Helga Zepp-LaRouche: ’Systemer er menneskeskabte’
—Man kan forandre systemer, når de bryder sammen

Den 2. april 2020 (EIRNS) — Præsident Donald Trump leverede, d. 31. marts, en meget sober, og sandhedstyngende, rapport til nationen, i det Hvide Hus’ daglige pressebriefing om coronavirusset, hvor han advarede amerikanerne om at må forvente en ekstrem krævende periode i løbet af de næste få uger, som coronapandemien rammer nationen med fuld kraft. Med alvorlig mine bekendtgjorde han, at hvis en dybtgående, national anstrengelse for afbødning finder sted, kan dødsfaldene holdes indenfor 100-240.000, baseret på beregninger fremsat af sundhedseksperter. Hvis dette ikke gøres, kan dødsfaldene stige til millioner. Han udtalte:

”Vores land finder sig selv i midten af en stor national prøvelse… Succes i den kamp vil kræve en massiv anstrengelse af vore fælles styrke, kærlighed og hengivenhed… Det kræver at hver eneste borger opofrer sig. Det kræver at hvert eneste firma opfylder sin patriotiske pligt… Ærlig talt er det et spørgsmål om liv og død… Dette vil blive smertefuldt, to meget, meget smertefulde to uger.”.

Tydeligvis rørt, berettede Præsident Trump igen om scenen, som han havde set, på Elmhurst Hospital i New York City: ”Jeg så til, som læger og sygeplejersker gik ind i et hvis hospital i Elmhurst her til morgen. Jeg kender Elmhurst, Queens, jeg voksede op lige ved siden af det. Jeg kender hospitalet ganske godt, har set det hele mit liv, i mine unge dage. Og jeg vil sige jer, at se scenerne med trailere derude og hvad de gør med disse trailere, det er kølehuse og ingen kunne tro det… Og jeg så hvordan lægerne og sygeplejerskerne gik ind i det hospital her til morgen. Det er som at se militærfolk gå i kamp, gå i krig. Deres mod er utroligt.”

Selvom Præsident Trump ikke nævnte dette i sin pressebriefing, truer krisen, produceret af den anden virus—casinoøkonomiens virus—med at eskalere eksponentielt over de næste 2-4 uger, med stadig mere og mere desperate tiltag (men fordømte) af redningspakker af centralbanken (Federal Reserve) for at redde verden finansboble. USA’s officielle arbejdsløshed vil stige til mere end 32%, ifølge de seneste skøn, udgivet af centralbankens filial i St. Louis.

Hvad dette betyder, som Helga Zepp-LaRouche understregede i hendes ugentlige strategiske webcast, specielt når man betragter måden, hvorpå COVID-19-pandemien begynder at ramme udviklingssektoren, ”er en krise uden sammenligning, og jeg tror ikke at nogen af os har oplevet nogen lignende i vores levetid…

Der er steder som Jakarta i Indonesien—10 millioner mennesker i en by. Halvdelen af disse mennesker har ingen adgang til rent vand. En lignende situation findes i mange udviklingslande, inklusive Mexico og Peru. Så vi ser virkelig på en verdenskrise uden sidestykke. Faren er at dette vil overvælde sundhedssystemerne; der er ikke mulighed for at producere nok fornødent udstyr. Vinteren, som nu er på trapperne på sydlige halvkugle, vil begunstige virussets udbredelse. Vi vil sikkert se mange millioner mennesker dø. Jeg tænker dette gør det meget klart, at vi akut har brug for et komplet anderledes system. Intet vil være det samme som før.”.

Imens hun gav et overblik over den destruktive krise der konfronterer menneskeheden, huskede hun seerne på, at ”systemer er menneskeskabte”, og kan ændres når de bryder sammen. Hun påpegede det lovende, personlige diplomati, som Præsident Trump har genetableret med Præsident Xi Jinping i Kina og Ruslands Præsident Putin, såvel som de ”utrolige anstrengelser der gøres i USA for at omlægge nogle af industrierne. En luftbro er blevet etableret, med mange fly fra Kina og andre asiatiske lande—alt i alt 50 fly tilsammen. I går ankom de første russiske fly, med medicinsk udstyr, til USA.

”Så der foregår en utrolig mobilisering, men det er også meget klart at dette er en pandemi, og at vi får massearbejdsløshed og død.”.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche opfordrede til omgående handling:

”Jeg mener at vi skal begynde en international massemobilisering, som Schiller Instituttet allerede giver sig af med, for at etablere en ny, økonomisk verdensorden. Vi har efterspurgt dette i meget lang tid, men umiddelbart i denne situation kræver det et topmøde mellem de vigtigste og meste magtfulde lande: Kina, Rusland, Indien og USA. De må etablere et nyt system. Vi har brug for er et fuldstændig nyt system. Alle den liberale økonomis regler, den neo-liberale model, markederne for billig arbejdskraft, udlicitering, alt dette må erstattes; og det skal begynde med en umiddelbar opbygningen af et globalt sundhedsvæsen, hvor et ordentligt sundhedssystem etableres i hvert eneste land. Det må være starten på en industriel revolution for hele verden. Intet mindre end dette kan gøre det. Det betyder, at vi har brug for et nyt Bretton Woods-system, og et nyt kredit-system til at finansiere dette.

”Hvis du er enig med dette,” konkluderede Helga Zepp-LaRouche, ”så hjælp os med denne mobilisering, fordi det som er på spil, er mange millioner menneskers liv, og måske dit eget.”.

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Trumps plan og Wall Streets plan ­– de kan ikke sameksistere  

Den 31. marts (EIRNS) – Præsident Donald Trump udsendte i eftermiddags et tweet, der, hvis der blev handlet på det, hurtigt kunne markere begyndelsen på en bedring – ikke alene af COVID-19, men også af det betændte kollaps i den amerikanske økonomi siden mordet på John Kennedy og lanceringen af Vietnam-krigen. Trump skrev: ”Med renter for USA tæt på NUL er det tiden til at gøre noget ved vores igennem årtier længeventede infrastruktur-lovgivning. Det skal være MEGET STORT & DRISTIGT, to billioner dollars, og udelukkende være fokuseret på jobs og genopbygning af vort lands engang så storslåede infrastruktur! Fase 4.”

Kan dette fungere? Med det demokratiske partis lederskab tvunget til at samarbejde med præsidenten i lyset af den værste krise siden 2. verdenskrig – ved at have vedtaget tre store humanitære bistands- og stimuleringspakker for at tackle den ødelagte økonomi og Wall Streets udplyndring af nationens folkesundhed, industri og infrastruktur igennem årtier – vil demokraterne næsten helt sikkert også støtte Trump i dette. Problemet ligger andre steder.

I næsten samme øjeblik som Trump udsendte dette historiske tweet, meddelte formand for Federal Reserve (USA’s centralbank), Jerome Powell, at Fed-balancen har nået et historisk højdepunkt på 5,3 billioner dollars, efter alene i denne uge at være steget med 12,4%. Endvidere tilføjede Wall Street-‘orakler’ at dette bare er begyndelsen, og at tallet ved udgangen af året sandsynligvis vil nå 10 billioner $. Dette er helt sikkert ikke til gavn for realøkonomien, men går direkte til opkøb af stadig mere værdiløse derivater og andre spekulative papirer fra bankerne – og ikke kun Wall Street-banker, men også de vestlige centralbanker. Denne massive indsprøjtning af penge, der er absolut uden opbakning i produktion, er netop det som Lyndon LaRouche har peget på – siden Richard Nixon ødelagde Bretton Woods-systemets fastkurspolitik i 1971 – som den næsten sikre årsag til et hyperinflationært sammenbrud, som vil forvandle opsparinger, lønninger og pensionsfonde for det arbejdende folk i denne nation til toiletpapir – og man kan være sikker på, at dette ikke er med henblik på at løse problemet med at vores supermarkeder er udgået for toiletpapir.

At trykke penge som kredit med den hensigt at skabe produktiv velstand for fremtiden er det præcis modsatte af at trykke penge for at løskøbe dårlig spillegæld. Det ene skaber velstand, det andet stjæler velstanden fra den reelle økonomi for at støtte de (faktisk bankerotte) britiske imperialistiske oligarker, der driver City of London og Wall Street. Som LaRouche elskede at sige: Penge er dumme, kredit ved hvad den gør.

Trump har ført kampagne for en infrastruktur-lovgivning i årevis, længe før han besluttede at stille op som præsident. Han kæmpede også for det hamiltoniske “amerikanske system” og Glass/Steagall-loven, velvidende at foruden disse ville kreditterne til genoprettelsen af den amerikanske økonomi og infrastruktur blive suget op af Wall Streets bundløse hul. Men han har ikke haft den politiske styrke til at tage kampen op med Wall Street.

Denne “dobbeltvirus”-krise – COVID-19 og derivat-virusset – har allerede skabt en “faseændring” i befolkningens bevidsthed. Folk ved i stigende grad, at det gamle system er dødt. Intet lapperi kan få det på fode. Men de er også bange, og ved ikke hvordan de kan forhindre den nye mørke tidsalder, hvis ansigt toner frem foran dem.

I dag afholdt Helga Zepp-LaRouche et to timer langt videokonferenceopkald med unge mennesker fra hele USA, Latinamerika, Europa, Afrika, Asien og Mellemøsten. Hun motiverede dem til at deltage i den påkrævede mobilisering af verdens nationer og folk, for at forlange at en bydende nødvendig række topmøder bliver afholdt af de fire stormagter samt allierede nationer, for at opbygge et alternativ til det gamle, døde paradigme – og bemærkede, at ungdommens lidenskab og visioner er en integreret del af enhver revolution og renæssance. Navnlig opfordrede hun dem til at mobilisere tusinder af mennesker internationalt til at deltage i Schiller Instituttets internationale konference, der afholdes online den 25.-26. april. Den samme appel gælder for alle læsere af dagens ‘EIR Daily Alert’. Invitationen til denne konference sendes i den kommende Alert søndag 5. april. Vær venlig at planlægge at deltage, og organisér alle du kender til at deltage i denne afgørende begivenhed.

Den større udfordring:
Udviklingslandene har brug for et nyt globalt sundhedssystem for at overleve

Den 30. marts (EIRNS) – Det stadig større skifte hen imod et reelt samarbejde mellem USA og Kina i kampen mod pandemien, og den potentielle inkludering af Rusland betyder, at den store udfordring for deres dagsorden er at tilvejebringe moderne sundhedssystemer og hospitalsfaciliteter til adskillige udviklingslande, der selv mangler midlerne til at kunne bekæmpe virussets dødelige udbredelse. Idéen om skabelsen af en international udviklingsbank, lige nu til dette værdige formål, venter stadig på at blive sat på dagsordenen.

Den 29. marts udgav FN’s Kommission for Handel og Udvikling (UNCTAD) en rapport og et forslag angående de første skridt hen imod dette formål. De opfordrede til at de industrielle lande skulle frigive $2,5 billioner i alt, ”for at udviklingslande kan håndtere chokket fra coronavirusset.” De foreslog at afskrive omring $1 billion i gæld, baseret på modellen fra konferencen i 1953 angående den tyske gæld. I dette tilfælde var det halvdelen af al tysk gæld, som blev ophævet for at muliggøre efterkrigstidens genopbygning. Denne idé fra UNCTAD understøtter prompte de sidste dages forslag fra Argentina, samt kravet fra femten afrikanske lande til G20 om en generel afskrivning af gæld.

UNCTAD foreslår ligeså, at omfordele Den internationale Valutafonds ”special drawing rights” (SDR) og tildele flere SDR-rettigheder til udviklingslande; og $500 milliarder til en Marshall-plan for et offentligt sundhedssystem. De i alt $2,5 billioner, som UNCTAD udpeger, er halvdelen af hvad de førende G20-lande, i deres telekonference d. 26. marts, blev enige om at bruge på deres egne økonomiers overlevelse og genoprettelse. Det er, igen, halvdelen af det som en enkelt centralbank, den amerikanske Federal Reserve, hektisk trykker for at forsøge at redde snesevis af billioner af de nu giftige aktiver i de spekulative markeder, som i stedet burde lukkes ned, imens krisen varer ved.

Særligt afgørende opfordrer UNCTAD’s rapport til at tillade og tilskynde kapitalkontrol, hvor igennem udviklingslande kan standse kapitalflugten.

”De økonomiske konsekvenser fra chokket fortsætter og er til stadighed svære at forudse, men der er klare indikationer på, at situationen vil blive værre for udviklingslandenes økonomier før de bliver bedre,” sagde UNCTAD’s generalsekretær, Mukhisa Kituyi. I løbet af februar og marts er kapital ’flygtet som en tyv’ ud af hvert eneste udviklingsland, uden undtagelse; deres valutaer falder hurtigt i værdi; deres eksportindtjeninger er styrtdykket; rentesatserne på deres udlandsgæld er skudt i vejret; de har tabt turisme; og prisen på deres råvarer er faldet kraftigt. Etiopiens premierminister Abiy Ahmed Ali – som repræsenterede nødvendigheden for en gældseftergivelse – talte for dem, da han sagde, at disse nationer fuldstændig mangler midlerne til at kunne varetage de enorme programmer for bygning af hospitaler og produktion af hospitalsudstyr og den efterfølgende økonomiske genoprejsning, som de udviklede lande iværksætter.

Vi ser hvordan lederne af de industrielle lande har forfærdelig travlt med at genskabe de hospitalssenge og udstyr og den offentlige sundhedsinfrastruktur, som deres monetære sindssyge har stjålet fra deres befolkninger over de sidste 50 år. En ægte, ny økonomisk orden må nu opstå, grundlagt på fuldstændig anderledes økonomiske aksiomer end tilbedelsen af ”mig først”, ”alfa”, og business-uddannelsen.

En international udviklingsbank, der kan påtage sig jobbet for verdens sundhed og udvikling, som UNCTAD blot antyder i deres forslag, må igangsættes af, minimum, de førende videnskabelige og teknologiske nationer. Disse er Kina, USA, Rusland og Indien; og deres stigende tendens til at samarbejde over for denne store krise, må lede dem til at skabe et nyt internationalt kreditsystem – et Nyt Bretton Woods, som genopliver Franklin Roosevelts intention om at udvikle den underudviklede verden gennem eksport af kapitalgoder.

Schiller Instituttet vil afholde en international internetkonference, ”Menneskehedens Eksistens afhænger nu af Etableringen af et Nyt Paradigme!”, d. 25.-26. april for at realisere dette, som invitationen til konferencen forklarer.


Ingen sejr over COVID-19 uden at opnå et nyt økonomisk system og samarbejde, der viser vejen.  

Den 30. marts (EIRNS) – Et udtryk for status for spredningen af COVID-19, samt modsvaret herpå, er, at det anslås, at minimum en fjerdedel af verdens befolkning nu er underlagt restriktioner af bevægelsesfriheden siden Indiens ordre den 24. marts. Samtidig er graden af logistisk mobilisering fra sted til sted på en krigstids-skala. Denne pointe blev dramatiseret i USA i weekenden, ved eksempelvis at præsident Donald Trump personligt stod ved afgangskajen i Norfolk – det amerikanske NATO-center – da hospitalsskibet USNS Comfort afgik med ankomst til New York City i morgen. På samme måde holdt i New York guvernør, Andrew Cuomo, fredag den 27. marts sin daglige presse-briefing i Javits Centret i hjertet af Manhattan; centret er på fire dage omdannet til et hospital med 2.900 senge og åbner i morgen. Cuomo takkede hjemmeværnet (the National Guard) og Hærens Ingeniørkorps mange gange for deres arbejde.

Men tag ikke fejl. Årtierne med afvikling af medicinsk infrastruktur og folkesundhedssystemer i det transatlantiske område, og forhindring af en opbygning i Afrika, i store dele af den vestlige halvkugle, Sydasien og andre steder, betyder, at der stadig er store huller i kapaciteten til beskyttelse af liv.

Imens vi kæmper som ind i helvede for at redde liv må vi fremme kampen for at opnå etableringen af et nyt økonomisk system i menneskehedens tjeneste. Dette blev drøftet under gårsdagens LaRouchePAC-webcast,;En Apollo-mission for at redde menneskeheden: Opbygning af;Sundheds-silkevejen hvor Schiller Instituttets præsident Helga Zepp-LaRouche gav hovedtalen. Hun gentog sin opfordring til at suspendere aktiemarkederne, der er ude af kontrol, og træffe nødforanstaltninger for økonomisk reorganisering. Gør dette i forbindelse med drøftelser mellem stormagtledere, præsidenterne Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping og premierminister Narendra Modi ved et topmøde hurtigst muligt.

I opposition til ethvert sådant træk for et nyt system understregede finansminister Steven Mnuchin i dag gentagne gange, at finansministeriet og den amerikanske centralbank, Federal Reserve Bank (Fed), vil pumpe likviditet ind i Wall Streets/City of Londons døde system, ligesom at hælde benzin på et bål. Mnuchin sagde: ”Jeg taler med Jerome Powell, Fed-direktøren, hver dag. Han fortæller hvad han har brug for. Jeg har aldrig afvist ham.” Mnuchin fortsatte, ;Vi har $ 4 billioner i likviditet … der rulles ud i disse Fed-programmer;. Med andre ord, mens Mnuchin;holder sit foredrag om at hjælpe “mainstreet America” – og den føderale bistand er virkelig på sin plads i forhold til arbejdstagere, landmænd, hjælp til hospitaler, lokale og statslige regeringer og så videre i den nye CARES-lov, som Trump underskrev fredag — er Mnuchin i virkeligheden ved at gå ad helvede til.

Drivkraften til et nyt verdensøkonomisk system kommer fra opfordringer til gældssanering og omorganisering i Afrika og Sydamerika. I denne weekend sagde for eksempel Alicia Bárcena, direktør for FN’s Økonomiske Kommission for Latinamerika og Caribien (ECLAC): Vi er nødt til at gentænke hvilken type udviklingsmodel, der skal komme ud af denne krise. Det er nødvendigt at gentænke globaliseringen. Det latinamerikanske strategiske center for geopolitik (CELAG) opfordrede til eftergivelse af latinamerikanske nationers suveræne gæld til multilaterale långivere, såsom IMF, Verdensbanken osv., samt også til private kreditorer.

Fra Afrika udsendte Præsidiet for Den Afrikanske Unions stats- og regeringschefer en meddelelse den 26. marts, inden G20-topmødet, med opfordring til at træffe de nødvendige økonomiske foranstaltninger til at tackle COVID-19 og alle sygdomme. Det er kun siden januar 2017, at Afrika overhovedet har haft et center for sygdomskontrol og -forebyggelse og fem regionale underenheder.

Disse opråb kan besvares. Det eksisterende neo-britiske imperiale, monetaristiske system, der skabte sårbarheden over for sygdomme og lidelser, kan lukkes ned for altid. Og ved sejren over virusset kom et symbol på håb i dag, i form af det personlige besøg som Xi Jinping foretog til to store havne i Zhejiang-provinsen syd for Shanghai og andre lokaliteter, hvor den økonomiske aktivitet efter COVID-19 nu genoptages. Der er stadig behov for varsomhed imod en genopblussen af sygdommen, men det kan gøres.

Internationalt spiller Kina en ledende rolle ved at yde bistand til snesevis af lande i deres kamp mod COVID-19, og der er andre afgørende eksempler, f.eks. russisk bistand til Italien.

Denne samarbejdsånd er til stede mellem Xi og Trump, som det fremgik ved deres telefonkonference sidste torsdag. I dag påpegede Trump på et møde i Det hvide Hus med erhvervsledere om forsyningsmæssige spørgsmål, at medicinske forsyninger nu flyves ind til USA fra Kina og bidrager til Project Airbridge, der leverer forsyninger overalt i USA. En flylast fra Shanghai landede her til morgen i New York City, den første af 20 sådanne leverancer i april.

Overalt i USA er der en voksende ånd af samarbejde, hvilket guvernørerne og præsident Trump og Det hvide Hus på mange måder viste i løbet af weekenden i viruszonernes forskellige brændpunkter. Guvernør for Maryland, Larry Hogan, formand for den Nationale Sammenslutning af Guvernører, sagde på Fox News, at der kan være store flaskehalse i mangel på testudstyr, masker og ventilatorer, og der er frustration derude, men, vi er sammen om alt dette.”

Den hårde virkelighed: Enten solidarisk handling, eller stå overfor helvede på jord.
Schiller Instituttets ugentlige webcast med Helga Zepp-LaRouche den 25. marts 2020

Helga Zepp LaRouche fremlagde i sin ugentlige webcast det hårde valg, som menneskeheden står overfor: Enten står vi sammen i solidaritet og samarbejde, eller fremtiden vil blive med kaos, krig og mere destruktive pandemiske sygdomme. Det er forkert at sige, at der ikke var noget forvarsel om at vi ville stå overfor en sådan eksistentiel krise. Lyndon LaRouche var forudvidende i sine forudsigelser tilbage i 1971, da han advarede om, at hvis beslutningen om at nedlægge Bretton Woods-systemet ikke blev omgjort, ville det sende menneskeheden ned i en mørk tidsalder.

Vi ser på nuværende tidspunkt denne advarsel blive til virkelighed, i de skrækscenarier med hospitaler der er overfyldte og med manglende udstyr i Italien, Spanien og New York City. Men vi ser også håbet om, at sygdommen kan bremses, og endda stoppes, som set I Kina.

Kineserne tilbyder nu nødvendig medicinsk udstyr til 82 lande, såvel som deres ekspertise i at bekæmpe coronavirusset. Kun ”sindssyge mennesker”, eller kriminelle, fortsætter med at fremføre de løgne, som bakker op om den antikinesiske retorik.
Zepp LaRouche belyste også sin opfordring til en ”pause” i de finansielle handler, for at tillade iværksættelsen af Glass-Steagall og et skridt hen imod et hamiltonisk nationalt kreditsystem, i stedet for en hyperinflationær løskøbelse af de værdiløse papirer der handles i kasinoøkonomien. Eksplosionen af de to kriser – pandemien og sammenbruddet af finanssystemet – giver os muligheden for at komme ud af krisen med et nyt menneskesyn, imens vi bygger det Nye Paradigme i samarbejde med suveræne nationer.

Læs det engelske afskrift nedenunder.

Our Stark Reality: Either Act in Solidarity, or Face Hell on Earth

HARLEY SCHLANGER: Hello, I’m Harley Schlanger from the Schiller Institute, welcome to our webcast with our founder and President Helga Zepp-LaRouche. Today is March 25, 2020.

And there’s no question that we are now in the middle of a hammering effect of two crises, which are changing life on the planet dramatically: The coronavirus pandemic and the global financial disintegration. And this is where we have to start, to take a look at where we are in terms of the spread of this pandemic, so Helga, why don’t you begin with that?

HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE: It is clearly very quickly spinning out of control, and I think it’s useful to look at the condition of several countries, to really quiet those idiots who still say that this is just a “flu,” and no worse than an influenza, and people who say this is all a conspiracy. This is a real pandemic, and it does require the absolute unified cooperation of all countries in one effort to overcome it — because, this is a pandemic. And a pandemic means it is raging across the globe.

Yesterday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi in India, shut down the whole country for 20 days, and that is 1.3 billion people. Now, if you have an idea of what the condition of life are in many parts of India, where you have real poverty, and not even infrastructure, no roads in some parts of the country, it will be, in all likelihood — despite the excellent healthcare system which India has — it probably will be much worse than in China.

It is spreading very rapidly to Latin America, to Peru, to Brazil, other countries; to Africa.

And if you look at the situation in Europe, the north of Italy is out of control. In Lombardy, the army had to come to transport the corpses from Bergamo and other places, because there were too many to be handled by the medical staff. Yesterday, the trade unions called for an eight-hour general strike, because they insist that the government should impose stricter measures, because of confusing messages people were still running around, trying to drive to Sicily by cars, and so forth; so this situation is one of really, absolute disaster.

If you look at Spain, where now the rate of infection is even greater than in Italy, you think you are in the 14th century, as you see from the paintings of Breugel and Bosch and Holbein, where, for example, in Madrid, there were so many dead that the army had to come to transport them temporarily to a big ice skating rink, because the hospital morgues were overwhelmed. Then, there are 400,000 people in nursing homes, where there is no protective gear, not enough personnel; the same situation is in Germany. I mean, Germany, the supposedly rich industrial power, because of a lack of precautions, and the budget cuts for 20 years, the health officials, like the chief of emergency of the Wolfsburg Clinic, Dr. Bernadett Erdmann, she said there is absolutely no protective gear for the medical personnel; others say they have only a few days, and if it strikes the medical personnel, that that is the end.

Then, in Great Britain, finally Boris Johnson, after pursuing for quite some time, this completely irresponsible policy of the “herd immunity,” which is the idea that 60% or 70% of the population must get infected first — which naturally means many people will die — he reversed course and imposed a lockdown, pretty much in the same way as Germany — only 2 people can meet, and only important missions can be done out of the home.

In the United States, the situation is getting to be the worst epicenter, according to the World Health Organization. New York and other places, but especially New York and Seattle, the West Coast, they’re red alert areas. Gov. Andrew Cuomo is doing a lot to do whatever is possible to increase the intensive care units in the hospitals, build more hospital beds, but it is an absolutely dramatic situation. Because if you think that you have all these homeless people, generally you have a complete lack of medical staff, you have a lack of medical equipment, and now the effects of the neo-liberal cutbacks of the last decades are really coming home to roost and we have a dramatic situation, which is why we absolutely need to reflect on the changes.

Obviously, we first have to do everything possible to stop it, and there, I can only say the experience from China, from Wuhan and Hubei province, is, you have to have testing, testing, testing, as much as possible; you have to gear up the production as much as you can, because what functioned in Wuhan was that they just tested everybody several times. They isolated the infected people, they put them in quarantine, and that did work. So, as a positive result, today, the quarantine in Wuhan can be lifted. But these kinds of measures which were applied in China are not being applied everywhere in the West and that lesson has to be learned very quickly.

SCHLANGER: Helga, you’ve mentioned in terms of the health emergency, the importance of cooperation and solidarity between nations. And we see an enormous effort coming out of China and also Russia, as well, to provide personal protective equipment and so on, and yet, we still hear the voices attacking China, blaming China — what’s wrong with these people?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: As you say, China is making an unbelievable effort: They’re now sending medical equipment to 82 countries around the world. They’re sending their medical teams, helping the African nations; they’re sending teams to Italy, to Spain, to France, to Iran, to Iraq, to Venezuela, and actually also to every country which asks for help, they’re responding to; even in Germany, where the district administrator from Heinsburg [North Rhine-Westphalia] was calling on President Xi Jinping for help. The general consul from Düsseldorf responded instantly on behalf of the Chinese ambassador in Berlin, and just asked how much equipment was needed and they would immediately cooperate. This district administrator was on a German TV program and the moderator asked, quite indignantly, why did you do that? And this administrator just said: Look, you have no idea. Heinsburg was the hotspot which was put under quarantine — it’s a small city but the entire population was under quarantine, because of a high infection rate; he said, you have no idea what it means to have days and days to treat so many people, and then have no equipment, so it was a complete act of desperation.

