Kina afsætter 10 mia. dollar til den Nordlige
Arktiske Rute og tilknyttede projekter

13. juni, 2018 – På sidelinjerne af Shanghai Samarbejdsorganisationens topmøde 9.-10. juni i Qingdao, Kina, mødtes ledere af Ruslands Vnesheconombank (VEB) og China Development Bank (CDB) for at underskrive en af deres landes største bilaterale investeringsaftaler nogensinde. Ifølge GBTimes medienetværk i dag, har CDB indgået aftale om at låne op til 65 mia. yuan, svarende til 600 mia. rubel ($10 mia.) til Ruslands VEB til finansiering af projekter under Beijings Bælte & Vej Initiativ og den Moskva-ledede Eurasiske Økonomiske Union (EAEU).

Under denne aftale kunne CDB og VEB sammen finansiere henved 70 projekter, godkendt af parterne, især i det arktiske område. »Inden for denne koordinering har vi en række betydningsfulde projekter, i særdeleshed dem på den Nordlige Sejlrute og på Kina-Europa højhastigheds-forbindelsen. Der er i øjeblikket omkring 70 projekter, vi sammen kunne finansiere, og som ville bidrage meget til at koordinere integrationsprocesser«, citeres VEB-formand Igor Shuvalov for at sige i en selskabs-pressemeddelelse.

Det Nye Paradigme begynder: Fortiden definerer ikke fremtiden!
LaRouchePAC Internationale Webcast, 15. juni, 2018

Sikke en ekstraordinær uge! Som I ser her af vores grafik, så er titlen på aftenens udsendelse, “Det Nye Paradigme begynder: Fortiden definerer ikke fremtiden!” Og dette er selvfølgelig et fotografi fra det absolut ekstraordinære topmøde i Singapore mellem USA’s præsident Donald Trump og Nordkoreas leder Kim Jong-un. Dette møde, der gav langt mere positive resultater, end nogen kunne have forudset før den 12. juni, indvarsler begyndelsen til et Nyt Paradigme, afslutningen af geopolitik og fremkomsten af en ny filosofi for win-win-relationer mellem nationer og fred gennem økonomisk udvikling.


Engelsk udskrift:   

LaRouche PAC Friday Webcast, June 15, 2018





MATTHEW OGDEN:  Good afternoon.  It’s June 15, 2018.  My

name is Matthew Ogden, and you’re tuning in for our Friday

evening strategic webcast from

All I can say is, what an extraordinary week!  As you can

see here in our graphic, the title of our show today is “A New

Paradigm Begins!  The Past Does Not Define the Future.”  And this

is, of course, a photograph of the absolutely unprecedented

historic Singapore summit between President Trump of the United

States of America, and Chairman Kim Jong-un of North Korea, of

the DPRK.  This meeting, which rendered results which were far

more positive than anybody had expected going into this June 12th

summit, this meeting heralds the possibility of the beginning of

a New Paradigm; the end of geopolitics; and the emergence of a

new philosophy of win-win relations between nations, and peace

through economic development.  As President Trump himself said

repeatedly during his trip to Singapore throughout this summit,

“The past does not define the future.  Past conflicts do not have

to be tomorrow’s wars.  Adversaries can, indeed, become friends.”

We see that philosophy being put into practice with the events

that we all watched unfold in the Singapore summit between

President Trump and Kim Jong-un.

Now, this was not the only extraordinary event which

occurred this week.  At the very timely moment, over the course

of this past weekend, the week began with a conference which was

held in New York City under the title “Dona Nobis Pacem” — grant

us peace — through economic development.  This conference was

sponsored by the Schiller Institute.  This theme — grant us

peace through economic development — was exactly the theme that

we saw unfold in practice on the world stage over the course of

this week.  This conference was keynoted by Helga Zepp-LaRouche,

the founder and President of the Schiller Institute; but she was

joined on the first panel by Dmitry Polyanskiy, the First Deputy

Permanent Representative to the United Nations from the Russian

Federation, as well as — via video — Dr Xu Wenhong, who is the

Deputy Secretary General of Belt and Road Studies at the Chinese

Academy of Social Sciences.  They were also joined on the podium

by LaRouche PAC’s Jason Ross.  The second panel in this very

timely conference was opened by Dennis Speed, who spoke about the

LaRouche method; but then he was joined by James George Jatras,

former US diplomat and former advisor to Republican Senate

leadership.  He spoke on the urgency of an upcoming Trump-Putin

summit.  Then, Virginia State Senator Richard Black reported on

the strategic importance of victory, peace, and development in


Now what I would like to do, just to give you a flavor of

how prescient and timely this conference over the course of last

weekend was, is play for you a short clip of the opening keynote

remarks from Helga Zepp-LaRouche.  So, here’s what Helga has to




:  , I’m actually very optimistic

about the situation.  I think there is the absolute possibility

that we will, in the very near term, see the emergence of a

completely New Paradigm of civilization.  Because already now the

majority of nations are all gathering around the idea that there

is the one humanity which is of a higher order than national

interests and even geopolitical confrontation.  Never before has

the contradiction and the openness of the fight between the New

Paradigm and the old paradigm been more obvious than right


Now, the important changes which are taking place are best

illustrated or imaged with the two parallel conferences and

summits which are taking place this weekend.  One, the G-7 taking

place in Canada; and the other one, the SCO [Shanghai Cooperation

Organization] taking place in Qingdao in China.  The one, the

G-7, most of the countries, or at least some of the countries

want to defend the status quo of the neo-liberal, geopolitical

old paradigm; and the other summit, the Shanghai Cooperation

Organization, is typical for those nations which are trying to

establish a new order — a win-win cooperation of all nations on

this planet.  On the G-7 meeting, where Trump came late and he’s

leaving early, and he refused to meet the Prime Minister of Great

Britain, Theresa May — which I think is a good thing; to go as

quickly on to Singapore to have this summit with Kim Jong-un.  He

brought it to the point when he said that the combination of

people meeting at this G-7 meeting was really not the one which

should come together; but that Russia was missing, and it should

be the G-8 again.  He said this may not be politically not

correct to say it, but after all, we have a world to run.  I

think that that is exactly the spirit….

[T]he entire model of the world order as it developed after

the collapse of the Soviet Union, the idea to establish a

unipolar world to which all countries must submit, and those who

do not want to do that get regime change through color revolution

or even humanitarian intervention wars.  As it happened in Iraq,

in Libya, as it was attempted in Syria, and as it is ongoing in

the Ukraine.  Part of that world order was the idea to have an

encirclement of Russia and China, and in those two countries also

have ultimately regime change to get rid of President Putin and

to get rid of the Communist leadership of China; as unlikely a

proposition as this may be….

You have a new model of win-win cooperation, of acting in

the interest of the other, of respect of the sovereignty of the

other country, of non-interference, of respect for the different

social system of the other country, and of the idea to be united

for a higher purpose of all mankind.  Now that policy, which is

the result of China’s New Silk Road policy, which has now been on

the table for almost five years, which has developed the most

incredible dynamic ever.  It is the largest infrastructure

project in history, and it is already clear this will define the

new rules of the world….

This is actually the vision of my husband, Lyndon LaRouche,

who already in 2007 demanded that the three countries — Russia,

China, and India — absolutely must work together to counter the

evil influence of the British Empire as it existed at that time.

In 2009, at the Rhodes Forum of the Dialogue of Civilization,

demanded that the only way the world would get out of its present

condition would be a four-power agreement among the United

States, Russia, China, and India.


OGDEN:  So, that was a very short clip from Helga

Zepp-LaRouche’s keynote at this Schiller Institute conference in

New York City over the course of last weekend.  As you heard her

say, never before has the contrast between the old and the New

Paradigm been more clear for all the world to see.  She cited the

fact that, at the exact same time, there were two parallel

conferences that were occurring on the world stage.  We had the

counterpoint between these two conferences demonstrating the

counterpoint between these two paradigms.  You had the parallel

meetings of the G-7 in Canada on the one hand, and the SCO — the

Shanghai Cooperation Organization — in China on the other hand.

On the one hand, you had the practically irrelevant G-7 meeting;

I think this picture here [Fig. 1] sums it up.  You can see

President Trump leaving this summit; walking away.  He did indeed

go, but he showed up late, and he left early.  He didn’t even

stay the entire time because he had much more important business

to attend to in Singapore at this historic summit between himself

and Kim Jong-un.  He went on what he called a “mission of peace”.

How has this summit come about?  It wasn’t through this

dinosaur of the G-7.  It was brought about through a great powers

cooperation among the United States, China, Russia, South Korea,

Japan, and of course, Chairman Kim of North Korea.  So you can

see that this is the emergence of a Eurasian world; this is the

emergence of what you heard Helga Zepp-LaRouche refer to very

briefly there as Lyndon LaRouche’s ideas of the four powers

alliance shaping world history as we watch this play out.

Now the G-7 meeting itself was dominated by petty

geopolitics and squabbling between the representatives of the

nations of the bankrupt trans-Atlantic system.  There was no

unity among these nations.  They even discussed kicking the

United States out and turning themselves into the G-6; becoming

even more irrelevant.  But it’s doubtful that the G-7 as an

institution retains any clout or relevance at all.  This was

demonstrated by President Trump himself, who kicked over the

entire chessboard of this structure of so-called trans-Atlantic

elites.  And as Helga Zepp-LaRouche reported there in that clip

that we played, President Trump said that Russia should be

brought back into the grouping, should be allowed to rejoin, and

turn the G-7 back into what it had been as the G-8.  This is what

President Trump had to say during the course of the meeting of

the G-7 about the subject.  He said, “Having Russia back in the

G-8 would be good for the world.  Good for Russia, good for the

United States.  I think that it would be good for all of the

countries of the current G-7.  I think having Russia back in

would be a positive thing.  We’re looking for peace in the world,

we’re not looking to play games.  I would rather see Russia in

the G-8 as opposed to the G-7.  I would say that the G-8 is a

more meaningful group than the G-7, absolutely.”  So, that’s what

Trump said.

Now, you can see on the screen [Fig. 2] a tweet that was

sent out by the Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, who just

came to power in Italy; Italy also being a member of the G-7.

Prime Minister Conte came out and agreed with President Trump.

This is what his tweet had to say, translated into English.  “I

agree with President Donald Trump.  Russia should go back to the

G-8.  It is in everyone’s interest.”  So, there you have at least

two of the seven members of the G-7 — the United States and

Italy — calling for Russia to be re-admitted.  Of course, Prime

Minister Conte is the new leader of the government in Italy; and

this is a very important developing story which we have talked

about previously on this show.  But the majority of the ministers

in the new Italian government of Prime Minister Conte are in

support of Glass-Steagall.  They have signed an open letter to

President Trump about a year ago, which was circulated by

Movisol, the {Movimento Internazionale per i Diritti Civili —

Solidarietà} in Italy.  This is the LaRouche movement’s sister

organization in Italy.  But this is the majority of those

ministers who have called for a reinstitution of Glass-Steagall,

so this is a very fluid, developing situation; and very positive.

Now, President Putin, fresh off of a highly significant

meeting with President Xi Jinping in China, was asked about Trump

and Prime Minister Conte calling for Russia to be allowed back

into the G-7, turning it back into the G-8.  He responded to this

with his typical sense of humor by inviting the G-7 member

nations to come have their next meeting in Russia, in Moscow.  He

also pointed out, however, that another meeting which was

occurring at the exact same time as the irrelevant G-7; this was

the meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, which was

far more significant in terms of economic power, and also in

terms of overall population.  In fact, in the aftermath of this

SCO summit, where you can see the photograph [Fig. 3] of the

nations that are involved, which includes Russia, China, India,

and a number of other Eurasian countries, in the aftermath of

this summit, the Chinese Foreign Minister pointed out that the

SCO represents 3.1 billion people on this planet.  That’s over

one-third and close to one-half of the world’s population.  He

said it already now represents a completely new system of

international relations, which is built on mutual trust, built on

cooperation, built on friendship, and on common aims.  He said

this is a new model that leaves behind and transcends the old

geopolitical order.

At this SCO summit itself, President Xi Jinping, who again I

said had just had a very significant meeting with President Putin

of Russia, President Xi made a very profound speech which sort of

kicked off the entire event.  He began this speech by citing the

universal idea of Confucius; stating that Confucianism is an

integral part of Chinese civilization.  And it believes that “a

just cause should be pursued for the common good.”  And he said

that this what the SCO is built on, this philosophy of harmony,

unity, and a shared interest, a shared community for all nations.

So, this is what President Xi Jinping went on to say:  “The

Shanghai spirit, a creative vision transcending outdated concepts

such as a clash of civilizations, Cold War, and zero-sum

mentality, has opened a new page in the history of international

relations; and gained increasing endorsement of the international

community.  The pursuit of cooperation for mutual benefit

represents a surging trend.  While we keep hearing such rhetoric

as the clash of civilizations or the superiority of one

civilization over another, it is the diversity of civilizations

that sustains human progress.  Indeed, mutual learning between

different cultures is a shared aspiration of all peoples.  We

should reject the Cold War mentality and confrontation between

blocs, and oppose the practice of seeking absolute security of

oneself at the expense of others, so as to achieve security of

all.  We should champion equality, mutual learning, dialogue, and

an inclusiveness between civilizations.  It is important that we

overcome cultural misunderstanding, clash, and supremacy through

exchanges, mutual learning and co-existence.”

So, that’s a beautiful summary of this New Paradigm, this

end of geopolitics, the end of zero-sum mentality, the end of

Cold War blocs, and the pursuit of hegemony.  Instead, I think a

declaration of exactly what this win-win cooperation means in the

eyes of President Xi Jinping.  So, the contrast could not be more

clear.  This contrast between the outdated geopolitics of the

G-7, and this New Paradigm of win-win which is represented there

at the SCO summit; but is also represented much more broadly in

these alliances in Eurasia and the idea of the One Belt, One Road


But let me just come back to this exemplary case of the

developments in North Korea.  Here on the screen you can see the

historic handshake between President Trump and Chairman Kim

Jong-un.  So, let me just play for you a short, one-minute video

which was produced by the White House right after President Trump

returned from his trip to Singapore.  They put together this

video so you can see the highlights of this encounter between

these two leaders — President Trump of the United States of

America, and Chairman Kim of North Korea.  Here’s this short,

overview video; very exciting.

