Kina har lanceret Århundredets Projekt; Hvad er vores ansvar fremover?

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, 14. maj, 2017 – Den kinesiske præsident Xi Jinpings hovedtale på Bælt & Vej Forum for Internationalt Samarbejde i Beijing, søndag, understregede de næste skridt, der må tages for at sikre, at flere end 100 nationer i maksimal grad får fordel af det, han kaldte »Århundredets Projekt« – Bælt & Vej-initiativet (BVI).

Det attraktive aspekt af dette storslåede projekt med storslåede infrastrukturprojekter er blevet fastslået gennem fire år, sagde Xi og citerede et mundheld: »Ferskner og pærer taler ikke, men de er så tiltrækkende, at en sti kommer til syne under træerne«. Men, med mere end $950 mia. i forpligtende langfristerede investeringer i 900 projekter – hidtil i overvældende grad fra Kinas udviklingsbanker og nye fonde, som tilføjede $115 mia. i nye forpligtelser alene på dette Forum – understregede Xi de vanskelige opgaver med koordinering af projektdesign, planlægning af økonomisk udvikling og mobilisering af industri blandt de deltagende lande. Og også, fælles finansiering gennem nationale kreditter.

Det pressereden spørgsmål er, hvad andre nationer, især USA, kan og må tilføre BVI, for virkelig at gå med i det – i betragtning af 1 milliard fattige mennesker, truslen om sult og massedød i dele af Afrika og Mellemøsten, samt udbredelsen af en fortvivlelsens kultur i USA’s og Europas afindustrialiserede områder.

Den amerikanske systemøkonom Lyndon LaRouche, stifter af EIR, og hvis hustru Helga Zepp-LaRouche optræder i kinesisk pressedækning af Forummet, understregede, at tiden nu er inde til, at hans bevægelse i USA og alle dens tilhængere må handle for at føre Trump-administrationen længere end sine første skridt for samarbejde med Kina.

LaRouche påpegede udforskning af rummet og alle de hermed forbundne videnskabelige og teknologiske landvindinger: Dette er et førende bidrag, som USA kan og må yde til dette initiativ, hvor USA samarbejder med andre rumprogrammer, der engang efterlignede, men nu overgår Amerikas, med det formål at skabe et overordnet spring i menneskeligt fremskridt.

Der må være en »Silkevej i Rummet«, der overvåger og er drivkraft bag nye infrastruktur-korridorer på Jorden. Præsident Donald Trump er netop lige begyndt at se på en virkelig genoplivelse af NASA’s kapacitet på »Apollo«-niveau, og en genoplivelse af optimismen hos det amerikanske folk, der engang kunne gå på Månen.

Ignorér »den offentlige mening« om, hvad der skulle være muligt, sagde LaRouche. Og frem for alt, få Amerika til at handle på denne basis: Hvad er meningen med livet for et menneske, 50 år frem i tiden? Da Lyndon og Helga LaRouche for mere end 35 år siden fremlagde politikken for den »Eurasiske Landbro« og internationale udviklingsbanker, forudså de i realiteten meningen med denne weekends momentum i Beijing og præsenterede frøet til dette momentums Bælt & Vej-initiativ.

Præsident Xis presserende opfordring kan høres:

»Industrier er nationaløkonomiens fundament. Vi bør intensivere industrisamarbejde således, at forskellige landes industrielle udviklingsplaner vil komplementere og forstærke hinanden. Fokus bør ligge på lanceringen af store projekter. Vi bør styrke internationalt samarbejde om produktionskapacitet og fremstilling af udstyr og gribe nye udviklingsmuligheder, der frembydes af den nye industrirevolution, for at skabe nye foretagender og fastholde dynamisk vækst.

Finansiering er en moderne økonomis livsblod. Kun, når blodet cirkulerer uhindret, kan man vokse. Vi bør etablere et stabilt og bæredygtigt, finansielt garantisystem, der holder risici under kontrol, skabe nye modeller for investeringer og finansiering, opmuntre til større samarbejde mellem regering og privatkapital og bygge et diversificeret finansieringssystem og et flerstrenget kapitalmarked. Vi bør ligeledes udvikle inkluderende finansiering og forbedre netværk for finansielle ydelser.

Infrastruktur-konnektivitet er fundamentet for udvikling gennem samarbejde. Vi bør fremme konnektivitet til lands, til vands, i luften og i cyberspace, koncentrere vore bestræbelser omkring hoved-forbindelsesveje, byer og projekter og forbinde netværk for hovedveje, jernbaner og havne. Vi har sat et mål for byggeri af seks økonomiske hovedkorridorer under Bælt & Vej-initiativet, og vi bør bestræbe os på at opfylde dette mål.«

Denne udfordring blev anerkendt af den tjekkiske præsident Milos Zeman på Bælt & Vej Forum: »I hele historien har der, med undtagelse af Marshallplanen, ikke været et langfristet projekt, der kræver enormt mod. Lad mig udtrykke min taknemlighed over for Folkerepublikken Kina for dets mod, og lad mig især udtrykke anerkendelse over for Kinas præsident for dette så sjældne mod.«

Helga Zepp-LaRouche, der blev interviewet af Kinas Xinhua Nyhedsbureau, forudsagde, at andre lande vil blive i stand til at »eftergøre det kinesiske, økonomiske mirakel gennem de seneste 20 år … Det vil føre til videnskabelige og teknologiske gennembrud, med internationalt samarbejde om termonuklear fusionsteknologi, der vil give os sikkerhed for forsyning af energi og råmaterialer …

Jeg er sikker på, at det (initiativet) vil fortsætte med at vokse og blive til en virkelig verdenslandbro, med en omskrivning af et gammelt slagord: intet land vil blive ladt tilbage«.

Lad os sørge for, at USA indtager en førende plads og redder sin egen fremtid.

Foto: Internationalt Forum for Ét bælt, én Vej begynder. (

China Daily har også en artikel om Helga Zepp-Larouche i sin dækning af Bælt & Vej

14. maj, 2017 – I sin artikel, »Momentum for Bælt & Vej-Initiativ vokser med utrolig kraft«, fremlægger China Daily’s engelske udgave også Schiller Instituttets stifter og leder, Helga Zepp-LaRouches vurderinger af Bælt & Vej Forum (BVF).

Helga Zepp-LaRouche kaldte Bælt & Vej-initiativet (BVI) »en ny dynamik med et nu voksende momentum. De personer, der sagde, at Bælt & Vej-initiativet ville bryde sammen, har nu beviseligt taget fejl, for statistikkerne viser nu, at det er blevet verdensøkonomiens motor for vækst – ja faktisk, den eneste motor for vækst.«

I den mest dristige udtalelse karakteriserede Zepp-LaRouche initiativets art: »Kina har haft en utrolig økonomisk udvikling i løbet af de seneste 30 år, og det, som Bælt & Vej-initiativet på en vis måde gør, er, at det gør det muligt for Kina at eksportere dette mirakel.« Og, sagde hun, »initiativet har allerede ændret dynamikken omkring mange af brændpunkterne i verdens kriseområder«.

Tyrkiets præsident Tayyip Erdogan gav i sin hovedtale udtryk for, at han var enig i denne indsigt, da han udtalte, at »Dette [BVI] vil blive et initiativ, der vil gøre en ende på terrorisme«.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche understregede over for China Daily, at Kina havde vist, det var førende på verdensplan mht. højhastigheds-jernbanesystemer, som landet frem til år 2025 vil have 40.000 km af, og som det begyndte at opbygge i 2006. Hun bemærkede den elendige tilstand, som USA’s transportinfrastruktur befinder sig i, og at kinesisk ekspertise kunne hjælpe USA med at efterligne et sådant højhastigheds-jernbanenet. Hun bemærkede, at der var »positive tegn« under Trump-Xi-topmødet på Mar-a-Lago, Florida, »og, alt imens hr. Trump ikke selv er til stede ved Forummet, så er der planlagt et snarligt besøg til Kina«, sagde hun.

Foto: Helga Zepp-LaRouche ses her som deltager og taler på topmødet ‘T20’ – Tænketank 20 – i Beijing, 29. juli, 2016. 


Schiller Instituttets stifter Helga Zepp-LaRouche deltager i Bælt & Vej Forum

14. maj, 2017 – Helga Zepp-LaRouche deltog i Bælt & Vej Forum i Beijing i dag, som leder af Schiller Instituttet. Schiller Instituttet, der er én af de afgørende tænketanke, der er involveret i Bælt & Vej-initiativet, var blevet inviteret til at deltage i konferencens diskussioner.

Det kinesiske pressebureau Xinhua interviewede Zepp-LaRouche, som i Kina velkendt som »Silkevejsladyen« for igennem nu 35 år at være fortaler for idégrundlaget for det, der nu er Bælt & Vej-initiativet. Interviewet er dateret Berlin, 14. maj. En uge tidligere, den 5. maj, interviewede China Daily Zepp-LaRouche om hendes organisations mobilisering for USA’s deltagelse i topmødet 14.-15. maj, og gav interviewet overskriften, »Trump opfordres til at deltage i Bælt & Vej Forum«.

Nu, sent søndag aften ved EIR Alert’s sengetid i USA, har Xinhua på sin »I dybden«-side, interviewet med Zepp-LaRouche.

Ordlyden i Xinhuas interview er som følger: »Interview: Bælt & Vej-initiativ bliver ’En virkelig Verdenslandbro’«.

»Berlin, 14. maj (Xinhua) – Kinas Bælt & Vej-initiativ vil fortsætte med at vokse og blive til en virkelig verdenslandbro, siger Helga Zepp-LaRouche, præsident for tænketanken Schiller Instituttet, til Xinhua.

»’Bælt & Vej-initiativet er det vigtigste, strategiske initiativ på planeten’, sagde hun. ’Det bringer ikke alene økonomisk fremgang til alle deltagerlandene, men udgør også et virkeligt fundament for en fredsorden for det 21. århundrede.’

»’I begyndelsen troede visse lande, at initiativet kun ville bringe fordele for Kina, men indså dernæst, at det drejede sig om win-win-samarbejde mellem alle deltagerlandene’, sagde hun.

’For Afrika og andre udviklingslande er det første gang, de har fået adgang til avancerede teknologier inden for initiativets rammer for bekæmpelse af fattigdom og styrkelse af udvikling’, sagde eksperten.

Initiativet gør det også muligt for andre lande at ’gentage de seneste tyve års kinesiske, økonomiske mirakel’, tilføjede hun.

Hun udtrykte også sin overbevisning om, at Bælt & Vej-initiativet spiller en vigtig rolle i fremme af den menneskelige civilisation.

’Det vil føre til videnskabelige og teknologiske gennembrud, med internationalt samarbejde inden for termonuklear fusionsteknologi, der vil give os sikkerhed for forsyning af energi og råmaterialer.’

Gennem initiativet vil alle deltagerlande også få en chance for at lære om hinandens kulturer og traditioner, sagde hun.

’Jeg er sikker på, at det (initiativet) vil fortsætte med at vokse og blive til en virkelig verdenslandbro, med en omskrivning af et gammelt slagord: intet land vil blive ladt tilbage’, sagde Zepp-LaRouche.«

Foto: Helga Zepp-LaRouche i Kina, 1996, ved Den Eurasiske Landbros Østlige Terminal.

Seneste mediedækning i USA af Bælt & Vej Forum.
Uddrag af LPAC webcast, 12. maj.

Vært Matthew Ogden: Som vore seere vil vide, er der nu mindre end 24 timer til det verdenshistoriske Bælt & Vej Forum, der afholdes i Beijing, Kina, med start søndag morgen. Som det vil være vore seere bekendt, har LaRouche PAC og den internationale LaRouche-bevægelse krævet, at medlemmer af Trump-administrationen deltager personligt i dette topmøde. Seneste nyt er, at det i går aftes blev meddelt, at der faktisk vil blive en delegation, der deltager Bælt & Vej Forum. Trump-administrationen har besluttet at sende en officiel delegation til denne verdenshistoriske begivenhed.

Jeg vil gerne vise en artikel på skærmen fra Xinhua News, der bærer overskriften, »USA sender delegerede til at deltage i Bælt & Vej Forum«. Den lyder:

»USA vil sende delegerede til at deltage i Bælt & Vej Forum for Internationalt Samarbejde i Beijing den 14.-15. maj, sagde den amerikanske regering torsdag aften. USA ’anerkender betydningen af det af Kina foreslåede Bælt & Vej-initiativ og vil sende delegerede til at deltage i Forummet’, iflg. en udtalelse fra USA’s Handelsministerium.«

Ved det forestående forum vil alle parter fastlægge store samarbejdsprojekter, etablere arbejdsgrupper og etablere et center for investeringssamarbejde. De vil også underskrive finansieringsaftaler til støtte for deres samarbejdsprojekter.

Under et møde på Mar-a-Lago-ejendommen i Florida i sidste måned sagde den kinesiske præsident til sin amerikanske modpart, Donald Trump, at Kina byder USA’s deltagelse i Bælt & Vej-initiativet velkommen. I løbet af den månedstid, der fulgte efter dette møde mellem de to ledere, har USA og Kina opnået tilsagn til indledende forpligtende engagementer inden for områder som handel med landbrugsvarer, finansielle ydelser og energi for at styrke det økonomiske samarbejde under en 100 dages plan, iflg. Handelsministeriet.«

Dette er selvsagt en betydningsfuld udvikling på vejen, hvor USA tager imod tilbuddet fra Xi Jinping til officielt at tilslutte sig dette verdenshistoriske initiativ. Delegationen vil blive ledet af hr. Matt pottinger, der er særlig assistent til Donald Trump og seniordirektør for Østasien i det Nationale Sikkerhedsråd. Han vil, sammen med den amerikanske delegation, slutte sig til de p.t. 29 statsoverhoveder, der vil deltage i dette topmøde; disse omfatter bl.a. Ruslands præsident Putin og en minister fra Nordkorea – og netop meddelt – den nyvalgte præsident fra Sydkorea. Så meget står på spil på dette topmøde. Hr. LaRouche indskærpede, at dette må lykkes for den menneskelige civilisations fremtids skyld.

Den første, større dækning af dette Bælt & Vej-topmøde, der er fremkommet i USA, er netop kommet her til morgen fra, af alle medier, NBC News. Dette er meget signifikant, og jeg tror, I vil finde det meget interessant og ikke tilfældigt, at denne dækning af det forestående Bælt & Vej-topmøde omfatter ekstensive citater fra hr. Chas Freeman; som vore seere vil huske, var en fremtrædende hovedtaler under en Schiller Institut-konference sidste år i Tyskland, med Silkevejen og Bælt & Vej-initiativet som emne, og hvor hr. Freeman sad på et panel sammen med fr. Helga Zepp-LaRouche. Jeg vil gerne vise lidt af denne dækning fra NBC News. Som I ser, er titlen, »Bælt & Vej-initiativet: Kina planlægger ’Ny Silkevej til $1 billion’«, med et vidunderligt kort over de forskellige Silkevejsruter. Det lyder:

»Kina tilsigter at genskabe Marco Polos gamle »Silkevej«, der forbandt Europa med Asien. Men, i stedet for de kameler og karavaner, der transporterede krydderier og silke for hundreder af år siden, vil et for $1 billion moderne netværk af handelsruter blive bygget.

Søndag vil den kinesiske præsident Xi Jinping være vært for 28 statsoverhoveder ved åbningen af et todages topmøde med fokus på det såkaldte ’Bælt & Vej-initiativ’.

Analytikere fremfører, at projektet kunne ændre centrum for den globale økonomi og udfordre den amerikanskledede verdensorden …

Xis kolossale program er 11 gange større end USA’s Marshallplan, der genopbyggede Europa efter Anden Verdenskrig. Det omfatter nye veje, højhastighedsjernbaner, kraftværker, pipelines, havne og lufthavne og telekommunikationsforbindelser, der ville styrke handel mellem Kina og 60 lande i Asien, Europa, Mellemøsten og Nordafrika …

Tidligere amerikansk viceforsvarsminister Chas Freeman beskrev Bælt & Vej-projektet som ’den potentielt mest transformerende ingeniørindsats i menneskets historie’. Han pointerede, at de involverede lande udgør omkring 55 % af det globale, økonomiske resultat, 70 % af verdens befolkning og skønsmæssigt 75 % a kendte energireserver.

’Amerikanere tænker i øjeblikket på magt i næsten udelukkende militær sammenhæng, hvilket er ironisk, for vi hævder at tro på markedernes magt til at danne begivenheder, og Bælt & Vej-initiativet beror på markeder’, sagde Freeman til NBC News.

’Amerikansk fjernhed’ er ikke et svar på den strategiske udfordring, som initiativet udgør, fremførte han. ’Hvis vi ikke griber eksportmulighederne dér, hvor de findes, vil beskæftigelsen gå til andre, ikke amerikanere’, tilføjede Freeman. Bælt & Vej er stadig en vision, men, hvis en virkeliggøres på signifikant vis, vil alle veje i Eurasien ’føre til Beijing’ … Kina vil blive det økonomiske tyngdecenter i takt med, at landet bliver verdens største nationaløkonomi’, tilføjede han. ’»Bælt & Vej«-programmet indeholder intet militært element, men det har tydeligvis potentialet til fuldstændig at ændre verdens geopolitik, så vel som verdens økonomi’. …

Med 12.500 miles kan Kina allerede prale med verdens længste højhastigheds-jernbanenet – med planer om en nær-fordobling frem til 2025. Under Bælt & Vej er i alt 50.000 miles projekteret. Det er planen at gøre det muligt at rejse fra London til Beijing ’på blot to dage’, iflg. Freeman.«

Som I ser, så er dette en meget betydningsfuld artikel, med disse lange citater af Chas Freeman. Som jeg sagde, så var Chas Freeman (indsat foto) en af hovedtalerne på en konference i Tyskland for nylig, som var sponsoreret af Schiller Instituttet. Dette er altså den første betydningsfulde, amerikanske mediedækning af dette ekstraordinært signifikante projekt og ditto topmøde i kommende weekend.

(Afsnittet med den kinesiske video med Xi Jinping findes særskilt oversat til dansk, her:

(Her følger engelsk udskrift af resten af webcastet.)