And I have said that any nursing situation, or any hospital, where you have a lack of equipment, people should ask China, because China has done certain things right, and the West has not. So, let me just say this: In an emergency like this, if you then have attacks on China and Russia, — and Cuba for that matter — I think these people are either insane, that they just don’t have the moral fitness to survive, or they’re criminal. And there are right now many think tanks and mainstream media that are still on this rampage. The think tank CSIS, the American Enterprise Institute, both had such statements, blaming even the Belt and Road Initiative and connectivity for [spreading the virus]. This is just completely insane, and shows a very evil intention. A certain moderator on the 2nd Channel on German TV yesterday, went into a raving attack, commenting on the fact that Wuhan is now ending the quarantine, and that they can also reactivate the economy; going into a really rabid, this moderator should be test for rabies, because something is wrong with the way he thinks.

If you look at what China did, and that cannot be stressed enough, China alleviated 850 million people from poverty in the last decades. Because of that, it became the second strongest economy in the world, and if China would not have done that, it would not have been in the position to react to the outbreak of the pandemic the way it did: Namely by immediately taking strict measures in Wuhan and Hubei province, by sending 42,000 medical staffers from around the country, and the whole country went into solidarity supporting this most-affected region. And that was successful, so now, they can lift the quarantine. And naturally, they have geared up their whole production to produce testing kits, masks, protective clothing, respiratory ventilators, and they have now decided to keep this up despite the fact that the crisis has somehow slowed down and signs of hope that it will be lessened inside China, so that they can supply the rest of the world.

To attack that, is, as I said, shows either an insane mind or a criminal intention.

I think what China is doing, and Russia for that matter, who have sent large amounts of support to Italy, and Cuba which has sent many medical teams around the world, these countries should be praised and this ideological indoctrination which some people cannot get rid, really has to be marked as a sign of senility or worse.

SCHLANGER: One of the other signs of insanity are people who are saying “No one could have predicted this, that’s why we’re not prepared.” But it’s clear, there’s a lack of personal protection equipment, a lack of ventilators, lack of hospital beds, and the idea that no one could have known about this, is completely false, as proven by what your late husband Lyndon LaRouche, has been warning about, going back to the 1971 break with the Bretton Woods system. And given the economic crisis that’s a part of this emergency, I think it’s really important for people to hear from you, precisely what Lyn had said and tried to do to get us to prepare for this.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Yes. As you said, he warned that when Nixon took down the Bretton Woods system in ’71, he warned that this would lead to the danger of a new Depression, the danger of a new fascism, and pandemics. And then, in 1974, he instituted a Biological Holocaust Task Force, to study the effect of both the austerity policy following out of these Nixon measures, but also the result of the IMF and World Bank policies on the developing sector. Because, if people remember, the IMF introduced the “conditionality” policy, which meant that developing countries first had to pay their debt before they could invest in the health sector or infrastructure, and this Task Force warned that this would lead to new pandemics.

Now, we published in the meantime, six comprehensive studies, showing exactly what this economic Malthusian policy towards the developing sector would do, warning of pandemics, throughout the ’80s, the ’90s, the 2000s, and nobody can say that we did not put out the warning that this would happen.

Then, in 2002-2003, when the SARS epidemic broke out, there were many studies and scenarios saying, this can come back. And at that time, the latest, the governments should have gone into preparations for the outbreak of such pandemics, but the opposite was done: They increased the austerity, the cutback in the health sector. Many hospitals were taken down, the privatization health the sector to just go for profit, instead of the protection of the health of the population. In 2012, in the German parliament there was a study warning of exactly of such a pandemic of a coronavirus to come — and still, absolutely nothing was done. And we already talked last week about the scenario done by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, by Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, the World Economic Forum in October last year exactly studying the outbreak of a coronavirus pandemic — and still, nothing was done.

And even when the pandemic broke out in China, end of last year, into January, and the Chinese government reacted with the known measures, all they could do was to attack the “authoritarian style” of China, but they did not do anything! The fact is, the German Health Minister Jens Spahn, in this period, said he did not expect the virus to come to Germany. He kept saying in January into February that the German health system was well prepared, and this is all either utter incompetence, or worse.

So I think that it should be really noted that my late husband, and the organization associated with him, we are on this since 50 years. And a lot of the attacks on us, came because of that, because we attacked Wall Street and the City of London and the casino economy as being responsible for this, and naturally, the powers that be really felt that to be their Achilles’ heel. So they started an unprecedented attack of slanders and vilification against us. They put my husband innocently in jail, Bush Sr., in particular. And I think the fact that our warnings were not listened to, really is now the reason why many people are paying with their lives. And if there’s any conclusion, then people must look at the analysis of my late husband, and also the solutions he had proposed, and which are still the only solutions to remedy the situation in the future.

SCHLANGER: Helga, I want to get to that in a moment when we take up the financial crisis, but I just want to bring it back to one other aspect of the solidarity of cooperation versus geopolitics: We have a call from the UN Secretary General for a world ceasefire. You’ve issued a call for an end to sanctions to countries like Iran and Venezuela, that are suffering from lack of equipment, lack of support. Just say something about that, because I think this is something that this geopolitics is actually war crimes.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Yes. Sanctions are a war crime, because if you deprive entire countries from acquiring the medical supplies to protect their population, this is a war crime. And I think there must be an absolutely ruthless change in the thinking: I full heartedly endorse what UN Secretary General Guterres is calling for, a ceasefire worldwide, all the drone attacks and skirmishes, and whatnot has to stop. Because only if mankind is putting all our forces together to solve this, do we have a chance to overcome this crisis. And I think that the idea of President Xi Jinping, who already in 2017, at the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, in Beijing, which I attended, where he called for a “Health Silk Road,” this is also something which absolutely must be put on the agenda, instead. Because we have to work together to build a decent health system in every single country around the world, what Xi Jinping calls the Health Silk Road, because if you don’t do that, you cannot protect a country. You cannot stop a virus from coming through the border.

The only protection is to go in the direction of building the economy in the Southern Hemisphere, our proposal to develop the Silk Road to a World Land-Bridge connecting all the continents through infrastructure and creating the economic conditions for countries in Africa, Latin America and Asia, and parts of Europe and the United States, to survive. That is the only remedy. And people have to really straighten up and become reasonable.

And as the crisis will escalate, I think that will become clearer, and those who are still warmongers should be shut down and put in asylum, because they’re really a danger and a menace to the whole human race.

So I think this initiative of Guterres should really be discussed everywhere, and that should be the mindset to solve the problem.

SCHLANGER: The other area where your husband has been proven right, over and over and over, and you have absolute authority on, is the economy: We have to distinguish, I think, in the financial package between the emergency health aid that’s needed, and protection of people, versus the use of the so-called “big bazooka” to carry out multi-trillions of dollars of bailouts of hedge funds, shadow banking institutions and others. You issued a call for a shutdown in financial trading — why don’t you tell us what you had in mind with that?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: As you say, it is absolutely legitimate if the governments are now providing liquidity to keep the firms going, to keep people having access to wages, to payments to just maintain economic activity of the real economy. That is legitimate.

But that is not the whole reason why the Federal Reserve, and the ECB are going into the direction of helicopter money, and in the case of the Federal Reserve they already have announced $4 trillion in liquidity creation, and they said there is no limit to that. Lagarde, the President of the ECB has also said, whatever it takes. Ursula von der Leyen, the President of the EU Commission, said every country can now “pump,” — and she used the word “pump” — pump as much money into their economy as they wish. The black zero is all of a sudden no longer the sacred cow it was.

And if that would be only for the real economy it would be fine. But a large part of that is to maintain the casino economy part of the whole problem. I think the former economist of the Landesbank Bremen, Folker Hellmeyer, he put out in his newsletter the correct point, that the over-dimension of that is to protect the dynamic of the algorithms in the financial markets, which is a sort of — one way of describing that, the derivatives trade is occurring in nanoseconds around the globe, and to protect that speculative bubble, this is why they are opening the sluicegates of the financial system. And that will lead in the very short term to hyperinflation as happened in Germany in 1923. And if people remember that lesson, that was the expropriation of the entire population of their life earnings and life’s savings, and that is now being threatened not in one country, but really in all the countries which are part of that system. And only those which are not entirely integrated into that have a chance to escape that, under present conditions.

So this is why I said that this is now the moment to close the markets, to stop these insane vacillations in the stock market, and use that pause of a short period of time, whatever it takes, and then implement a Glass-Steagall reorganization. And we have talked about this many times: The reintroduction of Glass-Steagall, the banking separation introduced by Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933, would mean that the state is protecting the commercial banks, keep them running, and make a firewall so that the investment banks are separated and have no longer access to the savings in the commercial banks, or bailouts from taxpayer money, but that they have to bring their books into order on their own, and if they can’t, they have to declare insolvency and disappear.

Now, the reason why you need a certain pause, is because it’s complicated, because many of the things belonging to the real economy and are legitimate, like the pension funds, are now heavily involved in the casino economy because that has been the system as it developed. And you have to somehow protect those things which belong to the life’s earnings of people or their physical existence, and the real economy, and that takes some sorting out. So some things you have to freeze and it takes a while to figure it out. And then naturally, there is a lack of liquidity, and that’s why you have to have the immediate installation or reactivation of National Banks: These National Banks must give out credit lines directed to the real economy, and investment in productive projects. And that has to be done in every country.

Now in most countries you have the possibility, like in Germany you can reactivate or just strengthen the role of the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau — the credit institute for reconstruction which was used in the postwar period to finance the economic miracle in Germany, which was based on Roosevelt’s Reconstruction Finance Corp. And similar approaches can be taken in every country.

Now, then, we need to have cooperation among all these national banks. You have to reintroduce a fixed-exchange-rate system, and then that becomes the New Bretton Woods system, a new credit system. And then, naturally, you have to introduce different criteria for what is a legitimate investment and what is not. And they are those things which mean an increase in the productivity of the economy, such as crash programs for thermonuclear fusion, for optical biophysics, for life sciences in general, to combat the origins, or to find out what are the origins of these pandemics, and how to overcome them; but also space medicine, space technology in general, international cooperation in space research and travel, these are the areas which absolutely need to be serviced by these credit lines, in order to develop new economic platforms: Because the devastation of this pandemic against the real economy is going to be very big. And you have to really think of, when you combat it, which hopefully will happen sometimes, with new vaccines and so forth, but you will have a devastation after that and you have to recreate the world economy on a higher level.

So these are the principles which my husband called the Four Laws [https://larouchepub.com/lar/2014/4124four_laws.html], and we are calling right now to implement all of this. And I ask all of you, our viewers and listeners to help in a mobilization, because it is very clear that the governments who were caught by surprise by this pandemic which they should not have been, because there was ample warning, they are also not yet in a position to discuss the principles, how to reorganize the economy: So, I’m really calling on you to sign our petition to have this shutting down of the markets, to go for the Four Laws, and to have a summit of the most important countries, especially China, Russia, India, and the United States, and hopefully with the cooperation with some other countries, to implement such a top-down, new world economic order, because nothing less will solve the problem.

SCHLANGER: Helga, I think people will appreciate what you just went through in terms of an actual solution, without panic, how to address what is an existential crisis. But you’ve also made the point, repeatedly, that this offers us an opportunity to think about the way we think about ourselves and our fellow human beings. You’ve talked about the “new paradigm.” I think, in the minutes we have remaining, it would be useful to give a sense of not just why that’s necessary, but also why it’s possible.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: I think the idea that geopolitics would be there forever is really a troglodyte idea, which only people like Ursula von der Leyen and such people seem to cling to. Geopolitics, the idea that one nation or a group of nations has the right to defend their interest against another group of nations, with all means, if necessary even military means — this is something, which in the age of thermonuclear weapons, pandemics, and just the fact that the whole world is hanging together so closely, is really an outdated idea. And it absolutely must be replaced by a new paradigm of cooperation, of defining the interest of the one humanity first.

What we have to adopt as a philosophy, is that there are common aims of mankind, such as the Strategic Defense of the Earth: This is a program of my late husband, which he put forward some years ago, where he said, our planet is not only threatened by asteroids, comets, and if one of these heavenly bodies would crash with Earth, it could be a complete catastrophe for our species, as a result. That’s something which no one nation can defend itself against, but we should cooperation. But in the same SDE approach, he also said, that we have to defend against the outbreak of pandemics. And obviously, that is an urgent lesson to be learned, because a pandemic also cannot be solved by one country, but you need to eliminate the conditions which make pandemics possible, which requires both a study of what is life; life is not yet well understood, because otherwise we could have solved sicknesses like cancer, or virus. A virus is not something which is not part of life — there are many viruses which are part of the biosphere, but we don’t understand exactly how they function and what is the process of life in general as part of the universe. It’s a principle of the universe, which we have to absolutely work together, all the scientists of the world should exchange their knowledge, they should cooperate on it.

So, I think the new paradigm, must be completely different relations among nations. Nations will probably be important, probably for a very long time to come, because they are the expression of a joint history, a joint culture, a joint language, poetry — you will not have an Esperanto and write poems — so nations will be important, but I think also they will become less important as compared to the idea of the one humanity, if we are supposed to survive as a human species. And that is an idea which also was articulated by my late husband, actually, late in his life, but he made it a big point: In the same way, he called for the abolition of the party system, in the tradition of George Washington, who said watch out for the party system because this is what causes the separation of people who then follow their lobby interests. And we should not have these parties. And in the same way, nations should cooperate and not be pitched against each other.

So I think the future of humanity must be defined from the standpoint of what kind of a future do we want to have in 50, in 100 years from now. Xi Jinping has called it “the community of a shared future” and this pandemic makes very clear, we have a shared future! We either survive all together, or maybe only a few of us, or none.

If we look at the present from the standpoint of where do we want the world to be in 100 years from now, we will have joint space exploration, we will have villages on the Moon, we may have a city on Mars already — we will have a completely different idea of collaboration and rationality, working together, referring to the creativity of the other, being happy when the other one is developing, instead of seeing it as a competition. And I’m quite confident that the human species is the only creative species, at least known in the universe so far, and that if we get through this crisis and really change our life, and change the view we have about this whole question, then we can actually come out strengthened out of this crisis and start a new era of cooperation of all of humanity.

But it does require a change in the thinking, and I’m inviting you to join us in this effort. And we need a lot of support: So, contact us, sign our petition for the Four Power summit, and work with us, because we need right now a mass mobilization, to do the kinds of things which the politicians, obviously, have not been able to do, or very poorly. So: Join us!

SCHLANGER: OK, Helga, thank you very much, and we’ll see you next week; and we’ll evaluate how things have moved in the course of the next days ahead. So, thank you.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Stay healthy!

Verden i nedlukning – vil der blive lukket ned for Wall Street?

Den 24. marts (EIRNS) – Både Storbritannien og Indien bekendtgjorde indenfor det sidste døgn total nedlukning. De næsten 1,4 mia. indbyggere i Indien blev af premierminister Nerendra Modi informeret om, at der vil være et “totalt forbud mod at forlade hjemmet”, selvom supermarkeder var inkluderet på listen over vigtige funktioner, der ville forblive åbne. For Boris Johnsons vedkommende havde premierministeren tidligere en telefonsamtale med præsident Xi Jinping mandag forud for sit nationale webcast, hvor han meddelte nedlukningen. Johnson fortalte Xi, at COVID-19-situationen i Storbritannien er “alvorlig”, og at “Storbritannien har studeret og lært af Kinas nyttige erfaring og truffet videnskabelige og effektive forebyggelses- og kontrolforanstaltninger.”

Faktum er, at hverken NATO eller NATO-landene har tilbudt hjælp af nogen betydning til de mange lande i verden, der lider under denne historiske pandemi. Selv om mange af de europæiske lande har henvendt sig til Kina og Rusland for at få hjælp. Kina hjælper nu mindst 82 nationer i verden med forsendelser af medicinske forsyninger og hold af læger og medicinske fagfolk. Kinesiske læger afholdt den 18. marts en videokonference med deres kolleger i 24 afrikanske nationer, og endnu en konference i dag med eksperter og embedsmænd fra Latinamerika og Caribien (lande med diplomatiske forbindelser med Kina plus Nicaragua); begge konferencer varede over tre timer. Rusland har fløjet 14 fragtfly med medicinsk udstyr og et team af læger til undsætning for de hårdt ramte italienere, mens Kina har ydet lignende støtte.

Den nederdrægtige bagvaskelse af Kina i den amerikanske presse og fra visse medlemmer af Kongressen fortsætter med uformindsket styrke, men bestræbelserne på at vende præsident Trump mod Kina er faldet til jorden. I et par dage i sidste uge udtrykte han nogle af beskyldningerne om Kinas påståede “ansvar” for den globale katastrofe, idet han brugte betegnelsen “Kina-virus”, men det har han holdt op med, og han har fornyet sin ros af præsident Xi og Kina, og tilføjet at Kina lever op til deres løfte om – som en del af handelsaftalen – i meget høj grad at forøge købet af amerikanske landbrugsprodukter.

Den kendsgerning, at internationalt samarbejde er absolut nødvendigt for at besejre denne “usynlige fjende”, står i stigende grad klart for befolkningen i alle nationer. Det burde stå lige så klart, at “sanktions-vanviddet” må afsluttes af alle parter, sådan som præsident Putins talsmand, Dmitry Peskov, bemærkede i dag, alt imens FN’s generalsekretær António Guterres, også i dag, opfordrede til at lette alle sanktioner, herunder dem mod Iran og Nordkorea, for at hjælpe med at bekæmpe virusset. Guterres opfordrede også til en universel våbenhvile i de forskellige krige, der stadig raser rundt om i verden, så alle mennesker kan bekæmpe den fælles fjende.

Men det underliggende spørgsmål – årsagen til, at verdens offentlige sundhedsfaciliteter ikke er forberedt på at forhindre pandemien – må drøftes samtidigt; ellers vil virusset og nye vira og andre farer, som menneskeheden står overfor, ikke blive overvundet. Da Lyndon LaRouche forudså udbruddet af nye pandemier i 1971, efter Bretton Woods-systemets sammenbrud den 15. august samme år, identificerede han årsagen tydeligt: opbrydningen af Franklin D Roosevelts kreditorienterede Bretton Woods-system ville tillade det britiske system med uhæmmet spekulation at skabe nye niveauer af fattigdom, faldende investeringer i grundlæggende infrastruktur og oppustning af spekulative værdipapirer, uden forbindelse til den reelle produktion.

Dette gjorde LaRouche til den svorne fjende af de anglo-amerikanske finans- og efterretningsapparater, hvilket førte til en politisk heksejagt og hans fængsling. Men den manglende iagttagelse af hans advarsler og gennemførelse af hans politik har ført til netop den eksistentielle krise, som menneskeheden står overfor i dag. LaRouches enke, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, har i de sidste problematiske uger insisteret på, at denne krise markerer afslutningen på en historisk epoke. Systemet, der er brudt sammen, kommer aldrig tilbage. Forvarslet om en ny mørk tidsalder, som nu konfronterer samvittigheden hos alle folk i denne verden, kan vendes, men ikke ved delvise modforholdsregler. Krisen i sig selv skaber de betingelser, hvorunder de krævede revolutionære ændringer kan og må foretages.

Præsident Trump ved, at Glass Steagall må genindføres, og er klar over at det amerikanske system med Alexander Hamilton, Abraham Lincoln og Franklin Roosevelt kræver en ende på “Casino Mondial” (‘kasinoøkonomien’), centreret i City of London og Wall Street. Der er brug for opvakte og aktive borgere for at give præsidenten magten til at besejre de imperialistiske monetarister, for at bringe USA, Rusland, Kina, Indien – og alle nationer – sammen i den globale udvikling med ‘Den nye Silkevej, et nyt Bretton Woods-finanssystem, og for at iværksætte den videnskabelige og kulturelle renæssance, der behøves for at afslutte imperiet en gang for alle gennem et nyt paradigme for menneskeheden.

Opbygning af en ny verden fra asken af de gamle, suveræne nationer
en fælles fremtid. Helga Zepp-LaRouches tale til et møde i NYC den 21. marts

Den 21 marts.

HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Goddag! Lad mig tale om corona-pandemien. Hvad der kan forventes; hvad der kan gøres; og hvordan en reel løsning ville se ud.

Det er åbenlyst et uhyre alvorligt øjeblik, og mange mennesker er vågnet op og har indset, at intet efter denne pandemi vil være, som det var før, fordi nogle af de grundlæggende aksiomer bag måden vi tænker på netop nu, er i gang med at blive knust. Mange spørgsmål er stadig ubesvarede, og en løsning er naturligvis ikke kommet til syne endnu.

Men lad mig begynde med en egentlig reference til det, som jeg lige sad og læste i Washington Post. De rapporterer, at repræsentanter fra sundhedssektoren i New York og Californien, nu opfordrer til at begrænse testningen af coronavirusset til sundhedspersonale og smittede personer som er indlagt, i et forsøg på at spare på de for få værnemidler, såsom masker, ventilatorer, senge for intensiv behandling, osv. Ellers ville muligheden for at kontrollere smitten gå tabt, og hele situationen ville gå ind i en ny fase. Dog tror jeg ikke at dette er det sidste ord, eftersom Trump fredag for en uge siden holdt en pressekonference foran Det hvide Hus, hvor alle direktører fra apoteker og medicinale firmaer deltog, og bekendtgjorde, at der ville sættes en masseproduktion af testsæt i gang, og at parkeringspladserne for disse steder ville blive omorganiseret til ”drive-thru”-testning. Jeg syntes, at dette var et meget vigtigt skridt, og at det faktisk går i præcis den rigtige retning. Hvis vi ser på hvad der skete med coronavirusset i Kina, f.eks. i Wuhan, hvor udbruddet begyndte, havde de succes med at stoppe spredningen. To tusinde personer er døde fra januar til nu, og så, for tre dage siden, var der nul nye tilfælde. Dr. Tedros, som er præsident for Verdenssundhedsorganisationen (WHO), gav et råd til al sundhedspersonale i verden, og sagde at den bedste måde at bekæmpe denne virus på er at teste, teste, teste. Mange andre sundhedsrepræsentanter har konkluderet, at den bedste fremgangsmåde er gennem proaktiv testning, for at identificere potentielt smittede personer, isolere dem, og sætte dem i karantæne; ikke sende dem hjem, ikke selv-isolation, men reel karantæne.

Jeg tror at denne lære er absolut afgørende, fordi den beviser, at et udbrud kan stoppes. Dette blev ikke kun opnået i Wuhan, men også i en lille by i Italien, byen Vò, som har 3300 indbyggere, hvor de første dødsfald i Italien skete. De begyndte øjeblikkeligt at teste alle, genteste, fandt de smittede personer, sporede hvem de havde været i kontakt med, og satte dem i karantæne. Og nu er smitten i Vò blevet stoppet. Så jeg mener virkelig at dette er meget vigtigt. Tydeligvis er grunden til at der ikke er den samme fremgangsmåde overalt den, at der ikke er nok testudstyr. Verdenssundhedsorganisationen har lige offentliggjort, at de har uddelt 1,5 millioner testpakker verden over, men at der faktisk er brug for 100 millioner. Dette foregår sammen med mange andre skridt, f.eks. at alle er i fuld gang med at udvikle vacciner, osv. Det vil jeg vende tilbage til om et øjeblik.

Angående Kina, hvis man blot tænker over det, er der denne utrolige anti-Kina-kampagne, som foregår i USA og andre steder, men specielt i USA, hvor folk snakker om Wuhan-virusset, Kina-virusset. Jeg har ikke engang lyst til at gentage alle de ækle ting, som der er blevet sagt om Kina. Men jeg ønsker at I stopper op et øjeblik, og tænker. Da Kina, som muligvis begik nogle fejl ved ikke at anerkende problemet, og pga. dette mistede en eller to uger; men efter at den centrale regering i Kina erkendte problemets omfang, foretog man de mest drakoniske skridt mulige. De lukkede byen Wuhan og provinsen Hubei ned; og satte reelt set 60 millioner personer i karantæne. De indførte de mest strikse regler overhovedet. Det var kun tilladt familier at handle ind hver tredje dag; kun ét familiemedlem. Det var på ingen måde tilladt at bevæge sig rundt. De lukkede al produktion ned, og jeg tror de byggede 22 hospitaler alt i alt, flere intensivafdelinger på en uge. Nogle af dem har de allerede taget ned, fordi der ikke længere er brug for dem, da de var midlertidige hospitaler. Men med denne fremgangsmåde var de succesrige.

Hvis vi husker den umiddelbare pressedækning, og det som politikere sagde, at Kina fratager dig dine menneskerettigheder, ”sikke et diktatur”. Der var et fuldstændig vanvid om dette. Nu, to måneder senere, efter at Kina virkelig gjorde verden en tjeneste de to efterfølgende måneder, kigger vi rundt, og hvad ser vi? Vi ser, at regeringerne i Europa og USA ikke virkelig brugte disse to måneder til at forberede sig, for at begynde en hastemobilisering for produktion af testudstyr, ventilatorer, beskyttelsesmasker, beskyttelsesdragter, senge til intensiv pleje. Men de begyndte meget langsomt. Rent faktisk sagde Tysklands sundhedsminister Spahn i begyndelsen af pandemien: ”Årh, denne virus vil ikke komme til Tyskland.” I januar sagde han, at det tyske sundhedssystem er fuldt forberedt, at der ikke var noget at være bekymret for. Nu har folk pludselig travlt, fordi de ikke har brugt tiden til virkelig at begynde en fuld mobilisering.

Hvis man imidlertid betragter Italien netop nu, er der allerede flere mennesker døde af COVID-19 end i Kina. Sundhedssystemet er fuldstændig overvældet i den nordlige del af Italien, i Lombardiet-regionen, i Bergamo. Måske har I allerede set de horrible billeder, hvor hæren nu hjælper med at bringe ligene væk, fordi de er så overvældede, og ikke kan håndtere det mere. Disse er scener fra det 14. århundrede; dette er hvad der skete under Den sorte Død. Boccaccio beskrev dette i Decameron. Vi har nogle medlemmer i det nordlige Italien, og de rapporterer om folks absolutte desperation lige nu, fordi dødsfaldene bliver for mange.

Men hvad er resultatet? Nu handler regeringerne mere eller mindre præcis ligesom Kina gjorde i januar. De har indført en nedlukning i Italien, i Spanien, i Frankrig. I Tyskland er dette allerede i sket i Bayern, i Saarland, i byen Dresden, og i går i fjernsynet sagde de, at folk må forvente, at hele Tyskland vil blive lukket ned i begyndelsen af ugen. Åbenlyst gjorde Kina noget rigtigt, og ingen snakker om overtrædelser af menneskerettigheder i disse europæiske lande lige nu, fordi alle ved, at jo hurtigere man handler, desto bedre. Frankrigs fagforening for sundhedspersonale og organisationen for unge læger har sagsøgt den franske regering for ikke at have gennemført strikte foranstaltninger nok. De siger at den eneste måde, hvorpå problemet kan kontrolleres, er ved at gøre præcis dette

Naturligvis kræver dette et helt sæt forskellige foranstaltninger. Jeg tror, at testningen… testning så bredt som muligt… gentestning, det er klart den allerførste betingelse. Man bliver nødt til at lukke hele samfundslivet ned… økonomien. Man må lukke det ned for en vis periode. Men det indebærer selvfølgelig en hel række problemer. Det må forventes, at denne pandemi, fordi det er et verdensomspændende fænomen, må besvares med en fuldstændig ændring i verdenssystemet. Fordi den ikke kan håndteres under de nuværende omstændigheder.

