Forlæng den Nye Silkevej til Vestasien og Afrika.
Tale af Hussein Askary på Schiller Instituttets
konference i Tyskland, 25. nov., 2017

Der er intet urealistisk ved det, jeg her fremlægger om Sydvestasien og Afrika. Grunden til, at jeg er forhåbningsfuld, er, at det nye paradigme inden for internationale relationer har fået fodfæste, og den gamle imperieorden blegner. Den anden, mere subjektive grund til at være optimistisk er, at vi vil fortsætte med at kæmpe for at få dette til at ske.

Imperiet lurer stadig farligt, som en såret tiger, og kunne angribe. Imperiets ideologi med dets aksiomer og overbevisninger om forholdet mellem menneske og natur, mellem menneske og menneske og mellem nation og nation, vil fortsat være en kilde til fare for den menneskelige race. For eksempel, den overbevisning, at penge får ting til at ske. Eller miljøforkæmpernes idé om, at menneskelige aktiviteter for at hæve samfundets levestandard altid har en negativ virkning på naturen og miljøet, og at menneskene simpelt hen bør forhindres i at vokse i antal, og i en voksende levestandard.

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»Med det voksende tempo mod
Verdenslandbroen, må særlige anklager
Mueller gå!« Dansk Udskrift.
Schiller Institut Nyt Paradigme Webcast,
7. dec., 2017, med Helga Zepp-LaRouche

I Europa ser det endnu mere dystert ud, for de europæiske nationer befinder sig i en totalt kaotisk tilstand. Der er de øst- og sydeuropæiske nationer, der ønsker at gå sammen med Kina i Bælte & Vej Initiativet; der er et totalt hysteri fra EU’s side og også i vid udstrækning fra den tyske regerings side – hvad der så er tilbage af den – og som siger, »Kina opsplitter Europa«. Hvilket ikke er sandt! Kinesernes svar på denne anklage var, at Kina ikke behøver opsplitte Europa, det har det allerede selv gjort. Men der finder ingen diskussion sted i Europa om bankopdeling. Faktisk traf EU for blot et par uger siden beslutning om nye retningslinjer, der forbyder bankopdeling. De europæiske nationers overlevelse og disse EU-politikker er således uforenelige.

Vi må have en offentlig diskussion i Tyskland om f.eks., at vi må vende tilbage til den form for kreditpolitik, vi havde i perioden efter krigen med Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (Kreditanstalt for genopbygning); men, vi må have finansiering af realøkonomien, og hele denne kasinoøkonomi må lukkes ned.

Jeg mener, at den største fare lige nu består i et ukontrolleret kollaps. Disse advarsler fra Bundesbank og BIS er virkelig en advarsel om, at folk må se at vågne op og ændre politik, før det er for sent: Så gå sammen med os i kampen for at få Glass-Steagall på dagsordenen, også i de europæiske lande.

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Extending the New Silk Road to Southwest Asia and Africa:
A vision of an Economic Renaissance

Schiller Institute Special Report:
Extending the New Silk Road to West Asia (Middle East) and Africa:
A Vision of an Economic Renaissance,

This 246-page special report was released in November 2017. It was authored by Hussein Askary and Jason Ross and a Schiller Institute team.
Here is the introduction to the report, followed by the Table of Contents.
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Table of Contents:


A New Global Paradigm 11

China’s Role in the Economic Renaissance of West Asia and Africa 14

What is Win-Win Philosophy? 16

The Age of Mega-Projects Is Back 21

Redefining ‘Sustainable Development’ 22

‘Helping’ or Empowering Africa 24

The African Union Aims High 25

Africa Must Leap Ahead, Not Crawl Forward! 28
Chapter 1: West Asia: The Silk Road’s Crossroads to the Mediterranean and Africa 29

Egypt: A Bridge between Asia, Europe and Africa 30

Chapter 2: The Silk Road Reaches Africa 33

China in Africa: Myths or Facts 36

Europe, not China, Is Engaged in Land Grabbing in Africa 37

Defining an African Future 40

Chapter 3: The Economic Science Behind the World LandBridge 41

What is Infrastructure, Really? 41

Economics: The Ultimate Science 41

Platforms: Artificial Environments 44

Energy Flux Density 45

Power and Energy 45

Promethean ‘Fire’ 46

Aspects of the ‘Synthetic Environment’48

Materials 48

Water 49

Transportation 50

Energy 53

Space 55

A Future Platform: Nuclear Fusion 56

Nuclear Power: Fission and Fusion 56

Benefits of Fusion 58

New, Unique Applications of Fusion 59

Conclusion 60

Chapter 4: Financing Regional and National Infrastructure 63

Money vs. Credit 63

Credit and Productivity 64

Invariance of Historical and Modern Examples 66

President Roosevelt’s RFC 68

A Southwest Asia/Africa Regional Infrastructure Bank 69

Cooperation with International Development Banks  70

Public-Private Partnerships Cannot Substitute 73

Appendix: Egypt: Internal financing of development 74

A National Reconstruction and Development Bank 74

Appendix: “LaRouche on Money vs. Credit” 75

Chapter 5: Demography and Development 77

Case Study: Egypt—Myth of Overpopulation 79

Moving Forward and Outward 80

Egypt Reclaims the Desert 81

The New Nile Valley 82

Chapter 6: Integration of West Asia with the New Silk Road 85

The Bridge Among Continents 85

Completing the Land-Bridge Westward 87

Proposed Corridors Integrating Arab States 90

A Common Enemy: The Desert 91

Attacking the Desert from the Fertile Crescent 91

Petrochemicals: Industry of the Future 99

Plastics 100

Appendix—Case Study: Syria’s Reconstruction Project Phoenix 103

Financing Reconstruction in a Nation Ruined by War? 105

Physical-Economic Development 106

Syria and the New Silk Road 106

Conclusion 108

Chapter 7: Africa — Transport Network Integration 111

Colonial Legacy 113

Dependency on Roads 114

Landlocked Nations 116

Turning a Crisis Into an Opportunity 118

A. The Nile Basin and East Africa  119

Creating a Powerful North-South Axis 119

East Africa’s Economic Corridors 125

B. Southern Africa  134

Roads, Rails and Ports in Southern Africa 134

The South African High-Speed Rail Project 135

Gautrain 137

When Will South Africa Convert to Standard Gauge?138

Africa’s North-South Corridor 138

Africa Tomorrow 142

C. West and Central Africa  142

Fast Track Development Perspective for West and Central Africa 142

Ports Connecting to the BRI 144

Development of West Africa 145

Development of Central Africa 147

Mechanized Agriculture: Africa Can Feed Itself and the Rest of the World 147

D. North Africa 147

Dreams and Setbacks 149

Highway Networks 149

Maghreb Railway Networks 151

Trans-Maghreb High-Speed Rail 152

Morocco Joins the BRI: Tanger-Med Port and Technopolis 154

Algeria Joins, Too156

Bridging the Gap Between Europe and Africa 157

Chapter 8: Africa — Water Resources Development 161

Managing the Water Cycle as a Cycle 163

Category 1: Management of Land Flow 165

Into the Future: How Africa Can Lead the World 169

Category 2: Weather Control 170

Category 3: Desalination of Ocean Water 174

Africa’s Water Future 175

Case study: The Nile Basin 175

The Linear Facts 176

Lost to Evaporation 177

Hydropower, Water Management, Agricultural Development 181

Chapter 9: To Power Africa, Go Nuclear! 185

Energy Requirements 185

An African Visionary: Diop 189

Chapter 10: Africa — Food Security: Realizing Africa’s Vast Agricultural Potential  193

Land and Yield 195

China’s Contributions 197

Lake Chad Basin 198

Sudan 200

Commitment to Transformation 200

Chapter 11: Africa in Space 203

New Space Nations 204

Space as a Driver for Development 205

A World-Class Science Project

206 Case Study — South Africa: Looking to the Heavens to Develop the Continent  208 Scientific Orientation 209

Imagination and Wonder 211

Space Technology Can Support Africa’s Development Goals 212

Working with China and the BRICS 213

Chapter 12: Conclusions and Recommendations 215

The Political and Economic Context 215

Some Necessary Axiomatic Shifts 217

Recommendation: Understanding Physical Economics 218

Recommendation: Financing Infrastructure 219

Recommendation: Science and Technology 220

Recommendation: Transport 220

Recommendation: Power 221

Recommendation: Water 221

Recommendation: Agriculture 222

Chapter 13: Selection of Proposed Mega Projects in Africa 225

Pan-African High-Speed Rail Network 225

Regional and Continental Corridors 227

New Suez Canal and Industrial Zone 229

Transaqua: The Centerpiece of Africa’s Development 231

Grand Inga Dam Project 237

South African Nuclear Program 239

Sicily–Tunis Connector — TUNeIT 242

Gibraltar Euro-African Tunnel 245


The Need for Europe to Cooperate with China
in the Industrialization of Africa
Mehreteab Mulugeta Haile,
General Consul of the Federal Democratic
Republic of Ethiopia, Frankfurt am Main.
Video; english transcript

The Need for Europe to Cooperate with China in the Industrialization of Africa

Mr. Mehreteab Mulugeta Haile is Consul General of Ethiopia in Frankfurt. This is an edited transcript of his address to the International Schiller Institute conference on “Fulfilling the Dream of Mankind,” Nov. 25-26, 2017, in Bad Soden/ Taunus, Germany. Subtitles have been added.


Mrs. Helga Zepp-LaRouche, President and Founder of the Schiller Institute, distinguished participants, ladies and gentlemen, at the outset, allow me to thank and express my appreciation to the Schiller Institute for organizing conferences that help shed light on current political and economic developments in the world. I feel honored and I am thankful to be invited and to make a speech at this august gathering.

Today, I will talk about Ethiopia’s rapid economic development and its involvement in regional cooperation, and contributions made by Europe and China to enhance these developments.

Ethiopia is one of the largest Least Developed Countries (LDCs) in Sub-Saharan Africa, with a population of about 100 million people. After suffering economic stagnation for decades, its economy began to grow in the mid-1990s after a new administration led by the Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) took the helm of government.

For the last 15 years, Ethiopia has become one of the fastest growing economies in the world, with an average Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth rate of about 11% per annum. To continue with this rapid economic growth, the Ethiopian Government rolled out, in 2010, an ambitious five-year Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP) that aims to attain a lower-middle-income status by 2025. Currently the country is implementing the second Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP II), which is built on Sectoral Policies, Strategies & Program and Lessons drawn from the implementation of the first GTP and the post-2015 “sustainable development goals” (SDGs). It has also taken into account global and regional economic situations having direct or indirect bearing on the Ethiopian economy.

GTP II aims, for the coming 8 to 10 years, to continue achieving an annual average real GDP growth rate of 11% within a stable macroeconomic environment, while at the same time pursuing aggressive measures towards rapid industrialization and structural transformation. To this end, concerted and coordinated effort will be made so that equitable economic growth translates into creating job opportunities accompanied by significant poverty reduction. Agriculture will be maintained as a major source of growth, while the development of industries by accelerating industrial development will be supplemented with the promotion of the service sector, so as to enhance growth. To this effect, coordinated and strong forward and backward production linkages will be strengthened. Private sector investment will be promoted through providing the necessary incentives and support, to enhance private sector participation in allowed investment areas.

Expansion of infrastructure development—such as road, railway, dry port, air transport, energy, telecommunications, water, and irrigation schemes—will have special consideration in GTP II.

Industry and Infrastructure Development

During GTP II, industrial development and structural transformation is expected to bring significant growth of the manufacturing industry, so that it plays the leading role in the overall economic development of the country. Implementation strategies mainly focus on implementation of projects and programs which are geared towards attracting quality investment, enhancing production and productivity, boosting export shares, accelerating technological learning, and strengthening the linkage among industries. To this end, establishing 12 industrial parks and clusters has been undertaken in the country, with 7 million square meters of land made available for investors engaged in manufacturing and related sectors. Four agro-industrial parks will also be established which will be linked with millions of smallholder farmers supplying input. Regional administrative areas, cities and towns will get the necessary support to develop standardized industrial clusters and parks for those investors promoting small to medium-size industries, and hence generate employment opportunities.

Expanding the manufacturing sector will focus on identifying new investment areas such as biotechnology, petrochemicals, electricity and electronics, information and communication technologies (hardware and software production industries).

In the infrastructure sector, the overall strategic direction is to ensure the creation of infrastructure that supports rapid economic growth and structural transformation. This direction will create mass employment opportunities, an institution having strong implementation capacity, ensure public participation and benefit, construct decentralized infrastructure development systems, solve financial constraints, ensure fairness and profitability, and ensure integrated planning and administration of infrastructure development.

Within infrastructure overall, rural roads are given high focus—to help reduce poverty by facilitating easy access of agricultural products, at low transportation cost, to the market, improving access to basic socioeconomic services, and strengthening rural-urban linkages.

