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Nedtælling til Trumps besøg i Kina:
Ny Silkevej, ikke geopolitik.
LaRouche PAC Internationale Webcast,
13. okt. 2017

Nedtælling til Trumps besøg i Kina:
Ny Silkevej, ikke geopolitik.
LaRouche PAC Internationale Webcast,
13. okt. 2017

Vært Matthew Ogden: Som titlen på vores webcast, »Nedtælling til Trumps besøg i Kina: Ny Silkevej, ikke geopolitik«, antyder, så befinder vi os i en nedtælling til en begivenhed, der kunne vise sig at blive et vendepunkt i verdenshistorien; hvis vi gør vores job rigtigt. Om 21 dage, nøjagtig 3 uger fra i dag, vil præsident Trump tage af sted på sit første statsbesøg til Kina; som finder sted i forbindelse med en rundrejse til andre asiatiske lande og Trumps deltagelse i ASEAN-topmødet. Alt imens en stor del af mediefokus har været på Nordkorea, så er de virkelige nyheder, at der foreligger en meget klar mulighed for, at præsident Trump under sit besøg med Xi Jinping kunne bruge denne mulighed til at signalere, at USA er villig til at tilslutte sig Kinas store projekt for Bælte & Vej Initiativet. Selv om præsident Trump tydeligvis fremstillede et billede af sig selv under valgkampen som værende anti-Kina, sandsynligvis under indflydelse af pseudo-højrefløjs-populistiske Kina-angribere som Steve Bannon og andre, så peger præsident Trumps handlinger under sin embedstid på et helt andet billede. Under præsident Xi Jinpings statsbesøg i USA – det såkaldte Mar-a-Lago-topmøde – udviklede han og præsident Trump en meget varm, særlig, personlig relation. Og det var ud af denne konstruktive relation med præsident Trump, at denne gav sit samtykke til præsident Xi Jinpings anmodning om, at der blev sendt officiel amerikansk repræsentation til Bælte & Vej Forum; det storslåede, internationale Silkevejstopmøde, der fandt sted i maj i år (i Beijing). Dette fulgte præsident Trump op på og sendte en særlig repræsentant fra Udenrigsministeriet, Matt Pottinger, som blev særligt bemærket af Kina. Og, som vi har berettet, har præsident Trump, under flere private møder med højtplacerede repræsentanter fra den kinesiske regering – inklusive med statsrådgiveren (Yang Jiechi), som er den tredjehøjest rangerende embedsmand i den kinesiske regering – indikeret sin beredvillighed til USA’s tilslutning til den Nye Silkevej.

Vi ved, det haster med, at disse planer bliver til virkelighed. Det haster mht. den internationale, strategiske situation; det haster mht. USA’s nationale, økonomiske situation; og det haster med endelig at afviste fortidens mislykkede geopolitik og erstatte den med hr. LaRouches økonomiske metode – som vi gennemgår hver onsdag på denne hjemmeside.[1] Vi vil fortsætte med at udvikle disse temaer. Men dette kræver et totalt skifte i tankegang, hvor vi afviser de forfejlede aksiomer med begrænsede resurser og affolkning, som er blevet tvunget ned over os; og at vi erstatter dem med en helt ny idé om økonomi, ja, faktisk hele menneskets forhold til omgivelserne og Universet, som er baseret på en idé om en til stadighed ekspanderende produktivitet i overensstemmelse med menneskets unikke, skabende natur. Dette er faktisk kernen i LaRouches økonomiske metode; og i løbet af disse kommende uger, hvor du, forhåbentlig, deltager i denne undervisningsserie i økonomi, vil du lære, at det er den sande kerne i en aksiomatisk forståelse af, hvad sande »win-win«-relationer må være baseret på.

Det er i denne sammenhæng, at det haster med, at USA tilslutter sig den Nye Silkevej. I løbet af de kommende 21 dage, hvor vi tæller ned til Trumps statsbesøg, kan jeg forsikre jer for, at dette bliver spørgsmålet; det bliver de parametre, der er i færd med at udforme verdenspolitik og verdenshistorie. Spørgsmålet om denne rejse og dens resultat inkarnerer på en meget virkelig måde alt, som er det centrale spørgsmål i denne aktuelle krig, som nu finder sted, over selve det amerikanske præsidentskabs sjæl. Det har mange aspekter. Det omfatter ikke alene det institutionelle kup, som køres mod præsidenten indefra, men vi kan også se virkningerne fra krigsførelsen mht. informations- og mediekrigsførelse, der kommer, ikke alene fra mainstream-medierne, men fra den skændige rolle, der spilles af personer som Steve Bannon og andre, i forsøg på at tvinge Trump ind i en anti-kinesisk dagsorden. Det er vores ansvar at modgå dette og informere det amerikanske folk om, at vejen frem for USA udelukkende ligger i, at USA tilslutter sig den Nye Silkevej.

