Vi kan sikre verdensfreden ved at omfavne menneskehedens fælles mål

Leder fra LaRouchePAC, 10. sept. 2016  – I anledning af 15-års dagen for terrorangrebene i New York den 11. september, 2001, samledes en stor flok på henved 200 mennesker for at deltage i en konference i St. Bartholomew Kirkens forsamlingshus i midtby Manhattan, i respons til Schiller Instituttets indkaldelse til en konference med titlen, »Vi kan sikre verdensfreden ved at omfavne menneskehedens fælles mål«. Deltagerne bestod af medlemmer af det diplomatiske samfund, aktivister fra Lyndon LaRouches Manhattan-projekt, tilhængere fra hele landet – nogle havde rejst mere en 1000 miles for at være til stede – og mange andre.

Velkomsttalen blev holdt af Schiller Instituttets Dennis Speed, der også var mødeleder ved den stærke, tre en halv time lange begivenhed, der opfordrede til at gribe dette historiske vendepunkt og skabe en presserende nødvendig, fundamental ændring i USA’s udenrigspolitik.

Hovedtalen leveredes af Schiller Instituttets stifter, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, i en 20 minutter lang videofremlæggelse, der var optaget på forhånd.

Herefter fulgte Jeffrey Steinberg fra EIR, der opfordrede deltagerne til at applaudere vores bevægelses succes med at organisere tilsyneladende mirakler, som vedtagelsen i går af JASTA-lovforslaget og frigivelsen af de 28 sider i juli måned, og til at mobilisere som bare fanden for at frembringe flere sådanne mirakler, inklusive vedtagelsen af Glass-Steagall.

Tidligere amerikanske justitsminister Ramsey Clark blev dernæst introduceret, til stor applaus, der markerede de forsamledes varme følelser og respekt for ham. Han talte om spørgsmålet om fred og hvordan man skabte den, og refererede til den store chance, som den amerikansk-russiske aftale om en våbenhvile i Syrien, der var blevet annonceret mindre end 24 timer tidligere, tilbød.

Dernæst gav senator Richard Black fra Virginia en dybdegående præsentation af »Baggrunden for krigen i Syrien« og viste fotos fra sit seneste besøg i Syrien, for at sprænge de mange myter og løgne, der er blevet brugt til at promovere krigen i dette land og i dette område.

Efter Black fulgte den Arabiske Republik Syriens permanente repræsentant til FN, ambassadør Bashar al-Ja’afari, der gav et historisk foredrag om fremkomsten af wahhabismen i det 18. århundrede, og han afslørede meget lidenskabeligt mange af de særlige løgne og operationer, inklusive dem, som massemedierne stod for, og som er blevet kørt mod Syrien frem til i dag.

Mødet sluttede med et videobudskab fra kongresmedlem Walter Jones (R-NC), der har spillet en central rolle i frigivelsen af de 28 sider og vedtagelsen af JASTA, så vel som også sponsoreringen af Glass/Steagall-lovforslaget. Jones takkede LaRouche-bevægelsen for dens lederskabsrolle i afsløringen af sandheden for det amerikanske folk. Han lovede, at, når Kongressen igen træder sammen senere i september, vil der komme et fornyet fremstød for tilbundsgående høringer, for at få hele sandheden bag de 28 sider frem.     

Helga Zepp-LaRouche:
»Vi kan sikre verdensfreden ved at omfavne menneskehedens fælles mål«.
Hovedtale ved Schiller Instituttets konference
i New York, 10. sept. 2016

»Og vi må få USA til at opgive geopolitik; vi må få EU, der alligevel er ved at disintegrere efter Brexit, vi må få disse lande til at opgive geopolitik og mobilisere USA’s og Europas befolkning til at tilslutte sig et nyt paradigme, der begynder med den idé, at menneskeheden er forenet, og at folk kan og bør være patrioter, men de bør også samtidig være verdensborgere. Og, som den store digter Friedrich Schiller sagde, »Der ligger ingen modsætning i at være en patriot og en verdensborger«.

10. september 2016Dennis Speed: På vegne af Schiller Instituttet vil jeg gerne byde jer velkommen til dagens konference, »Vi kan sikre verdensfreden ved at omfavne menneskehedens fælles mål«.

Schiller Instituttet blev stiftet i 1984, og forud for dette, den 27. september 1976, talte en af Schiller Instituttets medstiftere og samarbejdspartnere, nu afdøde Fred Wills, der dengang var Guyanas udenrigsminister, til FN’s Generalforsamling som repræsentant for FN’s Sikkerhedsråd, for 40 år siden, hvor han fremlagde et af de tidligste udtryk for økonomen og statsmanden Lyndon LaRouches politik for udvikling. LaRouches hustru, Helga, grundlagde Schiller Instituttet i 1984, og vi er alle lykkelige og stolte over at have været tilknyttet disse årtier lange bestræbelser.

Vi vil indlede konferencen med et videoindlæg fra Helga LaRouche, stifter og forkvinde for Schiller instituttet:

Helga Zepp-LaRouche: God eftermiddag. Kære deltagere på konferencen: Hr. LaRouche og jeg ville selvfølgelig meget have foretrukket at være personligt til stede på jeres konference, men vi overbringer vore hilsener på denne måde, for vi er i øjeblikket i Europa, hvor vi har meget vigtige ting at gøre.

Lad mig ikke desto mindre overbringe jer et budskab med meget gode nyheder. For, hvad der stort set er gået upåagtet hen i massemedierne i USA og Europa, så har verden ændret sig i løbet af de seneste dage, og til det bedre. Der har været et par internationale konferencer i Asien. Den første var i Vladivostok med meget prominent deltagelse af præsident Putin, premierminister Abe fra Japan, præsident Park fra Sydkorea; og fokus for mødet var at indgå aftale om meget, meget store, økonomiske projekter og en økonomisk integration af den Eurasiske Økonomiske Union (EAEU) og initiativet for Silkevejen/Bæltet-og-Vejen. Det betyder en enorm udvikling af Fjernøsten og en økonomisk integration af alle disse asiatiske lande for et fredeligt samarbejde. Der var endda drøftelser om en mulig fredstraktat mellem Rusland og Japan, hvilket ikke er sket i 70 år, så dette er meget, meget vigtigt.

Men hvad der er endnu vigtigere, så var der G20-topmødet, der netop har fundet sted i Hangzhou, Kina. Se, Kina havde en meget, meget ambitiøs plan for G20-topmødet. De havde forberedt det intenst i over et år, gennem mange konferencer på ministerplan, og med tænketanke og diverse grupperinger, og planen var at transformere G20 fra at være en alliance af lande, der blot ville tale om kriser, som finanskrisen i 2008, og til at være en alliance af lande, der vil danne en organisation for den globale styrelse, for i fællesskab at tage sig af spørgsmålene omkring denne Jord. Og dette lykkedes de med.

I har måske ikke hørt om det i medierne, eller, hvis I har, så er det med en ondskabsfuld drejning, men det, der virkelig skete, er, at Xi Jinping allerede i et møde for erhvervsledere, det såkaldte B20, og også ved det egentlige G20-møde, fremlagde en plan for at sætte innovation i centrum for den globale økonomi; og allervigtigst, at invitere især udviklingslande og fremvoksende lande til fuldt ud at få del i frugterne af videnskab og teknologi, af innovation, med det formål, ikke at forhale disse landes udvikling.

Dette har fuldstændig ændret dynamikken i verden, for nu har man en situation, hvor en stor del af Asien – og dette fortsattes ved det efterfølgende ASEAN-topmøde – arbejder sammen for fredeligt samarbejde om et »win-win«-perspektiv, gennem grundlæggende set at vedtage den kinesiske model for økonomi.

Alle de af jer, der nogensinde har været i Kina, vil bekræfte, at Kina har undergået den mest utrolige, økonomiske transformation i noget land på denne planet. For 40 eller 45 år siden var Kina, under kulturrevolutionen, fuldstændigt tilbagestående og fattigt, og folk havde det elendigt, og så, med begyndelse i Deng Xiaopings reformer, begyndte Kina at lægge meget vægt på sin egen arbejdsstyrkes intellektuelle udvikling, på innovation, på at foretage syvmileskridt; og der var en lang periode, hvor Kina blot kopierede teknologier fra andre lande; den periode er nu ophørt, og Kina er nu spydspidsen inden for rumteknologi, højhastighedstog, elektronik og inden for diverse andre områder med avanceret videnskab og teknologi.

Kina har nu tilbudt resten af verden at blive en del af dette kinesiske, økonomiske mirakel, i et »win-win-samarbejde« gennem udviklingen af initiativet for den Nye Silkevej/Bæltet-og-Vejen, som et globalt udviklingsperspektiv til hele verden.

Denne idé har en sådan tiltrækningskraft, at, f.eks. alle ASEAN-landene, på ASEAN-konferencen i kølvandet på G20-mødet, grundlæggende set vedtog den kinesiske dagsorden om at gøre en ende på konflikten over det Sydkinesiske Hav og sagde, at, i fremtiden vil alle territoriale og andre konflikter blive løst gennem forhandling og dialog. Der vil blive samarbejde mht. at bekæmpe spørgsmål, der vedrører sikkerhed, såsom bekæmpelse af terrorisme, og mht. at udvikle andre midler til hinandens gensidige udvikling. Og derfor er hele denne truende konflikt over det Sydkinesiske Hav faktisk afsluttet.

Dette er vidunderligt nyt! Og det demonstrerer, at, hvis man sætter et udviklingsperspektiv »i den andens interesse« på dagsordenen, så er der intet problem på denne planet, der ikke kan løses. Dette betyder, at vi nu, for første gang, har mulighed for virkelig at gå over til et nyt paradigme. Udviklingssektorens, USA’s og Europas problemer er selvfølgelig stadig gigantiske, og der har hidtil ikke rigtig været en løsning på den kendsgerning, at banksystemet i øjeblikket er lige så truet, som det var i 2008 med Lehman Brothers’ kollaps. For eksempel har Deutsche Bank nu de samme omkostninger for CDS, credit default swaps, til sikkerhedsstillelse for derivater, som Lehman Brothers havde i 2008; hvilket betyder, at spekulanter spekulerer, vædder på muligheden for, at Deutsche Bank krakker. Rentepolitikken, nulrenten, negative renter i alle centralbankerne, som har anvendt det, har nu fået en ende. Mulighederne er opbrugt; hvad vil man mere gøre, end have negative renter? Hvor banker og kunder må betale penge for at indsætte deres penge i banken, i stedet for at få renter? Hele politikken med kvantitativ lempelse har i virkeligheden skabt en skjult hyperinflation, og »helikopterpenge« er virkelig vejs ende.

Den indsats for at gennemføre Glass-Steagall, der i øjeblikket gøres i USA og Europa, må blive gennemført, og vi må mobilisere Europa og USA til simpelt hen at tilslutte sig dette perspektiv med fælles udvikling. USA må vende tilbage til Franklin D. Roosevelts reformer; Europa må vende tilbage til den politik, der, f.eks., eksisterede med Adenauer og de Gaulle; og så kan alle problemerne blive løst, for den Nye Silkevej skaber ikke alene et perspektiv for økonomisk udvikling, men har også allerede skabt et alternativt banksystem: Asiatisk Infrastruktur-Investeringsbank (AIIB), den Ny Udviklingsbank (’BRIKS-banken’), den Nye Silkevejsfond, den Maritime Silkevejsfond, Shanghai Samarbejdsbanken og mange flere sådanne institutioner, der virkelig applikerer økonomisk politik i traditionen efter [Alexander] Hamilton, ved at have en kreditpolitik i stedet for en pengepolitik.

Dette er særdeles gode nyheder. For dette er noget, som hr. LaRouche og hans bevægelse har kæmpet for i over 40 år. Dette er præcis, hvad hr. LaRouche foreslog i 1975 med den Internationale Udviklingsbank. Det var ideen om, at IMF skulle erstattes af en international udviklingsbank, der skulle organisere en overførsel af teknologi til omkring $400 mia. om året, for at overvinde udviklingslandenes underudvikling.

Dette blev fuldstændig vedtaget af den Alliancefri Bevægelse i 1976 på den berømte Colombo-konference i Sri Lanka. Dengang led indsatsen for at skabe en retfærdig, økonomisk verdensorden et enormt tilbageslag: Man fik en destabilisering af de ledere, der have påtaget sig denne sag som deres. For eksempel blev fr. Indira Gandhi destabiliseret; fr. Sirimavo Bandaranaike fra Sri Lanka blev fordrevet fra embedet; den pakistanske premierminister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto blev væltet og sluttelig myrdet.

LaRouche-bevægelsen fortsatte imidlertid sin kamp for dette, med ideen om at udvikle de underudviklede lande i verden; for, vi kan ikke bare leve med en sådan uretfærdighed, som vi i øjeblikket ser i Afrika. Hr. LaRouche foreslog således i 1982 det berømte Strategiske Forsvarsinitiativ, der blev vedtaget af præsident Reagan i 1983, og som var officiel amerikansk politik i omkring otte måneder. Kernen i denne politik var præcis samme idé, der lidt senere blev formuleret af hr. LaRouche som supermagternes protokol, og som grundlæggende set var ideen om at nedlægge de militære blokke, opgive NATO, opgive Warszawa-pagten, og så dernæst, gennem et program med videnskab som drivkraft, udvikle den yderligere produktivitet, bestående i at gennemføre en gigantisk teknologioverførsel til udviklingslandene, med det formål for altid at overvinde deres underudvikling.

Hold op med at behandle den Tredje Verden som stedfortræderlande for krige, og få i stedet et fælles udviklingsperspektiv. Dette var naturligvis også ideen, da vi i 1991, med Sovjetunionens kollaps, foreslog den Eurasiske Landbro/Silkevejen, der var ideen om at forbinde industri- og befolkningscentrene i Europa med dem i Asien gennem udviklingskorridorer. Dette førte vi kampagne for i 25 år, hvor vi afholdt hundreder af konferencer.

Vi var derfor ekstremt glade, da Xi Jinping i 2013, i Kasakhstan, satte den Nye Silkevej tilbage på dagsordenen. Og det er nu, efter tre år, eksploderet mht. at skabe et helt nyt paradigme for udvikling, for en reel indsats for at overvinde fattigdommen i store dele af verden.

Tag for eksempel Afrika: Afrika er i øjeblikket i en forfærdelig forfatning, hvilket er grunden til, at folk i tusindvis drukner i Middelhavet i forsøg på at nå til Europa, eller de dør af tørst i Sahara, når de forsøger at krydse ørkenen.

Den tyske udviklingsminister Gerd Müller har netop holdt en lidenskabelig tale i den tyske Forbundsdag, hvor han sagde, at det, der foregår i Afrika og andre udviklingslande, er, at de er ved at blive flået i stykker at noget, som han sammenlignede med tidlige former for kapitalisme, hvor de rige bliver rigere; hvor 10 % ejer og forbruger 90 % af alle ressourcer, og hvor 80 % af alle afrikanere ikke har adgang til elektricitet; og dette har skabt en utålelig situation. Gerd Müller krævede dernæst en Ny Marshallplan for udvikling i Afrika og andre udviklingslande. Og den rette måde at forfølge dette på er selvfølgelig en forlængelse af den Nye Silkevej ind i Afrika, ind i Mellemøsten, for at genopbygge de krigshærgede lande Afghanistan, Irak, Syrien, Libyen og Yemen, og de tilstødende områder.

Dette kan gøres med det samme, og det forudsætter blot, at vi får USA til at opgive den idé, at de må insistere på en unipolær verden, for denne unipolære verden eksisterer ikke længere: Efter G20-topmødet kan alle i hele verden se, at »omdrejningspunkt« Asien (doktrinen Asia Pivot), som Obama forsøgte at gennemføre for at udøve amerikansk indflydelse i Sydøstasien og disse områder, ikke fungerede. ASEAN stillede sig på Kinas side. TPP-handelsaftalen, om hvilken Obama i Washington Post sagde, at USA »laver reglerne« for handlen, ikke Kina.

Det virkede ikke: Formændene for begge Kongressens huse, Repræsentanternes Hus og Senatet, sagde, at TPP ikke kommer på dagsordenen i år; og de to præsidentkandidater har allerede sagt, at de er imod TPP. Så den er død. Og TTIP, den tilsvarende frihandelsaftale for Europa, er ligeledes allerede erklæret død af den franske regering og den tyske økonomiminister.

Så der er i øjeblikket en ny mulighed for at bruge G20-topmødet til at fastsætte et nyt regelsæt for handel, for samarbejde, for et »win-win«-perspektiv mellem landene. Og jeg mener, at, hvis vi på kort sigt kan få USA til at gå med i dette kor af nationer for skønhed, for samarbejde, så kan verden virkelig i løbet af meget kort tid opleve et nyt paradigme. Grunden til, at jeg siger »skønhed«, er den, at gallaaftenen inden åbningen af G20-topmødet var en vidunderlig dialog mellem kulturer, meget lig det, vi forsøger at gøre med rækken af koncerter i denne weekend i anledning af 11. september; denne gallaaften begyndte med meget smukke, kinesiske folkesange; der var en smuk scene fra balletten Svanesøen af Tjajkovskij; og sluttelig kulminerede forestillingen med en meget smuk opførelse af dele af Ode til Glæden, baseret på Friedrich Schillers digt til Ludwig van Beethovens musik. Jeg mener, at det var klogt af den kinesiske regering at vælge Ode til Glæden, hvor teksten på et sted proklamerer, »Alle mennesker forbrødres« (»Alle Menschen werden Brüder«), som et kulturelt udtryk for denne idé om et »win-win-samarbejde« mellem alle civilisationer.

Så mit fundamentale budskab til jer er et budskab om absolut optimisme. Jeg siger ikke, at alle problemer er blevet løst. Vi har stadig eksistentielle problemer; vi har stadig faren for krig; vi har stadig faren for en finansiel nedsmeltning, muligvis i dette efterår. Men alternativet er allerede etableret af en magtfuld gruppe nationer, der tilsammen repræsenterer flertallet af menneskeheden, flere end 4 mia. mennesker.

Og vi må få USA til at opgive geopolitik; vi må få EU, der alligevel er ved at disintegrere efter Brexit, vi må få disse lande til at opgive geopolitik og mobilisere USA’s og Europas befolkning til at tilslutte sig et nyt paradigme, der begynder med den idé, at menneskeheden er forenet, og at folk kan og bør være patrioter, men de bør også samtidig være verdensborgere. Og, som den store digter Friedrich Schiller sagde, »Der ligger ingen modsætning i at være patriot og verdensborger«.

Tiden er virkelig inde til, at vi forstår, at løsningen for menneskeheden kun kan findes på det højeste fornuftsplan, og ikke i en eller anden sideorden eller en eller anden angivelig interesse hos én nation imod en anden nation, eller gruppe af nationer.

Jeg føler mig fuldstændig overbevist om, at vi kan foretage dette spring og skabe et nyt paradigme; og alt imens I senere på dagen vil lytte til Mozarts skønne musik (Rekviem), til minde om dem, der døde under angrebet 11. september, mener jeg, at vi kan gengive dem liv og gøre dem udødelige ved at sige, at vi højtideligt vil forpligte os til at bringe USA ind i dette nye paradigme, og så vil deres liv have bidraget til noget udødeligt, og de vil forblive i vort minde for altid.       

Et nyt paradigme giver nu liv til verden.
LaRouchePAC Internationale
Webcast, 8. september 2016

Verden har gennemgået en dramatisk ændring i løbet af de seneste par uger. Der har især været flere store, internationale konferencer, der repræsenterer en konsolidering af et nyt paradigme og en ny anskuelse blandt verdens nationer. Disse konferencer var det Østlige Økonomiske Forum i Vladivostok, Rusland; G20-mødet, der sluttede i Hangzhou, Kina; og dernæst de Sydøstasiatiske Nationers (ASEAN) møde med Kina, der fandt sted i Laos.

Under alle disse konferencer, under alle disse tre møder, har spørgsmålet drejet sig om at skabe en særlig synsmåde mht. økonomisk udvikling og samarbejde, og ikke om at respondere til kriser, ikke det Sydkinesiske Hav; det har været et langsigtet syn på, hvad fremtiden bliver.

Engelsk udskrift:

LaRouchePAC Friday Webcast with Helga Zepp-LaRouche:

A New Paradigm is Animating the World

The new paradigm animating the world was on full display over the past few weeks, in meetings of the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostock, the G20 in Hangzhou, and the ASEAN / China meeting in Laos. While President Obama doddered around with nothing to offer, an increasing portion of the world is adopting policies of economic integration and development, including such science frontiers as the Chinese space program. This paradigm is not new — the LaRouches and the LaRouche movement have been organizing for the policies now becoming dominant, for over 40 years. Meanwhile, as the fifteenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks approaches, a "living memorial" is offered in a series of concerts featuring the participation of the Schiller Institute New York Community Chorus.

Jason Ross hosts a discussion with Helga Zepp-LaRouche, a participant in the T20 meeting leading into the G20 summit, and Diane Sare, founding director of the Schiller Institute Chorus, on the changes sweeping the world, and how to inspire the US to join, rather than oppose, this new paradigm.


JASON ROSS: Hello! This is Thursday, Sept. 8th, 2016. You're watching our weekly LaRouche PAC webcast. This week we're recording the show a day early, because of some events coming up this weekend, which we'll be discussing a little bit later on. I'm Jason Ross, I'm the host today, and I'm going to be joined on the show today by two guests — by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, joining us from Germany; and by Diane Sare, joining us from the LaRouche Manhattan Project in the New York area.

Over the past few weeks, the world has changed dramatically. In particular, there have been several major international conferences that represent a solidification of a new paradigm and a new outlook among nations in the world. These conferences have been the Eastern Economic Form in Vladivostok, Russia; the G20 meeting, which concluded in Hangzhou, China; and then the Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) meeting with China, which has been taking place in Laos.

In all three of these conferences, in all three of these meetings, the issue on the table has been creating a specific outlook for economic development and cooperation, not responding to crises, not the South China Sea; it's been a long-term outlook on what will the future be. I'd like to read a few quotes from presentations made at these conferences.

At the B20 meeting, the meeting of business leaders in advance of the G20 meeting in China, President Xi Jinping stated that "People are the foundation of the economy. We have to be oriented to the needs of the people, and raise their living standards and the quality of their lives. We will lift over 57 million people out of poverty, and poverty will be alleviated in all poor counties by 2020. This is a solemn promise to the Chinese people. We have lifted over 70% of the Chinese population out of poverty. We will make the pie bigger and we will continue the global fight against poverty."

At the G20 conference, which included a very beautiful opening ceremony, featuring the work of Beethoven and Schiller with theOde to Joy set to music, and quite a spectacle, the leaders there came to a conclusion in their final communiqué from the conference, which included, "We can no longer rely on fiscal and monetary policy alone to deal with the crisis. We envision an all-dimensional, multi-tiered, wide-ranging approach to innovation, which is driven by innovation in science and technology, and goes beyond it, to cover development-philosophy, institutional mechanisms, and business models, so that the benefits of innovation will be shared by all."

Meanwhile, at the G20 conference, the most Obama had to say to anybody, was some blubbering about "human rights," and discussion of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), which has absolutely no chance of possibly being passed through the Congress; it's dead.

At the ASEAN meeting, Obama saw what he thought was an opportunity to put on the agenda and make an issue of the South China Sea arbitration ruling that went against China; he wanted to put that on the agenda, make that an issue, and instead, that was not part of the discussion at all.

What was instead discussed was economic cooperation, the Maritime Silk Road, the Chinese One Belt, One Road project. And, as a matter of fact, on the Philippines in particular, which had launched the arbitration case against China regarding the South China Sea, the new President of the Philippines, [rodrigo] Duterte, when he was asked about Obama's plans to lecture him on violations of human rights in the Philippines' war on drugs, President Duterte said "I am a President of a sovereign state, and we have long ceased to be a colony. I do not have any master except the Filipino people; nobody but nobody. You must be respectful. Do not just throw questions. Putang ina," which which translates to "son of a whore") "I will swear at you in that forum," he said to Obama. "I do not want to pick a quarrel with Obama, but I don't kneel down to anybody, except the Filipino people."

In all of this Obama has absolutely been the odd man out. He has nothing to offer the world. Forbes magazine has recognized this in its coverage, for example, where it states that while Obama is talking about human rights and the TPP that will never occur, China has been "quickly building its regional credentials with a heavy focus on the economy of Southeast Asia…. China's Belt and Road initiative connecting Asia to Europe economically would let Beijing and parts of Southeast Asia build a major transportation network plus industrial co-operation projects. Beijing also happens to manage the China-ASEAN Investment Cooperation Fund, which bankrolls growth-linked infrastructure, energy and natural resources projects in Southeast Asia."

