DET SKER I VERDEN – Infrastruktur, Videnskab & Teknologi, nr. 9

Korte artikler fra hele verden. Indeholder bl.a.:

– Rusland opmuntrer nye lande til udvikling af atomkraft

– Planetforsvar: Ruslands storareal-opstilling af et rumteleskop vil finde relativt små og nærtliggende rumobjekter

– Tiden er inde til at ophæve forbuddet mod DDT for at bekæmpe Zika

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Hvordan nationer vinder:
Ikke med NATO, men med NASA!

21. juni 2016 (Leder) – Samtidig med, at Obamaregeringen og NATO er kommet tættere på at fremprovokere militære opgør, der ikke efterlader overlevende, med Rusland og Kina, så er et skarpt brud med dette opgør opstået i Europa i særdeleshed, og i Japan, og det er på vej i USA.

EIR og LaRouche-bevægelsen har stået i centrum for dette skift, bort fra randen af en ukontrollerbar krig, siden vi for en måned siden lancerede den internationale appel, »Warszawa-topmødet forbereder krig; Tiden er inde til at forlade NATO nu!«, som tusinder af tænkende mennesker og ledende personer i mange lande har underskrevet; dette har skabt »den fremskudte front«, bag hvilken det politiske skift er i færd med at bryde ud imod det militære opgør med Rusland, som Obama og briterne tydeligvis ønsker skal blive resultatet af dette NATO-topmøde i begyndelsen af juli. Den stadig voksende splittelse, der nu er i Tysklands regeringskoalition, med krav om at stop NATO’s 50.000 mand stærke øvelser på Ruslands grænser; Den japanske beslutning om at trodse Obama med to Abe-Putin topmøder; de stærke skift over mod økonomisk udvikling og samarbejde i Italien og Frankrig – alt dette udgør et oprør mod Obamas og briternes krigspolitik, der var i færd med at åbne døren på vid gab for en endegyldig katastrofe for menneskeheden.

Dette oprør kan blive til en virkelig revolution for en sand, menneskelig fremtid. For dem, der ønsker at undfly en atomar konfrontation med Rusland og Kina, samt de transatlantiske økonomiers stadigt forværrende kollaps, findes alternativet allerede. Og USA – med Obama ude – må bringes til sin egen interesse, hvor det tilslutter sig dette nye paradigme snarere end at detonere en krig, der ikke har nogen overlevende.

Dersom den menneskelige art skal have en lysende fremtid – på den anden side af selve randen af fremprovokeret krig mellem atomare supermagter, hvor vi i øjeblikket befinder os – så vil det blive bestemt af nationer, der har et langsigtet perspektiv med gensidig økonomisk udvikling og udforskning af rummet. Og det vil nu sige Kina og Rusland (samt Indien). Disse to nationer vil i den kommende weekend afholde et økonomisk topmøde, hvor det centrale fokus vil ligge på et samarbejde om udforskning af rummet: »samarbejde omkring skabelsen af en tung raket og etableringen af interaktion inden for området med rumstationer og langdistance-rumrejser, som vil være til gavn for menneskeheden i sin helhed snarere end blot for de deltagende stater.«

Et amerikanske rumprograms hele ånd udgjorde Amerikas »en håbets bavn« for hele menneskeheden. Det er blevet skåret tilbage i årtier, og menneskers rejser ud i rummet er nu grundlæggende set blevet annulleret under Obama. Men indbydelsen til en storslået genoplivelse af NASA’s opdagelsesrejser for hele menneskeheden ligger på bordet. Det er vores opgave at gribe den og virkeliggøre den; og at gøre en ende på det nuværende, globale krigsopgør, før det er for sent.

(se også: »Ingen overlevende«, video fra LaRouchePAC med danske undertekster.)

Verden har valget mellem to systemer

21. juni 2016 (Leder)»Formålet med øvelsen er klar«, sagde den polske præsident Andrzej Duda. »Vi forbereder et angreb.«

USA’s befolkning er ubevidst om de to mest betydningsfulde, geopolitiske faktorer på planeten. På den ene side finder vi de igangværende tiltag hen imod en global, generel atomkrig, og på den anden finder vi potentialet til at udløse den største periode med global, økonomisk vækst i menneskehedens historie. Ovenstående udtalelse fra den polske præsident, mht. den nylige, 50.000 mand stærke NATO-øvelse, »Anakonda 16«, der simulerer en invasion af Rusland, er en demonstration af desperationen på Wall Street og i [City of] London, der gør fremstød for at fremprovokere en udslettelseskrig med Rusland og Kina.

Der er en udviklingsvej for en fremtid med menneskelig fremgang – men denne vej fastlægges uden for USA – i takt med, og vores politiske proces fortsat befinder sig i Wall Streets fallerede, monetære systems kvælergreb, samt den pomp, der omgiver dette cirkus for folket og de etablerede medier. I kontrast hertil var det nyligt afsluttede Skt. Petersborg Økonomiske Forum i Rusland, som Obama forsøgte at sabotere, en total succes, der indbragte $12 mia. store økonomiske aftaler blandt 40 lande, og hvor højtplacerede europæiske ledere, der krævede en afslutning af sanktionerne mod Rusland og krigsprovokationerne, deltog. Den tidligere franske præsident Nicolas Sarkozy udtalte på konferencen:

»Vi har mange andre problemer, og vi har ikke råd til at lide pga. disse kunstigt skabte problemer. Og den stærkeste bør strække hånden frem, for den stærkeste spiller er Rusland, repræsenteret af præsident Putin.«

Det, som en stor del af verden allerede har erkendt, er, at nationens interesse ikke er bygget på militær aggression eller økonomisk krigsførelse, men derimod bygger på fremskaffelsen af en fremtid for ens egen befolkning, inklusive gennem internationalt samarbejde, for at skabe højere levestandard og bedre teknologier således, som nye indsigter i universet kan give os. Af fundamental betydning for denne udviklingsproces er rumprogrammet.

Lyndon LaRouche har peget på rumforskningspioneren Krafft Ehricke som den person, der »har skabt selve ideen om et rumprogram«. Ehricke var forpligtende engageret over for princippet om fremskridt og fordømte nejsigernes ikke-forandring, og udtalte:

»en filosofi med anti-vækst, der af menneskene forlanger, at de skal leve med mindre af alting, kan sætte os tilbage til Middelalderen, fordi en hund-æder-hund-kamp med sikkerhed vil bryde ud under sådanne omstændigheder … Livet viser os, at teknologiske fremskridt er vejen ad hvilken. Men, baseret på disse teknologiske fremskridt, må vores art og vores civilisation ligeledes gøre fremskridt. Så kan vi gå videre.« 

Rusland, Kina, Indien og andre har erkendt det uundgåelige, elendige resultat af »nul-vækst«-geopolitik og har afvist det og vist, at de er forpligtet over for økonomiske projekter og rumteknologi, der vil fremme menneskehedens fysiske økonomi og lykke. Kra-kanalen i Thailand, den forbedrede Suezkanal i Egypten, udviklingen omkring Mekongfloden, nye jernbanelinjer i Pakistan og Afghanistan og Chabahar-havnen i Iran er blot nogle få af disse. For nylig har Kina inviteret til internationalt samarbejde omkring sin fremtidige rumstation. Vicedirektøren for Kinas bemandede rumprogram, fr. Wu Pung, sagde for nylig til FN’s Komite for den fredelige anvendelse af det ydre rum, i forbindelse med aftaler om nye rumstationer:

»Udforskning af rummet er menneskehedens fælles drøm og ønske. Vi er overbevist om, at implementeringen af aftalerne afgjort vil fremme det internationale samarbejde om udforskning af rummet og skabe muligheder for FN’s medlemsstater, i særdeleshed udviklingslande, til at deltage i, og drage fordel af, anvendelsen af Kinas rumstation.«

Rusland og Kina har også for nylig annonceret et fuldt ud omfattende samarbejde omkring rummet. Ruslands ambassadør til Kina Andrey Denisov forklarede i et nyligt interview:

»Jeg ville lægge vægt på samarbejde omkring aktivitet i det ydre rum som et hele, snarere end en specifik leverance af et parti varer. Pointen er ikke at levere specifikt udstyr, men at organisere langsigtet, gensidigt fordelagtigt samarbejde mellem alle siderne, der objektivt set har tætte forbindelser ud fra et standpunkt om teknisk og teknologisk kompatibilitet.«

Dette er vejen til fremtiden. Mens USA plages af selvmord, narkotikamisbrug, masseskyderier og økonomisk disintegration, så går et flertal af menneskeheden videre til det næste niveau. London-Wall Street-finanssystemet er dødt. Vi har kun ét valg. Valget mellem krig, terror og økonomisk fortvivlelse på den ene side, kontra, at vi dumper Obama og alt, hvad han står for, og kræver en fremtid, der passer sig for menneskeheden.

Billede: »Anakonda 16«-vejen til Anakonda – NATO’s mere og mere virkelige »march mod Moskva«. Truslen om Tredje Verdenskrig har aldrig været større. (

“Vi må atter blive sande amerikanere”.
LaRouchePAC Internationale Fredags-webcast, 10. juni 2016

Jeg vil indlede vores diskussion med at påpege, hvad hr. LaRouche i de seneste dage meget klart har sagt: Vi befinder os i en ekstraordinært farlig periode i verdenshistorien. Det kan ikke ses tydeligere end af disse militærmanøvrer, der finder sted på de østeuropæiske grænser (Ruslands vestlige grænser). Disse kombinerede NATO-øvelser, der finder sted hele vejen op og ned langs Ruslands grænse, fra De baltiske Stater, ind i Polen og derfra mod syd. Dette er en kombination af fire forskellige, angiveligt uafhængige krigsspil, men det involverer live troppemanøvrer, af hvilke den største hedder ”Anaconda 2016”. Denne manøvre involverer 30.000 tropper fra 24 forskellige lande, inkl. 14.000 amerikanere, 12.000 polakker, 1000 faldskærmstropper og den virkelige krydsning af nøglefloden dér, Vistuta-floden; samt træning af natlige angreb, tungt militærisenkram, 35 helikoptere, 3.000 militærkøretøjer, flådemanøvrer osv.

Engelsk udskrift.


LaRouche PAC Friday Webcast; June 10, 2016

        MATTHEW OGDEN: Good Evening! It's June 10th, 2016. My name
is Matthew Ogden, and you joining us for our weekly Friday
evening webcast here from As you'll notice,
we're taking a little bit of a different format than customary
today. We have a roundtable format, joined in the studio by Megan
Beets and Ben Deniston, from the LaRouche PAC basement science
team; and also Kesha Rogers and Mike Steger are both joining us
from the LaRouche PAC Policy Committee via video. So, we're going
to have a little bit of a freer kind of roundtable discussion
        I'd like to begin our discussion by just pointing out, what
I think has been said very, very clearly in the recent days by
Mr. LaRouche, that we're in an extraordinarily dangerous period
of world history. This couldn't be made more clear than seeing
these military maneuvers which are happening on the eastern
border of Europe (the western border of Russia). These combined
NATO maneuvers which are happening all the way up and down the
border of Russia, from the Baltic States, into Poland, and then
south from there. This is a combination of four different,
supposedly independent, war games, but it involves live troop
maneuvers, the largest of which is called "Anaconda 2016." That
one involves 30,000 troops from 24 different countries, including
14,000 Americans, 12,000 Polish soldiers, 1,000 paratroopers, the
actual crossing of the key river there, the Vistula River; and
the exercise of nighttime assaults, military hardware, 35
helicopters, 3,000 military vehicles, naval maneuvers, and so
        If you take that, together with the three other maneuvers
that are happening right now, you have approximately 60,000
troops that are engaged in military maneuvers all along the
border of Russia. As Helga LaRouche pointed out, this the
greatest troop and military hardware maneuver that you've had on
Russia's border since World War II — the mobilization by Hitler
of the Nazi forces prior to the invasion of what was then the
Soviet Union. Obviously, this many troops engaged in live
military maneuvers, not only creates a very strong possibility
for some accident occurring, which could trigger a rapid
escalation towards a very hot war, which could escalate very
quickly; but also it's very clearly a provocation, which is being
taken by NATO with Obama in the leadership, directly towards
Russia. And it's being seen as such in the context of other
things, by the Russian President and other leading members of the
Russian military. It's also being recognized as such by various
forces within Europe. {Der Spiegel}, one of the leading news
magazines in Germany, put out a story on Wednesday, saying these
war maneuvers along the Russian borders, are "going too far", and
"are playing at real war". Clearly, any war that were to break
out between NATO and Russia would very quickly lead to not a
limited, not a tactical, but an all-out strategic, thermonuclear
        If you combine this with Obama's upcoming to trip to attend
the NATO Heads of State Summit in Warsaw, Poland, while these war
games are actively taking place, along with his refusal to sit
down with President Putin to discuss the deployment of these
AEGIS anti-missile systems along the Russian border, which have
been characterized as a "Cuban Missile Crisis in Reverse," along
with the trillion dollar allocation that Obama has recently
signed off on, to modernize the U.S. military arsenal, including
these B61-12 nuclear warheads, and the long-range LRSO [Long
Range Standoff] cruise missiles; all of these, taken together,
along with the simultaneous provocations that are happening by
U.S. forces against China in the South China Sea.
        Any sane person should be asking themselves, "Why are we
driving the world towards the point of a war of extinction, when
we could be taking up Chinese President Xi Jinping's offer to
engage in a new strategic and economic architecture for the
planet, based on win-win cooperation?" This danger, and also the
very real possibility of a paradigm shift, were both put on the
table at a very significant seminar sponsored by the Schiller
Institute that occurred on Wednesday in San Francisco,
California. Both Kesha and Mike were participants. It was titled,
"Will the U.S. Join the New Silk Road? Global Scientific
Development, or Nuclear War?" Mrs. Helga LaRouche gave an
extensive and very thorough overview of this war danger in her
keynote address; and Mr. LaRouche, in his remarks, said very
clearly — this is the very beginning of what Mr. LaRouche said,
"The key thing I'm concerned about, is the threats to the
existence of the human species in the total area right now;
because right now, at this time, the existence of the entire
human species continues to be on the edge of jeopardy. And
therefore we have to attune ourselves to understanding what the
problems are that are involved in this, and what are the remedies
for which we can get an escape for humanity in general. Humanity
in general right now is under serious threat of jeopardy on a
global scale." So, that's very clearly said by Mr. LaRouche.
        Also, I consider very significantly, in response to a
question which was posed from former United States Senator Mike
Gravel, who was also a participant, a speaker in this seminar. He
posed a question to one of the other participants, Sergey Petrov,
the Consul-General of the Russian Consulate in San Francisco, to
which Mr. Petrov said that there is no such thing as a limited
nuclear war, as some as some people would be delusional enough to
believe. What the Consul-General of Russia said at the Schiller
Institute gathering in San Francisco, is the following: "I share
the understanding that we are very close to a major conflict. And
I add that there is no possibility of a 'limited nuclear war.' If
that starts, it will be the end of the world."
        I think the starkness of this statement, combined with what
Mr. LaRouche and Mrs. LaRouche both had to say, really
underscores the sobriety with which we have to approach the
discussion which we will have here today. Since both Kesha and
Mike were participants in that seminar, I'm going to leave a
little bit of the further discussion of the proceedings of that
event until a little bit later in the show. The seminar also
involved Mr. Howard Chang, an internationally renowned expert on
water projects.
        But before we open up the discussion, I would like to play a
short — approximately 10 minute — excerpt from the keynote
speech that Mrs. Helga LaRouche gave. This is the concluding
excerpt of her remarks. She asked two questions: (1) How did we
get here?; and (2) What is the solution to the crisis we now
face? I just want to underscore, what you'll hear Mrs. LaRouche
say in this excerpt, is what Mr. LaRouche reiterated, and I think
is the subject that we have to pay attention to here today: that
both the LaRouche movement in general, and Mr. and Mrs. LaRouche
as individuals, {have played the crucial, central, historical
role} in not only creating the possibility for a solution to this
crisis, going all the way back to their proposal for the Eurasian
Land-Bridge: the New Silk Road, in the aftermath of the collapse
of the Soviet Union; but also continued to play the crucial role
in providing the possibility for humanity to escape this crisis.
        This seminar in San Francisco was a crucial element of that,
but it's part of an ongoing series of interventions
internationally, which include a very prominent conference in
Europe that the Schiller Institute is sponsoring, coming up
within the next two weeks. So, we'll have more discussion on all
of that after we hear this short except from Mrs. Helga
LaRouche's keynote speech.

HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Okay, now, let me introduce the third
[subject I want to talk about]. The solution to all of this would
be a piece of cake. It is already there! A New Silk
Road is integrated. We called it at that time, first, the
Productive Triangle; in 1991 we called it the Eurasian
Land-Bridge: the New Silk Road, which was the idea that when the
Iron Curtain had fallen, [to integrate] the populations in the
industrial centers of Europe with those of Asia, through
development corridors. This New Silk Road program would have
changed the world in the direction of a peace order already in
'91, but, unfortunately, you had Bush, Sr., you had Margaret
Thatcher, you had François Mitterrand, who all had completely
different ideas. They [wanted to reduce Russia] from a superpower
into a Third World, raw-material-producing country, and they
imposed the "shock therapy" in the Yeltsin period. They
dismantled the Russian potential in three years , and
they had no intention to allow Germany to have any kind of
economic relation with Russia. So it did not happen.
        You had the '90s, which were genocide against Russia. You
had all of the consequences of the Bush period. You had the eight
years of Clinton, which was a certain interruption; but then with
Bush, Jr. and Obama, you went back to the old project of an
American Century doctrine and the idea of a unilateral world.
        Fortunately, in 2013, President Xi Jinping announced a New
Silk Road to be {the} strategic objective of China. In the almost
three years which have passed since, this idea to end
geopolitics, to establish in the tradition of the ancient Silk
Road, a win-win cooperation among all nations on the planet, is
progressing extremely quickly. Remember, the ancient Silk Road
was a fantastic cooperation in terms of exchange of culture,
goods, paper, technology, porcelain, silk, silk-producing, and
many other cultural manifestations. It led to a tremendous
benefit for all the countries which participated, from Asia to
        The New Silk Road, obviously, is doing exactly that. The
amount of projects which have been concluded between China and
ASEAN countries, China and Latin American countries, China and
Europe, China and African countries, China and East European
countries, and now, in a very clear fashion, the economic
integration between the Eurasian Economic Union, headed by
Russia, and the New Silk Road, [is progressing very well. An
alliance] has been formed between Russia and China, with India
being the third factor in the situation. Many, many other
countries have been joining.
        Contrary to what you read and hear in the mass media, China
is not doing badly. They are shifting their economic orientation
from an export orientation, because the export markets in the
trans-Atlantic sector are shrinking. They are now going more in
infrastructure investment in many countries in the world, and to
develop the inner region of China. [To raise the] consumer [to a]
higher standard of their own population, since they have lifted
600 million people out of poverty, [into a] decent living
standard in China. This is indeed the absolute correct policy, to
say we will uplift the remaining people who are still poor, and
also make them participate in the Chinese economic miracle.
        Xi Jinping has [offered] to President Obama that the United
States [should] not only by helping to ,
which I think is the moral obligation of the United States, given
the fact that they were the key reason why these countries are
now in such disarray; by participating in the building of Africa,
which I think the West has an absolute moral obligation. The
reason why you have millions of people as refugees, not only
risking their lives, drowning in the Mediterranean, dying in the
Sahara, which has even more victims than even the Mediterranean.
Fifty years of IMF policy has denied economic development to
Africa! The reason why people are taking a risk of a 50% chance
that they will die, to cross the Mediterranean, is because they
are running from war, from hunger, from epidemics, and this is
the result of Western policy denying this continent economic
development! We have a moral obligation to join hands to develop
southwest Asia, to develop Africa.
        The United States also needs a Silk Road. If you look at the
figures of the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, productivity has
collapsed over seven years in a row. All the indexes are going
down. The United States population is in a terrible condition, or
at least in the poorer parts; while the rich become more rich and
Wall Street is having a heyday with cocaine parties and plotting
destruction for the rest of the world.
        The United States needs an infrastructure project. The roads
are bad, the traffic is ridiculous. People spend hours and hours
every day in commuting, risking to disappear with their cars into
a pothole. They have no rail system. China has built 20,000 km
fast train system up to the end of last year; they plan to have
50,000 km by the year 2020, uniting every major city in China
through a fast train system, which are fantastic — they're
smooth, they're fast, they're quiet. How many kilometers of fast
train systems has the United States built? Zero!
        So, for the United States to build its own Silk Road, to
connect with the global development perspective is a question of
its own best self-interest. We have to get the United States off
this confrontation course, and simply say, we have to shift this
policy and all this trillion-dollar investment in modernization
of nuclear arsenals and the largest military budget in the world,
trying to maintain an empire which is collapsing anyway.  Rather,
shift, get rid of Wall Street, impose Glass-Steagall, get back to
a policy of Alexander Hamilton, a credit policy; invest in
infrastructure and go in the direction of a win-win cooperation
with the other nations of the world — with Russia, China,
European nations, India; build up Latin America, build up Africa
and Southwest Asia.
        This is really the choice before the United States. I know
this is very difficult for you to think how this should be done,
but you know, think about Kennedy; think about the kind of
optimistic country the United States used to be. Think about the
idea that America was built to be "a beacon of hope and a temple
of liberty," where people from the whole world would go and try
to be free. The U.S. singing the National Anthem, "the land of
the free." Is the United States the land of the free today? I
don't think anybody who is in their right mind would say that
        Go back to the values of the American Republic, as it was
founded by people like Benjamin Franklin, or George Washington;
go back to the policies of Alexander Hamilton, Franklin D.
Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King. I think if the
United States could mobilize itself to bring back that nation,
the whole would world would love to be friends of the United
States again. Right now, I can tell you, the rest of the world
has almost given up on the United States, and when they look at
the election process, the choice between a very, very irrational
Donald Trump and unfortunately a very, very predictable Hillary
Clinton, given her statements about confrontation against Russia
and China. I think you have to really mobilize now. And I think
the 28 pages, Glass-Steagall — these are flanks which can derail
the situation long before this election is going to take place.
        We have to have a completely new world. Remember, mankind is
not a beast, and mankind is not bound to do what seems to be
inevitable. Mankind is the only species capable of reason,
capable of free will, of defining and designing a beautiful
future, and then going to implement that. The last time was with
Kennedy, the Apollo Project. I think we can absolutely do it
again! I think you have a great possibility in front of you. I
would encourage you — be American! Be true Americans again, and
the whole world will be the most happy and embrace you!

OGDEN:  So, that was a short excerpt from Helga LaRouche's
opening remarks at the San Francisco seminar; and the full
proceedings of that seminar will be made available as they are
processed.  The first panel is available on YouTube now.  And as
I said, both Kesha and Michael Steger were participants in that
event; so maybe I can just throw the discussion open to one of
the two of you guys right now, to follow up on what we just heard
from Helga.