So, as you can see, this is a very major article, with these
extensive quotes from Chas Freeman.  As I said, Chas Freeman was
one of the keynote speakers at a recent conference sponsored by
the Schiller Institute in Germany.  So, this happens to be the
first major U.S. media coverage of this extraordinarily
significant project and extraordinarily significant summit this
Now, I also just want to give you a selection of a number of
different quotes from other world leaders around the world, who
are recognizing the extraordinary significance of the Belt and
Road Initiative.  While Americans are distracted by domestic
politics here at home and the narratives of the mainstream U.S.
media, the rest of the world has become very attuned to the fact
that China, with this Belt and Road Initiative summit this
weekend, is inaugurating a new era in global politics and in
world history.  So, let me give you a taste of some of these
You’re going to see quotations from the chief of the United
Nations; this is Secretary-General António Guterres, and he was
interviewed by Xinhua. Look at what he says:  “China plays a very
central role” in uniting the world and tackling development
challenges.  He said, “When we look at the Belt and Road
Initiative, we see a very important contribution to this
solidarity in addressing global problems with international
cooperation, where China plays a very central role.  So,” he
said, “I am very happy that I have the chance to participate in
the Belt and Road summit.”  He will be attending in person.
“[The initiative] is exactly doing the projects that are uniting
countries, benefitting countries; namely infrastructure that
links different regions in the world.  We are creating exactly
that kind of shared prosperity that your President [Xi Jinping]
was offering,” he said.  He went on to say, “This reveals a very
important strategic breakthrough, and I think the Belt and Road
Initiative is demonstrating that new vision that China has
brought to global development.  We are in the beginning of its
implementation, but I think that there is now an enormous amount
of enthusiasm, and I must say that I have high expectations.”
The next article is an interview with the Consul-General to
Düsseldorf, Germany from China, whose name is Feng Haiyang.  He
says, “Chinese Jobs-Motor for Rhineland”; you can see in the
German-language coverage there in {Rheinische Post}
He said, “We should take the idea of a new Silk Road as a win-win
situation for all countries that participate in it.  We are
experiencing an era of crises: terrorism, wars, and refugee
streams, plus a shrinking world economy.  Hardly a country in the
world still has the will, nor the courage, to think for the
future and act accordingly.  The Chinese idea of a new Silk Road
can, therefore, also be seen as a hope-promoting answer for this
new era.  That is exactly why this initiative is welcomed by more
and more countries in the world.”
Then the next quote I want to read to you is from the
delegate from France who will be attending, Jean-Pierre Raffarin.
He said, “I expect, with this great summit, the entire world will
learn about this project, which involves not only Central Asia,
but also West and East Asia as well as Europe and even Africa.
What I would like is a world mobilization.”
Then he went on to say, “The world is very dangerous….  In
that dangerous world, China has projects and strategies, it seeks
multilateralism, defends the UN and UNESCO and thereby
contributes to peace in a dangerous world….
“Thus, we have the vision of a world which in the process of
erecting a new framework and a new organization.  The Belt and
Road Initiative is the framework of a new world; a world that is
a grand alliance between Europe and Asia, with a grand opening
towards Africa….”  China is contributing to the connectivity of
most of the world, and is “creating links, creating relations,
and creating development.
“France and China have the same peaceful vision of the
world.  We are countries that want peace in the world in order to
have development.”
Then he made an important historical point: “Since General
de Gaulle, we have always insured that the Franco-China relation
should prevail above political parties, and the ongoing
Presidential election would not play any role in the
deterioration of those relations.  We want a good relationship;
there is consensus on that question.”
This is very significant in the aftermath of the French
Presidential elections, that it’s Jean-Pierre Raffarin who will
be attending this summit, representing France.  And the
extraordinarily positive statements that he had in terms of the
importance of the Belt and Road framework.  As he called it, “the
framework for a new world”; very much along the lines of what
Helga Zepp-LaRouche has been saying about how this is
inaugurating a New Paradigm for mankind.  Speaking on behalf of
France, but also speaking on behalf of the better impulses inside
Europe, his point about how Europe should have a very close
relationship with China in bridging Eurasia and in inaugurating
this new era of global development as the means towards peace and
stability in a very dangerous and unstable world, is exactly the
point.  It’s those kinds of statements that we would hope that
President Trump takes a page from.
What you have coming out of China, as you could see from the
statement by the Consulate General to Düsseldorf, and we had also
seen from the Consulate General to New York City at the recent
Schiller Institute conference in Manhattan about a month ago, are
repeated statements that it’s in the best interests of all
countries to join in this “win-win” cooperation with China.  That
this really is the future; and as the Consulate General to
Dusseldorf made the point, there are very few countries on the
planet right now which have the courage to think in terms of a
future vision.  Most countries are now stuck in crisis-management
mode, just trying to resolve crises as they occur; wars,
terrorism, economic collapse, famine, starvation.  When you have
a nation like China, which is able to actually think 50 years
into the future, and to inaugurate this kind of future vision,
and to invite other countries to become a part of that; that’s
something that countries should take up the opportunity to be
participants in.
There’s a very inspiring press conference that was just held
on May 8 by the head of the Chinese Rolling Stock Rail
Corporation [CRRC], and they’ve announced some exciting
initiatives in terms of new trains and new rail capabilities that
are coming out of China.  I have a little animation about that.
This is the clip from the Chinese Rolling Stock Company press
conference May 8, and the chairman, Liu Hualong, had some
exciting announcements.  He said that the CRRC is developing new
high-speed trains, capable of speeds reaching 400 kilometers per
hour [kph].  They will have the ability to change track width to
utilize different gauges found along the Belt and Road; and it’s
these different track gauges that remain the greatest bottleneck
in rapid transit along the routes of the Silk Road.  And, they
have announced that CRRC is working on a maglev capable of
achieving speeds of 600 kph; which would make the 1100-km trip
between Shanghai and Beijing something that you can achieve in
less than two hours.  So, this is a very exciting new initiative
from China; and it’s this kind of thing that the Silk Road and
the World Land-Bridge would bring to the entire world.  If you
think about what China has been able to accomplish in just the
last ten years in terms of high-speed rail connectivity inside
China — which has lifted 500 million people out of poverty, as
Secretary Rex Tillerson very aptly made the point during his
speech to the State Department just last week that we covered
extensively on our webcast here last Friday.
This is the opportunity that the United States has to
participate in.  When Donald Trump talks about $1 trillion for
infrastructure, we should compare the state of infrastructure in
the United States to the state of infrastructure in China.  It’s
these kinds of high-speed rail projects and so forth, that we
would be very well advised to initiate in the United States with
direct collaboration in investment and know-how from China.
A colleague of mine found a very inspiring and entertaining
video that was just issued by China, with quotes from President
Xi Jinping where he discusses why he initiated the New Silk Road,
or the Belt and Road Initiative in the first place.  It goes
through some wonderful examples of how different areas of the
world are being lifted up by these great projects that are
spin-offs and initiatives from the New Silk Road.  So, I just
want to play this five-minute video for you right now, and allow
you to be inspired by it.

[BEGIN VIDEO, subtitles are transcribed]
President Xi Jinping:  Why I proposed the Belt and Road

The world is watching China as it gets ready to host the
Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in mid-May
PRESIDENT XI JINPING: While visiting Kazakhstan and
Indonesia in 2013, I proposed jointly building the Silk Road
Economic Belt and 21st Century Maritime Silk road, respectively.
Shaanxi, my home province, is situated at the starting point of
the ancient Silk Road.  Standing here and looking back on
history, I feel I can hear the sound of camel bells ringing in
the mountains and see plumes of smoke rising over the desert.
This all feels so familiar.  Since ancient times, peaceful
development has been a shared goal of mankind.

Wealth Gap
Economic Recession

XI: Today’s world is filled with uncertainties.  People have
hopes for the future, but at the same time, feel perplexed.

[Caption:] Some lands once prosperous and bustling are now
synonymous with difficulty, conflict and crisis.

XI: What has become of the world? What should we do?  The
whole world is pondering over these questions and I am thinking
of them all the time.

Policy Connectivity
Trade Connectivity
Infrastructure Connectivity

XI: I proposed the Belt and Road Initiative in the hope that
with a focus on connectivity, the free and convenient flow of all
elements of production will be encouraged, multidimensional
cooperation platforms developed, and mutual gains and shared
development achieved.
The Belt and Road Initiative draws inspirations from the
ancient Silk Road, and aims to help realize the shared dream of
people worldwide for peace and development.
Shining with the wisdom from the East, it is a plan that
China offers the world for seeking common prosperity and
The Belt and Road Initiative is based on the principles of
extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits.

Uzbekistan: Qamchiq Tunnel, Part of the Angren-Pap Railway

XI: It is not exclusive, but open and inclusive.  The
initiative will not be a solo for China, but a chorus of all
countries along the routes.

Belarus: China-Belarus Great Stone Industrial Park
China-Russia Cooperation Projects
Maldives: China-Maldives Friendship Bridge
Malaysia: Sea Freight
Greece: Piraeus Port
Sri Lanka: Puttalam Coal Power Plant
Britain: China-Europe Freight Trains
Ethiopia-Djibouti: Addis Ababa-Djibouti Railway
Kazakhstan: Light Railway Transportation System in Astana

XI: For more than three years, over 100 countries and
international organizations have responded positively and offered
support for the initiative.
The “friend circle” of the initiative has kept widening.

Fiji: Nabouwalu-Dreketi Highway
Pakistan: Karakoram Highway

XI: A great cause should be pursued for common good.  Let us
more closely join hands in forging new partnerships characterized
by win-win cooperation and build a community of shared future for
History is made by the brave.  Let us show confidence, take
action and forge ahead, hand in hand.
“Belt and Road”

OGDEN: …Now obviously, this is a wonderful and inspiring
vision of a new era for mankind, and that era means the end of
the British Empire world, the era of divide-and-conquer, of
colonialism, of enforced poverty, backwardness, lack of
development.  It’s an entirely new concept of what the world can
share in terms of progress, prosperity, development and peace.
And, as we know, and as we reported extensively, there is an
unrelenting assault against not only those countries that have
initiated this vision of a new world, China, others who are
participating in this, but there is an unrelenting assault
against President Donald Trump in the United States, for even his
willingness to consider, that this would be something that the
United States could participate in, and to usher in a new
relationship between the United States and China, and especially
the United States and Russia.  That would be his willingness to
overturn this geopolitical world that has reigned since the
conclusion of World War II, with the United States-U.K. “special
relationship” in a war against these developed and developing
Now, a very significant development has occurred just in the
last two days along those lines, and it has definitely occurred
among a tumultuous political situation in Washington, D.C.  But
perhaps the most significant development, aside from all of the
media hysteria around the firing of James Comey, and Trump’s
decision to remove the Acting Director of the FBI, was the fact
that on that very day, Foreign Minister of Russia Sergey Lavrov
made a visit to the White House, where initially he was scheduled
to only meet with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on his way to
the Arctic Council ministerial in Alaska, but at the very last
minute, it was announced that President Trump would be in on that
meeting with Sergey Lavrov.
And we don’t have the direct transcript yet, but we do have
some paraphrases of the reports of that discussion, and I’m going
to read you a few of the very significant statements that were
made by Sergey Lavrov.  And you can see, that despite the
concerted efforts to drive a wedge between the United States and
Russia, and to try to disrupt this thawing of relations and the
potential for a collaborative relationship, this is moving
forward steadily.
What Sergey Lavrov said is that the United States and Russia
can and should contribute to a settlement in Syria and that this
is moving along well.  He said: All government and opposition
parties will be constructive in the next Geneva meeting.  Now, he
was questioned as to why U.S. and Russia relations had sunk to
such a low level, and this is a quote from Sergey Lavrov [as
interpreted]: “The previous Administration bent over backwards to
undermine the solid foundation of our relations. Now we have to
start from a very low level between Russia and America.”
He went on: It is clear “the Obama Administration in its
last days in power resorted to petty actions against both our
property and our diplomats. … The President of the Russian
Federation Vladimir Putin [is] … not going to follow those who
are trying to destroy our relations. I hope we will be able to
resolve the situation without our relations deteriorating.”
And he went on to say: “The dialogue between Russia and the
U.S. is now free from the ideology that characterized it under
the Barack Obama Administration. … U.S. President Donald Trump,
his Administration, and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson are the
kind of people who want to maintain a dialogue not as a means of
demonstrating what they can achieve in the area of ideological
preferences, but rather as a means of solving particular
issues….”  []
And then he said, that “The presidents reaffirmed during
their recent telephone conversation that they would meet on the
sidelines of the G20 meeting in Germany in the first 10 days of
July” and that meanwhile discussions will be continuing at a very
high level with Secretary Rex Tillerson.
And as I reported, just today now, following that meeting,
Secretary Tillerson and Minister Lavrov are meeting on the
sidelines of the Arctic Council Ministerial in Alaska, and
they’re discussing what has been characterized as the “Arctic
Silk Road.”  So this is yet one more aspect of the connectivity
of the world, as we’ve repeatedly made the point, and that should
absolutely include the extension of the Eurasian Land-Bridge
across the Bering Strait to become the World Silk Road, with rail
connectivity between the Americas and Eurasia.
But look, this kind of very high-level and very friendly
dialogue that occurred at the White House on Wednesday, during
the whole hoopla around Comey and so forth, is exactly what this
British coup attempt has been trying to derail, against Trump, to
try to derail this potential for a warm and collaborative
relationship between the United States and Russia.  And it really
is an all-out battle for the future of the U.S. Presidency, and
for the future of what will come of these great potentials, in
terms of this cooperative relationship between the United States
and these other countries around the world, and an abandonment of
this Obama-era regime change ideology.
So, finally, what we have for you tonight is two clips from
a very timely and I think important interview between {EIR}
Contributing Editor Will Wertz and Virginia State Senator Dick
Black.  And Senator Black, as you’ll see from these two short
clips had had a very unique, ground-floor view of this fight,
particularly some of the leading parties involves and in
particular Andrew McCabe  who is now Acting Director of the FBI,
who succeeding James Comey after he was fired by President Donald
So I’m just going to play two very short clips from that
interview, back to back.  And then we’ll come back and I’ll let
you know what you can expect from LaRouche PAC in the coming

WILLIAM WERTZ:  So, if you look at this, you opposed Obama’s
policy of regime change, which was also backed by the British,
the French, the former colonial powers in Syria, let alone,
Libya, Egypt, and so forth.  So the point here is, what we’re
talking about here is your letter to Assad was posted on his
website — this was back on May 28, 2014.  Soon after that you
get visitations from the FBI, in a very fishy operation, and at
least two of those agents are coming from the Washington, D.C.
field office which is run by Andrew McCabe.  This is ten months
before his wife is recruited, in a meeting that he attends, with
[then Virginia Gov. Terry] McAuliffe, to run against you.
So the point here that I would like to raise is, whereas
some has looked at this from the standpoint merely of, there was
sort of an agreement here that she was backed to run involving a
conflict of interest in which then Andrew McCabe ends up involved
in various cases involving Hillary Clinton, the Democratic Party
and eventually against Donald Trump; but the point that I would
make is, that you had identified yourself as an opponent to the
policy which was being carried out by the Obama administration
and by the FBI, the CIA and the State Department in terms of
regime change and the promotion of terrorists.

SEN. RICHARD BLACK:  Well and worldwide, I was the first one
to break the wall of silence.  Since then, we have Rep. Tulsi
Gabbard, we have Sen. Rand Paul, we have several who have come
out and who have taken a stand; our own Virginia Rep. Tom
Garrett.  But up until this time there was total censorship.  It
was wartime censorship, it was censorship that was the equivalent
of what we saw in the Second World War, when we were at war.
We’re not at war, and yet, we have this same type of censorship
going on.  And I think there was a feeling that this individual,
this Senator from Virginia has to be just beaten into dust as an
example to the world that if you dare to stand up and to tell the
truth about what we’re doing in Syria, and in other countries,
then you’re going to be crushed, your life is going to be
destroyed. …

WERTZ:  Now in that same time period when you endorsed, now
President Trump, there were two interventions into the U.S.
political scene, by British intelligence.  The first was a
dossier that was compiled by an MI6 British intelligence officer,
Christopher Steele.  And the indications are that he actually
worked on this dossier, after being paid by the Clinton campaign,
Hillary Clinton’s campaign, to present this dossier.  One of the
issues that Senator Grassley has raised is — this was reported
in the {Washington Post} — the FBI was prepared to pay
Christopher Steele to continue his research to try to prove that
Trump was somehow working with the Russians.

SENATOR BLACK:  Amazing that the FBI was involved in paying
for opposition research.  Now, I’ve done a little opposition
research:  You know, we paid companies and of course it’s been
done on us, endlessly.  But, I’ve read a little bit about the
dossier and if I paid someone and he gave me that, I would be so
furious, because it is so transparently fallacious.  It’s just
ridiculous!  You know, unbelievable the things that he says. It
has no air of credibility in my view, from my experience, and
I’ve seen a lot of this stuff before.  I think it was a total

OGDEN:  So as you can see that is a very explosive story and
it’s one that will continue to develop, especially now that
McCabe is right in the spotlight.  He was, in fact, one of the
testifying witnesses at a Senate committee hearing just
yesterday, which originally Jim Comey was supposed to be involved
So you can watch for more developments on that, and I think
that’s a unique view from on the ground of what, really, this
grouping has been willing to engage in in terms of activities, to
try to enforce the fact that there can be no breaking, there can
be nobody calling this for what it is.
So to conclude, I would just like to announce that we will
have a new petition, available for you to sign on LaRouche PAC.
The title is “We Agree with Senator Grassley: Suck It Up, Move
On, Let’s Rebuild the Country!” And this goes through the fact
that Donald Trump was elected, not because of Russian
interference but because in fact, the American people have been
beaten down and have become desperate in terms of the economic
collapse that they’ve been subjected to, over not just the last
eight years, but over the last fifteen years and even more; that
he spoke to that; and that they were also against the insane
regime change agenda, to try to drive a wedge between these great
powers that should be collaborating for the mutual benefit and
stability of world peace, not at each other’s throats in terms of
thermonuclear war, and potential for setting off World War III.
That this was rejected, and in fact, the logical consequence
of that overturning the geopolitical applecart would be for the
United States to reciprocate President Xi Jinping’s offer and use
the opportunity for this Belt and Road Forum this May 14-15,
which we can announce the happy news, there will be an official
U.S. delegation attending that Forum in person, to use the
opportunity of that to inaugurate an entirely new era, a new
framework for international relations, a new paradigm of peace,
economic development, stability and mutually beneficial relations
among nations.
So please stay tuned to over the coming 24,
48, 72 hours:  A lot is going to change between now and the
beginning of next week.  And we, I think as we’ve demonstrated,
uniquely, are your unique source for the real news about what’s
happening around the world and in fact, you can participate in
helping us change the course of world history.
Please sign up for  If you have
not, already, go to the LaRouche PAC Action Center; also sign up
for the daily email updates.  You will receive this updates in
your in-box, and please subscribe to our YouTube channel.
Thank you very much for tuning in today, and we look forward
to seeing you again, soon.  Good night.

USA annoncerer delegation til
Verdenshistorisk topmøde i Beijing.
LaRouche PAC Internationale
Webcast, 12. maj, 2017.
(dansk uddrag følger senere)

Med lidt over 24 timer tilbage til åbningen af Bælt & Vej Forum i Beijing, har USA officielt annonceret, at en delegation vil deltage som repræsentant for USA og Trump-administrationen. Aftenens webcast fremlægger flere spændende og hurtige udviklinger, med vores verden, der er i færd med at blive transformeret af en vision om win-win-samarbejde og fred gennem udvikling, som de britiske imperialister så desperat har forsøgt at køre af sporet, inklusive med et igangværende politisk kupforsøg imod Trump-administrationen.

Se afsnittet med kinesiske video med Xi Jinping, dansk udskrift, engelske undertekster, her:

Se uddrag af webcast i oversættelse, her:




USA annoncerer og begrunder delegation
til Beijing Bælt & Vej Forum
– Kina hilser USA’s deltagelse velkommen

12. maj, 2017 – Kinas Udenrigsministerium erklærede i dag, at det hilser udnævnelsen af en delegation fra USA til Bælt & Vej Internationale Forum velkommen og kalder det »en indikation af USA’s anerkendelse af Kinas Bælt & Vej-initiativ«.

Leder af den amerikanske delegation bliver Matthew Pottinger, der er det Nationale Sikkerhedsråds seniordirektør for Østasien; Pottinger er desuden udnævnt til særlig assistent til præsident Donald Trump »under sit besøg for at observere topmødet«.

Pottinger tjente under general Michael Flynn som marineofficer i Afghanistan, og han blev udnævnt til det Nationale Sikkerhedsråd af general Flynn. Han taler flydende mandarinkinesisk. Han var aktiv under organiseringen af Mar-a-Lago-topmødet mellem præsident Trump og Kinas præsident Xi.

Pressesekretær for Det Hvide Hus, Sean Spicer, responderede i dag til et spørgsmål om, hvorfor delegationen blev sendt af sted, mere detaljeret, end hans svar på så mange andre spørgsmål. »Det er et betydningsfuldt handelsinitiativ«, sagde Spicer. »De har mange havneprojekter og andre infrastrukturprojekter i kikkerten. Og gennem de diskussioner, som [handelsminister Wilbur] Ross og [finansminister Steven] Mnuchin, samt andre, havde i Mar-a-Lago – det er noget, de [Kina] har gjort. Vi vil fortsætte med at arbejde sammen med dem. Handel er selvsagt et betydningsfuldt spørgsmål for os. Og det, de planlægger at gøre, er meget vigtigt for vores økonomi og nationale sikkerhed, og de har indbudt os til at sende folk af sted. Og vi har også indbudt dem til ting, som vi gør. Og jeg tror, præsidenten har vist, at, mht. den relation, han har opbygget med præsident Xi og deres delegation, at disse relationer nu giver udbytte, både på den nationale sikkerhedsfront og på den økonomiske front.«

Foto: Matthew Pottinger under et Beijing-møde, han deltog i med udenrigsminister Rex Tillerson i sidste måned.

Der står for meget på spil – Det må lykkes!

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, 11. maj, 2017 – Alle mænd og kvinder – og Lyndon LaRouche i særdeleshed – der begriber deres eget, personlige ansvar for menneskehedens fremtid, har i øjeblikket skærpet opmærksomhed på at sikre, at det forestående Bælt & Vej Forum, der finder sted i Beijing kommende 14.-15. maj, bliver en succes.

