Ny bankkrise inden årets udgang?
Bankkunder og pensionister bliver ofret
for spekulationssvindel!
Af Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Vælgerne gør klogt i at anskueliggøre den brutalitet, med hvilken pensionerne i det amerikanske midtvesten bliver halveret, og de italienske bankkunder bliver eksproprieret. Hvis det kommer til et stort krak – og der bliver flere og flere tegn på dette – bliver befolkningens livsopsparinger, såvel som dens levebrød, skruppelløst ofret.

Der findes kun ét middel mod dette: Det transatlantiske finanssystem må, i hvert eneste land, fuldstændig reorganiseres gennem en Glass/Steagall-bankopdeling, før det kommer til et kollaps. De tyske vælgere, der skal beslutte sig den 24. september, bør nøje tænke over, at BüSo (Bürgerrechtsbewegung Solidarität; Borgerrettighedsbevægelsen Solidaritet, det tyske, politiske parti, som Helga Zepp-LaRouche er formand for, -red.) er det eneste parti, der overhovedet advarer om denne krise og har en løsning på denne krise parat.

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Helga Zepp-LaRouches Appel til
den amerikanske befolkning:
Hjælp jeres præsident Trump
med at opfylde sine valgløfter
og genindføre Glass-Steagall

21. juli, 2017 – Der er nye udviklinger i verden, som de fleste amerikanere virkelig ikke har den fjerneste anelse om, fordi de gængse medier ikke rapporterer om det. Det er, at der meget hurtigt er ved at vokse en ny geometri frem i verden, som præsident Trump relaterer positivt til. For næsten fire år siden indledte Kinas præsident Xi Jinping en politik, som han kaldte den Nye Silkevej. Det, som det rent faktisk er, er – i traditionen efter den asiatiske Silkevej – at opbygge infrastrukturen i planetens indlandsområder i Asien, i Eurasien, i Afrika, i Latinamerika. Denne politik har forandret verden til det bedre. Det er blevet en særdeles attraktiv model, fordi den tilbyder den form for udvikling, der ikke var der før. Derfor er folk i Latinamerika og Afrika meget glade, for de ser for første gang håb og muligheden for at overvinde fattigdom for altid.

Præsident Trump har etableret en meget god relation med præsident Xi Jinping. Lige siden mødet på Mar-a-Lago i Florida i april, er de to kommet virkelig godt ud af det med hinanden. Der er en meget god kemi mellem dem, og dette møde fungerer virkelig godt. Som et resultat sendte præsident Trump en repræsentation på meget højt niveau til Bælte & Vej Forum, som var et topmøde om dette nye initiativ, og som omfattede 110 nationer. USA blev repræsenteret af Matt Pottinger. I mellemtiden har de indgået mange positive aftaler – investeringsaftaler – især om eksport og import mellem USA og Kina.

Mødet mellem præsident Trump og præsident Putin fra Rusland i forbindelse med G20-topmødet i Hamborg var ligeledes meget positivt. På trods af forsøgene på at forhindre denne form for samarbejde, så indgik de en aftale om en våbenstilstand i Syrien og bragte håb om en afslutning på denne forfærdelige krig i dette land; og de-konfliktionen mellem de to militærstyrker fungerer.

På en anden front, nemlig Nordkorea, har den nye præsident Moon for Sydkorea ligeledes tilbudt direkte samarbejde mellem de to landes militær og diskussioner med Nordkorea. Dette støttes af Kina. Så med præsident Trumps nye, strategiske politik og forbedringen i relationerne mellem USA og Kina, og mellem USA og Rusland, befinder vi os potentielt i en helt ny geometri. Hvis præsidenterne for de tre mest magtfulde lande på denne planet – USA, Kina og Rusland – kan arbejde sammen om at løse problemerne i brændpunkterne, men også mere generelt etablere fuldstændig nye relationer og gå tilbage til en ny detente og afslutning af den Kolde Krig; så er dette så vigtigt for verdensfred og hele menneskehedens levebrød.

Der er dog et stort problem, en Akilleshæl. Det er, at, pga. den enorme kampagne imod Trump, Russia-gate, hele dæmoniseringen af Trump, har det endnu ikke været muligt for ham at opfylde sine valgløfter mht. økonomien. Og USA’s økonomi er virkelig i færd med at kollapse; tallene er absolut afslørende. Der er bankerotter, og vi står på randen af at få endnu et kollaps som i 2008; men denne gang langt, langt større, for alle tallene er langt værre. Infrastrukturen kollapser. I New York har man i øjeblikket »Helvedessommeren«, med brand i tog og folk i panik; dette er simpelt hen en fuldstændig uholdbar situation. Det er derfor ekstremt presserende nødvendigt, at præsident Trump bliver støttet i opfyldelsen af sine valgløfter om at investere mindst $1 billion i den amerikanske infrastruktur. Han har modtaget tilbud fra Kina, der tilbyder at investere $60 milliard i amerikaske statsobligationer, som Kina ejer, i infrastruktur i USA. Der er andre tilbud om sådanne investeringer.

Problemet er, at der netop nu foregår en stor kamp. Demokraterne, der står bag Russia-gate, vil ikke tage ansvaret for årsagerne til, at de tabte valget; men det var politikken med globalisering, der gjorde de rige rigere og flertallet af befolkningen fattigere, og så selvfølgelig disse interventionskrige, der skaber ødelæggelse over hele planeten. Og Demokraterne vil ikke tage ansvaret for dette, og de vil ikke slippe Russia-gate. Men også de neokonservative i det Republikanske Parti forsøger at forhindre Trump i at forbedre relationerne med Rusland og med Kina; og i særdeleshed i at gennemføre nye love for Wall Street.

Men, dette er den afgørende ting. Trump må opfylde sit valgløfte om at gennemføre Glass-Steagall og gå tilbage til det Amerikaske Økonomiske System, som han har nævnt i flere taler; at han ønsker at gå tilbage til Alexander Hamiltons, Henry Clays, Abraham Lincolns og Henry C. Careys politik og gennemføre Glass-Steagall. Men han kan ikke gøre det alene. Han er involveret i så mange kampe, at han har brug for jer. Jeg appellerer til jer; støt jeres præsident på dette tidspunkt i hans kamp. Vi befinder os på en enorm, historisk korsvej; vi kan rent faktisk bevæge verden ind i sikkerhed og forsøge at overvinde faren for termonuklear krig og civilisationens udslettelse, for altid. Jeg sagde for flere måneder siden, at, hvis præsident Trump lykkes med at forbedre relationerne med Rusland og Kina, kan han blive én af de største præsidenter i amerikansk historie. Det er fortsat min absolutte overbevisning; men han kan ikke gøre det alene.

Tillad mig derfor, fra udlandet, at appellere til jer som amerikanske patrioter. Hjælp præsident Trump med aktivt at opfylde sine løfter.

Verden er gået ind i et Nyt Paradigme;
vi må gennemføre LaRouches politik for
at det kan lykkes

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, 16. juli, 2017 – I dag talte Helga Zepp-LaRouche om det historiske faseskifte, der finder sted i verden, i retning af det Nye Paradigme, som LaRouche-organisationen har promoveret i de seneste 50 år, og det ansvar, som denne lille, men afgørende organisation må leve op til for at sikre, at dette nye paradigme, og ikke et globalt, økonomisk sammenbrud og en ny verdenskrig, kommer til at afgøre menneskehedens skæbne. I parafrase lyder hendes budskab som følger:

På den positive side sagde fr. LaRouche ved årets begyndelse, at Donald Trump kunne blive en af de største præsidenter i hele USA’s historie, hvis det lykkes ham at få USA til at samarbejde med den Nye Silkevej. Dette finder nu sted med Trump, der arbejder tæt sammen med Xi Jinping om at integrere USA i Silkevejsprocessen, en proces, i hvilken LaRouche-organisationen har spillet en afgørende rolle siden 1990’erne. Overvej engang mødet på Mar-a-Lago, det faktum, at Trump sendte en delegation på højt niveau til Bælte & Vej Forum i Maj, samt det faktum, at Trump nu siger, at han kender Xi Jinping temmelig godt, og at de har etableret en meget god relation og er mødtes flere gange – det er en meget solid basis for samarbejde.

Den kendsgerning, at Trump-Putin-mødet i Hamborg i denne måned gik fremragende godt, især konfronteret med et massivt forsøg på et kup imod Trump fra Det britiske Imperiums og dets amerikanske aktivers side; begge præsidenter manøvrerede meget vist og meget godt. Den kendsgerning, at Putin bagefter sagde, at Trump er meget anderledes end det billede, medierne fremstiller af ham, og at dette kan blive grundlaget for en fortsat, stærk relation – dette er fremragende. Forestil jer blot, hvis der havde været en Hillary Clinton i Det Hvide Hus – så ville vi allerede have haft Tredje Verdenskrig.

Så på dette plan gør Trump det virkelig godt – lyt ikke ét sekund til det, de liberale i USA siger; dette er komplet irrelevant, for det, der tæller, er den strategiske situation. Får vi Tredje Verdenskrig, eller ej? Så, hvad så siden, der foregår internt i USA, er relativt sekundært i forhold til den strategiske situation; og her har Trump gjort det fremragende godt.

Overvej det faktum, at Trump blev inviteret af præsident Macron til at være æresgæst i Frankrig – og dette var hans første besøg til udlandet – i anledning af den nationale Bastilledag, og til at spise middag med Macron på en meget fin restaurant på toppen af Eiffeltårnet. Bagefter sagde Macron, at Frankrigs relationer i lige grad er tætte til USA og til Rusland. Dette er meget vigtigt. Hvis man ser på resten af Europa: Østeuropas og Centraleuropas holdning til at deltage i Silkevejen; Italien, Spanien, Portugal går alle i retning af samarbejde med Kina. Macron, der sendte tidligere premierminister Raffarin, en stærk fortaler for samarbejde med Kina, til Bælte & Vej Forum, og nu, Macron, der inviterer Trump på denne måde – dette betyder tydeligvis, at krigskoalitionen mellem Theresa May og Angela Merkel – der mødtes med Obama kort tid efter Trumps valgsejr, netop for dette formål – at det ikke virker.

Det bedste trumfkort, Trump har, er netop disse globale spørgsmål. Dette er ikke en kamp internt i USA. Som Lyndon LaRouche har fremført, siden begyndelsen af Trump-fænomenets fremvækst: Dette er strategisk, dette er internationalt, ikke et strengt nationalt spørgsmål, og denne kamp vil blive vundet, eller tabt, på international skala. Tænk ikke småt, tænk ikke lokalt; det er ikke sådan, historien fungerer på dette tidspunkt.

Når dette er sagt, må man imidlertid også meget klart bemærke, at den store ’Akilleshæl’ er Trumps økonomiske politik. Syv måneder inde i sit præsidentskab, har han endnu ikke bedrevet noget, der virkelig understøtter budskabet om, at han mener, hvad han siger, med hensyn til sine valgløfter – Glass-Steagall, det Amerikanske System, økonomisk praksis i Hamiltons tradition, $1 billion i infrastrukturinvesteringer. Det er sandsynligvis stadigvæk, hvad han har til hensigt at gøre, men det er stadig ikke sket. Og han er stadig omgivet af Wall Street-folk som finansminister Steve Mnuchin – det er helt klart den svage flanke.

Vi befinder os under et Damoklessværd i form af et sammenbrud, værre end i 2008. Der er mange røster ud over LaRouche-organisationen, der advarer om, at alle centralbankernes redskaber er opbrugt; kvantitativ lempelse har blot ført til en forøgelse af spekulanternes profit, på bekostning af den almene befolkning. Svælget mellem rig og fattig vokser til stadighed; selskabernes gæld, statsgælden, alle disse faktorer er meget værre end i 2008. Hvis det her kollapser, har vi omgående kaos. Vi er ikke ude over faren for en trussel mod civilisationens eksistens. NATO-øvelser finder stadig sted tæt på Ruslands grænser, og det er stadig en kilde til fare. Men lige nu er den største fare finanssystemets sammenbrud, der ville føre til omgående kaos.

Hvis man vil have en forsmag på, hvordan det ville se ud, så se engang på sammenbruddet af New Yorks undergrundsbane og anden infrastruktur i New York City, hvor New Yorks guvernør indrømmer, at dette er »Helvedessommeren«. På ingen tid kunne man få et kollaps i infrastrukturen lige så vel, som man kunne få et kollaps af finanssystemet. Tro endelig ikke, at vi er ude over farezonen!

Denne krise vil næsten sikkert udspilles ved slutningen af denne sommer. Denne magtsituation med sine to sider – ud fra standpunktet om Trump som præsident, men med et samtidigt, igangværende kupforsøg mod Trump som præsident, der er styret af briterne. Dette kan ikke vare ved; én af siderne vil vinde.

Vi er fremragende placeret for at kunne vinde, men det kræver en ekstraordinær forpligtelse fra det amerikanske folks side, som denne organisation må påtage sig ansvaret for, med en helt ny opfattelse af sin mission.

Foto: Helga Zepp-LaRouche, juli, 2017.    

Det bedste resultat af G20-topmødet var mødet mellem Putin og Trump.
Artikel af Helga Zepp-LaRouche.

8. juli, 2017 – Præsidenterne for de to største atommagter i verden, Donald Trump og Vladimir Putin, har holdt deres første, personlige møde inden for rammerne af G20-topmødet i Hamborg, og iflg. udtalelser fra den amerikanske udenrigsminister Rex Tillerson »var der en god kemi« og samtalen var konstruktiv, hvilket også blev understreget af den russiske udenrigsminister Sergei Lavrov. Og Trump udtalte: »Vi ser frem til mange positive ting, der vil ske for Rusland og USA, og for alle berørte.«

Rent konkret blev der truffet beslutning om en våbenstilstand i Syrien og en ny kommunikationskanal for Ukraine, og der blev bl.a. talt om Nordkorea, terrorisme, cyber-sikkerhed og nye ambassadører. Hvem, der for alt i verden kerer sig om verdensfred, kunne ikke føle sig dybt lettet over dette resultat, der naturligvis må følges op af yderligere samarbejde? Kun hårdkogte krigsmagere og bagtalende redaktører, som dem i Washington Post, kunne ikke skjule deres ærgrelse over, at de to ræve – sagt i al respekt – har udmanøvreret det transatlantiske, neoliberale establishment. For, netop for at forhindre denne form for amerikansk-russisk samarbejde, som Trump havde lovet under sin valgkampagne, havde de britiske og amerikanske efterretningstjenester, hvis poster stadig var besat af folk fra Obama-administrationen, spillet et aftalt spil med eventyret om »Russia-gate«.

Bortset fra dette fremragende møde, viste G20-topmødet i Hamborg atter engang, at den neoliberale globaliserings gamle, økonomiske models skrøbelighed ikke kan skjules ved hjælp af et dekoreret udstillingsvindue. Forbundskansler Merkel havde tydeligvis tænkt sig, at Hamborg skulle være dette udstillingsvindue, som »Verdens Port«, som symbol på den globale frihandel.

Og hvad kom der så ud af det? 130 millioner euro til en foranstaltning, hvor ’sherpaerne’ (dvs. regeringers chefforhandlere ved arrangementer såsom G20, -red), i betragtning af den manglende, indholdsmæssige overensstemmelse mellem G20-statslederne, i sidste øjeblik måtte tinge om formuleringen af slutkommunikeet, i hvilket klimaspørgsmålet praktisk talt simpelt hen blev udeladt. Ingen diskussion om, og da slet ingen løsning på, et globalt finanssystem, hvis himmelråbende uretfærdighed gør kløften mellem fattig og rig stadig større, og imod hvilket den fredelige del af demonstranterne protesterede, og hvor en krise, værre end i 2008, hvert øjeblik kunne indtræffe.

Til omkostningerne må man desuden henregne et par millioner til de skader, som de formummede voldsmænd har anrettet – biler i brand, smadrede butiksruder, plyndrede butikker osv., for slet ikke at tale om lægeudgifter til de over 230 tilskadekomne politibetjente og et ukendt antal yderligere personer. Hvordan kunne det dog komme til en så katastrofal fejlvurdering af sikkerhedssituationen? Indenrigsminister de Maziere havde fyndigt erklæret, at enhver vold ville blive kvalt i fødslen. Det så vi sandelig.

I maj havde Hamborgs indenrigsminister Andy Grote ret så arrogant meddelt: »Det er en chance for, at regeringschefer med en autokratisk, populistisk baggrund forstår, hvordan et levende, demokratisk samfund fungerer, og hvor dybe uoverensstemmelserne er«; »I princippet er det en festival for demokratiet«, og »G20-topmødet bliver også en demonstration af moderne politiarbejde«. Talsmand for regeringen, Steffen Seibert, erklærede ligeledes i 2016, at terrænet opfylder alle »logistiske og sikkerhedstekniske krav« for et G20-topmøde.

Hamborgchefen for det Tyske Politiforbund, Jan Reinecke, giver udelukkende politikken skylden for de talrige tilskadekomne politibetjente og ødelæggelserne i byen: »Hamborg burde aldrig have været åstedet for G20-topmødet.« Det havde han ret i. Det, der tydeligvis var tænkt at være en strålende iscenesættelse for Merkels verdensdiplomati – en ønskeopvisning, der forhindrede en vurdering af sikkerhedssituationen – er gået godt og grundigt galt.

