Krig, folkemord og det glade vanvid stopper ikke før det bankerotte britiske imperium bliver skiftet ud

2. marts (EIRNS) – ”Den værste hungersnød verden har set i årtier”, er den måde som FN’s generalsekretær, Antonio Guterres, fordømmer hvad der foregår i Yemen. Hans bemærkninger blev fremsat på en international donorkonference den 1. marts, hvor det ikke lykkedes at rejse tilsagn om så meget som halvdelen af de 3,85 milliarder dollars, som det var tilstræbt. En af de mere modbydelige ironier var, at den største enkelt-forpligtelse til at "hjælpe" (430 millioner dollars) kom fra Saudi-Arabien, som hovedsageligt er ansvarlig for at gennemføre den britiske imperialistiske politik med krig og økonomisk blokade for at udslette den yemenitiske nation.

Ifølge de seneste FN-data vil mere end 16 millioner yemenitter – omkring halvdelen af de 29 millioner indbyggere – blive udsat for sult i år, og næsten 50.000 sulter allerede ihjel under hungerlignende forhold. FN advarede om, at 400.000 yemenitiske børn under fem år kan dø af akut underernæring. Den tidligere amerikanske kongreskvinde Tulsi Gabbard har med rette anklaget, at ”[indførelse af] sanktioner, svarende til hvad Saudi-USA-alliancen har gjort i Yemen, forårsager død og lidelse for millioner af uskyldige syrere”.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche understregede i dag, at dette er forsætlig politik, ligesom Green New Deal er designet til bevidst at afindustrialisere og affolke planeten. Der er ingen grundlæggende forskel på, hvad interesserne bag bankerotte City of London og Wall Street tilskynder til i dag, og hvad de samme kræfter gjorde i og med skabelsen af Hitler og hans koncentrationslejre. Det er på tide at tage fløjlshandskerne af i dette spørgsmål, siger Zepp-LaRouche.

Bistand alene løser heller ikke disse problemer. Et omfattende udviklingsprogram knyttet til Kinas Bælte- og Vejinitiativ er den eneste måde at redde Yemen, Syrien og de bredere regioner i Afrika og Sydvestasien på – som Schiller Instituttet længe har insisteret på. På samme måde må USA tilslutte sig Bælte- og Vejinitiativet og arbejde sammen med Kina for at udvikle den såkaldte Tredje Verden, både for at trække sig ud af dens nuværende økonomiske depression og skabe en ny global sikkerhedsarkitektur, hvor fred bliver mulig gennem udvikling.

Dette var altid Lyndon LaRouches centrale strategiske vision, hvilket han atter sagde i et interview den 19. november 2002 med den førende mexicanske avis, Excélsior, som svar på spørgsmålet: ”Hvis du blev valgt som præsident for USA, hvad ville dine prioriteter så være? ”Som LaRouche svarede: ”Præcis de samme som de er i øjeblikket og har været siden forårsdagene i 1946, hvor jeg som en amerikansk soldat vendte tilbage fra det nordlige Burma til Calcutta, Indien: En retfærdig ny verdensøkonomisk orden blandt suveræne nationalstater, en orden i overensstemmelse med målene for, hvad Alexander Hamilton kaldte det amerikanske system for politisk økonomi”.

Denne påkrævede tilgang til at vende den systemiske sammenbrudskrise i hele den transatlantiske region vil være et af de centrale spørgsmål, der behandles på den kommende internationale konference den 20. marts, sponsoreret af Schiller Instituttet.

Og så er der galskaben – den rene politiske galskab – der udspringer af det døende system. Husk på, at Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House) i en rapport fra 3. februar 2021 hævdede, at væksten i verdens fødevareproduktion var den største enkeltårsag til "tabet af biodiversitet", og at en bevidst reduktion af landbruget var den bedste måde at redde planeten på. Nu har det britiske imperiums flagskibs-publikation, The Economist, i en større politisk artikel den 28. februar spurgt?: "Er tiden inde til, at 'øko-mord' bliver en international forbrydelse?" – for at svare med knap skjult entusiasme: "En voksende bevægelse ønsker, at ødelæggelse af miljøet skal behandles som folkedrab og forbrydelser mod menneskeheden".

Denne angiveligt mest afskyelige forbrydelse, "øko-mord", blev derefter kædet sammen med 1) nazisternes grusomheder, den bevidste ødelæggelse af en gruppe mennesker; 2) forbrydelser mod menneskeheden 3) krigsforbrydelser 4) og aggressionskriminalitet, som den eneste forbrydelse, der kan retsforfølges ved Den internationale Straffedomstol i Haag (ICC). En undersøgelse til fremme for denne idé forberedes af Philippe Sands, en juraprofessor ved University College London, og Dior Fall Sow, en senegalesisk jurist og tidligere FN-anklager, som vil få foretræde for ICC i juni. "Det kunne også markere et vendepunkt i, hvordan forholdet mellem mennesker og den naturlige verden forstås", udtalte The Economist.

"Øko-mord" kan defineres som "omfattende ødelæggelse, beskadigelse eller tab af økosystemer i et givet område", rapporterede magasinet. Nogle mener stadig, at graden af skade skal være den samme, som skaden medfører for mennesker. Men andre, ifølge artiklen, ser dette som en alt for antropocentrisk opfattelse. Mr. Sands, for eksempel, ”mener, at øko-mord bør defineres af behovet for at beskytte miljøet som et mål i sig selv. Dette ville kræve, at det har sit eget selvstændige grundlag som en ny forbrydelse, snarere end at blive sat ind under en eksisterende". Sands forklarede: ”Min fornemmelse er, at der er en bred anerkendelse af, at de gamle antropocentriske antagelser muligvis meget vel må forkastes, hvis retfærdigheden virkelig skal ske fyldest, og miljøet få en rimelig grad af beskyttelse”.

Man fristes til at se alt dette som blot en syg vittighed, hvis det ikke var for det faktum, at YouTube, kæmpen indenfor den sociale medieverden, har besluttet, at enhver snak om valgsvindel i 2020 er en censurabel løgn; at den tyske Marshall-fond kræver, at enhver, der fremhæver vindmøllernes rolle i energikatastrofen i Texas, skal gøres tavs på samme måde; og desuden at det transatlantiske finanssystem er i en sammenbrudskrise, der kræver indførelse af sådan vanvittig politik for at overleve.

Så gå enten med i kampen for at stoppe det dødbringende vanvid, eller forbered dig på at spise din sidste aftensmad, og sørg for at det bliver et godt måltid. For det britiske imperium har til hensigt at gøre spisning i sig selv til en forbrydelse mod menneskeheden under Nürnberg-koden.

Dødsfald fra strømsvigt i Texas er et forvarsel om hvad der vil ske,
hvis der kommer en Grøn New Deal.
Schiller Instituttets ugentlige webcast med
Helga Zepp-LaRouche, den 17. februar 2021



I sin ugentlige dialog advarede Helga Zepp-LaRouche om, at de totalt unødvendige dødsfald og lidelser i Texas og andre amerikanske delstater på grund af en polarkoldfront giver et tegn på hvad der vil ske, hvis den ”store nulstilling” og dens grønne New Deal ikke stoppes. Disse dødsfald er ikke resultatet af en "naturkatastrofe", men en advarsel om hvad for en fremtid vi står overfor, hvis nedlæggelsen af​​ kul- og atomkraftbaseret elektricitetsproduktion ikke tilbagerulles. Den nye EIR-rapport, ”The Great Leap Backwards” ("Det store spring bagud"), giver både en analyse af de tydelige farer ved at vedtage en grøn dagsorden, og et alternativ baseret på hendes afdøde mands, Lyndon LaRouches, videnskabelige idéer.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche diskuterede også, hvordan kampagnen for konfrontation med Rusland og Kina udsætter menneskeheden for truslen om atomkrig på et tidspunkt, hvor samarbejde ikke kun er bydende nødvendigt, men også opnåeligt. Hvis NATO insisterer på sanktioner mod Rusland over den meget opblæste Navalny-affære, burde nationer som Tyskland, Frankrig og Italien forlade NATO. Tilsvarende viser EU’s manglende evne til at beskytte sine borgere mod COVID-pandemien ved igen at forkludre leveringen af ​​vacciner, at denne form for overnational institution ikke er i stand til at sørge for borgernes behov – en fiasko, der også ses i de sandsynlige ødelæggende virkninger af dets kampagne for en europæisk Grøn New Deal, hvilket kunne føre til en nedbrydning af det europæiske energinet.

Hun stillede de økonomiske og strategiske tragedier, der udvikler sig i de transatlantiske nationer, i modsætning til det optimistiske potentiale i de tre samtidige rummissioner til Mars. Det faktum, at De forenede arabiske Emirater startede sit rumprogram for kun seks år siden, giver håb om at, med internationalt videnskabeligt samarbejde, kan nationer bevæge sig hen imod en fredelig udforskning af vores univers, med enorme fordele for alle.

Afskrift på engelsk:

Deaths from Power Outages in Texas Give a Foretaste of Things To Come with the Green New Deal

The LaRouche Organization Webcast with Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

HARLEY SCHLANGER: Hello, I’m Harley Schlanger with our weekly dialogue with Helga Zepp-LaRouche, the founder and chairwoman of the Schiller Institute. It’s February 17, 2021, and Helga, we have an extremely dramatic development, which seems ironically to coincide with the release of our Special Report, and that is the cold front that has hit Texas, leaving between 3 and 4 million people freezing in the dark. This is really quite dramatic, isn’t it?

HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Yes, it is actually very horrible, because already 26 people died. Now, this is incredible, and you have the state of Texas, where the wind turbines froze up, the solar panels were covered with snow, so the energy production went down from an average of 25,000 MW to only 12,000 MW, and naturally you have blackouts, not only in Texas, but now there are rolling blackouts in 14 other states in the United States.

Now, this is absolutely unnecessary, and it’s not a natural catastrophe. People should not look at it this way, because if you had normal coal-generated energy and nuclear energy, you would not have this situation, so people should not say this is a “natural” catastrophe. Because I would rather say, if we want to have a good note about it, we should take it was a warning from St. Peter, a warning sign what could happen with the weather if you don’t have the energy required to deal with it.

Since we have this new report out, “The Great Leap Backward—LaRouche Exposes the Green New Deal,” and the Great Reset, there we have warnings in it, that this will lead to blackouts and the blackouts could be even more dramatic. We have the case of the EU, where studies were made by the scientific advisory service to the German Parliament, already nine years ago, that you could have a collapse of the entire European energy grid, and that would have much more devastating consequences that even this. But this is bad enough. I think 4 million people in Texas, in the U.S., and 5 million people in the north of Mexico are without electricity. Now, that means people can die in the cold, they can die of the effects of it in various ways, and I think it’s quite important that the former governor of Texas, Rick Perry, who was also the Energy Secretary in the Trump administration, blasted this in a very powerful way, saying that if you cut out coal, if you cut out nuclear energy, then you are completely dependent on an ideologically based energy policy, and people are dying! And that is what would happen if you have an energy policy defined by such people as AOC [Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez] and the like.

So, this is a very serious warning, and I can only advise people to get the Special Report EIR has put out, because the consequences of what the Great Reset would do, the Texas developments give you a meager foretaste of the kind of economic collapse which would result as a consequence of the implementation of this policy. And this could lead to very dramatic developments, social chaos; it would have a devastating effect on the strategic situation, because some parts of the world are not so stupid—Japan, for example, when they had a snowstorm, I think it was last December, the Energy Minister immediately said that Japan must turn back on all of its nuclear plants; and obviously, Russia, China, India, they are all massively investing in the production of fission energy, of the third generation fission energy, and naturally, very much emphasis on fusion power [research]. But the idea that the world can live without coal plants, modern coal plants which are absolutely environmentally friendly, I think this is really an illusion and must be corrected immediately.

SCHLANGER: One of the things I found most interesting, is that Rick Perry, in his discussion also mentioned the advances of nuclear fusion, so that’s a very good sign that there are at least some people thinking.

But Helga we have another problem that this comes up against, which is the absolute dysfunction of the political parties in the United States, with a feud going on in the Republican Party which broke out this week; with the Democrats somewhat chaotic and stuck with nothing but the Green New Deal. How does this look to you?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: It looks very worrisome, because also the fact that Kamala Harris is now conducting foreign policy with President Biden resting in Camp David. This has caused the raising of quite some eyebrows, because normally a Vice President participates maybe, in overseas phone calls, but here, Kamala Harris is conducting foreign policy all by herself. So the question is, in what condition is President Biden? Naturally, the situation in the Republican Party is one of utmost chaos.

And I think the only way how this can be addressed, is that we have to organize with The LaRouche Organization and the Schiller Institute to really promote, absolutely, the solutions of my late husband Lyndon LaRouche, and hopefully large segments of the population will understand that a change of the paradigm is absolutely necessary. At this point, the only voice of reason is really coming from The LaRouche Organization and the policies promoted by my late husband. But it needs a broad mobilization of the population to change the course of these developments.

SCHLANGER: One of the things that The LaRouche Organization is doing is conducting a series of dialogues, such as the one from last Saturday on U.S. Russia policy. [] It is clear that the war machine that was never removed under President Trump is now back on all gears, targetting Russia and China. Where do you see this headed?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: It is extremely dangerous. We had the Atlantic Council Paper, “The Longer Telegram,” so-called, basically referring to the “long telegram” paper by George Kennan from 1946, now referring to the need to have regime change against China, especially targetting Xi Jinping to be toppled. Now, if you put yourself in the shoes of such a government as China, and you hear that coming from the largest nuclear power, and probably still the largest economy in the world, it has consequences. It leads to a hardening of positions. And in a certain sense, this is going on against Russia, with the Navalny campaign. So I think it’s quite interesting that Prof. Lyle Goldstein, who is from the Naval War College, he made a couple of warnings, both in the radio and also in the Washington Times, basically saying that this is leading to a situation where there is practically a warlike situation between the United States and Russia, and that the people who are pushing the Navalny campaign should be aware of the fact, is it really in the interest of the West to have a very sizable nuclear power like Russia to have chaos, or is it not in the interest of the Western countries, that the nuclear weapons of Russia should be under the control of a stable, unified force—I mean, just imagine, you have a civil war in Russia and then these nuclear weapons would get into the hands of some strange, terrorist kind of forces!

I think that there is actually the need to really be aware of that, and come to the conclusion that this whole policy of sanctions against Russia is not functioning; this was, for example, just made as a statement by the head of the Kiel Institute for the World Economy [], Mr. Gabriel Felbermayr, who said that the whole idea of sanctions against Russia does not function, because you don’t get countries like China, or India, or other partners of Russia to cooperate, so therefore, the only forces which are hurt by the sanctions, is, in this case, emphatically Germany. So, this whole policy of geopolitical confrontation can only lead to a complete catastrophe, if it is pursued.

SCHLANGER: There’s also a very sharp warning coming from Sergey Lavrov, the Russian Foreign Minister, about the policies of the EU, which are definitely part of this anti-Russian grouping.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Yes. He said that if this is stopped, if these sanctions are not stopped, that Russia is prepared to break off all relations to the EU. Now, there was a rather stupid article in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, basically pooh-poohing it, saying this is just meant to cause people to now say, “Oh, we should do something now that this doesn’t happen.” But these liberals, and the FAZ is full of them, they don’t understand the connection between cause and effect, but these policies, as I said, they lead to dramatic changes.

I mean, if you put yourself in the shoes of Russia and China, what is the natural consequence of these policies coming from the U.S., from the EU, from Great Britain? Already in October 2020, at the annual Valdai conference, Putin raised the possibility—this is not the first time it was raised, but he raised it publicly at this Valdai conference—the possibility of a Russian-Chinese military alliance. And this was brought up again on Feb. 4, this year, in a meeting between Wang Yi, the Chinese Foreign Minister, and Sergey Lavrov, discussing this option. Now, Putin in some context, also said it’s not necessary, but obviously, it would be a major change in the strategic situation. What it would do is, it would protect China, if China would sort of come under the nuclear umbrella of the Russian nuclear forces, which are sizable, they’re extremely modernized; Putin had introduced these new weapons systems, the hypersonic missiles, the nuclear-powered submarines—all weapons systems which sort of make the previous plans for a global missile defense system by the U.S. and by NATO obsolete; obviously, all these countries are working high-speed in their own hypersonic missiles, so it’s a dangerous arms race.

But, it would mean, if China would come under the nuclear umbrella of Russia, it would completely change the situation for good; it would basically make a limited nuclear attack on China impossible, unless you want to have World War III all the way. It would basically allow China a greater flexibility in dealing with the problems in the South China Sea, in respect to Taiwan. It would definitely have an incredible signal effect on all the countries participating in the Belt and Road Initiative. It would basically give them assurance that there can be a peaceful win-win cooperation.

Now, obviously, the efforts by the U.S. is to counter that, and that was going on already with the Trump administration, Pompeo and Esper, to build the Quad, that is, the Indo-Pacific alliance, trying to pull India into an alliance with the United States against Russia and China. But that is the kind of geopolitical games which really is what led to World War I and World War II, and I think it is really something we have to overcome: Because if this kind of geopolitical maneuvering is going on, the Damocles Sword of nuclear extinction hangs over the world. And people should really wake up.

The only consequence for European nations is to stop the sanctions campaign against Russia, to stop supporting Navalny, who is—it’s a typical Western intelligence-promoted operation for regime change in Russia. I think his support in Russia is very little. He has maybe a few hundreds of supporters—that looks big when they go on the street—but in reality it’s a very tiny fraction of the Russian population, and as we discussed previously, Ahurkov, one of the campaign managers of Navalny had begged the British second in command in the Moscow Embassy for money so they could do these operations. This is really something which should not happen! Regime change policy is a complete interference into the sovereignty of a country, and it is what Obama and Tony Blair were doing, the so-called “humanitarian interventions,” “spreading democracy”; democracy has gotten a very bad name as a result. And what should happen instead, is that the European nations, like Germany, France, Italy and others should leave NATO and rethink what is their security interest. I think we need to discuss a new security architecture, and that must represent the security interests of every single country on the planet, if we want to overcome the danger of nuclear war.

So, I think the consequence of this is to really leave the kind of NATO alliance, which has become obsolete in any case, after the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact, and right now, the idea to expand NATO as a global force, is really—it will lead to World War III if it’s not stopped.

SCHLANGER: You mentioned China possibly going into an alliance with Russia: The Chinese made a threat that they may withhold rare earth materials that are necessary for aircraft construction and other kinds of defense contracting. How serious is that threat?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Well, I think it’s being seriously looked at. I think the Chinese government has started an investigation, exactly of what the effect would be, as you say, on the military sector, on the production of fighter jets, and if this escalation increases, one could actually see that happening. That would be a sort of nuclear bomb, but it would be one of these signs of a prewar situation if it happens.

SCHLANGER: And speaking of pre-war, we’re seeing a number of developments in Southwest Asia around Yemen, also around Syria with the Israeli strikes on Syria, threats to Iran. How does this situation look from your standpoint?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: The situation in Yemen is a complete tragedy, and also I can only say the world community which allows this to happen—I mean, the Yemen population is the worst humanitarian catastrophe in years; it’s escalating; everybody knows it, nobody does anything decisive about it. Right now you have 2 million Yemeni children under the age of 5 who are in acute malnutrition; 400,000 of those are in acute severe malnutrition, which is acute danger of starvation. Now how easy would it be to tell the Saudis, “you open the ports, you allow the entrance of food aid,” and if the EU and the United States and some other countries would really put their foot down, it could be remedied, practically in a week! The fact that this is not happening, I really think that the EU policies on the question of refugees, what they have done with Frontex [EU’s border guard] backing and participating in the pushback operations against refugees, all of these policies are completely inhuman, and I think any nation in Europe that wants to have a decent policy should leave the EU! The EU and NATO, right now, are really alliances which are completely against the interests of the member states, and there is no need to have a bureaucracy in Brussels.

Look what they did in terms of getting vaccines: Ursula von der Leyen is a complete failure; this woman was a problem when she German Defense Minister. Now her record as the so-called President of EU Commission is a disaster. Why does she not resign? She should resign! And I think the European nations should leave the EU and form an alliance as republics of “fatherlands” as de Gaulle was calling for it, and you can have a multinational cooperation for the development of Africa, for the reconstruction of Southwest Asia, and you don’t need a supranational bureaucracy.

These things have to be remedied, and these policies are clearly not in the interests of the European nations. And in the case of Yemen, I really appeal to all of your viewers—that is, you—to help to change the policy in respect to this genocide which is going on before our very eyes.

SCHLANGER: Now, speaking of the EU, we have the man from the British royal yacht Britannia, who is now moving into power in Italy, Mario Draghi, former head of the European Central Bank: This is just another disaster, and he’s committing himself to the entire policy of so-called “monetary integration.” Is this going to go over in Italy?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: We have to see. Right now, you have the Lega being in the government, and they have one minister post; I think one big test case will be what happens to the Messina Bridge and also the Taranto steel plant, which Draghi basically wants to shut down, and the EU wants to shut down: This steel plant is the production facility which could actually produce the amount of steel needed for the Messina Bridge [to Sicily], which obviously would completely change the dynamic in terms of the Mezzogiorno, bringing real development to Southern Italy and Sicily. And the Lega basically wants to convince Draghi to go ahead with this bridge. Let’s see how this plays out: Draghi made his first speech in the Senate which was unfortunately, everything one could expect. He made the absurd statement saying that the more there is European integration, the more Italian, the Italians become. He also called for Schumpeter-like “creative destruction,” saying that some industries are not worth saving. So this is exactly what one could expect from somebody who has been in the ECB for many years, and demanding all kinds of “reforms” which created the problems in which Italy right now finds itself. So this does not look good.

