Helga Zepp-LaRouche opfordrer Vesten til at deltage i ‘at gøre kagen større’ for alle parter.

Hvad er den globale betydning af BRICS-konferencen i Sydafrika, som det meste af lederskabet i den vestlige verden ignorerer?
Det er intet mindre end opbyggelsen af en ny verdensøkonomisk orden, i hvilken de kinesisk-afrikanske relationer er af højeste strategisk betydning, sagde Schiller Instituttets præsident Helga Zepp-LaRouche i dag i sit ugentlige webcast. “Jeg ved, at mange mennesker har tendens til at se bort fra Afrika, især i USA, men hvad der sker er meget ekstraordinært …. Kina har erkendt, at Afrika har potentialet til at blive ‘det nye Kina med afrikanske egenskaber.’ Og mange afrikanske ledere er meget glade for at blive inspireret af den støtte, som Kina giver.”
Med Indien og Japan, der slutter sig til Kina for at tilbyde store investeringer i afrikansk infrastruktur og udvikling, og hvert af landene diskuterer at investere i fællesskab med Kina, “kan man faktisk se, at der er potentiale for en helt ny opstilling. Dette er det nye paradigme i sin vorden”.
”Ånden” fra Den Nye Silkevej, der blev udtrykt i præsident Xi Jinpings tale til BRICS’ Forretningskonference (se EIR ‘Daily Alert’ 26. juli), med dens understregning af videnskabens særlige rolle som en uudtømmelig kraft til udvikling, er “en form for tænkning, som er helt uhørt blandt vestlige ledere,” men det er den tankegang, der omformer verden. Zepp-LaRouche opfordrer alle til at læse hele Xi’s tale på egen hånd. [Http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2018-07/26/c_129920686.htm].
“Man kan virkelig se, at verden i den forstand ændrer sig til et meget bedre sted, end folk har nogen anelse om. Og man kan dele verden op i de mennesker der erkender, at en ny strategisk model er under udvikling, en model, som mange lande i verden meget hurtigt tilslutter sig… og dem der er helt ligeglade, eller uvidende, eller bare ikke forstår, at det gamle paradigme ikke fungerer mere, og at de fleste af verdens lande – udviklingslandene sammen med Kina og Indien – udgør 80 % af verdens befolkning, og også repræsenterer en stigende del af verdensøkonomien. BRICS har for første gang har overgået G7 i forhold til BNP.”
Schiller Instituttet har til hensigt, at “få vestlige nationer til at forstå og anerkende det utrolige potentiale, der ligger i denne nye formation og ikke modsætte sig det,” understregede hun.
Zepp-LaRouche insisterer på, at konfrontation, herunder handelskrig, er en “taber”, hvor ingen vinder. Det modsatte valg er win-win; “man gør bare kagen større, og så kan alle få et større stykke kage.”
Churchill tog absolut fejl i, at der ikke kan være ægte venskaber mellem nationer, kun interesser! BRICS er karakteristisk for de venskaber, der nu udvikler sig på tværs af planeten blandt forskellige kulturer. Heri ligger civilisationens fremtid, efter Zepp-LaRouches opfattelse, en fremtid, hvor folk “forholder sig til hinanden som Einstein til Planck, eller som Wilhelm von Humboldt til Schiller, eller lignende store tænkere, der behandlede hinanden på grundlag af det kreative potentiale i det andet geni. ”
Men for at opnå dette kræves handling, advarede hun og pegede på det enorme slag, som præsident Donald Trump står overfor for, nemlig at følge op på succesen på Helsinki-topmødet, hvilket blev vist i meddelelsen i onsdags fra den nationale sikkerhedsrådgiver, John Bolton, at “præsidenten mener, at næste bilaterale møde med præsident Putin skal finde sted, efter at Ruslands-heksejagten (Russiagate -red.) er forbi, så vi har aftalt, at det først kommer i det nye år.”
Zepp-LaRouche afsluttede sin webcast med en opfordring til folk om at “udnytte det potentiale der ligger i, at Trump forsøger at få et bedre forhold til Rusland, og at han skal gå tilbage til sit oprindelige positive forhold til Kina, hans venskab med Xi Jinping; og at alle de mennesker der er involveret i Russiagate, Muellergate, at de grundlæggende skulle have deres passende straf, fordi de samarbejdede med en udenlandsk regering (den britiske -red.) og ikke Trump.”

Den Nye Silkevej bliver til Verdenslandbroen Bind II:
En fælles fremtid for menneskeheden.

LaRouche-bevægelsen har spillet en enestående rolle i at udvikle forslag til international økonomisk udvikling og i at sætte trends indenfor politisk beslutningstagning. I 1997, ved afslutningen af Den kolde Krig og potentialet for internationalt samarbejde om menneskehedens fælles målsætninger, foreslog Lyndon og Helga LaRouche en “Eurasisk Landbro” som en “Ny Silkevej … for Verdensomspændende Økonomisk Udvikling”. Efter at den kinesiske præsident Xi Jinping i 2013 annoncerede ‘Bælt- og vejinitiativet’ (et forslag i samklang med LaRouche-forslaget) offentliggjorde LaRouche-bevægelsen det første bind af en 374-siders rapport, der integrerer store udviklingsprojekter fra hele verden indenfor rammen af den økonomiske tilgang, der er grundlagt af Lyndon LaRouche.

Vi er glade for at kunne annoncere udgivelsen af dette andet bind af “Den Nye Silkevej: en Fælles Fremtid for Menneskeheden”, hvor vi giver Jer et opdateret billede af fremskridtene for Kinas Bælt- og Vej-initiativ, herunder detaljerede region-for-region analyser, og nyligt opdaterede kort. Vi fremhæver også principperne for den fysiske økonomi og økonomiske metrikker, som er opdaget af Lyndon LaRouche, og hvorpå muligheden for at hæve menneskehedens levestandard afhænger. Vi undersøger den strategiske tilgang af de vestlige nationer til det kommende nye paradigme, og hvilke udfordringer der må klares for at overvinde det gamle paradigmes tilgang med britisk geopolitik, og erstatte det med LaRouches topstyrede program for at overvinde det økonomiske sammenbrud i Vesten.

Som Schiller Instituttets grundlægger og formand, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, har sagt: “Jeg tror, at Den Nye Silkevej er et typisk eksempel på en ide, hvis tid er kommet; og når en ide på den måde materialiseres, bliver den til en fysisk kraft i universet.”

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Som det går Afrika, således går det menneskeheden.

Det er kun en uge og en dag siden det historiske Trump-Putin-topmøde den 16. juli i Helsinki, men verden har allerede ændret sig dramatisk. “Der er dem der er opmærksomme på disse positive forandringer”, og arbejder for at de skal bære frugt, sagde Helga Zepp-LaRouche i dag, ”og så er der dem, der bærer geopolitiske briller, og som nægter at se ændringerne. De forsvarer stadig en status quo, som ikke længere eksisterer. De fatter det bare ikke!”

Kombinationen af Bælt-og-Vej-initiativet, fortsatte Zepp-LaRouche, og Trumps politikker – i hvert fald de fleste af dem, især hans topmøde med Putin – flytter verden til et andet plateau. Det der dukker frem er et nyt paradigme for samarbejde mellem suveræne nationer, netop på linje med det som Lyndon LaRouche har fremlagt gennem det sidste halve århundrede.

            Afrika, understregede Zepp-LaRouche, er nu den centrale scene for dette dramatiske nye kapitel i menneskehedens historie, der bliver skrevet nu – som det blev diskuteret i detaljer på den internationale konference, som Schiller Instituttet afholdt den 30. juni – 1. juli i Bad Soden, Tyskland.

            For mere end 20 år siden, i december 1996, offentliggjorde Schiller Instituttet et internationalt manifest med overskriften: “Som det går Afrika, således går det menneskeheden”. I januar 1997 udstedte Lyndon LaRouche en af sine mange opfordringer til akut handling i så henseende:

            “Faktum er, at det britiske statssamfund (Commonwealth) og dets monarki i øjeblikket gør sig skyldig i at organisere både aggressiv krigsførelse mod nationerne Sudan og Zaire og samtidig det funktionelt største folkemord i moderne historie mod diverse udpegede afrikanske befolkninger. Faktisk er der ingen grund til at tvivle på, at Storbritanniens monarki har lanceret og koordinerer aggressiv krigsførelse …. En flod af blod adskiller alle moralske personer i verden fra disse britiske og andre racister, der støtter eller tolererer disse Nürnberg-forbrydelser, begået af det britiske statssamfund og dets ”gehejmeråd” i Storbritannien (British Privy Council). Perfide Albion!”

            I dag ændres Afrikas udseende til det bedre ved hjælp af Kinas Bælt- og-Vejprojekter. Præsident Xi Jinping er i øjeblikket på en rundrejse til forskellige afrikanske lande, og han slutter af med at deltage i det 10. BRICS-topmøde den 25. -27. juli i Sydafrika, et møde der hastigt fremmer denne proces. BRICS-lederkollegaen, den indiske premierminister Narendra Modi, er også på en tur i Afrika og vil ligeledes være på BRICS-topmødet. Kinas udenrigsministerium forklarede tankegangen bag dette intense diplomati:

            “Som de to største udviklingslande og vækstmarkeder i verden, er både Kina og Indien villige til at hjælpe Afrika med at fremskynde dets industrialisering inden for rammerne af syd-syd-samarbejde og opnå selvudvikling. Vi er også klar til at uddybe samarbejdet i forskellige felter med afrikanske lande, for at opnå gensidige fordele og win-win-resultater. Kina og Indien er partnere, der deler samme vision i den henseende …. De to sider vil følge op på den enighed mellem de to ledere (Xi og Modi -red) og ihærdigt udforske samarbejdet mellem Kina og Indien plus 1, eller Kina og Indien plus X, for at opnå gensidige fordele og win-win-resultater mellem Kina og Indien og andre lande, og i fællesskab bidrage til at fremme regional- og verdensfred, stabilitet, udvikling og velstand.”

            Lyndon LaRouche specificerede det nødvendige “X” for mange år siden: USA, Rusland, Kina og Indien udgør i fællesskab en fire-magts-alliance, der er i stand til at afslutte Perfide Albion en gang for alle.

POLITISK ORIENTERING den 26. juli 2018:
BRIKS-topmøde i Sydafrika: Kina viser Afrika vejen ud af fattigdom
Se også 2. del.

Med formand Tom Gillesberg

Video 2. del 5 min.:


Europas mulige rolle i Bælte og Vej-Initiativet

Uddrag fra Wang Haos tale: Wang Hao, førstesekretær for handel og økonomi for Folkerepublikken Kinas ambassade til Forbundsrepublikken Tyskland

Som Kinas største handelspartner bør EU deltage i ‘Bælte og Vej-Initiativet’ (BRI). Europæiske entreprenører har vist interesse. Hvorfor har Kina iværksat BRI? Den gamle Silkevejs ånd var sammenbinding. Dette har stadig betydning. Forudsætningen er infrastruktur. Kina har lært hvor vigtig infrastruktur er for udviklingen af økonomien.
Da jeg var barn, tog en rejse på 200 km for at besøge min bedstemor mig en hel dag. Nu tager det under to timer med motorvejen. Vi har en talemåde som siger: ”For at blive rig skal du først bygge en vej”. Kina har 136.000 km motorvej og 25.000 km højhastighedstog. Syv af de ti største havnebyer i verden ligger i Kina. Det har ændret folks liv og den økonomiske udvikling i Kina.
Mange områder i verden er underudviklede og mangler basal infrastruktur. Asien har brug for 1,7 billioner $ hvert år for at vedligeholde fremdrift af vækst.
BRI inkluderer ikke kun transport, men olie- og gasledninger, elforsyningsnet og lyslederkabler. Ordentlig infrastruktur er grundlaget for økonomisk udvikling.
BRI er ikke en strategi, men et initiativ, som alle lande kan deltage i. Det er hurtigtoget til velstand. Det er et massivt langtidsprojekt. Kina har begrænsede ressourcer og afhænger af andre, inklusive Tyskland og Europa. 19 europæiske lande er medlemmer af AIIB. Tyskland er den største ikke-asiatiske partner. Deutsche Bank spiller en ledende rolle.
Europæiske virksomheder bør igangsætte egne projekter. Samarbejde mellem Kina og Europa vil gavne begge partnere økonomisk og sikkerhedsmæssigt og vil øge den generelle levestandard.
I 2017 kørte omkring 3000 tog mellem Kina og Europa, og ud af de 3000 kørte 48 % til Tyskland.
Jeg håber, at Europa og Kina vil tage del i åben ‘win-win’ innovation og gribe den historiske mulighed med BRI.

Økonomiske og politiske potentialer for Bælt og Vej-initiativet.

I konferencens sidste panel tog talere fra Tyskland og fra Sydøsteuropa fat på det potentiale, der kan udløses ved at tilslutte sig BRI.
Elke Fimmen (10:54) fra Schiller Instituttet åbnede diskussionen med en præsentation af “En ny perspektivplan for fremtiden – hvordan Øst- og Sydøsteuropa kan deltage i skabelsen af et nyt globalt økonomisk mirakel”. Hun opfordrede vesteuropæiske nationer til at lave deres hjemmearbejde og indse, at kun ved at samarbejde med Kinas silkevejsprojekt sammen med Rusland og den Eurasiske Økonomiske Union, kan der opnås langsigtet velstand, stabilitet og fred. Nationers sande rigdom, understregede hun, ligger i udviklingen af deres befolkningers kreativitet. Som eksempler på hvad der kan gøres, rapporterede hun derefter om de resultater, der blev opnået i regi af “16 + 1” -samarbejdet mellem Kina og de central- og østeuropæiske lande.
“Balkans syn på det nye paradigme” var temaet, der blev taget op af prof. Ivo Christov (25:48), medlem af det bulgarske parlament. Med udgangspunkt i den geopolitiske aksiomatiske erklæring om, at “geografi er skæbne”, pegede han på den vigtige placering af Balkan-regionen, med dens interessante historie, økonomi og kultur, som en port til Europa, både for landruterne og den Nye Silkevejs havruter. Det er også mødestedet for forskellige interesser fra USA, Rusland, Tyrkiet og Kina, sagde han. Til slut understregede han Balkans betydning for forandring.
Den fremtrædende tyske økonom Folker Hellmeyer(46:34) talte om “mulighederne for integration af den Eurasiske Told og Økonomiske Union og Kinas OBOR-initiativ”. Han bemærkede “den enorme opstigning” af asiatiske lande over de sidste årtier, hvilket er uden sidestykke i historien. Det eurasiske kontinent accepterer ikke længere de gamle industrilandes overherredømme, sagde han, hvis lande, i modsætning til de fleste asiatiske lande, står overfor “aldring, politisk træthed og gæld”. De sidstnævnte opretter deres egne alternative institutioner, såsom AIIB, New Development Bank eller CIPS som modstykke til SWIFT. Hellmeyer viste, at den Eurasiske Told og Økonomiske Union (EAEU) er den mest oplagte partner eller bro for at bringe Europa ind i samarbejde med One Belt, One Road-programmet.
Prof. Duško Dimitrijević (1:10:36), en stipendiat ved Institut for International Politik og Økonomi i Beograd, Serbien, kom ind på “Kinas nye Silkevej: Muligheden for fredelig udvikling i verden”. Bælt & Vej-strategien tilbyder at bringe rigdom til andre nationer, i modsætning til geopolitisk fragmentering. Kina udvikler venskabsforbindelser med udviklingslande som Serbien, et lille, landlåst, militært neutralt land, og deres økonomiske samarbejde er blevet opgraderet flere gange. I 2016 besøgte præsident Xi Serbien og underskrev 20 samarbejdsaftaler.
Hans von Helldorff (1:36:45), talsmand for Forbundsforbundet for det Tyske Silkevejsinitiativ, talte om “En nødvendig lovramme for investeringer af tysk og europæisk SME-økonomi i de nationale økonomier langs den nye silkevej”. Efter at have beskrevet BRI som en fredspolitik med enorme dimensioner, beklagede han, at det betragtes med sådan skepsis i Tyskland. Han pegede på sanktionerne mod Rusland som blot et enkelt eksempel på en politik, der straffer tyske små og mellemstore virksomheder så hårdt. Der er efter hans mening behov for, at den tyske regering støtter “das Mittelstand” i sine aktiviteter i Eurasien og Kina, ved at tilvejebringe et klart regelsæt, et sikkerhedsnet for erstatningskrav, samt eksportfinansiering.
Leonidas Chrysanthopoulos (1:57:55), en forhenværende ambassadør for Grækenland og tidligere generalsekretær for Den Økonomiske Samarbejdsorganisation for Sortehavet (BSEC) talte om “Integrationen af det eurasiske kontinent”. Han understregede de vigtige følgevirkninger, som positive økonomiske projekter har på at bringe tidligere politiske modstandere sammen for at arbejde på et fælles projekt. For eksempel ville projektet, der kendes under navnet Sortehavs-ringvejen, forene medlemmerne af BSEC og lette vejtransporten fra Sortehavs-landene til Europa.
Hans anden pointe var, at EU er stærkt imod den reelle økonomiske udvikling, da bureaukraterne har mistet kontakten med befolkningen og kun er interesserede i at redde bankerne. Han hævdede ganske kraftigt, at EU skulle elimineres, således at nationer kunne arbejde bilateralt for at etablere økonomiske forbindelser fri for restriktioner fra Bruxelles. I den sammenhæng henviste han til sagen om Ungarn, som havde arbejdet med Kina om højhastighedstog, og blev stoppet af EU.
En video med titlen “Den Eurasiske Kanal og Den Nye Silkevej.” var blevet lavet til konferencen af professor Nuraly Bekturganov (2:16:14), vicepræsident for Akademiet for Naturvidenskab i Kasakhstan.  Dette projekt, der er blevet diskuteret i detaljer af både Kasakhstans præsident Nazurbayev og den russiske præsident Putin, ville gøre det muligt for store skibe at transportere fragt på op til 100 tons dwt direkte fra det Kaspiske Hav til Sortehavet, og derfra til Middelhavet og videre til oceanet. Det ville i høj grad øge skibsfragt over hele Eurasien.
Konferencen blev afrundet af en 90 minutters åben diskussion mellem talerne og tilhørerne om en lang række spørgsmål (2:33:25). Helga Zepp-LaRouche konkluderede konferencen ved at pege på en fundamental forskel i værdier, som for øjeblikket hersker mellem Vesten og Kina: I Europa er finansspekulationen voldsom, mens fattigdommen stiger, hvorimod den kinesiske ledelse er forpligtet til at fjerne fattigdom, ikke kun indenlandsk, men også i udlandet, og deres tænkning er baseret på konfucianisme.
Zepp-LaRouche har hævdet, at den nærmeste ækvivalent til Konfucius i Vesten, er Friedrich Schiller. Konfucius og klassisk indisk filosofi stræber efter at uddanne følelserne til ikke at kunne fostre onde tanker, ligesom Schiller gjorde, især i hans æstetiske breve. Vi har studeret, hvordan Renæssancen kunne bringe verden ud af den mørke tidsalder ved hjælp af gode ideer, stor kunst og stor videnskab. Vi kan gøre det igen i dag. “Vi bør være glade. Vi lever i en tid, hvor vi kan ændre tingene. Slut jer til os! Det er meget sjovt! “, konkluderede hun.

