Danske Berlingske Tidende offentliggør historien,
»Lagde Obamas embedsmænd skumle planer mod Trump?«

København, 20. dec., 2017 – I en kronik i Berlingske Tidende rapporterer journalist Bent Blüdnikow, tilhænger af Trump og Netanyahu, om de seneste skandaler om Robert Mueller, Peter Strzok og Bruce Ohr. Indledningen lyder: »Sensationelle nye afsløringer i USA tyder på, at præsident Obamas ledende embedsmænd i FBI og Justitsministeriet lagde planer, så Trump ikke skulle vælges og han derefter skulle væltes med en slibrig rapport«.

Efter at have refereret til det skumle dossier, skrevet af Christopher Steele og betalt af Fusion GPS, og til, at der ikke fandtes noget bevis for disse beskyldninger, skriver Blüdnikow:

»Nu synes oplysninger at vise, at Steele-rapporten alligevel blev benyttet af Obamas venner i FBI og Justitsministeriet til at iværksætte aflytning af Trump og hans folk. De nye oplysninger er nok til, at vigtige borgerlige medier mener, at Obamas embedsfolk både før og efter valget af Trump modarbejdede ham. Der er en voksende fornemmelse af, at en Trump-opposition eksisterede både i FBI og Justitsministeriet, og at den undersøgelse, som Robert Mueller leder for at klarlægge, om Trump-staben havde intriger gående med Rusland, er politisk inficeret.«

Efter at citere amerikanske mediekilder, fortsætter han, »Sager myldrer frem, der synes at vise, at Trump skulle standses og Hillary Clintons sag fremmes«. Blüdnikow rapporterer om de seneste afsløringer omkring FBI’s Peter Strzok: at han var central i undersøgelserne af Hillary og Trump; var inde over Steele-rapporten og var den, der ændrede ordlyden af Hillarys e-mails, så hun ikke blev kriminelt tiltalt for sin skødesløshed. Han citerer dernæst Strzoks tekstbeskeder med Lisa Page, og han ender med at citere, at »Mistanken er, at Strzok med sine stærke antipatier også var den, der fremmede Steele-rapporten og sørgede for, at Hillary ikke blev tiltalt«.

Næste afsnit handler om, at Muellers kommission har fået problemer, fordi mange af dens jurister har vist sig at være økonomiske bidragsydere til Hillarys kampagne, inkl. Andrew Weismann, tidligere ansat i Justitsministeriet, der på ukorrekt vis støttede den fungerende justitsminister Sally Yates’ afvisning af at gennemføre Trumps immigrationsforbud fra visse lande.

Så er der historierne om Bruce og Nellie Ohr: at Bruce Ohr var en gammel ven til Christopher Steele, og at de havde møder, før dossieret blev en del af FBI’s efterforskning. Nellie Ohr arbejdede for Fusion GPS, der betalte for rapporten. »Mistanken er, at Steele-rapporten, som altså spillede en mulig afgørende rolle for FBI’s og Justitsministeriets mistanke mod Trump og hans stab, blev fremmet af medarbejdere, der modarbejdede Trump.«

»Disse og andre sager har fået borgerlige medier til at kræve en kritisk granskning af FBI, Justitsministeriet og Muellers kommission.« Kronikken slutter med relevante citater fra Wall St. Journal og National Review.

Muellers og Londons undergravende
virksomhed er i vanskeligheder
– Dette er en tid, hvor udviklingerne hastigt
kommer frem for dagens lys

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, USA, 19. dec., 2017 – I Washington, D.C., i dag, uddelte et hold af frivillige et trykt eksemplar af LaRouche PAC’s Særlige Undersøgende Rapport, »Robert Mueller er en umoralsk, juridisk morder: Han vil gøre sit job, hvis I giver ham lov«, til alle 100 senator-kontorer på Capitol Hill og relevante komiteer. Dette sker midt i en bølge af afhøringer og erklæringer i Kongressen om, hvorvidt et netværk mellem Justitsministeriet, FBI og britisk efterretning er skyldigt og hen over de seneste par år har handlet for at forsøge at ødelægge Donald Trumps kandidatur, og i særdeleshed hans præsidentskab, og for at forhindre ethvert initiativ generelt for, at USA kan have produktive udenrigsrelationer med Rusland, Kina og andre for at skabe en dybtgående stigning i den amerikanske økonomi.

Andrew McCabe. Denne FBI-vicedirektør er fremtrædende blandt dem, der undergraver. I dag blev han tilsagt til møde for Husets Efterretningskomite for at stå til ansvar for sine mange forseelser i løbet af det seneste år. Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA), formand for Senatets Juridiske Komite, sagde i går meget ligefremt, at McCabe burde gå: »han burde blive skiftet ud«. Grassley sagde, dette var et job for FBI-direktør Christopher Wray.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Dette kongresmedlem (D-FL) var leder af Demokraternes Nationalkomite (DNC) i den periode, hvor DNC kommissionerede det Washington, D.C.-baserede firma, Fusion GPS, til at smide skidt på Trump, hvilket job blev givet til »eks«-britisk efterretningsagent, Christopher Steele. Wasserman Schultz blev tilsagt til at stå til ansvar for dette i går, for Husets Efterretningskomite.

Michael Sussman. Denne advokat handlede for at foretage DNC-betalinger til firmaet Fusion GPS, der igen betalte den London-baserede Steele for det beskidte dossier, han forfattede. Sussman var tilsagt til møde for Husets Efterretningskomite i går, for at besvare spørgsmål.

Bruce Ohr. Denne degraderede, tidligere associerede vicejustitsminister udførte operationer sammen med briterne og Fusion GPS, udover, at hans hustru også arbejdede for dette firma i 2016. Hans fremmøde for Senatets Efterretningskomite er netop blevet udsat fra i går og til senere på ugen, fordi Komiteen netop er kommet i besiddelse af nye, relevant beviser. Og der er endnu flere, mindre betydningsfulde vidner.

Vi befinder os på et stadium, hvor mønstret af ulovlige, umoralske handlinger er åbenlyst. Selv i Europa bliver dette nu dækket. Den danske avis, Berlingske Tidende, havde i denne uge en artikel om skandalen, med overskriften, »Lagde Obamas embedsmænd skumle planer mod Trump?«; og med indledningen, »Sensationelle nye afsløringer i USA tyder på, at præsident Obamas ledende embedsmænd i FBI og Justitsministeriet lagde planer, så Trump ikke skulle vælges og han derefter skulle væltes med en slibrig rapport«.

For USA, er det selve den forfatningsmæssige regering, der står på spil. Dette er en tid, hvor udviklingerne hastigt kommer frem for dagens lys, og hvor mange af disse afsløringer er blevet iværksat af LaRouche-bevægelsen og kan bruges til endelig at stoppe de fjendtlige operationer og bane vejen for at afslutte den gamle æra med økonomisk nedgang og geopolitik.

I dag kom der erklæringer fra Rusland og Kina om at gøre netop dette, i respons til Det Hvide Hus’ offentliggørelse i går af den nye »Nationale Sikkerhedsstrategi« (som var kommissioneret af Kongressen). Det 68 sider lange dokument er for det meste opvarmede formuleringer fra det Gamle Paradigme, og som, som det erklærer, fremlægger måder, hvorpå USA kan »lykkes i det 21. århundredes geopolitiske konkurrence«.

Den kinesiske ambassade i Washington, D.C. opfordrede USA til at opgive en sådan »forældet tankegang«. Win-win-relationer er dagens orden. »Den kinesiske side er villig til at have fredelig sameksistens med alle lande i verden, inklusive USA, på basis af gensidig respekt.«

I dag kom der 10.000 eksemplarer frisk fra pressen, af LaRouche PAC’s rapport om politikken, »LaRouches Fire Love: De fysisk-økonomiske principper for USA’s økonomiske genrejsning – Amerikas fremtid på den Nye Silkevej«.

(Rettelse: Til abonnenter af Alert: Henvisningen i mandagens Alert til NDI (National Democratic Institute) var forkert; der skulle have stået, DNI (Director of National Intelligence, dvs., Clapper).

Foto: Tidligere præsident George W. Bush taler til medierne under en rundtur i FBI’s Hovedkvarter sammen med tidligere direktør Robert Mueller (venstre) og tidligere justitsminister John Ashcroft. 2. sep., 2001.

Besejr Mueller-kuppet:
’Porten står åben, så gør det’

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, USA, 18. dec., 2017 – Med den særlig anklager Robert Mueller, der af en førende juraprofessor i dag er blevet sammenlignet med J. Edgar Hoover – med overtrædelse af det Fjerde Forfatningstillæg og det privilegerede advokat-klientforhold i sin stræben efter at få ram på præsidenten – er tilstanden i efterretningssamfundets kupforsøg mod Trump ved at falde fra hinanden.

Hoover afpressede notorisk præsidenter i et forsøg på at kontrollere dem og afsætte dem, om nødvendigt. Mueller er en »juridisk morder« i et to år langt fremstød, »Stop Trump«, på vegne af britisk og amerikansk efterretning og sikkerhedstjenester. Men, tidevandet er ved at vende. På nuværende tidspunkt kunne afskedigelsen af blot nok et forudindtaget medlem af Muellers team bringe hans ryggesløse operation til fald. Denne kamp kan vindes på kort sigt, under jule- og nytårsferien.

Den storstilede cirkulering af LaRouche PAC’s dossier, »Robert Mueller er en umoralsk, juridisk morder; Han vil gøre sit job, hvis I giver ham lov«, har været afgørende for at nå til dette punkt. Med yderigere 10.000 eksemplarer ude og endnu flere kongresmedlemmer, der går ind i kampen, kan denne heksejagt besejres.

Men i denne kamp er der kun én vinder. Ikke alene står præsidentskabet på spil, men den konstante trussel om et de facto kup kunne også tvinge præsidenten til at forsøge at »gå på line« for at afværge det, ved at give efter for »fjendtlig oppositionsretorik« mod Kina og Rusland.

Har Kina ikke netop forpligtet sig til mere end $80 mia. i investeringer for at genoplive og genskabe Vest Virginias industrielle økonomi? Potentialet for USA’s samarbejde med Kinas Bælte & Vej Initiativ for store infrastrukturprojekter, og for en fuld og hel genoplivelse af NASA’s rumforskning sammen med de andre rumfartsnationer, kunne gå tabt. USA kunne gå, ikke ind i et nyt paradigme for økonomisk fremgang, men derimod tilbage ind i Bush’ og Obamas krigskonfrontationer med Rusland og Kina.

Det, LaRouche PAC og Schiller Instituttet kan gøre nu, vil blive afgørende. Kongressen må handle for at forsvare den Amerikanske Forfatning og de amerikanske institutioners myndighed mod et sådant »deep state« kup. Men en total mobilisering af de små styrker med sandheden i denne sag som de store våben, vil blive afgørende.

I dag sagde Lyndon LaRouche til medarbejdere, at resultatet af denne kamp i det store og hele er op til dem. »Tal omhyggeligt med folk om, hvad vi må gøre … Dette er et vigtigt øjeblik. Porten står åben. Gør det.«

Foto: Fra venstre: Robert Mueller og J. Edgar Hoover. 

Trump offentliggør ny strategi for national sikkerhed

18. dec., 2017 – I dag tog præsident Trump et usædvanligt skridt med selv at annoncere sin administrations nye, nationale sikkerhedsstrategi, i en tale i Det Hvide Hus. I sine indledende bemærkninger understregede Trump, at den afviser det, som efter hans mening er de tidligere administrationers fejltagelser, med handelsaftaler og klimaaftaler, der skader den amerikanske økonomi, sikkerheds- og immigrationspolitikker, der gjorde amerikanere mindre trygge derhjemme og gjorde væksten af ISIS i Irak og Syrien, og ligeledes væksten af den nordkoreanske »atomtrussel«, mulig. Trump falbød sine egne træk for at omstøde disse fejlslagne politikker, inklusive på den økonomiske side at faldbyde kendsgerningen om det himmelstormende aktiemarked som hovedindikator for økonomisk velstand, som, sagde han, hans administration har bragt i de 11 måneder, den har været ved magten.

Som forord til den nye strategi erklærede Trump, at vi er i et konkurrenceområde, at vi konfronteres med skruppelløse regimer, internationale terroristorganisationer og kriminelle grupper tværs over grænserne; og at Rusland og Kina er rivaliserende magter, der søger at ændre verden på en måde, der står i modsætning til USA’s interesser. Samtidig roste han imidlertid, at USA havde givet Moskva information, som var med til at ødelægge et terrorangreb i Skt. Petersborg, Rusland, i forgangne weekend. Det er sådan, samarbejde bør fungere mellem USA og andre lande, sagde han. »Alt imens vi søger et sådant samarbejde, vil vi også forsvare vort land som aldrig før«, sagde han.

Selve strategien består af fire søjler, af hvilke den første er at sikre det amerikanske folk og det amerikanske hjemmeterritorium. Dette omfatter at bygge muren på USA’s sydlige grænse, stramme op på immigrationspolitikken ved at omstøde mange af de ændringer, som den tidligere administration har indført, og give USA’s Grænsekontrol, Immigrations- og Toldpoliti, samt andre tjenester, større støtte.

Strategiens anden søjle er at fremme USA’s velstand, fordi »økonomisk sikkerhed er national sikkerhed«, sagde han. Dette inkluderer det lovforslag om skattesænkning, der nu er på vej til vedtagelse i Kongressen, og at skride til handling over for unfair handel og tyveri af intellektuel ejendom.

Trump krævede ligeledes en total genopbygning af Amerikas økonomiske infrastruktur. I starten af sine bemærkninger havde Trump nævnt Amtrak-ulykken tidligere i dag i staten Washington, som, sagde han, viser, hvorfor vi må begynde at »fikse« USA’s infrastruktur.[1]

Den tredje søjle i Trumps nye strategi er »fred gennem styrke«; det vil sige, en afslutning af loftet over forsvarsbudgettet og en modernisering og udvidelse af militæret. Strategien, sagde Trump, erkender ligeledes rummet som et »konkurrencedomæne« og kræver et flerlaget missilforsvarssystem.

Den fjerde søjle er at fremme USA’s indflydelse i verden. Dette omfatter bestræbelser inden for diplomati og udvikling for at opnå bedre resultater i alle områder, for at beskytte USA’s interesser, finde nye økonomiske muligheder for amerikanere og udfordre amerikanske konkurrenter. Vi vil indgå nye partnerskaber med dem, der deler vore mål, sagde Trump.

[1] Togulykke nær Seattle mandag morgen med 3 døde og mange sårede. (-red.)

Forræderi i FBI og i Muellers ’Få ram på Trump’-team er afsløret

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, USA, 17. dec., 2017 – De forræderiske handlinger, der er begået af ledende personer i FBI, CIA og National Democratic Institute (NDI) under Obama, er nu ubestridelige. Og afsløringen af deres fælles indsats for at gennemføre et statskup imod USA’s valgte regering, er nu uigendrivelig.

Netop i den forgangne uge fordømte en tidligere assisterende direktør for selve FBI, James Kallstrom, i flere interviews i medierne, »kliken« omkring James Comey, som brugte FBI til at køre en »femte kolonne for grundlæggende set at fjerne USA’s præsidentskab«. Han kaldte Russiagate for en »farce« og påpegede MI6-dossieret i centrum for Russiagate-svindlen og sagde, at, hvis det bekræftes, at dette fupnummer var blevet brugt for at få FISA-domstolen til at vedtage operationerne imod Trump og hans kampagne, og hvis Comey-teamet »vidste, det var falsk information, så er det en alvorlig, alvorlig kriminel handling«.

Kongresmedlem Trey Gowdy fra South Carolina, der den 15. dec. talte om den nuværende FBI-vicedirektør Andrew McCabe, sagde, »Jeg bliver lidt overrasket, hvis han stadig er ansat i FBI samme tid næste uge«. McCabe udeblev fra sin planlagte vidneforklaring for Kongressen i sidste uge, da det blev vist, at hans underordnede, Bruce Ohr, havde konspireret med MI6-agent Christopher Steele og Fusion GPS-holdet, der arbejdede for Hillary Clinton og DNC og betalte Steele for skidtet, og at Ohrs hustru arbejdede på Russia-sagen for Fusion GPS. McCabe er nu tilsagt til at møde for Husets Efterretningskomite på tirsdag. (Gowdy sagde, han ville blive »chokeret«, hvis han dukker op!)

Det kan være nyttigt her at reflektere over FBI’s historiske rolle. Så langt tilbage som i 1983, afslørede EIR de faktum, at FBI havde brugt kriminelle metoder for at ødelægge resterne af Franklin Roosevelt-traditionen i det Demokratiske Parti, for at forvandle det til et parti, der kontrolleredes af Wall Street og London ved hjælp af den såkaldte Abscam-operation. EIR skrev: »FBI indrømmede at have brugt 1$ mio. til at aflytte [præsident for Teamster-fagforeningen] Roy Williams telefoner og, som i Abscam, forlod sig på vidnesbyrd fra en dømt kriminel for at etablere sin sag. Juryen indrømmede, at vidneforklaringen var ’forvirrende og modsigelsesfuld’. Det politiske formål med retssagen blev klart, da embedsfolk fra Justitsministeriet efter sigende tilbød Williams en betinget dom, hvis han indvilligede i at træde tilbage som præsident for fagforeningen. Som smæk for at nægte dette fik han en dom på 55 år.«

EIR skrev samtidig, »Senator Harrison Williams fra New Jersey … står til en dom på tre år og en bøde på $50.000. Han blev dømt for ’villighed’ til at begå en forbrydelse, som FBI’s egne, i smug optagede film viser, han ikke begik«. Kongresmedlem Neil Gallagher fra New Jersey, der bekæmpede forbrydelserne, begået af J. Edgar Hoovers drenge i FBI, blev tvunget på lignende vis.

EIR-rapporten fra 1983 påpegede det faktum, at FBI blev oprettet i 1908 med det specifikke formål at skabe et hemmeligt, føderalt politi for at kontrollere Kongressens og vælgerorganisationers politikker i USA, i modstrid med den amerikanske forfatning. »Kongressen blev første offer for Bureauets afpresning, dets falske anklager«, siger artiklen, »som blev udført efter direktion af præsident Theodore Roosevlt og hans justitsminister Charles J. Bonaparte«. Og ingen overraskelse: »New York Times bakkede op om Roosevelts og Bonapartes sag« og skrev, at »Nu er senatorerne blevet behørigt advaret«.

[Se: http://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1983/eirv10n15-19830419/eirv10n15-19830419_058-how_the_fbi_was_set_up_as_a_nati.pdf]

Amerikanere må ligeledes komme til forståelse af den kendsgerning, at Robert Muellers første opgave for London/Wall Street-kliken var at oprette »Få ram på LaRouche«-specialstyrken i 1980’erne, og af samme grund – for at standse LaRouches arbejde, sammen med præsident Ronald Reagan, for at bringe USA og Rusland sammen, baseret på fremme af samarbejde om videnskabelige opdagelser og en afslutning af den britiske imperiesplittelse af verden i krigsførende fraktioner. Pamfletten, der afslører Muellers utallige forbrydelser, »Robert Mueller er en umoralsk, juridisk morder – Han vil gøre sit job, hvis I giver ham lov«, er nu blevet udgivet af LaRouchePAC i andet oplag på 10.000 eksemplarer, og blev i fredags uddelt til hvert eneste Kongreskontor.