Det er naturligvis et spørgsmål, hvordan det overhovedet kunne komme til en så eklatant fejlvurdering af en del af demonstranternes potentiale for vold. I betragtning af den totale udspionering af verdens befolkning, som udføres af NSA, GCHQ og deres diverse samarbejdsaftaler med BND (den tyske efterretningstjeneste) og andre europæiske tjenester, undrer det dog meget, at politikken i den grad kunne blive fanget på den forkerte fod. Endnu mere aparte er den allerede nævnte indenrigsminister Grotes argument om, at politiet ikke greb ind, da bøllerne i Hamborg-bydelen Schanzenviertel rasede, fordi der var »fare for betjentenes liv og lemmer«. Når staten ikke længere kan sikre sine borgeres sikkerhed, har den mistet magtmonopolet.

Forløbet af dette G20-topmøde burde være en anledning for alle til at reflektere over præmisserne for den aktuelle politik. Kan et nævn som G20 overhovedet frembringe løsningen på denne verdens eksistentielle udfordringer, når de såkaldte ’sherpaer’, i stedet for at blive enige om principper, doktorerer på formuleringer, der skal tapetsere hen over modsætningerne? G20, der blev grundlagt i 1999, har allerede under systemkrisen i 2008 vist sig at være ude af stand til at drage fordel af dette øjeblik til en virkelig reorganisering af det allerede dengang bankerotte finanssystem. I stedet for blev, på G20-topmødet i Washington den 15. november, 2008, sporskiftet indstillet for politikken med den vidunderlige forøgelse af likviditet, der er associeret til al den uretfærdighed, som har befordret den globale revolte imod denne politik – fra Brexit over præsident Trumps valgsejr og til den italienske befolknings nej under folkeafstemningen om forfatningsændringen, og frem til den fredelige del af protesterne mod G20-topmødet.

En helt anden model for samarbejde mellem staterne blev netop for nylig demonstreret på Silkevejs-topmødet, det såkaldte »Bælte & Vej Forum«, der fandt sted i Beijing i maj måned. Her deltog 110 nationer i en konference, hvor grundlaget var det gensidige samarbejde på basis af et win-win-samarbejde om opbygningen af den Nye Silkevej. Dette initiativ har mange aspekter, som f.eks. opbygningen af den internationale infrastruktur, opbygningen af industri og landbrug, samarbejdet om videnskab og forskning, kulturel udveksling og samarbejde omkring rumfart, for nu at nævne de vigtigste områder.

Fordi denne model drejer sig om et samarbejde omkring reelle principper, der tager de gensidige interesser i betragtning og generelt etablerer et højere fornuftsplan, fungerer det på en harmonisk måde. Lykkeligvis er det i færd med at blive gennemført.

Ud over topmødet mellem Trump og Putin, var der en yderligere, potentielt set meget positiv udvikling, der blev synlig under G20-topmødet. Frem for alt den fornyede skærpelse af flygtningekrisen, såvel som også den positive virkning af Kinas omfangsrige investeringer i jernbaner, dæmninger, kraftværker, industriparker og landbrug i Afrika, har åbenbart vækket den erkendelse hos fr. Merkel, at Tyskland må ændre sin politik over for Afrika. Relativt kort tid før topmødet i Hamborg fik alle ministerier besked på at udarbejde nye koncepter for relationerne med Afrika inden for handel og økonomi.

Under mødet mellem præsident Xi og forbundskansler Merkel blev det kinesisk-tyske samarbejde om byggeriet af et vandkraftværk i Angola således annonceret, og Merkel betegnede dette som modellen for lignende samarbejde. Samtidig fandt der i Berlin yderligere et møde sted, med deltagelse af flere ministerier, hvor en intensivering af de fælles, tysk-kinesiske investeringer i Afrika stod på dagsordenen. At dette er et skridt i den rigtige retning, bliver synligt derigennem, at den britiske avis The Economist anser det for nødvendigt at angribe Merkels nye Afrika-politik og at understrege, at hun under ingen omstændigheder skulle være den nye »leder af det frie Vesten«.

For øvrigt gør Washington Posts hysteriske kommentar om mødet mellem Trump og Putin det ikke alene klart, at dette møde virkelig var en succes, men også, at mainstream-medierne virkelig er menneskehedens modstandere.

Selv om G20-topmødet var en katastrofe, så er det dog ikke dårligt alt sammen, og derfor eksisterer der absolut en chance for at virkeliggøre de ting, som G20-topmødet forsømte, og sætte på dagsordenen: Reorganiseringen af det transatlantiske finanssystem gennem vedtagelsen af Glass/Steagall-loven, skabelsen af et nyt kreditsystem i Alexander Hamiltons tradition, såvel som også USA’s og de europæiske nationers samarbejde med den Nye Silkevej – frem for alt omkring den økonomiske opbygning i Sydvestasien og i Afrika.

Foto: Politiet brugte vandkanoner og tåregas mod de voldsomme demonstrationer under G20-topmødet i Hamborg, 7.-8. juli, 2017.

Ruslands TASS bringer artikel om Helga Zepp-LaRouche:
Det mislykkedes for anti-russisk kampagne i USA
at blokere for succesfuldt Putin/Trump-møde

9. juli, 2017 – En artikel den 8. juli af TASS-korrespondent Ivan Pilshchikov er helt dedikeret til at præsentere Schiller Instituttets præsident, Helga Zepp-LaRouches »ekspertvurdering« af mødet den 7. juli i Hamborg, Tyskland, mellem Putin og Trump. Artiklen, der følger nedenfor i sin helhed, har følgende understregende indledning: »Leder af Schiller Instituttet mener, den russiske og den amerikanske præsident ’har overensstemmende synspunkter mht. deres ikke-accept af krige og interventioner og indblanding i andre landes anliggender’.«

NEW YORK, 8. juli /TASS-korrespondent Ivan Pilshchikov/.

Den russiske præsident Vladimir Putins første møde med sin amerikanske kollega Donald Trump gik ekstremt godt, på trods af den igangværende, anti-russiske kampagne i USA, og det rejser håbet om et faktisk samarbejde mellem Moskva og Washington. Helga Zepp-LaRouche, præsident for det internationale Schiller Institut, der beskæftiger sig med politiske og økonomiske spørgsmål, udtrykte denne mening i en samtale med TASS’ korrespondent.

Et gennembrud i relationer

»Jeg mener, dette er et seriøst gennembrud, i betragtning af situationen gennem de seneste seks måneder«, sagde hun og forklarede, at hun mente den konstruerede skandale i USA, pisket op omkring beskyldninger om russisk indblanding i det amerikanske præsidentvalg i 2016. Zepp-LaRouche understregede, at medierne og den nye amerikanske leders politiske modstandere havde lanceret disse bestræbelser med ét formål: at gøre det umuligt for Trump at gennemføre sit kampagneløfte om at forbedre relationer med Rusland.

Blandt de vigtigste resultater af mødet pegede lederen af Schiller Instituttet på den opnåede aftale om en våbenstilstand i det sydvestlige Syrien, udnævnelsen af Kurt Volker til USA’s særlige repræsentant mht. Ukraine og udvekslingen af synspunkter om Nordkorea, såvel som også udsigterne for samarbejde om terrorbekæmpelse og om cyber-sikkerhed.

»Hvis de to største atommagter begynder at drøfte disse spørgsmål, er det et gigantisk skridt fremad for fredsbevaring«, understregede hun.

Overensstemmende synspunkter

Zepp-LaRouche mener, at mødet fortjener at blive set som positivt for begge sider. »Det havde været bedre, om de var mødtes tilbage i januar. Men det blev udsat pga. denne anti-russiske kampagne i USA«, bemærkede hun. Schiller Institut-præsidenten understregede, at »hvis forståelse på et personligt plan er blevet etableret mellem de to ledere af de to stærkeste atommagter, betyder det, at mødet var meget succesfuldt«.

Hun observerede, at det helt klart fremstår, at Trump og Putin »har overensstemmende synspunkter mht. deres ikke-accept af krige og interventioner, indblanding i andre landes anliggender og organiseringen af ’farvede revolutioner’. De er begge fremragende ledere, på trods af bestræbelserne fra de førende, vestlige mediers side på at fremstille tingene anderledes«, understregede eksperten.

En stor ’Trojka’?

Zepp-LaRouche mener, at der er flere faktorer, der giver grund til håb om, at, med Trump i embedet, »vil der blive positivt samarbejde blandt de tre vigtigste lande – Rusland, Kina og USA«. Hun sagde, at dette især indikeres af den amerikanske præsidents positive møder med Putin i Hamborg og med Kinas formand Xi Jinping i april på Trumps Mar-a-Lago ferieresort i Florida.

»Vi kan ikke løse alle nutidens problemer på basis af gamle modeller«, understregede Zepp-LaRouche. Hun bemærkede, at de trilaterale relationer mellem Moskva, Beijing og Washington, inklusive om økonomiske og sikkerhedsmæssige spørgsmål, kunne blive det »nye paradigme«.

Schiller Instituttet er en del af Lyndon LaRouches internationale bevægelse, der er fortaler for en tilnærmelse mellem USA og Rusland og de andre medlemslande i BRIKS (Brasilien, Rusland, Indien, Kina og Sydafrika).

I december 2016 lagde aktivister fra Schiller Instituttet blomster ved det Russiske Generalkonsulat i New York til minde om ofrene for Tu-154-flystyrtet og sang den russiske nationalsang foran indgangen til bygningen. I januar holdt de en ceremoni til minde om dem, der døde i flystyrtet, ved Tåremonumentet af kunstneren Zurab Tsereteli, i Bayonne, New Jersey.

(Oversat til engelsk for Schiller Instituttet fra russisk: http://tass.ru/mezhdunarodnaya-panorama/4399522)

»Det nye navn for fred er økonomisk udvikling«
Helga Zepp-LaRouches hovedtale til
Schiller Instituttets m. fl. Konference,
Mad for Fred, New York, 7. juli, 2017. (PDF)

Det er bestemt sandt, at tiden for den unipolære verden er forbi, men multi-polaritet er stadig ikke løsningen, for det indbefatter stadig geopolitik, der var årsag til to verdenskrige i det 20. århundrede, og denne geopolitik er stadig i operation, i Nordkorea, i Syrien og i Ukraine.

Vi må derfor finde et højere niveau. Vi må få verden frem til at blive det, præsident Xi Jinping altid kalder »et samfund for menneskehedens fælles fremtid«. Et stort skridt i denne retning kunne være mødet mellem præsident Trump og præsident Putin, der mødes i dag for første gang som præsidenter. Dette er selvfølgelig et meget vigtigt skridt, for mellem præsident Trump og præsident Xi Jinping er der allerede etableret en meget positiv relation, så det er meget, meget afgørende, hvad der kommer ud af Trump-Putin-mødet. For de spørgsmål, vi må løse, er presserende og dramatiske.

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Videoklippet med Helgas tale kan ses her, start 15:45 min.: 


International konference i New York:
Mad for Fred, 7. juli, 2017

(Denne introduktionstekst forekommer på invitationen til konferencen):

Efter sin tale som deltager i Topmødet for Globale Tænketanke under Bælte & Vej Forum i Beijing, 14.-15. maj, sagde Helga Zepp-LaRouche, stifter og formand for Schiller Instituttet, i et interview til Shanghai Daily:

»Jeg mener, at Bælte & Vej Initiativet betyder et revolutionerende skridt hen imod en ny epoke i civilisationen. Ideen om at have win-win-samarbejde mellem nationer er første gang, et konkret koncept for at overvinde geopolitik er blevet fremsat.

Eftersom geopolitik var årsagen til de to verdenskrige, mener jeg, det er et fuldstændig nyt paradigme for tankegang, hvor en idé, der fremsættes af ét land, samtidig vil have den nationale interesse i overensstemmelse med hele menneskehedens interesse. Dette er aldrig tidligere sket.

Dette har indgydt et enormt håb blandt udviklingslandene om, at de har en mulighed for at overvinde fattigdom og underudvikling. Og jeg mener, dette er et initiativ, der vil vokse, indtil alle kontinenterne er forbundne gennem infrastruktur og udvikling.«

I samarbejde med Kinas Energifondskomite og Fonden for Genoplivelse af Klassisk Kultur, afholder Schiller Instituttet en konference i New York City fredag, den 7. juli, 2017. Vi vil bringe sammen, landbrugsledere, forskere og ingeniører inden for landbrug og politiske og diplomatiske, officielle personer fra hele USA, ledere fra Kina og fra andre nationer. Opgaven bliver at formulere en politik for fødevareproduktion og handel – i kølvandet på gennembruddet med Bælte & Vej Forum i Beijing i maj, 2017 – for omgående og radikalt at UDVIDE den globale fødevareproduktion og brødføde verden, katalyseret gennem den mest avancerede, 21. århundredes nuklear- og satellitteknologi.

Den amerikanske økonom og videnskabsmand, Lyndon LaRouche, der for 29 år siden var den oprindelige ophavsmand til konceptet og politikken med den »økonomiske udviklingskorridor« – i dag kendt som Verdenslandbroen – erklærede i sin rapport fra 1983, ’Der er ingen grænser for vækst’, at nationer nu, med de eksisterende teknologier, har evnen til at producere tilstrækkelig med fødevarer af høj kvalitet til at brødføde 25 mia. mennesker, med en sund kost!

Han påpegede desuden, at Afrikas udvikling er af strategisk betydning – dvs., af strategisk betydning for Asien og for hele verdens befolkning. Hr LaRouche forklarede dernæst de detaljerede politikker for at virkeliggøre Afrikas potentiale for at blive både hele verdens »brødkurv« og et center for videnskab og rumforskning.

I dag, hvor 100 nationer aktivt deltager i Kinas Bælte & Vej Initiativ, er Vejen åben for at gøre netop dette!

Billede: »Fields of Gold«, af kunstneren Jane Small.

»Gør amerikansk-kinesisk samarbejde
om den Nye Silkevej til hjertet af
menneskehedens fælles skæbne«
Af Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Helga Zepp-LaRouche, stifter og formand for Schiller Instituttet, indspillede denne videotale den 16. juni til en Schiller Institut-konference i Detroit, USA, den 17. juni, 2017.

Vi befinder os stadigvæk i den menneskelige races udviklings barndom. Jeg mener, vi er meget heldige at leve og kunne forme fremtiden på dette tidspunkt; men jeg mener, at det mest afgørende aspekt for, at hele dette perspektiv skal lykkes, er: Få det amerikansk-kinesiske samarbejde om de Nye Silkevej til at fungere i den umiddelbart forestående periode.  

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Når USA først tilslutter sig Bælte & Vej
Initiativet, kan et Nyt Paradigme for
menneskeheden begynde
Af Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Det vigtigste aspekt af ideen om USA’s tilslutning til Bælte & Vej-initiativet vil imidlertid være at inspirere hele befolkningen med håb for fremtiden, en bedre fremtid for de kommende generationer, noget, der er gået tabt i løbet af de seneste fem årtier. Det ville ligeledes demonstrere, at præsident Trumps løfte om atter at gøre Amerika stort ikke står i modsætning til andre landes interesser, men at et sådant win-win-samarbejde tværtimod kan bevæge hele verden ind i en ny æra af menneskelig civilisation. Hvis de to største økonomier i verden ville samarbejde på denne måde, vil der ikke være noget problem på planeten, der ikke kunne løses.

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Lad være med at sluge den inducerede
pessimisme – Den nye økonomiske
verdensorden er allerede på plads

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, 6. juni, 2017 – Til amerikanere og europæere, der døgnet rundt, og alle ugens syv dage, udsættes for en spærreild af rapporter om globale katastrofer, om Trump, der står over for afsættelse ved rigsretssag, om verden, der snart brænder op pga. global opvarmning og flere og flere ’fake news’ – falske nyheder – og ’fake’ videnskab og bevidst fremkaldt pessimisme – kom videre i teksten! Verden har forandret sig.

Momentum i vor samtids historie defineres af den enorme sejr for menneskeheden, der blev konsolideret på Bælte & Vej Forum for Internationalt Samarbejde den 14.-15. maj i Kina, efterfulgt af Skt. Petersborg Internationale Økonomiske Forum den 1.-3. juni, i Rusland.

Disse fora gik langt videre end til at fremlægge en håbefuld vision om en fjern fremtid, men fremlagde også en kortlægning af den transformation af hele planeten, der har fundet sted i løbet af de seneste par år gennem processen med den Nye Silkevej samtidig med, at man har opnået et forpligtende engagement på vegne af det store flertal af den menneskelige race, for at fortsætte denne udvikling i et forhøjet tempo.

USA var deltager i denne proces, med præsident Trump, der sendte en seniordelegeret til Beijing, og med 300 førende industrifolk, der deltog i Skt. Petersborg. Helga Zepp-LaRouches deltagelse på Bælte & Vej Forum, og på fora og i presseinterviews i hele Kina i to uger efter BVF-begivenheden, demonstrerede anerkendelsen i Kina af, at hun og hendes mand, Lyndon LaRouche, tilbage i 1990’erne havde initieret processen med at erstatte den Kolde Krig med udviklingsprojekter, der fysisk og kulturelt forbinder nationer, ligesom den oprindelige Silkevej havde gjort det i fortiden.