        MICHAEL STEGER:  Sure, thanks Matt.  One of the most
interesting, one of the key aspects of this whole process and
what our organization does, was demonstrated at the discussion
process in San Francisco on Wednesday.  You have key people in
their areas:  Obviously, Senator Mike Gravel represents what is a
true American political tradition; to recognize that you fight
for what's true, you go against popular opinion and peer
pressure.  And he was very clear on that question; you don't go
along to get along.  As Lyndon LaRouche often says, "You can't
fight politically and go along with the popular opinion."
        Dr. Howard Chang is a leading civil engineer; obviously the
Consul-General of Russia was someone who spoke on behalf of his
country.  But the key question is that the standards our
organization represents in this existential crisis is something
unique; it gives these individuals an opportunity to wage a
political fight at the level necessary that inspires them towards
what mankind can accomplish, and also addresses the real crisis
in the world today.  It's far too often that people who want to
address the economic crisis, people who want to address the
increasing and escalating war danger, fall far short of the
necessary to want to work with us.  And two, to recognize the
quality of method which is necessary to address these problems.
These problems are of great scope and magnitude; it's not fixing
a pothole, although we have many potholes to fix as Helga points
out.  And apparently, the Chinese won't even be allowed to build
— they wanted to build a small segment of high-speed rail
between Los Angeles and Las Vegas; very easy.  Actually, east of
Los Angeles in the desert.  And I guess apparently they won't
even be allowed to build that in the United States.  So, we can't
build any high-speed rail; it's just been outlawed basically.
This just came out.
        But the size and scope of these problems cannot be — steps
cannot be taken that simply alleviate one's guilt; or the tension
on one's own identity regarding the dangers of nuclear war, or
the increasing crisis that the economic collapse presents to many
Americans.  Too many people want to look for a quick solution; an
easy mechanism that "Maybe I can vote for this person, or that
person."  At this point, I think most people realize they can't
vote for either of these people; yet you'll still find them
consumed to discuss "Well, who do you vote for, though?"  They're
not willing to recognize that there's a higher method which is
required to act to address this kind of crisis.  And I think if
you look at Lyndon LaRouche's comments at the discussion, he
makes this somewhat clear in his remarks.  Because there is
something unique towards mankind's ability to advance.  Mankind
does not advance — unlike any other animal species on the planet
— simply because it doesn't like the problems it sees.  It's
able to advance and evolve because of a unique creative capacity;
essentially to become more beautiful, to become more creative. To
make the discoveries about the Universe that have not been
discovered before.  And that commitment, that approach is
oftentimes what's lacking; and as Helga said, we need real
leadership in the United States, we need leadership in Europe
today.  The problem can be solved so easily.
        The New Silk Road, the Eurasian development projects are so
extensive, they're ongoing; there are collaborations between
China, India, and Russia.  And then the nations of central Asia,
of Southeast Asia; the strategic intervention in the war domain
in Southwest Asia; all of these are now being addressed in a
fundamentally different way than they were by the United States
and NATO for the last 15 years since the 9/11 attacks.  Which has
just been ongoing war and destruction.
        So, there's a comprehensive picture that the United States
and Europe could participate in.  So, why aren't we?  Why don't
we take those steps?  Simply raising red flags that we're near
nuclear war, or simply complaining and trying to figure out which
of the lesser evils you vote for, are just obviously
insufficient.  So, why does that remain the discussion?  The
discussion has to take on a higher standard; and I think that's
what Lyn has already recognized over these 50 years.  Because if
you think of it, 50 years ago, there was a quality of leadership
of this nature.  John Kennedy recognized that the way you uplift
and strengthen a country is to set out on a mission that's never
been accomplished before; but it wasn't just the Moon.  It was
the largest water projects, and the development of Africa.  John
Kennedy's view of the world and of the Universe had a great scope
and magnitude to it, to help uplift the population; it wasn't a
practical campaign.  Someone like Martin Luther King had a
similar outlook; and you saw that inspire people like Bobby
Kennedy and Malcolm X, but there was a resonance.  You saw the
same thing from the great scientists like Krafft Ehricke; the
visionaries in the space program didn't look at it as kind of fun
engineering projects.  They saw it as something of a cultural
advancement of the human species. And there was a resonance with
this quality of leadership politically, that unfortunately, I
think what was made clear by the seminar, is that many people are
attracted, they gravitate towards this quality of leadership if
they have a sense of honesty; but that the ability to demonstrate
this method, to act upon that quality of the human mind and human
creativity is a challenge for much of the population in the
United States and Europe today.  And the standard that they have
to come up to, is not just acknowledging the dangers, but a
standard of operating to embolden and strengthen the population
to solve these problems and to move our civilization upwards.
        And I think that really was the culminating nature of the
discussion on Wednesday at the seminar; and it really is to bring
more people into this quality of an organization.  Of what we are
as a political organization, but that we are must become what the
nation is.  And that requires our population must become better;
they must become more courageous, more intelligent, and more
beautiful if we're actually going to address these problems.
Because they're not going to be addressed from any simple
mechanisms; and I think that really was the fight we waged here
for the seminar, and I think the only way to deal with the
current crisis you presented at the beginning.

KESHA ROGERS:  I want to continue with that theme, and add that I
think what we have to look at is the unique role of Mr. LaRouche
over these years to identify a science of physical economy; which
characterizes him in a way that was the understanding of both
Krafft Ehricke and other leaders from the standpoint of the
rejection — shall we say people that Michael brought up, such as
John F Kennedy, such as Lincoln, Martin Luther King.  A rejection
of a limits to growth policy.  And this is what Mr. LaRouche has
organized as the founding principle of his economic policy in
terms of what is the essential role of the advancement of
        During the presentation, I had an opportunity to actually
work with Michael and others there for the conference that was
just held in San Francisco.  And I presented on the unique role
of Krafft Ehricke, the German space pioneer; and what he
represented from the standpoint of putting forth the epistemology
and the philosophy on human nature's identity in terms of
creating an open world system.  Which was this idea that you
reject the Club of Rome meadows and foresters limits to growth
population reduction; the Malthusian policy that human beings are
nothing more than small lily pads, mindless beings.  That they
have no conception of advancing human creativity.  And this is
what was the unique role defining Krafft Ehricke from the
standpoint that he knew that is was not just a matter of
promoting technological advancements; but what do these
technological advances do to improve upon the conditions of human
life and the progress of mankind overall.
        And this has been something that Mr. LaRouche understood is
crucial in his science of physical economy, from the standpoint
that you're not just looking at technological advancement from
speaking of just one leap.  But you're talking about a succession
of leaps in economic progress in society.  And during the
relationship that Mr. and Mrs. LaRouche developed with the
identity and role of Krafft Ehricke as a scientist and genius of
his time, is really exemplified in what Mr. LaRouche continued to
develop around his policy for a Moon-Mars colonization program. I
think that people who have not actually studied the significance
of Mr. LaRouche and why he became a threat to this zero-growth
policy, because he continued to push the limits, push mankind
beyond the so-called limitations that have been put on mankind;
just as Krafft Ehricke understood that our extraterrestrial
imperative was to actually remove all limitations and barriers
from the progress of mankind.  And the best way to do this was
through the advancement of man into the colonization of space.
        And I think it's important to note, that some people start
to put themselves into this smallness of thinking, in this
mindless thinking.  "Well, how are we going to travel into space
if we can't actually solve the problems here on Earth?"  And Mr.
LaRouche made it a priority to actually organize an understanding
of what real technological advancement is; this was exactly the
thinking of John F Kennedy in the progress of the commitment of
the Moon landing, of sending a man to the Moon and bringing him
safely back to Earth.  That this was going to lead to
technological advancements that would pay themselves off several
times over; but what was going to be essential for it, is that
you had to have breakthroughs as Mr. LaRouche called for, in
several categories of technology that was actually going to be
essential for bringing about an increase in the productivity of
society.  You take the example; you look at this massive
undertaking of what Krafft Ehricke did in the design and
development of what took men to the Moon, in terms of the Saturn
V rocket.  It wasn't something that was just thrown together on
the cheap; you couldn't have just Wall Street and Elon Musk going
in there and saying, "OK, let us just throw a spacecraft up."
This took some real engineering; it was a total transformation in
terms of the economic conditions of society.  Thousands, millions
of people were put to work; the spin-off technologies that went
into it.  Mr. LaRouche called for the advancement of four
categories of technology, in thermonuclear fusion and related
plasma technologies; or development of electromagnetic radiation
of high energy density.  Basically promoting new synthetic
materials or the production of the colonization of Mars; that you
were going to actually have to have flotillas in developing
low-Earth orbit.  And putting materials on the Moon to actually
lead to the colonization of Mars.  How are we going to get there?
We had to have engineers, we had to have astrophysicists.
        The technical considerations are all laid out very
prominently, but I think what it really represents is a
transformation of the human species; and that's what Mr. LaRouche
was very crucial in, saying that you had to actually have a
different identity of who we are as human beings.  That we are
actually distinct from the animal species; and that no
limitations can be put on mankind to keep them in a state of
bestiality.  And the question of technological advancement is,
are these advancements being made in a so-called barbaric society
that wants to keep human beings down and keep them enslaved; and
promote a policy of limitations on growth and population
reduction so these policies would not be advanced.  Or, are we
talking about a cultural Renaissance, where these advancements
are made as Krafft Ehricke understood, from the standpoint of a
new conception of mankind.  This is what has really brought
together the minds, and why Mr. LaRouche sees Krafft Ehricke as
extremely fundamental to how we overcome the threats facing us
today in society.

        OGDEN:  Well, I think that's something that certainly you
elaborated very clearly in your speech at the conference, and I
think as we had a discussion with Mr. LaRouche yesterday;
everybody who is on this show was engaged in that discussion. Mr.
LaRouche put a very emphatic emphasis on the personality of
Krafft Ehricke and his courage in fighting for a vision which was
not a popular vision even among the people in the space
community.  And Mr. LaRouche asked that more research be done on
this; and I know that both you, Ben, and Megan have been immersed
in this a little bit in the recent few days and weeks.  So, maybe
you want to give people a broader idea of some of this.

MEGAN BEETS:  Well, I can say something briefly.  I was just
looking back at comments that were made by both Helga LaRouche
and Lyndon LaRouche at the memorial conference that was held in
honor of Krafft Ehricke in 1985, following his death in 1984. And
both Lyndon and Helga LaRouche reflect something which I think
really does go to the essence of the importance of the
personality of Krafft Ehricke in what we were able to achieve in
the space program.  And what they both reflected was the fact
that his life made a contribution to moving the species as a
whole forward; but why?  It's exactly because he was not
motivated by the kinds of practical considerations that were
impinging on most of the population at the time; and both Lyn and
Helga reflected the fact that Krafft Ehricke was motivated by a
total cultural optimism.  That not only was it necessary, but it
was also possible to move mankind forward into the Age of Reason;
to move man into a paradigm where we completely left the cultural
vestiges of the beast behind us.  And if you look at Krafft
Ehricke's work, which ranges from extremely technical papers on
the use of liquid hydrogen fuel to fictional stories which are
envisioning the first manned mission to Mars; but all of them I
think are motivated by this passion and vision for a better
mankind as a whole.  And he came to the conclusion himself as a
young man, that the way to realize that had to be space travel;
had to be space colonization.
        Just to add one more thing, Mrs. LaRouche was reflecting on
a speaking tour that Krafft Ehricke did with the Schiller
Institute in the 1980s in Germany.  And what she reported was,
that at that time, the resistance from the Greenie movements was
so intense at some of these meetings, the police had to be called
in.  What Krafft Ehricke reflected on at the time was that these
Greenie movements were very reminiscent of the fascist movements
of the 1930s; and that's why the only way to move forward had to
be by addressing exactly what you just raised, Kesha.  The
essence of the cultural morality of mankind; is mankind a culture
of beasts, or is mankind actually representing a culture of what
Schiller would call beautiful souls?

        BENJAMIN DENISTON:  I think highlighting the fight for that;
he fought for that.  He went against the opposition even within
the scientific community for that kind of idea; and I think that
also goes back to something that Michael was saying about what's
needed today.  It's people like that; it's people who are going
to fight for what's true.  Not because they think it's what their
neighbors will like, or because they think it's what will make
them popular; it's because they have an internal drive that they
know that's what's needed.  You pulled up this quote — it's just
one thing among many — I just thought it was indicative; this
quote of Krafft testifying in Congress in, I believe it was in
1960, the early '60s.  And really emphatically pushing the need
for nuclear power for space; he said, the Universe runs on
nuclear power.  The stars are run by nuclear power; this nuclear
power is an inherent part of the Universe and mankind is going to
be obsolete in his attempt to be part of the Universe more
broadly — go beyond Earth, fulfill this extraterrestrial
imperative — if we reject nuclear power.  That's one thing.
Already in the early '60s, he said, if we don't do this by the
end of the decade, we're going to be obsolete in terms of our
space efforts.  Nuclear power is one issue; one critical issue,
obviously, for mankind as a whole, for space development.  But
you see this visionary quality of fighting against the opposition
to these breakthroughs; and being the force that says, "No, this
is what's needed," against massive opposition.  The tragedy is
that the opposition has taken over.
        We had, under the leadership of Krafft Ehricke and people
working with him, we had a nuclear rocket pretty much built by
the early '70s; it was basically a few steps away from being
ready to go, and it was just cancelled.  It was not found to be
too difficult; it was not found to be some failure; it was not
found to be too expensive; it was just cancelled.  And we've had
this zero-growth policy take over at that crucial pivot point —
the late '60s, early '70s — when Lyn really came on the scene
and started to continue this fight.  Obviously, Krafft resonated
with that, and came to work with the LaRouches directly based on
that; but you see the failure of departing from this visionary
quality and this fight to move into the future.  But I think he
exemplifies what's needed from the US population right now;
you're not going to find solutions from the existing cultural,
social framework.  It's failed; that's expressing the failure of
        We heard at the beginning, one of the things that strikes me
in discussing this whole war danger and the fact that we're
taking steps towards nuclear war, which I think it's important,
it was stated clearly.  There's no limited nuclear war; there's
no small nuclear war, you don't take small steps.  If it happens,
everything's over; it's gone.  But what's potentially even more
striking than that actually being a reality on the table?  Who's
talking about it?  We have a Presidential election; are these
candidates raising this as an issue?  Is there any discussion
about this?  I think it just underscores the importance of that
quality of leadership needed; and exemplified by what was done in
San Francisco.  We're going to be having, coming out of the
Schiller Institute conference in Germany coming up; and what
really this movement represents in the United States.
        And I think this should also be an appeal to our viewers.
Really, this is a time when we need escalation; we need increase;
we need more support; we need more people to be these type of
creative leaders like Krafft Ehricke, like Lyndon LaRouche.
That's the only thing that's going to save the country at this

OGDEN:  Yeah, Michael made a point which I thought was very
significant.  That, at a time like this, when it's very clear how
huge the dangers are, you cannot allow yourself to be any less
than the magnitude of the crisis challenges one to be.  And the
magnitude and scope of thinking which is necessary to solve a
crisis of this sort, of a civilizational scale, must be huge in
those terms.  And I think one thing out of this discussion about
Krafft Ehricke, that occurred to me is, when you're thinking
about where the entire idea of the geopolitics of the last 70
years has been rooted; it is rooted in the zero-growth
technology, no development kind of paradigm.  The idea that there
are limited resources that a growing population is fighting over,
and these territories and so forth; that is the fundamental tenet
of the geopolitics that has dominated this paradigm which has now
failed.  When you talk about a New Paradigm, when you talk about
"win-win" as Xi Jinping says it, instead of winner take all, all
are winners.  That fundamentally requires, it begs a new attitude
towards our concept of growth; that there is no idea of limits to
growth, of fixed natural resources.  But that you have an
ever-expanding possibility of ever-increasing potentials of
growth.  I think as very demonstrated, China, in a certain way,
does understand that in the way that Krafft Ehricke understood
it; is a central element of their current policy, is not only the
One Belt, One Road policy, but it is also this exploration of the
Moon. Now just going to the Moon, as a sort of space race or
setting your foot on a foreign body or something like that; but
saying we're going to discover fundamentally new about the
Universe.  And as Mr. LaRouche has been emphasizing, this Chang'e
mission to explore the far side of the Moon and everything that
is there to be discovered.  We don't even know; we don't know the
extent to which we will discover brand new things about the
structure of the Universe when we explore this new territory.
That, I think, speaks to this idea that the idea of a New
Paradigm, a new "win-win" system, is rooted in overturning the
last 70 years of this Malthusian concept of zero-growth, zero
technological development, and fixed resources.
        And it's only natural that Krafft Ehricke understood it in
those terms.

        DENISTON:  Anything else just goes to the longer legacy of
the Zeus vs. Prometheus fight.  You talk about this zero-growth
paradigm; where did this come from?  The British; the British
royal family.  People like Prince Philip; people like Prince
Bernhard.  This oligarchical mindset.  These guys are so
explicit, their view of mankind is just disgusting cattle to be
managed.  Zeus would just pal up with these guys; they wouldn't
even need to introduce themselves.  They would just get together
like they've know each other for ages.  That mentality of this
imperial conception of the management of mankind as a bestial
species; that's where this zero-growth paradigm came from in this
recent period, but it stretches back through history.  You look
at the writings of Aeschylus on the Prometheus vs. Zeus fight;
the attack on Prometheus.  And you see that as a reflection of a
true negative principle of society at the time, which is carried
through to today.  This hatred of human progress; this hatred of
creative development; this desire to keep mankind suppressed to
this lower level.  What angered Zeus wasn't just that he had
something stolen from him; it's that he had a whole class of
people he was managing, that Prometheus then gave an ability to
uplift and realize their own humanity.  And for that, Zeus
punished him.
        It's the same fight today; but today, Zeus has thermonuclear
arsenals at his fingertips.  We're at a clear, and I think this
was very well expressed even in the discussions back in the '80s
that we're talking about, with the need to move to the Age of
Reason.  We're at the point where mankind has developed
technologically to the point where if we allow that type of
process to continue, you're talking about mankind annihilating
himself; and that's what we're talking about right now, with
these NATO deployments.  It's complete insanity.  But again, as
we're saying, it's not going to be solved in the negative, by
just saying, "Stop that. Don't do that."  It's going to have to
be resolved in the higher realization and actualization of the
true nature of mankind as a Promethean force; as Krafft Ehricke
represented.  Today, as much as then, this need for an Age of
Reason is the imperative; and space is emblematic of the Age of
Reason, the age of mankind, really.

OGDEN:  Well, I think it's important in the context of everything
that we've discussed, also to note that we really are on the edge
of a meltdown of the trans-Atlantic financial system.  It was
noted this week that now major European banks are beginning to
cease their investment into the ECB, because of the ECB's
negative interest policy.  They said, why should we be putting
money into the ECB if they're just going to be charging us for
putting our money there?  So, Helga LaRouche said, there's a lot
of European bankers who are sleeping with billions of dollars
underneath their pillows in the current days.  But this is, even
without the instability of what could happen in the build up to
the Brexit vote at the end of this month.  I know our
institutional question for this week, which we haven't addressed;
was on the subject of the Brexit.  And Mrs. LaRouche said, if
this means that Ireland and Scotland are going to leave the UK,
and the UK will break up; then sure, I welcome this.  But in
seriousness, we are on the verge of the meltdown of the
trans-Atlantic financial system; the productivity of the United
States is through the floor; unemployment in this country is
unbelievable, especially youth unemployment.  It's at levels that
are unprecedented in the modern history of this country.  And at
the same time, you have the possibility of an entirely economic
paradigm presenting itself in the form of the New Silk Road;
everything that's coming out of the BRICS.  We have the visit by
Narendra Modi to the United States this week; he spoke to a joint
session of Congress.  There's a lot that could just happen; as
Helga LaRouche said, it would be very easy.  It would be a piece
of cake for the United States to join this New Paradigm; and I
think that's the ongoing of the LaRouche Movement
internationally, is making that possibility very, very real.  It
requires a policy revolution in the United States to bring that
about; but as was clear from the seminar in San Francisco this
week — and I think will continue to be clear in our
interventions in New York City around the Manhattan Project that
Mr. LaRouche has initiated; and then this upcoming conference
that's being sponsored by the Schiller Institute in Europe in the
coming weeks.  The activities of the LaRouche Movement
internationally are crucial; and it's very significant that we're
at the breaking point in terms of several aspects of this.
        Mrs. LaRouche also put a big emphasis on the continued fight
around the declassification of the 28 pages, because of what this
would imply in terms of the potential to bring down the entire
Anglo-Saudi empire.  And also everything that was contingent on
the lies that were told in the aftermath of 9/11; and what that
has led to in terms of the perpetual war policies, the refugees
who are coming into Europe from North Africa and the Middle East.
        So, all of these things taken together, represent a
situation which is dynamic, it's changing very rapidly, and it is
fertile ground for the types of interventions that the LaRouche
Movement is making internationally right now.
        So, let me invite Kesha or Mike, if you want to say anything
more, in terms of reflections at the conclusion of this
discussion, you're welcome to.

        STEGER:  I'd say, let's get rid of Obama and join the New

        ROGERS: Yeah.  I think it's true; we are at the end of an
era of representation of barbarism, war, and these limits to
growth consequences that Krafft Ehricke was very well aware of.
We're seeing the emergence of a new system of cooperation, a new
collaboration and dialogue among civilizations that's being led
by Russia and China.  And I think the continued question being
presented by our activity is, will people actually join with
LaRouche and join with the nations who are representing this new
direction for mankind?  And that means doing what Krafft Ehricke
did, and breaking with all practicality, and as you said Ben,
popularity; and actually going out and doing that which is
seemingly impossible.  I think China gives us the light and the
inspiration as to human beings; that is our mission, that is what
we do.  We do those things which seem almost impossible.  And we
do those things that actually help to bring about the solutions
that are going to lead to a greater condition for mankind.  So, I
think that's what we're representing right now, and we're on the
brink of a total breakthrough; unlike anything that's been seen.
But also, as Mrs. LaRouche said in her opening remarks, this
breakthrough is going to come with rejecting the absence of any
discussion on the threat of this thermonuclear war and what
mankind really faces.  Because the question is, what kind of
society are we going to actually demand be brought into
existence?  What kind of future are we going to actually bring
about for those generations not yet born?  And Mr. LaRouche is
committed to that, and many more people as we've stated, need to
do the same.

        OGDEN:  OK.  Well, thank you very much, Kesha.  With that,
I'm going to bring a conclusion to this webcast here this
evening.  I'd like to thank both Kesha and Michael for joining
us; and also thank you to Megan and to Ben.  So, please stay
tuned to; and as I think you can tell, we have a
very busy few weeks ahead of us, and a lot of responsibility. So,
thank you very much; good night.

LaRouchePAC Internationale Fredags-webcast, 3. juni 2016:
Vi må rejse ud i rummet og virkeliggøre vores fælles bestemmelse

Ben Deniston gennemgår bl.a. de mange, internationale tiltag, med grafiske fremstillinger, der støtter alternativet til det anglo-amerikanske imperiums fremstød for global atomkrig, og Kesha Rogers fra Texas taler om afdøde tysk-amerikanske rumforskningspionér Krafft Ehrickes filosofi omkring menneskets indtagelse af rummet, og mennesket som et 'multi-globalt' væsen, der ikke er begrænset til blot én planet, m.m.

Engelsk udskrift. 


Friday LaRouche PAC Webcast
        June 3, 2016

        MEGAN BEETS: Hello! It's June 3rd, 2016. I'd like to welcome
all of you to our regular Friday broadcast here at LaRouche PAC.
My name is Megan Beets. I'm joined tonight in the studio by Ben
Deniston, and I'm also joined, via video, by LaRouche PAC Policy
Committee members Kesha Rogers, joining me from Houston Texas and
Diane Sare, joining us from New Jersey and Manhattan.
        To start things off tonight, I'm going to read the question
that came in to Mr. LaRouche from our institutional contact in
Washington, and then turn it over to you, Diane, to deliver Mr.
LaRouche's response, as well as some opening remarks, to start
our discussion off.
        The question reads: "Mr. LaRouche, the U.S. Senate passed a
controversial bill known as the Justice Against Sponsors of
Terrorism Act (JASTA) that would allow the families of 9/11
victims to sue the government of Saudi Arabia for its alleged
financial support of al-Qaeda. The bill now goes to the U.S.
House of Representatives for a vote. What are your
recommendations to the House of Representatives?"

