RADIO SCHILLER den 18. oktober 2016:
LaRouche stiller op som “skriv-ind”-kandidat i USA’s præsidentvalg:
Vedtag hans Fire Økonomiske Love

Med næstformand Michelle Rasmussen

N.B. den 25. oktober: Det blev meddelt i går, at vi ikke kører en kampagne for at få amerikanerne til at skrive LaRouches navn ind, når de vælger præsident, men at vi vil intensivere vores kampagne for at få LaRouches fire økonomiske lov vedtaget.

»Det er vores opgave at skabe
det økonomiske system,
der følger Hamiltons principper
og LaRouches Fire Love«

Jeg mener, at LaRouches understregning af spørgsmålet om Alexander Hamilton og hans arbejde, og LaRouches Fire Love – for forpligtelsen til varefremstilling handler jo ikke om varefremstilling som sådan; det handler om videnskab som drivkraft for fremskridt. Det drejer sig om spørgsmålet, om vi kommer frem til en økonomi, baseret på fusionskraft? Og når vi først har udviklet termonuklear fusion, går vi så videre frem til plasma, til stof/antistof? Og hvilket potentiale åbner det op for?

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Amerika må bringes ind i det Nye Paradigme
– En strategi for sejr.
Hovedtale af Helga Zepp-LaRouche
til seminar i Houston, Texas

Krafft Ehricke var en nær ven til os, og især i de seneste år af hans liv havde jeg mange samtaler med ham, om relationen mellem videnskab og kultur. Han var absolut overbevist om, at Schiller Instituttets bestræbelser var absolut afgørende, for han sagde, at vi må tilføje menneskets æstetiske opdragelse til videnskabeligt fremskridt, eftersom teknologi aldrig er god eller ond. Det er mennesket, der anvender den til et godt eller ondt formål. Det afgørende spørgsmål er derfor, sagde han, at vi forædler menneskeslægten, hvilket netop er spørgsmålet om den æstetiske opdragelse.

Det er grunden til, at vi lægger så megen vægt på skønhed, og at kunst må være skøn, for kun da opfylder det denne forædling af den menneskelige sjæl. Skønhed, siger Schiller, er meget vigtigt, fordi det både er en egenskab af sanserne, fordi sanserne opfatter skønhed, men det findes også inden for fornuftens rige, fordi skønhed ikke er et spørgsmål om oplevelse, men er derimod et spørgsmål om intellektets, om fornuftens, definition.

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RADIO SCHILLER den 3. oktober 2016:
Deutsche Bank kollapser: Glass-Steagall eller kaos?//
USA’s Kongres tilsidesætter Obamas veto

Med formand Tom Gillesberg

– Menneskehedens fremtid i rummet.
Del I af LPAC-webcast, 30. sept. 2016

Lyndon LaRouche: »Det vigtigste spørgsmål, der konfronterer menneskeheden, er, hvilke er de eksisterende potentialer, på hvilke menneskehedens fremtid er beroende? Hvilke er de videnskabelige opdagelser, der må gøres af den unikt kreative art, som er mennesket, og på hvilke vi kan skabe en sand og vedvarende fremtid for den menneskelige art?«

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Den forestående uge, set i universalhistorisk perspektiv

5. september, 2016 (Leder) – De afgørende uger, som vi nu har for os, stiller dette spørgsmål til alle amerikanere (blandt andre): Hvordan er det muligt, at det kan lykkes for det enkelte individs inderste, private tankers »lille hjul« at dreje det »store hjul« i den historiske proces, der involverer den kurs og skæbne, som nationen, og menneskehedens mere end syv milliarder individer generelt, i fremtiden, i de kommende århundreder, vil få?

Den virkelige historie om det netop afsluttede G20-topmøde i Kina er den, at den kinesiske præsident Xi Jinping, sammen med Ruslands Putin og udviklingslandene under anførsel af BRIKS, samt Japan m.fl., fremtvang spørgsmålet om udskiftningen af det nuværende finansielle system. De insisterede på, at Wall Street/London-systemet, baseret på hasardspil, har kurs mod en ny krise, og at det må erstattes af et produktionsorienteret system, funderet i videnskab og store internationale, avantgarde-projekter: det system, der er centreret omkring Kinas Nye Silkevejs-politik, som præsident Xi kalder »Ét Bælte, Én Vej«.

Det finansielle fundament for dette nye, menneskelige system leveres af en række udviklingsbanker, som Kina har været med til at lancere, såsom den Asiatiske Infrastruktur-Investeringsbank (AIIB), og BRIKS’ Nye Udviklingsbank (NDB).

Som Helga Zepp-LaRouche i går bemærkede, vil det, efterhånden, som resultaterne af G20-topmødet og det forudgående Vladivostok-topmøde i løbet af de næste par dage bliver kendt, blive klart, hvem, der forsvarer menneskehedens sag, konfronteret med udsigten til økonomisk udslettelse, og hvem, der forsøger at lægge hindringer i vejen. I løbet af disse dage vil den amerikanske Kongres, den 6. september, træde sammen, og FN’s Generalforsamling træder sammen den 13. september. Samtidigt vil rækken af topmøder på højeste niveau fortsætte i Asien.

Det, som den amerikanske Kongres må gøre, når den atter træder sammen, er at vedtage Glass-Steagall, for hvilken lov der er fremsat tværpolitiske lovforslag i begge Kongressens huse. Kongressen må ligeledes handle på de kendsgerninger, der er blevet afsløret i de »28 sider« af den Fælles Kongresundersøgelsesrapport om 11. september (2001): den må handle med henblik på at fjerne Obama for hans beviste, overlagte mørklægning af saudiernes (og briternes) ansvar for 11. september, og samtidig fremtvinge flere skjulte fakta om den britisk/saudiske sammensværgelse, og om Bush’ og Cheneys – men først og fremmest Obamas – medskyldighed. Det faktum, at vi ikke fjernede Bush og Cheney, gav os Obama, som er endnu værre. Hvis vi nu ikke fjerner Obama, vil vi få noget, der er værre endnu, hvis vi da ellers stadig vil være i live til at opleve det.

Netop nu, hvor omgående, politisk handling er presserende nødvendig, forbereder ledelsen af Lyndon LaRouches bevægelse, der er lokaliseret på Manhattan, det, som LaRouche har kaldt for et »levende mindesmærke« for ofrene for 11. september – først og fremmest de direkte ofre og deres familier, men også USA og enhver del af verden, som er blevet offer for forbrydelsen og dens mørklægning. Centrum for dette »levende mindesmærke« vil blive opførelser af Mozarts Rekviem, i hvilken en stor skaber fejrer, ikke døden, men det uforgængelige liv og dets mission, konfronteret med døden, igennem alle århundreder i fortid og fremtid.

Med dette »levende mindesmærke«, og ud over dette, arbejder den Manhattan-centrerede LaRouche-bevægelse på at genskabe et funktionsdygtigt præsidentskab for USA, ud fra selvsamme Manhattan-lokalitet og gennem de samme principper, som Alexander Hamilton anvendte til at skabe det oprindelige George Washington-præsidentskab for USA.

For at vende tilbage til vores indledende spørgsmål om »det lille hjul« og »det store hjul«: Politikken med Den Nye Silkevej begyndte som en idé: ideen om den Europæiske Produktive Trekant, som Lyndon LaRouche udviklede i slutningen af 1980'erne, og som han, sammen med sin hustru Helga, videreudviklede til den Eurasiske Landbro, Den Nye Silkevej og Verdenslandbroen. Og det, der udløste det kinesiske rumprogram, som i 2018 for første gang nogensinde vil lande en robot på Månens bagside – var også først en idé. Det var Ronald Reagans Strategiske Forsvarsinitiativ (SDI), der overbeviste det kinesiske lederskab om behovet for et forceret, videnskabeligt udviklingsprogram, inklusive et forceret rumprogram, som vi vil gå i dybden med i det næste nummer af EIR, 9. september. Det Strategiske Forsvarsinitiativ var en politik, der helt fra bunden af blev opfundet af Lyndon LaRouche, og som overbeviste Reagan.

Og de udviklingsbanker, der i dag bliver lanceret, blev udtænkt af Lyndon LaRouche i 1970'erne, hvor de blev forelagt FN’s Generalforsamling af Guyanas agtværdige udenrigsminister, nu afdøde Fred Wills.

Som den store, russiske videnskabsmand Vladimir Vernadskij viste i første halvdel af det tyvende århundrede, så er den menneskelige noesis, eller kreative tænkning, den mest magtfulde kraft i universet. Der er ingen kraft, der kan måle sig med det menneskelige intellekt med hensyn til kreativ opdagelse.

Foto: Brasiliens præsident Michel Temer, Indiens premierminister Narendra Modi, Kinas præsident Xi Jinping, Ruslands præsident Vladimir Putin og Sydafrikas præsident Jacob Zuma ankommer til Kina for at deltage i G20-topmødet, der finder sted 3. – 5. september, 2016 []

Vi kan ændre historiens gang:
Handling nu for at gennemtvinge Glass-Steagall.
LaRouchePAC Internationale Fredags-webcast, 2. sept. 2016

Matthew Ogden: Vi havde en diskussion med Lyndon og Helga LaRouche for et par timer siden. Det er helt klart, at vi står ved et punkt, hvor tre, meget afgørende initiativer, som LaRouche-bevægelsen har stået i centrum for i flere år, nu kulminerer. For det første står vi umiddelbart foran G20-topmødet; topmødet i Vladivostok er i gang; og to uger efter disse begivenheder træder FN’s Generalforsamling sammen. Det er helt åbenlyst, at man tager initiativerne til at skabe en ny, finansiel arkitektur for planeten omkring udviklingen af den Nye Silkevej. Jeg vil blot nævnte ganske kort, at, hvis man ikke har set den endnu, så har vi en fremragende, ny, 20 minutter lang video (på – se den danske hjemmeside, inkl. udskrift:»Den Nye Silkevej bliver til Verdenslandbroen«. Den går i dybden med meget af indholdet i EIR’s rapport af samme navn. Den må I bestemt se, hvis I ikke allerede har.

Engelsk udskrift.

You Can Change History: Act Now to Force a Vote on Glass-Steagall        


International LaRouche PAC webcast, Saturday, September 3, 2016   

        MATTHEW OGDEN: Good evening; it's September 2, 2016. My name
is Matthew Ogden, and you're joining us for our weekly webcast
here on Friday evening with I'm joined in the
studio tonight by Jeffrey Steinberg from {Executive Intelligence
Review}, and via video by two members of the LaRouche PAC Policy
Committee. We have Dave Christie joining us from Seattle,
Washington; welcome, Dave. And we have Diane Sare joining us from
the greater New York City area.
        I'll just say to start off, we did have a discussion with
Lyndon and Helga LaRouche just a few hours ago. It's very clear
that we are at the intersection point of the culmination of three
very crucial initiatives that the LaRouche Movement has been
right in the center of leading for several years. Number one,
we're on the eve of the G20 summit; we have the Vladivostok
summit which is occurring; and in two weeks following that, we
have the United Nations General Assembly. It's very apparent that
the initiatives are being taken to create a new financial
architecture for the planet, around the development of the New
Silk Road. I'll just say very quickly here, if you haven't seen
it yet, there's an excellent new 20-minute video feature on the website which is about "The New Silk Road Becomes
the World Land-Bridge". It elaborates a lot of the {Executive
Intelligence Review} publication by that same title. I would say
to definitely watch that if you haven't yet.
        On the domestic front, we have a very intense campaign which
is now being escalated to reinstate Glass-Steagall; and
marshalling the forces to force that to a vote before the
Presidential elections take place. Then we have the push to
reopen a full investigation into the attacks on 9/11; with the
declassification of the 28 pages that happened, you have to
further that with the pursuit of the tens of thousands of more
pages which continue to be withheld. On that front, we are one
week away from the 15th anniversary of those horrific attacks on
9/11; and we will be seeing a series of concerts which will take
place in New York City — Diane can tell us a lot more about that
— of Mozart's {Requiem} that will be performed in the cathedral
in Brooklyn, a major church in Manhattan and elsewhere to
commemorate the victims of those attacks and to bring justice.
This is happening in conjunction with a strategic seminar which
is being sponsored in New York City on the same subject. And at
the same time, there's a powerful push to force a vote in the
House of Representatives — hopefully next week, before the
anniversary happens — on the JASTA bill (Justice against State
Sponsors of Terrorism Act). Congress is returning next week.
        As part of that push, former Senator Bob Graham was in
Washington DC the day before yesterday, at a major press
conference which he held at the National Press Club. Both Jeff
and I had the opportunity to attend that conference, and we will
be featuring some excerpts from that press conference as part of
our broadcast tonight.
        But before I get to that, I do want to start with the
discussion that we had with Mr. LaRouche just a few hours ago;
particularly on the necessity of launching an immediate
mobilization around the reinstatement of Glass-Steagall. So, in
order to introduce that subject, I'm going to read the
institutional question which we received today, which was
presented to Mr. LaRouche. I'm going to ask Jeff to elaborate a
bit on what Mr. LaRouche's comments were in response to this
question. It reads: "Mr. LaRouche, you have warned that unless
the United States Congress acts — and now in September — to
reinstate Glass-Steagall as the first step in a much larger
overhaul in economic and monetary policy, then the entire
trans-Atlantic system is headed for blow-out. Would you please
elaborate on the importance of the passage of Glass-Steagall in
the next session of Congress immediately after Labor Day?"

        JEFFREY STEINBERG: Mr. LaRouche was very blunt; he said, "If
you don't implement Glass-Steagall as the starting point for such
a total overhaul of the entire US financial and monetary system,"
and extending that obviously into Europe as well; "then an
enormous number of people are going to die. It comes down to
that." The major European banks, which are completely co-mingled
with the big Wall Street banks, are carrying trillions — perhaps
hundreds of trillions — of dollars in derivatives and
non-performing debt of all other kinds as well. They're
hopelessly bankrupt, and unless you implement Glass-Steagall and
separate out and just simply write off all of that derivatives
and other gambling debt, you have no chance whatsoever for any
kind of turnaround in the situation that we have in the US
economy right now; and similarly in Europe. Namely, that there is
a collapse of productivity; don't believe the numbers about job
creation, because the reality is that 93.5 million eligible,
working age Americans have no work. Because they've given up
trying to find a job, or they've never found a job; and therefore
have never been counted in the working force to begin with. On
top of that, a growing percentage of people are finding
themselves relegated to working part-time; sometimes a few hours
a day on several different jobs, because there are no full-time
productive jobs available in the economy. You've got a lot of
parasitic jobs; you've got a lot of other jobs that in a healthy,
growing economy would be necessary and useful. But when you've
got a collapse of production as we have in the United States and
Europe, and you put on top of that a kind of massive banking
crisis — financial bubble bigger than 2008; then you've got a
perfect storm for something that will result in mass deaths.
        Now, Glass-Steagall is the first step; it's by no means the
totality of what must be done. Mr. LaRouche has laid out the four
cardinal laws, four major initiatives that must be taken to
restore productivity; to create genuinely productive jobs. But
the starting point has to be to break up and separate out the
legitimate commercial banking functions from the speculative
activities that have completely looted the depositor base of
commercial banks since the repeal of Glass-Steagall. Both
political parties, in their platforms, have endorsed reinstating
Glass-Steagall; and this was not just simply a perfunctory thing.
There was a fight at the Republican convention among the Platform
Committee people; there was an aggressive push to force
Glass-Steagall's adoption. The same thing happened on the
Democratic side. Hillary Clinton has not publicly called for
reinstating Glass-Steagall. So, you've got both parties poised.
You have bills in both houses of Congress and a vote can and must
be taken; not after the elections, not during the lame duck
session, but during this next 2-3 week period starting Tuesday,
the 6th of September, when Congress returns that evening.
Wednesday will be the first full day that Congress is in session.
This must be one of the very first acts of this Congress during
this interim session; and it's not going to happen unless there
is a full-blown mobilization of the American people. There are
major institutions from the AFL-CIO to various civil rights
groups that are with us on this question of Glass-Steagall. But
what's required, is an absolutely focussed and tough and
laser-like intervention. And I think nothing sums that up more
clearly than what Mr. LaRouche has said repeatedly over the last
few days: Namely, if you don't pass Glass-Steagall; if you don't
intervene to make sure that Congress does it, then you may die as
a result of that.

        OGDEN: Well, I want to use as an example of the kind of
strategic leverage that is going to be required to force through
this passage of Glass-Steagall, I want to use as an example what
the LaRouche Movement was able to do by marshalling forces across
the country to force the declassification of the 28 pages.
Because it's a very similar example of the kind of widespread
upsurge in activism across the country led with this kind of
laser focus, that's going to be required right now in the coming
weeks to force the Glass-Steagall vote. So, on that note, I'd
like to introduce a short 7-minute video clip which is excerpts
from the blockbuster press conference that former Senator Bob
Graham held at the National Press Club this past Wednesday. We
can invite you to watch the full press conference, which is
available on the LaRouche PAC YouTube channel. For right now, I'd
like to introduce that, and then use that to open up a broader
discussion here.

FORMER SEN. BOB GRAHAM: Thank you very much, Mr. Burr; and thank
you for the opportunity to come back to the National Press Club.
        As has been said, on July 15th, after some 14 years, the
chapter of 28 pages from the final Report of the Congressional
Joint Inquiry into 9/11 was released. This was removing the cork
from the bottle; but there is a significant amount of information
which, like the 28 pages, has been withheld. It was necessary to
get this first block of material to the public in order to build
the support that will be necessary for the balance of the
material to flowâ¦.
        Now that the bottle is open, what is likely to pour forth?
        I think there are three tasks in which the liquid will flow.
One is, the 28 pages were written in the Fall of 2002, but were
not — in a number of instances — completed. We were under a
mandate to submit our final report before the end of that session
of Congress; which meant by the end of December of 2002. There
were some issues that have not been taken fully to ground. As an
example, the role of Prince Bandar, the long Saudi ambassador to
the United States. In the 28 pages, it is disclosed that in the
book of Abu Zabadeh[ph], one of Osama bin Laden's closest
operatives, were the telephone numbers — which were otherwise
unavailable — to Bandar's mansion in Aspen, and to his bodyguard
here in Washington. There was also information about the fact
that both he and his wife had been involved in money transfers
which appeared to go to the mentors and protectors of the three
hijackers in San Diego. Was that where that money flow ended; or
did it end up supporting the hijackers? That's the kind of
questions which were raised in the 28 pages; but I hope that we
will now get information to close those loopsâ¦.

        ??: Senator Graham, thanks and congratulations for what
you're doing in insisting that the facts on 9/11 come out. As you
pointed out, and as the media pointed out, the 28 pages and
credible media reporting that there were meetings, there were
facts here; not just myths and wonderings, but facts. In San
Diego, the meetings by the Saudi Director of Religious Affairs
with at least three of the hijackers; and 15 of the 19 hijackers
were from Saudi Arabia. There was money paid from Prince Bandar's
account. Those are the facts; but it just seems that the American
policy is to hide and to obfuscate. Why? Is it a matter of
Democrats and Republicans alike just want to pander to Saudi
Arabia? What I don't understand is the reason why we don't just
take the facts and move from there; because these are the facts.

        GRAHAM: No, this is not a partisan issue. In fact, in the
House, the effort to pass this JASTA legislation that will modify
the sovereign immunity defense, and prior to that, a resolution
urging the President to release the 28 pages, was led by a
Republican, Walter Jones from North Carolina, and a Democrat,
Stephen Lynch from Massachusetts. This has had strong bipartisan
support. If anything, it's more of an Executive Branch versus the
people of America; it's been the Executive Branch through not
only Justice and State, but Treasury and the intelligence
agencies, that have largely been the barrier to allowing this
information to be known by the American people. And let the
American people then form a judgment. What do they think we ought
to be doing in this relationship with Saudi Arabia?

        STEINBERG: Jeff Steinberg; {Executive Intelligence Review}.
Senator, former Navy Secretary John Lehman, who was a
commissioner on the 9/11 Commission, told "60 Minutes" back in
April that there really never was a complete investigation by the
9/11 Commission; and you've already said that the Joint Inquiry
was limited by time and resources. Now, 15 years later, we have
the 28 pages. As you just indicated, there's lots of facts in
there. There was a 47-page report written at the beginning of the
9/11 Commission by the two people on your staff who were
following up on the Saudi leads. They listed 22 Saudi officials
who had direct contacts with just the San Diego hijackers. What
do you envision as the next step? Can there be a new
investigation without the time restrictions and other problems?
Do you support that? How would you envision moving forward from
here in addition to the lawsuit which we do hope will be
reinstated against the Saudis for discovery?

        GRAHAM: In addition to the request to the National Archives,
who are the custodians of the 9/11 papers, to release those
sections of its report which have been withheld which relate to
following up to the leads which are in the 28 pages. So, we could
ask, in those pages, is there a chapter about Prince Bandar that
pursues the leads that were outlined in the 28 pages? Second,
will have to be more Freedom of Information Act with the FBI and
the CIA. Another thing would be the President; I can understand
why George Bush acted the way he did. I cannot understand why
Barack Obama is acting the way he has. This information is going
to be known; whether it's in 2016, or 2026, or '36, or '46, it
will — like the Pentagon Papers and all these other old scandals
— eventually it's going to come out. I think the legacy of
Barack Obama is going to be stained when the people recognize how
much information was under his control, that he made the
executive decision to continue to restrict from the American
people. So, those are, I think, the principal levers; they all
eventually come to the American people. The American people care
about knowing what their government did in this particularly
egregious action; and if so, will they put enough political
pressure? The most immediate thing is to contact your member of
Congress and urge he or she to vote for JASTA. That bill has had
a roller coaster existence over the last four or five years; it
seems to be closer to reaching its destination today than at any
time during that long period. The key is going to be, will the
House take it up? That's where the pressure needs to be until
that important task is accomplishedâ¦.
        What I think are the most likely three directions after the
28 pages are: One, following up on the leads that were in the 28
pages; such as the role of the then-Saudi Ambassador to the
United States, Prince Bandar. Second, there's been information
developed since the 28 pages were written in the Fall of 2002;
such as the existence of this relationship between a prominent
Saudi family, Mohammed Atta and two of his compatriots in
Sarasota, Florida. Then third, the litigation that is being
frustrated by the sovereign immunity defense; which the Kingdom
of Saudi Arabia has been raising. Those are, I think, the three
major channels in which we will get additional information on the
relationship between Saudi Arabia and the 19 hijackers. The
report, I think, made a case that an investigator reading what
Prince Bandar had done, would say, "I want to pursue this
further." The question is, were those leads pursued? And if so,
to what end? I hope what we'll find is that yes, they were
pursued; and here are investigative reports that carry this case
to its conclusion.

        OGDEN: So, as you could see, yours truly Jeff Steinberg was
on hand to ask Senator Graham a question; and Senator Graham's
emphasis, which he repeatedly came back to, was to open up the
file on Prince Bandar, the Saudi ambassador. So Jeff, maybe you
want to elaborate a little bit more on where this investigation
needs to go.

        STEINBERG: Well, I think Senator Graham was very clear that
there are 80,000 pages of documents that the FBI has acknowledged
belatedly and begrudgingly exist in Sarasota, Florida. I'm sure
that that was a small fraction of the documents down there, as
Senator Graham said, 13 of the 19 hijackers, at one point or
another, were based in Florida before the attack. Paterson, New
Jersey was another center where the hijackers were living and
training for a period of time. Falls Church, Virginia was both a
place where a number of them were present for a while, but it was
a convergence point; a kind of a staging area. There was a
confirmed report that a high-ranking Saudi minister was at the
same hotel in Falls Church, Virginia as a group of the hijackers
the night before the hijacking. So, there are many leads.
Undoubtedly, between the FBI, the CIA, the National Security
Agency, there's an alphabet soup of 16 intelligence agencies that
undoubtedly have millions and millions of pages of undisclosed
        I think one of the most crucial things — and again, Senator
Graham was very clear on this — the most aggressive and
effective form of forcing out new information on what really
happened is by having the Saudi monarchy reinstated in the
lawsuit. Meaning that the JASTA bill has to pass the House; it
has to pass by a veto-proof majority. Once again, we're back to
the same question: Are you, the American people, going to stand
up and fight for something that's urgently needed? Or, are you
going to treat democracy as a spectator sport? If you choose the
latter, then the consequences are going to be more of the same
and worse. I think that the fact that Senator Graham focussed on
further disclosure — as he said, the bottle is uncorked; but the
contents have been barely trickled out. There's an enormous
amount more that has to be done; and of course, next weekend is
the 15th anniversary of the initial 9/11 attacks. Let's not
forget, it's the fourth anniversary of the second 9/11 attack in
Benghazi in 2012. That's not only a very relevant issue in terms
of the consequences of the original cover-up of the Saudi
involvement, but it's a very immediate and intensive issue
related to the Presidential elections in the US. We've got to be
fairly blunt about that. The cover-up of Benghazi is part of the
continuation of the cover-up of the Saudi role in the original
9/11 attack.

