Præsidenterne Trump og Xi iværksætter et
gigantisk skridt fremad for menneskeheden
LaRouche PAC Internationale Webcast,
10. nov., 2017

Præsidenterne for disse to lande har gentagne gange understreget, at denne nye relation, som de nu indvier, vil gå langt ud over noget, vi tidligere har set, og, gennem den relation, som USA og Kina nu har skabt med præsident Donald Trumps statsbesøg til Kina, kan ikke alene de problemer, som begge disse lande individuelt står overfor, konfronteres og løses, men, med samarbejdet mellem disse to lande sammen med andre partnere i hele verden, kan de fleste af, hvis ikke alle, de problemer, menneskeheden på nuværende tidspunkt står overfor, også løses.

Vært Matthew Ogden: God aften, det er den 10. nov., 2017, og dette er vores strategiske webcast fra

Det er ingen overdrivelse at sige, at vi er vidne til det vigtigste øjeblik i moderne verdenshistorie. Vi ser udfolde sig for vore øjne en ny æra; en ny æra, både mht. amerikansk-kinesiske relationer, med de begivenheder, der har fundet sted i løbet af de seneste par dage, og, som følge heraf, også en ny æra for hele verden. Disse to lande, der uden for enhver diskussion er de to, vigtigste lande på planeten, har nu smedet en relation, der ikke har noget sidestykke mht. niveau, og mht. størrelsesorden.

Præsidenterne for disse to lande har gentagne gange understreget, at denne nye relation, som de nu indvier, vil gå langt ud over noget, vi tidligere har set, og, gennem den relation, som USA og Kina nu har skabt med præsident Donald Trumps statsbesøg til Kina, kan ikke alene de problemer, som begge disse lande individuelt står overfor, konfronteres og løses, men, med samarbejdet mellem disse to lande sammen med andre partnere i hele verden, kan de fleste af, hvis ikke alle, de problemer, menneskeheden på nuværende tidspunkt står overfor, også løses.

Jeg vil sætte et par billeder på skærmen fra præsident Trumps »Statsbesøg-Plus« til Kina, som er uden fortilfælde. Her ser vi præsident Trump og Melania Trump hilse præsident Xi og Kinas førstedame, Peng Liyuan; her ankommer de til Beijing. Man ser det kinesiske folks overvældende entusiasme – her er det kinesiske skolebørn, der vifter med kinesiske og amerikanske flag for at hilse præsident Xi Jinping og præsident Trump. Man ser niveauet af entusiasme, som tydeligvis overvælder præsident Trump, og denne velkomst blev iscenesat for ham; og den rundvisning, de fik i Den Forbudte By, og som ikke har noget fortilfælde i historien. På næste billede synger nogle skolebørn fra Beijing for præsident Trump og Melania Trump. De fik også en fuld opførelse af en opera fra Peking-operaen i Den Forbudte By og en meget hjertelig middag. Her har vi et billede af præsident Trump, præsident Xi Jinping, Melania Trump og Kinas førstedame Peng Liyuan.

Som man kan se, så var dette et ekstraordinært statsbesøg, og begge præsidenter sagde gentagne gange, at de to dage, de tilbragte sammen, er absolut uforglemmelige og har tjent til at skabe det, der allerede var et meget varmt, personligt, særligt forhold mellem de to.

Det, vi har set vokse frem af dette besøg, kan kun beskrives som indvielsen af en ny epoke i de amerikansk-kinesiske relationer. Det går langt ud over, hvad en masse af de mennesker, der så frem til denne begivenhed, har forsøgt at sige, og, på trods af al propagandaen i pressen og i medierne i USA, så var dette ekstraordinært i sin store betydning for USA’s og Kinas fremtid, som to lande; men også for verdens fremtid. Det, vi har set komme ud af disse møder, både mellem præsidenterne Xi og Trump personligt, og også af de udvidede møder, der fandt sted langs sidelinjen, er meget i overensstemmelse med linjerne af det, vi har krævet i løbet af de seneste uger, hvis ikke måneder, mht. de forretningsmæssige forbindelser, forretningsaftalerne mellem USA og Kina; men udtrykkeligt også mht. ideen om, at USA tilslutter sig Bælte & Vej Initiativet.

For det første vil jeg rapportere, at der rent konkret blev underskrevet forretningsaftaler og aftaler om bilaterale investeringer til en værdi af over $250 mia. mellem amerikanske og kinesiske selskaber – det er en kvart billion dollar i bilaterale investeringer; men ideen om USA’s tilslutning til Bælte & Vej Initiativet blev gentagene gange meget udtrykkeligt nævnt, af Xi Jinpings egen mund, under begivenheder i løbet af dette topmøde, første gang under den afsluttende, fælles pressekonference, og også under et møde mellem regeringsfolk og erhvervsfolk; og ved begge disse begivenheder opfordrede præsident Xi Jinping udtrykkeligt amerikanske selskaber til at tilslutte sig Bælte & Vej og sagde, at der vil blive praktisk samarbejde inden for energi, samt investeringer i infrastruktur; og helt konkret blev en fælles aftale underskrevet mellem General Electric og den Kinesiske Silkevejsfond, som i fællesskab oprettede en investeringsplatform inden for energiinfrastruktur.

Reuter rapporterer om denne aftale på følgende vis: »General Electric Co. og kinesisk statsfond etablerer Bælte & Vej plan for handelsinitiativ, for i fællesskab at etablere en investeringsplatform til energiinfrastruktur, siger Kinas regering … Silkevejsfonden og GE Energy Financial Services underskrev en aftale om ’samarbejde’ om etablering af platformen i Beijing, sagde Ministeriet for Udenlandsk Valuta (SAFE) i en erklæring, dateret torsdag … ’De to sider vil i fællesskab investere i elektricitetsnet, ny energi og olie og gas, i lande og regioner langs Bælte & Vej’, sagde SAFE. ’Samarbejdet mellem Silkevejsfonden og GE vil ikke alene styrke samarbejdet mellem avancerede produktionsindustrier fra Kina og USA, men også fremme økonomisk udvikling og handelsudvikling i regionerne for denne investering.’«

Dette er et direkte og konkret eksempel på et førende amerikansk selskab, der tilslutter sig Bælte & Vej, og denne samarbejdsaftale mellem Silkevejsfonden og General Electric i dette tilfælde, reflekterer en langt mere generel retningsbestemmelse mht. sådanne aftaler.

Det, som præsident Xi Jinping gentagne gange understregede, var, at Kina er fremtidens økonomi, og den vækst, som Kina har oplevet i løbet af de seneste årtier, vil kun fortsætte, og denne forretningsmæssige og økonomiske relation mellem USA og Kina vil være til fordel for både det kinesiske og det amerikanske folk.

Jeg vil gerne afspille for jer, et par uddrag fra præsident Trumps og præsident Xi Jinpings præsentationer ved diverse anledninger under dette statsbesøg.

Vi vil først afspille et lille klip fra præsident Trumps bemærkninger ved et udvidet, bilateralt møde, hvor man ser [USA’s udenrigsminister] Rex Tillerson og ambassadør Terry Branstad og præsident Trump, der taler for den kinesiske delegation. Man hører fra præsident Trump, hvor fuldstændig overvældet, han var, over den varme modtagelse, han fik, og hvor stor betydning, han tillægger de fremtidige amerikansk-kinesiske relationer; og i klippet siger han, at han mener, de fleste, hvis ikke alle, problemer i verden sandsynligvis kan konfronteres og løses med denne relation, som Kina og USA har skabt.

Umiddelbart herefter, i det samme klip, ser man et par uddrag af bemærkninger fra først præsident Trump og dernæst præsident Xi Jinping for begivenheden for erhvervsledere, der blev afholdt under dette topmøde. Her vil man høre præsident Trump tale om graden af gensidig, økonomisk forbundethed og samarbejde mellem Kina og USA, og dernæst hører man præsident Xi Jinping selv tale om USA og amerikanske selskaber, der går sammen med Bælte & Vej Initiativet.

Lad os lytte til dette klip:

(Her følger resten af udskriftet på engelsk):

[begin video]
PRESIDENT TRUMP:  Mr. President, thank you very much.  It’s
an honor to be with you.  There can be no more important subject
than China-U.S. relation.  We have between us, and we have to
include some other countries which would quickly come in; we have
a capacity to solve world problems for many, many years to come.
Our meeting last night was absolutely terrific.  Our dinner
was beyond that.  We had a dinner that was going to last quickly,
20-25 minutes, because I was travelling and you were so nice.
And you said we’ll just do a quick dinner.  And I think it had to
last at least two hours, and we enjoyed every minute of it, with
your beautiful wife and Melania together.  Their relationship is
a great one; and our relationship has already proven to be a
great one.
Our meeting this morning in front of your representatives
and my representatives was excellent; discussing North Korea, and
I do believe there’s a solution to that, as you do; discussing
trade with the United States, knowing that the United States
really has to change its policies because they’ve gotten so far
behind on trade with China — and frankly with many other
countries.  And I have great respect for you, for that, because
you’re representing China.  But it’s too bad that past
administrations allowed it to get so far out of kilter.  But
we’ll make it fair, and it will be tremendous for both of us.
My feeling toward you is an incredibly warm one; as we said,
there’s great chemistry, and I think we’re going to do tremendous
things for both China and for the United States, and it is a
very, very great honor to be with you.
Thank you very much.  The hosting of the military parade
this morning was magnificent, and the world was watching.  I’ve
already had people calling from all parts of the world — they
were all watching.  Nothing you can see is so beautiful.  So, I
just want to thank you for the very warm welcome and I look
forward to many years of success and friendship, working together
to solve not only our problems, but world problems, and problems
of great danger and security.  I believe we can solve almost all
of them, and probably all of them.
Thank you very much for having us, I very much appreciate
it…. [end video]

[begin video]
PRESIDENT TRUMP:  Thank you very much.  Thank you.  And
thank you [Commerce] Minister Zhong Shan for that introduction;
and especially thank you to President Xi and Madame Peng for
serving as such warm and gracious hosts to Melania and me during
our time, here in your very, very beautiful country.
To both the American delegation and to the Chinese business
representatives here, your discussions greatly strengthen our
partnership and provides a critical bridge between our business
community and yours, and thank you for that.  During my time in
Beijing, President Xi and I have had several conversations about
our common goals and interests.  Beyond that, we talk often.
It’s a very good chemistry between the two of us, believe me.
My administration is committed to improving our trade and
business relationships with China.  The contributions of the
business community represented here today are vital to our
efforts, to ensure peace and prosperity for our two nations.
Together we can unlock a future of opportunity, wealth and
dignity far beyond anybody’s wildest dreams.  In your discussions
today I hope you will learn from each other, and identify new
ways to advance our economic cooperation.  I am depending on all
of you to work together to find opportunities of mutual agreement
and shared prosperity.
The hardworking people of America and the hardworking people
of China deserve the very best solutions to achieve prosperity,
happiness, and peace.  Thank you very much.  Thank you.

ANNOUNCER:  Thank you, President Trump.  And now please
welcome Mr. Xi Jinping, the President of the People’s Republic of
China. [applause]

PRESIDENT XI: [as interpreted] The Honorable President
Trump, Chinese and American business representatives, ladies and
gentlemen, dear friends:
It is my real pleasure to have President Trump with us today
for this China-U.S. business exchange.
Over the years the business communities of our two countries
have been committed to the friendship between our two nations.
You are a strong driving force for economic cooperation and
overall relations between our two countries.  Your commitments
and your contribution are highly appreciated.
This year marks the 45th anniversary of the Shanghai
Communiqué.  Over the past 45 years, China-U.S. economic
relations and trade ties have achieved historic development,
delivering great benefits to our two peoples.  Last year, General
Motors, Ford, and Fiat Chrysler, the three U.S. automakers,
manufactured and sold over 5 million vehicles in China.  The
number was bigger than their combined sales in other parts of the
The Chinese investment in the United States is also rising
rapidly, and has created over 140,000 jobs directly for the local
communities in the United States. During President Trump’s visit
this time, as we have witnessed right now, our companies will
sign commercial contracts and two-way investment agreements worth
over $250 billion U.S. dollars.  These are great examples of the
vast potential and win-win nature of China-U.S. economic
China-U.S. business cooperation has vast potential.  As the
biggest developing and developed country, China and the U.S. have
much more areas for economic cooperation, rather than
competition.  We will continue to encourage Chinese companies to
invest in the United States, and also welcome active
participation of American companies and financial institutions in
the Belt and Road projects.
With our economic relations expanding rapidly, it is natural
that we may have differences, from time to time.  The important
thing is, we act in the spirit of mutual benefit and mutual
understanding, and seek proper settlement through dialogue and
consultation.  A Chinese philosopher once observed that trading
can generate friendship and mutual benefit.  Looking ahead, I
have full confidence that with joint efforts of you, the business
representatives present here, today, and the business communities
of our two countries, China-U.S. economic relations will achieve
greater success on the basis of equality and mutual benefit, and
our two peoples, will grain increasing benefits along this
Thank you. [applause]
[end video]

OGDEN:  So you just heard President Xi Jinping explicitly
say that we will welcome Chinese enterprises to proactively
invest in the United States, and, we welcome U.S. companies and
financial institutions to take part in the projects under the
Belt and Road Initiative.  So that’s explicitly calling for this
kind of win-win, mutually beneficial relationship between China
and the United States, both in terms of investments in the United
States, and infrastructure development, and businesses, and, U.S.
participation in the Belt and Road Initiative.
What you’re about to hear is a few clips from the final
press conference that was held between President Trump and
President Xi Jinping.  And during this press conference,
President Xi repeated that emphasis of the United States
cooperating with China on the Belt and Road Initiative.  He said,
“for China and the United States, win-win cooperation is the only
right choice and the pathway to a better future.”  He said, “It
is necessary to formulate and launch economic cooperation for the
next phase, to have continued in-depth discussion on trade
imbalance, export, investment environment, market openness and
other issues, and work to support practical cooperation in
energy, infrastructure, the Belt and Road Initiative, and other
So let’s play this clip the concluding press conference,
from President Xi Jinping and President Trump:

[begin video]
PRESIDENT XI: [as interpreted] Your Honorable President
Donald Trump, friends from the press, good afternoon.
It is my great pleasure to meet all of you, together with
President Trump.  Let me begin by extending once again a warm
welcome to the President for his state visit to China.
Yesterday and earlier today, the President and I have had
in-depth discussions on China-U.S. relations and major
international and regional issues of mutual interest.  We
reviewed the important progress made in the relationship since we
met at Mar-a-Lago, and we discussed how to further move forward
the relationship in the months ahead in great depth, and we
reached a series of new and important consensus.  Our meeting is
constructive and productive.
I shared with the President, the policies adopted at the
19th Party Congress.  I conveyed China’s firm commitment to
deepen reform, greater opening up, and a path of peaceful
development, and China’s desire to expand converting interests
with other countries and promoting coordination and cooperation
among major countries.
President Trump shared with me his domestic reform agenda
and foreign policy priorities.  The development of China and the
United States is mutual reinforcing, without contradicting each
other.  Our respective success serves the common interests of
both countries.  We believe that facing the complex and changing
international landscape, and maintaining world peace and
stability in promoting global development and prosperity, China
and the United States, being two large countries, share more
common interests, shoulder greater responsibility, and enjoy
broader room for cooperation.
The healthy, stable, and growing China-U.S. relationship is
not only in the fundamental interest of the Chinese and American
people, it also meets the expectations of the international
community.  For China and the United States, win-win cooperation
is the only right choice and the pathway toward a better future.
We agreed to keeping close touch through mutual visits,
meetings, phone calls, and correspondence, with a view to having
timely communications on major issues of shared interest.  We
agreed to make the most of the diplomatic and security dialogue,
comprehensive economic dialogue, social and people-to-people
dialogue, and law enforcement and cyber-security dialogue — four
high-level dialogue mechanisms — and work together for greater
results out of these dialogues.
We believe that China and the United States are the two
largest economies and important engines of global economic
growth.  We need to further expand trade and investment
cooperation, strengthen macroeconomic policy coordination, pursue
healthy, stable, and dynamically balanced economic and trade
It is necessary to formulate and launch economic cooperation
plans for the next phase, to have continued in-depth discussion
on trade imbalance, export restrictions, investment environment,
market openness, and other issues, and work to support practical
cooperation in energy, infrastructure, Belt and Road Initiative,
and other areas.
Just now, the President and I witnessed the signing of some
major cooperation agreements by our businesses.  During this
visit, the two sides signed over $250 billion U.S. dollars of
commercial deals and two-way investment agreements.
According to China’s timetable and roadmap for opening up,
China has announced a number of steps to promote market access.
This speaks volumes of the broad space for further economic and
trade cooperation between the two countries, which would deliver
great benefits to the two peoples.
As two distinctive countries, our two sides may have
different views or differences on some issues.  This is only
natural.  The key is to properly handle and manage them.  There
is far more common interest between our two countries than
differences.  It is important to respect each other’s sovereignty
and territorial integrity, respect each other’s choice of
development path, and our difference.  As long as the two sides
commit to a constructive approach, we can put aside and diffuse
differences, while at the same time build common ground and
advance cooperation.
We also discussed the international responsibilities our two
countries shoulder:  We agreed to enhance communication and
cooperation on major international, regional, and global issues,
and jointly seek proper resolution of relevant hotspot issues to
make greater contribution to peace, stability, and prosperity of
relevant regions and the world at large.
On the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue, we reiterated the
firm commitment to achieving denuclearization of the peninsula,
and upholding international non-proliferation regime.  The two
sides will continue to fully and strictly implement UN Security
Council resolutions. At the same time, the two sides commit to
working toward a solution through dialogue and negotiation, and
we are ready to discuss with relevant parties, the pathway
leading to enduring peace and stability in the peninsula and the
Northeast Asia.  The two sides will maintain communication and
cooperation on the Korean Peninsula issue.
We believe that China and the United States, our countries
are the important influence in the Asia Pacific.  As I said to
the President, “the Pacific Ocean is big enough to accommodate
both China and the United States.”
Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends:  President Trump’s state
visit is a successful and historic visit.  Together the two of us
have set out the direction and draw up the blueprint for
China-U.S. relations in the coming period.  We will work with the
United States and act on the consensus we reached, seek further
progress in U.S.-China relations to bring greater benefit to our
peoples, and people across the world.
Thank you very much.  [applause]

ANNOUNCER:  Thank you very much, Your Excellency.  Now,
President Trump, you have the floor.

President Xi, I want to thank you for that incredible
welcoming ceremony, earlier this morning.  It was truly memorable
and impressive, and something I will never forget.  Melania and I
are honored to visit your country, with its ancient history,
dynamic people, and thriving culture.
I also want to thank you and Madame Peng for a tour that was
given to us yesterday of the very majestic Forbidden City.  Your
people are proud of who they are, and what they have built
together, and your people are also very proud of you.
I want to congratulate you on the recent and very successful
19th Party Congress. Perhaps now, more than ever we have an
opportunity to strengthen the relationship between our two
President Xi and I discussed improving our economic
relationship.  We want a vibrant trade relationship with China,
we also want a fair and reciprocal one.  Today, I discussed with
President Xi the chronic imbalance in our relationship, as it
pertains to trade, and the concrete steps that we’ll jointly take
to solve the problem of the massive trade distortion.  This
includes addressing China’s market access restrictions, and
technology transfer requirements, which prevent American
companies from being able to fairly compete within China.
The United States is committed to protecting the
intellectual property of our companies and providing a level
playing field for our workers. At the same time, our relationship
with you and China is a very important one to me, and to all the
people of our country.  And just by looking at the tremendous,
incredible job-producing agreements just signed those major
companies, we’re off to a very, very good start.
As part of our commitment to regional stability and peace,
the United States also continues to advocate for reforms that
advance economic freedom, individual rights, and the rule of law.
The United States, working with China and other regional
partners, has an incredible opportunity to advance the cause of
peace, security, and prosperity all across the world:  It’s a
very special time, and we do, indeed, have that very, very
special opportunity.  A great responsibility has been placed on
our shoulders, President; it’s truly a great responsibility.  And
I hope we can rise to the occasion and help our countries and our
citizens reach their highest destinies and their fullest
I want to thank you, again — you’re a very special man —
for your gracious hospitality.  I send my warmest regards to your
citizens.  I honor their heritage, and celebrate their great,
great possibilities and potential for the future.  In the coming
months and years, I look forward to building an even stronger
relationship between our two countries, China and the United
States of America, and even closer friendships and relationships,
between the people of our countries.
Mr. President, thank you very much. [applause]
[end video]