        DIANE SARE: Well, I can report what Mr. LaRouche had to say
about that, specifically, and then more in the background. He
said that "We must state the case straightforwardly. It must be a
clean bill with no loopholes, i.e., loopholes which would allow
the Obama administration, or whatever administration that's
covering up for the Saudis, to claim that there's negotiations
going on with them that would prevent the families from being
able to sue." He said, "It must not only be passed, but with a
veto-proof majority. The issue is clear. The British and the
Saudis were behind the crimes of 9/11 and should be held legally
        I think this is extremely important with what I wanted to
say, in terms of starting off the discussion this evening, which
is that the American population is in somewhat of a quandary.
They're in an unfair position because, thanks to our terribly
controlled news media, they're operating without full knowledge
of the situation that they're in. They're thinking that we're in
a presidential election campaign where they have to choose
between Hillary Clinton, who is nothing but a lying, killer clone
of Barack Obama; maybe Bernie Sanders, who's really just a fraud,
and who has never met an anti-Russian policy that he has not
supported; or Donald Trump, who is an FBI agent with a glorified
        Actually, this is simply not the case. There's a much
greater dynamic in the world right now, which is that the
trans-Atlantic system is completely bankrupt. That means the
British Royal Family and their Saudi and American puppets like
Barack Obama, like the Bush family, are in a mad scramble to
somehow maintain their grip, even as their system completely
disintegrates. What Ben is about to present is the new dynamic of
the planet, which is absolutely huge. It involves over half of
the world's population and it involves over half of the world's
population actually moving in a progressive, future-oriented,
direction, which is something completely anomalous to most people
and most people's thinking in the United States today.
        So, what I just wanted to give a sense of is (1) the danger,
in terms of the urgency of yanking down Obama by exposing his
collusion with Saudi Arabia and Britain, the very people who
committed the atrocities on September 11, 2001 in our country, so
that we don't have thermonuclear war; and (2) that the United
States can be brought to join this greater paradigm, which is
actually what's affecting everything inside the United States,
not the local affairs as you see them.
        I'll just say, people may recall that our Defense Secretary
Ashton Carter a couple months ago actually said that we should
quadruple our defense spending in Europe. He said that we had to
be prepared for a threat from Russia — which is not threatening
us. But, what we are in fact doing is aggressively moving against
Russia, by supporting NATO military drills in the Baltic nations.
Germany has sent 1,000 troops into Lithuania for these drills.
NATO is erecting anti-ballistic missile systems. They have
already been placed in Romania. Now we're talking about placing
them in Poland. These systems can easily be converted to carry
{offensive} weapons; they're not just {defensive} systems. You
can equip any of these rockets with nuclear warheads.
        Putin has addressed this very directly. I'll just share what
Putin had to say about that. He talks about these compact launch
pads. "At the moment, the interceptor missiles installed have a
range of 500 km (310 miles), soon this will go up to 1,000 km
(621 miles), and worse than that, they can be re-armed with 2,400
km (1,491 mile) offensive missiles even today, and it can be done
by simply switching the software, so that even the Romanians
themselves won't know. How can this not be a threat to us? It
certainly is. That is the reason why we have to respond now, and
if yesterday some areas in Romania did not know what it is like
to be a target, today we will have to take action to ensure our
security. Let me repeat, these are response measures, a response
only. We were not the first to take such steps. The same will be
done with regard to Poland. We will wait for certain actions to
be taken in Poland. We are not going to do anything until we see
missiles on the neighboring territory. And we have the necessary
resources. You saw, the whole world saw our capabilities in term
of our medium-range sea- and air-based missiles." He's referring
to what Russia just did with regard to Syria, the phenomenal
accuracy of missiles launched from the Mediterranean and
elsewhere on wiping out ISIS targets. "We are not violating
anything, but our ground-based Iskander missile systems have
proven themselves as superb."
        This is what Putin is now saying, and then our Defense
Secretary Aston Carter went on to give a raving speech in a U.S.
Naval Academy Commencement Address, where he talked about the
great technological superiority of American weapons, which is
simply not the case. Kesha will elaborate further [that] since
Obama has dismantled out space program, we simply do not have the
science and research to produce accurate and effective defense
weapons systems. It's simply a fraud. I'm sure we are spending a
lot of money. It's probably like our health care system, where
we're spending more money than anyone else on the planet, and
doing the worst job of producing anything.
        I'll just say that there was just this study that came out
from a fellow at Dartmouth College, and the Bush School of
Government at Texas A&M University. Secretary of State James
Baker III, at the time when negotiations were being held with
Gorbachev for the reunification of Germany, was {lying to
Gorbachev at that time} [in 1990] — that the United States was
already engaged in plans for expansion of NATO, even as we were
telling Gorbachev that we were not, in terms of the conditions to
reunify Germany.
        So, it is no wonder that Putin is responding in this
fashion. The aggressor is NATO and Obama, as tools of a bankrupt
British Empire system. And what Americans need to know, and what
the world needs to bear in mind, is the strength of the new
paradigm, which is actually huge. It is the actions of Putin and
Xi Jinping which are the reason why we've not plunged into
thermonuclear war earlier. I think, as you'll see, they
definitely have the upper hand in this situation. This is
something that Americans should actually be acting in concert
with, as opposed to the myopic focus of the current U.S. election

        BEN DENISTON: Thanks Diane. We were discussing with Mr.
LaRouche and Mrs. LaRouche yesterday, and had some discussions
earlier in the week, and I think maybe just to reference what
Mrs. LaRouche defined as just two stark directions the world is
going in. On the one side, as you're saying, you have this
insane, frankly imperial-style push, still, as long as you have
Obama as this Puppet-in-Chief for the British, they're going for
this threat of war drive. Every step they take is just further
and further to insanity.
        I think part of what we're facing in the United States is
people are not going to understand what's really going on unless
they look at the global picture, and unless they look at the
global picture from the right perspective. I think you're
absolutely right. These elections are a joke unless you see them
in the context of where the world's actually going right now.
Obviously, the United States plays a critical role, but you're
not going to define what the United States does, or where the
United States goes, from within the United States. People have to
look at what's happening in the world, to know how to act here in
the United States to actually achieve something.
        So, we want to take some time today and just put a little
bit of depth — and I think we're going to be doing more of this
in additional shows, additional segments in the future — but we
want to put some depth on this new paradigm that is emerging. I
just want to reference some of the developments, some stuff
recently, some stuff from the months and years, but look at it
together as one picture of an emerging — I would really call it
this "win-win" paradigm to reference the refrain and the concept
of China's President Xi Jinping, where he said that what China is
pursuing is a "win-win" policy.
        What we've seen recently, over years, but also just in the
recent days and weeks, is a real consolidation of other nations
coming around that policy, coming around the idea of a win-win
principle. Maybe different nations are approaching it in
different terms, or they have different words for it, or
different expressions, or maybe stated in different languages,
but I think there's a clear unification around this principle —
that we have to move beyond the idea that every nation is
competing for some finite set of resources, and the gains of
another nation are somehow implicitly and inherently going to be
a loss for your nation. In other terms, sometimes, this general
"geopolitical view," as some people discuss it and think about it
— the idea that the world is this big game being played and you
have to ensure that you get the biggest slice of the pie, and any
gains made by another nation are somehow going to be detrimental,
because that's less potential gains for you.
        You've seen a very clear and explicit break from this, not
just in words, not just in statements, but in actual action from
this new paradigm, centered around China, China's alliance with
Russia, and increasingly, cooperation with India. And you're
seeing a clear commitment to the idea that the future of mankind
depends on cooperation in common progress, in common development
— that progress and development in joint cooperation between
nations benefits both parties and other parties involved in, in
the nearby area: this idea of win-win cooperation. It's not
win-loss cooperation. Just because you win doesn't mean the other
guy loses. We need to rise to a real mature understanding of how
mankind progresses, what the nature of progress is for the human
species — that mankind creates wealth, creates progress, by
creative development, and the only way we're going to have a
stable, progressive, future-oriented world — or any world at
all, frankly, at this point, at the level of thermonuclear
technologies — is a policy based on this principle, this
recognition: that we can no longer tolerate the suppression or
the denial of progress of other nations, and we must embark on
policies that ensure cooperative development among nations.
        These are nice ideas. We could talk about this. Everybody's
heard politicians saying these kind of things. Maybe not in the
U.S. so much even, these days. The point is this is actually
happening. These are not just "nice ideas." This is where the
world is going. This is happening now. This is the dynamic taking
over the world. This defines what we have to do in the United
States to ensure that we can be part of this process.
        On the first graphic here we have displayed [Fig. 1], a lot
of this centers around China's pivotal role with their One
Belt-One Road program, comprised of a land-based revival of the
Silk Road orientation, as a real development corridor, bringing
development into the interior regions of Asia and Eurasia, but
also coupled with their Maritime Silk Road initiative. This has
kind of been a keystone of an expanding development of Asia as a
whole, bringing in more and more nations, again, not in a
competitive way necessarily, but in a way of a win-win policy.
        I do want to illustrate, just give a quick sketch, on some
of the developments that have been occurring. But I'd like to
premise this by just referencing some of the recent statements by
the leaders of these nations. Again, Russia, China, and India
coming along as a critical third partner in this whole process.
        Just to highlight a few things, the President of India was
in China just this past week; and while he was there, he gave an
address on India-Chinese relations. And just to quote what he
said, he said: "India and China are poised to play a significant
and constructive role in the 21st Century. When Indians and
Chinese come together to address global challenges and build on
their shared interests, there is no limit to what our two peoples
can jointly achieve." He went on to say, "Both sides should work
with the aim of insuring that we do not burden our coming
generations, by leaving our unresolved problems to them." So,
that was the President of India speaking in China.
        Also earlier this week, you had a former Chinese ambassador
to Russia travel to Moscow and speak about Russian-Chinese
relations. And he just said quite frankly, bilateral relations
between Russia and China are now at a 400-year high. You hear
politicians in the United States, you're lucky if they talk about
a 4-year perspective or a 4-year analysis; let alone a 400-year
assessment. This former ambassador to Russia from China said
there's obviously differences; anytime you have two major
nations, you have differences. But he said, these are of a
secondary level; and he said it's his assessment, as somebody who
deals with top-level relations between these two nations, that
the Presidents of the two nations — Xi and Putin — have a clear
conceptual understanding, a clear conceptual agreement. So that's
significant; again, reflecting this orientation.
        Just this past Tuesday, the Premier of China was speaking to
media editors and newspaper editors for various Asian
publications; and then speaking to an Indian editor, he really
emphasized that Chinese-Indian cooperation not only benefits
China and India, but all of Asia. So again, here's the Premier of
China, you had the President of India saying similar things; the
Premier of China saying similar things. It's a reflection of
Russia being a part of this. These are clear statements just in
the recent period of this move towards this integration
perspective. China's Premier also said — as an interesting note
— that China welcomes India's leadership and role in this new
development project linking India, Iran, and Afghanistan; we can
see this on the next image here on the map [Fig. 2]; centered
around Iran's Chabahar port. This new proposal for water
transport, shipping, the development of this port; the
development of the rail lines and related industry, and
stretching up into Afghanistan. So, this is a new development
project that India's partaking in; Iran's partaking in; and is
going to bring critical development also into Afghanistan. And
this is just typical; this kind of project — if you look at it
in the old paradigm, maybe China could say this threatens our
interests, because it's insuring other nations are gaining more
power and that might be more threatening to our geopolitical role
in the region. But no, this is a different paradigm; this is a
new paradigm.
        That kind of thinking applies in the US and London still; it
still dominates the trans-Atlantic. But you go to Asia, and the
Chinese Premier is saying, great; this is excellent. We encourage
India's role in this type of development; we want more of this.
So, I think this project is just one of a number of projects that
I think are moving closer and closer to what the LaRouches
defined with their Eurasian Land-Bridge perspective. A lot can be
said, but just to highlight a few things. You have this Chabahar
port project, linking India and Iran into Afghanistan. You have
the One Belt, One Road, including the New Silk Road program going
through the heart of the Eurasian continent. You also have just
within the past year, the completion and upgrading of some of
these rail lines; where now you can travel directly from China
all the way to Germany, faster than you could by shipping route,
by direct rail connections through the whole heart of Asia into
Europe across Eurasia. You have the prospect of regular upgraded
rail connections and transport from China down into Iran, now
that the Iran sanctions are lifted; and we have the prospect of
Iran playing a larger role in the development of this region.
        These are just a few examples of building off of China's One
Belt, One Road, further related development projects; just
reflecting the overall orientation towards growth, infrastructure
investment, scientific investment, development throughout the
Eurasian continent, led by these nations.
        I think also indicative of this whole New Paradigm
orientation, very interesting and illustrative of what we're
talking about; you also have in the last two years, the creation
and emergence of another economic development bloc — the
Eurasian Economic Union — highlighted here in yellow. Of which
Russia is the largest component of this economic agreement, this
new economic zone which includes Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus,
Armenia, and Kyrgyzstan. So, this is kind of central north Asian
bloc of economic development.

        So again, if you're thinking like a British geo-politician,
you might think this is a competition to China's One Belt, One
Road program. Here you have Russia coming in, working with these
other nations in the northern regions, trying to expand their
economic development; while China is leading the way with their
One Belt, One Road program. But in Asia, in the New Paradigm, in
the way these leaders are thinking in a real sane, human fashion,
they're not thinking about it in those terms. You had President
Putin recently explicitly saying that they're looking towards
integration and cooperation with the One Belt, One Road program
explicitly. He said they're even working on specific projects as
part of the Eurasian Economic Union, which will directly
integrate into the New Silk Road, the One Belt, One Road program.
It's not competition; it's not a geopolitical perspective. It's a
perspective of win-win cooperation of development, or progress;
and this is what has the trans-Atlantic powers, these
geopolitical mindset people all freaked out.
        Just to highlight a few other things, you have space. You
have a Renaissance of space exploration in Asia, while the US is
decaying under Obama's cancellation of the manned space program
and his cuts and his complete lack of leadership in space; you
have rapid progress being made in Asia. Just within the recent
period, you have two new space launch centers, advanced space
launch centers now open in Russia and China; as indicated here.
        You have major water projects; massive south water north
projects, which is remarkable. They've made manmade rivers of a
large scale, directing water from the abundant waters of the
south to the water-starved regions of the north. And they've made
major steps in managing and developing their water system as a
nation as a whole; and they've got plans to further that with
some of the more challenging aspects going further west with some
of the western routes. So, they've already accomplished certain
parts of this; and they're taking further steps.
        But again, they're looking at positive developments for the
whole region; they're recently said that they're looking towards
helping the development of the Mekong River valley down in
Southeast Asia. Where you have the Mekong River running through
Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam — this region here — and
there's been recent droughts, major water shortages and
difficulties; largely just from lack of development, lack of
doing what the US did under Franklin Roosevelt with the TVA
[Tennessee Valley Authority]. Lack of developing basic dams,
irrigation reservoirs, water management systems to actually
manage this river valley as a whole to insure regular, steady
water supplies are available to the people. So, China's saying
they want to look into helping to facilitate that process as a
new project.
        You have India now re-raising the prospects for another
massive water transfer program — their river inter-linking
project; where they can actually interlink some of the major
rivers and again manage their water system as a national
territory as a whole in a much more efficient and much more
productive program.
        And I'd just like if you look at these projects together,
and this is just a sample of some of the stuff that's either in
process, or is becoming likely, or is being coming discussed and
could be a future orientation. If you look at this together,
you're looking at the greatest and development and management of
the water cycle in this entire East Asia, South Asia, Southeast
Asia region, to be the greatest management of water that mankind
has ever undertaken in the history of our species on this planet.
        So, these are the kinds of things you see happening, in a
win-win cooperative paradigm. And I want to end with just one
last project; something very close to Mr. LaRouche specifically,
because he's played a major role in supporting this. Which is the
Kra Canal proposal; and this is a canal for water transport
that's been proposed to cut through the Kra Isthmus in Thailand.
To facilitate greater trade between, as you can see here, the
South China Sea and obviously stretching into the Pacific and
China and Japan and Korea and into the Indian Ocean. From which,
India is obviously a major player there; but then also, those
routes obviously go up through the New Suez Canal — constructed
by Egypt in a remarkable amount of time — and up into Europe.
These major anchor points of world trade — in the Pacific with
China, Japan, Korea on the one side; and then in the Indian Ocean
and over into Europe on the other side. This entire trade process
suffers a massive bottleneck currently, as all this trade has to
currently go through the Malaccan Strait; which is this narrow
passage between Malaysia and Indonesia.
        Right now, something on the order of one-fourth of all
global trade goes through these narrow straits; not one-fourth of
the trade in this region, or one-fourth of the Asian trade.
One-fourth of all trade globally goes through this region. I've
seen different estimates, I'm not sure; that might be one-fourth
of total ships or one-fourth of tonnage, or one-fourth of value,
I'm not sure exactly. I've seen other estimates say that it's 40%
of global trade; I think it probably depends upon exactly how you
count. But this is a major chunk of all trade occurring on the
whole entire planet; going through this one congested, some parts
very shallow and narrow, region down around Singapore in the
Malaccan Straits. And this has been known now for many years to
be major bottleneck constraining cheap, efficient, rapid trade
between these sections of the world. So, in the '80s, Mr.
LaRouche became very involved in this proposal to make a new
canal through this relatively narrow passage; this narrow isthmus
in Thailand. And enable a dramatic increase in the volume;
reduction of the cost; increase in the speed of trade through
these regions. Despite having been fought for for many years, now
in this new paradigm, this is now being put on the table again.
        You just had an official advisory board of the Thailand
government endorsing this program. China has made it clear it
would like to do this program, and maybe even finance the whole
thing if it goes forward. You have official experts in the United
States recognizing the importance of this program as kind of a
keystone; relieving this bottleneck, and another major component
of facilitating this vast expanse of economic growth, trade, and
development in this whole region.
        So, this is a very exciting, singular project, but it's
emblematic and I think an example of the whole perspective we're
talking about. And again, I think the theme is win-win. You have
China, you have Russia, you have India; they've had conflicts,
they've had wars, they've had tensions. But you have leaders now
in these nations — typified by Xi Jinping, typified by Putin,
Modi's role in India. They're now saying, we as mankind, as
nations, as participants in humanity, need to move beyond this
geopolitical approach to our existence on this planet. We have to
move to a policy where we recognize growth, development,
progress; all these things we're talking about here are necessary
for everybody. Not just for us. We can no longer tolerate the
suppression of this kind of development for others; we have to go
to a global system centered around this kind of development. And
again, that's not just being talked out, as you saw here, as you
see what's going on with these developments.
        Again, this is just a sketch; you could spend weeks going
through what's happening in the world. And by the time you got
done, you'd have a whole other set of things to catch up on;
because a lot would have happened since the time you started. But
this is now the center of what's happening in the world; and this
defines how we need to think about what's happening. This is what
has these London-Wall Street imperial faction people freaked out.
Because how have the British existed? Well, it existed on
geopolitics; they've been the geo-politicians. They've been
existing based upon looting; if there's nations they can't loot
directly, I'm sure there's perpetual conflict between different
regions. And especially under Obama, the United States has come
under this geopolitical imperial orientation.
        And to just come back to what you said Diane, the opposition
from this imperial faction couldn't be clearer. They're taking
step after step towards what would be thermonuclear annihilation
in response to this emerging New Paradigm. This NATO summit
coming up; the exercises being started now by NATO. Putin
couldn't be clearer or saner in his response; saying, we've been
talking about this for years. You guys are making clear overt
military threats to us with your expansion of NATO, with the
development of more advanced weapons systems closer and closer to
our borders. What do you expect us to do? We have to respond for
our own safety, and for the safety of the world, quite frankly.
        So, I just think the situation couldn't be more stark; but I
think especially here in the United States, we have to uplift the
level of discussion to this global perspective. What's happening
in Asia now, what's happening between Putin and Russia and China,
increased collaboration with India; that is now increasingly
becoming the defining factor for the world situation.

        ROGERS: I think that what we're seeing going on in the world
right now, and what you just laid out, really puts the
perspective on the table of the decades-long fight of Mr. and
Mrs. LaRouche now coming to fruition. I thought that it was
important that you brought up Mr. LaRouche's fight around these
development projects; around the Kra Canal in the '80s. And the
fact of the matter is, at that very time, he was also fighting
for the development of space exploration; around the "Woman on
Mars" Mars mission, and the importance of mankind in space.
        Now, I think what we're seeing right now can really be
characterized from the standpoint of what the German-American
space pioneer Krafft Ehricke described as the emergence of
mankind into a poly-global world. And I think when you think of
this conception of a poly-global world, where mankind is not
confined to the limited resources of one globe, but moves out
into the expansion of space; that's what we're seeing happen
right now. What Russia and China represent is a move away from —
we're not just talking about one globe; we're talking about one
globe that has been dominated by a British Empire, a policy of
murder. A population reduction, and defying this conception of
the creative nature of human beings and the human mind. When you
think about Russia and China are doing to pull together over 50%
of the world, this is quite remarkable; and it can only be looked
at from the standpoint of a new species of mankind. It's a real
force of good versus evil; and the evil is completely being
destroyed and losing. Because the drive right now for
thermonuclear war being pushed and perpetuated continuously by
the stooge Obama in the White House; who's been pushing the
murderous policy to protect the British Empire, protect the
Saudis. And to continue to push a policy that's going to lead to
not just a continuation of a confinement to one world; but a one
world where people are on the verge of being exterminated and
blowing themselves up, unless we change our attitudes now. And I
think the matter is, is what Diane and you both presented; which
is that we have a real clear choice and opportunity before us. I
think it's very important as to the very important fight that our
international organization is leading right now, that we have to
put an end to Obama, to this drive for thermonuclear war, and to
NATO and what it represents in terms of its escalations and
provocations of war towards Russia and China.
        But I think to continue to look on the optimistic, positive
side, which most of the world is moving toward, we have to give
the United States and American people a sense of what we must be
participating in, in terms of our mission to join in this drive
toward peaceful cooperation and progress. I think it's very
important to note that today is the 51st anniversary of the first
American to walk in space — Ed White; which was June 3, 1965.
        As I was stating, you take the conception laid by the German
space pioneer Krafft Ehricke; what he conceptualized was not
something that was confined to one people or one nation. But that
was going to be the intention that was going to unify all people
in a common interest that our destiny and mission as mankind was
to break with the confines of Earth that put limitations on man,
and that bestialized human beings and pit human beings against
each other; to find our common interest in the development of
space. And you're seeing more and more people starting to
recognize this intention and this need for cooperation. It was
just reported today that at an international air show in Germany,
the head of the European Space Agency, Johann-Dietrich Wörner,
actually made the point of manned missions being indispensable
for space and planetary research. He said because human
astronauts can access and act independently — unlike robots. He
also talked about the need for building permanent lunar bases;
and he called this a Moon Village. And he said that this Moon
Village can be constructed with a lot of material already
existing on the Moon; and that the Moon Village would be a
stepping stone to reaching other planets such as Mars and so
        Now, I wanted to say in that context, that I attended an
event last night, and the speaker was speaking on the Curiosity
mission; which most people remember landed on Mars in 2012. What
I brought up at that time was that the excitement around the fact
that — as Mr. LaRouche conceptualized it — that the mind of man
and the extended sensorium of man had now been put on Mars; but
that there are limitations to that. And the speaker recognized
those limitations and he said something to the effect of what Mr.
Wörner said in Germany; which is, we have an obligation as
mankind to actually go out into the reaches of space. To colonize
the Moon; to colonize Mars. And to build these colonies because
of the limitations that are put on mankind. And he said that we
have to look at it from the standpoint that this is our destiny.
        This is exactly what Krafft Ehricke recognized as he
presented a principal work called {Lunar Industrialization and
Settlement; Birth of Poly-Global Civilization}. In the work, he
summarizes "the major aspects of lunar industrialization and
settlement, and identifies that scientific and evolutionary facts
leading to a definitive justification of why man must
industrialize space. Changing our present closed world into a
present world. He also establishes the philosophy of the
extra-terrestrial imperative as a defense of justification for a
long-term based on mankind's ability to transcend the limits of
one small planet." And that is what Russia and China are
representing; the transformation and transcendence of this one
small planet being controlled by an imperial policy which is
ready to be ended and to be destroyed, {if} we do the right thing
and we take the right actions.
        If you look at this from the standpoint of the continued
aspect of what you presented, Ben, as the objective of what China
put forward as a win-win strategy of cooperation. They're
continuing to do that, as the Chinese space leaders have just put
forth an additional perspective to that win-win strategy of
cooperation, international collaboration on the future Moon
missions. The first Chinese astronaut presented that a study is
being conducted to justify the importance of lunar exploration;
and Russia and the European Space Agency are already discussing
collaboration on lunar missions. The intention is that there
would be astronauts sent to the Moon by China by 2036; and he
presented this speaking at a conference on manned space
exploration in Russia. I think that that is quite extraordinary,
because when you look at the fact that Obama has continued to
push a murderous policy against our space program, and to
continue to drive and perpetuate an extermination war for
mankind. The question is, why are the American people still stuck
in a completely insane world of lies and fraud; thinking that an
election actually has some real bearing on the future of mankind,
when it doesn't?
        What is going to determine the future is that the United
States has to join with this perspective of a poly-global world,
a world not confined by limitations; as Krafft Ehricke laid out.
I think what we're going to witness — and Megan has presented
this on many occasions — within the next two years with China's
mission to the far side of the Moon, puts a real perspective on
the development of space. And building the permanent colonies;
but more importantly, it puts a perspective on that which is
going to determine what the future of mankind is going to be.
It's not going to be this election; it's not going to be this
bankrupt British Empire and Wall Street system. It's going to be
the emergence of a new human species that — as Mr. LaRouche has
defined — is actually focusing on what type of future do we want
to create and must we create for our children and grandchildren.
And that's the way that Russia and China and 50% of the world is
joining them; they're not taking up these projects just because
they want to build infrastructure and new projects. No lower
intention of our perspective as a species can be taken up, except
for the one which actually transforms the conception of who we
are as a human species. That's what this political election is
missing; that's what we've been missing in society as we've sat
back with our eyes closed, blindfolded. Doing nothing about the
injustices, the murderous policy, the war and so forth that has
been dominating our society for far too long. Now that you're
seeing that this drive for evil is about to end now, we should be
a part of participating in that perspective for mankind; which is
the alternative that's being presented right now.

        SARE: Well, I think that's great. And to return to what was
brought up at the very beginning, one of the flanks on this
matter is the question of the Saudi role and Obama's protection
of them in the 9/11 attacks. If you think about all of the wars
that the United States has been engaged in since September 11,
2001, if that could be addressed in a sharp fashion; and if Obama
were to be brought down, jailed, impeached, indicted. That
obviously would have a dramatic impact on what the future of the
United States looked like, and the potential for our nation to be
a welcome partner in this phenomenal change of direction for the

        DENISTON: Yeah, that's definitely the critical flank we
have. And I know, Diane, that you've expressed the importance of
this obviously in New York in particular; obviously the major
epicenter of these attacks. But the other aspect of this is,
Obama has to go; the idea that we're going to wait for the
election or something. This is bigger than that; this is about
freeing the United States from this 9/11 dynamic as a whole. You
look at this British-Saudi operation; it wasn't just something in
and of itself. It was the event that was used by these British
assets, who were created well before the event and had been
operating well before the event, for these types of activities.
Something that LaRouche has been going after since the '80s in
terms of these covert, irregular warfare-type operations the
British have created; including these Saudi fundamentalist
        I was just looking back at Putin's statements recently; how
he was referencing the threat Russia is being faced with in
regards to this NATO advancement. And he again referenced the US
pulling out of the ABM Treaty in 2002. What was the ostensible
reason for us doing that? 9/11. Now are we worried about
ballistic missiles coming from the mujahideen in Afghanistan? Is
that why we had to pull out of the ABM Treaty; because we worried
about Osama bin Laden out of some case we can't even find,
operating ballistic missiles? It's been the cover to really
pursue this whole insane perpetual war policy; this police state
policy in the United States. The things you hear — "It was Bush,
not Obama. So, how are you blaming Obama?" Obama is actively
covering up for the worst atrocity committed against Americans on
American soil in American history; and he's protecting that. And
he's protecting the continuation of that as a process to ensure
that the United States continues to act in this post-9/11 mode.
        So I think breaking this issue, like you're saying, there's
nothing else that needs to happen but that at this point.