OGDEN: Well, Diane, you're right in the middle obviously of
putting together the commemorative anniversary celebrations and
the seminar, and just leading the activism there in New York
City. So, maybe you can just pick up from here.

        DIANE SARE: Well, I'd like to actually take a step back;
because one of the things that Senator Graham brought up about
why this was so important. He said there were three reasons: One
is the question of justice for the family members of the people
who were killed; Two, a somewhat obvious question, which is the
question of security. If we don't root out these networks,
they're there to be used repeatedly. And three, which I think is
really important and cannot be overstated, which is the question
of whether people trust their government. Because once the
population of the United States no longer trusts the government,
which is almost where we are right now, then you lose the
republic. Our republic, going back to the conception of Nicholas
of Cusa and {Concordantia Catholica}, depends on this question of
the consent of the governed. If you don't trust your government,
you will not consent to have it representing you. What Mr.
LaRouche said in the last days, is what we've seen between the
breakthrough that was driven by our work, and then Congressmen
Jones and Lynch virtually threatening — not exactly in those
words — but saying we know that we are immune if we read this
into the record; and what's moving on Glass-Steagall in terms of
the party platforms, is that these Congressmen are beginning to
be forced to represent their populations.
        I would put this in an international context, because what
you have coming up with the Vladivostok meetings going on right
now, and the G20; the trans-Atlantic system is completely
bankrupt. There is nothing Obama and the current configuration,
the European Central Bank, what are they offering to the world?
Negative interest rates? Keep your money with us, and we'll make
you pay! In other words, there is nothing that they can do; but
what you have with Russia and China. China's work — which people
who are following our website will have seen the show on
Wednesday; the New Paradigm show on the question of the far side
of the Moon, or the talk Thursday night. There is an entire
universe — we'll start with the Solar System — which is opening
up, which this collaboration in Asia has to offer. What the
Chinese have done is, they're hosting the G20 meeting, and
they're making President Putin the guest of honor. Then they're
having President al-Sisi as another honored figure at this
meeting. What is Obama's response? He thinks he's going to go
there and somehow push the Trans-Pacific Partnership; which is
bound to be a complete flop, a non-starter. The Russians made
very clear in an interview in Xinhua going into this meeting,
that Moscow and Beijing need Washington as a partner. I found
that somewhat — it made me happy as an American, because I think
the US should be a partner in this. Also, paradoxical. Then the
person who was interviewed, said Washington can be a complex and
unpredictable partner.
        So, I would say that our job as Americans — in a sense —
we've been given a mission that other very important leaders are
saying that the United States is wanted as a valued partner in
this New Paradigm. It is for us to deliver that by straightening
out this criminal regime that we have. Part of what we saw with
9/11 is that the cover-up has gone on through two
administrations; that Obama has been not only complicit in this,
but with his policies in the region, has contributed to the
growth of ISIS, the growth of al-Qaeda, their ability to recruit.
We've lost over these last years, almost 4500 soldiers in Iraq,
which is now known to be a complete lie and a fraud; that's what
came out of the Chilcot Inquiry. The question of 9/11, therefore,
becomes will we get justice? And justice doesn't mean revenge or
retribution; it means will we restore our nation to something
which someone would want to give their consent to be governed by
this government?
        I think when you look at the question of Mozart, which is
the {Requiem} which will be performed, which our chorus is
participating in and working on; Mozart's commitment was that. He
was a supporter of the American Revolution; he was a supporter of
the ideas of creating a republic, and he was murdered. His work
was eliminated; his contribution, what he could have done had he
lived longer. The piece has lived on because it has a quality
which is immortal; which actually embodies the question of human
creativity. What we're seeing here in response is that the people
who are engaged in this are developing a certain kind of passion
which probably was always in them. But because they have a chance
to participate in something which is going to be so profound and
so beautiful, and it has a mission in the real world, they are
becoming passionate again; which is I think is something that's
been very lacking. Everyone can think of conversations that
you've had with your friends and neighbors about the upcoming
election or almost anything; and the population has become
passionless, which is why people don't act when they should or
when they can.
        So, I have a sense that we really are on the brink of a
major breakthrough that the United States will be a part of; even
if many people in the United States don't fully appreciate why it
is here and how they came to be involved in it.

        OGDEN: Absolutely! I would just echo exactly what you just
said, Diane. In his speech at the Press Club, Senator Graham
quoted the often-quoted anecdote from Ben Franklin at the
Philadelphia Constitutional Convention; when the woman asked,
"What have you given us?" And he said, "A republic, if you can
keep it." The passion that Senator Graham has exhibited around
this, sustaining his role and his fight for 15 years for the
declassification of these documents; where does this passion come
from? Even though the FBI tried to intimidate him personally, and
told him to back down; basically "Get a life!" they said. Senator
Graham has refused to back down, because he sees this — as well
it should be seen — as an existential question for the survival
of the American republic. Not only from justice and the
standpoint of national security, but the very survival of our
nation as a republican form of government. I would assert that
we're looking at exactly the same kind of existential question
when it comes to the restoration of Glass-Steagall. The magnitude
of the implosion of the trans-Atlantic system that we are about
to see — if this thing came down without the necessary
leadership in place around the restoration of Glass-Steagall and
otherwise, to protect the American people from the fall-out from
that kind of financial crisis — this republic would not survive.
        The opportunity is there at our fingertips to join the new
financial architecture and to create the kinds of productive
surges in growth that this nation has never before seen; that
would surpass even what we achieved during FDR's New Deal, if we
were to join the New Silk Road which is being led right now by
China and others. So, it's that same kind of passion which needs
to be applied to that question as well.

DAVE CHRISTIE: Just to add, because I think the other side of
this is what Mr. LaRouche has identified that we're at a point
now where the old concept of sovereignty from the standpoint of
geopolitics; that the moves that are being made in the world by
the leadership of Russia, China, and India, are obviously the
echo of what Mr. LaRouche and his wife Helga have put on the
table for over a 40-year period. The discussion of the new
financial architecture really began when Mr. LaRouche proposed
the International Development Bank; his proposals for a New
Bretton Woods conference, starting in the '90s. That was picked
up by Nestor Kirchner of Argentina. Putin was actually discussing
this concept as well, of the new financial architecture, in the
early 2000s. So clearly, the role of the LaRouches is at the
forefront of this New Paradigm and the potential for that to come
into existence. What Mr. LaRouche has stressed is that we're
going to move beyond the old nation-state system. That doesn't
mean we're going to cease to have nations; but rather, the first
and foremost thought will be of mankind viewing itself from the
common aims of mankind. That humanity will be thought of first. I
think that's what we're seeing with the implications of the New
Silk Road policy and the new financial architecture; it is just
simply to facilitate the expansion of this concept.
        In that light, I think it's important that {The Hindu} just
had an interview with Helga Zepp-LaRouche; and in the coverage of
that article, they cite the question of the Bering Strait, which
is the tunnel underneath the Bering Strait to link Eurasia with
North America. I think that's relevant to the ongoing discussion
in Vladivostok; because clearly the ability for Japan, for Korea,
for China and Russia to come together in this part of the world,
represents an amazing potential. Just think of the scientific and
technological potentials of those nations: China's space program;
Russia's space capabilities; the high-tech capabilities of Japan
and Korea. It really represents a very profound potential; and
when you begin discussing the development of the Siberia region,
the Far East region, you're building up that economic potential
right up to the doorstep of the Bering Strait. So, I think that's
obviously reflected in this {Hindu} article which interviews
Helga Zepp-LaRouche and her call to make the New Silk Road become
the World Land-Bridge; which is actually the title of that
        So, I think the importance of what Diane referenced — this
idea of the consent of the governed — in a sense, these
discussions that are going on this weekend with the Vladivostok
conference, the G20 conference, that is what is actually being
discussed. As the Europeans are complaining about Obama, they're
trying to ram the TTIP and the TPP down the throats of the
Europeans; where prominent leadership of Germany and France are
saying, "Wait a second. Aren't we going to be involved in any
kind of discussion about this? Is this a democratic process?" But
of course, for Obama and the imperial interests that control him,
there's no discussion; no democratic process. I think that's
actually what is on the table. Just to come back to it, there's
no other place than space, which is perhaps the greatest
reflection of the end of the idea of the old system of
nation-state. There are no nation-states in space.
        We were discussing earlier the fact that this SpaceX rocket
just blew up; the great privatized space program that we're now
going to have after Obama dismantled NASA. It turns out that its
payload was a satellite launched by Facebook to run broad band in
Africa. This is the level of technology that we have in the
United States, or that we're concerned about. Whereas, if you
look at what China's doing with the far side of the Moon, look at
this collaborative effort; that can be the way to bring Asians on
this planet together to actually realize the common aims of

        OGDEN: If you go back to the inaugural speech that John F
Kennedy made in 1961, when he was elected President; that was
obviously the focus of a previous generation of this country. He
said, we must move beyond the age of war; because all-out war is
not conceivable anymore in the age of nuclear weapons. This would
lead to the extermination of not just one country or another, but
the entirety of the human race. Instead, what we must do, is move
beyond the age of war to an age where nations are collaborating
to achieve the common aims of mankind. He said, our mission must
be to explore the stars, to conquer the deserts, to cure poverty
and disease, and to bring an end to the age of war itself.
        When you look back one year at the speeches that Vladimir
Putin and Xi Jinping made at the United Nations General Assembly
meeting in New York, that was exactly what the subject matter
was. It was the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II, and
the framework that was put together by Franklin Roosevelt after
that war before he died, was intended to be a framework of
international relations based on bringing the New Deal, bringing
the awesome achievements that the United States had accomplished
under the American System to the rest of the world. And, bringing
an end to imperialism and colonialism once and for all. So, they
harkened back to that framework in which the United Nations was
originally conceived, and said this must be the foundation of the
paradigm going forward. Immediately after those speeches at the
United Nations General Assembly, Helga LaRouche issued a call for
a new security architecture for the planet. If you look at how
much has changed just over the past one year, in terms of what
now exists in actuality in those terms; that new security
architecture, the new economic architecture, this new
international order has now begun to coalesce.
        As Diane was saying, it's incumbent on the American people
to impress upon yourself how rapidly the situation in this
country could change, if the necessary steps are taken in order
to bring the United States into that new framework. If you bring
yourself outwards by a couple of months or one year from the
present date, and look at how much has changed since that
previous United Nations General Assembly meeting; you can see how
rapidly things could change for the better. I know that's been
Helga's assertion over and over again. The future is so close;
it's at your fingertips. It would be so easy to achieve. But
there are bold actions that must be taken in the United States;
and absolutely that starts in the month of September with the
convening of an immediate vote on Glass-Steagall, and ramming
that through the United States Congress.

        STEINBERG: I think that Mr. LaRouche has emphasized
repeatedly that winning this fight in the United States,
basically restoring the United States to its historical tradition
— which was an anti-colonial, anti-imperial, specifically
anti-British Empire nation that came into existence through a
struggle against all those principles of empire that have been
gradually more and more adopted by the last two administrations;
by the Bush 43 administration and equally so if not even more so
by Obama. The fact of the matter is, that we can at this point —
as the 28 pages fight indicated, as the momentum for
Glass-Steagall indicates — we can win this fight in the United
States; but it's got to be done now, and it's got to be done in a
timely fashion where people realize that there are critical
flanking battles that must be fought. Many other things are
merely irrelevant or distractions; and should just be ignored. We
win the fight on Glass-Steagall; we win the fight on the full
exposure of the Saudi 9/11, because that is really a
British-Saudi story that goes deep into our own national security
structures. So, these are the things that are going to be
measured in the next immediate days and weeks ahead. It has
virtually nothing to do with the election show that's going to be
more and more of a dominant factor.
        We've got to win this fight for Glass-Steagall; we've got to
win the JASTA fight. Those things can be won in the Congress in
the immediate several weeks ahead of us. That's going to take an
enormous mobilization, a focussed mobilization of the American
people. It means a lot of institutions that can be dragged in
many different directions, have to have the same kind of laser
focus that Mr. LaRouche is calling for and demanding of our own
forces. AFL-CIO actively involved in Glass-Steagall. Now is the
moment to pull out all of the stops and force the issue; because
Glass-Steagall is merely the starting point. It begs the issue of
a national system of credit; of national banking; of establishing
priority projects. Including, first and foremost, reviving NASA;
reviving our government-backed space program. Because these are
the things that are the only way that you're going to revive real
productivity in the US economy, given how far down it's sunk

OGDEN: I would just say one thing. Those two subjects — the
forcing of the reopening of the 9/11 investigation and the
immediate mobilization around Glass-Steagall — these are
featured in this week's edition of {The Hamiltonian}; which is
hitting the streets today. That is a direct focus in terms of
activism that everybody needs to be involved in, is the
saturation of New York City, specifically with this weekly
publication that is now coming out — {The Hamiltonian}. So,
maybe before we conclude this broadcast, Diane, you can give us a
quick update on how that's changing the situation on the ground
in New York; and what people have to do between now and next
weekend in order to maximize the effect of the events that are
coming up in a week.

        SARE: I would say that people should certainly contact the
Manhattan Project office about coming to our meeting tomorrow in
Manhattan; where people can pick up copies of {The Hamiltonian}
and can join us on the distributions. We've been getting them out
all over the city and in the neighboring boroughs, and getting a
very favorable response. It's amazing; this one we're printing
now is only the fourth issue, but we already clearly have a
following of people saying, "Do you have the next one?" I think
it's also shaping the perception of what people are willing to
say. It may have been a coincidence, I don't know, that we ran
our first issue on Hillary Clinton as a stooge for Obama's wars
and Wall Street; and that week, Maureen Dowd came out with her
column on Hillary Clinton as the pro-war perfect replacement for
Dick Cheney was the idea. As we've seen in the past, there are
certain things that we take the point on, and we change what
people are allowed to discuss. Like when Mr. LaRouche, years ago
during Cheney and Bush, talked about Leo Strauss; and we produced
a series of reports — ultimately a book — on this policy of
lying and ramming it down people's throats as a way of
terrorizing the population to go along with fascism. The next
things you knew, the {New York Times} was running this big
article about Leo Strauss, who I'm sure most people had never
heard of until we did this.
        If you go back to what happened with the 28 pages, Obama had
absolutely no intention to ever release those pages. We created a
situation where he could not not release them; he had to do it.
Therefore, people should take heart in a certain way, that what
you used to consider as the powers that be, or the things that
are unmovable, or what can't be changed; that is no longer the
case. Now is really the moment to pick up — Jeff said it clearly
— the American Constitution, Alexander Hamilton; what our nation
is actually supposed to represent in the world. Now is the moment
for Americans to find their guts and stand up on their hind legs
and demand that nothing lower than that standard is going to be
tolerated by us at this point.

        OGDEN: Absolutely. So, I would encourage everybody to please
contact the New York office if you're in the area, or if you can
travel there. There's going to be a series of events that you can
participate in over the next week; and it's very significant. If
you have not yet, please subscribe to our YouTube channel, but
also, watch the two latest features that have been posted on the
LaRouche PAC YouTube channel and the LaRouche PAC website. As I
mentioned, the full press conference that Bob Graham delivered at
the National Press Club is available; the short address of that
is We'll put that in the description
of this video here today. Also, the 20-minute video called "The
New Silk Road Becomes the World Land-Bridge: a Tour"; which is
very well-composed overview of exactly what the New Paradigm and
the new economic architecture looks like. Again, we'll put the
URL of that video in the description as well.
        So, thank you very much for joining us here today. I think
this was a very important discussion. Please stay tuned to Thank you very much; good night.

Valg i USA: Det er det, du gør i dag
– og ikke den 8. november – der tæller!

Torsdag, 1. september 2016 (Leder) – En ny, fredelig verdensorden, helliget videnskabeligt fremskridt, reel økonomisk fremgang og en gennemført indsats for udforskning af rummet, bliver nu sammenvævet i en række af i alt fire, internationale topmøder i løbet af månederne september og oktober. Alle fire topmøder komplementerer hinanden, men den vigtigste af dem er topmødet mellem Gruppen af 20, der finder sted den 4.-5. september i Kina. Hvis amerikanere nu, i september, viser tilstrækkelig intelligens og det fornødne mod til at ryste Obamas og hans liges døende system af sig, kan USA begynde at genoplive vores nations moralitet, og med denne, vores videnskab og industri. For dem, der er gamle nok til at huske det, vil virkningen være lig den, der kun blev os lovet gennem den myrdede John F. Kennedys kortvarige regering, der bragte os ud i rummet og til Månen, hvor der siden 1969 har været et mindeplade med ordene, »Vi kom i fred for hele menneskeheden«.

Vi må tilbage til Månen! Vi vil komme tilbage! Månen er den uerstattelige port til Solsystemet, og hinsides dette.

Den stimulus, som John Kennedy gav den amerikanske økonomi i løbet af de få, korte måneder, han fik lov at tjene, var ikke fuldstændigt opbrugt før starten af 1970’erne. Nu er det Barack Obama, der endelig har aflivet alt, hvad der var tilbage af den amerikanske økonomi, ved at nedlukke vores rumprogram. Og den fakkel, som John Kennedy kastede, da han blev dræbt, er blevet samlet op af – Vladimir Putin! Tilsammen med Kinas præsident, Xi Jinping, der står for at skulle åbne topmødet for Gruppen af 20.

Det, som Rusland og Kina tilbyder os, er på den ene side et medlemskab af det udstrakte, voksende eurasiske system med indbyrdes forbunden infrastruktur og en voksende, videnskabsbaseret økonomi. Dette koncept har Lyndon og Helga Zepp-LaRouche været forkæmpere for fra begyndelsen af 1980’erne. Det er nu blevet en realitet som Kinas politik for Den nye Silkevej, der blev vedtaget i 2013, ved navn »Ét bælte, én vej«.

Den anden, komplementære del af deres tilbud er det, der kaldes en »Ny finansiel arkitektur«. Det nuværende finanssystem, der er dømt til undergang, befinder sig på randen af endnu en nedsmeltning, som vil kvæle midlerne til livets opretholdelse i hele det transatlantiske område. Økonomisk udvikling baseret på videnskab, udforskning af rummet og »infrastruktur-udviklingskorridorer«, kræver, at vi vender tilbage til det finanssystem, som blev opfundet af Alexander Hamilton, og som Abraham Lincoln og Franklin Roosevelt senere også vendte tilbage til.

Vi må omgående gribe til handling nu for at sikre, at de spekulative derivaters finansielle fordringer, som på verdensplan er evalueret til 2 billard dollars, ikke pludseligt kollapser og knuser os omgående, sådan, som det truede med at ske allerede i 2007-08. Dette kræver den omgående tilbagevenden til Franklin Roosevelts Glass/Steagall-lov, for at adskille normal, kommerciel bankvirksomhed fra hasardspilsspekulation, mens der endnu er tid. Der er fremsat lovforslag om at genoplive Glass-Steagall, med mange sponsorer fra begge partier, i begge Kongreshuse. Hvad er det, vore kongresmedlemmer og senatorer foretager sig? Har de nogen som helst idé om, hvor mange, der vil dø i vores befolkning, hvis disse vitale beskyttelsesforanstaltninger yderligere udsættes?

Hvis man venter med at handle til den 8. november, vil det sandsynligvis være for sent. Informer dig og handl i dag, og opsøg og tag kontakt med alle andre, der vil handle sammen med os. Verdens største nationers regeringer appellerer til os om at gøre dette, og de har ret.    

Foto: Præsident John F. Kennedy taler foran Kongressen den 25. maj 1961, hvor han erklærer, »… Jeg mener, at denne nation bør forpligte sig til, før udgangen af dette årti, at fuldføre det mål, at landsætte en mand på Månen og bringe ham sikkert tilbage til Jorden«.

Overvind Obamas politikker nu; glem alt om valget 8. november

30. august, 2016 (Leder) – De næste par uger bliver langt mere afgørende for USA og menneskehedens fremtid, end det amerikanske præsidentvalg den 8. november.

I disse to uger vil vi opleve en fremmarch af tre, på hinanden følgende internationale topmøder, der afholdes i Asien, og som vil etablere den nye virkelighed, at det er Kina, Rusland og Indien – og ikke Obama og NATO – der skaber og former denne fremtid.

Og USA vil ikke være det samme efter 15-årsdagen for 11. september-angrebene, den første årsdag, hvor de, der var de reelle, udenlandske sponsorer af disse terrorangreb, står afsløret. Den forrykte tåbelighed, som var Bush-Obama krigene, og som fulgte i kølvandet på disse terrorangreb, er således blevet gjort klar og tydelig; det samme er også den russiske præsident Putins medmenneskelighed, med hans omgående tilkendegivelser af solidaritet med USA på daværende tidspunkt. I de næste to uger vil New York håndtere disse afsløringer gennem en slagkraftig række af minde-korkoncerter, opført af Schiller Instituttet, i hele byen.

Der er vægtige strategiske skift i gang. Putin har forpurret de amerikansk/europæiske præmisser om terroristbekæmpelse i Sydvestasien, idet han har vundet Tyrkiet for sin tilgang til problemet og nu er i færd med at vinde toneangivende røster, selv i Tyskland. Kinas, Ruslands og Indiens politik med at bygge landbroer og korridorer med ny infrastruktur i hele Eurasien og Afrika er blevet mere potent end Obamas forsøg på at provokere Rusland med krig, og »udstede regler« for Kina.

Alle Obamas giftige bestræbelser på at gøre Kina til en fjende af de 10 ASEAN-lande er endt ud med, at Kina er mere indflydelsesrigt i ASEAN end før. ASEAN’s årsmøde – efter weekendens Østasiatiske Økonomiske Forum og derefter G20-mødet i Hangzhou, Kina – vil være det tredje af de magtfulde topmøder, der alle fokuserer på at genskabe vækst og produktivitet for verdensøkonomien efter det sidste årtis sammenbrud, udløst af Wall Street.

Og Obamas anti-kinesiske »handelsaftaler«, TTP (Trans-Pacific Partnerskab) og TTIP (Trans-Atlantiske Handels- og Investerings-Partnerskab), bliver erklæret for døde, selv af deres tidligere tilhængere. Hvis vi optrapper vores indsats i løbet af disse to uger, er der bedre chancer for, at Kongressen snart vil gen-vedtage Glass-Steagall som lov, end tilfældet er for Obamas TTP eller TTIP.

Den nye, finansielle arkitektektur og Verdenslandbroens storslåede infrastrukturprojekter, som disse topmøder vil tage sigte på, er blevet promoveret af Lyndon og Helga LaRouche over fire årtier.

Vil de fremtvinge en accept af Glass/Steagall-bankregulering og en afskrivning af den finansielle atombombe, som de finansielle derivater udgør?

Det kræver, at vi nu optrapper vores mobilisering for det, som Lyndon LaRouche har kaldt sine Fire Kardinallove: Glass-Steagall; nationale kreditbanker; teknologiske fremskridt gennem infrastruktur-byggeri; fremme af videnskabens fremskudte grænser gennem udforskning af det ydre rum og udvikling af fusionskraft.

Der er et ubegrænset potentiale for menneskehedens økonomiske vækst og udvikling af kreative evner. Obamas Hvide Hus vil sandsynligvis modsætte sig dette nye paradigme på G20-topmødet. Det er vores ansvar at lave om på det.

