EU og USA uenige om frihandel og klima

26. maj, 2017 – Efter sit møde med præsident Donald Trump i går aftes, sagde formand for Det europæiske Råd, Donald Tusk, under en kort pressebriefing, at »det er ikke hundrede procent sikkert, at vi – dvs., præsidenten og jeg – i dag kan sige, at vi har en fælles holdning, en fælles mening, om Rusland«. Ifølge alle iagttagere var dette en måde at sige, at der hersker dyb uoverensstemmelse mellem EU og Trump om det russiske spørgsmål. Bemærkninger fra Trumps økonomiske chefrådgiver, Gary Cohn, på flyet til Bruxelles, om, at USA undersøger spørgsmålet om sanktioner, alt imens, sagde han, der endnu ikke er nogen afgørende beslutning, læses som endnu en antydning af, at Trump har andre synspunkter om Putin end europæerne. Klimaforandringer og handel er endnu to punkter, hvor der ikke eksisterer nogen fælles holdning mellem EU og USA.

Med dette, og med Trumps uventede kritik af mange NATO-lande, der skylder USA en masse penge for forsvar, eftersom amerikanerne forsvarer Europa uden, at europæerne nogensinde yder en passende betaling, vidste de EU-ledere, der tog til G7-topmøde i Taormina, Italien, i dag, at de måtte forvente det vanskeligste topmøde nogensinde. Det faktum, at Trump mødtes separat med Japans Abe, umiddelbart før G7-topmødet begyndte her til middag, er ikke engang blevet rapporteret af de europæiske mainstream-medier, til trods for, at det indikerer, at Trump også har en dagsorden for Japan, som Europa synes ikke at bemærke.

Foto: Donald-krigen? Det er næppe ærbødighed, de to Donald’er viser hinanden, men de synes at være meget optaget af borddækningen …    

Trump nægter at gå med på G7-topmødets dagsorden for miljøforkæmpelse og frihandel

26. maj, 2017 – De italienske værter for dette års G7-topmøde i Taormina, Italien, har annonceret, at de forventer, slutkommunikeet, der udgives i morgen ved afslutningen af det to dage lange topmøde, vil være mindre end 10 sider langt – i sammenligning med 32 sider efter sidste topmøde. Det skyldes, at »USA ikke ville røre sig af flækken«, sagde diplomater til Reuters, så der bliver ikke meget at sige.

Præsident Trump nægter at gå med på de øvrige G7-landes krav om, at han:

  1. Fortsætter Obamas forpligtende politiske engagement over for COP21 Paris-aftalen om klimaforandring; og
  2. Fortsætter Obamas britiske politik for frihandelsliberalisme.

»Trump forventes at være fuldt ud lige så klædt på til at gå op imod sine G7-modparter«, som han gjorde det med NATO og EU tidligere på ugen, rapporterede BBC. »Trumps konfronterende holdning over for mangeårige partnere i Europa kastede en skygge over mødet«, sluttede Reuters misfornøjet. »Dette bliver utvivlsomt det mest udfordrende G7-topmøde i mange år«, udtalte EU-rådets formand Donald Tusk.

Den britiske premierminister Theresa May rejste spørgsmålet om terrorisme under fredagens diskussioner, og man forventer et særskilt kommunike om terrorisme. May meddelte, at hun kun bliver en enkelt dag i Taormina og springer over lørdagens diskussion for at vende hjem til UK.

(G7-landene er: Canada, Frankrig, Tyskland, Italien, Japan, Det forenede Kongerige og USA. Den europæiske Union er også repræsenteret i G7. Topmødet i Taormina, Sicilien, er det 43. G7-topmøde.)

Foto: Tre af G7-deltagerne: USA’s Donald Trump, Italiens Paolo Gentiloni, Frankrigs Emmanuel Macron.   

Lad os komme videre!
Nu skal landet genopbygges!
LaRouche PAC Internationale Webcast,
26. maj, 2017.

Matthew Ogden: Vi befinder os nu lidt under to uger efter det verdenshistoriske Bælt & Vej Forum i Beijing, Kina. Som resultat af dette ekstraordinære topmøde har de forskellige dele af verden nu indledt processen med at konkretisere og konsolidere det, der blev diskuteret på dette forum; og de befinder sig i processen med at bygge det mest ambitiøse og langt det mest vidtrækkende infrastrukturprojekt i verdenshistorien – det såkaldte Ét Bælte, én Vej; det økonomiske bælte; den Maritime Silkevej. Dette nye paradigme, der repræsenteres af dette fredelige, samarbejdende win-win-udviklingsprogram med storstilede projekter og reel, eksponentielle eksplosioner i menneskelig produktivitet, er nu ved at blive den fremherskende dynamik på denne planet. Vi har en meget spændende rapport fra Helga Zepp-LaRouche, der, som det er vore seere bekendt, deltog personligt i dette Bælt & Vej Forum i Beijing; hvor hun deltog i flere plenarforsamlinger og rundbordsdiskussioner. Hun er fortsat med at holde private møder i Kina, siden topmødet sluttede. Så sent som i går holdt hun endnu en fremtrædende tale i Nanjing.

(Her følger engelsk udskrift af resten af webcastet. Hele Helgas tale vil kunne læses på dansk her på hjemmesiden i løbet af weekenden.)

So, let’s take a look here; this is what Helga LaRouche had
to say.  She was a featured speaker at a conference of several
hundred people at the Phoenix Press Publishing Group
headquarters, which published the Chinese version of the New Silk
Road Special Report.  It was a report-back from her attendance at
the May 14-15 Belt and Road summit.  So, here’s a view of
beautiful Nanjing; this is where she was speaking yesterday.  As
you can see, a very modern and high-tech Chinese city.  She said
the following:
“The Belt and Road has injected optimism into many
countries, and the momentum is unstoppable.  But bringing it
fully to fruition will not be easy,” she said.  Then she
elaborated a little bit on that; she said, “Immediately after the
Beijing summit, the attacks against the Belt and Road escalated;
combined with attacks against President Trump, who had sent a
high-level delegation.  The attacks were based on the absurd
charges of collusion with Russia in the election.”
“After the Cold War, the British and their American allies
wanted to create a unipolar world.  In doing so, they have
destroyed the Middle East and left it in a shambles”; which she
said contributed to the refugee crisis.  And she said, “The Belt
and Road will bring about the creation of the World Land-Bridge,
which will connect all continents.”  This is something that we,
the LaRouche movement, have been fighting for, for over 40 years.
She concluded saying, “Transforming the Belt and Road to a World
Land-Bridge will realize politically for the first time, a real
future for the people living on this planet; and will establish
forms of governance for the world.”  She made a very important
point, which we’ll take up. “But to fully realize this, you must
also study the ideas of my husband, Lyndon LaRouche, on the
question of economics.”
In addition to Helga, other speakers at this conference
were:  Bill Jones, the {EIR} bureau chief for Washington, DC; and
a very distinguished gentleman, Professor Bao Shixiu, who’s a
professor of military science.
That’s the kind of optimism, you get a sense of the real
optimism that’s being expressed by Helga LaRouche; and that’s
what the world looks like to the rest of the world for anyone who
is not reading the hysterical American and European press.  On
the other hand, for your average American citizen, the very words
“New Silk Road”, “One Belt, One Road”, “Belt and Road
Initiative”, these phrases are almost like a foreign language.
It’s practically unheard of, with hardly a mention of this
incredible development in world history that occurred over the
last two weeks.  Hardly a mention of this in the mainstream press
aside from propaganda about how this project is just some sort of
front for a so-called “new Chinese imperialism” or other lying
distortions of what the implications of this idea, of this
vision, is.
So instead, while your average American is sitting in the
sweltering heat in Penn Station, waiting for a train which has
been delayed for two hours because of some track derailment, or
literal disintegration of the track, while he’s sitting in his
car for hours in a traffic jam waiting to go through the Lincoln
Tunnel, or stuck in traffic on 495, or sitting at home looking
for a job to pay off hundreds of thousands of student debt that
he spent to get a degree that has earned him nothing.  What is
the average American forced to listen to on the radio, or on CNN,
or while he’s reading the esteemed headlines in the so-called
venerable press, the mainstream media, the {Washington Post} or
the {New York Times}?  Nary a mention of the new high-speed,
vacuum tube magnetic train that is being developed by China, or
the new rail routes that are being opened in Africa, or the
literally hundreds of great infrastructure projects that are
being built practically overnight along the routes of the New
Silk Road.  But rather, what are you reading?  Page after page
after story after article of McCarthy-ite scare stories about
evil Russian spies who have supposedly infiltrated and subverted
the entire Trump administration, lurking behind every desk in the
West Wing.  Literally smuggling hidden microphones into the Oval
Office itself; the inner sanctum of the Trump administration.
They’re reading John Brennan repeatedly tell a Congressional
hearing “I don’t do evidence”; as he increasingly begins to sound
like a character out of a “Doctor Strangelove” movie.
Here’s a quote from John Brennan:  “I know what the Russians
try to do.  They suborn individuals and they try to get
individuals, including US individuals, to act on their behalf;
wittingly or unwittingly.”  In other words, any American who has
some contact with Russia or Russians, may be a spy or a mole,
whether he or she knows it or not.  Subversion, or possible
subversion, is everywhere; trust no one.  There’s John Brennan
for you.
Now, Americans should ask themselves, why are we being
subjected to an endless, round-the-clock, literally nonstop
narrative of so-called collusion between Russian spies and the
Trump campaign, when even John Brennan himself was forced to
admit in that same hearing, under rigorous questioning from
members of Congress, that no, in fact, he has absolutely {no}
evidence of collusion, cooperation, or coordination.  Let’s take
a look:

ALICIA CERRETANI [on video]:  On Tuesday, Obama’s CIA
director, resident thug, and coup plotter John Brennan testified
in front of the House Intelligence Committee.  His testimony was
then used by the crazed media to flame the ongoing coup against
the President for yet another day.
Who is this guy? Well, after his stint as CIA station chief
in Riyadh, Brennan became George Tenetâs gopher at the CIA, and
then authored the intelligence assessment that claimed Saddam
Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. Credible guy, right? He
became Obamaâs CIA director in 2013, and regularly joined Obama
for the infamous Tuesday kill sessions. He helped overthrow the
duly-elected government of Ukraine using neo-Nazis, and helped
Obama encircle Russia and China with US military forces, setting
the stage for World War III.
On Tuesday, Brennan told Congress that based on his
intelligence experience (like the Iraq war intelligence
assessment), when he observed contacts between Trump campaign
personnel and Russian personnel he thought they might be
nefarious, even if the Trump campaign personnel were “unwitting”.
This has justified a full, unprecedented FBI investigation of a
Presidential campaign and all that has followed.
And just like the Iraq war, his “judgment” is not based on
“evidence”. As he explained, he “doesnât do evidence.” Listen to
these exchanges:

REP. TOM ROONEY:  But with regard to the main question at
hand, in your experience with the Russians trying to involve
themselves in our election, did you every find any evidence, as
the ranking member spoke of collusion, while you were the
Director, did you find direct evidence of collusion between the
Trump campaign and Putin in Moscow, while you were there?

JOHN BRENNAN:  Mr. Rooney, I never was an FBI agent, I never
was a prosecutor, so I really don’t do evidence.  I do
intelligence throughout the course of my careerâ¦.

REP. TREY GOWDY:  When you learned of Russian efforts, did
you have evidence of a connection between the Trump campaign and
Russian state actors?

BRENNAN:  As I said, Mr. Gowdy, I don’t do evidence.  We
were uncovering information and intelligence about interactions
and contacts between US persons and the Russians.  As we came
upon that, we would share it with the Bureau.

GOWDY:  So, was it contact that you saw, was it something
more than contact?  What is the nature of what you saw?

BRENNAN:  I saw interaction, and was aware of interaction.
But again, it raised questions in my mind about what was the true
nature of it; but I don’t know.  I don’t have sufficient
information to make a determination whether or not such
cooperation or complicity or collusion was taking place.

REP. MIKE TURNER:  But if someone left this hearing today,
and said that you had indicated that those contacts were evidence
of collusion or collaboration, they would be misrepresenting your
statements, correct?

BRENNAN:  They would have mis-heard my response to the very
good questions that were asked of me.  I’m trying to be as clear
as possible in terms of what I know, what I assess, and what I
can say.

TURNER:  So, you would say that’s a misrepresentation of
your statement, yes?

BRENNAN:  I would say that it was not an accurate portrayal
of my statement, absolutely; it was inconsistent with my remarks.

TURNER:  So, let me go to the next step.  If someone saw
what you saw, and only what you saw, with respect to those
contacts, if they looked at the intelligence that you saw, where
you said it might have been benign, might not have been benign,
and then they characterized what they saw as having been evidence
of collusion or collaboration, they’d be misrepresenting the
intelligence, would they not?

BRENNAN:  I don’t know what else they have seen that could
corroborate or —

TURNER:  If they saw only what you saw, they would be
misrepresenting the intelligence, correct?

BRENNAN:  I presume they would be misrepresenting what it is
that I saw.  Again, I don’t know —

TURNER:  Thank you.  I appreciate that, because I do believe
that there are members of this committee who deserve that
counsel.  Because your specificity gives us an understanding of
what we’re reviewing, and I do believe there are those who
reviewed some of the information that you have seen, and
represented to the public absolutely incorrectly and
misrepresented it.

CERRETANI:  Itâs time for Americans to see the world as
Brennan and his cohorts see it. Their establishment has their
panties in a bunch, not over Trump-Russian collusion, but because
Donald Trump said he is ready to work with Russia and China on
terrorism and economic development, ending the miserable years
under Bush and Obama which Brennan so faithfully served. Trump
needs to keep his promise; end the regime change wars and focus
on rebuilding the economy. And the same goes for our Senators and
Congressmen: Suck it up, move on, and back Trump up on rebuilding
the country.

OGDEN:  So, as you can see, we have a petition on that
subject which is available on the LaRouche PAC website.  It’s
called “It’s Time to Rebuild the Country”; the website is  This is a petition which you can sign and you
can circulate.
So, to take up that question — “It’s time to rebuild the
country” — I’m joined by Jason Ross as I mentioned earlier; who
spent the last week in New York City, conducting meetings with
some top engineers and discussing what must be done to form a
task force, a national action force, to address what is rightly
being called an infrastructure emergency.  It is expressing
itself very acutely in New York City, but it’s a general problem.
Before I bring Jason on, I want to show a couple of headlines to
give you a flavor of what New Yorkers are experiencing right now.
Here’s the first:  “Nothing Can Save New York City Commuters from
a Summer of Hell”; “Long Island Railroad Riders Could Be in for a
‘Summer of Agony’|”; “MTA Taking on ‘Crushing Debt’ for Expansion
Projects”; “New York Governor Urges Trump to Provide Emergency
Funds for Penn Station”; and “If You Want to Understand America’s
Infrastructure Problem, Just Look at New Jersey!”
So, Jason, why don’t you give us a flavor of what’s going on
up there in New York?

JASON ROSS:  Sure!  I can say a bit about what’s going on up
here, and then I think the really important aspect is about where
the solution can come from.  Some people like to look for local
solutions, which in the case of New York is simply not possible
here.  In terms of what the region is facing, I’ll just give a
couple of examples.  One is New York Penn Station, which is where
the New Jersey Transit trains come in from New Jersey, it’s where
the Long Island Railroad trains come in from the east, and also,
Amtrak trains use it.  It serves about 700,000 passengers every
day, busiest train station in the United States.  The tunnels
that go under the Hudson River from the west side of Manhattan,
are over 100 years old.  They received damage during super storm
Sandy, and without repair, they’re expected to potentially fail
anytime within a decade or so.  But it’s unpredictable; they
could fail sooner.  Basically, it’s a ticking time bomb.
Were one of these tunnels to fail, there would literally be
probably about 100,000 people unable to get to work in the
morning, or get home, or run their errands or do whatever they’re
doing.  100,000 people.  That’s an awfully large number of
people.  Also related to this, Matt, you had mentioned the
“Summer of Hell” for Long Island Railroad commuters.  Coming out
of Penn Station to the east, are tunnels that cross the East
River.  Of the four tunnels, there are two that are going to be
undergoing repair and maintenance.  During that time, the
availability of trains is going to be decreased; this is the
“Summer of Hell”.  This is going to be a major bottleneck for
commuters.  Then coming up in 2019, the L train, which crosses
the East River and heads to Williamsburg and Brooklyn, is going
to be closed down for over a year.  That tunnel needs such major
maintenance; again, an over 100-year old tunnel serving the
busiest metro system in our nation.  When that is closed for over
a year, that’s going to cause major disruptions.
The thing is, this is not an accident; it’s not as though
these things were unforeseen.  Due to decades of
under-investment, the infrastructure of New York City, the
largest, most important city in the United States, is really at
catastrophic levels.  Even the planned outages are going to be
very debilitating, and were something to occur to the Hudson
River crossing heading into Penn Station from the New Jersey
side, you would have an absolute disaster.  You’d have to change
the bridges and tunnels to be buses and carpools only, for
example.  Major disruption, very major disruption.
What I think this shows us, in addition to the $100 billion
to $1 trillion that would be required to really revamp the system
in New York, to standardize the types of sizes of the trains, or
have platforms that can operate on both New Jersey Transit and
Long Island Railroad trains; not to get into all the detail on
this.  Let’s talk about what would make it possible.
You opened up the show discussing Helga LaRouche’s visit to
the Nanjing, following her participation in the Belt and Road
Forum in Beijing two weeks ago.  This Belt and Road Initiative
outlook, the types of financing that are involved in this, the
funding, the way that this infrastructure is being conceived and
put together; this is something that’s absolutely essential in
the United States.  Infrastructure isn’t little bits and pieces
that get put together to make individual commuters or the
movement of goods easier.  What it is, is a platform as a whole,
required for a certain level of productivity.  So, we require
both an increase in the productivity of the United States,
productivity in the sense of producing things.  Producing
something for the future, as exemplified by scientific research
or high-technology manufacturing, by the space program.  These
are things that are incredibly productive in achieving a greater
potential for the future.  When you say what is the platform on
which a higher level of productivity can exist, then the answer
to that question is things like national rail upgrades; very
high-speed rail, for example, along the eastern coast of the
United States, throughout the country.  A large investment in
revamping in the New York City metro system, for example; but far
beyond that.  Nationally, rail; power plants.  Upgrading our very
old power plants to new, higher technology, more efficient and
safer nuclear power plants; fourth generation nuclear power
The kinds of upgrades that are needed are on a scale that is
so large, that it requires a commitment from the nation.  This, I
think, gets to the Four Laws of Lyndon LaRouche, the proposal
that he’s made for what’s necessary for real economic recovery in
the United States.  With Glass-Steagall in place and the
potential to actually direct the economy in a productive
direction, you’re going to need a national banking approach.
We’re going to need the ability to finance large investments in
infrastructure in projects that will not bring a return.  This is
the biggest problem people have in understanding this.  You’re
thinking about value in terms of money.  Does the New York subway
pay for itself?  Do people pay enough in fares to pay for the
system?  These kinds of things really miss the point, because
they ignore the qualitative incommensurable change in
productivity that’s made possible by an infrastructure platform
as a platform.
As Mr. LaRouche considers it, in creating a synthetic
environment, an artificial environment, a manmade, nurturing,
improved, better environment around us; where our surroundings,
the world that we live in, is, to an increasing degree, one of
our own creation.  The resources that are resources to us in our
daily life, or on a national economic scale, are not those of
2000 years ago.  They’re not the resources of good land for
agriculture — although of course, we use that; or of resources
that are sitting around.  Fish in the ocean or the river that you
can catch.  They’re resources that are underground; they’re
resources that are very hard to separate from each other.
Separating out rare Earth elements for their use; mining aluminum
ore and creating aluminum with a process that requires a great
deal of electricity.  The ability to use the resources of the
future to increase our power as a species; that’s the real key
direction that infrastructure must be approached from.
The way to avoid the bit by bit, piece by piece, piecemeal
user fee approach to infrastructure financing, is to acknowledge
its unique role in the economy as something that’s of
governmental responsibility and something whose returns are
inherently indirect and should not be looked for in terms of
direct money made by them via user fees.  It’s just a completely
wrong way to look at these things.
The way to make this possible is going to go far beyond
Donald Trump’s proposals for investing $1 trillion in
infrastructure over the next decade via a process that pulls in
private money via PPPs (public-private partnerships) and the
like.  What’s required is not annual appropriations, not private
financing, but an ability to have national credit over a longer
term loans via a national banking approach to make it possible to
build these 5-, 10-, 25-year programs at rates that are
affordable.  So we can put in place this necessary physical
environment; create the platform that we would want to live in,
where we’re able to move efficiently.  Where new areas for, for
example, affordable housing open up, when you’ve got a better
transportation system.  You don’t have to live quite so close to
an expensive city center to be able to get a job there.  You can
enjoy more of your time when you have an efficient and productive
infrastructure platform.
So I think overall, New York City is a case study.  You’d
say that if this can happen in New York, and you think about the
importance of New York City and the nation, the importance of the
businesses that are located there; you’d say that there is enough
of a pull that this should never have been possible for this to
occur in New York City.  But it has, and it’s just an
illustration of a dramatic underinvestment nationwide; and
something that has to be reversed in this way that Mr. LaRouche
has been very unique and very correct in proposing for the United

OGDEN:  Well, Jason, you have unique perspective, because
not only have you spent the last week up in New York, but you’ve
had the opportunity to travel to China.  Maybe you could just
tell us a little bit; just a personal eyewitness view.  What’s
the difference between being an American walking around the
streets of New York City right now with crumbling infrastructure,
versus being in China, walking around Beijing with a blossoming
high technology commitment to modern infrastructure?