        BEETS: And on that, I think people are beginning to wake up
to the war danger, which is becoming impossible to ignore
especially in places like Europe. You had on Thursday night, a
significant television segment on German TV which was titled "The
Backers of 9/11; The Secret of the 28 Pages". Which centered on
an interview with former Senator Bob Graham; going through
exactly how the Bush and Obama governments have covered up what
was clearly known to be Saudi government involvement in funding
9/11. And poses the question that not only do the past 15 years
have to be re-examined and understood from a new perspective; but
also raising the question of what this means for Germany. And I
think that's very important from the standpoint of what you just
raised, Diane. What are the flanks; what are the things we can
pull? And we have this petition featured on the LaRouche PAC site
right now, which is beginning rapidly gain signatures
internationally; which is called "The Warsaw Summit Prepares for
War; It's Time to Leave NATO Now". And I would encourage
everybody to get on the site, sign it, and circulate it. I do
think this discussion has been very important, because it really
does pose the question to the American people: Are we going to
continue in this perpetual state of childhood, adolescence?
Closing our eyes and sleepwalking into what would be the biggest
disaster for mankind in all of history — complete extinction
warfare — will we permit that? Or will we choose a more
beautiful and better future? Which I think you laid out
beautifully, Kesha. And it reminded me, I just finished the
memoirs of the astronaut Michael Collins last night; the third,
sometimes forgotten member of the Apollo 11 crew. And he says at
the end of the book, I wish every member of government could get
out into space and look down onto our planet; because borders
completely disappear. And you begin to realize that the so-called
"conflicts" between people on Earth amount to nothing and that we
have a common destiny. So, I think what you laid out there,
Kesha, really is what people need to be thinking about.
        We need to forget our commitment to this dangerous insanity
and silliness; and decide that we're committed to building a
        So, unless there's anything else, we could leave it there
for this week.

        DENISTON: We have a lot more coming. I know there's going to
be a rather exciting conference in the San Francisco Bay area,
coming up in the middle of next week; June 8th. So, I think we'll
look forward to getting reports on that, and more focal points of
focus on getting the United States shifted to the direction we

        ROGERS: If you're in the area, you should attend this.

        DENISTON: Absolutely. It's to be seen as another follow-on
after the excellent conference we had in Manhattan just recently.
There's a lot going on; we're going to be doing a lot more. And
again, this petition; we can post a link to it in the description
below. People should be circulating it, signing it; getting as
many signatures as possible. This is certainly a critical flank
right now in the build-up to the upcoming NATO summit.

        BEETS: Good. Thank you Diane and Kesha; thanks Ben. And I'd
like to thank all of you watching; so stay tuned to

Hvad er videnskab?

2. juni 2016 (Leder fra LaRouchePAC) – Mennesket skriver historie lige for øjnene af os i dag, fra dag til dag og endda fra time til time i takt med, at alle de forskellige, gensidige forbindelser mellem Rusland, Kina og Indien bliver stadigt tættere og stadigt mere talrige, og som trækker 70 eller flere nationer tættere sammen, hvilket faktisk omfatter godt og vel halvdelen af menneskeheden – som Helga Zepp-LaRouche sagde i sit interview med TASS den 31. maj

Det er som en ring af sammenkædede magneter, der trækker hinanden ind i en stadigt tættere kæde. Tænk på den genoplivede interesse for Kra-kanalen, der forbinder Det sydkinesiske Hav med Det indiske Ocean (via Den thailandske Golf og området omkring Andamanerne i Den bengalske Bugt).

I sin nuværende inkarnation er dette et projekt fra Lyndon LaRouche og Japan. Det vil forbinde Indien med Sydøstasien og Kina; det vil revolutionere disse farvande; Lyndon LaRouche har sagt, at det vil blive en af de største revolutioner i moderne historie.

Den 31. maj sagde den kinesiske premierminister Li Keqiang til asiatiske redaktører, at

”Hvis Kina og Indien arbejder sammen og smeder synenergi, vil det kaste nytte af sig ikke alene for det kinesiske og indiske folk, men også til Asien og videre endnu.”

Med henvisning til Indiens nylige annoncering af en aftale om en handelskorridor med Iran og Afghanistan, via Irans Chabaharhavn, sagde Li, at Kina ”hilser den velkommen”.

Indien og Kina samarbejder for første gang omkring Tibet, hvor Kina tidligere har været særligt ømfindtlige mht. Indien i betragtning af Dalai Lamas tilstedeværelse i Indien, samt det derværende betragtelige, tibetanske samfund.

Ligeledes den 31. maj talte den forhenværende kinesiske ambassadør til Rusland, Li Fenglin, ved en todages konference i Moskva om de kinesisk-russiske relationer. Han sagde her, at den bilaterale relation stod på sit højeste i 400 år, men at Kina ønsker, at Rusland skal have større tiltro til den.

”Det er min fornemmelse, at Putin og Xi har en begrebsmæssig forståelse af, hvordan vi bør samarbejde, men at der er forståelsesproblemer på mellemlederniveau”,

sagde ambassadør Li, der talte perfekt og idiomatisk russisk.

”Det gør ingen ting, at vi har forskellige fremgangsmåder. Det er helt normalt for sådanne store og forskellige lande at have forskellige fremgangsmåder. Det væsentlige er, at disse ikke fører til modsigelser.”

Alt dette minder os om, hvorfor (den amerikanske) LaRouchePAC-leder Kesha Rogers fra Houston, Texas, så viseligt valgte afdøde tysk-amerikanske rumpionér, Krafft Ehricke, som den personlighed, der skulle være omdrejningspunkt for hendes kamp for at genoplive USA’s rumprogram. 

Krafft Ehrickes fremgangsmåde er, i lighed med Lyndon LaRouches, ikke den mindste smule ’praktisk’ (dvs. begrænset af, hvad der ’tilsyneladende’ kun er muligt), men alligevel viser sig at være ekstremt virksom, som det er blevet demonstreret, så det er hævet over enhver tvivl. Krafft Ehricke var en af de ledere inden for udforskning af rummet, som også tidligere Konstantin Tsiolkovskij og Hermann Oberth var det, hvis mod og intellekt bragte mennesket til nye verdener, som endda overgik det, som Christoffer Columbus gjorde. 

Krafft Ehricke var en forsker; men hans forskning udgør ægte videnskab, og ikke den afskyelige, matematiske erstatning for videnskab, der i dag undervises på vore skoler, og som repræsenteres af Obamas degenererede forsvarsminister, Ashton Carter. Ashton Carters falske version af videnskab gav os F-35-flyet, til sandsynligvis $200 mio. dollar stykket, og som ikke virker, og aldrig kommer til at virke.

Krafft Ehricke forudså derimod, blandt mange andre dristige, videnskabelige præstationer, med præcision Apollo 13-missionen i 1970 i en artikel, skrevet i 1948. Typisk for ham stod der i hans artikel fra 1948, at han havde skrevet den i 2400 med et tilbageblik over de seneste 350 år, til den første, bemandede Marsmission i 2050, med navnet ”Ekspedition Ares”. Terence Norton, lederen af denne mission, havde været nødsaget til at svare på den indvending, at de i 2050 til rådighed stående teknologiers begrænsninger – her hovedsageligt det forhold, at der kun var kemisk propulsion til rådighed for rumrejser – forøgede sandsynligheden af en ”afvigelse fra den normale plan”, og hermed også missionens fiasko, og endda missionsmandskabets død. Hvad var så hans svar? Var det at annullere missionen? I sin rapport til ”Rumfartsstyrelsen” skrev han:

”Når man betragter problemet fra et hvilket som helst standpunkt, rejser spørgsmålet sig: På hvilken måde kunne man imødegå udfordringen med afvigelse fra den normale plan, ved hjælp af de til rådighed stående ressourcer? Tilbyder en sådan ikke særlig sandsynlig situation ikke chancer for at vinde for sig, de storslåede resultater af menneskelig dristighed; eller, betyder en manglende evne til at kunne overkomme denne situation den visse død, et sted ude i rummet, for alle ombordværende?”

”En undersøgelse af de følgende sider vil vise, at den tekniske gruppe har øget sikkerhedsfaktoren til et tal, der er langt større end det tal, der ansås for at være maksimum, da projektet blev startet op. Resten kan overlades til gruppens karakter og åndrighed. Det må åbenhjertigt indrømmes, at mulige farer, som ikke kan forudses, findes, men gruppen er fast overbevist om, at mod, ressourcefuldhed og opnåede præstationer hos de mennesker, der er blevet udvalgt til at foretage rejsen, med succes vil imødegå rumrejsens udfordringer.”

En anden faktor var virkelighedstro, grundig og omfattende træning, træning og atter træning – meget af den i selve rummet. Bemærk, at meget af den tekniske gentagelse, der var indbygget i ”Ekspedition Ares”, var identisk med den, der var at finde i Apollomissionerne: nemlig, en ophobning af forskellige moduler, der kunne overleve uafhængigt af hinanden, hvor hver af dem var skræddersyet til et specifikt formål, men samtidig til generelle formål.

Og, ligesom med Apollo 13, forekom der et uheld med ”Ekspedition Ares” og en ”afvigelse fra den normale plan”. Ligesom Apollo 13 måtte missionen opgives, men ligesom med Apollo 13 blev hele besætningen reddet og kom tilbage til Jorden.

Kesha Rogers ved sandelig, hvad hun taler om.





USA må gå sammen med Kina
om at finde sin bestemmelse
på Månens bagside.
LaRouchePAC Internationale
fredags-webcast, 27. maj 2016,
med Lyndon LaRouche m.fl.

Dette er et øjeblik, i hvilket vi absolut må mobilisere, for verden … har nået til et beslutningens øjeblik … der vil afgøre menneskehedens retning for de næste 50, 100 eller flere år. Det er nu, vi må beslutte, hvorvidt vi aktuelt befinder os i en nedtælling til Tredje Verdenskrig mellem atommagter, som det ønskes af Obama og hans britiske ‘controllers’; eller, om denne periode er begyndelsen til et absolut nyt, globalt system, baseret på et fuldstændig nyt princip, hvis standard er gensidigt samarbejde og gensidig gavn, til menneskehedens fremme som helhed. 

Engelsk udskrift.  


The United States Must Join China to find its Destiny on the Far Side of the Moon.

Webcast, May 27, 2016:

        MEGAN BEETS:  Good evening.  This is Friday, May 27, 2016.
And I'd like to welcome all of you to our regular Friday evening
broadcast here at LaRouche PAC.  My name is Megan Beets; and I'm
joined in the studio today by Ben Deniston and by Lyndon
LaRouche.  We're joined via video by three members of the
LaRouche PAC Policy Committee:  Michael Steger in San Francisco,
California; Kesha Rogers in Houston, Texas; and Diane Sare,
currently in New Jersey, but joining us from our Manhattan
        This weekend in the United States is Memorial Day weekend;
which is a holiday which was created after the Civil War to honor
the sacrifice of our fallen soldiers, including those soldiers
who fought in World War II and gave their lives to the defeat of
fascism in the 20th Century.  This is a moment in which we
absolutely mobilize, because the world sits now, and has reached
a point of decision — a {punctum saliens} which will determine
the direction of humanity for the next 50, 100, or more years.
It's now that we must decide whether we are currently going to be
in a countdown to World War III between thermonuclear powers, as
is the want of Obama and his British controllers; or whether this
period is the beginning of an absolutely new global system, based
upon a completely new principle.  The standard of which is mutual
cooperation, mutual benefit for the advancement of mankind as a
        If you take a step back, and you look at the world as a
whole — which can sometimes be difficult for Americans, in
particular, to do — if you look at the global situation as one,
the tensions between these two potential futures couldn't be more
clear.  For example, on the one hand, you had an incredible
development this week in Iran; on Monday, May 23, President
Rouhani of Iran declared May 23 to be Chabahar Day.  This
declaration was made to mark and to celebrate an historic
agreement which was signed in Iran between the President of Iran,
Prime Minister Modi of India, and the President of Afghanistan;
who had gathered to sign agreements toward joint cooperation and
collaboration, a $20 billion investment to build up the port of
Chabahar in southeast Iran, which opens up to the Arabian Sea.
        This project is a great victory for the cause of the World
Land-Bridge, which Lyn, you and your wife Helga have organized
for, for quite some time.  And this crucial project will
integrate India, Afghanistan, and Iran, and potential future
partners like Pakistan and China; and it opens up new shipping
routes, new trade routes, and new potentialities for the
development of potentially the entire south Eurasian region, to
integrate it up into Europe.  Just to add one more detail, very
importantly, this gives landlocked Afghanistan, which as we know
has been decimated by the policies of the Bush and Obama
administrations, access to the Arabian Sea.
        Aside from the details, more importantly, is this spirit of
cooperation which was expressed by President Rouhani at the
signing celebration; where he said, about the Day of Chabahar,
"This is a very important day for Iranians.  And from now on, it
is going to be even more important; because today is going to
mark the day of cooperation among the three of us — Iran, India,
and Afghanistan."  He said, "Today's document is not just an
economic document.  It is actually a political and a regional
one, and its message is that countries need to utilize the
opportunities provided by the region in order to develop, and
also expand cooperation."  And then, at the same ceremony,
President Modi noted the long unified history of India and Iran.
        At virtually the same time that Modi was in Iran, the
President of India was in China on a four-day visit, where he
spoke at Beijing University on the topic of "India-China
Relations; 8 Steps to a People-Centric Partnership".  He said,
"India and China are poised to play a significant and
constructive role in the 21st Century.  When Indians and Chinese
come together to address global challenges and build on their
shared interests, there will be no limits to what our two peoples
can jointly achieve."  He also noted particularly that China and
India are young countries, full of young people.  And he said
that "Both sides should work with the aim of insuring that we do
not burden our coming generations by leaving unresolved problems
to them.  Both India and China are young societies, and our youth
share common aspirations and perceptions."
        Just to quickly add another part of the picture, are the
interesting and potentially very important actions of President
Abe of Japan; who in the recent period, has begun to move towards
agreements for cooperation both with President Putin in Russia,
and also with China, against the explicit orders of Obama and the
British, who demand that Japan maintain the historic geopolitical
conflict and enmity with both of those nations.  So, this is a
new world which is developing; but on the other hand, Obama is
still in office in the United States, because the American people
and the Congress have refused to throw him out.  And Obama today
is visiting Hiroshima; the first US President to make that visit
since the completely unnecessary bombing of that city over 70
years ago.  Leading into this visit, Obama not only refused to
apologize for that bombing that killed over 100,000 people; but
he also defended the actions of Harry Truman, saying that
sometimes Presidents in warfare have to make tough decisions.
        That characterizes exactly why [Obama’s] in Asia; to attempt
to drum up among the Asian nations against China.  Now, this
won't work, but it only fans the flames of any potential war and

        BENJAMIN DENISTON:  Lyn, I don't know if you have any direct
thoughts on that, but I think the immediate counterpoint to that,
as you're saying, under Obama, is this build-up to the war danger
as the direct threat.  I think what we're seeing with these
developments in central Asia, these agreements, is just another
step in this new strategic bloc centered around really Russia's
and China's leadership.  As we were discussing earlier today,
completely in tandem with that, is the escalation of the threat
of war; Obama being kind of the face of it.  But really coming
from the British as an attempt to break down this threat to their
empire, centered around Russia and China.  It's notable just to
emphasize, we're going, in July is going to be this next NATO
summit; where they're going to try and solidify the establishment
of putting four new battalions, of about 1000 troops each, up in
Eastern Europe right on the border of Russia.  It's been noted
that this is potentially the largest forward basing of a military
presence on Russia's borders since when?  Since the Nazis in
World War II.  So, you have this explicit clear escalation; and
that's coming up in July.  That's the intention for this.  And
that's in the context of the entire NATO policy perpetually to
move closer and closer to Russia's borders; a policy that we, the
United States, promised we wouldn't do.  We made that promise to
Russia as the Soviet Union began to collapse; and we've
completely reneged on that, and pushed it further and further and
further.  And now this is really coming to a breaking point; and
Lyn, your wife Helga, from her reading from Europe, she's been
saying that she thinks there is a real growing recognition.
We've been saying it; we know it's happening.  You've been
sounding the alarm on this; but she thought it was interesting
that even conservative elements in Germany for example —
elements that might not usually be so vocal on this — are coming
out and warning that we're on the path to war under this current
policy.  Particularly, an article in {Die Welt} recently, which
is generally one of the major conservative papers in Germany; so
you wouldn't expect this concern over this war drive.  But her
assessment was that that being raised now was reflecting a kind
of breaking open of recognition and potential freak-out around
the fact that this thing is heading towards a real potential
conflict; and this is not something you walk away from.  You're
talking about thermonuclear war; you're not talking about any
kind of conflict mankind's ever had before.

        LYNDON LAROUCHE:  Well, the crucial issue here is not detail
as such; the crucial thing is what creates a higher standard of
performance of the human individual in society.  Now, that thing
is not treated seriously in any ordinary sense; they don't
recognize it.  They don't recognize the need to change the
productivity of the per capita personality of society; that is
not recognized.  What is recognized is, how cheap is the labor;
and no matter how poor the quality of performance of the labor,
how cheap is the labor.  We see this in the United States as a
trend; a backward trend.  We see it very clearly; the United
States is degenerated.  It was degenerated; it was done under the
influence of the British.  You had people like the Bushes and
Obama; these people are a destructive force.  Their very
existence destroys the productive capabilities of the human
population.  So therefore, you have to get rid of these guys and
replace them with people who are competent; which has not been
done.  So what you see, the degeneration of the quality of labor
inside the United States is typical of this kind of phenomena.
So, this is something which is more British than it is American.
But it's been stuck in the United States.  And therefore, all
these ideas that you can measure things simply is wrong; it
doesn't work that way.  Mankind creates by mankind itself creates
a capability of creation; and that's what's important.
        Now then, you have to support that which you have
discovered; that's what the problem is.  And the usual procedure
and interpretation is worthless and actually destructive.

        DENISTON:  You look at what gets presented as ostensible
value in economics discussion today, it's ridiculous.  Economic
value is a product of the human mind; resources are creations of
mankind that create wealth, that create value.  It's not going
out finding resources or exploiting labor forces, getting the
cheapest labor; that's not the substance of what enables — in my
mind, the core issue is what is the science of mankind's relation
to the universe.  It's kind of a general way to put it; and I
think that maybe passes over a lot of people's heads.  But you're
looking at how is it that mankind exists in the universe?
Mankind doesn't exist in a fixed way, mankind can intervene to
change that relationship.  If we're not looking at that, then
we're not talking about mankind.

        LAROUCHE:  Well, mankind has to be changed; that's a
necessary factor.  And mankind is changed how?  By being exposed
to responsibility for doing things which were not able to be done
by human beings at an earlier stage.  And therefore, the question
is the improvement of the quality of the personal individual in
society is the crucial element.  You find you have the people
working for Wall Street; they're worthless.

        DENISTON:  That's a nice way to put it.

        LAROUCHE:  They are actually worthless people.  And most of
society in the United States today is full of worthless people;
because they have been degenerated below the level of what
humanity was capable of doing earlier.  Now they go back to a
lower level; you see the high death rates among employed people
during the recent course of time.  Therefore, the process of the
government has become a force of destruction of the human
individual.  That's why the problem becomes apparent; because you
recognize, "Wait a minute! You're saying that my existence is
inferior?"  "Yes."  Why is that the case? Because society wants a
lower standard of productivity; things like the space program are
gone.  The removal of the space program from the achievement of
the original space program, which was done in Germany and in the
United States —

        DENISTON:  Krafft Ehricke and all his allies, yeah.

        LAROUCHE:  Yeah.  This thing is what was being crushed.  So
therefore, the human mind was being crushed; but the lesson is
that what were the technologies that we were introducing for
practice were technologies which inherently had a higher value of
productivity than anything else.  And that's what's overlooked.
        The idea of cheap labor; cheap labor is a disease.  What you
need is a higher standard of achievement of the human mind;
leading to a higher standard of development of the human mind.
That's what's important; that's the crucial issue.

        BEETS:  I think when we start to think about where in the US
do you have a population that could be moved to restore the
demand for such a human standard, you've put the emphasis on
Manhattan.  And I was wondering if Diane wanted to say a few
things; because we have a conference coming up there this weekend
that both you and Helga will be participating in.

        LAROUCHE:  All you have to do to destroy the human power of
creativity is to take California, southern California, the
universities and several institutions in California, and go from
what had been the case, to what was the case.  And when you had a
certain sexual maniac who took over southern California, you
understand exactly what the problem is.

        DENISTON:  A pretty pathetic movie star; a Nazi, a Hitler
admirer at that.  Schwarzenegger, yeah.  I mean, you talk about
degeneration; you raised California.  To me, the emblematic
family is the Brown family.  You look at Jerry Brown, you look at
Pat Brown, his father, Edmund Pat Brown; he was one of the last
echoes, reverberations of the Franklin Roosevelt orientation.  He
built up the state — the water projects, the educational system,
the schools.  When I started going to school, you could go to a
decent junior college for tens of dollars for a class.  It was
affordable; people could afford education.  And it's just been
completely destroyed.  It was all built up under this
Roosevelt-style administration of Pat Brown; then you look at
Jerry Brown — "Governor Moon Beam" as he was called in his first
term — a total degenerate.  Now they're talking about — Michael
Steger might have more to say on this — now they're talking
about permanently shutting down large sections of the
agricultural region in California because they're running out of
water.  The idiocy is astounding.  They're sitting there, a huge
coastline on the biggest ocean on the entire planet; and they're
saying, "We can't find any water; we don't have any water.  We
have to just shut things down."  And the fact that people go
along with that, is just insane.
        You talk about degeneration; look at what we used to have
under the leadership of Pat Brown.  We had some things in
between; we had this disgusting figure Schwarzenegger, who was a
total British agent himself.  And then this Jerry Brown thing is
just emblematic of the degeneration and the Green policy
takeover; what's happened to the population in the United States.

        LAROUCHE:  The lesson is, that there's a principle of
organization of productivity in terms of the human individual;
and that's what you have to focus on.  That factor.  Without that
factor, you have no progress.  As a matter of fact, mankind
ceases to be mankind; mankind is reduced to something which is a
pseudo mankind formula, but it's not actual.  It's something
which is mechanical; it's something which is simply constructed.
But the creative power of the individual, the creative power
which is acquired by the individual in society, is the thing
which makes it work.  It's not just, "This will make it work.
This will make it better."  No.  Mankind has to produce within
the ranks of mankind itself, the ability to achieve degrees of
productivity beyond anything beforehand; that has always been the
policy.  Since the beginning, shall we say so to speak; and it
was always like that.  When you lose that, then you lose your
very characteristic of the human species.

        DENISTON:  Be fruitful and multiply.

        LAROUCHE:  Multiply, I don't know; they're kind of lazy
these days.

        DIANE SARE:  I had one very specific comment on this,
actually, which is very interesting, from our earlier discussion;
and then when I heard what President Obama had to say in his
speech in Hiroshima.  Where he says, he talks about supposedly
the development of mankind; and this is Obama's take on man.
"Artifacts tell us that violent conflict appeared with the very
first man.  Our early ancestors, having learned to make blades
from flint and spears from wood, used these tools not just for
hunting, but against their own kind.  On every continent, the
history of civilization is filled with war, whether driven by
scarcity of grain or hunger for gold; compelled by nationalist
fervor or religious zeal."  Do you hear his stepfather and what
happened in Indonesia in that?
        And I was very struck, because if you take two other great
American leaders, who also gave us their take on the arc of
history, one is Martin Luther King, who people may remember in
his Mountaintop speech, he has the polemic, "If I could travel
with God to any other time in history, when would I want to be
alive?"  So, he talks about the Parthenon; he talks about seeing
Socrates, and Aristotle and Mount Olympus; he talks about the
emperors of the Roman Empire.  He says, "I would come up to the
day of the Renaissance and get a quick picture of all that the
Renaissance did for the cultural and aesthetic life of man; but I
wouldn't stop there."  And then he talks about Abraham Lincoln
and the Emancipation Proclamation; he says, "I wouldn't stop
there.  I would even come up to the early '30s and see a man
grappling with the problems of the bankruptcy of his nation, and
come up with an eloquent cry that 'We have nothing to fear, but
fear itself.'|"  And he says, "Strangely enough, I would turn to
the Almighty and say, 'If you allow me to live just a few years
in the second half of the 20th Century, I will be happy.'|"
        So, that was Martin Luther King; and then the other which
Kesha will be very familiar with, is the speech that President
Kennedy gave at Rice University, where he announces that we're
going to land on the Moon.  And he says, "No man can fully grasp
how far and how fast we have come.  But condense, if you will,
the 50,000 years of man's recorded history in the time span of
but a half century.  Stated in these terms, we know very little
about the first 40 years, except at the end of them, advanced man
had learned how to use the skins of animals to cover them.  Then
about ten years ago, under this standard, man emerged from his
caves to construct other kinds of shelter.  Only five years ago,
man learned how to write and use a cart with wheels.
Christianity began only two years ago.  The printing press came
this year; then, less than two months ago, during this whole
fifty-year span of history, the steam engine provided a new
source of power."  He talks about electric lights —
        In other words, what's the view of Kennedy; what's the view
of Martin Luther King of the development of man?  And then you
take the view of President Obama, which is exactly what you have
expressed here, Lyn, in terms of the total degradation and a
Satanic, destructive outlook.