Thus, the major strategic directions of the road development sector during GTP II will be ensuring the existence and sustainability of road infrastructure network with quality and safety, as well as to improve the provision of road infrastructure, by expanding the road network both in terms of quantity and quality, to sustain and ensure current and future economic growth.

The other area that has been given major emphasis is the energy sector. The main objective of the sector during GTP II is increasing national energy generation, transmission, and distribution capacity to fully satisfy domestic energy demand with production surplus ready for the export market. Implementation strategies are set, to increase electric power generating capacity through initiatives in hydro power, wind power, geothermal power, and solar power.

The other major project in the area of infrastructure building is railway development. The major strategic direction of railways infrastructure development during GTP II is to continue the network expansion started under GTP I, build capacity by establishing a modern railway industry academy, and make it operational; develop various railway industry standards; ensure that railway transport services are in accordance with standards, and conduct problem solving research on railway infrastructure building, operations, and service provision.

The objectives of the construction industry during the GTP II period are to build the capacity of the industry in a sustainable way, ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of construction procurement and contract management, develop internationally competent contractors and design & construction consultants, and improve the availability of construction raw materials and machinery for those engaged in construction and housing development programs.

Regional and International Development

We in Ethiopia believe that economic development in a secluded situation cannot be sustainable and attainable. To this end, Ethiopia, through the Intergovernmental Authority for Development (IGAD), is increasingly collaborating with its neighbors—notably Kenya, Sudan, Djibouti, Sudan, and South Sudan—in the areas of trade, tourism, industry, infrastructure development, and energy, among others. The Ethiopian private sector is increasingly encouraged to invest in those countries and all these countries are thus enhancing their economic cooperation. We in Ethiopia are striving to bring regional economic integration to create a larger regional market for trade and investment and make use of the advantages of efficiency, productivity gains, and competitiveness. In recent years the Ethiopian government has taken steps to enhance non-trade aspects of economic cooperation, which could strengthen economic ties among the countries in the region.

IGAD’s focus on regional economic cooperation and integration is to create an open, unified, regional economic space for the business community—a single market open to competitive entry and well integrated into the continental and global economies. This focus requires both regional infrastructure as well as the gradual harmonization of policies for the removal of barriers to inter-state communications.

The European Union and other development partners are actively supporting and participating in economic development activities in Ethiopia. Through its development cooperation, the EU stands by Ethiopia in addressing its key challenges, such as food insecurity, rapidly growing population, environmental pressures exacerbated by climate change, low industrial output, and a range of governance issues. In recent years, the EU+ group disbursed annually around 1 billion euros in official development assistance (ODA), equivalent to roughly a quarter of the total external aid to Ethiopia, and it may reach up to 10% of the country’s annual federal budget in certain years. In this context, joint programming is not only about aid effectiveness, but most importantly, has a strong political dimension and is one of the instruments in support of the implementation of the wider EU-Ethiopia strategic engagement. The European Union supports the efforts of Ethiopia to eradicate poverty, and to foster inclusive and sustainable economic, social, and environmental development while promoting human rights, democracy, and other elements of good governance.

For the last three years, much focus has been given to the issue of migration and its management by European countries. Ethiopia is a key partner in the stability and management of migratory flows in the region, due to its role in hosting large numbers of refugees from neighboring countries, its proactive policy of fighting traffickers and smugglers, and the interest of Ethiopians in migrating to neighboring countries and regions in search of work. Ethiopia is one of the five priority countries identified in the Communication on Establishing a New Partnership Framework with Third Countries under the European Agenda on Migration. Through the EU Trust Fund for Africa, EU actions address the root causes of irregular migration in the most migrant-prone regions of the country, promoting economic and employment opportunities, particularly for vulnerable people, through vocational training, access to micro-finance, or by creating industrial parks. Actions also aim to strengthen resilience and combat the drivers of instability, to improve long-term development and protection needs of refugees and their host communities, and to better manage migration at regional level.

When we look at the role Germany is playing in the relationship of African countries with EU countries, in general, and Ethiopia in particular, we find that Germany has made cooperation with Africa a core element of its G-20 Presidency. The German government advocates for a G-20 Africa Partnership and has put in place the G-20 Compact with Africa, which aims to promote private investment, sustainable infrastructure, and job creation in African countries. Germany’s Minister of Finance describes the Compact with Africa as a “long-term, demand-driven process” in which “African countries will determine what they want to do to improve conditions for private investment, with whom they want to cooperate, and in what form.”

China and Africa

Last year, during its G-20 Presidency, China made Africa a prominent part of the G-20 agenda, with an unprecedented number of African leaders participating in the G-20 Summit in Hangzhou and with commitments to support industrialization and the proliferation of renewable energy in African countries.

According to data from China’s Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM), the stock of Chinese direct investment in Africa was $32 billion at the end of 2014. Of course, direct investment is not the only form of foreign financing. The Export-Import Bank of China and China Development Bank have made large loans in Africa, mostly to fund infrastructure projects. In recent years, China has provided about one-sixth of the external infrastructure financing for Africa. In short, Chinese financing is substantial enough to contribute meaningfully to African investment and growth. However, the notion that China has provided an overwhelming amount of finance and is buying up the whole continent is inaccurate.

If we take my country, Ethiopia, as an example of Chinese cooperation and involvement in Africa, we find that what has been said above is false. According to the Ethiopian Investment Commission, Chinese companies, with close to 379 projects that were either operational or under implementation in the 2012-2017 period, are on top of Ethiopia’s investment landscape, both in number and financial capital. Among these companies, 279 were operational with projects that are worth over 13.16 billion Ethiopian birr (over 572 million U.S. dollars) during the reported period, while the remaining 100 are under implementation.

In terms of employment creation, Chinese companies have created more than 28,300 jobs in various sectors in Ethiopia during the reported period, of which over 19,000 were created in Ethiopia’s manufacturing, as it is the leading sector in attracting companies from China. China brings not only investment, knowhow, and transfer of technology, but also skills and entrepreneurship.

At this point, I would like to mention the initiative taken by His Excellency President Xi Jinping in 2013, the “One Belt, One Road” (OBOR) Initiative. This is President Xi’s “project of the century.” It is based on the legendary Silk Road, which connected Europe and China for one and a half millennia. The aim of China’s OBOR project is to open up and expand old Silk Road trade routes through Central Asia and on to Europe, as well as Southeast Asian maritime links through the Strait of Malacca and around India to the Middle East. Xi’s ambitious goals do sound inspiring indeed: “We should build the Belt and Road into a road of peace . .. of prosperity … of opening up .. . of innovation . .. connecting civilizations,” he said. The total trade between China and other Belt and Road countries has exceeded $3 trillion. China’s investment has surpassed $50 billion. Chinese companies have created almost 200,000 jobs and over $1 billion of tax revenue. China is generating mutual benefits by creating jobs and supporting the domestic economy of those countries in which it is investing.

The Jamestown Foundation’s China Brief stated this month (paraphrase):

OBOR will bring a greater effect on local and regional integration along the way, especially for Ethiopia and other countries in the region. The Maritime Silk Road will have a significant impact both because of economic integration on a local level, and by forging connections between East Africa and neighboring regions. It also connects regional centers to each other. OBOR could partly ease a problem that has bedeviled African development since the end of the colonial era. It also has the potential to facilitate trade and shared manufacturing between different East African economies. In this sense, the OBOR initiative has the potential to achieve a certain amount of regional integration—a long-held ideal of African development. OBOR presents an intriguing perspective on the sometimes highly unequal nature of south-south cooperation, and raises questions about the nature of African agency in the 21st Century.

German-Chinese-African Development

It is estimated that Africa needs to create about 20 million jobs per year to employ its expanding workforce. Africa’s demographics present both an opportunity and a challenge to the rest of the world. It is unrealistic to expect Europe or China to tackle the problems of African countries alone and bring a change overnight. Nor would it be reasonable to expect large volumes of Chinese or European manufacturing to move to the continent in the near future. Therefore, it is useful to have a long-term vision of economic relationship that very much centers on the utilization of natural resources of Africa and the shift over time to a greater focus on human resources development by creating jobs. To this end, trilateral cooperation would provide an ideal opportunity for Germany and China, as the current and previous G-20 Presidencies, to jointly demonstrate their commitments under the G-20 to increase support for African countries. This form of cooperation complements and brings together the traditional NorthSouth and South-South cooperation models. In line with the Compact with Africa, such cooperation needs to be guided by the African Union’s Agenda 2063 and African countries’ national development plans in order to be successful.

The launch of the Sino-German Center for Sustainable Development in Beijing in May is a promising step in this direction, as the center plans to support sustainable infrastructure development in African countries. This can, indeed, be an area in which African countries can benefit from joint cooperation between Germany and China. China has a comparative advantage in the provision of cost-effective infrastructure development, while the sustainability of such projects can be ensured by making use of Germany’s expertise in project management, social and environmental impact assessments, and quality assurance.

Germany and China should also foster trilateral cooperation with African countries on industrialization and renewable energy. The joint establishment of special economic zones (SEZs) in African countries would be a good starting point. SEZs were a key component of China’s economic development and are also starting to play an important role for industrialization in African countries such as Ethiopia. A trilateral SEZ project should utilize China’s profound experience in financing, developing, and managing SEZs, while Germany would contribute its expertise in preparing and delivering tailored technical vocational education and training programs for different sectors. Germany’s understanding of social and environmental standards and its international marketing insights would also help ensure that SEZs are attractive for investors and suitable for global supply chains.

There is also a huge potential for effective trilateral cooperation between Germany, China, and African countries on the proliferation of renewable energy in Africa. The African Union’s recently launched Africa Renewable Energy Initiative (AREI) provides a possible entry point, as both China and Germany have individually pledged their support for the initiative. Both countries are global leaders in renewable energy policy and technology, and have considerable experience working with African countries bilaterally in these areas. A trilateral project should focus on a so far overlooked, but crucial component in the establishment of the Africa Renewable Energy Institute, namely, to serve as the initiative’s backbone for research and training. Germany and China could build on the experiences from the establishment and operation of similar institutes in China, such as the China-EU Institute for Clean and Renewable Energy, and engage these institutes and their networks to build new partnerships.

Thank you.

Italy-China Alliance for Transaqua.
Franco Persio Bocchetto,
Foreign Director for Bonifica S.p.A, Italy.
Video; english transcript


Italy-China Alliance for Transaqua

This is an edited transcript of a presentation by Franco Persio Bocchetto describing the Transaqua project to the Nov. 25-26 Schiller Institute Conference.


Good afternoon to everybody, and to Ladies and Gentleman. I’m very glad to be here at this very interesting conference. I was really amazed listening this morning, especially to the speeches of Schiller Institute President Helga Zepp-LaRouche, and the one of the enthusiastic Professor He Wenping. And also I was interested in hearing the speech of Professor Askary, who introduced the Transaqua project that I would like to show and present here.

The Transaqua Project

The Transaqua project is perfectly in line with the vision of this conference, which is “To Fulfill the Dream of Mankind.” Transaqua, as maybe you know, was conceived more or less about 30 years ago, by our firm Bonifica. Perhaps at that time, it was too innovative; maybe in that time nobody was really interested in developing Africa. But nowadays conditions are really different and maybe this is the time to revive the project: Maybe we can call it “Transaqua 2.0” in order to start the development of this great dream for Africa.

Maybe most people think Transaqua is only a problem of transferring water from the Congo Basin to Lake Chad, but this is not the vision of Transaqua. First of all, everything starts from the problems that are related to Lake Chad. We are going to show you the actual situation of Lake Chad.

Lake Chad was one of the largest endorheic lakes in the world, and maybe the largest in Africa. The lake is situated in the Sahel region, at the crossing of the borders of four countries: Niger, Chad, Nigeria, and Cameroon. The total catchment area of Lake Chad is very huge: 2,434,000 sq km. Eight countries, including Algeria, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Libya, Niger, Nigeria, and Sudan are using the water resources from Lake Chad. The main inflows of Lake Chad are from the Chari River, and Chari and Longone River, and the main outflows are evaporation and infiltration. For this reason, it’s an endorheic lake, because it does not drain to the sea.

The Chari River and Longone River flow from south to north, and this is the actual Lake Chad. The lake basin has a very unstable equilibrium as there is no surplus water flowing to the sea. The only outflows are infiltration and evaporation. If water is used upstream, the lake cannot but shrink.

Lake Chad always had great oscillations, due to natural climatic fluctuations. Now, especially in this period of climate change, we must follow very closely what will be the future of Lake Chad. Lake Chad is suffering from the increase in population and subsequent water consumption, mainly for irrigation, and in addition, the decrease of rainfall. Lake Chad’s surface in 1973 was more or less 25,000 sq. km. As you see, in 2015, it decreased to 2,500 sq. km, while the population within the basin has grown from 8 million to 30 million people, more or less.