I think the contrast between Obama, who has nothing, with what China and Russia, and the BRICS nations — very specifically China and Russia, in particular — have been offering the world, strategically and economically, the contrast couldn't be clearer. With the participation of the G77 leader as well in these conferences, the world as a whole is adopting these as policies.

Let's bring on Helga Zepp-LaRouche now. Helga was a participant in the T20 meeting, which was a meeting with think tanks, a "Think20" meeting held in China in preparation for the G20 heads of state summit which just occurred. Helga, let me ask you about this. In your view, how has the world changed over the past couple of weeks, with these events?

HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Well, I think it is a change of world-historical dimensions. Because what has occurred between the Vladivostok Eastern Economic Forum, the G20, and then the ASEAN conference, is a tremendous change, in terms of where is the power center of the world. Let me just go through very quickly what the significance each of these of these different conferences was.

In Vladivostok, you had the integration of the Eurasian Economic Union with the Silk Road/Belt and Road initiative of China. That is very important because also Prime Minister Abe of Japan and President Park of South Korea participated, and there were agreements of long-term investments in development of the Far East of Russia, of Siberia, of huge energy investments, and integration of all of these economies of Asia.

This was followed by the G20 Summit, which I think was really an absolute breakthrough. First of all, China had put an enormous amount of effort into the preparation, by convening many, many pre-conferences, starting already a year ago, on many, many levels: ministers, think-tanks, institutions, and organizations. The intention of China was to transform the G20 from a mechanism which only responds to crises like 2008 — the financial crash of Lehman Brothers — into an organization which would form an alliance of countries to form a global governance mechanism which is problem-solving. Xi Jinping said repeatedly he wants to transform the G20 from a "talk shop," into a group of nations which acttogether. Looking at it, this was accomplished in many ways.

The Western media are hysterically and desperately trying to belittle this outcome of the conference, by saying "there were all these issues," but the only people who raised these so-called "issues," like the South China Sea conflict, and the issue of the Arbitration Court in The Hague,, and all other divisive issues, was really the West.

What happened is that the overwhelming number of nations are moving to adopt the Chinese model of economy. They are very right to do so, because China has proven an economic miracle of such dimensions, Xi Jinping said, to transform a country of 1.4 billion people has never been undertaken in history, and the fact that China could uplift 700 million people out of poverty into a very decent living standard, is also unprecedented. One of the outcomes of the summit was the adoption of a plan to eliminate poverty all over China by 2020, that is, only four years from now.

China succeeded to put the Chinese economic model as the attractive model for everybody to join, in a "win-win" perspective, on the agenda. Many countries must say, "Yeah, we can have the same economic development like China; that is much more favorable, than to join the United States or NATO or the Europeans in confrontation of a geopolitical nature."

The success of this summit is really unbelievable. It has changed the situation in the world, I think for the good; because the unipolar world, for sure, does not exist any more. As a matter of fact, as you mentioned, Forbes magazine and Time magazine had quite hysterical articles saying that Obama's "Asia pivot" policy has completely failed; this was the last opportunity to woo the countries of the region, but this completely failed, and the "Asia pivot" of Obama is completely dead; it failed.

The G77, the Non-Aligned Movement, the ASEAN countries — they are all are now moving in a completely different direction, and especially the fact that South Korea and Japan participated, with Russia and China in this Vladivostok conference, proves that these countries who are obviously allied with the United States, but do not want confrontation against Russia and China any more.

So this is extremely important. And it means primarily that those countries of the world which are not of the old regime of the World Bank, the IMF — the so-called "Washington Consensus," the so-called Bretton Woods institutions — they had no voice, and they now have a voice.

I think it is really very important that China explicitly adopted developing nations and emerging economies. First of all, they invited all of them — or a very large representation of them — to participate in the G20. China expressed the absolute commitment that every fruit of technological innovation would be shared with these countries, in order not to hold up their development. Now, this is a beautiful idea, which the first time was expressed by the German thinker Nikolaus of Cusa in the 15th Century, who already then had said that science and technology are so important for the development of mankind, that every time there is a new invention, it should be put in an international pool — to use modern words to say it — and that every country should have, then, access to it, not to be slowed down in their development.

It's an incredible change, because it means that, for the first time, an idea which was expressed by my husband Lyndon LaRouche in 1975, when he proposed a plan to develop the Third World, and he called it the International Development Bank [idb]. This was the idea which he presented both in Bonn, Germany at the time, and in Milan. He at that time wanted to have a $400 billion technology transfer per year to the developing sector from the advanced countries, in order to build up infrastructure, to build up industrialization and agriculture in the Third World.

He gave a very concrete form to a demand of the Non-Aligned Movement, which in 1976 at the Non-Aligned Movement in Colombo, Sri Lanka, had adopted a resolution demanding a just New World Economic Order. That Non-Aligned Movement resolution 90% of the words were those of the IDB. But you know what happened at that time was, all the leaders of the countries who had taken the initiative to fight for this — like Mrs. Gandhi from India, Mrs. Bandaranaike from Sri Lanka, Bhutto from Pakistan — all these leaders were either killed or destabilized; and this whole effort had a tremendous setback and it did not function.

Now as you probably know, and some of our viewers may know, we have been fighting in the LaRouche Movement ever since that time — it's now 40 years we have been fighting for the realization of the IDB or an IDB-like plan for the Third World; but the World Bank and the IMF, for all these years have done the exact opposite. The IMF conditionalities would completely deny any kind of development by having conditions which would force developing countries to pay debt instead of investing in infrastructure. They created the debt trap even, to make it impossible for countries to develop. So, the miserable condition of Africa, and many other countries in Asia and the Middle East and some countries in South America, is the result of the conscious policy to suppress development.

Now, after the Asia crisis [in 1997-98] the Asian countries obviously realized that they had to do something to protect themselves against speculation of George Soros at the time, so a process of creating new institutions developed. One was the Chiang Mai Initiative; but then recently — about three years ago — China took the leadership together with other BRICS countries, to create a completely alternative set of banking institutions. The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB); the New Development Bank of the BRICS; the New Silk Road Fund; the Maritime Silk Road Fund; the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Bank. So, you have now a completely alternate system of banking which is not casino; but only gives credit for investment in real infrastructure in the real economy.

So, what is happening now? I think people have to appreciate that, that what happened at the G20 meeting is the victory of a struggle of 40 years at least; to make it possible for human beings in Africa, in the so-called developing sector, to have a chance for the future. Such a powerful coalition has now emerged — the strategic alliance between China and Russia; Putin was the guest of honor at this G20 meeting — so the world really has changed. It's very important to say that these articles in Forbes magazine and Time magazine really don't get it. It's not anti-American; it's not anti-European. Xi Jinping and the other leaders have expressed many times that they want the United States and Europe to join in a "win-win" perspective.

So what is on the table now with the G20 meeting is for the first time a strategic initiative which is not geopolitical; because it offers a level of reason to cooperate internationally for the common aims of mankind. I think this is a tremendous historical breakthrough, which we really must make sure that the American people find out about what it is, and not be misled by mediocre journalists, who just can't think differently than geopolitics. It's like somebody who is evil, cannot imagine when he talks to a really good person, that the other person is not also evil. So what you read in the Western media is just the projection of the degenerate thinking of the media; but it's not what happened at this summit. So, let's make sure people really understand the historic significance of this change.

ROSS: Great! I think what you went through in terms of the history of your involvement, of your husband Lyndon LaRouche's involvement, of the LaRouche Movement's involvement over the past four decades in creating the victory for the policy that's being announced at these conferences, really goes to show the power of an idea. That over cynicism or over what seemed to be the structures and control of things, a good idea and successful and intense and ongoing organizing for it, really can make things happen.

I was going to ask if you wanted to say more about the history of the LaRouche Movement's involvement in this; or also if you have anything to say about how we're going to get the U.S. to join in this development instead of being opposed to it?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Well, first of all, I would like to make a short comment on the ASEAN conference, because that was in the footsteps, or following the G20 meeting; and that dispute is now settled. Because the ASEAN countries together with China, all agreed that all the disputes will be solved through peaceful negotiation and dialogue; they will work out a Code of Conduct until the middle of next year to this effect, and jointly fight threats to security like terrorism and other threats. They will act on the basis of the UN Convention of the Law of the Sea, or UNCLOS; and that means all these efforts to hype up the conflict between the Philippines and China with The Hague Arbitration Court has not succeeded. This was an effort to cause disunity, but this ASEAN conference said, "No, we want to have joint economic development. We will revive the regional economic development organization."

So, it shows that the foreign policy of China — not only at the G20 — was changing the agenda completely; but also in terms of regional conflict, that if you have a "win-win" perspective where you take into account the interests of the other, you can find solutions.

So then what is left for Obama, some papers were writing, was the implementation of the TPP; but as you already mentioned, both the House and the Senate and the two Presidential candidates all have said the TPP is out. The Speakers of the two Houses have said it will not get on the agenda this year; which means not during the time of Obama. So, the TPP is dead; the TTIP — it's the European version of the same thing — is also dead. So, I think the world really has changed; unipolar demands and the idea that you can decide rules on behalf of one country is no longer in existence. We have entered a completely new era of respect for the sovereignty of the other country, and an alliance of essentially republics for a greater good.

This is obviously a really important development. Not only does it mean that the United States has the chance to go back to the foreign policy of John Quincy Adams — because that is exactly what he had outlined for the United States to do; but it also means that the kind of system of perfectly sovereign nation-states working together for a joint development — which we have pushed, especially naturally Mr. LaRouche has pushed, for over 50 years — this is now becoming a reality.

So, I think that we can be very happy about that, because the LaRouche Movement for the last 40 years, but especially the last 25 years, convened literally hundreds of conferences around the world; in every major U.S. and European city, in Rio de Janeiro, in São Paolo, Brasilia, Mexico, Beijing, New Delhi, Moscow. Many even in Australia, in Egypt, in other African countries; we had seminars, conferences. I think we have now a renaissance movement and a world movement for development.

Since you mentioned the beautiful gala concert which preceded the G20, this was, in a certain sense, similar to what we are doing with the dialogue of Classical culture; because it started with a very beautiful series of Chinese folk songs, then it had scenes of the ballet of Swan Lake — danced in a lake — so the dancers would make sort of little fountains by each step, because they would step into the water. It gave it an unbelievable effect. And naturally, the fact that they chose the Ode to Joy, the beautiful poem by Schiller composed by Beethoven; where the text at one point says, "All men become brethren." "Alles Menschen werden Brüder", which is the poetical expression of the "win-win" perspective; that there is a higher goal of mankind. And that they choose that to be the high point of the gala, really shows that they have understood something very fundamental. They said, "Text written by Friedrich Schiller" so naturally many people would have thought about the Schiller Institute; and we have used the Ode to Joy many times to express the same idea.

So, I think that we can be really proud; because we did not do everything, but we had a very good part in producing this beautiful result.

ROSS: Wonderful! I'd like to return to get more thoughts from you, but I'd like to bring in Diane Sare at this point to discuss one of the opportunities for changing the United States. Which is that this weekend, this Sunday, is the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks from 2001. Diane — who is the founder and managing director of the Schiller Institute New York City Community Chorus, as well as a member of the LaRouche PAC Policy Committee — has been very engaged in a process that Mr. LaRouche has called a "Living Memorial" for 9/11; which is a series of concerts that are taking place this weekend.

I'd like to ask Diane about that, and first mention something about the context; which is that over the past month we've had the release of the 28 pages. The 28 classified pages of the Congressional Joint Inquiry into 9/11; and we've got scheduled for a vote in Congress tomorrow the JASTA bill — the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act — which would make it possible for the family members, for victims of 9/11 to sue Saudi Arabia directly in U.S. courts for having aided in the commission of an attack on U.S. soil. This has the potential to really transform 9/11 from an opportunity for those pushing a policy of conflict and war, to really get justice on this, by redefining American strategic policy.

Let me ask you, Diane, you've been very involved in this, of course. Could you talk to us about the conception of a Living Memorial? What's happening this weekend? How are we putting that into practice?

DIANE SARE: I'll situate it in a question you asked earlier of Helga. The question is, how can the U.S. join this New Paradigm? What is holding us back? One very important aspect is not simply the idea of a unipolar world; but a unipolar world which is based on fantasy, and lies, and delusion. Which we have seen in particular — I wouldn't say it began with the terror attacks of September 11, 2001 — but after that, what did you have, since the truth was not told? You referenced the 28 pages being released, and the potential for JASTA to be passed this week. What happened? We had an attack which was , and instead we invaded Iraq. Then, we invaded Libya. Now, we have an insane President Obama who wants to overthrow Assad.

The actions of the United States on behalf of this British-Saudi Empire have explicitly created an increase in terror attacks around the world; an increase in war; an increase in the death rate. I was reading this morning that as many as 400,000 people in the New York metropolitan area have been affected by the attack on the World Trade Center, because of all of the toxic debris that was blowing through the air. You have over 1,100 people who have contracted rare forms of terminal cancer; and we run into them all the time here in New Jersey, people who were first responders, who were security, who were police who worked in the area.

So, you've had a great injustice; and because the injustice has been allowed to continue, the crime has only grown in magnitude. The number of people who have died as a result of this has been expanding. … what potential to remedy that situation; to bring justice, which would in a sense, clear the conscience of the American people to make us morally capable and morally fit to join with the rest of the world in this New Paradigm?

What Mr. LaRouche said explicitly when the question came up at one of the Saturday town hall meetings, on the idea of what can we do for these people who died on September 11? He said, a Living Memorial. So when I think of a Living Memorial, I think of Abraham Lincoln at Gettysburg and his words that: the dead have already consecrated this ground; but it is up to us, the living, to make sure that they have not died in vain. Therefore, what we are seeking to do here, by doing something which is a completely beautiful and noble thing, is to enable the American people to address this; and to insist that our nation become something different than what it was. It is not a coincidence that this is occurring at the same time that we have these extraordinary breakthroughs.

ROSS: You could say more. I know that over the weekend we've got the Schiller Institute chorus is going to be participating in a series of concerts of the Mozart Requiem, of spirituals and other pieces, on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. Could you tell us how the participation in these kinds of events shows a potential to change people? What kind of responses have you been getting from musicians, from politicians, from others involved in these events? What significance does this show you it having already?

SARE: Well, I think perhaps the most exciting thing that's occurred, is the growth of the chorus; because the people who participate in the chorus are the ones who in a sense will be the most transformed by these events. We began the chorus almost two years ago, in December of 2014, in the wake of the choking death of an African-American man who was strangled by the police in Staten Island, and the grand jury determined that there was no wrongdoing on the part of the police. There was a great deal of anger which was threatening to rip apart the city. And we said why not do something beautiful, dedicated to the sanctity of human life or the question of the brotherhood of man? Let's not let ourselves be divided; let's not have fits of rage. And the police officers who also have been put in a bind, because they're trying to protect our cities, our poorest populations which have been destroyed and made insane by the drug epidemic which is funded and run out of Wall Street.

So, what occurred is, we had about 100 people show up to sing; one of whom suggested that we form a community chorus, which I did. We went from week upon week where we had 3 people, 5 people, 12 people; finally a core of about 40. I can say at the performance of the Mozart Requiem that we will be doing in Manhattan on Saturday, there will be about 160 people in this chorus. They are themselves telling others that they're profoundly affected. We know that members of the Fire Department in Brooklyn — the brigade where every single one of them was killed on September 11th — they hold a special Mass every year. This year, our chorus is going to be involved in singing the Mozart Requiem as part of the Mass; and members of the Fire Department there were very moved that someone had thought to do something on this level to honor those people who made the ultimate sacrifice in the aftermath of that.

So, it's opening up and inspiring many people. Instead of just saying, "We're going to swallow this, we're going to take it. We're not going to talk about this. We're going to act like nothing happened, and we're going to presume we can never get justice." There's a sense now that "No, we don't have to go along with this any more. We canget justice." I would just say that my point earlier, that in this way, the United States could be transformed to make it possible that we would no longer act as a cat's paw for the British Empire; but be capable of joining with China and Russia. And I'll further say that the beauty of this potential development has absolutely nothing to do with the stupid elections and the idiotic candidates that we have; but is from a much higher standpoint.

ROSS: Good. Diane, did you have anything else you'd like to say on that topic? I'd like to ask Helga a question. Do you have anything else, Diane?

SARE: Go ahead; that's fine.

ROSS: OK. Well, I wanted to ask Helga, let's paint for our viewers an idea of a future, if we could. With the U.S. dropping this zero-sum game, geopolitical approach, with the U.S. and Europe adopting the proposals that you're putting forward, what could the world be like in 5 or 10 years? Is this an endless, perpetual fight? Or what does victory look like? What could the world be like?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Well, I think things can change very quickly if the United States and Europe would adopt the Glass-Steagall banking separation law; which is, as you know, in bills in Congress in the Senate, and I was quite happily reacting when I saw that Black Lives Matter is now demanding from Hillary Clinton that she should adopt Glass-Steagall. Because you can only fight racism if you fight the injustice caused by Wall Street; I thought this was an irony. So, if the United States and Europe — which is bankrupt; let me just spend one sentence on that.

China has growth rates anywhere from 6.7%, they want to have now 7% again; India had even 8% growth rates. Other Asian countries are going in the same direction. And what is the growth rate in Europe? The new statistics of the Eurozone just came out — 0.3%; and in France, Italy, and Finland — 0%. Then naturally, all the parameters are really alarmist; the headlines today are Draghi, the head of the European Central Bank, has no more options. He's running out of options because of negative interest rates, quantitative easing, helicopter money; all of these are signs of a dying system. And then naturally, you have Deutsche Bank, which is having all the parameters like Lehman Brothers in 2008; the credit default swap costs are now exactly like for Lehman Brothers just before it blew up. If that happens, you could have the next 2008 crisis this September or October.

So, the fight for Glass-Steagall is super-urgent; and naturally, as Lyndon LaRouche has stressed very emphatically with his Four Laws, this is not enough. Then you need to have a credit system, and you need to issue credit for real investment.

Now, if these changes can be done quickly — this year — even before the U.S. election occurs, then there is no reason why the world cannot enter a completely New Paradigm; stop geopolitical confrontation. The danger of war is not yet eliminated; I don't want to make a false security when it's not there. But at least with the new alliance between Russia, Turkey, Iran, the Syria question can be solved. With the 28 pages and the JASTA bill, maybe the Saudi support for terrorism can also be brought to an end. Then, even the German Economic Development Minister from the CSU — the Christian Social Union — made a speech yesterday in the Parliament, demanding a Marshall Plan for Africa. He said, this present global system is a failure; it has created forms of early capitalism in many parts of the world. This cannot continue. In the next 30 years, 2 billion babies will be born alone in Africa; they need many jobs, many teachers, real investment. He demanded that the WTO [World Trade Organization] be transformed from a free trade into a fair trade mechanism. So, this is a conservative politician from Germany of the Merkel government; and he's the only one who so far has the courage and the vision to say these things. But that's actually true.

With the new alliance I described earlier in the context of the G20, now Japan is starting to invest massively in Africa; and this was welcomed by China. China said we are not in Africa for competitive reasons, but the need for development is so big, we are happy if India and Japan are all investing; and naturally, Europe should invest. The United States should have to overcome the poverty and build up the Middle East; rebuild the war-torn region — Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Libya, all of Africa. If all of these countries would be developed with the extension of the New Silk Road program and all countries would work together, poverty could be eliminated in a very short period of time; maybe in two years.

Gerd Müller, the Development Minister, pointed out that 80% of Africans still do not have access to electricity. Now that could be very, very quickly changed; we have developed in our program of the World Land-Bridge, a comprehensive development plan for Africa. Infrastructure, bridges, ports, fast train systems, roads, the development of agriculture and industry, the creation of large amounts of freshwater to fight the desert through peaceful nuclear energy, desalination of ocean water, the ionization of moisture in the atmosphere. In a few years, Africa and those parts of the world which are still in poverty could look like beautiful gardens, forests, agriculture, new cities. People studying to become scientists, to become musicians, to become artists.

The human potential for creativity has just been scratched on. So far, we have only outstanding geniuses like once a century. You had Plato, Cusa, Kepler, Leibniz, Beethoven, Einstein, a couple of more people I am not naming here; and these were relatively rare phenomena. If we go in the road now on the horizon, and every child on this planet can have access to universal education, because there is enough to eat, there is enough housing so that the child can study and is not distracted by poverty or by Pokémon Go, or some other idiotic thing. But the child can learn Classical music, bel cantosinging, learn geography, learn astronomy, learn the history of the Universe, the history of mankind, universal culture. Love other cultures by knowing the beauty of Chinese painting, of Indian drama, of poetry from Persia.

Once you know these cultures, you cannot help but say this is actually enrichment; all racism would go, all xenophobia would go. The world community would just be working together for the common aims of mankind.

Developing breakthroughs like thermonuclear fusion power in the short term; space colonization in the short and medium term; and discover new breakthroughs we have not even an inkling of to ask the right question. We are not an Earth-bound system; by no means. The ecologists are always talking about finding solutions within Earth-bound systems; this is complete nonsense. Mankind is a species which naturally can develop the planet with infrastructure and open up landlocked areas on Earth; but the continuation of this infrastructure will be in close space. The Moon being the first target; and other objects, asteroids will be studied. Eventually, we will have the means to take longer space flights to Mars and other bodies in space. We will become a human species where the beautiful idea of Vladimir Vernadsky that the noosphere will take over the biosphere more and more; what he meant by that is that human discoveries, human scientific and technological innovation, will be what will rule and dominates the world more and more.

From that standpoint, the fact that China decided to put the innovation in the center of their efforts, is really the right step in the right direction. I can see, and I hope to see this in my lifetime, that the relations among nations will completely change; that you no longer are looking full of mistrust and xenophobia against everything which is foreign, but that people will become much more educated. There will be much more patriots and citizens of the world; world citizens, which must not be a contradiction with what was said by Friedrich Schiller 200 years ago. And that we will basically give up all those stupid habits which prevent our creative potential from unfolding. People will have intelligent discussions; they will have loving relations among themselves by furthering the interest of the other.

So, I think we are at the verge of becoming adult; I think right now the human race behaves like little uneducated, spoiled two-year-olds who kick against the knee of your colleague, and they scream and say, "This is my toy!" That's about the mental level of geopolitics.

I think that is not worthy of man; I think man is meant to be a creative species, fully loving each other. Therefore, the Ode to Joythat was played at the gala evening in Hangzhou is really the vision of the future.

ROSS: Wonderful! I just want to add one thing on that, which is that you had mentioned how China had put technology as a major factor in their outlook on things. And when that's coming from China, it really means something. China is the nation that has gone and had a landing for the first time in decades. It's China that in two years, plans to have the first-ever landing on the far side of the Moon. And it's China which in that process, is offering for international use, the use of a communications relay satellite that they'll have with the Moon; that they plan to make available to other nations who want to do work there.

That, their fusion program; it really shows the potential on the highest level of economy. Your husband has pointed out for decades that infrastructure provides a platform for meeting the productive needs of society. As you said, children being able to have enough food to be able to concentrate on education; on learning about the great cultures of the world, of their past cultures, to be able to contribute to it in the future. We're not citizens of the world; we can be citizens of the Solar System, and we've really got a very broad potential outlook for ourselves. On that highest level, it's driving mankind as a species forward; which we can do through collaboration on science. That really lets us collaborate on the highest possible level.

Let me ask, are there any final words from either of you? Do you have any concluding remarks?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Yeah, I would like people to — I'm aware of the fact that what I'm saying is not the mainstream opinion about China, about all these countries. I would ask the audience to not just dismiss, if you disagree with what I said, but please take the effort to look into it yourself. Look at the speeches of Xi Jinping and the other leaders. Look at what China is doing. Study Confucius, and you will find out that there is indeed a completely different philosophy; and that philosophy is much, much closer to what the United States was when it was founded, than most people would imagine. Both in terms of economics, but also in terms that the government should be there for the common good; this is an idea which almost has been lost in the last decades.

I think people should just not dismiss it. Once you are convinced that what I have said is true, help us to get the United States onboard. The United States needs a Silk Road. China has a plan to have 50,000 km of fast train system by 2020; and we have developed an extension of the Silk Road for the United States, also having a huge system of fast trains connecting the East and the West Coasts, the North and the South. Build a couple of new cities in places in the United States which make sense. And there is no reason why the United States cannot be part of this. It's not anti-American; America should become part of it, and you should help to do this.