So, these images are absolutely

extraordinary.  Really, ask yourself: six months ago, did you

expect to see those kinds of video images actually happening in

real life?  This is an extraordinary summit and an extraordinary

moment in civilization.  In fact, if President Trump is able to

achieve peace with North Korea and build a relationship with the

leader of this country; in fact, they have actually announced

that at a certain point, Kim Jong-un will be invited for a state

visit to the United States, visiting the White House.  And

President Trump himself said that he would go to Pyongyang; he

would visit North Korea.  So, if President Trump is able to

achieve this peace and this new relationship, it will be the

greatest accomplishment of his Presidency so far.  In fact,

reports are in that two Norwegian parliamentarians have nominated

President Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize.

During her webcast yesterday, Helga Zepp-LaRouche actually

began her discussion of this situation by citing that fact.  I

would like to play for you her first opening statements from that

webcast yesterday.  You can see the context in which she places

these extraordinary events in Singapore.



:  I’m actually quite pleased to

tell you, and you may know it already or not, that two Norwegian

parliamentarians have proposed to award Nobel Peace Prize for

President Trump.  Now, I find this very appropriate, in contrast

to the Nobel Peace Prize being given to Obama for absolutely

nothing, just the contrary.  But I think this development of

North Korea and the United States finding a way to completely

transform an old adversary relationship into one of cooperation

and a bright future, I think this is really a fantastic

development.  And I know that all the mainstream media of the

West are having apoplectic attacks over this, but if you look at

it, I think it is absolutely promising.

First of all, the facts you all know:  They agreed on the

complete denuclearization of North Korea, in return for the

prospect of making North Korea a prosperous and wealthy country.

Now, I find it very interesting that the White House,

between Trump and the National Security Council produced a

four-minute video, where the two options for North Korea were

portrayed:  One is the old status and war, or to have a complete

modernization of the country, with modern railway — they even

showed the Chinese maglev running, and people prosperous and

productive.  I think this was very good, because this video is

exactly what will happen, and it goes very far beyond a similar

video which was produced by South Korea in the past.  Trump

showed it to Kim Jong-un in the meetings, and then he also showed

it before giving his press conference.

I watched his entire press conference, and I must say, I

would advise all of you, our viewers, to do likewise. Because you

hear so much about Trump being this and that, and the way he

conducted himself in this lengthy press conference, fencing off

the most typical, old-fashioned thinking, questions from mainly

American journalists, he did not let himself be provoked — you

know, journalists try to ask him, “What will you do, what is your

punishment if North Korea does not comply?” but he wouldn’t go

into this trap; but he just said that he was very confident that

this process was on a good way.


And very important was that he also announced that the

United States would stop what he called the “war games,” the

U.S.-South Korea military maneuvers, and obviously, this is

psychologically very important for the North Koreans, because if

you have these war games on your doorstep all the time, this

creates a permanent psychological terror.

People who have to still form their judgment about how to

look at this, they should just consider that the South Korean

people were absolutely enthusiastic.  They were happy in the

streets.  President Moon, who watched the live stream coming from

the conference from Singapore, applauded several times.  And

given the fact that the German unification which took place now

almost 29 years ago, people in Germany may remember the absolute

jubilance and happiness of families hugging each other, who

haven’t been together for very many years; friends falling into

each other’s arms, and kissing each other.  And it was a joy!

That the German unification did not produce only happiness

afterwards had to do with the larger geo-strategic environment:

You know, like Bush, and Thatcher and Mitterrand they all were

extremely hostile to the process of German unification, and

therefore the East German states were practically economically

dismantled, pretty much.  And the environment in North Korea is

obviously completely different.

So I would like to just say that I’m very optimistic that

this process will succeed, for the very simple reason that this

is taking place in a completely different strategic context,

namely of the Belt and Road Initiative, the integration of the

Belt and Road Initiative with the Eurasian Economic Union, and

these kinds of economic development plans, which also Russia

spoke about and China said they would contribute, and also

together with the United States take over security guarantees for

North Korea, these economic plans take place in the context of

the intention to develop the Far East of Russia, to integrate it

with all of Asia, which was discussed at the Eastern Economic

Forum in Vladivostok last September, and it was also discussed in

the inter-Korean dialogue in April between the two Presidents of

the two Koreas.

So I think the perspective that North Korea, soon, will be

integrated into the Eurasian transport system, the two railways

connecting to the Trans-Siberian Railway, to the Chinese railway

system, and that you will have a complete transformation of this

part of the world.  And I think Trump is absolutely right:  He

said the past does not determine the future.  Real change is

possible.  And I think this is a very good development, and all

the nay-sayers they should just go home and think.


OGDEN:  As you just heard Helga Zepp-LaRouche say, the

possibility of peace and these extremely positive developments

that we’re seeing in North Korea, is possible only because of the

emergence of this New Silk Road spirit.  The connectivity between

South Korea, North Korea, China, and Russia through these

high-speed rail corridors and these other economic development

projects, this was the basis on which President Trump could

travel to Singapore, sit down with Kim Jong-un, and say look, the

future is brighter than what has come before.  If we put away the

story of conflict and if we end this legacy of generation upon

generation of warfare, and the threat of thermonuclear war, and

embrace instead this new era of economic development; then the

future of the North Korean people will be bright, and the future

of the entire world will be bright.  So, it’s this context of the

New Silk Road; this is the difference between what’s occurring

now with North and South Korea versus what occurred back in 1989,

1990 with West and East Germany.  You didn’t have that context at

that point, although it was at that moment that the World

Land-Bridge or this New Silk Road idea was born, and the seed of

what we now see culminating was planted.  This was Lyndon and

Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s idea first of the development of the

Productive Triangle; bringing together Eastern and Western Europe

for the rapid economic development of the East, the former Soviet

bloc.  That was quickly expanded to bring in the entirety of

Eurasia with this New Silk Road idea.  That is what we now see

playing out and giving the context and the possibility for these

positive developments in North Korea.

As Helga Zepp-LaRouche cited in that video clip, President

Trump played a short video, which I think sums up this vision.

It was like a trailer.  It was put together by a team, and it was

posted on the White House Facebook page.  He played this for

Chairman Kim in their meeting.  They sat down and watched this

video together, and I think it illustrates the contrast between

what has occurred up to now with the status quo, and what would

be possible if you believe in this idea that the past does not

necessarily have to define the future.  So, I would like to play

for you what President Trump played for Chairman Kim Jong-un at

the beginning of their summit in Singapore.  So, here’s that




:  Seven billion people inhabit planet

Earth.  Of those alive today, only a small number will leave a

lasting impact, and only the very few will make decisions or take

actions that renew their homeland and change the course of


History may appear to repeat itself for generations, cycles

that never seem to end. There have been times of relative peace,

and times of great tension.  While this cycle repeats, the light

of prosperity and innovation has burned bright for most of the


History is always evolving.  And there comes a time when

only a few are called upon to make a difference. But the question

is:  What difference will the few make? The past doesn’t have to

be the future.  Out of the darkness can come the light, and the

light of hope can burn bright.

What if?

A people that share a common and rich heritage can find a

common future?  Their story is well known, but what will be their


Destiny Pictures presents: A story of opportunity, a new

story, a new beginning.  One of peace.  Two men, two leaders, one


A story about a special moment in time when a man is

presented with one chance that may never be repeated.  What will

he choose?  To show vision and leadership?

Or, not?

There can only be two results.  One of moving back — or one

of moving forward.

A new world can begin today.  One of friendship, respect,

and good will.  Be part of that world, where the doors of

opportunity are ready to be opened:  Investment from around the

world, where you can have medical breakthroughs and abundance of

resources, innovative technology, and new discoveries.

What if?

Can history be changed?  Will the world embrace this change?

And when could this moment in history begin?

It comes down to a choice, on this day, in this time, at

this moment.  The world will be watching, listening,

anticipating, hoping.  Will this leader choose to advance his

country and be part of a new world?  Be the hero of his people?

Will he shake the hand of peace and enjoy prosperity like he has

never seen?

A great life?  Or, more isolation?  Which path will be


Featuring President Donald Trump and Chairman Kim Jong-un,

in a meeting to remake history, to shine in the sun — one

moment, one choice.

What if?

The future remains to be written.


OGDEN:  So this is a very inspirational video.  As it said

right there at the end, “The future remains to be written.”  It

asks the question, can history be changed?  What choice are we

going to make?  What pathway will we follow?  Very importantly,

it says, the past does not define the future.  You could see

those shots of the Chinese maglev train; this is very well in the

future of the Korean Peninsula.  You could also see that

beautiful shot of the Korean Peninsula at night.  Currently,

South Korea, below the line of demarcation, is very developed

with lights and modern cities.  North Korea is very

under-developed.  But then all of a sudden, you could see the

vision of the future with the North Korea portion lit up just the

same as South Korea, China, and Russia.  So, this is an

extraordinary image or vision, and you can see what’s in the

minds of President Trump and others at the White House going into

this summit.

Immediately after President Trump signed these agreements

with Chairman Kim Jong-un, he held a press availability.  Helga

Zepp-LaRouche mentioned this, and encouraged that people actually

watch this press conference in full.  But in the beginning of

this press conference, he played that entire video that you just

saw for the representatives of the press corps who were in the

room, in order to set the tone of what this press conference

would be about.  He played that before he took the stage, and

then he immediately came on stage and reported on what he had

just accomplished in his meetings with Chairman Kim Jong-un.  I’m

not going to play the entirety of this hour-long press conference

for you, but I’m going to play for you just a couple of key

excerpts from President Trump’s opening remarks.



:  Well, thank you very much,

everybody.  We appreciate it.  We’re getting ready to go back.

We had a tremendous 24 hours.  We’ve had a tremendous three

months, actually, because this has been going on for quite a

while.  That was a tape that we gave to Chairman Kim and his

people, his representatives.  And it captures a lot.  It captures

what could be done.  And that’s a great — a great place.  It has

the potential to be an incredible place.  Between South Korea —

if you think about it — and China, it’s got tremendous

potential.  And I think he understands that and he wants to do

what’s right.

It’s my honor today to address the people of the world,

following this very historic summit with Chairman Kim Jong Un of

North Korea.  We spent very intensive hours together, and I think

most of you have gotten the signed document, or you will very

shortly.  It’s very comprehensive.  It’s going to happen.

I stand before you as an emissary of the American people to

deliver a message of hope and vision, and a message of peace….

I also want to thank President Moon of South Korea.  He’s

working hard.  In fact, I’ll be speaking to him right after we’re

finished.  Prime Minister Abe of Japan — a friend of mine —

just left our country, and he wants what’s right for Japan and

for the world.  He’s a good man.  And a very special person,

President Xi of China, who has really closed up that border —

maybe a little bit less so over the last couple of months, but

that’s okay.  But he really has.  And he’s a terrific person and

a friend of mine, and really a great leader of his people.  I

want to thank them for their efforts to help us get to this very

historic day.

Most importantly, I want to thank Chairman Kim for taking

the first bold step toward a bright new future for his people.

Our unprecedented meeting — the first between an American

President and a leader of North Korea — proves that real change

is indeed possible.

My meeting with Chairman Kim was honest, direct, and

productive.  We got to know each other well in a very confined

period of time, under very strong, strong circumstance.  We’re

prepared to start a new history and we’re ready to write a new

chapter between our nations.

Nearly 70 years ago — think of that; 70 years ago — an

extremely bloody conflict ravaged the Korean Peninsula.

Countless people died in the conflict, including tens of

thousands of brave Americans.  Yet, while the armistice was

agreed to, the war never ended.  To this day, never ended.  But

now we can all have hope that it will soon end.  And it will.  It

will soon end.

The past does not have to define the future.  Yesterday’s

conflict does not have to be tomorrow’s war.  And as history has

proven over and over again, adversaries can indeed become

friends.  We can honor the sacrifice of our forefathers by

replacing the horrors of battle with the blessings of peace.  And

that’s what we’re doing and that’s what we have done.

There is no limit to what North Korea can achieve when it

gives up its nuclear weapons and embraces commerce and engagement

with the rest of the world — that really wants to engage.

Chairman Kim has before him an opportunity like no other: to be

remembered as the leader who ushered in a glorious new era of

security and prosperity for his people.

Chairman Kim and I just signed a joint statement in which he

reaffirmed his “unwavering commitment to complete

denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.”  We also agreed to

vigorous negotiations to implement the agreement as soon as

possible.  And he wants to do that.  This isn’t the past.  This

isn’t another administration that never got it started and

therefore never got it done.

Chairman Kim has told me that North Korea is already

destroying a major missile engine testing site.  That’s not in

your signed document; we agreed to that after the agreement was

signed.  That’s a big thing — for the missiles that they were

testing, the site is going to be destroyed very soon.

Today is the beginning of an arduous process.  Our eyes are

wide open, but peace is always worth the effort, especially in

this case.  This should have been done years ago.  This should

have been resolved a long time ago, but we’re resolving it now.

Chairman Kim has the chance to seize an incredible future

for his people.  Anyone can make war, but only the most

courageous can make peace.

The current state of affairs cannot endure forever.  The

people of Korea — North and South — are profoundly talented,

industrious, and gifted.  These are truly gifted people.  They

share the same heritage, language, customs, culture, and destiny.

But to realize their amazing destiny, to reunite their national

family, the menace of nuclear weapons will now be removed.

In the meantime, the sanctions will remain in effect.  We

dream of a future where all Koreans can live together in harmony,

where families are reunited and hopes are reborn, and where the

light of peace chases away the darkness of war.  This bright

future is within — and this is what’s happening.  It is right

there.  It’s within our reach.  It’s going to be there.  It’s

going to happen.  People thought this could never take place.  It

is now taking place.  It’s a very great day.  It’s a very great

moment in the history of the world.

And Chairman Kim is on his way back to North Korea.  And I

know for a fact, as soon as he arrives, he’s going to start a

process that’s going to make a lot of people very happy and very


[I]f I can save millions of lives by coming here, sitting

down, and establishing a relationship with someone who’s a very

powerful man, who’s got firm control of a country, and that

country has very powerful nuclear weapons, it’s my honor to do



OGDEN:  So once again, this is just absolutely incredible.

This is an unprecedented moment in history.  As President Trump

said right there, people thought that this could never happen,

people thought that this was impossible.  But now, the impossible

has become real.  This is now in fact happening.  I think in a

very profound statement, he said, “Anyone can make war, but only

the most courageous can make peace.”  So, let me return one more

time to one of the portions of those remarks, and let me just

read this back to you once again.  This is what President Trump

just said, you heard him say this:  “The past does not have to

define the future.  Yesterday’s conflict does not have to be

tomorrow’s war.  And as history has proven over and over again,

adversaries can indeed become friends.  We can honor the

sacrifice of our forefathers by replacing the horrors of battle

with the blessings of peace.”

