Den presserende opgave for det nye år:
Sæt dagsordenen for USA

Leder fra LaRouchePAC, 27. december, 2016 – I denne uge udgav Kina sin rapport, »Kinas aktiviteter i rummet i 2016«, med en gennemgang af rumprogrammets præstationer igennem de seneste år, og med en fremlæggelse af planer for den kommende periode, med det formål, lyder rapporten, at tjene »menneskehedens utrættelige forfølgelse af en fredelig udforskning og anvendelse af det ydre rum. Kina står ved en ny, historisk startlinje og er fast besluttet på at fremskynde udviklingen af sin industri og aktivt udøve international udveksling og internationalt samarbejde omkring rummet således, at resultater fra aktiviteter i rummet vil tjene og forbedre menneskehedens trivsel i bredere omfang … «

I skarp modsætning hertil befinder USA og det transatlantiske område sig i et økonomisk sammenbrud, der udgør en stor fare for hele menneskeheden, og de fortsætter desuden med at forfølge den selv samme politik, der var årsag til dette sammenbrud.

Nærmere bestemt, så finder der i øjeblikket et opgør sted mellem Den europæiske Centralbank (ECB) og Italien over Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena (MPS), som truer med at bryde ud i kaos. I denne uge kom det frem, at ECB har beordret MPS til at fremskaffe – genkapitalisere – 8,8 mia. euro, og ikke de tidligere 5 mia., som den italienske regering har arbejdet på at fremskaffe. Befolkningen er rasende.

Den eneste fornuftige respons til alt dette er at dumpe det døde system ved at indlede en Glass-Steagall reorganisering og etablere et ordentligt banksystem. Udsted kreditter til prioriterede, produktive aktiviteter og promover den økonomiske virkning, med videnskab som drivkraft, af at fremme arbejde omkring rummet og omkring gennembrud inden for fusion. Dette fremlægges i Lyndon LaRouches forslag fra 2014 med de »Fire Love«, som vi vil præsentere i den kommende, nye brochure fra LaRouchePAC til masseomdeling – en opdateret version af brochuren »USA går med i den Nye Silkevej; en Hamilton-vision for en økonomisk renæssance« (2015).

Dette program må sættes øverst på dagsordenen i USA, og ligeledes i Europa og andre steder, og det må ske omgående. Det er desuden ligeledes presserende nødvendigt at formidle videnskaben bag de ’Fire Love’. Se tilbage og studer LaRouches gennembrud inden for metodologi i årtiernes løb. For eksempel, hans koncept med potentiel relativ befolkningstæthed; hans koncept med energigennemstrømningstæthed; hans koncept med den ’produktive platform’ – og ikke blot infrastruktur.

I dag bemærkede Helga Zepp-LaRouche, at det, man ser i den netop publicerede kinesiske rapport om rum-infrastruktur, faktisk er, at man har taget halvdelen af Lyndon LaRouches forslag for en økonomisk platform og projiceret det ud i rummet. Det er meget rigt og håbefuldt.

Den 3. januar vil den nye, 115. Kongres træde sammen i Washington, D.C. De skal mærke presset for at handle. Den 6. januar vil alle kongresmedlemmer være til stede for at gennemføre protokollen med at optælle valgmandskollegiets stemmer og officielt erklære valget af Donald Trump, hvis kampagne red ind på en bølge af befolkningens afsky for den nuværende politik med økonomisk destruktion og krig. Vi må nu sætte dagsordenen for, hvad der må gøres for at gøre en ende på denne befolknings trængsler, fortvivlelse og vrede.

Lyndon LaRouche talte om denne bydende og presserende nødvendighed: »Læg pres på kongresmedlemmerne for at få tingene til at ske.« Han sagde, »Vi må opbygge mennesker, der blev ødelagt af det, som Bush-familien og Obama gjorde. Det er spørgsmålet.« Han talte om Franklin D. Roosevelt og sagde, »Se på, hvordan FDR var foregangsmand for nye fordele for USA’s befolkning« og bemærkede, at FDR og hans politik dernæst blev knust. Men, »vi har en latent mulighed. Vi kan få det tilbage«. Ideen er, at »vi må genopdrage. Brug redskaber til at gøre folk kreative … Se, hvad FDR opnåede. Det må gøres klart.«      

Hver generation bør fokusere på en total revolution i den måde,
hvorpå menneskeheden fremstår som art.
LaRouchePAC Internationale Webcast, 23. december, 2016

Vi befinder os på tærsklen til jul; og vi mente, at det var meget vigtigt at få en diskussion i aftenens show, for vi har en ekstremt intens og vigtig politisk situation i øjeblikket. Vi håber, I alle har en fornemmelse af, hvor vigtige de umiddelbart forestående timer og dage er, og at I ikke er for optaget af julehøjtidelighedens festligheder.

På trods af de massive, falske nyheder, der i øvrigt kendes som de etablerede medier; på trods af de ting, vi dér hører, så er der i øjeblikket et betydningsfuld historisk og strategisk skifte i gang på globalt plan.

For blot at sætte fokus på ét element i dette, så er man i stor stil flippet ud over det faktum, at et lækket overgangsmemo fra Pentagon, fra den tiltrædende Trump-administration, udtrykkeligt ikke opregner Rusland som en eksistentiel trussel mod USA. Alene dette er en lille, men betydningsfuld indikation på den type overgang, vi ser. Der er mange spørgsmålstegn omkring Trump-administrationen, men det, der ganske klart er fremgået, er, at han har til hensigt at tage hele denne geopolitiske trussel om Tredje Verdenskrig af bordet. Dette er endnu en indikation på, at han ikke er indstillet på at spille hele dette Obama-Hillary Clinton, geopolitiske spil, der går helt tilbage til George Bush-administrationen, gående ud på at forsøge at true, underminere og ødelægge Rusland og Kina i forsøg på at opretholde en eller anden form for anglo-amerikansk globalt herredømme. Dette skræmmer livet af Obama og folkene bag ham i USA, i Europa, i London og lignende steder. Det skaber på den ene side en åbenlys, klar mulighed; men også en temmelig spændt og farlig situation. For blot et par dage siden advarede hr. Larouche udtrykkeligt om, at i denne periode, selv, når det ser ud, som om vi er tæt på Trumps indsættelse, så befinder vi os stadig væk i en meget farlig overgangsperiode; og Obama sidder dér som en dræber, en morder, der har begået mord i hele verden, ødelagt nationer i hele verden, dræbt amerikanere, fuldstændigt revet forfatningsmæssige forholdsregler i stykker, og sådanne ting. Dér sidder, han, stadig i embedet, stadig ved magten. Og blot umiddelbart herefter så vi, næsten efter bogen, en bølge af handlinger af en terroristisk art over hele planeten. Der var terrorhandlingen i Tyskland, der stadig er årsag til udbredt hysteri dér, med ubesvarede spørgsmål mht., hvad det var, der rent faktisk fandt sted. Og selvfølgelig, mordet på den russiske ambassadør i Tyrkiet, som var en direkte trussel mod hele den operation, der med held køres af Putin, for at bringe stabilitet og en reel bekæmpelse af reel terrorisme i dette område, i sammenhæng med en række andre terrortrusler og forsøg på aktioner i hele verden. Det er næsten efter bogen, at denne kaos-operation så bryder ud.

Men i aften vil vi diskutere noget, der er mere gavnligt. Mike [Billington] vil gå mere i dybden med, hvor verden i realiteten er på vej hen, og kunne være på vej hen; under forudsætning af, at vi kan grundfæste dette strategiske skifte; samt, hvorfor planetens nye direktion, under lederskab af Putin, Kina og allierede kræfter, virkelig er i færd med at omstøde dette historiske paradigme, der frem til i dag har knust verden i årtier.


LaRouche PAC Webcast, Dec. 23, 2016

   BENJAMIN DENISTON:  Hi!  Welcome to the LaRouche PAC Weekly
Report for December 23, 2016.  My name is Benjamin Deniston; I'll
be hosting the discussion today.  We're happy to be joined by
Mike Billington of {Executive Intelligence Review} here in the
studio; and over Google Hang-outs, we have Diane Sare, leader of
the LaRouche PAC Policy Committee joining us from the New
Jersey-New York area.
   So today we have, I think, a rather exciting and important
discussion.  We're here on the eve of Christmas Eve; and we
thought it was very important to do a show today and have a
discussion, because this is an extremely intense and important
political situation right now.  We hope all of you have a sense
of the importance of the situation in the immediate hours and
days right now; and are not too swept up in the festivities of
the holidays.  Despite the massive fake news operation, otherwise
known as the mainstream media, despite what you're hearing from
that, there is a major historical and strategic shift underway
right now globally.
   I think just to highlight one element of this, there's been
a major freak-out around a leaked Pentagon transition memo from
the incoming Trump administration, which explicitly does not list
Russia as an existential threat to the United States.  This alone
is one more small but important indication of the type of
transition we're seeing.  There's a lot of questions around the
Trump administration, but what's been absolutely clear
consistently is that he is looking to take this entire
geopolitical threat of World War III off the table.  This is just
another indication showing that he is not willing to play this
Obama-Hillary Clinton going back to the George Bush
administration, geopolitical game of trying to threaten,
undermine, and destroy Russia and China to try and maintain some
kind of Anglo-American global hegemony.  This is completely
terrifying Obama and the people behind him in the United States,
in Europe, in London and related places. This is creating on the
one side obviously a clear opportunity; but also a rather tense
and dangerous situation.  It was just a few days ago that Mr.
LaRouche emphatically warned that in this period, even if it
seems like we're close to the inauguration of Trump, we still
have a very dangerous transition time; and you have Obama sitting
there as a killer, as a murderer, who has committed acts of
murder around the world, destroyed nations around the world,
killed Americans, completely ripped up Constitutional measures
and those grounds.  And he is sitting there, still in office,
still in power; and it was only in the immediate hours and days
after that that you had almost by the book, a wave of
terrorist-type activity launched all over the planet.  You had
this terrorist event in Germany, which is still creating major
hysteria over there, and there are still major questions about
what actually happened with that operation.  You obviously had
the assassination of this Russian ambassador in Turkey, which was
a direct threat to the entire operation that's been run
successfully by Putin to bring stability and an actual fight
against real terrorism in that region in connection with a series
of other terrorist threats and attempted actions around the
world.  It's almost a by the book response of this chaos
operation blowing up.
   But what we're going to discuss more today is going to be
very useful.  Mike is going to put some depth in where the world
is actually going and could be going; assuming we can solidify
this strategic shift; and why the new directionality of the
planet under the leadership of Putin, China, and allied forces is
really threatening to overturn this historical paradigm that's
crushed the world for many decades at this point.  I want to hand
it over to Mike; and we're going to get into the discussion.