        LAROUCHE:  I agree, it's real degeneration; definitely

        KESHA ROGERS:  Yeah, and I think it's important to note,
one; why we are gathered here today in the context in which we're
gathered.  As we've been expressing, what is the intention to
create a future state of society where a new species and a new
understanding of what mankind should represent comes into play?
The United States right now has to understand that we have a
unique opportunity to join with the nations of Eurasia — with
China, Russia.  Of the developments which Megan was laying out
earlier, that organize a new direction of a New Paradigm and
progress for mankind; which you have really stated can be brought
into cohesion with a new development of the United States.  This
is why you've put a focus on particularly Manhattan, which was
the center point of the Alexander Hamilton foundation of the
United States; and Texas and California are joining in that
        I think that people really have to get an understanding that
the United States can and must play a crucial role in preventing
what we were discussing earlier as the sabotage of the
orientation that is being put forth by leading nations coming
together and saying that there is a unique quality to mankind
which has to be preserved.  Which is the creative nature of human
beings; and this is what Diane was just expressing.  This has
been amongst leading figures of our nation, from George
Washington, Hamilton, to Lincoln and others, John F Kennedy, have
expressed this quite profoundly.  I think if we look at the fact
that two days on the 25th of May, was the 55th anniversary of
Kennedy's speech to the Joint Session of Congress; and in that
speech, he called for the very task of doing something that at
that point had never been done before.  Creating something
completely new, which was to land a man on the Moon and return
him safely to Earth.  He says, as he's calling for the US to take
that leading role in the space achievement, which he said, "in
many ways, may hold a key to our future on Earth."  That is still
what we face today.
        The new developments being proposed by China on the far side
of the Moon, are going to hold the key not just for China doing
something different for their nation; but for the future of
mankind on Earth.  Because what Kennedy had proposed, has been
hijacked by the likes of the British Empire and those who wanted
to stifle human progress in any way that they could.  So, I think
if we look at the direction the world is going in right now,
there is no reason for people to feel like they have to
capitulate to the stupidity that they're being bombarded with in
Presidential elections, in the media lies that are being told.
        The real issue right now is, what are we actually going to
create as a new direction for mankind?  And what Putin and China
and other nations in that direction are doing is crucial.

        MICHAEL STEGER:  I just would make the point from
California.  It's clear, Lyn, what you've been describing.  Once
you adopt a cheap labor policy, which was explicitly adopted in
California as probably the leading example; you then have no
reason to educate and provoke a higher sense of identity within
your population.  You lose a sense of that mission, and then you
become a slave to the practical, to the mundane, to the
day-to-day survival tactics; and you a kind of destruction of the
culture and life of the nation over these 50 years.  But what
makes it most clear is what you see in the current insanity of
the Presidential election; there's not a focus around this
particular issue, which is Hamilton.  It is what Hamilton drove
to shape the Constitution and the economic policies of the
country; and it is very much what was the spark of consolidating
the organization, and our intervention.  Specifically, around the
Manhattan Project and Hamilton's economic policies; and this
orientation.  Because there is no clear voice coming out of the
trans-Atlantic, except that perspective and that direction for
development.  We see it in Putin; we see it in China.  That
becomes the basis of civilization; that become the basis on which
the trans-Atlantic can turn back to this Hamilton tradition,
which is really the greatest expression of the trans-Atlantic and
economic development up until the modern period.  So really
becomes the fight defining the political fight in the United
States to reject Obama; because there is a loss of standard in
the American people.  There is a loss of victory, of triumph, in
the minds and the culture of the American population today.
They're accepting their own form of slavery.  And that really
becomes the challenge.

        SARE:  I can report from Manhattan that one of the flanks on
this situation — and I think given that it is Memorial Day —
all Americans should resolve ourselves, as Abraham Lincoln said
in his speech at Gettysburg, that "those who have died" like the
people who died on 9/11, as well as of course the people who
voluntarily enlisted and fought in the wars; World War II in
particular, "have not died in vain."  To that end, one; I would
just like to say for viewers of this website, tomorrow at
12:30pm, we will be live streaming a Memorial Day event from
Manhattan.  Which will begin with Helga Zepp-LaRouche, and then
at 3pm, with Lyn yourself, Mr. LaRouche in a dialogue with the
citizens of Manhattan, to get another inflection point after the
Schiller Institute on April 7th.  It's clear that that was viewed
with some hope by international audiences; that there could be
signs of intelligent life in the United States, as it was viewed
with terror by people on behalf of the British Empire like the
Saudis.  It was not too long after that, that "60 Minutes" aired
the special on the 28 pages; on the role of the Saudis in
perpetrating the murder of 3000 Americans on September 11th, and
the role of the FBI in covering it up.  I would say that
particularly in Manhattan — although it is the case in other
parts of the country — but particularly in Manhattan, people are
not prepared now to put the genie back in the bottle.  They want
the truth; they would like the United States to be restored to
its Constitutional role as Alexander Hamilton intended, and not
as a cat's paw for the British Empire.  The Saudis, I think, are
aware of this; so I think people should also know that the Saudi
lobbyists are on a full-front, heavily funded deployment into
Washington DC to try and clean up their image with glossy
pamphlets and PR firms that are getting paid $200,000 a month, to
try and promote themselves as the most wonderful allies of the
United States in the war on terror and the leaders in the fight
against terrorism.  This is simply not going to fly.  As much
corruption as there is in Washington DC, it's a little much to
have people parading around as the purveyors of justice when they
publicly beheaded 47 people to usher in the New Year.
        So, I think we're coming to a point where it's clear the
United States is going to take a decision; and I find what Megan
referenced at the beginning — the shift that perhaps is
occurring in Japan at this moment — is also a potential shift in
the United States at this time.

        DENISTON:  In that context, I really think the 9/11 issue is
critical; and Obama's role in the whole thing.  As we've been
saying, people have to get their heads out of the gutter on this
election stuff; people view these elections like a sporting game
or something.  Root for their team versus another team.  We've
got an issue immediately before us of this guy Obama is a killer;
he has to be pulled out of office.  We cannot tolerate him
running the country.  And just typical of that is his commitment
to completely cover up the heinous murder of Americans on
American soil in our history; just cover that up.  No justice;

        LAROUCHE:  That was Obama; that's Obama's operation.  And
Obama's sitting there still; being an abomination.

        DENISTON:  That's his number one career asset, is being an

        LAROUCHE:  That's exactly it; and the point is that if
people don't recognize that, they're going to find themselves in
an Obamanation situation.

        ROGERS:  Last night on the discussion with the activists,
you were speaking about the space program, and you said that the
space program goes to the right of the human individual and it's
essential for human existence.  I think that's what we're dealing
with right now; the human individual under Obama, has been denied
rights, and particularly the rights to life.  Because you have a
murderous policy, and if you take what has been put forth under
the war drive, closer and closer to thermonuclear war, the policy
coming from Obama around the healthcare; just to name a few.
When you talk about what are the rights of the human individual,
that is being denied; and that is what people should be actually
fighting for.  The understanding has to become, how do you
actually know and understand those rights as a human being?  What
powers do human beings possess that go beyond just the
simplistics of life that people try to hold on to and depend on,
which gets to a higher state of existence?  Which is really
missing from the discussion of most of the ordinary discussion of
society today.

        LAROUCHE:  Well, the development of the science of human
discovery, which was presented by a great individual who was
originally German; and then became domesticated, shall we say, in
terms of the United States.  And he became the secret agent, so
to speak, for the progress of the human species throughout the
planet.  And that case, that example, is extremely important;
because what's important is not what mankind does, or what the
individual does physically.  That's not really that important.
What's important is the ability to create a discovery of a
principle of productivity which is far advanced beyond what
mankind has experienced so far; that's the point.  And that is
where the United States has lost most of its achievement; and
that's what has to be corrected.

        DENISTON:  And space forces that issue today.

        LAROUCHE:  Yeah; because without that, you cannot accomplish
what is required by mankind.

        BEETS:  Lyn, that's one of the most beautiful things about
the relationship of mankind as a unique species to the Universe
itself.  We're not the same as the Creator, obviously, but we
resonate with that principle of Creation; and our own development
is guided by the principles of organization of the Universe.  We
{have} to go into space in order to advance; and our progress in
space is going to contribute to the further development of that
Universe, and the further perfection and improvement of that

        LAROUCHE: You've got the history of discovery of the space
program; which was developed by Germans, working from the western
part of Germany and moving closer to the United States itself.
And they themselves created and generated a view of mankind which
provides us with an insight into the actual, efficient practice
of what mankind can do in terms of the stars.

        DENISTON:  And they were doing much of this before they were
even allowed to pursue it.  They were looking for support; they
were looking for people, even before World War I you had these
early visionaries.  And then up before World War II, they were
already thinking all these things; and they were trying to find
sane governments that would actually support this endeavor.

        LAROUCHE:  Like the Moon exploration, which was done

        DENISTON:  All the way back to Jules Verne and some —

        LAROUCHE:  But Jules Verne was not a real good contribution
to anything.  But what was actually being done, by the space
program, by the people on the Moon project, that was really
working.  And that was what actually turned into a mechanism in
order to create an insight into mankind's potential beyond what
mankind had previously understood to be the kinds of things that
could be experimentally achieved.

        DENISTON:  Always for me, the first thing that comes out is,
all of sudden, you're talking about mankind; you're not talking
one nation or one culture or one people.  You're talking about
what is it about us as a unique species on this planet that we
can pursue these things.

        LAROUCHE:  The main thing is, what about the people from
Germany, originally from their Moon project in Germany, actually
created this whole system.  And that whole tendency depends upon
that; it depends upon that precedent.  German scientists who
actually came into the United States; developed a program; and
applied the program; which gave the United States today the
ability to do what it has not been doing recently so far.

        ROGERS:  Yeah, and they had a sense of creative imagination
which was different than what some people get inspired by the
space program.  A lot of people talk about the science fiction
Star Wars, all of this stuff, that really doesn't characterize
the true nature of mankind to bring these ideas into existence.
For instance, Krafft Ehricke, von Braun, all of these great
German scientists, they had such extraordinary imaginations; and
they put forth the programs that were necessary to expand
mankind's existence beyond Earth, beyond the Moon, and into the
outer reaches of the Solar System in a way that nobody else could
do, in a way that could be accomplished and become real.  Because
they understood that man had the power to bring this into
existence; it wasn't just some far out science fiction thing, but
this was the destiny of mankind.  To conquer the Solar System; to
reach mankind's extra-terrestrial imperative.  And it's
completely different than what people get inspire by today —
Hollywood movies and Star Wars, and all of this stuff that is not

        STEGER:  Well, it's Bach; the real question is Bach.  Krafft
Ehricke, Werner von Braun, they set up Classical quartets in
these rural towns in Alabama where they were sent to do this
space research.  If you really think about what Bach propagated
as a quality of culture of the Universe itself; he took what
Kepler had initiated and continued it and maintained it so you
could get this level of scientific advancement.  It really is the
question of what drove Einstein.  What drove the questions of
what's governing the heavens?  Even going back to the ancient
world, this question of music and composition that Bach really
made clear, seems to have captured the imagination of man in a
way which makes space travel possible.

        LAROUCHE:  I think the key thing to look at is Krafft
Ehricke. Now, Krafft Ehricke became the maker of the whole space
program; he did it.  And the method he was using was to the same
effect; and therefore it was to the idea that there was some
process of the human mind, the creative powers of the human
individual mind.  This is what can be used, and must be used, as
the instrument for bringing the achievements which mankind will
find in due course.  And Krafft Ehricke is an illustration of
that point; if you look at the history of what he did, and then
you apply that to what has been going on still from Texas now.
The elements from there are still there.  But this was a
discovery which came from eastern Germany, which was carried
through the period of the war; which went into the southern parts
of the United States to build a program which was supported by
American officials and so forth.  And to presume Krafft Ehricke's
achievements; which were terminated because he had a very
complicated health problem, and he died under those conditions.
But the principle of the matter is still alive.  He had been dead
for some years, but the principle on which he was expressed and
which led and prompted other people who would listen to him; that
is still a principle which is important.
        So, it's not a practical principle; it's not something that
you can measure simply, as a yardstick or something of that
nature.  This was the achievement of a particular man, among
other men doing the same kind of work, which created the
possibility of mankind's systemic mastery of the Universe.

        DENISTON:  I think that's our reference point for today.
Anything less than that, and we're failing to achieve the
requirements for mankind.

        LAROUCHE:  Yeah, they're important.

        BEETS:  And I think that quality is what we have to
re-awaken within the United States; it's a specific reference
point from Germany, but in the United States.  And I think it's
important to recognize that you have all these beautiful
developments around the world, but unless we can shift the United
States, it doesn't matter.  We actually have to turn this and
re-awaken this true principle of the United States that you've
been expressing in order to make this shift to the New Paradigm.

        LAROUCHE:  And what you know, of course, from your own
experience, in terms of what we do with the Moon; the Moon
project, which is what our destiny is from the standpoint of
China right now.

        BEETS:  Yeah, if Americans realized that in two years, we
could join China on the far side of the Moon, I think they'd have
a far different outlook for the immediate future.

        LAROUCHE:  I think that's where we want to push people's
attention to that thing as a commitment.

        DENISTON:  Yes; always the unknown.

        LAROUCHE:  Unknown?  Who's unknown?

        BEETS:  Is there anything else from you three joining us by

        SARE:  To tune in tomorrow at 12:30pm.  If you're in New
York, you should be there.

        BEETS:  Good.  Well, I think that will bring this discussion
to a close.  I think it's a very good point to end on; and as
Diane said, tune in tomorrow on this website at 12:30pm and then
again at 3pm for this event being broadcast from Manhattan.  So,
thank you all; thanks Lyn.  Thank you all for joining us; and
stay tuned.

“Vi kommer med fred, for hele menneskeheden”

Det var mindeplade, som de første astronauter bragte til månen for næsten 50 år siden: “Vi kommer med fred, for hele menneskeheden.” Ikke blot astronauterne, men hele den amerikanske nation og millioner af andre mennesker rundt om på jorden fik ændret deres tankegang om menneskehedens fremtid af disse rejser, som de foretog, tilrettelagde og bevidnede.
”For første gang besluttede mennesker sig bevidst for at lære at leve og agere i omgivelser, der er komplet anderledes end dem, fra hvilke vi har udviklet os,” som en astronaut sagde det.

Men næsten fra den ene dag til den anden trak de smukke skibe, der cirklede om månen, sig tilbage; fjernere rumrejser blev glemt. Landet kastede sig ud i krige – modelleret efter britiske og franske kolonikrige –, som er fortsat siden da, og som USA ultimativt har tabt. Under præsidenter G.W. Bush og Obama, har de spredt katastrofer af krig og terrorisme tværs over Mellemøsten, Nordafrika og Europa.

Skønt der blev udpeget ubemandede rummissioner for opdagelser og opdagelsesrejsende, var amerikanerne overbevist om at være ”praktiske” og at glemme at gennemleve opdagelser, som de ofte havde gjort før.

Andre nationer, Kina og Indien i særdeleshed, planlægger nu at tage de store opdagelsesskridt i rummet, planlægger Mars-missioner, programsætter de første landinger på den storslåede platform for opdagelser af galaksen – Månens bagside.

På samme tid har de asiatiske magter sammen med Rusland planlagt og påbegyndt udfordrende projekter for ny infrastruktur, store øst-vest og nord-syd eurasiske landbroer med højhastighedstog, nye byer, energi, selv magnettogsforbindelser.

Når de griber ind for at bringe krige til afslutning, så de kan påbegynde genopbygning og ny udvikling, så mener de det.

Præsident Obama, der prøver at sammenstykke militæralliancer, handelskrige, NATO-krigstrusler og konfrontationer for at stande de russiske og kinesiske ledere fra disse udviklinger – organiserer faktisk en ”liga af tabere.” Truslen om global krig fra hans forsøg på at intimidere Rusland og Kina er alvorlige; men han er en taber, der truer virkelige ledere som Putin og Xi.
Glem hvad der er “praktisk muligt”: Selv i bekæmpelse af terrorisme, er opdagelser hvad der behøves for at vinde sejre, opdagelser, som i at eksponere de saudisk/britiske hænder, der kontrollerede massemordene d. 11. september, og pludseligt dermed se kilden til de seneste 15 års katastrofale krige.

Så meget desto mere i at genoplive det storartede amerikanske rumprogram. I samarbejde med de nylige dynamiske rum-magter vil det blive en ny kilde til at leve gennem opdagelser – der faktisk er menneskelige, som nationen lærte det for 50 år siden.

Principper og grænsebetingelser for et nyt rumprogram.
Fra LaRouchePAC Fredagswebcast, 13. maj 2016

Ogden: Hr. LaRouche understregede i en samtale fra tidligere på dagen, at folk ofte stiller alle de forkerte spørgsmål, og så overbeviser de sig selv om, at de kan finde frem til svarene på disse spørgsmål, selvom de ikke engang ved, hvad de egentlig vil spørge om. Der er intet bedre eksempel på dette end vores tilgang til undersøgelsen af universets natur og udforskningen af rummet. Som folk nok er klar over, har Kesha Rogers i meget lang tid og meget højlydt bragt dette på banen. Denne uge har hun sammen med Benjamin Deniston sammensat et politisk program, som blev offentliggjort på hjemmesiden, under en ny kampagneside, som lige er blevet lagt op. Kesha kan selv sige mere om det, men et af omdrejningspunkterne på den nye kampagneside er Kinas igangværende arbejde med at søge efter de rigtige spørgsmål. Hr. LaRouche lagde stor vægt på, at de næste to år er af afgørende betydning, da Kina indenfor denne tidshorisont vil begynde at udforske månens bagside. Dette er en del af det fortsatte kinesiske Chang'e-program. Og forudsat at vi kan undgå en eller anden altødelæggende krise – hvis vi kan afværge, at tredje verdenskrig bryder ud, eller en lignende katastrofe – vil vi ifølge Hr. LaRouche gøre opdagelser som resultat af udforskningen af månens bagside, der vil bryde med alt det, vi troede, vi vidste om månen, universet og vores forhold til disse.
Altså vil jeg gerne, Kesha, invitere dig til at uddybe disse problemstillinger.

Kesha Rogers: Klart, mange tak, Matt. Først vil jeg gerne oplyse, at det politiske program, som Ben og jeg har skrevet, »Principper og grænsebetingelser for et nyt rumprogram (Principles and Boundary Conditions of a New Space Program)«, kan findes her på siden ( – red.). Og dernæst vil jeg gerne invitere folk til at deltage i en kommende dialog med Ben og mig omkring dette program. Men jeg vil gerne vende tilbage til den diskussion vi havde før denne udsendelse med Hr. LaRouche, der omhandlede det samme, som vi gerne ville vise med dette skrift, nemlig at der ikke findes en deduktiv eller praktisk metode til at finde ud af, hvad vores solsystem er, eller hvad vi mangler at opdage om det. Vi mangler stadig at opdage, hvilken orden der ligger bag vores solsystem. Og den orden kan vi kun forstå, hvis vi også forstår indbegrebet af menneskets sind, og hvem vi er som mennesker. Den udfordring, der har været, de fejl, der er sket, og den mangel på kompetence, der har rådet omkring udforskningen af rummet, hænger sammen med dette. En ting, vi diskuterede, og som jeg mener, er afgørende, er vores manglende forståelse af, hvad et rumprogram egentlig er; et veludformet rumprogram. Man havde tragiske ulykker i den tidlige del af rumprogrammet, f.eks. den, der skete i forbindelse med den planlagte opsendelse af Apollo 1 raketten, hvor Gus Grissom, Ed White og Roger Chaffee på tragisk vis omkom. Og i det lys må man reflektere over, hvordan mennesker som disse, da de indskrev sig i programmet, var parate til at ofre deres liv for at fremme menneskehedens forståelse af dens rolle i solsystemet. Det er samme form for offer man ser soldater gøre, når de går i felten; de ved, det er med livet som indsats. Men det leder tanken hen på, hvad vi endnu ikke forstår, og hvad det er, vi kommer til at opdage.

Og derfor mener jeg, det er så vigtigt at se på det nye kapitel, som Kina er ved at skrive menneskeheden ind i, i forhold til solsystemet og galaksen. De er ved at bringe menneskeheden som art, der rejser i rummet, op på et helt nyt niveau gennem deres udforsknings- og udviklingsprogram i forhold til månen, specielt bagsiden af månen. Og når man ser på dette, kan man se, hvordan mange prøver at forstå den rolle, vi har i solsystemet, og den rolle, som rumfarten spiller for menneskeheden, gennem deduktive metoder. Og det fik mig til at tænke tilbage på Krafft Ehrickes ide om, hvorfor rumfart er så vigtig. Han var ophavsmanden til ideen om, at det er af eksistentiel betydning for menneskeheden at forstå sig selv som en interplanetarisk art, hvilket han kaldte menneskehedens »udenjordiske imperativ«. Følgende citat stammer fra ham: »Ideen om at rejse i rummet bærer en enorm betydning, fordi den udfordrer menneskeheden på så godt som alle områder, både i forhold til dens fysiske og åndelige eksistens. Ideen om at rejse til andre himmellegemer er et tegn på det menneskelige sinds højeste form for uafhængighed og livskraft.«

Og jeg mener, det er det, der overgår menneskeheden lige nu; at vi bliver udfordret på alle områder. Det er det, der sker i forbindelse med eksistensen af vores rumfartsprogram; at vi bliver udfordret på alle områder, fysisk og åndeligt og omkring vores løfte til fremtiden. Og det er derfor, vi taler så hårdt mod de ekstreme angreb på rumprogrammet og indgrebet mod alt, hvad folkene i det amerikanske rumprograms kontrolcenter stod for, f.eks. Gene Krantz, der sagde, at vi lover at være vedholdende og kompetente. For der er intet vedholdende eller kompetent ved at tillade Obama at træde frem og afmontere og ødelægge vores rumprogram og gøre det til grin. Han promoverer et program, der er fuldstændig afkoblet fra virkeligheden, ideen om, at vi bare skal fange en asteroide, eller at vi skal sende et menneske med en enkeltbillet til Mars. Vi skal udvikle et marsprogram uden først at have en forståelse af galaksen som helhed eller af solsystemet som et integreret system, et system vi først skal forstå og lære at kende.

Problemet er, at det program vi havde før, er blevet lukket ned af Obama. Det handlede om at vende tilbage til at fokusere på at udvikle månen. Tidligere havde vi et program, der handlede om at udvikle månen, fremsat af astronauter som f.eks. Harrison Smith, før Apolloprogrammet blev lukket ned. Ved afslutningen af Apollo 17 var Apollo 18, 19 og 20 allerede planlagt. Men de blev afskrevet, fordi vi forrådte vores løfte om et meningsfuldt rumfartsprogram og i stedet skiftede til et yderst uansvarligt program. Og derfor blev også risikoen for tab af liv forøget. Men vigtigere endnu – man kan sammenligne det med, hvad der skete i militæret – er spørgsmålet, hvad er det, vi giver vores liv til? Derfor må vi på ny vurdere, hvad meningen med vores rumfartsprogram skal være. Og den vurdering skal ske med udgangspunkt i at forsvare menneskehedens kreative identitet og menneskeheden som art. Og fokus må være, at vi skal ud og opdage, hvad det er, vi endnu ikke ved. Og kineserne udgør et fremragende forbillede for os, fordi de tager livet alvorligt. Og de er alvorligt engagerede i deres rumfartsprogram. Og så længe Obama er præsident – husk, at jeg har krævet hans afsættelse flere gange – men dette udgør denne præsidents største forbrydelse: hans nedlukning af rumfartsprogrammet.

Så jeg mener, det vigtigste spørgsmål er, hvad vi giver vores liv til. Denne nation har brug for et videnskabeligt spydspidsprojekt baseret på menneskehedens kreative udvikling. Og vi bliver nødt til at befri menneskeheden for den dumhed, som har overtaget befolkningens tankegang. Og rumfartsprogrammet er lige det, vi har brug for at befri menneskeheden. Vi har flere gange snakket om, hvordan den kreative kraft blev skænket til menneskeheden af Prometheus. Og det ser næsten ud som om, at Zeus har fået lov til at stjæle ilden tilbage fra menneskerne. Denne kreativitetens ild må gives tilbage til menneskerne igen, og hele befolkningen må opløftes til et niveau, der ikke er set før i historien. Vi må overveje, hvordan vi kan transformere den planet vi bor på, men det kan vi kun, hvis vi forstår, at jorden ikke er en isoleret planet. Som Krafft Ehricke siger, er den ikke et lukket system. Vi kan kun løse de problemer, vi står overfor: krig, hungersnød, sult osv. ved at vinde en dybere forståelse af det solsystem vi er en del af. Og det der blev snakket om tidligere i denne udsendelse peger på, hvad det er der udgør den grundlæggende forskel mellem Kinas og Ruslands tilgang til måden, hvorpå vi må organiserer os og samarbejder som menneskehed; og Obama-regeringens tilgang til politik; dens angreb på rumfartsprogrammet og dens march mod krig.
Det kommer vi til at diskutere yderligere i morgen, og jeg vil opfordre folk til at læse det politiske program, ikke som teknisk formidling, men fra et udgangspunkt omkring, hvad det er, der mangler i vores tænkning i dag. Hvad er det vi ikke ved, og hvad er det, vi bliver nødt til at opdage?