Hvordan Bælt og Vej-Initiativet forandrer Afrika

Konferencens andet panel var sat til at omhandle forandringer fremkaldt af Bælt og Vej-Initiativet (BRI), som den eneste humane måde at håndtere flygtningekriser på. Indledende bemærkninger blev givet af Schiller Instituttets koordinator for Sydvestasien, Hussein Askary, der understregede, at der skal skabes en ny og lige verdensorden, hvis de mange flygtningekriser i verden skal løses.
Han blev efterfulgt af førstesekretæren for økonomi og handel ved Folkerepublikken Kinas ambassade i Tyskland, Wang Hao (14:45), som oprindeligt skulle have talt under panel III, men som uforudset ikke var i stand til at vente. Han opfordrede EU, som er Kinas største handelspartner, til at deltage i Bælte og Vej-initiativet. På grund af sine begrænsede ressourcer er Kina meget afhængig af andre, sagde han, herunder Tyskland og Europa. Tyskland er det største, ikke-asiatiske, medlem af AIIB, som også 18 andre europæiske lande har tilsluttet sig. Han opfordrede europæiske virksomheder til at komme op med deres egne projekter for videregående samarbejde.
H.E. Yusuf Maitama Tuggar (24:22), ambassadør for Forbundsrepublikken Nigeria i Tyskland, opfordrede tilhørerne til ikke at anlægge den binære “Kina versus Europa betragtning, et levn fra Den kolde Krig. Vi har brug for samarbejdet mellem alle tre.” Afrika skal deltage i alle diskussioner om infrastruktur, udvikling og migration. Et eksempel han nævnte er projektet for genopfyldning af Chad-søen. Et sådant transformativt projekt er, hvad der er nødvendigt, for bæredygtig udvikling, sagde han og dette må finansieres. “Det vil lykkes, hvis alle lægger deres hoveder og hænder sammen.”
Mohammed Bila (38:30), en model-ekspert fra Lake Chad Basin Kommissionens Lake Chad Basin Observatory, forklarede om Transaqua-projektet, og hvor projektet står nu, efter topmødet i Abuja marts 2018 mellem otte afrikanske stats- og regeringschefer, som godkendte projektet. Det vil bringe økonomisk udvikling og direkte forbedre sikkerheden for syv lande, og indirekte for fem mere. Bila forklarede, hvordan der vil være værdiforøgelse langs vandvejen. Konceptet, med dets gensidige fordele, kan også øge den regionale handel, skabe ny økonomisk infrastruktur som flodhavne, containerterminaler, agroindustrielle zoner og nye veje langs den 2.400 km lange vandvej.
Den lange historie af relationerne mellem Kina og Afrika blev taget op af Amzat Boukari-Yabara (1:01:18), en afrikansk historiker og generalsekretær for den Panafrikanske Umoja Liga. Kritikken af den kinesiske tilstedeværelse i Afrika, en kritik som er udbredt i de vestlige medier, er mere motiveret af nedgangen i den euro-amerikanske indflydelse på markeder, som de troede ville være deres for evigt, end af en reel interesse for afrikanernes fremtid. Hans synspunkt er, at når et hvilket som helst afrikansk land forhandler med Kina eller et andet stort land, bør det altid huske på den overordnede interesse for Afrika som et kontinent. Boukari-Yabara foreslog også at oprette en panafrikansk bank for erstatning og genopbygning.
Abdullatif Elwashali og Aiman Al-Mansor (1:21:12) fra den yemenitiske sammenslutning for Menneskerettigheder og Fred, INSAN, rapporterede om den forfærdelige situation i deres land, foranlediget af aggressionskrigen, der føres af den saudiarabisk ledede koalition. Efter 3 års krig er nationen ødelagt, der er over 36.000 civile ofre, heraf 14.000 dødsfald, og befolkningen lider under en humanitær katastrofe, der er forværret af luft- og søblokaden. De citerede nogle alarmerende statistikker: 1,25 millioner mennesker trues af sult og epidemier, mens 33 millioner lider af mangel på medicinske forsyninger. 896 skoler er blevet fuldstændig ødelagt, og 55 % af de medicinske faciliteter er nu ubrugelige. Humanitær bistand er ikke forestående, alt imens det internationale samfund er utilbøjelig til at hjælpe. Uanset deres påstande, intervenerer saudierne militært for at vriste den politiske kontrol fra Sana’erne og svække dets militære styrker. Ellers er Yemen et valg for geografisk placering af det Nye Silkevejsprojekt, men den saudisk ledede koalition ønsker at forhindre win-win samarbejde.
Hussein Askary (1:41:00) gav også en præsentation af hans nye rapport om genopbygningen af Yemen, en operation, som betegnes Felix. Formålet med denne operation (kaldet “Felix” efter det oprindelige latinske navn Arabia Felix for regionen Yemen) er ikke at genopbygge landet, som det var før krigen startede, men at tilvejebringe den “økonomiske platform” for en velstående og progressiv nation og dets forbindelse til BRI. Han beskrev tiltag for at vende de politikker, der er blevet pålagt over en 30-årig periode med betingelser givet af IMF og Verdensbanken, tiltag såsom oprettelsen af en Yemenitisk nationalbank for genopbygning og udvikling til finansiering af genopbygningen af landet, og opførelse af udviklingskorridorer, der via Oman og Iran forbinder Yemen med Afrika og til den Nye Silkevej.

Introduktion til Helga LaRouches Nye Paradigme Webcast den 5. juli 2018

Helga Zepp-LaRouche udarbejdede den 17. juni et udkast til Den Europæiske Union (EU), der forklarede hvordan “eksemplet fra Singapore” viser, at tidligere fjendtligt indstillede nationer kan arbejde sammen om at løse tilsyneladende uhåndterlige problemer, når de tager fat på kriser ved at anlægge ånden fra den nye Silkevej. Desværre har EU ikke taget imod hendes råd. Imidlertid hørte de over 300 deltagere på Schiller Instituttets konference den 30. juni -1. juli på embedsmænd fra Rusland, Kina, USA, Nigeria, Yemen og mange europæiske lande, som arbejder hen imod dette mål. Deltag i Schiller Instituttets ugentlige strategiske webcast, når fru LaRouche giver indsigt i, hvorledes fordelene ved det nye paradigme kan realiseres over hele verden.

Før Trump-Putin møde:
Schiller Instituttets konference markerer overgang til det nye paradigme.
Se også diskussionen.

Med formand Tom Gillesberg

Video, indlæg:


Video, diskussion:



Yemens mirakuløse genopbygning
og tilslutning til den Nye Silkevej

Af Hussein Askary, Schiller Instituttets koordinator for Sydvestasien.

Genopbygningen af Yemen, efter den aktuelt igangværende, destruktive, anglo-saudiske aggressionskrig er afsluttet, vil kræve et mirakel. Men det er præcis, hvad denne rapport foreslår. Miraklernes tid er over os. Mange mirakler er opnået, og mange andre er i gang. En ny æra i menneskehedens historie er gryet under BRIKS-nationernes lederskab (Brasilien, Rusland, Indien, Kina og Sydafrika), samt under den kinesiske præsident Xi Jinpings lancering i 2013 af Bælte & Vej Initiativ (BVI). Disse to udviklinger har åbnet historiens porte for en ny og retfærdig verdensorden.

Kinas mirakuløse industrialiseringsproces hen over de seneste to årtier, der har løftet 700 million af landets borgere ud af fattigdom, er en stærk indikator for denne nye proces. Den kendsgerning, at Kina har tilbudt sine teknologiske kapaciteter, sin knowhow og sine finansielle resurser til partnere i udviklingslandene, så de kan gentage dette mirakel, udgør en stærk motivering for det yemenitiske folk og lederskab for at vælge de højeste ambitionsniveauer.

Det er i denne sammenhæng, at Yemen kunne rejse sig og opnå sit eget mirakel. Ligesom det lykkedes yemenitterne at præstere det mirakel, at de har modstået de mest ondskabsfulde og magtfulde militærstyrker, således kan de – med en tilsvarende succes – præstere miraklet med at genopbygge deres land. Dette genopbygningsmirakel bliver naturligvis vanskeligere end det militære, men det bliver mere glædeligt og vil bringe alle Yemens borgere sammen – mænd og kvinder fra alle mulige dele af landet og fra alle forskellige baggrunde, som en forenet kraft til fordel for en hel nation.


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Hussein Askarys tale på Schiller
Instituttets konference, 30. juni:
Hvordan Bælte & Vej Initiativet
er i færd med at forandre Afrika;
den eneste humane løsning
på flygtningekrisen

Så, hvad enten du er flygtning, en indfødt, en borger, er bosiddende i Europa eller USA eller et andet sted, så bør du gå med i Schiller Instituttet: For dette er den eneste måde, som jeg har erfaret, at skabe forandring i verden på, og som har en indvirkning på alle levende skabninger på planeten. 

Nu er vi mange. Vi har hele nationer, der også tilslutter sig det Nye Paradigme, og vi kan alle se, at udsigterne til en fremgangsrig og smuk fremtid for alle nationer er inden for rækkevidde. Jeg beder derfor hver og én af jer til, at, midt i den værste lidelse, må vi altid have vort blik rettet, ikke på mudderet under vore fødder, men mod de lysende stjerner foroven. 

Mange tak.

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Helga Zepp-LaRouche:
Modsætningernes sammenfald
– Morgendagens verden.
Schiller Instituttets Internationale
konference, 30. juni, 2018, Tyskland

Hvis alle europæiske nationer ville gå sammen med Kina, Indien, Japan og også USA og gøre alt dette sammen med de afrikanske stater, der ønsker at blive en del af et sådant forceret program, og annoncere det som en fælles forpligtelse, kunne vi vende flygtningekrisen omkring. Men denne fremgangsmåde kræver en passioneret kærlighed til menneskeheden; præcis, som premierminister Abiy Ahmed fra Etiopien for nylig sagde under et massemøde med en halv million mennesker, kort tid, før han blev udsat for et attentatforsøg; han sagde, »Den eneste måde at gå fremefter på, væk fra al denne historie, er tilgivelse og kærlighed. Hævn er for de svage. Og fordi etiopiere ikke er svage, har vi ikke bug for hævn. Vi vil vinde med kærlighed«.

Så lad os handle ligeså. Verden befinder sig i en utrolig oprørstilstand. Det er meget kompliceret, og jeg mener ikke, at problemerne vil blive løst ved at have en zillion delvise løsninger. Vi har brug for et højere fornuftsgrundlag, som vil forene hele menneskeheden. Jeg mener, vi har nået vejs ende for en epoke, enden på geopolitik. Og vi må nå frem til det Nye Paradigme, hvor vi tænker i banerne for coincidentia oppositorum; det, Xi Jinping har kaldt et »fællesskab for menneskehedens fælles fremtid«. Hvis Europa er villig til at overleve, vil vi organisere de europæiske lande til at gå med i denne indsats.

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Singapore-modellen må
anvendes på globalt plan.
LaRouchePAC Internationale
Webcast, 22. juni, 2018

… I denne appel opfordrede Helga Zepp-LaRouche til at anvende denne model, Singapore-modellen, til situationen i Europa, hvor hele den såkaldte alliance, den europæiske alliance, den Europæiske Union, nu opløses i splittelse og kaos over det, der lokalt set synes at være en fuldstændig uløselig og umedgørlig flygtningekrise. I stedet anbefaler Helga LaRouche, at EU omgående afholder et topmøde mellem de ledende europæiske lande, afrikanske ledere og den kinesiske præsident Xi Jinping for at indlede en proces for samarbejdende, økonomisk udvikling i Afrika for at løse problemerne med fattigdom og krig, som er roden til masseimmigrationen ind i Europa af afrikanere, der søger at flygte fra denne situation. Denne løsning ville omgående møde troværdighed hos afrikanerne takket være den gode vilje, der nu eksisterer over for Kina på det afrikanske kontinent, pga. de økonomiske udviklingsprojekter, som Kina allerede har igangsat dér i form af det forlængede Bælte & Vej Initiativ.

Lad os nu se på USA. Nøjagtig den samme model kan anvendes på spørgsmålet om migration her i Amerika på den nordlige og sydlige halvkugle. I stedet for at forsøge at adressere symptomerne, kan vi, hvis vi i stedet bruger Singapore-modellen til at adressere roden til denne krise, løse den. Den kan ikke løses på sine egne vilkår, men den kan løses, hvis man introducerer en ny dimension i denne geometri. Hele områder af Mellem- og Sydamerika er blevet ødelagt af disse kapløb-mod-bunden-politikker for billig arbejdskraft, frihandel, udplyndring fra Wall Street-gribbefondes side, og udbredt vold og en tilstand, hvor man ikke kan regere, pga. narkokartellerne og narkobanderne, som disse tilstande afføder, og hvor mange af dem hvidvasker deres narkopenge gennem disse selvsamme Wall Street-banker. Dette er den sump, der må dræneres gennem den omgående genindførsel af Glass-Steagall, som ville lukke disse kriminelle foretagender med pengehvidvask og lyssky penge ned. I stedet må man vedtage Lyndon LaRouches Fire Økonomiske Love for at øge arbejdskraftens produktivitet her i USA og bringe USA ind i dette Nye Paradigme for økonomisk udvikling. Men det ville også udgøre en bro til at bringe hele Bælte & Vej Initiativet ind i de amerikanske lande som helhed. Den Nye Silkevej kunne forlænges gennem et Beringstræde-tunnelprojekt, der forbinder Eurasien med Nordamerika. Hele dette højhastigheds-jernbanenet og andet, kan dernæst forlænges mod syd ind i Mellem- og Sydamerika. Dette bør være emnet for et omgående topmøde mellem præsidenterne Trump og Xi Jinping, sammen med andre statsoverhoveder og ledere af de suveræne nationer i Mellem- og Sydamerika. Dette ville udgøre midlerne til at løse den gærende handelskrig mellem USA og Kina ved at fjerne den såkaldte handelsubalance gennem tredjeparts-udviklingsprojekter, som ville være til fordel for begge nationers økonomier. Igen en win-win-løsning. Denne handelskrig er meget farlig. Helga Zepp-LaRouche understregede i dag, at dette er noget, der ikke blot er protektionisme; dette skal på ingen måde fortolkes som en god politik. Dette er faktisk meget farligt i det nuværende strategiske og økonomiske miljø. 

Her følger engelsk udskrift af hele webcastet:



