Trump/Putin-topmøde bringer verden tættere på det nye paradigme

Til trods for voldsomme reaktioner mod resultaterne af Trump-Putin-topmødet, løber de, som forkaster mødet, tør for tid mht. at stoppe konsolideringen af et nyt paradigme. Den diplomatiske offensiv, i hvilken den amerikanske præsident Trump spiller en nøglerolle, bringer de fleste af verdens nationer og størstedelen af verdens befolkning sammen. Den gamle orden kollapser under vægten af uholdbar gæld, krigstræthed hos befolkningerne og mangel på ideer fra dets ledere.
Det var den meget udskældte Lyndon LaRouche, som præsenterede de principper, der gør det muligt at undslippe det kollapsende system på sikker vis: Fremkomsten af en fire-magts-alliance, med USA, Rusland, Kina og Indien, som kan introducere en ny Bretton Woods-økonomisk politik. Ved at bruge Franklin D. Roosevelts ideer som udgangspunkt og inddrage tilgangen af de bedste tænkere blandt videnskabsfolk, filosoffer, musikere, digtere og kunstnere i historien, har LaRouches metode bidraget til at udforme det nye paradigme, hvilket tydeligt kommer til udtryk i fremskridtene med Kinas nye silkevejspolitik, som nu bliver til verdens-landdbroen.
Husk på, at de der skældte LaRouche ud, er de samme mennesker i dag – inklusive Robert Mueller – som afviser præsident Trumps bestræbelser på at bryde USA ud af de britiske imperialistiske geopolitikeres kvælertag, de samme mennesker, som dikterede George W. Bushs’ og Barack Obamas politik. På torsdag vil Lyndon LaRouches kone, Helga Zepp LaRouche, præsentere en opdatering af dette historiske slag, samt belyse hvad der er nødvendigt for at det nye paradigme skal lykkes.

Annoncering: Schiller Instituttets Ugentlige Webcast
ved Helga Zepp LaRouche
Torsdag, 19. juli, 2018, kl. 18

Europa har fået et nyt lederskab: Schiller
Instituttets konference opnår alle sine mål

Leder fra LaRouchePAC, 2. juli, 2018 – Schiller Instituttets netop afsluttede konference i Tyskland den 30. juni -1. juli gjorde præcis det, som stifter og præsident Helga Zepp-LaRouche offentligt havde foreslået, at EU’s »migrations-topmøde« 28. – 29. juni burde gøre.[1]

Det var at fokusere det europæiske lederskab på udvikling af økonomi og infrastruktur i Afrika, gennem samarbejde mellem Europa og Kina og forlængelse af Bælte & Vej Initiativet ind i Mellemøsten (Sydvestasien) og Afrika. Således vil den eneste, reelle løsning på krisen med strømme af migranter, der flygter ind i Europa fra terroristkrige og forarmelse i disse områder, begynde. (Naturligvis vil der komme en genoplivning af europæisk, højteknologisk industri fra denne proces.)

Men EU-topmødet blev holdt uden at behandle LaRouches forslag og gjorde efter alt at dømme ingen verdens ting. Men Schiller Instituttets møde, der gik ud fra det høje standpunkt i fr. LaRouches åbningstale – et nyt paradigme for internationale relationer, baseret på nationernes gensidige udvikling – opnåede det, som EU-topmødet ikke satsede på, og etablerede sig selv som et nyt lederskab for Europa.

Konferencen bragte 300 europæiske ledere og aktivister sammen til to dages nonstop-drøftelse af en forlængelse af Bælte & Vej Initiativet, og med afrikanske ledere, kinesiske og russiske diplomater og ekspertrepræsentanter, europæiske eksperter inden for økonomi og militær, der talte, samt en dynamisk »Ny Silkevejsorganisation« fra det krigshærgede Yemen. GBTimes, et medieselskab med base i Finland, der fokuserer på at »bringe Kina nærmere«, har leveret en udstrakt dækning af begivenhederne.

Desuden udtalte to amerikanske talere fra politiske kredse, og som støtter præsident Donald Trump, deres stærke støtte til Schiller Instituttets kampagne for at erstatte krige med udvikling i disse områder. Deres præsentationer kan ligeledes blive bredt cirkuleret i USA.

Planlægningsdokumenterne for at opnå dette arbejde er udgivet af EIR og Schiller Instituttet: Anden udgave af Den Nye Silkevej bliver til Verdenslandbroen; forlæng den Nye Silkevej til Vestasien og Afrika[2], og den arabisksprogede rapport Operation Felix: Yemens mirakuløse genopbygning og tilslutning til den Nye Silkevej.[3] Konferencens begivenheder vil blive udgivet i Executive Intelligence Review i de kommende uger. Helga Zepp-LaRouche havde forudsagt, at topmødet mellem USA og Korea 12. juni ville blive en »game-changer« for det nye paradigme, og hun påberåbte ånden fra dette møde i sin hovedtale.[4] Med endnu et Trump-Kim-møde, der allerede er bragt på bane til FN’s Generalforsamlings sammentræde til september i New York, vil den næste, potentielle game-changer, især for en afslutning af »evindelig krigsførelse« i Mellemøsten, blive tomødet mellem præsidenterne Trump og Putin den 16. juli.

Den britiske modstand mod dette Helsinki-møde er ekstraordinært voldsom; britisk efterretnings »Russiagate«-kampagne mod præsident Trump, der har til formål at gøre samarbejde mellem USA og Rusland umuligt og at tvinge præsidenten ud af embedet for blot at overveje et sådant samarbejde. Forsvarsminister Mattis har netop skriftligt truet med at afslutte den amerikansk-britiske særlige forsvarsrelation; og, med Trump, der efter planen skal mødes med den britiske premierminister May tre dage før sit topmøde med Putin, må vi være i højeste alarmberedskab med hensyn til britiske sabotagehandlinger mod dette topmøde.

Men Helga LaRouche pegede også på en langt mere generel trussel mod det nye paradigme – et truende finanskrak, der eksploderer ud af en superophedet, global boble af selskabsgæld, der er blevet pustet op af de »fire store« centralbanker siden krakket i 2007-08. Trump har midlertidigt afværget dette krak med en enorm selskabsskattelettelse, men har herved formodentlig blot gjort krakket værre, når det rammer.

At stoppe dette krak betyder omgående at gennemføre Glass/Steagall-bankopdeling sådan, som vælgere i USA og Europa bliver ved med at kræve. Og det kræver oprettelsen af nationale kreditinstitutioner for at erstatte den spekulative kasinogæld, som sandsynligvis blot vil fordampe under Glass-Steagall.

En sådan statskredit udstedes af Kinas offentlige, kommercielle banker til at være drivkraft for Bælte & Vej Initiativets udviklingsprojekter. Men USA og de europæiske lande har endnu ikke genopdaget Alexander Hamiltons metode til at gøre dette. Det forklares i Lyndon LaRouches »Fire Love til Nationens – og Verdens – Redning«[5] fra 8. juni, 2014, og er dét, der gør LaRouches bevægelse til det nye lederskab.

[1] Se: Helga Zepp-LaRouche: »EU-topmødet må følge Singapores eksempel!«

[2] Se: Helga Zepp-LaRouche: »En fælles fremtid for menneskeheden«. Introduktion til bind II af rapporten, »Den Nye Silkevej bliver til Verdenslandbroen«

[3] Se: Introduktion til rapporten af dens forfatter, Hussein Askary 

[4] Se: Helga Zepp-LaRouche: »Modsætningernes Sammenfald – Morgendagens verden« 

[5] Se: LaRouches Fire Love, feature

Det forestående Trump-Putin-topmøde
kan ændre historiens gang
mod det Nye Paradigme.
Helga Zepp-LaRouche i Schiller Institut
Webcast, 27. juni, 2018

Jeg kan kun gentage det: De personer, der er vant til at tænke i baner for geopolitiske planer eller paradigmer, de bør virkelig forstå, at, i en verden, der har så mange problemer og så mange presserende opgaver, der skal løses, så er det bedste virkelig, at stormagterne finder frem til en strategisk forståelse og forhåbentlig sluttelig vil arbejde sammen for at løse alle disse problemer. Og disse mennesker er stadig indfanget i det gamle, geopolitiske nulsumsspil – den ene vinder, og den anden må tabe – og som er en fuldstændig latterlig, gammeldags, forældet idé. Jeg krævede ved årets begyndelse, at dette må blive året, hvor vi overvinder geopolitik, og med Kinas Nye Silkevej har vi allerede en win-win-model for relationer, hvor alle vinder. Så jeg vil blot opfordre folk til at gentænke den måde, de anskuer verden på.

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En forandring til det bedre kommer,
hvis I kæmper for det.
Helga Zepp-LaRouche i Schiller Institut
Webcast, 21. juni, 2018

Hvis man således havde de europæiske ledere, Xi Jinping og et halvt dusin afrikanske ledere, der talte for kontinentet, og de tilsammen ville erklære et forceret program for infrastrukturudviklingen af Afrika, så ville det ikke alene have troværdighed pga. Xi Jinpings tilstedeværelse, men det ville også sende et signal til alle disse regeringer og til alle unge mennesker om, at der vil være store muligheder for at samarbejde om opbygningen af deres eget land, så de ikke ville føle sig tvunget til at rejse tværs over Sahara og dø af tørst, eller at drukne i Middelhavet, eller blive fanget af Frontex’ [EU-grænse-]politi for at blive anbragt i noget, selv paven har karakteriseret som »koncentrationslejre«.

Jeg mener, dette kan gøres. Nu er det ikke særlig sandsynligt, at EU vil gøre dette, i betragtning af den kendsgerning, at de er, hvad de er, men det er en absolut rigtig idé, og skulle dette EU-topmøde forpasse denne mulighed, så kan man få et topmøde, hvornår, det skal være, i juli eller august, eller man kan tage FN’s Generalforsamling i september og gøre dette spørgsmål til det eneste punkt på dagsordenen.

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Helga Zepp-LaRouche:
»En fælles fremtid for menneskeheden«
Introduktion til bind II af
rapporten, »Den Nye Silkevej
bliver til Verdenslandbroen«

20. juni, 2018 – Vi har den glæde at præsentere Helga Zepp-LaRouches introduktion til den kommende Schiller Institut rapport, »Den Nye Silkevej bliver til Verdenslandbroen, bind II: En fælles fremtid for menneskeheden«. Rapporten forventes udgivet i slutningen af denne måned.

»Den Nye Silkevejsånd« har ændret verden til det bedre i en langt mere gennemgribende grad, end den transatlantiske sektor hidtil blot nogenlunde har forstået. Siden den kinesiske præsident Xi Jinping satte den Nye Silkevej på dagsordenen i september 2013 i Kasakhstan, er en hidtil uset optimisme fejet hen over udviklingslandene i særdeleshed; en følelse af, at fattigdom og underudvikling kan overvindes i en nær fremtid, takket være kinesiske investeringer i infrastruktur, industri og landbrug. Geopolitisk orienterede kredse i Vesten har ikke forstået, at Kina gennemfører en ny model for international politik, der takler det underskud, som arven efter kolonialisme og imperialisme har testamenteret frem til i dag: den absolutte mangel på udvikling. Og fordi Kina således adresserer milliarder af menneskers eksistentielle behov, vil denne politik sandsynligvis blive den største revolution i menneskehedens historie.

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Hvad er det Nye Paradigme? Afslutning og
mobilisering med Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Zepp-LaRouche: Jeg mener, at den Nye Silkevej er ånden, der er kommet ud af lampen og ikke kan stoppes tilbage igen, hvis man simpelt hen tænker på, hvad den Nye Silkevej har gjort for landene, som deltager, frem til dette punkt, med undtagelse af visse andre, økonomiske aftaler, som Kina og et par andre lande havde, så er for det meste Latinamerika, Afrika og de fleste dele af Asien virkelig blevet nægtet den form for udviklingsperspektiv, som Bælte & Vej Initiativet tilbyder. Det er første gang, at landene i udviklingssektoren har udsigt til at overvinde fattigdom og underudvikling i meget hurtigt tempo. Kina langer ikke gamle teknologier ud, gamle industrier, men bringer disse lande med om bord for at deltage i fælles rumprogrammer og andre avancerede, videnskabelige foretagender. Så folk indser, at der er et helt andet perspektiv og en helt anden mulighed for, at ideen om at overvinde fattigdom på planeten meget hurtigt er ved at blive en realitet.

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Trump og hans allierede udmanøvrerer
det døende, Britiske Imperium.
Helga Zepp-LaRouche i Nyt Paradigme
Webcast, 14.juni, 2018

Kontrasten kunne ikke have været større. Alt imens den dysfunktionelle natur af det døende G7, eller G6, eller G5 (!) – et levn af britisk geopolitik, som har domineret efterkrigstidens politik – blev totalt udstillet i Canada, gik et alternativt, globalt system fremefter i Qingdao, Kina, med Shanghai Samarbejdsorganisationens (SCO) møde, baseret på Kinas Nye Silkevejspolitiks »win-win«-livssyn. Og, alt imens de destabiliserede ledere af det i stigende grad irrelevante G7 blev ladt tilbage til at jamre over, at præsident Trump forlod dem – i både figurativ og bogstavelig betydning – så var Trumps ekstraordinære topmøde med Nordkoreas leder Kim Jong-un et spejlbillede af hans orientering mod Eurasien, da mødets succes til dels skyldes hans samarbejde med ledere fra Kina, Rusland, Sydkorea og Japan.

Og hvad ved folk, der lever i det transatlantiske område, om denne nye, eurasiske dynamik, der er i færd med at forme fremtiden? Desværre, eftersom de fleste af de valgte repræsentanter for Vestens »gængse«, politiske partier fortsætter med at handle i den geopolitiske doktrins interesse, som skabtes af Det britiske Imperium, og medierne udspyr ’fake news’ for at bakke det op, så er kun ganske få bevidste om virkeligheden med den store, globale transformation, der er i gang.

Hver uge giver Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Schiller Instituttets stifter, en kortfattet og dramatisk præsentation, der er tænkt at skulle sætte hendes seere på historiens scene. I disse ugentlige webcasts har hun leveret både en gennemgang af begivenhederne, fra toppen og ned, og også en analysemetode, der giver hendes seere en mulighed for at spille en rolle i denne transformation. Gå ikke glip af hendes præsentation i denne uge – og sørg for at informere så mange andre som muligt om, at dette er deres mulighed for at bryde ud af boblen af løgne og misinformationer, så de kan blive smittet med den Nye Silkevejsånd.

Engelsk udskrift:

Schiller Institute New Paradigm Webcast, June 14, 2018
With Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Trump and His Eurasian Allies Outflank the Dying British Empire

HARLEY SCHLANGER: Hello I’m Harley Schlanger with the
Schiller Institute. Welcome to this week’s webcast with our
founder and President Helga Zepp-LaRouche.
At the end of last year, at the end of 2017, Helga forecast
that 2018 will be the year in which the era of geopolitics is
ended.  I think the developments of the last week have been a
major step toward that actually coming into fruition, with the
extraordinary summit which took place in Singapore between
President Trump and Chairman Kim Jong-un of North Korea, as well
as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit in China.  And
then, with the collapse of the old order, with the G7, or G6 or
G-whatever in Canada.
So Helga, why don’t we start with the developments that took
place in Singapore, because these were earthshaking and worthy of
being the first topic of our discussion today.

HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  I’m actually quite pleased to tell
you, and you may know it already or not, that two Norwegian
parliamentarians have proposed to award  the Nobel Peace Prize
for President Trump.  Now, I find this very appropriate, in
contrast to the Nobel Peace Prize being given to Obama for
absolutely nothing, just the contrary.  But I think this
development of North Korea and the United States finding a way to
completely transform an old adversary relationship into one of
cooperation and a bright future, I think this is really a
fantastic development.  And I know that all the mainstream media
of the West are having apoplectic attacks over this, but if you
look at it, I think it is absolutely promising.
First of all, the facts you all know:  They agreed on the
complete denuclearization of North Korea, in return for the
prospect of making North Korea a prosperous and wealthy country.
Now, I find it very interesting that the White House,
between Trump and the National Security Council produced a
four-minute video, where the two options for North Korea were
portrayed:  One is the old status and war, or to have a complete
modernization of the country, with modern railway — they even
showed the Chinese maglev running, and people prosperous and
productive.  I think this was very good, because this video is
exactly what will happen, and it goes very far beyond a similar
video which was produced by South Korea in the past.  Trump
showed it to Kim Jong-un in the meetings, and then he also showed
it before giving his press conference.
I watched his entire press conference, and I must say, I
would advise all of you, our viewers, to do likewise. Because you
hear so much about Trump being this and that, and the way he
conducted himself in this lengthy press conference, fencing off
the most typical, old-fashioned thinking, questions from mainly
American journalists, he did not let himself be provoked — you
know, journalists try to ask him, “what will you do, what is you
punishment if North Korea does not comply?” but he wouldn’t go
into this trap; but he just said that he was very confident that
this process was on a good way.
And very important was that he also announced that the
United States would stop what he called the “war games,” the
U.S.-South Korea military maneuvers, and obviously, this is
psychologically very important for the North Koreans, because if
you have these war games on your door step all the time, this
creates a permanent psychological terror.
People who have to still form their judgment about how to
look at this, they should just consider that the South Korean
people were absolutely enthusiastic.  They were happy in the
streets.  President Moon who watched the live stream coming from
the conference from Singapore, applauded several times. And given
the fact that the German unification which took place now almost
29 years ago, people in Germany may remember the absolute
jubilance and happiness of families hugging each other, who
haven’t been together for very many years; friends falling into
each other’s arms, and kissing each other.  And it was a joy!
That the German unification did not produce only happiness
afterwards had to do with the larger geostrategic environment:
You know, like Bush, and Thatcher and Mitterrand, they all were
extremely hostile to the process of German unification, and
therefore the east German states were practically economically
dismantled, pretty much.  And the environment in North Korea is
obviously completely different.
So I would like to just say that I’m very optimistic that
this process will succeed, for the very simple reason that this
is taking place in a completely different strategic context,
namely of the Belt and Road Initiative, the integration of the
Belt and Road Initiative with the Eurasian Economic Union, and
these kinds of economic development plans, which also Russia
spoke about and China said they would contribute, and also
together with the United States take over security guarantees for
North Korea, these economic plans take place in the context of
the intention to develop the Far East of Russia, to integrate it
with all of Asia, which was discussed at the Eastern Economic
Forum in Vladivostok last September, and it was also discussed in
the inter-Korean dialogue in April between the two presidents of
the two Koreas.
So I think the perspective that North Korea, soon, will be
integrated into the Eurasian transport system, the two railways
connecting to the Trans-Siberian Railway, to the Chinese railway
system, and that you will have a complete transformation of this
part of the world.  And I think Trump is absolutely right:  He
said the past does not determine the future.  Real change is
possible.  And I think this is a very good development, and all
the nay-sayers they should just go home and think.
SCHLANGER:  The point you just made I think was one of the
most important:  That both presidents talked about overcoming the
past.  And Kim Jong-un said that we need to develop a new
friendly attitude between our peoples, as opposed to the animus.
And of course, that’s what Trump has displayed in both the
lead-up to the summit and in the aftermath of the summit.  And
this is one of the things that angering the people you mentioned
that aren’t happy about this: The fact that he’s saying, look
this is a new period, it’s a new time.
And I think, Helga, this probably the most important thing,
this idea of entering into a new era.  And this is, of course,
what you’ve been talking about for the last years, and we now are
on the verge of a new emergence of a Eurasian Century.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Yes.  I think that spirit is clearly
prevalent in Asia.  It was also the expressed view of Chinese
Foreign Minister Wang Yi after the SCO summit Qingdao in China.
This summit was an extraordinary milestone, where Wang Yi
afterwards said, the SCO represents 3.1 billion people, and it is
already now a completely new system of international relations,
built on mutual trust, on cooperation, on friendship, on common
aims, and it is a new model, that leaves behind and transcends
the old geopolitical order, Cold War, exclusive clubs, clash of
civilizations — all of these are left behind, and a new era of
cooperation has been established.
This was very beautiful, because the summit, the initial
banquet was opened by President Xi Jinping with a reference to
Confucius.  He said Qingdao is in Shandong province, which is the
home of the Confucius and Confucianism and he should guide the
future of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.
Now, I think Xi Jinping is a philosopher and just contrast
that — can you imagine that any European leader would open an EU
summit with the words “we should have Plato’s spirit, or
Shakespeare’s spirit, or Schiller’s spirit guide the future of
the European Union”?  Nothing is more impossible to think than
that at this moment.
So, I think the future lies in Asia.  And the kind of
cooperation and determination to create a better world for all
people living on this planet is being realized in Asia right now.
And I think it was very good thing that President Trump is
definitely helping the best he can to make this order succeed,
despite the trade tensions and despite the remaining problems
which are still there. I’m absolutely confident that the spirit
and the dynamic of this new phenomenon, these new forces which
Wang Yi spoke, he said, there are new forces at work which make
this all possible, and I think that that is the dynamic of our
time, the trend of our time.  And it’s a good thing.  It’s
wonderful and everybody who loves humanity and who loves peace
should be absolutely happy.

SCHLANGER:  I knew what would make you happy in particular
is that it wasn’t just a discussion of trade deals or security
concerns, but the Shanghai Cooperation Organization did take
place on a philosophical level.  And this is spilling over into
the talks between President Trump and the North Korean President,
for precisely the reason that the other countries are involved in
the Korean summit, and President Trump made a point to thank
China, Japan, South Korea, and Russia.
Helga, I think there may be a couple more things you want to
bring up on the Shanghai Cooperation Organization meeting:  India
and Pakistan participated — this really has become something in
big contrast to the morose gathering that took place in Canada,
the declining G7.  Why don’t you give us your thoughts on that,
the difference between these two summits?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: The SCO summit is the result of a conscious
effort to create a more human world, and I really think that the
fact that — as we discussed it already on this show — Modi and
Xi Jinping have reset the policy between India and China;  that
Pakistan and India, under the umbrella of the SCO, can now talk
about issues, is a wonderful development as well.  The whole
dynamic is one of cooperation, mutual trust, and how countries
should relate to each other:  That is a normal thing.
As a matter of fact, many years, 34 years ago, I created the
Schiller Institute, with the idea that we need a new foreign
policy, that nations should relate to the best tradition of each
other, and not the worst.  And that is what I see now.  You have
a deep discussion about the fundamental principles of each
culture.  In China, you have Confucius and Mencius, which were
both mentioned by Xi Jinping; in India, you have the Vedic
tradition, the Gupta period, you have the Indian Renaissance —
much of this was referred to by Modi in his previous speech at
the [June 1-3] Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore which took place
just a little bit before.
You have on the side of these leaders an understanding that
you have to look for the most profound image of man in the
respective culture, and what follows for politics out of that.
Out of Confucius, the ideal of eternal learning, of lifelong
learning and character improvement comes the harmony in the
family.  And out of harmonious families comes harmony in the
nation, and among nations as well.  And there are similar ideas
in the idea of a cosmic order in the Indian philosophy, which
should guide our behavior on the planet.  And you have the idea
of {ahimsa}, that man has to educate himself up to the point
where he is incapable of having any harmful thought.
Now, this happens to be the same idea like you find Nikolaus
of Cusa, or Leibniz or Schiller — Schiller’s conception of the
beautiful soul — but naturally, that kind of thinking is
completely absent in the Western world right now, in the G7 or G6
against 1, or G4.  Because, actually the G4, there are only four
countries left which are absolutely determined to keep the
sanctions against Russia and similar things:  Germany, France,
Great Britain and Canada, so it’s not exactly a strong alliance.
The contrast between the SCO meeting and the really
catastrophic failure of the G7 meeting in Canada could not be
more obvious. And I think the fact that they can only be
negative, and are also having huge fights among themselves is a
reflection that this old order is collapsing, and it’s collapsing
very fast, and one big area where you can see that is the refugee
crisis in Europe, which has come back in full force.

