering, men »ikke vil lade nogen angribe os eller bygge infrastruktur til at angribe os i fremtiden«.

Fra Frankrig blev en erklæring udstedt i præsident Macrons navn, der sagde, at »Han opfordrer til deeskalering« og at Macron ville diskutere sagen med den tyske kansler Angela Merkel, når han mødes med hende i Aachen senere på dagen.

Foto: Israel har lanceret massive missilangreb mod iranske militære mål i Syrien.

Leibniz havde ret: Korea beviser, man kan
ændre det værste til det bedste, hvis den
politiske vilje er til stede

Leder fra LaRouchePAC, 8. maj, 2018 – Alt imens massemedierne sørgede for, at den vestlige verdens opmærksomhed i dag var naglet til præsident Trumps tale, hvor han annoncerede, at USA trak sig ud af Iranaftalen – baseret på endnu en række britiskfabrikerede Store Løgne – så foregik dagens store begivenheder, der faktisk ændrer verdenshistorien, alle sammen på den asiatiske front.

* Den kinesiske præsident Xi Jinping holdt et todages overraskelsesmøde den 7.-8. maj med den nordkoreanske leder Kim Jong-un i den kinesiske havneby Dalian, hvor de diskuterede vejen frem på Koreahalvøen. Kim erklærede: »Så længe, relevante parter opgiver deres fjendtlige politikker og fjerner sikkerhedstrusler mod D.P.R.K., er der ingen grund til, at D.P.R.K. skal være en atomvåbenstat, og atomvåbenafrustning kan realiseres … Jeg håber at opbygge gensidig tillid med USA gennem dialog.«

* Den sydkoreanske præsident Moon Jae-ins forslag til nordkoreanerne om et »Nyt økonomisk kort over Koreahalvøen« skal angiveligt involvere byggeriet af »tre bælter«: en jernbane fra Sydkorea gennem Nordkorea og videre ind i Rusland; en jernbane, der løber i øst-vestlig retning langs det, der nu er den demilitariserede zone, eller DMZ; og endnu en nord-sydgående jernbane, som forlænges ind i Kina – og herfra kobler op til hele Bælte & Vej. Asiatiske medier promoverer ligeledes det historiske projekt for Tumen-floden som en del af pakken for politikken for Koreahalvøen.

* Den kinesiske premierminister Li Keqiang ankom i dag til Japan til det første besøg af den kinesiske premierminister i otte år, til bilaterale diskussioner og til dernæst at deltage i det 7. ledermøde for Japan-R.O.K. (Republikken Korea; Sydkorea) den 9. maj. Li udtrykte sine forventninger om, at »de tre lande vil cementere tillid og søge samarbejde og bidrage til regional udvikling, fremgang og fred«.

Asien er stedet, hvor fremtiden i dag bygges, erklærede Helga Zepp-LaRouche. Det er den eneste del af verden, der vokser økonomisk, så meget, at det er lokomotivet, der trækker de øst- og centraleuropæiske økonomier og enhver anden nation, der er begavet nok til at tilslutte sig Bælte & Vej Initiativet. Der finder ingen reel økonomisk vækst sted i Europa eller USA, og der kan heller ikke komme nogen, før også de opgiver Det britiske Imperiums finanssystem, tilslutter sig Bælte & Vej og følger Lyndon LaRouches politik, der er nedfældet i de Fire Love.

»Det, der er ved at vokse frem, er et nyt sæt relationer mellem nationer«, understregede Zepp-LaRouche, »nye relationer, baseret på win-win-samarbejde med færdsel i begge retninger«. Disse nye relationer er allerede i kraft, og de udgør kernen i det Nye Paradigme, som på lang sigt alene kan sikre den menneskelige races overlevelse.

De projekter, der nu diskuteres og bygges – Tumen-floden, Koreas »tre bælter«, Transaqua i Afrika – er alle sammen vore projekter og politikker, som i årtier er blevet specificeret og promoveret af Lyndon LaRouche og hans medarbejdere. Og nu bevæger verden sig i denne retning; vores retning.