LaRouche PAC International Webcast for Friday, June 22, 2018

MATTHEW OGDEN: Good afternoon! It’s June 22, 2018. My name
is Matthew Ogden, and you’re joining us for our Friday evening
broadcast from larouchepac.com.
As you can see, the title of our show today is “The
Singapore Model Must Be Applied Globally”. As our viewers know,
and as we discussed extensively on Monday, Helga Zepp-LaRouche
has issued a statement for wide circulation in which she praises
the breakthrough which occurred in Singapore in the summit
between President Trump and Chairman Kim Jong-un, as you can see
depicted in this picture here [Fig. 1]. She said, “You have to
realize that this is an enormous breakthrough. You saw
yesterday’s adversaries becoming tomorrow’s friends,” as Donald
Trump said many times during his trip to Singapore. This was done
through shared and mutually beneficial win-win agreements. This
is both between the United States and North Korea; but also take
note, this is between the Republic of Korea — South Korea — and
North Korea, otherwise known as the DPRK. What Helga
Zepp-LaRouche did in this statement is that she called for this
model to be applied to other adversarial situations in order to
unlock similar win-win solutions. Crises which, if you looked at
them just in the small, in the regional setting, would seem
intractable and insoluble; but as soon as you bring in a new
dimension, as was done in the case of the Korean Peninsula, those
crises can be unlocked and new solutions are available on the
table. That new dimension is emphatically the One Belt, One Road
initiative; the New Paradigm that China has championed.
Development truly is the new name for peace.
What Helga Zepp-LaRouche did in this statement is that she
called to apply this model, the Singapore model, to the situation
in Europe in which the entire so-called alliance, the European
alliance, the European Union, is disintegrating into disunity and
chaos over what seems like in the small to be a completely
insoluble and intractable refugee crisis. Instead, Helga LaRouche
recommended that the EU immediately host a summit between the
leading European countries, African leaders, and Chinese
President Xi Jinping, in order to initiate a process of
collaborative economic development in Africa in order to resolve
the problems of poverty and warfare which are the root causes of
the mass migration into Europe of Africans seeking to escape this
situation. Now this solution would be instantly credible among
the African nations, due to the good will which now exists
towards China on the African continent because of the economic
development projects which China has already undertaken there in
the form of the extended Belt and Road Initiative.
Now, let’s take a look at the United States. That exact same
model can be applied to the migration issue here in the Americas
in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Instead of attempting
to address the symptoms, if we instead use the Singapore model to
address the root cause of this crisis, we can resolve it. It
cannot be resolved within its own terms, but it can be resolved
if you introduce a new dimension to this geometry. Whole portions
of Central and South America have been destroyed by
race-to-the-bottom cheap labor policies, free trade, looting by
Wall Street vulture funds; and emphatically widespread violence
and ungovernability because of drug cartels and the drug gangs
that they spawn, many of whom launder their drug money through
these very same Wall Street banks. This is the swamp which must
be drained through an immediate reinstitution of Glass-Steagall,
which would shut down these criminal enterprises of money
laundering and dark money. Instead, adopting Lyndon LaRouche’s
Four Economic Laws to increase the productivity of labor here in
the United States, and bring the United States into this New
Paradigm of economic development. But also, it would serve as a
bridge to bring the entire Belt and Road Initiative into the
Americas as a whole. The New Silk Road could be extended through
a Bering Strait tunnel project connecting Eurasia to North
America. That entire high-speed rail network and otherwise, can
then be extended southward into Central and South America. This
should be the subject of an immediate summit between President
Trump and President Xi Jinping, along with other heads of state
and leaders of the sovereign nations of Central and South
America. This would be the means to resolve the brewing trade war
between the United States and China, by eliminating the so-called
trade imbalance through third-party development projects which
would benefit the economies of both nations. Again, a win-win
solution. This trade war is very dangerous. Helga Zepp-LaRouche
emphasized today that this is something which is not mere
protectionism; this is not in any way to be construed as a good
policy. In fact, this is very dangerous in the current strategic
and economic environment.
But if you take a look at this application of the Singapore
model, bring China in on it. The United States and China in
collaboration can help develop these countries of Central
America, South America, and the Caribbean. China has immense
credibility in South America right now as well, just like in
Africa. Indeed, we’re seeing numerous Latin American nations
already in the process of officially aligning themselves with
China on the Belt and Road Initiative. For example, you can see
in this picture here [Fig. 2], Bolivian President Eva Morales
travelled to Beijing this week to meet personally with President
Xi Jinping. They signed several commitments for trade and
economic development collaboration, including a commitment for
collaboration on the Belt and Road. Morales elevated the status
of the bilateral relationship between China and Bolivia to the
level of “strategic association”; which he had also just done
during a trip which he had just concluded immediately preceding
his trip to China, during a state trip to Russia. During which,
he and President Putin also had elevated their relations to the
status of a strategic association; which Morales also indicating
his interest in allying Bolivia with the Eurasian Economic Union
as well.
Now in China during this trip, President Morales signed a
document which committed Bolivia to collaborating with China to
jointly build the Belt and Road Initiative, saying that this will
mean economic development and peace throughout the continent and
expressing that it is his hope that by working together with
China to build the Belt and Road, this would also contribute to
expanding cooperation between China and Ibero-America in general.
Which sentiment President Xi seconded, saying that the Belt and
Road offers a new platform by which China’s relations with
Ibero-America as a whole can be strengthened. So, this is very
significant. This is just one example of these nations of Central
and South America realigning themselves away from this failing
trans-Atlantic system and towards this new emerging Eurasian
system with both China and also with Russia.
At the same time President Morales was in China, also there
was a delegation from the Dominican Republic who were also
discussing economic development projects in the Dominican
Republic; specifically ports, highways, sanitation projects,
urban development. But also discussing broader development and
trade cooperation between China and the Caribbean generally. Were
this collaboration to be generalized across the entire region,
and also if the United States were to come onboard as a full
participant in this development vision, this — and only this —
would address the root cause of the current migration crisis
which we are observing. Ending the poverty and ending this cycle
of violence which is driving millions of people to flee their
homelands. At present, 200 million out of the current 650 million
people who live in Ibero-America as a whole and the Caribbean,
200 million live in poverty; which could all be changed through
this sort of vision. Remember, China’s vision is to eliminate
poverty in China in a few short years. Why could this commitment
not also be extended to other regions of the world that are in
desperate need of that kind of vision? Again, the New Paradigm of
the New Silk Road spirit is the key here to unlock this seemingly
intractable crisis now plaguing the Western Hemisphere; just as
in the case of the Middle East, of Africa as we discussed
previously, and as we observed in the up-to-this-point successful
solution which has now been committed to in North Korea.
Thus, the Singapore model should be applied to the entire
world. This breakthrough, what we just observed in North Korea,
represents an entirely new era of possibility. And indeed, as
President Trump said, the past does not define the future;
everything now has changed. But we need to seize this
opportunity. As we’ve discussed, this vision — what we just
discussed with the case of Europe, China, and Africa, and also
this case of the United States, China, and South America — this
vision is by no means impossible. In the wake of his success in
North Korea, President Trump now seems committed to continue to
kick over the British geopolitical chessboard, and usher in an
entirely new paradigm of relations among nations. The premier
example of this, of course, is his upcoming summit with Russian
President Vladimir Putin; which by all indications seems to be in
the process of being planned for some time during the month of
July — possibly coinciding with President Trump’s trip to Europe
for the NATO heads of state meeting. This prospect has sent the
entire British geopolitical establishment into absolute hysteria.
Take for example, this article [Fig. 3] which just appeared in
the Times of London under the title, “Trump and Putin Plan
Talks during Europe Trip”. You can see here the subtitle is,
“Alarm in Whitehall ahead of NATO Summit.” This is what the
article has to say:
“Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin are preparing to meet
during the US president’s visit to Europe next month in a move
that is causing alarm in Whitehall.
“The prospect is adding to fears over Mr. Trump’s commitment
to NATO and the effect on his trip to Britain….
“The prospect of a meeting between Mr. Trump and Mr. Putin
appalls British officials. ‘It’s unclear if this meeting is after
or before NATO and the UK visit. Obviously after would be better
for us,’ a Whitehall official said. ‘It adds another dynamic to
an already colorful week.’…
“A senior western diplomatic source said that a Trump-Putin
meeting before the NATO summit would cause ‘dismay and alarm’,
adding: ‘It would be a highly negative thing to do.’
“NATO is due to discuss an escalation of measures to deter
Russian aggression. ‘Everyone is perturbed by what is going on
and is fearing for the future of the alliance,’ a Whitehall
source said.”
So you can see, absolute hysterics on the part of the
British geopolitical establishment. They fear what President
Trump could commit to with President Putin, and that indeed, the
end is nigh for this entire NATO, anti-Russia, British
geopolitical regime in Europe and the United States. Now what
we’re seeing is a mortal threat to British geopolitics. We’re
seeing in many instances a new era beginning to emerge. None of
these cases should be taken in isolation; but in fact, we should
see that the entire global strategic geometry is in fact in the
process of a rapid change and a complete realignment of nations
is in the process. This is really the fear that the geopolitical
establishment has had since the very beginning of President
Trump’s Presidency; that he could be a loose cannon. He won’t be
an Obama or a Bush, who were just following their orders.
Instead, he will assert the sovereignty of the United States and
he’ll pursue an entirely new alignment among the great powers.
That’s what we’re seeing: Collaboration among the United States,
Russia, and China. This has been the key in the breakthrough in
Korea, and it remains the key to unlocking the other outstanding
problems that are facing the world.
In the immediate aftermath of the breakthrough in Singapore,
South Korean President Moon Jae-in also made a three-day state
visit to Russia, to discuss the outcome of the summit and to
discuss the path forward; including how North Korea, South Korea,
and Russia will have a future relationship. This trip included a
bilateral meeting between himself and Russian President Vladimir
Putin. During this trip, Moon addressed the State Duma, making
him the very first South Korean head of state to have ever done
so. He urged a trilateral alliance between South Korea, North
Korea, and Russia; and he urged Russia to “join a northeast Asian
economic community” amid an historic paradigm shift on the Korean
Peninsula. So, this article [Fig. 4] that you’re now seeing on
the screen, titled “Moon Promotes Trilateral Ties in Russia”,
reported extensively on this trip. This is what this article had
to say:
“President Moon Jae-in urged Russia to join a Northeast
Asian economic community amid ‘a historic paradigm shift on the
Korean Peninsula’ in a speech to the Russian legislature, the
first by a South Korean leader, in Moscow on Thursday.
” ‘When a peace regime on the Korean Peninsula is
established, economic cooperation between North and South Korea
will become regularized and expand to trilateral cooperation
involving Russia,’ Moon said before the State Duma, the Russian
legislature’s lower house.
“On Thursday, Moon kicked off a three-day state visit to
Russia, the first by a South Korean president since Kim
Dae-jung’s trip in 1999.
“In his speech to the Duma, Moon mentioned his first summit
with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in April and the result of
that meeting, the Panmunjom Declaration. He also touched on the
subsequent North-U.S. summit, the first ever between the leaders
of both countries, earlier this month.
“South Korea and Russia are already researching and
discussing trilateral cooperation in rail, gas and electricity,
Moon said, adding that cooperation in these areas can create ‘a
strong foundation for a Northeast Asia joint economic community.’
” ‘A stable peace regime between South and North Korea will
enable the advancement of a multilateral peace and security
cooperation regime in Northeast Asia,’ Moon said.
“The president called for expanding technological
cooperation with Russia, which is leading in basic science.
Combined with Korea’s strength in information technology, the two
countries can ‘jointly lead the way toward a new era of the
fourth industrial revolution.’
“He also emphasized the development of Russia’s Far East
region. At the Eastern Economic Forum last year, Moon proposed
building ‘nine bridges’ between South Korea and Russia in gas,
rail, electricity, shipbuilding, job creation, the Northern Sea
Route, seaports, agriculture and fishing.
“Moon also shared his so-called New Northern Policy aimed at
creating an economic region that connects Korea to the Russian
Far East, Northeast Asia and eventually Europe.
” ‘The Korean people desire peace and co-prosperity not only
on the Korean Peninsula but all of Northeast Asia,’ Moon said.”
That article also notes that Moon will be attending the
South Korea versus Mexico World Cup game during his visit to
Russia. But here you can see a second article [Fig. 5] which was
published in the {Korea Herald}, which also reports on the trip;
including some extensive quotes from President Moon’s speech. So,
let me just share this quote, which I think really makes clear
what his vision is:
“There is a grand historic transition underway on the Korean
Peninsula. Now the two Koreas step toward the era of peace and
cooperation, leaving behind the times of war and confrontation.
Once a peace regime is established on the Korean Peninsula that
is when an era of South-North economic cooperation will take off
in earnest. I believe it must be a three-way cooperation that
includes Russia. In the case of railways, when those of South and
North Korea are connected, and the cross-border railways are
linked with Russia’s Trans-Siberian Railway, direct shipment of
goods from South Korea to Europe will be possible. This will be a
great economic gain to North Korea as well as South Korea. And of
course, it will be a great help to Russia, too. Also, in the case
of Russian gas, Russia’s natural gas can be supplied to North
Korea through a gas pipeline, and to South Korea and to Japan
through a sea underwater pipeline.”
So, this is a beautiful vision of what the future of this
region can be, and you can see he also included the role of Japan
in this. But this kind of connectivity, connecting South Korea
through North Korea and then via the Trans-Siberian Railway all
the way to Europe; this is the vision which has been what the
LaRouche movement has promoted for decades, as the Eurasian
Land-Bridge or this New Silk Road. Specifically this vision to be
able to travel from the very tip of South Korea all the way to
the coast of Europe on the Atlantic. This kind of vision is now a
possibility, a very strong possibility because of the peace that
was established on the Korean Peninsula through the efforts of
President Moon, Chairman Kim, President Trump, and also the role
that Russia and China both played in that process. So you can see
that this is win-win economic development as the pathway towards
At the same time that President Moon was in Russia, his
counterpart, Chairman Kim Jong-un of North Korea was in China;
really, literally at exactly the same time. This was Kim
Jong-un’s third trip to China in just the past few months, and he
met directly with President Xi Jinping once again. The {Global
Times} has an article [Fig. 6] which is titled “Kim’s China
Visits Cement Friendly Ties”. This article published in the
{Global Times} reports extensively on Kim Jong-un’s trip to China
this past week. Here’s what this article had to say:
“Kim’s visit might also foreshadow Pyongyang’s shift to
economic revival as North Korea has the need to learn from
China’s experience on establishing special economic zones and
reform and opening up. A group from the Workers’ Party of Korea
visited China on May 16 to observe the country’s economy,
agriculture and technology. It shows that North Korea is trying
to learn the experiences of economic development from other
countries. With its current system, it is very much possible that
North Korea learns from China and Singapore…. There is no doubt
that North Korea will take economic development as its central
task in the future….
“The crux of the regional integration in Northeast Asia is
the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue and its peace regime. With
China promoting the Belt and Road Initiative, North Korea could
be an important country connecting Europe in the west and Japan
in the east. Kim’s visit not only shows North Korea’s friendly
relations with China, but also reflects the urgent need to
consolidate the hard-earned achievements on the peninsula after
the Kim-Trump summit…. [P]eace and stability on the peninsula
will promote North Korea’s economy and help regional integration
in Northeast Asia and even in the Asia-Pacific.”
So once again, you can see this emphasis on regional
integration. {Xinhua}, another Chinese newspaper, in its report
of this meeting between Chairman Kim and President Xi Jinping,
listed two of the sites which Chairman Kim visited in the Beijing
area during this trip there. Both of them are critical to North
Korea’s development. One was a Beijing rail traffic control
center; and the other was a national agricultural technology
innovation park under the Chinese Academy of Agricultural
Sciences. So, this is the future of North Korea looks like,
emulating what China has been able to accomplish in its great
economic miracle, and integrating into this entire region and
ultimately into the entire extended Belt and Road Initiative
globally. So once again, this is an example of economic
development as the path to peace.
Now, Helga LaRouche addressed this extensively during her
webcast yesterday, and she emphasized, as we said at the
beginning of this broadcast today, that what has occurred at the
Singapore summit has unlocked the possibility of similar
strategic miracles that could take place elsewhere globally. And
that this Singapore model is exactly what should be applied both
in the case of what we’re talking about with Europe and Africa,
but also as you’ll see her elaborate more extensively here, in
the case of China, the United States, and Central and South
America. So, let me play that clip from Helga LaRouche’s
broadcast for you now.


: It is sort of obvious, that if
President Trump and President Kim Jong-Un are able to complete
transform a very dangerous situation around North Korea within a
few months, into the total opposite, from the danger of being the
trigger point of World War III, to the absolutely hopeful
perspective that North Korea can be integrated into the Belt and
Road Initiative, with the support of the United States, China and
also Russia; by basically promising security guarantees, lifting
eventually the sanctions, denuclearize completely, integrating
North Korea with the Belt and Road Initiative making it a
prosperous country, these were really groundbreaking
developments. And as President Trump had said in his press
conference, “the past does not determine the future.”
That is obviously the proof that you can turn the worst
situation around if you have an inspiration, a vision, and the
political will to do so….
I think that the meeting between Putin and Trump is
obviously the next important item on the strategic agenda. And I
think the fact that you have now active preparations for it, the
meeting could possibly take place in July, and possibly in
Vienna, is also the result of the fact that the Russiagate has
fallen apart. And as the Inspector General Horowitz said in the
Senate hearing, that this was only on the email scandal around
Hillary Clinton, that there was absolute, unprecedented bias on
the part of all of these people [involved in the Clinton
investigation] and that Trump was completely justified in firing
FBI Director Comey. So I think this has somehow freed Trump to
move forward on this front.
But let me raise another issue, because there are obviously
very bad escalations around this trade war. And tariffs which
have been imposed — I mean Trump altogether raised the
possibility of putting tariffs on $450 billion in imports from
China, and there are now countermeasures going into effect.
Tomorrow the EU will put in countermeasures. Already, such
countries as Turkey, Canada and Mexico are also putting up
tariffs, and there is a big danger of an escalating trade war.
All the media, from Russia, China, — the Chinese were very
indignant, saying this is completely counterproductive; this is a
lose-lose policy. There are many people who voted for Trump —
farmers and industrialists, who are now hit by the effects of
these tariffs and are in danger of going bankrupt. This is no
And what we have proposed, and what I have proposed with the
Singapore approach, would be obviously a solution to this
problem. Because if the United States and China would engage in
joint ventures to develop Central America, Latin America, South
America, the trade volume could be increased so significantly, in
a multilateral way, that the trade imbalance could be overcome by
{increasing} the trade. I would like to get this message out, in
particular, to the voters of Trump who are affected by these
policies, the farmers, people who have cross-investments in part
in China, in part in the United States, who are in danger of
going bankrupt, and that a lot of jobs are in danger as well. I
would like to ask them to pick up this proposal, the Singapore
solution proposal and get it to Trump. Because I think there are
some ideologues in the Trump camp who are also anti-China and who
are extreme neo-liberal free-traders and they are giving him
advice which is really potentially turning his base away from
So Trump could continue to have his excellent relations with
Xi Jinping, add to that an excellent relation to Putin; and then,
go in the direction what he has proven he can do already in
Singapore with North Korea, he could do the same approach —
naturally, the predicates are different, but the approach would
be the same: that you turn a bad policy, a lose-lose policy into
the opposite, and you go on a win-win cooperation. And the world
is urgently in need of such a policy change. I think it can be
done! The fact, that the Singapore summit took place, is the proof
that you can completely change a policy when it is leading
The West right now is really faced with this decision in
general, to either change policy, or collapse! And that is what
is at stake. So I would appeal to the Trump supporters to pick up
on this proposal and help us to turn this around.

OGDEN: So, this is a call to action from Helga LaRouche. As
she said, history can indeed be changed, but you need the
political will to do so. It’s our responsibility to do so, to
generate that political will. This is going to be done through an
educated leadership within the United States’ citizenry. To
conclude, what I’d like to do is to notify you, if you don’t
already know, that an 8-week class series on Lyndon LaRouche’s
method and economics will be beginning starting this weekend,
tomorrow, Saturday. This class series is an essential ingredient
if you intend to develop the kind of leadership which is
necessary to become a leading citizen in this nation right now,
and to understand the dynamics which are happening globally. As
you can see here, this class series, which is on Lyndon
LaRouche’s economic method, is what you need to know for the
future of mankind. The article which was published in this week’s
edition of {Executive Intelligence Review}, which sort of
previews this class series, has an extensive description by those
who will be leading the class series about the contents of this.
You can see here on the screen the article which was published on
this subject, and the text of the description of this upcoming
class series reads as follows:
“Starting June 22, LPAC will offer an eight-part class
series on the science of physical economy. Completely untaught in
American universities today — despite the work of 19th century
American economists Mathew and Henry Carey, Friedrich List, E.
Peshine Smith and many others — physical economy is the only
competent basis upon which a prosperous future for the United
States, or any other country, could be established. Originally
created by German scientist Gottfried Leibniz (1646-1716), and
advanced by Benjamin Franklin and Alexander Hamilton among
others, it was Lyndon LaRouche who achieved breakthroughs in
physical economy in the 1950s that allowed him to accurately
forecast, in nine different instances, crises in the financial
system and the economy, all of which could have been averted. As
a result of his documented success, today LaRouche’s ideas are
widely studied in China, Russia, and other countries.
“Shouldn’t these ideas be studied in the policy circles of
the United States?
“During and after his successful campaign for President,
Donald Trump called for implementing the American System of
economics, but he has done little so far to demonstrate a
scientific understanding of what that means in practice. Does he
have such an understanding? It is unclear. And yet a more
important question is, do you know what the American System of
economics is? Would you like to know all about real economics,
not money? Are you ready to fight to gain that knowledge?…
“In an eight-week course in LaRouche’s economics, you will
be challenged to question all of the accepted, but nonetheless
false, axiomatic assumptions which have wreaked economic havoc on
this nation and much of the rest of the world, increasingly since
World War II, and which continue to be an obstacle to the
creation of a New Paradigm of Global Peace based on Economic
Development. More importantly, you will learn the anti-entropic
scientific principles which underlie mankind’s limitless future.
Most importantly, by challenging and having the courage to change
your own axioms, you will be challenged to make the creation of
that New Paradigm the mission of your life.”
So, as you can see here, this is the screen, this is the
site at LaRouche PAC, the address is discover.LaRouchePAC.com.
You can sign up for this class series; you have to register for
it, and be a participant in this class series. Again, this begins
just this weekend. We are looking forward to the outcome of this
class series and to increasing the number of qualified,
intellectual leaders of this country, as we continue to watch the
world rapidly change.
Thank you very much for joining us here today, and please
stay tuned to larouchepac.com.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche:
»En fælles fremtid for menneskeheden«
Introduktion til bind II af
rapporten, »Den Nye Silkevej
bliver til Verdenslandbroen«

20. juni, 2018 – Vi har den glæde at præsentere Helga Zepp-LaRouches introduktion til den kommende Schiller Institut rapport, »Den Nye Silkevej bliver til Verdenslandbroen, bind II: En fælles fremtid for menneskeheden«. Rapporten forventes udgivet i slutningen af denne måned.

»Den Nye Silkevejsånd« har ændret verden til det bedre i en langt mere gennemgribende grad, end den transatlantiske sektor hidtil blot nogenlunde har forstået. Siden den kinesiske præsident Xi Jinping satte den Nye Silkevej på dagsordenen i september 2013 i Kasakhstan, er en hidtil uset optimisme fejet hen over udviklingslandene i særdeleshed; en følelse af, at fattigdom og underudvikling kan overvindes i en nær fremtid, takket være kinesiske investeringer i infrastruktur, industri og landbrug. Geopolitisk orienterede kredse i Vesten har ikke forstået, at Kina gennemfører en ny model for international politik, der takler det underskud, som arven efter kolonialisme og imperialisme har testamenteret frem til i dag: den absolutte mangel på udvikling. Og fordi Kina således adresserer milliarder af menneskers eksistentielle behov, vil denne politik sandsynligvis blive den største revolution i menneskehedens historie.

