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Schiller Instituttets ugentlige webcast med Helga Zepp-LaRouche den 6. November 2022

Søndag den 6. november 2022, Afskrift: Med Helga Zepp-LaRouche og Harley Schlanger

Resumé: Helga Zepp-LaRouche præsenterede i dag et klart og kortfattet resumé af de seneste strategiske begivenheder og Schiller Instituttets konferencer for at samle folkevalgte og andre ledende embedsmænd for at imødegå den krigskampagne, som kommer fra London og dets NATO-krigshøge.  Pressemødet den 5. november med titlen: “En atomkrig kan ikke vindes og må ikke udkæmpes”, sagde hun, krydsede den voksende bevidsthed om den risiko for atomkrig, der udgår fra de lande, som er i opløsning efter sammenbruddet af deres unipolære finansielle system.  

” Åbenmundede, kendte personligheder” har sluttet sig til os for at udtale sig, mens demonstrationerne mod krigen vokser i hele Europa.  I USA har modige unge aktivister fra Schiller Instituttet konfronteret krigshøgene, og vist at der er politisk modstand i USA, at “der ikke er nogen ensidig støtte” til de provokationer, der, såfremt de ikke modarbejdes, vil føre til tredje verdenskrig.  

Hun tilføjede, at det korte besøg [i Kina] af den tyske kansler Scholz repræsenterer en lignende proces.  Tyske industrifolk er begyndt at modsætte sig afkobling fra Kina, mens grønne partiideologer i hans koalition støtter afkobling sammen med afindustrialisering og fuld opbakning til krigen mod Rusland i Ukraine.  Scholz synes i det mindste at erkende, at den tyske økonomi ikke kan overleve afkoblingen fra Rusland, som allerede er ved at ske, med en afkobling fra Kina.

Hun opfordrede seerne til at se videoen fra pressemødet og til at slutte sig til borgernes ikke-voldelige bevægelse for endegyldigt at afskaffe faren ved atomvåben og geopolitik.

HARLEY SCHLANGER: Goddag, jeg er Harley Schlanger. Det er den 6. november 2022, og jeg vil gerne byde jer velkommen til en særlig webcast med grundlæggeren og formanden for Schiller Instituttet, Helga Zepp-LaRouche.

Det er et stykke tid siden vores sidste samtale, da Helga har haft ekstraordinært travlt, så vi vil opdatere jer om, hvad der er sket, og det er en del. Især har vi gjort meget for at gribe ind i denne ekstremt farlige strategiske situation. I går var der et {EIR} pressemøde, det er {Executive Intelligence Review} og Schiller Instituttet, med det formål at katalysere en verdensomspændende bevægelse for en ikke-voldelig mobilisering mod faren for atomkrig. Det var med overskriften: “En atomkrig kan ikke vindes og må aldrig blive udkæmpet”. (https://schillerinstitute.com/blog/2022/11/03/press-conference-a-nuclear-war-cannot-be-won-and-must-never-be-fought/ )

Helga, du deltog i dette. Det var noget af en begivenhed. Kan du hjælpe os med din fornemmelse af betydningen af dette, og hvad der blev sagt.

HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Grunden til at vi besluttede at gennemføre en sådan begivenhed var til dels, at der er en voksende bevidsthed hos stadig flere mennesker i verden, i mange lande, om, at vi er faretruende tæt på den tredje verdenskrig. I den seneste periode, helt og aldeles ubemærket i de europæiske medier eller ikke dækket af dem, har der faktisk i USA været talrige interventioner i valgkampen mod senatorer og kongresmedlemmer, som er kendt for at være anstiftere af denne konfrontationspolitik, og allerede nu har en hel hær af hovedsagelig unge aktivister konfronteret disse mennesker og sagt: “Hvorfor billiger og støtter I en politik, som indebærer en risiko for civilisationens ødelæggelse?