SCHLANGER: To conclude, we want to go back to this question of Lyndon LaRouche’s solutions, and you’ve been speaking very enthusiastically about the development of the space program in the United Arab Emirates. We now have a Chinese mission on Mars, and as of tomorrow, there will be U.S. rover landing on Mars. How significant is this? This really does represent—when you talk about the Texas situation being the foretaste of the bad things that could come from the Great Reset, doesn’t this project around Mars give us a foretaste of the good things that could come out of international scientific cooperation?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Obviously. Look, for the Mars missions—I’m still most impressed by this U.A.E. operation, because this was a Mars mission which was only started, I think six years ago; so, in an incredible speed, they caught up, at least with Japanese help, but nevertheless, and they have now an spacecraft in Mars orbit. This shows you that any developing nation—after all the Gulf States only discovered oil less than 30 years ago—and turned from total desert states into, in some cases, states which are really doing quite remarkable things, in terms of for example, the Emirates have an island which they irrigated and turned into beautiful gardens and forests. And when my husband and I were in Abu Dhabi in 2002, he made a speech there on the future of oil; this was organized by the Zayed Center. And he basically said, look, forget oil as a fossil fuel, it’s too precious and should be used for chemical production, for pharmaceutical production, and use the revenue to invest in the production of water, that will green the deserts. []

And he advised basically to go for innovation and leapfrog—and this is exactly what the Emirates have done, and other Gulf States are going in a similar direction. They are cooperating with China on the Belt and Road Initiative, and now you have this Mars mission.

Now, if you think what incredible technologies are opened up with space research and space travel, we have seen it many years ago with the Apollo Project, where it’s often cited that every cent investment brought back fourteen cents in terms of value as computers, as all kinds of spinoff products. But we are now on the verge of getting fusion power as a propulsion, which is the only way how human beings could safely get to Mars. There is discussion about studying the weather patterns, the underground water, the traces of life. And obviously, not only manned Mars missions are what is being looked at, but also a village on the Moon, a city on Mars, creating the conditions for longer term existence of man on these planets, as a stepping stone for future interstellar travel. Now, that means that the character of humanity will completely be transformed, because it’s very clear that once you undertake such endeavors, you cannot have a geopolitical war on Mars, or else you will not live, and you will not exist.

And the kind of international cooperation among astronauts which we have seen on the International Space Station (ISS), that is the model for the future cooperation among nations, like the United States, Russia, China, India, Europe—the best policy of Europe is their work on ESA, the European Space Agency, where its head, Mr. Jan Wörner, is enthusiastically speaking about the village on the Moon all the time; and ESA has just put out a request for young people to be trained as astronauts. That program should be enlarged. Europe should have a much, much larger space program, and if a small country like the Emirates can have a Mars mission, why cannot Germany have a Mars mission on its own? You know, Germany right now is in place 27, in terms of the number of people being vaccinated; the Emirates are in place 6 or 7.

So there’s something right which the Emirates are doing, and something fundamentally wrong what Germany is doing and the EU is doing. However, this is the future, and if mankind is supposed to live as an immortal species—and that was a notion which was coined by my late husband—because we are different from other species, because we have creative reason. We can solve any problem through scientific and technological breakthroughs, by discovering new laws of the universe. And since our mind is the most advanced part of that universe, there is all the reason for optimism that once we attune our own existence and our own practice with the laws of the universe, our chances to become the immortal species is absolutely there. But it does require space travel as a precondition, and I think this idea of nations working together to discover the beautiful secrets of the universe, that gives you a taste of what the future of man can look like, when we decide to become adults.

SCHLANGER: Well, Helga, it’s always good to end with a healthy dose of optimism, as you just did. For our viewers, let me remind you: You can get the new report “A Great Leap Backward—LaRouche Exposes the Green New Deal” on why we have to defeat the Great Reset and the Green New Deal, go to and get an invoice for it.

And Helga, I guess that’s what we have now, so we’ll see you next week.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: And join the Schiller Institute!

Rigsdagsbrand i USA // Stop finansverdens grønne New Deal

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Haste appel til præsident Biden:
Tiden er inde til afgørende handling for at imødegå truslen om folkemorderisk affolkning i Afrika

På engelsk:

Jan. 31 (EIRNS)—I am Ramasimong Phillip Tsokolibane, the leader of the LaRouche movement in South Africa.

I lend my support to warnings delivered by our President, Cyril Ramaphosa, of the need for urgent action to get vaccines to Africa, and to nations elsewhere in the South, to fight the deadly COVID-19 virus. He delivered his warnings and demands to the world’s nations in his Special Address at the virtual Davos Conference of the World Economic Forum (see video excerpt here.).

As quoted by the South African daily, Business Day, President Ramaphosa warned on Jan. 26, “We are all not safe if some countries are vaccinating their people and other countries are not vaccinating,” urging that nations that have oversupplies of vaccines make them available to those who do not have them. This hoarding can have disastrous consequences, as will the continued use of patents by big pharma to restrict production and to overcharge the poorest nations. Speaking on behalf of the African Union, which South Africa currently chairs, Mr. Ramaphosa has called for those patents to be released or seized, so that production, and sale at cost, can take place in countries like South Africa, which have the necessary production facilities.

Mr. Ramaphosa reported to the World Economic Forum that the AU’s African task team for COVID-19 vaccine acquisition has secured a provisional 270 million doses for the continent directly through vaccine manufacturers. This is in addition to the 600 million doses expected from the COVAX initiative. But that is still well short of what is required for the 1.2 billion Africans to receive two doses each.

“Through its participation in these continental and global initiatives, S.A. continues to promote the need for universal, fair and equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines,” he said. “We all must act together in combating coronavirus, because it affects all of us equally, and therefore our remedies—our actions to combat it—must also be equal.” (Se her. )

Three months ago, I issued an urgent appeal to then-President Donald Trump, calling on him to take bold and decisive action to deal with the twin crises of the COVID-19 virus pandemic and the conditions of starvation that were already beginning to ravage the African continent. Making vaccines available at low cost, with financial aid as needed, is a central feature of my proposal.

I pointed out that the U.S. Presidency, with its vast executive power, has the ability to address these problems with measures that would get medical aid and food to people who need it, and thereby save perhaps hundreds of millions of people facing certain death, as has been warned of, loud and clear, by no less an authority than former South Carolina Governor David Beasley, who is now Executive Director of the United Nations World Food Programme. I made this case once again in December.

The capacity of the United States—working with other nations to supply the medicines and health supplies, as well as the staffing needed to administer them—needs to be mobilized to avert the worst genocide in human history. The power of U.S. farmers to produce needed foodstuffs and the U.S. military’s marvelous logistical capabilities to get food and medicine to where it is needed, could be mobilized by the U.S. President. I have since submitted the outlines of a plan to accomplish this and I am working to refine the proposal with a group of experts and others on the Committee for the Coincidence of Opposites, created by international Schiller Institute President Helga Zepp-LaRouche. (The plan is appended.)

For whatever reason, President Trump failed to act on my proposal, or any proposal, to deal with these crises. As a result, Africa is stalked by mass death on a scale unprecedented in human history. I can say with the assurance of certainty that this is and will be the case if action is further delayed.

There is now a new Administration in Washington, so I must place this crisis before the new President, Joe Biden, and his staff, and say that the world will judge harshly, indifference to these crises. The plan I propose offers the new President a chance to do something both great and important. Such is the responsibility that all who take the Presidential oath of office must face and act upon. The Presidency of the United States is the most powerful institution on the planet. The power of the Presidency gives the President a moral responsibility for the well-being of people beyond the borders of the United States. While respecting the sovereignty of nations, the President must seek cooperation to save the lives.

Read the words of a truly great American President, Franklin D. Roosevelt, speaking to his fellow Democrat successor across time, who in his acceptance speech for renomination to the Presidency in 1936, said:

“Governments can err, Presidents do make mistakes, but the immortal Dante tells us that divine justice weighs the sins of the cold-blooded and the sins of the warm-hearted in different scales. Better the occasional faults of a Government that lives in a spirit of charity, than the constant omission of a Government frozen in the ice of its own indifference.”

Heed this sage advice! I speak not only as a representative of South Africa, but on behalf of all Africans who are calling on President Biden to act now to save lives. Tomorrow will be too late!

Ramasimong Phillip Tsokolibane

29 January 2021

POLITISK ORIENTERING den 29. januar 2021:
Regimeskifte i USA og den “grønne genstart” fjerner ikke verdens problemer

Med formand Tom Gillesberg

Video: (via Zoom)


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Schiller Instituttet · Regimeskifte i USA og den "grønne genstart" fjerner ikke verdens problemer.


Overvind Davos’ ”store omstilling” med LaRouches nye paradigme.
Schiller Instituttets ugentlige webcast med Helga Zepp-LaRouche,
den 27. januar 2021

Se Helgas Ugentlige webcast, her:

Mens de utopiske fascister fra den globalistiske erhvervselite har planlagt at bruge den nuværende Davos-konference som det tidspunkt, hvor de gennemtrumfer deres globale bankdiktatur for at indføre en dødbringende Grøn New Deal, er der tegn på, at en opposition vokser, centreret omkring Kina og Rusland, som også inkluderer nogle europæiske elementer. Helga Zepp-LaRouche beskrev konferencen hidtil som "en pose blandede bolsjer" og sagde, at finansoligarkerne, der fremmer negativ økonomisk vækst og befolkningsreduktion, er stødt ind i ledende nationers hensigter, som ikke er villige til at overgive deres suverænitet for "aktionær-kapitalismens” skyld. Begge præsidenter Xi og Putin opfordrede til samarbejde og multilaterale løsninger, og Xi sagde, at den unipolære model, der afhænger af at sætte nationer op mod hinanden, er forældet. I det som Zepp-LaRouche kaldte et "tidens tegn", støttede Tysklands kansler Merkel Xis appel for multilateralisme, som hun sagde, stred mod den idé, som præsident Biden søsatte for et "demokratisk topmøde" for alle nationer mod Kina og Rusland.

Mens Helga Zepp-LaRouche var forsigtigt optimistisk med hensyn til Biden-Putin-aftalen om at ratificere en femårig NY START-atomnedrustningsaftale, sagde hun, at Bidens belæring af Putin om de sædvanlige geopolitiske spørgsmål viser, at dem der står bag ham stadig er fast besluttet på en strategisk orientering, der kan føre til krig. Yderligere betyder de rige landes manglende evne til at yde hjælp til fattigere lande med at bekæmpe COVID19-pandemien, at vi enten fremtvinger en ændring i tankegangen, eller også vil pandemien ikke blive overvundet. Den eneste løsning på de problemer, som Xi og Putin rejste i deres taler, er den fulde indførelse af Lyndon LaRouches plan for en firmagtsaftale [mellem USA, Rusland, Kina og Indien] for at etablere et Nyt Bretton Woods-kreditsystem, og at gennemføre LaRouches Fire Økonomiske Love på verdensplan. Hun opfordrede seerne til at slutte sig til Schiller Instituttet for at hjælpe til med at realisere potentialet for et globalt system, der giver mulighed for udvikling af alle nationer.


Engelsk afskrift:

HARLEY SCHLANGER:  Hello, I’m Harley Schlanger, welcome to our weekly dialogue with Helga Zepp-LaRouche: It’s Jan. 27th, 2021.  And I think we should start with the ongoing summit of the World Economic Forum, the Davos billionaires, the gathering of corporatists from around the world to talk about the “Great Reset.”

Helga, what’s the latest you have on what’s going on there?

 HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  It’s a mixed bag, because on the one side, you have all the CEOs of the large firms and banks, BlackRock, Standard Chartered, you have basically the people who—they don’t talk about the Great Reset any more because that has been discredited a lot, so they’re calling it the “Great Transition.” For example, Bill Winters who’s the CEO of Standard Chartered bank, said this is the great $50 trillion opportunity for the next ten years; others like Philip Hildebrand, the Vice President of BlackRock and so forth, they’re all saying they need a lot private finance, private investment.  Basically this is a scheme to transform the world economy, get rid of fossil fuels, naturally no emphasis on nuclear energy, and it would mean to bring the energy flux-density of the world down to a level where, for sure, the present level of more than 7 billion people cannot be maintained.  As a matter of fact, Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, the former head of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, he had said many times that he thought the ideal population for the world is 1 billion, and if these policies of these people would be implemented, you would destroy the world’s industrial capacities. Because if you eliminate fossil fuels—first of all there are clean coal plants now; secondly if you eliminate coal plants, especially for the developing sector, there is no way how you can prevent mass death!  And obviously, this is the hidden, or not so hidden, implication of all of these schemes.

This is a big danger, because these are people who are allied with the central banks, the Fed, the ECB, the Bank of England, all the large corporations, but they’re not the only ones in the world who count, because there was also Xi Jinping, who gave the keynote. For some reason WEF director Klaus Schwab asked him to give the keynote, and he had a quite different tone.  First of all, he said the mode of setting countries against each other is outmoded and that what is needed is a multilateralism which is in the interest of all participants.  He also emphasized a lot the role of science and technology innovation, that China is continuously intending to help the other countries of the South to overcome poverty.

So I think the fact that China is just existing, and is offering a different model of development, including having now started to deliver vaccines for the COVID pandemic to 150 countries, is setting a different tone.  And if these oligarchs of the big banks and corporations want to push through their scheme it just means they will dismantle the industries of the United States and Europe and other countries that go along with that; but I don’t think that they can win.  So it is a sign of the times that Chancellor Merkel, who spoke after Xi Jinping basically supported Xi Jinping in his idea of having multilateralism.  She said she does not want to be put in a position where she has to choose where one bloc is centered around the United States and another one is centered around China, and that she thinks future relations must be based on multilateralism.

Now, this is very important, because, as we know, President Biden has been pushing, or had hoped to have this “Democracy Summit” which was his idea to collect all the NATO countries and get them all lined up against China and against Russia; so that is obviously not functioning, so you see a new—it’s still in a nascent form and baby steps, but you see a tendency in Europe to not want to be treated like the colonies of whatever is being said in Washington, and indirectly, naturally, with London given the marching orders from behind.  So this is an interesting development.

However, I just got a report before we started this program, about the speech of President Putin, and while I didn’t have time to read it at length, I think some of the elements which he said are extremely important: Because he said that the danger is that the world risks a conflict of all against all if global development concerns are not taken care. And he also said that he really hopes that it will not come to a hot global conflict, because this could mean the end to our civilization.  []

I think Putin, and the Russians in general, are very clearly aware of the dangers in general are very clearly aware of the dangers which are in the situation, and I think it’s very important that he expressed it with that clarity. 

I think this Davos virtual summit is just a measurement of where the different forces in the world stand. I think the decisions are being made by the central banks and the forces of Wall Street, City of London, Silicon Valley, and that is the new oligarchical power, which is the real problem. 

But as I said, it’s a divided world, and there is an alternative between absolute zero growth, or reduction of growth, poverty, leading to war and conflict, and the perspective of joining hands to attack the problems of underdevelopment together.  So I think it’s new and naturally, people like the BlackRock representative said there is now a new game change, a new landscape because Biden is the new President and he has brought the United States back into this Green New Deal arrangement—yeah, that’s true and it’s very problematic for the United States, but as I said, that is not the only story in town.

  SCHLANGER: To continue that thread a little bit, if you think about what you just said on what Putin said and what Xi said, it’s clear that the alternative to what’s being pushed by the central banks is your husband’s proposal for the four powers as having the strength to combat Wall Street, the City of London and so on. Now in that, when we’re talking about Biden and Putin, they had a discussion yesterday which had some interesting aspects to it, starting with the renewal of the START agreement, but what do you make of that talk?

 ZEPP-LAROUCHE: From the little which is known about it, I think it was useful, because they agreed that the New START Treaty will be extended for five years, which is what Putin had offered, and both sides expressed that it’s in their mutual interest.  [Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei] Ryabkov said that this is very good because it gives five years for a complete reevaluation and the refounding of the relationship between the United States and Russia.  Naturally, then of course, Biden could not help himself to bring in the usual geopolitical issues, like the Navalny case, the supposed hacking of SolarWinds, and similar things, so he had to say these things; but I think it’s important, because when the two largest nuclear powers stop talking, then this is the most dangerous. So while I’m not saying that this is resolving anything, I think it is an important first step. And it is important, because the world is really in a very dangerous situation, so I think that that’s what one can say about it.

SCHLANGER:  One of the dangers is the continuing inability of big powers, including the European Union and the United States, to bring the coronavirus pandemic under control.  This was discussed peripherally there, and Biden’s coming up with a plan.  But unless you deal with this as you proposed, as an international question, with a new health system for every nation, this is not going to be stopped by the kind of half-measures that are being taken.

 ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Well, there is obviously an effort to beef up the production of vaccines. I think there are efforts being made. But now, there’s a huge scandal in Europe, because—this is unfortunately true, that the EU was very slow in ordering vaccines; they clearly had the idea of saving money rather than ordering as many different products from different firms and then see which one comes first, and there is no danger to order too many, because if you have too much you can give it all the other countries in need.  So this was clearly not done by [European Commission President Ursula] Von Der Leyen; she’s now targetted even in {Bildzeitung}—this tabloid—that she did not order, and that the result is in Germany, it’s going very slowly; in other countries in Europe, it’s going very slowly, and this is a reflection of the same austerity  mentality which is really—I hope it shortens the career of Von Der Leyen, because she is just the wrong person to be in any leading position in Europe.

The real problem, however, is what the head of the African Union and President of South Africa Cyril Ramaphosa said, who pointed to the fact that so far the rich countries have mostly cared for themselves, and he said there will be no solution to the pandemic as long as one country is not having the necessary vaccines.  And Tedros from the World Health Organization said that the behavior of the rich countries so far, which got themselves 95% of all the vaccine orders, and leaving the so-called third world with only 5%, that this is a “catastrophic moral failure.”  One can only hope that this is being remedied as quickly as possible, because it now turns out that the idea that Africa was having relatively little problems with COVID-19, turns out not to be true, and as we suspected, it was only due to non-reporting, little testing; and now it comes out through a study from a university in Zambia, that especially the age group between 19 and 59 years of age have the highest mortality rate, {and} children! Now, as we also know there are new strains in Britain, in South Africa, and in Brazil, which are much more lethal and also spread more quickly; and there are now medical experts warning that what could happen is that one of these new mutations, new variants, could develop to become vaccine-resistant. If that would happen, then we would be in a very dramatic situation.

So I think there is not yet a recognition, at least not in any way necessary, of the leading institutions, to really understand that we are in a race against time, because it is very clear that the economic collapse coming from the COVID pandemic, is going to ruin a lot of industrial substance. For example, in Germany and other European countries, a lot of small and medium firms are not going to make it.  The situation now, where a possible lockdown will start again in a hard way in France, or it has started already, with lockdowns from 6 in the evening until morning, people are not allowed to leave their house; so a lot of economic hardship will follow, and a lot of substance will be destroyed. 

So either there is a change in the attitude, that people understand that you have to start to build modern health systems in every single country, or this cannot be controlled, that rethinking has not yet started in a serious fashion and that’s what the Schiller Institute is campaigning for.  Because unless we take this crisis to really start to overcome the underdevelopment of the developing countries in a serious way, there is no guarantee that this will not lead to a major crisis.  And I think Putin, in his speech in Davos reflected that dimension very clearly, that out of chaos you could have a global catastrophe.

The ILO just reported that the loss of jobs in 2020 was equivalent to 255 million fulltime jobs. I don’t think that covers all the shadow industry jobs, but that’s a significant number, and they expect another 130 million losses in 2021, and they say this does not yet take into account the likelihood of a fourth and a fifth wave.  So that all makes clear that we have to change the whole situation:  I cannot see a willingness right now on the side of the central banks in Europe, the United States, to go in that direction, but that will be a subject of mobilizing the population, because if these institutions are unable to reform—and you know, if you look at the situation, with the riots having now spread to Holland, where for four days you had massive riots in 10 cities; last week we had the same thing in Denmark.  This was not unlike the mob which stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6 in the United States, and if you now have more job losses, more unemployment, the danger of blackouts—we have a huge danger that if this Green energy policy is implemented that you will have blackouts leading to complete chaos, I think this could really lead to major social upheavals, and the only way to avoid that would be to really go for our program, starting with the health system in every country.  And we have published this program for 1.5 billion productive new jobs, which have to be created []. And despite the coronavirus condition there has to be a rethinking and there has to be a vision for the population to see the light at the end of the tunnel, that even if some of these things will be very difficult to implement under coronavirus conditions, I think it is important that there is a willingness by the leading institutions to address that.  

Xi Jinping in his speech in Davos also mentioned that he wants to strengthen the G20, because he said that that is the institution to build up global governance—well, that is important because as long as you have some countries at least in that combination that go in a different direction, it is important.  And just to mention it, China has had last year 550,000 new patents, which is an increase of 17%; that is because the Chinese government put a lot of emphasis on science and technological progress innovation, and there was just a study by a German university that found that the civil law in China is compatible to Western standards, essentially because they took the entire canon of civil law in Germany as a model to write their Chinese civil law.  So the university study comes to the conclusion that this an absolutely Western standard and there’s no reason to complain about it.

 And I think there has to be a rethinking about a lot of the prejudices in the anti-China/anti-Russia campaign, because if we want to solve the problems of the world, we have to stop geopolitical confrontation and find a way of putting our forces together to address these urgent questions which face all of humanity.