   MICHAEL BILLINGTON:  OK, thanks Ben.  I'm certainly glad to
be here.  It is an incredible moment in history; it reminds me of
the opening of Dickens' {A Tale of Two Cities}, where he says,
"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times …"  He
meant it, and it's true; we are in a revolutionary period,
there's no question about that.  This is sweeping the globe; it's
already largely taken over Asia, and the Brexit and the Italian
vote, the Trump vote, and so forth, indicate that people have
finally reached the limit to the power of tyranny over their
economy, over perpetual warfare.  But a revolution doesn't
necessarily have a positive outcome, and that's actually what
Dickens was talking about.  The French Revolution came soon after
the historic and wonderful American Revolution based on a new
conception of man; based upon science and technology and a new
financial system under Hamilton's ideas to defeat the power of
the British Empire which lay in their global financial empire.
But the French Revolution was taken over actually by the British;
but turned into chaos.  It's what Schiller said was "a great
moment [in history] has found a little people."  So, instead of a
great republic, you ended with the guillotine; you ended up with
Robespierre saying the revolution has no need for science, and
ultimately this led to the emergence of the first fascist —
   So, we cannot be complacent; we have a tremendous victory in
the defeat of Obama and his clone, Hillary, and their British
operation.  But we certainly cannot sit back and cross our
fingers and hope that Trump is going to do the right thing.  It's
going to be up to us.  We should reflect on how the American
Revolution succeeded.  It succeeded because it was focussed on a
tremendous sense of history and philosophical thought; the
Founding Fathers put together the {Federalist Papers}, the
writings of Alexander Hamilton, which we've recently published.
If you read these, these are not easy; yet this was the basis on
which the so-called common men and women studied and came to the
conclusion that in fact this small group of leaders were leading
them in the right direction, and had created a future.  It was
based on poetry.  In fact, Schiller was known as the Poet of
Freedom and was treasured for 100 years after the American
Revolution as the poet of the American Revolution; despite being
German and writing in German.  But this was known to the American
people.  The music; the great {Messiah} by Handel was composed in
1741 — it was known.  Our Schiller Institute just performed a
phenomenal version of this great work — the {Messiah} — at the
Co-Cathedral of St. Joseph in Brooklyn last week in an extremely
moving ceremony.  These are the kinds of ceremonies that took
place at that time; that lifted people to a higher sense of their
humanity, of the dignity of man, and of creating a future.
   So, which of these two paths are we going to be taking
today?  Well, it's obvious which way Obama was going; we've made
that very clear.  His intention was war; not only the perpetual
wars in the Middle East, but leading to a war with Russia, a war
with China.  These are not completely resolved, but as Ben said,
we're a long way away from that horror, which was facing us had
we not defeated that in this final election.  But the result of
these 16 years of Bush and Obama can be seen in what's happened
to our own country; not just the Hell that's been taken to the
Middle East and other parts of the world.  We now have a decline
in life expectancy for the first time in our nation's history.
We have a drug epidemic in which 1 out of 15 Americans are
addicted to heroin or its substitutes; 1 out of 15 Americans.
This is not a problem; this is a disaster, a collapse of
civilization which is not only tolerated and supported openly by
our President, who promotes legalizing drugs and who is doing
everything in his power to stop the emergence of a war on drugs
in the Philippines, which I'll come back to.
   So, on the other hand, we see that Russia, under Putin's
direction, has intervened to stop this series of regime-change
operations.  What's happened in the tremendous victory in Aleppo
against terrorism, is that Putin has demonstrated that if you
work hand-in-hand with sovereign nations, with their leaders, you
can defeat terrorism.  And he basically exposed the fact that
Obama — like Bush — was on the side of the terrorists; under
the guise of fighting terrorism, was openly working with the
Saudis and the British, who were arming and creating these
terrorist movements to overthrow regimes who refused to follow
their dictates — the so-called "regime-change" movement.  That's
been probably crushed; this is not completely solved, but what's
happened in Aleppo not only stops the disintegration of Syria,
but it should — if properly pursued — mean the end of the
regime-change criminality of both Bush and Obama once and for
   I'm going to read to you — today happened to be the day
that Putin gave his annual end of year press conference.  I think
just reading one section of part of that, and paraphrasing a few
others is important.  It's important for people to watch Putin;
it's done with an English voice-over.  It's useful to watch to
see why it is that the oligarchy is so terrified of this man.
I'm just going to read you — actually it was a question that
came from a man named Yevgeny Primakov.  It turns out that he is,
indeed, the grandson of the great Yevgeny Primakov who died
recently; but who was the original architect of the idea of
China, Russia, and India collaborating to form a new core of
nations that could appeal to America to join them.  Which is, of
course, what has to happen, as a basis of reversing the imperial
decline of the human race; and which led to the BRICS, it led to
the New Silk Road.  So, his grandson asked a question which said,
"Mr. Putin, Barack Obama, who is still your official colleague,
said that 37% of the Republicans sympathize with you.  And
hearing this, Ronald Reagan would have rolled over in his grave."
So, he says, "Our western colleagues often tell us that you have
the power to manipulate the world, to designate Presidents and to
interfere in elections here and there.  How does it feel to be
the most powerful person on Earth?  Thank you."  So, with that
humorous, but very insightful question, Putin said the following:
   "The current US Administration and leaders of the Democratic
Party are trying to blame all their failures on outside
   "We know that not only did the Democratic Party lose the
presidential election, but also the Senate, where the Republicans
have the majority, and Congress, where the Republicans are also
in control. Did we, or I also do that?…
   "It seems to me there is a gap between the eliteâs vision of
what is good and bad and that of what in earlier times we would
have called the broad popular masses¦… [A] substantial part of
the American people share similar views with us on the worldâs
organization, what we ought to be doing, and the common threats
and challenges we are facing. It is good that there are people
who sympathize with our views on traditional values because this
forms a good foundation on which to build relations between two
such powerful countries as Russia and the United States, build
them on the basis of our peoplesâ mutual sympathy.
   "¦… I'm not so sure who might be turning in their grave
right now. It seems to me that Reagan would be happy to see his
partyâs people winning everywhere, and would welcome the victory
of the newly elected President so adept at catching the public
mood, and who took precisely this direction and pressed onwards
to the very end, even when no one except us believed he could
   "The outstanding Democrats in American history would
probably be turning in their graves though. Roosevelt certainly
would be because he was an exceptional statesman in American and
world history, who knew how to unite the nation even during the
Great Depressionâs bleakest years, in the late 1930s, and during
World War II. Todayâs administration, however, is very clearly
dividing the nation. The call for the electors not to vote for
either candidate, in this case, not to vote for the
President-elect, was quite simply a step towards dividing the
nation. Two electors did decide not to vote for Trump, and four
for Clinton, and here too they lost. They are losing on all
fronts and looking for scapegoats on whom to lay the blame. I
think that this is an affront to their own dignity. It is
important to know how to lose gracefully."
   Helga LaRouche commented when I read this to her, that this
is a call not only to the Democrats in America, but to the
oligarchs throughout the world who are acting as if this
revolutionary change is not taking place; as if they still have
the power to dictate policies, and who are hysterical about what
is happening in America.  Putin concludes this way; he says:
   "But my real hope is for us to build business-like and
constructive relations with the new President and with the future
Democratic Party leaders as well, because this is in the
interests of both countries and peoples."
   So, this is leadership; what we so sorely miss here in the
United States.  There's much more; more will be made available in
the {EIR}.
   Now let me turn to Asia. Asia today should — in fact China
in particular, but not just China — be seen as the model which
America must follow if we are to pull ourselves out of the morass
that we're in today. We've discussed this in this program and in
our publications many times: the entire Silk Road development,
the development of corridors. I want to put some maps up, and
just very quickly review some of the incredible development
projects that are going on, virtually every single day.
   This [Fig. 1] is a map published just in the last few days
by something called MERICS [the Mercator Institute for China
Studies]. They have a competent article on the whole Silk Road
process. They've marked in this red graphic where some of the
corridors are; they're not all there. Of course you have the
original corridor, which was the Trans-Siberian Railroad; which
was developed with consultation and advice from Henry Carey and
the American System, who worked with the Russians to replicate
what had been done in the United States with the Transcontinental
Railroad, not just to be from one end to the other, but to
develop the entire region in between.

   DENISTON: It's the black-gray dashed line of the existing
rail lines.

   BILLINGTON: Yeah, this one here, where I'm running that
thing. Now, you see the lower one that goes through China,
through Xinjiang Province, into Kazakhstan. This is the New Silk
Road, which was developed following the 1990s, with the fall of
the Soviet Union. Helga Zepp LaRouche helped organize in Beijing
a conference in 1996 on what the Chinese call the New Eurasian
Land-Bridge. Helga called it the New Silk Road even then.
   This led to the building of this rail which is now
functioning. It has several branches, both in China, and, on the
far side, in Europe, as well as branches down into central Asia.
It's being upgraded. It's not connected, it doesn't have the same
grade, most of it is not high-speed. So this is a
   Now look at what's happened just in the last couple years.
This red line down here, is what's called the Pakistan Corridor.
This is a connection by rail, from China, down through Pakistan,
into Baluchistan (the southern part of Pakistan), and to the
Gwadar Port, which is being transformed into a major hub for oil
from the Middle East, for trade with India. Hopefully, if the
India/Pakistan relationship can be resolved.  Then — not on this
map — right around here in southern Iran, is the development of
the Chabahar Port, from which there are rail connections up
through Iran to Teheran, and then into Azerbaijan, and into
Russia.  Another north/south route; so, you have several
north/south routes.
   Over here, you see this red line that goes from Kunming in
southern China, through Thailand, Myanmar, and into India. This
is the old Burma Road that was built during the Second World War.
Mr. Lyndon LaRouche had a hand in building the Burma Road (or
worked along that Road). That's now being reconstructed. It will
eventually be a rail connection. And you see that this pipeline
— the black line here — is an offshoot from China all the way
down to the coast of Myanmar, where they are now taking in
shipments from Middle East oil and piping it up into China.
   Over here, this corridor. You already have rail connections
from Kunming down to the Laos border, and now the Chinese are
building a high-speed rail through Laos, down to the Thai border.
Just in the last few months, they've concluded their plans to
build a high-speed rail from the Laos border down to Bangkok. At
this point, there's only an old railroad from Bangkok down to
Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia — down here. But that will eventually
be done; and in the meantime, probably the Chinese, maybe the
Japanese, are building a high-speed rail from Kuala Lumpur to
Singapore. So, eventually, you'll have all the way from Kunming
down to Singapore.
   In Indonesia, the Chinese are building a railroad from the
capital of Jakarta to Bandung. Many of you have heard of Bandung
from the famous Bandung Conference in 1955, which was the first
meeting of Asian and African leaders who had formerly been
colonized, meeting without their colonial masters — the
so-called Asia-Africa Conference that was organized by Sukarno
and Nehru and Chou En-Lai (from China), and others. So that's in
the process; other developments there.
   If you look at this part of the Africa map [Fig. 2], these
are some railroads that have already been constructed. Go to the
next map of the two Africa maps. Okay. This [Fig. 3] is
from{EIR}'s report "The New Silk Road Becomes the World
Land-Bridge". This shows, on this side, the existing rail
structures as of a few years ago. You see that basically there's
no way to get from one capital to another. You can only get the
raw materials from the mine out to the port, where it was shipped
off to Europe and America. That's all the colonial powers cared
about in developing Africa.
   What you see here, is a general map of the kind of
commitment that the Chinese have made to {connect every capital
of Africa} with high-speed rail, several cross-continental
railroads. The Chinese need raw materials, just like the
Europeans did, but they're paying for it; they're {building
nations}. They're building nations that have industry,
agriculture, water, power, education, using a model which we used
to call the American System, but which we've deserted in our
   The same in South America. You can go to the next map [Fig.
4] here. This is also from our report. It's not quite accurate
for what is in the process now, actually, because the Chinese are
talking about building {two} trans-oceanic railroads: one that
goes from Peru directly into Brazil and to the coast; one that
goes south of that through Bolivia. The Bolivians, of course,
want that railroad to go through Bolivia.
   So, again, transforming the world in a way which, of course,
the U.S. long ago ceased to do; becoming more of a British-style
colonial power which looted the raw materials, imposing huge
amounts of debt, and then using that debt as a weapon to keep the
countries in a state of backwardness.
   Now, I'm going to look at two other aspects of Asia: the
Philippines and Japan — where huge transformations are taking
place. Most of you have seen — either in our material or just in
the daily news — about Rodrigo Duterte, the new [Philippine]
President who took office in June of this year, who has {totally
transformed} the Philippines, with massive, massive support from
the population, estimated at more than 80%. Why? It's because he
took on the reality that the country had been destroyed. The
history of the Philippines, in brief, was that in the 1970s and
'80s, they were viewed by the rest of Asia — including Korea, by
the way — as {the} model for development, under Ferdinand
Marcos. They had built the first nuclear power plant. They had
made the country self-sufficient in rice, by direct support for
infrastructure for agriculture. They had built 11 major
industrial infrastructure projects. They had built rail and road
infrastructure. Imelda Marcos, whom most of you know only because
she supposedly was wildly extravagant and had millions of pairs
of shoes. Well, the reason she had the shoes was because {she
built a shoe industry in the Philippines}. She brought in Italian
shoemakers; she shipped in cattle from Australia, for the
leather; she created a shoe industry. And those who produced the
shoes in the Philippines were so grateful that they gave her the
first pair of any new shoe they developed. That's the reality,
contrary to the "fake news" that we received back in the 1980s,
when the neo-cons, under George Schultz and Henry Kissinger and
others decided to overthrow Marcos, to make a horrible example of
him; that they would not allow Third World countries to have
nuclear power, to be self-sufficient.
   The result is, that what was once the greatest rising power
in Southeast Asia, has become the basket case of that region. And
this is what Duterte is acknowledging. He's saying, "We've been
destroyed by the so-called big-brother, who looks down at the
little brown brothers in the Philippines." And he said, "We're
not going to tolerate it anymore. We're going to crush the drugs
that have been brought into our country and are destroying our
children. And we're going to reject the U.S. domination of our
economy, where all they want is our raw materials, and to use our
bright young people who graduate from college who have no jobs as
engineers or scientists or teachers, or nurses or doctors, even,
but who can only work all night long in call-centers, answering
calls from the master back in the United States who has a problem
with his computer or his banking code." This is how the country
was destroyed.
   So, he's turned to China; he's turned to Russia. His Defense
Minister, Delfin Lorenzana, has gone to Russia; he's going to
China. They're going to build that country. They're going to end
this drug epidemic. And for that, he's being told he's going to
be taken to the International Criminal Court for extra-judicial
murders, for human rights violations, by the fact that drug
dealers who fight back are being killed.  Well, this is rather
hypocritical, I would say. If you count the tens of thousands,
hundreds of thousands of people that Obama has killed through
extra-judicial murder — no court, no due process, no proof. Just
the king decides: "This is my list of people to kill this week";
he and John Brennan, Director of the CIA. This is rather
hypocritical. What's really behind it? {The British don't want to
stop drugs}. The banking institutions in London and New York are
{drug dependent}, meaning they're drug-money dependent, in
addition to the fact that many of the bankers are high on cocaine
and heroin. They're drug dependent in the sense that the biggest
business in the world is propping up these bankrupt Western banks
who do nothing but speculate. This is the reality of this.
   And of course, the main thing is that they don't want to see
this war on drugs brought home. One out of 15 Americans addicted
to heroin; this is mind-boggling! And they know that the American
people, if they're given a sense, like we did with our War on
Drugs policy under LaRouche's direction back in the '80s and
'90s; that this could capture the American people.
   Lastly, let me mention Japan. The British-American strategy
for containing China and Russia in the Asian side, has always
been South Korea, Japan, the Philippines, and Australia. And
Singapore is in there someplace. Many of you know Korea's in
total upheaval. The President who started off wanting to work
with Russia and China, and was somehow completely taken over by
Obama, turned against the collaboration with Eurasia; agreed to
bring in these U.S. THAAD missiles, supposedly to protect them
from North Korea. But these are missiles that go up into the high
altitude. North Korea is 30 miles away from Seoul. You don't need
this for Korea! You need them for China and Russia, for war. They
were in the process of turning the Philippines into a massive
U.S. military base, under an agreement with the former
   In the Korea case, the President is now being impeached.
She'll probably be out in April or so. The Opposition wants to
stop that THAAD deployment. The Philippines we know; we've just
discussed it. Just in the last week, Duterte repeated that he's
probably going to absolutely cancel the strategic agreements with
the United States. "We don't need foreign soldiers in our
country," he said. "We're not going to have a war with China."
   Now, Japan. Lyndon LaRouche has always said that there are
two Japans. There's the Japan that came out of feudalism with the
Meiji Restoration, which was highly influenced by the American
System.  Key people who brought in the work of Henry Carey,
Friedrich List, which gave rise to this great industrial
explosion in Japan; which turned them into the leading nation of
Asia at that time, that superseded the 5000-year old culture and
tradition in China in terms of its strength.  But there was also
the Japan of the British Empire; the British came at the same
time, and basically said, "Look, Japan, you're an island nation
like we are.  You need to get raw materials, you don't have them
in your own country.  The only way you're going to get them is by
having a mighty military and colonizing; taking over countries
and taking their raw materials like we have — the great British
Empire."  Without going through all the details, as you know,
this eventually won out in the sense that Japan adopted a
militarist policy and unleashed the horror of the Second World
War, which started long before Pearl Harbor.  It started with the
invasion of China and the looting of China; but then led to the
destruction of China and other countries and ultimately to the
destruction of Japan.
   So, President Shinzo Abe represents both of these things.
He has had his problems with China; he has wanted to remilitarize
to get out from under the Constitution in Japan, which basically
forbade them to fight war — a Constitution worked out after
World War II with General MacArthur's collaboration.  And he
wants to be what he calls a "normal nation".  But, he also
recognizes that he's gotten nothing from the collapsing Western
financial system; and he sees the future of Japan in the real
development of Russia and China, of Asia; and not by taking it
over this time, but by collaboration through the New Paradigm,
through the New Silk Road.  Through the collaboration especially
with Russia.  His grandfather, who was a prime minister, and his
father, who was a politician, were committed to developing good
relations with Russia; and he is now on course.
   So, what's happened this year?  It's an extraordinary
transformation taking place.  It began with his visit with Putin
in Sochi in May; at which point he laid out an eight-point
program for the development of the Russian Far East using
Japanese technology and resources and financing.  Also, in May,
there was a meeting of the G-7 in Japan.  Russia wasn't there,
because they threw Russia out of the G-8; it became the G-7
again.  So, he didn't meet Putin there; but at that event, Abe
basically said to the other G-6 leaders — including Obama —
that we were on the brink of a horrible financial breakdown
crisis — worse than 2008.  This was absolutely rejected.  Obama
said "No, we're in a recovery; it might be too slow, but it's
going well."  He didn't say this, but because there's lots of
money being printed to keep the speculation going in the banks;
there's lots of drugs flowing everywhere, things are going fine.
   So, Abe was crushed on that; the final communiqué didn't
mention what Abe had said, but everybody knew.  Then, in
September, he went to Vladivostok for a conference organized by
Putin on the development of the Far East; and they went further
ahead with these development projects.  And then, finally this
month, Putin came to Japan; and he went to Yamaguchi, Abe's
hometown; he then went to Tokyo.  He visited the karate teacher
that had Putin one of the great black belts.  But at that, they
knew they would not be able to overcome the still-festering
problem of the territorial issues of the so-called Northern
Territories, or the Kurile Islands.  At the very end of the
Second World War, the Russians had come in to help with the war
in Japan; had taken the Kuriles, which had been back and forth
throughout history.  These are basically four islands north of
Japan.  Both sides claim sovereignty; the Japanese want them
back.  But, what they agreed to was that they would go with a
policy that had first been put forward in 1956 to divide the
islands two and two, which had been stopped by the US.  The
Dulles brothers came in and said, "Don't you dare; you must
demand all of these islands back from the Russians, or else we
won't turn Okinawa back to you."  So, the Japanese backed away
from that deal, and after that, the Russians said, "OK, that's
it.  You're not going to get any of them back."  So, now Putin
has said, "OK, we can start joint development of these four
islands.  Joint development.  And over time, we can go back to
the 1956 agreement and come to a settlement; meaning that we'll
be able to finally have a peace settlement to World War II by
probably 2018."
   But in the meantime, huge development projects.  They made
agreements for $2.5 billion of infrastructure projects throughout
the Russian Far East; ports, rail, agriculture, nuclear,
pharmaceuticals, education, cultural exchanges, $1 billion joint
fund which can be leveraged into more, and this framework for
peace.  So, just as Putin has largely unified the entire Middle
East — he's even now talking to Bibi Netanyahu and the Saudis;
because he's in charge.  Obama and the British game is largely
defeated.  So, they're basically creating a common policy of
common interests of all these nations.  And in the same way in
Asia; the China Silk Road process, the new financial institutions
are bringing all of these nations together.  There are still a
few problems, but it's a new world; it's a new world which the
United States can and must join.  It's the only option.
   And again, I'll repeat that while Obama's Pivot to Asia is
dead, the TPP is dead, the regime-change policies are largely
dead; but don't just sit back and say, "Yahoo! Trump's going to
do it for us!"  Because that is not the case.  This is going to
be done by us; we created the environment in America and around
the world which made it possible for these revolutionary changes
to take place.  It's the power of ideas that moves history; it's
Lyndon LaRouche and Helga LaRouche and this institution who
fought for these ideas before they became popular.  In other
words, we fought to bring these ideas into circulation; which
made it possible for the emergence of people who recognized the
truth of those ideas and have begun to take them up.  This is
doubly true now; we're at a moment which is going to go one way
or the other.  It's going to depend on you and me; on making sure
that we take this fight now at a crucial moment — what Schiller
called a great moment — and make sure that {we} define a future
that uplifts people to a level of the dignity of their true
humanity through activating the creative powers that they have by
the right of being human beings created in the image of God.
   This is our task, and this is where we stand today; and it's
a great time to be celebrating Christmas, but you should be
thinking about George Washington leading the fight across the
river on Christmas Eve.  That's the way we have to approach the
fight that we have on our hands today.  A good fight; one that
gives us reason to be happy, but which is deadly serious.  Thank

