Lyndon LaRouche: Vi kan genopbygge USA’s økonomi:
Udskift regeringen! Vi behøver ikke at acceptere elendigheden!

15. januar, 2016 – Følgende er et uddrag af ’Samtale med Lyndon LaRouche’, om nedgangen i befolkningstallet i staten West Virginia, USA:

Deltager: Hej, det er T– fra Virginia. Lyn, jeg ville gerne fortsætte derfra, hvor vi slap i forhold til Wall Street, og få din respons på og dele min egen personlige udlægning og efterforskning om den virkelige trussel, som Wall Street udgør. Jeg mener nemlig, at folks slaphed, når det kommer til afsættelsen af Obama eller afskaffelsen af Wall Street, bunder i et manglende førstehåndskendskab til, hvor mange dødsofre disse to kræftsvulster har krævet.

Når folk, som jeg plejede at bruge tid sammen med, eller den gennemsnitlige person hører om investeringsfondene, der går ned, eller om aktierne, der falder i værdi, eller hvor slemt, det generelt set står til med økonomien, så giver det ganske enkelt ikke genklang i dem som værende noget, der både kan og vil koste menneskeliv og også allerede har gjort det, for de tænker kun på penge, som du siger. Og derfor tror de, at de bare kan komme over det.

Faktisk vil jeg gerne begynde med at tage tråden op fra en artikel, som blev offentliggjort på LaRouchePAC-hjemmesiden for en uges tid siden. Den handlede om, hvordan USA’s befolkningstal er for nedadgående, og West Virginia blev nævnt som eksempel. Og for nyligt udgav EIR også en artikel om kulminerne, der går konkurs i West Virginia.

Først og fremmest mener jeg ikke, at de tal, der fremlægges, gengiver de faktiske, morderiske forhold, som befolkningen må lide. Jeg kommer selv fra West Virginia med de mange kulminer, og min familie kommer derfra og var selv minearbejdere. Min bedstefader arbejdede faktisk – som repræsentant for sin fagforening i West Virginia – sammen med John L. Lewis.

Så for et par måneder siden tog jeg derhen og besøgte min broder, og vi tog en køretur til McDowell kommune, hvor vi voksede op. Og da vi nærmede os, sagde min boder passende: »Velkommen til Uganda.« For beboerne dér lever under gruopvækkende betingelser, værre end de fleste amerikanere er klar over. Lad mig forklare. Skolerne er lukket ned, men ikke der, hvor der var mange skoler, hvoraf nogle så er lukket, men der, hvor de fleste af skolerne er lukket. Forældrene er faktisk afhængige af skolerne for at give deres børn mad, for de kan ikke engang give dem noget at spise derhjemme. Der er ét hospital med begrænset kapacitet, og den sygeforsikring, som tidligere blev leveret af fagforeninger og arbejdspladser, er væk, folk har ingenting.

Det gør mig meget vred: Folk lever stadig i de arbejdsskure, som mineselskaberne opstillede, da minerne blev åbnet; uden rindende vand, uden ordentlige sanitære forhold, i dag, i 2016! Vi så rent faktisk folk stå i kø med tomme flasker på steder, hvor man henter vand fra det, der løber ned ad bjergsiderne, så de kan få rent vand.

Huse med udendørs lokum er ikke bare et levn fra fortiden, men bruges faktisk her. Og man besøger disse lokalsamfund og ser, at folk ikke har tag over hovedet, de bor bogstavelig talt under presenninger. Og i denne kommune, hvor min familie plejede at bo, var befolkningen tidligere på 100.000, og nu ligger den på omkring 20.000, og over halvdelen af befolkningen lever i nedværdigende fattigdom, de lever faktisk i helvede.

Jeg tog derhen og så det med mine egne øjne. Jeg havde ikke været der i lang tid, men det er virkeligheden i Obamas USA, som vi finder os i; at vi lever under betingelser, som Franklin Roosevelt fordømte i 1936, og intet bliver gjort for at ændre det.

McDowell kommune har også landets højeste afhængighed af heroin og stoffer, og hvad var Obamas respons, da han tog til et borgermøde i Charleston, South Carolina, og tilbød flere behandlingssteder for narkomisbrug, så han bedre kan administrere folks død? I det mindste blev han fordømt af befolkningen og tvunget til at lukke mødet for offentligheden. Og ud over narkomisbruget, så må mange af disse mennesker flygte, så de går ind i militæret for at udkæmpe Bush’ og Obamas krige. Og det eneste, de har at komme tilbage til, er dette helvede, hvor krigsveteranerne begår selvmord i alarmerende mængder. Jeg har faktisk undersøgt det: Der har været 22 selvmord hver eneste dag i USA siden 2003.

Så jeg ville bare gerne gøre det klart for enhver på dette opkald: Vi behøver ikke at kigge på Italien for at finde helvede. Jeg talte med en dame, som stadig lever der, i dette helvede, og hun sagde til mig, at West Virginia er kendt som den tilbagestående del af USA, men vi er faktisk fremtiden.

Så med alt dette sagt, Lyn, tror jeg, at det er nødvendigt, at vi tværer det ud i fjæset på de amerikanere, der lader som om, at de på en eller anden måde vil overleve det, der sker, uden at forandre tingene og skille sig af med Obama og hans britiske dukkeførere. Og til alle jer andre: begå ikke den fejl at tro, at nogen vil hjælpe disse mennesker, hjælpe os, medmindre vi gør noget. Tak.


Lyndon LaRouche: Okay, godt. Altså, lad os gå til problemet på praktisk vis, for du har bragt en del ting på banen, som alle er sande. Men vi behøver ikke at have nogen af de problemer! Det gør vi ikke! Hvis vi skifter regeringen nu, og hvis vi går tilbage i retning af det, vi ved virker, som har virket i min livstid. Jeg blev født i 1922, og jeg har et ret godt kendskab til, hvad historien er. Jeg var der ikke i 1922, for jeg var kun lige blevet født, men jeg har et godt kendskab til, hvad det her handler om.

Det, der skete, var – vi må starte med Bertrand Russell, hvis karriere startede i begyndelsen af det 20. århundrede. Og han var det ondeste menneske, der hidtil var blevet født.

Og problemet her er, at vi stadig – i USA og andetsteds, USA’s befolkning i det hele taget, befolkningen i Sydamerika, i Centralamerika, i Europa i dag, det meste af Europa – det går f.eks. bedre for Putin, end det gør for resten af Europa – Kina er i en fremragende forfatning, sammenlignet med USA i dag – men hvis vi nu beslutter os for at smide det ud, som Bertrand Russell repræsenterer, og det er virkelig ondskabsfulde sager; hvis vi siger, at det vil vi forandre, så har vi et problem. Vi har studerende og skoleelever i alle aldre, som i det store og hele er ret dumme. Det vil sige, at de fleste studerende i dag, specielt i USA, og som er under uddannelse, eller som bliver forfremmet osv. på basis af at være uddannet, er ret dumme, de er næsten håbløst dumme.

Specielt i Californien. Californien er den delstat, hvor de har en guvernør, der er yderst problematisk, og han smadrer Californien. Vi skal af med ham! For Californien kan stadig nå at ændre kurs. Vi har en gruppe mennesker i Californien, som jeg har arbejdet tæt sammen med, som er meget effektive, men desværre har Californien en guvernør i øjeblikket, som virkelig er en satanisk faktor. Hvis man fjerner ham fra hans stilling som en satanisk faktor, bliver tingene straks bedre. Hvis man begynder at samarbejde med andre nationer, der prøver at gøre det samme, som f.eks. Kina, vil man se et pludseligt skifte væk fra det forfald, som har ramt USA særlig hårdt siden begyndelsen af det 20. århundrede.

Det skal ændres. Husk, hvad der skete. Husk rumprogrammet før Obama lukkede det ned, alle disse gode ting, som vi plejede at gøre, kan bringes tilbage. Men vi må være fast besluttet på, at de kommer tilbage. For vi kan ikke tillade det, der sker med minearbejderne i West Virginia osv., det må man ikke acceptere. Det bliver vi nødt til at ændre på.

Så hvorfor ikke bare ændre det? Hvordan gør vi det? Jeg er i hvert fald villig til at gøre mit for at få det til at lykkes. Kom af med skvadderhovederne. Kom af med dumheden, kom af med det forfald, som har ramt det meste af USA’s befolkning. Det største problem i USA er befolkningens galoperende forfald. Det skal vi ændre. Vi kan ændre det. Vi bliver nødt til at beslutte os for at ændre det. Og det er den opgave, vi må påtage os.

Man vil opdage, at Kina gerne vil samarbejde med os på det punkt. Rusland vil samarbejde. Visse andre nationer vil gerne samarbejde. Men der er to ting, vi skal af med: Først og fremmest skal vi afskaffe det britiske system. Bare fjern det fuldstændigt. Og fjern derefter råddenskaben i USA.

Og så vil man finde, at det var, hvad der skete under Franklin Roosevelts regeringstid, hvor han udførte geniale arbejder i sin embedsperiode som præsident. Alle de fantastiske ting, der blev bygget i den periode, viser os, at vi bare skal af med fjolserne og give de mennesker en chance, der har brug for hjælp og vil tage imod den. Og så kan vi genopbygge USA’s økonomi.

Lyndon LaRouche: Det britiske Imperium,
med Wall Street og City of London, må sænkes

Leder fra LaRouchePAC, 18. januar 2016 – Det britiske Imperiums økonomiske system er mere end dødt, og det eneste, der er værd at diskutere, er at annullere det hele, fjerne det totalt og skabe nye muligheder, udtalte Lyndon LaRouche i går, den 17. januar.

Det giver ingen mening at forsøge at afgøre mængden af kadaveret, eller mængden af spekulative værdipapirer, der allerede er ved at gå op i røg. Man kan ikke måle det, for det er allerede mere end dødt. Der er ingen, der ved – bortset fra, at kollapset er i gang, at det skrider frem i accelererende tempo, og at der ikke findes nogen løsning inden for systemet selv. Når man befinder sig på randen af samfundsmæssigt kaos og samfundsmæssig disintegration, så er det eneste, der er værd at tage i betragtning, ikke de dumme, bedrageriske, løgnagtige kommentarer og handlinger, der kommer fra bankierer og Obamaregeringen; det eneste, man behøver at vide, bemærkede LaRouche, er, at man virkelig ikke ønsker at gifte sig med et kadaver!

Det transatlantiske system er uendeligt, håbløst bankerot, og hele molevitten må ganske enkelt annulleres omgående. Det eneste spørgsmål er, vil det blive begravet og et nyt system skabt, præcis, som Franklin D. Roosevelt gjorde det?

Vi må skabe sunde, fornuftige muligheder ved at eliminere alt, som Wall Street repræsenterer. Der er ingen som helst garanti for nogen som helst værdi i hele deres system, så hvorfor forsøge at måle det? Vi må simpelt hen annullere det og komme tilbage til atter at hævde et nyt system, som FDR gjorde.

Vores fjende, som vi klart må holde os for øje, er Det britiske Imperium, der blandt andre forbrydelser er skyldig i at placere sit værktøj, Barack Obama, i USA’s præsidentskab. Som LaRouche udtalte under diskussioner med medarbejdere i går:

»Der er kun ét spørgsmål: Det britiske Imperium, punktum. Det er det eneste emne. Hvad gør vi med Det britiske Imperium?«

Alt andet er blot snak og afledning, sagde LaRouche. Det britiske Imperium dominerer planeten, inklusive Wall Street, og inklusive den fascistiske, ’grønne’ politik, der nu er blevet taget op og promoveret af Pave Frans. »Hvad er den ’grønne’ politik? Det er helt og fuldt Det britiske Imperium. Det er ikke andet end det britiske system. Så lad være med at lede efter forklaringer, som sådan. Vi må sænke Det britiske Imperium!«





»Vi konfronteres med Nuets intense uopsættelighed«

»Vi står nu over for den kendsgerning, at, i morgen er i dag. Vi konfronteres med nuets intense uopsættelighed. I denne livets og historiens gåde, som udfolder sig, findes der noget, der hedder at komme for sent. Sendrægtighed er stadig tidens tyv. Livet lader os ofte stå bare, nøgne og modløse over en tabt mulighed. De menneskelige anliggenders tidevand bliver ikke ved med at være flod; der kommer også ebbe. Vel kan vi råbe desperat, at tiden skal holde pause i sin passage, men tiden er døv for hver en bøn og haster videre. Hen over de blegnede knogler og virvaret af rester af utallige civilisationer står de ynkelige ord, ’For sent’. Der er en usynlig livets bog, der skæbnesvangert optegner vor årvågenhed eller vor forsømmelse. Fingeren i bevægelse skriver, og går derefter videre.«

(Dr. Martin Luther King, 1967)

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Dansk SPECIAL LaRouchePAC webcast 30. dec. 2015:
Det er ét minut før midnat; vi må gennemtvinge handling nu!

Hvorfor tolererer man i Europas tilfælde fortsat eksistensen af en Eurozone, der idémæssigt var bankerot fra første dag, den blev skabt? Hvorfor tolererer man fortsat en Europæisk Kommission i Bruxelles, og en Europæisk Union, der er en rent destruktiv, bogstavelig talt satanisk institution? Hvorfor tolererer man, og går på kattepoter rundt om, den kendsgerning, at Paven, i sin encyklika om global opvarmning, accepterede en britisk politik for folkemord?

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Leder fra LaRouchePAC, 30. december 2015:
Genrejs princippet om fremskridt
– Bryd med Obama og sikr det nye år

I takt med, at vi nærmer os dommedag den 1. januar, står menneskeheden over for muligheden for sin egen udslettelse, hvis ikke gennem atomkrig, fremkaldt af præsident Obamas galskab, med hans trusler om krig med Rusland og Kina, så gennem økonomisk disintegration forårsaget af fejheden i Kongressen, der ikke lukker Wall Street ned gennem en Glass/Steagall-lovgivning, efter Franklin Roosevelts model.

Roden til problemet, insisterede Lyndon LaRouche under en diskussion med sine medarbejdere den 28. dec., skal findes i den kendsgerning, at menneskeheden har glemt naturlig lov – ja, i realiteten regeres de transatlantiske nationer i stigende grad af satanisk lov, der skaber såkaldt legal retfærdiggørelse af massemord, ulovlige krige, negativ økonomisk vækst og af tyveri af penge, sundhedssystemer og endda mad fra befolkningen, for i stedet at opretholde de bankerotte New York- og London-banker.

»Der er tale om et spørgsmål af en højere orden her, et spørgsmål, som jeg lejlighedsvis har rejst, men som ikke ofte rejses«, sagde LaRouche. »Problemet er, at mennesket rent faktisk ikke skaber loven! Det vil sige, at menneskeheden rent faktisk ikke, gennem sin egen myndighed som sådan, gennem individuelle medlemmer af samfundet, skaber loven. For loven er princippet om menneskeslægtens fremskridt, og hvis menneskeslægten ikke gør fremskridt i sin udvikling og opfyldelse, så er loven blevet krænket! Og det er der, problemet ligger.

Se på de forfærdelige ting, der er sket under diverse renæssancer, der er blevet knust; se på disse massemord. Vi taler nu om et massemordsproblem. Vi taler om den amerikanske regerings politik netop nu, i det mindste under den aktuelle præsident og den forudgående præsident: Massemord!

Pointen er, at mennesket adlyder en højere lov, for mennesket er ikke en Jordbo! Mennesket er baseret på et princip, som ikke er Jordboernes princip. Det er menneskehedens forpligtelse at udvikle fremtidige befolkninger, der er mere passende. Antagelsen er den, at hver generation bør gå progressivt fremad i overensstemmelse med naturlig lov, og denne naturlige lov vil sige forbedringen, selv-forbedringen, af den menneskelige art. Kun mennesket har evnen til at gøre dette … Det er loven, den virkelige lov. Tekniske love, juridiske love, love for transportveje på privat jord, det er ikke loven. Loven er, at menneskeheden ifølge sin natur må gøre fremskridt. Folk dør, det ved vi. Hvad er loven? Ja, sørgede de for at frembringe bedre mennesker i deres familie? Var deres familier i stand til at gøre fremskridt og hæve sig op til et højere præstationsniveau for menneskeheden? Er vi f.eks. ikke ansvarlige for at tage os af (take care of) Galaksen? Det er vores ansvar!«

Stedt over for den største trussel mod civilisationen i moderne historie, må vore borgere og alle verdens borgere stræbe efter denne højere standard, ikke alene for vores egen skyld, men for menneskehedens fremtidige eksistens. De, der følger en lavere lov, den sataniske lov, må omgående fjernes fra lederskabspositioner, med præsident Obama som den første, der skal fjernes.


Lyndon og Helga LaRouche interviewet på China Radio International

28. december 2015 – Lyndon og Helga LaRouche blev den 27. december interviewet af China Radio International i anledning af lanceringen af Asiatisk Infrastruktur-Investeringsbank, AIIB. Som svar på et spørgsmål om AIIB og beslutningen om at anvende dollaren til bankens første lån, sagde LaRouche, at dollaren befandt sig i en tilstand af hastigt sammenbrud pga. sammenbruddet i den amerikanske økonomi, alt imens Kina og renminbi (RMB) var på vej op. Med alle sine problemer går den kinesiske økonomi frem, sagde han, mens den amerikanske økonomi er ved at kollapse. Faren, bemærkede han, består i, at USA, under den britisk dominerede Obamaregering, måske vil forsøge at lancere en atomkrig for at forhindre disse positive udviklinger i at skride frem.