Embedsmand fra Kinas rumprogram
bekræfter planer om en bemandet månelanding

30. april, 2016 — Selv om kinesiske videnskabsfolk igennem nogen tid har presset på for en mission hvor astronauter lander på månen, kom den første meddelelse om en sådan plan i forbindelse med fejringen den 24. april af ’Den Nationale Rumdag’, fra en højt placeret embedsmand i rumprogrammet. Generalløjtnant Zhang Yulin meddelte ved en konference for fejringen af Kinas første rumdag, at Kina planlægger at lande astronauter på månen i 2036. Zhang er viceleder af ’Kinas Bemandede Rumprogram’, som lagde hans bemærkninger på deres hjemmeside den 28. april. Han er også stedfortrædende chef for Den Centrale Militære Kommissions Afdeling til Udvikling af Udrustning.

Kina må ”forbedre sine evner og benytte de næste 15 til 20 år til at virkeliggøre sin intention om bemandede ekspeditioner for at udforske Månen” sagde Zhang, ”og tage et afgørende skridt for det kinesiske folk, med at forberede grundlaget for at udnytte rummet”. Han noterede også, at projektet ville, i al almindelighed, befordre den videnskabelige og teknologiske udvikling af landet. Zhangs kommentar følger præsident Xi Jinpings udtalelse på rumdagen om, at hans ”vision for Kina” er forbundet med Kinas visioner i rummet.

Pang Zhihao, fra Kinas Akademi for Rumprogramteknologi, beskrev de udfordringer der er for Kinas rumprogram, for at udføre en sådan månelanding. Først skal en meget kraftig affyringsraket, i størrelsesorden som en Saturn V måneraket, designes, udvikles, tilpasses mennesker og afprøves. ”For at sende vore astronauter til månen, skal vi bruge en enorm raket, som er i stand til at løfte en nyttelast på mindst 100 tons op i kredsløb omkring jorden i en lav bane”, forklarede han. ”Det er derfor, at vore videnskabsfolk er begyndt på at udvikle Long March 9”. Den nye løfteraket forventes at have en kapacitet på 130 tons og være i stand til at lette omkring 2030. Det bliver nødvendigt at udvikle en ny besætningskapsel, større og mere velegnet end rumfartøjet Shenzhou. At skabe nye rumdragter, velegnet til at gå på månen er på vej, og teknikker til nedstigning på måneoverfladen, en blød landing, og evnen til opsendelse fra måneoverfladen og til at møde og sammenkoble med et rumskib til hjemrejsen er alt sammen nødvendige forudsætninger.

Embedsmænd har understreget, at Kinas igangværende projekter danner grundlaget for en bemandet rummission. Møde og sammenkoblingsmissioner i jordrumskibet med Shenzhou-kapsler har dannet grundlaget for de mere krævende måne rumskibes møder, der er forudsætning for den bemandede mission. Næste års Chang’e-5 missioner, der vil sende måneprøver tilbage til Jorden, vil demonstrere den højhastighedsreturnering til Jorden, som den bemandede månemission vil kræve. Ligeledes var landingen af Chang’e-3 og dens ledsager månebilen Yutu på månen en god øvelse for landingsteknikker borte fra Jorden.

Over de næste 15-20 år, sagde Zhang, vil alle disse færdigheder blive udviklet.

Om rumindustriens muligheder. Astronaut Andreas Mogensen, EIR-interview.

EIR-videointerview med astronaut Andreas Mogensen efter konferencen på Christiansborg, om rumindustriens muligheder, 2. maj 2016

EIR: Hvordan ser du samarbejdet med Kina, og deres ambitiøse program?

Mogensen: Vi samarbejder også med Kina hos ESA; de bliver en vigtig samarbejdspartner i fremtiden. De er så bare ikke i dag en del af samarbejdet bag Rumstationen. Men vi håber da på, i hvert fald fra europæisk side, at få etableret et samarbejde, og jeg også, at der er en god chance for, at vi en dag ser en europæisk astronaut ombord på den næste, kinesiske rumstation. Hør mere.  

Se også:
Optagelser fra konferencen på Christiansborg den 2. maj 2016, om rumindustriens muligheder, inkl. astronaut Andreas Mogensen

Optagelser fra konferencen på Christiansborg den 2. maj 2016 om
Rumindustriens muligheder
inkl. astronaut Andreas Mogensen

Schiller Instituttets optagelse.

Se også EIR's og Schiller Instituttets kort interview med Andreas Mogensen efter konferencen. (kommer senere)

1. del:

2. del:


Ordstyrer: Helge Sander

15.00 MF Orla Hav byder velkommen

15.03 praktiske forhold ved ordstyrer Helge Sander

15.05 rumlovens perspektiver. Ulla Tørnæs.

15.13 Andreas Mogensen præsenteres

15.15 indlæg under overskriften "de industrielle muligheder indenfor rumfart".

15.25 Niels Buus, Gomspace Aalborg.

15.30 Peter Sloth, kontoret for Rum, uddannelses- og forskningsministeriet.

15.35 Charlotte Rønhof, Dansk Industri (erstattet af en anden fra DI)

15.30 Torben Andersen Lindhardt, Dansk Metal.

15.45 Morten Bødskov, MF Socialdemokraterne, formand for Ehrvervsudvalget

15.50 Jakob Engel-Schmidt, MF Venstre, i Uddannelses- og Forskningsudvalget

15.55 der indsamles spørgsmål til Andreas Mogensen.

16.00 Andreas Mogensen besvarer indsamlede spørgsmål stillede af Helge Sander.

Schiller Instituttets konference i New York, 7. april 2016:
At bygge en Verdenslandbro –
og realisere en ægte menneskelig menneskehed

Schiller Instituttets konference i torsdags i New York City, “At bygge en Verdenslandbro – og realisere en ægte menneskelig menneskehed”, markerede en succes for Lyndon LaRouches idé. Selvom flere og mere fyldige rapporter vil følge, så kan så meget allerede nu siges med sikkerhed; nærværende rapport reflekterer kun en del af begivenhedsforløbet.
Helga Zepp-LaRouche åbnede konferencen med en omfattende og inspirerende tale med titlen, ”Hinsides geopolitik og polaritet: En fremtid for den menneskelige art”, i hvilken hun blotlagde den umiddelbare trussel om en udslettelseskrig og viste, at alene idéen om Verdenslandbroen, som hun sammen med sin mand udviklede i perioden under Warszawapagtens sammenbrud, kan tilvejebringe en varig garanti for fred. Hun gik videre med at skitsere en dialog mellem civilisationerne, hvor alle civilisationer i verden vil blive repræsenteret ved deres historiske, kulturelle højdepunkter, så som Weimar-klassikken for Tysklands vedkommende og et USA, som det først blev udtænkt til at være af Benjamin Franklin og Alexander Hamilton.
Helga efterfulgtes som taler af den tidligere amerikanske justitsminister Ramsey Clark (1966-67), der sammenvævede sin egen mangeårige erfaring til en redegørelse om den nyere verdenshistorie, og som understregede et alternativ til den krigspolitik, som de fleste amerikanske regeringer efter Kennedy-tiden har ført.
Den næste taler var en aldeles enestående person fra Kina, nemlig landets ledende professor i journalistik og tilligemed leder af meget andet, Li Xiguang. Professor Li har anført en pilgrimsfærd, der har varet i årtier, for Silkevejen – tværs over Centralasien og ned langs hver af de tre nord-syd ruter, og tilbage igen. Ikke færre end 500 af sine studerende har han siden 1990 ført med sig på denne pilgrimsrejse, og han har skrevet et tobindsværk om den Nye Silkevej. Skønt hans mål med Silkevejen ikke er af religiøs karakter – hans mål er de samme som LaRouche-bevægelsens – så modellerer professor Li sig selv efter de store kulturelle, kinesiske helte, buddhistmunkene Xuanzang (602-664) og dennes forgænger Faxian (337-422). Begge foretog vidstrakte og anstrengende rejser langs Silkevejen og bragte den første, reelle viden om meget af verdenscivilisationen, der især omfattede sanskrit-sproget og kulturen, samt originale, buddhistiske skrifter, med tilbage til Kina.
Xuanzang tilbragte intet mindre end 16 år på denne rejse og vendte tilbage med 600 indiske tekster. Efter ønske fra Tangdynastiets kejser, færdiggjorde han i 646 sit 12-binds værk, ”Krøniken om det store Tangdynastis vestlige områder” der er blevet en af hovedkilderne til studiet af Centralasien og Indien i middelalderen, og som danner grundlag for romanen fra det 17. århundrede, ”Rejsen til Vesten”, en af de fire store, klassiske, kinesiske romaner.
Der vil senere komme rapporter fra eftermiddagens session, der satte fokus på rumprogrammet, og som blev indledt af Kesha Rogers med en levende præsentation. Sessionens højdepunkt var en spørgsmål-svar-session over Skype med Lyndon LaRouche. LaRouche førte de fleste af spørgsmålene tilbage til kardinalspørgsmålet, nemlig, at forandringer i det fysiske system, og i menneskehedens fremtid, skabes af selve det tænkende menneskelige intellekt; det er der intet dyr, der er i stand til. Menneskeheden organiseres gennem sine egne handlinger af denne art; det er disse, der leder til enten succes eller fiasko. Dette er kendetegnende for den sande videnskabsmands intellekt, som Einstein eksemplificerer. Men denne redegørelse er blot en karakteristik; de faktiske svar bør studeres i detaljer.
Flere end 200 mennesker var mødt frem, kernemedlemmer ikke medregnet. Omkring et dusin fremmede lande fra Europa, Asien og Afrika var repræsenteret, enten ved diplomater, kulturelle forbindelser eller på anden vis. Mange musikere deltog, og mindst fem mennesker fra Brooklyn kirken, hvor vi opførte Messias i påsken. Dette er muligvis den største konference, vi nogensinde har holdt.
Som konklusion skal det siges, at denne konference markerer en sejr for en af Lyndon LaRouches ideer: nemlig Manhattan-projektet, som han præsenterede tilbage i oktober 2014. Og dog blev han dengang, i lighed med Einsteins berømte udtalelse om Kepler i 1930 på 300 års dagen for dennes død, ”ikke støttet af nogen og kun forstået af ganske få”. Lyndon LaRouche, der skabte det Strategiske Forsvarsinitiativ og senere sammen med sin kone skabte den Eurasiske Landbro, har endnu engang skabt en ny og fuldstændig anderledes original idé. En idé, som atter har vist sig at være gyldig.

Klik her for videoerne og afskrifterne på engelsk.

RADIO SCHILLER den 29. marts 2016: Efter terrorangrebet i Brussel

Med formand Tom Gillesberg:

Uden en mission er I døde!

22. marts 2016 (Leder fra LaRouchePAC) – »Bankerotten i USA’s økonomi er generelt set færdigt. Det er absolut færdigt«, erklærede Lyndon LaRouche kategorisk i sin diskussion mandag den 21. marts med LPAC Policy Committee, under den internationale webcast.

Mens de fleste amerikanere ser den anden vej og med frygt i sjælen forsøger at lade som om, at det ikke finder sted, så er det, vi i virkeligheden er vidne til, hele det transatlantiske finanssystems død – det er bankerot og står ikke til at redde. Men, vi er også vidne til en nations død, og dens befolknings død, fordi vores fornemmelse for en national mission – og de enkelte individers fornemmelse af formål og selve det, at have en identitet – systematisk er blevet fjernet af Det britiske Imperium, dets agenter og dets politik internt i USA. Intet har været så afgørende for denne operation som nedlæggelsen af NASA, som er kulmineret under Obamas præsidentskabs-parodi.

I går erklærede LaRouche: »Der er hele kategorier af folk, der under normale omstændigheder var produktive mennesker. De har ikke længere nogen rolle at udfylde. For det første sidder vi på toppen af en vulkan, som er det bankerotte, transatlantiske finanssystem, som kan – og vil – eksplodere i en hyperinflationsskabende nedsmeltning, hvad øjeblik, det skal være. Tro endelig ikke, at den nuværende politik med endeløse bailouts og »helikopterpenge«, som tidligere formand for Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke, holdt af at kalde det, kan holde stand. Man kan ikke forsøge at ’redde’ for 2 billiard dollar værdiløse, spekulative finanspapirer med endnu en billiard finansielt affald, uden, at det eksploderer op i ens ansigt. De regeringer, der støtter op omkring denne galskab – såsom Obamaregeringen – er lige så skyldige i de forbrydelser, der begås.

Det britiske Imperium er dømt til total undergang, understregede Lyndon LaRouche i dag, og de handler i total desperation: de vil ikke acceptere et nederlag, og de er parate til at dræbe en masse. Der er stærke indikationer på, at dette er i gang i USA, såvel som i Europa.

drug-poisoning-mortality_2002-2014 (1)

Dødsfald som følge af narko-overdosis, alle kommuner, USA, 2002-2014. O.D.’s er steget til tårnhøje tal i næsten alle USA’s kommuner under Bush’ og Obamas præsidentskaber.

Ud over det eksploderende finanssystem, så sidder vi også på toppen af nok en vulkan, som er den erklærede hensigt fra Det britiske Imperium – og fra deres marionet, Barack Obama – om at fremtvinge regimeskift i Rusland og Kina. Som Lyndon LaRouche i årevis har advaret om, så er kriserne i Libyen, Syrien og Irak, og international terrorisme generelt, alle sammen rettet mod et strategisk atomopgør med Rusland og Kina. De seneste »barbariske« terrorhandlinger i Bruxelles, som præsident Vladimir Putin kaldte det, er ingen undtagelse. Idet hun talte om de internationale sponsorer af terrorisme – som vi ved er Det britiske Imperium, der opererer under diverse flag – var talsperson for det russiske Udenrigsministerium, Maria Zakharova, ligefrem: »Man kan ikke støtte terrorister i én del af verden uden at forvente, de også dukker op i en anden.«

Rusland og Kina fortsætter med at spille deres rolle i at gå op imod dette vanvid, og bygge et Nyt Paradigme baseret på en mission for menneskeheden, der udfolder sig omkring win-win-samarbejde om grundlæggende forskning så som rumforskning, og samstemmende store infrastrukturprojekter her på planeten Jord.

Men for at det skal lykkes, må USA bringes med ombord i dette Nye Paradigme. Til en begyndelse må de nazister, der ønsker at forvandle USA til en koncentrationslejr, afsløres som det, de er – lige fra FBI-hooligans, til Obamas drabsmaskine og til Wall Street-bankerne, der har folkemord i deres kølvand. At give dem en stærkt forsinket blodtud er en god måde at få humøret op og genoplive optimisme på.

Dernæst må landet genoprette sin fornemmelse for national mission omkring NASA’s rumprogram, med Kesha Rogers’ kampagne som spydspids for vore bestræbelser i denne retning. Dette vil gengive folk ikke alene produktive jobs, men selve deres fornemmelse for mening og menneskelig identitet. Og det er en kraft, som Det britiske Imperium ikke kan håndtere.

Det frydefulde ved at skabe overraskelser!
LaRouchePAC Internationale Fredags-webcast 18. marts 2016

Engelsk udskrift: I denne uge får vi en opdatering fra Kesha Rogers i Texas, som anfører en politik for en genoplivelse af det amerikanske NASA-rumprogram; Jason Ross fortsætter sagaen om Gottfried Leibniz; og Jeffrey Steinberg giver os Lyndon LaRouches analyse af betydningen for fredsprocessen i Syrien af de seneste udviklinger, med den russiske militære tilbagetrækning.


International Webcast March 18, 2016

MATTHEW OGDEN: Good Evening! It's March 18th, 2016. My name
is Matthew Ogden, and I would like to thank you for joining us
for our weekly Friday evening broadcast, here, on I'm joined in the studio tonight by Jeffrey
Steinberg from {Executive Intelligence Review}; and Jason Ross,
from the LaRouche PAC science team; and we're joined via video by
Kesha Rogers, multiple-time candidate for Federal office from the
state of Texas, and leading member of the LaRouche PAC Policy
All of us had a chance to meet with Mr. LaRouche, both in
person and via telephone connection (in the case of Kesha),
earlier this morning. Mr. LaRouche had some very definite and
specific ideas which he wished for us to convey. Mr. LaRouche was
{emphatic} when we met with him earlier today, that the global
agenda right now is being set by Russia and by China, and their
allies. He said that the initiative in creating the future and
shaping present global policy, lies with those two countries,
strategically — in the case of Russia, as is very clear with
what is occurring in Syria right now; and economically and
scientifically — in the case of China.
You can see very clearly that the outdated and archaic
methods of the trans-Atlantic system are proving to be impotent,
both in the case of resolving the current grave crises which are
facing mankind as a planetary species right now, but also
impotent in setting the agenda and fulfilling and laying out the
vision for the future of mankind. The mission which has been
undertaken by China, in terms of their objective to explore the
far side of the Moon — something which is going to be unfolding
over the coming two years — exemplifies the necessary identity
which mankind must have in order to affirm and to fulfill our
true nature as a creative species.
Mr. LaRouche stated that something that we should develop,
in dialogue with him and with each other, is to think about the
open questions, the unanswered questions about how is mankind, a
species, reflective of a much larger, and as yet not fully
understood, creative characteristic of the galactic system as a
whole. This is a relationship which Johannes Kepler drew out in
very unique detail in terms of his discoveries about our {Solar}
System, but we have many, many large and unanswered questions of
what is the role of the human species in our relationship to the
galactic system as a whole, and then the complex of galactic
systems as a much, much larger whole.
Mr. LaRouche said that this mission to explore the "dark
side" of the Moon, so-called, is a pathway in order to begin to
understand even the opening of the questions along these lines.
The dark side of the Moon, his hypothesis was, is where you can
find some of the shadows of this much larger system, have insight
into it, and also to begin to understand mankind's role as
reflective of these broader creative processes which are involved
in these great astronomical systems.
This is the spirit of the United States at our best. Our
republic was founded on these kinds of unique ideas, as we've
discussed here in previous weeks. The role of the great
philosopher and scientist Gottfried Leibniz is a major
contributor, a "founding father", or "founding grand-father" of
our republic. This is something which I know Jason Ross has
presented multiple times and is in the process of having a series
of developing classes on that subject; and I'm sure we'll be part
of his discussion later today.
But also, this is what you can see in a great statesman,
such as Abraham Lincoln — very, very much so. Franklin
Roosevelt; and John F. Kennedy. Tragically, that spirit in the
United States has deteriorated drastically. We see now that the
leadership does indeed lie with China and with Russia; and this
is something which Kesha Rogers, who is joining us here today,
wrote about in an editorial which is appearing in this week's
edition of the {Executive Intelligence Review} magazine. Kesha's
editorial is titled, "To Save the United States Economy, Revive
the Space Program."
Kesha and I had a brief conversation earlier this afternoon.
I know she has some broader ideas to develop on this subject, so,
without further ado, I would like to hand over the podium to
Kesha Rogers.

KESHA ROGERS: Thank you, Matt. I think I'd like to start,
first of all, by continuing to develop what has and must be the
focal point by which we come to understand the necessity for the
revival and the defense of, not just the American and U.S. space
program, which I have continued to be a leader in championing the
development and the necessity of our space program and what it
truly represents for the progress of all mankind. But just on the
editorial that I wrote, I think, to understand it, it's not just
from the standpoint of looking at the economic conditions of the
United States and some practical applications to economics that
the space program will provide; but we also have to look at it
from the standpoint of is, the space program as a true conception
of real economic value. This is what's actually missing from our
thinking and what has been attacked by the current Wall
Street/British imperial system, is that economic value is based,
from {that} standpoint, on monetary value and not on the creative
powers and progress of the human mind.
The real question at hand right now, is to bring about — as
we're seeing and will be developed further in these discussions
today — a new conception of what is the identity and what is the
purpose of mankind. I have continued to use the example and the
works of the great pioneer of space flight, space pioneer Krafft
Ehricke; and looking at his conception of mankind as a
space-faring creature, as the understanding of mankind's
"extra-terrestrial imperative," as that which must be identified
and understood.
If you look at the conditions of the space program and why
it's so important, you take the example, for instance, of what
China is doing now, as completely rejecting this monetarist
policy; that the space program is not how much money you're going
to put into pet projects and specific projects. It is creating
something that's never been created before, to actually create a
new conception and identity of mankind, from the standpoint of
the idea of acting on the future.  That's what this idea and what
is being developed, for instance with China in their
investigation of the far side of the Moon.
People may look at this, "Well what is this going to
benefit us? How is this going to improve the economic conditions,
in terms of monetary value, or any of this?" But that is the
wrong way to look at it; because the problem right now is that
what you have seen is two different opposing conceptions of the
view of mankind. One coming from the trans-Atlantic system,
coming from a collapsing imperial system that has been based on
money and monetary value that is dying; and the other is
represented by what Russia and China are doing. And as Matt
emphasized and what I developed in my recent writing, was that
this was the mindset of the great leaders of our nation,
represented by the ideas of Alexander Hamilton, of Franklin
Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln, [and] John F. Kennedy. It wasn't just
on the creating of new projects per se, but on a whole new
different conception of the identity of mankind.
And so, you take for instance, the example of what we
accomplished in the United States, of landing a man on the Moon
— the idea that Kennedy put forward, that by the end of decade
we would land a man on the Moon and return him safely to Earth.
What was the vision and intention behind that? Was it just the
idea that we would go and plant our flag on the Moon? This would
be some short-term gratification and so forth? Or, was it a
forward-thinking outlook, in terms of the direction of mankind in
recognizing what Krafft Ericke, the great pioneer of space
flight, recognized, that mankind was not just a creature of the
planet Earth. We were not just a part of, as he called it, a
"closed system," and so it was our responsibility to go out and
to do what no other animal had the capability of doing; of
actually conquering and developing, coming to understand what is
the purpose of mankind and what is the development of mankind in
the universe as a creature of our solar system and of the galaxy
as a whole.
One thing that I thought was very insightful, is that Krafft
Ericke wrote about the understanding of the Renaissance, the
Classical Renaissance, as an achievement of human progress. And
also the Classical Renaissance is something that contributed to
the development of what became our space program and what was the
intention that guided the direction of space travel and the space
I'll just read a quick quote from what he expressed on this
idea. He says, "The development of the idea of space travel was
always the most logical and most noble consequence of the
Renaissance ideal, which again places man in an organic and
active relationship with his surrounding universe and which,
perceived in the synthesis of knowledge and capabilities, its
highest ideals."
So you look at this from the standpoint of Krafft Ericke
understanding that the Renaissance that was guided by the
scientific breakthroughs which I'm sure you'll hear a lot more
from my colleague Jason there, of Brunelleschi, or the
breakthroughs that came about from the works of Kepler. That the
idea of mankind, is to create something fundamentally new,
something that had never been created before, and increasing the
relationship of mankind to the Universe.
Now that's economic value! That is not what is being
discussed when you look at these debates going back and forth
from the standpoint of these Congress Members to the space
community, and what budgets are being cut and should not be cut.
But the reality is, as I stated before, we have to have, in the
defense of the space program, a new conception of the direction
of mankind. That means we're removing all limitations to
progress, all limitations that are put on mankind's ability to
continue to understand how to make new discoveries in the
principles scientifically of what's out there. Why should we
actually investigate the Solar System? What is our mission in
doing so? And it's not about a money-making short-term
gratification. And so, I think this emphasis that Krafft Ehricke
put on the renaissance as an ideal of looking at why we have, as
a human species, an extraterrestrial imperative, is really a
continued expression of what you're seeing coming from China; not
just in their space program, but in the development of the
win-win strategy of cooperation for all mankind, for every nation
to come to join together. And to further the progress of
addressing the necessary challenges to the economic condition of
the planet by actually recognizing that the solutions do not lie
right here on planet Earth.
So, I think that's the conceptions I wanted to get across;
and what I hope to have further discussion on as we continue this
fight to identify what is the real mission of the space program,
and how we come to rid the world immediately of this current dead
system that's keeping us from advancing in the way that we should

OGDEN: Thank you very much, Kesha; and I can recommend that
people read what you've written in the current edition of
{Executive Intelligence Review}. I also know that you're planning
on making a video statement — which will be posted on the
LaRouche PAC website and available for people — developing some
of these ideas a little bit more in detail.
So, if people have been watching this website, you know that
Jason Ross has also been working very closely with Kesha to
develop some of these ideas with their implications from the
standpoint of a scientist, whom I hope you are becoming more
familiar with by now — Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. As we
discussed last week on this webcast, I think if you begin to
consider this question which Kesha just laid on the table for us,
about how do you create a future for mankind. How do you initiate
the creation of something which is completely new, as we move
into the future? Now, this can never be done through the
replication of the past; there's no precedent for a discovery. A
discovery is something which is always new, and is created {de
novo} and is introduced, which changes the course of human
history. Obviously, there is a lineage that goes back to
Gottfried Leibniz, and many Leibnizians who have lived since him:
Karl Gauss; Bernhard Riemann; Albert Einstein; and I would even
include Mr. Lyndon LaRouche in that lineage.
So, without further ado, I'm going to ask Jason to elaborate
a little bit more; picking up on what Kesha just left off on.