Foto: Fra venstre: Obama, Comey, Mueller i Det Hvide Hus.   

NASA er opstemt og Kina er glad over, at USA
vender tilbage til bemandet udforskning af Månen

13. dec., 2017 – »Vi er temmelig opstemte«, sagde fungerende NASA-administrator, Robert Lightfoot, i går, dagen efter Trumps udgivelse af sit Direktiv 1 for Rumfartspolitik, der er centreret omkring bemandet tilbagevenden til Månen. Han talte for Sammenslutningen af Rumtransport på Capitol Hill. Alle NASA-ansatte var grundlæggende set imod Obamas distraherende og ødsle projekt for at sende astronauter til en asteroide, og NASA fortsatte igennem Obama-årene med en indsats på lavt niveau for udvikling af teknologi til et måneprogram. Lightfoot sagde, at detaljer om, hvordan den nye politik skal gennemføres, vil komme, når præsidenten forelægger NASA’s FY2019 budgetanmodning for Kongressen i februar, som så er i kraft med begyndelse i oktober, 2018.

Lightfoot satte også den nye politik i kontrast til Constellation-programmet, hvor selve Månen var fokus, og sagde, at, i den nye politik var Mars fortsat »målet ude i horisonten«.

Talsmand for det Kinesiske Udenrigsministerium Lu Kang responderede til et spørgsmål om den amerikanske præsident Trumps nye rumfartspolitik under en rutinemæssig pressebriefing i går og sagde, at Kina er villig til af fremme internationalt samarbejde. »Kina er glad over at se lande gøre fremskridt inden for udforskningen og anvendelsen af det ydre rum til fredelige formål«, sagde Lu.

Åbenheden i den kinesiske respons modsiger den udbredte misrepræsentation i medierne, der siger, at USA’s politik for at vende tilbage til Månen vil starte et »Månevæddeløb« med Kina. Det er muligvis tilfældet for de anti-kinesiske neokonservative, men ikke efter kinesernes mening. Denne respons indikerer Kinas beredvillighed til at samarbejde med USA, hvilket nu også må blive USA’s politik.

Månen, sommeren 1969.

USA’s ambassadør til Rusland:
Forvent bedre relationer; det amerikanske folk kræver det

17. dec., 2017 – Den russiske nyhedstjeneste Sputnik gjorde opmærksom på en videoudtalelse, udlagt i dag på USA’s Ambassades Twitter-tjeneste af USA’s ambassadør til Rusland, Jon Huntsman, og som udtrykker optimisme mht., at amerikansk-russiske, bilaterale relationer kan og vil forbedres, fordi befolkningerne i begge lande »forventer og kræver det«. Budskabet er kort og koncist:

»Jeg mener, vi kan forvente at se yderligere forbedringer i de amerikansk-russiske relationer. Hvorfor siger jeg det? Fordi det amerikanske folk forventer og kræver det. Og det russiske folk forventer og kræver det også. Politik kan undertiden komme i vejen, og spørgsmålene kan være vanskelige. Jo længere, jeg er her, desto mere overbevist bliver jeg om, at amerikanere og russere bør kunne finde fælles løsninger til globale problemer.

Dette ser vi allerede i nogle eksempler på at vinde større sikkerhed i Syrien, vores engagement for spørgsmål med Nordkorea om at modgå spredning af atomvåben, og jeg håber, at vi kan finde det samme mht. Ukraine, for eksempel.

Så vi har meget at se frem til på dagsordenen, og jo mere, vi kan finde fælles fodslag vedr. spørgsmål, der betyder mest, og finde en fælles fremgangsmåde til problemløsning, desto mere vil vi faktisk få at se forbedrede, bilaterale relationer mellem USA og Rusland«, konkluderede Huntsman.

Foto: USA’s ambassadør til Rusland, Jon Huntsman.

Nedtælling 45 dage!
En mobilisering for LaRouches Fire Love
som emnet for Trumps ’State of the Union’!
LaRouche PAC Internationale Webcast, 15. dec., 2017.


Vært Matthew Ogden: I mandags indledte vi vores nedtælling på 50 dage (se mandags-opdatering her); 50 dage til præsident Trump holder sin State of the Union tale (Tale om nationens tilstand), der er planlagt til den 30. januar, 2018. Vi er nu fem dage inde i denne nedtælling, så vi har 45 dage tilbage til State of the Union-talen. Lyndon LaRouches og LaRouche PAC’s erklærede hensigt er at sikre, at kernebudskabet i denne State of the Union-tale handler om det økonomiske program, der er nødvendigt for at genoplive den amerikanske økonomi for at bringe USA ind i det nye paradigme, som det er blevet initieret af Kina. Indholdet af dette program er selvfølgelig indeholdt i de fire økonomiske love i Hamiltons tradition, som Lyndon LaRouche har forfattet, og som er blevet cirkuleret vidt omkring af medlemmer af LaRouche Political Action Committee og aktivister her i USA. Dette vil vi gennemgå i detaljer.

Et hurtigt overblik; dette omfatter: en genindførelse af Glass-Steagall; en tilbagevenden til et nationalbanksystem i Hamiltons tradition; anvendelsen af den føderale regerings kreditskabende mekanisme til omgående at øge den amerikanske arbejdsstyrkes produktive evne og til at genopbygge infrastrukturen og det nødvendige, næste stadium af den amerikanske økonomis platform; og den indeholdte faktor i alt dette – et nationalt, forceret program for rumforskning og fusionskraft. Det er den videnskabsmotor, som er det lim, der holder hele programmet sammen.

Vi vil senere annoncere og vi har nogle billeder, men en ny brochure, der indeholder dette program, vil blive cirkuleret i begyndelsen af næste uge. Dette bliver det kernemateriale, I har brug for, for at hjælpe os med at mobilisere de tilbageværende dage af nedtællingen på 50 dage. Jeg sætter dette på skærmen.

Dette er et smugkig af forsiden af den kommende brochure, som bliver udgivet i begyndelsen af næste uge. Her ser man, at titlen er »Lyndon LaRouches Fire Love – De fysisk-økonomiske principper for USA’s genrejsning; Amerikas fremtid på den Nye Silkevej«. Og på bagsiden ser man et fint billede af Verdenslandbroen. Dette er det udviklingsprogram, som vil blive forlængelsen af den Nye Silkevej; og dernæst opregnes LaRouches Fire Love. Dette bliver selvfølgelig et meget afgørende materiale for os at cirkulere i den kommende periode.

Det andet, som selvfølgelig meget hurtigt er ved at udvikle sig i løbet af denne 50-dages nedtælling, er en komplet kovending af dette kupforsøg mod det amerikanske præsidentskab, som er blevet kørt med baggrund i det såkaldte »Russiagate«-hysteri. Dette svindelnummer er blevet brugt som en kølle i et forsøg på at bringe dette præsidentskab til fald og forsøge at drive en kile ind mellem ethvert nyttigt og potentielt produktivt samarbejde mellem USA og Rusland. Vi ser nu også, at dette udvides til at forsøge at drive en kile ind mellem USA og Kina. Her er tingene vendt rundt og har givet bagslag mod dem, der har kørt dette kupforsøg, ved at komme frem i dagens lys og er meget dramatisk. Vi har set afsløringen af hele spindet af korruption hos det personel, der var involveret i denne såkaldte efterforskning, og det er blevet klart, at, endnu før Donald Trump var blevet indsat, eller blot valgt, var der en kernegruppe af disse folk, der havde gjort det til deres egen, personlige mission at gøre alt, de kunne – inklusive at arbejde internt fra den amerikanske regerings institutioner – for at forsøge at bringe dette præsidentskab til fald. Dette er blevet afsløret på forskellig vis. Som I får at høre Helga Zepp-LaRouche sige i et kort uddrag fra Schiller Institut-webcastet fra i går, sagde hun, med sine egne ord, at »anklagerne er blevet de anklagede«. Dette åbner op for en helt ny, strategisk dimension.

Jeg vil nu afspille et kort uddrag af Helga Zepp-LaRouches bemærkninger i går i hendes internationale webcast:

(Hele Helgas webcast på dansk her)

Her følger resten af fredags-webcastet i engelsk udskrift:

HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  This is very fascinating
because exactly the opposite of what was the intention is now
happening; namely that those people who tried to prove collusion
between Trump and the Russian government are now the target of a
potential investigation themselves, with quite incredible
implications.  There are already calls out that all of these
people — from Mueller, McCabe, Bruce Ohr, Peter Strzok, and
various other individuals — that they should all be led away in
handcuffs.  This is the demand of a former judge and state
attorney, Jeanine Pirro, on Fox TV, and what she referred to is
the fact that now it is becoming very clear in the hearings in
the House of Representatives and in the Senate that there was
collusion of people who were absolutely a taskforce against Trump
even before he was elected, who wanted to have sort of a life
insurance against the possibility that Trump may be elected.
They worked together with the “former” MI-6 agent Christopher
Steele on this dirty dossier.  Now it turns out that the degree
of corruption is even much more deep.  For example, the wife of
the recently laid-off Associate Deputy Attorney General, Bruce
Ohr, worked for the very firm which was dealing with Christopher
Steele on behalf of the Obama administration and the Clinton
election team; namely, Fusion GPS.
So, there is very clearly a conflict of interest to say the
least, and what happened in the hearing was basically, the
situation became so hot that McCabe at the last moment discovered
a so-called conflict of his agenda, and he didn’t appear.
Congressman Nunes immediately said he does not believe that for a
second, because obviously it was incredible.  The cover-up is not
functioning anymore, because the questions were asked to these
individuals that they should have brought this information on
their own; if there was an investigation against the President,
they should have prepared the material as evidence and not
covered it up.
So, I think this is turning the whole situation around.
“Russia-gate” is crumbling, and this has incredible strategic
implications, because this whole thing, if we recall how this
developed, was all intended from the very beginning by the Obama
administration and the leftovers from the previous Bush
administration to prevent President Trump from developing a
positive relationship with Russia.

OGDEN:  This is excerpt from Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s remarks
yesterday on her international Schiller Institute webcast.  As
you just heard her conclude there, this whole thing is turning on
its head.  The accusers have become the accused; and she said
that this whole “Russia-gate” hoax is crumbling.  This has
enormous strategic implications.  Obviously, as she was just in
the middle of saying, the purpose of this was to drive a wedge
between any potentially useful collaboration between the United
States and Russia; and then also by extension, the United States
and China.  But this entire thing really now has crumbled in just
the last 48 hours; and it’s moving very quickly as a result of
the probes from various Congressional committees move ahead.  The
most telling are the text messages that were published between
Peter Strzok, who was a agent on the Mueller investigation, and
his would-be mistress, Lisa Page; who were texting back and forth
during the entirety of the campaign and then even after the
election, leading up into the inauguration.  I would just like to
read some of the content of these text messages that have been
released to the public.  It will show you that this is just
symptomatic of, as Helga Zepp-LaRouche called it, a taskforce
which really was put together inside the institutions of the FBI
and the Justice Department; that were planning and plotting how
to bring down President Trump after he was inaugurated.  So,
here’s some of the contents of the text messages.  You’ll see
that not only did they have it out for Donald Trump, they had it
out for Bernie Sanders, Martin O’Malley, and John Kasich.  These
were Clinton partisans; and I think this really goes to the point
that there is a stay-behind apparatus inside these institutions
that really were doing everything they could from {inside} of the
institutions to get Clinton elected.  Talk about a rigged system!
And then once she lost the election, they’ve been trying to do
everything they can to bring down President Trump.  So, here are
some quotes.
Lisa Page said in a text message, “I just saw my first
Bernie Sanders bumper sticker.  Made me want to key the car.” —
this is from August of 2015.  What was Strzok’s reply?  “He’s an
idiot like Trump.  Figure they cancel each other out.”  Later,
Lisa Page said about Donald Trump, “What an utter idiot!”  She
went on to say in another text message, “God!  Trump is a
loathsome human! OMG!  He’s an idiot!”  Strzok replied, “He’s
awful.”  Strzok wrote to Lisa Page in March of 2016, “God!
Hillary should win 100 million to zero!”  He identified himself
as a conservative Democrat, apparently.  Then here are two of
maybe the most telling text messages, that really get at the
heart of what the personnel in this so-called “investigation”
have really been up to.  Lisa Page wrote to Peter Strzok, “Maybe
you’re meant to stay where you are, because you’re meant to
protect the country from that menace,” she said, referring to
Donald Trump.  And Peter Strzok replied, “I can protect our
country at many levels.”  Then later, here’s another text, and
this is perhaps the most intriguing.  Peter Strzok wrote to Lisa
Page, “I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration
in Andy’s office” — referring to Andrew McCabe, the Deputy
Director. He said, “There’s no way he”, referring to Trump, “gets
elected.  But I’m afraid we can’t take that risk.”  So, what were
they plotting in Andrew McCabe’s office?  And then later on,
shortly after the election, Lisa Page wrote to Peter Strzok,
“Just bought {All the President’s Men}.  Figure I needed to brush
up on Watergate.”  Of course, {All the President’s Men} is the
famous book about how Richard Nixon was brought down through the
Watergate scandals.  So, this shows that shortly after the
election, these two Federal employees were discussing how Trump
might be brought down by this sort of scandal.  So, there you
have it — “Russia-gate”.
As Helga Zepp-LaRouche said, this entire thing is falling
apart.  That’s just one small sliver of the story.  There are
entire other aspects of these conflicts of interest and the fact
that Mueller did stack his team with people who were known
partisans, and who had very clear conflicts of interest.  This
entire thing is now turning on its head.  As Helga Zepp-LaRouche
said, this has enormous strategic implications.
Indeed, we see the potential again for a relationship
between the United States and Russia moving forward just today.
As we heard news reports, yesterday President Trump initiated a
call to President Putin, where they discussed several things, as
President Trump said while he was on the south lawn of the White
House this morning, getting on the helicopter to go down to
Quantico.  He said, President Putin talked about some of the
positive things that have been accomplished here in the United
States during the past year of President Trump’s Presidency.
They also talked about some of the conflicts that the US and
Russia have abroad.  But most of all, the subject matter of that
phone call last night was discussing how to resolve the Korea
crisis; North Korea specifically.  As we know, President Trump
has worked very closely with President Xi Jinping of China to try
to address this hotspot.  But he has repeatedly said, if we could
get along with Russia, that would be a good thing, not a bad
thing; because that would enable us to resolve some of these
hotspots around the world, including North Korea.  So, hopefully
we’ll see some progress as we move forward with that.  We
obviously know that that’s a major aspect of the discussion at
the United Nations Security Council today with Secretary
President Trump also said, during this interaction with
reporters this morning when he was getting on the helicopter, he
said this Russia scandal has been a fraud from day one, and
everybody knows it.  He said there is no collusion.  He said,
even my worst enemies come out of these committee hearings and
declare “Yes, that’s true.  There’s no evidence of collusion yet,
but we’ll just keep going and we’re sure to dig up something.”
But President Trump said, the point is, {there is no collusion}.
Let’s now get back to the business of running this country and
dealing with the problems that we have before us here in the
United States.
So, I think that gets directly back to the point.  We have a
45-day countdown now between now and President Trump’s State of
the Union.  Our mission, as LaRouche PAC and the LaRouche
movement, is to ensure that the central core theme of that State
of the Union is “How are we going to revive the economy of the
United States, and how are we going to join this New Paradigm of
‘win-win’ development that’s been initiated by China?”  That is
by no means a long shot, especially if you — as we did on Monday
— take a survey back on some of the positions that this
President has taken on some of the core themes of that Four Laws
economic program.  Glass-Steagall — he espoused it during the
campaign.  It’s been twisted and undermined by Steve Mnuchin and
others, but this is still a stated part of President Trump’s
agenda.  $1 trillion for infrastructure; we know that that was
the core theme of his joint address to the Congress last
February, and he’s come back to it several times.  In what form
it’s not clear; but that immediately must be mobilized.  The way
that it can be mobilized is through a Hamiltonian national bank
or a national infrastructure bank similar to the way that
Franklin Roosevelt did it during the New Deal.  He also talked
about restoring the skills and the employment of the forgotten
man; especially in the formerly industrial Midwest and heartland
of the United States.  Absolutely!  This is an entire layer of
the population that needs immediate relief, but also needs
immediate productive jobs on the cutting edge kinds of
technologies that can be mobilized through a crash program for
space and for ultimately the achievement of fusion power.
We took a large step forward, so to speak, a giant leap in
the direction of bringing mankind back to the Moon this last
Monday afternoon, with President Trump’s signing of the Space
Policy Directive #1.  The speech that he made upon that signing,
was a very inspiring speech.  He said we intend to bring
Americans back to the Moon, not just to put our footsteps on the
surface of the Moon and plant a flag; but to set up more
permanent research and settlement capabilities there, and then
ultimately to use that a launching pad to send men to Mars and
ultimately beyond.  So obviously, that was the 45th anniversary
of the Apollo 17 landing on the lunar surface; which was the last
manned Moon landing that we’ve had in 45 years.
We had the opportunity last night to hear from Kesha Rogers
on the Fireside Chat.  And many of you maybe got to participate
in this, but Kesha Rogers is a declared candidate — and I can
put her image up here [Fig. 3].  An independent candidate for
Congress, for the US House of Representatives in the 9th
Congressional District of Texas for the upcoming 2018
Congressional elections.  And as Kesha Rogers pointed out in her
talk last night, in her entire lifetime — she’s 41 years old —
we have not had a man or a woman land on the surface of the Moon.
Our entire lifetimes, and now we’re talking about the entire
lifetimes of another generation who are now reaching adulthood;
those students in college and those who are graduating high
school, their entire lifetimes have passed up to this point
without human beings returning to the surface of the Moon.  This
is a tragedy and this is an utter travesty when we look at the
legacy of what John F Kennedy and those original Apollo
astronauts intended when they were laying the groundwork for what
was going to be permanent settlements on the Moon and manned
missions beyond.  That was derailed with John F Kennedy’s
assassination, and we as a nation have fallen far behind where we
were even then with the failure to follow through on those
amazing breakthroughs.
So, this is one of things that has obviously inspired Kesha
Rogers in her declaration for candidacy in the Texas 9th District
US House of Representatives campaign.  But she also, in this
talk, called on others to join her; to take this kind of
leadership that her campaign will be the flagship for the
leadership required.  But that others must join with her to take
the leadership to make this vision a reality.  She in no
uncertain terms, made it very clear that in order to make this
vision into an actuality, we needed to make a breakthrough in the
next 45 days on securing Lyndon LaRouche’s Four Economic Laws as
the core law of the land when we’re talking about the agenda for
this Presidency.
So, what I’d like to do for you is actually just play a few
short excerpts from Kesha Rogers’ opening remarks during that
Fireside Chat call last night, just so you can hear this kind of
authoritative voice of leadership in her own voice.