SCHLANGER:  How significant is it do you think that
President Trump brought up bringing Russia back into the G7 to
make it the G8 again?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Well, you know, Putin was very funny:  He
said he would invite the next G7 meeting to Moscow.  But I don’t
think they are naturally putting a huge priority of being part of
something which is clearly not the most dynamic model in the
world.  And I think much more important is the orientation
towards Asia for Russia at this point.
Foreign Minister Lavrov made an important point after the
Singapore meeting:  He said, in order to really guarantee that
this process succeeds, one has to bring back the six power talks,
which involves the two Koreas, Japan, China, the United States,
and Russia.  And I think that that is absolutely to the point.
I think that the whole situation will change because you
have now complete disunity in Europe.  You have two new
governments, which are absolutely in favor of restoring relations
with Russia.  One is Austria, which just hosted a very important
summit for President Putin; and the other one is the new Italian
government, where Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini just came
out and called for an alliance with Russia to fight terrorism,
and saying basically that you cannot deal with extremism of all
forms unless you cooperate with Russia.
So this is all changing very rapidly, and I wouldn’t be
surprised if things get really turbulent in Europe much, much
more, and changes will occur, and one can only hope that they go
in the direction of cooperating with the New Silk Road and not
just in the direction of chaos, which is also an imminent

SCHLANGER:  You mentioned the refugee crisis which is once
again back on the front burner, even though it’s not the same
numbers as a couple of years ago.  What’s happening with this?
How has this become an issue once again?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  First of all, there are many refugees,
because the weather was bad for some time; now it’s better so a
lot of refugees are just lined up and waiting to be put by human
traffickers in these boats.  One ship, the {Aquarius}, just was
refused to enter a port in Italy; then there was a huge brawl,
because Macron attacked the Italian government because of it.
And then the Italians answered about the high horse Macron was
sitting on, given the fact that they had had terrible treatment
of tens of thousands of refugees over the years.  Finally, Macron
and Italian Prime Minister Conte talked on the telephone, and a
state visit will occur on Friday, so we have to see how that
goes.  And the refugees were finally accepted by the new Spanish
government of Sánchez government.
But, what happens when the next ship comes?  So this crisis,
this has now led to a huge crisis in the coalition government in
Germany; where Interior Minister Horst Seehofer [CSU] and former
Bavarian minister President, wanted to present his master plan.
Merkel basically forbid him to, whereupon Seehofer and Chancellor
Kurz from Austria, and Salvini from Italy all got on the
telephone, and Kurz was talking about a “coalition of the
willing” to agree to basically send refugees back at the border,
if they’re already registered in any one European country.  And
Merkel, on the other side, together with the SPD, wants to find a
European solution.
This has created a complete turmoil, because only three
members of parliament of Merkel’s own CDU party are backing her.
The SPD, on the other side, says, if Merkel capitulates to
Seehofer, they may even go for a vote of confidence and new
elections.  So this is highly unstable, and I cannot see how
either of these solutions should function.  Because if you close
the borders — that’s what they want, to make a “Fortress
Europe,” to increase the coast guard, to make sure that no
refugees can come in; if you close the internal EU borders, there
goes the Schengen agreement, and that was the basis on which the
euro actually was possible, because if you don’t have open
borders within Europe, a common currency doesn’t make sense.
So I think this thing could explode at any moment, and all
of these ideas are unworkable, and are a reflection of these fact
that these establishments just don’t understand that the only way
how you can solve the refugee crisis in a human way, would be a
large-scale development of Africa.  And China is doing that
already, so if the European governments would be intelligent,
they would just say:  We’ll take the offer of China to cooperate
in large-scale infrastructure and other development plans for
Africa so that we can create an incentive that all the young
people from Africa will want to stay home and build their
countries, rather than risking their lives by crossing the Sahara
and dying of thirst, or crossing the Mediterranean and drowning.
So you know, you have to change the policy towards Africa if
you want to solve this problem.

SCHLANGER:  And Helga, on that note, it does appear there
are people in the Italian government who are making that point.
One of the new ministers, Prof.  Michele Geraci has a document
out where he talks about this idea of Italy and other European
countries working with China to provide the infrastructure and
create the means by which people can stay in their homes and
actually have a future.
What else do you see in the emergence of this new Italian
government as a positive part of the transformation of Europe?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  There was first the appointment of
ministers, several of whom have very decent positions on
Glass-Steagall, on the creation of a national bank, on
renegotiating the Maastricht Treaty conditions to not accept the
austerity but going for an investment program.  So there are many
interesting points.  They’re not completely unproblematic,
because there are also many greenie ideas in it.
But now, the second round of people have been appointed in
the positions undersecretary in ministries, and there you have —
I don’t know the total number — but something between 6, 8, or
10 of them who have signed an appeal by our sister organization
in Italy, the Movisol, for Glass-Steagall — a letter to
President Trump for him to implement Glass-Steagall.
So I expect that given the fact that the financial system is
in a very precarious condition, that once this government
consolidates, which it is in the process of doing right now, that
you will see a lot more motion towards Glass-Steagall.
Now, Glass-Steagall and the laws of the European Union are
incompatible.  But it’s a very promising development, and one
reflection that good things are going on, is the fact that the EU
representative for the negotiation of the Brexit, former Belgian
Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt just came out with a huge attack,
saying the following people are stooges of Putin — [U.K.
Independence Party leader] Nigel Farage, Le Pen, Salvini, and
[Hungarian Prime Minister] Viktor Orban.  There are already some
people now suing him, and you cannot just claim that somebody is
a stooge and paid agent, when they are not.
I mean, you can see the freakout level is really quite big.
But I think the potential is also there, given the fact that
there is a motion towards cooperation with Russia coming from
several places in Europe, now.  And there is also a softening,
and some people are reviewing and saying:  Look, there is the
biggest infrastructure development in history which is already
writing the rules.  The new WTO will be written by the New Silk
Road.  Why not join it, and profit from all of these
developments?  And the hidden champions in European Mittelstand
and so forth, they have so much to contribute to solve the
problems of this world, that rather than making a Fortress
Europe, and trying to keep every foreigner out, we should just
really change the policy.
And I think the time has come where all these arrogant
people, who think they are the best and the brightest, when in
reality, they are not so smart at all, and they don’t what to
acknowledge that the neo-liberal, neo-con, geopolitical system is
just going under.  It’s going under because it favors only an
elite, a financial elite, an establishment, and it is harmful to
the majority of the people.  And therefore, the model of the New
Silk Road, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization model, the BRICS
model, all of these are more attractive, especially to the
developing countries. And the West would just do so much better
if they would say, “OK, we have to rethink, and maybe we can
reinvent ourselves if we cooperate with this new dynamic.”
The breakthrough of Singapore has created an example that
you can do it!  You can change history if you want and if you
have the will and if you have the good intention.  And I think
people should follow this example.

SCHLANGER:  There’s one other place where change is needed,
and that is the continuing war on the people of Yemen coming from
the Saudi Arabian government, the United Arab Emirates  — with
some support from the United States and the United Kingdom.
There’s a battle that’s underway right now for the city of
Hodeidah, where there was a bombing of a Doctors Without Borders
hospital.  This is the port where most of the food comes into the
country, and it’s already a country where 60% of the people are
food insecure.
Helga, what can be done?  There are some Congressmen who
signed a letter calling for an immediate move for an
Authorization for the Use of Military Forces (AUMF) with the idea
being that the United States {would not} participate in this, but
move to stop it.
This is something that also needs to be brought also before
the population of the world, isn’t it?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Yes.  Already before this bombing against
Hodeidah started, Yemen was characterized by the United Nations
as the worst humanitarian catastrophe on the planet, and the
Russian Foreign Ministry just commented on the fact that the
bombing against this port has started, saying that this will make
a political solution that much harder.
But there is one country right now, which really could stop
it, and that is the United States.  If the United States would
just make sure Saudi Arabia does not have the means to continue
this, it would!  And I find it promising that even two members of
the Israeli Knesset, the parliament, basically commented on the
Singapore summit by saying that this could be a model to solve
the Middle East crisis, including the conflict between Saudi
Arabia and Iran.
Now, that is the way to go.  I think military solutions just
don’t function.  And we have to  — when I said at the beginning
of the year that geopolitics must be overcome, because
geopolitics is the basis of war.  In the last century, it was the
basis of two world wars, and I think we have to come to a
situation where, given the fact that nuclear weapons exist, which
could lead to the annihilation of civilization, I think we have
to move to a world where war is absolutely outlawed as a means of
conflict resolution.
This is why I think now, with this changed dynamic, a summit
between President Trump and President Putin, is of the absolute
urgency and should follow.  I know that the spokesman of the
State Department basically said that both sides are looking at
it, and looking at preparations — but I think it’s very urgent.
And I think this idea that Middle East must find a similar
approach to the Korea situation, is absolutely to the point.

SCHLANGER:  Well, on that point, I’d like to finish by
asking you to say something about this wonderful conference that
the Schiller Institute sponsored this last weekend in New York
City, under the theme “Dona Nobis Pacem.”  You participated in
it.  What are your thoughts about how this kind of event points
the way to this change as well, with the New Silk Road Spirit
taking over?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  I think it was a quite successful
conference.  There was a student meeting on Friday, with U.S.
students for the New Silk Road.  And then we had on Saturday a
very important conference where we had the deputy ambassador to
the United Nations from the Russian mission, who I think was very
important for people to see, that these Russians are not the way
the {New York Times} describes them, but they are human beings
who are funny and have a lot to give.  And then we had a lot of
strategic discussion over the day.
And then the next day, we had a beautiful concert, with
African American Spirituals and then the Beethoven Mass in C
Major, which was performed by the chorus of the Schiller
Institute.  And the church where the concert took place was
completely full, and people were really inspired, and understand
that you need Classical culture to elevate people to bring out
the most noble aspect of humanity.  And in that spirit, you can
solve any problem.
So I would like to ask you, again: join the Schiller
Institute, become part of the Renaissance movement, and help us
to bring the Silk Road Spirit; or as they were saying, in the
Shanghai Cooperation Organization meeting, the “Shanghai Spirit”
which is really the spirit of Confucius, and Mencius, and
Schiller, and Leibniz — bring this spirit to the Western world,
because we can only all profit from it.

SCHLANGER:  With that, I think we’ll conclude.  Helga, thank
you very much and we’ll see you next week.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Yes, till next week.

Silkevejsånden er smittefarlig!
Hovedtale af Helga Zepp-
LaRouche, Schiller Instituttets
konference i New York,
9. juni, 2018: Dona Nobis Pacem
– Giv os fred, gennem
økonomisk udvikling

Jeg er faktisk meget optimistisk med hensyn til situationen. Jeg mener, der absolut er en mulighed for, at vi i den nærmeste fremtid vil se fremkomsten af et fuldstændig Nyt Paradigme for civilisation. For allerede på nuværende tidspunkt samles flertallet af nationer omkring ideen om, at der findes én menneskehed, og som tilhører en højere orden end nationale interesser og end selv geopolitisk konfrontation. Aldrig før har modsigelsen mellem og åbenheden i kampen mellem det Nye Paradigme og det gamle paradigme været mere åbenlys end netop nu. Denne konference blev oprindelig planlagt for at fremskynde denne proces …


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Øvrige talere på Panel I:

Jason Ross, medforfatter af rapporten “Forlæng den Nye Silkevej til Vestasien og Afrika; En vision for en økonomisk renæssance”.

Dr. Xu Wenhong, vicegeneralsekretær for Bælte & Vej-studier, det Kinesiske Akademi for Samfundsvidenskaber, Ét Bælte, én Vej-initiativet.

Dmitry Polyanskiy, første permanente vicerepræsentant for den Russiske føderation til FN.



Ny asiatisk alliance former
fremtiden: Vil de tåbelige
europæere blive ladt tilbage?
Helga Zepp-LaRouche i Schiller
Institut Internationalt Webcast,
7. juni, 2018

Momentum ligger derfor i Asien, og det er grunden til, at Schiller Instituttet insisterer på, at USA og de europæiske nationer simpelt hen bør alliere sig med de asiatiske lande for at udvikle planeten, overvinde fattigdom, få win-win-samarbejde mellem alle verdens nationer og opbygge et nyt fællesskab, et nyt samfund, for menneskehedens fælles fremtid. Dette ligger så meget inden for rækkevidde, at, hvis blot folk kender til dette Nye Paradigme, der nu vokser meget, meget hurtigt frem, vil de omgående blive optimistiske! Det skyldes udelukkende manglende kendskab til det, der foregår i disse dele af verden, og det er årsagen til pessimisme og til, at mange mennesker ikke kan se nogen måde, hvorpå det kan ændres.


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Bankierernes kup i Italien vil ikke stoppe
opstanden mod det korrupte Imperium.
Helga Zepp-LaRouche i Schiller Institut
Nyt Paradigme Webcast, 31. maj, 2018

Vi befinder os i en meget dramatisk situation, og jeg mener, det er på høje tid at overveje det nødvendige behov for at rette de neoliberale politikker, for, hvis dette ikke sker, kan der kun komme kaos som resultat, og derfor er Lyndon LaRouches Fire Love endnu mere presserende nødvendige i hele det transatlantiske område end nogensinde før.

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Webcast med Helga Zepp-LaRouche:
»Bøtten er vendt: Med afsløringen af
det virkelige ’aftalte spil’ – vil Obamas
administration slutte sig til ledende briter
på anklagebænken?« 24. maj, 2018

Introduktion: I løbet af weekenden bøjede USA’s vicejustitsminister Rod Rosenstein sig for presset og udpegede Justitsministeriets generalinspektør til at efterforske, om FBI og Justitsministeriet (DOJ) infiltrerede eller overvågede Trump-kampagnen under valget i 2016. Rosenstein tilføjede, at, hvis en efterforskning afgør, at dette skete, ville de »skride til passende handling«. Nye afsløringer peger ikke alene på den rolle, som er blevet spillet af FBI/DOJ-korruption og -forbrydelser, men også på overtrædelser fra CIA’s side, og især fra John Brennans side, i koordinering af en operation mod Trump-kampagnen sammen med en udenlandsk magt – Det britiske Imperium, gennem dettes efterretningsgrene, GCHQ og MI6.

De britiske netværk og Obamas netværk bag Russiagate opererede på vegne af et globalt bank-/finanskartel, centreret omkring City of London og Wall Street. I takt med, at dets beskidte tricks med at køre et regimeskifte-kup mod præsident Trump i stigende grad afsløres, bliver det ligeledes åbenbart, at dets globale spekulationskasino har direkte kurs mod et spektakulært kollaps. De tyer nu til deres gamle beredskabsstyrker – ved at bruge kup, stedfortræderkrige, terrorisme, sanktioner og afpresning – til at forsøge at bluffe sig igennem.

Men denne gang er tingene anderledes, med det Nye Paradigme, der vil erstatte den finansielle elites og dens geopolitikeres gamle paradigme, og som vinder i styrke. Mandag sagde Schiller Instituttets stifter Helga Zepp-LaRouche, der har anført kampen for dette Nye Paradigme, at, for at stoppe kuppet i USA, er det nødvendigt at gennemføre Lyndon LaRouches Fire Nye Love (til nationens – og verdens – redning) og at mobilisere for, at USA og andre, inkl. Tyskland, tilslutter sig den Nye Silkevej. »Denne krig kan vindes«, lød hendes ord. »Vi er nået langt, og der er flere kampe, der skal udkæmpes; men historien vil blive formet af Lyndon H. LaRouches ideer.«

Fr. LaRouche vil stå i spidsen for denne kamp med sin ugentlige webcast, kommende torsdag, 24. maj. Lyt med, og bliv en del af den bevægelse, der vil forme fremtiden.

Her følger engelsk udskrift:

The Worm Has Turned: Will Obama Administration Join Leading Brits
         On Trial as the Real “Collusion” Is Exposed?

HARLEY SCHLANGER:  Hello, I’m Harley Schlanger from the
Schiller Institute.  Welcome to this week’s international webcast
featuring our founder and President Helga Zepp-LaRouche.
We are in the midst of a series of unfolding developments,
and we’ll address them in the context of the discussion today.
There are a number of things happening, each of which is very
significant and we don’t full readings yet.  But we want to start
with what I think is something that most people are not aware of:
And that is the coming earthquake that is hitting Europe, in this
case from the Italian election.  The new government is being put
together, and there’s a complete freakout from the European
Union, for good reason.  Helga, what is the significance of these
Italian developments, in the context of the overall strategic

HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  We have now, a new prime minister, who
is a politically unknown law professor, but the real freakout is
because of the mooted new Finance Minister Paolo Savona, who is a
well-established economist.  He was completely for the euro in
the beginning, but then, when he saw what the consequences were
for Italy of the single currency, he became completely anti-euro,
and he has demanded a “Plan B” for Italy, meaning leaving the
euro; and also he has called the euro a German prison for Italy,
and he has given it some worse names.
So the freakout is quite incredible.  All kinds of people,
politicians, media have threatened Italy with financial warfare.
One guy said the markets will teach Italy a lesson and bring it
back to the path of virtue.  One of the key anchors of the 2nd
channel in Germany, Claus Kleber, who is a real specimen of his
profession, to put it very diplomatically, he basically said one
should use the gag bit — this is a torturous bit for horses
which no honest horseman would ever use, because it’s really
torturing horses — so he said one should use that for Italy to
basically discipline them.
This is incredible.  Here are people who are all the time
making thee hugest complaint about lacking democracy in China and
whatnot, and they’re openly calling for regime change and using
warfare techniques against one of the European Union members.
Now, I think if Savona indeed becomes finance minister,
people are in for some surprises, because this is an experienced
person, he’s not a lightweight, as the media were saying about
Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte.  And given the fact that this all
occurs — this is not an isolated phenomenon.  It’s not Italy
causing the financial crisis.  This is a long arc of revolt
against the neo-liberal policies which were expressed in the
Brexit, in the election of Donald Trump, in the “no” to the
Italian referendum changing the Constitution last year, in the
Austrian election, and now in the Italian election — these are
all the results that the populations do not want to submit any
longer to these completely unjust austerity regimes, which only
benefit the banks, the speculators and the rich, at the expense
of the masses of the population.
So this is a very important moment, and rather than being
completely shocked about it, and having hysterical tantrums.  I
think the chance should be used to take the positive elements of
the new coalition in Italy — they have, after all, both of them
in their party platform and now also in the coalition contract,
two of the basic laws of Lyndon LaRouche: Namely, the
implementation of Glass-Steagall, and secondly, the creation of
National Bank for investments in the real economy.  So, rather
than being hysterical about, one should take this as a golden
opportunity to get rid of the kind extremely dangerous
speculative excesses, and go for a unified Glass-Steagall
separation of the banks as a first step, and start to save the
system in this way.
In one sense, this crisis around Italy can be a real chance
to make the urgent change in this direction.

SCHLANGER:  Helga, I would just like to make a point of
something you brought up, which is that the people who are
arguing against these policies are essentially saying that the
voters have no right to express an opinion if it goes against the
policies of the bankers.  And this is really important, because
the line from the media is that we’re in the midst of a robust
recovery, things are improving, the European economy is
improving.  But the voters are voting to show that they don’t
believe that.  And there are some important developments; there
are some continuing problems with the Macron government in
France; Deutsche Bank continues to be at the front end of this
list of most dangerous banks.  I’d like you to just emphasize
this point that the real economy is what’s behind the revolt, and
that’s why the Four Laws of Lyndon LaRouche are so crucial.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  There is an economic website which warns of
the consequences of the corporate debt bubble, which is much,
much worse than in 2008, and they’re warning of a new financial
crisis of “biblical dimensions.”  Now, I don’t know  — “biblical
dimensions,” that’s the Deluge, or some other fundamental crises
like that.  And then you have the ongoing crisis around
Argentina, the currency of Turkey is falling, forcing the central
banks to reverse their interest rate policies, so this is all
extremely fragile.
And very indicative that there is an understanding that some
changes must be made, is what just happened at Deutsche Bank.
Two years ago, my husband Mr. LaRouche, when the Deutsche Bank
was already in a severe crisis, demanded that Deutsche Bank
should change its entire policy since ’89, since the
assassination of Alfred Herrhausen, and go back to the Herrhausen
model of industrial banking.  At that point, many  people thought
that this would never happen, that Deutsche Bank is a hopeless
case.  But while I don’t want to make a final judgment on it, it
is a fact that last month, the leadership of Deutsche Bank kicked
out its CEO John Cryan.  And then, in {Handelsblatt}, the chief
economist of Deutsche Bank, David Folkerts-Landau gave a long
interview where he described how it was a big mistake for the
last two decades, to have shifted the entire profile of Deutsche
Bank into a complete investment bank, going into the derivatives
trading.  And while he makes some correct points, namely that
Merrill Lynch was brought in, and a team which basically allowed
a reverse takeover of Deutsche Bank so that it became completely
foreign controlled and directed to high-risk speculation — I
think they still have a portfolio of something like $42 trillion
in derivatives outstanding; that’s the largest derivatives bank
in the world.
What just happened, is today there was a shareholder
meeting, and they apparently tried to kick out also Paul
Achleitner, the supervisory board chairman of Deutsche Bank. The
only thing I can comment on this Folkerts-Landau is that as
several insiders told us, he was one of them, who changed the
bank’s profile into the direction of this investment banking
only.  So he was not criticizing that for the last two decades,
and {Spiegel Online} even says that it was the last effort by
Achleitner to have some kind of show so that he would not be
kicked out by making this {mea culpla} self-criticism.
I think that that is true, and the new chief executive is a
person called Christian Sewing, who has been in the bank since
’89, and it is being said that he will totally concentrate and
put the priority on investments in the real economy inside
Germany — so, turning the Deutsche Bank back into a commercial
bank at the service of industry.  So one has to see if that
actually happens, but I think the shares were already below EU10,
and that is the red line when Deutsche Bank is danger to go
Anyway, I’m just saying this:  We are on the verge of new
financial crisis.  We are sitting on a volcano. The Vatican’s
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith put out a couple of
weeks ago a paper where they said that derivatives are a ticking
timebomb and they condemned derivatives trading as morally and
economically completely unacceptable, because it just makes the
rich richer and at the losses of everybody else.  So, between
these warnings — also Thomas Hoenig, the former FDIC vice
chairman, Sheila Bair, — there are many people warning of this.
And the Italian developments, as I said, indeed, mean the
absolute opportunity to get rid of the excesses of the
derivatives trading, go for banking separation, and the more it
is being done in a coordinated fashion, the better, and it must
occur really quickly.