ROSS:  Well, some people might say it’s an unfair
comparison, because the metro system in Nanjing is basically
brand new; it’s a decade or two old.  And in Beijing, there’s
been significant expansion of the lines.  But the fact is, that
even older cities — take Seoul, South Korea; they’ve had major
upgrades to their subway system.  They put in the screen doors in
the stations so you don’t have trash or people falling on the
tracks; it makes it safer, it makes it possible to air condition
the stations.  These are the kinds of things that New York could
have retrofitted; but if you look at the situation today, you’ve
got the interesting aromas in New York subways.  You’ve got the
famously unreliable performance.  In contrast to that, the
Chinese, for example, high-speed rail network, where you’re able
to go an equivalent distance as that between here and Chicago —
meaning Beijing to Shanghai — you can go in five hours in China.
That same trip by rail here in the United States takes 19 hours.
Or, take New York to Washington.  It’s kind of insane for
somebody looking from the outside, to see these two major cities
of the United States separated by travel really takes hours.
It’s a little under three hours even with the “high-speed” Acela;
which is isn’t very high-speed.  By road, you’re looking at more
than five hours.  This would be a one, one and a half hour
travel.  It’s really a question of how we’re thinking about
ourselves; the fact that these kinds of terrible conditions are
being tolerated.  And the fact that of these stupid, stupid
economic policies that have made this possible, continue to be
Mr. LaRouche has pointed to the post-Kennedy shift in
orientation of the United States, away from a future orientation,
away from investments in the future, away from physical
productivity towards finance.  You can have all of the exotic
investment derivatives that you want, but that’s not going to get
you home any quicker if the train is late, or because a bunch of
trash on the tracks caught on fire and delayed the subway line.

OGDEN:  One thing about that.  First of all, infrastructure
goes far beyond just transport infrastructure.  Obviously there’s
the power production and what you can provide in terms of energy
density towards manufacturing and all of the agricultural
technology that is involved in a modern infrastructure platform
for a nation.  But one question I think is interesting, and we
discussed it a little bit.  We take for granted that the idea of
faster transport is just a modern idea and that we should have
faster transport between cities.  That sort of stands on its own,
it is true.  But what role does that play in terms of the science
of economics?  Productivity and what does that allow us to do
economically that we couldn’t do before without this kind of
high-speed transport?

ROSS:  Well, let’s also take it on the level of the Belt and
Road, where some of these areas, it’s not just going from
moderate to high speed transit; it’s going from a two-week voyage
through the mountains by road to one that only takes a few days
in the location I’m thinking of right now.  But think of the
value of land in a certain area.  What is the value of a piece of
land?  It depends on what the surroundings are, what is the
environment; including, very importantly, probably most important
these days, the created environment — the constructed
environment.  That nurturing, synthetic, artificial, manmade
human environment that we’ve created.  If you’ve got an area, and
now you’ve got access to high-speed rail, you’ve built several
fourth-generation, a very highly efficient nuclear power supply.
You know it’ll be on 24 hours a day; the rates are reasonable.
You’ve got a water supply system backed up by desalination to
ensure that it’s always available; and you’ve got an efficient to
get people, employees, and goods around.  The value of that area
has now just dramatically increased; not just in financial terms,
like the rent would be higher on a piece of land there, if you
owned a building.  But it actually is more productive.  You can
move things around more quickly; you can go from a prototype
design to creating goods more rapidly.  You’re able to waste less
time having whatever it is that you’re producing or working on
just being in transit going from place to place.
Think about it.  When you’re shipping things, say you’ve got
a type of production facility and you’re shipping things by ocean
and you’re counting on a certain number of car parts arriving
every week.  Well, there’s always a certain number that are just
sitting out in the ocean in transit; it’s just wasted inventory
basically.  So physically, those are maybe a small type of
improvement to look at, but the type of economy that’s made
possible as a whole.  You could do the best urban planning you
want, you could have a wonderful system in some area; but if that
area didn’t have electricity, it doesn’t matter how well things
are laid out.  It doesn’t matter how clean the water is around
it, how perfect the weather; you’re simply going to be limited in
terms of what processes you can engage in.  Transportation,
energy, access to resources.  I think the real way to look at it
right now is we have to keep in mind, whenever we’re talking
about infrastructure or platforms, we have to talk about nuclear
fusion.  Because that’s really the thing you’ve got to keep in
mind.  How will our relationship to other people, land area,
resources, how is that going to change with the development of
commercial nuclear fusion?  Where the price of energy will come
down dramatically; where our ability to process resources will be
dramatically eased.  How is that going to change the
productivity, the value of every person, the value of the
platform of constructed environment that we’ve got?  You have to
always keep that in mind.  What’s the next level going to be?
I’ll say one more thing.  You brought up agriculture.  Think
about the important role of space infrastructure in agriculture
today.  The ability of GPS positioning; the ability to get a very
good sense of conditions on the ground of agricultural
conditions, of weather, of location; and the way that changes the
way you approach to fertilizing, taking care, harvesting of the
field.  So, the space program, where our space infrastructure is
playing a major role here.
So, what are the next levels of infrastructure going to be?
Let’s keep that in mind.

OGDEN:  I think that’s the key.  It’s vision; it’s where are
we going next.  Where is the world in the next 50 years?  Can we
imagine a new platform of human existence which is incommensurate
with the one that we currently have?  It’s very important to look
backwards in history and say, prior to the discovery of nuclear
fission, what was possible and what was not possible?  Prior to
the development of widespread electricity?  So, if you look at
the incommensurate changes over time that the human species has
gone through, can you imagine what the next incommensurate leap
is going to be?  I really do think that that is the beauty of
this Belt and Road Initiative.  Go back 40 years, go back as I
think Helga mentioned in the remarks that I quoted in the
beginning; go back to when Helga LaRouche and Lyndon LaRouche
were first campaigning for this idea of a new international
economic order around the International Development Bank.  This
became this vision of this productive linkage between East and
West, uniting Eurasia; it was known as the Eurasian Land-Bridge.
This was the vision for the New Silk Road that now in 2013 was
adopted by the Chinese government and is now a reality.  Forty
years ago, would you have even imagined what has now become
possible because of what China has committed itself to?
It requires those types of visionaries at every stage of
history to say where do we go to next; what is the next leap that
mankind has to take?  I do think, as we’ve discussed, the next
leap is moving mankind into near-Earth space and then beyond.  We
have to become an extraterrestrial species; not just one that
makes expeditions with two-man, three-man capsules to the Moon
and back.  But actually building up an infrastructure as we have
here on Earth, to create these kinds of artificial environments
in space.  You project that vision of the future back onto what
we should be doing here on Earth, and a lot of these things just
become kind of obvious.  We shouldn’t have trains derailing
coming in and out of Penn Station, if we’re actually a species
worthy of colonizing Mars.

ROSS:  Right.  You’re talking about looking back to the past
to look at something having been a breakthrough originally.  Some
of the equipment that’s currently operating in the signalling in
the New York subway is from the 1930s, when those relay boxes and
things like this go back to the Roosevelt administration.  And
they’re still in use; thankfully, still working for the most

OGDEN:  Do they use Morse Code to signal when the train’s
coming into the station?

ROSS:  There are rude levers and things like this.

OGDEN:  I thought it was unique that in this speech that
Helga made in Nanjing, as I mentioned, she was speaking to the
Phoenix Publishing House, which  published the Chinese version of
the “The New Silk Road Becomes the World Land-Bridge” special
report; which is the {EIR} Special Report from two years ago, and
now this is circulating in Chinese.  But she was sort of giving a
report back on what’s the progress that we’ve made; what are the
breakthroughs that we’ve made so far; what do we have to do next?
It was this remark that she made that to fully realize all of
this, you must study my husband’s science of economics.  It
really is true.  Beginning to understand these things not just
from the standpoint of transport corridors and train tracks and
highways and these types of very necessary projects; but to
understand it from above in terms of the science of human
productivity and how the human mind harnesses new technologies
and uses them to build these increasing platforms of human
existence.  You already have the world engaging in a process of
which they’re not even quite conscious of what they’re doing.
It’s necessary to become fully conscious of what this process
actually is, in order to carry it forward to the next level.
Let me ask you one more political question, Jason.  On the
ground there in New York, how are people responding to, on one
side this 24-hour nonstop news cycle barrage about Russian spies
and so on; and then on the other side, being told that there’s
this incredible process that’s underway, this breakthrough that
happened in China that they’re not even being told about?  What’s
people’s response to that?

ROSS:  I don’t know how different it is from other places,
but overall, people are getting really sick about hearing about
Trump-gate and Russia.  People are really sick of it.  Either
that, or they’re going along with it and they kind of listen to
it.  But what really gets through to people is when you’re
discussing thinking about the future.  This is what people really
do respond to.  They say, “OK, what are we going to do?  The
election happened.  What’s our future going to be?”  If your
favorite historical figure ever were the President of the United
States right now, what would be the policies you’d want to get
implemented?  OK, let’s start making those things happen.
The potential to do this in a very new way, both shocks some
people or seems impossible to others; but I attended a forum
about US-China economic relations the other day, and one of the
things that came up was one of the presenters was going through
various studies about the economy in China.  About how the middle
class is exploding, how poverty is diminishing very rapidly; the
percentage of the population that’s actually poor is going down
very quickly; and about the level of optimism.  There was a chart
of optimism among different nations; it measured as survey
questions.  “I think my children will have a better future than I
do.”  And in all segments of China, this was very positive in all
segments of China.  For the middle segments of China it’s 60-70%;
even a majority in the lower income segments as well.  There’s
just this tremendous sense that things are getting better, things
are moving forward; the next generation will have it better.
Then on this chart, you have the United States, way down here
almost at the very bottom, along with the Western European
nations.  So, I just think — I know this gets away from asking
how people respond here, but it’s a very important point, I
think.  In keeping with the shift of the center of gravity in the
world, the importance economically and politically, away from the
trans-Atlantic and towards Asia where everyone is expecting the
majority of the growth in the world economy in the next decades.
Along with that, you have this sense of happiness and optimism in
that part of the world.  In these old, sour nationsâ¦.  It’s also
changing in Europe, but in the trans-Atlantic, the government
leaders can say whatever they want, but if you actually ask
people what they think about what their future looks like, it’s
very grim.  The contrast between these two outlooks — you had
asked earlier about New York versus China — as a personal
anecdote, that was one of the huge differences that I saw; was
this overwhelming sense of optimism from people in China.  It’s
getting better.  We can absolutely have that sense here as well,
by making it a reality; by throwing off the stupid ideas that are
holding us back.  By throwing off this slavish adherence to Wall
Street and London; by tolerating the avowed supremacy of finance
over actual human contributions.  It’s a choice we have to make.

OGDEN:  Exactly!  That was exactly the point that Helga made
in her speech in Nanjing; she said “The Belt and Road has
injected optimism into many countries, and the momentum is
unstoppable.  But, to fully bring it into fruition, it will not
be easy.”  So, we have our work cut out for us here in the United
States.  I think this idea of a task force of engineers and real
qualified minds who are going to put their minds to work on how
to construct this vision for how the United States can join this
New Silk Road dynamic; it’s a very important one.
I’d like to put on the screen one more time the address to
the petition:  This is “Congress: Suck It Up and Move On!  It’s
Time to Rebuild the Country”;  I encourage you
to sign that petition and to circulate it, and to become involved
in what you just heard from Jason.  Spread the news about this
dynamic of optimism that is sweeping the world, and the
possibility that this is something that could happen here in the
United States.
Thank you so much, Jason; it was a pleasure talking to you
from your remote location.  I’d like to thank everybody for
tuning into our webcast here today.  Please stay tuned for more
news from Helga Zepp-LaRouche; we’ll keep you updated as her
travels continue.  We’ve got some definite breakthroughs that we
can be expecting over the coming days.  So, thanks for joining
us, and please stay tuned to

Præsident Trump gør ISIS til emnet for NATO-topmødet

25. maj, 2017 – I noget, man kun kan beskrive som et slagsmål, modstod præsident Trump ethvert angreb med hensyn til Rusland, både udtrykkeligt, over for EU-præsident Donald Tusk, og på NATO-topmødet.

Ifølge Bloomberg News »sagde præsident for EU Donald Tusk, at forhandlinger med USA’s præsident Donald Trump torsdag afslørede, at man ikke havde ’en fælles holdning’ mht. Rusland.«

I stedet insisterede præsident Trump på NATO-mødet, at NATO’s mission først og fremmest var at nedkæmpe terrorisme. I kølvandet på sine interventioner i Mellemøsten har præsident Trump insisteret på, at ISIS er spørgsmålet.

Som en bekræftelse på denne holdning indikerede NATO’s generalsekretær Jens Stoltenberg, at NATO vil øge sin deltagelse i anti-terrorkrigen imod ISIS i Syrien, men ikke vil anmode om en styrkelse af NATO’s militære tilstedeværelse på Ruslands grænser, en skarp kontrast til NATO’s nylige politikker.

Foto: Præsident Donald Trump og NATO-generalsekretær Jens Stoltenberg i Bruxelles. 

Er fred i Mellemøsten endelig muligt?

Leder Fra LaRouche PAC, 24. maj, 2017 – Præsident Trumps historiske besøg til de hellige steder for de tre religioner af Bogen (Den jødiske Bibel, den kristne Bibel og Koranen, -red.), sluttede i dag i Vatikanet. Udskrifter fra både Vatikanet og Det Hvide Hus rapporterer, at samarbejde omkring fred i Mellemøsten var det centrale diskussionsemne – »fremme af fred i verden gennem politisk forhandling og dialog mellem religioner«, som Vatikanet udtrykte det.

Forskellen mellem den aktuelle situation og så alle de mislykkede bestræbelser under tidligere præsidenter er den kendsgerning, at den britiske opsplitning af verden i Øst og Vest, den »frie verden vs. gudløs kommunisme«, skabt af briterne efter præsident Franklin Roosevelts død, er i færd med at blive smadret af samarbejdet mellem Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin og Xi Jinping. Den israelsk-palæstinensiske konflikt har tjent som den primære styrekabine for denne opdeling af verden, og det samme har Nordkorea i Asien. I begge tilfælde ville briterne og deres naive fjolser i USA og Europa træffe alle tænkelige forholdsregler for at forhindre, at der kommer en løsning på disse betændte kriser, på trods af den kendsgerning, at deres eksistens var grobund for et terroristkaos og konstant truede med at blive gnisten til udbruddet af atomkrig.

Nu er en ny, økonomisk verdensorden på plads, hvilket demonstreredes af det succesrige Bælt & Vej Forum for Internationalt Samarbejde i Beijing, den 14.-15. maj. Alt imens Kina og Rusland var hoveddrivkraft bag denne proces, så sendte præsident Trump en højtplaceret repræsentant, skabte en »Bælt & Vej Komite for USA« for at følge op på forummet samt inviterede Kina til at deltage i planlægning og byggeri af den desperat nødvendige genopbygning af den smuldrende, amerikanske infrastruktur.

Med præsident Trump, der har kurs mod Bruxelles på torsdag til et NATO-møde (de anti-russiske fanatikere holder vejret i forventning om, hvad Trump vil sige), så fremlagde den russiske forsvarsminister Sergei Shoigu i dag et ekstremt positivt syn på det amerikansk-russiske samarbejde i krigen mod terror i Syrien.

»Vi taler med dem ’på alle tider af døgnet’«, sagde Shoigu om det amerikanske militær, »både nat og dag, og vi mødes ved forskellige lejligheder«. Chefen for den amerikanske generalstab, general Dunford, beskrev i sidste uge det tætte samarbejde med russerne og syrerne, selv om amerikansk lov forbyder egentlige fælles militære deployeringer.

Dette er det nye, globale miljø, baseret på samarbejde, i hvilket præsident Trump opfordrer Islam, Jødedom og Kristendom til at komme sammen for fred. Med hensyn til terrorisme sagde Trump søndag i Riyadh, ved et møde med ledere fra næsten 50 islamiske nationer, at det ikke er en konflikt mellem religioner, men mellem godt og ondt.

I samme ånd bryder muligheden for fred ud på Koreahalvøen. Den nyligt valgte præsident for Sydkorea, Moon Jae-in, promoverer åbenlyst en genindførelse af ’Solskinspolitikken’ for økonomisk samarbejde med Nordkorea, både for fælles udvikling og for at etablere den nødvendige tillid for en aftale for at afslutte Nordkoreas atomprogram, til gengæld for en fredsaftale og løfte om ikke-aggression fra USA.