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Jason Ross fra LaRouchePAC
Videnskabsteam, USA, i København:
Et nyt paradigme for verden for en
bedre fremtid for menneskeheden

Jason Ross: »Vi har virkelig en utrolig mulighed netop nu for at ændre de koncepter, der udgør grundlaget for, hvordan vi træffer beslutninger – politiske beslutninger, økonomiske beslutninger, selv kulturelle beslutninger. Der har været et angreb på det aspekt af os, der gør os menneskelige. Hvis vi ikke havde en forbindelse til udødelighed; hvis vore liv ikke var i stand til at efterlade noget, til at gøre noget, der går ud over vores egen død, ville vi faktisk, rent kulturelt, ikke være andet end dyr. Vi ville være ligesom en slags dyr; vi ville udsøge os dejlige ting, og det er da rart at have god mad, jeg kan godt lide god mad, og det er en god ting, det er dejligt at have det sjovt; men uden denne evne til at leve på en måde, så man, mens man lever sit liv, ved, at det vil have værdi for altid, så er man ikke et helt menneske. Og man kan ikke fylde det tomrum ved at forsøge at have travlt for at skubbe denne følelse af tomhed væk, eller at forsøge at købe ting for at skubbe denne følelse af tomhed væk; man må adressere det ved at gøre noget meningsfuldt. Og jeg mener, det er den største grusomhed ved det nuværende økonomiske system, som vi har i de fleste vestlige nationer; det skader økonomien; det gør folk fattigere; det koncentrerer rigdom hos mennesker, der arbejder i finansverdenen og assisterer den; det fortsætter Det britiske Imperium; og dets mest tragiske aspekt er, at det stjæler fra os, det tager fra mennesker det, der var blevet udviklet hen over århundreder som en kultur; en kultur, der gjorde det muligt for folk at gøre noget, der ville have mening efter deres død. Og det er det, vi må bringe tilbage som en del af at skabe et nyt paradigme. Det betyder, at vi har koncepter, der går længere end til det, Kina har foreslået med Bælte & Vej Initiativet. Det er et godt forslag. Der er mere at gøre. Det vil jeg komme nærmere ind på, og jeg vil, som denne rapport viser, specifikt tale lidt om Afrika som en case study, ved at sammenligne, hvordan det gamle paradigme har relateret til dette kontinent, og hvordan det nye paradigme relaterer til det.«

Video I: Jason Ross’ præsentation

Video II: Diskussion

Se også den danske introduktion til rapporten:

»Forlæng den Nye Silkevej til Vestasien og Afrika: en vision for en økonomisk renæssance«.


Part 1:


Part 2:

Succesrig Bælte & Vej-seminar i Stockholm

Successful Belt and Road Seminar in Stockholm

On Wednesday morning, May 30th, 2018, the Schiller Institute hosted a seminar together with China’s Chamber of Commerce in Sweden,  China Eastern Airlines, supported by: Embassy of China in Sweden,  China Cultural Center and in cooperation with: China Sweden  Business Council. 

It was very successful with the Chinese Ambassador speaking,  together with the Ambassador of Pakistan, and the Chargé  d´Affaires from South Africa as well as with Stephen Brawer,  Hussein Askary and other prominent speakers. Jason Ross opened  and moderated the seminar which was attended by 83 participants  from embassies, industry, institutions including from the Foreign  Ministry. Media were represented by Chinese media and a  journalist from the largest Swedish tabloid. A number Schiller  Institute contacts participated. The title of the seminar was  “The Significance of China’s Belt and Road Initiative for World  Economic Development.” 

After the Chinese Ambassador, Stephen Brawer made a  presentation including a strong attack against geopolitics and  “the modern form of the British Empire.” The topic of his speech  was: “The Strategic Significance of the BRI: Overcoming  Geopolitics.” As the seminar also had diplomats from Pakistan and  South Africa it was made clear that the Belt & Road is not only  about China but a global perspective. 

Hussein Askary opened up the second panel with a speech  about “The Potentially Transformative Impact of the Belt and Road  on Sweden, Europe and Third Parties.” He presented the work of  the Schiller Institute to promote the New Silk Road since the  early 1990s up to now. He was followed by managers of various  companies from China and Sweden. The Deputy General Manager of  Bank of China Stockholm Branch presented the impact of the B&R  policies on today´s economy. Two Swedish consultants presented  ways and means to develop business, esp. production and  infrastructure between China and Sweden. Also the head of China  Eastern Airlines, who sponsored the seminar, presented his  expanding airline network between Europe and China/Asia. 

In the first question period Ulf Sandmark called for Sweden  to join the Belt & Road bringing up the model of Swedish Chinese  industrial cooperation experience from the Volvo Cars success  story, calling for extending this model of Swedish-Chinese  innovative industrial cooperation to the BRI projects in Africa. 

The seminar was a breakthrough from two standpoints. First  that the Chinese deliberately are taking the gloves off by  inviting the Schiller Institute to speak clearly about the  British role of geopolitics as the ideology behind the hysterical  attacks against the B&R from the Swedish establishment. Secondly  the seminar was a breakthrough for the Schiller Institute in  Sweden reaching out to very productive networks as well as  establishment institutions who were present at the seminar. 

Audience members were very open about saying they learnt  something new about the B&R, which so far for most people, and  especially institutions, has  been misunderstood as some limited  trade policy with China. The global, economic, cultural and  scientific perspective in the new paradigm of B&R had been  lacking in their understanding so far. Bringing in Africa in the  focus, as the continent with an expected more than 2 billion  population 2050 and as the coming motor of world economic growth,  helped very much to widen the perspective of the audience. 

Stephen Brawer´s speech: “The Strategic Significance of the  BRI: Overcoming Geopolitics” started off with the World  Land-Bridge map followed by a picture of Helga Zepp-LaRouche at  B&R Forum in Beijing May 2017. He quoted President Xi Jinping at  Boao Forum, April 2018: In a world aspiring for peace and  development, the cold-war and zero-sum mentality looks even more  out of place. … To promote common prosperity and development in  today’s world, we have no choice but to pursue greater  connectivity and integrated development.” Contrasting that,  Brawer presented the Halford Mackinder´s Heartland theory.  Bringing geopolitics into today with the example of Zbigniew  Brzezinski who used Mackinder´s map in his book from 1997. As an  example for Sweden Brawer pointed to another neutral European  nation, Austria, who has taken a clear stand against geopolitics  and joined the B&R. Touching upon the philosophical East-West  dialogue Brawer pointed to the deep influence of Confucius on the  founder of the American republic: Benjamin Franklin. After a  quote from President Xi Jinping speech at the UN, January 2017  “Towards a Community of Shared Future for Mankind,” Brawer ended  with the quotes from Krafft Ericke from the book the  {Extraterrestrial imperative: From Closed to Open World}, 1971,  about the limitless development potential of space. 

In his speech the Pakistani Ambassador praised the  development corridor China is building in Pakistan from the  Chinese border to the Indian Ocean port of Gwadar. It will open  up the landlocked neighbor countries in Central Asia and also  provide a shortcut into China for the Maritime Silk Road, he  explained. 

The Chargé d´Affairs of South Africa rose to the occasion as  a member of BRICS and took a global perspective and not just  African. He brought up the whole historical colonial past by  referring to the Bandung conference defining the relations  between Asia and Africa. 

In the Q&A of first panel the ambassadors and Brawer  answered questions, where many of the points were sharpened. 

This seminar came at a time where a massive mobilization in  the media and think tank sector against the BRI, describing China  as a new hegemon in the world. An unprecedented number of seminar  have been and will be held around these days on the theme, and a  new state-backed think tank, New Silk Road Observatory, will be  established on June 4th, amid a lot of fanfare. The Schiller  Institute Seminar is the only one with a positive and  constructive tone. In answering questions, the Chinese Ambassador  told the audience to ask the Schiller Institute if they had  questions about the BRI, because they have the best knowledge of  it. The effect on the audience was just that, as many persons  said they wanted to invite the Schiller Institute for followups.


Lørdag 2. juni holder Schiller Instituttet
møde om det Nye Paradigme ved
gæstetaler fra USA Jason Ross,
i Studenterhuset i København.
Mødet er primært for unge mennesker

Jason Ross vil præsentere Schiller Instituttets vision for, hvordan verdens lande sammen kan overvinde det gamle, geopolitiske paradigme, bedst repræsenteret ved Det Britiske Imperium, og indlede en ny æra for menneskeheden. Med konkret afsæt i, hvordan vi kan løfte det afrikanske kontinent op til dets retmæssige plads i et fællesskab blandt ligeværdige nationer, vil der i den efterfølgende diskussion være rig mulighed for at overveje, hvordan vi kan nytænke fremtiden for hele menneskeheden, når vi ikke længere er bundet af idéerne om grænser for vækst, begrænsede resurser og opdigtede fjendebilleder.

Der er begrænsede antal pladser, og mødet afholdes primært for unge mennesker. Gratis adgang.

Tid: Lørdag 2. juni kl. 15-18.

Sted: Studenterhuset, Købmagergade 52, 1150 København.

Schiller Instituttets resolution for
Latinamerika opfordrer nationer til at tilslutte
sig Bælte & Vej og afslutte fattigdom

Leder fra LaRouchePAC, 14. maj, 2018 – Schiller Instituttet er begyndt at cirkulere en resolution i hele Latinamerika, der har til hensigt at fremme en bred debat om, hvorfor områdets nationer må tilslutte sig Silkevejsånden og arbejde sammen med Kinas Bælte & Vej Initiativ. Resolutionen har titlen: »En appel til regeringerne, nationerne og folkeslagene i Latinamerika: Videnskaben om at afslutte fattigdom; Hvis Kina kan gøre det, hvorfor kan vi så ikke også?«

(Kan læses her på spansk )

Resolutionen bemærker, at 200 million af de 600 million indbyggere i Latinamerika og Caribien officielt klassificeres som fattige. »Fattigdom er ikke en naturlig tilstand for menneskeheden«, fremhæver erklæringen; den kan udryddes på én generation, som Kina har gjort. »Kina har reduceret antallet af fattige mennesker fra 875 million i 1981 til 30 million i 2018 – en reduktion på 97 %! – iflg. Verdensbankens statistik. Og Xi Jinpings regering er forpligtet over for fjernelse af fattigdom overhovedet, frem til 2020. Hvis Kina kan gøre det, hvorfor kan vi så ikke?«, spørger resolutionen.

Resolutionen diskuterer dernæst, hvordan Kina har opnået dette. »Som Kina har vist, kan fattigdom fjernes med en økonomisk plan, baseret på udryddelse af spekulation og fremme af videnskabelig innovation og introduktion af de mest avancerede teknologier«, såsom byggeri af et stort netværk af højhastigheds-jernbanelinjer over hele landet. »Kinas fremgangsmåde er i overensstemmelse med den systemiske udvikling af videnskaben om fysisk økonomi, som økonom Lyndon LaRouche hen over fem årtier har udviklet og udbredt.«

Kina udvider nu sin økonomiske succes over hele planeten gennem Bælte & Vej Initiativet, som de latinamerikanske nationer må tilslutte sig, erklærer resolutionen. Anmodningen slutter med en appel i tre punkter:

»Vi opfordrer vore regeringer til fuldt og helt at tilslutte sig Bælte & Vej Initiativet … På denne måde vil vores ungdom, i stedet for fattigdom og narkotika, have en fremtid med store infrastrukturprojekter.

Vi opfordrer vore politiske partier, erhvervssammenslutninger, fagforeninger og andre organisationer til at fremme en bred, national diskussion for at lære om BVI og videnskaben om fysisk økonomi, der ligger til grund for BVI, og til indtrængende at opfordre vore regeringer til at tilslutte sig. Vi vil ikke længere tolerere tomme taler om demokrati og korruption. Tiden er kommet til at gøre en ende på fattigdom – og gøre en ende på de regeringer, der tolererer den.

Vi opfordrer de økonomer, journalister og andre meningsdannere – der foretrækker at ty til ideologiske slogans og geopolitiske argumenter, der har til formål at afvise Kinas beviste succes uden overhovedet at gøre sig den ulejlighed, så meget som at diskutere det – til i det mindste at have så megen intellektuel ærlighed, at de offentligt diskuterer disse ideer – der, trods alt, involverer den menneskelige arts overlevelse – med repræsentanter for Schiller Instituttet, enten personligt eller gennem elektronisk opkobling til en international videokonference.«

Resolutionen er begyndt at cirkulere bredt i flere latinamerikanske lande, både gennem de sociale medier og direkte distribuering på politiske møder og stævner. For eksempel blev, under en march i forbindelse med en politisk kampagne i Colombia, 450 eksemplarer af resolutionen uddelt som flyveblad til deltagerne

De Fire Magter: Et Nyt
Paradigme for fred og udvikling.
BILAG: Lyndon LaRouche:
Draft Memorandum of
Agreement between The United
States and U.S.S.R. (1984)

Lyndon LaRouche: Opgaven, som jeg har defineret den, er: Hvis Rusland og USA, og Kina og Indien, som en gruppe af lande aftaler at initiere og gennemtvinge en reorganisering af det globale finans- og kreditsystem, under disse betingelser med langfristede aftaler af samme type, som Franklin Roosevelt havde ytret før sin død i 1944, indgået mellem hovednationer, kunne Roosevelts plan være blevet realiseret alle disse år senere, og vi kan gøre det i dag. Det er vores chance. Enten gør vi dette, eller også går vi under. Jeg kan forsikre jer for, at, hvis I tror, der findes nogen mulighed for, at det nuværende system kunne fortsætte ind i det forestående år, som et system, man kan arbejde med, og at der ikke vil være en fortsat generel krise, der forværres, på nuværende tidspunkt, vil der ikke komme nogen økonomisk genrejsning i nogen del af planeten, under de nuværende betingelser.


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Download (PDF, Unknown)

Afrikas lysende fremtid på
Kinas Bælte & Vej Initiativ.
Schiller Institut-konference i
New York, 7. april 2018.
Hovedtale af Jason Ross. (Video)


»En dialog om tre præsidentskaber:
Bøj universets moralske bue mod retfærdighed«
Hovedtale af Helga Zepp-LaRouche på
Schiller Institut Konference i New York, 7. april, 2018
(Video og engelsk udskrift)


Den amerikanske præsident Donald Trump, den kinesiske præsident Xi Jinping og den russiske præsident Vladimir Putin kunne, i løbet af de næste par måneder, sammen træffe en række af de absolut vigtigste beslutninger, som ville indvirke på menneskeheden, siden renæssancen i det 15. århundrede. Den mulige løsning på Korea-spørgsmålet er blot et enkelt eksempel. De rette beslutninger, truffet af disse tre nationer og deres allierede i de næste par uger, kunne, i den nærmeste fremtid, begynde at fjerne fattigdom, kolonialisme og krig fra planeten. Løsningerne for at fjerne dette tredobbelte onde ligger både i stjernerne og i os selv.

Britiske imperiekræfter har midlertidigt mistet kontrollen over den svigtende transatlantiske, geopolitiske proces. Nu forsøger de at genvinde fordelen. Ligesom med den britiske efterretningsagent Christopher Steeles Russiagate-svindel, er det nu svindlen med »Rusland forgiftede Sergei Skripal og hans datter«, der efter planen skal drive en kile ind mellem præsident Trump og Vladimir Putin. Hvis denne bestræbelse lykkes, vil alt det arbejde, der er udført af Devin Nunes’ Husets Efterretningskomite og andre, for at afsløre den korrupte rolle, som FBI, Justitsministeriet, Udenrigsministeriet og andre har spillet i det britiskkørte kup imod det amerikanske præsidentskab i 2016, have været forgæves.

Evindelig krig, som de amerikanske administrationer Bush 41, Bush 43 og Obama var fortalere for, kan nu erstattes med en ny økonomisk platform og en ny kulturel platform.

Lørdag, 7. april, er Schiller Instituttets stifter Helga Zepp-LaRouche hovedtaler på denne konference, der skal samle amerikanerne omkring dette optimistiske perspektiv. En vedtagelse af de økonomiske forholdsregler og standpunkter, der kendes som LaRouches Fire Love[1] samtidig med en accept af det stående, kinesiske forslag [om USA’s deltagelse i den Nye Silkevej] ville give grundlaget for at skabe en hurtig forøgelse i amerikansk, produktiv beskæftigelse, levestandarder og uddannelse af ungdommen i USA.

Grundlaget for en dialog mellem de »tre store« præsidentskaber er indeholdt i et dokument af Lyndon LaRouche fra marts, 1984, med titlen, »Udkast til aftalememorandum mellem USA og U.S.S.R.«[2]

Indledningen lyder således:

»Det politiske fundament for varig fred må være: a) Alle nationalstaters ubetingede suverænitet, og b) Samarbejde mellem suveræne nationalstater med det formål at fremme ubegrænsede muligheder for at blive delagtig i fordelene ved teknologisk fremskridt, til gensidig fordel for enhver nationalstat, og alle nationalstater.

Det mest afgørende aspekt ved en aktuel implementering af en sådan politik for varig fred er en dybtgående ændring i de monetære, økonomiske og politiske relationer mellem de dominerende magter og de relativt underordnede nationer, som ofte klassificeres som »udviklingslande«. Med mindre de uligheder, der stadig dvæler i kølvandet på moderne kolonialisme, gradvist afhjælpes, kan der ikke være nogen varig fred på denne planet.«

Sidstnævnte tema vil blive behandlet på mødet 7. april i en præsentation af Jason Ross, medforfatter af Schiller Instituttets Specialrapport, »Forlæng den Nye Silkevej til Vestasien og Afrika: En vision for en økonomisk renæssance«.[3] Med en befolkning på størrelse med Indiens og med den yngste befolkning i noget kontinent i verden, ville Afrikas fysisk-økonomiske udvikling gennem fælles arbejde, udført af USA sammen med Kina, gøre de gamle koloniregimers racister tavse for altid. Verdens to største økonomier kunne, ved hjælp af Sun Yat-sens og Abraham Lincolns »Tre principper for folket«[4], udgøre spydspidsen for en anti-koloniudvikling og fjerne den fattigdom, som er udløser af racisme og krig.

