For at sætte scenen for aftenens diskussion, der vil handle om en ny flanke af kupforsøget mod præsident Trump, vil jeg begynde med meget positive nyheder fra Kina. Her ser vi [Fig. 1] forsiden af en historie, der blev publiceret i China Daily, med titlen, »Identifikation med Kina«. Det er en historie om Helga Zepp-LaRouche og hendes arbejde over mange årtier sammen med sin mand, Lyndon LaRouche, for udvikling, for bedre forståelse og for samarbejde med Kina. Artiklen begynder med Helgas rejse til Kina i 1971 under Kulturrevolutionen, da hun var passager om bord på et svensk fragtskib. Hun så nationer i Afrika, hun så Kina, og hun kom tilbage fra denne rejse med den absolutte overbevisning, at verden måtte ændre sig, at den måtte blive forbedret.
Vært Jason Ross: Det er 18. august, 2017… Med mig i studiet i dag har jeg Will Wertz fra Executive Intelligence Review (EIR), og remote, Diane Sare, medlem af LaRouche PAC Policy Committee.
For at sætte scenen for aftenens diskussion, der vil handle om en ny flanke af kupforsøget mod præsident Trump, vil jeg begynde med meget positive nyheder fra Kina.
Fig. 1
Her ser vi [Fig. 1] forsiden af en historie, der blev publiceret i China Daily, med titlen, »Identifikation med Kina«. Det er en historie om Helga Zepp-LaRouche og hendes arbejde over mange årtier sammen med sin mand, Lyndon LaRouche, for udvikling, for bedre forståelse og for samarbejde med Kina. Artiklen begynder med Helgas rejse til Kina i 1971 under Kulturrevolutionen, da hun var passager om bord på et svensk fragtskib. Hun så nationer i Afrika, hun så Kina, og hun kom tilbage fra denne rejse med den absolutte overbevisning, at verden måtte ændre sig, at den måtte blive forbedret.
I artiklen opstiller China Daily kontrasten mellem det potentielle samarbejde mellem Kina og USA under henholdsvis Obama-administrationen og Trump-administrationen. Artiklen siger, efter at have citeret Helga for at sige, at »Det kinesiske, økonomiske mirakel er virkelig den mest succesfulde model«, og at »i modsætning til Obama-administrationen, der var mere modvillig over for kinesiske initiativer fra Asiatisk Infrastruktur-Investeringsbank (AIIB) og [Bælte & Vej Initiativet]; så har den amerikanske præsident Donald Trump sat infrastruktur øverst på sin dagsorden og sendt en mellemorganisatorisk delegation under lederskab af Matthew Pottinger, seniorrådgiver i det Nationale Sikkerhedsråd, til Beijing-forummet.« Helga Zepp-LaRouche refererer her til Bælte & Vej Forum i maj måned, som Helga Zepp-LaRouche også deltog i.
Jeg mener, at artiklen virkeligt beviser, hvor stor betydning, Kina tillægger Helgas rolle, og den slutter med et citat af hende. Hun siger: »Vi er meget glade. Det er én ting, at en lille organisation som vores producerer ideer; en ganske anden ting er, at verdens største land begyndte at udføre dem«, med reference til Kinas vedtagelse af Bælte & Vej Initiativet i kølvandet på Schiller Instituttets mangeårige organisering til fordel for den Nye Silkevej og Verdenslandbroen. Hun afslutter med at sige, at hun håber, Lyndon LaRouche vil kunne besøge Kina, og han helt bestemt har stor kærlighed til landet.
Så det reelle potentiale, der eksisterer for et Nye Paradigme i verden, for USA’s tilslutning til Kinas utrolige succes med at komme fri af finansspekulation, fri af Wall Street, fri af London, og for at gå i retning af udvikling i Franklin Roosevelts stil, er enormt. Det er på grund af dette potentiale, at der er en massiv indsats for at afsætte præsident Trump. Vi har været meget aktive i dette, gennem f.eks. vores reklame for Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity’s (VIPS) Memorandum; VIPS har foreløbig udarbejdet 50 memoranda om USA’s politik. Deres seneste memo om, at hele historien om Russia-gate er et svindelnummer, har virkelig haft enorm trækkraft. Det er blevet taget op af Salon, Bloomberg og især The Nation i en meget stor artikel.