   DENISTON:  I think that was excellent, Mike; and I liked
your concluding point.  We're seeing a lot of horrific, awful
things being removed; but I think Helga Zepp-LaRouche's focus on
this being the potential transition to a new historical paradigm
centered around a new positive conception about the truly
creative nature of mankind, is our mission, is our unique task
today.  As our viewers know, Mr. LaRouche defined New York City
as a critical point of intervention on that level; to really
revive that true American spirit and true American insight and
understanding into this historical unifying mission for mankind
that we're talking about.  So, I know Diane was part of our
discussions with Mr. and Mrs. LaRouche earlier today, and she was
raising some of the critical aspects that we have to focus on in
terms of getting the American people to realize that you're not
just passive observers in this process.  Like you were saying,
we're not just going to sit back and root for who we think might
do this or that.  We have a critical leadership role — including
our audience, everyone involved with us — to actually take this
fight to this higher level.  So, I think that Diane has some
remarks on that; I know she would like to contribute here.

DIANE SARE:  Mrs. LaRouche said something this morning that I
think is very important, which is that in a period where
everything is stable, then the subjective factor is not as
crucial.  That is, if everybody gets all worked up over a
particular celebrity's drug addiction problem, or various fads,
various emotional things that people get tangled up in; but when
you have a moment like this, which on the one hand, I'm really
glad that Mike just went through what he did, because I think
most Americans have absolutely no idea of this incredible picture
of what's happening in the world.  And also, should reflect a
little bit on where these countries are coming from; what did
China look like 45 years ago, for example, compared to how they
look now?  You'd get a sense that there is no reason, except a
subjective reason of the mindset of the American people, why our
nation cannot similarly be self-transformed to a completely
different domain, a completely different culture.
   I'll say here this past weekend, we had another musical
intervention.  The Schiller Institute chorus, which I helped to
organize and direct, sponsored by the Foundation for the Revival
of Classical Culture in a performance, a unity concert in
Brooklyn of African-American spirituals, the Bach {Wachet Auf}
cantata, and Handel's {Messiah}.  But what was so striking about
this particular performance is, my sense was that the musicians
were completely engaged.  In other words, it wasn't like a stuffy
thing that you go to at Lincoln Center, where everyone is going
through the motions; and of course, the tuning is way too high
anyway, so their voices are strained and they need all kinds of
electronic adjustments and things like this.  But the thing
really was from the heart; and there's clearly a potential where
Americans have a sense, they want something substantive.  Who
actually doesn't want their life to have had a purpose?
   What we have right now, is a moment of extraordinary
opportunity; it is also dangerous, because as you said, Ben, at
the beginning, Obama issued these threats, this intent to kill as
LaRouche put it, a week ago today at his crazy press conference
and interview on NPR.  Saying, with no evidence whatsoever that
Russia had any involvement in hacking, that we will retaliate at
a time and place of our choosing.  Those are murderous words, and
therefore, we're not at a moment of stability; and it requires
from us, as Schiller would say, a certain sublime quality of
thinking where we look down on the world as if from above, and
consider what are the common aims of mankind and what mankind can
do together.  And the potential that we have, given that the
defeat of Hillary Clinton was really a defeat of Bush and Obama;
it was a defeat of a 16-year legacy of evil.  It doesn't
guarantee — as Mike said — that what comes in under Trump is
going to be good; that is for us to determine.  It just indicates
that there is a tremendous potential for this, as we see with the
communication between President-elect Trump and Vladimir Putin;
that's very promising.  There are other aspects of a potential
with China that are very promising, and then there are some
appointments that are not so promising.
   It is definitely a moment for each of us to consider our
responsibility to future generations; because we have a moment,
hopefully a revolutionary moment where we have not found a little
people, but a people who will grow into the situation and will
take the actions that LaRouche has outlined.  Specifically, the
Four Laws; beginning emphatically with Glass-Steagall, but not
ending with Glass-Steagall.  The fourth law is not an end, but is
really a beginning; which is the development of mankind on the
imperative of exploring the Universe, of mastering thermonuclear
fusion and getting ourselves out of this Solar System.  I think
that's the challenge: To objectively address where we are; to not
get flustered by every piece of crap that gets put in the
mainstream press, which is a bunch of propaganda designed to make
everyone hysterical; and to really fight for the direction that
is required.

   DENISTON:  Another thing that does lie in that issue of the
creative development of mankind, and I was also struck in some
recent discussions with Lyndon and Helga LaRouche.  Helga was
making the point that what we're seeing now is really the
realization of this World Land-Bridge perspective that she and
Lyn had fought so hard for.  We were discussing how this really
should be seen from the standpoint of Mr. LaRouche's unique
insights into the fundamental nature of human creative progress
and human creative revolutions.  And in a sense, what we're
seeing — what Mike just presented — what's being led by China,
the potential for that to expand globally with the United States
jumping on board, really is a certain potential culmination of a
certain platform of development for the entire planet.  What that
sets the base for, is the next leap for the expansion into space
and the creative development of nearby space first; as Krafft
Ehricke had been one of the leading visionaries for as a basis
for the expansion further into the Solar System.  I think this
idea of continually defining the next levels of creative leaps,
creative developments is absolutely critical; because it's not
that we are completing some process of some steady state level of
development, but it's the fact that mankind is always
participating in creative revolutions.  Every generation should
be focussed on a complete revolution in the very nature of
mankind.  The very understanding of mankind's existence is
continually being reshaped, recreated on higher and higher
levels.  That's the positive principle of this New Paradigm.

BILLINGTON:  What Diane referred to that Helga said this morning
about certain moments in history in which the subjective becomes
crucial, is a reflection of what Percy Shelley said in his "In
Defense of Poetry" which we've quoted often.  He develops the
concept of great revolutionary moments in history, at which he
says, in his describing why the poet is the legislator of history
in moments of great crisis like this.  But he describes how in
such moments, the common person who normally doesn't have to
think about profound ideas, is suddenly capable of understanding
very profound concepts about man and nature — both about society
and about scientific reality of the Universe.  That's clearly
where we stand; where we've reached a point at which there's
nothing holding back any human being.  Perhaps he's been drugged;
perhaps he's been degraded; perhaps he's been left unemployed,
driven out of the workforce.  But nonetheless, it's a moment in
history in which everybody can, in fact, bring themselves up to
those creative capacities that they were blessed with by being a
human being.  To activate that now, in learning huge amounts of
things in a very short period of time, is possible and necessary.

   DENISTON:  I think that definitely defines our mission for
the next coming year — 2017.  This can be the year of the shift
of the United States under the leadership of what we're doing.
   So, I think we gave people a very good overview of where the
world stands today, and what the challenge is before us.  So,
unless Diane you want to have any additional ending comments, I
think we're coming to the conclusion of our discussion today.

   SARE:  I would just like to encourage people over this
holiday period, as we're about to enter a new year, which could
be a very different year, to protect your mind and not engage in
degraded cultural activities.  But take advantage of the LaRouche
PAC website, which has phenomenal educational material.  You can
choose to study the Four Laws of Mr. LaRouche; read the papers of
Alexander Hamilton; watch the video on Operation Phoenix — the
reconstruction of Syria.  There's just an abundance of material
here that, if you set your mind to it, to determine that between
now and the beginning of next year, to be a more ennobled human
being, and more able to articulate these profound ideas and
organize your friends and neighbors; then we'll be off to a very
good start.

   DENISTON:  With that, I think we have our mission defined
before us.  We thank you for joining us, and we will be back next
week for the next Friday webcast; and we'll be sure to be
delivering some material for you between now and then.  So, thank
you for joining us.

Obama truer med åbne og skjulte operationer mod Rusland:
Hvad med, at Tyskland i 2017 bliver en kraft for det gode i verden?
Af Helga Zepp-LaRouche

17. december, 2016 – Under sin embedsperiodes sidste pressekonference beskyldte præsident Obama Rusland og præsident Putin personligt for at have manipuleret den amerikanske valgkamp med cyber-angreb, og bebudede repressalier – hvoraf nogle ville blive eksplicitte og offentlige, mens andre ville blive af en sådan art, at Rusland ville erkende ophavsmanden. Disse bebudede, hemmelige operationer må give anledning til et globalt alarmberedskab – hvilken form for operationer menes der, droneangreb eller »indirekte skader« af enhver art? Obama vil tydeligvis bruge sin resterende tid i Det Hvide Hus til fordel for en konfrontation med Rusland, en konfrontation, som Trump gennem sine udnævnelser til regeringsposter har signaleret, at han vil stoppe. De neokonservative, til hvilke Obama, gennem sin fortsættelse af Bush’ og Cheneys politik, absolut hører, vil tydeligvis ikke acceptere deres tab af magten.

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Foto: Bruno Kahl og kansler Angela Merkel har advaret om virkningen af cyber-angreb i opløbet til næste års valg i Tyskland. 

Mordet på ambassadør Karlov
– Obamas svanesang for krig

Leder fra LaRouchePAC, 21. december, 2016 – Konfronteret med direkte anklager om at have gjort alvor af sin offentlige trussel om at gøre gengæld over for Rusland, for dets angivelige omstyrtning af det amerikanske valg, »på et tidspunkt og et sted efter vores valg«, har Obama ikke forholdt sig fuldstændig tavs omkring mordet på den russiske ambassadør Andrej Karlov i Tyrkiet, men gjorde sig rent faktisk den ulejlighed yderligere at bagvaske Rusland, ligesom han også praler af sine udenretslige seriedrab gennem droner og andre midler i hele verden.

»Noget af [gengældelsen] kan være udtrykkelig og offentlig; og noget vil måske ikke være det«, sagde Obama til NPR sidste torsdag, hvor han hævdede sin ret til at respondere militært til den blotte anklage om, at Rusland skulle have ført cyber-krigsførelse. Obama har nægtet at lade sine efterretningsfolk aflægge forklaring for Kongressen, selv bag lukkede døre, om hans angivelige beviser for russiske cyberangreb. Forestiller han sig, at verden har glemt, hvad Edward Snowden afslørende om den globale cyber-krigsførelse, som NSA, USA’s sikkerhedstjeneste, udfører?

I dag, mens civiliserede nationer sendte kondolencer til Rusland og Tyrkiet og svor at samarbejde om bekæmpelse af terrorisme, tog Obama sig tid fra sit golfspil til at tilføje nye sanktioner imod russiske foretagender og forretningsfolk. Nyvalgte præsident Donald Trump sendte kondolencebrev og svor, at USA under hans præsidentskab ville arbejde sammen med Rusland og alle nationer, der er dedikeret mht. at rense verden for terrorsvøben.

Måske opfordrede Obama New York Daily News til at give udtryk for hans følelser gennem deres overskrift: »Mordet på den russiske ambassadør Andrej Karlov var ikke terrorisme, men gengældelse for Vladimir Putins krigsforbrydelser«. Som det længe er blevet dokumenteret, inklusive gennem Trumps valg af national sikkerhedsrådgiver, general Michael Flynn, så ville dette være helt i overensstemmelse med Obamas vedvarende støtte til al-Qaeda og hermed relaterede terrororganisationer, for at forfølge hans kriminelle mani for »regimeskifte« imod sekulære regeringer, der bekæmper terrorisme, og som ikke har forbrudt sig imod USA.