OGDEN:  So you just heard President Trump there say that
this is a very, very extraordinary, special opportunity, to build
this cooperative relationship between the United States and
China, one which he said, is very, very important for him, and
also for the people of the United States, — which is very true.
And he said he looks forward to continuing to build a strong and
close relationship between these two countries.  And I thought it
was very notable that he said, on such a personal level, he said,
“this is a special time”; he said, “we, indeed, have a very, very
special opportunity.”  And he said for the two of them, to
President Xi Jinping, “a great responsibility has been placed on
our shoulders.”  He addressed President Xi directly.  He said,
“It’s a truly great responsibility, and I hope we can rise to the
occasion and help our countries and our citizens reach their
highest destinies and their fullest potential.”  And he said, “I
want to thank you again, you’re a very special man.”
This is an extraordinary testament to this relationship that
President Trump has forged with President Xi Jinping and just how
grateful he was for the hospitality that he received, and the
extraordinary successes that came out of this summit.  As
President Xi said, in those remarks you just heard, he said,
together the two of them have “laid out the blueprint for
U.S.-China relations” with the purpose of benefitting the people
of the United States and China.  And he said this was a very
important and very historic visit.
And indeed, it was.  The Chinese foreign minister, at a
press conference laid out, no less than 23 specific areas where
the U.S. and China delegations reached an important agreement.
He said:  “We have reached extensive and important consensus on
the development of China-U.S. relations.”  And those 23 specific
areas included no less than what he said, in his words,
“protecting world peace, stability and prosperity, carrying out
head of state diplomacy,” which includes as you heard from
President Xi, phone calls, continued personal meetings, constant
exchange of views and consultation between these two heads of
state; this also includes giving full play to the four high-level
dialogue platforms that were agreed to previously; enhancing
macro-policy coordination including global economic governance;
exchanges and dialogues at various levels between the two
militaries; drug control was also included.  And, I didn’t
include it in those clips, but one of the things that President
Trump repeatedly came back to, was the agreements that they had
reached in terms of controlling the opioid flow which has
contributed so much to the opioid epidemic here in the United
States, most specifically the fentanyl phenomenon; but also was
included in this, was an agreement for international
non-proliferation and the denuclearization of the Korean
Peninsula, which you heard both of them refer to, and fighting
terrorism, together.
So there are 23 specific areas of mutual cooperation that
were agreed to during this summit.
From those two press conferences, I hope you get the sense
just how historic this visit was and how much significance
President Trump placed on the opportunity to have this state
visit, and how much significance President Xi Jinping placed on
President Trump’s willingness to engage in this bilateral summit;
and how much hope they both have for the continued growth in this
Now, President Xi Jinping immediately went from this summit
that they held in Beijing to attend the APEC summit, and both
President Xi and President Trump delivered important and
significant speeches.  But I think you can see, from the
preliminary reports of President Xi Jinping’s speech, that he has
taken what was consolidated in this bilateral summit between
himself and President Trump, and immediately brought it to the
world stage in terms of the future of the Belt and Road
What President Xi Jinping’s speech at the APEC summit was
completely centered around, is the idea of scientific growth and
innovation, as the driver, the source of the growth, the driver
behind the Belt and Road Initiative.  He said, that an old Chinese
saying reads, that development is an unending journey.  He said,
a Chinese philosopher said, “we should focus our mind on the
future, not the past.  So we need reform and innovation to
achieve growth, we must build a community of shared future for
mankind,” reviewing a theme that he had made a very central facet
of his speech to the CPC Party Congress.
He said:  In order to do that, one, we must pursue
innovation-driven development, new drivers of growth.  He said
the only way to sustain growth is through innovation and
breakthroughs in science.  And then he said, we must enhance
connectivity.  This is the best way to have win-win outcomes.  He
said, this will boost the real economy, and he emphasized that
the Belt and Road Initiative is a joint endeavor for
infrastructure and connectivity.  He said, it is from China, but
it belongs to the world.  It’s oriented to the future, and
although largely focused on Asia and Africa, so far, he
emphasized, it is open to all partners, obviously, the United
States included.
And he said:  It is his hope that the Belt and Road
Initiative will create a broader more dynamic platform for world
economic growth.  And the audience stood up and applauded that
with a sustained ovation.
And then he emphasized at the conclusion of this speech at
the APEC summit, “We want to enable more countries to board the
express train of China’s development.” And then he reflected on
what China has achieved and what China is committed to continuing
to achieve.  He said:  We are embarked on a new journey involving
our greater integration with the world.  We will continue to open
up; we will work with others to create new drivers of development
through the Belt and Road Initiative.  He said:  Our goal is to
ensure a better life for people.  We aim for this in everything
we do.  This involves increasing people’s living standards,
ending poverty.  By 2020, each and every one of China’s 1.3
billion people should have decent lives, he said.  “No one will
be left behind.”
And then he concluded by saying: China also has a new
international approach to create a community with a shared future
for mankind.  China’s dream is connected to the dreams of each of
your countries.  We strive for durable peace, universal security,
and common prosperity.  We want harmony among all nations by
creating a win-win situation.  He said:  We will make the
international order more just and equitable.
So that’s the vision for the world which President Xi
Jinping has laid out, and that’s the vision which now President
Trump has, in a very significant way joined the United States and
China in this idea of a shared and common destiny.
I think we can be assured that out of this historic summit
that we witnessed over the last two days, a very, very close
relationship will continue to be formed between President Trump
and President Xi Jinping, personally; and that relationship, as
we enter this new era in terms of U.S.-China relations, will,
indeed, herald the coming of an entirely new paradigm for
So, what I want to do to conclude here is to play just a
very short excerpt from Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s international
webcast, yesterday, which she broadcast yesterday on the Schiller
Institute New Paradigm site, and is available on the Schiller
Institute YouTube channel [], and
this was even prior to some of the concluding remarks that you
just heard from President Trump and President Xi Jinping.  But
you can see, the importance that Helga Zepp-LaRouche places on
the events that we just witnessed over the last two days.  So,
here’s Helga Zepp-LaRouche:

[begin video]
HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  I think from what we can know today,
which is the second day of I would say an historic visit of
President Trump in China, I think it is exactly what I expected
would happen:  That both sides know perfectly well that the
future of mankind depends on the relationship between the United
States and China, as the most important two nuclear powers and
economic powers in the world.  And I think it went very well.
The statements by President Xi Jinping characterizing the meeting
as a strategic new beginning, a mutual beneficial relationship of
historic importance which can solve not only the problems of the
two peoples, but of the whole world, I think this is absolutely
to the point.  And President Trump was very enthusiastic:  He
praised China and its great President, who, according to his
Tweet, feels very warm feeling — I mean, this is really good.
Because if the two Presidents understand each other and can make
it work, then I fully agree, there is no problem in the world
which cannot be tackled.
So I think this is a gigantic step forward, and I think it’s
also interesting that Trump, who was very much talking about the
trade gap between the United States and China, however, he said
he does not blame China for that, because he respects it, that
President Xi would do everything for the maximum benefit of his
own country and people; and then he blamed previous U.S.
administrations for having allowed to drop exports to China so
much that this trade gap now exists.  And remember, the Chinese
always wanted to import much more from the United States, but the
previous administrations which were on a confrontation,
containment, encirclement policy towards China, they refused to
sell many of the products which China wanted to buy with the
pretext that they had “dual use,” that things could be used both
for civilian and military purpose — and naturally, there’s
almost anything you can use for either peaceful or not so
peaceful purposes, depending on what is the intent of your
So, I think this is very good.  They concluded, I think,
somewhere in the range of $250 billion in deals, various things
ranging from infrastructure, transport, energy, agricultural
exports from the United States to China, just a very wide variety
of economic deals.  They also decided to not only improve and
strengthen the relationship between the two Presidents, but to
increase the cooperation on all levels, to strengthen the four
permanent dialogues which had been arranged already in Florida in
April, one of them dealing with economic cooperation.  And I
think an absolute basis has been laid to continue to develop this
relationship to the benefit, not only of China and the United
States, but, really, for the whole world.
So naturally, they agreed fully on the need to solve the
North Korea problem, on which they want to work together, and
also Trump expressed a confidence that with the help of China,
and Russia, which he said on an earlier occasion, that problem
can be brought to a positive solution.
While I have not seen any direct mentioning of the United
States working with the Belt and Road Initiative as such, I know
that that is the mindset of President Xi, and I think that also
coming out of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party
of China, where Xi Jinping has made the goal of to build a
“community of a shared future of mankind,” I think this trip by
President Trump has been a gigantic step in the right direction.
And I think the Chinese really know how to bring into
consciousness, the 5,000-year history of China, and Trump was
treated really very well.  They had a one-day or several hour
special treatment in the Forbidden City which was closed to the
public, and they performed three Beijing operas, and showed the
restoration of ancient handicrafts.  So Trump was very, very
happy, and he sent a message to Xi Jinping saying that he and
Melania will never forget this experience. So I think from a
human standpoint this is very positive.
And these journalists should just go and be ashamed of
themselves, because they are so cynical that never will anything
move their hearts and minds, and probably these minds are dried
out like old prunes anyway, so I wouldn’t worry about what
they’re writing, because I think these two Presidents have made a
very positive step, moving human history forward.
[end video]

OGDEN:  So as you can see, Helga LaRouche concluded by
saying, no matter what you read in the Western press, disregard
this, because, indeed, we have just witnessed one of the most
crucial developments in human history.  As you could see, she
said, these two Presidents have moved human history forward.
It’s a very gigantic step in the right direction, she said, and a
very significant victory in our ongoing fight for a new
international paradigm, a “shared future for mankind” in the
words of Xi Jinping.
So with this significant victory under our belt, Helga
Zepp-LaRouche in the last day has called on American to redouble
our efforts for Lyndon LaRouche’s Four Economic Laws here in the
United States:  The Hamiltonian national banking program by which
we can maximize the participation of the United States in this
Belt and Road Initiative.
And we’ve got a lot of potential, that came out of this
visit, and it’s our job to fully educate the American people on
what was discussed and what the opportunities are that are now
before us, with President Trump clearly, personally committed to
this relationship with China, his personal relationship with
President Xi Jinping, and as President Xi Jinping repeatedly
mentioned, this potential for joint investment between Chinese
firms in the United States, and also participation by U.S.
companies in the Belt and Road Initiative — exactly what we’ve
been calling for over the last number of months, in terms of the
United States joining the New Silk Road.
With that said, I think for those of you who viewed those
excerpts, we did witness the unfolding of human history before
our very eyes; with these events over the last several days, we
now are in a new era for U.S. history. And I think we have to
recognize the implications of that, recognize the responsibility
that that presents to us, to continue to move history forward in
this direction.
So thank you very much for joining us, and I’m sure that
we’ll see further developments coming out of President Trump’s
visit to Asia over the next few days.  So please stay tuned to, as we have a number of other live events planned
over the coming days, and we’ll see you at the beginning of next

Putin og Trump opfordrer alle nationer til at støtte Syrien

11. nov., 2017 – Den russiske præsident Vladimir Putin og den amerikanske præsident Donald Trump underskrev en fælles erklæring, der opfordrer alle lande til at opbygge humanitær hjælp til Syrien. Selv om præsidenterne ikke havde noget formelt møde på sidelinjen af APEC-topmødet i Da Nang, Vietnam, 10.-11. nov., mødtes de kort flere gange og godkendte denne fælles erklæring, hvor de enedes om nødvendigheden af at afhjælpe de humanitære lidelser i Syrien og opfordrede alle FN-medlemslande til at bidrage til indsatsen. Dokumentet blev udarbejdet af de to landes eksperter og aftalt mellem den russiske udenrigsminister Sergei Lavrov og den amerikanske udenrigsminister Rex Tillerson, der mødtes tidligere i dag i Da Nang.

Erklæringen gentog, at konflikten i Syrien »ikke har nogen militær løsning«.

Erklæringen siger også: »Præsidenterne aftalte at opretholde åbne, militære kommunikationskanaler mellem militære folk for at være med til at sikre sikkerheden for både amerikanske og russiske styrker og dekonfliktion af partnerstyrker, der er engageret i kampen mod ISIS. De bekræftede, at disse bestræbelser vil fortsætte, indtil den endelige besejring af ISIS er opnået.«

Præsidenterne roste »den succesfulde, styrkede amerikanske og russiske indsats for dekonfliktion mellem amerikanske og russiske, militære professionelle, som i de seneste måneder på dramatisk vis har optrappet ISIS’ tab på krigsskuepladsen …

De gennemgik fremskridt i våbenstilstanden i det sydvestlige Syrien, som blev færdiggjort sidste gang, de to præsidenter mødtes i Hamborg, Tyskland, den 7. juli, 2017«, lød det i deres erklæring. De to præsidenters sidste formelle møde fandt sted under G20-topmødet i Hamborg.

De hyldede ligeledes memorandaet fra 8. nov. mellem USA, Rusland og Jordan, som »forstærker successen med våbenstilstandsinitiativet« i det sydlige Syrien.

De aftalte, at den sluttelige, politiske afgørelse bør finde sted inden for rammerne af Genève-processen i overensstemmelse med FN’s Sikkerhedsråds resolution 2254 og bemærkede den syriske præsident Bashar Assads erklæring, hvor han forpligter sig til at holde sig til Genève-processen, en reform af forfatningen og valg, i overensstemmelse med nævnte FN-resolution.

Talsmand for Kreml, Dimitrij Peskov, sagde til Sputnik, at erklæringen specifikt var blevet udarbejdet til mødet i Da Nang.

Præsidenternes erklæring er udlagt på hhv. USA’s Udenrigsministeriums webside

og på Kremls webside

Foto: Præsidenterne Trump, USA, og Putin, Rusland, samtaler under en fotosession på APEC-topmødet i Da Nang, Vietnam.

Tom Gillesbergs tale på Schiller Instituttets Venners Valgmøde, 10. nov., 2017

Det, vi besluttede at gøre her fra Schiller Instituttets Venners side, hvor vi stiller op her i København, og også i Brøndby, Aarhus og Randers, var at tage disse større spørgsmål, som virkelig er det, der kommer til at afgøre fremtiden, og forsøge at bringe dem frem i den offentlige debat; forsøge at bryde igennem den mørklægning af virkeligheden, der alt for længe har fundet sted her i Danmark, såvel som også i Europa og i vid udstrækning i USA; og forsøge, i denne konsensus om politikker, der ikke virker, at introducere, præsentere folk for et glimt ind i det nye paradigme, som findes derude i verden med Kinas Bælte & Vej Initiativ som drivkraft, men ikke kun som et kinesisk program; men dette omfatter allerede omkring 100 nationer i hele verden, og så grundlæggende set lægge det frem på bordet og sige, dette er beslutningen, dette er, hvad Danmark, og København, selvfølgelig, også må blive en del af.

Tom Gillesberg, kandidat til borgmesterpost i København og regionsråd i region Hovedstaden for Schiller Instituttets Venner; formand for Schiller Instituttet i Danmark:

God eftermiddag og velkommen til alle, der kunne komme til denne særlige begivenhed; særlig i den forstand, at vi blander forskellige kategorier her, idet vi både har inviteret ambassadediplomater til at komme og være med i vore diskussioner om det, vi i den danske valgkampagne præsenterer, her i København; men som også er omfattet i det globale, overordnede spørgsmål, der netop nu ligger foran os; nemlig, hvordan tackler vi sammen verden? Det faktum, at vi står over for nye, desperate tider i den finansielle verden, i form af et krak, der vil blive værre end det, vi så i 2007-08; men samtidig står vi også over for muligheder for menneskeheden, som er ekstremt spændende.

Det, vi besluttede at gøre her fra Schiller Instituttets Venners side, hvor vi stiller op her i København, og også i Brøndby, Aarhus og Randers, var at tage disse større spørgsmål, som virkelig er det, der kommer til at afgøre fremtiden, og forsøge at bringe dem frem i den offentlige debat; forsøge at bryde igennem den mørklægning af virkeligheden, der alt for længe har fundet sted her i Danmark, såvel som også i Europa og i vid udstrækning i USA; og forsøge, i denne konsensus om politikker, der ikke virker, at introducere, præsentere folk for et glimt ind i det nye paradigme, som findes derude i verden med Kinas Bælte & Vej Initiativ som drivkraft, men ikke kun som et kinesisk program; men dette omfatter allerede omkring 100 nationer i hele verden, og så grundlæggende set lægge det frem på bordet og sige, dette er beslutningen, dette er, hvad Danmark, og København, selvfølgelig, også må blive en del af.

I dag er også en særlig dag, den 10. november; det er Friedrich Schillers fødselsdag, den berømte tyske, men også universelle digter, »Frihedens Poet«, som han også kaldes, og efter hvem vi har vores navn, Schiller Instituttet, og som også reflekteres i Schiller Instituttets Venner. Schiller var en meget enestående filosofisk person, der i sig også havde stor passion og stor kærlighed til menneskeheden, og ikke kun til sin egen nation. Han havde denne idé, at man både kan være patriot for sin nation og samtidig en verdensborger, og at de to ikke bør være en modsigelse.

Så jeg mener, der er meget passende, før vi om lidt skal høre Helga Zepp-LaRouche online – jeg introducerer Helga, når vi kommer dertil – og senere vil jeg, og andre kandidater fra Schiller Instituttets Venner, diskutere kampagnen; men før vi kommer til det, mener jeg, det er passende, at vi får nogen skønhed. I har måske set, at én af de ting, vi har forsøgt at introducere i denne kampagne, er spørgsmålet om klassisk kultur; spørgsmålet om at give alle børn adgang til klassisk kultur; at alle børn burde lære at synge, spille et instrument, være med i et orkester og gøre denne fantastiske kultur til deres egen. Og det er sådan, man får virkelige renæssancer.

Så, for at introducere denne meget smukke del af menneskets aktivitet, klassisk musik, vil vi indlede med to arier fra Shakespeares skuespil Othello, sat til musik af Verdi i operaen Othello, som er et skuespil og en opera, alle burde se med jævne mellemrum for at blive mindet om, hvordan historien fungerer; mindet om, hvordan det var en tradition i Venedig, men i dag er en tradition i London, at spille folk ud mod hinanden således, at folk, som det var meningen, skulle leve sammen i perfekt harmoni med hinanden og udvikle hinanden og elske hinanden; hvis der så er en tredje stemme, der stikker til dem og skaber jalousi mellem dem og spiller dem ud mod hinanden, så kunne det, der skulle have været et frugtbart samarbejde, meget nemt blive til strid og krig og ødelæggelse og død. Og dette er præcist, hvad Shakespeare, men også Verdi, ønskede at vise med denne opera, hvor den onde Jago virkelig demonstrerer sine mesterlige evner i ødelæggelsen af Desdémones og Othellos lykkelige forening. Disse to arier er mod slutningen; den første er, da Desdémone sidder på sin sengekant og er bange for, hvad der næst vil ske, for Othello har bedt hende tage sin bryllupskjole på, og hun har bange anelser om, hvad der vil ske. Den anden arie er ’Ave Maria’, som er der, hvor hun beder sin bøn, og jeg mener, det også er meget passende, for netop nu har vi et så opportunt øjeblik for menneskeheden, for vi må have den ånd, som Verdi her præsenterer, hvor vi virkelig tager hele verden ind i vore hjerter, både den nuværende og fremtidige menneskehed.

Jeg vil gerne bede Lena Malkki [sopran, Sverige] synge og Dominik Wizjan [pianist, Polen] akkompagnere på klaver, disse to meget smukke arier.

[Lyt: 7:45 min]

Tom: Mange tak, Lena og Dominik.

Jeg mener dette, er en passende introduktion til det, der kommer nu. Vi har, som I ser, Helga parat online, og jeg vil blot sige et par ord for at introducere hende.

Hvis I ikke allerede kender hende, vil jeg foreslå, at I googler hende og finder en masse af hendes skrifter, for de er derude[1], for hun er en meget inspirerende kraft, men hun er også meget intimt knyttet til den proces, der netop nu finder sted i Kina og internationalt, og som kendes som Bælte & Vej Initiativet.

Helga stiftede Schiller Instituttet i 1984, men var allerede inden da meget politisk aktiv. Hun var én af lederne i LaRouche-bevægelsen og blev mere udtrykkeligt leder, da hun i 1977 giftede sig med Lyndon LaRouche, og hun har siden da været drivkraften i en masse projekter for at forandre verden. Hun er også meget nært, personligt knyttet til Kina, da hun rejste til Kina som ung journalist og så ting i Kulturrevolutionens mørke tid, og i takt med, at der opstod nye muligheder, var hun i 1970’erne sammen med Lyndon LaRouche en førende kraft i at skabe en ny, retfærdig, økonomisk verdensorden, også sammen med Den Alliancefri Bevægelse i 1970’erne. Da der, i 1989 med Berlinmurens fald, opstod en mulighed for at få en helt ny verden, grundlæggende set, men også en helt ny, strategisk situation i Europa, var hun meget aktiv i at forsøge at ændre dynamikken; først, og også sammen med Schiller Instituttet, var hun en ledende kraft i en masse konferencer for at forsøge at få en massiv udvikling af Europa, fra Centraleuropa og mod øst, og dette blev i stigende grad saboteret, kan man sige, af de gamle magter. Hun var dernæst en førende stemme i at forvandle dette projekt til Verdenslandbroen; og Helga rejste meget til Kina for at understrege nødvendigheden af denne Verdenslandbro, for at forbinde Kina med Europa gennem infrastrukturkorridorer, det, hun også kaldte Den Nye Silkevej, og af denne grund blev hun i Kina kendt som Silkevejslady’en. Der skete dernæst det, at det på dette tidspunkt blev delvist stoppet pga. krisen i Asien i 1997, men med krisen, der kom i 2008, gjorde Kina noget helt andet end det, der foregik i Europa og USA, og de ændrede politikken og begyndte massivt at transformere den kinesiske politik med udvikling af infrastruktur, og de lod det ikke være godt med det, med at løfte 700 mio. kinesere ud af dyb fattigdom; men i 2013 initierede Xi Jinping også politikken med Bælte & Vej Initiativet for at sprede denne politik internationalt.

Så Helga er blevet en meget citeret person og en hyppig gæst i de kinesiske medier, hvor hun taler om disse spørgsmål. Hun var også i Beijing, hvor hun var inviteret som repræsentant for Schiller Instituttet til Bælte & Vej Forum, der fandt sted i maj måned i Beijing, som en del af konferencens indbudte tænketanke.

Vi er meget glade for at høre hendes stemme her og høre hende præsentere, hvad det egentlig er, vi mener med vore valgplakater, hvor vi siger, at Danmark – København og Danmark og Europa – bør tilslutte sig Bælte & Vej Initiativet / Den Nye Silkevej. Så vi er meget glade for at have dig med os, Helga, og høre, hvad du kan fortælle os.

Min. 24:05.

(Engelsk udskrift af Helgas indlæg)

[1] Se engelsk:




Valgmøde den 10. november 2017, del I,
med Tom Gillesberg, Helga Zepp-LaRouche
og meget smuk sang

Helga Zepp LaRouche Addresses Copenhagen Campaign Event of
‘Friends of the Schiller Institute,’ Nov. 10, 2017

– The Legacy of Friedrich Schiller and the Schiller Institute –
– In the Confucian Concept of Xi’s New Silk Road Today –

        Schiller Institute Chairwoman and founder Helga
Zepp-LaRouche was introduced by Schiller Institute in Denmark
Chairman Tom Gillesberg, who is running for mayor of Copenhagen
on the Friends of the Schiller Institute slate.

HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  I’m very happy to be here by Hangout
video, because there are a lot very important things happening
which the Western media are absolutely hiding from the
population.  As a matter of fact, since you referred to the
founding of the Schiller Institute in 1984, I was just reflecting
that the purpose why I created the Schiller Institute in the
first place, was because I saw the world very much in need of a
different idea of relations among nations.
And that was the main reason why this institute was created,
because I realized, in 1983, the relationship between Germany and
the United States, Europe and the United States, the so-called
“advanced sector” and the developing countries, all of these
foreign relations were terrible.  For slightly different reasons
in each case, but I basically said, “this is not the way nations
should organized themselves, and that is not how they should
relate to each other.”
So I came up with the idea to create an institute devoted to
the development of a just new world economic order, whereby every
person on the planet would eventually have a decent life, that
was explicitly the idea; and that this new world economic order
would only function if it would be combined with the idea of a
dialogue of cultures on the highest level, where one country
would not refer to the worst tradition of the other, but to the
best, and vice versa.  And that all of this would be accompanied
by a lot of Classical culture, a lot of emphasis on science, on
science and technology as the motor for such a development.
Now, I don’t want to go through the long history of the
Schiller Institute, which has done an enormous amount of work on
five continents since its existence, but I’m very happy to say
that if you look at the world today, especially in the last
several days, a lot of what the Schiller Institute was meant to
be, is coming into being.
People really have to realize that the summit which just
took place between President Xi Jinping and President Trump, was
an absolutely historic breakthrough.  Now, if you listen to the
Western media, you would think the opposite; you would think, if
you read the New York Times you would say, “Trump sold out to
the Chinese, because Xi Jinping is much more powerful than
Trump.”  If you listen to second channel of German TV, their
comment yesterday was that, yes, this was all a big show, but
Trump is so irrational and changing so quickly that in two weeks
he will not even remember what happened.  Or, the Frankfurter
Allgemeine Zeitung
this morning, I had to laugh when I was
reading this. On the front page, they said if Deng Xiaoping were
still alive, he would have wept tears of joy when he saw that Xi
Jinping and Trump were meeting, seeing eye-to-eye, treating each
other as equals.
So the Western media are just completely beside themselves,
they’re cynical, they’re absolutely geopolitically blinded in
such a way that they can’t even look at what is going on.
Now, let me tell you what really happened:  First of all, on
Wednesday [Nov. 8], the Chinese government did something which
has never happened, giving an honor to Trump which they have
never given to any other foreign head of state.  They closed down
for an entire day the Forbidden City; this is the largest complex
of palaces in the world.  Since the 17th century, it was the seat
of the emperors, and it is just one large complex of palaces, one
after the other:  it has opera houses, it has living quarters,
it’s just an unbelievable environment.
They closed this down, and they performed for President
Trump and his wife Melania, excerpts from three Beijing operas,
and they showed ancient handicrafts in restoration; and really
steeped the Presidential couple in Chinese culture.  Which
everybody who knows it, knows it’s extremely beautiful and
extremely impressive.  And they called this a “State Visit-Plus.”
A commentator from the think tank CASS [Chinese Academy of Social
Sciences] said this has never happened in the history of China,
either; they have never given a head of state such a high-level
visit, so it was a highest honor ever given to a foreign
Now, the Western press is not reflecting why this is the
case, but President Xi said that the this is the beginning of a
new start of relations between the United States and China, and
it will do very important, good things not only for the two
people, but for the entire world.  And Trump, on his side, said,
what could be more important than the two largest economic
countries finding a good cooperation; and he also said that he
looks ahead to many years of friendship and collaboration between
the two countries, accomplishing incredible things.
Obviously, not unimportant was the fact that there were
trade deal deals signed for, altogether $253 billion, ranging
from energy, agricultural products, airplanes were being bought,
infrastructure.  And in a certain sense, this is important, and
designed to grow — it’s not the end of it.  Trump made several
speeches where he said — there was an incredible trade gap up to
now, but he doesn’t blame the Chinese for it, he blames the
former U.S. administrations for allowing this to happen.
So obviously, there are many positive things in this trade
relation, as such, but I think more importantly the spirit which
comes from the New Silk Road, which is the policy which has been
put on the agenda by Xi Jinping since 2013, and which in the four
years since, has grown to be the largest economic infrastructure
project ever in history: Already something like 70 countries are
collaborating.  They are building infrastructure corridors, six
major corridors, almost 40 cargo trains and connecting between
China and Europe, now, every week.  The development is spreading
with absolute excitement into Latin America, into Africa, into
even European countries.
The biggest change, in my view, has happened in Africa,
because China has invested in a rail line from Djibouti to Addis
Ababa; now from Kenya; another line is being built to Rwanda.
Many hydropower dams, projects for hydropower, irrigation,
industrial parks.  And all of this has led to a completely
different attitude of the Africans, who, for the first time, see
the perspective of overcoming their underdevelopment.
The philosophy behind all of this is the idea that only if
you have harmonious development of all nations on this planet,
can you have a peaceful development in China.  And this is based
on the Confucian idea that only with the maximum development of
the individual, who should become a wide person, is spread
throughout the entire family and all the families develop
harmoniously, can you have peace in the nation, and obviously in
the world, among the nations.
This is not understood by the West at all. They are
absolutely convinced — and I think some of these political
forces are so geopolitically entrenched that they really believe
this, that they cannot mention that a country can actually be
devoted to the common good of its people.  And that China is
doing that is without any debate, because, as Tom just mentioned,
I was in China in 1971, during the Cultural Revolution, and I saw
the country in distress.  And I went back in ’96, and I saw the
absolutely incredible change for the better in these 25 years.
And what has happened in the last 30 years is just the
biggest economic miracle of any country on the planet.  China has
lifted 700 million people out of poverty, and what happened at
the just-concluded 19th Party Congress of the CPC, was that Xi
Jinping announced that by the year 2020, China will have
eradicated all poverty.  There are only 42 million people left
who are poor, in rural areas, and they now are using modern
technology to overcome that, by providing the means for
e-commerce to the farmers in the rural areas of poor regions, so
they can market their products via the internet, and that way
they are starting to develop more income and more wealth, so that
they will no longer be poor by the year 2020. I have no reason to
believe that they will not succeed in doing that, because, when
you see the vector of development of the last 30 to 40 years,
they are going to accomplish that.
By the year 2035, China wants to be a modern socialist
country, and Xi Jinping has developed a plan up to the year 2050,
for China to be a strong, modern, harmonious, democratic, happy
Now, in this speech, at this party convention, Xi Jinping
mentioned I think it was 15 times or so, that the purpose of the
political work of the Communist Party is that people should have
a better and happier life.  And what China is doing is obviously
a model which is much more devoted to the common good, than you
find it in the West, where, if you compare it to the poverty
level in the European Union, for example, where you have 120
million people who are poor; or you compare it to the economic
situation in the United States, where for the first time in an
industrial nation, you have a lowering of the life-expectancy!
Now, if there’s any parameter for the productivity and the
well-being of an economy, it is the life expectancy of its
people.  And if you an industrial country with the collapse of
the life span, then you know that there is something absolutely
wrong.  And this is the result of what happened with the
neo-liberal system, especially since the United States with the
neo-cons decided to become the leader of a unipolar world, which
went along with the neo-liberal system, where the rich became so
rich that it is unreasonable, and the poor become poorer.
And you have right now, I think something like 95 million
people in the United States who are no longer counted as being in
the labor force, because they have given up looking for work, or
they are sick, or they are in prison, or they are somehow
misplaced in some other form.
So, I think that what is happening right now is that Xi
Jinping has put on the agenda a model of economic cooperation
which needs to be studied.  I think it’s a big mistake that the
Europeans are just dismissing it.  Like, for example, the French
Economic and Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire just went to Berlin
yesterday, and there he addressed a German-French economic forum,
where he said, now Europe must stop being naïve, we must be
united to stand up against China, against Russia, against the
United States.  And then the German Foreign Minister Sigmar
Gabriel yesterday on a TV show basically said the same thing —
he said, now, Europe must stand united against the aggressive
powers of Russia and China, where human rights mean nothing.
I mean, this is such an arrogance!  You know, talking about
“democracy,” why don’t you just look for a second at what
happened with Hillary Clinton’s campaign?  Now the big scandal in
the United States is that the Democratic Party leadership, one
year before the party convention was to supposedly decide on the
candidate for the 2016 Presidential election, has decided it
would be Hillary. And then they channeled illegal money,
violating FEC rules up and down, right and left, intriguing
against Bernie Sanders. And then, concocting “intelligence”
against Trump with the help of British intelligence, played back
into the United States.  I mean, this is a joke! There is no
democracy, not in this present system.
And I think that to accuse Russia and China of being
“aggressive” is just absolutely wrong!  The whole question of
what was the Ukraine crisis:  [Former German Chancellor] Helmut
Schmidt said it very clearly: The reason why the Ukraine crisis
happened, and where it started was in the Maastricht conference
in 1992, because that was when the EU decided to have the
Eastward expansion without limit. And that is the same thing as
what the NATO expansion to the East was, breaking all promises
made to Gorbachev at the time, that NATO would never expand to
the borders of the Soviet Union, or Russia for that matter.
So we are in a real crisis.  And rather than being so
arrogant and saying there are no human rights in China and
Russia, and these countries are “aggressive” — which they are
not — we should rather reflect on what should the future be?
China happens to be the only country which has presented a
strategic model of international relations based on a win-win
cooperation of respect for the sovereignty of the other country,
of non-interference, of accepting the other social model of the
other system; and this is a strategy for peace.  This is the idea
of overcoming geopolitics.  And we should not forget that it was
geopolitics which was not only the cause for many wars in
history, but especially two world wars in the 20th century.
And the idea to have an inclusive, win-win cooperation among
all countries on the planet, what should be against that?  Why
can Europe not, why can’t Denmark, and Germany, and France, and
Italy, just say:  When the relationship between the United States
and China is already now on such a new historical basis, where
the strategic partnership between China and Russia is also very,
very strong, and Putin and Xi Jinping have both said that the
relationship between these two countries are on the best level
ever.  And now China and the United States are saying the same
thing about their two countries.  Now, what could be better, than
to have the United States, China and Russia working together for
a new paradigm of relations among nations?  Why can the European
nations not just say, “Well, that is very good, because if the
biggest nuclear powers can cooperate in a peaceful way, then the
danger of a thermonuclear war is obviously diminished and could
be eliminated in a short period of time; and we cooperate.”
I mean, we have so many tasks which are urgent:  The
reconstruction of Southwest Asia, of the Middle East, of
countries which have been completely destroyed by wars which are
the outgrowth of regime change, of the unipolar world, on wars
based on lies, which have cost {millions} of people their lives
in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen.  These countries have been
absolutely destroyed and they need to be reconstructed.
There is already a  discussion  that the only way you can do
that, is by extending the New Silk Road into the Middle East.
And I have said for a very long time, that the only way how you
can have peace in the Middle East, is if all the major neighbors
— Russia, China, India, Iran, Egypt, hopefully the United
States, and hopefully European nations, are all working together,
and then you can eliminate the present tensions and frictions and
ongoing fights, which have almost been eliminated in Syria and
And look at Africa:  Don’t you think it’s time that we join
hands with China in the development of Africa?  Do you really
think that the underdevelopment of Africa is a natural condition?
No!  It is the result of hundreds of years of colonialism, of
decades of IMF conditionalities, which insisted, that countries
should pay their debt and not pay for infrastructure and not pay
for social expenditures.  And the reason why Africa has been in
such a terrible condition is because it was the policy of the
West {not} to develop the African continent.
And now China has come, and said, “no,” we have the idea to
eliminate poverty in every corner of the planet, and they have
started the industrialization of Africa, and Xi Jinping has
offered to Europe, to the United States, to join hands and have
joint projects in all of these countries.
Don’t you think it’s time that we become adult as a human
species?  I think it should be clear to everybody that in the age
of thermonuclear weapons, war cannot be a way of resolving
conflicts. And I think also, the idea that the human species
should be able to come up with an idea of self-governance of one
human species; that it’s not a natural condition that you always
will have one nation against another nation, or a group of
nations against another group of nations.
In reflecting about what happened in the recent period,
especially with the 19th Party Congress of the CPC, where Xi
Jinping developed a perspective between now and 2050, it is very
clear that if you look at the long arc of human civilization,
sometime the idea that we would be the one humanity, the
“community for a shared future for mankind” — which is the
formulation Xi Jinping always uses — had to come!  And that it
comes from China should not be a reason not to be up on the idea.
It has to do with the 5,000 year history of China, the 2,500
years of Confucian tradition that this idea was made by China,
but it is a universal idea, it’s not something limited to one
culture or one nation.
So I think we are at a very exciting moment of history.  I
feel very much vindicated that the work, not only of the Schiller
Institute, but the organization associated with the name of my
husband, Lyndon LaRouche, is now being implemented.  This goes
back all to the early ’70s, where my husband developed the
proposal for an International Development Bank, the IDB. This was
picked up by the Non-Aligned Movement in ’76, in their final
resolution in Colombo, Sri Lanka; and it was the idea that a new
credit institution should be created, replacing the IMF, which
would provide — at that time, the idea was 400 billion
deutschemarks, or $200 billion approximately, per year, for
technology transfer to the developing countries.
And that’s what China is now doing.  That’s what they’re
doing with the AIIB, with the New Development Bank, with the
different Chinese banks, focusing on the real economy.
Then, if you look at all the development plans we have been
working on:  The first development plan for Africa, we published
in 1976.  We had a plan for the development of Latin America,
working with [then Mexican President] López Portillo.  We had a
40-year development plan for India, on which we worked together
with Indira Gandhi.  We had a 50-year development plan for the
Pacific Ocean Basin in the early ’80s.
Then, in ’89, we had the Productive Triangle for the
development of East and West Europe.  And in ’91, when the Soviet
Union disintegrated, we proposed a peace plan for the 21st
century, starting with Eurasian Land-Bridge, which we already
called the New Silk Road, at that time.
So I feel very much that our lives’ work has absolutely come
into reality. And what we have to do now, is we have to get
European nations to understand that the crisis not that China is
making these proposals, and the crisis is not that Trump is
rejecting the neoliberal model, at least as it was represented by
Bush and Obama and Hillary.  The real crisis is that people in
Europe are still absolutely somehow in chains to their own
ideological thinking that they, first of all, are very
Euro-centric; they think Europe is the navel of the world; while
in reality, the power center is shifting to Asia, since they have
better principles than we have right now.
And just to illustrate the point, the Bundeswehr, the German
army, put out this study already in February of this year, where
they have basically six scenarios by the year 2040.  It has all
options, where the worst option is Europe will completely
collapse, many European countries will leave the EU and join with
the Russia bloc; and Europe will just lose all importance.  If
you look at these six scenarios, what you see there is an
absolutely wrong method of thinking:  It’s the projection of the
status quo, of geopolitical thinking, and naturally in a changing
world, there is no way how such thinking can survive, therefore,
if they keep thinking that way, this is probably what happens in
Now, look at what China is doing, instead.  They just
created the largest, highest-level regulatory body, which is even
more important and has higher ranking than all the ministries,
for the case of a new financial crisis.  And it has absolutely
nothing to do with the Chinese debt, because the Chinese debt
has, as a counterforce, real assets — investments in
infrastructure, in industries and so forth, so if there would be
a blowout, these assets will be there. While the monetarist
system of the trans-Atlantic sector, people have learned
absolutely nothing after the crisis of 2008.  That is the real
danger, and obviously China is looking at that, and Xi Jinping
has said this in many speeches since the G20 summit last year in
Hangzhou, that the causes of the 2008 crisis have not been
eliminated, and therefore the danger of a new crisis is
absolutely there.
So what we have to do, is we have to absolutely reflect,
what is wrong with the European thinking.  The problem is not
that other countries are rising and we are stagnating.  The
problem is that Europe has turned away from its highest
We have now a pretty decadent culture.  If you look at the
youth culture, pop music, many of these so-called pop singers are
outright Satanic: They are ugly, they promote an image of man
which is a beast, it’s full of violence, it’s pornographic, and
it’s just “everything goes.”  There is no more limit, there is no
morality, everything is allowed:  You don’t have two sexes, you
have in Germany now officially three sexes, you have 49 genders,
it’s just becoming absolutely Sodom and Gomorrah, or very much
parallel to the end-phase of the Roman Empire, where you had
similar phenomena.
So, I think that the problem is not China rising.  The
problem is that Europe has moved away.  We have a beautiful
tradition.  We have a Classical period, the Renaissance of Italy,
we have the Andalusian Renaissance, the École Polytechnique in
France.  We have a German Classical period which has produced
some of the most outstanding thinkers, composers, poets, you
know, the rich tradition linking the Classical period of Germany
with that of Denmark.  I mean, Danish people saved the life of
Friedrich Schiller.
So there are enough points where we can say, “Let’s just go
back to our best traditions, and then we will find out that the
Classical periods of Europe, and the Confucian tradition of
China, and the Classical periods of other nations, are indeed
creating the basis for a new Renaissance.”
I think we are at an incredible moment of history, and we
should just remind ourselves of the words of Friedrich Schiller,
who said, “A great moment should not find a little people.”  So
let’s try to elevate our people, to think big, think beautiful,
become beautiful souls, create the basis that all children have a
chance to become geniuses.  And if that is in our willpower to
do, and this is why the election campaign of Trump and the other
members of the Schiller Institute are so absolutely important,
and that is why we should all be happy that the Schiller
organization exists in Denmark and creates an option for all
Danish people to join this incredible historical moment and make
a better world for all of us. [applause]

Trump, Xi og den Nye Silkevejsånd.
Schiller Institut Nyt Paradigme Webcast
med Helga Zepp-LaRouche,
9. nov., 2017. Dansk udskrift.

Så jeg mener, at det, der tydeligvis er ved at vokse frem, er et mere og mere integreret, nyt økonomisk system, hvor det grundlæggende set er meget klart, så længe, europæerne, eller i det mindste EU og den tyske regering, fortsat har en kold og uvenlig holdning, så er det, som en erhvervsmand for nylig sagde, »hvis de ikke springer på toget, vil de se lysene fra den bageste vogn forlade stationen, og de bliver stående tilbage«.

Centrum for strategisk betydning bevæger sig tydeligvis over mod Asien i øjeblikket. Og denne amerikansk-kinesiske relation vil forhåbentlig fortsat udvikle sig, og så er jeg meget optimistisk mht., at mødet mellem Trump og Putin også vil blive succesfuldt. Jeg har faktisk grund til at tro, at dette også vil blive et stort gennembrud, og så vil disse journalister fra denne sensationspresse simpelt hen rive sig selv midt over, ligesom Rumleskaft. Og det er, hvad de burde gøre.


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Trump i Kina:
’Et gigantisk skridt i den rigtige retning’

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, USA; 9. nov., 2017 – I sin ugentlige webcast, hvis tema er »Den Nye Silkevejsånd«, i dag, talte Schiller Instituttets internationale formand, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, om den enorme, strategiske betydning, som præsident Donald Trumps statsbesøg til Kina, og hans møde med præsident Xi Jinping, har, og hun beskrev den amerikanske præsidents besøg som »et gigantisk skridt i den rigtige retning«, selv om, som hun bemærkede, »et samarbejde som sådan fra USA’s side om Bælte & Vej Initiativet endnu ikke har været nævnt direkte … Jeg ved, det er præsident Xis tankegang, og også det, der kommer som resultat af Kinas Kommunistiske Partis 19. Nationalkongres, hvor Xi Jinping har fastlagt målet om, frem til år 2050, at bygge ’et fællesskab for menneskehedens fælles fremtid’«.

Zepp-LaRouche påpegede, at, »jeg mener, at kineserne virkelig formår at fremkalde bevidsthed om Kinas 5.000 år lange historie, og Trump blev virkelig behandlet godt«. Den amerikanske præsidents besøg og det dybere venskab og den personlige relation, han etablerede med Xi, har »bevæget menneskehedens historie fremad«, sagde hun, noget, som de kyniske og absurde, amerikanske og vestlige medier ikke evner at forstå. Vestlige journalister »burde simpelt hen skamme sig«, sagde Zepp-LaRouche, »for de er så kyniske, at intet nogensinde vil røre deres hjerte og sind«.

Kendsgerningen er den, sagde Zepp-LaRouche, at, på andendagen for præsident Trumps historiske besøg til Kina, »mener jeg, at det præcis er, hvad jeg forventede, ville ske: At begge sider er fuldstændig klar over, at menneskehedens fremtid afhænger af relationen mellem USA og Kina, som de to vigtigste atommagter og økonomiske magter i verden. Og jeg mener, det gik virkelig godt. Præsident Xi Jinpings udtalelser, hvor han karakteriserer mødet som en ny, strategisk begyndelse, en gensidig fordelagtig relation af historisk betydning, og som kan løse, ikke alene de to folks, men også hele verdens, problemer, mener jeg virkelig rammer hovedet på sømmet. Og præsident Trump var meget entusiastisk: Han roste Kina og dets store præsident, som han, iflg. sin Tweet, har meget varme følelser for – dette er virkelig godt. For, hvis de to præsidenter forstår hinanden og kan få det til at fungere, så er jeg helt enig i, at der ikke er det problem i verden, der ikke kan takles«.

Af yderligere betydning er det nu meget sandsynlige møde mellem præsidenterne Trump og Putin på sidelinjen af APEC-topmødet i Vietnam, og som, bemærkede Zepp-LaRouche, også kunne repræsentere et betydeligt gennembrud. I en artikel, der blev udgivet i går, og som vi andetsteds rapporterer mere detaljeret om, fremlagde Putin også det forslag, som Rusland vil præsentere for APEC-topmødet, om udviklingen af det Russiske Fjernøsten, og med spændende muligheder for udvidet samarbejde mellem asiatiske nationer i sammenhæng med Bælte & Vej Initiativet og det, Putin kalder det »Større Eurasiske Partnerskab«. Dette er ligeledes noget, USA bør vise større opmærksomhed.