KESHA ROGERS:  I will just start by making
clear for many people who have already heard and those who may be
new on the line who haven’t heard or may not be familiar with my
campaign.  I have just recently, as Dennis stated, filed a
statement of intent here in Texas to run as an independent for
the US House of Representatives in Congressional District 9 in
Texas.  That is the seat that current Congress member Al Green
holds.  Now I’m going to be petitioning for a position on the
November 2018 ballot as an independent following the March
primary elections here in Texas.
I wanted to start just with that, from the standpoint of
first of all, to give you a little bit of background about my
qualifications, my work with Mr. LaRouche over the past now
nearly 15 years.  I have run Congressional campaigns going back
to 2010, when I ran my first campaign and secured the Democratic
Party nomination and also again in 2012 securing the Democratic
Party nomination.  Leading the charge and calling out front to
end and destructive policies against our nation by
President Obama.  Calling for Obama’s impeachment during those
periods; particularly for his continued criminal actions against
our country, including his commitment to war policy,
regime-change, his Tuesday kill list, and most emphatically —
which we’ll get into more — the destruction of our national
space program with the brutal cuts to the Constellation program
and the destruction of our Moon return program that was set into
motion by the Constellation.
But what we saw during the Obama administration was an
outright commitment to defending the interests of Wall Street.
This is what my campaign and many of my colleagues on the
national slate that I ran with as LaRouche candidates on a
national slate, acted immediately to reject this policy of Wall
Street looting of our national economy and to call for the
shutting down of Wall Street and a restoring of Glass-Steagall
banking reorganization.  So, it’s important to understand that
history right now, because this is what actually garnered a great
success with my campaigns here in Texas, despite the fact that
there was a real backlash from the national and local Democrat
Party.  As I said, the victory came about when people in not only
in the district, in the state, supported my campaign calling for
a return to a national mission.  A visionary perspective as
outlined by President John F Kennedy and also President Franklin
Roosevelt, which has been the commitment of Lyndon LaRouche and
his economic policies for many decades now.  Many people
responded to that call of leadership and recognized that our
campaign actually offered solutions.
This is what is absolutely required today.  What I’m hoping
to see is that more people take it upon yourselves to actually
launch into this fight, to run political campaigns yourself.
What we need right now is we need a form of leadership emerging
throughout the country of people all over the nation.  This is
not a matter of party politics; this is a matter of who will
commit to a restoring of a national mission for the country.  I
think it’s very important right now to recognize that we’re not
talking about what’s going to be needed for almost a year from
now in a November election.  But what is required immediately,
and what must be implemented at this present time to save our
nation, to save the US economy, to turn around the decades-long
physical economic collapse that we’ve seen in the country.  We’re
at a very unique opportunity to be able to do that.  It’s going
to require the educational process of the American people; it’s
going to require a number of you and others stepping up to the
plate to provide the leadership that’s needed.  I think it really
is going to require a new commitment and understanding of what
the idea of a national mission really should constitute.  Mr.
LaRouche the model, the mobilization of my
campaigns has been the direct influence of the work that Lyndon
LaRouche has been involved in for many years now.  The national
mission orientation and a science driver crash program for
restoring the productivity of our nation.
So, I think that is the fight at hand right now.  As we look
at the rapid shift toward development in the world at the present
time, you see what’s happening in terms of a commitment by
nations that are joining with China in the Belt and Road
Initiative.  The direction for a national mission for our country
isn’t just for the benefit of the United States itself, but the
world is looking right now towards a unified global paradigm.
Which is a paradigm shaped around the idea that an international
commitment to collaboration, to ending poverty, to ending the
threat of war, to ending hunger, to ending in the United States
and elsewhere the rapid increase of drug abuse, and the collapse
of physical infrastructure.  This has to be our commitment; not
just to our own nation, but to that in collaborations around the
world.  The best way to define, to actually secure the victory of
accomplishing those goals, is through a commitment to a national
driver which is our commitment to reviving our national space
So, that’s what has been my number one priority, is
continuing to campaign even in off-campaign seasons and continue
to be very present in the space community and the scientific
community.  This is what we have a very important obligation to
see through.  So, I think we are in a very unique position to
respond to this demand of leadership.  I take on that challenge
willingly, and I am looking for people to join me and take on
that challenge as I do, and to make sure that we can move the
country in the needed direction in the next 50 days now.  Get the
President to immediately adopt these policies of an economic
recovery program that’s been defined by Lyndon LaRouche in his
Four Economic Laws.

OGDEN:  So there you heard.  These were the opening remarks
from Kesha Rogers during the Fireside Chat last night.  You can
listen to the entire dialogue on the LaRouche PAC website if you
missed it, but her remarks there right at the conclusion; she
said we have this 50-day countdown — now 45 days — to secure
Lyndon LaRouche’s Four Economic Laws as the policy of the
Presidency of the United States.  So, you can see here on the
screen [Fig. 4], this is again the sneak peek to the cover of the
LaRouche PAC pamphlet which will be coming out at the beginning
of next week.  “America’s Future on the New Silk Road.
LaRouche’s Four Laws — The Physical Economic Principles for the
Recovery of the United States.”  And it says on the back there,
these are LaRouche’s Four Laws; and then we have a beautiful map
of the World Land-Bridge as it was conceived originally by the
LaRouche movement over 20 years ago.  Now, this is actually
coming into fruition.  The core contents of this pamphlet are the
text of the keynote speech that Helga Zepp-LaRouche made at the
Bad Soden conference in Frankfurt, Germany about two weeks ago.
Where she goes through the entire vision of what was originally
conceived of by Gottfried Leibniz as the Eurasian collaboration
between European civilization and Chinese Confucian civilization,
reaching across, bridging between those two great civilizations
to bring development to the entirety of the Eurasian continent.
That was Leibniz’s idea originally for what is now this New Silk
Road that the Chinese have initiated.  Now our mission is to
extend that to include the entire world.
Also, we have Lyndon LaRouche’s original document — “The
Four Economic Laws” — reprinted in full in that pamphlet.  Then
we have four sections that break down those four economic laws
and elaborate them a little bit more extensively.  This is
exactly what Kesha Rogers said; we need to have an educational
process for the American people over the coming 45 days in order
to really bring this idea of a recovery program to life.
So, I thought it was very useful to listen to the remarks
from Kesha Rogers, and to hear that in her own voice.  As she
said, we’re in a very unique to respond to the demand of
leadership that’s needed today.  She said, I think that if we
take this kind of national sense of mission, we can really
inspire people across party lines.  This is not a question of
party politics, she said.  She called for a swarm of leadership
from across the nation; she said, “We need a swarm of leadership
of people who will commit to restoring this sense of national
mission for our country”; bring us into this New Paradigm of
development which is now sweeping the globe.  She said what’s
required is for you and for others to step up to the plate and to
provide the kind of leadership required.  She said, “I take on
that challenge willingly, and I’m looking for others who will do
the same.”
So I think on that note, we have our sense of mission for
the next 45 days.  Things will continue to develop very rapidly,
I’m sure; around both the crumbling of this entire so-called
“Russia-gate” investigation, as things become more and more
revealed and brought out into the light of day.  And also as we
continue to make breakthroughs on this campaign to make Lyndon
LaRouche’s Four Economic Laws the law of the land here in the
United States.
So, continue to tune in, please, over the coming days as we
continue our now 45-day countdown.  We will guarantee that we
will continue our mobilization and do everything required to make
sure that we secure a victory in this campaign to restore the
Hamiltonian principles as the law of the land in the United
States.  So, you can follow more about what Kesha Rogers is doing
as we cover her campaign here on larouchepac.com.  And you can
look forward to next week, the publication of this new pamphlet,
“America’s Future on the New Silk Road.  LaRouche’s Four Laws —
The Physical Economic Principles for the Recovery of the United
States.”  And also, we have the 10,000-print run of the Mueller
special dossier that has already penetrated the highest levels of
policymaking here in Washington, DC and across the country, and
will continue to have — I’m sure — a very groundbreaking
So, thank you for tuning today.  Please stay tuned to
larouchepac.com and good night.

Trump annoncerer USA’s tilbagevenden til Månen:
Vi har brug for LaRouches Fire Love for at gøre det.
Helga Zepp-LaRouche i Schiller Institut
Nyt Paradigme Webcast, 14. dec., 2017

Jeg mener, der også er en aftale mellem USA og Rusland om sammen at bygge en rumstation på Månen. Og Trumps beslutning – jeg mener, man kan virkelig se, hvem, der er hvem, når man ser, hvordan folk reagerer til dette. ESA, det Europæiske Rumagentur, var fuldstændig entusiastisk og hilste dette velkomment; den kinesiske regering udtrykte glæde over denne beslutning. Alt imens de europæiske medier dækkede dette, som om Trump var fuldstændig sindssyg for at ville tage tilbage til Månen – dette er virkelig utroligt! Alle mennesker, der har været i rummet, astronauterne, de kommer altid tilbage og siger, dette er en utrolig oplevelse, for i rummet betyder det ingen ting, hvilken nationalitet, man har, for man må stole på hinanden, ellers kan man ikke gennemføre en så ekstremt udfordrende mission. En russisk kosmonaut har netop sagt: Vi bør udvikle en holdning til at løse problemer på Jorden i samme ånd, med hvilken vi samarbejder i rummet.

Download (PDF, Unknown)

Russiagate kupforsøg imod Trump i
problemer – kommer kupmagerne i fængsel
og USA med i Kinas Ny Silkevej?
Politisk Orientering og diskussion med
Schiller Instituttets formand Tom Gillesberg
den 14. december 2017.


Hør hele Tom Gillesbergs analyse:        

En plan for at besejre et kup og gå med i et
nyt paradigme for økonomisk fremskridt

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, USA, 13. dec., 2017 – LaRouche Political Action Committee (LPAC) udgiver to dokumenter til massecirkulation for at besejre kuppet mod præsident Trump, og for at realisere – og gå hinsides – de økonomiske politikker, amerikanere troede, han stod for under sidste års valgkampagne.

I dag begyndte uddelingen af det andet masseoplag af dossieret, »Robert Mueller er en umoralsk, juridisk morder: Han vil gøre sit job, hvis I giver ham lov«; det vil blive uddelt i Washington, D.C., og i hele landet, frem til fredag, 15. dec. Det er lykkedes det første masseoplag af dette dossier at rette spotlyset, og heden, mod den politiske dagsorden for et kupforsøg mod Donald Trump, der indledtes med britisk efterretning, og som bruger Mueller som sit våben. Det afsløres nu, dag efter dag, i kongreshøringer og endda i nogle af de medier, som for blot få uger siden handlede som en del af dette kup.

De 10.000 nye dossierer, der er uddelt på tryk, og dossierets virkning på Internettet, må gøre det af med dette kup, inklusive Muellers såkaldte »efterforskning«.

Præsidentens politikker er kendt; han fastslår dem klart og gentagent. De omfatter en hensigt om at samarbejde med Rusland og Kina for at opløse arven efter Bush/Obama om »krige for regimeskifte« og undgå truslen om en konfrontation mellem atommagter.

Men kupmagernes politikker og ekstreme partiskhed mod Trump – med start i britisk MI6-efterretningstjeneste fra 2015 og frem – er blevet dulgt, mens de »ganske enkelt efterforskede russisk indblanding«. Dette hemmelighedskræmmeri er nu blevet sprængt vidt åbent; deres partiskhed er til offentligt skue og må snart komme under formel efterforskning.

Og deres politik – som, igen, starter med britisk efterretning – er en totalt optrappet konfrontation med Rusland og Kina, der endda vil gå så langt som til en atomar konfrontation.

»Efterforskerne« er i virkeligheden et netværk af angloamerikanske spioner – Christopher Steele, Glenn Simpson, FBI’s Andrew McCabe, justitsministeriets folk Bruce og Nellie Ohr, Mueller selv og hans »chefefterforsker« Peter Strzok, et al. – der havde anstiftet Obamas hardline anti-russiske politik i årevis, før kandidat og siden præsident Donald Trump blev mål for dem.

Alt imens præsidenten må befries for dette kupforsøg, så vil LaRouche PAC’s anden publikation, »Amerikas fremtid på den Nye Silkevej« genoplive potentialet for et »nyt økonomisk paradigme«, som engagerede ham i hans 14 dage lange rejse til Kina og andre asiatiske nationer. Resultatet heraf var næsten $300 mia. i investeringer i USA og et forpligtende engagement fra kinesernes side til at opbygge industri i Amerikas tredjefattigste stat.

Præsidenten og Kongressen må ubetinget begynde med genindførelsen af Glass/Steagall-loven, før de hyper-gearede amerikanske og europæiske banker atter krakker. Dette var et løfte under Trumps valgkampagne. Gå dernæst med i Kinas Bælte & Vej Initiativ (»Nye Silkevej«) og følg op på kredit fra Kina til store infrastrukturprojekter med kredit fra en Reconstruction Finance Corporation (kreditanstalt for genopbygning) eller en statslig, amerikansk bank efter Hamiltons principper. Infrastrukturbyggeri var Trumps hovedkampagneløfte, men det Republikanske lederskabs gniere har hidtil nedkæmpet hans plan.

Byg højhastigheds-jernbanekorridorer; byg havsluser og reservoirer; byg kernekraftværker og vær ikke afhængig af energi fra gas, som de nu fortrydende briter. Tag til Månen igen, og derfra dybere ind i Solsystemet med en mobilisering som Apolloprogrammet. Trump har atter erklæret, at USA vil gøre dette. Men uden de politikker for kredit og videnskab, som LaRouche forklarer i sine »Fire Love«, og uden samarbejde med Kina, Rusland og andre rumfartsnationer, vil det ikke lykkes.

Brochuren »Amerikas fremtid på den Nye Silkevej« er udgivet for at få disse love gennemført.

Det tegner til en livlig jule- og nytårsferie. Den bliver forhåbentlig god for fred og for menneskehedens fælles fremtid.

Robert Mueller dossier.

USA’s udenrigsminister Tillerson gør det klart,
at vi har brug for russisk samarbejde om Korea

13. dec., 2017 – På en pressekonference afholdt på Atlantic Council-Korea Foundation Forum, sagde USA’s udenrigsminister Rex Tillerson, at præsident Trump mener, det er ekstremt vigtigt at etablere en relation mellem USA og Rusland. Tillerson sagde også, at samarbejde med Rusland om Korea var vigtigt. »Jeg mener, præsidenten har gjort det fuldstændig klart, at han mener, det er ekstremt vigtigt, at USA og Rusland har en arbejdsrelation«, sagde Tillerson. »Det har vi ikke i dag.«

På trods af dette faktum påpegede Tillerson, at USA regner med Rusland for at være med til at løse krisen i Syrien og gøre Nordkorea atomvåbenfrit. »I det store og hele har de [Rusland] i FN’s Sikkerhedsråd igen støttet sanktionerne«, sagde Tillerson i går. »De har udtalt sig om, hvor effektive, de mener, disse vil være, men vi har brug for Ruslands støtte.«

Tillersons udtalelse på det samme forum om, at USA er rede til at forhandle med nordkoreanske repræsentanter uden forudsætninger, blev onsdag modificeret, men ikke ændret, af udtalelser fra Det Hvide Hus og Justitsministeriet om, at USA forventer en periode uden atom- eller missiltest i Nordkorea, før og under sådanne forhandlinger.

Talsmand for den russiske præsident, Dmitry Peskov, sagde om denne udtalelse, »Generelt set kan vi sige, at sådanne konstruktive erklæringer er bedre end den konfrontationsretorik, vi hidtil har hørt. Vi kan kun hilse dette velkomment, og det er i overensstemmelse med vore forslag«. Peskov forsatte, at »det er Putin, der uophørligt har opfordret alle de interesserede parter til at gøre enhver bestræbelse for at opbygge dialog. Så disse udtalelser [fra Tillerson] er afgjort velkomne«.

I mellemtiden sagde FN’s undergeneralsekretær for politiske anliggender, Jeffrey Feltman, efter sit besøg til Nordkorea, at USA forventer, Pyongyang vil signalere sin beredvillighed til at forberede forhandlinger om afgørelse af atomvåbenkrisen, selv om det nordkoreanske lederskab ikke kom med nogen forpligtelse i dette spørgsmål, iflg. Sputnik. »Vi understregede over for regeringsfolkene fra Den Demokratiske Folkerepublik Korea, at vi virkelig mener, de må signalere, at de er villige til nu at gå i en anden retning, til at indlede en eller anden form for engagement, til at begynde at tale om forhandlinger. De lyttede seriøst til vore argumenter og diskuterede dem med os. Men de kom ikke med nogen form for forpligtelse over for os på dette tidspunkt. De må tænke over, hvad vi sagde, sammen med deres lederskab«, sagde Feltman til reportere. »Nordkoreanske samtalepartnere var enige i, at det var vigtigt at forhindre krig. Hvordan vi gør det, var emnet for de 15+ timers diskussioner.«

Foto: USA’s udenrigsminister Rex Tillerson på pressekonferencen.

Trump annoncerer, USA vil vende tilbage til Månen;
Han får brug for LaRouches Fire Love for at opnå det.
Helga Zepp-LaRouche i Schiller Institut
Nyt Paradigme Webcast, 14. dec., 2017 kl. 18.


12. dec., 2017 – Den 11. dec. underskrev præsident Donald Trump et nyt direktiv for rumfart, som åbner døren for en udvidet vision for USA’s bemandede rumfart. I sin meddelelse sagde han, »Denne gang vil vi ikke blot plante vores flag og afsætte vore fodspor. Vi vil etablere et grundlag for en eventuel mission til Mars, og måske en dag mange verdener hinsides Mars.« Samtidig med, at præsidenten kom med denne meddelelse, fandt et møde sted i den Kinesisk-Amerikanske Civile Rumfartsdialog, der bragte kinesiske og amerikanske regeringsfolk sammen i Beijing for at drøfte en genåbning af samarbejde om rumfart. Frygten blandt imperiefortalerne for en unipolær verden er, at denne form for initiativ fra Trump-administrationens side ville bevæge USA ud af de dødbringende, endeløse konflikter, som de, igennem Bush- og Obamaadministrationerne, og som står bag den nu fejlende Mueller-efterforskning med det formål at fjerne Trump for enhver pris, har gennemtvunget.

For at realisere et sådant løfterigt samarbejde – som er på linje med det nye paradigme for internationale relationer, som nu vokser frem omkring Bælte & Vej Initiativet, lanceret af Kinas præsident Xi Jinping – er det afgørende, at Amerika mobiliseres til at lukke det britiskorkestrerede kup imod præsident Trump ned. Samtidig er det nødvendigt, at Lyndon LaRouches Fire Love bliver grundlaget for Trump-administrationens økonomiske politik. Disse Fire Love leverer på enestående vis fundamentet for en genoplivelse af det Amerikanske [Økonomiske] System, som er forudsætningen for de videnskabelige og teknologiske fremskridt, der er nødvendige for at genoplive en amerikansk rolle i rumforskning. Ved at bringe den Nye Silkevejsånd til et bredere publikum, der består af aktive borgere i hele verden, er sådanne mål nu inden for vores rækkevidde.