Fig. 2
Dette har i de seneste uger fremkaldt angreb fra f.eks. The Hill, som vi ser her [Fig. 2]; der udgav en artikel, »Why the Latest Theory about the DNC Not Being Hacked Is Probably Wrong« (Hvorfor den seneste teori om, at DNC ikke blev hacket, sandsynligvis er forkert).
Fig. 3
Vi så et angreb komme ud i Washington Post [Fig. 3], der sagde, de ikke tror på, at The Nation, det magasin, der udgav en historie om VIPS-memoet; at The Nation er i færd med at revidere deres historie, der sår tvivl om russisk hacking af DNC. Washington Post siger, der virkelig håber, The Nation får »rigtigt fat« på denne historie.
Her følger resten af webcastet i engelsk udskrift:
There has been a response that came out from two media
outlets. One of them, Disobedient Media [Fig. 4], is the
publication that first put out the results from the Forensicator,
who had analyzed meta-data that came from files released by the
Guccifer 2.0 persona; and also from Adam Carter [Fig. 5], who
maintains a website that goes through the Guccifer 2.0 persona.
I just want to review a few highlights of what these articles
have to say, because I think it’s very important. The VIPS
memorandum is correct; a deliberate attempt was put in place to
create false Russian footprints, false Russian evidence, to make
it appear that the DNC leaks were actually a Russian hack. The
fact of the matter is that no actual evidence has ever been
presented showing that Russian actors hacked the DNC and provided
the material that Wikileaks later published, that caused such a
commotion that it forced the resignation of Debbie
Wasserman-Schultz and other top officials in the Democratic
National Committee.
The attacks on the VIPS memo focus on something about data
transfer speeds, which were used to show that the files that
Guccifer 2.0 released, had been copied to a flash drive rather
than being hacked over the internet. That’s pretty much the only
thing that these articles have to complain about. They say that
the speed of transfer could have been possible over the internet.
I’ll just review a very few aspects of this, which is that the
information that was processed, the analysis that came from the
Forensicator and from Adam Carter, showed that not only that the
speed was too high for many internet connections but that it very
specifically matched the typical transfer speed of a USB2.0 flash
drive. They also showed that file manipulation occurred on the
East Coast time zone. They showed that the files showed evidence
of being used in a FAT file system, which is only used on flash
drives — at least in the past decades; and of course the fact
that there is absolute proof that the Russian fingerprints that
were found and discovered in the documents released by Guccifer
2.0, were put there deliberately so that they could be found.
Those aspects simple are not even touched by the legacy media’s
attacks on the VIPS’ revelations.
So, this whole Russia-gate thing is falling apart. The
attempts by the {Washington Post}, {New Yorker} magazine to cover
things up, are really a dismal failure if you read the articles.
That brings us to the topic that we’re going to be hearing from
in depth from Will Wertz; which is the latest flank in the
attempt to unseat President Trump — namely, the events and the
reactions to those events in Charlottesville. So Will, what can
you tell us about this?
WILL WERTZ: First of all, what I want to point out, is that what
President Trump said in his first press conference following the
Charlottesville event, that there is bigotry and violence on many
sides, is in fact true. I think that not only applies to the
Charlottesville case per se, where you had Nazis on one side, you
had anti-fa on the other side, which is an anarchist, violent
organization; and it’s most likely that you may have had
provocateurs. It’s hard to believe that the FBI was not involved
in some way under the guise of monitoring the situation. But if
you stand back and look at the overall climate in the country,
it’s also the case that there is violence and bigotry on many
sides; and specifically directed at President Trump. I want to
review some of the highlights of that, which represent an
unprecedented situation in terms of violent threats against a
President of the United States.