As a consequence of this drought and drying up of the lake, agriculture development increases pollution, ecological destruction, and extinction of rare species. The economy of the surrounding countries and region is severely threatened by reduction of the lake’s surface levels and volumes. Average food production and household purchasing power have been continuously reduced since the 1980s. Humanitarian, ecological, and economic crises are developing rapidly as the volume and surface of Lake Chad are drastically reduced at an alarming and accelerated pace.

Also, it’s important to show the evidence that in this region, the consequences of this are also all the problems related to Boko Haram, which is really active in this region due to the poverty of this region.

How to mitigate the Lake Chad drought: Well, thinking of the problems of Lake Chad, we have to think about the future. And the future in 30 to 50 years will be very, very dramatic for Africa in a certain way. As you see, it is forecast that real growth of the population, between today and the year 2200, will grow by 400%. So the problem is, what will happen when, within 30-40 years you will have the doubling of the population in Africa, and also in those Sahel regions.

We heard today in the earlier speeches, about the New Deal and the optimistic vision of Chinese President Xi Jinping, and we really hope that, due to the positive strength of China, they will really succeed in helping the world help to develop, and that these regions will have help from the Chinese for development. There are a lot of projects that are going on as Mr. Askary has showed us in the context for all of Africa. But, it is important, also to set up and improve the Transaqua project in Central Africa, in the middle of Africa, the part which is poorest and where the desert is continuing to make inroads.

The consequence of not doing this is a huge migration into the rich countries, and of course, Italy and Europe are suffering from these consequences. Most of the people come from the Sahel region, so I think that Europe has to help to improve the Transaqua project, in order to develop all these countries, and bring food, agriculture, and fisheries as a way to eliminate poverty in this region.

Over the years, the Lake Chad Basin Commission, created by the states around Lake Chad has really done great work in facing up to the shrinking of the lake, and for the realization of numerous national and transnational projects, to optimize the use of water resources and mitigate possible disputes between the states.

What to do next? What will the next challenges be for the Lake Chad Basin Commission? First of all, in the medium term, there are projects that are going on to mitigate the Lake Chad drought, of course, projects that tend to sustain the existence of people, improve the efficiency of water use, through new research, innovative organization, based on the use of smart technologies to improve the efficiency of system coordination and control. First of all, a very big monitoring system should be set up in order to control the consequences of climate change, control all the problems related to agricultural use, and control the consequences of national and transnational projects that are being done in this region.

We can be very optimistic, but due to the growth of the population, the long-term measures cannot be other than to think how to transfer large volumes of water from the Congo River Basin to Lake Chad.

Well, water transfer to drying up endorheic lakes is not merely a “nature conservation measure.” Environment and wildlife deserve to be protected—human beings, too. A drying endorheic lake is proof that the water resources in its catchment area are overexploited with respect to incoming run-off. Transfering water from adjacent river basins that have surplus water flowing into the sea, is a way of increasing water availability, especially for agriculture, in the context of the increasing population and declining rainfall, and to restore wildlife.

When water is in short supply in a given place, either you bring it there, or people will migrate elsewhere.

Near Lake Chad, there is an immense, scarcely populated river basin, which discharges into the Atlantic Ocean an average of 40,000 cubic meters/second—the equivalent to 1,250 billion m3 /year. That discharge is 200 times the discharge of the Main River [in Germany], or 14 times that of the Rhine at its mouth. How much of this volume could be possibly and safely diverted into Lake Chad has yet to be studied.

Can we think of a “win-win” project, where all countries involved have their advantages, which is perhaps, one of the basic conditions for developing this project?

Bringing water from the Congo River Basin to the thirsty Chad region and increasing irrigated agriculture, restoring the lake, producing hydropower and improving inter-African transport and commerce, is the vision of this Transaqua Project.

A canal would have to intercept part of the discharge of the right-hand tributaries of the Congo River, and convey them across the watershed between the Congo Basin and the Chari Basin. The diverted flow would reach Lake Chad through one of the Chari tributaries, properly reshaped. A very preliminary estimate gives an amount up to 100 billion m3 /year could be diverted. That this less than 8% of the Congo discharge, ensuring thus the restoration of Lake Chad and irrigation of up to 3 million hectares.

In its fall toward Chad, the diverted flow could be used for hydropower production. Along the canal, a road should be built which would become the backbone of inter-African land transport. The hypothesis that the canal could also be suitable for navigation has been made. Those ideas stemming from the early 1920s, have been studied by Bonifica, and are presently being considered by the Lake Chad Basin Commission as a possible project for the future.

The idea of Bonifica is to transfer about 100 million cubic meters of water per year from the Congo River Basin to the Lake Chad and Sahel district. This is the Congo Basin as you can see in red, which is the alignment more or less of the canal. You cross the watershed and you go into the water catchment area of the River Chari.

What is important to note is that the Transaqua formula is not simply to replenish Lake Chad, but to give access to drinking water, revive agricultural activity, irrigation, fish farming, a navigable waterway, trade, transport, regulate flows, produce electric power, river ports, commerce, and road connections—thus creating an economic development system along the Transaqua waterway.

With the regeneration of Lake Chad’s natural resources, we can show the shape of the lake in 2087. Characteristic of this project is that navigable infrastructure systems can be realized through modules. We don’t need to realize the whole project at the same time, so we start from the part which is most near to the watershed, and the development of the first 500 km of the canal.

The Transaqua water project is a combination of situations. In order to produce hydropower, we will construct small dams along the tributaries of the river, in order to catch some part of the water for the Transaqua canal. By connecting different lakes with canals, we can realize a waterway which will have a maximum extent of up to 2,400 km, reaching Lake Tanganyika on the east side of Africa.

Road connection: As you can see, the Transaqua corridor intersects the Lagos-Mombasa Road, which is one of the principal roads that was shown by Professor Askary in his speech. And as you can see, in the Mombasa-Nairobi link, it is one of the hubs of the One Belt, One Road project.

It is very interesting to think that this Transaqua Project can become one of the projects that can be developed within the One Belt, One Road project.

Some final considerations: Having for years pursued a dream, now is the time to take action. From this point of view, what is interesting and new is the fact that the Chinese have begun to get interested in the project. Last year, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed between the Lake Chad Basin Commission, and ChinaPower, which is one of the big infrastructure companies of China. The scope of the MOU was to start the feasibility study of the water transfer project, by trying to construct one of the first elements of the project, which is the CIMA Project. I don’t have time now to explain this CIMA project, but it is certainly one of the modules of Transaqua, although it is only part of it, because the CIMA project, developed by the Canadian CIMA company, is a project to pump water from the Ubangi River over the watershed into the Chari River, which is a different vision from Transaqua, which is to construct a corridor crossing Africa, and bringing development to all the regions that are crossed by the project.

It is important at this point to show that Bonifica, in the context of the signing of this MOU, decided to go to China and to speak to ChinaPower, in order to offer the collaboration of Europeans, of Italians, to jointly develop the feasibility study. We found a great interest from the Chinese, so we signed an MOU and now we are taking action in order to jointly develop this feasibility project together with the Chinese. This may be the first break in the construction of this important infrastructure in the center of Africa.

Thank you. [applause]

Integration of Egypt’s Transportation Plans 2030
with the New Silk Road Project.
Dr. Saad Mohamed Mahmoud Elgioshy
Former Transport Minister of Egypt.
Video; english transcript

Integration of Egypt’s Transportation Plan 2030 with the New Silk Road Project

This is an edited transcript of a presentation by Dr. Saad Mohammed Mahmoud Elgioshy, former Transport Minister, Egypt, on Nov. 25, 2017, in Bad Soden/Taunus, Germany. Subtitles have been added. Good Morning! I am Saad Eligioshy, a Ph.D. Doctor, a specialist in transportation, airports, and roads. I am the former Minister of Transport in Egypt (2015-16).


I’d like to thank Mrs. Helga Zepp-LaRouche for her nice invitation.Also I’ll thank the organizer of this conference, the Schiller Institute, which really touches on some of the benefits for Egypt. The lecture I heard from you today was very interesting.

In my presentation I will speak about Egypt, a very old country—7,000 years—and how it will interact with the New Silk Road. You heard, before me, a very nice presentation by Prof. He Wenping, about the New Silk Road, how it will work in Africa. As I said, I represent one country in the north of Africa. I will speak about how we can interact with the New Silk Road.

I will focus on the integration of Egypt’s transportation development plans. I’ll discuss the transportation issue, which is an infrastructure issue, which affects the development of any country. So, transportation development plans and the New Silk Road Project.

In a very brief introduction, I’ll discuss the current transportation system in Egypt: its existing hierarchy, challenges, and opportunities, and how we can interact.

Then I’ll discuss the Egyptian Transportation Development Plan 2030—how an African country thinks about development; and also speak about the New Silk Road Development Corridor close to Egypt, Africa, the Middle East, and how we can integrate with this giant project, especially in the transportation sector, in Egypt.

The transportation sector in Egypt serves an area of 1 million km2 and a population of 100 million by the end of this year.

Egypt has a road network consisting of about 30,000 km of rural highways, and 60,000 km of urban roadways, with about 1,800 bridges. We have a network of three subways lines in the capital, with a total length of 100 km, and are building another three lines.

Maritime transport. Realize Egypt is a coastal country situated between two main seas, the Red Sea and the Mediterranean. We have 15 commercial sea ports.

I am speaking, just for a moment, about land water. We have about 3,000 km of land water river ways, with more than 43 land ports in Egypt.

Speaking briefly about the Egyptian Transportation Plan 2030 and its main features: Our vision is to increase the capability of the transportation sector to fund its plan to achieve its goals; to obtain a greater share in the volume of international and regional transportation; and to maximize and optimize the use of science and technology, and research and techniques in management.

We’re supposed to provide high quality transportation for persons and goods, securely and safely, at the lowest cost, while supporting national social economic development. Also we’re supposed to secure national security requirements.

We have big challenges to overcome to accomplish all this: An ascending increase in population with an annual growth equal to 1.85%; defects in the transportation service, which do not match and are inappropriate for the people; the mutual increase in freight from 1.51- 2.32 million tons; the increasing annual growth in land transport which affects the road network; the absence of private sector—and this is a very important point—partnership in infrastructure projects; the absence of a multi-modal transport system; the lack of technology applications and logistical services; and the lack of trained and skilled labor.We have an increasing number of transportation accidents, due to these factors.

We have a very old railway system. It is the second oldest in the world, after the United Kingdom. It was built in the 18th Century, with an extent of about 9600 km, and it serves about 540,000 pax [secure electronic payment terminal], with about 1,100 daily trips. I am speaking here about facilities and capabilities. You see the numbers: 750 stations, 3,100 passenger coaches, 11,000 freight cars, 808 locomotives, so and so.

If you go to the land water sector, [it’s] the same, as I mentioned before. We have 3,500 km of river lines, 43 active ports, and 15 controlling gates. We have seven dry land ports and seven logistic areas.

Looking at all of this, which I skimmed over quickly, I am speaking about opportunities. Does Egypt have opportunities in the transportation sector for the whole world to come and invest with us? Yes, we have! We have a lot! We have a lot of opportunities in Egypt for roads and bridges. We have already have about 8,500 km of new construction underway, as well as upgrading of existing roads. We have new construction of additional main arterial accesses over the Nile River, including twelve new bridges. I’m speaking about the 2030 Plan. And also construction of twelve bridges in the national road network, for a total of 21 new bridges, over the next 12 years.

The railway sector is also full of opportunities. A lot of companies from all over the world are asking to bid on these projects over the next 12 years. I’m speaking about supplying 600 passenger coaches (2nd class air-conditioned); 110 power unit coaches; upgrading and modernizing 300 locomotives; supplying 50 new locomotives (3,000 hp), supplying six complete trains, upgrading 2,700 cargo coaches, and supplying 1,530 new cargo coaches. You can read with me. Most of these investment opportunities are virgin, and need some kind of sharing by investors from all over the world: upgrading three main workshops (locomotive overall, locomotive renovation and maintenance); supplying two complete sets for railway maintenance; supplying four machines for railway compaction; upgrading and modernization of safety and control systems, including completion of 3,000 km of an electric signaling system, equipping 600 locomotives with ETCS-L (the European Train Control System—a central signaling and control component for the all-electric signaling system); construction of 500 km of new lines and upgrading 750 km of existing lines; construction of 1,200 km of high-speed service; and construction of nine cargo stations.

Then there’s also upgrading of the railway system itself. Upgrading the signaling system of cargo railways—many projects.

The land water sector is full of opportunities too. I am speaking about upgrading two navigation roads, CairoAswan (1,200 km) and CairoDamietta (200 km), and the construction of five new land water ports and upgrading four existing ones. I’m speaking about upgrading six dry ports and construction three new ones. I am speaking about more than 50 billion Egyptian pounds.

As for tunnels and metro (subway) service, we already have three main subway lines (Cairo Metro), each of them 40-50 km in our capital city. We’re looking to upgrade all of them. We want to upgrade the tram lines in Alexandria and in Cairo, and construct three new lines for Cairo. We have had many offers, starting from last year, to study the plans and to partner with us for these projects.