Præsident Moons udsending til Rusland, Song Young-gil, holdt dybtgående diskussioner med Ruslands minister for udvikling i Fjernøsten, Alexander Galushka, i sidste uge. Song sagde til det sydkoreanske nyhedsbureau, Yonhap: »Minister Galushka foreslog, at det trilaterale samarbejde mellem Syd- og Nordkorea og Rusland, og som har befundet sig i et dødvande pga. atomspørgsmålene, nu fremsættes af hver nation, og det gik jeg ind på.« Dette har været kernen i Lyndon LaRouches forslag mht. Korea i de seneste tyve år. Ligesom tilfældet er i Mellemøsten, så er den Nye Silkevej også her den platform, på hvilken fred endelig kan etableres.

Kinas ambassadør til FN, Liu Jieyi, sagde ved Sikkerhedsrådets møde om Nordkorea tirsdag, at »der er intet til hinder for en dialog i den aktuelle situation – det kræver politisk vilje.«

»Alle skridt fremad i Koreakrisen er sket gennem dialog«, sagde han – og han kunne have tilføjet, at alle skridt fremad blev saboteret af krigspartierne i Vesten, først Bush og Cheney og dernæst Barack Obama.

Disse geopolitiske spil kan og må lægges i graven for evigt, og Imperiets ild må slukkes. Tiden er inde.

Foto: USA’s præsident Donald Trump havde udstrakte drøftelser med Pave Frans under en privat audiens i Vatikanet, 24. maj, 2017. Her beundrer han med fr. Trump Michelangelos store vægmaleri, Dommedag, i det Sixtinske Kapel i Vatikanet.

Hvide Hus/Saudisk fælleerklæring;
Der står måske nok Riyadh, men det er London

23. maj, 2017 – »Fælleserklæringen mellem Kongeriget Saudi-Arabien og Amerikas Forenede Stater«, underskrevet af præsident Donald Trump og saudiske Kong Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud ved besøgets slutning, blev i dag udgivet af Det Hvide Hus. Erklæringen er en ompakning af Det britiske Imperiums mangeårige krig-lige-meget-hvordan-vi-får-det-politik, hvidvasket gennem Imperiets saudiarabiske forpost. Den amerikansk/saudiske alliance imod Iran og dets allierede, som det skitserer, ville, i fald den blev ført ud i livet, ødelægge samarbejdet med Rusland og Kina imod terrorisme, som præsident Trump ellers har indledt, og bringe regionens presserende nødvendige deltagelse i den Nye Silkevej til forlis.

Erklæringen på 28 punkter annoncerer »et nyt Strategisk Partnerskab for det 21. Århundrede« mellem de to nationer, der skal organiseres gennem en »Strategisk Fælles Konsultationsgruppe«, der skal mødes mindst én gang om året, på skift i de to lande. Bush-Obama-politikken med mørklægning af Saudi-Arabiens åbenlyse rolle i at sponsorere wahhabi-terrorisme i hele verden (inklusive 11. september) opretholdes, med lovprisninger af Saudi-Arabiens »resultater« med at afbryde terrorisme.

Diskussionen om at skabe »en robust, integreret regional sikkerhedsarkitektur«, som andre lande i regionen skal trækkes ind i, fælles saudisk-amerikansk »beskyttelse« af Bab al-Mandab og Hormuzstrædet, osv., er åbenlyst rettet imod Iran. De to ledere »enedes om behovet for at inddæmme Irans maligne indblanding i andre staters interne anliggender, anstiftelse af sekterisk strid, støtte til terrorisme og bevæbnede stedfortrædere, og bestræbelser på at destabilisere lande i regionen« og »understregede, at … atomaftalen med Iran må reeksamineres mht. nogle af dens klausuler«.

Mens Saudi-Arabien fortsætter sin samvittighedsløse krig mod Yemen, med folkemord til følge, så erklærer punkt 25, »Præsident Trump roser Kongeriget Saudi-Arabien for at yde humanitær- og nødhjælp til det yemenitiske folk«.

Præsident Trumps fejlagtige angreb på Syrien over det britiskorkestrerede angreb med »kemiske våben« roses, og de to aftalte at lægge pres på (»give støtte til«) den libanesiske regering for at afvæbne Hezbollah.

Donald Trump anslår fredstema i Tel Aviv, Jerusalem og Betlehem

23. maj, 2017 – Her til aften er præsident og fr. Trump i Italien efter deres aktiviteter i Tel Aviv, Jerusalem og Betlehem. Trumps hovedtema var fred og promoveringen af en genoptagelse af de standsede israelsk-palæstinensiske forhandlinger for fred og løsningen af national status.

Her til morgen blev Trump modtaget med ceremoni i Betlehem, hvor han mødtes med præsidenten for det palæstinensiske selvstyre, Mahmoud Abbas. Bagefter sagde Trump, at han »har store forhåbninger til, at Amerika kan hjælpe Israel og palæstinenserne med at udarbejde fred og bringe nyt håb til regionen og dens folk«. Han udtalte, at det var hans faste overbevisning, at, »hvis israelerne og palæstinenserne kan skabe fred, vil det være indledningen til en fredsproces i hele Mellemøsten«. »Det ville være en fantastisk præstation«, sagde han.

Abbas, der stod ved Trumps side, sagde, at palæstinenserne »forpligter sig til samarbejdet med Dem, for at opnå en historisk fredsaftale mellem os og Israel«. Abbas sagde også, »Vi genbekræfter over for Dem vores holdning, hvor vi accepterer en to-statsløsning langs grænserne fra 1967, med staten Palæstina med Østjerusalem som hovedstad, og som lever side om side med Israel i fred og sikkerhed.«

Søndag tilstod de israelske myndigheder palæstinenserne et par økonomiske indrømmelser, efter anmodning fra Trump. De omfatter at holde Allenby-broen åben mellem Vestbredden og Jordan, 24 timer hele ugen; at bygge to industrizoner ved Jalameh i Vestbreddens nordlige del og ved Tarqumiyeh i syd; samt en lempelse af visse restriktioner for byggeri af palæstinensiske beboelser.

Mens han var i Israel, mødtes Trump med premierminister Benjamin Netanyahu og præsident Reuven Rivlin. Han bad ved den Vestlige Mur, besøgte Holocaust-mindesmærket, Gravkirken (bygget på Golgata, hvor Jesus iflg. overleveringen skal være gravlagt), samt Israels Museum.

Den Nye Silkevej – ’En proces for fred’

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, 23. maj, 2017 – Den amerikanske præsident Donald Trump, der nu er i Italien, mødtes tidligere i dag i Betlehem med den palæstinensiske leder Mahmood Abbas, hvor de talte om, hvad der ligger forude. Trump udtrykte håb om, at Amerika kan hjælpe. Han sagde: »Hvis israelerne og palæstinenserne kan skabe fred, vil det indlede en fredsproces i hele Mellemøsten … [det] ville være en fantastisk præstation«.

Det er i realiteten den Nye Silkevej – Verdenslandbroen – som udgør midlet til at opnå denne dramatiske præstation, allevegne, i ’fredsprocessen’, selv i de mest belejrede, forladte lande. Dette aspekt tages nu op, sammen med den virkelige betydning af »økonomi«, i efterfølgende diskussioner mange steder, om det historiske Bælt & Vej Forum for Internationalt Samarbejde, der fandt sted den 14.-15. maj. For eksempel kommer dagens South China Morning Post med den iagttagelse, at Japan og Kina nu med held kan komme sammen og samarbejde om Bælt & Vej-initiativet (BVI).

Helga Zepp-LaRouche fastslog udtrykkeligt denne pointe i sin fremlæggelse for BVI-forummet i Beijing i sidste uge. Hun fremlagde, hvordan BVI også må forlænges til hele det sydvestasiatiske område, som Kina allerede har foreslået; og ligeledes forlænges som en »Storslået udviklingsplan for hele Afrika«.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche og hendes mand, Lyndon LaRouche, har i årtier promoveret dette fredsprincip internationalt, for eksempel i to, internationale konferencer i 1988 og i bogen, »Udvikling er et andet navn for Fred«.

Vi befinder os i øjeblikket i kampens hede for at vinde sejr for dette koncept her i USA, hvor amerikanere ellers bliver bombarderet med propaganda og sorte, eller ’hemmelige’, operationer, der går ud på at sværte og dæmonisere Trump, dæmonisere Rusland og Kina, dæmonisere »store projekter« og dæmonisere selve livet. Kilden til alt dette er Det britiske Imperium i sine dødskvaler, der har mobiliseret i et forsøg på at bringe USA’s præsident, og USA med ham, til fald. Et nyt, dræbende anslag af videoklip, der angriber Rusland, blev i dag skabt af en høring i Husets Udvalgskomite om Efterretning, om russiske »aktive forholdsregler« mod valgene i USA i 2016.

Det er værd at gentage rådene om disse beskidte operationer fra senator Charles Grassley (R-Iowa), et seniorkongresmedlem og formand for Senatets Retsudvalg. Han sagde den 10. maj, da han af Fox News blev spurgt, hvad han mente om sammenligningen mellem Trumps fyring af FBI-direktør James Comey og så Nixon, der blev taget for Watergate. Grassley sagde, »Mit budskab er, Skråt op, og gå videre«.

Vi har en forfærdelig masse, vi skal gøre. Den geografiske vision for udviklingen af de amerikanske kontinenter blev fremlagt i sidste uge af Zepp-LaRouche i hendes fremlæggelse i Beijing. »Når vi ser på verdenskortet, så er USA ikke kun et land, der er omgivet af to oceaner og to naboer, men et land, der kan blive en central del af en infrastrukturkorridor, der forbinder sydspidsen af Latinamerika gennem Central- og Sydamerika med det eurasiske transportsystem, via en tunnel under Beringstrædet.«

En del af dette nordamerikanske billede, der har brug for omgående opmærksomhed, er New York City, hvis transportinfrastruktur er ved at bryde sammen, i hele metropolområdet – det største på kontinentet – men især i Manhattan. New Yorks guvernør sendte den 21. maj et brev til præsident Trump, hvor han bad om hjælp fra staten. I alle transportenhederne – Amtraks passagertog, Penn Station, LaGuardia Lufthavn, Metrosystemet – sker der ulykker, aflysninger og dysfunktion. Lyndon LaRouche har kommissioneret dannelsen af en aktionskomite, der skal fremlægge, hvad der må gøres, og »lave krigshyl« om det. Opstille et program; få internationalt input. »Det er fysisk muligt at gøre det.«

Præsident John F. Kennedy, der fejrer sin 100-års fødselsdag den 29. maj, rejste hyppigt princippet om fred gennem udvikling. Den 1. marts, 1961, da han underskrev sin Eksekutive Ordre, der oprettede Fredskorpset (Peace Corps), talte han om amerikanere, der var villige »til at ofre deres energi og tid og arbejde for sagen for verdensfred og menneskehedens fremskridt«. Han sagde, amerikanere »mere fuldt ud må udøve deres ansvar i den store, fælles sag for global udvikling«.

Foto: Præsident Donald Trump mødtes med præsident for det palæstinensiske selvstyre, Mahmood Abbas, i Betlehem den 23. maj, 2017.  

Saudi-Arabien er kilden til terrorisme!
Trump må droppe dem og holde sig til det Nye Paradigme

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, 22. maj, 2017 – Selv, mens præsident Donald Trump søndag deltog i unævnelige ceremonier sammen med de saudiske tilbedere af guldkalven, blev det nye paradigme, med Kinas Bælt & Vej-initiativ, fremtrædende rapporteret i Golfstaternes aviser. Og Iran – en afgørende nation i udviklingen af de nye Eurasiske Landbroer – responderede i al mindelighed på Trumps ekstreme provokationer ved simpelt hen at tilbyde at vente og antage, at han ville komme frem til en mere fornuftig politik!

Saudi-Arabien er det sted, der stort set har uddannet alle de væsentligste islamistiske ekstremister og terrorister i verden. Det vil ikke være med til at hjælpe en amerikansk præsident med at genopbygge den by, som det for 15 år siden udløste ødelæggelse over – lige så lidt, som det vil genopbygge Yemen, som det nu har jævnet med jorden og pint. Ja, Saudi-Arabien har for den sags skyld aflyst sine egne energi- og andre infrastrukturprojekter, siden olieprisen faldt – altså, det stik modsatte af Kinas storslåede »win-win«-projekter under Bælt & Vej-initiativet.

Endnu vigtigere end det faktum, at nyhederne om Bælt & Vej-forummets succes i Beijing kommer ud i Golf-pressen under præsidentens besøg, var disse nyheders indhold. Det fokuserede på Lyndon og Helga LaRouches 30 år lange kampagne for »Verdenslandbroen«, der var frøet til Kinas nutidige succesfulde »Nye Silkevejsinitiativ«. Dr. Ahmed Al-Kedidis ekstraordinære redegørelse blev udgivet statsaviserne i Qatar og Oman samt i diverse andre, private aviser og websider i Golfen i løbet af weekenden.

Lyndon LaRouche bemærkede i dag, at dette er en genklang af den i stigende grad betydningsfulde rolle, som Helga Zepp-LaRouche – der talte ved begivenheder under topmødet i Beijing – spiller i udviklingen af »Bælt & Vej« til en Verdens-landbro. Dette sker samtidig med, at Stillehavsområdet bliver mere fremherskende økonomisk, og vokser med større hast.

Det er presserende nødvendigt, at præsident Trump bringes til at ændre sit fokus tilbage til USA’s genopbygning og økonomiske genrejsning – især i sin egen hjemby, New York, hvis byområde er i færd med at forvandles til en farlig infrastruktur-katastrofezone. De simpleste rejser i byområdet er blevet farlige og usikre for millioner af mennesker. Der er behov for omgående handling her, og, fortsatte LaRouche; der bør dannes en ekspertkomite for at stille krav om handling.

Da Trump fokuserede på en sådan genopbygning, kom Kinas præsident Xi og Japans premierminister Abe ham i møde med afgørende planer for investeringer i ny transportinfrastruktur, som de for tiden er verdensmestre i. Det er det nye paradigme, fra storstilede projekter til udforskning af rummet og forskning i fusionskraft – alt sammen i samarbejde mellem nationer.

For sikkerhed og kampen mod terrorisme er Trump-administrationens relation med Rusland stadig den strategiske. Så vel som Ruslands egen relation med Iran.

Det amerikanske folk vil ikke glemme, hvem det var, der sponsorerede terroristerne, der stod bag 11. september, ikke efter, at amerikanerne kæmpede mod Bush og Obama for at få denne »hemmelige« information afsløret. Præsident Trump må satse på det nye paradigme for samarbejde omkring de ting, han har lovet amerikanerne, han ville gøre.

Foto: Præsident Donald Trump stiller op til fotografering sammen med Kong Salman, efter en ceremoni, der markerede åbningen af det Globale Center for Bekæmpelse af Ekstremistiske Ideologier, og hvor Trump, Salman og Egyptens præsident el-Sisi (til højre for Salman) sammen ’lagde deres hænder’ på den lysende globus. Ikke alt, der glitrer, er guld …  

RADIO SCHILLER 22. maj, 2017:
Gør Kinas Bælt & Vej-Initiativ til Verdenslandbroen

Med formand Tom Gillesberg

Præsident Trump i Mellemøsten:
Gå i forening imod terrorisme og løs
den israelsk-palæstinensiske splittelse

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, 21. maj, 2017 – I dag holdt præsident Trump en tale for et møde med 20 ledere af muslimske nationer – men ikke Iran – i Riyadh. I sin tale krævede han en universel krig mod terrorisme som basis for en forening af verden for fred og udvikling. Talen burde i det mindste afslutte ét aspekt af hysteriet og løgnene, der bruges i den ’farvede revolution’ for at ødelægge præsidenten – nemlig, at han skulle være anti-muslimsk. Han bemærkede, at 95 % af dem, der dræbes af terrorisme, er muslimer og erklærede: »Med Guds hjælp vil dette topmøde markere begyndelsen til enden for dem, der praktiserer terror og spreder dens afskyelige trosbekendelse.«

Der er helt klart problemer, der må adresseres mht. saudierne, hvis støtte til Wahhabisme har været den primære, ideologiske base for terroristsvøben internationalt, og hvor en stor del af finansieringen og bevæbningen af terroristoperationerne enten kom direkte fra saudierne eller blev kanaliseret gennem saudierne af briterne og Bush’ og Obamas administrationer. Saudierne er engageret i en grusom krig mod Yemen, med britiske og amerikanske våben, og skaber en af de alvorligste humanitære katastrofer i moderne tid.

Verden har imidlertid drastisk forandret sig i løbet af det seneste år, og især i løbet af den seneste uge. Bælt & Vej Forum for Internationalt Samarbejde i Beijing i sidste uge markerer et faseskifte i menneskehedens historie – en ny, økonomisk verdensorden er officielt blevet etableret, baseret, ikke på nulsums-, hund-over-hund-geopolitik, men derimod på fysisk-økonomisk win-win-udvikling og kulturelt samarbejde. Saudi-Arabien, De forenede arabiske Emirater og andre golfstater og arabiske nationer sendte højtplacerede repræsentanter til forummet. Som Helga Zepp-LaRouche vedvarende har fremført, og som det i stigende grad er blevet promoveret af nationerne i Mellemøsten, så er den Nye Silkevej den unikke basis for en genopbygningen af området, fra den ødelæggelse, der er frembragt af både terroristerne og de dødbringende og kriminelle ødelæggelseskrige, der blev ført af Trumps to forgængere i Det Hvide Hus.

I modsætning til Bush’ og Obamas krige for regimeskifte, der blev ført gennem en koloniherre-mentalitet med »ansvar for at beskytte« (»den hvide mands lod«), og som ødelagde regeringer og lande, når de nægtede at underkaste sig Vestens direktiver, så har Trump slået ind på en anden kurs: »Vi vil vedtage et princip om realisme, der er rodfæstet i fælles værdier, fælles interesser og sund fornuft«, sagde han i Riyadh. »Vi er ikke her for at belære. Vi er ikke her for at fortælle andre mennesker, hvordan de skal leve, hvad de skal gøre, hvem de skal være, eller hvilken trosbekendelse, de skal have. Vi er i stedet her for at tilbyde partnerskab, baseret på fælles interesser og værdier, for at forfølge en bedre fremtid.«

Der ligger en fare i Trumps blanke fordømmelse af Iran. I sin tale anklager han Iran for at yde terroristerne »sikker havn, finansiel støtte og det samfundsmæssige fundament, nødvendigt for rekruttering«. Han synes at ignorere ISIS, al-Qaeda og de andre, dødbringende Wahhabi-terrororganisationer, der er finansieret af eller gennem saudierne, når han fordømmer Hezbollah og Hamas og endda roser saudiernes krig mod houthierne i Yemen.