ROSS: Wonderful. Well, thank you both very much for joining us. Thank you to our viewers for joining us. If you're in the New York area, definitely become involved in this process over the weekend. You can find out more at the Schiller Institute New York City Chorus website. Stay tuned to LaRouche PAC; subscribe so you don't miss our shows, and we'll see you next time.


Det Britiske Imperium kollapser i takt med,
at det nye paradigme vokser frem

8. september 2016 (Leder) – Det Britiske Imperium har, ligesom alle tidligere imperier, opretholdt sin evne til at plyndre og dræbe i hele verden gennem »del og hersk«-operationer, der satte potentielle venner og partnere op imod hinanden ved hjælp af religiøse, etniske, nationale eller andre geopolitiske brudlinjer. Denne politik for evindelige krige kan ikke med held imødegås på en én-til-én basis. Den eneste vej til fred og udvikling er et nyt globalt paradigme, som demonstrerer overfor alle og enhver, at det, at blive manipuleret ind i en konflikt, er en sikker metode til selvdestruktion, alt imens det, at finde og gennemføre politikker, er i ens egen, de »andres« og den menneskelige race som helheds fælles interesse.

Dette er præcist, hvad der nu finder sted i et utroligt hurtigt tempo i hele verden, i takt med at vi ser, at selve tiden bogstaveligt talt går hurtigere. Vladimir Putin og Xi Jinping har interveneret i næsten hver eneste imperialistiske krise, med »win-win«-politikken for store infrastrukturprojekter til erstatning for imperialistiske krige. De tre på hinanden følgende konferencer i Asien i den seneste uge – Vladivostok Østlige Økonomisk Forum om fælles udvikling af det russiske Fjernøsten; G20-topmødet i Kina; og ASEAN og Østasiatisk topmøde i Laos – har indført et nyt paradigme, centreret om selve begrebet kreativitet, sådan som Lyndon LaRouche længe har insisteret på (Xi Jinping har valgt at kalde det »innovation«), for at erstatte det knækkede og destruktive Britiske Imperium med et fællesskab af nationer, dedikeret til menneskehedens fælles mål.

I løbet af de seneste uger har vi set den imperialistiske kontrol over Tyrkiet blive brudt, da Tyrkiet oplevede at se sig selv truet af kaos og ødelæggelse og vendte sig mod Rusland, der nu arbejder sammen med Tyrkiet om at bygge atomkraftværker, gasledninger og universiteter, og selvfølgelig tager skridt til at knuse terroristsvøben i Syrien.

I Asien har vi set den imperialistiske kontrol over Filippinerne blive brudt af en ny regering, som modigt har identificeret den kendsgerning, at fred og udvikling med Kina er den eneste fornuftige fremtid, fremfor Obamas økonomiske udplyndring af landets ressourcer og udnyttelse af billig arbejdskraft, mens landet bruges som base for militær konfrontation med Kina.

Selv i Europa og USA er potentialet for et dramatisk skift i retning af fornuft i sigte. Den tyske udviklingsminister Gerd Müller undsagde i går de »primitive kapitalistiske strukturer, der er skabt gennem en globalisering uden begrænsning og værdier«, og som har skabt »en situation, hvor 10 procent af verdens befolkning ejer 90 procent af værdierne, og 20 procent opbruger 80 procent af råvarerne og ressourcerne. Det kan ikke fortsætte med, at denne saks gaber mere og mere. Det er nemlig grundlaget for konflikter, spændinger og krige, og er årsag til, at millioner af mennesker bliver flygtninge«. Udviklingspolitik er fredspolitik, understregede Müller.

Og talskvinde for det russiske udenrigsministerium Maria Zakharova meddelte onsdag, at Bibi Netanyahu og Abu Abbas i princippet havde aftalt at mødes i Moskva. »I respons til appellerne fra palæstinenserne og israelerne, bekræftede vi vores beredvillighed til at arrangere et møde i Moskva. Vi er overbevist om, at der er behov for at genoptage forhandlingerne.« Ingen dato er blevet fastsat. Alt imens sagde et typisk vestligt orakel, prof. Elena McLean, at »sandsynligheden for succesfulde drøftelser er ikkeeksisterende«, da angiveligt »intet fundamentalt har ændret sig« mellem Israel og palæstinenserne. Men den »fundamentale ændring« er faktisk sket i verden som helhed og har brudt de imperialistiske kontrolmekanismer, hvilket netop er grunden til, at der er en chance for en reel løsning på selv denne betændte krise.

Og i dag ser vi dramatiske, om end forsigtige, skridt til at inddrage selv de mest dødbringende af det Britiske Imperiums dræber-satrapper – Saudi-Arabien og Israel. Efter at Putin mødtes med prins Mohammed bin Salman (saudisk forsvarsminister og anden vicepremierminister) i Kina sidste søndag, underskrev de to nationers energiministre en historisk aftale om at samarbejde om udvikling og markedsføring af olie, mens Rusland har tilbudt at bygge 16 atomkraftværker i kongeriget. Xi Jinping har også tilbudt saudierne en central placering i forhold til Silkevejen – men at føre krig mod naboerne Yemen og potentielt Iran, mens man sponsorerer terrorisme i hele verden, vil ikke kunne sameksistere med et reelt udviklingsprogram for landet, med russisk og kinesisk hjælp.

I USA er Kongressen trådt sammen, med en underdønning af en folkestemning for en genindførelse af Glass-Steagall, for at afslutte Wall-Streets kasino-økonomis ødelæggelser og genoprette produktive investeringer – en folkestemning, der tvang Glass-Steagall til at blive optaget på begge partiers valgplatforme. De Glass-Steagall-lovforslag, der er fremsat i begge Kongressens huse, kan og må blive tvunget til at komme til afstemning og omgående blive vedtaget.

Få hele historien om Glass-Steagall

Vil Obama nedlægge veto imod Glass-Steagall? Lige så sikkert, som han har skabt den ene krig efter den anden, myrdet utallige uskyldige og støttet terrorister for at nå sine mål med »regimeskift«. Det er derfor, Obama må fjernes nu – og ikke efter en vanvittig valgproces mellem to værktøjer for Wall Street. Der er ingen tid at spilde, men al mulig grund til at være optimistisk, eftersom »forandring« er blevet det nye normale.

Foto: Solnedgang over London. [foto: ytulauratambien CC-SA]

POLITISK ORIENTERING den 8. september 2016:
Hvad danske medier ikke siger om G20-topmødet i Kina

Med formand Tom Gillesberg

Video: Kan ses på:



Obama er i gulvet, men ikke dømt ude: Forøg presset

7. september 2016 (Leder) – De amerikanske mainstreammedier, med New York Times i spidsen, er blevet tvunget til at erkende, hvad verdensledere på denne uges topmøder i Asien allerede ved: USA’s præsident Barack Obama var sat udenfor i Hangzhou og Laos, med betydningsfulde nationer fra Eurasien og andre dele af verden, der lægger sig på linje med det Nye Paradigme, som tydeligst repræsenteres af Kinas program for eurasisk udvikling, ’Ét bælte, én vej’.

Onsdag mødtes statslederne fra de 10 ASEAN-lande med kinesiske ledere til det 25. ASEAN-Kina jubilæums-topmøde. Mødet var intet mindre end en total afvisning af Obamaregeringens forsøg på at udnytte den ulovlige afgørelse fra den Permanente Voldgiftsret i Haag om det Sydkinesiske Hav og drive en kile ind mellem Kina og dets naboer. ASEAN-lederne tilsluttede sig Kina og aflagde løfte om at udvikle reglerne for operationer for det Sydkinesiske Hav, og for fremme af programmerne for den Nye Silkevej og den Maritime Silkevej, der allerede har beriget utallige borgeres liv i området. Selv Forbes måtte indrømme, at Kinas investeringer i områdets infrastruktur har overtrumfet alle Obamaregeringens bravader.

Mellem friktionerne med de kinesiske myndigheder, der var vært for G20-topmødet i Hangzhou, og Obamas skænderi med den filippinske præsident Duterte over Obamas selvretfærdige planer om at presse den filippinske leder til at opgive at slå hårdt ned på narkohandlere og terrorister, har Obamas præsidentskabs endegyldigt sidste besøg i Stillehavsområdet sandeligt vist sig at være en absolut katastrofe.

På samme måde indikerer rapporter fra Mellemøsten, at den syriske regering med støtte fra Rusland og Iran har genoprettet belejringen af det sydøstlige Aleppo og afskåret oprørsstyrker fra verden udenfor. Den totale genindtagelse af Aleppo vil fundamentalt ændre kursen i den fem år lange krig og vil tvinge Obama til endnu engang at vende sig mod den russiske præsident Putin for at finde en udvej af den diplomatiske/militære fiasko.

Obama er tydeligvis slået i gulvet. Men han er endnu ikke dømt ude, og Lyndon LaRouche advarede i dag om, at Obama må holdes under uophørligt pres for at forhindre yderligere handlinger, såsom destabiliseringen af Brasilien, der var en pil, som sigtede på BRIKS’ hjerte.

Obama står over for endnu et umiddelbart forestående nederlag, der vil give resonans hele vejen til Riyadh og London. Formand for Repræsentanternes Hus Paul Ryan meddelte onsdag, under enormt, tværpolitisk pres, at JASTA-lovforslaget vil komme til afstemning fredag.

Loven om retsforfølgelse af sponsorerne af terrorisme (JASTA) vil gøre det muligt for ofre og pårørende, der mistede familiemedlemmer i terrorangrebene 11. september (2001), at retsforfølge det saudiske monarki. Som Daily Telegraph har rapporteret i sommerens løb, så vil, hvis JASTA vedtages, det britiske monarki også kunne retsforfølges for 11. september og andre handlinger, hvor briterne har beskyttet og sponsoreret international terrorisme. Præsident Obama har svoret at nedlægge veto imod JASTA, hvis det når frem til hans skrivebord – og det kunne meget vel ske på 15-års dagen for 11. september, hvor alles øjne er rettet mod New York City, hvor der vil blive en weekend med historiske mindebegivenheder, centreret omkring Schiller Instituttets kors deltagelse i fire mindekoncerter i New York og New Jersey, til ære for dem, der døde i angrebene 11. september og under de redningsaktioner, der fulgte.

Efter CDU’s slående nederlag i kansler Angela Merkels egen hjemstat i Tyskland, (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern), hænger Merkel-regeringen også ude i tovene. Det er afgørende, at der vedtages en stor ændring i økonomisk politik i Tyskland, og det kan kun ske i en post-Merkel, post-Schäuble situation. Krisen i Deutsche Bank bliver mere og mere åbenbar, med paralleller, der fremkommer i og andre finansielle udgivelser, mellem Deutsche Bank og Lehman Brothers på tærsklen til bankerotten.

Vi er kommet til et virkeligt historisk øjeblik. Ledere, der repræsenterer et flertal af verdens befolkning samles omkring et nyt, fremtidsorienteret paradigme med samarbejde, og rækken af topmøder, der startede i Vladivostok og forsatte i Hangzhou og Laos har fremmet denne sag over al forventning.

Foto: Den filippinske præsident Rodrigo Roa Duterte tager erhvervsledere i hånden, under ASEAN Erhvervs- og Investerings-topmøde i Vientiane, Laos, den 6. september. [foto: KING RODRIGUEZ/PPD]

G20’s symfoni for en Ny Verden:
Obama er dissonansen

6. september 2016 (Leder) – Med Barack Obama som vært ville en international begivenhed aldrig blive åbnet med Beethovens 9. symfoni og Schillers »Ode til Glæden«, som G20-topmødet gjorde det under Kinas værtskab. 

Obama ville heller ikke tilslutte sig de andre lederes glæde ved at udvikle nye korridorer med højteknologisk udvikling og transport i hele verden, ved at løfte hundreder af millioner op af fattigdom, og ved at søge nye gennembrud i udforskning af rummet og fusionsteknologi. 

Efterstræbelsen af sådanne fremtidige, menneskelige fremskridt, og glæden ved
et genialt værk som Beethovens korsymfoni, udspringer af den samme, menneskelige impuls.

Dette G20-møde, med dets kinesiske værtsskab, havde frem for alt succes med at etablere et nyt paradigme for lederskab – med skabelsen af partnerskaber for økonomisk vækst, investeringer og produktivitet mellem nationerne. Dette blev taknemmeligt modtaget af nationerne, lige fra Japan til Tyrkiet, til Indien og til ASEAN 10, som angiveligt skulle være USA’s allierede.

Ideerne om udviklingen af den »Nye Silkevej« og »Verdenslandbroen«, der første gang blev fremlagt af Lyndon og Helga LaRouche for næsten 30 år siden, er siden blevet det udtrykkelige ønske hos det globale samfund af nationer. Og med disse ideer, tillige også videnskabelige og teknologiske gennembrud som drivkraft for fornyet vækst og produktivitet.

Med verdens økonomiske vækst trukket ned af stagnationen i USA-EU siden banksektorens sammenbrud i 2008, og med disse ledere, der så skarpt erkender truslen om et nyt Wall Street-krak på nuværende tidspunkt, er dette nye paradigme absolut nødvendigt. Det må og skal selvfølgelig have følgeskab af USA.

Men Obama drog til G20 for at sjakre om et erklæret våben mod Kina, den såkaldte »handelsaftale« kendt som Trans-Pacific Partnerskab (TPP) – et våben, som han ikke engang har, eftersom begge Kongressens huse nægter at tage det op, og begge valgpartier og den amerikanske offentlighed afviser det som værende blot mere beskæftigelses-dræbende gift.

En af de nye, lovende kreditinstitutioner for dette nye paradigme – den Asiatiske Infrastruktur-Investeringsbank – er vokset til 70 medlemslande, på trods af Obamas meningsløse offentlige og private forsøg på at ødelægge det.

Han isolerede USA fra de asiatiske nationer, faldt i et potentielt større slagsmål med Filippinerne og forlanger, at amerikanerne skal støtte et angreb på deres egen levestandard, fordi det svækker Kina. 

Obama har fortsat den »endeløse krig«, som Cheney og Bush startede med afsæt i angrebene den 11. september, og har tilføjet sine egne krigsprovokationer imod Rusland og Kina. Han afviser det udtrykkelige ønske hos de fleste af verdens nationer om fred og økonomisk udvikling. 

Dette kan ikke tolereres her på 15-årsdagen for disse angreb. De bør højtideligt mindes med dyb og eftertænksom musik i et nyt paradigmes tjeneste. Og Amerika har brug for et nyt præsidentskab.


Den forestående uge, set i universalhistorisk perspektiv

5. september, 2016 (Leder) – De afgørende uger, som vi nu har for os, stiller dette spørgsmål til alle amerikanere (blandt andre): Hvordan er det muligt, at det kan lykkes for det enkelte individs inderste, private tankers »lille hjul« at dreje det »store hjul« i den historiske proces, der involverer den kurs og skæbne, som nationen, og menneskehedens mere end syv milliarder individer generelt, i fremtiden, i de kommende århundreder, vil få?

Den virkelige historie om det netop afsluttede G20-topmøde i Kina er den, at den kinesiske præsident Xi Jinping, sammen med Ruslands Putin og udviklingslandene under anførsel af BRIKS, samt Japan m.fl., fremtvang spørgsmålet om udskiftningen af det nuværende finansielle system. De insisterede på, at Wall Street/London-systemet, baseret på hasardspil, har kurs mod en ny krise, og at det må erstattes af et produktionsorienteret system, funderet i videnskab og store internationale, avantgarde-projekter: det system, der er centreret omkring Kinas Nye Silkevejs-politik, som præsident Xi kalder »Ét Bælte, Én Vej«.

Det finansielle fundament for dette nye, menneskelige system leveres af en række udviklingsbanker, som Kina har været med til at lancere, såsom den Asiatiske Infrastruktur-Investeringsbank (AIIB), og BRIKS’ Nye Udviklingsbank (NDB).

Som Helga Zepp-LaRouche i går bemærkede, vil det, efterhånden, som resultaterne af G20-topmødet og det forudgående Vladivostok-topmøde i løbet af de næste par dage bliver kendt, blive klart, hvem, der forsvarer menneskehedens sag, konfronteret med udsigten til økonomisk udslettelse, og hvem, der forsøger at lægge hindringer i vejen. I løbet af disse dage vil den amerikanske Kongres, den 6. september, træde sammen, og FN’s Generalforsamling træder sammen den 13. september. Samtidigt vil rækken af topmøder på højeste niveau fortsætte i Asien.

Det, som den amerikanske Kongres må gøre, når den atter træder sammen, er at vedtage Glass-Steagall, for hvilken lov der er fremsat tværpolitiske lovforslag i begge Kongressens huse. Kongressen må ligeledes handle på de kendsgerninger, der er blevet afsløret i de »28 sider« af den Fælles Kongresundersøgelsesrapport om 11. september (2001): den må handle med henblik på at fjerne Obama for hans beviste, overlagte mørklægning af saudiernes (og briternes) ansvar for 11. september, og samtidig fremtvinge flere skjulte fakta om den britisk/saudiske sammensværgelse, og om Bush’ og Cheneys – men først og fremmest Obamas – medskyldighed. Det faktum, at vi ikke fjernede Bush og Cheney, gav os Obama, som er endnu værre. Hvis vi nu ikke fjerner Obama, vil vi få noget, der er værre endnu, hvis vi da ellers stadig vil være i live til at opleve det.

Netop nu, hvor omgående, politisk handling er presserende nødvendig, forbereder ledelsen af Lyndon LaRouches bevægelse, der er lokaliseret på Manhattan, det, som LaRouche har kaldt for et »levende mindesmærke« for ofrene for 11. september – først og fremmest de direkte ofre og deres familier, men også USA og enhver del af verden, som er blevet offer for forbrydelsen og dens mørklægning. Centrum for dette »levende mindesmærke« vil blive opførelser af Mozarts Rekviem, i hvilken en stor skaber fejrer, ikke døden, men det uforgængelige liv og dets mission, konfronteret med døden, igennem alle århundreder i fortid og fremtid.

Med dette »levende mindesmærke«, og ud over dette, arbejder den Manhattan-centrerede LaRouche-bevægelse på at genskabe et funktionsdygtigt præsidentskab for USA, ud fra selvsamme Manhattan-lokalitet og gennem de samme principper, som Alexander Hamilton anvendte til at skabe det oprindelige George Washington-præsidentskab for USA.

For at vende tilbage til vores indledende spørgsmål om »det lille hjul« og »det store hjul«: Politikken med Den Nye Silkevej begyndte som en idé: ideen om den Europæiske Produktive Trekant, som Lyndon LaRouche udviklede i slutningen af 1980'erne, og som han, sammen med sin hustru Helga, videreudviklede til den Eurasiske Landbro, Den Nye Silkevej og Verdenslandbroen. Og det, der udløste det kinesiske rumprogram, som i 2018 for første gang nogensinde vil lande en robot på Månens bagside – var også først en idé. Det var Ronald Reagans Strategiske Forsvarsinitiativ (SDI), der overbeviste det kinesiske lederskab om behovet for et forceret, videnskabeligt udviklingsprogram, inklusive et forceret rumprogram, som vi vil gå i dybden med i det næste nummer af EIR, 9. september. Det Strategiske Forsvarsinitiativ var en politik, der helt fra bunden af blev opfundet af Lyndon LaRouche, og som overbeviste Reagan.

Og de udviklingsbanker, der i dag bliver lanceret, blev udtænkt af Lyndon LaRouche i 1970'erne, hvor de blev forelagt FN’s Generalforsamling af Guyanas agtværdige udenrigsminister, nu afdøde Fred Wills.

Som den store, russiske videnskabsmand Vladimir Vernadskij viste i første halvdel af det tyvende århundrede, så er den menneskelige noesis, eller kreative tænkning, den mest magtfulde kraft i universet. Der er ingen kraft, der kan måle sig med det menneskelige intellekt med hensyn til kreativ opdagelse.

Foto: Brasiliens præsident Michel Temer, Indiens premierminister Narendra Modi, Kinas præsident Xi Jinping, Ruslands præsident Vladimir Putin og Sydafrikas præsident Jacob Zuma ankommer til Kina for at deltage i G20-topmødet, der finder sted 3. – 5. september, 2016 []

Vi må vække samme lidenskab i befolkningen,
som udtrykkes gennem Mozarts Rekviem
og Benjamin Franklins »En Republik, hvis De kan bevare den.«

Uddrag af LaRouchePAC Fredags-webcast 2. sept. 2016.

Matthew Ogden: … På hjemmefronten har vi en meget intens kampagne, der nu optrappes, for at genindføre Glass-Steagall; og for at styre kræfterne til at gennemtvinge en vedtagelse af dette lovforslag, før præsidentvalget finder sted (8. nov.). Dernæst har vi indsatsen for at genåbne en fuld undersøgelse af terrorangrebene den 11. september (2001); med frigivelsen af de 28 sider må dette nu fortsætte med at forfølge de ti tusinder af andre sider, der fortsat tilbageholdes. På denne front befinder vi os én uge fra 15-års dagen for disse forfærdelige angreb den 11. september; og vi vil se en række koncerter, der vil finde sted i New York City – det kan Diane (Sare) fortælle os mere om – med en opførelse af Mozarts Rekviem, der vil blive opført i katedralen i Brooklyn, en stor kirke i Manhattan og andre steder, for at mindes ofrene for disse angreb, og for at bringe retfærdighed …

Ogden: Diane, du er lige nu selvfølgelig midt i at arrangere 15-års mindehøjtideligheden og seminaret, og med at lede aktivistbegivenhederne i New York City. Så, kan du tage den herfra?

Diane Sare: Jeg vil faktisk gerne lige træde et skridt tilbage; for én af de ting, som senator Graham sagde om, hvorfor, det var så vigtigt (for senator Grahams indlæg om retfærdighed for ofrene for 11. september, se fredags-webcast, med engelsk udskrift, her:

Han sagde, at der var tre grunde: én var spørgsmålet om juridisk retfærdighed for familierne til de mennesker, der blev dræbt; To, et temmeligt indlysende spørgsmål, som er spørgsmålet om sikkerhed. Hvis vi ikke udrydder disse netværk, er de der, for at blive brugt igen. Og tre, som jeg mener, er virkelig vigtigt og ikke kan overdrives, og det er spørgsmålet, om folk stoler på deres regering. For, når USA’s befolkning først kommer dertil, hvor de ikke længere stoler på regeringen, hvilket er, hvor vi næsten er nu, så mister man republikken. Vores republik, der går helt tilbage til Nicolaus Cusanus’ ideer og Concordantia Catholica[1], hviler på dette spørgsmål om de regeredes tilsagn (konsensus). Hvis man ikke stoler på sin regering, vil man ikke give sit tilsagn til, at den repræsenterer én. Det, som hr. LaRouche har sagt de seneste dage, er, hvad vi har set mellem det gennembrud, der fandt sted med vores arbejde som drivkraft, og så kongresmedlemmerne Jones og Lynch, der bogstavelig talt truede – ikke helt med disse ord – men som sagde, vi ved, at vi er immune, hvis vi læser dette (de 28, hemmeligholdte sider) ind i Kongressens protokol; og så det, der sker med Glass-Steagall mht. partiernes valgplatforme, er, at disse kongresmedlemmer begynder at blive tvunget til at repræsentere deres befolkning.

Jeg sætter dette i en international sammenhæng, med det, der nu er forestående med møderne i Vladivostok, der finder sted netop nu (2. – 3. september), og G20-topmødet (3. – 4. september); og det transatlantiske system er totalt bankerot. Der er intet, som Obama og den nuværende opstilling, den Europæiske Centralbank; hvad har de at tilbyde verden? Negative rentesatser? Lad dine penge står hos os, og vi vil få dig til at betale for det! Med andre ord, de kan intet gøre; men hvad har vi med Rusland og Kina? Kinas arbejde – som folk, der følger os på vores hjemmeside, vil have set på vores onsdags-udsendelse; det Nye Paradigme-show om spørgsmålet om Månens bagside, eller udsendelsen torsdag aften (Manhattan-projektet). Der er et helt univers, der åbner sig for os – vi begynder med Solsystemet – med dette samarbejde, som Asien kan tilbyde. Kineserne er vært for G20, og de har gjort præsident Putin til æresgæst. Dernæst er [den egyptiske] præsident al-Sisi endnu en æresperson ved dette møde. Hvad er Obamas respons? Han tror, at han dér vil gennemtvinge [handelsaftalen] Trans Pacific Partnerskab, som er dømt til at blive et totalt flop, en fuser. Russerne gjorde, i et interview i Xinhua før dette møde, det ganske klart, at Moskva og Beijing behøver Washington som partner. Det gjorde mig glad som amerikaner, for jeg mener, at USA bør være en partner i dette her. Og, paradoksalt nok, sagde den person, der blev interviewet, at Washington kan være en kompleks og uforudsigelig partner.