So, I think that’s an extraordinary and beautiful expression

of what this New Paradigm among nations can be.  This is

actually, if you think about it, the spirit of the Treaty of

Westphalia; this Thirty Years’ War, which was generation upon

generation of endless war among the people of Europe.  It was

just never-ending, and no one could see the end of it.  This was

brought to an end by the Treaty of Westphalia, which said forgive

and forget, and honor the past by creating a new future based on

the spirit of mutual benefit between these nations.  This is,

again, what is necessary today; a new Treaty of Westphalia.

Lyndon LaRouche elaborated that in his historic book, {Earth’s

Next Fifty Years; The Coming Eurasian World”, which was published

over a decade ago, where he called for a new Treaty of

Westphalia.  This expression of a very important understanding of

how in fact history is made; that history can be changed, and

that the past does not have to define the future.  This is the

kind of leadership which President Trump is bringing to the stage

right now.  But this is the kind of leadership which is necessary

to save civilization and to put the entire world on a new path.

As Helga Zepp-LaRouche has said, a path towards win-win

relationships and a future of common destiny of all mankind.

This has been an absolutely incredible week, and I think

we’ve witnessed history unfold.  It’s very important to recognize

that the ideas of the LaRouche movement are right there in the

middle of what we’re watching unfold.  That’s why I began with

this conference which was held up in New York City; Peace Through

Economic Development.  If you go back and you look at the entire

context of what has now become possible because of this idea

which has become actuality, of the New Silk Road and this spirit

of win-win cooperation, this Four Powers agreement among great

powers on this planet; these are the ideas that have, indeed,

shaped history and our responsibility could not be greater than

at this crucial turning point in civilization right now.

So, thank you very much for tuning in, and I’m sure we’re

going to see a lot more occurring over the coming days and weeks.

So, please stay tuned to

Merkel holder fast ved ’Fæstning Europa’-strategi;
fremprovokerer krise hjemme

12. juni, 2018 – Den nye italienske regerings skarpe holdning over for den flygtningepolitik, der udgår fra Bruxelles, og som har været på italienernes bekostning, har oprørt den tyske kansler. Bekymret for, at Italiens opstand kan torpedere EU’s flygtningepolitikker, har Merkel gentaget sin loyalitet over for en totaleuropæisk fremgangsmåde, der tilsigter at holde flygtninge interneret i Nordafrika. Kun en håndfuld flygtninge ville således få lov at komme ind i Europa; resten ville blive holdt borte fra de afrikanske landes kystlinjer.

Dette er »Fæstning Europa«-fremgangsmåden, og den »Marshall-plan for Afrika«, som EU også taler om, ville for det meste finansiere disse nordafrikanske interneringslejre. Afrikanske regeringer, der viser samarbejde om dette, modtager en bonus fra EU. Men Europa giver imidlertid ingen finansiering til reel, økonomisk udvikling i Afrika.

Dette »fæstningskoncept« er et af de spørgsmål, der forventes at få en prominent plads på det næste EU-topmøde 21.-22. juni. I protest mod Merkels EU-linje har indenrigsminister Horst Seehofer (CSU), der faktisk ønsker at prioritere en national fremgangsmåde med hensyn til flygtningespørgsmålet, udskudt udgivelsen af sin egen »Masterplan Asyl«, der skulle udkomme i dag. Ikke, at Seehofers plan er meget bedre end Merkels, men lige pludselig er der brudt en ny koalitionskrise ud i den tyske regering.

Flere amerikanske marinesoldater på vej til Norge

13. juni, 2018 – USA vil sende yderligere 300 marinesoldater til Norge. Flådekommandør gen. Robert B. Neller sagde i går på U.S. Naval War College i Newport, Rhode Island, at korpset netop tirsdag havde modtaget godkendelse af de yderligere marinesoldater i Norge, rapporterer Marine Corps Times. Der er i øjeblikket 330 marinesoldater, som opererer på rotationsbasis fra en base i nærheden af Trondheim. De yderligere marinesoldater skal operere langt nærmere ved Norges grænse til Rusland i det Høje Nord.

Samtidig anmoder den norske regering faktisk om at fordoble antallet af marinesoldater til 700 frem til 2019, og de kæmper for at overbevise nordmændene og andre om, at dette ikke betyder, at der nu bliver permanente amerikanske baser i landet. »Der er ingen amerikanske baser på norsk jord«, sagde udenrigsminister Ine Marie Eriksen Søreide og tilføjede, at beslutningen havde bred, parlamentarisk opbakning. Sputnik News rapporterer imidlertid, at der blandt oppositionspartier er bekymring over, at tilstedeværelsen af amerikanske tropper i Norge vil øge spændingerne med Rusland.

Der er foreløbig ikke observeret nogen officiel reaktion fra Moskva, men viceudenrigsminister Alexander Grushko advarede, i et svar til en reporters spørgsmål i dag i Moskva, om, at, uanset, hvad NATO gør på sin østflanke, så er Rusland parat til at træffe modforholdsregler. »Vi gå frem ud fra den kendsgerning, at dette er en betydelig forværring af den militære sikkerhed i Europa. Fra vores side vil vi træffe alle militære og tekniske forholdsregler, som på pålidelig vis garanterer vores sikkerhed og vores forsvarsevne«, understregede han, rapporteret af TASS. »Der kan ikke være nogen tvivlsspørgsmål på dette punkt. Jeg er overbevist om, at NATO udmærket forstår, at vi holder nøje øje med alliancens militære udvikling«, sagde Grushko.

Foto: Amerikanske marinesoldater træner for at forberede sig til militærøvelsen Joint Viking, i Porsangmoen, Norge, 1. marts, 2017. (US Marine Corps photo by Sgt Patricia A. Morris)

Putin hilser topmøde mellem USA og Nordkorea velkommen

14. juni, 2018 – Den russiske præsident Vladimir Putin hilser kontakterne mellem USA’s præsident Donald Trump og den nordkoreanske leder Kim Jong-un, og som har reduceret spændinger og skabt et grundlag for en komplet afgørelse af Korea-spørgsmålet, velkommen.

»Vi hilser velkommen, og sætter ligeledes meget stor pris på, udfaldet af mødet, der nyligt blev afholdt 12. juni, mellem Nordkoreas leder Kim Jong-un og USA’s præsident Trump«, sagde Putin på et møde med præsident for Nordkoreas Øverste Folkeforsamlings (parlament) præsidium, Kim Yong-nam, den nominelle leder af Nordkorea, som var på besøg i Moskva under fodboldmesterskaberne dér.

Putin sagde, at mødet mellem Donald Trump og Kim Jong-un har reduceret risikoen for en stor militærkonflikt på Koreahalvøen. »Takket være dette møde er dette uheldige scenarie blevet udskudt, og nye udsigter til en afgørelse af alle problemer på en fredelig og diplomatisk måde er fremkommet.«

Putin hilste ligeledes kontakterne mellem lederne af Nord- og Sydkorea velkommen.

Desuden sendte Putin et lykønskningstelegram til præsident Trump, der har fødselsdag i dag; han bliver 72.

En musikalsk dialog mellem kulturer.
Schiller Instituttet i Danmark i samarbejde
med andre afholder koncert, 28. juni.

I en tid, hvor der er alt for meget politisk splid i verden, og verdens lande i stedet burde arbejde sammen om menneskehedens fælles mål, er det ekstra vigtigt, at vi på alle måder bygger bro mellem verdens nationer og de mange forskelligartede kulturer. Når vi oplever det skønne i andre kulturer, skaber det gensidig forståelse og et grundlag for samarbejde og fred. Klassisk kunst er derfor en vigtig nøgle til en sådan dialog mellem  kulturer, og det er grunden til, at vi afholder denne koncert.

Info: 25 12 50 33.

Arrangører: Schiller Instituttet, Russisk-Dansk Dialog, Det Russiske Hus og Det Kinesiske Kulturcenter.

Tid: 28. juni kl. 19.

Sted: Russisk Center for Videnskab og Kultur, Vester Voldgade 11, København (ved Rådhuspladsen).

Gratis adgang.


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Helga Zepp-LaRouche:
Trump og hans eurasiske allierede
udmanøvrerer det døende Britiske Imperium

Leder fra LaRouchePAC, 14. juni, 2018 – Denne lederartikel er taget fra dagens ugentlige strategiske webcast med Schiller Instituttets stifter og præsident, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, og som reflekterer over den forgangne uges historiske møder – Trump-Kim-topmødet og SCO-topmødet – og som, sammen med det interne kollaps af G7 og G7-topmødet, demonstrerer det gamle paradigmes død og fremkomsten af det nye.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche: Jeg er faktisk temmelig glad over at kunne fortælle jer, at to norske parlamentsmedlemmer har foreslået at tildele Nobels Fredspris til præsident Trump. Dette finder jeg særdeles passende, i modsætning til den Nobels Fredspris, som blev tildelt Obama for absolut ingenting, tværtimod. Denne udvikling, hvor Nordkorea og USA finder en måde, hvorpå de fuldstændig kan transformere en gammel, fjendtlig relation til en relation for samarbejde og en lysende fremtid, mener jeg, virkelig er en fantastisk udvikling. Jeg ved, at alle mainstream-medierne i Vesten er ved at få et apoplektisk anfald over dette, men ser man på det, mener jeg, det er absolut lovende.

For det første, de fakta, I alle er bekendt med: De aftalte en total atomafrustning af Nordkorea til gengæld for udsigten til at gøre Nordkorea til et fremgangsrigt og velstående land.

Jeg finder det meget interessant, at Det Hvide Hus, med Trump og det Nationale Sikkerhedsråd, producerede en fire minutter lang video[1], hvor de to valgmuligheder for Nordkorea blev fremstillet: Den ene mulighed er den gamle status og krig, eller i stedet at få en total modernisering af landet, med moderne jernbaner – de viste endda et kørende, kinesisk maglev-tog (magnetisk svævetog) og folk, der var fremgangsrige og produktive. Dette var virkelig godt, for denne video viser præcist, hvad der vil ske …

Jeg så hele hans pressekonference[2], og jeg må sige, at jeg vil råde alle vore seere til også at se den. For man hører så meget om, at Trump er dit eller dat; og den måde, han opførte sig på, på denne lange pressekonference, hvor han afparerede den mest typiske, gammeldags tankegang og spørgsmål fra hovedsageligt amerikanske journalister og ikke lod sig provokere … han sagde ganske enkelt, at han var fortrøstningsfuld med hensyn til, at denne proces var på en god kurs.

Det var meget vigtigt, at han også annoncerede, at USA ville stoppe det, han kaldte »krigsspillene«, de amerikansk-sydkoreanske militærmanøvrer, og dette er naturligvis psykologisk meget vigtigt for nordkoreanerne, for, hvis man hele tiden har disse krigsspil på ens dørtærskel, så skaber det en permanent, psykologisk terror.

Folk, der endnu ikke har dannet sig en vurdering af, hvordan de skal se på dette, bør blot tage i betragtning, at det sydkoreanske folk var totalt entusiastisk. De gik glade rundt i gaderne. [Den sydkoreanske] Præsident Moon [Jae-in], der så live-streamingen fra konferencen i Singapore, klappede flere gange. Husk den tyske genforening, der fandt sted for nu snart 29 år siden; folk i Tyskland husker nok den totale jubel og glæde hos familier, der ikke har set hinanden i rigtig mange år, kramme hinanden; venner, der omfavner hinanden og kysser hinanden. Og det var en fryd!

At den tyske genforening ikke kun frembragte glæde bagefter, havde at gøre med det overordnede, geostrategiske miljø: I ved, med Bush og Thatcher og Mitterand, der alle var ekstremt fjendtlige over for processen med tysk genforening, og derfor blev de østtyske stater praktisk talt økonomisk afmonteret, i det store og hele. Men omstændighederne, miljøet, i Nordkorea er selvfølgelig totalt anderledes.

Så jeg vil gerne sige, at jeg er meget forhåbningsfuld med hensyn til, at denne proces vil lykkes, af den meget simple grund, at den finder sted i en fuldstændig anden, strategisk sammenhæng, nemlig med Bælte & Vej Initiativet, integrationen af Bælte & Vej Initiativet med den Eurasiske Økonomiske Union og denne form for økonomiske udviklingsplaner, som Rusland også talte om, og som Kina sagde, de ville bidrage til, og ligeledes sammen med USA overtage sikkerhedsgarantier for Nordkorea; disse økonomiske planer finder sted i sammenhæng med planen om at udvikle Ruslands Fjernøsten for at integrere det med hele Asien, og som blev diskuteret på det Østlige Økonomiske Forum i Vladivostok sidste september, og det blev ligeledes diskuteret i den inter-koreanske dialog i april mellem de to præsidenter for de to Korea’er.

Jeg mener, Trump har fuldstændig ret: Han sagde, at fortiden ikke behøver bestemme fremtiden. Reel forandring er mulig. Dette er en virkelig god udvikling, og alle nejsigerne skal bare gå hjem og tænke sig om …

Jeg mener, at denne ånd er klart fremherskende i Asien. Det var ligeledes den kinesiske udenrigsminister Wang Yis udtrykkelige anskuelse efter SCO-topmødet i Qingdao, Kina. Dette topmøde var en ekstraordinær milepæl, hvor Wang Yi bagefter sagde, at SCO repræsenterer 3,1 mia. mennesker og allerede nu er et fuldstændig nyt system for internationale relationer, opbygget på gensidig tillid, samarbejde, venskab og fælles mål, og det er en ny model, der lader tilbage og transcenderer den gamle, geopolitiske orden, Kold Krig, ekskluderende klubber og civilisationernes sammenstød – alt dette lades tilbage, og en ny æra med samarbejde er blevet etableret.

Dette var meget smukt, for topmødet med den indledende banket blev åbnet af præsident Xi Jinping med reference til Konfutse. Han sagde, at Qingdao er i Shandong-provinsen, som er Konfutses hjemegn og hjemstedet for konfucianisme, og at Konfutse bør stå som vejleder for Shanghai Samarbejdsorganisationens fremtid.

Jeg mener, at Xi Jinping er en filosof, og sæt blot dette i modsætning til – kan I forestille jer, at nogen som helst europæisk leder ville åbne et EU-topmøde med ordene, »vi bør have ånden fra Platon, eller fra Shakespeare eller Schiller, som vejleder for den Europæiske Union«? Intet er mere umuligt at forestille sig end det, på nuværende tidspunkt.

Så fremtiden ligger i Asien. Den form for samarbejde og faste beslutning om at skabe en bedre verden for alle mennesker, der lever på denne planet, bliver netop nu virkeliggjort i Asien.

