Den underliggende positive dynamik i Verden som det Britiske Imperium
prøver på at holde skjult for dig

Hvis man lytter til de vestlige nyhedsmedier, skulle man tro, at verden er helt kaotisk og uden noget ordnende princip overhovedet. Ved imidlertid at træde to skridt tilbage og sætte amerikanske og europæiske “aktuelle begivenheder” i sammenhæng med det der sker i resten af verden, er det lettere at se, at hvad der foregår i Vesten er etablissementets reaktion på de positive kræfter for forandring, der er på spil over hele kloden. Samtalerne mellem Xi og Kim bevæger sig fremad, og foregriber et muligt andet topmøde mellem Trump og Kim; potentielle fremskridt i samhandelsdrøftelserne mellem USA og Kina; Trumps beslutning om at trække USA ud af Syrien i forbindelse med Astana-processen; Kinas succesfulde landing af Chang’e 4-fartøjet på den fjerne side af månen, og meget mere. Hør med når Schiller Instituttets grundlægger, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, og Harley Schlanger diskuterer alt det, som medierne forsøger at skjule for dig!


POLITISK ORIENTERING den 10. januar 2019:
Velkommen til 2019: Ud af kaos kan skabes en ny bedre verdensorden

Med formand Tom Gillesberg

Kinas Chang’e-4 mission til Månens bagside indleder en ny æra.
Tirsdagens brexit-afstemning: Hvad sker der bagefter?
De gule Vestes er en massestrejke i Frankrig.
Trump trækker de amerikanske styrker ud af Syrien.
Finanssystemets fortsatte disintegration.
Yemenitiske fredsforhandlinger.
Folketingsvalg i Danmark.
Kattegat-broen: Bilbro eller en kombineret bil- og togbro?


Løgnene imod Kina, Rusland og Trump kommer fra de britiske neoliberale,
som har bragt deres eget system på fallittens rand.

Uddrag fra Helga Zepp-LaRouches webcast –

Løgnene imod Kina, Rusland og Trump kommer fra de britiske neoliberale, som har bragt deres eget system på fallittens rand.

Med den succes som Kina har haft med at hæve levestandarden for befolkningen i de sidste fire årtier, hvorfor bliver landet så udsat for en kampagne med sådanne “ondsindede fabrikationer” (i Foreign Affairs, ARTE-dokumentar og i medierne generelt) – især da Kina arbejder for at hjælpe andre nationer med at opnå lignende resultater med sit Bælte og Vej-Initiativ? Hvorfor de konstante angreb på Putin og Rusland? Og hvorfor optrapningen af Mueller imod Trump, da han ikke har fremlagt noget bevis for “russisk indblanding”, hvilket er hvad Russiagate skulle dreje sig om?

I dagens webcast opfordrer Helga Zepp-LaRouche seerne til at studere de store filosoffers værker, herunder Platon, Cusa, Leibniz, Schiller, Einstein og hendes mand Lyndon LaRouche, for at udvikle deres evne til at lytte til deres egen indre stemme for at være i stand til at ”tænke selv”, så de kan besvare disse spørgsmål for sig selv.

Mens det britiske Overhus beklager udsigten til afslutningen af det “særlige forhold” (mellem Storbritannien og USA, red.), tog Trump to store skridt væk fra det gamle paradigme, og indvilligede i at arbejde sammen med Mexico i projekter om økonomisk udvikling i Mellemamerika, og annoncerede afslutningen af USA’s militære intervention i Syrien.

Hun opfordrede vores seere til at bruge ferien til at læse og diskutere gode ideer med familie og venner.


POLITISK ORIENTERING den 13. december 2018: EU i opløsning:
Fransk protestbevægelse seneste udtryk for oprør fra Vestens befolkning

Med formand Tom Gillesberg


1. del: Indlæg:

2. del: Diskussion:

Afskriftet af Helga Zepp-LaRouches tale til Schiller Instituttets og EIR’s
seminar for diplomater den 29. november 2018

(Vi er i gang med at oversætte talen til dansk.)

Helga Zepp-LaRouche addressed the seminar via video conference from Germany. In addition EIR Economics Editor Paul Gallagher by pre-recorded video from Virginia, and Hussein Askary in person addressed the seminar in Copenhagen. Diplomats from nine countries attended the seminar, as well as members and contacts of The Schiller Institute.

TOM GILLESBERG: Helga Zepp-LaRouche was very beautifully introduced, I think, by Hussein Askary, in his presentation going through the fantastic road. She as the founder of the Schiller Institute has taken upon herself as the “Silk Road Lady” in bringing about this Belt and Road policy, the New Silk Road policy. So we are very proud and very happy to be able to have her on here live to discuss what is in the situation the world is in right now, after the U.S. midterm elections, and here, the day before we’ll have the G20 summit taking place in Buenos Aires.

So, Helga, thank you for being here with us. The word is yours.

HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Well, I want to say hello to you and I’m very happy to be able to speak to you, even if it’s only via video. Obviously, we have reached a very important point in history, and for once, I have to agree with President Macron of France, who just said that the upcoming G20 meeting better produce some real results, or else, such a gathering of the heads of state would be even counterproductive.

Now, I agree with that.

We have made a campaign for the last several weeks and actually months, that basically what should be the outcome of this G20 meeting. Given the fact that we have both war danger, as was demonstrated very acutely again in the case of the incident in near the Kerch Bridge in the Black Sea, and the general situation between the major nuclear powers is not exactly a calm one, so we have the danger of nuclear war, potentially. Then, we have the immediate danger of a repetition of the financial crash of 2008, except this time, it could be much, much worse, because all the parameters are much worse than in 2008.

In light of these two existential crises, we have defined what should be the outcome of either the G20 meeting or, at least, of those heads of state where one can expect they can go in the direction of establishing a new paradigm: And that refers to President Trump, Putin, Xi Jinping, Prime Minister Modi, and possibly others, Prime Minister Abe, and maybe some other heads of state and government. And what we defined as the absolutely necessary outcome, is that they establish a New Bretton Woods system to replace the presently completely bankrupt financial system, with a New Bretton Woods, which would be in the position of the old Bretton Woods system, however it would include the added features which Franklin D. Roosevelt originally wanted, namely, to end colonialism for the developing sector, which then, unfortunately was not implemented, because Roosevelt died, and the Bretton Woods was established by Truman and Churchill, at least under their political guidance.

And obviously, a New Bretton Woods would only function if it is accompanied by Four Laws which were defined by Lyndon LaRouche already in 2014, as the absolutely necessary changes in the financial and economic system, being: first, the implementation of Glass-Steagall banking separation; secondly to go to a national bank, to bring the power of credit generation back under the control sovereign powers, under the sovereign control of governments; and thirdly, to create an international credit system; and fourthly, to increase the productivity of the world economy by going for a crash program for a fusion economy and establish more close international space cooperation to get the necessary increase in the productivity of the world economy.

Given the fact that it cannot be expected that all countries of the G20 will agree with that — I can easily imagine that those which are absolutely tied to the City of London and the opposition to Trump coming from Wall Street, that there will be some countries that will absolutely oppose such a solution. And therefore, we have proposed that it can only be the cooperation of those countries which are powerful enough to resist the power of these financial centers, London and Wall Street, and that can only be: President Trump, President Xi Jinping, President Putin, and prime Minister Modi, the four powers together, which represent both the largest nuclear powers, the largest economies, the largest populations, that they have to work together.

Obviously, that potential exists. And since President Trump has again and again reiterated, in the election campaign and again after he became President, that he wants to improve the relationship with Russia, and the entire Russiagate was launched in order to prevent that from happening. Now, Russiagate, by now, is pretty much discredited, and despite the tensions with China on the trade issue, there are positive signs that both China and the United States may be willing to find an agreement to overcome the present war of tariffs.

That potential clearly exists, and it is very obvious, that on that hangs the question, will mankind be able, in light of existential dangers, be able to give itself a governance, structure of government, which allows the long-term sustainability of the world population. And that that is a very acute question you could see, for example, by the fact that the present Chinese ambassador to the United States Cui Tiankai just yesterday issued a very clear warning that the world must learn the lessons of the Great Depression of the 1930s, resulting in World War II, and he warns that the inability to resolve the present tensions could lead to a new world war, and a new financial crisis worse than the Depression of ’30s.

The same Ambassador Cui, already in a speech about a year ago in New York, had basically posed the question: What is going to be the relation between the United States and China? He said that in history, there were 16 cases where the dominant power was replaced by a rising power — referring obviously to the present situation between the United States and China — and that in 12 cases, this led to a big war; in 4 cases, it led to a situation where the rising power simply replaced the up to that point dominant power, and it did not lead to war. And he emphasized that China does not want, at all, either, naturally the situation of war, but it also does not attempt to replace the United States as a dominant power in the world, but that the policy of China is propose a completely new set of international relations of a win-win cooperation between sovereign powers and respect for the sovereignty of the other, respect for the different social system of the other country without interfering into the internal affairs, and simply have a cooperation for the mutual benefit of all participating in this new system.

And that is, in my view, what we have seen in reality in the last five years, since President Xi Jinping proposed the New Silk Road in Kazakhstan in September 2013. And we have seen the enormous development of the New Silk Road in the meantime, including more than 100 countries and having completely transformed the spirit in Africa, which has been caught by the Spirit of the New Silk Road due to massive investments in infrastructure, industrial parks, energy projects and similar things. The same is true for almost all of Latin America, many countries in Asia and even some Europe countries which are absolutely seeing the advantages of cooperating with this new system.

Now, it took the West, or better, Western think tanks and media, almost four years before they even admitted that this was going on. I mean, this was going a spectacle: Because here you have the largest infrastructure project in history, ever, already now about 30 times as big as the Marshall Plan, and the Western media would not take note of it! Then, about a year ago, they realized this was absolutely unstoppable, so they started a whole barrage of slanders and attacks on this New Silk Road, and quite telling, was that the channel of the Anglo-American establishment, the New York Times, over the last weekend and the weekend before, had I think altogether some 10 or 12 articles on the New Silk Road, in which they admit, basically, well, it’s unstoppable, it’s here, the West was completely wrong by thinking that if you offer to China to be a member of the WTO and join the free trade system, that eventually China would take over the Western liberal system, Western democracy, or, if they would refuse that, they would simply collapse under the burden of an autocratic leadership.