The maritime sector is a big sector, and full of investment opportunities. I am speaking here about the ports of Suez and Ras adabia in the north of Egypt, and the ports of Sfaga and Sharm El shikh in the south. All these ports have very nice opportunities to build cruise and container ship terminals.

That is what we have in Egypt.

Now, I would like for you to concentrate with me on the next part of my presentation, about what the New Silk Road brings to Egypt.To easily reach to the interaction between the two points, we can see that the New Silk Road, from its concept—and my colleagues will speak more about it—offers the possibility to overcome geopolitics once and for all. The Belt and Road Initiative, as my colleague mentioned, is based on the “win-win” concept.

I’d like to concentrate on the phrase “win-win concept,” because I’ll use it again. Cooperation among all nations of the world. All the individual nations should pursue the development of their own national transport networks, but adjust them to adapt to the continental networks, to benefit from them, to contribute to their quick implementation and development, and to avoid duplication of efforts. That’s also very important.

The New Silk Road has a new financial system, composed of three main entities: the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), the New Development Bank, the New Silk Road Fund, and the Contingency Reserve Arrangement. All that is exclusively designed to fund investment in the real economy, with the goal to awaken justified optimism, in particular in developing countries, to defeat poverty and underdevelopment in the near future, as mentioned before.

We have now reached the goal of this lecture: how the New Silk Road Project is touching Egypt in the transportation sector.

As planned, there will be a 56,500 km Trans-African Highway (TAH), the main routes being Cairo, Egypt to Dakar, Senegal (8,600 km); and Cairo, Egypt to Cape Town, South Africa (10,200 km). Now, that’s a highway!

As for rail, we find there are two giant lines. One of them is the African Integrated High-Speed Rail Network (AIHSRN), which will connect all the capitals of Africa together with a high-speed railway network (HSR). There is a plan to form a group for “Sino-Africa cooperation in railway and high-speed railway.” Financial institutions, railway construction companies, and railway operation management companies can work on that.

Inland water very important. As I mentioned,Egypt’s population today of over 100 million lives on a narrow strip of land on the banks of the Nile River and Delta, about 5% of the land. More than 95% of the land is vacant.Africa Pass will open the desert in the west of the country for development and habitation. We hope so. The project will also revolutionize the economies of the North African sub-Saharan nations.

For the Congo River Basin there is the Africa Pass program. I think it will be a good project. Flowing from the tributaries of the Congo River, Africa Pass envisions a 3,800 km long canal, paralleling the Nile to the east, reaching to the Qattara Depression in northwestern Egypt, opening millions of acres of land to be cultivated. This area will become a breadbasket, not only for the rest of Egypt, but also for other countries.

Construction of the Jonglei Canal would be a good sign for cooperation and for doing something for the connectivity of inland water between the South and North.

Integration between the Egyptian Transportation Development Plan 2030 and the New Silk Road Project, from my point of view, could consist of Egypt completing its National Road Network (MINTS 2010), now in Phase 3 of construction, which will add 5,000 km, and integration with the New Silk Road Project’s planned routes, which I mentioned earlier: Cairo-Dakar (8,600 km) and Cairo-Cape Town (10,200 km). If we did that, it would be a good job! Egypt is right now implementing a lot of upgrades to its National Road Network, mainly the Cairo-Aswan road, and the Cairo-Alexandria road. The NRN could be integrated with the AIHSRN and with the “Sino-Africa” program.

We are looking at Egypt’s upgrading of its main land water route Alexandria-Aswan, and working with the Nile Basin countries which are currently studying a route to connect Lake Victoria with the Mediterranean, to integrate that and the Congo Pass program and the Jonglei Canal (both mentioned earlier) with the New Silk Road. Egypt looks favorably upon all these projects.

I’d like to say something very important. We in Egypt from 1952 experienced many kinds of cooperation for development of our country. We can’t forget history. If you forget history, you will do nothing. We started in 1952 with many disciplines. We went to the communists in the Soviet Union; then we went to America—capitalism. We went to many, many countries seeking their help in development. Finally we went into the Arab Spring. What happened? We didn’t accomplish anything; we didn’t get anything, because, as my friend said, “Their feet don’t match our shoes.” All the time.

Egypt, as I said at the beginning, is a very old country. It has its own culture, its own understandings. The problem is how to match any country, any model, any development model with our culture. That is the problem; that is the real problem. That is the real challenge.

If this prestigious institute desires to propose development plans to Egypt, I suggest you plan a workshop in Cairo to allocate interaction areas, present the possibilities of interaction, and discuss how to enable such interaction. Don’t expect us to interact in all areas; we are supposed to interact with our plan. Remember, Egypt already has a plan. If China with their giant New Silk Road Project comes to Egypt, they must first study our plan, and then determine the areas in which they can locate their cooperation with the countries of Africa, before they can be accepted and not considered a new colonial power coming to Africa. The people are afraid of that, as she said. That is a very important point. We can avoid that through workshops in Cairo, Senegal, Nigeria—all the countries which lie in the route of the New Silk Road.

Exchanging plans between the New Silk Road Project stakeholders and the Egyptian Ministry of Transport, for example—I’m speaking about transportation infrastructure—is very important. When I was Minister of Transport, I was visited many times from representatives of China. We had many discussions. But nobody asked me about our plans. Nobody asked me about our plans for development of transportation in Egypt and how their plans could be integrated with ours. They asked all the time about individual projects, and these projects never fit in our shoes, as did our feet.

I’d like my colleagues and my friends in China to understand this point, and to exchange plans between the New Silk Road plan and the Egyptian plans. After that we can analyze the methodology of plan integration—how we can interact with each other, how we can work with each other to discover the methodological basis for such cooperation. This is very important.After that, we can easily implement recommendations for cooperative construction.

Again, the New Silk Road plan is a very giant plan. It is a very smooth and very friendly plan. We need to cooperate with the whole world—with China, with Europe, with America, with any country which matches our plans, which matches our dream. Egypt has a mankind dream, and needs to fulfill it by its culture and by its way. Thanks a lot!

Thank you very much! [applause]

President Xi’s Perspective for the Year 2050
and the Perspective of African Development.
Prof. He Wenping Chinese Academy of
Social Science, Director of African Studies.
Video, english transcript


The Belt and Road: China Shares Its Development with Africa and the World

Prof. He Wenping is the Director of African Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in Beijing. This is an edited transcript of her address to the International Schiller Institute conference on “Fulfilling the Dream of Mankind,” Nov. 25, 2017, in Bad Soden/Taunus, Germany, which she presented under the title, “President Xi’s Perspective for the Year 2050 and the Perspective of African Development.” Subtitles have been added.


Good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen. It is a great honor for me to be here, to join in this wonderful conference. Thank you very much, Mme. Helga Zepp-LaRouche, President and founder of the Schiller Institute, for inviting me here. I am very impressed, first of all, by this opening music, the lovely song called “The Jasmine Flower.” Actually, when I hear the beautiful song, I have a kind of motivation to jump on stage, to sing together with this beautiful song. [applause]

This song I know is very famous in the Western society, seemingly like one of the Chinese dishes that is called Gong Bao Ji Ding, which I hear is also very famous in European countries, and especially in Germany. I think several years ago, when I spent my visiting fellowship in the German Development Institute, I had a very good friend—she’s a German—she invited me to her apartment to cook this Gong Bao Ji Ding. And she followed all the procedures, how to begin doing it from the first step, second step, so it’s amazing. Even me, I couldn’t do that Gong Bao Ji Ding from the beginning to the end. So, we tasted that delicious dish together.

So, like founder and President Helga said, now in China, the Chinese people eat very well, but not so healthy! We have to learn how to diet now! Before, during Mao’stime, we had a shortage economy, and when Deng Xiaopingmade reforms and thisreform, the “Opening Up,” and now the Chinese can feed themselves. But, now they’re learning how to eat healthily, how to do the diet. So, I want to speak over my dinner, and also do a diet in order to keep a good figure.

Today I think it’s a wonderful conference theme, called “Fulfilling the Dream of Mankind.” I have the honor of talking about President Xi Jinping’s perspective for the year 2050, and the perspective of African development. I have been told I have 20 minutes—I hope I can finish all my slides in 20 minutes.

First, the point in China is the roadmap and this development goal of 2050; 2050 is not too much further away, it’s just quickly, every year passes so quickly, so very soon we will reach 2050. His perspective, first, is in China, how to resolve the challenges we’re facing at home.

And then, in the world there is the peaceful diplomacy, also called One Belt, One Road. So, One Belt, One Road is something linking China and all of the world: It’s like our Confucian philosophers, and also like the Germans, with lots of famous philosophers coming from here, Schiller and so many! Those philosophers’ thinking also needs to be connected together.

And then, inAfrica:Africa is a wonderful continent, I think, unfortunately now still left behind. So from China and from the world, how should we work together to help the people in that continent? That’s the main point.

Two Pictures of China

First, in China, the roadmap development goal— you all know on Oct. 18 in Beijing we had the 19th Party Congress, and all those very important documents will be released from the Party Congress. During the Party Congress, President XiJinping spelled out a longterm roadmap for the Chinese people, and the goal is to establish a moderately prosperous society, which we call the Xiaokang society. Xiaokang is a Mandarin Chinese word which means now moderate well-being. It’s notso much a superpower yet, but just a moderate wellbeing society. So by counting, we should be out of poverty for all 1.4 billion population.

This is a tremendous job! Now we are entering into a new anti-poverty phase, called a “target anti-poverty phase.” What is the meaning of “target”? About a half year ago, I traveled to our poverty-stricken area in Shanxi province, and also I traveled to another, called Guizhou province, to see the poverty area, and I found that the local village heads will find out which households are still in poverty. So this is called the “targeting.” And the heads of the village and the village leaders,their job is to help those poverty-stricken households to help them to get rich in a certain amount of time.

To bring out of poverty all of our 1.4 billion population by 2020, is not an easy job. The per-capita GDP will reach $10,000. Now Chinese per-capita GDP is $8,000 in the year 2016; but back in 1978, our per-capita GDP was $156! So it was very, very poor, when this opening and reform was just starting. In Mao’s time, we had a very interesting phrase, to express Chinese people’s thinking about our three generations of leadership: The first generation of leadership, which is Chairman Mao—Chairman Mao helped the Chinese people “stand up,” which means, before we were lying on the ground, being colonized, semi-colonized by Japan, but Mao helped the Chinese people stand up, but not to be well fed, not well clothed, just to stand up: political independence.

Then Deng Xiaoping’s reform and opening up. Deng Xiaoping helped the Chinese people to eat well, now becoming rich, but only economically. But now, under Xi Jinping’s leadership, so they not only stand up and eat well, becoming rich, but we should make more contribution to the world, becoming people who really enjoy life, and the country also enjoys dignity in the world. That’s to establish a Xiaokang welfare society.

And then, how to reach that goal, the two stages from 2020 all the way to 2050. The first stage is to 2035, to realize the socialist modernization, per-capita GDP will reach $30,000; that’s the goal.And then GDP as a whole will reach $43.6 trillion, becoming the level of what’s called the middle-developed country. That’s the first stage.And then, from 2036 to 2050 to become a country of prosperity, democracy, civilization, harmony—the beautiful socialist modernization power. That’s the goal that’s been set up in this 19th Party Congress.

So, when we think about China, there are two pictures of China, that is, generally speaking. If you go into details, there are a thousand different pictures of China. Those general two pictures—one is a rising power, seems very strong; this is the second biggest economy already, but—let me show the picture here—here is the general picture about China, this is the Global Economy by GDP. When we see the top right, United States of America, accounts for 24.32% of total global GDP; and then, to the left top, that’s China, the yellow one—China accounts for 14.84% of global GDP. And then, a lot of others have double-digit percentages of GDP. So, in general, China is very powerful now.

But, when we go to the per-capita GDP, this is the picture. We talked before about the Xiaokang. We’re still struggling, heading forward toward Xiaokang, just to get to $10,000 per-capita GDP. Even recently,— let me share with you what the heated debate has been in recent days. Just a week ago in Beijing, there was a big fire; I think it was beyond the north Fifth Ring. That big fire cost around 28 lives. Eventually, after an investigation, we found that fire started in the basement, during the renovation of the building. And they found that there were a lot of people, migrant people living in that area, so fire safety measures hadn’t been taken, and eventually the municipal government made a decision that all those places below the standard of fire safety have to be demolished. And then we had lots of debating from the rich saying, those migrant people, now they have to go back to their home towns. So that is the real picture.

It’s another picture of China: Per-capita GDP is very low, and then the poor people, migrant people, are still struggling for their lives. In Beijing, winter season is very cold for those migrants. They have to leave Beijing and go back to their home towns with very short notice. That’s another picture of China, so not saying that “everything’s beautiful”; there are also very huge challenges.