First of all, just as he was being inaugurated, the British
publication {The Spectator} wrote “Will Donald Trump Be
Assassinated? Ousted in a Coup? Or Just Impeached?” You had a
number of statements from the would-be Hollywood royalty,
including Madonna; who said, “I thought an awful lot about
blowing up the White House.” Then you had CNN correspondent —
former correspondent now — Kathy Griffin, who held up a mock
decapitated head of the President of the United States. You also
had, over the summer, Shakespeare in the Park doing a performance
of {Julius Caesar} in which Julius Caesar was portrayed as Donald
Trump and was viciously assassinated on the stage. You had
another Hollywood actor — Johnny Depp — who joked, “When was
the last time an actor assassinated a President? It has been a
while, and maybe it’s time.” In July of this year, there was a
book released by a {Guardian} reporter by the name of Jonathan
Friedland. It’s entitled {To Kill a President}. Just within the
last 48 hours, a Missouri state senator, Maria Chappelle-Nadal,
wrote in her Facebook “I hope Trump is assassinated.” And we
should not forget that on June 14th of this year in Alexandria,
Republican Congressman Steve Scalise was shot while practicing
with 20-25 other Republican Congressmen for a Congressional
baseball for charity. If the police present on the scene had not
responded appropriately, you could have had a massacre of
multiple Republican Congressmen or Senators.
So, let’s be honest about the threat of violence. This is
virtually unprecedentedly directed at a President of the United
States, and we have had Presidents who have been assassinated, as
people know. So this is the actual reality of the situation.
Now what I want to do, is to look at this situation in
Charlottesville, which is merely the most recent escalation of an
ongoing attempted coup against the President of the United
States. It’s modelled upon what was done in Ukraine — the
Maidan, or the various color revolutions which preceded the coup
in Ukraine. On January 17th, just before President Trump’s
inauguration, President Putin of Russia said, “I have an
impression they practiced in Kiev, and are ready to organize a
Maidan in Washington” against President Trump. On February 21,
2017, {Executive Intelligence Review} released a 17-page dossier,
which was entitled “Obama and Soros Color Revolutions; Nazis in
Ukraine 2014, USA 2017?” If you look at the situation in
Ukraine, you get a direct parallel to what is being orchestrated
in the United States. In the dossier what we disclose is that
there were more than 2000 non-governmental organizations — NGOs
— in Ukraine; funded by the US government, the United Kingdom,
the European Union, and George Soros’ Open Society. In fact,
Victoria Nuland, the State Department representative for Ukraine,
testified on December 13, 2014 as follows: “We have invested
over $5 billion to assist Ukraine in building democratic skills
and institutions.”
The coup that was carried out in Ukraine was carried out by
an organization called the Right Sector, and various other
organizations associated with it. The Right Sector is an
organization which traces its origin back to Stepan Bandera and
his Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, or the OUN. Which
organization collaborated with Hitler during World War II, and
carried out mass exterminations of Poles and Jews. The Right
Sector celebrates Bandera and actually carries out marches in
Kiev and elsewhere in Ukraine celebrating him to this day. After
World War II, Bandera, this Nazi war criminal, was recruited by
Britain’s MI-6; and his top official, Mykola Lebed, who carried
out the Ukrainian exterminations, went onto a CIA payroll as of
1948, thanks to CIA Deputy Director Allen Dulles. The intention
was to use the OUN, the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists,
to carry out uprisings against the Soviet Union in the post-World
War II period. People will perhaps recall that Allen Dulles and
James Angleton were very much involved in the Nazi ratlines after
World War II; helping Nazi criminals to escape. Some to South
America; others like Bandera and Lebed to London or to the United
Soros himself, who helped fund the Ukrainian coup, was 14
years old when the Nazis occupied Hungary, and he has publicly
admitted that during that period, his father and he hid their
Jewish background and worked with the Nazi occupation to
confiscate the property of fellow Jews who had been sent to the
concentration camps. He actually views this experience very
positively, with no regret whatsoever.