Så jeg vil sige, at vores job som amerikanere er – vi har på en måde fået en mission, at andre, meget betydningsfulde ledere siger, at USA ønskes som en skattet partner i dette Nye Paradigme. Det er vores opgave at yde dette partnerskab, ved at stille dette kriminelle [amerikanske] regime, vi har, stolen for døren. Noget af det, vi så med 11. september, er, at mørklægningen er fortsat igennem to regeringer; at Obama har været ikke alene medskyldig i dette, men med sin politik i regionen har bidraget til ISIS’ vækst, al-Qaedas vækst, og deres mulighed for at rekruttere. Vi har i løbet af disse seneste år mistet næsten 4500 soldater i Irak, som man nu ved, var en total løgn og et bedrageri; det var konklusionen af Chilcot-undersøgelsen. Med hensyn til spørgsmålet om 11. september, så er spørgsmålet: Vil vi se retfærdigheden ske fyldest? Og retfærdighed betyder ikke hævn eller gengældelse; det betyder, vil vi genrejse vores nation til at blive til noget, hvor folk vil ønske at give deres tilsagn til at blive regeret af denne regering?

Når man ser på spørgsmålet om Mozart, og hans Rekviem, som vil blive opført, og som vores (Schiller Instituttets) kor vil deltage i og arbejder med; Mozarts engagement var dette. Han var en tilhænger af den Amerikanske Revolution; han var tilhænger af ideerne om at skabe en republik, og han blev myrdet. Hans arbejde blev fjernet; hans bidrag; det, han kunne have gjort, hvis han havde levet længere. Dette musikstykke har levet videre, fordi det har en udødelig egenskab; som faktisk legemliggør spørgsmålet om menneskelig kreativitet. Vi ser her en respons fra de mennesker, der er engageret i denne opførelse, med, at de udvikler en form for lidenskab, der nok altid fandtes i dem. Men, fordi de har mulighed for at deltage i noget, der vil blive så intenst og så smukt, og som har en mission i den virkelige verden, så bliver de igen lidenskabelige; hvilket er noget, jeg mener, har manglet. Alle kan komme i tanke om samtaler, de har haft med venner og naboer, om det forestående valg, eller noget andet; og befolkningen er blevet lidenskabsløs, hvilket er grunden til, at folk ikke handler, når de burde, eller når de kan.

Jeg har en fornemmelse af, at vi virkelig står over for et betydningsfuldt gennembrud, som USA vil blive en del af; selv om mange mennesker i USA ikke fuldt ud forstår, hvorfor det er her, og hvordan de blev engageret i det.

Ogden: Absolut! Jeg vil blot følge dig i det, du netop sagde, Diane. I sin tale i Press Club citerede senator Graham den ofte citerede anekdote af Benjamin Franklin under Forfatningskonventet i Philadelphia; da en kvinde spurgte, »Hvad har De givet os?«, svarede han, »En republik, hvis De kan bevare den«. Den lidenskab, som senator Graham har udvist omkring dette, hvor han har bevaret sin rolle og sin kamp igennem 15 år for frigivelsen af disse dokumenter; hvor kommer denne lidenskab fra? Selv om FBI forsøgte at intimidere ham personligt og gav ham besked på at trække sig, fordi han ser dette – som det også skal ses – som et eksistentielt spørgsmål for den Amerikanske Republik. Ikke kun ud fra et juridisk standpunkt og et standpunkt om national sikkerhed, men som selve vores nations overlevelse som en republikansk form for regering. Jeg vil hævde, at vi ser på præcis den samme form for eksistentielt spørgsmål, når det kommer til genindførelsen af Glass-Steagall. Selve omfanget af det transatlantiske systems implosion, som vi står overfor – hvis dette her kom ned over os, uden det nødvendige lederskab på plads omkring genindførelsen af Glass-Steagall og lignende, for at beskytte det amerikanske folk fra konsekvenserne af denne form for finanskrise – så ville denne republik ikke overleve.

Muligheden er umiddelbart forhånden, for at gå med i den nye, finansielle arkitektur, og for at skabe de produktive vækstbølger, som denne nation aldrig før har set; som ville overgå selv det, vi så under FDR’s New Deal, hvis vi tilsluttede os den Nye Silkevej, der netop nu ledes af Kina og andre. Så det er den samme form for lidenskab, der også må anvendes til dette spørgsmål.

Hele fredags-webcastet, med engelsk udskrift, kan ses her:

Et dansk uddrag af webcastet, omhandlende spørgsmålet om Glass-Steagalls betydning, kan ses her:  



[1] Se: Specialrapport: »En dialog mellem kulturer: En hyldest til Nicolaus af Cusa«,


RADIO SCHILLER den 5. september 2016:
G20-topmødet: Kina sætter dagsordenen

Med formand Tom Gillesberg:

Kerry og Lavrov arbejder på at få banket en aftale om Syrien igennem

4. september 2016 – Den amerikanske udenrigsminister John Kerry og den russiske udenrigsminister Sergei Lavrov mødtes igen i Hangzhou, Kina, tidligere i dag, for at drøfte deres indsats for at skabe amerikansk-russisk samarbejde om Syrien. Kerry sagde bagefter til reportere, at de skal mødes igen i morgen tidlig for at forsøge at komme til enighed om nogle tilbageværende »vanskelige spørgsmål«, som de begge i mellemtiden vil overveje. »Vi har aftalt at mødes i morgen tidlig for at se, hvorvidt det er muligt at bygge bro over svælget og finde en løsning på disse få spørgsmål«, sagde han. »Og hvis ikke, så er vi fast besluttet på at sikre, at vi gør dette på en måde, der giver det de bedste chancer for at lykkes.«

Kerrys bemærkninger, som han fremkom med omkring kl. 5:30 om morgenen EDT (01:30 UTC) her til morgen, kom efter noget mindre optimistiske bemærkninger fra præsident Obama i går, om det samme emne. Ifølge Associated Press sagde Obama, at USA og Rusland stadig har »alvorlige meningsforskelle« om, hvad der skal til for at afslutte Syriens borgerkrig, og hvilke oppositionsgrupper, der er legitime mål for det amerikanske og russiske militær. Men, sagde han, »det er værd at forsøge«.

»Vi er ikke helt fremme endnu«, sagde Obama. »Jeg tror, det er for tidligt at sige, at der er en klar vej fremad, men der er i det mindste en mulighed for, at vi kan gøre nogle fremskridt.«

Kerry hævdede klart, som respons på et spørgsmål, der blev opkastet netop, som han gik, at alle »er med om bord« mht. det, han og Lavrov er ved at udarbejde, men Pentagon kaster stadig koldt vand på indsatsen. »Jeg stoler ikke en hvid på russerne«, sagde en unavngiven, højtplaceret forsvars-regeringsperson med kendskab til forhandlingerne til Foreign Policy. »Der er ingen, der tror på, at noget af dette rent faktisk kommer til at ske.«  


4. september 2016 (Leder) – Søndag, den 4. september, gav præsident Xi Jinping startskuddet til G20-topmødet for statsoverhoveder i Hangzhou, Kina. Åbningsceremonien omfattede en bevægende opførelse af Ode til Glæden, der anslog den inspirerende tone for hele topmødet. I sine åbningsbemærkninger gentog præsident Xi sit krav fra den foregående dag ved B20-forum for erhvervsledere om, at hele det globale finanssystem må gennemgribende ændres, for at vende den aktuelle, globale krise omkring, og at G20 må tage føringen med hensyn til at skabe de nødvendige ændringer, der må have innovation og samarbejde mellem nationer som drivkraft.

Præsident Xis tale lørdag ved B20 var en stærkt ekko af den politik, som Lyndon og Helga LaRouche har udviklet hen over årtier, inklusive Helgas seneste opfordring til, at G20-mødet tager skridt til fuldt og at virkeliggøre Verdenslandbroen. 

Den signifikante opførelse af Ode til Glæden, et digt af Friedrich Schiller med musik af Ludwig von Beethoven, var en yderligere indikation på Xis forpligtelse over for principperne om videnskabeligt og teknologisk fremskridt og »win-win«-samarbejde mellem alle verdens nationer.

Den kinesiske præsident Xi Jinping holder hovedtalen ved Business 20-mødets åbningsceremoni (B20.)

Se uddrag på dansk af talen her.  

Forud for G20-mødet blev der afholdt et uformelt møde for BRIKS-nationernes statsoverhoveder, hvor der blev gjort yderligere forberedelser til BRIKS-topmødet den 15. – 16. oktober, med den indiske premierminister Modi som vært, i Goa, Indien. BRIKS- og G20-begivenhederne begyndte umiddelbart efter afslutningen af det Østlige Økonomiske Forum i Vladivostok, Rusland, med præsident Vladimir Putin som vært, hvor den samme dagsorden med eurasisk udvikling og en samarbejdsånd mellem verdens ledende nationer blev promoveret. De to æresgæster ved Vladivostok-forummet var Japans premierminister Abe og Sydkoreas præsident Park, der således udvider alliancens samarbejde.

I stærk kontrast hertil brugte USA’s præsident Barack Obama anledningen til at promovere alle de konfliktområder, der splitter USA og Kina, inklusive den Permanente Voldgiftsrets ulovlige afgørelse om det Sydkinesiske Hav, beskyldningerne om, at Kina skulle dumpe stål på verdensmarkedet, samt andre friktioner. Obama dukkede op i Hangzhou for at forsøge at genoplive det, som er dødt – hans svindelnummer med Trans Pacific Partnerskab (TPP) – såvel som også for at fremprovokere konflikt. Obama kunne ikke engang modstå fristelsen til at kaste kold vand på sin egen udenrigsminister John Kerrys indsats for at indgå en aftale med Rusland om fælles militære operationer imod Islamisk Stat og al-Qaeda.

G20-topmødet fortsætter mandag, efterfulgt af endnu et asiatisk, økonomisk topmøde i Laos, den 6. – 9. september, der efterfølges af et møde mellem de 10+1 – de ti ASEAN-nationer og Kina.

Alt imens præsident Obama fortsætter med at isolere sig selv fra det voksende flertal af nationer, der forsøger at fremkomme med løsninger på det fremstormende kollaps af det transatlantiske område og fremstødet for krig, der kommer fra det døende britiske imperiesystem, så afsluttes denne uge med et intenst højdepunkt, med rækken af fire opførelser af Mozarts Rekviem i New York City-området, for at mindes 15-års dagen for angrebene den 11. september, 2001, på World Trade Center og Pentagon, hvor 3000 mennesker blev dræbt. Schiller Instituttets kor og orkester vil deltage i disse koncerter.

Med tidligere senator Bob Grahams pressekonference sidste onsdag i Washington, D.C., og med en afstemning i Repræsentanternes Hus om Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorisme Act (JASTA) (Loven om Retsforfølgelse af Sponsorer af Terrorisme), der skal finde sted, når Kongressen genoptager arbejdet den 6. september, vil spørgsmålet om juridisk retfærdighed dominere denne uge. Som senator Graham sagde til medierne i Washington i sidste uge, så er proppen taget af flasken, med frigivelsen den 15. juli af det 28 sider lange kapitel af hans oprindelige Fælles Kongresundersøgelses-rapport om 11. september, og nu må den fulde sandhed om Saudi-Arabiens rolle i historiens værste terrorangreb på amerikansk jord komme frem. Det betyder, at hele det anglo-saudiske terrorapparat nu kan bringes til fald, og det betyder igen, at de primære kræfter, der er ude på at forhindre virkeliggørelsen af Verdenslandbroen og et nyt paradigme for relationer mellem Jordens nationer, kan besejres, én gang for alle.

Titelfoto: 2016 G20-ledere. (Foto: RIA Novosti)      

USA og Europa: Det er Glass-Steagall versus en finansiel
nedsmeltning af de transatlantiske økonomier,
med massedød i befolkningen til følge

Hr. LaRouche …»Hvis man ikke gennemtvinger Glass-Steagall, som udgangspunkt for en sådan total omstrukturering af hele USA’s finansielle og monetære system«, og selvfølgelig også udstrækker det til Europa; »så vil et enormt antal mennesker dø. Det er den enkle kendsgerning.«

Uddrag af LaRouchePAC Fredags-webcast, den 2. september 2016. Hele webcastet inkl. engelsk udskrift kan ses her:

Matthew Ogden: God aften. Det er den 2. september 2016, og dette er vores ugentlige fredags-webcast på Med mig i studiet i aften har jeg Jeffrey Steinberg fra EIR, og via video to medlemmer af LaRouchePAC Politiske Komite: Dave Christie fra Seattle, Washington, og Diane Sare fra New York City-området. Velkommen til jer begge to.

Vi havde en diskussion med Lyndon og Helga LaRouche for et par timer siden. Det er helt klart, at vi står ved et punkt, hvor tre, meget afgørende initiativer, som LaRouche-bevægelsen har stået i centrum for i flere år, nu kulminerer. For det første står vi umiddelbart foran G20-topmødet; topmødet i Vladivostok er i gang; og to uger efter disse begivenheder træder FN’s Generalforsamling sammen. Det er helt åbenlyst, at man tager initiativerne til at skabe en ny, finansiel arkitektur for planeten omkring udviklingen af den Nye Silkevej. Jeg vil blot ganske kort nævne, at, hvis man ikke har set den endnu, så har vi en fremragende, ny, 20 minutter lang video (på – se den danske hjemmeside, inkl. udskrift: »Den Nye Silkevej bliver til Verdenslandbroen«. Den går i dybden med meget af indholdet i EIR’s rapport af samme navn. Den må I bestemt se, hvis I ikke allerede har.

På hjemmefronten har vi en meget intens kampagne, der nu optrappes, for at genindføre Glass-Steagall; og for at styre kræfterne til at gennemtvinge denne vedtagelse, før præsidentvalget finder sted. Dernæst har vi kampagnen for at genåbne en fuld undersøgelse af angrebene den 11. september (2001); med frigivelsen af de 28 sider må man nu gå videre med at forfølge [frigivelsen] af de ti tusinder af sider, der fortsat tilbageholdes. På denne front befinder vi os nu én uge fra 15-års dagen for disse forfærdelige angreb den 11. september, og vi vil se en række koncerter, der vil finde sted i New York City – det kan Diane fortælle meget mere om – med en opførelse af Mozarts Rekviem, som vil blive opført i Brooklyns katedral, i en stor kirke i Manhattan og andre steder, for at holde en mindehøjtid for ofrene for disse angreb, og for at bringe retfærdighed [for dem]. Dette vil finde sted samtidig med et strategisk seminar, der sponsoreres i New York City om samme emne. Og samtidig foregår der et kraftigt initiativ for at gennemtvinge en afstemning i Repræsentanternes Hus – forhåbentlig i næste uge, før mindedagen – om JASTA-lovforslaget (Justice against State Sponsors of Terrorism Act; Loven om Retsforfølgelse af statslige sponsorer af Terrorhandlinger). Kongressen vender tilbage fra ferie i næste uge.

Som en del af dette fremstød var tidligere senator Bob Graham i Washington D.C. i forgårs, hvor han deltog i en betydningsfuld pressekonference, som han holdt i National Press Club. Både Jeff Steinberg og jeg selv havde mulighed for at deltage i konferencen, og vi vil fremlægge nogle uddrag af denne pressekonference som en del af vores udsendelse i aften.

Men før vi kommer til det, vil jeg gerne begynde med den diskussion, vi havde med hr. LaRouche for blot et par timer siden; især om nødvendigheden af at lancere en omgående mobilisering omkring genindførelsen af Glass-Steagall. Så for at introducere dette spørgsmål, vil jeg læse det spørgsmål, vi har fået fra institutionelt hold til i dag, og som blev forelagt hr. LaRouche. Jeg vil bede Jeff Steinberg om at uddybe det, som hr. LaRouche sagde som respons til dette spørgsmål. Det lyder:

»Hr. LaRouche, De har advaret om, at, med mindre USA’s Kongres handler – og handler her i september – for at genindføre Glass-Steagall som det første skridt i en langt større omskabelse af den økonomiske og monetære politik, så har hele det transatlantiske system kurs mod en nedsmeltning. Vil De venligst uddybe vigtigheden af at vedtage Glass-Steagall under den næste Kongressamling, umiddelbart efter Labor Day (mandag, den 5. september)?«

Jeffrey Steinberg: Hr. LaRouche var meget ligefrem; han sagde: »Hvis man ikke gennemtvinger Glass-Steagall, som udgangspunkt for en sådan total omstrukturering af hele USA’s finansielle og monetære system«, og selvfølgelig også udstrækker det til Europa; »så vil et enormt antal mennesker dø. Det er den enkle kendsgerning.« De europæiske storbanker, der er fuldstændig viklet ind i de store Wall Street-banker, har en beholdning til nominelt billioner, hvis ikke hundreder af billioner af dollars, af derivater og insolvente lån og anden hasardspilsgæld, så vil man ikke have nogen som helst mulighed for på nogen som helst måde at omstøde den situation, vi har i USA’s økonomi lige nu; og det samme er tilfældet for Europa. Nemlig [den situation], at der er et sammenbrud i produktiviteten; tro ikke på tallene for jobskabelse, for virkeligheden er den, at 93,5 millioner jobkvalificerede amerikanere i den arbejdsføre alder står uden arbejde. For de har opgivet at finde et job; og de er derfor aldrig blevet talt med i arbejdsstyrken i det hele taget. Hertil kommer, at et voksende antal mennesker nu finder, at de er henvist til at arbejde deltids; undertiden et par timer om dagen i flere forskellige jobs, fordi der ikke er nogen fuldtidsjobs inden for produktion til rådighed i økonomien. Der er en masse parasit-jobs; der er en masse andre jobs, der, i en sund, voksende økonomi, ville være nødvendige og nyttige. Men, når man har et sammenbrud i produktion, som vi har i USA og Europa, og når man oven i dette lægger denne form for massive bankkrise – en finansboble, der overgår den i 2008; så har man en perfekt storm for noget, der vil resultere i massedødsfald.

Glass-Steagall er det første skridt; det er på ingen måde totaliteten af det, der må gøres. Hr. LaRouche har fremlagt de Fire Nødvendige Love, fire hovedinitiativer, der må tages for at genrejse produktiviteten; for at skabe ægte, produktive jobs. Men udgangspunktet må være at opbryde og udskille de legitime, kommercielle bankfunktioner fra de spekulative aktiviteter, der fuldstændigt har plyndret de kommercielle bankers indskyder-grundlag, siden Glass-Steagall blev ophævet (1999). Begge de politiske partier (Demokrater og Republikanere) har i deres valgplatforme støttet en genindførelse af Glass-Steagall; dette var ikke bare en rutineting. Der var en kamp under Republikanernes konvent mellem folkene i Platform-komiteen; der var et aggressivt fremstød for at gennemtvinge en vedtagelse af Glass-Steagall. Så begge partier har taget stilling. Der er lovforslag fremsat i begge Kongreshuse, og man skal og må vedtage det; ikke efter præsidentvalget, og ikke under ’lame duck’-sessionen, men i løbet af den kommende 2-3 uger lange periode, der starter på tirsdag, den 6. september, den aften, hvor Kongressen vender tilbage. Onsdag bliver den første, hele dag, hvor Kongressen har sammentræde. Dette må være én af denne Kongressamlings allerførste handlinger i løbet af denne overgangs-samling; og det vil ikke ske, med mindre der finder en total mobilisering af det amerikanske folk sted. Der er betydningsfulde institutioner, fra AFL-CIO (USA’s største fagforening) og til diverse borgerrettighedsgrupper, der er med os i dette spørgsmål om Glass-Steagall. Men det kræver en absolut fokuseret og hård og laserlignende intervention. Og der er nok ikke noget, der opsummerer dette mere klart end det, som hr. LaRouche gentagne gange har sagt i løbet af de seneste dage: Nemlig, at, hvis man ikke vedtager Glass-Steagall; hvis man ikke intervenerer for at sikre, at Kongressen gør det, så kan man dø som følge af det.


Vi kan ændre historiens gang:
Handling nu for at gennemtvinge Glass-Steagall.
LaRouchePAC Internationale Fredags-webcast, 2. sept. 2016

Matthew Ogden: Vi havde en diskussion med Lyndon og Helga LaRouche for et par timer siden. Det er helt klart, at vi står ved et punkt, hvor tre, meget afgørende initiativer, som LaRouche-bevægelsen har stået i centrum for i flere år, nu kulminerer. For det første står vi umiddelbart foran G20-topmødet; topmødet i Vladivostok er i gang; og to uger efter disse begivenheder træder FN’s Generalforsamling sammen. Det er helt åbenlyst, at man tager initiativerne til at skabe en ny, finansiel arkitektur for planeten omkring udviklingen af den Nye Silkevej. Jeg vil blot nævnte ganske kort, at, hvis man ikke har set den endnu, så har vi en fremragende, ny, 20 minutter lang video (på – se den danske hjemmeside, inkl. udskrift:»Den Nye Silkevej bliver til Verdenslandbroen«. Den går i dybden med meget af indholdet i EIR’s rapport af samme navn. Den må I bestemt se, hvis I ikke allerede har.

Engelsk udskrift.

You Can Change History: Act Now to Force a Vote on Glass-Steagall        


International LaRouche PAC webcast, Saturday, September 3, 2016   

        MATTHEW OGDEN: Good evening; it's September 2, 2016. My name
is Matthew Ogden, and you're joining us for our weekly webcast
here on Friday evening with I'm joined in the
studio tonight by Jeffrey Steinberg from {Executive Intelligence
Review}, and via video by two members of the LaRouche PAC Policy
Committee. We have Dave Christie joining us from Seattle,
Washington; welcome, Dave. And we have Diane Sare joining us from
the greater New York City area.
        I'll just say to start off, we did have a discussion with
Lyndon and Helga LaRouche just a few hours ago. It's very clear
that we are at the intersection point of the culmination of three
very crucial initiatives that the LaRouche Movement has been
right in the center of leading for several years. Number one,
we're on the eve of the G20 summit; we have the Vladivostok
summit which is occurring; and in two weeks following that, we
have the United Nations General Assembly. It's very apparent that
the initiatives are being taken to create a new financial
architecture for the planet, around the development of the New
Silk Road. I'll just say very quickly here, if you haven't seen
it yet, there's an excellent new 20-minute video feature on the website which is about "The New Silk Road Becomes
the World Land-Bridge". It elaborates a lot of the {Executive
Intelligence Review} publication by that same title. I would say
to definitely watch that if you haven't yet.
        On the domestic front, we have a very intense campaign which
is now being escalated to reinstate Glass-Steagall; and
marshalling the forces to force that to a vote before the
Presidential elections take place. Then we have the push to
reopen a full investigation into the attacks on 9/11; with the
declassification of the 28 pages that happened, you have to
further that with the pursuit of the tens of thousands of more
pages which continue to be withheld. On that front, we are one
week away from the 15th anniversary of those horrific attacks on
9/11; and we will be seeing a series of concerts which will take
place in New York City — Diane can tell us a lot more about that
— of Mozart's {Requiem} that will be performed in the cathedral
in Brooklyn, a major church in Manhattan and elsewhere to
commemorate the victims of those attacks and to bring justice.
This is happening in conjunction with a strategic seminar which
is being sponsored in New York City on the same subject. And at
the same time, there's a powerful push to force a vote in the
House of Representatives — hopefully next week, before the
anniversary happens — on the JASTA bill (Justice against State
Sponsors of Terrorism Act). Congress is returning next week.
        As part of that push, former Senator Bob Graham was in
Washington DC the day before yesterday, at a major press
conference which he held at the National Press Club. Both Jeff
and I had the opportunity to attend that conference, and we will
be featuring some excerpts from that press conference as part of
our broadcast tonight.
        But before I get to that, I do want to start with the
discussion that we had with Mr. LaRouche just a few hours ago;
particularly on the necessity of launching an immediate
mobilization around the reinstatement of Glass-Steagall. So, in
order to introduce that subject, I'm going to read the
institutional question which we received today, which was
presented to Mr. LaRouche. I'm going to ask Jeff to elaborate a
bit on what Mr. LaRouche's comments were in response to this
question. It reads: "Mr. LaRouche, you have warned that unless
the United States Congress acts — and now in September — to
reinstate Glass-Steagall as the first step in a much larger
overhaul in economic and monetary policy, then the entire
trans-Atlantic system is headed for blow-out. Would you please
elaborate on the importance of the passage of Glass-Steagall in
the next session of Congress immediately after Labor Day?"