Det er nu den samstemte opfattelse hos mange af de førende eksperter, som professor Drosten, der er virolog på Charité Hospital i Berlin, en ekspert, der sagde, at de var nødt til at revidere tanken om, at virusset vil bremse op i løbet af foråret og sommeren på grund af sommertemperaturerne; der vil forekomme bølger af virusmutationer. Og at virusset, i den periode som er vinterperioden for den sydlige halvkugle, spreder sig hurtigere på kontinenter som Afrika eller Latinamerika, asiatiske lande, og det er virkelig noget, der må tages højde for. Hvis man ser på situationen i Afrika, og professor Drosten sagde, at denne pandemi nu udvikler sig parallelt i alle lande i verden, og har netop nået Sydvestasien, som har en tæt forbindelse til Afrika – og disse lande har ingen chance for social isolering. De har ingen chance for at vaske hænderne. De kan [godt] vaske hænderne, men der er 2 milliarder mennesker på planeten, som ikke har adgang til rent vand. Professor Drosten sagde, at vi mellem juni og august vil se billeder, som vi hidtil kun kender fra film. Vi vil se scener, som han ikke engang kan forestille sig, og han er usikker på, hvordan det vil påvirke os. I Afrika – alene i Sydafrika er der flere millioner mennesker, der er HIV-inficeret. 60 % af disse har desuden tuberkulose. Det er tydeligvis folk i kategorier med høj risiko. I Afrika alene er der 60 millioner børn, der er underernærede, og så er der græshoppeplagen, som spreder sig. Der er allerede en sultkatastrofe i mange afrikanske lande; så man kan forestille sig, hvilken ødelæggelse dette vil forårsage i Afrika; og rapporterne vi får fra Latinamerika går stort set i samme retning.

Denne pandemi vil selvfølgelig vende tilbage. Den vil aldrig gå helt væk, men vil komme forstærket tilbage til efteråret; og det er meget usandsynligt, at vi vil have en vaccine på det tidspunkt – måske vil vi have terapeutisk medicin, som vil give en vis lettelse for de mildere tilfælde – men denne ‘ting’ vil forblive med os. Et af de store problemer er selvfølgelig, at man i den indledende fase er nødt til at lukke økonomien ned, fordi kontakten mellem mennesker under de nuværende omstændigheder må minimeres. Jo mere der lukkes ned jo større er chancerne for at inddæmme den. Men når disse forholdsregler forhåbentlig har succes, ligesom nu er tilfældet i Kina, er man nødt til at genåbne økonomien, og i det omfang man gør det, er der fare for en genopblussen af pandemien. Så dette vil ikke forsvinde så let, men vil, efter hvad eksperterne siger lige nu, sandsynligvis blive her indtil sommeren 2021; fordi det forventes, at det vil vare så længe at udvikle en vaccine. Der arbejdes nu på verdensplan på omkring 20 forskellige vacciner, men denne proces kan ikke bare forkortes, netop af den grund som blev udtrykt af Dr. Mike Ryan fra WHO. Han sagde, at der kun er én ting farligere end en slem virus, og det er en dårlig vaccine; og at vi skal være meget omhyggelige med at indsprøjte noget i verdensbefolkningen i potentielt massivt omfang, når man ikke kender alle virkningerne af det.

Det har åbenlyst absolut høj prioritet at arbejde på en vaccine, og denne vaccine skal, når først den eksisterer, stilles til rådighed for alle. Den må være tilgængelig for hele verden. En meget vigtig komponent i dette lige nu er Kina, der klarer sig bedre – de har nye tilfælde, men mest fra folk der kommer tilbage fra andre lande. De har aktiveret, hvad Dr. Tedros allerede bekendtgjorde under talen på ‘World Belt and Road Forum i 2017’ i Beijing, som jeg deltog i, nemlig en Health Silk Road (‘Sundheds-silkevej’). Han sagde, at der må være et internationalt samarbejde mellem de lande, som samarbejder med Bælte- og Vejinitiativet, om at oprette sundhedssystemer i hvert land, og Kina gør netop dette. De har nu sendt medicinske teams til Iran, Irak, Italien, Spanien. De har sendt store mængder masker, testudstyr, beskyttelsestøj, til Italien, til Spanien, til Frankrig; selv Ursula von der Leyen, præsidenten for Europa-Kommissionen sagde, at EU skal takke Kina for at have sendt alle disse ting.

Det er min absolutte overbevisning, at USA burde stoppe kampagnen mod Kina og tage imod præsident Xi Jinpings tilbud om samarbejde. Der var noget samarbejde, og præsident Trump er vaklende; undertiden taler han om ‘Kina-virussen’, så snakker han om sin gode ven Xi Jinping. Jeg mener, at sidstnævnte tilgang bør tages, og jeg synes, at præsident Trump skal tale med præsident Xi, og at de bare skulle sige, at vi er i en nødsituation; “send millioner af testudstyr, så vi kan gøre alt for at få dette under kontrol”. Mens USA naturligvis øger sin egen produktion med aktiveringen nu af ‘National Defense Production Act’, hvor mange virksomheder opfordres af regeringen. Det bør alt sammen finde sted, men timingen er afgørende.

Det kinesiske udenrigsministerium har netop bebudet, at de nu hjælper både med hensyn til medicinsk forsyning såvel som med at sende eksperter til 82 lande i verden. Det kinesiske ækvivalent til CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, USA’s sundhedsstyrelse, red.) har netop holdt en hastekonference med repræsentanter for 24 afrikanske lande og lovede, at de ville hjælpe i denne situation.

Det er klart et kapløb mod tiden, men jeg tror, at de skridt der derudover må tages er på det finansielle og økonomiske område. Der er mange tegn på, at det finansielle system allerede var bankerot inden denne krise brød ud. Vi ved, at der ikke er blevet gjort noget siden 2008 for virkelig at afhjælpe de underliggende årsager til kasinoøkonomien, og hvorfor den brød sammen i 2008. Lyndon LaRouches ord om, at dette er en global sammenbrudskrise, og at der absolut ikke er noget, der kan gøres for at redde dette system; at det er bankerot, og at man er nødt til at erstatte det ved hjælp af hans Fire Love – gennem et nyt kreditsystem, et Nyt Bretton Woods-system og intet andet kunne afhjælpe situationen – disse ord er forblevet sande igennem alle disse år siden 2008. Vi ved også, at Federal Reserve, den amerikanske centralbank, siden 17. september 2019 gik ind på disse utrolige penge-pumpeoperationer, de såkaldte ‘overnight’ repo-kreditter, der angiveligt bliver taget ud af systemet igen hver morgen. Men hvis man ser på Federal Reserves balance, er det meget tydeligt, at de har tilføjet flere hundrede milliarder dollars til denne balance, og at situationen virkelig er en hyperinflatorisk ‘penge-pumpning’.

Man er nødt til at skelne. Jeg siger ikke, at de foranstaltninger, der blev truffet af EU, at ECB for eksempel stiller 750 milliarder dollars til rådighed på forskellige vis, med opkøb af obligationer, at regeringer hjælper virksomheder med at holde sig oven vande, udsætter skattebetalinger. Disse foranstaltninger er meget nyttige, og Federal Reserve har gjort lignende ting. Jeg tror for 1,2 billioner $ tilsammen, og mere i vente. Men sagen er, at selvom jeg ikke siger, at disse foranstaltninger ikke bør tages – inklusive at give penge direkte til enkeltpersoner for at holde dem oven vande… for hvad er situationen for arbejdsløse og hjemløse? Alt dette skal der virkelig tages hånd om, men det løser ikke problemet. Hvis man beholder kasinoøkonomien, og dette absolut fallerede system og blot fortsætter med at tilføje likviditet, kan det være en mulig løsning på kort sigt. Men det vil have en fuldstændig hyperinflatorisk effekt – ikke på lang sigt.. ikke på mellemlang sigt – men på relativ kort sigt.

Det er nøjagtigt, hvad der vil ske verden over. Hvis man ser på, hvad der skete i Tyskland i 1923, da hyperinflation ødelagde alle menneskers livsopsparing, fordi penge blev stadig mere værdiløse, er det en stor fare. Derfor opfordrede jeg for et par dage siden i en kort udtalelse, som Dennis henviste til i begyndelsen, til at de finansielle markeder lukkes ned. Hvis man holder denne kasinoøkonomi kørende, vil det lige præcist føre til hyperinflation. Jeg mener, at dette må gøres. Man bliver nødt til at lukke markederne ned. I mellemtiden er der mange økonomer, der har opfordret til lignende foranstaltninger. Også den militære analytiker Pat Lang sagde dybest set det samme, fordi disse vilde udsving på aktiemarkedet; dette er et holocaust, som ikke stopper. Derefter må man gå ind for Glass-Steagall; nu! Udsæt det ikke! Stil det ikke i bero. Præsident Trump lovede mange gange i valgkampen 2016, at han ville gennemføre Glass-Steagall, og nu er præcis øjeblikket til at gøre dette.

Hvad det betyder, er at nøjagtigt de samme foranstaltninger, som dem der blev truffet af Franklin D. Roosevelt i 1933, må iværksættes præcis således. Min afdøde mand understregede altid, “Der skal ikke ændres noget. Argumenterne om, at markederne i dag er mere komplicerede, og at der er brug for derivater, afviste han det kategorisk altid. Grundlæggende ville det betyde, at der opstilles brandmure mellem forretningsbankerne og investeringsbankerne; og at forretningsbankerne sættes under statsbeskyttelse, så de kan fortsætte med at yde kredit til realøkonomien, de små og mellemstore virksomheder, handel, detailhandel, alle disse ting, der er væsentlige for den reelle økonomi. Men man udskiller investeringsbankerne fuldstændig. Det betyder, at investeringsbankerne ikke længere skal have adgang til forretningsbankernes opsparingskonti, og at de ikke skal reddes med skatteydernes penge.

”Da nogle af disse produkter er komplicerede, fordi pensionsfondene og andre legitime ting, der hører til folks livsopsparing, i mellemtiden er vævet sammen med derivaterne og hele kasino-aspektet i det finansielle system, er der derfor brug for en ‘timeout’; alt må indefryses, og så skal en statskommission undersøge, hvad der er legitimt i disse aktiver, og de skal skilles ud og beskyttes. Det vil være kompliceret, men det må og skal gøres.

”Derfor vil der, hvis investeringsbankdelen af det finansielle system elimineres, naturligvis ikke være tilstrækkelig med likviditet. Og det er grunden til, at hr. LaRouche sagde, at dette er tidspunktet, hvor man må genoprette et hamiltonisk banksystem, man er nødt til at oprette en nationalbank – ikke blot i ét land, men praktisk talt i alle lande – og så er man nødt til at forbinde disse nationalbanker gennem faste valutakurser. Der må indgås langsigtede aftaler om investeringer i veldefinerede genopbygningsprojekter; genopbygning af sundhedssektoren, beskyttelse og genopbygning af suverænitet indenfor landbrugsområdet for at rekonstruere krigshærgede regioner som Sydvestasien. Årsagerne til at det afrikanske kontinent og andre lande på den sydlige halvkugle er så sårbare må én gang for alle afhjælpes; hvilket betyder, at man for alvor må begynde at industrialisere disse lande, landene i Afrika og landene i Latinamerika og Asien, og man er nødt til at hjælpe dem med at opbygge infrastruktur som en forudsætning for industriel produktion og udvikling af landbrug.

”Og på den måde skaber man betingelserne for at skabe et tilstrækkeligt sundhedssystem i alle lande. Alt dette skal gøres samtidig, og det vil naturligvis ikke gå glat, men hvis ikke man går i denne retning, er der ikke alene fare for, at coronavirus kommer tilbage og hærger, men der er absolut intet til hinder for udbrud af nye vira og nye sygdomme.

“Og derfor er dette en absolut nødvendighed, at vi retter fejlene begået igennem de seneste adskillige årtier, især de sidste 30 år med deregulering af markederne og at give spekulanterne ret til alting og skære ned på den almene velfærd.”

Hvorfor er det, at USA’s og de europæiske sundhedssystemer er i så dårlig stand? Fordi der var nedskæringer; hospitaler blev lukket ned, alt blev privatiseret, væsentlig produktion blev outsourcet til lavtlønslande, og lagre af testudstyr, værnemidler blev opgivet. Hospitaler lukkede, og produktionen blev outsourcet til Kina og Indien, hvorfor vi i de såkaldt avancerede lande nu ikke har denne slags ressourcer.

Så det må korrigeres. Jeg mener at denne nødvendighed for at vende tilbage til idéen om det almene vel, som værende økonomiens omdrejningspunkt, er absolut tidens hovedspørgsmål. Og jeg tror at vi bliver nødt til at reflektere over hvilke fejl er blevet begået, og vi har én uomstødelig målestok, og det er det som hr. LaRouche sagde for over 50 år siden, begyndende i 1971, hvor han pegede på faren for en ny depression, en ny fascisme, da Nixon frakoblede dollaren fra guldstandarden og droppede de faste vekselkurser. På det tidspunkt sagde han, at hvis man fortsætter i denne retning, vil det ende i en katastrofe, faren for en depression, faren for en ny fascisme. I 1974 etablerede han dernæst en Biologisk Holocaust-arbejdsgruppe, som havde til formål at undersøge effekten af Verdensbankens og Den internationale Valutafonds politik, som ikke tillod tredje verdenslandende at udvikle infrastruktur, et sundhedssystem, og havde betingelser, der tvang dem til at betale deres gæld til disse institutioner og gæld til bankerne i Vesten, før det var tilladt at investere i deres egne økonomier. Det er grunden til at Afrika stadig befinder sig i denne tilstand. Dette må forstås. Vi sagde på det tidspunkt, at Den internationale Valutafonds politik er værre end Hitlers, og der var en voldsom reaktion på dette; jeg husker det tydeligt, men det ramte hovedet på sømmet. Hvis man betragter de millioner af mennesker, som døde uden nogen som helst grund, udover manglen på udvikling, så er det fuldstændig berettiget.

Denne organisation har i de efterfølgende år produceret seks større studier, som man kan finde enten på internettet eller få dem ved at kontakte os, hvor vi fuldstændig påviste hvad resultatet ville blive af denne politik. Nu bliver vi virkelig nødt til at genoverveje hvad der gik galt med den liberale politik. Der var en masse angreb på Kina, fordi de er et diktatur, og jeg mener, altså, hvis man har et velvilligt diktatur, et diktatur der mener det vel, som er godt for dens borgere, som løftede 850 millioner mennesker ud af fattigdom, og nu hjælper 82 lande i verden med at bekæmpe pandemien, måske er dette diktatur ikke så dårligt, og måske er det en forkert måde at navngive det på. Måske er det en konfutsiansk stat, som er mere interesseret i befolkningens almene vel. Jeg synes at folk, frem for at blive fortørnet, burde tænke nærmere over grunden til at Kina har succes, og hvorfor det er Vesten, som har disse problemer lige i øjeblikket. Kina er ikke skadefro, tvært imod, og jeg tror, at det vigtigste, som kan drages fra hele denne oplevelse, er, at vi må lære at samarbejde. Der findes ingen måde, hvorpå en geopolitisk konfrontation kan vinde over coronavirusset, eller nogen anden sygdom.

Se, den 3. januar opfordrede jeg til at afholde et hastetopmøde mellem Præsident Trump, Putin og Xi. Dette var pga. udviklingerne omkring mordet på den iranske general Soleimani. I mellemtiden lavede Præsident Putin et lignende forslag ved at kræve et topmøde mellem de permanente medlemmer af FN’s sikkerhedsråd, for at behandle presserende anliggender for hele menneskeheden, og alle de andre lande har allerede accepteret at samarbejde om et sådant møde. Og jeg tror, at den eneste måde hvorpå vi kan overvinde denne nuværende krise, er at have et sådant hastetopmøde, hvilket, som hr. LaRouche nærmere beskrev dette for mange år siden, må inkludere USA, Rusland, Kina og Indien, fordi disse fire lande er repræsentative for hele verden. Dette er ikke en eksklusiv idé; andre lande og regeringer kan deltage og støtte op om dette, men der er brug for en sådan form for magtkonstellation, for virkelig at kunne etablere en anderledes verdensorden.

Jeg mener, at det første skridt åbenlyst er et samarbejde for at bekæmpe pandemien. Jeg tror, at Kina videregav genomets kode, gensammensætningen, umiddelbart efter at de havde kortlagt dette til alle laboratorier, og det var det første positive skridt i den rigtige retning. Der findes allerede en hel del samarbejde mellem forskellige institutioner; for eksempel mellem kinesiske videnskabsinstitutioner og Pasteur-Instituttet i Frankrig. Dette bør styrkes, og alle laboratorier og alle videnskabsfolk bør absolut samarbejde, og ikke bekæmpe hinanden, fordi dette er et for stort problem for ét enkelt land. Og dernæst, naturligvis den form for tiltag som jeg lige nævnte med Hr. LaRouches Fire Love: Glass-Steagall; et globalt Glass/Steagall-system; en nationalbank i hvert land; og så et samarbejde i et Nyt Bretton Woods-system som Franklin D. Roosevelt tilsigtede det. Dvs. at det ikke er som det Bretton Woods-system, der blev etableret af Truman og Churchill, som mere eller mindre udelukkede kreditter til udviklingslandene; men hr. LaRouche betonede ofte, at et Nyt Bretton Woods må og skal forsyne udviklingslandene med kreditter til industrialisering.

Jeg tror, at et sådant topmøde er absolut muligt. Jeg mener, at dette er vejen vi må gå. Vi bliver nødt til at opnå et Nyt Paradigme, hvor hele menneskeheden samarbejder, og jeg tror at hvis vi bevæger os i denne retning, og også tager den sande menneskelighed til os, som vi har set – for eksempel den førende læge i det medicinske hold fra Wuhan, der sagde, at det som virkelig har fået disse læger og sygeplejersker gennem en meget svær tid var kærlighed, kærlighed til sine familier, kærlighed til sin nation, men specielt kærlighed for hele menneskeheden, og at et individ er dødeligt, men kærlighed er udødelig. Og så var der mange der udtrykte dette, hvor folk i Italien i begyndelsen sang klassiske sange fra deres balkoner, for at give hinanden mod. Vores medlemmer har nu fortalt mig, at det er ophørt, fordi de alle sørger, pga. krisens omfang. Andre steder, eftersom orkestrer ikke længere kan optræde i teatre, der nu er lukkede, opføres klassisk musik, som vil blive sendt gratis over internettet.

Der er en tydelig forståelse for, at man i en krise som denne har brug for skønhedens inspiration, man har brug den klassiske kulturs dybeste udtryk, fordi man må give folk den indre styrke til at klare sig igennem sådanne meget, meget svære tider. Dette bringer mig til min sidste pointe, nemlig den at vi absolut må overvinde denne krise, ved at smide alt det affald ud, som har domineret vores kultur de sidste årtier. Al hæsligheden i den såkaldte moderne kultur, ungdomskulturens hæslighed, det meste af den populære kultur burde bare smides på lossepladsen, og vi må have en klassisk, musikalsk renæssance. Og det skønne er, at dette år er Beethoven-året, og selvom det er meget, meget forfærdeligt, at de fleste, eller alle Beethoven-årets begivenheder i Tyskland er blevet lukket ned, pga. pandemien, betyder dette ikke, at man ikke kan lytte til mange gode opførelser fra tidligere.

Og man kan virkelig lytte til Beethoven hver eneste dag for at få den inspiration og styrke til at tænke som Beethoven, som hr. LaRouche skrev, eller gav som overskrift til en af hans artikler, og opløfte en selv til den form for tankegang, hvor man tænker som Beethoven eller Schiller. ”Alle Mennesker bliver brødre,” det er teksten fra den 9. symfoni, ”dette kys til verden vid”. Og den skønhed i den fjerde del af den 9. symfoni er den ånd, som vi, som én menneskehed, må have, når vi kommer ud på den anden side af disse kriser. Hvis vi gør dette, hvis vi forener menneskeheden, gennem en enorm, fælles anstrengelse, i kærlighed til hele menneskeheden, da tror jeg, hvis det lykkes at komme igennem denne krise, at vi virkelig kan gå ind i en ny historisk æra, for menneskeheden, hvor vi faktisk i sandhed kan sige, at dette er en menneskelig verden, og at vi vil gøre ting på en helt anden måde fra nu af. Det er hvad jeg ville sige.


Årsag og virkning

Den 23. marts (EIRNS) — Ofte er den største hindring for at løse et problem en forkert identifikation af dets årsag. Dette er især tilfældet i tider med stor social og økonomisk uro, i et ‘faseskifte’, som i dag. De gamle ‘spilleregler’ er ophørt med at fungere, inklusive dem der syntes at forklare årsag og virkning under normale omstændigheder. Alligevel falder mange, selv velmenende, mennesker tilbage til gamle, dysfunktionelle måder at tænke på hvordan verden faktisk fungerer.

Hvorfor er der en global coronavirus-pandemi? Det er ikke fordi “kineserne kan lide at spise levende flagermus”; det er ikke fordi et eller andet skummelt efterretningsagentur frembragte et biologisk våben i et hemmeligt laboratorium et sted (selvom det giver stof til eftertanke, at folk som prins Philip åbent taler for et sådant malthusiansk folkemord); og det er ikke fordi dette er “naturlige fænomener”, der altid vil være der, og som man bare skal lade køre deres løb.

Verden bliver hjemsøgt af en coronavirus-pandemi i dag af netop de grunde, som Lyndon LaRouche advarede om, og ikke andre: en tilbagegang i menneskehedens potentielle relative befolkningstæthed til niveauer, der ligger konstant og dramatisk under den faktiske befolkning. LaRouche specificerede, at dette vil forekomme som et resultat af finansielle og økonomiske politikker, der favoriserer spekulation over videnskabelige og teknologiske gennembrud og tilhørende udvidet fysisk-økonomisk produktion. I en tale den 17. januar 1998 til en konference med Schiller Instituttet i Virginia advarede LaRouche:

”Vi er på kanten af det største økonomiske sammenbrud i den europæiske civilisations historie siden det fjortende århundreder, hvad der blev kaldt ‘en ny mørk tidsalder’, en del af en proces hvor ca. halvdelen af Europas befolkning blev udslettet gennem sygdom og hungersnød og forskellige former for vanvid. Højdepunktet var, som i dag, et sammenbrud af det finansielle banksystem, det såkaldte lombardiske banksystem. I denne periode forsvandt halvdelen af kommunerne, Europas sogne. En tredjedel af Europas befolkning forsvandt i løbet af en ret kort periode på grund af sygdom og hungersnød og strid. Vi er på randen af sådanne ting, ikke kun i Asien, ikke kun i Sydamerika, men her i selve USA. Ikke i det næste århundrede, men i år.”

I samme tale sagde LaRouche: ”Se jer omkring. Tag ikke en begivenhed ad gangen og prøv at forklare den. Se på processen.”
Det dødbringende coronavirus, der truer den menneskelige art, og den lige så dødbringende finansielle kræft på 1.800 billioner $, der har metastaseret over hele det transatlantiske finanssystem, er en del af den samme proces – de er virkninger, der er produceret af den samme årsag, og derfor underlagt den samme løsning.

Lyndon LaRouche opfordrede engang til politisk at begrave Wall Street og London City så dybt, at man ikke engang ville være i stand til at lugte stanken. Denne begravelse har et navn: den kaldes Glass-Steagall – konkursbehandling af et kræftsygt transatlantisk finanssystem for at indefryse de spekulative aktiver, samtidig med at de vigtige funktioner i de kommercielle banker relateret til befolkningen og væsentlig fysisk produktion opretholdes.

Samtidig med denne foranstaltning, som Lyndon LaRouche formulerede i sine berømte ‘Fire Love’, er det nødvendigt at etablere hamiltoniske nationale kreditsystemer [efter Alexander Hamiltons principper] til finansiering af reel udvikling; oprette et nyt Bretton Woods-system til i fællesskab at fremme globale infrastrukturprojekter med høj produktivitet som f.eks. ‘Verdens Landbroen’; og fremme avanceret videnskabelig forskning inden for områder som fusion, rumforskning og optisk biofysik. Dette argument blev sammenfattet i bemærkninger af hans enke, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, den 21. marts:
”Det er nødvendigt at gå ind for Glass-Steagall; nu! Tøv ikke! Udsæt det ej. Præsident Trump lovede i valgkampen 2016 mange gange, at han ville gennemføre Glass-Steagall, og nu er øjeblikket inde til at gøre det.

”Hvad dette betyder, er at nøjagtigt de samme foranstaltninger, som dem der blev taget af Franklin D. Roosevelt i 1933, må iværksættes igen. Min afdøde mand understregede altid: ‘Der skal ikke ændres noget’. Argumenterne om at markederne i dag er mere komplicerede, og at der er brug for derivater, afviste han kategorisk. Grundlæggende ville det betyde, at der opstilles brandmure mellem forretningsbanker og investeringsbanker; og at forretningsbankerne sættes under statsbeskyttelse, så de kan fortsætte med at udstede kreditter til realøkonomien, de små og mellemstore virksomheder, handel, detailhandel, alle disse ting, der er væsentlige for den reelle økonomi. Men investeringsbankerne skilles fuldstændigt fra. Det betyder, at investeringsbankerne ikke længere skal have adgang til forretningsbankernes opsparingskonti, og at de ikke skal reddes med skatteydernes penge.

”Da nogle af disse produkter er komplicerede, fordi pensionsfondene og andre legitime ting, der hører til folks livsopsparing, i mellemtiden er vævet sammen med derivaterne og hele kasino-aspektet i det finansielle system, er der derfor brug for en ‘timeout’; alt må indefryses, og så skal en statskommission undersøge, hvad der er legitimt i disse aktiver, og de skal skilles ud og beskyttes. Det vil være kompliceret, men det må og skal gøres.

”Derfor vil der, hvis investeringsbankdelen af det finansielle system elimineres, naturligvis ikke være tilstrækkelig med likviditet. Og det er grunden til, at hr. LaRouche sagde, at dette er tidspunktet, hvor man må genoprette et hamiltonisk banksystem, man er nødt til at oprette en nationalbank – ikke blot i ét land, men praktisk talt i alle lande – og så er man nødt til at forbinde disse nationalbanker gennem faste valutakurser. Der må indgås langsigtede aftaler om investeringer i veldefinerede genopbygningsprojekter; genopbygning af sundhedssektoren, beskyttelse og genopbygning af suverænitet indenfor landbrugsområdet for at rekonstruere krigshærgede regioner som Sydvestasien. Årsagerne til at det afrikanske kontinent og andre lande på den sydlige halvkugle er så sårbare må én gang for alle afhjælpes; hvilket betyder, at man for alvor må begynde at industrialisere disse lande, landene i Afrika og landene i Latinamerika og Asien, og man er nødt til at hjælpe dem med at opbygge infrastruktur som en forudsætning for industriel produktion og udvikling af landbrug.

”Og på den måde skaber man betingelserne for at skabe et tilstrækkeligt sundhedssystem i alle lande. Alt dette skal gøres samtidig, og det vil naturligvis ikke gå glat, men hvis ikke man går i denne retning, er der ikke alene fare for, at coronavirus kommer tilbage og hærger, men der er absolut intet til hinder for udbrud af nye vira og nye sygdomme.

“Og derfor er dette en absolut nødvendighed, at vi retter fejlene begået igennem de seneste adskillige årtier, især de sidste 30 år med deregulering af markederne og at give spekulanterne ret til alting og skære ned på den almene velfærd.”
Dette var Lyndon LaRouches anbefalede politik for at udrydde årsagen til de problemer, vi står overfor.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche: Luk finansmarkederne nu

Den 18. marts. Helga Zepp-LaRouche offentliggjorde i dag en optagelse af følgende hasteudtalelse:

Dette er Helga Zepp-LaRouche som taler. Jeg er grundlægger og præsident af Schiller Instituttet.