Det er en virkelig god ting, at præsident Trump afgjort hjælper det bedste, han kan, for at denne orden skal lykkes, på trods af handelsspændingerne og på trods af de resterende problemer, der stadig eksisterer. Jeg er fuldstændig fortrøstningsfuld med hensyn til, at ånden og dynamikken i dette nye fænomen, disse nye kræfter, som Wang Yi talte om – han sagde, at der er nye kræfter i arbejde, som gør alt dette muligt – og jeg mener, dette er vor tids dynamik, vor tids tendens. Og det er en god ting. Det er vidunderligt, og alle, der elsker menneskeheden, og som elsker fred, bør være absolut glade.

Se hele Zepp-LaRouches webcast, inkl. engelsk udskrift. 




Trump forlader den vestlige synkende skude
(G7) og går med i det asiatiske paradigme
med topmødet med Nordkoreas Kim Jong
-Un. Politisk Orientering, 14. juni 2018.

»Velkommen til disse uhyre dramatiske tider i dag 2 efter, at der var et topmøde mellem Donald Trump og Kim Jong-un, den store leder fra Folkerepublikken Korea, i Singapore, og som helt klart markerer et skifte, hvor den kamp, vi har været i gang med fra Schiller Instituttets side i nu efterhånden en hel del årtier, siden vi blev grundlagt i 1984, og som er fortsættelsen af en kamp, der fandt sted i årtier inden med LaRouche-bevægelsen; jamen, så repræsenterer det topmøde, der fandt sted i Singapore, et afgørende brudpunkt, hvor vi er i gang med at se den amerikanske præsident meget symbolsk forlade det gamle paradigme – man kan også sige G7-geometrien helt konkret – med G7-topmødet, og i stedet vende sig mod Asien og lade USA, i hans egenskab af USA’s præsident, markere, at USA nu er i gang med at melde sig ind i det Nye Paradigme under asiatisk ledelse. Og det er stort – vi er i gang med at besejre Det britiske Imperium; vi er i gang med at etablere nogle helt nye principper for, hvordan menneskeheden skal ordne sine forhold i de næste mange årtusinder. Arbejdet er ikke gjort færdigt; der vil være mange, der sparker bagud og forsøger at forhindre, at det her sker. Men den proces, der er i gang i verden, den her ’ånden fra Silkevejen’, er i gang med at overtage planeten Jorden, og dem, der har fuldt med her i lidt længere tid end bare de sidste par år, vil vide, at denne ånd fra Silkevejen i allerhøjeste grad udspringer af det arbejde, vi i Schiller Instituttet og LaRouche-bevægelsen har lavet igennem de sidste mange årtier. At, når man snakker med folk i Kina, der har været med, vil jo huske på, at jo, det er rigtigt, at Xi Jinping satte Bælte & Vej Initiativet i gang – One Belt, One Road osv., OBOR; det har lidt forskellige navne – i 2013 i Kasakhstan; men forhistorien er altså det intensive arbejde, som bl.a. Schiller Instituttets grundlægger, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, lavede i Kina allerede i årtiet inden ved at forsøge at engagere og mobilisere og ’entusiasmere’ Kina og resten af verden for en Ny Silkevej … «

Trump og hans allierede udmanøvrerer
det døende, Britiske Imperium.
Helga Zepp-LaRouche i Nyt Paradigme
Webcast, 14.juni, 2018

Kontrasten kunne ikke have været større. Alt imens den dysfunktionelle natur af det døende G7, eller G6, eller G5 (!) – et levn af britisk geopolitik, som har domineret efterkrigstidens politik – blev totalt udstillet i Canada, gik et alternativt, globalt system fremefter i Qingdao, Kina, med Shanghai Samarbejdsorganisationens (SCO) møde, baseret på Kinas Nye Silkevejspolitiks »win-win«-livssyn. Og, alt imens de destabiliserede ledere af det i stigende grad irrelevante G7 blev ladt tilbage til at jamre over, at præsident Trump forlod dem – i både figurativ og bogstavelig betydning – så var Trumps ekstraordinære topmøde med Nordkoreas leder Kim Jong-un et spejlbillede af hans orientering mod Eurasien, da mødets succes til dels skyldes hans samarbejde med ledere fra Kina, Rusland, Sydkorea og Japan.

Og hvad ved folk, der lever i det transatlantiske område, om denne nye, eurasiske dynamik, der er i færd med at forme fremtiden? Desværre, eftersom de fleste af de valgte repræsentanter for Vestens »gængse«, politiske partier fortsætter med at handle i den geopolitiske doktrins interesse, som skabtes af Det britiske Imperium, og medierne udspyr ’fake news’ for at bakke det op, så er kun ganske få bevidste om virkeligheden med den store, globale transformation, der er i gang.

Hver uge giver Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Schiller Instituttets stifter, en kortfattet og dramatisk præsentation, der er tænkt at skulle sætte hendes seere på historiens scene. I disse ugentlige webcasts har hun leveret både en gennemgang af begivenhederne, fra toppen og ned, og også en analysemetode, der giver hendes seere en mulighed for at spille en rolle i denne transformation. Gå ikke glip af hendes præsentation i denne uge – og sørg for at informere så mange andre som muligt om, at dette er deres mulighed for at bryde ud af boblen af løgne og misinformationer, så de kan blive smittet med den Nye Silkevejsånd.

Engelsk udskrift:

Schiller Institute New Paradigm Webcast, June 14, 2018
With Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Trump and His Eurasian Allies Outflank the Dying British Empire

HARLEY SCHLANGER: Hello I’m Harley Schlanger with the
Schiller Institute. Welcome to this week’s webcast with our
founder and President Helga Zepp-LaRouche.
At the end of last year, at the end of 2017, Helga forecast
that 2018 will be the year in which the era of geopolitics is
ended.  I think the developments of the last week have been a
major step toward that actually coming into fruition, with the
extraordinary summit which took place in Singapore between
President Trump and Chairman Kim Jong-un of North Korea, as well
as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit in China.  And
then, with the collapse of the old order, with the G7, or G6 or
G-whatever in Canada.
So Helga, why don’t we start with the developments that took
place in Singapore, because these were earthshaking and worthy of
being the first topic of our discussion today.

HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  I’m actually quite pleased to tell
you, and you may know it already or not, that two Norwegian
parliamentarians have proposed to award  the Nobel Peace Prize
for President Trump.  Now, I find this very appropriate, in
contrast to the Nobel Peace Prize being given to Obama for
absolutely nothing, just the contrary.  But I think this
development of North Korea and the United States finding a way to
completely transform an old adversary relationship into one of
cooperation and a bright future, I think this is really a
fantastic development.  And I know that all the mainstream media
of the West are having apoplectic attacks over this, but if you
look at it, I think it is absolutely promising.
First of all, the facts you all know:  They agreed on the
complete denuclearization of North Korea, in return for the
prospect of making North Korea a prosperous and wealthy country.
Now, I find it very interesting that the White House,
between Trump and the National Security Council produced a
four-minute video, where the two options for North Korea were
portrayed:  One is the old status and war, or to have a complete
modernization of the country, with modern railway — they even
showed the Chinese maglev running, and people prosperous and
productive.  I think this was very good, because this video is
exactly what will happen, and it goes very far beyond a similar
video which was produced by South Korea in the past.  Trump
showed it to Kim Jong-un in the meetings, and then he also showed
it before giving his press conference.
I watched his entire press conference, and I must say, I
would advise all of you, our viewers, to do likewise. Because you
hear so much about Trump being this and that, and the way he
conducted himself in this lengthy press conference, fencing off
the most typical, old-fashioned thinking, questions from mainly
American journalists, he did not let himself be provoked — you
know, journalists try to ask him, “what will you do, what is you
punishment if North Korea does not comply?” but he wouldn’t go
into this trap; but he just said that he was very confident that
this process was on a good way.
And very important was that he also announced that the
United States would stop what he called the “war games,” the
U.S.-South Korea military maneuvers, and obviously, this is
psychologically very important for the North Koreans, because if
you have these war games on your door step all the time, this
creates a permanent psychological terror.
People who have to still form their judgment about how to
look at this, they should just consider that the South Korean
people were absolutely enthusiastic.  They were happy in the
streets.  President Moon who watched the live stream coming from
the conference from Singapore, applauded several times. And given
the fact that the German unification which took place now almost
29 years ago, people in Germany may remember the absolute
jubilance and happiness of families hugging each other, who
haven’t been together for very many years; friends falling into
each other’s arms, and kissing each other.  And it was a joy!
That the German unification did not produce only happiness
afterwards had to do with the larger geostrategic environment:
You know, like Bush, and Thatcher and Mitterrand, they all were
extremely hostile to the process of German unification, and
therefore the east German states were practically economically
dismantled, pretty much.  And the environment in North Korea is
obviously completely different.
So I would like to just say that I’m very optimistic that
this process will succeed, for the very simple reason that this
is taking place in a completely different strategic context,
namely of the Belt and Road Initiative, the integration of the
Belt and Road Initiative with the Eurasian Economic Union, and
these kinds of economic development plans, which also Russia
spoke about and China said they would contribute, and also
together with the United States take over security guarantees for
North Korea, these economic plans take place in the context of
the intention to develop the Far East of Russia, to integrate it
with all of Asia, which was discussed at the Eastern Economic
Forum in Vladivostok last September, and it was also discussed in
the inter-Korean dialogue in April between the two presidents of
the two Koreas.
So I think the perspective that North Korea, soon, will be
integrated into the Eurasian transport system, the two railways
connecting to the Trans-Siberian Railway, to the Chinese railway
system, and that you will have a complete transformation of this
part of the world.  And I think Trump is absolutely right:  He
said the past does not determine the future.  Real change is
possible.  And I think this is a very good development, and all
the nay-sayers they should just go home and think.
SCHLANGER:  The point you just made I think was one of the
most important:  That both presidents talked about overcoming the
past.  And Kim Jong-un said that we need to develop a new
friendly attitude between our peoples, as opposed to the animus.
And of course, that’s what Trump has displayed in both the
lead-up to the summit and in the aftermath of the summit.  And
this is one of the things that angering the people you mentioned
that aren’t happy about this: The fact that he’s saying, look
this is a new period, it’s a new time.
And I think, Helga, this probably the most important thing,
this idea of entering into a new era.  And this is, of course,
what you’ve been talking about for the last years, and we now are
on the verge of a new emergence of a Eurasian Century.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Yes.  I think that spirit is clearly
prevalent in Asia.  It was also the expressed view of Chinese
Foreign Minister Wang Yi after the SCO summit Qingdao in China.
This summit was an extraordinary milestone, where Wang Yi
afterwards said, the SCO represents 3.1 billion people, and it is
already now a completely new system of international relations,
built on mutual trust, on cooperation, on friendship, on common
aims, and it is a new model, that leaves behind and transcends
the old geopolitical order, Cold War, exclusive clubs, clash of
civilizations — all of these are left behind, and a new era of
cooperation has been established.
This was very beautiful, because the summit, the initial
banquet was opened by President Xi Jinping with a reference to
Confucius.  He said Qingdao is in Shandong province, which is the
home of the Confucius and Confucianism and he should guide the
future of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.
Now, I think Xi Jinping is a philosopher and just contrast
that — can you imagine that any European leader would open an EU
summit with the words “we should have Plato’s spirit, or
Shakespeare’s spirit, or Schiller’s spirit guide the future of
the European Union”?  Nothing is more impossible to think than
that at this moment.
So, I think the future lies in Asia.  And the kind of
cooperation and determination to create a better world for all
people living on this planet is being realized in Asia right now.
And I think it was very good thing that President Trump is
definitely helping the best he can to make this order succeed,
despite the trade tensions and despite the remaining problems
which are still there. I’m absolutely confident that the spirit
and the dynamic of this new phenomenon, these new forces which
Wang Yi spoke, he said, there are new forces at work which make
this all possible, and I think that that is the dynamic of our
time, the trend of our time.  And it’s a good thing.  It’s
wonderful and everybody who loves humanity and who loves peace
should be absolutely happy.

SCHLANGER:  I knew what would make you happy in particular
is that it wasn’t just a discussion of trade deals or security
concerns, but the Shanghai Cooperation Organization did take
place on a philosophical level.  And this is spilling over into
the talks between President Trump and the North Korean President,
for precisely the reason that the other countries are involved in
the Korean summit, and President Trump made a point to thank
China, Japan, South Korea, and Russia.
Helga, I think there may be a couple more things you want to
bring up on the Shanghai Cooperation Organization meeting:  India
and Pakistan participated — this really has become something in
big contrast to the morose gathering that took place in Canada,
the declining G7.  Why don’t you give us your thoughts on that,
the difference between these two summits?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: The SCO summit is the result of a conscious
effort to create a more human world, and I really think that the
fact that — as we discussed it already on this show — Modi and
Xi Jinping have reset the policy between India and China;  that
Pakistan and India, under the umbrella of the SCO, can now talk
about issues, is a wonderful development as well.  The whole
dynamic is one of cooperation, mutual trust, and how countries
should relate to each other:  That is a normal thing.
As a matter of fact, many years, 34 years ago, I created the
Schiller Institute, with the idea that we need a new foreign
policy, that nations should relate to the best tradition of each
other, and not the worst.  And that is what I see now.  You have
a deep discussion about the fundamental principles of each
culture.  In China, you have Confucius and Mencius, which were
both mentioned by Xi Jinping; in India, you have the Vedic
tradition, the Gupta period, you have the Indian Renaissance —
much of this was referred to by Modi in his previous speech at
the [June 1-3] Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore which took place
just a little bit before.
You have on the side of these leaders an understanding that
you have to look for the most profound image of man in the
respective culture, and what follows for politics out of that.
Out of Confucius, the ideal of eternal learning, of lifelong
learning and character improvement comes the harmony in the
family.  And out of harmonious families comes harmony in the
nation, and among nations as well.  And there are similar ideas
in the idea of a cosmic order in the Indian philosophy, which
should guide our behavior on the planet.  And you have the idea
of {ahimsa}, that man has to educate himself up to the point
where he is incapable of having any harmful thought.
Now, this happens to be the same idea like you find Nikolaus
of Cusa, or Leibniz or Schiller — Schiller’s conception of the
beautiful soul — but naturally, that kind of thinking is
completely absent in the Western world right now, in the G7 or G6
against 1, or G4.  Because, actually the G4, there are only four
countries left which are absolutely determined to keep the
sanctions against Russia and similar things:  Germany, France,
Great Britain and Canada, so it’s not exactly a strong alliance.
The contrast between the SCO meeting and the really
catastrophic failure of the G7 meeting in Canada could not be
more obvious. And I think the fact that they can only be
negative, and are also having huge fights among themselves is a
reflection that this old order is collapsing, and it’s collapsing
very fast, and one big area where you can see that is the refugee
crisis in Europe, which has come back in full force.