Der er en hel del røre om det, for en af de vigtigste af disse mennesker var Diane Sare, som er den eneste uafhængige kandidat, der trods et meget ugunstigt arbejdsmiljø i New York, hvor de har udformet deres famøse valgregeler således, at det næsten er umuligt at komme på stemmesedlen, og ingen anden kandidat end hende formåede at indsamle 66.000 vælgerunderskrifter.

Men på trods af at hun har et mandat fra disse vælgere, som ønsker, at hun skal være med i valgkampen, er hun alligevel blevet udelukket fra den eneste debat, som Schumer, senator i New York, og hans udfordrer fra det republikanske parti, Pinion, har haft, og hvis man lytter til deres debat, var den ret så kedelig og indeholdt intet væsentligt. Sare ville have været den eneste, der havde bragt faren for atomkrig på banen, og de formoder, at det er hovedårsagen til, at de absolut ikke ønskede, at hun skulle deltage.

Men fordi hun har en stor skare af tilhængere, besluttede mange af disse mennesker at afholde en pressekonference med kort varsel og bringe de spørgsmål på banen, som medierne og politikerne forsøger at undertrykke. Så det, der blev samlet ved arrangementet i går, var nogle meget åbenmundede og internationalt kendte personligheder, som talte om faren for atomkrig, og jeg vil blot gennemgå listen: Den ene var Steven Starr, som er en førsteklasses atomekspert fra University of Missouri; dernæst Scott Ritter, som er meget berømt, fordi han er en af de mest åbenmundede kritikere af den nuværende amerikanske politik; dernæst tidligere oberst og senator i Virginia Richard H. Black, som er meget berømt og i forvejen har en stor fanskare rundt om i verden; tidligere CIA senioranalytiker Ray McGovern; dernæst også andre personer, såsom Cliff Kiracofe, tidligere topmedarbejder i Senatets udenrigsudvalg.

Der deltog flere personer fra Frankrig: General Dominique Delawarde (pensioneret), oberst Alain Corvez (pensioneret), Jacques Cheminade og undertegnede. Det var en virkelig vigtig begivenhed, og jeg vil absolut opfordre jer til at se videoen og især det indslag, som blev præsenteret af Steven Starr (https://youtu.be/i54Xo81SFcI?t=418 ), en kort video om, hvordan en atomkrig rent faktisk vil foregå. Jeg kan love dig, at hvis du ser den video, vil du ikke få en god nats søvn, for det vil gå op for dig, at vi sidder på en atomar krudttønde, som, hvis det går galt, vil føre til civilisationens udslettelse inden for ganske kort tid. Det han demonstrerer med animationer, hvor både USA og Rusland har omkring 1.000 ICBM’er, og hvis der på skærmen fra den ene eller den anden side kommer et tegn på, at et missil er affyret, så er der ca. to minutter til at orientere præsidenten om situationen. Præsidenten har derefter ca. 30 sekunder til at beslutte, hvad han skal gøre. Derefter tager det yderligere to minutter for missilerne at komme i affyringsposition og derefter en flyvetid på mellem fem og syv minutter: Så maksimalt tager det hele fra den første advarsel til selve nedslaget mellem 10 og 15 minutter!

Nu kan man forestille sig, at det i sig selv indebærer den størst mulige risiko, fordi fejlvurdering, falsk alarm, en ulykke, alle disse faktorer kan forekomme, og naturligvis er et af de stærkeste budskaber, som blev fremsat af alle – af Ray McGovern, Scott Ritter og Steven Starr – og det er det, jeg har sagt i meget lang tid, at selve tanken om at man kan føre en begrænset atomkrig ved hjælp af nogle få taktiske atommissiler, og derefter standse op og tænke over, hvad man ellers vil gøre, {det er ikke muligt}. Når man først benytter et enkelt atomvåben, vil hele arsenalet blive indsat, og som det bliver meget klart i denne video, så vil der opstå en atomvinter i omkring 5, 7 eller 10 år, hvor der ikke længere vil være nogen fødevareproduktion, ikke mere planteliv muligt, og som følge heraf vil de mennesker, der ikke er døde i de første atomsprængninger, dø i det følgende år af sult og rædselsscenarier, man ikke rigtig kan forestille sig – bare have en anelse.