I sin ugentlige, strategiske webcast vil dette være blandt de spørgsmål, Helga Zepp-LaRouche kommer ind på.

Hold jer sejren for øje!

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, USA, 11. dec., 2017 – Dette er et enestående øjeblik. Det gamle, geopolitiske paradigme smuldrer, selv om det stadig sparker og er farligt, som det er tilfældet i det aktuelle kaos omkring Jerusalem. Men det nye paradigmes gensidige fordelagtighed vinder hastigt grund; og den potentielle alliance mellem Kina, Rusland og USA betyder et muligt, episk fremskridt for menneskeheden. Vi bør holde os sejren for øje.

I USA hører vi nu hyleri fra imperieslænget i Washington og London om, at deres Mueller/Russiagate-komplot ikke har held til at bringe Trump og det amerikanske præsidentskab til fald. Washington Post og Londonavisen Guardian stønner, at Robert Mueller og hans team ikke længere er »respekteret« og ikke ses som værende en »legitim myndighed«.

Det, der sker med Robert Mueller, viser »Ibykus-princippet« i kraft, med henvisning til Friedrich Schillers berømte digt, Ibykus’ traner. I dag påpegede Schiller Instituttets præsident, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, denne kendsgerning. Mueller slap længe godt fra sine forbrydelser – fængslingen af Lyndon LaRouche og hans medarbejdere, medskyldighed og mørklægning af Saudi-Arabiens involvering i 11. september. Men nu kredser Ibykus’ traner om ham. Mueller står for fald.

I Sydvestasien er der positive udviklinger, der giver håb for fremtiden, på trods af de af USA- og U.K.-støttede, saudiske grusomheder med angreb på Yemen. I dag var den russiske præsident Vladimir Putin på en russisk flybase i Syrien, hvor han takkede russiske soldater for deres indsats i Syrien og annoncerede, at kontingenter og udstyr nu er beordret hjem. »Vi vil aldrig glemme de dødsfald og tab, vi har lidt i anti-terrorkampen, både her i Syrien og i Rusland … mindet herom vil give os yderligere styrke til at udrydde denne absolutte ondskab – international terrorisme …« Den syriske præsident Bashar al-Assad takkede personligt Putin for at hjælpe Syrien. Dernæst mødtes Putin i Kairo med den egyptiske præsident Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, hvor økonomiske aftaler blev underskrevet, inklusive aftaler om, at Rusland kunne gå videre med byggeri af kernekraftværket med fire reaktorer på kysten, og om at samarbejde om Suezkanalens industrizone.

Samtidig er regionen i oprør over meddelelsen fra 6. dec. om, at USA vil flytte sin ambassade i Tel Aviv til Jerusalem. Trumps erklæring om dette – som senere blev modereret af udenrigsminister Rex Tillerson, kommer midt i en månedlang hyperaktivitet på vegne af fjernsynsprædikanter, såkaldte kristne, fundamentalistiske netværk, der kræver, at vi »står side om side med Israel«. Disse netværk er gamle kapaciteter for beskidte, britiske operationer, som går årtier tilbage i tiden. Vicepræsident Mike Pence, der er dybt involveret i disse kredse, og USA’s FN-ambassadør Nikke Haley, gik ind for, at Trump skulle tage dette provokerende initiativ før Pences planlagte rejse til Israel (17.-18. dec.) og Egypten (19.-20. dec.). Denne rejse – der tidligere var programmeret som en måde til at fremme Trumps ønske om en fredsproces, ligger nu i ruiner, endnu før den er begyndt. Den palæstinensiske præsident Mahmoud Abbas har aflyst et planlagt møde med Pence, og det samme har den egyptiske, koptiske patriark, pave Tawadros II og Egyptens øverste, muslimske klerikale repræsentant, Ahmed Al-Tayeb.

Denne form for handlinger for at skabe konflikt – hvor man sætter Israel op imod Palæstina, jøder op imod muslimer, sunnier op imod shi’iter samt andre geopolitiske spil, er det gamle paradigme i arbejde. Der er ingen mulighed for sikkerhed for nogen – inklusive Israel – i dette system af orkestrerede stridigheder. Den eneste løsning er gennem en ny æra for win-win-relationer mellem nationer, i den »Nye Silkevejsånd«. Dette forklares på smukkeste vis i Schiller Instituttets nye rapport, »Udvid den Nye Silkevej til Sydvestasien og Afrika: En vision om en økonomisk renæssance (vil snart kunne bestilles i USA).

LaRouche-medarbejdere i USA går nu frem mod målet om at opnå et skifte i politikken frem til 30. januar, 2018, Trumps Tale om nationens tilstand. Som det blev sagt i dag i LaRouche PAC’s mandags-opdatering: »50 dage til at forme de næste 50 år«.

Præsident Trumps underskrivelse af »Direktiv 1 for Rumpolitik« under en ceremoni i Det Hvide Hus er et skridt hen imod netop denne fornødne ændring. Vi vil »løfte vort blik mod himlene« og »turde drømme store ting«, erklærede præsidenten.

Foto: Præsident Trump får en pilotjakke fra NASA i Det Hvide Hus, marts, 2017. (Whitehouse Photo)          

Lavrov og Tillerson mødes i Wien om Syrien, Ukraine, Nordkorea, Afghanistan

8. dec., 2017 – Den russiske udenrigsminister Sergei Lavrov og den amerikanske udenrigsminister Rex Tillerson mødtes på sidelinjen af et møde i Organisationen for Sikkerhed og Samarbejde (OSCE) i det Europæiske Ministerråd i Wien. De diskuterede Syrien, Nordkorea og Ukraine.

Lavrov informerede Tillerson om, at Rusland er rede til at hjælpe Nordkorea og USA med at etablere en direkte dialog om sikkerhedsgarantier for Pyongyang. »Vi ved, at Nordkorea først og fremmest ønsker at tale med USA om sikkerhedsgarantier. Vi er rede til at støtte det. Vi er rede til at promovere sådanne forhandlinger«, understregede Lavrov. Det Russiske Udenrigsministerium sagde, »De russiske og amerikanske topdiplomater gav ligeledes udtryk for det fælles standpunkt, at Nordkorea strengt må overholde FN’s Sikkerhedsråds resolutioner.«

Om Syrien lød udtalelsen fra Ministeriet, »De to sider diskuterede yderligere skridt for at afslutte den civile konflikt i Syrien via en etablering af en holdbar forhandlingsproces, der involverer alle syriske, politiske kræfter, inklusive inden for rammerne af Genève-processen og i den forestående Kongres for National Dialogs regi i Sotji (Rusland), med den samtidige fuldførelse af besejringen af internationale terroristgrupper.«

Tillerson sagde, at Ukraine var hovedforhindringen i de amerikansk-russiske bånd, men at den amerikanske præsident altid har søgt at etablere gode relationer med Rusland. »Vi kan være uenige i andre arenaer, i Syrien. Vi kan være uenige inden for andre områder«, sagde Tillerson. »Men det spørgsmål, der står i vejen, er Ukraine.«

I et separat møde med medlemmer af OSCE’s særlige overvågningsmission til Ukraine sagde Tillerson, at USA arbejder sammen med Rusland om FN’s fredsbevarende forslag iht. Voice of America. »Det gør vi. Jeg vil ikke gå i detaljer med, hvad vi får, men vi får fremskridt«, sagde Tillerson. »Vi får dialog, vi får samarbejde. Vi har det ikke løst. Man løser det ikke i et enkelt møde.« Alt imens begge sider har krævet en fredsbevarende styrke i det østlige Ukraine, så er de uenige om betingelserne for dens deployering.

De to topdiplomater diskuterede ligeledes Afghanistan.

Foto: Ruslands udenrigsminister Sergei Lavrov og USA’s udenrigsminister Rex Tillerson. Arkivfoto.

»Med det voksende tempo mod
Verdenslandbroen, må særlige anklager
Mueller gå!« Dansk Udskrift.
Schiller Institut Nyt Paradigme Webcast,
7. dec., 2017, med Helga Zepp-LaRouche

I Europa ser det endnu mere dystert ud, for de europæiske nationer befinder sig i en totalt kaotisk tilstand. Der er de øst- og sydeuropæiske nationer, der ønsker at gå sammen med Kina i Bælte & Vej Initiativet; der er et totalt hysteri fra EU’s side og også i vid udstrækning fra den tyske regerings side – hvad der så er tilbage af den – og som siger, »Kina opsplitter Europa«. Hvilket ikke er sandt! Kinesernes svar på denne anklage var, at Kina ikke behøver opsplitte Europa, det har det allerede selv gjort. Men der finder ingen diskussion sted i Europa om bankopdeling. Faktisk traf EU for blot et par uger siden beslutning om nye retningslinjer, der forbyder bankopdeling. De europæiske nationers overlevelse og disse EU-politikker er således uforenelige.

Vi må have en offentlig diskussion i Tyskland om f.eks., at vi må vende tilbage til den form for kreditpolitik, vi havde i perioden efter krigen med Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (Kreditanstalt for genopbygning); men, vi må have finansiering af realøkonomien, og hele denne kasinoøkonomi må lukkes ned.

Jeg mener, at den største fare lige nu består i et ukontrolleret kollaps. Disse advarsler fra Bundesbank og BIS er virkelig en advarsel om, at folk må se at vågne op og ændre politik, før det er for sent: Så gå sammen med os i kampen for at få Glass-Steagall på dagsordenen, også i de europæiske lande.

Download (PDF, Unknown)

Tiden er inde til at forsvare præsidenten, overvinde kuppet,
overvinde Det britiske Imperium og gå ind i en totalt ny og fremgangsrig, skøn fremtid.
LaRouche PAC Internationale Webcast, 8. dec., 2017.

»Tiden er inde til at forsvare præsidenten, overvinde kuppet, overvinde Det britiske Imperium og gå ind i en totalt ny og fremgangsrig, skøn fremtid. Jeg mener, dette er et vidunderligt perspektiv.« (Citat af Helga Zepp-LaRouche.)

Vært Matthew Ogden: God aften. Det er 8. december, 2017; jeg er Matthew Ogden, og dette er vores fredags-webcast med en strategisk oversigt fra larouchepac.com.

Jeg vil straks lægge ud med en meddelelse, som nogle af vore seere måske så i går, fra Kesha Rogers; nemlig, at hun opstiller som uafhængig kandidat til USA’s Kongres, for en plads i Texas’ 9. Kongresdistrikt. Mange af jer kender Kesha fra hendes tidligere kampagner for føderalt embede. Hun har to gange tidligere stillet op som demokratisk kandidat, både i 2010 og i 2012, hvor hun stillede op til USA’s Repræsentanternes Hus. Dernæst stillede hun op som kandidat til USA’s Senat i 2014. I denne kampagne fik hun stemmer nok til at fremtvinge en anden valgrunde (mellem de to kandidater, der får flest stemmer). Alle disse tre kampagner for føderalt embede tiltrak national, og faktisk international, opmærksomhed, pga. den valgplatform, på baggrund af hvilken Kesha dristigt kørte sin kampagne.

For nylig har Kesha været omtalt i en video fra New York Times, om orkanen Harveys ødelæggelse i Houston, Texas, og som på tragisk vis kostede Keshas far og stedmor livet. Hun har nu registreret som kandidat til USA’s Repræsentanternes Hus, hvor hun igen opstiller i Texas’ 9. Kongresdistrikt som uafhængig kandidat. Jeg vil nu afspille Keshas video, som hun optog ved Udenrigsministeriet, efter at have indgivet sit kandidatur med det nødvendige papirarbejde. Kesha Rogers:


Her følger engelsk udskrift af Keshas video og resten af webcastet:

KESHA ROGERS:  Good afternoon everyone.  This is
Kesha Rogers, and I’m here to announce some very exciting news to
you.  I have just filed here in Austin, Texas with the Secretary
of State for an independent candidacy for the House of
Representatives District 9 for the US House of Representatives.
I look forward to bringing more news and information concerning
this campaign that I’m launching at a very timely and needed
circumstance as we find ourselves with a void of leadership in
the country.  Where the discussion of real economic policies,
real solutions for the country are being avoided and you have
much grandstanding going on by political media [inaud; 02:57] and
Congressional representatives.
But what is clear is that there is a shift going on in the
world that’s ready for economic development and cooperation, and
I’m ready to lead the fight in the United States.  Many of your
recognize my campaigns from before, of providing real solutions
to the American people.  So, as I said, I wanted to just bring
that information, that bit of news to you, that I will be running
an independent candidacy for the 9th Congressional District from
the state of Texas for the US House of Representatives.  So, look
forward to more breaking developments around the campaign.  Thank