I dag talte Helga Zepp-LaRouche til de amerikanske medlemmer af LaRouche-organisationen om det presserende nødvendige i at løfte befolkningen ud af det kontrollerede miljø, som er skabt af de desintegrerende politiske partier, de neokonservative og de mislykkede massemedier. Er infrastrukturen i din by ved at smuldre, som den er i New York City? Stil dig selv spørgsmålet: Hvad ville Kina gøre? Inden for et eller to år ville Kina erstatte forfaldet med nye højhastighedsjernbaner, svævetogs- (maglev-) undergrundsbaner, produktion af elektricitet ved hjælp af kernekraft og nye faciliteter til uddannelses- og sundhedssektor. Og, med initiativet for Bælte & Vej, sammen med de udviklingsbanker, de har skabt, bringer Kina denne proces til resten af verden – inklusive (hvis vi accepterer) til USA.

Dette er, hvad Franklin Roosevelt og John F. Kennedy ville have gjort. Dette er, hvad LaRouche, meget detaljeret, har foreslået hen over de seneste 50 år, siden Kennedy blev dræbt af dem, der foragtede hans vision og videnskabelige optimisme. I dag gennemgik Zepp-LaRouche, hvordan denne organisation har udarbejdet udstrakte udviklingsprojekter for Afrika, for Latinamerika, for det Indiske Hav/Stillehavsbækkenet og for Nordamerika, og ligeledes for en tilbagevenden til Hamiltons, Lincolns og Roosevelts politikker for udstedelse af statskreditter, der ville fremme sådanne store projekter. Men dette er præcis de forslag, der i dag bliver implementeret under Kinas og Ruslands lederskab!

Der er ingen tid at spilde med hensyn til at vække den amerikanske befolkning og de europæiske befolkninger til at gå med i det nye paradigme, der står lige foran dem, men som er skjult af den løgnagtige presse, og af deres egen frygt og pessimisme. Hidtil har præsident Trump nægtet at bøje sig for den nye ’McCarthy-isme’, som er orkestreret af briterne og deres aktiver i USA, og som tror, at befolkningen er blevet så »fordummet«, at den vil acceptere den absurditet, at et venskab med Rusland og Kina er en forbrydelse mod amerikansk frihed og demokrati.

Det vil ikke virke. LaRouche-organisationen er, med løsningerne på hånden, strategisk placeret til at bryde igennem moradset for at bringe USA og Europa fuldt og helt ind i den Nye Silkevej, for at genindføre Glass/Steagall-bankopdelingslov og statsbankpraksis i Hamiltons tradition, og for at gå sammen med resten af verden i forceringen af den menneskelige videns fremskudte grænser og skabe en fremtid, der er menneskeheden værdig, her på Jorden, og i vore fremtidige kolonier i rummet.

Optimisme og muligheder:
USA må gå med i den Nye Silkevej.
LaRouche PAC Internationale
Webcast, 2. juni, 2017

Matthew Ogden: Temaet for aftenens webcast er: USA må afgjort tilslutte sig den Nye Silkevej. Dette er den strategisk vigtigste ting, der kan ske; alt andet må ses som underordnet dette mål. Vi havde lejlighed til at tale med Lyndon og Helga LaRouche for et par timer siden, og vi har lidt nyheder; nogle bemærkninger fra Helga Zepp-LaRouche, som jeg gerne vil oplæse som indledning. Hun sagde, at verden hastigt bevæger sig i en meget ny og dynamisk retning. Momentum er meget klart. Tag Bælt & Vej Forum, der fandt sted for kun to uger siden, og tag dernæst Skt. Petersborg Internationale Økonomiske Forum, der finder sted netop i disse dage; naturligvis med den russiske præsident Vladimir Putin som vært. Ved denne lejlighed er den særlige gæst premierminister Modi fra Indien, og vi ser en fortsat integration mellem Shanghai Samarbejdsorganisationen (SCO), Bælt & Vej, den Nye Silkevej og alle disse eurasiske, økonomiske udviklings- og integrationsorganisationer.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche sagde, vi må nu optrappe vores kampagne her i USA, for, at USA kan blive fuldt ud engageret og involveret i denne nye dynamik med win-win-samarbejde og gensidigt fordelagtige udviklingsprojekter. Hun sagde, at vi må holde fokus på dette spørgsmål; ikke lade os distrahere af noget som helst andet. Verden har totalt forandret sig. Vi befinder os i en fuldstændig ny epoke, en ny æra for civilisationen.

Hun sagde, vi i nyhederne netop har set, i de sidste 24 timer, at præsident Trump har sagt nej til denne Paris-klimaaftale, og det er en god ting, sagde hun. For det (klimaaftalen) er ikke baseret på videnskab. Jo, vi ved godt, at klimaet ændrer sig, men det er ikke baseret på menneskeskabt, global opvarmning. Spørgsmålet er så, hvad er årsagen? Paris-aftalen var baseret på ideologi, sagde hun; den var baseret på ideologien om grænser for vækst, befolkningsreduktion, undertrykkelse af udvikling – især i den tredje verden.[1] Sæt som modsætning den Nye Silkevej, Bælt & Vej-initiativet, der kommer fra Kina, og som bringer hårdt tiltrængt udvikling til den tredje verden, til Afrika og andre steder; som disse områder ikke har haft adgang til i generationer. Man må se, at dette er en virkelig bølge af optimisme.

Hun sagde, hold tingene optimistisk, bliv ved at være optimistiske. Det kunstige diskussionsmiljø i USA, der er skabt af nyhedsmedierne, er ren propaganda, sagde hun. De falske nyheder er ikke kun de negative rapporter – det har vi set masser af. Men, de falske nyheder er i realiteten, at man ikke rapporterer de positive og optimistiske udviklinger, der finder sted i hele verden, og som især kommer via Bælt & Vej Forum.

Vi havde lejlighed til at få en ti minutter lang briefing fra fr. Helga Zepp-LaRouche i går, under en telefonkonference med hendes medarbejdere (i USA). Det var en virkelig vidunderlig og optimistisk refleksion tilbage over betydningen og virkningen af dette Bælt & Vej Forum, som hun havde mulighed for at deltage i personligt. Vi har fremstillet en slags video til jer her, hvor vi har brugt nogle billeder af Helgas besøg til Kina, og noget baggrundsmateriale, som I vil få at høre her, som gennemgår LaRouche-bevægelsens 40-50 år lange historie for denne nye, internationale, økonomiske orden, der nu er ved at blive til virkelighed. Her kommer denne ti minutter lange video:


(Her følger resten af diskussionen på engelsk. Helgas briefing (videoen) er oversat til dansk, her: http://schillerinstitut.dk/si/?p=19877 )        

HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Well, I just wanted to make sure that
you get a first impression from me from my trip, because I think
the worst mistake we could make would be to respond to the
absolutely incredible psywar propaganda coming from the U.S.
mainstream media and the neoliberal media in Europe, like Spiegel
Online with its Chief Editor piece which was really out of this
way! It is very clear that people who are primarily relying on
such media have a completely, totally, 100% wrong idea of what
the reality is of what’s going on.  And we should really get that
out of our heads and not try to swim within the fishbowl of an
artificially created environment. Because, from my standpoint,
the world looks very, very different.
First of all, I said this already, and I reiterate it:  With
the Belt and Road Forum, the world has dramatically consolidated
the beginning of the new era, and I don’t think at all, that
short of World War III, this is going to go away, because the
majority of the world is moving in a completely liberated way.
And first of all, this was the highest level conference I ever
participated in.  There were 28 head of state, speaking one after
the other, and obviously, the speech by Xi Jinping was absolutely
outstanding, and whoever gas time to listen to it, should really
do it, because it was a very, very Confucian speech, which set
the tone for the two-day conference in a very clear way. So,
please listen to it when you have some time.
I think the way people have to understand what is going on,
you have to really think what this organization, and Lyn in
particular did for the last almost 50 years.  The first time when
Lyn in 1971 recognized what the significance of the dismantling
of the Bretton Woods system was, and then all the many, many
things we did in the last over 40 years: Lyn coming back from the
Iraq Ba’ath Party celebration in 1975, when he proposed the IDB
as an International Development Bank to foster a new world
economic order; the fact that we, for one year, campaigned with
this IDB proposal which then basically became part of the
Colombo, Sri Lanka resolution of the Non-Aligned Movement in ’76.
Then, in the end of the ’70s, when we worked with Indira Gandhi
on a 40-year development plan for India.  Already in ’76, we
published a whole book about the industrialization of Africa.  We
worked with Mexican President José López Portillo on “Operation
Juárez.”  We put out a 50-year Pacific Basic development plan.
Lyn had already in ’75 had proposed Oasis Plan.  And then
naturally when the [Berlin] Wall came down and the Soviet Union
disintegrated, we proposed the Productive Triangle and the
Eurasian Land-Bridge.
And all of these proposals!  And just think of the many,
many activities we did, conferences all over five continents, all
of this was on the level of ideas, on the level of program — but
only after Xi Jinping put the New Silk Road on the agenda in
2013, and in the four-years of breathtaking developments of the
One Belt, One Road initiative since, these ideas are becoming
realized!  And the genie is out of the bottle!
When you have now the Bi-Oceanic Railway discussion and the
tunnels and bridges connecting the Atlantic and Pacific around
Latin America, you have all these railways now being opened up in
Africa — this is unprecedented!  This was not done by the IMF or
the World Bank.  They suppressed it with the conditionalities.
But with the AIIB, the New Development Bank, the New Silk Road
Fund, the Maritime Silk Road Fund, the direct investment of the
Chinese Ex-Im Bank, the China state bank, all of these projects
are now proceeding, and they have completely changed the attitude
and the self-confidence of all participating countries.
Now, the way people in China look at President Trump is
absolutely different than what the media are trying to say.  They
are very positive about Trump, in the same way that people in
Russia think that Trump is somebody you can absolutely have a
decent relationship with, and that is reality. And forget the
media!  Forget these whores in the press who are really just
prostitutes for the British Empire.  Don’t pay any attention to
what they say, and don’t allow the people you are talking with to
do that, either.
When Trump promised $1 trillion infrastructure investments,
this was the right thing, and we put out the right program saying
the United States must join the Silk Road and that {should be our
focus}, and nothing else.  Everything else should be a subsumed
aspect of that.  This is the strategically important thing, and
the fact that the head of the China Investment Corp. Ding Xuedong
said it’s not $1 trillion but $8 trillion, is what the United
States needs, is absolutely on the mark; and you know it yourself
from the conditions of the roads and the infrastructure in all of
the United States.
So the fact that the same organization has now set up their
office in New York, advising Chinese investors how to invest in
the United States, and vice versa, how U.S. investors can invest
in China; the fact that the Chinese are invited to participate in
this infrastructure conference in June; all of this is absolutely
going in the right direction.
What happened in the Belt and Road Forum and the many
meetings I had afterwards — after all, I spent two full weeks in
Beijing, in Nanjing, in Shanghai  but it’s the fact that in the
many interviews, many quotes, and the general view is that we
were treated with the highest respect possible.  I mean, people
are fully aware of Lyn’s significance as a theoretician of
physical economy, his ideas are highly respected; and people
treated me as we should be treated, namely as people who have
devoted their entire lives to the common good of humanity.  And
this is absolutely in stark contrast to the shitty behavior that
we are normally getting from the neo-liberals in the
trans-Atlantic region.
And you should understand that what the attack on Trump is
supposed to do:  Is to make — it’s so difficult for him to focus
on the positive aspect, and there are quite some many of them,
including his working relationship with Russia and China, which
is strategically the most important. So that, basically, he has
to defend himself instead, and everybody thinks they have to
spend all the time to defend themselves.
So don’t fall for it.  The idea that we are losing is
completely off! Mankind is on the winning track and we have to
pull the American population to create the kind of ferment so
that the implementation of the infrastructure program as a first
step is on the agenda, and on everybody’s mind and nothing else.
Even if Europe is still in the grip of the EU Commission, I
mean, if Merkel wants to be the leader of the free West, —
forget it.  Macron just had a very excellent meeting with Putin,
defining a cordial relationship with Russia! This is not what
Merkel and Obama have been cooking up, when Obama addressed the
church day of the Protestant church, but Merkel is pretty
Just look around in Europe:  Macron send Raffarin, the
former Prime Minister, to the Belt and Road Forum who gave an
excellent speech, why China and France have to work together.
Gentiloni from Italy said China and Italy will work together on
the development of Africa.  All the East Europeans, Tsipras [from
Greece], Serbia, Hungary, Czechia’s Zeman, Orban [Hungary] — all
of these people were absolutely enthusiastic on the Belt and Road
Initiative.  And now even Germany, it shows that the German
industry is actually really getting it, that their interest is to
work on joint ventures in third countries together with China. So
I think even Germany will change.
I have the strong conviction that by the end of this year,
it will look completely different, because the development
perspective is so contagious, that I think all the efforts by the
British Empire to somehow throw in a monkey wrench will not work!
So take the winning perspective, take the high ground, think
strategically:  And realize that what is happening in reality, in
many, many development projects around the world, is what this
organization has been fighting for, for almost half a century.
I just wanted to tell you that, because the worst thing we
could do, is look at it from inside the United States, from
within the box, when the whole world has moved out of the box
decisively, with the Belt and Road Forum, which is not going to
be stopped by anything.  And that is my view I wanted to
[end video: https://larouchepac.com/20170602/silk-road-
OGDEN:  As you could hear, Helga LaRouche was extremely
optimistic after spending an entire two weeks in China; and her
point could not be more clear.  The United States must join the
Silk Road; this must be our focus and nothing else.  “Everything
else should be a subsumed aspect of that,” she said; “this is the
strategically most important thing.”
Helga also had, among many media interviews, you could see
some pictures there from her interview on the “Dialogue with Yang
Rui” show, which was a very widely watched and wonderful
interview.  She had many TV interviews, many other press
interviews.  Here’s an interview that just came out; this is from
{Shanghai Daily}, and I’m going to read a few excerpts from that
interview as well.  I think is just really a nice overview.  As
you can see, the title is “Belt and Road Initiative Instills Hope
for Peace and Development Among Nations.” You can see the picture
of Helga LaRouche there.  The editor’s note begins the article;
it says,
“Helga Zepp-LaRouche visited Shanghai for the first time in
the summer of 1971. In 1977 she married American economist Lyndon
LaRouche, and the couple have since worked together on
development plans for a just new world economic order.”  That was
the overview that we saw in the video just now.  It goes on:
“Zepp-LaRouche founded the Schiller Institute in 1984, a
think tank devoted to the realization of these plans and a
renaissance and a dialogue of classical cultures.
“She is an expert in European humanist philosophy and
poetry, Confucius, and history.
“After attending the recent Belt and Road Forum in Beijing,
she visited Shanghai, where {Shanghai Daily} reporter Wan Lixin
interviewed her.”
These are going to be a few excerpts from Helga LaRouche’s
answers to the questions that were posed to her in this {Shanghai
Daily} interview.
So, Helga said: “I think the Belt and Road initiative
signifies a revolutionary move to a new epoch of civilization.
The idea of having a win-win cooperation among nations is the
first time that a concrete concept has been offered to overcome
“Since geopolitics was the cause of the two world wars, I
think it is a completely new paradigm of thinking where an idea
proposed by one country has the national interest basically in
coherence with the interests of humanity as a whole. This has
never happened.
“This has instilled tremendous hope among developing nations
that they have the chance to overcome poverty and
underdevelopment. And I think this is an initiative that will
grow until all the continents are connected through
infrastructure and development.”  (That’s the idea of the World
“We have always made the point that for this new Silk Road
to succeed in the tradition of the old Silk Road, which was also
an exchange of ideas and cultures, not just products and
technology, you have to combine economic cooperation with
dialogue between cultures. This dialogue must be on the highest
level, so each culture has to present example of the best of
their culture, like Confucianism, Italian renaissance, the German
classical period, and present the best works of arts in music and
poetry, paintings and other forms of art.
“Our experience is that when people get into contact for the
first time with expression of such high culture from another
culture, they are surprised by its beauty. And this beauty then
opens the heart and souls of the people. And this is the best
medicine against chauvinism, xenophobia, and prejudice, and it
opens the way for the love of other cultures.
“This is in conformity with Confucian teaching that all
activity must be combined with strengthening of love for the
mankind, because without that cultural component, that new Silk
Road will not flourish.”
“I think it a great honor for me to participate in this Belt
and Road Forum, and I was deeply impressed by the speech of
President Xi Jinping. Among all participants I spoke with there
is consensus that we are actively participating in the shaping of
history. All this means that China is right now leading the world
in terms of providing the perspective for the future.
“I think this has been recognized by many countries in Latin
America, in Africa, in Asia, and even some European countries
start to recognize it is in their best interests to ally with
that initiative. So I think it has made clear that China is the
only country right now that offers a positive perspective to
overcome the strategic bottleneck of our present times.”
“Here I would like to quote from Pope Paul VI who said that
‘Development is the new name for peace.'”
“I was first in Shanghai 46 years ago in 1971, after
traveling on a cargo ship. Although it was not the best time to
be in China, it had awoken my love for China.
“I think the Chinese people are much too modest. They should
feel more confident about what they have accomplished. They have
created the biggest miracle of the world, even bigger than the
post-war German economic miracle. They should be very proud to be
So again, that was from an interview in {Shanghai Daily}
called “Belt and Road Initiative Instills Hope for Peace and
Development Among Nations.”
Obviously, this is just a wonderfully optimistic view of the
world right now.  I think it gives you a sense of what Helga
LaRouche gained as an eyewitness and participant on the ground at
the Belt and Road Forum.  It’s what Americans are not being
given; we’re not being given this kind of optimistic perspective
of what the future of mankind could be, and it’s very much within
our grasp.  The kind of pride that she said Chinese should feel
about being Chinese, this is something that Americans desperately
to access again; this pride of being American.
With that kind of overview and our very clear sense of what
our mission is, that the United States should join this New
Paradigm of win-win development, I think maybe Ben can give us a
little bit of a sense of what it’s going to take to get the
United States back on this path to development.  It’s been 50
years since the assassination of John F Kennedy and the departure
of the United States from this sense of development and progress.
This embrace of this Malthusianism, zero-growth kind of
population control ideology, which has brought us to the point of
just miserable economic suffering.