Foto: Vladimir Putin og Barack Obama holdt et bilateralt møde på sidelinjen af Fn's Generalforsamlings-møde. 29. september 2015 [] 


Hvordan menneskehedens produktivitet udløses:
En ny økonomisk orden.
LaRouchePAC Fredags-webcast, 26. august 2016.

Matthew Ogden: I aften har vi en særlig gæst med os, Paul Gallagher, økonomisk redaktør for EIR, og som vil præsentere for os det klare og presserende nødvendige valg, som amerikanere må træffe for at opgive den forfejlede økonomi, som er Obamas politik med nær-nul-vækst, og beslutsomt må tilslutte sig den nye, økonomiske orden, som Kina har indledt. Med det forestående G20-topmøde, der skal finde sted om en uge, har Kinas præsident udtrykkeligt gjort det klart, at det er hans hensigt, at dette topmøde skal bruges til at fremme skabelsen af en »ny international finansiel arkitektur« i samarbejde med Rusland og andre betydningsfulde magter, baseret på videnskabelig og teknologisk innovation og vækst. I mellemtiden konfronteres USA og Europa med det transatlantiske systems fremstormende implosion, der ikke alene skyldes den enorme akkumulering af gældsbobler og eksponering til derivater, men i endnu højere grad årtiers fravær af enhver reel vækst i økonomisk produktivitet. Kinas program for udforskning af Månen tjener til at illustrere kilden til ægte, økonomisk værdi. Kun gennem en omgående vedtagelse af Glass-Steagall og en gældseftergivelse for at afskrive den kolossale boble af fiktive værdier kan USA blive en del af denne nye, økonomiske orden og tage del i udløsningen af menneskets kreative evner.


MATTHEW OGDEN: Good Evening! It is August 26th, 2016. My name is Matthew Ogden, and you're joining us for our weekly Friday evening webcast here from As you can see, I'm joined in the studio tonight by Ben Deniston, from the LaRouche PAC Science Team; and by Paul Gallagher, a special guest today, Economics Editor for Executive Intelligence Review; and we also joined, via video, by Kesha Rogers, member of our Policy Committee, joining us from Houston, Texas. Hi, Kesha!

We are meeting here at the day that the 3rd edition of the LaRouche PAC publication The Hamiltonian is hitting the streets of New York City. This is Edition

3, the August 26th edition, as you might be able to see from this very small edition copy. The very large headline is "Obama is a Failure. The World Needs a New Financial Architecture, Now." That encapsulates the framework of our show today.

I think, as we've said recently over the last couple of weeks, we are highly anticipating the upcoming G-20 Summit, which is going to be held in China, hosted by China, hosted by Chinese President Xi Jinping, on September 4th and 5th — a little bit over a week from now. What's happening in the lead-up to that G-20 Summit is the consolidation of really what is becoming the framework for a new international financial and economic architecture. You have a consolidation of cooperation among countries of Eurasia — mainly China, Russia, and India, but many other countries besides — including moving forward with the development of the [international] North-South Transportation Corridor [instc], and many other economic bilateral and multi-lateral relationships among the countries of that region.

But, what is being stated explicitly by the leadership of China and of Russia is that this framework, this paradigm, must replace the failed paradigm which is now bringing the trans-Atlantic system down with it, and must become the framework for a new international, global economic order. I think it was said, very clearly, by a spokesman for the Russian International Affairs Council, who said in an interview this week, "Russia and China should work together, within the G-20 framework, to secure a new international financial architecture." That's Andrey Kortunov, [Director General at the Russian International Affairs Council]. And then, just yesterday, a spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Minister, said, "What will happen during the G-20 Summit, is a major change in the world economic landscape."

Now, what we've discussed, including in a discussion today with Lyndon and Helga LaRouche, is that it can be seen very clearly that China and Russia absolutely "know what time it is," as Mr. LaRouche has been warning all of you: that we are on the verge, if not in the midst, of a complete implosion of the trans-Atlantic financial-economic-social-political system as a whole. And this is not just because of the debt exposure of the largest banks, or the derivatives exposure, or anything like that, but it is — and I think this is what Paul will get into in much more detail — it is because we have neglected any real economic growth, any real concept of economic value in this trans-Atlantic system for at least the last 30-50 years, and in fact have rejected the very idea of the necessity of productivity and economic progress.

We're going to be discussing that, but also from the standpoint which will be filled out in a little bit more detail in the second half of our show of what isthe concept of real economic value, and how indeed are China and Russia leading mankind toward a revolution in economic productivity, which is centered very prominently around their dedication to a space program, especially around lunar development and lunar exploration. With that said, I'd like to invite Paul to open up the discussion.

PAUL GALLAGHER: Thank you! Let me start by saying we have to relate the American people, American policy-makers, American elected officials emphatically to the September 3rd, 4th G-20 Summit being hosted by China, because just as there was a necessity about a year and a half ago for the United States to become part of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank [aiib] and the other global institutions of new credit for infrastructure which China was initiating, one will remember that at that time, instead, the Obama Administration set its teeth against the AIIB bank, tried in vain to sabotage it and prevent countries from joining it as members. One need only say that as of now, there are 60 nation-members of the AIIB, and of next year it's expected that there will be 90 nations trying to participate in the generation of high technology infrastructure credits in the grand task of the New Silk Road, (or the Eurasian Land-Bridges), across Eurasia, through the Mideast, into Africa — communication, power, transportation being revolutionized in this way. The Obama Administration took the United States to the sidelines, and worst, to the adversarial position, to try to sabotage that.

We have to do differently, in this case, because our economy is completely failing. We have the condition of an imminent second 2008 bank panic, not because of this or that particular deal, or even this or that particular bubble, but because the economies of the United States and Europe have sunk so far in the non-recovery of the 2008 collapse, that even the biggest banks themselves have been destroying their hosts and shrinking, their stocks collapsing, their collapse as a whole emerging from that cause, of the absolute inability to make profits in economies which they have done so much to ruin.

What China is proposing — and remember China has said, that the leading other nation-guest at that G-20 Summit is President Vladimir Putin of Russia — what they are proposing is a "new financial architecture." Now "financial architecture" basically means how do nations regulate their banks, and perhaps in the other order — how do nations create credit for purposes of progress: economic, technological, scientific progress, and direct that credit where it should go. Secondly, how do nations regulate their banks; and thirdly, how do international institutions — particularly international credit institutions, lending institutions — how do they function, in order to make this progress possible for all the nations involved, and in particular allow less-developed nations access to both the credit that they need, the technological development, and the self-development of the skills which are necessary for this kind of progress. That's what a "new financial architecture" means. Clearly, the financial architecture since 1971, when we went to the floating interest rate, and, particularly since the Presidencies of Bush and Obama, this financial architecture has been a complete failure.

So, they are saying, this is not just a two-day summit, but a collaborative process which has to continue among the G-20 nations until a new financial architecture is accomplished. I'll get to what that would mean, particularly on the part of the United States and Europe. But, let me read one thing that a leading scholar in China said, about this September 3rd and 4th G-20. He said, "This is a very important summit for all the countries in the world." This is Su Xiaohui, Deputy Director of Strategic Studies at the China Institute of International Studies. Many scholars of his type might have said this. "China is hosting this summit because it is what other countries wanted. It is the other countries that wanted China to host this event, this growth and innovation summit. In recent years, there have been plenty of problems in the world economy, and all the countries in the world, including G-20 members, are eager to find solutions. Other countries know China can be a leader in addressing the world's economic problems."

What he is saying, in diplomatic terms, is many countries to take the lead in a summit whose purpose is an all-out drive to restore growth and productivity in the world economy, because China has been the driver of growth and productivity in the world economy for the last ten years, joined now by India, and despite crippling sanctions, with some very striking accomplishments by Russia. For example, that Russia has become, as of right now, the world's leading wheat exporter. It has become self-sufficient in many categories of food, in which it was 50% dependent on imports when these sanctions were put on. So, although its economy, under these financial and economic sanctions, is not growing, nonetheless it has successfully grown in ways which prevented literal starvation of its economy and its population, by these sanctions. That's why they have to lead it.

This puts a challenge to China, obviously, to really hold their determination to make this summit a real accomplishment, in terms of growth and progress. Only a couple months ago the Chinese Finance Minister, Lou Jiwei, and the [Minister of Commerce (formerly known as the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation), Gao Hucheng,] made public statements, particularly when the finance ministers of the G-20 met, saying the condition of the world economy is grim. World trade, in un-inflated terms, has essentially stagnated for the last 5-6 years. No growth at all. There are many nations in the world with no growth, they said. It's a grim situation which must be reversed by the G-20. Again, diplomatically, they weren't naming the zero-growth nations. But I will, very shortly.

China, on the other hand, is continuing to put large volumes of combined public and private credit issuance, something on the order of $250 billion a year equivalent, into investments, both within China, across the New Silk Road economic belt, and further afield as well. In comparison to that, you have the United States. Obama. We say he's a failure. No question. One of the things he fails at, is arrogantly bragging that "the United States sets the rules," and China has to follow them; that China is merely a raw-materials-producing and cheap- goods-producing economy, and has to grow up and join the advanced economies of the world. This is one of the sports, in which Obama is a failure, is trying to brag and shine over China. Let's look at it.

U.S. economic growth in the eight years of Obama's Presidency has not equalled U.S. economic growth in the first year of Franklin Roosevelt's Presidency, nor in the second year of Franklin Roosevelt's Presidency. In both of those years, by the way this growth is calculated today, in recovery from the Great Depression, under the impulse of Roosevelt's policies, the growth in the United States was on the order of 10%-11% a year, in '33 and '34, and again in '35.

BEN DENISTON: Each individual year?

GALLAGHER: Each individual year. The total growth of the U.S. economy, by GDP measures, during Obama's entire Presidency, has been 1.1% a year; 8.4% over his entire [tenure]. So, he hasn't equalled, in 8 years of recovery from the Great Recession, the growth of each of Franklin Roosevelt's first 3 years in the recovery from the Great Depression.

Now, the reasons for this are more fundamental than the measures of growth, which include a lot of things, but suffice to say, that Europe whose annual growth per year during the same years that Obama has been President, has been an average of 0.6% per year. China's growth during that same 8-year period has been on average 8.1% per year. So, it's been very similar to the rate of growth which was generated under the impulse of Roosevelt's policies; and not accidentally, because the policies of credit-generation, infrastructure investment, high-technology innovation — in this context particularly space exploration, fusion technology development. In these areas, they have been very similar in the 21st Century context to what Roosevelt did when he became President; and getting similar results and exporting those results to a significant degree to the benefit of other countries.

What lies underneath this, as Lyndon LaRouche has really stressed to the satisfaction of everyone who has listened to him, and should go and look into this; is the loss of productivity — the collapse in the growth of productivity in the United States and European economies during that same period of time. There is a crude measure of productivity which one often reads about in the financial press and in reports from the Commerce Department and so forth. By that measure, which is simply gross domestic product divided by the number of hours worked of the labor force, by that measure, productivity growth during the term of Obama in the White House, has been approximately 0.8% per year. And actually, you can see if you look at the progression, that that growth took place in 2010, 2011, 2012, and part of 2013. Since then, we have seen no productivity change whatsoever; in fact, three of the last four quarters of the year reported by the Labor Department, have seen productivity in the United States go down, not up. So that productivity in the last 12 months of this economy has gone down. I won't go into the European figures.

This is crucial, even though it's a very crude measure, because it indicates that the productivity of labor is not increasing in such a way that labor can get higher wages; so wages stagnate when this is the case. New capital investments by business are not taking place; the rate of new capital investments by business is extraordinarily low. If this is now on the screen [Fig. ?], this shows a more fundamental measure of productivity growth known as technological productivity growth, or total factor productivity growth. Before giving you a narrow definition, let me read a report which was done by the National Bureau of Economic Research about the growth in the 1930s of this total factor productivity in the United States economy; which you can see is the highest of those bars. What the National Bureau of Economic Research said much later in a report written in this century, is that "The extraordinary growth of this technological productivity in the Roosevelt New Deal era, was due to the very strong growth in electric power generation and distribution, in transportation, in communications, in civil and structural engineering for bridges, tunnels, dams, highways, railroads, and transmission systems, and in private research and development." In other words, what happened during that period of time which made it an even greater burst of productivity than we saw during the World War II mobilization which followed it, what happened during that period of time is that the tremendous demands on the economy of the great infrastructure projects of Roosevelt — including the development of nuclear power and the development of all of the huge hydroelectric power sources; was that everything involved in engineering power, in engineering roads, in engineering tunnels, in engineering great civil works of all kinds, was technologically revolutionized. The companies involved and the agencies involved made breakthroughs in research and development in order to do these things more powerfully and more efficiently; and really to conduct projects on a scale that had never been done before, in such a way that there was very rapid technological progress under the impulse of this pursuit. And scientific progress as well, if you think what underlay the development of the nuclear power piles, it was the beginning of particle physics, the beginning of nuclear biophysics, the beginning of plasma physics, and the basis for the attempt to develop fusion energy today. There were tremendous developments going on underneath these great works of the Roosevelt era.

So, if we go back to the slide for a minute, you see that by far the highest rate of yearly growth in this technological productivity; that rate of growth is almost 3.5% a year. That rate of growth is in the 1930s; followed by the 1940s, including the war mobilization when it is about 2.7% per year. And after rather a slump in the Eisenhower 1950s, back up in Kennedy's Apollo project 1960s to 2.7% growth per year in technological productivity; and then look what happened. If I could take you off through the '70s, '80s, '90s, the first decade of this century with the Bush Presidency, 1% per year growth or less. And if I could take you off the end of that graph to the Obama years, it would be 0.53% growth per year, according to the National Bureau of Economic Research. So, you see there the under-girdings of the collapse of an economy in the complete loss of real productivity in that economy; and therefore, the ability to launch growth and sustain growth which this represented.

Again, it's very important that this was recovered so rapidly in the 1960s when Kennedy again put great expenditures and great projects at the very frontiers of science in the Apollo project to reach the Moon, but in the broader plans which were then being made and developed for the further exploration of space, which we'll get to. This made a tremendous difference. I should point out that, according to a recent study by the Harvard School of Business of this same factor, in China over the last decade, it has grown at a rate of 3.08% annually; somewhat higher or equal to the highest that the US has achieved, namely that under the Roosevelt period. So that when you have this collapse in productivity in the US and European economies, you have at the same time, de-industrialization of those economies accelerating; with the result of on the one hand, a real destruction of the labor force — the people. We've talked about this, it isn't necessary to go through it again; but we've talked about the connection between this process and the increasing propensity of Americans who were previously productive, to commit suicide in one way or another — by drinking, or drugging, or in other ways themselves to death. The data just keep coming, the studies just keep coming out on this; each one more depressing than the last. That has been the result of this real collapse; and it has even begun — as I indicated at the beginning — to shrink and undermine the biggest banks who have done so much to cause it. So that even the derivatives markets have, in the last few years, have shrunk; and so have the biggest banks, which became even bigger by swallowing other banks in 2008. They have shrunk; they are parasitizing a host which is dying.

The best way to conclude, I think, would be to quote something that Helga Zepp-LaRouche said this morning, which I think is absolutely correct: "If the United States and Europe are to cooperate in 10 days with the purposes of this growth and innovation summit of the G-20, they must do two things, otherwise they're not cooperating. The first thing is they must implement and enforce Glass-Steagall regulation of their banks. And I should point out that China is the only major economy in the world which has a currently enforced efficient Glass-Steagall bank separation law; passed in 1993. It has been much debated since then, but kept intact and enforced. They must pass Glass-Steagall and enforce it; and secondly, they must write off — not just write down, but write off — the nominal values given to the still $500-700 trillion worth of derivatives on the books of their banks. In order that those banks can again, under Glass-Steagall become vehicles for the transmission of productive credit and progress. If the United States and Europe are willing to do that, then the real work can begin, of restoring growth and scientific progress to the world economy. If they're not, then they are effectively to be accounted saboteurs of this noble effort that is being led now by China." So, I'll stop with that.

OGDEN: I do want to add just one quick thing before we get into what Kesha and Ben have to present. I would say, Helga and Lyndon LaRouche are not merely peripherally involved in this process which is now coming out of China; but actually centrally involved, both now and historically. I think it should be remembered that just a few weeks ago, Helga LaRouche was one of the prominent speakers at an event called the T-20, which was a gathering of international think tanks and other persons of that type in the lead-up to the G-20 summit in China. Helga LaRouche was involved in that. Helga has travelled to China I think half a dozen times in the recent several years now; and is a prominent personality in the public discourse there. One other thing that is notable is that the G-20 was developed as the G-22 in 1997-98 at the time that Bill Clinton was making a speech at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York City; where he called for a new international economic architecture. That was the framework in which the G-22 was formed. That was exactly the same time that people probably remember the recent webcast where we showed the video clip of Lyndon LaRouche speaking in Washington DC about the development of the New Silk Road, the Eurasian Land-Bridge, and the cooperation between Russia, China, and India in creating a new economic framework for Eurasia. That has now converged; the new international economic architecture and the New Silk Road Eurasian Land-Bridge is one thrust that's coming out of China and Russia. Historically, even rewinding back before that, Mr. LaRouche's proposal — which Bill Clinton did pick up on in a certain way in 1997-98 — was for a New Bretton Woods; a reorganization of the world economic system, which is something which he has been on the record centrally leading for 40 years if not more, going all the way back to some of the discussion among leadership of the Non-Aligned Movement for a New International Economic Order by that name. And also Mr. LaRouche's idea for international development banks, which is exactly what the AIIB or the BRICS new development bank now are echoes of.

So, historically, this is something that Lyndon and Helga LaRouche have led from a central position and continue to play a very central role in shaping. And I would just emphasize Paul's point that it is now encumbent upon the United States to take very bold and dramatic decisions to communicate, "Yes, we are no longer going to be Obama failures. We are no longer going to reject these overtures that are coming very explicitly from China for participation in this new system; but we're going to join it, and we're going to show not only our good will, but our intention to do so. By restoring Glass-Steagall immediately and freeing ourselves from the bondage of this dying system which is dragging the entire trans-Atlantic down with it. So, that's an action point that needs to be taken in the days ahead.

GALLAGHER: That's very well added, and I think Lyn and Helga have given the kind of laser focus to this impulse for development, which China, Russia, other countries, India, have shown. That it had to be focussed around not only the frontiers of science, but the frontiers of travel so to speak; of passenger and freight travel, and of crossing the Eurasian continent, which had never been done before. But now, in addition, and particularly recently, Helga has, through a whole series of major conferences, put an additional focus on bringing that development, that Silk Road, through the Mideast; as the only way in which the cauldron of the Middle East could possibly be made into a peaceful and developing area, is through that same New Silk Road process. There's been a great response to that in countries like Yemen, Egypt, other countries of the Mideast.

KESHA ROGERS: I want to take up from there. I think the question at hand is, what is it that fosters this impulse for development that you spoke of, Paul; and what fosters the rapid increase of rate of growth in a society? Mr. LaRouche, over the years, has defined this as the creative development of the human mind and the productive powers of labor of a society to make new breakthroughs and scientific and technological progress that actually improves not just the conditions of mankind on the planet; but improves mankind's ability to actually go out into the far reaches of our galaxy, to develop the resources of our Solar System. This is exactly the discussion that we had with Mr. LaRouche — some of the Policy Committee members and our Basement Team — just recently. His response to the rapid developments of China's leadership in developing the Moon and their plans for going to the far side of the Moon by 2018, that what we're looking at here is not just going to the Moon for the sake of going to the Moon, or finding another landing spot on the Moon. This is critical in a commitment toward international cooperation and a science driver essential for cooperation and development throughout the planet and beyond. Mr. LaRouche recently called for and made the point that we have to have a complete mapping and development of our Moon's surface. He called for the mapping of the Moon's surface being something that we do not and have not fully come to understand. A lot of people will say, "Well, we've already been there, done that." A lot of nations have landed various rovers on the Moon, or satellites on the Moon; or we've had orbiters taking pictures of the Moon. But one thing we have not done, is to go to the far side of the Moon; and recognize the potential that is set to be unleashed from this new feat and endeavor that only China — being the first nation — would be out to present and create.

So, I think when we think about what it is that fosters economic progress, again, we have to look at what China is representing as a leader of the world right now in terms of what they've unleashed in the rapid development of their momentum towards space exploration; and particularly development of the lunar surface. There is so much that we have yet to accomplish right now. We've only touched at a very small surface area of the Moon. It's important to see that the opening of the far side of the Moon represents a vast potential to give us new insights into human growth.

So, we were just a moment ago talking about the negative growth rates under the insane policies of the Obama administration. Well, what has this been caused by? What has this been a result of? This has been a result of Obama's continued murderous policy and spitting on the legacy of Presidents Franklin Roosevelt and John F Kennedy, and the visionary legacy embodied by the great German-American space pioneer Krafft Ehricke. What he has done, not just to dismantle the space program, but to dismantle the commitment towards human development and human progress. What has he done in place [of that]? He's actually shut down our Constellation program; the program that had slated us in the trajectory in the United States to be in cooperation with nations around the planet around the commitment to return to the Moon, and eventually to the far side of the Moon. What did Obama replace this policy with? He replaced it with an insane policy of capturing an asteroid, cutting our fusion development program, and continuing to bail out the Wall Street speculators who represent no commitment to human progress and growth.

The American people have to ask themselves how much longer will we put up with this atrocity, this tragedy that has taken hold of our nation? Right now, you look at what was offered to Obama by the Chinese, by the Russians, in terms of "win-win" cooperation; the "win-win" cooperation exemplified by the offer of President Xi Jinping of China to not only work for the common aims of mankind in the development of the Silk Road development plan and projects that were going to benefit the growth of all mankind. To work in collaboration on the exploration of space, which is absolutely crucial to this intention. Obama has refused that. The American people and members of Congress have sat by and done nothing about it.

So, you look at the fact of, this is the reason why we face a negative growth rate in the society right now represented by the United States and the trans-Atlantic financial system. There are a lot of nations right now that are starting to get knocked over the head and recognize that if they don't join with the progress and the New Paradigm being set forth by China and Russia for international cooperation in space development and economic growth, they will be, as the head of NASA in the United States said about the US not cooperating and collaborating with China in space exploration, on the outside looking in. That's where we're going to be if we do not actually take up this full commitment to not just the exploration of space, but truly to what that means. It really can be defined by looking at the vision that was laid out by Krafft Ehricke as a great associate and friend of Lyndon and Helga LaRouche before he passed away. What Krafft Ehricke identified in terms of the importance of lunar exploration in a writing that he provided prior to his death, earlier in his life, called "Lunar Industrialization and Settlement". I want to read from that just briefly, to give you a sense of what it is that is the priority for the development of the lunar surface in the way that Krafft Ehricke envisioned it. It must be taken up as a national and international mission again. So, Krafft says that: "The most important aspect of lunar development lies in the human sector. It bears repeating that technological progress and environmental expansion are no substitutes for human growth and maturity; but they can help the human reach higher maturity and wisdom. He goes on to say that "Human growth is contingent not only on the absence of war, or overcoming war, poverty, and social injustice. But also on the presence of over-arching elevating goals and their associated perspectives. Expanding into space means to be understood and approached as world development. As a positive, peaceful, growth-oriented, macro-sociological project, whose growth is to ultimately release humanity from its present, parasitic, embryonic bondage in the biospheric womb of one planet. This will demand immense human creativity, courage, and maturity."

So, that's what we're discussing here. How do you actually free mankind from this adolescent stage? From the understanding that we are confined to one small planet with limited resources, to the bondage of a biospheric womb on the planet that keeps mankind at states of limited development in a fetal position. When is it that human beings are going to decide to grow up and to leave the nest? That is what is represented by the mapping of the lunar surface; that is what is represented by mankind's reaching out and growing up and going out into the exploration of space. That is the creative process that we must take up right now, which is being denied to us by the attacks on our space program. This is not just the space program as a fun, side project or a hobby; but what is essential to the creative progress of mankind as Mr. LaRouche has clearly understood and has made clear in his development of the Four Laws to Save the United States. The essential aspect of those Four Laws, as was stated by Paul earlier, starting with the Glass-Steagall banking reorganization, going into the progress of re-establishing a credit system, to invest in long-term development projects, has to be centered around a science driver fusion program. This can only be fully developed and fully realized when we realize and bring about our full potential in the exploration of space and everything that represents; including the development of helium-3 on the Moon.