And the New York Times begrudgingly admits that this was a wrong estimate, that China had not adopted the Western democracy model, and it for sure has not collapsed. But it has the astounding recording of 40 years of uninterrupted economic growth rates, which have completely transformed not only China, but also much of the world economy, and that China now has a middle-class, well-to-do part of the population of 400 million, and this will be doubled in the next 10 years. And basically, the Chinese model is attractive to many countries in the world.

They basically say, as a conclusion, that the only way to deal with that is the effort to contain China, and if need be, confrontation and even war. And some American general has already said a couple of weeks ago that a war between the United States and China is more likely in the next 50 years, than not.

So this is obviously the famous “Thucydides trap”: This refers to the situation in ancient Greece, the rivalry between Athens and Sparta, which led to the Peloponnesian War, and as a consequence — which people don’t usually mention, when they talk about the “Thucydides trap” — the demise and collapse of ancient Greece.

That is the obvious question: Can the West relate to the fact that China is rising, that there is nothing you can do about it, because, first of all, China was a country which was the leading economic and cultural power over many centuries for the last millennia, with only a very short interruption. And it is deciding to go back, not to replace other countries, but to take a leading role on the world stage. And since the Chinese government has a policy which allows it to do that, mainly by putting the emphasis on continuous innovation, of leapfrogging to the most advanced technologies, of putting a lot of emphasis — they have the most advanced fusion power research program; they have a very, very advanced space exploration program; and they are putting a lot of emphasis on education, excellence in education for the young people, combined with Xi Jinping emphasizing the need to have especially an aesthetical education of the youth, and also the older people. Because aesthetical education goes in the direction of the beauty of the mind and the beauty of the soul.

And given the fact that China has a population of 1.4 billion people, the idea of the West that it would be possible to contain this without war is ludicrous. And if it comes to war, it should be noted that there are many military experts who make the point that once you start to use only one nuclear weapon, it is the logic of nuclear weapons, in complete contrast to traditional, conventional weaponry, that all weapons will be used. And that would obviously would mean the annihilation of human civilization.

So, this paradox obviously exists, and it is the view of the Schiller Institute that it can only be overcome by winning the West, winning countries of the world over to join in the new paradigm in a win-win cooperation.

Now, that the danger of war is very real, we just saw in the incident involving provocation by Ukrainian warships in the Black Sea, close to the Sea of Azov and the Kerch Bridge. And some people in Ukraine already having proposed some weeks ago, that the newly built bridge between Russia and Crimea, should be blown up. This was obviously an incident a couple of days ago [Nov. 25], whereby Ukrainian warships did not follow the rules which are otherwise established between Russia and Ukraine, to announce their intention to pass through the Kerch Strait; so they will held up by the Russian military; the crews were basically arrested and interrogated, and in the meantime, written material has been found with this crew, which instructs them not to announce themselves, to go to this point of the Kerch Strait in secrecy, clearly indicating a provocation.

What happened, was, immediately, the war-hawks, like NATO General Secretary Jens Stoltenberg, immediately said NATO fully on the side of Ukraine; and some other hawks, immediately, like representatives of the Integrity Initiative — about which I will same something in a second — immediately said that NATO should send a whole flotilla into the Sea of Azov.

Now, this was absolutely denounced by President Putin yesterday, who waited a couple of days, and then basically said this was a clearly preplanned provocation, and the big fault lies with the nations of the West, who, without thinking immediately take the side of Ukraine. And in his typical Putin humor, even said, if Ukraine would demand to eat babies for breakfast, the West would immediately agree.

And this was also strongly denounced by the former Chairman of the NATO Military Committee, who had also been the Chief of Staff of the German military before that, Gen. Harald Kujat, who denounced Stoltenberg, and said he made a grave mistake: That in an incident like that, it is of the utmost importance that it be investigated and the other nations should not beat it up, but try to deescalate the whole situation. Fortunately, most of the West European governments did, because they obviously realized that a war between Ukraine and Russia could completely go out of control in no time and lead to a World War III.

So I think that this incident, in which the danger is not yet over because Poroshenko announced martial law in parts of Ukraine, and our dear friend Natalia Vitrenko, a Ukrainian politician, warned that this means Poroshenko is actually establishing a dictatorship in Ukraine — martial law, eliminating all kinds of civil rights, being an extremely hot situation.

Now, who is the instigator of this whole provocation? If you look at the fact that just recently, a couple of days ago, it was revealed that there is this thing called “Integrity Initiative.” This is a very strange institution. It’s basically run out of British embassies all over the world, and it is actually a subdivision of British intelligence. One of their spokesmen, Edward Lucas came out in the context of this Ukraine crisis, and immediately said: This is completely like Nazi Germany attacking Poland in 1939, and demanding an immediate escalation, sending warships into the Black Sea, in a clear provocation.

What is this Integrity Initiative? The new British Chief of General Staff Gen. Mark Carleton-Smith said Russia is a greater danger to the U.K. than ISIS or al-Qaeda, in a completely war-mongering statement. So what this Integrity Initiative outfit does, is they have defined so-called “cluster groups,” in all kinds of countries; and if you look at their website and look at the names of the people involved, it is the Cold War faction all over the world. For example, in the United States, it involves Ian Brzezinski, the son of infamous Zbigniew Brzezinski, of the {Great Chessboard} infamy, and this Ian Brzezinski is a leading member of the Atlantic Council, which can be really regarded as one of these subdivisions of the Anglo-American empire, or the British intelligence. And in Germany, it involves Gen. Klaus Naumann, who is famous for his Cold War attitudes towards Russia. So it is this apparatus which is basically sticking to the idea that you need to have a geopolitical confrontation with Russia and with China. And this is the faction which brings about the war danger in the closest fashion.

Now, we have to get over the idea that the world forever needs to be divided into geopolitical blocs, where you have one nation, or one group of nations being in complete conflict with another group of nations. And unfortunately much of the European Union thinks that way; Macron thinks that way; Mrs. Merkel in the same way. When Macron recently demanded the establishment of a European army, to be able to defend Europe against Russia, China and even the United States, he said! That is typical for this kind of thinking, which under conditions of a financial breakdown crisis and general tensions is exactly a prescription for the danger of a repetition of the two catastrophes of the 20th century.

Now, the alternative is fortunately, also very clearly there. I already mentioned the New Silk Road Spirit having transformed Africa, where people for the first time have the legitimate hope that with the help of China, and now, more and more other countries, such as India, Japan, Indonesia, Turkey and many others, having recognized that Africa, which will have 2.5 billion people by the 2050, and as Xi Jinping at the Johannesburg BRICS summit in September correctly noted, Africa having the biggest development potential of all the continents on the planet, that one can say that Africa will be the “new China with African characteristics.” That you will have a very young population, which if they are educated and provided with the necessary infrastructure investments, can really become the most productive continent on the planet.

That obviously, is a nightmare for those people who have tried to suppress the development of the developing countries, such as the IMF, with their “conditionalities,” which was the real debt trap. You know, the IMF conditionalities basically made sure that the developing countries would remain indebted, and that they were not allowed to use their income for either investment in social expenditures, education, infrastructure, but that they had to pay debt as a priority, and that was one of the main means how the development of these countries was suppressed.

And naturally, you had the very unholy role of the World Wildlife Fund, preventing infrastructure, for the sake of snails rather than human beings. And you had the whole unholy ideology of the Club of Rome that supposedly the resources on the planet were limited, and therefore development of the developing countries had to be suppressed.

When China launched the New Silk Road, all of that went out of the window, because, now, for the first time, there is the real possibility to overcome the underdevelopment of the developing countries, and that has been understood by the countries of the Global South — these are all the major organizations, such as the G77, the Organization of Islamic Countries (OIC), Mercosur [Mercado Común del Sur], the African Union, all of these organizations are now basically inspired by the New Silk Road idea.

And even in Europe, this is dramatically quickly changing: You had the 16+1, Eastern and Central European Countries plus China, which very happy to be hubs between Europe and Asia, in the Silk Road development. You have Greece, which is completely transformed because of Chinese investments in Piraeus and other infrastructure projects. The new Italian government had completely changed: They no longer listen to the EU in respect to China. The leading ministers, like Giovanni Tria, and the undersecretary for Economic Development Michele Geraci, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, himself, they all basically look to cooperation between China and Italy, not only for mutual investments, but especially to invest in joint projects in Africa. And one of the most glorious examples, is the agreement between China and Italy to jointly work together with the countries of the Lake Chad Basin Commission to implement the Transaqua project, which I’m sure Hussein already talked about.

But then you have also Spain, where President Xi was just there on a state visit, and having very far-reaching cooperation agreement between China and Spain, emphasizing the 2,000 years of cultural ties between the two countries. And then Xi Jinping will also go to Portugal when he comes back from the G20. And between Portugal and China there is an absolute agreement that Portugal, also, will become the hub — Spain and Portugal will not only be the hub for the Eurasian connection of the New Silk Road, but also the hub for all the Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking throughout the world. So this is what the Schiller Institute emphasized in our “World Land-Bridge” report, to work on the so-called Atlantic route, and in this way, combining the Caribbean, Central America, South America, with those Portuguese- and Spanish-speaking countries and therefore Europe.

So the World Land-Bridge is coming into being. And we had just had a very interesting and hopeful even in Hamburg, between China and the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce, where, with the exception of one Greenie, who was completely beside himself, but all the other speakers were more or less very optimistic in talking about how Hamburg is the natural link not only for the land connection — and I think per week now, 23 trains are coming from China into Hamburg — but obviously, also a crucial aspect of the Maritime Silk Road, given the fact that Hamburg is the largest port in Germany.