Men den forandrede verdenssituation giver håb om, at disse spørgsmål kan blive løst. Ved roden til ustabiliteten i den arabiske verden finder man den israelsk-palæstinensiske konflikt. Trump udgør et sjældent tilfælde, hvor en amerikansk præsident er gået op imod den britiske opsplitning af verden i den såkaldte »frie verden« i Vesten og de såkaldte »Gudløse kommunister« i Østen; og som i stedet promoverer, at de mest magtfulde nationer på Jorden – USA, Rusland og Kina – har al mulig grund til at arbejde sammen, som venner. Dette er den globale sammenhæng, i hvilken alle geopolitiske opsplitninger kan erstattes med win-win-løsninger.

I sin tale sagde Trump: »I denne ånd … vil jeg rejse til Jerusalem og Betlehem, og dernæst til Vatikanet, og således besøge mange af de helligste steder i de tre trosretninger, der nedstammer fra Abraham. Hvis disse tre trosretninger kan forenes i samarbejde, er fred i verden mulig, inklusive fred mellem israelerne og palæstinenserne.«

Denne vision om en fredelig og fremgangsrig fremtid beror på, at menneskeheden kommer sammen gennem en forståelse af, at vore kulturer har forskellige karaktertræk, men at vi er én menneskehed. Som Helga Zepp-LaRouche sagde i sin tale til Beijing-forummet den 14. maj: »Den Nye Silkevej må – ligesom antikkens Silkevej gjorde det – føre til en udveksling af de skønneste udryk for kultur i alle deltagerlandene, for at kunne lykkes. Den sande betydning af win-win-samarbejde er ikke kun de materielle fordele gennem infrastruktur og industriel udvikling, men er den frydefulde opdagelse af andre kulturers klassiske musik, poesi og malerkunst og, gennem at lære dem at kende, styrkelsen af vores kærlighed til menneskeheden som helhed.«

Dette må være vores mission.

Foto: Den amerikanske præsident Donald Trumps tale under sit besøg i Saudi-Arabien, hvor han blandt andet stærkt understregede, at ekstremisme og terorisme må udrydes i alle de muslimske lande. 

Ny plan for dekonfliktion med Rusland annonceret i Pentagon

20. maj, 2017 – Formand for generalstabscheferne, general Joseph Dunford, annoncerede fredag i Pentagon, at en ny, kontra-terror-politik for Syrien er blevet vedtaget af USA og Rusland, som vil muliggøre operationer i de samme områder.

»Vi havde et forslag, som vi i øjeblikket arbejder på sammen med russerne«, sagde Dunford. »Jeg vil ikke komme ind på detaljerne, men min fornemmelse er, at russerne er lige så entusiastiske, som vi er, for at de-konfliktere operationer og sikre, at vi kan fortsætte kampagnen mod ISIS og sikre vort personels sikkerhed.«

Med de syriske styrker, med støtte fra russerne, der nu rykker mod Raqqa, sagde general Dunford, rapporteret af CNN, er det amerikansk-russiske samarbejde fokuseret omkring Deir ez-Zur, hvor ISIS-styrkerne forventes at tage hen fra Raqqa. Disse planer er ud over den eksisterende hotline, der har til formål at forhindre utilsigtet nærkontakt mellem amerikansk og russisk luftvåben.

General Dunford bemærkede, at loven forbyder det amerikanske militær i direkte at koordinere med det russiske militær, men at de to er i færd med at oprette »dekonfliktions-zoner«, der gør koordinerede, men ikke fælles, operationer i udvalgte områder mulige.

Under de nye kommunikationskanaler taler den ansvarlige for planlægning af fremtidige operationer i generalstaben, generalløjtnant Kenneth F. McKenzie, jr., rutinemæssigt med sin russiske modpart, rapporterede Dunford. Han sagde, at han havde talt personligt med den russiske generalstabschef, general Valerij Gerasimov. »Vi taler sammen rutinemæssigt, når der er behov for det, for at samarbejde om dekonfliktion.«

Dunford og forsvarsminister James Mattis, der også var til stede ved pressekonferencen, sagde, at den nye strategi inkluderede en uddelegering af myndighed fra præsidenten til general Dunford, og fra Dunford til hans feltkommandører, hvilket gør det muligt for dem at indlede aktioner på egen hånd. Mattis sagde: »Vi vil ikke længere få forsinkelse af beslutninger, fordi Washington, D.C., skal autorisere taktiske bevægelser på jorden.« CNN beskrev dette som en »revselse af præsident Obamas administration, der af nogle militærfolk blev kritiseret for mikro-management af taktiske beslutninger i felten«.

General Mattis annoncerede ligeledes et skift til en politik for omringning af byer, der er besat af ISIS, snarere end at drive ISIS ud af disse byer. Mattis sagde: »De udenlandske kæmpere udgør en strategisk trussel, hvis de vender hjem til Tunis, Kuala Lumpur, Paris, Detroit, hvor de nu kommer fra. Vi gennemfører en tilintetgørelseskampagne, så vi ikke bare transplanterer dette problem fra et sted (til et andet).«

Foto: General Valerij Gerasimov, Rusland (venstre); general Joseph Dunford, USA.

Den amerikanske Kongres har meddelt,
at NAFTA vil blive genforhandlet
– ’Tiden er inde’ til win-win politik!

17. maj, 2017 – USA’s Handelsrepræsentant adviserede i dag Kongressen om administrationens plan om at genforhandle NAFTA.

Mexico er blevet informeret om denne begivenhed, ved hvert skridt på vejen, sagde (Mexicos) udenrigsminister Luis Videgaray under den fælles pressekonference med USA’s udenrigsminister Rex Tillerson

»Mexicos regering hilser denne udvikling velkommen; vi er parate, vi er rede. Vi vil samarbejde med regeringerne for USA og Canada for at gøre vores handelsaftale bedre – bedre for Mexicos befolkning, USA’s befolkning og Canadas befolkning.«

Idet han vedtog den kinesiske formulering, tilføjede Videgaray, at verden har forandret sig, siden NAFTA blev forhandlet. »Vi kan gøre dette til en forhandling, der bestemt er god for de tre involverede parter, inden for en win-win ramme.«

NAFTA, North American Free Trade Agreement, trådte i kraft i 1994.

Et overvældende antal amerikanere enige i,
at ’Tiden er inde’ til infrastruktur

19. maj, 2017 – »Det synes, som om intet for tiden i den grad forener landet helt på samme måde som den fælles entusiasme for infrastrukturinvestering«, lyder det i en pressemeddelelse fra det Amerikanske Civilingeniørselskab den 17. maj, i anledning af den 5. årlige amerikanske »Infrastrukturuge«, der i år afholdtes fra 15. til 19. maj.

Selskabet citerede en nylig opinionsundersøgelse fra det Amerikanske Handelskammer, som fandt, at 73 % af amerikanerne – 34 % meget stærkt, 39 % ret stærkt – ønsker, at landets regering skal »tage føringen i genopbygningen af vort lands transportinfrastruktur ved at dirigere statslige midler og anspore private investorer.« Samme opinionsundersøgelse fandt, at 64 % af adspurgte amerikanere mener, at »tiden er inde til, at Kongressen holder op med at ’sparke dåsen hen ad vejen’ (spilde tiden) og i stedet går fremefter med en infrastrukturpakke«. Dette tal var nogenlunde det samme for Republikanere, Demokrater og Uafhængige.

Det britiske kup-hysteri har bestemt ikke udslettet den optimisme, som Trumps præsidentskab har skabt i sektoren for infrastruktur. Civilingeniørselskabet citerer Jay Timmons, præsident og direktør for National Sammenslutning for Producenter, der til Infrastrukturugen i Washington, D.C. sagde: »Hvor mange gange er vi ikke samledes for at drøfte behovene for infrastruktur? Hvor mange Infrastrukturuger har vi ikke afholdt sammen? Tiden er nu inde. Dette er absolut tiden for os til at skabe fremskridt omkring dette spørgsmål. Vi har fået en præsident, der kan lide at bygge ting. Han forstår betydningen af infrastrukturinvestering. Spørgsmålet er, hvornår og hvordan.«

Hvornår er nu; og mht. ’hvordan’ behøver man blot se til Lyndon LaRouches ’Fire Love’ (til USA’s omgående redning).

Lyndon Larouche: Britisk skaktræk for
at lamme Trump gennem en kampagne
for rigsretssag vil ikke virke

19. maj, 2017 – Den amerikanske statsmand Lyndon LaRouche kommenterede i dag, at den britiskorkestrerede kampagne for at lamme den amerikanske præsident Donald Trump politisk gennem deres fortsatte forsøg på et statskup gennem »rigsretssag« – der nu diskuteres bredt i de britiske medier, såsom Telegraph og Economist – ikke vil virke. Dette er for stort for briterne, forklarede LaRouche. Trumps sejr i de amerikanske valg sidste november var ikke et nationalt, amerikansk fænomen, men et globalt fænomen; og det bliver ikke så let at stoppe, som briterne tror, i betragtning af de udviklinger, der kommer fra Bælt & Vej Forum i Beijing og andre strategiske overvejelser. Jeg er optimistisk, sagde LaRouche.

LaRouches kommentarer blev fremkaldt af en artikel, som blev udgivet i dagens Telegraph af stringer-journalisten for britisk efterretning, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, hvis erfaring i at orkestrere fremstød for amerikanske rigsretssager går tilbage til Clinton-affæren. På tærsklen til Trumps første udenlandsrejse som præsident, udbreder Evans-Pritchard den sorte propagandalinje, at Trump muligvis allerede er sat ud af spillet, meget lig den måde, hvorpå præsident Richard Nixon blev sat ud af spillet af forsvarsminister James Schlesinger, der »instruerede amerikanske militærfolk om at ignorere enhver ordre fra det Ovale Kontor om at bruge atomvåben«.

Evans-Pritchard hævder, at nøglen til at vælte Trump er at trække Republikansk støtte, som han indrømmer, stadig er stærk, ud under ham. Men hvad er så det næste, der sker? Han citerer Sir Jeremy Greenstock, tidligere britisk ambassadør til FN og nu »politisk risikostrateg ved Gatehouse Advisory Partners«: »Amerika kan være yderst magtfuld, hvis det beslutter at handle hårdt. Xi Jinping og Putin vil sandsynligvis vente og se, om Trump destruerer sig selv.«

Dernæst rejser Evans-Pritchard spørgsmålet: hvordan vil Trump opføre sig, »når den særlige anklager [Robert Mueller] begynder at rive løs med en byge af stævninger«.

En artikel i Londonavisen Economist fastslår en lignende pointe: brug krigstrommerne for en rigsretssag (som de indrømmer, ikke har store chancer for at lykkes) til at sikre, at Trump ikke kan foretage sig noget som helst af politisk betydning. Hvad de imidlertid ikke nedfælder på skrift, men som ikke desto mindre er sandt, er den kendsgerning, at sådanne ’krigstrommer’ og sådant politisk kaos rent historisk er blevet brugt af briterne som et røgslør, i ly af hvilket de gennemførte politiske mord på amerikanske præsidenter, som de ønskede af komme af med.

I en artikel i Economists trykte udgave, fra 20. maj, med overskriften, »En dyb vejrtrækning, Amerika«, lægger de ud med at dvæle ved, hvordan udnævnelsen af Robert Mueller som særlig anklager »er et frygteligt slag for hr. Trump« og hævder, at situationen minder alle om afsættelsen af Richard Nixon gennem en rigsretssag. Artiklen går dernæst lige til sagen:

»Der er dog en stor forskel på Richard Nixons vanære og fald i 1973-74 og så nu, og som gør det næsten sikkert, at hr. Trump ikke er i fare for en umiddelbar afsættelse gennem rigsretssag.« Det skyldes, ar Republikanerne kontrollerer Repræsentanternes Hus, og de fleste Republikanske kongresmedlemmer vil ikke røre ved rigsretssag, fordi »de fleste Republikanske vælgere stadig er med ham [Trump]«. »Men dette kunne ændre sig. Hvis hr. Mueller kommer frem med noget, der er alvorligt belastende for præsidenten, kunne selv de mest frygtsomme Republikanere forlade ham.« Og, selv om en rigsretssag ikke ligger i kortene på nuværende tidspunkt, konkluderer Economist, »så står hr. Trump med udsigten til at gøre meget lidt af nogen ting«.

Foto: Præsident Donald Trump på arbejde i det Ovale Kontor.

Vi vil finde vores frihed i nødvendighed
og udføre vores pligt med lidenskab!
LaRouche PAC Internationale Webcast,
19. maj, 2017


Aftenenes vært: Jason Ross.

I denne weekend fandt der et enormt skift sted i verdenshistorien; noget absolut fænomenalt enormt, med Bælt & Vej Forum, der fandt sted i Beijing, Kina. Det omfattede flere end 1000 deltagere fra over 100 lande, to til tre dusin statsoverhoveder; flere dusin internationale aftaler blev underskrevet under selve begivenheden. Der blev truffet bestemmelser om over $100 mia. i ekstra finansiering til infrastruktur i hele verden.

Jeg vil gerne gennemgå noget af det, der fandt sted under denne konference, og dernæst sætte det i kontrast til kvaliteten af politisk debat, vi har netop nu i USA.

Her ser vi et af åbningsbillederne fra begivenhederne, med statsoverhoveder og andre delegerede, der deltog i konferencen. En meget stor begivenhed. Hallen med over 1000 mennesker. Her ser vi præsident Putin, der taler for deltagerne – han var æresgæst; viser den virkelige forbindelse mellem Kina og Rusland omkring dette projekt; her bydes han velkommen af Xi Jinping. Blandt de øvrige deltagere ved denne begivenhed var – på en meget bemærkelsesværdig måde – Helga Zepp-LaRouche, »Silkevejsladyen«; præsident og stifter af Schiller Instituttet, og hustru til Lyndon LaRouche. Lyndon og Helga LaRouche har mobiliseret for et Nyt Økonomisk Paradigme i årtier.

Det, der fandt sted på konferencen i Beijing, inklusive Helga Zepp-LaRouches deltagelse som medlem af en tænketank i et forum for tænketanke, som fandt sted, hvor hun et par gange fik lejlighed til at tale og føre sine pointer frem, var, at et helt nyt paradigme virkelig er ved at tage form. Kinas Bælt & Vej-initiativ inkluderer foreløbig disse seks landruter, som man ser her på skærmen, sammen med den maritime rute, som man ser gå gennem oceanerne. Det kinesiske initiativ vil medføre investering af billioner af dollars; for $4-8 billion infrastrukturinvestering i veje, jernbaner, havne, kanaler og den slags ting. Det, som LaRouche-bevægelsen, som Schiller Instituttet, som EIR har foreslået gennem rapporter om dette, er et Verdenslandbro-koncept for konnektivitet, infrastruktur, udvikling og opbygning af en ny platform for at gøre den fremtidige, potentielle økonomiske vækst til virkelighed.

Mængden af programmer og projekter, der er planlagt, overstiger allerede mange gange selv Marshallplanen, der genopbyggede Europa efter Anden Verdenskrig. På denne graf – som I måske dårligt kan se – repræsenterer denne lille, blå søjle her til venstre den inflationstilpassede investering i Marshallplanen, som var USA’s finansiering til genopbygningen af det krigshærgede Europa efter Anden Verdenskrig; omkring $150 mia. Ved siden af er RFC – Reconstruction Finance Corporation, som var et af hovedinstrumenterne til finansiering af New Deals infrastrukturprogrammer (i USA); RFC byggede de store projekter i USA, der var motor for den daværende økonomiske vækst. Se dernæst på størrelsen investeringerne i Ét Bælt, én Vej; et sted mellem $4-8 billion er planlagt at blive investeret som en del af dette program. Mange, mange gange større end noget, der tidligere er gjort.

Det er vigtigt, mener jeg, at erkende, at i denne verden, der er ved at tage form, er den ene ting, at det repræsenterer et Nyt Paradigme i verden; og den anden ting er, at det repræsenterer årtiers arbejde, årtiers mobilisering. Kort tid efter forummet, en dag eller to efter, inviterede et af top-tv-programmerne i Kina, »Dialog«, Helga Zepp-LaRouche som gæst på programmet. Lad os se et kort klip:

Interviewer: Hvad synes De om Kinas globale ambition?

Helga Zepp-LaRouche: Jeg mener, at det er et meget vigtigt, strategisk initiativ, for det er den eneste måde, hvorpå man kan løse alle problemer, regionalt samarbejde, underudvikling, fattigdom; det er virkelig en historisk mission. Jeg ser intet andet. Bestemt ikke fra USA, og bestemt ikke fra Europa; så jeg er virkelig optimistisk. Jeg mener, i går var et fantastisk historisk øjeblik.

Ross: Jeg vil gerne læse en sætning ved dette interviews slutning, hvordan Helga afsluttede dette interview. Hun sagde: »Jeg er fuldstændig overbevist om, at, om et halvt år, så vil flertallet af de nationer, der stadig tøver, erkende, at det er i deres bedste interesse at tilslutte sig. Tyskland burde f.eks. have en fundamental interesse i at samarbejde. Tysk industri, Mittelstand, mellemstore virksomheder, er præcis den form for komplementær økonomisk styrke, der ville fungere perfekt med Kina; og jeg tror, det kommer, jeg lover det.«

(Her følger engelsk udskrift af resten af webcastet)

  So, this is reflected as well in the statements from the
many foreign leaders who attended the conference.  Let’s get a
sense of what the world thought about this event.  This is a
quote from Matthew Pottinger; he was sent by President Trump.
About a week before the forum, it was announced that Trump was
upgrading US involvement; and the National Security Council East
Asia head was sent.  He said, “You can really see that there is a
shared interest in expanding infrastructure connectivity through
high quality investment financing.  That’s why American companies
should really be involved in a lot of the projects that we’re
hearing about.”
President Putin talked about how it’s creating a new type of
world order.  He said, “We have exhausted many former models and
indicators of economic development.  Poverty, the lack of
financial security, and the massive gap in the level of
development between countries and regions; these all fuel
international terrorism, extremism, and illegal migration.  We
will not be able to tackle these challenges unless we overcome
this stagnation in global development.  None of the old
approaches to conflict resolution should be used to solve modern
problems.  We need fresh and stereotype-free ideas.
“By proposing China’s One Belt, One Road Initiative,
President Xi Jinping has demonstrated an example of a creative
approach towards fostering integration in energy, infrastructure,
transport, industry, and humanitarian collaboration.  We would
welcome the involvement of our European colleagues in this
partnership.” Putin was the guest of honor at the event.
President Xi Jinping himself said, “We should build the Belt
and Road into a road of prosperity.  Development holds the master
key to solving all problems.  In pursuing the Belt and Road
Initiative, we should focus on the fundamental issue of
development; release the growth potential of various countries,
and achieve economic integration and interconnected development,
and deliver benefits to all.”
Viktor Orban, the prime minister of Hungary, said that “the
trend of the Belt and Road Initiative, this trend is the exact
opposite of what we’re used to, and what we have been taught
about the workings of the global economy.”  More on that in a
moment.  President Erdogan of Turkey said, “This initiative,
particularly against rising terrorism in the world, will be an
initiative that will almost eradicate terrorism.  I believe this
cooperation, which will benefit everyone, will succeed as a
model.  We, as Turkey, are ready to give all kinds of support for
Jean-Pierre Raffarin, sent by new French President Macron,
said “The Belt and Road Initiative proposed by President Xi shows
that he attaches great importance to cooperation between Europe
and Asia.  It will inject vitality into global development, and
shows his global vision.”   Prime Minister of Greece, Alexis
Tsipras: “What is particularly positive for us is that the goals
of the Belt and Road Initiative are compatible with our own
regional economic goals.  And our dynamic, comprehensive,
strategic partnership with China sets a solid basis for working
in this direction.  Greece, after many years of severe crises, is
returning to a growth path which opens up remarkable
opportunities for investment and trade.”
And last, the Economics Minister of Slovakia, Peter Ziga,
said, “It’s an historic opportunity.  View it as the project of
the century.  Everything indicates that the Chinese side and
other important states such as Russia, have a strong interest in
launching a New Silk Road.  Even though the details still haven’t
been released, it’s seems that the question actually is only
whether the project will take place with us, or without us.”
And that’s exactly right.  As President Putin and Prime
Minister Orban had said, there is a New Paradigm that is taking
place in the world right now.  The past decades’ attempts to try
to control terrorism or extremism without having a real
development model simply will not be effective; they cannot be
I’d like to ask Kesha to address what Mr. LaRouche views as
one of the most important aspects of US cooperation, in terms of
what the US has to offer the world in a World Land-Bridge-type
perspective.  Kesha, what do you see as the opportunities that
the US has to provide leadership on this front?  What do we have
to offer?