Helga LaRouche bemærkede, at den kurs, som USA tager i det kommende år, vil være af absolut afgørende betydning. »Præsident Xi Jinping har lige fra begyndelsen indbudt USA til at samarbejde om dette projekt, og det står fortsat åbent for alle«, sagde hun. USA kunne respondere på imperie-maner og forsøge at sabotere disse positive udviklinger og den nye orientering i økonomisk tankegang, som AIIB og den Nye Udviklingsbank repræsenterer, sagde hun. Eller USA kunne også tage det amerikanske folks virkelige interesser til sig og respondere positivt til denne nye, økonomiske orden ved at tilslutte sig AIIB og samarbejde med Kina og dets partnere om udviklingen af verdensøkonomien.

Ekstraordinær hastekonference ‘Fireside Chat’, 23. december 2015 –
Lyndon Larouche diskuterer med aktivister i hele USA

God aften. Vi har i aften en ekstraordinær konference over telefon, som vi har indkaldt til, konfronteret med den kendsgerning, at vi står på randen af et finanskollaps, den 1. eller 2. januar.

Spørgsmål 1: Hej, jeg er J. fra Columbia, Maryland. Mit spørgsmål lyder: Med alt, hvad der er sket, med krigen mod terror og de nylige angreb i Paris og nedskydningen af det russiske kampfly, hvordan er finanssammenbruddet forbundet med alt dette? Og hvad gør vi ved immigrationen af mennesker fra Syrien?

LaRouche: Det sidste spørgsmål ville jeg ikke bekymre mig om. Det er ikke et virkelig alvorligt problem. Det har eftervirkninger, men de er ikke alvorlige, og bør ikke tage vores opmærksomhed.

Det, vi må gøre, er, at vi må erkende, selvfølgelig, det transatlantiske samfund, og dets rolle med hensyn til os. Vi må grundlæggende set koncentrere os om USA som sådan, og USA er vores eget problem. For vi har kræfter i USA, der er enten feje, især blandt medlemmerne af Kongressen, der har vist deres fejhed, deres rådne fejhed i dette spørgsmål, eller de forsøger at etablere noget, der vil ødelægger retten til livet, for USA’s borgere. Hvis denne handling bliver tilladt, så vil der blive en masse døde mennesker i USA, og USA vil ikke have nogen fremtid.

Vi må derfor indtage dette standpunkt. Der er visse principper, der må indføres. Hvis vi ikke indfører disse principper i praksis, så er I udslettet; I betyder ikke længere noget.

Så pointen er, at I kæmper for jeres egen identitet, og det er jeres forpligtelse at forsøge at understøtte jeres egen identitet, gennem intelligent respons til de problemer, der umiddelbart konfronterer os, lige nu.

Engelsk udskrift.

Tune in this week for a very important live Q&A discussion with Lyndon LaRouche. Mr. LaRouche has forecast the nation is on the verge of a financial collapse come January 1 or 2. Note: This week’s call will be on Wednesday the 23rd, not Thursday.


JOHN ASCHER:  Good evening everyone, this is John Ascher here in Virginia, and we are here for an extraordinary conference call this evening, called by LaRouche PAC, in the face of the looming financial collapse of the trans-Atlantic system.  I’d like to welcome everyone back this evening for our discussion with Lyndon LaRouche, who I hope I have on the line.

LYNDON LAROUCHE:  You do. Can you hear me?

ASCHER:  I can hear you loud and clear, Lyn.  I think many people who were on the call just watched the webcast which concluded , just a half-hour ago. Would you like me to read a little part of the emergency message that you authorized written by Jeff Steinberg, that was put up on our website?  (“Make Sure That There Is a New Year:  Dump Obama and Wall Street!”)

LAROUCHE:  I think we have it already from Jeff, which was already broadcast.  So, let’s get into this thing and if it becomes meritorious to bring more consideration on that, then you and I can do that.

ASCHER:  OK, excellent.  So, I’m turning on the Q&A queue.

Q1:  Hi, my name is A—J— from Columbia, Maryland, and I have a question:  With everything that’s been going on with the war on terror, and the recent attacks in Paris and the downing of the Russian jet, how does the financial collapse tie into all of this?  And what should we do about the immigration of people coming from Syria?

LAROUCHE:  I wouldn’t worry about that, the latter problem. That is not really a serious one.  It has effects, but it’s not one that’s a serious one and one that should occupy our attention.

What we have to do, is we have to recognize, of course, the trans-Atlantic community, and its role in dealing with us.  We have to concentrate essentially on the United States as such, and the United States is our one worry.  Because we’ve got forces in the United States who are either cowardly, especially among the members of Congress who have shown their cowardice, their stinking cowardice in this matter, or trying to set something up, which will destroy the rights of life, of the citizens of the United States.  If that action is permitted, then the United States will have a lot of dead people inside it, and there will be no future of the United States.

So therefore we have to take that view. There are certain principles which must be applied.  If we don’t apply those principles in practice, then you are wiped out; you don’t mean anything any more.

So the point is, you’re fighting for your own identity, and your obligation is to try to support your own identity, by intelligent responses, to the problems which are facing us immediately, right now.

Q2: [internet]  Lyn, I have a question from M— from Dearborn, Michigan.  He says, “Lyn, since the battle lines are being more and more openly, publicly declared with Russia, China, India, Iran on one side, and the British and Obama, and the other allies of the British Empire on the other, do you think that what some might think is a miracle, can occur soon: that is the total elimination and end of the British Empire? Do you see that could happen soon?”

LAROUCHE:  One question has to be asked:  Are the people prepared to take their own authority and use it?  The suckers will not win.

The problem we have, I think there are a lot of members of the Congress who would like, would prefer, to do what I’ve been indicating has to be done.  But there’s some forces, including Obama most particularly, and some of the other people there.

Hillary Clinton, for example, is one of the problems.  She’s one of the big sources of destruction, and I hope she’s soon thrown out of the candidacy for the Presidency.  I don’t think we want her around any more; she is actually an agent of Obama, she’s a supporter of his.  I don’t think she was originally, but he terrified her, she became a victim of his influence and since that time she has tended to be increasingly, more and more dishonest.  And actually a bit evil.

So I think we want to get her out.  We want to get Trump out of the picture, things like that.   And we want to also take the members of Congress who are gutless wonders, and get some of the people who shouldn’t be gutless wonders among the members of Congress and say, “No!  We were wrong!  We accepted you, we accepted your proposal on this campaign, and you committed a fraud.  And we’re wrong, because we didn’t turn that down.”  And what we require now, is that honest members of the United States organization, must say, “We were wrong.  Our leaders were wrong. They were a bunch of cowards and they were selling us down the river.  They were selling the United States down the river.” And that has to be stated.

Q3:  Hi John, hi Lyn:  What’s the possibility of you know, taking our rights into our own hands?  There’s a lot of like-minded individuals where I live in California that  — well, they don’t like the way that this government is, well, you know….?

LAROUCHE:   We had a meeting in California which I attended, for a number of leading representatives, historically leading members of the California popular leadership.  And that works. We have a core in California, around certain circles, who have all the credentials you need, to speak up and say, we should be in charge, of shaping the policy of California.

After all you’ve got a governor there who’s no damned good! He’s stupid, and he’s corrupt, and he’s a Satanic figure.  That is, he belongs to a cult of a Satanic belief, together with a certain member of the Pope, an agent of the Pope, who’s also a Satanic creature.  And so these are problems we have to deal with.

But the point is, we do have a crisis.  And I would say that those of us who are actually leading some of these things, particularly the two things that happened on Saturday and Sunday, were among the most successful presentation of musical performance that we’ve had in a very long time.  And what this involved, is from people of Italian background and so forth, who are highly professional; and creating an institution which builds up a base for the kind of popular organization, organization of the United States.  And we have it.

And our job is to defend that fight.  We have our rights, this is our right:  We have the right to pull the members of the Congress, who turn cowardly or stupid.  And we have a right to kick their little asses — you know, in a certain manner of speaking.  And I think that little privilege has to be applied more vigorously, right now.

Q4: Good evening Lyn and John, this is J— calling from Michigan.  In talking with people, besides the cynicism, everybody does agree, that we are in a collapse phase now, especially like in southeast Michigan.  Everybody’s tied to the Detroit water system and water bills are skyrocketing and people are getting shut off like crazy.  The policy forces are being reduced drastically.

And my point is, when the credit system is introduced, do you agree that there should also be price controls on utilities, as well as food stocks, food pricing?

LAROUCHE:  I wouldn’t approach it exactly that way.  The effect that you’re talking about might have validity.  But I think the way to approach this is quite different.  What you have to do, is you have to get the citizens of the United States, who is by and large a coward; they’ve given in on everything. They’re afraid, they’re afraid, they’re afraid.  Everything’s been taken away from there: their careers have been taken away; their children are worthless.

For example, in California, but not only in California, the young human beings, in California, are by and large, are not really human.  That is, they don’t have any of the patriotic characteristics; and therefore we have a real problem.  We have to mobilize a force, because most of the young people in our generation now, are not fit to make judgment.  And they’re brainwashed, really, literally brainwashed.

And you have people who are members of Congress, who are not really brainwashed as such, but they lack the guts to stand up and denounce what they know is wrong.   And that’s what the last session of Congress did, is exactly that.

So you have to say, the leadership of the Congress is a bunch of cheating cowards.  But the people who know better say, “well, we can’t fight it, we can’t fight it.  We don’t have the power to fight it.”  And that’s where the problem comes.  And what is needed, is to get people to understand, that they have a responsibility, with an element of risk which is involved in that, and they have to take a position against those members of the Congress who have sold their asses down the street.

ASCHER:  I know we’re going to get some reports also Lyn on our activities from New York this past weekend;  and later on, I’m going to announce some the activities coming up here over Christmastime for the Manhattan Project.

Q5:  Hi this is Alvin, here in New York.  Hi Lyn, and everyone listening.  Well, we had a pretty big weekend that actually, as I’ve been reflecting upon it, really began about two weeks before, with a relatively small number of people; but for myself, the quality of the organizing was much different, much improved from that of a year ago, and it was something that I’ve felt existed within the population on the need for Handel’s Messiah.  But also emanating from those of us that were out there doing this work to help build this audience.

And so, the process of engaging in the chorus has been helping me and helping us all along, to produce that type of result.  And then the effect that it had.  People are knowing and will be reading more about the reports and the responses and the effect of what was demonstrated, in a very powerful way in the two concerts that we presented to the public.  And that’s a very, very encouraging thing for us all.

What I wanted to reference is the personal effect that I’m sure others share is, in going through this process and finishing with this weekend, as imperfect as many things were going through it, we did it.  And now that we’re confronted with the immediate crisis of how to act, I can’t express how much clearer I find myself able to both think and act, and not be confused or allow myself to be confused, where this was not the case before.

So the breakthrough was for the Manhattan Project, but I think each one of us, and I would even imagine those that have been doing this for a while, that or members for a long time,  — I won’t speak for them, but I think the effects of this are far-reaching; certainly for those of us that were for the first time onstage and really working at this process.

So, on the one hand, I would say “Oh, the timing of this crisis is terrible!”  My thinking now is that, the crisis is here and I feel ready for it, which means now, I have to organize a number of people, and activate them, so that when we go into our Congressmen’s office, we are of one force that can hopefully move these wretched folks into the action we need.

LAROUCHE:  Well, to bring to bear the issues, the real issues, in this process, you have to go back to a certain point, where there was a debate between Obama and Putin; and, Obama lost, clearly.

Now, from that point on, you’ve had an increasing receptivity on this matter.  But what’s happened is, Putin has been gaining weight, against the British and against other forces, and against other forces in Europe.  Obama was defeated, but in terms of the population, it was a symbol of that debate: Obama was defeated and discredited fully.   So he’s been operating on a lame issue ever since that time.

He’s operating on the basis of rage.  Now, Obama of course is a killer.  Obama kills people every Tuesday; he kills citizens of the United States every Tuesday. That’s his favorite sport. And people are afraid, they’re afraid to take him on.  But Putin is not afraid to take him on.

Now the fact, however, that Putin did intervene, in that show, and did defeat Obama, Obama has been weak in conviction ever since.   He had rage, he has all kinds of things, but he’s a loser.  Now, Obama is not a human being; he has a jockstrap he has in a certain area that I don’t know if he ever washes it; it’s in this little niche inside the White House.  But I think, whether he stinks or not, I think that his attitude about life stinks.  And that’s enough to take care of it.

But the point is now, what’s happened, is because of the defeat of Obama, by Putin, in that session, you’ve had a rising tendency, to revolve against Obama.  And that’s what’s happened. Now, we’ve encouraged it, and that’s what we should do.  But the problem is, the members of Congress have a problem with Obama.

But what’s the problem with Obama?  Obama kills people every Tuesday!  Obama kills innocent citizens of the United States and kills them every Tuesday.  So therefore, you have members of Congress and so forth, who by themselves, if they weren’t terrified, would not tolerate Obama; but they’re afraid that Obama, with his Tuesday kills will kill them!  Members of major press organizations in Manhattan or in the capital of this, yet some people are scared!  Just plain scared!  That they’re not going to cross Obama, because they think Obama will kill them, and they’re probably right.  Obama will kill them, sooner or later.

So, we’ve come to a point now, where we have actually had progress, in trying to deal with this thing, since that United Nations matter.   We’re succeeding.

Now, naturally, we have locations which are very significant.  Manhattan is the most important area, politically, for us in the United States.  We have some people in California, a respectively small group, and they demonstrated their commitment.  We have other people who have a commitment; mostly they’re in the minority.  But! underneath that, they wish they had the guts, to speak out.   And so, everything is on that basis.

Now, what we did, in the Saturday and Sunday events, in Manhattan and around there, what we did, is we got 1,000 people in two successive performances, on Saturday and Sunday, and this changed the course of history, in terms of that operation.  And this is going to reverberate.  The problem is, is you’ve still got  people who are terrified.  And just plain terrified.  And when the Congress comes in, and certain hound dogs in the Congress come in, and say “we’re going to bail everything out,” hmm?  And then the bail-out comes.

Now, what we’re at, now, that no citizen of the United States, legally, on the basis of the most recent seating in the Congress, would defend the United States.  None of these people in the majority, would defend the existence of the United States. They would kiss the rear end of Obama.  Even though he’s despised, and he’s in a wretched condition, and therefore, what happens, the British forces, which are generally the British Empire;  remember, the whole thing is the British Empire.  It goes all the way back to the British Empire, and the fighting, by the United States against the British Empire.

So the British Empire is still, directly or indirectly, the controlling force over the United States, except for where the citizens got their guts working up; and lately, they still don’t have much in the way of guts.  That’s the problem.

Now, what we’ve done, is, we’ve presented the evidence, that the Congress has to stop selling out.  They cannot go through this season, this year, this New Year, we cannot let that happen!We must throw this thing out of this thing, right now — before the New Year!   And this is what the issue is.

In other words, if we don’t do that, you’re going to a general war, a global general war, and the general war will come fast.  Quick and fast!  The mass killing of people, which has been going on in Canada, for example, and going on in other areas, it’s going on.

So we’re at a point, where we have to do things which are not in any way on most people’s agenda.  On the other hand, we have people who do have a conscience, but their conscience does not allow them to speak on the subject.  Our job is to give them the power to speak their conscience.  And that’s where we are.

So I think the idea of the practical exposition, on what the problems are, anybody who wants to be practical in interpreting what the problems are, is making a big mistake.  Our job is to stimulate the citizens, who are citizens, who wish to be citizens, who don’t like this, to get up on their hind legs, and kick the asses where they belong to be kicked.

And our job is to find  the people who will, — you know, this thing about the 1000 people in two successive events, service events, on Saturday and Sunday following, this has changed everything, potentially.  And our concern has to be now, to make sure that that potential victory, becomes an actualized victory.

Q6:  Hello Lyn, this is R—A—, I live in Mansfield, Massachusetts; I grew up in New Hampshire and I was born in New York, so I have a lot of touch points with a lot of folks.

Anyway, clearly there’s a lot of things that need to be improved in the country.  Since the advent of 1871, when the United States became a corporation, that was run by essentially the bank, and then in 1913 when the Federal Reserve Act was passed along with the Internal Revenue Service, which was nothing more than a collection agency for the Federal Reserve, you know, America has been at constant war.   Constant war in a central bankster cabal, they go together like Popeye and Olive Oil.

Now, if Americans want to be a constant war, it leaves the system in place.  But if they want peace, prosperity, tranquillity, they need to nationalize the bank, and have the government issue the currency, and the government issue the low-interest rate loans to stimulate the economy.

In addition, the United States has to raise tariffs and eliminate NAFTA in order to protect American industry, which during the ’80s and ’90s got outsourced to China and the Pacific Rim, and what I’m talking about is the steel, auto, computer, electronic, industries, which were primarily the circulatory system of the great American economy.

ASCHER:  Excuse me, is this getting to a question here?

Q7:  Well, here’s the question, the thing is, if you can centralize bank and have it a National Bank, you can save $1.2 trillion in interest a year, essentially, $19 trillion in debt times 6%.  That money of $1.2 trillion a year can then be cuddled into the re-industrialization of America.

ASCHER:  OK, so Lyn would you like to respond?

LAROUCHE:  Yes!  I would say it sounds loud and convincing, I suppose, to some people, but it’s not convincing to me. Because, yes, you’re just talking around certain things; but my reading of these things is different from yours.  I mean, for example, this idea, this pragmatic approach to the interpretation of the function of economy in the United States, and under popular opinion, is wrong.  It’s just plain wrong.   Because most people don’t have any understanding of what makes mankind work. That is, what the intention of mankind’s mind is.  And therefore, they come up with the solutions which he just did.  And it has the real taint of something is intended to be convincing, but from my standpoint, scientifically, it’s bunk, frankly.

Because, mankind is not an animal.  And that’s what the assumption is.  His argument is implicitly states that mankind is essentially an animal.  Now, mankind is not essentially an animal.   But unfortunately, people who are made ignorant, behave like animals, mentally and otherwise.  And the fact that they are induced to adopt that kind of view of life, puts them in the wrong direction.