BENJAMIN DENISTON:  As you mentioned in the beginning,
Trump’s announcement that the U.S. is going to pull out of this
Paris climate change agreement is a really big deal; this is
excellent.  To my knowledge, unless I’m missing something, since
this whole climate change scare got going, this is the first U.S.
President who has actually kicked back against this.  It started
really back with George H.W. Bush; Bill Clinton went along with
it.  Despite the narrative of it being a Republican versus
Democrat issue, the George W Bush administration was fully on
board; they went with all this junk.  Bio-fuels, global warming,
they pushed it fully.  Obama pushed it further.  Now, we finally
have a President who is actually kicking back against this.  This
is huge, this important; Trump definitely deserves respect and
support for fighting against this thing.  As many of our viewers
know, this is a huge global lobby that’s been pushing this thing
from the top down for decades now.
I thought it was also important that Trump highlighted the
economic effects of this.  Some people just say the science says
this, or the science says that; but there’s also the reality of
what is the effect on the people.  What’s the effect on your
citizens of going with these policies?  They say CO2 is terrible,
it’s a pollutant, etc.; therefore, we need to go with all these
wonderful, clean energy solutions.  They paint this rosy picture,
when in fact, that has devastating effects on the real-life
conditions of our population.  This whole Green energy fraud is
ridiculous.  Given that this issue is now coming up, I think it’s
worth just highlighting a couple of points on this.
If you want to talk about the reduction in CO2 emissions and
the Green energy stuff, I still think it’s worth looking at what
Germany is facing right now in terms of their energy prices.  If
you want a case study in what wind and solar and exiting nuclear
and getting rid of coal and natural gas does; in Germany, just
between 2004 and 2015, their energy prices went up 50% from $0.23
cents a kilowatt-hour in U.S. values, to $0.35 cents a
kilowatt-hour.  They were already in 2004, twice the rate we pay
in the U.S. on average.  And over that ten-year period, in the
context of a lot of this nuclear exit, CO2-reduction stuff, they
went up another 50% to now three times what Americans pay on
average for energy, just as an example of what that means for
real life conditions.  This has been driving industries to leave
Germany, so it has an effect on industry, other forms of economic
activity as well.
In 2013, just one subsidy — this major surcharge they added
to the average German’s bill to pay for wind and solar — was the
equivalent of $0.07 U.S. cents per kilowatt-hour.  That alone is
60% of what we pay on average for the U.S.; just for one subsidy,
just for wind and solar.
In the context of all the propaganda that gets put out, it’s
worth emphasizing the idea that we can transition to some
wonderful world powered by wind, solar electricity is a face;
it’s a fraud.  We need to go in the other direction.  To the
degree necessary, use coal, use natural gas, whatever; but move
towards more advanced higher forms of energy like fission and
nuclear fusion — that’s really the future.  The future is
increasing energy use per capita, increasing the use of higher
qualities of energy per capita, not reduction.
I also think it’s worth in the context of the debate
re-erupting right now, people are freaking out about Trump doing
this; I think it’s worth re-examining the issue of CO2.  What
does CO2 do?  It’s now officially labelled a pollutant by the
EPA.  There are all these horror stories about extreme weather,
climate change, etc.
I just want to highlight one graphic [Fig. 1].  Tons could
be said, but I think it’s just worth it for the education of our
audience and the real facts on the issue, it’s worth just
highlighting this study, comparing literally dozens of different
computer models on the effects of CO2 increase with the reality
that’s happened just in the last couple of decades.  So, what
these people did was to take 32 different computer models, all
claiming what the effects of CO2 increase were going to do to the
global temperature.  Those are all the variety of small dotted
lines rising up in the graph there.  The thick red line there is
the average of all of these 32 different computer models.
If you take the claims being made by these models and by
these fear-mongers around the CO2, they say this is the type of
rate of temperature increase you’re going to get.  But if you
compare that to the actual observations indicated below in the
blue and green lines with the squares and the dots, you see that
none of the computer models have been accurate in reality.  Both
satellite measurements by two different types of measurements, as
well as independent {in situ} measurements with balloon systems,
have shown that the temperature over the past 15 years now on
average, has been relatively flat with little increase.  {None}
of the models showed this; none of them.
So, have this in mind when you hear these scare stories
about this much temperature rise is going to cause this much
extreme weather, etc.  They’re basing it all on these models that
have already shown to be ridiculous.
There’s another interesting aspect to the CO2 issue, which
isn’t discussed at all, which is this apparently secret thing
that many of these fear-mongering people around climate change
don’t apparently know, which is that CO2 is actually a part of
the biosphere, and it’s actually an important part of the
ecological cycle.  People talk about being “pro-green”:  It’s
actually an important contribution to green on the planet.
And there’s been some work done, and I’d like to play a few
short clips of an interview I’d done a few weeks back with a
scientist who’s led a great amount of effort on studying the
positive effects of higher CO2 levels.  This is Dr. Craig Idso,
and he has spent many years and a lot of effort doing actual
experiments with greenhouses, overviews of various studies,
overviews of satellite measurements, and actually studying the
question of what is the effect of increasing CO2 levels on plant
growth and then also on agricultural activity.  These clips speak
for themselves, but I think this is an important part of the
discussion, as being completely blacked out, which is, aside from
the scare-stories about CO2 not being grounded in reality,
there’s actually a beneficial side for increasing CO2 levels.

[start video]
DR. CRAIG IDSO:  There are three main benefits from
increasing carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere:  The
first is that it increases plant productivity for biomass of the
plant.  On average, what we see is that for a doubling of CO2,
something that’s going to happen by the end of this century, most
are basis plants, non-woody plants like crops and things like
that, will experience anywhere from a 25% to a 55% increasing in
biomass per yield.  And that’s a phenomenal result and that’s
something that’s going to happen just because we raise the CO2
concentration and nothing else.
Second is that higher CO2 concentrations help increase the
plant’s  water use efficiency.  Again, a doubling of CO2 allows
plants to use about half as much water as they need to produce
the same amount of tissue, so another phenomenal benefit.
And then the third benefit is that higher CO2 concentrations
helps to ameliorate environmental stresses.  So if you have a
stress from hot air temperature, maybe low light, low levels of
soil fertility, those sorts of things, when you have higher CO2
concentrations they tend to reduce or lessen that stress if not
completely ameliorate it, under a doubling of CO2.
You put all those three benefits together, and what you get
is a tremendous benefit to the biosphere to the growth.  And
we’re seeing that already:  We see it in tree-ring cores, you can
look and look at how their water use efficiency has improved over
time, and we see anywhere from 35% to 40% increase already, as
the CO2 concentration has increased by about 40%.  So the
satellites have been up measuring reflectivity of vegetation,
over the entire globe ever since about the early 1980s.  And what
they find consistently, whether they’re focussing on a particular
region of the globe or the globe as a whole, you get anywhere
from about 6% to 15% increase in biomass in that period of time.
The globe as a whole, or in total, is actually in a better off
condition now than it was when those measurements began.
I did the first approximation to determine what is the net
monetary benefit on crop production globally, in the past and
then also projected into the future, and what I found was that
over the 50-year period from 1961 to 2011, it amounts to about
$3.2 trillion on the global economy, a phenomenal benefit. And
then, projecting that forward in time, as the CO2 concentration
is going to continue to rise, from about 2012 to 2050, we expect
it to be about $10 trillion to the economy.
And that’s just really scratching the surface, because you
could look at studies, for example, I’ll take rice, where there’s
a number of genotypes of rice, and scientists have looked at for
example, in one study I’m thinking of, they looked at 16
different genotypes of rice, and how those genotypes responded to
a doubling of CO2, and they received values that ranged from
about 0 all the way to a whopping 265%.  So, if governments and
scientists focussed on those specific genotypes that we received
the greatest increase in biomass per CO2 rise, and then grew
them, we could have this phenomenal increase in agriculture and
have no problem in feeding the planet in the future.
[end video]

DENISTON:  I wanted to just highlight that interview,
because that needs to get out.  These are astounding facts: You
compare on the one side, the scare stories are not adding up.  On
the other side, just review what he said, that over the past 35
years, according to global satellite measurements a 6-15%
increase in total biomass production to the planet, the entire
planet!  We’re not talking about a 10th of a percent of a half of
a percent, 6-15%, that’s huge.  And these assessments they’ve
done on the increased crop yield, which they put in monetary
terms of $3 trillion increased value production from higher crop
yields.  Again, these are not models and studies; you can take a
greenhouse, you can study tomato plants, this particular species,
what’s their yield under regular atmospheric CO2 conditions,
what’s their yield under this much increase?  And they have hard
data on this, so these are not models, this is real stuff.
And then the other irony, which is an irony for some people
is this water use efficiency:  You actually get a highly
significant boost for certain plant species in their ability to
produce more biomass with less water use, and this has rather
interesting implications for drier regions in particular, where
water becomes a limiting factor in plant growth.  And now, all of
a sudden, with higher concentrations of plant food in the
atmosphere, CO2, they can grow in regions they couldn’t grow in
before; they can be more healthy in regions they couldn’t be
healthy before.  And you just take a look at places we’ve had
water issues — California — and we have our crazy governor in
California, running around pretending he’s the world leader on
CO2, when his state is actually benefitting greatly from the fact
there’s been higher CO2 levels in the context of the recent
droughts. The ironies are just all over the place.
You’ve really got to ask yourself, why are none of these
just basic scientific facts even being added into the discussion?
All you hear is these super, extreme, incredible flimsy arguments
claiming to be science, about scare stories, and then basic, raw,
scientific data and studies and discussion — you don’t hear
about that in the media, at all.  I think people need to let that
irony sink in, on this whole climate debate issue.
And Matthew, as you said in the beginning, the real issue is
there’s an ideology behind this, as Helga Zepp-LaRouche said in
our discussion earlier today: The whole climate change issue is
not really about climate change.  That’s the latest scare story
certain people have grabbed onto and pushed from the standpoint
of a Malthusian ideology.  And tons can be said; we put out an
entire report, “Global Warming Scare Is Population Reduction, Not
Science.”  This was put out by  {Executive Intelligence Review};
if you don’t have a copy of this, you should get one.
[http://store.larouchepub.com/category-s/1840.htm]  Under Mr.
LaRouche’s direction, over decades, his organization has uniquely
put out the entire story  of the origins of this, not just
climate-change scare, but more broadly this whole
environmentalist movement as coming from this Malthusian
And you look at the founders of the modern environmentalist
movement, if you look at who these people were, these are people
that created the entire structure that pushed globally this whole
environmentalist system.  We can just highlight some of the key
figures:  Sir Julian Huxley, a lifelong proponent of eugenics,
head of the British Eugenics Society.  After World War II, after
Hitler’s horrific war crimes, and crimes against humanity were
exposed, and the connection to eugenics there, Huxley still
promoted eugenics in his position in the UN, as the head of
UNESCO at the time.
Prince Philip, whenever he gets the chance, talks about how
terrible population growth is, and the fact that population
growth is the number one problem on the planet.  The guy whose
said if he could be reincarnated, he’d like to come back as a
deadly virus to reduce world population.  That’s his view, that’s
his belief-system.
Prince Bernhardt of the Netherlands, who was actually
working with Nazi intelligence, a member of the Nazi Party.  He
even helped Nazi war criminals escape after World War II.  These
people came together and started the environmentalist movement,
going back to the immediate post-World War II period, and going
into the ’50s and ’60s when it started to take off.
This is the ideology behind this.  It’s not about the
debates you see on the media, about this claim or that claim on
supposed science of CO2.  If you really want to understand the
issue, it’s this oligarchical, Malthusian ideology that’s been
campaigning for generations against economic development, against
population growth, against the development of so-called Third
World nations.  These are people who have said we cannot allow
the world to rise to the living standards of America and the
West.  Think of Obama travelling to Africa, telling students in
Africa, if you all had air conditioning and cars the planet would
boil over, so that’s not an option.
And that’s the issue.  I think what Helga said, in response
to Trump’s pulling out of the Paris climate agreement, is, that’s
the issue.  This is an expression of the old Malthusian,
geopolitical paradigm, and what we’re seeing emerging with
everything around this Belt and Road Forum summit, everything
that you just went through, Matthew, is the future.  That’s the
future.  So Trump’s dumping this climate change thing is
completely coherent with the idea of the United States bucking
this past, geopolitical, zero sum game, Malthusian ideology, and
getting towards building the future again.
And I would say, from our work, the next steps in the energy
issue is going hard with fusion, nuclear fission as needed along
the way.  But the key is not only cheap energy, in using coal,
natural gas, etc., but what are the future energy sources that
are going to allow not only nations around the world to come up
to the same energy use that we have in the U.S. now,  but even
higher levels and including in the U.S.  How can we actually
increase the total energy-flux density of the global economy in
totality?  That’s the future.  The entire history of the
development of mankind has always been intimately connected with
and tied to these kinds of increases in energy-flux density.
That’s got to be the next step in this thing.

OGDEN:  I think that idea, the increases in energy-flux
density is the key.  It unlocks the entire mystery of this whole
discussion.  If you go back to that history that Helga
Zepp-LaRouche walked us through, about the 40, 45-year history of
the LaRouche movement’s fight for a new, international economic
order, that was paralleled by a 45-year history of a fight
against this kind of Malthusianism, the idea of “limits to
growth” and overpopulation and these kinds of things that have
become ingrained.
This was paralleled, in fact, we saw all those reports about
the great development of India, the development of the Pacific
Basin, the development of Africa, the development of Latin
America, all of these reports mapping out a blueprint for the
development of the planet; but also, there was a book that was
published, called {There Are No Limits to Growth}! And this was a
book by Mr. LaRouche [1983] and it is rooted so deeply in his
unique approach to economic science, the idea that, no, in fact,
we are not living in a closed system.  This is not a closed
economic system, this is not even a closed biological system, but
that in fact, the very fact that mankind has a voluntary,
creative capability as a species, allows mankind to move into
progressively higher and more efficient economic systems.
Because we’re not based on one sort of limited resources regime.
And we’ve seen this throughout history:  If you just take
the empirical view of human history, mankind has progressively
moved from one resource base to another resource base, through
discoveries, through new technologies, and each one of those
resource bases is defined by a higher energy-flux density, more
powerful forms of “fire,” as you could call it,  a Promethean
idea of what mankind is capable of.
You take that idea of economics, and this is really Mr.
LaRouche’s unique contribution, and you say: OK, the fact that
that debunks the entire idea of limited resources, that very fact
itself overthrows the entire idea which has been at the basis of
geopolitics for at least the last 50 years.  What was the
justification for saying, “no we have to limit the access of
these countries in the Third World to these limited resources, so
that the developed countries — the United States, Western Europe
— can have access to them?”  This was literally the basis of our
national security strategy in the 1970s and the 1980s.  But when
you say, there’s no such thing as “limited resources,” it
overthrows that entire idea of geopolitics.
And I think that really serves as the scientific basis for a
new idea of “win-win” cooperation, as counterposed to the idea of
a zero-sum game, where, if some countries win that means other
countries lose.  No.  In fact, {all} countries can win and
development is an unlimited potential.

DENISTON:  I don’t think it can be stressed enough, this is
an entire paradigm shift we’re talking about.  I think Helga’s
point about this being the end of the geopolitical perspective,
people have to realize that’s what’s on the table.  And that’s
why it’s so important she came back from China with this report.
Because we have to get Americans to understand the depth of this
revolution that’s happening right now, and the importance of the
United States jumping on board with this, immediately.  Because
this is a historic shift:  If you get the United States onboard
now with Russia and China and the nations allied with them,
that’s it.  We can have the future, we can create the future we
want with that alliance.  The British will be forced to go along
with that global alliance — they can put up as much of a fight
as they can, as we’re seeing, with this crazy propaganda campaign
in the United States, but people have to realize how vulnerable
the British Empire actually is, and that we have this perspective
before us.  Because this has happened, this is moving right now

OGDEN:  OK! Wonderful.  I think that what Helga
Zepp-LaRouche’s point was, stands:  The United States must join
the New Silk Road.  This is the primary strategic focus and
everything else must be subsumed, as subsumed factor of that.
This is our focus, and nothing else.
So we need to escalate that campaign, obviously, and watch
for very dramatic and rapid developments around the globe!
Thank you very much, Ben, for joining me here in the studio
today, and thank you all for tuning.  That’s the conclusion to
our broadcast today:  Please stay tuned to larouchepac.com.
We’ll make that video that we showed you earlier, of Helga
Zepp-LaRouche’s remarks available as a standalone, and your task
for this weekend is to spread that around as far as you can.
Thank you very much, and good night.