På dette topmøde er en ny og spændende virkelighed, der repræsenterer menneskehedens højeste forhåbninger, i færd med at virkeliggøres. Det største infrastrukturprojekt, der nogensinde er gennemført i menneskehedens historie, er under opbygning; det bringer udvikling til hele sektioner af verden, løfter millioner ud af fattigdom og bringer produktive jobs til millioner af mennesker. Kina har bedt præsident Trump om at deltage i dette storslåede projekt, og det bør USA omgående takke ja til. Det kunne give stødet til, at USA’s økonomi kommer op på en ny platform for moderne vareproduktion og moderne infrastruktur.

I sin første telefonsamtale med Kinas præsident Xi Jinping i dag, sagde Sydkoreas nyvalgte præsident, Moon Jae-in, at hans land i høj grad påskønner Bælt & Vej-initiativet og har forventninger om, at det vil bringe fremgang til nationerne langs dets ruter, inklusive Sydkorea.

Jean-Pierre Raffarin, tidligere fransk premierminister og nuværende leder af det franske senats Udenrigskomite, og som viseligt blev valgt af præsident Macron til at lede den franske delegation, har længe været tilhænger af Bælt & Vej-initiativet, og han forstår i lige grad både dets løfterigdom, men også den fare, verden vil befinde sig i, hvis det får lov at mislykkes. Til kinesiske journalister sagde han den 5. maj, at han ser den Nye Silkevej som et globalt initiativ for fred og samarbejde. Mod en baggrund af en kompliceret og konstant skiftende verdenssituation, bringer Kina fred til verden med sine planer og strategier, der fremmer multi-lateralisme og støtter FN. Raffarin sagde, han håber, Bælt & Vej Forum lykkes med at bringe toppolitikere fra andre vestlige lande nærmere til Bælt & Vej-initiativet.

Ruslands ambassadør til Beijing sagde, at »dette samarbejde må blive basis for dannelse af en ny, international aftegning, nemlig, det eurasiske, altomfattende partnerskab, med deltagelse af et udstrakt antal lande, der er medlemmer af den Eurasiske Økonomiske Union, Shanghai Samarbejdsorganisationen og også med fremtidig udsigt til Sammenslutningen af Sydøstasiatiske Nationer (ASEAN)«. Han tilføjede, at, ikke alene ville præsident Putin deltage, men også premierminister Medvedev – og sammen med disse to, yderligere tilstrækkeligt mange ministre i den russiske regering til at gøre det muligt for Rusland på regeringsministerplan at deltage i hvert eneste konferencepanel.

Med hensyn til Indien, har Kinas udenrigsminister Wang Yi sagt, at Indien vil være repræsenteret på Forummet, men den indiske regering har tilsyneladende endnu ikke meddelt, hvem, der deltager. Mange indere advokerer for, at premierminister Narendra Modi bør tage af sted. En af disse advokater, tidligere FN-direktør Mukul Sanwal, stillede i går i avisen The Hindu dette spørgsmål: »Vil premierminister Narendra Modi overraske alle og deltage i Kinas ’Bælt & Vej Forum for Internationalt Samarbejde’, der starter den 14. maj? Dette ville være samme form for dristigt initiativ, han tog, da han inviterede ledere fra vore nabolande til sin indsættelse i 2014, men langt mere signifikant.«

På samme måde er det af afgørende betydning, at præsident Trump, en anden leder, der er berømt for dristige initiativer, »overrasker alle og deltager«. Ingen større garanti for verdensfred kunne eksistere, end netop den uventede optræden af både premierminister Modi og præsident Trump i Beijing, den 14. maj.

Da Lyndon Larouche vurderede mange af disse udviklinger her til morgen, svarede han, at, »Jo, men det nye paradigme må fungere. Det må ikke mislykkes; i modsat fald vil der ikke være nogen fremtid for menneskeheden. Der er mange onde ting derude. Dette må lykkes. Det må ikke blive undermineret.«

Foto: Luftfoto over området ved Yanqi-søen lidt uden for Beijing, hvor Bælt & Vej Forum vil finde sted.          

Danmark opgraderer sin delegation til
Kinas Bælt & Vej Forum, med
statsministerens særlige repræsentant,
minister Karen Ellemann

11. maj, 2017 – København: Efter Lars Løkke Rasmussens nylige officielle besøg i Kina, hvor han drøftede Bælt & Vej-initiativet med præsident Xi Jinping, er Danmarks delegation til Bælt & Vej Forum i Beijing den 14.-15. maj blevet opgraderet. Minister for ligestilling og nordisk samarbejde, Karen Ellemann, rejser i morgen til Kina som statsministerens særlige repræsentant, for at deltage i Forummet. Det var oprindeligt departementschefen for Transportministeriet, der skulle have ledet delegationen.

Inden Lars Løkke Rasmussens rejse til Kina, skrev det kinesiske nyhedsbureau Xinhua den 30. april:

»Rasmussen sagde, at Kinas Bælt & Vej-initiativ er en meget interessant, diplomatisk strategi. At yderligere forbinde Europa med Asien gennem handel og bilateralt samarbejde kan forhåbentlig være en fremtidig dynamo for vækst og fremgang for begge kontinenter«, sagde statsministeren …

I interviewet sagde Rasmussen, at initiativet forhåbentlig kan give økonomisk stabilitet og udvikling for Central- og Sydasien – indgangsporte mellem Østasien og Europa.

»Dette vil være af afgørende betydning for handel mellem de to største koncentrationer af økonomisk magt«, sagde han og tilføjede, at Danmark, som en af verdens fremmeste søfartsnationer, allerede i flere århundreder har været engageret i at forbinde kontinenterne.

»Danmark er blevet inviteret til at deltage i Bælt & Vej Forum for Internationalt Samarbejde, der afholdes i Beijing den 14.-15. maj. Vi vil deltage og med glæde bidrage positivt, både på politisk og erhvervsniveau under konferencen«, sagde Rasmussen.

Under statsministerens besøg i Kina blev der indgået mange aftaler, der vil intensivere det strategiske partnerskab mellem Danmark og Kina, som blev indgået i 2008. Danmark er fortsat det eneste af de nordiske lande, der har et strategisk partnerskab med Kina.

Foto: Minister for ligestilling og nordisk samarbejde, Karen Ellemann, rejser til Bælt & Vej Forum i Beijing som særlig repræsentant for statsminister Lars Løkke Rasmussen.

Latinamerikas fremtid ligger
på den Nye Silkevej.
Af Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Zepp-LaRouches videopræsentation til en konference, »Latinamerikas fremtid ligger på Silkevejen«, 4. maj, 2017. Fr. Zepp-LaRouche udvikler her en dramatisk vision om økonomisk »win-win-samarbejde«, der kan løfte hvert eneste menneske ud af fattigdom; og om den Ny Silkevejspolitiks potentiale for at udløse menneskelig kreativitet på hele planeten, der kan skabe en ny, kulturel renæssance.

Helgas tale blev vist ved møder, der var samlet i Mexico City, Hermosillo og Querétaro (i Mexico); i Lima og Pucallpa (i Peru); og i Guatemala City, og blev ligeledes udsendt live over Internettet.

Engelsk udskrift:

Dear Friends of the Schiller Institute,

I will speak to you about the “Future of Ibero-America Lies in the New Silk Road,” and I want to send you my most heartfelt greetings, watching the video in Peru, Guatemala, Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, the United States, and maybe elsewhere.

We are only eight days away from an event which will make clear to the whole world that the world is changing, that we are already in the process of developing a completely new paradigm, that of the New Silk Road, otherwise called the Belt and Road Initiative. In Beijing, between the 14th and 15th of May a summit will take place. Already 28 heads of state, or 28 nations have agreed to attend, and those heads of state include those of Argentina and Chile, but also there will be high-level representatives and delegates from 110 nations, altogether 1,200 delegates; there will be 60 international organizations represented. And they will sign in the context of this summit, 20 cooperation agreements between China and 20 countries into a document which then will define the goals and principles, and specify cooperation; it will develop an international new platform on science, technology, exchanges and training of talent among the participating countries.

This Belt and Road Forum will be an historic event. It will be the consolidation of a process which started three years and eight months ago, when President Xi Jinping in Kazakhstan announced the New Silk Road. And in this period, the true conception of “win-win cooperation” among altogether almost 70 nations, has become a reality, where it is clear that no longer is this a zero-sum game where one has advantage and the other one suffers, but this is a true “win-win cooperation,” where each country is having equal benefits from such cooperations.

Now the significance in this conception of the Belt and Road Initiative which is open to all nations of the world, including the United States and the European nations, even though they are still not so clearly in favor of it, or at least it’s a mixed situation, the significance of this concept lies in the fact that for the first time in human history, it overcomes geopolitics — geopolitics which was the cause of two world wars in the 20th century — because it establishes a higher level of reason, and since it’s open to every country, it can reach into the farthest corner of the world.

Since this program has been put on the agenda by Xi Jinping it has led to an unbelievable explosion of development, absolutely unprecedented in history. China has signed more than 130 bilateral and regional transport agreements. It opened 356 international road routes, for both passengers and freight; there are now 4,200 direct flights connecting China with 43 Belt and Road countries; there are presently already 39 China-Europe freight train routes; currently, there is daily leaving such a cargo train from Chongqing to a European destination.

There are in the meantime, six major industrial development corridors, and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. These corridors not only are, one, a corridor from China to Central and Western Asia which is intended to be extended through Iraq, Syria, Turkey, into Europe and into Africa; there is a second corridor from China to Western Europe which goes from such cities as Chengdu, Chongqing, Yiwu, Lianyungang, going to Duisburg, Hamburg, Rotterdam, Lyon, and Madrid. There is thirdly the Mongolia- China-Russia corridor which involves 32 large projects. There is fourthly, the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), where China has invested $46 billion and this project is creating 700,000 new jobs in Pakistan. There is the Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar (BCIM) corridor, which bridging the whole region of Southeast Asia. Then you have the China-Indochina Peninsular corridor, and you have in the meantime the development of an entire railway network in Eastern and Central Africa.

This is unprecedented in human history, because after literally centuries of suffering colonialism and poverty and underdevelopment, for the very first time, through this Chinese initiative is the perspective for the developing countries to overcome poverty, hunger, underdevelopment and realize the true potential of all these countries.

Well, it is most astounding, but then, not so astounding if you think about it, that about this greatest infrastructure project in all of history, there is almost nothing being reported in the mainstream media, at least in the United States and in Western Europe. The mainstream media, with very few exceptions such as for example Forbes magazine, they had a six-part series about the potential of the New Silk Road, all the other mainstream media pretend it doesn’t exist. So the populations of Europe and the United States know very little about it, and once they realize it, mainly through our efforts, the efforts of the Schiller Institute, they realize that this is a tremendous potential also for their future. And mostly people get extremely angry that they have been deprived of this knowledge.

Now, it is very clear that the old forces of the old paradigm, the paradigm of geopolitics, a system based on so-called globalization which emerged after the collapse of the Soviet Union, and which was and is based on the “special relationship” between the British and the United States, this system which was based on profit for the rich, making the gap between the rich and poor ever wider, a system which is now specifically now aiming to overcome poverty in the whole world and have a “win-win” relationship among equal nations with equal rights, equal respect for their sovereignty, these old geopoliticians regard this new system as a complete threat to their existence. So they try to maintain the illusion that it does not exist.

Just today appeared a very interesting article by Robert Parry, who is an investigative journalist in the United States, who became rather famous because of his coverage of the Iran/Contra affair; he wrote an article with the title, “The Existential Question of Whom To Trust.” And he says, “The looming threat of World War III, a potential extermination event for the human species, is made more likely because the world’s public can’t count on supposedly objective experts to ascertain and evaluate facts. Instead, careerism is the order of the day among journalists, intelligence analysts and international monitors — meaning that almost no one who might normally be relied on to tell the truth can be trusted.” He says, and I fully agree with that, what replaces objective reporting is “groupthink,” where experts “have sold themselves to … powerful interests in order to keep high-paying jobs and … don’t even seem to recognize how far they’ve drifted from principled professionalism.”

Well, that will not help them, because the positive alternative of the Belt and Road Initiative does exist and it is also the remedy to the two existential crises facing human civilization at this point: First, the danger of a global nuclear war, which is now most obvious in the crisis around the two Koreas, and naturally, still to a certain extent the situation in Syria; and secondly, the danger of an uncontrolled crash possibly to occur this year, which if it would occur would lead to uncontrollable chaos out of which the danger of a nuclear war would arise as well.

Let’s briefly look at the second danger. On July 25th, 2007, my husband, Lyndon LaRouche made truly history forecast: He said, this present global financial system is hopelessly finished and all which you will see now is that the different elements will come to the surface. And it will not be resolved until you have complete, total reorganization of this bankrupt system through a number of measures, Glass-Steagall, a return to a credit system and the American System of economy.

Exactly one week later, the secondary mortgage crisis in the United States erupted, which then, since it was not dealt with by the measures which LaRouche proposed, escalated into the big financial crash of Lehman Brothers and AIG in September 2008.

At that point, for a very short period of time, actually some days and weeks, the leaders of trans-Atlantic world were absolutely convinced this was a systemic crisis, and some of them, like Sarkozy of France, even called for a New Bretton Woods, because they were so scared that this whole system may disintegrate. Unfortunately, this shock lasted not very long, and already at the next G20 meeting in Washington on Nov. 15, of the same year, they basically decided to paper it over, go for quantitative easing and use other so-called “tools” of the instruments of the central banks in the United States rather than going for the Glass-Steagall separation law of Franklin D. Roosevelt, which my husband has prescribed, they went into Dodd-Frank, which basically was just a cover-story to keep the high-risk speculation of the big banks going.

In the meantime, the central banks of Europe, the ECB, of Great Britain, Japan, and the Federal Reserve decided to go into quantitative easing, and they created $15 trillion in lending facilities to the too-big-to-fail banks, and that added a de facto zero-interest rate since about 10 years. They spent part of this money for so-called bail-out packages, which supposedly went to countries like Greece, but in reality 97% of these bail-out packages went back to the to the big European banks and the American banks.

In the United States this liquidity pumping increased for example, so that corporate debt rose from 2008 to today, from $8 to $14 trillion; that is, an increase of 75%, of which almost $9 are in commercial mortgage backed securities (CMBS). Since 2013, 80% of the corporate borrowing has been used for, not productive investment, but so-called “financial engineering.” Now, that is, corporate firms buy up their own stocks to drive up the price, or they’re buying other firms in so-called mergers & acquisitions (M&As) for the same effect. They are using $500 billion per year into driving up those stock indexes, while at the same time, betting on the derivatives of these manipulations.

Despite all of this, the total non-financial corporation profits have not increased since 2011 and started to fall since 2013. Morgan Stanley just put out a report in April that the ratio of non-financial corporate debt to cash from operations is at an all-time high, at a ratio of 3.2 to 1.

Now, with this situation, where the debt is going through the roof relative to the operating cash, and profits are declining, normally, what firms used to do, is to go to the banks and borrow more, but this is now no longer happening, because the banks stopped giving credit because they know this whole system is coming to an end and it’s not maintainable.

Just at the recent meeting of the IMF in Washington, they put out a 2017 Global Financial Stability Report, where they basically wrote that the U.S. debt service to income ratio of the non-financial corporations has gone up 37% in 2014, to 41% in 2016; and those corporations have $7 trillion more debt than in 2008, but $3 trillion less equity invested in them. As a result, a wave of defaults has already started. The default rate for the non-financial corporations jumped from 3% at the beginning of 2016, to 5% at the end, and it is expected to be 5.6% in June. The IMF warns that if the interest rates go up, as they did in the period from November to January, then 20% of all U.S. corporations could default. Now, that is higher than the highest mortgage default rate in the crash of 2008.

Now, this gigantic bubble of corporate debt is made more unpayable because of the complete lack of growth in the real economy. The miserable 0.7% growth which was published about the GDP in the United States — and remember that the GDP statistics are always manipulated, and every knowledgeable person in Europe, for example, makes jokes about it — it went up only 0.7% in the first quarter of this year, and that does not pay for this huge bubble.

But the problem is not only in the United States, it’s also in Europe. Just recently, the Italian Banking Association put out the figures of the Level3 derivatives in the European countries, where the highest ratio is in Germany, it was 25.5%; British banks, 25.4%; French banks, 20.5%. And Italy, which is always scolded for having the biggest commercial losses, has only 15%. Now, Level3 derivatives are derivatives which don’t have a market price because nobody wants to buy them, because people know they are completely toxic. So they are assets collateralized with debt and therefore pretty worthless, but the ECB has allowed the banks to price them according to their own bank model and count them as assets. In the recent stress tests of the European central banks, they left out Level3 assets, so this is a complete illusion which is being maintained because an admission would basically reveal the complete bankruptcy of the system.

Now, there is only one way to prevent a chaotic blowout, and that is the implementation of the Glass-Steagall law which Franklin D. Roosevelt implemented in 1933. And the good thing is that there are presently two legislations in both Houses of the U.S. Congress, and also the head of the National Economic Council Gary Cohn, recently told a group of senators that the Trump administration is absolutely committed to realize Glass-Steagall soon, and that President Trump will fulfill his election promise to go for Glass-Steagall. As a result, there is presently a flood of articles in the last three weeks attacking Glass-Steagall, saying it would not have solved the problem of 2008 — which is a complete lie — and obviously, this expresses the complete nervousness of Wall Street and the City of London because it would bankrupt them and curb their power down to size.

Now, contrary to the asset-based economy of the United States, and partially of Europe, where you have a huge diversity between the different EU members and therefore the whole Eurozone does not function, where basically the situation is completely unsustainable as well, China on the other side, in the first quarter of 2017 had a surprisingly high GDP of 6.9%. All the agencies, like Bloomberg, PricewaterhouseCoopers and others all agree that the primary driver of this Chinese economic growth is the extraordinary investment in infrastructure, both in China domestically, as well as in the Belt and Road countries. For example, Chinese factory output in the same period has been 7.6% in the first quarter also. Household disposable income went up by 7.5%; retail spending up 10.4%. There was a study of PricewaterhouseCoopers in February which said that the great projects of infrastructure grew in the last year already by 50% in value, and there is a new study by the U.S. National Bureau of Economic Research that, based on physical economic factors such as the illumination seen by night from space, that the Chinese economy is actually growing faster than even the Chinese government reports.

Xinhua reported that the goods trade between China and the Belt and Road countries went up by 26.2% in the first quarter. Chinese exports to Belt and Road countries went up by 15.8% in the first three months. Imports to China went up by 42.9% from the 60 countries of the Belt and Road. There are 781 new companies with investments in the Belt and Road countries that have sprung up. Chinese enterprises signed 952 contracts in 61 countries along the Belt and Road.

So the Chinese economy and the Belt and Road Initiative has long become the real engine of the world economy.

So for the United States to come out its present financial danger, there is only one way out, and that is to implement the Four Laws of Lyndon LaRouche: First, Glass-Steagall. Separate the commercial and the investment banks, write off the unpayable debt and toxic paper of the investment banks, put the commercial banks under protection. Then, go to a credit system in the tradition of Alexander Hamilton, implement a National Bank; and increase the productivity of the economy by having a massive investment in fusion technology and space cooperation, and other vanguard technologies to increase the productivity of the labor force.

Now, this could be massively helped by the Chinese cooperating with America on the Belt and Road Initiative which has been offered by President Xi Jinping, at the recent Florida summit with President Trump.

Now Trump has said he wants to invest $1 trillion into infrastructure in the United States. The American Society of Civil Engineers estimated that the real need of infrastructure is $4.5 trillion, but Chinese experts estimated that what the United States really would need is $8 trillion worth of infrastructure. And China could easily help America to rebuild its infrastructure because they have an extraordinary expertise from having done the Belt and Road project for the last three and a half years. China also has offered, already, to invest its $1.4 trillion they’re holding in U.S. Treasuries. If this would be channeled, let’s say, through either an infrastructure bank in the United States or a National Bank in the tradition of Hamilton, this could help to revive the American economy.

Now, the same goes for European nations: They urgently need Chinese investment, because the EU has not been providing it, and that is why right now, you have the complete turning around of European nations — they want to be part of the New Silk Road. For example: Greece, Serbia, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Belarus, but also Italy, Portugal — they have already all stated they want to become “hubs” of the New Silk Road. So there is a complete change of the wind, representing the potential to really realize this fantastic new perspective.