Hensigten med mordet på Karlov er klar – Rusland, Tyrkiet og Iran har fortrængt den morderiske Obama-administration i Sydvestasien og demonstreret, at terrorbevægelserne, som støttes af saudierne, briterne og USA, faktisk kan nedkæmpes gennem samarbejde med de suveræne regeringer i området. Hvad der er endnu værre, set fra Obamas controllers, i London og på Wall Street, side, er det faktum, at disse nationer udgør et betydningsfuldt element i det »nye paradigme«, centreret omkring Kinas proces med global udvikling gennem den Nye Silkevej, og som underminerer det bankerotte, vestlige finanssystems evne til at udplyndre nationerne i Asien, Afrika og Latinamerika.

Verdens ældste bank, Monte dei Paschi di Siena, er ved at kollapse, selv, mens dette læses, og truer med at fremskynde det uundgåelige kollapse af de europæiske og amerikanske for-store-til-at-lade-gå-ned-banker. En statslig bailout fra den italienske regering er under udarbejdelse, iflg. Financial Times, på trods af EU-regler om, at insolvente banker fremover skal gennemføre en »bail-in« – dvs., en ekspropriering af obligationsindehaveres, og endda bankindskyderes, midler, for at betale spekulanternes derivater. Der er tilsyneladende en erkendelse af, at en bail-in af den tredjestørste, italienske bank sandsynligvis ville forårsage en smitte, der kunne vælte hele det vaklende, vestlige finanssystem. Men endnu en bail-out vil blot være det samme som at udskyde krisen endnu en liden stund.

Det intense pres for at få krig, på vegne af Obama og hans britiske herrer, demonstrerer sindssygen hos denne døende race af oligarker. Amerika befinder sig i et kulturelt og økonomisk morads – hvor dødsraten for første gang i dets historie stiger; hvor en ud af 15 indbyggere er afhængige af opiater eller lignende stoffer; hvor man har det hidtil største antal mennesker i den arbejdsdygtige alder, der er sat uden for arbejdsstyrken. I dag kom det frem, at nyvalgte præsident Trump havde inviteret tenoren Andrea Bocelli til at synge ved indsættelsesceremonien, men at denne »havde fået for meget pres« fra de sociale medier og havde måttet opgive. Den offentlige mening foretrækker åbenbart hæsligheden med en rocksanger, der mimer, frem for ethvert udtryk for skønhed.

Amerika udtrykte sin afsky for denne dekadence ved at afvise Obamas og Hillarys dagsorden for krig og nedskæringspolitik, ligesom briterne og italienerne afviste EU; som filippinerne afviste USA’s imperiediktater, og som lignede gærende revolutionære udtryk, der nu fejer ind over den vestlige verden.

Løsningen på dette mareridt er for hånden. En tilslutning til Kina og Rusland omkring den Nye Silkevejsproces ville ikke alene få USA tilbage til at opbygge nationer, i stedet for at ødelægge dem, men ville også gøre det muligt at genopbygge Amerikas decimerede og forfaldne infrastruktur. Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Schiller Instituttets grundlægger, sagde i dag, at intet mindre end en global renæssance kan takle spørgsmålet om kvaliteten af tankegangen hos en befolkning, der er degraderet gennem en sådan »populærkultur« og økonomisk fordærvelse. At gå med i Schiller Instituttet bør være det første skridt for alle, der ønsker at være en del af denne kamp for menneskelig værdighed og klassisk kultur.


Foto: Vladimir Putin viser Ruslands ambassadør til Tyrkiet, Andrej Karlov, der på tragisk vist døde i Ankara under et terrorangreb den 19. dec., den sidste respekt. []


den 20. december 2016:
Briterne og Obama forsøger
at sætte verden i brand
inden Trump tager over

Med formand Tom Gillesberg


Helga Zepp-LaRouche i København:
Donald Trump og Det Nye Internationale Paradigme

Den 12. december 2016 var Helga Zepp-LaRouche – Lyndon LaRouches hustru, Schiller Instituttets grundlægger og en international nøgleperson i kampen for et nyt globalt udviklingsparadigme – særlig gæstetaler ved et Schiller Institut/EIR-seminar på Frederiksberg med titlen: »Donald Trump og det Nye Internationale Paradigme«. Blandt deltagerne var diplomater, aktivister og repræsentanter for diverse danske og internationale organisationer.

Arrangementet blev indledt med fremførelsen af en kendt traditionel kinesisk sang, Kāngdìng Qínggē (Kangding Kærlighedssang), af Feride Istogu Gillesberg (sopran) og Michelle Rasmussen (klaver). Dernæst introducerede formand for Schiller Instituttet i Danmark, Tom Gillesberg, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, som på smukkeste og mest optimistiske vis førte publikken igennem en tour-de-force af den nuværende politiske situation med såvel befolkningens afvisning af det nuværende paradigme gennem Brexit, Hillary Clintons valgnederlag til Donald Trump og det italienske ”Nej”, som et forsøg på at skabe kaos (og krig) inden Donald Trumps indsættelse den 20. januar. Dertil kom en fremstilling af det nye globale paradigme, som allerede er ved at overtage verden, illustreret ved Kinas politik for Den Nye Silkevej – som den kommende amerikanske administration skal finde sin plads i – og den videre udvikling, der er nødvendig, hvis menneskeheden skal finde sin sande identitet. Hele talen og den efterfølgende diskussion kan ses, høres og læses på:


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Helga Zepp-LaRouche:
Efter Aleppos befrielse kan Tyskland forme
G20-dagsorden med en Marshallplan

17. december, 2016 – Den tyske statskvinde Helga Zepp-LaRouche giver i en artikel i den tyske avis Neue Solidarität, skrevet den 17. dec., et strategisk overblik, hvor hun latterliggør den tyske regering og efterretningsfolk for at gå med på den absurde anti-russiske og anti-Putin kampagne, som præsident Obama endnu engang har optrappet, fordi det ligeledes går med på geopolitikken.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche bemærker om Syrien, at den syriske regering, med støtte fra Rusland og Iran, var nødt til at benytte udvejen med en militær løsning »for at befri Aleppo og andre dele af Syrien fra ISIS, al-Nusra og andre terroristgrupper«, fordi præsident Obamas fortsatte bevæbning af sådanne grupper udelukkede enhver anden mulighed. Hun anklager desuden alle dem, der refererer til Aleppos »fald« i stedet for til Aleppos »befrielse«, for åbenbart at »stille sig på ISIS’ side, dvs., den gruppe, der ikke alene er ansvarlig for utallige dødsfald i Mellemøsten, men også for terrorangrebene i Frankrig og Tyskland«.

Ulykkeligvis »er krigens ulykke den, at der i krigsforløbet finder rædsler sted, især, når krigen raser i mange år og i realiteten er en stedfortræderkrig, der er anstiftet udefra, og disse rædsler frembringer en kæde af rædsler uden ende. Det er derfor så meget desto mere presserende, at alle naboerne i området, Rusland, Kina, Indien, Iran og Egypten, men også Tyskland, Frankrig og Italien, sætter en storstilet genopbygning af hele Mellemøsten på dagsordenen«. Det faktum, at Donald Trumps udpegede nationale sikkerhedsrådgiver, general Michael Flynn (pens.), har krævet en Marshallplan for Mellemøsten, er forstået, men med en advarsel om, at det »kun kan lykkes, hvis alle de betydningsfulde magter samarbejder og viser folk i dette ødelagte område, at der er et reelt perspektiv for fremtiden. Schiller Instituttet har for længst fremlagt et konkret forslag til fremgangsmåden for denne genopbygning, i sit »Projekt Fønix: En genopbygningsplan for Syrien« og for genopbygningen af Aleppo og forlængelsen af den Nye Silkevej ind i Sydvestasien.« 

I dag er det lige så presserende og nødvendigt at implementere »et omfattende industrialiserings- og udviklingsprogram for Afrika. Det første lille skridt i den rigtige retning er netop taget af den tyske udviklingsminister, Gerd Müller, der har planer om at motivere tyske entreprenører til at investere mere i Afrika. Det er fremskridt, i det mindste i sammenligning med finansieringen fra NGO’er, hvis søndagsprædikener om demokrati og menneskerettigheder stort set intet har frembragt.« Zepp-LaRouche bemærker, at Kina, Indien og Japan allerede er aktive i Afrika med »betydelige investeringer i infrastruktur og industrizoner, alt imens afrikanere indbyrdes helt åbenlyst taler om, at europæerne snart vil være helt irrelevante på kontinentet, med mindre deres ligegyldighed over for Afrika meget hurtigt ændrer sig«.

Med hensyn til kansler Merkel, så meddelte hun i et videobudskab, at Tyskland ønsker at gøre Afrikas udvikling til et hovedtema på G20-topmødet i Hamborg i juli næste år, som Tyskland vil præsidere. »Forberedelser til dette topmøde og dernæst selve topmødet kunne blive et vendepunkt for genopbygningen af Mellemøsten og industrialiseringen af Afrika, men kun, hvis den tyske regering tilslutter sig den høje standard, som Kina satte under sidste års G20-topmøde i Hangzhou, hvor præsident Xi Jinping lovede, at Kina ville være forpligtet over for industrialiseringen af Afrika.«

Hvis derimod, fortsætter Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Merkels program for Afrika fremmer politikken med »dekarbonisering af verdensøkonomien«, som blev fremlagt på en pressekonference i Berlin den 13. dec. i forventning om, at Tyskland overtager G20-formandsskabet i 2017 med Joachim »John« Schellnhuber, Kommandør af Det britiske Imperium, og Dirk Messner, så »vil Tyskland komme i miskredit, de asiatiske lande vil udvide deres indflydelse i Afrika, og Europa vil marginalisere sig selv. Den verdensomspændende revolution, der er i gang, retter sig netop imod denne tyndt forklædte, neokolonialistiske politik, som Schellnhuber eksemplificerer«.

Tyskland kunne møde udfordringerne i 2017 på helt andre måder, konkluderer Helga Zepp-LaRouche, nemlig ved at tage imod Kinas tilbud om win-win-samarbejde omkring opbygningen af den Nye Silkevej, som EIR og Schiller Instituttet har promoveret. Tyskland kunne på denne måde blive »en kraft for det gode« i 2017.                   

Grækere mere dystre end postkommunistiske stater i Europa

14. dec., 2016 – Den Europæiske Union har gjort befolkningen i et af sine kernelande mere dyster og pessimistisk end i de postkommunistiske lande, der har været udsat for frihandels-chokterapi som en del af, at de skulle blive »demokratiske«. Dette var det resultat, som en årlig undersøgelse med titlen, »Livet under overgangen«, kom frem til, og som blev udført af den Europæiske Bank for Genopbygning og Udvikling (EBRD) og Verdensbanken, der har udspurgt husstande i postkommunistiske lande i Europa (inklusive tidligere Sovjetrepublikker) siden 1991. I år besluttede de at inddrage Grækenland i undersøgelsen pga. nedskæringspolitikken, som landets kreditorer kræver.

Undersøgelsen viste, at flere end 92 % af grækere sagde, at gældskrisen havde berørt dem, mens 76 % af husstandene havde lavere indkomst pga. nedskæringer i lønninger eller pensioner, tab af jobs, forsinket eller suspenderet aflønning, eller færre arbejdstimer. Kun en ud af 10 grækere var tilfredse med deres finansielle situation, og kun 24 % med livet generelt; dette sammenlignet med 72 % i Tyskland og 42 % i Italien, de to vestlige lande, der blev brugt til sammenligning. Det er interessant, at også Italien faldt under de 48 % i gennemsnit i de postkommunistiske lande.

Kun 16 % af respondenterne i Grækenland forudså, at deres situation ville forbedres hen over de næste fire år, sammenlignet med 48 % i postkommunistiske lande, og med 35 % og 23 % i Tyskland og Italien, hhv., hvilket ses i faldet under de 48 % i gennemsnit i postkommunistiske lande, som rapporten også bemærker.

»Dette signalerer, at, på trods af de nylige politiske forandringer og bestræbelser på at gennemføre økonomiske reformer, der har fundet sted i landet, så ser grækere ikke en forbedring af deres situation i den umiddelbare fremtid«, siger rapporten.          

Regeringens politik øger fattigdom og hjemløshed i Tyskland

14. dec., 2016 – Den seneste udgave af den årlige »Fattigdomsrapport«, udgivet af den tyske regering, viser, at stigningen forsætter med hensyn til, at folk er forgældede og hjemløse, samt andre aspekter af fattigdom – et direkte resultat af Finansministeriets nedskæringspolitik med det »sorte nul« på budget-balancen. Flere end et ud af fem børn lever under »risiko for fattigdom«, fordi deres familier har under 60 % af den gennemsnitlige minimumsindkomst; et ud af 20 børn lever allerede i fattigdom uden håb om at komme ud af det.

Flere end 2 mio. husstande – dvs., omkring 4 mio. borgere – er håbløst overforgældede; og antallet af registrerede hjemløse er steget fra 80.000 for fem år siden og til nu, 330.000.

Den nye rapport, der kun fastslår situationen i 2015, vil imidlertid ikke blive publiceret i sin helhed før starten af 2017.


Helga Zepp-LaRouches tale på
Schiller Instituttets og EIR’s
seminar i København:
Donald Trump og det nye
internationale paradigme.
ENGELSK udskrift af tale
samt Spørgsmål og Svar

København, 12. december, 2016 – I dag var Helga Zepp-LaRouche særlig gæstetaler ved et Schiller Institut/EIR-seminar i København, med titlen, »Donald Trump og det Nye, Internationale Paradigme«. Otte diplomater fra seks lande deltog, inklusive to ambassadører. Nationer fra Vesteuropa, Sydvestasien, Vest- og Østasien var repræsenteret, samt fra Afrika. Desuden deltog henved 30 af Schiller Instituttets medlemmer og kontakter, såvel som også et par repræsentanter for diverse danske og internationale organisationer.

Arrangementet indledtes af en forestilling, hvor Feride Istogu Gillesberg og Michelle Rasmussen fremførte en kinesisk kærlighedssang. Dernæst introducerede formand for Schiller Instituttet i Danmark, Tom Gillesberg, Schiller Instituttets stifter og internationale præsident, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, ved at beskrive den historiske rolle, hun har spillet i skabelsen af politikken med Den Nye Silkevej.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche indledte sin meget inspirerende og dybtgående tale med den revolution imod globalisering, som Brexit, Trumps valgsejr og Nej-resultatet i den italienske folkeafstemning udgør. Hun kom med en vurdering af potentialet i nogle af Trumps hidtidige erklæringer og udnævnelser og gik dernæst videre med en detaljeret diskussion af de to, modstridende paradigmer, der eksisterer i verden i dag. Dernæst opløftede Helga tilhørerne med Krafft Ehrickes og Nicolaus Cusanus’ skønne ideer. Hun konkluderede med en appel til de tilstedeværende om ikke at handle som tilskuere på historiens scene, men derimod, sammen med os, at gå med i kampen for det nye paradigme.