Dette spørgsmål om, hvorvidt USA afviser fortidens mislykkede, britiske geopolitik og tilslutter sig den Nye Silkevej og vedtager den nye, internationale, økonomiske orden og dette nye »win-win«-system for internationale relationer, som Kina på det seneste har været fortaler for; dette spørgsmål er faktisk på en meget virkelig måde kerneprincippet i alt det, som Lyndon og Helga LaRouche har kæmpet for i de seneste 40 år. Dette spørgsmål er selve roden i det kup, man forsøger at gennemføre imod vores siddende, lovmæssigt, behørigt valgte præsident. Lad dig ikke narre; det har intet at gøre med Trump personligt. Det har alt at gøre med det potentielle resultat af et skifte i politikken i dette land i løbet af de forestående dage, uger og måneder; med vores beslutning om, hvad vores fremtid vil være i relation til dette Nye Paradigme, dette nye, fremvoksende »win-win«-system for internationale relationer, som Kina er i færd med at opbygge omkring Bælte & Vej Initiativet.

I går beskrev Helga Zepp-LaRouche det under sit webcast; det er som med billedet af Gulliver fra Jonathan Swifts berømte Gullivers Rejser, hvor han bliver bundet til jorden af hundreder eller tusinder af små bitte reb af Lilliputterne, som han møder. Dette er det billede, man må have, når man forestiller sig situationen i Det Hvide Hus; med præsident Trump, der bliver forhindret i at gennemføre nogen af de positive programinitiativer, som fik ham valgt. Infrastruktur; genopbygning af ’Rustbæltet’; genopbygning af amerikansk industri; begrænsning af Wall Street; genindførelse af Glass-Steagall. Som vi har set af dækningen af valgstrategien, så var det dette, som amerikanerne responderede til; dette er grunden til, at folk, der både var konservative og Demokrater, skiftede over og valgte denne præsident. Det var pga. disse spørgsmål, der stadig plager det amerikanske folks hverdag, men vi mangler stadig at se beslutsom handling finde sted mht. disse presserende spørgsmål for det amerikanske folk. I mellemtiden har vi den overhængende trussel om et transatlantisk finanssammenbrud, som, med hensyn til proportionerne, langt kunne overstige det, der fandt sted i 2008.

Som en erklæring, der gik ud til LaRouche PAC’s mail-liste i går, korrekt sagde, så vil udfaldet af denne kamp – det, jeg netop har forklaret – med disse 21-dages nedtælling til Trumps besøg i Kina, og om vi vil lykkes med at guide dette land i retning af at tilslutte sig dette fremvoksende Nye Paradigme; udfaldet af denne kamp vil afgøre, hvad der vil ske med dette land i de næste 50, for ikke at sige 100 år. Det er en sådan historisk skillelinje, vi står ved.

Her følger resten af udskriftet på engelsk:

That statement, which I just referred to, went on to read as
follows:  “The British have a plan.  It is the same one which
they have always used: control political entities, whether it be
the anti-fa on the left, or the alt-right on the right; split the
country in two on issues of identity.  The actual ideas and
philosophical roots of this country, the great republican ideas
of our founders, who built upon the revolution of the
Renaissance, those actual ideas are lost in the heated wars of
fake populism.
“Look at what is missing.  Puerto Rico is a disaster, as its
entire infrastructure was destroyed, not by a hurricane, but by
Wall Street predators.  California is in flames.  Texas and
Florida have not recovered from the manmade disasters which
destroyed whole cities and the livelihoods of thousands.  Day by
day, hundreds of our citizens, particularly in the economically
devastated formerly industrial heartland, are dying of drug
overdoses.  This epidemic is killing more people daily than AIDS
at the height of its devastation.  Wall Street stands on the
verge of another financial collapse.
“President Trump began to move on answers to all of this —
overthrowing the British thinking which had come to govern us.
That is at the center of the whole furor against Trump.  Lyndon
LaRouche has provided a comprehensive solution in his Four
Hamiltonian Economic Laws.  Implementation of these ideas will
actually overthrow the swamp which is in the process of
destroying this country; but only if we go all out right now.”
So that’s the kind of call to action for the next 21 days.
That spells out exactly the parameters within which this fight is
being waged.
Those of you who might now know this yet, there is a new
feature from Helga Zepp-LaRouche which is being featured on the
Schiller Institute New Paradigm website every week on Thursdays,
which is an international webcast on the New Silk Road.  That’s
accessible via the Schiller Institute New Paradigm YouTube
channel, but we’ve also been posting a link to that on the
larouchepac.com website.  This is a very important initiative
from Helga Zepp-LaRouche; and it’s coming from somebody who is
not merely a commentator watching events unfold as if from the
outside, but somebody who is directly at the center of making
history unfold around this direction of the New Silk Road.  As
those of you who have watched this broadcast know, Helga
Zepp-LaRouche herself was personally one of the featured guests
at the Belt and Road Forum back in May in Beijing, China;
speaking at several of the roundtable discussions and sideline
meetings, and attending in person the main event, where she heard
President Xi Jinping’s keynote along with the addresses of all of
the other heads of state who attended that conference.  Helga
Zepp-LaRouche was also featured in a major one-page full spread
article in China Daily just about one month ago, for her
history in terms of her lifetime dedication to fighting for the
emergence of the new international economic order, which is now
taking its form in this New Silk Road — the Belt and Road
Initiative in China.
So, what I would like to do to promote this weekly webcast
that Helga Zepp-LaRouche is doing, and also to highlight some of
the very important strategic insights that she had in her webcast
that she broadcast yesterday, I would like to play just two short
clips for you from that broadcast yesterday.  Here’s the first
one, and I’d like you to listen to her strategic overview, and
also the call to action that she has at the very end of the
remarks that you’re about to hear now.

HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  As a matter of fact, this
coming trip of President Trump to Asia will be extremely
important, because this trip occurs in the context of a very
dramatic strategic situation.  We have all signs that a new
financial crash is in the workings, and we can talk about that in
a little while.  There is an alternative already in existence,
which is the incredibly dynamic Belt and Road Initiative which
has been initiated by China four years ago.  As we already made
the point before the first summit between President Xi and
President Trump in April, that the best way to solve the
strategic situation is if you could get the United States and
China to work together in the Belt and Road Initiative.  That
would mean Chinese investments in infrastructure in the United
States, which is starting slowly.  There is very good news that
there is a new taskforce which has been formed in California in
San Francisco, which is supposed to make it easier for Chinese
investors to invest in infrastructure in the United States.
There is bidding going on where Chinese railway companies are
trying to win the bid to build fast train systems in California.
So there are promising signs.
But given the enormous destruction of the infrastructure,
both through attrition — because all of this infrastructure in
the United States, much of it is more than 100 years old — so
it’s decrepit already all by itself.  But then you had the
hurricanes in Florida, Texas, Puerto Rico; and now you have the
wildfires in California.  So, there is a gigantic requirement.
We want China to invest in infrastructure in the United States as
part of the Belt and Road Initiative.  On the other side, we want
American firms to be involved in the many, many projects of the
Belt and Road Initiative in Asia, Africa, and Latin America.
That must somehow be more on top of the agenda.  We are
right now mobilizing, mostly in the United States, but also
elsewhere, that when President Trump makes this long-awaited and
extremely important strategic trip of a state visit to China in
the context of his Asia tour, we wish very much that the Belt and
Road Initiative is formalized.  I think that there are absolute
potentials that this could occur.  If it occurs, we really are
over the hump of the danger of war; that is my deepest belief.
Because the “win-win” cooperation of the New Silk Road offers a
new model not only of relations among nations in general, but
especially one big component has been the proposal by China to
set up a new model of major power relations.  If there would be
such a transformation, I think the world would really enter a new
era of cooperation in the mutual benefit to end geopolitical
games, to end for sure the policies of the Bush and Obama
administrations of interventionist wars for regime change, of
color revolution.  You would replace that with a system of
sovereign nations working together for their mutual benefit.
So, if we can all work together to accomplish that, and I
appeal to all listeners and viewers of this program to help us;
because the mainstream media are still not reporting the
extraordinary importance of this new dynamic.  Therefore, it is
not generally known enough, but I think this must be changed in
the next three weeks.  So, I’m really asking all of you to help
to spread the message.