Her følger engelsk udskrift af Helga Zepp-LaRouches tale:


 Schiller Institute Conference with Helga Zepp-LaRouche
        New York City, April 7, 2018



DIANE SARE: Good afternoon.  I’m Diane Sare with the
Schiller Institute here in Manhattan and at the conference
called “The Dialogue of Three Presidencies:  Bending the Arc of
the Moral Universe toward Justice.”
Fifty years ago this year, our nation suffered two major
assassinations:  The first, on April 4th, 1968, was that of
Martin Luther King, Jr.,[5] who was gunned down while he was
participating in organizing for a sanitation workers’ strike in
Memphis, Tennessee; then, on June 6th, Robert Kennedy — the
second Kennedy to be assassinated — who was likely on a
trajectory to become the President of the United States.  I think
it’s very important to reflect on that change in the United
States 50 years ago.  I was very struck a few weeks ago, having
heard about a speech by Chinese President Xi Jinping, where he
spoke in China of the Century of Humiliation.  Starting in 1840,
the Opium Wars against China, which were absolutely devastating
and destructive, run by the British Empire — which is still the
enemy of civilization today; to the Japanese occupation in the
1940s, under which 35 million or more people died.  What
President Xi said to these young people is that, in effect, we
have to take this as a source of strength; that our sacred honor
is that we will never allow ourselves to be humiliated in such a
way again.  And that we will never impose such humiliation upon
any other human being.
So, I was reflecting on the last 50 years in this country,
what we have tolerated.  And before I came here today, I was
reading a little bit from Martin Luther King’s book about the
process leading into his leadership of what became the Montgomery
Bus Boycott.  He described that the unity of the people —
because people may know, it wasn’t just that Rosa Parks refused
to move to the back of the bus and got arrested and somehow there
were demonstrations.  People went on for nearly a year, refusing
to ride the bus.  That meant that people with the postal service
were organizing all these elaborate carpools; and people in their
60s and 70s were walking 12 miles a day to not take the bus.  And
I was thinking to myself, how many Americans today would be
prepared to walk 12 miles a day until we got the Manhattan subway
system fixed, for example?  Or until we found out who actually
was behind the 9/11 terrorist attacks?  Or until the torture of
people, which is completely degrading to man as in the image of
God?  How many Americans would be prepared to do that kind of
hard work over an extended time?  I began to think that this is
the — when Lyndon LaRouche a few years ago, we did a series of
memorial concerts on the 15th anniversary of 9/11; and he talked
about the humiliation of Americans not having done anything.  I
thought that’s kind of an odd term; what does he mean
“humiliation”?  When I was reading what Dr. King had to say this
morning, I thought, “Well, of course.  We should be humiliated.”
In a sense, we should be ashamed that we have allowed our nation
to be in the shape that it is, and not have acted sooner.  If we
would take this opportunity this year, to come to that conclusion
firmly as strongly as Xi Jinping means it in China, then there is
absolutely nothing that can stop us.
The person whom I am about to introduce, has been a very
important leader for 40+ years, 50+ years, in that fight.  It is
a very challenging world right now.  The American people clearly
rejected a continuation of British imperial perpetual war and
Wall Street bail-out policies when they rejected the election of
Hillary Clinton.  Because President Trump represents an
opportunity, as this conference is called “Three Presidencies:
Trump, Putin, and Xi Jinping.”  Because there is a potential
represented by this administration to end the long reign of the
evil British Empire; everything is going a bit crazy.  I heard
this morning, apparently there was a car that plowed into a crowd
in Muenster, Germany, killing several people and injuring many
others, today while we’re here.  In the United States, we are
bombarded; the American news media is violent in its coverage,
because what it does to you is, it causes whipsaw.  You’re
reading one thing one day, another thing the other day. President
Trump says he wants to get the troops out of Syria; and then we
hear, “The White House says the troops must remain in Syria.”
Well, who is the White House?  It’s apparently not the same thing
as President Trump.  So, this causes a great deal of confusion
and anxiety among the American people.
Mrs. LaRouche, who not only is the founder and chairwoman of
the international Schiller Institute, is also a brilliant writer
and scholar.  She is an expert on Nicholas of Cusa, who wrote a
very important paper called “The Coincidence of Opposites.”  So,
I am confident that her address to us here today, will help all
of us to make sense of the situation and give us an idea of how
we can conduct ourselves to end this 50 years of humiliation in
the United States.  So, with that, I’d like to introduce Helga

HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  I want to say “Hello” to you, and I’m
very happy to talk to you, at least via video, so I can share
with you my ideas.
I think in the recent weeks, many people in many countries
have been very distraught about the so-called Skripal affair.
This was the assassination attempt, the poison gas attack on the
former double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter. Immediately,
the Theresa May government accused Russia that they did it.  I
think that this particular situation has demonstrated in a way we
have not seen it ever, what is the role of the British Empire,
the British government, British policies in the present
escalation against Russia, and in a certain sense against China.
This affair was immediately made an issue of NATO, of the
European Union.  Many EU members immediately declared
unconditional solidarity with Theresa May, and they agreed on the
formulation that there is no other plausible explanation than
Russia did it.  I think this reaction is very telling, because it
shows on the one side, the degree of British control in NATO, and
in part in the European Union.  Fortunately, about half of the
European Union members did not agree.  But it also demonstrated
the incredible Orwellian character of the present Western
democracies of the so-called “liberal” Western system.  Because
the idea that you immediately abandon the principle that {in
dubio pro reo}, that the innocence is relevant until proven
guilty; that this was abandoned and that truth was replaced by a
consensus among countries.  If that is the principle of
international policy, then we are all in very bad shape.
The immediate danger is naturally that this thing is not
just leading to mass expulsions of diplomats.  The United States
expelled 60 diplomats; the British expelled a similar number, and
Germany four.  Altogether, I think 23 diplomats in the other
European countries.  But obviously, this has the implication of
leading to a broader escalation of confrontation with Russia and
possibly even war; because this is a prewar propaganda.  If you
look at the timing of this affair, first of all the two Skripals
fortunately seem to be in much better condition.  That raises a
whole bunch of questions because if it was Novichok nerve gas,
then the question is, how did the British have so quickly an
antidote that they are now happily surviving?  Or, maybe it was
not Novichok.  How could they come so quickly to the conclusion
that it was Russia, when Scotland Yard said it would take several
weeks to find out what really was the nerve gas agent used in
this attack.
The timing was at a point where, in the United States, the
whole focus of Congressional investigations of the House
Intelligence Committee, the House Judiciary Committee, similar
committees in the Senate, was about the role of the British
Empire in the Russia-gate affair, or the Trump-gate, or the
Mueller-gate, depending on how you want to call it.  The focus of
several committees started to really put into the limelight the
role of Christopher Steele, the so-called “former” MI6 agent, the
role of the British government, the collusion not with Russia but
with the British in the whole attempt to make a coup against
President Trump.  So, that was very convenient, because all of a
sudden, it was the Russia issue again.  May, in these days, you
could always say that the days of Theresa May seemed to be
numbered; because she was in such an unstable position.
Now, cui bono?  Who has the motive?  In whose interest
would be such an affair?  Well, Russia really has no motive; why
would this occur just weeks before the Presidential election in
Russia?  Would Putin really want to have such notoriety just
before the election, and just before the World Soccer World Cup?
So, also Russia would have had many opportunities to kill
Skripal; he was, for many years, in a Russian jail, he lived for
many years in Great Britain without any problem.  Nevertheless,
despite that, Merkel and Macron, half of the EU immediately came
out saying, “No, it is the only plausible explanation that it was
Russia.”  Boris Johnson gave an interview to a German radio
called Deutsche Welle, where he said that he had absolute
scientific proof from the scientists of the Porton Down
laboratory, who had definitely said that they had 100 % proof that
it was Russia.  In the meantime, the scientists refused to
provide the after-the-fact evidence, and the head of the lab, Mr.
Aitkenhead, said that they could identify that it was Novichok;
but that they absolutely could not identify the source of the
origin of this poison gas.  This was a very lamentable situation,
so the Foreign Office immediately deleted the tweet in which this
was stated; which now has Boris Johnson’s stand there as a liar.
That does not prevent the Theresa May government from continuing
to push the lie that Russia did it.
Many officials in Russia — Foreign Minister [Sergey] Lavrov; Foreign
Ministry spokeswoman [Maria] Zakharova, the head of foreign intelligence
[Sergey] Naryshkin — the all pointed to the fact that the {cui bono} and
the likelihood, and who has the capacity and motive, actually
points to British intelligence.  This whole operation — and this
was pointed out by many experts and commentators — this
absolutely parallels what the British did in the Iraq case in
2003; where also MI6 produced a dossier supposedly proving that
Saddam Hussein was in the possession of weapons of mass
destruction which could reach every city within 45 minutes around
the globe.  That Saddam Hussein supposedly had absolute
connections with al-Qaeda; which was a blatant lie, because
Saddam Hussein used to throw al-Qaeda people into jail and other
things.  But this was then used as a pretext.  So, Colin Powell
gave the famous speech in the United Nations motivating U.S.
participation in the Iraq War.  Then, the war against Iraq
occurred, with many hundreds of thousands of people losing their
lives as a result.
This is what some people in Russia in the meantime have
called “Goebbels” propaganda.  Why is there such a demonization
of Russia?  Why is there a demonization of President Putin coming
essentially from the same people who are also demonizing
President Trump and President Xi Jinping?  This is the same
foolishness which already led to the Second World War and which
could easily trigger a Third World War.  There is the danger that
these war-mongers are repeating the same methodological mistake,
stupidity, which led to two world wars.
What is behind that is a mixture of desperation because the
financial powers of the City of London and their Wall Street
backers and collaborators see clearly that their system is
failing.  Obviously, they have a complete fear that this would go
with a complete loss of their political and financial power.  But
it is also an obsession that their schemes will function, and if
they just have enough containment and escalation then their
system will be proven superior.  They are confronted with their
system not succeeding, but failing; they don’t have the intended
unipolar world, but they are confronted with the emergence of a
completely New Paradigm in the world.
If you want to understand why Russia is such a focus of
Russophobia right now, you have to take the situation back to the
end of the Soviet Union.  Because in the United States, at a
point when the Soviet Union started to disintegrate and there
would have actually been the possibility for a peace order for
the 21st Century, you had in the United States the consolidation
of the neo-cons.  They revived the American Century doctrine,
which originally was formulated by Walter Lippmann in 1943, when
he published a book with that name which then became the entire
basis for the post-war order; the legitimacy of NATO, the whole
Cold War.  It was the idea to revive that with the project for a
new American Century and the idea that you would replace the two
superpower system with an unipolar world based on the
Anglo-American special relationship, and a neo-liberal monetarist
system.  This was essentially a continuation of the idea that you
would control the developing countries, keep them in relative
backwardness, and deregulate the financial system in order to
bring back the power of Wall Street and the City of London, and
basically control the world that way.
In 1989, when the German reunification happened, this was
actually combined with the promise that NATO would never expand
eastward.  You have to remember that the Soviet Union agreed to
the dissolution of the GDR and German reunification without the
use of force.  You could say, in light of the history of the
Second World War, where the Soviet Union had suffered tremendous
losses of life and naturally had a very terrible memory of Nazi
Germany that it was extremely generous of the Soviet Union to
agree to that.  The promise was clearly given not to expand NATO
eastward; this was emphasized many times by the former American
ambassador in Moscow at that time, John Matlock.  In the recent
publications of the archives from George Washington University,
it was also clear that this was, indeed, a promise made.
In 1990, the General Secretary of NATO at that time, Manfred
Wörner, made a speech in Brussels which is worth remembering.  He
at that time said, “The goal for the next decade is the creation
of a European security structure, including the Soviet Union and
the states of the Warsaw Pact,” and that the Soviet Union would
play an important role in the construction of such a security
system, and that he would understand the wish of the Soviet Union
not to be excluded from Europe.  “The West cannot answer to the
erosion of the Warsaw Pact with a weakening or dissolution of
[NATO]”; and therefore, “the only answer is the creation of a
security framework which includes both alliances” and which
includes the “Soviet Union into a cooperating Europe….  The
very fact that we are ready not to deploy NATO troops beyond the
territory of the Federal Republic [of Germany] gives the Soviet
Union firm security guarantees,” Wörner said.
This is all proven by these new documents which have been
published that the West obviously, or the neo-cons and their
British partners, were clearly promoting a different policy and
making fake promises.  On the surface, the offer to the Soviet
Union continued.  Still in 1994, President Clinton said the NATO
expansion is not anti-Russian; it means inclusion instead of
exclusion.  But then, things became more dramatic.  In 1999,
there was the famous Tony Blair speech in Chicago, which was the
definite elimination of whatever relic of the Peace of Westphalia
system existed; and by that, also the elimination of the
principles of the UN Charter — namely, guaranteeing the
sovereignty of every country.  This was clearly a foreshadowing
of what Blair did later in 2003 with the Iraq War.  What replaced
the idea of respect for the sovereignty of countries was the idea
of “humanitarian” interventions.  Naturally, then in 2001 with
the September 11th attack, which was a complete assault on all
civil liberties and civil rights which had been fought for, for
decades.  And it imposed an international regime with the pretext
of the war against terrorism.
What followed then was regime change, color revolution.  You
had the Orange Revolution in 2004 in Ukraine; you had the Rose
Revolution in Georgia.  In the meantime, both the Russian and
Chinese militaries respectively stated that they regarded color
revolution as an absolute total form of warfare.  Naturally, the
Maidan coup against the Ukraine government belongs in this chain.
Also, already in 2002, the United States abandoned
unilaterally the ABM [Anti-Ballistic Missile] Treaty, and
proceeded to build up a global ABM system, which Russia had said
at the very beginning, they could not tolerate the Phase 3 and
Phase 4 of it to be implemented, because it would completely
undermine the strategic stability and therefore be a threat to
the security interests of Russia.
In the 16 years of Bush, Jr. and Obama, these
interventionist wars continued.  Bush declared the “Axis of
Evil,” and the various wars in the Middle East and northern
Africa started to eliminate governments which were not agreeable
to this idea of a unipolar world.  The world was slowly and
steadily going to more Hell, more refugee crises, more misery;
millions of people dying in the Middle East and northern Africa.
Then, in 2013, the world suddenly changed for the better.
President Xi Jinping announced a new model of international
relationships in Kazakhstan — the New Silk Road.  In the
tradition of the ancient Silk Road, which was an incredible
exchange not only of goods, technologies, cultures, ideas, but
also laid the foundation of a dialogue among nations; this New
Silk Road took on a development which is unprecedented I think in
all of history.  In the last 4.5 years, this new Spirit of the
New Silk Road started to catch on, so that by now, more than 140
countries are cooperating in Asia, in Latin America, in Africa,
even in Europe, with the New Silk Road.  You have a tremendous
sense of optimism in Latin America, where practically all Latin
American countries are now building and planning to build
bi-oceanic projects; bi-oceanic railway between Brazil and Peru,
bi-oceanic tunnels between Argentina and Chile, and many other
projects.  So, the Spirit of the New Silk Road has definitely
caught on in the Caribbean and Latin American countries.  It is
for sure the case in the Asian countries, and many corridors are
being built.  Africa has completely changed with the building of
railways from Djibouti to Addis Ababa; all along the eastern
African countries, the western African countries.  If you look at
the map of Chinese investments in railway systems and industry
parks and hydropower in many other agricultural projects, there
is a completely new spirit and self confidence among the Africa
nations that they can now overcome poverty and under-development
for the first time, in the near future.  Even in Europe, where
the EU has been absolutely blocking any cooperation, the New Silk
Road Spirit has absolutely caught on.  You have the 16+1 Eastern
and Central European countries; you have the Balkan countries.
Italy is now engaged together with China in a major project
called Transaqua, which will change the lives of 12 African
nations and bring industrialization into the heart of Africa. But
also, Portugal and Spain want to be the hubs not only for the
western end of the Eurasian part of the New Silk Road, but to be
also a hub for the Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking countries in
Africa and Asia and Latin America.  So, the New Silk Road Spirit
is absolutely on the agenda.  Also in Switzerland, in Austria,
and even in Holland, Belgium, and some of the Scandinavian
This is based on the idea of a win-win cooperation of
respect for the sovereignty of the other country and respect for
the other social system.  This has been an incredible
development.  It’s already 12 times larger than the Marshall Plan
was, but the amazing thing is that for 4.5 years where this
project is now progressing, the Western mainstream media and
Western politicians have virtually ignored it; they have not
reported it, and only in the recent period have they suddenly
realized this is unstoppable.  What is now occurring is a flood
of attacks from the main think tanks, saying this is just an
authoritarian effort by the Chinese to replace the Anglo-American
imperialism with a Chinese one, and they want to take over the
world.  It was quite a sudden change in the coverage and in the
A similar shock happened when they realized that Russia was
absolutely not a regional power as Obama had told, but that
basically it was about to become, under the leadership of
President Putin, a major power again.  So therefore, when Trump
suddenly won the election, the same apparatus which is now behind
the Skripal affair — British intelligence in collusion with the
intelligence heads of the Obama administration — started a
policy of a coup against President Trump.  There was an article
in January 2017 by the British paper {The Spectator}, which said
that President Trump would be gotten out of the White House
either through a coup, impeachment, or an assassination attempt.
That was obviously the policy which these people followed, and
the aim clearly was to prevent President Trump — who had
promised in the election campaign to improve relations with
Russia and bring it back on a stable and good basis — to prevent
Trump from doing it by saying, “If you dare to speak to President
Putin, that just proves you are a Russian agent.”  It took indeed
until the G-20 meeting in Hamburg last year, before Putin and
Trump had a personal meeting and actually hit it off very well.
Also, between President Trump and President Xi Jinping,
contrary to what Trump had said in the election campaign where he
was actually on a quite strong China-bashing mode, he received
President Xi Jinping in April last year at his private residence
in Mar-a-Lago.  And they established a very good positive
relationship between the two of them.  Then, when President Trump
went to Beijing for a visit in October last year, President Xi
Jinping returned this and gave Trump what they called a “state
visit plus.”  President Xi Jinping had the Forbidden City closed
down to visitors for an entire day, and gave a huge long history
lecture on Chinese history to President Trump and his wife.  They
established and deepened their relationship.
In the meantime, also Russia and China established the
deepest strategic partnership in their history.  Putin gave a
speech on March 3, 2018 to the Federal Assembly, where he
announced new weapons systems; basically, a long-range missile
which does not follow the ballistic curve, but is highly
maneuverable. Then also, a nuclear-powered cruise missile which
the West absolutely does not have, and a nuclear-powered
underwater drone which is quicker than above-water ships, and
laser weapons.  This combination of these and other weapons means
that all of sudden, the entire global ABM system the United
States had proceeded to build is obsolete.  President Putin said,
well, the West refused to even respond to all the offers made by
Russia since 2002; but now, they have to respond.  It is quite
amazing that, except the demand of four American ambassadors,
they have not yet responded.  Western media tended to belittle
these new weapons systems, or ignore them for the most part.
[Chinese Foreign Minister] Wang Yi and the Chinese Defense
Minister Wei Fenghe just attended the very large 7th Moscow
International Security Conference, which was attended by 900
guests and 700 media.  Wang Yi said that Russia can pursue its
own interests and play a larger role in the international and
regional stages.  The Chinese Defense Minister Wei Fenghe said he
came in order to send a signal to Washington that the
Russian-Chinese alliance is absolutely the strongest and that
there is a very close cooperation between the Russian and the
Chinese armed forces.
All of these things have to be seen as a dynamic process,
where we are now on the verge also of a full-fledged trade war.
Admittedly, the trade deficit of the United States with China is
untenable; but when President Trump said that he wants to impose
tariffs first on $60 billion trade deficit, and then on another
$100 billion trade deficit, this was met by an unusually sharp
response from the Chinese.  Global Times wrote yesterday that
China will not submit to the U.S. trade intimidation; that China
is prepared to react with a full list of their own tariffs on
American imports; that the trade war will cause pain for China,
but the Chinese society will rally and unite around the
government and the Party; and that they will also present a
detailed plan to respond, and then the Americans would have to
choose if they back their President in doing so, or if they hold
him accountable for the consequences.  China Daily even
mentioned that the Chinese countermeasures could include the
dumping of U.S. Treasuries, of which they have $1.4 trillion as
All of this comes at a moment where, at any moment, we could
have a new financial crash much worse than that of 2008, because
all the central banks did absolutely nothing to remove the root
causes of the crisis of 2008.  They just did quantitative easing,
zero interest rates, and naturally many corporations took that
gratis money to buy back their own stocks so that their stock
exchange values would go up, but the corporate debt would
increase.  Now, as the Federal Reserve is trying to increase the
interest rate, the blow-out of these corporate debt situations
could trigger a complete systemic collapse.  That is just one of
the many facets of this crisis.
An insider in the banking system, a well-placed one, told us
very recently that there is actually the possibility that some of
the financial forces could even deliberately trigger a crash
which they know is inevitable to come, as a deliberate plan to
pull the rug out from underneath President Trump; to bring back
the neo-cons, and that way to solve the problem which they could
not solve with the failed Russia-gate attempt. One thing is very
clear.  If that would happen and the neo-cons would get fully
back in the United States, World War III is as good as secure and
In the middle of this Skripal affair, President Trump and
President Putin telephoned; and President Trump absolutely
refused to send out tweets on this affair or otherwise join in
the present Russia bashing.
I want to make the strong point that there is a solution to
all of the problems I just mentioned.  That is, that there are
many possibilities.  For example, when Presidents Trump and Putin
will have a summit in the near future, they could discuss this.
Also, the Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang had recently pointed
to the fact that there is actually another way to solve the trade
deficit; namely, by massively increasing the trade.  President Xi
Jinping has offered to the whole world, including all the
European nations and the United States, that they should
cooperate with the Belt and Road Initiative.  China could decide
and choose not to dump U.S. Treasuries as a punishment for the
U.S. trade measures, but they could invest the $1.4 trillion in
U.S. Treasuries in infrastructure in the United States.  Diane
mentioned the Manhattan subway system in her remarks, and if you
look at the infrastructure — not only in Manhattan, but in all
of the United States — the condition of the highways, the
absolute absence of a fast train system; it is very clear that
the United States urgently needs investment in infrastructure.
President Trump had promised in the election campaign that he
would invest $1 trillion in infrastructure build-up; but so far,
he has not been able to find any financing, because the private
investors want an 11 % to 12 % return and a complete return of
their capital within 10 years.  Which means it is not possible to
finance it through private investment.  The neo-cons in the
Senate and in the Congress do not want to spend it in the Federal
budget.  The idea to distribute it to the regional and state
governments is just not practical.
So, if on the other side, China, which has a fantastic fast
train system of I think 25,000 km of fast train, and is planning
to connect every major Chinese city with a fast train system and
build 40,000 km of fast train systems by 2020; China could help
to build such a fast train system in the United States and
connect every major city with a fast train system going 350 mph
and in that way, completely transform the infrastructure of the
United States.  This would help not only to overcome the trade
deficit, but it would open the way for joint ventures between the
United States and China in third countries.  In Latin America
where, contrary to what former Secretary of State Tillerson had
said, China is not trying to build an imperial system in Latin
America.  But China and the United States could join hands in
building up the industries of the Southern Hemisphere.  Also, the
same could happen in Asian countries along the Belt and Road; and
also naturally in Africa.  It could happen in the reconstruction
and economic build-up of the war-torn region of Southwest Asia,
and naturally of Africa in general.
This could even include Great Britain eventually, if they
change their government and if they get their crimes cleared up
which they clearly have committed.  But it would mean absolutely
the necessity to reform the financial system of the United States
and Western Europe.
My husband, Lyndon LaRouche, has already developed several
years ago a package which together would absolutely remedy the
situation.  It would mean that the United States should go back
to a Hamiltonian banking policy, to a banking system in the
tradition of Alexander Hamilton; including the Glass-Steagall
banking separation of Franklin D Roosevelt.  Then, have a
national bank, a credit system, then have a crash program for
thermonuclear fusion and joint space cooperation with other
countries in order to increase the productivity of the economy in
a qualitative way.
What people really don’t realize, or most people don’t
realize, is that the present Chinese model of economy and the
early U.S. republic model are very similar.  They’re based on
Hamiltonian principles.  In China, they have now made a huge
effort to eliminate the speculative area, to forbid Chinese
investors abroad to invest in speculation.  It is very clear that
China, even if they don’t call it way, is actually very close to
the American System.  And it is no coincidence that the most
popular economist in China is Friedrich List, the German
economist who was sort of the predecessor to Henry C. Carey, and
who wrote important writings about the different between the
British and the American systems.  Germany also has a tradition
of that; namely, the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau, the Credit
Bank for Reconstruction, which was based on the Roosevelt
Reconstruction Finance Corporation and was the basis for the
German economic miracle in the post-war reconstruction.  So, also
in Europe, you have some relevance and memory of this system.
Now after Xi Jinping had announced the New Silk Road, the
Schiller Institute and our organization published a study which
we had worked on for 26 years with the name “The New Silk Road
Becomes the World Land-Bridge,” which is actually the absolute
blueprint and outline for an international economic cooperation
of all nations overcoming geopolitics.
Now just imagine if we could mobilize the American people to
exert pressure on President Trump and give him backing, and he
would accept the offer of Xi Jinping to cooperate with the New
Silk Road in this way and also the European countries would
eventually recognize — most of them are doing it already — but
even the remaining ones would recognize that the cooperation with
Russia, with China and the other nations who already have jointed
the Belt and Road initiative–that this would be much more in
their self-interest, than the present course of the British
confrontation with Russia and with China.
If such an international economic cooperation could be
realized, it would also be the realistic basis for a global
security architecture which would include among others also
Russia and China.  It would then require that we do exactly what
Xi Jinping has said many times, that mankind needs to move in a
new phase of international cooperation, what he calls the “shared
community of the future of mankind” or a “community of destiny,”
then we could start to focus on the real problems, the common
aims of mankind.  We could build a system to make nuclear weapons
obsolete, a new form of the SDI, what my husband had proposed, in
the end of the 1970s and then it was in the works for several
years; and then on March 23, 1983, President Regan had announced
the SDI as a way for both superpowers to cooperate to make
nuclear weapons obsolete. I think in light of the present danger
of a new arms race and the already-existing arms race and the
danger that this gets out of control, we need such an approach as
a new SDI; and also a new SDE [Strategic Defense of the Earth],
because the planet as a whole is threatened by dangers from
space, from asteroids, from comets, which could really extinguish
life on this Earth.
We should instead concentrate on the common aims of
mankind–the alleviation of poverty, the creation of a living
standard for a decent life for every human being on this planet,
and a system of earthquake precursors and joint space research
and travel.  We should concentrate on space colonization as the
necessary and possible next phase of the evolution of the human
species. I think that if we combine that with a dialogue of
cultures where each nation would emphasize and revive the best
traditions of its own culture, and then have a dialogue among all
of these nations and cultures, we could absolutely create the
basis for a new Renaissance.
Skeptics would say that this is completely unrealistic.  But
I’m saying that the fact that you have these three
Presidents–President Putin, who is obviously recognized and
loved by the Russian people, and has just been reelected with an
overwhelming majority; with Xi Jinping, who is an exceptional
leader who obviously is equally loved by the Chinese population,
and basically they decided to eliminate the limits to his term in
office so that he can guide China in these very, very important
coming years; and President Trump, who is absolutely not what the
media are making out of him, but who has shown again and again
that he has outflanked a pretty difficult factional situation in
his own party, and naturally with a Congress and a Senate which
are very obstructive for the most part.  I think that if the
three Presidents join hands and do what they clearly did very
successfully so far, in the attempt to solve the crisis of the
Korean Peninsula, I absolutely think this is a realistic option.
However, we should not sit on our hands, but we should
really get into an international mobilization to propose this
agenda, and do everything in our means to make it possible.  It
is the life of civilization which depends on it.
Thank you. [Applause]