This is all very, very interesting. Then, I should not forget to mention Switzerland, which is also onboard. Austria: Austria’s new government even has it in its coalition treaty that Austria wants to become a hub for the New Silk Road. So I think the development is actually, objectively very, very promising. But obviously, a lot more has to be done, because if you reflect on what I said in the beginning, what should become the outcome of the G20, a New Bretton Woods system and a new system in order to safeguard our nations against the danger of a new financial blowout, that has not yet been accomplished.

Otherwise, objectively, despite all the dangers I’ve referred to, I think we can be very optimistic, because a new system is within reach. And I just want to say, that economic development absolutely must be combined with a Classical Renaissance. Because, if you look at the values of the West right now, — I want to identify very briefly what I mean by that — the neo-liberal or liberal philosophy or ideology which has taken over in the West, it is correctly rejected by Russia and by China — it’s the principle “everything is allowed.” You have not two genders, but now you have about 49 genders; you have pornography without limits; children can go on the internet and see the worst-possible atrocities, the violence which is now, unfortunately having roots in the United States — you have the mass shootings in the schools almost every day. In the United States, there were already more than 300 mass shootings [this year]. You have the opioid epidemic in the United States. You have an increase of [inaudible 35:42] alcoholism, drug addiction; longevity in the United States has gone down for the first time in the last two years! If there is any parameter for a collapsing economy it is that the life expectancy goes down.

And in Europe, we are not that far behind, if you look at the violence in the schools in Germany, just to name one element. I think we are in an absolute dire need to have a Renaissance of human culture, of Classical culture, of Classical music, poetry, and other areas of art.

This has been understood in China. I mentioned already Xi Jinping’s emphasis on the need for aesthetical education, and the main Chinese speaker at this Hamburg conference yesterday, Vice Premier Liu He, who is the main economic advisor of Xi Jinping, he deviated from his written text and said that he wanted to share a story with the audience, that during the Cultural Revolution, when he was young, he had to hide in one of the hutongs in Beijing — these are the old buildings — and he had to listen in secrecy to the Violin Concerto in C-minor of Felix Mendelssohn, and that meant that he fell completely in love with Classical music and he has pursued that passion ever since.

I think this is very promising. Because as you know, we are convinced that human nature is that all human beings essentially are good, that man has the limitless capability to self-perfect, not only in terms of intellect, but also that the aesthetical education means that you can educate your emotions until you can blindly follow them because they would never tell you anything different than what reason commands. This is the Friedrich Schiller’s definition of the beautiful soul. He says, necessity and passion, free will and duty all fall in one, and this is the condition where man is truly free: Because you do with passion what is necessary, because you cannot think in any different way other than on the level of reason.

And I think that is not a utopia, but that is something which can be absolutely accomplished and is inherent in the philosophy of Confucius, who also had almost the same idea of aesthetical education as Friedrich Schiller, that is, through music, through poetry, through learning [inaudible 38:49], that you can actually transform the character of people to become beautiful characters, and to becoming wise and serve the common good.

Now, I think that if mankind is supposed to reach the New Paradigm, not only will the relations among nations be like that, that each nation will refer to the best tradition of the other and be enriched by discovering the beauty of the most advanced culture of the other nation, but that that will increasingly become the nature of relations among nations: that we will stop behaving like little four-year-old boys, kicking each other in the shins, meaning, conducting war and things like that, and we will become adult as a human species and renovate our relations, like the astronauts, who all, — all the astronauts who have been in space, who were on the ISS, they all report the same thing: That once you are in space, you recognize that you can only cooperate on the basis of reason, because otherwise you won’t exist, and that when you look at our little, blue planet from space, you recognize that there is {so} much to be discovered! First of all, there are no borders, there are no races, there is only one humanity, and you recognize that our universe is so huge! And that we as a human species have to cooperate, to be able to have a sustained existence in this universe, over the next thousands and thousands of years.

And the Hubble telescope discovered that we presently know of the existence of 2 trillion galaxies! Now, that is boggling the minds — if I try to think of the Solar System, the Milky Way, the galaxy, that is already gigantic. But the idea of 2 trillion galaxies, that shows you that we as a human species have just made the first baby steps in the direction of the perfection of our species.

Anyway, I just think we are at the change of an epoch. I think we have a very good chance to leave the epoch of geopolitics behind us, that we can really create a system of governance which makes the coexistence in peace and development possible for all of humanity. And I would encourage you to be optimistic about it, and join efforts with the Schiller Institute, because this has been our perspective for the past 40 or 50 years — in the case of my husband, 50 years — and I think we are on the verge of seeing the realization of that vision.

Thank you. [applause]

Et nyt paradigme eller økonomisk kaos og krig.
Helga Zepp-LaRouches ugentlige webcast den 6. december 2018

Første afsnit: oprør i Europa, fra de Gule Veste, over Brexit, til den politiske krise i Tyskland – masseoprør imod den sammenfaldende neoliberale orden fortsætter med at gære. Undtagelsen i Europa er Italien, som er den eneste stabile regering, der laver gode ting (senere tilføjede HZL Portugal og Spanien på den positive side). Befolkningen vil ikke længere acceptere den neoliberale orden – Macron, May og Merkel har alle problemer.


Positive udviklinger fra samtalerne mellem Trump og Xi, USA og Kina kan fungere sammen. Det anti-russiske hysteri, der forhindrede mødet mellem Trump og Putin, er en katastrofe, men Trump kæmper tilbage: HZL uddybede ideen bag hans tweet om at arbejde med Xi og Putin for at standse våbenkapløbet, og Trumps kommentarer om hvordan USA’s militære budget er vanvittigt. I denne sammenhæng var Pompeos tale i Bruxelles et forsøg på at forsvare den gamle enpolede orden. Måske Bushs død signalerer slutningen af den orden!

Brevet fra 46 Demokrater – dette er, hvad HZL sagde der måtte ske efter midtvejsvalget, Demokraterne må afvise polarisering i forbindelse med en rigsretssag mod præsidenten og i stedet arbejde på tværpolitiske økonomiske løsninger. Nøglen til dette er Lyns 4 love.

Opsummering af udviklinger omkring den Nye Silkevej: Betydningen af at Portugal går med i den Nye Silkevej, mens andre regeringer fortsætter med at reagere på Kinas lederskab. Gå med i Schiller Instituttets arbejde for at sikre, at USA tilslutter sig det nye paradigme.


Schiller Instituttes foretræde for Erhvervsudvalget den 22. november 2018

Kun Glass/Steagall-bankopdeling og et Nyt Bretton Woods kreditsystem kan forhindre finanssammenbrud

Jeg er Tom Gillesberg, formand for Schiller Instituttet i Danmark. Tak fordi vi måtte komme.

Den danske offentlighed har haft en brat opvågning til den sande tilstand i den danske finansverden. Danske Bank har i årevis været dybt involveret i hvidvask af enorme pengebeløb og både bankens ledelse og Finanstilsynet svigtede totalt, når de gennem mange år blev gjort opmærksom på problemet. Andre af de store SIFI-banker i Danmark er samtidigt blevet afsløret i medhjælp til skatteunddragelse og svigt i deres bekæmpelse af svindel og hvidvask. Endelig har mange af de danske banker, i lighed med deres internationale kolleger, været medvirkende til at den danske og udenlandske statskasser er blevet plyndret gennem svigagtige udbytteskatrefusioner. Alt dette viser, at det ikke drejer sig om enkelte problemer eller enkelte brodne kar, men er et systemisk problem, hvor hele bank- og finansverdenen er gennemsyret af ukontrolleret grådighed, hvor man sætter sin egen finansielle vinding over loven og det almene vel. Politikken med afregulering, og med at lade finansverdenen styre sig selv, har spillet fallit.

Dette var egentlig allerede tydeligt i forbindelse med nedsmeltningen af det internationale finansielle system i 2007-2008. Jeg, og andre aktivister fra Schiller Instituttet, advarede om dette allerede i 2007, da jeg stillede op til Folketinget med sloganet: Efter finanskrakket – Magnettog over Kattegat. Men man sad vore advarsler overhørigt. Da vi så efter krakket i 2008 – hvor kun en dansk statsgaranti, der dækkede alle finansielle institutioner, forhindrede en nedsmeltning i den danske bankverden – kom med forslag til, hvordan vi kunne rense op i finansverdenen gennem en gennemførelse af Glass/Steagall-bankopdeling, hvor man i processen vil skille skidt fra kanel – udskille samfundsvigtig normal bankaktivitet fra kasinoøkonomi – så nægtede man på institutionelt hold i Danmark og resten af den vestlige verden atter at lytte. Man ville ikke gøre op med den usunde adfærd i finansverdenen, der havde skabt sammenbruddet i 2008. Havde man nemlig ikke afreguleret hele den finansielle sektor, og i 1999 afskaffet Glass/Steagall-bankopdelingen i USA, så havde vi nemlig undgået finanskrisen.

Men nu blev fokusset at redde bankerne – og alle andre aktører i finansverdenen – med bankpakker og kvantitative lempelser; på bekostning af realøkonomien og almindelige menneskers levestandard. Derfor står vi i dag over for en kommende finanskrise, der er potentielt langt værre end den, som vi oplevede i 2008. De danske tiltag med at lade banker og realkreditselskaber polstre sig (med kundernes penge) vil ikke forhindre en ny krise. Uden en opdeling af aktiviteterne i de finansielle supermarkeder har vi stadig, som i 2007-2008, ingen branddøre, der kan forhindre, at ildebrand i en del af finansverdenen spreder sig til hele det finansielle hus.


Det forestående finanssammenbrud

Der er mange tikkende bomber under det internationale finanssystem. I kølvandet på den amerikanske føderalbanks rentestigninger er der stadigt flere advarsler om en kommende nedsmeltning af det 3.500 mia. dollars store marked for amerikansk virksomhedsgæld, hvor stadig mere usikre lån bliver pakket om og gensolgt i mange forskellige forklædninger – i lighed med dårlige amerikanske boliglån i 2007-2008. Dette har fået følgeskab af nedgang på børserne og et kraftigt fald i den økonomiske vækst i USA og Europa. Bank for International Settlements advarede om denne farlige udvikling i sin årlige rapport i juli og noget lignende gjorde Bank of England i oktober. Så kom IMF’s udtrykkelige advarsel om faldende virksomhedsobligationsmarkeder i IMF-bloggen den 12. november.