OGDEN:  Kesha Rogers said in that video announcement, and what
has in fact been the reality over the last few months, is that
there is, indeed, a shift going on in the world in the direction
of economic development.  Of course, led by the initiatives from
China, the Belt and Road Initiative and the New Silk Road.  That
is absolutely the paradigm shift which the United States must
join, and we need leadership that will bring us into that
Now, there’s one thing to note about this announcement by
Kesha Rogers, who made saving NASA and the US manned space
program, the restoration of the US space program, a central
feature of all of her Federal election campaigns.  This
announcement by Kesha Rogers came on the 45th anniversary of the
Apollo Moon landing; that occurred December 7, 1972.  This was
the last time that human beings walked on the surface of the
Moon.  The last living astronaut of that Apollo 17 mission,
Harrison Schmitt, gave an interview which was published also
yesterday, to the {Albuquerque Journal}, in which he outlined the
tragedy of the decision that was taken in the aftermath of the
assassination of John F Kennedy to abandon the US commitment to
the manned space program.  To make the next step after the hugely
Apollo missions to the Moon, the logical next step would have
been a permanent settlement on the Moon and manned missions to
Mars.  What Harrison Schmitt said is that the decision that was
made by the Johnson administration to cut NASA’s budget, and
especially to cut back on the Saturn V class program, the Saturn
V rocket program, the heavy lift rockets; in effect killing the
US space program and preventing us from taking those next steps.
The permanent settlement on the Moon, and the landing of a man or
a woman on Mars; both of which, he said, could have already been
accomplished in the last 45 years.  So, the article in the
{Albuquerque Journal} began by saying the following, and I think
this was right to the point.  It said, “A settlement on the Moon;
mankind well on its way to Mars.  A potential clean power source
so powerful that about 200 pounds could provide electricity to a
major city for a year.  New Mexico astronaut Harrison Jack
Schmitt says that these are a few of the possibilities that might
well have been a reality by now, had the administration of
President Lyndon Johnson not decided to limit production of the
massive Saturn V rockets that carried Apollo astronauts —
including Schmitt — to the Moon.”  The article quotes Harrison
Schmitt, and I’d like to put that quote on the screen [Fig. 1]
here.  He says, “We really gave up on deep space exploration.
Had things gone differently, we could be much farther along now
than we are today.  No question, we would have had a settlement
on the Moon, and would seriously have a program going to Mars if
not already there.”
Then, Harrison Schmitt pointed out in the interview the
importance of mining resources on the Moon which are not readily
available here on Earth; most notably, Helium-3.  He said, “Those
are resources derived from the solar wind and particles of the
Sun.  One of those, Helium-3, isn’t readily available on Earth,
but is embedded in the lunar soil.  It is a nearly ideal fuel for
fusion power.  If we had it here on Earth, I’m convinced we would
be using it right now.”  He went on to say, “It doesn’t produce
neutrons, but it does produce alpha particles and protons; and
those can be converted directly to electricity without any waste
products.  We would have a plentiful, clean power source.  It’s
still there, and it’s not going anywhere.  Two hundred and twenty
pounds of Helium-3 would provide the power necessary to serve
Dallas for a year.”
Then later, the article actually points out that China is
already working on plans to mine Helium-3 on the lunar surface.
Then it concludes by saying the following:  “Schmitt believes
that the current administration” — the Trump administration —
“is committed to continuing construction of a large rocket for a
space launch system.  He said that this new spacecraft, which is
larger and much more powerful than the original Apollo capsules,
is ‘built to take humans farther than they’ve ever gone
before.’|”  Then it ends by quoting Harrison Schmitt, saying that
another benefit of America having this large rocket system is,
“Settlements off the Earth can be very important philosophically
into the future.  It is one way in which the human species can
perpetuate itself against the very remote possibility of a very
large asteroid impact on the Earth.”
So, this is an extraordinary interview with Harrison
Schmitt, talking about the kinds of manned missions to the Moon,
lunar settlements, manned missions to Mars, Helium-3 mining on
the Moon, fusion power here on Earth, and the idea that we have
to protect mankind against the possibility of an asteroid impact
here on planet Earth.  So, I think that’s a very clear statement
of exactly the sort of vision which is needed right now.  And it
really requires the type of political leadership that you heard
from Kesha Rogers to make that happen.  Absolutely, those are a
number of the things that the LaRouche Movement has been focusing
on and calling for, really for decades; going all the way back to
Lyndon LaRouche’s initiative back in the 1980s around his
nationally televised video “A Woman on Mars”, and all of the
crash programs for fusion and space exploration that the LaRouche
Movement has led for decades.
With everything else that we reported on in the recent
period in terms of the New Silk Road and the mega-projects which
have been initiated by China, the same really is true of space.
In that article, they did point out that China has already taken
the initiative to begin a program for exploring the mining of
Helium-3 on the Moon, and really some breakthrough projects in
terms of lunar exploration.  The article that I pointed out, that
article cites the fact that the future is being led by China.
And you can really look at space exploration, I think, as the
fourth facet of this Belt and Road Initiative.  We focus mainly
on the aspects here on Earth.  We can look at the rail
connections over land, that’s the One Belt, One Road.  We can
look at the Maritime Silk Road via sea, we’ve even discussed the
idea of the Silk Road on Ice for the development and exploration
of the Arctic.  But look at the fourth aspect here, and you can
see that China is also leading the way.  The Interplanetary Silk
Road in Space you could call it, for the development of cislunar
space — that’s the space between the Earth and the Moon — not
just low-Earth orbit where the ISS [International Space Station]
is right now, but the other aspects of this cislunar space.  The
settlement and development of the lunar surface, which includes
this Helium-3 mining; and the manned exploration of Mars and
In fact, this was said really beautifully in an interview
with a former astronaut from Romania, which was published in
Xinhua this week.  This is Dumitru-Dorin Prunariu; he was the
first man in space from that country, from Romania.  He said the
following.  This is the interview [Fig. 2] “China Values
Cooperation in the Aerospace Industry”.  This is the quote:
“After the Belt and Road Initiative, I think China has a Galactic
Initiative in mind.  China has invited all developing countries
to conduct experiments on its space station, planned to operate
in orbit in 2022.  In 2022, China will have its own space
station, and it is currently encouraging the developing countries
to take part in space programs for the benefit of mankind.”
So, that’s a beautiful quotation.  He says, “After the Belt
and Road Initiative, I think China has a Galactic Initiative in
mind.”  And indeed, the Chinese have just announced that they are
actively planning the next steps of their lunar exploration
program.  This will follow the robotic missions to the Moon that
are being launched over the next two years.  There are various
possibilities that are being discussed in terms of a permanent
lunar research station to be built by the Chinese.  Either
unmanned with robots carrying out scientific research and
technical experiments on the surface of the Moon, or a manned
permanent research station there on the lunar surface.
A Chinese space science professor by the name of Joao
Weixing from Beijing University was quoted in an article by the
{Global Times} saying the following:  “By constructing lunar
research stations, we can carry out lunar explorations which
would be much larger in scale and richer in content than are
possible with short-term forays.  Such a station could slash the
cost of returning rock samples to the Earth.  It would enhance
lunar geology studies,” he said, “and would have better energy
efficiency than lunar rovers, as the station can deploy a much
bigger solar power generator.”  So, in other words, the lunar
rovers could be stationed at that station, and could go out on
exploration missions, but then come back to recharge; leading to
a much more permanent presence there for research purposes and
exploration on the surface of the Moon.  So, with the
construction of that lunar station, obviously that would require
a heavy lift rocket, similar to those Saturn V class heavy lift
rockets which carried the Apollo astronauts to the Moon almost 50
years ago.  But indeed, China already has a rocket of that
magnitude under development.  In the meantime, China is moving
right along with its other lunar programs, the Chang’e V mission,
which would bring back lunar samples from the Moon, from the
Earth-facing side of the Moon.  And also, a Chang’e 4 mission
which is still in operation and on board, which will land on the
completely unexplored far side of the Moon, which has never been
done before.
So, those two missions by China are already in motion, and
may be launched as soon as next year.  Then close on the heels of
those two missions, there are reports that there a number of
other very significant missions by China that are on the books,
to investigate the geological structure and the mineral
composition of the Moon’s South Pole which has never been
explored before; and to return samples from the Moon’s polar
region.  So, extremely ambitious and extremely important lunar
research missions.  That’s exactly what we would have already
been doing over the last 45 years, Harrison Schmitt said, if we
had not abandoned the commitments that the United States had
under the Apollo Project.
Now, not coincidentally, the LaRouche Political Action
Committee has just announced the pending publication of a new
pamphlet, which is a revival and a further exploration of the
immediate necessity of the implementation of Lyndon LaRouche’s
Four Economic Laws.  And the final of those four economic laws is
to adopt a fusion-driver crash program; which really encapsulates
the subsuming principle from which the other three of those four
laws flow:  1.  Reorganizing this bankrupt financial system with
an immediate Glass-Steagall reform.  2.  The creation of a
Hamiltonian national bank.  3.  The issuance of massive amounts
of Federal credit to swiftly upshift the productive powers of the
US labor force.
But all of those are towards the goal of achieving a giant
leap in the technological platform of our economy as a whole, by
means of this fusion-driver crash program.  That’s the fourth law
as Lyndon LaRouche stipulated it in those Four Laws in his
original 2014 document.  As he states in the conclusion of that
document, and I’m going to put the quote right here up on the
screen [Fig. 3].  This is Lyndon LaRouche’s description of what
the ultimate goal of this program is.
“Man is mankind’s only true measure of the history of our
Solar System and what reposes within it.  That is the same thing
as the most honored meaning and endless achievement of the human
species now within nearby solar space, heading upwards to mastery
over the Sun and its Solar System; the one discovered uniquely as
a matter of fact, by Johannes Kepler.  A fusion economy is the
presently urgent next step and standard for man’s gains of power
within the Solar System and later, beyond.”
So again, that’s Lyndon LaRouche in his June 10, 2014
document, “Four Laws To Save the United States Now”.  And that is
the subsuming principle behind the entirety of that integral
document, that Four Laws vision in terms of what must be done to
immediately mobilize an economic recovery and a dramatic
transformation in the economy of the United States.  Now, since
LaRouche published that document, there have been extraordinary
breakthroughs in terms of the commitment to exactly that kind of
vision that’s coming out of China.  That is this New Paradigm
that we continue to discuss, with these mega projects and the
development of these completely undeveloped parts of the planet.
That’s coupled together with what I just demonstrated as China’s
commitment to a lunar and extra-terrestrial exploration for their
space program there.
Now, what Kesha Rogers stated in that video announcement,
and what she has consistently stood for in her campaigns for
Federal office, is exactly that kind of vision.  We see the
continued campaign to bring the United States into this New Silk
Road; and there have been major advancements along those lines
just even over the last few weeks.  Including with President
Trump’s recent “state visit-plus” to meet with President Xi
Jinping, and their very important personal relationship and this
new era of cooperation in US-China relations.
Now, I should state that 50 days from now, President Trump
will be delivering his first State of the Union address to the
Joint Session of Congress.  It’s been announced that this State
of the Union will take place on January 30th; this will be
President Trump addressing both the House of Representatives and
the US Senate, in addition to the other representatives of the
branches of government — the Supreme Court and the Cabinet.
This will be his first speech to this full Congressional body
since his Joint Address which he delivered in February of this
Now, I think it’s worthwhile to go back and recall a few
aspects of that speech that President Trump made.  Both in terms
of demonstrating what his commitment was when he first came into
office, which he in large measure has retained this commitment,
despite the kind of ongoing, 24-hour around-the-clock attacks on
his Presidency.  But also as sort of a measuring rod against
which we should hold up this next 50 days, as we now initiate
this countdown to the first State of the Union address on January
30th, and recommit ourselves to the implementation of this Four
Laws, Hamiltonian economic program that the LaRouche Political
Action Committee has been leading the fight on over the last
So, let’s recall a few aspects of President Trump’s speech
in February of this year to the Joint Session of Congress.  In
that speech, he said the following — and I’ll put the quotes up
on the screen here [Fig. 4]:  “In nine years, the United States
will celebrate the 250th anniversary of our founding.  250 years
since the day we declared our independence.  It will be one of
the great milestones in the history of the world.  But what will
America look like as we reach our 250th year?  What kind of
country will we leave for our children?  I will not allow the
mistakes of recent decades past to define the course of our
future.”  Then he listed a series of promises [Fig. 5].  He said,
“Dying industries will come roaring back to life.  Crumbling
infrastructure will be replaced with new roads, bridges, tunnels,
airports, and railways gleaming across our very, very beautiful
land.  Our terrible drug epidemic will slow down and ultimately
stop.  And our neglected inner cities will see a rebirth of hope,
safety, and opportunity.”
Now, to accomplish these goals, President Trump referenced a
few key aspects of what he would later identify, correctly, as
the American System of economics.  He quoted Abraham Lincoln,
stating the following.  President Trump said [Fig. 6] “I believe
strongly in free trade.  But it also has to be fair trade.  It’s
been a long time since we had fair trade.  The first Republican
President, Abraham Lincoln, warned that ‘The abandonment of the
protective policy by the American government will produce want
and ruin among our people.’  Lincoln was right, and it’s time we
heeded his advice and his words.”  Then later in the speech,
President Trump cited Dwight D Eisenhower [Fig. 7]. He said,
“Another Republican President, Dwight D Eisenhower, initiated the
last truly great national infrastructure program — the building
the interstate highway system.  The time has come for a new
program of national rebuilding.  America has spent approximately
$6 trillion in the Middle East.  All the while, our
infrastructure at home is crumbling.  With this $6 trillion, we
could have rebuilt our country twice, and maybe even three times.
To launch our national rebuilding, I will be asking Congress to
approve legislation that produces a $1 trillion investment in
infrastructure of the United States, creating millions of new
Then later in the speech, he returned to his theme of the
coming 250th anniversary of the founding of our country with the
Declaration of Independence [Fig. 8].  He said, “On our 100th
anniversary in 1876, citizens from across our nation came to
Philadelphia to celebrate America’s Centennial.  At that
celebration, the country’s builders and artists and inventors
showed off their wonderful creations.  Imagine the wonders our
country could know in America’s 250th year.  Think of the marvels
we can achieve if we simply set free the dreams of our people.
Cures to the illnesses that have always plagued us are not too
much to hope.  American footprints on distant worlds are not too
big a dream.  This is our vision.  This is our mission.
“But we can only get there together.  We are one people with
one destiny.  The time for small thinking is over.  The time for
trivial fights is behind us.  We just need the courage to share
the dreams that fill our hearts.  The bravery to express the
hopes that stir our souls.  And the confidence to turn those
hopes and those dreams into action.  I am asking all members of
Congress to join me in dreaming big and bold and daring things
for our country.  I am asking everyone watching tonight to seize
this moment.  Believe in yourselves, believe in your future, and
believe once more in America.”
Now, that was February of this year.  Again, we have 50 days
until the State of the Union address.  But I think that for any
{honest} member of Congress, or political-minded citizen of this
country, this is the yardstick according to which President Trump
and President Trump’s actions should be measured.  Has he
accomplished these stated objectives for the good of the people
of the United States?  Granted, those are very ambitious and
beautifully stated visions for what the United States could
accomplish over the coming eight, nine years until our 250th
anniversary celebration.  Indeed, over the last several months,
President Trump has repeatedly returned to some of those stated
missions and has clearly retained his commitment to that kind of
bold vision for the United States.  But indeed, we have yet to
see an significant action along the lines of the central core
aspect of what he called for in that speech to Congress, which
was the $1 trillion infrastructure investment.
Now, this must come not in the form of public-private
partnerships or PPPs, or any of those kinds of ill-conceived
concepts; but must come in the form — as we’ve repeatedly made
clear — of a Hamiltonian national infrastructure bank.  This was
stipulated as such in Lyndon LaRouche’s Four Economic Laws.  The
necessary precursor to that is absolutely the restoration of
Glass-Steagall.  We are on the cusp of what could possibly be
another massive trans-Atlantic financial crisis.  So in
anticipation of that, we must immediately erect that kind of
Glass-Steagall firewall.  But, an infrastructure bank, or a
national bank of the form that Alexander Hamilton created, could
then secure these massive amounts of Federal credit flows for the
rapid increase of the productive powers of our labor force;
exactly what is spelled out there in Lyndon LaRouche’s Four Laws
That’s not to say that the kinds of joint investments that
President Trump secured from China, as in the case of the $87
billion in investment in the state of West Virginia; that’s not
to say that that’s not significant.  Of course, that very much is
significant.  But that comes nowhere near the $1 trillion plus
that’s necessary in terms of this massive Hamiltonian Federal
credit investment in the infrastructure of the United States.
But what should be said, and this directly goes to the core of
what we must be telling members of Congress, including those
Democrats such as Al Green from the 9th District of Texas who
would rather spend their time introducing completely unfounded
articles of impeachment against this President.  These articles
of impeachment, by the way, failed miserably; notably the day
right before Kesha Rogers announced her candidacy to run in Al
Green’s district.  These members of Congress should be ashamed
that instead of getting to work, accomplishing jointly in
collaboration — Republicans, Democrats beyond these party
factions.  Instead of getting to work accomplishing these goals
that were set out by President Trump in this speech 10 months
ago, they have spent the majority of their time engaged in
partisan politics and getting swept up in this political hit-job
or witch hunt against President Trump around the so-called
“Russia-gate” collusion.
We have a 50-day countdown, and we should seek to make very
rapid progress in securing these very specific goals that are
contained in the Four Economic Laws of Lyndon LaRouche, between
now and the State of the Union address on January 30th.  And
indeed, this is the context for Kesha Rogers’ announcement for
her candidacy for the US Congress.
Now, this is what should be being discussed on the morning
talk shows, in the editorial pages of the leading national
newspapers and magazine covers. But rather, what are you hearing,
day in and day out?  Russia-gate, collusion, Mueller
investigation, etc., etc.  How much coverage did this ill-fated
impeachment resolution receive, despite the fact that the
majority of the House of Representatives voted against it,
including two-thirds of the Democratic Caucus.  And in spite of
the fact that a CBS poll has just put out that nearly 50% of all
Americans are very clear that this Russia-gate investigation is
100% politically motivated; it has nothing to do with justice.
But what are you hearing about?  Al Green’s grandstanding speech
was played over and over again on Wednesday.  That’s what you’re
hearing about.
What are you not hearing about?  Well, what’s not being
reported is the fact that the entire Mueller apparatus is coming
apart at the seams.  This entire thing is taking on water; and as
the {Wall Street Journal} rightly but uniquely stated in a signed
editorial earlier this week titled “Mueller’s Credibility
Problem; the Special Prosecutor Is Stonewalling Congress and
Protecting the FBI”.  This editorial is the notable exception to
the rest of the propaganda and hype out there from these national
news outlets.  But this is the quote from the {Wall Street
Journal} [Fig. 7].  It says, “The public has a right to know
whether the Steele dossier inspired the Comey probe, and whether
it led to intrusive government eavesdropping.”  Then they say
that they doubt “that Mr. Mueller’s ability to conduct a fair and
credible probe of the FBI’s considerable part in the Russia-Trump
drama.”  This of course is with regards to the bombshell
revelation that has come out about the now-fired FBI agent Peter
Strzok; who was not only responsible for changing the language in
the Clinton prosecution announcement, which led to her being
taken completely off the hook.  But also was central in the
operation to set up General Flynn.  It’s come out through his
text messages and his emails to his mistress, that he was 100%
virulently politically biased against President Trump and in
favor of Hillary Clinton.  But also, it’s not only him; it’s the
entirety practically of this Mueller team, which is hopelessly
biased and conflicted when it comes to their anti-Trump politics.
This was elaborated in detail by Representative Justin Amash
during the hearings yesterday in Congress; also by Representative
Jim Jordan.
Then, as the {Wall Street Journal} goes on to say, “The
latest news supports our view that Mr. Mueller is too conflicted
to investigate the FBI, and should step down in favor of someone
more credible.  The investigation would surely continue, though
perhaps with someone who doesn’t think his job includes
protecting the FBI and Mr. Comey from answering questions about
their role in the 2016 elections.”  So, this should really serve
to demonstrate, along with all the other initiatives that are not
being reported but are steadily proceeding in the US Congress by
Senator Chuck Grassley and others, this should serve to
demonstrate how effective the LaRouche PAC campaign to expose
this entire coup network has been.  With the special
investigation dossier, the “Robert Mueller Is an Amoral Legal
Assassin”, that special report which came out from LaRouche PAC;
this is now going into its second printing.  This has penetrated
the very highest levels of the US Congress and those who are
involved in this investigation on both sides.
So, this is the fight of our lives in terms of the battle
which is now raging over the heart and soul of the US Presidency
and what policy the United States will adopt.  I think if we
juxtapose these two channels, in terms of on the one side, this
ongoing daily ghost of Russia-gate McCarthyism-style propaganda
that you’re being inundated with.  But then on the other side,
this clearly inspired commitment of this reinvigoration of the
vision of the United States.  What Kesha Rogers stands for, and
what she has now initiated in terms of her campaign for US
Congress once again; and then also what is coming from abroad in
terms of the initiatives from China and elsewhere, in terms of
this One Belt, One Road initiative.  And then, as was
characterized, a Galactic Initiative that China has now
undertaken.  This is what Harrison Schmitt is calling for us to
rejoin now 45 years after the shutting down of the Apollo
mission.  The last man to walk on the Moon, 45 years ago today.
So, let me end this broadcast with the words of Helga
Zepp-LaRouche.  She said, during a discussion earlier this week
with associates the following:  “Countries which do not cooperate
with the Belt and Road Initiative are going to be sidelined to
the detriment of their populations.”  She said that this tectonic
shift which is now underway globally with the collapse of the old
trans-Atlantic financial system of speculation and short-term
profit, she said the collapse of that system and then the
tectonic shift which is occurring with the rapid rise of the new
system, this Belt and Road Initiative, we’re seeing an
unbelievable dynamic which is now going on.  She said, as we
covered extensively, “There are conferences every single day from
all across the world; be it South America, Africa, Europe, Asia.
There are more countries, more forces, more businesses and
industries now joining this New Paradigm.  The recent statement
by Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe,” she said, “that Japan
will cooperate with the Belt and Road Initiative is extremely
important.”  She said, “Countries which do not cooperate, indeed,
are going to be sidelined and left in the dust of history.”  She
said that “The Chinese policy, contrary to what you’re being fed
in the Western media, is not a policy geopolitically against any
nation.  Nor is it somehow a conflict between the United States
and other countries.”  She said “This is a question of joining
the future, joining this vision for an absolutely fantastic
perspective of ‘win-win’ cooperation and development for the
entire world.”
So, she said, “Our campaign must be focused on Lyndon
LaRouche’s Four Economic Laws; on LaRouche’s economics.  On the
United States joining the New Silk Road; on US space cooperation
with other countries.  And I think,” she said, “this is a perfect
moment to turn all of the United States towards an optimistic
campaign.  This can become the absolutely decisive turning force
for the whole United States.  Now is the time to defend the
President, to defeat the coup, to defeat the British Empire, and
go into a completely new and prosperous, beautiful future.  I
think this is a wonderful perspective,” she said.
So, with that as our final word, I’d like to thank you for
joining us here in our broadcast today.  There are going to be
rapid developments that occur over the coming days and weeks, and
we implore you to continue to stay tuned to larouchepac.com.  To
keep your eyes out for the second printing of this dossier on the
Mueller coup apparatus, and to also keep your eyes out for the
coming publication of a new pamphlet on Lyndon LaRouche’s Four
Economic Laws.   We enter now a 50-day countdown between now and
the State of the Union address, and I think we have our work cut
out for us.  So, thank you again for tuning in, and please stay
tuned to larouchepac.com.

Særlige anklager Muellers kupmagere
i panik: Deres forbrydelser er afsløret

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, USA, 6. dec., 2017 – De kræfter i USA, der tjener briternes bestræbelser på at fjerne Donald Trump fra embedet – Obamas efterretningsfolk; Obama/Clinton-demokraterne; samt de neokonservative republikanere – er ved at gå i panik. Deres udvalgte lejemorder til at udføre arbejdet med at ødelægge Trumps præsidentskab, Robert Mueller, vandt sine udmærkelser som chef for »Få ram på LaRouche«-specialstyrken i 1980’erne, som havde til hensigt at ødelægge den bevægelse, som Lyndon LaRouche har stiftet. På trods af, at han sendte LaRouche og flere af hans medarbejdere i fængsel på falske anklager, mislykkedes for Mueller at ødelægge denne bevægelse, og nu betaler han prisen for sin fiasko. EIR’s dossier, »Robert Mueller er en umoralsk, juridisk morder: Han vil gøre sit job, hvis I giver ham lov«, har gennemsyret USA’s politiske og diplomatiske institutioner og animeret Kongressen og andre til handling for at standse kuppet og har peget direkte på denne forræderiske sammensværgelses britiske arkitekter – MI6’s Christopher Steele og andre.