What he’s laid out there will not work!  It flat [will not work!  The problem is, that we’ve stooped — Bertrand Russell is probably the key to this whole problem.  Bertrand Russell destroyed the mind of the people of the United States.  He did that through his whole career, until he died.  And when he was dying, he was still rotting.  Same thing.

And what you have to do, you have to look at what mankind is, and it’s the creative powers of mankind, the ability of a senior person to understand more  than all of the practical people, and that’s the key to the thing.  Look, we’ve got a case in California:  the young people in California are, by and large are degenerated.  Why are they degenerated?  They were degenerated, by for example the California school system!  They did it.

Same thing in Texas; you got Texas all over the place; it’s got real corruption.  All Southern states are, in the main, degenerate.  Now that doesn’t mean every citizen of these states is degenerate, but it means that those who are not degenerate, are having to defend themselves against those who are voluntarily degenerate.  And therefore, if we’re going to solve  the problem, we have to lay the case on, on what is the intelligent viewpoint as against the so-called practical viewpoint.  Practical people are stupid people!  They may not know it, but if you look at the children today, the young people throughout the United States: They’re stupid!  And worse.  They don’t have minds of their own. And therefore, what our problem is, we have to pull together, a group of people, who will provide leadership to people who are prepared to think!  Not to imitate somebody’s babbling.

And we have to pay close attention, to what are the actual, physical principles, or the effect of the principles, as laid out by people like Nicholas of Cusa, and the people like that.  And they’ve laid these things out, and they were intelligent.  The alternate views were not intelligent!  And that’s what the problem is.

The popular opinion in its more popular form, popular opinion is the degeneration of the mind of the human being.   And we’ve got to cure that, we’ve got to get rid of that stuff, otherwise we’ll not survive.   Mankind will not survive under these conditions.

What we’re on the verge of, we’re on a general, which his orchestrated by the whole British Empire system, which has always been the enemy here, and people are trying to kowtow, to gratify people who are thinking like British agents or British mentalities.  And what we have to do, is we have to go deeply, more profoundly, and not be superficial in terms of discussing these kinds of matters.

We’ve got to get to the root of the thing, and Einstein of course is the typical person, who was actually a genius, and most of the other leading scientists were not geniuses; some of them were competent, but they were not geniuses.  And so, this kind of characteristic, you have to be more precise on this thing.  You may have good intentions, but you’ve got to get good results, too.

Q8:  Hi, this is S— from Manhattan.  And I was so happy to be part of the concert Saturday and Sunday.  It was so uplifting, that it gave a new purpose to my life, a new direction.  I’m 72 and I can still sort of sing!

My question is financial:  I’m afraid of the bail-ins.  I can’t take a certain amount of money and carry it home, but I can convert to silver coin or gold coin, and that’s all I have to live on.  I sold the family home, which broke my heart, but  — how fast do I have, to make a move, to convert the little bit of money that I did get from the sale of my home, into a form that will retain its value even if the whole system falls down? That I’ll be able to buy my food and pay my rent and all the activities of daily living.

I have a list of names to call, you know, to kick the behinds of Congress and the Senate.  But you know, they hang up the phone and they forget about you.

I’m worried about the little bit of money I have on which to survive.  And what would you do?  What would you do, sir?  How do you protect the money?  Now if I open a safety deposit box, can they still steal that money in a safety deposit box? What would you do?

LAROUCHE:  OK, fine.  You’ve got two areas.  First of all, you’ve got the economic system that runs the United States right now.  Now that’s a problem that you’ve to deal with.  It’s not easy to deal with, but it has to be done.  Now, that’s the only way you’re going to get justice.  And what you’re talking about is what I would understand as justice.  And you’re talking about being deprived or in anxiety with respect to the prospects of justice.

Now, what we’ve had, with these things that happened on Saturday and Sunday, which were musical assemblies which added up to attended of 1,000 people, both in  Manhattan and earlier in Brooklyn.   So, this gives you an idea of exactly what is possible.  Now the fact that this thing happened, it means that this has not happened in the United States for a long time.  It has not happened.  But suddenly we have, we’ve organized assemblies of musicians and audiences in the order of magnitude of 1,000 persons total.  Now that is something new.  That is something which has not happened beforehand.

So therefore, if we change that tune, shall we say, if we do that, then you have the people who feel that they’re cast aside, from the prospect of survival, they have a reason to be confident, because their interest and what they understand, will inspire other people in the population to spread this kind of approach, and that’s the only way you win.

When you’re in that kind of situation, like Manhattan is now, among popular masses, they don’t have a chance!  They live on the edge of disaster, one way or the other. If you create a social process, a mass social process which increases its authority, then that problem begins to disappear, and therefore, that’s what we have to do.  We have to take all those kinds of factors which correspond to what I just described, and that’s the only solution; that’s the only thing.  You cannot be an isolated person, or a person isolated in the community; that doesn’t work, you don’t have enough fight.  When you get a 1,000 people in two successive assemblies, of audience and performers, and it’s a beautiful job like that, now!now, you represent something.   And what she’s saying, really requires that; it requires the participation, in the body of people, who feel that they’re part of that same process.  And that process will give them power.

Q9:  I live in the country in  Rhode Island, and I have a connection to my little local town representative that connects my  and everybody; and I just want to know that that’s my best connection.  Because if I go up to see my representatives — the state of Rhode Island is very corrupt —  and if I go up to see them in their offices, or at their houses or whatever, like that, I’m likely to end up in jail.  And then released, of course, with no charges.

But my point is, how can I get my message across, in full, outside of what I hear from you guys?  I mean, I meet the elitist people in my work, and I sort of scare them, or they go “Wow,” with what I say, all coming from the group.  And just this week, a couple that retired from teaching high school and now work with the University of Rhode Island, hit my with a question, and just looked at ’em and said, flatly, “shut down Wall Street, reinstall Glass-Steagall, and let’s go with it from there, and we’re going to have to make adjustments, and to make things work from that day forward.”  And I said, “that’s what, I believe it was Teddy Roosevelt that did that.”  And I astounded them,  and now they’re doing research and working on it.

OK, so I’m reaching some of my intelligent customers.  But, how can I be more effective?

LAROUCHE:  Just what we’re doing.  What we did in New York, the New York City areas on Saturday, and in Manhattan afterward. And this process, if continued, will change the tempo.  Just sitting around and waiting and for something to harvest, like you’re waiting for a chicken to lay an egg, that does not really work.  You have to get more chickens to do more egg laying, and this is my progressive thing.

No, we’re in a position, if we can bring people more closer together, on these kinds of issues, you find out you can change things.  And I think the Manhattan  — I spent a lot of effort since October of last year, on building up an organization based on Manhattan.  Other things don’t work.  New Jersey?  That’s sort of, off and on.  Leesburg?  Ohhh!!  Almost hopeless.  And Texas, doubtful.

But so therefore, you actually have to bring into play, forces which are moving ahead in the right direction.  And you find that the authority that they carry by the increase of their authority… for example right now, right now, you had a bunch of people in the Congress, and they sold out.  Hmm?  They sold out because they were intimidated.  And the muscle came down on them and said, “No, you’re shut down.  We’re going to wipe out everything. At the beginning of next year, you’re not going to have anything.  Everything is going to be cancelled.”  And that’s fact right now!  Right now, on the first day and second day of the next year, you’re going to find, under the present conditions, a general collapse of the people of the United States.  and it’s going to get excessively worse.  Hmm?

So therefore, our role is to understand what the forces are that we have to bring into play, tocreate an increase of the forces, which are qualified to change the thing.  And that’s  the problem.  What we’re doing now, yeah, we have the members of Congress; well, most of the members of Congress are gutless wonders.  And a lot of the other members of the Congress, are intimidated by the gutless wonders.  And if you can’t get something in motion, and I would say, what happened in these two things on Saturday and Sunday, in the most recent events, and that probably is worth more than anything else.

I mean, that’s the principle which will work.  Because people find themselves with this, their voices are now beautiful, at least the singers are beautiful; and others are there.  So you’ve changed the environment.  And you have to change the environment; it’s not building up on one person after another person after another person, it’s changing the environment. Because most people are operating on an understanding of mankind, which is not right.  It’s incompetent.  You have to give them the courage, to recognize that there is another way, which is necessary, whereas the old one that they thought was practical, is not.  And that’s where the problem lies.

If you can’t inspire people, to find in themselves or in their circles of friends, they can’t find something in themselves, which gives them a sense of potency, you can’t win. So therefore, the primary thing is, can you supply a real meaning of potency to people around you?

ASCHER:  Let me just announce for those on the phone, in terms of the ongoing Manhattan Project, I’ve been supplied the follow schedule, which is that it will be continuing tomorrow … on Saturday, our regular Town Meeting with Lyndon LaRouche will occur between 2 and 5, and after that there will be a candlelight vigil and singing at the Lincoln Center in Manhattan.

Q10:  Hello Lyn, this is W—B— in Denver.  And what I was wondering about was, in this oncoming financial crisis, leading to the destruction of economies, do the BRICS nations have any sort of cushion perhaps to soften the blow, so to speak, from this spreading disaster?

LAROUCHE:  Well, what we’re doing, if we don’t, as of this weekend,  — and it’s this weekend, after what we’ve done in terms of Manhattan both on the Saturday and Sunday events where we had 1,000 people total, in these events, you don’t have much of a chance.  And if you’re going to talk about technologies and things, and how this is going to work, and how this will or will not work, it’s nonsense; it doesn’t work.

What you have to do, above all, you have to change attitude of a growing part of the population!  And why are they being cheated?  Well, in the main, it’s the fact that they are not being very practical;  what they call “being practical” is not being practical!  They’re trying to muscle in on something and exploit an opportunity which they think is an opportunity;  but mankind is not a collection of animals.  It’s not a zoo!  Mankind is a species, which as a whole, that is the overall process, moves the population.  It is not this individual or a few individuals, it’s this process.  And when people are convinced, to adopt a process which is a viable one, or an improvement of things, it works.

When they say, you’re trying to muscle in on some deal and make a handful of your friends are going to make a deal and you’re going to get a successful operation, that is bunk! Society doesn’t work that way.

Q11: [internet]  Lyn, I just got a question from B— in Fair Oaks, California.  Here is his question:  “Mr. LaRouche, I just returned from visiting the Federal Building in Sacramento, California, where I met with the office of Sen. Barbara Boxer of California, urging her to move the Glass-Steagall bill through right away.  My question may be a difficult one to answer, but, how much time is there left, before we must absolutely pass Glass-Steagall?”

LAROUCHE:  We don’t have any lapse of time available to us. We have to do it immediately, and can do it effectively, immediately.  And the problem is, if you do that in the proper way, then you will actually overrun the conventional attitudes now.

People don’t have the guts to stand up and look at the other guy in the eye, and say, “Hey, hey, Joe.  You’re bullshitting aren’t you?  Why don’t you come around and be honest?”  And that’s the only way to do it.

What do you think’s wrong with these members of Congress? Well, some of these members of Congress are Plump or Dunk or whatever he is — or, Bump, I guess is the better term — and this thing is not really of any importance.  It’s garbage; we know him, well.  He was an associate of the FBI; he wasn’t a member of the FBI, he was an associate of it, and he was an opportunist and he got payoffs and he got little generosities, and he got all kinds of things; and he would go around, and start a deal.  Look at all these “Bump” people, that fill all these skyscrapers.  What they doing?  They’re just dirtying up the sky, scratching up the sky!   But he doesn’t mean anything.  But he’s around and he’s used as an agent, and he’s not worth anything.

And Hillary herself has lost any asset that she’s ever had and she quit that because she capitulated to Obama.  And she’s an Obama agent.  And Obama is an agent of British Empire.  So, that’s where it goes.

So therefore, people have to stand up for themselves on the basis of principle, not on “my gimmicks” but on what the principle is that they want to defend.  And that’s the only solution.  And I think we were doing it successfully in Manhattan during Saturday and Sunday.  I think that’s the right thing.  And the question, we have to sustain it.  That’s the approach you want to take.

Q12:  Hi Lyn, this is T—W— from Lake Arrowhead, California.  I’m calling in with a sort of a report, because I’m closely located next to where the San Bernardino shooting incident took place.  I’ll try to make a long story short:  when it was happening, I happened to be in an auto shop, where I live in Lake Arrowhead, and the billing lady there, told me that she had just heard on the police radio that the husband of her friend was one of the ones killed.  And so, I said, “What’s her name?” and she said it’s Renée Wetzel.  So I then looked up in the paper, and the man that was killed was named Mike Wetzel and he’s a resident of Lake Arrowhead where I live.

So, I decided I had to go to his memorial service, which was last Saturday, and it was a very beautiful event.  It was in a large gymnasium, there were 1,000 people there and many people gave moving memorial addresses; he was very well known and very much loved in the Lake Arrowhead community. He had six children who were all there, a wife and an ex-wife, his father was there, three of co-workers were there, two ministers that have known him from childhood; they all gave beautiful memorial addresses.  It was just a very moving ceremony.

And I’m sitting and I didn’t actually know Mike, but I’m thinking to myself, “Gosh if only these people could possibly understand what was really the cause of Michael’s death,” but it wasn’t really these FBI-concocted terrorists, the two people that supposedly were the shooters; one of them was a normal guy with a job at the Inland center, with no history of anything strange; they were a couple, they had a baby.  The baby was dropped off at her mother’s house so she could grab a couple of Kalashnikovs and go shoot up the place, supposedly, you know?

Well, the story doesn’t add up, it doesn’t make sense in any way; I’ve come to the conclusion that that couple couldn’t have had anything to do with it.  They were just patsies, who are cultivated for the purpose by the FBI.  And the actual killings, I believe were done by some hired killers.  I don’t believe it was actually them that did it.

But you know, and one thing I did, afterward I wanted to confirm some of this, so yesterday I called a local newspaper, the San Bernardino Sun, and I said: “Look, there were supposedly 100 people in that room, 14 of them were killed.  That leaves 86 eyewitnesses.  Now, I would like to know why we have not seen a single interview, with any of those eyewitnesses, since the day that the killings took place?  There were two interviews on that day, and those two interviews, both witnesses indicated there were three, white male shooters.”

So I called the reporter and said, “why haven’t there been any interviews with eyewitnesses?  Wouldn’t that be a huge scoop? Why are you guy out there interviewing people, and why don’t I see anything?”  So then he starts giving me excuses.  Like he said, “we don’t want to traumatize the victims, we have to give them some time and so on, before we disturb them.”  That was the first thing.  And I kind of scoffed at that, I said, “those 86 witnesses, most of them were unharmed and I’m sure lots of them would like to tell their stories, so there ought to be investigative journalists all over the place trying to interview them, on TV, newspapers, everywhere.  And there hasn’t been a single interview?  Why? Why haven’t you been out there?”

And so the reporter basically told me, “we can’t interview those witnesses because they might say something that would contradict the FBI’s story.  And we can’t do that, we can’t question the FBI.  That is not allowed.”  And I sort of had an insight into how this whole thing works, like there is this total atmosphere of intimidation, and one thing you don’t do is question the authority of the FBI or suggest for one second that what they’re saying might not be true!  That is not allowed.  And everybody knows that, it’s like this undercover of fear. There’s things that you can’t say; while in some sense, it’s unconscious fear, you know, it’s like they don’t even know it, but they just don’t go there.  It’s like an unconscious inhibition, let’s say, has been put into them.  And so, that’s I think how this whole atmosphere of terror and intimidation is being created.

So that’s why I could…

LAROUCHE:  It’s being created, yes.  But it’s being created not by the FBI, it’s being created by Obama personally.  You follow the press coverage on that thing:  Obama was the one who put the lid suppressing that, suppressing the story.

Now, the truth was, there were a lot of other untruths around this whole thing.  Now, these people were recruited, they were Saudi connections, Saudi influence.  It was the same factor, and the same ratios, of events were the same thing that happened in France, in the assassinations there in France.  And this is run by the Saudis; it’s run by things like the Saudis which Obama works for.  Obama is part of that, but Obama actually works for the British, the British Monarchy.  The British Monarchy created this whole thing.  And if you ever looked into 9/11, and who did what in 9/11 — and I was an expert in this area, with a friend of mine and some others — and that’s what the whole story is.

Why did the Congress not deal with the 9/11 case?  Why’d they put the lid on it?  That’s where the problem lies.  Obama? Obama’s on the wrong side; he’s not an American, he’s something else.  He’s like his stepfather, has the same kind of disease that his stepfather had, he was a man who kills people.  Obama kills people, every Tuesday, he kills innocent people!  And you have even important people who have important positions, they have been threatened.  They will not speak up; they will not tell the truth.

So you’ve got a nation of gutless wonders!  Now it’s not all the fact that they’re gutless wonders, it’s the point is, they don’t see any way that they can survive under these conditions. And there’s nobody up there, there’s no FBI up there, who’s doing very much in terms of defending the citizens of the United States; or defending any other part of the planet.

The whole thing comes down, from the British Empire, the British system!  That’s what’s been going on all along.  And you get different versions of it, you get different flavors of it, so forth, but it’s all the same thing:  Without the British Empire and what it represents, and you take 9/11:  Why was 9/11 never exposed, publicly?  Never!  Why?  Because they had a payoff, with the British and the Saudis; and the Saudis did it.

The Saudis are the ones who actually, personally, sank the towers in Manhattan.  It was two guys who captured each plane, they went up around that area, around the Towers up there; they brought them down.  A similar thing was done in Washington, itself, and other things like that.

And what happened?  The damned Congress, as a whole, as a body, has refused to tell the facts, about how the citizens of Manhattan were killed!  And it was done by the Saudis, it was done by a mass of Saudis. Remember:  Everything was shut down, under the Bush family, everything was shut down.  And the Saudi families who were guilty in this process, part of the team, woke, safely walked out of the United States, and were sent back to Saudi Arabia.  And many of these people were the active agents who did the killing!