Så dette er, hvad nogle mennesker leger med, og I bør bemærke, at chefen for USA’s Strategiske Kommando, Stratcom, adm. Charles Richard, på en konference den 1.-2. november erklærede: “Denne Ukraine-krise, som vi befinder os i lige nu, er kun opvarmningen. Den store er på vej. Der vil ikke gå ret lang tid, før vi bliver testet på måder, som vi ikke er blevet testet på i lang tid”. Det var den samme admiral Charles Richard, der i februar fortalte Pentagon, at sandsynligheden for anvendelse af atomvåben var på vej op fra “ikke sandsynligt” til “meget sandsynligt”. Så et af de diskussionspunkter, der blev rejst, var, om Pentagon ikke er klar over, at resultatet af dette vil være en atomvinter.

Jeg tror personligt, at de ikke er klar over det, fordi de stadig hvert år har en manøvre kaldet “Global Lightning”, som indebærer idéen om at bruge et par taktiske atomvåben, derefter en smule cyberkrig, derefter konventionel krig, men det hele skal være en langvarig krig på flere uger; alt imens en sådan mulighed ikke eksisterer. Så illusionen om, at man kan føre en begrænset atomkrig eller vinde en atomkrig, blev bestemt udfordret af alle disse eksperter, og alle, der er bekymrede over krigsfaren, bedes se denne video og følge hele diskussionen, for det er nogle af de mest åbenmundede og mest kompetente personer, man kan finde. Det var ganske bemærkelsesværdigt, at denne vurdering fra amerikanske specialister blev fuldstændig delt af de to militærfolk fra Frankrig, general Delawarde og oberst Corvez, som også fortalte, at samtlige videoer af oberst Black og Scott Ritter og Ray McGovern bliver fulgt af alle militærfolk i Frankrig, og jeg ved, at det samme gælder for i hvert fald nogle folk i Tyskland.

Så det er meget vigtigt. Hvis man ikke ser disse videoer, ved man ikke, hvad der sker på dette område. Derefter var der en lang diskussion om, at vi er nødt til at gøre folk opmærksomme. Til forskel fra begyndelsen af 1980’erne, hvor både Scott Ritter og Ray McGovern var i aktiv militærtjeneste under krisen med mellemdistancemissiler i begyndelsen af 1980’erne, så de har førstehåndsviden om, hvordan det var at være i Cuba-krisen, hvordan det var at være i en situation med “affyring-efter-advarsel” i 1980’erne med SS-20 og Pershing II-opstillingerne. De siger, og det er indlysende, at der dengang var hundredtusindvis af mennesker på gaderne, der protesterede og advarede mod Tredje Verdenskrig, mens der nu, hvor situationen er så meget farligere, er meget lidt opmærksomhed.

Det er begyndt at ændre sig nu. Der er nu demonstrationer mod krig i Italien, som er ret betydelige; i Frankrig, Belgien, Holland; i Tyskland er det helt klart ved at tage fart. Men hvis man sammenligner, hvad der kan ske med menneskeheden, nemlig den fuldstændige udslettelse, og man sætter det i kontrast til den viden, som folk har, er det nærmest ingenting.

Desværre må man sige, og det blev også diskuteret, at de regeringer, der fremmer denne politik, tydeligvis også er uvidende om hvad det er, de er i færd med.

Så dette er absolut nødvendigt at se: Gå ind på Schiller Instituttets websted og se det

Her er resten på engelsk:

SCHLANGER: You can see it on https://schillerinstitute.com and I think one of the most exciting things, in the sense that you’re saying, in the sense of a wakeup call, was the dialogue, the discussion that took place among the panelists and also with media in the last half of the press availability [https://youtu.be/i54Xo81SFcI?t=4903].

And again, outside of what we’re doing, we see very little attempt to confront the warhawks, with the reality of what they’re doing. Now in that context, we mentioned Diane Sare’s campaign: Some of her campaign workers, especially in the last weeks, confronted the warhawks at town meetings, and left them either speechless or just raving. The confrontation with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, which has been seen now by tens of millions of people across the world; Ilham Omar, Elizabeth Warren, the senator from Massachusetts, exposing these so-called peaceniks and progressives, as really being a front group for the warhawks.