So, as I've said; as Krafft Ehricke, as Mr. LaRouche understands, and as the Chinese and others who are cooperating with them understand, that the most important aspect that we're dealing with right now is the defense of human creative progress. So, I'll just stop right there.

BEN DENISTON: I think that's well said. Maybe the point to be taken through all of this, the focus on the issue of productivity in the beginning, this discussion of the space program, what we really need to push in this context is the realization that this program Kesha's laying out, returning to Krafft Ehricke's vision for lunar development and expansion into space; this is necessary. This is a necessary program, this isn't a cost. These are the kinds of things that actually are the substance of increasing the net total value accessible to mankind as a whole; increasing the productive powers of labor as we're discussing. You hear all this silly talk still about jobs; creating jobs, when we have a net collapse in the productivity of the economy, as we saw with what Paul went through, what Kesha's talking about. This is what actually creates the type of activity that increases the ability for society to sustain itself at a higher standard of living increasingly with less labor input required to maintain the requirements of society. Maybe in the context of Mr. LaRouche's emphasis in the recent weeks, that's also the importance of his focus on Einstein. That also goes to a deeper level of what are the fundamental changes that mankind only uniquely can make that allow us to have these kinds of transformations. We certainly have a clear program before us with what China and Russia are leading.

Just for our viewers, next Wednesday, we're going to be discussing some of this lunar program in a little more detail. So, I would definitely highlight that as a coming episode; we're going to focus a little bit more on this lunar far side program. What China is doing; what's so unique about the far side of the Moon. We just have a clear march from these nations leading in this direction — fusion and space together. This is the driver that's absolutely needed; it's not a cost, it's not an expense. It's a necessary requirement for mankind; especially for the United States in our state right now. That should also be seen as driving to the process of pushing real fundamental breakthroughs in science such as we haven't had since Einstein. I know Jason Ross has elaborated this in recent days to good effect.

With the imminent breakdown of this financial system and the importance of this G-20 focus coming up right now in the context of clear recognition that we're right on the verge of something worse than a repeat of 2008; I think this being the clear message and marching orders for where we need to go, is absolutely critical at this point. It's not enough just to address and reorganize the financial system; that's absolutely required, but to what effect? To actually drive the kind of growth that China's leading; Kesha's leading a revival of that in Texas to get that going in the United States again.

OGDEN: Along those lines, this entire process that I laid out in terms of Mr. LaRouche's advocacy for a new international financial architecture, was never separate from his insistence that it had to be based on fundamental scientific revolutions; the discovery and incorporation of new physical principles into the economy at large. Not let's rearrange just the bureaucracy of how banks work, or something like that. And it was not even just what other people turned it into, which was that we need equal representation for the developing countries; or the Third World is not having the proper voice at the bargaining table at the World Bank or something like that. It was never something at that level; it was always at the level of why did Mr. LaRouche found the Fusion Energy Foundation, for example. Can you imagine what kind of productivity would be unleashed by the development of commercial, controllable fusion power? That would be unequalled by anything that has come heretofore; it would make what FDR achieved look like hardly anything. Mr. LaRouche's emphasis with the Strategic Defense Initiative was always that we need a breakthrough in terms of physical principles; it was hand-in-hand with fusion energy development, but it was also bringing that into the realm of space exploration and harnessing principles which were beyond what man even understood at that point. In the same exact period, he was also discussing how are we going to have lunar colonization and colonies on Mars. This was LaRouche's emphasis all through that time.

So, the new economic architecture is not separate from a fundamental revolution in science on the caliber of what Einstein achieved; and that is what drives economic productivity. Nothing less than that.

GALLAGHER: I wonder if you can get the third graph on the screen. This gives an idea of how — this goes from 1958 over to 2012, and it's the NASA budget. This gives an idea of how rapidly leaderships of the United States abandoned the actual frontiers of space exploration before we had even gotten to the Moon for the first time. Because by the time we did, that tremendous drop was already underway; and it goes all the way to the present day. The same thing could be shown for the United States effort in research on fusion. They just were abandoned in the face of the extraordinarily powerful visions of human future powers that pioneers like Krafft Ehricke had, in terms of covering the Moon's surface with a new human habitation and industrialization as a jumping off point for the rest of the Solar System. All of that — he called it the Seventh Continent — all of that was abandoned along with the tremendous power resources and capacities involved in the fusion technology. Today you can barely find a laser cutting process anywhere in US industry; these things have just been abandoned. If what you see in that graph were reversed very suddenly under the impulse of a desire and a decision that gets rid of Obama and his leadership, and a decision that says we will be part of a team of space-faring nations which in this endeavor would be led by China; maybe in others by us, in others by India, in others by Russia. We'll be part of that overall exploration and this will reverse; this would have a tremendous impact on the entire not only productivity, but the condition of society. This is really the condition of the individual human being, who has these creative possibilities is what LaRouche is always, always talking about; that this is what makes such possibilities of an individual becoming a genius and the fruitfulness of that genius. This expands it to the greatest degree, if leadership will make these kinds of decisions. This decision is right in front of us with this upcoming G-20 summit; and again, I repeat what Helga said. If the US doesn't put Glass-Steagall into law — it's now been adopted by both parties in their platforms; it ought to be law by no later than the end of this year. If the US doesn't put Glass-Steagall into law immediately, and enforce it right off the collapsing derivatives bubbles; then it's sabotaging this process which has to go forward. Then we will see more loss of our population, more suicide, more drug addiction, more hopelessness among the population unless we make this 180 degree turn.

OGDEN: One thing Helga has also repeatedly said upon her return from these trips to China, is that — and I think other people just pick up on this, too — is that the optimism is pervasive; you can sense it among the population. The 3.8% growth rate in productivity, the 8% growth rate, is just a reflection of an attitude that says, "Our job is to create a future. We will give our children a future. Our lives have meaning because we are involved in creating a future which has not, prior to this point, existed." If you contrast that with an increasing pessimism, cynicism, rage — which is clearly reflected in this election process in the United States population — all of those are symptomatic of exactly what is being addressed in this discussion.

One other thing that Krafft Ehricke said which I thought was just well put; he said, "If God had intended us to be a space-faring species, he would have given us a Moon." Well, he did; and that's the launching-off point for mankind to move into the Solar System and beyond. So, if that's not an optimistic idea of the capabilities of the human species, I don't know what is. I know that that's one of the elements that is also being incorporated into the Manhattan Project process.

One more thing I wanted to mention before we close the show today, is the accompanying articles in this week's Hamiltonian are: 1) a short article by Jason Ross on the true genius of Einstein. It's called "Discovering Humanity's True Nature; the Case of Einstein". But then, the back side of the broad sheet is a discussion of 1) an article by Diane Sare, called "2016: America's Moment of Decision, in which she discusses some of the legacy of the optimism surrounding the tradition of Classical music within the United States and the fight to revive that tendency among people who were close friends with Lyndon LaRouche when they were alive: Bill Warfield; Sylvia Olden Lee; Robert McFerrin; and others. And then there's a very short excerpt of an interview with the national music director of the Schiller Institute, John Sigerson, in which he's discussing the significance of the upcoming series of four concerts of Mozart's Requiem over the weekend of September 11th, in the interests of justice and in dedication to the victims of those attacks and everything that has happened since. So, that's another very crucial element in terms of the ability to uplift a population and to give them a sense that a future is possible; and that these kinds of very dramatic changes in policy could happen in a very short amount of time. If we were able to force the declassification of the 28 pagess, which we did; nobody can deny the very significant central role that we played in doing that. People might have said, "This is a hopeless cause." If we were able to do that, then yes, we also can force the passage and enforcement of Glass-Steagall and a radical, dramatic change in policy of the United States in the direction of this new economic architecture which is being led by China and Russia among others.

With that taken as the final word, I'm going to thank everybody for joining me — Paul Gallagher, Ben Deniston, Kesha Rogers; and thank you all for joining us here today. I know we continue to gain new subscribers of the LaRouche PAC live YouTube channel; so I encourage you, if you have not done so yet, to subscribe to this channel. You will get the opportunity to have a notification of this discussion that Ben mentioned next Wednesday, on the further implications of the Chinese lunar program. Thank you for joining us and please stay tuned to Good night.



»Når skibe til at besejle tomrummet mellem stjernerne er blevet bygget, vil der træde mennesker frem til at sejle disse skibe.« (Kepler)                                                   

25. august, 2016 (Leder) – Vi ser på internationale operationer. Internationale faktorer er de væsentligste for os lige nu. Lokale reaktioner kan være mere begrænsede. Verdens nationer ønsker at tilslutte sig, og vil tilslutte sig, Kina med den langsigtede mission at kortlægge Månen i forbindelse med Kinas banebrydende mission til Månens bagside i 2018. Månen er det nødvendige springbræt til hele rummet. Som Krafft Ehricke sagde: »Hvis Gud ønskede, at mennesket skulle blive en art, der færdes i rummet, ville han have givet mennesket en måne.« Men hvordan kan nogen være i tvivl om, at USA skal være fuldt ud involveret i denne proces, ved hvilken menneskehedens fremtid generationer frem i tiden bliver skabt lige nu af dem, der er i live i dag? Ja, dette er selve livets formål. Vil Obama insistere på, at vi ikke vender tilbage til Månen? »Har været der; har gjort det?« Det viser, hvad der må ske med Obama; hvor Obama må gå hen, og hvorfor.

Historien om menneskehedens rumprogram, fra dets begyndelse i Tyskland og gennem alle dets indviklede udviklinger i det 20. århundrede og videre til dets fremtid i det 21. århundrede og længere frem endnu, er et globalt spørgsmål, der skal behandles globalt og især funderes i dets førende ophavsmand, Krafft Ehrickes indsigter. Ehricke arbejdede tæt sammen med Lyndon og Helga LaRouche og delte fuldt ud deres dybe og totale engagement. 

Den dybere forståelse af dette spørgsmål i sit fulde omfang leder ind på mange andre områder, områder, som den dårligt (fejl-)uddannede lægmand forestiller sig at vide noget om, men hvorom han ingenting ved. Ved han sågar, hvad en videnskabsmand er? Er en videnskabsmand en forsker, der finder en bedre formel til at repræsentere såkaldte eksperimentelle resultater? Nej, slet ikke. Og hvad er videnskab? 

Vi må have en generel forståelse af menneskehedens rumprogram, dets historie og dets fremtid, i den form for brede termer, hvori Krafft Ehricke forstod det. Hvilke spørgsmål præsenterer Månens bagside os for nu, i forhold til, hvad Solsystemet vil komme til at betyde for os senere? Vi må forstå disse spørgsmål for at kunne opbygge en rumpolitik for fremtiden.

Fortsatte studier af det, som Krafft gjorde i løbet af sit liv, først i Tyskland og sidenhen i USA, er en solid base for fremtidige fremskridt. Det spørgsmål, som han stillede til Helga Zepp-LaRouche, da han vidste, at han snart skulle dø, satte alting i forbindelse med hinanden. Dette spørgsmål lever stadig videre i dag.

Mere generelt er vi nødt til at lokalisere dette aspekt af historien inden for hele historiens struktur. Vi ser ikke bare på et enkelt aspekt. Vi må tage udgangspunkt i hele planetens histories sammensatte struktur: DET er vores ansvar. Når folk gør det, er de tvunget til at tænke på den måde, og de begynder at producere på den måde.

Obama, og hvad han repræsenterer, skal fjernes – med hvilke midler? Vi ved det endnu ikke, men vi er nødt til at dumpe ham, eller foranledige, at han bliver dumpet. Hvis vi ikke gør det, ved vi ikke, hvad der kan ske. Han må smides ud og klart fordømmes, ellers er muligheden for at redde civilisationen i alvorlig fare. Han må ydmyges og fjernes fra embedet. Hvis ikke vi gør det, står vi i problemer til halsen. 

Vi må fremme processen; vi kan ikke lade processen kontrollere os. Vi er nødt til at drive processen fremad og opnå effekten. Dette vil ikke komme gratis til os; vi må vinde det.

Foto: Den 14. juli 2015 så NASA’s New Horizons-rumfartøj tilbage i retning af Solen, og indfangede tæt på solnedgangen dette billede af de forrevne, isdækkede bjerge og flade is-sletter, der strækker lige så langt Plutos horisont er synlig. [foto:]

POLITISK ORIENTERING den 25. august 2016:
1. del: Kina ønsker at etablere en nye finansiel arkitektur på G20-mødet.
Se også 2. del.
Hør også en diskussion på engelsk om menneskets erkendelsesevne

Med formand Tom Gillesberg

Video: 2. del:


Efter mødet på dansk, havde vi en diskussion om menneskets erkendelsesevne på engelsk sammen med vores kollega Flavio fra Italien. Inden optagelsen begyndte, talte Flavio om problemet med videnskabsundervisning, som er baseret på empirisme, der betoner erfaring, i modsætning til tænkning.

Part 1:

Part 2:

’Ødelæggelsens alder’ bør vige for ’Genopbygningens alder’

22. august 2016 (Leder) – I løbet af de seneste par dage har mange diplomatiske initiativer og udtalelser manifesteret Ruslands, Kinas og Indiens aktive intervention for at højne verdensordenen, med Vladimir Putin som anfører. Der er stor aktivitet centreret omkring Syrien. Den 22. august erklærede den tyrkiske premierminister Binaldi Yildirim, at, for at finde en løsning i Syrien, er der en plads for den nuværende syriske præsident Bashar al Assad i en overgangsregering – hvilket er et skifte i Tyrkiets politiske standpunkt, indikerede Yildirim, der »for en væsentlig dels vedkommende« stammede fra Tyrkiets nye relation med Rusland.

Den 20. august var en særlig indisk udsending ligeledes i Syrien. Viceudenrigsminister Mubashir Javed Akbar mødtes med præsident Assad i Damaskus. Med et tilbud om hjælp til Syrien sagde Akbar, at »ødelæggelsens alder« må vige for »genopbygningens alder«. I New Delhi i løbet af weekenden konfererede den russiske viceudenrigsminister Dmitri Rogozin direkte med premierminister Modi om disse anliggender, og om Putins forestående statsbesøg i Indien, så vel som også om BRIKS-topmødet i Goa, Indien, i oktober.

I tillæg til denne drivkraft for at finde en afgørelse for Sydvestasien sagde den egyptiske præsident, general Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, at Putin har tilbudt at være vært for direkte forhandlinger mellem palæstinenserne og israelerne. Desuden fandt der i Jeddah i sidste weekend direkte forhandlinger sted, mellem Mikhail Bogdanov, Putins særlige udsending for Mellemøsten og Afrika, og den saudiske udenrigsminister Adel al-Jubeir og vicekronprins og forsvarsminister, Mohammed bin Salman al Saud. En erklæring fra det Russiske Udenrigsministerium sagde, at der er en »gensidig plan om en fortsat indsats« for at finde løsninger på konfliktsituationerne i Mellemøsten og Nordafrika.

Der er nye initiativer i Syd- og Østasien. I Myanmar i dag konfererer førstestatsrådgiver Aun San Suu Kyi, der netop er hjemvendt fra et fem dages besøg i Kina, med den indiske udenrigsminister Sushma Swaraj om fælles spørgsmål om sikkerhed og udvikling i hele området, især hovedtransportforbindelser mellem alle nationerne ved den Bengalske Bugt og Kina.

Det seneste udtryk for fremstødet for udvikling i Stillehavsområdet er kommet i Filippinerne, hvor det ærværdige Handelskammer har bedt den nye Duterte-regering om at indlede færdigkonstruktionen og operationen af Bataan atomreaktoren, der blev standset i 1986 som et resultat af britisk og amerikansk indgriben.

Prikken over i’et i dette helhedsbillede er en meddelelse i går fra Rusland om, at landets raketprogram vil fremskynde udviklingen af tunge raketter (Saturn V-klassen), der kan medføre henved 80 tons nyttelast – eventuelt op til 160 tons – til en bemandet månemission, der kun kræver opsendelse af ét fartøj, i stedet for at kræve flere missioner med raketter med mindre kapacitet. »Jeg er sikker på, at vi på rekordtid, omkring fem til syv år, kan have en raket til tunge opsendelser«, sagde lederen af Energia Corporation, der bygger raketten.

Da EIR’s stiftende redaktør Lyndon LaRouche blev briefet om dette som en ’forbedring’ i raketkraft til måneaktivitet, rettede han enhver begrænset implikation af, hvad der er involveret. Han understregede, at vi må kende og udfærdige en præcis kortlægning af, hvad Månen er. Hvad består den af? For at vide dette, må man vide, hvad Månens bagside er. Man må kende detaljerne, og fylde billedet ud, forme det. Fortsæt med arbejdet!


Billedtekst: Månens forside (venstre) vs. bagsiden (højre). Bemærk, at de mørke pletter, der dækker forsiden, og som er skabt af vulkanske strømme, er næsten helt fraværende på bagsiden.

Titelfoto: Ødelæggelse i Saadallah al-Jabiri-pladsen centralt i Aleppo efter tre bilbombeeksplosioner den 3. oktober 2012. 

’Helikopter-penge’ for en ny amerikansk infrastruktur?

21. august 2016 (Leder) – Med USA’s og Europas økonomier, der nærmer sig nulvækst og produktivitets-nulvækst, er der hundredevis af forslag fremme »for at opbygge en ny, økonomisk infrastruktur«, forslag, der næsten alle sammen totalt ignorer videnskaben.

I realiteten var ny, produktiv økonomisk infrastruktur, opbygget i løbet af Amerikas forrige århundrede udelukkende under FDR’s og JKF’s præsidentskaber, opbygget med videnskab som motor: de nye videnskaber atomfission (sprængning af atomkernen) og partikelfysik, udfordringerne med højspændingselektricitet og transmission over lange afstande; og med vandstyring og -omdirigering i stor skala; og med Apolloprojektets udforskning af Månen. Computere? De faldt ud af forskernes baglomme, blot som midler til videnskabelige mål.

I dag bygges og forfølges sådan reel, produktiv »infrastruktur« af Kina. De har planlagt, at netop en sådan »innovation« og vækst skal være temaet for G20-topmødet, som Kina om to uger vil være formand for. Der er intet, der tyder på, at Obama eller Europa er enige; Obama og Hillary Clinton er snarere på den militære konfrontations-sti med Kina, såvel som med Rusland.

De »Fire Nødvendige Love«, som kræves for fremtidigt, økonomisk fremskridt, og som stiftende redaktør af EIR, Lyndon LaRouche, formulerede i 2014, er på enestående vis tilpasset den udfordring, som Kinas lederskab præsenterer for G20-lederne.

De andre, aktuelle forslag om »infrastruktur-finansiering« ignorerer fysisk videnskab, hvis fremskudte grænser skal findes i fusionskraft/plasma og superleder-teknologier, i geo-biofysik og i udforskning af rummet. Og de ignorerer videnskaben om kredit – det område, som Alexander Hamilton lovgav om, og som fandt, at formålet med kredit og bankpraksis var at koncentrere nationens opsparede midler således, at de servicerede videnskabelig opdagelse og teknologisk produktivitet.

I sidste måned blev næsten 1000 amerikanske offentligt valgte personer i Chicago præsenteret – af Wall Street – for en plan for »ny amerikansk infrastruktur«. Den var baseret på de superlave rentesatser, som Federal Reserve (USA’s centralbank) nu i syv år har fastsat. Planen foreslog, at USA’s Finansministerium lånte $4 billion [!] med 100-årige amerikanske obligationer »til infrastruktur«, med en begyndelsesrente på omkring 1 %, der skal tilpasses opad gradvist sammen med inflationen. Nogle af de statslige og lokale valgte blev oplivet over dette.

Obamas »Lov om Økonomisk Stimulering« fra 2010 benyttede sig ligeledes af meget lave rentesatser og lånte næsten $1 billion – og aldrig har den produktive vækst i den amerikanske økonomi været lavere end under de seks Obama-år, de er forløbet siden da.

Det er blot sekundært, at denne nye Wall Street-plan er »helikopter-penge«; men det er en helikopter, som selv Ben Bernanke ikke ville flyve. Patriotiske amerikanere, der evt. købte de 100-årige »infrastruktur«-obligationer, ville omgående se dem falde i værdi, og sælge dem til hedgefunds, der spekulerer i gæld.

Det afgørende er, at Wall Streets »ny amerikansk infrastruktur«-plan – man vil også meget snart få at høre om det fra Hillary Clinton – ikke på nogen måde omfatter rumforskningens fremskudte grænse; ikke omtaler fusionskraft eller plasmateknologier; og ikke overvejer et højhastigheds- og magnetisk levitations-jernbanenet, der spænder over hele kontinentet.

Vi har ikke brug for, at Wall Street opfinder penge. Vi har brug for videnskabelig opdagelse, der udgør drivkraften bag, og som selv får drivkraft fra, infrastrukturbyggeri – det var, hvad vi havde gennem FDR og kortvarigt gennem JFK. LaRouche bemærkede i en diskussion i går: »Det er videnskab. Det er alt sammen videnskab. Det er ikke politik; det er videnskab.«

Foto: JFK besigtiger Wiskeytown Reservoiret ved en dedikationsceremoni for Wiskeytown Dæmning og Reservoir i Californien, 28. september 1963. [foto: Robert Knudsen. White House Photograhs. John F. Kennedys præsidentielle Bibliotek og Museum, Boston]


Nutiden har ingen præcedens

18. august 2016 (Leder) – Den nutidige historiske periode er fuldstændig ny i sine karakteristika; den kan ikke sammenlignes med noget andet i menneskehedens hidtidige historie. Af denne grund er det kun nogle få personer, der har været i stand til, i deres intellekt, at frembringe et begreb om, hvad karakteristika er for denne epoke, der intet fortilfælde har: personer som Albert Einstein, Krafft Ehricke og Lyndon og Helga LaRouche. Fordi det store flertal af almindelige dødelige mennesker ikke i deres erfaringsmateriale har noget sammenligneligt, og intet, som de har hørt eller læst om, har de ingen kriterier, ud fra hvilke de kan bedømme eller forstå det; de er på herrens mark. Af denne grund kan grupper, bestående af så få personer som i Lyndon LaRouches Manhattan-projekt, få en afgørende indflydelse netop på dette tidspunkt. Alene de kan se vejen frem, om end denne vej undertiden kan synes utydelig, og de må famle sig frem. De øvrige går i blinde, eller, som Helga Zepp-LaRouche ofte siger, »har ikke den fjerneste idé«.

I 2018 vil en kinesisk mission nå Månens bagside – under forudsætning af, at det inden da lykkes os at besejre Det britiske Imperiums kaosmagter. Denne mission vil blive en del af et helt, generelt program for at opdage og udforske de endnu ikke virkeliggjorte implikationer af Einsteins fundamentale opdagelser, som Lyndon LaRouche har påpeget. Og, som rumforskningsgeniet Krafft Ehricke – sammen med LaRouche – forudså, så vil den aktuelle energigennemstrømningstæthed, der for tiden står til menneskehedens disposition, være en forløber for fusionskraft, og herfra føre til stof-antistof-reaktioner, og herfra atter videre frem til niveauer, som vi i dag ikke engang kan give et navn.

Under forudsætning af, at vi overvinder de aktuelle forhindringer, som repræsenteres af Obama og det Britiske Imperium, så er vi i færd med at glide ind i det, Helga Zepp-LaRouche har kaldt »en æra, i hvilken vi bliver ægte menneskelige«.