Det er soleklart, at efter finansmarkedernes dramatiske rutschebanetur de seneste dage, er denne systemiske krise ved at komme ud af kontrol.

Den eneste løsning for at forhindre en yderligere ødelæggelse af den reelle økonomi, en dramatisk stigning i massearbejdsløshed og tab af menneskeliv blandt de fattige og sårbare dele af befolkningen er at lukke finansmarkederne ned.

Dette er et nødvendigt første skridt, for derefter at bruge denne bankferie til at gennemføre reorganiseringen af finanssystemet, begyndende med en global Glass/Steagall-bankopdeling, præcis ligesom Franklin Roosevelt gjorde det i 1933.

Tiltagene, som blev taget af de europæiske regeringer samt USA, såsom at give kreditter til firmaer, udsættelse af skattebetalinger, og sågar mulig, direkte uddeling af penge – såkaldte helikopterpenge – selvom intentionen er at sørge for at industrier, institutioner og arbejdsstyrken kan fungere, vil ikke være tilstrækkelige, fordi systemet er håbløst bankerot.

Størstedelen af de enorme mængder af likviditet, som er blevet indskudt i dette fallerede monetære system efter 2008, og dernæst i et stigende omfang efter den 17. september, 2019, har blot forøget kasinoøkonomiens aktivitet og spekulanternes vanvid. Centralbankernes forsøg på at vedligeholde denne spekulative sektor, kan kun føre til en hyperinflationær eksplosion som i Tyskland i 1923.

Lukningen af finansmarkederne må gå hånd i hånd med et øjeblikkeligt hastetopmøde mellem verdens vigtigste regeringer – USA, Kina, Rusland og Indien – med andres støtte, for at træffe en beslutning om den presserende reorganisering af finanssystemet og oprettelsen af et Nyt Bretton Woods-system, som dette var tilsigtet af Franklin Roosevelt og forlangt af Lyndon LaRouche, for at genstarte den fysiske økonomi verden over.

Sådanne omgående skridt er uundværlige, eftersom coronavirus-pandemien kun kan bringes under kontrol, hvis virussets spredning stoppes og et tilstrækkeligt sundhedsvæsen er etableret i hvert land.
Dette er en lakmusprøve for at afgøre, om menneskeheden har den moralske egnethed til at overleve.


Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder of the International Schiller Institute, called for closing the financial markets to halt the inevitable collapse of the global casino economy and to reorganize it, shutting down the speculative financial operations which have preyed on the global economy.


This is Helga Zepp-LaRouche speaking. I am the founder and president of the Schiller Institute.

It is absolutely clear, that after the rollercoaster, dramatic losses of the financial markets in the recent days, the systemic crisis is spinning out of control.

The only remedy to prevent a further devastation of the real economy, a dramatic increase of mass unemployment and the loss of lives of the poor and vulnerable segments of the population is to close down the financial markets.

This is the necessary first step, to then use this banking holiday to implement the reorganization of the financial system, starting with a global Glass-Steagall separation of the banks, exactly as Franklin D. Roosevelt did in 1933.

The measures which were taken by the European governments and the United States, such as credits for enterprises, delays in tax payments, and even possible direct handouts of money—the so-called helicopter money—while intended to keep the functions of industry, institutions and the workforce going, will not be sufficient, because the system is hopelessly bankrupt.

Most of the enormous amounts of liquidity which have been injected into this bankrupt monetary system after 2008, and in an escalated way after September 17, 2019, has just increased the activity of the casino economy and the frenzy of the speculators. The effort by the central banks to maintain that speculative sector can only lead to a hyperinflationary blowout as in Germany in 1923.

The closing of the financial markets must be accompanied by an immediate emergency summit of the most important governments of the world: the United States, China, Russia and India—supported by others, to determine the urgent reorganization of the financial system and the establishment of a New Bretton Woods system, as it was intended by Franklin D. Roosevelt and called for by Lyndon LaRouche, to restart the physical economy worldwide.

Such immediate steps are indispensable, since the coronavirus pandemic can only be brought under control if the spread of the virus is stopped and an adequate health system is established in every country.

This is a test, to determine if humanity has the moral fitness to survive.


Nu ved I hvad Lyndon LaRouche mente med ’faseskifte’

Den 17. marts (EIRNS) – Reglerne, der syntes at styre samfundet og økonomien i går, fungerer ikke længere i dag. Og dagens regler vil være dysfunktionelle i morgen – om ikke før.

Planeten gennemlever en periode der er så svimlende, at den gør de fleste mennesker mentalt rundtossede. Den amerikanske statsmand Lyndon LaRouche behandlede gentagne gange dette som et “faseskifte” i den menneskelige udvikling, hvor de love, der syntes at styre en proces, ændrer sig grundlæggende, svarende til hvad der sker, når der indtræffer et fysisk faseskifte. I en artikel offentliggjort den 13. marts 1997 i EIR, med titlen “London in a Phase-Twitch” (London i et ’faseryk’), skrev LaRouche: ”Med ‘faseskifte’ forstår vi en radikal ændring i et systems egenskaber, som når isen smelter, når vand omdannes til damp, damp til plasma, eller da det første jetfly opnåede overlydshastigheder og derover. Hvad der nu sker i verdens finansielle systemer, økonomier og politisk, er lige så fundamentale forandringer som nogen af de tilstandsændringer fysikerne måtte have bemærket.”

Tegnene er overalt. I USA ser vi en ‘Pearl Harbor-refleks’ i forhold til COVID-19-pandemiens fortsatte spredning over hele landet. I Europa, hvor Italien, Spanien og Frankrig er lukket ned (i varierende grad), og andre lande muligvis snart følger efter, åbner EU’s bureaukrati for sluserne for at imødegå de økonomiske virkninger af krisen. Men kun et fuldstændigt paradigmeskifte på verdensplan vil fungere, understregede Helga Zepp-LaRouche igen i går. COVID-19-krisen og nedbruddet af det transatlantiske finanssystem er bare de mest synlige udtryk for en systemisk krise i det gamle paradigme, der er gået ind i dets sidste krampetrækninger. Det underliggende problem er, at det britiske liberale system har plyndret størstedelen af verdens befolkning, især i den såkaldte Tredje Verden, til grænsen af folkemord.  Zepp-LaRouche understregede, at medmindre dette afhjælpes, begyndende med en verdensomspændende mobilisering af sundhedsplejen, står den menneskelige art over for en udryddelseskrise.

Et sådant globalt udviklingsprogram kræver markante forøgelser i grundlæggende fysiske økonomiske parametre (såsom vand, elektricitet og mad), som umuligt kan opnås uden et hurtigt opadgående faseskifte af den teknologiske platform for hele planeten – af nøjagtigt den slags, som Lyndon LaRouche opfordrer til i hans fremsynede ‘Fire Love’, især den fjerde af disse. Og denne påkrævede løsning kan umuligt finansieres uden at sætte City of London og Wall Street under konkursbehandling ved hjælp af en global Glass/Steagall-proces. En spekulativ boble på 1800 billioner $ kan ikke længe sameksistere i det samme univers med en fremgangsrig menneskelig befolkning over hele planeten.

Ingen anden tilgang vil kunne fungere, understregede Zepp-LaRouche. Vores opgave er ikke at fokusere på de små ting og klynge os følelsesmæssigt til dem. Det er snarere at uddanne folk til at forstå tingene sådan som vi gør, og som vi blev uddannet til at gøre det af Lyndon LaRouche. Direktør for Verdenssundhedsorganisationen, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, indfangede på nyttig vis tidsånden ved sin pressekonference den 16. marts: ”Dette er den definerende globale sundhedskrise i vores tid. Dagene, ugerne og månederne fremover vil være en test af vores beslutsomhed, en test af vores tillid til videnskab og en test af solidaritet. Kriser som denne har en tendens til at få det bedste og værste frem i menneskeheden.”

”Jeg er sikker på, at I, ligesom mig, er blevet rørt over videoer fra folk, der bifalder sundhedsarbejdere fra deres balkoner, eller historierne om folk der tilbyder at handle dagligvarer ind for de ældre i deres samfund. ”Denne fantastiske ånd af menneskelig solidaritet må blive endnu mere smitsom end selve virussen. Selvom vi muligvis bliver nødt til at være fysisk adskilt fra hinanden et stykke tid, kan vi mødes på måder, som vi aldrig har gjort før. “Vi er alle i samme båd. Og vi kan kun opnå succes i fællesskab. Så spillereglen er: sammen.”

En førende kinesisk læge, der var involveret i krigen mod COVID-19 i Wuhan, Dr. Wu Dong, forklarede, hvad der motiverede ham til at gå med i kampen: ”Mennesker er dødelige, men det er kærlighed ikke, og jeg elsker min datter, mine patienter, mit land og menneskeheden. Som mennesker er vi alle i samme båd, og vi kommer igennem dette sammen.”

’Mobilisering for global sundhedspleje’
kan baseres på Franklin Roosevelt og LaRouches nye Bretton Woods-system

Den 16. marts (EIRNS) – Dele af USA’s økonomi lukker ned i en alvorlig recession; det samme gælder for Europa og andre industrinationer, ligesom tidligere i Kina. Og overalt er der mangel på alle slags sundhedsfaciliteter, nødvendige for at imødegå den enorme udfordring, som den nye coronavirus-epidemi stiller os overfor. I nogle industrialiserede lande er denne mangel stadig kun potentiel, der ventes at ramme snart. I mange udviklingslande er denne mangel nærmest total, når den holdes op mod en meget smitsom og usædvanlig dødelig luftvejssygdom, en sygdom som vil vare ved blandt menneskeheden gennem seriøse epidemier i fremtiden.

Lad os forandre dette fuldstændigt – det hele. Lad os begynde en mobilisering for global sundhedspleje, inklusive opbygningen af 2 millioner eller flere hospitalssenge, fuldt udstyret, over hele verden, inklusive 300-400.000 nye senge i USA. Nyt udstyr og nye materialer til diagnosticering og testudstyr, respiratorer, beskyttelsesudstyr og masker, alle mulige antivirale medikamenter; laboratorier til analyse er nødvendige i mange lande; telt- og felthospitaler, kun for COVID-19-patienter, ligesom dem der på få uger blev bygget i Kina, er nødvendige overalt.

Ved mobiliseringen under Præsident Franklin D. Roosevelts lederskab før og under 2. Verdenskrig, udviklede videnskabsfolk løbende nye teknologier; alle slags firmaer skabte nye produkter, som de aldrig havde lavet før. Vi har hørt, at luftfartselskaber og flyproducenter parkerer tusinder af fly, går bankerot og snart vil have brug for redningspakker. Nej – lad dem fragte værdifulde videnskabelige instrumenter, testudstyr, hospitalsudstyr til nybyggede hospitaler over hele verden.

Små kraftværker til disse hospitaler vil være nødvendige verden over samt vandrensningsanlæg.

Ledende nationers statsoverhoveder må samarbejde for at opnå dette. Lederne af G7-landene, som i dag havde en telekonference, har muligvis overdraget stafetten til G20-landene, som inkluderer Kina, Rusland og Indien. Den største udfordring – at skabe kreditterne til at gøre alt dette – begynder med, at lederne af USA, Kina, Rusland og Indien bliver enige om et nyt internationalt system for kreditter og valutaer. Lyndon LaRouche foreslog dette ”Nye Bretton Woods” og formulerede det mange gange i løbet af de sidste 25 år af hans liv.

Wall Street og City of Londons bankcenter må lukkes. Wall Street-markederne ville blive befriet fra deres lidelser ved at lukke dem ned. Sæt ”the Street” og ”the City” i karantæne. Det er ”the Street” og ”the City”, som i de sidste 50 år har svækket og afindustrialiseret vores økonomier, gennem dereguleringer der på alle måder prioriterede finansiel spekulation frem for produktive investeringer. De skabte spekulative bobler, som siden 1980’erne igen og igen bristede, og hver gang trak økonomier ned. LaRouche advarede for 50 år siden, da Bretton Woods-systemet blev ødelagt, at nye sygdomme ville finde vej til menneskeheden, uden et forsvar til at bekæmpe dem.

Derfor må de største banker opdeles, imens markederne er lukkede, ved at bruge Glass/Steagall-loven, som Kongressen hurtigt må genindføre til dette formål. Og en global mobilisering mod dette coronavirus og andre nye og tilbagevendende sygdomme kan igangsættes, med ”ingen triage” som model – uden sortering og prioritering af patienter.

Coronavirus-pandemien fremtvinger genovervejelse: Internationalt samarbejde er absolut nødvendigt!

Den 14. marts (EIRNS) — Helga Zepp-LaRouche skrev følgende leder til den tyske ugeavis Neue Solidarität den 14. marts.

Vi oplever nu den værste internationale sundhedskrise i de sidste hundrede år. Denne krise er så ekstremt farlig, fordi coronavirus-pandemien nu er kombineret med en global finanskrise, der allerede var tæt på at eksplodere før den medicinske krise brød ud; pandemien har simpelthen fungeret som en udløser for det. Der findes en løsning – men kun hvis de vestlige samfund er parate til at kassere alle aksiomerne for den nyliberale, monetaristiske økonomiske model, hvis værdiorientering drejer sig om spekulanternes fortjeneste. Den må erstattes med en økonomisk politik, som styres af den absolutte værdi af menneskeliv, videnskabelige principper og solidaritet med hele menneskeheden.

Selv Frankrigs præsident Emmanuel Macron har jo for nylig talt om det der ikke længere kan ignoreres: Det liberale demokratiske politiske system er ikke egnet til at reagere tilstrækkeligt på eksistentielle trusler. Jo før Europa og USA fatter det faktum, at vi må tage nøjagtigt de samme folkesundhedsforanstaltninger, som Kina traf i januar i byen Wuhan og Hubei-provinsen, jo flere menneskeliv vil blive reddet. I stedet for at udnytte den tid, som verden har fået ved den kinesiske regerings beslutsomme handlinger – korrekt karakteriseret af Verdenssundhedsorganisationen (WHO) som absolut en ny standard – har de vestlige regeringer spildt uvurderlige uger. Som et resultat heraf, er Europa nu blevet epicenter for pandemien, og USA’s situation er ganske uklar på grund af manglen på at teste indtil dette tidspunkt.

Men den nødvendige omorganisering kan ikke begrænses til sundhedsområdet. Vi har brug for et helt nyt paradigme for politik og økonomi, hvis vi ønsker at forhindre et sammenbrud af civilisationen som i det 14. århundrede. Mange forskere fra en række nationer antager, at omkring 70 % af befolkningen vil blive inficeret inden for de næste et til to år, i det mindste indtil en vaccine kan udvikles og produceres. Professor Christian Dorsten fra Berlin Charité Hospital citerer en ny undersøgelse, der siger, at vi ikke længere kan regne med en langsommere spredning af virusset i foråret og sommeren. Samtidig må det antages, at pandemien vil brede sig længere på den sydlige halvkugle i løbet af vinteren og derefter vende tilbage til den nordlige halvkugle i efteråret, styrket, og muligvis i en muteret form.

Dette betyder, at vi ikke alene er nødt til at afhjælpe konsekvenserne af at have fjernet vores nationale folkesundhedssystemer igennem de seneste årtier, og på kortest mulige tid udstyre det til at behandle det forventede antal patienter. Vi skal også skabe betingelserne for et globalt sundhedssystem på kort sigt.

Den aktuelle krise er på ingen måde uventet. Allerede i 1974 tog Lyndon LaRouche skridt til det, som han kaldte en ”Biologisk Holocaust Taskforce”, hvis opgave var at undersøge virkningen – frem for alt for udviklingslandene – af nedskæringspolitikken og betingelserne fra Den internationale Valutafond og Verdensbanken. LaRouche og hans kolleger præsenterede resultaterne af disse undersøgelser i en række rapporter, der advarede om, at faldet i levestandard på flere kontinenter, som var forårsaget af disse institutioner over en lang tidsperiode, ville føre til genopblussen af gammelkendte epidemier og forekomsten af nye sygdomme og pandemier.

Når man betragter forholdene i mange nationer i Afrika, Asien, Latinamerika og endda fattige regioner i Europa og USA i dag, står det meget klart, at kun en global politisk ændring kan afhjælpe dette. Cirka 2 milliarder mennesker har for indeværende ikke rent drikkevand; man kan ikke engang tale om et egentlig moderne sundhedssystem alle steder i de tilsyneladende mest udviklede lande. Der findes i øjeblikket hungersnød i flere sydafrikanske lande. En græshoppeplage, som det internationale samfund ikke skrider ind over for i tide, truer med at lægge snesevis af nationer i Afrika, Asien og Latinamerika øde. Som en følge af de såkaldte “krige for humanitær intervention” og den allerede nævnte underudvikling, er millioner af flygtninge flygtet mod Europa og Amerika for at undslippe farer for liv og lemmer.

Hvis vi derfor ønsker at forhindre coronavirus-pandemien i at sprede sig i bølger og vandre fra den nordlige til den sydlige halvkugle og tilbage igen, og dermed potentielt skabe yngleområder for yderligere lignende og værre vira, må vi påbegynde en radikal ændring af systemet.

Der skal bygges hospitaler med isolationsafdelinger over hele verden ifølge eksemplet fra Wuhan og Hubei-provinsen, som i alt opførte 14 midlertidige hospitaler inklusive de nødvendige senge til intensiv pleje. Og i forbindelse hermed må Verdenssundhedsorganisations standarder overholdes. Kina byggede for eksempel faciliteter med 16.000 nye hospitalssenge på kun en måned.

Der skal oprettes internationale videnskabelige forskningscentre til forskning af COVID-19-virussen og andre virale og bakterielle patogener. Vacciner må udvikles og testes. Forskningsresultater inden for biofysik, nuklear-biologi og rummedicin skal straks stilles til rådighed for alle nationer. Referencepunktet herfor er idéen om et “strategisk forsvar af jorden” (SDE); et koncept udviklet af Lyndon LaRouche, og hvor beskyttelsen af menneskeliv mod pandemier er et fokuspunkt.

Disse verdensomspændende foranstaltninger kræver investeringer, som ikke kan foretages under betingelserne fra det nuværende, kollapsende finansielle system. De igangværende handlinger fra centralbankernes side med at indsprøjte likviditet i det finanssystem ved hjælp af billioner af dollars og oven i købet trykning af “finanspolitiske penge” til brug for regeringers finansbudgetter kan ikke opretholdes uden at skabe hyperinflation.

Hvis vi ønsker at lykkes med at bekæmpe coronavirus-pandemien, bygge og udstyre de nødvendige hospitaler, har vi brug for den samlede handlingspakke, der blev foreslået af Lyndon LaRouche i juni 2014:

1. Et system med bankseparation må straks indføres på verdensplan, nøjagtig baseret på modellen af Glass/Steagall-loven, underskrevet af præsident Franklin Roosevelt den 16. juni 1933. Kommercielle banker skal under dette system være under statslig beskyttelse og med en ‘firewall’ være fuldstændigt adskilt fra spekulative investeringsbanker og enheder, som ikke længere kan have adgang til de kommercielle bankers aktiver, og heller ikke være privilegeret ved at blive reddet af skatteydernes penge. Disse bankers giftige papirværdier, inklusive deres udestående finansielle derivater, skal nedskrives. Begrundede tilgodehavender, der er forbundet med realøkonomien eller med pensioner og andre aktiver for arbejdende mennesker, bør også klassificeres som gyldige i det nye system. Visse former for betalingskrav må midlertidigt fastfryses og deres gyldighed vurderes af føderale myndigheder.

2. Der skal oprettes en nationalbank i hvert land, i Alexander Hamiltons tradition eller efter forbillede af den tyske ‘Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau’ (Kreditinstitutition for Genopbygning) efter 2. verdenskrig. Deres formål er at give føderale kreditter som det nødvendige middel til produktive investeringer i den fysiske økonomi. Tildelingen af denne kredit skal være orienteret efter principperne om teknologiens høje energi-gennemstrømningstæthed, forøgelse af produktiviteten for arbejdsstyrken og produktionsanlæggene og skabelse af videnskabelig og teknologisk fremskridt.

3. Blandt de deltagende lande skal der etableres et system med faste pariteter (priser og valutakurser, red.) og der skal indføres samarbejdsaftaler mellem suveræne stater med henblik på veldefinerede infrastruktur- og udviklingsprojekter. Disse traktater repræsenterer tilsammen et nyt Bretton Woods-system, som det var tiltænkt af Roosevelt, med den udtrykkelige hensigt at udstede kreditter til den industrielle udvikling i udviklings-sektoren.

4. Den tiltrængte forøgelse i verdensøkonomiens produktivitet for at imødekomme en global befolkning på i øjeblikket næsten 8 milliarder mennesker må tilvejebringes gennem et internationalt hasteprogram til realisering af termonuklear fusionskraft og andre avancerede teknologier, såsom optisk biofysik og biovidenskab, med henblik på at finde løsninger til udfordringer såsom coronavirus; såvel som internationalt samarbejde inden for rumteknologi og -rejser, som kan etablere den nødvendige næste højere økonomiske platform for verdensøkonomien, som udviklet af økonomen Lyndon LaRouche.

De eneste institutioner, som kan gennemføre et sådant verdensomspændende program, er regeringerne for de førende nationer på planeten, som i deres sammensætning må være repræsentative for hele verdens befolkning. Derfor er det på ingen måde tilstrækkeligt, at G7-regeringerne er enige med hinanden; løsningerne kan kun gennemføres med inddragelse af Rusland, Kina og Indien.

Det betyder også, at geopolitik endelig må overvindes og erstattes af ideen om menneskehedens fælles fremtid og mål. Hvis ikke vi ønsker at forfalde til en ny mørk tidsalder, er vi nødt til at erstatte neo-malthusianske ideer, den anti-videnskabelige “Green New Deal”, monetarisme samt eurocentrisme med ideerne om fysisk økonomi, udelukkende styret af de videnskabeligt beviselige principper for universets love.

Og endelig, den måske vigtigste ændring som vi må foretage i vores tankegang: Vi har brug for en ny humanistisk renæssance, en renæssance af klassisk kultur. For det er ikke mindst den ubegrænsede hedonisme, der har bragt verden til dette punkt; den hedonisme der ledsager det liberale og nyliberale demokrati. Øjeblikket er kommet til, at ideologien for ”alt er tilladt” må tilsidesættes. Vi vil kun kunne overvinde denne krise, hvis vi finder en ny indre orientering eller indre beslutsomhed, der er i overensstemmelse med kærligheden til menneskeheden. Men det er sådan, at vi endelig bliver til menneskelige væsner!

Paul Gallagher om nedsmeltningen af finanssystemet.

Den 13 marts. Lyt til EIR’s økonomiske redaktør Poul Gallaghers 17 minutter lange orientering om systemets nedsmeltning, den amerikanske centralbanks gale pengepumpende reaktion, og hvordan Lyndon LaRouches fire love er det eneste fornuftige modsvar.

Man gennemlever nu enden på et system, hvilket viser sig ved udbruddet af coronavirusset og det medfølgende sammenfald af den mere end et tusind billioner dollar store spekulative boble. Da dette system blev skabt i 1971, advarede Lyndon LaRouche om at det var dødsdømt, ved i stigende grad at have overdraget verdensøkonomien til London og Wall Streets finansielle elite. Og fra det tidspunkt fremsatte han de nødvendige løsninger til regeringer og befolkninger. Viderebring denne besked til dine lokalvalgte politikere:

1. Vi har brug for et nyt system, ikke en løskøbelse af det gamle.

2. LaRouches “fire love for økonomisk genopretning” og hans opfordring til et Nyt Bretton Woods-valutasystem, begge baseret på princippet om at beskytte og fremme den fysiske økonomi, må der handles på NU!

Helga Zepp-LaRouche opfordrer til aflysning af NATO’s ”Defender Europe-2020”-militærøvelse

Den 12. marts (EIRNS) – ”Vi bliver nødt til at stoppe de nuværende NATO-øvelser i Østeuropa, Defender Europe-2020, der omfatter 40.000 tropper”, udtalte Schiller Instituttets grundlægger, Helga Zepp-LaRouche i onsdags i sin ugentlige internationale webcast. ”Selvfølgelig lader virusset sig ikke stoppe af militæret. Og at gennemføre disse ting, samtidig med at der er en umiddelbar sundhedstrussel mod befolkningen, er virkelig noget der ikke giver nogen mening. Så denne NATO-manøvre burde stoppe”.

I stedet for sådanne provokerende og hensynsløse geopolitiske handlinger, tilføjede Zepp-LaRouche, “burde vi gå i retning af at mobilisere for et topmøde mellem de fire stormagter, som Lyndon LaRouche specificerede”, for at tackle de eksistentielle kriser, som planeten står overfor. ”Nogle gange, når man er i en reel krise, kan man kun med en helt ny tankegang, nemlig tanken om at alle de store lande i verden – USA, Rusland, Kina og Indien som et minimum, og så kan andre lande mødes med disse lande – kun hvis man ændrer tankegangen og niveauet for fremgangsmåden, kan der findes en løsning”.

”Man kan ikke bare fortsætte med den politik, der har vist sig at fejle; det må absolut høre op. Jeg ser ikke tegn på, at det europæiske etablissement er i stand til at gøre det på nuværende tidspunkt. Det betyder bare, at der er brug for en mobilisering af befolkningen, fordi dette bliver til en alvorlig eksistentiel krise for os alle, og man er nødt til at tage ansvar for at bringe et nyt paradigme til verden – et paradigme for samarbejde, og så vil man kunne løse de fleste problemer. I det mindste vil man over tid kunne finde løsninger på sådanne problemer som coronavirus. Vi er nødt til at ændre indstillingen hos magthaverne i Europa og USA i forhold til Kina og Rusland; og hele denne idé om, at regimeskifte er tilladeligt under påskud af at sprede ‘demokrati og menneskerettigheder’, er en af disse imperialistiske, kolonialistiske ideer, der må opgives.”

Zepp-LaRouche konkluderede: ”Vi har brug for at tænke helt nyt: Vi befinder os i en mørk tidsalder; denne mørke tidsalder er absolut sammenlignelig med det 14. århundrede, da den sorte død dræbte en tredjedel af den europæiske befolkning, og folk blev skøre!  Der er tegn på lignende sindssyge allerede nu, og vi har derfor brug for en helt anden tilgang, som det skete i det 15. århundrede med den gyldne renæssance i Italien. Folk må erkende, at vi befinder os i en mørk tidsalder, og vi må afvise alle de antagelser, der har ført til den nuværende situation”.

Englands centralbank går i panik; Wall Street eksploderer: Vil Trump lytte til Lyndon LaRouches vise ord?

Den 12. marts (EIRNS) – Præsident Trump talte til nationen onsdag aften, efter at denne rapport var færdiggjort. Om han valgte at bruge præsidentskabets beføjelser, som udtænkt af Amerikas grundlæggere, og indeholdt i efterkrigstidens Lov for Forsvarsproduktion (Defense Production Act) eller ej, for at kunne omgå den korrupte og impotente Kongres og erklære en national undtagelsestilstand, til at igangsætte en politik for en massiv udvidelse af infrastruktur og industri, kunne være afgørende for landets og verdens skæbne. De sidste 50 års ødelæggelse af det offentlige sundhedssystem, både i USA og i Europa, er nu blotlagt for hele verden, efter som Vestens førende nationer, derunder Tyskland, Italien, Frankrig og USA, ingen kapacitet har til at imødegå de ekstraordinære sundhedskrav, til det der langt om længe er blevet klassificeret som en pandemi af Verdenssundhedsorganisationen (WHO).