However, the second existential crisis, the danger of nuclear war, now, it is obviously centered right now very massively around the North Korea crisis. Again, there, the solution will be the integration of the two Koreas into the New Silk Road. But it is extremely dangerous. Pope Francis just put out a statement saying “the situation has become too hot,” that the world is at the brink of war, and he said, “We are talking about the future of humanity. Today, a widespread war would destroy — I would not say half of humanity — but a good part of humanity, and of culture, everything, everything. It would be terrible. I don’t think that humanity today would be able to withstand it.”

Now, if you study the logic of thermonuclear war, the danger is not half of humanity, the danger is that it could lead to the extermination of all life, of all human life on this planet.

This danger is the result of the old geopolitical manipulation, because the situation in Korea is not unsolvable at all. Already in the ’90s and again in 2002, we were very close to establishing a permanent peace on the Korean Peninsula. North Korea, at that time, in the ’90s, had signed the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT); they agreed not to build a nuclear weapons plant, and in return they were allowed to build a peaceful nuclear energy facility. Then, at a certain point the U.S. Defense Secretary William Perry in the Clinton Administration was convinced that Pyongyang was diverting plutonium and he was actively considering the option to take out the [North Korean] Yongbyon plant in a surgical strike. At that point, the former President Jimmy Carter went to Pyongyang and met with North Korean leader Kim Il-sung and they reached an agreement which was supported by the Clinton administration, South Korea, North Korea, with the support of China, Japan and Russia, and they called this the Agreed Framework, which included the idea that North Korea would take down its Yongbyon plant in exchange for which the U.S. helping North Korea build a full-scale 1000 MW nuclear plant; and they also began to provide North Korea with oil until this plant was ready. Inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) went there and started to monitor, and there were pledges that they would move very quickly towards a peace agreement surpassing the armistice which still existed — and still exists.

But then unfortunately the Clinton administration came to its end, and was replaced by the Bush and Cheney administration, which immediately started this talk which we know only too well from the present days, that they couldn’t work with a “brutal dictator,” and not cooperate. So basically, this already put a cloud over this whole project. But still, in 2002, South Korean President Kim Dae-jung adopted the “Iron Silk Road” which had initially been proposed by Lyndon LaRouche, who had always maintained that the way to solve the Korea crisis is with the New Silk Road: That you have to build the railroads from Busan at the southern tip of south Korea, through North Korea, all the way to Rotterdam. And once you have South Korean and North Korean engineers working together building railways, that the real basis for peace could be established.

Now the two railroads started to be built, but also one of them going from Seoul via Kaesong to the old Silk Road, the Chinese railway; and one was supposed to go up the east coast to North Korea and then link up in Vladivostok with the Trans-Siberian Railroad. Also in 2002, in the village of Kaesong, they started to build an industrial park, where South Korean companies deployed very high-skilled North Korean labor to build up industries, set up factories and things actually went along very well. Also, there were Six-Party Talks supporting this Sunshine Policy of the South Korean President.

At that time, Bush and Cheney reluctantly went along with it, but all the time kept nagging North Korea as cheating, “don’t believe them,” and so forth. At a certain point, the Six Party Talks ended, and when Obama came in, and started his “Asia pivot” policy, which was not aimed at North Korea, but really aimed to isolate China, and in encircle it, they started to build up military forces aimed against China.

So under the pressure from President Obama very recently, South Korean President Park Heun-hye cancelled the Kaesong industrial park and agreed to the deployment of THAAD missiles, and these Terminal High Altitude Area Deployment missiles, again, are not deployed against North Korea, but aimed at China and Russia: Because North Korea is only 30 miles away from Seoul, and they don’t need to send ICBMs into space to then hit Seoul 30 miles away because North Korea has sufficient artillery to accomplish the same aim; but these THAAD missiles have X-band radar which can see deeply into the territory of China and Russia, which is why both countries have named these THAAD missiles as an existential threat to their national security.

This is a very dangerous situation, because if North Korea would strike Seoul, all of North Korea would be wiped out in return, the entire North Korean leadership would be killed as has been stated by many forces around the United States, and the population of Seoul would be wiped out very clearly also. If this war would escalate, it would clearly have the potential to escalate to Japan, to the United States and also lead to a global nuclear war.

Now, that danger is presently absolutely real. The only sign of hope, is that since the summit between President Trump and President Xi Jinping in Mar-a-Lago, Florida, where a very positive working relationship and almost friendship has been developed between these two Presidents, this summit has been called by the Chinese a “complete success”; Secretary of State Tillerson has said this has absolutely enhanced mutual trust and both have stated that their common aim is the de-nuclearization of Korea; that they want to resolve the situation through a peaceful dialogue.

Now that requires, also, that the recent Chinese proposal to have a so-called “double suspension,” meaning a suspension of the missiles and nuclear tests on the side of north Korea; and a suspension of the joint military drills on the side of South Korea and the United States on the other side. Russia has completely supported this Chinese policy of double suspension. That would be the first step.

What is needed then, is a comprehensive approach of the New Paradigm, of “double suspension,” to include North Korea in the Belt and Road Initiative, integrate the Sunshine Policy with the New Silk Road and the key to it is the collaboration between Xi Jinping and Trump. It can absolutely work, because there are elections on May 9th in South Korea, where the likely winner already came out against the THAAD deployment, so the hurried deployment now makes absolutely no sense; also, in the recent month, the relationship between Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan with Putin of Russia has absolutely increased and positively developed, where you have joint Russian-Japanese investments in the Far East of Russia, and therefore, the elements of a solution are absolutely there.

What has to be put on the agenda, therefore, is the “Greater Tumen Region Development project, which we also represented in the World Land-Bridge report. This is a regional development project involving the Greater Tumen Initiative, a development project which would build up the entire border region between China, Russia, Mongolia, North Korea, and South Korea, and develop the entire region around it, around the Tumen River which is the border between China and North Korea; and North Korea was a part of this project, until 1993, at least in its initial forms.

So, what has all of this today with the future of Latin America, and the my speech has, that “The Future of Latin America Lies in the New Silk Road”?

Now, I personally believe for a very long time, that the great German mind, and philosopher, and statesman, and natural scientist, Nikolaus of Cusa was absolutely right, when he, already in the 15th century, said that the solution to fundamental problems cannot be in partial remedies, but that you have to find a level of the solution which establishes a higher level of reason which he called the “coincidence of opposites,” or the coincidentia oppositorum. You have to establish a level of reason where the One has a higher reality than the Many, and that is exactly the “win-win cooperation” of the Belt and Road Initiative today.

Now, in the age of nuclear weapons, of the internet, of air travel which can bring you in a few hours to every part of the globe, the world has become a very small place. And unlike in previous periods, where you had one culture going under and some other culture at some other part of the world didn’t even know about it, because it would take years to travel from one region to the next, this time, we are sitting in one boat, and therefore, people have to start to think strategically and not think that the financial crisis of the trans-Atlantic sector, or the North Korea crisis is something alien to them, but that we have to solve all of these problems simultaneously, or else there will be no solution for anybody.

Now the only way for Latin American countries to solve the problem of the drug epidemic which is haunting some countries in an existential way; or of poverty, or of underdevelopment, is to revive the development plan of Lyndon LaRouche, which he called in 1982 Operation Juárez, when he worked with President José López Portillo to integrate all of Latin America in one large infrastructure-integrated network. This is possible to be realized today, and it is possible, because of the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative.

What we have to do, is we have to build a fast train system connecting the southern tip of Latin America in Chile and Argentina, going all the way up north, through Central America, North America, to the tip of Alaska, connecting through the Bering Strait Tunnel with Siberia, and in that way linking the trans-American transport corridor with the trans-European-Eurasian infrastructure network.

The infrastructure offered by China is already going in this direction. China has offered financing and help in the construction of the Bi-Oceanic Railroad, which you will hear about in the next presentation, which will be a railroad between Brazil and Peru, and another route through Bolivia; China is presently already building a science city in Ecuador, where at the recent state visit of President Xi Jinping in Lima, and Ecuador, and Chile last fall, attended a joint meeting with the former President of Ecuador President Correa in which both stated the intention that very soon China and Ecuador will be on the top of science and technology, representing the state-of-the-art in these areas. Now, this is a very ambitious and very hopeful intention.

Also, the fact that Chilean President Michelle Bachelet will go to the Belt and Road Forum and then add a state visit in China to that, represents the potential of bringing all of these projects a big step forward. The former Ambassador to China from Chile Fernando Reyes Matta said the world leaders who are attending the Belt and Road Forum are betting on the future. He said: Should we think from Latin America about linking with the One Belt and Road if it will have the same effect as the Marshall Plan on Europe? Well, the answer is obviously, yes, because the Belt and Road Initiative is already now twelve times larger than the Marshall Plan was in its time, and it is open- ended and it can be extended without a limit.

Now this fantastic economic development perspective also has, and must have a cultural dimension to it. At the recent Ancient Civilizations Forum in Greece, where the foreign ministers of ten countries that have long, old cultures attended, among them, were the foreign minister of Bolivia, of Mexico, and Peru, all countries which had a very proud, ancient tradition, they were intending to revive this old culture, in order to connect it to the ambition of the future. Because it is necessary for this whole project to succeed, that we revive the best traditions of each nation on this planet, of each culture, and then have a dialogue, so that each nation knows about and finds out about the treasures what actually universal history has accomplished to this present point.

If we have an economic “win-win cooperation,” it will uplift every human being out of poverty, it will unleash the tremendous potential of human creativity, and it will lead, I am absolutely certain, to a new cultural Renaissance. Where people in Latin America must absolutely know about, that we as a human species as a whole are on the verge of a completely decisive branching point in human history: That the New Silk Road allows for a completely New Paradigm, where for example, the old idea that earning virtual money, money figures which could disappear from your bank account instantly, once you have a financial crash, and what you never owned because it was always virtual, you can also never lose, that this wrong idea will be replaced by the concept of a meaningful life where each person can unfold the totality of his or her creative potential; and something which was only possible for a very few individuals in history, such geniuses as Dante, Kepler, Einstein, Schiller, Vernadsky, Beethoven, but very few people could reach that level of personal creativity, because people up to now were so burden by having to earn their livelihood, by the constraints of managing their daily lives, that they could not fulfill this potential. Now this will be possible to change and we will have a society, increasingly, on our planet, where more and more people, and eventually all people can be truly human by developing all potentials they have embedded in them.

So provided we can solve the two existential crises I mentioned, we are really looking at a very bright future. If Latin America would link up with the Belt and Road Initiative this potential can be realized for all of us in a very short period of time.

Trump renser ud i nogle kupmagere
og fremmer samarbejde for fred
og udvikling med Rusland og Kina

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, 10. maj, 2017 – Donald Trump har i de seneste 24 timer taget de indledende skridt og har smidt det affald i efterretningssamfundet ud, der har været en del af det igangværende forsøg på en ’farvet revolution’ mod den amerikanske regering. Comey og tidligere chef for NSA, Clapper, og tidligere chef for CIA, Brennan, samt andre, har åbenlyst deltaget i et kupforsøg mod præsident Trump, hvor de har brugt vilde løgne og taktikker, der ikke er set siden McCarthy-æraen, for at terrorisere den amerikanske befolkning med den angivelige fare for russisk aggression, og endda russisk kontrol over den amerikanske regering.

Efter et særdeles produktivt møde i dag med præsident Trump og udenrigsminister Tillerson i Det Hvide Hus, latterliggjorde den russiske udenrigsminister Sergei Lavrov, meget praktisk, denne kampagne. I besvarelse af gentagne spørgsmål fra den amerikanske hore-presse, og som havde til formål at forklare de falske nyheder om russisk indblanding i 2016-valget, sagde Lavrov: »Jeg mener, dette er ydmygende for det amerikanske folk at høre på, at USA’s interne anliggender skulle være styret af Rusland. Hvordan går det til, at denne store nation tænker på denne måde?«

EIR udgav den 27. februar, 2017, et omfattende dossier med titlen: »Obama og Soros – Nazister i Ukraine 2014, i USA 2017?«. Dossieret dokumenterede, at de samme personer og institutioner, der kørte det neonazistiske kup imod Ukraine i 2014, forsøgte at gennemføre en lignende Farvet Revolution imod Trump – og af nøjagtig de samme grunde. Som den russiske viceambassadør til FN’s sikkerhedsråd, Vladimir Safronkov, sagde til den britiske ambassadør Rycroft den 13. april: »Jeres drøm gled ud af jeres hænder, fordi vi arbejder sammen med USA. Det er I bange for. I gør alt, hvad I kan, for at sabotere dette teamwork.« Russerne forstår, at Det britiske Imperium er ved at fjerne alle stopklodserne og endda løber risikoen for en atomkrig, for at forhindre Trump i at lede USA ind i et partnerskab med Amerikas historiske og naturlige venner i Rusland og Kina. Dette venskab ville betyde enden på Det britiske Imperium, én gang for alle, og afslutningen af opsplitningen i Øst og Vest, og ville i stedet virkeliggøre et nyt paradigme, baseret på udvikling og alle nationers gensidige interesser.

Dette er, naturligvis, den Nye Silkevej – Ét Bælt, én Vej-initiativet, lanceret af Kinas Xi Jinping, der vil afholde den første, internationale konference i Beijing kommende weekend, med deltagelse af repræsentanter fra flere end 100 lande og 28 statsoverhoveder, der vil planlægge en produktiv fremtid for menneskeheden og en afslutning på imperie-æraens princip om ’evindelig krigsførelse’.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche, der i Kina er kendt som »Silkevejs-ladyen«, reflekterede i dag over den kendsgerning, at, med den italienske premierminister Gentiloni, der vil lede sin nations delegation til Bælt & Vej Forum, alt imens tidligere premierminister Jean-Pierre Raffarin vil repræsentere Frankrig, og med de fleste andre nationer i Europa, der sender betydningsfulde delegationer – med disse begivenheder, har det historiske momentum i Europa taget en ny retning for en lysende fremtid med den Nye Silkevej. Kun Tyskland synes at sakke bagud og sidder fast i det gamle paradigme, hvor de fabler om udledning af CO² snarere end opbygning af nationen. Foreløbig har præsident Trump ikke indikeret, om han eller nogen anden, amerikansk delegation vil deltage, til trods for, at den kinesiske ambassadør til USA har gentaget Kinas invitation.

Men, Trump har uden for enhver tvivl truffet beslutning om at ændre briternes spilleregler og droppe de korrupte efterretningsnetværk, der har faldbudt den anti-russiske pro-krigspropaganda på vegne af britisk efterretning, der har spillet USA som den »dumme kæmpe«, der udkæmper imperiets kolonikrige samtidig med, at dette imperium forbereder atomkrig imod Kina og Rusland.

I Asien aflagde den nyvalgte præsident i Sydkorea, Moon Jae-in, her til morgen sin ed og annoncerede omgående sit forpligtende engagement til genopretning af »Solskins-politikken« over for Nordkorea, og for samarbejde med Trump omkring en varig løsning for Koreahalvøen. En sådan løsning må være baseret på gensidig udvikling og garantier for Nordkoreas suverænitet, til gengæld for en løsning på spørgsmålet om atomvåben. Pyongyang har gentagent erklæret, at, hvis truslerne mod deres nation endegyldigt ophørte, kunne en løsning findes. Der eksisterer nu en mulighed for, at den splittede, koreanske nation, i samarbejde med Xi, Putin og Trump, og muligvis også Japans Shinzo Abe (der står både Putin og Trump nær), kan indlede den freds- og udviklingsproces, som sluttelig kunne føre til en genforening.

Tiden er inde til, at præsident Trump indtager den hamburger med Kim Jon-un.


EIR-video, 9. maj, 2017:

Helga Zepp-LaRouche: ’Hvis vi kan overbevise præsident Trump om at tage imod tilbuddet om at gå sammen med Kina og de andre nationer omkring den Nye Silkevej, så kan han blive en af de største præsidenter i USA’s historie.’ Dette initiativ, Bælt & Vej-initiativet, blev officielt lanceret af Kina i 2013. Det er en politik for gensidigt fordelagtig infrastrukturkonnektivitet, for fælles udviklingsprogrammer. Foreløbig omfatter programmerne og de igangværende arbejder flere end 60 nationer og berører flere end 4 milliard mennesker – flertallet af menneskeheden – og med planer om infrastrukturinvesteringer til $20 billion. Dette er et enormt projekt. Disse programmer har potentialet til at fjerne fattigdom på planeten inden for én generation; fuldstændigt og totalt at fjerne lokal fattigdom overalt.

Jason Ross:

»Det ville være den største fejltagelse nogensinde, hvis USA ikke benyttede sig af Bælt & Vej Forum, der finder sted i Beijing, Kina, om en uge (14.-15. maj) – den største fejltagelse nogensinde. Denne begivenhed vil samle repræsentanter fra over 100 nationer, inkl. den direkte deltagelse af næsten 30 statsoverhoveder, og man vil diskutere vor generations største projekt: Bælt & Vej-initiativet.

Foreløbig er der ingen meddelelse om, eller noget, der peger på, at præsident Trump eller andre repræsentanter for USA vil deltage, men:

(Helga Zepp-LaRouche)

’Hvis vi kan overbevise præsident Trump om at tage imod tilbuddet om at gå sammen med Kina og de andre nationer omkring den Nye Silkevej, så kan han blive en af de største præsidenter i USA’s historie.’

Dette initiativ, Bælt & Vej-initiativet, blev officielt lanceret af Kina i 2013. Det er en politik for gensidigt fordelagtig infrastruktur-konnektivitet, for fælles udviklingsprogrammer. Foreløbig omfatter programmerne og de igangværende arbejder flere end 60 nationer og berører flere end 4 milliard mennesker – flertallet af menneskeheden – og med planer om infrastrukturinvesteringer til $20 billion. Det udgør 2 til 3 gange den investering, det ville kræve totalt at genoplive den amerikanske infrastruktur. Det udgør 20 gange de $1 billion, som Trump foreløbig har krævet. Dette er et enormt projekt. Disse programmer har potentialet til at fjerne fattigdom på planeten inden for én generation; fuldstændigt og totalt at fjerne lokal fattigdom overalt. I løbet af de seneste par årtier har Kina allerede undergået en fænomenal udvikling,

(udenrigsminister Rex Tillerson)

’Kina begyndte virkelig at føle sig entusiastisk på det tidspunkt, og med rette, de har opnået meget; de har flyttet 500 millioner kinesere væk fra fattigdom og ind middelklassestatus.’

(præsident Trump)

’Og jeg havde et langt møde med Kinas præsident i Florida, og vi havde lange, lange diskussioner, i mange, mange timer. Han er en god mand.’

Kina springer fremad med sin egen udvikling og arbejder sammen med sine naboer gennem kinesiske investeringer, gennem staten, gennem foretagender, og gennem ny finansiering gennem institutioner som Asiatisk Infrastruktur-Investeringsbank (AIIB), Den Nye Udviklingsbank (BRIKS-banken) og Silkevejsfonden, som alle er mekanismer, der er skabt efter 2013; og store projekter i enorm skala er nu mulige.

(Richard Trifan)

’Dette er et historisk projekt, som I alle ved; det er sandsynligvis den største, globale præstation, der er analog med vores ekspansion ud i rummet og til Månen og andre planeter. Det er sandsynligvis det mest omfattende initiativ, som mange nationer vil samarbejde omkring.’

Lad os foretage en rundtur. Med udgangspunkt i Asien er der seks udviklingskorridorer, som Kina har foreslået, for veje, jernbaner, vandveje, elektricitet, kommunikation, sammen med blød kommunikation, såsom uddannelse, fælles toldsatser og kulturelle udvekslinger. Disse korridorer er i øjeblikket under opførelse i varierende grader. Lad os f. eks. se på den Økonomiske Kina-Pakistan-korridor: den er i øjeblikket under massiv opbygning; den vil bringe 10 gigawatt elektricitet til Pakistan – det rækker til millioner af mennesker, 10 millioner eller mere – en ny havn i Gwadar (ud til Oman Golfen), med hundrede tusinder af jobs undervejs, blot for dette ene byggeprojekt, og generelt mere udenlandsk investering i Pakistan, end denne nation samlet set har fået i de sidste par årtier.

Lad os se på havet: Det 21. Århundredes Maritime Silkevej, som bl.a. omfatter at udgrave en kanal gennem Kra-landtangen i Thailand. Dette er et enormt og nødvendigt projekt for at aflaste det overtrafikerede Malaccastræde, og for at bringe økonomiske muligheder til Thailand og Sydøstasien generelt. Denne idé, der har været foreslået i årtier, har nu en reel mulighed for at blive bygget inden for det nuværende årti.