SCHLANGER:  And Helga, speaking of Germany, the Chancellor
of Germany is in China.  Any chance that the weakened and
beleaguered Angela Merkel will come back with a New Silk Road

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Well — [laughs] I don’t think so.  I think
what she will come back with is, you know, the Chinese, as they
did with the Trump administration, they promised more opening up
for finance, for cooperation concerning e-cars and similar
things, automatic cars; so I think they will come back with some
kind of a package.  But as long as Merkel has this attitude —
she made this statement which is quoted everywhere, that she
regards the rise of China as the biggest challenge for the
remaining years of her being in the office of Chancellor.
Now, she is typical of the people who on the one side
naturally see that without China nothing functions any more in
the world.  But she is also a really hard-core geopolitician in
her attitude towards Russia, and she always regards China at the
same time as a rival, so it’s a mixed situation.  I would be very
happy if she comes back brimming with the New Silk Road Spirit,
but I have my doubts.

SCHLANGER:  Now we come to probably the most complex of the
situations, which is that in the United States, where it was just
announced this afternoon by President Trump that he is cancelling
the summit with Kim Jong-un.  But this is occurring at a very
interesting time, where the whole British role in Russiagate, in
the attacks on Trump, is in the open.  Why don’t we start with
that?  Because this is something that we have been fighting for:
We’re going back to the dossier that we put out on Robert
Mueller, going back to the investigations that we launched, and
we insisted that you have to look at not just Christopher Steele
as an isolated case, but as a British-directed assault against
the United States:  This is moving fairly quickly, isn’t it,

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Yes.  As a matter of fact, if you look at
the recent tweets by President Trump, they are quite to the
point, namely that he said the “Russiagate” turned into
“Spygate,” that there was absolutely no proof of a collusion with
Russia, but that all the people involved in the coup, basically,
that they created a spiderweb of collusion between the heads of
the intelligence agencies of the Obama administration with
British intelligence, and that there was ongoing effort, even
before any investigation officially started, by British
intelligence figures to connect with all kinds of persons in the
Trump election team, to try to somehow involve them in some kind
of a connection with some Russians.  And all of this is coming
out now.
So there was long before the Trump election victory, or even
the nomination, the clear effort by British intelligence to lay
leads, to create paper trails to manufacture and orchestrate the
situation, whereby the so-called “collusion” with Russia was
supposed to be hung on the Trump campaign, and Trump himself.
And this is all now coming out.
This is now subject to public discussions, for example, on
Monday, President Trump met with several intelligence heads — I
think it was [FBI head] Wray and Rosenstein from the Department
of Justice in the White House.  And today, as a follow-up of
that, Chief of Staff John Kelly is meeting with the CIA, the FBI,
the Department of Justice, together with congressmen — for
example, Congressman Nunes, Senator Grassley — and they’re now
having access to all the document, including the memorandum of
Mueller, the memo defining the scope of Mueller’s investigation.
This will all now be made available to the investigative
committees in the Congress.  And obviously, this is all criminal
violations of law and the Constitution, so this is big!
I think Trump may absolutely be right when he says that this
may become the biggest scandal in the history of America. And
what is now clear, is that there was a task force involving an
institutional group of people, who orchestrated all of this, in
an election campaign, and Trump said, what was done against
Bernie Sanders also was done on a much larger scale against him.
When all of this comes out, I think the world will really be
a different place, and I think if President Trump is freed of
this spiderweb, I think you will see, he will be in a much better
position to carry through with his intentions than you have seen
it so far.

SCHLANGER:  What you’re describing is technically called
“entrapment,” that the FBI — or, actually, John Brennan,
Clapper, and then bringing Comey in later, were involved in
created Russiagate as a collusion with the British intelligence
services, the GCHQ, which is signals intelligence; the MI6, MI5.
The key people that are being named now, like Stefan Halper,
Mifsud, Downer, the current Australian High Commissioner to Great
Britain — all of them are tied to MI6, MI5, private agencies.
This was brought up by Sen. Rand Paul at the hearings, when he
asked Gina Haspel whether or not the CIA was involved in getting
evidence from Britain.  So, a lot of this is coming out.
To what extent, Helga, is this then connected to the
financial crisis?  Make the connection for people, because
there’s still some confusion about how the financial crisis is
then intersecting this operation against Trump because of Trump’s
willingness to work with Russia and China.  I think it’d be very
important for you to give people an understanding of that.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  You know, the big question is indeed the
fact that China is rising and that China has a strategic
partnership with Russia and that the New Silk Road is now
involving 140 nations.  And, as many statistics have proven, the
New Silk Road dynamic is creating already a completely new
paradigm:  You have economic growth, you have a dynamic in
science and technology, innovation.  So the real momentum in
many, many fields is with these alignments among Russia, China,
now India, Japan, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the
BRICS, the China-Latin America CELAC connection; the Chinese
investments in Africa, so this has created a completely different
dynamic in the world.
And then you look at the condition of Wall Street, the
condition in the City of London, and the absolute turmoil in the
European Union, so the geopoliticians, basically, they see the
rise of China and they are absolutely desperate to keep their
model.  But they’re incapable of recognizing what are the causes,
and therefore, they will not be able to correct their policies.
As I said earlier, the attacks on Italy right now, they
completely fail to even ask the question, why is it that the two
euro-critic parties had the best results?  It is the same reason,
and I want to repeat this — it is the same reason, why the
Brexit occurred, why the people in the Midwest voted for Trump
and against Hillary Clinton; and there is an absolute, hysterical
effort by the people who have made their gigantic, virtual
fortunes — sometimes it’s not so virtual, but sometimes it’s,
indeed, just virtual fortunes — with this highly speculative
system, the neo-liberal system connected with wars based on lies,
with so-called “humanitarian interventions,” regime change, color
revolution.  That whole model right now, is really what is not
functioning any more.
President Trump won the election because he promised that he
would not do these foreign wars any more, and you can see that
there are all the time efforts by neo-con elements in his
administration to lure him back.  And therefore, I think also the
cancellation or postponement of the summit with Kim Jong-un is
really unfortunate, because it would have been really better to
make one, clear step for peace, and obviously there were also
difficulties, in terms of what are the procedures for the
denuclearization.  But, Kim Jong-un, he released the American
hostages.  Today the international press was invited to see the
destruction of the nuclear test site.  So there are clearly signs
of goodwill, and therefore, I think it’s very regrettable that
this meeting was postponed.  But hopefully it will come back on
the agenda.
But the connection is really the fight between the old
paradigm, which is not functioning, and the New Paradigm, which
is focussed on the common good of the people on economic growth.
And just as an additional element, China just completely
abandoned their two-children policy, by saying that there
involved a change in the view about population: That in the past,
when they adopted the one-child, and then two-child policy,
thought that additional children are a burden in an economy with
limited resources; but that now, they have changed their view and
they see each new child, especially every young person, as a
tremendous asset of creative power, of additional richness of the
entire society.
So, look at the difference in the values, and then you can
really see that this is a fundamental fight for, can mankind
govern itself in a reasonable way?  And the danger of a financial
collapse hangs over the world, at least concerning the
trans-Atlantic part very much.  So I think, LaRouche’s Four Laws
are the absolute urgent question of the hour.
SCHLANGER: It’s important to see, also, in terms of these
two paradigms, you look at what just happened near by old
hometown of Houston, Texas, where, in Santa Fe high school you
had another one of these mass shootings.  These are almost
commonplace in the United States right now; whereas in China, you
have this total emphasis on education, on science.
This goes back to one of the fundamental economic
breakthroughs of your husband, this concept of potential relative
population density.  And of course, as opposed to what people
like Prince Philip, the genocidal Consort of Queen Elizabeth (if
he’s still breathing), has been committed to his whole life.
Helga, in this sense, I assume you see this change in China
as an absolutely significant recognition of, again, the
difference between the two paradigms, but also your husband’s
view of this concept of potential relative population density.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Yes.  The Chinese have clearly totally
changed, starting with Deng Xiaoping and his reforms after the
Cultural Revolution; but especially in the last five, six years
with the leadership of Xi Jinping, there has been an absolute
understanding about the fundamental issues of life — I mean, he
has given the task to the Chinese scientists to find out how the
human mind works, what is the origin and importance of life in
the universe; what are the laws of the universe.  And he has
encouraged especially an emphasis on innovation, on creativity in
the education as the source of wealth.  And when they now see the
connection between qualitative advances in the knowledge about
physical laws and the ability to have more people, and more
people, again, leading to more creativity, I think they are
absolutely on the right track.

SCHLANGER:  Well, we didn’t have a whole lot of time to talk
before the program, so I want to make sure if there’s something
else that you wanted to bring up, you have a chance.  Is there
anything else on your radar screen?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Yes:  there is actually a petition on the
website of the White House.  This was initiated by the President
of the American University in Moscow, Professor Edward Lozansky,
and Jim Jatras, and they call for an early summit between
President Trump and President Putin, by making essentially the
same point that we have been making for the last several months,
that, given the fact that President Trump is still so much up
against neo-cons in the Republican Party, he’s really done a
remarkable job under the circumstances, where you have the entire
intelligence apparatus not only of what they call the “deep
state,” which is really an incorrect characterization, because
the role of British intelligence {is} absolutely crucial to
understand what makes this Empire tick.
So, in order to cut through that, and given the fact that
the entire Russiagate operation was aimed to prevent a good
relationship between Russia and the United States, which Trump
all the time said would be a “good thing and not a bad thing,”
and he tries to do it; so the way to cut through this whole thing
would be to have this summit, which they talked about — Trump
and Putin on the telephone a couple of weeks ago, and do this as
quickly as possible.
So there is this petition, and I would call all of you who
are listening, or watching, to sign this petition that such an
early summit would take place.  Because I think it is an
absolutely important initiative, and if this petition has more
than 100,000 by June 30, then the White House will have to
respond to it, and will respond.
Otherwise, naturally, there are many, many things, and I
would again invite you, join us, join the Schiller Institute.
Make sure this webcast becomes more known and is being spread,
because we are in an urgent need for a political discourse: Where
should mankind go?  And how can we organize the world so that
it’s safe and beautiful for everybody to live in?

SCHLANGER:  OK, that’s good advice, and I’ll just second
that: Joining the Schiller Institute is absolutely crucial
expression of your own human sentiments.  Many of our listeners
have joined, but we want to have a real membership drive, and
expanding this webcast is one way to do it.  So, I would urge
everyone to think, over the next days, of what you can do to make
sure this movement succeeds and advances, that the New Silk Road
Spirit can be brought into every household throughout the
Atlantic region, which otherwise is left with nothing but
collapse and depression.
So, Helga, thanks for joining us, and we’ll be back next

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Yes, good-bye.

Briterne skubber på for krige i Mellemøsten,
for at afspore fremvoksende samarbejde
mellem de Fire Magter.
Helga Zepp-LaRouche i Schiller Institut
Webcast, 17. maj, 2018. Engelsk udskrift

Introduktion: I oktober måned, 2009, talte Lyndon LaRouche på Forum for Dialog mellem Civilisationer på øen Rhodos, hvor han fremlagde konceptet om, at en aftale mellem fire, ledende magter – USA, Kina, Rusland og Indien – kan danne grundlaget for at skabe et nyt, globalt kreditsystem til at erstatte det håbløst bankerotte, transatlantiske finanssystem, der på spektakulær vis krakkede det foregående år. I løbet af de seneste år er dette potentiale, under ledelse af Kinas præsident Xi Jinping, begyndt at antage konkret form. Med valget af Donald Trump til præsident i 2016, og som for en stor dels vedkommende skyldtes hans afvisning af hans forgængeres politikker for krig og finansspekulation, sås det, at han var parat til at tage skridt til at bevæge USA til at gå med i denne aftale.

Dette alene forklarer de desperate handlinger imod ham, med begyndelse i de svindelagtige Russiagate-beskyldninger, som var brygget sammen af britiske efterretningsnetværk og Obamas efterretningsfolk. Det forklarer også indsatsen for en skarpere konfrontation mellem USA og Rusland og Kina, inkl. Spripal-affæren og anklagerne om de kemiske våben i Douma, under falsk flag. De seneste, farlige handlinger fra Israels Netanyahu-regering mod Syrien, Iran, Libanon og palæstinenserne, og den fortsatte folkemorderiske krig, som saudierne fører imod Yemen, er alle en del af den samme deployering for at bruge krig til at stoppe konsolideringen af LaRouches idé om en Firemagtsalliance.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche har sagt, at det eneste, der kan stoppe denne dynamik for de Fire Magter, der har vundet frem omkring Kinas lederskab og Bælte & Vej Initiativet, er krig. Krigsfremstødet, der kommer fra Storbritannien, må nedkæmpes! Hør fr. LaRouche kommende torsdag for den seneste opdatering om denne kamp, og hvad du kan gøre for at sikre, at Imperiet og dets geopolitiske vanvid bringes til en afslutning.


Engelsk udskrift:

  British Push Mideast Wars to Derail Emerging Four-Power Cooperation

Schiller Institute New Paradigm Webcast, May 17, 2018
With Helga Zepp-LaRouche

HARLEY SCHLANGER:  Hello, I’m Harley Schlanger from the
Schiller Institute. Welcome to this week’s international webcast,
featuring our founder and President Helga Zepp-LaRouche.
Over the last weeks Helga has been emphasizing the
deployment by British Imperial geopolitical interests out to
wreck the promising potential that’s emerged in
Eurasia, and especially around the recent developments of a
potential peace agreement with North Korea.  Helga’s repeatedly
emphasized that this looks a lot like sleepwalking into World War
I and in fact, with the events that just took place in Gaza, in
the last couple of days, the massacre there by Israeli soldiers,
the threat for the situation to break out of control, obviously,
Helga, this looks like this is a potential kind of pre-war kind
of deployment to disrupt the emergence of this four power

HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Yes, I think what has happened around
Gaza in the last days is really a tragedy.  Obviously, it
coincided with the opening of the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem,
which I think was an unnecessary and provocative thing to do.
But the situation in the Gaza is an open-air jail; it’s a new
Warsaw Ghetto.  If you look at what has happened there — OK, I’m
not excluding, that there are some violent Hamas elements, who used
the fact, that people are generally upset about the conditions.
Basically, you have a very tiny area, of the size of the
city-state of Bremen in Germany, which is very small, where 2
million people are crowded.  They have no money for food, they
have only a few hours of electricity, they have no clean water,
and no medical supplies, which now, after 61 people were shot and
killed, and 2,700 wounded became a real nightmare, because you
had all these wounded people who were not treated.
So people have been demonstrating, and the Israeli IDF and
special snipers shot into the crowd, which was completely
unnecessary.  If you want to dissolve a crowd, you can use water
throwers, you can use such other means — you don’t have to shoot
people dead.  So, this has inflamed the situation and as I said,
after a day of mourning and funerals, now the thing is not
stopping.  The Israelis are firing airstrikes at installations of
the Hamas in Gaza.
This could easily lead to an escalation where you have a war
between Israel and Hamas, Hezbollah, potentially Iran, and then,
from there it goes to a big war. This is a terrible situation.
And I should remind people that what is happening in this area,
even though it’s not in the spotlight of the mass media, when you
had the Oslo Agreement, which was in 1993, already at that time,
the Palestinians were supposed to get only 25% of the territory
of Palestine, and the Israelis would get 75%.  But in the
meantime, 60% of the so-called West Bank of Jordan has been
occupied by settlers, so there’s only 40% left, and this is
really becoming a very dire situation, and obviously the aim, and
several people have said that, the aim is to demoralize the
Palestinians in such a way that they give up and just quit, which
won’t happen.
You have a situation, where the Jewish population is
becoming quickly a minority and you cannot maintain a rule a
hostile population which outnumbers you in such ways:  We saw
that in other occasions, such as in South Africa, it didn’t
function, and it will not function here.
So even if you don’t have an escalation to a big war, you
have Hell!  And I have been saying this, and naturally my husband
has been saying it for decades:  You need economic development.
Because if you have a lot of young people in Gaza and elsewhere,
who are growing up, being 14, 15, 16, and already at that time
have the feeling they have no future, it is a chain of violence,
an escalation of violence is pre-programmed.
We have been making the point, the whole time, that while
you have Christian fundamentalists in the United States who think
that an early Middle East war is a good thing — I have heard
such people talking like that.  The reality is that the Middle
East, Southwest Asia, has been the playground of British
Imperialism, and at a certain point also French Imperialism,
which basically have treated this region as a region for proxy
wars for their own geopolitical interests.  This was demonstrated
in the Sykes-Picot Treaty of 1916, which carved up this region in
ways which was the seed for future conflicts.  And right now, you
can see very clear, the aim is to get a confrontation with Russia
— Iran — but, Russia, China, and that way prevent the
possibility of a cooperation in a New Paradigm.
My husband has said this many times; emphatically he has
made speeches about it at international forums, that the only way
how you can break this terrible nightmare of violence and horror
is by having a Four Power agreement among the United States,
Russia, China, and India, and that way, you have enough people
and enough military, political, and economic power to end the
British Empire and their ability manipulate the situation.
This has to be put on the agenda, because if it’s not, the
danger is, that this thing spirals out of control, and already
now it’s a terrible nightmare and a tragedy for the people who
are suffering these situations.

SCHLANGER:  You mentioned the Sykes-Picot Agreement which
was a perfect example of the British geopolitical deployment that
led to World War I, and then the immediate period afterwards
where the British were moving in, to try to replace the
collapsing Ottoman Empire and establish what the British call the
“Middle East” today, a bridge that they could control between
Asia, Africa, and Europe.
These geopoliticians are on the march, they’re threatening
— in Israel you have threats against Lebanon, Israeli strikes
on Iranian positions in Syria.  But, Helga, I think the important
thing for people to understand, is you emphasis and your
husband’s emphasis on a bigger picture agreement, which would be
that of the great powers.  None of these small states can
maneuver effectively within this.  How is this that you could get
an agreement?  Isn’t this a perfect opportunity for Trump and
Putin to get together and sit down and talk about it?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Yes.  I think that that particular move.
They did agree on the telephone to have an early summit.
President Trump even invited Putin to come to the White House.
And given the extremely difficult factional situation in the
United States, and anti-Trump, Russiagate coup attempt, which is
completely falling apart, but it’s still not officially
acknowledged, and it needs to be gotten through in terms of
putting the culprits of this coup in trial instead.
Given these difficult and complex situations, I think that
if this summit between Putin and Trump would take place as
quickly as possible, and take all the time needed to discuss and
develop flanks to the situation, I think that is the one thing
which could cut through all of this and create new options.  I
think we should all wish, and speak out, that such an early
summit would occur.

SCHLANGER:  We also see the great potential on the Korean
Peninsula, somewhat set back by these comments by Bolton, the
national security advisor, comparing North Korea to Libya, which
is an unmistakable reference for anyone in North Korea that the
threat that, when Qaddafi went along with an agreement to get rid
of his nuclear weapons, less than a decade later, Obama, Cameron,
Sarkozy and Hillary Clinton went in and destroyed the country.
What’s your sense of where things stand now, following the
statement from North Korea of the cancellation of the North
Korea/South Korea summit that was supposed to take place, I think
today; what’s your sense of where this is heading?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  I think it is a dangerous phase.  It’s not
yet hopeless, because after this North Korea/South Korea summit
was cancelled, the State Department said the United States still
assumes that the summit between Trump and Kim Jong-un will take
place on June 12 in Singapore.  And there were rumors in the
Japanese papers that maybe even Xi Jinping would participate in
such a summit.  So this is not yet off the table.  And the Deputy
Foreign Minister of North Korea, whose name is Kim Kye-gwan, he
made a very clear distinction between the statements and the line
of Pompeo and Trump; and Pompeo was in North Korea came back and
reported very respectfully and very positively about Kim Jong-un
and Trump clearly has taken up a very respectful tone towards Kim
Jong-un as well.  However, Bolton — and this Deputy Foreign
Minister made this distinction very clearly — Bolton in, I don’t
know if it was just being unclever or deliberate, I have no way
of saying, but to tell the North Koreans that the model of the
denuclearization proposal by Kim Jong-un will following the Libya
model!–I mean, you cannot say something worse.  Because if you
remember, Libya, Qaddafi, turned over all of Libya’s nuclear
weapons and then the result was, he was overthrown and killed,
and the country has been in complete chaos ever since, basically
ungovernable to the present day.
This Deputy Foreign Minister basically said they will never
accept such a model, obviously, and that North Korea is proposing
something which is not to be taken as a weakness, but it is
actually an effort by Kim Jong-un to solve a very untenable,
terrible situation, but it’s not a sign of weakness.  And it
cannot be done by unilateral commands from the side of the United
States, but it has to occur in a trustful atmosphere of dialogue
and cooperation.  So, since I think that President Trump is
intending to do that, I don’t think it’s completely in danger,
but there clearly is a cloud over the horizon.
And obviously the events in the Middle East also have a
peripheral impact, namely the question which is being raised by
many people, if the United States can rip apart the nuclear
agreement with Iran, which was a negotiated agreement, it took 12
years, many nations were involved, the United Nations approved
it, so if you unilaterally get rid of such an agreement, you
know, it also puts a question of doubt on the reliability of the
United States in general.
All of this means we are really in a very dangerous
situation.  And, for example, there was just a new poll, where by
now, 57 % of all Russians are convinced that the crisis in Syria
will lead to a global war.  Now, I hope not, but the air is full
of worry, about war, and people who are concerned about this,
they should help us to mobilize to bring in the alternative:
Which is the cooperation among nations for a win-win cooperation
overcoming geopolitics.  And the potential clearly is there.  I
think a lot of good things have happened: The rapprochement
between China and Japan; careful steps in this direction between
China and India; clearly a good relation between Japan and
Russia; Trump clearly has stated his intention to keep, despite
all trade issues, a good relationship with “his friend Xi
Jinping,” as he always calls him; and there is the pending summit
between Trump and Putin.
So all the potentials are clearly there, but it is also
clear that as the Western financial system is in absolute mortal
danger of a new blowout, the risks to the situation cannot be
overstated, and make every intervention in the direction of
solving these problems with the Four Laws proposed by my husband,
extremely urgent.  So I would call on all of you that you should
get in contact with us, you should become a member of the
Schiller Institute, you should help us to put the Four Laws of
Lyndon LaRouche on the agenda, because they’re not only needed in
the United States, they’re equally needed in Europe and other
affected by the effects of the trans-Atlantic financial system.