På lignende måde er det, man måske kunne have kaldt det »system af alliancer«, der nu spænder over og gennemkrydser Eurasien og breder sig ud herfra, i realiteten slet ikke et »system af alliancer« i den betydning, vi har kendt til fra fortiden. Det er i realiteten snarere en projektion tilbage i tiden og ind i nutiden, fra det fremtidige univers, der inkorporerer de fremtidige opdagelser, der bringes tilbage fra Månens bagside. Putin har, sammen med Kina, inkorporeret principperne fra Den Westfalske Fred, men de er gået langt, langt videre end det. Begynd blot med den ekstraordinære relation, der er opnået mellem Rusland og Kina. Er man klar over, at vi taler om nationer, der så sent som i 1969 udkæmpede en syv måneder lang, ikke-erklæret krig over Ussuri-floden? Nu har de ikke alene regelmæssige topmøder mellem præsidenterne, og regelmæssige topmøder mellem premierministrene; det er det mindste af det. Der er ikke mindre end tretten mellemregerings-kommissioner, der hele tiden er i kontinuerlig kontakt med hinanden. Alle de mange meningsforskelle og uoverensstemmelser – og der er mange – bliver kontinuerligt løst på et både bredt og dybt plan i begge regeringer.

»Og vi finder altid frem til løsninger«, føjede Putin til denne beskrivelse.

Processen med at fuldbyrde denne ekstraordinære relation har været genstand for en dybtgående undersøgelse af Kinas dr. Ren Lin, der talte på Schiller Instituttets konference i Berlin i juni måned, og af mange andre kinesiske og russiske, akademiske lærde.

Fuldbyrdelsen af en sådan relation udgør hjertet af BRIKS-processen og udviklingen af Den nye Silkevej. Det var kernen i Putins forgænger, nu afdøde russiske premierminister Jevgenij Primakovs idé om Den russisk-indisk-kinesiske Strategiske Trekant. Skabelsen heraf går tilbage til ikke alene Lyndon og Helga LaRouches idé om Den produktive Trekant og Den eurasiske Landbro, men endnu længere tilbage, til LaRouches Strategiske Forsvarsinitiativ[1], der havde en formativ indflydelse på Rusland til trods for, at Ruslands daværende leder, Juri Andropov, havde afvist initiativet på vegne af sine britiske herrer.

Dette nye system med fremtidens relationer mellem nationalstater, der går ud over nationalstatsbegrebet, som LaRouche længe har forudsagt, går med syvmileskridt hastigt frem hen over hele det eurasiske kontinent og mere generelt på et tidspunkt, hvor vi nærmer os det Østlige Økonomiske Forum i Vladivostok den 2. – 3. september, FN’s Generalforsamling, der begynder den 13. september, og BRIKS-topmødet i Goa, Indien, den 15. – 16. oktober.

Foto: Portræt af Einstein i 1905, da han offentliggjorde sin opdagelse af den specielle relativitetsteori.[2].

[1] SE: LaRouches Strategiske Forsvarsinitiativ: En amerikansk-sovjetisk aftale for fred og udvikling,

[2] Den specielle relativitetsteori er en fysisk teori, publiceret af Albert Einstein. Den erstattede den Newtonske opfattelse af tid og rum ved at gøre brug af det faktum, at lystes hastighed er konstant (Teorien kaldes desuden for ’speciel’, fordi den er et specialtilfælde af den mere generelle relativitetsteori; således ses der bort fra tyngdekraften). Ti år senere publicerede Einstein den generelle relativitetsteori, som medinddrager tyngdekraften. (-red.)


En orientering mod Stillehavsområdet:
Det Eurasiske System. Video

Alt imens de asiatiske Stillehavsnationer har brug for den videnskabelige viden, teknologi og fordele ved vores form for regering, såsom et statsligt kreditsystem efter Alexander Hamiltons principper, så står det klart, at, med hensyn til inspiration, så må vi nu se hen til Stillehavsområdet.   

Download (PDF, Unknown)

Titelfoto: Helga Zepp-LaRouche på Kinas kyst, »Den Eurasiske Landbros Terminal Øst«, 1996.


Det drejer sig om produktivitet; Vi skal op
på højde med Kina og den ’eurasiske magt’

15. august 2016 (Leder) – Vil USA genoplive videnskabelig kreativitet og økonomisk produktivitet for på lang sigt at samarbejde fredeligt med Kinas fremskridt?

Vil Europa beslutte at opgive det, som Helga Zepp-LaRouche kalder »selvmordspagten« med Obama og en NATO-ledelse, der planlægger krige med både Rusland og Kina? Hvornår vil Europa i stedet gå med i Eurasiens Nye Silkevej med store infrastrukturprojekter – for ikke at tale om udforskning af rummet og udvikling af fusionskraft?

Dette er de virkelige spørgsmål, som borgere bør engagere sig i – og ikke de katastrofer, der i USA p.t. stiller op til præsidentvalget.

Meddelelsen i dag om, at tyske fusionsforskere går sammen med et statsligt, russisk laboratorium om udvikling af et nyt »polariseret deuterium«-brændstof til fusionskraft viser f. eks. den kreative retning for Europas bedste kapaciteter. Resultatet kan overhale det nylige gennembrud i Tysklands fusionsprogram – men disse resultater er allerede langt overgået af Kinas resultater. Kina gør teknologisk innovation og vækst til temaet for G20-mødet, som det vil være formand for 4. – 5. september i Hangzhou. Det samme gælder for Putins Østlige Økonomiske Forum i Vladivostok 2. – 3. september.

De eurasiske nationer rykker sammen i en proces, der kan vinde freden så vel som udvikling; og det er lederskabsinitiativer, taget af Ruslands præsident Vladimir Putin, der i vid udstrækning har gjort denne proces mulig.

Det har placeret USA foran et valg – og det er ikke et valg til præsident mellem to Dick Cheney-imitatorer.

Den 12. august forudsagde IMF, at Kinas årlige økonomiske vækst ville falde til 6 % frem til 2020. Hvis dette skulle vise sig at være sandt, så kunne USA – dersom det blev ledet af et revolutionerende nyt præsidentskab, der udsteder statskredit til ny infrastruktur, rumforskning og fusionsteknologier – håbe på til den tid at nå op på siden af Kinas vækst!

Amerikanske regeringsfolk og folk fra Federal Reserve (centralbanken) har langt om længe for nylig indrømmet, at de er bekymret over den amerikanske økonomis meget lave produktivitet, såvel som over økonomiens meget lave vækst. Økonomien under Obama har vist en hidtil uhørt lav vækst i produktiviteten, uanset, hvordan man måler den.

En almindelig måde at måle »produktivitet« på er simpelt hen at dividere BNP med præsterede arbejdstimer. Målt således har væksten i arbejdskraftens produktivitet aldrig nået en årlig rate på blot 1 %, siden Obama i sit første år i embedet underskrev sin »stimuleringslov«. I de seneste 12 måneder har USA’s økonomiske vækst udgjort sølle 1,2 %.

Men reelle forøgelser af arbejdskraftens produktivitet kommer fra videnskabelige og teknologiske fremskridt, og fra uddannelse. Den rapport, som blev udgivet af Statskontoret for Forskning i Økonomi (NBER) over den meget store vækst i produktiviteten under Franklin Roosevelts præsidentskab, siger: »Dette skyldtes en meget stærk vækst i generering og distribuering af elektricitetskraft, transport, kommunikation, civilingeniørers og strukturingeniørers arbejde inden for broer, tunneller, dæmninger, hovedveje, jernbaner og systemer til transmission; samt privat forskning og udvikling.« Udfordringerne i al dette moderne infrastrukturbyggeri frembragte teknologiske fremskridt inden for et stort antal industrier, og forskning og udvikling blev stærkt forøget.

Økonomer rangerer 1930’erne, ’40’erne og ’60’ernes Apolloprojekt som toppunkterne for reel vækst i produktivitet i USA’s historie – med en forbedring i produktiviteten på næsten 3 % om året.

Ifølge San Francisco Federal Reserve og NBER var der under George W. Bush’ otte år en stigning i denne vækst på 1,0 % om året; og under Obamas snart otte år, 0,75 %.

Tiden er inde til et nyt præsidentskab, og til at indhente Kina.   

Foto: De kinesisk producerede højhastighedstog afventer afgang fra jernbanestationen i Hankow, 19. april 2016.


Det sker i Verden – Infrastruktur, videnskab og teknologi, nr. 10

Korte artikler fra hele verden. I dette nummer bl. a.:

En bredere og dybere Panamakanal blev genåbnet under festligheder – 

Kina tilbyder udviklingslande at deltage i sin rumstation –

Rusland vil låne Bangladesh over $11 milliarder til deres første atomkraftværker –


Download (PDF, Unknown)

Helga Zepp-LaRouche i Kina:
»Den Nye Silkevej bliver til

For at give håb om en bedre fremtid for hele menneskeheden, et håb, der er gået tabt i mange dele af verden, må G20-topmødet fremkomme med en vision, der kan tilbyde en løsning, en vej til at overvinde de nævnte kriser, og en etablering af et højere niveau af fornuft for at realisere menneskehedens fælles mål.

4. august, 2016 (Leder)Følgende tale blev holdt af Helga Zepp-LaRouche, grundlægger og forkvinde for Schiller Instituttet, den 29. juli ved »Tænk 20 Forum« i Beijing. Forummet var arrangeret af tre kinesiske tænketanke: Instituttet for Verdensøkonomi og Verdenspolitik (IWEP) ved det Kinesiske Akademi for Samfundsvidenskaber (CASS), Shanghai Instituttet for Internationale Studier (SIIS) og Chongyang Instituttet for Finansielle Studier ved Kinas Renmin Universitet (RCDY), med deltagelse af 500 eksperter fra tænketanke og politikere og repræsentanter for internationale organisationer fra 25 lande, med det formål at formulere forslag til statsoverhoveder og regeringsledere i G20-medlemslandene. Fr. Zepp-LaRouche talte på det første panel under den to dage lange konference, dedikeret til »Global Ledelse: Systemforbedring og opbygning af Kapacitet«.

Eftersom G20 repræsenterer den mest magtfulde kombination af industrilande og fremvoksende lande på planeten, er der i øjeblikket ingen anden organisation, der kan adressere de eksistentielle udfordringer, som civilisationen står overfor, og i tide gennemføre løsninger på disse. De fleste landes befolkninger har den meget reelle oplevelse af at være opslugt af frygtindgydende kriser – en international terroristtrussel, der er ude af kontrol, en folkevandring af millioner af mennesker, der prøver på at undslippe krig, sult og død; den resulterende flygtningekrise, der ryster EU i sit fundament; fremgang for anti-etablissement-partier i mange lande: Brexit, som et advarselsskud for den potentielle disintegration af EU; det voksende gab mellem de rige og de stadigt flere lag af samfundet, der har mistet deres velfortjente status som middelklasse, eller som lever i fattigdom; oplevelsen af virkningerne af »uortodokse monetære foranstaltninger« på livsopsparinger og forventninger til fremtiden; grænserne for samfundets acceptabilitet af bailout og bail-in; samt den voksende frygt for, at verden nu er gået ind i en ny kold krig og en atomoprustnings-spiral. Kort sagt, et voksende tab af tillid til etablissementet, i det mindste i den transatlantiske sektor.

Hvis det forestående G20-topmøde afviser at anerkende denne situation; hvis man forsøger at skjule den fremherskende politiks fiasko, i særdeleshed siden 2008, bag retorikken i den offentlige propaganda; samt hvis man ikke bruger det forestående topmøde som en anledning til at fremlægge reelle løsninger på disse kriser, vil det ikke få nogen indvirkning i en virtuel reality, men det vil derimod få en indvirkning på det reelle historiske forløb og milliarder af menneskers liv og lykke.                                                                                                                   

Umiddelbare løsninger er forhånden, men de kræver, at de ledende institutioner er villige til at revidere den nuværende politiks aksiomer og vende tilbage til en politik, der ikke alene har vist sig at være effektive i tidligere situationer, men som også repræsenterer et nyt paradigme, der kan udgøre grundlaget for den menneskelige art i de næste hundrede år, og længere.

For at give håb om en bedre fremtid for hele menneskeheden, et håb, der er gået tabt i mange dele af verden, må G20-topmødet fremkomme med en vision, der kan tilbyde en løsning, en vej til at overvinde de nævnte kriser, og en etablering af et højere niveau af fornuft for at realisere menneskehedens fælles mål.

  1. Det eneste »praktiske« udtryk for denne vision – og dette er ikke en selvmodsigelse – perspektivet for den Nye Silkevej, som den kinesiske regering nu i tre år har fremlagt og ført ud i livet. Foreløbig deltager over 70 lande i forskellige aspekter af dette program, samt i programmets infrastruktur- og udviklingsprojekter. Det, som Kina kalder for et »win-win« -samarbejde om sådanne fællesprojekter er ikke alene den eneste effektive måde, på hvilken geopolitiske konfrontationer kan overvindes, der har været roden til to verdenskrige i det 20. århundrede, og ligeledes den underliggende fare for en tredje global krig i dag, som, givet eksistensen af kernevåben, ville blive en tilintetgørelseskrig. »Win-win«-perspektivet er også i overensstemmelse med principperne for den Westfalske Fred, ifølge hvilken enhver succesfuld fredsorden må baseres på »den anden parts interesse«. Konceptet for den Nye Silkevej må derfor udstrækkes til alle verdens områder, som en »Verdens-Silkevej«, som et konkret tilbud om at overvinde underudvikling. Hvis G20-medlemmerne ville afgive et sådant løfte, med en højtidelig forpligtelse til at overvinde sult og fattigdom og tilvejebringe rent vand til alle inden for få år, hvilket rent teknologisk kan gennemføres – så ville det skabe en revolution af håb og optimisme i verden.
  2. For at eliminere både årsagerne til massemigrationen fra Sydvestasien og Afrika og grobunden for rekruttering af terrorister, må der i begge disse områder iværksættes en omfattende industriel udvikling, som ikke blot genopbygger de krigshærgede områder, men som også fremlægger en integreret plan for infrastruktur, industri, landbrug og uddannelse, for at transformere disse dele af verden til at blive områder med høj produktivitet af arbejdskraft og fremstillingskapaciteter. Generelt må Verdens-Silkevejens projekter defineres således, at de får optimal indvirkning på befolkningens kognitive evner i de respektive lande, for derved at muliggøre den bedst mulige forøgelse af verdensøkonomiens produktivitet. Fokus må derfor ikke alene ligge på innovation, men på kvalitative gennembrud i forståelsen af kvalitative, nye fysiske principper i vort univers. Eksempler herpå er forcerede programmer for udvikling af termonuklear fusionskraft, der vil tilvejebringe forsyningssikkerhed for energi og råmaterialesikkerhed for menneskeheden, såvel som også udvikling af nye vandressourcer gennem den fredelige udnyttelse af kernekraft til afsaltning af store mængder havvand, ionisering af fugtighed i atmosfæren og andre former for innovativ teknologi. Internationalt samarbejde om rummet, mht. forskning, rumfart og kolonisering, definerer vejen for de kommende, nødvendige gennembrud inden for videnskab og teknologi. Det repræsenterer også en fremtidsorienterede platform for en fredsorden for det 21. århundrede. Og vigtigst af alt, så markerer det transformationen af den menneskelige art hen imod en større bevidsthed om dets egen identitet som den eneste, hidtil kendte, kreative art i universet.
  3. Et ukontrolleret kollaps af den transatlantiske sektors finansielle system ville true med at kaste store dele af verden ud i kaos, med uforudsigelige konsekvenser. Den såkaldte »værktøjskasse« med finansielle instrumenter, som man besluttede at bruge efter krisen i 2008 fremfor at gennemføre reelle reformer, er nu opbrugt. De efterfølgende »uortodokse monetære instrumenter,« såsom kvantitativ lempelse (’pengetrykning’), negative rentesatser, og ’helikopterpenge’, har for en stor dels vedkommende produceret det modsatte af de ønskede virkninger. Den kendsgerning, at genindførelsen af Franklin D. Roosevelts Glass/Steagall-bankopdelingslov er blevet vedtaget i både det Demokratiske og Republikanske partis valgplatform i USA, samt den kendsgerning, at der er en voksende diskussion i flere europæiske lande om at reducere de fremtidige risici i det finansielle system ved at indføre Glass/Steagall-kriterier også i Europa, skaber en meget favorabel forudsætning for at indgå aftale om en global Glass/Steagall-lovgivning ved det kommende G20-topmøde. Hvis G20-topmødet sætter Verdens-Silkevejen på dagsordenen, ville den kinesiske drøm blive til en verdensdrøm.




Vi kan vinde en afgørende sejr
– hvis vi er villige til at tænke,
at menneskehedens fremtid, netop nu,
hviler på vore skuldre …

Fra webcastet ’Fireside Chat’ 28. juli 2016, med EIR’s Jeffrey Steinberg:

Jeg tror, det er vigtigt at sætte rammerne for aftenens diskussion, for vi befinder os i et absolut afgørende øjeblik, hvor den strategiske situations farlighed matches og endda potentielt overgås af de enestående muligheder; muligheder, der meget vel kun vil forekomme én gang i livet for alle, der i aften er med i dette telefonmøde; det er derfor meget vigtigt at tænke på dette øjeblik på den rette måde.

Jeg vil som indledning  blot sætte et afgørende fokus på, hvor vi står lige nu, og dernæst vil jeg kort kommentere nogle ting, som har ligget hr. LaRouche på sinde under diskussioner, som flere af os har haft med ham i løbet af de seneste 48 timer.

I morgen, den 29. juli, er en særdeles afgørende dag for Europa, fordi den Europæiske Centralbank her uddeler karakterbøger til de største, europæiske banker, disse såkaldte stresstests for, om disse banker overhovedet er i stand til at modstå en ny finanskrise. Og det er allerede en selvfølge, at bogstavelig talt alle banker i Italien, med verdens ældste, kontinuerlige finansinstitution, Monte dei Paschi di Siena, i spidsen, vil dumpe til denne test. På en langt vigtigere skala er den største, tyske bank, Deutsche Bank, for nylig af IMF blevet beskrevet som verdens mest risikofyldte bank: Den sidder på en eksponering til derivater for 55 billioner euro, og bogstavelig talt alle andre, betydningsfulde banker i Europa, USA, Japan og selv et par banker i Kina, er derivatmodparter, der har en stor eksponering, og Deutsche Bank er endnu en kandidat, ligesom Monte dei Paschi i Italien, der kunne nedsmelte, hvornår det skal være. Begge disse banker vil næsten med sikkerhed dumpe til denne stresstest, og alene dette kunne udløse en panik. Så vi befinder os ved et virkeligt, afgørende punkt, og det faktum, at hele dette transatlantiske finanssystem er i en langt dårligere forfatning end det var tilfældet i september, 2008, hvor vi havde en nedsmeltning; dette er hovedårsagen til, at visse desperate grupperinger i det vestlige finansoligarki er på udkig efter muligheder for at skifte emne, gennem at lancere krigsprovokationer, primært imod Rusland, og sekundært også imod Kina.

Fakta er, at alle større krige, der på en betydelig skala er brudt ud, og i særdeleshed de to verdenskrige i det 20. århundrede, har altid været en konsekvens af desperationen over en finanskrise, i hvilken visse oligarkiske kræfters magt, i nyere historisk tid, og her, briternes i særdeleshed, har været truet; og de vil hellere vælte hele skakbrættet, eller løbe irrationelle risici, end de vil miste deres magt.

Situationen i dag er den, at, et hvilket som helst udbrud af krig med Rusland næsten med sikkerhed ville føre til atomkrig, og det ville ikke blive en ’begrænset’ krig, men en fuldt optrappet krig.

Så farerne er, som jeg siger, alvorlige. Samtidig befinder det Britiske Imperium, hovedkilden til alle de større problemer, især i det transatlantiske område, sig i en tilstand af opløsning. Vi havde Brexit-valget, der fandt sted midt i juni, og som har rystet hele EU’s fundament, som nu begynder at falde fra hinanden.

For kun 2 uger side, den 6. juli, havde vi den længe ventede udgivelse af Chilcot-kommissionens rapport, som var en enorm undersøgelse af briternes rolle i lanceringen af den katastrofale invasion af Irak og den voldelige afsættelse af Saddam Hussein, i 2003. Hvis dette ikke var sket, ville man aldrig have fået en Islamisk Stat; man ville ikke have fået denne spredning af al-Qaeda, og man ville ikke have fået dette mønster med global terrorisme, som vi, næsten dagligt, ser i alle dele af verden i dag.

Så denne rapport, der bestod af 12 bind (!), med 6000 sider, var en stikkende anklage, ja, var faktisk en anklage om krigsforbrydelser, imod Tony Blair og, gennem forlængelse, imod George W. Bush og Dick Cheney.

Samtidig scorede LaRouche-bevægelsen en ekstraordinær sejr, da præsident Obama, imod enhver plan, og ganske bestemt imod de grupperinger af det Britiske Imperiums interesser, de grupperinger, der ejer Obama, blev tvunget til, med kun lidt redigering, at frigive de 28 sider af den oprindelige Fælles Kongresundersøgelses-rapport om begivenhederne den 11. september, 2001.

Jeg er sikker på, at alle, der er med i dette telefonmøde, ved, at dette har været et afgørende spørgsmål, et afgørende punkt for intervention fra hr. LaRouches og vores bevægelses side, lige fra selv før angrebene den 11. september. For, i januar måned, 2001, advarede hr. LaRouche, under en høring for USA’s Senat i forbindelse med Senatets afprøvning og godkendelse af John Ashcrofts udnævnelse til justitsminister, om, at en Bushregering ville lede efter den førstgivne mulighed for at iscenesætte en ’Rigsdagsbrands-hændelse’, for at satse på et diktatur. På dagen for 11. september var LaRouche midt i et live interview på radioen i Utah, og han sagde lige på stedet, at dette ikke kunne finde sted uden, at der var tale om et element af et ’inside job’.

Frigivelsen af disse 28 sider, især blot ni dage efter udgivelsen af Chilcot-kommissionens rapport, er et ødelæggende et-to-stød i ansigtet på det Britiske Imperium. Alene af den grund, at, når man ser den 28 sider lange rapport, og man indser, at det var i december 2002, at præsident Bush erklærede disse sider for hemmelige og blokerede for deres offentliggørelse, så indser man, at dette havde alt at gøre med optakten til invasionen af Irak.   

Hvis dette kapitel, som viste, at det var saudierne, og ikke Saddam Hussein, der stod bag angrebene 11. september, var blevet offentliggjort på dette tidspunkt, ville det have været bogstavelig talt umuligt for selv Bush og Cheney at slippe godt fra denne Irakkrig, og historien ville være gået i en helt anden retning. Det var, hvad hr. LaRouche kalder et punctum saliens: Et afgørende punkt, en korsvej i historien.

Med andre ord, disse og andre udviklinger, som jeg ikke skal komme nærmere ind på her, men som kan dukke op under vores diskussion, betyder, at menneskehedens fjende, de imperiekræfter, der nu er centreret omkring det Britiske Imperium, som kontrollerer Saudi-Arabien, som kontrollerer Obama, er helt ude i tovene. De kan besejres. De befinder sig faktisk i en undergangs-proces. Spørgsmålet er, vil der komme en reguleret magtoverdragelse, og en alliance i det transatlantiske område til fordel for den politik, der allerede er blevet vedtaget af de større nationer i Eurasien, centreret omkring Kinas politik med Ét bælte, én vej, og centreret omkring Ruslands interesse i at organisere en global koalition, med FDR-Stalin/USA-Sovjetunionens koalition til at besejre Hitler og nazisterne under Anden Verdenskrig, som model, med det formål at besejre terrorismens svøbe. Der er nok af muligheder, men det kræver ikke blot en politisk mobilisering, men også en tilgang i vores forestillingsevne, så vi forstår, at vi, som menneskelige væsener, kan forme vores egen, fremtidige skæbne; snarere end at tænke på os selv som ofre, så må vi tænke på en helt anden måde. Og hr. LaRouche har i løbet af de seneste dage meget kraftigt understreget dette princip om menneskets skabende evne, dets kreativitet. Det, der er fuldstændigt unikt for mennesket, er, at det har evnen til at gøre opdagelser, til at skabe ting, der hidtil ikke har været kendt, ikke har været opdaget, og ikke har været udtænkt. Og vi befinder os ved et af disse øjeblikke, hvor det er afgørende, at vi opgiver de frygtelige kernefundamenter i denne nuværende, degenererede kultur og endnu engang tænker på at frembringe ægte, videnskabelige genier, på at genoplive vores rumprogram, der altid har været avantgarden af menneskets store opdagelser, i hvert fald i det 20. århundrede.