Den Eurasiske Landbro, der når til Europa, transporterer stadigt voksende mængder af jernbanegods, med togafgange for godstog mod vest, der dagligt ankommer i Europa og vender tilbage til Kina med europæiske varer.

Hvis vi ser på Afrika, så har vi for nylig set åbningen af Addis Abeba-Djibouti jernbanen som blot et enkelt eksempel på den meget påtrængende nødvendige udvikling, som nu er mulig; som nu finder sted i Afrika, hvor investering i infrastruktur og industri og landbrug nu når nye højder, det meste af det fra Kina.

Hvis vi bevæger os mod øst, krydser vi Beringstrædet og bevæger os fra Asien og ind i Nordamerika, fra Rusland til Alaska. En rute over land, der muliggøres af denne Beringstrædeforbindelse, vil være hurtigere end transport med skib, og gør det muligt at udvikle området langs ruten. Det Arktiske Område har enorme resurser, der i øjeblikket er næsten fuldstændigt utilgængelige. Byggeriet af den nødvendige infrastruktur og selveste Beringstrædeforbindelsen vil være en storstilet infrastrukturpræstation. Dernæst vil et genopbygget, amerikansk infrastrukturfundament, et netværk af jernbaner, veje, en platform med ny, højdensitetskraftværker, kernekraft; havne, sluser, dæmninger; skoler og andre offentlige bygninger og offentlige værker, gøre det muligt for USA at opnå et nyt produktivitetsniveau, og have mere at bidrage med til verdenssamfundet og få fordel af verdenssamfundet.

Hvis vi nu bevæger os sydpå, så er der p.t. ingen transportmuligheder over land fra Nord- til Sydamerika. Man kan ikke køre til Sydamerika – det er ikke muligt. Der er en afbrydelse, kendt som Darien Gap. Når vi endelig får bygget denne forbindelse på blot nogle få dusin mil, vil vi endelig forbinde de amerikanske kontinenter som helhed. I Mellemamerika er ny finansiering, også fra Kina, ligeledes i færd med at muliggøre en sekundær Panamakanal, kunne man sige, med igangværende byggeri og forberedelse i Nicaragua.

I Sydamerika er en bi-oceanisk korridor, der strækker sig fra Peru til Brasilien, fra Stillehavet til Atlanterhavet via Bolivia, på planlægningsstadiet.

Så stor en del af verden arbejder i øjeblikket sammen, med fælles udvikling og en fælles fremtid med fremgang, værdighed og videnskabelige præstationer som mål. Vil USA tilslutte sig? Vi er blevet inviteret med åbne arme:

(Meifang Zhang)

’Sidst, men ikke mindst, vil jeg gerne citere Xi for at sige, at Kina byder USA velkommen til at deltage i samarbejdet inden for rammerne af Bælt & Vej-initiativet … Begge lande bør virkelig gribe disse muligheder.’

Lad os tage imod denne invitation. Om et hundrede år vil USA i tilbageblik være så lykkelig for, at vi gjorde det.«

I dag er Sejrsdag

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, 9. maj, 2017 – Den russiske præsident Vladimir Putin talte ikke alene for det russiske folk, men for hele menneskeheden, da han holdt en tale efter en militærparade i Moskva for at fejre, at det er 72 år siden, man vandt sejren i den Store Patriotiske Krig 1941-45, som i Rusland er navnet på Anden Verdenskrig.

»Denne sejrstriumf over denne forfærdelige, totalitære magt vil for altid fremstå i menneskehedens historie som livets og fornuftens overlegne sejr over død og barbariskhed«, fremførte Putin. Han fastslog, at den »uhyrlige tragedie« med millioner af dødsfald skete på grund af »den kriminelle ideologi med raceoverlegenhed, og som følge af fraværet af enhed blandt verdens ledende nationer«.

Idet han overførte disse lektioner til nutiden, fremsatte Putin krav om, at alle nationer levede op til »vort ansvar over for de kommende generationer« gennem internationalt samarbejde, for at skabe »stabilitet og fred på planeten«.

Dette er i realiteten det overordnede, politiske spørgsmål, som også vil blive adresseret på Bælt & Vej-initiativets Internationale Forum, der skal begynde blot fem dage fra i dag. BVI-topmødet er hastigt i færd med at samle styrke og feje hele menneskeheden ind under sin mission:

* Frankrigs delegation anføres af tidligere premierminister Jean-Pierre Raffarin, der roste BVI som »et fredeligt projekt for global udvikling« og sagde, at »Bælt & Vej-initiativet er rammen for en ny verden«.

* Folk fra erhvervslivet og det politiske liv i Peru kræver nu, at præsident Kuczynski deltager i topmødet, som de kaldte årets vigtigste, diplomatiske begivenhed for gennemførelse af planerne for en Peru-Brasilien bi-oceanisk korridor.

* Nordkorea sender en delegation på højt niveau til BVI-topmødet, meddelte det Kinesiske Udenrigsministerium i dag.

* Og Chiles ambassadør til Beijing, Jorge Heine, anerkendte, at »det har et langt bredere perspektiv at samle et betydeligt antal statsoverhoveder fra mange lande, for at undersøge, hvad der foregår, ud over Bælt & Vejs specifikke projekter«.

Det, ambassadør Heine her beskrev med sine egne ord, er det, som Helga Zepp-LaRouche refererer til som »den Nye Silkevej bliver til Verdenslandbroen« – præcis, som de specificeres i EIR’s Specialrapport af samme navn fra 2015. Langt mere end kun en række infrastrukturprojekter er det, der er under opsejling, et totalt paradigmeskifte, som er det eneste, der kan redde menneskeheden.

Det britiske Imperium forsøger at miskreditere Bælt & Vej-initiativet ved at kalde det en alliance mellem diktatorer og autokrater, og med truende forudsigelser om, at BVI aldrig vil komme til at bære frugt, fordi det blot vil føre til konflikter og kaos blandt de involverede nationer. Det er lige præcis del-og-hersk nonsens, mindede fr. Zepp-LaRouche om under en medarbejderdiskussion i dag, og det er, hvad Sir Leon Brittan udtrykte helt tilbage i 1996; han var på daværende tidspunkt EU-kommissær for Handel- og Udenrigsanliggender og blev udsendt til en betydningsfuld, international Ny Silkevejskonference i Beijing for at forsøge at modarbejde Zepp-LaRouches fremlæggelse af politikken med Verdenslandbroen.

Problemet er, at de fleste regeringer er amatører – de ved ikke, hvad menneskeheden er, understregede Lyndon LaRouche i går. Vi må skabe en praksis, som udvikler befolkningens evne til at optage egenskaber som igangsætter for de handlinger, der kan bringe menneskeheden som art op til standarden for samfundet som helhed. Det er vores opgave at skabe sådanne instrumenter for forenet handling, der løser menneskehedens problemer, sagde LaRouche; og denne enhed og evne kommer af, at borgerne udvikler de nødvendige intellektuelle, skabende evner. Det er grundlaget for handling i dag, for at redde menneskehedens fremtid i morgen.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche understregede i dag, at udelukkende kun en sådan fremgangsmåde vil fungere for at besejre Det britiske Imperiums organiserede splittelse og pessimisme. Vi må i befolkningen vække det højere princip om hele menneskeslægtens selvudvikling. Få amerikanere til at tænke på denne måde omkring det USA, som de ønsker for deres børn og børnebørn om 50 år, og USA kunne atter blive elsket af hele menneskeheden.

Vise ord for Sejrsdag – og for det, der nu må ske.

Foto: En ældre kvinde, tydeligvis højt dekoreret, deltager i Sejrsdagsparade i Rusland. Billedet viser 3 generationer, med den ældre kvinde, der ser hen til et ungt barn. 

Præsident Xi Jinping:
Hvorfor jeg foreslog
Bælt & Vej

Dansk udskrift, engelske undertekster.

Verden ser på Kina, der gør klar til at være vært for Bælt & Vej Forum for Internationalt Samarbejde midt i maj, 2017.

Xi: Under mit besøg til Kasakhstan og Indonesien i 2013, foreslog jeg, at vi i fællesskab byggede det Økonomiske Silkevejsbælte og det 21. Århundredes Maritime Silkevej, hhv.

Shaanxi, min hjemprovins, er beliggende ved udgangspunktet for den Gamle Silkevej. Når jeg står her og ser tilbage på historien, føler jeg, at jeg kan høre lyden af kamelernes bjælder, der klinger gennem bjergene, og se røgskyer hen over ørkenen. Det føles alt sammen så bekendt. Fredelig udvikling har fra gammel tid været et fælles mål for menneskeheden.





Økonomisk nedgang

Xi: Nutidens verden er fuld af usikre elementer. Folk har håb for fremtiden, men er samtidig forvirret.


Nogle lande, der engang var fremgangsrige og fulde af travlhed, er nu synonyme med vanskeligheder, konflikt og krise.

Xi: Hvad er der sket med verden? Hvad skal vi gøre? Hele verden stiller disse spørgsmål, og jeg tænker hele tiden på dem.


Politisk konnektivitet

Handelsmæssig konnektivitet


Xi: Jeg foreslog Bælt & Vej-initiativet i håbet om, at, med fokus på konnektivitet – forbundethed – vil den frie og belejlige strøm af alle produktionselementer blive opmuntret, multi-dimensionalt samarbejde udviklet og gensidige fordele og fælles udvikling opnået.

Bælt & Vej-initiativet drager inspiration fra Oldtidens Silkevej og har til hensigt at være med til at virkeliggøre den fælles drøm hos mennesker over hele verden om fred og udvikling.

Lysende af Østens visdom er det en plan, som Kina tilbyder verden for at søge fælles fremgang og udvikling.

Bælt & Vej-initiativet bygger på principperne om udstrakt konsultation, fælles bidrag og fælles fordele.


Usbekistan: Qamchiq-tunnelen, en del af Angren-Pap jernbanelinjen.

Xi: Initiativet er ikke ekskluderende, men må være åbent og inkluderende. Initiativet vil ikke blive en soloopførelse fra Kinas side, men et kor bestående af alle lande langs ruterne.


Belarus: Kina-Belarus Great Stone Industripark.

Kina-Rusland Samarbejdsprojekter

Maldiverne: Kina-Maldiverne Venskabsbro

Malaysia: Fragt over havet

Grækenland: Havnen i Piræus

Sri Lanka: Puttalam Kulkraftværk

Storbritannien: Kina-Europa Godstog

Etiopien-Djibouti: Addis Abeba-Djibouti jernbanen

Kasakhstan: Let Jernbanetransportsystem i Astana

Xi: I over tre år har flere end 100 lande og internationale organisationer responderet positivt og tilbud støtte til initiativet.

Initiativets »Venskabskreds« er blevet ved med at udvides.


Fiji: Nabouwalu-Dreketi hovedvejen

Pakistan: Karakoram hovedvejen

Xi: En stor sag bør forfølges for det almene vel. Lad os tage hinanden fastere i hånden og smede nye partnerskaber, karakteriseret af win-win-samarbejde, og bygge et fællesskab for menneskehedens fælles fremtid.

Det er de modige, der skaber historie. Lad os være tillidsfulde, gribe til handling og gå fremad, hånd i hånd.


»Bælt & Vej«

Det er ikke for sent for Trump – eller Europa
– at tage til Bælt & Vej Forum i Beijing

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, 8. maj, 2017 – Med den kommende weekends todages topmøde i Beijing omkring det globale udviklingsinitiativ, der allerede investerer i 65 nationer og er 20 gange større end Marshallplanen, vil spørgsmålet om, hvad man skal gøre ved de stagnerende amerikanske og europæiske nationaløkonomier, aldrig komme til at stå i så klart et lys igen. Helga Zepp-LaRouche har sagt, at, hvis Donald Trump tager til Beijing og allierer USA økonomisk med Bælt & Vej-initiativet, kunne han af historien blive set som en af Amerikas største præsidenter. På denne kurs ligger ikke alene en stor genoplivelse af produktivitet og produktiv beskæftigelse for amerikanere, men også den mulige løsning af den alvorlige trussel om krig i Asien, og endda – gennem samarbejde med Rusland – i Mellemøsten.

Og, med USA som deltager, vil selve Bælt & Vej-initiativet blive en langt stærkere økonomisk og teknologisk drivkraft for de mere end 100 nationer, der er repræsenteret i Beijing i denne weekend.

En betydningsfuld, asiatisk avis havde i dag en lederartikel, »Det er ikke for sent for præsident Trump at beslutte at tage til Beijing«. Det er for den sags skyld heller ikke for sent for den nyvalgte, franske præsident Emmanuel Macron at tage af sted. EU’s og Londons finanselite kan forsøge at forhindre og endda ødelægge Kinas Bælt & Vej, før det udvikler en ny, økonomisk infrastruktur i Europa, men alle de europæiske nationers udsigt til vækst afhænger af Bælt & Vej.

Med mindre den rigtige beslutning træffes nu, vil det meget snart være for sent for de transatlantiske økonomier. De kan ikke overleve endnu et finanskrak, værre end i 2008, og det er netop, hvad der truer dem nu. Tysklands førende finansavis, Handelsblatt, har udløst »høje advarselssignaler … En flodbølge af selskabslån, især i USA, kunne udløse en ny, global finanskrise. Konturerne af en gigantisk boble kommer mere og mere til syne i markedet for selskabsobligationer. Den kunne briste … på grund af hastigt stigende rentesatser og en faldende økonomi.«

En omgående ændring må ske, med vedtagelse af de »Fire Love til Nationens Redning«, som Lyndon LaRouche siden 2014 har foreslået. Genindfør Glass/Steagall-loven for at opdele Wall Street-bankerne, før de udløser en ødelæggende syndflod; skab dernæst statskredit-institutioner til opbygning af moderne infrastruktur, finansiering af rumforskning og fissions- og fusionsteknologier.

Hele indsatsen for at modgå dette transatlantiske, økonomiske kollaps kan kun lykkes med en sådan kurs for samarbejde med Kina, Indien og frem for alt Rusland.

City of London og Storbritannien forsøger at ødelægge muligheden, gennem Londons og Bruxelles’ angreb på Bælt & Vej, og gennem krig. Fra London kommer der nu rapporter om, at premierminister May vil bede sit nye parlament om at lade hende bombe Syriens regeringsstyrker, som hendes ministre bliver ved med offentligt at kræve. Dette omfatter endnu en fabrikeret hændelse med »kemisk bombeangreb« og ville kun blive udført af UK med det formål at trække præsident Trump ind i krigen igen. Og minsandten, om ikke BBC-udsendelser allerede begynder at hævde, at Syriens præsident vil udføre flere »kemiske bombeangreb«.

Det britiske incitament til konfrontation kommer netop på et tidspunkt, hvor den russiske og den amerikanske udenrigsminister skal afholde drøftelser i Washington i denne uge, med udsigten til at afslutte borgerkrigen og terrorismen i Syrien. Londons intervention må nedkæmpes – og præsident Trump må tage til Beijing.

Foto: Den forbudte By, Beijing. (Photo: (CC BY2.0))

Det franske præsidentvalg:
Macron valgt af mangel på bedre?

Paris, 7. maj, 2017 (Nouvelle Solidarité) – Søndag aften blev Emmanuel Macron valgt til den næste præsident i den Franske Republik med en angivelig kæmpesejr på 65,8 % af stemmerne mod Marine Le Pens 34,2 %. Men, som Jacques Cheminade – stifter af partiet Solidarité & Progrès, der i Frankrig fører LaRouche-bevægelsens politik – allerede flere gange har udtalt, så står vi foran vanskelige tider, fordi ingen af kandidaterne foreslog fundamentale forandringer, dvs., en afslutning af finansoligarkiets diktatur og en genorientering af landet hen imod verdens vækstområder, såsom BRIKS og Kinas Bælt & Vej-initiativ.

Selve valgresultaterne viser, hvor dybt splittet, landet er. For det første nåede udeblivelsesraten rekordhøje 25,3 %, det højeste siden 1969. For det andet, så nåede tallet for »blanke« og »ugyldige« stemmer, der blev afgivet, enorme 8,9 %. Det betyder, at hele 4,2 million franske vælgere faktisk besluttede at gå til stemmeboksene, men kun for at afgive en blank eller ugyldig stemme; blank er, når konvolutten (ved præsidentvalget lægger man én af to mulige sedler med de to kandidaters navne i en konvolut) er tom, og ugyldig er, når stemmesedlen er iturevet eller beskadiget.

Alt i alt stemte tæt ved 16 million mennesker hverken for Macron eller Le Pen, og opinionsinterviewere, der udspurgte dem, der afstod fra at stemme noget (blank eller ugyldig), sagde, at mange havde givet udtryk for »en total afvisning« af begge kandidater. Desuden har opinionsundersøgelser afsløret, at begge kandidater blev valgt ud fra princippet om »mangel på bedre« – eller det mindste af to onder. Helt op til 64 % af dem, der ville stemme for Macron i anden valgrunde, gjorde det kun for at stemme imod Le Pen. Og, at op mod 50 % af dem, der stemte for Le Pen, kun gjorde det for at gå imod valget af Macron.

Man kunne sige, at sejren er total for de franske og vestlige atlanticister og ’mere Europa’-oligarkiet. For blot ét år siden, med deres mand Hollandes opinionsmålinger så lave, at han ikke engang kunne komme med i anden valgrunde, var det næsten garanteret, at valget ville blive vundet af højrefløjspartiet Les Républicains, eller af Marine Le Pen, der i øvrigt begge er pro-russiske. I kølvandet på Brexit og Trumps sejr i USA havde man håbet på et lignende brud i Europa og i Frankrig i særdeleshed. Men François Fillons forfærdelige korruption fra Les Républicains, og Le Pen-klanens fremmedfjendskhed og inkompetence, åbnede tværtimod en stor mulighed for den unge, fremragede begavede og ambitiøse, ultra-liberale Europa-tilhænger og atlanticist, Emmanuel Macron, til at udfylde tomrummet. Atlanticisterne benyttede sig naturligvis af deres mange svagheder til at blokere for yderligere brud væk fra Imperiets lejr, og Obama trådte til for at støtte Macron med mindst to telefonsamtaler og sluttelig, et videobudskab til støtte for kandidaten.

I løbet af den sidste uge før anden valgrunde viste slutdebatten mellem de to aspiranter, den 3. maj, at ingen af dem repræsenterer et alternativ for Frankrig. Debatten var rædselsfuld, i stil med Trump/Clinton-debatterne, hvor skældsord og personlige angreb erstattede indhold, og hvor der ikke engang var tale om løfter om genopbygning af infrastruktur eller Glass-Steagall, som tilfældet var med Trump. Især hærgede Le Pens optræden hendes kampagne og førte til et fald fra 40 %, som frem til da var projiceret, til dagens 34,2 %, i hendes valgresultat. Le Pen tog udgangspunkt i en profil af Macron, offentliggjort af en italiensk psykiater, og som fremstillede ham som en ung svækling, der var bange for sin mor, og hun angreb ham som en brutal Pitbullterrier og forsøgte at få ham til at knække. Macron reagerede ikke i henhold til denne profil, men vendte spillet og tvang hende til at afsløre, at, mht. spørgsmålet om at forlade EU og euroen, dvs. hendes kerneprogram, var hun rablende inkompetent! Under denne debat indrømmede Macron selv, at han ville forfølge den afregulering af arbejdsmarkedet, som han påbegyndte under Hollande (da han var økonomi- og finansminister, 2014-16), hvor han vedtog en lov, der giver et flertal af arbejdere i en enkelt fabrik retten til at tilsidesætte elementer i de arbejdsmarkedsregler, der er i kraft, til at gælde for hele erhvervslivet på nationalt plan, eller for grene af erhvervslivet. I mere end seks måneder gik millioner af mennesker på gaden for at demonstrere kraftigt imod denne lov.

Tredje runde af valgprocessen finder sted med de forestående valg til parlamentet til juni, som vil udskifte hele Nationalforsamlingen (det franske parlament). De fire, førende partier fra præsidentkapløbet har alle meddelt, at de stiller op med fuld kandidatliste til disse valg, i et forsøg på at forfølge præsidentvalgets ikke-afgjorte kapløb. Macron, der stillede op uden et partiapparat til støtte, må skaffe et flertal (288 ud af 577 deputerede) i Nationalforsamlingen, enten gennem sin egen bevægelse, En Marche, eller gennem alliancer, hvis han skal gennemføre sin politik.