        JEFFREY STEINBERG: Mr. LaRouche was very blunt; he said, "If
you don't implement Glass-Steagall as the starting point for such
a total overhaul of the entire US financial and monetary system,"
and extending that obviously into Europe as well; "then an
enormous number of people are going to die. It comes down to
that." The major European banks, which are completely co-mingled
with the big Wall Street banks, are carrying trillions — perhaps
hundreds of trillions — of dollars in derivatives and
non-performing debt of all other kinds as well. They're
hopelessly bankrupt, and unless you implement Glass-Steagall and
separate out and just simply write off all of that derivatives
and other gambling debt, you have no chance whatsoever for any
kind of turnaround in the situation that we have in the US
economy right now; and similarly in Europe. Namely, that there is
a collapse of productivity; don't believe the numbers about job
creation, because the reality is that 93.5 million eligible,
working age Americans have no work. Because they've given up
trying to find a job, or they've never found a job; and therefore
have never been counted in the working force to begin with. On
top of that, a growing percentage of people are finding
themselves relegated to working part-time; sometimes a few hours
a day on several different jobs, because there are no full-time
productive jobs available in the economy. You've got a lot of
parasitic jobs; you've got a lot of other jobs that in a healthy,
growing economy would be necessary and useful. But when you've
got a collapse of production as we have in the United States and
Europe, and you put on top of that a kind of massive banking
crisis — financial bubble bigger than 2008; then you've got a
perfect storm for something that will result in mass deaths.
        Now, Glass-Steagall is the first step; it's by no means the
totality of what must be done. Mr. LaRouche has laid out the four
cardinal laws, four major initiatives that must be taken to
restore productivity; to create genuinely productive jobs. But
the starting point has to be to break up and separate out the
legitimate commercial banking functions from the speculative
activities that have completely looted the depositor base of
commercial banks since the repeal of Glass-Steagall. Both
political parties, in their platforms, have endorsed reinstating
Glass-Steagall; and this was not just simply a perfunctory thing.
There was a fight at the Republican convention among the Platform
Committee people; there was an aggressive push to force
Glass-Steagall's adoption. The same thing happened on the
Democratic side. Hillary Clinton has not publicly called for
reinstating Glass-Steagall. So, you've got both parties poised.
You have bills in both houses of Congress and a vote can and must
be taken; not after the elections, not during the lame duck
session, but during this next 2-3 week period starting Tuesday,
the 6th of September, when Congress returns that evening.
Wednesday will be the first full day that Congress is in session.
This must be one of the very first acts of this Congress during
this interim session; and it's not going to happen unless there
is a full-blown mobilization of the American people. There are
major institutions from the AFL-CIO to various civil rights
groups that are with us on this question of Glass-Steagall. But
what's required, is an absolutely focussed and tough and
laser-like intervention. And I think nothing sums that up more
clearly than what Mr. LaRouche has said repeatedly over the last
few days: Namely, if you don't pass Glass-Steagall; if you don't
intervene to make sure that Congress does it, then you may die as
a result of that.

        OGDEN: Well, I want to use as an example of the kind of
strategic leverage that is going to be required to force through
this passage of Glass-Steagall, I want to use as an example what
the LaRouche Movement was able to do by marshalling forces across
the country to force the declassification of the 28 pages.
Because it's a very similar example of the kind of widespread
upsurge in activism across the country led with this kind of
laser focus, that's going to be required right now in the coming
weeks to force the Glass-Steagall vote. So, on that note, I'd
like to introduce a short 7-minute video clip which is excerpts
from the blockbuster press conference that former Senator Bob
Graham held at the National Press Club this past Wednesday. We
can invite you to watch the full press conference, which is
available on the LaRouche PAC YouTube channel. For right now, I'd
like to introduce that, and then use that to open up a broader
discussion here.

FORMER SEN. BOB GRAHAM: Thank you very much, Mr. Burr; and thank
you for the opportunity to come back to the National Press Club.
        As has been said, on July 15th, after some 14 years, the
chapter of 28 pages from the final Report of the Congressional
Joint Inquiry into 9/11 was released. This was removing the cork
from the bottle; but there is a significant amount of information
which, like the 28 pages, has been withheld. It was necessary to
get this first block of material to the public in order to build
the support that will be necessary for the balance of the
material to flowâ¦.
        Now that the bottle is open, what is likely to pour forth?
        I think there are three tasks in which the liquid will flow.
One is, the 28 pages were written in the Fall of 2002, but were
not — in a number of instances — completed. We were under a
mandate to submit our final report before the end of that session
of Congress; which meant by the end of December of 2002. There
were some issues that have not been taken fully to ground. As an
example, the role of Prince Bandar, the long Saudi ambassador to
the United States. In the 28 pages, it is disclosed that in the
book of Abu Zabadeh[ph], one of Osama bin Laden's closest
operatives, were the telephone numbers — which were otherwise
unavailable — to Bandar's mansion in Aspen, and to his bodyguard
here in Washington. There was also information about the fact
that both he and his wife had been involved in money transfers
which appeared to go to the mentors and protectors of the three
hijackers in San Diego. Was that where that money flow ended; or
did it end up supporting the hijackers? That's the kind of
questions which were raised in the 28 pages; but I hope that we
will now get information to close those loopsâ¦.

        ??: Senator Graham, thanks and congratulations for what
you're doing in insisting that the facts on 9/11 come out. As you
pointed out, and as the media pointed out, the 28 pages and
credible media reporting that there were meetings, there were
facts here; not just myths and wonderings, but facts. In San
Diego, the meetings by the Saudi Director of Religious Affairs
with at least three of the hijackers; and 15 of the 19 hijackers
were from Saudi Arabia. There was money paid from Prince Bandar's
account. Those are the facts; but it just seems that the American
policy is to hide and to obfuscate. Why? Is it a matter of
Democrats and Republicans alike just want to pander to Saudi
Arabia? What I don't understand is the reason why we don't just
take the facts and move from there; because these are the facts.

        GRAHAM: No, this is not a partisan issue. In fact, in the
House, the effort to pass this JASTA legislation that will modify
the sovereign immunity defense, and prior to that, a resolution
urging the President to release the 28 pages, was led by a
Republican, Walter Jones from North Carolina, and a Democrat,
Stephen Lynch from Massachusetts. This has had strong bipartisan
support. If anything, it's more of an Executive Branch versus the
people of America; it's been the Executive Branch through not
only Justice and State, but Treasury and the intelligence
agencies, that have largely been the barrier to allowing this
information to be known by the American people. And let the
American people then form a judgment. What do they think we ought
to be doing in this relationship with Saudi Arabia?

        STEINBERG: Jeff Steinberg; {Executive Intelligence Review}.
Senator, former Navy Secretary John Lehman, who was a
commissioner on the 9/11 Commission, told "60 Minutes" back in
April that there really never was a complete investigation by the
9/11 Commission; and you've already said that the Joint Inquiry
was limited by time and resources. Now, 15 years later, we have
the 28 pages. As you just indicated, there's lots of facts in
there. There was a 47-page report written at the beginning of the
9/11 Commission by the two people on your staff who were
following up on the Saudi leads. They listed 22 Saudi officials
who had direct contacts with just the San Diego hijackers. What
do you envision as the next step? Can there be a new
investigation without the time restrictions and other problems?
Do you support that? How would you envision moving forward from
here in addition to the lawsuit which we do hope will be
reinstated against the Saudis for discovery?

        GRAHAM: In addition to the request to the National Archives,
who are the custodians of the 9/11 papers, to release those
sections of its report which have been withheld which relate to
following up to the leads which are in the 28 pages. So, we could
ask, in those pages, is there a chapter about Prince Bandar that
pursues the leads that were outlined in the 28 pages? Second,
will have to be more Freedom of Information Act with the FBI and
the CIA. Another thing would be the President; I can understand
why George Bush acted the way he did. I cannot understand why
Barack Obama is acting the way he has. This information is going
to be known; whether it's in 2016, or 2026, or '36, or '46, it
will — like the Pentagon Papers and all these other old scandals
— eventually it's going to come out. I think the legacy of
Barack Obama is going to be stained when the people recognize how
much information was under his control, that he made the
executive decision to continue to restrict from the American
people. So, those are, I think, the principal levers; they all
eventually come to the American people. The American people care
about knowing what their government did in this particularly
egregious action; and if so, will they put enough political
pressure? The most immediate thing is to contact your member of
Congress and urge he or she to vote for JASTA. That bill has had
a roller coaster existence over the last four or five years; it
seems to be closer to reaching its destination today than at any
time during that long period. The key is going to be, will the
House take it up? That's where the pressure needs to be until
that important task is accomplishedâ¦.
        What I think are the most likely three directions after the
28 pages are: One, following up on the leads that were in the 28
pages; such as the role of the then-Saudi Ambassador to the
United States, Prince Bandar. Second, there's been information
developed since the 28 pages were written in the Fall of 2002;
such as the existence of this relationship between a prominent
Saudi family, Mohammed Atta and two of his compatriots in
Sarasota, Florida. Then third, the litigation that is being
frustrated by the sovereign immunity defense; which the Kingdom
of Saudi Arabia has been raising. Those are, I think, the three
major channels in which we will get additional information on the
relationship between Saudi Arabia and the 19 hijackers. The
report, I think, made a case that an investigator reading what
Prince Bandar had done, would say, "I want to pursue this
further." The question is, were those leads pursued? And if so,
to what end? I hope what we'll find is that yes, they were
pursued; and here are investigative reports that carry this case
to its conclusion.

        OGDEN: So, as you could see, yours truly Jeff Steinberg was
on hand to ask Senator Graham a question; and Senator Graham's
emphasis, which he repeatedly came back to, was to open up the
file on Prince Bandar, the Saudi ambassador. So Jeff, maybe you
want to elaborate a little bit more on where this investigation
needs to go.

        STEINBERG: Well, I think Senator Graham was very clear that
there are 80,000 pages of documents that the FBI has acknowledged
belatedly and begrudgingly exist in Sarasota, Florida. I'm sure
that that was a small fraction of the documents down there, as
Senator Graham said, 13 of the 19 hijackers, at one point or
another, were based in Florida before the attack. Paterson, New
Jersey was another center where the hijackers were living and
training for a period of time. Falls Church, Virginia was both a
place where a number of them were present for a while, but it was
a convergence point; a kind of a staging area. There was a
confirmed report that a high-ranking Saudi minister was at the
same hotel in Falls Church, Virginia as a group of the hijackers
the night before the hijacking. So, there are many leads.
Undoubtedly, between the FBI, the CIA, the National Security
Agency, there's an alphabet soup of 16 intelligence agencies that
undoubtedly have millions and millions of pages of undisclosed
        I think one of the most crucial things — and again, Senator
Graham was very clear on this — the most aggressive and
effective form of forcing out new information on what really
happened is by having the Saudi monarchy reinstated in the
lawsuit. Meaning that the JASTA bill has to pass the House; it
has to pass by a veto-proof majority. Once again, we're back to
the same question: Are you, the American people, going to stand
up and fight for something that's urgently needed? Or, are you
going to treat democracy as a spectator sport? If you choose the
latter, then the consequences are going to be more of the same
and worse. I think that the fact that Senator Graham focussed on
further disclosure — as he said, the bottle is uncorked; but the
contents have been barely trickled out. There's an enormous
amount more that has to be done; and of course, next weekend is
the 15th anniversary of the initial 9/11 attacks. Let's not
forget, it's the fourth anniversary of the second 9/11 attack in
Benghazi in 2012. That's not only a very relevant issue in terms
of the consequences of the original cover-up of the Saudi
involvement, but it's a very immediate and intensive issue
related to the Presidential elections in the US. We've got to be
fairly blunt about that. The cover-up of Benghazi is part of the
continuation of the cover-up of the Saudi role in the original
9/11 attack.

OGDEN: Well, Diane, you're right in the middle obviously of
putting together the commemorative anniversary celebrations and
the seminar, and just leading the activism there in New York
City. So, maybe you can just pick up from here.

        DIANE SARE: Well, I'd like to actually take a step back;
because one of the things that Senator Graham brought up about
why this was so important. He said there were three reasons: One
is the question of justice for the family members of the people
who were killed; Two, a somewhat obvious question, which is the
question of security. If we don't root out these networks,
they're there to be used repeatedly. And three, which I think is
really important and cannot be overstated, which is the question
of whether people trust their government. Because once the
population of the United States no longer trusts the government,
which is almost where we are right now, then you lose the
republic. Our republic, going back to the conception of Nicholas
of Cusa and {Concordantia Catholica}, depends on this question of
the consent of the governed. If you don't trust your government,
you will not consent to have it representing you. What Mr.
LaRouche said in the last days, is what we've seen between the
breakthrough that was driven by our work, and then Congressmen
Jones and Lynch virtually threatening — not exactly in those
words — but saying we know that we are immune if we read this
into the record; and what's moving on Glass-Steagall in terms of
the party platforms, is that these Congressmen are beginning to
be forced to represent their populations.
        I would put this in an international context, because what
you have coming up with the Vladivostok meetings going on right
now, and the G20; the trans-Atlantic system is completely
bankrupt. There is nothing Obama and the current configuration,
the European Central Bank, what are they offering to the world?
Negative interest rates? Keep your money with us, and we'll make
you pay! In other words, there is nothing that they can do; but
what you have with Russia and China. China's work — which people
who are following our website will have seen the show on
Wednesday; the New Paradigm show on the question of the far side
of the Moon, or the talk Thursday night. There is an entire
universe — we'll start with the Solar System — which is opening
up, which this collaboration in Asia has to offer. What the
Chinese have done is, they're hosting the G20 meeting, and
they're making President Putin the guest of honor. Then they're
having President al-Sisi as another honored figure at this
meeting. What is Obama's response? He thinks he's going to go
there and somehow push the Trans-Pacific Partnership; which is
bound to be a complete flop, a non-starter. The Russians made
very clear in an interview in Xinhua going into this meeting,
that Moscow and Beijing need Washington as a partner. I found
that somewhat — it made me happy as an American, because I think
the US should be a partner in this. Also, paradoxical. Then the
person who was interviewed, said Washington can be a complex and
unpredictable partner.
        So, I would say that our job as Americans — in a sense —
we've been given a mission that other very important leaders are
saying that the United States is wanted as a valued partner in
this New Paradigm. It is for us to deliver that by straightening
out this criminal regime that we have. Part of what we saw with
9/11 is that the cover-up has gone on through two
administrations; that Obama has been not only complicit in this,
but with his policies in the region, has contributed to the
growth of ISIS, the growth of al-Qaeda, their ability to recruit.
We've lost over these last years, almost 4500 soldiers in Iraq,
which is now known to be a complete lie and a fraud; that's what
came out of the Chilcot Inquiry. The question of 9/11, therefore,
becomes will we get justice? And justice doesn't mean revenge or
retribution; it means will we restore our nation to something
which someone would want to give their consent to be governed by
this government?
        I think when you look at the question of Mozart, which is
the {Requiem} which will be performed, which our chorus is
participating in and working on; Mozart's commitment was that. He
was a supporter of the American Revolution; he was a supporter of
the ideas of creating a republic, and he was murdered. His work
was eliminated; his contribution, what he could have done had he
lived longer. The piece has lived on because it has a quality
which is immortal; which actually embodies the question of human
creativity. What we're seeing here in response is that the people
who are engaged in this are developing a certain kind of passion
which probably was always in them. But because they have a chance
to participate in something which is going to be so profound and
so beautiful, and it has a mission in the real world, they are
becoming passionate again; which is I think is something that's
been very lacking. Everyone can think of conversations that
you've had with your friends and neighbors about the upcoming
election or almost anything; and the population has become
passionless, which is why people don't act when they should or
when they can.
        So, I have a sense that we really are on the brink of a
major breakthrough that the United States will be a part of; even
if many people in the United States don't fully appreciate why it
is here and how they came to be involved in it.

        OGDEN: Absolutely! I would just echo exactly what you just
said, Diane. In his speech at the Press Club, Senator Graham
quoted the often-quoted anecdote from Ben Franklin at the
Philadelphia Constitutional Convention; when the woman asked,
"What have you given us?" And he said, "A republic, if you can
keep it." The passion that Senator Graham has exhibited around
this, sustaining his role and his fight for 15 years for the
declassification of these documents; where does this passion come
from? Even though the FBI tried to intimidate him personally, and
told him to back down; basically "Get a life!" they said. Senator
Graham has refused to back down, because he sees this — as well
it should be seen — as an existential question for the survival
of the American republic. Not only from justice and the
standpoint of national security, but the very survival of our
nation as a republican form of government. I would assert that
we're looking at exactly the same kind of existential question
when it comes to the restoration of Glass-Steagall. The magnitude
of the implosion of the trans-Atlantic system that we are about
to see — if this thing came down without the necessary
leadership in place around the restoration of Glass-Steagall and
otherwise, to protect the American people from the fall-out from
that kind of financial crisis — this republic would not survive.
        The opportunity is there at our fingertips to join the new
financial architecture and to create the kinds of productive
surges in growth that this nation has never before seen; that
would surpass even what we achieved during FDR's New Deal, if we
were to join the New Silk Road which is being led right now by
China and others. So, it's that same kind of passion which needs
to be applied to that question as well.

DAVE CHRISTIE: Just to add, because I think the other side of
this is what Mr. LaRouche has identified that we're at a point
now where the old concept of sovereignty from the standpoint of
geopolitics; that the moves that are being made in the world by
the leadership of Russia, China, and India, are obviously the
echo of what Mr. LaRouche and his wife Helga have put on the
table for over a 40-year period. The discussion of the new
financial architecture really began when Mr. LaRouche proposed
the International Development Bank; his proposals for a New
Bretton Woods conference, starting in the '90s. That was picked
up by Nestor Kirchner of Argentina. Putin was actually discussing
this concept as well, of the new financial architecture, in the
early 2000s. So clearly, the role of the LaRouches is at the
forefront of this New Paradigm and the potential for that to come
into existence. What Mr. LaRouche has stressed is that we're
going to move beyond the old nation-state system. That doesn't
mean we're going to cease to have nations; but rather, the first
and foremost thought will be of mankind viewing itself from the
common aims of mankind. That humanity will be thought of first. I
think that's what we're seeing with the implications of the New
Silk Road policy and the new financial architecture; it is just
simply to facilitate the expansion of this concept.
        In that light, I think it's important that {The Hindu} just
had an interview with Helga Zepp-LaRouche; and in the coverage of
that article, they cite the question of the Bering Strait, which
is the tunnel underneath the Bering Strait to link Eurasia with
North America. I think that's relevant to the ongoing discussion
in Vladivostok; because clearly the ability for Japan, for Korea,
for China and Russia to come together in this part of the world,
represents an amazing potential. Just think of the scientific and
technological potentials of those nations: China's space program;
Russia's space capabilities; the high-tech capabilities of Japan
and Korea. It really represents a very profound potential; and
when you begin discussing the development of the Siberia region,
the Far East region, you're building up that economic potential
right up to the doorstep of the Bering Strait. So, I think that's
obviously reflected in this {Hindu} article which interviews
Helga Zepp-LaRouche and her call to make the New Silk Road become
the World Land-Bridge; which is actually the title of that
        So, I think the importance of what Diane referenced — this
idea of the consent of the governed — in a sense, these
discussions that are going on this weekend with the Vladivostok
conference, the G20 conference, that is what is actually being
discussed. As the Europeans are complaining about Obama, they're
trying to ram the TTIP and the TPP down the throats of the
Europeans; where prominent leadership of Germany and France are
saying, "Wait a second. Aren't we going to be involved in any
kind of discussion about this? Is this a democratic process?" But
of course, for Obama and the imperial interests that control him,
there's no discussion; no democratic process. I think that's
actually what is on the table. Just to come back to it, there's
no other place than space, which is perhaps the greatest
reflection of the end of the idea of the old system of
nation-state. There are no nation-states in space.
        We were discussing earlier the fact that this SpaceX rocket
just blew up; the great privatized space program that we're now
going to have after Obama dismantled NASA. It turns out that its
payload was a satellite launched by Facebook to run broad band in
Africa. This is the level of technology that we have in the
United States, or that we're concerned about. Whereas, if you
look at what China's doing with the far side of the Moon, look at
this collaborative effort; that can be the way to bring Asians on
this planet together to actually realize the common aims of

        OGDEN: If you go back to the inaugural speech that John F
Kennedy made in 1961, when he was elected President; that was
obviously the focus of a previous generation of this country. He
said, we must move beyond the age of war; because all-out war is
not conceivable anymore in the age of nuclear weapons. This would
lead to the extermination of not just one country or another, but
the entirety of the human race. Instead, what we must do, is move
beyond the age of war to an age where nations are collaborating
to achieve the common aims of mankind. He said, our mission must
be to explore the stars, to conquer the deserts, to cure poverty
and disease, and to bring an end to the age of war itself.
        When you look back one year at the speeches that Vladimir
Putin and Xi Jinping made at the United Nations General Assembly
meeting in New York, that was exactly what the subject matter
was. It was the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II, and
the framework that was put together by Franklin Roosevelt after
that war before he died, was intended to be a framework of
international relations based on bringing the New Deal, bringing
the awesome achievements that the United States had accomplished
under the American System to the rest of the world. And, bringing
an end to imperialism and colonialism once and for all. So, they
harkened back to that framework in which the United Nations was
originally conceived, and said this must be the foundation of the
paradigm going forward. Immediately after those speeches at the
United Nations General Assembly, Helga LaRouche issued a call for
a new security architecture for the planet. If you look at how
much has changed just over the past one year, in terms of what
now exists in actuality in those terms; that new security
architecture, the new economic architecture, this new
international order has now begun to coalesce.
        As Diane was saying, it's incumbent on the American people
to impress upon yourself how rapidly the situation in this
country could change, if the necessary steps are taken in order
to bring the United States into that new framework. If you bring
yourself outwards by a couple of months or one year from the
present date, and look at how much has changed since that
previous United Nations General Assembly meeting; you can see how
rapidly things could change for the better. I know that's been
Helga's assertion over and over again. The future is so close;
it's at your fingertips. It would be so easy to achieve. But
there are bold actions that must be taken in the United States;
and absolutely that starts in the month of September with the
convening of an immediate vote on Glass-Steagall, and ramming
that through the United States Congress.

        STEINBERG: I think that Mr. LaRouche has emphasized
repeatedly that winning this fight in the United States,
basically restoring the United States to its historical tradition
— which was an anti-colonial, anti-imperial, specifically
anti-British Empire nation that came into existence through a
struggle against all those principles of empire that have been
gradually more and more adopted by the last two administrations;
by the Bush 43 administration and equally so if not even more so
by Obama. The fact of the matter is, that we can at this point —
as the 28 pages fight indicated, as the momentum for
Glass-Steagall indicates — we can win this fight in the United
States; but it's got to be done now, and it's got to be done in a
timely fashion where people realize that there are critical
flanking battles that must be fought. Many other things are
merely irrelevant or distractions; and should just be ignored. We
win the fight on Glass-Steagall; we win the fight on the full
exposure of the Saudi 9/11, because that is really a
British-Saudi story that goes deep into our own national security
structures. So, these are the things that are going to be
measured in the next immediate days and weeks ahead. It has
virtually nothing to do with the election show that's going to be
more and more of a dominant factor.
        We've got to win this fight for Glass-Steagall; we've got to
win the JASTA fight. Those things can be won in the Congress in
the immediate several weeks ahead of us. That's going to take an
enormous mobilization, a focussed mobilization of the American
people. It means a lot of institutions that can be dragged in
many different directions, have to have the same kind of laser
focus that Mr. LaRouche is calling for and demanding of our own
forces. AFL-CIO actively involved in Glass-Steagall. Now is the
moment to pull out all of the stops and force the issue; because
Glass-Steagall is merely the starting point. It begs the issue of
a national system of credit; of national banking; of establishing
priority projects. Including, first and foremost, reviving NASA;
reviving our government-backed space program. Because these are
the things that are the only way that you're going to revive real
productivity in the US economy, given how far down it's sunk

OGDEN: I would just say one thing. Those two subjects — the
forcing of the reopening of the 9/11 investigation and the
immediate mobilization around Glass-Steagall — these are
featured in this week's edition of {The Hamiltonian}; which is
hitting the streets today. That is a direct focus in terms of
activism that everybody needs to be involved in, is the
saturation of New York City, specifically with this weekly
publication that is now coming out — {The Hamiltonian}. So,
maybe before we conclude this broadcast, Diane, you can give us a
quick update on how that's changing the situation on the ground
in New York; and what people have to do between now and next
weekend in order to maximize the effect of the events that are
coming up in a week.