OGDEN:  So, as you just heard, that was a direct appeal from
Helga LaRouche to all of the viewers, asking you directly to help
spread the message.  She said, I appeal to all listeners and
viewers to realize the extraordinary importance of the next three
weeks.  This, in fact, could be the beginning of an entirely new
era in terms of international politics and policy; that’s this
kind of watershed moment.
Now, the question of what has prevented these positive
inclinations from coming to fruition up to this point, and what
must be defeated if we are to allow these positive inclinations
of the Trump Presidency to take precedence; that’s the issue
which Helga LaRouche took up next.  I’d like to just play this
clip for you here.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  I actually would like to talk about
the battle inside the United States first, because there is right
now, as you say, an attempt to prevent Trump from having a
positive relationship with China and with Russia.  Now the famous
Russia-gate is about to be put where it should have been from the
beginning — in the trash can.  Namely, there is no evidence.
There was a statement by Senator Burr and one other Senator, who
said they investigated all the accusations about collusion
between the Trump administration and Russia and they could find
nothing.  But there is still reason, they say, to assume that
there is Russian collusion because the intelligence agencies are
saying so.  Now this is an incredible story, and we have produced
a dossier about who is the apparatus behind the effort to impeach
Trump or have a coup against Trump; namely, it is all centered
around Special Counsel Robert Mueller.  This dossier is an
absolute bombshell, because it establishes without any doubt that
the same people and the same apparatus which went after my
husband Lyndon LaRouche in the ’80s and after that, is the same
apparatus which covered up the Saudi role in 9/11, and which is
now organizing with the British Intelligence to set up a fake
story against President Trump.  This is a huge battle.  There is
some fight, for example, Senator Grassley and Congressman Nunes
both in their respective committees, pointed to the fact that
there is collusion, yes; but not with the Russians, but with
British Intelligence.  Senator Grassley made a big point that the
so-called “evidence” of Comey and Mueller about Russian
cooperation is actually centered around this firm GPS Fusion,
which hired the former MI-6 agent Christopher Steele who produced
this infamous so-called dodgy dossier about Trump.
Now, Senator Grassley made the point that the FBI was not
investigating this on its own, but they took material from
British Intelligence as evidence.  So, this is an unbelievable
story, and it is at this point very unclear which side will come
out on top.  But it is the opposite of the way it is being
portrayed; namely, it’s those people who are going after Trump
who are the ones who are the ones who should be investigated, and
in the case they’re found guilty, put on trial.  So that is
really what is going on, and the aim is to make with Trump — you
remember this picture in {Gulliver’s Travels}, where Gulliver was
tied with so many little ropes and so forth that he couldn’t
move.  Obviously the whole idea of the campaign against Trump is,
that he is so busy defending himself, that he doesn’t get to his
actual agenda.  So this is the battle on which the existence of
the United States depends, and by implication the rest of the
world, given the strategic importance of the United States.