Bestræbelserne på at ødelægge LaRouche og den tilsvarende bestræbelse på at ødelægge Trump, har samme grundlæggende formål – både LaRouche og Trump har til hensigt at afslutte den britiske opsplitning af verden i Øst og Vest, som fastholder verden vaklende på randen af atomkrig mellem USA, og Rusland og Kina. Ligesom LaRouche foreslog en forening af de »Fire Magter« (Rusland, Kina, Indien og USA) for at afslutte Det britiske Imperium og udløse global udvikling, således insisterer Trump også på venskab og samarbejde med Rusland og Kina. Som Trump sagde i sin tale i Beijing: »Der er meget, der forbinder Øst og Vest«. For britiske geopolitikere er dette krigsord.

Men det britiske korthus smuldrer. Mueller-teamet er afsløret som partisankrigere, med deres bidende had til Trump og deres slaviske efterfølgelse af Obama/Hillary-krigspolitikken, der er afsløret i e-mails fra deres egen, beskidte, personlige liv. Og nu er de ved at gå i panik.

Joe Biden har, måske i et forsøg på at bevise sin underdanighed over for Imperiet med det formål at blive valgt til erstatte den mislykkede Hillary Clinton i den næste præsidentvalgkamp, været medforfatter af et psykotisk udfald mod Rusland i Foreign Affairs fra 5. dec., kvartalsmagasinet for den britiske imperieforpost i USA, Rådet for Udenrigsanliggender. Med titlen, »Hvordan vi hævder os over for Kreml – At forsvare demokrati mod dets fjender«, siger Biden, at USA må »afskrække russisk militær aggression«, gennemføre tankepoliti for at »rykke russisk misinformation og underminering op med rode og finde måder for myndigheder til at samarbejde med den private sektor for at modgå denne indblanding«. De onde russere, himler han op med en lidenskab à la McCarthy, har »med succes sammensmeltet organiserede kriminelle grupper, efterretningstjenester og korrupte erhvervsfolk« (det lyder virkelig som en beskrivelse af Obama/Bush-regimerne i USA). Han tilføjer, at Trump har nægtet at tro på (løgnen om), at Rusland stjal valget, »selv efter, han var blevet briefet af efterretningstopfolk« – hvor han her naturligvis refererer til forbryderne Clapper, Brennan og Comey.

I mainstream-medierne kommer der nu voksende krav om Muellers afsættelse – stanken er for stærk til at fortsætte mørklægningen.

Endnu et tegn på sindssyge ramte Kongressalen i dag, da demokrat fra Texas, Al Green, fremsatte lovforslag om at stille præsident Trump for en rigsret (impeachment). Forslaget blev hurtigt nedstemt, men 58 kongresmedlemmer afslørede sig selv ved at stemme for Greens forslag.

Det, som briterne mest frygter, er, at den amerikanske og europæiske befolkning vil opsnappe ånden af den Nye Silkevej, det nye paradigme, der nu gennemføres i næsten alle andre dele af verden gennem reelle, fysiske udviklingsprojekter, der anføres af Kina og Rusland. I hele Afrika, Latinamerika og Asien er nationer, der i århundreder er blevet holdt i et limbo af kolonial og post-kolonial kontrol, nu hastigt ved at blive transformeret til at blive moderne industrinationer, hvor deres befolkninger kan undfly fattigdom og får håb, ligesom Kina har transformeret sig selv på tredive korte år. Faktisk er denne ånd i færd med at vække nationer og borgere selv i Europa og USA, især i kølvandet på Trumps højst succesfulde møde med Xi Jinping, og efter kinesernes forpligtelse til at investere $283 mia. i genopbygning af den forfaldne, amerikanske infrastruktur og industrielle kapacitet – til en begyndelse.

Der er ikke længere noget, der kan retfærdiggøre, at det økonomiske og kulturelle forfald i Vesten bliver tolereret. De ideer, som Lyndon LaRouche har fremlagt hen over de seneste halvtreds år, bliver nu gennemført og antager en fysisk kraft i verden. Dette er vores tid.

Foto: Den afgående FBI-direktør Robert Mueller (2001 – 2013) i ærbødig underdanighed foran præsident Barack Obama. Til højre Obamas udpegede, nye FBI-direktør, James Comey (sep. 2013 – maj 2017).   

Tiden er kommet til at begrave Muellers
kupforsøg, så USA kan komme med om bord
i den Nye Silkevej

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, USA, 5. dec., 2017 – Kupforsøget mod Trumps præsidentskab, som orkestreres af den særlige anklager Robert Mueller efter et manuskript fra britisk efterretning, tager vand ind til højre og venstre og er nu i alvorlig fare for helt at synke. I takt med, at der kommer flere og flere beviser frem for dagens lys om den centrale rolle, som spilles af FBI-topagent, og makker til Mueller, Peter Strzok, og om relateret aktivitet fra ’Få ram på Trump’-specialstyrken, der klart har overskredet grænsen fra det blot beskidte og tvetydige til deciderede forbrydelser mod forfatningen, går det op for Mueller et al., at, hvis det ikke lykkes for dem, vil de snart selv ende i fængsel.

Krav om en afslutning af anti-Trump-heksejagten vokser i medierne, inklusive i et indlæg i dag i Wall Street Journal, underskrevet af redaktionen, og som insisterer, at »Offentligheden har ret til at vide, om [britisk efterretnings] Steele-dossier var anledningen til Comeys kulegravning, og om det førte til nærgående aflytning af regeringen«. WSJ’s redaktører skriver, at de betvivler »hr. Muellers evne til at gennemføre en fair og troværdig kulegravning af FBI’s anselige andel i Rusland-Trump-dramaet«.

Men, det er ikke nok blot at udskyde Muellers bestræbelser, eller endda alvorligt skade dem. De skal begraves. Til dette formål har EIR annonceret, at andet oplag af dets specialrapport, »Robert Mueller er en umoralsk, juridisk morder: Han vil gøre sit job, hvis I giver ham lov«, snarest bliver udgivet.

Den bydende nødvendige grund til dette er at skabe de betingelser, under hvilke USA kan gå sammen med Kina, Rusland og andre nationer i opbygningen af den Nye Silkevej, til fordel og gavn for hele menneskeheden. Som Helga Zepp-LaRouche i samtale med sine medarbejdere i dag sagde:

»Lande, der ikke samarbejder med Bælte & Vej Initiativet, vil blive kørt ud på sidelinjen, til skade for deres egne befolkninger.«

Zepp-LaRouche forklarede, at der er tektoniske skift i gang på globalt plan, med det gamle, transatlantiske finanssystems, med dets spekulation, undergang, og den hastige fremvækst af det nye system, Bælte & Vej Initiativet.

»Der finder en utrolig dynamik sted«, rapporterede Zepp-LaRouche.

»Der finder konferencer sted hver dag, hvor flere lande, flere kræfter, flere foretagender og industrier tilslutter sig dette Nye Paradigme. Den japanske premierminister Abes erklæring om, at Japan vil samarbejde med Bælte & Vej, er virkelig vigtig. Lande, der ikke samarbejder, vil blive kørt ud på sidelinjen, til skade for deres egne befolkninger.

Denne kinesiske politik er ikke imod nogen nation, og den udgør heller ikke på en eller anden måde en konflikt mellem USA og andre lande. Dette her drejer sig om at gå med i fremtiden; om at gå med i et absolut fantastisk perspektiv. Den tidligere rumænske astronaut, Dumitru-Dorin Prunariu, har netop udtalt, at, ’efter Bælte & Vej Initiativet tror jeg, at Kina har et galaktisk initiativ i tankerne’. Dette er absolut tidens ånd.

Vores kampagne fokuserer på Lyndon LaRouches Fire Love, på LaRouches økonomiske metode, på USA’s tilslutning til den Nye Silkevej og på USA’s samarbejde med andre lande om rumforskning. Og jeg mener, dette er et perfekt tidspunkt til at forvandle hele USA til en optimistisk kampagne. Dette kan blive til den absolut afgørende kraft for hele USA. Tiden er kommet til at forsvare præsidenten, besejre kuppet, besejre Det britiske Imperium og til at gå ind i en fuldstændig ny og fremgangsrig, skøn fremtid. Jeg mener, dette er et vidunderligt perspektiv.«

Lyndon LaRouche, på sin side, opsummerede den strategiske situation og de opgaver, der ligger foran os, på følgende vis:

»Der kan gøres mere. Vi har midlerne til at gøre det. De er i vore hænder. Tag dem, og skab det, der må gøres. Handl på det!«

Foto: Tidligere direktør for FBI, Robert Mueller, besøger Estland, 14. februar, 2012. (USA’s Ambassade i Tallinn)

Alle træerne i briternes skov kunne falde

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, USA, 4. dec., 2017 – Selv om ’fake news’-pressen og de anti-russiske, politiske kræfter i begge partier fortsætter den daglige polemik imod præsident Trump, så konfronteres heksejagten, anført af den »juridiske morder«, Robert Mueller, for at afsætte præsidenten og bringe den amerikanske regering til fald, med afsløring og eskalerende modangreb fra patriotiske kræfter. Det første, 10.000 eksemplar store oplag af EIR’s undersøgende rapport, »Robert Mueller er en umoralsk, juridisk morder: Han vil gøre sit job, hvis I giver ham lov«, har gennemtrængt Kongressen og andre nationale, politiske kredse og har en stærk virkning. Den trykkes nu i andet oplag.

I løbet af weekenden truede Husets Efterretningskomite under kongresmedlem Devin Nunes med at bringe anklager om foragt for Kongressen mod både Justitsministeriet og FBI, hvis de ikke fremlagde de længe krævede dokumenter om FBI’s rolle i det miskrediterede dossier, der blev udarbejdet af MI6-agent Christopher Steele, og FBI’s brug af dette falske dokument til at lancere det juridiske angreb mod præsident Trump.

Mandag morgen forsøgte Justitsministeriet at berolige Nunes ved at annoncere, at de vil give flere af de FBI-agenter, der er involveret i alvorlige forbrydelser med deres kupforsøg mod Trump, lov til at aflægge forklaring for Husets Efterretningskomite. Mens dette skrives, står det ikke klart, om Nunes vil gå frem med sagsanlæg for foragt og forlange fuld overholdelse fra de slyngelagtige efterretningsfolks side, under Kongressens forfatningsmæssige mandat til at føre tilsyn.

Bestræbelsen på at give russisk indblanding i valget skylden for Trumps valgsejr er blevet udslettet: af Trump selv, der holdt fast ved nødvendigheden af at arbejde sammen med Rusland på venskabelig basis for at bekæmpe terrorisme i Syrien og andre steder; af førende eksperter i forfatningen, som Alan Dershowitz, der har vist, at Trump har handlet fuldstændigt inden for rammerne af præsidentskabets forfatningsmæssige myndighed; og af Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS), der beviste, at der ikke fandt nogen hacking sted af det Demokratiske Partis computere, hverken fra Ruslands eller nogen andens side.

Men, der ligger en sårbarhed i præsident Trumps vision. Selv om han er forpligtende engageret over for en genopbygning af amerikansk infrastruktur og industrielle kapacitet, og over for at arbejde sammen med Kina og andre om global udvikling, så har han hidtil accepteret myten om de tårnhøje aktiemarkedsværdier som et tegn på fremskridt snarere end en farlig, spekulativ boble, der ikke kan opretholdes, og hvis kollaps er uundgåelig. I hele Europa og Amerika ringer bankerne selv med alarmklokkerne i panik (se advarslerne fra Bundesbank og Den internatonale Betalingsbank, BIS), men har ingen idé om, hvordan de skal løse problemet.

Der er kun én redningsbåd – genindførelsen af politikker i Hamiltons tradition (det Amerikanske Økonomiske System) i USA og Europa, som det fremlægges i LaRouches Fire Love, samtidig med, at Øst og Vest bringes sammen i ånden fra den Nye Silkevej, der anføres af Kina.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche talte på Forum for det 21. Århundredes Maritime Silkevej i Zhuhai, Guangdong-provinsen, den 2. nov., og kaldte sin tale, »Bælte & Vej Initiativet og en dialog mellem kulturer, baseret på deres højere udtryk«. I dette uddrag indfanger hun arten af den nuværende fare og dens nødvendige løsning:

»Geopolitik, ideen om, at en nation eller gruppe af nationer har ret til at forfølge deres interesse imod en anden gruppe af nationer, har ført til to verdenskrige i det 20. århundrede. Det turde være indlysende for enhver, at, i atomvåbenalderen, kan krig ikke længere være en metode til at løse konflikter, hvis vi som menneskelig art ikke skal frembringe vores egen udslettelse. Menneskeheden adskiller sig fra alle andre, hidtil kendte arter i universet derved, at vi har evnen til skabende fornuft. Dette betyder at vi, til forskel fra dyrene, bevidst kan forandre måden, vi eksisterer på; uophørligt kan opdage nye, universelle principper inden for videnskab og kultur og udvikle en dybere og mere intens kundskab om det fysiske univers, som vi udgør den vigtigste del af. Så det er på en vis måde iflg. lovmæssighed, at menneskeheden ville få ideen om, hvordan man overvinder geopolitik og etablerer et system for selvstyre, der vil garantere menneskehedens langsigtede overlevelse.

Ideen om et »fællesskab for menneskehedens fælles fremtid«, som blev fremlagt af præsident Xi Jinping, udgør netop denne idé. Ved at anbringe begrebet om den ene menneskehed, defineret ud fra standpunktet om vores fælles fremtid, som referencepunkt for, hvordan vi skal tænke på politiske, økonomiske, sociale og kulturelle spørgsmål, har præsident Xi etableret et højere fornuftsgrundlag, en idémæssig basis for en fredsorden for hele planeten.«

Hun understregede, at den amerikanske præsident Donald Trump har taget et lille, men afgørende skridt i denne retning gennem sin historiske Asienrejse. Alt imens han må forsvares mod det britiskstyrede kupforsøg, så må han også af inspirerede borgere blive bevæget til fuldt og helt at gå med i det Nye Paradigme, der nu er inden for rækkevidde.

Foto: Vagtparaden foran Buckingham Palace. 

Europæisk appel til præsident Trump
om at indføre Glass/Steagall.
Liliana Gorini fra konferencesalen,
Frankfurt, Tyskland, 25.-26. nov., 2017

I sidste måned besluttede vi, fordi den Europæiske Union forbyder diskussionen, at bringe diskussionen fra Italien til USA. På hvilken måde? Vi skrev et brev til præsident Trump for at minde ham om det løfte, han gav under valgkampagnen, om at genindføre Glass/Steagall-loven. Et hundrede treogtredive parlamentsmedlemmer underskrev brevet – fra det italienske parlament, det Europæiske Parlament, inklusive hr. Zanni, der indsamlede otte underskrifter fra parlamentsmedlemmer på dette brev, samt fra nationale parlamentsmedlemmer: regionale rådsfolk fra Lombardiet, Veneto og folk fra Syditalien.

Liliana Gorini: Mit navn er Liliana Gorini, og jeg er forkvinde for Movisol, LaRouches organisation i Italien og en nær medarbejder til fr. Helga Zepp-LaRouche og hr. LaRouche gennem 40 år. Jeg siger dette, fordi jeg af fysiske årsager ikke har deltaget i konferencer, og nu er jeg her endelig: Så mange mennesker kender mig måske ikke.

Jeg vil gerne kommentere, hvad Zanni netop sagde om situationen i Europa, og især i mit land, Italien, og fuldt ud bekræfte det, han sagde om virkningerne på befolkningen af den Europæiske Unions vanvittige politik, og især om bail-in. Der er allerede ofre i Italien for denne bail-in-politik og Bankunionen: To pensionister tog deres eget liv, fordi de mistede hele deres opsparing. Dette var ikke rige mennesker. Dette var almindelige mennesker, der havde sparet op i hele deres liv, og deres penge blev ganske enkelt stjålet med denne bail-in (ekspropriering af bankindskud). Det er ikke en løsning; der skaber faktisk flere problemer.

Efter problemet med bankerne i Veneto har vi nu også et problem med de væsentligste samarbejdsbanker i Genova, Carige, der er ved at gå fallit, og folk er bange. De ikke alene mister deres jobs, og økonomien synes at fortsætte udelukkende, fordi folk lever af deres opsparede midler. Italienere har tendens til at opspare penge; men hvis de også mister deres opsparinger, vil de ikke alene ikke have et job, men de vil heller ikke være i stand til at overleve. Så det græske mareridt er ved at komme meget, meget tæt på for alle italienere.

Men, i den Nye Silkevejsånd findes der en løsning, så jeg vil gerne overbringe de gode nyheder til alle i den optimistiske ånd, som fr. LaRouche gav udtryk for i sin åbningstale: I Italien har vi haft en diskussion, som vi begyndte for mange år siden, baseret på LaRouches Fire Love, og især den første lov, Glass/Steagall. Den debat, som Movisol – vi – skabte, har nu bragt otte lovforslag ind i det italienske parlament; i mellemtiden debatteres det i fire regionale råd. Der var for nylig en diskussion i Finanskomiteen om dette.

I sidste måned besluttede vi, fordi den Europæiske Union forbyder diskussionen, at bringe diskussionen fra Italien til USA. På hvilken måde? Vi skrev et brev til præsident Trump for at minde ham om det løfte, han gav under valgkampagnen, om at genindføre Glass/Steagall-loven. Et hundrede treogtredive parlamentsmedlemmer underskrev brevet – fra det italienske parlament, det Europæiske Parlament, inklusive hr. Zanni, der indsamlede otte underskrifter fra parlamentsmedlemmer på dette brev, samt fra nationale parlamentsmedlemmer: regionale rådsfolk fra Lombardiet, Veneto og folk fra Syditalien.

Mange andre mennesker underskrev dette: Betydningsfulde økonomer, journalister, ledere af aviser, jeg selv – jeg var selvfølgelig blandt de første underskrivere.

Vores idé er at bringe dette brev til Kongressen i januar måned for at fremme de tværpolitiske lovforslag, der er blevet foreslået i den amerikanske Kongres. Som I ved, har et par republikanere og mange demokrater introduceret [eller medsponsoreret] lovforslag. Glass/Steagall-loven var i partiprogrammet for både det Republikanske og det Demokratiske Parti, ligesom det også er i de fleste italienske partiers partiprogram. I Italien afholder vi parlamentsvalg, sandsynligvis i maj. Alle [forslagene] om bankopdeling og Glass/Steagall er i alle disse italienske partiers partiprogrammer, fra venstre til højre.

Dette skyldes alt sammen vores kampagne i Italien. Jeg vil særligt gerne introducere denne unge mand – der er årsag til, at jeg er her, for han kørte mig – Massimo Coldamassaron. Det var ham, der indsamlede alle underskrifterne, opsøgte politikere og slog dem oven i hovedet og sagde, »Jeg vil redde mine børns fremtid, og I må vedtage Glass/Steagall, ellers vil vi meget snart stå uden et land.« Han har denne samling appeller, og han spurgte – og jeg gør dette, eftersom vi er her – om der er nogen af jer, som helt sikkert Hussein Askary, Ulf Sandmark, Jacques Cheminade, alle, der har en position, en eller anden fremtrædende politisk rolle, og vi vil gerne tilføje flere navne til disse 130 italienere, et par mennesker fra Frankrig, fra Tyskland, fra Sverige, fra Danmark, således, at når vi tager til Washington, vil det stå klart, at, ikke alene Italien, men hele Europa, hele Europa ønsker LaRouches Fire Love og Glass/Steagall.