Now, let’s turn to Charlottesville with this in mind. As I
said, the events in Charlottesville last Saturday, I think are
very clearly a pre-staged event with Nazis on the one side,
anti-fa or anti-fascist violent anarchists on the other side.
Remember in thinking about this what happened in Ukraine. There
were snipers who fired on demonstrators, and this was blamed on
Yanukovych, the President of Ukraine, who says that he never gave
any such orders. It is believed that the snipers were actually
organized by a third force, or by the Right Sector itself, or a
combination of the two; in order to carry out the coup by blaming
the violence on Yanukovych. So that should be kept in mind.
There’s also a longstanding methodology of the British. This was
formulated in a book called {Gang Countergang} by a British
general by the name of Kitson, who used this methodology in Kenya
as part of a counterinsurgency operation against the Mau-Mau.
Please show graphic #11 [Fig. 6]. If we look at
Charlottesville, what stands out? It’s that all of the key
Democratic Party operatives involved in the Charlottesville event
have direct connections to George Soros, to the Obama-Clinton
State Department, and to John Podesta’s Center for American
Progress; which has become the center for the entire so-called
Resist Movement against President Trump in the United States.
The Center for American Progress was founded in 2003 by John
Podesta. At the time, George Soros promised to donate $3 million
to its foundation. John Podesta, of course, was the campaign
manager of Hillary Clinton, and had previously been a senior
counselor to President Obama.
The mayor of Charlottesville, a man by the name of Michael
Signer, gave a speech on January 31, 2017 in Charlottesville in
which he said: “I am here today to declare that Charlottesville,
the historic home of Thomas Jefferson, is the capital of the
resistance.” So, this is January 31st; President Trump had only
been in office for about ten days. It’s obviously several months
before the events which occurred last Saturday. So, this is what
we’re dealing with in the city of Charlottesville; it is the
capital of the resistance to President Trump. Mayor Signer had
previously been a senior policy advisor to John Podesta’s Center
for American Progress. In 2008, he worked with John Podesta on
President-elect Barack Obama’s State Department transition team.
Two years later, he travelled to Panjshir province, Afghanistan
as a member of a USAID-sponsored mission to monitor Afghanistan’s
parliamentary elections. So what you have is a mayor of
Charlottesville who works closely with John Podesta’s Center for
American Progress, which is the center of the resistance; which
is obviously a Clinton-Obama operation, which is funded by George
Soros. He’s also someone who has experience with respect to the
State Department.
The individual who took the video of the car driven into the
counter protesters, which resulted in the death of Heather Heyer
and the injury of many others, was an individual by the name of
Brennan Gilmore. Gilmore is a former State Department employee.
In 2011, Gilmore was deputy chief of mission in the Central
African Republic. In 2015, he was the top aide to Tom Perriello,
a former Congressman who was appointed by Obama to be Special
Envoy to the Great Lakes Region and the Democratic Republic of
Congo. In 2016, Tom Perriello ran for the Democratic nomination
for Governor in the state of Virginia; a race which he eventually
lost. Brennan Gilmore was his campaign chief of staff. In his
campaign, Perriello received a total of $500,000 from George
Soros personally. He also received $50,000 from George Soros’
son Gregory. Two other sons of George Soros, not to be left out,
Alexander and Jonathan, gave a total of $135,470 to Tom
Perriello. So, Perriello received a grand total of $685,470 from
the Soros family in his campaign. Perriello also received
$300,000 from Donald Sussman, a hedge fund manager who sits on
the board of directors of Podesta’s Center for American Progress.
Tom Perriello, like Charlottesville mayor Michael Signer, also
worked directly for Podesta’s Center for American Progress. In
fact, from 2010 to 2014, Tom Perriello was the President and CEO
of the Center for American Progress Action Fund.
We know that Brennan Gilmore was present at the scene of the
Charlottesville events, because it was his video which has
circulated very widely. But Tom Perriello was also present, and
he indicates that with an article which he wrote the day after —
August 13 — for the publication {Slate}. The article is
entitled “There Is Only One Side to the Story of
Charlottesville”. Of course, this is also the point made by Joe
Biden, former Vice President, who tweeted at the time, “There is
only one side to Charlottesville,” in opposition to what
President Trump had said.