[1] Se vores omfattende dossier: Stop den Grønne Kult Feature


Af Helga Zepp-LaRouche.
»Tænk ud over kassen!«

Torsdag, 1. juni, 2017 – Under en telefonkonference med medarbejdere diskuterer Helga Zepp-LaRouche, stifter af det internationale Schiller Institut, sin seneste rejse til Kina, hvor hun var inviteret til at deltage i det historiske Bælt & Vej Forum i Beijing, 14.-15. maj, 2017. Zepp-LaRouche fortæller, hvor dramatisk anderledes, verden ser på Trumps præsidentskab, i modsætning til de hysteriske, vestlige mainstream-medier. »Tænk ud over kassen; resten af verden er allerede trådt frem og går fremad.«

Helga Zepp-LaRouche: Jeg vil gerne sikre mig, at I får et førstehåndsindtryk af min rejse fra mig, for jeg mener, den absolut værste fejltagelse, vi kunne begå, ville være at respondere til den absolut utrolige psykologiske krigsførelse, der kommer fra de amerikanske mainstream-medier og de neoliberale medier i Europa, såsom Spiegel Online, med dets chefredaktør-indlæg, som virkelig var helt ved siden af alting! Det står helt klart, at folk, der primært baserer sig på disse medier, har en komplet, 100 % ’s forkert idé om, hvad kendsgerninger er i det, der foregår. Det bør vi virkelig få ud af hovedet og ikke forsøge at svømme inden i fiske-glasbowlen med et kunstigt skabt miljø. For ud fra mit synspunkt, så ser verden meget anderledes ud.

For det første, som jeg allerede har sagt, og nu gentager: Med Bælt & Vej Forum har verden på dramatisk vis konsolideret begyndelsen af en ny æra, og jeg tror slet ikke på, at dette vil forsvinde, med mindre Tredje Verdenskrig skulle indtræffe; for størstedelen af verden bevæger sig på en fuldstændig frigjort måde. Først og fremmest var dette den konference på det højeste niveau, jeg nogensinde har deltaget i. Der var 28 statsoverhoveder, der talte efter tur, og Xi Jinpings tale var selvfølgelig fuldstændig fremragende, og I bør absolut lytte til den, hvis I har tid, for det var en meget, meget konfuciansk tale, der på en meget klar måde satte tonen for denne todages konference. Så lyt til den, når I har tid.


(Engelsk udskrift af talen her: http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2017-05/14/c_136282982.htm)

Måden at forstå, hvad det er, der finder sted, er virkelig at tænke på, hvad denne organisation, og Lyn[don LaRouche] i særdeleshed, har gjort i de seneste næsten 50 år. Første gang, da Lyn i 1971 erkendte betydningen af nedtagningen af Bretton Woods-systemet, og dernæst alle de mange, mange ting, vi har gjort i de seneste mere end 40 år; da Lyn kom hjem fra det irakiske Ba’ath Partis jubilæum i 1975, og han foreslog den Internationale Udviklingsbank (IUB)[i], der skulle formidle en ny, økonomisk verdensorden; den kendsgerning, at vi, i et helt år, førte kampagne for denne IUB-idé, som dernæst blev en del af Den Alliancefri Bevægelses Colombo-resolution i Sri Lanka i 1976; dernæst, da vi i slutningen af ’70’erne arbejdede sammen med Indira Gandhi om en udviklingsplan over 40 år for Indien.[ii] Allerede i ’76’ udgav vi en hel bog om Afrikas industrialisering.[iii] Vi arbejdede sammen med den mexicanske præsident, José López Portillo om »Operation Juárez«.[iv] Vi udgav en 50-års Basal Udviklingsplan for Stillehavsområdet.[v] Lyn havde allerede i ’75’ foreslået Oasis-planen.[vi] Og så, selvfølgelig, da [Berlin]Muren faldt, og Sovjetunionen gik i opløsning, foreslog vi den Produktive Trekant[vii] og den Eurasiske Landbro.[viii]

Alle disse forslag![ix] Tænk blot på de mange, mange aktiviteter, vi lavede, konferencer på alle fem kontinenter, alt dette var på idé-planet, på program-planet – men først efter, at Xi Jinping satte den Nye Silkevej på dagsordenen i 2013, og med de åndeløse udviklinger i de fire år, der er gået, med Ét Bælt, én Vej (OBOR), er disse ideer nu ved at blive til virkelighed! Lampens ånd er sluppet ud!

Når vi nu ser diskussionen om den Bi-oceaniske Jernbane [Sydamerika] og tunneller og broer, der skal forbinde Atlanterhavet og Stillehavet omkring Sydamerika, og vi ser alle disse jernbanestrækninger, der nu åbnes i Afrika – dette er uden fortilfælde! Det var ikke IMF (Den internationale Valutafond) eller Verdensbanken, der gjorde det! De undertrykkede det med deres ’betingelsespolitik’. Men, med Asiatisk Infrastruktur-Investeringsbank (AIIB), den Nye Udviklingsbank (’BRIKS-banken’), den Nye Silkevejsfond, den Maritime Silkevejsfond, de direkte investeringer fra Kinas Exim Bank, Kinas statsbank, skrider alle disse projekter nu fremad, og de har fuldstændig ændret alle de deltagende landes holdning og selvtillid.

Måden, hvorpå man i Kina ser på præsident Trump, er absolut anderledes end det, medierne forsøger at sige. Kineserne er meget positive mht. Trump, på samme måde, som man i Rusland mener, at Trump er en person, man absolut kan have et anstændigt forhold til, og dét er virkeligheden.

Glem medierne! Glem disse presse-horer, der faktisk ikke er andet et Det britiske Imperiums prostituerede. Lad være at lytte til, hvad de siger, og giv heller ikke de mennesker, I taler med, lov til det.

Da Trump lovede $1 billion i infrastrukturinvesteringer, gjorde han det rette, og vi fremlagde det rette program, da vi sagde, at USA må tilslutte sig Silkevejen, og dét, og intet andet, bør være vores fokus. Alt andet bør være et underordnet aspekt af dette. Dette er, hvad der er strategisk vigtigt, og det faktum, at chefen for China Investment Corp. Ding Xuedong sagde, det er ikke $1 billion, men $8 billion, som USA har brug for, rammer absolut plet; og I ved det selv fra den forfatning, som vejene og infrastrukturen i hele USA befinder sig i.

Så det faktum, at samme organisation nu har åbnet et kontor i New York, hvor de rådgiver kinesiske investorer om, hvordan de skal investere i USA, og vice versa, hvordan amerikanske investorer kan investere i Kina; det faktum, at kineserne er inviteret til at deltage i denne infrastruktur-konference i juni; alt dette går absolut i den rigtige retning.

Det, der fandt sted i Bælt & Vej Forum og de mange møder, jeg havde bagefter – jeg tilbragte trods alt to fulde uger i Beijing, i Nanjing, i Shanghai – mange af disse ting rapporterer jeg ikke om, for det er blot ting, der er i gang, men det er det faktum, at, i de mange interviews, de mange citater og det generelle synspunkt – I kan spørge Kasia og Stefan Tolksdorf, eller Bill Jones, for den sags skyld – vi blev behandlet med den største respekt. Jeg mener, folk er fuldt ud bevidste om Lyns betydning som en teoretiker inden for fysisk økonomi; hans ideer er højt respekterede, og folk behandlede os, som vi burde blive behandlet, nemlig som mennesker, der har helliget hele deres liv til menneskehedens almene vel. Dette står i absolut stærk kontrast til den dårlige behandling, vi normalt får fra de neoliberale i det transatlantiske område.

Man bør forstå, hvad disse angreb på Trump går ud på, hvad de skal gøre; det er for – det er så vanskeligt for ham at fokusere på det positive aspekt, og dem er der en hel del af, inklusive hans arbejdsrelation med Rusland og Kina, som rent strategisk er det vigtigste; så han grundlæggende set i stedet må forsvare sig, og alle mener, de må bruge al deres tid på at forsvare sig. Tænk blot tilbage, for de af jer, der var her dengang, hvordan vores liv som organisation ændrede sig efter angrebet i 1986. Frem til dette tidspunkt var vi alle positive, vi vandt primærvalg i Illinois, vi overvejede at skabe tre, private universiteter, for vi havde et netværk af henved 100 professorer, der ønskede at gennemføre Lyns ideer i form af et pensum i universiteter.

Og efter angrebet i 1986[x], udført af det samme apparat, der nu går efter Trump, måtte vi bruge alle disse penge på advokater, og vi måtte forsvare os, og det ændrede fuldstændig organisationens liv, og det er, hvad de nu forsøgerat gøre imod Trump!

Så lad være med at falde for det. Den idé, at vi er ved at tabe, er helt forkert! Menneskeheden er på vej fremad, og vi må få den amerikanske befolkning til at skabe den form for grobund, så gennemførelsen af infrastrukturprogrammet som første skridt kommer på dagsordenen, og på alles tanker, og intet andet.

Jeg ville blot sige dette, for ud fra indledende diskussioner, jeg havde i dag, fik jeg indtryk af, at folk ligger for meget under for det, og selv om Europa stadig er i EU-kommissionens greb, jeg mener, hvis Merkel ønsker at være leder af det frie Vesten – glem det. Macron har netop haft et meget fremragende møde med Putin, der satte betingelser for en hjertelig relation med Rusland! Dette er ikke, hvad Merkel og Obama havde lagt op til, da Obama talte på den protestantiske kirkes kirkedag, men Merkel er temmelig isoleret.

Se jer omkring i Europa: Macron sendte Raffarin, den tidligere premierminister, til Bælt & Vej Forum, og som holdt en fremragende tale om, hvorfor Kina og Frankrig må samarbejde. Gentiloni fra Italien sagde, at Kina og Italien vil samarbejde om Afrikas udvikling. Alle østeuropæerne; Tsipras [Grækenland], Serbien, Ungarn, Tjekkiets Zeman, Orban [Ungarn] – alle disse personer var absolut entusiastiske over Bælt & Vej-initiativet. Og nu, selv Tyskland; det viser, at tysk industri faktisk er ved at fatte det, at det er i deres interesse at samarbejde om joint ventures i tredjelande, sammen med Kina. Så jeg tror, selv Tyskland vil skifte mening.

Det er min faste overbevisning, at, ved dette års afslutning, vil det hele se helt anderledes ud, for perspektivet for udvikling er så smittende, at jeg tror, at alle Det britiske Imperiums bestræbelser på at smide en svensknøgle [i maskineriet], ikke vil virke!

Så sats på vinderperspektivet, sats på det bedste perspektiv, tænk strategisk: Og indse, at det, der finder sted, i mange, mange udviklingsprojekter i hele verden, i realiteten er det, som denne organisation har kæmpet for i næsten et halvt århundrede. Det ville jeg blot fortælle jer, for det værste, vi kunne gøre, er at se på det inde fra USA, inde fra kassen, når hele verden på afgørende vis er trådt ud af kassen, med Bælt & Vej Forum, der ikke lader sig standse af noget som helst. Og det er mit synspunkt, som jeg ønskede at videreformidle.

(Herefter følger Spørgsmål og Svar, i uddrag, med den efterfølgende diskussion på engelsk)

Diane Sare: Jeg ved, du skal skåne din stemme, men vil du have en diskussion?

Zepp-LaRouche: Hvis folk har uafklarede spørgsmål, hold jer ikke tilbage.

Spørgsmål: Hej, Helga, her er Mindy. Dette er ganske klart og det er godt at høre det fra dig, på en måde, for vi ser på, hvad vi gjorde på Beijing-topmødet, kineserne her kender CIC, og dernæst det forestående juni-topmøde og G20-topmødet i juli, hvor Putin og Xi og Trump vil være til stede; og vores rolle, og Lyns og din rolle har været – vi har opnået meget, og nu skal vi bare gå fremad for virkelig at bringe USA ind i et optimistisk syn og knuse denne fjende og satse på det, på meget kort tid.

Zepp-LaRouche: Præcis. jeg mener, potentialet absolut er til stede, diskussionerne mellem Xi Jinping og Trump er meget gode; udnævnelsen af den nye ambassadør [til Kina] Branstad udgør nu en yderligere kanal. Der er den igangværende kommission, der blev oprettet på Mar-a-Lago, med fokus på økonomien, og vi bør forstærke dette. Jeg mener, det er vigtigt, at vi får hele landet ind i en fornemmelse af en kampagnemobilisering, for vi vil ikke overlade denne kamp til de britiske agenter, der forsøger at ødelægge denne chance for at få USA ind sammen med denne udvikling.

Det fordrer virkelig, at vores organisation er fuldstændig klarhjernet og simpelt hen viser folk vejen. Og vejen er, at USA går med i Silkevejen. Vi må få veje bygget, ved I nok. Vi må få havne og nye byer. USA befinder sig i en forfalden tilstand, det ved I alle, og kineserne har absolut indikeret, at de har til hensigt og er villige til at investere. Tag blot det faktum, at Detroits Symfoniorkester nu turnerer i Kina, jeg tror, det er i fem byer, de giver koncert – Detroit, af alle steder! Så den rette hensigt er der, og vi bør blot forstærke den.

Giv ikke folk lov at være pessimistiske i blot ét enkelt sekund! Fortæl dem, at pessimisme er en sygdom. Det bør ikke tolereres.

Foto: Helga Zepp-LaRouche sammen med værten og den anden gæst på Tv-showet Dialog med Yang Rui under sin deltagelse i Bælt & Vej Forum i Beijing, 14.-15. maj, 2017.

Q:  It’s Margaret Scialdone, I have a question about —
right after the Beijing conference we had initiated a petition
that went along with a marvelous little video by Jason, and the
petition was called “Suck It Up and Move On” — a petition to
Congress. I found it very refreshing.  I thought it had the right
kind of bite to it.  So I think it sort of dwindled, it hasn’t
been pushed or anything like that; but I’m wondering if we should
have a renewed initiative to really use this attitude to mobilize
people.  Or, if you think that we ought to come out with a new
wording, or new title or something like that?
ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  I have not seen the video, or if it’s the
one I saw, my memory is overshadowed by many, many impressions,
so  — maybe it would be good to make a short new one, because I
think this video was made before the Belt and Road conference?
Am I correct?
Q:  It was done, I think two days after it.
ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  If it kept to what I just expressed before,
then we should use it, and if not, it should probably be updated.
But if you say it’s already in there, then use it, and maybe make
another one in the next days, but go with it now.
SARE:  I think it definitely could be updated.  This dynamic
is completely new, and it is foreign to Americans, the sense that
you’re conveying.  I think that Americans would have a very hard
time imagining anyplace where Trump is viewed with respect and
optimism.  And if there’s billions of people in China, Russia,
and otherwise, who think that, Americans don’t know it.
ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  What people say is that they’re very, very
happy that it’s not Obama or Hillary, because they knew perfectly
where this would have led to.  So people — and the fact that Xi
Jinping and Trump got along well is really important.  It’s not
only important for Trump to say to his supporters in Harrisburg,
that Xi is “great guy” and he gets along well with him, it’s also
the other way around.  When Xi Jinping gets along well with
Trump, then this is very important for all the Chinese.
Q:  Hi, this is Susan Director.  I think that what you’re
saying today, Helga, could be made into a very powerful audio to
post on the website, today.  Because, the intensity of your
presentation is the kind of thing that will lift people up and
pull them into action.
ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Then put it on!  Tiramisu! Tiramisu! Pull
me up!

Q: This is Evelyn in Houston, and it struck me, when Robert
Mueller was appointed as a Special Prosecutor, who also headed
the Get LaRouche task force, that the best flank on the attack on
Trump and also on the economic question, would be for us to call
again for the exoneration of Lyn.  Because it was the same
network, that attacked him, and for the same reasons, because they
don’t want Trump to go with Lyn’s policies.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Yes, I agree.  That is one of the moral
stains on the history of the United States, and it absolutely
should be done.  I fully agree.  Remember that Ramsey Clark said
that Lyn’s case was the worst violation of justice in U.S.
history.  I think people can find the exact formulation of what
he said and use it.  And I think it’s very useful, because it
{is} the same network.
But while we should say it, I still think we should focus on
the positive thing, because it is the same network, and we should
do it, but more importantly, or not more importantly, but the
angle with which to go about it is to say, the world has moved in
a completely different direction, and what the mainstream media
are doing is sort of the last battles of a war which they have
been lost already by them. Maybe you could find some
appropriate battle from the Civil War — aren’t there some
battles where the British were still making some noises but they
were defeated, I mean, the Confederates —

SARE: In the War of 1812, they had surrendered but people
were still fighting in different places long after, not knowing

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Yeah, why don’t you use that as an image?

SARE:  That’s a nice image!
If there’s nothing else, I think this is excellent.  I think
we can put this to good use.  We should get this up on the
website, and then we’ll have a lot to talk about on Sunday, after
our success.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: OK, very good!

[i] http://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1998/eirv25n32-19980814/eirv25n32-19980814_020-1975_larouche_calls_for_intl_dev.pdf

[ii] http://wlym.com/archive/fusion/fusion/19800505-fusion.pdf

[iii] http://wlym.com/archive/fusion/book/1980IndustrializeAfrica.pdf

[iv] http://archive.larouchepac.com/node/31620 og http://larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1986/eirv13n35-19860905/eirv13n35-19860905_018-ibero_americas_strategy_to_defea-lar.pdf

[v] http://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1983/eirv10n35-19830913/eirv10n35-19830913_018-a_50_year_development_policy_for-lar.pdf

[vi] http://www.schillerinstitute.org/economy/maps/maps.html#Oasis plan

[vii] http://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1990/eirv17n31-19900803/eirv17n31-19900803_031-the_economic_geography_of_europe.pdf og


[viii] http://archive.larouchepac.com/node/14728

[ix] En omfattende online oversigt, ’LaRouche’s 40-Year Record’; A New International Economic Order, kan studeres her:


[x] Helga henviser her til de falske anklager om bedrageri imod Lyndon LaRouche, som var politisk motiverede. LaRouche blev idømt 15 års fængsel, men løsladt i 1994. Tretten af hans medarbejdere blev ligeledes idømt fængselsstraffe på falske anklager.