And the leading interests in Saudi Arabia, actually orchestrated the killing.  Who did it?  It was the British Empire that did, and it was done under the rate of oil speculation.  And that’s how Saudi Arabia got powerful, because the British protected them, as the United States, under Bush and Obama, defended them.

So if you want to find a complaint there, look at Bush, the Bush family, and look at Obama, and then trace it all back from there.  That gets to the core of why you get this kind of a sense of experience of what’s going on.  Yes, the FBI is involved in this kind of thing, but they’re only subordinate agents when they do that.

The point was, it’s done by the British Queen and the British interests.  And the British interests and the Saudis and Obama are all the same thing.  So get the facts right and you’ll find out the solutions can become transparent.

By the way, I did a personal investigation on this thing; Jeff Steinberg came in on the same operation, but in parallel. Jeff and I had worked together; I was working for Ronald Reagan at that point, and Jeff had followed in on what I was doing at that point.  So Jeff and I had this relationship with that thing, we both knew the story about Saudis, how the Saudi thing was done.  We were expert in it; I independently I worked with these British agents who were political agents who were actually investigating this problem; and most of them got killed, or something similar happened to them.

But I’m a known factor in this thing, I’m an expert in this thing.  And there’s no doubt about it; and any justice means that anybody who is supporting Obama, now, is an agent of the enemy of the United States.  And that’s the thing.  Because you make the comment that everything you say is plausible to me, as the fact, but the secret body of evidence is what you didn’t get into.  But what you were doing, what your investigation, your appreciation is an accurate one except it doesn’t go far enough because you didn’t have any rules to follow it adequately.

Q13:  Good evening, Mr. LaRouche, this is P— from Connecticut.  I agree with Alvin:  After enjoying the wonderful concert of Handel’s Messiah I felt so inspired by this. I guess it was the same way that Thomas Paine’s letter to George Washington, and that George Washington read it to his men, Dec. 23rd of 1776:  Well, I have no doubts or fear to take this fight with the people to the Capitol and bring in Glass-Steagall.  And this is my declaration.

LAROUCHE:  It’s a good one.  [laughter]

Q14:  Yes, this time I’m in Long Island.  Steinmetz and I started having the argument, [inaudible 1:07:22.6] couldn’t come here.  But yes, he could come here.  But we have to go out and be like Roosevelt, when there is no Roosevelt.  We have an anti-Roosevelt in the White House.  How are we going to move so fast?

LAROUCHE:  Well, it’s a question of how many people have got guts?  And who’s got the guts to understand things and look at things honestly.  Because you know the typical American is generally a liar.  Now it’s not that they like to tell lies, though some of them do.  In fact, many of them do.  But as a generality, no; the fact is, they’re ignorant.

Now, the ignorance is not necessarily honest ignorance; like the member of the Congress who supported a piece of legislation, which swindles every citizen in the United States of their life savings. And it’s because these members of the Congress were gutless, or worse, that that legislation was shoved through.  And if we don’t change that now, you’re all dead, sooner or later. And it’s all because of your gutlessness, by a few of you who wouldn’t take action, through the Presidency and the Congress, and wouldn’t present the truth in law.

So therefore, it’s the liars, the cheats and liars who didn’t tell the truth, about that matter of legislation:  They are the guilty parties.  And they are shameful, and what they need their little rumps kicked, by a big shoe, from the rear. That’s the best way:  It’s uplifting.  The most uplifting:  Kick ’em in the rear end and that’s the most uplifting way you can deal with problems.

But no, that’s the problem.  These kinds of cowards, they’re implicitly treasonous, because they knew what they did.  And the other people who gave in, gave in because they were intimidated. Now you’ve got to have a citizenry with guts, and I don’t know if we can say we have one.

ASCHER:  Lyn, are you referring there to the passage of the Dodd-Frank Act and the bail-in provisions?

LAROUCHE:  Absolutely, that is a genocidal policy.  It’s mass murder, and anybody who supported that legislation, is guilty of mass murder, criminal activity.  And the only way they can do that is cancel their vote on that issue.  And it was wrong, it was a crime, it shouldn’t have happened.

ASCHER:  And of course this is the same provision that’s going into effect already in Europe and officially on Jan. 1st in Europe as well.

LAROUCHE: This is the same thing which came out of the Pope, the official Pope.  The Pope was a guy who was used as a stooge, to bring this about.  He’s the one that did that.  Now the Pope himself probably is not the author of this thing, but the Pope was the guilty party.  He was the criminal in the case.  Now he may be mentally — I would grant him the possibility he may be just insane, and doesn’t know any better.  And the effect is, that  the Pope is a criminal in his behavior, a mass criminal.

And everything that this crew does, because it was a British operation, entirely a British operation, nothing else.  So if you want to do something, you have to go in and take the Royal Family and give them a Royal outcome.

ASCHER:  This is the Pope and the Green agenda and his relationship to Schellnhuber.

LAROUCHE:  Absolutely.  But the point is, the Pope is not insane.  He’s just a corrupt coward, and he doesn’t deserve to be called the Pope.  We’ll call him the Pump.

Oh, he’s evil, the guy who would do this, the only excuse that he could have for the crimes that he’s committed, is to say he was terrified.  This Pope has got to be removed from office. But we’ve got to get the whole British Royal Family up there at the same time.

Q15:  Hi, this is Jessica from Brooklyn, New York.

LAROUCHE:  Oh good!  How do you do?

Q15:  OK!  I was part of the fantastic, wonderful presentation of Handel’s Messiah on Saturday and Sunday.  I was particularly enthralled with the Saturday performance because it was Brooklyn.  [LaRouche laughs] But the Sunday performance was a little different, but it was good, too.  And it was interesting that the Saturday performance had a lot of families; the community was really rallied to come out to that church and support their church, and our singing.  And the children’s faces — I just remember looking at the children and seeing them watching the orchestra play, and how it was just so enlightening to them; and of course, that passed on to their parents, not the other way around.

So that’s one thing I wanted to say; it was just very uplifting and like you said, there’s nothing like that type of thing to make us understand that we are human beings and we have this creative power, in us, and that we can spread that idea of creativity in human beings and the worth of your life, what you’re living for, to other people.

And with that said, I was also thinking about something else:  There have been decisive points in history, and these decisive points have made people decide that it’s all or nothing, that, I get fearful, too; I’m listening to people on the call, and people are trying to figure out, “Should I store water? Should I take my money out of the bank, and have something on hand?  Should I quickly go and buy up a bunch of gold coins, because I’ll have to barter with that, when the banks crash?  I have to have some gold coins on hand or some silver or something, in case the money is worthless, even if you do manage to get it out of the bank before the doors close?”  That kind of thing.

And then, I thought, since this concert happened, I thought about the decisive points in history and it gets to me, where I have to I have to decide, what kind of thing can I do, to implement my best efforts?  Now there’s calling Congress people; there’s talking to the news stations, the TV stations, social media; there’s radio, unions, there a union meeting coming for me, where I intend to bash them about Glass-Steagall and rally the members to the point of calling their congressmen — again — calling the offices; somebody’s going to be there, and forcing them to come back into session and pass Glass-Steagall.

So I think we all have to think about what we can do to implement our best efforts to not fail at this.  Because like these different times, there’s Joan of Arc; there’s the crossing of the Delaware; there’s the Gettysburg battle;  there’s landing at Normandy in World War II; there’s Iwo Jima; there’s these decisive points where you cannot lose.  It’s not even a matter of what should I do if this happens?  It’s that, we can’t lose. This is something that has to be done.

I think when Washington crossed the Delaware, he knew that this was something that they had to succeed at.  And that’s what I’m starting to come to, especially since this concert.  So we have to implement our best effort, whatever that effort is. I’m not good at social media, and I tend to shy away from that.  But I’m good at Congress, I’m good at calling them; I’m good at union meetings; I’m good at interventions, where I call these people on the carpet. Those kinds of things I’m good at.  I’m good at leafletting, I’m good at talking to people on the street.  So those kinds of things are what we have to really think about.

And my question to you, Mr. LaRouche is, which one of these things do you think — or maybe two or three things — do you think we should all put our best efforts into?  Is it trying to get the Congress back into session?  Or are all these things, like I’m saying, something that we should do according to what we do can best as an individual?

LAROUCHE:  You have to go to President Gen. George Washington.  George Washington a decision, a very tough decision. He had the British agents and their accompaniment were celebrating in New Jersey.  And so he moved all of his forces, and under most difficult conditions; under wet conditions and very dangerous conditions, and what he did is he wiped out the British and their complement, and that was what made the United States’ existence a possibility.  It was George Washington’s decision, under absolutely adverse conditions, with the British and their minions, assumed that they were celebrating, and Washington moved in and took them all over: and that’s how the United States was created.

Q16:  This is C— from Santa Rosa, California.  Lyn, in converting each Congressman or people that I try to organize, I have come out front and said, “What’s really at the root is that you’re afraid.  Your cynicism or your pessimism is you’re afraid. You’re maybe directly afraid of Obama, or afraid of Big Brother or whatever.”  And I got some very interesting reactions off that, and I want to go into that, because what I found is, my way out, which is not a technique or anything, is that I found that referencing back to what I asked you last week is I have to develop myself, culturally, intellectually, and that’s the thing that gives one strength. You have to do your reading, you have to try to understand music, which I’m still trying to struggle with understand the role of music.  I listen to it, but there’s things about it I don’t understand.

So I want you to talk about this thing that the fears that these Congress people, and the fears that the common people out here that we’re organizing are essentially the same. So, could you take it from there?

LAROUCHE:  OK, let’s take the George Washington case, for example, because that’s very pertinent.  Washington made a move, which all his opponents at that time, said would never happen. And the fact that he did that, that he crossed the Delaware, he landed on the other shore, and took the enemy in hand before the enemy could really mobilize its own forces; if he hadn’t done that, we would never have had the United States!  And the same thing is what  you’re talking about now.

There is a point in history, a point in the current of history, at which something can happen, and a solution will come only because some people have undertaken to follow through on something that other people said “oh, that would never happen”; and that’s what it is.  It’s just like that.

See because mankind is not just a simple human being, the idea of mankind and the individual human being is rubbish, actually, it doesn’t function.  Because mankind doesn’t function that way.  Only very rare people will function in that direction, very, very rare, and they’re almost named in history against all the others of the same time.  And therefore, the problem that we have to face is the fact that, do we have the ability, to recognize the opportunity which is in correspondence to what Franklin would have done, what George Washington did.

And very few people do that.  Because they don’t do it on the basis of being practical.  They do it on the basis of knowing that mankind requires this to be accomplished, and very few people have that view.  They say “well, that’s not practical.”  I don’t give a damn about what who thinks is practical!  I never did.  I’d have been a fool if I ever did.

And therefore I often do things like that, you know, not just George Washington’s things, but I will do that; I have don’t it often, I’ve led the charge, often, on these kinds of things. Because  ithas to be done!  People say “No, no, that won’t work, that won’t work.  You can’t do that, you can’t do that.” I say, “You’re wrong.  I’m going to do it.”  [laughs]  And that’s the way I operate, and that’s the right way to operate: George Washington’s way.

ASCHER:  Well, just to reiterate, there’s available on the larouchepac website, a statement“Emergency Christmas Eve Message: January 1st Is Doomsday! Only an FDR Action Can Save You.”  I’ve already announced there will be distributions of this in Manhattan tomorrow; a town meeting [with LaRouche] on Saturday.  Others around the country will be getting this out widely.

Secondly, the recording of the Messiah performance is going to be available on the Schiller Institute website, probably tomorrow.  They’ve been working on the audio file, but for those of you want to hear the impact this had, it will be up on the website some time soon, so stay tuned to the website, particularly under the Manhattan Project link and you should be able to find that performance available

Lyn, did you have any final remarks that you wanted to conclude this evening with?

LAROUCHE:  I think I want to put the whole thing into a package.  Let’s hope that would cumulatively make a package which would be useful for people.  Let them decide themselves on that one.

ASCHER:  All right, and thank you very much.  And we will be next Wednesday, Dec. 30, the day before New Year’s Eve.  Thank you very much Lyn.

Leder, 23. december 2015:
Dump Wall Street til jul

Den hastighed, hvormed finanskrakket nu accelererer, kræver handling nu – før jul. Med mindre Wall Street dumpes i de nærmest forestående dage, er der ingen garanti for, at USA stadig står til Nytår. Junk-obligationer og kommercielle investeringsobligationer til 15 billioner dollars er blevet indløst blot i løbet af den seneste uge. For det meste dækker selskaber deres tab ind i forventning om en endnu større nedsmeltning på et tidspunkt i den allernærmeste fremtid.

Dette er dødsens alvorligt. En ukontrolleret nedsmeltning af det transatlantiske finanssystem, som kunne ske om timer eller dage, ville skabe den form for massekaos, der er den klassiske, britiske opskrift for den værste form for fascistiske diktatur, som altid, uundgåeligt, fører til generel krig. Fra og med den 1. januar træder i Europa de regler for bail-in i kraft, som blev presset igennem af EU-kommissionen. Banker i Italien og Portugal har allerede plyndret indehavere af aktier og obligationer i fallerede banker, og næste skridt er den fulde Cypern-model for plyndring af kontohavernes penge. Pariser-avisen Le Parisien gav i dag sine læsere en forsmag på bail-in under overskriften, »Hvad hvis din bank gik nedenom og hjem?«

Nærmere ved USA står Puerto Rico til at gå i betalingsstandsning den 1. januar over et forfaldent afdrag på 1,4 mia. dollar på en total gæld på 72 mia. dollar, og den amerikanske Kongres valgte bevidst at ignorere denne krise ved at nægte at vedtage en lov, der godkendte en beskyttelse mod bankerot, som tilbydes alle amerikanske stater og kommuner. Formand for Repræsentanternes Hus Paul Ryan og Nancy Pelosi har meddelt, at de »lover« at komme frem til denne lov pr. 31. marts, men det er en syg vittighed, for krisen for Puerto Rico og hele det transatlantiske område venter ikke til marts måned. Den kommer nu.

Lyndon LaRouche advarede i dag om, at, med mindre der før jul foreligger en komplet plan for den totale fjernelse af Wall Street og en lancering af et program for økonomisk genrejsning, med Franklin Roosevelts politik som model, så står det amerikanske folk over for den umiddelbare udsigt til et totalt, samfundsmæssigt sammenbrud. En strategisk plan fra øverst til nederst, der følger de retningslinjer, som Lyndon LaRouche har fastlagt i løbet af de seneste dage, må omgående være på plads.

Kongressen har demonstreret sin fejhed, senest ved at vedtage en katastrofal lov om bevillinger, der trodser virkeligheden omkring det umiddelbart forestående krak. Kongressen må trodses og latterliggøres for sin inkompetence. Enten lukker man Obama og Wall Street ned nu, eller også er der ingen chance. Politikken må være den at sænke Wall Street og sænke dem, som Obama og flertallet af Kongressen, der har fulgt Wall Streets linje.

LaRouche understregede også, at den saudiske sygdom med promovering af wahhabi-terrorisme må udslettes. Obamaregeringen har systematisk mørklagt de bjerge af beviser for, at saudierne står bag væksten af al-Qaeda, Islamisk Stat, Taliban og Boko Haram. Saudierne har, sammen med deres britiske sponsorer, udløst et narko-terrorist-jihadistisk angreb imod hver eneste større nation på planeten, og topembedsfolk i Obamaregeringen, fra Susan Rice til CIA-direktør John Brennan og dir. for den nationale Efterretningstjeneste, general James Clapper, har præsideret over en ondsindet mørklægning af disse forbrydelser og har udsøgt og forfulgt enhver ærlig efterretningsembedsmand, der sagde sandheden og trodsede Obamas ondsindede fantasier. De er fuldt ud medskyldige i opkomsten af ISIS og angrebene i Paris og San Bernardino og bør retsforfølges efter USA’s kriminal-lovgivning og international lov.

Beviserne for disse forbrydelser er ved at gennembryde den mur, der skulle inddæmme dem. Tiden er nu inde til, at de 28 (hemmeligstemplede) sider fra den oprindelige Fælles Kongresundersøgelsesrapport om 11. september 2001, fra 2002, frigives fuldt ud til offentligheden. Disse sider vil, ifølge amerikanske regeringsfolk (eks. kongresmedlemmer i særlige komiteer), som har læst dem, bevise, at al-Qaeda var de britiske og saudiske monarkiers skabelse, og at dette var kendt af top-regeringsfolk i den amerikanske regering, inklusive præsidenterne George W. Bush og Barack Obama, som er fuldt ud medskyldige.

Politikken må være den, fuldstændigt at ødelægge fjenden. Slå til på deres mest sårbare, dødelige flanker, med begyndelse i den kendsgerning, at Wall Street er død, er allerede død. Vi befinder os på randen af en stor dårskab, og vores nations og menneskehedens overlevelse står på spil i de umiddelbart forestående timer og dage.

Nyhedsorientering december 2015:

I denne nyhedsorientering har vi valgt at bringe en række uvurdelige, strategiske vurderinger vedrørende kampen imod Islamisk Stat, flygtningekrisen i Europa og det igangværende finanskollaps, som er fremkommet i løbet af december måned på de ugentlige webcast, der finder sted hver fredag aften amerikansk tid på LaRouchePAC er en amerikansk politisk aktionskomité, grundlagt og vedvarende inspireret af den amerikanske økonom og statsmand, Lyndon LaRouche. Jeffrey Steinberg (t.v.) er en ledende medarbejder til Lyndon LaRouche og er også efterretningsredaktør for tidsskriftet Executive Intelligence Review. Ben Deniston er leder af LaRouchePAC’s Videnskabsteam.