Now, most importantly, Obama was confronted by Stewart and Anastasia Battle; and then Mike Pompeo. So Helga, this is the exemplary kind of action that should be taken by people, nonviolent confrontation of the warhawks, don’t you think?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Yes. I think this is a very important sign that there {is} a political opposition within the United States, to the war. I think this is very important for other people around the world to know, because when you look at the media, you think that is a monolithic policy, but it is not. And the fact that these young activists have the courage to take on these establishment figures and confront them in this way, it has changed the landscape in the United States already, because many of the so-called “alternative media,” some of them with quite large followings, also comedians, such as the Jimmy Dore Show, and similar programs, they all have interviewed Diane Sare, so she has started actually to break out the effort to contain her campaign, and there is actually a growing awareness. And I think it’s very important that we have a similar thing in Europe and other parts of the world, because when we are threatened with the extinction of civilization, this is a matter which should concern every person on this planet, so it’s very, very important.

SCHLANGER: As you mentioned Germany, it’s really clear that Germany is the major victim, or one of the major victims, besides of course the Ukrainian people, of this war drive. And what we’re seeing is the potential for a split in the coalition government around the visit to China by Chancellor Olaf Scholz. What’s your impression of the importance of this, and is this in fact, part of the potential for an anti-war sentiment to grow in Germany?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Well, this is very interesting, because I think, you have at least two ministers in the Germany government coalition who are completely in support of the provocative policies coming from the U.S. and the British. That is incredible, because it means that these ministers, who are supposed to have sworn an oath that they will prevent injury to the German people, forget about it! These Greens are the biggest—what Economic Minister Robert Habeck is doing in his economic policies is threatening to crash the German economy completely against the wall; and what Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock is doing, calling China a “systemic rival,” and pushing all the heavy weapons for Ukraine, saying she will “defend” Ukraine even if the German voters don’t agree with it—and she is, after all, supposedly a democratically elected official, so the voters can draw their own conclusion from that.

But there is clearly a situation where Scholz realized, and being obviously instructed by the top level of German industry, both the CEOs of the major corporations and also the leaders of machine-tool, craftsmen, the SMEs, that Germany will not survive this policy! So Scholz decided to go on this short trip to China. This was also on the 50th anniversary of German-China relations, which is very important, because if you look at that, 50 years ago, then Foreign Minister Walter Scheel went to China and he met with Mao Zedong, with Zhou Enlai, with then Foreign Minister Ji Pengfei, and these were no less Communist then than the Communists are Communists today. But if you look at the civilized attitude the high art of diplomacy which was portrayed by Scheel, and also by Helmut Schmidt, and even later by Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle [2009-2013], who absolutely had respect for a different culture, and had no such hysteria like you see with Baerbock and company.

So Scholz went; it was a very short visit, just flying in, having 10-11 hours of meetings with Xi Jinping, with Premier Li Keqiang, and then flying back: But nevertheless it was extremely important, because Germany right now has already cut off Russia completely and that means we will have huge energy crisis over the coming weeks and months; but if Germany were cut off from its largest trade partner, China, too, which is what these Greens in the government and also some FDP ministers, too, are pushing for, that would be the end of Germany as an industrial nation, and that is sinking into the consciousness of many people. I think it’s very important, because if you look at the figures, how the trade between China and Germany has increased, I think 1,000 times since the beginning of diplomatic relations in 1972, from about $275 million to €245 billion, which is a huge increase. Then 1,000 jobs in Germany depend on exports to China; then you have large investments, import relations. In the rise of China, one of the countries that has profited a lot has been Germany.