SARE:  Thank you. We can now take questions from the
audience here. Please say your name, and if you represent an
institution or a press agency, please state what you’re
representing as well.

Q:  I would like to ask you a question on behalf of Weiwei
TV. As you may know, President Donald Trump has already
instituted trade policies on China and China made a serious
response.  So I would like to know how you see the relationship
between the United States and China? And what direction do you
think this relationship is going to?  Thank you.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  I think that we have a very serious danger,
because if it comes to this trade war, as I mentioned, you have
already a collapsing financial system of the trans-Atlantic
region.  And a trade war could easily be one of the elements
triggering a complete meltdown of the financial system and that
would obviously be much worse for the West than for China, which
has taken certain measures to eliminate speculation and put the
whole Chinese economy on a solid ground.  Nevertheless, the
consequences of a financial crash would be potentially extremely
dangerous.  As I said, if the neo-cons would come back and Trump
would be ousted in this context, we would be back to Hell in no
On the other side, the trade war has not yet started.  So
far, it’s just lists, and there is room to put on the agenda a
different proposal.  I think Prime Minister Li Keqiang already
pointed to it, to increase the trade in joint ventures in third
countries.  I think that the more people talk about this idea of
U.S. investments in infrastructure and, for example, Xi Jinping
could reiterate the proposal for the United States to join the
Belt and Road Initiative, I think the trade war can still be
avoided. But it does need determined action.
And I think that the possibility exists simply because the
relationship between Xi Jinping and Trump has so far lasted over
a year, and they have telephoned around many crises; and
basically the Korea situation is on a very good course.  There
will be a summit between [Shinzo] Abe and Trump, who also wants
to play a positive role.  There will be a meeting between Putin
and Trump, hopefully very soon; and Kim Jong-Un and Trump. So I
think there is a diplomatic framework where many initiatives can
be made, and I think the New Silk Road is definitely the answer
to solve all of these problems.

Q:  Hello.  I think what you have said today is just
enlightening.  My name is Alan S.  I’m a screenwriter and
producer of a World War I mini-series, called “The 42nd Rainbow
Division.”  I think history is our greatest weapon and if we
start actually thinking back to what Russia actually did, for not
only World War II, but also World War I.  We would have lost both
world wars. And actually the United States wouldn’t have even
been in World War I, because we would have lost it before we even
got in.  They were a huge ally.
I think history needs to be taught to the young and that’s
why I’m doing this series, is because the younger generations
don’t realize that Russia has been an ally. And now we’re
vilifying Russia and making them into a villain when it should be
the opposite.  How do we actually teach this to the young?  The
younger generations are our hope and they’re our future.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  I think we need to change the narrative of
the neo-cons. Because when the Ukraine crisis started to develop,
President Putin said if it would not have been Ukraine, they
would have found another way to escalate the confrontation with
Russia. And I think that this is absolutely the case.
I think to change the narrative of the Ukraine, because this
is really when the total escalation against Putin as the demon
started, is a very urgent matter because right now President
Poroshenko has announced that he wants to basically have a
military solution for the east Ukraine, which could easily
provoke a war with Russia.
I think the narrative has to be replaced by the truth.  The
truth is that Victoria Nuland bragged that she and the State
Department spent $5 billion in building up NGOs to cause regime
change in Ukraine.  The former Chancellor Helmut Schmidt–even he
admitted that the Ukraine crisis started with the EU expansion
summit of Maastricht in 1992, when the eastward expansion of the
EU was decided, and the crisis was triggered when the EU wanted
to have the association of Ukraine (basically at the end of 2013,
which was the point when President Yanukovych decided he couldn’t
do it because it would have given NATO access to the Black Sea;
it would have flooded Russia with EU products.  This then
triggered the Maidan, which was immediately supported by these
NGOs financed by Nuland and the West, supported by neo-Nazis
which were then causing the violence, and finally the coup in
February 2014, imposing a fascist government as a reaction to
that. And the threat to forbid the Russian language, the people
in the Crimea decided to hold a referendum and they voted to be
part of Russia, so Crimea was not annexed, but it was a vote for
self-determination of the Crimean people.
I’m telling you all of this because part of the demonization
of Putin, is the Ukraine story and what he supposedly did with
Crimea, and all of this is not true.  I think we have to really
make an effort, to maybe produce many more movies and maybe we
can work together to this effect because we have documented many
of these wrong narratives and we must make them known. Because if
the mass media are just portraying this idea that Russia is about
to do everything, and behind every —  it is worse than the
McCarthy period and people are just hyped up which can only be
characterized as a prewar propaganda. Because why do you build up
an enemy image, because you want to make war against this nation.
This is a mortal danger in which the whole world is. And I think
this Skripal affair–the fact that it backfired, the fact that
the British were caught lying, is really also a chance.
I would suggest that we work together on making more movies.
We have already put out a lot of them, but I think we need and
call upon all of you to help to distribute them, and make them
known to as many young, middle-aged, and old people as we can.

Q:  Mrs. LaRouche.  Thank you very much for your speech.  I
think everyone here–we’re very pleased to hear what you said. My
name is Amber J. I’m political activist right now working with
several groups for supporting Trump and also for the midterm
election.  And also, I’m working for fighting for
Chinese-American minority civil rights kind of thing.
I have a question — I believe everybody came to this
conference understands your speech and understands the principle
of three countries cooperating with each other.  But there are
some Trump supporters, they stand for Trump because Trump is
starting a trade war right now.  How would you persuade those
Trump supporters to understand this win-win cooperation between
these three countries, to maximize the effort for these three
countries to cooperate together?
And also I believe a while ago, I heard India and Japan and
probably the U.S.A. talking about starting another kind of
international cooperation in terms of the infrastructure.  That
is the kind of thing similar to the Silk Road, the One Belt, One
Road.  How would you like to define that, or could you say about
something about it?  Thank you.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  I think this is again another narrative
which needs to be replaced by truth. And that is, what is
actually the Chinese policy?  Part of this problem is that for a
long period of time the Western media and certain political
circles in the United States have also painted a very negative
picture about China.  I think Chinese-Americans, and you yourself
could help to correct that.
I must say, my image of China is incredibly positive;

because I was there for the first time in 1971.  This was in the
Cultural Revolution.  And this was an unbelievable experience
because at that time, the country was completely distraught.
People there were unhappy.  The Red Guards took people out of
their homes in the night.  They painted all the cultural
buildings, the Summer Palace and other places in Beijing, with
red paint.
Anyway, I’m just reporting that to say that when I returned
to China after 25 years, in 1996, already with the idea of the
Eurasian Land-Bridge, the idea of the New Silk Road, where I
attended a major conference on that subject in Beijing as a
speaker, the country had already been completely transformed as a
result of the policies of Deng Xiaoping.
But if you now go to China, it is unbelievable.  The country
is prosperous; there is a large well-to-do middle class.  People
are optimistic about the future.  They have an absolute vision, a
self-confidence about China, about eliminating poverty by 2020.
President Xi Jinping has a hands-on policy, going to the
villages, talking to individuals; finding out what measures must
be taken to eliminate poverty.
It’s just such an incredibly optimistic situation–where
also, culturally, China is pursuing the revival of Confucianism.
Xi Jinping personally has made a big emphasis that Confucian
philosophy is being taught on all levels of society.
I think that if people, especially in the Chinese-American
community would amplify our efforts to show the real, true
picture of China, I think the Trump supporters would absolutely
understand, that it {is} in the best interest for the United
States and China to cooperate.  If you think about it, if the two
largest economies in the world cannot cooperate, the danger of
world war is very big.
Many people have talked about the Thucydides trap.  This
refers to the rivalry between ancient Athens and Sparta, which
led to the Peloponnesian War, and the final disappearance of
Classical, ancient Greece.  If there would be a Thucydides trap
between the United States and China; if the United States would
react to the rise of China by a military confrontation, the world
as a whole would not survive it.
China has (especially the Chinese ambassador in Washington,
Cui Tiankai stressed that it is not the intention to replace the
U.S. as the strongest power, but to have a special great power
relationship, where both of them respect the sovereignty of the
other, respect the different social system of the other, and then
join hands and cooperate in all strategic matters.
I think there must be a very big mobilization where the
image of China in the United States is being straightened out,
because once people know the beauty of Chinese culture, the
optimism of the Chinese population, everything will change.
It is right now that the United States has a big moral and
cultural crisis.  You have for the first time the life-expectancy
going down.  For two years in a row, you have the life-expectancy
of all categories of life in the United States shrinking.  If
there is any parameter for a collapsing economy, it is the
life-expectancy. And that is naturally due to the new opium
epidemic, the rate of suicides because of depression, alcoholism,
and the terrible culture of death, which expresses itself in the
youth culture, violence of the video games, in the whole
entertainment industry, which is contributing to these many
school shootings.
You do have a cultural problem.  And I think you have to go
back to the philosophy of Benjamin Franklin, the founder and
father of America, who used to be a complete Confucian
philosopher.  He recognized the wonderful aspects of the moral
philosophy of Confucius and modeled his own moral system on the
basis of Confucius.  There are many parallels.  You have the
Confucius tradition with Benjamin Franklin, and in China, you
have the American System of Alexander Hamilton in the early phase
of the American republic, and now, in the Chinese model.  And you
have many similarities which, once you see, you can see that
there are universal principles uniting these two countries, which
are much more deep and much more important than the superficial
I would say the best thing one can do to intervene in this
situation is, we have proposed the project for the China
investment in infrastructure.  This has been picked up by a
Chinese professor recently, John Gong.  It has been covered by
CGTN TV.  There is a very famous Trump supporter in California,
who just made a similar proposal.  I think that has to be talked
up. I think we have to talk up the idea of overcoming the danger
of a trade war, by putting instead on the table Chinese
investment in infrastructure, U.S. and China joining in joint
ventures in third countries, and start a real cultural dialogue,
so that the two people start to know each other and know the best
of each other. And that way we can overcome this crisis.

SARE:  Helga, I have a question which I think is related.
You may want to say more.  It comes from Sr. Pat C., of the
Dominican Sisters of Peace who is also a member of the alto
section of the Schiller Institute chorus.
She writes, “In your view, what concrete actions now will
help catalyze the transition from a competition of nations to
cooperation and mutual respect?”
I think you largely have addressed that, but there may be
more that you want to say.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  I think that the knowledge about the
incredible dynamic of the Belt and Road Initiative, once people
know that, it changes there view.  For example, take the case of
Austria.  Austria is a small country, but they want to take a
leading role in becoming a hub for the New Silk Road.  They just
had a conference planning to broaden the gauge of the railway
from Vienna all the way to Moscow, so that they can be better
integrated in the container trains and similar things.  All the
Balkan countries are completely on board.  The Eastern European
countries, the Central European countries are all planning to be
hubs and bridges.
The excitement in Africa– I mean, if people would know,
there is a completely different spirit!  No longer do the
Africans want to be receivers of donations.  They want to be
treated as equal partners. They want to have investments, and the
spirit of the New Silk Road has absolutely changed the
self-esteem and self-confidence of all the African leaders and
many of the people.
Just take this case of the Transaqua project.  Transaqua is
a project which was originally proposed by Bonifica, an Italian
engineering firm, already more than 30 years ago. And the
Schiller Institute and the LaRouche movement were campaigning for
that for decades, because it is one of the key projects for the
entire continent.  What it would essentially mean is that you
would take about 3-4% of the water from the tributaries of the
Congo River, at a 500 meter height, and then by gravitation, you
can bring this water through a system of canals all the way to
Lake Chad, which is now dried out to less than 10% of its
original volume.  This affects the live immediately of 40 million
people in the Lake Chad Basin.  When you bring this water back
into Lake Chad, not only do you fill up this lake again, and
create large volumes of water for irrigation for agriculture; you
also create an inland shipping system for 12 countries in the
heart of Africa; you create hydropower; you create a system of
industry parks, of industrialization. So you bring in the
industrialization in the middle of Africa, and that with all the
other infrastructure projects, will mean Africa has a future.
By the year 2040, there will be 2 billion people living in
Africa, and they need these jobs, they need education, they need
the kinds of projects, so that people are no longer marching
through the Sahara and dying of thirst, which is happening now
more than people even dying in the Mediterranean–it’s just not
being reported.  These young people would instead help in the
building up of the African continent.
This is such a fantastic development, and if the Americans
would know about it — I mean, I’m only talking about the tip of
the iceberg — but if people would see the sheer volume of change
and the magnitude of change which is already happening, they
would become absolutely optimistic and change their view, and
recognize that in the history of mankind, geopolitics is
something that absolutely has to be overcome, if we are supposed
to survive as a human species.  In the age of thermonuclear
weapons, if you do not overcome geopolitics, we are going to be
the destruction of our own species; and nobody in their right
mind can really want that because even those warmongers, who are
pushing it, would be eliminated themselves, too.
I think that the moment has absolutely arrived.  If we go
into a mass advertising campaign, a mass education campaign,
about the existence of this New Paradigm, I think it can
absolutely inspire the Americans and make the change which is
necessary in the short term.