Helga Zepp-LaRouches tale, der varer omkring 1 time og 20 minutter, kan høres ovenover eller her:

En dansk oversættelse af talen kommer på torsdag. 

Herefter fulgte en intens, timelang diskussion, hvor der kom spørgsmål fra alle de forskellige grupper, der var repræsenteret. Helga afsluttede mødet med at udfordre tilhørerne til at beslutte, hvad de ønsker at bruge deres liv til; hvilket mærke, som vil være til gavn for hele menneskeheden langt ud i fremtiden, ønsker de at sætte? Et udskrift af Helgas svar vil ligeledes snarest blive udlagt her på hjemmesiden.

Helgas tale og efterfølgende diskussion havde en dybtgående virkning på alle de tilstedeværende. 

Diskussionen findes kun som engelsk udskrift (se nedenfor).


English: Introductory article

Helga Zepp-LaRouche Keynotes Copenhagen Seminar on `Donald Trump and the New International Paradigm'

COPENHAGEN, Dec. 12, 2016 (EIRNS) — Today, Helga Zepp-LaRouche was the special guest speaker at a Schiller Institute/{EIR} seminar in Copenhagen entitled, "Donald Trump and the New International Paradigm." Eight diplomats from six countries attended, including two ambassadors. There were nations from Western Europe, Southwest Asia, Western and Eastern Asia, and Africa. In addition, there were around 30 Schiller Institute members and contacts, as well as a few representatives of various Danish and international institutions.

The event was opened by the presentation of a Chinese love song performed by Feride Istogu Gillesberg and Michelle Rasmussen. Afterwards, Tom Gillesberg, the chairman of The Schiller Institute in Denmark, introduced Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche, describing her historical role in bringing about the New Silk Road policy.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche's very inspiring, in-depth speech began with the revolution against globalization represented by the Brexit, the Trump election, and the Italian No vote. She gave an evaluation of the potential represented by some of the statements and appointments Trump has made so far, and then proceeded with a detailed discussion of the two conflicting paradigms in the world today. Zepp-LaRouche then uplifted the audience with the beautiful ideas of space scientist Krafft Ehricke and Renaissance philosopher Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa. She concluded with an appeal to those present not to act as spectators on the stage of history, but engage in the battle for the new paradigm with us.

Her speech, about 80 minutes long, may be heard above, or at: -donald-trump-and-the-new-international-paradigm-1

Afterwards, there was an intensive hour-long discussion, with questions from all of the different groups represented. Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche ended by challenging the audience to decide what they want to do with their lives, what mark they will make to benefit all humanity, far into the future.  

Zepp-LaRouche's speech and discussion had a profound effect on all present. 

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(There is no video or audio of the discussion period, only this transcript.)

Helga Zepp-LaRouche in Copenhagen December 12, 2016
(To facilitate free discussion, the questioners are not identified, and the questions are summarized. The answers are complete.)
Question: Can we be optimistic about Trump’s presidency, because he is skeptical about climate change, is for trade war with China and Mexico, opposes the free trade deals, and has called for tearing up the nuclear deal with Iran.
Helga Zepp-LaRouche: I said earlier that the potentialities for change are there, but it depends, to a very large extent, upon us – what we do. When Trump got elected, my first response was, this is what I call the ‘dog pull-tail, let-go feeling.’ What I mean by that is that when you pull the tail of a dog, which you should never do, naturally, and you let go, the pain stops. When you pull, there is pain, and when you stop pulling, the pain goes away.
So, in a certain sense, the election of Trump was the tail let-go feeling, because we were on an immediate course toward WWIII, and that was really the primary point, because if Hillary Clinton would have been elected — unfortunately, Hillary Clinton, when she was in the Obama administration, transformed from being a relatively OK person, she was never great, but in 2008, she was relatively decent, compared to what she became, because she capitulated to Obama, and when she made this terrible statement, for example, in Libya, about the murder of Gadaffi, “We came, we saw, and he died.” This is barbarism.
Her behavior in the Ben Ghazi case. There were so many things where she became worse than Obama, almost. So the immediate thing was that that big danger, that she would have continued the policies of Bush and Obama, in the confrontation with Russia and China, that that was stopped is, already, for the survival of civilization, the most important step.
Now, on these other points. Naturally, there is climate change. There is no question about it. But the question is, what is the cause of it? And the Schiller Institute had several conferences where we invited extremely important scientists who presented, beyond a doubt, that if you look at the last 500 million years in the history of the Earth, you have a continuous cycle of ice ages, of warming periods, of small ice ages, and the man-made component of climate change is absolutely negligible. It’s a big fraud, for example, it’s a big business. To sell CO2 omission quotas, is like selling indulgences in the Middle Ages.
Obviously, there are climate changes, and some countries which have low coasts are very much affected, but then you have to adapt to these climate changes with modern technology, and you cannot solve the problem by going to electric cars, or going to decarbonization of the world economy. This is a big fraud, and I am not saying that Trump is saying this for all the right reasons, but the idea to impose measures implied with the “great transformation” Schellnhuber is talking about – I mean these people do not want development.
We have been on this case for the last — as a matter of fact, we, the LaRouche movement, had a conception about the development of the world really starting at the end of the sixties.
I joined Mr. LaRouche because I went to China, Africa, other Asian countries, and I saw the horrible, horrible underdevelopment. So I came back from this trip, and I said, ‘I have to become political, because I want to change this.’ I could give you a long, long story of the many observations, because I went with a cargo ship, and when you go to these countries with a cargo ship, you get a quite different idea than if you go on a 5-star cruise, and hotels. You see how the poverty affects people in their real lives. And I came back, and I looked at all the political movements, and I saw that LaRouche was the only one who said, ‘We have to have Third World development. We have to have technology transfer. We have to alleviate this poverty.’
And we had a positive conception already in the seventies, and therefore, when the Club of Rome appeared, we immediately said, ‘This is a fraud.’ Because the Club of Rome said, ‘There are limits to growth. We have reached equilibrium. Until the year 1972, you could develop, but now, we have reached equilibrium, and we have to have sustainable development. We have to have appropriate technology.’ These notions did not exist before, because before, you had the idea of a UN Development Decade, where each decade, you would overcome the underdevelopment by qualitative jumps. And when we recognized this propaganda by the Club of Rome, we immediately said, ‘This is a complete fraud,’ and the people who wrote the book “Limits to Growth,” Meadows and Forrester …
Q: A followup about the Paris climate summit.
A: I would like to give you written documentation afterwards of the studies that were made by these geologists, which are, without question, the explanation of climate change is not man-made. The anthropogenic aspect of it is so miniscule. Climate change has to do with the position of the solar system in the galaxy, which goes in cycles around a certain axis, and you can see that over 500 million years, the data confirms that you have these wide changes. Greenland is called Greenland, because it was green. There used to be vineyards. You had ice ages which completely covered the Earth, and the reason why I went into this longer history, is to show how the environmentalist movement was created with the attempt to keep development down, and climate change is just another expression of the same effort.
If you look at which firms which are investing in solar parks, in wind parks, who is controlling the CO2 emission trade, you have all the top hedge funds in London and Wall St. I can give you a lot of documentation about it, which does not mean that climate change is not real, because you have the rise of the oceans, and you have climate change, you have extreme weather, but that has been happening for hundreds of millions of years.
And, on the other points you raised, obviously, from our standpoint, the cancellation of NAFTA, is a good thing, because NAFTA did not allow development for Mexico. As a matter of fact, NAFTA is the incarnation of the cheap labor production model of free trade. What you need is – especially countries which are not developed, you need protective tariffs for their own good. They have to develop a domestic market first. The booklet which I emphasized, which you should please read, “Against the Stream,” is one of many, but it is very condensed, and a very good book.
The question is, ‘What is the source of wealth?’ Is the source of wealth cheap labor, to buy cheap raw materials, produce cheaply, and sell expensive? Is that the cause of wealth? No.
The only cause of wealth is the increase in the creativity of labor power. And a good government is, therefore, investing the maximum amount into education, into sponsoring the creativity of youth, of labor, and the more people in the labor force, by percentage, are engineers, scientists, the more productive the economy becomes.
And the free trade system, of which NAFTA is just one example, did exactly the opposite. China, which was part of this in the beginning — the reason why China today has so many environmental problems, like smog, like a large amount of groundwater being contaminated, is the result of the fact that China, in the beginning of its industrialization, accepted being a cheap labor production place for the U.S. and for Europe. When I was in China, even in 1971, I visited some factories which were horrible. They were absolutely horrible. The working conditions were terrible, the labor force, which produced electrical devices for radios, it was horrible. They worked for 18 hours. No health system. It was just terrible. And that is how China developed in the first phase.
But then China, with Deng Xiaoping, started to recognize that that is the wrong way. So China is now on a completely different track. They are putting the maximum emphasis on science and technology, the increase of excellence. Last year, they produced 1 million scientists. That’s double of what the U.S. produced. Obviously China is a larger country, but still. What will finally be decisive is the number of people who are creative. And that is why China, right now, has the best education system, because they have understood that the source of wealth is not raw materials. Is not trade conditions. It is the creativity of their own people. And that it a good thing. If we go to a system where we have a certain amount of protectionism, to protect the development of the domestic market, it is a good thing.
There is no danger of cutting [countries off from one another], because all of these infrastructure projects are connectivity. The world will be more connected than ever before. But this whole myth of free trade is really a very bad thing. It has been coined by the people who profit from it. That’s why the world is in the condition it is right now, where the rich become richer, and the poor become poorer. The middle class is being destroyed all over the world. And I would really like to communicate with you so that we can deepen this dialogue.
On the Iran thing, I don’t think he will break it, but that is my hope. I don’t know.
So, I’m not saying he’s a – as I said, Baron von Knigge would get a heart attack when he hears Trump’s speeches, but the world was in such a grip of evil, satanic evil, that it is a good thing that there is a break, and the unfortunate thing, is that Europe is still in this grip.
You can see it. Von der Leyen, the German Defense Secretary, had the funniest reaction. The day after the election of Trump, she said ‘I am deeply shocked,’ about this election result, because nobody thought this would happen. Now, this same lady is now parading in Saudi Arabia with Crown Prince Bin Salman Al Saud, and she isn’t shocked. So, I don’t know what’s wrong with her. I think that that would be a good place to be shocked, or not even go there.
So, I have come to the conclusion that a lot of the Europeans who react this way to the defeat of Hillary, are obeying another power in their head, and that power I call The British Empire, which is still in place, and it dominates Europe, and that is why they feel – I was asking myself, how come all of these politicians are so arrogant towards the new president of the U.S.? Because they were the boot-lickers of Washington until yesterday, and they would immediately do everything Washington would say and do, so I asked myself, ‘Where is this sudden self-assertedness coming from?’ And the only explanation I came up with, was to say, they must have an idea that there is another power which is more powerful than Trump, otherwise, they wouldn’t have this sudden arrogance.
And it is the British, because you will see tomorrow, because tomorrow, there will be a federal press conference in Berlin, where a number of people will present their contribution to the German chairmanship of the G-20, which will take place in July in Hamburg. This will be Joachim Schellnhuber, the head of the WBGU (German Advisory Council on Global Change), this is the scientific advisory organization advising the German government. He put out this paper about ‘the great transformation,’ which we wrote about. You can look in the archive. He is the head of the idea of a decarbonization of the world economy.
Now, if you decarbonize the world economy, without having fusion, that would be one thing, to have fusion power in place. Then you can talk about getting rid of fossil fuels, but without having fusion, and being against nuclear energy, fission, it means that you will reduce the world’s population to 1 billion or less, because there is a direct correlation between the energy-flux-density, and the number of people you can maintain. Schellnhuber said that the carrying capacity of the Earth is maximum 1 billion people. He didn’t say that he wants to do with the 6 billion who are already there. If he would be consequent, he should hop away from this planet.
And they will announce a sinister plan, to try to use the fact that many countries have environmental problems, to sneak in their anti-development programs. People should not be naïve, because not everybody thinks that population growth is a good thing. There are many people who think that each human being is a parasite, destroying nature. That is the image of man which many people have. The greenies, for example.
We look at it in a different way. We think that the more people you have, the greater longevity you can have, division of labor, and a modern scientific society needs many people with a long life span. Because if you are in the Third World, and you die, and you have an average life expectancy of 40 years, or less, you cannot have scientists, because the production of a scientist takes 30-35 years, and if people then die right away, then you can’t have a modern society.
So the more creative people you have, the better. Each human being is an incredible addition, because we are creative.
Tom Gillesberg: Schellnhuber, for his services, was appointed Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE), and for him, he personally has said, that the highpoint of his existence was that the British Queen, personally, gave him the Order of the British Empire, for his efforts to reduce the possibility for mankind’s survival, you could say, so it is connected with what you said.
Q: This is the best speech I have ever heard in my life.
Is this a second American Revolution, and will the Federal Reserve, which is privately owned, be closed down, and will money be created for the benefit of all people, and not just the private Fed?
A: I don’t know, because, as I said, there are so many unknowns about Trump, and what he will do, and how it will play out. All I can say is, if Trump does not fulfill his promises, the same people who caused his election, will topple him. Because I don’t think that this process, which is now underway, where ordinary people have just had it — If you think about the declaration of Independence, it has this formulation that you will not bring down a government system for light reasons, but, if for a long time, the common good is being violated, I don’t know the exact text, then, people have the right and duty to replace this government with a rightful one, and that idea I call natural law.
It’s the same idea that Friedrich Schiller had in Wilhelm Tell. This is a play he wrote, which takes place in Switzerland. There, the Hapsburg oligarch is also trampling on the rights of the Swiss people, then they unite with the Rütli Oath. There is this beautiful formulation which says, ‘When the rights of people are trampled upon, they have the right to reach out to the stars, and take from the stars those rights which are eternally embedded in these stars. (I am not saying it as beautifully as Schiller does.)
If you compare these two texts, the Declaration of Independence, and the Rütli Oath from Schiller’s play, they are almost identical, and it’s very clear that Schiller was inspired by the American Revolution when he wrote that play, because in his plays, there are many ideas which resonate with the American Revolution, and he actually wanted to immigrate, at one point, to America.
So I think that if Trump turns out to be another fraudster, which we don’t know yet, I think that this process of revolt will continue, because I only mentioned some elements.
I could mention that there are many countries now in realignment. for example, the Philippines, Duterte. This was supposed to be the playground for the conflict with China in the South China Sea. Now Duterte sent his Defense Secretary, Lorenzana, to Russia and China, to buy weapon systems from Russia and China, and to establish a friendship with China, and he said, ‘The Philippines is no longer the colony of the U.S.’
Then you have Japan, which was the junior partner of the U.S. in the Pacific. Abe went to Sochi, meeting with Putin. In three days from now, Putin will go to Japan to have a state visit. They are talking about a peace treaty between Russia and Japan.
All of these are new alignments. There is a shift in the strategic situation, and I don’t think that that shift can be reversed.
Q: About Russia hacking the U.S. election. Why doesn’t the U.S. have anti-hacking measures? Can you explain that?
A: I cannot explain that, for the same reason that I cannot explain why the NSA is surveilling everyone, all their phones, their communications, worldwide. They can observe all of these things, but they don’t know about terrorism. They don’t know about drug trafficking. They don’t know about money laundering. Either their system is not so good, or they are looking in the wrong direction. I can’t answer your question.
Q: Will the result of the Brexit be positive for Europe, to enable continental Europe to become stronger, and to improve cooperation with the eastern parts of Europe?
A: I think that the EU is not functioning, and I think it is not just the Brexit. The “No” in Italy is a reflection of the same dynamic. Now you have Gentiloni, the new prime minister, and they will probably go for new elections. Right now, in the polls, you have the 5 Star Party leading. If they win, and form the new government, they have already said that they would leave the EU, and leave the Euro, and, in a certain sense, it is not functioning.
The reason I was against the introduction of the Euro from the beginning, was because we said that it cannot function. You cannot have a European currency union in something which is not an optimal economic space. You cannot put advanced industry together with an agrarian country, with completely different tax laws, pension laws, and you don’t want a political union, because Europe is not a people. You don’t have a European people. I don’t know what the Danes are saying. I don’t know what is in the Danish newspapers. The people of Slovenia have no inkling of what is happening in Alsace-Lorraine, and so forth, and so on. You don’t have a European people. Esperanto doesn’t function. You have 28 nations, 28 histories, 28 cultures.
That doesn’t mean that you can’t work together. I think that the idea of Charles de Gaulle to work together as an alliance between perfectly sovereign fatherlands, that is a correct idea. And all these fatherlands can adopt a joint mission, like to develop Africa, or other things.
I just think that this European Union is not going to stay forever.
Q: (followup) Will it be easier for Germany and France to promote this development, as the leading countries?
A: Everybody says that Germany is the biggest beneficiary of globalization, the EU, and the Euro, but that’s not really true, because, if you look at it more closely, then you can say that since the introduction of the Euro, the domestic market of Germany has completely stagnated. And the number of people who became poorer has increased.
Q: (followup) What about regarding the dialogue with Russia.
A: Oh yes, that would be much easier.
I do not think that this EU bureaucracy is capable of reform, because by their self-understanding, they are the local pro-consuls of this empire, and I think that it would be much better if Germany, France, and other countries have individual relations. And I don’t think that – this whole idea that you need a European Empire to compete with Russia and China and other emerging countries – The EU, by definition, is an empire. They have said it themselves. Robert Cooper, who has some kind of advisory function [currently serving as EU Special Advisor with regard to Myanmar], he said that the EU is the fastest expanding empire in history. It’s a bad idea.
And the Russians for – I noticed this since the beginning of the year 2000, that the Russians did not make a difference anymore between the EU and NATO. They said that it’s the same thing. And it is the same thing.
Q: You said that the One Belt, One Road was stripped of commercial interests from the Chinese side, as opposed to the IMF, World Bank. On what basis do you say that it is less interest-driven than the Bretton Woods institutions?
A: Well, because, the question is not that I’m saying that China is perfect. I’m not saying that. But when you look at anything, you have to look at the vector of development, is it going upward, or is it going downward? And from that standpoint, I had the advantage that I was in China in 1971, which was in the middle of the Cultural Revolution. This was so different than China today.
The Cultural Revolution was horrible for the people. The Red Guards would take people out of their homes, put them in jail, send them to the countryside, and people were distraught.
And now, people in China are happy. If you talk to students, or to young people, they are optimistic. They say, ‘Oh. I will do this in the future. I have these plans.’ I talked to a group of students in Lanzhou two years ago, and they said, ‘We will go to Africa. We will develop Africa.’ I have never heard a German student say this. Yeah, when I was a student, but that’s a long time ago.
I think that it is very worthwhile to read the speeches of Xi Jinping. There is a book, “The Governance of China,” but that only has about 60 speeches, and there are many, many more. For example, you should read the speeches he gave when he went to France, to Germany, and to India.
For example, when he went to India, he made a speech which was really incredible, because he said that he loved Indian culture from his early youth, and then he gave so many examples of the high points of Indian culture, the Gupta period, the Upanishads, the Vedic writings, Rabindranath Tagore, many predicates which prove that he really knows what he is talking about. He is not just one of these politicians who have a PR advisor about how to make nice bubbles in your speeches, but you could really see that he means it. And the same for Germany. He came to Germany and he emphasized Schubert and Heine, things which I also appreciate about Germany, and he did the same thing in France.
And I don’t think that the Chinese leadership would agree with me when I say this, but I think that they are less communist than Confucians. They probably would not admit that, because they are officially the Communist Party, and that’s OK, but, I come from Trier, and Trier is the birthplace of Karl Marx, so I have studied Karl Marx, and I think that they are still socialist, or communist, or whatever, but they always said that they are communist with Chinese characteristics, and these Chinese characteristics are Confucianism.
And the Confucian idea of man is lifelong learning, lifelong perfection, that everyone should be a Jinzi, a wise man, a noble man, and Confucius said, if the government is bad, then the Jinzi, these wise people, should replace the government. Also the idea that you have to have an harmonious development, starting with the family, continuing in the nation, and then, larger, among the nations.
China is the only country that has not made wars of aggression, colonial wars, in its 5,000 years of history. It was invaded many times, the Opium War, and things like that, but China is not an aggressive nation, at all.
And if you look at what they are doing in practice, the IMF and the World Bank have prevented Third World development, and China is going from one country to the next, building science cities, helping with space cooperation, bringing in developing countries in the most advanced areas of science, in order to not prevent their development. I think this is a completely different approach.
I think that the Chinese have come up with a new model of government, which I have not seen in any place in Europe, the U.S. ever, and it’s a model which is overcoming geopolitics, which is, if you say, ‘I have a win-win for cooperation. Everybody can join.’ Then, if everyone joins, then you have overcome geopolitics.
And geopolitics is the one thing that caused two world wars, and in the age of thermonuclear weapons, we cannot have geopolitics anymore. So I think that these are very important differences.
Sure, China has its own interests. Win-win means that China also has an interest. China has advantages, but, for example, if you ask people from Africa, ‘Would you rather have deals where China gets raw materials for long periods of time, but they build infrastructure for Africans.’ They like that much better than Europeans who come and say, ‘Oh, you should obey democracy,’ and do nothing.
Q: Statement about Chinese infrastructure projects in Morocco. Both are winners, as opposed to projects 20 years ago run by other countries. The Chinese there have learned Arabic. The projects have greatly reduced the travel time. They have a different perspective than the French, and Europeans had.    
Tom Gillesberg: Do you have final remarks?
A: I would just say that people should not just believe, or not believe, what I am saying, but take an active attitude to try to find out what the truth is, for themselves. Because the world is not helped by replacing one ideology by another. The only way you can be certain, is that you become a truth-seeking person yourself. Because the whole question about what went wrong, is that people forgot what it is to be an honest truth-seeking person, taking the truth not as something you reach finally, but something you always improve.
Schiller had this beautiful writing about universal history, where he said that the philosophical mind is the first one to take his own system apart, to put it together more perfectly again.
I think that that quality – and, also, we had two days ago in Berlin, a very important event, which was also about the dialogue of cultures, and every – we had a very important presentation, which you can soon see on our webpage, where we had a double bass player who spoke about the importance of Wilhelm Furtwängler as a conductor, and he gave some musical examples, and he compared the performances of Furtwängler with some modern conductors, and the difference is so unbelievable. The music of Furtwängler is transparent. It is beautiful. It is absolutely overwhelmingly uplifting, and many of the other conductors are just playing along, with no respect for what the composition is.
And he really described, with many quotes from Furtwängler, that what is needed is this inner quality of truthfulness. That you don’t fake it, because if you’re not truthful – for example, you cannot recite poetry, if you’re not truthful. You cannot sing beautifully, if you’re not truthful. Sure, you can sing brilliantly, you can do all kinds of tricks, and it impresses people, but to really produce art, you have to be truthful. You have to try to understand the poetical idea, the musical idea. You have to step back with your ego behind what the composer or the poet wrote. And that’s what is wrong with modern theater. In Regietheater, they just say, ‘I don’t care what Schiller wrote, or what Shakespeare wrote. I just make my modern interpretation. I put Harley Davidson’s into Shakespeare, and it doesn’t matter.’ And that is not art.
And I think the question is, ‘What do you do with your life?’ That is really the question. Are you becoming a creative person, devoted to that with your life, you contribute to enable mankind to move on a little step further, and become better.
Or, are you just eating three tons of caviar, and have 3,000 Porsches. And then, when you die, they write on your gravestone, ‘He/she ate three mons of caviar, and had 3,000 Porsches,’ and that was it.
No, you should try to be an honest person, trying to make human society better with what you do. And, once you do that, you become happy. Then you are free. This inner freedom, is what you should try to find. And that is the only way that we will win that battle. It’s not Trump. It is, can we get enough people to be innerly free.
And then we win.
End of discussion