Et kollaps af markedet for virsomhedsgæld vil have større konsekvenser end kollapset af den amerikanske subprimelån-boble i 2008. Når først krisen er udløst, vil det ramme bankerne verden rundt, og bag den blankpolerede overflade er de blevet endnu større og endnu mere bankerotte, end de var i 2008. I lighed med optakten til krisen i 2007-2008 har der også været et kollaps og en kapitalflugt fra de såkaldte ”emerging markets” og det gigantiske uregulerede marked for finansielle derivater kan implodere når som helst.



Der er ingen lille lappeløsning, der kan rette op på dette, men Schiller Instituttet og den internationale LaRouche-bevægelse har fremlagt en sammenhængende løsning for, hvordan vi kan bortoperere den spekulative kræftsvulst og skabe kreditter til produktive investeringer – både på internationalt plan og her i Danmark.


  1. Vi skal med i Den Nye Silkevej

Mens størstedelen af økonomien i den vestlige verden har ligget underdrejet i de seneste 10 år – hvor de fleste har oplevet en faldende levestandard – så har man i Kina oplevet fortsat kraftig økonomisk vækst og været i stand til at løfte stadig flere mennesker ud af fattigdom. Man brugte krisen i 2008 til at påbegynde massive infrastrukturprojekter, så Kina har nu flere kilometer højhastighedstog end resten af verden tilsammen. Man har bygget nye byer, vandprojekter, kraftværker og anden infrastruktur, der gør det muligt at tage sig af en voksende befolkning med en stigende levestandard.

I 2013 lancerede Kinas præsident Xi Jinping så denne udviklingspolitik på internationalt plan med Bælte- og Vej-Initiativet, også kaldet Den Nye Silkevej, der i dag er 12 gange større end USA’s Marshallplan efter 2. verdenskrig og som over 60 lande nu deltager i. Danmark burde være en fremtrædende del af denne udviklingsdagsorden, specielt i Afrika og Sydvestasien.


  1. Et Nyt Bretton Woods kreditsystem

Den 30. november er der G20-topmøde i Argentina, og Schiller instituttet har foreslået, at topmøderne mellem præsident Trump, Xi Jinping og Putin bruges til at etablere et nyt Bretton Woods kreditsystem, i samarbejde med Indiens premierminister Modi. En ny version af det gamle fastkurssystem, der blev etableret efter 2. verdenskrig, men nu for at skabe langfristede kreditter til udvikling af alle nationer. Dette er det eneste, som kan forhindre, at den igangværende disintegration af det nuværende City of London- og Wall Street-baserede finanssystem fører til kaos og mulig krig.


  1. LaRouches fire love

I Danmark kan vi i mellemtiden forberede tiltag, der kan beskytte vores økonomi imod den kommende finansielle tsunami. Schiller Instituttet har fremlagt Lyndon LaRouches fire love, der er en konceptuel drejebog for at få vores økonomi drejet væk fra finansiel spekulation og tilbage til fysisk økonomi og videnskabeligt og teknologisk fremskridt:


  • Gennemførelsen af en Glass/Steagall-bankopdeling af den danske finanssektor, hvor vi sanerer banksystemet og adskiller normal bankaktivitet fra finansiel spekulation. De finansielle supermarkeder skal opdeles i normale banker, investeringsbanker, realkreditaktivitet og forsikringsvirksomhed. Bankerne og andre finansielle institutioner skal opdeles og reduceres i størrelse, så de ikke længere udgør en systemisk risiko, og den statslige indskudsgaranti vil kun gælde for normale banker.
  • Vi må skabe statskreditter til produktive investeringer i økonomien;
  • Vi må kanalisere en del af disse kreditter ind i store infrastrukturprojekter og andet, der kan øge produktiviteten og energigennemstrømningstætheden i økonomien og skabe den næste højere økonomiske platform for Danmark, som f.eks. en Kattegatbro og et nationalt magnettognet, og faste forbindelser mellem Helsingør og Helsingborg og under Femern Bælt.
  • Vi må investere massivt i forskning og udvikling af de områder, som skaber fremtidens teknologier som f.eks. kernekraft, fusionsenergi, rumforskning etc.

Den største fejl, som vi kan begå, er at tro, at vi kan overlade disse spørgsmål til den finansielle verden. Den har bevist, at den hverken har det moralske kompas eller de nødvendige løsninger, til at sikre vores fremtid. Derfor må staten nu påtage sig sit ansvar, og etablere de nødvendige love og regler, der kan sikre det almene vel og Danmarks og danskernes fremtid. Det er der, i lyset af de seneste bankskandaler, en bred offentlig opbakning til.

Tak for ordet.

Slides fra mødet:

POLITISK ORIENTERING den 13. november:
1. del: Efter USA’s midvejsvalg, vil Trump og demokraterne samarbejde om
infrastruktur og bankopdeling?
Klik her for 2. del. om et møde med Hussein Askary
torsdag den 29. november på Frederiksberg

Med formand Tom Gillesberg

Video 2. del om mødet med Hussein Askary den 29. november på Frederiksberg (2 min.)



POLITISK ORIENTERING den 1. november 2018:
Fem dage til amerikansk midtvejsvalg//
Danske Irananklager ligeså falske som Skripalsagen

Med formand Tom Gillesberg


POLITISK ORIENTERING den 18. oktober 2018:
Udbytteskat skandalen understreger behovet for Glass/Steagall-bankopdeling.
Her er også supplerende materiale.

Med næstformand Michelle Rasmussen



LaRouchePAC video som sætter spørgsmål ved global opvarmning fra februar 2017.


75 år for redningen af de fleste danske jøder: fra mindehøjtidlighed  i synagogen i København den 11. oktober 2018.

Personer EIR talte med ved mindehøjtidligheden i synagogen i København den 11. oktober 2018.

1. Jan Willem Norden som flygtede til Sverige.

2. Torbjörn Adelsson, en svensk mand, hvis dansk kone havde flygtede til Sverige.

3. En mand som blev født i Sverige et par måneder efter hans forældre havde flygtet.

4. Moses Schwartz, en polsk mand som overlevede fem koncentrationslejre.

5. En mand som flygtede til Sverige, nu bosat i Israel, som kom til København for mindehøjtidligheden.

6. En modstandsmand som var aktivt med Sorø akademiets gruppe og blev interneret i Neuengamme koncentrationslejre. Hans kone var ansat ved plejehjemmet Bernadottegaarden for modstandsfolk.

7-8. Modstandsmænd Uffe Preuss og Poul Høeg fra Nybodergruppen.

9. Modstandsmand fra Odense.

Musiken er en vuggevise skrevet af den tjekkisk-jødisk forfatter og digter Ilse Weber, da hun var i Theresienstadt med hendes mand og ældste søn. Deres yngste søn kom med “kinderstransport” via Storbritannien til Sverige. Ilse insisterede at komme med sin mand til Auschwitz, hvor hun og sønnen blev dræbt så snart de ankom. Hun har skrevet andre sange og tekster i Theresienstadt.

Anne Sofie von Otter synger.

Krig og fred på spil i USA’s midtvejsvalg:
Schiller Instituttes ugentlige webcast med Helga Zepp-LaRouche den 11. oktober 2018

Afskrift på engelsk:

Schiller Institute New Paradigm Webcast, October 11, 2018
With Helga Zepp-LaRouche

The Stakes In the U.S. Midterm Elections: War or Peace

HARLEY SCHLANGER:  Hello, I’m Harley Schlanger with the
Schiller Institute.  Welcome to our webcast for today.  It’s Oct.
11, 2018:  Our webcast will feature, as always, Helga
Zepp-LaRouche, our founder and chairwoman Helga Zepp-LaRouche.
We were just reviewing events prior to this webcast, and
there’s so much going on, as we come now with less than five
weeks to the midterm election in the United States, which is
going to be an extraordinarily important in determining whether
the American people are going to step up to the responsibility of
joining the New Paradigm, or whether they’re going to succumb to
the demoralization and the media control.
We’re also seeing things that the LaRouche movement is
famous for, which is economic forecasting.  And Helga, why don’t
we start with that:  We saw a very big drop in the stock market
yesterday, there’s jitters on Wall Street, anxiety around the
world.  What’s going on?

HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  The system is disintegrating, and it’s
just a question of time when this will happen.  I find it very
remarkable that the IMF is pronouncing the famous “D” word.
Remember that the “D” word was never to be mentioned, because the
market would supposedly follows the psychology of the markets,
and when you mention the word “Depression,” then that could bring
it on and so was the tale. But now the IMF meeting in Bali,
Indonesia has been warning that challenges are to be faced,
otherwise, the second Great Depression would be looming.
Now, I find this really remarkable, and I think what they’re
trying to somehow prepare the population that thing is really
coming down.  This stock market plunge of more than 800 points —
I think something like 820 — you had President Trump who
basically said the Federal Reserve is “crazy” with their interest
rate policy, which caused a complete reaction by [IMF Managing
Director Christine] Lagarde and so forth, but he kept repeating
it twice.  He said the situation is much too tense to continue
this.  Naturally, this is the reason why you have the reverse
carry trade from the emerging markets, which was mentioned by the
IMF as the biggest threat to the system, and the second biggest
threat or maybe on an equal level, being the indebtedness. Now,
Lagarde also mentioned the indebtedness of the governments, the
corporate firms, and also other categories, like student loans
and car loans and all of this, is 60% higher than it was in 2008.
Then, in addition to all of these things, you have the
collapse of the real economy, with for example home-building
peeked in the United States in January and has been in a free
fall and since about May this was also the case for copper and
timber — all of these have lost between 15 and 20% since the
beginning of the year.  So, these are all markers that this thing
is not continuing.
And then, you have, naturally, on top of that the growing
fight between the EU and Italian government.  You had the famous
letter, or infamous letter by the two EU Commissioners [Pierre]
Moscovici and [Valdis] Dombrovskis, to the Italian government
warning them that their intention not to stick to the EU-imposed
budget deficit of 2.4%, that this would not be allowed, which was
the trigger for a run on the Italian bond, and as a result, the
spread between the Italian and the German values have gone up to
300 points; and it is generally said if it goes up to 400 —
basically that means that the Italians have to pay 3% and more to
refinance their loans — and that could actually really all
contribute to a crisis.
On top of it, by the 15th of this month, that is in four
days, the Italian government will publish the details of their
budget.  And it is expecting that the rating agencies immediately
afterwards will put out some rating, in all likelihood
downgrading the Italian bonds, or downgrading Italy as a country,
which then basically, depending how they are formulating it, if
the outlook is basically neutral, people say this could just go
through; but if they put a negative outlook on it, then that
could lead to a big banking crisis — actually not only of Italy,
but of the entire Western financial system.
It is clear that some of these people in the European
Central Bank and EU Commission obviously think they can force the
Italian government to capitulate, that they can control the
consequences of this, but this is playing with fire:  Because you
have a highly, highly volatile financial system, and I can only
say, in 2008, the whole world was more or less unprepared for the
crash, because they were not listening to the warning this my
husband had already put out, very clearly, on July 25th, 2007  —
this was one week before the secondary mortgage crisis in the
United States exploded.  And he had said at that time, this
system is finished.  All you can see now, is how it comes down.
And people didn’t listen to it. So the crash occurred in 2008 and
they didn’t draw any conclusions out of their own mistakes, and
just kept pumping money — quantitative easing.  And basically
all these instruments of the Central Bank are now completely
exhausted and used up.
And contrary to 2008, when everybody was unprepared, those
people who are now trying to cause the Italian government to
capitulate and continue with the austerity, which the Italian
government was voted in, because they rejected that austerity.
So, if they push too hard, I think one should not forget that
both Italian government coalition parties, the Lega and the Five
Star Movement party, they have Glass-Steagall in not only their
party program, but also in the coalition treaty.
Now, obviously, the Italian government knows what they’re up
against.  They have seen speculators moving in on countries,
driving them into the ground, so they are relatively careful, and
they’re not saying anything terribly provocative.  But if
somebody from the outside pushes them into a crash, I would not
exclude the possibility, or I would actually say it’s quite
probable that they would implement Glass-Steagall as a
So it is quite different from 2008, and I think the only
lesson that one can draw out of all of this, is we need to
amplify our efforts to go for a New Bretton Woods system, which
we have a campaign on internationally, we have a petition; this
has been signed by many people in the meantime, and I would urge
you, our viewers, sign this petition, get it around, prepare
anybody you know — elected officials, mayors, parliamentarians,
congressmen — to prepare for Glass-Steagall, and not only that,
but the Four Laws of Lyndon LaRouche.  Because unless we
reorganize this entirely bankrupt financial system in an orderly
fashion, the danger is an uncontrolled collapse.
You need a New Bretton Woods system, you need
Glass-Steagall, we need to get rid of the casino economy; we have
to have credit for the financing of the real economy, and we have
to have a new credit system to basically finance investments on a
multinational level among all the countries of this world, to get
the world out of this danger of a depression.
So, if the IMF talks about the danger of a Great Depression,
people should take it to heart. Think about what happened in the
Great Depression in the ’30s  — in the United States it was
devastation, but in Europe it was even worse, because it led to
fascist movements and that to world wars.  So people should not
take these things lightly:  Get onboard with us.  Join the
Schiller Institute, join our campaign for New Bretton Woods,
because that’s the only answer one can give to this danger of a
looming crash.

SCHLANGER:  I had a chance to read through the Executive
Summary of the IMF report, and there were two omissions — they
were there in a sense, but they didn’t really acknowledge them,
— both of which your husband was out in front of for many, many
years, in dealing with the IMF.  On the one side, it’s clear that
it’s {their} policy which has failed.  The austerity regime which
the IMF is famous for, these have never led to any economic
development.  And then, secondly, the quantitative easing, the
low-interest credit for speculation, instead of Glass-Steagall —
the IMF was promoting that.  And so, the two things they
promoted, they’re now admitting are failed. Do you have any
thoughts on that, Helga?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  I think the possibility that the IMF would
reform itself is probably going in the probability towards zero.
I think it requires a different kind of action.  In a certain
sense, you have right now in the whole world, already, a revolt
against these failed neo-liberal policies.  This was expressed in
the Brexit; this was expressed in the election victory of
President Trump; the new Italian government is an expression of
that; also the Austrian government.  And I think that  — in a
certain sense, national sovereignty has to be reasserted, and I
don’t think these supranational institutions which were the main
reason why these policies were imposed, which had created havoc:
Look at what happened to Greece.  The Greek economy was
diminished by one-third.  The Italian economy was destroyed.  The
fact that we have now a totally different government in Italy,
which is pro-growth for the most part, which is for the
relationship with China, for the relationship with the New Silk
Road, all of this is a response to the failure of these policies.
And there are many people in Europe who are expecting that, given
the fact that the EU is basically doing exactly the same thing in
principle, namely, sticking to the neo-liberal austerity, that
you will have an earthquake in the coming European Parliament
elections [in April] which will show that these present policies
will be absolutely out.
I think this is much too long term.  I think the crisis is
upon us now, so I can only say: The only solution is for the
package I just said before:  The IMF is really a bankrupt
organization, and that was stated by my husband in 1975, when he
proposed to replace this IMF with an International Development
Bank, which would provide large-scale, low-interest credit for
development projects in the developing sector; and if that would
have been done, we would not have a migration problem, we would
have prosperous countries around the globe; but now, with the New
Silk Road, this policy is on a good way.
So I can only say, “listen to the wise words of Lyndon
LaRouche,” belatedly, but better late than never.

SCHLANGER: And that was a very popular item, “How the
International Development Bank Works,” that Lyn wrote back in
’76, I think it was.  We used it as part of his campaign — for
his first campaign for President.
Coming up on the midterm elections, there’s a lot of turmoil
that’s been unleashed.  What’s clear is that Hillary Clinton has
not learned anything from the results of November 2016.  You have
a real civil unrest that’s being built, deliberately, because the
Mueller case, the Mueller Russiagate story, is collapsing.  This
can become a very dangerous situation.  Let’s start with what
Trump said — Trump said, the Democrats have gone crazy.  I
assume you would share that assessment, Helga?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  If calling for violence is a sign of
insanity, then I would agree with him.  And it’s funny, I was
looking at the German media, and they all portray this fight,
this very hot situation in the United States, as if it’s all just
electioneering by Trump that he would call the Democrats a “mob.”
But, it is a fact that Maxine Waters already some months ago,
called on everybody to get into the face of Trump cabinet
members, whenever you them — there were some actually violent
incidents; people were not served in restaurants; and also some
other Democrats basically called that you should be “in their
faces” of the Trump camp. And that has created a complete
hysteria, which was amplified by the Kavanaugh case, where even
Alan Dershowitz, who said that he’s a liberal Democrat, he said
that the attempt, for example, Senator Feinstein and Eric Holder,
they said that Kavanaugh should not be accepted, that this would
put into question the legitimacy of the Supreme Court!  I mean
this is really incredible. Dershowitz then correctly said, forget
it, Kavanaugh is now Supreme Court Justice and he will be there
for his lifetime; this was due process, and the Democrats should
go back to being civilized and not violate all the norms and
I mean, this is incredible:  I’m not an expert on American
constitutional questions, but it seems to me if the Senate, or
some Senators, are putting into question the legitimacy of the
Supreme Court, this is heading towards a constitutional crisis,
or some kind of a state crisis if these people are not stopped.
I think they have lost all barriers, and they have lost all
sense of limit!  This is a completely hysterical situation, and I
can only say that this is very dangerous.  And we have said many
times that Trump is being attacked, essentially,  — I mean, you
can pick on tiny points here and there — but that’s not the
point: The main reason why Trump is being attacked, is because he
tried to get the relationship with Russia on a good basis.  He
had a very successful in Helsinki with Putin.  And at least, in
the initial phase, he had an excellent relationship with China
and Xi Jinping.  And that is why the geopolitical establishment
went absolutely crazy — as a matter of fact, they’re escalating
their campaign, both against Russia and against China, in
unprecedented ways.  And it is the question of war and peace, and
people should really understand that, that the Democrats have
really gone crazy on the issue of Russia and also China, and they
should not fall into this trap, because in the consequence, this
would mean World War III.

SCHLANGER:  One of the other important points, I think is
that what we’re seeing, is again, people like George Soros
funding these rent-a-mobs.  And Soros, of course, has been
involved in this for many, many years.  And I believe, Helga, you
first identified the operation against Trump after the election,
as similar to the “color revolutions” that Soros, combined with
people like John McCain, the National Endowment for Democracy,
the Clinton State Department, to run coups and regime changes,
throughout the former Soviet bloc countries.  I think we’re now
seeing that what you said about the “color revolution,” is
totally accurate, including the danger of a Maidan Square-type
chaos being unleashed.  Sen. Rand Paul said yesterday that he
fears that there could be assassinations.
Is this pretty much what you had seen two years ago, this
color revolution scenario?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Yeah, because whenever you have George Soros
involved in such, and he financed, according to reports, $50
million to a private group which, according to these reports,
which was called into being by a “senator,” not named, but the
individual involved was formerly an aide to Senator Feinstein, so
the speculation naturally goes in this direction.  This was an
outsourcing of the whole Steele operation to a private group,
basically using $50 million so that this could go on, after
Steele was officially fired from his liaison with the FBI.
Now, this is incredible.  I think this will all come out,
and also following the James Baker testimony, which even if it
was behind closed doors, nevertheless, what came out in various
Fox TV programs and various other revelations, that it was
Michael Sussman, the lawyer of Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the
lawyer for the DNC, which was the original trigger for the whole
Russiagate affair.  I find this absolutely incredible and I can
only hope that the American voters draw their conclusion out of
it, because that means that the Hillary Clinton campaign was
involved with a foreign power, namely great Britain, against her
opponent in the election campaign, and then afterwards, basically
against an elected President.  Now, I don’t find this very
“democratic,” to say the least, to use these kinds of secret
service methods, deep state methods, to work against your own
President, who has been democratically elected.
This, in my view, is the biggest scandal, and if it is all
coming out, if all the documents are being declassified, I think
it will go down in history, as the biggest scandal in American
history.  And that is what’s at stake with this midterm election.