SCHLANGER:  This just highlights the difficulty of existing
in between two paradigms:  On the one side you have the old
geopolitical, unilateralist paradigm, which is an imperial
paradigm, of war, of proxy wars, of false flags, of terrorism, of
bail-outs, of austerity; and that’s being rejected by the world’s
population.  But we haven’t yet seen the full consolidation of
the New Paradigm, and that’s what the work of the Schiller
Institute has been from the beginning, to bring this New Paradigm
into existence.
On that, also the Iran situation is sort of hanging between
these two paradigms; it’s not clear where that’s going.  But,
Helga, there’s been some discussion among Europeans as to whether
or not the agreement can be salvaged.  What do you know about

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Well, the Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif
travelled to China; he travelled to Russia and then to Brussels,
because all of these countries — that, is Russia, China, Germany
France, and Great Britain, and the EU basically have stated that
they want to try with all possible means to maintain the Iran
nuclear agreement, even if the United States pulled out
unilaterally.  It is not clear if that will function.  Naturally,
the fact that Russia and China are backing it is a very important
However, if the U.S. would impose secondary sanctions on
European firms that maintain business with Iran, I don’t know
what will happen:  Because the European Union foreign policy
representative Federica Mogherini said that they will pull out
some regulations which were voted in, or accepted in the ’90s,
but they were never used, to protect such firms from sanctions.
Now, I have a hard time to imagine how that will function, given
the fact that international banks are operating internationally,
so if the United States would impose these secondary sanctions,
it could cause absolute havoc in the whole situation.
The Europeans have now said that they demand additional
negotiations with Iran, this time not concerning the nuclear
program, but concerning the Iranian missile program, which is
also something which President Trump had mentioned, and he said
all the time that he would come up with a better deal — well, I
hope that this better deal is a comprehensive solution for the
whole region.
We have discussed this many times, but I want to reiterate
it: That if you want to solve the problem in the Middle East, or
in Southwest Asia, you have to take into account the security
interests of every country and every single party, and that
emphatically includes not only Israel, but it includes Iran, it
includes the Palestinians; it includes every country.  And
equally important is that you need to have economic development:
You have right now several situations which are turning into a
nightmare.  One is Yemen.  You know, you have {the} largest
humanitarian catastrophe of the planet right now taking place in
Yemen.   You have the situation in the Gaza Strip. And naturally,
you have all the areas which have been destroyed by these wars:
The situation in Afghanistan remains quite out of control, even
so, there are hopeful signs that this could be turned around.
Now, what you need, is, if you have a very complex situation
like that  — and obviously, the many things which have happened,
the terrorisms, many wars — emotions are hurt, people have an
incredible accumulated rage:  You need something big, and the
only way how you could get it, is if you had all the neighbors,
Russia, China, India, Iran, Egypt, the United States, and
hopefully European nations all agreeing that the only way how
this can be solved, is, you have to have the extension of the New
Silk Road into the region and develop every country as part one,
integrated, industrial infrastructure development program.
There are already the beginnings of that.  When President Xi
Jinping was  three years ago in Iran, he agreed already with
President Rouhani at the time, that the New Silk Road would be
extended into Iran.  You had the Afghanistan President demanding
that the New Silk Road should be applied in Afghanistan; and at
the recent Wuhan meeting of President Xi Jinping and India’s
Prime Minister Modi, they agreed that China and India would
cooperate in bringing the Silk Road into Afghanistan, by
building, as a first step, a large train connection between
Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyrzstan, Iran, China, and that way
start to connect Afghanistan to the Silk Road.
That same approach must be taken for Iraq, for Syria, for
the situation in Yemen, and naturally Egypt will have to play a
very important role as a bridge between Asia and Africa.  I think
Egypt is absolutely thinking in this direction, already.  And
however, naturally, these are gigantic projects and they cannot
be done by any one country alone; even if China has a special
envoy for Syria, they have said they want to play a leading role
in the reconstruction of Syria.  You have the earlier commitment
of Russia to supply energy, of Iran to help in the industrial
development.  But that needs to be presented as a comprehensive
And I’m sure that there are people in Israel, as well, who
will not agree with the present course of Netanyahu — who, by
the way, faces his own problems and may look into not such a
bright future for his own political career — but there are
people in Israel who agree, that you need to come out of this
terrible paradigm of the present configuration.  And if there
would be an agreement, between Trump, Xi Jinping, Putin and Modi,
and then other leaders joining with them, to go in this
direction, even this very difficult situation of Southwest Asia
could be approached and a solution could be found.  But it does
require an extraordinary intervention.

SCHLANGER:  And just to inform our new viewers, and as well
as to remind our regular viewers, we produced that blueprint, the
report that we’ve done on the New Silk Road coming into Africa
and West Asia, and that’s available through the Schiller
Institute. [“Extending the New Silk Road to West Asia and Africa:
A Vision of an Economic Renaissance”
And it is a comprehensive picture of what the Chinese have
proposed, and what they’re actually already doing, moving the
earth, creating jobs, educating people, and doing the job
training that’s necessary.
As long as we’re continuing to review the danger spots,
there’s one other one that won’t go away, and that’s the
situation in Ukraine, where you had just this week the raid on
the offices of RIA Novosti; you have various kinds of threats
coming from Poroshenko, and the neo-Nazis in the security
agencies in Ukraine.
You also have this very interesting development of a new
bridge opening connecting Russia to Crimea, and this being a
cause for some wild Ukrainian fascists, calling for blowing up
the bridge because this is an attack on Ukrainian independence.
Helga, what’s the situation on the ground as far as you can
see in Ukraine right now?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  This raid on the offices of RIA Novosti is
very serious, because they arrested the office chief Kirill
Vyshinsky; they compared RIA Novosti with Goebbels — I mean,
talking about the free press, you can really say that in Ukraine
right now, the situation is quite dire.
Mrs. Merkel, the German Chancellor, will go to Sochi, Russia
to meet with Putin and this will be one of the subjects of
discussion; naturally, the other crisis spots as well.  So, I
think if one could somehow put pressure that the Minsk Agreement
is being put back on the table, which right now it is obviously
not, because Kiev is absolutely not cooperating, and you have the
law by Poroshenko to solve the situation in East Ukraine by
military means.  So this is definitely another extremely
dangerous situation.
But, because it is so dangerous, I think more people are
waking up to that, and that may be a first step to hopefully
prevent something which could easily become World War III.

SCHLANGER:  And the Ukraine issue brings up another aspect
of Russiagate.  I was just doing some review of this in the last
couple of days, and I noticed something that I had forgotten,
which is that John Brennan, the former CIA director who is at the
center of much of the operation of Russiagate against Trump, that
Brennan had made a secret trip to Kiev shortly after the
overthrow of Yanukovych, and put in motion U.S. support for the
criminal regime that came in.  So this new discussion coming up
around Brennan in the Mueller, this is quite interesting what
Sen. Rand Paul brought up.
Helga, do you think this adds to the weight against Mueller?
The judges are turning against him, there are exposés of the FBI
and overall corruption.  Where is this thing heading?  Why hasn’t
it been shut down by now?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  I think it could be shut down quickly,
because the latest twist is, I just read an article that Mueller
is now suspected of having had collusion with a Russian oligarch,
which I’d find a little bit humorous, if the situation weren’t so
But I think this letter by Sen. Rand Paul is really
important:  He wrote a letter to Gina Haspel, the newly nominated
head of the CIA, demanding that she should turn over all
information the CIA has, as to was there any investigation; did
the CIA bug the Presidential candidates in 2016, not just Trump
but every other candidate, as well? And did they work, given the
fact that the CIA is prohibited by law from surveilling
Americans, did they ask other intelligence services from other
countries to cooperate with them in doing that?  And I think he
hinted also to British intelligence directly.
And then, in an interview with NBC, he even went further,
and also brought up in this context, the visit by Robert
Hannigan, the then-head of GCHQ, the British equivalent of the
NSA, to the United States to brief Brennan about all of this.
So this is now coming out in the mainstream media that there
was such a collusion with British intelligence, and this is
really a very good thing, because obviously, this is completely
illegal, unconstitutional; it may be even criminal.  And the more
quickly these things are being followed up, the better.
Also Congressman Nunes, the head of the House Intelligence
Committee, basically said that it’s now 100% certain that there
was absolutely no collusion of the Trump team with Russia.  And
he said that given the fact that those who pretended that there
was such a collusion knew that it did not exist, why was this
whole operation instigated in the first place?
I think this question must be answered:  Because this was a
coup attempt against an elected President of the United States,
and it has shed light on exactly who are the forces of the Empire
— we call it the British Empire, because it is in the continuity
of the British Empire — but all the people who have come out
quickly against Trump on the side of those who accused, have also
shown their true colors.
So, if the United States should get back to its
constitutional form, there were demands that the entire FBI, and
Department of Justice must be cleaned out and reorganized afresh.
I think all of this is necessary.
And Trump must be freed from this, because this ongoing
situation is the only reason why the relationship with Russia,
with China, and naturally, in an indirect form in the Middle
East, why these situations are so dangerous.  If world peace is
supposed to be saved, the British coup must be uncovered
completely.  All the culprits must be held accountable.  And then
Trump can actually do what he promised he would do — and most of
it actually went in a good direction, and even some of the
critics have to see that.
However, the one Damocles Sword which is hanging over this
is the danger of a financial blowout. And we need to have this
debate on not only Glass-Steagall, but go to Hamiltonian
economics and apply the Four Laws of my husband, Lyndon LaRouche,
as an absolutely urgent matter of priority.

SCHLANGER:  And Helga, in conclusion, I’d like to pose
something to you, that comes back to this question of Hamiltonian
economics, which is, that as all of these war provocations are
progressing, as the British are pulling every string that they
have, the Chinese are continuing with very bold plans around the
New Silk Road.  The New Silk Road Spirit, as you called it, is
catching around the world.  And even the efforts of some who
sabotaged the U.S.-China relationship around trade, around
tariffs, and things of that sort, seems to be moving in a
potentially good direction, with the visit of another team of
Chinese officials to Washington.
How do you think this can affect the overall situation —
the Trump-Xi relationship?  Isn’t that really one of the keys to
breaking through the New Paradigm?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Yes.  If the proposal by Li Keqiang, the
Chinese Prime Minister, would be taken up, that the way to
balance the trade between the United States and China is not by
imposing tariffs, but by increasing trade, by increasing
investments in third countries, that way it could be done in a
much more elegant way.  And there are plenty of opportunities:
The United States could join with China in investments in Latin
America; in, as I said already, the Middle East; other Asia
countries.  And there is a new Chinese offer now to India, that
rather than being a rival in African investment, that given the
fact that Chinese has a big expertise in building infrastructure,
where India is really lagging behind, that they should join
efforts, and India should bring in the kinds of things they can
do well, and China would provide the large-scale infrastructure
without which all of these investments don’t function.
Now, for the United States, they could also be a part of
that.  And I think that, to look at the world in a
non-geopolitical way — I know that this is almost impossible for
some people to imagine, because they are so trained that the
world is a zero-sum game, that if China rises, the United States
goes under — this is just not the case, the Chinese want to have
for the situation.  China has made many times the point that they
do not want to replace the United States as an unipolar, dominant
force, but they want to have a new type of relations among major
powers.  And that involves dramatically, the idea of joint
economic projects in third countries, joint ventures, and
re-define entirely how you go about it.
If you look at it from a longer arc of history, it is not
natural that people solve conflict with weapons or wars.  This
always what I call the infant diseases of mankind.  Like little
boys who kick each in the shins when they are four years old, or
even seven years old.  Eventually, you can become an adult, and
you have cherish the creative mind of the other person and work
together like Max Planck and Einstein; like Schiller and
Humboldt; you can have a relationship to other countries where
you address the creative potential of the other and that enriches
in turn, your own potential.
I think the future of humanity, which is after all the only
species capable of creative reason, of making fundamental
discoveries about universal principles of the physical universe,
again and again, and that way develop more knowledge about our
planet, the universe in which we are living, about the principles
of science and technology, which we then apply in the production
process which leads to an increase in productivity, which leads
to an increase in living standards, an increase in longevity, —
this is what we are!  We are not animals. We are human beings,
who are the only species, at least known so far, in the universe,
which can relate to their create power as their identity.
And if we take that approach, then, to have many nations,
and to have many cultures all based on their cultural tradition,
all based on their sovereignty, they can work together to a
higher level of reason, and that is the {only} way how mankind
will survive!  I think we are at a crossroads: If we decide to
stay with geopolitics, in this world, this will lead to World War
III, for all we know, the extinction of our species.  On the
other side, the New Paradigm is already working, 140 countries
are already cooperating, and I think we need a mass movement of
people who say, mankind has reached a new era and we must
consciously form our future, our “shared community for the future
of mankind,” as Xi Jinping always calls it.
I think we need a discussion on these.

SCHLANGER:  I think you just made a compelling case for
people to give up sleepwalking, and to instead catch the New Silk
Road Spirit.  So, Helga, until next week, thank you, and thank
you for joining us.
And take up this challenge, those you watching this:  Take
up the challenge to become active with the Schiller Institute.
Thank you, and see you next week.


Briterne, der frygter fremskridt i Asien,
rykker ud for at sprænge Mellemøsten i luften

Leder fra LaRouchePAC, 15. maj, 2018 – Benjamin Netanyahus israelske regering har begået en utilgivelig massakre på palæstinensere i Gaza i løbet af det seneste døgn; og de har hermed øget faren for en ny og generel krig i Mellemøsten, som allerede er rykket alt for tæt på. Den fare, som dette udgør for verdensfreden, bør ikke undervurderes – og det samme gælder for den katastrofe, det kunne blive for den økonomiske genopbygning og ditto fremskridt, der potentielt står til rådighed for Mellemøsten og Afrika, på basis af Bælte & Vej Initiativet, der spreder sig i hele Eurasien.

Netanyahu er ikke den, der primært får tingene til at ske i denne optrapning, selv ikke med sin åbenlyse aggression mod Syrien og krigstrusler mod Iran og Libanon. Det er heller ikke præsident Trump, hvis hasarderede fejltagelse med hensyn til Jerusalem kom, mens han kæmpede for sit politiske liv imod en kampagne for hans afsættelse og retsforfølgelse.

Det er britisk efterretning og eliten i den britiske regering, der er de primære aktører i krigsfremstødet, og som af Trump kræver en krigskonfrontation med Rusland samtidig med, at de anstifter og optrapper kupforsøget imod ham.

Igen i dag belærte chefen for britisk efterretnings MI5, Andrew Parker, efterretningsrepræsentanter fra den Europæiske Union om nødvendigheden af at bekæmpe Rusland på enhver tænkelig måde. Siden marts måned har den britiske regering oppisket krigssvindelnumre og anti-russiske konfrontationer – Skripal-forgiftningsaffæren; det særdeles tvivlsomme »angreb med kemiske våben« i Douma, Syrien. Britiske aktiver i Israel og Saudi-Arabien har iscenesat deres egne svindelnumre imod Iran samtidig med at angribe Syrien og føre en etnisk udrensningskrig mod Yemen.

Så rædselsslagne er britiske geopolitikere over udsigten til et samarbejde omkring den Nye Silkevej mellem Kina, Rusland, Indien og Trumps USA, sammen med også Japan, Sydkorea og andre, at de med overlæg har promoveret krige imod det.

Lige nu kan truslen om generel krig i Mellemøsten kun vendes på basis af, at præsident Trump og præsident Putin mødes og samarbejder om det, som de begge ønsker. Disse to præsidenter kan stoppe denne nedstigning. Men faren kan i virkeligheden kun fjernes gennem en omfattende plan for økonomisk udvikling fra Afghanistan til Middelhavet og fra Kaukasus til Golfen, inkl. skabelse af afgørende ny infrastruktur og ved anvendelse af Kinas metoder til bekæmpelse af alvorlig fattigdom.

Dette vil være muligt gennem Bælte & Vej Initiativets nye paradigme, hvis de fire, store hovedmagter, vi tidligere nævnte, kan samarbejde om det, assisteret af de andre asiatiske nationer. Præcis et sådant niveau af – tilsyneladende umulige – gennembrud har vist sig mulige gennem fremskridtet mod fred og genopbygning på Koreahalvøen. Det er fremkommet ud fra viljen til at samarbejde mellem Trump, Kinas præsident Xi, Putin, Sydkoreas præsident Moon og Japans premierminister Abe. Denne mulighed, inkl. Indiens afgørende bidrag, må holdes frem som eksempel for Sydasien, Mellemøsten og Nordafrika.

For USA skal der mere til. Det britiske angreb på præsidentskabet er en krig imod samarbejde med Rusland og Kina; men det er ligeledes et angreb på lederskab som sådan. Det er et halvt århundrede siden, at USA havde et præsidentielt lederskab, der blot delvist trodsede britisk geopolitik; og dette lederskab blev myrdet. I løbet af dette halve århundrede har amerikanerne i stigende grad ladet Wall Street tage over fra præsidenter og styre kongresser; de har mistet fornemmelsen for produktiv beskæftigelse og er blevet kulturelle pessimister.

»Jeg synes om denne leder, eller den leder« eller, »Jeg synes ikke om alt det kaos og al den interne strid«, vil ikke løse noget som helst. Amerikanske borgere må selv blive ledere og selvstændigt tænkende mennesker, som de engang brystede sig af. At tage deres økonomi og regering tilbage fra Wall Street er det formål, for hvilket LaRouche-bevægelsen forsyner dem med værktøjet.

Foto: Borgere i Gaza demonstrerer ved en barriere mellem Gaza og Israel 11. maj, 2018. (IDF Spokesperson Unit)

Med de voksende spændinger,
hold jer det store billede for øje.
Helga Zepp-LaRouche i Schiller
Institut Nyt Paradigme Webcast
9. maj, 2018. pdf; dansk

I betragtning af tilstanden i hele Mellemøsten, efter de destruktive krige i Irak, Syrien, Yemen, Afghanistan, er det selvfølgelig meget klart, at det eneste, der virkelig vil løse problemerne i dette område, ville være det, jeg har sagt så mange gange før: Der er brug for en forlængelse af den Nye Silkevej ind i hele dette område, fra Afghanistan til Middelhavet, fra Kaukasus til den Persiske Golf, og for at have en udviklingsplan for alle disse lande som en integreret plan. Dette ville kun kunne fungere, hvis Rusland, Kina, Indien, Iran, Egypten, USA og forhåbentlig europæiske lande, alle aftaler, at dette område må opbygges økonomisk. Den eneste måde, hvorpå man kan få fred i det område og virkelig blive terrorismen kvit, er, hvis man har et perspektiv for et håb om fremtiden.


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De Fire Magter: Et Nyt
Paradigme for fred og udvikling.
BILAG: Lyndon LaRouche:
Draft Memorandum of
Agreement between The United
States and U.S.S.R. (1984)

Lyndon LaRouche: Opgaven, som jeg har defineret den, er: Hvis Rusland og USA, og Kina og Indien, som en gruppe af lande aftaler at initiere og gennemtvinge en reorganisering af det globale finans- og kreditsystem, under disse betingelser med langfristede aftaler af samme type, som Franklin Roosevelt havde ytret før sin død i 1944, indgået mellem hovednationer, kunne Roosevelts plan være blevet realiseret alle disse år senere, og vi kan gøre det i dag. Det er vores chance. Enten gør vi dette, eller også går vi under. Jeg kan forsikre jer for, at, hvis I tror, der findes nogen mulighed for, at det nuværende system kunne fortsætte ind i det forestående år, som et system, man kan arbejde med, og at der ikke vil være en fortsat generel krise, der forværres, på nuværende tidspunkt, vil der ikke komme nogen økonomisk genrejsning i nogen del af planeten, under de nuværende betingelser.


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Det Londonbaserede Imperium giver ikke op:
Det må, og kan, besejres.
Schiller Institut Strategisk Webcast
med Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Med den ene provokation efter den anden, der er mere gennemskueligt falsk end den foregående, fortsætter City of Londons imperie-oligarker og deres Wall Street-neokonservative/neoliberale partnere deres bestræbelser for at sabotere muligheden for et Nyt Paradigme, som vokser frem i Eurasien til at blive en verdensomspændende bevægelse, i åndeløst tempo. Til trods for, at det nu er afsløret, at svindelnumrene under falsk flag, med Russiagate, Skripal-forgiftningen og de kemiske våben i Douma, har deres oprindelse i britiske efterretningskredses syge hjerner, så er de atter i gang, med Bibi Netanyahu, der hævder, han har »bevis« for, at Iran aldrig afsluttede sit atomprogram, i et forsøg på at få USA til at gå i fælden med endnu en katastrofal krig i Mellemøsten og en mulig atomar konfrontation med Rusland.

Det rækker imidlertid ikke blot at afsløre det enkelte svindelnummer efterhånden, som det sker. Schiller Instituttets unikke rolle, især gennem vores stifter Helga Zepp-LaRouches globale rolle, er at fokusere opmærksomheden på den plan, der er lagt af dem, der er engageret i disse provokationer, med det formål at forebygge, at de fuldfører denne plan, som er at holde verden splittet, i krig, således, at en ensidig, degenereret transatlantisk »elite« kan blive ved at være den dominerende verdensmagt.

Men deres magt svinder i takt med, at de er blevet tvunget til at agere i deres eget navn, og således afsløre sig selv. Deres evne til at bevare kontrollen har også været for nedadgående, pga. den udfordring, som repræsenteres af den Nye Silkevej, samt af det Nye Paradigme, som denne Nye Silkevej repræsenterer.

I løbet af de seneste uger har diplomatiske og økonomiske begivenheder og topmøder i høj grad fremmet dette Nye Paradigme. Det er afgørende, at Schiller Instituttets stemme forstærkes gennem et voksende medlemskab og et voksende publikum til vores ugentlige, strategiske webcast. Gå sammen med os og hjælp os med at udvide antallet af mennesker, der opfanger den Nye Silkevejsånd.

Engelsk udskrift: 

Schiller Institute New Paradigm Webcast, May 3, 2018
With Helga Zepp-LaRouche

The Empire Based in London Won’t Give Up:
They Must, and Can Be Defeated

HARLEY SCHLANGER:  Hello, I’m Harley Schlanger from the
Schiller Institute. Welcome to this week’s Schiller Institute
international webcast, featuring our President and founder Helga
There’s been an incredible density of events over these last
days, both with the motion toward the New Paradigm and the New
Silk Road, but also another one of a string of war provocations,
this one coming from Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu,
with threats to Iran.  Helga, why don’t we start there, because
this is an extremely dangerous development, what Netanyahu did.

HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  It’s quite significant that even a
German politician, Mr. Rötgen, who is otherwise quite a hawk,
accused Netanyahu of having committed a conscious fraud and
effort to fool the international community by claiming that Iran
would still be involved in a secret nuclear program.  Now, in the
meantime, the International Atomic Energy Agency has come out and
said that there is absolutely no truth to it, that they conducted
ten different reports, that Iran is fully compliant with the Iran
agreement on nuclear weapons, and that there is absolutely
nothing new in the material presented.
This was said even by a whole series of former security
officials from Israel itself.  So the question is, what is the
purpose of this? Which is clearly a provocation.  And there were
these missile attacks in Syria, where it’s not yet entirely clear
where they came from, but it’s not to be excluded that they did
come from Israel.  And obviously, Netanyahu now has a bill in the
Knesset which in the first reading got an absolute majority,
which would empower Netanyahu to go to war.  There is opposition
in the Knesset against that, because the term “extreme
circumstances” is not specified, and therefore, it’s a sort of
{carte blanches} because he can always declare “extreme
This is very, very dangerous.  This is obviously a power
game, not really regarding the Middle East as such.  Naturally,
Iran is the thorn in the flesh of Netanyahu, but I think the way
to look at the situation is that the Middle East is once again
the theater for a proxy war, where the real issue is the
confrontation against Russia and China.  Because, rather than
getting caught up in every single provocation, I would encourage
you, our viewers, to think about the strategic long arc of
developments.  I could take it back all the way to the collapse
of the Soviet Union, but let’s start with the election of
President Trump, who, in the election campaign had promised that
he would improve the relationship with Russia, and then
subsequently, he did not stay with the anti-China line, which he
had had in the election campaign, but started to develop a very
good relationship with Xi Jinping, with China.  And from the
standpoint of the geopolitical faction of the Western world,
basically situated in the City of London and their junior partner
in Wall Street, this idea that you would have a good
understanding between the United States President, and the
governments of Russia and China, is a nightmare, because it would
absolutely eliminate the possibility of their divide and conquer,
and playing geopolitical games.
I would say, the origin of all of these developments,
starting with the Russiagate against Trump, which is now
completely out of the window because there was no Russiagate.
Then at the point when the British origin was in the center of
attention in the Congress and various investigative committees,
they looked at the role of the British collusion in the coup
attempt against Trump, then you had the Skripal affair; which, by
the way, now has completely died out, it has disappeared from the
British media, as Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zakharova
pointed out yesterday, that there is more mention about the
Skripal affair in the British media.  Then, when that fell apart,
you had the so-called chemical weapons attack by the Assad
government, which then turned out didn’t even take place — it
was a complete smokescreen by the British-controlled White
Helmets organization, that fell apart.  Now, you have the
supposed Iranian nuclear program, which also is a fraud. And then
you have, naturally, the developments in Ukraine, where
Poroshenko yesterday announced a military solution for the
liberation of the Donbas.  And there, you have the same group of
organizations involved, which we have pinned down and published
in the past many times.
The whole thing is really one long arc, aimed at the
containment of Russia, the containment of China, and it is quite
interesting that Foreign Minister Lavrov just gave a long, very
important interview to the Italian media, where he said that
every time President Trump impulse to improve the relationship
with Russia, the Russophobia mafia inside the United States is
creating some kind of a provocation again, and that many of the
problems of the world remain unresolved because they would
require a positive cooperation between the United States and
People have to really understand, all of these things, while
they have some merit in themselves, some logic, some historical
or ethnic causality, they’re nevertheless being played on the big
chessboard in the larger game, the containment of Russia and
China.  And that obviously, is an impossibility, and therefore,
you have these tensions and very dangerous developments, almost
on a daily basis.

SCHLANGER:  That review is very useful for people, because
you can look at each individual event, but the connection is
what’s important.  And of course, it’s broader than just a
regional war in the Middle East:  If something happens against
the Iranian agreement, that’ll have an implication for what
otherwise looks so positive in terms of the Korean situation,
doesn’t it?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Oh, yes.  I think that the North Korea/South
Korea process is one of the most joyful things which are
happening right now.  Many of the details are not so well known,
so let me just mention, that in the meeting between Kim Jong-un
and Moon Jae-in, the latter, the South Korean President brought a
brochure and also gave a memory drive to Kim Jong-un with a
full-fledge development plan for North Korea, which apparently
involves, among other things, two railway lines to be built in
the southern and northern coasts of North Korea, connecting both
with the ancient Silk Road, but also with the Trans-Siberian
Railway through Russia.
This is very positive.  There has been a CIA team in North
Korea for a week, inspecting various sites, and [National
Security Advisor] Bolton commented and said these are all signs
of good will.  And also that three Americans will be released by
North Korea.  President Trump has expressed he is looking forward
to meeting Kim Jong-un very soon; Kim Jong-un, on the other side,
also wants to meet with [Japanese Prime Minister] Abe, and
President Moon of South Korea offered to broker such a meeting.
And then, [Chinese Foreign Minister] Wang Yi is today in North
Korea.  So these are all very, very good developments, because if
the North Korean situation comes towards a peace treaty and
potential unification under Korean sovereignty, this would a
very, very important milestone for all of humanity.
But naturally, as you say there is a danger, because
Netanyahu, among other reasons — namely that he wants to push
the Iranian influence out of Syria — timed his statement
obviously with the deadline of May 12th, which is when the
decision in the United States will be taken to either renegotiate
or cancel the Iranian nuclear agreement, or extend it.  And
obviously, Netanyahu wanted to create a hype so that the United
States would insist on renegotiation, which from the standpoint
of the Iranians is a cancellation and would throw the whole
situation immediately into a very dangerous destabilization; and
may actually lead to the desire of the Iranians to then scrap the
whole deal and go back to building nuclear weapons.
Obviously, if that happens, this could have the danger of
threatening the North Korean situation, because, remember, Kim
Jong-un went into this absolutely intense nuclear testing and
missile testing, because he looked at the Middle East and came to
the conclusion that the only way for him to prevent from
happening to him what happened to Saddam Hussein and Qaddafi,
would be that North Korea is a full-fledged nuclear power and
therefore, there would be a defense against such things.
If he would think it doesn’t matter, even if you have an
agreement with the United States, they can throw it out at the
next occasion, I think this is a very, very dangerous thing.  So
I hope that President Trump is not overlooking that, because
there is very clearly an effort to play on that, to also ruin the
North Korea/South Korea agreement again.
These things hang altogether.  And I can only say, the
International Atomic Energy Agency did say that there is absolute
compliance on the side of Iran, and even [Federica] Mogherini,
the foreign minister of the European Union basically reiterated
that, and said that the International Atomic Energy Agency is the
only institution which should be consulted concerning these
questions, and if there are problems they should be brought to
them, because they are equipped to deal with it, and not some
wild, independent action.
So this is the field of tension in which all of this is
taking place.

SCHLANGER:  And there’s a kind of self-fulfilling prophecy
here that the neo-conservatives play on, which is, once you cut
off negotiations and diplomatic discussion, you create what they
call a “rogue state.” And they say the “rogue state” is dangerous
because it doesn’t adhere to principles, when, in fact, the West
is the one forcing the fear, producing the fear that leads to
backing away and developing weapons.
Now, I think this is also important in the broader context,
where you’ve been pointing out the importance of the meeting
between [Indian] Prime Minister Modi  and President Xi Jinping of
China.  This has extraordinary implications, not just for those
two countries, but going into another part of the Mideast, where
there’s been wars, namely Afghanistan.  What can you tell us
about the progress on that front?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  This is really, maybe as important as the
Korea development, because there was the effort to play India in
the so-called Indo-Pacific combination, meaning Japan, Australia,
New Zealand, India, against the New Silk Road and against China.
And for historical reasons, there is a strong British
geopolitical influence in parts of the establishment in India,
which has been susceptible, and it was played upon by the
neo-cons and the British, to say India is the largest democracy,
therefore, they don’t believe in communist China, they believe in
the Western world, and should work with them.
And in a certain sense, it looked for a while as if this
would function; but after the border incident in Doklam, where
both India and China realized how devastating it would be for the
two largest countries in the world if they would get again into
some kind of a military conflict, there obviously was a
rethinking in India, where most people around Modi are now moving
in a direction of working with China.
That does not yet mean that India is supporting the New Silk
Road, because of the issue of Pakistan is really a sticky one for
India; and China is building this very important economic
corridor, from China to the Arabian Sea coast of Pakistan, which
Indian is completely objecting to. And therefore, at the Shanghai
Cooperation Organization (SCO) meeting, the Indian Foreign
Minister did not sign the New Silk Road resolution.  But they now
work together on the China-Nepal-India corridor, which is also
part of the New Silk Road, in reality.
Therefore, now you this meeting between President Xi Jinping
and Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Wuhan, and the two leaders
had six discussions over two days.  And just to realize, India
and China are not only the two population-richest countries —
they have together 2.6 {billion} people, that’s 40% of the entire
human population of the world — but they also have the longest
continuous cultures, more than 5,000 years old, who have, over
the course of universal history, contributed an enormous amount
of knowledge, of poetry, of art, and are both sort of creators of
the human civilization.
What is very exciting is that they agreed in this context,
to have a joint development between India and China, in
Afghanistan.  They will build a railroad from Afghanistan to
Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Iran, China and therefore tie Afghanistan
into the Belt and Road Initiative, which is obviously very
important for Afghanistan.  The President of Afghanistan Ashraf
Ghani had requested several months ago, that the only way to
solve Afghanistan’s problems would be as part of the New Silk
Road, but it also is a way of bridging, so to speak, the
India-Pakistan conflict, because there are obviously close
relations between Afghanistan and Pakistan; China has a better
relationship to Pakistan; and if they now develop Afghanistan
together, it touches on this higher level of reason, what we
always have said the New Silk Road establishes:  that you need a
concept where everybody benefits, where you have a higher level
of cooperation, which is capable of overcoming ethnic and
historical and other conflicts.
So if India and China can work together in Afghanistan for
the improvement of the situation there, this is a typical example
of how the New Silk Road is also a peace initiative which can
solve all kinds of problems.  So I think this is a very, very
good development also.

SCHLANGER:  The Pentagon just released a report on
Afghanistan which said after 16 years, the situation is worse
with the continuous war, and the U.S. deployment, the NATO
deployment. And so, this is the only alternative.
Now, this brings up to me a very important point:  We’ve
just been reviewing in the last couple days, the role that your
husband has played in bringing forward this idea of the Four
Powers.  And it’s interesting, his first actual formulation of
the idea of a Four Power agreement — Russia, India, China, and
the United States  — was in December 2008, right after the crash
in September 2008.  And Helga, I know you’ve been to India,
you’ve been to China repeatedly,  you’re now seeing this
potential becoming real.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Yeah.  I think it’s really very good,
because I remember when my husband, Lyndon LaRouche, first said
these ideas, like a Four Power agreement, everybody was quite
full of disbelief, how could this ever be.  But Lyn, at that
point, said that given the fact that we are dealing with an
empire, which we say the British Empire, which historically is
correct, because as my husband also has developed many times this
empire, the idea that there is an empire with an oligarchical
elite ruling over a preferably backward mass of people, is not
something new.  It’s something that goes way back, even to the
Roman Empire, the Byzantine Empire; then it moved to Venice, and
then it moved to the Dutch-British. And in a certain sense, it’s
like a chameleon:  it remains the same, or a slime mold, which
remains the same in character, but the colors are different
So, people nowadays say, “oh, the British Empire no longer
exists,” but if you look at it from the standpoint of the
geopolitical politics of the financial architecture which rules
the world, which has tried in the past to keep parts of the
developing sector backward and underdeveloped, and which,
especially in the last 20 years, made sure that the rich would
become richer, and the middle class would die out, and the poor
would become poorer, you can see clearly that this is an empire
in a modern form.  It’s quite powerful,  it used the IMF, it used
the World Bank, it keep development in the Third World down. And
only after China emerged and offered cheap credit and actually
donations and infrastructure, did this dynamic start to change.
But my husband basically at that time said, given the fact
that this financial oligarchy is really running so much of the
world, and if you look at the private security services which are
a sort of modern mercenary forces, defending this financial
structure, then he said that you need the four most powerful
sovereign nation-states in the world to ally together to defeat
As I said, people were full of disbelief when he said it,
but if you look at it now, Russia and China have a strategic
partnership which is absolutely solid, and I think there to be
forever — I don’t think it can ever go away.  Then, with the
recent development between China and India, India is moving
closer; India has a very good relationship to Russia, anyway.
And with the potential of President Trump, despite the present
trade negotiations, he just put out a tweet saying he looks
forward to seeing President Xi Jinping in the near future and
that he always  will remain his friend; and also the prospective
of an early meeting between Trump and Putin — I think we are
very close to this combination, where we could really move the
world in a completely different way, in a New Paradigm, where
geopolitics stops!
I mean, in any case, let me just say this, because it’s
obvious that behind all of these affairs which we named — the
Russiagate, the Skripal case, the chemical weapons, now the
Netanyahu case — is obviously an effort to keep the status quo,
to prevent the emergence of China as the rising power, to keep
the illusion that you can contain or regime-change Russia.  But
anybody who thinks that you can keep the status quo, when the
whole world is already moving in the direction of cooperation,
win-win, working together, this is just completely impossible.
So those people in the West who are pushing these
provocations, and also ordinary citizens, you should think:  Can
you imagine how the future should look like, let’s say, in 10, 20
years from now?  Either we have World War III, or will have had
it already, or, we will move into a completely new set of
relations among nations, where the common interest, or as Xi
Jinping always calls it, the “shared community for the future of
humanity” comes first, and then after that you have national
It is an existential question for humanity that more and
more people start to think, how should the world look like in 10
years, in 20 years, and if you are of the opinion that we must
develop a new face in the evolution of mankind, where we stop
geopolitics, we stop war, and have a New Paradigm, you should
become active.  You should join the Schiller Institute, because
we are trying to cause such a change in the thinking of the
people, and we need many people to help us in this effort:  So,
I’m really appealing to you, join the Schiller Institute and work
with us, because the potential has never been so great, to move
to much, much, much more beautiful period in human history.

SCHLANGER:  And we’ve been talking about the Four Power
proposal of your husband, Lyndon LaRouche.  He also has the four
basic laws which address the economic crisis.  People should not
take their eye off the economy!  There are some new reports
coming out, former FDIC vice chairman Thomas Hoenig, Sheila Bair,
very prominent in her fight against derivatives, and now Nomi
Prins has a new book out:  Obviously, Helga, you ignore this
financial side of things to your own detriment, because this is a
crucial aspect of the strategic situation.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  I think we have mentioned this already in
this webcast, but I want to say it again, because Nomi Prins has
this book out, {Collusion:  How the Central Bankers Rigged the
World} — I have not read the book yet, but I have an initial
report about it — where she describes how the quantitative
easing of the central banks, to the advantage of the speculators
in the last 10 years, has created a situation where we are in a
bubble 40% worse than in 2008, which could explode at any moment.
We have talked to some well-placed people in the financial
community who are quite worried that what could happen — and I
think people should take this warning very seriously — that if
the proponents of the old, collapsing financial Western system
realize that this is end-game, that they can’t really prevent
this from happening; that China is rising, that the other
countries are rising with China, that they may actually
deliberately trigger a financial crash, to pull the rug out from
underneath President Trump, destabilize him, blame him, in order
to bring the neo-cons back into power in Washington.
I think that is for sure one of the biggest hidden dangers.
And therefore, the only solution how you can prevent that is the
immediate implementation of Glass-Steagall, but also the whole
package of Lyn’s Four Laws:  a National Bank in the tradition of
Alexander Hamilton; a credit system; a crash program to increase
the productivity of production and the labor force through
fusion, for space cooperation; but also join the New Silk Road,
join the Belt and Road Initiative, and participate with China in
the buildup of infrastructure in the United States, have joint
ventures in third countries.  You need the full package.  Only
Glass-Steagall is not enough.  We need the absolute return to a
sound financial and economic system based on the tradition of
Alexander Hamilton.  And whenever that was applied, as in the
postwar reconstruction of Germany, you had economic miracles, and
this can be replicated any time.
I would again urge you, this is the Damocles Sword which is
hanging over the world, so join our efforts to have a global
Glass-Steagall, because we don’t need speculation.  If we put all
our resources into real production, productive jobs, education,
there are so many important things to be done, that everybody can
have a benefit, and I don’t think we need mega-billionaires,
because I think people should have a decent income, but they
shouldn’t be excessively rich and the majority of the people
poor, and we really need to change that.

SCHLANGER:  Especially when they become rich by creating
things that nobody needs.
Just to conclude, I think it’s important to give people a
sense of the broader scope of what’s happening around the New
Silk Road.  We’re almost the only ones who are reporting on some
of these things, but maybe you have something you’d like to add
— the developments now from the Dominican Republic, on top of
what Panama is doing, which is in our own hemisphere in the West.
Peru has just moved ahead with some agreements with China, and
now Portugal, with the Maritime Silk Road:  The Chinese are
definitely on the move.
So, what do you have from the U.S. Congress?  The Senator
from Florida, whom Donald Trump calls “little Marco Rubio” threw
a fit, saying that China’s about to take over the Western
Instead of embracing these initiatives, you see the
hysteria.  But I think, Helga, I think it’s important for you to
emphasize the scope of this development, how it is, as you said,

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Yes.  I’m very convinced that this genie is
out of the bottle, never to return. Because it is simply
appealing to the best inspiration and aspiration of the people.
If you look at the world map, the majority of the countries are
already onboard: That’s why I think it’s unstoppable.  And if you
look at Europe, for example, it’s Eastern and Central European
countries who are working with the Silk Road, the Balkan
countries; Italy, Spain, Portugal, all want to be hubs of
development, not only on the Eurasian connections, but also to
the Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking countries in Asia and Africa
and Latin America.  Then Switzerland is onboard.  And Austria,
where the new government has adopted a clause to cooperate
strategically with the New Silk Road, and now, they announced
that they want to take leadership in Europe, to bring the
European Union into connection with the Chinese New Silk Road.
And even Holland and Belgium, the Scandinavian countries — so if
you look at the map, it is really the majority of countries which
are not part of it.
That’s why I’m absolutely optimistic that if you help us to
spread the news that there is a new era of civilization which is
not based on war, subversion, regime-change, coups, but to the
advantage of the other in the spirit of the Peace of Westphalia,
I think the Spirit of the Silk Road is contagious, and it will
catch on:  So, help us to spread this word.

SCHLANGER:  And one of the ways you can help us is to go on
the New Paradigm Schiller Institute website, and we should have
there a box for people to sign up to become members, at whatever
monthly rate you can afford.
[] But this is

the most important organization in the world right now, informing
people about these developments, and as Helga keeps emphasizing:
We need your support!  We need your involvement.  So go there,
and sign up and become a part of this.
Helga, is there anything else you want to cover today?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  I think people should really have the sense
that we are on the verge of a new hot war, and I would not
underestimate that danger.  The Ukrainian development is
extremely dangerous.  If there is a war between Israel and Iran,
it does have the potential to immediately escalate — so don’t be
But, on the other side, I think we have never been so close
to putting all of this behind us, because once the Four Power
agreement comes into being, there is no problem on the planet
which cannot be solved.  So, don’t sit on the fence:  Become
active, and help us to turn this into a winning direction.

SCHLANGER:  Thank you Helga, and we’ll see you again next

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Yes, I hope so.  See you then.


Det londonbaserede Imperium er afsløret:
Nu er døren åben for økonomisk forandring
i det transatlantiske område.
Helga Zepp-LaRouche i strategisk webcast, 26. april, 2018

Med den velfortjente tvivl, der møder hvert eneste strategiske krav, som kommer fra City of London og dets allierede kræfter på Wall Street og i Bruxelles som følge af den igangværende afsløring af deres løgne, f.eks. om »Russiagate« og anvendelsen af »kemiske våben«, er der nu en mulighed uden fortilfælde for at bryde med det Gamle Paradigme på dets svageste flanke, nemlig, at økonomien er stærk og voksende. I virkeligheden er det eneste, der vokser, faren for et nyt blowout, med daglige advarsler om problemer i bank- og finanssystemet som følge af en uerholdelig boble, bestående af alle former for gæld. Det var et lignende sammenløb af dårlig gæld og oppustet gearing, der førte til Lyndon LaRouches profetiske advarsel i juli 2007 om et uundgåeligt, forestående blowout af finanssystemet, på et tidspunkt, hvor konsensus var, at økonomien er »stærk«.

Med fremkomsten af en model, der promoverer reel, fysisk vækst i økonomien gennem udvidelsen af Kinas Bælte & Vej Initiativ (BVI), har Schiller Instituttets præsident Helga Zepp-LaRouche understreget, at tiden nu er inde til, at det økonomiske program, som hendes mand har udviklet, kendt som »LaRouches Fire Love«, bliver gennemført. Der er ingen grund til at tolerere et nyt krak med den død og elendighed, det ville medføre, når et gennemprøvet alternativ vinder støtte blandt flertallet af nationer. Desuden er det det desperate forsøg på at redde det gamle system, der ligger bag det krigsfremstød, som kommer fra imperieflokken, som hellere vil risikere udslettelsen af den menneskelige race end den vil opgive sine finansielle beholdningers fiktive værdier.

Schiller Instituttet har lanceret en offensiv for at få sandheden ud om de finansielle oligarker og deres neokonservative krigsmagere, og for at mobilisere regeringer til at vedtage LaRouches Fire Love og gå med i BVI.



Engelsk udskrift:

Schiller Institute New Paradigm Webcast, April 26, 2018
With Helga Zepp-LaRouche

London-Based Empire Exposed: Door Open for Trans-Atlantic
Economic Change

HARLEY SCHLANGER:  Hello, I’m Harley Schlanger with the
Schiller Institute. Welcome to this week’s international webcast
featuring our founder and chairwoman Helga Zepp-LaRouche.
We’re entering a very intense period of diplomatic activity,
much of it related to the advances of the New Silk Road, although
regrettably some of it is related to efforts to enforce the old
rules of the old paradigm. But I think we should start with
something that was quite interesting that came out of Germany
this week, which is a report by a parliamentary organization on
the illegality of the missile attack on Syria by the United
States, United Kingdom and France.  Helga, what is this committee
that put out this report, and what did they say?

HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  It is actually something called the
Scientific Research Service [Wissenschaftlichen Dienste] which is
basically experts which advise the Bundestag members on various
issues.  And they issued an opinion on the legality or illegality
of these military strikes against Syria, and they came clearly to
the conclusion that it is a violation of international law.  I
think it’s very important to discuss that: Because while
Chancellor Merkel called these strikes appropriate and necessary,
and Defense Minister Von der Leyen even said it’s a shame that
Germany was not part of it — we just were not asked but in the
future, Germany wants to play a role on a global scale in similar
functions.  And what the Scientific Research Service actually
says is that this action, which was not allowed by the UN
Security Council and is replacing the principle of legality with
a principle of subjective moral legitimacy; that this is actually
in the tradition of the gunboat-type of diplomacy before World
War I, and this also took place in some form between the World
Wars. And actually it was the horrors of World War II which then
caused the international community to establish the presently
existing international law as it is reflected in the UN Charter
and similar documents.
And actually, to abandon that body of law and go back to a
pre-World War I kind of making military strikes as you like it,
is creating a very, very dangerous precedent.  And some other
jurists commented on that, and said, by the same token any state
can attack that model and say “we have some beef with our
neighbors” and make similar military strikes and then you end up
in a completely uncontrollable situation which can quickly lead
to a new world war.
So I would really like to point you, our audience, to this
point, and it’s something we should not just let go, because
international law is something extremely precious.  And it is
also, this military strike would have been completely illegal for
Germany to participate in, because Article 26 of the Grundgesetz,
the Basic Law of Germany, prohibits the preparation of a war of
aggression, and it even says that whoever does that should have
lifelong prison sentence.
This is also violating a UN resolution from 1974, pertaining
to war of aggression.  And I think it is very important that we
not allow the world to drift into a lawless kind of situation
that whoever has the might makes the right, the law of the jungle
and survival of the fittest.  Because this is a very dangerous
path to go. And we should really remind ourselves where wars of
aggression lead to.
This Scientific Research Service also noted the fact that
this military strike was done even before the result of the OPCW
was known, aggravates the case of this violation of international
So I would like to make a very big emphasis on this point,
because obviously, it is very unfortunate that Trump got pulled
into this, and obviously, the danger is, if this is let go, the
danger of a repetition and then things getting really much worse
and going out of control, this danger absolutely exists.  So I
would like you to help us to sharpen a consciousness about it and
obviously, this should be something taken up by the United
Nations based on this resolution from 1974, which I just
mentioned.  I would like you to really give some thought about
it, and not just say, “OK, we’ll just do these things,” because
there are consequences which could mean, in the final analysis,
the end of civilization.

SCHLANGER:  Also speaking of Germany, there was something
interesting on German television which raised questions about the
so-called chemical attack, and I think that’s kind of
interesting.  Is this going to have any effect in the Bundestag?
Is there much discussion of this now, as a result of this report?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Well, it’s another classical example:  You
had one courageous, or just objective journalist, Uli Gack, who
is the head of ZDF office in Cairo, and he was in Syria.  He
reported from there that he talked to many witnesses in Douma and
around Douma, and that they all said that there was absolutely no
chemical weapons use by the government, but that it was one of
the typical provocations from the jihadists.  And he also, in
this program, which was at prime time on the news, he quoted the
British journalist Robert Fisk from the {Independent}, who had
already made a similar observation which was published in this
So then, all hell broke loose, and the ZDF, the official TV
channel, distanced themselves from this report, and said this is
a “conspiracy theory”  — they didn’t say it, but other media,
{Bildzeitung} and {Focus} magazine said it, they clamped down on
this journalist and forced him to actually not pursue this any
more.  And these other media accused a very normal, actually one
of the more honest journalists, of being a conspiracy theorist.
And it’s a complete, classical example of the kind of
{Gleichschaltung} [“synchronization,” a reference to the Nazi
period] the Western media have these days.
This is not the end of the story, because the OPCW
fact-finding mission returned to Syria, and I think tomorrow
there will be the meeting of the OPCW in The Hague, where the
Russians will basically bring several new Syrian witnesses, to
testify on what they saw.  And we know what the earlier ones had
said, namely, that there was shouting by the jihadists that there
were “chemical weapons!” and then they did the filming and there
was actually nothing happening, except this staged scenario.
This is not the end of the story, but as I said, unless the
truth of this is being uncovered, the danger of a repetition is
absolutely there.

SCHLANGER:  And I think also, to stick with Syria for just a
moment because it’s such a crucial issue, we have the Macron trip
to the United States, where he’s continuing to pull out all the
stops to try and get President Trump to commit the United States
to keeping troops in Syria.  What is it that Macron is doing in
this?  Why is he taking the point on this, Helga?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  It is actually the British policy.  And I
think Macron did not do himself any favor by being the spearhead.
I think he has some idea to position himself as the leader of the
European Union.  He gave a speech to a Joint Session of Congress,
which was absolutely terrible, which was made no milder by the
fact that he got a standing ovation by these Congressmen.  And
obviously, it was a complete attack on what was in the discussion
between Macron and Trump in the days before:  because he attacked
unilateralism, nationalism and obviously all things which were
aimed at the policies of Trump, naturally, he got the support of
the Democrats and the neo-cons and so forth.
I don’t think this will necessarily stick.  The problem is
that Trump does change his views, sometimes rather quickly.  But
after Macron left, I was told that Trump repeated that the aim of
U.S. policy would be to get out of Syria as quickly as possible
after ISIS is defeated.  So I don’t necessarily think that Macon
succeeded.  Even so, it was very clear that he was fully on the
geopolitical old paradigm line; and obviously, he was trying to
also bypass and outflank Merkel, who is arriving for a few hour
visit in the White House, today, actually — the meeting is
So this was a terrible intervention, and one can only hope
that Trump is not going to be influenced by this, but is looking
forward at his upcoming summit with President Putin, which is
obviously much, much more important than the policy of the
European Union.  And Macron was also mentioning the initiation of
a new grouping which is supposed to be the bridge between the
Geneva process and the Astana process [of peace negotiations in
Syria].  But the European position, as we have seen it in some of
the conferences on the reconstruction of Syria, both the United
States and the EU are not giving any money for the reconstruction
of Syria: only for those areas which are not under the control of
Assad, and obviously the regime change against the Assad
government is still the policy, here, and that is very terrible,
and very bad.

SCHLANGER:  I think it’s worth noting, also, that the U.S.
Ambassador to Moscow Jon Huntsman gave a statement where he
reiterated that President Trump is seeking a détente policy with
Russia, and he’s very much looking forward to the meeting with
Now, on the other side, we’re seeing a whole series of
initiatives around the New Silk Road perspective, starting with
the foreign ministers of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization
that were meeting; they have a [heads of state] summit coming on
June 9-10 in China.
You also have developments, which I’d like to get to just
get your thoughts on this, India with China:  Modi is going to
China next week; Japan and China — there’s a whole lot of
activity.  What do you make of all this, Helga?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Oh, I think that is very, very exciting.  I
was talking to some of my friends in India earlier today to get
their assessment.  And there is clearly a recognition that after
the border crisis in Doklam, between China and India, last year,
that there is a recognition that it is much more in the interests
of the two countries to work together.  Now, I think this is very
good, because there was a danger that Modi would make his next
election campaign on an anti-China profile.  But there will be a
summit in Wuhan between Xi Jinping and Narendra Modi, actually
starting tomorrow and the day after that; and I think one
Professor Zhang Jiadong from Fudan University commented on this
in a very interesting way:  He said, India and China are the only
two countries that belong to the club of nations which have more
than 1 billion people; they are represent together, 40% of the
world population.  They both have continuous, 5,000-year
histories.  They have produced many contributions to world
civilization, and when they work together, being the two largest
countries on the planet, this is of extreme importance.
And the Chinese Foreign Minster Wang Yi said that what will
be discussed between Xi Jinping and Modi is the developments
which occur only once in a century.  And while I’m not sure what
he means exactly by that, I think what it refers to is the
epochal changes of strategic alignment which are going on in Asia
right now, and that is what President Xi Jinping is trying to
accomplish also with the upcoming SCO summit on June 9-10, after
the Belt and Road Initiative and the BRICS countries, now the
SCO, that all of this is supposed to lead to a completely new
model of international relations, of what Xi Jinping always calls
the “shared community for the one future of mankind.”
And I think, given the fact that between Japan and China,
there is a clear rapprochement, and  between Japan and Russia,
you can see clearly that all these Asian countries are seeking a
better way; and even if there are still some obstacles, like the
issue between India and Pakistan, I don’t think has been
resolved; and India’s opposition to the China-Pakistan Economic
Corridor is also not yet resolved; but the more these countries
are moving toward each other — and there was a very interesting
comment in a Chinese article saying that the relations between
China and Japan now could be modeled, or you could use the
parallel of the European Coal and Steel Community in the
beginning of the 1950s, which was France giving the olive branch
to Germany just five years after the Second World War.
Obviously, this is a reference to the past war experience
between China and Japan, and saying that if Germany and France
could settle their problems of world war, so can China and Japan.
I think this is going in a very, very good direction.  And
it shows you one thing very clearly:  That the future of
civilization is in Asia, and any country of the West that wants
to be part of that future, should find a good relation to this
new dynamic, because this is the forward-looking one, and not the
old paradigm as represented by some of these European powers that
just think in terms of the past.

SCHLANGER:  And your husband Lyndon LaRouche emphasized
many, many years ago, that an India-China-Russia relationship
which the U.S. could join, would be the basis of establishing
something totally new in the world.
Now, Helga, you’ve travelled to India and China a number of
times, you’ve met with leaders in both countries.  Is there
anything that you can see that would get in the way of an
improved relationship?  I mean, isn’t this something that,
really, the time has come for this to happen?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  There is a clear understanding that it’s a
strategic necessity for the Asian countries to work together.
Unfortunately, the replacement of Adm. Harry Harris as commander
of the U.S. Pacific Command,  — his name is Adm. Philip Davidson
— he just spoke at confirmation hearings of the Senate Armed
Services Committee, which was a blood-curdling attack on Russia
and China and accusing China of all kinds of things.  So the
geopolitical thinking is not yet gone. And one could actually say
that this idea of a China-Russia-India alliance was furthered by
the behavior of the neo-cons, the Iraq War, the Afghanistan
intervention, the Libya attack; so I think these countries moved
together much more quickly than they would have normally done, as
a result of these policies of the Bush-Obama-Blair-Cameron-May
kind of policies.
And, you know, OK, you can always have a terrible incident
like the Gulf of Tonkin incident, or some other pretext to cause
a new crisis; this is why I think the discussion of the legality
of these military strikes needs to be internationally discussed;
but I think if you look at the intention of the Chinese
leadership, of the Russian leadership, and as it now hopefully
looks like, also, Modi — and Japan — they are moving clearly
into a New Paradigm. And I think the New Silk Road Spirit has
caught on.  The countries of Asia have understood that this is
the moment in history where we need a completely new set of
relations if mankind is supposed to get into safe waters and have
a bright future.
I am optimistic, I’m very optimistic.  And also, with the
summit tomorrow between Kim Jong-un and President Moon Jae-in of
South Korea, this also looks very good.  And if it’s any
reflection, the head of the Olympic Committee Thomas Bach said
that he talked to both the South Korean and North Korean
governments and that they had clear intentions to join the next
Olympics and even have a joint team again. And he says, from his
discussion, he’s extremely optimistic about the intention of
these two governments.
So if you look at all of these developments, I think it is
actually very good, and some of these geopoliticians probably
will never change, because they cannot imagine that mankind can
growth out of the old kind of pettiness and rivalry and
competition; and that a New Paradigm of win-win cooperation is
actually possible.  But if the majority of mankind is moving in
this direction, I’m very confident and hopeful that this New
Paradigm will prevail.

SCHLANGER:  President Trump had a little bit of fun with
this, when he made fun of the media for saying that there would
never be any progress with North Korea.  And he said, look, you
don’t know what’s going to happen — it may not work, but he’s
very happy with the response from Kim Jong-un.  And then he just
sent a team to China to discuss the trade agreement which
includes the top trade officials.  And what he said, which I
think shapes their outlook, is that he has great respect for Xi
Jinping and a great friendship.  Do you have any thoughts on what
might happen with these discussions going on between the U.S. and

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  That’s difficult, you know, because I think
from the Chinese side, you have Vice Premier Liu He, who is the
most important economic advisor of Xi Jinping.  And he has been
elevated recently into the Politburo and the State Council; he
will represent the potential of the Belt and Road Initiative.  On
the side of the American delegation, for sure Mnuchin — we had
criticism of him, and [U.S. Trade Representative] Lighthizer also
has not exactly been on the line of what Trump’s election
promises really were; even so, he has mentioned the American
System at one point.
I don’t know. I would imagine that China will propose the
way to overcome the trade deficit, in the way Wang Yi, the
Foreign Minister, had suggested; and also, Prime Minister Li
Keqiang — namely, that other than tariffs, you could also
increase the trade between the two countries, and have joint
ventures in third countries; and in that way, balance the trade
deficit by just increasing the trade.  And I would imagine that
the Chinese, for sure, will reiterate this proposal.  Then, how
these two or four delegates from the United States (it’s not so
clear) will respond, we don’t know.  One can only hope they
recognize the potential that American industries would benefit
greatly from participating in such joint ventures in third
countries along the Belt and Road.  And naturally, U.S.-Chinese
relations could also benefit a lot, if the United States would
allow Chinese investments in the buildup of U.S. infrastructure.
Now, we have to see how that develops.  I’m optimistic that
the Chinese will not miss the opportunity to make such proposals,
and that is why the Schiller Institute is so important, that we
make these ideas more known inside the United States, so that
more and more people recognize the potential which would lie in
the U.S.-China cooperation in the Belt and Road Initiative.  So
you should join the Schiller Institute and help us to make these
ideas more known.

SCHLANGER:  We do know there’s support for expansion of
U.S.-China trade, at least in states such as Alaska, West
Virginia;  Houston, Texas, where there have been delegations to
China and from China to the United States, to talk about specific
While we’re talking about investments, we have to pick up
this whole question of the financial crisis, which we should
never lose sight of:  because behind the whole strategic
confrontation is the collapse of this financial system, which is
being held together by unbelievable amounts of new funny-money
and fake credit which is just building up debt.
Helga, there were more warnings coming out from the U.S.
Federal Reserve, a couple of officials.  There’s talk about the
interest rate problem, a shakeup at Deutsche Bank.  What do you
see on this financial picture:  It’s really quite shaky and it
seems like now is the time there should be a new concerted effort
around your husband’s basic Four Laws.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Well, it’s the strategic powder keg we are
sitting on.  If one of the three governors of the Federal Reserve
is already warning that the wave of corporate insolvencies, which
has increased over last year by 60%, is so severe that it could
cause a new banking crisis.  Well, the Fed is not known to make
alarmist statements, but they generally use a language to calm
down the markets and respect the so-called “psychology of the
markets.”  So if such a warning comes from the Fed, it should be
really taken seriously.
And you know, there are also new articles about Deutsche
Bank — the IMF called Deutsche Bank the riskiest bank in the
world.  They have 42 trillion in derivatives contracts
outstanding!  Now, some of these contracts balance each other
out, so it may not be 42 trillion, but this is 15 times the
German GDP, so this not a small amount. And one day, we could
wake up, or in the middle of the day, have a complete repetition
of 2008, on a much larger scale.
Obviously, we need the Four Laws of my husband Lyndon
LaRouche, and especially, the emphasis should be not only on
Glass-Steagall, a National Bank, credit system, but especially on
the fourth law:  Because unless you have a complete push for
innovation and qualitative breakthroughs in applying new
universal principles in the economic platform, as my husband as
discussed it in many of his writings, you will not pull out the
terrible shape of the economies of the trans-Atlantic system,
especially in the United States, Southern Europe — I mean, there
are some real problem cases where you need an emphasis on such
things as thermonuclear fusion, space cooperation, and apply the
most advanced new physical principles in the economy, if you want
to save the situation.
And that is not being discussed in any way or shape in
Europe or in the United States, so let’s just really emphasize
that, and help us to make the mobilization for the implementation
of these Four Laws, not only in the United States but also in
Europe.  The country which is closest to that is China:  Xi
Jinping just met with an economic group, and, again, emphasized
the need to warn and safeguard China against financial risk.  And
China is obviously de-emphasizing any kind of speculative
activity.  But Wall Street and the City of London are very far
from such reason in their practice.

SCHLANGER:  I was just reviewing some reports over the last
couple of days on this, and one of the things that many
economists do acknowledge, is that with all the pep talk about
how great the economy is doing, that there’s wage stagnation, the
lowest labor participation rate level in four decades; and then,
they always come back to this question of productivity — there’s
no productivity gains. And what you just said, the Chinese
clearly have a sense of what happened with the United States with
NASA under John Kennedy: Their space program is oriented toward
the highest technology, the rail system and so on. And it seems
as though this should be a no-brainer for people in the United
States, just to look at our own history, and realize that this
So, just to reiterate what Helga Zepp-LaRouche said, the
Schiller Institute is mobilizing internationally for the Four
Laws, but especially at this point in time, we’ve got to get
President Trump to go back to his thinking from his campaign,
both about the alliance with Russia and China; but also about
support for Glass-Steagall and a real infrastructure program.
And Helga, just to finish this, we’ve seen the Congress
complete botch any effort by the President to get an
infrastructure plan going.  Do you think this would be an
obviously winning strategy for anybody, to go into the 2018
election with a real infrastructure plan?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Well, I think that the dynamic which is
taking place in Asia right now, which we mentioned earlier, I
mean, this will shape history for the better.  I’m absolutely
convinced that what is happening between China and Africa, China
and Latin America, China and Eurasia, many European nations are
already completely onboard the New Silk Road development in terms
of infrastructure:  The Eastern European, the Central European
countries, the Balkans, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Austria,
Switzerland — all of these countries — even Belgium and
Holland, the Scandinavian countries, they all have recognized the
great potential in the infrastructure cooperation of the New Silk
Road.  And I think right now, the biggest problem in some
countries, like Germany and the United States, is the fact that
the mass media have not given justice to what is actually
happening:  You have the largest infrastructure program in
history which is already — people debate whether it’s 12 times
or 20 times the size of the Marshall Plan, but it’s open ended!
It’s a complete transformation of the planet, where obviously,
our vision, “The New Silk Road Becomes the World Land-Bridge,” is
being realized by the majority of nations, absolutely, with a
fast speed.
And people are trying to sit on that and play the old
geopolitical games, by saying this is just an effort by China to
take over the world — I mean, that is just — first of all, it’s
not true, and why would all these countries, would they not be
happy to overcome poverty, underdevelopment, and so naturally
they go for this.
And right now, the biggest problem is that the average
people in Europe and in the United States just do not know this
scope of the changes taking place in the world right now.  So I
can only say:  Help us to spread these ideas.  Because we are, as
a humanity, really facing a test.  If we continue moving NATO to
the Russian border, having a race for new weapons, which is still
the danger, because this new Pacific Command commander Philip
Davidson, he just said China is ahead in certain areas, and now
the U.S. has to catch up with hypersonic weapons, and cyber
weapons, and whatnot:  I mean, we have to get rid of that kind of
And just think, if the previous administrations of the
United States wasted $7 trillion on wars in the Middle East and
in North Africa, which have just caused misery, cost millions of
people’s lives, have caused a refugee crisis — can you not just
think of investing that kind of money in infrastructure, in the
common good of the people, in education?  Give people a sense of
the future and hope, inspire young people to not have the drug
epidemics destroy their minds, raising the suicide rates,
violence.  You know, don’t you think it’s time that mankind
should really move into a new Renaissance and work together as a
human species?
And I think this is what’s happening.  So let’s reach out to
more countries and more layers in the countries of the West, to
understand what this New Silk Road Spirit is all about.
So again, join the Schiller Institute and help us to spread
these ideas.

SCHLANGER:  Helga, I think you just made it very clear.
Thanks for joining us this week, and we’ll see you next week.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Yes, till next week.

Falsk flag; ’fake news’; regimeskifte i
Washington: Afsløret som ’Made in London’
Helga Zepp-LaRouche i Schiller Institut
Strategiske Webcast, 19. april, 2018; pdf

Jeg ville ønske, at fornuft ville indtræde i hovedet på nogle af de europæiske regeringer, og at de simpelt hen ville gå sammen i fællesskabet. Jeg har ikke set noget tegn på dette. Faktisk har den tyske EU-kommissær for budget og menneskelige resurser, Günter Öttinger, netop sagt, at Europa ikke bør være »fort Europa«, men at vi bør bringe udvikling til Afrika. Men så sagde han, at vi bør gøre dette for ikke at overlade det afrikanske kontinent til kineserne, som blot ville forfølge deres egne, egoistiske mål. Og så længe denne idiotiske tankegang er fremherskende, tror jeg ikke, der findes nogen løsning.

Folk bør indse, hvad det er, Kina gør, og holde op med at have disse fordomme. For, hvis man sammenligner den moralske kvalitet af det, Kina gør for sit eget folk og for andre nationer, så er det himmelvidt overlegent i forhold til det, Vesten foretager sig.


Download (PDF, Unknown)



Helga Zepp-LaRouche: Hvis Trump og Putin
satte sig sammen hurtigt, ville det være det
mest gavnlige, der kunne ske …

Jeg er fuldstændig overbevist om, at, hvis disse to satte sig sammen i et langt topmøde, ville de komme frem til løsninger på alle disse problemer; inkl. det strategiske partnerskab mellem Kina og Rusland, som er en meget vigtig faktor i dette.

Men jeg mener, at undertiden, når man tilsyneladende har modsætninger på et lavere plan, som angiveligt ikke kan løses, så skal man bare skyde hele debatten op på et højere plan, og hvis Putin og Trump mødtes ret hurtigt, så ville dette være det mest gavnlige, der kunne ske.  …

Citat af Helga Zepp-LaRouches Strategiske webcast den 19. april; se minuttal 21:20.




Assads kemiske våben:
Endnu et britisk eventyr for børn
– hvad var det, der skete i Syrien?

14. april, 2018: Will Wertz: Vi befinder os netop nu på et punkt, som den tyske skuespilforfatter Friedrich Schiller kaldte for et ’punctum saliens’, dvs. et punkt, hvor en tragedie potentielt kunne ske, hvor der, hvis der ikke træffes afgørende beslutninger, kommer en tragisk afsløring af handlingsforløbet. Dér står vi lige nu. Som folk ved, så annoncerede præsident Trump i går aftes bombningen af Syrien, som blev gennemført i løbet af aftenen eller rettere om morgenen, syrisk tid. Dette truer med at abortere hele fredsproceselementet i Syrien. Det er en overtrædelse af FN’s charter, af folkeretten og truer med at komme fuldstændig ud af kontrol under visse omstændigheder …



Britiske provokationer under Falsk Flag
sætter faren for krig på Rød Alarm.
Helga Zepp-LaRouche i Internationalt
Strategisk Webcast, 12. april, 2018

I skrivende stund, hvor denne meddelelse går ud ved middagstid på USA’s østkyst den 10. april, er der »rød alarm« over muligheden for, at en generel krig i de kommende dage bryder ud pga. en række provokationer, der kommer fra Det britiske Imperiums højeste niveauer. Med forsøget på at give Rusland skylden for den angivelige forgiftning af den britiske dobbeltagent Skripal og hans datter, og som kollapsede, da eksperter fra UK’s laboratorium for kemiske våben i Porton Down ikke kunne bekræfte, at stoffet, der blev brugt mod Skripal og datter, kom fra Rusland, blev de Londonbaserede »Hvide Hjelme« udkommanderet og hævdede – uden beviser – at syriske regeringsstyrker brugte kemiske våben i Ghouta. Dette udløste krav i FN’s Sikkerhedsråd om aktion mod Syrien, men også mod Iran og Rusland – et krav, der kom fra briterne, franskmændene og USA’s neokonservative.