 SCHLANGER:  As far as being stuck in the old paradigm, we have this fight continuing in the United States against Donald Trump, with the impeachment bill from the House moving to the Senate for trial.  This is dividing the country once again.  It’s being used to create the kind of confrontation that would serve as a pretext for more crackdowns, more censorship. You mentioned that you are somewhat excited, or intrigued by what Tulsi Gabbard said, and also what Putin had said about this.  What’s your thought about what’s going on with this impeachment?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Well, there was the vote in the Senate where only five Republican Senators voted with the Democrats, so the impeachment trial will start on Feb. 9th, but I think it has almost zero chance to succeed, because they would need 17 Republican Senators to go along, and there are already now many voices that there is no basis in the Constitution to even do that, because the Constitution does not allow for private persons to be impeached.  So you can impeach a sitting President, but not a former President.  So that is a big argument. And the whole campaign is ludicrous in the first place, because Trump did not incite violence and the mob to storm the Capitol, despite the narrative which is being put out by the media and the Democrats.  He gave a speech to his supporters!  And then said, “let’s move down Pennsylvania Avenue,” and “we have to take back the country”—I mean, these are normal things to say; many politicians have said many things like that.  So it’s a complete orchestration, and to somehow now criminalize 75 million Trump voters is also not going to work. 

It is the danger of a polarization, naturally, and what Tulsi Gabbard said is quite to the point. She said that the mob which stormed the Capitol, this is dangerous, but she said also dangerous is the John Brennans and the Adam Schiffs and the Big Tech, but they’re more dangerous because they’re more powerful.

 Now, also Putin, in his speech at the World Economic Forum pointed to the role of the Big Tech that they have more power than the elected governments, and I think this is something which should be of concern to everybody, because if these Big Tech firms can allow people to say one thing, and not allow another thing, make total censorship, this is really dictatorship.  And I think the population must be mobilized against it, and governments around the world must take measures to put these high tech  firms under control and under government regulation.  And Biden, if he doesn’t do it, will be discredited by that as much, as well.

 SCHLANGER: Also a reflection of the old paradigm is the effort to continue with sanctions against the Nord Stream 2 project, which is very far advanced in terms of the U.S., the U.K., NATO, and there’s a reaction growing against this from Germany.  What do you think is going to happen?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: I think it’s going to be built. I think it’s only few kilometers left.  They restarted the completion of it, and the government spokesman of Merkel, Steffen Seibert said that this is not something which concerns the government, because it’s a private contract between private firms, and even the Environment Minister Svenja Schulze said these were contracts which were made many years ago, and it would put into question the reliability of Germany as a partner in any kind of trade deal if they would now stop it.  So I think this is interesting, and as I said, I do see baby steps of self-assertion on the side of the German government, and I think it is a tendency in Europe as well; and one could only hope that it would continue.

SCHLANGER: A lot of what you’ve been discussing today Helga, is related to the fight between the old paradigm and the new paradigm, which I think is becoming more obvious to a large number of people.  You’ve been at the center of this fight, you’ve made it the cause of the Schiller Institute to push for a move into a new paradigm, outside of the realm of the false choices that are presented by geopolitics, with neoliberalism.  What can you say to the viewers, that they need to do, to make sure we get this push for a new paradigm?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  We have a program. The program was in large part authored by my late husband Lyndon LaRouche, who said that we need absolutely to have a New Bretton Woods system which has one main goal: to overcome the underdevelopment of the developing sector. Now that happens to be exactly what Franklin D. Roosevelt intended the Bretton Woods system to be, which it never became, because he died before it could be established. But I think that there is the potential to have a global system which allows the development of all nations.  It is the sign of the times. 

The fact that China, Russia, about 150 other nations are going in this direction, I think this is something which is a hopeful development, and I don’t think the efforts by the Biden Administration to go back to the old confrontation with China, with Russia—well, the only thing it can bring is World War III, in which case, nobody would enjoy it, not Biden, and not anybody of his cabinet.  They have no way of crushing this ferment without causing World War III.  Now, that’s a real danger and I don’t want to belittle it for one second.  But I think that if people really think about, there is a way to solve this problem, and that is to do exactly what the American System of economy was, in the beginning of the American republic, what the German economic miracle was in the postwar period, to go back to scientific and technological progress, to go in the direction of increase of productivity, the Four Laws which were designed by my late husband, to go for global Glass-Steagall, get rid of the casino economy; implement national bank in every single country on the planet; then go in the direction of a credit system, cooperate in long-term development projects—it would bring the whole world out of this crisis! 

And we have reached a point, where one year after the pandemic, at a point where it’s very clear the economy is in a very dangerous collapse phase, I mean: Are human beings capable of reflecting on the mistakes which were made and correcting them? I fundamentally think, absolutely yes.  It’s just that we need the kind of discussion, how should we shape the world for this coming period, for the next hundred years, and then take the vision of having the idea of peaceful cooperation.  Why don’t we just allow the different systems, if a country wants to have a different social system and is not trying to impose that on another one, why should we not accept that?  Accept sovereignty, accept non-interference into the internal affairs, accept the different social system.  Can we not have an alliance of republics working for the common good of all of humanity?  That’s what John Quincy Adams was advocating, and I think that that is exactly what is needed now. 

And I also think this must be combined with a cultural renaissance: I think we have to realize in the West that this exaggerated liberalism, where you replace moral standards with the principle of everything is allowed, the more pornographic, the more violent, the more perverse something becomes, the more interesting it becomes—that was a wrong way!  And I think we have lost our way in the West, and all we have to do, is to do the same thing that China is doing, what Russia is doing; they went back to their own high traditions of their high culture.  There is a big revival of 5,000 years of tradition in China.  Russia is doing the same thing.  And we could do the same thing as well!  In Europe, we have a {beautiful} European Classical period, we have the Italian Renaissance, the Andalusian renaissance, we have the Ecole Polytechnique in France; we have the German Classical period. In America, you have the principles of the American Revolution, the American System of economy.  We have so many wonderful traditions which we could revive and be an absolute important shaping factor in the future world.  And I think we have to mobilize the population to rally around that, and then solutions are possible.

So I want to invite all of you, our viewers, to join with us, and help us to get the world out of this crisis.

SCHLANGER: Well, Helga, thank you for your insights, and your optimism in this moment of pessimism, confusion, demoralization is really refreshing, and it ought to be something that will bring people to The LaRouche Organization.  We welcome all of viewers to go to the websites of The LaRouche Organization and the Schiller Institute, where you can much more in-depth material on what Helga has been discussing today.

Helga, thanks for joining us this week, and we’ll see you next week.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Till next week!

Den kommende mobilisering: Modstå og bekæmp den grønne ’New Deal’

25. januar (EIRNS) — EIR og Schiller Instituttet vil snart begynde at cirkulere en stærk afsløring af de finansielle oligarkers såkaldte “Green Deal”-plan, samt det strategiske modtræk med finansiering af højteknologisk udvikling til at besejre den. Denne rapport bygger på specialrapporten, som vi offentliggjorde i maj sidste år, "LaRouche-planen for genåbning af den amerikanske økonomi: Verden har brug for 1,5 milliarder nye produktive job", der stadig er den eneste fulde skitse for virkelig at vende de forfærdelige økonomiske effekter af COVID-19-pandemien, og forsvare os mod den næste.

EIR's 'Alert Service' har advaret om, at Det verdensøkonomiske Forums fem dages konference, 'Davos Agenda', der startede i dag, involverer en plan – "Great Reset" eller "Green Deal" – udarbejdet af britiske oligarker og bankfolk fra City of London, Wall Street og de største centralbanker om at forbyde "urene" moderne energiteknologier og bruge titusinder af milliarder på "nye", i realiteten primitive energiteknologier. Processen vil reducere den menneskelige befolkning, dens frihed og dens velfærd på måder, der er meget ubehagelige for milliarder af de "andre 99%". Kun inderkredsen omkring de britiske kongelige vil indrømme, at det er deres mål.

Med chok har den sydafrikanske regering måttet erfare, at dens nye kulkraftprojekter annulleres, og at den er under pres for, i indeværende årti, at lukke mange af kulkraftværkerne, der leverer størstedelen af elkraften til hele landet.  Verdens største fondsforvaltningsselskab, Wall Streets BlackRock, Inc., har presset Sydkoreas førende energitekniske firma, som bygger de sydafrikanske energi-komplekser, til at opgive dem. Andre projekter i Indonesien og Filippinerne er underlagt samme trussel. I Kenya forsvinder finansieringen til udvikling af et oliefelt, der var nøglen til en ny jernbane- og havnekorridor, der forbinder den nordlige del af landet med sine naboer. Præsidenten i Ghana kommer under hårdt pres for at droppe planerne om et atomkraftanlæg, der skulle være kernen i hans udviklingsprogram.

I London bekendtgør regeringsinstitutioner arrogant et tilbud på 1 mia. $ til hele Afrika og Indien som kompensation for nedlukning af kul og olie!

I USA er halvdelen af alle kulkraftværkerne i løbet af fem år nedlagt af BlackRocks og Sir Michael Bloombergs kampagne, "Beyond Coal", til trods for præsident Donald Trump.

I Tyskland eller USA indebærer den fortsatte indførelse af en ”Green New Deal” enorme priser på elkraft, industrielt kaos, blackouts… Men i Afrika, Indien eller hvilket som helst udviklingsland indebærer det befolkningsreduktion med millioner af unødvendige dødsfald.

Den siddende britiske kongelige malthusianske prins Charles og hans hold af øko-rådgivere og bankvenner i City of London mener, at de nu, efter 30 år med "Earth Summits", Davos-konferencer og Green New Deals, endelig har fået sat et finansielt kvælergreb ind mod menneskeskarerne og de "snavsede" fossile brændstoffer og "farlige" nukleare teknologier, der har gjort det muligt for den menneskelige befolkning at vokse. De jubler over afskedigelsen af præsident Donald Trump, som var den mest magtfulde modstander af deres Green New Deal, og som trak USA ud af den økonomisk dræbende Paris-klimaaftale. Nu mener de, at regeringerne ikke vil modsætte sig dem og storfinanserne, og at "the Green Finance", som de kalder det, vil udsulte disse, de mest produktive energiteknologier, for al kapital til at eksistere. Joe Biden tager Det hvide Hus med sig ind i deres lejr.

Men vi har også gjort det klart, at denne plan kan stoppes. I høj grad på grund af Kinas indflydelse, modsætter de asiatiske nationer sig; og det gør Putins Rusland også.

World Economic Forum udsendte et strategipapir til deres konference i denne uge, hvori det hævdede, at 30 billioner $ i kapitalfonde har forpligtet sig til "grøn finansiering"; at forhindre investeringer i fossile brændstoffer eller atomkraft. De vil angiveligt kun investere i miljømæssige, sociale og regeringsmæssige formål – øregas! Men de indrømmede, at kun 0,8% af denne “grønne økonomi” var i Asien!

I virkeligheden fører prinsen og hans oligarker en europæisk krig imod økonomisk fremskridt rettet mod Asien og Afrika. Kinesiske banker finansierer tre fjerdedele af kulkraftprojekterne i alle udviklingslande, og alt imens dets ledere bruger sproget i Paris-klimaaftalen, planlægger Kina stadig at producere halvdelen af sin elkraft fra kul i 2050 – med meget af den anden halvdel fra kernekraftværker. Indien og Rusland er lige så engagerede i kulkraft, atomkraft og det internationale lynprogram for fusionskraft, som Putin opfordrede til i juli 2018, samt til rumforskning og rumvidenskab.

Vi ved, hvordan denne form for udvikling kan finansieres uden nogen grønne finans- eller centralbankfolk – ved at skabe nationale bankinstitutioner efter Hamiltons principper i hvert land. Som en første opgave skal der opbygges et moderne sundhedsvæsen og et offentligt sundhedssystem i alle lande.

Vi er nødt til at kæmpe med Biden-administrationen for denne industrialiserings- og udviklingspolitik, som den uforlignelige økonom for det amerikanske system, Lyndon LaRouche, udtænkte den. Smid den store nulstilling ud. Afvis Bidens ideer om "Earth Day" -topmøder, fordi det er at spille det britiske oligarkis spil. Vi må kæmpe for en konference til at iværksætte LaRouches "Nye Bretton Woods." EIR’s kommende hvidbog vil være det indledende våben i denne kamp.


Billede:Senate Democrats, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons


Prins Charles lancerer ‘Terra Charta’ for at ødelægge menneskehedens
fysiske økonomi og kraftigt reducere befolkningstallet

Introduktion: Den 24. januar (EIRNS) – Mandag begynder World Economic Forum i Davos, Schweiz for alvor. Søndagen bragte Klaus Schwabs velkomstbemærkninger, der pegede på temaerne 'stakeholder' (interessent-)kapitalisme og "global forvaltning" (en grøn overtagelse af forretningslivet og nedlukning af pålidelige energikilder). Ugens begivenheder vil presse kraftigt på for en nulstilling af global ledelse i retning af et ”regimeskifte” til fordel for storfinanserne og centralbankerne, som det blev promoveret ved mødet i Jackson Hole i 2019, og ”Terra Charta”-idéen om overnational kontrol over verden for at afværge den formodede klimatiske katastrofale nødsituation. De grønne drømme løber ind i barske realiteter, når de forsøges gennemført. En moderne, produktiv, vibrerende verden kan simpelthen ikke basere sig på "vedvarende" energikilder.

22. januar (EIRNS) — Hans Kongelige Højhed Charles, Prince of Wales, lancerede den 11. januar det han kalder en ”Terra Charta for Naturen, Befolkningen og Planeten”, eller “Jordens Charter”, for at gennemtrumfe et grønt folkemorderisk program for radikal befolkningsreduktion, gennemført med et diktatur af centralbankfolk.

Planen på 18 sider, der blev frigivet to uger før den specielle "Davos Dagsorden", World Economic Forum den 25.-29. Januar, skal aktiveres af prinsen af Wales' initiativ for bæredygtige markeder, som han præsenterede på Davos-konferencen i 2020. Charles understregede, at den private forretningssektor er nøglen til at gennemføre hans politik, idet regeringer kan formulere politikken, men har ikke beføjelser til at gennemføre den. Dette er en opfordring til en korporativ-synarkistisk topstyret indførelse af planen uden om regeringernes magt.

Den 19. januar rapporterede websiden 'Intelligent Living', at Terra Charta allerede har opbakning fra Bank of America, HSBC og BlackRock, som besidder aktiver for 7,8 billioner $, og som har spillet en central rolle i at presse på for et diktatur af verdens centralbankfolk.

Charles fremstiller mennesket som en ødelægger af naturen – "Menneskeheden… har forårsaget en enorm ødelæggelse af den planet, der opretholder vores eksistens" – og han angriber hele tiden menneskehedens kreativitet.

Artikel 8 hudfletter statsstøtte til videnskabeligt landbrug og opfordrer til at afslutte en sådan bistand: ”Undersøgelse af hvordan man tackler forstokkede subsidier, udlån og investeringer (f.eks. til fossilt brændsel, skovbrug, fiskeri og landbrug). At vende denne forkvaklede praksis har potentialet til hurtigt at omdirigere ressourcer for at fremskynde overgangen til bæredygtige industrier og en bæredygtig fremtid. Dette skift vil også ændre tilværelsen og levebrødet for millioner af små landmænd, jordbesiddere og fiskere, tillige med landdistrikter og kystsamfund rundt om i verden”. Dette ville i virkeligheden flytte mennesker til små primitive gårde – snarere end avancerede familiebedrifter – ude af stand til at brødføde andre end det siddende oligarkis udvalgte, på et tidspunkt hvor hungersnød, ifølge Verdensfødevareprogrammet, truer med at dræbe 270 millioner mennesker i år.

Der er ordninger for grønne spekulative bobler i artikel 1: "Tilskyndelse til innovative finansielle instrumenter for at øge og fremskynde overgangsfasen på tværs af virksomheder, industrier og lande".

Hvorfor kalde forslaget "Terra Charta"? Som det siges i en video med Charles sendt til The Times den 19. januar: ”I 1215 lagde Magna Charta grundlaget for universelle menneskerettigheder. Et af fire eksemplarer opbevares i Salisbury Cathedral. [Viser Charles, iført en grøn ansigtsmaske på spadseretur gennem Salisbury Cathedral.] Det er tid til at udvide de universelle rettigheder til ikke kun at omfatte menneskeheden, men til naturen". Som det meste af hans 90-sekunder lange video er sammenligningen af ​​universelle menneskerettigheder med noget, der kaldes "universelle naturrettigheder", dybsindig, men alligevel meningsløs. Faktisk undertvang 'Magna Charta', det store frihedsbrev mellem Kong Johans normanniske oligarki og den angelsaksiske adel, folket i det Plantagenet-besatte England for udplyndring af det normanniske oligarki. Tilsvarende vil Terra Charta underkaste menneskeheden udplyndring fra det britiske imperiums monarki og deres fejlslagne finansoligarki i City of London og Wall Street. Ved hjælp af undskyldningen om at "redde naturen" vil de plyndre så meget af menneskeheden som de kan, og dræbe dem de ikke kan plyndre.

Arvingen til House of Windsors trone skærer denne plyndring ud i pap: Han hævder, at der findes en naturlig kapital – floderne, regnskovene, koralrevene, regioner med "biodiversitet" – som, hvis mennesket "trækker dem for langt ned", vil ødelægge kloden. Derfor må mennesket foretage investeringer, ikke alene for at fremstille teknologier fra det 14. århundrede som vindmøller og solpaneler, men mennesket må have et charter om at investere for at ”genopbygge” naturkapitalen. I artikel 7 skriver Charles, ”Det er på tide at definere de fordele, som vi får fra den naturlige verden, og redegøre for naturlig kapital i virksomhedernes regnskaber. Uden dette kan virksomhederne ikke kende den sande værdi af deres aktiver eller vide hvor skadelig deres aktiviteter kan være”.

Desuden, for at finansiere denne plan, kræves "nye og innovative modeller som grønne/blå obligationer til skove, rev, mangrover osv." Dette ville suge alle investeringer væk fra produktive investeringer i et omfang, hvor det vil opbygge en grøn spekulativ boble tre til fire gange større end hvad der nu forudses. Det vil gøre det muligt for monarkiets ’firkløver’, City of London, Bank of England og efterretningstjenesterne, at reducere verdens energi-gennemstrømningstæthed til et niveau, der kun kunne understøtte 1 milliard mennesker.


Billede: Prins Charles, Licens: Dan Marsh, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Schiller Instituttet tager på det kraftigste afstand fra Men in Black

Schiller Instituttet pressemeddelelse den 25. januar 2021

25. januar 2021 — Schiller Instituttet i Danmark tager på det kraftigste afstand fra de holdninger, demonstrationer og aktiviteter, der er foregået under betegnelsen "Men in Black".

Schiller Instituttet har været meget aktive for at sikre en effektiv bekæmpelse af COVID-19-pandemien (se udtalelsen Operation virus ud af skindpelsen fra den 30. marts 2020, og for at sikre, at vi både i Danmark og internationalt kan få oprustet sundhedssystemerne – både med henblik på at få nedkæmpet COVID-19-pandemien og forhindre andre pandemier som måtte true menneskeheden i fremtiden.

Schiller Instituttet har støttet den internationale indsats for at få udviklet vacciner imod COVID-19 og ønsker dem udbredt hurtigst muligt i Danmark og i resten af verden.

Vi beklager, at et tidligere medlem i Schiller Instituttet og kandidat for Schiller Instituttets Venner, Christian B. Olesen, har valgt at være aktiv i Men in Black, som det blandt andet kunne læses i dagbladet Politiken den 24. januar 2021. Christian var medlem i Schiller Instituttet indtil november 2020, men har aldrig diskuteret Men in Black med Schiller Instituttet. Så længe han fortsat er aktiv i og deler holdninger med Men in Black er han ikke velkommen igen i Schiller Instituttet.

Tom Gillesberg
Formand for Schiller Instituttet i Danmark

Kontakt formand Tom Gillesberg: mobil: +45 24 48 29 97
Eller mobil: +45 53 57 00 51  

Erklæring om COVID-19-tiltag af Dr. Joycelyn Elders, fhv. chefmilitærlæge i USA
på vegne af Komitéen for modsætningernes sammenfald

På engelsk:

This statement was released on Christmas Eve, December 24. The Committee, initiated in July 2020 by a call from Helga Zepp-LaRouche of the Schiller Institute, involves many medical professionals, educators and retired U.S. military officers.

As the year 2020 draws to a close, let us fervently hope and diligently work, that the new year will bring about a great transformation for the health and well-being of all humanity.

This year has seen a sea of troubles, starting with the COVID-19 pandemic, which has already killed over 1.7 million people worldwide; which has exacerbated a famine crisis in large parts of the world, and which according to World Food Program director David Beasley, now threatens the lives of 270 million people; which has created mass unemployment and increasingly desperate conditions throughout the globe.

The COVID pandemic is not under control. We are now seeing new and more infectious strains of the coronavirus, as in Great Britain, which is creating economic chaos. This catastrophic situation can be remedied, but it requires the urgent mobilization of the population, including emphatically the implementation of public health measures, that have proven to be effective in containing the virus. We cannot simply wait for the vaccines to be administered. This emergency requires that nations work together to accomplish these solutions. Pandemics don’t discriminate. Any nation, any region, any group of people not treated in the course of this pandemic will come back to harm us.

The following measures should be undertaken by national, regional, and local governments. Community organizations, universities, medical institutions, religious groups, and others can begin to implement aspects of this immediately. This will spur broader action and save lives in the interim.