Download (PDF, Unknown)

Leder, 21. december 2015:
Fjern City of London, eller sammenbruddet vil være uden for kontrol

Under diskussioner med sine kolleger søndag aften opsummerede Lyndon LaRouche den globale, strategiske krise i præcise vendinger: Londons og Det britiske Imperiums magt må omgående elimineres, eller også vil hele det transatlantiske område, med start i USA, hastigt styrtdykke ud i et ukontrollerbart kaos. Forholdsregler til kontrol må indføres, og dette betyder, at Det britiske Imperiums magt, der kontrollerer Obama, må fjernes.

Problemet er, at ledende personer i regeringsinstitutionerne i Washington, med start i den amerikanske Kongres, der allerede burde være trådt i aktion imod Obama, ikke har handlet. Obama leder stadig sine tirsdagsmøder for (drone-)drab, på trods af den kendsgerning, at hans tilstand er under hastig degeneration, i accelererende tempo. Det britiske monarki er fortsat den institution, der regerer over det transatlantiske område.

LaRouche bemærkede, at Rusland er anderledes, og Kina er også anderledes. Det er nationer, der samarbejder, og ser hen til en udvidelse af deres samarbejde. Men der er alvorlige problemer, med at skaffe tilstrækkeligt med vand og mad til en begyndelse. Rusland og Kina er i dag de eneste, virkelige magter, der potentielt set handler imod Det britiske Imperiums stadigt eksisterende magt, og imod deres redskab, præsident Obama.

I realiteten, erklærede LaRouche, så har kræfterne bag 11. september (2001) magten over USA. Der har været et utilstrækkeligt angreb imod det anglo-saudiske apparat, der stod bag 11. september. Som følge heraf har de kræfter, der repræsenteres af Bush og Obama, fået fribillet til at handle. Hvis arven efter det britiske monarki og dets Bush- og Obama-operationer kan knuses, kan USA og store dele af den øvrige verden reddes.

LaRouche understregede, at centrum for kampen imod det britiske tyranni, der repræsenteres af Bush og Obama, skal findes på Manhattan og nærmeste omgivelser. Denne pointe blev tydelig i denne weekend gennem to koncerter, der blev afholdt af Schiller Instituttet, der præsenterede Händels Messias i Brooklyn og Manhattan. Alt i alt blev de to forestillinger besøgt af flere end 1.000 mennesker, med kun ståpladser til begge forestillinger. Den strøm af støtte til forestillingerne og til ideen om forbindelsen mellem klassisk kultur, videnskab og den politiske kamp for en genoplivning af Det amerikanske System, illustrerer den kendsgerning, at der i den amerikanske befolkning er en kerne, centreret omkring Manhattan og dele af det nordlige Californien især, der kan redde nationen. Disse områders førende borgeres særlige egenskaber kan spredes i hele landet, men kun med fokus på ånden og aktiveringen fra Manhattan.

Nedsmeltningen af hele systemet er i fuld gang. Det globale blodbad kan udelukkende standses af et gennembrud i USA, med start i fjernelsen af Wall Street og genindførelsen af Glass-Steagall. Dette må ske inden krakket finder sted, og det kunne ske, hvornår det skal være, fra nu af og fremefter. Dette er ikke et ’hype’ eller et slogan. Den 1. januar 2016 træder reglerne for bail-out i kraft i Europa. Samme dag vil Puerto Rico gå i betalingsstandsning med de første 1,4 mia. dollar i gæld til gribbefondene.

Enten får man Glass-Steagall vedtaget nu, eller også vil følgen blive kaos i hele det transatlantiske område, og under disse omstændigheder er det næsten sikkert, at kræfterne i Det britiske Imperium vil satse på krig med Rusland og Kina.

Concert Händels Messiah

Leder, 20. december 2015:
Lyndon LaRouche: Luk Wall Street nu,
ligesom Franklin Roosevelt gjorde

Wall Street og hele det transatlantiske finanssystem er nu dødsdømt og kunne forsvinde ud i den blå luft, hvornår det skal være, i løbet af de kommende dage eller uger, lød advarslen igen i dag fra Lyndon LaRouche. Faren er, at dette vil føre til en tilstand af panik og medfølgende massedød, som kun kan undgås ved at lukke Wall Street på samme måde, som USA’s præsident Franklin D. Roosevelt gjorde, erklærede LaRouche. Vi har presserende behov for en »mobilisering af de villige« blandt det amerikanske folk for at få nationen – og verden – tilbage på ret kurs.

Dette drejer sig ikke om at forhandle en eller anden form for reform eller indrømmelser. »Wall Street må lukkes ned, uden at give nogen kompensation«, sagde LaRouche. »Vi må lukke det ned, ligesom Franklin Roosevelt gjorde. Og hvis man ikke lukker dem ned, har man alligevel mistet det hele. Med andre ord, så kan man ikke forhandle med banksystemet; man må lære lektien af FDR!«

LaRouche var eftertrykkelig: »I har intet spillerum. Hver eneste stump finansiel aktivitet, som er derude, og som er af spekulativ art, må udslettes uden nogen kompensation. Man gør hver eneste af disse svindlere bankerot, i alle kategorier, og ribber dem for alt.«

Omfanget af den globale spekulationsboble overstiger nu 2 billiarder dollar, et konservativt skøn, og er vokset med over en tredjedel under Obamas vagt. Dette er et direkte resultat af Wall Streets kriminelle politik med bail-out (finansiel kvantitativ lempelse – ’pengetrykning’) og nu bail-in (ekspropriering af bankkundernes indeståender/indskud) – med ’nøjsomhedspolitik’, der har folkemord til følge, og budgetnedskæringer, der er designet til skarpt at forøge dødsraten, i kombination med decideret tyveri af folks opsparinger, som det skete på Cypern og for nylig i Italien. Wall Streets gæld har nået et punkt, hvor den ikke længere kan betales i dollar; nu kræver de, at den betales i lig.

Se på tilfældet med Italien, hvor en tvungen bail-in af kunderne i fire banker tidligere på måneden udslettede mange menneskers livsopsparing. Mindst en person vides at have begået selvmord som følge heraf, som det er sket med hundreder af erhvervsfolk og arbejdere, der blev ødelagt af den samme politik.

Eller se over grænsen, til vores nabo Canada, hvor nedsmeltningen af Wall Streets oliefracking-boble har decimeret hele lokalsamfund og er i færd med at slå folk ihjel. Selvmordsraten er i de seneste måneder eksploderet blandt afskedigede arbejdere i canadiske oliefelter i provinserne Alberta og Saskatchewan, med en stigning i selvmord på 30 % i de første seks måneder af 2015, sammenlignet med de første seks måneder af 2014.

Ønsker du, at dette skal ske for dig? Det vil det – med mindre man lukker Wall Street ned.


Erstat britisk monetarisme med Franklin Roosevelts kreditsystem

Lyndon LaRouche understregede, at det haster med omgående at gribe til handling. »Det her er ikke ’hen ad vejen’; det er nu. Vi må, så hurtigt som muligt, lukke hele det monetaristiske system ned, i USA i særdeleshed – inden Nytår, hvor det her vil bryde ud i fuldt flor.«

»Det, der er brug for, er mere end bare noget regulering«, fortsatte LaRouche. »Pointen er, at man må eliminere ideen om penge, om det monetaristiske system, som er karakteristisk for det britiske system. Vores løsning er ikke mod anvendelsen af penge, men imod monetarisme; så man må annullere monetarisme. Man kan ikke antage, at penge har en iboende værdi i sig selv; det er problemet.«

Det, som præsident Franklin Roosevelt gjorde, var absolut korrekt og tjener som en god indikator for den kurs, vi i dag må tage. Efter at lukke Wall Street ned, må man etablere en kreditfacilitet af samme type, som FDR skabte. »Man udsteder kredit, og denne kredit – hvis den bruges korrekt – afføder produktivitet«, erklærede LaRouche. »Kreditten er baseret på den generøse indsats på vegne af selve regeringen, på vegne af det amerikanske, statslige kreditsystem. Det, der skete under FDR’s politik, er, at folk rent faktisk blev dækket ind af det præsidentielle systems generøsitet. Man måtte imødekomme den kendsgerning, at man havde en gæld til den nationale regering, som en magt; og man måtte optjene vejen til at opbygge sin egen økonomi. Det var, hvad vi gjorde under Franklin Roosevelt.«

LaRouche konkluderede: »Vi står nu ved et punkt, i løbet af de kommende uger frem til Nytår, hvor vores eksistens kunne være dømt til undergang, med mindre vi gør dette, med mindre vi får dette gennemført. Det er virkeligheden. Det er der, vi står.

Vilkårene i USA er nu af en sådan art, at det nuværende system ikke kan fungere; det vil bryde sammen. Og vi må forhindre et sammenbrud. Hvordan forhindrer vi et sammenbrud? Vi gør det, som Franklin Roosevelt gjorde ved Wall Street. Der er ingen anden mulighed; det eksisterer ikke. Og det haster. Fra og med begyndelsen af det nye år, kunne I være døde, med mindre dette gøres.

Hvad betyder så dette? Det betyder, at man skal se at få sparket præsident Obama ud af embedet; hurtigt, omgående.«


LaRouches Fire Hovedlove

Lyndon LaRouche opstillede den 9. juni 2014 de Fire Hovedlove for en reel genrejsning af den fysiske økonomi:

* Genindfør Glass-Steagall med et total adskillelse af kommercielle banker og investeringsbankernes hasardspilsaktiviteter, hedgefonde og andre spekulanter. Dette vil omgående udslette gælden til Wall Street, som er ubetalelig og har været illegitim fra første færd – og vil samtidig udslette Wall Street/London-bankkartellernes magt.

* Lancer en massiv indsprøjtning af statskredit igennem dette nu genoprettede banksystem, ind i realøkonomien. Denne fremgangsmåde, i traditionen efter Alexander Hamilton, med et statsligt banksystem og statskredit, er også omdrejningspunktet for FDR’s politik.

* Fokuser på de områder for investering, der mest forøger energi-gennemstrømningstætheden[1] i økonomien som helhed, inklusive infrastruktur og videnskabelig og teknologisk forskning og udvikling. Dette betyder billioner af dollars i anlægsinvesteringer for at opbygge det 21. århundredes infrastrukturnetværk langs med Verdenslandbroens ruter.

* Forfølg den videnskabelige udforsknings fremskudte grænser, med afsæt i det 20. århundredes store, russiske videnskabsmand, V.I. Vernadskijs arbejde inden for biokemi og noosfæren. Dette må inkludere et internationalt, forceret program for at opnå fusionskraft til kommercielt brug, et afgørende træk i den næste fase af rumforskning, så vel som også for løsningen af kravene om vand- og energiforsyning i en verden, der konfronteres med en sammenbrudskrise af proportioner som i den Mørke Tidsalder.

Kontakt dit lokale LaRouchePAC kontor/Schiller Institut nu. Slut dig til »mobiliseringen af de villige«, for at lukke Wall Street ned.


[1] Se: Video: Energi-gennemstrømnings-tæthed, et kort overblik, dansk udskrift

Leder, 19. december 2015:
Lyndon LaRouche: En ny politik for USA, Nu!

Og det eneste, der er at gøre, er at gennemføre Franklin Roosevelts politik; man må sige: »Vedtag Franklin Roosevelts politik nu, imod Wall Street.« Det er den eneste måde, hvorpå problemet kan løses. I modsat fald står vi med noget, der vil accelerere, og der er intet, man kan gøre for at stoppe det. Det, man må gøre, er at fremstille den kendsgerning, at der ikke er nogen løsning, med mindre Wall Street omgående lukkes ned. Det er faktisk, hvad Franklin Roosevelt gjorde. Han lukkede Wall Street ned, hvilket gjorde en ende på den inflation, der var i gang på det tidspunkt, før valget. Og den eneste måde at gøre det på er ved at lukke det ned!

Med andre ord, så er det uden for diskussion, man må lukke det ned. Og man må ganske enkelt annullere alle såkaldte aktiver (’værdipapirer’), der ikke er skikket til denne rolle. Man siger simpelt hen: »I får ingen penge overhovedet. I får ingen som helst kompensation. I er ekskluderet; I eksisterer ikke mere.«

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Diskussion med Lyndon LaRouche 10. december 2015:
Tiden er inde til at få både Demokrater og Republikanere,
der endnu har deres forstand i behold, til at handle

Og det, vi i dag har med at gøre, pavens og den britiske kongefamilies grønne politik, deres økonomiske politik, vil resultere i, at størstedelen af menneskeheden uddør og efter kort tid vil det kun være en lille del, der er tilbage og kan overleve.

Så man må betragte disse sager fra en bredere vinkel frem for blot at begrænse sig til visse enkeltsager, som man ønsker at tage op som enkeltsager. Vi bliver nødt til at tage de store spørgsmål op. Og det er det, som folk er bange for. Jeg er ikke bange for de store spørgsmål. Når folk bliver intelligente, bliver de villige til at opgive enkeltsagerne og tage de store spørgsmål op, som er altafgørende for menneskehedens nutid og fremtid.

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Flyveblad, 15. december 2015:
Finanskrakket er i gang –
Kun en revolution i den transatlantiske
politik kan afvende katastrofen

Hele det transatlantiske, London/Wall Street finanssystem befinder sig på randen af det totale kollaps. Det kunne ske hver time, hver dag, det skal være. De kritiske tegn er allerede synlige for enhver, der ikke med overlæg gør sig blind. Fire italienske banker er gået fallit i den forgangne uge, med den Europæiske Unions påtvungne bail-in plyndring af indskydernes midler til følge. Puerto Rico har allerede meddelt, at landet sandsynligvis vil gå i betalingsstandsning den 1. januar over en forfalden gæld på 1 milliard dollar, toppen af en gældsboble til i alt 72 mia. dollar; og gribbefondene er helt eksponeret. Flere hedgefonde, der er eksponeret over for Puerto Ricos gæld og den bankerot, der har fundet sted i sektoren for skiferolie og -gas, er allerede bukket under. Dette er blot et forvarsel om det transatlantiske systems umiddelbart forestående, totale sammenbrud.

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Leder, 13. december 2015:
Lyndon LaRouche: Alt, hvad der er vigtigt
ved mennesket, kan reduceres til kravet om,
at mennesket må udvikles til et højere
niveau af selvudvikling

Lyndon LaRouche: Men pointen her er altid, at menneskeslægten ikke er en (automatisk) selvudviklende personlighed. Menneskehedens skæbne er forbedring af menneskets evner, i den betydning, at mennesket kan forudse menneskehedens evner til at opnå virkninger, som menneskeheden ellers ikke ville være i stand til at præstere. Dette er noget, der går op til et højere niveau end det, vi tænker på som givne kendsgerninger, eller givne former for kendsgerninger.

Alt, hvad der et vigtigt omkring menneskeheden, kan reduceres til kravet om, at menneskeheden må udvikles til et højere niveau af selvudvikling. Menneskeheden skaber ikke selvudvikling, men menneskeheden kilder potentialet for selvudvikling. Og det er, hvad vi kalder opdagelsen af kreativitet. Og det bedste eksempel på dette, det enkle tilfælde på dette, er Einstein. Einstein gjorde præcist, hvad der måtte gøres: At opdage, hvad fremtiden er, at opdage, hvad menneskehedens muligheder er, for at virkeliggøre intet mindre end noget bedre, som kan forstås i denne sammenhæng. Det er, hvad Brunelleschi gjorde. Det er sådan, det fungerer, og det er den eneste måde, det faktisk virker på tilfredsstillende måde.

Med andre ord, så kommer menneskeheden ikke og siger, »Jeg er et stort geni«. Kommer frem og siger, »Jeg er et stort geni«. Hvad betyder det? Ved hvilken standard opdager man, hvad dette såkaldte geni er? Man ser på Einstein, og man ser på hans største række af udviklinger, og man ser det samme. Man ser det samme tidligere, i Brunelleschis arbejde. Det er alt sammen det samme. Det er begrebet om menneskehedens udødelighed, at altid gå op til et højere niveau af kreativitet, ikke inden for den eksisterende opfattelse af menneskeheden, men i en opfattelse ud over, for mennesket, ud over menneskehedens tilegnede kundskaber, på det tidspunkt.

Det er fremtiden, skabelsen af fremtiden på et højere niveau. Dette kommer ikke fra mennesket selv. Det kommer fra menneskehedens skæbne som en agent for opdagelse, der når op på et højere niveau end menneskeheden nogen sinde før har nået.


Redaktionens bemærkning: Dagens leder fra LaRouche-bevægelsen er hele Lyndon LaRouches Manhattan-diskussion fra lørdag, den 12. december. Vi har desværre ikke kapacitet til at oversætte det hele til dansk, men anbefaler kraftigt, at man læser/hører hele diskussionen, der omhandler LaRouches pointering af unikke, videnskabelige opdagelser, viljemæssigt udført af enkelte individer, som det bærende element i de periodevise revolutioner, der fører den menneskelige kultur fremad til et højere niveau, og altså ikke er noget, der ’sker af sig selv’ som følge af en forud fastlagt ’evolution’. God fornøjelse! (-red.)


Lyndon LaRouche Dialogue with the Manhattan Project, Saturday, December 12, 2015



DENNIS SPEED:  My name is Dennis Speed and on behalf of the
LaRouche Political Action Committee I’d like to welcome you to
today’s meeting.  I believe this is the 27th meeting, but I want
to say this:
Lyn, everybody today, has or has access at least, on the
table in the back, to an {Executive Intelligence Review} magazine
simply entitled “Brunelleschi.”  Now, our Manhattan Project is
over the next week going to go into a new phase, and the music
will be leading that.  And that musical process, which will reach
a certain level, particularly over next Friday, next Saturday,
and Sunday, has already been started here today, by what Diane
just did, especially her last reference to the question of the
Solar System being inside one’s head.
So Lyn, I’d like you to do something today which I’m
requesting, which is an opening statement which takes us past the
noise of the Barack Obama apologizers of this week, such as
Donald Trump and others; and puts us on a different plane so we
can consider this concept you’ve put forward about the unity of
the nation, and the need for people, good people, be they
Republican, Democrat, Independent, or other, to come together and
accomplish what you’ve outlined can be done, which is the
immediate removal of Barack Obama from office, and the immediate
defeat of Wall Street, but by use of these methods that you had
uniquely pioneered. And the Brunelleschi {EIR} just brought this
to my mind.  So I know I don’t usually do that, but I’d like to
ask you for an opening statement, and then we go to Q&A.