        SARE: I would say that people should certainly contact the
Manhattan Project office about coming to our meeting tomorrow in
Manhattan; where people can pick up copies of {The Hamiltonian}
and can join us on the distributions. We've been getting them out
all over the city and in the neighboring boroughs, and getting a
very favorable response. It's amazing; this one we're printing
now is only the fourth issue, but we already clearly have a
following of people saying, "Do you have the next one?" I think
it's also shaping the perception of what people are willing to
say. It may have been a coincidence, I don't know, that we ran
our first issue on Hillary Clinton as a stooge for Obama's wars
and Wall Street; and that week, Maureen Dowd came out with her
column on Hillary Clinton as the pro-war perfect replacement for
Dick Cheney was the idea. As we've seen in the past, there are
certain things that we take the point on, and we change what
people are allowed to discuss. Like when Mr. LaRouche, years ago
during Cheney and Bush, talked about Leo Strauss; and we produced
a series of reports — ultimately a book — on this policy of
lying and ramming it down people's throats as a way of
terrorizing the population to go along with fascism. The next
things you knew, the {New York Times} was running this big
article about Leo Strauss, who I'm sure most people had never
heard of until we did this.
        If you go back to what happened with the 28 pages, Obama had
absolutely no intention to ever release those pages. We created a
situation where he could not not release them; he had to do it.
Therefore, people should take heart in a certain way, that what
you used to consider as the powers that be, or the things that
are unmovable, or what can't be changed; that is no longer the
case. Now is really the moment to pick up — Jeff said it clearly
— the American Constitution, Alexander Hamilton; what our nation
is actually supposed to represent in the world. Now is the moment
for Americans to find their guts and stand up on their hind legs
and demand that nothing lower than that standard is going to be
tolerated by us at this point.

        OGDEN: Absolutely. So, I would encourage everybody to please
contact the New York office if you're in the area, or if you can
travel there. There's going to be a series of events that you can
participate in over the next week; and it's very significant. If
you have not yet, please subscribe to our YouTube channel, but
also, watch the two latest features that have been posted on the
LaRouche PAC YouTube channel and the LaRouche PAC website. As I
mentioned, the full press conference that Bob Graham delivered at
the National Press Club is available; the short address of that
is We'll put that in the description
of this video here today. Also, the 20-minute video called "The
New Silk Road Becomes the World Land-Bridge: a Tour"; which is
very well-composed overview of exactly what the New Paradigm and
the new economic architecture looks like. Again, we'll put the
URL of that video in the description as well.
        So, thank you very much for joining us here today. I think
this was a very important discussion. Please stay tuned to Thank you very much; good night.

Valg i USA: Det er det, du gør i dag
– og ikke den 8. november – der tæller!

Torsdag, 1. september 2016 (Leder) – En ny, fredelig verdensorden, helliget videnskabeligt fremskridt, reel økonomisk fremgang og en gennemført indsats for udforskning af rummet, bliver nu sammenvævet i en række af i alt fire, internationale topmøder i løbet af månederne september og oktober. Alle fire topmøder komplementerer hinanden, men den vigtigste af dem er topmødet mellem Gruppen af 20, der finder sted den 4.-5. september i Kina. Hvis amerikanere nu, i september, viser tilstrækkelig intelligens og det fornødne mod til at ryste Obamas og hans liges døende system af sig, kan USA begynde at genoplive vores nations moralitet, og med denne, vores videnskab og industri. For dem, der er gamle nok til at huske det, vil virkningen være lig den, der kun blev os lovet gennem den myrdede John F. Kennedys kortvarige regering, der bragte os ud i rummet og til Månen, hvor der siden 1969 har været et mindeplade med ordene, »Vi kom i fred for hele menneskeheden«.

Vi må tilbage til Månen! Vi vil komme tilbage! Månen er den uerstattelige port til Solsystemet, og hinsides dette.

Den stimulus, som John Kennedy gav den amerikanske økonomi i løbet af de få, korte måneder, han fik lov at tjene, var ikke fuldstændigt opbrugt før starten af 1970’erne. Nu er det Barack Obama, der endelig har aflivet alt, hvad der var tilbage af den amerikanske økonomi, ved at nedlukke vores rumprogram. Og den fakkel, som John Kennedy kastede, da han blev dræbt, er blevet samlet op af – Vladimir Putin! Tilsammen med Kinas præsident, Xi Jinping, der står for at skulle åbne topmødet for Gruppen af 20.

Det, som Rusland og Kina tilbyder os, er på den ene side et medlemskab af det udstrakte, voksende eurasiske system med indbyrdes forbunden infrastruktur og en voksende, videnskabsbaseret økonomi. Dette koncept har Lyndon og Helga Zepp-LaRouche været forkæmpere for fra begyndelsen af 1980’erne. Det er nu blevet en realitet som Kinas politik for Den nye Silkevej, der blev vedtaget i 2013, ved navn »Ét bælte, én vej«.

Den anden, komplementære del af deres tilbud er det, der kaldes en »Ny finansiel arkitektur«. Det nuværende finanssystem, der er dømt til undergang, befinder sig på randen af endnu en nedsmeltning, som vil kvæle midlerne til livets opretholdelse i hele det transatlantiske område. Økonomisk udvikling baseret på videnskab, udforskning af rummet og »infrastruktur-udviklingskorridorer«, kræver, at vi vender tilbage til det finanssystem, som blev opfundet af Alexander Hamilton, og som Abraham Lincoln og Franklin Roosevelt senere også vendte tilbage til.

Vi må omgående gribe til handling nu for at sikre, at de spekulative derivaters finansielle fordringer, som på verdensplan er evalueret til 2 billard dollars, ikke pludseligt kollapser og knuser os omgående, sådan, som det truede med at ske allerede i 2007-08. Dette kræver den omgående tilbagevenden til Franklin Roosevelts Glass/Steagall-lov, for at adskille normal, kommerciel bankvirksomhed fra hasardspilsspekulation, mens der endnu er tid. Der er fremsat lovforslag om at genoplive Glass-Steagall, med mange sponsorer fra begge partier, i begge Kongreshuse. Hvad er det, vore kongresmedlemmer og senatorer foretager sig? Har de nogen som helst idé om, hvor mange, der vil dø i vores befolkning, hvis disse vitale beskyttelsesforanstaltninger yderligere udsættes?

Hvis man venter med at handle til den 8. november, vil det sandsynligvis være for sent. Informer dig og handl i dag, og opsøg og tag kontakt med alle andre, der vil handle sammen med os. Verdens største nationers regeringer appellerer til os om at gøre dette, og de har ret.    

Foto: Præsident John F. Kennedy taler foran Kongressen den 25. maj 1961, hvor han erklærer, »… Jeg mener, at denne nation bør forpligte sig til, før udgangen af dette årti, at fuldføre det mål, at landsætte en mand på Månen og bringe ham sikkert tilbage til Jorden«.

Topmøder i Rusland og Kina baner
vejen for Verdenslandbroen

Download (PDF, Unknown)

Lars Løkke Rasmussens fremlæggelse af regeringens 2025-plan er endnu en understregning af det ufatteligt lave niveau, dansk politik er faldet ned på. Det er en redningsplan for en skrøbelig Venstreregering, gennem at forsøge at give partierne, der udgør regeringens parlamentariske grundlag, nogle gode kødben at tygge på, uden at reflektere de virkelige trusler og muligheder, som Danmark og resten af verden står overfor.

Luk Wall Street ned, før den slår dig ihjel!

31. august 2016 (Leder) – Med betydningsfulde, internationale topmøder, der starter den 2. september, og med den amerikanske Kongres, der vender tilbage til Washington den 6. september, vil de næste to uger blive langt mere afgørende for USA’s fremtidige skæbne, og for menneskehedens fremtidige skæbne, end det amerikanske præsidentvalg den 8. november.

Lyndon LaRouche har advaret om, at, med mindre Kongressen handler – og handler nu, i september – for at genindføre Glass-Steagall, som det første skridt i en langt mere omfattende omstrukturering af den økonomiske og monetære politik, så har hele det transatlantiske system direkte kurs mod en nedsmeltning.

I diskussioner med kolleger i dag sagde LaRouche følgende:

»Hvis de undgår spørgsmålet om Glass-Steagall i særdeleshed, samt relaterede spørgsmål, så vil de personer, der beter sig således, bringe deres egen død over deres hoveder. Man kan ikke tillade sig at ignorere det, der står på spil her. Man vil få en masse pludselige dødsfald, fordi de ikke var opmærksomme og gjorde, hvad de skulle.«

Denne kommende weekend vil blive vidne til en fremmarch af tre på hinanden følgende, internationale topmøder for statsoverhoveder, i Asien – Ruslands Østlige Økonomiske Forum i Vladivostok, Kinas værtskab for G20-topmødet og Laos’ værtskab for ASEAN plus 6 – og disse topmøder vil kontinuerligt etablere den kendsgerning, at Kina, Rusland og Indien – og ikke Obama og NATO – er i færd med at skabe et nyt, globalt system. Og mens Kina tager føringen ved denne uges G20-topmøde for at skabe et nyt og retfærdigt, globalt finansielt system, så har håndlanger for briterne, den amerikanske præsident Barack Obama, i sin sindsforvirrede tilstand, og som en del af sin agenda for krig mod Rusland og Kina, planer om at promovere sin ekskluderende handelsaftale, Trans-Pacific Partnerskab (TPP), der på forhånd er dømt til undergang.

USA holder søndag den 11. september en mindedag i anledning af 15-års dagen for terrorangrebene den 11. september, 2001, og denne årsdag er den første, hvor de virkelige, udenlandske sponsorer af terrorangrebene – det britiske og saudiske monarki – står afsløret, med de nu frigivne 28 sider af den Fælles Kongresundersøgelsesrapport fra 2002. Dette 28 sider lange kapitel afslører også nogle af de institutioner, der kørte mørklægningen, inklusive, men ikke begrænset til, FBI og CIA. I lyset af disse afsløringer vil New York City fejre denne weekend med en imponerende række koropførelser af Mozarts Rekviem, der opføres af Schiller Instituttets kor, inklusive en særlig messe den 11. september, til ære for New York City’s Brandvæsen (FDNY), hvilket alt sammen indgår som en del af kravet om total juridisk retfærdighed for det afskyelige mord på mere end 3000 amerikanere og andre, for femten år siden.

Og der er klare og accelererende tegn på en umiddelbart forestående nedsmeltning af det transatlantiske system. Den aftale, der blev indgået i sidste øjeblik for at redde Italiens Monte dei Paschi-bank, er nu ved at smuldre, og JPMorgan Chase taler nu for at gennemføre en bail-in (ekspropriering) af den private sektor for at undgå, at hele den italienske banksektor bliver udslettet. CNBC rapporterede i sidste uge, at »bankerne forbereder sig til en økonomisk atomvinter« og er i færd med at udarbejde nødplaner, ifald det værste skulle indtræffe, planer, der forudser eurozonens totale opbrud og enden på den Europæiske Union gennem en hel række afstemninger over hele Europa til fordel for en exit.

Aldrig har den sandhed stået klarere, at, hvis befolkningen skulle ønske at vende de seneste femten års, for ikke at sige de seneste halvtreds års tendenser omkring, så ville Obama bliver fordømt som en tragisk skikkelse, og patriotiske kræfter ville gennemtvinge Glass-Steagall nu!

Lyndon LaRouche talte i diskussionen om denne befolkningens underliggende frygt:

»Og I ved, at FBI er en del af dette her. Andre institutioner er, som FBI, er ansvarlige for undertrykkelse af sandheden. Jeg tror, tiden nu er inde til at undertrykke FBI! I det mindste, indtil de lever op til deres ansvar … Og alle de personer, der støttede ideen om at sætte mig i fængsel, var bedragere. I særdeleshed nogle af de højtplacerede folk i det juridiske system. De gjorde det. De begik en forbrydelse … Problemet er, at folk ikke handler på det, som de erkender, er problemet! Så vi må mobilisere folk som sådan, til at mobilisere sig selv. Med andre ord, til ikke alene at mobilisere sig selv som sådan, men til rent faktisk at mobilisere deres egen indsats over for andre … Problemet er, at folk bliver bange. De er bange for FBI og alle mulige ting, der foregår. De er intimideret.«

Tiden er inde til at handle

Som for eksempel med de igangværende topmøder, inklusive det forestående sammentræde af FN’s Generalforsamling i anden halvdel af september, er stærke strategiske skift i gang. Putin har forpurret den amerikansk/britiske politik i Sydvestasien og har vundet Tyrkiet og nu endda førende røster i Tyskland til fordel for en politik, baseret på international lov, elimineringen af terrornetværk samt økonomisk udvikling på storstilet skala.

Det bliver nu med stadigt voksende klarhed åbenlyst, at Kinas, Ruslands og Indiens politik med nye infrastrukturkorridorer over hele Eurasien og Afrika er blevet en politik, der er langt mere magtfuld end Obamas forsøg på at fremprovokere krig med Rusland og Kina.

Som Lyndon LaRouche sagde under diskussioner med kolleger tidligere i dag:

»Jeg tror, vi nu har det rette publicerede materiale. Det vigtigste er simpelt hen at holde fast i materialet om udvikling, og at forøge det. Vi får sandsynligvis den bedst mulige hjælp på baggrund af de nye angreb på ’gangsterne’, som vi kalder dem. Og mange kongresmedlemmer tvinges nu til at forsvare vore borgeres rettigheder.

Det betyder, at vi simpelt hen vil mobilisere befolkningen. Vi vil mobilisere befolkningen til at gennemtvinge disse rettigheder – deres rettigheder, på baggrund af dette, blot denne simple overvejelse. Det vil ikke fungere på nogen anden måde.«

Glass-Steagall er det første, uomgængelige skridt i både USA og Europa, for at afvende et finansielt lavineskred. Der er fremsat Glass/Steagall-lovforslag fra begge partier i begge Kongressens huse, ligesom Glass-Steagall indgår i valgplatformene for både det Demokratiske og Republikanske Parti, og en vedtagelse af Glass-Steagall i de kommende uger vil sluttelig vende hele valgprocessen omkring, til fordel for det amerikanske folk som helhed.

Den nye, globale, finansielle arkitektur og en verdenslandbro med transkontinentale storprojekter, der nu er under opførelse, er blevet promoveret af Lyndon og Helga LaRouche i over fire årtier. Tiden er nu inde til at gennemtvinge en vedtagelse af Glass/Steagall-bankopdelingen, en eliminering af de finansielle derivaters finansielle atombombe og implementeringen af Lyndon LaRouches tre andre hovedlove: skabelse af statslige kreditbanker; en definering af et kreditsystem, der sigter på en forøgelse af arbejdskraftens produktive evne gennem storstilet udvikling og infrastruktur; samt at fremskyde de videnskabelige grænser gennem udforskning af det ydre rum og udvikling af fusionskraft.


Menneskeheden har et ubegrænset potentiale for økonomisk vækst og udvikling af kreative evner. Vi må nu hævde vores naturlige, menneskelige ret til fortsat fremskridt, der er ubegrænset, eller også stå ansigt til ansigt med vores egen frygt.   

Lyndon LaRouche: Glass-Steagall må nu
vedtages som hastesag – før det
transatlantiske system nedsmelter

30. august 2016 (Leder) – Tirsdag advarede Lyndon LaRouche om, at, med mindre den amerikanske Kongres – nu, i september – handler for at genindsætte Glass/Steagall-loven, som blot det første skridt i en langt større fornyelse af den økonomiske og monetære politik, har hele det transatlantiske system kurs mod en nedsmeltning. Samtidig med, at Kina forbereder sig til at tage føringen ved næste uges G20-topmøde for statsoverhoveder for at bringe et nyt, retfærdigt, globalt finanssystem til verden, farer briternes håndlanger, Barack Obama, rundt i en sindsforstyrret tilstand og forsøger at fremme handelsaftalen Trans Pacific Partnerskab (TPP) og andre lige så vanvittige, døde politikker, der er dømt til undergang. Hvide Hus-regeringsfolk Ben Rhodes og Josh Earnest gjorde det i denne uge over for reportere klart, at Obama vil sætte TPP på toppen af sin dagsorden, når han mødes med verdens ledere i Kina til G20-topmødet. De øvrige hovedpunkter på hans dagsorden er: at gøre fremstød for krig i det Sydkinesiske Hav, baseret på den Internationale Voldgiftsrets ulovlige afgørelse, samt at banke aftalen fra klimaforandringskonferencen i Paris igennem.

Alle de tydelige tegn på en umiddelbart forestående, transatlantisk nedsmeltning inden årets udgang er til stede. Den i sidste øjeblik indgåede aftale for at redde Italiens Monte dei Paschi bank er i færd med at smuldre, og JPMorgan Chase gør nu fremstød for en bail-in (ekspropriering af bankindskud) af den private sektor for at undgå, at den italienske banksektor bliver udslettet. Den italienske premierminister Renzi skal på onsdag mødes med den tyske kansler Merkel i endnu et forsøg på at indgå en rådden aftale for at opretholde de bankerotte banker. Tirsdag advarede Bloomberg News om, at derivatmarkedet har kurs mod en nedsmeltning. Under overskriften, »Gjorde Brexit derivatmarkedet giftigt?«, bemærker Bloomberg, at ingen, der spekulerer på valutakurs-fluktuationer mellem det britiske pund og euroen, havde forudset resultatet af Brexit-afstemningen. CNBC rapporterede tirsdag, at »banker forbereder sig til en økonomisk atomvinter« og udarbejder nødplaner, hvis ’det værste’ skulle indtræffe, som forudser det totale sammenbrud af eurozonen og enden på den Europæiske Union gennem en hel række andre exit-afstemninger over hele Europa.

Glass-Steagall er det første, uomgængelige skridt i både USA og Europa for at afvende et finansielt lavineskred. Med upartiske lovforslag fremsat i begge kongressens huse, og med både det Demokratiske og Republikanske Partis valgplatform, der kræver en genindførelse af Glass-Steagall, har vi nu det rette øjeblik for seriøs og korrekt udtænkt handling. Kongressen vender tilbage til Washington næste tirsdag, den 6. september. Der kan ikke komme nogen genoplivning af regulær produktivitet i den døende amerikanske og europæiske økonomi uden først at fjerne hele derivatboblen og genetablere fungerende kommercielle banker, gennem hvilke enorme mængder kredit kan kanaliseres til vital infrastruktur, forskning og udvikling. Frem for alt må USA’s rumprogram fuldt ud genoplives, så USA kan tilslutte sig Kina, Rusland, Indien og andre nationer, der allerede er fuldt ud forpligtet over for det, som den store rumforsker Krafft Ehricke kaldte »den udenjordiske forpligtelse«.

På fredag og lørdag finder Vladivostok Østlige Økonomiske Topmøde sted, som dagen efter efterfølges af åbningen af G20-topmødet for statsoverhoveder i Hangzhou, Kina. Man er allerede ved at komme på linje på globalt plan, centreret omkring den bydende nødvendige eurasiske udvikling. Men for at denne alliance virkeligt kan lykkes, må USA og Europa bringes med om bord. Det betyder, at de må opgive enhver politik, der er associeret med det Britiske Imperium, og som på det seneste er kommet til udtryk gennem præsident Obamas sindsforvirrede planer om at genoplive et allerede dødt system.     

Tyskland: Welt am Sonntag: Syrienseksperter: Putin ændrede hele geometrien

29. august 2016 – Med en ekspertanalyse fra to, førende tyske militære personer, rapporterede Welt am Sonntag den 28. august, at de to mest fundamentale postulater om Syrien fra Obamas Hvide Hus og NATO er blevet modbevist. »Fred med Assad?« lyder overskriften på artiklen, og indledningen lyder: »Tyrkiet invaderer Syrien; dette er efter aftale med Rusland og Assad-regimet. Dette kunne ses som et totalt kursskifte, hvilket fortsat benægtes af Vesten.«

Welt har et længere interview med Wolfgang Ischinger, chef for den årlige Sikkerhedskonference i München og en førende tysk, konservativ militærtænker, der siger: »Jeg mener, at Tyrkiets ’nye ansigt’ over for Assad [hvor de accepterer, at han foreløbig forbliver ved magten] er forståeligt. Og jeg opfordrer til, at Vesten finder det forståeligt. Kendsgerningerne er enkle. Vi kan ikke ignorere dem.« Ischinger kalder således Obamas, Camerons og NATO’s første postulat og »røde linje«, nemlig, at Assad må gå, for »en forfejlet plan«.

Den russiske præsident Putin udgør vægtstangen i situationen, og den tyrkiske præsident Erdogan søger at tilslutte sig ham, observerer Welt. Bladet citerer også den tyske general Harald Kujat, en tidligere vice-øverstkommanderende for NATO, der smadrer Obamas og hans bandes andet postulat, nemlig, at der »ikke er en militær løsning« i Syrien. Kujat siger, at dette er forkert, og at alle de involverede magter i realiteten har søgt en militær løsning, begyndende med USA/UK, der angriber de kurdiske militser og de såkaldte »moderate oprørsstyrker«, og Erdogan, der angriber al-Nusra og al-Qaeda.

Der findes ikke længere nogen »moderate oprørsstyrker«, insisterer Kujat, »hvis der nogensinde var nogen«. Ideen om en »forhandlet fred« baseret på, at Assad tvinges ud, var derfor et totalt korthus, en opskrift for kaos, siger han, »en alles krig mod alle«. Hvad der er vigtigere, så ændrede Putin fuldstændig situationen fundamentalt, da Rusland intervenerede sidste september, den 30., og søgte en militær løsning mod alle terroristgrupperne, med Assads egen imødekommende regering som Ruslands »styrker på landjorden«.

Den lange og detaljerede undersøgelse af Thorsten Jungholt, hvor han påpegede det grundlæggende skift i alliancen, som Putin frembragte, vakte tydeligvis postyr i Tyskland. Dagen efter forsøgte Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung at modbevise dette i en lederartikel, der hævdede, at Tyrkiet stadig ønsker, at Assad »skal forsvinde« nu. Denne løgn modsiges af den tyrkiske udenrigsministers egne, nylige, officielle erklæringer, og viser blot, i hvilken grad, Welt am Sonntags rapport af den nye virkelighed har forårsaget uro.   

Overvind Obamas politikker nu; glem alt om valget 8. november

30. august, 2016 (Leder) – De næste par uger bliver langt mere afgørende for USA og menneskehedens fremtid, end det amerikanske præsidentvalg den 8. november.

I disse to uger vil vi opleve en fremmarch af tre, på hinanden følgende internationale topmøder, der afholdes i Asien, og som vil etablere den nye virkelighed, at det er Kina, Rusland og Indien – og ikke Obama og NATO – der skaber og former denne fremtid.

Og USA vil ikke være det samme efter 15-årsdagen for 11. september-angrebene, den første årsdag, hvor de, der var de reelle, udenlandske sponsorer af disse terrorangreb, står afsløret. Den forrykte tåbelighed, som var Bush-Obama krigene, og som fulgte i kølvandet på disse terrorangreb, er således blevet gjort klar og tydelig; det samme er også den russiske præsident Putins medmenneskelighed, med hans omgående tilkendegivelser af solidaritet med USA på daværende tidspunkt. I de næste to uger vil New York håndtere disse afsløringer gennem en slagkraftig række af minde-korkoncerter, opført af Schiller Instituttet, i hele byen.

Der er vægtige strategiske skift i gang. Putin har forpurret de amerikansk/europæiske præmisser om terroristbekæmpelse i Sydvestasien, idet han har vundet Tyrkiet for sin tilgang til problemet og nu er i færd med at vinde toneangivende røster, selv i Tyskland. Kinas, Ruslands og Indiens politik med at bygge landbroer og korridorer med ny infrastruktur i hele Eurasien og Afrika er blevet mere potent end Obamas forsøg på at provokere Rusland med krig, og »udstede regler« for Kina.

Alle Obamas giftige bestræbelser på at gøre Kina til en fjende af de 10 ASEAN-lande er endt ud med, at Kina er mere indflydelsesrigt i ASEAN end før. ASEAN’s årsmøde – efter weekendens Østasiatiske Økonomiske Forum og derefter G20-mødet i Hangzhou, Kina – vil være det tredje af de magtfulde topmøder, der alle fokuserer på at genskabe vækst og produktivitet for verdensøkonomien efter det sidste årtis sammenbrud, udløst af Wall Street.