So the entire living standard in Germany has been based on cheap energy imports from Russia and a growing export market in China, and these hooligans—the Greens—are threatening both. So it’s very important that Scholz decided to go with a large delegation with German industrialists to China and hopefully, they have been able to remedy some of the damage that has been done—not entirely because if you look at what Xi Jinping said, he quoted Helmut Schmidt, which is quite something to quote a former Chancellor from the same SPD party as Scholz’s, and he said, quoting Schmidt he said, “it’s very easy to lose trust quickly, and it’s very difficult to regain it.” Obviously, this is a big problem because if the Chinese, who are always looking at what is happening with Russia; they looked at the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, and they said they will do everything to ensure that would never happen to China, and in the same way, they look at who is now behaving toward Russia, with the sanctions. They say, if Germany can do that to Russia under blackmail from the British and EU, and U.S., what is preventing them from doing the same to China?

So in that sense, it’s very important that Scholz made his visit, and obviously, we are in an extremely fluid situation: Who knows what happens on Tuesday [Nov. 8], with the midterm elections in the United States. If that leads to a significant weakening of the Democrats, maybe in a slightly different geometry, it’s very important that Scholz made that visit, and hopefully this can be carried, because if the German industry would put their foot down, and really recognize what a danger these Greens represent, there may be some hope. But it is quite dangerous.

SCHLANGER: And Helga, I know you’ve written an article this week on the need for a change in course in German government policy. That will be published by {Executive Intelligence Review}; people can look for it on our websites. And also you’ve been interviewed repeatedly by Chinese networks for the discussion of what it meant to have this meeting, which is significant. (https://schillerinstitute.com/blog/2022/11/06/helga-zepp-larouche-on-china-plus-world-today-program-on-scholzs-beijing-visit/ )

The other side of this is the attack on Germany, was the explosion of the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines. This became a subject of controversy, especially directed against the British, when the Russian Foreign Ministry called in the British Ambassador to Moscow to present a “severe demarche” as they said, over evidence that they presented to the UN Security Council that of the British hand in the Nord Stream pipeline explosion, but also the attack on the Russian Black Sea Fleet in Sevastopol harbor. (https://www.mid.ru/en/foreign_policy/news/1836726/ ) Has there been any coverage of this in West? Is anyone talking about it? Because this was clearly aimed at the British hand in the whole NATO operation against Russia.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Compared to the importance of it, there is very little coverage, and what there is, they are trying to ridicule it, and play it down as just some typical Russian fake news. But as many experts in Europe and in the United States have expressed, they do not believe that Russia would make such an accusation if they do not have the facts to back it up. At the UN Security Council, the Russian Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia presented behind closed doors evidence that the British did have a role in the drone attack on the Russian Black Sea Fleet in Sevastopol, which the Russians were able to deflect and defeat. But also that the British were involved in the sabotage of Nord Stream 1 and 2. Obviously, this needs to be substantiated with proof and facts, but we had before, all kinds of military experts who basically said that the only {cui bono}, the only one with the capability, who has the motive, who was on site at the right moment, all speaks to either the United States or one of their allies; and the British definitely have the capacity to do these kinds of things. And I think this is really important: I would expect the Bundestag, for example, to make a really big investigation about that. The government should make an investigation, they should demand all information—they probably have it already.

Because the other thing is that Liz Truss, the short-lived Prime Minister of Great Britain: Somebody hacked her smartphone, there is now evidence that one minute after the sabotage of Nord Stream, she texted U.S. Secretary of State Blinken, reading, “It’s done.” One minute after the attack! Now, for that to be coincidence if very unlikely. How was this phone being hacked? That’s not so difficult, because she used her personal phone, and any data which is collected by anybody, like the NSA or the GCHQ, and collected and stored, is immediately available to all other big players, the Chinese, the Russians, so there is no longer any secret in this way. So I’m quite certain that the evidence will come out. And then, if it is really proven, then the implications of this are enormous.

I think for Germany to stay in an alliance with countries that are trying to ruin them economically is obviously an impossibility. So I think this British story is extremely relevant, and we should be following it, with extreme attention, because that may be one of the things which can turn the course of history to go in a completely different direction.