Vi havde tidligere på dagen en diskussion om en af de store forskere, der var motoren i USA’s rumprogram fra sidst i 40’erne og under 50’erne og 60’erne og videre frem, dr. Krafft Ehricke, der forstod, at denne form for opdagelsesproces, for at gå der ud, hvor mennesket aldrig før har været, er essensen i, hvad det virkeligt vil sige at være menneske.

Vi må se at komme bort fra snæversynet og række ud efter og gribe dette øjeblik med en absolut, enestående mulighed. Vær ikke bange for farerne, men forstå, at vi kan vinde en afgørende sejr, hvis folk er villige til at tænke på en helt anden måde, og tænke på en måde, som om menneskehedens fremtid netop nu hvilede på dine skuldre.

Ovenstående er et uddrag fra webcastet ’Fireside Chat’ den 28. juli, med Jeffrey Steinberg, mangeårig leder i LaRouche-bevægelsen, og efterretningsredaktør for EIR, og hvis indledende bemærkninger til den efterfølgende spørgsmål-og-svar-session ovenstående uddrag er. Webcastet, inkl. engelsk udskrift, kan høres/læses her: (anbefales).

Titelfoto: fra, fra portrætsamlingen i The International Aerospace Hall of Fame: den amerikansk-tyske rumpionér, Krafft A. Ehricke, født 1918 i Berlin, Tyskland, død 1984 i USA.


»Vi står på tærsklen til en ny æra«
LaRouchePAC Internationale fredags-webcast, 29. juli 2016.

Virkelighed er, om folk i dag har modet til at indrømme, at LaRouche har ret!

Jeg mener, at vi bestemt kan sige, at vi står ved afslutningen af en gammel æra. Vi har et helt, paradigmatisk system, der er i færd med at kollapse totalt omkring os, og vi kan forhåbentlig sige, at vi står på tærsklen til en ny æra. Vi stirrer direkte ind i ansigtet på det transatlantiske finansielle systems totale opløsning. Dette ses ikke tydeligere end gennem den kendsgerning, at man har disse såkaldte ’stresstests’, som finder sted i dag i alle de større europæiske banker. Resultatet af disse stresstests skal efter planen offentliggøres senere i aften; men, som hr. LaRouche har sagt, »Man behøver ikke at teste disse banker. Man ved, at hele banksystemet er totalt bankerot«.

Engelsk udskrift:

»Standing at the Threshold of a New Era« 

International LaRouche PAC Webcast July 29, 2016
        MATTHEW OGDEN: Good Evening! It's July 29th, 2016. You're joining us for our weekly webcast here from on Friday night. I'm joined in the studio today by Megan Beets; and joined via video by two members of our Policy Committee: Kesha Rogers, who's joining us from Houston, Texas; as well as Rachel
Brinkley, who's joining us from Boston, Massachusetts.
        I think we can certainly say that we are standing at the end of an old era. We have an entire paradigmatic system which is completely collapsing around us, and hopefully we can say that we are standing at the threshold of a new era. We're staring in the face of a complete disintegration of the trans-Atlantic financial system. This could not be seen more clearly [than] by the fact that you have these so-called bank “stress tests” that are taking place today in all of the major European banks. The results of these stress tests are due out later this evening; however, as Mr. LaRouche [has] said, "You don't need to test these banks. You know that the entire banking system is completely bankrupt."
        Two of these banks, most notably, have been receiving very wide coverage. One of them is Monte dei Paschi Bank, which is the largest and the oldest continually-functioning bank in the world, the largest bank in Italy, will almost certainly fail their
stress test, along with virtually every other bank in Italy, which [all together] are reported to be holding between EU210-360 billion in non-performing debt, which could not possibly be bailed out by the bankrupt economy of Italy, or the EU for that
        On the other hand, you have the largest German bank, Deutsche Bank, which has been described by the IMF as the riskiest, most vulnerable bank in the entire system. We've been covering the bankruptcy of Deutsche Bank recently with the
stunning statistics that the net profits of Deutsche Bank are now virtually down to almost zero, with a 97 % collapse in just the last year of net profits being reported by Deutsche Bank. The derivatives exposure by Deutsche Bank is massive. Every single
major bank in the world is tied in to Deutsche Bank as a counterparty. Were Deutsche Bank to go under, you would have a contagion far, far wider than September 2008. Just since Wednesday, Deutsche Bank shares have fallen by 8%. Merrill Lynch has now downgraded it, along with the Frankfurt [Stock] Exchange.

        As can be seen, either one of these banks could fail the stress test. Stress test, or no stress test, this entire system could go up in smoke at any given moment, and that alone could trigger a mass panic across the entire trans-Atlantic. It can't be emphasized more. This is far, far worse than the situation we found ourselves in, on the eve of the Crash of 2008.
        What has to be said is that this is the major driver behind the threat of world war at this time. As Helga LaRouche has emphasized repeatedly in the recent weeks, there is no guaranteed strategy to avoid such a war, other than addressing the root
causes of this threat of world war, which is a complete systemic reorganization of the entire trans-Atlantic financial system. This is a top-down reorganization, in the way that Franklin Roosevelt did it in his first days in office as President of the United States.
        The critical first step to this is, obviously, the restoration of the full Franklin Roosevelt [1933] Glass-Steagall Act, not just in the United States, but throughout the entire trans-Atlantic region. This is actually the subject of the institutional question that we received for this broadcast tonight, which Mr. LaRouche had a short comment on. The question was: "Dear Mr. LaRouche, The call to reinstate Glass-Steagall is now included in the platforms of both the Republican and Democratic parties. In your view, how likely is it that Glass-Steagall will be enacted by Congress?" Mr. LaRouche said, "Obviously, we're not banking on the likelihood. We have to make this happen. There is no other alternative. Whether or not Congress will act, is highly debatable, because there's nothing predictable in this political system. What has to happen is a major movement, which we must lead, to force this measure
through, which will induce certain realities to come to light — that is, the total bankruptcy of the system."
        Glass-Steagall, however, is only the first step. I think this is something which we have repeatedly said, but will be the subject of much of the discussion of our broadcast tonight. The type of initiative that Mr. LaRouche has taken, in the case of
Deutsche Bank, the call for the return to the Alfred Herrhausen legacy, the last sane banker at Deutsche Bank, who was assassinated in cold blood on November 30, 1989, right at the critical moment of opportunity for the future of world history.
        This type of action that Mr. LaRouche has called for – the intervention into Deutsche Bank — is paradigmatic of the type of thinking necessary. How does this apply today? This is the type of discussion which, I think, has become revived, with the concept of the Four Laws, Mr. LaRouche's Four Laws for the reorganization of the financial system. This is not just a series of recipes, or a laundry-list of steps that must be taken, but rather, as people have recognized, the Four Laws, as conceived by
Mr. LaRouche, is a single, coherent statement of principle which is premised on a single, fundamental truth of the real science of physical economics. That single, fundamental premise is that mankind is a species like no other. Mankind is completely unique among all other living things, in that only mankind has the
ability to create entirely new modes of existence that had no antecedent, no derivative effect from past experience, but an entirely new mode of behavior. Only man has the ability to willfully create the future.
        This absolutely unique character of mankind is typified in a very distilled and profound form by some very significant personalities within the living memory of many people who are living today: Albert Einstein, for one; and the great visionary
space scientist, Krafft Ehricke, as another. I think that will carry us into the remainder of our discussion here and sort of set a framework. But I'll just reiterate: I think that with confidence that we can say, "This old system is dead, and our responsibility is to bring mankind onto the threshold of an entirely new era."

KESHA ROGERS: I think that is absolutely the starting point of what is the new paradigm that we must bring into existence at this present moment. The discussions we've had with Mr. LaRouche on the conceptions presented by his "Four Laws to Save the United States", are absolutely pertinent, because these Four Laws represent a move away from monetarism and probabilities of what is acceptable or presentable for the future based on numbers and statistics.
        We're not waiting on the numbers and statistics and on the horoscopes to tell us what that future is going to be. We actually must live in that future and create that future. That has been the unique role of Mr. LaRouche and his uniqueness in
forecasting economics. He's not just talking about something that can be brought into existence based on figures that are already presented to you, but that the numbers have to be thrown out.
We're not waiting on the figures of the IMF or the stress tests or anything like this. The Four Laws represent a new direction for mankind that we now have to act to bring the future into existence. If you're going to do that, that means you have to
live in the future.
        I was thinking and very struck by Mr. LaRouche's works going back to his Presidential campaign in 1988. At that time, it's very pertinent to what is necessary for thinking about the future existence which we have to create, now, once and for all, that during that time, he presented in a TV broadcast called The Woman on Mars a vision for thirty-nine years from then, looking at the future in 2027 AD. [It opens with] the voice of a woman from Mars saying, "I have the announcement for which you have been waiting. As of five minutes ago, our environmental systems were fully stabilized. Man's first permanent colony on Mars is now completely operational." Mr. LaRouche comes on and he says, "Many of you are shocked. Some of you are saying, 'Why is this old geezer taking about a permanent colony on Mars, 39 years from
now, with the major budget problems in Washington today?'|"
        At that point in time, what he was actually presenting, was the greatest economic recovery plan for the nation and the world.
That is what these Four Laws today represent. They're not just Glass-Steagall, or something based on the current trends of monetary policy; they go outside of the current trends of thinking, into a new domain of human existence that has not yet
been created. I think that that is very important, because that's what we've lost sight of. In this day and age, too many people are living their lives based on their current state of existence — what they think is possible. You know, "Am I going to survive,
day to day? Where am I going to get my food from? How am I going to pay my next light bill?" And so forth.

        That is not the new paradigm that you want to live in. You want to actually be thinking about creating that future. This is the unique role that Mr. LaRouche's life and his contributions to true human economy have played, and the very critical role that great visionary scientists such as Krafft Ehricke, have really brought into existence.
        The fact of the matter is that, as you said, Matt, the current era of this British Empire, of this anti-growth system, is coming to an end. This monetary policy is not going to be the determining factor of the future. What is, is going to be the creative mind of man, unlike any other [species] to actually determine and act to bring about that future. Right now, none of the current existing trends, election process, candidates, or monetary policy mean one thing whatsoever in terms of the real
universe that we live in.
        I think that that's what we really have to get across to people; that people don't need to live discouraged about "Oh, what is life going to bring me? Am I going to be dealt a bad hand or a good hand?" Well, you better figure out what that hand is going to be, and determine it for yourself!

        OGDEN: One thing I wanted to just pick up on, what you said, Kesha. The idea of "willful action" is something which is inherent in the concept of the American republic. Citizens are not subjects. Just as we are not subjects of a king or a queen,
which was the consequence of the American Revolution, we're also not subjects of some hidden hand, "invisible hand" of fate or economics or statistics. This has been a problem in our population, where people have given up hope that their actions
can actually have a meaning. So, it's the decision to willfully create a future, and say "Despite the fact that the entire system — politically, socially, economically, financially – is crumbling around you, you have the presence of an entirely
different system which has already come into existence; has already materialized on this planet."  The most populous nations in the world are now leading that New Paradigm.
        We have news that Helga Zepp-LaRouche, president of the international Schiller Institute, has been a featured guest at a very important conference that happened in China just this week. This is the T-20 conference, or so-called "Think 20", which is
happening in the context of the G-20; it's a sort of think tank of private sector representatives from around the world.  And it was co-sponsored by the Chinese Academy for Social Sciences — actually a representative of that think tank spoke at the recent Schiller Institute conference that happened in Berlin; Ren Lin, on the subject of the One Belt, One Road policy.  But Helga LaRouche's presentation was to say that we need to now take the concept of the One Belt, One Road — the New Silk Road idea — and expand this to the entire planet.  This is the foundation for a New Paradigm of thinking, a New Paradigm of international relations, and a new idea of mankind's role in the Universe. It's founded on the win-win concept which is fundamentally different than what has reigned over the last 100 years virtually, as British imperial, winner-take-all kind of thinking.
So, the fact that this now exists as an option for mankind, is not an accident; this is the result of willful action that was taken by Helga LaRouche and Lyndon LaRouche at the time that the Soviet Union collapsed, to put this option on the table.  This is
the direct outgrowth of what was proposed at that time when Alfred Herrhausen was picking up on this idea of the Productive Triangle; using the reindustrialization of Eastern Europe, the former Soviet space, as the driver, as the engine for a revival
of the great economic powerhouse of the German economy and the rest of Western Europe.  This was expanded to the Eurasian Land-Bridge; and now exists in actuality — not just as future potential, but as actuality — in the form of this New Silk Road
        And the American people could so easily say, "We reject this system which is being forced upon us with both of these failed parties; and we are now going to say, 'We insist that our nation is going to become a member of this New Paradigm of relations among nations.'  And we will build the New Silk Road across the Bering Strait into the United States, and down into the entirety of the Western Hemisphere."

BRINKLEY:  Just to follow up on this discussion, Mr. LaRouche was discussing with us yesterday the question of the development of mankind; as Kesha was really emphasizing.  As we come right to the end of this system, what is missing?  A lot of people will say there's a problem; [but] it's beyond a problem, this is a total systemic breakdown.  So what is missing?  LaRouche really pointed to Einstein in particular and said, "For Einstein, he didn't use numbers to measure the Universe."  He said, "The creative powers of mankind are located in the same kind of thing Einstein used to measure the Universe."  If he didn't use numbers, what did he use?  This is a question where the same question is, where does a new idea come from?  What Einstein generated, no one had thought before him; so where did he come up with the means to make that hypothesis?  Something that, based on all human sense perception in previous human existence, no one had ever perceived anything that would tell them this concept, this new idea that Einstein generated.  Where did he come up with it from?  It's really the idea of getting rid of the standards of
measurement that were used generally by empiricism, by sense perception, by describing the Universe via senses.  Einstein said, I want to get beyond this and see what unifies these things; he used a principle of the Universe itself to measure. In so doing, he created a whole new level of power for mankind.
        So, this came from his mind; there wasn't even the ability to perceive what he hypothesized.  To test it experimentally did not even exist at the time; it's now being proven true 100 years later.  But this shows that the power of a human economy really doesn't come from the external sources people would think about it.  It obviously doesn't come from money; it doesn't come from petroleum; it doesn't come from helium-3; it doesn't come from nuclear fuel.  The power of an economy doesn't come from these objects; it comes from the new discovery generated in a mind to
utilize this new power.  This obviously is what has been attacked.  It was also the idea of Nicholas of Cusa, who generated the Renaissance; that is the quality of thinking we need now.
        Not business as usual, as you see at the Democratic or Republican conventions; we don't need to debate minimum wage or something like that.  We've discussed what the problem is with this discussion of minimum wage.  Even if you pay people more, do they have the ability to purchase the goods they need to survive?
Are the goods even there, available to be purchased?  Healthcare — it's not there; transportation — no, it's completely falling apart.  Our nation is really a disgrace compared to what's happening in Asia right now.  I think China's building over 100
nuclear plants in the next 10 years; while we've just shut down about 4. There's more that could be said, but maybe for now we should just open up the discussion; but I just also want to bring up again a Krafft Ehricke quote.  He also recognized the moment of change that mankind was in, even back in the 1970s, when we began to really adopt this environmentalist empiricism, lack of science, lack of intention towards growth.  He said, "To cease growing means to make the grim past the future's only option."
That's what we're living today; we're living the grim past. What he also said is that no growth goes with tension, it goes with conflict, and it goes with war. I think if people look around at the state of conflict on the planet, it's pervasive; this is a result of this lack of a sense of progress, and lack of a sense of mission.
        So, I'll just leave it at that; we can discuss it more.

        MEGAN BEETS:  Well, just to pick up, Rachel, on what you were just discussing, and also Kesha was pointing to in the fundamental principle underlying Mr. LaRouche's Four Laws; which is the fundamental distinction of the human mind from all other forms of existence.  I think it can be seen in the personality of Einstein, as you were saying Rachel; I think it can also be seen in the insights and the actions of Kepler.  Kepler said, in a very provocative letter to a patron of his, he said, "Not every hunch is wrong.  For man is in the image of the Creator, and it's very possible that in matters which pertain to the organization of the Universe, man thinks like the Creator."  And I think that really does get to what Einstein was able to do, and Kepler
himself did this with that principle as a foundation, generating from his mind a notion unique to his mind, of the principle which was organizing and governing our Solar System.  It was a completely new idea; he had never observed anything that clued
him into this.  This was a completely new notion; he discovered the principle of universal gravitation and completely revolutionized the powers of a kind. Mankind now lived in a new Universe.  That's the basis of economics.
        And I think it does get exactly to what Mr. LaRouche has been saying in the face of the collapse of this financial system. Nothing that would be attempted now to save the system – no bail-out measures, no bail-in measures, none of this will work; you cannot save an inherently valueless system.  You have to reorganize it upon the true principle of the source of value, which is the human mind's ability to discover new principles which create a new species.  And that's why you, Kesha, obviously know this first-hand; that's the importance of the space program. That's the importance of declaring that the space program is the number one commitment of the nation; to actually put this challenge to man's mind to go right up to the new frontier to
discover what we have not yet discovered in the forefront.  That then as the boundary, then reorganizes all the other relationships within your economy.  We saw a hint of that in the 1960s, under the influence of people like Krafft Ehricke with our space program here; although that was shut down.  Now, with the crumbling of this British Empire system, we have the opportunity — but also a very real responsibility with people who are around Mr. LaRouche and get this principle — to insure that this is the
direction humanity goes in now; this is not a foregone conclusion.

        OGDEN:  I liked this quote that was featured in what we have as the lead to the LaRouche PAC website today; a quote from Krafft Ehricke, I believe from a paper he wrote in 1966 – I might be wrong.  He is discussing the thrill of what it felt like to be standing on the threshold of a new era; recognizing when they first launched the successful launch of the most rudimentary, basic rocket, that this new era of rocket science was carrying mankind off of the planet.  Or had the potential to carry mankind off of the planet Earth and to open up an entirely new evolutionary moment, phase for the human species.  He compared it to Columbus discovering the New World; it actually reminded me of that poem "On First Looking into Chapman's Homer" by Keats, where he describes the awe of Cortez standing on the cliffs of Darien and looking at the Pacific.  The first European who had seen the Pacific Ocean from crossing over the territory of North America.  He also used the comparison of the astronomer who is the first to discover a new planet coming across the sky. So that thrill of discovery, not just the personal act of discovery of something new; but the recognition that this is a transformative moment for the human species, and that this is what makes us human.  It's those discontinuous moments from the
previous state to the future state, which have no logical consequence one from the other; but that moment, that transition, is the moment of humanity.  And that's what separates us from the animals.  Krafft Ehricke's description of that was the roar of
those engines, the recognition that mankind was about to become a space-faring creature; and it was the experience of what it means to be human itself.

        ROGERS:  And yes, once again, living in the future; creating the future.  Remember, Krafft Ehricke writing in 1966, looking back from the year 2000; he died in 1984.  This was a vision that was being brought into existence that had not yet happened; but was in the mind of Krafft Ehricke as a living principle, as a living idea.  Now, as you said earlier, Matt, that vision is now being brought into reality by the New Paradigm that's being created by Russia, by China.  It is the United States that now has no excuses not to join aboard and join with that New Paradigm that is already at our fingertips.  It's very fascinating to see.
This is the economic recovery; this is the largest economic recovery program — the space program.  It's much greater than anything that even John F Kennedy thought about; Kennedy wasn't the be all and end all with the Apollo missions, and he wasn't
going to stop there.  He had a greater vision; just as Krafft Ehricke, just as LaRouche, based on a human economy.  And this idea of the imagination and what was created in the mind of Krafft Ehricke with the colonies [on the Moon], the nuclear power
systems, the development of fusion economies and helium-3 systems on Mars and Venus and other places.  This is the basis of a real economy; a human economy from that standpoint.  It's very much what our conception and idea has to be based on. And that's the Four Laws; that's the principle of the Four Laws that we really have to get across to people.
        It's good that Glass-Steagall is being implemented in both parties' platforms; but now what are people willing to do?  Are you still going to accept the policy economically of zero growth? Are you still going to accept the policy of fascism, of war? What does Glass-Steagall mean when you actually are going along with this insane policy; when you're not thinking about your children's and your grandchildren's futures?

OGDEN:  One thing that came out of the Schiller Institute Berlin conference that we've been discussing — it was about a month ago if not more now — Helga LaRouche keynoted it, obviously, and said, Look, we're at a time in history where an entirely new principle of action is operating; it's a principle of history which is not understood by most people.  She characterized it as the Erinyes, or the principle of nemesis; where all of the failed axioms that have been enforced over the last decades in a system which is now crumbling in on itself, are taking down the very people who enforced those failed axioms.  This was seen with Tony Blair with the release of the Chilcot Report; the major victory with the release of the 28 pages, which is something which goes back even before 9/11 to Mr. LaRouche's broadcast in 1999 of the "Storm Over Asia" broadcast.  This made very clear that there was a very high-level nefarious apparatus that was being run by the Anglo-Saudi nexus, using these mercenary forces for irregular warfare against countries around the world.
        Now, you see that playing out; and I think it's very significant that there's been a drastic shift in the situation on the ground in Syria.  Aleppo, which was actually the subject of a video presentation which was shown at that Schiller Institute, it's one of the most ancient cities; a UNESCO World Heritage site.  It was the crossroads of the old Silk Road; it's situated right in between the three continents.  Aleppo had obviously been held by these terrorists for years; and the action in just the last days by the Syrian government with the back-up of the Russian air force, stationed at Latakia, to be able to come in and begin liberating that city of Aleppo in the same way that Palmyra was liberated, is a real turning point in the war on the ground against the outgrowth of this very mercenary Army-type of irregular force that Mr. LaRouche was warning about all the way back in 1998-99.
        Again, the role that Vladimir Putin is playing in this regard, is a critical role.  I kind of want to link these two things together a little bit.  Mr. LaRouche's prescription for how Europe could possibly survive this entire blow-out of these
completely over-leveraged banks and the disintegration of the political situation itself with the aftermath of the Brexit, was that there needs to be a close collaboration between Germany and Putin in Russia.  What Putin is doing in Russia is the pathway
forward for Europe.  An entire integration of the Asian Economic Union, the New Silk Road, and what remains of the mittelstand, or the industrial sector of Germany, which is viable.
        As you're looking at this complete meltdown, this complete disintegration which could come within days or hours, of Deutsche Bank — the biggest bank in Germany; Monte dei Paschi, the oldest bank in Italy; action must be taken in the very short term.  Not just from the standpoint of stabilizing a collapsing financial system and transforming it into an entirely new system of economics; but also as a critical war avoidance measure.  If these steps are not taken, and Germany is allowed to disintegrate under the weight of a collapsing Deutsche Bank, for example; there will be no pathway forward for the kind of collaboration between sane factors in Germany for example, and what Putin is doing in Russia.  And the force for stability and peace that Russia has represented will not — the access will not be there. So, I think you have to take all of this strategic picture together, and not separate any element of it; and be able to see it from the top down as Mr. LaRouche sees it, and say "Necessary
actions must be taken to resolve the root crises, the root causes of the crises that we now face."
        I'll stress again, this factor of what has been occurring inside of Syria, as these series of regime-change wars, this is the evidence of the breakdown of a system which is evil; a system which is creating the possibility for failed states across that
region.  This is driving millions of refugees out of their homelands into Europe; it cannot be sustained.  An entirely New Paradigm — it can't be resolved piecemeal, which is the point. You can't just say we're going to address this situation here and
address that situation there; but new axiomatic approaches to the entire concept of the system must be in place, and it must be premised on this central feature of what the Four Laws are a derivative of — which is this unique character of man to willfully create new modes of existence for the human species.
        BRINKLEY:  Any type of practical discussion as opposed to that, just needs to be gotten rid of.  We really do need a quality of courage.  It's obvious out there right now what Obama has been doing in promoting and protecting terrorism.  We now
have the 28 pages out, and the Democrats are still kissing Obama's butt; and the Republicans are going over to Trump.  This is crazy, given the truth which has come out that one of our so-called allies, including the British Empire, attacked our
nation in an act of war; and the President who covered that up is still being allowed to be President.  So, this is the question of practicality; which is another symptom of this higher question involved in the discussion of the creation of new states.  You have to be bold; you have to be able to take bold actions as well.  One thing LaRouche said that was insightful about the practical man, he said, "The practical man created nothing but his own noise and fools who believed in his noise."  I think people can think of a few examples of that today; but definitely Wall Street for one.  Anyone protecting Wall Street and anyone saying you've got to go along to get along with party politics or something like this; that's all dead, that's all obsolete at this moment.
        OGDEN:  Just returning to what Mr. LaRouche said about the actions that must be taken around Glass-Steagall, this is the result; the very fact that this is in both party platforms is the result of the leadership that I think both of you have represented over the course of the last almost decade.  Both you, Rachel, and Kesha have run very prominent campaigns for Federal office; and the fact that Rachel, you took on Barney Frank and really refuted all of his arguments against Glass-Steagall on live television; this is what made this a household word.  And then Kesha, your campaign around NASA in Texas was a transformative campaign; it was national in scope and
international in its effects.  The reason why we have the LaRouche PAC Policy Committee, which both Kesha and Rachel are representatives of, is that you do have the deliberative body existing in this country — represented not exclusively by
members of the Policy Committee — but represented by the type of thinking that this Policy Committee has been able to achieve over the course of the last several years as public figures in your own right.
        People must not despair; the belief in the kind of party politics and go along to get along pragmatism is what demoralizes people in this country.  But every time the kind of leadership which Rachel and Kesha represented in their campaigns is
exhibited, you see the American people wake up, just light up. Because that's reminiscent of the kind of leadership that used to be quintessentially American:  John F Kennedy; Robert Kennedy; what Franklin Roosevelt was able to do to draw people from the depths of not just an economic depression, but a widespread emotional depression that had taken hold of the American people in the aftermath of the '29 stock market crash.  And to pull those people up and to turn that generation into the most productive generation that this country had ever seen, that should be enough to give us confidence that through the bold and assertive implementation of the principles behind these Four Laws, not just the words in the effect, but the principles which these are hinged upon; rooted deep within the American System ideas of Alexander Hamilton.  Through the application of this, we could see — this generation of Americans could actually see themselves as becoming once again the most productive, most optimistic, most creative generation that this country has ever seen; in collaboration with what's coming out of China in that regard and all of the other countries that have been touched by this vision.
        So, it's not abstract that we're discussing the figures of Krafft Ehricke or Albert Einstein; who themselves were critical personalities in the context of what Franklin Roosevelt was accomplishing or what John F Kennedy was accomplishing.  It was
that spark of creative optimism which, coming from a few individual geniuses such as that, actually lit the fires of optimism and creativity throughout the entirety of the American people.  That can be done again.
        ROGERS: Yes, and all these figures who you just named, who at a very young age, dedicated their lives to a mission, just as LaRouche did. And right now, we're recruiting people to our team; we need the young people to actually take responsibility and dedicate their lives to this very mission of acting to shape the future.  Because the reality is, the people who are being strongly affected by this destructive policy under Obama and Bush that we've been seeing for far too long, are particularly the young people.  They have to not accept this; and they have to make the determination that they're going to be a part – as others throughout the nation and the world — of shaping and bringing about the future that they want to see.