Og Obamas anti-kinesiske »handelsaftaler«, TTP (Trans-Pacific Partnerskab) og TTIP (Trans-Atlantiske Handels- og Investerings-Partnerskab), bliver erklæret for døde, selv af deres tidligere tilhængere. Hvis vi optrapper vores indsats i løbet af disse to uger, er der bedre chancer for, at Kongressen snart vil gen-vedtage Glass-Steagall som lov, end tilfældet er for Obamas TTP eller TTIP.

Den nye, finansielle arkitektektur og Verdenslandbroens storslåede infrastrukturprojekter, som disse topmøder vil tage sigte på, er blevet promoveret af Lyndon og Helga LaRouche over fire årtier.

Vil de fremtvinge en accept af Glass/Steagall-bankregulering og en afskrivning af den finansielle atombombe, som de finansielle derivater udgør?

Det kræver, at vi nu optrapper vores mobilisering for det, som Lyndon LaRouche har kaldt sine Fire Kardinallove: Glass-Steagall; nationale kreditbanker; teknologiske fremskridt gennem infrastruktur-byggeri; fremme af videnskabens fremskudte grænser gennem udforskning af det ydre rum og udvikling af fusionskraft.

Der er et ubegrænset potentiale for menneskehedens økonomiske vækst og udvikling af kreative evner. Obamas Hvide Hus vil sandsynligvis modsætte sig dette nye paradigme på G20-topmødet. Det er vores ansvar at lave om på det.

Foto: Vladimir Putin og Barack Obama holdt et bilateralt møde på sidelinjen af Fn's Generalforsamlings-møde. 29. september 2015 [] 


OBAMA ER EN FIASKO – Verden har brug for en ny finansiel arkitektur nu!

26. august, 2016 (Leder) – Uanset hvor meget tid, han har tilbage, må Obama afsættes, hvis der skal komme noget som helst fungerende nyt præsidentskab i USA i den kommende periode. Hans præsidentskab har været en fiasko, og én, der skaber ravage, død og kaos i USA og i verden gennem ulovlige krige, finansielle redningspakker (bailout), droneangreb, ødelæggelse af sundhedssektoren, narkotikarelaterede dødsfald, arbejdsløshed samt Obamas personlige psykotiske patologi. Samtidig med, at Eurasiens nationer under ledelse af præsident Putin konstruerer et nyt, strategisk og økonomisk system, må Obama fordømmes for det, han er: en ynkelig fiasko og en tjener for det døende, britiske monarki.

Det er det igangværende samarbejde mellem Rusland og Kinas lederskab om et nyt økonomisk system, samt presserende strukturelle ændringer i det globale finansielle system, der er af yderste betydning. Dette er den afgørende flanke for at undgå en atomar verdenskrig og finansielt kaos – resultaterne af Obamas mislykkede præsidentskab – og dette er også det toneangivende diskussionsemne blandt verdens ledere ved de mange internationale topmøder, der skal finde sted i løbet september og oktober måned.

Kinas præsident Xi Jinping har til hensigt at sætte det afgørende spørgsmål om et nyt, globalt, økonomisk og finansielt system på dagsordenen for det kommende G20-topmøde i Hangzhou, Kina. De officielle kinesiske medier, fulgt af russiske top-analytikere, har gjort det klart, at ethvert sådant nyt og funktionsdygtigt system må omfatte USA – hvilket betyder, at USA må opgive sine illusioner om at regere en unipolær verden, der ikke længere eksisterer, og begynde at samarbejde med store nationer om et nyt og retfærdigt, økonomisk system.

Dette blev d. 24. august fremhævet i et telegram fra Kinas officielle nyhedsbureau Xinhua, med titlen »Interview: Rusland og Kina bør samarbejde i G20-regi om at tackle udfordringer.« Andrey Kortunov, generaldirektør for det Russiske Råd for Internationale Anliggender, som står i tæt forbindelse med det Russiske Udenrigsministerium, sagde: »Jo længere, disse reformer udskydes, desto højere risiko er der for nye kriser og ustabilitet i verdensøkonomien.« Han tilføjede senere, »Hvis Beijing og Moskva i dag tilbyder deres koncept for stabilitet til det internationale samfund, er det ikke bare tomme ord, men forslag baseret på mange succesfulde erfaringer.« Han bemærkede, at USA kunne være »en kompleks og undertiden uforudsigelig partner«, men ikke desto mindre »bør både Rusland og Kina konsekvent søge fælles fodslag med Washington og undgå kriser, uden at gøre indrømmelser på principielle spørgsmål«.

En reportage i Xinhua på samme dag, også vedrørende G20, angreb »over-afhængighed af pengepolitikken« og fokus på »markeder« i modsætning til »nationer« – på bekostning af en politik, der sigter mod reel, fysisk-økonomisk vækst og er baseret på teknologisk innovation. »Kina vil bruge konferencen til at anspore til dialog mellem udviklede lande og udviklingslande omkring potentialet for at skabe vækst gennem reformer og innovation.«

Wall Street Journal har antydet, at det var på anmodning af Kina, at den Internationale Betalingsbank (BIS) i en nyligt udsendt rapport advarer om, at der på nuværende tidspunkt ikke er nogen mekanismer på plads, der kan forhindre en eksplosion af den globale, finansielle derivatboble på mere end $600 billioner, hvis nogen større spiller skulle gå i betalingsstandsning. I noget, der kun kan betegnes som en smertelig underdrivelse, blev Business Insider tvunget til at indrømme, at resultaterne af denne undersøgelse »er lettere skræmmende«, for, hvis det ikke lykkes for derivat-handelshuse at håndtere en krise, så bliver derivater til »u-eksploderede atombomber, der putter sig dybt i det finansielle system«. Wall Street Journal fortsætter med at bemærke, at Kina har placeret de centrale handelshuses sikkerhed »højt på dagsordenen« af G20-topmødet d. 4. – 5. september.

Der er nu en voksende og udbredt opfattelse blandt topembedsmænd i det transatlantiske område, at Europa og USA står på den yderste rand af en finansiel eksplosion, hvis enorme størrelse kun modsvares af deres egen benægtelse af både dens globale konsekvenser og af sammenbruddet af vestlig dominans. Bloomberg rapporterede tirsdag d. 23. august, at Deutsche Bank, Barclays og Credit Suisse sidder på sammenlagt $102,5 milliarder i »Level-3«-aktiver – dvs. aktiver, som er illikvide, uden markedsværdi, og som ikke kan dumpes i en krise. Economist gav sin udgave d. 20. – 26. august overskriften, »Mareridt på Main Street« og advarede om, at det amerikanske boligmarked på $26 billioner, som ligger til grund for et bjerg af derivater og andre spekulations-værdipapirer, både fra banker, men også uden for banker – atter er klar til at springe i luften.

Med hele Vestens politiske og økonomiske klasse, der i stigende grad er miskrediteret, er den eneste tilbageværende mulighed en omgående genindførelse af en fuld Glass/Steagall-bankopdeling i USA, og en tilsvarende implementering i hele Europa. Glass-Steagall, efterfulgt af en gældseftergivelse for udviklingslandene (i overensstemmelse med Alfred Herrhausen politik i 1989), samt udstedelse af langfristet kredit til industriel og videnskabelig udvikling, er blot nogle af de første, uomgængelige skridt hen imod skabelsen af en ny, global, finansiel arkitektur, og udgør forudsætningerne for et nyt, kulturelt paradigme, en ny renæssance for hele menneskeheden.

Grundlaget for en sådan ny global finansiel og økonomisk arkitektur er nu veletableret gennem den voksende integration af Eurasien, der væves sammen gennem samarbejdet i den Eurasiske Økonomiske Union, Shanghai Samarbejdsorganisationen (SCO), BRIKS, ASEAN og andre grupperinger. Det er Kinas »Ét Bælte, Én Vej«-initiativ baseret på Lyndon og Helga LaRouches oprindelige koncept om den Eurasiske Landbro fra midten af 1990'erne, der er det princip, som denne eurasiske og potentielt globale udvikling har som sin forudsætning.

Som den mexicanske præsident José López Portillo engang sagde: »Det er nu nødvendigt, at verden lytter til de kloge ord fra Lyndon LaRouche!«


Hvordan menneskehedens produktivitet udløses:
En ny økonomisk orden.
LaRouchePAC Fredags-webcast, 26. august 2016.

Matthew Ogden: I aften har vi en særlig gæst med os, Paul Gallagher, økonomisk redaktør for EIR, og som vil præsentere for os det klare og presserende nødvendige valg, som amerikanere må træffe for at opgive den forfejlede økonomi, som er Obamas politik med nær-nul-vækst, og beslutsomt må tilslutte sig den nye, økonomiske orden, som Kina har indledt. Med det forestående G20-topmøde, der skal finde sted om en uge, har Kinas præsident udtrykkeligt gjort det klart, at det er hans hensigt, at dette topmøde skal bruges til at fremme skabelsen af en »ny international finansiel arkitektur« i samarbejde med Rusland og andre betydningsfulde magter, baseret på videnskabelig og teknologisk innovation og vækst. I mellemtiden konfronteres USA og Europa med det transatlantiske systems fremstormende implosion, der ikke alene skyldes den enorme akkumulering af gældsbobler og eksponering til derivater, men i endnu højere grad årtiers fravær af enhver reel vækst i økonomisk produktivitet. Kinas program for udforskning af Månen tjener til at illustrere kilden til ægte, økonomisk værdi. Kun gennem en omgående vedtagelse af Glass-Steagall og en gældseftergivelse for at afskrive den kolossale boble af fiktive værdier kan USA blive en del af denne nye, økonomiske orden og tage del i udløsningen af menneskets kreative evner.


MATTHEW OGDEN: Good Evening! It is August 26th, 2016. My name is Matthew Ogden, and you're joining us for our weekly Friday evening webcast here from As you can see, I'm joined in the studio tonight by Ben Deniston, from the LaRouche PAC Science Team; and by Paul Gallagher, a special guest today, Economics Editor for Executive Intelligence Review; and we also joined, via video, by Kesha Rogers, member of our Policy Committee, joining us from Houston, Texas. Hi, Kesha!

We are meeting here at the day that the 3rd edition of the LaRouche PAC publication The Hamiltonian is hitting the streets of New York City. This is Edition

3, the August 26th edition, as you might be able to see from this very small edition copy. The very large headline is "Obama is a Failure. The World Needs a New Financial Architecture, Now." That encapsulates the framework of our show today.

I think, as we've said recently over the last couple of weeks, we are highly anticipating the upcoming G-20 Summit, which is going to be held in China, hosted by China, hosted by Chinese President Xi Jinping, on September 4th and 5th — a little bit over a week from now. What's happening in the lead-up to that G-20 Summit is the consolidation of really what is becoming the framework for a new international financial and economic architecture. You have a consolidation of cooperation among countries of Eurasia — mainly China, Russia, and India, but many other countries besides — including moving forward with the development of the [international] North-South Transportation Corridor [instc], and many other economic bilateral and multi-lateral relationships among the countries of that region.

But, what is being stated explicitly by the leadership of China and of Russia is that this framework, this paradigm, must replace the failed paradigm which is now bringing the trans-Atlantic system down with it, and must become the framework for a new international, global economic order. I think it was said, very clearly, by a spokesman for the Russian International Affairs Council, who said in an interview this week, "Russia and China should work together, within the G-20 framework, to secure a new international financial architecture." That's Andrey Kortunov, [Director General at the Russian International Affairs Council]. And then, just yesterday, a spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Minister, said, "What will happen during the G-20 Summit, is a major change in the world economic landscape."

Now, what we've discussed, including in a discussion today with Lyndon and Helga LaRouche, is that it can be seen very clearly that China and Russia absolutely "know what time it is," as Mr. LaRouche has been warning all of you: that we are on the verge, if not in the midst, of a complete implosion of the trans-Atlantic financial-economic-social-political system as a whole. And this is not just because of the debt exposure of the largest banks, or the derivatives exposure, or anything like that, but it is — and I think this is what Paul will get into in much more detail — it is because we have neglected any real economic growth, any real concept of economic value in this trans-Atlantic system for at least the last 30-50 years, and in fact have rejected the very idea of the necessity of productivity and economic progress.

We're going to be discussing that, but also from the standpoint which will be filled out in a little bit more detail in the second half of our show of what isthe concept of real economic value, and how indeed are China and Russia leading mankind toward a revolution in economic productivity, which is centered very prominently around their dedication to a space program, especially around lunar development and lunar exploration. With that said, I'd like to invite Paul to open up the discussion.

PAUL GALLAGHER: Thank you! Let me start by saying we have to relate the American people, American policy-makers, American elected officials emphatically to the September 3rd, 4th G-20 Summit being hosted by China, because just as there was a necessity about a year and a half ago for the United States to become part of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank [aiib] and the other global institutions of new credit for infrastructure which China was initiating, one will remember that at that time, instead, the Obama Administration set its teeth against the AIIB bank, tried in vain to sabotage it and prevent countries from joining it as members. One need only say that as of now, there are 60 nation-members of the AIIB, and of next year it's expected that there will be 90 nations trying to participate in the generation of high technology infrastructure credits in the grand task of the New Silk Road, (or the Eurasian Land-Bridges), across Eurasia, through the Mideast, into Africa — communication, power, transportation being revolutionized in this way. The Obama Administration took the United States to the sidelines, and worst, to the adversarial position, to try to sabotage that.

We have to do differently, in this case, because our economy is completely failing. We have the condition of an imminent second 2008 bank panic, not because of this or that particular deal, or even this or that particular bubble, but because the economies of the United States and Europe have sunk so far in the non-recovery of the 2008 collapse, that even the biggest banks themselves have been destroying their hosts and shrinking, their stocks collapsing, their collapse as a whole emerging from that cause, of the absolute inability to make profits in economies which they have done so much to ruin.

What China is proposing — and remember China has said, that the leading other nation-guest at that G-20 Summit is President Vladimir Putin of Russia — what they are proposing is a "new financial architecture." Now "financial architecture" basically means how do nations regulate their banks, and perhaps in the other order — how do nations create credit for purposes of progress: economic, technological, scientific progress, and direct that credit where it should go. Secondly, how do nations regulate their banks; and thirdly, how do international institutions — particularly international credit institutions, lending institutions — how do they function, in order to make this progress possible for all the nations involved, and in particular allow less-developed nations access to both the credit that they need, the technological development, and the self-development of the skills which are necessary for this kind of progress. That's what a "new financial architecture" means. Clearly, the financial architecture since 1971, when we went to the floating interest rate, and, particularly since the Presidencies of Bush and Obama, this financial architecture has been a complete failure.

So, they are saying, this is not just a two-day summit, but a collaborative process which has to continue among the G-20 nations until a new financial architecture is accomplished. I'll get to what that would mean, particularly on the part of the United States and Europe. But, let me read one thing that a leading scholar in China said, about this September 3rd and 4th G-20. He said, "This is a very important summit for all the countries in the world." This is Su Xiaohui, Deputy Director of Strategic Studies at the China Institute of International Studies. Many scholars of his type might have said this. "China is hosting this summit because it is what other countries wanted. It is the other countries that wanted China to host this event, this growth and innovation summit. In recent years, there have been plenty of problems in the world economy, and all the countries in the world, including G-20 members, are eager to find solutions. Other countries know China can be a leader in addressing the world's economic problems."

What he is saying, in diplomatic terms, is many countries to take the lead in a summit whose purpose is an all-out drive to restore growth and productivity in the world economy, because China has been the driver of growth and productivity in the world economy for the last ten years, joined now by India, and despite crippling sanctions, with some very striking accomplishments by Russia. For example, that Russia has become, as of right now, the world's leading wheat exporter. It has become self-sufficient in many categories of food, in which it was 50% dependent on imports when these sanctions were put on. So, although its economy, under these financial and economic sanctions, is not growing, nonetheless it has successfully grown in ways which prevented literal starvation of its economy and its population, by these sanctions. That's why they have to lead it.

This puts a challenge to China, obviously, to really hold their determination to make this summit a real accomplishment, in terms of growth and progress. Only a couple months ago the Chinese Finance Minister, Lou Jiwei, and the [Minister of Commerce (formerly known as the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation), Gao Hucheng,] made public statements, particularly when the finance ministers of the G-20 met, saying the condition of the world economy is grim. World trade, in un-inflated terms, has essentially stagnated for the last 5-6 years. No growth at all. There are many nations in the world with no growth, they said. It's a grim situation which must be reversed by the G-20. Again, diplomatically, they weren't naming the zero-growth nations. But I will, very shortly.

China, on the other hand, is continuing to put large volumes of combined public and private credit issuance, something on the order of $250 billion a year equivalent, into investments, both within China, across the New Silk Road economic belt, and further afield as well. In comparison to that, you have the United States. Obama. We say he's a failure. No question. One of the things he fails at, is arrogantly bragging that "the United States sets the rules," and China has to follow them; that China is merely a raw-materials-producing and cheap- goods-producing economy, and has to grow up and join the advanced economies of the world. This is one of the sports, in which Obama is a failure, is trying to brag and shine over China. Let's look at it.

U.S. economic growth in the eight years of Obama's Presidency has not equalled U.S. economic growth in the first year of Franklin Roosevelt's Presidency, nor in the second year of Franklin Roosevelt's Presidency. In both of those years, by the way this growth is calculated today, in recovery from the Great Depression, under the impulse of Roosevelt's policies, the growth in the United States was on the order of 10%-11% a year, in '33 and '34, and again in '35.

BEN DENISTON: Each individual year?

GALLAGHER: Each individual year. The total growth of the U.S. economy, by GDP measures, during Obama's entire Presidency, has been 1.1% a year; 8.4% over his entire [tenure]. So, he hasn't equalled, in 8 years of recovery from the Great Recession, the growth of each of Franklin Roosevelt's first 3 years in the recovery from the Great Depression.

Now, the reasons for this are more fundamental than the measures of growth, which include a lot of things, but suffice to say, that Europe whose annual growth per year during the same years that Obama has been President, has been an average of 0.6% per year. China's growth during that same 8-year period has been on average 8.1% per year. So, it's been very similar to the rate of growth which was generated under the impulse of Roosevelt's policies; and not accidentally, because the policies of credit-generation, infrastructure investment, high-technology innovation — in this context particularly space exploration, fusion technology development. In these areas, they have been very similar in the 21st Century context to what Roosevelt did when he became President; and getting similar results and exporting those results to a significant degree to the benefit of other countries.

What lies underneath this, as Lyndon LaRouche has really stressed to the satisfaction of everyone who has listened to him, and should go and look into this; is the loss of productivity — the collapse in the growth of productivity in the United States and European economies during that same period of time. There is a crude measure of productivity which one often reads about in the financial press and in reports from the Commerce Department and so forth. By that measure, which is simply gross domestic product divided by the number of hours worked of the labor force, by that measure, productivity growth during the term of Obama in the White House, has been approximately 0.8% per year. And actually, you can see if you look at the progression, that that growth took place in 2010, 2011, 2012, and part of 2013. Since then, we have seen no productivity change whatsoever; in fact, three of the last four quarters of the year reported by the Labor Department, have seen productivity in the United States go down, not up. So that productivity in the last 12 months of this economy has gone down. I won't go into the European figures.

This is crucial, even though it's a very crude measure, because it indicates that the productivity of labor is not increasing in such a way that labor can get higher wages; so wages stagnate when this is the case. New capital investments by business are not taking place; the rate of new capital investments by business is extraordinarily low. If this is now on the screen [Fig. ?], this shows a more fundamental measure of productivity growth known as technological productivity growth, or total factor productivity growth. Before giving you a narrow definition, let me read a report which was done by the National Bureau of Economic Research about the growth in the 1930s of this total factor productivity in the United States economy; which you can see is the highest of those bars. What the National Bureau of Economic Research said much later in a report written in this century, is that "The extraordinary growth of this technological productivity in the Roosevelt New Deal era, was due to the very strong growth in electric power generation and distribution, in transportation, in communications, in civil and structural engineering for bridges, tunnels, dams, highways, railroads, and transmission systems, and in private research and development." In other words, what happened during that period of time which made it an even greater burst of productivity than we saw during the World War II mobilization which followed it, what happened during that period of time is that the tremendous demands on the economy of the great infrastructure projects of Roosevelt — including the development of nuclear power and the development of all of the huge hydroelectric power sources; was that everything involved in engineering power, in engineering roads, in engineering tunnels, in engineering great civil works of all kinds, was technologically revolutionized. The companies involved and the agencies involved made breakthroughs in research and development in order to do these things more powerfully and more efficiently; and really to conduct projects on a scale that had never been done before, in such a way that there was very rapid technological progress under the impulse of this pursuit. And scientific progress as well, if you think what underlay the development of the nuclear power piles, it was the beginning of particle physics, the beginning of nuclear biophysics, the beginning of plasma physics, and the basis for the attempt to develop fusion energy today. There were tremendous developments going on underneath these great works of the Roosevelt era.

So, if we go back to the slide for a minute, you see that by far the highest rate of yearly growth in this technological productivity; that rate of growth is almost 3.5% a year. That rate of growth is in the 1930s; followed by the 1940s, including the war mobilization when it is about 2.7% per year. And after rather a slump in the Eisenhower 1950s, back up in Kennedy's Apollo project 1960s to 2.7% growth per year in technological productivity; and then look what happened. If I could take you off through the '70s, '80s, '90s, the first decade of this century with the Bush Presidency, 1% per year growth or less. And if I could take you off the end of that graph to the Obama years, it would be 0.53% growth per year, according to the National Bureau of Economic Research. So, you see there the under-girdings of the collapse of an economy in the complete loss of real productivity in that economy; and therefore, the ability to launch growth and sustain growth which this represented.

Again, it's very important that this was recovered so rapidly in the 1960s when Kennedy again put great expenditures and great projects at the very frontiers of science in the Apollo project to reach the Moon, but in the broader plans which were then being made and developed for the further exploration of space, which we'll get to. This made a tremendous difference. I should point out that, according to a recent study by the Harvard School of Business of this same factor, in China over the last decade, it has grown at a rate of 3.08% annually; somewhat higher or equal to the highest that the US has achieved, namely that under the Roosevelt period. So that when you have this collapse in productivity in the US and European economies, you have at the same time, de-industrialization of those economies accelerating; with the result of on the one hand, a real destruction of the labor force — the people. We've talked about this, it isn't necessary to go through it again; but we've talked about the connection between this process and the increasing propensity of Americans who were previously productive, to commit suicide in one way or another — by drinking, or drugging, or in other ways themselves to death. The data just keep coming, the studies just keep coming out on this; each one more depressing than the last. That has been the result of this real collapse; and it has even begun — as I indicated at the beginning — to shrink and undermine the biggest banks who have done so much to cause it. So that even the derivatives markets have, in the last few years, have shrunk; and so have the biggest banks, which became even bigger by swallowing other banks in 2008. They have shrunk; they are parasitizing a host which is dying.

The best way to conclude, I think, would be to quote something that Helga Zepp-LaRouche said this morning, which I think is absolutely correct: "If the United States and Europe are to cooperate in 10 days with the purposes of this growth and innovation summit of the G-20, they must do two things, otherwise they're not cooperating. The first thing is they must implement and enforce Glass-Steagall regulation of their banks. And I should point out that China is the only major economy in the world which has a currently enforced efficient Glass-Steagall bank separation law; passed in 1993. It has been much debated since then, but kept intact and enforced. They must pass Glass-Steagall and enforce it; and secondly, they must write off — not just write down, but write off — the nominal values given to the still $500-700 trillion worth of derivatives on the books of their banks. In order that those banks can again, under Glass-Steagall become vehicles for the transmission of productive credit and progress. If the United States and Europe are willing to do that, then the real work can begin, of restoring growth and scientific progress to the world economy. If they're not, then they are effectively to be accounted saboteurs of this noble effort that is being led now by China." So, I'll stop with that.

OGDEN: I do want to add just one quick thing before we get into what Kesha and Ben have to present. I would say, Helga and Lyndon LaRouche are not merely peripherally involved in this process which is now coming out of China; but actually centrally involved, both now and historically. I think it should be remembered that just a few weeks ago, Helga LaRouche was one of the prominent speakers at an event called the T-20, which was a gathering of international think tanks and other persons of that type in the lead-up to the G-20 summit in China. Helga LaRouche was involved in that. Helga has travelled to China I think half a dozen times in the recent several years now; and is a prominent personality in the public discourse there. One other thing that is notable is that the G-20 was developed as the G-22 in 1997-98 at the time that Bill Clinton was making a speech at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York City; where he called for a new international economic architecture. That was the framework in which the G-22 was formed. That was exactly the same time that people probably remember the recent webcast where we showed the video clip of Lyndon LaRouche speaking in Washington DC about the development of the New Silk Road, the Eurasian Land-Bridge, and the cooperation between Russia, China, and India in creating a new economic framework for Eurasia. That has now converged; the new international economic architecture and the New Silk Road Eurasian Land-Bridge is one thrust that's coming out of China and Russia. Historically, even rewinding back before that, Mr. LaRouche's proposal — which Bill Clinton did pick up on in a certain way in 1997-98 — was for a New Bretton Woods; a reorganization of the world economic system, which is something which he has been on the record centrally leading for 40 years if not more, going all the way back to some of the discussion among leadership of the Non-Aligned Movement for a New International Economic Order by that name. And also Mr. LaRouche's idea for international development banks, which is exactly what the AIIB or the BRICS new development bank now are echoes of.