Tredje provokation var raidet mod præsident Trumps personlige advokat Michael Cohens kontor, baseret på en henvisning fra den særlige anklager Robert Mueller, relateret til anklagerne imod Trump fra pornostjernen Stormy Daniels. Selv om Muellers efterforskning af Cohen intet har at gøre med beskyldninger om, at Trump indgik et ’aftalt spil’ med Putin for at vinde valget i 2016, så er kilden til alle tre provokationer den samme – de er alle en del af kampagnen fra City of Londons imperiekræfter og deres neokonservative allierede på Wall Street, for at forhindre Trump i at lykkes med sit kampagneløfte om at afslutte krige for regimeskifte og skabe en positiv samarbejdsrelation med Ruslands præsident Putin.

En publikation fra LaRouche Politiske Aktionskomite kaldte raidet mod Cohens kontor for »et direkte forsøg på at afpresse denne præsident [Trump] ind i den krig, han blev valgt til at stoppe«. Helga Zepp-LaRouche sagde om denne situation, at vi »sidder på en krudttønde«.

Her følger engelsk udskrift af videoen: 



Schiller Institute New Paradigm Webcast, April 12, 2018
With Helga Zepp-LaRouche

– British False Flag Provocations Put War Danger –
– at “Red Alert” Level –

Harley SCHLANGER:  Hello, I’m Harley Schlanger with the
Schiller Institute and welcome to today’s international webcast
featuring our founder and President Helga Zepp-LaRouche.
Since Monday, our organization has been on a Red Alert
status, given the escalation of the danger of an all-out breaking
out, following the most recent provocations coming from the
British Empire.  Helga, in an earlier statement this week, said
we’re sitting on a powder keg, and this has to do with the
threats to go to war against Syria, to attack or even punish
Assad, even possibly to punish the Russians, as President Trump
indicated in a tweet earlier this week.  So, we’re still sitting
on a powder keg, and Helga, despite being ill, is here for a
brief period, so she can give us the picture and the strategy for
the mobilization to stop this escalating war danger.  So Helga, I
turn it over to you, now.

HELGA  ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Yeah, we are indeed in a very
dangerous situation, which could get out of control in no time.
And just to underline that point, this tweet by President Trump
which made the headlines internationally everywhere, namely,
Russia, the missiles are coming.  That turns out to be a reaction
to a fake news! The background of this story is, that about a
week ago, the Russian ambassador to Lebanon, gave an interview
where he supposedly said that any attack on Syria would be
answered by a full military reaction by Russia.
Now, it turns out that that interview which appeared on
Hezbollah TV [Al Manar] and was translated into Arabic was
mistranslated, and referred to an earlier remark which General
Valery Gerasimov, the Chief of Staff of the Russian had made,
where he said, that if there is an attack on a Russian soldier in
Syria, that Russia would react.  So, it was not that any attack
on Syria would be met with a Russian retaliation, but if the
lives of Russian soldiers would be attacked, which is a huge
But obviously, that was the trigger point for Trump to send
out this tweet.  But it also shows you that in this environment
of complete orchestration of fake news, false flag attacks,
secret service manipulation of all kinds, how easy it is to stage
an incident and how things can get out of control.
We are right now not off the war danger.  It’s still unclear
what will happen.  Yesterday at the White House briefing,
apparently it was said that “all options are on the table.”
Theresa May meets with her cabinet  — supposedly according to
media reports, which are not very reliable, but it’s the only
source we have on that  — to decide if the British would
participate in a U.S. military attack.  Now, the U.S. warship
{USS Donald Cook} is 100 km from Tartus, which is the Russian
military port in Syria, and another U.S. warship has left
Norfolk, and is on the way already since several days.
Now, since Russia has full air control over Syria, and Syria
has also extremely effective missile defense systems, if there is
a U.S. missile attack on Syria, it could be right in a
confrontation between the two nuclear powers, the United States
and Russia.  So I can only urge you, all of you who are watching
this program, you should join our mobilization.  In every
parliament in the world where you are, get your congressman, get
your deputy to intervene and make sure the respective governments
are completely distancing themselves, that there is a public
debate and investigation.  And we must really have a total
mobilization against this war danger.

SCHLANGER:  It’s really important, I think that people also
have a sense of the continuity of this threat, because what we’ve
been covering here in the last few weeks, it started with the
fake news from Theresa May and Boris Johnson, in which they
accused the Russians of trying to poison a former spy, Sergei
Skripal and his daughter.  When that fell apart, when the British
chemical warfare experts said they could not determine that the
origin of this chemical weapon was from Russia, as soon as that
falls apart, we see an escalation with the so-called chemical
weapons usage in East Ghouta, in Douma, Syria.
Now, it occurs also at precisely the point that Donald Trump
said he’s prepared to pull the United States troops out of Syria
entirely! So, as some of the Russians are saying, I think it’s
worth, Helga, for you to go through some of what the Russians
have been saying on this, including Putin — but that they’ve
said that it’s very obvious that this is a scripted assault
against Russia and against Trump.
So what are we hearing from the Russians?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  The Deputy Chief of the General Staff of
Russia just reported that Russian ABC specialists have been or
are in Douma, and they inspected both the material of the
so-called chemical weapons and also the patients in the hospital,
and they confirmed what earlier representatives of the Red
Crescent Society had said, that there was absolutely no trace of
chemical weapons, and also no sign that patients in the hospital
had been injured by such a weapon.
Now, that is, again, pointing to the fact that the entire
information about this so-called incident came from the White
Helmets, an organization which is entirely funded by the British
government and in part, also by the [State Department] USAID.
And various whistleblowers have documented that this is an
organization which is very close to the jihadists, and that they
have completely staged this affair.
Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov also said that Russia had
signs of a planned provocation for the past month, and that they
have given this information to both the UN Security Council and
the OPCW, so that it was known that this was in preparation; and
also that the jihadists had, in various cities, dug tunnels under
cities, out of which they then operated with explosive materials,
mixed with chemical weapons.  This thing is such an obvious case
of a false-flag operation, that, if this is being used for a
pretext to launch an attack, then we’re really in World War III,
because this is obviously designed to target Russia.  And I would
even say, it did not start with the Skripal case, it started with
the Russiagate against Trump which fell apart completely.
Now the Skripal case also has fallen apart, because the OPCW
was just in Salisbury.  They investigated the material which was
used in the Skripal attack, and they said they were not able to
identify either that it was Novichok — they didn’t mention that
name — nor the origin of it.
Now, the OPCW, that’s their whole purpose of existence, has
been visiting every country, every laboratory, so they have
samples of every chemical substance, of every nerve gas, so they
could compare it, and obviously, they could not identify that it
comes from Russia, so it doesn’t come from Russia. So this case
is also falling apart.
So I think it’s really important that people see the
continuity, as you say, of these lies, which are designed to be a
war preparation for a war against Russia.  There is no other
explanation possible.

SCHLANGER:  And it’s a war against Russia that’s designed to
sabotage President Trump’s policy of working with Putin, working
with Russia, cooperation against terrorism.  And also, as Trump
noted in one of his tweets, economic cooperation.
There’s also, General Mattis, the U.S. Defense Secretary,
who us urging caution, saying we have to wait until we can see
that there’s some evidence of this.  Mattis came out after the
April 2017 false flag against, which led to a U.S. attack, and
said there was no evidence of chemical weapons, or that it was
the Assad government.  So we’re seeing a certain amount of
backing away; and very importantly, the former British Ambassador
to Syria, Peter Ford, and also the former United Kingdom
Ambassador to Uzbekistan Craig Murray, both of whom have been
very outspoken on this, warned that this is a crazy escalation to
What should people do?  You have voices coming out now,
there are people who want to know what to do.  What are we doing
as part of our mobilization?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  We have various appeals, one in Germany
which you will find in German on our website there
[]; we have one on the American
site of our colleagues from LaRouche PAC
20180410-enough-final.pdf] and both of these appeals should be
used to mobilize every parliament around the world.  In the
United States, our colleagues there are mobilizing.  They have
already distributed tens of thousands of leaflets; they have
contacted everybody in the Congress; they have a general
mobilization.  They’re doing similar things in Europe.  But I
think we really have to take it very seriously
The former German highest military officer, Gen. Harald
Kujat, gave three interviews today to different TV stations,
where he made the point, which I can only fully endorse, that we
are confronted with a political class which is incapable of
calculating the consequences of their deeds, and that therefore
the danger is that they will sleepwalk into a Third World War,
just as it happened in the case of the First World War.  And I
may not shar all the reasons why this is so; he says this is an
unfortunate combination of an inexperienced French President; a
Prime Minister in Great Britain who has tremendous domestic
problems; an erratic American President, but then he blasts the
German government, that rather than trying to calm the situation
down, that Merkel is actually heating it up!  I mean, this is
incredible!  Germany was destroyed two times in the world wars,
and now we have a Chancellor, who is immediately defending May in
her accusations; who is immediately condoning that Assad must be
the guilty one.  And General Kujat puts Merkel on the spot, and
says, she should intervene [against war].
Now, I think the problem is that these politicians are
really incapable of recognizing what they are doing, and
therefore I think we need to really have a full-fledged
mobilization, in depth, of all the parliamentarians of every
country where you are:  You should use these materials and demand
that all the governments are completely coming out against this,
that they should denounce the false-flag operations.
And we should not forget, there is a German judge whose name
is Peter Vonnahme, who was a judge in a Bavarian court until
2007; and he pointed to the fact that there is a continuity in
all of these provocations, with the obvious aim of regime-change
in Russia.  And then he points to the fact, asking, have people
forgotten the Gulf of Tonkin incident, which led to the Vietnam
War?  Or the case of the so-called babies ripped out of the
incubators in Kuwait, which led to the pretext to attack Iraq [in
1990]? Or the “yellowcake” case in the case of Niger, where
Saddam Hussein supposedly bought yellowcake uranium, which was
another pretext for a war against Iraq [2003]?  Or, the so-called
“Operation Horseshoe” incident, which led to the Kosovo
intervention [1999]?  Now, all these things were orchestrated and
fabricated, and I think we must have a discussion, who is doing
that?  It’s not enough that Tony Blair apologized for the Iraq
war — I mean, these wars have cost {millions} of people their
lives! And I think it is high time that these people are being
called to justice, because this is just too much, and has been
going on for too long.

SCHLANGER:  I’m glad you mentioned Tony Blair, because he’s
one of the people saying that Theresa May doesn’t have to go to
the Parliament, and she should immediate join the coalition with
Macron and Trump, and start bombing in Syria.  So Blair is a war
criminal, whose time has come to be brought before a tribunal.
Now, the picture wouldn’t be complete without us just
getting into this question of going back to what you said was the
initial phase, which is Russiagate.  There was a development,
right in the middle of the Syria mobilization, with the Southern
District of New York U.S. Attorney launching an FBI raid against
Donald Trump’s personal attorney, Michael Cohen, for something
that was referred by Mueller, which has {nothing whatsoever} to
do with Russiagate.
Helga, how do you see this?  we’ve basically said, this is
part of a blackmail operation against Trump.  How do you see this

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  I think it discredits Mueller even more,
because it’s very obvious that this whole Russiagate is falling
apart, or has fallen apart, and now he has shifted what clearly
is not in his mandate [as Special Counsel], by going into a
fishing expedition on a so-called sex story that Trump was
supposedly involved in with some pornographic movie star.  And
obviously, this is so out of order, that I think it should fall
back on Mueller.
It is also very important, what the famous Harvard lawyer,
Alan Dershowitz said, that this is a complete violation of the
U.S. Constitution, the Fourth and the Sixth Amendment.  I think
he is a Democrat, but he blasts the silence of the Democrats and
even the silence of the ACLU, that they do not react.  And he
says, “this is black day for the client-lawyer relations,” and
obviously, it’s one of the many things which absolutely must be
Now, we should note the fact that Congressman Nunes had to
go so far as to threat impeachment against FBI Director Wray and
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, because they were
blocking to submit data and documents to the Congressional
oversight committees.  Now, they finally did give two pages in a
relatively unredacted form, which referred to the origins of the
Trump investigation.
So, I think there will be more about that, but I can only
reiterate my call:  We should absolutely mobilize with the
Schiller Institute.  Join the Schiller Institute, become an
active member.  It is very important that we build a movement to
improve relations among nations, to create a New Paradigm, to
have absolute condemnation of this war danger, and establish a
decent relationship with Russia, China and among all nations on
this planet, which is absolutely possible, as we have discussed
many times on this show.
But it requires more people to become active, and therefore,
I again invite you: Join the Schiller Institute and help us in
this mobilization.

SCHLANGER:  And we’ll be putting a number up on the screen
for the White House, so people can make calls to the White House.
And also to the Congress [Capitol Hill Switchboard:
202-224-2131], because there are congressmen, such as Thomas
Massie [R-KY] and others, who are demanding that nothing be done
without the Congress being consulted.
I just wanted to throw one other thing in, which is that in
spite of the danger of the situation, it’s good to see there are
some people who are keeping their sense of humor:  Maria
Zakharova, the spokesperson for the Russian Foreign Ministry,
said about Trump’s tweet about “smart” missiles, that if they’re
really “smart” they’ll go after the terrorists who are the ones
responsible for the false flag chemical weapons scare.
Helga, thanks for taking the time and making the effort,
even though you’re ill, to join us today, and to bring this
forward:  We are still on a Red Alert, and it’s very significant
that you took the time and put this out.  Is there anything you
want to add?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  No, I think that’s what we have to do.

SCHLANGER:  OK, very good. So we’ll see you next week.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  OK, till next week.

Interview: Der var ikke noget kemisk angreb i Syrien:
Sandheden om Syrien og Trump

Jeg er Will Wertz fra LaRouche Political Action Committee, og vi interviewer i dag senator fra Virginia Richard Black, der er pensioneret oberst i den amerikanske hær; han var ligeledes chef for JAG (Judge Advocate General’s Corps, United States Army) afdeling for kriminalitet i Pentagon. Han har ekstraordinær stor erfaring især med Syrien, som han har besøgt flere gange. Formålet med interviewet er at få senator Blacks synspunkter om den aktuelle krise omkring beskyldningerne om et angreb med kemiske våben i det østlige Ghouta i byen Douma, Syrien.

Video, engelsk.

Erklæring fra LaRouchePAC:
NU ER DET NOK! Ring til
Kongressen og din senator og
sig til dem, at de skal lukke
Robert Mueller ned;

9. april, 2018 – Vi, De forenede Stater, står over for at lancere et angreb mod Syrien, med de russiske styrker, der er til stede dér, baseret på perfide, britiske løgne; baseret på det, der kunne vise sig at være historiens endegyldige og sorteste efterretningssvindel, den, der gjorde det af med den menneskelige race. Samtidig blev præsident Trumps personlige advokats kontor i dag, 9. april, 2018, udsat for et raid, baseret på en henvisning fra den særlige anklager Robert Mueller. Spørgsmålet skulle angiveligt dreje sig om beskyldninger i forbindelse med, at præsidenten skulle have haft en årelang affære med den løgnagtige og afskyelige pornostjerne, Stormy Daniels. Dette anses af Mueller og vores korrupte FBI for at være så alvorligt, at det Sjette Tillæg til USA’s Forfatning også blot kan kastes til side. Disse to uhyrlige begivenheder er fuldstændig relateret. Med mindre I nu rejser jer sammen med os for at stoppe det, er dette land i alvorlig, alvorlig fare. Det kategoriske forsøg på at afpresse denne præsident ind i den krig, han blev valgt til at stoppe, er nu blevet optrappet ud over enhver forstand.

I 2016 stemte millioner af amerikanere for Donald Trump, fordi han sagde, han ville afslutte unyttige, evindelige krige på vegne af et intellektuelt dødt og finansielt bankerot, angloamerikansk system, dette imperium, der går tilbage til tiden umiddelbart efter Anden Verdenskrig. Dette system, centreret omkring Wall Street og City of London, har snydt of bedraget sig til verdens værdier og ødelagt den engang storslåede amerikanske nationaløkonomi, en kendsgerning, der blev fuldstændig indlysende for tænkende mennesker, da systemet krakkede i 2008. Donald Trump søgte bedre relationer med Kina, der nu vokser frem som verdens mægtigste økonomi, samt med Putins Rusland. Trump faste beslutning om at etablere anstændige relationer med Rusland og Kina, og udelukkende kun denne faste beslutning, igangsatte det djævelske kup mod præsidenten, under anførelse af briterne og de mange nyttige idioter blandt vores elite, der er i trældom for briterne.

Dette kup, hvis manifestationer var det falske »beskidte dossier« om Donald Trump, forfattet af MI6’s Christopher Steele og betalt af Hillary Clinton, sang på sidste vers, da Storbritannien indledte sin nuværende offensiv. Senatorerne Charles Grassley og Lindsay Graham havde henvist Christopher Steele til USA’s Justitsministerium, til retsforfølgelse for kriminelle handlinger, og patrioter i Kongressen forfulgte en reel bestræbelse på at identificere og retsforfølge dem, der er ansvarlige for kuppet mod vores præsident. Så, den 4. marts, 2018, blev en russisk spion, der spionerede for Storbritannien, Sergei Skripal, samt hans datter, angiveligt forgiftet i Salisbury, England. Skripal færdes i de samme britiske spionkredse, som Christopher Steele er knyttet til. Premierminister Theresa May proklamerede omgående for hele verden, at Rusland stod bag angrebet, men har aldrig nogensinde fremlagt noget som helst bevis for nogen af sine krigsgale erklæringer. Præsident Trump blev af sine forræderiske rådgivere, inklusive H.R. McMaster, der i hele sin militære karriere var en fange af Storbritanniens Internationale Institut for Strategiske Affærer, hastigt puffet til at støtte Storbritanniens totalt ubegrundede påstande. Budskabet til præsidenten fra vore forrædere er klart: gå med i vores march mod krig og måske; måske, vil vi slække på kuppet.

Sluttelig nægtede Storbritanniens egne eksperter i kemiske våben i Porton Down at sige, at det kemiske stof, der blev brugt mod Skripal og hans datter, var fremstillet i Rusland, på trods af Theresa Mays og hendes vanvittige udenrigsminister Boris Johnsons påstande, uden beviser. Åbenlys tvivl var allerede blevet udtalt af flere europæiske lande, som afholdt sig fra at gå med i dette Storbritanniens opråb til krig. Blandt de kendsgerninger, der står til overvejelse: Den dødbringende nervegift, som Theresa May beskriver, ville omgående have dræbt Skripal og hans datter. Alligevel er de begge i live og ikke længere i kritisk tilstand. Redegørelser for, hvor giften blev givet, har varieret; den seneste lyder, at det blev smurt ud på hoveddøren til Skripals hjem. Alligevel lykkedes det på en eller anden måde for Skripal at forlade huset et par timer og spadsere rundt i landsbyen, spise og drikke på restauranter, indtil han pludselig blev syg. Formlen for den angiveligt anvendte gift var blevet offentliggjort vidt og bredt af dens russiske opfinder, en dissident, der nu bor i USA. Med dette svindelnummer, der nu er i færd med at falde fra hinanden, får vi at vide, at Skripal og hans datter, samt alle tilgængelige beviser, er i færd med at ’blive forsvundet’. Ifølge britisk presse vil Skripal og hans datter komme ind i et vidnebeskyttelsesprogram fra CIA. Deres hus, og alle påståede lokaliteter, der er involveret i dette svindelnummer, bliver nu bulldozet ned og ødelagt. Ingen mulighed for en reel efterforskning af dette svindelnummer må lades åben.

På trods af, at Donald Trump udtalte støtte til Theresa May, søgte han stadig at honorere sit løfte til det amerikanske folk. Han lykønskede Putin med valgsejren og inviterede ham til et snarligt møde i Det Hvide Hus til forhandlinger og nævnte det eskalerende og farlige våbenkapløb mellem USA og Rusland. Briterne og deres amerikanske venner gik, som respons hertil, amok. Man måtte lade en hammer falde på denne præsident, der nu oven i købet talte om at trække amerikanske styrker ud af Syrien og genopbygge USA.

Ind på scenen kommer så endnu et af briterne opfundet forgiftnings-svindelnummer, nu i Syrien, hvor russere, iranere og syrere ikke alene assisterede i besejringen af Isis, men nu var i færd med at feje de sidste tilbageværende jihadister bort, såsom Jaish al-Islam, en omdøbt, salafistisk jihadistisk gruppering, der kontrolleres af saudierne, samt al-Nusra-front, eller al-Qaeda. De endegyldige militære operationer, som konsoliderede sejren, er i løbet af de seneste dage blev afsluttet i Gouta, en forstad til Damaskus. Og efter således at have opnået sejr, lancerede Assad – sådan lyder den narrativ, som vore krigsmagere til medier vil have os til at tro på – et angreb med kemiske våben for at fejre denne sejr, vel vidende, at han således ville udløse helvede over sig selv fra Vesten.

Fotos af døende børn, som præsident Trump reagerede så følelsesmæssigt på for et år siden, da han lancerede missilangreb mod Syrien, er atter blevet præsenteret for ham. Der er al mulig grund til at tro, de er falske. Rusland og Syrien havde netop advaret om et sådant angreb under falsk flag, og som ville involvere kloringas, i over en måned, hvor de kom nærmere til den endelige sejr i Gouta. Den eneste information, der hævder, at et sådant angreb fandt sted, kommer fra De Hvide Hjelme, en nødhjælpsorganisation grundlagt af briterne, og som er involveret i at være involveret militært med al-Qaeda og er dybt involveret i tidligere svindelnumre omkring Assads angivelige anvendelse af kemiske våben. Sy Hersh dokumenterede denne historie fuldt og helt i London Review of Books, med hensyn til de falske nyheder om, at Assad brugte saringas i august, 2013.

MIT’s Ted Postal og andre har vist, at det angivelige angreb med saringas, som præsident Trump responderede på med militære midler for et år siden, ligeledes var et britisk svindelnummer. Se Robert Parry,

og James Carden,

De Hvide Hjelme finansieres i fællesskab af britiske og amerikanske efterretningselementer, der er dedikeret til regimeskifte i Syrien. De har modtaget millioner og atter millioner af dollar til dette formål. De udgør afgørende komponenter i den interventionistiske udenrigspolitik for regimeskifte, som Donald Trump blev valgt til at udrydde.