  • Public health measures should be strictly adhered to and enforced. These measures were recently reiterated by Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams, appearing on Sunday’s “Face the Nation,” December 20th: “We need to wash our hands, wear a mask, watch our distances, keep our household gatherings small.”
  • Get vaccinated. While this cannot be a mandatory requirement and is not without legitimate questions and concerns, it is highly recommended, as the best option, at present, to beat the COVID pandemic.
  • Rapidly recruit, train, and employ thousands of young people to work as community health care workers to educate people regarding the public health measures cited above and to overcome “vaccine hesitancy and fear,” and, where viable, to assist medical personnel with vaccine administration.
  • Conduct mass testing, especially in areas of vulnerable populations, i.e., the elderly, the impoverished, and “hot spots,” etc. This should be done with a rapid test, so that people get results immediately. This testing should be done regularly, once per month, until the area has a 65-70% vaccinated population. Testing sites should be established in areas where the vulnerable populations live, i.e. neighborhood churches, supermarket parking lots, etc. Mobile medical/clinic vehicles should be utilized wherever possible to reach out-of-the-way areas.
  • Isolate and quarantine infected individuals. A safe, secure environment should be provided where people can recover and receive good food and medical treatment, while doing so.
  • Begin public protocols immediately on promising prophylactic treatments, including Alpha-interferon and Vitamin D-3 supplements. These promising treatments and their results have generally been unreported. This may also address and build trust among the medically underserved communities, who have in many cases legitimate concerns about their general health conditions, independent of COVID-19.
  • Get everything moving as rapidly and on as large a scale as possible. What would it take to get everyone in the U.S. and in most of the world vaccinated and COVID-free by Independence Day, July 4, 2021? In this regard the expertise of the U.S. military including the National Guard and the Army Corps of Engineers, should be utilized.

It is often said that hindsight is 20/20. Let the year 2020 be remembered as the year the population woke up, realized our past mistakes, and changed, in order to create a better and healthier world for all mankind.


Verdens Fødevareprogram chef Beasley:
Ja, sammen kan vi undgå hungersnød, destabilasering og masse migration. Stop krigerne

To korte videoer, som Helga Zepp-LaRouche retwettede.

2 minutter lang uddrag af et NRK interview den 10. december 2020:

1 minutter lang Beasley video:


POLITISK ORIENTERING den 4. december 2020.
Så længe Trump ikke kapitulerer er der håb –
Kina viser vejen til månen og fusion

Med formand Tom Gillesberg.

Video: Klik her for at se via YouTube

Lyd: Klik her for at høre via Soundcloud.



POLITISK ORIENTERING den 20. november 2020:
Hvis præsident Trump besejrer valgsvindlen
får vi en anden og bedre verden Posted 46 minutes ago

Med formand Tom Gillesberg


Schiller Instituttet · Hvis præsident Trump besejrer valgsvindlen får vi en anden og bedre verden

Interview med Hussein Askary: Kan Irak blive et centrum
for udvikling snarere end konflikt?

12. november 2020 (Schiller Instituttet) — Irak har i årtier været en konfliktzone, og er blevet ødelagt og nægtet udvikling af den amerikanske invasion i 2003 under George W. Bush. Men hvor Vesten ser konflikt, ser Kina muligheder. Kunne Irak blive et omdrejningspunkt for udvikling, hvor øst og vest kan mødes? Hussein Askary, Schiller Instituttets Sydvestasien-koordinator, diskuterer perspektivet for infrastruktur og et paradigmeskifte i Sydvestasien og globalt.

Gandhis vision for et nyt paradigme i internationale relationer,
et globalt sundhedssystem og direkte ikke-voldelig handling
i tider med socialt sammenbrud.
af Helga Zepp-LaRouche, præsident for det internationale Schiller Institut

Helga Zepp-LaRouche præsenterede denne artikel på den todages online internationale konference, holdt den 30.-31. oktober 2020 af Foreningen af asiatiske Lærde for at fejre Gandhis 150-års fødselsdag, med titlen ”At gense Gandhi: Fred, retfærdighed og udvikling”. Hun leverede også en forkortet 10-minutters version af artiklen og deltog i spørgeperioden.

To uddrag:
… Så spørgsmålet er: Kan Mahatma Gandhis filosofi stadig anvise en køreplan for oprettelsen af en ny verdensorden i lyset af en verden, der på mange måder virker fuldstændig ude af kontrol, og hvor tvang og tyrannisering synes at have erstattet diplomati og dialog? Det er en rimelig antagelse, at Gandhi ville håndtere dette spørgsmål med den samme indre retning og vilje til at befri hele menneskeheden fra åget af imperialistisk undertrykkelse, som han håndterede spørgsmålet om at befri Indien fra kolonial underkastelse i sin tid….


Disse tre eksempler: Paradigmeskiftet i internationale relationer, behovet for et globalt sundhedssystem og den direkte sociale handling for de unge, viser den fremtrædende betydning og den absolutte relevans af Gandhis filosofi for en tilgang til de største udfordringer i vores tid. Hans idé om selvophøjelse kan også danne grundlag for en dialog mellem kulturer blandt de filosoffer og digtere, som også har et ophøjet billede af mennesket. En sådan dialog ville være med til at katalysere en kulturel renæssance, der er så presserende nødvendig for at redde verden fra den nuværende civilisationskrise, vi befinder os i. Men vigtigst af alt er at tænde den indre kærlighed, som Gandhi står for, så flere mennesker kan blive store sjæle.

Hele talen på engelsk:

International Relations

As the Covid-19 pandemic spreads around the globe, all the many unacceptable problems of systemic injustice previously plaguing the world, the poverty and underdevelopment that has existed in the entire post World War II period, have suddenly exploded and torn away the thin veil, which had masked the fragility of the present global system the whole time. As of now, the pandemic has killed more than one million people, and according to the WHO, it threatens to kill at least another million before a vaccine can be applied to the whole world population, and it even may be worse than that. 1 According to the ILO, this year 500 million jobs will be lost, and if the prognosis of the director of the WFP, David Beasley,2 turns out to be right, we could face a famine of biblical dimensions soon, killing up to 300,000 human beings a day.3

The world financial system which has dominated the world since 1945, and which has become increasingly deregulated since Richard Nixon dismantled the original Bretton Woods System by introducing floating exchange rates in August, 1971, a process which accelerated after the collapse of the Soviet Union, already was at the point of systemic collapse in 2008. All the Quantitative Easing by the central banks since has enlarged the financial bubble since, to the advantage of the rich becoming richer, the middle class shrinking, and the poor becoming poorer. These same central banks according to the intention stated by former Bank of England chief, Mark Carney, now want a “regime change,” whereby they want to replace governments in defining financial and fiscal policy.4

Just to touch upon it briefly: as a result of the sharpening of the transatlantic financial crisis the various hotspots have also heated up to a very dangerous point of escalation, in several areas even to the point of actual war, like between Azerbaijan and Armenia, in other areas, as ongoing regime change operation, like Belarus, and in still other areas as potential hot conflicts such as the South China Sea or around Taiwan. In all of these crisis areas one can trace the geopolitical manipulation of the modern form of the British Empire, an empire which continues to exist in the form of the financial system of central banks, investment banks, hedge funds, insurance and reinsurance companies, etc. The most visible manifestation of this empire is the City of London and Wall Street, which historically developed as the junior partner of the City.

So the question is: Can the philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi still show a roadmap for the establishment of a new world order, in light of a world which seems in many ways completely out of control and where coercion and bullying seems to have replaced diplomacy and dialogue? It is a fair assumption that Gandhi would approach this question with the same inner direction and determination to free all of humanity from the yoke of imperial repression as he approached the question of freeing India from colonial subjugation in his time.

As we commemorate this year the 75th anniversary of the adoption of the UN Charter, it is more urgent than ever before that we renew the principles upon which the UN Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights-UDHR were built. It is important to remind the world that Gandhi’s philosophy of non-violence and the practical example of his victory over the British Empire, was the most important of the influences that shaped the formulation of these groundbreaking documents. He had been the greatest inspiration for fight against colonialism and the intense debates around the Indian constitution. The Indian representatives, who had taken part in the different aspects of the drafting of the UDHR, Begum Hamid Ali, Hansa Mehta, Lakshmi N. Menon, and M.R. Masani, were all influenced by the ideas of Gandhi. Hansa Mehta was in the group of Eleanor Roosevelt at the UN Commission on Human Rights, which formulated the UDHR.

The principles of Gandhi’s conception of non-violence continued to influence later the five principles of peaceful coexistence, Panchsheel, as it was expressed for the first time formally in the “Agreement on Trade and Intercourse between the Tibet region and India” on April 29, 1954. In the preamble, these principles were spelled out: 1, Mutual respect for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the other; 2, Mutual non-aggression; 3, Mutual non-interference into the inner affairs of the other; 4, Equality and Cooperation for the mutual benefit; and 5, Peaceful coexistence. This same philosophy persisted in the first conference of the independent Asian and African states in Bandung, and under the leadership of Indian Prime Minister J. Nehru and Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai, these principles were enlarged into the Ten Principles of Bandung. They also constituted the core according to international law of the conference of the Non-Aligned Movement in Belgrade in 1961.

It underlines both the humbleness and integrity of J. Nehru, that in an interview with the editor of the Blitz tabloid, RK Karanjia, in 1960 he answered the journalist, who had referred in a question to the “Nehru era,” which he suggested would have begun after 1947 very explicitly. Nehru said: “Your usage of words like Nehru era and Nehruvian policy is wrong. I would like to call my time as authentic Gandhian period, and the policies and philosophy we are trying to implement are the policies and philosophy taught by Gandhiji.” Further in the interview, Karanjia stated his assumption, that Nehru would gone beyond the principle of non-violence by creating the principle of Panchsheel and peaceful coexistence in response to the impending menace of the atom bomb.

Nehru’s answer again gave the credit to Gandhi by answering: “All this was inherent in Gandhian philosophy. In fact, the path of Panchsheel, peace and tolerance, the sentiment of “live and let live” has been fundamental to Indian thought since ages and you will find it in all the religions. Kings like Ashoka practiced it and Gandhiji integrated it in the practical philosophy of Karma which we have inherited.”

Nehru elaborated further: “His (Gandhi’s) thoughts, methods, and solutions have helped to bridge the gap between the industrial revolution and the atomic era… after all, the only possible answer to the atom bomb is non-violence, isn’t it?”

In the meantime, the National Archive in Washington has published historical documents which reveal that the use of nuclear weapons in Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of World War II was militarily completely unnecessary. The war was practically over, Japan was cut off from its supply lines through the American sea blockade and the Russian occupation of Korea and Northern China. Truman’s decision, which was completely backed by Churchill, to drop the bomb was at this point only a demonstration of the principle of “Schrecklichkeit” in respect to future Anglo-American policy against the Soviet Union and as a test of its effect on the civilian population. Behind this was the entire strategy which had been published by Bertrand Russel in an article in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists: “The Atomic Bomb and the Prevention of War” in 1946, and which had been emphasized by H. G. Wells already before World War II, that the issue was to make the experience of war so horrible, that any enemy could be forced to give up their sovereignty and submit to de facto world government.

More than 200,000 people lost their lives and many more had lasting effects on their health as a result.

At the recent 75th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov warned about a change in US military doctrine, which regards nuclear weapons as “deployable,” which is obviously based on the idea that a limited nuclear war is “winnable.” 5 This seems to be a reference to the W76-2 low yield warhead that is now deployed on Ohio class submarines.6Serious nuclear weapons experts, such as MIT professor Theodore Postol however have argued convincingly, that it is the nature of nuclear weapons, that if it comes to the use of one, that they all will be deployed. In the age of thermonuclear weapons this would obviously mean the annihilation of the human species.

To return to the question posed earlier: Is the philosophy of non-violence of Gandhi still applicable in light of this existential question for all of humanity? The answer is yes, but it requires the same kind of fearless commitment to throw off the yoke of empire, which guided his actions In Gandhi’s name there must therefore begin in all countries a campaign about the threat posed to the existence of humanity by nuclear weapons and the necessity for their total elimination. This goal is in accordance with the principles of the UN from the very beginning, since the first resolution of the General Assembly in 1946, there was the demand of global nuclear disarmament. Since then there have been numerous diplomatic efforts spearheaded by the UN, aiming at the elimination of nuclear weapons and all other weapons of mass destruction.

Today there exist more than 13 000 nuclear weapons, which are in the possession of eight countries–this arsenal, if it ever would come to be used, would be enough to eliminate the world population many times over. But with the withdrawal from the ABM Treaty, the INF Treaty, the Open Sky Treaty and the immediate danger that the last nuclear arms control treaty, “new START” will expire in February 2021, there will be the danger that for the first time, the world’s two largest strategic nuclear arsenals will be unconstrained since the 1970s. In the absence of previously existing arms control regimes, many experts have expressed the concern that the present situation is more dangerous than even at the height of the Cold War, where even in the Cuban missile crisis the communication between John F. Kennedy and Nikita Khrushchev did function. While the reconstruction of arms control is urgent to constrain the danger of an out of control arms race, the actual goal to eliminate nuclear weapons for good probably can only be accomplished if they can be made technologically obsolete through new technologies based on new physical principles, and that these new technologies are being implemented by all nuclear powers in cooperation, as it was proposed in the proposal by the American statesman Lyndon LaRouche to the Reagan administration and the Soviet Union, which then became the Strategic Defense Initiative, SDI.

The UN General Assembly has designated September 26 in its resolution 68/32 in December 2013 as the “International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons” and has observed that day every year ever since. But in light of the imminent danger resulting out of an increasing geopolitical confrontation between NATO and the US on the one side, and Russia and China on the other, the campaign for the elimination of nuclear weapons can not be reduced to one day, but must become an ongoing accelerated campaign for every day, in every country, and on all levels of society.

Gandhi always believed that the youth of every country have the power to move mountains, and that they are responsible to uplift and develop their countries. It was his firm conviction that it was specifically leadership from the upcoming generation which could bring together all layers of society. In light of the danger of nuclear war, it is therefore of the utmost urgency to remind the youth of the world of the message of peace and non-violence, of Mahatma Gandhi and the great gift of Ahimsa that Gandhiji gave to humanity. The renaissance of Ahimsa will also be the way for young people to learn from Ganhiji’s idea of spirituality and self-purification, as a way to rid themselves from the yoke of mind control through all kind of addictions, be it drugs, alcohol, or excessive internet use.

In light of all these dangers, it is very clear that Mankind is being put to the final test: Do we as the only creative species known in the universe so far, have the capability to give ourselves an order, which guarantees the longtime survivability of humanity? We therefore urgently need an international debate about the necessity to return to the principle of the Panchsheel as the foundation of the international order. These principles need to be deepened, as their ontological connection to the cosmic order can be demonstrated. In all great cultures and religions there are references to the substance of these principles, even if the language used to express them varies.

On that basis we have to establish a new paradigm in the relations among nations, where the interest of the other is the interest of each. The common good of humanity as a whole must be the guiding principle against which no national interest must be in contradiction. Once all nations concentrate in this way on the common aims of Mankind, a new era of the human civilization will be reached.

A World Health System

The coronavirus pandemic, which is now raging across the globe, has pulled off the veil from the present world system and has revealed how dramatically underdeveloped many countries are. Covid-19 has already cost more than a million human lives and according to the WHO will in all likelihood cost another million lives before a vaccine has been developed and administered in every corner of the world. But it is not only the people who died of Covid-19 or have long term medical damage from it. The other major category of victims are those two billion of people, who according to the ILO are working in the so-called informal economy, including subsistence agriculture with its horribly low productivity, who are now threatened with the sudden loss of income as a result of lockdowns or interruptions in the supply line of production. According to the ILO, 500 million people will have lost their jobs by the end of the year. In Africa, the real unemployment rate is 65%, in Latin America 42% when we count not just the official unemployment statistics, but also the great number of people who daily scramble for money so that they and their families can eat from one day to the next, but who don’t actually produce anything. The youth of the world are particularly affected by this “informal” economy, better called the “shadow economy.” In the 15-24 age bracket, 77% of all jobs are “informal.”

The pandemic also has severely hurt agricultural production in many parts of the world, be it because of Covid-19 hitting the workforce in meatpacking plants, forcing farmers to cull their herds, or because farmers themselves were hit by the sickness in poor countries. As a result, the world is also threatened with a hunger catastrophe, which according to David Beasley of the WFP soon could reach “biblical dimensions” of up to 300,000 people dying of hunger per day.

It was Gandhi’s principle of Sarvodaya that influenced the UN Agenda for Sustainable Development 2030 and its idea of “Leave No One Behind,” as well as to “endeavor to reach the furthest behind first.” The extraordinary gravity of the Covid-19 crisis requires that the timetable to reach these goals must be accelerated. The implementation of Sarvodaya means that the most urgent first step must be the construction of a world health system, without which this pandemic and the threat of future pandemics cannot be conquered. Gandhi said that poverty was the worst form of violence and that the progress of society should be determined by the state of the most vulnerable and the weakest. For the case of the pandemic this is obvious: It will not be over until it is defeated in every single country.

There is one important lesson to be learned from the present crisis. Coronavirus would not have become a pandemic if every country had a modern health system. After the outbreak in Wuhan and Hebei province, the Chinese health system was capable of being geared up, rapidly building new hospitals in a few weeks, and mobilizing health professionals from around the country. After two months China had the pandemic essentially under control and has been able to prevent a new outbreak ever since. If every other country would have had the same capability it would not have become an out-of-control pandemic.

The reasons for the pandemic are not primarily medical but economic. In 1973 Lyndon LaRouche initiated a biological taskforce with the task to investigate the effect of IMF conditionalities on the developing countries. That taskforce came to the conclusion that by preventing the so-called “Third World” from investing in infrastructure programs, health, and education systems, and instead favoring debt repayment, the result would be the emergence of old and new diseases and pandemics. The lowering of the immune systems of entire generations in several continents caused by hunger, lack of clean water, lack of medical facilities, etc., would necessarily lead to a biological holocaust. If the many programs for industrialization for Africa, Latin America, Asia and even the poor regions of Europe and the United States, which LaRouche and his movement worked out since the seventies, would have been implemented, every single human being on this planet would enjoy a decent life today.

To apply Gandhi’s principle of Sarvodaya today, there must be a coordinated international effort to build a modern health system in every country on the basis of the same standards that the American health system has used when the Hill Burton standard was applied, the same standards of the German and French health systems before privatization replaced the principle of the common good with greed and profit in the 1970’s. The Wuhan medical system is another good reference point. The building of such health systems then must be the starting point for the building of the new world economic order that the Non-Aligned Movement has been fighting for since the 1950s. The motivation for the industrialized countries to participate in building this world health system will be their own self-interest: This pandemic, and future pandemics of which virologists and epidemiologists are now warning, will surely come and will not be able to be contained unless the needs of all, especially the poorest countries, are equipped to deal with the threat.

Naturally, one cannot build hospitals unless there is clean water, sanitation, electricity, transport infrastructure, communication etc. Today more than two billion people lack access to clean water, adequate sanitation, or both,

So the urgent need for a health system, consisting of modern clinics which can be virtually connected to the best professional care in clinics in advanced countries, comprehensive medical supply stations in rural areas, and medical research centers, will be the catalyst for the kind of real development programs that should have been realized many decades ago. The effect of not doing this is that 800,000 children under five years of age are dying from diarrhea every year. Proper disposal of sewage and the purification of water sources is an absolutely indispensable precondition to save billions of people’s lives. Temporary sanitation facilities can be mass produced and distributed in the developing countries as a stop-gap measure, until durable infrastructure has been built up. The building of this infrastructure will provide meaningful employment for many million people in all countries involved.

The world has currently an inventory of 18.6 million hospital beds, which represents a huge deficit. The Hill Burton standard in the U.S. requires 4.4 hospital beds per 1,000 people. Current levels are 2.8 hospital beds per 1,000 people, 0.7 for South Asia, and 0.5 for Nigeria. To meet the standard of 4.5 per 1,000 people, one would have to increase the number of hospital beds to 35 million, nearly double the current number. This will require the construction of 35,200 new modern hospitals, especially in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

Other concrete aspects that must be targetted include testing capacity which must be brought up to several millions a day, depending of the size of the population, first through emergency import, than as quickly as possible through the building up manufacturing capacities. And we need: contact tracers who must be trained and hired, masks and more sophisticated personal protective equipment (PPE) which must be made available to allow a dramatically increased number of health care workers to perform their jobs safely. Ventilators must be made available in sufficient quantities. Research for treatments and vaccines must be funded. All of these measures as such are not enough to save lives, to do that we need a vastly increased number of medical staff, doctors, nurses, and health workers. About this more in the following section. But as we have seen, the principle of Sarvodaya is not only noble, it is indispensable for the survival of the human species.

Direct Civil Action Today

There are a great number of political leaders and movements around the world who have been or are now inspired by Mahatma Gandhi. But maybe the most consequential of them so far were the famous civil rights leaders in the United States, Martin Luther King Jr., Amelia Boynton Robinson, and James Bevel, who adopted the principle of nonviolence in their fight against the remnants of slavery, racism and segregation, which accomplished the signing of the Civil Rights Act in 1964 by President Lyndon B. Johnson. What inspired them was Gandhi’s conception of nonviolence as satyagraha, the idea that one has to consciously cultivate the power of truth-seeking and love within oneself, so that it becomes impossible to participate in any evil because one has completely freed one’s mind and soul from the that potential danger of being corrupted by purifying oneself. King first applied the method of nonviolent action in 1955 in the Montgomery bus boycott, about which King wrote: “while the Montgomery boycott was going on, India’s Gandhi was the guiding light of our technique of nonviolent social change”. And later he would say: “I came to see for the first time that the Christian doctrine of love operating through the Gandhian method of nonviolence was one of the most potent weapons available to oppressed people in their struggle for freedom.”

In 1959 King and his wife Loretta travelled for five weeks to India in order to get a deeper grasp of Gandhi’s thought. Many people in India were absolutely aware of the Montgomery bus boycott. King met numerous members of Gandhi’s family, Indian activists, and officials, including Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. That trip had a big role in subsequent development of the civil rights movement in the US and, that King became sort of the moral conscience of the US. He was on the way to become the righteous President of the U.S. when he was assassinated. King, Malcom X, J.F. Kennedy, and Robert Kennedy got killed, and the real background of their murder was essentially covered up. Both the murder and the coverup of these four personalities, who stood for a tremendous cultural optimism, a firm belief in the creative powers of human beings, freedom and justice, had a major impact in the paradigm change which occurred in the value system in the US ever since, and the transformation from a basic optimism about what man can accomplish in shaping a better future for humanity, to the present social mayhem. A great number of Civil Rights leader, who had worked with King, have over the years given an elaborated picture to this writer about the reality of the existence of two Americas, a black America, which is completely aware of the white America, which is the only one the white population perceives, and then the black America, which in some areas looks more like enclaves of the third world in terms of living standard, access to food, quality of housing and health care, etc.