JASON ROSS: Thanks, Matt. Well, I think if you consider how
to conceptualize the value of the kinds of programs that Kesha
was discussing that we're promoting today, you reach a
contradiction if you try to approach them from a monetarist
standpoint. That is, the kind of economics that's generally
taught today, the kind of economics practiced as a religion —
well, I was going to say as a religion on Wall Street; the
primary religion on Wall Street is stealing — but, in general,
the basis of thinking is that economy is about money; we can
measure things in terms of money. How much is somebody willing to
pay for something? That's how valuable it is. That isn't. Money
doesn't measure different qualities; money doesn't measure the
future potential that something is able to create. And if you
base money on how much somebody's willing to pay for something,
you don't distinguish between things that are good and useful
versus bad and vices. People are willing to pay for heroin;
people are willing to pay for other opioids if they're addicted
to it. Does that mean that those drugs, as used by those people,
are valuable, or worth something because they're willing to pay
for them? Quite the contrary. So, we need a different way of
thinking about how we can measure economic value if we're going
to be human economists, instead of Wall Street magicians or
So, the reason we have economy is that we aren't animals;
animals don't have economies. Animals don't change what they do
from generation to generation; they don't improve, they don't
develop. We do. We create a new kind of time for ourselves. In a
very real way, humanity is a totally new and totally distinct
force of nature from anything else. Over geological time,
geologists describe to us how the Earth has changed, or how a
planet has formed; this is over hundreds of millions of years.
Over evolutionary time, perhaps tens of millions of years, we're
able to see transformations in the kinds of life that exists on
the planet. Over biological time, we have short-term periods of
the life of an organism, of its respiration, very much tied to
the daily cycle of the Earth, for example. And with humans, we
have a different kind of time. We create time. The flow of
history isn't always the same speed.
During the Dark Ages, when not much happened, you might say
that human time slowed down. And with the Renaissance, and with
the ability to discover more about nature by having a more
powerful way of thinking about it, and a more powerful conception
of us as human beings interacting with it; you could say that
time sped up. We create a certain time in that we create new eras
of humanity; not in the way that geology or evolution does, but
willfully by developing new principles that if we were animals,
you would say this is a whole new type of life all together. Life
moving from the oceans onto land; that's a totally different
quality of life. Life having developed photosynthesis and using
the Sun as a power source; that's a totally different kind of
life. But we're still human beings after the discovery of the
combustion engine, for example; the use of heat-powered
machinery. We create in ourselves the change that's comparable
only to large-scale evolutionary changes when we look at life in
general. So, we're distinct.
Now, how do we understand this? Both how do we understand
that world around us that we act on and interact with; and how do
we understand our thoughts about it and our ability to progress
and use the practice of science itself? What sort of terrain is
it? What sort of world is it? The physical world and the mental
Well, here's where I'd like to take up some concepts that
Mr. LaRouche has been bringing up recently about Bernhard Riemann
and about Gottfried Leibniz, and a bit about Einstein, too, who
got the verification of his hypothesis of gravity waves announced
very near his birthday this year — which was on Monday. So,
let's think about it. Is the terrain that we're operating on, one
which is steady and indifferent to our actions? Or, is it one
where what we do and what we discover and how we interact with
it, changes that world around us in a way that the world is not
fixed; either in ourselves or in our understanding of it? And,
that is the case; we transform the world in changing our mental
understanding of it. The math that we use in understanding how do
we conceptualize that world; that changes our interaction with
it, and we're a force of nature. We change the operation of the
forces of nature by improving our understanding of the world
around us and of ourselves and our ability to discover such
things. How can we possibly think about that quality of change?
As a couple of other examples, think about the difference
between what you might say is a fixed object — let's say iron
oxide. Iron oxide is basically rust; it's a mineral that's rust.
It's reddish brown, it's not terribly useful; but with the
development of metallurgy, instead of being a deposit of some
compound, it's now a resource. It's an ore from which we can
create iron and steel. The substance itself, did it change
chemically? It did in terms of the potential of what we could do
with it. And remember, we're a force of nature; we changed what
it was. It has to be thought of that way.
Or, what's the value of a technology? How does it change
over time? In the 1400s, windmills were a great invention; they
were somewhat new on the scene. They allowed pumping water, they
allowed grinding grain. That's excellent; that's a breakthrough.
Are windmills valuable today for making electricity? I don't
think so. Consider helium; helium is an interesting element. It
was first discovered in the Sun, not on Earth. It was discovered
in the Sun by the kind of light that came from the Sun when that
light was broken up into a rainbow with a prism, and certain
bands of the absence or presence of color were the clue that
there was a new element out there named helium, after Helios, the
Sun. That element, what's it used for? You might think of it's
being used to fill up balloons for children; you might think of
it being used as a gas for cooling for physical purposes or for
experiments. It's also, as Helium-3, an ideal fuel for fusion.
So, this substance transforms its meaning based on our developing
understanding. How can we think about this?
Well, let's take the example of Bernhard Riemann. In 1854,
Bernhard Riemann delivered a presentation and a paper on the
subject of the hypotheses that underlie geometry. That might
sound like a dry title; it might sound like it has nothing to do
with physical economy or anything that we'd want to be doing
right now. But this paper is very important in the view of Lyndon
LaRouche for his own development and as a way of understanding
economics. So, let's say why. Very briefly, Riemann points out
that our conception of space itself and of the way things operate
in space is taken for granted. The ideas that we use to
understand it, they don't really come from experiments per se, or
from physical theories; they come from our thoughts about space.
For example, the idea that space has no particular
characteristics of its own; that was the view of Isaac Newton.
Newton said space is uniform, it's out there; things occur within
space. Space is there first, it's just space; it has no
characteristics in particular. Newton said the same thing about
time; that time flows on uniformly. That's what time is; it's
really not much of a definition, or an understanding.
Geometric ideas that people had, for example, are the idea
that if you add up the angles in a triangle, you get 180 degrees.
Now, if you're drawing triangles on flat paper, yes that's true;
if you draw them on a curved surface like a sphere, it's not
true. Triangles on a sphere have more than 180 degrees in them.
If you then ask, "What if I draw a triangle in space?"; that's a
tough question. When we connect points in space, is the space
between them flat, is it curved? How could we discover that, and
what would be the basis of it having a curvature if it wasn't
What Riemann does, is he discusses through all the possible
ways that this could come about. He discusses in general,
curvature — both of surfaces and of space; how a space could be
curved. He works out in general how you could do that; but he
can't answer the question. He says, to answer the question,
"What's the nature of the space, and which processes unfold?";
you have to leave the department of mathematics and you have to
go to the physics department. You can't answer questions like
that just be pure reasoning; you got to have a hypothesis —
"What physically makes space?" And in this way, he's coming back
to the view of Gottfried Leibniz, who, just to say very briefly,
Leibniz and Newton totally disagreed on a number of subjects.
People may have heard of the dispute over their invention of the
calculus; did Leibniz steal it from Newton, or vice versa? But
there's a lot more there.
One of the major disputes they had was about space. Newton's
view was that space and time were absolute; and Leibniz's view
that space was a way of understanding co-occurrences. The
relationship of things that are here at the same time — that's
space; and for Leibniz, time was the evolution of things, how
things change. But time didn't have its own existence. Now,
that's precisely what Einstein took up in his theories of
relativity; he did what Riemann said had to be done. He didn't
finish the job; but he did what Riemann said had to be done.
Einstein overthrew, in a very specific way, the outlook of
Newton; Einstein showed that space was not flat, that it was bent
in special relativity, that it was curved in general relativity.
And very importantly, the basis of its shape, the basis of how
things interact over distances — that sense of space — was
based not on what a mathematician might imagine, but on what a
physicist hypothesizes. Einstein hypothesized an equivalence
between different observers that the laws of nature shouldn't
depend on whether you're moving; something that Leibniz also said
very explicitly. Einstein considered that light moved at the same
speed to any observer; something he had been pondering since he
was a pretty young man. And he hypothesized that gravitation
would transform the shape of space; that straight lines wouldn't
be straight to the extent that gravity is affecting them. This is
what was seen with the experiments about the position of stars
around the eclipse of the Sun, performed earlier during
Einstein's life; and it's seen in the recent verification of
gravity waves.
So, most people acknowledge that Einstein, OK, this is
physically important; this is a scientist, he discovered things.
What does it have to do with this other point, though, about
understanding humanity, and our role in economy, and our creation
in economy? Well, what Riemann did was, he made it possible to
say that human discovery is a force of nature; it reshapes
nature, it transforms our understanding about the objects around
us. And the basis of that world outside of us, can't be
considered independently of our increasing knowledge about it.
What we know about the world around us changes it, in that it
changes our ability to interact with it.
So, if we're looking for a real idea of what economics is,
throw away any sense of monetarism that says money made in a
whorehouse is just as valuable as money made in a steel plant;
and instead say, "How do we foster scientific discovery? How do
we foster its social implementation through technologies that
physically improve our power over nature and our ability to
provide improving standards of living and promote the general
welfare of human beings?" If this is our basis of economics,
fostering that kind of outlook, then I think we can say that
Gottfried Leibniz was the first physical economist in that sense.
I'll just reference to the show on Leibniz from earlier this
week, and one of the documents I cited there; Leibniz's paper on
the creation of a society for science and economy in Germany. And
I think if you read that paper, you'll be astonished at how
Leibniz pulls together both promotion of discovery, how that
works, what kind of thoughts are needed, how people should work
together, and how to implement those thoughts to improve people's
lives to the betterment of mankind. And that really has to be the
basis of our economics.
One simple rough measure, proposed by LaRouche to measure
this, is the potential population density. How many people can be
supported in a given area? That's a measure that is fixed for
animals. For a certain kind of environment, the number of deer
that can live there; deer don't change that. Human beings do. And
as a rough measure of economic progress, we could take that
value. What's the potential population that we're able to
support? The ability to use these thoughts is one that is not
being expressed in the trans-Atlantic at present. In our
discussion today, Mr. LaRouche talked about the positive impact
that Riemann had had on Italian science. Riemann had
tuberculosis, and spent a good deal of time later in life — he
didn't live that long — but later in his short life in Italy;
where thoughts from Riemann influenced the development of
hydrodynamics, stretching all the way into the time of airplanes
and the consideration of getting out into space.
Today, this overall outlook is best represented by Russia,
and especially at present, by China. So, this doesn't have to be
a purely Chinese development; this is clearly something that we
can take up as a mission for ourselves to contribute to here in
the United States and in the nations around the globe. And we've
got very special and precious people in the past that we can look
to for insights in how to make the next breakthroughs in
developing our understanding of what it is to be human, the basis
of human culture, and how best to advance human economy.

OGDEN: Thank you very much, Jason. Now, as Jason just
mentioned, and as I said in the beginning, really right now you
do see the initiative — the economic and the scientific
initiative — being taken by China to lead mankind into the
future; especially with the space program. You also see the
initiative being taken by Russia; and this is very clearly
illustrated this week with the actions that have been taken by
Russia in Syria. The strategic initiative lies in Putin's actions
there. As Mr. LaRouche emphasized, Putin is setting the agenda;
he is constantly on the flank. You can see this going back to the
chemical weapons, where Putin took the initiative to say fine, we
will help Assad dismantle these chemical weapons. It can be seen
with the decision to intervene, a few months back, by Putin into
the situation in Syria; and then with the pull-out that happened
earlier this week. What's clear is that every step along the way,
Putin's actions have caught Washington and Obama by surprise;
constantly breaking profile. And this is what's called "taking
the flank" in a military sense. There's clear precedence, as Mr.
LaRouche always uses the example, of Douglas MacArthur's actions
in Inchon. You always, always act on the surprise.
Now, this was illustrated I think just anecdotally very well
in an article that was published March 15th — Tuesday of this
week — in the {New York Times}, with a very apropos headline
which read "Putin's Syria Tactics Keep Him at the Fore, and Leave
Everyone Else Guessing". I just want to read the first paragraph
of that article, actually, because I think it just describes very
vividly what we mean by this:
"President Vladimir Putin's order to withdraw the bulk of
Russian forces from Syria seemingly caught Washington, Damascus,
and everyone in between off guard; just the way the Russian
leader likes it. By all accounts, Mr. Putin delights in creating
So, this is the subject of our institutional question for
this week; which Mr. LaRouche had some very specific words to say
in response to, which I'm going to let Jeff elaborate on for us.
But let me just read the text of this question to start off.
"Mr. LaRouche, as you know, earlier this week, at the start
of the Geneva Peace Talks, Russian President Vladimir Putin
announced that he ordered the withdrawal of some of the Russian
military forces in Syria. The withdrawal of Russian fighter
planes began the next day and has continued. A residual force
will remain at the naval base at Tartus and at the air base in
Latakia. How do you view Putin's decision? How might it impact
the Russian, American, and United Nations efforts to bring the
Syrian war to an end, now underway in Geneva?"

STEINBERG: Of course, we've taking up the bulk of this
week's report with a discussion about man's extraterrestrial
imperative; the need for man to get off of the planet Earth,
because man was never an Earthbound creature. So, we're at a
point right now where Mr. LaRouche was delighted in our
discussion earlier today at the prospect of over the next two
years, China going through the preparations for the launching of
an orbiter that will be hopefully landing on the back side of the
Moon. And will for the first time, give mankind a window into the
Solar System and the Galaxy beyond. And this is something of
enormous importance and enormous excitement, because it puts this
nature of man as an extraterrestrial creature capable through
creative discovery, of not remaining Earthbound, but of exploring
the near Solar System and beyond. And it reminds me that
virtually every astronaut and cosmonaut who has travelled in
space, has remarked at one point or other, that having the
vantage point of looking down on Earth, you become at one point
overwhelmed with the fact that so much of what goes on, on the
planet of Earth, is trivial relative to the challenges that are
very obvious when you look at man from the standpoint of man's
ability to explore the Universe and make these kinds of
discoveries. And it was that approach that actually informed our
discussion about the Syria situation per se. Because as Matt
said, Russian President Putin has demonstrated once again that he
has a certain understanding that at the core of grand strategy is
always the idea of continuously moving; continuously flanking;
continuously confusing your adversaries by constantly being on
this kind of offensive.
So, we do have the developments of the past days, where at
the very moment that the Geneva second round of peace talks were
beginning, President Putin announced a draw-down of the Russian
military forces inside Syria. And in fact, the very next morning
— Tuesday morning of this week — the first Russian bombers and
other air force equipment and personnel began leaving. Now, the
Russians are there still; make no mistake about it. Russia has
established a fundamental change in the situation on the ground,
which is both a military shift and a shift at the diplomatic
table taking place right now in Geneva. Russia has a permanent
naval base fully established and more secured than at any time
previously at the port of Tartus; and it has now a major air
force facility in the Latakia province. And more recently this
week, yesterday President Putin issued a statement where he said,
if the circumstances change, if the peace process does not go
forward, then Russian forces can be reinforced in Syria, not in a
matter of days, but in a matter of hours. And quite clearly, the
infrastructure is in place for that to happen.
But Mr. LaRouche wanted to make a larger and much more
fundamental point about what is going on here. What he emphasized
is that you can't lose sight of the fact that the war is still
going on. We don't know how things are going to play out; what we
do know, is that there has been a change of conditions. In fact,
there was a major change of conditions beginning on September
30th of last year, when the major Russian military presence
began. And when the situation systematically shifted from that
point on, and yet at the same time, certain leading political
figures around the world — the spokesman for the Jordanian
government; Steffan de Mistura, the UN representative for Syria
— they all said, "We're not surprised by President Putin's
announcement this past Monday." In the case of the Jordanians,
the chief of staff of the Jordanian military, the chief of staff
of the Syrian military, were both in Moscow last October; and
they met with Russian Defense Minister Shoigu, they met with
President Putin. And they were told quite clearly that the
Russian mission was not a permanent mission; but was a limited
mission in both size and in time duration. And that when the
circumstances reached the point where it was feasible to reach a
diplomatic solution to the Syria crisis, that the Russian forces
would begin to be withdrawn.
As Matt pointed out with the {New York Times} coverage,
people in the West were scratching their heads, because they
refused to take note of the fact that Putin is a strategic
thinker. And very often, what he says — in most cases, in fact
— is exactly what he intends to do; but he's not going to do it
in a predictable fashion. He's going to do it in a way that will
catch you by surprise. And the biggest surprise is that most
political thinkers in the West, most officials in government in
the West, are ignorant and prejudiced. So, their own prejudices
prevent them from understanding how Putin thinks about these
things. Their own prejudices prevent them from understanding
because they're incapable of thinking in this kind of a strategic
fashion. Now the problem is, that we're still in a state of
warfare; and that state of warfare will continue until certain
things occur that go way beyond the borders of Syria.
Until the British Empire ceases to exist, there will be a
condition of warfare on this planet. We see it, not necessarily
in the form of warfare that most people think about — soldiers
shooting, artillery pieces firing, bombers dropping bombs. Look
what's happening right now in Brazil. The British Empire is
waging a war against the new emerging Asia-Pacific-centered
global system. They're trying to destabilize Brazil, which is a
founding member of the BRICS. There's a similar effort underway
to destabilize the Zuman government in South Africa; because
South Africa is the latest country to join in the BRICS
So, there are all kinds of problems going on; you can't look
for a simply linear expectation or projection of what's going to
happen by the situation now ongoing on the ground in Syria or in
Geneva. Another example: President Obama is taking a series of
measures that will lead unavoidably — unless they're reversed —
to a major confrontation between the United States and China. We
had a report earlier this week from David Ignatius in the
{Washington Post}, who is very often a kind of reliable leak
sheet for what's going on inside the administration. And the
Obama administration is preparing for confrontation with China
over the South China Sea; they're waiting for a ruling from the
World Court in the Hague on a complaint filed by the Philippines.
So the United States is preparing contingencies for poking China
in the eye, for carrying out new provocations against China. The
sanctions that President Obama announced this week, ostensibly
against North Korea, are in fact sanctions against China; they go
way beyond what was agreed upon by China and the United States at
the United Nations.
So, if you take all of these factors into account, and if
you think of them as a process, not simply as a series of
discrete events, then you get a very clear idea of what Mr.
LaRouche means when he says that the planet, in general terms, is
in a state of war. Now, ultimately what this state of warfare
comes down to, is the fact that you have a new emerging
Asia-Pacific-centered future. It's defined by the economic
initiatives of China, by the One Belt-One Road policy, and most
emphatically by China's systematic plan for collaborating with
other nations on the kind of space exploration that once was a
hallmark of American policy; but has not been abandoned.
President Obama has spent the last seven years systematically
taking down and dismantling America's space capability; and Kesha
is leading the fight to reverse that process.
Over the last 15 years, if you look at the Bush/Cheney
administration followed by the Obama administration, the United
States has been under British occupation. Both Bush/Cheney and
Obama were each, in their own way, governments that were at the
beck and call of the British Empire, of the policies of the
British financial oligarchy operating through Wall Street. And as
the result, the United States, really the entire trans-Atlantic
region, is dead. Germany was once a great prospering economy; the
result of the "economic miracle" that Franklin Roosevelt
envisioned for the post-World War II period; no replay of
Versailles, but a completely different approach. Germany has now
been destroyed by the policies largely coming from the British
Empire. All of continental Europe is hopelessly and irreversibly
bankrupt; and Mario Draghi's announcement of an expansion of
quantitative easing and a zero interest rate policy is a
reflection that certain people are desperate over the fact that
Europe is doomed, that the United States under present
circumstances. We've talked in recent months on this broadcast
about the death rate increase in the United States; the true rate
of unemployment; the epidemic of heroin addiction and heroin
overdose deaths; the declining life expectancy in the United
States. These are all measures of the fact that the
trans-Atlantic region is dead; and will only begin to reverse
that death if there is a revolutionary, fundamental change in
policy. That alternative policy is being carried out in the
Eurasian and Asia-Pacific region; led by China, led by Russia,
reflected in the way that Russian President Putin has navigated
the strategic situation.
So, the great threat is coming from the fact that a dying
British Empire — which is irreversibly doomed — is lashing out
and is trying to preserve something that can no longer be
preserved. There was a time when the British Empire could impose
petty tyrannies on countries around the world and achieve a
certain limited degree of stability. That's over with. All of the
efforts within the framework of the mindset of the British
Empire, the mindset of the Obama administration, the mindset of
virtually all European leaders — the French probably the worst
of the bunch on the continent — is doomed; it doesn't work. Yet,
there is an opportunity; and opportunity for all of mankind in
what's going on in the Asia-Pacific region, led by China, by
Russia. India is clearly stepping in to play a significant role
in this new emerging combination, cooperation among nations for
purposes that go beyond national interests, but address the
interests of all of mankind. Egypt is fully established as
orienting towards that new Asia-Pacific combination.
So, this is the larger picture; this is the framework for
judging the initiative taken by President Putin this week. And it
must be judged from the standpoint of the global consequences;
and not just simply the consequences for the immediate
negotiations around Syria. Although his actions this week have
certainly greatly improved the possibility of bringing that
five-year tragedy to an end.

OGDEN: Thank you very much, Jeff. I would just add, the
initiative being taken by these countries also very much has to
do with the decades-long work Mr. Lyndon LaRouche and Mrs. Helga
LaRouche have undertaken. The One Belt-One Road policy that China
has adopted, is the Eurasian Land-Bridge policy which the
LaRouche movement uniquely championed in the beginning of the
1990s. Now, you have an evolution of that to the World
Land-Bridge; and this is what is documented so thoroughly in the
350-page Special Report that was issued by {Executive
Intelligence Review} called "The New Silk Road Becomes the World
Land-Bridge". One very exciting announcement, because you
mentioned Egypt, just this week there was a very high-level event
which was sponsored by the Transportation Ministry in Cairo;
featuring a LaRouche collaborator, Hussein Askary, to announce
the formal publication of the Arabic language of this full,
350-page World Land-Bridge Special Report from {Executive
Intelligence Review}.
So, you can see that at the very highest levels of
government around the world, this is what is shaping the
discussion; the initiatives that the LaRouche movement have taken
for decades. And one final note along those same lines, as we
announced last Friday, Mrs. Helga LaRouche just got back from a
very important trip to India; at which she was one of the
featured speakers in a very prominent, very high-level dialogue
— the Raisina Dialogue. And if people have not seen it yet, a
wonderful half-hour interview that Jason Ross conducted with Mrs.
LaRouche was posted on the LaRouche PAC website earlier this
week. So, if you haven't watched that yet, I would really
encourage you to watch it; and to just think about everything
that has been said here today. Think about these initiatives that
are being taken by some of the world's leading countries to
create the future; and think about the role that the LaRouche
movement has played over years and decades in shaping the
possibility of these initiative being taken today.
So, thank you all very much for joining us here today. I'd
like to thank Kesha Rogers for joining us over video; and I would
like to thank Jeff and Jason here in the studio. Please stay
tuned to Good night.

Økonomisk kollaps = Fascistiske stemmer i Europa og USA;

14. marts 2016 (Leder fra LaRouchePAC) – Den kinesiske avis Global Times udgav i dag et indsigtsfuldt synspunkt på afstand i det truende kollaps af visse amerikanske institutioner og udbruddet af massestøtte til en præsidentkandidat à la Mussolini – som, bemærker avisen, bryder frem som følge af økonomisk nedgang.

»Trumps tilhængere består for det meste af hvide fra den lavere klasse, og de mistede meget efter finanskrakket i 2008«, skrev avisen. »USA plejede at have den største og mest stabile middelklasse i den vestlige verden, men mange har oplevet en nedtur. Så var det, at Trump dukkede op. Stor i munden, antitraditionel, direkte med indslag af overgreb, er han den perfekte populist, der havde let ved at provokere offentligheden … han er endda blevet kaldt en ny Benito Mussolini eller Adolf Hitler af nogle vestlige medier … USA konfronteres med udsigten til fiasko for de etablerede institutioner, der meget vel kunne blive udløst af en voksende mængde problemer i det virkelige liv.«

Det samme sker i hele Europa, hvor et mønster, der spreder sig, med stemmer til den ekstreme højrefløj, som vi atter så det i denne weekend, hvor partiet AfD, Alternativ for Tyskland, skød frem med 15-20 % af stemmerne i valget i nogle af forbundsstaterne, efter at partiets leder truede med at skyde immigranter på stedet. AfD’s stemmeprocent svarede i bogstavelig forstand til arbejdsløshedsprocenten i den ene stat efter den anden.

Vi befinder os i realiteten i en tilstand med institutionernes sammenbrud i USA og Europa. Det kommer efter 15 år med økonomisk stagnation, massearbejdsløshed og indkomsttab, samt en hel stribe af frygtelige krige, som blev startet af Bush og Obama, samt af disse let bevæbnede, men rasende krigere, Storbritanniens Cameron og Frankrigs Hollande. Der har været så mange af disse massemordskrige, at den seneste, med Obama, Cameron og Hollande, der hjælper Saudi-Arabien med at ødelægge Yemen, knap nok omtales i de fleste medier.

Obama kan stilles for en rigsret alene pga. disse forfatningsstridige krige.

Men, hvad der er værre en tabet af respekt for nogen institution, så blev USA’s og dets borgeres mission – på den fremskudte grænse af teknologisk fremskridt – dræbt af Obama, da han afsluttede NASA’s planer for udforskningen af Månen og rummet.