Q: Hi, I am an American citizen and a Confucian, I believe
in Confucianism.  I’m an independent scholar of language and
civilization.  I was an instructor of Chinese at Harvard
University, in the Department of Eastern Language and
I have the same idea as you that America needs to join
China’s One Belt and One Road plan.  I grew up 10 years ago,
during the age of reform of China. I worked as at the FESCO, the
Foreign Enterprise Service Corporation.  I think more than 20
years ago, many American, European and Japanese companies
invested in China, and gave us was a better economy, and I think
it was very important.
Now, I think in the 21st century, China’s economy is much
improved.  It’s time to bring China’s investments into America
and to help America’s economy.  That’s why in 2016, I was for
Donald Trump.  I want to work with American people; I want to be
the bridge to connect China and America, to bring China’s
investment into America, to best help America’s economy.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Very good!  So many you can join with the
Schiller Institute to help us, to get this message out widely.
Because you know, already now the states which are doing large
business with China, see the advantage.  When President Donald
Trump was in China last November, he had with him delegations
from several states — West Virginia, Alaska, and some others.
And in the case of West Virginia, he brought back trade deals
and investment deals worth $83 billion!  And the governor of West
Virginia is completely optimistic that this will give back hope
to all the people in West Virginia.
And there are many projects, for example, one very exciting
idea is that Beijing, and the region of Hebei province and
Tianjin, this is a region of about 130 million people, and there
is a now a huge project whereby this region will be changed,
where the heavy industry, which still has some environmental
problems, causing smog and pollution is now being outsourced into
Hebei province and modernized; a new city is being built, I think
its name is Xiong’an, which is in the middle between Beijing,
Tianjin and Hebei, and it’s completely modernized.  Beijing on
the other side, will have lots of research and development, which
is much cleaner for the environment, and all of this is supposed
to be connected through an infra-urban modern transport system,
including modern maglev.  And the recent “Two Sessions”
conference and the National People’s Congress in China, the party
discussed building a new maglev system of 600 kph speed, for the
connection between the cities, and an inter-urban slow maglev
system of 160 kph.
This is very good for urban transportation, because the
beauty of the maglev system is that it accelerates immediately:
You are in a few seconds at full speed, with the slow maglev
you’re only going 160 kph, which is enough for inner city
transport; and they want to connect this entire region with this
modern transport system, so that essentially no job will be more
than 20 minutes away from the home of the working person.  So you
save all this commuting time.
And my idea is that this model of the Tianjin-Hebei-Beijing
region could be a model for the modernization of New York, New
Jersey, San Francisco, Los Angeles, the Midwest, and you actually
do something like that inside the United States.  And I think
President Trump is a developer; he knows about infrastructure,
and I think we just have to make sure that the Trump supporters
know about these plans, and that we create an environment where
this is actually intersecting the present crisis and danger of a
trade war.
If you move quickly enough, and get the Trump voters all
inspired with this idea, I think we can do a miracle. And I
definitely believe in miracles, as long as we do them ourselves.

Q: [follow-up] Thank you very much.  I totally agree with
you.  I believe that to bring China’s investment and enterprise
is more important in the trade market.  And secondly, I was a
professional Chinese instructor:  I want to educate more
Americans and Chinese people to understand each other, and make a
friendship to develop together.

Q: I’m José V.: I’m here from New York City.  Earlier you
touched upon the youth culture and the culture of death, and I
was hoping you could touch more upon that, because in my
experience — and I’m only 19 myself, too — but from what I see
of people around me, but also my nephew who will be turning 15
this year, I see he’s more interested in violent video games and
yelling into the microphone to imaginary people who aren’t there,
and spending a lot of money on things that will never really help
him out in life: for example, he brought a $300 belt buckle,
because it said somebody’s name on it, I think it’s Gucci. He’s
more interested in reading violent comic books that display gore
and showing people’s insides — I don’t have to go into that, you
know about that.
My question is, how do we overcome this violence?  How do we
overcome this culture of death, and how do we overcome this
culture of violence?  And more importantly, how do we stop
getting young people wanting to escape from reality by taking
drugs and whatnot?  So that’s my question.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  I think what we need for that is a mass
movement for development.  Because, first of all, I studied this
question some years ago, when we had some guests and the children
who came with the guests asked me if I knew about Pokémon, and
naturally I had never heard about Pokémon.  And they said:  Oh,
it’s beautiful, it’s violent, it’s fighting.  So I was so shocked,

I started to look into it, and I discovered Pokémon as a sort of

introduction drug to video games, and then naturally, the
evolution, where these video games come from.
Well, they were developed by the military in the postwar
period, because people had recognized in the Second World War,
only 15% of the soldiers were ready to shoot the enemy, because
human beings have a sort of natural barrier inside them, which
they don’t want to overcome, and when they kill somebody it goes
against that.  So many people have a healthy block, — or had a
healthy block. So the military developed these quickly changing
targets, like in target practice, not having just one target but
having many, and they change and move, so that you would learn to
shoot quickly — shooting, shooting, one shot after the other —
in order to train people to overcome the normal adrenalin shock
which happens if you shoot at another person; if you are not
brainwashed, then you have an adrenalin reaction and you start
shaking and so on.  So they wanted to get away from this, by
having these video simulations, where people would learn to
shoot, to increase the killer ratio of the soldiers.
So this is the basis for these video games which then became
commercial.  And while, in the military, and obviously it’s a
terrible thing in the military also, but at least you have an
officer, you have some guidance, you have military discipline;
but when these video games, which have become more insane over
the decades, if they are accessible to young children, and these
young children have not had any kind of an inoculation through a
humanist education, through the recognition of beauty in
Classical culture, through moral guidelines given to them by
their parents, but where you have a culture where everything is
allowed, everything goes — movies become more violent, more
perverse, more pornographic; even snuff movies, where killing is
being filmed, or at least the illusion that people are killed is
being filmed, this is really deadly stuff!  This destroys the
cognition of anybody, but especially of young people.
And when young people, then, children, pupils, students,
become autistic because they are only living in their social
media, and have completely lost the ability to relate to each
other, this is the death of a culture.  And I think this is
what’s happening in the United States.  You would not have these
unbelievable numbers of mass school shootings:  Like after
Columbine in 1999, there were 38 mass shootings. And after the
Parkland shooting, you had 50 alarms in the schools per day,
where pupils would see another pupil having a weapon, or having
crazy messages.
Now, obviously, this brings us to the question of, who is
promoting this?  President Trump had a meeting in the White
House, where he met with the pupils of the school in Parkland,
and the producers of these videos.  So obviously, President Trump
is aware of it, and I think we have to strengthen his resolve to
move against it.  And it happens to be that the Parkland
incident, in particular, was also the work of the FBI, because
they established a system which is run by some uneducated call
center, and so, many of the hints which were clearly given
before, were missed.  And it now turns out that in the Orlando
case, the father of the shooter was a longtime FBI informant.  So
there is a lot of these things to be pursued.
But I think the key thing is a mass movement for
development.  Because, if young people have no hope for the
future, and have no perspective, because it’s now the common view
that the coming generations will be worse off than the present
one — this is the first time ever this has happened; because
it used to be a moral standard for families, for everybody, that
you work so that your children will have a better life than
yourself.  And this has been abandoned for the first time.  So
what will young people have as a perspective?  Well, they have no
future.  And that is a huge difference!  And I can assure you,
I have seen it in all cases: There is a gigantic difference
between the optimism of the youth in China, and the pessimism of
the young people and the population in general in the United
States, and in countries like Germany, for example.
So the absence of a vision, where the future of a nation, of
the world will be, is what is feeding this kind of culture of
death, because then it doesn’t matter, life doesn’t matter, life
is worth nothing, whether you shoot somebody or not it makes no
big difference.
So I think a mass movement for the kind of economic
development which we were talking about before, is an absolute
ingredient, so that people have a reason to study, to develop
their minds, to develop their cognitive powers, to be productive.
If you have the feeling that you can be an astronaut, that you
can be a scientist in the realm of a thermonuclear fusion
economy; that you will travel to the Moon Village in your
lifetime, you have a motivation to study!  And I think without
such a motivation, it is very, very difficult.
So I would not look at it as a separate issue:  I would look
at it as an integral question to the whole discussion we are
having here.

Q: Thank you for your work, today, and throughout all your
I’m Father Richard D., Franciscan Servants of God’s Grace.
My question to you, is we know that the President has written a
book showing that his way of dealing with a problem is to take an
{extreme} view, so he has room to compromise, to come back to
what he actually wants.  Do you believe he’s doing this with the
international trade situation?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: I don’t know; it may be.  Because I think
President Trump has said of himself many times, that he knows how
to make deals, that he would get better agreements that most
other people.  And it may very well be that such an idea exists,
that he makes big announcements of tariffs and so forth, and then
in reality, he’s negotiating and has his ambassador and other
people, trade negotiators, making such a discussion.
I don’t know.  I find it a little bit risky, because I saw
some Chinese articles where they said that some people may think
that they can get a better result this way, but that China will
not be intimidated into making compromises and basically will
answer back.
I don’t know.  I think it is not necessary.  I think this
particular idea that you make a huge attack, and then you go for
something less, is still, in my view, — and as you probably have
realized, I’m very positive about the potential of President
Trump; I’ve stuck my neck out a year ago, when I said that if
Trump is able to put the relationship with Russia and China on a
positive basis, he will go into history as one of the greatest
American Presidents, and I stuck my neck out.  And I’m repeating
this, here.  So, as you can see, I’m very optimistic and positive
that it could happen.
But I also think that this particular style of negotiation
is very dangerous, especially in an environment which is fraught
with dangers as I touched upon in my earlier remarks.  A much
better way, in my view, would be to just say, “We want the United
States and China to work together on a New Paradigm.” There is
already the Belt and Road Initiative. The United States could
have some program, they could call it the American Silk Road, or
the American FDR Revival, or the American Founding Fathers
Celebration, if they don’t want to be part of something which
already has been put out by China, it doesn’t matter, as long as
the content of the policy is the same on.
And I think the potential for things to grow into a higher
level of reason — I mean, here we are talking about the one
humanity.  I mean, I think the spiritual dimension, if you want,
has to be brought into this matter, because man is different from
all creatures, because we are gifted by God with creative reason.
And you don’t have to be a Christian, you can be a Confucian
philosopher, you can be a Buddhist, you can be just a good
person, to understand that we have reached a point in human
history, where we either recognize that we are all part of the one
humanity, or we will not make it as a species.
Since Diane mentioned earlier Nicholas of Cusa, I can only
say, that Nicholas developed a way of thinking which  — she
mentioned in the Docta Ignorantia, the “coincidence of
opposites,” which is the idea that because we are capable of
creative reason, we can think the One as having a higher quality
and a higher power than the Many: The one humanity being first,
and then the many nations being also important, but being not in
contradiction to the progress and wellbeing of the one humanity.
So I think if we understand that it is really the question
of addressing that in us, which makes us human, the creative
potential, then I think we can just find a way of shaping a New
Paradigm where mankind is defined from a common future, how do we
want to be existing as a human species, in 100 years from now, in
1,000 years from now, or even in 10,000 years from now?  Because
we can think the future!  No dog, no donkey, not goose can
think the future.  If you tell a dog, “Let’s have a walk
tomorrow,” the dog will hear the word “walk,” which the dog
probably knows, and jump to the door and wag its tail, and be
happy.  But if you say “tomorrow,” it doesn’t mean anything to
the dog!
But I think we need to raise the level of our communication,
and just really do our duty as a human species, and prolong our
existence indefinitely, by working together.

Q: My name is J.  I’m the author of two books, Evidence Not
, and Spread Real Love.  I want to thank Mrs.
LaRouche; I want to thank this organization.  You’re some fine
people.  As I travel around America, I see many things:  I just
had to buy a new car, because the one I had had over 205,000
miles on it; and the one before that had 186,000 miles on it. But
I’m going around the countryside, and other countries, also,
spreading, putting this literature out for so many years.  And
I’m impacted with this organization.  It has some very find,
smart brains, that are sitting here in this auditorium today, and
I just thank God for you.
And when we come to a situation like we have today, I want
to know how we can go forward?  How we can promote civilization?
How we can carry on?  But if we have learned anything from our
history, we have to look back and look at our history, and look
at our results.  We have something that’s so profound here
today; we don’t get this kind of information on the TV no more. I
used to watch so much news, but now, they say the news is not
absolutely real! They say something about “fake” — I heard that
over and over again, so I turned my television off from the news.
And when I can come and get this type of real information, in a
setting like this, it makes one want to go forward.
So I’m here to help anyway I can.  I’ll put another 100 and
some thousands miles on the car I just bought, to get this
information out to the people, because if you don’t get it, the
news is not going to give it to you correctly, the way it should
be given.  So, I’m just thanking each one, and all of you that’s
working — just as I am;  Matt Guice, I’ve been working with him
since the ’90s; Lynne Speed and Dennis Speed, I’ve been working
with these people since the early ’90s.  And I’m so proud.
One thing, let me say, I think the reverend right before me,
a religious man — I sit in a church now, and I’m the only deacon
there!  Why is this?  Look where we’re going?  Why is that? We’re
reforming, we’re conforming, we’re complying to every situation
that’s not good.  And I think we have some real strength here,
and we can do some great things.  The main thing is, keep going
forward.  Thank you.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Well, I think people have to be courageous,
because the paradigm shift which occurred in the United States,
which you, Diane, referenced in the beginning, which really
started with the murder of John F. Kennedy and then the murder of
Martin Luther King, and the assassination of Robert Kennedy, you
know, we had several years ago, a Mozart Requiem performance in
Vienna, in the suburbs of Washington, and also in the Boston
Cathedral, commemorating the paradigm shift which has occurred in
the last 50 years of America, where, the fact that the Kennedy
murder, and also the murder of Martin Luther King, was really not
avenged — or,  not avenged, but not even investigated, and the
real culprits made known and punished, which has led to people
becoming depressed.  I said many times, the Americans almost have
become like the Germans, because if you ask a German person to do
something, 99 % of the people say “Oh, you can’t do anything,
anyway,” so people are really depressed, and feel that they are
powerless in the face of what is happening.
And that has happened to America as a result of these
unclarified murders.  And since we have this event today, because
of the 50th anniversary of the assassination of Martin Luther
King, I think it’s a very good moment in history, to say, we will
not allow the murderers of King to be successful in eliminating
the hope which he represented.  I mean, Martin Luther King was
murdered at a moment when he had started to pick up many of the
same issues which are now being, in reality, changed by China.
Because he had started not only to take up the question of
economic justice inside the United States, but also he had
started to take on the question of jobs and overcoming poverty in
developing countries.  And that is what China is doing, exactly
today. And in the same way as the Schiller Institute has been
campaigning for, and LaRouche and his movement have been working
for, for almost half a century, is now becoming a reality.
So there is reason for optimism.  And I think that the best
thing we can do in a moment like this, thinking about the memory
of Martin Luther King, is to say, we will pick up the torch, we
will not allow the American people to be passive and desperate
and ignorant and all of these things, but we will all turn into
active members of the Schiller Institute, help to spread the
message; make the Schiller Institute a Renaissance movement, a
moment fighting not only for the economic buildup of the United
States, but also for a cultural Renaissance.  I think the two
things absolutely have to go together.
So I would encourage all of you to absolutely work with us,
because I think the solution to all of these problems are
absolutely within reach.

SARE:  As the next person is coming up I would just tell
everybody, during the break you will have the opportunity to do
exactly what Mrs. LaRouche has said, which is to become a member
of the Schiller Institute at our literature table.  And to
purchase copies of these very important, world-changing reports:
This is the one she mentioned, “The New Silk Road Becomes the
World Land-Bridge,”  which we produced right after Xi Jinping
announced it. And this report, of which Jason Ross is a coauthor
on “Extending the New Silk Road to West Asia and Africa: A Vision
of an Economic Renaissance.”

Q:  Hi, I’m Donald C.  My quick question is about the
liberals.  How are they teaching curriculums to our kids, and
they’re not giving them the chance to learn the right stuff, and
they’re just forcing the kids what their beliefs are?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Yes, that is a big problem, because it
started with John Dewey, to basically develop this liberal
pragmatic idea of education.  And unfortunately, you have
generations of people who have gone through different phases of
such elimination of Classical literature, of natural science, so
it is a real problem.  And I would think that the best way to
proceed on that, is if you look at the kind of materials which we
present in the present [What Is the New Paradigm?] class series,
which you can find on the LaRouche PAC site, and you can register
to be part of it, this is the kind of curriculum which was
developed especially with the ideas of my husband, Mr. LaRouche,
who did an incredible job, because he revived the best traditions
of the 2,500 years of European civilization, the traditions in
science which were the source of qualitative progress, the great
Classical arts; and this is something which is not taught in
American schools, for the most part.
And I think we have to form, basically, educated people, who
then hopefully, we can influence this present administration to
change that.  I think President Trump has repeatedly shown, at
least for certain areas, an understanding; he talked about the
American System of economy; he talked about Lincoln and Carey, he
talked about Hamilton. So in the economic field there is
definitely something there, which we can build on.  I think there
are many other people are equally concerned about the condition
of the school system.  But I think the best thing is that you
register for these classes [http://discover.larouchepac.com/]. And
if you haven’t already done it, you can also watch some of the
previous classes in the series.[6]  Get yourself absolutely a firm
grip on universal history, of the great advances in science and
culture, and then, you know, basically help us to organize
Because it will come from many places.  There are many
people are realizing that at this point it is the scientists, the
engineers and such people, who will be much more important in the
shaping of things, than many politicians who are part of a party
system and partisan, and therefore, don’t really regard these
issues are the important ones.
But the best advice I can give you right now, is if you join
with our efforts, we find ways to address all of these issues,
and build a growing movement to demand such a change.

Q: Thank you very much.  Your comments were very insightful.
I believe in the paradigm where the United States, Russia and
China, essentially a triumvirate is essentially going to lead the
world, hopefully forward and out of the morass that we’ve been
in. Especially over the prior eight years before this current
President came into office.
The question, I want to ask is, what do you perceive would be
the case — because I don’t believe this economy in this country
would have lasted another year, under the current policies.  We
would have had a significant economic drop which would have led
to, since this country’s GDP is 25 % of the world’s, would have
had a worldwide, negative impact.  Having said that, what do you
perceive would be the consequences in this country, or the for
that matter the world, on the movement forward that has occurred,
if President Trump did not have the position he has?  He may be
President, but he may have a weakened political system, in the
sense of a House and the Senate: Would we be able to move
forward?  And what would be the consequences, and under what
conditions could we move forward?  Could this economy continue to
grow if he can’t implement his policies?  What would be the
international consequences of that, from your perspective?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  I think the strongest situation is Trump’s
relation with his voters.  That despite all of the attacks by the
FBI, by the British, by the heads of the intelligence services
from the Obama administration, — I mean, he had a pretty tough
environment, and nevertheless, he goes back to his voters, he
holds a rally, and the support for him is actually growing in the
polls.  So I think that that is for sure, a very strong point
which we should build on, because if we keep strengthening that,
and if we keep informing the Trump voters on all the issues we
are discussing here, that can actually help to outdo the Congress
and the Senate.
And since there is a midterm election, there is actually a
very good moment to do that.  I mean, the danger is naturally
that Trump could be convinced that to take an anti-China stance
would help him in the midterm election.  I mean, I’m not sure;
I’m not close enough to the situation to make a judgment on that.
But I think the strong point is, Trump is close to his
voters, the voters still recognize what a change he means, and I
think that we need to have a mass mobilization — I think there
is no shortcut from that; because the danger is very acute. What
I said in my initial remarks, when we talk to some really
well-placed figure in Europe, who said that there is a discussion
to pull the rug out from under Trump with a new financial crash,
and if you think that this is a conspiracy theory — well, maybe
before the Skripal case, you also thought that such things are
conspiracies, but we have just seen a classic example of how you
can manipulate a whole international community of nations to go
into an attack on Russia, based on a lie!  So these things do
happen and they can happen.
Now, there are also many warnings.  Just today, I think some
representative of the firm of Guggenheim put out a warning on
this corporate debt question that a financial crash can happen
at any moment.  And basically, you have the European banking
system, the Italian banks are in terrible shape, you have a
policy where the trigger point of a collapse of the financial
system is many-fold.  It’s also like a minefield where it’s not
clear which mine will trigger the explosion, but once it happens,
you could have a systemic blowout, much worse than that of 2008.
Because the central banks have done absolutely zero, to eliminate
the root causes of the crash of 2008.  They have, instead, used
the so-called tools and instruments — namely quantitative
easing, negative interest rate, money pumping — but this has
reached the point where now the Fed is forced, or think they are
forced, to increase the interest rate, because a negative
interest rate is very bad for the real economy, it’s bad for the
savings of the people, it’s bad for life insurance, it’s bad for
real investment; and the hyperinflationary consequence of such
money-pumping is already visible on the horizon in the form of
the totally overvalued stock market, in the form of real estate
prices, in the form of many other such phenomena.  So the Fed
needs to increase the interest rate, but that is already bringing
the immediate potential for a new crash.
If that happens, I think we are in {real} trouble: So our
whole point, is we need the implementation of Glass-Steagall, and
the Four Laws developed by Lyndon LaRouche, before the crash
happens.  I think this is also a subject — there are these four
dialogues which have been established between President Xi
Jinping and Trump; one of them concerns the dialogue on economic
matters; China has put a lot of emphasis on the dangers to the
international financial system, at the G20 meeting in Hangzhou
[in 2016] and on other occasions.  So I think that this question
needs to be urgently addressed, also between the United States
and China in these negotiations.
And then, if you put the whole package together, the Four
Laws — Glass-Steagall, a National Bank, a credit system in the
tradition of Hamilton, a crash program for the increase in the
productivity of the labor force, and then joining hands in the
Belt and Road Initiative — all of these measures together are a
very, very practical and realistic way to overcome these dangers.
But it is very urgent, because we are sitting on a powder keg,
and I think it can be done, but we need a lot of people of good
will to become active with us.