Kreditorer vil aflyse julen for Grækenlands pensionister

10. dec., 2016 – Grækenlands internationale kreditorer har fordømt den græske premierminister Alexis Tsipras for at have vedtaget en engangs-godtgørelse til 1,6 mio. pensionister, der lever for 800 euro (kr. 5.950) eller mindre om måneden. »Programmet indeholder en klar forpligtelse til på forhånd at diskutere alle forholdsregler, der relaterer til programmets mål, med institutionerne«, sagde en talskvinde for EU. »Kommissionen fik ikke besked om alle detaljerne i erklæringerne, før de blev offentliggjort. Nu må vi undersøge dem.«

Det er almindelig kendt, at et stort antal pensionister i realiteten forsørger udvidede familier med deres pensioner pga. den høje arbejdsløshed. Tsipras sagde, at godtgørelserne i alt vil beløbe sig til 617 mio. euro.

Ifølge den britiske avis Guardian, sagde statsminister Alekos Flambouraris, at kreditorer ikke var blevet varskoet på forhånd, eftersom pengene kom fra overskuddet.

Sammenlignet med kreditorernes seneste krav om flere nedskæringer, som man efter planen skal stemme om i denne uge, er julegodtgørelsen småpenge. Det nye budget kræver en yderligere skattestigning på 1,1 mia. euro og nedskæringer i pensioner og udgifter for 1,5 mia. euro. Dette på trods af den kendsgerning, at, pga. økonomiens kollaps og skattestigninger, især ejendomsskatter, har det til dato stadig ikke været muligt for ikke færre end 6,36 millioner skatteborgere at betale det femte, månedlige afdrag på deres ejendomsskat for 2016. En kvart million selskaber mangler stadig at betale den 6. eller 7. månedlige indkomstskat for 2015, der vurderes til 1mia. euro.

Disse nedskæringer indgår alle i EU’s krav om, at Grækenland skal opretholde et overskud på 3,5 % (som skal bruges til afbetaling af gælden), det højeste i Europa, som selv IMF protesterer over, selv om Fonden kræver et overskud på 1,5 %.

Foto: Græske pensionister rokker en politibus, der blokerede deres demonstration mod nedskæringer i pensionerne, den 3. okt. 2016 i Athen. Politiet brugte dernæst peberspray mod demonstranterne.


Afrikanske ledere instruerer Tyskland i det nye paradigme

8. dec., 2016 – Under sin åbning af det fjerde Tysk-afrikanske Infrastrukturforum i Hamborg den 5.-6. dec., henviste præsidenten for Afrika-Verein der Deutschen Wirtschaft (Tysk økonomis Afrika-forening), dr. Kannengeisser, til en overskrift, der for nylig forekom i Die Zeit, »Forbundsregeringen opdager Afrika«. For de af os, der allerede er involveret i Afrika, sagde han, lyder dette måske ironisk; men der er imidlertid noget on snakken.

Det, der blev åbenbart i løbet af konferencens første dag, er, at det Afrika, som tyske foretagender tror, de kender, er i færd med at undergå det samme paradigmeskifte, som finder sted i resten af verden. Mange af talerne fra Afrika gav udtryk for dyb bekymring over, at deres »partnere« i lokalet ikke er sig disse forandringer bevidst.

Dette kom klarest til udtryk gennem Christian Eddy Avellin, direktøren for Madagascars hovedhavn. »Verden er under forandring«, sagde han. »Kina og Indien vokser frem. Japan holder sin plads i verden. I de seneste 25 år burde I i Europa have tænkt mere på Afrika … Virkeligheden er den, at verdensøkonomien er ved at skifte til Asien. Kina handler med Afrika og Sydamerika. I må se på Syd-Syd-relationer.« Han konkluderede denne del af sin fremlæggelse ved at tilføje, »Europa vil blive marginaliseret, med mindre det anerkender dette og bliver involveret.«

Hans kommentarer åbnede for en sand spærreild af kritik, der omfattede klager over de høje rentesatser, som de europæiske banker opkræver; den påtvungne betingelsespolitik som forudsætning for lån; samt arrogance – der typificeredes af mødelederen, der blev ved med at spørge til private partnerskaber, understregede nødvendigheden af privatisering og kritiserede kvaliteten af kinesiske varer og teknologi.

»Hvis I ønsker at komme, skal I være velkommen, men lad være med at fortælle os, hvad vi skal gøre«, sagde Ali Guelleh Aboukar, en rådgiver til regeringen i Djibouti, med ansvar for investeringer.

En repræsentant for EIR og LaRouche-bevægelsen intervenerede: »Lad os gøre os klart, hvad det er, der bliver sagt: Der eksisterer et nyt paradigme.« Idet han beskrev BRIKS og AIIB, den Nye Silkevej og Kinas orientering mod videnskab, sagde han: »Dette er fremtiden. Samtidig accelererer oprøret i det transatlantiske område, med BREXIT og Trumps valgsejr.«

Dette udløste yderligere udtalelser fra afrikanske regeringsfolk. »Mens I tyskere beklager jer, så venter vi på investeringer. Vi har oplevet mange års krig og udplyndring. Alt skal bygges op. Vi har brug for infrastruktur. Vore vestlige partnere ønsker privilegerede partnerskaber, men det er ikke længere muligt.«

Avellin gentog: »Verden er under forandring; vi vil ikke længere acceptere diktatur fra IMF og Verdensbanken.« Han sagde, »Kineserne er der, og de hjælper.« Han blev bakket op af en repræsentant fra den namibiske regering, der sagde, at der finder noget nyt sted i det sydlige Afrika, med samarbejde, og ikke konkurrence, mellem nationer.