SCHLANGER:  How significant is it do you think that
President Trump brought up bringing Russia back into the G7 to
make it the G8 again?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Well, you know, Putin was very funny:  He
said he would invite the next G7 meeting to Moscow.  But I don’t
think they are naturally putting a huge priority of being part of
something which is clearly not the most dynamic model in the
world.  And I think much more important is the orientation
towards Asia for Russia at this point.
Foreign Minister Lavrov made an important point after the
Singapore meeting:  He said, in order to really guarantee that
this process succeeds, one has to bring back the six power talks,
which involves the two Koreas, Japan, China, the United States,
and Russia.  And I think that that is absolutely to the point.
I think that the whole situation will change because you
have now complete disunity in Europe.  You have two new
governments, which are absolutely in favor of restoring relations
with Russia.  One is Austria, which just hosted a very important
summit for President Putin; and the other one is the new Italian
government, where Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini just came
out and called for an alliance with Russia to fight terrorism,
and saying basically that you cannot deal with extremism of all
forms unless you cooperate with Russia.
So this is all changing very rapidly, and I wouldn’t be
surprised if things get really turbulent in Europe much, much
more, and changes will occur, and one can only hope that they go
in the direction of cooperating with the New Silk Road and not
just in the direction of chaos, which is also an imminent

SCHLANGER:  You mentioned the refugee crisis which is once
again back on the front burner, even though it’s not the same
numbers as a couple of years ago.  What’s happening with this?
How has this become an issue once again?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  First of all, there are many refugees,
because the weather was bad for some time; now it’s better so a
lot of refugees are just lined up and waiting to be put by human
traffickers in these boats.  One ship, the {Aquarius}, just was
refused to enter a port in Italy; then there was a huge brawl,
because Macron attacked the Italian government because of it.
And then the Italians answered about the high horse Macron was
sitting on, given the fact that they had had terrible treatment
of tens of thousands of refugees over the years.  Finally, Macron
and Italian Prime Minister Conte talked on the telephone, and a
state visit will occur on Friday, so we have to see how that
goes.  And the refugees were finally accepted by the new Spanish
government of Sánchez government.
But, what happens when the next ship comes?  So this crisis,
this has now led to a huge crisis in the coalition government in
Germany; where Interior Minister Horst Seehofer [CSU] and former
Bavarian minister President, wanted to present his master plan.
Merkel basically forbid him to, whereupon Seehofer and Chancellor
Kurz from Austria, and Salvini from Italy all got on the
telephone, and Kurz was talking about a “coalition of the
willing” to agree to basically send refugees back at the border,
if they’re already registered in any one European country.  And
Merkel, on the other side, together with the SPD, wants to find a
European solution.
This has created a complete turmoil, because only three
members of parliament of Merkel’s own CDU party are backing her.
The SPD, on the other side, says, if Merkel capitulates to
Seehofer, they may even go for a vote of confidence and new
elections.  So this is highly unstable, and I cannot see how
either of these solutions should function.  Because if you close
the borders — that’s what they want, to make a “Fortress
Europe,” to increase the coast guard, to make sure that no
refugees can come in; if you close the internal EU borders, there
goes the Schengen agreement, and that was the basis on which the
euro actually was possible, because if you don’t have open
borders within Europe, a common currency doesn’t make sense.
So I think this thing could explode at any moment, and all
of these ideas are unworkable, and are a reflection of these fact
that these establishments just don’t understand that the only way
how you can solve the refugee crisis in a human way, would be a
large-scale development of Africa.  And China is doing that
already, so if the European governments would be intelligent,
they would just say:  We’ll take the offer of China to cooperate
in large-scale infrastructure and other development plans for
Africa so that we can create an incentive that all the young
people from Africa will want to stay home and build their
countries, rather than risking their lives by crossing the Sahara
and dying of thirst, or crossing the Mediterranean and drowning.
So you know, you have to change the policy towards Africa if
you want to solve this problem.

SCHLANGER:  And Helga, on that note, it does appear there
are people in the Italian government who are making that point.
One of the new ministers, Prof.  Michele Geraci has a document
out where he talks about this idea of Italy and other European
countries working with China to provide the infrastructure and
create the means by which people can stay in their homes and
actually have a future.
What else do you see in the emergence of this new Italian
government as a positive part of the transformation of Europe?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  There was first the appointment of
ministers, several of whom have very decent positions on
Glass-Steagall, on the creation of a national bank, on
renegotiating the Maastricht Treaty conditions to not accept the
austerity but going for an investment program.  So there are many
interesting points.  They’re not completely unproblematic,
because there are also many greenie ideas in it.
But now, the second round of people have been appointed in
the positions undersecretary in ministries, and there you have —
I don’t know the total number — but something between 6, 8, or
10 of them who have signed an appeal by our sister organization
in Italy, the Movisol, for Glass-Steagall — a letter to
President Trump for him to implement Glass-Steagall.
So I expect that given the fact that the financial system is
in a very precarious condition, that once this government
consolidates, which it is in the process of doing right now, that
you will see a lot more motion towards Glass-Steagall.
Now, Glass-Steagall and the laws of the European Union are
incompatible.  But it’s a very promising development, and one
reflection that good things are going on, is the fact that the EU
representative for the negotiation of the Brexit, former Belgian
Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt just came out with a huge attack,
saying the following people are stooges of Putin — [U.K.
Independence Party leader] Nigel Farage, Le Pen, Salvini, and
[Hungarian Prime Minister] Viktor Orban.  There are already some
people now suing him, and you cannot just claim that somebody is
a stooge and paid agent, when they are not.
I mean, you can see the freakout level is really quite big.
But I think the potential is also there, given the fact that
there is a motion towards cooperation with Russia coming from
several places in Europe, now.  And there is also a softening,
and some people are reviewing and saying:  Look, there is the
biggest infrastructure development in history which is already
writing the rules.  The new WTO will be written by the New Silk
Road.  Why not join it, and profit from all of these
developments?  And the hidden champions in European Mittelstand
and so forth, they have so much to contribute to solve the
problems of this world, that rather than making a Fortress
Europe, and trying to keep every foreigner out, we should just
really change the policy.
And I think the time has come where all these arrogant
people, who think they are the best and the brightest, when in
reality, they are not so smart at all, and they don’t what to
acknowledge that the neo-liberal, neo-con, geopolitical system is
just going under.  It’s going under because it favors only an
elite, a financial elite, an establishment, and it is harmful to
the majority of the people.  And therefore, the model of the New
Silk Road, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization model, the BRICS
model, all of these are more attractive, especially to the
developing countries. And the West would just do so much better
if they would say, “OK, we have to rethink, and maybe we can
reinvent ourselves if we cooperate with this new dynamic.”
The breakthrough of Singapore has created an example that
you can do it!  You can change history if you want and if you
have the will and if you have the good intention.  And I think
people should follow this example.

SCHLANGER:  There’s one other place where change is needed,
and that is the continuing war on the people of Yemen coming from
the Saudi Arabian government, the United Arab Emirates  — with
some support from the United States and the United Kingdom.
There’s a battle that’s underway right now for the city of
Hodeidah, where there was a bombing of a Doctors Without Borders
hospital.  This is the port where most of the food comes into the
country, and it’s already a country where 60% of the people are
food insecure.
Helga, what can be done?  There are some Congressmen who
signed a letter calling for an immediate move for an
Authorization for the Use of Military Forces (AUMF) with the idea
being that the United States {would not} participate in this, but
move to stop it.
This is something that also needs to be brought also before
the population of the world, isn’t it?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Yes.  Already before this bombing against
Hodeidah started, Yemen was characterized by the United Nations
as the worst humanitarian catastrophe on the planet, and the
Russian Foreign Ministry just commented on the fact that the
bombing against this port has started, saying that this will make
a political solution that much harder.
But there is one country right now, which really could stop
it, and that is the United States.  If the United States would
just make sure Saudi Arabia does not have the means to continue
this, it would!  And I find it promising that even two members of
the Israeli Knesset, the parliament, basically commented on the
Singapore summit by saying that this could be a model to solve
the Middle East crisis, including the conflict between Saudi
Arabia and Iran.
Now, that is the way to go.  I think military solutions just
don’t function.  And we have to  — when I said at the beginning
of the year that geopolitics must be overcome, because
geopolitics is the basis of war.  In the last century, it was the
basis of two world wars, and I think we have to come to a
situation where, given the fact that nuclear weapons exist, which
could lead to the annihilation of civilization, I think we have
to move to a world where war is absolutely outlawed as a means of
conflict resolution.
This is why I think now, with this changed dynamic, a summit
between President Trump and President Putin, is of the absolute
urgency and should follow.  I know that the spokesman of the
State Department basically said that both sides are looking at
it, and looking at preparations — but I think it’s very urgent.
And I think this idea that Middle East must find a similar
approach to the Korea situation, is absolutely to the point.

SCHLANGER:  Well, on that point, I’d like to finish by
asking you to say something about this wonderful conference that
the Schiller Institute sponsored this last weekend in New York
City, under the theme “Dona Nobis Pacem.”  You participated in
it.  What are your thoughts about how this kind of event points
the way to this change as well, with the New Silk Road Spirit
taking over?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  I think it was a quite successful
conference.  There was a student meeting on Friday, with U.S.
students for the New Silk Road.  And then we had on Saturday a
very important conference where we had the deputy ambassador to
the United Nations from the Russian mission, who I think was very
important for people to see, that these Russians are not the way
the {New York Times} describes them, but they are human beings
who are funny and have a lot to give.  And then we had a lot of
strategic discussion over the day.
And then the next day, we had a beautiful concert, with
African American Spirituals and then the Beethoven Mass in C
Major, which was performed by the chorus of the Schiller
Institute.  And the church where the concert took place was
completely full, and people were really inspired, and understand
that you need Classical culture to elevate people to bring out
the most noble aspect of humanity.  And in that spirit, you can
solve any problem.
So I would like to ask you, again: join the Schiller
Institute, become part of the Renaissance movement, and help us
to bring the Silk Road Spirit; or as they were saying, in the
Shanghai Cooperation Organization meeting, the “Shanghai Spirit”
which is really the spirit of Confucius, and Mencius, and
Schiller, and Leibniz — bring this spirit to the Western world,
because we can only all profit from it.

SCHLANGER:  With that, I think we’ll conclude.  Helga, thank
you very much and we’ll see you next week.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Yes, till next week.

Hele verden responderer til
den nye virkelighed, skabt
af Trump-Kim-topmødet

Leder fra LaRouchePAC, 14. juni, 2018 – Gårsdagens topmøde i Singapore demonstrerede, at der er en kursændring i gang, en kursændring, som bortfejer de gamle, dekadente, geopolitiske strukturer og i stedet indvarsler et Nyt Paradigme, der nu slår rødder, først i Asien, omkring den Nye Silkevejsånd.

Verden er splittet, lød Helga Zepp-LaRouches kommentar i dag, mellem på den ene side dem, der forstår, at Trump-Kim-topmødet er begyndelsen til en ny form for proces for fred gennem udvikling; og så dem på den anden side, hvis hysteriske reaktion til topmødet vidner om det faktum, at de ville foretrække selv atomkrig frem for at se deres spilleregler ændret. Sidstnævnte gruppe omfatter Det britiske Imperium, dets neokonservative og neoliberale allierede i USA og de apoplektiske, vestlige medier, der lyver vildt om det, der fandt sted i Singapore.

Den nye virkelighed er imidlertid ikke gået hen over hovedet på skarpe iagttagere. Kinas Global Times udgav i dag en lederartikel om topmødet og bemærker, at »en vis kraft arbejder for, at sådanne tilsyneladende umulige ting kan blive mulige. Denne kraft er den nye logik i international politik i det 21. århundrede«. Dernæst refererede lederartiklen til den diskussion om Konfutse og Mencius, som den kinesiske præsident Xi Jinping førte på det netop afsluttede SCO-topmøde i Qingdao: »USA har måske brug for at låne noget visdom af Østens filosofi«, skrev Global Times.

Det er præcist, hvad det drejer sig om, understregede Zepp-LaRouche, og det tjener til at fremhæve de dybe, filosofiske rødder til den bølge af kulturel optimisme, der nu er fremherskende i Asien, og som hurtigt må spredes til USA og Europa. Nøglen til, at dette kan ske, er, at Vesten tilslutter sig den Nye Silkevej, og at Vesten kan opleve den hurtige, økonomiske transformation på planeten, som den Nye Silkevej skaber. Det er denne politik, der har løftet over 700 mio. kinesere ud af fattigdom på henved 30 år; og det er samme politik, og samme optimisme, som kineserne nu bringer til Afrika sammen med betydelig investering i infrastruktur. Denne fremgangsmåde har allerede reduceret fattigdomsraten i Afrika fra 50 % til 40 % i løbet af de seneste 15 år – noget, som den britiskinducerede pessimisme i Vesten mente, var umuligt.

Men, som Global Times bemærker, dette er tider, hvor det tilsyneladende umulige bliver muligt – når vi bare fjerner den sten på vejen, der hedder Det britiske Imperium.

Foto: Præsident Donald J. Trump og Nordkoreas leder Kim Jong-un deltager i deres bilaterale møde, tirsdag, 12. juni, 2018, i Capella Hotel i Singapore. (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead) 

Michele Geraci, medlem af den nye italienske regering,
giver noget at tænke over med hensyn til samarbejde med Kina

13. juni, 2018 – I en artikel med titlen, »Kina og regeringen for forandring«, har den nyudnævnte viceudenrigsminister for Udviklingsministeriet, prof. Michele Geraci, opregnet 11 sektorer, inden for hvilke Italien burde samarbejde med Kina inden for rammerne af Bælte & Vej-politikken. Geracis artikel blev udgivet på den 11. juni. Her følger nogle uddrag:

»En udenrigs- og økonomipolitik, der giver Kina mere opmærksomhed, vil øge sandsynligheden for regeringskontraktens succes. Ja, Kina kan spille en rolle inden for stort set hvert eneste punkt i kontrakten – for nogles vedkommende en udfordring, for andre en mulighed.«

Det første punkt er finanspolitikken. »Hvem kan hjælpe os med at styre gæld og ’spread’ – forskellen på obligationers udbuds- og efterspørgselspris? Kina. Hvis ECB begynder at afvikle QE (kvantitativ lempelse), med rentestigning til følge, vi Italien søge andre købere til sine lån, købere, der har rigelig likviditet, en strategisk interesse i at opbygge relationer med Italien, og som søger investeringer med højere afkast end dem, Amerika og Tyskland kan tilbyde. Kina ejer, hvad der svarer til $3 billioner i valutareserver, som tidligere ikke altid er blevet investeret optimalt.«

Kina kan lære Italien, hvordan man håndterer folkevandringer, med Kina, der har »håndteret verdens største folkevandringer fra landdistrikter til byområder, med op til 18 mio. mennesker om året i 40 år«. Kina byggede først infrastruktur og flyttede dernæst mennesker.