Recently, after a whole series of police killings of black citizens on top of a high crime rate and black on black shootings, the eight minute long horrific murder of the Afro American George Lloyd by a policeman, filmed with brutal clarity with a smartphone and spread through the internet around the world, has set off a wave of protest in many American cities. Initially most of the protesters were genuinely upset about the manifestation of racism, which no black person in the US denies exists, unless they have been corrupted and belong to that relatively small upper crust of media-public relations-academic-intelligentsia section, who “have made it” and therefore think like the establishment.

But very quickly these protests were kidnapped by violent groupings of different stripes, The larger context for the outbreak of riots is the relentless war, which the neoliberal establishment of the US and Great Britain and their intelligence services, which are shortened often being called the “Deep State,” have conducted first against the presidential candidate and then President Donald Trump. His election victory in 2016 upset their control of the US, and with it the special relationship between Great Britain and the US, upon which the present form of the British Empire and its conception of a unipolar world order rests. Trump had dared to promise to bring the relation with Russia in order, end the “endless wars,” and give a voice to the “forgotten men,” who Hillary Clinton had called disdainfully the “deplorables”.

The riots which broke out in several US cities were instrumentalized to be part of various scenarios to actually overturn the American Constitution. Interest groups, such as Transition Integrity Project (TIP) and related organizations have put out game plans which give cause for the assumption that the various violence-prone street forces, such as Antifa, Black Lives Matter, etc., could actually have a role in being the pretext of what some retired military forces, such as Col. Richard Black, former chief of the Army Criminal Law Division, Office of the Judge Advocate General at the Pentagon, are warning could lead to a military coup in the context of the US election. This has led to the strange situation, where proponents of one side of the political isle call these riots “peaceful protests,” while the vast majority of the Afro Americans, and citizens of the violence affected cities completely reject the violence, which goes along with vandalism against statues of American history and even figures, who were heroes in the fight against slavery.

Most of the ideology of these protest groups are derivatives of the influence of the Frankfurt School, which was a CIA-sponsored cultural warfare project in the postwar period after the Word War II, which targeted values such as “hard work, rational thinking, the nuclear family, morality, belief in God” as characteristics of an “authoritarian personality,” which therefore had to be fought against. The latest result of a long chain of such changes in values is the LGTB culture and the so-called “identity politics,” which separate the different sociological groups according to their sexual preferences, or cultural, ethnic, or political likings. The net result of these changes in outlook is a new segregation and the complete opposite of what Martin Luther King had been fighting for, namely, that human beings should not be judged by their color, but by the content of their character.

It is for these reasons, despite the fact that there are social tensions and political polarization in the US that threaten any cohesion of society and actually the foundations of the US as a constitutional republic, that the incredibly rich heritage of King and the Civil Rights Movement are not mentioned up to now. But it should be obvious, that while the historic predicates are very different, that the essential roots of the conflict are located in the same de facto unsurmountable conflicts as both Gandhi’s and King’ s fights. The issue in all of these cases is the same: the effect of an imperial order, which denies the basic human rights to large sections of the population, and the point, where these injustices become unbearable, as it is mentioned in the American Declaration of Independence.

There is a very specific way that the spirit of Mahatma Gandhi and the tradition of Martin Luther King can show the way to a constructive approach in respect to the violent demonstrations in the United States, or France, or any country where they are taking place. The principle of Sarvodaya can be the spark for a nonviolent strategy to address the problem. Since it is the young people of this world whose future is the most threatened by the combination of the pandemic and the economic crisis, there needs to be a perspective that addresses the problem of the pandemic, and at simultaneously gives them a concrete way for productive tasks. As was discussed in the second section of this article, the Covid-19 pandemic and future pandemics can only be dealt with if every single country on the planet have modern health systems, and that requires much larger cadre of trained medical personnel than presently available.

There is presently an effort underway to set up a Committee in the U.S., Europe, and Africa to organize partnerships between universities, clinics, hospitals, and medical facilities. The task of these partnerships is to train unemployed youth, to first become medical auxiliaries and then medical personnel, on the model of Roosevelt’s Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC). In poorer segments of the population. the necessary health measures to combat the pandemic are not necessarily familiar, so the first step will be to train young people and deploy into the communities or villages to teach the population what to do. In Tuskegee (Alabama), Tennessee and St. Louis (Missouri) there is the beginning of such activities involving retired doctors, healthcare workers, and local police in confidence-building measures such as home visits. This is crucial given the general confusion in the population as a result of the spread of conspiracy theories against masks, vaccines, etc., and ignorance about how infection spreads. At the same time, one can initiate more in-depth medical training of these youth to become doctors, nurses, and health workers.

The aim is further to rapidly start work in African partnership projects for the joint training and deployment of American, European and African youth, who can be build up with the help of medical personal, churches, and disaster-control organizations to provide the same services to the populations here. Because of the famine, the distribution of foodstuffs must be added, and this work will be quickly expanded to include training in infrastructure building, farming, and industrial projects. There are many farmers, young and old, in various countries who have been responsive and would regard it as an honor to help out in a crisis moment like this.
call for the creation of this committee says: “As soon as these projects take on a concrete form, they will spark the kind of enthusiasm that all great pioneer projects can generate, despite the seriousness of the situation, and they will give future prospects to many young people who would otherwise be dragged into social revolts and violent activities.”

As mentioned, such a private initiative (direct civil action) in the tradition of the non-violent actions of Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, cannot, by itself, solve the gigantic challenge before us. But it can provide a practical example of how people of good will can intervene in an otherwise desperate situation and point to the required solution. These concrete examples will then encourage governments, or put pressure on them, to join forces and create, through a new credit system, the framework to permanently overcome underdevelopment in the developing countries.

This multifaceted initiative will accomplish many things at once: it will support people against the pandemic, it will create a future for youth, and it will help to overcome poverty by initiating real economic development.

These three examples: the paradigm shift in international relations, the need for a world health system, and the direct social action for the youth, show the eminent importance and the absolute relevance of the philosophy of Gandhi for an approach to the greatest challenges of our time. His idea of self-ennoblement can also be the basis for a dialogue of cultures among those philosophers and poets who also have an elevated image of man. Such a dialogue will help to catalyze a cultural renaissance, which is so urgently needed to save the world from the present civilizational crisis we are in. But most important, is to kindle within people the love for which Gandhiji stands, so that more people can become great souls.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche: Opfordring til oprettelse af en ’komité for modsætningernes sammenfald
for at håndtere sult- og coronavirus-pandenien gennem et nyt globalt sundhedsinitiativ

Skriv under her.

Kombinationen af kriser, som vi står over for nu, har nået sådanne hidtil usete proportioner, at det ser ud til at overskride de psykologiske grænser for hvad, der er tåleligt. Sundhedseksperter overalt i verden advarer om, at det kan tage yderligere ni måneder, før alle nationer kan blive forsynes med en vaccine – og selv da vil tilgængeligheden ikke være garanteret. I mellemtiden kan yderligere en million mennesker miste deres liv på grund af COVID-19.

Men et langt større antal liv er truet af den hungersnød, der nu breder sig i udviklingslandene som et resultat af nedgangen i landbruget og sammenbruddet af den såkaldte uformelle sektor af økonomien. Mange lande er allerede destabiliseret af eksisterende sociale spændinger, som pandemien nu har forværret. Denne dynamik kan muligvis vokse massivt i de kommende måneder.

Den Internationale Arbejdsorganisation (ILO) har rapporteret et kæmpe fald på 10,7% i den globale arbejdsindkomst i de første ni måneder af indeværende år, hvilket beløber sig til 3,5 billioner dollars, og et tab på op til 500 millioner arbejdspladser ved årets udgang. I de avancerede økonomier er konkurser, kortere arbejdstid og afskedigelser – der truer så mange på deres eksistens – i det mindste midlertidigt afbødet af regeringers nødhjælpsprogrammer. Men de fleste udviklingslande er totalt ude af stand til at finansiere lignende programmer. I lande med de såkaldte “lavere mellemindkomster” udgjorde indkomsttabet 23,3% i andet kvartal og 15,6% i tredje kvartal, og prognoserne for det fjerde er langt mere pessimistiske.

I betragtning af at mere end halvdelen af befolkningen i afrikanske lande syd for Sahara, selv før COVID-19 brød ud, ikke havde en velafbalanceret og tilstrækkelig næring, er nyheden fra om, at fødevarepriser i hele Afrika er steget med 250%, virkelig katastrofal. Som lederen af Verdensfødevareprogrammet (WFP), David Beasley, nu i flere måneder har advaret om, truer en hungersnød af “bibelske dimensioner” med at dræbe op til 300.000 mennesker om dagen. Phillip Tsokolibane, Schiller Instituttets samarbejdspartner i Sydafrika, har udsendt en presserende appel om en international mobilisering for at bekæmpe sult i Afrika. “Det er ikke et spørgsmål om, hvad der vil ske – DET FINDER STED allerede”.

Det er klart, at stillet over for en sådan tragedie, er det kun regeringer, der arbejder sammen, der kan gennemføre de nødprogrammer, som er nødvendige for at redde mange millioner menneskers liv. Desværre har de sidste måneder vist, at det er geopolitisk konfrontation med Rusland og Kina, som står på Vestens dagsorden og ikke samarbejde; og for blot at nævne et eksempel om de 5 milliarder dollars, som WFP akut har brug for, så har den kun modtaget 750 millioner. Hvad kan der gøres? Skal vi bare se passivt til, at tragedien udspiller sig foran vores øjne?

Som svar på den mørke tidsalder i det 14. århundrede, der var præget af katastrofer svarende til nutidens, udviklede Nicholas af Cusa, den store tænker i det 15. århundrede, og opfinderen af moderne videnskab og den suveræne nationalstat, en ny metode til tænkning, Coincidentia Oppositorum, modsætningernes sammenfald, der, som han understregede, repræsenterede en helt ny tilgang til problemløsning. Det var idéen om, at det menneskelige sind – i skaberens levende billede – er i stand til at definere det højere niveau, hvor alle tilsyneladende uløselige modsætninger kan løses. Ifølge Nicholas er det menneskelige sind i stand til at tænke som ‘den ene’, som besidder en højere magt end ‘de mange’. På samme måde observerede Albert Einstein, at problemer ikke kan løses på det samme niveau, som de opstod på.

Sankt Nikolaus Hospital, Cusanusstift, Bernkastel-Kues, Rhineland Palatinate, Tyskland

Tænkning i henhold til ‘modsætningernes sammenfald’ er den metode, der må anvendes til at løse den krise, som truer hele menneskeheden i dag. Vi er nødt til at definere en løsning, der imødekommer de relevante individer og interessegruppers eksistentielle behov på lige fod. Denne tilgang er konkret brugbar med hensyn til pandemien.

Det er denne verdens unge mennesker, hvis fremtid mest er truet af kombinationen af pandemien og den økonomiske krise, skønt de på ingen måde var ansvarlige for dem. Derfor er vi nødt til at udvikle fremtidsprospekter for dem, som både løser det egentlige problem og giver dem en konkret opgave. Vi vil kun være i stand til at navigere i COVID-19-pandemien, og lignende fremtidige pandemier, hvis der etableres et moderne sundhedsprogram i hvert eneste land i verden; programmer, som i princippet svarer til Hill-Burton-standarden i USA, de tyske og franske sundhedssystemer, før de blev privatiseret, eller det system, der viste sig så vellykket i Wuhan, Kina.

Det første skridt i denne retning kunne tages ved at oprette partnerskaber mellem eksempelvis universitetsklinikker, hospitaler og medicinske fakulteter i USA og europæiske lande og lignende institutioner i Afrika. For at opbygge et moderne sundhedssystem er der ikke alene behov for medicinsk kapacitet såsom hospitaler, infrastruktur, vand, elektricitet osv., Men også et stort antal veluddannet medicinsk personale.

I denne henseende bør sådanne partnerskaber uddanne unge i USA, Europa og afrikanske lande, hvoraf nogle er arbejdsløse, til, for det første, at blive medicinske assistenter og derefter medicinsk personale efter Roosevelts model, Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC). Det allerførste skridt er at uddanne unge, så de kan indsættes i samfundene eller landsbyerne og demonstrere de folkesundhedsforanstaltninger for befolkningerne, der er nødvendige for at bekæmpe pandemien. I Tuskegee (Alabama), Tennessee, St. Louis (Missouri) og andre steder i USA er der allerede et sådant samarbejde med lokale institutioner, som også involverer klinikker og lokale politistyrker i de forskellige tillidsskabende foranstaltninger, såsom hjemmebesøg, hvilket er af ekstraordinær betydning i betragtning af befolkningens generelle usikkerhed og (ofte omfattende) kampagner mod at bære masker, afvisning af vacciner osv.

I de afrikanske partnerskabsprojekter kræver fælles træning og indsættelse af amerikanske og europæiske ungdomshjælpere med afrikanske unge også tillidsskabende foranstaltninger, der kan udføres af medicinsk personale såvel som repræsentanter for kirker eller katastrofe-hjælpeorganisationer. Sådanne programmer skal først fokusere på distribution af medicinske forsyninger og let transportable fødevarer, såsom mælkepulver, tørret og konserveret kød osv.; og derefter udvides hurtigst muligt til at omfatte uddannelse i opbygning af infrastruktur, landbrug og industrielle projekter.

I de sociale brændpunkter i amerikanske byer eller europæiske forstæder, hvor voldelige gadekampe af forskellige årsager har fundet sted for nyligt, og hvor unge udsættes for en lang række af farer, såsom stoffer, alkohol, bandekriminalitet, internetafhængighed og en fornedrende modkultur, ville sådanne uddannelsesmuligheder være det alternativ, de behøver for at finde en socialt påkrævet og fremtidsorienteret opgave. I USA ville en sådan kreativ ikke-voldelig direkte handling følge i den historiske tradition af Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr’s borgerrettighedsbevægelse. Det skal huskes, at Amelia Boynton Robinson, borgerrettighedsaktivisten, der bragte Dr. King til Selma, Alabama, og som blev tævet af politiet og efterladt til at dø på Edmund Pettus-broen under den berygtede “Bloody Sunday” i marts 1965, var vicepræsident for Schiller Instituttet i 25 år.

Dette er ikke stedet at diskutere kompleksiteten af de sociale brændpunkter, det være sig i de amerikanske byer, hvor vold er brudt ud, især i kølvandet på mordet på afroamerikaneren George Floyd, eller i de franske forstæder, hvor virkningerne af pandemien dramatisk har forværret den mangeårige sociale uro. Selvom disse sociale konflikter utvivlsomt er instrumenteret af visse kræfter til deres egne politiske formål, er det ikke desto mindre presserende at fjerne de reelle årsager til den unge generationers fortvivlelse og rodløshed. En sådan grunduddannelse til medicinsk assistent kunne i mange tilfælde være udgangspunktet for yderligere faglig uddannelse som sygeplejerske, læge eller medicinsk videnskabsmand.

I dette øjeblik med ekstrem polarisering og vold på gaden vil en ”Komité for Modsætningernes Sammenfald’ også kunne genetablere en forbindelse til Mahatma Gandhi’s ikke-voldelige tradition, der besejrede det Britiske Imperium i Indien; denne metode, samt Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr’s borgerrettighedsbevægelse, var i stand til at bringe ellers helt modsatte politiske kræfter sammen i direkte civile aktioner.

Denne komité skal samle mennesker med forskellige kvalifikationer, der gennem et, i første omgang, mindre men veludformet eksempel kan demonstrere, hvordan man skal tackle problemet på en sådan måde, at det også kan bruges som et pilotprojekt for storstilede regeringsprogrammer, der forhåbentlig vil følge efter inden for kort tid.

Alt imens det haster med at uddanne nok medicinsk personale over hele verden til at opbygge et verdenssundhedssystem, må det gå hånd i hånd med at overvinde sultpandemien. Det er en forbrydelse mod menneskeheden, at mange millioner mennesker i udviklingslandene (bogstaveligt talt) er i fare for sulte, som et resultat af fødevaremanglen, massivt forstærket af pandemien, (en af de mest ulidelige former for død, ifølge tidligere FN-kommissær for menneskerettigheder Jean Ziegler), alt imens landmændene i USA og Europa kæmper for deres økonomiske overlevelse. Nogle har været nødt til at slå deres besætninger ned, fordi kartellerne har skabt slavelignende forhold i kødforarbejdningsindustrien, hvilket førte til den gentagne fremkomst af COVID-19-udbrud. Det er også uacceptabelt, at landmændene, der producerer vital næring for hele samfundet, drives til konkurs af bankerne og kartellernes maksimale profitpolitik og af ideologiske, såkaldte “grønne” begrænsninger.

Repræsentanter for landmændene bør derfor slutte sig til disse medicinske teams for at organisere nødhjælp med passende fødevarer til krisezoner og begynde at træne andre unge mennesker i at udvikle landbrugskapaciteten i udviklingslandene. Sammen med afrikanske landmænd kunne de begynde at etablere moderne landbrug, hvilket naturligvis kræver udvikling af infrastruktur, vand- og elforsyning osv. Der er entusiastiske unge og ældre landmænd i USA, Tyskland, Frankrig eller Italien, der, i en sådan krisesituation, ville betragte det som en del af deres mission i livet at hjælpe med at overvinde en hidtil uset nødsituation med et sådant program.

USA og Europa har brug for en sammenslutning af pensionerede medicinske arbejdere, berørte enkeltpersoner og sociale og religiøse organisationer, der arbejder sammen [i regi af] denne komité for at etablere dette uddannelsesprojekt. En del af deres opgave er også at rejse de donationer, der kræves fra internationale og mellemstore virksomheder, fra bestyrelsesmedlemmer, der ikke kun forstår, at disse projekter er en humanitær nødvendighed, men at det også er i deres egen interesse at opretholde en bæredygtig verden.

Så snart disse projekter antager konkret form, vil de udløse den form for entusiasme, som alle store pionerprojekter kan generere, på trods af situationens alvor, og de vil give fremtidsudsigter til mange unge, der ellers ville blive trukket ind i sociale oprør og voldelige aktiviteter.

Som nævnt kan et sådant privat initiativ (direkte civil aktion) i Mahatma Gandhis tradition for ikkevoldelige handlinger og Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. ikke i sig selv løse den gigantiske udfordring, der ligger foran os. Men det kan give et praktisk eksempel på, hvordan mennesker med god vilje kan gribe ind i en ellers desperat situation og pege i retning af den nødvendige løsning. Disse konkrete eksempler vil derefter tilskynde regeringer, eller lægge pres på dem, til at gå sammen og gennem et nyt kreditsystem skabe rammerne for permanent at overvinde underudviklingen i udviklingslandene.

På den måde ville Nicholas of Cusas idé om, at en løsning kan findes på et højere niveau, der tager hensyn til alle de involveredes interesser, finde en konkret anvendelse i dag. Dette initiativ vil bidrage til kampen mod pandemien, det vil definere en meningsfuld opgave for unge mennesker, og det vil hjælpe med at forbedre akutte nødsituationer i økonomisk ugunstigt stillede regioner i USA og Europa samt afrikanske lande. Det vil også fremhæve landbrugets vitale betydning under en hungersnød og redde folk fra at sulte. I en situation, hvor mange mennesker føler sig magtesløse over for århundredets katastrofe, vil komitéen give hvert enkelt menneske mulighed for at bidrage med noget for at overvinde krisen.

Skriv under her.

Billede: Gerd Altmann fra Pixabay

Dansk videokonference søndag den 8. november:
Verden efter valget i USA


Tom Gillesberg, formand for Schiller Instituttet i Danmark:
Kan Trump og den amerikanske befolkning forsvare Trumps valgsejr imod valgsvindlen? (på dansk)

Gæstetaler: Hussein Askary, Schiller Instituttets koordinator for Sydvestasien, bestyrelsesmedlem, Bælte- og Vejinitiativ Institut i Sverige (
Nu skal USA og Europa tilslutte sig Kinas nye Silkevej, og mobilisere fødevareressourcer til bekæmpelse af sult i Afrika. (på engelsk)

Michelle Rasmussen, næstformand for Schiller Instituttet i Danmark:
Beethoven 250 år. (på dansk)


Hussein Askarys præsentation som skærskilt video:

Hussein Askary’s presentation as a separate video in English:

Kan Trump og den amerikanske befolkning forsvare Trumps valgsejr imod valgsvindlen?

Tom Gillesberg, formand for Schiller Instituttet i Danmark

USA: Valgsvindel med stemmerne i svingstaterne for at få Joe Biden valgt som USA’s præsident er en del af den farvede revolution i USA for at få et regimeskifte og få afsat Donald Trump.

Dette regimeskifte har været fokus for efterretningstjenesterne og deres partnere i medierne siden Trump vandt præsidentvalget i 2016. Først med beskyldningerne om tråde til Rusland (Steel-rapporten fra britiske efterretningstjeneste, der kom med falske beskyldninger), så løgnen om Russigate, der er blevet modbevist, rigsretssagen og 4 års angreb fra medierne.

Mediernes erklæring af, at Biden har vundet valget og NATO-landes lykønskning af Biden, er et forsøg på at etablere et fait accompli og forhindre at valgsvindlen bliver afsløret.

Trump forsøger at få valgene i delstaterne undersøgt så valgsvindlen kan blive afdækket og retfærdigheden ske fyldest. Mobilisering af vælgerne for at forsvare demokratiet og beskytte Trumps valgsejr.

Massiv censur i medierne og på sociale medier for at forhindre præsident Trump i at tale til befolkningen.