So, historically, this is something that Lyndon and Helga LaRouche have led from a central position and continue to play a very central role in shaping. And I would just emphasize Paul's point that it is now encumbent upon the United States to take very bold and dramatic decisions to communicate, "Yes, we are no longer going to be Obama failures. We are no longer going to reject these overtures that are coming very explicitly from China for participation in this new system; but we're going to join it, and we're going to show not only our good will, but our intention to do so. By restoring Glass-Steagall immediately and freeing ourselves from the bondage of this dying system which is dragging the entire trans-Atlantic down with it. So, that's an action point that needs to be taken in the days ahead.

GALLAGHER: That's very well added, and I think Lyn and Helga have given the kind of laser focus to this impulse for development, which China, Russia, other countries, India, have shown. That it had to be focussed around not only the frontiers of science, but the frontiers of travel so to speak; of passenger and freight travel, and of crossing the Eurasian continent, which had never been done before. But now, in addition, and particularly recently, Helga has, through a whole series of major conferences, put an additional focus on bringing that development, that Silk Road, through the Mideast; as the only way in which the cauldron of the Middle East could possibly be made into a peaceful and developing area, is through that same New Silk Road process. There's been a great response to that in countries like Yemen, Egypt, other countries of the Mideast.

KESHA ROGERS: I want to take up from there. I think the question at hand is, what is it that fosters this impulse for development that you spoke of, Paul; and what fosters the rapid increase of rate of growth in a society? Mr. LaRouche, over the years, has defined this as the creative development of the human mind and the productive powers of labor of a society to make new breakthroughs and scientific and technological progress that actually improves not just the conditions of mankind on the planet; but improves mankind's ability to actually go out into the far reaches of our galaxy, to develop the resources of our Solar System. This is exactly the discussion that we had with Mr. LaRouche — some of the Policy Committee members and our Basement Team — just recently. His response to the rapid developments of China's leadership in developing the Moon and their plans for going to the far side of the Moon by 2018, that what we're looking at here is not just going to the Moon for the sake of going to the Moon, or finding another landing spot on the Moon. This is critical in a commitment toward international cooperation and a science driver essential for cooperation and development throughout the planet and beyond. Mr. LaRouche recently called for and made the point that we have to have a complete mapping and development of our Moon's surface. He called for the mapping of the Moon's surface being something that we do not and have not fully come to understand. A lot of people will say, "Well, we've already been there, done that." A lot of nations have landed various rovers on the Moon, or satellites on the Moon; or we've had orbiters taking pictures of the Moon. But one thing we have not done, is to go to the far side of the Moon; and recognize the potential that is set to be unleashed from this new feat and endeavor that only China — being the first nation — would be out to present and create.

So, I think when we think about what it is that fosters economic progress, again, we have to look at what China is representing as a leader of the world right now in terms of what they've unleashed in the rapid development of their momentum towards space exploration; and particularly development of the lunar surface. There is so much that we have yet to accomplish right now. We've only touched at a very small surface area of the Moon. It's important to see that the opening of the far side of the Moon represents a vast potential to give us new insights into human growth.

So, we were just a moment ago talking about the negative growth rates under the insane policies of the Obama administration. Well, what has this been caused by? What has this been a result of? This has been a result of Obama's continued murderous policy and spitting on the legacy of Presidents Franklin Roosevelt and John F Kennedy, and the visionary legacy embodied by the great German-American space pioneer Krafft Ehricke. What he has done, not just to dismantle the space program, but to dismantle the commitment towards human development and human progress. What has he done in place [of that]? He's actually shut down our Constellation program; the program that had slated us in the trajectory in the United States to be in cooperation with nations around the planet around the commitment to return to the Moon, and eventually to the far side of the Moon. What did Obama replace this policy with? He replaced it with an insane policy of capturing an asteroid, cutting our fusion development program, and continuing to bail out the Wall Street speculators who represent no commitment to human progress and growth.

The American people have to ask themselves how much longer will we put up with this atrocity, this tragedy that has taken hold of our nation? Right now, you look at what was offered to Obama by the Chinese, by the Russians, in terms of "win-win" cooperation; the "win-win" cooperation exemplified by the offer of President Xi Jinping of China to not only work for the common aims of mankind in the development of the Silk Road development plan and projects that were going to benefit the growth of all mankind. To work in collaboration on the exploration of space, which is absolutely crucial to this intention. Obama has refused that. The American people and members of Congress have sat by and done nothing about it.

So, you look at the fact of, this is the reason why we face a negative growth rate in the society right now represented by the United States and the trans-Atlantic financial system. There are a lot of nations right now that are starting to get knocked over the head and recognize that if they don't join with the progress and the New Paradigm being set forth by China and Russia for international cooperation in space development and economic growth, they will be, as the head of NASA in the United States said about the US not cooperating and collaborating with China in space exploration, on the outside looking in. That's where we're going to be if we do not actually take up this full commitment to not just the exploration of space, but truly to what that means. It really can be defined by looking at the vision that was laid out by Krafft Ehricke as a great associate and friend of Lyndon and Helga LaRouche before he passed away. What Krafft Ehricke identified in terms of the importance of lunar exploration in a writing that he provided prior to his death, earlier in his life, called "Lunar Industrialization and Settlement". I want to read from that just briefly, to give you a sense of what it is that is the priority for the development of the lunar surface in the way that Krafft Ehricke envisioned it. It must be taken up as a national and international mission again. So, Krafft says that: "The most important aspect of lunar development lies in the human sector. It bears repeating that technological progress and environmental expansion are no substitutes for human growth and maturity; but they can help the human reach higher maturity and wisdom. He goes on to say that "Human growth is contingent not only on the absence of war, or overcoming war, poverty, and social injustice. But also on the presence of over-arching elevating goals and their associated perspectives. Expanding into space means to be understood and approached as world development. As a positive, peaceful, growth-oriented, macro-sociological project, whose growth is to ultimately release humanity from its present, parasitic, embryonic bondage in the biospheric womb of one planet. This will demand immense human creativity, courage, and maturity."

So, that's what we're discussing here. How do you actually free mankind from this adolescent stage? From the understanding that we are confined to one small planet with limited resources, to the bondage of a biospheric womb on the planet that keeps mankind at states of limited development in a fetal position. When is it that human beings are going to decide to grow up and to leave the nest? That is what is represented by the mapping of the lunar surface; that is what is represented by mankind's reaching out and growing up and going out into the exploration of space. That is the creative process that we must take up right now, which is being denied to us by the attacks on our space program. This is not just the space program as a fun, side project or a hobby; but what is essential to the creative progress of mankind as Mr. LaRouche has clearly understood and has made clear in his development of the Four Laws to Save the United States. The essential aspect of those Four Laws, as was stated by Paul earlier, starting with the Glass-Steagall banking reorganization, going into the progress of re-establishing a credit system, to invest in long-term development projects, has to be centered around a science driver fusion program. This can only be fully developed and fully realized when we realize and bring about our full potential in the exploration of space and everything that represents; including the development of helium-3 on the Moon.

So, as I've said; as Krafft Ehricke, as Mr. LaRouche understands, and as the Chinese and others who are cooperating with them understand, that the most important aspect that we're dealing with right now is the defense of human creative progress. So, I'll just stop right there.

BEN DENISTON: I think that's well said. Maybe the point to be taken through all of this, the focus on the issue of productivity in the beginning, this discussion of the space program, what we really need to push in this context is the realization that this program Kesha's laying out, returning to Krafft Ehricke's vision for lunar development and expansion into space; this is necessary. This is a necessary program, this isn't a cost. These are the kinds of things that actually are the substance of increasing the net total value accessible to mankind as a whole; increasing the productive powers of labor as we're discussing. You hear all this silly talk still about jobs; creating jobs, when we have a net collapse in the productivity of the economy, as we saw with what Paul went through, what Kesha's talking about. This is what actually creates the type of activity that increases the ability for society to sustain itself at a higher standard of living increasingly with less labor input required to maintain the requirements of society. Maybe in the context of Mr. LaRouche's emphasis in the recent weeks, that's also the importance of his focus on Einstein. That also goes to a deeper level of what are the fundamental changes that mankind only uniquely can make that allow us to have these kinds of transformations. We certainly have a clear program before us with what China and Russia are leading.

Just for our viewers, next Wednesday, we're going to be discussing some of this lunar program in a little more detail. So, I would definitely highlight that as a coming episode; we're going to focus a little bit more on this lunar far side program. What China is doing; what's so unique about the far side of the Moon. We just have a clear march from these nations leading in this direction — fusion and space together. This is the driver that's absolutely needed; it's not a cost, it's not an expense. It's a necessary requirement for mankind; especially for the United States in our state right now. That should also be seen as driving to the process of pushing real fundamental breakthroughs in science such as we haven't had since Einstein. I know Jason Ross has elaborated this in recent days to good effect.

With the imminent breakdown of this financial system and the importance of this G-20 focus coming up right now in the context of clear recognition that we're right on the verge of something worse than a repeat of 2008; I think this being the clear message and marching orders for where we need to go, is absolutely critical at this point. It's not enough just to address and reorganize the financial system; that's absolutely required, but to what effect? To actually drive the kind of growth that China's leading; Kesha's leading a revival of that in Texas to get that going in the United States again.

OGDEN: Along those lines, this entire process that I laid out in terms of Mr. LaRouche's advocacy for a new international financial architecture, was never separate from his insistence that it had to be based on fundamental scientific revolutions; the discovery and incorporation of new physical principles into the economy at large. Not let's rearrange just the bureaucracy of how banks work, or something like that. And it was not even just what other people turned it into, which was that we need equal representation for the developing countries; or the Third World is not having the proper voice at the bargaining table at the World Bank or something like that. It was never something at that level; it was always at the level of why did Mr. LaRouche found the Fusion Energy Foundation, for example. Can you imagine what kind of productivity would be unleashed by the development of commercial, controllable fusion power? That would be unequalled by anything that has come heretofore; it would make what FDR achieved look like hardly anything. Mr. LaRouche's emphasis with the Strategic Defense Initiative was always that we need a breakthrough in terms of physical principles; it was hand-in-hand with fusion energy development, but it was also bringing that into the realm of space exploration and harnessing principles which were beyond what man even understood at that point. In the same exact period, he was also discussing how are we going to have lunar colonization and colonies on Mars. This was LaRouche's emphasis all through that time.

So, the new economic architecture is not separate from a fundamental revolution in science on the caliber of what Einstein achieved; and that is what drives economic productivity. Nothing less than that.

GALLAGHER: I wonder if you can get the third graph on the screen. This gives an idea of how — this goes from 1958 over to 2012, and it's the NASA budget. This gives an idea of how rapidly leaderships of the United States abandoned the actual frontiers of space exploration before we had even gotten to the Moon for the first time. Because by the time we did, that tremendous drop was already underway; and it goes all the way to the present day. The same thing could be shown for the United States effort in research on fusion. They just were abandoned in the face of the extraordinarily powerful visions of human future powers that pioneers like Krafft Ehricke had, in terms of covering the Moon's surface with a new human habitation and industrialization as a jumping off point for the rest of the Solar System. All of that — he called it the Seventh Continent — all of that was abandoned along with the tremendous power resources and capacities involved in the fusion technology. Today you can barely find a laser cutting process anywhere in US industry; these things have just been abandoned. If what you see in that graph were reversed very suddenly under the impulse of a desire and a decision that gets rid of Obama and his leadership, and a decision that says we will be part of a team of space-faring nations which in this endeavor would be led by China; maybe in others by us, in others by India, in others by Russia. We'll be part of that overall exploration and this will reverse; this would have a tremendous impact on the entire not only productivity, but the condition of society. This is really the condition of the individual human being, who has these creative possibilities is what LaRouche is always, always talking about; that this is what makes such possibilities of an individual becoming a genius and the fruitfulness of that genius. This expands it to the greatest degree, if leadership will make these kinds of decisions. This decision is right in front of us with this upcoming G-20 summit; and again, I repeat what Helga said. If the US doesn't put Glass-Steagall into law — it's now been adopted by both parties in their platforms; it ought to be law by no later than the end of this year. If the US doesn't put Glass-Steagall into law immediately, and enforce it right off the collapsing derivatives bubbles; then it's sabotaging this process which has to go forward. Then we will see more loss of our population, more suicide, more drug addiction, more hopelessness among the population unless we make this 180 degree turn.

OGDEN: One thing Helga has also repeatedly said upon her return from these trips to China, is that — and I think other people just pick up on this, too — is that the optimism is pervasive; you can sense it among the population. The 3.8% growth rate in productivity, the 8% growth rate, is just a reflection of an attitude that says, "Our job is to create a future. We will give our children a future. Our lives have meaning because we are involved in creating a future which has not, prior to this point, existed." If you contrast that with an increasing pessimism, cynicism, rage — which is clearly reflected in this election process in the United States population — all of those are symptomatic of exactly what is being addressed in this discussion.

One other thing that Krafft Ehricke said which I thought was just well put; he said, "If God had intended us to be a space-faring species, he would have given us a Moon." Well, he did; and that's the launching-off point for mankind to move into the Solar System and beyond. So, if that's not an optimistic idea of the capabilities of the human species, I don't know what is. I know that that's one of the elements that is also being incorporated into the Manhattan Project process.

One more thing I wanted to mention before we close the show today, is the accompanying articles in this week's Hamiltonian are: 1) a short article by Jason Ross on the true genius of Einstein. It's called "Discovering Humanity's True Nature; the Case of Einstein". But then, the back side of the broad sheet is a discussion of 1) an article by Diane Sare, called "2016: America's Moment of Decision, in which she discusses some of the legacy of the optimism surrounding the tradition of Classical music within the United States and the fight to revive that tendency among people who were close friends with Lyndon LaRouche when they were alive: Bill Warfield; Sylvia Olden Lee; Robert McFerrin; and others. And then there's a very short excerpt of an interview with the national music director of the Schiller Institute, John Sigerson, in which he's discussing the significance of the upcoming series of four concerts of Mozart's Requiem over the weekend of September 11th, in the interests of justice and in dedication to the victims of those attacks and everything that has happened since. So, that's another very crucial element in terms of the ability to uplift a population and to give them a sense that a future is possible; and that these kinds of very dramatic changes in policy could happen in a very short amount of time. If we were able to force the declassification of the 28 pagess, which we did; nobody can deny the very significant central role that we played in doing that. People might have said, "This is a hopeless cause." If we were able to do that, then yes, we also can force the passage and enforcement of Glass-Steagall and a radical, dramatic change in policy of the United States in the direction of this new economic architecture which is being led by China and Russia among others.

With that taken as the final word, I'm going to thank everybody for joining me — Paul Gallagher, Ben Deniston, Kesha Rogers; and thank you all for joining us here today. I know we continue to gain new subscribers of the LaRouche PAC live YouTube channel; so I encourage you, if you have not done so yet, to subscribe to this channel. You will get the opportunity to have a notification of this discussion that Ben mentioned next Wednesday, on the further implications of the Chinese lunar program. Thank you for joining us and please stay tuned to Good night.



»Når skibe til at besejle tomrummet mellem stjernerne er blevet bygget, vil der træde mennesker frem til at sejle disse skibe.« (Kepler)                                                   

25. august, 2016 (Leder) – Vi ser på internationale operationer. Internationale faktorer er de væsentligste for os lige nu. Lokale reaktioner kan være mere begrænsede. Verdens nationer ønsker at tilslutte sig, og vil tilslutte sig, Kina med den langsigtede mission at kortlægge Månen i forbindelse med Kinas banebrydende mission til Månens bagside i 2018. Månen er det nødvendige springbræt til hele rummet. Som Krafft Ehricke sagde: »Hvis Gud ønskede, at mennesket skulle blive en art, der færdes i rummet, ville han have givet mennesket en måne.« Men hvordan kan nogen være i tvivl om, at USA skal være fuldt ud involveret i denne proces, ved hvilken menneskehedens fremtid generationer frem i tiden bliver skabt lige nu af dem, der er i live i dag? Ja, dette er selve livets formål. Vil Obama insistere på, at vi ikke vender tilbage til Månen? »Har været der; har gjort det?« Det viser, hvad der må ske med Obama; hvor Obama må gå hen, og hvorfor.

Historien om menneskehedens rumprogram, fra dets begyndelse i Tyskland og gennem alle dets indviklede udviklinger i det 20. århundrede og videre til dets fremtid i det 21. århundrede og længere frem endnu, er et globalt spørgsmål, der skal behandles globalt og især funderes i dets førende ophavsmand, Krafft Ehrickes indsigter. Ehricke arbejdede tæt sammen med Lyndon og Helga LaRouche og delte fuldt ud deres dybe og totale engagement. 

Den dybere forståelse af dette spørgsmål i sit fulde omfang leder ind på mange andre områder, områder, som den dårligt (fejl-)uddannede lægmand forestiller sig at vide noget om, men hvorom han ingenting ved. Ved han sågar, hvad en videnskabsmand er? Er en videnskabsmand en forsker, der finder en bedre formel til at repræsentere såkaldte eksperimentelle resultater? Nej, slet ikke. Og hvad er videnskab? 

Vi må have en generel forståelse af menneskehedens rumprogram, dets historie og dets fremtid, i den form for brede termer, hvori Krafft Ehricke forstod det. Hvilke spørgsmål præsenterer Månens bagside os for nu, i forhold til, hvad Solsystemet vil komme til at betyde for os senere? Vi må forstå disse spørgsmål for at kunne opbygge en rumpolitik for fremtiden.

Fortsatte studier af det, som Krafft gjorde i løbet af sit liv, først i Tyskland og sidenhen i USA, er en solid base for fremtidige fremskridt. Det spørgsmål, som han stillede til Helga Zepp-LaRouche, da han vidste, at han snart skulle dø, satte alting i forbindelse med hinanden. Dette spørgsmål lever stadig videre i dag.

Mere generelt er vi nødt til at lokalisere dette aspekt af historien inden for hele historiens struktur. Vi ser ikke bare på et enkelt aspekt. Vi må tage udgangspunkt i hele planetens histories sammensatte struktur: DET er vores ansvar. Når folk gør det, er de tvunget til at tænke på den måde, og de begynder at producere på den måde.

Obama, og hvad han repræsenterer, skal fjernes – med hvilke midler? Vi ved det endnu ikke, men vi er nødt til at dumpe ham, eller foranledige, at han bliver dumpet. Hvis vi ikke gør det, ved vi ikke, hvad der kan ske. Han må smides ud og klart fordømmes, ellers er muligheden for at redde civilisationen i alvorlig fare. Han må ydmyges og fjernes fra embedet. Hvis ikke vi gør det, står vi i problemer til halsen. 

Vi må fremme processen; vi kan ikke lade processen kontrollere os. Vi er nødt til at drive processen fremad og opnå effekten. Dette vil ikke komme gratis til os; vi må vinde det.

Foto: Den 14. juli 2015 så NASA’s New Horizons-rumfartøj tilbage i retning af Solen, og indfangede tæt på solnedgangen dette billede af de forrevne, isdækkede bjerge og flade is-sletter, der strækker lige så langt Plutos horisont er synlig. [foto:]

POLITISK ORIENTERING den 25. august 2016:
1. del: Kina ønsker at etablere en nye finansiel arkitektur på G20-mødet.
Se også 2. del.
Hør også en diskussion på engelsk om menneskets erkendelsesevne

Med formand Tom Gillesberg

Video: 2. del:


Efter mødet på dansk, havde vi en diskussion om menneskets erkendelsesevne på engelsk sammen med vores kollega Flavio fra Italien. Inden optagelsen begyndte, talte Flavio om problemet med videnskabsundervisning, som er baseret på empirisme, der betoner erfaring, i modsætning til tænkning.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Obama-krisen er nu over os

25. august, 2016 (Leder) – Den største enkeltstående hindring for, at verden kan bevæge sig ind i det ny globale paradigme for samarbejde om udvikling, videnskabelige fremskridt og en ny æra med rumforskning og opdagelser, er de mange kriser, der er blevet fremprovokeret af den britiske agent Barack Obama i løbet af sine syv-et-halvt år i embedet.      

Det er heldigt, at verdens ledere skal samles ved en række topmøder, der starter i løbet af de næste par uger, og som vil give mulighed for at imødegå disse accelererende kriser og for, under ledelse af personer som Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping og Narendra Modi, at handle med dristighed. Xi Jinping har allerede gjort det klart, at han vil bruge sit formandsskab af dette års G20-topmøde til at genoplive den oprindelige målsætning om at skabe en ny global finansiel og økonomiske arkitektur (G20 udviklede sig fra præsident Bill Clintons G22-initiativ, der skulle finde løsninger på 1997-98-fasen af det fortsat fremstormende, globale finansielle sammenbrud).

Obama-katastroferne rammer i hele verden, herunder i USA, hvor Obamacare er på randen af et sammenbrud med store sygeforsikringsselskaber, der insisterer på præmiestigninger for 2017 på 40-62 procent, og med mange stater, der er ude af stand til at opretholde markeder for sygesikring, som Obama ellers hævdede ville reducere forsikringssatserne og udvide dækningen.

Obamas forfejlede politik i Mellemøsten og Nordafrika fortsætter med at være en hårfin udløser for en større krig med Rusland. Embedsmænd i Pentagon har udstedt direkte trusler om at nedskyde russiske og syriske fly, hvis de truer amerikanske specialstyrker, der opererer med syriske oprørsgrupper inde i syrisk territorium – en åbenlys krænkelse af syrisk suverænitet.  I går nåede den tåbelige Obama-politik et absolut lavpunkt, med amerikanske styrker, der yder støtte til en tyrkisk-ledet invasion af det nordlige Syrien til bekæmpelse af bade ISIS og kurdiske krigere – som også er støttet af amerikansk militærpersonel. Den russiske udenrigsminister Sergei Lavrov, som skal mødes med den amerikanske udenrigsminister John Kerry i Geneve på fredag og lørdag, har gjort det klart, at der ikke kan blive nogen fælles amerikansk-russisk krig mod Islamisk Stat, med mindre USA gør det klart, at Washington ikke støtter Al Qaeda-Nusra Front, der for nyligt ændrede navn og hævder at have droppet sine bånd til Al Qaeda.

I det asiatiske Stillehavsområde har indsættelsen af det amerikanske THAAD missilforsvarssystem i Sydkorea øget risikoen for krig i dette omskiftelige område. USA og Sydkorea udfører nu fælles øvelser ud for den koreanske kyst, øvelser, der har foranlediget Nordkorea til at udføre en prøveaffyring af et ubådsbaseret missil, der landede i Japans ADIZ i det Østkinesiske Hav (Air Defense Identification Zone; luftforsvars-identifikationszone).

På trods af klare beviser for, at saudierne i deres krig mod Yemen begår folkemord, så fortsætter USA med at levere afgørende støtte til den saudiske krigskoalition og fortsætter med at sælge for hundreder af milliarder dollars våben til kongeriget – selv efter udgivelsen af de 28 sider af den oprindelige Fælles Kongresundersøgelsesrapport om 11. september, der dokumenterede omfattende støtte fra det saudiske regime til de terrorister, der angreb World Trade Center og Pentagon.

Alt, hvad præsident Obama har rørt ved, siden han tiltrådte embedet, har vist sig at være katastrofalt, og den kumulative effekt af hans krigspolitik og hans monetære og økonomiske politik har bragt verden på randen af katastrofe.

På samme tid har Ruslands, Kinas, Indiens og andre eurasiske landes indsats skabt nye muligheder for økonomisk vækst gennem projekter, der er godt i gang, under Kinas program for Ét bælte, Én vej, som nu også er vedtaget af den Eurasiske Økonomiske Union, og som ASEAN-nationerne og andre nu også i stigende grad tilslutter sig.
Tiden for at dumpe Obama er for længst overskredet, og sammen med ham også hans britisk-dikterede politik.

Foto: Et nyt paradigme er inden for menneskehedens rækkevidde, hvis Obama endelig fjernes fra embedet før valget. [Officielt Hvide Hus-foto af Pete Souza]