Og det er nu overmådeligt klart for alle undtagen de blinde, at hele den industrielle kapacitet – specielt den grundlæggende infrastruktur som opretholder denne – er så faldefærdig, at selv en genopbygning af den industrielle kapacitet vil kræve en umådelig indgriben fra staten, i samme størrelsesorden som da Franklin Roosevelt greb ind i 1933. Til at begynde med kan det panikslagne kollaps af ”markederne – Dow Jones faldt mere end 5% i dag, og 20% i hele ugen – kun løses på en måde: den øjeblikkelige genindførelse af Glass-Steagall (bankopdeling) for at gøre en ende på spekulationshysteriet. Dernæst må præsidenten insistere på sin magt som præsident og frifinde Lyndon LaRouche, således at den fulde vægt af hans Fire Love kan gennemføres.

Med dette må lederne af verdens største nationer – som nødvendigvis inkluderer Rusland, Kina, Indien og USA – slutte sig sammen for at oprette et Nyt Bretton Woods-system baseret på disse Fire Love, for at befri hele verden fra det bankerotte britiske imperiale monetaristiske system, kontrolleret af Wall Street og City of London.

I dag appellerede Helga Zepp-LaRouche til præsident Trump og NATO om at stoppe de vanvittige militærøvelser, Europe-Defender 2020 – de største NATO-øvelser siden Den kolde Krig, hvor store antal af tropper og udstyr åbent bevæges hen til den russiske grænse. Udover vanviddet, set fra et strategisk standpunkt – at true med krig mellem verdens to største atommagter – er det ligeså afsindigt at bevæge store antal af soldater gennem Europa, imens coronavirusset truer med massedød, hvis den ikke inddæmmes.

Det er et vigtigt historisk øjeblik. Til vores fordel, som mennesker, erkender befolkningen i stigende grad, at de ”gængse regler” ikke længere gælder. Mange ser tilbage og spørger: ”Hvem har fortalt sandheden alle disse år, mens regeringerne og medierne og Wall Street løj for os?” Hvis de institutionelle ledere fortsætter med at være blinde over for nødvendigheden af en revolutionær forandring, for en tilbagevenden til det ”Amerikanske Systems” tiltag med øremærkede kreditter, og for at lade præsident Trump udføre hans intention om at genoprette fredelige forhold til Rusland og Kina, så må vi mobilisere borgerne til at kræve præcis denne politik.

Vil de igangværende chok fremprovokere en ny slags tænkning,
der er nødvendig for at overvinde en ny mørk tidsalder?
Schiller Instituttets ugentlige webcast med Helga Zepp-LaRouche d. 11. marts 2020

Helga gentager de seriøse advarsler fra ledende tyske eksperter indenfor smitsomme sygdomme og ser på Wuhan-modellen for at bryde smittevejene i begyndelsen. Helga beder lande om at koordinere deres indsats for at besejre denne pandemi, inklusiv at dæmme op for de økonomiske indvirkninger på den globale økonomi, men det betyder ikke at redde Wall Street! (Se hendes opdaterede underskriftsbegæring)

Helga og Harley diskuterer svindelen med her-og- nu-økonomien, og påminder folk om Lyndon LaRouches advarsel, at hvis vi fortsatte ned ad vejen mod nulvækst, ville Vesten ikke længere være i stand til at opretholde sig selv og ville sprænges indad. Hun kræver en ende på geopolitik, og at alle kræfter må være fokuserede på at løse den fælles virus- og finanskrise. Pas på dig selv, og tak for at du følger vores arbejde.

Afskrift på engelsk:

HARLEY SCHLANGER: Hello, I’m Harley Schlanger from the Schiller Institute, welcome to our webcast with our founder and President Helga Zepp-LaRouche. It’s March 11, 2020. And now we’re very deep into a process which has been unfolding rapidly with the coronavirus, the emergence of a pandemic worldwide. And Helga, this is something that people in the West have been trying to wish away, but it’s something that’s going to be wished away: It requires a total change in thinking. Why don’t you start with your thoughts on that, because you have been very out front in the need for an emergency call to reject this old paradigm, and move to the new.

HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Yes. I think the situation is very serious. It probably will not be possible without a lot of casualties, but nevertheless, if there are decisive measures now, and a complete change in the attitude, the damage can be minimized. Otherwise, it will be catastrophic.

Now, I think it is useful to listen to the experts from Germany who are making regular podcasts, Christian Drosten, the virologist from Berlin Charité hospital, and Professor Lothar Wieler from the Robert Koch Institute, and they put out very drastic warnings. What Drosten said is that there will be no lessening of the increasing in the spring and summer period, which some people temporarily assumed, because we will face a virus wave, and naturally, in the summer period, the virus will continue to spread to the summer hemisphere, where it will be winter, and then in all likelihood return even more, and with possible mutations in the fall, and a vaccine, as of now, cannot be expected before a year or so.

So, Merkel announced what is now commonplace among many leaders of countries, that the infection rate probably will infect 70% of the population, and unfortunately, it is absolutely not true what our Health Minister Jens Spahn still thought in January, which is really incredible, where he said that the coronavirus does not represent a danger for Germany, and that the mortality rate of the coronavirus would be lower than of the common flu — that’s what he said in January.

Now, obviously, that that was not the case was clear, already if people looked to China, which in the month of January was waging an incredible battle, and by closing down the entire city of Wuhan and Hubei province, effecting a lockdown for 60 million people, implementing it and also enforcing it and having a population which was very cooperative in doing so, according to the World Health Organization, China has set a new standard in dealing with such pandemics. And the West could have taken that as an example, but people in the West are just too arrogant, too Euro-centric, or too Western-centric, so they thought they could ignore, or even think “this is affecting China and not coming to Europe or the United States”; so they lost three valuable months, maybe not entirely, but obviously, a completely different attitude would have been necessary.

And now, it is spreading and changing by the hour, so people are completely aware of the fact that this is out of control. And I do not want to add to any panic, but it is very clear that the numbers which are announced right now are not accurate. I talked to my colleagues in France, today, and there are only a little bit more than 1,000 tests which have been made in France so far! That is not a representative figure which comes out, then. And we have some cases where people clearly have symptoms, and they try to get tests, and they were told, there are no tests in France right now, France doesn’t have the production capability and all the tests have been bought up and there simply are no tests. So, obviously, the fact that in Germany, there are only two deaths so far, as of this webcast [midday in Germany March 11 — ed], they attribute that to the very well testing — now, we have to see.

I think the lesson from Wuhan, and now that all of Italy is basically a red zone, after some very irrational behavior on the side of some citizens, after the north was locked down, you have quite an advanced situation; but I think the lesson to be learned from all of that is that is that we have to learn from China. We have to get rid of our Western arrogance, and simply look at the way how China effectively dealt with it, and then the only conclusion is, that you have to enforce these measures before you have a mass of cases. That means that if you have anywhere, a region, like some cities or areas in North Rhine-Westphalia, one should apply the Wuhan model immediately. It should be closed down, there should be a quarantine for a certain number of weeks, and these measures must be taken early on, because everything which counts in this is the speed, to take preemptive measures before the virus spreads completely out of control.

So I think we are in a very serious situation, but it’s not some moment where you can completely panic, but there are clear ways, and I think the Chinese efficiency with which they dealt with this, should be a lesson for everybody.

SCHLANGER: When you speak of the arrogance, I think you’re referring, in particular, to the continued adherence to geopolitics, to the neo-liberal model, the whole idea that the West is superior, the West has solved all the problems. Isn’t this what hampers the thinking of people at the European Union and many of the people in the U.S. Congress, and think tanks in the United States?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: I think the reaction so far by the leading politicians, for example, the European finance ministers — the so-called Eurogroup — they have a meeting on March 16, and on their agenda is first, the European Stability Mechanism, and then something else, and then only third, the coronavirus attack, and it is very clear that the reason why the reaction was so late, and why they didn’t use the word “pandemic,” because they were more concerned about the stock market, the efficiency and the profits coming from the so-called “pandemic bond” — which is an absurdity all by itself, that you would try to finance the cost of pandemics with bonds from which people can make a profit, but only if you have the maturity of the bond. So, I think the thinking is still very much dominated by the geopolitical idea: For example, yesterday, I was listening — and one should actually stop doing that! — I was listening to the ZDF news and this moderator reported about the coronavirus crisis, but then, instead of praising what the Chinese accomplished in Wuhan, he took the occasion to blast China and attack it, or to continue to attack Russia, China, that has to stop! Because if you look at it, the only way how humanity will get out of the crisis, is international cooperation. Wang Yi, the Chinese Foreign Minister, has just telephoned the Italian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio, and the Chinese offered share their experience, to send their experts; they’re donating masks, protective suits, and tests to Italy. This is a completely different approach. And I think the West has much to learn how to respond to challenges which all of humanity is facing. And this whole geopolitical thinking is really one of troglodytes and should be eliminated completely.

SCHLANGER: We see people like U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo continuing to attack China; he calls coronavirus the “Wuhan virus” — you have this kind of attitude, when in fact, what we’re seeing is a significant drop of cases in China. And you mentioned earlier the importance of President Xi Jinping going to Wuhan to talk to the people who are on the front lines. I think it’s important to report this, Helga, because it’s not going out in the Western press.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: I have proposed something, which may look impossible to some people, but I dare the prediction that the situation will — because of this ineffectiveness of Western response — that the situation will soon come to the point where more and more people are recognizing that what I’m saying is the only way to address this problem. What I have reiterated is my call to have an emergency summit by Xi Jinping, Putin, Trump, Modi, as a minimum combination, to address all these problems. Because it’s very clear that we need an international cooperation concerning the coronavirus pandemic. This is already threatening the international financial system: We saw, in the last several weeks, several plunges, absolutely of the same dimension as after the 2008 systemic collapse, or after the September 11, 2001 attack; and only because the central banks have now decided to flood the markets, to lower the interest rates — like the Bank of England lowered the interest rate by a half-percent, 50 basis points, today — as if the simple pushing of liquidity would remedy any of the real, physical causes for why the system is collapsing. So, I want to have a mobilization of the population to demand that the leaders of the most important governments — of the United States, Russia, China, and India — need to discuss the Four Points which were proposed by my late husband Lyndon LaRouche, in June 2014, because you need to have an immediate end of the global casino economy, by implementing a Glass-Steagall system; we have discussed this many times on this program, but it is the only combination of measures which would address the problem. Then, you need a national bank in every country; in Germany, we could extend the functions of the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau; have a national bank in every other country; have an international cooperation among these national banks, reinstate fixed exchange rates, and then have agreements about industrial development projects, like the industrial development of Southwest Asia, of Africa, and this will become then, a New Bretton Woods system. There must be cooperation with the Chinese New Silk Road to have these kinds of development plans. And we need a crash program to go into a new platform of higher productivity of the economy, joint cooperation in advanced technologies, like fusion, like biophysics, like space research cooperation. And then, such a summit could implement these measures, and then could have a series of such summits, and that way change the geopolitics, and move towards an international cooperation, a shared future of humanity.

And that shift has to occur. And I’m predicting, and I think I’m on the safe side in doing so, that the crisis will accelerate, there will be many more unfortunate consequences, and people will recognize that to establish a completely different level of thinking will be the only way out for all of mankind.

If you agree with that, you should help this mobilization. There is a resolution, which is attachéd to this webcast [https://schillerinstitute.nationbuilder.com/four_laws_new], please sign it, please spread it among your friends and colleagues, get more people to sign it: Because we need a public discussion about this, and public demand that the whole world should move into a completely new way of cooperating and solving these kinds of problems.

SCHLANGER: I’ve received a few emails from people who have asked, why do we focus on “neo-liberalism” as the problem? What does that have to do with the virus? And I think it’s important to look at what Dr. Redfield of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) had to say about the need to rebuild the system: That the so-called “just-in-time” system, which has been accepted as an economic model doesn’t work. We need redundancy. And Helga, I think it would be very useful for you to just review again, why this neo-liberal system is the cause, or sets humanity up for these kinds of crises. Because this is what your husband was warning, going back to 1971, with the Biological Holocaust Task Force he set up, and so on.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: The prognosis of Lyndon LaRouche, which he made on Aug. 15, 1971, when Nixon dissolved the Bretton Woods system by going to floating exchange rates, by decoupling the dollar from the gold-reserve standard and that way, opening the deregulation of the markets which has escalated ever since. My husband at that point had made the prognosis that if the West would continue on this road, of liberalizing the markets, of going with neo-liberal, monetarist policies, that it would end up in a new depression and the danger of a new fascism; or, one would go to a completely new economic system.

Now, that prognosis has proven to be absolutely on the mark. And the Biological-Ecological Holocaust Task Force which you just mentioned, he set up in 1974, and it was to study the effects of the policies of the IMF and World Bank on the economic system, especially in the developing sector. And in meantime, we have produced many studies, which you can all see in our archives, that if you impose such austerity or zero growth policies, especially on the developing countries, that you would inevitably cause the emergence of old diseases and new diseases, because you cannot consistently lower the living standard of entire continents, as the IMF and World Bank have done in the last 50 years, without creating conditions of breakdown. And that is exactly what you see right now: Because you don’t have only the coronavirus crisis, you have the locust situation getting completely out of control in many African states, in the Horn of Africa, and in the Arabian Peninsula and Pakistan-India, even threatening to go into China.

Then, as part of this geopolitical, liberal scheme of the West, the refugee crisis: It’s not a natural phenomenon, it is the result of the interventionist wars conducted by the Bush Administrations and Obama, with the idea that you have to spread “democracy” and “human rights” and that it’s legitimate to made interventionist wars against Iraq — doesn’t matter if it’s based on lies that there are so-called weapons of mass destruction which Nancy Pelosi, in the meantime has admitted that they all knew it was lie and they did it anyway; Iraq, Afghanistan — these are all the reasons why you have a refugee crisis. The underdevelopment of Africa is a result of these policies.

So that is why I am saying, if we don’t get rid of this paradigm, which has many elements — it has geopolitics, it has neo-liberal economic policies; but it also a Malthusian dimension to it. The Green axiom which says that nature, or some spiders or some ants somewhere are more important than human beings; and I even go so far as to say that I think the reason why there is such an absolutely bestial attitude — I mean, on the coronavirus, do you think that most African countries or Asian and Latin American countries that do not have the health systems we have, do you think they are testing their people? I don’t think so. So the figures are in all likelihood completely off, and the ability of these countries to remedy it is much, much less. And I’m absolutely convinced that there are some people who say, “Oh, there are too many people anyway,” like Bertrand Russell, who said, you need a pandemic every generation — these are quotes we have published many times! And the absolutely disgusting way how the EU is dealing with the refugee crisis, now again erupting at the Turkish-Greek border, that is a mindset which is disgusting! And it is the reflection of geopolitics, of the Malthusian idea that there are too many people anyway.

Now, Erdoğan, obviously, is playing his own, terrible games. But I think in this moment, where innocent people who have nothing, — the whole thing is that these refugees, even if they’re sitting in camps for years on end, and have begun speaking Turkish, and now Erdoğan is instrumentalizing them, that may all be true — that’s what the Greeks are saying — but what is the solution to that? You have to stop insisting that you have regime change in Syria, that has to stop. There has to be recognition that the only legitimate government in Syria is the one which the Syrian people themselves elect. There was a constitutional process under way, which is now stopped again; that has to be resumed. There has to be an end to the war. Turkey should not be backed by NATO — this is an insane idea. The U.S. special envoy for Syria James Jeffrey just demanded that NATO should fully back up Turkey against Syria, that is complete insanity: What needs to be done is you have to have peace with Syria, and then you have to have an orderly negotiation between the Assad government and the opposition, to arrange for the return of the Syrians to their own country, which is what most people want to do, anyway.

So I think all of these assumptions, that you just keep going with the policies which have proven to be a failure, that that has to absolutely stop. I don’t see a sign that the European establishment is capable of doing it. That just means we need a mobilization of the population, because this is becoming a serious existential crisis for all of us, and we have to take responsibility to put in a new paradigm — a paradigm of cooperation, and then we can solve most problems; at least over time, we can find solutions to such problems as coronavirus. But we need to change the view of the West towards China and Russia, and this whole idea that regime change is allowed under the pretext of spreading democracy and human rights, is one of these imperial, colonialist ideas which have to go.

SCHLANGER: Another perfect example of that is the expansion of sanctions against Iran and Venezuela for regime change, in the face of this growing pandemic.

I’d like to come back to one other point, which I think you alluded to earlier, which is the financial crisis: We now see, if something is going to be quarantined, we ought to quarantine Wall Street and the Bank of England. The idea that lower interest rates will solve something, but what’s going on with the repo lending, the incredible demand for liquidity without any concern for solvency, this is the other aspect of Mr. LaRouche’s warnings over many years.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Yes. I don’t know how long this will continue. And I think what the central banks are proposing is completely irresponsible, because the continuous flooding of the markets with money, and the idea to go even to negative interests rates, all of this is already eating up the savings and life’s earnings of the population, and is threatening at some point to go into a hyperinflation. So these derivatives must be absolutely written off — this is why Glass-Steagall is so crucial — and I think the whole EU program as it was announced by EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, in this presence of this deplorable Greta Thunberg, that has to go, too! Because you cannot have an industrial state and implement these policies. I think if you want to have hospitals, if you want to have enough intensive care units to deal with such a situation, you have to have a productive society. And that Green policy of von der Leyen it has to go. We need the full package that I talked about before: Glass-Steagall, and the return to Hamiltonian banking, which every time there was a successful economic system in history, whether it was the New Deal of Franklin Roosevelt, whether it was the reconstruction of Germany in the postwar period, these were the principles which were applied, and that is what is urgently required.

SCHLANGER: And while this is all going on, we have this incredible soap opera in U.S. politics around the Democratic nomination. I think it would be very useful, as we come toward the end of this webcast, for you to emphasize again, what do you think people should do, to make sure we can change the paradigm? There’s a hunger for change, people are still extremely unhappy, and now, very nervous, both because of the financial crisis and the coronavirus, what should people do? How should they respond?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Since you mentioned the U.S. situation, I think it’s a big problem, because, unfortunately Trump said he had a hunch that the mortality rates of the coronavirus is much less than what the World Health Organization was saying. Now, I think that he’s probably saying that because of the election campaign and he thinks that this will intervene. But I think the reality will assert itself very quickly: This will come as fast as it came in Europe, maybe faster even, and the U.S. right now is really unprepared! The health delivery system was taking even more than in Europe. The Democrats have this Biden now as a major candidate — I can only advise people, there is a very interesting collection of videos which was published by Consortium News, the author is Caitlin Johnstone [https://consortiumnews.com/2020/03/06/stop-calling-it-a-stutter-dozens-of-examples-show-bidens-dementia-symptoms/], and she collected about 20 or so videos of speeches of Biden where you clearly can see that he doesn’t have it any more — he’s lost it. So the idea to somebody who has clear signs of aging (to put it mildly), to think that you can run him through the Democratic Convention, the election campaign, and then win the election in November against Trump, is also a sign of extreme mental deterioration of the people who think they can do that and get away with it.

So if you look at all of these things, we need a completely new thinking: We are in a Dark Age, the Dark Age is absolutely comparable to the 14th century when the Black Death killed one-third of the European population, and people just went crazy! You see signs of this insanity, already now, and we need therefore, a completely different approach, like it came with the 15th century and the Golden Renaissance in Italy. We can talk about that some other time, but, I think people have to really recognize, we are in a Dark Age, and we have to reject all the assumptions which have led to this present situation.

And I actually would like to make one other point: I think the coronavirus will force lockdowns, it will force measures, schools and universities are already closed for several weeks in several countries; you don’t know yet what will be the effect of all of this on the financial system, on the real economy, and I think on these circumstances, where Merkel is talking about 70% of the population will become infected, and if you assume worldwide it may be 100 million people, and then, if you take present mortality rates, it will be 2-4 million people — under these circumstances, we should not have war games. And therefore, I think we need to stop the present NATO maneuver in Eastern Europe, the Defender-Europe 2020: Because obviously, the virus does not stop in front of the military. And to have these kinds of things going on, when you have an immediate health threat to the population, is really something which doesn’t make any sense. So this NATO maneuver should stop. Presently I think the highest commander of the U.S. forces in Germany is a victim of the coronavirus and is in quarantine in Wiesbaden: So, that should just give people to think that the virus does not stop in the face of the military.

And I think we should go in the direction of mobilizing for the summit: I know people think that this is too big, but sometimes, when you are in a real crisis, only if you reach a completely new level of thinking, namely the idea that all the major countries of the world — the United States, Russia, China, and India, as a minimum; and then other countries can come together with these countries — only if you change the level of thinking, and the level of approach, can you find a solution. So if you agree with that, then help us in this mobilization, because, you know, we will do other things: We will call for the rebuilding of the health delivery system, there are other things we can do. But I think because of the complexity of the world situation, the interaction of all of the elements of the breakdown, that we will not solve the problem unless we go to a completely new paradigm, a new system of international relations, and you should help us in this mobilization, and that’s the very best thing you can do for your own life and your own future.

SCHLANGER: And I would recommend, toward that end, that people circulate this webcast, get this webcast around, so people can hear the extent of the crisis and the solutions; and secondly, go to our website, and download the call for emergency summit from Helga Zepp-LaRouche, take that to your city council, to your trade union group — well, maybe you shouldn’t go too far, but you can certainly use the internet to get it around and get people signing it and support it.

So, Helga, anything else you want to add?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: No. I think this is a moment where people will be freaked out and it’s understandable: But sometimes a shock is also healthy if it helps you to get out of a wrong idea, and to think things through and then move ahead and find a solution. So, I would urge people to overcome your present fears and be confident that if we work together as one humanity, we can solve this.

SCHLANGER: OK, well, with that, we’ll see you again, next week.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Till next week.


Appel for Beethoven året

Den følgende resolution bliver cirkuleret internationalt af Schiller Instituttet.

På et tidspunkt hvor vi er vidner til voksende og tankeløs vold, de kulturelle værdiers forfald, en næsten uhørt fordummelse af den folkelige smag, og brutaliseringen af menneskelige relationer, har vi ikke desto mindre én afgørende kilde, hvorfra en kulturel og moralsk genoprejsning kan skabes:
klassisk kunst! Det storslåede menneskesyn der er forbundet med de poetiske værker af Dante, Petrarca, Lessing eller Schiller, eller de ophøjede kompositioner af Bach, Mozart, Verdi, Beethoven, Schubert, Schumann eller Brahms er stadig et referencepunkt for den måde, hvorpå vi definerer os selv som et samfund.

Men når vi betragter kunstnerens rolle i den nutidige kultur, og anvender Schillers målestok:

Der Menschheit Würde ist in eure Hand gegeben,
Bewahret sie!
Sie sinkt mit euch! Mit euch wird sie sich heben!

Menneskets værdighed ligger i jeres hænder,
Bevar den!
Den synker med jer! Med jer, skal den hæve sig!

kommer et fornedrende billede til syne. Vores uddannelsessystem formidler næppe nogen som helst viden om klassisk kultur, vores såkaldte ungdomskultur er domineret af en grimhedskult, og selve den klassiske kultur er under massivt angreb. I årtier har efterkrigstidens teaterforeninger opfundet nye afgrundsdybe vederstyggeligheder, fremførelser af Shakespeare eller Schiller er blevet uigenkendelige, operascenen er i nogen tid blevet en slagmark, hvor diverse instruktørers perverse fantasier kan udspilles, og nu forulemper selvbestaltede moderne komponister sågar Beethovens kompositioner, tydeligvis fordi de selv er ude af stand til at skabe noget som helst.

Dette må stoppes! Tiden er inde til at iværksætte en kontraoffensiv!

Beethoven-året, hvori mange af Beethovens kompositioner vil blive fremført verden over, giver os en vidunderlige lejlighed til at mindes den vestlige kulturs bedste kulturelle tradition, og at sætte den op imod den nedadgående moralske tendens i de sidste årtier. Vi kan ikke længere overlade roret til en teater- og musikmafia, der har ødelagt klassisk kunst. Derfor kræver vi skabelsen af en renæssancebevægelse til forsvar for og genoplivning af klassisk kunst. Som Friedrich Schiller uigendriveligt beviste dette i sine æstetiske breve: Kun igennem stor kunst kan vi finde den indre kraft til at udvikle vores egen kreativitet og forbedre os selv som mennesker.

Verden befinder sig for øjeblikket midt i epokegørende forandringer, hvor igennem den tidligere æra, domineret af transatlantiske lande, er ved at få en ende, og udviklingscentret er i gang med at skifte til Asien, hvor adskillige befolkninger med rette er stolte af deres, i nogle tilfælde, 5000 år gamle civilisationer og støtter disse. Hvis Vesten har noget som helst at bidrage til udformningen af det spirende nye paradigme, i en humanistisk ånd, så er det vores fremskredne kultur forbundet med Renæssancen og den klassiske periode.

Jeg støtter denne resolution! Underskriv gerne her.


Fra arkivet: »Beethovens årtier lange kamp
for den Niende Symfoni«
Kun sjældent i menneskehedens historie
har der været en dialog og en syntese
mellem to, store intellekter på
Friedrich Schillers og Beethovens niveau,
endskønt de aldrig mødtes.
Resultatet heraf blev den 9. Symfoni.

Lad os begynde med Beethovens Niende Symfoni, der slutter med en overraskelse – menneskelige stemmer, der stemmer i med idéerne i Friedrich Schillers digt, Ode til glæden, indflettet i orkesterstemmerne, som dermed skaber et af historiens mest bevægende kunstværker. Lad os dernæst, ved at gå baglæns i tiden, gå igennem Beethovens tredive år lange søgen for at opnå dette og standse ved nogle af de musikalske milepæle, der førte til dette udødelige mesterværk i bevidstheden om den kendsgerning, at vi kun kan lytte til disse forløbere med deres efterfølgeres toner klingende i vore ører.

Rapporten er oversat fra engelsk. Den originale engelske rapport kan læses her. 

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Ekspresopdatering af appellen den 28. februar 2020
til præsident Trump, præsident Xi, præsident Putin, premierminister Modi
og andre landes ledere om hastegennemførelse af Lyndon LaRouches fire love

Opdateret den 8 marts 2020

Af Helga Zepp-LaRouche, præsident for Schiller Instituttet

De fleste sundhedseksperter betegner nu officielt coronavirus som en pandemi, og kun et fåtal undgår dette udtryk for ikke at ‘puste for meget til’ markederne og investeringerne i “pandemiske obligationer’. Det står også klart, at denne pandemi vil være dødsstødet for det i øvrigt allerede bankerotte finanssystem, hvor det største aktiemarkedskollaps siden 2008, det hidtil usete fald i udbyttet på 10-årige amerikanske statsobligationer og meddelelsen fra Bostons centralbankdirektør, Eric Rosengren, om at gå over til ”helikopterpenge”, er alarmerende og ubestridelige signaler.