Trump fik over 7 millioner flere stemmer end i 2016 selvom ikke alle stemmerne på ham er blevet tilskrevet ham.

Konkrete historier om valgsvindelen begynder at komme frem.

Tidligere NSA tekniker beskriver hvorledes programmet “Scorecard” kan bruges til at ændre stemme rapporterne fra valgstederne.

Vil USA’s befolkning lykkes med at forsvare den demokratiske proces og Trumps valgsejr?

Hvis kuppet lykkes vil demokraterne forsøge at vinde de to sidste senatspladser i Georgia så Bidens kontrollører også kan kontrollere Senatet, udvide Højesteret og få magten der.

Hvis Biden bliver præsident er der konfrontation med Rusland og Kina på dagsorden. Vil vi få krig? Atomkrig?

Oveni COVID-19 krisen i USA og dens økonomiske effekter venter en nedsmeltning af finanssystemet. Med en grøn New Deal vil utilfredsheden i befolkningen blive enorm. Hvad følger efter den censur imod dissidenter, der allerede er i gang?

Topmøde i Davos 9.-11. november med blandt andet Mark Carney, den nye chef for Bank of England Andrew Bailey, Blackrocks Fink, IMF, ECB, Bill Gates etc. om at gennemtvinge kredittørke imod alle investeringer, der ikke er “grønne”. Digitale valutaer så centralbankerne får den fulde økonomiske magt.

Der er en verden uden for Vestens og NATO’s kontrol. Kina og Rusland er ikke kuede.

COVID-19 var et lille bump på vejen for Kina. Man har igen vækst og Bælte- og Vej-Initiativet og international økonomisk opbygning fortsætter.

Vesten kan ikke stoppe Kina. Vil man forsøge krig? En atomkrig kan ikke vindes, men vil gale hoveder i Vesten forsøge alligevel?

Vil vi i stedet få en “Sputnik-effekt”, hvor Vesten må skifte kurs tilbage til økonomisk, videnskabeligt og teknologisk fremskridt for at kunne konkurrere med Kina og alle de, der vil samarbejde med Kina? Eller vil Vesten blive irrelevant?

De, der satser på økonomisk vækst drevet af menneskelig kreativitet og videnskabeligt og teknologisk fremskridt vinder i det lange løb.

Vi lever i farlige tider men står også potentielt over for det største spring fremad i menneskehedens historie.

Lyt til hele talen her.


Nu skal USA og Europa tilslutte sig Kinas nye Silkevej, og mobilisere 
fødevareressourcer til bekæmpelse af sult i Afrika.

Gæstetaler: Hussein Askary, Schiller Instituttets koordinator for Sydvestasien, bestyrelsesmedlem, Bælte- og Vejinitiativ Institut i Sverige (

Hussein Askary præsenterede den akutte voksende sultekatastrofe i Afrika og hvordan den kan løses. Dels gennem en nødaktion for at fragte fødevarer fra USA, Europa, Rusland og Kina, men også gennem at opbygge Afrikas egne fødevareproduktion og skabe økonomisk udvikling, især infrastrukturprojekter og industrialisering i samarbejde med Kinas Bælte- og Vej-Initiativ. 

Hussein Askary præsenterede Afrikas egne udviklingsplaner, Kinas rolle i at virkeliggøre dem, og hvorfor USA og Europe skal deltage.  

Hussein Askary brugte en Powerpoint præsentation til illustration under talen, som også findes, som en særskilt video på engelsk her.


Beethoven 250 år og menneskehedens æstetiske opdragelse

Michelle Rasmussen, næstformand for Schiller Instituttet i Danmark

Vi har en civilisationskrise: en konfrontationspolitik, som kan føre til krig med Rusland og Kina, en COVID-19-pandemi, økonomiske og finansielle kriser og en voksende sultkatastofe i Afrika.  
Vil vi etablere en ny retfærdig økonomisk verdensorden eller vil det ende i kaos og krig? 
Det er en kamp mellem helt forskellige menneskesyn. 
LaRouche understregede altid: hvad er forskellen mellem mennesker og dyr? 
Er vi dyriske? 
Eller har vi en iboende kreativ erkendelsesevne, som gør os i stand til at opdage nye principper — noget nyt, som ingen andre har tænkt på. 
I videnskab opdager vi nye naturvidenskabelige principper. 
I kunst opdager vi nyt om vores egne kreative evner, som kan deles med andre, som i et orkester eller kor eller med tilhørerene. 
Skønhed, som Schiller sagde, forædle vores følelser og vores intellekt — 
ikke kun rå følelser som dominerer os uden intellekt,  
ikke kun intellekt uden medfølelse og næstekærlighed. 
Men gennem at lege, speciel gennem kunst, at spille, kan de to går op i en højere enhed, som vi kalder en æstetisk tilstand, når vi er omfavnet af skønhed.  
Det var Schillers løsning efter den franske revolution, som ikke endte som den amerikanske, men i et blodbad. 
Platon skrev, at den vigtigste uddannelse for sjælen var musik — at fylde sjælen med skønhed og gøre den skøn. 
Mennesket ville så lovprise skønhed, modtage den med glæde i sin sjæl, og blive til en skøn sjæl. 
Den 16. december fejrer vi Beethoven 250-års fødselsdag. 
Vi fejrer ham, som en af de mest kreative sjæle i historien, men vi fejrer også menneskehedens erkendelsesmæssige evner.  
Studér Beethoven for bedre at forstå, hvad vi mennesker er. 
Beethoven, selv da han ikke var i stand til at høre sin egne musik, hørte den alligevel i sit sind, og udfordrede sig selv til at lave det ene gennembrud efter det anden. 
Der var ingen stilstand eller entropi, men hvad LaRouche kalder ikke-entropi.  
At viljemæssigt blive mere og mere bevist om, at kende sine egne erkendelsesmæssige evner, og presse dem til det yderste for at kunne stige op til det næste niveau, og som han skrev, at nærme sig Guds egen skaberkraft. 
Og han havde et formål: at opløfte den trængende menneskehed.  
Han var bevidst om musikkens rolle med at forædle menneskene.  
Gennem at spille, synge eller lytte, kan Beethovens kreativitet deles med andre —  
noderne på papiret, er ikke kun toner, men nøglen til Beethovens kreative sind.  
Og dermed kan andre mennesker bekræfte et positivt menneskesyn, som også havde en politisk dimension for Beethoven — stræben efter frihed.  
Som Schiller sagde, vejen til frihed går gennem skønhed. 
For at fejre Beethoven så lyt til eller syng og spil hans værker. Genoplev hans åndelige gennembrud, bekræft den menneskelig kreativitet, skab et samfund, hvor vi kan genopdage den tabte kunst at skabe skøn musik,  
måske endnu mere kreativ end Beethoven, og udvikle vores erkendelsesmæssige evner, for hele menneskehedens skyld. 
Så blev der spillet den første del af 2. sats af Beethovens 7. symfoni, dirigeret af Wilhelm Furtwängler, som eksempel.  
Ud fra en enkel begyndelse tilføjes flere og flere stemmer for at skabe noget stort og opløftende. 



Billede af det amerikanske flag. WikiImages fra Pixabay 

Kupbestræbelser i desperation – Biden og demokraterne har ingen steder at skjule sig

Okt. 20 (EIRNS) – Afsløringerne fra Hunter Bidens e-mails har sprængt det i forvejen spinkle forsøg på at dække over den paniske indsats fra Biden-kampagnen for at komme igennem valget uden, at flertallet af den amerikanske befolkning får kendskab til hans kriminelle opførsel. Hans mafioso-svindelforetagende – dvs. Obamas politiske maskine og dens bagmænd i City of London, Wall Street, medierne og det militærindustrielle kompleks – har skjult sig bag Russiagate-‘skrønen’ hver gang en flig af sandheden er kommet op til overfladen. Men denne gang er det en fuld tilståelse af de kriminelle, med deres egne ord. Som Hunter fortalte sin datter: “Rolig, i modsætning til fatter, vil jeg ikke forlange, at du skal give mig halvdelen af din løn.” Denne “løn” var selvfølgelig de millioner han modtog for hemmelige positioner og aftaler om at købe indflydelse hos sin far, positioner, som derefter blev beskyttet af hans far, som i Joes berømte krav om, at anklageren, der efterforskede Hunters ‘tag selv bord’ ved Burisma blev fyret, hvis ikke Ukraine skulle miste en milliard dollars i hjælp fra USA.

Og dog kan dette kriminelle foretagende, inklusive Obamas håndlangere, John Brennan og James Clapper, ikke bare give op, så de skubber nu løgnen langt ud over ethvert niveau af troværdighed. Et brev underskrevet af dem begge – og et par dusin andre, overvejende Obama-efterretningsoperatører – blev frigivet i dag, hvori det hævdes, at “laptop-operationen” (som de kalder den), baseret på deres indgående erfaring, “har alle de klassiske kendetegn for en russisk misinformationsoperation”. De indrømmer, at de ikke har nogen idé om, hvorvidt e-mails’ene er ægte eller ej, og at “vi ikke har bevis for russisk involvering,” men – hallo – hvem har brug for bevis? Det havde vi ikke førhen, hvor vi i fire år holdt svindlen i gang! Når alt kommer til alt, skriver de, er dette “i overensstemmelse med russiske målsætninger… at skabe politisk kaos i USA og at uddybe politiske splittelser her, men også at underminere den tidligere vicepræsident Bidens kandidatur, og derved hjælpe præsident Trumps kandidatur”.

Men præsident Donald Trump har nu en mand i spidsen for efterretningstjenesterne, som han kan stole på, direktør for den Nationale Efterretningstjeneste, John Ratcliffe, der har bekræftet, at den bærbare computer og e-mails er autentiske (hvorefter Obama-holdet erklærede, at Ratcliffe “ikke er en troværdig stemme”, og, hævder de, “har overtrådt adskillige hovedregler” indenfor efterretningssamfundet – dvs. aldrig at fortælle sandheden). Hverken Joe eller Hunter Biden har benægtet, at den bærbare computer var Hunters, eller at indholdet er autentisk. Den kognitivt udfordrede præsidentkandidat, meddelte mandag morgen, hektisk for at undgå at blive udspurgt om det, at han går i skjul i fire dage, og ikke agter at vove sig ud af sin kælder før debatten torsdag aften – og bliv ikke overrasket, hvis de finder en måde at aflyse debatten.

Som reaktion på Hunter Biden-historien, samt Facebook og Twitters paniske indsats for at censurere historien fra det amerikanske folk, optrådte LaRouchePAC’s venner, William Binney og Kirk Wiebe, de whistleblowers fra NSA der afslørede den russiske løgn, om at Rusland hackede DNC, i dag i en 90-minutters LaRouchePAC-pressebegivenhed og advarede om, at ” ‘We Are Now in a Civil War’ (With Regard to the Hunter Biden Censorship)” (vi befinder os nu i en borgerkrig – i forhold til Hunter Biden-censuren).

I mellemtiden kører Trump derudaf på alle cylindre og afholder to stævner hver dag for titusinder af entusiastiske tilhængere og derudover to eller flere presseinterviews. Han har krævet, at justitsminister Barr indleder en undersøgelse af de åbenlyse beviser for, at Joe og hans søn har ledet en “kriminel virksomhed” i årevis – og at sandheden skal præsenteres for det amerikanske folk inden valget.

Trump er også fuldt engageret på den ekstremt farlige udenrigspolitiske front. Han har udsendt præsidentielle hjælpere – ikke drengene fra Pompeos udenrigsministerium – til Damaskus fire gange i den seneste periode på en mission, der er hemmelig, men klart er rettet mod at nå hans ofte erklærede intention om at få det amerikanske militær trukket ud derfra, ligesom han også har krævet, at tropperne i Afghanistan vil være ude inden jul.

Det blev også meddelt i dag, at Rusland og USA har nået til enighed om at udvide den nye strategiske våbenreduktions-traktat START med endnu et år, for at give tid til at forhandle om en ny aftale, der dækker de nye våbensystemer, der er udviklet af russerne og er under udvikling i USA. Et nyt atomvåbenkapløb er blevet undgået for indeværende.

Pompeo har fortsat sin psykotiske kampagne for at dæmonisere Rusland og Kina, helt op til randen af krig, hvor vi står i dag. Ruslands faste vicerepræsentant ved FN, Dmitry Polyanskiy latterliggjorde Pompeos gennemskuelige stunt med at erklære, at USA ensidigt kan tilsidesætte FN’s Sikkerhedsråd ved at genindføre de udløbne sanktioner mod Iran. “Stop med at ydmyge USA i denne meningsløse indsats!” skrev Polyanskiy på Twitter. “Gør USA respekteret igen!”

I mellemtiden talte Trumps ven David Beasley, administrerende direktør for FN’s Verdensfødevareprogram på et hastemøde i Danmark om den igangværende hungersnød i Sahel – hungersnød har, ifølge Beasleys rapportering, kostet 7 millioner menneskeliv allerede i år rundt omkring i verden, og truer med at dræbe mange gange dette antal, medmindre der foretages øjeblikkelig handling. Præsident Trump har fokuseret sin udenrigspolitik på udvikling – genoplivet Amerikas støtte til atomkraft verden over, og gjort brug af ‘International Development Finance Corporation’, som han etablerede i 2019 til at finansiere reelle udviklingsprojekter for amerikanske virksomheder i udlandet. Forslaget fra Schiller Instituttet om at søsætte et omfattende projekt for fødevareleverancer, der bruger amerikanske landmænd og det amerikanske militær som kernen i en international mobilisering for at stoppe hungersnød og redde millioner af liv, er en idé, som Trump og Beasley kunne iværksætte så godt som øjeblikkeligt for at inspirere verden til at indlede det massive internationale samarbejde, der kræves for at afslutte det nuværende kaos og bevæge os ind i et nyt paradigme for menneskeheden.

“Verden står ved en skillevej”, sagde
FN’s Verdensfødevareprograms David Beasley i København

København, 19. oktober 2020 (EIRNS) – David Beasley, den administrerende direktør for FN’s Verdensfødevareprogram (WFP) var i dag gæstetaler på Dansk Institut for Internationale Studier (DIIS), sammen med Danmarks minister for udviklingssamarbejde og en forsker fra DIIS.
Hans besøg i København, 10 dage efter det blev meddelt at WFP er modtager af dette års Nobels fredspris, er formentlig i forbindelse med FN’s kontor for samordning af humanitær
Hjælps højtstående møde om Sahel-regionen i morgen.

Den timelange begivenhed med titlen “Fødevarebistand – fredsskabende eller konfliktforlængende?” kan findes her:

Schiller Instituttet intervenerede ved at sende Phillip Tsokolibanes to udtalelser, et link til Helgas video om den nødvendige Afrika-mobilisering samt Marcia Bakers tale fra i lørdags til parlamentarikere, den danske presse og alle ambassader. En aktivist placerede vores flyveblade med de fleste af disse udsagn i området foran mødet.

Mødets hovedtema var, at fødevaresikkerhed er nødvendig for at skabe fred, og sikre at millioner af mennesker ikke dør af sult.

Her er en beskrivelse af en del af mødet:

Beasley begyndte med at sige, at det at modtage Nobels fredspris er større end Verdensfødevareprogrammet. Verden står ved en skillevej. Dette kan hjælpe til med at igangsætte, hvad der må gøres for at imødegå de næste 12-18 måneder. Det kræver noget storslået.
Han var i Sahel, i blandt sult og krig, da han fik nyheden om fredsprisen. Han har brugt de sidste tre år på at slå til lyd for situationen i områder som Sahel, Syrien, Irak, Yemen og Etiopien. 60% af al sult opstår i konfliktområder, og 80% af WFP’s hjælp går til krigszoner. Hvis der ikke er nogen fødevaresikkerhed, vil der ikke være fred.
Om ikke andet, så må ledere indse, at deres egen nationale sikkerhed står på spil.
Vi har brug for et integreret modsvar. Vi er på Titanic med isbjerge forude, og folk er bekymrede over en revnet flise i badeværelset. Der bruges ikke nok penge på at løse problemet. Indse at det er billigere at løse det i risikolandene, end at vente på migrationsbølgerne.

Udviklingsminister Rasmus Prehn understregede, at fred og forebyggelse af sult hænger sammen. Vi er ikke kun nødt til at uddele mad, men må give folk færdighederne og muligheden for at dyrke deres egen mad. Vi kan ikke acceptere, at folk sulter. Deres infrastruktur fungerer ikke. Han bekendtgjorde Sahel-donorkonferencen i København i morgen. Det danske folk vil gøre deres del.
Til spørgsmålet om problemet med international solidaritet sagde Beasley, at han hjalp til med at få øget det amerikanske bidrag til WFP fra 1,9 milliarder $ i 2016 til 3,4 milliarder. Det største problem med fundraising fra verdens ledere er, at medierne kun er fokuseret på Brexit og Trump, eller nu COVID og Trump. Men han taler til dem på en oprigtig måde med autoritet baseret på hans kendskab til situationen.
500 millioner mennesker bor i destabiliserede områder fra Sahel til Mellemøsten. Man er nødt til at starte et sted og løse en situation ad gange, for eksempel Syrien eller Yemen, og derefter gå videre til den næste. Vi kan eliminere sult, hvis vi stopper konflikterne. Jeg taler fortroligt med de involverede parter for at stoppe konflikterne.
Vi bruger mad som et fredsvåben. Jeg fortalte studieværten på “60 Minutes”, da showet var ved at slutte, at hver aften når jeg går i seng, tænker jeg på de børn, vi ikke kan give mad, fordi vi ikke har midlerne. Vi beslutter, hvem der skal leve, og hvem der skal dø. Disse mennesker lever fra hånd til mund i den uformelle økonomi. 130-170 millioner mennesker lever i alvorlig fødevareusikkerhed. Verden står på spil. Vi er nødt til at opbygge et nyt system for at ændre dynamikken. For 200 år siden levede 94% af befolkningen i fattigdom. Vi er nødt til at udrydde fattigdom for de resterende 10%.

Her er erklæringen fra FN’s kontor for samordning af humanitær Hjælp om det højtstående humanitære møde om Sahel:

Danmarks regering er i partnerskab med den tyske regering, EU og FN vært for en humanitær begivenhed på højt plan om det centrale Sahel.
Begivenheden omfatter et ministermøde tirsdag den 20. oktober 2020, som skal følge op på et virtuelt møde blandt højtstående embedsmænd, der fandt sted den 8. september, og som fokuserede på praktiske erfaringer og fremadrettede planer vedrørende humanitære indsatser, udvikling og fredsbestræbelser, herunder med særlig opmærksomhed på indvirkningen og konsekvenser af COVID-19. (MR)

Blotlæg ‘Historien’ om kuppet imod USA! Ban vejen for stormagtslederskab under krisen

13. oktober (EIRNS) — Om tre uger fra i dag er der amerikansk præsidentvalg, hvorfor en total mobilisering lige nu er afgørende for at blotlægge ”Historien”: At den behørigt valgte præsident for USA, Donald J. Trump, helt fra starten af blev skubbet ud på sidelinjen – selv før han vandt det republikanske kandidatur i 2016 og sidenhen valget, og derefter blev angrebet med henblik på afsættelse, eller det der er værre. Afgrænsede dele af historien er nu kommet ud i forskellige former – e-mails, memoranda, FBI-dokumenter – men hele historien må lægges vidt åbent for at afsløre og stoppe kombinationen af britiske og amerikanske efterretningstjenester og involverede militærindustrielle netværk.

Forræderiets formål er at forhindre en amerikansk præsident, som går ind for den udenrigspolitiske, økonomiske og strategiske politik, der gør det muligt for USA og andre nationer at arbejde sammen om at erstatte det døende system, centreret i City of London/Wall Street, med programmer til fremme for nationalstaters fremskridt og fred.

I sin ledende artikel, “Et amerikansk kupforsøg” (Wall Street Journal, 8. oktober) beskrev senator Ron Johnson (R-WI), formand for Senatets ‘Homeland Security Committee’, de netværk der modarbejder Trump som “underordnede embedsmænd” i administrationen, som ikke ser sig selv som ansvarlige over for præsidenten. De har effektivt etableret en fjerde gren af regeringen – et permanent bureaukrati, der ikke skal stå til ansvar…” Han udtalte: “USA er i en forfatningsmæssig krise”.

Siden denne kronik har Johnson atter sluttet sig til senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA), Senatets præsident og formand for finansudvalget, og sendt et brev den 12. oktober til FBI-direktør Christopher Wray, hvor han udskælder ham for fortsat at forhale overleveringen af dokumenter til Kongressen – frist 16. oktober, for tekstbeskeder fra den fyrede vicedirektør for FBI, Andrew McCabe, en hovedperson i operationerne mod Trump. Senatorernes brev af 12. oktober minder Wray om, at Johnsons komité den 6. august har “indstævnet FBI for alle optegnelser i forbindelse med Crossfire Hurricane-efterforskningen… Vi har ventet næsten 70 dage på at modtage disse tekstbeskeder, og da optegnelserne rent faktisk blev frembragt, modtog vi kun 8% af hvad vi ved eksisterer. Det er simpelthen uacceptabelt, at vi har ventet så længe på at modtage så lidt”. I mellemtiden afventer bunkevis af andre materialer på at blive frigivet, efter den eksplosive dokumentation der kom ud i sidste uge, takket være John Ratcliffe, direktør for den Nationale Efterretningstjeneste. Trump har gentagne gange forlangt, at det hele skal komme ud.

Senere på ugen planlægger LaRouchePAC mediebegivenheder, online, for at sætte fokus på mængden af optegnelser og nøgleaktører i hele den beskidte operation.