Trump skaber ravage i G7 –
Vil han lade USA gå med i et strategisk
partnerskab med Kina og Rusland?
Se også 2. del her.

Med formand Tom Gillesberg:

Video 2. del:

»Velkommen til disse ufatteligt spændende tider, hvor verden i den grad flytter sig, og hvor centrum for den historiske proces i den grad er flyttet over til Kina. I betragtning af, at der er 1,4 mia. kinesere og den tusindårige, gamle kultur, man har dér, er det egentlig ikke så mærkeligt, fordi der er et fundament, specielt også med hele den konfucianske kultur, som midlertidigt, igennem et stykke tid, blev holdt nede pga., at udefra kommende, kolonialistiske kræfter kunne manipulere kineserne til at ødelægge sig selv, grundlæggende set – det var briterne meget gode til. Men, nu har Kina fundet sig selv, og dermed er Kina i gang med at indtage sin naturlige plads på verdensscenen. Det var, hvad vi så med dette verdenshistoriske topmøde, som fandt sted den 14.-15. maj, det såkaldte Bælt & Vej Forum, i Beijing, hvor 29 stats- og regeringschefer og 130 lande, 50 internationale organisationer med FN’s generalsekretær i spidsen, og omkring 1500 delegerede, diskuterede, hvordan – hvor går vi nu hen i næste fase af dette gigantiske projekt, Kina har sat i gang, som allerede nu, i de projekter, man er blevet enige om, er 30 gange større end Marshallplanen i sin tid var det … «    


Skelsættende Bælt & Vej Forum i Beijing

Bælt & Vej Forum i Beijing den 14.-15. maj, hvor 130 lande havde takket ja til præsident Xi Jinpings invitation, Ruslands Putin var æresgæst, men hvor også USA sendte en vigtig delegation, kan meget vel være starten på en sådan ny, retfærdig økonomisk verdensorden, hvor alle nationer får adgang til udvikling. Trump taler stadig godt med Xi Jinping og forbereder at løse krisen med Nordkorea. USA og Rusland samarbejder i Syrien. Krigsfraktionen i Vesten fortsætter heksejagten på Trump, og medierne skriger »Watergate« uden, at der er substans. Kan medierne sammen med efterretningstjenesterne få afsat Trump? Eller vil Trump rense op i overvågningssamfundet? Trump skal have gang i infrastrukturprojekter, men pengene vil ikke komme fra Wall Street. Vil vi se Glass/Steagall og LaRouches tre andre love blive gennemført, så USA kan overleve det bankerotte finanssystem og blive stort igen? Vil USA og Europa gå med i dette nye, globale paradigme? Præsident Trumps afvisning, ved NATO-topmødet i Bruxelles den 25. maj, og ved det efterfølgende G7-topmøde i Italien, af at lade USA under hans ledelse fortsætte den gamle, vestlige politik, kan være startskuddet til en helt ny verdensorden, hvor USA samarbejder tæt med de tidligere fjendebilleder Kina og Rusland.

Dette er en redigeret udgave af en tale, Tom Gillesberg, Schiller Instituttets formand i Danmark, holdt den 17. maj 2017. Se og hør talen inklusive den efterfølgende diskussion på www.schillerinstitut.dk.

Download (PDF, Unknown)

Helga Zepp-LaRouche taler for forum i Kinas største forlag

24. maj, 2017 – I en tale for et publikum på mellem 100 og 200 mennesker i forlaget Phoenix Press Publishing Groups hovedkvarter i Nanjing, Kina, gav Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Schiller Instituttets præsident, en tilbagemelding om sin deltagelse i Bælt & Vej Forum i Beijing.

»Bælt & Vej har indsprøjtet optimisme i mange lande«, sagde Zepp-LaRouche, »og dette momentum kan ikke standses«, men at bringe det til at bære den fulde frugt »bliver ikke let«. Umiddelbart efter topmødet, fortsatte hun, optrappedes angrebene mod Bælt & Vej, kombineret med angreb mod præsident Trump, der havde sendt en delegation på højt niveau til BV-topmødet. »Angrebene var baseret på de absurde anklager om aftalt spil med Rusland i valget«, sagde hun.

»Efter den Kolde Krig, ønskede briterne og deres amerikanske allierede at skabe en unipolær verden«, sagde hun. »Og i deres bestræbelser herpå, har de ødelagt Mellemøsten og efterladt det i ruiner.« Dette fremskyndede flygtningekrisen, den generelle reaktion imod »globalisering« og fremvæksten af højrefløjsbevægelser. »Bælt & Vej«, sagde hun, »vil virkeliggøre skabelsen af Verdenslandbroen, som vil forbinde alle kontinenter. Dette er noget, vi har kæmpet for i over 40 år«, sagde hun.

Dernæst beskrev hun den kamp, som hun og hendes mand, Lyndon H. LaRouche, jr., har ført for at bygge en ny, økonomisk verdensorden: LaRouches forslag om en International Udviklingsbank, kampen for den afrikanske udviklingsplan og det latinamerikanske initiativ med samme formål, med samarbejdet med den mexicanske præsident, José López Portillo [1976-82], samt de hundredevis af seminarer på fem kontinenter, som Schiller Instituttet har afholdt, med krav om en Bælt & Vej-udvikling.

»Transformeringen af Bælt & Vej til at blive til en Verdenslandbro vil for første gang rent politisk virkeliggøre en reel fremtid for alle mennesker, der lever på denne planet, og vil etablere former for regeringsførelse for verden.« Men, for fuldt ud at realisere dette, sagde hun, »må man også studere min mands ideer med hensyn til spørgsmålet om økonomi«.

Fr. Zepp-LaRouche gennemgik dernæst de altafgørende kulturelle aspekter af Bælt & Vej og behovet for, at alle de forskellige kulturer bringer alle deres bedste præstationer frem, med det formål at bruge disse til at skabe en dialog mellem kulturer blandt nationerne i Bælt & Vej. Dernæst gennemgik hun betydningen af Friedrich Schiller i tysk og vestlig kultur, og betydningen af Konfucius i kinesisk kultur, idet hun foretog en konkret sammenligning mellem Schillers og Konfucius’ værker, hvor hun viste den nære lighed i disse to, store tænkeres ideer, der var skilt af næsten 2000 år.

Efter fr. Zepp-LaRouche havde Bill Jones, chef for EIR’s Washington-kontor, en fremlæggelse, hvor han viste en power point-præsentation, der beskrev LaRouche-organisationens kamp fra tidspunktet for Nixons ophævelse af Bretton Woods-systemet. Han beskrev Romklubbens angreb i 1970’erne og udgivelsen af bogen »Grænser for vækst«, der havde til hensigt at transformere en fremskridtskultur til en dødskultur, med den internationale indsats for Økonomisk Nulvækst og Befolknings-nulvækst. Han skitserede Lyndon LaRouches og LaRouche-organisationens reaktion på Nulvækst-bevægelsen, LaRouches krav om den Internationale Udviklingsbank (IUB) og det efterfølgende krav om IUB og en Ny, økonomisk Verdensorden ved den Alliancefri Bevægelses Colombo-møde i 1976, og gennem Guyanas udenrigsminister, Fred Willis, i FN’s Generalforsamling.

Jones beskrev den kamp, som LaRouche førte for at bringe præsident Ronald Reagan, der havde vedtaget LaRouches idé om Strategic Defense Initiative, SDI (Det strategiske Forsvarsinitiativ) som et fredsforslag sammen med Sovjetunionen, ind i en arbejdsrelation med de progressive ledere i udviklingssektoren, såsom den mexicanske præsident López Portillo og den indiske premierminister Indira Gandhi. Disse bestræbelser førte dernæst til en reaktion fra vicepræsident George H.W. Bush, der intrigerede for at få LaRouche og flere af hans medarbejdere fængslet på falske anklager. Valget af præsident Bill Clinton bragte LaRouche ud af fængsel og tilbage i en rådgivende rolle, med præsident Clintons forsøg, om end mislykket, på at gå i retning af en ny finansarkitektur. Skabelsen af Bælt & Vej-initiativet (BVI) og Asiatisk Infrastruktur-Investeringsbank (AIIB) repræsenterer således den type strukturer, som LaRouche og hans bevægelse har forsøgt at frembringe i over fire årtier, forklarede Jones.

Dernæst fulgte professor Bao Shixiu, professor i militærvidenskab, der skitserede Bælt & Vejs strategiske betydning for Kina og viste, hvordan det vil gøre det muligt for landet at overvinde de traditionelle vanskeligheder, det har haft med andre lande, inklusive Indien og Japan. Professor Bao understregede LaRouche-parrets skelsættende rolle med at bringe dette initiativ frem i forreste front, og Lyndon og Helga LaRouches fortsatte kamp for at overvinde modstanden mod det, fra finanseliten i London og New York. Professor Bao fremlagde også både Bælt & Vejs økonomiske og strategiske implikationer for Kina, som ville være med til at sikre et harmonisk klima i området og i verden, der igen ville gøre det muligt for Kina og alle andre lande at fortsat udvikle sig.

Tilhørerne viste stor interesse, især for Helga Zepp-LaRouches forslag om en dialog mellem kulturer og en større grad af interesse i Friedrich Schillers værker blandt personalet i Phoenix-forlaget, af hvilke nogle syntes at have fået et ret stort kendskab til den tyske kulturs værker.

Foto: Som præsident for Schiller Instituttet var Helga Zepp-LaRouche inviteret til at deltage i det netop afsluttede Bælt & Vej Forum i Beijing, den 14.-15. maj, hvor hun deltog i rundbordsdiskussioner mellem tænketanke. Her ses hun som tilhører under forummet.

Mange artikler citerer Zepp-LaRouche og EIR om Silkevejen

19. maj, 2017NewsGhana skrev fra Beijing den 16. maj: »Oldtidens Silkevej repræsenterer en ekstraordinær præstation mht. dens kulturelle betydning, lød de rosende ord fra Helga Zepp-LaRouche, formand for Schiller Instituttet med hjemsted i Tyskland. Hun forklarer, at det krævede mod og en indsats uden fortilfælde for at opbygge den.

Hun tilføjede, at silke og porcelæn, såvel som fremstillingsteknikerne, blev eksporteret til andre dele af verden langs oldtiden Silkevej, alt imens, i nutidens verden, har alle landene involveret i initiativet fået mulighed for at få adgang til de mest avancerede teknologier og opdaterede viden. Initiativet har bibragt verden et standpunkt for ny udvikling og vitalitet, på kun godt og vel tre år, efter initiativet blev fremlagt, understreger LaRouche.«

Business Mirror (Filippinerne) skrev, ligeledes 16. maj: »Executive Intelligence Review (EIR) skønner, at, hvis USA tilslutter sig, med sit foreslåede projekt, NAWAPA (Nationalt Vand- og Elektricitetssamarbejde), som er blevet totalt ignoreret af præsident Obama, tillige med arkiveringen af USA’s Rumfærgeprogram, kunne udviklingsprojekterne totalt komme op på $20 billion, eller 20 gange Marshallplanen, der genrejste Europa efter krigen (2. verdenskrig).«

PPP Focus (New York) skrev den 15. maj: »Kinas Bælt & Vej-initiativ vil fortsætte med at vokse og blive til en virkelig verdenslandbro, sagde Helga Zepp-LaRouche, præsident for tænketanken Schiller Instituttet, til Xinhua.

Foto: Helga Zepp-LaRouche deltog i Kinas Bælt & Vej Forum i Beijing, den 14.-15. maj, 2017.


Helga Zepp-LaRouche interview til tysk Tv:
»Dette er det vigtigste strategiske initiativ på planeten«

16. maj, 2016 – I et seks minutter langt interview (på tysk) i går til People Television, på sidelinjen af Bælt & Vej Forum i Beijing, sagde Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Schiller Instituttets præsident, at, efter hendes mening, er Bælt & Vej-strategien »det vigtigste strategiske initiativ på planeten«, og at det også ses som sådan af folk i Afrika, Asien og Latinamerika. Kun de europæiske tænketanke maler et andet billede. Hun sagde, at hun havde erfaring for, at, når som helst, hun briefer folk om Bælt & Vej-initiativet, er de chokerede og vrede over, at de intet har hørt om det i medierne; men de er også fascinerede, når de først hører om det.

Informationen om denne politik til den europæiske befolkning må forbedres således, at de får et objektivt billede af Bælt & Vej-strategien, som hidtil er blevet dem forholdt, sagde Zepp-LaRouche.

Den fordel, som dette initiativ udgør for verden, forklarede hun, er, at, »for første gang i menneskehedens historie er det nu muligt at overvinde geopolitik; gennem reelt samarbejde at overvinde forsøget fra visse sider på at dominere alle de andre. I særdeleshed er den storstilede plan for Afrikas udvikling nødvendig for at fjerne rødderne til flygtningeproblemet. Dernæst vil det blive muligt at fjerne sygdomme, ekspandere ud i rummet og forsvare planeten fra f.eks. farlige asteroider, sagde hun.

Fordelene for Tyskland ligger i, at den tyske ’Mittelstand’ (små og mellemstore virksomheder) besidder al den knowhow, der skal til for at gøre Bælt & Vej-initiativet en succes, og hvis den tyske regering omsider ville opgive sin modstand mod at tilslutte sig, ville joint ventures mellem Kina og Tyskland på alle lokaliteter i verden være mulige. Den tyske regering bør følge den tidligere franske premierminister Raffarins eksempel. Raffarin talte på topmødet for Frankrig.

»I dag er der skrevet historie«, sagde Zepp LaRouche til slut. »Et nyt kapitel for menneskeheden er blevet åbnet.«

Det tyske interview kan ses her: http://tv.people.com.cn/n1/2017/0516/c177969-29278601.html

Helga on China Radio International at 13:00 CET

This is the actual time.

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LPAC’s Matthew Ogden præsenterer
Helga Zepp-LaRouches smukke tale
på Bælt & Vej Forum i Beijing; engelsk

Redaktør for LPAC TV Matthew Ogden præsenterer her Helga Zepp-LaRouches smukke tale på Bælt & Vej Forum i Beijing, 14. maj. Fr. Zepp-LaRouche taler om implikationerne af at udvide rækkevidden af Bælt & Vej-initiativet til hele verden, hvor de amerikanske kontinenter inkorporeres i en win-win-relation med Eurasiens nationer, som nu har fordel af Kinas Bælt & Vej-initiativ.

Helgas fulde tale kan læses i dagens leder. 

Helga Zepp-LaRouches tale på
Bælt & Vej Forum for
Internationalt Samarbejde i Beijing.

“Hvor ønsker vi, menneskeheden som helhed skal være om 10, 100 eller endda
1000 år? Er det ikke menneskehedens naturlige skæbne, som den hidtil eneste
kendte, kreative art i universet, at vi i fremtiden vil bygge landsbyer på Månen,
udvikle en dybere forståelse af de billioner af galakser i vort univers, løse spørgsmålet
om sygdomme, der hidtil ikke har kunnet kureres, eller løse spørgsmålet om
sikkerhed for forsyning af energi og råmaterialer gennem udvikling af
termonuklear fusionskraft?
Ved at fokusere på menneskehedens fælles mål, vil vi blive i stand til at overvinde
geopolitik og etablere et højere fornuftsgrundlag, til fordel for alle.”

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, 15. maj, 2017 – Helga Zepp-LaRouche, stifter og præsident for Schiller Instituttet, deltog i går, på åbningsdagen af Bælt & Vej Forum for Internationalt Samarbejde i Beijing, Kina, i »Tematisk session om udvekslinger mellem tænketanke«, på panelet med titlen, »Bælt & Vej for fremme af stærk, afbalanceret, inkluderende og bæredygtig, global økonomi«. Her følger hendes indlæg:

Bælt & Vej byder Verdenslandbroen velkommen

I de tre et halvt år, der er gået, siden præsident Xi Jinping annoncerede initiativet i 2013, har der været en åndeløs dynamik i den Nye Silkevej. Bælt & Vej-initiativet har det indlysende potentiale til hurtigt at blive til en Verdenslandbro, der forbinder alle kontinenter gennem infrastruktur, såsom tunneller og broer, og som forstærkes gennem den Maritime Silkevej. Som sådan repræsenterer initiativet en ny form for globalisering, der ikke bestemmes af kriteriet for profitmaksimering for finanssektoren, men derimod af kriteriet for den harmoniske udvikling af alle deltagende lande på basis af win-win-samarbejde.

Det er derfor vigtigt, at man ikke ser på Bælt & Vej-initiativet ud fra en bogholders synspunkt, som fremskriver sit statistiske cost-benefit-synspunkt ind i fremtiden, men at vi derimod tænker på det som en vision om et fællesskab for en fælles fremtid. Hvor ønsker vi, menneskeheden som helhed skal være om 10, 100 eller endda 1000 år? Er det ikke menneskehedens naturlige skæbne, som den hidtil eneste kendte, kreative art i universet, at vi i fremtiden vil bygge landsbyer på Månen, udvikle en dybere forståelse af de billioner af galakser i vort univers, løse spørgsmålet om sygdomme, der hidtil ikke har kunnet kureres, eller løse spørgsmålet om sikkerhed for forsyning af energi og råmaterialer gennem udvikling af termonuklear fusionskraft? Ved at fokusere på menneskehedens fælles mål, vil vi blive i stand til at overvinde geopolitik og etablere et højere fornuftsgrundlag, til fordel for alle.