So those two stages for 2050 are a huge challenge for China itself.

China Has Passed the Tests

So how to realize those beautiful goals? I think President Xi Jinping has done these things ever since 2013, when he took office. He has done things domestically, of course. Political development is to strengthen Chinese Communist Party, the ruling party’s leadership, through the anti-corruption and anti-poverty campaigns. Anti-corruption is to do the things from the party leadership, but anti-poverty is to resolve the people on the ground, so there are two ends of those campaigns. But both ends of those campaigns are intertwined with each other. We started with anti-corruption, otherwise you cannot re-collect the confidence of the people on the ground to the ruling party. Although we started to resolve this poverty issue, you cannot claim it for yourself; you are still marching on the socialist path.

Anyhow, how to re-collect the confidence of the people and build the party’s leadership? So three self-confidences have been put forward: those three, called the self-confidence, are the Development Road Confidence; the road we have chosen is called the socialist system with Chinese characteristics. So: Development Road Confidence, Theoretical Confidence, and Confidence in the State System—actually, the three things are the same thing, but have three different sides.

Maybe I should show the “shoe theory” President Xi Jinping mentioned, which means everybody wears our shoes, and the shoes should fit the feet, rather than the feet fitting the shoes. This is very simple knowledge, but when we deal with those very complicated theories, sometimes we lose sight of the simpler things.

So, we have this traditional story coming from this shoe theory. China has a 6,000 year history. Recently, U.S. President Trump mentioned this story: President Xi Jinping met President Trump and the First Lady to visit the gorgeous Forbidden City, the imperial palace, and he mentioned, China has 6,000 years of history, and President Trump answered, “Oh, yes, I know that! Egypt has a longer history—8,000 years.” President Xi Jinping said, “Yes, yes, Egypt has 2,000 years longer history than China, yet both are very civilized.”

So anyway, in our 6,000-year history, we have this phrase—when you learn Chinese, we have lots of beautiful phrases; all these phrases come from stories. This story mentions a guy who went to the market to buy shoes, but those shoes didn’t fit his feet. Maybe the shoe style was beautiful, but it didn’t fit his feet. And then, he immediately got out his knife, trying to cut his feet smaller, in order to fit into the shoes. This is the story: All our primary school students, they know this story when they write in Chinese writing; if you use a beautiful phrase you can get a higher credit, because you know the character very well.

So, it looks very simple, but it seems like our national condition is just like our feet: Our national condition, our character, our history, our population, our philosophy, all of that. Our feet cannot change, but those beautiful systems, liberal democracy, with some finger-pointing at China saying, “it’s a one-party system,” like you see a lack of transparency, and also maybe there’s no fixed election—blah, blah, blah. We know what’s better for China. At least those self-confidences are not naive belief! “I’m super, I’m super,” but in fact, you just have very poor performance. That’s not where self-confidence comes from. The self-confidence comes from your good performance.

What kind of things have we done that are good? Of course, from $156 per capita GDP, now becoming the second biggest economy, and also, we have gone through a lot of tests,such as the Arab Spring. When the Arab Spring took place in the year 2011 in Tunisia, there was lots of guessing, saying “China should be next,” to have an Arab Spring very soon. Things were happening from Tiananmen Square, lots of reporters, every day they go to Tiananmen Square just to “catch the picture,” to offer the picture to the newspaper and get it on the front page. But it’s very disappointing: There is no such thing happening.

And then, there was a lot of talk, after the 2008 financial crisis on Wall Street, with people saying “China will be next,” and all those economic things about Deng. Before, they were even talking about China breaking up. But all of those tests, now the Chinese people and the government have gone through. Still, the economy is good; in politics people are united. And even the issue of terrorism, you see Egypt has suffered from another terrorist attack just yesterday. China also needs to watch closely for all those potential terrorists, maybe they are coming back from Syria, from Iraq. All of these are the great, great challenges.

Therefore, the confidence coming from those things—we have passed through all those tests, it’s not just coming from empty things.

Also, put forward the Chinese Dream—I’ll move a bit faster now—achieving the rejuvenation. I don’t have the time to compare the Chinese Dream and the American Dream; there is a bit of difference from the American Dream.

Quality Matters

Secondly is combating corruption. President Xi Jinping mentioned power must be caged by the system, and the rule of law must be strengthened. Also there are several channels to anti-corruption. The first is to improve the Party’s conduct and strengthen Party discipline. Party discipline: Its power has been dramatically strengthened. A lot of tiger-level corrupted officials, and the mosquito-level corrupted officials—no matter whether you are tiger-level, like on the level of the Political Bureau, very high level those leaders; and the mosquito-level is the countryside, the village level, the heads of villages. With all levels of corrupt officials, there is no method.

Now, also we have the Party school. I will not go into detail for lack of time. But one factor in the anti-now,corruption campaign,— I visited from time to time different provinces, and the people in the provinces, especially grassroots level people, now feel happy, because before, whenever you’d go to see a doctor, or you send your kids to school, you have to go through the back door; otherwise there’s no chance for the poorer people, for their kids to get into a good school because corrupt behavior was everywhere, at all levels. But now, those people are saying, “Oh, thank President Xi Jinping, we no longer have these kinds of officials, bold enough to collect the ‘red envelopes.’ ” In China, the red envelope is where you put the money to give to the doctor, so he will maybe be careful in doing the surgery for you; if he doesn’t get the red envelope, you know, maybe he’s not as careful in your surgery.

Now, those things are no longer there, especially among officials. And we also have the anti-poverty campaign.

Economically developed green economy and ecological progress. So, from “speed matters” now to “the quality matters.” Before, in Deng Xiaoping’s time, we had a slogan, “Only development matters: Development, development, development; GDP, GDP, GDP.” All levels of officials, they just concentrated on how much GDP growth rate they achieved, otherwise there’s no hope for their promotion. But now, GDP no longer matters: quality matters! So our environmental protection ministry is very powerful. They will go to different provinces to check on pollution. So if you are not concentrating on quality, you will not get your promotion anyway.

In Deng Xiaoping’s time there was a very famous slogan—these are the words of Deng Xiaoping: “No matter whether it’s a white cat or black cat, as long as it catches the mouse, it’s a good cat.” He was referring to the fact that no matter whether it’s the capitalist way or socialist way, as long as it can make our GDP go forward, we’ll take it. But now, people are saying “Black cat or white cat doesn’t matter at all, we are far beyond that ideological thinking, but now it should be a Green cat.” We cannot suffer from this pollution, and there’s a lot of very bad air pollution.

One of our Party Congress documents talks about establishing the “beautiful China,” so you can see a blue lake, a blue sky, very clean water, fresh air—those things we used to have before. But, after “development, development, development,” you have money in your pocket, and you have to pay to put on your face mask [to protect against air pollution]. So, what’s the meaning of life?

It just like a person, people were saying, before you reach 40 years old, you sacrifice your health to chase after money; but after you reach 40, you spend all the money you accumulated, trying to get your health back! That’s the significance for China: Before we were sacrificing our sky, our blue sky, clean water, to chase after GDP. But now we have to use all the money in the GDP trying to get back the blue sky! That’s the vicious circle.

How to pay attention to this quality issue in economic development? We made another change, which is a a production-driven economy to the innovation-driven economy. The pollution comes from what kind of thing? Coming from “Made in China”—China serving as the world factory, where everything was “made in China,” so everything was spent in China, and pollution was left in China. So the world factory caused this pollution. We no longer want to be the world factory, we want to be the world’s office, like India. The India President for instance said his country is a world office. We also want to be the world office.

Now, the world factory is also OK, but we need to improve, from those polluting ones, to becoming a very clean industrialization. So that is how to balance this growth and development, and inclusive development. Not to have only GDP growth rate with poor people and migrant people being chased away from the capital city. So, we have to be inclusive. All of these environmental developments, domestically speaking, this world of 2050, and internationally, are in the China One Belt, One Road initiative.

On One Belt, One Road, I don’t think I need to go into detail, because when I entered this conference room, I saw lots of books over there [The New Silk Road Becomes the World Land-Bridge]—maybe I’ll do some advertisement for those books—they are very rich for the world One Belt, One Road. So, I’ll skip over that.

The Three ‘No’s’

Earlier, we were talking about the peaceful rising of China, and then because maybe some American friend said “it’s very aggressive,”—“peaceful rising, it’s very aggressive.” And it’s not so nice to the ear, so we changed the name to “peaceful development.” So when our American friends put forward the Asia Pivot, we also thought it was quite aggressive, Asia Pivot. And so they also very nicely changed the name to the “Rebalancing Asia.” So you see, we both changed and could meet in the middle.

So, from “peaceful rising” to “peaceful development,” is the guideline for China’s diplomacy, but some people have noticed, saying in Deng Xiaoping’s time, Chinese policy seemed more or less to keep a low profile, and then in Xi Jinping’s time, it seems more becoming active somehow, making more contributions to the world. Probably, yes, that’s right. When you have the capacity, maybe you should make more contributions.

Let’s skip over and go to the “Three No’s,” the three things we will not do: One “No” is “no intention to rely on so-called new colonialism.” We have been labeled as the “new colonialists” in Africa, but not even our African friends have had the right to say whether China is the new colonialists or not. So I have no right to say that—our African friends have the right.

And secondly, the second “No,” is no intention for military expansion, and war like Germany and Japan did in the Second World War.

And no intention to ask for the “China model” or to pursue ideological confrontation.

So those are the Three No’s to explain why China’s policy is peaceful development.

The Industrialization of Africa

Let’s quickly go to the One Belt, One Road: This is just what I call—this is not official, it’s what I call it—I think this is a 1.0 version of One Belt, One Road, because all those things you see, the Maritime one and the Silk Road continental one, go through 64 countries. In this 1.0 version, only Egypt is from Africa, among these 64 countries. But now, I think One Belt, One Road is entering 2.0 version—that is, now facing all the countries in the world. As President Xi Jinping mentioned to the Latin American countries, “you are all welcome to join the Belt and Road.” In the Chinese “40 Minutes,” Xi said, all the African continent is now on the map of the One Belt, One Road, the whole African continent, especially after the May Belt and Road Summit in Beijing had taken place.

So now, its face is open to all the countries in the world, now it’s inclusive. Any country that would like to join, I would like to say. You see, these are two leaders in the world: People are saying “America First” is the idea. You see from abroad, Trump in the White House saying, “America First.” If anything is not too good for America, it’s not good at all. But, for President Xi Jinping, the One Belt, One Road is to make the world better. It’s not, “make China better,” because with all this Belt and Road, the Chinese foreign exchange reserves, we’re now enjoying the number-one highest foreign exchange reserves in the world.

So, we’re going to use those foreign exchange reserves to build all those roads—connectivity! Connect China and other countries to join together, to build trade. And there are three connectivities we are talking about: First is the policy connectivity, China’s One Belt, One Road initiative is relevant to countries, their own development strategy. For example, Ethiopia. Ethiopia has now been named as the “next China” on the African continent. It’s not my invention, these words—many scholars have been published talking about which country in Africa is going to be the China in Africa, which means, developing faster! Faster and leading other countries forward. Most of them refer to Ethiopia.

Ethiopia has now reached an GDP growth rate, last year, as high as 8%, but the whole rest of the continent, especially the oil rich countries, are suffering from lower oil prices. So they have developed an industrialization strategy; their strategy and the China strategy should be connected. One is called the policy connectivity.

One is to make the world better, another is to make “America First,” America better. So we look for the world, and America now looks for America only. That’s the difference.

This is the connectivity—“policy coordination,” our policy and the relevant country, not only in Africa, but policy connectivity first. And then, physical connectivity, to build infrastructure. Infrastructure to link the countries together. And then we push for trade, unimpeded trade. Allow me to share another number with you: In the world as a whole, there are 193 countries, but China serves as the number one trade partner with as many as 128 countries! So, we are based on economic growth, based on export, based on trade. Now Chinese President Xi Jinping is holding high the flag of free trade.

So free trade and also inclusive globalization. When he joined the World Economic Forum in Davos, earlier this year, this is the first time a Chinese President had joined the World Economic Forum; before that, the highest official was only the Prime Minister. When he joined that forum, he put forward two things that China wants to push forward: One is free trade, and the other is the inclusive globalization.

That is the trade we want to push for as global trade, and financial connectivity, financial integrity. China is pushing the One Belt, One Road to share its development with the world, and the way to push for such a major initiative was to establish what’s called the AIIB, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. This is a multilateral bank. And also the Chinese currency, the RMB, will also be widely used with those countries that are doing business with China.

And then, the people-to-people bond, that’s another connectivity. So we’re talking about five connectivities within this One Belt, One Road. People-to-people is very important. Before, China has been doing very well with the G2G, government-to-government, and then it has been doing very well with the B2B, business-to-business, but we have not been doing very well in P2P, people-to-people. Maybe Chinese people are very shy, so maybe that’s one reason they’re not very good at doing the P2P. So we should become more open and not so shy.