Trump og Xi aftalte ligeledes ikke blot at forbedre og styrke deres personlige relation, men også øge samarbejdet på alle niveauer for at styre de fire permanente dialoger, der blev etableret, da de to mødtes i Mar-a-Lago i Florida i april måned i år. Zepp-LaRouche understregede, »jeg mener således, at et absolut fundament er blevet lagt for en fortsat udvikling af denne relation til fordel for, ikke alene Kina og USA, men reelt set for hele verden«. De to præsidenter blev enige om behovet for at løse det nordkoreanske problem, omkring hvilket de ønsker at samarbejde, og Trump udtrykte sin overbevisning om, at, med hjælp fra Kina og Rusland, kan problemet løses på en positiv måde.

Med præsident Putins meddelelse, der kommer oven i mødet mellem Trump og Xi, understregede Zepp-LaRouche, at »det, der tydeligvis nu vokser frem, er et mere og mere integreret, nyt økonomisk system … det strategisk vigtige centrum flytter tydeligvis over mod Asien i øjeblikket«. Hun udtrykte sin optimisme mht., at, hvis relationen mellem Trump og Xi fortsat udvides, og hvis den amerikansk-kinesisk-russiske trekant kan konsolideres, »så vil Indien måske skifte mening, og måske vil selv europæerne gå med om bord, og så kan vi indlede en totalt ny ramme for relationer mellem lande«. Det er på høje tid, sagde hun, »at vi giver menneskeheden en orden, der er den menneskelige art værdig«.

USA høster af Trumps besøg i Kina;
Det må også så

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, USA, 8. nov., 2017 – Rapporter fra første dag af præsident Donald Trumps besøg i Kina lyder, at der er udarbejdet papirer om for henved $250 mia. i aftaler om handel og investeringer, som fokuserer på salg af landbrugsvarer og teknologi- og energiinfrastruktur, og som vil være til betydelig fordel for USA. Præsidenten og hans familie fik en sjælden fremvisning af alle dele af den Forbudte By i Beijing, som omfattede opførelser af traditionel opera og en virkelig fornemmelse af historien og kulturen i den store nation, han har med at gøre.

Præsident Xi Jinpings koncept om relationer mellem store magter er et koncept, der går ud på gensidig fordel og gensidigt samarbejde sådan, som det præsenteres for præsident Trump i disse dage. Præsident Trump burde gøre gengæld. USA bør ligeledes føre sine relationer med andre nationer efter et sådant koncept; og under de bedste dele af USA’s historie, har det gjort netop dette.

Præsidenten kunne indgå aftaler med Kina om fælles projekter inden for infrastruktur og industriel udvikling i andre lande, såvel som også bringe sådanne fremskridt med tilbage til USA. Vi venter på, at præsident Trump tilslutter Amerika til Bælte & Vej Initiativet, med dets store projekter for infrastruktur og produktivitet i en stor del af verden.

Det bør bemærkes, at koordinering for et bilateralt møde med den russiske præsident Putin under rejsen nu også er blevet bekræftet. Præsident Trump kan og bør lade hånt om den miskrediterede »Russiagate«-plan fra britiske og amerikanske efterretningstjenesters side, samt deres juridiske morder, Robert Mueller.

Det har faktisk været miskrediteret lige fra begyndelsen – hvis Trump-teamet havde været »under indflydelse af«, eller havde et »aftalt spil« med regeringsfolk fra mange andre, betydningsfulde nationer, ville ingen have sagt et ord. Men efterretningscheferne brugte et falsk »dossier« til at forsøge at afpresse præsidenten ind i en farlig politik, der er antirussisk, antikinesisk og går ind for »eneste supermagt«, og Mueller, der har baggrund i denne afpresning, bør træde tilbage.

I stedet kan Trump få et samarbejde, der ville afslutte de britisk- og saudiskanstiftede krige og i stedet sprede højteknologisk udvikling.

Præsidenten, der førte kampagne omkring Amerikas nedbrudte infrastruktur, synes nu at have glemt, at USA’s økonomi også har hårdt brug for dette. Det er kun Wall Street, der ønsker lavere skatter og højere selskabsprofitter i et forsøg på at dække over gældsbobler, der ikke kan betales. Det øvrige Amerika har brug for højere lønninger og større produktivitet, der skal komme fra ny infrastruktur og en Glass/Steagall-bankreorganisering.

At acceptere Kinas tilbud om at »være til fordel for den anden nation« kræver, at samme idé tilbydes som modydelse. Gå med i Bælte & Vej Initiativet. Glem Wall Street-markederne, inden de krakker. Byg den nye infrastruktur, som USA så desperat behøver, og resten af verden med.

Foto: Den 9. november afholdt den kinesiske præsident Xi Jinping en velkomstceremoni på pladsen foran Folkets Store Hal, for at byde den amerikanske præsidents og hans hustrus besøg velkommen. (          

Trump, Xi og den Nye Silkevejsånd
Nyt Paradigme Webcast torsdag,
9. nov., 2017, kl. 18 dansk tid,
med Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Den 8. nov., 2017, vil USA’s præsident Donald Trump og Kinas præsident Xi Jinping mødes i Beijing, deres første personlige møde siden deres topmøde den 7. april i Mar-a-Lago, Florida. På dette møde gav Trump udtryk for sin glæde over at blive introduceret af Xi til det, Helga Zepp-LaRouche kalder »den Nye Silkevejsånd«. Den samarbejdende relation, der har udviklet sig mellem de to ledere, giver grund til optimisme og bør yderligere udvikle sig med deres møder i denne uge.

Det er grunden til, at det finansielle imperieoligarki og dets neokonservative talerør i medierne, og hvis politikker har bragt nationer ud på randen af Tredje Verdensskrig og finansielt bankerot, har optrappet sine bestræbelser vildt i et forsøg på at forhindre, at dette møde finder sted. Dette omfatter den juridiske morder Robert Muellers og hans kohorters aktiviteter mod Trump.

Tor I på, at de vil tillade, at en ærlig rapport om begivenhederne i Beijing og, mere generelt, om Trumps rejse til Asien, vil nå frem til jer, gennem deres ’fake news’-medier?

Torsdag vil Helga Zepp-LaRouche give os en fuld opdatering om de begivenheder, der finder sted i Asien, og deres strategiske betydning, og give os sine indsigter i, hvilket potentiale, der er blevet skabt, for en succesfuld konsolidering af et Nyt Paradigme. Som hun har understreget, så vil kendskabet til sandheden give borgerne inspirationen til at handle for at skabe deres egen fremtid.

Trump i Asien: Det Nye Paradigme
kan vokse frem i denne uge

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, USA, 7. nov., 2017 – På trods af de bedste (dvs., værste) bestræbelser fra de neokonservative Republikaneres, Obama/Hillary-demokraternes og briternes og Obamas efterretningsnetværks side, på at sabotere præsident Trumps historiske besøg i Asien, viser den diplomatiske rejse foreløbig lovende tegn på at se USA engagere sig i – og måske tilslutte sig – det nye paradigme for menneskeheden, som det defineres af Kinas Bælte & Vej Initiativ.

Ikke alene anklagede den »juridiske morder« Robert Mueller en tidligere Trump-kampagnemanager (over spørgsmål, der intet har at gøre med hverken Trump eller Rusland) umiddelbart før den planlagte rejse til Asien, men nu lækker han også information om, at han er i besiddelse af tilstrækkelige beviser til at anklage general Michael Flynn, hvilket kunne finde sted netop, som Trump holder møde med præsident Xi Jinping, eller, når han møder Vladimir Putin på sidelinjen af APEC-mødet i Vietnam i weekendens løb. Det er sikkert, at massemedierne vil forsøge at begrave kendsgerningerne om Trumps aftaler i Asien under en spærreild af britiske ’fake news’ om Russiagate.

Men, virkeligheden er i færd med at overvælde de britiske eventyr for børn. I dag er Trump i Sydkorea, hvor han har udtrykt optimisme mht., at en løsning på krisen i Nordkorea kommer i fokus, som et direkte resultat af Kina, der, sagde han, »forsøger meget hårdt at løse problemet«, såvel som også af en lignende støtte fra Rusland. Det må have fremkaldt hysteri i Mueller-lejren derhjemme.

I Kina sagde den nye, amerikanske ambassadør til Kina, Terry Branstad, til Xinhua, at der er enorm spænding på begge sider af Stillehavet over Trumps besøg og en dyb følelse af, at »dette kunne blive meget historisk og betydningsfuldt«. Han sagde, at der en plan om at »fremme økonomisk samarbejde og fremgang, både i Amerika og i Kina«.

I mellemtiden er begge de politiske partier i USA i en tilstand af opløsning – noget, som Lyndon LaRouche længe har hilst velkommen, og fremmet, som en nødvendig udvikling for at gøre det muligt for befolkningen at bryde ud af den spændetrøje, der hedder de politiske partier, og i stedet adressere sandheden direkte. Så langt tilbage som i 2004 skrev LaRouche, i artiklen, »Mod en ny Westfalsk Fredstraktat: Den kommende, eurasiske verden« (Toward a Second Treaty of Westphalia: The Coming Eurasian World):

»I en eksistentiel krise, såsom den nuværende, globale situation, der har disse eller lignede træk af truslen om et generelt sammenbrud af systemet, kommer faren hovedsageligt fra lederskabet, der forsømmer at bryde med de præetablerede tendenser, som former politikken; forsømmer at bryde på den måde, som præsident Franklin Roosevelt gjorde i sin valgkampagne i 1932, og med den vending i amerikansk politik, som han introducerede med start i sine allerførste timer i embedet … Den store leder i en krisetid er en leder, hvis udvælgelse bryder de regler, de fordærvede regler, der udgør det relevante udtryk for den relevante, essentielle korruption.«[1]

I dag gjorde Helga Zepp-LaRouche opmærksom på ironien i krisen i det Demokratiske Parti. Her er de personer, der skriger op om »diktatur« i Rusland og Kina; som himler op om, at Xi Jinping er den nye Stalin, der nægter folket dets rettigheder, og som kun vælges af eliten. Dette ignorerer selvfølgelig det faktum, at både Putin og Xi Jinping nyder massiv støtte fra det overvældende flertal af befolkningen. Og nu ved verden (til dels takket være Donna Braziles bog, der blev udgivet i denne uge), at det åh, så demokratiske, Demokratiske Partis elite havde valgt deres præsidentkandidat, Hillary Clinton af Wall Street, over et år før det Demokratiske Partis primærvalg og konvent, hvor »folket« angiveligt skulle vælge sin kandidat. Og de saboterede hver af hendes opponenters kampagne. Så meget for det, Lyndon LaRouche kalder »to-potte-systemet« (el. to-tosset-systemet; ’two potty system’).

Foto: Præsident Donald J. Trump og frue Melania Trump besøger Sydkorea, 7. nov., 2017.  (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)

[1] (Se også

Præsidenterne Moon Jae-in og Donald Trump fælles
pressekonference: Kina og Rusland er afgørende

7. nov., 2017 – Præsidenterne Moon Jae-in og Donald Trump holdt en fælles pressekonference i Seoul i dag efter deres topmøde. Tonen var ekstremt positiv og relativt optimistisk mht. muligheden for at løse krisen over Nordkorea.

Præsident Moon indledte med udtrykkeligt at erklære, at han og Trump »aftalte at arbejde hen mod at løse spørgsmålet om Nordkoreas atomvåben på en fredelig måde og bringe varig fred til Koreahalvøen«. Han bemærkede, at Trump er den første amerikanske præsident, der besøger Sydkorea i 25 år, og sagde, »Jeg finder dette særlige bånd, der er skabt mellem præsident Trump og mig selv, meget meningsfuldt, og jeg er meget tilfreds med at være en del af det«.

Han sagde, at, »for at bevare en stærk holdning over for Nordkorea« samtidig med at foreslå dialog, vil Seoul styrke sine forsvar og aftalte, at USA ville »bruge roterende deployering af amerikanske, strategiske aktiver i og omkring Koreahalvøen«.

Som svar på et spørgsmål om Kinas rolle, sagde Moon, at, for at bringe fred til Koreahalvøen, »ønsker vi at udvide vore diplomatiske bestræbelser i denne henseende. Og det bør inkludere vore bestræbelser for Kina, såvel som [USA] og Rusland og EU. Jeg mener, vi bør diversificere bestræbelserne – de diplomatiske bestræbelser – så vi kan forfølge en mere afbalanceret fremgangsmåde«. Han sagde, at »Kina har også trofast gennemført FN’s resolution om at indføre sanktioner mod Nordkorea. Så vi har øget presset og sanktionerne mod Nordkorea, og jeg mener, dette også vil bidrage til at løse atomproblemet … Jeg mener, at samarbejde fra USA’s og Kinas side er afgørende«.

Præsident Trump understregede ligeledes Kinas rolle, og også Ruslands. Han sagde: »Jeg vil blot sige, at præsident Xi – hvor vi vil være i morgen, Kina – har været meget hjælpsom. Hvor hjælpsom, finder vi snart ud af, men han har virkelig været meget, meget hjælpsom. Så Kina forsøger meget hårdt at løse problemet med Nordkorea. Vi håber, at Rusland ligeledes vil være hjælpsom. Vi håber også, at andre lande – og vi ved som kendsgerning, at andre lande allerede er begyndt. Og vi har haft en god dialog med mange andre lande, som I ved, og de hjælper virkelig meget.

Så, hvis vi får Kina, og vi får Rusland – og vi har nogle andre lande, men vi ønsker at få de fleste af dem – vi mener, at ting vil finde sted, og de kunne finde sted meget hurtigt.«

Kreativitet sluppet løs: Xis tid

Forestil jer engang den kombinerede virkning af den Europæiske Renæssance, den Industrielle Revolution, Marshallplanen og Apollo-programmet. Gang dette med en faktor på tusind, og I vil begynde at få en idé om størrelsesordenen af den globale forandring, som Kinas præsident, Xi Jinping, har initieret. De politiske, økonomiske, videnskabelige og kulturelle transformationer, der er under udvikling, overgår allerede alt, hvad mennesket hidtil har oplevet.

China: Time of Xi, en dokumentar, der udkom 14.-16. oktober i tre afsnit, giver blot en antydning af de forbløffende udviklinger, der nu finder sted i Kina. …

Der er en lang historie med amerikanske, og amerikanskallierede, grupper, der står bag forholdsregler, som er taget for at promovere udviklingen af stærke, uafhængige nationer på de amerikanske kontinenter, i Asien og Afrika, og som kunne blive allierede imod det prædatoriske, politiske og økonomiske, britiske imperiesystems hærgen.

Imperialisme er nu ved at blive overtaget af det, John Quincy Adams[1] kaldte et fællesskab af suveræne republikker. Xi refererer til »fællesskabet for en fælles skæbne«.

BRI er på mange måder uden fortilfælde. Kina er aldrig tidligere trådt frem på verdensscenen og har taget en ledende rolle i globale anliggender. Men Kina er nu stærkt nok rent fysisk, og har tilstrækkelig tillid til sine demonstrerede, økonomiske metoder, til, at det tilbyder at dele sine beviste, succesfulde metoder med hele verden.


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Udsigten til nye økonomiske bånd
mellem Kina og USA i en ’Ny Æra’
får London-slænget til at gå amok

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, USA, 6. nov., 2017 – Ved afslutningen af præsident Trumps besøg til Japan i dag – det første af de i alt fem nationer, han skal besøge på sin Asien-rejse – er der lækket nogle oplysninger om noget af det økonomiske indhold, der forventes drøftet på Trumps møde på torsdag med den kinesiske præsident Xi Jinping; og den blotte udsigt til dette er bandlyst i London/Wall Street-aksen, der er fast besluttet på at beholde sit mislykkede, monetaristiske system for udplyndring, geopolitik og krig, koste, hvad det vil.

Efter besøget til Sydkorea i morgen og aktiviteter i Kina onsdag, vil Trump og Xi mødes den 9. november i Beijings Folkets Store Hal, hvor, siges det, man vil annoncere, at den uafhængige, kinesiske rigdomsfond, China Investment Corp. (CIC) vil indgå i en enhed med Goldman Sachs, med kinesisk finansiering af investeringer i amerikansk, fysisk økonomi som formål. Dette blev, uden kildeangivelse, rapporteret i dagens Wall Street Journal (der ellers har brokket sig og jamret over, at Kina ikke åbnede tilstrækkeligt op for Wall Streets indtræden).

Man forventer annoncering af andre hensigtserklæringer for kinesisk-amerikanske erhvervsrelationer, for aftaler om energi, landbrug, transport, osv. Handelsminister Wilbur Ross er på vej til Kina med en delegation af ledere fra 29 amerikanske firmaer.

Der har været ubekræftede forlydender om en investering på omkring $5 mia. til CIC-Goldman Sachs-projektet. Men målene for investeringerne siges at omfatte højteknologisk varefremstilling, jernbaner, hovedveje og lignende kategorier, der falder uden for området for fast ejendom. Mulighederne i USA inden for disse områder er enorme, i betragtning af det desperate behov for byggeri af infrastruktur i katastrofeområderne, der har været ramt af orkaner og brande, samt i afgørende zoner med forfalden infrastruktur i hele landet, såsom New York/New Jerseys transportsystem og de aldrende sluser og dæmninger på De Store Søer og floderne, osv.

Det, der er nødvendigt på den amerikanske side, ud over en »kick-start«-enhed som eksemplificeret med CIC-Goldman-initiativet, er en nationalbank, der tjener nationen, og som kan modtage og dirigere enorme mængder af investeringer og kreditter inden for rammerne af et banksystem, der er reorganiseret efter Glass/Steagall-lovens principper. Kinesiske investeringer, inklusive konvertering af beholdninger i eksisterende, amerikansk statsgæld til i stedet at ligge til grund for gæld, der er infrastrukturrelateret, er mere end velkomne.

Det, der i denne uge står på spil i Beijing, er konceptet for »Kinesisk-amerikanske bånd i en Ny Æra«, rapporterede Xinhua i dag med reference til præsident Xis fremlæggelse af en Ny Æra på det nyligt afsluttede, KKP’s 19. Nationalkongres. Xinhua bemærker, at »de kinesisk-amerikanske bånd er afgørende for en ny type af internationale relationer og for fællesskabet for menneskehedens fælles fremtid. Siden Trump blev indsat i embedet, har de to ledere bevaret en tæt kontakt, inklusive personlige møder, telefonsamtaler og meddelelser til hinanden … [Denne uges] møde er af stor betydning for de kinesisk-amerikanske relationer og for fred, stabilitet og fremgang i det asiatiske Stillehavsområde, og i verden«.

Denne favorable sammenhæng forklarer timingen for udløsningen af et vildt Russiagate-angreb mod Wilbur Ross, lederen af den amerikanske erhvervsdelegation, der skal slutte sig til Trump i Kina. Operationen mod Ross har en klassisk, britisk modus operandi for beskidte tricks. I løbet af den forgangne weekend, kom der anklager ud i britiske og tyske medier om, at Ross har hemmelige, belastende, russiske forretningsforbindelser, baseret på data i optegnelser, der for nylig er dukket op, ved navn »Paradis-papirerne«. Det er en gentagelse af hit-operationen fra 2015, »Panama-papirerne«, som blev lanceret imod bestemte personer. I dag er denne smædekampagne i alle de amerikanske medier, med britiske »eksperter«, såsom Londonavisen Guardians Jon Swaine, der er gæst på National Public Radio. Dagens hovedoverskrift i Washington Post lyder, »Lækkede filer forbinder USA’s handelsminister til Putin-allierede«. Ross fordømte angrebet som »fuldstændig forkert«, da han i går talte med CNBC, aftenen før sin afrejse til Kina.

Kendsgerningen er den, at muligheden for bevægelser mod en »Ny Æra«, fra Trumps dage, 8.-10. nov., i Kina, er i live og har det godt. Han vil dernæst mødes med den russiske præsident Vladimir Putin i forbindelse med APEC-topmødet i Vietnam, og med den indiske premierminister Narendra Modi på sidelinjerne af ASEAN/Østasiatisk topmøde i Filippinerne.

Foto: Præsident Donald J. Trump og frue Melania Trump besøger Japan. 6. nov., 2017.  (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)

Vil Trump gå med i Den Nye Silkevej, når han er i Kina?
RADIO SCHILLER 6. nov., 2017

Med formand Tom Gillesberg, Schiller Instituttets KV 2017 spidskandidat i København.

Trumps udfordring i Asien er
hans økonomi derhjemme;
Kinas Bælte & Vej tilbyder
vejen til en løsning

Sidste nyt: 5. nov., 2017: Et forsøg på at køre præsident Donald Trumps forestående møder med Kinas præsident Xi, Ruslands præsident Putin og andre ledere, af sporet, blev søndag lanceret i tyske og britiske medier. Disse medier rapporterer, at handelsminister Wilbur Ross, der ledsager præsidenten til Asien, er under russisk indflydelse, baseret på en indirekte investering i et shippingfirma på Marshall-øerne. Den underliggende rapport er tydeligvis blevet udarbejdet forud for rejsen og er udkommet fra International Consortium of Investigative Journalists.

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, USA, 5. nov., 2017 – Præsident Donald Trump blev den 4. nov. hårdt presset af interviewer fra Fox News, Laura Ingraham, om krav om strategisk adgang til Kinas finansielle markeder, store handelskoncessioner, bekendelser om at »stjæle intellektuel ejendom«, og så videre, og så videre, når han skal mødes med Kinas præsident Xi Jinping. Det skal især bemærkes, at Trump svarede, at han ikke tog til Asien for at stille disse krav, fordi hans store interesse ligger i at løse atomvåbenkrisen omkring Nordkorea, og fordi han har en særdeles god arbejdsrelation med præsident Xi.

I nattens løb den 4. nov., mens han fløj fra Hawaii til Japan, bekræftede præsident Trump, at han skal have et tredje møde med den russiske præsident Putin i forbindelse med APEC-topmødet i Da Nang, Vietnam.

Præcis, som han har gjort, siden før han blev valgt, trodser Trump atter Londons og Wall Streets politik med hensyn til Kina og Rusland, og det er grunden til, at disse kræfter fortsat indsætter den juridiske morder, Robert Mueller, og britisk efterretning, til at forsøge at tvinge præsidenten ud af embedet.