I 2013, da Obama truede med krig mod Rusland over Syrien, intervenerede det amerikanske folk, løftede taget på Kongressen og stoppede det. Det er, hvad vi nu igen har brug for. Rusland ser, at der fra briterne og deres naive tåber i USA kommer en ubønhørlig offensiv for informationskrig. De ser dette, korrekt, som de første skridt mod krig. Vi må vende dette, med omgående start nu. Ring til din repræsentant i Kongressen eller din senator og sig til dem, at de skal stoppe dette fremstød for krig og lukke Robert Mueller ned, nu. Omstillingsbordet på Capitol Hill har nummer 202-224-3121.

Foto: Den amerikanske præsident Donald J. Trump, vicepræsident Michael R. Pence og deres hustruer byder tidligere præsident Barack Obama farvel under afskedsceremonien efter den 58. præsidentielle indsættelse i Washington, D.C., 20. jan., 2017.  (DoD photo)

Den Nye Silkevej former strategiske anliggender. 
Helga Zepp-LaRouche i strategisk webcast, torsdag 5. april 2018

Introduktion: Den hysteriske og bidende retorik mod Rusland, der kommer fra Storbritanniens imperiale oligarker og deres efterretningstjenester og kanaliseres gennem Theresa May og Boris ’BoJo’ Johnson, narrer ingen. Alt imens nogle regeringer underdanigt er gået med i de farlige provokationer, så er andre, inklusive USA, blot kommet med symbolske handlinger. Mange nationer synes at ligge mere på linje med tankegangen hos den russiske udenrigsminister Lavrov, der om May-regeringens ubegrundede beskyldninger i Skripal-affæren sagde, at det er »kun alt for åbenlyst, at vore britiske kolleger har mistet deres realitetssans«.

De ledere, som derimod ikke har mistet deres realitetssans, har i stedet været engageret i et imponerende opbud af diplomatisk og økonomisk aktivitet og har indgået aftaler om at deltage i Kinas Bælte & Vej Initiativ (BVI). Parallelt med disse bestræbelser er et russisk initiativ for at bringe fred i Syrien og arbejde sammen med Syriens naboer. De britiskdirigerede geopolitikere har uden tvivl bemærket, at, i takt med, at dette initiativ går fremad, har præsident Trump gentaget sit kampagneløfte om at afslutte al amerikansk militær involvering i Syrien og har gentaget sit ønske om et topmøde med Putin i den nærmeste fremtid.

Det, der ligger bag de britiske angreb mod Putin og Rusland, er ikke den svindelagtige påstand, at Putin beordrede forgiftningen af en tidligere russisk efterretningsofficer, lige så vel som at Mueller-efterforskningen intet har at gøre med »russisk indblanding« i det amerikanske valg. Målet for disse provokationer er det Nye Paradigme, der er knyttet til BVI, som City of London og dets Wall Street allierede korrekt har identificeret som efterfølgeren til deres fallerede system. Hvis USA tilsluttede sig Rusland, Kina og Indien sådan, som Lyndon LaRouche opfordrede det til i kølvandet på krakket i 2008, ville det være umuligt at forhindre fremvæksten af det Nye Paradigme.

 Her følger engelsk udskrift:



HARLEY SCHLANGER:  Hello, I’m Harley Schlanger

from the Schiller Institute. Welcome to this week’s Schiller Institute

webcast for April 5, 2018, featuring our founder and President

Helga Zepp-LaRouche.

In the last couple of weeks, Helga has spoken about the

potential for a backfire as a result of the Skripal affair, that

Theresa May and her somewhat unhinged Foreign Secretary Boris

Johnson have been using as a way of attacking both Russia and the

United States.  Now, we’ve seen this play out in a very big way

in the last couple of days:  The fact that they came out in their

own name, and the name of their intelligence services and their

government, to attack Russia, has in fact, put “egg on their

faces” as some have said.  So, Helga, why don’t you catch us up

on what’s happened in the last days, because this is quite

significant, in terms of shaping the strategic relationships?


HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Yeah.  I think it is incredibly

serious, because now you have a situation where I think the whole

group of nations which committed themselves to sort of

unprincipled solidarity with May and Johnson, they really have to

reflect on what has actually happened.  Just to mention some of

the recent developments:  The head of the research lab Porton

Down, Gary Aitkenhead, came out actually and said they could not

find any proof that the origin of this nerve agent was Russia;

that they could establish that it was Novichok, or belonging to

the group of Novichoks, but that they could not say that it came

from Russia.

This has led to quite a series of events.  One was that the

Foreign Office removed the tweet in which they had said very

clearly that there was no doubt that the origin was Russia, and I

think they even mentioned that the scientists of the Porton Down

lab had said so.  So, they were obliged to remove the tweet,

because that also is evidence that Boris Johnson was lying,

because he had said that he had heard from the scientists that

there was absolutely unrefutable proof that this came from

Russia.  This is the first thing.

Then the London {Times} had a comment about this, where they

say that the statement by Aitkenhead is threatening to bring down

the international coalition against Russia.  Well, that’s indeed

the case, because now naturally everybody is reviewing this, and

I think in the case of the German government, for example, they

gave a  press conference afterwards, in which journalists were

asking, did this statement mean that you’ve changed your

perspective?  And they basically refused to do so, which shows

you really the absolute grip in which these people are in, namely

the grip of the British Empire.

So, I think this is now backfiring very clearly.  The role

of the British government and the British Empire, for that

matter, is completely exposed, but they are not stopping the

confrontation with Russia, so that some of the Russian responses,

for example, people speaking at the Seventh Moscow Conference on

International Security which is now taking place in Moscow,

[Sergei] Naryshkin, who is the head of Russia’s foreign

intelligence [SVR], he said that this is basically as serious as

the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962.  Others were saying, this time

these idiots went way beyond any line, and that is clearly the

case.  But you also have a whole series of people who are saying,

look, we cannot continue like that, we have to resume a dialogue

with Russia; we have to go back to straighten out the relations.

And I want to really point to the fact that, despite the

fact that naturally the United States expelled 60 Russian

diplomats, which is clearly part of this escalation, that

President Trump himself, who did not at any point use this

incident to attack Russia as the origin.  And I think this stands

clearly out.  And people who are always totally freaked out about

Trump, they should really review this and ask if their

perspective and their optical approach actually the correct one?

Because in many cases, it turns out that Trump is actually the

one who is not going for confrontation, and some of the people

who are so much for “democracy and human rights” that they can’t

even walk straight, because they’re so heavily burdened with

their responsibilities, that they are the actual warmongers.  So

I think this is really something to reflect about.

But I think the kind of procedure that NATO, however, the

European Union, the German and French government, they were all

immediately jumping on this, without evidence, condemning Russia.

And I think if you look at this, when the dust settles down, it

{is} a blow to the whole Western system, because if there is not

an establishment of scientific fact, first, and the condemnation

first so that basically Russia is declared guilty, and then maybe

you find the evidence sometime down the road, or not, I think

this does big damage to the Western system, because if you play

with these things lightly, it is contributing to the

discreditation of the governments that did that, and that is not

a good thing.


SCHLANGER:  Well, minimally, we could say this is a rush to

judgment, but more importantly, this is part of an established

pattern of British intelligence.  We’ve seen it with the repeated

charges, without evidence, that the Assad government was using

chemical weapons against his population; and of course, the

famous case of Tony Blair and Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction,

which turned out to be another fabrication of the highest levels

of British intelligence.

But there’s another aspect of this which I think you may

want to comment on, which is the case of David Kelly, because

this also hits at home, where there was opposition from within

the scientific community in the United Kingdom against the

actions of the government and the intelligence community.


ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Yeah.  This is clearly a pattern.  And

before the statement by the head of the Porton Down lab came out,

the former British ambassador to Uzbekistan, Craig Murray, had

actually said that he had from high-level sources in the

intelligence community or the science community, that the

scientists would not basically produce the evidence — and they

didn’t.  And [Porton Down weapons inspector] David Kelly, at the

time of the Iraq war, had basically blown the whistle, saying

there were no weapons of mass destruction, and then he found an

early death under extremely dubious circumstances which were said

to be a suicide, but nobody really believes that.

So, I think this is really something — if you think the

Iraq War was based on lies, and I think Willy Wimmer, the former

vice president of the OSCE and former state secretary to the

minister of defense, pointed to the fact that the Iraq war, after

all, has caused hundreds of thousands of deaths in Europe, in the

Middle East, in North Africa, and that the Chilcot Commission,

which from our standpoint was a relative cover-up, but

nevertheless, pointed to the fact that Tony Blair had willfully,

intentionally exaggerated the danger coming from Iraq and Saddam

Hussein at the time. And then [Bush Secretary of State] Colin

Powell used the MI6 “dodgy dossier” [on Iraq’s alleged WMD] from

that period, to argue in the UN for the U.S. joining the Iraq


I mean, the fact that governments can do these things which

cost — really — if you look at the totality of these wars,

millions of people’s lives, and then, it just goes by and there

is no accountability.  And it’s a complete hypocrisy and

duplicity, when the people who are saying that they are the

defenders of human rights and democracy, then go around and make

these interventions into sovereign countries, which have these

horrible results.  And then they are self-righteous and pretend

that they are the good ones, and the Russians and the Chinese are

the bad ones.

I think we need to have, really, a review of this, because

this cannot continue.  It is very dangerous to world peace.


SCHLANGER:  And another aspect of this is that this was a

major feature of President Trump’s election campaign in 2016,

where he, at a very important debate in South Carolina, openly

accused George W. Bush of lying to create the Iraq War, and he

said that his administration would oppose these kinds of wars.

Now, this week the President announced that he’s preparing

to remove U.S. troops from Syria, despite demands from some in

the military, and the CIA, that the U.S. remain in Syria.

Helga, this is a fairly significant departure from the

standard Bush/Obama policy of pursuing these wars, isn’t it?


ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Oh, yes!  And, again, you can see certain

representatives of the U.S. military and others, who say, “no,

no, we still have a lot of fighting to do against ISIS,” but

Trump I think is clearly sticking to guns, and he has promised to

stop the interventionist wars, and I think he is going very far

to do so.  Especially, if you consider that in in this middle of

this whole hysteria, he telephoned President Putin, and has

reiterated that he wants to have a summit with Putin in the near

future.  And he was also meeting with the three Presidents of the

Baltic countries, who as everybody knows are extremely

anti-Russians, and he reiterated that to have a good relationship

with Russia “is a good thing and not a bad thing.”

So I think people should really review their slanders, or

their believing the slanders against both Trump, Putin and Xi

Jinping because it comes from the same circles:  it comes from

the neo-con/neo-liberal geopolitical faction who are seeing that

their system is clearly in bad shape and who are obviously

stopping short of nothing, if you look at this recent affair.


SCHLANGER:  You mentioned earlier the Moscow International

Security Conference.  Clearly, there’s a discussion going on

there, about something that your husband Lyndon LaRouche brought

up many, many years ago, and that you’ve been calling for, which

is the establishment of a new security architecture.  How is this

proceeding in Moscow?  Do you have some reports on what the

discussion process has been, there?


ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  I think it’s an extremely important event.

There are 95 countries represented, 840 guests, 700 media; and

obviously, this  alone speaks to the fact that Russia is very far

from being isolated, as some people in the West are trying to


The discussions were very focussed on the need to have an

international alliance to combat terrorism.  There was a warning

by the head of the FSB [Alexander Bortnikov], that there are

signs that ISIS and al-Qaeda are merging, and he basically said

this means you will have sleepers and cells in every country

around the globe, and the only way you can defend against that,

is to work together internationally.

Now, another very important aspect of this conference, is

that the Defense Minister of China went to this conference and

made a statement that this was meant as a signal to the West that

the Russian and the Chinese military are in an extremely close

strategic partnership, and that this is meant as a signal to the


So there were many warnings, as I mentioned already, that

the present confrontation is approaching the danger of a Cuban

Missile Crisis, so people are obviously extremely attuned to what

is coming there from the British and their allies.  But on the

other side, it also shows who is talking in favor of

international solidarity, cooperation;  who is addressing the

real dangers of the world:  It is clearly not the West, but it is

clearly Russia, China and the countries that are participating in

this conference.

And again, this is really something people should reflect

about, rather than believing the propaganda.  If you read

{Bildzeitung}, this morning on page 2, they have a picture of

Putin, Erdogan, and Rouhani, and they say this is the “axis of

evil.”  This is ridiculous!  These three countries [Russia,

Turkey, Iran] have collaborated to bring about a solution to the

terrible crisis in Syria, and this is a very good thing.  Now,

not all aspects of the policies of these countries I would

always subscribe to, — I mean, there’s the unresolved tensions

between the Kurds and Erdogan, between Turkey and Greece —  so

not everything is perfect.

But I think on the larger picture, if you think that the

misery of the Syrian people who have had war for seven years [is

being addressed] because of the intervention of these countries,

and not to forget the cooperation between the U.S. and Russian

military under the leadership of Trump and Putin; I think people

should not just fall for these propaganda lines.  Because there

are some people who have suffered with their lives and their

livelihoods and their happiness, as a result of these

[geopolitical] policies, and for Syria, this [intervention] is a

good thing.


SCHLANGER:  Especially, this should have meaning for people

in Europe, because in 2015-2016, there was the explosion of the

refugee crisis, and with all the hand-wringing and crocodile

tears that were shed, nothing was done to support the Russian

intervention to stop the war in Syria.  And the fact that the

Russians, the Iranians and the Turkish government were meeting to

discuss this, is something that should be welcomed, as opposed to

a source for criticism.

Now, on the Russia-Turkey cooperation, there was another

aspect to it, because when you deal with these problems in the

real world, there’s always an economic element, and there was

just an agreement between Putin and [Turkish President Recep

Tayyip] Erdogan to move ahead with nuclear energy development.

Helga, this is part of the broader package of the New Silk Road

and economic cooperation that you’ve been talking about, isn’t



ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Yes.  I think the remarks of President

Putin, who was at the opening ceremony of this [Akkuyu] nuclear

plant was to emphasize the extreme importance of nuclear energy,

giving a country cheap and secure energy, and leading to an

increase in the productivity of the entire economy; which is

absolutely the case.  And you have many, many projects, Russia,

China, India, having with developing countries the building of

nuclear energy in Africa, in Latin America, and in Asia.

So, soon, countries like Germany will be the only ones that

will not have nuclear energy, and if they keep this course, they

will be sidelined at the disadvantage of the population.  So, I

think this is really something we should change.


SCHLANGER:  The other story that’s getting a lot of coverage

internationally, and I think it’s being covered typically by the

media as a way of trying to drum up war, is this whole argument

that the discussion and the negotiations under way between the

U.S. and China on tariff policy is nothing but a trade war.  Now,

there’s a danger to this, as the Chinese have pointed out, but I

think it’s important for people to hear your perspective on this:

Because obviously, there are problems in the U.S.-China

relationship, a huge trade imbalance, but it’s not just a trade

war, there’s actually a much broader discussion under way.  How

do you see this evolving, from what you’ve seen over the last few



ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  There are negotiations going on, and it must

not necessarily come to the execution of these tariffs, which

both sides have now drawn up, up to the value of $60 billion in

terms of products.  One thing is that the Prime Minister Li

Keqiang has pointed out that there is another way to overcome the

trade imbalance: namely by increasing trade, by especially

investments in joint ventures in third countries, that there are

many ways how you can get rid of this trade imbalance.

And there is a renewed discussion, something which we have

brought into the discussion early on, namely, that you have the

possibility of Chinese investments in the infrastructure in the

United States.  And that would also be a way to completely change

this dynamic.  If the Chinese investment in American

infrastructure would create many, many productive jobs for

Americans, it would create the infrastructure precondition for a

real industrial revolution: for the building of new cities,

science cities, connecting all American cities with fast trains


There are so many ways of changing this dynamic for the

better, and I’m absolutely convinced that China is having this

mind.  There was a program on the Chinese TV channel CGTN,

proposing exactly that, that there should be a dialogue on

infrastructure.  Then you have some Americans, a Trump supporter

who had already made such a proposal early on, also.  So I think

there is a discussion.  And I would imagine that President Xi

Jinping, who will give a very important speech at the “Asian

Davos” as they call it, the Boao Forum for Asia, which will start

in three days, where he is expected to make a major speech on the

continuation on international reforms, and opening up.  So I

think you can expect something important to come from there.

And I think the Chinese are also extremely aware of the fact

that we are sitting on a powder keg in terms the financial

system.  Xi Jinping has defined three priorities:  One, to

overcome the risks of the financial system; to alleviate poverty;

and to get rid of air pollution.  So I think the Chinese are very

much aware of the dangers of this present Western financial

system.  And you know, you had several articles warning that with

the outbreak of a new 2008 could happen at any moment, one of the

many new aspects which were mentioned is the difference between

the LIBOR rate and the Fed rate; and that was exactly the

beginning sign of the 2008 crisis.

So that really requires that the discussion which we and our

colleagues in the United States and in Europe have formulated, to

implement the Four Laws of Lyndon LaRouche — Glass-Steagall,

national bank, a credit system, and then cooperation of the

Western countries, with the financial systems of the New Silk

Road, the AIIB, the New Silk Road Fund; all of these things need

to be urgently discussed.  Because one danger which is clearly

there, that if you had now a financial crash, and some people are

even speculating that the same people who are making these

provocations against Russia, could also trigger, deliberately,

such a financial crash, to pull the rug out from underneath

President Trump, to bring the neo-cons back in, and just get rid

of this phenomenon of Trump.

So anybody who thinks this is conspiracy theory, or this is

totally over the top, well, look at the Skripal case, and learn

the lesson from that, how things can be manipulated and


So I think the urgency is really to draw the lesson out from

all of this, and end this system of looting, which is only for

the privilege of the very few rich; it’s destroying the middle

class, it’s making the poor, more poor.  And we need really a

return to Hamiltonian economics.  This is what is the basis of

the Chinese economic miracle, as I have said many times: The

Chinese economic miracle, or Chinese economic model, is much,

much closer to the economic policies of the young republic of the

United States than people think.  It’s no coincidence that the

distinction which Friedrich List, for example, made between the

American System and the British System, that that is exactly what

is playing out today, and we need {clearly} a return to the

American System of economy.


SCHLANGER:  It’s also important to keep in mind that

President Trump has repeatedly referred to his great friendship

with Xi Jinping, and the strategic importance of a China-U.S.

relationship is also clear when it comes to the question of the

collaboration to bring a peaceful solution to the Korean

Peninsula. There’s a lot of diplomacy coming up:  The Trump-Putin

meeting; Trump meeting with Prime Minister Abe of Japan; and also

the coming meeting with Kim Jong-un.  So there’s a lot more at

stake here than just the question of a few dollars off the trade


And Helga, just to go back to one final note on the Belt and

Road Initiative:  I’m sure you took note of the importance of the

visit recently of the Swiss government to China and also a very

large delegation heading to China from Austria.  Maybe there’s a

lesson here for Germany, huh?


ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Well, one would hope so!

I mean, I’m very happy, because all the neighbors of Germany

are clearly joining the Silk Road, it increases the pressure on

those who are obviously too stupid or too arrogant to see the

potential for German industry which lies in this initiative.

Now, the Swiss Foreign Minister was just in China and he and

his Chinese counterpart, both [Foreign Minister] Wang Yi and also

[former Foreign Minister] Yang Jiechi, they declared that the

collaboration of China and Switzerland in the New Silk Road is at

the best historical level ever, and both emphasized the

importance of Xi Jinping’s visit last year to Switzerland, where

he addressed Davos as a keynote speaker, and then went to Geneva,

emphasizing the importance of Switzerland.  So they’re deepening

the relationship between China and Switzerland.

And the Austrian government, they have a huge delegation,

the largest ever:  It is President Van der Bellen, Chancellor

Sebastian Kurz; four cabinet ministers, and 170 CEOs from large

corporations, spending five days in China.  And what Kurz said

is, there is no ceiling to improve the relationship between

Austria and China on the New Silk Road.  The same, by the way, is

happening with Zimbabwe, where the new President [Emmerson

Mnangagwa] is going with a large delegation of 12 ministers and

also many, many CEOs.  So, you can see almost every day, a little

breaking development.  And as I have said many times, the Spirit

of the New Silk Road is, in my view, absolutely unstoppable,

except if we have World War III, which obviously some people are


But nevertheless, the idea of a new relationship among

nations, of respect for the sovereignty of the other nation,

respect for the difference of the social system, the ending of

internationalist wars, the idea of a win-win cooperation, this is

just a new model of international relations and a New Paradigm.

And the biggest problem is that because of the Western media

being so much in control of this geopolitical faction that most

people don’t know enough about it.

So, please, I would appeal to you:  Join the Schiller

Institute, help us to spread the knowledge about the New Silk

Road, and also the options to solve the present financial crisis

and many other crises around the world with such an approach.  I

would really appeal to you:  Don’t sit on the fence.  This is an

incredibly important historic moment, and the British have just

suffered a terrible defeat, which freaks them out, but it’s

visible for everybody and so therefore, it’s a good moment to

move forward and establish a completely different political,

social, and economic system on this planet.


SCHLANGER:  And we will be launching a new membership drive

for the Schiller Institute, and if you want to increase the

misery of the British intelligence establishment and the City of

London, become a member of the Schiller Institute, and help us

build the audience for these webcasts, so people have an

alternative to the lying media that otherwise is the only option

they have to allegedly find out about the world.

So Helga, I think that covers quite a bit.  Thank you for

joining us again, and we’ll see you next week.


ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Yes.  Till next week.



»Hvordan man udmanøvrerer gale Theresa
Mays march mod Tredje Verdenskrig«
Helga Zepp-LaRouche i
internationalt webcast; 29. marts, 2018

Xi Jinping har, i alle sine skrifter, i alle sine taler, understreget, at dette »fællesskab for menneskehedens fælles fremtid« er baseret på total respekt for det andets lands suverænitet, total respekt for den andens samfundssystem, og der kommer ingen bestræbelse på at påtvinge noget andet land den kinesiske model. Det er ganske enkelt, at Kina har tilbudt især udviklingslandene at hjælpe dem til at overvinde deres underudvikling. Det er et win-win-samarbejde, hvilket er grunden til, at 140 lande i mellemtiden samarbejder med dette, for det er naturligvis i Kinas interesse – for det er en stor befolkning, et stort land, en meget rig kultur, 5.000 års meget rig kulturtradition, så det er et af verdens store lande, og måske endda det vigtigste, i betragtning af dets befolknings størrelse.

Men de påtvinger ikke nogen det, de anser for at være »kinesiske karaktertræk« – helt forskelligt fra de neokonservative og de neoliberale, der havde regimeskifte, ’farvede revolutioner’, eksport af ’demokrati’ og det, de kalder »menneskerettigheder«. Folk bør virkelig ikke være fordomsfulde, men bør se på det med friske øjne, selv læse Xi Jinpings taler. …


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