You know, in our education, like my son, all the way from primary school, kindergarten to the university, there’s no debate in the classroom, you just take notes, take notes, about whatever the teacher is teaching. Take notes, take notes; no challenging, debating, raising questions. And we don’t have political campaigns, so there are no such places for talking. There are lots of places for listening!

Anyhow, people-to-people contact, we need a lot of NGOs to go abroad.

Africa Is Rising

So very quickly, let’s move to Africa. In Africa, we have commitment, that is the FOCAC, the full name is the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation. This forum was established in 2000, and every three years there is a FOCAC meeting. The FOCAC meeting in 2015 took place in Johannesburg, South Africa. In that meeting, President Xi Jinping joined the meeting, put forward ten cooperation plans, and pledged the money—as high as $60 billion—to cover all ten areas: industrialization, agriculture, infrastructure, finance, environmental protection, and more.

The Belt and Road is very good for Africa’s job creation. A lot of money has been earmarked to use for the industrialization of Africa. Let me just highlight in my last two minutes, the two areas, like two engines—like in an airplane, if you want to take off, you need two engines: One is industrialization, another is infrastructure. Without good infrastructure, there’s no basis for industrialization—short of electricity,short of power,short of roads, and then it’s very hard to make industry take off.

We have done a lot. Africa now is rising. Before, Africa was regarded as a hopeless continent, more than 15 years ago. But now, with kite flying over, now it’s Africa’s rising time. You see this map from the IMF, only in those deep blue places do they enjoy very high economic growth rates in the past decade—Asia, and Africa. So those two blue areas have above 6% GDP growth rates. They are mutually serving as the engines for each other—Asia’s growth coming from Africa, Africa’s growth coming from Asia. A booming future, industrialization creating jobs. I am sharing with you a lot of pictures of Ethiopia’s Oriental Industrial Zone. I visited that zone—there is a shoe-making factory, lots of jobs have been created. You see, I visited that zone at least six times; every time I saw more business there.

Just to show you another infrastructure map: the Mombasa to Nairobi railway that was just finished at the end of May. We are going to build the second phase, from Nairobi all the way to Malaba in Uganda, and then that’s an East African Community network. When this railway was finished—this is President Uhuru Kenyatta, saying this laid the foundation for industrialization. This shows people celebrating this railway connection, and this shows a man holding a paper saying “Comfortable, convenient, very soft, safe, and very beautiful.” And here, very beautiful at 100 years old, a grandmother. [applause]

Thank you very much.

»Den Nye Silkevej er en ny model
for internationale relationer«
Hovedtale af Helga Zepp-LaRouche
på Schiller Institut konference,
25.-26. nov., 2017, Frankfurt, Tyskland:
»At opfylde menneskehedens drøm«

»Jeg mener, at den Nye Silkevej er et typisk eksempel på en idé, hvis tid er kommet; og når en idé på denne måde først er ved at blive en materialistisk virkelighed, bliver den til en fysisk kraft i universet. Jeg har personligt haft mulighed for at se udviklingen af denne idé, der på mange måder reelt set begyndte med dette store menneske – min ægtemand, Lyndon LaRouche; der, for mange årtier siden – for næsten et halvt århundrede siden – fik ideen om en ny, retfærdig, økonomisk verdensorden. Dette blev dernæst mere manifest i 1970’erne, ’80erne og især i 1991, da Sovjetunionen opløstes, og hvor denne idé om at skabe en ny, retfærdig, økonomisk verdensorden blev meget fremtrædende.«

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Den Nye Silkevej er nu det centrale fokus
for menneskeligt fremskridt

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, USA, 27. nov., 2017 – Det er ikke muligt at se på udviklingen af menneskelige samfund i dag, nogetsteds i verden, uden at anerkende den centrale rolle, som Kinas Bælte & Vej Initiativ spiller. Det Britiske Imperiums dinosaurer kæmper desperat for at bevare deres plyndringsrettigheder i udviklingslandene i Asien, Afrika og Latinamerika, og endda i deres egne lande, men det bliver i stigende grad klart, at Bælte & Vej har givet nationer modet til at rejse sig og erklære, at de ikke længere behøver acceptere kravene om nedskæringspolitikker og »tilpasset teknologi« fra imperieherrerne i London og på Wall Street. Som Konfutse sagde, »Da jeg var tredive, rejste jeg mig op«. Den såkaldte »tredje verden« er klar til at afskaffe denne nedgørende titel og blive en del af et samfund af moderne industrinationer, som Kina har gjort, med den Nye Silkevej som drivkraften.

Dette gælder i særlig grad for Afrika. Schiller Instituttet udgav en 250 sider lang rapport om udviklingen af Afrika på en Schiller Institut konference, »At opfylde menneskehedens drøm«, som blev afholdt i Tyskland i forgangne weekend. Talere fra Afrika, Europa, USA og Kina beskrev den brede vifte af Kinas hundreder af projekter for infrastruktur, industri og landbrug i hele Afrika i løbet af det seneste årti, og i forhøjet tempo i 2017. Rapporten fremlægger den skønne fremtid og det håb, som denne udvikling har givet Afrikas befolkning.

I dag, i Østeuropa, finder »16+1«-forummet sted i Ungarn, mellem Kina og 16 østeuropæiske nationer, med 11 af disse, der er medlem af EU. Premierminister Li Keqiang holdt åbningstalen og sagde, at det Nye Silkevejsinitiativ kan være med til at bringe udvikling til de tidligere medlemmer af sovjetblokken og vil være et »nyttigt supplement« til Kinas relationer med Europa. »Vores mål«, sagde han, »er at se et fremgangsrigt Europa«.

Den ungarske premierminister Viktor Orban talte også til åbningssessionen og bemærkede, at »hvis Europa lukker sig inde, mister det muligheden for vækst … europæiske resurser alene er ikke tilstrækkelige. Af denne grund byder vi den kendsgerning velkommen, at Kina, som en del af den nye, økonomiske verdensorden, ser dette område som ét område, i hvis fremskridt og udvikling det ønsker at være til stede«.

Men, hvad er EU’s respons til dette potentiale for gensidigt fremskridt og gensidig udvikling? De forsøgte at forhindre Ungarn i at kontrahere med Kina om byggeri af en jernbaneforbindelse mellem Budapest og Beograd i Serbien og brugte Ungarns medlemskab af EU til at hævde, at de måtte have åben licitation på projektet – som om nogen regering eller noget privat selskab i Europa pludselig ville beslutte at gøre noget, de aldrig har gjort, alt imens de gennemfører nedskæringspolitik over for deres egne EU-medlemmer.

Typisk for denne EU-reaktion til det nye paradigme var en artikel i dag fra Mercator Institute for China Studies i Berlin, og som rapporterede om 16+1-konferencen. Titlen lød: »Kinas charmeoffensiv i Østeuropa udfordrer EU-samhørighed« og erklærer: »Europæisk integration synes i høj grad at stå på spil, når østeuropæiske regeringer bruger deres relationer med Kina til at vinde indflydelse over Bruxelles.« Tænk engang – udvikling er en trussel mod Europa!

Helga Zepp-LaRouche henviste til den grimme ironi, der er indeholdt i denne geopolitiske tankegang, i form af en resolution, hun foreslog for Schiller-konferencen. I betragtning af, at Kina har løftet 700 millioner mennesker ud af fattigdom i løbet af de forgangne 30 år, erklærer resolutionen, og med Xi Jinping, der er forpligtet over for at løfte de tilbageværende 42 millioner fattige kinesere ud af fattigdom frem til år 2020, beslutter vi, at Europa også bør hellige sig til at løfte sine egne, 120 millioner-plus forarmede mennesker op til en anstændig levestandard frem til 2020. Resolutionen blev enstemmigt vedtaget.

Er der andre i Europa, der så meget som tænker i disse baner for et så ædelt mål i takt med, at EU-diktater for nedskæringspolitik er i færd med at skabe nye, forarmede mennesker, i et forfærdende tempo, hver eneste dag?

Men, de britiske imperiekræfter er endnu mere rædselsslagne over, at de er ved at miste deres primære »håndhæver« – USA. Donald Trump har nægtet at følge Bush/Obama-krigspartiets kurs, der i løbet af de seneste 16 år har tjent Imperiet med evindelig krigsførelse og militær inddæmning af Rusland og Kina, som er i færd med at drive verden til randen af atomkrig. Imperiet et forfærdet over Trumps historiske besøg til Kina i denne måned, hvor han og Xi Jinping dedikerede deres to nationer til at løse verdens problemer sammen gennem samarbejde og diplomati og økonomisk udvikling. De er ligeledes forfærdede over Trumps lange diskussioner med Vladimir Putin, både i personlige samtaler i Vietnam og via telefon efter Trumps tilbagevenden til Washington, for at samarbejde om at afslutte terrorisme i Syrien, og hinsides Syrien. Sammenlagt truer præsidentens samarbejde med Rusland og Kina med at gøre en ende på Imperiet, én gang for alle. Forsøget på, gennem »Russiagate fake-news«, at fjerne Trump fra embedet, er hastigt i færd med at kollapse, i meget vid udstrækning takket være EIR’s arbejde og her, især afsløringen af Robert Muellers mange forbrydelser og forræderiske plan.

Krisen er langt fra ovre, og finansboblen i hele det vestlige banksystem kunne eksplodere, hvad øjeblik, det skal være. Men vejen til en løsning går nu tydeligvis fremad, med den Nye Silkevej, der berører hver eneste del af verden, inklusive USA. Denne vej er tilgængelig under forudsætning af, at verdens borgere responderer til dette historiske øjeblik ved at handle, som Abraham Lincoln sagde, i overensstemmelse med »de bedre engle i vor natur«.

Foto: Deltagerne i det 25. APEC økonomiske ledertopmøde i Da Nang, Vietnam, nov., 2017. (

Tidligere franske premierminister de Villepin argumenterer
for europæisk forpligtelse til Bælte & Vej

17. nov., 2017 – På sidelinjerne af en international konference for tænketanke i Beijing sagde den tidligere, franske premierminister, Dominique de Villepin, til Sputnik: »Den Europæiske Union bør øge sin deltagelse i initiativet, ’Ét Bælte, én Vej’ (OBOR). Det kan opnås gennem den Europæiske Investeringsbank eller, for eksempel, gennem den franske Fond for Innovationer [Fonds Pour les Innovations]. Disse instrumenter bør samarbejde mere aktivt og gennemføre specifikke projekter inden for rammerne af OBOR.«

De Villepin fortsatte, »Den Europæiske Kommission og regeringerne i flere EU-stater er bekymrede over de kinesiske selskabers investeringer i strategiske sfærer af økonomien. Jeg er overbevist om, at den Europæiske Union ikke bør opgive andre lande ved at introducere endeløse kontrolforanstaltninger. EU-landene bør opbygge et samarbejde på basis af gensidig fordel, ligesom Kina gør.«

Han antydede, at disse spørgsmål ville blive diskuteret under den franske præsident Emmanuel Macrons forestående besøg til Kina, der forventes at finde sted i januar, 2018. De Villepin påpegede ligeledes spørgsmålet om Afrikas udvikling: »Det initiativ, som den [kinesiske præsident] Xi Jinping foreslår, gennemføres i Asien, bør vi gennemføre i Europa. Den Europæiske Union bør opbygge tættere partnerskaber og et tættere samarbejde med Maghreb-landene og Afrika i lighed med Kinas Bælte & Vej. Vi kunne udvikle infrastruktur i de afrikanske stater, som ville være meget fordelagtige for vore foretagender og give en impuls til disse landes økonomier.«

De Villepin, der var fransk premierminister fra 2005-2007 under præsident Jacques Chirac, sagde, at sådanne forbindelser ville være fordelagtige for både Afrika og Europa. »Afrika ses ofte som et spørgsmål om flygtninge og udokumenterede migranter. Jeg mener, vi skal af med disse fordomme. Vi kunne skabe projekter, hvor selskaberne og institutionerne både fra den Europæiske Union og de afrikanske stater deltager. Hvis ens naboer ikke har stabilitet, er der heller ingen stabilitet i Europa«, understregede de Villepin.

En sejr over den nuværende uvidenhed
er en sejr over had.
Af Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Fra LaRouche PAC Manhattan Project Borgermøde i New York City, 30. sept., 2017.