Tidligere chef for Goldman Sachs og tidligere finansminister Hank Paulson repræsenterede Wall Street og City of London i en kronik i Washington Post søndag, hvor han krævede, at, med Xi, »burde Trump være strategisk og insisterende mht. at forsvare Amerikas industrier i fremtiden, i særdeleshed inden for finansielle tjenesteydelser«, og burde insistere på, at Kinas finansmarkeder åbner op for investeringsbank-/hedgefund-modellen. Samme dag udløste Londonavisen Times et langt angreb på Putin og Trump, og som hævdede, at det »endelig står fuldstændig klart«, at både Brexit og valget af Trump var indbydes forbundne resultater af den samme, onde indflydelse fra »Putins venner«. (Dette er utvivlsomt også kilden til de transatlantiske økonomiers 10 år lange stagnation!)

Trumps afgørende opposition mod disse ’Rumleskaft-lignende’ imperietiltag betyder, at der er et enormt potentiale for »win-win«-samarbejde som resultat af denne Asien-rejse.

Men den virkelige udfordring for Trump er at forstå, hvor stort, behovet for USA’s økonomi – for slet ikke at tale om Europas – er for fordelene ved at tilslutte sig Kinas Bælte & Vej Initiativ, og for at forfølge et nyt paradigme for gensidigt fordelagtige, nye infrastrukturprojekter og videnskabelige gennembrud.

Trump tog til Asien, mens han pralede med USA’s aktiemarkeder og »2 million nye jobs«; men Amerikas arbejderes reelle lønninger falder fortsat, 90 % af disse jobs er ikke produktive; og den amerikanske arbejdsstyrke holdes i en nedgangstilstand pga. den eksploderende epidemi af narko- og alkoholafhængighed, affødt af afindustrialiseringen.

Og, i kølvandet på de mange katastrofer med orkaner og brande, fremkommer der nu krav om omgående byggeri af ny infrastruktur til beskyttelse af befolkningen, og som løber op i hundreder af milliarder af dollar i investeringer, der er nødvendige nu. Dette er, bortset fra at være nødvendigt for at redde liv og bevare økonomisk produktivitet, det enkeltstående område, hvorfra produktiv, vellønnet beskæftigelse vil komme.

Dette var Trumps valgsignatur, som hidtil ikke er blevet initieret. Den eneste, nye infrastruktur, der foreløbig er blevet lanceret i de orkanramte områder i USA, er en ny kystpipeline i Texas, som finansieres af PowerChina. Linjerne af økonomisk innovation, som Wall Street hævder, Trump må tvinge ned i halsen på Kina, bliver allerede hurtigst forfulgt i Kina, takket være præsident Xi.

Den enkeltstående vej til det, Trump førte kampagne for, er igennem en genindførelse af Glass/Steagall og en nationalbank efter Hamiltons principper således, som det er skitseret af EIR’s stiftende redaktør, Lyndon LaRouche, og gennem at USA tilslutter sig »Bælte & Vej«-politikken.

Dette er værd at kæmpe for; det inkluderer at lukke Muellers heksejagt ned sådan, som medlemmer af USA’s Kongres er begyndt at kræve.

Foto: Præsident Donald J. Trump holder tale på Yokota Flybase, Japan, 5. nov., 2017.  (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)

Helga Zepp-LaRouche:
Aftenen før præsident Trumps strategiske
rejse til Asien: På trods af en verden i fare,
blomstrer »Silkevejsånden«. Dansk udskrift;
Schiller Institut Nyt Paradigme Webcast,
2. nov., 2017

Jeg mener, at folk, der ligesom er hjernevasket af de vestlige medier, og det, vi ofte finder i gaderne, ved vore informationsborde, hvor folk siger, »Åh, jeg stoler ikke på kineserne«; jeg ville bede disse mennesker om simpelt hen at undersøge tingene lidt og gøre sig mere bekendt med det, som er kinesernes overordnede plan, og ikke lade sig nøje med mediernes rapporter imod Kina. Hvorfor skulle folk tro på medierne om Kina, når disse medier så åbenlyst lyver om så mange andre spørgsmål? Så jeg ville ønske, at tilhørerne – I – åbner jeres tanker og åbner jeres hjerter og selv finder ud af det. For jeg mener, at det, vi i øjeblikket er vidne til, er en af de mest exceptionelle forandringer i menneskets historie: For, hvis denne kinesiske model lykkes, så ville faren for krig og faren for den menneskelige races udslettelse gennem anvendelse af atomvåben, f.eks., for altid være overvundet. Og det er ganske bestemt noget, jeg mener, det er værd at forsøge at opnå. …

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Stor grund til optimisme:
Silkevejsånden smitter!
LaRouche PAC Internationale Webcast,
3. nov., 2017.

Vært Matthew Ogden: Det er den 3. nov., og jeg er Matthew Ogden på LaRouche PAC Internationale Webcast. Som man ser af titlen på aftenens udsendelse, så er temaet for vores udsendelse, »Stor grund til optimisme: Silkevejsånden smitter«. Vi har været i nedtælling til præsident Donald Trumps rejse til Asien. Air Force One har forladt Washington, D.C., og han er på vej til sit første stop på Hawaii, hvor han vil besøge Pearl Harbor; dernæst fortsætter han til Asien.

På skærmen her ser vi vores kalender. Her er Helga Zepp-LaRouches citat [Fig. 1]. Hun sagde, »Da Xi Jinping på den 19. Nationalkongres sagde, at Kina ønsker at gøre hele verden smuk frem til år 2050, for alle mennesker, så mener jeg, at dette absolut er opnåeligt. Vi bør alle gå med i denne bestræbelse. Silkevejsånden vokser, når man først kender den.« Det var et citat fra Helga Zepp-LaRouches webcast i gårSchiller instituttet har haft en række webcasts om temaet, »Silkevejsånden«. Denne optimistiske ånd, som Helga Zepp-LaRouche har reflekteret, både i det citat, I netop hørte, men også i løbet af de seneste par uger under vores nedtælling til præsident Trumps potentielt historiske rejse til Asien. Denne optimistiske ånd, Silkevejsånden, smitter virkelig. Vi udfordrer dig til, hen over de kommende par dage, at indfange denne optimistiske ånd, og til at hjælpe os i vore bestræbelser for, at USA skal tilslutte sig dette nye, fremvoksende paradigme, der vokser frem fra Kina.

Her følger resten af udskriftet på engelsk:

On the eve of President Trump’s Asia trip, we’re seeing
efforts from both President Xi Jinping and from President Trump
himself to try to set a very positive tone for this upcoming
summit between President Trump and President Xi.  At a speech at
Tsinghua University, which took place on Wednesday, President Xi
Jinping reiterated his commitment to “win-win” relations between
the United States and China.  He stated the following:  “China is
willing to work with the United States side to look far ahead and
to aim high; to establish a community of shared future for
mankind.”  So, that’s an image [Fig. 2] there obviously from
President Trump’s and President Xi’s last visit, which was them
sitting in the living room of the Mar-a-Lago resort down in
Florida during President Xi Jinping’s visit during the Spring of
this year.  But since that time, their relationship has continued
to be positive and has continued to develop.  That kind of
vision, what President Xi Jinping called working “with the United
States to look far ahead and to aim high”, this is the kind of
statecraft that indeed President Trump should engage in.  To have
an over-arching vision which is built on this idea that yes, over
the coming generation, China and the United States will be two of
the leading economies in the world.  Our task at this point is to
look far ahead into the future and to achieve some visions which
are, indeed, very high; and to establish a community of shared
future for all mankind.
Now obviously, that comes in the form of the United States
joining in with this “win-win” vision of cooperation which China
has built around the New Silk Road, the One Belt, One Road
Initiative.  So that was President Xi Jinping obviously trying to
set a very positive tone for this upcoming summit between him and
President Trump.
Now let’s take a look at what President Trump himself had to
say.  In an interview last night with Fox News, President Trump
went into a long discussion of what he expects from his upcoming
trip to Asia; especially with his upcoming trip to China.  Here
you can see a screen shot [Fig. 3] from that interview subtitled
“President Trump on US-Chinese relationship”.  Here’s what
President Trump had to say about his relationship with President
Xi Jinping [Fig. 4].  He said, “President Xi has been pretty
terrific.  I’ve become very, very close to President Xi of China.
I think a lot of good things are going to happen.  I think it’s a
very important trip.  I think this is one of the more important
trips that a President has made.”  So, that’s President Donald
Trump talking about his upcoming trip to China.  As you can see,
even he himself acknowledges the very historic importance of this
trip that he’s making to China.  So, on both sides you can see
both President Xi and President Trump are trying to set a very
positive tone for this upcoming summit that they’re going to be
Now, what did President Trump say about his relationship
with President Xi Jinping?  He said it’s a very positive
relationship.  Now, he is sticking to that, despite all of the
efforts from the mainstream media otherwise in the United States
and in Europe and coming out of the geopolitical faction in Great
Britain, where they’re trying to say “Oh, we have to try to give
Xi Jinping a bad name, and we have to say that he’s actually a
dictator and a new Stalin and a new Mao.”  Well, in fact,
President Trump is acknowledging that President Xi Jinping has
done some very positive things; saying that he’s a terrific
person and that their relationship is very positive.  In fact,
this is the tone that you’re getting from the Chinese media as
we’re leading into this historic summit meeting.
Now if you were reading all of the US media, you would
definitely be getting a completely different picture.  But what
has the Chinese media been saying?  Well, let’s take a look at an
article that just came out yesterday in the People’s Daily
[Fig. 5].  It’s titled “Trump’s Visit to China to Yield
Significant Outcomes”.  The article begins by saying, “U.S.
President Donald Trump’s first state visit to China is an
historic opportunity to boost cooperation between the world’s two
largest economies, and a chance to tackle the problems that
dampen bilateral ties, said experts”¦.
“In addition to security, the two nations’ trade and
economic cooperation will also become a crucial topic during
Trump’s visit “[E]xperts believe that deepened mutual trust and
profound cooperation will benefit both nations in the long run.”
Then it goes on to quote a very significant person, Wang
Huiyao, who is the director of the Center for China and
Globalization, which is a leading think tank in Beijing.  He
said, “Bilateral cooperation in infrastructure will provide great
opportunities for both nations. Trump has rolled out plans to
upgrade America’s infrastructure, but his $1 trillion plan is as
elusive as ever. On the other hand, China has spent $11 trillion
on infrastructure in the past decade, accumulating rich
experience in building high speed rails, roads, and energy plants
and proving itself to be a strong partner.”  Then he went on to
say the following — the article says:
“Meanwhile, the U.S. can also help China’s Belt and Road
initiative, as the former has rich experience in economic
cooperation with countries along the Belt and Road.
“‘It would be a win-win solution for both nations if the
U.S. is willing to participate in the Belt and Road initiative
and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank,’ added Wang.”
So, that was an article in People’s Daily online.  As you
can see, the Chinese experts are saying look the opportunity is
there for Trump to use this visit to China to announce that he’s
joining the Belt and Road Initiative and joining the Asia
Infrastructure Investment Bank.  Of course, this has been the
theme that the LaRouche organization has had for the last several
weeks, as we’ve been carrying out our ongoing countdown to this
historic trip.  Now the Chinese are saying explicitly that Trump
has got the opportunity to announce that he is joining these
crucial initiatives.  Not only for the Chinese side, but saying
explicitly that this is the opportunity for Trump to use the
expertise and the financing that China is willing to provide to
follow through on his promise here in the United States for
trillions of dollars in infrastructure investment.  Take what
China has already accomplished with roads, high-speed rail, water
management, power projects, domestically within China and also
elsewhere, and bring that into the United States; and modernize
the infrastructure here in the United States with that
Another Chinese media outlet has interviewed a US expert,
this is actually an establishment figure; a fellow named Joseph
Nye, who’s the former dean of the Kennedy School of Government at
Harvard University.  This is what he had to say.  This is an
article from XinhuaNet [Fig. 6].  “Interview:  Better
Understanding Between the United States and China Benefits Both
Says US Scholar”.  This is his quote:
“I don’t see any reason why the United States can’t have
cooperation with China on many of the types of projects which
will go into the One Belt, One Road.  The One Belt, One Road
should be able to produce global public goods.  I think it can.
Those public goods are good for China, and they’re good for the
United States; but they’re also good for other countries.  So in
terms of producing public goods or global public good, that’s
‘win-win’ for everyone.”
Again, that’s Joseph Nye, former dean of the Kennedy School
of Government from Harvard University.  As you can see, he’s
saying look this is an opportunity for “win-win”.  Not only would
they benefit China and the United States, but he said there are
also third party benefits.  The entire world could benefit from
this kind of “win-win” relationship between the United States and
China.  So, that’s very significant coming from an establishment
figure here in the United States — the former dean of the
Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.
So indeed, you have a growing chorus of people who are
beginning to recognize exactly what time it is, and exactly what
the potential benefits would be for Trump to announce that the
United States is joining the Belt and Road Initiative coming out
of China.
Helga Zepp-LaRouche had a very significant appearance —
this was actually last week — but it hasn’t received yet the
coverage that it should, although there is an article that is
forthcoming in the Chinese-language press on this event.  But
Helga Zepp-LaRouche delivered a speech at an event in Paris on
October 24th which was jointly sponsored by the international
Schiller Institute and the Geopolitical Academy in Paris — the
Académie de Gépolitique de Paris.  Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s
speech was titled “Achieving a ‘Win-Win’ Cooperation with China”.
Now, I’m going to play a portion of her speech.  You’ll see that
it’s sort of broken up because there was a simultaneous
translation into French for the French-speaking audience; but
we’ve just selected out the portion of Helga Zepp-LaRouche
speaking English for our English-speaking audience here.  But
it’s a very important strategic overview going into President
Trump’s trip to Asia.  So, I’m going to play that speech for you

HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Ladies and Gentlemen, Excellencies,
Dear Guests:  I would like to approach the issue of the China
question from the standpoint that there is right now a complete
clash between what I would call the old paradigm and the new
paradigm, and that new paradigm has been very little understood
in the West.  I would like to start by talking about what just
happened, namely the 19th National Congress of the CPC and
especially the perspective outlined by President Xi Jinping for
the next 35 years.
First I want to say, I was in China for the first time in
1971 in the middle of the Cultural Revolution, and therefore, I
basically take credit of having the advantage of having seen
firsthand, the absolutely incredible development of the Chinese
miracle.  China has developed in the last 40 years in particular,
since Deng Xiaoping’s reforms, into the most incredible economic
transformation of any country on the planet.  It has uplifted in
the last 30 years, 700 million people out of poverty; it has now
a growing middle class of people who are economically doing very
well, and it has a perspective of eliminating all poverty by
2020, that is three years from now, of the remaining 42 million
poor people in the rural areas.
What Xi Jinping did first in his speech, was to take a
review of what has happened in the last five years since he
became General Secretary of the CPC, and that was essentially to
develop the inner and western regions of China, which also is
very difficult, because these are mostly deserts, and it’s very
difficult because this is a tremendous challenge.  But China has
done an incredible job in doing exactly that.
One year after Xi Jinping had become General Secretary, he
announced the New Silk Road, the Belt and Road Initiative in
Kazakhstan, and in the four years since this project has been put
on the agenda, again, the most breathtaking development has taken
place where now, about 70 countries are now actively
participating in this project.

By 2020, Xi announced that China should be a moderately
prosperous country; by 2035 China should be fully modernized, and
by 2050 it’s supposed to become a “strong, democratic, culturally
advanced, harmonious and beautiful nation.”  Xi emphasized that
in China’s development, they were adding miracle upon miracle and
basically would draw on the 5,000 years of China’s history, where
China contributed many advances to humankind, and also develop a
spirit of science, of innovation, and excellence for the future.
He mentioned 14 times in his speech that the aim of all of this
is that people would have a better and a happy life.  Now, I have
not heard that said from any Western politician since a very long
time.  It is in the Declaration of Independence that the “pursuit
of happiness” is an inalienable right of all people, but if I
look at the political processes in Europe or the United States,
“happiness” is not a subject of discussion as the purpose of
What China has done is to take the Chinese economic
miracle, and offer it through the Belt and Road Initiative to all
participating countries, and that has already transformed all of
Asia, much of Europe, Eastern Europe, Southern Europe, Africa,
Latin America.  And at this Party Congress, there were many
leaders who said they will now take the inspiration of the
Chinese model for their own development.
While this is happening in China, you had a peak of
unprecedented attacks on China in the Western media.  Bloomberg,
Time magazine, the Wall Street Journal, you had a barrage of
articles accusing China that this is all just an attempt to gain
global power, to replace the Anglo-American imperialism with a
Chinese imperialism, that it’s a grab for raw materials; that Xi
Jinping would be like Stalin, like Mao Zedong, just nothing which
has not been said.
So, how come the countries that are participating with
China, 70 countries or maybe even more than 100, are all happy,
they’re all praising what China is doing, and how can it be that
there is such a complete difference in perception of what is
going on?  This is what I call the clash between the old paradigm
and the new paradigm, because what China is offering is a
cooperation on the basis of a “win-win cooperation” where
naturally China is pursuing its interests, but it is also at the
same time, giving the interest of the participating countries; so
it’s in a mutual benefit for both sides.
Let’s take it back a little bit:  When the Soviet Union
approached its last phase, in the United States the neo-cons
developed a concept which they called the Project for a New
American Century (PNAC), which was the idea that there should be
only a unipolar world, dominated by the Anglo-Americans.
When the Wall in Berlin came down, the organization around
my husband, Lyndon LaRouche, had an answer:  We proposed the
Productive Triangle economic development Paris-Berlin-Vienna,
which was the idea to transform the Comecon countries with
Western technologies through development corridors.  In 1991,
when the Soviet Union disintegrated, the Iron Curtain was no
longer there, and we proposed the Eurasian Land-Bridge, which was
the idea to connect the population and industrial centers of
Europe with those of Asia through development corridors, and we
called that in ’91 already, the Eurasian Land-Bridge, the New
Silk Road.
We campaigned for this over 26 years, but naturally, if you
go back to ’91, this was not in the interests of the Bush Sr.
administration; or Margaret Thatcher, who called the German
unification the “Fourth Reich”; or even Mitterrand who opposed
German reunification, so there were many geopolitical obstacles
to realize this plan at that time.
So the unipolar world forces pursued their policy which
consists of regime change of any country, any government which
would oppose the unipolar world, color revolution, such concepts
as “right to protect” (R2P), under the pretext of fighting for
human rights and democracy to conduct interventionist wars, which
has given us the mess in the Middle East and the refugee crisis.
This was what ensued over these decades.
That military-strategic policy was combined with an economic
side, which was essentially the lack of development caused by the
IMF conditionalities, which prevented explicitly Third World
development; a policy of the Troika in Europe which prescribed
brutal austerity to Southern European countries such as Greece,
Italy, Spain, Portugal.  And this led to the revolts against this
system which we have been watching for the past almost two years.
That revolt expressed itself in the Brexit, in the election
victory of President Trump and the loss of Hillary Clinton, in
the “no” to the referendum in Italy for the change in the
Constitution; in the recent developments, such as the election
victory of Kurz in Austria, Babic in the Czech Republic, the
eruption in Catalonia, so this is an ongoing revolt.
That policy is now leading to the danger of a new financial
crisis, much worse than 2008, because the causes of that crisis
had not been addressed.  To the contrary, through quantitative
easing, negative interest rates, an enormous amount of liquidity
was pumped into the system which manifests itself now in the form
of a much, much bigger indebtedness of governments, of firms, of
student debt, of car loans, and this is a bubble about to explode
China is not unaware of what is the reaction of the Western
media towards the Chinese model, and I found it very interesting
that in the last days there is a completely new tone in the
Chinese media about this reaction of the West.  They say, with a
very new self-confidence, less diplomatic than the Chinese would
usually speak, that their model is superior to the Western model.
And they talk about the errors of Western conceptions about
China, that the West completely misses the true nature of the
Chinese development, that the West obviously does not want China
to succeed and predicting, that it will not succeed.  One article
says, that the West thinks the closer that China is to the West,
then they’re on the right path; if they are diverging it’s
dangerous; that China should consolidate the interests of the
West, and therefore China’s development is negative and
challenges the world order; and that China should not challenge
what they call “universal values,” but in reality these
“universal values” are just Western interests.  And then, in
several articles, they say, look at the chaos of the West, the
influence of the Western media is shrinking and China should no
longer care about Western prejudices.
So, I’m just touching upon these things, because it is my
firm belief that the New Silk Road dynamic is unstoppable,
because it is the much more attractive model of international
cooperation, and it will eventually also be put on the table in
all of Europe.  I think it would be in the fundamental interests
of European nations to cooperate with China and with Russia, in
the development of Africa:  This is the only human way to stop
and overcome the refugee crisis.  China has offered a “win-win
cooperation” to Mrs. Merkel, to Italy’s Gentiloni, to [former
French Prime Minister] Mr. Raffarin, when he was at the Belt and
Road Forum in Beijing in May, so the offer is on the table.  The
same goes for the reconstruction of the war-torn countries of the
Middle East, where, in the case of Syria, there is already an
emerging tripartite cooperation, where China provides the
infrastructure, Russia the energy, Iran the industrial parks, and
other countries are invited to cooperate in reconstructing Syria;
and also the same goes for Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, and other
countries of the region.
Contrary to what you read in most Western mainstream media,
the possibility that it would come to a good relationship between
Trump and Xi Jinping in the upcoming visit of President Trump to
Asia, where he will go to Vietnam, Philippines, South Korea,
Japan, and a state visit to China, are very good.
The whole Russia-gate against President Trump, the idea that
there was collusion between the Trump team and Russia, whereby
Putin would have helped Trump to win the election, is utter
nonsense, there’s no evidence for it, and it was designed
entirely by the intelligence services of Great Britain and the
Bush-Obama administrations, to prevent Trump from having a
positive relationship with Russia and China — and that is not
The United States is undergoing right now a tremendous
economic crisis, a total collapse of infrastructure due to a
non-investment for about 100 years; infrastructure in the United
States is collapsing.  The United States has 150 km fast train
system between New York and Boston, as compared to more than
20,000 km fast train system in China, and there is right now a
very concrete discussion that China would, together with the
Japan, invest in the infrastructure of the United States, and
this could be a subject in the upcoming Trump visit in China.