Det er åbenlyst, at Verdenslandbroen er ideel for at fuldføre udviklingen af vor planets indlandsområder. Koloniseringen af det nære rum bliver den indlysende, næste fase af den infrastrukturelle åbning af menneskets naturlige levested.

Når man ser på et verdenskort, så er USA ikke kun et land, der er omgivet af to oceaner og to naboer, men at det kan blive en central del af en infrastrukturkorridor, der, via Central- og Sydamerika, forbinder Ibero-Amerika med det eurasiske transportsystem, via en tunnel under Beringstrædet. Siden præsident Xi Jinping tilbød præsident Trump, at USA kunne tilslutte sig Bælt & Vej-initiativet, er der nu et praktisk forslag på bordet, hvor USA kan blive en integreret del af Verdenslandbroen. USA’s infrastrukturbehov, der er enorme, kunne være en perfekt anledning til at konvertere alle eller en del af de $1,4 billion, som udgør Kinas beholdning af amerikanske statsobligationer, til sådanne investeringer via en infrastrukturbank. For eksempel har USA virkelig brug for ca. 40.000 mil hurtige jernbaner, hvis de ønsker at være på lige fod med de kinesiske planer om frem til år 2020 at forbinde alle de større byer i Kina via hurtigtog.

Den amerikanske økonomi ville opleve en enorm styrkelse gennem en sådan storstilet infrastrukturinvestering og kunne igen eksportere til det hastigt voksende, kinesiske marked, og når konkurrence først er udskiftet med samarbejde, er mulighederne for joint ventures mellem USA og Kina i tredjelande enorme.

Siden præsident Trump har erklæret, at det er hans plan at genintroducere det Amerikanske Økonomiske System, opfundet og praktiseret af Alexander Hamilton, Henry C. Clay og Abraham Lincoln, og ligeledes genintroducere Franklin D. Roosevelts Glass/Steagall-lov, er muligheden for en snarlig etablering af en Nationalbank og et statsligt kreditsystem, med det formål at kanalisere kinesiske beholdninger (af amerikanske statsobligationer) over i infrastrukturinvesteringer, nærmere en realitet.

Alt imens flere og flere europæiske nationer, både i og uden for EU, er ved at anerkende BVI’s enorme potentiale og giver udtryk for planer om at blive et omdrejningspunkt for eurasisk samarbejde, så har selve EU været reserveret, for at sige det diplomatisk.

Der er imidlertid en enorm udfordring, som gør, at EU-staterne kunne overbevises om at samarbejde med BVI: Det er flygtningekrisen. Den eneste måde, hvorpå dette Europas moralske sår kan heles, er den aktive integration af de europæiske nationer i en storstilet udviklingsplan for hele Afrika, under BVI.

Den nye, positive udsigt til samarbejde mellem USA og Rusland i Syrien om deeskalering og samarbejde mellem de to landes militære styrker, sammen med Astana-processen, stiller nu en stabilisering af hele regionen i sigte. Der eksisterer allerede tilbud fra Kina om at forlænge den Nye Silkevej ind i Sydvestasien.

Den Nye Silkevej må – som oldtidens Silkevej gjorde det – føre til en udveksling af de skønneste udtryk for alle de deltagende landes kultur, hvis den skal lykkes. Den sande betydning af win-win-samarbejde er mere end blot den materielle fordel af infrastruktur- og industriudvikling, men er også den frydefulde opdagelse af andre kulturer og skønheden i deres klassiske musik, poesi og malerkunst og hermed, gennem at lære dem at kende, at styrke vores kærlighed til menneskeheden som helhed.

I opbygningen af Verdenslandbroen vil alle nationer samarbejde om at undersøge, hvordan man anvender lovene for noosfæren med det formål at etablere levedygtige former for regeringen af os selv. Udvikling af de skabende, intellektuelle evner hos alle mennesker i alle nationer vil give hele menneskeheden en fornemmelse af enhed og formål, som vil gøre vores art virkeligt menneskelig. Når vi organiserer vore samfund omkring videnskabelig og kunstnerisk opdagelse, vil vi fuldende vores viden om, hvordan vi uophørligt kan fremme menneskehedens selvudviklingsproces, intellektuelt, moralsk og æstetisk, og vi vil finde vores frihed i nødvendighed – hvor vi gør vores pligt, med lidenskab!

Helga Zepp-LaRouche på kinesisk Tv i diskussion om Bælt & Vej; 28 min.

RADIO SCHILLER 15. maj, 2017:
Bælt & Vej Forum i Beijing: Med deltagelse af bl.a. USA, Danmark og
Schiller Instituttets stifter, Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Med formand Tom Gillesberg

China Daily har også en artikel om Helga Zepp-Larouche i sin dækning af Bælt & Vej

14. maj, 2017 – I sin artikel, »Momentum for Bælt & Vej-Initiativ vokser med utrolig kraft«, fremlægger China Daily’s engelske udgave også Schiller Instituttets stifter og leder, Helga Zepp-LaRouches vurderinger af Bælt & Vej Forum (BVF).

Helga Zepp-LaRouche kaldte Bælt & Vej-initiativet (BVI) »en ny dynamik med et nu voksende momentum. De personer, der sagde, at Bælt & Vej-initiativet ville bryde sammen, har nu beviseligt taget fejl, for statistikkerne viser nu, at det er blevet verdensøkonomiens motor for vækst – ja faktisk, den eneste motor for vækst.«

I den mest dristige udtalelse karakteriserede Zepp-LaRouche initiativets art: »Kina har haft en utrolig økonomisk udvikling i løbet af de seneste 30 år, og det, som Bælt & Vej-initiativet på en vis måde gør, er, at det gør det muligt for Kina at eksportere dette mirakel.« Og, sagde hun, »initiativet har allerede ændret dynamikken omkring mange af brændpunkterne i verdens kriseområder«.

Tyrkiets præsident Tayyip Erdogan gav i sin hovedtale udtryk for, at han var enig i denne indsigt, da han udtalte, at »Dette [BVI] vil blive et initiativ, der vil gøre en ende på terrorisme«.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche understregede over for China Daily, at Kina havde vist, det var førende på verdensplan mht. højhastigheds-jernbanesystemer, som landet frem til år 2025 vil have 40.000 km af, og som det begyndte at opbygge i 2006. Hun bemærkede den elendige tilstand, som USA’s transportinfrastruktur befinder sig i, og at kinesisk ekspertise kunne hjælpe USA med at efterligne et sådant højhastigheds-jernbanenet. Hun bemærkede, at der var »positive tegn« under Trump-Xi-topmødet på Mar-a-Lago, Florida, »og, alt imens hr. Trump ikke selv er til stede ved Forummet, så er der planlagt et snarligt besøg til Kina«, sagde hun.

Foto: Helga Zepp-LaRouche ses her som deltager og taler på topmødet ‘T20’ – Tænketank 20 – i Beijing, 29. juli, 2016. 


Schiller Instituttets stifter Helga Zepp-LaRouche deltager i Bælt & Vej Forum

14. maj, 2017 – Helga Zepp-LaRouche deltog i Bælt & Vej Forum i Beijing i dag, som leder af Schiller Instituttet. Schiller Instituttet, der er én af de afgørende tænketanke, der er involveret i Bælt & Vej-initiativet, var blevet inviteret til at deltage i konferencens diskussioner.

Det kinesiske pressebureau Xinhua interviewede Zepp-LaRouche, som i Kina velkendt som »Silkevejsladyen« for igennem nu 35 år at være fortaler for idégrundlaget for det, der nu er Bælt & Vej-initiativet. Interviewet er dateret Berlin, 14. maj. En uge tidligere, den 5. maj, interviewede China Daily Zepp-LaRouche om hendes organisations mobilisering for USA’s deltagelse i topmødet 14.-15. maj, og gav interviewet overskriften, »Trump opfordres til at deltage i Bælt & Vej Forum«.

Nu, sent søndag aften ved EIR Alert’s sengetid i USA, har Xinhua på sin »I dybden«-side, interviewet med Zepp-LaRouche.

Ordlyden i Xinhuas interview er som følger: »Interview: Bælt & Vej-initiativ bliver ’En virkelig Verdenslandbro’«.

»Berlin, 14. maj (Xinhua) – Kinas Bælt & Vej-initiativ vil fortsætte med at vokse og blive til en virkelig verdenslandbro, siger Helga Zepp-LaRouche, præsident for tænketanken Schiller Instituttet, til Xinhua.

»’Bælt & Vej-initiativet er det vigtigste, strategiske initiativ på planeten’, sagde hun. ’Det bringer ikke alene økonomisk fremgang til alle deltagerlandene, men udgør også et virkeligt fundament for en fredsorden for det 21. århundrede.’

»’I begyndelsen troede visse lande, at initiativet kun ville bringe fordele for Kina, men indså dernæst, at det drejede sig om win-win-samarbejde mellem alle deltagerlandene’, sagde hun.

’For Afrika og andre udviklingslande er det første gang, de har fået adgang til avancerede teknologier inden for initiativets rammer for bekæmpelse af fattigdom og styrkelse af udvikling’, sagde eksperten.

Initiativet gør det også muligt for andre lande at ’gentage de seneste tyve års kinesiske, økonomiske mirakel’, tilføjede hun.

Hun udtrykte også sin overbevisning om, at Bælt & Vej-initiativet spiller en vigtig rolle i fremme af den menneskelige civilisation.

’Det vil føre til videnskabelige og teknologiske gennembrud, med internationalt samarbejde inden for termonuklear fusionsteknologi, der vil give os sikkerhed for forsyning af energi og råmaterialer.’

Gennem initiativet vil alle deltagerlande også få en chance for at lære om hinandens kulturer og traditioner, sagde hun.

’Jeg er sikker på, at det (initiativet) vil fortsætte med at vokse og blive til en virkelig verdenslandbro, med en omskrivning af et gammelt slagord: intet land vil blive ladt tilbage’, sagde Zepp-LaRouche.«

Foto: Helga Zepp-LaRouche i Kina, 1996, ved Den Eurasiske Landbros Østlige Terminal.

Latinamerikas fremtid ligger
på den Nye Silkevej.
Af Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Zepp-LaRouches videopræsentation til en konference, »Latinamerikas fremtid ligger på Silkevejen«, 4. maj, 2017. Fr. Zepp-LaRouche udvikler her en dramatisk vision om økonomisk »win-win-samarbejde«, der kan løfte hvert eneste menneske ud af fattigdom; og om den Ny Silkevejspolitiks potentiale for at udløse menneskelig kreativitet på hele planeten, der kan skabe en ny, kulturel renæssance.

Helgas tale blev vist ved møder, der var samlet i Mexico City, Hermosillo og Querétaro (i Mexico); i Lima og Pucallpa (i Peru); og i Guatemala City, og blev ligeledes udsendt live over Internettet.

Engelsk udskrift:

Dear Friends of the Schiller Institute,

I will speak to you about the “Future of Ibero-America Lies in the New Silk Road,” and I want to send you my most heartfelt greetings, watching the video in Peru, Guatemala, Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, the United States, and maybe elsewhere.

We are only eight days away from an event which will make clear to the whole world that the world is changing, that we are already in the process of developing a completely new paradigm, that of the New Silk Road, otherwise called the Belt and Road Initiative. In Beijing, between the 14th and 15th of May a summit will take place. Already 28 heads of state, or 28 nations have agreed to attend, and those heads of state include those of Argentina and Chile, but also there will be high-level representatives and delegates from 110 nations, altogether 1,200 delegates; there will be 60 international organizations represented. And they will sign in the context of this summit, 20 cooperation agreements between China and 20 countries into a document which then will define the goals and principles, and specify cooperation; it will develop an international new platform on science, technology, exchanges and training of talent among the participating countries.

This Belt and Road Forum will be an historic event. It will be the consolidation of a process which started three years and eight months ago, when President Xi Jinping in Kazakhstan announced the New Silk Road. And in this period, the true conception of “win-win cooperation” among altogether almost 70 nations, has become a reality, where it is clear that no longer is this a zero-sum game where one has advantage and the other one suffers, but this is a true “win-win cooperation,” where each country is having equal benefits from such cooperations.

Now the significance in this conception of the Belt and Road Initiative which is open to all nations of the world, including the United States and the European nations, even though they are still not so clearly in favor of it, or at least it’s a mixed situation, the significance of this concept lies in the fact that for the first time in human history, it overcomes geopolitics — geopolitics which was the cause of two world wars in the 20th century — because it establishes a higher level of reason, and since it’s open to every country, it can reach into the farthest corner of the world.

Since this program has been put on the agenda by Xi Jinping it has led to an unbelievable explosion of development, absolutely unprecedented in history. China has signed more than 130 bilateral and regional transport agreements. It opened 356 international road routes, for both passengers and freight; there are now 4,200 direct flights connecting China with 43 Belt and Road countries; there are presently already 39 China-Europe freight train routes; currently, there is daily leaving such a cargo train from Chongqing to a European destination.

There are in the meantime, six major industrial development corridors, and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. These corridors not only are, one, a corridor from China to Central and Western Asia which is intended to be extended through Iraq, Syria, Turkey, into Europe and into Africa; there is a second corridor from China to Western Europe which goes from such cities as Chengdu, Chongqing, Yiwu, Lianyungang, going to Duisburg, Hamburg, Rotterdam, Lyon, and Madrid. There is thirdly the Mongolia- China-Russia corridor which involves 32 large projects. There is fourthly, the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), where China has invested $46 billion and this project is creating 700,000 new jobs in Pakistan. There is the Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar (BCIM) corridor, which bridging the whole region of Southeast Asia. Then you have the China-Indochina Peninsular corridor, and you have in the meantime the development of an entire railway network in Eastern and Central Africa.

This is unprecedented in human history, because after literally centuries of suffering colonialism and poverty and underdevelopment, for the very first time, through this Chinese initiative is the perspective for the developing countries to overcome poverty, hunger, underdevelopment and realize the true potential of all these countries.

Well, it is most astounding, but then, not so astounding if you think about it, that about this greatest infrastructure project in all of history, there is almost nothing being reported in the mainstream media, at least in the United States and in Western Europe. The mainstream media, with very few exceptions such as for example Forbes magazine, they had a six-part series about the potential of the New Silk Road, all the other mainstream media pretend it doesn’t exist. So the populations of Europe and the United States know very little about it, and once they realize it, mainly through our efforts, the efforts of the Schiller Institute, they realize that this is a tremendous potential also for their future. And mostly people get extremely angry that they have been deprived of this knowledge.

Now, it is very clear that the old forces of the old paradigm, the paradigm of geopolitics, a system based on so-called globalization which emerged after the collapse of the Soviet Union, and which was and is based on the “special relationship” between the British and the United States, this system which was based on profit for the rich, making the gap between the rich and poor ever wider, a system which is now specifically now aiming to overcome poverty in the whole world and have a “win-win” relationship among equal nations with equal rights, equal respect for their sovereignty, these old geopoliticians regard this new system as a complete threat to their existence. So they try to maintain the illusion that it does not exist.

Just today appeared a very interesting article by Robert Parry, who is an investigative journalist in the United States, who became rather famous because of his coverage of the Iran/Contra affair; he wrote an article with the title, “The Existential Question of Whom To Trust.” And he says, “The looming threat of World War III, a potential extermination event for the human species, is made more likely because the world’s public can’t count on supposedly objective experts to ascertain and evaluate facts. Instead, careerism is the order of the day among journalists, intelligence analysts and international monitors — meaning that almost no one who might normally be relied on to tell the truth can be trusted.” He says, and I fully agree with that, what replaces objective reporting is “groupthink,” where experts “have sold themselves to … powerful interests in order to keep high-paying jobs and … don’t even seem to recognize how far they’ve drifted from principled professionalism.”

Well, that will not help them, because the positive alternative of the Belt and Road Initiative does exist and it is also the remedy to the two existential crises facing human civilization at this point: First, the danger of a global nuclear war, which is now most obvious in the crisis around the two Koreas, and naturally, still to a certain extent the situation in Syria; and secondly, the danger of an uncontrolled crash possibly to occur this year, which if it would occur would lead to uncontrollable chaos out of which the danger of a nuclear war would arise as well.

Let’s briefly look at the second danger. On July 25th, 2007, my husband, Lyndon LaRouche made truly history forecast: He said, this present global financial system is hopelessly finished and all which you will see now is that the different elements will come to the surface. And it will not be resolved until you have complete, total reorganization of this bankrupt system through a number of measures, Glass-Steagall, a return to a credit system and the American System of economy.

Exactly one week later, the secondary mortgage crisis in the United States erupted, which then, since it was not dealt with by the measures which LaRouche proposed, escalated into the big financial crash of Lehman Brothers and AIG in September 2008.

At that point, for a very short period of time, actually some days and weeks, the leaders of trans-Atlantic world were absolutely convinced this was a systemic crisis, and some of them, like Sarkozy of France, even called for a New Bretton Woods, because they were so scared that this whole system may disintegrate. Unfortunately, this shock lasted not very long, and already at the next G20 meeting in Washington on Nov. 15, of the same year, they basically decided to paper it over, go for quantitative easing and use other so-called “tools” of the instruments of the central banks in the United States rather than going for the Glass-Steagall separation law of Franklin D. Roosevelt, which my husband has prescribed, they went into Dodd-Frank, which basically was just a cover-story to keep the high-risk speculation of the big banks going.