Nu har Kina udviklet en ny model for udenrigspolitik, og det er virkelig vigtigt, at amerikanere bliver bekendt med den; for det er ikke sådan, at Kina er ved at tage over, sådan, som Bannon siger. At Kina på en eller anden måde truer med at tage USA’s position. Nogle af jer husker måske, at der for et par måneder siden var et møde i New York, hvor den kinesiske ambassadør i Washington, Cui Tiankai, grundlæggende set fremlagde en præsentation, hvor han sagde, at der var 16 eksempler i historien, hvor et land ville overgå den magt, som frem til dette punkt havde været den dominerende. At det i 12 tilfælde førte til krig; og at, i 4 tilfælde overtog den fremvoksende magt simpelt hen den gamle dominerende magt. Ambassadør Cui sagde, at Kina hverken vil have de 12 tilfælde, hvor der blev krig, og ikke ville gentage disse eksempler; og heller ikke ville have de andre 4, for det, Kina tilbyder, er en helt ny model for relationer staterne imellem. Dette vil jeg gerne gennemgå, for jeg mener, det er absolut afgørende. Kina foreslår en ny model for stormagter, baseret på den absolutte respekt for de andre staters suverænitet, princippet om ikke-indblanding, princippet om accept af en anden samfundsmodel og et win-win-samarbejde mellem de to. Dette er selvfølgelig, hvad forholdet mellem USA og Kina bør blive til. Dernæst er et andet aspekt af denne nye, kinesiske model, en ny relation til Kinas naboer. Dette er allerede i kraft med ASEAN-landene, med Shanghai Samarbejdsorganisationen; det er i kraft i det Sydkinesiske Hav, hvor lande, der er naboer, indser fordelene ved gensidigt økonomisk samarbejde snarere end geopolitisk konfrontation.

Et tredje aspekt, som i et aspekt er det vigtigste, er, at Kina har udviklet en helt ny model for relationer med udviklingslandene. Dette er mest synligt i Afrika. Det, Bælte & Vej Initiativet, den Nye Silkevej, har gjort på fire år, siden Xi Jinping annoncerede det, har ikke alene ført til historiens største infrastrukturprogram, hvor folk blot diskuterer, om det nu er 12 gange eller 20 gange så stort som Marshallplanen i genopbygningen (i Europa) efter Anden Verdenskrig. Det er et åbent spørgsmål; det er det gode. Det har fuldstændig forandret karakteren af det afrikanske kontinent, fordi kineserne har bygget jernbaner fra Djibouti til Addis Abeba; de bygger nu jernbaner fra Kenya og Mozambique hele vejen til Rwanda. De har bygget mange industriparker, vandkraftværker, systemer til kunstig vanding; og nu planlægger de at gennemføre det største infrastrukturprojekt nogensinde – Transaqua-projektet – der med sikkerhed ville transformere hele det afrikanske kontinent.

Dette er en ny model for relationer, og den er ikke baseret på geopolitik. Den har ideen om en alliance mellem fuldstændigt suveræne nationalstater; det er faktisk, hvad John Quincy Adams havde foreslået, da han var præsident for USA.

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Helga Zepp LaRouche opfordrer tyskerne:
Smid ikke jeres stemme ud på partier, der
ikke har menneskehedens interesse på sinde

16. sept., 2017 – Selv om der finder tektoniske forandringer sted i verden i dag, ville man aldrig gætte det ud fra de temaer, som de store partier i Tyskland rejser i opløbet til forbundsdagsvalget den 24. sept. En slående undtagelse til denne fornægtelse af virkeligheden er Borgerrettighedsbevægelsen Solidaritets (BüSo) kampagne, med Helga Zepp-LaRouche som formand, under sloganet, »Tyskland må tilslutte sig den Nye Silkevej«. Valget finder sted søndag, den 24. sept.

I en appel til vælgerne, udstedt den 15. sept., identificerer Zepp-LaRouche klart mulighederne. De kan »smide deres stemmer ud« ved at vælge et parti, der har støttet den nuværende verdensorden med sine interventionskrige – og den flygtningekrise, disse krige har skabt – og det voksende svælg mellem rig og fattig, skriver hun, og som ikke er lykkedes med at rette op på de fejltagelser, der førte til finanskrisen i 2008, og som har ført til et endnu mere dramatisk finanssammenbrud i dag.

Men, advarer Zepp-LaRouche, de vil også spilde deres stemmer, hvis de vælger et parti, der kritiserer de etablerede partier, men ikke tilbyder en løsning.

Alternativt »kan De vælge et parti, der ikke alene har en vision for en bedre fremtid for menneskeheden, men også har organiseret kræfter i hele verden og etableret relationer, der kan få denne vision til at blive til virkelighed – Borgerretsbevægelsen Solidaritet (BüSo)«.

I sin appel henviser Zepp-LaRouche til BüSos årtier lange kamp for en retfærdig, økonomisk verdensorden, som senere blev sat på verdensdagsordenen af Kinas Nye Silkevej, eller Bælte & Vej Initiativet.

»BüSo er forpligtet over for at bringe Tyskland fuldt og helt ind i et samarbejde med dette initiativ, og til, sammen med Kina, Rusland og andre lande, at udvikle økonomisk de lande, der er blevet ødelagt af de nytteløse krige i Mellemøsten og Afrika.«

Samarbejdet i den Nye Silkevej ville ikke alene være med til at løse flygtningekrisen, fortsætter Helga Zepp-LaRouche, men er også i den tyske Mittelstands interesse, eftersom det ville skabe mange produktive jobs og mindske arbejdsløshed, især for unge mennesker.

Desuden er »en ny, retfærdig, økonomisk verdensorden den eneste måde at sikre varig verdensfred« i en tidsalder med atomar krigsførelse.

Helga talte polemisk til vælgerne og sagde, at, hvis de hidtil kun har hørt misinformation eller bagvaskelse om BüSo, skyldes det, at det transatlantiske establishment er »stiv af skræk over, at perspektivet om den Nye Silkevej er meget mere attraktivt end status quo«.

Måden, hvorpå mainstreammedierne har behandlet BüSo i denne kampagne – og derudover enhver, der udfordrer EU-bureaukratiet eller Wall Streets og City of Londons interesser – rejser mange tvivl, bemærker Zepp-LaRouche, om, hvor meget pressefrihed, demokrati og menneskerettigheder, der egentlig »er tilladt i vores land«.

Efter en gennemgang af hovedpunkterne i BüSos program, konkluderer Helga Zepp-LaRouche:

»Jeres stemme tæller. Smid den ikke ud, men investér den i fremtiden. Stem på BüSo.«     

Foto: Helga Zepp-LaRouche taler til en vælgermødeforsamling. I baggrunden BüSos valgplakat, med det eurasiske udsnit af Verdenslandbroen og maglevtog, og BüSos valgslogan, »Tysklands fremtid er den Nye Silkevej«.  

BüSo-valgkampagne i Tyskland:
Helga Zepp-LaRouche interviewes af ’Junge
Welt’: »Den Nye Silkevej var vores idé«

12. sept., 2017 – Med denne provokerende titel midt i den aktuelle debat om Kinas Nye Silkevej i den tyske valgkampagne, udgiver avisen Junge Welt i sin udgave af 13. sept. et interview med BüSo-lederen Helga Zepp-LaRouche (der opstiller til kanslerposten i Berlin-kredsen).

»Bürgerrechtsbewegung Solidarität definerer sin rolle anderledes end andre små partier«, lyder avisens headline-kicker.

På spørgsmålet om, hvad BüSo står for, svarer Zepp-LaRouche:

»Vi ønsker et nyt paradigme i politik – væk fra geopolitik, og frem til menneskehedens fælles mål. Vi mener, at en fortsættelse af geopolitik i sig bærer faren for en konfrontation med Rusland og Kina. Det er én af grundene til, at vi støtter præsident Xi Jinpings initiativ for skabelse af en Ny Silkevej på basis af win-win-samarbejde blandt alle verdens nationer.«

»Men ’atlanticister’ ville opponere, at dette lyder som en Eurasisk Union!«, indskyder intervieweren, idet han her citerer denne, den mest kontroversielle »russiske« idé.

»Det går langt ud over dette«, svarer hun. »Denne nye model for økonomisk samarbejde er blevet vedtaget i Latinamerika, og frem for alt, i Afrika. Det sprænger selvsagt grænserne for en Eurasisk Union. I denne udvikling af Afrika ser vi en enestående chance for at løse flygtningekrisen på et humant grundlag: Vi besejrer langt om længe konsekvenserne af kolonialisme og IMF’s betingelsespolitik, der er vedhæftet tildeling af kredit, og som fulgte efter kolonialismen. Udelukkende kun udvikling af infrastruktur vil skabe forudsætningerne for en reel udvikling af hele kontinentet.«

Efter flere spørgsmål med relation til den tyske debat i valgkampen – flygtningekrisen, spørgsmål om skatter og beskæftigelsessituationen, samt uddannelse – stiller Junge Welt spørgsmålet, »Hvor realistisk mener du, det er, at dine ideer vil blive vedtaget?«

»Visionen om den Nye Silkevej var vores idé, en plan for en fredelig verden i det 21. århundrede. Vi har arbejdet på det i 26 år, og den kinesiske regering anerkender fuldt ud vores andel i dette perspektiv. Vi fremstilles på en meget mere fair måde i pressen dér, end i mainstreampressen her. Vi er således et parti, der opererer på et fuldstændig andet plan end andre såkaldte ’små partier’. Og jeg håber, at dette også vil give sig udslag i stemmer.«

»Er du opdraget som socialist?«, forsøger intervieweren.

»Jeg er opdraget som humanist, som en verdensborger«, konkluderer Helga Zepp-LaRouche.

(Redaktionens bemærkning: Jeg har ikke kunnet se ovenstående artikel udgivet i Junge Welts online-udgave af 13. sept. Søg de følgende dage:


Ovenstående interview, vi har rapporteret om, blev alligevel ikke fjernet fra ’Junge Welts’ trykte udgave, se pdf. Den er dog fortsat ikke opslået på deres online-udgave. (Red.)

Download (PDF, Unknown)

Foto: Helga Zepp-LaRouche i BüSo’s valgspot. Se den her (dansk tekst). 

Bonifica responderer til kritik af Transaqua

Fredag, 1. sept., 2017 – I en erklæring, der blev givet til EIR den 29. aug., besvarer direktør for Bonifica, Romina Boldrini, kritik og bagvaskelse, som for nylig er fremkommet mod Transaqua-projektet for infrastrukturudvikling og overførsel af vand fra Congoflodens bækken til Tchadsøens bækken. »Med hensyn til nyligt fremkomne rapporter om Transaqua-projektet«, lyder erklæringen, »har jeg, som juridisk repræsentant for Bonifica Spa, ment det opportunt at i det mindste fremlægge vore synspunkter om sagen.

At udtrykke sin egen mening og sit eget synspunkt er en menneskeret, selv, når det går imod en andens ideer og holdninger.

Jeg mener imidlertid, det er nødvendigt at undgå sterile polemikker for deres egen skyld, uden en løsning: Jeg mener, at en objektiv analyse af kendsgerninger er vanskeligere, men mere konstruktivt og etablerer de kontraktlige klausuler, og er det bedste tilbud til læseren og til dem, der er direkte involveret i processen.

I denne henseende har Bonifica merit: Vi har i nu over 30 år afsløret dimensionen af denne nødsituation, udforsket en myriade af mulige løsninger og identificeret én mulig, organisk løsning, efter, på et tidligt stadium, at have advaret om demografisk vækst i Nigeria og om den socialøkonomiske krise i et meget stort område. Dette gjorde Bonifica alene.

Lad os nu for et øjeblik glemme, at vi er ’Transaqua-projektets fædre’ og forsøge at tilbyde det mest muligt objektive synspunkt.


Det er uomtvisteligt korrekt, at Tchadsøen er i færd med at undergå en irreversibel ørkendannelsesproces. Man behøver blot se på satellit-data med relation til Tchadsøens bækken. En sådan proces skabes af en række indbyrdes forbundne årsager og kan kun afbrydes gennem en ekstraordinær og permanent intervention;

Det er uomtvisteligt korrekt, at denne situation er i færd med at føre til klimaforandringer, der har indvirkning på både vegetation og dyreliv i området;

Det er uomtvisteligt korrekt, at befolkningen – og ikke kun befolkningen – trues af hungersnød pga. den progressive udtørring af Tchadsøen; de manglende muligheder for livsopretholdelse og jobs og den voksende fattigdom har tragiske konsekvenser, både mht. folkesundhed og rent samfundsmæssigt, med udviklingen af terroristfænomenet:

Det er uomtvisteligt korrekt, at befolkningen i dette område har en fortsat demografisk vækst; dette forværrer ikke alene situationen, men er i stigende grad årsag til strømmen af migration mod andre områder.

Konfronteret med disse kendsgerninger, er der følgende muligheder:

Muligheden for, mere end tidligere, at forlade sig på international hjælp. Immigration og terrorisme rammer voldsomt den såkaldte ’vestlige verden’, der, endelig og måske af dens egne, selviske grunde, i dag ser på Afrikas problemer, som var de dens egne;

Muligheden for at undersøge og udvikle nogle projektideer, heriblandt Transaqua, med det formål at overveje, hvad der er den bedst mulige løsning eller løsninger at vedtage, med det formål at være med til at løse ét af mange problemer i Afrika. Her må vi åbne et nødvendigt kapitel:

Transaqua er ikke et projekt, der blev udviklet uafhængigt af de involverede landes vilje;

Transaqua er ikke et projekt, der blev påtvunget afrikanske lande, der er involveret i selve projektet.