En skattereform fungerer bedre med udenlandske investeringer. Hvorfra? Fra Kina. Greenfield-investeringer er at foretrække, som i Ungarn.

Lov og orden: Kina er den nation, hvor dette fungerer bedst. »I Kina kan kvinder gå på gaden om natten uden den frygt, der dominerer os.«

»Fremstillet i Italien« og eksport. Kina er markedet med størst potentiale. E-biler: Kina er det land, der investerer mest i e-biler.

Infrastruktur: »Hvilket land har det største knowhow og investerer mest i hele verden i udvikling af transport, jernbaner, havne? Kina.

»På dette historiske tidspunkt er Kina det land, der besidder den højeste viden om udvikling af infrastruktur og er stadig meget interesseret i at investere i Italien gennem projekter, der øger produktiv kapacitet, såsom havnen i Trieste, men ikke kun den. Tilgængelige tal siger, Kina har investeret over $300 mia. alene i projekter knyttet til infrastruktur, heraf $100 mia. i Afrika og $50 mia. i Europa. Lad os blive vant til at have med tolv-cifrede tal at gøre.«

»Afrika og migranter. Hvem kan hjælpe Afrika? Kina.« Geraci rapporterer, at Kina er det land, der investerer mest i Afrika, og takket være Kina, er fattigdom i Afrika for første gang begyndt at falde. »Kina tilbyder Europa og Italien i særdeleshed en historisk mulighed for at samarbejde om social-økonomisk stabilisering af Afrika, som vi absolut ikke bør forpasse; vi må derfor styrke samarbejde mellem Italien og Kina i Afrika.«

»Samarbejde med Rusland. Hvor findes der et mere venligtsindet land over for Rusland, der kan hjælpe os med at omskrive geopolitik i Asien? Kina.« »Netop som et meget grimt G7, symbol på vestligt forfald, fandt sted i Canada, var Putin her i Beijing, og Trump ville tage af sted til Singapore for at møde Kim Jong-un … Det er meget klart for mig, hvem, der bliver de væsentlige spillere i det næste årti. Ophævelsen af sanktionerne må også placeres på et større skakbræt for at udvikle tættere relationer med resten af den asiatiske verden.«

Meddelelse: Helga Zepp-LaRouche i Schiller Institut webcast,
tors. 14. juni 2018 kl. 18: Trump og hans
eurasiske allierede udmanøvrerer det døende Britiske Imperium

Kontrasten kunne ikke have været større. Alt imens den dysfunktionelle natur af det døende G7, eller G6, eller G5 (!) – et levn af britisk geopolitik, som har domineret efterkrigstidens politik – blev totalt udstillet i Canada, gik et alternativt, globalt system fremefter i Qingdao, Kina, med Shanghai Samarbejdsorganisationens (SCO) møde, baseret på Kinas Nye Silkevejspolitiks »win-win«-livssyn. Og, alt imens de destabiliserede ledere af det i stigende grad irrelevante G7 blev ladt tilbage til at jamre over, at præsident Trump forlod dem – i både figurativ og bogstavelig betydning – så var Trumps ekstraordinære topmøde med Nordkoreas leder Kim Jong-un et spejlbillede af hans orientering mod Eurasien, da mødets succes til dels skyldes hans samarbejde med ledere fra Kina, Rusland, Sydkorea og Japan.

Og hvad ved folk, der lever i det transatlantiske område, om denne nye, eurasiske dynamik, der er i færd med at forme fremtiden? Desværre, eftersom de fleste af de valgte repræsentanter for Vestens »gængse«, politiske partier fortsætter med at handle i den geopolitiske doktrins interesse, som skabtes af Det britiske Imperium, og medierne udspyr ’fake news’ for at bakke det op, så er kun ganske få bevidste om virkeligheden med den store, globale transformation, der er i gang.

Hver uge giver Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Schiller Instituttets stifter, en kortfattet og dramatisk præsentation, der er tænkt at skulle sætte hendes seere på historiens scene. I disse ugentlige webcasts har hun leveret både en gennemgang af begivenhederne, fra toppen og ned, og også en analysemetode, der giver hendes seere en mulighed for at spille en rolle i denne transformation. Gå ikke glip af hendes præsentation i denne uge – og sørg for at informere så mange andre som muligt om, at dette er deres mulighed for at bryde ud af boblen af løgne og misinformationer, så de kan blive smittet med den Nye Silkevejsånd.

12. juni, 2018: Den Nye Silkevejsånd lyser i al sin pragt

Leder fra LaRouchePAC, 12. juni, 2018 – Denne dag vil gå over i historien, ikke alene på grund af den ekstraordinære bedrift i Korea, der blev skabt af Donald Trump, Kim Jong-un, Moon Jae-in, Xi Jinping, Shinzo Abe og Vladimir Putin, men også, fordi den »Nye Silkevejsånd« har taget endnu et gigantskridt fremad for virkeliggørelsen af fred og udvikling for hele verden.

Den fælles erklæring, som blev underskrevet og offentliggjort af formand Kim og præsident Trump, kan læses nedenstående. Den siger utvetydigt, at den nye relation mellem USA og D.P.R.K. »vil bidrage til fred og fremgang for Koreahalvøen, og for verden«. I en pressekonference efter topmødet, talte præsident Trump på en dyb måde om den transformation, der finder sted i verden som helhed. Han begyndte: »Jeg står foran jer som repræsentant for USA for at give jer et budskab om håb og vision, og et budskab om fred«. Han sagde, at det succesfulde topmøde beviste, at »reel forandring er muligt«; at »fortiden ikke behøver definere fremtiden«; at »enhver kan skabe krig, men kun de modigste kan skabe fred«. Han konkluderede, korrekt, at »Det er et meget stort øjeblik i verdenshistorien«.

Det bliver opfattet i hele verden, at denne historiske begivenhed i Singapore, og det på lignende vis transformerende møde i Shanghai Samarbejdsorganisationen (SCO), der fandt sted i weekenden 9.-10. juni i Qingdao, står i skarp kontrast til kaosset på G7-mødet i Quebec, hvor Trump udtalte, at Putin burde sidde med ved bordet, hvis der skulle opnås noget som helst af betydning. Trump fik fuld opbakning fra den nyvalgte italienske premierminister Giuseppe Conte, alt imens Shinzo Abe ligeledes nægter at gå med i de verbale angreb mod Rusland og arbejder tæt sammen med præsident Putin omkring fælles udviklingsprojekter. Det, der er tilbage af G7 – Frankrig, Tyskland, Canada og UK – kunne ende med at blive G4, hvis de ikke bryder ud af Det britiske Imperiums desperate bestræbelse på at opretholde opsplitningen af verden i Øst og Vest.

Der skabes historie i Asien, og ikke i Vestens affældige økonomier og kulturelle forfald. Trumps anerkendelse af Kina og Rusland reflekterer hans erkendelse af, at, med samarbejde, kan store forandringer skabes for en forbedring for menneskeheden som helhed, og at USA selv kun kan genrejses til sin tidligere storhed ved at blive en del af den Nye Silkevejsånd, som Helga Zepp-LaRouche har udlagt det. Denne ånd er smitsom og inspirerer kulturel optimisme og står i skarp kontrast til den kulturelle pessimisme, der i stigende grad har inficeret Europa og USA i løbet af de seneste halvtreds år.

Efter at have set Trumps pressekonference i Singapore, kom fr. LaRouche med den iagttagelse, at Trump havde nægtet at lade sig provokere af de hysteriske, vestlige krigsmager-medier, men snarere demonstrerede en fuldstændig tillid til, at det nye paradigme for fred gennem udvikling var både muligt og nødvendigt. Det er, hvad Lyndon LaRouche og denne bevægelse har kæmpet for i løbet af de seneste halvtreds år. Det er en tid for historiske transformationer, et faseskifte i de kvalitative egenskaber af menneskehedens udvikling, i hvilken det enkelte individs handlinger kan forandre verden. Man bør ikke stå og se til fra sidelinjen. Folk bør, på en ligefrem måde, få at vide, at de skal gå med i LaRouche-bevægelsen med det formål at bringe den Nye Silkevejsånd til hele menneskeheden.

Foto: Præsident Donald J. Trump med Nordkoreas leder Kim Jong-un. 12. juni, 2018. (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)

Præsident Donald Trump og formand Kim Jong-un
udsteder en fælles erklæring i Singapore

12. juni, 2018 – Her følger erklæringen, der blev udstedt af præsident Donald J. Trump fra Amerikas Forenede Stater og formand Kim Jong-un fra den Demokratiske Folkerepublik Korea, på topmødet i Singapore.

Udstedt: 12. juni, 2018.

Præsident Donald J. Trump fra Amerikas Forenede Stater og formand Kim Jong-un fra den Demokratiske Folkerepublik Koreas Kommission for Statsanliggender (D.P.R.K.) afholdt et første, historisk topmøde i Singapore 12. juni, 2018.

Præsident Trump og formand Kim Jong-un førte en omfattende, dybtgående og oprigtig udveksling af synspunkter om de spørgsmål, der er relateret til etableringen af nye relationer mellem USA og D.P.R.K., og formand Kim Jong-un genbekræftede sin faste og urokkelige forpligtelse til total atomafrustning på Koreahalvøen.

Med en overbevisning om, at etableringen af nye relationer mellem USA og D.P.R.K. vil bidrage til fred og fremgang på Korehalvøen, og i hele verden, og i anerkendelse af, at gensidig opbygning af tillid kan fremme atomafrustningen af Koreahalvøen, erklærer præsident Trump og formand Kim Jong-un følgende:

  1. USA og D.P.R.K. indgår forpligtelse til at etablere nye relationer mellem USA og D.P.R.K. i overensstemmelse med de to landes folks ønske om fred og fremgang.
  2. USA og D.P.R.K. vil forene deres bestræbelser for at opbygge et varigt og stabilt fredsregime på Koreahalvøen.
  3. I genbekræftelse af Panmunjom-erklæringen af 27. april, 2018, forpligter D.P.R.K. sig til at arbejde henimod total atomafrustning af Koreahalvøen.
  4. USA og D.P.R.K. forpligter sig til at hjemtage de jordiske rester af POW/MIA – krigsfanger og savnede i kamp – inklusive hjemsendelse af dem, der allerede er identificeret.

I erkendelse af det faktum, at topmødet mellem USA og D.P.R.K. – historiens første – var en epokeskabende begivenhed af stor betydning for overvindelsen af årtiers spændinger og fjendtligheder mellem de to lande, og for en åbning af en ny fremtid, forpligter præsident Trump og formand Kim Jong-un sig til fuldt ud og hurtigt at gennemføre bestemmelserne i denne fælles erklæring. USA og D.P.R.K. forpligter sig til at afholde opfølgende forhandlinger, der ledes af USA’s udenrigsminister Mike Pompeo og en relevant, højtplaceret regeringsperson fra D.P.R.K., så tidligt som muligt, for at gennemføre udfaldet af topmødet mellem USA og D.P.R.K.

Præsident Donald J. Trump fra USA og formand Kim Jong-un fra den Demokratiske Folkerepublik Koreas Kommission for Statsanliggender har forpligtet sig til at samarbejde for udviklingen af nye relationer mellem USA og D.P.R.K. og for promoveringen af fred, fremgang og sikkerhed på Koreahalvøen og i verden.

Donald J. Trump, Præsident for Amerikas Forenede Stater.

Kim Jong-un, Formand for den Demokratiske Folkerepublik Koreas Kommission for Statsanliggender.

  1. juni, 2018. Sentosa Island, Singapore

Hilsener fra Helga Zepp-LaRouche,
Schiller Instituttets stifter og præsident,
til koncerten Dona Nobis Pacem,
Manhattan, NY, 10. juni 2018

Ved udgangen af 2017 foreslog jeg, at året 2018 skulle være året, hvor menneskeheden omsider ville gøre en ende på geopolitik og søge et nyt grundlag for relationer mellem nationer, som er mennesket værdigt. Dette mål, med samt den nødvendige udryddelse af fattigdom, det ville kræve, var selvfølgelig også den gentagne, erklærede mission for både Martin Luther King, jr., og Robert F. Kennedy. I 1968 blev de begge brutalt myrdet, men, snarere end at tage den udfordring op, som denne tragedie skabte, valgte folk på begge sider Atlanten at tilpasse sig til det, og vi har, i løbet af de seneste 50 år, smagt den bitre frugt af denne tilpasning. Vi oplever nu en voldens og fortvivlelsens kultur, og hvis vi bliver ved med at begrave vore næser i dagens populær-nyheder og ditto underholdning, kan vi lige så godt opgive ævred først som sidst.

Da jeg således foreslog, at året 2018 ville indlede en ny æra – et nyt paradigme for menneskeheden – blev det mødt med stor skepsis fra mine europæiske og amerikanske kollegers side. Det, som disse skeptikere ikke havde taget i betragtning, er, at flere end 100 lande siden 2013 har tilsluttet sig Kinas Ét Bælte, én Vej-initiativet for forøget konnektivitet og samarbejde mellem nationer, gennem opførelse af moderne infrastruktur og transportkorridorer, og hvor målet er, at, frem til år 2050, skal fattigdom være fjernet fra planeten. Denne nye, optimistiske fremtidsdynamik fejer hen over planeten, og blot her de seneste par dage har vi set lovende udviklinger med topmødet mellem USA og Nordkorea, og, hvilket forhåbentlig vil finde sted i ugen efter vores koncert, forhandlinger mellem Indien og Kina og en fælles forpligtelse til at stabilisere Afghanistan gennem genopbygning, samt det nok mest signifikante, et potentielt topmøde mellem USA og Rusland, som kunne begynde at løse de farlige kriser i Ukraine og Syrien.