Perriello is a native of Charlottesville, and during his
campaign for governor, he tried to position himself as the
candidate of the anti-Trump resistance movement.
Let me just add that there were three other organizations
that were present as part of the counter demonstration, all of
which were funded by George Soros: Progressive Change Campaign
Committee; Standing Up for Racial Justice; and Refuse Fascism.
But what you have here, in summary, is a US State Department,
George Soros-funded nest of operatives who have worked for John
Podesta’s Center for American Progress, which is the
institutional center of the resistance movement against President
Trump. This is the operation which went into action immediately
after the events in Charlottesville, to escalate the campaign
against President Trump; which we now see spreading throughout
the country. I would point out that this, again, as I stressed
at the beginning, these personnel — State Department, Soros —
are the same personnel that were involved in the Maidan coup
d’etat in Ukraine against President Yanukovych. It should also
be pointed out that the only way you can remove a President in
Ukraine, according to the Constitution, is through impeachment.
He was never impeached; it was a violation of the Constitution of
Ukraine. What happened was, an agreement was reached which was
signed on to by European countries as guarantors. When it was
presented to the Maidan, they rejected it, and said that they
were going to storm the Presidential residence if Yanukovych
didn’t reverse his position in respect to the EU association. He
fled the country for fear of his life.
Now we all know what happened to Allende in Chile, so is
that unreasonable for him to have fled? And yet, there was an
unconstitutional coup and it was backed by the United States; by
Obama, by Hillary Clinton. These are the people who back Nazis
who are attacking President Trump because he says there’s
violence on both sides; which there very clearly is.
After the incident in Charlottesville, [former] President
Obama tweeted a quote from Nelson Mandela: “No one is born hating
another person because of the color of his skin or his background
or his religion.” According to twitter, this is the most popular
tweet that has ever been communicated on twitter in its entire
history. I think that the Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman,
Maria Zakharova, gave a very good response to this. She quoted
from Mandela as follows: “No country can claim to be the
policeman of the world, and no state can dictate to another what
it should do. Those that yesterday were friends of our enemies,
have the gall today to tell me not to visit my brother Qaddafi.
They are advising us to be ungrateful and forget our friend of
the past.” Then Zakharova addresses Obama directly: “Mr. Obama,
a person was killed with your direct involvement who Nelson
Mandela called his brother and thanked for help in gaining
democracy. True democracy; not one invented in the Oval Office.”
She might also have pointed out, as implied by President Putin’s
statement, that it was Obama who installed Nazis in power in
Ukraine; and forced a duly-elected President to flee the country
for his life.
So, I think what we have here is a very clear case of a
deliberate policy being carried out in the United States to
overthrow through a coup, through impeachment, or through
assassination as {The Spectator} said, a President of the United
States. This has to be stopped. We are circulating a petition
on LPAC, which I would certainly encourage everyone not only to
sign, but to circulate to others. At this moment in history,
it’s absolutely crucial that Americans stand up and insist that
the President move on an investigation of the VIPS’ charges as
critical to undermining the entire Maidan-style color revolution
which is being attempted against the President of the United
States at this moment. That is crucial because, as the article
in the {China Daily} indicates, Trump — as opposed to Obama —
is someone who could potentially; and he’s given indications that
he would like to do this; would potentially work with China and
Russia on the One Belt, One Road Silk Road. At the same time,
work with President Putin in a coordinated campaign to defeat
terrorism. We just had more terrorist attacks in Spain within
the last 24-48 hours; so this is not a fight which has been won.
Yet, it’s absolutely crucial.
ROSS: I think that’s a very strong case you pulled together
there, Will. This is very clear; very clear this is a coup. In
terms of the response that this type of material is getting,
although the people in the media, or the way that the legacy
media report things, you’d think that everybody believes that
Donald Trump was put in office by the Russians, and that that’s
something thinks is a really important issue; that’s not the
response we’ve been getting when we’ve been talking to the
population more generally. So, I’d like to bring on Diane Sare
at this point, and ask you, Diane, what can you tell us about the
opportunity to organize people around this One Belt, One Road
Initiative and get past this Trump coup operation?