SCHLANGER:  I think it’s very important that Baker, who was
the legal counsel to Comey and the FBI, in his testimony before a
private Congressional hearing, that he acknowledged that Sussman
gave him the Steele report, which was then incorporated into the
original FISA warrant against [Trump campaign advisor] Carter
Page.  That just makes clear that all these Democrats who have
been protesting what Representative Nunes did in his House
Intelligence Committee, that they were wrong, they were lying;
they were trying to cover up for the connection between the
British, the Clinton campaign, and the FBI.
Now, Helga, a couple of other things we need to cover before
we finish today:  One is the very significant stopover in Beijing
by Secretary of State Pompeo.  He had just come from North Korea,
where there was what appears to be quite a successful meeting
with Kim Jong-un.  But when he got to China, it was a slightly
different environment, largely because of the moves toward trade
war.  What happened when Pompeo got to Beijing?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  This was shortly after Vice President Mike
Pence had made this absolute diatribe at the Hudson Institute,
attacking China in the {worst} possible way, and this was taken
very badly by the Chinese government and Chinese media, who
really questioned, does that mean there is a shift in the Trump
Administration, in a total hostile attitude towards China?
Basically, when then Pompeo arrived in Beijing, just a few days
afterwards, he basically reiterated that it is the policy of the
United States to have a good relationship with China, to agree to
the One-China policy, and that the United States is not trying to
stop the rise of China.  And there were several Chinese media
which noted the fact that this was an extremely important
statement to come at this moment.
There was one interesting article in the {Global Times} by
the American analyst and expert, Clifford Kiracofe, who made the
point that there is a clear difference between Pence, who sort of
speaks for the deep state, and Trump, who is trying to change the
U.S. foreign policy, but is being “hamstrung” by this crew on the
side of the deep state.  And Kiracofe basically said the U.S.
establishment is unwilling to learn the lesson from what’s going
on strategically, that the world is changing and that there is a
multipolarity already now.
Now, the significance of this is not only Kiracofe saying
that, but that the {Global Times} is publishing that, which is a
paper which is very close to the Chinese government.  So I think
it’s important that the Chinese are still, despite the trade war
and the escalation coming from ridiculous — like Elizabeth
Economy, who was already on a rampage in 2014, came out with
another major piece, accusing China of all kinds of things — I
don’t need to repeat this stuff;  and I already in 2014 said that
Elizabeth Economy obviously has an “economy-class mind” if she
says these things, and obviously, she has not improved since.
But in any case, I think it is very important that Pompeo
was there to set the record straight, because obviously, the need
to find solutions to the world does require the collaboration
among the major powers of the world.  Those people who are
pushing this insane confrontation, like Hillary Clinton did in
her speech in Oxford, where she was on an absolute rant against
Russia, I mean, these people should really not be listened to, at

SCHLANGER: Another group that shouldn’t be listened to, but
unfortunately is, is the IPCC, which is in the news again, with
the so-called “manmade climate change” theories they have,
demanding that carbon dioxide be eliminated from the universe.
This goes back to the campaign you waged against the
British-backed, German figure John Schellnhuber, who has been
pushing these policies.  And now it looks as though this is going
to be aimed as dagger at the heart of the German auto industry.
And it’s a good thing that Trump pulled the United States out of
the Paris climate change agreement.  But where is this heading?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  This is report which says the climate accord
from Paris was not good enough, we need not stop 2% temperature
increase, but we should stop at 1.5% by 2050.  And obviously,
this is basically what Schellnhuber put out some years ago with
the “great transformation” as he called it, the decarbonization
of the world economy, getting rid of nuclear, getting rid of
coal, oil, gas, just go to “renewable” energy sources; and there,
it is very, very clear that what my husband has developed in
terms of the cohesion and the correlation between energy
flux-density in the production process, and the potential
relative population density, which can be maintained with that
energy flux-density, means that the goal which Schellnhuber set
forth that the Earth can only carry 1 billion people, that that
is what they now want to put back on the agenda.  It’s a
desperate effort by the forces of the Empire against Trump, who
has promised to reindustrialize the United States; especially
against the New Silk Road, against the Belt and Road Initiative,
which now is the new spirit which has captured more than 100
countries already, which work with the Belt and Road Initiative
to their benefit.  And it’s an effort to really throw a monkey
wrench into this dynamic.
But I think it’s desperate, I think it’s dangerous, but I
don’t think it will work.  I don’t think that these people will
convince China, India, Latin America, Africa, the Asian nations,
even some of the European nations, to lie down and die, because
this is what that would mean.
It’s dangerous anyhow, because you can see that it’s needing
a mass hysteria on the CO2 question.  I mean, first of all, we
have long debated that the CO2 emissions is really a minimal
factor in climate change.  Climate change is taking place,
there’s no question about it, but as we have documented many
times in the past, it has to a very large extent to do with the
position of our Solar System in the Galaxy, and it is long-term
cycles from Ice Ages to warming periods, and within that, you
have still smaller fluctuations; and this is determining the
So the whole discussion of whether the CO2 emission of man
causing these climate changes is just completely absurd.  Now,
it’s very dangerous, because, as you can see, this brainwashing
of the population  — in Europe, for example, one day after the
IPCC put out this quack report, the EU Environment Ministers met
and they decided that the CO2 emission from cars should not be
30%, like they had previously argued, but it should be 35%; and
the German government, which basically initially said 30%, and
then agreed to this compromise — it’s just crazy.
Now, what will that do?  The boss of VW, the largest German
carmaker today came out and said that if this aim is being
implemented to have 35% cut in cars’ CO2 emissions, then this
will cause, alone for VW, 100,000 jobs — and that’s just one
carmaker.  Now, you can add all the other ones, and you will end
up with millions of people going unemployed and the whole
industry collapsing!  Germany, as an economy, is already on
extremely fragile ground because of the exit from nuclear energy,
and if they now are pushing to eliminate coal altogether, this
will be the death of Germany as an industrial country.
Obviously, we will make a big campaign against that.
There is a big worry, because obviously, for example, Poland
is 90% dependent on coal in terms of its electricity production.
And if they force countries to implement that, you will have a
populist explosion in the next vote, if not earlier.
So this is all completely crazy, and it should be stated
very clearly, that with the presently existing technologies, for
a very long time, the world population cannot be maintained
without coal, and there are safe and modern coal plants which are
completely environmentally friendly; and it’s completely
motivated by, not the environment, but by an anti-population
attitude.  We had put out in 2015, a report “‘Global Warming’
Scare Is Population Reduction, not Science,” and in that report,
we had the Queen of England on the cover, because obviously,
Schellnhuber, who wants to be addressed all the time as “CBE,”
Commander of the British Empire,  — we had documented in that
report that these are British policies.  And I think what we see
with this IPCC report, and anti-coal emission campaign; and in
Berlin, they now forbid diesel cars, cars which fueled by diesel
are forbidden from driving in 11 zones in Berlin! Now, the
craftsmen’s association has said that this means that 50,000 cars
of craftsmen will not be allowed to drive in the city, and
everybody who needs the services of a craftsman, who needs a new
roof, or needs a new pump, or whatever, they will not be serviced
any more.
This has nothing to do with real issues:  This is mass
psychosis, and it’s driven by the hedge funds, by Wall Street,
because the CO2 emission trade is a quackery:  We denounced that
in the past, and now, to impose a global carbon tax, which is
also what is being pushed, would mean they have again a good
weapon against national sovereignty, because once you agree that
national economies have to submit to the policing in terms of
their carbon emission, here you go again in the direction of this
globalist eco-fascism.
It’s not scientific, I think it’s the opposite:  It’s
oligarchical and it’s an effort, really aimed, in my view
primarily against the New Silk Road, but naturally also against
Trump, also against Germany, and many other countries.  So, we
should really denounce that, and we will have a whole bunch of
articles about that on this webpage; we will have a whole section
on the Schiller page, where we will have interviews and
statements.  And we invite you, if you have some scientific
contribution to make to this subject, we will publish it on this
website and have a public debate.  Because this is really
dangerous for the future of civilization.
And we have to have the opposite approach:  We have to have
an optimism about man being able to go into fusion power, to
develop completely new scientific methods for energy, safety, for
raw materials security, space travel — I think we should not get
into this scare which is really a tool of the oligarchy to try to
stop the development of the people.

SCHLANGER:  Helga, we’ve gone on a little bit longer than
usual, but I think there’s one other thing we have to bring up,
because we teased it last week, which is endorsements for
Independent Congressional candidate Kesha Rogers in Texas.  In
case, people don’t know this, in the last couple of days, we’ve
two very prominent American Republicans and conservatives —
actually, they may not even be Republicans in the party sense —
but Roger Stone, a longtime friend of Donald Trump, a
self-proclaimed “political provocateur” issued a very strong
endorsement of Kesha Rogers.  And then, Senator Richard Black, a
Virginia state senator, who’s been very involved in exposing the
coup and also exposing the deep state operations against Syria,
he issued a statement endorsing Kesha Rogers.  Helga, do you have
any thoughts on these two endorsements?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  I think it’s great, and I can also add that
the French former Presidential candidate Jacques Cheminade also
endorsed Kesha Rogers, saying that even though he’s not an
American, Kesha’s campaign has international significance,
because she is the flagship against everything which is going
wrong in the United States, right now.  So I think we will have
more such statements, and I really wish all of you to come out
and support Kesha Rogers, because this is a campaign of national
importance and international importance.  [Rogers is an
Independent running in the 9th CD in Texas, against incumbent
Democrat Al Green, who promotes impeaching President Trump
regardless of whether he has committed a constitutionally defined
crime or not — ed.]