SCHLANGER: Speaking of creating a different direction for mankind, you’ve sponsored a number of conferences with present and former elected officials, primarily from Ibero-America, but now it’s being expanded, and the discussion process that you’ve initiated is, how do we create a global citizen’s movement, to achieve the just new security and financial architecture? The next conference of this is Nov. 22, 2022, and I’d like you to give a sense to our viewers of what we’ve done with this, and what you intend at this upcoming conference?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Well, we had on Oct. 7 and Oct. 27, two conferences which were mainly Latin American members of parliament and former elected legislators, who all expressed extreme concern about the war danger. Then out of that came the idea that naturally it should also concern other elected officials, both active and former ones, and also their constituents; and out of this came the idea that when humanity is threatened with World War III that concerns everybody, and that automatically catapults every citizen to become a world citizen. And Friedrich Schiller, after whom the Schiller Institute is named, was of the opinion that there must not be a contradiction of being a patriot of your own country and being a world citizen, and therefore, the slogan of this is therefore, “World Citizens of All Countries Unite.” Now, some of you may recognize that to be a variation of another call that also comes from a person from Trier, my hometown, so there is a certain historical irony in that. But otherwise, it is really a very important issue, because, I think we must make sure that this video that I mentioned in the beginning, by Steven Starr, everybody on the planet should see that!

We have to get rid of nuclear weapons! I have been of that conviction for a long time. We are also aware of the fact that it’s very difficult, because despite some progress in the disarmament negotiations, nuclear weapons constitutes the power of those who have power, so it is very unlikely to get a deliberate agreement to ban nuclear weapons. So, despite the fact that it would make complete sense. Therefore, there are only two ways: One is the way which my late husband, Lyndon LaRouche, had proposed which became the SDI, which President Reagan adopted on March 23, 1983: Which was basically the idea that the superpowers should work together and develop new technologies that would make nuclear weapons technologically obsolete. I think that is still something on the table: That requires more research, more expertise, because a lot of the weapons systems have changed in the meantime, quite significantly. But it’s still definitely one approach. The other approach is to make sure that there is a world public demanding that, and that is what we are trying to do in the short term. And when Mahatma Gandhi, who was the creator of the nonviolent method of resistance, when Jawaharlal Nehru, his closest associate was asked, in the face of nuclear weapons, do you think nonviolent methods are sufficient? And Nehru replied, given the fact that nuclear weapons are the most violent form of violence, it must especially be nonviolent methods to fight against that.

So we invite you to participate in that, and get the message out to as many of your friends and colleagues as you can, because we definitely are in an extremely dangerous moment, because as long as we have the danger of a blowout of the financial system, the hyperinflation, the collapse of the neoliberal system, and people in the West thinking that the new, emerging countries of the Global South, of the BRICS, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), which are all working on a new economic system, that they regard that as a systemic rival and enemy which must be contained—rather than taking up the offer to join it!—the war danger will remain.

So we will fight to get people in Europe and in the United States to understand that geopolitics must stop, that Europe and the United States must join with the countries of the Global South and respond to their demand that colonialism should end.

So we are at a very, very important moment in world history and there is every reason to become active. As Ray McGovern said yesterday: Get off your derriere, get off your butt, and start to become activists with us.

SCHLANGER: Well, Helga, thanks for joining us today. I think it’s absolutely crucial that people take your urging that they watch this video from the event yesterday, at https://www.schillerinstitute.com under the title: “A Nuclear Cannot Be Won and Must Never Be Fought.” (https://schillerinstitute.com/blog/2022/11/03/press-conference-a-nuclear-war-cannot-be-won-and-must-never-be-fought/) And at the same website, you’ll be able to register for the conference on Nov. 22, “Stop the Danger of Nuclear War Now” (https://schillerinstitute.nationbuilder.com/conference_20221122 ) which will continue, and in fact expanding the dialogue to bring people together around the world on this perspective which we just heard from Helga.

Until next week, you have your homework for you. Join us, and use the inspiration from the young people to confront the so-called “powerful,” and force them to acknowledge that they nothing to offer but war and chaos, and let’s break their power.