Præsident Trump undsagde i går disse “falske heksejagter” mod ham og sagde, at “vi tog dem med bukserne nede – bliv hængende!” Han sagde, at der har været “udspionering af vores kampagne”, og at “Obama og Biden vidste alt, hvad der foregik… Vi tog dem i det”. Han talte ved et kampagnemøde i Orlando, Florida, hvor han holdt ud i en time efter sin første optræden efter at have fået COVID-19 den 1. oktober.

At blotlægge historien om alt dette åbner muligheden for en rationel reaktion på de kombinerede verdenskriser: pandemien, hungersnød og økonomisk sammenbrud. Schiller Instituttets præsident, Helga Zepp LaRouche, understregede dette i dag og gentog sin opfordring til at presse for et topmøde mellem stormagtslederne, fordi det er den eneste måde, hvorpå vi kan løse vores ekstreme problemer.

I dag udsendte den sydafrikanske leder, Ramasimong Phillip Tsokolibane, en erklæring: “Et spørgsmål om liv eller død – opfordring til international mobilisering af fødevareressourcer for at bekæmpe sult i Afrika”. Han talte om, at 30 millioner sulter netop nu. Han sagde: ”Jeg appellerer til den amerikanske præsident, Donald Trump. Tag denne udfordring op. Giv Amerikas landmænd en mission med at producere mad til at brødføde de sultne, samtidig med at anvende de store amerikanske militærressourcer på denne barmhjertighedsmission for at bringe mad til dem, der har brug for det på mit kontinent … ”

En lignende besked kom for et par dage siden fra direktør for Verdens Fødevareprogram (WFP), David Beasley, en amerikansk leder af WFP siden 2017, der, da WFP vandt Nobels fredspris 9. oktober, sagde, at han værdsatte det som et ‘wake up call’. Ressourcerne – 5 mia. $ – må mobiliseres i Amerika og Asien til Afrika og andre steder med behov, ellers vil massesult blive resultatet. Beasley sagde den 9. oktober: ”Vi har en kur mod sult. Det kaldes mad.

Som han antydede, eksisterer de fysiske midler til at løse sult, COVID-19 og økonomiske spørgsmål, uanset hvor store de måtte være. Dette er eksemplificeret i de diskussioner om rumforskning, der finder sted i denne uge på den årlige Kongres for den internationale astronautiske Føderation i Paris, og som har over 11.000 deltagere online. Hvad vi har, er en krise i samarbejdet om en politik for menneskeheden. Blotlæg “Historien”, og vi kan komme videre med livet.

Et spørgsmål om liv og død: Opfordring til international mobilisering
af fødevareressourcer til bekæmpelse af sult i Afrika

Mit navn er Ramasimong Phillip Tsokolibane. Jeg er leder af LaRouche-bevægelsen i Sydafrika. Jeg fremsætter ikke denne presserende appel som borger i mit land, men som talsmand for alle dem der nu sulter, eller snart vil sulte, i Afrika, og som ikke har nogen til at tale på deres vegne.

Lige nu sulter mange millioner af mine afrikanske landsmænd. De sulter takket være en bevidst fremtvungen underudvikling af mit kontinent – håndhævet af det britiske imperiums neokoloniale magt, der agerer gennem den økonomiske magt fra City of London og Wall Street – i kombination med både en global pandemi og græshoppeplage samt andre naturkatastrofer, der påvirker fødevareproduktionen på kontinentet. For at bruge et teknisk sprog lider de af ‘akut fødevareusikkerhed i fase 4’, et skridt væk fra ‘fase 5: sult’. Hvis man dropper den elskværdige jargon, sulter de allerede, mens millioner flere også vil stå over for sult, medmindre der hurtigt stilles mad til rådighed for dem.

‘Menneskeheden står over for den største krise, nogen af os nogensinde har set. Det er tid for de velhavende til at stille op for at hjælpe dem, der har mindst’. Denne advarsel kom den 17. september fra David Beasley, administrerende direktør for FN’s Verdensfødevareprogram. Han skrev, at 30 millioner mennesker nu er i fare for at dø af sult. De fleste af dem er i Afrika.

Jeg vil gerne understrege, at dette ikke er et spørgsmål om, hvad der vil komme til at ske – det sker allerede. Og medmindre der bliver gjort noget, og gjort noget snart, vil millioner og atter millioner af mennesker dø i de næstkommende uger og måneder, som David Beasley advarede om. Han talte allerede til FN’s Sikkerhedsråd i april og advarede om, at 300.000 mennesker om dagen kunne dø.

Alt imens forskellige velgørenhedsorganisationer og andre organisationer har slået alarm og appelleret om penge, er det spørgsmål, som vi står over for, hvis vi vil redde liv, at sikre omfattende mængder mad hurtigst muligt til sultne og sultende mennesker. I betragtning af beskaffenheden af infrastrukturen på kontinentet, og det faktum at meget af denne hungersnød forekommer i isolerede landdistrikter, ligger den distribution der må finde sted, langt ud over de enkelte regeringer og nødhjælpsagenturers midler.

Jeg tror, at vi må mobilisere verdens mest kompetente militærstyrkers logistiske kapacitet og udarbejde en strategi for at skaffe fødevareforsyninger fra fødevareproducerende nationer, såsom USA og Canada, og bringe dem direkte til dem, der har brug for det. Lad såvel ‘venner som fjender’ gå sammen i denne, den største af alle, humanitære bestræbelser. I sin seneste pavelige rundskrivelse, Fratelli Tutti (om broderskab og socialt venskab), skrev hans hellighed pave Francis, at det omsider er tid til at menneskeheden opgiver tanken om, at krig er berettiget – enhver form for krig, der koster menneskeliv. Dette er snarere en krig – eller mere præcist, en international kamp – for at redde det helligste af alt: menneskeliv.

Jeg appellerer til den amerikanske præsident, Donald Trump:

Tag denne udfordring op. Giv Amerikas landmænd missionen med at producere fødevarer til at brødføde de sultende, alt imens man tager de enorme ressourcer fra det amerikanske militær i anvendelse på denne barmhjertighedsmission, for at bringe mad til dem på mit kontinent, der har brug for det. Gør dette i din hustrus ånd, den elskværdige førstedame, Melania, som lovede at hjælpe Afrika og især dets børn på enhver mulig måde, da I besøgte kontinentet i oktober 2018. Tag ethvert skridt med nødforanstaltninger, der er nødvendige, for at få dette til at ske.

Dette burde være tilstrækkelig grund til at indkalde til det internationale stormagtstopmøde, som den store dame, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, formand for Schiller Instituttet, har opfordret til.

Vi kan redde liv, men det vil kræve en international indsats for at gøre det. USA har gjort det tidligere. Jeg mindes den store indsats for at bringe mad til de sultende mennesker i Europa efter 2. Verdenskrig, der involverede en mobilisering af det storsindede og gode amerikanske folk, der sendte disse CARE-pakker og madforsyninger.

Mine afrikanske søstre og brødre kan blive frelst, hvis viljen er der, og hvis folk kan se sig selv handle i en ånd af næstekærlighed (agapē), hæve sig over småligheder for at gøre noget godt og stort.

Den 13. oktober 2020

Verdensøkonomien under nulpunktet: Hvordan genopretter
vi produktiviteten og stopper sult-pandemien?

4. oktober (EIRNS) – Blandt de største industrielle økonomier i verden ser det i øjeblikket ud til at Kinas økonomiske vækst på 2% i 2020 – hvis den endda er så høj – vil være førende i verden. Hele den globale økonomi ligger længere under nul end selv centralbankernes renter – de samme centralbanker, som er værre end værdiløse i denne krise. Økonomierne i USA, Vesteuropa og Centraleuropa, Indien, Brasilien, og Sydafrika er alle skrumpet ind i årets løb; og i mange af landene ser afmatningen ud til at blive værre i årets sidste måneder.

Ikke alene lider alle disse nationer under massearbejdsløshed – som atter ikke viser nogen forbedring fra sidste måned – men i betydelig grad også de meget store bølger af sygdomsepidemien. De lider også – omend i meget forskellig grad – af en pandemi af sult stammende fra arbejdsløshed. Ifølge Den internationale Arbejdsorganisation er der tabt 500 millioner fuldtidsjob over hele verden i 2020, og pandemisk sygdom og grænselukninger har lukket for høstafgrøder, forarbejdning og forsendelse. Sultpandemien er værst i Afrika og Latinamerika, men den bider kraftigt i Indien og endda i USA. (Bloomberg News, 28. september: “Intet kød, ingen mælk, intet brød: Sultkrisen ryster Latinamerika.” Antallet af mennesker der står over for ”alvorlig fødevareusikkerhed” – sult – er firedoblet i disse områder i år, og fordobles over hele verden ifølge Verdensfødevareprogrammet.)

De seneste beskæftigelses- og industriproduktionsrapporter fra USA og Europa, der snarere end genopretning viser stagnation på et lavt niveau, skulle være det sidste signal der er nødvendigt i dette kriseår om, at der skal “handling til, og handling nu” for at igangsætte produktionen, hæve den produktive beskæftigelse og øge økonomiens produktivitet – og sådan handling kræver naturligvis samarbejde mellem de store nationer, der er ramt således.

I USA udviser “Sleepy Joe” Biden og hans kampagne ingen bevidsthed om eller evne til dette, overhovedet. Faktisk blev det bemærket, at selv i søndags gjorde præsident Donald Trump – der er indlagt på hospitalet for behandling af COVID-19 – flere offentlige optrædener end Biden gjorde; Trump kørte rundt i en karavane for at hilse på sine tilhængere på gaderne omkring Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, og annoncerede begivenheden på sin Twitter-konto. Og den demokratiske formand for Repræsentanternes Hus, Nancy Pelosi, blokerer nu rent faktisk for handling i Kongressen. Og dog har det faktum, at præsident Trump har været nødt til at håndtere pandemi og økonomisk sammenbrud – under konstant og voksende destabilisering hidrørende fra britisk efterretningstjeneste, amerikanske efterretningsagenturer og militærindustrielle grupperinger – givet Biden føringen i meningsmålingerne. Og desforuden ligger der potentielt uger forude med kaos efter valgdagen som følge af enorme mængder af brevstemmer og gadedemonstranter på udkig efter en ”farverevolution”.

Skulle præsident Trumps politik for at afslutte “regimeændrings-krigene” og indgå i konstruktivt samarbejde med Rusland og Kina fortabes, ville det være et nederlag for den amerikanske republik til det militærindustrielle kompleks, der i årtier har været ganske tilfreds med Biden; det ville være et knusende slag mod håbet om at genoplive rumforskning og videnskabelig og teknologisk udvikling. Men med præsidenten sygdomsramt, og under sådant et angreb, er det direkte op til enhver amerikaner, der tænker for sig selv, at forstå hvad der skal gøres – ikke blot at beklage og modsætte sig, men at vide hvad der er nødvendigt.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Schiller Instituttets internationale grundlægger, sagde følgende ved en særlig LaRouchePAC’s ‘rådhus’-webcast lørdag den 3. oktober: ”Det turde være klart, at med den kombination af problemer vi har i dag – en pandemi der er ude af kontrol, et økonomisk sammenbrud værre end noget andet siden Anden Verdenskrig, faren for et økonomisk nedbrud værre end i 2008, faren for at en geopolitisk konfrontation med Rusland og Kina går ud af kontrol – er vi er nødt til at ændre kurs. Og det er derfor, vi har brug for et topmøde, og den eneste realistiske mulighed på bordet lige nu, er det som præsident Putin har anmodet om. De permanente fem medlemmer af FN’s Sikkerhedsråd må mødes og behandle disse spørgsmål:

”Opret et nyt globalt finanssystem, et nyt kreditsystem, et nyt Bretton Woods-system; fordi dette nuværende system er bankerot, og der er brug for kredit til udvikling og til at finansiere alle disse ting i tråd med Franklin D. Roosevelts oprindelige intention og idé med Bretton Woods-systemet. Og så, naturligvis, LaRouches Fire Love: Glass-Steagall til at gøre en ende på kasinoøkonomien. Indfør Glass-Steagall i form af en bankadskillelse; beskyttelse af de kommercielle banker. Hold op med at redde fallerede spekulanter. Opret en nationalbank, ikke kun i et enkelt land, men i alle lande på planeten.

Og etablér derefter et kreditsystem, der samarbejder om langsigtede investeringer til genopbygning af verdensøkonomien. Iværksæt derefter et lynprogram for fusionsteknologi, der p.t. virkelig gør utrolige fremskridt, som vi hørte på en nylig Schiller Institut-konference. Og støt internationalt samarbejde om udforskning af rummet, således som præsident Trump har sagt, at Artemis-projektet skal være.

”Hvis alt dette aftales mellem USA, Rusland og Kina, som et minimum, og andre industrielle magter, der har kapacitet til at rekonstruere verden, derefter slutter sig til, kan vi løse dette problem. Men hvad der kræves er, at mange sådanne patrioter virkelig begynder at tage ansvar for udfaldet af denne periode. Jeg tror ikke der er andet, der vil fungere, og jeg tror virkelig, at det kan gøres”.

POLITISK ORIENTERING den 1. oktober 2020:
Chok og overraskelser venter fremtil USA’s valg den 3. november

Politisk orientering med formand Tom Gillesberg

Schiller Instituttet · Stemme 006

Planeten er i systemisk chok; øjeblikket er modent til et paradigmeskifte.

29. september (EIRNS) — Det samlede antal er chokerende nok i sig selv. Mere end 1 million mennesker har hidtil i 2020 mistet deres liv på grund af COVID-19-pandemien, og endnu en million kan dø i løbet af de næste ni måneder, hvis den nuværende kurs ikke ændres drastisk. Ca. 515 millioner af verdens arbejdsstyrke på 3,5 mia. vil have mistet deres job inden udgangen af 2020 på grund af det pandemisk udløste økonomiske sammenbrud; og den samlede arbejdsindkomst vil være faldet med ca. 15% i løbet af året, ifølge en netop frigivet rapport fra Den Internationale Arbejdsorganisation.

Men virkeligheden bag gennemsnitstallene er endnu værre. I Latinamerika og Caribien, hvor pandemien har ramt særligt hårdt, vil 35% af de samlede arbejdstimer være gået tabt inden udgangen af 2020, og den samlede arbejdsindkomst vil være faldet med over 25%. Langt størstedelen af de tabte arbejdstimer ligger i den såkaldte ”uformelle sektor” i økonomien, hvor arbejdstagere er beskæftiget i service- og grå- og sorte markedsaktiviteter, der stort set ikke producerer nogen fysisk-økonomisk værdi overhovedet. Det er derfor, at vi i “LaRouche-planen for at genåbne den amerikanske økonomi: Verden har brug for 1,5 milliarder nye, produktive job” klassificerede sådanne uformelle job som de facto arbejdsløshed, selvom de bringer desperat nødvendige kontanter til befolkninger, der lever på et eksistensminimum.

Eller det plejede de at gøre. Nu forsvinder selv disse: Pandemien har simpelthen løftet sløret for den enorme, omsiggribende reelle arbejdsløshed, som var der hele tiden. Hvis man tager den samlede tabte arbejdstid i år som en procentdel af denne “reelle arbejdsløshed” i den uformelle sektor, så er 42% af disse arbejdstimer globalt set gået op i røg; i Latinamerika svarer det til 91% af den faktiske arbejdsløshedskategori!

Føj dertil inflation i fødevarepriserne, som ifølge nogle rapporter allerede er på gennemsnitligt omkring 15% i mange lande i Afrika, og man har et 30-50% spring i betalingsevnen for mad for en halv milliard mennesker eller mere i den underudviklede sektor.

Sult og pest er heller ikke de eneste to plager, der hærger: Det britiske imperium har også sluppet krig løs. Den varme krig mellem Armenien og Aserbajdsjan i Nagorno-Karabakh kunne eskalere til en NATO-Tyrkiet-Aserbajdsjan-krig mod Armenien-Rusland inden for få dage eller endda timer. Farverrevolutionen ved Ruslands grænse i Hviderusland truer med at fremprovokere en strategisk hændelse lige på dørtrinnet til Rusland. Og amerikanske droner og andre militære aktiviteter i nærheden af det Sydkinesiske Hav fremkalder hård modstand fra Kina, sammen med dystre trusler om omfattende gengældelse hvis provokationerne fortsætter med at eskalere.

Alt dette er den politiske substans i det britiske imperiums nuværende forsøg på at stoppe præsident Donald Trumps genvalg – hvilket i dag led et betydeligt tilbageslag med frigivelsen af dokumenter der beviser, at hele Russiagate-skandalen var et kendt fupnummer, som blev indledt af Hillary Clinton og Obama-banden – og iscenesætte parallelle regimeskift mod præsidenterne Vladimir Putin og Xi Jinping.

”Verdenssituationen er hurtigt på vej ud af kontrol,” sagde Helga Zepp-LaRouche nøgternt i dag. ”Vi er inde i en af de varmeste perioder nogensinde. Der er fem uger til det amerikanske præsidentvalg, og vi bør regne med, at der vil ske en farlig optrapning et eller andet sted”. Briterne er desperate, fordi hele deres internationale finanssystem er bankerot, og de vil ikke stoppe før de bliver inddæmmet, og deres system gennemgår en konkursbehandling, som Lyndon LaRouche specificerede detaljeret i sine fire love.
I de samme fem uger, understregede Zepp-LaRouche, må vi sikre Trumps genvalg; insistere på et topmøde med mindst Trump, Putin og Xi for at tackle de globale kriser; og kræve gennemførelsen af LaRouches økonomiske politik, der er beskrevet i LaRouchePAC’s program for 1,5 milliarder nye produktive job. Virkeligheden dikterer tidsplanen.
”Vi er nødt til at slynge økonomien op til et nyt niveau for at løse de nuværende problemer”, sagde Zepp-LaRouche. ”Kun hvis man går efter en radikal forandring med LaRouches fire love, er der håb om at komme ud af dette rod, ved at vedtage en politik med Verdens-Landbroen og 1,5 milliarder nye, produktive job, der starter med et samarbejde om at opbygge et globalt sundhedssystem. Dette er nu mere presserende end nogensinde.

”Det overordnede billede er sådan, at folk virkelig må vågne op og blive enige om, at topmødet, som vi har presset på for, og som stadig er på dagsordenen – hvilket præsident Putin gentog for nylig – kunne finde sted med et øjebliks varsel. Hvis statsoverhovederne ville indse, at verdenssituationen er så alvorlig, at vi absolut må tage fat på dette sammen, kunne det gøres”.

Rens Lyndon LaRouches navn. Helga Zepp-LaRouches hovedtale ved videokonferencen.
Verdens valg: Udrydelse eller LaRouches æra. den 26. september 2020.

Download (PDF, Unknown)

HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Goddag! Formålet med dagens begivenhed er, at gøre mange unge mennesker i hele verden bekendte med Lyndon LaRouches navn og personlighed og ideer. Hans ideer er absolut nøglen, hvis verden skal komme ud af den nuværende krise. I betragtning af, at han var min mand i 41 år, og jeg i cirka et halvt århundrede var hans politiske allierede – en af mange – så er det følgende ikke bare noget jeg siger, men noget jeg er dybt overbevist om i min sjæl og mit sind. Han var, og fordi han på en vis måde er udødelig, er stadig den smukkeste sjæl og den mest kreative person i sin tid. Der er en meget stor uoverensstemmelse mellem hvem Lyn virkelig var og er, og det billede der tegnes af ham.

Set fra et universalhistorisk synspunkt, hvis man bedømmer et enkelt menneske ud fra hvor meget de bringer udviklingen af menneskeheden frem, mener jeg han er en af de mest enestående personer i hele historien. På den anden side, den næsten uovertrufne vold – og det siger en del, især i nutidens USA – med hvilken hans modstander angreb ham, tilsmudsede ham, dæmoniserede ham, giver jer en ide om hvor skrækslagne de var for ham.

En af de store tyske naturretsfilosoffer, Friherre von der Heydte, sagde, at LaRouche-sagen mindede ham om Dreyfus-affæren i Frankrig. Og tidligere rigsadvokat i USA, Ramsey Clark, udtalte til en kommission, som undersøgte LaRouche-sagen i 1994, at “LaRouche-sagen repræsenterer et bredere omfang af overlagt, beregnende og systematisk retskrænkelse over en længere periode, med misbruget af den føderale regerings magt, end nogen anden retsforfølgelse af den amerikanske regering i min tid, eller efter min viden.”
Det, eller de, der stod bag dette, er hvad folk i dag kalder “Deep State”, eller rettere, det angloamerikanske efterretningsapparat; det samme slags apparat som har stået bag kupforsøget mod præsident Trump siden 2016, bag Russiagate, bag dæmoniseringen af præsident Putin of Xi Jinping, og bag de folk som nu presser voldsomt på for at få gang i en krig; måske endda før det amerikanske valg, eller i det mindste drive inddæmningen af Rusland og Kina så langt, at det kunne gå helt galt, og vi kunne have den 3. Verdenskrig.

Herunder følger resten af talen på engelsk:

The effect of these people having been relatively “successful” — and naturally, I’m saying that in an ironic way — is the reason why we are now on the verge of World War III; that we have an out-of-control pandemic; that we are still threatened with the danger of a financial collapse of the entire system, and that we have famine especially in the developing countries which could quickly reach Biblical dimensions.

If we want to overcome these dangers, it is — even at this very late stage of affairs — it will depend; and we can discuss, but it is my deepest conviction, it will depend on our ability and your help to free Lyn’s name from the lies, slanders, and distortions, and to implement Lyn’s solutions which really have practically taken care of every single problem which is an existential threat to humanity today. In a very beautiful paper called, “The Historical Individual,” which I would urge you to read, he defined that he saw two major missions for himself. One, he said, I want to get you safely through the worst of the presently onrushing world and national crises. And secondly, to foster a new leadership from among the ranks of our young people, which will understand the systemic features of history, and therefore, will be much less likely to make the same mistakes as the foolish members of the recent two adult generations have made until now.