There are already many strategic realignments going on: I
only want to point to maybe the most obvious case, that of Japan.
Japan right now is seeking a very good relationship with Russia,
they are developing the Kuril Islands together economically.
Because of the strategic close relationship between Xi Jinping
and Putin, the relation between Japan and China is now improving.
I want to just say, that from the standpoint of universal
history, I think that mankind has reached the point where either
we move to a new paradigm of self-governance of relations among
nations, and stop thinking that war can be, in the age of
thermonuclear weapons, a means of conflict resolutions, if you
don’t want to risk eliminating ourselves as a species.
So we have to think about a new paradigm of cooperation, and
it is on the table.  So, I think that the kind of discussion we
need to have in Europe really needs to take on a completely
different shape and form.  I don’t even think multi-polarity is
what we want, because multi-polarity still has the idea of
geopolitical confrontation, that you have one group of countries
who has an interest against another group of countries; where I
think that the idea pronounced by President Xi Jinping of the
“community of a shared future of humanity,” where you start with
the one mankind first, and then you come to the national or
regional interest, is the way we have to think.
As a last comment, I think that the West can only find this
kind of cooperation if we develop or rediscover our best
traditions, like China has revived its Confucian tradition of
2,500 years, and the West has to revive its best Classical
traditions of all our  European cultures.  If we do that, I think
we are at the verge of a new era.

OGDEN:  So that was a speech that Helga Zepp-LaRouche
presented to a joint event in Paris on October 24th, sponsored by
the international Schiller Institute and the Academy of
Geopolitics in Paris.  As you can see, this is a wonderful
overview of exactly the kind of strategic situation that is now
presenting itself as President Trump is flying on his way to this
historic summit in China with President Xi Jinping.
Now, one more item that we need to conclude with, this is
just some breaking news on the so-called “Russia-gate” narrative,
which is now completely falling apart.  Last week on this
broadcast we reported that the news had come out that Hillary
Clinton and the DNC had been exposed as directly financing the
so-called “dodgy dossier” from Christopher Steele, the British
intelligence agent who had put together this so-called dossier on
President Trump.  Now it has come out that that was only the tip
of the iceberg.  What’s now being revealed is that the Democratic
nomination during the 2016 Presidential campaign was completely
rigged – 100 %; even more than we knew at the time.  The facts
have come out that expose the reality that the DNC, all the way
through the primaries, starting a year before the Presidential
primaries even occurred, was in fact nothing but a subsidiary of
the Clinton campaign.  100 % bought and paid for and controlled.
Donna Brazile, of all people, who is a long-time Democratic Party
figure and was the interim chairperson of the Democratic National
Committee, has just exposed in her forthcoming book; this is an
article that was in {Politico} which is quoting an excerpt from
her forthcoming book, but the article is titled “Inside Hillary
Clinton’s Takeover of the DNC”.  Donna Brazile reported that the
Democratic National Committee’s rigging of the party nomination
for Hillary Clinton against Bernie Sanders, also Joe Biden,
Martin O’Malley, and any other Democratic nominee who never had a
chance.  This rigging of the nomination process was far worse
than we even had known before; and far worse than was even
exposed by the DNC emails and the John Podesta emails that had
been published by WikiLeaks.  In fact, it turns out that the
Clinton campaign was in {total} control, a lockdown of the entire
DNC and total control of every aspect of the so-called “neutral”
Democratic National Committee, beginning all the way back in
August of 2015; almost a year before Clinton became the official
Democratic Party nominee.
Here’s how it worked.  Apparently, Obama had left the DNC
deeply in debt; over $24 million in debt after the 2012
Presidential campaign.  He was paying off that debt very slowly,
so under Donna Brazile’s predecessor, former DNC chairperson
Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, the DNC had signed a secret agreement
with the Clinton campaign which specified that in exchange for
sending money to the DNC, Hillary Clinton would control every
aspect of the Democratic National Committee’s operations — the
party’s finances, the party’s strategy, and all of the money that
was raised by the DNC.  Her campaign would have the right of
refusal of who would be the party communications director, and it
would have the right of final decision on all other staff that
was hired by the Democratic National Committee.  The DNC would
also be required to consult with the campaign about all other
staffing, budgeting, data, analytics, and even mailings that were
sent out by the Democratic National Committee.
So, as you can see, what this shows is that the DNC was
nothing but a bought-and-paid-for subsidiary, a completely
subservient part of the Clinton campaign; whereas it is supposed
to be a completely unbiased party organization which gives every
candidate a fair shake.  Additionally — and this is going to be
a much bigger story over the coming days — apparently the
Hillary Clinton campaign was using the DNC as a fundraising
clearinghouse to evade Federal Election Commission regulations;
virtually laundering campaign cash through the DNC, which was
then funneled into the Hillary Clinton for President campaign,
bypassing or evading FEC regulations.  Under FEC law — this is
the law that every candidate in the entire country is supposed to
follow — the Federal Election Commission says an individual US
citizen can only contribute a maximum of $2700 directly to a
Presidential campaign.  So if you wanted to contribute to the
Hillary Clinton for President-campaign, your max is $2700.  But
the limits for contributions are much higher for contributions to
state party organizations and to the party’s national committee.
So, therefore, any citizen, any individual who had maxed out
their $2700 contribution limit to the Hillary Clinton campaign,
could then turn around and write a check to the Hillary Clinton
Victory Fund, which would be an additional check for up to
$353,000; which represents $10,000 to each of the 32 state party
organization, plus $33,000 to the DNC.  So that money was then
deposited in the state party coffers first, but then was vacuumed
into the DNC and then directly to the Presidential campaign.
Apparently less than 1% of that money stayed in the state party
Now this information, this bombshell, is coming directly
from Donna Brazile; this is not some sort of disinformation or
fake news that’s coming from some troll in St. Petersburg or
something.  This is contained within Donna Brazile’s own book
about the DNC.  As Elizabeth Warren said in response to a CNN
interview yesterday when she was asked “Was the DNC campaign, was
the Democratic nomination process completely rigged in favor of
Hillary Clinton?”  “Yes, it was.”  No other nominee even had a
chance, despite the fact that there was overwhelming support
within the Democratic base for anybody but Hillary.
What President Trump said in response to this news, in a
series of tweets that he put out over the last 24 hours, is the
following.  He said, “This is real collusion and dishonesty.
This is a major violation of campaign finance laws and money
laundering.  Where is our Justice Department?  Let’s go FBI and
Justice Department.”  Then he also said, “Bernie Sanders
supporters have every right to be apoplectic of the complete
theft of the Democratic primary by crooked Hillary.”
So, this is a bombshell.  This news will definitely develop
over the next few days, and this is going to be a major story as
President Trump leaves on his historic trip to Asia.  We have an
opportunity right now to organize the entire country to say
“Let’s abandon this entire Russia-gate false narrative.  Let’s
focus on the true story.”  Let’s take a look at the opportunities
that are ahead of us for our President as he takes this trip to
Asia, and what all Americans have in common.  We have crumbling
infrastructure, we have an opioid crisis which is unprecedented
in its proportions.  The stories about this are absolutely
unfathomable about how many deaths we’ve experienced over the
last year from opioid and heroin overdoses.  The statistics are
that we have had one September 11th every three weeks in terms of
the number of Americans that have died.  Or, over the past year,
more Americans have died from opioid and heroin overdoses than
died in the entirety of the Vietnam War.  This is the economic
reality that is confronting the American people; and this is the
kind of situation which could be resolved overnight by taking a
completely different turn towards a spirit of optimism which
Helga Zepp-LaRouche has characterized as the spirit of the New
Silk Road.

So, let me put on the screen one more time as we conclude
our webcast, the image of our calendar [Fig. 7].  We’ve been
counting down the days up to today over the course of the month
of October, as we approached the departure of President Trump for
his historic trip to Asia.  President Trump and President Xi
Jinping will be meeting on November 8th and November 9th, so this
is coming up next week.  This historic summit between President
Trump and President Xi Jinping could, indeed, be a
history-changing event.  So as the title webcast stated, “Great
Cause for Optimism:  The Silk Road Spirit Is Contagious”.  We
challenge you to catch the Silk Road spirit over the next few
days, and to do everything that you can to ensure that this
summit is indeed a watershed moment for the history of US-China
relations and the history of the entire human race.
Thank you very much for tuning in today, and please stay
tuned as we follow this important and historic trip that
President Trump is making to Asia as we approach this bilateral
summit on November 8th and 9th next week.

Thank you for tuning in, and stay tuned to

Trump på vej til Kina.
Desperate angreb gennem Russia-gate
for at bevare den gamle verdensorden.
Politisk Orientering 2. nov., 2017.

v/ formand Tom Gillesberg:

»Velkommen til et valgmøde i anledning af, at det snart er kommunalvalg her i Danmark. At vi her i København den 21. november skal til stemmeurnerne, og de, der befinder sig her i København, har det meget store privilegium, at de faktisk kan stemme på undertegnede og andre af vore kandidater, som også er til stede her, og dermed være med til at sætte den dagsorden, som kommer til at gælde, ikke bare for det 21. århundrede, men forhåbentlig også for lang tid derudover.

Det er givet, at allerede her i de kommende par uger, vil der stå nogle helt afgørende slag for, hvad menneskeheden kommer til at kunne gøre i tiden fremover. Derfor er det fantastisk, vil jeg sige, at de, der har været med til at sørge for, at vi kunne få rigtig mange flotte plakater op her i København og Brøndby og andre steder [Aarhus og Randers], »INDEN NYT FINANSKRAK: KØBENHAVN SKAL MED I DEN NYE SILKEVEJ«, som allerede nu er et stort diskussionsemne derude på gader og torve og skoler og universiteter; og også vores anden plakat her, som i første omgang lever en lidt mere anonym tilværelse, som så nok skal vokse på folk, »GØR SOM I HJØRRING: GRATIS INSTRUMENTAL- OG SANGUNDERVISNING – SKAB EN NY RENÆSSANCE: KLASSISK MUSIK TIL ALLE BØRN«.

Det, som det selvfølgelig drejer sig om for os, er for det første at få folk til at tænke, og dernæst få folk til at handle, således, at vi kan sørge for, at Danmark – og København og byerne selvfølgelig, hvor vi stiller op til kommunalvalg – men Danmark, Europa og resten af verden kommer med i det nye paradigme, som allerede er i gang med at erobre planeten Jorden.

Allerede nu er det klart, at det, som de fleste tror, tingene sådan normalt drejer sig om, nemlig: Kan man beholde det, man plejede at have, så er svaret klart, Nej, det kan man ikke. Den gamle verden er væk. Der er ikke nogen fortsættelse af tingene, som de var. Og spørgsmålet er ikke, kan man beholde det, man havde, men, om man skal tabe alt, eller man skal vinde en ny renæssance med de største muligheder, mennesket nogensinde har set.

Når jeg siger det, så burde det også være tydeligt for de fleste, at den vestlige verden stadig væk er i et momentum imod krig; man har en march mod krig, som burde være stoppet, efter Brexit-afstemningen ligesom havde kastet det britiske etablissement om kuld, kan man sige, og den efterfølgende sejr til Donald Trump i det amerikanske præsidentvalg ligesom havde mere eller mindre styrtet det amerikanske etablissement af pinden; så skulle man jo tro, at det betød en ændret politik. Men det har det ikke gjort, fordi alle institutionerne er fortsat på den kurs, der var forprogrammeret inden disse valg. …«


Xi appellerer til Trump:
Lad os ’Skue langt fremad og sigte højt’

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, USA, 1. nov., 2017 – Aftenen før Donald Trumps afrejse til Asien, tager den kinesiske præsident Xi Jinping skridt til aktivt at forme tonen og indholdet i sit forestående topmøde med præsident Trump den 8. nov., så vel som også at væve Rusland og Indien ind i det fremvoksende Nye Paradigme. I en tale, han holdt for den rådgivende styrelse for Tsinhua Universitetets Skole for Økonomi og Management, og som for en stor del er sammensat af indflydelsesrige, amerikanske erhvervs- og finansledere, gentog Xi først sit forpligtende engagement til at skabe gode relationer mellem Kina og USA, baseret på økonomisk win-win-samarbejde, og erklærede dernæst, at »Kina er villig til at arbejde med den amerikanske side for at skue langt fremad og sigte højt« for at etablere et »fællesskab for menneskehedens fælles fremtid«.

Når den kinesiske præsident opfordrer til at skue »langt fremad« og sigte »højt«, så er det ikke blot tomme ord – som vi er så vant til at høre fra intetsigende politikere i Vesten. Husk, at Xi netop har ført sit land igennem Kinas Kommunistiske Partis 19. Nationalkongres, der vedtog et konkret perspektiv for at »bygge et smukt Kina og en smuk verden« frem til år 2050, centreret omkring at udvide Bælte & Vej Initiativet til hele planeten. Husk, at Kina har løftet 700 million af sin egen befolkning ud af fattigdom på blot tre årtier, og at de nu er gået i gang med at hjælpe Afrika med at gøre det samme, såvel som også alle andre dele af planeten, der er intelligente nok til at acceptere deres tilbud om at samarbejde. Og husk, at Xi Jinping har lagt et forslag frem på bordet til USA om at tilslutte sig Bælte & Vej Initiativet, næsten lige fra det øjeblik, hvor han havde lanceret denne politik tilbage i 2013.

Det er ekstremt vigtigt, at Xi Jinping udtaler sig offentligt forud for topmødet med Trump, lød Schiller Instituttets forkvinde Helga Zepp-LaRouches kommentar i dag, for at skabe et fordelagtigt klima for det afgørende møde. Han har på forhånd lagt sine tanker og forslag ud, og det er godt, sagde hun.

Tiden er nu inde til, at præsident Donald Trump tager imod en lektion i statsmandskunst fra Lyndon LaRouche. Man kan ikke besejre ens fjende ved blot at modgå hans angreb og afparere hvert af hans stød – hvor absurde, disse end måtte være, som i tilfældet med Robert Mueller-sagen. Man må gøre præcis det, som ens fjende med sine angreb forsøger at stoppe én i gøre, fordi han ved, at det betyder ødelæggelsen af hans eget, bankerotte system. Gør det, din fjende mest frygter fra din side, og anbring ham på ukendt, defensiv grund.

I dette tilfælde vil det sige, at Trump må handle som en ægte statsmand og bruge sit topmøde med Xi Jinping om en uge fra i dag til ivrigt at tage imod Kinas stående tilbud om at tilslutte sig Bælte & Vej Initiativet. Og han må gøre sine plageånder tavse ved at gøre deres herrer bankerot og hurtigt genindføre Glass/Steagall-bankopdeling. Disse forholdsregler vil gøre en ende på City of Londons og Wall Streets spekulationsimperium – hurtigere, end man kan sige ’George Papadopoulos’.

Foto: Den kinesiske præsident Xi Jinping (højre) møder sin amerikanske modpart Donald Trump i sidstnævntes Florida-feriested, Mar-a-Lago, i USA, 6. april, 2017.  (Xinhua/Lan Hongguang)

Kupmagerne i vanvittig aktivitet for at sabotere Trumps rejse til Asien

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, USA, 31. okt., 2017 – Med præsident Trump, der forbereder sig til at tage af sted til Asien i denne uge til afgørende møder med Xi Jinping, Shinzo Abe, Rodrigo Duterte, Moon Jae-in og muligvis også Vladimir Putin – møder, der kunne bringe USA direkte ind i overensstemmelse med det nye paradigme for menneskeheden, der vokser frem af Kinas Nye Silkevejsproces – forsøger Det britiske Imperiums lakajer i USA hektisk at miskreditere eller endda anklage præsidenten for at sabotere hans plan om at danne venskabelige og konstruktive relationer med Kina og Rusland.

Den juridiske morder, Robert Muellers anklageskrifter mod Paul Manafort, der i en kort periode var Trumps kampagnemanager i 2016, og mod George Papadopoulos, der sandsynligvis var plantet af briterne i Trumps overgangshold (uden nogen synlig indflydelse), er blevet spredt ud over den nationale presse, som om det var det første stød i at bringe Trump til fald. Trump responderede med tweets og sagde, at anklagerne mod Manafort intet havde at gøre med hverken ham selv eller Rusland og tilføjede, at »kun få mennesker kendte den lavt rangerende, frivillige arbejder ved navn George, der allerede har vist sig at være en løgner«. David Gergen, CNN’s kommentator, røbede det hele mandag aften ved at advare Trump om, at han ikke burde foretage denne rejse til Asien, mens han konfronteres med et sådant dødeligt alvorligt angreb. Pladder.

I mellemtiden ruller Kina den røde løber ud for Trumps præsidentielle besøg – det første statslederbesøg siden den historiske KKP’s 19. Nationalkongres, der konkretiserede den transformation af verdenshistorien, som blev initieret af Xi Jinpings lancering af det Nye Økonomiske Silkevejsbælte og det 21. Århundredes Maritime Silkevej under sin første femårsperiode.

Spærreilden af angreb i medierne i USA og i den britiske presse – han er en hensynsløs diktator, »den nye Mao« og »den nye Stalin«, blandt andet – kan ikke skjule virkeligheden omkring det utrolige udviklingstempo, internt i Kina og i landene i verdens udviklingssektor, gennem Bælte & Vej Initiativet. Selv IMF og sådanne historiske, britiske bankinstitutioner som HSBC tvinges af virkeligheden til at rapportere den transformation, der finder sted internationalt som følge af Kinas initiativ – om ikke af anden grund, så fordi de ønsker at begrænse det.

Forskellen mellem den to former for fremtid, som konfronterer menneskeheden, er stærk. Xi Jinping fremlagde en vision for Kina og for verden frem til 2050, med Kina, der skal blive en fuldt udviklet nation, mens de samtidig er med til at løfte verdens tidligere koloniserede lande ud af fattigdom, for at blive moderne industrinationer. Han baserer dette på begreberne om et »fællesskab for en fælles skæbne« og en »ny type relationer mellem store magter«. Han støtter fuldt ud præsident Trumps erklærede hensigt om at arbejde tæt sammen med Kina og Rusland i denne nye type stormagtsrelationer, der som sit grundlag har visionen om den Nye Silkevej for en fælles skæbne for fremskridt for alle.

Så har vi den nuværende mangel på vision i Vesten. De britiske imperieinteresser bag kupforsøget mod Trump er de samme City of London- og Wall Street-kræfter, der har drevet de vestlige økonomier ud i industrielt forfald, kollaps af infrastruktur, kernekraftindustriens og vort rumprograms død, en forfærdelig narkoepidemi, massiv arbejdsløshed og voksende rater af fattigdom og selvmord.

Og dog er midlerne til at undgå denne døende kultur i vore hænder. Alt imens den Nye Silkevej er ‘vejen ad hvilken’, så må imidlertid den ondskab, der består i Londons og Wall Streets bankerotte hasardspilsinstitutioner, der har taget kontrollen over de fleste af vore regeringsinstitutioner, ødelægges, hvis vi skal virkeligøre en sådan vision. Franklin Roosevelt viste, at dette er muligt med sin New Deal, gennemførelsen af Glass-Steagall for at rense skidtet ud på Wall Street og etablere statslig kredit i Hamiltons tradition for at genopbygge nationens infrastruktur og udløse arbejdskraftens produktive evne og videnskabelig udvikling.

På samme måde, som Robert Mueller gennemtvang »Få ram på LaRouche-specialstyrken« i 1980’erne netop, fordi Lyndon LaRouche var spydhovedet for en bevægelse for at opnå denne højere vision for menneskeheden, sådan fungerer Mueller stadig væk i dag på vegne af Imperiet, der hektisk forsøger at bevare verden opsplittet, for at stoppe Trump i at bringe USA ind i samarbejde med Kina og Rusland.

LaRouches Fire Love inkorporerer FDR’s fremgangsmåde og tilføjer det presserende nødvendige i at skabe en ny æra med kulturelt og videnskabeligt samarbejde for menneskehedens fremtid. Tiden er ikke til selvtilfredshed. Vejen er klar, og sejr på kort sigt er mulig, og nødvendig, hvis verden skal undgå globalt kaos og global krig.

Foto: Den kinesiske præsident Xi Jinping (2. fra højre) og hans hustru Peng Liyuan (2. fra venstre) stiller op til fotografering sammen med Donald Trump (midten), hans hustru Melania Trump (1. fra højre) og hans datter Ivanka på Mar-a-Lago-feriestedet i Florida, 7. april, 2017. (Xinhua/Lan Hongguang)      

Særlige anklager Muellers anklager ændrer
intet: Hans heksejagt mod Trump bygger
på et britisk svindelnummer

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, USA, 30. okt., 2017 – Præsident Trump står umiddelbar for at rejse til Asien, hvor han vil have betydningsfulde møder om økonomi og sikkerhed med præsident Xi fra Kina, premierminister Abe fra Japan og muligvis med præsident Putin fra Rusland. Hans gentagent erklærede politik er, at USA bør have gode, produktive relationer med disse nationer.

Det betyder, at vi nu befinder os ved det afgørende punkt i afsløringen af historien og anvendelsen af et britisk efterretningsdokument – »Steele-dossieret« – og en juridisk morder – Robert Mueller – for at forsøge at afpresse Trump til at behandle Rusland og Kina som USA’s hovedfjender.

Hidtil er det ikke lykkedes denne afpresning, der har sin oprindelse i britisk efterretning og er eskaleret til trusler om afsættelse ved en rigsret, et kup eller endda mord, at forhindre præsidentens plan om at forme samarbejdsrelationer til gensidig fordel med disse store magter. Det er ikke alene fred i Mellemøsten og på Koreahalvøen, der er involveret; men også samarbejde omkring udvikling af store infrastrukturprojekter, rumforskning og nye energikilder, i USA såvel som internationalt.