I stedet for at tage ved lære af Kina, som ifølge WHO har sat en ny standard for håndtering af en sådan krise, har de fleste regeringer (Italien og Japan er undtagelser) ikke brugt den tre måneder lange varselstid, som de fik på grund af Kinas effektive alarmberedskab. Det er chokerende – men ikke overraskende – hvor fuldstændig uformående det liberale etablissement har vist sig at være i forhold til at reflektere over det faktum, at det er deres politik, der er årsagen til at hele den menneskelige civilisation nu er truet, og i forhold til at drage konklusionerne og ændre deres fremgangsmåder.
Allerede i 1974 oprettede Lyndon LaRouche en økologisk-biologisk ‘Holocaust- arbejdsgruppe’ for at undersøge virkningerne af IMF og Verdensbankens politik for nedskæring af fødevare- og energiforbrug samt sundhedsudgifter i udviklingslandene – der viste at dette ville føre til biologiske katastrofer, fremkomsten af gamle og nye sygdomme og pandemier. I de følgende årtier offentliggjorde LaRouche og hans bevægelse mange flere advarsler samt fremlagde konkrete udviklingsprogrammer for alle kontinenter, hvis udførelse ville have forhindret den nuværende krise i at komme ud af kontrol.

Selvfølgelig vil de såkaldt industrialiserede lande på en eller anden måde klare krisen, men til hvilken pris? På grund af privatiseringen – dvs. profitorienteringen – af sundhedssektoren, er der nu alt for få senge til intensiv behandling. Den belgiske læge og leder af den nationale lægefagforening, Dr. Philippe Devos, har netop advaret om, at denne mangel vil føre til nedprioritering af gamle mennesker for de unges skyld, når antallet af tilfælde overstiger antallet af tilgængelige faciliteter til intensiv behandling, hvilket han forventer vil ske. Vil vi vende tilbage til skråplanet med at afslutte “uværdige liv”, som blev fordømt i Nürnberg-retssagerne?

Og hvad med de fattige lande, som ikke engang har kapacitet til test, endsige behandling? Hvad med lande som Haiti, Nigeria og Bangladesh? Hvad med Iran, hvor sanktionerne af medicinske forsyninger helt klart allerede forårsager unødige tab af mange menneskeliv?

Hvad med græshoppeplagen i afrikanske og asiatiske lande, en fare, som har været kendt i mange måneder, og hvor den latterligt lille påkrævede økonomiske hjælp på $ 76 millioner ikke er blevet ydet, så der nu er fare for, at græshoppesværmene udvikler sig til en fuldgyldig invasion, der truer millioner af menneskers liv i løbet af kort tid?

Hvad med de barbariske optrin ved den græsk-tyrkiske grænse, hvor politi fra begge sider bruger tåregas mod flygtninge; hvor den ene side muligvis “iscenesætter” disse mennesker, der absolut ingenting ejer, men den anden side, ikke mindre barbarisk, forsøger at opretholde ”beskyttelsen” af EU’s ydre grænser? Tror EU-etablissementet virkelig, at de kan bygge en ny ‘Limes-linje’ rundt om Europa, (Limes Germanicus var den befæstede grænse, der adskilte Romerriget fra de germanske stammer, red.) mens Sydvestasien og Afrika sprænges indad af en coronavirus-pandemi, en græshoppeplage, sult og desperation?

Dette etablissement vendte det blinde øje til Bush- og Obama-administrationernes interventionskrige, som trods alt er hovedårsagen til flygtningekrisen. De har ikke haft nogen interesse i at opbygge infrastruktur i Afrika i de seneste årtier, hovedsageligt på grund af deres neo-malthusianske ideologi. Har de i virkeligheden accepteret ideen om at lade denne pandemi og denne græshoppeplage følge deres ”naturlige gang”? Og falder dette ikke i tråd med den grønne ideologi, der forkynder at det er godt for miljøet at have færre mennesker?

Der er en løsning på denne eksistentielle krise, men når den såkaldte ”elite” er moralsk uegnet til at indføre de nødvendige reformer, har vi brug for en bred mobilisering af befolkningen, der må blive ”statsborgere” (Staatsbürger). Der må være et udbredt, folkeligt krav om, at de førende lande i verden – startende med USA, Kina, Rusland og Indien – støttet af andre – må gennemføre følgende trin i omorganiseringen af det nuværende finanssystem:

1) Der må omgående indføres et globalt system med bankadskillelse, efter nøje forbillede af Roosevelts Glass/Steagall-lov af den 16. juni 1933. Inden for dette system skal de almindelige banker stilles under statslig beskyttelse og adskilles fuldstændigt med en brandmur fra de spekulative investeringsbanker, der ikke længere har adgang til de almindelige bankers formuer eller til skatteyderbetalte redningsaktioner. Disse bankers giftige papirer, indbefattet løbende derivatkontrakter, skal afskrives. Berettigede fordringer, der har med den reelle økonomi at gøre eller med den arbejdende befolknings pensioner og andre formueværdier, skal også anerkendes som gyldige i det nye system. Visse former for betalingskrav må dog foreløbig indefryses og undersøges af statslige institutioner for deres berettigelse.

2) Der må oprettes en nationalbank i alle lande, i traditionen fra Alexander Hamiltons Bank of the United States eller i stil med den tyske Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau efter 2. Verdenskrig, således at statslige kreditter kan forsyne den fysiske økonomi med de nødvendige midler for produktive investeringer. Udstedelsen af disse kreditter må rette sig efter principperne om en høj energistrømningstæthed og en optimal forøgelse af produktionsmidlernes og arbejdskraftens produktivitet gennem en betoning af videnskabelige og teknologiske fremskridt.

3) Mellem deltagerlandene må der indføres et system med faste valutakurser, og der skal indgås samarbejdsaftaler mellem suveræne stater angående nøje definerede infrastruktur- og udviklingsprojekter. Disse aftaler udgør tilsammen faktisk et nyt Bretton Woods-system i Roosevelts forstand, med det udtrykkelige formål at fremme udviklingslandenes udvikling.

4) Den yderst nødvendige forøgelse af verdensøkonomiens produktivitet for at kunne forsørge en global befolkning på næsten otte milliarder mennesker i dag må tilvejebringes gennem et internationalt hasteprogram, for at virkeliggøre fusionsenergi og andre avancerede teknologier, såsom optisk biofysik og biovidenskaberne, for at kunne finde løsninger på problemer som coronavirus, såvel som et internationalt samarbejde inden for rumfart og rumteknologi; dette kan skabe den nødvendige næste økonomiske platform for verdensøkonomien, sådan som økonomen Lyndon LaRouche har udviklet det.
Bælte- og Vejinitiativet, der blev indledt af præsident Xi Jinping, og som 157 lande allerede har tilsluttet sig, tilbyder et konkret perspektiv for at bringe den industrielle udvikling til Sydvestasien og Afrika, hvilket der er et presserende behov for. Kina har tilbudt at samarbejde med alle lande på planeten i et ‘win-win-samarbejde’ om at udvide Den Nye Silkevej til Sydvestasien og Afrika og på denne måde give et konkret udviklingsperspektiv, hvilket er den eneste humane måde at løse flygtningekrisen på. USA og alle europæiske nationer må og skal samarbejde om denne plan.

Vi, de undertegnede, retter denne indtrængende appel til de nævnte regeringer om nu at handle i dette øjeblik med dets voldsomme udfordringer for hele menneskehedens sikkerhed og eksistens, for at korrigere fejlene i det nuværende system der førte til den øjeblikkelige krise, og vende tilbage til principperne for det almene vel, nationalstatens suverænitet, fødevare- og energisikkerhed, medens vi antager en vision for menneskehedens fælles mål og et fremtidigt fællesskab for menneskeheden.

Der er intet bedre tidspunkt til at gennemføre disse nødvendige forandringer end lige nu, her i Beethoven-året, hvor hans monumentale værk udgør et smukt billede af et nyt mønster for en bedre fremtid for menneskeslægten.

Underskriv gerne på: https://schillerinstitute.nationbuilder.com/four_laws_global

Den europæiske Renæssance er vores forbillede for at tage fat på nutidens eksistentielle kriser
Schiller Instituttets ugentlige webcast med Helga Zepp Larouche d. 4 marts 2020

I en omfattende gennemgang af de sammenløbende kriser, der konfronterer menneskeheden i dag, konkluderede Helga Zepp-LaRouche, at hvad der kræves, frem for panik og fortvivlelse, er en rolig overvejelse af de handlinger, som kan løfte menneskeheden ud af det neoliberale, geopolitiske tankesæt, ind i den kreative sindstilstand, der gjorde det muligt for menneskeheden at kravle ud af det 14. århundredes mørke tidsalder. Hun understregede, at kriserne der truer os i dag er resultatet af ikke at have lyttet til Lyndon LaRouche lige siden hans forudsigelse d. 15. August, 1971. Som et eksempel, refererede hun til coronavirusset som den slags trussel, forudset af Lyn i 1970’erne, der ledte ham til at etablere en arbejdsgruppe rettet mod et biologisk holocaust.

Ved hvert degenererende tilbageskridt i kvaliteten af lederskab – der i dag udstilles i monetarismen og den grønne ideologi, som dominerer den politiske diskussion i Europa og i det demokratiske partis kamp for at nominere en præsidentkandidat – fremlagde LaRouche et klart og veldefineret alternativ. I dag kan dette sammenfattes ved behovet for at indføre hans firemagtsaftale, som grundlaget for et nyt Bretton Woods-system, og hans Fire Love, baseret på betingelserne for at genoprette niveauet af fysisk økonomisk produktion, nødvendigt for at overvinde kriserne.

Hun konkluderede ved at minde seerne om Boccaccios rolle i at bevidstgøre den mørke tidsalders fordærvelse, hvilket inspirerede dem der igangsatte Renæssancen, specielt Dante og Cusanus. Det var ved at forkaste datidens dominerende aristoteliske filosofi, og erstatte denne med Platon, at moderne europæisk civilisation blev født. Der er ingen af de problemer, som i dag konfronterer os, der ikke kan løses ved at tage skabelsen af den europæiske renæssance som forbillede, baseret på en tilbagevenden til den klassiske tænkemetode.


Schiller Institute webcast with Helga Zepp-LaRouche

HARLEY SCHLANGER: Hello, I’m Harley Schlanger from the Schiller Institute. Welcome to our webcast for today, March 4, 2020, with our founder and chairman Helga Zepp-LaRouche. The obvious starting point is the issue that’s on virtually everybody’s mind — the spread of the coronavirus. People are trying to figure out how to deal with it, governments are in action. There’s a lot of panicking being spread by some people, and then there’s also a lot of disinformation. I think given the record we have, based on Lyndon LaRouche’s forecasting going back to 1971, what you have to say on this, Helga, is very significant for people. So, why don’t we start with what the recent status of this is, and how are nations addressing it?

HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE: I think it is a very serious threat. There are several renowned virologists and experts who say it is, de facto, a pandemic already. Now, I will qualify that in a second. For those people who think this is too much, or that this will cause panic, I think when you have a situation like that, it is extremely important to take a calm assessment of the situation and then move towards taking the actions necessary to combat the threat and do the kinds of things which will hopefully succeed.

Now the reason why this coronavirus is a very dangerous pandemic is it has characteristics which are more serious than previous pandemics, and it coincides with a financial system which was already bankrupt before the idea of the coronavirus appeared. Naturally, the effects both in the real economic situation and the real economy, as well as on the financial system, in all likelihood will trigger a collapse of this system. So, rather than only looking at the health aspect of the coronavirus, it is the absolute urgent moment and necessity to also move determinedly to reform the international monetary system which is bankrupt; to replace it with a new credit system which we should discuss in a second. And then use that crisis to bring about the changes in the strategic situation which will help to solve a whole bunch of other problems. President Trump reflected this in his way by saying it is an irony of the situation that because of the coronavirus crisis, forces are coming together which would normally never do so.

So, having said that, I think we should first look at the coronavirus itself. It is now officially spread to 70 countries, and it is not possible to reconstruct the origin, and who infected whom. But it has spread to what is called asymmetric transmission or community transmission, and that is now also affecting countries which do not have such a good health system as China or even the European or US have, which have big flaws in their health system already. So the danger is that all of this can continue to spread much faster. And I think there is also a vast under-reporting, because in many countries, the kind of testing which was done rigorously in China has not even started; including the United States where the first test kits were flawed and did not work, which shows you one dimension of a broken-down health system. So, it is now regarded that several countries are really hotspots. China still even so because of the energetic methods used by the Chinese government. It is spreading now more quickly in other countries other than China, and it is also in South Korea, Iran, and Italy. But the situation is serious enough that major international events are being shut down. In Germany, they shut down the Leipzig Book Fair which was supposed to open shortly, the Kraft International Conference in Munich, and even the Hanover Fair has been postponed by three months. Similarly, in France, the Louvre has been closed, and they don’t convene indoor events anymore with large crowds. That shows you that there is actually a serious concern.

I must say, however, that the reaction both in the United States and in Europe was delayed. I think measures should have been taken much clearer. I think the [German] Health Minister Spahn in earlier periods said the virus will not come to Germany; which is a rather absurd assumption. Naturally, the collapse of the health system which we have talked about many times before, is now really coming home to roost. So, the situation is that already last December, the European umbrella trade union for health workers and nurses put out an urgent complaint that because of the cuts and austerity and liberalization in the last decade — especially after the 2008 crisis — there was a severe health crisis. Not enough staff; pay for nurses and health workers has been cut in several countries; and resources have been cut down, and hospitals have been closed. That is now leading to a very critical situation.

If you look at China, which has 4.3 hospital beds per 1000 citizens, in the United States, it’s only 2.5 beds per 1000 people. So, you can actually see that China has been in a much better situation to deal with it, and they took measures that have been characterized by the World Health Organization in such a way that they said that China has established a new standard in how to deal with such epidemics and pandemics. China now has offered help to the affected countries; they have offered help to the EU, but also Iran and other countries being hit very hard. Offering their expertise from the last several months, but also masks, protective gear, and I think the European Union and others would be well-advised to take the advice and the help offered by the Chinese. This is extremely important because a lot of time has already been lost, and now it is time for the kind of international cooperation which overcomes prejudice and geopolitical stupidity. I think this is now something which should really occur immediately.

SCHLANGER: When you speak of delay, I think back to the fact that in 1971, your late husband, Lyndon LaRouche, spoke about how, if we go with the policy of neo-liberalism which came through with globalization, austerity, and so on, that mankind would be confronted with biological holocausts. This warning was made very clearly, and yet, under the neo-liberal doctrine, the healthcare system, as well as the industrial system, manufacturing, food security; all of this has been torn down. So, besides the emergency measures, we really do need this radical transformation of the monetary financial system, don’t we?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Let me stress one thing. Many of our viewers are quite aware of the fact that the name of my late husband has been slandered by many forces. But if you look at the present situation, I think it is a question of honesty to recognize that every one of his prognoses has come true. And the reason why he was so “controversial” is because he went against the powers that be, against the people who wanted to go for the complete deregulation of the markets, of the increase of the power of speculative interests in Wall Street and the City of London. When he made this historic prognosis on the 15th of August, 1971, when he said that when Nixon decoupled the dollar from the gold standard, he abandoned the fixed exchange rates, and actually destroyed the Bretton Woods system by doing so. Lyndon LaRouche said, if you continue on this trend, it will inevitably lead to a new depression, to the danger of a new fascism, or there will be a replacement by a completely new economic world order. Then he proceeded every step of the way to warn about the consequences of the extreme monetarism which had been introduced and had been escalated by warning that you cannot continuously lower the living standard of entire continents — as it was done to the developing sector in Africa and Latin America and many of the Asian countries — without causing old epidemics and new diseases to emerge. And that that was the big danger. At the end of the 1970s, beginning of the 1980s, we created something which was called the Biological Task Force, which was exactly studying the danger of the outbreaks of such new diseases. We also proposed the remedies; namely, to go into a crash program for optical biophysics, for the study of life sciences, to find cures for these new diseases. Obviously, this was not done, because it was not seen a profitable by the pharmaceutical industry and the banking interests behind them.

So, now we are at the situation where all the predictions of Lyndon LaRouche have come to the point of absolute boundary condition. This financial system is absolutely bankrupt; we have to dramatically reverse the monetary system and change it into a credit system. This is why I have issued a call for the immediate implementation of the Four Laws of Lyndon LaRouche. I will just briefly summarize again what they are. There has to be an immediate end to the casino economy. That means you have to have the introduction of a global Glass-Steagall banking separation in exactly the same way as Franklin D Roosevelt proposed and implemented it in 1933. Then you need new credit mechanisms; you need to bring back the issuing of credit into the sovereign power of governments, away from private interests. Which means you have to have a national bank in every country to issue credit for productive investments. Then you have to implement a New Bretton Woods system by connecting these national banks in every country which must go back to a fixed exchange rate system. They must then have long-term agreements for investments in very well-defined infrastructure projects, in industrial investments, in an increase of productivity of the economy with a special emphasis on such frontier areas as fusion, bio-optics, bio-physics, space cooperation. And we need an urgent implementation of the World Land-Bridge report, which we published several years ago; which is the idea to turn the New Silk Road into a World Land-Bridge by bringing economic development to all regions affected by crises right now. That would include: Southwest Asia, because of the refugee crisis; Africa, because of the corona crisis, but also the locust crisis, the migrant crisis.

But the key message of all of this is, there is a solution. This solution could be implemented extremely quickly. As a matter of fact, we have also proposed that a summit should take place among the four most important powers of the world — Russia, China, India, and the United States. Not at the exclusion of other countries, but these four most important and powerful countries much come together to implement these Four Laws. That such a summit is already in the works is on a very good track. I made this first proposal on January 3rd, following the assassination of General Soleimani in Iran. A few days after that, President Putin came up with a different but similar proposal, suggesting that the five permanent members of the UN Security Council should have an immediate summit to address the basic questions facing all of humanity. In the meantime, China and France have agreed, and today, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov reported that also President Trump said he is very interested to participate in such a summit. So, that is the framework which could solve these problems very quickly. I would appeal to all people, rather than becoming anxious, becoming despaired, help us rather to bring these solutions about. I think this is the key characteristic of our organization — the Schiller Institute, the LaRouche movement — that we are fighting for actual solutions. The only solution which would function in such an extraordinary crisis, is to abandon the system which caused all of these crises, and replace it with a system which is in the interest of all nations. And move to a New Paradigm of international cooperation. So, that is eminently feasible if the political will can be mobilized. That’s why I am asking you to contact us and work together with us to create the international support for these ideas.

SCHLANGER: Now in that context, we see the crazy response of the European Union and the Federal Reserve to the crisis. Assuming that you can somehow deal with the coronavirus crisis by flooding more money into the system. The Federal Reserve dropping the interest rates and so on. That’s the continuation of the neo-liberal system; that’s what we have to change, isn’t it? That kind of thinking?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Yes, exactly! That really shows you that there is an absolute disconnect of the present neo-liberal establishments on both sides of the Atlantic. A complete disconnect of the causes of the crisis, and what is actually needed to remedy it. I have not seen any reflection of any of the leading liberal representatives in Europe or in the United States in the Democratic Party, for that matter, nor the neo-cons in the Republican Party, who would sit back and say, “Wait a second, why is our system not functioning? Why do we have a financial crisis? Why do we have the outbreak of pandemics?” I think that unwillingness of the liberal establishment is a very good reason for ordinary citizens to really mobilize and force a change, because as it looks right now, it will not come from these elites.

SCHLANGER: I think that’s why we’re seeing a global insurgency precisely against these elites. We just saw in the United States, besides the craziness of the Federal Reserve, the election underway. The Democratic Party looks as though the establishment has decided they’re at least for the moment, going to rally around Joe Biden, who if you look at him, this is Mr. Establishment. The Obama-Clinton Democratic Party. What are your thoughts after Super Tuesday? I know it’s important. Bloomberg just announced today that he’s dropping out; $500 million for a handful of delegates. Probably the worst businessman in world history.

What are your thoughts now after Super Tuesday?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: I think the DNC clearly wants to rig the election again; get Bernie Sanders out, who has his own massive problems without question. But to basically try to get all the other contenders to drop out and support Biden. This reflects the fact that they have absolutely not learned the lesson of 2016. They still don’t know why Hillary lost the election. As you say, Bloomberg probably paid for each vote he got $1000 to $2000 or $3000; I haven’t calculated it exactly, but it was a very expensive vote buying. So, he blew $500 million for advertisements; this is really the laughingstock, but I think a Biden candidacy would implement exactly what Bloomberg has been proposing, which is Green financing. It would be complete catastrophe.

I think we are now in a revolutionary situation, so forget about November 2020. The kinds of changes which the world urgently needs are a question of now. I think the immediacy of the situation is here. There were reports in the Italian financial press saying the only reason why there has not yet been a wide recognition that we are already in a pandemic, is because of the so-called “pandemic bonds”. This was a financial instrument developed by the World Bank after the Ebola crisis, where investors could invest in a pandemic bond, which was supposed to finance such emergencies but also yield a profit of 6.9% to 11%. And another date of maturity of these pandemic bonds is due to come on March 15th. That shows you the utter absurdity; to delay necessary measures, including informing the public in the necessary way, just to not risk the profit of some speculators. And it also shows you that the health sector is definitely not something which should be subject to financial speculators, but it should be absolutely the responsibility of sovereign governments to provide a health system for the common good of the people. I think this just shows you that the establishments at this point are incapable, unwilling to recognize the reason why the liberal system is not functioning. That means we will continue to have a very revolutionary moment. As the consequences of both the pandemic and the condition of the financial system will get clearer, I think the upheaval which we have seen in the health sector in all European countries, but also among the farmers, will just increase. And it will force the kind of solution with the Four Power, or maybe Five Power UN Security Council permanent five member agreement which we have been proposing and which now Russia has successfully put on the agenda.

So, I think that is the only thing to look at; don’t be confused. Don’t think the solution can be postponed until some date in November 2020, because the crisis is here and it requires an immediate solution.

SCHLANGER: This is to all of our viewers: This is why we have been emphasizing, “Join us now!” Don’t think you can vote in November to change something. By November, it may be too late.

On that, Helga, you’re talking about the unwillingness to change, the incapacity to change. We’re seeing a situation emerging now with Turkey, with the fighting going on in Idlib province, the possibility of a new wave of refugees into Europe. A lot of dangerous silliness coming out of the European Union. What’s going on with this situation?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: The problem is that Turkey is using the refugee issue to blackmail the EU. But also, they have attacked Syrian forces in Idlib, and are backing terrorist elements. Obviously, it’s really amazing. Instead of attacking Turkey for intervening again in Syria, trying to escalate the longstanding war against the Assad government, the British First Secretary of State — Dominic Raab — came out in full support for Turkey. Then, this unfortunate German Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karranbauer [AKK] also threatened to increase the sanctions against Syria, and basically fully took the side of Turkey. Fortunately you have Russia in this situation, and Putin said very clearly that if Turkey enters Syrian air space and territory, it is at their own risk if they are being attacked. Russia obviously has a big role to play, Erdoğan will go to Moscow tomorrow, and he will meet on Thursday and Friday with President Putin. Obviously, if Putin and Trump would — they may be doing that already — but if they would agree on how to handle this crisis, then I think Erdoğan could somehow be contained. But what he is doing is, he is instrumentalizing these absolutely poor refugees. He has fed these 13-15,000 refugees the fake news that the border to Greece and Bulgaria would be open. Then, you had these horrendous pictures where tear gas is being used by the Greek police against these refugees. Then you have tear gas being used by the Turkish side, trying to drive these refugees over the border. These poor people, who have absolutely nothing to lose, because they are desperate; they are instrumentalized. They are absolutely in the middle of all of this, but obviously these pictures are supposed to force Europe to have another deal like the one which the EU concluded several years ago, paying 6 billion euros to Erdoğan so he would build these camps. There are all together 3 million Syrians in Turkey; there are many other people from Asia, from Afghanistan, from Iraq. Obviously, this is an untenable situation.

Turkey claims the EU did not pay the promised 6 billion euros — probably a lot of this money for NGOs and not giving to the Turkish government. This is all a completely disgraceful situation. And the situation between Turkey and Greece is super hot. There was just a delegation of the European Union — [EU President] Ursula von der Leyen, and [Charles] Michel, the head of the European Council, the head of the European Parliament [David] Sassoli, and the Prime Minister of Croatia [Andrej] Plenkovic — they all visited and gave a press conference together with Greek Prime Minister Mitsotakis, who basically said what is happening is that Turkey is absolutely making an asymmetric attack on the territory of Greece, and that this cannot be tolerated. So, these European Union guests had very little to say and very little to contribute, and it just shows you one more time the utter impotence of the EU. But it also shows that if you have the statements of AKK completely echoing what the British First Secretary of State is saying, you have clearly the EU falling into the Great Game of the British again; using the Middle East as the cockpit for the Great Game. One only can say, the only counter to that is what I said earlier: You need the Four Powers — the United States, Russia, China, and India — to work together to counter these machinations.

Otherwise, I think it should be obvious that the only way you can solve this problem of the refugees and the instability is, you have to have an economic development plan for the entire region. China offered several years ago to extend the New Silk Road from Iran to Iraq to Syria to Turkey to Egypt; to connect the New Silk Road via Turkey with Europe, and via Egypt with Africa. That is something which has to start, because you have to give hope to the people. You have to give the perspective of economic reconstruction of Syria, of Iraq, of Afghanistan. If you don’t have an economic perspective, there is no way this problem can be solved. I find it absolutely criminal that some politicians still are on the line that they will not give a penny for the reconstruction of Syria until Assad is chased out of his office. I think this just completely criminal. The people who are saying that are personally responsible for the lives lost, and I think they should be treated with contempt.

I think what is needed right now is an urgent, international solidarity to reconstruct Southwest Asia as one region. Iran is one of the countries which has poverty out of control; coronavirus infection. President Rouhani said that is not one single region that is not affected by the coronavirus. Even some members of the government are reported to be sick. The sanctions which are imposed on Iran are killing people. I think it should stop right away, because you need a comprehensive solution. China has offered to help with the infrastructure; Russia has offered to help to build up the energy in the region. Obviously, other countries can participate in building up industry, agriculture, bringing in lots of new freshwater sources with new technologies. All of that would be absolutely feasible, but it does require that the countries stop playing these geopolitical games.

If you are for ending geopolitics because you don’t want to have refugees, work with the Schiller Institute. Because we are the organization which is doing something; we are the organization which has solutions. That is why you should absolutely join us on the spot.

SCHLANGER: I’m just going to ask you one more question, because we’re going a little bit longer than usual. But it’s really crucial, given what you just said. In the midst of this confluence of crises, instead of panic and despair, you’re talking about solutions. I found it very interesting that Donald Trump, when he was in Davos, spoke about the Dome in Florence, which you and your husband have often referenced, as an example of the merger of beauty and science that’s the proper approach. We’ve been through, as a human race, a Dark Age before, when mankind has been lifted out of that with a new renaissance. You’ve been very outspoken about the need for this, so I think it would be very useful for you to just say something about that now.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Yes. Many of you probably know this extremely important book, the Decameron by Bocaccio. He described the consequences of the Black Death in the 14th Century on the population. When you read in this book, you can actually see the parallels to the present. The irrationality which naturally comes with pandemics; the misery; how people lose any kind of empathy because sickness overwhelms people. I don’t think we are quite at that point yet in Europe, but if you look at what is happening in Africa with the locust plague destroying the basis for survival for many people, we are quickly approaching such a situation like in the 14th Century. I have said many times, you need to study how did mankind come out of the 14th Century and create the beautiful Italian Renaissance? Because that is a lesson to be learned. I can only make it very short. It was that there were a group of humanists developing who took the ideas of Dante Alighieri, of Petrarca, of the school of Padua, and basically said we have to go back to the sources. We have to go back to the original great philosophers. That was the environment which allowed — among others — Nicholas of Cusa to bring the Greek Orthodox delegation to the Council of Ferrara and Florence. They brought the entire collected works of Plato. So, Nicholas of Cusa himself was one of the absolutely outstanding thinkers; I think he was probably the greatest thinker of the 15th Century, at least for European civilization. He introduced a new kind of thinking; the thinking of the coincidence of opposites — the Coincidencia Oppositorum — that you have to think of the higher level of unity where you can solve problems which are unsolvable on the level of Aristotelian contradictions. So, it was that new thinking which, in my view, also influenced the Peace of Westphalia, coming together with the thinking of Plato, which had been lost for 1700 years in Europe. Which then led to an explosion of a new image of man, a new optimism, a new role of science and technology, a new role of the common good being introduced for the first time in the question of the state.