Man diskutere flere salg af rapporten, »Den Nye Silkevej bliver til Verdenslandbroen«, ved arrangementets slutning. Flere afrikanere bemærkede med hensyn til rapportens afsnit om kernekraft i Afrika, at dette, og ikke »grønne« teknologier, er deres fremtid.

Eurogruppen snyder igen Grækenland

7. dec., 2016 – Eurogruppen med 19 finansministre fra eurozonen har endnu engang snydt Grækenland med deres nye aftale. Til gengæld for en relativt meningsløs, såkaldt kortfristet gældssaneringsforholdsregel, som blot tilpasser rentesatser og strækker sig frem til år 2060, må Grækenland opretholde et primært overskud[1] på 3,5 % af BNP i op til 10 år efter, at det officielle bailout-program slutter i 2018. Dette såkaldte overskud, der skal tages fra befolkningens kød og blod, skal bruges til afbetaling af gælden.

Dette blev tilsyneladende tvangsindført i aftalen af Den internationale Valutafond, IMF, og den tyske finansminister, Wolfgang Schäuble, der ligefremt har udtalt, at, hvis Grækenland fortsat ønsker at forblive i eurozonen, må det implementere de »reformer« og forholdsregler, som kræves af landet.

Ifølge avisen Kathimerini var den græske regerings officielle talsmand, Dimitris Tzanakopoulos, særligt kritisk over for den europæiske chef for IMF, Poul Thomsen, der repræsenterede fonden under Eurogruppens møde den 5. dec. Han sagde, at Thomsen lagde yderligere pres på Grækenland for at vedtage ekstra forholdsregler med henblik på at opretholde det primære overskud på 3,5 % efter 2018, snarere end på eurozonen, for at denne yderligere skulle klargøre, hvad disse mellem- og langfristede gældseftergivelsesforholdsregler, som det har planer om at indføre fra 2018 og fremefter, går ud på. Den græske regeringstalsmand var ubøjelig mht., at den græske koalitionsregering ikke ville gå med til at vedtage nye forholdsregler for at imødekomme målet om et primært overskud på 3,5 % efter 2018.

Grækenlands to største fagforeningssammenslutninger, der repræsenterer offentlige og private ansatte, har i mellemtiden meddelt en 24-timers generalstrejke den 8. dec. for at protestere mod planer om arbejdsmarkedsreformer og skattestigninger. Sammenslutningen af læger på Athens og Piræus’ hospitaler, EINAP, har bebudet, at den vil tilslutte sig 24-timers generalstrejken. Bus- og sporvognsarbejdere vil ligeledes nedlægge arbejdet fra kl. 9 om morgenen og til kl. 21 om aftenen, hvor vagten slutter.

Foto: Dimitris Tzanakopoulos, der er advokat, har været talsmand for den græske regering fra november 2016.         



[1] Et primært overskud består af, at skatteindkomsterne er større end de løbende statsudgifter, men eksklusiv udgifter til afdrag og renter på statsgæld. Afhængigt af størrelsen af sidstnævnte, kan det virkelige resultat udmærket være et reelt underskud. Desuden kan det primære overskud på 3,5 %, på grund af IMF’s ’betingelsespolitik’ (brutale nedskæringer for at fremtvinge et ’primært overskud’) ikke disponeres over af regeringen til f.eks. investering i landets infrastruktur.

NATO’s udvidelse fortsætter på autopilot

7. dec., 2016 – I går aftes rapporterede formanden for USA’s Senatskomite for Udenrigsanliggender, Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), som er blevet nævnt som værende på nyvalgte præsident Trumps voksende liste over navne, han overvejer til posten som udenrigsminister, enstemmigt fra sin komite, at Montenegro var blevet ratificeret som NATO’s 29. og seneste medlem. Corker sagde, at Montenegro skal være indstillet på at bære sin del af vægten. Problemet er, at den lillebitte Balkanstat, med færre en 650.000 indbyggere, næsten ikke har nogen vægt, de kan bære, bortset fra en dybvandshavn, som NATO åbenbart begærer.

I Moldova, endnu et af NATO’s mål, er en træfning brudt ud pga. NATO-forbindelseskontoret, som Stoltenberg den 29. nov. bebudede oprettelsen af i hovedstaden Chișinău. Ifølge den rumænske nyheds-webside er Moldovas nyvalgte (men ikke indsatte), socialistiske præsident, Igor Dodon, modstander af NATO-kontoret og har fremført anklager om, at præsidentvalget og hans indvielse med overlæg blev forhalet således, at NATO-kontoret og nogle andre projekter kunne køres hurtigt igennem, før han indtræder i embedet.

Foto: Montenegros udenrigsminister Igor Lukšić (venstre) sammen med NATO-generalsekretær Jens Stoltenberg.



Fælles russisk-kinesisk kampagne for den Nye Silkevej i Tyskland

5. dec., 2016 – For første gang optrådte kinesiske og russiske diplomater til Tyskland på fremtrædende vis sammen på et symposium om »Silkevejsinitiativet«, arrangeret af Berlin Fredags-rundbordssamtaler og den kinesiske ambassade. For et publikum på omkring 200 gæster diskuterede den kinesiske ambassadør Shi Mingde og den russiske viceambassadør Jurij Stetsenko de muligheder, som det økonomiske bælte langs Silkevejen tilbyder. ’Rundbordet’ er en sammenslutning af studenter fra flere europæiske lande, der er indskrevet ved Berlins tekniske universitet for at studere mange felter inden for teknologi.

I sin hovedtale understregede Shi Mingde den lange, historiske forbindelse mellem Kina og Tyskland via antikkens Silkevej, som i dag er genoplivet gennem det »moderne økonomiske bælte« langs den samme rute, som forbinder Kina, som verdens næststørste nationaløkonomi, med Tysklands økonomiske område i Europa. Med et Rusland, der tilslutter sig dette samarbejdsformat, er endnu et »vigtigt økonomiske område« inkluderet, og skaber således de bedste betingelser for et omfattende samarbejde, forklarede Shi Mingde.

Foto: Lyndon og Helga LaRouche har i fire årtier været forkæmpere for en verdensomspændende genopbygning af realøkonomien og holdt utallige konferencer om den Nye Silkevej og Verdenslandbroen på alle kontinenter. Her, konference i Essen, Tyskland, 21. okt., 2016, over temaet, »Tysklands potentielle rolle i udviklingen af Verdenslandbroen«.


Juridisk ekspert bekræfter EIR’s afsløring af Renzis reform
for at gøre EU-lov ligeværdig med Italiens forfatning

6. dec., 2016 – Professor Luciano Barra Caracciolo, siddende medlem af en gren af det italienske retsvæsen, bekræftede det, som EIR Strategic Alert har skrevet i denne uge om den italienske folkeafstemning. I realiteten, sagde han, tilsigtede reformen at »omsætte« til forfatningsniveau en »europæisk politik«, dvs., »en politisk styrelse, der formes i udlandet, i et Bruxelles, der domineres af finansielle og oligopolistiske[1] lobbyer, der er totalt uafhængige af noget valgresultat i Italien«. Mere end blot regler, vedrører den EU-kommissionens og EU-rådets såkaldte »retningslinjer« og »resolutioner«. Det var en temmelig vidtrækkende forfatningsændring, »enestående i Europa«.

Barra Caracciolo var den første, der, på sin blog »Orizzonti48«, afslørede, at Renzis forfatningsreform indeholdt fire paragraffer, der satte EU-lov på samme niveau som forfatningsloven. Der er ingen forfatning i verden, der sidestiller traktater, såsom EU-traktaten, med den nationale forfatning.

Foto: Professor Luciano Barra Caracciolo.   

[1] Et oligopol er en markedsform, hvor et marked er domineret af få udbydere, de såkaldte oligopolister.


Italiensk økonom udsteder erklæring om folkeafstemning:
Italienerne stemte med hjernen

6. dec., 2016 – Den italienske økonom og ven af LaRouche, Nino Galloni, skrev en udtalelse efter den italienske folkeafstemning, som er blandt de fornuftigste erklæringer, der er skrevet.

For det første, sagde han, så var Nej’ et ikke en stemme, der kom fra en mavefornemmelse, men var derimod en stemme fra »hjernen«, »for at forhindre et skred, der ville have forværret de sociale, økonomiske og politiske omstændigheder i landet«.

For det andet, hvis ECB »fortsætter med at gøre, hvad den hidtil har gjort«, bliver der ingen krise omkring Italiens statsgæld. Tværtimod, hvis ECB »forråder« og stopper med at opkøbe italiensk statsgæld, bemærker han, »vil vi marchere i gaderne«.

For det tredje, så havde Renzi foretaget nogle gode træk, såsom at bekæmpe EU om budgettet for finansiering af immigrationen og omkostninger til genopbygning, gøre modstand mod bail-in, osv. Men hans fremstød for »mod-reformationen« har imidlertid fejet ham af banen.

For det fjerde, så udfordrede Galloni Beppe Grillo og M5S-bevægelse til at »udarbejde et program for nationalt forsvar og ansvarlig udvikling, der kan angive en alternativ kurs for alle og en vej ud af en situation, der socialt, økonomisk, finansielt og etisk bliver mere og mere uholdbar«.    

Sidste september var Galloni blevet foreslået til posten som finanssekretær for Rom kommune under den nuværende borgmester fra M5S, Virginia Raggi, men Malthus-fraktionen i M5S var den fremherskende, og Galloni og hans investeringsplan blev afvist

Foto: Den italienske økonom, Nino Galloni.

Europæere ikke beroliget af det østrigske, ’pro-EU’ præsidentvalg

5. dec., 2016 – I modsætning til den katastrofe, som »Europa« led i den italienske folkeafstemning søndag, den 4. dec., så hilser eurokraterne Alexander von Bellens (Uafhængig) valgsejr over den euro-skeptiske Norbert Hofer (Frihedspartiet) i det østrigske præsidentvalg i går, velkommen.

Men Hofers 48,5 % bragte ham meget tæt på at slå den anden kandidat, der blev støttet af de fleste af de store medier og af alle de andre partier bortset fra Frihedspartiet. Problemerne i EU – der har samlet så mange østrigere imod eurokraterne – vil imidlertid ikke forsvinde, og von Bellens præsidentskab forventes ikke at få oppositionen til at forsvinde.

Ved siden af mange populistiske spørgsmål havde Hofer også ført kampagne for Østrigs tilslutning til Visegrad Gruppen med Polen, Ungarn, Tjekkiet og Slovakiet og disses stærke bestræbelser på at udvikle deres økonomier uafhængigt af EU, men i samarbejde med Kina. Denne idé vil ikke svinde bort, på trods af Hofers nederlag.

EU-oligarkiet går ned med et brag i italiensk folkeafstemning

5. dec., 2016 – Denne rapport blev publiceret i EIR European Alert Service:

Det overvældende nederlag for pro-EU-oligarkier i den italienske folkeafstemning om en forfatningsændring den 4. dec., åbner for en ny fase i europæisk politik og har globale implikationer. Dette er det tredje chok, leveret af den glemte borgers verdensomspændende oprør mod et politisk etablissement, der er ansvarlig for en økonomisk krise og for krige, der driver millioner af mennesker ud i fattigdom, fortvivlelse og død. Ikke tilfældigt kom den største andel af Nej-stemmerne fra de sydlige regioner, såsom Sicilien og Sardinien, som har de højeste tal for ungdomsarbejdsløshed og fattigdom, og ligeledes fra den nordøstlige region Veneto, som blev hårdest ramt af den industrielle ørkendannelse efter krisen i 2008, og med en høj rate af selvmord blandt mindre virksomhedsejere.

Med en valgdeltagelse, der lå på næsten 70 % hjemme (66 % inkl. vælgere i udlandet), gav italienerne en lektion i visdom ved, med 60 % mod 40 %, at afvise en forfatningsreform, der var dikteret af den Europæiske Union og investeringsbankierer. Hvis reformen var blevet vedtaget, ville den have forvandlet parlamentet til en institution, der blot skulle eksekvere en diktatorisk magt, der ikke havde base i Rom, men i Bruxelles og Frankurt (dvs., EU-kommissionen og ECB). Faktisk erklærer introduktionen til lovforslaget til forfatningsreformen, at dens hensigt er »i en udtømmende grad at rationalisere det komplekse styrelsessystem med flere niveauer, som udtrykkes mellem den Europæiske Union, staten og lokale autonomier«. Ikke færre end fire nye arikler i forfatningen fastslog, at EU-lov var på samme niveau som italiensk forfatningsbestemt lov.

En ny, turbulent fase vil nu begynde for Italien og EU. Premierminister Matteo Renzi trådte tilbage, og statspræsident Sergio Mattarella må nu pålægge en ny, politisk person eller teknokrat at danne ny regering. Oppositionspartierne Lega Nord og Femstjernebevægelsen (M5S) har krævet snarligt valg, men der er fortsat et stort flertal i parlamentet til støtte for en premierminister fra det Demokratiske Parti (som Renzi er leder af). Hertil kommer, at, før der kan afholdes nyvalg, må en ny valglov først vedtages, eftersom Forfatningsdomstolen har afgjort, at den nuværende lov er forfatningsstridig.

Desuden er det vanskeligt for Mattarella at opløse parlamentet, når budgetloven stadig mangler at blive vedtaget og den aktuelle bankkrise kunne komme ud af kontrol.

Den finansstorm, som var blevet annonceret, ifald valget blev et nederlag for Renzi (Raffaele Jerusalmi, adm. dir. for Borsa Italiana, den italienske børs, advarede om »kolossale short positions«[1] på Italien, i forventning om en sejr for ’Nej’), kom ikke dagen derpå. Tiden rinder imidlertid ud for Monte dei Paschi di Siena og andre banker, der forventer en løsning på akkumulerede tab under ti år med depression, og en EU-dikteret »markedsløsning«, der involverer en bail-in (ekspropriering) af (visse typer) indskydere, er nu mere vanskelig end før. Hvis krisen udløses, vil den sprede smitte i hele finanssystemet.

Italien vil om kort tid blive konfronteret med et valg: enten at gennemføre finansfascisme, eller også forlade euroen og implementere nationale nødretslove, som vil omfatte en Glass/Steagall-finansreform og en storstilet plan for investeringer i infrastruktur og for en økonomisk genrejsning; dette i samarbejde med Kinas strategi for den Nye Silkevej.             

Italien: Har Putin gjort det igen?