Le Pen fremstod, i en kort tale efter offentliggørelsen af resultatet, offensiv og tilfreds med sit resultat, som i realiteten er langt større end noget, de hidtil har oplevet. De 11 millioner stemmer, de fik, sagde hun, gør Front National, Le Pens parti, til den fremmeste oppositionsstyrke imod globalisering i Frankrig. Hun bebudede den forestående transformation af Front National til en ny styrke, der kan indgå aftaler med andre partier som den aftale, hun indgik med Nicolas Dupont Aignan ved slutningen af første runde. Le Pen er nu tvunget til at gå i offensiven, eller også dø, fordi hendes liberale, konservative modstandere internt i Front National har sagt, at, hvis hun fik mindre end 40 % af stemmerne, ville hendes mere sociale og statslige fremgangsmåde blive anset for et nederlag, og de ville udskifte hende med hendes langt mere liberale, og mere intelligente niece, Marion Maréchal Le Pen, der ønsker at satse på en liberal-konservativ alliance mellem hele højrefløjen.

Med hensyn til Macron sagde Jacques Cheminade, at man nøje bør følge, hvordan Macron ville operere, for, alt imens han er kommet til magten via alle de forkerte kræfter, så er han selv en slags kamæleon, og i den forestående krise må Macron, Le Pen og andre reagere på virkeligheden på måder, vi hidtil ikke har set. Ved slutningen af den første runde lancerede Cheminade ideen om en alliance for fremskridt og imod de finansielle okkupationskræfter, og han forbereder en turné for at møde mange af dem, der stemte på ham, som en indsats for at katalysere en grobund for denne idé.

Foto: Vinderen af det franske præsidentvalg den 7. maj, 2017, Emmanuel Macron – valgt af mangel på bedre?  

En uge før Beijing topmødet går verden
i retning af Kinas Bælt & Vej-initiativ

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, 7. maj, 2017 – Det er et ironisk tidens tegn, at Argentinas ambassadør til Kina, Diego Guelar, i denne uge, på tærsklen til Bælt & Vej-topmødet i Beijing, udgav en artikel, der lovpriser Kina for at blive det 21. århundredes supermagt »uden at løsne et eneste skud«. Guelar rapporterede, at Kina var trådt ind i sin nye, globale rolle med »ansvar« og »lederskab«, og han roste Kinas spektakulære, økonomiske præstationer med nedbringelse af fattigdom, forhøjelse af den forventede levealder og global infrastrukturudvikling.

Ironien ligger i, at Mauricio Macris regering hidtil har været en Wall Street-darling, der har været en skinger modstander af samarbejde med Kina, BRIKS eller Bælt & Vej-initiativet (BVI). Og det var et tidens tegn, fordi næsten alle nationer på planeten nu vender sig mod Kina og BVI, med håbet om et Nyt Paradigme for menneskeheden.

Schiller Instituttets grundlægger, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, indfangede essensen i denne strategiske mulighed i bemærkninger i dag:

Ambassadør Guelars bemærkninger er et særdeles passende eksempel på den aktuelle, globale dynamik, sagde hun. »Dette er helt klart den vej, tingene går, og vi bør optrappe vores kampagne for, at USA absolut må gå med i denne indsats, fordi det er den eneste meningsfulde måde, på hvilken alle de geopolitiske konflikter i verden kan overvindes.«

Zepp-LaRouche understregede, at, selv om der er taget nogle positive skridt for at slukke lunten til diverse globale, sprængfarlige brændpunkter, såsom aftalen mellem den russiske præsident Vladimir Putin og Amerikas Donald Trump om at oprette fire »deeskaleringszoner« i Syrien, »så er vi absolut ikke ude af farezonen. Vi bør ikke have nogen illusioner, for tingene kan meget hurtigt gå galt«.

Øverst på listen over disse overhængende farer står den globale finanskrise. »Vi konfronteres stadig med en potentiel nedsmeltning af finanssystemet. Vi har stadig ikke vedtaget Glass-Steagall og Lyndon LaRouches Fire Love. Og vi ved stadig ikke, hvilken form for Glass-Steagall (bankopdeling), man diskuterer« i Trump-administrationen og andre steder i USA.

Ikke desto mindre »mener jeg, at vi generelt ser på meget optimistiske udsigter. Om en uge finder det historiske BVI-topmøde sted i Beijing, og jeg er absolut sikker på, at, som resultat, vil BVI-dynamikken blive endnu stærkere. Den går faktisk i retning af, at den Nye Silkevej bliver til Verdenslandbroen«, som er den politik, LaRouche-bevægelsen og Schiller Instituttet har kæmpet for i årtier. Zepp-LaRouche understregede tempoet, i hvilket disse strategiske forandringer finder sted. »Dette sker alt sammen blot tre år efter, at politikken med den Nye Silkevej først blev udtalt af Kinas præsident Xi Jinping. Og hvis man tænker på den hastighed, med hvilken denne dynamik har slået rod på globalt plan, så er det ganske åndeløst.«

Zepp-LaRouche adresserede dernæst det centrale, strategiske spørgsmål om USA’s forhold til dette fremvoksende, Nye Paradigme. »Det ville være den absolut naturlige fortsættelse af disse seneste tre år, at inkludere USA i Bælt & Vej-initiativet; at inkludere Europa og at udvikle hvert eneste indlandsområde på planeten, og at løfte ethvert menneske på denne Jord ud af fattigdom. På denne måde kan vi virkelig begynde at definere menneskehedens fælles mål, udvikle et fællesskab, eller et samfund, for civilisationens fælles fremtid og begynde at takle de problemer, det virkelig er værd at takle: nemlig, at bygge bosættelser på Månen; at udvikle en bedre forståelse af universets love; og at finde løsninger på uhelbredelige sygdomme.

Vi har alle mulige fantastiske projekter, som vi skal udføre, hvor vi arbejder sammen som én menneskehed. Og hvorfor skulle dette ikke være muligt? Lad os gå frem på optimistisk vis for at virkeliggøre de gennembrud, som er absolut nødvendige.«

Zepp-LaRouche understregede, at det amerikanske folk ikke er så splittet, som massemedierne vil have alle til at tro. Men »de, der er uenige i disse medieskabte splittelser, bør træde frem i lyset og være med til at bringe USA ind i det Nye Paradigme omkring den politik, som Lyndon LaRouche i årtier har fremlagt«.

Titelbillede: Kort over hovedruterne for “Bælt & Vej” – det 21. Århundredes Maritime Silkevej og det Økonomiske Silkevejsbælte over land  – det største infrastrukturprojekt i menneskehedens historie, der åbner op for udvikling af planetens indlandsområder, og som allerede nu er 12 gange større end Marshallplanen, der genopbyggede Tyskland – og Europa – efter Anden Verdenskrig. 

Lad vore sejre fra fortiden gennemtrænge vores fælles succes i fremtiden

6. maj, 2017 – Følgende erklæring distribueres i hele verden af medlemmer af LaRouche PAC, der deltager i de af Rusland initierede marcher til ære for dem, der bekæmpede fascisme i Anden Verdenskrig – som i Rusland går under navnet »Den Store Patriotiske Krig«. Øverst på flyvebladet er et billede af løjtnant William Robertson fra den amerikanske hær og løjtnant Alexander Sylvashko fra den Røde Hær, som omfavner hinanden foran et skilt, der lyder, »Øst møder Vest«, og som symboliserer det historiske møde mellem den sovjetiske og amerikanske hær i nærheden af Torgau, ved floden Elben, Tyskland, den 25. april, 1945.

De sovjetiske tab under Anden Verdenskrig er ufattelige for de fleste amerikanere, med et svimlende tabstal på 30 millioner menneskeliv, for ikke at tale om ødelæggelsen af familier, industri, land, kultur og infrastruktur. Kun kineserne, der mistede henved 20 millioner mennesker under kampene med Japan, kan muligvis fatte, hvor stort et offer, det sovjetiske folk led, såsom under belejringen af Leningrad (Skt. Petersborg), før sejren var hjemme. En sådan styrke, en sådan udholdenhed og et sådant mod udgør et vidnesbyrd om den kraft, menneskeheden besidder imod en ondskabens kraft, der er helliget ikke alene ødelæggelsen af menneskeliv, men også af menneskehedens ubegrænsede fremtid.

Hvilken vej fremad følger vi?

Samarbejdet mellem de tre stormagter: USA, Sovjetunionen og Kina, var altafgørende for de allieredes sejr i Anden Verdenskrig og er fortsat hjørnestenen i et nyt verdenssystem i dag.

Præsident Franklin Roosevelt, der anerkendte Sovjetunionens rolle under Josef Stalin, så vel som også indsatsen fra både de nationalistiske og kommunistiske kineseres side imod Japan, afviste personligt ethvert forsøg på at opretholde Det britiske Imperiums politik for kolonisation eller konflikt, og satsede på en verden med samarbejde mellem de fremvoksende, uafhængige nationer i verden, som især inkluderede det sovjetiske Rusland, Kina og Indien.

Hans vision for efterkrigstiden var radikalt anderledes end den vision, som blev implementeret af Storbritanniens Winston Churhill og, efter Roosevelts død, præsident Harry Truman. I stedet blev der, i kølvandet på krigen i Stillehavet, skabt en kunstig opdeling af britiske imperieinteresser og Wall Street-interesser, der specifikt havde til formål at opsplitte disse tre store nationer til at blive koldkrigsfjender.

Tiden er nu inde til, at arven fra den Kolde Krig slutter. Som den amerikanske udenrigsminister Rex Tillerson sagde til medlemmer af det Amerikanske Udenrigsministeriums stab den 3. maj, 2017:

»Vi har frembragt resultater på en måde, der i mangt og meget var formet af, og var en rest fra, den Kolde Krigs æra. Og i mange henseender har vi endnu ikke selv foretaget overgangen til denne nye virkelighed; man kan, når vi har vore samtaler med NATO – endnu et eksempel – se, at der er mange institutioner i hele verden, som blev skabt under en anden tid.

Så, efterhånden, som vi arbejder os ind på denne mulighed for at se på, hvordan vi skal udføre vores arbejde, er en af tingene at tænke på verden, som den ser ud i dag, og lade tilbage – altså, vi gør tingene på denne måde, fordi vi har gjort det på denne måde i de sidste 30 eller 40 år, eller 50 år – for alt dét blev skabt under andre omstændigheder.

Man kan vel sige, at jeg indbyder jer alle til at gå til denne indsats, som vi vil påtage os, uden begrænsninger af jeres tankegang – overhovedet.«

Det britiske Imperium er fjendens sande
ansigt; dette er en kamp, vi skal vinde.
LaRouche PAC Internationale Webcast,
5. maj, 2017; Leder

I en tale for Udenrigsministeriets personale for to dage siden, forklarer han virkelig, på en meget rolig, omfattende og klarhjernet måde, udenrigsminister Tillersons synspunkt og – må man antage – også præsident Trumps, om, hvordan udenrigspolitik vil blive ført af Trump-administrationen, med udsigten til samarbejde mellem USA, Kina og Rusland. I Tillersons tale foretog han en slags spadseretur rundt til hele verden; og han forklarede, hvad Trump-administrationens politik ville være i disse forskellige områder. … 

Det, udenrigsminister Tillerson sagde, er, at vi ikke længere vil bruge såkaldte »vestlige værdier« som påskud for vores udenrigspolitik. At vi selvfølgelig støtter menneskerettigheder og alle de vigtige værdier, som den Amerikanske Revolution blev udkæmpet for, og som findes indbygget i Uafhængighedserklæringen og USA’s Forfatning. Men, vi vil føre vores udenrigspolitik med den idé for øje, at vi har betydningsfulde partnerskaber, og at det ikke er vores opgave at diktere, hvilke værdier, de skal have i deres indenrigspolitik. Men derimod, at vi har meget reelle interesser, og at de også har meget reelle interesser.

Matthew Ogden: Det er 5. maj, 2017, og jeg er Matthew Ogden. Med mig i studiet i dag har vi Jason Ross, der i dag har gennemført et meget vigtigt interview, som vi vil vise nogle klip fra under aftenens udsendelse, med hr. William Binney, en meget betydningsfuld person. Jason Ross vil introducere ham senere i udsendelsen.

Men før vi kommer til det, så befinder vi os stadig i en nedtælling til konferencen om Kinas Bælt & Vej-initiativ, der starter ni dage fra i dag – 14. og 15. maj – i Beijing, Kina. Foreløbig har 28 statsoverhoveder meddelt, at de deltager i forummet, som Kinas præsident Xi Jinping vil være vært for. Vi ved, at Ruslands præsident Putin vil deltage som æresgæst. Og USA’s præsident Trump kan stadig nå at meddele, at, ikke alene vil han deltage i dette forum, men han vil også tage imod den invitation, Xi Jinping flere gange har overrakt ham, om, at USA tilslutter sig denne nye udvikling med Bælt & Vej-initiativet, eller den Nye Silkevej.

Lad mig gå direkte til sagen og fortælle jer, at der er en meget signifikant artikel, der blev udgivet i China Daily for blot et par timer siden. Det er en af de førende, kinesiske, engelsksprogede aviser i USA. Denne artikel har titlen, »Trump opfordret til at deltage i Bælt & Vej Forum«. Jeg viser artiklen på skærmen for jer; og I kan se, at dette er et interview med fr. Helga Zepp-LaRouche. Hendes billede ses her i nederste hjørne, og artiklen indledes med det følgende:

»USA’s præsident Donald Trump bør deltage i det forestående Bælt & Vej Forum for internationalt samarbejde i Beijing, sagde Helga Zepp-LaRouche, stifter af Schiller Instituttet, en politisk og økonomisk tænketank.« Artiklen fortsætter med at citere Helga LaRouche:

»’Det bedste ville være, hvis præsident Trump personligt ville deltage i Bælt & Vej Forum i Beijing’, sagde Zepp-LaRouche i et interview til China Daily.

’Det næstbedste ville være endnu et personligt topmøde mellem ham og præsident Xi Jinping umiddelbart efter, i Kina’, sagde hun. [Det første var i Mar-a-Lago for et par uger siden.]

Zepp-LaRouche foreslog, at den økonomiske samarbejdsmekanisme, en af de fire søjler, der blev etableret under det første møde mellem de to ledere i Mar-a-Lago i Florida, kunne arbejde på konkrete forslag til gensidige investeringer, både bilateralt og i tredjelande, i sammenhæng med Bælt & Vej-initiativet …

Zepp-LaRouche sagde, USA må tilslutte sig initiativet, der har udviklet ’en gigantisk dynamik’ og er ’historiens største’ infrastrukturprogram.

’Kun, hvis USA går med i dette initiativ, vil der være en måde, hvorpå geopolitik, der har forårsaget to verdenskrige i det 20. århundrede, kan overvindes’, forklarede hun. ’Når de institutionelle kræfter i USA først indser, at det er mere i amerikansk industris, jobs’ og samfundets interesse generelt, end det er at stå uden for initiativet, kan en potentiel Thukydid-fælde, eller en krig over brændpunkter, undgås.’«

Artiklen fortsætter dernæst med at sige, »’Kinesisk samarbejde i opbygning af USA’s infrastrukturbehov ville være med til at forynge den amerikanske økonomi’, sagde hun.

’For de kinesiske og amerikanske nationaløkonomier er gensidigt komplementære’, og Zepp-LaRouche sagde, de gensidige investeringer på dramatisk vis kunne stige med samarbejdet inden for initiativet.

Et sådant win-win-samarbejde ville ikke være begrænset til bilaterale investeringer, men kunne helt naturligt føre til joint ventures stort set i hele verden, i betragtning af opsvinget for økonomiske forventninger, forårsaget af initiativet, tilføjede hun.«


Så dette er altså en signifikant artikel, der blev udgivet i dag i China Daily, og det sker i sammenhæng med denne nedtælling til Bælt & Vej-topmødet. Men det er vigtigt, at Helga Zepp-LaRouches ord samtidigt nu også bliver læst af de engelsktalende læsere i USA – læserne af China Daily, der er en meget læst publikation; og der har også været en meget signifikant udvikling fra udenrigsminister Rex Tillersons side. I en tale for Udenrigsministeriets personale for to dage siden, forklarer han virkelig, på en meget rolig, omfattende og klarhjernet måde, udenrigsminister Tillersons synspunkt og – må man antage – også præsident Trumps, om, hvordan udenrigspolitik vil blive ført af Trump-administrationen, med udsigten til samarbejde mellem USA, Kina og Rusland. I Tillersons tale foretog han en slags spadseretur rundt til hele verden; og han forklarede, hvad Trump-administrationens politik ville være i disse forskellige områder. Men han startede med at gøre noget meget signifikant, og han har virkelig fået en masse kritik fra nogle af den transatlantiske, atlanticist-presse, kunne man kalde det. The Atlantic havde faktisk en lang artikel, der angreb udenrigsminister Tillersons verdenssyn. Men det, han gjorde, var, at han, i meget klare vendinger, afviste den ’humanitære interventionisme’, der er blevet en del af amerikansk politik under både Bush’ og Obamas administration. Man kunne kalde dette for »Tony Blair-doktrinen«; Tony Blair forklarede, i en særdeles berygtet tale i slutningen af 1990’erne, verden efter tiden for den ’Westfalske Freds principper’. Dette blev Bush- og Obama-administrationens doktrin; at gennemtvinge såkaldte »amerikanske demokratiske værdier« over resten af verden, som et påskud for at gennemføre regimeskifte og ’farvede revolutioner’. Det blev til det, som Susan Rice og Samantha Powers gennemførte i FN, og det var i realiteten påskuddet for, eller ideologien bag, utallige operationer for regimeskifte og hemmeligt finansierede farvede revolutioner, der er blevet ført i hele verden i løbet af de seneste 10-15 år.

Det, udenrigsminister Tillerson sagde, er, at vi ikke længere vil bruge såkaldte »vestlige værdier« som påskud for vores udenrigspolitik. At vi selvfølgelig støtter menneskerettigheder og alle de vigtige værdier, som den Amerikanske Revolution blev udkæmpet for, og som findes indbygget i Uafhængighedserklæringen og USA’s Forfatning. Men, vi vil føre vores udenrigspolitik med den idé for øje, at vi har betydningsfulde partnerskaber, og at det ikke er vores opgave at diktere, hvilke værdier, de skal have i deres indenrigspolitik. Men derimod, at vi har meget reelle interesser, og at de også har meget reelle interesser.

(Udskriftet fortsætter på engelsk:)   

So, I’m going to play for you this short clip from the
beginning of Secretary Tillerson’s speech; and you’ll see that it
sets up a very important context in which, in a second clip which
I’ll introduce to you, he discusses the future and the hopeful
potential future of our relationship with China.  But first,
here’s the first clip from Secretary Tillerson’s speech:

[begin video]
SECRETARY REX TILLERSON:  Guiding all of our foreign policy
actions are our fundamental values.  Our values around freedom,
human dignity, the way people are treated.  Those are our values;
those are not our policies, they’re values.  The reason it’s
important I think to keep that well understood, is policies can
change; they do change, they should change.  Policies change to
adapt to the circumstances.  Our values never change; they’re
constant throughout all of this.
So, I think the real challenge many of us have is, [as] we
think about constructing our policies and carrying out our
policies, is how do we represent our values?  And in some
circumstances, if you condition our national security efforts on
somewhat adopting our values, we probably can’t achieve our
national security goals or our national security interests.  If
we condition too heavily that others must adopt this value that
we’ve come to over a long history of our own, it really creates
obstacles to our ability to advance our national security
interests and our economic interests.  It doesn’t mean that we
leave those values on the sidelines.  It doesn’t mean that we
don’t advocate for and aspire to freedom, human dignity, and the
treatment of people the world over; we do.  We will always have
that on our shoulder everywhere we go.
But I think it’s really important that all of us understand
the difference between policy and values.  In some circumstances,
we should and do condition our policy engagements on people
adopting certain actions as to how they treat people; they
should.  We should demand that.  But that doesn’t mean that’s the
case in every situation.  So, we really have to understand in
each country, or each region of the world that we’re dealing
with, what are our national security interests?  What are our
economic prosperity interests?  Then, as we can advocate and
advance our values, we should; but the policies can do this.  The
values never change.
So, I would ask you to just, to the extent you could think
about that a little bit, I think it’s useful.  Because I know for
me, this is one of the most difficult areas as I’ve thought about
how to formulate policy. To advance all of these things
simultaneously is a real challenge.  I hear from government
leaders all over the world, “You just can’t demand that of us. We
can’t move that quickly, we can’t adapt that quickly.”  So, it’s
how do we advance our national security and economic interests;
and on this hand, our values are constant over here.
So, I give you that as kind of an overarching view of how I
think about the President’s approach of America First.
[end video]

OGDEN:  So, with that, Secretary Tillerson brought an end to
the Blair-Bush-Obama doctrine of color revolution, regime change,
and so-called “humanitarian interventionism.”  This is the
beginning of a new doctrine which is still being defined, but
coming out of the Trump administration foreign policy.
Now Secretary Tillerson did make very significant trip a few
weeks ago to China; where he met with Xi Jinping and other very
high-level officials.  And this was in the weeks preceding Xi
Jinping’s visit to the United States, where he had his bilateral
summit with President Trump at Mar-a-Lago.  It’s very
significant, as we count down the days between now and this forum
for the Belt and Road Initiative in Beijing, that there is a new
policy doctrine being formed in the Trump White House, in terms
of the relationship that the United States will have towards
China.  Obviously, none of this is yet determined, but there are
definite changes in process.
I’m going to play for you now another clip from Rex
Tillerson’s speech; where he begins by talking about the North
Korea situation, but as you’ll hear, he immediately brings up the
role that China and also Russia are playing in terms of
collaborating with the United States to resolve that situation
and also other situations around the world.  Then, you’ll hear
him get a little bit more into detail about what the potential
for a relationship between China and the United States over the
coming half century, as he discusses it, can become.