SCHLANGER: OK, I think that about does it.  Until next week,
Helga, we’ll see you.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  OK, till next week.

POLITISK ORIENTERING den 4. oktober 2018:
Trump i FN: Afskaf supranationalt diktatur og vend tilbage til national suverænitet

Med formand Tom Gillesberg

Aldeles miskrediteret Russiagate-kup må lukkes ned for menneskehedens skyld.
Schiller Instituttets ugentlige webcast med Helga Zepp-LaRouche 27. september 2018

Schiller Instituttet den 25. september – I sidste uges webcast gennemgik Helga Zepp-LaRouche betydningen af præsident Trumps ordre om at frigive hemmeligt stemplede ‘Russiagate’-dokumenter relateret til det amerikanske justitsministeriuma/FBI’s kupforsøg imod ham. Frigivelsen af disse dokumenter – kombineret med afsløringerne fra George Papadopoulos, der fortalte Fox News, at det var briterne og deres australske modparter, der udpegede ham som mål ved at plante løgnene om russernes ‘hacking’ – tilvejebringer beviser, der kan føre til ikke alene en opbrydning af det britisk-styrede kup, men også til at sende gerningsmændene fra Obamas efterretningsapparat i fængsel for indblanding i præsidentvalget.

Den hysteriske reaktion fra gerningsmændene – herunder direkte intervention fra de britiske og australske regeringer, der kræver, at der ikke frigives noget – førte til en udsættelse af udførelsen af Trumps ordre. Men præsidenten gav en forsikring for, at de vil blive frigivet. På trods af de eksplosive konsekvenser af Trumps ordre dækker de vestlige medier det ikke. De vælger i stedet at køre nonstop dækning af påståede seksuelle teenage-eskapader af højesteretskandidat Kavanaugh, sammen med den igangværende bevidst provokerende og forvirrende historie om, hvorvidt kupdeltager Rod Rosenstein – vicestatsadvokaten, der udpegede Mueller som specialundersøger, og som har foreslået at bruge den 25. forfatningstilføjelse til at fjerne Trump – har sagt op, eller vil blive fyret. En sådan dækning er designet til at desorientere læserne og seerne, i et øjeblik hvor klarhed er afgørende.

Og mens dette udfolder sig er FN’s generalforsamling trådt sammen midt i betydelige diplomatiske initiativer, som vil afgøre om det nye paradigme forbundet med Kinas Bælte- og Vejinitiativ vil afslutte æraen med geopolitiske destabiliseringer og krige.

Lyt med på fru LaRouche webcast i denne uge, hvor hun giver den nødvendige klarhed for at mobilisere med henblik på at afslutte kupforsøget, og dermed sætte en endelig stopper for imperialistisk geopolitik.


Sejr over det desperate Britiske Imperium er nu inden for rækkevidde!
Schiller Instituttets ugentlige webcast med Helga Zepp-LaRouche 20 september 2018

Begyndelsen af videoen:

HARLEY SCHLANGER: Hej, jeg er Harley Schlanger fra Schiller Instituttet. Velkommen til denne uges webcast med vores grundlægger og præsident Helga Zepp-LaRouche. Der var et par afsløringer i de sidste par dage, som faktisk former et helt nyt potentiale for den strategiske situation, især at overvinde kuppet i USA, med præsident Trumps frigivelse af hemmelige dokumenter. Jeg tror det er vigtigt, at vi starter med det, fordi det er i overensstemmelse med hvad vi har opfordret til, nemlig frigivelse af hele historien om, hvem der står bag dette, og hvorfor. Kan du opdatere os på dette emne?

HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Ja. Jeg tror at dette er den vigtigste strategiske udvikling, fordi, som vi har sagt mange gange, mens lande i verden allerede er på vej mod et helt nyt sæt af internationale relationer, omkring den Nye Silkevej og et win-win samarbejde, er det også klart, at det hele afhænger af USA: Afhængig af hvordan den indre situation i USA udvikles, tror jeg, at det er et spørgsmål om krig og fred. For to uger siden nævnte vi Willy Wimmers erklæring, som jeg er enig i, hvilket er, at den eneste ting som står mellem os alle og 3. Verdenskrig er personen Trump. Og det er ikke en fuld opbakning af Trump, det er bare den virkelighed, som de mennesker der har været involveret i et kupforsøg mod ham, sammen med den britiske regering og den britiske efterretningstjeneste, disse er krigsmagere, og det er de folk der presser på for fuldstændig konfrontation med Rusland og Kina.

I denne strategiske sammenhæng er det meget vigtigt, at mindre end syv uger før midtvejsvalget, frigiver præsident Trump faktisk mange hemmeligt stemplede dokumenter vedrørende FISA-rettens garantier baseret på den svigagtige cirkulation af Steeles dossier, en rigtig efterretningsoperation, og også en masse e-mails, men også interviews med 70 individer involveret i affæren.

Selvom dette endnu ikke er offentligt, vil det blive offentligt, og nu vil det komme for Kongressen, og vi skal i grunden vente til de behandler alle disse oplysninger, og det kommer ud. Det er meget klart, fra gerningsmændenes reaktion, at Trump virkelig har ramt det absolutte ømme punkt. Der er en helt hysterisk reaktion fra lederne af det demokratiske parti, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff, Mark Warner og andre, og de siger dybest set, at “under ingen omstændigheder må disse oplysninger blive frigivet. Dette risikerer kildernes liv, osv.”, sagde Pelosi, og alle de tidligere intelligenschefer er alle kommet ud med skrig og skrål. De indrømmer alle, at præsident Trump har autoritet til at gøre det, så alle disse forbrydelser vil blive offentliggjort.

Den britiske efterretningstjenestes rolle vil være helt krystalklar: At der ikke var aftalt spil med Rusland, men der var skam et kriminelt aftalt spil mellem det demokratiske partiapparat, efterretningslederne fra Obama-administrationen, og en fremmed magt, nemlig, Storbritannien. Jeg mener, at Trump har helt ret, da han sagde, at dette vil være en af de stolteste bedrifter i hans præsidentskab, fordi hele dette apparat var en form for kræft, der har skadet USA i meget lang tid. Så det er stort. Det er virkelig skandaløst, at noget, som meget vel kunne være den største skandale i USA’s historie, ikke bliver rapporteret bredt af de internationale medier. Hvis de rapporterer det, er det kringlet og har et spin, og normale mennesker, der ikke undersøger sagen i dybden, har ingen chance for at forstå betydningen af dette. Jeg ved det ikke forholder sig sådan i USA, men for eksempel de tyske medier, jeg kiggede virkelig efter, og de har næppe noget om det overhovedet, hvilket fortæller dig, at det ikke bare er fake news, som de rapporterer, det er især undertrykkelsen af virkelig væsentlige historier, som er hvordan de forsøger at manipulere befolkningen. Så det er stort.

SCHLANGER: Helga, selv i USA, efter første dag faldt dækningen drastisk, i betragtning af vigtigheden af dette. {The Hill} lavede et interview med Trump, hvor han kommenterede om den største skandale, men det er værd at nævne, at Pelosi, Schumer, Warner, Schiff-brevet, i grunden var en appel til efterretningsvæsenet, DOJ, Justitsministeriet og FBI, om at trodse Trumps ordre og skabe en potentiel forfatningsmæssig krise Den anden del af dette er LaRouche PAC’s offentliggørelse af de britiske dokumenter, e-mails, kommunikation mellem briterne og folk som Brennan og Clapper og andre: Det er de andre brikker, som stadig mangler at falde på plads.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Ja; men jeg tror, at den første brik allerede er faldet på plads, og jeg finder det ganske interessant at det var George Papadopoulos, af alle mennesker, som angiveligt var personen, der udløste hele denne undersøgelse pga. fuldskab på en bar i London. Han fortalte, at der var russisk hacking af demokraternes computere; så denne Papadopoulos gav for to dage siden et langvarigt interview på Fox TV. Jeg vil opfordre alle vore seere og lyttere til at gøre anstrengelsen og lytte til dette, fordi det er virkelig afslørende.

Grundlæggende sagde han, at han blev snydt, at han blev lokket ind i dette ved en kombination af australsk, britisk, tyrkisk og amerikansk efterretningstjeneste; at han blev fanget i dette, og nu lægger han kortene på bordet. Og han siger det er briterne, det er australierne, der forresten er mere eller mindre det samme, på grund af Five Eyes-forbindelsen blandt landene i det britiske statssamfund. Papadopoulos siger stort set, at alt dette var et setup, og at det var briterne. Dette er virkelig vigtigt, og folk burde virkelig lytte til det, fordi det var, så vidt jeg ved, en af de såkaldte forudsætninger for at hele skandalen brød ud, og nu vender han omkring og siger: Jeg blev vildledt, jeg blev lokket ind i dette. Hvis dette fortsætter, vil vi se flere ting, og samtlige kongresmedlemmer, der undersøgte dette, udtalte: hvis det amerikanske folk kendte til omfanget af denne forbrydelse, ville de blive virkelig berørte. Dette kunne blive den store forløsning i amerikansk historie.

Se resten på engelsk på videoen ovenover.

POLITISK ORIENTERING den 20. september 2018:
Stormagtskonfrontation i Syrien afværget og
den britiske hånd bag kupforsøg imod Trump afsløres//
Opdel Danske Bank og alle andre


Lyd: 1. del:

Lyd: 2. del:

Vil amerikanske styrker hjælpe Al-Qaida i Syrien på årsdagen den 11. september ?


LaRouchePAC den 9. september 2018 — Senator Richard Black fra Virginia rapporterer om hans netop afsluttede 6-dages tur til Syrien, herunder hans møde med præsident Bashar al Assad. Black siger, at hvis USA, Storbritannien og Frankrig afstår fra deres position, hvor de hjælper og bevæbner al-Qaida-terroristerne i deres forsøg på at vælte Assad, kunne krigen i Syrien bringes til ophør inden årets udgang.

POLITISK ORIENTERING den 6. september 2018:
53 afrikanske lande kommer til Beijing for at
samarbejde med Kina om at bygge fremtiden.
Se også 2. del.: diskussion. Klik her.