KESHA ROGERS:  Well, Jason, Mr. and Mrs. LaRouche stressed
both that the next phase of cooperation has to be around the
offer of the United States to cooperate on the space program.  We
have to go beyond what most people have looked at as come to the
space program, even going back to President John F Kennedy, as
something of a competitive avenue.  But that this is to unite in
harmony, mankind; to bring cultures together in a vision for, as
Mrs. LaRouche said, what is the natural mission of mankind for
the next 10, 100, 1000 years.  As she stressed in her remarks at
the recent event, where do we want humanity as a whole to be in
100 or even 1000 years?  As she posed in her speech, is it not
the natural destiny of mankind as the only creative species known
in this universe so far, that he will build villages on the Moon,
develop a deeper understanding of trillions of dollars [inaud;
11:46] universe, solve the problems of — until now — incurable
disease, or solve the problem of energy and raw material security
through the development of thermonuclear fusion power.  She goes
on to say that by focussing on the common aims of humanity, we
will be able to overcome geopolitics and establish a higher level
of reason for the benefit of all mankind.
As Mrs. LaRouche made clear, and Mr. LaRouche, from their
decades-long work as we know, that Mr. and Mrs. LaRouche have
dedicated decades of their lives to the formation of what has
been brought about with what we’re seeing of the Belt and Road
Silk Road initiative; what they have called the Eurasian
Land-Bridge.  But we’re not just talking about development and
cooperation among nations in infrastructure development here on
Earth with these bridges and dams and roads, but as has been
reported coming out of the Belt and Road summit, this was
actually developed in the science magazine, China is also looking
at win-win cooperation in what is called space development or
science infrastructure or a science Belt and Road.  You see
already out of this conference, there were over 370+ agreements
which took place; but on science and technology, President Xi
Jinping of China said “Innovation is an important force of
powering development.”  With that, they developed — to kind of
highlight a few things here — a science and technology action
plan, calling for 25,000 foreign-born scientists, engineers, and
managers over the next five years.  They want to give 10,000
scholarships to students from developing countries to study in
China.  You have a set-up of about 50 joint laboratories that’s
being discussed; 40+ countries to cooperate in space-based Earth
observation; observatories which would be used to identify and
manage natural resources and to respond to natural disasters.
So, when people think about cooperation in space, before we
even talk about going to another planetary body, going to the
Moon, we can actually start to set up new technologies of the
shared interests for the development of mankind on this planet.
But that takes us into the next phase of mankind’s commitment; as
Mrs. LaRouche said, “Our destiny has to be building villages on
the Moon.”  This is something that’s not new to Lyndon and Helga
LaRouche.  Mr. LaRouche developed the concept really as finally
to restore and revive that which was destroyed by the British
Empire and those who thought to take out President John F
Kennedy.  Mr. LaRouche came in and restored that vision of
President Kennedy in the 1980s with the Woman on Mars mission.
But let me just say, the concept here is vision; vision for the
future.  What the United States has to restore itself to, is a
commitment to vision in space exploration as we had under
President John F Kennedy, and cooperation.  A lot of people don’t
know and I hear all the time that the purpose of going to the
Moon, the purpose of President John F Kennedy’s famous speech to
a joint session of Congress May 25, 1961, saying we’re going to
send a man to the Moon and return him safely to Earth before the
end of the decade; people see that as merely competition.  What a
lot of people don’t know and don’t recognize is that after
Kennedy made that very clear vision directed the nation toward a
national mission, it was two years later in September of 1963,
only two months before he was assassinated, that President John F
Kennedy offered cooperation for a joint mission with the Soviet
Union, at a time when tensions had started to fade out, that
there was a move toward mutual cooperation and development.
Those people in the United States who say that the United States
can’t work with Russia, or that Russia is the enemy, these are
the same people who were denying the vision of President John F
Kennedy; who didn’t want the cooperation that he had set forth.
We could have had a joint mission on the Moon with the Soviet
Union at the time that would have completely changed the concept
and the scope of the relationship with the United States and
Russia. Also today, it’s the same thing, because when we talk
about missions for developing the Solar System, developing the
Moon as the first step for developing the fusion technology and
energy for getting to Mars and developing colonies on Mars, as
Mr. LaRouche lays out in his “Woman on Mars” speech, which he
made over 30 years ago, that we would get there in 39 years and
have this woman speaking back to us on this great accomplishment
for the project and benefit of all mankind.  That’s what we have
to restore right now, and that is the next phase and mission of
cooperation as was clearly laid out by Mr. and Mrs. LaRouche, and
also is already being taken up by nations that have developed and
have joined the Belt and Road Initiative.  The question at hand
is the creative development of mankind and the best conception to
do that is through cooperation in space, cooperation in creating
new sciences, new technologies.  We very much understand how to
do that, and we can move forward with that initiative.

ROSS:  Right; and I think in terms of way that this is
really being moved on right now, you brought this up in science
and in projects that clearly demonstrate common aims and have a
universal character in that way.  I’d just like to bring up one
of the developments that came out of this forum on the strategic
or the geopolitical front; which was the cooperation that was
announced by President Duterte from the Philippines.  President
Duterte has been under attack for a variety of reasons.  People
say he’s too tough on the drug dealers in the Philippines, etc.
What he announced, in collaboration with Vietnam and China, was
that they would work out a way to collaboratively use the
resources of the South China Sea; essentially eliminating that as
a geopolitical factor, if the parties involved can agree to
common development.  This is very much like the détente and the
agreement reached between Japan and Russia, which have not fully
in a formal way worked out the ownership of some of the contested
islands — the Kurile Islands — between Russia and Japan; but
agreed as two countries working together, to exploit the
resources together in a common way.  So that the hang-ups that
allowed conflict to fester are being overcome by looking at ways
of working together in a collaborative way.
While all of this is happening — and this is something that
the US most certainly ought to join, because we have a tremendous
need for infrastructure here; we’re in desperate need of an
economic recovery.  President Trump has called for the spending
of $1 trillion on infrastructure; which is nowhere what’s fully
required in the United States, although it’s certainly moving in
the right direction.  When you would think that patriotic
Americans would all be saying, “Look at these opportunities
around the world.  An opportunity to overcome the Wall
Street-type of finance that’s characterized our economy and move
towards real physical building of things and cooperating on
projects that undoubtedly improve people’s lives; like having
high-speed rail, like creating jobs and business in this way.”
Instead, there is a total tempest-in-a-teapot going on in the
United States around President Trump and all things related to
Diane, I was hoping that you could share with us your views
on what this means about our ability to act politically in the
United States as a nation in its own interests.

DIANE SARE:  Sure.  I think first of all, I’ll share the views of
Lyndon LaRouche, who was briefed this morning on some comments
from the British intelligence operative, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard,
who we remember from his efforts to get President Bill Clinton
thrown out of office.  He’s basically saying that they’re not
going to be able to impeach President Trump; which is true.
First of all, because Trump has not committed any impeachable
offenses.  He didn’t say that, of course, but he said that with a
Republican Congress and so on.  So, let’s just harass him; let’s
tie his hands, let’s prevent him from doing anything that he
wants to do.  When Mr. LaRouche was presented with this, he said,
“It won’t work.  The transformation of the world is too large.
It’s bigger than the British Empire.”  If you think about the
size of the investments that you showed on that chart, think
about the size of China — 1.4 billion or so people.  There are
already 61 or more nations involved in the Belt and Road, who
have experienced a massive increase in trade and prosperity as a
result of this collaboration.  Even in the United States, while
the media is doing their very best job to prevent Americans from
getting the faintest whiff of the potential in the world, the
{Wall Street Journal} two days ago was forced to admit that the
China Investment Corporation was planning to move their offices
from Toronto into Manhattan; and that they wished to change $50
billion of their holdings in US Treasuries into investment of new
infrastructure in the United States.  I think you can ask
yourself from the Chinese perspective, they’re holding $1.4
trillion of US Treasuries; if the United States is a collapsing
giant with water crises, roads and bridges collapsing, heroin
overdoses, that’s not really a viable investment.  If they’re
holding, or invested, as Mrs. LaRouche pointed out in her speech
in Beijing, that President Trump is calling for a return to the
American System which would create a pathway using Hamiltonian
credit; he’s referred to Henry Clay and others — Hamilton, we
are referring to; this creates the means for China to actually
make this kind of investment in the United States which
transforms everything.  I think you can ask anybody if they would
prefer to be stuck in traffic for five hours, risking losing
their entire car in a giant pothole, when they could be riding a
train that goes 300mph and getting to their destination in 15
minutes, what they would prefer; I think the choice is obvious.
So, what has occurred is just a spectacular witch-hunt;
President Trump is 100% correct when he refers to this as a
witch-hunt.  He has no intention of giving it up.  I’d like to go
right now to a video clip of him speaking to the commencement
ceremony of the Coast Guard so that people have a sense of that.
And then I have a few more things to say about who is behind this
attack and why.


:  Now, I want to take this opportunity to give
you some advice. Over the course of your life, you will find that
things are not always fair. You will find that things happen to
you that you do not deserve and that are not always warranted.
But you have to put your head down and fight, fight, fight.
Never, ever, ever give up. Things will work out just fine.
Look at the way Iâve been treated lately â (laughter) â
especially by the media. No politician in history â and I say
this with great surety â has been treated worse or more unfairly.
You canât let them get you down. You canât let the critics and
the naysayers get in the way of your dreams. (Applause.) I guess
thatâs why I â thank you. I guess thatâs why we won.
Adversity makes you stronger. Donât give in. Donât back
down. And never stop doing what you know is right. Nothing worth
doing ever, ever, ever came easy. And the more righteous your
fight, the more opposition that you will face.

SARE:  So, as I think you can see, this is not a President
who is going to turn tail or run, or cower.  Happily, he’s a New
Yorker who enjoys fighting.  I just want to remind people,
because those of you who have been following LaRouche and been
familiar with LaRouche, there was an earlier witch-hunt in this
country, which was the witch-hunt against Lyndon LaRouche; with
the result that shortly after he collaborated with President
Reagan and the Strategic Defense Initiative came into being, at
the time that the Berlin Wall — which Mr. LaRouche had forecast
would come down — came down, LaRouche was being carted off to
prison.  This witch-hunt was orchestrated not only by the same
apparatus, but in many cases, the exact same individuals that are
targetting President Trump now.
One of the key players in the early, initial trial against
Mr. LaRouche in Boston — which fell apart — was none other than
Robert Mueller.  He did such a brilliant job of covering up the
evidence of the Saudi royal family role in 9/11, he’s now been
assigned to investigate President Trump’s alleged ties to Russia,
etc.  As was pointed out by Veteran Intelligence Professionals
for Sanity (VIPS) Bill Binney and Ray McGovern in an article that
appeared a couple of days ago in the {Baltimore Sun}, Comey
absolutely was legitimately fired; it was the right thing for
President Trump to do.  Comey had refused to investigate the
actual serious crime which was committed, which was the unmasking
of Michael Flynn; who had a telephone conversation with the
Russian ambassador and, according to US law, the American end of
that conversation should never have been recorded.  That was
illegal.  The fact that that not only was recorded, but then was
leaked to the press, is two crimes committed for which people
could and should be prosecuted; and it would be relatively easy
to discover who did it.  That actual crime was not investigated.
Instead, we are supposed to believe that somehow Russian
hacking changed the vote of the American people; which no one has
yet explained even how that would work even if they could prove
that the Russians hacked into the DNC computers — which they
can’t even prove.  Especially since it’s been revealed now that
you can change the IP address; you can make it look like Russians
hacked into a computer, when in fact the hacking was done right
from someplace in Iowa.  So, this whole thing is completely a
fraud; and Julian Assange has made the point that there was no
hacking, as Binney and Ray McGovern said.  Assange explicitly it
was a leak; McGovern and Binney also said that this absolutely
could have been a leak.
There’s another breaking story — which we have not
confirmed independently — of interest, of Seth Rich, the 27-year
old DNC staffer who turned up dead.  There’s now some question as
to whether or not he was sending tens of thousands of emails to
Wikileaks.  As I said, that has not been yet confirmed by other
sources, but it just underscores that there was no crime
committed in terms of collusion between Trump and Russia.  The
Russians did not determine the outcome of this election.  I think
every sane American knows this; and frankly, most of the
Democratic Party knows this, they’re just completely gutless in
the face of this McCarthy-ite kind of witch-hunt against the
President, to tell the truth about what they know.  Which is that
the Democratic Party abandoned its traditional base; the
forgotten men and women who voted in large numbers for President
Trump.  The people who have skills who are currently unemployed;
who should be working for $50, $60, $70 an hour producing things
for the nation and the world; who are now either working at
McDonald’s or Walmart or are unemployed.  These are the people
that Trump’s campaign inspired to turn out in large numbers; that
was simply not being offered by the Democratic Party.
I will say that if you think about two times in history
which Mr. LaRouche talks about frequently: one is 1945, where the
British — through certain military tactics or failures —
delayed the end of World War II; they delayed the victory because
they were hoping that Franklin Roosevelt would be dead by the
time the war ended.  Because what FDR envisioned was a world
without a colonial empire; where the British, the French, the
Dutch, the Portuguese would give up their colonies, and nations
would have the right to develop.  Very much like what President
Xi Jinping is talking about at this time.  Mr. LaRouche was a
veteran of World War II; he was in the Pacific theatre at that
time — I believe in Burma — when Franklin Roosevelt died.  He
often describes his fellow troops coming to him and saying, “What
do you think is the meaning of this?”  And he said, “A very great
man” — FDR — “has been replaced by a very little man.”  That is
Truman, who was a complete lackey of the British; who presided
over the only use of nuclear bombs so far, which was done by the
United States on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  This was completely
unnecessary, because Japan was already preparing to surrender.
He also presided over the new Cold War; the division of the world
between these spheres of influence — geopolitics, which has so
much colored the way people think about things.
So LaRouche determined that, in a sense, his life’s work
would be to bring into existence a higher ordering state of
mankind; governments worthy of what it means to be truly human.
That has been his life’s mission.  And to that end, he
collaborated with others to create the conditions for the Reagan
Presidency, where with the Strategic Defense Initiative and
LaRouche’s forecast that the Soviet Union was going to
disintegrate economically, you had the collapse of the Berlin
Wall.  Now that was 28 years ago.  That changed the world; and
yet, you have people today — 28 years later — trying to act
like Russia is our enemy.  The British, who truly are the enemy
of the United States, are allies.  This is completely backwards.
Happily, the British Empire is right now operating from the
standpoint of complete strategic weakness.  The trans-Atlantic
financial system is totally bankrupt; they have shut down their
ability to produce.  They have tried to squash and stifle every
scientist in the trans-Atlantic world with this Green agenda,
this fear of global warming and climate change and all of this
baloney; which happily hasn’t worked.  We still have a lot of
creative people in the United States.  I think Kesha knows many
of them in the space program in Texas.  And what you have is that
China, with this Beijing conference, has consolidated a process
that has been underway and coming together for a very long time.
So, I would like to just urge everybody who is viewing this,
to take advantage of the material on the website.  I think Jason
was involved in producing a short video and a petition basically
saying let’s suck it up and tell the Congress to suck it up and
move on; that no one is interested in this witch-hunt against
President Trump.  What people {are} interested in, is organizing
an economic recovery, and we are very much on the brink of
success.  So, I would urge everyone to not be demoralized or
fearful.  We have to take the same approach as Lyndon LaRouche,
as President Trump has said now, to absolutely not give up; and
insure the United States joins this potential which has been
opened up.

ROSS:  Absolutely!  Part of the irony of this idea of a
Russian takeover of United States policy, is that if Russia took
over US policy, what are the policies that Russia is forcing
through?  Russia is not opposing Glass-Steagall.  The reason we
don’t have Glass-Steagall right now is because of Wall Street and
because of Presidents who capitulated to it; it’s not because of
Russia.  Joining the Belt and Road Initiative would make the most
possible sense for the United States right now.  Offering what we
have to offer to that; being part of an international development
program of infrastructure, that’s clearly in America’s best
interests.  Would that be some sort of a Russian plot?  The whole
thing just doesn’t make any sense.  The idea that people are
debating this and arguing whether or not Trump said something
inappropriate to Comey, while people are dying of opioids, while
communities are being devastated by unemployment and by a
collapsing economy in many parts of the country.  The idea of
worrying about this stuff, or making it an issue, makes it very
clear that these “facts” aren’t driving an investigation. What it
is, is an attempt to prevent a shift in policy in the United
States, and the fear that Trump would, indeed, play a role in
making that happen, is what has these people completely unhinged
and making up all sorts of complete nonsense and conspiracy
theorizing in order to throw him out.
I think if we look at what is being offered right now with
the initiative from the Belt and Road Forum, and you contrast
that with some empty platitudes about human rights and rights for
all coming from the West, you can’t protest unemployment; you
have to create development.  You need policies that are going to
make it happen; you need projects that are going to make it
happen.  You need a path towards a better future.  For us, this
requires overthrowing a concept of economics that we have had for
decades now, and replacing it with LaRouche’s concept of wealth
— not as money, but as the creation of an increased power of the
human species around its surroundings.
So, let me just wrap up by quoting the end of Helga
Zepp-LaRouche’s presentation at the Belt and Road Forum.  She
said: “When we organize our societies around scientific and
artistic discovery, we will perfect our knowledge on how we can
continuously advance the process of self-development of mankind;
intellectually, morally, and aesthetically.  And we will find our
freedom in necessity — doing our duty with passion!”
As Diane had mentioned, we have a petition; I’ll put it up
on the screen here.  The webpage that we’d like you to go to;
it’s  It is a petition; it begins with the video
that Diane had referred to, and then a call on the Congress to
focus on making this country a better place, revitalizing our
manufacturing and infrastructure, exploring space, working on
science, and ending the concept of regime change warfare.  That’s
something that should be our policy.  So, please go to  Sign and circulate the petition.  Our goal is
to get 100,000 signatures on this to force a response from the
White House, among other effects.  The primary effect, of course,
being Congress to whom the petition is directed.
Go there; do that; and let’s get to work!