SARE:  Helga, we’re just about up on time. We have two more
questions.  Do you want to take both, or one, or?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Well, maybe both together, and then I’ll
answer both.

Q: Hi Mrs. LaRouche.  My question to you is, is that right
after the shooting at Parkland, [Broward County] Sheriff Israel
was all over the news speaking about going to all members of
Congress to use the Baker Act, to detain and profile people that
have experienced some sort of depression.  And that’s of great
concern to me, because there are many people who have experienced
that, and I feel this country is becoming more like Germany back
in World War II.  So I’m kind of scared, and I’d like to know,
what’s your opinion on it?  Thank you.

SARE:  OK, next question.

Q:  Hello, my name is Steve S.  I would just like to ask,
how much of a role do you think that psychological warfare plays
in everything that’s going on?  And how can we counter it?  Are
there people out there who specialize in psychological warfare? I
hear people talk about history being erased; you know, the
projection of violence through videos and commercials and that
So, a lot of people are very confused, as well as myself,
even when you find something that you believe in sometimes, it’s
presented in a way that you accept it in the beginning, and then
it comes out to be a lie. And right now, clearly, lie is just
pounding on the truth.  I mean, you have one truth, but you have
so many lies that it seems too overwhelming to survive.

SARE: Thank you.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  I think the concerns that both of you
expressed is very real.  I mean, it is the fact that the West is
already living in a police-state.  Just take the recent example
of the Facebook firm, Cambridge Analytica — they sold data on 50
million people for commercial purposes, for election manipulation
and who knows for what else?  If you go on the internet and you
go on any website, you immediately have the advertisement for the
next years of your life of whatever you looked at.
So we are already in a completely surveillance state, where
the NSA and the British equivalent, the GCHQ, are monitoring
everything — your phone, your smart TV, your laptop — it’s
omnipresent.  And obviously this needs to be reversed.
In the time when I was growing up, being a young person, we
had a big concern about data protection.  It was a civil right to
make sure that your privacy was protected.  All of this has gone
out of the window!  And also, naturally, the big change came on
September 11th.  Because September 11th was the pretext for a lot
of the elimination of civil rights which used to be a
constitutional right up to that moment.
And therefore, I think the inquiry of what really happened
on September 11th, is still one of the big tasks to be solved,
because it led to police-state measures inside the United States.
It led to a similar kind of change internationally. And right
now, you have the ongoing trial of the families of the victims of
the World Trade Center suing the government of Saudi Arabia for
their role in the September 11th attacks.  And the Saudi
government tried to appeal against the lawsuit, and a court in
New York overruled that, so the court case can go ahead.
Now, this goes very slowly, but this is a very important
aspect; because eventually, we have to go back to a
constitutional state.  So you are quite right to be concerned,
because there is a lot of this going on.
Again, I think there is no shortcut:  We need more people
taking an active role, and force the coming Congress to pass laws
to protect the rights of the people again. This is absolutely
possible.  The whole argument, for example, that you cannot
control these things, or not control the internet, is absolutely
not true:  You can block certain things, you can prevent things,
you can make laws which prohibit the profiling; you can make laws
which it a criminal act to do all of these things you are worried
about.  So it’s not a self-evident development.
But I think it does require that more people become state
citizens:  A state citizen, I would define a somebody who takes
responsibility not only for his life, his family, his country,
but for the outcome of human history.  And I think to be such a
world historical individual in a moment like that, where the
options are so rich, and so beautiful that there is no reason to
despair, but it is really the individual decision, to be part of
the solution which can and will make the difference. [applause]

SARE:  Thank you.  That was very beautiful and appropriate.
Do you wish to say anything else to us?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Well, just be happy, and be productive, and
feisty, and courageous, and then you can do everything you plan
to do.

SARE: Thank you very much! [applause]


[1] http://schillerinstitut.dk/si/category/nyheder/alle-kategorier/oekonomi/larouches-fire-love-feature/

[2] Kan læses på engelsk her: http://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/2018/eirv45n06-20180209/22-28_4506.pdf  Dansk oversættelse er undervejs.

[3] Læs en dansk introduktion til rapporten af de to forfattere, Jason Ross og Husein Askary, her: http://schillerinstitut.dk/si/?p=23600

[4] Abraham Lincolns Gettysburg-tale: » – and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth«.

[5] Martin Luther Kings berømte tale ’I have been to the mountain top’ fra 3. April, 1968, kan læses her: http://www.americanrhetoric.com/speeches/mlkivebeentothemountaintop.htm

[6] Se lektionerne i dansk oversættelse her: http://schillerinstitut.dk/si/category/lpac-new-paradigme/

Theresa Mays anti-russiske korstog er
intet andet end UK’s krig mod Trump

Leder fra LaRouchePAC, 26. marts, 2018 – Lyndon og Helga LaRouche har hen over de seneste 35 år spillet en hovedrolle i udformningen af relationer mellem nationer til det bedre: gennem LaRouches idé til præsident Reagans Strategiske Forsvarsinitiativ (SDI) fra 1983, og gennem »LaRouche-doktrinen« for stormagtsrelationer, som ledsagede denne idé; og gennem deres kampagne fra 1989 for den »Eurasiske Landbro«, som sluttelig bidrog til Kinas Bælte & Vej Initiativ, der nu udvikler mange nationer i hele verden. Hele vejen igennem var fjenderne af disse tiltag hen mod et nyt paradigme for udvikling, City of Londons finansimperium og britisk geopolitik.[1]

Denne tidligere, hyppigt skjulte virkelighed er pludselig, på dramatisk vis, blevet åbenlys. Den britiske premierminister Theresa May og udenrigsminister Boris »bondske« Johnson har tyranniseret USA og 14 europæiske nationer ind i en eskalerende konfrontation med Rusland, der tilsigter at ødelægge stormagtssamarbejde for fremskridt gennem projekterne i Bælte & Vej, og som meget hurtigt kan føre til verdenskrig.

I går understregede Helga Zepp-LaRouche, at London har gjort dette som en reaktion på miskrediteringen af det af britisk efterretning styrede Russiagate-kupforsøg mod præsident Donald Trump. Hun sprængte den udokumenterede sag om »russisk nervegift« som værende intet andet end Russiagate fortsat, genopfundet og genoplivet. Denne sags foreløbige succes, efter at Russiagate mod Trump var slået fejl, er ekstremt farlig, sagde hun. Både Kina og Rusland vil reagere på denne ændrede, transatlantiske dagsorden.

Kina har, gennem sin præsident Xi Jinping og sine partiorganer som Global Times, indset, at Kinas fredelige opkomst, konfronteret med et sandt stormløb af britisk geopolitisk og økonomisk krigsførelse, måske ikke vil få lov at blive let eller fredelig.

Men Kina har udløst en udviklingsdynamik og hæver produktivitet og levestandarder i mange nationer, såvel som i sin egen, og bruger et nyt koncept, som Lyndon LaRouche for 30 år siden kaldte »Verdenslandbro-udviklingen«. Kinas Bælte & Vej Initiativ tiltrækker nu også nationer fra selv Vesteuropa. Dets lederskab vil ikke lade sig standse af toldkrig eller investeringsembargo; i stedet anvender det dette nye paradigme for at stoppe dem.

Som Helga LaRouche udtrykte det, så er Kina omsider i færd med at feje Londons århundredelange Malthus-politik og nulsums-geopolitik til side; og Kina erstatter det med et Nyt Paradigme for gensidig fordel for nationer, for udryddelse af fattigdom, videnskabeligt fremskridt og for »et fællesskab for en fælles skæbne«. Lyndon LaRouche har i 50 år insisteret på nødvendigheden af denne udskiftning. Hans LaRouche-bevægelse har fremlagt ammunitionen til overvindelse af angrebene mod præsident Trump, som kommer fra britisk efterretning, og for de tiltag for en økonomisk politik, der kan virkeliggøre Amerikas fremtid på den »Nye Silkevej«.

[1] Se Harley Schlangers præsentation af geopolitikken historie, fra serien, ’Hvad er det Nye Paradigme’ (video; dansk pdf.)

Foto: Præsident Donald Trump i samtale med britiske PM Theresa May under et bilateralt møde i det ovale kontor, 27. januar, 2017. Premierminister May var det første statsoverhoved, der aflagde statsbesøg i Det Hvide Hus. (Official White House Photo)

Hvad mener Aarhus Universitet egentlig?

af Hans Schultz fhv. kandidat til Folketings- og Kommunal-valg for Schiller Instituttets Venner, marts 2018 – Lektor emeritus i bioscience fra Aarhus Universitet Per Nørnberg skriver i en kronik i Jyllands-Posten bragt d. 28. februar 2018, at vi grundlæggende set mangler en pest i ny og næ til at reducere verdensbefolkningen med – sikkert lidt ligesom den mørke tidsalder i det 14. århundrede da byldepesten hærgede i Europa. 2,5 mia. mennesker på jorden er, hvad Per Nørnberg stiler efter, hvor andre af lignende overbevisning kan nævne en eller en halv mia. mennesker som deres ‘drømmescenarie’.

Med det menneskesyn, der ligger bag denne tankegang, må man jo konkludere, at Adolf Hitler var en våbenfælle for denne ‘bæredygtige’ verdensorden. Måske med den undtagelse, at Hitler også forårsagede død blandt de forkerte mennesker, såsom europæere og jøder. Per Nørnberg peger nemlig direkte på Afrika som det sted, hvor befolkningen først og fremmest skal reduceres, ud fra hvilket man nødvendigvis må konkludere, at det er udviklingslandene, der er det første mål for reduktion. Altså må disse befolkninger bestå af mennesker af mindre værd end kaukasiske hvide. Dette er en grundtanke bag nazismen, som Per Nørnberg altså fremturer med.

Per Nørnbergs argumenter er et sammensurium af forskellige emner, som klimaforandring, flygtningeproblemer, biodiversitet – ingen overraskelser her – og meget andet mellem himmel og jord. Fælles for det hele er, at Per Nørnberg ikke viser den mindste indsigt i de dybere detaljer for hver enkelt af de sager, han nævner, men agerer som en elefant, der forsøger sig med broderi.

At ressourcer ikke er begrænsede, og at der findes løsninger på verdens fattigdomsproblemer, optræder ikke i Per Nørnbergs optik. For eksempel har Lake Chad-myndigheden netop holdt en succesrig konference om megaprojektet Transaqua, der handler om at omlede en del af vandet fra tilløbsfloderne til Kongofloden op til Chad-søen beliggende mellem Niger, Nigeria, Cameroun og Chad. Dette viser en vej til, hvordan man faktisk kan forbedre levebetingelserne for nogle af de fattigste mennesker på jorden, fremfor at stigmatisere dem, ved at erklære dem som problemet.

Afrika er ikke overbefolket, men mangler derimod udvikling. Og fattigdom er ikke en naturlig konsekvens af demografi eller lignende, men er politisk kunstigt iscenesat. Netop nu er en historisk udvikling i gang, båret af Kinas Bælte og Vej Initiativ (BRI) også kaldt ‘Den Nye Silkevej’, som gør det muligt for verdens fattigste befolkninger en gang for alle at gøre op med fortidens åg fra kolonimagterne og befri sig fra århundreders fattigdom.

Men Per Nørnbergs verdensopfattelse kommer af hans grundlæggende menneskesyn. Et menneskesyn han deler med bl.a. prins Philip Mountbatten, medstifter af Verdensnaturfonden, Adolf Hitler, der vidst ikke behøver yderligere introduktion, samt Winston Churchill, der bl.a. stod for den forcerede udsultning af 4 millioner Bengalere i året 1943 alene. Spørgsmålet er så, om Aarhus Universitet som institution også deler Per Nørnbergs syn. Står Connie Hedegaard, formand for AU’s bestyrelse, på linje med dette syn? Og hvad med de andre universiteter her i Danmark?

Link til artikel på Jyllandsposten:

Britisk geopolitisk imperiepolitik kollapser;
Theresa May forsøger desperat at kontrollere Trump

Leder fra LaRouchePAC, 13. marts, 2018 – Den britiske premierminister Theresa May har opført et show à la Churchill over det, der fremstår som en forgiftning af en russisk dobbeltagent i London. Hun og udenrigsminister Boris »Col. Blimp«[1] Johnson har givet Rusland et 24-timers ultimatum og krævet NATO’s støtte til, at UK konfronterer Rusland og et muligt angreb mod Syrien. Tirsdag eftermiddag kontaktede May præsident Donald Trump pr. telefon for at forsøge at overtale ham til at angribe Rusland.

Uheldigvis for hende var Churchill selv en ivrig bruger af giftvåben på slagmarken, »udslettelsesbombning« – som han udtrykte det – og af giftgasangreb mod civile fra »laverestående racer«. Mange i verden husker Det britiske Imperiums historie og er bevidst om dets aktuelle bevæbning og styring af den saudiske folkemordskrig mod Yemen.

Og UK er selv i besiddelse af den sjældne, kemiske nervegift, som May hævder, blev brugt af russere i London.

Men Mays desperation kommer i realiteten af den kendsgerning, at den geopolitiske doktrin, briterne i århundreder har fremmanet, kører på pumperne. Den er i færd med at blive besejret af en ny politik, kendt som den Nye Silkevej og af Kinas præsident betegnet som »menneskehedens fælles fremtid«.

Kina har bragt et nyt, produktivt, globalt boom med infrastrukturbyggeri ind i verden og sammen med det, en idé om stormagtsrelationer, baseret på respekt og gensidig udviklingshjælp til andre nationer. Præsident Trump har gentagne gange valgt at understrege sin fremragende, gensidigt respektfulde relation med Kinas præsident Xi Jinping, og deres samarbejde kunne endda stabilisere Koreahalvøen.

De af britisk efterretning skabte »Russiagate«-skandaler i USA, der har til formål at enten tvinge Trump ind i en konfrontation med Rusland, eller også tvinge ham ud af embedet, fortsætter med at kollapse – nu med Husets Efterretningskomite, der har afsluttet sine efterforskninger og erklæret, »intet at finde«.

Præsident Vladimir Putins tale 1. marts har erklæret NATO-politikken med omringning af Rusland med NATO’s strategiske førsteangrebskapacitet for forældet og død. Det kan ikke ignoreres. Selveste USA’s Forsvarsministerium har nu erkendt, at USA’s ABM-systemer ikke vil virke mod Ruslands strategiske våben. Som præsident Putin sagde, så er forhandlinger, baseret på gensidig respekt, den bedste politik for begge lande.

May kunne være på nippet til at blive udskiftet som premierminister af leder af Labour-partiet, Jeremy Corbyn, der faktisk har massiv støtte i den britiske befolkning, til dels for at have afvist krigskonfrontation med Rusland.

Hvad enten den britisk PM kan få præsident Trump til at sige »Rusland gjorde det« i dag eller ej, så er hendes problem af en dybere karakter. Som Helga Zepp-LaRouche i dag kommenterede, så er det establishment, som May repræsenterer, allerede besejret i en kamp, de har tabt på forhånd – og hvor de kæmper for britisk imperiepolitik til den bitre ende. Det nye paradigme for stormagtsrelationer, som Kina står i spidsen for, er i færd med at skubbe den længe dominerende, britiske, geopolitiske doktrin ud af den historiske scene.

USA under Trump kan undgå »Thukydid-fælden« og samarbejde, til gensidig fordel for alle nationer.

Men kan det genoplive sin industri, produktivitet, sin storhed som rumfartsnation, sin videnskabelige dygtighed – eller endda sine borgeres forventede levetid? Kan det skabe kredit for at udskifte sin nedbrudte, økonomiske infrastruktur?

Det er her, både Trump og Kongressen er ved at forlise. Og det er, hvad en tilslutning til den Nye Silkevej vil betyde.

Foto: Præsident Donald Trump køber tydeligvis ikke PM Theresa Mays B—S—, under konferencen i Davos, 2. jan., 2018. (Public Domain)

[1] Britisk tegneseriefigur fra trediverne. Blimp er pompøs, opfarende, chauvinistisk og en britisk stereotype. Figuren er opkaldt efter en spærreballon, kendt som en ’blimp’. (-red.)

Hvorfor geopolitik fører til krig
– Og en sejr i Abuja, Afrika.
Helga Zepp-LaRouche i Nyt Paradigme
Webcast, 1. marts, 2018 (pdf, dansk, og video)

Er det virkelig OK med narkoepidemien, der i USA har ført til et fald i den generelle levetid; guvernør Bevin påpegede det faktum, at nogle af disse sataniske budskaber også er i teksterne i popmusikken, i filmene, i videospillene – bør vi tillade alt dette, og få vore samfund totalt ødelagt? Der er en virkning af alt dette på de kognitive evner! Hvis man ønsker Lyndon LaRouches Fire Love som den eneste løsning til at undgå systemets kollaps, jamen, især den fjerde lov kræver et forceret program for fusionskraft, for international rumforskning og rumrejser. Man kan ikke have folk med ødelagte hjerner, fordi de er afhængige af disse ting, og så få dem til at blive kreativ, produktiv arbejdskraft.

Så det er én og samme diskussion, vi har brug for – vi har brug for et Nyt Paradigme, og vi må have et uddannelsessystem, der understreger skønheden i klassisk kultur, der understreger karakterens skønhed som et udviklingsmål. Det var Wilhelm von Humboldts idé, som trods alt havde indflydelse på meget af undervisningssystemet i Europa og USA i det 19. århundrede, og det holdt sig endda til langt ind i det 20. århundrede, og han havde den idé, at formålet med uddannelse må være karakterens skønhed. Hvem taler om dette nu om stunder? Hvis man tager nogle af disse børn, der er afhængige af disse voldsvideospil, eller endnu værre, der kigger på forfærdeligt materiale på Internettet, hvor der bruges tortur og sådanne ting, og som virkelig bliver ødelagt. Deres hjerner bliver fuldstændig ødelagt!

Eftersom guvernør Bevin har krævet en national debat om dette, og præsident Trump heldigvis også ønsker at tage dette spørgsmål op, mener jeg, vi må have en sådan debat, for det er efter min mening en integreret del af USA’s tilslutning til det Nye Paradigme og den Nye Silkevej, for vi kan ikke have, at dette fortsætter.

Schiller Instituttet har i mange år bevist, at, med klassisk musik, med klassisk poesi, med Schiller, med Shakespeare, kan man transformere folk og få en æstetisk opdragelse, og det er præcis, hvad vi har brug for lige nu.



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