OGDEN:  Megan mentioned the person of Johannes Kepler. This was Einstein's inspiration; he wrote this paper on the 400th anniversary of the death of Johannes Kepler.  It was exactly Kepler's ability that nobody else had seen; or to see the
Universe from an angle which nobody else had even attempted to see it from, was the type of thinking that Albert Einstein practiced as almost a religious devotion.  It's the ability to say, "No; mankind does have the ability not to look up at the world from the standpoint of the animals that crawl on the ground, but to look down at the Universe through the eyes of the Creator." To be seeing the world through the eyes of the Creator means to see the infinite potential; there is no limit in terms of what's possible in terms of growth and potential in a creative Universe. You can guarantee that a Creator of that Universe, who does not live in time but lives outside of and above time – as Einstein himself was enabled to do; sees, that that infinite potential is there.  But it hinges on the willful ability of a species such as man to act to unlock that creative potential; to unlock the future.  So, the vision and the faith that comes with that kind of way of thinking is what carries great geniuses such as Einstein, Kepler, Krafft Ehricke, others to be able to see the world from the standpoint of not the extrapolated future; but a future which nobody else have ever dreamed of existing.
        Kesha, you might want to bring this up. You have mentioned earlier that there was this conference that took place in Germany, celebrating the legacy of Gottfried Leibniz and some of the remarks that were made there.  Maybe that would be important.
        ROGERS:  Unfortunately, I don't have those remarks right in front of me; maybe Megan does.  This was a conference on the 370th birthday anniversary of Leibniz, that was being discussed today from developments that we heard of today.  One of the representatives was a Chinese Leibniz scholar, and he was
actually expressing the idea of Leibniz's conception of happiness.  Megan, do you have that there?  Because I though it really encapsulates what we've been speaking of here.
        BEETS:  So this was a gentleman named Wenchao Li, who is from the University; he's a China-born Leibniz specialist at the University of Hannover. He said, "For our own happiness, or the happiness of others, we can only be happy if others are happy, too. What it is about is human beings; other cultures. It is about the common good of all." That was actually how they opened this conference commemorating Leibniz.  I think it's significant, because often times these conferences can be sort of insular and limited to a certain academic community.  But this clearly reflects the principle of humanity that Leibniz represented; and it's also clearly resonating with the potential of the New Paradigm today.
        ROGERS:  Over 400 scientists from around the world, and this is an expression of what the space program truly exemplifies; it is the expression of happiness, of an end to conflict, an end to wars, and a true expression of what it is to be truly human.
Right now, if we're going to put an end to the hostilities and war drive and so forth, the greatest basis that we have to do that is through cooperation in space exploration.  That is the means of happiness that we can bring about to the existence of all mankind. I thought that that was clearly expressed in that quote and in the theme that was brought up in that conference.
        BEETS: I think this really is the challenge to the American people. Everything we've been discussing is couched in how you opened, Matt, with the financial meltdown. What was brought up about the very real danger of the war being driven by the British Empire as their system comes apart. I think the challenge to the
American people is the issue of courage; of realizing that what we've been discussing here today as the true nature of the human mind. That is reality; the Presidential election is not reality. Voting is not reality; it's whether people have the guts today to
admit LaRouche is right. And to stand and organize with us. And I think the call is put out to everyone to stand and organize with us now; now is the moment to bring this New Paradigm into existence in the United States, which is really the lynchpin in
the entire global picture right now.
        OGDEN: OK. That's a conclusion that we can take as the final word here. I would like to ask everybody to please subscribe to the LaRouche PAC YouTube channel; there are actually two channels. This is the LaRouche PAC Live; there's also a channel [called] LaRouche PAC videos, which has a lot more of the substantial, lengthy presentations that we've put together. So, if you haven't subscribed to either one of those yet, please subscribe to both. This is really central to our ability to build the kind of mass movement of intellectual courage which will continue to place LaRouche PAC in the center of creating the vision for the future of the United States.
        So, I'd like to thank you both, Kesha and Rachel, for joining us via video here today; and thanks to Megan for joining me in the studio. Thank you for tuning in. 

Please stay tuned, and we'll see you next Monday. 

Good night.

LaRouches Fire Love:
Menneskets enestående natur

28. juli, 2016 (Leder) – Kun en vedtagelse af Lyndon LaRouches »Fire Nye Love til USA's Omgående Redning« fra 8. juni 2014 kan redde det transatlantiske område fra »en krise med et kædereaktionsagtigt, generelt, fysisk-økonomisk sammenbrud«. Hvis I agter at være mere end blot tilskuere, eller det, der er værre, til denne fremstormende krise, må I læse og forstå de Fire Love.

Det, som jeg håber at opnå her, er om muligt at forbedre jeres indsigt i den store forudsætning, der ligger bag LaRouches Fire Love. Denne forudsætning, som han gør det klart, er den menneskelige arts natur, som er aldeles unik i hele universet. Det er kun mennesket, der skaber nye, hidtil usete og ellers umulige former for eksistens. Kun mennesket skaber fremtiden; kun mennesket skaber menneskehedens fremtidige eksistens; og kun mennesket skaber selve den menneskelige kreativitet.

Den sande menneskelige natur er mest tilgængelig for visionære videnskabsfolk – og der findes ingen sand videnskabsmand, der ikke samtidig er visionær.

Rumpionéren Krafft A. Ehricke, der blev en nær samarbejdspartner til Lyndon og Helga LaRouche i 1980’erne, var en sådan visionær videnskabsmand. I sine skrifter fra de tidlige 1950’eres mørke dage (i første bind af sit værk, »Rumfart«) rakte han tilbage gennem millioner af års evolution for at genkalde »den enorme præstation«, som »liv, der havde sin oprindelse i havet« havde gennemgået »for at tilpasse sig til livet på landjorden«. Han sammenlignede det med, at mennesket tog skridtet ud i rummet – ikke gennem biologisk evolution, men ved hjælp af den nye egenskab, som er det menneskelige intellekt.

 Tanker som disse gennemsyrede rumpionérerne – det vides, at Wernher von Braun sammenlignede Neil Armstrongs første skridt på månens overflade med den »enorme indsats«, som det tog for livet at bevæge sig fra havet og op på land.

I et storslået værk skrevet i 1966, hvor man fra år 2000 ser tilbage på menneskets fremskridt i rummet siden 1966, sagde Krafft Ehricke, at der nu (i 2000) i gennemsnit letter to rumflyvninger om måneden fra Jorden til andre dele af solsystemet – samt uden sammenligning mange flere opsendelser af satellitter og måneraketter. De fleste af de rumskibe, der rejser gennem solsystemet, får deres energi fra kontrolleret fusion, der bruger deuterium/helium-3-reaktionen. Ehricke nævner ikke bare denne reaktion; han forklarer detaljeret selve reaktionen og hvordan den kan kontrolleres og bruges til raketmotorer. Men han bemærker, at deuterium/helium-3-reaktionen ikke vil indtage førstepladsen ret længe – for mennesket er allerede på vej til at mestre stof/antistof-reaktioner.

I en mindeværdig passage genkalder Ehricke, hvordan mennesket havde gjort sig fri af det 20. århundredes dødskult for i stedet at tage imod sin nye frihed med åbne arme.
»Vi her i år 2000 ser tilbage på det 20. århundrede som de år, i hvilke den nye æra endelig blev født efter i århundreder at være blevet udruget i mange nationers store mænds og kvinders hjerte og intellekt. Det 20. århundrede er den kløft, der adskiller den gamle æras sidste århundrede og den nye æras første århundrede, hvor værdier, anskuelser og referencerammer er helt anderledes. Fødselsstunden, det være sig af et nyt liv eller en ny æra, er sandhedens time, hvor man udfordres af smerte, tvivl og frygt, og hvor intensiteten af disses voldsomme angreb forårsager, at de kompenserende kræfter styrke, tillid og mod når sjældne højder af intensitet og kraft. Verden synes at bryde sammen under denne dødskamp, som denne ubarmhjertige konfrontation mellem det gamle og det nye skaber. Rumalderens storslåede symboler, nemlig raketteknologi, kernekraftteknologi og moderne elektronisk teknologi, blev født under Aden Verdenskrigs mørke dage. Men eftersom krig aldrig vil kunne tolerere fred, forblev raketterne at være våbenmissiler, indretningerne til kernekraft vedblev at være atombomber, og radaren ophørte aldrig med at være det øre, der ængsteligt lyttede efter dødssignaler fra den ’den anden sides’ fjendtlige verden. Fortiden var tabt, fremtiden endnu ikke vundet; og menneskeheden skælvede i feberrystelser, skabt af den fjendtlighed, det had og den dødsfrygt, som blev sluppet løs under de på hinanden følgende krige og konfrontationer.

Disse var kendsgerningerne.

Konfronteret med disse kendsgerninger nægtede en lille gruppe mennesker af forskellig nationalitet i alle disse år at opgive deres vision om, at missiler kan forvandles til rumfartøjer, kernekraft kan blive til en energi, der kan sende rumfartøjer til andre verdener, og radarbølger kan rapportere om spændende opdagelser fra det ydre rum.  Det, de foreslog, kunne i begyndelsen synes upraktisk, irrelevant og uden praktisk anvendelse eller belønning. Men ved vi nu, at de havde bygget deres sag på et solidt grundlag af langtrækkende logik og realisme. Rummet blev en meget virkelig udfordring for mennesket; og der var ingen vej tilbage til de gamle dage. Det er der aldrig. [reference: »Solar Transportation«, American Astronautical Society Science and Technology Series, vol. 10, Space Age in Fiscal Year 2001, An American Astronautical Society Publication, 1967, p. 164]

Lad os afslutte med Krafft Ehrickes genfortælling af rumalderens begyndelse med den første, succesfulde opsendelse af den første, kosmiske raket, den tyske A-4, senere benævnt V-2, den 3. oktober, 1942.

»De var i ‘det vilde vestens tid’ for raketter og rumfart. Man behøvede ikke at være på milevid afstand. Man kunne praktisk talt stå ved siden af raketten, og selv befandt jeg mig på taget af et af højhusene og kiggede rent faktisk ned på affyrings-komplekset på blot et par hundrede meters afstand. Så kom nedtællingen og antændingen. Raketten lettede med et brøl. Den steg lige op, og selvfølgelig skreg vi alle af fryd. Den var ikke eksploderet på affyringsrampen. Styringssystemet syntes at fungere … det så ud som et fyrrigt sværd, der gik lige op i himlen. Så kom det enorme brøl – hele himlen syntes at vibrere. Denne overjordiske brølende lyd var noget, som menneskelige øren aldrig [før] havde hørt.

Ved I hvad, det er meget svært at beskrive, hvad man føler, når man står på tærsklen til en helt ny æra, en helt ny tidsalder, som man ved vil komme. Det er sådan, de mennesker må have følt – Columbus eller Magellan – som for første gang så helt nye verdener, og som vidste, at verden herefter aldrig ville blive den samme … Det er den følelse, som mange af os havde.

For mig var det absolut overvældende. Jeg var lige ved at falde ned fra taget, så spændt var jeg.

Da vi kom ned sammen, lykønskede vi hinanden. Vi vidste, at rumalderen var begyndt, og dr. Dornberger holdt på det tidspunkt en meget bevægende tale og sagde, »Godt så, dette er nøglen til Universet. Dette er rumalderens dag ét«.

[reference: Marsha Freeman, Krafft Ehricke's Extraterrestrial Imperative, Apogee Books, 2008, p. 16].


Foto: Buzz Aldrin i færd med at blive det andet menneske, der sætter fod på Månen.

Lyndon LaRouche:
Produktivitetsraterne skal i vejret – i modsat
fald overlever hverken USA eller Europa

25. juli, 2016 (Leder) – London/Wall Street-banksystemet har kurs mod et krak, og den grundlæggende årsag er den fuldstændige stagnation af den økonomiske vækst, men navnlig stagnationen i produktiviteten i de europæiske og amerikanske økonomier.

Den amerikanske finansminister Jack Lew bragte sit embede i miskredit ved det nyligt afsluttede G20-møde i Kina, da han opfordrede de andre lande til at gøre alt, hvad der stod i deres magt, for at øge deres økonomiske vækst, men sagde, at den amerikanske økonomi ikke behøver nye forholdsregler til kreditudstedelse eller investering. Den økonomiske vækst i USA er så lav, at Lew har behov for at bruge europæisk nulvækst til at puste sig selv op. Kina – hvis økonomiske fremgang og kredit har holdt verden oppe i et årti, og hvis økonomiske vækst er fire gange den amerikanske – sagde sandheden ved dette møde: »Situationen i den globale økonomi er dyster«, som Kinas handelsminister sagde.

Kina fortsætter med at skabe store mængder kombineret offentlig og privat kreditudstedelse (estimeret til $240 milliarder alene i juni) til investeringer såvel i Kina, langs med det Økonomiske Silkevejsbælte og den Maritime Silkevej, samt i Afrika, Mellemøsten og Sydamerika – såvel som også til sit rumforsknings- og teknologiprogram, det mest dynamiske i verden i dag. Men de finansielle kræfter i London og på Wall Street, der gør verdensøkonomien »dyster«, skramler fortsat henimod et nyt finansielt krak med en økonomi, der ikke har nogen kapitalinvestering, er uden produktivitet og uden profit.

EIR’s stiftende redaktør, Lyndon LaRouche, lagde ikke i fingrene imellem i sin kommentar til Lews forsvar for en død økonomi. »At sætte den form for standard betyder i virkeligheden fallit«, sagde LaRouche.

Den politik må lukkes ned. Produktivitetsraterne for de realøkonomiske aktiviteter skal i vejret igen – ellers vil det hele eksplodere. USA og Europa vil ikke overleve. De kan overleve, hvis man gør, hvad der skal gøres. Og det er at sørge for, at videnskab bliver motoren for økonomiens reelle produktivitet.

Det er ligeledes videnskab, der vil være motor for menneskers og husstandes reelle indkomststigninger.

Studier af USA’s økonomiske historie kalder perioden 1935-1970 for »amerikansk produktivitets guldalder« på grund af den totale produktivitets vedvarende vækstfaktor – en vækst i produktiviteten, der kan tilskrives teknologiske fremskridt snarere end blot anvendelse af flere arbejdstimer og mere kapital. Væksten kulminerede under Franklin Roosevelts New Deal og de store infrastrukturprojekter med benævnelsen »De Fire Hjørner«, der voksede med 3,3 % om året. Det voksede stadig med lige under 3 % om året i 1960’erne under JFK, med det måske vigtigste infrastrukturprojekt af dem alle, nemlig NASA’s Apolloprogram, der bragte mennesket til Månen med et potentiale til at nå endnu længere ud.

IMF, den Europæiske Centralbank og USA’s Nationale Kontor for Økonomisk Forskning taler konstant om den totale produktivitets vækstfaktor og følger den nøje, alt imens de overhovedet ikke er i stand til at frembringe en sådan vækstfaktor. IMF har netop rapporteret, at, i årtierne under Bush og Obama var denne vækstfaktor i USA var 0,5 % om året, og at nu, i 2016, er den omkring nul. I »højproduktive« Tyskland, har den også været på 0,5 % om året.

Kina, som sagde sandheden ved G20 om den globale økonomis »dystre tilstand«, har haft en vækstfaktor i den totale produktivitet på 3,1 % om året siden 2004, ifølge den seneste undersøgelse, der er foretaget ved Harvard. Det er, hvad den Nye Silkevej og det kinesiske måneprogram skaber.

LaRouche har siden 2013 udtrykt dette behov som »de fire love«: Genindfør Glass/Steagall-bankregulering (begge de politiske partier er nu, på papiret, enige med ham). Skab statslige institutioner til udstedelse af ny kredit, der er rettet mod vækst i produktiviteten. Invester i de mest højteknologiske infrastrukturprojekter, med rumforskning i spidsen. Fokusér på at skabe gennembrud i videnskabens fremskudte grænse, som er videnskab og teknologi inden for termonuklear fusion, inklusive fusionskraft og fissions/fusions-fremdrift til rejser i rummet.

»I modsat fald vil det hele eksplodere. USA og Europa vil ikke overleve.«

Kinas forpligtende engagement mht. at forøge hele befolkningens arbejdskrafts produktive evne, som eksemplificeres i bygningen af De Tre Slugters dæmning, som ses afbildet her, har resulteret i en vækstrate fire gange så stor, som den aktuelle vækstrate i USA.

EU er bankerot, og sammenbrud er ikke en reaktion på Brexit:
Valget er klart; vi behøver et Nyt Paradigme,
med globalt samarbejde om udvikling,
med Rusland og Kina, og Europa og USA!

Så vi ser nu, mht. efter denne afstemning, indikationer på det fortsatte sammenbrud i Europa og det transatlantiske system, der allerede var i gang; men på den anden side har vi noget fuldstændigt bemærkelsesværdigt, der introduceres. Vi ser Putin og Modi – Indiens premierminister, præsident Xi i Kina, SCO-topmødet i denne weekend og indgåelsen af massive aftaler for økonomisk samarbejde og udvikling, inklusive samarbejde om rummet. Spørgsmålet lyder, hvor er USA i alt dette? Ideen om, at renæssance-begrebet om menneskeheden, baseret på denne identitet med at skabe fremtiden og genoprette en moralsk værdi i samfundet, ses direkte i det, som Rusland og Kina gør netop nu; og hvorfor dette er et krav til USA’s moral, der er af afgørende betydning, om, at USA skal ændre dette og tilslutte sig denne kurs.

Download (PDF, Unknown)


BREXIT-afstemning er langt alvorligere og mere
dødbringende end blot en reaktion. Vi må levere det
nødvendige lederskab for at undgå krig. LaRouchePAC
Internationale Fredags-webcast, 24. juni 2016. Video, engelsk

Det er i dag den 24. juni, 2016 – en særdeles lovende dato. Det er en meget, meget farlig periode, og vi står med ekstraordinære udviklinger på hånden. Det kunne vel næppe være tydeligere netop nu, forskellen mellem sammenstillingen med det døde-og-døende transatlantiske system, centreret omkring den Europæiske Union; og så fremtiden med det Eurasiske System. På den ene side, med det totale sammenbrud og den bogstavelige disintegration af det europæiske system – briternes exit af den Europæiske Union, samt det transatlantiske finansielle systems totale bankerot, der nu afsløres. Og, på den anden side, Vladimir Putins og Xi Jinpings igangværende indsats for en konsolidering og sammensmeltning af den Eurasiske Økonomiske Union, den Nye Silkevej, og hele verden centreret omkring Stillehavet, som Lyndon LaRouche i mange årtier har arbejdet hen imod, i form af samarbejde mellem de store nationer Rusland, Kina, Indien og andre. Valget er meget, meget klart.

Engelsk udskrift.

(En oversættelse af første del af webcastet følger snarest. Bliv på kanalen! -red.)