LYNDON LAROUCHE:  Yes, I think the important thing that is
for us to consider, is what was actually accomplished with
Nicholas of Cusa, but prior to Nicholas of Cusa, and what
preceded that.  And therefore, once you place your ideas of
judgment in that category, suddenly you find yourself in sort of
a happy state of mind, that you are sure that you’re on the right
ground, you realize that there’s creativity.  And you go through
the Brunelleschi series entirely.  And Brunelleschi is a very
complex question for people to deal with, who are particularly
{ingénues}, because they don’t understand it.
But in the time of Brunelleschi’s leadership, he was {really
a master} in this area.  And that was something on which the
foundation, of modern civilization, has depended, on the great
achievements of Brunelleschi.  And everything else followed from
But that’s a whole story in itself.  It’s something, we’ve
just gone through a choral practice, and the idea of a choral
practice, which you’ve just been doing again, on this afternoon,
and what we do in society in general, are one and the same thing.
There has to be a harmonic agreement which is not simply singing
notes one after the other, but going with the idea that
everything you’ve done up to a certain point, requires that you
make an innovation to the next note; and then to make another
one, again, an innovation to the next note.  And that’s exactly
what Brunelleschi did. And the best illustration, is he composed
or constructed, a harmonic chorus, which was {totally beautiful
music, itself},  absolutely beautiful, in his composition, in
this small area, that he occupied for this subject-matter.  And
this thing set a standard for all wise people, to look up and see
something beautiful.

SPEED:  Thank you, Lyn.  He’s referring to the Pazzi Chapel,
I believe.
And I’d like to have us go to the first question, which is

Q:  My name is J–W–.  And I love that we’re doing notes,
and starting on notes, because my gosh, we’ve got some crazy
notes going on in politics — like Trump and Hillary Clinton.  So
who, as a bipartisan coalition, would you see helpful to bringing
some harmony in our country?

LAROUCHE:  I think, the point is, why not go from, beginning
with Brunelleschi; And Brunelleschi was actually the founder of
modern science, in many ways.  He did everything, everything
imaginable.  The list of his accomplishments is immense.  But his
building of the Florence Cathedral, that particular construction,
which anyone can see these days, still, this was a magical
development, and it reflects his mind.
And what the small occasion that he struck there, in that
little temple kind of place the Pazzi Chapel, musical temple, is
one of the most beautiful little things ever produced, and it
sets the standards for all kinds of beautiful things, in poetry,
music, and so forth, in general.  And so he is one of the great
geniuses who brought the future of mankind into possibility.

Q: [follow-up]  In our bipartisan coalition that we would
like to see happen in this country, do you see any particular
individual that we could anchor in on, and get some better music

LAROUCHE:  Well, in terms of my own experience, I search for
these kinds of opportunities.  And by that I mean, when I’m
dealing with something, I don’t like to do something I think is
shabby, or dull, either one.  And therefore I think my impulses
always are, to get some element of beauty, that is, but beauty in
the true sense, not beauty as some kind of construction.  But
when you just try to do the things that you think are the next
things which should happen, which is what Brunelleschi did, in
his practice, If you go back his history.  We’re doing this now,
it’s a big story.
But what he did, he set up whole systems.  Like this idea
that of a rope, if you take a rope and you pull a rope across the
stream, and the rope has a flexibility in it. So the people who
are walking across this rope, from one shore to the other; and
this one of the famous things of Brunelleschi, and his treatment
of “yes, no; yes, no; yes, no,” and so forth, was a typical part
of his whole mental life.  And he used this to induce people, how
to trust a rope system, as you walk as a human being across the
rope, from one shore to the next.  And people were doing that.
In Italy up to the recent time, this thing of the Rope Song, was
a very common feature of the culture.
In other words, you imagine you had two points across a
river.  You create a flexible structure, of the type Brunelleschi
himself made, developed, designed.  And you walk across the
thing, and you find that the rope dances.  And in order to cross
the river, you must dance, in a sense, across the rope.  When you
move on the rope, you change the direction of the rope, in terms
of the walking; and you can think that backwards and forwards,
and that’s what the Italian standard was.  And people up to the
present, or recent time, at least, remembered that song, about
the dancing rope.  Because there’s two points; you have one rope,
with a slack in it, and you’re going to use the slack as like a
piece of music.  So you step on the rope;  now when you make the
next step, you’re going to a different point in the crossing of
the rope.  The effect is that the rope effectively dances,
according to your steps of moving in one direction or the other.
And this is typical of the concept of construction, which
Brunelleschi represented.
And up to recent times, people used to sing that song, of
the Rope Song, created by Brunelleschi.  And this one of the
principal methods of demonstration, of what he was trying to
convey, to the minds of the people who were actually using that
rope to cross a stream.  And that’s still a valid thing today, as
even in my youth, or a little bit later, I was part, you know,
you would sit there and you were thinking, you were thinking the
dancing rope; but just imagining that you were walking from one
step to the next in either direction, in terms of passing over
that rope.  And this idea created an idea in the mind of the
people who were walking across this rope, from one point of
departure to point of arrival.  And this was an Italian theme,
which dominated everything since Brunelleschi, up to a recent
time, of the dancing rope.

Q: [follow-up]  How can we apply that to our bipartisan
issue here, politically, with Trump and Hillary Clinton, and how
can we…?

LAROUCHE:  Very easily, just do it.  The way to do it is,
you go backwards.  What you do is, you construct the experiment.
Now, Brunelleschi did a lot of that.  Everything that he did,
including the whole development of the chapel that he created, he
did everything that way.  And so therefore, everything worked.
He built the whole structure of the tower was based on
creating a shell which had a space, a shell within a shell.  And
I and my wife Helga walked up that system, inside the shell.  You
have also in the Italian music records, the same thing, you have
the choral presentation there.  It was all there.  It’s still all
The problem is, you don’t have a population today which has
that sense of experience.  And the best thing we can do, is to
take Brunelleschi’s old work, including the tower that he built;
and that will give you an education, because you are forced to
follow a certain ropes, with values.  And you realize that your
music is the way the rope moves when you walk across it.  And by
designing that thing as what you can do in music, is the same
thing.  You can change the character of the rope, and that will
change the tune of the walking of the rope, across the stream.

Q: [follow-up] Sounds good to me.  Thank you very much!

Q:  Okay Mr. LaRouche, it’s a pleasure to actually be here,
actually meet with you, and not to mention that singer-songwriter
Mariah Carey will perform here at the Beacon Theater tonight.
And so it’s a pretty wonderful experience, you know, to learn
more of the notes that take you back to high school, with the
music notes that we just pronounced here.
Basically, my name is C–J–, and I’m actually an owner of a
law firm.  And so basically my primary concern is, basically on
regards of Barack Obama, our President, who is supposedly in
violation of the 25th Amendment.  So I wanted to know, basically
in order to require more of my students, and to teach more of my
law students in more with regards to the 25th Amendment; and as
far as the Congress, who, as far as not producing any functioning
or producing any reins, on his behalf as far as not contributing
to him violating the 25th Amendment, and as far as them not per
se doing anything in regards of him moving in directions away
from Constitution, or violating the Constitution.  What do you
think on that?

LAROUCHE:  I looked, as to Obama’s function, was the
beginning of his career.  And I looked quickly at what he was up
to.  I had a large core group was gathered around me on this
business.  And I launched the identification of what Obama meant,
and before the end of the week, I had Obama’s number.  And my
justness on his number was never lessened; I was right from the
beginning.  {He only became worse.}
And if we want to have a civilization, you must remove any
leadership, which corresponds to that of Obama. He is identical
with the idea of a Satanic mentality. I think there are certain
Roman emperors, Nero, for example, who would fit exactly what
Obama represents today.

Q: [follow-up]  Definitely. So do you think that him and the
British Crown are affiliated with each other, as far as
coinciding with each other?

LAROUCHE: They’re identical. The Roman legacy, that is the
ancient Roman legacy, is still the foundation of the British

Q: [follow-up]  Definitely.

LAROUCHE: It’s evil.

Q: [follow-up]  So, what do you think as far as Congress?
And what is their functional role because of him violating the
25th Amendment to the Constitution?

LAROUCHE: It’s obvious. Mankind has to create. Mankind is
not something that is going to be fixed. This is stupid, the way
it’s done. And the ignorance with which people approach the
subject, by habit, by induced habit, is really very destructive.
Because mankind is not a self-determining creature. Mankind
is a response to the potential of not only the Solar System, but
the Galactic System. Now, here mankind is actually, from our own
experience, mankind has progressed in understanding itself by
educating themselves to get these ideas of physical principles,
or what is the effect of physical principles, and to recognize,
that that is the natural tendency. And when you study the
Galactic System as such, and the Galactic System is a very large
and varied system.  It’s an immense thing. We have very limited
actual knowledge of the scope of that principle.
But what we find out, is we find out we can adduce the
destiny of mankind from the standpoint of things like the
Galactic System. But the Galactic System is only {one part} of a
larger system, which is the whole system of the Solar System and
beyond. And so, therefore, mankind, must come to an agreement
with that objective.  And you get that with Kepler, Kepler is a
big change in the system, his accomplishments. Then you go to
another layer, a higher layer of discovery. From Einstein, for
example. Einstein is one of the greatest models for introducing
the concept of what the human mind is properly directed to do.
And we have {not} explored this thing fully. We just know
that mankind is not the stupidity of a single human being. No
single human being, per se, is adequate to be a human being.
Mankind must always, be moving in a direction which goes to
mastering challenges, as Einstein did, in his time; is to find a
creative pathway, to a higher level than mankind has ever known
So mankind is not {sui generis}. Mankind is not something
which creates a Solar System per se, but rather mankind adapts to
the opportunity of the Solar System and beyond; and mankind is
not a self-contained creature. Mankind is a guided creature,
which is guided by the heavenly powers, so to speak; those
heavenly powers which are way beyond anything mankind had known
before. {But}, the crucial thing, if you follow that pathway of
improvements, you are acting in {harmony} with mankind’s destiny.

Q: [follow-up]  I think it’s well said. I very much
appreciate it, Mr. LaRouche. Thank you.

Q: Hi, Mr. LaRouche, my name is C–. I’ve been looking into
Brunelleschi, ever since you mentioned the triad, with
Brunelleschi, Cusa, and Kepler.  And one of the things that stood
out to me when I was looking into the subject, —  you know, with
arches, an arch structure is not stable until you put that last
centerpiece, the keystone. And with domes that were built in that
time they needed the centering, and they were only stable when
the keystone was put in place.
With Brunelleschi’s dome, it never required any of that.  It
was self-standing throughout the entire process.  And there was a
contemporary during that time who described that, because he grew
up watching Brunelleschi do this incredible thing, and he
described it such that the catenary effect allowed for every
brick to be a keystone. I was wondering if you could maybe
elaborate on that?

LAROUCHE: Simply, this is something which I’m very familiar
with. I’ve spent a good deal of time particularly in Italy, when
I was working in that area with some of the people, the Italians
who were gifted Italians at that point; and with their whole
system. And this is something which is natural.
But the point here always is, that mankind is not a
self-developing personality. Mankind has a destiny of
improvement, of man’s powers in terms, that mankind is able to
foresee the powers of mankind, to achieve effects which mankind
would not otherwise be able to accomplish. This is something
which goes to a higher level than what we think of as given facts
or given kinds of facts.
Everything important about mankind can be reduced to the
requirement that mankind {must} develop to a higher level of
self-development. Mankind does not create self-development, but
mankind tickles the potential of self-development. And that’s
what we call the discovery of creativity. And the best example of
that, the simple case of that, is Einstein. Einstein did exactly
what has to be done: To discover what the future is, to discover
what mankind’s options are, to realize nothing less than
something better which you can understand in those terms.  That’s
what Brunelleschi did. That’s the way it works, and that’s the
{only} way it really works satisfactorily.
In other words, mankind does not come out and say, “I’m a
great genius.” And walk out and say, “I’m a great genius.”  What
does that mean? What’s the standard by which you discover what
this so-called alleged genius is? And you look at Einstein, and
you look at his major series of developments, and you see the
same thing. You’ll see the same thing {earlier}, in the work of
Brunelleschi. It’s all the same thing. It’s the immortal
conception of mankind, to always go to a higher level of
creativity, not within the opinion of the existing mankind, but
of a comprehension beyond, for man, beyond mankind’s accessed
knowledge, then.
It’s the future, the creation of the future to a higher
level. This does not come from man itself. It comes from the
destiny of mankind, as a discovering agency, which reaches a
higher level than mankind has ever reached before.

Q: Hi Mr. LaRouche, I’m R– from Bergen County, New Jersey.
I apologize if I am a little bit disorganized today.  But it was
last night that I came across Jeff Steinberg’s excellent
presentation last night [in the Friday Webcast], and an article
from LPAC brought my attention to a new development in the
Congress called H.Res.198, submitted by Mr. Yoho.  And to me, I
would like to get your thoughts on this, but to me this is an
extremely interesting development, where the purpose of the
resolution is to define impeachable high crimes and misdemeanors.
Without reading a lot of it, it says that:  “The absence of
impeachment standards creates an appearance that [as read]
impeachment is a partisan exercise, which undermines its
legitimacy and deters its use; and whereas the impeachment power
in the House of Representatives is a cornerstone safeguard
against Presidential tyranny…” etc. And then they go through
and define the Presidential impeachable offenses, and it’s pretty
amazing when you read down the list, because there’s nothing in
the list that hasn’t been violated numerous times, by the last
two Presidents.  For example, initiating war without
Congressional approval, killing American citizens, failing to
superintend subordinates guilty of chronic Constitutional abuses
— the list goes on and on and on.  You can read through it and
see, there are probably hundreds of instances, in which all of
these conditions have been violated by the last two Presidents.
But it raised to me, the question of why has Congress held
back?  I mean, it looks to me like there is some kind of emerging
consensus, in some sense coming into existence, which is
reflected by this H.Res.198.  But I went back and re-read the
Preamble to the Constitution, and I asked myself, has Congress
actually defended any of these conditions in the Preamble to the
Constitution? “In order to form a more perfect Union.” Has
Congress helped to form a more perfect union? I don’t think so.
“Establish justice?” Have they been defending justice?  Not with
regard to Wall Street, for example. “Ensure domestic tranquility”
—  we’re not seeing a heck of a lot of domestic tranquility
these days. “Provide for the common defense?” are they doing that
with the rise of ISIS? “Promoting the General Welfare?” Well,
they sure as heck have {not} done that. “Securing the blessings
of liberty to ourselves and our posterity?”
Bottom line is, it looks like Congress over the last 15
years has done nothing to defend the Preamble to the
So my question to you is, according to the Constitution,
does the Congress have the obligation to meet the requirements of
the Preamble, or is that an option for them?
Beyond that, it looks like, if these diverse elements, come
into the existence in the Congress, as reflected by Yoho’s House
resolution, it seems that LPAC, in that case, plays an essential
and very important and historic role in being a catalyst to bring
those elements together, to force these issues to be confronted.

LAROUCHE: Let’s take the case of Thomas Jefferson. Thomas
Jefferson was the force of evil working against the foundation of
the United States. And since that time, there have been a great
number of Presidents of the United States, who have, like
Jefferson, maintained a commitment to this evil, or relative
evil, at least. And this has been the dominant feature among the
Presidencies of the United States; and by the local states in
particular. The Southern states in general are hopelessly
degenerate in these questions.
And the very best of our Presidential system of recent
vintage, is a number of Presidents, who typify the effort, to
bring about — .  But then you find out that the President of the
United States, while Franklin Roosevelt seemed to be a great
genius, but when the new election came, he was replaced by the
FBI, the development of the FBI. Once the FBI was set into
motion, the corruption of the United States was, consistently,
but irregularly, going in a direction: {downward, downward,
downward, downward.}
Now therefore, in this situation, we have to operate on the
basis, of understanding a universal principle which was already
grafted, in at least its raw essence, by the founding of the
United States.  And what you have from our great first leadership
of this thing, which led to bringing of the Washington
institution as a President, from that point on, was being savaged
in one degree or another, ever since.
Now, if we understand what the original principle was, and
understand the measures by which you can test the principle,
that’s the only solution that we have.  We have to go back to the
original Constitution of Alexander Hamilton, in particular.
Hamilton had the most precise insight into what these principles
meant.  Like the four first measures on economics.  And if you
look at his four cases, and apply that, that would be sufficient
to demonstrate what the inconsistency is of most practices since
that time from more or less evil, or just stupidity.
So the point is, if we understand that principle, we have a
guide to clean up this mess.  Now, of course, Obama we have to
get rid of entirely; the Bushes–you have to burn the Bushes.
God says burn the Bushes.  Get these Bushes burned out and {clean
it up}.  And we need to have a Presidency which finally says, no,
{we are not going to go one step further, in this kind of
monstrous behavior, which we have been doing as a nation up and
down in various ways, during the best of time.}
We’ve come to a point of crisis, and it’s a crisis which
deals with the question of the United States and other nations of
the planet as a whole.  We have to bring a new condition among
nations.  We’re working on a fight on this for China; we’re
trying to rebuild India’s prospects; we’re looking at efforts in
Japan;  we’re looking at new canal systems, which are major canal
systems, and all kinds of things.  We’re also working on
recognizing that mankind, is not a creature limited to the Earth
as such–that we also have to respond, to what are the
implications of the Earth existing within this system, including
the aquatic system, like the Galactic System.  And these are
factors which mankind must take into account.
The most efficient example is that of Einstein.  Now
Einstein was absolutely unique, among all the people of his time,
absolutely unique.  It was the time in the 20th century, when the
20th century was going through a process of early disintegration
and degeneration; and it’s been going more and more deep into
degeneration ever since.  So we have to stop the process of
degeneration, which has been given to us, by recent authority,
since Franklin Roosevelt’s birth.  And we have to {exactly} put
into a new conception of mankind, which is a knowledgeable accord
with what mankind should be.  It’s not a perfect one, but it’s a
knowledgeably sound one, which will lead hopefully, to more and
more improvements of man’s role inside the Solar System, inside
the Galactic System, and beyond.  We have to discover the mystery
of what the purpose of the existence of mankind is in the
universe, and follow that pathway.