DIANE SARE: What I can report is that the American population is
not having any of this psycho Goebbels-style propaganda against
the President. It is so over the top that it is impelling and
propelling people who were not even Trump voters or Trump
supporters to stop at our tables. I will also say, as I told Mr.
LaRouche yesterday, that it’s very important to remember in this
context that Lyndon LaRouche has a history in the United States
as being the spokesman, the leader of something known as the
American intellectual tradition. That is, there is no person
alive today who has a greater understanding of the work of
Alexander Hamilton, John Quincy Adams, Abraham Lincoln, the fight
for our republic and its roots in the work of people like
Nicholas of Cusa, Leibniz, and others. Then Lyndon LaRouche. As
people know, LaRouche has been organizing this fight to get our
republic to live up the principles in the Constitution and the
Declaration of Independence for at least the last 50-60 years;
his entire adult life since he was in the military in World War
II. So, over these decades, LaRouche has been the founder and
editor of {Executive Intelligence Review} magazine; we had
various newspapers published — {New Solidarity}, the {New
Federalist}. We have online news services, a Facebook page. He
ran for President eight times. As a result, LaRouche has
actually a very large following in the American population, who
remember his work; who remember his taking a principled stand on
their behalf when others would not. And who paid the price for
that by undergoing a criminal witch-hunt run by exactly the same
people, down to the individuals like Robert Mueller, who are
going after Trump today.
So that combination — LaRouche’s record, his authority, his
voice; and the fact that the American people have suffered
incredible hardship over these last 16 years in particular of
Bush and Obama, and the bail-outs of Wall Street and a perpetual
war policy since 9/11 — the media simply does not carry the
weight. So what we are getting in the New York metropolitan
area, for example yesterday, we had three teams out across the
area in Westchester County, Long Island, and New Jersey.
Combined, they signed up 32 new members to the LaRouche Political
Action Committee; which also means a financial contribution, etc.
They got probably 80-100 signatures on the petition; that we’ll
just mention. The kind of things that are happening is that
people are coming up and identifying themselves. In one case, a
person came up and said “I’m the chairman of the county
Democratic Party. I don’t want my party controlled by George
Soros. I know this Russia-gate crap is a lie.” Republican Party
members are coming up and saying “We think the Republican Party
should get rid of the elephant, and instead have as its mascot
the Cowardly Lion from the Wizard of Oz. Why won’t they stand up
and defend the President?” People are really furious with both
parties. They’re furious with the Republican Party for not
taking a stand; they’re furious with the Democratic Party for
taking a stand in the wrong direction. And they remember Lyndon
LaRouche very well from these years of fighting.
I would say, I think it’s crucial what Will mentioned
earlier, and what Mrs. LaRouche has been insistent on; that if
President Trump were to bring the United States into
collaboration with the Belt and Road of China, which would
require the reinstatement of Glass-Steagall, a national banking
system to direct credit into fusion research; things that
generate real growth or a real increase in productivity as Mr.
LaRouche outlined in his Four Laws; Trump would go down in
history as one of the great leaders of all time. Now so far what
we’ve seen is that he has a very productive relationship with
President Vladimir Putin of Russia; they met for two hours at the
G-20 meeting in Hamburg. You have a ceasefire in Syria as a
result. ISIS is getting crushed. You have his relationship with
Xi Jinping of China, which seems to be productive; it makes it
possible to resolve the North Korea situation without resorting
to war or military action of any kind. And that’s the potential.