LaRouche PAC Webcast, June 24, 2016

        MATTHEW OGDEN:  Good afternoon!  It's June 24th, 2016. My
name is Matthew Ogden, and you're joining us for our weekly
LaRouchePAC Friday evening webcast. I'm joined in the studio by
Ben Deniston from the LaRouchePAC Science Team; and via video, by
three members of our Policy Committee: Diane Sare, from New York
City; Kesha Rogers, from Houston, TX; and Rachel Brinkley, from
Boston, MA.
        Today is June 24th, 2016 — a very auspicious date. It's a
very, very dangerous period, and we have extraordinary
developments on our hands. I think it could not be more clear
right now the distinction between the juxtaposition of the
dead-and-dying trans-Atlantic system, centered in the European
Union; and the future, of the Eurasian system. On one hand, with
the complete breakdown and {literal} disintegration of the
European system — the exit by the British from the European
Union, and the complete bankruptcy which is now being exposed of
the trans-Atlantic financial system. And on the other hand, the
ongoing efforts by Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping to consolidate
and coalesce the Eurasian Economic Union, the New Silk Road, and
the entire Pacific-centered world that Lyndon LaRouche has been
working towards for many decades in the form of the collaboration
between the great nations of Russia, China, India, and others.
The choice is very, very clear.
        Earlier today we had a discussion with Mr. LaRouche. He was
very emphatic to emphasize that the crash that we're now seeing
in the trans-Atlantic financial system must be blamed on Obama.
This is not something which can be construed as a reaction to an
event, but in fact the bankruptcy of the trans-Atlantic financial
system was already a reality before this [Brexit] vote even
occurred. This is not a reaction, he said. This is something
that's much more dangerous, and much more serious, and much more
deadly, especially when you consider the fact that Obama is
continuing to push the world towards the brink of thermonuclear
war with the emerging Eurasian system of Russia and China.
        Mr. LaRouche said we're experiencing a complete change in
the whole fundamental situation. Everything is now going towards
a crash. And it's not because of a reaction to an event, but it
was already pre-determined. Mr. LaRouche said, "We're on the edge
of thermonuclear war, which under the current circumstances Putin
would probably win; but Obama is insane enough to continue to
push the world in that direction." He said, "Putin is currently
in charge, in terms of his role being hegemonic. That was very
clear by the recently concluded events in the St. Petersburg
International Economic Forum, and then the bilateral meetings
that are going to happen this weekend between Putin and Xi
        Mr. LaRouche said, "We're on the edge of something very big.
You must get Obama out! It's very dangerous to have him in office
under these circumstances. Our job is to calmly bring a solution
to this crisis from inside of our role here in the United States,
with Putin playing a key leadership role internationally. We are
in a position," Mr. LaRouche said, "to enter into a phase in
which a solution is possible."
        Now, I want to open up the discussion; I want to invite
Diane to elaborate a little bit more on the role that Obama,
together with David Cameron, played in creating the circumstances
that we are now observing in terms of the aftermath of the

        DIANE SARE:  Well, everyone has heard of the famous
expression "the kiss of death"; and Obama delivered this in
London on April 22nd when he went there for two purposes.  One
was to express his firm support for Great Britain remaining in
the EU; and I'm going to read his exact comments, so that there's
no question on that.  And then also, to celebrate the birthday of
Her Majesty the Queen, whom he says is one of his favorite people
— I'm reading from his remarks; and he said, "And we should be
fortunate enough to reach 90, may we be as vibrant as she is. She
is an astonishing person and a real jewel to the world; not just
to the United Kingdom."  And in fact, that has been Mr.
LaRouche's point — that the Queen of England does not see her
realm as the United Kingdom; she's been trying to run a global
dictatorship, and Barack Obama is one of her tools.  And like a
typical malignant narcissist, Obama either intended to crash the
entire system; or is blithely unaware of how despised he is.  So,
at a joint press conference at 10 Downing Street with a British
Prime Minister who is now resigning, David Cameron, Obama admits
he said, "Yes, the Prime Minister and I discussed the upcoming
referendum here on whether or not the UK should remain part of
the European Union.  Let me be clear:  Ultimately, this is
something that the British voters have to decide for themselves;
but as part of our special relationship, part of being friends is
to be honest and to let you know what I think.  And speaking
honestly, the outcome of that decision is a matter of deep
interest to the United States; because it affects our prospects
as well.  The United States wants a strong United Kingdom as a
partner, and the United Kingdom is at its best when it's helping
to lead a strong Europe.  It leverages UK power to be part of the
European Union."  And then he adds:  "Let me be clear.  As I
wrote in the op-ed here today, I don't believe the EU moderates
British influence in the world, it magnifies it.  The EU has
helped to spread British values and practices across the
continent.  The single market brings extraordinary benefits to
the United Kingdom; and that ends up being good for America,
because we're more prosperous when one of our best friends and
closest allies has a strong, stable, and growing economy."
        So presumably, the time between April and this referendum
was enough for people to stop vomiting and make it to the polls,
and vote to get out of the European Union as quickly as possible;
which is what many of them did.

        OGDEN:  Well, I think also, according to what Mr. LaRouche
said — and this is absolutely the case — the crash was already
happening.  It's a faulty view of history to say, "Well, an event
happened, and therefore there was a reaction."  And Mr. LaRouche
is saying, the problem is that people think in terms of
reactions; one thing happens and then another thing happens.  In
fact, Europe was already bankrupt.  Think about what was already
happening.  You had major European banks refusing to put their
money into the ECB; you had negative interest rates at the ECB,
which is an unprecedented, never-before-happened event in the
history of that system.  And you had a complete breakdown of the
ability of both the European and the American workforce to be
able to have productive jobs or anything of that means.  So, we
already were in a complete bankruptcy of this entire
trans-Atlantic financial system; and now today, it is more clear
than ever that the New Paradigm — which is represented by
Vladimir Putin's and Xi Jinping's collaboration; the combination
between the Eurasian Economic Union and the New Silk Road policy
of China, which is based not on an idea of rival blocs or
economic competition or something like that.  It's based on the
idea of a win-win collaboration.  Now's the time for the European
countries and for the United States to finally reject this Obama
paradigm; and say we are going to join this New Paradigm.  And
many other nations in Europe could follow very closely behind
Britain and leave the European Union, since it's now clear that
it's a completely bankrupt institution.

KESHA ROGERS:  And Obama can follow behind Cameron and leave the
United States immediately.  What you're seeing right now, as Mr.
LaRouche once said, is the end of a delusion; an end of a dead
system.  And the end of an era of a zero-growth paradigm; which
has dominated the culture and society for far too long.  And it
actually goes against the true essence of our nature and being as
human beings.  And this is exactly the strategic conception of
man and the fundamental understanding of human beings that Putin
actually understands; and those who are taking this direction of
the New Paradigm forward.  Because it's based in the identity for
the future, of actually creating the future.
        I just wanted to say that tomorrow, there will be several
meetings, including one I'm going to be hosting here around the
space program and the identity of the great mind of Krafft
Ehricke.  The title of the event is going to be "Free Mankind
from Terrorism and War; Embrace Krafft Ehricke's Age of Reason".
I think that's where we are right now; the question is, can we
bring about an age of reason by getting the population to
understand that what they have accepted in terms of the policy of
dictatorship and backward, degenerate culture that we have been
under for the last 15 years.  Namely, with the destructive and
murderous policies of 9/11, that have not to this day been
brought to justice; and 9/11 never ended.  That's why Obama is
continuing to get away with the murderous policies that are
influencing the entire world right now.  That we haven't brought
these crimes to the forefront; that we haven't brought the
perpetrators of these crimes — Obama, the Saudis, the British —
to justice and actually declared that we are going to join with
this New Paradigm.  That's what really has to come across right
        The conception of Krafft Ehricke is very crucial in
understanding what has to be the turning point for the thinking
and identity of our nation, based on its foundation around being
the example of a true Renaissance culture.  When you think about
the Apollo mission, and you think about what we did with the
space program; and why Obama has targetted the space program.  It
wasn't a matter of opinion or a budgetary question; it was a
direct targetting on this potential for human progress and to
continue to promote this zero-growth paradigm.  What we're seeing
right now is that Russia and China are saying that this is not
the direction that we will allow and have mankind to go in; we're
going to actually develop and promote the true conception of what
human destiny actually is.
        So, what you see right now in terms of after this vote
indicating the further breakdown of Europe and the trans-Atlantic
system, which was already in the process on the opposite side,
you have something that is completely remarkable being brought
in.  Putin and Modi — the Prime Minister of India, President Xi
Jinping in China, the SCO summit this weekend, and the signing of
massive agreements for economic cooperation and development,
including space collaboration.  The question is, where is the
United States in this?  The idea that the Renaissance conception
of mankind based on this identity of creating the future and
restoring a moral value to society, is seen directly in what
Russia and China are doing right now; and why this is a critical
call to the moral of the United States to change that and to join
with that direction.

        RACHEL BRINKLEY:  Another important aspect is what is the
solution; what are the new systems.  And the question of the
space collaboration between Russia and China is not just over a
few projects; this is what they emphasized over the last few
days.  They're looking at two things — space travel for one, and
space station collaboration for two; and also with an emphasis on
health and the implications [of space] on human bodies.  So,
these are big questions; these are not just, let's put a rover
and test geology or something.  This is looking at how the
Universe works, how the Solar System works, how the human body
works; and saying that this is going to have implications on
Earth in medicine, to give people a sense that this is how
mankind makes advances.
        This has to be in the context of the question of Alexander
Hamilton, which LaRouche has emphasized, and he recently made the
point that what was it that was important about Hamilton?  He
said, what he did in Philadelphia, what he did in creating the
Constitutional system of the United States.  He knew that it
wasn't just the military victory that would enable the United
States to survive; the intention of the United States was to be a
system that created a better future for every single individual,
not a slave system.  So, he created the inherent economics of
political economy to create that better future; and that is what
the discussion is right now.  This is not just Russia and China
making some oil deals, or a new pipeline or something like that;
it's actually above nations as such.  That's what LaRouche said
about this Brexit vote; it's not just business as usual, this is
not a vote on pragmatic politics.  There's something bigger
acting.  People did not want war; they're tired of Obama's kill
policies which have terrorized the planet through his support for
ISIS, the refugee crisis out of Syria; this is clear.  So, this
is something that's being called for, there's something acting
which is coming from the future.
        The problem with Americans is that they've lost the sense of
how to think about that, about the future.  So, that's our job
right now, to create that discussion and that optimism about how
to do that.

BENJAMIN DENISTON:  I think that's the question now.  What can we
create?  I was just reflecting on the discussion with Mr.
LaRouche earlier and some of his remarks throughout the week, and
I think his emphasis that you can't respond to or interpret
events is really critical at a time like this.  When you're
seeing these types of developments — because the Brexit vote is
one example; these are not events causing the process.  These are
events caused by the process; you have a breakdown process.  This
is an explosive development in that context, but there's already
an ongoing breakdown of the trans-Atlantic system; the cultural
system as much as the monetary system, the whole political
system.  Look at the British imperial ideology.
        But the point is, if you're responding to the events of that
process, you are still contained by that process.  How do you
break free from that process?  It's a question of creativity.
What are you doing to actually bring something fundamentally new
to the world situation?  I think that's why what you're seeing
out of Russia and China now is that; it's something new.  It's
not just a response, crisis management or trying to handle it, or
trying to respond to the events per se.  We're beyond that; the
events per se are death, that's where this thing is going.  Be it
a complete breakdown of the system, or whether it's that drive to
thermonuclear war.  So the question on the table now is, what can
you create?  What can you do that's fundamentally new to create a
new system; to actually generate a new orientation for mankind,
for leading nations, that doesn't come from a response to current
events?  That comes from a new orientation to create in the
        The coverage of this in the media — the markets responding
this way or that way — it's just ridiculous.  The whole thing
has been going down for years; and we've  known it.  The question
now is, not who has the best spin on what mechanism caused what;
that doesn't matter.  The question now is, who's actually got an
insight into what the necessary future has to be?

        SARE:  I just wanted to say along those lines, to really
caution our viewers and anyone who's thinking that the way to
think about this is not to say how do we put together this broken
system; like Humpty Dumpty has fallen off the wall.  It's over;
and only recognizing that almost every fundamental axiom that
people had about economics in the trans-Atlantic was faulty.  And
I do have to point out that in 1988, Mr. LaRouche called for the
reunification of Germany based on his knowledge of the collapse
of the Soviet Union's economy.  And he made a proposal that the
West would provide food to Poland in return for early steps
toward an early reunification of Germany; and exactly one year
later, the Berlin Wall came down, and one year after that, Berlin
was the capital again and Germany was re-unified.  And he and his
wife both said at that time, the Soviet communist system has
failed; but that does not mean that the free trade trans-Atlantic
system is a success.  This, too, is finished; and it's end will
be much larger and more catastrophic than the disintegration of
the Soviet Union as we saw in '89.  So now we are truly there;
and the point is for the United States to recognize what Rachel
just said about Alexander Hamilton, what's embedded in our own
Constitution.  That that understanding of the intent of our
republic, combined with what Kesha represents in terms of the
space program and a true scientific orientation, is the platform
from which the United States can move to the future.
        And I just want to add — because Ben had sent something out
and I think Kesha, too — there's something circulating on the
web of 30 gigantic projects that China is engaged in building
which are changing the whole planet; these are huge
infrastructure projects.  One of them is a 16-mile long
suspension bridge across the Yangtze River; another is a group of
nuclear power plants; and so on.  I think the most expensive any
of these projects was, was something like $3.4 billion.  The
bridges might have been $1 billion or $750 million or something.
Think about that and think about the bail-out.  The first
bail-out of AIG — and there was more than one; but the first
bail-out of AIG was $80 billion.  Now, $80 billion is probably
more than the sum of what was spent on all of these 30 giant
projects combined.  You will also argue that this is not the same
kind of dollars; just like that's the problem with the metric of
what the space program generated, but I'm just using it as an
example.  Because particularly in the United States and Western
Europe, people have a totally insane view of what constitutes
value and what is money.  And if you just look at something like
this, you can see that the destruction, the degradation and
collapse of the United States has absolutely nothing to with
money per se; because we could have taken that $80 billion from
the AIG bail-out and invested it into high speed rail, nuclear
power, getting back to the Moon, any of these things.  And I
think we've done a number of $80 billion [bail-outs] just for
AIG, but the policy decision was not to do that.  And that's the
point of the insanity; and that's what we have to change, because
money itself has no intrinsic value.  Once you understand that,
you can stop panicking about all the money that's going to be
wiped out if everyone crashes and has their silly irrational
responses, or maybe it's finally rationality setting in.  Money
doesn't matter per se; the question is, what is the direction of
human progress, what is the direction of humankind?  From that
standpoint, we can turn on a dime; not that everything is going
to be repaired instantaneously.  It'll take probably two
generations for the United States to achieve a standard of living
that would be appropriate for this nation.  But nonetheless, the
direction could occur tomorrow; provided we do what Kesha said
first at the beginning, which is that Obama is no longer in
control of running the direction of this country — nor anybody
who thinks like Obama.

        OGDEN:  Well, I think it's very important that you brought
up this question of the fictitious values at the root of this
entire trans-Atlantic system; because what we're seeing in the
distinction between the bankrupt collapsing system in the
trans-Atlantic Europe-centered area, and then the growth in
China, in Russia, in India, and in that new Eurasian system.
These are not comparable types of systems; this is not one
person's loss is another person's gain or something like that.
These are completely two distinct species of outlook on the
world; and I think that's what we're getting at here.  What we're
experiencing with these crashes within the span of just a few
hours, HSBC lost 10% of its stock value; Standard Charter lost
10% of its stock value; the pound was down to a 31-year low —
lower than it's been since 1985.  But what is all of this?  This
is just the evaporation of fictitious value.
        On the other hand, you have substantial, real growth in the
form of the reconstruction of the New Silk Road, the development
of the vast interior Eurasian continent, the development of new
transport routes, these new development corridors.  Diane, I
think it's appropriate that you brought up the turning point in
1989 with the crash of the Soviet Union, because what we're
experiencing now is something at least of that caliber, if not
far, far greater than the caliber of 1989.  And you're right, Mr.
LaRouche was clear at that point that the Soviet system was
merely the first show to drop; now we're experiencing the second
shoe has dropped.  This system is bankrupt.  And at that time in
1989, is when Lyndon and Helga LaRouche planted the seeds for
what has now emerged as the New Paradigm, as the new Eurasian
economic system.  At that time it was first — in its nascent
form — the Productive Triangle; then it became what was the
Eurasian Land-Bridge.  This was adopted in the form of the New
Silk Road; and now this is being expanded to the World
Land-Bridge.  This is a vision for a global and extraterrestrial
development policy.  But Mr. LaRouche made several trips to
Russia during the 1990s; several trips to India as well.  Mrs.
LaRouche has travelled now multiple times to China in the last
several years.  This is the center; this is Mr. LaRouche's
emphasis on the impetus of leadership, the hegemonic influence at
this time of the creative leadership of the leaders of these
nations.  President Putin, President Xi Jinping, Prime Minister
Modi, and others.

DENISTON:  I think it's worth underscoring that it's still
playing out, too.  We have this SCO summit going on right now, in
which the heads of these nations are going to meet.  After that,
Putin is going to be travelling to China for a heads-of-state
meeting with Xi Jinping.  In this whole process, you're having
these dialogues to solidify — and I think this is really big —
solidify the Eurasian Economic Union cooperation with the New
Silk Road; which I think is a huge step in these very large but
regional projects moving closer to this Eurasian Land-Bridge,
World Land-Bridge perspective that Lyn and Helga have defined.
        So another point of emphasis that Mr. LaRouche has had over
the past weeks, I think is very sobering and represents a very
high level of thinking, is don't assume we know how any of this
is going to play out.  This is a developing, creative process;
there's a lot more things going on right now.  And we should be
orienting towards not trying to assume we know how all these
things are going to be finished, or what the results are going to
be.  This is an ongoing, creative process right now, and this is
how you have to think about it.  In the next days, as was
mentioned, out of the activity we're going to be engaged in over
this weekend which is very significant — both here in the United
States and in Europe — that's going to be a critical escalation.
But then over the next weeks also, we're just going to see a lot
of important developments coming.

        ROGERS:  I think it's important what Diane brought up on the
point of the system of monetarism that has dominated the culture
and society, that has actually set mankind backwards from what
the intention of the foundation of our republic actually
represented under the conception of Alexander Hamilton.  That's
really what you have to look at, too, when you think about the
cultural pessimism and the zero-growth paradigm that has
continued to dominate for the past several decades now.  It's
interesting, because people try to say that the targetting of the
space program has to do with not having enough money; we just
have to take these budget cuts.  And that's the same point.  How
much bail-outs have we put on these various financial speculators
and derivatives and so forth that we could not put into the space
program?  The idea was that it was never about the fact there
were not enough financial resources to put into the space
program.  It was in the intention not to invest into the future.
And there were many people who promoted this zero-growth paradigm
that Krafft Ehricke took on directly, who stated that the space
program represented too much of a "false optimism" for the
population; that it actually gave the population a sense of
optimism and a sense of their identity as human beings and a
commitment to the future.  The empire and those promoters of
zero-growth were adamant that they had to put a stop to that.  I
was reading an article from back in 1963 in the {New Atlantic};
it was referenced in a book by Marsha Freeman — "The Conquest of
Space and Stature of Man" by Hannah Arendt.  Hannah Arendt was
one of these major promoters of zero-growth and backwardness; and
she made the point that the fight against the space program is
not that of money, but a question of man being inherently corrupt
and that nothing good could come out of scientific progress.
        And that's the thing right now, is that what Russia and
China and this New Paradigm are promoting that only good can come
out of the nature of mankind's creative mental process in terms
of shaping and defining the future and creating that which has
never been created before.  As we're seeing with the outcome of
what China is doing with their space program.  That used to be
our mission; why we went to the Moon in the first place, and why
President Kennedy made the announcement that we would send a man
to the Moon and bring them back before the decade was out.  It
was our obligation to take on something that was fundamentally
new; that's our creative nature.
        That just puts the question that this monetary system has to
be thrown out the window; a new system of economic value based on
the real conceptions of the creative powers of the human mind has
to be brought in.  And the best conception to bring that about is
the space program.

        BRINKLEY:  Absolutely.  And Mr. LaRouche made the point that
also what do we replace this system with?  The idea has to be a
Eurasian policy; and that's what you see in space, that's what
you see in real economy is what are the mutual interests.
Europe's only chance is to join with this policy; so Obama has
explicitly prevented that.  He's called for everybody on the
planet not to join with Russia and China; he tried to prevent it,
whether it was Japan, Mexico, all the coups going on in South
America right now — Argentina.  Puerto Rico is being destroyed
and murdered by Obama and Wall Street.  LaRouche said this is
also why the [Brexit] vote occurred; Obama's economic policies,
his defense for this doomed system is clear.  Also the question
of Obama said our great ally is Great Britain, and it will be now
and forever.  Well, what are we showing with the 28 pages?  Saudi
Arabia did not act alone; actually this part might not be in the
28 pages, but it's in many other pages that are there to be
released.  Through the BAE deal, Prince Bandar, to be found out
that Great Britain might not be our greatest ally.  And Obama's
defense of Britain, of Wall Street, his continual murder policy,
the fact that somewhere 111-114 Americans commit suicide every
day; that this is Obama's policy. He is a murderer; and he has
got to be removed.  That's the fact; it's an absolutely evil
intention, and he's got to be thrown out.

        SARE:  I'd just like to add along those lines:  One is we
are having our regular Saturday meeting here in Manhattan,
although it's slightly expanded.  I will be keynoting it; and we
have Jason Ross from the Science Team is here and others, to
present these two views.  We also are holding a concert on Sunday
afternoon, dedicated to Sylvia Olden Lee, called "In Praise of
Sylvia Olden Lee", who was one of our very important
collaborators in the Schiller Institute in this fight for the
question of Classical beauty.  And Classical music is something
which can strengthen people, which strengthens our better angels,
as Abraham Lincoln might have said, to actually insure that
justice is done.  And I bring these things up, because here in
the US, you have this really diversionary, silly spectacle of
debates about gun control and Congressmen rolling around on the
floor and things like that; pretending that they're in some kind
of civil rights sit-in, when here you have the murderer-in-chief
— President Obama — presiding over a weekly kill session on
Tuesdays, deciding who he's going to kill.  Then you had
September 11th, which Rachel was alluding to, where close to 3000
Americans were killed; and justice has not been done.  And Obama
— as Bush before him — is covering up for the perpetrators of
othe crime and colluding with them as best we know.
  And I think this is a very important flank for those people
who say, "Well, it's impossible; we only have a couple more
months.  In January, we have a new President anyway."  Well, just
look at what's been happening in the last few weeks, to see how
quickly things can change.  NATO has deployed 50,000 troops in
exercises on the border of Russia.  Do you really think we should
just presume that we're going to safely avoid thermonuclear war
while we have a killer lunatic who is now more desperate than
ever as President of the United States?  I think it's very
important that people stop pretending or picking other so-called
"issues" which are really non-issues; when we have a great crime
which was committed 15 years ago on September 11, 2001, which has
not been addressed.  By addressing this and getting to the truth
of what was involved in this — the Saudi role, the British role,
the Wall Street role, the FBI role, the Bush role, Obama's role;
by addressing that, we have a lever by which to expel the current
President from the White House and hopefully land him safely in
jail where he belongs.  And to change therefore, the direction of
the United States.

        OGDEN:  If Obama was so interested in Britain's staying in
the EU, perhaps as Kesha suggested, he could follow suit after
David Cameron and announce his resignation as well.  To his
credit, David Cameron has announced that he is leaving his post
as Prime Minister before his term is over.

        DENISTON:  Obama might be too big of a narcissist; it'll
take more aggressive action for that one.

OGDEN:  But I do think that absolutely, Diane, what you just said
about the events that are coming up this weekend — both in New
York and then, Kesha, what you're hosting down in Texas — the
emphasis has got to continue to be, what is the creative
intervention that can be made to uplift the American people and
to lead the American people.  That was one thing that really did
stick out when we were speaking with Mr. LaRouche earlier today;
that it's never enough just to have the correct analysis of
events.  Our emphasis has got to be, how do we calmly bring a
solution to the table that will be the solution to this crisis?
And that's what you were saying, Ben, that we're in completely
uncharted territory; this is an unprecedented situation in the
history of mankind.  You have no idea what's going to happen
tomorrow, what's going to happen the next day.  It was almost a
comedy to watch how surprised all the pundits and the investors
and the big masters of universe and everybody were, when they
thought that they were going to sleep last night with the remain
vote having come out on top.  And then they wake up this morning
and lo and behold, it's the completely opposite result.  That
proves to you that these guys have no idea what they're doing.
        Diane, you brought this up in the webcast last week.  Why
would you give anybody any credit, when they had no idea that the
Crash of 2008 was right around the corner?  Why would you put
your trust in these people?  So, you have a completely
unprecedented situation.  The rise of the Eurasian system is not
something which is a fait accompli; this is what's driving the
directionality of the possibility of a thermonuclear war breaking
out.  Granted, the support for the sanctions and for the NATO
maneuvers in Europe is now becoming increasingly less strong; but
that doesn't mean that you're by any means guaranteed that we can
avoid a fate such as that.  So, it's decisive action and it's
creative leadership in the case of what we are able to provide;
and Mr. LaRouche was clear that it's the unique capability of the
members of this Policy Committee to provide that kind of
leadership within the United States.
        So again, I just want to emphasize the importance of these
two events that we have coming up this weekend.  So, I think with
that said, you can watch for coverage of those events as they are
broadcast.  The regular Saturday meeting will be live, available
on the LaRouche PAC website tomorrow for Manhattan; and we
encourage you to participate in that in person if you are in the
area, as well as the events in Texas.  And please stay tuned to as things rapidly change.
        If you haven't yet, make sure you subscribe to our YouTube
channel; make sure you don't miss any of these critical
discussions.  And also become a regular subscriber to our Daily
Updates which are delivered directly to your inbox via email.
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