OGDEN:  So that video is available in full; there’s a link
to it on the LaRouche PAC website, so you can watch Helga
LaRouche’s full strategic webcast from yesterday.  As I said,
this is a new regular feature that she will be engaged in.  What
you just heard Helga LaRouche talk about was this bombshell
dossier which has been issued by LaRouche PAC, and is already
being circulated quite widely in the United States; although we
have the responsibility to circulate far, far more widely over
the coming days.  But it’s been circulated in the US Congress,
among very relevant Congressional committees; it’s being
circulated in various cities across the United States.  We’re
encouraging you to access the digital version of this pamphlet
online.  I’m going to put an image here on the screen for you of
the cover of that pamphlet [Fig. 1]; you’ll see it right here.
This is “Robert Mueller Is an Amoral Illegal Assassin: He Will Do
His Job if You Let Him”.  As it says on the back cover [Fig. 2],
“Robert Mueller has played a central role in three of the most
shameful chapters of our nation’s recent history:  the frame-up
of Lyndon LaRouche; the cover-up of September 11th; the set-up of
President Trump. This dossier exposes the story of deceit that
has been perpetrated against the American people for far too
long.  Read the contents of this report, and help us to stop the
attempted coup now being run against the US Presidency.”  So,
again, that’s available on the LaRouche PAC website —
http:lpac.co/ytdos — the link is available on the screen there.
Now, I’m going to show you one snapshot from the inside of
this pamphlet, this is the next image [Fig. 3].  And this
actually gives you a sense of not just the mechanisms of this
kind of apparatus and how it is utilized to try to suppress
certain tendencies in US policy, as was just documented by Helga
LaRouche; but it actually gives you the sense of what the true
issue at the root of this is, and what links these episodes
together going back to Lyndon LaRouche’s fight for a new
international economic order and going forward to today around
the question of what Trump’s relationship will be to this new
international economic order which has emerged.  What you’ll see
there on the screen, is a snapshot of 1982.  This is another
crucial watershed moment in history, comparable in a very real
way to where we find ourselves now, although things have advanced
much more since then.  But at that period, 1982, which is taken
up in detail by the contents of the dossier, this was a moment in
history where this new international economic order was on the
table in very high-level circles, and was central to many of the
historic events of that period.  So, you’ll see there on this
page, a few pictures of Lyndon LaRouche.  On the top left corner,
this is a picture of Lyndon LaRouche meeting with several leading
policymakers in India, during a trip that he made to India in
1982.  The purpose of this trip was for Lyndon LaRouche to meet
with the prime minister of India, Indira Gandhi, which he did in
1982; he did again the following year in 1983.  They were
discussing exactly the role that India could play in helping this
new international economic order to emerge.  In fact, Indira
Gandhi, when she hosted the Non-Aligned Movement summit in India
in 1983, put this on the table as the central principle of the
Non-Aligned Movement; the emergence of a new international
economic order.  Now tragically, Indira Gandhi was assassinated
less than one year later.
Now the other aspect of that 1982 period was Lyndon
LaRouche’s involvement with another head of state.  This was
Mexican President Jose Lopez-Portillo.  There’s a picture there
also on that page of Lyndon LaRouche and his wife Helga
Zepp-LaRouche at a press conference in Mexico City in 1982;
directly following a personal meeting that they had with
President Jose Lopez-Portillo.  What were they discussing?
Lyndon LaRouche’s policy for a new international economic order.
That was spelled out in detail in a document called “Operation
Juarez”, and this was a proposal for the debtor countries of
Central and South America to use their collective status as
debtor countries as a strategic leverage, and to declare a
unilateral simultaneous debt moratorium which would cause the
reigning IMF and World Bank system to be forced into a new
international economic order.  That was spelled out in detail in
LaRouche’s document “Operation Juarez”, and in fact, Jose
Lopez-Portillo adopted this as his personal policy.  In an
appearance at the United Nations General Assembly in the autumn
of that year — 1982 — Jose Lopez-Portillo called for exactly
this: a new international economic order.  He warned that were
this new economic order not to be adopted, the world would be
facing a new medieval dark age.
So, you can see just in that snapshot of 1982, that Lyndon
LaRouche was central to the policies that were shaping world
history, and this was something which really was a battle for the
very soul of economic policy, both in the United States and
abroad.  Now, at that time, this was the moment in which the
legal prosecution against Lyndon LaRouche was ramped up to a
level that was unprecedented in our republic’s history.  This was
something that former Attorney General Ramsey Clark personally
said, that he had not ever witnessed this kind of government
campaign against a private US individual in his entire career or
elsewhere.  So, it was this question, however, this fight for a
new international economic order.

Now, we are 35 years later, and we’ve fast-forwarded from
1982 to 2017.  Look at how the world has changed; look at the
fact that the world’s leading most-populous country on the
planet, China, has adopted the New Silk Road policy, the new
international economic order which Lyndon and Helga LaRouche have
fought for, for so long.  This is the defining question of
history:  What will our relationship, as the United States, be to
this emerging new dynamic as it’s taken its form?  This is the
question for President Donald Trump.  As we approach this
historic visit, this historic summit between Trump and President
Xi Jinping, this state visit to China, we have 21 days as we
count down between now and three weeks from now when President
Trump departs for this trip.  In a very real way, it will be the
activities of the intellectual leadership of this country, among
those of you who are watching this broadcast, to educate our
fellow Americans and to ensure that the positive proclivities of
this administration are allowed to be fulfilled and are allowed
to take their culmination in President Trump having a very
positive and constructive meeting with President Xi Jinping; and
announcing for the world to hear, that the United States is done
with the failed British geopolitics of the past.  It has only led
to failed states, regime change, and perpetual war.  The era of
the future is “win-win” relations, great projects in the image of
the New Silk Road, and a great power relationship between the
United States, China, and Russia; and as Lyndon LaRouche has
called for, India as well.  These four great powers can revisit
what President Franklin Roosevelt intended to shape the world
into following World War II; as he was intending to take the New
Deal of the United States, the American System, and bring it to
the countries of the world — including the former colonial
countries — to develop them and to bring an end to British
imperial geopolitics once and for all.
So that job has come down to us, and we must shoulder the
responsibility to make the fullest out of this next 21 days as we
count down to what could be a watershed historic moment for the
history of the world.  So, thank you very much for joining us
here today.  Please stay tuned over the next 21 days, as we
proceed through this very important period in history.  Thank you
and good night.

[1] Se tag: 

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