That fostering towards you. You are the young people who are the future. Therefore, it is up to you to develop out of your ranks the kinds of leaders who will make a difference in history. So, Lyn said, in that same paper, when every nation, every culture is in a tragic moment of great crisis, it is “gripped by the need for a sudden and profound change in the quality of its leadership.” Then the survival depends upon its “willingness to choose a new quality of leadership,” and not leave the fate of humanity to those narcissistic leaders who occupy leading positions now, who are only concerned about their performance, but not about the well-being of their nations or the world. You have to have the aspiration to become, all of you, true great statesmen. You have to take as your examples, according to whom you want to orient your life, such people as Benjamin Franklin, or Abraham Lincoln, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jeanne d’Arc, or Martin Luther King; and I would like to add Lyndon LaRouche.

We have now the greatest danger that the world is run by leaders around the world — there are very few exceptions — who are mediocrities; who are really not fit to lead the world out this crisis. This is at a moment when you would need intellectual and moral giants. So, the indispensable leaders for such times as these, Lyn says in this paper, are those people who succeeded practically from childhood to let themselves be taken over by the natural potential for the sublime. The sublime — that is, that quality described by Friedrich Schiller where a human being attachés his or her identity to higher values than even our physical existence; and becomes not physically safe, but morally safe. Such a person rejects the banality of popular culture and taste. Such a person rejects the world of sense certainty; the pleasure in the here and now, and develops that innate power of that quality which is described in I Corinthians 13 — agapē. A profound passionate love for mankind, without which, the world will not get out of this crisis.

Those relatively free souls among us, Lyn says, are the “ugly ducklings,” those who are mistakenly called “eccentrics” because they don’t fit the mainstream popular accepted taste of the social clubs of that kind of paradigm which got us into this crisis. Lyn jokingly, but not so jokingly, called himself many times an “ugly duckling.” But I can assure you, his mind was the most beautiful swan you ever could see.

As a young man, Lyn studied all on his own the ideas of Leibniz, and he listened to Classical music. He rejects Kant — especially his ideas about aesthetics — that there was no meaning in beauty, and that beauty was arbitrary. He rejected Kant’s idea that there was no knowable universal truth. Lyn then joined the Second World War, participating in the India-Burma theatre. He told us many times his experiences in the Calcutta riots of 1946. This was a very decisive moment in his history, because he saw firsthand the brutish character of the British Empire in action. It was clear in his mind from that point on that the natural course of affairs would be that after the Second World War, the Americans would return back and develop India and other developing countries, as was the intention of Franklin D. Roosevelt to develop the developing countries with American technology.

Lyn was absolutely shocked when he heard that Truman would replace Roosevelt, and already told his contemporaries in India that a great man had been replaced by a very little man. And he was completely appalled when he then returned to the United States and saw how people who had developed a certain greatness in fighting Nazism and in fighting fascism and being in World War II, how they really became petit bourgeois; going into the suburban life of American cities. Lyn developed a healthy contempt for that kind of lifestyle. Then, in his function as a business consultant, he came across the theories of Norbert Weiner and John von Neumann. He studied information theory and systems analysis, and immediately recognized that these systems were not capable of describing real economic processes of physical economy, which he had started to develop into his own system based on the ideas of Leibniz.

He developed this idea of physical economy, which became the basis for him to become the most successful economic forecaster of the recent period. His love for Classical music — Bach, Beethoven — had given him very early the appreciation for the importance of the cognitive potential of each individual. From that standpoint, he was one of the very few people in the 1960s, when everybody was mesmerized by the hippies, by flower power, he immediately recognized that this paradigm shift — which was induced by the oligarchy, but people naturally didn’t know that — would destroy the cognitive potential of the population in the long term. He started an endless campaign against the danger of drugs and the combination of the rock-drug-sex counterculture. Then, I think the most important point in this early period was that Lyn recognized, having been familiar with Franklin D. Roosevelt, with the principles of the Bretton Woods system as it was intended by Roosevelt, as compared to what it would become with Churchill and Truman. He recognized in an absolutely prophetic way, what it meant that Richard Nixon, on August 15, 1971, decoupled the dollar from the gold standard, and introduced the floating exchange rates. Lyn said prophetically, that if that monetarist tendency would be continued, it would inevitably lead to the danger of a new depression, a new fascism, the danger of a new world war, or it would be replaced by a just, new world economic order.

Immediately following this in 1973, Lyn constituted a biological taskforce, whose job it was to study the impact of the austerity of the IMF and the World Bank on the developing sector; the infamous conditionalities of the IMF which prevented the developing countries from investing in infrastructure, health, and forced them to pay their debt instead. Lyn said, if you continue to do that, it would inevitably lead to the outbreak of old diseases and new pandemics. He had an absolute foresight for the epidemics and pandemics which developed since AIDS, SARS, MERS, Ebola, and now the coronavirus. All of this would have been not necessary if Lyn’s policies for the development of the developing countries would have been implemented.

From that perspective, Lyn also immediately recognized the absolute devastation of the implementation of the Malthusian policies of the Club of Rome, and how the paradigm shift occurred at the beginning of the 1970s. The idea that it was a natural question that eventually all developing countries would develop, which was expressed in the development decades of the 1950s and ’60s of the United Nations. And how that was replaced by the infamous theories of the Club of Rome; the idea that there are limits to growth, the idea that population is not a good thing. That the population bomb is the greatest threat to humanity; that there is overpopulation. Basically, Lyn obviously knew that was completely wrong; that this was completely against the laws of the actual physical universe. He developed one of his most important conceptions, which was the idea of relative potential population density. Meaning that it is a law of the universe that people must increase; the number of people must increase; they must develop more abilities to have longevity in order to be able to have more people be able to develop more skills which requires longer education. And that the effect of this would be limitless development. He also knew that the premise of the Club of Rome was completely ridiculous. The Earth is not a closed system; the whole assumption of the Malthusians is wrong. Naturally, his image of man was that man is not an accountant who manages the limited resources, and for sure not a parasite as the Greenies today day. But that the discoveries of man, which can again and again show him new physical principles which are part of the development of the universe. As a matter of fact, the most developed part of it.

Lyn, because he saw the danger these ideas would represent for humanity, he decided, as an individual, as somebody who was not backed by Wall Street or the City of London, he decided for President of the United States. He did that first on the Labor Party ticket, a party which he founded in 1973. And basically, he was in this Presidential campaign in 1976, fighting against the Trilateral Commission and all their rotten ideas, the danger of nuclear war, and the urgent need for the industrialization of the developing sector. This was a very bold idea. Lyn meant it; he went in for winning the Presidency. The U.S. Presidency is probably the most powerful institution in the present world; this is due to the American Revolution, the idea of the Declaration of Independence, that life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is the inalienable right of all human beings, given to them by the Creator. This Constitution of the United States defined it as the task of the government to protect those inalienable rights of all human beings. Therefore, it was the first time that there was actually a form of government which was the complete opposite of the oligarchical model which existed with the monarchies and other forms of government in Europe, where the idea was that the purpose of the government was to protect the privileges of the elite and keep the mass of the population backward.

So Lyn, as in independent, decided to go against this plutocracy, the control of the Democratic and Republican Parties by Wall Street. And actually fulfill the promise of the Declaration of Independence and the American Constitution. Lyn ran for President eight times, from 1976, and then from 1980 to 2004 as a Democrat. He had the concept that he had to wage this battle to turn the United States into a force for good, as it was intended by the Founding Fathers. Already in year before he started the first campaign, in 1975, he developed a revolutionary conception — the International Development Bank. It was the idea that it should replace the IMF; that it should be an incredible credit institution for technology transfer to industrialize the so-called Third World. He developed also in 1975, the Oasis Plan, which was the idea to develop Southwest Asia; develop new water, green the deserts. He developed with his associates, a plan for the industrialization of Africa.

Naturally, immediately, the establishment regarded Lyn as the greatest threat to their system. Because what became known only later, in 1974, Kissinger had developed a paper called NSSM 200 [National Security Study Memorandum 200: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests], which was a blueprint for population reduction. It quite brazenly defined the raw materials in some of the most populous of the developing countries — actually 13 countries — as belonging to the strategic interest of the United States. Therefore, the population should be reduced, because too many people in these countries would consume too much raw materials. This scandalous paper was only made public in the 1990s, but obviously every word Lyn was saying went completely against these ideas. Then, we published these proceedings of the Africa Development; we had a conference in 1976 in Paris, and also in 1976 when Lyn’s Presidential campaign was already in full gear, I was in Paris organizing a one-week diplomatic seminar with a whole bunch of Arab ambassadors who had planned to invite Lyn to come to Paris and give them a one-week course on the Oasis Plan, on his economic theory. This was really a major event. But what happened was, on the day when the seminar was supposed to start, Lyn had just arrived from the United States. I got a phone call from the Iraqi ambassador, who said, unfortunately, I have to tell you that Mr. LaRouche has to develop a “diplomatic flu.” He must basically say he’s sick and therefore cannot participate in the seminar. Even so, he was supposed to be the main speaker, the main teacher. As it turned out, Henry Kissinger had flown himself personally into Paris that day, making pressure on the French government and all the ambassadors to cancel this event all together.

In 1976, we had already organized for one full year in many countries around the world, to implement the International Development Bank. We had talked to many embassies of the Non-Aligned sector, of Africa, of Latin America. In the fall of 1976, the Non-Aligned Movement adopted practically that plan for a New World Economic Order at the Colombo conference in Sri Lanka. So, we were extremely happy. I called up all the media in Germany and asked, “When are you reporting this?” They said, completely arrogantly, “We are not reporting this, because this is not newsworthy.” I said, “What? Three-quarters of the human species want a New World Economic Order, and you say this is not newsworthy?” Well, that was the first major lesson about the control of the media. Then, what happened was a tremendous backlash, where leaders of the Third World like Indira Gandhi, Mrs. Bandaranaike, Prime Minister Bhutto, were all destabilized, and also Gen. Juan Velasco Alvarado from Peru already in 1975, he was one of the leaders of this movement. They all were ousted or killed. But Fred Wills, the Foreign Minister of Guyana already in 1976, introduced the IDB conception to the UN General Assembly. This all happened on the orders of the IMF and the State Department.

In 1976, Lyn was running for President in the United States, and I was running for Chancellor in Germany. I thought that was necessary because the alternatives were Helmut Kohl and Helmut Schmidt; Kohl being your typical mediocre conservative, and Schmidt, who had some good features, but he had also endorsed Hjalmar Schacht, the Finance Minister of Hitler, or his policies. So, I thought it was absolutely necessary to fight for an alternative. That double candidacy brought us also closer, Lyn and myself. So, in 1977, we got married. This was then the beginning of a truly very beautiful marriage, which is obviously very precious to me. Immediately, death threats started. The so-called Red Army Faction, Bader-Meinhof groups. The Red Army Faction is RAF, which happens to also be short for the Royal Air Force of Great Britain. So, one has to think, because some of the third generation of the RAF actually were probably enemies of Lyn’s conception, and were determined that they would suppress these ideas.

Lyn continued his Presidential campaigns. In 1980, he campaigned against Bush, Sr. and ruined his Presidential ambitions at that time, which got him the lifelong hostility of the Bush family. But it also made him an acquaintance of President Reagan, which turned out to be very fruitful later on.

In 1982, we did an enormous amount of things. López Portillo, the President of Mexico, who had gotten to know our youth movement in Mexico, was completely intrigued by the fact that there would be young people who would fight for such ideas. So, he wanted to find out about LaRouche. When the peso was under massive attack, and there was a huge capital flight organized out of Mexico, he invited us to come to Mexico City. He asked Lyn to help him defend the sovereignty and the currency of Mexico. Lyn immediately wrote a program, not just for Mexico but for all of Latin America. This was called Operation Juárez. It was the idea of an infrastructure development plan, a debt reorganization, and basically developed credit mechanisms for long-term real development of the entire Latin American continent. At that time, Latin America had a $200 billion debt. They had paid that debt many times over; this is what we call “banker’s arithmetic,” but $200 billion — which is now proverbial peanuts in terms of all these quantitative easing trillions being pumped into the system. But $200 billion in 1982 was regarded to be enough to bring down Wall Street and the City of London. When López Portillo implemented that policy on September 1, 1982, it just happened to be that Lyn and I, on the same day, were in Germany in Frankfurt meeting with the management of the credit institution for reconstruction. And at 11 a.m., we just were standing there, talking. One of the biggest currency traders rushed into the room and said, “This is it! Wall Street is finished! This is a debt bomb by the Latin American countries. This is the end of the system!” Lyn just smiled and said, “No, don’t worry.” It’s just a way to save these banks; because if you reorganize them in an orderly fashion, that’s the only way they can actually be saved. So, well, that was really a very interesting moment, but the establishment thought that was the end of their system. It increased the resolve to go after Lyn.

In the same year, we went to India, and we met with Indira Gandhi. We worked with her on a development plan for 40 years for the development of India, which also was part of Lyn’s conception to develop the whole world. The programs together, the Mexico program, the India program, Latin America, Asia, Africa; it basically would have meant that the entire Malthusian order as it was then developed, would have been undone.

The same year, Lyn started to work on another grand design for the change of the world, which was that since the end of the 1970s, we had found out that the Soviet scientists were developing beam weapons. They had developed a point defense system for the city of Moscow. Lyn was actually convinced that the biggest danger of nuclear war would arise when one side — either NATO or the Warsaw Pact — would be able to develop new weapons systems based on new physical principles, making nuclear weapons obsolete. In that moment then, the one side would feel encouraged to use nuclear weapons while they are still usable. You also had the development of the medium-range missile crisis, where in Europe you had both the Pershing II and SS-20 missiles directed against each other, with only three or four minutes until they would hit their target. They were always launch on warning, and at that time, you had a gigantic peace movement of people who knew that we were on the verge of World War III. So, Lyn developed a conception how the two superpowers — the United States and the Soviet Union — would not try to out-develop themselves, but develop these new systems jointly. To develop them, to implement them, and for the first time, make nuclear weapons technologically obsolete. Because also the defense would be less costly than the offensive; it was really an absolutely incredible design. It was not what the media made out of it, who called it Star Wars; but it was an absolutely incredible conception of how to technologically make nuclear weapons obsolete. So, for one full year, we organized conferences — in Rome, in Paris, in Bonn (at that time, Bonn was the capital of Germany), in Warsaw, in Washington. Out of that developed negotiations between Lyn and the representatives of the Soviet Union in a so-called “back channel” discussion, where the Soviet Union seriously studied to adopt that policy. After one year, in February 1983, they sent the message from Moscow that this is rejected, because it would give the West more advantages. Later we found out the reasons — namely that the Ogarkov plan had completely different objectives, and therefore rejected it. But, on the 23rd of March, President Reagan announced that very policy to be the official U.S. strategic policy; the SDI, the Strategic Defense Initiative. A little bit later, Lyn developed what that policy could have been. Namely, in a protocol for the superpowers, he described how the development of these new technologies based on new physical principles would lead to a science driver in the military field. And that if they would be applied in the civilian sector, they would lead to an incredible increase of the productivity of the economy. Then, if the two superpowers would work together, they could dissolve the military blocs of the Warsaw Pact and NATO, and jointly make a technology transfer to the developing sector; ending the character of these countries as proxies in a superpower confrontation, and really go in the direction of overcoming poverty and the development of the Third World.

President Reagan had adopted that policy. He wrote two official letters to the Soviets, offering American help to apply these technologies in the civilian sector. That is generally not being discussed at all, but we were very close to establishing a completely human world order. At that time, the determination of the oligarchy to really go after Lyn escalated. Because Lyn was not only able to define conceptions which would have changed the world for the better, but he got heads of state to implement these ideas — López Portillo, Indira Gandhi, President Reagan. So, then when the Soviet Union rejected that in 1984, he said if the Soviets keep their existing policy, they will collapse in five years. Now, they did, as you know. In 1989, when the [Berlin] Wall came down, his prediction was fulfilled.

In 1982, when all of this became very clear, that Lyn was having this impact, Henry Kissinger, in May, made an infamous speech in the Chatham House in London, where he admitted that he always was following the orders of the British Empire much more closely than that of the United States government. Kissinger, in August 1982, wrote a letter to the FBI Chief of that time, William Webster, and demanded that there should be an investigation of Lyndon LaRouche as a Soviet agent of influence. Nothing was further from the truth, but that is where basically the entire apparatus which was completely upset, after Reagan started to put the SDI on the agenda, went completely wild. Bush, Shulz, that faction. However, this was a period when we did so much. In 1984, we started the Schiller Institute. It was my idea, but Lyn was completely supportive. Very quickly, the Schiller Institute, which had the idea that you needed to replace the present policy with a foreign policy based on statecraft, and that nations should relate to each other by referring always to the best of the other. The best culture, the best traditions. That you needed to fight for a new world economic order and a renaissance of Classical culture. So, in the 36 years since, the Schiller Institute has become a very influential institution on five continents. Also in 1985, we had a beautiful conference for the honor of Krafft Ehricke, one of the great space visionaries and rocket scientists, who had not only developed beautiful conceptions about colonizing the Moon and the development of Mars, he developed the idea of the extraterrestrial imperative. The idea that mankind would completely transform its nature through space travel. He was a very good friend of Lyn’s and mine.

In all of these years, Lyn was incredibly productive. He had already developed in the 1970s key conceptions about the fundamental laws of the universe. He had developed the Riemann-LaRouche economic model, which was based on the physical principles of the real universe, and not on the sense certainty perception of the mere shadows, which was one of his ways to absolutely be the best forecaster on the planet. He absolutely made clear the fundamental difference between the Plato and Aristotle traditions in European history. He initiated a beautiful campaign for the protection of the principles of Classical music, the so-called Verdi tuning, which was signed by all major singers of that time, and many instrumentalists. Lyn developed out of this a close friendship with Norbert Brainin, who was the first violinist of the famous Amadeus Quartet. After Norbert spent one time two days in our house in Virginia, he and Lyn spoke for hours and hours; two full days about music. At the end of which, Norbert said, “Well, you know so much more about music than I do.” I think this was an absolutely correct characterization. Lyn also developed beautiful friendships with such singers as William Warfield and Sylvia Olden Lee; with Piero Cappuccilli, with Carlo Bergonzi.

Lyn already in 1974 had founded the Fusion Energy Foundation, which was a scientific institution fighting for the frontiers of science. Life sciences engaged in development projects. We had assembled around us in the 1980s, more than 100 top scientists who agreed with us to build three private universities. One in Peru, one in America, one in Germany, to teach Lyn’s scientific method.

Obviously, that was all interrupted with the infamous raid of our house in Leesburg, our offices, and the prosecution which followed. The life of this organization has completely changed. Up until 1986, we were building, we were optimistic, we were only engaged in productive concepts of how to make the world better. But after this raid, we had to really defend ourselves, and obviously with the prosecution of Lyn and him being innocently in jail, this organization had really to fight for our existence. They wanted to get rid of us all together.

But before the jailing of Lyn happened, he already in 1987, again completely prophetically, wrote an article in 1987, in which he said, if I become President in 1989, I will make sure that there will be a unification of Germany with Berlin as the capital. That idea that Germany should be unified and that Germany should have a peace treaty, was also part of our wedding agreement. We had said that Lyn would be President of the United States for eight years, and then I would be Chancellor of Germany for eight years. So, this was sort of joke, but not totally. It was also meant seriously.

Then, in 1988, Lyn made the famous press conference in the Kempinski Hotel in Berlin, where he predicted that Germany would be soon unified, and Berlin would be soon the capital of Germany. Again, as Lyn’s prognosis that the Soviet Union would collapse, which he said in 1984. In 1988, nobody thought that Germany would be unified. But when the Wall came down one year later, therefore, we were the only ones who had a conception of what to do. Lyn was already sitting innocently in jail, but we immediately worked together on the Productive Triangle, the idea to develop Eastern Europe with the help of modern technology. When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, we immediately prolonged that to become the Eurasian Land-Bridge; the idea to connect the population and industrial centers of Europe with those of Asia through development corridors. We promoted that conception in literally hundreds of seminars and conferences. I’m absolutely sure that whole effort very much influenced what then became the Chinese New Silk Road, the Belt and Road Initiative.

The most important thing Lyn contributed however, was a method of thinking. He opened the access to ideas which had been completely forgotten, pushed aside, by the rewriting of history and the history of ideas through the oligarchy. He again made it possible for people to understand the spiritual power of the mind for hypothesis. A method which, if it would be applied by young people all over the world, would simply mean — and it has to mean — that many of the young people of the world will have a way to access how to become a genius. Many of you will also become outstanding leaders, who can change the world for the better.

So, what is the lesson of all of this? Will we give up just because Lyn’s opponents have made such a mess of the world? They have the questionable success that they succeeded; this is why we are on the verge of World War III, famine, epidemic, and general collapse. But I think if we think — and we will hear about that for the rest of this event — if Lyn’s idea would have been implemented for the past 40 years, we would have Africa to be a blossoming garden. We would have Latin America completely developed. You would have many countries who would be not less developed than China is today. You would have Europe not being the culturally relativistic mess it is right now; but Europe would have revived the beautiful culture of the Golden Renaissance and the German Classical period of Schiller and Beethoven. The United States would be a force for the good, where people would be happy to be friends of that great country.

I think history will, for sure if there is going to be a history, write that Lyn’s enemies were the worst scoundrels, on a match with all the previous scoundrels in the world; among them, Hitler and others. And that the world would have been such a much more beautiful place if Lyn’s ideas would have been implemented. That task is now yours. You will be those people who have to design a new era of mankind. If you think that job is too big, I think you should be confident. The entire history of mankind is the proof that Leibniz’s conception that we are living in the best of all possible worlds is actually true. Every great evil will generate an even greater good. I think that that is exactly what we can do, and it absolutely depends on if there are enough people who have the potential to be truly great leaders. That is what I want you to become.