On the other hand, what you have is the death of this
trans-Atlantic system; namely the British Empire, the City of
London, the owners of George Soros — who may think that he owns
the Queen because he handles her offshore accounts, but I would
say it’s the other way around — who are desperate. If the
United States returns to its American System tradition, which is
what Lyndon LaRouche embodies, then they lose; it’s the end of
the empire. And it’s an era of a New Paradigm for mankind where
Americans can once again have the dream that our children and our
grandchildren will live longer, be better educated, be geniuses
like Beethoven and Einstein, be free to produce from the
potential of their God-given talents; that’s what the Founding
Fathers intended in our nation. That’s the potential.
What we’re seeing in the streets — and this is across the
country; you have to think, this is the greater New York
metropolitan area, this is not the part of the country where
President Trump won the election. We got a report yesterday from
the West Coast; in the San Francisco, a couple set up in front of
a post office. While the postmaster wasn’t that thrilled, and
had them move their table a little away from the door; they were
with their signs to defend President Trump and got a very
positive response. Yesterday morning we had organizers up on the
Upper West Side of Manhattan; for people who know what that
means, that’s a liberal Democratic area. They were getting out
that {Hamiltonian} that Jason, you were holding up earlier with
the big headline “Russia-gate Is a Fraud!” They said when they
put up the giant sign that said “Defend President Trump”, it got
a little bit testier; but they reported really only 1 out of 15
people getting a look on their face like they just sucked on a
lemon. Everyone else was either non-responsive or downright
supportive; they got out 400 copies of the newspaper there in
just 2-3 hours’ time.
So, the truth of the matter is, the media has lost its
mandate. What is published in the {New York Times}, on CNN, the
{Washington Post} is simply no longer credible. People who took
it upon themselves to watch President Trump’s press conference
with this pack of howling hyenas, saw that he actually did a very
competent job; and therefore the population is prepared for a
fight. But I would say that it’s very urgent that everyone here
take personal responsibility to not be a coward; to add your name
to the petition; to speak about the coup that is going on against
the President. There is an attempt by the British to depose
through one means or another, another American President; and
what would be put in place if such a thing were to occur, would
be catastrophic for the United States and mankind. We cannot
allow this to occur. I think the American people don’t want it
to occur; this is what we’ve been seeing. The LaRouche Political
Action Committee and Lyndon LaRouche personally, are at the
leadership of this fight.
ROSS: I think that’s right on. Why don’t we take a look at
some of the responses that we’ve been getting from Facebook and
from twitter from the use of this newspaper in particular; that
“Russia-gate Is a Fraud!” Here we go; have a look at some people
on Facebook [Fig. 7]. And we’ve got some pictures that were sent
into us from twitter as well [Fig. 8]. If you’re organizing
around this, please tweet things out. #Russia fraud;
#Russia-gate; #Russia-gate fraud; use those hashtags. Make sure
that people are able to find this material, and make it very
public. This is a fight that absolutely has to be won to prevent
a coup that will tie the hands of President Trump and prevent us
from being able to have the kind of future that we could have; of
development and growth and cooperation with China. I guess you
can see a few more here [Fig. 9].
So, get out there! Do this kind of activity. Get people
signing up; sign this petition, share it with everybody. When
you post your picture on twitter, on Facebook, on Instagram, make
sure you’re using the hashtag #Russia Fraud, or #Russia-gate
Fraud, or #Russia-gate, or all three of them. And include a link
to the petition. You can contact us for your own personal link;
you can also use the link that we have displayed on the screen
several times during this show — that’s — to share
that petition with others. Do outreach. Do it in this manner,
do it in other ways. We need to raise this call to President
Trump to take this British apparatus on directly. Unless it’s
defeated, it’s not just going to give up and go away; it has to
be taken on explicitly and taken down. That’s the way that we
can insure the opportunity to have a different orientation for
our country.
So, I think that will do it for the show this week. Very
grateful to have had Will Wertz with us in the studio again for
his very comprehensive look on the theme that Charlottesville was
a very directed operation; staged event. Also, that we were able
to have Diane Sare with us today, joining us from the Manhattan
area. Thank you for watching. Please subscribe to the YouTube
channel; make sure you send out this video as well. This is a
very comprehensive and excellent statement on the events of a
week ago. We’ll be seeing more of you here at