So, the Italian Renaissance, which laid the foundation for 600 years of European civilization, which naturally the United States is also a part of, is a model. Because if you are in a crisis — and the West is in a crisis, because we have lost the roots, we have lost the connection to our great traditions. We have to go back to exactly like the Italians went back to the Greek period, so we have to back to the Greek period, the Italian Renaissance, to the German Classical period, and other great contributions in universal history, and revive the best traditions of what we had in the past. Which means we have to recognize that the liberal way, starting — and I know I’m upsetting now again a lot of people — starting with the Enlightenment, which really was an attack on the Renaissance, and go back to the humanist image of man. The idea that man is a unique species; that we are the only creative species on the planet and known in the universe so far; and that we have these great pieces of art. Of Classical composition, Classical music, of great poetry and drama, of great painting; just classical art in general. And that we have to somehow go back to the image of man associated with these highest expressions of human civilization.

I’m absolutely convinced that if we do that in this moment of the coronavirus crisis and other very severe challenges we are confronted with, I think we can have a revival. I think we can have a true renaissance of our identity based on these great traditions. Then maybe a great crisis can turn into a great chance. I always believe that Leibniz was absolutely correct that a great evil always means that mankind has the chance to create an even higher good, exactly because of this creative identity of man.

However, I have to say one thing. I am absolutely convinced also that this requires the full rehabilitation of my late husband; because his ideas laid the foundation for this movement and for the analysis from 50 years ago being correct all the way along the way. And having provided the solutions which we urgently need today. So, I think you should join our fight for the rehabilitation of Lyndon LaRouche, because I think his exoneration would have the same intellectual spark and effect like the re-introduction of Plato in the Italian Renaissance. By getting people on a completely different level of scientific and artistic thinking. And that’s why I’m asking you to support our effort to exonerate Lyndon LaRouche.

SCHLANGER: Helga, I don’t think you have to apologize for upsetting people. Anyone who is in a comfort zone right now, is obviously hiding in their own delusions. And you’re following in your husband’s footsteps by being the person who helps to break them out of that comfort zone.

So, thank you for that, and we’ll see you next week.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Yes, ’til next week.


Den, guderne vil tilintetgøre…

17. februar (EIRNS) – Fokuser ikke på et enkelt aspekt af de forskellige kriser, som menneskeheden står overfor, advarede Helga Zepp-LaRouche i går. Denne fremgangsmåde vil føre til en fejlagtig fortolkning af, hvad der foregår i verden, og hvad der skal gøres ved det. Spørgsmålet er: Hvorfor truer COVID-19-virusepidemien med at blive til en global pandemi, hvis den ikke begrænses? Hvorfor kan det forpurrede forsøg på rigsretssag mod præsident Donald Trump blive et endnu mere ubehageligt åbenlyst statskup? Hvorfor kan angrebet af græshoppesværme, der fejer over Afrikas Horn, blive til en fuldstændig græshoppeplage, der ødelægger fødevareforsyningen for nationer, der tegner sig for næsten 2 milliarder af klodens 7,6 milliarder mennesker? Hvorfor er den aktuelle dekonstruktion af musik og kunst på vej til at omdanne menneskehedens kultur til en satanisk sekt? Og hvorfor sker alt dette på samme tid?

Svaret er, fortsatte Zepp-LaRouche, at “vi befinder os i en ekstraordinær tumultarisk forandring af en historisk periode, hvor de fleste mennesker absolut ikke er klar over, hvor gigantisk den transformation og det sammenbrud der foregår faktisk er”. Det såkaldte ‘Vesten’ er i opløsning, det transatlantiske finanssystem befinder sig i en sammenbrudskrise, og dets regerende etablissement, centreret i City of London, er parat til at påtvinge diktatur og fascistisk nedskæringspolitik for at forsøge at holde sig oven vande. De har vist deres fuldstændige manglende evne til så meget som at overveje, hvorfor deres liberale imperialistiske system kollapser, eller se på muligheden for at det er deres egen politik, der har ført til den nuværende katastrofe.

Denne inkompetence blev udstillet til fulde på den netop afsluttede sikkerhedskonference i München, hvor talsmænd for det gamle regime, såsom den amerikanske udenrigsminister Mike Pompeo og formand for Kongressen, Nancy Pelosi, forsøgte at forvandle det til et skydetelt imod Kina, netop på et tidspunkt, hvor dette land gør sit yderste for at begrænse COVID-19-virussen til fordel for hele verden.

USA og Europa skulle samarbejde med Kina og Rusland, ikke true og angribe dem, insisterede Zepp-LaRouche. Et topmøde med de fire magter, der er specificeret af Lyndon LaRouche – USA, Kina, Rusland og Indien – må arrangeres i de kommende uger for at håndtere den voksende kaskade af eksistentielle kriser, som planeten står overfor, og løse dem ved at sætte det døende Britiske Imperium ud af spillet og organisere et nyt paradigme til erstatning herfor. Det er en mission, der kun kan opnås ved at tage fat på Lyndon LaRouches politik og metode; LaRouche, hvis levende eftermæle af den grund må renses og mobiliseres.

Når skæbnen afhænger af en prognose

                ”Det egentlige strategiske formål med, og funktion af, en kompetent økonomisk prognose er ikke at forsøge at forudsige hvad der vil ske, men at få det til at ske.

                ”                ”Det er ikke igennem ren sansning, at vi er i stand til at regne ud hvilken viljemæssig kraft der, skjult for vores blik, ligger mellem disse enkelte punkter på vores sansers skærmbillede. Det er gennem vores indvirkning på universet, at vi tvinger dets hemmeligheder til at manifestere sig, ikke kun som sanseindtryk, men som en højere, autoritativ manifestation i sindet, som må teste den usete tilstedeværelse og de formodede intentioner af hvad end viljemæssige kraft, der ligger bag den handling, som ellers muligvis blot ville forblive et sanseindtryk.”

                ”                ”                                                                Hun afsluttede med at opfordre folk til at drage fordel af, at dette er året for Beethoven, og at mange mennesker, som en følge heraf, lytter til Beethovens musik. Den dybe kulturelle krise vi står midt i er en del af det samlede forfald i hele den transatlantiske sektor, sagde Zepp-LaRouche, og det at lytte til klassisk musik, især Beethoven, “er den bedste måde at få folk til at opløfte deres sind. Vi har brug for en kulturel renæssance i Vesten.”

Tænk som Beethoven – Video med Helga Zepp-LaRouche den 1. februar 2020

Schiller Instituttets grundlægger, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, talte om hvor meget det haster med at genopdage Ludwig van Beethovens genialitet i år, 250-årsdagen for hans fødsel, for at løse de store kriser verden står overfor. Som hun udtrykte det i en nylig artikel: “Hvor ellers, bortset fra i klassisk musik, kan man styrke og uddybe den passion, der er nødvendig for at se ud over ens egne bekymringer, og for at håndtere de store udfordringer for menneskeheden?” Læs Zepp-LaRouches artikel, der gennemhuller argumenterne fra dem der i øjeblikket handler for at ødelægge Beethoven og selve skønheden.

Her er et afskrift på engelsk af videoen:

DENNIS SPEED: My name is Dennis Speed. We have a very special presentation for today. There will be much time to discuss all sorts of matters of political importance, but certainly after this past week, one thing that can be said for certain about the United States and the rest of the world as well, is that a new standard of truth is required of us and of humanity as a whole. Humanity needs to act without the false need of catastrophe. Many times in history, people have been set in motion by something bad, only to then do something good. We’ve seen that often to be the motivation for the necessity for war. We don’t believe that that’s a standard that humanity can afford. We think that humanity should try, for a change, to think like Beethoven. That was a theme of much of the life of Lyndon LaRouche, who is generally talked about as an economist and statesman and Presidential candidate and so forth. But most people are unaware of his work in music.

Recently a volume has been published, entitled Think Like Beethoven, which has a compilation of Mr. LaRouche’s writings. I want to refer to something that he said as a way of introducing our speaker. This is in the essay called “What Is Music, Really?” This was actually a conversation that was transcribed in which the subtitle here is “The Principle of Music Is Love”:

“The essential thing is love. Music is love. The principle of music is love, mankind’s love of mankind. Of what mankind could be. And you want to do something that’s beautiful in terms of what mankind’s nature says. And if it isn’t beautiful, you don’t want to do it. You don’t want ugly things! And the characteristic of the 20th century was ugly music. From the beginning it’s ugly music. And the music has become uglier and uglier and uglier all the time. On every street, even in speaking. In writing. Also in smelling….

“That’s the problem. Mankind tends toward the wrong standards of truth. It starts with the conception that mankind is an animal, and mankind is not an animal. When you start with saying that mankind is an animal, that’s when all the trouble comes in. And the only way you can deal with music, really, is on the basis of love. The love of mankind and what mankind can do that is loving of mankind.

“Because the future is: You’re all going to die. And what is the passion which corresponds, therefore, to mankind? Since everybody is going to die, what’s the meaning of human life? Is it a fact? Not exactly. It’s the creation of a more powerful capability of mankind by purging mankind of its own corruption. Extracting mankind into the freedom from corruption. And all practical measures to craft and improve the quality of art is crap, because they are not sincere. They don’t correspond to some principle of the matter.

“And this is true: You see it in drama; you see it on the musical stage; you see it in performance of all kinds. The beauty is creativity, per se. It’s also the measure of what creativity is.”

So today we’re going to hear from the founder and chairman of the Schiller Institute, and I think that à proposition is going to be placed in front of us all. And I want to dare to anticipate that proposition by saying the following: The only way to celebrate the Beethoven year, this being the 250th birthday of Beethoven, is to do something that Beethoven would do. And we have an indication of what he would do today, from his opera called “Fidelio.” I think you’re going to be hearing a bit of this. Exonerating Lyndon LaRouche would be the kind of action that would indicate that we had actually understood how Beethoven thought. We would be doing what Beethoven would have done; thus indicating that we understood how Beethoven thought. The idea of the liberation of the human mind from its own shackles, is something that was addressed briefly by the President of the United States at Davos, when he referenced the idea of optimism and the great Dome of Florence. An idea which took 140 years to complete.

But it doesn’t take 140 years to recognize the truth. And it shouldn’t take more than a few months to exonerate Lyndon LaRouche. So, though I know that the topics may range widely in the case of the next speaker from I exactly indicated, I’m going to anticipate that she’s certainly going to more than touch on that matter. So, it’s always my honor and pleasure to present Helga Zepp-LaRouche, chairwoman of the Schiller Institute, and the founder of the Schiller Institute.

HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Let me welcome you, and I will try to talk about the subject which Dennis just announced. But let me situate it in a specific context. We just in the last couple of days had quite tumultuous events, where the impeachment drive against President Trump was finally defeated. He was acquitted, and he gave a rather jubilant press conference or meeting afterwards. So it is actually a moment in which one should reflect on that coup attempt, which first was done with British intelligence, the intelligence community of the United States, the heads of intelligence of the Obama administration. If one would live in a different world, one would think, “Shouldn’t it be the case that the Left opposes the CIA? Opposes the intelligence community? Shouldn’t it be that the liberals somehow have a problem if there is a coup attempt against a sitting, elected President of the United States?”

Well, but we all found out that no such thing occurs. Neither the so-called Left — if it still exists — or the Left liberals had any problem with the fact that there was overwhelming evidence that the intelligence apparatus tried to make a coup by replacing the American Constitution, turning the American republic into a British parliamentarian system; which was emphasized by Dershowitz and others. So, why is that the case?

What my presentation, which is on Beethoven and the question of culture in general, I will investigate why this is. And you will be surprised, some of you naturally know the answer already, that this behavior of the Left and the left liberals in this entire process, is the result of a gigantic — and I really mean gigantic — brainwashing effort which people are not even aware anymore of why this is the case.

What has this to do with the Beethoven year? We have a full year now of many concerts around the world. Alone in Germany there are more than 1000 concerts performing Beethoven’s music. When the first performances occurred, I had the fortune of listening one entire day in an Austrian/Swiss/German TV program to different Beethoven compositions. That is a luxury which you normally don’t have, but if you do that, and you listen for an entire day to all the different pieces — the piano concertos, the symphonies, the Missa Solemnis, Fidelio, and many others — it has an incredible effect on you. Because you are being transformed with your mind and your emotions in a completely different universe.

So, it occurred to me that this Beethoven year was a perfect opportunity, because it coincides with extremely important political and strategic decisions which have to take place. Namely, that we overcome geopolitics; that we go away from the danger of the world plunging into another World War, sleepwalking like in the First World War. That you have the absolute necessity to do what Trump set out to do in the 2016 campaign: Improve the relationship with Russia, with China. We have incredible dangers. So, it occurred to me that we should use the Beethoven year internationally to basically have many people participating in the listening of Beethoven, in the performing of Beethoven; in order to develop this unbelievable emotional strength which comes from great Classical music. And which comes more from Beethoven than from anybody else. Because it has been clear to me since a very long time, that we will politically only succeed if we combine our political efforts with a cultural renaissance of Classical music.

Now Schiller, in his Aesthetical Letters, which was his reaction to the failure and collapse of the French Revolution when the Jacobin Terror had taken over, and therefore the hopes of all republican circles in Europe that the French Revolution could replicate the American Revolution, were shattered. When that hope was shattered, and Schiller said at that time said, “A great moment had found a little people,” because the objective conditions to have a change, to have an American-like Revolution were there. But that the subject of moral condition was lacking.

So Schiller then, in his Aesthetical Letters, said that he believed that any improvement in politics could only come from the moral improvement, the ennoblement of the individual. And I believe that is absolutely true. I have made that my own creed for the last half century. That only if individuals become better human beings, that they become more noble in their emotion, their thinking more great about humanity; only then can you move history forward. Schiller, in his Aesthetical Education Letters gave the answer, that it can only be through great Classical art that that can be accomplished. Now, some people would argue, “No, what do we need Classical art for? We also have religion.” And I’m not denying that also in religion there is the command to improve. There are other people arguing, “But why do you need Classical music? I don’t know it; I don’t like it; it’s alien to me. Why don’t we just concentrate on astronomy, looking at the stars? That is also having an ennobling effect.” So, I’m not denying that either; and I don’t think there is an exclusiveness between these three questions of Classical culture, religion, and astronomy. But it is great Classical art which does something very specific in order to favor the creative faculties of the mind.

Now Schiller, and also Lyn his entire life, proceeded from that assumption. As a matter of fact, all of Schiller’s works — his poems, his dramas — were all characterized and driven by the idea that the result must be the ennoblement of the human being. And the quote you just heard from Dennis by Lyn really expresses the essence of Lyn’s entire work as well. Schiller, Confucius, and some other great thinkers had this idea that the aesthetical education is doing that ennoblement. Because if the person sinks into a great painting of Leonardo da Vinci, or Rembrandt, or listens to a Schubert song, or listens to a beautifully performed American spiritual, then you forget about your greed, you forget about your selfishness. And while thinking in the creative composition you are engaging with, you become a little bit more like that yourself. The more you make that a habit, and the less you do selfish and greedy things in between, the more you become a better person.

Just in parentheses, I want to mention that Xi Jinping, the President of China, also has many times emphasized the need to have aesthetical education, especially of students, but also of all other age brackets of society. Because if people are educated aesthetically, they develop a more beautiful mind and a more beautiful soul. And that is the source of all great works then again.

Now Trump said something just recently, namely that he wants to write an Executive Order that Federal buildings should no longer be modernist, but should be Classical. Hopefully he means Greek Classical and Renaissance Classical, and not Roman Classical, because these notions are sometimes not differentiated. But I think this is a very promising sign that first Trump talks about the Dome in Florence, now he talks about making buildings beautiful. So, we should continue on this road.

Beauty is intelligible. This is a very important point because it goes beyond opinion. People say what is my taste is my thing, and I have the right to find this beautiful, and you have another opinion. But I want to put a notion of beauty against that which is intelligible. It goes to the Italian question of the Golden Mean in Renaissance paintings and buildings, but it is also a standard of composition. It pertains to the famous debate between Schiller and Kant, where Kant in his Critique of Judgement said any arabesque which a painter throws against the wall is more beautiful than a piece of art where you can recognize the intention of the artist. Schiller got very upset about that, and wrote many of his aesthetical writings exactly to rebut this idea of Kant. He said there must be a notion borne out of reason of beauty, and then if the empirical performance and evidence conforms with that idea of reason, it is good, but not the other way around.

Since we are talking about Beethoven, and I recently wrote an open letter to defend Classical performance of Beethoven and I vowed that I would initiate a campaign to really end the acceptance of Classical music being destroyed by the modernists. And end the ugliness in music, which Lyn also did not like, as you previously heard.

I want to talk to you a little bit about “Fidelio,” because this is an opera which is very dear to my heart, and it was very dear to Lyn’s heart. The two of us really thought it was our opera, for reasons which I will come to in a second. First of all, concerning the narrative of “Fidelio,” it definitely is referring to real historical events. I think more research needs to be done, and if some of you, our listeners and audience, feel compelled to join in that, you are welcome. Because we have certain hints, but in the literature about the origins of the libretto of Beethoven’s “Fidelio” there are different views. But I think a very probable hypothesis is that it pertains the arrest and imprisonment of the Marquis de Lafayette, who as you know, was a very much an ally of the American Revolution. And in that capacity, he drew the anger of the then-British Prime Minister, William Pitt, who put pressure on the Austrian emperor to put Lafayette in jail. And there he was for several years in a dungeon. He was then freed among other things, by the courageous intervention of his wife Adrienne, who joined him in the incarceration. And then because of an unbelievable international campaign involving many VIPs appealing to Emperor Franz, he finally was released. He was released in 1797, and only five months after that, the Frenchman Jean-Nicolas Bouilly published the libretto which Beethoven then used, called Leonore, or Married Love [Léonore, ou l’Amour Conjugal].

This is, as I said, very dear to my heart, because when Lyn was put in jail innocently by the Bush Sr. Administration, I launched something called Operation Florestan. Maybe you can show this picture [Fig. 1]. This was a situation where Lyn was put in jail by a combination of the British, the Bush apparatus, and also there were clearly some collaborations with certain Soviet forces. So, when you read this article, you have to see that in 1989, the [berlin] Wall had not yet fallen, the situation was still extremely tense between the Soviet Union and the West. [See EIR article: https://larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1989/ eirv16n11-19890310/eirv16n11-19890310_022-operation_florestan_will_save_la.pdf] So, some of these things have to be seen in the context in which they were written, but I think the setting of putting Lyn in jail innocently, deprived the American population from access to the most beautiful ideas probably ever written and thought in the history of the United States.

What we did with Operation Florestan was that we talked for about five years to thousands and thousands of VIPs. We had probably a couple of thousand signatures from sitting parliamentarians all over the world, from generals, from chiefs of staff, from bishops, from cardinals, from writers, from other notables. And we launched this campaign with the iédea that Operation Florestan, being modelled on the “Fidelio” opera and the example of Lafayette, that we would get Lyn out of jail. That was by no means certain because when Lyn was given this extremely harsh sentence, it was meant that he would die in jail. So, we launched this campaign.

Now I want to talk a little bit about the “Fidelio” to make clear why this is an absolute parallel to what happened to us. First of all, the actual narrative in the “Fidelio” opera is that Florestan is kept as a prisoner by Don Pizarro, a tyrant who basically keeps him there as a political prisoner because he fears that Florestan might reveal some very comprising truth about Pizarro. His wife, Leonore, dresses up as a man; she calls herself Fidelio. She gets hired by the dungeon guard, Rocco. And Rocco’s daughter, Marzelline, falls in love with Fidelio who she thinks is a man, despite the fact that she has a fiancé, Jaquino. In the beginning of the opera, you hear now this beautiful quartet, for which I ask our singers to get ready. This is still at the very beginning of the setting. The four characters — Leonore, Rocco, Jaquino, and Marzelline — are all singing. The beauty about this quartet is that they all sing about their hopes, their inspirations, and they are all different. But despite the fact that they are all very different, the harmonious composition is one of the most beautiful examples of the art of Beethoven. Now, let’s hear “Mir ist so wunderbar.”

[Quartet performed live]

Thank you very much. The reason why we have to do it like this is because neither YouTube nor the record companies allow you, because of copyright issues, to just use some of the performances. So, that’s why we’re doing it in a little bit of an improvised way; so please have an understanding that that’s the reason why we have to do it that way. This was obviously well done, and extremely beautiful.

Now, after this development in the beginning, Pizarro comes to the dungeon to look at the prisoners, because he has learned that the minister wants to come to inspect things. He is his political enemy. And he is afraid the minister will meet Florestan, and then he could reveal these secrets. So, he wants Florestan to be killed. So, he tells Rocco to go to the dungeon and kill Florestan. Rocco does not want to do it, but then eventually he agrees to at least dig the grave, and have then the corpse of Florestan buried. So, he takes Fidelio with him, because it is heavy work and he is a little bit old. So, Leonore and Rocco go into the dungeon, and then Leonore asks Rocco that the prisoners should be allowed to see the light of day, because they are in the dark. Then comes the most beautiful chorus, the Prisoners’ Chorus, which is very famous. If you don’t have it in your ear, you should go home and listen to the whole opera; which you should do in any case.

So then, Florestan, who is struggling in the dark, who has fever, who is feeling horrible, has this beautiful vision that Leonore comes and he sees her as an angel. This again is one of the most beautiful arias you can imagine. So then, Leonore/Fidelio asks Rocco that he allows her to give the prisoner some bread and wine. And while doing that, she recognizes her husband. So, then Pizarro arrives, and he is already moving with the dagger to kill Florestan. Then Leonore throws herself between her husband and Pizarro and says you have to first kill his wife. She threatens Pizarro with a pistol. At that point, the trumpets sound to announce the arrival of the minister. Then, basically the danger is over, and Florestan and Leonore embrace each other and then comes this unbelievable duet of joy, “O namenlose Freude!” While we are hearing this now as an audio, I want you to focus on the absolute beauty of the emotions — the joy, the limitless joy, the nameless joy which unites Leonore and Florestan. It is that emotion which is love; and it is that emotion which is pure joy. The same joy which Beethoven celebrates also in the Ninth Symphony in the Ode to Joy, especially the last movement when he talks about Schiller’s Ode to Joy and this becomes the chorus.

So, let’s now listen to the “O namenlose Freude!”

[Duet is played]

So after that, the minister opens all the dungeons; the prisoners come out and are free. He recognizes Florestan, his friend, then everybody joins in the great finale, the beautiful chorus, the so-called Heil chorus where they celebrate the love of mankind, the love between the two spouses, the absolute victory of freedom over tyranny, and what man can do if you have a good plan, there can be absolutely the defeat of all tyrants. This emotion, this idea that if you struggle for a good cause, and that you overcome all the difficulties that you arrive at this higher level of sublime feeling; this is expressed in this beautiful music. So, let’s hear the “Heil sei dem Tag, Heil sei der Stunde” chorus clip.

[Chorus is played]

Well, this is only the beginning, and I would really urge you to listen to a very good performance of the entire Fidelio. There is a very beautiful one with Christa Ludwig and probably many others, but I really think you should take the time to listen to the entire opera.

So, well, I had a very urgent need to go and see such an opera. It’s a very personal thing, because as you know, in a few days it is one year since Lyn has passed away. And around the Christmas period, I just wanted really badly to see a performance of Florestan. And contrary to my normal habit when I look at the reviews and critiques before I go, which I have not done for a long time, because they are all bad generally. I just went to a performance in the Darmstadt Theatre without checking it out beforehand. And maybe it was a shock, but I think it was a healthy shock, because it was so absolutely terrible that I felt to write the open letter which I mentioned earlier, and which you may have read. [https://larouchepub.com/hzl/2020/4703-year_of_beethoven-hzl.html]

Because what this opera performance did was not only to apply Regietheater to the staging. Regietheater, as you know, is this terrible thing which was developed in the 1960s and has been used ad nauseum a zillion times since, where modern Regietheater would just take a Classical composition of Schiller or Shakespeare or some other Classical poet or dramatist, and put his own projection of what he thinks is relevant and how it should be interpreted. Then you have soldiers not dressed in historical costumes, but sitting on Harley Davidsons or being Nazi officers, just to project whatever the personal opinion of the director is. And normally they have at least one naked scene in it; they copulate on the stage. There were performances which were so ugly, actually pornographic. This has been going on for more than 50 years, so it’s not exactly original. But until recently, this kind of Regietheater was limited to the staging, the words, but they never really attacked the music.

So what happened in this performance was, not only did they apply all the terrible elements of Regietheater — having film clips while people were singing, so it was completely chaotic — but for the first time, they also changed the music. Namely this grand finale, of which you just hear two minutes of the beginning, and a modernist composer with the name of Annette Schlünz, who comes from the Eisler school tradition. This is this basically going to this whole idea of Brecht and Eisler that you also can have the Verfremdung [distancing] effect which is the idea that you should no longer allow the audience to identify with the people on the stage and become elevated; but you have to interrupt this identification every five seconds by a sound or a movie clip or something which interrupts this process; which makes it absolutely unbearable. So, this woman, Mrs. Schlünz, writes in the introduction to the program that she took this music of the final chorus, repeating a beat, then stopping suddenly, introducing alien sounds, have eight vocalists distributed in the audience who then all of a sudden get up, and if you are unhappy and one of these people stands behind you, you can have a heart attack. Then trumpets from the balconies. She described that she had the fantasy of sitting at the mixing console of the music studio, speeding up the music. That when the actual joy in the chorus is expressed, according to her it becomes like a jubalization machine; like children becoming completely hyper when they lose control of their emotions.

So obviously, this woman is completely unable emotionally to comprehend the sublime notions of the music expressed that we saw with the nameless joy, or the love between the couple, or the joy of the victory over tyranny. All of this is alien to them.

Now, where does this come from? Well, this comes all from a very sophisticated, extremely huge CIA operation called the Congress for Cultural Freedom. This was an operation in the postwar period which broke up as huge scandal in 1967. Just recently, there was an exhibition at the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the founding of this CCF in Berlin. There was an article in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung daily where the author, in a very rare moment of honesty, says — the title of the article is “How One Steals the Big Words”; meaning freedom and so forth. He says: “The worrisome quintessence of what the CIA did is that they did not sponsor some sinister right-wing ideology, but they helped the left liberalism to become the hegemonic mainstream standard of intellectuals in the West today.” That is exactly what I referred to in the beginning. Why is it that the Left and the liberals are siding with the CIA against Trump and against being on the side of the coup? This is the result of this process.