In the meantime, the central banks of Europe, the ECB, of Great Britain, Japan, and the Federal Reserve decided to go into quantitative easing, and they created $15 trillion in lending facilities to the too-big-to-fail banks, and that added a de facto zero-interest rate since about 10 years. They spent part of this money for so-called bail-out packages, which supposedly went to countries like Greece, but in reality 97% of these bail-out packages went back to the to the big European banks and the American banks.

In the United States this liquidity pumping increased for example, so that corporate debt rose from 2008 to today, from $8 to $14 trillion; that is, an increase of 75%, of which almost $9 are in commercial mortgage backed securities (CMBS). Since 2013, 80% of the corporate borrowing has been used for, not productive investment, but so-called “financial engineering.” Now, that is, corporate firms buy up their own stocks to drive up the price, or they’re buying other firms in so-called mergers & acquisitions (M&As) for the same effect. They are using $500 billion per year into driving up those stock indexes, while at the same time, betting on the derivatives of these manipulations.

Despite all of this, the total non-financial corporation profits have not increased since 2011 and started to fall since 2013. Morgan Stanley just put out a report in April that the ratio of non-financial corporate debt to cash from operations is at an all-time high, at a ratio of 3.2 to 1.

Now, with this situation, where the debt is going through the roof relative to the operating cash, and profits are declining, normally, what firms used to do, is to go to the banks and borrow more, but this is now no longer happening, because the banks stopped giving credit because they know this whole system is coming to an end and it’s not maintainable.

Just at the recent meeting of the IMF in Washington, they put out a 2017 Global Financial Stability Report, where they basically wrote that the U.S. debt service to income ratio of the non-financial corporations has gone up 37% in 2014, to 41% in 2016; and those corporations have $7 trillion more debt than in 2008, but $3 trillion less equity invested in them. As a result, a wave of defaults has already started. The default rate for the non-financial corporations jumped from 3% at the beginning of 2016, to 5% at the end, and it is expected to be 5.6% in June. The IMF warns that if the interest rates go up, as they did in the period from November to January, then 20% of all U.S. corporations could default. Now, that is higher than the highest mortgage default rate in the crash of 2008.

Now, this gigantic bubble of corporate debt is made more unpayable because of the complete lack of growth in the real economy. The miserable 0.7% growth which was published about the GDP in the United States — and remember that the GDP statistics are always manipulated, and every knowledgeable person in Europe, for example, makes jokes about it — it went up only 0.7% in the first quarter of this year, and that does not pay for this huge bubble.

But the problem is not only in the United States, it’s also in Europe. Just recently, the Italian Banking Association put out the figures of the Level3 derivatives in the European countries, where the highest ratio is in Germany, it was 25.5%; British banks, 25.4%; French banks, 20.5%. And Italy, which is always scolded for having the biggest commercial losses, has only 15%. Now, Level3 derivatives are derivatives which don’t have a market price because nobody wants to buy them, because people know they are completely toxic. So they are assets collateralized with debt and therefore pretty worthless, but the ECB has allowed the banks to price them according to their own bank model and count them as assets. In the recent stress tests of the European central banks, they left out Level3 assets, so this is a complete illusion which is being maintained because an admission would basically reveal the complete bankruptcy of the system.

Now, there is only one way to prevent a chaotic blowout, and that is the implementation of the Glass-Steagall law which Franklin D. Roosevelt implemented in 1933. And the good thing is that there are presently two legislations in both Houses of the U.S. Congress, and also the head of the National Economic Council Gary Cohn, recently told a group of senators that the Trump administration is absolutely committed to realize Glass-Steagall soon, and that President Trump will fulfill his election promise to go for Glass-Steagall. As a result, there is presently a flood of articles in the last three weeks attacking Glass-Steagall, saying it would not have solved the problem of 2008 — which is a complete lie — and obviously, this expresses the complete nervousness of Wall Street and the City of London because it would bankrupt them and curb their power down to size.

Now, contrary to the asset-based economy of the United States, and partially of Europe, where you have a huge diversity between the different EU members and therefore the whole Eurozone does not function, where basically the situation is completely unsustainable as well, China on the other side, in the first quarter of 2017 had a surprisingly high GDP of 6.9%. All the agencies, like Bloomberg, PricewaterhouseCoopers and others all agree that the primary driver of this Chinese economic growth is the extraordinary investment in infrastructure, both in China domestically, as well as in the Belt and Road countries. For example, Chinese factory output in the same period has been 7.6% in the first quarter also. Household disposable income went up by 7.5%; retail spending up 10.4%. There was a study of PricewaterhouseCoopers in February which said that the great projects of infrastructure grew in the last year already by 50% in value, and there is a new study by the U.S. National Bureau of Economic Research that, based on physical economic factors such as the illumination seen by night from space, that the Chinese economy is actually growing faster than even the Chinese government reports.

Xinhua reported that the goods trade between China and the Belt and Road countries went up by 26.2% in the first quarter. Chinese exports to Belt and Road countries went up by 15.8% in the first three months. Imports to China went up by 42.9% from the 60 countries of the Belt and Road. There are 781 new companies with investments in the Belt and Road countries that have sprung up. Chinese enterprises signed 952 contracts in 61 countries along the Belt and Road.

So the Chinese economy and the Belt and Road Initiative has long become the real engine of the world economy.

So for the United States to come out its present financial danger, there is only one way out, and that is to implement the Four Laws of Lyndon LaRouche: First, Glass-Steagall. Separate the commercial and the investment banks, write off the unpayable debt and toxic paper of the investment banks, put the commercial banks under protection. Then, go to a credit system in the tradition of Alexander Hamilton, implement a National Bank; and increase the productivity of the economy by having a massive investment in fusion technology and space cooperation, and other vanguard technologies to increase the productivity of the labor force.

Now, this could be massively helped by the Chinese cooperating with America on the Belt and Road Initiative which has been offered by President Xi Jinping, at the recent Florida summit with President Trump.

Now Trump has said he wants to invest $1 trillion into infrastructure in the United States. The American Society of Civil Engineers estimated that the real need of infrastructure is $4.5 trillion, but Chinese experts estimated that what the United States really would need is $8 trillion worth of infrastructure. And China could easily help America to rebuild its infrastructure because they have an extraordinary expertise from having done the Belt and Road project for the last three and a half years. China also has offered, already, to invest its $1.4 trillion they’re holding in U.S. Treasuries. If this would be channeled, let’s say, through either an infrastructure bank in the United States or a National Bank in the tradition of Hamilton, this could help to revive the American economy.

Now, the same goes for European nations: They urgently need Chinese investment, because the EU has not been providing it, and that is why right now, you have the complete turning around of European nations — they want to be part of the New Silk Road. For example: Greece, Serbia, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Belarus, but also Italy, Portugal — they have already all stated they want to become “hubs” of the New Silk Road. So there is a complete change of the wind, representing the potential to really realize this fantastic new perspective.

However, the second existential crisis, the danger of nuclear war, now, it is obviously centered right now very massively around the North Korea crisis. Again, there, the solution will be the integration of the two Koreas into the New Silk Road. But it is extremely dangerous. Pope Francis just put out a statement saying “the situation has become too hot,” that the world is at the brink of war, and he said, “We are talking about the future of humanity. Today, a widespread war would destroy — I would not say half of humanity — but a good part of humanity, and of culture, everything, everything. It would be terrible. I don’t think that humanity today would be able to withstand it.”

Now, if you study the logic of thermonuclear war, the danger is not half of humanity, the danger is that it could lead to the extermination of all life, of all human life on this planet.

This danger is the result of the old geopolitical manipulation, because the situation in Korea is not unsolvable at all. Already in the ’90s and again in 2002, we were very close to establishing a permanent peace on the Korean Peninsula. North Korea, at that time, in the ’90s, had signed the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT); they agreed not to build a nuclear weapons plant, and in return they were allowed to build a peaceful nuclear energy facility. Then, at a certain point the U.S. Defense Secretary William Perry in the Clinton Administration was convinced that Pyongyang was diverting plutonium and he was actively considering the option to take out the [North Korean] Yongbyon plant in a surgical strike. At that point, the former President Jimmy Carter went to Pyongyang and met with North Korean leader Kim Il-sung and they reached an agreement which was supported by the Clinton administration, South Korea, North Korea, with the support of China, Japan and Russia, and they called this the Agreed Framework, which included the idea that North Korea would take down its Yongbyon plant in exchange for which the U.S. helping North Korea build a full-scale 1000 MW nuclear plant; and they also began to provide North Korea with oil until this plant was ready. Inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) went there and started to monitor, and there were pledges that they would move very quickly towards a peace agreement surpassing the armistice which still existed — and still exists.

But then unfortunately the Clinton administration came to its end, and was replaced by the Bush and Cheney administration, which immediately started this talk which we know only too well from the present days, that they couldn’t work with a “brutal dictator,” and not cooperate. So basically, this already put a cloud over this whole project. But still, in 2002, South Korean President Kim Dae-jung adopted the “Iron Silk Road” which had initially been proposed by Lyndon LaRouche, who had always maintained that the way to solve the Korea crisis is with the New Silk Road: That you have to build the railroads from Busan at the southern tip of south Korea, through North Korea, all the way to Rotterdam. And once you have South Korean and North Korean engineers working together building railways, that the real basis for peace could be established.

Now the two railroads started to be built, but also one of them going from Seoul via Kaesong to the old Silk Road, the Chinese railway; and one was supposed to go up the east coast to North Korea and then link up in Vladivostok with the Trans-Siberian Railroad. Also in 2002, in the village of Kaesong, they started to build an industrial park, where South Korean companies deployed very high-skilled North Korean labor to build up industries, set up factories and things actually went along very well. Also, there were Six-Party Talks supporting this Sunshine Policy of the South Korean President.

At that time, Bush and Cheney reluctantly went along with it, but all the time kept nagging North Korea as cheating, “don’t believe them,” and so forth. At a certain point, the Six Party Talks ended, and when Obama came in, and started his “Asia pivot” policy, which was not aimed at North Korea, but really aimed to isolate China, and in encircle it, they started to build up military forces aimed against China.

So under the pressure from President Obama very recently, South Korean President Park Heun-hye cancelled the Kaesong industrial park and agreed to the deployment of THAAD missiles, and these Terminal High Altitude Area Deployment missiles, again, are not deployed against North Korea, but aimed at China and Russia: Because North Korea is only 30 miles away from Seoul, and they don’t need to send ICBMs into space to then hit Seoul 30 miles away because North Korea has sufficient artillery to accomplish the same aim; but these THAAD missiles have X-band radar which can see deeply into the territory of China and Russia, which is why both countries have named these THAAD missiles as an existential threat to their national security.

This is a very dangerous situation, because if North Korea would strike Seoul, all of North Korea would be wiped out in return, the entire North Korean leadership would be killed as has been stated by many forces around the United States, and the population of Seoul would be wiped out very clearly also. If this war would escalate, it would clearly have the potential to escalate to Japan, to the United States and also lead to a global nuclear war.

Now, that danger is presently absolutely real. The only sign of hope, is that since the summit between President Trump and President Xi Jinping in Mar-a-Lago, Florida, where a very positive working relationship and almost friendship has been developed between these two Presidents, this summit has been called by the Chinese a “complete success”; Secretary of State Tillerson has said this has absolutely enhanced mutual trust and both have stated that their common aim is the de-nuclearization of Korea; that they want to resolve the situation through a peaceful dialogue.

Now that requires, also, that the recent Chinese proposal to have a so-called “double suspension,” meaning a suspension of the missiles and nuclear tests on the side of north Korea; and a suspension of the joint military drills on the side of South Korea and the United States on the other side. Russia has completely supported this Chinese policy of double suspension. That would be the first step.

What is needed then, is a comprehensive approach of the New Paradigm, of “double suspension,” to include North Korea in the Belt and Road Initiative, integrate the Sunshine Policy with the New Silk Road and the key to it is the collaboration between Xi Jinping and Trump. It can absolutely work, because there are elections on May 9th in South Korea, where the likely winner already came out against the THAAD deployment, so the hurried deployment now makes absolutely no sense; also, in the recent month, the relationship between Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan with Putin of Russia has absolutely increased and positively developed, where you have joint Russian-Japanese investments in the Far East of Russia, and therefore, the elements of a solution are absolutely there.

What has to be put on the agenda, therefore, is the “Greater Tumen Region Development project, which we also represented in the World Land-Bridge report. This is a regional development project involving the Greater Tumen Initiative, a development project which would build up the entire border region between China, Russia, Mongolia, North Korea, and South Korea, and develop the entire region around it, around the Tumen River which is the border between China and North Korea; and North Korea was a part of this project, until 1993, at least in its initial forms.

So, what has all of this today with the future of Latin America, and the my speech has, that “The Future of Latin America Lies in the New Silk Road”?

Now, I personally believe for a very long time, that the great German mind, and philosopher, and statesman, and natural scientist, Nikolaus of Cusa was absolutely right, when he, already in the 15th century, said that the solution to fundamental problems cannot be in partial remedies, but that you have to find a level of the solution which establishes a higher level of reason which he called the “coincidence of opposites,” or the coincidentia oppositorum. You have to establish a level of reason where the One has a higher reality than the Many, and that is exactly the “win-win cooperation” of the Belt and Road Initiative today.

Now, in the age of nuclear weapons, of the internet, of air travel which can bring you in a few hours to every part of the globe, the world has become a very small place. And unlike in previous periods, where you had one culture going under and some other culture at some other part of the world didn’t even know about it, because it would take years to travel from one region to the next, this time, we are sitting in one boat, and therefore, people have to start to think strategically and not think that the financial crisis of the trans-Atlantic sector, or the North Korea crisis is something alien to them, but that we have to solve all of these problems simultaneously, or else there will be no solution for anybody.

Now the only way for Latin American countries to solve the problem of the drug epidemic which is haunting some countries in an existential way; or of poverty, or of underdevelopment, is to revive the development plan of Lyndon LaRouche, which he called in 1982 Operation Juárez, when he worked with President José López Portillo to integrate all of Latin America in one large infrastructure-integrated network. This is possible to be realized today, and it is possible, because of the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative.

What we have to do, is we have to build a fast train system connecting the southern tip of Latin America in Chile and Argentina, going all the way up north, through Central America, North America, to the tip of Alaska, connecting through the Bering Strait Tunnel with Siberia, and in that way linking the trans-American transport corridor with the trans-European-Eurasian infrastructure network.

The infrastructure offered by China is already going in this direction. China has offered financing and help in the construction of the Bi-Oceanic Railroad, which you will hear about in the next presentation, which will be a railroad between Brazil and Peru, and another route through Bolivia; China is presently already building a science city in Ecuador, where at the recent state visit of President Xi Jinping in Lima, and Ecuador, and Chile last fall, attended a joint meeting with the former President of Ecuador President Correa in which both stated the intention that very soon China and Ecuador will be on the top of science and technology, representing the state-of-the-art in these areas. Now, this is a very ambitious and very hopeful intention.

Also, the fact that Chilean President Michelle Bachelet will go to the Belt and Road Forum and then add a state visit in China to that, represents the potential of bringing all of these projects a big step forward. The former Ambassador to China from Chile Fernando Reyes Matta said the world leaders who are attending the Belt and Road Forum are betting on the future. He said: Should we think from Latin America about linking with the One Belt and Road if it will have the same effect as the Marshall Plan on Europe? Well, the answer is obviously, yes, because the Belt and Road Initiative is already now twelve times larger than the Marshall Plan was in its time, and it is open- ended and it can be extended without a limit.

Now this fantastic economic development perspective also has, and must have a cultural dimension to it. At the recent Ancient Civilizations Forum in Greece, where the foreign ministers of ten countries that have long, old cultures attended, among them, were the foreign minister of Bolivia, of Mexico, and Peru, all countries which had a very proud, ancient tradition, they were intending to revive this old culture, in order to connect it to the ambition of the future. Because it is necessary for this whole project to succeed, that we revive the best traditions of each nation on this planet, of each culture, and then have a dialogue, so that each nation knows about and finds out about the treasures what actually universal history has accomplished to this present point.

If we have an economic “win-win cooperation,” it will uplift every human being out of poverty, it will unleash the tremendous potential of human creativity, and it will lead, I am absolutely certain, to a new cultural Renaissance. Where people in Latin America must absolutely know about, that we as a human species as a whole are on the verge of a completely decisive branching point in human history: That the New Silk Road allows for a completely New Paradigm, where for example, the old idea that earning virtual money, money figures which could disappear from your bank account instantly, once you have a financial crash, and what you never owned because it was always virtual, you can also never lose, that this wrong idea will be replaced by the concept of a meaningful life where each person can unfold the totality of his or her creative potential; and something which was only possible for a very few individuals in history, such geniuses as Dante, Kepler, Einstein, Schiller, Vernadsky, Beethoven, but very few people could reach that level of personal creativity, because people up to now were so burden by having to earn their livelihood, by the constraints of managing their daily lives, that they could not fulfill this potential. Now this will be possible to change and we will have a society, increasingly, on our planet, where more and more people, and eventually all people can be truly human by developing all potentials they have embedded in them.

So provided we can solve the two existential crises I mentioned, we are really looking at a very bright future. If Latin America would link up with the Belt and Road Initiative this potential can be realized for all of us in a very short period of time.