[begin video]
SECRETARY TILLERSON:  So, as all of you clearly understand,
when we came into the State Department, the administration came
in, was sworn in, and was immediately confronted with a serious
situation in North Korea.  In evaluating that, what was important
to us and to me to understand was, first, where are our allies.
So engaging with our allies and ensuring that we and our allies
see the situation the same.  Our allies in South Korea, our
allies in Japan.  Secondly, it was to engage with the other
regional powers as to how do they see it.  So, it was useful and
helpful to have the Chinese — and now the Russians — articulate
clearly that their policy is unchanged.  Their policy is a
denuclearized Korean peninsula.  Of course we did our part years
ago; we took all the nuclear weapons out of South Korea.  So now
we have a shared objective; and that’s very useful, from which
you then build out your policy approaches and your strategies.
So many people are saying, “Gee, this is just the same thing
we’ve tried over and over.  We’re going to put pressure on the
regime in Pyongyang; they’re not going to do anything, and then
in the end, we’ll all cave.”
Well the difference, I think, in our approach this time, is
we’re going to test this assumption.  When folks came in to
review the situation with me, the assumption was that China has
limited influence on the regime in Pyongyang, or they have a
limited willingness to assert their influence.  So, I told the
President, we’ve got to test that; and we’re going to test it by
leaning hard into them, and this is a good place to start our
engagement with China.  So, that’s what we’ve been doing, is
leaning hard into
China to test their willingness to use their influence,
their engagement with the regime of North Korea.  So, that’s
North Korea.
Then if I pivoted over to China, because it really took us
directly to our China foreign policy, we really had to assess
China’s situation — as I said — from the Nixon era up to where
we find things today.  We saw a bit of an inflection point with
the Beijing Olympics; those were enormously successful for China.
They kind of put China on the map, and China really began to feel
its oats about that time; and rightfully.  They have achieved a
lot.  They moved 500 million Chinese people out of poverty into
middle class status.  They’ve still a billion more that need to
move.  So, China has its own challenges, and we want to work with
them and be mindful of what they’re dealing with in the context
of our relationship.  Our relationship has to be one of
understanding that we have security interests throughout
Northeast Asia and security interests throughout the Pacific, and
we need to work with them on how those are addressed.  So, that
gets to the island building in the South China Sea, the
militarization of those islands, and obviously we have huge
trading issues to talk with them about.
So, we are using the entre of the visit in Mar-a-Lago, which
was heavy on some issues with North Korea, but also heavy on a
broader range of issues.  What we’ve asked the Chinese to do is,
we want to take a fresh look of where is this relationship going
to be 50 years from now?  Because I think we have an opportunity
to define that.  So, I know that there have been a lot of
dialogue areas that have been underway for the last several years
with China; we have asked China to narrow the dialogue areas and
elevate the participants to the decision-making level.  So, we
outlined four major dialogue areas with China; and we’ve asked
them to bring people who report directly to the decision maker,
which is President Xi.  So for the first time, we are seeking —
and it so far appears we will get — people at the Politburo
level and at much higher levels of the government in China to
participate in these dialogues, so we can reframe what we want
the relationship to be and begin to deal with some of the
problems and issues that have just been sort of sitting out there
stuck in neutral for a while.  It’s a much narrower — as we make
progress, those things will result in working groups where we can
get after solving these things.
We’re going to have the first meeting of the diplomatic and
security dialogue, which is chaired by myself and Secretary
Mattis with our counterparts here in Washington in June.  We’ve
put it up as kind of top priority.  The second one is economics
and trade, which is chaired by Treasury Secretary Mnuchin and
Commerce Secretary Ross, and it’s well underway also.
So, that’s kind of the new approach we’re taking with China,
is elevate; let’s kind of revisit this relationship and what is
it going to be over the next half century.  I think it’s a
tremendous opportunity we have to define that.  And there seems
to be a great interest on the part of the Chinese leadership to
do that as well.  They feel we’re at a point of inflection also.
So, that’s China.
[end video]

OGDEN:  Let me just reiterate a couple of the points that
you heard Secretary Tillerson just make.  He said it’s time for
us to take a fresh look at where this relationship is going over
the next 50 years.  What will that relationship be 50 years from
now?  We have the opportunity to reframe what that relationship
will be, to revisit that relationship, and to examine what it’s
going to be over the next half century.  We have a tremendous
opportunity to do that, he said, and there’s great interest on
the part of the Chinese leadership to do that as well.  They feel
that we’re at a point of inflection.
Now, just because this is a significant point to always
include the role that Lyndon and Helga LaRouche have played in
creating the vision, in laying out the vision which is really
creating the pathway forward for what is the future, in 2005,
Lyndon LaRouche published a book which was titled {Earth’s Next
Fifty Years}.  Not coincidentally, Mr. LaRouche’s point in this
book, which he presents in a very profound and philosophically
developed way, was that we’ve really reached the point where we
need to view the potential for a great powers relationship.
Between whom?  The United States, China, and Russia; and also
India, but most importantly this three-power relationship between
the United States, China, and Russia as a potential collaboration
to begin to envision a system of inter-relationship between
nations based on mutual benefit between those countries.  And the
development of the planet through — and he lays this out in
detail in this book — the Eurasian Land-Bridge, or the New Silk
Road as he calls it, has the potential to bring mankind into a
new mode of history.  A new chapter of history where wars are
something of the past; great wars are no longer fought between
countries over narrow national interests.  In fact, the mutual
benefit of these great projects, which are represented by what
China is now doing, is the potential for peaceful coexistence
between all cultures; a dialogue between civilizations, and as
the opportunity to pave the road towards a new chapter of human
So again, this was {Earth’s Next Fifty Years}; this was
published in 2005 by Lyndon LaRouche.  So, it’s the ability to
envision what the future must become which creates the
opportunity for competent and clear-minded leadership.  I think
you saw in a very real way the influence of that on what you’re
now seeing at least in an exploratory way from the U.S. State
Department and Secretary Tillerson.  What he also brought up
which is very important, is that China has succeeded in lifting
500 million people out of poverty in just a very short amount of
time; through great projects and investment into their own
population.  That’s half a billion people.
What Helga Zepp-LaRouche had to say earlier, when we were
speaking to her and Mr. LaRouche, is that we have to continue to
beat the drum in terms of President Trump reciprocating what has
been offered by President Xi Jinping in terms of the United
States participating in this New Silk Road dynamic.  This is the
logical and obvious answer to President Trump’s question:  How
are we going to spend $1 trillion in the United States on
developing the infrastructure and putting people back to work
with real skilled, productive, high-paying manufacturing jobs?
Well it must be done in collaboration with China.  There’s no way
that can be done without reciprocating Xi Jinping’s offer to join
this New Silk Road dynamic.
So, I’m going to remind people that about a month or two
ago, the LaRouche Political Action Committee issued a pamphlet.
I’m going to display that on the screen for you right now.  It
was titled “America’s Future on the New Silk Road.”  So, you can
see the cover of that pamphlet right here.  The subtitle is
“LaRouche’s Four Laws: the Physical Economic Principles for the
Recovery of the United States.”  You can see in the Table of
Contents what this pamphlet includes.  So, there’s an
introduction, which is called “A New Era for Mankind”; then you
have Lyndon LaRouche’s document, the “Four New Laws to Save the
United States Now.”  Then you have four chapters which elaborate
each of those four points.  One is, restore Glass-Steagall; this
is a fight we’re really in the midst of right now, and it’s
coming to a head.  Two, a new Hamiltonian national bank.  Three,
credit for increased productivity; and four, a crash program for
fusion and space.
That pamphlet has several full-spread maps included in it;
and I’m going to just show you a few of those. [pages 4-5] First
you have “China’s New Silk Road, the Belt and Road Initiative:
First Steps towards the World Land-Bridge” And this sort of shows
what the elements of the Belt and Road Initiative as it exists
right now are across Eurasia.  It includes the
China-Mongolia-Russia corridor, the China-Pakistan corridor, the
New Eurasian Land-Bridge, the China-Indochina corridor, the
Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar (BCIM) corridor, the Maritime Silk
Road, including ports and shipping lanes and so forth; and then
also China-Central and West Asia.
So those are the projects, as Helga LaRouche called it, the
biggest infrastructure project in human history, that’s what is
now on the table.  And those are the heads of state and
government that are going to be attending this summit in Beijing
next weekend.  This affects the entirety of the populations of
this area of the world.  So that’s what exists now.
If the United States wished to join this, there are several
very concrete projects which could be included: This map [pages
8-9] is titled “U.S.A. Joins the New Silk Road: An International
Recovery, Working with China To Build America.” Very
significantly, high-speed rail and magnetic levitation — look at
what China has done with high-speed rail development in China,
and compare that with the pathetic state of rail in the United
States.  It also includes reviving our industrial corridors, the
so-called “rust belt” development corridors, which include not
only transportation but also energy development and so forth.
Along those development corridors, you could have new cities.
It’s called “New Renaissance Cities,” because the cities have to
be centers of culture and education and art, and science and
research. And then very importantly, the Bering Strait
connection.  So as we develop the high-speed rail in North
America, it can connect to what’s being built in Eurasia.
And then finally, the third full-spread map in that pamphlet
[pages 20-21], is called, “The Full World Land-Bridge:  Expanding
China’s New Silk Road, A Global Infrastructure Economic
Platform.”  And these are some other projects which are sort of
third-party projects, which the United States and China could be
working together on for the benefit of other areas of the world:
Very importantly, a new Marshall Plan for the Middle East, this
is how we should resolve the crisis in Syria and Libya and Iraq.
In South America, a new inter-oceanic canal:  This is on the
books through Nicaragua.  Also a South American transcontinental
railroad.  The canal through the Isthmus of Kra, in Thailand, we
had a special presentation on that just a few weeks ago; this is
really moving forward, the Kra Canal.  Refilling Lake Chad with
the Transaqua Project.  This is one of the most important
projects for the future of Africa; and then also in Africa, a
Europe-Strait of Gibraltar tunnel.
So that’s the pamphlet, “America’s Future on the New Silk
Road” and it’s available on the LaRouche PAC website, and this is
something which we should be coming back to right now.  It’s very
But as Helga LaRouche said, in our discussion, we have not
yet reached the point of safety:  We are still in the danger
zone.  There are so many hotspots which could blow up around the
world, and there continues to be a very real attempt, from the
British Empire and from their allies inside the United States to
undermine and to destabilize the Trump administration for the
very reason that you saw Secretary Tillerson state — we are no
longer going to be the country which is the “dumb giant”
implementing British Empire, divide-and-conquer policies in the
world.  No longer East against West, but we are going to seek
dialogue and we are going to seek cooperation with these
So I think with that said, it sets up, I think, what we’re
going to discuss with Jason and I’d like to just let Jason pick
it up from there.

Jason ROSS: These projects you’ve discussed, this is
something that can transformed mankind, like going to the Moon.
This is that kind of scale of change, in relations among people.
Ever since Trump was elected, there has been an ongoing attack
against him of people whom you’d think had lost their minds, or
you were having a bad dream, except that it’s really happening;
people who are repeatedly saying, they’re not attacking trumps
policies per se, — that happens too, of course, but what I’m
talking about is the drumbeat about “Russia, Russia! {Russia,
Russia! Russia!}”  People saying that “Russia elected Donald
Trump.” That “Russia hacked the Democratic Party,” “Russia hacked
John Podesta, Russia hired internet trolls; Russia has
compromising blackmail material on Donald Trump — Russia,
Russia, Russia!”  “Russia caused Democratic candidates to shy
away from the TPP.”  It’s just complete nonsense!
Now, this is being done for two reasons.  One as an attempt
to delegitimize and throw Trump’s administration out entirely,
or, failing that, attempt to box him into an anti-Russia
provocative type of policy, to show that he’s not a shill or a
stooge for the “man who’s directing the entire world, Vladimir
Putin,” if you would listen to some people on MSNBC or other
So today I had the wonderful chance to speak with William
Binney about this.  Bill Binney was a covert, three-decade
employee at the NSA.  He resigned in 2001 as a top-level
executive there; he resigned over the fact that safeguards
against spying on American citizens were being overlooked, and
that a setup was being made to allow a totalitarian, and as he
put it, “an Orwellian state.”
So, let’s just go ahead and jump right in to hear what Bill
Binney has to say about whether Vladimir Putin runs the whole

[begin video]
JASON ROSS: Let me ask you, Mr. Binney: What do you think
about these claims. Did Russian hackers elect Donald Trump?

WILLIAM BINNEY:  I wrote an article that was published in
{Consortiumnews} on Dec. 12th of last year, that said this was
all a big fabrication, simply because they weren’t saying exactly
where the hack came from, and where the data out of the hack went
to!  I mean, that’s the whole point of what NSA has set up, in
terms of copying and collecting everything in a fiber network
inside the United States, and virtually everything in the world
on those fibers.
So that means — and they’ve got trace route programs by the
hundreds, scattered all over the world.  That means that they can
follow the [data] packets as they move through the network.  Now,
if somebody hacks into the DNC or Hillary or Podesta’s email or
something, and they want to find out who it is, all they have to
do is use the IP address with XKeyscore as Edward Snowden said,
and they’ve got all the data to find out where the packets went!
But they haven’t done that, you see.  And even NSA who’s the only
one that can do this — the rest of them are meaningless — if
NSA says they’ve got data on it, then it’s meaningful.  If the
rest say that we have high confidence, that’s just pure
speculation. And it’s something that’s just pure garbage, that
doesn’t mean anything.  Produce the evidence, they haven’t
produced any at all, so that’s what I called it back in December
of last year.
[end video]

ROSS: Well, that’s a pretty straightforward response on
that, isn’t it?  Let’s take up now the topic of the control over
the domestic political apparatus that’s exerted by an
uncontrolled intelligence apparatus that collects material on

[begin video]
ROSS:  More recently about a little over a month ago you
co-authored an article with Ray McGovern in which you wrote about
Trump’s response to this, that “his choice may decide whether
there is a future for this constitutional republic. Either Trump
can acquiesce to or fight against a deep state of intelligence
officials who have a myriad of ways to spy on politicians and
other citizens.  And thus amass derogatory materials that can be
easily transformed into blackmail.”
That’s a strong claim.  Tell us, how do you see the Trump
response to this attack on elected government?  And what should
ordinary people do, to prevent such a policy coup?

BINNEY:  Well, first of all, I think President Trump
realizes what’s been going on. A recent statement he made about,
“there’s an awful lot of spying going on on U.S. citizens and we
really don’t know the extent of it, and we really have to find
out what the heck”  — he used the word “hell” — “what the hell
is going on.”  Well, that means they’re even keeping him in the
Now, as the President of the United States, he’s supposed to
know all the sources of information that the intelligence
community is using to produce intelligence for him, and he
obviously doesn’t know about this.  But I’ve made it perfectly
clear that the “Fairview program, Stormbrew programs, and Blarney
programs* for the tapping of fiber networks inside the United
States are the sources of information on everybody in the United
States, including representatives in the House and Senate; you
know, even judges on the Supreme Court, Generals on the Joint
Chiefs of Staff, all Federal judges, all senior lawyer firms all
around, and all the journalists and everything; all that stuff is
being captured and stored.
And what they’re not talking about is, I’ve seen some
arguments where they said, “well, as long as we’re only using it
for intelligence and law enforcement isn’t involved, you know,
it’s OK for us to do that.” That was the argument I think that
Judge Napolitano put forward, that they were using with the FISA
Court to dupe them into doing what they want.
And that’s really what’s happened: They’ve been duped, and
so have the Congress, most of Congress. I mean the Intelligence
Committees I think were more aware of what was going on than the
rest of Congress.  But they duped the rest of Congress!  They
made them all just play along like a bunch of sheep, “here’s
bell, follow the bell,” you know?  So our democracy basically
doesn’t really exist the way it was originally intended.  And the
law enforcement, FBI, DEA, and others in the law enforcement
community had direct access into the NSA data — they’ve had it
all along! Director Mueller at the FBI said he’d been using the
Stellar Wind, which is the domestic spying data, since 2001, he’d
been using that, so; and that’s direct access through their
technology data center in Quantico, Virginia into the NSA data
bases where they could look all the content and metadata of
everybody in the country! And they could retroactively research
them any time they want.
And they’re using it to arrest people for common crime
inside the United States.  so, I mean, this is simply a
destruction of the entire judicial process in our country and
it’s a fundamental violation of the constitutional rights.  And
they’ve scrapped the Constitution, fundamentally.
I mean, that’s why I said, when the Iraqis were struggling
to put together a Constitution, I said, “well, why don’t we give
’em ours, we’re not using it.” [laughter]
[end video]

ROSS:  The discussion continued; we covered a lot of topics.
The interview will be available tonight for you who are
subscribing to our audio podcast, it’ll be up this weekend on the
The other aspect to take from it, is, as he said in that
article that he co-wrote with Ray McGovern, this is not something
that will go away.  Unless this apparatus is taken on and
removed, cleaned out, this ongoing cloud of blackmail potential
and political coercion that exists above the level of elected
government will continue putting pressure to oppose the kinds of
developments that we saw with what Tillerson put out, and with
the pamphlet that Matt just went through.  So it’s not a fight
that will go away.  This isn’t something that will simmer down
and go cold on its own.  It’s a fight that’s got to be won.

OGDEN:  Absolutely.  It’s heating up right now.  It’s
definitely not going away. Just earlier this afternoon, Sen. Rand
Paul  sent out a tweet, where he said, “I have formally requested
from the White House and the Intelligence Committees, info on
whether I was surveilled by the Obama administration or the
intelligence community.” So, to the extent that people are trying
to write off the claim from the Trump White House that, in fact,
Trump was wire-tapped or surveilled by the Obama administration,
now Sen. Rand Paul is asking the same question.  He went on to
say, “Did the Obama administration go after Presidential
candidates, members of Congress, journalists, clergy, lawyers,
federal judges? Did the Obama administration use warrantless
`wiretapping'” — in quotes — “on other candidates besides
Donald Trump?”
So, this is a real question. This makes Watergate seem pale
in comparison.