Tiden er inde til at optrappe ødelæggelsen af det britiske dossier og den juridiske morder.

Robert Muellers første anklager ændrer ikke dette, selv ikke, når disse anklager med overlæg og ulovligt er lækket for at skræmme børnene til Hallowe’en-weekend. Det var ventet; de anklager begivenheder, der fandt sted længe før præsident Trump overhovedet blev kandidat, og som ikke involverer ham; de udgør forsøg på at »chokere« og intimidere.

Mere sigende er de fortsatte afsløringer om det britiske dossier.

Ikke alene Clintons, men også Obamas politiske komite betalte et Washington-advokatfirma millioner for »juridiske tjenester« (dvs., troværdig benægtelse af en påstand pga. manglende beviser, selv om påstanden er sand), som frembragte et svindelagtigt »dossier«, et opkog af tidligere, falske påstande fra britisk efterretning om Donald Trump og russere. Ikke alene dossieret, men også den dunkle rapport om »hacking af DNC’s computere« blev produceret gennem de millioner, som Clinton og Obama betalte dette advokatfirma.

Før dette blev kendt, behandlede Clinton, Obama og de medskyldige medier dette britiske dossier som århundredets rygende pistol. Efter disse afsløringer begyndte at komme frem, begyndte man at kalde dossieret for blot »oppositions-research« – og ingen Obama-konservativ eller Clinton-tilhænger vil sluttelig indrømme, at de ved, de betalte millioner for det!

Men nej: Dette britiske dossier blev brugt af James Clapper, John Brennan og James Comey, alle fra amerikansk efterretning, i et møde den 6. januar med nyvalgte præsident Trump, og de forsøgte at afpresse ham til at føre en antirussisk – og antikinesisk – administration. Det var dette, den forfængelige Comey kaldte sit »J. Edgar Hoover-øjeblik«. Han fortjente at blive fyret for det, som Hoover burde have været fyret af de præsidenter, han afpressede med sine »dossierer«.

Med Trump, der afviste denne afpresning, måtte det britiske dossier nu spredes gennem medierne og førte snart til udnævnelsen af den juridiske morder Mueller for at fjerne Trump og genoprette City of Londons/Wall Streets kontrol over præsidentskabet.

Der vil snart fremkomme flere afsløringer, med Husets Efterretningskomite, der i dag har fået Fusion GPS’ regnskaber, og som snart vil få FBI’s »Steele-fil« om, hvordan det britiske dossier blev brugt, og hvem, der i øvrigt betalte, eller blev betalt.

Alt afhænger af, at vi kan nå meget længere ud med EIR’s eget anti-britiske dossier, »Robert Mueller er en umoralsk, juridisk morder: Han vil gøre sit job, hvis I giver ham lov«.

Den potentielle belønning er et nyt, politisk paradigme, der kommer som resultat af præsidentens rejse til Asien. Så kan en infrastrukturbank i Hamiltons tradition, fælles rumforskning og forcerede programmer for energi, samt en Glass/Steagall-reorganisering af bankerne til fordel for produktion, for alvor komme i gang med arbejdet.

Foto: FBI-direktør Robert Mueller modtager applaus under præsident Barack Obamas bemærkninger i Det Hvide Hus’ Rosenhave, 21. juni, 2013. Præsidenten annoncerede James Comey, til højre, som sin nominerede til at efterfølge Mueller. (Official White House Photo)

Vi skaber ideerne bag den fremvoksende
nye æra for menneskeheden!

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, USA, 30. okt., 2017 – Kinas Kommunistiske Partis netop afsluttede 19. Nationalkongres har konsolideret ideen om, frem til midten af dette århundrede, at skabe et »smukt Kina« og en »smuk verden«, hvor regeringer vil blive styret af konceptet om at sørge for deres befolkningers voksende »lykke«.

Dette er en betagende udvikling af strategisk betydning, understregede Helga Zepp-LaRouche i denne weekend, og som er gået fuldstændig hen over hovedet på det meste af USA’s og Europas befolkning – for slet ikke at tale om, at det er en fornyet erklæring »med kinesiske karaktertræk« af de centrale, filosofiske koncepter, omkring hvilke USA selv blev grundlagt. »Hvilken leder, fra hvilket land i Vesten, har en sådan vision i dag?« spurgte Zepp-LaRouche. Hvor længe siden er det, at en amerikansk statsmand har gjort et sådant perspektiv, med samt dets medfølgende begreb om mennesket, til emnet for national diskurs?

Og dog ville disse dybtgående ideer ikke være så fremmedartede for flertallet af amerikanere i dag, hvis ikke Lyndon LaRouche, sammen med mange af hans medarbejdere, uretmæssigt og på falske anklager var blevet jaget i fængsel og hen over tre årtier fremstillet som en udstødt person. Denne forbrydelse blev begået af den samme, britiskkørte bande af bøller, med Robert Mueller som et fremtrædende bandemedlem, og som gik videre til at dække over den saudisk-britiske rolle i 11. september-angrebet, og som nu forsøger at vælte Trump-regeringen og selve USA’s forfatning – et billede, der hinsides enhver rimelig tvivl er bevist i EIR’s Robert Mueller Specialrapport[1], der nu cirkuleres bredt i hele landet.

Briterne gjorde alt dette for at forsøge at bringe de ideer til tavshed, som Lyndon LaRouche på enestående vis har skabt hen over årtier, og som fastlægger grundlaget for at virkeliggøre et Nyt Paradigme for menneskeheden, der vil lægge Det britiske Imperium i graven én gang for alle. Det er de ideer, der nu tager form i Kinas Bælte & Vej Initiativ, som ubønhørligt går fremad på alle kontinenter.

»Vi skaber ideerne«, erklærede Zepp-LaRouche som et faktum. Det, der nu vokser frem på verdensscenen, er et resultat af vores mobilisering, vores organisering og vores opdragelse hen over årtier – ikke alene omkring projekter og politikker, men også omkring Lyndon LaRouches banebrydende opdagelser, hans udarbejdelse af det centrale begreb om menneskets skabende identitet og det, der adskiller mennesket fra alle andre, kendte arter. Det ville være udbytterigt at studere disse skrifter i dag, både i Vest og Øst. I særdeleshed tilskyndede hun til læsning, eller genlæsning, af Lyndon LaRouches skrift fra 2004, »En dialog mellem eurasiske civilisationer: Jordens kommende 50 år«[2].

Åbningsbemærkningerne til denne rapport fra LaRouche, der figurerer som frontispice i bogversionen, lyder som følger:

»Kreativitet, som jeg her har identificeret det, er forskellen på dig og en abekat. Der er faktisk to egenskaber ved denne forskel. For det første, så kan et medlem af den menneskelige art øge hans eller hendes arts potentielle, relative befolkningstæthed gennem sin viljemæssige anvendelse af kreativitet, som ingen form for dyr kan gøre. For det andet, så afhænger samfundets fremskridt hen over successive generationer af, at disse generationer gen-vedtager, eller atter sætter i kraft, den skabende opdagelse af denne form for universelle, fysiske principper. Sammen kan disse to udtryk for kreativitet (som jeg definerer det) fastlægge grundlaget for det, vi kunne kalde naturlig, menneskelig moral, den form for forskel, der adskiller menneskelig moral fra aberigets kultur.«

Ti år tidligere, i 1993, da Lyndon LaRouche stadig var fængslet, skrev han en lang artikel, der udredte denne, hans enestående opdagelse, i en artikel med titlen, »Om LaRouches opdagelse«[3], hvis indledende afsnit lyder:

»Det centrale træk af mit originale bidrag til Leibniz’ videnskab om fysisk økonomi, er at give en metode til at adressere den årsagsmæssige sammenhæng mellem, på den ene side, enkeltpersoners bidrag til aksiomatisk revolutionerende fremskridt i videnskabelige og analoge former for viden, og, på den anden side, de heraf følgende forøgelser af den potentielle befolkningstæthed i de korresponderende samfund. I sin anvendelse i politisk økonomi, fokuserer min metode på analyse af den centrale rolle af den følgende tretrins rækkefølge: For det første, aksiomatisk revolutionerende former for videnskabelig og analog opdagelse; for det andet, de heraf følgende fremskridt i principper for maskinredskaber og analoge ting; sluttelig, de heraf følgende fremskridt i arbejdskraftens produktive evne.«

Nu er et godt tidspunkt for verden til fuldt og helt at opdage LaRouches opdagelse.

Foto: Xi Jinping: »Flere end 60 million mennesker er blevet løftet ud af fattigdom i løbet af de seneste fem år.«  (Xinhua / New China)

[1] Læs Mueller-dossieret her.

[2] EIR, 7. januar, 2005; artiklen er indeholdt i LaRouches bog, »Jordens kommende 50 år«, der kan købes fra (eller ved henvendelse til vores kontor, -red.)

Læs artiklen her.

[3] Læs artiklen her.

Én uge fra i dag:
Et potentielt vendepunkt i historien.
LaRouche PAC Internationale Webcast,
27. okt., 2017

Før vi kommer til disse historiske muligheder, der nu ligger foran præsident Trump under hans statsbesøg til Kina, så må vi rapportere om et meget signifikant, strategisk gennembrud, der har fundet sted her i USA. Det drejer sig om den historiske, potentielle vending af dette kup, der er blevet kørt imod præsident Trump internt fra de amerikanske institutioner, samt den kendsgerning, at, med afsløringer, der er kommet frem i løbet af de seneste 5-6 dage, så har dette kupforsøg totalt givet bagslag. Vi har nu mulighed for, ikke alene at fjerne den såkaldte narrativ, ’fortællingen’, om »Russia-gate«, der har hængt over præsident Trumps hoved siden før hans indsættelse; men vi har også mulighed for at nedtage hele dette apparat, denne organisation, der har kørt dette kupforsøg.

Vært Matthew Ogden: Det er den 27. okt., 2017, og jeg er Matthew Ogden med vores ugentlige fredags-webcast fra

Som I kan se her på skærmen, er titlen på dagens webcast »Én uge fra i dag: Et potentielt vendepunkt i historien«. Som I ser her, har vi vores kalender, som vi krydser dagene af på, som vi nærmer os den historiske rejse, præsident Trump skal foretage til Asien. Han rejser om en uge fra dags dato, altså om nøjagtig en uge på næste fredag. Vi har talt dagene ned til, at denne historiske rejse vil finde sted; og vi ved, at der kunne indgås nogle potentielt historiske aftaler mellem ikke alene ham og præsident Xi Jinping fra Kina, men også mellem ham og premierminister Abe fra Japan og andre lande. Men dette, langs linjerne af, at USA tilslutter sig det Nye Paradigme for udvikling, der er vokset frem fra Eurasien generelt, men meget specifikt fra præsident Xi Jinpings handlinger i Kina.

Før vi kommer til disse historiske muligheder, der nu ligger foran præsident Trump under hans statsbesøg til Kina, så må vi rapportere om et meget signifikant, strategisk gennembrud, der har fundet sted her i USA. Det drejer sig om den historiske, potentielle vending af dette kup, der er blevet kørt imod præsident Trump internt fra de amerikanske institutioner, samt den kendsgerning, at, med afsløringer, der er kommet frem i løbet af de seneste 5-6 dage, så har dette kupforsøg totalt givet bagslag. Vi har nu mulighed for, ikke alene at fjerne den såkaldte narrativ, ’fortællingen’, om »Russia-gate«, der har hængt over præsident Trumps hoved siden før hans indsættelse; men vi har også mulighed for at nedtage hele dette apparat, denne organisation, der har kørt dette kupforsøg.

Jeg vil gerne begynde med at læse den erklæring, som LaRouche PAC udstedte i går om spørgsmålet om de afsløringer, der er kommet frem om Hillary Clintons rolle og DNC’s rolle i at finansiere denne såkaldte »oppositions-research« fra den britiske agent Christopher Steeles side, samt den kendsgerning, at det faktisk har vist sig, at den udenlandske magt, der blandede sig i USA’s demokratiske valgproces, ikke var Rusland, men derimod Storbritannien. Denne erklæring har titlen, » BAM! Clinton Colluded with the British — Part of the Coup Is Now Exposed« (Bang! Clinton indgik aftalt spil med briterne – En del af kuppet nu afsløret). Det lyder som følger:

»Hillary Clinton-kampagnen og Demokraternes Nationalkomite har indrømmet, at de direkte finansierede den britiske efterretningsagent Christopher Steeles arbejde. Indrømmelsen, der er indeholdt i et brev fra Perkins, Coie, LLP, Rådgivere for DNC og Hillary i 2016, er det første træ i skoven, der falder, under forudsætning af, at vi bevarer fokus på de strategiske årsager til kuppet og de faktiske mekanismer, de er i spil. Dette fokus må holdes på briterne for deres rolle i at forsøge at diktere det amerikanske valg med det strategiske formål at opretholde det dekadente og kollapsende, anglo-amerikanske imperium efter Anden Verdenskrig. Som vi demonstrerer i vores dossier om Robert Mueller, så, hver gang, I hører, at Rusland gjorde noget for at blande sig i vore valg, så udskift det med ’briterne’, og I vil være på sandhedens kurs.

At fokusere på det britiske Steele-dossier, der er blevet udbredt i dette land som et resultat af en alliance mellem Orbis Business Intelligence, et firma med direkte og fortsatte bånd til MI6, og Fusion GPS, nominelt hjemmehørende i Delaware og Washington, D.C., er nøglen til ikke alene at stoppe kuppet mod præsidenten, men også til at afsløre Obama-administrationens embedsfolks forbrydelser med oprindeligt at forsøge at vinde valget for Hillary Clinton, og dernæst, at forsøge at ødelægge præsident Trumps præsidentskab. Man vil huske, at Richard Nixon brugte USA’s officielle efterretningstjenester til at ramme og tilsvine sine politiske modstandere. Det er forbrydelser i denne størrelsesorden, vi her ser.«

Det er altså de to første afsnit af en erklæring, der blev udstedt af LaRouche PAC i går; igen med titlen »BAM! Clinton Colluded with the British — Part of the Coup Is Now Exposed«. Jeg vil opfordre jer til at læse memoet i sin helhed, den fulde erklæring, for det indeholder mange flere detaljer, som er meget nødvendige at kende mht. baggrund. Men vi viste lige billedet af Robert Mueller-dossieret på skærmen. Det lyder, »Rober Mueller er en umoralsk, juridisk morder. Han vil gøre sit job, hvis I giver ham lov«. Dette dossier er nu blevet cirkuleret i omkring tre eller fire uger, en måneds tid; og det har haft en meget signifikant virkning med at vende ’narrativen’ omkring Russia-gate. Det har faktisk fremtvunget et bagslag i ansigtet på det apparat, der har forsøgt at køre dette kupforsøg mod den amerikanske administration. Faktisk er, som denne erklæring, jeg netop oplæste, påpeger, den kendsgerning, at Hillary Clinton og embedsfolk i Obama-administrationen bevidst brugte amerikanske efterretningstjenester i aftalt spil med en britisk efterretningsagent for at forsøge at udføre oppositions-research og afpresning mod først, på den ene side, en præsidentkandidat, og dernæst, efter han faktisk var blevet valgt og indsat, en siddende amerikansk præsident. Dette er noget, der når op i samme størrelsesorden som det, der tvang Richard Nixon til at træde tilbage – at bruge amerikanske efterretningstjenester til at ramme og tilsvine deres politiske modstandere.

Det, der er kommet frem efter denne afsløring, er voksende krav om Robert Muellers tilbagetræden som leder af denne efterforskning. Dette er meget betydningsfuldt og i overensstemmelse med linjerne i dossieret, udgivet af LaRouche PAC; denne specialefterretningsrapport med titlen, »Robert Mueller Is an Amoral, Legal Assassin«. Vi er nu ved at nå det punkt, hvor folk begynder at forstå præcis, hvad det er, de kører, og disse krav om Robert Muellers tilbagetræden er ekstremt signifikante.

Her følger engelsk udskrift af resten af webcastet.

So, first what I’m going to put on the screen here is the
editorial which was published in the Wall Street Journal [Fig.
3].  As you can see, this is titled “Democrats, Russians and the
FBI.  Did the Bureau use disinformation to trigger its Trump
probe?”  Now, before I get into the details of this, let me
forewarn you.  The attempt to try to bring the Russians in on
this is something which should be pointed out, that this is not a
question.  This is not the FBI being used as Russian
disinformation, but in fact, anybody who is clever enough to
point out that this is actually an attempt to divert the
attention from the British.  But the call by the {Wall Street
Journal} to have Robert Mueller resign, is a very significant
aspect of this editorial.  So, let me read you some excerpts from
this editorial.
“The Washington Post revealed Tuesday that the Hillary
Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee jointly paid
for that infamous dossier, full of Russian disinformation against
Donald Trump.  They filtered the payments through a US law firm,
Perkins, Coie, which hired the opposition research hitmen at
Fusion GPS.  Fusion in turn, tapped a former British spook,
Christopher Steele to compile the allegations.  This news is all
the more explosive because the DNC and Clinton campaign hid their
role, even amid the media furor after BuzzFeed published the
Steele dossier in January.  Reporters are now saying that Clinton
campaign officials lied to them about their role in the dossier.
Current DNC chair Tom Perez and former chair Debbie
Wasserman-Schultz deny knowing about the dossier arrangement, but
someone must have known.
“Two pertinent questions:  Did the dossier trigger the FBI
probe of the Trump campaign?  And, did Mr. Comey or his agents
use it as evidence to seek wiretapping approval from the Foreign
Intelligence Surveillance Court, of Trump campaign aides?
Congressional investigators need to focus on the FBI’s role, and
House Speaker Paul Ryan was correct on Wednesday to insist that
the Bureau comply with Congress’ document demands ‘immediately’.
All of this also raises questions about Special Counsel Robert
Mueller’s investigation.  The Fusion GPS news means the FBI’s
role in Russia’s election interference must now be investigated;
even as the FBI and Justice insist that Mr. Mueller’s probe
prevents them from cooperating with Congressional investigators.
Mr. Mueller is a former FBI Director, and for years he worked
closely with Mr. Comey.  It is no slur against Mr. Mueller’s
integrity to say that he lacks the critical distance to conduct a
credible probe of the Bureau he ran for a dozen years.  He could
best serve the country by resigning, to prevent further political
turmoil over that conflict of interest.”
So, again, this is a very significant break in this case;
and a very significant call by the Wall Street Journal
Editorial Board for Robert Mueller to resign as Special Counsel.
Now following that editorial, there was an editorial which
was published in the Washington Examiner [Fig. 4], as you can
see here on your screen.  This is by Byron York, and the title of
that editorial is “After Trump Dossier Revelation, FBI Is Next”.
This goes even further, placing the role of the FBI squarely in
the center of what should be being investigated around this
entire Steele dossier.  So, let me read some excerpts from this
editorial for you.
“Investigators looking into the so-called “Trump dossier”
were not surprised when news broke Tuesday night that the Hillary
Clinton campaign and the DNC, working through the Democrats’ law
firm, Perkins Coie, financed the ‘salacious and unverified’
compilation of allegations of Trump collusion with Russia”.
“But knowing that the Clinton campaign, the DNC, and Perkins
Coie supported the dossier is not the end of the story. The most
important next step is the FBI.
“Sometime in October 2016 — that is, at the height of the
presidential campaign — Christopher Steele, the foreign agent
hired by Fusion GPS to compile the Trump dossier, approached the
FBI with information he had gleaned during the project. According
to a February report in the Washington Post, Steele ‘reached an
agreement with the FBI a few weeks before the election for the
bureau to pay him to continue his work.’
“It was an astonishing turn: the nation’s top federal law
enforcement agency agreeing to fund an ongoing opposition
research project being conducted by one of the candidates in the
midst of a presidential election.”
“The new Clinton/DNC/Perkins Coie revelation will likely
increase pressure on the FBI to explain what it did, and did not
do, with the dossier.“