Den Nye Silkevej spreder sig globalt,
inklusive i USA – Hvilket er grunden til,
at Trump er under angreb

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, 17. maj, 2017 – Verdens ledere, der vender hjem til deres lande fra det historiske Bælt & Vej Forum i Beijing, udtaler vidt og bredt, at et nyt paradigme for verdens anliggender er blevet etableret, både økonomisk og kulturelt. Titlen på EIR’s Specialrapport fra 2014, »Den Nye Silkevej bliver til Verdenslandbroen«, er på en meget realistisk måde blevet til virkelighed.

I Europa er italienerne, med hjælp fra kineserne, i færd med at sammensætte en ny Nordlig Adriaterhavs-Havnesammenslutning, sammen med Slovenien og Kroatien, som vil opgradere havne og bygge jernbaneforbindelser igennem til Øst- og Vesteuropa. Med kinesisk hjælp er grækerne i færd med at planlægge endnu en jernbanelinje fra den nyligt udvidede havn i Piræus (opgraderet af Kina), og som løber op langs vestkysten og ind i Balkanlandene. Tjekkiets præsident Milos Zeman hånede dem, der klager over, at Bælt & Vej splitter Europa og sagde, at Europa allerede er forfærdelig splittet, men kan forenes gennem den fælles Silkevejsmission. Ungarns premierminister Viktor Orbán sagde, at mange lande var lede og kede af at høre på formaninger om menneskerettigheder og foredrag om frie markeder, og at den »gamle model for globalisering er død« med den Nye Silkevej, der skaber et udviklingsbaseret, globalt paradigme.

I Asien diskuterer Japan nu en tilslutning til Asiatisk Infrastruktur-Investeringsbank (AIIB) og gensidige besøg mellem Kinas præsident Xi Jinping og Japans premierminister Shinzo Abe, som den amerikanske præsident Donald Trump har tilskyndet til. Filippinernes præsident Rodrigo Duterte planlægger at genoplive fælles udvikling af de rige resurser i det Sydkinesiske Hav sammen med Kina og Vietnam, nu, hvor Obamas plan for krig i det Sydkinesiske Hav er blevet afvist i hele Asien, og af Trump-administrationen.

I Latinamerika roste generalsekretæren for FN-kontoret for den Økonomiske Kommission for Latinamerika og Caribien (ECLAC), Alicia Bárcena, Bælt & Vej som »en fornyelse af den dybe forpligtelse over for de værdier, som er fundamentale for vores globale, økonomiske og sociale velfærd« og opfordrede alle medlemslandene til at »opsamle det potentiale, som dette Ét bælt, én vej-program har for at omdefinere kapitalisme gennem folks ligeværd og værdighed«.

I Afrika sagde den etiopiske premierminister Hailemariam Desalegn, at Bælt & Vej »åbner døren for udviklingslande og fremvoksende nationaløkonomier til at bidrage til global, økonomisk vækst«. Kenyas præsident Uhuru Kenyatta sagde, at »Bælt & Vej-initiativet giver vort kontinent muligheden for at gennemføre et paradigmeskift. Post-koloniale Afrika har siddet fast i en trummerum. At blive en del af Ét bælt gør det muligt for kontinentet at gå videre til en ny platform, ved hvilken globalt samarbejde vil muliggøre merværdi, innovation og øget fremgang«.

Lignende entusiastiske responser fylde pressen i nationer i hele udviklingssektoren.

Og i USA etablerede Trump-administrationens repræsentant, Matthew Pottinger, en »Amerikansk Bælt & Vej Arbejdsgruppe« som et partnerskab mellem den Amerikanske Ambassade i Beijing og amerikanske selskaber, for at bringe amerikanske selskaber ind i Silkevejsprocessen. Desuden inviterede han Kina til at deltage i det »Særlige Amerikanske Investeringstopmøde« den 18.-20. juni i området omkring Washington, D.C., med det formål at bringe Kina ind i investeringsmuligheder i USA.

Ikke desto mindre ville en person, der var afhængig af den amerikanske presse eller rapporter fra den amerikanske Kongres, ikke vide noget som helst om alt dette. I stedet består næsten alt i USA’s 24-timers nyhedscyklus af hysteriske tirader om præsident Trump. Hvis man troede på noget af det, skulle man tro, præsidenten var en marionet for onde Rusland og onde Kina, at han skulle være skyldig i forræderi for at gøre sit arbejde og gøre det, han lovede i sin valgkampagne – nemlig, at afslutte Bush’ og Obamas politik for »krige for regimeskifte« og at genoprette Amerikas industri-infrastruktur, samt de hertil hørende arbejdspladser.

Tro ikke på den løgn, at Trump skulle være tvunget i forsvarsposition; at hans handlinger skulle have undermineret hans troværdighed, som medierne bringer til torvs ad nauseam. For kendsgerningen er den, at Trump er i offensiven for at afslutte den britiske imperieæra i historien. Briterne, med samt deres aktiver i USA – de neokonservative i begge politiske partier og på Wall Street, og de korrupte elementer i efterretningssamfundet, især i FBI – er totalt hysteriske over, at deres geopolitiske opsplitning af verden og deres evne til at få den amerikanske befolkning til passivt at acceptere nedskæringer og krig, er i færd med at blive ødelagt af Trumps tiltag for at bringe USA ind i den Nye Silkevej og for at samarbejde med Rusland om at knuse terroristsvøben. Hans erklærede hensigt om at genindføre Glass-Steagall driver simpelt hen de britiske aktiver yderligere ind i en panikreaktion.

Som Helga Zepp-LaRouche gentog i sine mange taler og interviews i Kina i forgangne weekend, hvor hun optrådte som taler på det Globale Topmøde for Tænketanke under Bælt & Vej Forum: Hvis Donald Trump lykkes med at bringe USA in i det nye paradigme med den globale Silkevej, vil han huskes som én de store præsidenter i amerikansk historie.

Foto: Præsident Trump og præsident Erdogan udsteder en fælles erklæring i Roosevelt Room i Det Hvide Hus, tirsdag, den 16. maj, 2017, i Washington, D.C. (Whitehouse Instagram)

Amerika, Kina og Rusland:
Et Nyt Paradigme for fremskridt
– eller en Ny Kold Krig?

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, 16. maj, 2017 – Med ekstraordinært, globalt, politisk mod, indkaldte til og organiserede Kinas præsident Xi, som i begyndelsen handlede alene, den forgangne weekends topmøde med deltagelse af 29 statsoverhoveder og repræsentanter for 130 nationer: »Bælt & Vej Forum for Internationalt Samarbejde«. Med denne handling har Xi skabt en ny, international, økonomisk og monetær orden – der ikke er dømt til at krakke og blive reddet gennem ’redningspakker’ (bailout), men derimod er bestemt til at opbygge og udvikle. Foreløbig er den hovedsagligt baseret på Kinas egen forpligtelse til et beløb af $1 billion til andre nationer i investeringer i afgørende infrastrukturprojekter; og på den kendsgerning, at Bælt & Vej-initiativet er åbent for alle nationer.

Med Ruslands aktive støtte er dette ligeledes »det vigtigste, strategiske initiativ på denne planet«, som det vurderedes af Helga Zepp-LaRouche, der deltog i topmødet som stifter og præsident for Schiller Instituttet. Et statsoverhoved på topmødet sagde korrekt, »Dette er den form for initiativ, der kan afslutte terrorisme«.

I fald USA nu fuldt ud samarbejder i dette initiativ, er der intet problem, der ikke kan tackles med held, gennem disse tre nationers samarbejde.

Dette spørgsmål, og hvilken politik, præsident Donald Trump vil føre hen imod dette potentielle samarbejde, er vigtigere for amerikaneres fremtid end al den mediesladder, de læser.

Hvis de fleste amerikanere ikke er klar over dette, skyldes det, at britiske og amerikanske efterretningstjenester er fast besluttet på at isolere USA fra Rusland og Kina og gennemtvinge en ny, Kold Krig, med disse nationer som Amerikas fjender. De hjælpes frem af en ny McCarthy-isme i amerikanske og europæiske medier, og en genoplivelse af forrige århundredes »sensationsjournalistik«. De lancerer flere og flere angreb mod præsident Donald Trump i et forsøg på at tvinge ham til at føre en fjendtlig politik over for Rusland og Kina – og, hvis de kan, tvinge ham ud af embedet.

De fleste amerikanere er ganske enkelt ikke bevidste om, at et nyt paradigme er i færd med at skabes, som vil genoplive den kollapsede økonomi, den udforskning af rummet, som USA opgav, og de fremskudte, videnskabelige grænser, som det ophørte med at finansiere. Årsagen er, at medierne og efterretningskræfterne forsøger at tvinge Amerika ind i en Ny Kold Krig i stedet. De fleste Demokratiske ledere er fuldstændig faldet for det.

Vågn op; afvis det. Kræv fornuftigt samarbejde med Kina og Rusland om dette fremvoksende, nye, økonomiske og strategiske initiativ.

LaRouche PAC cirkulerer appeller og kæmper i Kongressen for fire politiske punkter af afgørende betydning:

Lad os genindføre Glass/Steagall-loven og bryde Wall Streets storbanker op.

Lad Amerika investere billioner af dollars i sin egen, ny infrastruktur, med samarbejde med andre verdensmestre i højhastighedsjernbaner, osv., og lade indehavere af amerikanske statsobligationer investere i ny, amerikansk infrastruktur.

Lad os bygge næste generation rumfartsmissioner og gøre opdagelser for fremtiden, såsom fusionskraft.

USA har ligeledes behov for samarbejde inden for bekæmpelse af international terrorisme og den hermed relaterede narkotikasvøbe.

Og, hvilke af disse ting er det, Rusland og Kina forhindrer USA i at gennemføre? Eller, er det tværtimod præcis disse mål, som det internationale Bælt & Vej-topmøde drejede sig om?

Foto: 15. maj, 2017: Rundbordsdiskussion mellem ledere på Bælt & Vej Internationale Forum []

Virkningen af Bælt & Vej Forum:
Lyndon LaRouche:
»En vidunderlig ændring i historien«

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, 15. maj, 2017 – I dag sluttede »Bælt & Vej Forum for Internationalt Samarbejde« i Beijing, efter to dage med overvejelser og med repræsentation fra 130 nationer, i en proces, som værten, præsident Xi Jinping, beskrev som at arbejde sammen for en »fælles fremtid for menneskeheden«. Et fælles kommunike blev udstedt her til eftermiddag, efter Ledernes Rundbordssamtale ved Bælt & Vej Forum, hvor 29 statsoverhoveder deltog. Præsident Xi, såvel som også præsident Putin, æresgæsten, holdt bagefter en pressekonference. Xi meddelte, at det andet internationale forum bliver i 2019 i Kina.

»Dette er en vidunderlig ændring i historien«,

erklærede Lyndon LaRouche om konferencen. Han sagde, at

»Kina gør et godt stykke arbejde. Kina stiller sig selv i front for dynamikken for verdens udvikling.«

Han sagde, at

»vi er parat til at satse på den totale sejr i USA og andre steder«. Lad være med at »forklare« det. »Acceptér processen og aktualisér potentialet. Få hele verden indkapslet i denne proces. Kampen går ud på at arbejde på dens virkeliggørelse.«

Lyndon LaRouches hustru, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, befinder sig lige midt i handlingens centrum i Beijing. Dette kommer efter årtiers lederskab fra LaRouche-parret, for netop denne form for mobilisering for verdensomspændende udvikling. Siden 1990’erne og Helga Zepp-LaRouches første deltagelse i en international konference i Kina, hvor hun opfordrede til en »Eurasisk Landbro«, er hun i Kina blevet vidt kendt som ’Silkevejsladyen’.

Repræsenterende Schiller Instituttet, som hun stiftede og er præsident for, talte Helga Zepp-LaRouche søndag, den 14. maj, på konferencens første dag, på panelet, »Bælt & Vej for fremme af en stærk, afbalanceret, inkluderende og bæredygtig, global økonomi«. Hun sagde:

»Bælt & Vej-initiativet har det indlysende potentiale til hurtigt at blive til en Verdenslandbro, der forbinder alle kontinenter gennem infrastruktur, såsom tunneller og broer, og som forstærkes gennem den Maritime Silkevej. Som sådan repræsenterer initiativet en ny form for globalisering, der ikke bestemmes af kriteriet for profitmaksimering for finanssektoren, men derimod af kriteriet for den harmoniske udvikling af alle deltagende lande på basis af win-win-samarbejde.

Det er derfor vigtigt, at man ikke ser på Bælt & Vej-initiativet ud fra en bogholders synspunkt, som fremskriver sit statistiske cost-benefit-synspunkt ind i fremtiden, men at vi derimod tænker på det som en vision om et fællesskab for en fælles fremtid. Hvor ønsker vi, menneskeheden som helhed skal være om 10, 100 eller endda 1000 år? Er det ikke menneskehedens naturlige skæbne, som den hidtil eneste kendte, kreative art i universet, at vi i fremtiden vil bygge landbyer på Månen, udvikle en dybere forståelse af de billioner af galakser i vort univers, løse spørgsmålet om sygdomme, der hidtil ikke har kunnet kureres, eller løse spørgsmålet om sikkerhed for forsyning af energi og råmaterialer gennem udvikling af termonuklear fusionskraft? Ved at fokusere på menneskehedens fælles mål, vil vi blive i stand til at overvinde geopolitik og etablere et højere fornuftsgrundlag, til fordel for alle.«

Helga Zepp-LaRouche adresserede især spørgsmålet om USA’s rolle – USA’s delegation i Beijing blev ledet af en særlig rådgiver til præsident Trump. Med en fremstilling af det mest positive, ’store billede’, forklarede Zepp-LaRouche:

»Når man ser på et verdenskort, så er USA ikke kun et land, der er omgivet af to oceaner og to naboer, men at det kan blive en central del af en infrastrukturkorridor, der, via Central- og Sydamerika, forbinder Ibero-Amerika med det eurasiske transportsystem, via en tunnel under Beringstrædet … «

Som det kunne forudsiges, så er geopolitik-flokken, med centrum i London, ved at få et anfald. Londons The Economist kørte i dag en strøm af modvægt, med overskriften, »”The Economist explains, “What Is China’s Belt and Road Initiative?” (The Economist forklarer: Hvad er Bælt & Vej-initiativet?) De skriver, at forretningsfolk i Centralasien kalder det for »En vej, en fælde«, fordi B&V-projekter er upålidelige. Og »Bælt & Vej Forum har en uheldig forkortelse, opkast (BARF)«, osv.

Men tilbage i virkeligheden markerer Bælt & Vej Forum ikke alene udviklingen af et potentielt verdensøkonomisk og videnskabeligt lift-off, men der er også en proces i gang med overvejelser over spørgsmål om nuværende lidelse og mulig generel krig. Præsident Trumps udsending til Beijing, Matthew Pottinger, er nu i Sydkorea til konsultationer om spørgsmål i regionen. Med hensyn til Syrien, hvor fredsforhandlinger, under navnet »Genève 6«, begynder i morgen, er flere møder planlagt til denne uge med mellemøstlige ledere, der mødtes i Beijing med både Xi og Putin. I Washington, D.C., vil den tyrkiske præsident Recep Tayyip Erdogan mødes med præsident Trump den 16. maj. Den 17. maj vil den italienske premierminister Paolo Gentiloni mødes med præsident Putin i Sotji. Den græske premierminister Alexis Tsipras mødtes ligeledes med Xi og Putin i Beijing, og også med den russiske udenrigsminister Sergei Lavrov.

I dag opsummerede Helga Zepp-LaRouche det store potentiale – vores store udfordring – ved at beskrive åbningen af Bælt & Vej Forum den 14. maj:

»I går var et fantastisk, historisk øjeblik!«

Hun talte på China Global Television Network’s program, »Dialog med Yang Rui«, udsendt live, prime time.

Hun udbrød: »Vi befinder os i et faseskifte for menneskeheden!«

Foto: Slutscene fra Aftengallashow på forummet, med en smuk præsentation af kinesisk kultur. Videoen kan ses her. 

LPAC’s Matthew Ogden præsenterer
Helga Zepp-LaRouches smukke tale
på Bælt & Vej Forum i Beijing; engelsk

Redaktør for LPAC TV Matthew Ogden præsenterer her Helga Zepp-LaRouches smukke tale på Bælt & Vej Forum i Beijing, 14. maj. Fr. Zepp-LaRouche taler om implikationerne af at udvide rækkevidden af Bælt & Vej-initiativet til hele verden, hvor de amerikanske kontinenter inkorporeres i en win-win-relation med Eurasiens nationer, som nu har fordel af Kinas Bælt & Vej-initiativ.

Helgas fulde tale kan læses i dagens leder. 

Helga Zepp-LaRouches tale på
Bælt & Vej Forum for
Internationalt Samarbejde i Beijing.

“Hvor ønsker vi, menneskeheden som helhed skal være om 10, 100 eller endda
1000 år? Er det ikke menneskehedens naturlige skæbne, som den hidtil eneste
kendte, kreative art i universet, at vi i fremtiden vil bygge landsbyer på Månen,
udvikle en dybere forståelse af de billioner af galakser i vort univers, løse spørgsmålet
om sygdomme, der hidtil ikke har kunnet kureres, eller løse spørgsmålet om
sikkerhed for forsyning af energi og råmaterialer gennem udvikling af
termonuklear fusionskraft?
Ved at fokusere på menneskehedens fælles mål, vil vi blive i stand til at overvinde
geopolitik og etablere et højere fornuftsgrundlag, til fordel for alle.”

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, 15. maj, 2017 – Helga Zepp-LaRouche, stifter og præsident for Schiller Instituttet, deltog i går, på åbningsdagen af Bælt & Vej Forum for Internationalt Samarbejde i Beijing, Kina, i »Tematisk session om udvekslinger mellem tænketanke«, på panelet med titlen, »Bælt & Vej for fremme af stærk, afbalanceret, inkluderende og bæredygtig, global økonomi«. Her følger hendes indlæg:

Bælt & Vej byder Verdenslandbroen velkommen

I de tre et halvt år, der er gået, siden præsident Xi Jinping annoncerede initiativet i 2013, har der været en åndeløs dynamik i den Nye Silkevej. Bælt & Vej-initiativet har det indlysende potentiale til hurtigt at blive til en Verdenslandbro, der forbinder alle kontinenter gennem infrastruktur, såsom tunneller og broer, og som forstærkes gennem den Maritime Silkevej. Som sådan repræsenterer initiativet en ny form for globalisering, der ikke bestemmes af kriteriet for profitmaksimering for finanssektoren, men derimod af kriteriet for den harmoniske udvikling af alle deltagende lande på basis af win-win-samarbejde.