Q:  Hi Mr. LaRouche.  [E–B–] I would like to ask you, if
Sen. Bernie Sanders, the Senator from Vermont, becomes the
Democratic Party nominee for President, would you be able to
support him?  Would you be able to work together with him, if he
becomes President?
He is saying that we must bring back Glass-Steagall, and
that we must divide the wealth of the nation evenly.  He’s
against the rich corporations getting away with the tax loopholes
and not paying any taxes at all or very little taxes.  And
Senator Sanders is for the working class families and for the
middle class.  So I’m just wondering, do you think he would make
a good President?  Would you be able to work together with him
and advise him?

LAROUCHE:  Absolutely not! Absolutely not. He’s a fraud.
We’ve got another candidate up there, who is much capable,
and much more intelligent, who is also hesitating on the edge on
this thing.  But the problem is that we don’t have any prospect,
a functional prospect, to create a new Presidency.  Now we could
create that.  And I’m aware of means by which we could create
that, with the existing institutions of government, that is the
foundations of our Constitution.  And I think O’Malley would be a
more likely candidate than anyone else on the screen right now.
There are other people–you know, I’ve supported Ronald
Reagan; I was actually a part of his team, for a time. And then
they got me out of there, because they wanted to get me out; they
wanted the Bushes in there.  And since then we’ve been living in
the Bushes. Which means that everybody who’s been functioning
since Ronald Reagan was shot–he did survive–but he was shot by
a member of the Bush family.  And therefore everything has been
backed down.
I was assigned, I was in the last two terms of the
organization. And I was sent in to become, together with a great
Einstein tradition figure, with two of us–Teller.  Teller and I
were actually collaborators in this thing.  And we had been
collaborating ever since, for most of the decade.
And so we went with this, and we came up with a good
program. But what’s happened is that–what happened with Reagan,
when Reagan got shot, is that the Bush family interest took over,
heavily, and since that time we have not had a good Presidency in
any sense, since that time.  We had Bill Clinton, who was the
only approximation of that, and he had problems of getting his
own government into shape.  He never did get a full government,
because his Vice President was a foul ball.  And I worked with
him, closely on some of these projects.  And so I know what Bill
Clinton was capable of, and I understood what Reagan was capable
of. But that was a turning point.  And that was the turning point
that I experienced.
And since that time, {there has been no good President}, or
Presidential candidate of any function in the United States.  And
our issue now is, to define what the requirements are of a valid
President of the United States, which is not an offense against
the foundation of the United States, from, shall we say, the
great leader from New York.
And he {founded} this nation.  He actually pulled it
together, and got George Washington to pull it together, too.
And that’s how we got a United States.  And we have been
generally drifting up and down, ever since ever since the course
of time.
But we can do it.  {We can do it.}  We have better resources
than ever before.  But only a few of them have them.  Our job is
to spread, the knowledge, that we have, and to spread it to more
people, to create a unity of understanding, among the people of
the United States and elsewhere.

Q:  Hi, Lyn, how’s it going?  We’ve been doing a lot of work
in Brooklyn on this Italian question, back to the Italian
standard we were discussing before.  And quite generally we’ve
been working to push the Verdi tuning more prevalently amongst a
lot of thee older Italian opera singers.  In fact, one of these
Italian opera singers we met with earlier in the week, when
briefed on our mobilization around the Verdi tuning, she was very
moved; it wasn’t like–she didn’t just respond to the fact that
the Verdi tuning was just a better way of singing.  But she got
very moved because she knew that, “Ah, now you guys can do the
{Va Pensiero}.  And I can help teach you the {Va Pensiero}.”  So
she was moved on that level, that now we can actually communicate
the {idea} of the piece itself.
That same type of resonance around the music question,
around the Verdi tuning is similar to what we’re getting in the
response around even concert we’re doing with the {Messiah} in
Brooklyn.  From the business owners and the people generally in
the population, that when we present it from the standpoint that
we are going to use this, use the music question as a counter to
the homicides, the suicides, the police shootings, the mass
killings, people are responding in a similarly moving way.
And I just wanted to get your feedback, on what the effect
generally this is going to have on the population, generally?

LAROUCHE: Yes, I understand.  The point is the Italian
standard. Now I had exposed in Italy, and was a participant in a
celebration in honor of this work in Italy.  And I was a
participant in the centenary, in effect, of that period.
And what the Italian standard, as defined by that standard,
is probably the highest level of principled development of
musical development, known to me.  If anything matches that, it’s
not known to me.  And so Verdi is the standard for {all good
modern music}, as far as I know.  The perfections are great.
Now the next thing, you would have other things–the Spanish
thing is complicated, it’s a mess; the French language is a mess,
to deal with in music: it’s too much grunting and groaning
involved there.  And grunting and groaning is not good for the
musical mind.
And so what Verdi represented {is} the standard which should
set, {by Verdi’s strict standards}, as such, is the standard for
{all good music known to me}.  If it’s known to someone else,
we’ll have to talk about that.  But Verdi’s standard, as I
experienced it, at the celebration of his achievements–he was
then dead, of course; and so, we went to his headquarters where
he had lived; it was still his headquarters.  And we had a great
assembly among Italian musicians, and some Italian musicians who
were also functioning from the United States and so forth.  And
we had this great event, celebrating the work of Verdi. And that
standard is still the best.
After the Italian, you have some German work, in terms of
poetry and things like that which are better.  The French
language is a grunting language and it’s a very bad language the
way it’s used.  “Uhhnh, eehhnnn, hmm.”  Spanish similarly;
Portuguese similarly.  It does not produce good music.  And
there’s some German music which is good, but Verdi is better.
The Italian Verdi is much better.  That’s my knowledge.

Q: [follow-up] Just to follow up on that, what would you say
the overall impact is going to have is going to have on the
population when we do more of this?

LAROUCHE:  We’re going to do it.  And you know what we’re
going to do?  We’re going to take Manhattan — you may be
acquainted with that locality.  But that locality can be the
proper place within the United States as such, within Manhattan,
within the United States and bring in the Italian standard and
the things that portend to the edge, of the Italian Classical
standard. That’s the way to go.
And my conviction is that if we do that effectively, and we
do have some talent which can supply the training of some other
people, who have some skills of their own talent now, and can
acquire an improvement, copied on that talent, we can actually
change, not only the quality of music, in the United States, and
beyond, we can also create an improvement of the minds, of the
musicians, now.  Because by doing these things which are
themselves beautiful, and true, you make people stronger.  You
make them richer, in terms of what their lives mean to them and
to the people around them.
So the idea of the retuning, of music — shut down all this
crap!  Take the real standard required, for competent musical
composition, associate yourself with the best people in terms of
musicians, who could help to build the team, of a new musical
school, which is founded on the basis of, for example, exemplary,
the Italian school of Verdi, and  that itself, will make things
{much} better.  It’ll make it much better in Italy, too.

Q: [strong accent] When I left Russia, I hoped the end of my
life, I live in peace.  I found war outside and inside, every
time.  So I remember now two people, Hitler and Stalin.  I spent
50 years learning what happened to them.  I’ll just take three
minutes, not more.
Hitler’s performance was based on absolute stupidity, not
one reasonable step.  When Stalin routed him at Moscow in 1941,
then he understand that the war will be over.  After that four
years for Hitler, it was an effort to save his war, his Germany
and himself. In 1945, the war collapsed and he collapsed.  But
Germany remained.  It was the strongest nation in Europe, and
civilization, and what happened, that such a bastard, that he
In 1944, I was small, and my train was travelling from
Moscow to the Crimea, across the battle of Kursk.  We stopped.  I
saw a German cemetery; it was about 2 miles wide and 10 miles
long.  The crosses, beautiful German crosses, I don’t know where
they got the wood [to make them]; these were prairies.  And on
each cross, a German cask with bullets.  That was what you call a
“weapons row” [s/l 50:28.4].  They got territory.
One stupidity after another; miserable country.  And the one
gigantic, giant, one-sixth of the Earth, and then what happened,
I find very similar now.  It’s striking similarity!
Again, somebody makes war, and has no idea how it will end.
To start you know; to finish, nobody knows.  The Crimea, I  lived
in Crimea, but I don’t want to continue about that, but I simply
want to tell you what’s going on, reminds me of the same damned
situation between Hitler and Stalin.  A striking similarity.  A
lot of talk, a lot of things, and then a catastrophe.  That war,
10 million people; in Russia, 18 million, Germany 12.  It was a
[inaudible] and one fool could do it!
What’s going on now, you know better than I do.  Thank you.

LAROUCHE:  Thank you.

SPEED:  Lyn, that speaker is someone who, a couple years ago
when you were very much emphasizing the danger of nuclear war,
after Qaddafi, helped to convey a message.  And I’d just like for
you and everybody to know, that the idea that we are in the
throes of the end of humanity if we don’t get Obama out, is very,
very well understood by many people in the world.  I just wanted
to make that quick comment, and ask that the next questioners
come up.

LAROUCHE:  It registers.  I understand this.

Q:  Hi Lyn, it’s A– here,  in New York again.  We have, as
everyone knows, a weekend of concerts of coming up, and the
timing of this is no accident.  The crucial importance of it, is
obvious to us.  I’ve been, this past week, doing flyer
distribution and talking to individuals about the {Messiah} and I
can’t help but draw that, as confused and as concerned as people
are, the personal response I’m getting is a very welcomed and
openness to attending.  And I think we’re going to have a very
big turnout, at least from the Manhattan standpoint, and we still
have another week of talking to people and making these
And one of the things that’s kind of funny to me, in not so
much the distributions, but just in conversations with people,
we’re having a heat wave up here, and several people have said to
me — and Im not kidding — “Yes, it’s warm and that worries me.”
[laughs]  And so, I said, “well, you know, we’re singing Handel’s
{Messiah}” — I can’t even get into the global warming thing with
them!  — I tell them what we’re doing, and the response has been
very, very good.  This is not just from Boomers, these are
younger people;  I think the church that we’re using is unknown
to me, but very well known to people,  and so, there is something
different that is radiating from them.  And you oftentimes wonder
if it’s you yourself that’s kind of seeing this, but I don’t
think this was there before.  And where we are with the silliness
that people believe, and the insanity of the President, even
though they won’t talk about it, is something that’s affecting
them.  so they’re drawn to something like the {Messiah}.
My question to you is, now, once we complete this, I think
we’re going to be in a very strong position, to catalyze people.
And what is it that we should be looking to do, to make sure that
that happens, and we can make Manhattan really grow?

LAROUCHE:  Well, let’s go back, that, in October of last
year, I made a resolution, to free the United States from the
local states within it. And my conception was to look at what was
focussed on Alexander Hamilton, and to take the Hamiltonian
principle, which is a very useful one for all of these purposes,
and to say, let us create, again, something which is consistent
with the intention and the legacy of Classical musical
composition.  And what we did is, we found we were able to
influence musicians, some of them who are first-rate musicians,
performers, and others who are capable to be trained, to join the
company of musical performers.
The idea is that, and this would go largely to the area of
Manhattan and to certain areas around northern New Jersey, which
are that; and to some limited degree, to Boston and so forth,
there.  So, my view has been, we should go full speed for this
kind of program, on Classical music and related kinds of things.
And with a great emphasis on the Classical composition work.
That’s what we’ve been doing.
Now, we’ve got only in motion on this, because we are
bringing people together, who are resolved to carry this out.
The leading group of people around this group, are fully
qualified for that talent.  We have had experiments, in education
experiment, absolutely qualified.  We’ve had successes.  We
simply need to get more perfection and more breadth and more
depth in new areas of musical work; and people are coming to it.
So this is particularly in the Manhattan region.
Now, my view has been, is the idea of the United States as
being the ruling institution, I said, that’s crap!  I know the
Southern states of the United States, and most of them are crap.
I know it; and many of them who are intelligent, also know it.
but they go along with the yokel local stuff, and that local
yokel commitment destroys their ability to fulfill any mission
that they want to really get to.  So therefore, my view is, we
have Manhattan and the Manhattan area; and we have a spread into
certain areas in New England and certain other locations. We can
take what we have, as there and potential, serious potential,
work on that, and spread that from {that} region, into the rest
of the United States.
But the idea of the local yokel idea, in the state, is
stupid.  It doesn’t work!  It’s wrong!  You don’t develop
geniuses by training them to be fools.  And that’s the point. And
so, what we’ve got in the Manhattan area, with a certain group
around the northern parts of New Jersey, and you know what those
regions are; and Brooklyn, of course, is always included in
there; and we find that we have, in Manhattan and in the
adjoining area, there, we have, we have the potential of creating
a choral organization, or a nest of choral organizations, which
can bring a new spirit to the United States, through this
vicinity.  And we know you can’t do the job efficiently, if you
go at it in some other territories.  You have to go in and
{colonize}, these other states, and bring them to the reality of
the purpose of their life.

Q:  Hello, Lyn! [Bob Baker]  I wanted to attempt a question
regarding the impact of the Manhattan Project into the other
parts of the nation.  And from the standpoint, after a series of
meetings with farmers and ag producers in Iowa and Illinois, last
week, and the week before in Kansas and Missouri with cattlemen,
what I’ve come to understand, as many people know, is that the
state of the agriculture producers, is probably in a worse shape
now than it was in the 1970s:
Cattle prices have dropped 51%; in 1973, the price of corn
was $3.75 a bushel, and the price of good farmland was $700 [an
acre].  Today, the average price of good farmland is
$12,000-$15,000 an acre and the price of corn is — $3.75 a
So what you can see is, there’s been a massive leveraging,
and it’s all coming from the Wall Street process, to where, now,
the majority of the livestock produced in the areas, is under
contracts with big packing plants which are all connected to the
Wall Street banks.  So in effect, what you’ve done is, you’ve
moved the independent, owner-operator farm, into a process where
the farmer’s building buildings, providing the land, supporting
the debt, and now he gets, a fee, to work on his farm for a big
packing plant of some kind; to raise crops for them or livestock.
What that’s done is that’s brought into the understanding of
almost everybody agriculture, is that this situation cannot
continue.  And what you see is, you see the most advanced
technology, things that you would just think about were  only
done by the rover on Mars, in terms of technology, is being used
by the average high-tech farmer today, in putting in his crops
with the GPS modern technology. So it’s very productive and very
efficient — except they’re becoming slaves to a financial
Now, as a counter to that, the Manhattan Project has
influenced some people, farmers in certain areas; and in one
case, farmers who were facing a situation where their local
church was going to be knocked down, and they fought that.  Their
ancestors came from Germany, they fought to keep it, and a couple
farmers, after being connected with your type of thinking and the
Manhattan Project and Classical music, set in motion to have
Classical concerts in the church — which had never happened
before, since it was erected.
And what happened is, the one farmer commented, he said, “I
never saw so many grown men pull their hanky out” [pauses,
emotionally moved] “and wipe tears out of their eyes.”
I would like you to comment on that, in terms of the
Manhattan Project’s effect on the nation.

LAROUCHE:  This is obvious, absolutely obvious.  This is the
course that we must take, there’s no other course that’s going to
work. Agriculture, everything, the whole thing is one thing.  All
you have to do is say, “what did we lose? What was destroyed that
we had, in terms of earlier generations and earlier decades of
the population?”  And when you look at that, and you look at what
I saw while I was part of the Reagan administration, in that
period, there’s been a general trend of degeneration, of the
opportunities and resources, of the people of the United States.
We have to {eliminate} that discrepancy between the two
values, and go beyond that in terms of progress, directedly. We
can do that and we {must} do that, and we must not accept
anything {less}, than that direction of achievement.  It has to
happen fast, it has to happen now, it’s necessary to bring the
nations in general, like the nations of Asia, like China, like
India, like other nations in other parts of the world; in Africa,
in other parts of that world; in South America, to bring South
America and Central America and bring them back into a productive
role of mankind. {We must do that on a global scale.}  We must
bring those nations together for unification, of realizing, that
is, actually realizing, {physically realizing}, the
reconstruction of the productive powers of labor, and of the
human mind:  That has to be done! That is a mission which we must
never abandon.  And we must keep going, once we’ve gotten to that

Q:  Mr. LaRouche, good afternoon.  R– from Brooklyn.  In
the past, you’ve talked about the Galactic coordinates; I’ve
found in talking to people, various persons, college graduates,
that global warming is not happening; that the education is so
bad, that I have to explain the Galactic coordinates.  What do
you think about this?

LAROUCHE:  Well, of course this is obvious.  The point is,
since the beginning of, well, shall we say, the Reagan
administration, the first part of the Reagan administration,
before the Bush family really got moved in there; and there’s
been a consistent degeneration.  See the last time we had an
achievement was when I won a victory, in Manhattan, at the
beginning in, in 1971, and we won then on that case, and we’ve
been losing ever since.  And when I came into the Presidency,
under the Presidency of Ronald Reagan, was a part of a middle
area, when we still had the potential at that point, of getting
progress again.
But when Reagan was actually almost killed, by a member of
his own Bush family, the trend has been {downward}, ever since.
And the rate of downwardness has tended to be predominantly, an
increasing rate of stupidity, the destruction of ideas.
So therefore, once we take that into account, we have a
mission to perform.  It’s a mission in which mankind demands for
the sake of mankind as such.  We cannot accept anything less. And
it is {achievable}!  It is an achievable event!