En genopbygning af NASA’s programmer – der mobiliserer amerikanernes kreativitet i en genoplivning af USA’s rumudforskningsfremtid – er den centrale kraft, der kan vende dette kollaps omkring.

De økonomiske midler hertil er dem, der stod deres prøve under præsident Franklin Roosevelt, for at løse problemet med Wall Street og skabe statskredit til en økonomisk genrejsning. Men, det større mål er atter at have denne mission, menneskehedens fremtid i rummet.

Anfører af denne missions genrejsning er den demokratiske LaRouche-leder Kesha Rogers fra Texas, der identificerer dette som den enkelte, sikre vej til at vende det økonomiske kollaps, som Kinas Global Times ser. Og hun kræver, at dette gøres i samarbejde med især Kina, som nu er den nation, der hurtigst går frem i rummet og i opbygning af infrastruktur på Jorden.



Lyndon LaRouche:
»Vi må have en udvikling mod frihed;
og udgangspunktet kan kun være indsigt i,
hvad der er det sande og gode«

Lyndon LaRouche, 12. marts 2016:

»Jeg ville sige, at, i USA netop nu, i den grad, hvor nogle af os bidrager med nye indsigter i, hvad USA kan blive til, at vi må have en udvikling mod frihed. For problemet er, at de folk, der ikke kan lide os, der ikke kan lide frihed, er problemet. Men spørgsmålet bliver derfor, hvad er frihed? Nogle mennesker siger, »min idé om frihed er det her«, og deres idé om frihed er så ikke det.

Så pointen er, at der må være en sammenhæng, en aftale, baseret på fornuftig indsigt i den praktiske udførelse. Dette er, hvad der altid har fungeret i nationer. Dette er, hvad der har destrueret nationer! Napoleon destruerede nationer! Briterne har altid destrueret nationer! De specialiserer i det; og dette har været kun alt for sandt i historien.

Så man har altså det, at dannelsen af regering er baseret på ødelæggelsen af særskilte regeringer, på konflikt, mord. Jeg tænker på det, Tyrkiet nu gør, diktaturet i Tyrkiet. Men dette er ikke en karakteristik af tyrkerne; dette er en karakteristik … for jeg ved noget om tyrkerne og deres historie. Jeg har været tæt associeret med nogle af heltene i Tyrkiet. Og lignende ting er sande for andre ting. Der er ingen grund til, at vi bør sige, at der er et naturligt had, en naturlig konflikt blandt folkeslagene i verden! Det er ikke naturligt. Det faktum, at der er konflikt, er ofte et u-naturligt produkt.

For, når folk ser, hvad det gode er, når mennesket ser, hvad det gode er, i praksis, så vil man finde, at de ikke ønsker at gøre den slags ting, som tyrannerne gerne vil frembringe. Spørgsmålet er, vi opstiller argumenterne for, hvad bør det gode være? Hvad er det, vi bør gøre, som er det gode? Hvad er bedre? Det er, hvad det handler om.

Og alle de andre ting er nonsens. Mennesket er forplig… Hvor står vi f.eks. nu? Bare for lige at afbryde mig selv. Hvor er vi nu? Vi er på randen af en generel atomkrig over hele planeten, og udover selve planeten. Og denne ting kan ske, lige nu, i den form for krig, som netop nu bliver planlagt, som kan ødelægge hele planeten, og planetens mennesker, netop nu! Og spørgsmålet bliver derfor, hvordan kan vi forhindre dette i at ske? Og hvordan gør vi det, uden at gå ud i en eller anden form for underkastelse under dette, eller underkastelse under hint? Nej! Det må komme fra en indsigt i, hvad sandhed er, hvad menneskeheden er, hvad menneskeheden må være. Og mange mennesker, ligesom – jeg tror, man kunne sige, at Putin er et ret godt eksempel på en model – forsøger at gøre præcis dette. Og der er mennesker i andre dele af verden, der har til hensigt at gøre dette.

Og det er, hvad vi må gøre. Vi ser dette med Kina, med Rusland og med andre dele af planeten nu. Vi ser, at disse nationale enheder kommer sammen, og de går ikke bare i seng med hinanden, men det er en proces af at erkende, at de må arbejde sig igennem det, ved hvilket deres fælles interesser fremmes, på en bevidst og progressiv måde.

Og det er, hvad vi forsøger at gøre. Se på, hvad Kina gør. Indien forsøger at arbejde sig igennem her. Andre dele af verden forsøger at arbejde sig igennem denne proces. Det er denne form for mål, denne form for proces, hvor man siger – og det udmunder i, når man begynder at tale om rumprogrammet. Man taler om Månens bagside. Hvad gør Kina? Kina har kig på Månens bagside, og Månens bagside er det, Kina forsøger at finde ud af: Hvad er den virkelig betydning af det her, Månens bagside? Og Kina er ved at mobilisere for de næste to generationer, blot for dette formål. Og det er ikke bare en hensigt, men det er et begyndelsessted for at forstå, hvordan menneskeheden, jord-mennesket, kan spile en rolle i at udforme galaksen. Og galaksen er det mål, som menneskeheden bør have for øje netop nu.«

John Ascher (mødeleder): Jeg vil blot lige nævne her, at alle de temaer, du netop berørte, vil blive temaer for en meget vigtig konference, som bliver afholdt den 7. april i Manhattan, sponsoreret af Schiller Instituttet, om spørgsmålet om, hvad det nødvendige begreb om menneskeheden er; og at få USA til at tilslutte sig Verdenslandbroen. Vi har en invitation, og forsøger at få denne konference, der kommer den 7. april, til at blive det store gennembrud. Og det, som hr. LaRouche netop gennemgik, er præcis temaet for denne konference, inklusive spørgsmålet om rumprogrammet og videnskab som drivkraft.

Ovenstående er et uddrag af webcastet The Manhattan Projekt med Lyndon LaRouche, fra 12. marts. Hele videoen kan ses her:


Nancy Reagans død betegner ’Afslutningen af en bestemt æra’

7. marts 2016 (Leder fra LaRouchePAC) – Det transatlantiske systems kollaps er en dødbringende situation – fra det fysiske, økonomiske sammenbrud, til den finansielle nedsmeltnings kaos, til faren for krig og den rædselsvækkende virkning af det rådne opbud af kandidater til det amerikanske valg og dettes forløb. Det, der kræves under disse irrationelle omstændigheder, er en rationel respons. Der findes løsninger. Netop en sådan rationel respons er i gang i form af det fremstød, der kommer fra Ruslands og Kinas ledere, for samarbejde om rummet, videnskab, økonomisk udvikling i Eurasien og hele verden, og om fred. I sidste uge blev det under nationale møder i Beijing fastslået, at rumforskning nu vil blive en integreret del af Kinas økonomiske innovationsprogram. I USA leder LaRouchePAC’s Kesha Rogers det politiske fremstød for at genrejse netop samme anskuelse, der oprindeligt var et varemærke for det Amerikanske System, og som NASA legemliggjorde.

I dag satte Lyndon LaRouche spørgsmålet om lederskab ind i et umiddelbart, historisk perspektiv med reference til Nancy Reagans død i søndags. Han sagde, at, hvis man tager perioden fra Ronald Reagans valg til præsidentskabet i 1980, i frem til Nancys død, så er det et tegn på, at »en ganske bestemt æra netop er afsluttet«. Reagan legemliggjorde en kvalitetsstandard for lederskab. Han var en meget dygtig person. LaRouche talte om sin forbindelse med ham, og nu om mindet om hans hustru.

I den ny æra, der nu er i gang, handler krisen ikke kun om fraværet af lederskabskvalitet, men om den udbredte fjendtlighed over for en sådan kvalitet. Folk i det transatlantiske område – Vesten – bliver mere og mere vanvittige. Men vi kan ikke desto mindre, hvis vi intervenerer med rationalitet for at levere lederskabet, komme til undsætning og have held med vores forehavende.

Fjendens deployering er intens, med fremstød imod BRIKS og mod krig. Ingen anden end selveste den britiske krones tjener Ambrose Evans Pritchard er på scenen i Sao Paulo, hvor han udgiver en artikel fra 7. marts om, at »BRIKS-fantasien« nu er forbi, og at »BRIKS-konceptet er blevet meningsløst …« Han hævder, at »Brasilien er den første af BRIKS-kvintetten, der bryder sammen på så mange fronter på samme tid«, og at Sydafrika, Rusland og Kina alle er plaget af problemer. Han hævder, at kun Indien stadig har »vind i sejlene« – hvilket i realiteten refererer til beskidte, angloamerikanske tricks for at forsøge at få Indien til at blive ’den sidste, stående BRIK’.

Med hensyn til den relaterede, forrykte militære oprustningsfront, så er de største militære øvelser nogen sinde – kaldet Key Resolve – nu i gang mellem USA og Sydkorea. Med et opbud af 17.000 amerikanske styrker og 300.000 stk. sydkoreansk personel vil øvelserne vare i otte uger. Dette finder sted på et tidspunkt, hvor der er skarpe spændinger med Nordkorea, i betragtning af den kumulative virkning af årevis med geopolitik.

I LaRouchePAC’s ugentlige TV Policy Committee-udsendelse i dag formanede Lyndon LaRouche, »Det er slutningen på det gamle system. Det må erstattes af et andet. Det kan gøres.«

Det er farligt. Bliv ikke bange.

Galskab pulserer igennem USA

8. marts 2016 (Leder fra LaRouchePAC) – Præsident Obama holdt i mandags et møde i Det Hvide Hus for at fejre Dodd/Frank-lovens succesfulde forhindring af et nyt kollaps, som det i 2008. Eneste problem er, at hele det transatlantiske finanssystem er i frit fald, suget ned af værdiløs spillegæld til en ’værdi’ af omtrent 2 billiarder dollar, og som Dodd-Frank intet har gjort for at forhindre – men tværtimod har fremmet. De vestlige økonomier står og vipper på randen, mens befolkningerne bliver ødelagt af den værste narkoepidemi i Vestens historie, og af selvmord, der begås af desperate, midaldrende, arbejdsløse arbejdere.

I mellemtiden gør Obama og hans kontrollers i London alt, hvad der står i deres magt, for at bringe den eneste del af verden, der fungerer – Rusland og Kina – til fald. Øverst på deres »dødsliste« står BRIKS, der repræsenterer podekrystallen til et nyt verdensparadigme, baseret på udvikling, rumforskning og »win-win«-samarbejde nationerne imellem, som Xi Jinping beskriver det. Den kinesiske udenrigsminister Wang Yi sagde i dag: »Bæltet-og-vejen er et projekt, som Kina lancerede, men mulighederne tilhører hele verden.«

Men Wang Yi måtte også advare USA om, at USA’s indsats for at »forplumre vandene« ved at anstifte konflikt i Korea og i det Sydkinesiske Hav kunne »støde Asien ud i kaos«, og at Kina i så tilfælde ikke kunne se passivt til.

I Europa fortsætter NATO-ledere med at deployere større og større militære styrker op til den russiske grænse, som forberedelse til krig.

Alligevel har Putin flankeret dette krigsfremstød ved at intervenere i Syrien og knuse Obamas støtteapparat for terroristernes netværk, og ved at danne en arbejdende militær og politisk relation med de fornuftige elementer i det amerikanske militær for at gennemføre en våbenstilstand og tilintetgøre ISIS og al-Nusra. Putin viser nu, at han kan arbejde for fred såvel som at føre krig, og får hver dag flere og flere oppositionsgrupper til at gå med i våbenstilstanden og fokusere deres beskydning på ISIS’ sidste tilbageværende bastioner.

Men, uden at vende USA omkring og tage kampen op med forbryderne i Det Hvide Hus og på Wall Street, vil den fremstormende, globale krig ikke kunne forhindres. De eksisterende institutioner er døde, som det bevises af den klovneforestilling, der kaldes præsidentvalgkampen 2016. For at skabe de krævede, nye institutioner, må den dræbende kultur rives ned gennem skønhed, en tilbagevenden til klassisk kultur og kreativitet, inden for musik, såvel som inden for videnskab.

I USA udgør LaRouche-bevægelsens ’Manhattan-projekt’ og genrejsningen af NASA, med base i Texas, og den »Udenjordiske forpligtelse« (Krafft Ehricke) de uomgængelige startpunkter for en mobilisering af befolkningen til denne store opgave.

En genrejsning af USA’s økonomi med
rumforskning som spydspids, og en
international mission for menneskehedens
fælles mål, som basis for en varig fred

Vi må genrejse fremtiden; og det begynder med kampen for at genoplive NASA. Og de gode nyheder er, at denne kamp nu er i gang; den er endnu i sit begyndelsesstadie, men det er en kamp, der kan vindes. Og USA’s fremtid ligger i vægtskålene.

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Gå ud i rummet med Kina, ikke ad Helvede til med Obama

6. marts 2016 (Leder fra LaRouchePAC) – Da Barack Obama annullerede USA’s planer om udforskning af rummet, begik han den største af sine forbrydelser, selv i sin egenskab af en »Vinder af Nobels Fredspris«, der udartede til en krigspræsident og massedræber. Rumprogrammet var Amerikas kultur, dets mission og fremtid, og Obamas handlinger vendte i realiteten den historiske kurs omkring og drev USA tilbage.

Tilstanden for økonomien i USA – for ikke at tale om Europa – er i en håbløs spiral for nedadgående og dræber millioner af mennesker gennem håbløshed, narko- og medikamentafhængighed og krig, som truer hele den amerikanske befolkning.

En total genoplivelse af udfordringerne i forbindelse med udforskning af rummet kan ændre alt. NASA’s rumprogrammer, der nu er skåret væk og suspenderet, er Amerikas eneste potentielle center for økonomisk håb.

For at vende degenerationen af USA og dets befolkning omkring, er den totale genoplivelse af rumprogrammet, på et højere niveau, den eneste farbare vej.

LaRouche-demokraten Kesha Rogers fra Texas fører an på denne vej, med den mobilisering, hun har genlanceret sammen med veteraner fra NASA, for at bringe rumprogrammet tilbage. EIR’s stiftende redaktør Lyndon LaRouche kalder dette for videnskabeligt arbejde af højeste rang; det er den eneste, videnskabelige aktivitet i USA, der har ægte betydning for menneskehedens fremtid.

Og Amerika vil stå foran et samfundsmæssigt kollaps, hvis vi ikke meget snart gør dette.

De eksempler, som USA må samarbejde med om enhver bestræbelse inden for rumfartsvidenskab, som der gives mulighed for, er Kina og Rusland.

Dér, hvor den amerikanske »fremskridtskultur« engang blomstrede – i udforskningen af rummet – dér er Kina nu den drivende kraft. Kinas plan for de næste fem år er centreret omkring rumforskning. Med målet om at undersøge galaksen fra Månens bagside inden for de næste to år, inkluderer Kinas nye plan for økonomisk og samfundsmæssig udvikling »en forståelse af universets oprindelse«.

­Under en diskussion om det økonomiske program den 5. marts sagde chefen for Kinas største rumforskningslaboratorie: »Rumforskning er uadskilleligt fra Kinas innovationsdrevne udvikling. Hvis Kina ønsker at være en stærk, global nation, bør det ikke kun varetage sine umiddelbare interesser, men også bidrage til menneskeheden. Kun dette kan vinde Kina verdens respekt.«

USA har mistet verdens respekt under Bush, og især under Barack Obama. Obama må fjernes fra embedet, omgående, og hans onde »værk« må omstødes. Og mere presserende end alt andet må hans mord på Amerikas rumforskningsprogram vendes omkring i en total genoplivelse af rumforskning – »for en forståelse af universets oprindelse«.



Kun himlen sætter grænse for Kinas Nationale Strategi i ny femårsplan

6. marts 2016 – Sådan karakteriserer Xinhua udkastet til den 13. Femårsplan, der er blevet forelagt Den Nationale Folkekongres til gennemgang. For første gang, bemærker videnskabsmænd, anerkender planen for Kinas økonomiske vækst innovation som videnskabeligt fundament. Og Kina har til hensigt at være på den fremskudte grænse.

»I tusinder af år har tænkere kæmpet for at forstå universets oprindelse. Nu er dette spørgsmål blevet inkluderet, ligesom mere jordiske emner såsom landbrug, i Kinas nye plan for økonomisk og samfundsmæssig udvikling«, opsummerer artiklen.

Artiklen citerer den kinesiske forfatter Han Song: » … ligesom oldtidens filosoffer Lao Tzu og Chuang Tzu for mere end 2.000 år siden, så tænker moderne tænkere over det store spørgsmål om eksistens. Fundamentale spørgsmål som dette har magt til at øve indflydelse på løsninger på nogle af de mest fremtrædende problemer, som samfundet og verden som helhed står overfor.«

Zhang Xinmin fra Instituttet for Højenergifysik, og som også er involveret i forskning i gravitationsbølger i Ali-programmet i Tibet, sagde, at uden forskning kan innovation i stor skala ikke opnås. På lignende måde udtalte Wu Ji, direktør for Kinas Rumforskningscenter, og som i løbet af den seneste uge har skitseret Kinas planer for videnskabelig rumforskning: »Hvis man ønsker at innovere, må man have viden om videnskaberne. Rumforskning er uadskillelig fra Kinas innovationsdrevne udvikling«, der, som det rapporteres, er fokus for den næste femårsplan.

Ifølge Wu er en 15-årig strategi for rumforskning blevet udarbejdet af Centret, og som vil takle spørgsmål såsom universets dannelse og udvikling; udenjordisk intelligens; planeter uden for solsystemet samt andre spørgsmål. »Hvis Kina ønsker at blive en stærk, global nation«, formanede Wu, »bør det ikke kun varetage sine umiddelbare interesser, men også bidrage til menneskeheden. Kun dette kan vinde Kina verdens respekt.«

Der er INGEN grænser for vækst.
Menneskeheden må erobre rummet!

Det er denne form for menneskets potentiale for at transformere vores magt, transformere vores relation til selve Solsystemet, som de kinesiske tiltag i dag kan tilbyde. Og det er denne fornemmelse af mening, denne fornemmelse for mobilisering og forpligtelse over for fremskridt for hele menneskeheden, som er det, vi nede i Texas minder folk om. Det, som Kesha Rogers minder folk om – selv folk, der var en del af disse store præstationer for 40 eller 50 år siden, og som nu måske har mødt en fornemmelse af demoralisering, pga. handlinger siden den tid. Vi trækker folk ud igen til en forpligtelse til denne mission. Og Kesha viser atter engang, at USA kan, og må, forpligte sig over for denne form for formål for hele menneskeheden.

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Gå ud i rummet med Kina, ikke ad Helvede til med Obama

6. marts 2016 (Leder fra LaRouchePAC) – Da Barack Obama annullerede USA’s planer om udforskning af rummet, begik han den største af sine forbrydelser, selv i sin egenskab af en »Vinder af Nobels Fredspris«, der udartede til en krigspræsident og massedræber. Rumprogrammet var Amerikas kultur, dets mission og fremtid, og Obamas handlinger vendte i realiteten den historiske kurs omkring og drev USA tilbage.

Tilstanden for økonomien i USA – for ikke at tale om Europa – er i en håbløs spiral for nedadgående og dræber millioner af mennesker gennem håbløshed, narko- og medikamentafhængighed og krig, som truer hele den amerikanske befolkning.

En total genoplivelse af udfordringerne i forbindelse med udforskning af rummet kan ændre alt. NASA’s rumprogrammer, der nu er skåret væk og suspenderet, er Amerikas eneste potentielle center for økonomisk håb.

For at vende degenerationen af USA og dets befolkning omkring, er den totale genoplivelse af rumprogrammet, på et højere niveau, den eneste farbare vej.

LaRouche-demokraten Kesha Rogers fra Texas fører an på denne vej, med den mobilisering, hun har genlanceret sammen med veteraner fra NASA, for at bringe rumprogrammet tilbage. EIR’s stiftende redaktør Lyndon LaRouche kalder dette for videnskabeligt arbejde af højeste rang; det er den eneste, videnskabelige aktivitet i USA, der har ægte betydning for menneskehedens fremtid.

Og Amerika vil stå foran et samfundsmæssigt kollaps, hvis vi ikke meget snart gør dette.

De eksempler, som USA må samarbejde med om enhver bestræbelse inden for rumfartsvidenskab, som der gives mulighed for, er Kina og Rusland.

Dér, hvor den amerikanske »fremskridtskultur« engang blomstrede – i udforskningen af rummet – dér er Kina nu den drivende kraft. Kinas plan for de næste fem år er centreret omkring rumforskning. Med målet om at undersøge galaksen fra Månens bagside inden for de næste to år, inkluderer Kinas nye plan for økonomisk og samfundsmæssig udvikling »en forståelse af universets oprindelse«.

­Under en diskussion om det økonomiske program den 5. marts sagde chefen for Kinas største rumforskningslaboratorie: »Rumforskning er uadskilleligt fra Kinas innovationsdrevne udvikling. Hvis Kina ønsker at være en stærk, global nation, bør det ikke kun varetage sine umiddelbare interesser, men også bidrage til menneskeheden. Kun dette kan vinde Kina verdens respekt.«

USA har mistet verdens respekt under Bush, og især under Barack Obama. Obama må fjernes fra embedet, omgående, og hans onde »værk« må omstødes. Og mere presserende end alt andet må hans mord på Amerikas rumforskningsprogram vendes omkring i en total genoplivelse af rumforskning – »for en forståelse af universets oprindelse«.


Titelfoto: NASA’s adm. dir. Griffin præsenterer en billedmontage for formand og adm. dir. ved Kinas Akademi for Rumteknologi, dr. Yuan Jiajun, i 2006, under det første besøg i Kina af en NASA-direktør.    

Intet kan lykkes uden opdagelsen af princippet om Månens bagside

3. marts 2016 (Leder fra LaRouchePAC) – Hvad er nationer? Hvorfor har vi dem? Hvorfor er de der? Deres formål er i realiteten intet andet end at forbedre vilkårene for menneskeheden, som John F. Kennedy sagde, da han annoncerede missionen om at sende end mand til Månen og få ham sikkert tilbage til Jorden, ved slutningen af de for længst hedengangne 1960’ere. Midlet til denne fremgang for menneskelige vilkår – det er både målet og midlet på samme tid – er gennem ægte opdagelse eller noesis. Det, der er sandt for en nation, er endnu mere sandt for en alliance af nationer som BRIKS, den Eurasiske Økonomiske Union eller Shanghai Samarbejdsorganisationen. Selv om de stadig er nye og skrøbelige, så peger sammenslutningerne af eurasiske nationer allerede frem mod menneskehedens fremtid.

Netop nu, i dette øjeblik, har den russiske præsident Putins bemærkelsesværdige og uventede succes med hans intervention i Barack Obamas og Hillary Clintons morderiske sammenkog i Syrien, tvunget den erkendelse, at det transatlantiske samfund har været en fiasko – en historisk fiasko – op til overfladen. Vi må rette vort blik mod Eurasien, og USA må fremover snarere være orienteret mod Stillehavet end mod Atlanterhavet.

Obama skinner tydeligt igennem som en britisk agent, og intet andet end en britisk agent, der har dræbt mange mennesker. Og Hillary Clinton er af samme støbning.

Det transatlantiske samfund er en tabt sag netop nu; det kan ikke, og vil ikke, komme tilbage i denne form. Hvis det skal komme tilbage, må det fødes på ny. Resterne af det transatlantiske samfund, i denne form, er færdigt. Vi må skabe en ny form for samfund, som det er blevet gjort i fortiden – af Karl den Store, f.eks. Det er, hvad vi må kæmpe for: en fremtid, som virkelig vil være en fremtid.

Dette er betydningen af Kesha Rogers’ yderst intellektuelle og yderst inspirerende kampagne for at vende tilbage til vores fremtid gennem udforskningen og erobringen af rummet i vort Solsystem og vor Galakse. Nøglepersoner tiltrækkes allerede mod Kesha fra hele landet og fra hele verden.

Betydningen af dette er det, som Lyndon LaRouche sagde i en diskussion den 1. marts:

»Vi må sige én ting. Én ting: intet vil lykkes, med mindre nationerne erkender opdagelsen af princippet om Månens bagside. Med andre ord, så kan man ikke sige, at man kan tage det, der foregår netop nu, og fortolke det til en god effekt. Man må annullere dette og sige, ’Problemet er, at vi endnu ikke har forstået, hvad det er, der ligger bagved Månen’. Og når vi finder ud af, hvad der findes bag Månen, hvilket kineserne og andre arbejder på, og vi går tilbage til det oprindelige rumprograms ABC, uden at gå tilbage til disse ting, som Obama beskar – Obama slog disse programmer ned, og dette burde han blive straffet alvorligt for, for sine forbrydelser i denne henseende. I stedet for at forsøge at fortolke noget og give det et andet og bedre spin – det fungerer ikke. For, uden rumprogrammet, hvilket vil sige den anden side af Månen i særdeleshed – uden en sådan tilgang får man ingenting, man kommer ingen vegne. Man må gøre dette! Det er ikke en mulighed, man kan tilvælge eller fravælge. Man kan ikke afvise det: man må erkende, at det er, hvad man må gøre.«


Foto: Præsident John F. Kennedy får en forklaring på opsendelsessystemet Saturn V, det system, der sluttelig skulle bringe mennesket til Månen, af dr. Wernher von Braun (i midten), på Cape Canaveral i november 1963.