Det er tåbeligt og selvmorderisk at lade som om, dette fremvoksende Nye Paradigme ikke eksisterer, erklærede Zepp-LaRouche. De, der, ligesom Tysklands Angela Merkel, der belærer nationerne i Øst- og Centraleuropa om, at de ikke bør tilslutte sig Bælte & Vej, fordi EU har en bedre, mere »gennemskuelig«, mindre »korrupt« »Europæisk-asiatisk Plan for Konnektivitet«, gør sig selv til grin over hele planeten. Selv enhver struds med respekt for sig selv er begyndt at hive hovedet op af sandet, for ikke at blive sammenlignet med Merkel, Macron og May.

Koreahalvøen, understregede Zepp-LaRouche, er et bevis på princippet om, at de værste situationer i verden kan transformeres til de bedste, så længe den politiske vilje er til stede – og i Korea har denne vilje vist sig at være der, kommende fra Kina, Rusland og USA.

Med det Nye Paradigme, der nu er ved at blive til virkelighed, og med Det britiske Imperiums finanssystem, der er ved at kollapse, er Imperiet nu i en situation, hvor de ikke kan vinde; men de kunne stadig lykkes med at få hele verden til at omkomme i flammehavet sammen med dem. De står tilbage med muligheden for at fremprovokere krige – som det er deres plan med den Iran-politik, som Trump i dag formulerede – og forlade sig på befolkningens godtroenhed med f.eks. at tolerere Det britiske Imperiums statskupforsøg mod Trump-administrationen.

Det er vores opgave, ifølge Zepp-LaRouche, at »uddanne befolkningen i det strategiske billede, hele billedet«, så de indser den eksistentielle fare, som britisk geopolitik frembyder, og således, at de kan handle på grundlaget for, at dette er den bedste, og muligvis sidste, mulighed for at redde civilisationen.

Foto: Præsident Moon Jae-in (højre) og den nordkoreanske leder Kim Jong-un havde en kort samtale forud for deres topmøde, i lobbyen i Peace House, stedet for det Interkoreanske Topmøde 2018, i Punmunjeom den 27. april. (2018 Inter-Korean Summit Press Corps)

Putin udsteder Maj-dekret, som fremlægger mål for politikken frem til 2024

8. maj, 2018 – Vladimir Putin overtog præsidentembedet i Rusland i går og underskrev, efter sin indsættelsestale, en eksekutiv ordre om den Russiske Føderations nationale og strategiske mål, som fastsætter hans regerings politik til og med 2024. Det såkaldte Maj-dekret er en stærk hensigtserklæring om den retning, som Putin vil instruere sin nye regering til at vedtage, og som giver genlyd af både tonen og de specifikke punkter, som han fastslog i sin tale 1. marts til den føderale forsamling. Maj-dekretet begynder:

»Med det formål at opnå gennembrud inden for videnskab og teknologi samt socialøkonomisk udvikling i den Russiske Føderation, øge landets befolkning, forbedre vore borgeres levestandard og livsbetingelser og skabe et miljø og muligheder for alle for at opfylde deres potentiale, har præsidenten instrueret regeringen om at opnå de følgende, nationale udviklingsmål frem til 2024:

  • Sikre en holdbar, naturlig befolkningstilvækst;
  • øge den forventede levealder til 78 år (80 år i 2030);
  • sikre bæredygtig vækst af reelle lønninger, såvel som også en vækst i pensionerne over inflationsniveauet;
  • halvere fattigdommen;
  • forbedre boligvilkårene for mindst 5 millioner husstande årligt;
  • accelerere den teknologiske udvikling og øge antallet af organisationer, der er engageret i teknologisk innovation, til 50 % af totalen …«

Hele Maj-dekretet kan læses på engelsk her:

Foto: Vladimir Putin blev indsat som Ruslands præsident for endnu en seksårs periode frem til 2024. 

Videnskab: Menneskets forhold til universet.
6. lektion i LaRouchePAC’s undervisnings-
serie 2018, »Hvad er det Nye Paradigme«,
14. april, 2018

Det emne, vi vil tale om i dag, er stort. Vi vil fokusere vores opmærksomhed på nogle specifikke aspekter af, hvad videnskab er; hvad det fortæller os om os selv og vores plads i universet. Jeg vil gerne lægge ud med en iagttagelse, som er, at menneskets intellekt er i en vis forbindelse med universet som helhed. En af de fundamentale grundsætninger hos dem, der skabte renæssancen, såsom Nicolaus Cusanus, og hos videnskabsfolk som Johannes Kepler og Leonardo da Vinci, er, at mennesket er skabt i Guds billede.

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