How did the CCF work? Remember that we are soon celebrating the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II, where the United States and the Soviet Union fought together in the fight against Nazism. This was going very deep. You will have on the 26th of April in Thurgau at the Elbe, the celebration of when the American and Soviet soldiers met for the first time. This was a very emotional event. For the Russians, this goes extremely deep, because they lost in the Great Patriotic War [World War II] 27 million people. They have absolutely not forgotten that, and they feel, when they allowed for example the German unification in 1989, all the promises were given to them that NATO would never expand to the East, never to the borders of Russia. They feel a tremendous sense of betrayal. This is a whole other story, but going back to this unified fight between the Americans and the Soviet Union, this was the case when Franklin D Roosevelt was still President; who had unfortunately a very untimely death at the end of the Second World War. When Truman came in, this was a much smaller man, and we all have heard from Lyn that he said when he was in India, and he got the news, the soldiers around him were asking “what do you think this signifies?” And Lyn said, I think we just lost a great man for a very little man.

It was the little man Truman who succumbed to the influence of Churchill in the postwar period. Therefore, this great alliance between the Americans and the Soviets was then replaced. Churchill announced in this famous Fulton, Missouri speech on March 5, 1946, where he announced practically what became the Cold War. That meant in the United States, elements of what Eisenhower would later call the military-industrial complex, which has turned in the meantime to what people mistakenly the Deep State, which is really the British subversion of the American intelligence services. They got more influence. In order to change the positive alliance between the Americans and the Soviets into a Cold War, and therefore a geopolitical confrontation, they thought that they had to change the axioms of thinking in the American people, but also in the European people. They had to change that which had allowed Franklin D. Roosevelt, who was after all very much anti-Wall Street, and they wanted to make sure that these values were absolutely replaced.

So in the United States, it was the attack on the tradition and heritage of Roosevelt, and in Europe it was especially that people thought they had to really destroy the roots of the people in their European Classical tradition. The CCF under the leadership of Allen Dulles and Frank Wisner, who at that time was the head of the Office of Policy Coordination in the State Department, were leading the effort. The CCF later was moved into the department for Covert Operations, and then proceeded to set up a huge cultural warfare in 35 countries. They set up 20 major cultural magazines; they controlled practically without exception all art exhibitions, concerts, who became a famous painter, who became a famous author or musician. Many of the people who cooperated with that were unaware of what they were part of; but some of them absolutely were aware.

The CCF was in continuation with the Frankfurt School, which had moved in the Second World War to exile in the United States. It was taken over by the U.S. intelligence services. One was Marcuse, another one was Theodore Adorno. Adorno explicitly said that it was now necessary to eliminate all

. In a piece called “Cultural Critique and Society” in 1949, he wrote that after the atrocity of Auschwitz, no one could write any poems anymore. He also had the absolutely insane idea that it was German idealism like that of Friedrich Schiller which would lead automatically to a radicalism and Nazism. So, that is something I really want to make a point for people to think. The image of man which is associated with the German Classical period, with the thinking of people like Lessing, Bach, Beethoven, Schiller, Humboldt, and many others, is an idea where man is principally good. Man is limitlessly perfectible. The aesthetic education allows for all potentialities in the human being to develop into a beautiful soul, into a beautiful mind, into genius. This idea of the potential of every human being to contribute through his or her self-perfection, to the common good of humanity is a very beautiful idea of man. And it has absolutely nothing to do with, and is the total opposite of what the Nazi ideology was, which was a blood and soil ideology. It was the racist idea that the Aryan race is superior to the colored races. That is what you find today in some people who say that China is the first time there is a threat coming from a non-Caucasian race to the West. Here you have it; that is Nazi ideology. I don’t need to tell you who says these things.

Now, one component to understand the work of the CCF was that also the CIA at that time started the idea that it is OK to lie. That if you have a national security reason or whatever you call it to be such a reason, it allows you to just say whatever you want, and to put in the world all lies possible as long as you have creditable deniability and you can pull you neck out the situation later on. Remember, more recently, Bolton basically said that it is completely legitimate to lie for such reason.

Obviously, the question of how the Classical German culture, which was probably the most culturally advanced period in the history of mankind; and I want to debate that if somebody wants to pick a fight. How did that end up in the pit of the 12 years of National Socialism, is obviously one of the most important questions. How does a great culture plunge into the depths of horrible things? This is a question which Americans had to go through in some recent administrations as well. How did the beautiful idea of the American Revolution turn into what was the policy of interventionist wars and everything we know? That transformation in Germany is a long story; a lot of things went into it. The Romantic movement which started maybe innocently as a literature movement, but became political and was taken over very quickly. The cultural pessimism which went with it; the destruction of the Classical forms through Romanticism; the actual cultural pessimism of people like Schopenhauer; Nietzsche; the different youth movements; the anti-technology youth movements before World War I. Then naturally, World War I, which was a long-orchestrated, British-steered event. The Versailles Treaty, which was completely unjust and could not function for a peace order. The Great Depression of 1929 and the beginning of the 1930s, and then finally World War II, and the takeover by the Nazis. But this is a long, complex story, with many factors going into it. A lot of manipulations. And the role of the British can be traced in many of these aspects.

So, I just say this: to say that the argument of Adorno, that it was German idealism that led to the Nazi atrocity, is just one of these absolute lies.

The CCF then proceeded to deliberately attack Classical music, Classical culture, Classical painting, Classical poetry. For example, they had an enormous repertoire. In 1952, they conducted a one-month music festival in Paris, which they called “Masterpieces of the 20th century,” with more than 100 concerts, ballets, operas, and they introduced all the modernist composers, atonal music, 12-tone music, Arnold Schönberg, Alban Burg, Paul Hindemith, Claude Débussy, Benjamin Britten. Some of these are full-atonal, some are mixed forms, but it was all meant to destroy the idea of Classical composition.

Why is this so absolutely bad? Because the idea that in a chromatic scale, all tones have an equal status, eliminates the possibility of the higher degrees of freedom, which you have if you have a polyphonic, harmonic contrapuntal composition, because it eliminates the possibility for ambiguity, for moving from one scale into another, of creating and fully exhausting a musical idea. It completely eliminates the idea of Motivführung [thorough composition], discussed so many times by Norbert Brainin, the first violinist of the Amadeus Quartet, in long, long beautiful discussions with Lyndon LaRouche: namely the idea that you have a musical idea — a poetical idea, put into music — and then, through thorough composition, you develop this, you exhaust the potential, and you come to a conclusion.

Now, that technique has been described, and should be studied, by Norbert Brainin in beautiful master classes he did with the Schiller Institute, for example, in Slovakia. Lyn has written in the book Dennis showed you in the beginning, Think Like Beethoven, how Joseph Haydn’s music was developed then by Mozart in the Haydn Quartets, reaching the complexity of the late Beethoven Quartets.

Lyn has basically said that Beethoven’s achievement in counterpoint, has never been approximated by any composer to date. I think I can absolutely agree. Lyn even said—and I know some people were upset when I mentioned this recently in a webcast—that Beethoven is the absolutely towering giant of all composers. People said, “What about Bach?” I’m not denying Bach. But I have a quote by Lyn where he says: “Beethoven marks an Everest, which dwarfs even Monteverdi, Bach, Mozart, Schumann and Brahms to be foothills.” Now, I’m not deprecating these composers. I just want to say that Beethoven is in a completely different league of composition, by applying this method, really in the most advanced form.

Now, Lyn wrote, over 100 pieces on music, where in this book you only find some of them. Already in 1976, he wrote a piece called “Laughter, Music, and Creativity,” which for Lyn was pretty much the same thing. He said that the 12-tone, or atonal music is a reactionary retreat led by dried-out 20th-century composers, who cannot compose. He again makes the argument, that the degrees of freedom are completely eliminated.

One important point, in my view, in this whole thing, is what the harmonic contrapuntal, polyphonic form of composition allows, it creates stress; it creates dissonance. But then, in a lawful way, in an expandable, lawful way, these stress moments get resolved, and you have the sense of completion. While in atonal and 12-tone music you have a lot of stress, for sure, but it’s never resolved. The audience is left with a complete feeling of disarray. And, therefore, exactly what the purpose and beautiful function of great Classical music is—that it elevates the emotion, that it elevates the mind, makes mankind more noble—that is completely destroyed. The whole idea of aesthetical education is denied, it’s opposed, it is meant to be made extinct. This is why this is such a devastating attack on this idea, that a moral improvement of the population can be accomplished.

What Lyn wrote in “What Is Music, Really?” which he gave as a talk on May 10, 2015, is that beauty is creativity per se, and the aim of it is to unleash the beauty of mankind. That was something that was absolutely known by many people. It was known by Confucius, who basically said that if you look at the music of a country, you can say what kind of state that country is in: whether it’s disorganized, whether it’s functioning, or not.

Now, if you apply that Confucian principle to the United States, or much of Europe today, you can say these countries don’t function very well, because their music is, for the most part, pretty horrible. It was also what Albert Einstein, for example, celebrated: Many times before he could continue working on his physical discoveries, he would play the violin, and put himself in that kind of a creative mindset.

That is why I think we cannot allow the destruction of Beethoven. This is why the defense of Classical music, of not allowing people to desecrate the greatest music ever written, that is why I wrote this appeal, asking not only all the lovers of Classical music in Germany, but actually all over the world, that we declare this Year of Beethoven, to be the end of the tolerance for ugliness.

I’m not saying we should forbid it. Let them have their atonal concerts. Let them have three people in the audience, because normal people really don’t like that kind of music, but, let them have it. I’m not for banning it. I’m just saying they should not have the right to destroy the great compositions of the Classical composers, just because they cannot write any music themselves which is beautiful.

I also absolutely want to urge you, that the Beethoven Year must also be the year of the exoneration of Lyndon LaRouche. If you read what Lyn writes about music — it should be astonishing to anybody to find somebody who’s a total politician, a statesman, an economist, a scientist, and that he would also have such unbelievable knowledge of music.

I can remember one time, when Lyn was talking with Norbert Brainin for two days, when he visited us at our farm, that after these two days, Norbert Brainin said: “This man knows more about music than I do.” I absolutely can agree with that. Because Lyn knew not only the inner meanings of all the works, the historical periods, but he also knew especially what it meant to “play between the notes,” to have a sense of the inner intention of the composers, and he could communicate that in the most beautiful way.

The fact that Lyn’s ideas are being denied to the American people, and to much of the world population, because of the unjust incarceration, because of the same apparatus which was behind the coup against Trump: I think that when President Trump said a few days ago, that one must guarantee that what happened to him, with Russiagate and with the coup attempt, must never happen again — well, there is one absolutely durable way how this will never happen again, and that is the exoneration of Lyndon LaRouche. Because, when that happens, it will become clear, that the apparatus of British infiltration of the U.S., of the idea to run the world as an empire based on the Anglo-American special relationship — which was put into place since Teddy Roosevelt, and which has been revived by many Presidents in the meantime — and that is the apparatus which tried to destroy the Presidency of President Trump.

So, if my husband is exonerated, for the sake of the beauty of his ideas, then a durable freedom in the United States, with the United States returning to be a republic, will be absolutely possible.

So, let’s make the Year of Beethoven, the year of the exoneration of Lyndon LaRouche. [applause]

SPEED: Thank you very much, Helga. We’ll go right to questions. I want to know whether we have a copy of A Manual on the Rudiments of Registration and Tuning. OK. If we don’t have it, let me just mention something as we go to questions. Some people know that it was Lyn who commissioned the writing of A Manual on Registration and Tuning. John Sigerson was one of the co-writers of that. He’s here. Also Renée Sigerson worked on it.

I cite this because perhaps John or Renée will say something about the occasion at which Lyn began to insist that the problem with the music he was hearing, was that it was incorrectly tuned. Many of us could not figure out what he was talking about. We knew there were different tunings, and we knew that the tuning at the Metropolitan Opera was high. But he was insisting on something that then ended up being verified by Liliana Gorini, the leader of the LaRouche movement in Italy, one of our key members there. Working with her father on this, she went to the library and discovered a document involving Giuseppe Verdi having passed a law when he was a member of Parliament, legislating that the tuning should be at A=432, which was exactly what Lyn was talking about.

I don’t tell this story to impress people. I tell it to say that there are some very fundamental matters that we want to get at with this. We don’t want to avoid controversy, is what I’m trying to say. Because, by not avoiding the controversy around this question, for example, the issue of European culture which will be one thing I will be referring to in a minute—by not avoiding that, not avoiding the controversy around what’s ugly, what “taste” is versus “good music”/ “bad music” — by not avoiding that, we might be able to reunify this nation. It’s probably the only actual, efficient way to do it.

So, it’s very important for us, in this discussion today, to take up all those questions — or begin the process of taking them up. I just wanted to say that, as we go to the questions. Again, I’ll alternate with the questions here, and then I’ll alternate with the questions that have been sent by email or YouTube, and so on.

Q: Hi Helga, this is Denise [ham]. I wanted to bring up the fact that in the Western world, in the United States, in particular, there is a war against children going on. In fact there is a book by that name and it was rewritten and updated, and 10 years later, it was The War Against Children of Color: Psychiatry Targets Inner City Youth [by Peter Breggin and Ginger Ross Breggin]. In this book it puts out the idea, that children as young as 5, 6, 7 years old, especially Black children living in poor areas, were targeted; and the idea was that they were going to grow up to be criminals, and they said this explicitly. And what did they do to stop this? They brought in Ritalin and other mind-destroying drugs.

You can imagine, we know that the human brain is not completely developed until the 24th year of life. And you have at the age of 5, 6 and 7 children being put on Ritalin, so they are being destroyed.

Also, besides that, you have this newest thing in New Jersey, and I think across the country, is that children in middle schools are being taught about “gender issues,” you know, “what sex are you?” This is destroying these children, confusing them, and it is mental rape — this is mental rape against children. Rather than having the idea of beauty, and music, of poetry, science being brought up in class — this is what you have. I would like you to address that and let us know what you think can be done about it. Thanks very much.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: I think this is something which, if it’sis not corrected, will lead to the demise of the West. Because there is right now a huge campaign against China: That there is supposedly a fight of the systems, where the Chinese represent a threat to the value system of democracy, of human rights, of the liberal system of the West, and that that must be somehow contained and be defeated.

I can tell you that if we cannot, in the United States, or in Europe, for that matter, go back to a Classical education in science, in culture, and leave the trends you just described correctly, Denise — the absolute exposure to violence, through video games, the drugs; the addiction to digital overconsumption, children who are left by their parents and their environment to watch and play for hours and hours on their laptop, on their smartphone, on their Play Station, there are now many neurological studies which show, that when you do that, the synapses of the brain connect in a completely different way, and completely eliminate the possibility for truly creative work.

Now if you take that brain damage, which is caused by these phenomena, and also the whole idea of Ritalin, and the drug addiction, the violence — if you take all these factors together, I can tell you that our youth are not going to be an effective, competitive, or even equal, partner in the world community. Because the Asians are not doing that. I mean, sure there are some problems with the digital addiction in Asia as well.

But they are doing something we are not doing in the West, and that is, that they are reviving their 5,000-year-old ancient traditions in philosophy, painting, poetry, and are very proud to be some of the cradles of civilizations. They combine that idea of being based in the best tradition, with an absolute optimistic future orientation, which you see in terms of their ambitious programs for space colonization, for fusion research, and other breakthrough areas of knowledge.

So, I think that the West — I’m saying the “West,” because things in the United States and Europe are similar in this respect — if we do not shape up and really go back to a universal education, in the tradition of Wilhelm von Humboldt, who was the co-thinker of Friedrich Schiller; and he was one of the pillars of the German Classical period, who by the way, was extremely influential in the education system of the United States throughout the 19th century, and he had this idea that you had to have as a goal of education, a harmonious person, by teaching in certain areas which are more suitable to this effect than others: namely the command of your own high language, in the best poetic expressions, that would mean Shakespeare and other great poets who have written in English; then the universal history, natural science, philosophy; and that would then lead to the idea of the development of all potentialities, which are embedded in each child.

That was the Humboldt system, which existed in Germany, at least in some form until 1970, when it was replaced by an education reform, which consciously threw out that idea. But it is something which influenced every professor in the United States in the 19th century, who either studied in Germany or who studied with somebody who had been influenced by Humboldt. So there is an American tradition to connect to that. And I think that is what we have to fight for, because even if you don’t agree that this is what should happen, I think if the West is not going back to its own best traditions, they will just be pushed into the corner of history, and will become completely irrelevant.

Now I know that in the United States there is right now a tremendous possibility, because President Trump announced in his State of the Union address that he wants to fight for the full funding of the Artemis program: If you want to have lots of children and young people become astronauts, space scientists, and work on this perspective, you have to have an education system which goes with it, and you have to transform a lot of the children who are now in the condition you are describing, and actually get them in such a better condition; which is why we need a space CCC program [FDR’s Civilian Conservation Corps], which must absolutely focus on this unified, harmonized personality, because, as Krafft Ehricke said: It is never the technology which determines whether it’s good or bad; it’s always the human being, who uses the technology. So we have a tremendous job in front of us; I think the potential is absolutely there, but it needs a real studying of what must be such a humanist education. And I think this is what only our organization can bring into this fight.


Formand Tom Gillesbergs tale til Schiller Instituttets konference i Paris

Jacques Cheminade, LaRouche-bevægelsens leder i Frankrig og fhv. præsidentkandidat, og Tom Gillesberg på en tidligere konference.

Den 4. februar 2020 organiserede det franske Schiller Institut et meget vellykket seminar i Paris med titlen: “Dialog mellem Kulturerne eller Handelskrig: Frankrig ved en skillevej.” Tæt ved hundrede personer – kontakter, diplomater, foreninger, iværksættere og Kinaeksperter – fyldte lokalet på rådhuset i Paris’ 5. arrondissement. Såvel Schiller Instituttets internationale grundlægger og præsident Helga Zepp-LaRouche som formand for det danske Schiller Institut, Tom Gillesberg, sendte varme hilsner samt meddelelser til begivenheden.

Meddelelse fra Tom Gillesberg, formand for det Schiller Instituttet i Danmark:

Jeg er ked af, at jeg på grund af sygdom ikke kan være med jer i dag, men her er nogle tanker jeg gerne vil dele med jer.

I Danmark, og i resten af Skandinavien, har vi gennem de sidste par år set en voksende kampagne i medierne – og med støtte fra efterretningstjenester og regeringsinstitutioner – for at dæmonisere Kina, i lighed med, hvad der igennem nogen tid har været tilfældet for Rusland. Presset kommer fra USA og deres kontrollanter i Storbritannien, og udøves ofte gennem “soft power” ved at sprede historier om Kina såvel som Rusland der skal vise, at de er diktaturer, som man virkelig ikke kan stole på. På det seneste er dette set i den massive kampagne imod at lade det kinesiske firma Huawei, verdens førende leverandør af G5-teknologi, levere udstyret til det nye G5-netværk i Danmark og på Færøerne. Nogle prøver endda at bruge udbruddet af en ny form for koronavirus i Wuhan som et eksempel på, hvordan Kina og dets indflydelse verden over bringer os alle i fare.

Derfor besluttede Schiller Instituttet i Danmark i 2017 at imødegå denne voksende fjendtliggørelse med et projekt for en “Dialog mellem Kulturerne”. Sammen med venner, der var aktive i det dansk-russiske samfund, arrangerede vi en koncert, hvor vi havde klassisk musik og dans fra Rusland, Kina, Afrika, Indonesien og mange europæiske lande, for at vise, hvor berigede vi alle bliver ved at få adgang til alle disse andre nationers kultur. Kinas Kulturinstitut i København var også medsponsor, og arrangementet blev afholdt i det russiske Center for Videnskab og Kultur.

Koncerten var en stor succes. Vi havde en fuldt pakket sal, og på trods af at vi fik ekstra stole bragt ind, var vi nødt til at afvise mange der kom. Publikum blev imponeret og bevæget af mangfoldigheden og skønheden af bidragene ved koncerten. Især afsyngningen af en kinesisk folkesang af en kinesisk studerende sammen med Feride Istogu Gillesberg, vicepræsident for Schiller Instituttet i Danmark og hovedorganisator af begivenheden, betog publikum. Hvordan er det muligt, at en europæer kan synge på kinesisk og skabe så bevægende og smuk musik?

Siden dengang har vi haft yderligere to meget succesfulde koncerter, med fremtrædende og smuk deltagelse fra både russiske og kinesiske musikere, og musikere af høj kvalitet fra mange andre lande. Vi er blevet lovet, at den årlige koncert i 2020 kan finde sted i Kinas kulturcenters nyistandsatte faciliteter i København, som snart åbner.

Samtidigt har vi forsøgt at få information om Bælte- og Vej-Initiativet ud til offentligheden på enhver måde, vi kan. I København afholdt Schiller Instituttet et seminar sammen med ‘Confucian Business Institute’ ved CBS, og i Sverige har Schiller Instituttet samarbejdet om stiftelsen af BRIX, Bælte- og Vej-Instituttet i Sverige. BRIX har afholdt en række seminarer med pæn deltagelse fra akademikere og industrifolk, der er blevet adresseret i fællesskab af den kinesiske ambassadør og ledende medlemmer af BRIX og Schiller Instituttet. På samme tid har vi interveneret i mange møder og diskussioner om Kina, der finder sted  i Danmark og Sverige, for at sikre, at den rigtige historie om Bælte- og Vej-Initiativet – og nødvendigheden af at de vestlige landes aktivt deltager i dette store foretagende for menneskeheden – kommer ud, så de løgne og falske bagtalelser om det i ‘mainstream’ medierne bliver modsagt.

Som det ses med udbruddet af det nye koronavirus i Wuhan er der mange udfordringer, når man søger at løfte 1,4 milliarder mennesker ud af dyb fattigdom og at blive en moderne nation. På trods af fremragende nationalt lederskab, kan lokal inkompetence skabe store problemer. Men jeg er sikker på, at Kina vokser med udfordringen, og vi ser nu, at den kinesiske regering intet sparer for at besejre denne trussel imod menneskeheden bestående af sygdom og død.

Da den nationale regering først blev opmærksom på epidemien, handlede den hurtigt for at besejre den. Oplysninger om koronavirus blev hurtigt sendt ud over hele verden, og resten af verden kunne forsvare sig mod sygdommen på en måde, som den lokale regering i Wuhan undlod at gøre. Og forhåbentligt vil samarbejdet mellem Kina og medicinske forskningscentre i resten af verden snart føre til behandling og en vaccine. I mellemtiden yder Kina enorme menneskelige og økonomiske ofre for at få epidemien under kontrol, og udgør menneskehedens bolværk imod en verdensomspændende pandemi.

Forhåbentligt vil de enorme ressourcer, som nu indsættes i Kina, og med hjælp fra verdenssamfundet, bære frugt, og besejre den nye koronavirus. Og forhåbentlig bliver det et eksempel på, hvordan Kina og verden kan arbejde sammen om en endnu farligere dræber: fattigdom. Kina har vist, hvordan det har været muligt at løfte 850 millioner kinesere ud af dyb fattigdom. Og med Bælte- og Vej-Initiativet har de igangsat det største udviklingsprojekt, som menneskeheden nogensinde har set. Vi behøver fuldt internationalt samarbejde for at sikre sejr over fattigdom overalt i verden, ved at anvende videnskabeligt og teknologisk fremskridt til først at etablere den nødvendige infrastruktur, og derefter den nødvendige industrielle udvikling, til at løfte hele menneskeheden ud af fattigdom.

Men hvis Danmark og andre vestlige lande skal deltage i disse, for menneskeheden nødvendige tiltag, må vi først besejre det mentale angreb, der finder sted imod befolkningens sindelag. Kina og Rusland er ikke vores fjender, men er vores vigtige samarbejdspartnere i sikringen af den bedst mulige fremtid for hele menneskeheden. Lad os derfor erstatte den kunstigt skabte frygt og splittelse med en dialog mellem kulturerne, og lad os alle deltage i Bælte- og Ve-Initiativet. Så vil vi se en verdensomspændende renæssance af de bedste bidrag fra alle de forskellige kulturer, og vi vil se en eksplosion af menneskelig kreativitet og udvikling, der ikke alene forvandler livet på Jorden, men også vores solsystem, og det der ligger derudover, når vi får ubegrænset billig energi på Jorden ved at høste helium-3 på Månen og bruge det til fusionsenergi, som kineserne har tænkt sig at gøre.

Se på ‘Verdens-Landbroen’. Dette er det levende billede af de smukke ord, som vi hører i Beethovens 9. symfoni:

Seid umschlungen, Millionen!
Diesen Kuss der ganzen Welt!
Brüder! über’m Sternenzelt
muss ein lieber Vater wohnen.

Vær omfavnede, millioner!
Dette kys til hele verden!
Brødre, over stjerneteltet
må der bo en kærlig far.

Og den kærlige far bliver realiseret gennem vores handlinger; mænds og kvinders handlinger for at forandre verden til det bedre.

At indgyde optimisme – gør LaRouches program til ’almen viden’

Uddrag fra leder i EIRNS d. 2. og 3. februar, 2020:

Gennem mange år har den afdøde økonom Lyndon LaRouche præcist forudsagt sammenbruddet i USA’s økonomi (såvel som dem i Vesteuropa), i deres trinvise nedgang efter 1945, efter 1971, 1989, 1998, 2008 og for nyligt. Hver gang han lavede sådanne forudsigelser, fremlagde han også detaljerne for hvordan økonomien kunne blive genopbygget og omorganiseret for en klar opadgående kurs. Han forlangte genindførelsen af Franklin Roosevelts Glass/Steagall-beskyttelse ved at udskille spekulative pyramidespil fra den sunde, nødvendige del af banksystemet. Ligesom med Alexander Hamiltons design af Det amerikanske System ved dets grundlæggelse, ville den nationale regering igen blive den vigtigste udsteder af lavt forrentede kreditter, og sørge for vejledende planlægning af en stor del af private kreditter gennem deltagende lån. Nationale kreditter med lav rente ville begrænse sig til produktive anvendelser og nødvendig service, såsom egentlig sundhedspleje, ikke hældt ud til kapitalfondes spekulation, som USA’s centralbank (Federal Reserve) gør dette hver dag. Investeringer ville blive øremærket til at løfte det videnskabelige og teknologiske niveau for produktion. Alt dette vil være kombineret med nationale hasteprogrammer for videnskabeligt og teknologisk fremskridt, såsom bestræbelser hen imod koloniseringen af Mars og udnyttelsen af kontrolleret fusionskraft, som en ubegrænset og nærmest gratis energikilde for menneskeheden.

Der er meget mere at lære, men dette burde give en delvis introduktion til LaRouches plan.

LaRouches plan vil gøre det muligt at bygge alle former for moderne infrastruktur, revolutionere vores industrier, genopbygge vores byer, og skubbe grænserne for menneskehedens magt hinsides Jordens omløbsbane, og dernæst hinsides solsystemet.

LaRouche demonstrerede hvordan USA, Rusland, Kina og Indien kunne igangsætte et nyt internationalt kreditsystem efter disse principper, for at erstatte Den internationale Valutafonds bankerotte system, der er baseret på City of Londons og Wall Streets fallerede markeder. Tidligt i januar måned opfordrede Lyndon LaRouches enke, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, til et hastetopmøde mellem USA, Rusland og Kina for at tage sig af truslen mod fred, efter at USA dræbte Irans general Soleimani. Hun gjorde det til en betingelse, at dette topmøde også må arrangere indledende diskussioner for et sådant, nyt vækstorienteret internationalt kreditsystem.

Det er klart at LaRouches idéer, blot et år efter hans død, er tættere på at blive realiseret end på næsten noget tidligere tidspunkt.