Så kom hen til mig eller Massimo, og vi vil tilføje din underskrift, og vi vil sørge for, at denne appel ender i præsident Trumps hænder: Vi vil sørge for det. Mange tak. [applaus]

Zepp-LaRouche: Jeg vil gerne fuldt ud støtte denne idé. Jeg mener, det er et meget nyttigt forslag, så alle fra alle lande, der ønsker at støtte dette initiativ, bør kontakte Liliana og Massimo. Jeg mener, at europæerne ikke har forenet deres stemmer, og jeg mener, at det, MP Zanni udtrykte, at der er denne diskrepans mellem den Europæiske Unions politik og så de europæiske landes evne til at forsvare deres egen interesser, er meget klar. Jeg mener, at denne konference kan være et godt udgangspunkt for at optrappe et sådant krav.

Jeg vil opfordre jer alle til at henvende jer til Liliana og hjælpe med i denne kampagne, ikke blot ved at levere en underskrift, men ved at forpligte jer til at gøre det, Massimo gjorde. Vi kan alle sammen henvende os til politikerne, til borgmestre, til parlamentsmedlemmer og kræve, at de forsvarer det almene vel.

For blot at styrke det, der blev sagt om finanskrisen: Vi sidder på en total krudttønde. Tegnene på, at krisen i 2008 gentager sig i langt større skala, er overvældende. Gældskrisen er større end i 2008; alle parametrene – derivaterne, de forgældede stater, selskaber, studenters gæld, krisen på ejendomsmarkedet – alle parametrene er omkring 40 – 80 % værre end i 2008. Og den Europæiske Union har netop udstedt retningslinjer, der går ud på, at de ikke har nogen værktøjer ud over at stjæle borgernes penge. Dette er virkelig et meget farligt øjeblik, som vi bør bruge som udgangspunkt for at gå ind i en regulær mobilisering for at få disse Fire Love gennemført.

Foto: Forkvinde for Movisol, den italienske LaRouche-bevægelse, Liliana Gorini.

»Den Nye Silkevej er en ny model
for internationale relationer«
Hovedtale af Helga Zepp-LaRouche
på Schiller Institut konference,
25.-26. nov., 2017, Frankfurt, Tyskland:
»At opfylde menneskehedens drøm«

»Jeg mener, at den Nye Silkevej er et typisk eksempel på en idé, hvis tid er kommet; og når en idé på denne måde først er ved at blive en materialistisk virkelighed, bliver den til en fysisk kraft i universet. Jeg har personligt haft mulighed for at se udviklingen af denne idé, der på mange måder reelt set begyndte med dette store menneske – min ægtemand, Lyndon LaRouche; der, for mange årtier siden – for næsten et halvt århundrede siden – fik ideen om en ny, retfærdig, økonomisk verdensorden. Dette blev dernæst mere manifest i 1970’erne, ’80erne og især i 1991, da Sovjetunionen opløstes, og hvor denne idé om at skabe en ny, retfærdig, økonomisk verdensorden blev meget fremtrædende.«

Download (PDF, Unknown)

’Nu begynder det alt sammen at give mening’

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, USA, 3. dec., 2017 – En udenlandsk fjende af USA – Det britiske Imperiums efterretningstjenester og deres allierede i FBI og på Wall Street – har de facto invaderet USA med den erklærede hensigt at iscenesætte et statskup imod den valgte præsident og forfatningen, for at omstøde hans politikker for at opbygge fredeligt samarbejde med Rusland og Kina og marchere verden tilbage, væk fra randen af krig. Briterne kan ikke klare nogen som helst afvigelse fra deres Bush- og Obamaadministrationers krigskurs, fordi overlevelsen af hele deres system med global geopolitik og finansiel udplyndring afhænger af det. Efter præsident Trump blev valgt af det amerikanske folk for at omstøde Obamas politikker og gøre præcis dette, har briterne et al. forsøgt at afsætte ham ved en rigsret og fængsle ham, og giv pokker i sandheden.

Den fremgangsmåde, de anvender, og selv den involverede rollebesætning, er næsten identisk til den »Få ram på LaRouche«-specialstyrke, de deployerede for henved 30 år siden, for uretmæssigt at fængsle Lyndon LaRouche og flere af hans medarbejdere, i et mislykket forsøg på at gøre ham tavs.

Disse enkle kendsgerninger, der i månedsvis har været kendt af LaRouche-bevægelsen og dens tilhængere, og som er blevet cirkuleret vidt og bredt med vores Mueller-dossier (nu i andet oplag), er nu kommet helt frem i offentligheden i løbet af de seneste 72 timer. Som præsident Trump selv tweetede i dag: »Nu begynder det alt sammen at give mening.«

Det er denne internationale kamp, der står på spil, og ikke noget, der har med »indenrigsspørgsmål«, eller andre følelsesladede emner, hverken til højre eller venstre, at gøre.

Den største trussel mod Det britiske Imperiums greb er det uophørlige fremstød fra Kinas Bælte & Vej Initiativ, der trækker den ene nation efter den anden ind i sit kredsløb, såvel som også den enestående rolle, som LaRouche-bevægelsen spiller i denne proces – som det endnu engang reflekteredes i Helga Zepp-LaRouches deltagelse som hovedtaler på konferencen den 29. nov. i Zhuhai, Guangdong, Kina, Forum for det 21. Århundredes Maritime Silkevej.

Et typisk eksempel på den hastigt skiftende, globale dynamik er de kommentarer, som formanden for Bank of China, Chen Siqing, kom med i en tale, han holdt den 2. dec. på et forum i Rom, »Den Tredje Middelhavsdialog«:

»Bælte & Vej Initiativet har skabt en ny platform for internationalt samarbejde … Middelhavsområdet har en unik beliggenhed af stor strategisk betydning, på korsvejen for Silkevejen over land og den maritime Silkevej … I fremtiden bør vi accelerere samarbejdet omkring industriel kapacitet med lande, der ligger langs Bælte & Vej, og fremme regional udvikling og fredelig sameksistens mellem folkeslagene.«

Denne fremtid er nu, og den inkluderer USA. Den inkluderer ikke Det britiske Imperium.

Foto: Præsident Donald J. Trump deltager i APEC-topmødet. 11. nov., 2017.

Vi er vidne til indvielsen af
en helt ny æra på planeten.
LaRouchePAC Internationale
Webcast, 1. dec., 2017

Vært Matthew Ogden: Godaften; det er 1. dec., og dette er vores strategiske fredags-webcast fra larouchepac.com.

Vi har meget stof at gennemgå i aften, for vi bliver i øjeblikket vidne til indvielsen af en helt ny æra på denne planet. Det, vi bliver vidne til, især i løbet af den seneste uge, siden afslutningen af den ekstraordinært historiske Schiller Institut-konference, der fandt sted nær Frankfurt, Tyskland, i sidste weekend, er den kendsgerning, at den Nye Silkevejsdynamik – denne dynamik med store projekter og »win-win«-samarbejde, der er blevet initieret af Kina – denne Nye Silkevejsdynamik er nu den dominerende og virkelig uimodståelige dynamik på denne planet. Dette er noget, der fuldstændig er i færd med at omforme alle nationers politik på denne planet. Og tyngdecentret er skiftet væk fra det gamle paradigme, som vi har set i det transatlantiske system, og til dette Nye Paradigme, der nu har fået overtaget pga. de initiativer, som frem for alt Kina har taget.

Jeg vil gerne lægge ud med at afspille et kort uddrag af Helga Zepp-LaRouches ekstraordinære hovedtale, som hun holdt på denne konference, der var sponsoreret af Schiller Instituttet nær Frankfurt, Tyskland, i sidste weekend. Konferencens titel var »At opfylde menneskehedens drøm«, og titlen på Helga Zepp-LaRouches hovedtale var »Den Nye Silkevej; Den nye model for internationale relationer«. Her er et kort uddrag af Helgas tale:

(Se hele Helgas video og tale i dansk oversættelse her: http://schillerinstitut.dk/si/?p=22734)

(Her følger engelsk udskrift af resten af webcastet)


:  So, let me start with an idea
of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz.  He said that we are actually
living in the best of all possible worlds.  This is a very
fundamental ontological conception.  It’s the idea that we are
living in a developing universe; that what makes the universe the
best of all possible ones is its tremendous potential for
development.  It is in such a way created, that every great evil
challenges an even greater good to come into being.  I think when
we are talking about the New Silk Road and the tremendous changes
which have occurred in the world, especially in the last four
years, it is actually exactly that principle working.  Because it
was the absolute manifest lack of development of the old world
order which caused the impulse of China and the spirit of the New
Silk Road having caught on that now many nations of the world are
absolutely determined to have a development giving a better life
to all of their people.
Now, I think that the New Silk Road is a typical example of
an idea whose time had come; and once an idea is in that way
becoming a material reality, it becomes a physical force in the
Now the Chinese Ambassador to Washington, Cui Tiankai,
recently made the point, that there were 16 times in world history,
when a rising country would surpass the dominant country up to
that point.  In twelve cases it led to a war, and in four cases
the rising country just peacefully took over.  He said that China
wants neither, but we want to have a completely different system
of a “win-win” relationship of equality and respect for each
Obviously, the most important question strategically, if you
think about it, is that we can avoid the so-called Thucydides
trap.  That was the rivalry between Athens and Sparta in the 5th
Century BC, which led to the Peloponnesian War and the demise of
ancient Greece.  If this were to occur today between the United
States and China in the age of thermonuclear weapons, I think
nobody in their right mind could wish that; and therefore, we
should all be extremely happy that Trump and Xi Jinping have
developed this very important relationship.  I stuck my neck out
in the United States in February of this year by saying, if
President Trump manages to get a good relationship between the
United States and China, and between the United States and Russia, he
will go down in history as one of the greatest Presidents of the
United States.  Naturally, everybody was completely freaked out
because that is not the picture people are supposed to have about
Trump.  But I think if you look at what is happening, you will
see that Trump is on a very good way to accomplish exactly that.
So, he came back from this Asia trip with $253 billion worth
of deals with China.  I watched the press conference of the
Governor of West Virginia, Jim Justice, where he said that now,
because of China, there is hope in West Virginia.  West Virginia
is a totally depressed state; they have unemployment and a drug
epidemic.  But he said now we can have value-added production, we
will have a bright future.  So, the spirit of the New Silk Road
has even caught on in West Virginia.  Obviously the United States
has an enormous demand for infrastructure, especially now after
the destruction of all these hurricanes; which just to restore
what has been destroyed requires $200 billion, not even talking
about disaster prevention.  So, this is all on a good way that
China will invest in the infrastructure in the United States, and
vice versa; US firms will cooperate in projects of the Belt and
Road Initiative.
So, just think about it, because almost everything I’m
saying goes against everything you hear in the Western media.
But think:  From whom comes the motion for peace and development?
Is it coming from those who attack Putin, Xi, and Trump?  And
those who side with Obama?  It’s obviously time for people to
rethink how the Western viewpoint is on all of these matters.  Or
change the glasses which they have to look at the world.

OGDEN:  So, as you heard from Helga Zepp-LaRouche, that was
just a short excerpt from her speech, but she said we have to
change the glasses through which we look at the world.  That’s
what she did really with the entirety of her keynote address;
which was an hour long.  It is available on the
newparadigm.schillerinstitute.org website right now; but she
really did change the glasses, through which people should see the
world; both by reviewing what the strategic breakthroughs have
been in terms of the New Silk Road dynamic which has been
sweeping the planet and supplanting this outmoded and failed
geopolitical world order which has brought the world really to
the edge of what she said; this Thucydides trap and the danger of
thermonuclear war.  But she also did some very extraordinary; she
took the audience back through the history of the relationship
between the Confucianism of China and the Leibnizian philosophy
of Europe.  This was the best of European culture, and really the
consolidation of the Renaissance culture of Europe.  What
Gottfried Leibniz was able to do in his time, recognizing the
failures of European culture due to the kinds of rivalries
between these warring empires and what had really turned into a
corruption and a rot at the core of the European system at that
time; he said the future can be secured if we recognize the best
of European culture — the Christianity and the heritage of the
Greek philosophy which built European culture; but put this
together with the aspects of Chinese Confucianism which are in
fact harmonious with the best of the ideas of European
philosophy.  He pointed out, that the idea of an understanding of

the pre-established harmony between man’s creative mind and the
created universe is something, which indeed is recognized in
Leibnizian European philosophy; but is also at the core of
Confucian philosophy.
Helga Zepp-LaRouche said that in a very real way, Xi Jinping
has reflected a profound understanding of this kind of harmonious
relationship between man and the created world, and also between
the nations of this planet, and has given it a substance;
actualized this idea through the form of the New Silk Road.  She
also reviewed the history of her husband’s — Lyndon LaRouche’s
— role in creating the basis of the ideas that are now taking
their form in this New Paradigm of development coming out of
China and the Belt and Road Initiative.  She traced it all the
way back to a paper that Lyndon LaRouche had written in the 1970s
about the development of Africa, and the fact that his ideas —
which were at the core of that vision — are now what are
actually taking place in Africa and other nations that are being
touched by the Belt and Road Initiative.  Again, this is an
extraordinary keynote address, and we would encourage you to
watch the speech in its entirety.
But after Helga LaRouche’s keynote, the conference — which
was a two-day conference — unfolded; and it was a series of
extraordinary panel after extraordinary panel.  The first panel
was titled “The Earth’s Next Fifty Years”; obviously taking that
from the title of a wonderful book that was published by Lyndon
LaRouche over a decade ago.  But this panel began with a keynote
by Professor He Wenping, who’s the Director of African Studies at
the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in Beijing.  The speech
was “President Xi’s Perspective for the Year 2050 and the
Perspective of African Development”.  That was followed by the
former Transport Minister of Egypt, who gave a speech called
“Integration of Egypt’s Transportation Plans 2030 with the New
Silk Road Project”.  Then, there was a statement from George
Lombardi, who is the former social media consultant to President
Donald Trump; and his speech was titled “The Trump
Administration: Impending Economic Policies and Media Discord”.
Then that panel concluded with a speech by Marco Zanni, who is a
member of the European Parliament from Italy.  His speech was
titled “A Future for Europe after the Euro”.
Panel I was followed by Panel II, which was the second panel
of the first day, which was titled “The Need for Europe To
Cooperate with China in the Industrialization of Africa and the
Middle East; Transaqua as the Rosetta Stone of the Continent’s
Transformation”.  This began with an extensive speech by Hussein
Askary, who is the Southwest Asia coordinator for the Schiller
Institute.  This was on “Extending the Silk Road into Southwest
Asia and Africa; A Vision of an Economic Renaissance”.  The bulk
of this is also actually included in a new Special Report that is
just been published by the Schiller Institute, that was jointly
written by Hussein Askary and Jason Ross.  He was followed by the
Foreign Director of the Bonifaca S.p.A., Italy, company, which is
actually involved with China in building this Transaqua project.
It’s called the Italy-China Alliance for Transaqua.  Then, the
General Consul to Frankfurt from Ethiopia spoke — Mehreteab
Mulugeta Haile.  The title of his speech was “The Need for Europe
to Cooperate with China in the Industrialization of Africa”.
Then that panel concluded with a speech by the Executive Manager
of Pyramids International called “Egypt’s 2030 Mega Projects:
Investment Opportunities for Intermodal and Multimodal
The third panel took place on the second day of the
conference, and that panel was titled “Europe As the Continent of
Poets, Thinkers, and Inventors: An Optimistic Vision for the
Future of Europe”.  It was keynoted by Jacques Cheminade, who’s
the former Presidential candidate in France.  His speech was
titled “What Europe Should Contribute to the New World Paradigm”.
Then, Dr. Natalia Vitrenko, who’s the chairwoman of the
Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine, gave a speech — “China’s
Initiative from the Doom of Self-Destruction, to Prosperity and
Progress; A View from Ukraine”.  Then, a speech from a
representative from Serbia; an author and journalist named Dr.
Jasminka Simic.  Her speech was titled “One Belt, One Road — An
Opportunity for Development in the Western Balkans”.  Then that
panel concluded with a speech from Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Professor Mariana Tian — “Bulgaria’s Contribution to the Belt
and Road Initiative”.
There were also two other speeches; the chair of the
Anglo-Hellenic and Cypriot Law Association, and the founding
Director of the China Africa Advisory.
Then, the concluding panel of the entire conference, Panel
IV; “The System We Live in Is Not Earthbound — Future
Technologies and Scientific Breakthroughs”.  This was keynoted by
Jason Ross, scientific advisor to the Schiller Institute.  His
speech was titled “The Scientific Method of LaRouche”.  He was
followed by Prof. Dr. Helmut Alt, from the University of Applied
Sciences in Aachen; who gave a speech — “Energy Transition; From
Bad to Worse”.  Then that concluded with Dr. Wentao Guo, from
Switzerland — “Current Situation of High Temperature Gas-Cooled
Reactors in China”.
Then there was an extensive Q&A period after that, in which
there was very important input from the audience.  The attendees
at this event — which you could see just from the speaker’s list
alone — represented countries from Western Eurasia, from Central
Europe, from Africa, from the United States, from Western Europe,
from Scandinavia, from really literally all over the world.  This
was an extraordinary conference.
There was a resolution that was adopted at the concluding of
the conference that I’d like to put on the screen here [Fig. 1].
The resolution is taking a note from what China has committed
itself to — eliminating poverty by the year 2020 in China.  So,
this is the resolution adopted by the Schiller Institute
conference in Bad Soden, Germany:

“At this conference, with the title ‘Fulfilling the Dream of
Mankind,’ we discussed the incredible transformation of the world
catalyzed by the Chinese initiative of the New Silk Road. The
Belt and Road Initiative, which is creating optimism in Asia,
Africa, Latin America, more and more states in Europe, and after
the state visit of President Trump in China, in several states
within the United States.
“The Belt and Road Initiative has the concrete perspective
on how poverty and underdevelopment can be overcome through
investment in infrastructure, industry and agriculture, based on
scientific and technological progress. The Chinese government
which uplifted 700 million out of poverty in the last 30 years,
has now proclaimed the goal to lift the remaining 42 million
people living in poverty out of their condition, and create a
decent living standard for the entire Chinese population by the
year 2020.
“Within the European Union, there are living approximately
120 million people below the poverty line, according to our own
criteria characterizing the costs of life. Given the fact that
Europe is still an economic powerhouse, there is no plausible
reason why Europe cannot uplift these 120 million people out of
poverty by the year 2020, as well. The best way to accomplish
this is for the EU, all European nations, to accept the offer by
China to cooperate with China in the Belt and Road Initiative on
a ‘win-win’ basis.
“We, the participants of the Schiller Institute conference,
call on all elected officials to join this appeal to the European
governments. Should we in Europe not be proud enough to say, if
the Chinese can do this, we can do it, too?”