Det er derfor vigtigt, at man ikke ser på Bælt & Vej-initiativet ud fra en bogholders synspunkt, som fremskriver sit statistiske cost-benefit-synspunkt ind i fremtiden, men at vi derimod tænker på det som en vision om et fællesskab for en fælles fremtid. Hvor ønsker vi, menneskeheden som helhed skal være om 10, 100 eller endda 1000 år? Er det ikke menneskehedens naturlige skæbne, som den hidtil eneste kendte, kreative art i universet, at vi i fremtiden vil bygge landsbyer på Månen, udvikle en dybere forståelse af de billioner af galakser i vort univers, løse spørgsmålet om sygdomme, der hidtil ikke har kunnet kureres, eller løse spørgsmålet om sikkerhed for forsyning af energi og råmaterialer gennem udvikling af termonuklear fusionskraft? Ved at fokusere på menneskehedens fælles mål, vil vi blive i stand til at overvinde geopolitik og etablere et højere fornuftsgrundlag, til fordel for alle.

Det er åbenlyst, at Verdenslandbroen er ideel for at fuldføre udviklingen af vor planets indlandsområder. Koloniseringen af det nære rum bliver den indlysende, næste fase af den infrastrukturelle åbning af menneskets naturlige levested.

Når man ser på et verdenskort, så er USA ikke kun et land, der er omgivet af to oceaner og to naboer, men at det kan blive en central del af en infrastrukturkorridor, der, via Central- og Sydamerika, forbinder Ibero-Amerika med det eurasiske transportsystem, via en tunnel under Beringstrædet. Siden præsident Xi Jinping tilbød præsident Trump, at USA kunne tilslutte sig Bælt & Vej-initiativet, er der nu et praktisk forslag på bordet, hvor USA kan blive en integreret del af Verdenslandbroen. USA’s infrastrukturbehov, der er enorme, kunne være en perfekt anledning til at konvertere alle eller en del af de $1,4 billion, som udgør Kinas beholdning af amerikanske statsobligationer, til sådanne investeringer via en infrastrukturbank. For eksempel har USA virkelig brug for ca. 40.000 mil hurtige jernbaner, hvis de ønsker at være på lige fod med de kinesiske planer om frem til år 2020 at forbinde alle de større byer i Kina via hurtigtog.

Den amerikanske økonomi ville opleve en enorm styrkelse gennem en sådan storstilet infrastrukturinvestering og kunne igen eksportere til det hastigt voksende, kinesiske marked, og når konkurrence først er udskiftet med samarbejde, er mulighederne for joint ventures mellem USA og Kina i tredjelande enorme.

Siden præsident Trump har erklæret, at det er hans plan at genintroducere det Amerikanske Økonomiske System, opfundet og praktiseret af Alexander Hamilton, Henry C. Clay og Abraham Lincoln, og ligeledes genintroducere Franklin D. Roosevelts Glass/Steagall-lov, er muligheden for en snarlig etablering af en Nationalbank og et statsligt kreditsystem, med det formål at kanalisere kinesiske beholdninger (af amerikanske statsobligationer) over i infrastrukturinvesteringer, nærmere en realitet.

Alt imens flere og flere europæiske nationer, både i og uden for EU, er ved at anerkende BVI’s enorme potentiale og giver udtryk for planer om at blive et omdrejningspunkt for eurasisk samarbejde, så har selve EU været reserveret, for at sige det diplomatisk.

Der er imidlertid en enorm udfordring, som gør, at EU-staterne kunne overbevises om at samarbejde med BVI: Det er flygtningekrisen. Den eneste måde, hvorpå dette Europas moralske sår kan heles, er den aktive integration af de europæiske nationer i en storstilet udviklingsplan for hele Afrika, under BVI.

Den nye, positive udsigt til samarbejde mellem USA og Rusland i Syrien om deeskalering og samarbejde mellem de to landes militære styrker, sammen med Astana-processen, stiller nu en stabilisering af hele regionen i sigte. Der eksisterer allerede tilbud fra Kina om at forlænge den Nye Silkevej ind i Sydvestasien.

Den Nye Silkevej må – som oldtidens Silkevej gjorde det – føre til en udveksling af de skønneste udtryk for alle de deltagende landes kultur, hvis den skal lykkes. Den sande betydning af win-win-samarbejde er mere end blot den materielle fordel af infrastruktur- og industriudvikling, men er også den frydefulde opdagelse af andre kulturer og skønheden i deres klassiske musik, poesi og malerkunst og hermed, gennem at lære dem at kende, at styrke vores kærlighed til menneskeheden som helhed.

I opbygningen af Verdenslandbroen vil alle nationer samarbejde om at undersøge, hvordan man anvender lovene for noosfæren med det formål at etablere levedygtige former for regeringen af os selv. Udvikling af de skabende, intellektuelle evner hos alle mennesker i alle nationer vil give hele menneskeheden en fornemmelse af enhed og formål, som vil gøre vores art virkeligt menneskelig. Når vi organiserer vore samfund omkring videnskabelig og kunstnerisk opdagelse, vil vi fuldende vores viden om, hvordan vi uophørligt kan fremme menneskehedens selvudviklingsproces, intellektuelt, moralsk og æstetisk, og vi vil finde vores frihed i nødvendighed – hvor vi gør vores pligt, med lidenskab!

Kina har lanceret Århundredets Projekt; Hvad er vores ansvar fremover?

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, 14. maj, 2017 – Den kinesiske præsident Xi Jinpings hovedtale på Bælt & Vej Forum for Internationalt Samarbejde i Beijing, søndag, understregede de næste skridt, der må tages for at sikre, at flere end 100 nationer i maksimal grad får fordel af det, han kaldte »Århundredets Projekt« – Bælt & Vej-initiativet (BVI).

Det attraktive aspekt af dette storslåede projekt med storslåede infrastrukturprojekter er blevet fastslået gennem fire år, sagde Xi og citerede et mundheld: »Ferskner og pærer taler ikke, men de er så tiltrækkende, at en sti kommer til syne under træerne«. Men, med mere end $950 mia. i forpligtende langfristerede investeringer i 900 projekter – hidtil i overvældende grad fra Kinas udviklingsbanker og nye fonde, som tilføjede $115 mia. i nye forpligtelser alene på dette Forum – understregede Xi de vanskelige opgaver med koordinering af projektdesign, planlægning af økonomisk udvikling og mobilisering af industri blandt de deltagende lande. Og også, fælles finansiering gennem nationale kreditter.

Det pressereden spørgsmål er, hvad andre nationer, især USA, kan og må tilføre BVI, for virkelig at gå med i det – i betragtning af 1 milliard fattige mennesker, truslen om sult og massedød i dele af Afrika og Mellemøsten, samt udbredelsen af en fortvivlelsens kultur i USA’s og Europas afindustrialiserede områder.

Den amerikanske systemøkonom Lyndon LaRouche, stifter af EIR, og hvis hustru Helga Zepp-LaRouche optræder i kinesisk pressedækning af Forummet, understregede, at tiden nu er inde til, at hans bevægelse i USA og alle dens tilhængere må handle for at føre Trump-administrationen længere end sine første skridt for samarbejde med Kina.

LaRouche påpegede udforskning af rummet og alle de hermed forbundne videnskabelige og teknologiske landvindinger: Dette er et førende bidrag, som USA kan og må yde til dette initiativ, hvor USA samarbejder med andre rumprogrammer, der engang efterlignede, men nu overgår Amerikas, med det formål at skabe et overordnet spring i menneskeligt fremskridt.

Der må være en »Silkevej i Rummet«, der overvåger og er drivkraft bag nye infrastruktur-korridorer på Jorden. Præsident Donald Trump er netop lige begyndt at se på en virkelig genoplivelse af NASA’s kapacitet på »Apollo«-niveau, og en genoplivelse af optimismen hos det amerikanske folk, der engang kunne gå på Månen.

Ignorér »den offentlige mening« om, hvad der skulle være muligt, sagde LaRouche. Og frem for alt, få Amerika til at handle på denne basis: Hvad er meningen med livet for et menneske, 50 år frem i tiden? Da Lyndon og Helga LaRouche for mere end 35 år siden fremlagde politikken for den »Eurasiske Landbro« og internationale udviklingsbanker, forudså de i realiteten meningen med denne weekends momentum i Beijing og præsenterede frøet til dette momentums Bælt & Vej-initiativ.

Præsident Xis presserende opfordring kan høres:

»Industrier er nationaløkonomiens fundament. Vi bør intensivere industrisamarbejde således, at forskellige landes industrielle udviklingsplaner vil komplementere og forstærke hinanden. Fokus bør ligge på lanceringen af store projekter. Vi bør styrke internationalt samarbejde om produktionskapacitet og fremstilling af udstyr og gribe nye udviklingsmuligheder, der frembydes af den nye industrirevolution, for at skabe nye foretagender og fastholde dynamisk vækst.

Finansiering er en moderne økonomis livsblod. Kun, når blodet cirkulerer uhindret, kan man vokse. Vi bør etablere et stabilt og bæredygtigt, finansielt garantisystem, der holder risici under kontrol, skabe nye modeller for investeringer og finansiering, opmuntre til større samarbejde mellem regering og privatkapital og bygge et diversificeret finansieringssystem og et flerstrenget kapitalmarked. Vi bør ligeledes udvikle inkluderende finansiering og forbedre netværk for finansielle ydelser.

Infrastruktur-konnektivitet er fundamentet for udvikling gennem samarbejde. Vi bør fremme konnektivitet til lands, til vands, i luften og i cyberspace, koncentrere vore bestræbelser omkring hoved-forbindelsesveje, byer og projekter og forbinde netværk for hovedveje, jernbaner og havne. Vi har sat et mål for byggeri af seks økonomiske hovedkorridorer under Bælt & Vej-initiativet, og vi bør bestræbe os på at opfylde dette mål.«

Denne udfordring blev anerkendt af den tjekkiske præsident Milos Zeman på Bælt & Vej Forum: »I hele historien har der, med undtagelse af Marshallplanen, ikke været et langfristet projekt, der kræver enormt mod. Lad mig udtrykke min taknemlighed over for Folkerepublikken Kina for dets mod, og lad mig især udtrykke anerkendelse over for Kinas præsident for dette så sjældne mod.«

Helga Zepp-LaRouche, der blev interviewet af Kinas Xinhua Nyhedsbureau, forudsagde, at andre lande vil blive i stand til at »eftergøre det kinesiske, økonomiske mirakel gennem de seneste 20 år … Det vil føre til videnskabelige og teknologiske gennembrud, med internationalt samarbejde om termonuklear fusionsteknologi, der vil give os sikkerhed for forsyning af energi og råmaterialer …

Jeg er sikker på, at det (initiativet) vil fortsætte med at vokse og blive til en virkelig verdenslandbro, med en omskrivning af et gammelt slagord: intet land vil blive ladt tilbage«.

Lad os sørge for, at USA indtager en førende plads og redder sin egen fremtid.

Foto: Internationalt Forum for Ét bælt, én Vej begynder. (

RADIO SCHILLER 15. maj, 2017:
Bælt & Vej Forum i Beijing: Med deltagelse af bl.a. USA, Danmark og
Schiller Instituttets stifter, Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Med formand Tom Gillesberg

Seneste mediedækning i USA af Bælt & Vej Forum.
Uddrag af LPAC webcast, 12. maj.

Vært Matthew Ogden: Som vore seere vil vide, er der nu mindre end 24 timer til det verdenshistoriske Bælt & Vej Forum, der afholdes i Beijing, Kina, med start søndag morgen. Som det vil være vore seere bekendt, har LaRouche PAC og den internationale LaRouche-bevægelse krævet, at medlemmer af Trump-administrationen deltager personligt i dette topmøde. Seneste nyt er, at det i går aftes blev meddelt, at der faktisk vil blive en delegation, der deltager Bælt & Vej Forum. Trump-administrationen har besluttet at sende en officiel delegation til denne verdenshistoriske begivenhed.

Jeg vil gerne vise en artikel på skærmen fra Xinhua News, der bærer overskriften, »USA sender delegerede til at deltage i Bælt & Vej Forum«. Den lyder:

»USA vil sende delegerede til at deltage i Bælt & Vej Forum for Internationalt Samarbejde i Beijing den 14.-15. maj, sagde den amerikanske regering torsdag aften. USA ’anerkender betydningen af det af Kina foreslåede Bælt & Vej-initiativ og vil sende delegerede til at deltage i Forummet’, iflg. en udtalelse fra USA’s Handelsministerium.«

Ved det forestående forum vil alle parter fastlægge store samarbejdsprojekter, etablere arbejdsgrupper og etablere et center for investeringssamarbejde. De vil også underskrive finansieringsaftaler til støtte for deres samarbejdsprojekter.

Under et møde på Mar-a-Lago-ejendommen i Florida i sidste måned sagde den kinesiske præsident til sin amerikanske modpart, Donald Trump, at Kina byder USA’s deltagelse i Bælt & Vej-initiativet velkommen. I løbet af den månedstid, der fulgte efter dette møde mellem de to ledere, har USA og Kina opnået tilsagn til indledende forpligtende engagementer inden for områder som handel med landbrugsvarer, finansielle ydelser og energi for at styrke det økonomiske samarbejde under en 100 dages plan, iflg. Handelsministeriet.«

Dette er selvsagt en betydningsfuld udvikling på vejen, hvor USA tager imod tilbuddet fra Xi Jinping til officielt at tilslutte sig dette verdenshistoriske initiativ. Delegationen vil blive ledet af hr. Matt pottinger, der er særlig assistent til Donald Trump og seniordirektør for Østasien i det Nationale Sikkerhedsråd. Han vil, sammen med den amerikanske delegation, slutte sig til de p.t. 29 statsoverhoveder, der vil deltage i dette topmøde; disse omfatter bl.a. Ruslands præsident Putin og en minister fra Nordkorea – og netop meddelt – den nyvalgte præsident fra Sydkorea. Så meget står på spil på dette topmøde. Hr. LaRouche indskærpede, at dette må lykkes for den menneskelige civilisations fremtids skyld.

Den første, større dækning af dette Bælt & Vej-topmøde, der er fremkommet i USA, er netop kommet her til morgen fra, af alle medier, NBC News. Dette er meget signifikant, og jeg tror, I vil finde det meget interessant og ikke tilfældigt, at denne dækning af det forestående Bælt & Vej-topmøde omfatter ekstensive citater fra hr. Chas Freeman; som vore seere vil huske, var en fremtrædende hovedtaler under en Schiller Institut-konference sidste år i Tyskland, med Silkevejen og Bælt & Vej-initiativet som emne, og hvor hr. Freeman sad på et panel sammen med fr. Helga Zepp-LaRouche. Jeg vil gerne vise lidt af denne dækning fra NBC News. Som I ser, er titlen, »Bælt & Vej-initiativet: Kina planlægger ’Ny Silkevej til $1 billion’«, med et vidunderligt kort over de forskellige Silkevejsruter. Det lyder:

»Kina tilsigter at genskabe Marco Polos gamle »Silkevej«, der forbandt Europa med Asien. Men, i stedet for de kameler og karavaner, der transporterede krydderier og silke for hundreder af år siden, vil et for $1 billion moderne netværk af handelsruter blive bygget.

Søndag vil den kinesiske præsident Xi Jinping være vært for 28 statsoverhoveder ved åbningen af et todages topmøde med fokus på det såkaldte ’Bælt & Vej-initiativ’.

Analytikere fremfører, at projektet kunne ændre centrum for den globale økonomi og udfordre den amerikanskledede verdensorden …

Xis kolossale program er 11 gange større end USA’s Marshallplan, der genopbyggede Europa efter Anden Verdenskrig. Det omfatter nye veje, højhastighedsjernbaner, kraftværker, pipelines, havne og lufthavne og telekommunikationsforbindelser, der ville styrke handel mellem Kina og 60 lande i Asien, Europa, Mellemøsten og Nordafrika …

Tidligere amerikansk viceforsvarsminister Chas Freeman beskrev Bælt & Vej-projektet som ’den potentielt mest transformerende ingeniørindsats i menneskets historie’. Han pointerede, at de involverede lande udgør omkring 55 % af det globale, økonomiske resultat, 70 % af verdens befolkning og skønsmæssigt 75 % a kendte energireserver.

’Amerikanere tænker i øjeblikket på magt i næsten udelukkende militær sammenhæng, hvilket er ironisk, for vi hævder at tro på markedernes magt til at danne begivenheder, og Bælt & Vej-initiativet beror på markeder’, sagde Freeman til NBC News.

’Amerikansk fjernhed’ er ikke et svar på den strategiske udfordring, som initiativet udgør, fremførte han. ’Hvis vi ikke griber eksportmulighederne dér, hvor de findes, vil beskæftigelsen gå til andre, ikke amerikanere’, tilføjede Freeman. Bælt & Vej er stadig en vision, men, hvis en virkeliggøres på signifikant vis, vil alle veje i Eurasien ’føre til Beijing’ … Kina vil blive det økonomiske tyngdecenter i takt med, at landet bliver verdens største nationaløkonomi’, tilføjede han. ’»Bælt & Vej«-programmet indeholder intet militært element, men det har tydeligvis potentialet til fuldstændig at ændre verdens geopolitik, så vel som verdens økonomi’. …

Med 12.500 miles kan Kina allerede prale med verdens længste højhastigheds-jernbanenet – med planer om en nær-fordobling frem til 2025. Under Bælt & Vej er i alt 50.000 miles projekteret. Det er planen at gøre det muligt at rejse fra London til Beijing ’på blot to dage’, iflg. Freeman.«

Som I ser, så er dette en meget betydningsfuld artikel, med disse lange citater af Chas Freeman. Som jeg sagde, så var Chas Freeman (indsat foto) en af hovedtalerne på en konference i Tyskland for nylig, som var sponsoreret af Schiller Instituttet. Dette er altså den første betydningsfulde, amerikanske mediedækning af dette ekstraordinært signifikante projekt og ditto topmøde i kommende weekend.

(Afsnittet med den kinesiske video med Xi Jinping findes særskilt oversat til dansk, her:

(Her følger engelsk udskrift af resten af webcastet.)