“Republican investigators had two big questions about the
dossier. One was who paid for it, and that now seems answered.
The other was: Did the FBI or other agencies use any information
from the dossier as a basis for warrant requests before the
[FISA] Court? In other words, did, say, the FBI use the dossier’s
“salacious and unverified” information to make the case that the
bureau should be granted the authority to conduct intercepts?…
“When the Post story broke Tuesday night, some journalists
noted that Democrats involved in the story had been lying about
their role.”
“Yes, they did. But the importance of the Democrats’
involvement in the dossier is that it could be one step on the
road to a bigger story. What did the FBI do with the dossier
material? Did judges make surveillance decisions in the
Trump-Russia investigation based in whole or in part on the
dossier? To what degree is the ‘salacious and unverified’ dossier
the source of what we think we know about allegations of
collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign?
“In the end, a House subpoena squeezed the information out
of key players in the who-funded-the-dossier side of the story.
But so far, the FBI has been much harder to crack.”
So, both of those editorials serve a very important purpose
in continuing to crack open this entire false narrative around
the so-called “Russia-gate” Trump-Russia collusion.  And in fact,
they place squarely in the center the true characters who should
be being investigated.  On the one hand, Robert Mueller should
resign, because he has an obvious conflict of interest; and on
the other hand, the question should be:  What was the Federal
Bureau of Investigation doing funding or offering to fund
Christopher Steele, who is a foreign intelligence agent — a
British intelligence agent — to run an opposition research
campaign against a major party Presidential candidate, and then
following that, continuing to use that salacious material that
was put together by Christopher Steele to attempt to blackmail
President Trump and then to release that and to use it to
continue to run this false narrative Russia-gate campaign against
him?  So, the entire story at its source is a total fraud.  As
now several members of the US Senate — Joe Manchin pointed this
out in an interview with CNN — in fact, this should not be a
question of Russian intelligence meddling in the US electoral
campaign; but really, this is a question of British intelligence
meddling in the US campaign, and colluding with Hillary Clinton
and the FBI.
So, this is exactly case which was laid out in that dossier
which LaRouche PAC issued on Robert Mueller.  In fact, going even
further back, as you can see here from a copy of the
Hamiltonian [Fig. 5] which is titled “VIPs Report Shows
Russia-gate Is a Fraud”; then in the subtitle it says, “The
British role in the coup against the President; a Master Class”.
This is from August 11th of this year, so going even further
back.  This is the story, and in fact, it’s been the activities
of the LaRouche PAC breaking this open as the story.
It’s very significant that this has broken at the time that
it has, because we’ve been continuing this countdown to President
Trump’s visit to Asia; most importantly, his state visit to
China.  To break open this entire false narrative is very
significant in the week leading up to his sit-down meeting with
President Xi Jinping.  There are also reports that he might have
a sit-down meeting with President Putin in the context of the
ASEAN summit as well.
President Trump had an interview on Fox News the evening
after those two editorials came out.  This is an interview with
Lou Dobbs from just this past Wednesday, October 25th.  In that
interview, he denounced the entire so-called Russia-gate dossier
as a total fraud and a disgrace.  He said the entire narrative
has fallen apart.  He reported that a high-level official who he
didn’t name, who had a meeting with him in the White House, said
that this Russia, Russia, Russia story has been hanging like a
dark cloud over his head since the day that he became President.
The fact that this is now clearing away is a very positive thing.
Then, what President Trump also had to say in this interview, is
that it would be very positive not only to work with Russia, but
also to develop a positive relationship with China.
So, let me put on the screen here, this is a still image
[Fig. 6] from this interview, and you can see up in the upper
corner, the title is “Trump: Russian dossier is a disgrace.”  But
you can also see here, this is the subtitle which was put on the
screen — “Trump: We have a very good relationship with China.”
President Trump is reporting in this that he just had gotten off
the phone with President Xi Jinping of China, congratulating him
for his elevation to be President and Chairman of the Party for
another five years.  So, here are some quotes from what President
Trump had to say during that interview with Lou Dobbs.  He said
the following:
[Fig. 7] “I want to say this:  I think it would be great if
we got along with Russia. I don’t think there’s anything wrong
with getting along.  You know, they are a power.  They’re a
nuclear power.  I think we could have a good relationship.  I
think that the North Korean situation would be easier settled,
and I just spoke to the President of China.  I congratulated him
on his big victory at the CPC National Congress.”
[Fig. 8] “But it would be wonderful if we could speak to
China and Russia.  I just spoke to President Xi Jinping a few
minutes ago, just before I walked into the room.  You know,
something has been given to him that’s never been — it’s really
virtually never happened in China.  He’s been given powers that
nobody’s been given since Mao.  He’s a very powerful man.  I
happen to think he’s a very good person.”
[Fig. 9] “Now, with that being said, he represents China.  I
represent the USA.  So, you know, there’s always going to be
conflict.  But we have a very good relationship.  People say we
have the best relationship of any President-President.  We have a
very good relationship, and that’s a positive thing.  It would be
good to have that relationship with Russia and other countries,
[Fig. 10] “I’ll be going there, to China, in two weeks.
We’re going to Beijing and other places, wherever he would like
to take me.  And we’ll be spending two days there, and we’re
going also to Japan and South Korea.  And it will be, I think,
hopefully, it’s historic and positive.”
So, this is what President Trump had to say about his
upcoming visit to Beijing and his upcoming meeting with President
Xi Jinping.  Hopefully, it will be historic and positive.  He was
very complimentary to President Xi Jinping and said repeatedly
that they have a very close personal relationship and that
President Trump personally thinks that President Xi Jinping is a
very good man.  So, this is obviously in accordance with exactly
what we’ve seen since President Xi Jinping’s state visit here to
the United States earlier this year.  And this personal
relationship continues to be very positive.
Now, with President Trump’s upcoming visit to China, it’s
very significant that President Xi Jinping has not only secured
this very powerful position in China with his re-election to be
party chairman for another five years and President of China.
But also the fact that the Chinese Communist Party has placed Xi
Jinping’s thought as central to the Chinese Party Constitution;
and that includes the Belt and Road Initiative.  This Belt and
Road Initiative and everything that that entails, including the
“win-win” perspective in terms of Chinese relationship with the
rest of the world, and this New Paradigm of relationships between
nations, this has been enshrined in the Chinese Constitution.
What President Xi Jinping had to say in this very significant
speech that he delivered to the Chinese Party Congress is
something which Helga Zepp-LaRouche had some very important
remarks about during her international webcast on the Schiller
Institute YouTube channel yesterday.
So, what I’m going to do for you here, is play an excerpt
from the beginning of Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s remarks during that
webcast yesterday.  You’ll hear her analysis of what President Xi
Jinping had to say; the significance of that Party Congress; and
the potential significance of the opportunities that President
Trump has ahead of him as he departs next week — a week from
today — for his trip to Asia and his state visit to China.  So,
here’s what Helga Zepp-LaRouche had to say:


First of all, I would like to note
the fact that the Western media in their either non-coverage or
what they decide to focus on, are just completely ridiculous.
The main attention they paid to the fact that Xi Jinping did not
present a visible successor.  Now, he was just voted for five
more years, so this is obviously not the key point.  But what
this Congress represents is a strategic shift; it is in line with
the Belt and Road Initiative and the whole new model of
international relations China has developed under the leadership
of Xi Jinping.  I think the West has not caught up with what this
is actually all about.  They are so much behind the curve, it is
almost absurd.  Because I think what Xi Jinping has accomplished
in the five years of his Presidency so far — the previous five
years — is he has successfully taken on some of the problems
China had; such as corruption, such as a slowing economy, and
various other problems.  So, he has actually been extremely
successful; and everybody who has been in China and looked at it
without prejudices could not help noticing it.  That it has led
to a population which for the most part is very satisfied — 83%
of the people are absolutely happy about what the government is
doing.  I would like to see the Western country which has such
approval rates.
But what has happened at this 19th national congress is
truly amazing, because in more than a week duration, what Xi
Jinping has consolidated the party around is a many-fold
perspective, which I want to start to discuss various aspects of.
First of all, in the immediate next three years until 2020, the
aim is to eliminate poverty, to lift the remaining 42 million
people who are presently living in poverty in China above that
level.  Now, that compares with a similar amount of people in the
United States, except that China is about four times bigger than
the population of the United States. And it compares with the
roughly 120 million poor people in the European Union, who are
poor since 20 years and nothing has been done about it and there
is no perspective to eliminate poverty in the EU.  The next
period from 2020 to 2035, the aim is to make China a moderately
prosperous, functioning socialist country.  And then from 2035
until 2050, China is to become a completely developed,
harmonious, culturally advanced, democratic socialist, and
beautiful country.
Now, there is an additional element.  First of all, what
impressed me very much is the focus of Xi Jinping and other
people who spoke, on the purpose of this all; namely, that it is
the improvement of the lives of people, that people should live a
better, happier life.  That is lacking in the discussion in the
West completely.  That the aim of politics is that people should
be happy; happiness is an inalienable right which was, after all,
in the Declaration of Independence of the young United States.
But there is another aspect to it.  Xi Jinping, especially in his
concluding remarks, talked about a socialist model with Chinese
characteristics for a new era.  The aim, which was formulated
very explicitly, was that China will take a global role in
creating a beautiful future for all of mankind.  Now that is
really something.  When has any Western politician had a vision
to create a beautiful future for all of humanity?  You have to go
back a long way until you find people even thinking in these
terms.  I think that China has provided a model of international
governance and international relationships based on sovereignty,
respect for the other social model of the other country; in other
words, non-interference.  No attempt to change the system to the
Western model or to their own model, but to respect the other
country’s sovereignty.
I think that this is an incredible perspective, because if
you look at it from the long arch of human history, this was an
initiative that had to be made at a certain point in the
development of humanity.  There had to be at some point somebody
to say, “We are the human species.  The human species is one.”
Xi Jinping always calls it “the shared community for the future
of mankind”.  A vision how we can organize our affairs on this
planet in such a way that the result of it is a good life for all
people living on this planet.
Now, Westerners tend to not understand that; they tend to
either overlook it and say it’s propaganda, it’s just Communist
rhetoric.  Or they cannot imagine that it could be true, because
they themselves are so unused to think in these terms that the
power of imagination is completely lacking to imagine that there
could be a political leader who thinks that way.  But I’m
absolutely convinced that Xi Jinping is a Confucian man; that he
wants to shape the world in a Confucian harmonic way.  I think
that the West should really — people in the West who want to
understand what’s going on, they should not just push it aside,
but really try to get a grasp of it.  It’s a tremendous
potentiality for all of humanity which must be supported and
should be taken up.  I think it’s important that people undergo
the intellectual integrity to try to understand what he is
talking about.

HARLEY SCHLANGER:  I found it very interesting that he
traced the period that he described as a miserable period for
China to the Opium War.

OGDEN:  And so as you could see, just in the very end there, that
was Harley Schlanger who interviewed Helga Zepp-LaRouche.  He was
pointing out that also part of Xi Jinping’s speech was that he
said the disgrace that China felt under the colonial powers.  He
didn’t obviously reference directly, but saying the Opium War,
which is a direct reference to the British Empire; that this is
something that China has recovered from, and has fought and
struggled its way back from being a disgraced, ruined country to
reclaiming its great role as one of the ancient civilizations on
Earth.  And a leading power now; in fact, one of the leading
great powers of the future.
Now at the conclusion of the CPC Party Congress, the Party
issued a final resolution which located what Xi Jinping had to
say in the global context of a vision for what China is seeking
to accomplish over the coming years.  The 5 years, 25 years, and
a vision for the next 50 years.  They announced their commitment
to “preserving world peace and promoting common development”.
They also said that the keystone of that mission is to “actively
promote international cooperation through the Belt and Road
Initiative”, and they said that the “win-win” approach which has
been formulated, articulated, and championed by President Xi
Jinping will “help China work together with the peoples of all
countries to build an open, inclusive, clean, and beautiful world
that enjoys lasting peace, universal security, and common
Now, obviously, included in that and a major aspect of that
will be China’s offers to work with the people of the United
States; to build that kind of new world of common prosperity,
universal security, and lasting peace. “A beautiful world”, in

the words of Xi Jinping.  So, it will be the question for
President Trump as he departs for this trip.  Will he reciprocate
those offers from his personal friend, President Xi Jinping, and
will that personal relationship on the level of these two
Presidents turn into a formal international bilateral
relationship between the United States and China in the context
of the United States joining the Belt and Road Initiative, the
New Silk Road.
Helga Zepp-LaRouche, later in that webcast, was very
confident that there are strong possibilities that exactly that
kind of agreement could come out of these meetings.  It’s clear
that China will be offering this, since it has been such a
central aspect of President Xi Jinping’s agenda, and now is
written into the Constitution of the Chinese nation.  But it will
also be clear that President Trump, who is under massive pressure
to follow through on his promises to rebuild the infrastructure
of the United States — a commitment which he just rearticulated
during a trip to Texas, where he met with Governor Abbott.  He
said, “I’m the builder President, you know”; and said that he
will be assisting in funding some of the flood control
infrastructure that Texas so desperately needs.  It’s obvious
that President Trump will have infrastructure on his mind; and
it’s also been reported that he will be travelling along with a
retinue of other business leaders from the United States, all of
whom understand that US business would have everything to gain
from the United States cooperating directly with President Xi
Jinping and the Chinese New Silk Road initiative.
So, there are very strong indications that we could emerge
from this Presidential visit to China with a completely new world
on our hands.  It’s very significant that the coup attempt
against President Trump is now disintegrating here in the United
States; which will be giving him much more freedom to act with
the authority that he requires to make these kinds of bold policy
decisions in the United States.  This Presidency, which has been
under continuous attack since Day 1, since its inception, now
will regain some of the necessary freedom of action that it needs
to follow through on some of these bold visions that President
Trump laid out during his campaign.
Let me just conclude by saying that it will be our job to
continue to follow up on this campaign to break this coup
attempt; with the confidence now that these revelations have come
out about the role that the DNC and the Clinton campaign played
directly in financing British agent Christopher Steele’s
so-called opposition research.  Then the role that the FBI played
in following up on that and continuing that process of collusion
with the British intelligence foreign entity to try to bring down
a sitting US President.  It will also be incumbent on us over the
coming seven days, the coming week between now and President
Trump’s departure, to continue with our education campaign to
educate the American people and the American leadership on
exactly what the significance is of what you just heard from
Helga Zepp-LaRouche, what just occurred at this Party Congress in
Beijing; and what the significance of China’s offers to the
United States to join the New Silk Road are.
So, one the very important aspects of that will be a meeting
up in New York City, which will be occurring tomorrow.  This is
our regular Manhattan town hall meeting.  Will Wertz, who is an
editor with {Executive Intelligence Review} and has appeared on
this broadcast over the last couple of weeks a few times; Will
Wertz will be preparing a presentation on exactly what is the
philosophical basis for this emerging New Paradigm which the
United States and China could collaborate on bringing about.  He
has gone back to some of the papers that Lyndon LaRouche wrote
about ten years ago, which were compiled in a book called
Earth’s Next Fifty Years.  One of major papers in that was
titled “The Coming Eurasian World”.  In that paper, Lyndon
LaRouche, going all the way back to the philosophy of the
European Renaissance, Nicholas of Cusa, and other thinkers of
that time; but also, some of the thinking of Vladimir Vernadsky
and other more contemporary philosophers and scientists, laid
exactly what is the scientific and philosophical basis for this
kind of new mode of cooperation among mankind for the common
benefit of all of the human race.  Or, as Xi Jinping calls it,
“the common destiny of the community of man”.
So, that presentation by Will Wertz will be very significant
in terms of continuing to articulate exactly what this New
Paradigm which the United States now has the opportunity to join,
will be.
So, let me put on the screen here in conclusion, the title
image [Fig. 11] of our broadcast again here today, as we continue
to countdown on our calendar the days between now and President
Trump’s departure for Asia.  As you can see, the title of our
broadcast was “One Week from Today: A Potential Turning-Point in
History”.  So, if you look at that calendar, we have seven days
left in our continuing campaign.  If the last seven days are any
indication, history can definitely change very rapidly between
now and President Trump’s departure for his state visit to China.
So, thank you all for tuning in, and please stay tuned to

Trump mener, gode relationer mellem USA og Rusland
vil gøre det lettere at løse krisen over Nordkorea

26. okt., 2017 – I et interview i går med Lou Dobbs fra Fox News, fremførte præsident Donald Trump behovet for at forbedre relationerne med Rusland og Kina. Trump sagde til Dobbs, »Jeg vil gerne sige dette: Jeg mener, det ville være virkelig godt, hvis vi kommer godt ud af det med Rusland.

Jeg mener ikke, der er noget galt med – I ved, de er en magt, de er en atommagt. Jeg mener, vi kunne have en god relation. Jeg mener, det ville være lettere at løse situationen med Nordkorea. Og jeg har netop talt med Kinas præsident, hvor jeg lykønskede ham med hans store sejr [på KKP’s Nationalkongres]. Men det ville være virkelig godt, hvis vi kunne tale med Kina og Rusland. For, Kina hjælper os, og Rusland går måske den anden vej og gør skade på det, vi opnår.

Jeg mener, at, når jeg siger, måske, så mener jeg, at jeg nøjagtigt ved, hvad jeg taler om. Hvis vi havde en relation med Rusland, ville det være en god ting, ikke en dårlig ting.«

Dobbs: »Relationer – De blev kritiseret for blot at forsøge at bejle til, om man vil, præsident Xi af Kina. Alle, hele den såkaldte intelligentsia i dette lands udenrigspolitiske establishment, sagde, at De spildte Deres tid, at det simpelt hen ikke kan gøres. Og De har tydeligvis gjort betydelige fremskridt med ham, og – «

Trump: »Talte med ham for blot nogle få minutter siden, lige før, jeg gik ind i dette lokale. I ved, han har fået noget, der aldrig før – det er stort set aldrig før sket i Kina. Han har fået beføjelser, som ingen har –

Han er en magtfuld mand. Jeg er faktisk af den mening, at han er en meget god person. Hermed sagt, så repræsenterer han Kina, og jeg repræsenterer USA, så, I ved, der vil altid være konflikt. Men vi har en meget god relation. Folk siger, at vi har den bedste, præsident-til-præsident-relation – for hans titel er også præsident.

Vi skal til Beijing, og andre steder, hvor han måtte ønske at bringe mig. Vi vil tilbringe to dage dér. Vi skal også til Japan og Sydkorea. Og det bliver, mener jeg – det bliver forhåbentlig historisk og positivt; og vi må løse det nordkoreanske problem. Det er et meget stort problem.

Jeg burde aldrig have fået dette [problem]. Det burde have været løst længe, før jeg overtog embedet, og hvor det ville have været lettere at løse. Men, jeg fik overgivet problemet, og jeg løser det. Jeg løser problemer …«

Hvorfor frygter Det britiske Imperium
Kinas Bælte & Vej Initiativ? Dansk udskrift.
Helga Zepp-LaRouche i Schiller Institut
Nyt Paradigme Webcast, 26. okt., 2017

For det første, så var det, der virkelig imponerede mig meget, Xi Jinpings, og også andre taleres, fokus på formålet med det hele – nemlig, at det er forbedringen af folks liv. At folk skal leve et bedre liv, et lykkeligere liv – og det mangler fuldstændigt i diskussionen i Vesten: At formålet med politik er, at folk skal være lykkelige! Lykke er en umistelig rettighed, som trods alt blev indskrevet i det unge USA’s Uafhængighedserklæring.

Men der er et yderligere aspekt. Især i sine afsluttende bemærkninger talte Xi Jinping om en socialistisk model med kinesiske karaktertræk for en ny æra. Og målet, som blev meget udtrykkeligt formuleret, var, at Kina vil indtage en global rolle i skabelsen af en smuk fremtid for hele menneskeheden. Se, det er virkelig noget! Hvornår har en vestlig politiker haft en vision om at skabe en smuk fremtid for hele menneskeheden? Jeg mener, man skal langt tilbage i tiden for at finde folk, der overhovedet tænkte i disse baner; og jeg mener, at Kina har skabt en model for international styrelse og internationale relationer, baseret på suverænitet, respekt for det andet lands anderledes samfundsmodel, med andre ord, ikke-indblanding; og uden noget forsøg på at ændre systemet til den vestlige model, eller til deres egen model, men derimod respektere de andre landes suverænitet.

Jeg mener, at dette er et utroligt perspektiv, for, hvis man ser på det ud fra menneskehedens lange, historiske bue, så var dette et initiativ, der måtte ske på et vist punkt i menneskehedens udvikling. Der måtte på et givent tidspunkt komme et menneske, der sagde, »vi er den menneskelige art, og den menneskelige art er én«

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Kina forpligtet over for opbygning af
et ’smukt Kina’ og en ’smuk verden’

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, USA, 25. okt., 2017 – »Folk i Vesten er i den grad bagud«, lød Helga Zepp-LaRouches kommentar i dag efter den ekstraordinære afslutning af Kinas Kommunistiske Partis 19. Nationalkongres. I det store og hele synes de vestlige regeringer at være fast besluttet på at gå ned sammen med det transatlantiske finanssystems Titanic. Og befolkningerne er fortsat sørgeligt uvidende om, hvad det er, der faktisk sker i Kina, og om den store plan om at bruge Bælte & Vej Initiativet til at være med til at opbygge en »smuk verden« for alle – en uvidenhed, som Helga Zepp-LaRouches ugentlige webcasts om »Den Nye Silkevejsånd« er skabt for at råde bod på.

»Vi, 1,3 mia. kinesere, lever i jubel og værdighed«, rapporterede den kinesiske præsident Xi Jinping i sine korte, afsluttende bemærkninger til KKP-kongressen. Så betydningsfulde, som de tidligere præstationer end har været – så som at løfte 700 millioner mennesker ud af fattigdom – så fokuserede Xi på fremtidens opgaver og erklærede, at Kina »omfavner fremragende udsigter« og vil »skride fremad til en stadig mere lovende fremtid«. Med den nøgterne tilføjelse, at »vi føler også det tunge ansvar hvile på os«.

KKP-kongressen udstedte en slutresolution, der satte Kinas mission i en global sammenhæng og annoncerede deres forpligtelse over for at »bevare verdensfred og fremme fælles udvikling«. Hovedhjørnestenen i denne mission er »aktivt at fremme internationalt samarbejde gennem Bælte & Vej Initiativet« og at bruge win-win-fremgangsmåden, som præsident Xi har været foregangsmand for, til at »arbejde sammen med folk i alle lande for at opbygge en åben, inkluderende, ren og smuk verden, der nyder varig fred, universel tryghed og fælles fremgang«.

Hvorvidt denne »smukke verden« vil blive opbygget er i høj grad afhængig af præsident Trumps forestående rejse til Asien, og i særdeleshed af hans møde med Xi Jinping den 8. nov. Hvis Trump accepterer Xis gentagne tilbud om at tilslutte sig Bælte & Vej Initiativet, vil der finde en dramatisk kursændring sted. Men hvis Trump imidlertid i vid udstrækning forbliver bundet til jorden (som Gulliver …) af britisk bagvaskelse og trusler imod ham – såsom den tidevandsbølge, som er Russia-gate og anti-kinesisk propaganda, der udspys af Det britiske Imperium og dets aktiver – så kunne hele verden meget vel gå ned, sammen med det bankerotte, Gamle Paradigme. Gårsdagens afsløringer om, at både DNC og Clinton-kampagnen direkte finansierede den britiske efterretningsagent Christopher Steeles arbejde – ophavsmanden til det løgnagtige anti-Trump-dossier, der ad nauseam gylpes op i de liberale medier – er længe ventede, men kommer nu særdeles rettidigt for at være med til at befri Trump fra den britiske kampagne.

Netop, som KKP’s Kongres afsluttende pressekonference skulle til at finde sted, henvendte China Global Television Network sig til Bill Jones, leder for EIR’s Washington-bureau, for at få et live-interview om hans synspunkter om Kongressen, og om Trumps forestående møde med Xi. Jones’ svar fastslog pointen: Bælte & Vej Initiativet »kunne blive den lim, der virkelig cementerer relationen« mellem de to lande; hvis Trump og Xi når frem til en sådan aftale, »vil verden bevæge sig mod en ny æra af udvikling«.

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