As you can see here, newparadigm.schillerinstitute.com, that
is the location of the proceedings of this conference which will
be published as they’re prepared; but also, that resolution that
I just read to you, is available on that website
newparadigm.schillerinstitute.com — and it’s collecting
signatures.  It’s something that you can add your name to and you
can circulate that.  Obviously, it applies not only to Europe,
but applies to the United States as well; this goal of
eliminating poverty by building infrastructure and high
technology projects to increase the living standards and the
productivity of our populations; as China is doing through the
Belt and Road Initiative.  This is what can be accomplished in
the United States.  We’ll review a little bit of that.
I do want to note that Helga Zepp-LaRouche made a special
notice of the statement by West Virginia Governor Jim Justice
after he secured $87 billion in joint investment into the state
of West Virginia; which is greater than the entire GDP of that
state.  This accomplishment is really the spirit of the New Silk
Road, which is now sweeping through the world and has even taken
hold in our very own state of West Virginia here in the United
Now, let’s look at the extraordinary rate of developments
that have occurred since this conference happened in Frankfurt,
Germany last weekend.  This is part of putting on those new
glasses that Helga LaRouche talked about in order to see the
world as it really is; not to see the world through the kind of
spin and propaganda that you’re inundated with on a daily basis
by the media.  If you were following the media, you would think,
that the only issue on the table, are the series of sex scandals
that are coming out from celebrities and news anchors and so
forth and so on.  And you would miss the fact that we are
literally living in the absolute epicenter right now in history
of a total paradigm shift in the history of mankind.
So, let’s look at this extraordinary rate of developments.
This conference, obviously, in Europe — the Schiller Institute
conference — took place right on the heels of President Trump’s
extraordinarily successful trip to Asia; where he had his state
visit-plus visit with President Xi Jinping in China.  And the
$250 billion worth of deals that were signed there for joint
investments, the fact that President Xi Jinping put directly on
the table the idea of the United States and US businesses
collaborating with the Belt and Road Initiative, and the fact
that President Xi Jinping and President Trump solidified a very
close personal relationship and really ushered in a new era of
US-China collaboration.  After that, just during the course of
the last five days, you’ve seen what was just mentioned there in
the resolution from the Frankfurt conference; that nations of
Europe are now beginning to reach out and reciprocate the hand of
friendship that’s coming from China to participate in the Belt
and Road Initiative.
This is taking place most significantly in the more
impoverished countries of Eastern and Central Europe.  We have
the just-concluded 16+1 talks, which occurred in Budapest,
Hungary.  This is the meeting of the so-called CEEC, or the
Central and Eastern European Countries — those are the 16; and
then the +1 is China.  So, this is the 16+1, the Central and
Eastern European Countries plus China.  What was discussed at
this conference was the further coordination between these
countries of Eastern Europe and the Chinese, especially on the
idea of the Belt and Road Initiative; the New Eurasian
Land-Bridge as it was termed by Helga and Lyndon LaRouche back in
the 1980s.  The core feature of that proposal back in the end of
the 1980s, which gave birth to this idea of the Eurasian
Land-Bridge, was the idea of taking these Eastern European
countries — what had been formerly part of the Soviet Union or
the Soviet space — and taking what was an under-developed area
of Europe and developing it through bridging Western Europe with
Russia and then beyond through these kinds of transportation
corridors and high technology development grids.  That’s exactly
what China was discussing with these countries in Eastern Europe
during the 16+1 conference.  These are mainly countries such as
Hungary, Serbia, Poland, which really this is their conception of
themselves; they serve as Europe’s front door onto the New Silk
Road.  As the New Silk Road comes westward across Eurasia, the
front door to Europe are these Eastern European countries.  They
have gone from being on the margins of Europe with
under-development and poverty and prolonged unemployment and
these other crises, they’ve gone from being on the margins to
being at the very center of this new dynamic which is sweeping
from the East.
This is referred to in Hungary as their “eastward opening”;
that Hungary’s future is to orient towards this new era of
development which is coming from Eurasia, rather than orienting
towards the collapsing system of Western Europe and the failed
EU.  Zhang Ming, who’s China’s ambassador to the European Union,
published an article that was published immediately prior to the
16+1 meeting on November 27th, in which he emphasized the central
role of the Belt and Road Initiative in China’s policy towards
Europe.  He said, “As China and Europe work together to synergize
the Belt and Road Initiative, the 16 CEEC countries will play a
more prominent role as a hub which connects Asia and Europe.
Faster development in CEEC countries contributes to a more
balanced development across Europe and European integration.”
So, in other words, the faster development of these impoverished
countries in Central and Eastern Europe will be a “win-win” for
everybody involved.  He used these words, that these countries
will serve a “prominent role as a hub which connects Asia and
Then as Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban stated a few
weeks ago — and he was the host of this meeting in Budapest,
Hungary obviously — but this was a statement that he made back
in October.  This is absolutely to the point of what we’re
discussing on this webcast today; this idea that the Belt and
Road Initiative is now the irresistible and dominant dynamic on
this planet.  This is a quote from Prime Minister Orban:  “The
world’s center of gravity is shifting from West to East.  While
there is still some denial of this in the Western world, that
denial does not seem to be reasonable.  We see the world
economy’s center of gravity shifting from the Atlantic region to
the Pacific region.  This is not my opinion, this is a fact.”
Now incidentally, that quote, that statement by Prime
Minister Orban, is exactly the point that Lyndon LaRouche made in
this book; this very prescient book that he published over a
decade ago called {Earth’s Next Fifty Years; The Coming Eurasian
World}.  In that book, Mr. LaRouche said the dominant dynamic of
the world is going to be the rising countries of Asia; these are
where the most concentrations of population are, this is the
fastest rates of growth.  And this is where the world’s center of
gravity is shifting economically; the coming Eurasian world, or
the Pacific-centered world.  So, this is a direct echo of exactly
what Lyndon LaRouche said way back when before any of this
economic miracle took place.  But Mr. LaRouche was very prescient
on that fact.
Now, while a number of leading European press outlets have
been doing exactly what Viktor Orban said — denying this fact;
trying to deny this inevitable fact that the center of gravity
has shifted from West to East.  You had, for example, the
{Financial Times} ran an extensive article headlined “Brussels
Rattled As China Reaches Out to Eastern Europe”; obviously just
hysterical that these Eastern European countries are now oriented
towards the Belt and Road Initiative.  Despite that fact, there
are some leading circles in Europe who are, indeed, recognizing
that Europe’s future lies in joining this New Paradigm.
Obviously, that could be seen from this extensive speaker’s list
at the Schiller Institute conference in Frankfurt; but there was
another very significant conference that occurred just a few days
later this week in Paris.  This was the first annual Paris Forum
on the Belt and Road Initiative; so it’s going to take place very
year.  This is the first annual event.  It was co-organized by
the Chinese embassy and the French Institute for International
and Strategic Affairs — IRIS is their acronym.  This is the
third largest think tank in Paris.  The founding director is
Pascal Boniface, who is very positive in terms of his attitude
towards this idea of France and Europe as a whole joining with
the Belt and Road Initiative.  There were some 400 people in
participation at this very important event.  There were think
tanks, there were civil servants, people from the French
government, there were heads of different French companies —
CEOs — retired military, there were cultural figures, and there
were media who attended.  Among them, the forum was addressed by
the Chinese Ambassador to France, Zhai Jun.  He put directly on
the table, France, Europe should join this new emerging paradigm,
this Belt and Road Initiative.  This goes directly along with the
attendance by Raffarin, the former Prime Minister of France to
the Belt and Road Forum that occurred this past Spring in
Beijing.  There have been other prominent figures inside France
who have done exactly what these people have done at this very
significant event, and said “Look, this is the future of the
world economy.  The center of gravity has shifted, and we better
get on board.”  This was also the subject, by the way, of Jacques
Cheminade’s speech at the Schiller Institute conference; and this
is something that he’s been in extensive conversation with, with
numerous leading figures inside France as part of his
Presidential campaign.  He even met with the former President of
France, Francois Hollande, while he was President at the Elysée
Palace and discussed exactly this idea.
So, as you can see, the movers and shakers behind this, the
ideas which are driving history, are really the leaders and the
collaborators of the LaRouche Movement worldwide.
Let me shift focus now.  We’re continuing to catalog the
extraordinary rate of developments that have occurred just over
the last five days since this extraordinary conference in
Frankfurt.  Let’s shift focus now to Latin America.  We had the
11th China-Latin America-Caribbean Business Summit, which
happened in Uruguay; actually it’s still happening.  It started
yesterday, and it’s going through this Sunday, so it’s a four-day
conference.  This was to discuss the idea of how Western
Hemisphere countries, especially countries in South and Central
America, can participate in China’s One Belt, One Road
Initiative.  Whereas this is the 11th annual conference between
the Central and South American countries and China, this was by
far the largest of these conferences to have taken place.  There
were over 2500 people in attendance, which included high-level
businessmen, government officials, and policymakers from all over
Latin America.  One of the plenary sessions which took place at
this conference was titled, “A New Vision of Collaboration Among
China, Latin America, and the Caribbean in the Framework of the
One Belt, One Road Strategy”.  So, that’s explicit; this is the
idea of Latin American joining the New Silk Road.
Just because we’re discussing Latin America, there was a
wonderful sentiment which was voiced by Chilean President
Michelle Bachelet.  This was a speech that she gave on November
23rd at the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the founding
of the Confucius Institute in Chile.  She said, “The world is
orienting more than ever towards China and the Pacific Basin.
Therefore, we know very well that our relationship with China and
the Asia-Pacific in particular, is crucial for us to fulfill our
destiny.”  She said, “Chile’s relationship with China goes well
beyond trade ties.  It is one of our primary political partners
on the path to opening integration and cooperation for progress.”
Then Michelle Bachelet said after she retires as the President of
Chile, she intends to study the Chinese language in depth.  So,
that’s a commitment that perhaps all heads of state should make,
as we recognize that the center of gravity of the world’s
strategic and economic reality is shifting towards China.  We did
see that from President Trump’s granddaughter, Arabella Kushner
— that’s Ivanka’s daughter — where she recorded the song in
Mandarin Chinese.  A video of her singing a song in Mandarin
Chinese, and sent that as a goodwill offering to President Xi
Jinping in China.
And one more item I should just note.  This is a
yet-unconfirmed report, but it’s very credible, that Japan — now
we’ve shifted from Europe to Central and South America, and now
we’re in the Asia Pacific.  Japan is actively considering joint
projects with Chinese companies on building the One Belt, One
Road.  This is hugely significant, judging by the historic
conflicts between Japan and China, which have been played on by
these Western geopoliticians for decades; to try to keep these
two extraordinarily significant countries from collaborating.  If
Japan and China collaborate on the Belt and Road Initiative, this
is a dynamic which is absolutely unstoppable.  There was an
article in a Japanese paper titled “Government To Help Japan,
China Firms in Belt and Road”.  It reports that the Abe
government is considering supporting companies to carry out joint
projects with Chinese companies along the Belt and Road.  I think
underscoring this fact, as I stated in the beginning of today’s
broadcast, that the Belt and Road is an absolutely unstoppable
and irresistible dynamic; which has now become dominant and is
something which cannot be ignored.  Underscoring that fact that,
indeed, this New Silk Road is the dominant irresistible dynamic
on this planet, here’s a statement from the {Global Times} which
is absolutely to the point.  It says “Generally speaking, Japan’s
economy has been always greatly dependent on overseas markets.
So, for the sustainable development of its economy, Japan needs
access to the business opportunities offered by the vast
infrastructure projects along the Belt and Road route.”
So, this is the sentiment that’s being expressed by
everybody.  We go from the hosts of this first annual conference
on the Belt and Road Initiative in Paris.  Look at what Viktor
Orban said at the 16+1 conference in Budapest, Hungary.  Look at
what Michelle Bachelet said in Chile at the Confucius Institute.
Look at the statements that were made at this Central and South
American-China Business Forum.  Look at what’s now being said in
Japan.  Look at the statements that were made at the Schiller
Institute conference in Frankfurt.  And look at what was done by
President Trump during his trip to China, and the summit that he
had with President Xi Jinping.  Everything is being shaped by
this initiative, by the New Silk Road; by this initiative which
is coming out of China for “win-win” mutually beneficial
cooperation on great project development for the entire planet.
This is the dominant of the future.
As Helga Zepp-LaRouche said, you need to put on the new set
of glasses to be able to see reality as it really is; not through
the skewed mirrors and the propaganda which is coming out of the
Western media.  I think that perhaps the best statement, and the
most candid statement of all — of all of these statements about
the reality of this future dynamic — and why the United States
and Europe and South America and Asia need to jump on board with
the New Silk Road, need to join with this new dynamic and catch
this spirit of the New Silk Road; probably the best and most
candid of those statements came out of Governor Jim Justice from
West Virginia during his press conference that he gave there at
the state capital, announcing this extraordinary $87 billion deal
between China and the state of West Virginia.  Here’s what
Governor Jim Justice had to say:


:  And I would say to all of you
all that may be doubters that this could become a reality, “Don’t
get on the wrong side of it.”  Because, really and truly, it’s a
comin’.  It’s a comin’.”

OGDEN:  “It’s a comin’.”  I would say to all the doubters,
“this could become a reality, ‘Don’t get on the wrong side of
it.’  Because it’s a comin’,” he said.  “It’s a comin’.”   So,
that was actually from the conclusion of a really wonderful and
important video that was just put on the LaRouche PAC website
this week, all about West Virginia.  West Virginia, which as
Helga LaRouche said, is known across the country right now as the
epicenter of poverty, unemployment, drug epidemic overdoses, and
just general backward economic conditions.  West Virginia could
now become the cutting edge and the economic driver of the entire
Appalachian region here in the United States because of this
“win-win” investment that came from China.  So, I would encourage
you to watch that video in full on the LaRouche PAC website.
But let me just say, this is an extraordinary rate of
development of events that have occurred over the past five days.
I think that anybody who is looking at the reality soberly and
with clarity will see that, indeed, the efforts of the LaRouche
Movement over the past several years to put this question on the
table; to put this idea of a New Paradigm of economic cooperation
and “win-win” development, this New Silk Road — this Eurasian
Land-Bridge, this World Land-Bridge idea.  Put that on the table
and to shape all of the discussions that are occurring at the
highest levels of policymaking worldwide around that idea.  I
think that truly is becoming the dominant dynamic, and it’s a
testament to the fact that a small handful of people with very
powerful ideas, can indeed be very successful in shaping the
course of world history.
Now, I would say that what Helga LaRouche began, those
remarks that I played at the beginning of the show; this idea of
the greatest, the best of all possible worlds — what Gottfried
Leibniz had to say.  This is an understanding of how the universe
corresponds to the creative will of mankind.  That there is a
principle of good that is behind the creation, the creation of
the universe; and that principle of good corresponds with the
creative nature of mankind.  And when mankind acts on that
creative quality, and acts for the benefit of the greatest number
of possible people, the greatest possible General Welfare; acts
on the basis of this principle of good, that the universe
corresponds and, indeed, responds.  Because of this harmony, this
pre-established harmony which Leibniz discussed.  That was at the
core of his understanding of the best of all possible worlds.
So, with that axiomatic understanding of the philosophical
nature of what this effort is all about — to bring about a New
Paradigm of human relations on this planet — let’s conclude with
the concluding quote from Helga Zepp-LaRouche during her keynote
at that Schiller Institute conference in Germany.  Helga
Zepp-LaRouche said the following:  “If we revive the Classical
culture of all nations, and enter a beautiful dialogue among
them, mankind will experience a new renaissance and unleash an
enormous creativity of the human species like never before.
“So, it is very good to live at this moment in history and
contribute to make the world a better place.  And it can be done,
because the New Paradigm corresponds to the lawfulness of the
physical universe in science, Classical art, and these
principles.  What will be asserted is the identity of the human
species as {the} creative species in the universe.”
So, as Helga Zepp-LaRouche said, it is very good to live at
this moment, and to contribute to this New Paradigm which is now
emerging on this planet, and to contribute to the good of
So, thank you very much for joining us here today.  We
strongly encourage you to not only watch Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s
keynote address in its entirety, but to stay tuned to that
Schiller Institute channel as all of these panels, all of these
videos, all of these presentations are produced and put up on the
website for you to watch in their entirety.  So, thank you for
joining in, and let’s continue to spread the spirit of the New
Silk Road.  Thank you and good night.

Trump og Xi diskuterer Nordkorea i telefonsamtale

30. nov., 2017 – Præsident Donald Trump afholdt endnu en telefonkonsultation med den kinesiske præsident Xi Jinping efter Nordkoreas missilaffyring den 29. nov. I den seneste af mange telefonkonsultationer gentog Xi, at Kinas »usvigelige mål« er »at gøre Koreahalvøen atomvåbenfri, opretholde et internationalt ikke-spredningsregime og bevare fred og stabilitet i Nordøstasien«, iflg. Kinas statslige nyhedsagentur Xinhua. Xi sagde også, at Kina ville »fortsætte kommunikationerne med USA og alle andre relaterede parter og i fællesskab skubbe atomspørgsmålet hen i retning af fredelig afgørelse via dialoger og forhandlinger«.

Bagefter skrev Trump på Twitter, »Netop talt med præsident Xi jinping fra Kina om Nordkoreas provokerende handlinger. Der vil blive gennemført yderligere store sanktioner mod Nordkorea i dag. Denne situation vil blive tacklet!«

Der var ingen omtale af »yderligere store sanktioner« i Xinhuas rapport, men de rapporterede, at Trump sagde, at »Washington sætter stor pris på Kinas vigtige rolle i løsning af atomspørgsmålet og er villig til at styrke kommunikationer og koordinering med Kina i søgen efter løsninger på spørgsmålet«.

Det Hvide Hus’ udskrift fra 29. nov. af samtalen lyder, »Præsident Donald J. Trump talte i dag med præsident Xi Jinping fra Folkerepublikken Kina for at diskutere Nordkoreas seneste missilaffyring. Præsident Trump understregede USA’s faste beslutning om at forsvare os og vore allierede fra den voksende trussel, som det Nordkoreanske regime udgør. Præsident Trump understregede, at det var nødvendigt, at Kina brugte al tilgængelig indflydelse for at overbevise Nordkorea om at afslutte sine provokationer og vende tilbage til en kurs mod atomafrustning.«

Med hensyn til sanktioner, sagde udenrigsminister Rex Tillerson til medier, »Vi har en lang liste over yderligere mulige sanktioner, af hvilke nogle involverer … finansielle institutioner«, da han blev spurgt om mulige forholdsregler, mens han stillede op til fotografering sammen med den besøgende kronprins fra Bahrain. »Og Finansministeriet vil annoncere dem, når de er klar til at rulle ud.«