Leder fra LaRouchePAC, 5. december, 2016 – I modsætning til det hysteri, der stadig fortsætter i USA, så er der ingen, der påstår, at Rusland riggede stemmeboksene til Italiens overvældende sejr i en folkeafstemning, der ellers ville have overgivet deres love, domstole og lovgivende magt til den Europæiske Union. Men den, der promoverede en sådan folkeafstemning, den italienske premierminister Renzi, blev alligevel grundigt slået og træder nu tilbage.

Som den russiske præsident Putin samme dag bemærkede i et interview til Tv, »Vi lever nu i en anden tid … Den globale balance er gradvist i færd med at skifte.« Obama har igen tabt; endnu en leder, som han havde overøst med ros, har erkendt sit nederlag til det »nye paradigme«.

Dette nye paradigme afviser det gamle – der sluttelig drejede sig om britisk finansimperialisme – som var det paradigme, Obama har tjent: Det drejede sig om at ofre økonomier til globale finansmarkeder og globale finansinstitutioner; om at ofre industrier for traktater om »frihandel«; om at fjerne uønskede, »diktatoriske« regeringer gennem permanent krigsførelse. Ironisk nok var det de britiske vælgere, der startede den til alle lande nu spredende afvisning af dette »globaliseringsparadigme«.

Som eksempel for dette nye paradigme står de næsten 70 nye, store infrastrukturprojekter, hvor Kina er involveret i finansieringen og opførelsen, i Eurasiens, Afrikas og Sydamerikas nationer – og, potentielt set, også i Nordamerika, når Obama først er af vejen.

Dette nye paradigme kunne meget snart komme til udtryk gennem den måde, hvorpå Putin er i færd med at gennemtvinge en løsning på forsøget på at gennemtvinge regimeskift i Syrien; og gennem Kinas fremstød for udvikling med den Nye Silkevej, der også forlænges ind i Mellemøsten. Selve den Europæiske Union har bøjet sig for denne »skiftende balance« og fremlagde i dag en Plan B, hvor det vil være med til at finansiere genopbygningen af Syrien og opgive kravet om Bashar al-Assads tilbagetræden.

four-laws-widget-gsValget af Donald Trump udgør en åbning i kampen for dette nye paradigme i USA – han blev valgt gennem en afvisning af den gamle globaliseringspolitik, og har visse mål til fælles med det nye paradigme.

Men håbet om dette nye paradigme, der besjæler hele Amerika og Europa, ligger i kampagnen for Lyndon LaRouches »Fire Økonomiske Love til USA’s redning«, som diskuteres i LaRouchePAC National Policy Committee fra 5. dec. Følg diskussionen her:    

Kulturtog kører ad den Nye Silkevejs rute

2. dec., 2016 – Ved en begivenhed i Düsseldorf i sidste weekend blev et kulturelt projekt officielt føjet til den eksisterende godstogsforbindelse mellem Chengdu, hovedstaden i Kinas Sichuan-provins, og Duisburg: kunstnere vil køre den samme rute i særlige tog i »blå containere« og stoppe i alle lande langs ruten, hvor kulturbegivenheder, der promoverer Silkevejens ånd, finder sted.

Mødet i Düsseldorf havde deltagelse af mange tyske og kinesiske fremtrædende personer: Gerhard Papke, vicepræsident for NordRhein-Westfalens delstatsparlament; Garrelt Durin, NRW’s økonomiminister; Haiyang Feng, Folkerepublikken Kinas generalkonsul i Düsseldorf; Jian Guo, generalsekretær for Sammenslutningen af tysk-kinesisk kulturudveksling; Li Zhigong, viceborgmester for Kunming, og Thomas Geisel, Düsseldorfs borgmester.   

Frankrig: Jacques Cheminades udtalelse i forbindelse
med præsident Hollandes beslutning om ikke
at stille op til endnu en embedsperiode

Paris, 2. dec., 2016 (Nouvelle Soidarité) – I kølvandet på præsident Hollandes beslutning om ikke at stille op til endnu en embedsperiode, kom præsidentkandidat Jacques Cheminade med følgende udtalelse:

»Mod deres vilje blev Nicolas Sarkozy og François Hollande nødt til at trække sig [fra præsidentvalgkampen]. Vejen til forbedringer ligger således åben, men er stadig spærret af den ene og anden, tidligere minister.

Tiden er inde til at rydde vejen og bidrage med nye ideer til Frankrig, til generel fordel for franskmændene, de fremtidige generationer og menneskeheden som helhed.

Jeg vil sætte alle mine bestræbelser ind på at gøre dette, for det er ideerne, der forandrer verden, og ikke kompromiserne, arrangementerne eller politikernes volapyk.«

»Mere end nogensinde før har Republikken brug for videnskabelige forskere!«,
lyder franske parlamentarikeres resolution

proposition_de_resolution_sur_les_scienc-416315-03c0bParis, 4. dec., 2016 (Nouvelle Solidarité) – Alt imens Lyndon LaRouche og hans medarbejdere for årtier siden stort set stod alene, da de fordømte og afslørede ankomsten af en »ny mørk tidsalder«, så er der i dag, konfronteret med det aktuelle sammenbrud af generel viden i Vesten, endelig visse mennesker, der synes villige til at komme til fornuft. Dette synes klart at være tilfældet for tre dusin franske parlamentsmedlemmer på tværs af partier, som den 15. nov. i Nationalforsamlingen introducerede en tekst til et »Forslag til resolution om videnskab og fremskridt i Republikken« (nr. 4214 og 4215).

Resolutionen opfordrer skarpt regeringen til at tage dristige skridt til drastisk at hæve uddannelsen af alle borgere inden for videnskab, især i skoler og i de offentlige medier, og fortalen til resolutionen nævner nogle af fransk histories bedste traditioner, især École Polytechnique, som blev grundlagt af Lazard Carnot og Gaspard Monge, og som blev model for det amerikanske militærakademi i West Point. For eksempel påpeger resolutionen på bemærkelsesværdig vis, at nedgangen af videnskabelige kundskaber er et resultat af den voksende forveksling af »meninger« og så »kundskaber«, der er baseret på videnskabelige hypoteser.

Uddrag af fortalen: »’Republikken har ikke brug for videnskabsfolk!’ var de ord, som Revolutionstribunalets præsident udtalte, da han fordømte kemikeren Lavoisier i 1794 efter konventionens undertrykkelse af Videnskabsakademiet [grundlagt af Colbert og Leibniz] … Hvis denne form for obskurantisme (fjendtlighed over for oplysning) synes umoderne i dag … så må vi [til gengæld] konfrontere et klima, hvor man ikke har tillid til videnskabelige institutioner og forskere, som faktisk udgør en stærk grundpille for vores republik.«

269209-manifestation-sciences-en-marche-paris-17-oct2014-c-10-539x309-d07b3»Med udviklingen af den moderne industrielle tid kom der spring i fremskridt og frihed til at skabe med fremkomsten af store opfindere (Lavoisier, Faraday, Edison, Darwin, Pasteur, Poincaré, Marie Curie, Einstein, Pauling, Planck, Schrödinger, De Gennes, Charpak … og selv Steve Jobs). I dag er betydningen af en videnskabskultur, og den plads, som den indtager, i klar tilbagegang i vores land og vores Republik.

Alt imens de favoriserer adgangen til kultur, så forstærker fremkomsten af digitalisering og brugen af internettet en afregulering af markedet inden for videnskabelig information, som viger pladsen til fordel for spredningen af de farligste overbevisninger i en grad, hvor både offentlige myndigheder såvel som borgere har vanskeligt ved at identificere, hvordan de skal rangere nødvendige elementer med henblik på at træffe gyldige videnskabelige og teknologiske beslutninger.

Kilden til denne bekymrende udvikling er den i stigende grad markante forveksling af resultatet af viden, der opnås gennem en strengt videnskabelig undersøgelse, og så det, der blot er et resultat af overbevisninger og misinformation. Dette er i stigende grad det samme som, at man sætter spørgsmålstegn ved videnskabeligt arbejdes voksende kulturelle værdi og sociale indflydelse.

Gennem opretholdelsen af forvekslingen mellem viden og meninger i den offentlige og digitale sfære, truer den heraf følgende mistillid den videnskabelige forsknings aktiviteter og fundamenter … «

Fortalen konkluderer:

»Videnskabens sprog må atter finde sin rette plads i centrum for de store debatter i vort demokrati, både i valgte institutioner og i ministerierne. På deres tid hævede sådanne statsmænd som Pierre Mendès France, general de Gaulle og François Mitterand videnskabelig forskning og dens anvendelse til rangen af national prioritet. Dette er ikke længere tilfældet i dag, og der stilles spørgsmålstegn ved selve fremskridtets natur. Det må naturligvis bringes under kontrol og gøres tilgængeligt, men Republikken må have tillid til videnskabeligt fremskridt, som var og er hovedfaktoren for økonomisk, medicinsk, socialt og miljømæssigt fremskridt. Mere end nogensinde før, har Republikken brug for forskere.«  

Foto: Den 17. oktober, 2014, blev der i Frankrig afholdt landsdækkende demonstrationer til fordel for en opgradering af videnskabelig forskning på uddannelsesinstitutionerne. Også på Mont Blanc!     

Det nye paradigme er den dominerende dynamik i verden i øjeblikket;
Italien leverer et bragende nederlag til EU-oligarkiet

Leder fra LaRouchePAC, 4. december, 2016 – Den 9. november, 2016, morgenen efter det dramatiske præsidentvalg i USA – hvor Trumps valgsejr efterlod de fleste analytikere hjemme og i udlandet enten vrøvlende nonsens af sig, eller også i målløs tavshed – udtalte Lyndon LaRouche klart, at Trumps valgsejr var en del af en global, og ikke en lokal eller national proces, hvor hele konstruktionen med globalisering og frihandel er i færd med at smuldre. LaRouche sagde, at intet endnu er afgjort, og at processen styres af præsidenterne Putin fra Rusland og Xi fra Kina, og gennem det globale alternativ, som de præsenterer – et alternativ, der er baseret på en politik, som Lyndon og Helga LaRouche længe har været forkæmpere for.

I dag fortsætter denne globale proces med at udspille sig i en accelererende rate, i en grad, hvor det nye paradigme er den dominerende dynamik i verden i dag. I Italien leverede landet et slående, 60 % mod 40 %, nederlag til Storbritanniens EU-diktatur. Søndagens folkeafstemning – i kølvandet på Brexit og Trumps valgsejr – kunne meget vel vise sig at blive det endelige knockout-stød mod hele eurosystemet.

Samtidig med, at det transatlantiske systems gamle paradigme imploderer, tilbyder den kinesiske præsident Xi Jinping aktivt hele verden at få adgang til den »udviklingsdrøm«, der på så slående vis fungerer i Kina. Som Xinhua skriver i en ledende artikel: »Den kinesiske drøm er en drøm for alle.« Og, ligesom sin partner Putin, fortsætter Xi med at udvide tilbuddet om produktivt samarbejde med USA til nyvalgte præsident Trump. Potentialet er enormt – men endnu ikke realiseret.

I mellemtiden fortsætter de afdankede repræsentanter for det gamle paradigme at handle, som om der ikke har fundet et skifte sted i USA’s præsidentskab, og som om det nye paradigme slet ikke eksisterer. De fortsætter med at puffe verden i retning af atomkrig, med deres outrerede og farlige provokationer imod Rusland og Kina.

four-laws-widget-gsHvad vi foretager os i denne globale proces, understregede LaRouche tilbage den 9. nov., og igen denne weekend under diskussion med sine medarbejdere på begge sider af Atlanten, er absolut afgørende. Vi må blive ved med at presse på for at få LaRouches Fire Love vedtaget og bruge det faktum, at der nu er en større åbenhed over for diskussioner af dristige ideer, som man så det tidligere på ugen i forbindelse med LaRoucePAC’s organisering på Capitol Hill. Mange mennesker var for første gang villige til at diskutere fusionskraft, rumpolitik og endda Einsteins og Krafft Ehrickes ideer.

Vi må fremlægge for folk behovet få at vedtage Glass-Steagall og indføre et kreditsystem efter Hamiltons principper, der skal erstatte nutidens bankerotte system, og vi må vise dem, hvordan det vil virke. Og vi må frem for alt tilslibe menneskets centrale karakteristika, som muliggør en sådan uafbrudt udvikling: menneskets kreativitet.

Vi må absolut fokusere på skabelsen af en bedre kvalitet af det menneskelige intellekt, understregede LaRouche; vi kan ikke udelade behovet for at skabe og generere genier, som Einsteins eksempel udtrykkeligt demonstrerer. Dette er den standard, der må anvendes. Vi må opgradere den måde, hvorpå vi fungerer som organisatorer, sagde han, og udsøge mennesker, som i det mindste er i besiddelse af spiren til denne kvalitet af geni, og som er villige til at bygge et nyt samfund og skabe en fremtid for menneskeheden.

Vi kan ikke gå på kompromis med udviklingen af geni. Dette kræver, at vi stræber efter at udvikle den form for kvalitet, som i det mindste må have en forsmag af geni, for vi ønsker, at befolkningen skal følge denne kurs.

Denne idé om at appellere til folk, der i det mindste har en anelse om, hvad det vil sige at bringe menneskeheden fremad, udtalte Helga Zepp-LaRouche, er også af afgørende betydning for rekrutteringen. Vi må tænde gnisten i sådanne personer for at tilslutte sig denne nye revolution, der er i gang over hele verden.

Supplerende materiale:

Bragende nederlag for EU-Oligarkiet i italiensk folkeafstemning

4. dec., 2016 – Et jordskælv, denne gang af politisk art, kom søndag aften fra Italien, hvor vælgerne – iflg. de tidlige resultater – afviste den EU-dikterede forfatningsreform med et overvældende flertal på 60 % mod 40 %.

Efter Brexit og den anti-Obama/Hillary Clinton valgsejr i USA, er dette det tredje chok, der rammer, og det har implikationer for hele Europa og verden.

En turbulent fase er nu indledt. Premierminister Matteo Renzi forventes at træde tilbage, og mandag vil et spekulativt angreb, der var annonceret på forhånd, blive udløst mod italienske værdipapirer. Dette kan udløse en bankkrise, der hurtigt kan sprede sin smitte til hele finanssystemet.

Italien står nu umiddelbart over for at træffe et valg: enten at gennemtvinge finansiel fascisme, eller forlade euroen og vedtage nationale nødrets-love. Der vil muligvis blive afholdt nyvalg snarest på baggrund af denne krise. 

Foto: Premierminister Matteo Renzi tabte stort i søndagens folkeafstemning i Italien.

RADIO SCHILLER den 5. december 2016:
Nu har Italien sagt “Nej”:
Den globale transformation fortsætter

Med formand Tom Gillesberg