Med formand Tom Gillesberg

Video 1. del:

Video 2. del, diskussion:


Omgivet af mange farer, hold fokus på at muliggøre et ‘Nyt Bretton Woods’-system

Leder fra LaRouche PAC d. 23. august (EIRNS) – Der er mange farer i Verden lige nu. Der er den verserende økonomiske krise, som er meget værre end i 2008. Der er det forværrede forhold mellem USA og Kina, toldkonflikten taget i betragtning, og det kinesiske synspunkt, at motivationen bag konflikten er at begrænse Kinas mulighed for at blive verdens ledende inden for visse højteknologiske områder inden 2025. Og der er det fortsatte britiske angreb på det amerikanske præsidentskab med Robert Muellers Trumpgate og Russiagate.

            Helga Zepp-LaRouche uddybede disse og andre farer i hendes ugentlige strategiske Schiller Institut webcast i dag, og bemærkede om de britisk skabte beskidte anti-Trump-operationer, at “den eneste gode ting er, at Trump hidtil har holdt hovedet koldt.” Men alle former for udenrigspolitiske spørgsmål går i skuddermudder, og det er naturligvis en yderst farlig situation.”

            Zepp-LaRouche opfordrede folk til at handle og fokusere på det højeste niveau af den politik, der kræves. Hun sagde: “Det store spørgsmål er, hvordan kan man tage fat på [disse farlige processer] på en sådan måde, at hele diskussionen løftes til et højere niveau? Derfor har Schiller Instituttet udsendt en appel, der opfordrer til et Nyt Bretton Woods, og især appellerer til de fire ledere i USA, Rusland, Kina og Indien – nemlig Trump, Putin, Xi Jinping og Prime Minister Modi – om, at de grundlæggende set straks enes om at løse dette problem, komme faren for et finansielt krak i forkøbet ved at gå tilbage til et Nyt Bretton Woods, fastkurssystem, og etablere et nyt kreditsystem for at formidle samarbejdet i forbindelse med det nye paradigme og samarbejdet med Bælt- og Vejinitiativet.

            “Er det så realistisk? Nuvel, jeg tror det. Fordi Rusland, Kina og Indien allerede har et meget stærkt samarbejde i denne henseende. Og Trump har med sine indledende skridt i forhold til Kina og sit venskab med Xi Jinping vist, at han er i stand til at gå i denne retning, og også hans bestræbelser på at forbedre forholdet til Rusland, og især hans møde med Putin i Helsinki, viser disse muligheder. Og det er derfor, at dette vanvid fra det politiske etablissement [for at fortrænge Trump] er så utroligt hysterisk, fordi de ser dette potentiale.”

            I diskussionen om ideen om et Nyt Bretton Woods i internationale kredse, er der allerede dem i Japan, som mener, at denne nation burde give sin fulde støtte til dette initiativ.

            Italien bevæger sig meget dramatisk i tråd med ideen om at tilslutte sig Kina for at starte fælles udviklingsarbejde. Zepp-LaRouche beskrev dette som “en meget forfriskende udvikling, fordi den nye italienske finansminister, Giovanni Tria, har en delegation i Kina. Og der er en anden delegation ledet af Michele Geraci, vicehandelsministeren, og han annoncerede dannelsen af en sådan kinesisk arbejdsstyrke, med det formål, ikke bare passivt at se på hvad der foregår, men at holde trit med forandringen af innovation og teknologi i Asien og især Kina.” Og der er også andre lande, der er i gang.

Zepp-LaRouche opsummerede: “Jeg ved ikke hvad der vil ske længere hen ad vejen, men vi organiserer for at få alle de europæiske lande og USA til at samarbejde med det nye paradigme, og vi behøver naturligvis at få mange folk til at forstå, at menneskeheden har nået et punkt, hvor civilisationens udryddelse kan være meget tæt på, hvis vi fortsætter med det geopolitiske hysteri. Så folk skal vågne op og virkelig forstå, at der ikke er nogen grund til, at verdens største magter ikke kan eller ikke bør samarbejde om at overvinde fattigdom ved at overvinde underudvikling. Når nu USA stadig har mange lommer med livsbetingelser som et uland – hvis man tager til Alabama eller Tennessee eller nogle af disse sydlige stater, finder man områder, der minder om Den tredje Verden! På samme måde hvis man tager Tyskland: Et såkaldt rigt land, som har 4,4 millioner fattige børn, og dette tal er stigende! I Grækenland har EU’s nedskæringspolitik halveret finansieringen af sundhedsudgifter, og 25.000 arbejdspladser i sundhedssektoren blev fjernet, da Trojkaen begyndte at ødelægge dette land.

Se, sammenlign nu dette med den absolut utrolige rekord for Kina, som i 1978 havde omkring 97,8 % af alle mennesker i de fattige landdistrikter; og i de sidste 40 år, eller 39 år, er lykkedes med at få 740 millioner mennesker ud af fattigdom. Den samlede fattigdomsrate i Kina for indeværende er 3,1 %, og de ønsker at udrydde fattigdommen helt og hæve levestandarden for disse mennesker inden 2020, således at der ingen fattigdom er tilbage i Kina.

Så folk burde ikke blive så absolut hysteriske, men de bør se på fakta: Måske gør Kina noget rigtigt, hvilket det neoliberale monetaristiske system gør forkert! Og Kina tilbyder nu sin egen model for økonomisk transformation og deler denne oplevelse, for eksempel med Afrika. Der kommer i starten af september en meget stor konference, der involverer Kina og, tror jeg, alle statsoverhoveder i Afrika, og det blev netop meddelt, at dette vil blive overværet af Xi Jinping. Og at han der vil bekendtgøre nye initiativer mellem Kina og Afrika; mange, mange områder af fælles videnskab, fælles uddannelse, og mange andre nye ting.

Der er to dynamikker: Den ene er udvikling og samarbejde, og den anden er konfrontation med faren for krig.”

POLITISK ORIENTERING den 23. august 2018:
Trump og USA må sammen med Kina, Rusland og Indien
etablere et nyt Bretton Woods fastkurs kreditsystem

Med formand Tom Gillesberg



Helga Zepp-LaRouches webcast 23. august 2018:
Tiden er inde for et nyt Bretton Woods baseret på LaRouches fire love.

Er der virkelig nogen der tror, at kvantitative lempelser vil løse verdens accelererende finanskrise? At skabe mere ubetalelig gæld ved at centralbankerne øger mængden af ‘funny money’, der fejer igennem systemet, vil genopbygge så meget som en enkelt bro, en kilometer jernbane eller skabe et eneste produktivt job, der betaler en løn man kan leve af? Eller at mere frihandel, privatisering og deregulering er nøglen til økonomisk velstand? Det er disse “løsninger”, som de imperialistiske eliter i London og Wall Street presser på med; det er London og Wall Street, som stadig dikterer politikken i den transatlantiske region.

          Men aksiomerne bag disse forfejlede politikker skaber kun papirprofit for de få, på bekostning af et stigende antal liv, der er mistet ved den samlede virkning af afindustrialisering og degenerering, som har ødelagt den optimisme, som ellers bør karakterisere unge menneskers livssyn; og de unge vender sig i stedet mod dødelige stoffer og selvmord. Vælgere i hele den transatlantiske verden har vist, at de ikke længere stoler på eller tror på finansoligarkerne, der klamrer sig til disse mislykkede aksiomer for at holde deres forfaldne system i live.

          Mange regeringer i sektoren af fremvoksende økonomier nærer den samme mistillid, da de i stigende grad vender sig mod Kina og dets nu globale Bælt- og Vejinitiativ, og afviser de neoliberale aksiomer for at overvinde de katastrofer, som de er blevet pålagt af de eliter, der har stået for det “post-koloniale system” med plyndring og ødelæggelse.

          Det post-koloniale system fik så godt som ukontrolleret kontrol for næsten halvtreds år siden, med beslutningen den 15. august 1971, om at bryde væk fra Franklin Roosevelts finansielle Bretton Woods-system med faste valutakurser. På det tidspunkt, og siden da, har Lyndon LaRouche og hans kone, Helga, ledet kampen for et Nyt Bretton Woods, baseret på at bringe de førende stormagter USA, Rusland, Kina og Indien sammen for at gennemføre det. Med valget af Donald Trump, der deler LaRouches modstand mod det etablissement, som kører denne orden, blev det muligt for USA at opfylde den mission, som LaRouche har skitseret siden den skæbnesvangre augustdag i 1971.

          John Brennan, en lejemorder, der arbejder for dette London-baserede system, og som har til hensigt at stoppe Trump, befinder sig nu i det varme sæde, og står over for mulig retsforfølgelse sammen med mange af hans samarbejdspartnere for deres forbrydelser, herunder at have brygget den bedrageriske Russiagate-sag sammen.

          Denne torsdag vil Helga Zepp-LaRouche rådgive om, hvad der kan gøres for at virkeliggøre et Nyt Bretton Woods og putte Brennan og hans venner hvor de hører hjemme, i fængsel. Gå ikke glip af denne mulighed!

Se programmet her. Tilgængelig fredag den 24. august 2018.


POLITISK ORIENTERING: Den gamle verdensorden disintegrerer –
BRIKS og det nye paradigme vinder frem
Se også 2. del (30 min)

Med formand Tom Gillesberg

Video 1. del:



Video 2. del:



Videoer fra vores musikalske dialog mellem kulturer koncert den 27. juni 2018 i København

Se videoerne her.

POLITISK ORIENTERING den 26. juli 2018:
BRIKS-topmøde i Sydafrika: Kina viser Afrika vejen ud af fattigdom
Se også 2. del.

Med formand Tom Gillesberg

Video 2. del 5 min.:


Før Trump-Putin møde:
Schiller Instituttets konference markerer overgang til det nye paradigme.
Se også diskussionen.

Med formand Tom Gillesberg

Video, indlæg:


Video, diskussion:



Næste Politiske Orienteringsmøde med Tom Gillesberg, ONSDAG, 4. juli kl.19

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