Vi befinder os således ved det, man har kaldt en »Stjernestund for menneskeheden«, hvor vore handlinger i nutiden vil bestemme fremtiden, eller manglen på samme, for de kommende generationer. Om den blodige, franske revolution skrev den tyske digter Friedrich Schiller, »Et stort øjeblik fandt et lidet folk«. Vores deltagelse i denne opførelse af værker af Bach, Beethoven og de afroamerikanske spirituals, det være sig som artist eller tilhører, giver verden håb om, at dette store øjeblik må finde et inspireret folk, der vil gå sammen med mig og Schiller Instituttet og handle for at sikre, at dette øjeblik ikke forpasses.

UAE-ledet angreb mod Yemens Hodeidah-havn
synes umiddelbart forestående

12. juni, 2018 – Et UAE-ledet angreb mod Yemens havneby ved det Røde Hav, Hodeidah, synes at være umiddelbart forestående, med yemenitiske styrker fra den officielle Hadi-regering, støttet af Saudi-Arabien og UAE (De Forenede Arabiske Emirater), og som vil fortsætte op langs kysten mod byens lufthavn. Ifølge Agence France Presse er begivenhederne på jorden ved at løbe fra diplomatiske og politiske bestræbelser på at forhindre angrebet, som, advarer humanitære hjælpeorganisationer, vil blive en katastrofe for civilbefolkningen. I går begyndte en tværpolitisk gruppe af medlemmer af USA’s Repræsentanternes Hus at cirkulere et brev, der krævede, at forsvarsminister James Mattis var med til at forhindre en »katastrofal« militæroperation mod Hodeidah. »I lyset af Deres bemærkninger fra april 2017 om, at krigen må løses ’politisk så hurtigt som muligt’, opfordrer vi Dem indtrængende til at bruge alle instrumenter, der står til Deres disposition, for at tale den saudiskledede koalition fra at gå frem med denne offensiv, og at afvise, at USA yder logistisk, militær og diplomatisk støtte til en sådan operation.« Men sent i dag, rapporterer AFP, var de imidlertid begyndt at miste tiltroen til USA’s bestræbelser for at stoppe det, især efter, at Wall Street Journal rapporterede, at præsident Trump havde givet operationen »et blinkende gult lys«.

Selv rapporten om, at saudierne har ramt et Læger uden Grænser-center for behandling af kolera med et luftangreb, sagtnede ikke den UAE-ledede offensiv, selv om den gjorde USA’s Kongres endnu mere vred. »Yemen-krigen er ved at komme ud af kontrol«, sagde senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) i et indlæg på Twitter, inkl. at gentage i alle undertekster: »Koalitionen mellem Saudierne/UAE/USA bombede et Læger uden Grænser-center for behandling af kolera tidligere i dag.

Lad mig gentage det – USA var med til at bombe ET LÆGER UDEN GRÆNSER-CENTER FOR BEHANDLING AF KOLERA.«

Vil EU kollapse indad over flygtningespørgsmålet?

12. juni, 2018 – En ny flygtningekrise forøger spændingerne mellem Italien og EU-partnere, som forværrer den splittelse, der allerede opstod med den nye italienske regerings fødsel og igen på G7-mødet i Quebec. EU-parlamentets præsident Antonio Tajani opfordrede EU-ledere til hurtigt at løse krisen, af frygt for, at »hele EU’s struktur er i fare«.

Efter Italiens afvisning af at tage NGO-skibet Aquarius ind med over 600 afrikanske flygtninge om bord, indvilgede Spanien i at tage skibet ind, men den spanske regering truer med at sagsøge den italienske regering. Frankrig gik endnu længere med præsident Macron, der anklagede Rom for at være »kynisk« og »uansvarlig«, og med talsmand for hans LREM-parti, parlamentsmedlem Gabriel Attal, der sagde, at den italienske holdning »var til at brække sig over«. Disse udtalelser blev i Rom mødt med påmindelser om Paris’ beslutning sidste år om at lukke franske havne på præcis samme måde.

Italien har anklaget sine EU-partnere for at have overladt landet til at konfrontere krisen alene i de forgangne år. EU har pladret om »solidaritet« og »Marshall-plan«, men har foreløbig intet gjort.

Flygtningekrisen er først lige begyndt. Efter flere ugers dårligt vejr og dårlige sejladsforhold, kan skibe nu forlade Libyen, vel vidende, at NGO-skibe krydser tæt på territorialfarvand, parat til at opsamle tusinder af nye flygtninge, som menneskehandlere har været så venlige at sætte til søs. Den såkaldte Tripoli-regering har mistet kontrollen eller gør det med vilje, på trods af de aftaler, penge og udstyr, der blev leveret af Italiens tidligere Gentiloni-regering.

Så, forvent en ny bølge af flygtninge, som vil teste den hårde linje, der er indvarslet af indenrigsminister Matteo Salvini, som, efter den spanske beslutning, kom med den betragtning, at »at hæve stemmen forsigtigt faktisk virker«.

Næste Politisk Orienteringsmøde med Tom Gillesberg:
Torsdag, 14. juni kl 19, på vores kontor

Skt. Knuds Vej 11. kld. t.v., 1903 Frederiksberg.

Vær med i mødet, eller deltag i diskussionen via Skype / telefon: 53 51 00 57.

Succes eller fiasko;
emnet for dette topmøde er det,
der er vigtigt for fremtiden

Leder fra LaRouchePAC, 11. juni, 2018 – Til stor fortrydelse for alle, der bebor den gamle, »liberale«, atlantiske orden, bliver det nu i stigende grad klart, at præsident Donald Trump er i færd med totalt at bryde ud af et Europa, domineret af britisk geopolitik, til fordel for at lade USA blive involveret sammen med Asien.

Asien bliver af Kinas Bælte & Vej Initiativ katalyseret frem i forreste række af fremtiden – med gennembrud inden for rumforskning og videnskab, opførelse af store, moderne infrastrukturprojekter og fjernelse af fattigdom. Præsident Trump, der i nu to år har bekæmpet britisk efterretnings kampagne for at få ham fjernet fra embedet, afviser nu enhver intrige, som London står bag, for at få ham stillet op til konfrontation med Kina og Rusland og arbejder nu på stormagtssamarbejde med Asien. Dette har bragt ham frem til det ekstremt vanskelige forsøg på at afslutte den 70 år lange Koreakrig.

Den russiske præsident Putin er ikke den eneste, der har bemærket, at det fejlslagne G7-møde i Quebec ikke blot blev ødelagt af stridigheder over importtold. For samtidig kom Trump ud med forslag til topmøder med både Japans premierminister Abe og den italienske premierminister Contes nye, euroskeptiske regering. Begge understreger samarbejde med Rusland og Kina og fokuserer på skabelse af kreditinstitutioner til byggeri af ny infrastruktur i hele Eurasien. Det samme gør Trump mht. USA.

Sammenlignet med G7’s tomme arrogance, var Shanghai Samarbejdsorganisationens topmøde i Qingdao, Kina, som fandt sted samtidigt i denne weekend, og som repræsenterer 3,1 mia. mennesker, langt mere afgørende.

Og så taler vi endda ikke om det særdeles afgørende Korea-topmøde, som Trump tog af sted for at deltage i – og i hvilket de »store europæiske magter« ikke har vist nogen som helst interesse.

I modsætning hertil, og endnu, mens præsidenten sad i flyet, kom Japans premierminister Abe, Kinas præsident Xi og Ruslands præsident Putin alle med tilbud om, sammen med USA og Sydkorea, at deltage i en konsolidering af atomnedrustning og fred gennem udvikling på Koreahalvøen. Dette er »det umulige«, som Trump forsøger at opnå.

Samtidig afholdt Schiller Instituttet, med Helga Zepp-LaRouche som stifter og præsident, en stor konference i New York City sammen med andre ledende personer, med det formål at arbejde for et længe forhindret topmøde mellem præsident Trump og præsident Putin, som tilsigter fred og udvikling i Sydvestasien. Instituttet vil følge op på dette med en bredere konference i Tyskland senere på måneden, hvor spørgsmålet bliver at engagere Europa – eller i det mindste den del af Europa, der er villig til at skifte stagnation ud med succes – i Kinas Bælte & Vej Initiativ og i udviklingen af Sydvestasien og Afrika.

I dag sagde fr. LaRouche, at Kinas (og nu også Japans) involvering i gennemførelsen af Trump-Kim-topmødet, er ekstremt håbefuldt for det nye paradigme for økonomisk og kulturelt fremskridt, for hvilket Schiller Instituttet arbejder. Hvis topmødet bliver en succes, vil det blive en game-changer; hvis det mislykkes, må vi tackle denne realitet.

Hun påpegede desuden de advarsler, der nu kommer fra mange eksperters side, om, at faren for et nyt finanskrak, der er mindst lige så alvorligt som det i 2007-08, truer det atlantiske område og udviklingslandene. Dét er den reelle trussel mod udsigten til stormagtssamarbejde og et hurtigt, økonomisk fremskridt; en udsigt, præsident Trump tydeligvis ser, når han vender sig mod Asien.

Lyndon LaRouches forslag, de »Fire Nye Love«, som indledes med en Glass/Steagall-bankopdeling for at bryde de største banker på Wall Street og i City of London op, blev udarbejdet i 2014 for at undgå dette sammenbrud og frembringe nye gennembrud i produktivitet og produktiv beskæftigelse.

Foto: Præsident Donald J. Trump og Nordkoreas leder Kim Jong-un mødes for første gang, tirsdag, 12. juni, 2018, på Capella Hotel i Sinapore. (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)

Vælg kreativitet, ikke tragedie, inden for økonomi og statskundskab
Schiller Instituttets konference i New York City,
9. juni, 2018, Panel II.


Talere: Dennis Speed, nordøst-koordinator for Schiller Instituttet: »LaRouche-metoden – podekrystallen for en ny kultur«;

James George Jatras, tidligere amerikansk diplomat og tidligere rådgiver til det Republikanske senatslederskab: »Det presserende nødvendige Trump-Putin-topmøde«;

Richard Black, senator for staten Virginia: »Den strategiske betydning af sejr, fred og udvikling i Syrien«.

En livlig Spørgsmål & Svar-session følger herefter.

Se også: Konferencens hovedtale af Helga Zepp-LaRouche: »Silkevejsånden er smittefarlig« (pdf., dansk), samt video med hele Panel I:

CGTN publicerer artikel af EIR’s Bill Jones
om G7’s fremadskridende dødsproces

11. juni, 2018 – China Global Television Network (CGTN) udgav 7. juni, 2018, en kronik af EIR’s William Jones i sin rubrik for »Meninger«, som vi her bringer et længere uddrag af:

Redaktionelle bemærkninger: William Jones er chef for Executive Intelligence Reviews Washington-kontor, og han er ikke-bosiddende senior-fellow ved Chongyang Institut for Finansstudier, Kinas Renmin Universitet. Artiklen er udtryk for forfatterens mening, og ikke nødvendigvis CGTN’s synspunkter.  

Bestående af de større europæiske nationer, Canada, USA og Japan, repræsenterede disse lande verdensøkonomiens virkelige kraftcenter i 1980’erne, hvor G7 virkelig fik sin endegyldige form. De beslutninger, de vedtog, blev således reglerne for verdensøkonomien. Og disse beslutninger var ikke altid fordelagtige for størstedelen af verdens befolkning. Mange af dem var decideret katastrofale.

Den hastige udvidelse af det globale finanssystem, i modsætning til den stagnerende, fysiske økonomi, skabte en »finansboble«.

G7’s manglende evne til at løse den finansielle nedsmeltning fra 2008 har affødt løgnen om disse syv landes »skarpsindighed« mht. at holde økonomien på ret køl. Med de billioner af dollar, der blev brugt på bailout af disse »for-store-til-at-lade-gå-ned-investeringsbanker«, er »boblen« simpelt hen blot blevet større …

Men G7 har ikke længere den samme vægt, det tidligere havde. Den voksende indflydelse af det asiatiske Stillehavsområde, og af især Kina, har på signifikant vis reduceret G7-nationernes indflydelse på det globale marked, og i globale anliggender …

Alt imens verden i vid udstrækning stadig opererer inden for den gamle »geometri«, baseret på økonomiske og politiske betingelser, der var fremherskende i 1980’erne, så har den underliggende dynamik radikalt ændret sig. Nu tiltrækker G20’s aktiviteter sig mere opmærksomhed end de Syv, og har større indflydelse …

Og andre organisationer, såsom Shanghai Samarbejdsorganisationen og BRIKS, spiller nu en mere fremtrædende rolle i verdens økonomiske og politiske udvikling.

Alt imens den nye geometri for et globalt finanssystem er et bedre spejlbillede af forandringerne i de underliggende relationer i verdensøkonomien … så har den imidlertid endnu ikke fået sin endegyldige form. Menneskehedens skæbne afhænger ikke længere udelukkende af beslutningerne, der ofte var arbitrære og egennyttige, hos en lille gruppe lande, der følte sig udstyret med magt til at regere verden. /share_p.html

Foto: Chef for EIR’s Washington-kontor, Bill Jones.

Xi angriber voldsomt civilisationernes sammenstød på basis af
nulsumsspil og opfordrer til ny international win-win-orden

10. juni, 2018 – Efter indledningsvist at citere Konfutse, brugte den kinesiske præsident Xi Jinping sin hovedtale til Shanghai Samarbejdsorganisationens topmøde 8.-9. juni til at understrege, at »Shanghai-ånden, en skabende vision, der transcenderer forældede koncepter, såsom civilisationernes sammenstød, kold krig og nulsums-mentalitet, har vendt et nyt blad i de internationale relationers historie og vundet voksende støtte fra det internationale samfund«. Han sagde, at »stræben efter samarbejde til gensidig fordel repræsenterer en stigende tendens«, og yderligere: »Alt imens vi fortsat hører en sådan retorik som civilisationernes sammenstød eller den ene civilisations overlegenhed over en anden, så er det imidlertid civilisationernes forskellighed, der opretholder menneskeligt fremskridt. Ja, gensidig læring mellem forskellige kulturer er en forhåbning, som alle folkeslag er fælles om … Vi bør afvise koldkrigsmentaliteten og konfrontation mellem blokke og modsætte os praksisser, der går ud på at søge absolut tryghed for én selv, på bekostning af andre, for således i stedet at opnå tryghed for alle.