So, as you can see, this is a very major article, with these
extensive quotes from Chas Freeman.  As I said, Chas Freeman was
one of the keynote speakers at a recent conference sponsored by
the Schiller Institute in Germany.  So, this happens to be the
first major U.S. media coverage of this extraordinarily
significant project and extraordinarily significant summit this
Now, I also just want to give you a selection of a number of
different quotes from other world leaders around the world, who
are recognizing the extraordinary significance of the Belt and
Road Initiative.  While Americans are distracted by domestic
politics here at home and the narratives of the mainstream U.S.
media, the rest of the world has become very attuned to the fact
that China, with this Belt and Road Initiative summit this
weekend, is inaugurating a new era in global politics and in
world history.  So, let me give you a taste of some of these
You’re going to see quotations from the chief of the United
Nations; this is Secretary-General António Guterres, and he was
interviewed by Xinhua. Look at what he says:  “China plays a very
central role” in uniting the world and tackling development
challenges.  He said, “When we look at the Belt and Road
Initiative, we see a very important contribution to this
solidarity in addressing global problems with international
cooperation, where China plays a very central role.  So,” he
said, “I am very happy that I have the chance to participate in
the Belt and Road summit.”  He will be attending in person.
“[The initiative] is exactly doing the projects that are uniting
countries, benefitting countries; namely infrastructure that
links different regions in the world.  We are creating exactly
that kind of shared prosperity that your President [Xi Jinping]
was offering,” he said.  He went on to say, “This reveals a very
important strategic breakthrough, and I think the Belt and Road
Initiative is demonstrating that new vision that China has
brought to global development.  We are in the beginning of its
implementation, but I think that there is now an enormous amount
of enthusiasm, and I must say that I have high expectations.”
The next article is an interview with the Consul-General to
Düsseldorf, Germany from China, whose name is Feng Haiyang.  He
says, “Chinese Jobs-Motor for Rhineland”; you can see in the
German-language coverage there in {Rheinische Post}
He said, “We should take the idea of a new Silk Road as a win-win
situation for all countries that participate in it.  We are
experiencing an era of crises: terrorism, wars, and refugee
streams, plus a shrinking world economy.  Hardly a country in the
world still has the will, nor the courage, to think for the
future and act accordingly.  The Chinese idea of a new Silk Road
can, therefore, also be seen as a hope-promoting answer for this
new era.  That is exactly why this initiative is welcomed by more
and more countries in the world.”
Then the next quote I want to read to you is from the
delegate from France who will be attending, Jean-Pierre Raffarin.
He said, “I expect, with this great summit, the entire world will
learn about this project, which involves not only Central Asia,
but also West and East Asia as well as Europe and even Africa.
What I would like is a world mobilization.”
Then he went on to say, “The world is very dangerous….  In
that dangerous world, China has projects and strategies, it seeks
multilateralism, defends the UN and UNESCO and thereby
contributes to peace in a dangerous world….
“Thus, we have the vision of a world which in the process of
erecting a new framework and a new organization.  The Belt and
Road Initiative is the framework of a new world; a world that is
a grand alliance between Europe and Asia, with a grand opening
towards Africa….”  China is contributing to the connectivity of
most of the world, and is “creating links, creating relations,
and creating development.
“France and China have the same peaceful vision of the
world.  We are countries that want peace in the world in order to
have development.”
Then he made an important historical point: “Since General
de Gaulle, we have always insured that the Franco-China relation
should prevail above political parties, and the ongoing
Presidential election would not play any role in the
deterioration of those relations.  We want a good relationship;
there is consensus on that question.”
This is very significant in the aftermath of the French
Presidential elections, that it’s Jean-Pierre Raffarin who will
be attending this summit, representing France.  And the
extraordinarily positive statements that he had in terms of the
importance of the Belt and Road framework.  As he called it, “the
framework for a new world”; very much along the lines of what
Helga Zepp-LaRouche has been saying about how this is
inaugurating a New Paradigm for mankind.  Speaking on behalf of
France, but also speaking on behalf of the better impulses inside
Europe, his point about how Europe should have a very close
relationship with China in bridging Eurasia and in inaugurating
this new era of global development as the means towards peace and
stability in a very dangerous and unstable world, is exactly the
point.  It’s those kinds of statements that we would hope that
President Trump takes a page from.
What you have coming out of China, as you could see from the
statement by the Consulate General to Düsseldorf, and we had also
seen from the Consulate General to New York City at the recent
Schiller Institute conference in Manhattan about a month ago, are
repeated statements that it’s in the best interests of all
countries to join in this “win-win” cooperation with China.  That
this really is the future; and as the Consulate General to
Dusseldorf made the point, there are very few countries on the
planet right now which have the courage to think in terms of a
future vision.  Most countries are now stuck in crisis-management
mode, just trying to resolve crises as they occur; wars,
terrorism, economic collapse, famine, starvation.  When you have
a nation like China, which is able to actually think 50 years
into the future, and to inaugurate this kind of future vision,
and to invite other countries to become a part of that; that’s
something that countries should take up the opportunity to be
participants in.
There’s a very inspiring press conference that was just held
on May 8 by the head of the Chinese Rolling Stock Rail
Corporation [CRRC], and they’ve announced some exciting
initiatives in terms of new trains and new rail capabilities that
are coming out of China.  I have a little animation about that.
This is the clip from the Chinese Rolling Stock Company press
conference May 8, and the chairman, Liu Hualong, had some
exciting announcements.  He said that the CRRC is developing new
high-speed trains, capable of speeds reaching 400 kilometers per
hour [kph].  They will have the ability to change track width to
utilize different gauges found along the Belt and Road; and it’s
these different track gauges that remain the greatest bottleneck
in rapid transit along the routes of the Silk Road.  And, they
have announced that CRRC is working on a maglev capable of
achieving speeds of 600 kph; which would make the 1100-km trip
between Shanghai and Beijing something that you can achieve in
less than two hours.  So, this is a very exciting new initiative
from China; and it’s this kind of thing that the Silk Road and
the World Land-Bridge would bring to the entire world.  If you
think about what China has been able to accomplish in just the
last ten years in terms of high-speed rail connectivity inside
China — which has lifted 500 million people out of poverty, as
Secretary Rex Tillerson very aptly made the point during his
speech to the State Department just last week that we covered
extensively on our webcast here last Friday.
This is the opportunity that the United States has to
participate in.  When Donald Trump talks about $1 trillion for
infrastructure, we should compare the state of infrastructure in
the United States to the state of infrastructure in China.  It’s
these kinds of high-speed rail projects and so forth, that we
would be very well advised to initiate in the United States with
direct collaboration in investment and know-how from China.
A colleague of mine found a very inspiring and entertaining
video that was just issued by China, with quotes from President
Xi Jinping where he discusses why he initiated the New Silk Road,
or the Belt and Road Initiative in the first place.  It goes
through some wonderful examples of how different areas of the
world are being lifted up by these great projects that are
spin-offs and initiatives from the New Silk Road.  So, I just
want to play this five-minute video for you right now, and allow
you to be inspired by it.

[BEGIN VIDEO, subtitles are transcribed]
President Xi Jinping:  Why I proposed the Belt and Road

The world is watching China as it gets ready to host the
Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in mid-May
PRESIDENT XI JINPING: While visiting Kazakhstan and
Indonesia in 2013, I proposed jointly building the Silk Road
Economic Belt and 21st Century Maritime Silk road, respectively.
Shaanxi, my home province, is situated at the starting point of
the ancient Silk Road.  Standing here and looking back on
history, I feel I can hear the sound of camel bells ringing in
the mountains and see plumes of smoke rising over the desert.
This all feels so familiar.  Since ancient times, peaceful
development has been a shared goal of mankind.

Wealth Gap
Economic Recession

XI: Today’s world is filled with uncertainties.  People have
hopes for the future, but at the same time, feel perplexed.

[Caption:] Some lands once prosperous and bustling are now
synonymous with difficulty, conflict and crisis.

XI: What has become of the world? What should we do?  The
whole world is pondering over these questions and I am thinking
of them all the time.

Policy Connectivity
Trade Connectivity
Infrastructure Connectivity

XI: I proposed the Belt and Road Initiative in the hope that
with a focus on connectivity, the free and convenient flow of all
elements of production will be encouraged, multidimensional
cooperation platforms developed, and mutual gains and shared
development achieved.
The Belt and Road Initiative draws inspirations from the
ancient Silk Road, and aims to help realize the shared dream of
people worldwide for peace and development.
Shining with the wisdom from the East, it is a plan that
China offers the world for seeking common prosperity and
The Belt and Road Initiative is based on the principles of
extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits.

Uzbekistan: Qamchiq Tunnel, Part of the Angren-Pap Railway

XI: It is not exclusive, but open and inclusive.  The
initiative will not be a solo for China, but a chorus of all
countries along the routes.

Belarus: China-Belarus Great Stone Industrial Park
China-Russia Cooperation Projects
Maldives: China-Maldives Friendship Bridge
Malaysia: Sea Freight
Greece: Piraeus Port
Sri Lanka: Puttalam Coal Power Plant
Britain: China-Europe Freight Trains
Ethiopia-Djibouti: Addis Ababa-Djibouti Railway
Kazakhstan: Light Railway Transportation System in Astana

XI: For more than three years, over 100 countries and
international organizations have responded positively and offered
support for the initiative.
The “friend circle” of the initiative has kept widening.

Fiji: Nabouwalu-Dreketi Highway
Pakistan: Karakoram Highway

XI: A great cause should be pursued for common good.  Let us
more closely join hands in forging new partnerships characterized
by win-win cooperation and build a community of shared future for
History is made by the brave.  Let us show confidence, take
action and forge ahead, hand in hand.
“Belt and Road”

OGDEN: …Now obviously, this is a wonderful and inspiring
vision of a new era for mankind, and that era means the end of
the British Empire world, the era of divide-and-conquer, of
colonialism, of enforced poverty, backwardness, lack of
development.  It’s an entirely new concept of what the world can
share in terms of progress, prosperity, development and peace.
And, as we know, and as we reported extensively, there is an
unrelenting assault against not only those countries that have
initiated this vision of a new world, China, others who are
participating in this, but there is an unrelenting assault
against President Donald Trump in the United States, for even his
willingness to consider, that this would be something that the
United States could participate in, and to usher in a new
relationship between the United States and China, and especially
the United States and Russia.  That would be his willingness to
overturn this geopolitical world that has reigned since the
conclusion of World War II, with the United States-U.K. “special
relationship” in a war against these developed and developing
Now, a very significant development has occurred just in the
last two days along those lines, and it has definitely occurred
among a tumultuous political situation in Washington, D.C.  But
perhaps the most significant development, aside from all of the
media hysteria around the firing of James Comey, and Trump’s
decision to remove the Acting Director of the FBI, was the fact
that on that very day, Foreign Minister of Russia Sergey Lavrov
made a visit to the White House, where initially he was scheduled
to only meet with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on his way to
the Arctic Council ministerial in Alaska, but at the very last
minute, it was announced that President Trump would be in on that
meeting with Sergey Lavrov.
And we don’t have the direct transcript yet, but we do have
some paraphrases of the reports of that discussion, and I’m going
to read you a few of the very significant statements that were
made by Sergey Lavrov.  And you can see, that despite the
concerted efforts to drive a wedge between the United States and
Russia, and to try to disrupt this thawing of relations and the
potential for a collaborative relationship, this is moving
forward steadily.
What Sergey Lavrov said is that the United States and Russia
can and should contribute to a settlement in Syria and that this
is moving along well.  He said: All government and opposition
parties will be constructive in the next Geneva meeting.  Now, he
was questioned as to why U.S. and Russia relations had sunk to
such a low level, and this is a quote from Sergey Lavrov [as
interpreted]: “The previous Administration bent over backwards to
undermine the solid foundation of our relations. Now we have to
start from a very low level between Russia and America.”
He went on: It is clear “the Obama Administration in its
last days in power resorted to petty actions against both our
property and our diplomats. … The President of the Russian
Federation Vladimir Putin [is] … not going to follow those who
are trying to destroy our relations. I hope we will be able to
resolve the situation without our relations deteriorating.”
And he went on to say: “The dialogue between Russia and the
U.S. is now free from the ideology that characterized it under
the Barack Obama Administration. … U.S. President Donald Trump,
his Administration, and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson are the
kind of people who want to maintain a dialogue not as a means of
demonstrating what they can achieve in the area of ideological
preferences, but rather as a means of solving particular
issues….”  []
And then he said, that “The presidents reaffirmed during
their recent telephone conversation that they would meet on the
sidelines of the G20 meeting in Germany in the first 10 days of
July” and that meanwhile discussions will be continuing at a very
high level with Secretary Rex Tillerson.
And as I reported, just today now, following that meeting,
Secretary Tillerson and Minister Lavrov are meeting on the
sidelines of the Arctic Council Ministerial in Alaska, and
they’re discussing what has been characterized as the “Arctic
Silk Road.”  So this is yet one more aspect of the connectivity
of the world, as we’ve repeatedly made the point, and that should
absolutely include the extension of the Eurasian Land-Bridge
across the Bering Strait to become the World Silk Road, with rail
connectivity between the Americas and Eurasia.
But look, this kind of very high-level and very friendly
dialogue that occurred at the White House on Wednesday, during
the whole hoopla around Comey and so forth, is exactly what this
British coup attempt has been trying to derail, against Trump, to
try to derail this potential for a warm and collaborative
relationship between the United States and Russia.  And it really
is an all-out battle for the future of the U.S. Presidency, and
for the future of what will come of these great potentials, in
terms of this cooperative relationship between the United States
and these other countries around the world, and an abandonment of
this Obama-era regime change ideology.
So, finally, what we have for you tonight is two clips from
a very timely and I think important interview between {EIR}
Contributing Editor Will Wertz and Virginia State Senator Dick
Black.  And Senator Black, as you’ll see from these two short
clips had had a very unique, ground-floor view of this fight,
particularly some of the leading parties involves and in
particular Andrew McCabe  who is now Acting Director of the FBI,
who succeeding James Comey after he was fired by President Donald
So I’m just going to play two very short clips from that
interview, back to back.  And then we’ll come back and I’ll let
you know what you can expect from LaRouche PAC in the coming

WILLIAM WERTZ:  So, if you look at this, you opposed Obama’s
policy of regime change, which was also backed by the British,
the French, the former colonial powers in Syria, let alone,
Libya, Egypt, and so forth.  So the point here is, what we’re
talking about here is your letter to Assad was posted on his
website — this was back on May 28, 2014.  Soon after that you
get visitations from the FBI, in a very fishy operation, and at
least two of those agents are coming from the Washington, D.C.
field office which is run by Andrew McCabe.  This is ten months
before his wife is recruited, in a meeting that he attends, with
[then Virginia Gov. Terry] McAuliffe, to run against you.
So the point here that I would like to raise is, whereas
some has looked at this from the standpoint merely of, there was
sort of an agreement here that she was backed to run involving a
conflict of interest in which then Andrew McCabe ends up involved
in various cases involving Hillary Clinton, the Democratic Party
and eventually against Donald Trump; but the point that I would
make is, that you had identified yourself as an opponent to the
policy which was being carried out by the Obama administration
and by the FBI, the CIA and the State Department in terms of
regime change and the promotion of terrorists.

SEN. RICHARD BLACK:  Well and worldwide, I was the first one
to break the wall of silence.  Since then, we have Rep. Tulsi
Gabbard, we have Sen. Rand Paul, we have several who have come
out and who have taken a stand; our own Virginia Rep. Tom
Garrett.  But up until this time there was total censorship.  It
was wartime censorship, it was censorship that was the equivalent
of what we saw in the Second World War, when we were at war.
We’re not at war, and yet, we have this same type of censorship
going on.  And I think there was a feeling that this individual,
this Senator from Virginia has to be just beaten into dust as an
example to the world that if you dare to stand up and to tell the
truth about what we’re doing in Syria, and in other countries,
then you’re going to be crushed, your life is going to be
destroyed. …

WERTZ:  Now in that same time period when you endorsed, now
President Trump, there were two interventions into the U.S.
political scene, by British intelligence.  The first was a
dossier that was compiled by an MI6 British intelligence officer,
Christopher Steele.  And the indications are that he actually
worked on this dossier, after being paid by the Clinton campaign,
Hillary Clinton’s campaign, to present this dossier.  One of the
issues that Senator Grassley has raised is — this was reported
in the {Washington Post} — the FBI was prepared to pay
Christopher Steele to continue his research to try to prove that
Trump was somehow working with the Russians.

SENATOR BLACK:  Amazing that the FBI was involved in paying
for opposition research.  Now, I’ve done a little opposition
research:  You know, we paid companies and of course it’s been
done on us, endlessly.  But, I’ve read a little bit about the
dossier and if I paid someone and he gave me that, I would be so
furious, because it is so transparently fallacious.  It’s just
ridiculous!  You know, unbelievable the things that he says. It
has no air of credibility in my view, from my experience, and
I’ve seen a lot of this stuff before.  I think it was a total

OGDEN:  So as you can see that is a very explosive story and
it’s one that will continue to develop, especially now that
McCabe is right in the spotlight.  He was, in fact, one of the
testifying witnesses at a Senate committee hearing just
yesterday, which originally Jim Comey was supposed to be involved
So you can watch for more developments on that, and I think
that’s a unique view from on the ground of what, really, this
grouping has been willing to engage in in terms of activities, to
try to enforce the fact that there can be no breaking, there can
be nobody calling this for what it is.
So to conclude, I would just like to announce that we will
have a new petition, available for you to sign on LaRouche PAC.
The title is “We Agree with Senator Grassley: Suck It Up, Move
On, Let’s Rebuild the Country!” And this goes through the fact
that Donald Trump was elected, not because of Russian
interference but because in fact, the American people have been
beaten down and have become desperate in terms of the economic
collapse that they’ve been subjected to, over not just the last
eight years, but over the last fifteen years and even more; that
he spoke to that; and that they were also against the insane
regime change agenda, to try to drive a wedge between these great
powers that should be collaborating for the mutual benefit and
stability of world peace, not at each other’s throats in terms of
thermonuclear war, and potential for setting off World War III.
That this was rejected, and in fact, the logical consequence
of that overturning the geopolitical applecart would be for the
United States to reciprocate President Xi Jinping’s offer and use
the opportunity for this Belt and Road Forum this May 14-15,
which we can announce the happy news, there will be an official
U.S. delegation attending that Forum in person, to use the
opportunity of that to inaugurate an entirely new era, a new
framework for international relations, a new paradigm of peace,
economic development, stability and mutually beneficial relations
among nations.
So please stay tuned to over the coming 24,
48, 72 hours:  A lot is going to change between now and the
beginning of next week.  And we, I think as we’ve demonstrated,
uniquely, are your unique source for the real news about what’s
happening around the world and in fact, you can participate in
helping us change the course of world history.
Please sign up for  If you have
not, already, go to the LaRouche PAC Action Center; also sign up
for the daily email updates.  You will receive this updates in
your in-box, and please subscribe to our YouTube channel.
Thank you very much for tuning in today, and we look forward
to seeing you again, soon.  Good night.

Godnathistorier for børn om Bælt & Vej!

China Daily har udgivet en serie korte videoer om »Amerikansk far forklarer fordelene af ’Ét bælt, én vej’, til sin datter som godnathistorie«.

Komplet med verdenskort og globus, legetøjskameler, skibe og tog, forklarer faren til sin fem år gamle datter, hvorfor han får meget travlt de næste par dage på den store konference. Det handler om meget mere end ’bare at flytte ting rundt i verden’, forklarer han; ’Bælt & Vej-initiativet’ handler også om ’mennesker og samarbejde’. Men, USA mangler stadig at tilslutte sig!

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