ROSS:  And some of the other specifics that have come out
about this. There’s the report that Susan Rice was the person,
Obama’s National Security Advisor, who outed Michael Flynn, or
who made an “unmasking” request to get from the recorded calls
with the Russian diplomat that, oh, that the person he was
speaking with was Gen. Michael Flynn.
So you don’t get much higher level in the political and
intelligence world than Mike Flynn, and if even his conversations
are being listened to and unmasked in this way, you know, who
isn’t?  Are the members of the intelligence community, are they
being blackmailed in this way?  This is the sort of thing that
you say, what would Hoover have been doing if he all of these
tools at his disposal?
And the numbers back it up:  A report just was released that
there were almost 2,000 incidents of unmasking of American
citizens, whose identities and communications were collected in a
foreign or other intelligence collection process, that the Obama
administration made that there were almost 2,000 requests to
unmask and find out who were the Americans involved in these

OGDEN:  And this continues to go back to the question of the
role that British intelligence is playing, and obviously now it’s
been publicly admitted that, in fact it was GCHQ that was
conducting the surveillance and channeling all of this
intelligence into the U.S. because it’s illegal under U.S. law to
spy on your own citizens — so just ask the British to do it!
And vice versa.
So, this continues to be the persisting question.  And the
point that has to be asked, and this is the question:  Will
Donald Trump recognize that this the true face of the enemy, and
that the British Empire have been attempting to stonewall and
bulldoze the United States into becoming their “dumb giant,” in
their attempts to set the world against itself and to continue to
manipulate the international politics through this geopolitical
model which they’ve been using since the end of World War II; or,
will we say this is the end of that so-called British-U.S.
“special relationship” and now is the time that we are going to
initiate a New Paradigm of international relations.
So I think that question gains more relevance as we look at
this speech that we played earlier today from Secretary
Tillerson, where he really did bring an end to this Blair
doctrine of using so-called “Western values” as the pretext for
regime change and color revolutions, and we see a potential for a
new relationship between the United States and China, new
relationship between the United States and Russia, and a new
attitude in terms of what our goals are in terms of our
relationships with the rest of the world?
So it’s a war which continues, and this interview that you
conducted today, Jason, with William Binney is an important tool
for people to use.  So I think people can watch the website for
that to come out, and as you said, it will be available to
podcast subscribers tonight in audio form.
So let’s wrap up today’s broadcast by saying that we are
nine days away from the opening of this Beijing conference.  This
begins one week from Sunday: The heads of state and government
will be arriving a week from today, a week from tomorrow in
Beijing.  I guarantee you that the accommodations can be made for
President Trump to attend that summit if he so makes the decision
in the next few days.  And as Helga LaRouche said, even if that
doesn’t occur, the next best option would be for another
bilateral summit between President Trump and President Xi in the
days and weeks following the Belt and Road Initiative summit.
So we have that to look forward to, and over the coming
days, we ask you to stay tuned to, and continue
to do what you can do, to educate the U.S. population about the
possibility of what would be our opportunities, were we to join
this Belt and Road Initiative. That pamphlet that I gave you a
guided tour of is available on the LaRouche PAC website.  We’ll
make that available as a link
[]  in the
description of this video here today. And also you can watch the
full speech from Secretary Tillerson that’s available on YouTube
and we’ll make that link available as well.
So thank you very much for joining us, and please stay tuned
to the LaRouche PAC website and the LaRouche PAC YouTube channel
for the full interview with William Binney, you can find the
interview that Helga Zepp-LaRouche conducted with {China Daily}
on their website [
— and that link is also provided in the
description of this video.
So thank you very much. Thank you Jason for joining me here
today, and please stay tuned to


Så fik visionære personer alligevel ret

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, 4. maj, 2017 – I dag, præcis ti dage, før åbningen af Bælt & Vej Forum i Beijing finder sted, er vidtrækkende forandringer til det bedre i menneskets vilkår blevet til en umiddelbart opnåelig mulighed. Den nye vision for menneskeheden, der har været Lyndon LaRouches og Helga Zepp-LaRouches hele livsværk, kan virkeliggøres, hvis deres ideer effektivt promoveres i løbet af de forestående dage og uger.

Hvor mange indså sandheden i Kinas officielle avis, Global Times’ lederartikel fra 2. maj? Den sagde, at ængstelsen over Bælt & Vej-initiativet »blotlægger den stereotype, amerikanske nulsums-tankegang … [Men] den offentlige mening i USA er diskret ved at ændre sig, fra at være imod det, og til at tillægge en undersøgelse af det, større betydning«.

Sandheden i denne iagttagelse er nu blevet understreget på en overraskende måde, gennem den amerikanske udenrigsminister Rex Tillersons lange, improviserede tale for hele Udenrigsministeriet i går. Anglofile nyhedskilder har citeret en del af Tillersons bemærkninger med det formål at bagvaske dem: hans åbningsudtalelser, hvor han klart tager afstand fra Bush- og Obama-administrationernes morderiske politikker med »farvet revolution« og regimeskifte. Her sagde Tillerson, at Amerikas »værdier« ikke nødvendigvis er det samme som dets udenrigspolitik – hvilket, som han forklarede, vil sige, at forsøg på at påtvinge andre nationer amerikanske »værdier« ofte ville vise sig kontraproduktivt.

Men det, der ikke blev rapporteret, var Tillersons detaljerede og udtrykkelige beskrivelse af den nye administrations nye aftaler om dialog med Kina. Han sagde, at den nye dialog ville blive med kinesiske regeringsfolk, der rapporterer direkte til præsident Xi Jinping – og således implicit, at amerikanerne ville være regeringsfolk, der rapporterer direkte til præsident Donald Trump. Planen fra begge sider er her, at man vil opnå konkrete aftaler snarere end blot få en talk-shop, som den foregående »dialog«.

Men hvad er det overordnede formål med dialogen? Tillerson understregede, og understregede igen, at dens formål bliver at definere den amerikansk-kinesiske relation »for det næste halve århundrede!«

Var det ikke Lyndon LaRouche, der skrev bogen med titlen, »Jordens kommende halvtreds år«? (Hele Rex Tillersons tale for Udenrigsministeriets ansatte kan læses her:

En implikation er, at det stadig er muligt for præsident Trump at deltage i denne Bælt & Vej-konference den 14.-15. maj, og vi bør kæmpe for, at det sker.

I mellemtiden – på den anden side af globen i Kasakhstans hovedstad Astana – underskrev de russiske, iranske og tyrkiske repræsentanter i dag en aftale om at etablere demilitariserede »sikre zoner«, eller »deeskaleringszoner«, i Syrien, med støtte fra den syriske regering. USA var, selv om de ikke deltog i aftalen eller deltog direkte i forhandlingerne, repræsenteret i Astana af fungerende viceudenrigsminister Stuart Jones. Præsident Putin sagde, at præsident Trump i deres telefonsamtale den 2. maj havde støttet sådanne sikre zoner – ja, det havde faktisk været en del af Donald Trumps præsidentkampagne, selv om det ondskabsfuldt var blevet miskarakteriseret som en casus belli for Rusland. Den russiske regering siger, at oprettelsen af disse zoner endelig vil begynde at adskille terroristerne fra den bevæbnede, syriske opposition – noget, som [tidl. udenrigsminister] John Kerry i et år havde lovet at gøre, men som Barack Obama aldrig ville give sin tilladelse til.

Samtidig har nogle amerikanske kongresmedlemmer ikke holdt trit med verdensbegivenhederne således, at der ikke blev indgivet et Glass/Steagall-tillæg, før Husets Komite for Finansielle Ydelser havde en direkte afstemning om et finansielt reguleringslovforslag i dag, langs partilinjerne. Vi vil mobilisere mere aggressivt og hårdere om dette, men ikke længere specifikt med denne komite som mål.

Det er det store billede, som hver og én af os til enhver tid må repræsentere: menneskehedens fremtid i de næste halvtreds til hundrede og halvtreds år.

Foto: Helga og Lyndon LaRouche taler ved en Schiller Institut-konference i Tyskland, juni 2016.

Dette er ikke de 100 dage,
Det britiske Imperium havde i tankerne

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, 3. maj, 2017 – Den dynamik, der repræsenteres af de »Tre Store« internationale ledere (Putin, Xi og Trump), får i stigende grad rodfæste i den globale, strategiske situation, om end ulige fordelt. På mærkedagen for Trump-administrationens første 100 dage var det Det britiske Imperiums plan, at Donald Trump skulle være afsat fra præsidentembedet og /eller død; at verden skulle være på en fast kurs for regional og global atomkrig; og at Glass-Steagall skulle være historie – og kun historie.

Den britiske plan var ganske bestemt ikke, at Trump foreløbig skulle have talt tre gange i telefon med den russiske præsident Putin, med udsigt til et møde mellem dem, der sandsynligvis vil finde sted under G20-topmødet i juli; det var ikke, at Trump skulle have gennemført et møde med Xi Jingping samt talt med ham flere gange; og det var ikke, at Trump personligt skulle have placeret spørgsmålet om Glass-Steagall som topprioritet til diskussion – selv om kampen om, hvilken version af »Glass-Steagall« – den ægte FDR-lov eller en eller anden ersatz variant med »ring-fencing« (intern bankopdeling) – stadig udkæmpes, og hvor amerikanske borgere er en del af kampen, anført af LaRouche PAC’s mobilisering.

Føj hertil den kendsgerning, at det forestående topmøde for Bælt & Vej-initiativet 14.-15. maj i stigende grad dominerer den globale, økonomiske dagsorden, og at Lyndon og Helga LaRouche personligt er i centrum for denne diskussion, med Rusland og Kina som de primære samtalepartnere, (som det meget klart sås af den nylige Schiller Institut-konference i New York), og man vil se, hvorfor Det britiske Imperium ikke er den mindste smule ’begejstret’.

De er faktisk i panik, og de forsøger stadig at brygge et fremstød sammen for at afsætte Trump ved en rigsret, og for at gennemføre en ’farvet revolution’ i USA.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche understregede i dag, at vi nu befinder os i en nedtælling på 10 dage til Bælt & Vej-topmødet i Beijing, og at vi må forstærke indsatsen for at insistere, at USA må blive involveret i denne proces. USA har et infrastrukturunderskud til skønsmæssigt mindst $8 billioner og har brug for kinesisk ekspertise og investering til at være med til at genopbygge landets infrastruktur på det højeste, teknologiske niveau. Desuden, understregede Zepp-LaRouche, bør USA og Kina gå ind i joint venture-projekter, især i Mellemøsten og Afrika, for at bringe fred og udvikling til disse områder. Zepp-LaRouche erklærede: Der er masser at gøre!

Det er sikkert, at Rusland og Kina vil respondere favorabelt til en sådan amerikansk politik. Som den officielle kinesiske avis Global Times skarpt bemærkede i en leder fra 2. maj:

Ængstelse over Bælt & Vej-initiativet »blotlægger den stereotype, amerikanske nulsums-tankegang …

[Men] den offentlige mening i USA er diskret ved at ændre sig fra at være imod det, og til at tillægge det større betydning at undersøge det …

[Samarbejde ville] hæve deres gensidige tillid til det næste niveau … og skabe en ny platform for kinesisk-amerikansk samarbejde …

Beijing har allerede overbragt en invitation, og hvordan USA vil respondere til det, er værd at observere.«

FDR: “Winston, når denne krig
er forbi, vil der ikke være noget
Britisk Imperium!”
EIR-kortvideo, 3. maj 2017

Schiller Instituttets konference i New York:
Videoer af alle de enkelte talere

U.S.-China Cooperation on the Belt and Road Initiative – Summary



Mike Billington, Executive Intelligence Review magazine



Benjamin Deniston, 21st Century Science and Technology



Jason Ross, 21st Century Science and Technology magazine Editor-in-Chief



Prof. Nie Lei, Dean, School of Traffic and Transportation, Beijing Jiaotong University



Dr. Hal Cooper Jr., Chairman, Seattle Freight Transport Advisory Board



Richard Trifan, Vice President, Government Relations and Trade, The Eurasia Center, Washington, D.C.



Dr. Liu Qiang, Director of Energy Economics Division, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences



Mr. Faiyaz Murshid Kazi, Counsellor, the Permanent Mission of Bangladesh to the United Nations



VA Senator Richard Black (R-13)



Ms. Meifang Zhang, Deputy Consul General, the Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China



Mr. Petr Iliichev, Chargé d’affaires, Permanent Mission of Russian Federation to the UN



Dr. Patrick Ho, Deputy Chairman & Secretary General, China Energy Fund Committee, Hong Kong, China


Trump sætter ind for fred i Asien;
New York Times råber på krig

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, 2. maj, 2017 – Det bliver i stigende grad klart, at præsident Trump, sammen med Kinas præsident Xi Jinping og Ruslands præsident Vladimir Putin, tager skridt til at afslutte krisepunkterne i Eurasien, der havde bragt verden til randen af krig under præsident Obama, og som briterne og deres aktiver desperat har forsøgt at bruge igen i dag for at bryde Trumps samarbejde med Rusland og Kina.

Som en sydkoreansk analytiker sagde i sidste uge, så har Trump en politik for Nordkorea, der er meget tæt på den politik, der føres af de førende kandidater til præsidentskabet i Sydkorea i det forestående valg den 9. maj: hav en større pind, men tilbyd en større gulerod.

Alt imens Trump-administrationen har aktiveret THAAD-missilsystemet i Sydkorea og gennemfører øvelser i området med et hangarskib, B-1 bombefly og atomubåde, erklærer Trump samtidig højlydt for verden, at han samarbejder tæt med præsident Xi, og at han ønsker at forsikre Nordkorea om, at USA ikke truer med »regimeskifte« imod Kim Jong-un-regeringen. Hans udtalelser mandag om, at han ville være villig til at møde Kim Jong-un personligt under passende omstændigheder, er blevet mødt med hysteri i den vestlige presse, og deres respons til Trumps opringning til den filippinske præsident Rodrigo Duterte, hvor han inviterede ham til at besøge Det Hvide Hus, sendte New York Times og andre ud i hysteriske krampetrækninger.

Men hvad repræsenterer disse skridt? Koreakrisen blev skabt af Bush- og Obama-administrationerne, der saboterede hver eneste aftale, der blev opnået med Nordkorea, og førte til Obamas vanvittige »strategiske tålmodighed« – altså, en afvisning af at forhandle med Nordkorea, med mindre de gjorde præcis, som de fik besked på, samtidig med, at han opbyggede en massiv militærstyrke og forøgede sanktionerne. Målet var Kina, ikke Nordkorea. Bush og Obama var henrykte over at have et atombevæbnet Nordkorea, som gav en undskyldning for at opbygge en massiv militær ring rundt om Kina og Rusland.

Nu arbejder Trump sammen med Kina. Der er ikke længere grund til at drive Nordkorea til fjendtlige reaktioner med atomvåben. Som udenrigsminister Rex Tillerson sagde i sidste uge, så må vi overbevise Pyongyang om, at vi ikke tilsigter regimeskifte, men blot en fredelig atomafrustning af Koreahalvøen.

Det samme gælder for Filippinerne. Den tidligere filippinske regerings unødvendige provokation af Kina, hvor de sendte spørgsmålet om suverænitet over øerne i det Sydkinesiske Hav til en forudindtaget vestlig domstol, uden kinesisk deltagelse, retfærdiggjorde Obamas deployering af en stærk militærstyrke til området. Med valget af Duterte endte denne krise, og Filippinerne arbejder nu tæt sammen med Kina, og ligeledes med USA. Både Filippinerne og USA befinder sig nu under et fornuftigt lederskab, der afviser galskaben med verdenskrig mellem atommagter.

I dag havde Trump en lang telefonsamtale med præsident Putin, hvor de aftalte at arbejde tæt sammen om udarbejdelse af en fredelig, politisk løsning på brændpunkterne i Nordkorea og Syrien. Dette forfærder briterne, der troede, de med held havde forgiftet Trumps plan om at blive venner med Putin, gennem deres løgne om, at Assad havde brugt kemiske våben, og som fik Trump til at bombe en syrisk flyvebase.

Naturligvis beskriver New York Times, Det britiske Imperiums stemme i USA, Xi Jinping og Putin som diktatorer og hævder, at Trump er en tyran, fordi han vil være venner med dem, eller med andre »autoritære diktatorer«, såsom Duterte, Egyptens el-Sisi eller andre, der trodser den britiske imperieopdeling af verden i fjendtlige lejre, og som kun er interesseret i at bekæmpe terrorisme, og ikke andre nationalstater. Dette er i realiteten landene i den Nye Silkevej, der ønsker at arbejde sammen som venner i opbygningen af en verden, der er menneskeheden værdig.

Trump har hidtil endnu ikke meddelt, om han vil deltage i det Internationale Bælt & Vej Forum, der finder sted i Beijing den 14. – 15. maj, og hvor ledere fra 100 nationer vil mødes for at diskutere menneskehedens fremtid, baseret på gensidig udvikling, lindring af alvorlig fattigdom (som Kina næsten har opnået), og en verden, der er fri for krig og terrorisme. Som Helga Zepp-LaRouche sagde den 13. april, hvis Trump går frem med at bringe USA ind i den Nye Silkevej, vil han blive husket som en af de største amerikanske præsidenter. Selve begrebet om Imperium, om en verden, der består af tilhængere af Darwins teorier (den stærkeste overlever) og nationer, der fungerer på samme måde som i dyreverden, hvor man kæmper om fordele på den andens bekostning, kan én gang for alle deponeres i den historiske skraldespand. Menneskeheden kan dernæst gå fremad mod sin sande bestemmelse med at opbygge en retfærdig og fremgangsrig verden, og med fremme af menneskehedens opdagelser i rummet, samt skabe en videnskabelig og kulturel renæssance blandt alle folkeslag.

LaRouche, 2009:
Genindfør Glass-Steagall, NU!
EIR kortvideo 2. maj

Trump er måske ved at bryde fri af den britiske krigsfælde:
Hvad hans næste skridt må være

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, 1. maj, 2017 – Præsident Donald Trumps erklæring i dag om, at han er villig til at forhandle fred direkte med Nordkoreas Kim Jong Un – hvilket vil forskaffe de største, løgnagtige medier i London, New York og Washington et nervøst sammenbrud – er begyndelsen til, at præsidenten muligvis vil bryde ud af en britisk krigsfælde. »Under de rette omstændigheder«, sagde han, og disse omstændigheder kunne meget vel være præcis de multilaterale, direkte forhandlinger, som præsidenterne Xi og Putin arbejder så hårdt på.

Kina og Rusland – de nationer, som den britiske elite har forsøgt at drive Trump til krig med. Den britiske regerings Boris Johnson og Michael Fallon har gentagne gange meddelt, at de med sikkerhed vidste, at Trump stod for at gå i krig mod Nordkorea, ligesom de, kortvarigt, havde puffet ham ind i en krigsfælde i Syrien.

Det er af presserende betydning, at alle Trump-tilhængere forstår dette og lægger yderligere pres på ham for at undfly briternes dødbringende »geopolitik«.

Hans destination bør være Beijing, 14.-15. maj, sammen med 30 andre statsoverhoveder og 101 nationale delegationer i Bælt & Vej Forum. Det er samarbejde med Kina om økonomisk udvikling på verdensplan, inklusive en ny økonomisk infrastruktur i USA.

Præsidenten overrumplede Wall Street i samme interview i det ovale kontor ved at sige, at han ønskede at bryde Wall Street-bankerne op med det »21. århundredes Glass-Steagall«. Ingen tvivl om, at de vil tilbyde Barack Obama endnu mere – en halv million pr. tale – for at angribe Trump. Fra og med G20-mødet i februar 2009 i London fulgte Obama den britiske, politiske ledelse: Bankredning (bailout) til alle storbankerne, og vedtagelse af hvad som helst, blot IKKE Glass-Steagall. Dét ville sætte en stopper for Londons rolle og verdens imperie-finanscentrum.

Hvad der er vigtigere, så ville dette smide Wall Street-bankernes spekulative derivater og »kasino«-operationer ud af støtte fra skatteborgerne og statslig garanti og overlade dem til at gå fallit, hvis de vil gå fallit. Med en enorm gældsboble i foretagender og selskaber på $14 billion, der er begyndt at gå i betalingsstandsning og nu truer med at gå fallit, er dette det afgørende, første skridt til at vende tilbage til en økonomisk genrejsning. Som stiftende chefredaktør for EIR, Lyndon LaRouche, i dag sagde om Trumps interview: »Dette finanssystem har været komplet degenereret, et svindelnummer, siden et godt stykke tid før krakket, som jeg forudsagde i begyndelsen af 2007. Man må simpelt hen skaffe sig af med det.«

Præsidenten tager skridt til at undfly den dødbringende, britiske fælde med geopolitik og krig, som – siden FDR – kun JFK og Ronald Reagan er brudt fri af, i det mindste delvist. Den ene blev myrdet, den anden næsten myrdet. Det er et spørgsmål om liv og død for nationen, at præsident Trumps tilhængere forstår, hvad han er oppe imod, og hvad hans næste skridt må være.