Vi bør være fortalere for ligeværdighed, gensidig læring, dialog og inddragelse mellem civilisationer. Det er vigtigt, at vi overvinder kulturelle misforståelser, sammenstød og overherredømme gennem udvekslinger, gensidig læring og sameksistens.«

Xi vendte sig dernæst mod specifikke forslag for SCO, inkl., at Kina vil etablere en ny, særlig lånefacilitet til $4,7 mia. inden for rammerne af SCO Inter-Bank Consortium, for at skabe udvikling i SCO-nationerne. Han sagde, at »Shanghai-ånden er vores fælles aktiv«, der kan vejlede gruppen til at »opbygge en åben, inkluderende, ren og smuk verden, der nyder varig fred, universel tryghed og fælles fremgang. Til dette formål vil jeg gerne foreslå følgende:

  • »Respektér hinandens valg af udviklingsvej … styrk harmoni og enhed ved at søge fælles fodslag og tilsidesætte uoverensstemmelser.«
  • »Bekæmp ’tre onde kræfter’, som er terrorisme, separatisme og ekstremisme [og] styrk samarbejde omkring forsvarssikkerhed.«
  • »Opbyg en stærk kraft til opnåelse af fælles udvikling og fremgang. Vi bør øge komplementariteten af vore respektive udviklingsstrategier, fortsat fremme Bælte & Vej-samarbejdet under princippet for levering af fælles fordele gennem udstrakt rådslagning og fælles bidrag, fremskynde facilitering af regional handel og fremskynde gennemførelsen af Aftalen om Facilitering af International Vejtransport, samt andre samarbejdsdokumenter. Kina vil byde alle parter velkommen til den første Kinesiske Internationale Importudstilling, der skal afholdes i Shanghai i november i år. Den kinesiske regering støtter opførelsen af et demonstrationsområde i Qingdao til Kina-SCO lokalt økonomi- og handelssamarbejde og vil etablere en komite for juridiske tjenester for SCO-medlemslande, og som skal yde juridisk assistance til erhvervssamarbejde … «
  • Xi støttede igangværende programmer, såsom »ungdoms-udvekslingslejren, samt sikre solidt fremskridt i samarbejdet om uddannelse, videnskab og teknologi, kultur, turisme, sundhed, katastrofehjælp og medier«. Han sagde ligeledes, at »Kina tilbyder at yde meteorologiske tjenesteydelser til alle parter, der bruger dets Fengyun-2 vejrsatellitter«.
  • »Gennem at indgå i dialog med IMF og Verdensbanken og andre internationale finansinstitutioner, kan vi bidrage med vores andel til at løse brændpunkter og forbedre den globale regeringsstyrelse.«

Hele Xis tale til SCO-topmødet kan læses her:

Foto: Kinas præsident Xi Jinping. Arkivfoto.

Finansanalytikere ser tydeligt et truende finanskrak

11. juni, 2018 – Selv, mens de afsværger og fornægter, at det vil ske nu, så ser flere finansanalytikere klart, at der snarligt vil komme et finanskrak som det i 2007-08, der udløses af massive mængder af uerholdelig selskabsgæld.

En lang artikel af en økonomiskribent i Washington Post, Steven Pearlstein, »The Buyback Economy and the Next Big Bubble«, (Tilbagekøbsøkonomien og den næste Store Boble), påpegede det forestående, økonomiske kollaps.

»Det sker igen«, skriver Pearlstein. »Denne gang drejer det sig ikke om husstande, der bruger billige lån til at udtrække penge af deres overvurderede huse. Det drejer sig snarere om gigantiske selskaber, der bruger billige lån – samt en engangs-skattelettelse – til at tage penge fra deres regnskaber og sende dem til aktionærerne … Og igen, de omdirigerer kapital, væk fra produktiv, langfristet investering for yderligere at blæse en finansboble op – en boble her i selskabsaktier og obligationer – der, når den brister, vil sende økonomien ind i endnu en stor recession.«

Pearlstein nævner en meget bred undersøgelse af en europæisk business-skole om, at de undersøgte firmaer brugte mere end 100 % af deres profitter på tilbagekøb i 2010-15. Amerikanske selskaber generelt, der handles på markederne, reducerer deres egenkapital med henved $3 billion, alt imens deres gæld udgjorde rekordhøje 73 % af BNP i midten af 2017; selskabs-junkgæld udgjorde 11 % af BNP ($2,2 billion i midten af 2017, mod $2,5 billion nu). Selskabs-EFT-værdipapirer (exchange-traded funds; som handles på børsen) holder $300 mia. i aktiver, 20 gange niveauet for tidspunktet for krakket.

Det værste er, at selskabslån bliver securitiseret til at blive låneobligationer med sikkerhedsstillelse (CLO’er) i en rate af $150 mia. om året på de amerikanske markeder, og det fordobles hvert år. Pearlstein nævner Moody’s rapport om »forestående, særligt store bølger af misligholdte lån« fra maj måned, som også bemærkede det lave niveau af likviditet på markederne for selskabsgæld; og Finansministeriets afdeling for finansiel researchs nye rapport om »selskabsgæld med blinkende røde lygter«. Han bemærker, at lån, optaget af investeringsfonde for at opkøbe værdipapirer, også befinder sig på det højeste punkt nogensinde.

»Dette er alle kreditboblers moder … Det er vanskeligt at sige, hvad der vil få denne gigantboble til at briste. En tyrkisk lira-krise. Oliepriser, der når op på $100.  En misligholdelse af en stor, BBB-obligation (BBB-rating; Bankers blanket bond). Et stormløb mod udgangene af panikslagne ETF-investorer … At foregive, at det ikke vil ske, er tåbelighed.«

Mandag havde Wall Street Journal på sin forside »Emerging Market Rout Feeds Contagion Fear« (Fremvoksende markeds-deroute giver nærer frygt for smitte). Med Federal Reserve, der forventes at hæve rentesatsen igen i denne uge, skrev Journal, »uro kunne sprede sig fra fjerne hjørner af verden til USA og andre steder og bære ved til en cyklus med accelererende negativ risikoreaktion [mangel på likviditet, -red.] Gælden i Brasilien, Sydafrika, Mexico, Italien, Tyrkiet, der alt sammen bliver solgt ud, »bond funds (fonde, der investerer i obligationer eller andre værdipapirer) befinder sig på årets laveste niveau, iflg. Instituttet for International Finans«.

Om en anden udløsermekanisme – Deutsche Bank – skrev Tages Zeitung 5. juni et indlæg med udstrakte citater fra bankanalytiker Dieter Hein, der »rådgav« Deutsche Bank i flere år efter krakket i 2008. Han siger, han ikke er sikker på, banken nu kan reddes fra bankerot – investeringsbanken har enorme, delvist ukendte risici på sine regnskaber, og der forventes flere store tab. Han siger, DB endnu ikke er bankerot, men det er et advarselssignal, at så mange analytikere nu overvejer bankens mulige bankerot.

Silkevejsånden er smittefarlig!
Hovedtale af Helga Zepp-
LaRouche, Schiller Instituttets
konference i New York,
9. juni, 2018: Dona Nobis Pacem
– Giv os fred, gennem
økonomisk udvikling

Jeg er faktisk meget optimistisk med hensyn til situationen. Jeg mener, der absolut er en mulighed for, at vi i den nærmeste fremtid vil se fremkomsten af et fuldstændig Nyt Paradigme for civilisation. For allerede på nuværende tidspunkt samles flertallet af nationer omkring ideen om, at der findes én menneskehed, og som tilhører en højere orden end nationale interesser og end selv geopolitisk konfrontation. Aldrig før har modsigelsen mellem og åbenheden i kampen mellem det Nye Paradigme og det gamle paradigme været mere åbenlys end netop nu. Denne konference blev oprindelig planlagt for at fremskynde denne proces …


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Øvrige talere på Panel I:

Jason Ross, medforfatter af rapporten “Forlæng den Nye Silkevej til Vestasien og Afrika; En vision for en økonomisk renæssance”.

Dr. Xu Wenhong, vicegeneralsekretær for Bælte & Vej-studier, det Kinesiske Akademi for Samfundsvidenskaber, Ét Bælte, én Vej-initiativet.

Dmitry Polyanskiy, første permanente vicerepræsentant for den Russiske føderation til FN.



Denne tid med epokegørende
transformation skriger på
Lyndon LaRouches ideer

Leder fra LaRouchePAC, 10. juni, 2018 – For strategisk klarhed – og også for din fornøjelses skyld – så se lige på verden i øjeblikket gennem Det britiske Imperiums øjne. I løbet af sidste uge fandt følgende begivenheder sted, som indikerede, at Det britiske Imperiums værste mareridt er ved at tage form:

  • Præsident Trump – der tydeligvis føler sig stærk, med Robert Muellers Russiagate-operation, der hastigt går til bunds og i stedet forvandles til et »Spygate«, der afslører mange af Storbritanniens hovedaktiver på deres vej til fængsel – har annonceret, at han vil mødes med den russiske præsident Putin, muligvis i Wien.
  • Præsident Trump væltede G7-skakbrættet og sagde, han ville have Putin tilbage i møderne, for »vi søger fred i verden. Vi søger ikke at spille spil«.
  • Italiens nye premierminister Giuseppe Conte sekunderede Trumps krav om, at Rusland atter skulle være med i G8. Trump meddelte, at han snart ville mødes med Conte i Det Hvide Hus.
  • Conte overlevede Det britiske Imperiums statskupforsøg i Italien og tiltrådte embedet med tale om bankopdeling, dvs., Glass-Steagall. Det sidste, Det britiske Imperium ønsker, er, at Conte skal diskutere dette med Trump.
  • Den kinesiske præsident Xi Jinping organiserede hele topmødet med Shanghai Samarbejdsorganisationen (SCO) omkring Konfucius’ universelle ideer[1], for at skabe en »verden, der har varig fred, universel tryghed og fælles fremgang«.
  • Spændinger mellem Indien og Kina mindskes med deres diskussioner om fælles, økonomisk fremgang og sikkerhedsspørgsmål – på trods af, at Storbritannien gør alt, det kan, for at drive en kile ind mellem dem. Selv Indien og Pakistan vil deltage i fælles militærøvelser for første gang nogensinde, under SCO’s sponsorskab.

Set gennem Det britiske Imperiums øjne, er summen af alt dette virkelig deres værste mareridt. Firemagts-aftalen mellem Kina, Rusland, Indien og USA, som Lyndon LaRouche længe har stillet krav om som den nødvendige, hovedstrategiske alliance for at lukke Det britiske Imperium ned én gang for alle, er hastigt ved at tage form.

Schiller Instituttets præsident Helga Zepp-LaRouche trak i sin hovedtale til Schiller Instituttets konference »Dona Nobis Pacem – Giv os fred, gennem økonomisk udvikling«, som blev afholdt i New York City 9. juni, betydningen af det nuværende øjebliks epokegørende transformation frem:

»Jeg er faktisk meget optimistisk med hensyn til situationen. Jeg mener, der absolut er en mulighed for, at vi i den nærmeste fremtid vil se fremkomsten af et fuldstændig Nyt Paradigme for civilisation. For allerede på nuværende tidspunkt samles flertallet af nationer omkring ideen om, at der findes én menneskehed, som tilhører en højere orden end nationale interesser og end selv geopolitisk konfrontation. Aldrig før har modsigelsen mellem og åbenheden i kampen mellem det Nye Paradigme og det gamle paradigme været mere åbenlys end netop nu. …

Man har en ny model for win-win-samarbejde, for at agere i den andens interesse, med respekt for det andets lands suverænitet, ikkeindblanding, respekt for det andet lands anderledes samfundssystem og for ideen om at blive forenet omkring ideen om den ene menneskeheds højere formål. Det er den politik, der er et resultat af Kinas Nye Silkevejspolitik, som nu har ligget på bordet i næsten fem år, og som har udviklet den mest utrolige dynamik nogensinde. Det er historiens største infrastrukturprojekt, og det står allerede klart, at dette vil definere de nye regler i verden. …

Dette er faktisk min mands, Lyndon LaRouches, vision; han krævede allerede i 2007, at de tre lande – Rusland, Kina og Indien – absolut må arbejde sammen for at imødegå den onde indflydelse fra Det britiske Imperium, som det fandtes på det tidspunkt. I 2009 krævede han, på Rhodos-forummet for Dialog mellem Civilisationer, at den eneste måde, hvorpå verden ville komme ud af denne nuværende tilstand, ville være en firemagtsaftale mellem USA, Rusland, Kina og Indien. …

Den Nye Silkevej må opbygges på basis af alle traditioners mest fundamentale ontologiske, epistemologiske og metafysiske begreber. For Kina betyder det, det konfucianske princip om selvfuldkommengørelse og livslang læring og karakterens forædling, og om harmoni midt i forskelligheder. For Indien betyder dette, det vediske begreb om, hvordan den kosmiske orden må angive reglerne for det politiske liv på Jorden. …

Den europæiske civilisation, af hvilken Amerika er en del, har meget at bidrage med mht. sine egne, humanistiske traditioner. Et af de mest betydningsfulde begreber om dette er den nye tankegang, der blev introduceret af Nicolaus Cusanus (Nikolaus von Kues) i det 15. århundrede – coincidentia oppositorum; modsætningernes sammenfald, hvilket betyder, at menneskelig skabeevne og det menneskelige intellekt er i stand til at skabe en højere orden, i hvilken alle forskelligheder forsvinder. …

Men en tid med en sådan epokegørende transformation er også den bedste tid for ideernes betydning.

Jeg kan blot sige, at de ideer, som kommer fra min mand, Lyndon LaRouche, der har arbejdet for denne form for koncepter for en ny, retfærdig, økonomisk verdensorden i mere end et halvt århundrede, ja, nok nærmere i 75 år, eller endda længere endnu; men disse ideer har nu vundet indflydelse … De mange, mange videnskabelige ideer, han genoplivede, mht. 2.500 års europæisk civilisation: Mange af disse ting bliver nu til virkelighed, fordi vi har nogle magtfulde lande, der rent faktisk virkeliggør dem og arbejder i denne retning.

Så ideernes magt er absolut afgørende, og vi har den store lykke, at, alt imens jeg ikke vil bagatellisere de farer, der stadig eksisterer; ligeledes er den mulige fare for en stor krig slet ikke fjernet; men jeg vil gerne have, at folk har en optimistisk følelse af, at vi, ikke alene i vores levetid, men i en meget nær fremtid, kan opleve en fuldstændig anden verden, hvis vi bliver aktive og vi kæmper for det.«

Foto: Præsident Donald J. Trump taler med sine lederkolleger, Canadas premierminister Justin Trudeau, Frankrigs præsident Emmanuel Macron, Japans premierminister Shinzo Abe og U.K.’s premierminister Theresa May, under arbejdsfrokosten på G7-topmødet i Canada.

[1] Se: »Harmonien mellem konfuciansk og vestlig filosofi.« Af EIR’s Kina- og Konfucius-ekspert, Mike Billington.