Q: [follow-up]  I take it that that if the Manhattan project
is successful, we will have an effect on the educational system?

LAROUCHE:  Absolutely.  That’s the only answer.  That’s the
only possibility.

Q:  Mr. LaRouche, it’s W–  from the Bronx.  I just wanted
to know, what do you think about Trump and a lot of his influence
here in the New York City?

LAROUCHE:  I think a Trump is an insult against elephants.
He’s a kind of animal we don’t want, a Trump.  And a Trump is
also a piece of folly, even in the gambling business.
Now, I hope that makes your day sweeter.

Q: [follow-up]  Yes, thank you. Thank you.  A lot of my
friends seem to like him, and I don’t understand them.

SPEED:  Wow — well, we all have friends like that.  The
ones we need to “unfriend”!  [laughter]

Q:  Or uplift!

LAROUCHE:  How are you, young man?

SPEED: Well, I have a story for you.  There is a recent
movie made, and there is an earlier documentary, about the August
1974 walk, between the two towers of the World Trade Center.
There was a Frenchman, 24 years old, who one night, with a team,
put a wire up between the two Towers; and he walked for 45
minutes between the two Towers.  {Except}, when the police went
to apprehend him — and there is documentary footage of the
actual policeman speaking in 1974,  — he said, “well, he wasn’t
really walking.  The only thing that you can say is that he was
Now, when this was said at the time, when I saw it, I just
thought, well, there was somehow an athletic achievement.  No!
Because the wire-walker explained, in a brief discussion, he
said, “no, well, there’s a technical name for this, it’s called a
catenary, but let me just tell you want I did.” And so he goes on
and never says more.  But he had learned the technique — he was
not a member of a circus.  He had studied various circuses, and
he also was a bit of an artist himself; he did a lot of drawings
of a lot of different constructions.  But I only bring this up
because, what you were saying earlier about the rope dance and
the fact that there are people who {knew} this, and that this is
something that {is} known and is a physical knowledge that people
have.  I thought I would just tell you that.
We’re looking for the gentleman who did it; he happens to
live in New York City these days, and to see what he might have
to say about all this.
So I just wanted to tell you that story.
I guess, if there are no other questions, we have a choral
rehearsal and other things we have to do this evening.  So Lyn,
I’d like you to give us some final remarks and we’ll get to work.

LAROUCHE:  OK, that’s a good idea!  Well, I think I have
spoken my speaking on this question today.  And I think it’s
something which, by its nature, is something which demands a
continuity of realization.  And so, I hope what we’ve done so far
in terms of this particular session, that will be something which
will lead to a profitable benefit for the people who were
involved in this work.

SPEED:  OK!  Well, thank you. So on behalf of everybody
here:  Thank you very much, Lyn. Let’s let Lyn know we appreciate
what he just did for us. [applause]





Diskussion med Lyndon LaRouche, 3. december 2015:
Fremskridt er altid en revolutionær proces,
og en revolution af en sådan art
må være en genial handling

Der findes ingen evolutionsproces, når det kommer til udviklingen af menneskets kultur. Der er visse virkninger, som indtræder på visse tidspunkter. Men så, pludseligt, kollapser hele kulturen og forsvinder, den bliver slagtet. Så kommer der senere en anden, som bevirker noget nyt og giver menneskeheden en ny chance for fremskridt. Og vores opgave er at forstå, hvordan fremskridt fungerer, og det er ikke en evolutionær proces. Det er altid en revolutionær proces, aldrig en evolutionær proces!

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Diskussion med Lyndon LaRouche
25. november 2015:
»Obama har organiseret en krigshandling
og har således sat USA, såvel som resten
af menneskeheden, i fare.

Uddrag af Lyndon LaRouches diskussion med aktivister i hele USA den 25. november. LaRouche: Godt, først og fremmest er det, som man skal bekymre sig om, det, som vi har brug for, Glass-Steagall. Og Glass-Steagall, hvis den bliver gennemført på rette vis nu, vil betyde, at vi automatisk – i hele USA i hvert fald, ville vi lukke alt det, der er baseret på investeringsbankpraksis, der ikke følger Glass-Steagall-standarden, fuldstændigt ned. Sagt på en anden måde: Vi ville gå tilbage til den form for system, som Franklin Roosevelt repræsenterede i løbet af sin præsidentperiode, især i løbet af 1930’erne.

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Video: Lyndon LaRouche: Om Det amerikanske, økonomiske System. Dansk udskrift

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19. nov. 2015: Lyndon LaRouche
diskuterer med aktivister i hele USA, hvad der må gøres for
at redde USA, og resten af verden, fra krig, terror og kollaps

Vi skal stoppe dem, og det betyder, at borgerne må vedtage en politik, hvor de siger ”Vi stopper dem!” Det er muligt. Så vi har set, hvordan folk bliver myrdet i denne hændelse, men hvorfor bliver de myrdet? Fordi ingen var opmærksomme på, at de var mordere. Det er problemet.

Og derfor betaler Frankrig f.eks. en høj pris, fordi Frankrigs regering ikke var opmærksom på den åbenlyse trussel mod Frankrig. Og nu skammer den franske regering sig, og det er godt for dem. For nu har de en regulær grund til at sikre, at de ikke længere tolererer det, de tolererede alt for længe. Og det samme er tilfældet i andre dele af Europa. Og der er forskellige slags institutioner i forskellige dele af Europa, der har samme problem.

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12. nov. 2015: Lyndon LaRouche diskuterer med aktivister:
Der er ingen plads til Wall Street;
der er ingen plads til Obama!

LaRouche: Okay. Der er ingen grund til, at vi nogensinde behøvede at tolerere afskaffelsen af Glass-Steagall. Glass/Steagall-loven blev indført af præsident Franklin Roosevelt. Og alt, hvad Franklin Roosevelt gjorde imod Wall Street-slænget, var dårligt for Wall Street.

Så i samme øjeblik, som Roosevelt døde, tog Wall Street over, og det blev værre og værre og værre. Og i efterkrigstiden opdelte man den ameri-kanske befolkning, og der var dem, som blev ’underdog’ (lavest i hakkeordenen) og dem, som var bagdels-kyssere. Og jeg vil gerne forsikre dig om, at det ikke virkede særlig godt.

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5. november 2015: Lyndon LaRouche diskuterer med aktivister:
»Hvordan man åbner porten til økonomisk genrejsning?«
»Vi må smide Obama ud af embedet;
vi må smide Wall Street ud i grøften!«

Vejen til løsningen er at lukke Wall Street ned. Simpelt hen lukke det ned. Hvad betyder så det? Det betyder, at vi ikke længere betaler Wall Street. Vi bemyndiger ikke anvendelsen af Wall Street-penge som USA’s valuta. Det bliver løftet fra USA’s valuta. Det bruges ikke længere som valuta i og af USA. Vi stopper det! Bare sådan! Og det er vidunderligt. Det er smukt. Hvad sker der så? Ja, man må tilbage til Franklin Roosevelt og det, han gjorde, hans reform mod Wall Street. Så vi har et fint, lille fortilfælde. Luk Wall Street ned. Betal dem ikke noget som helst! Erklær dem bankerot! Vi vil ikke have dem! Vi har ikke brug for dem i USA, vil ikke have dem i USA! Måske kan vi lære dem at lave tønder, eller sådan noget, eller at lave noget nyttigt; men Wall Street fortjener ingen som helst understøttelse. Ingen som helst finansiel understøttelse overhovedet! Når vi først sparker Wall Streets praksis ud, kan menneskeheden begynde at fungere.

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Leder, 27. oktober 2015:
Ruslands og Kinas verdenslederskab er
afgørende nu, hvor Det britiske Imperium
står for fald

En nyligt deklassificeret rapport fra 1990, der blev udfærdiget af Præsidentens Efterretnings-Råd (eng.: PFIAB) viste, at truslen om en atomkrig i 1983, ud fra et sovjetisk perspektiv, var blevet drastisk undervurderet af den amerikanske efterretningstjeneste, hvilket skabte en meget reel fare for atomkrig på daværende tidspunkt. Lyndon LaRouche henviste til denne rapport som værende en afgørende markør for det amerikanske lederskabs forfald efter dette tidspunkt, baseret på LaRouches eget kendskab til den situation, som rapporten omhandler – selv om der ikke blev henvist til disse kendsgerninger i selve PFIAB-rapporten.

Kendsgerningen er, at daværende præsident Ronald Reagan den 23. marts 1983 havde vedtaget det forslag, som LaRouche havde udarbejdet, om et fælles udviklingsprojekt mellem USA og Sovjetunionen om at bygge et rumbaseret, anti-missilsystem, baseret på nye, videnskabelige principper (partikelstråle- og laserstrålesystemer), som ville have gjort en ende på den ekstreme fare, der hidrørte fra politikken med »Gensidigt Garanteret Ødelæggelse« (Mutually Assured Destruction, MAD), en politik, der er baseret på at fastholde verden opdelt i Øst og Vest, og hvor begge sider retter massive arsenaler af atomvåben, der kan udløses ved mindste varsel, mod hinanden.

Mordforsøget på Ronald Reagan, der blev udført af en bekendt af Bush-familien kort tid efter Reagans indsættelse, havde nær afsluttet dette historiske samarbejde mellem Reagan og LaRouche, men Reagan overlevede og annoncerede programmet under navnet Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) (Strategisk Forsvarsinitiativ). Men britiske interesser i både USSR og USA saboterede indsatsen – en proces, der reflekteres i PFIAB’s indrømmelse af efterretningsfiaskoen fra 1983 vedr. truslen om atomkrig.

Siden denne sabotage af SDI og Reagans erstatning med den forræderiske Bush-familie i tre embedsperioder og Obama i to perioder, har der i USA været et udtalt forfald ned i økonomisk og strategisk vanvid, der har muliggjort Wall Streets og City of Londons bankinteressers dominans over regeringen, og som har lanceret den ene krig efter den anden i kolonialistisk stil over hele planeten og drevet den vestlige verden ud i kaos, som det nu reflekteres i flygtningekatastrofen i Sydvestasien og Europa.

SE »den fulde historie om SDI« 

Med skabelsen af BRIKS og dettes nye finansinstitutioner, der er helliget international infrastrukturudvikling, samt præsident Putins fremragende flankeoperation i Syrien, er verden nu i en position, hvor Det britiske Imperium langt om længe kan blive stedt til hvile. Obama, og Hillary Clinton (der underkastede sig Obamas ondskab), er blevet afsløret som støtter af terrorisme med det formål at opnå »regimeskift« over for nationer, der nægter at underkaste sig, og som beskyttere af de morderiske finansfyrster på Wall Street ved at afvise den nødvendige genindførelse af Glass-Steagall, der skal underkaste Wall Street en konkursbehandling.

De interventioner, som talsfolk fra LaRouchePAC i løbet af de seneste uger på Manhattan og andre steder i hele USA har gennemført, har fået repræsentanter fra Imperiet til at søge dækning med den voksende bevidsthed om sandheden af deres forbrydelser, der er blevet offentligt udtalt og har ødelagt deres evne til at hjernevaske og tvinge godtroende amerikanere. Tiden er inde til at lukke Wall Street ned, fjerne Obama og til, at solen endeligt må gå ned over Det britiske Imperium.

Se: En kort gennemgang af historien om LaRouches Strategiske Forsvarsinitiativ, fra LPAC (Jeff Steinberg)





USA; Hele verden: LPAC’s landsdækkende aktionsuge: Vedtag Glass-Steagall nu.
LPAC-TV: The Takedown of Glass-Steagall

Over hele USA, men især i NYC, mobiliserer LPAC i højeste gear for en omgående vedtagelse af Glass-Steagall, før det uafvendelige Wall Street-krak indtræffer og kaster ikke blot USA, men hele verden ud i kaos. De kæmper ikke blot for USA ’lokalt’, men også for os her i Europa. Kontakt os og tag kampen op: Glass-Steagall, ikke kaos!

Schiller Instituttets Aktionscenter DK 

Følg med i LPAC’s afgørende kamp i USA her:

Lyndon LaRouches opråb til en fuldt optrappet indsats for at komme Wall St.’s krak i forkøbet med Glass-Steagall, 5. okt. 2015


Kend hele historien:

LPACTV: The Takedown of Glass-Steagall – Feature Film:




Lyndon LaRouche: Der eksisterer nu en AKUT NØDTILSTAND:
7 punkter til omgående behandling af kongres-
medlemmer, senatorer og andre medlemmer af USA’s regering

5. oktober 2015: 

1) En akut nødtilstand eksisterer nu, der truer med at dræbe millioner af amerikanere, primært, og også borgere i andre lande.

2) Dette skyldes umiddelbart Wall Streets bankerot. ..

3) Hvis Wall Street får lov til atter at nedsmelte … vil resultatet blive historiens værste panik … Vi vil få massive tabstal, på samme skala som den Sorte Død, der udslettede en tredjedel af Europas befolkning. Endnu en bailout af Wall Street, som Obama vil kræve, hvis han får lov til at blive i embedet, ville udløse en hyperinflation med samme, dødbringende virkning… 

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Leder, 9. oktober 2015:
De sagde, det aldrig kunne ske; men
LaRouche holdt skansen, og nu er det sket

»Russerne er her for at vinde krigen; dette ved alle.« Ali Hashem, chefnyhedskorrespondent for Al Mayadeen News Network, skrev disse ord den 7. oktober i Al-Monitor, idet han citerede en af sine libanesiske kilder. Jo, det er absolut sandt, og det ved enhver, der har nogen bevidsthed om dette. Efter måneders planlægning er Putin gået ind i krigen for at vinde. Dette finder amerikanere endnu umuligt at tro på, for vores land har været i krig i de fleste år, siden Anden Verdenskrig – men ikke for at vinde. Aldrig for at vinde. Faktisk det stik modsatte – de krige, som Det britiske Imperium har kastet os ud i, som f.eks. via Barack Obama, har været evindelige krige, hvis formål var at skabe kaos, befolkningsreduktion og De forenede Staters ødelæggelse. Ingen sejrs-krige. Men ikke desto mindre, så gik Putin faktisk ind i krigen for at vinde; det er hans plan at vinde.

I dag er Dag 2 i en »storslået offensiv«, som den Syriske Hær udtrykker det, hvor russiske flystyrker for første gang direkte har leveret støtte til syriske tropper i kamp.

Og det drejer sig ikke engang blot om krigen som sådan. Hvad vigtigere er, så har denne alliance fuldstændig givet Syrien nyt liv.

Nej, intet er som før. Alt har ændret sig.

Det, der nu sker i Syrien, og i realiteten meget mere bredt, er nøjagtigt, hvad LaRouche sagde, måtte ske. Alle andre sagde, »Jeg er enig i, at det skal til, men det kan ikke ske«. LaRouche havde ret. Nu siger de, »Ja, Wall Street må lukkes ned – jeg er enig i, at det skal til – men det kan ikke ske«. Hvem vil, til slut, vise sig at have haft ret?

Det vil Lyndon LaRouche. Under et møde med medarbejdere anvendte han i store træk følgende vendinger.

Obamas flippen ud fortsætter med at spinde ud af kontrol; alt, hvad han gør, sprænges i stykker. Der er panik i Det Hvide Hus: man kan forvente selvpåførte skader og afstraffelser. Obama må bringes til fald! Luk Wall Street ned, og man lukker samtidig Obama ned.

Som helhed er USA’s lederskab afskyeligt. Sammenlign det med den moralske stemning, der er vokset frem i Tyskland som svar på flygtningekrisen. Havde det ikke været for Putin, ville vi alle have været døde. Ved roden til problemet med USA finder vi det faktum, at det er et forbryderisk, råddent samfund. Men samtidig er der nogle amerikanere, såsom nogle af vore militære kommandoofficerer, der har en ophøjet ansvarsfølelse, som undertiden går langt ud over deres formelle ansvar. Som for eksempel, at gå imod Obama.

Kan man fortælle Obama sandheden? Nej. Merkel er mere lydhør, men det ligger på falderebet, om hun kan bevare magten, eller om hun vil blive erstattet af kræfter, der er langt værre end selv finansminister Wolfgang Schäuble.

Problemet er, at det tyvende århundredes ideologi ikke virker. Det tyvende århundrede har erstattet moralitet med matematik.

Obamas indflydelse over Hillary Clinton er ved at kollapse, og hun er ved at forlade ham. Han bliver afvist af demokrater og andre; der er ingen, der forsvarer ham. Når vi siger til dem, at han må fjernes, så, i stedet for at sige »Nej«, som de gjorde før, siger de nu, at de er enige og spørger, hvordan det kan gøres.

Alt dette lå bare og ventede på at ske, frem til det øjeblik, hvor det hele blev udløst af Putins dristige handling. Det, Putin har gjort, er tydeligt – se blot på hans familiebaggrund i Anden Verdenskrig, med den måde, han ser tingene på. Dette er generelt atypisk for Europa. Han er en mand, der har en følelse af et moralsk formål og en mission, og som ikke kan afledes eller køres ud på et sidespor. Putin gør i Syrien det, som LaRouche forventede, han ville gøre.

I mellemtiden er der, i den amerikanske, præsidentielle udvælgelsesproces, ingen enkelt kandidat, der træder frem som en person, der er klar til at gøre, hvad der er nødvendigt. Vi må have en proces, der involverer flere kandidater, der kan bidrage hertil. Vi må opbygge et forenet, præsidentielt team omkring en mission, snarere end omkring en bestemt person.

Kerry er i stand til at handle i modstrid med Obamas sindssyge politik, fordi han ved, at han har støtte til det, og at Obama er blevet vraget. Vi må nu bringe dette videre til næste trin.