Transaqua er en projektidé, hvis forundersøgelser blev studeret og udviklet allerede i 1980’erne, og som den daværende præsident af Congo (tidligere Zaire) på det tidspunkt godkendte og var enig i.

Transaqua er et ambitiøst projekt, fordi nødsituationen i Afrika har en dimension, der er global, således, at det ikke kan adresseres af beskedne projekter eller, hvad der er værre, kortsigtede løsninger.

Transaqua er en mulig løsning ’på bordet’, der bør udvikles gennem forundersøgelser med det formål at forstå og vurdere en række aspekter:

Hvorvidt projektet rent teknisk kan udføres

Hvorvidt projektet rent økonomisk-finansielt kan udføres

Dets indvirkning på miljøet

Aftale mellem de berørte stater

Dets økonomiske og sociale fordele

Dets kritiske aspekter.

I øjeblikket er Transaqua ikke et udviklet og godkendt projekt, der, uden hensyntagen til landes og befolkningers vilje, blev påtvunget afrikanske lande: Det er en mulighed. Muligheden for at vurdere og udvikle en løsning, der kunne gøre det muligt for alle berørte parter omhyggeligt at kritisere, modificere, acceptere og blive enige om den foreslåede løsning – eller foreslå en anden løsning.

Muligheden; det er hjørnestenen. Uden muligheder er der ingen chancer, ingen løsninger.

Dette er, hvad vi ønsker at tilbyde afrikanske lande: muligheden for i deres hænder at have en forundersøgelse af projektet, finansieret af vestlige lande og / eller internationale organisationer, der kunne gøre det muligt for os at tilbyde en potentiel løsning.«

Foto: (Fra øverst venstre) Satellitfoto, 1973, 1987, 1997, 2001.

Udtørringen af Tchadsøen: »At forhindre, at Tchadsøen forsvinder og at genoprette den til sit 1963-niveau på 25.000 km², er ikke alene af stor betydning for Sahelzonens nationer og resten af Afrika, men er af strategisk betydning for planeten.«

Se også: EIR-artikel, 5. dec., 2014 (3 dele): EIR Brings Transaqua Plan, BRICS to Lake Chad Event

Valg i Tyskland:
Udvikling af Mellemøsten og Afrika
er den eneste menneskelige løsning
på flygtningekrisen.
Af Helga Zepp-LaRouche

28. august, 2017 – Der er ingen, der ved, hvor mange mennesker, der i det forgangne år er druknet i Middelhavet eller er døde af tørst i Sahara – titusinder, måske flere. Arten og måden, hvorpå EU behandler flygtningekrisen, opfattes i hele verden som Europas moralske sår. Pave Frans har ret, når han sammenligner interneringslejrene for flygtninge med koncentrationslejre.

Men forslagene fra de andre partier, der deltager i Forbundsdagsvalget, reflekterer hele spektret af fremmedfjendtlig populisme, helt til de absurde forslag som skabelse af alternative arbejdspladser for menneskehandlerne. Forslagene rækker over afskærmning af EU’s ydre grænser, »solidarisk« fordeling af flygtninge i EU, forsyning af den libyske kystvagt med »det nødvendige udstyr», udskiftning af de libyske interneringslejre med FN-ledede lejre til legal indvandring for flygtninge med gode erhvervskvalifikationer, varslingssystemer til tidlig opdagelse af potentielle flygtninge osv. De reflekterer alle den uudtalte antagelse, at Afrika i al evighed vil forblive i en tilstand af underudvikling.

BüSo og Schiller Instituttet har længe foreslået en helt anden politik: et reelt, økonomisk infrastruktur- og opbygningsprogram for hele det afrikanske kontinent. Vi udgår fra det perspektiv, at fattigdom og underudvikling i Afrika – resultatet af århundreders kolonipolitik og, i de seneste årtier, af IMF’s betingelsespolitik – kan overvindes for altid gennem et integreret infrastrukturprogram, gennem industrialisering og gennem udvikling af et moderne landbrug.

Til dette formål har vi udarbejdet en rapport med titlen, Den Nye Silkevej bliver til Verdenslandbroen. Et centralt projekt i dette udviklingsprogram, Transaqua-projektet, bliver nu realiseret i samarbejde mellem Kina og Italien. Transaqua bliver det største infrastrukturprojekt i Afrika, hvor ikke-udnyttet vand fra Congoflodens bifloder i 500 meters højde over havoverfladen føres til Tchadsøen gennem et system af floder og kanaler. Gennem dette projekt bliver tolv afrikanske stater forsynet med et system med intern sejllads, elektricitet fra vandkraftværker og anlæg til kunstig vanding af landbrugsjorder, og Tchadsøen, der er indtørret til blot 10 % af sin tidligere vandmængde, bliver igen opfyldt. Dette projekt vil betyde en kvalitativ betydelig forbedring af levestandarden for 40 millioner mennesker

Vi appellerer til de europæiske regeringer om at skabe de rammebetingelser, der gør det muligt for mellemstore og andre firmaer at deltage i investeringer i byggeriet af Transaqua og de andre infrastrukturprojekter, vi har foreslået, og som hermed vil skabe produktive arbejdspladser til mange hundrede millioner mennesker i Afrika. Kina har, med byggeri af jernbaner, industriparker, vandkraftværker osv. allerede sørget for, at mennesker i Afrika for første gang har et berettiget håb om at overvinde fattigdom og underudvikling. Hvis Den Nye Silkevej bliver bygget i hele Afrika, kan Afrika endda i løbet af de næste årtier overgå Kinas økonomiske mirakel!

BüSo er det parti i Tyskland, der ikke blot har ideerne, men som også kan virkeliggøre dem. Artiklen om vores arbejde igennem årtierne i People’s Daily bør læses af alle, der vil være med til at overvinde flygtningekrisen.

Stem på BüSo-partiet, hvis De er interesseret i virkelige løsninger!    


Redaktionens bemærkninger:

Helga Zepp-LaRouche, der i Danmark er mest kendt som stifter og præsident af det internationale Schiller Institut, er også formand for det tyske parti, BüSo, (Bürgerrechtsbewegung Solidarität, Borgerretsbevægelsen Solidaritet), og hun er spidskandidat til kanslerposten i Berlin-kredsen til forbundsdagsvalget, der finder sted den 24. september. Læsere, der er specielt interesseret i det tyske valg, kan holde sig løbende informeret på BüSo’s valgportal på BüSo’s hjemmeside. EIR’s 384-sider lange rapport Den Nye Silkevej bliver til Verdenslandbroen er nu også udgivet på tysk – interesserede bedes henvende sig til vores kontor. (Kan også købes som pdf for €35).

Se en udførlig introduktion på dansk, ved Helga Zepp-LaRouche.


Se også Helgas video-valgspot:


Én infrastrukturverden, der kollapser, og én, der bygges op.

Med næstformand Michelle Rasmussen:

»Man kan bruge en linje fra Charles Dickens, hvor han skrev om historien om to byer, men her har vi historien om to verdener, to verdenssyn; det ene er et kollapsende paradigme, hvor man simpelthen har forsømt at investere i moderne infrastruktur, i vedligeholdelse og modernisering af infrastrukturen og har udsultet infrastrukturen, med katastrofale konsekvenser, på den ene side; og så et nyt paradigme … jeg vil fortælle historien om Schiller Instituttets årtier lange kamp for at realisere nogle nøgle-udviklingsprojekter, som nu faktisk er ved at blive til noget, fordi en stor nation som Kina har besluttet at være med.

Så først begynder vi i Houston. I har alle sammen set billeder og nyhedsdækningen. I Houston har vi en kombination af naturkræfter, hvor orkanen Harvey i USA faktisk er blevet en storm, der har den største mængde regnfald for en enkelt storm, 52 inches (132 cm) – kombinationen af virkelig stærke naturkræfter plus menneskelige fejl, fordi Houstons vandkontrol-system er fra lige efter Anden Verdenskrig, og så har der været forslag om modernisering; det seneste forslag vil koste $28 mia., men blev ikke til noget. Og nu har de en storm, hvor det mindste beløb, de snakker om, er $100 mia. Deres system til oversvømmelseskontrol blev her for nylig vurderet og fik et C, som virkelig ringe. Nu er der 50 amter i Texas, som er påvirket. 33 af dem er i nødtilstand, og også 5 amter i Louisiana. Der skulle være 1,7 mio. mennesker, der måtte forlade deres hjem; vi har oversvømmede huse, forretninger, landbrug; ingen elektricitet i tusindvis af hjem; vi har en hel del raffinaderi-kapacitet, der er blevet lukket; vi har en meget vigtig både national og international havn, Houston, som virkelig har taget skade; jernbanenettet, man skønner, at 500.000 jernbanevogne er blevet ødelagt. …

Helga [Zepp-LaRouche] holdt en hovedtale, der er tilgængelig på dansk på vores hjemmeside, hvor hun sagde – og det var samtidig med, at orkanen Harvey ramte – hvor hun sagde, at kun ved, at vi gennemfører Lyndon LaRouches Fire Økonomiske Love, plus, at USA tilslutter sig Kinas Bælte & Vej Initiativ, kunne vi virkelig få gang i de nødvendige investeringer og moderniseringer.

Denne tragedie i Texas og Louisiana kan nu blive en opvågnings-alarmklokke til borgerne, til politikerne, om, at, nu skal der virkelig ske noget drastisk, og det kan kun lade sig gøre, hvis vi siger, at, nu skal vi ikke bare tale om LaRouches Fire Love; nu skal vi ikke bare tale om, hvor fremragende, det ville være, hvis USA tilslutter sig Bælte & Vej Initiativet, men nu skal det faktisk gøres.…«



Dias til mødet…

People’s Daily sætter fokus på LaRouche i dækning af Transaqua

27. aug., 2017 – I en lang rapport den 21. aug. om de nyligt forhøjede udsigter for det længe planlagte, store »Transaqua«-infrastrukturprojekt, der vil transformere Tchadsøen og Subsaharisk Afrika, satte Kinas China Daily fokus på Lyndon LaRouches og hans bevægelses rolle. Artiklen satte også dette afgørende vand- og energiprojekt i sammenhæng med Kinas Bælte & Vej Initiativ, eller den »Nye Silkevej«, og hvor avisen China Daily den 20. aug. satte fokus på Helga og Lyndon LaRouches historiske rolle.

Tchadsøens bækken med Transaqua-projektet

»40 millioner mennesker, der er afhængige af Tchadsøen for deres levebrød, har fået fornyet håb«, skrev People’s Daily, »i kølvandet på underskrivelsen sidste juni i Hangzhou, Kina, af en aftale mellem den kinesiske byggegigant, PowerChina, og det italienske firma, Bonifica Spa. Disse nyheder blev imidlertid først offentliggjort i begyndelsen af denne måned.«

»Aftalen drejer sig om at udføre forundersøgelser om muligheden for at overføre 100 mia. kubikmeter vand om året fra Congofloden i den Demokratiske Republik Congo, DRC, for at genopfylde den hastigt skrumpende Tchadsø, en strækning på 2.500 km. Projektet kendes også som Transaqua. Ifølge Executive Intelligence Reviews, EIR-magasinets website, blev forståelsesmemorandaet underskrevet ved et møde mellem de to selskabers ledere i overværelse af den italienske ambassadør til Kina, Gabriele Menegatti.«

Under overskriften »LaRouches rolle«, skrev China Daily, »Takket være den kamp, som LaRouche-organisationen og initiativtagerne til Transaqua har taget op i alle årene, er projektet nu ved at blive til virkelighed inden for rammerne af Bælte & Vej Initiativet. EIR-magasinet og Schiller Instituttet arrangerede i 2015 det første møde mellem LCBC [Lake Chad Basin Commission, -red.] og hjernerne bag Transaqua. Dette blev i december 2016 fulgt op af underskrivelsen af MOU’et mellem LCBC og PowerChina og af de efterfølgende kontakter mellem Bonifica Spa og det kinesiske selskab.«

Avisen bemærker ligeledes, at »Lake Chad Basin Commission løste spørgsmålet om finansiering af undersøgelserne af vandoverførsel ved at skabe en Ny Silkevej til Tchadsøen. PowerChina, et af landets største, multinationale selskaber, som byggede de Tre Slugters Dæmning [i Kina], underskrev et forståelsesmemorandum med LCBC sidste december.«

Artiklen i People’s Daily, skrevet af Kimeng Hilton Ndukong, er alt for gennemillustreret og lang til at gennemgå her; artiklen fremlægger detaljeret det eksistentielle subsahara-problem med Tchadsøens skrumpning hen over 50 år; resultaterne heraf i form af økonomisk ødelæggelse og fremvæksten af terrorisme i regionen; og Transaqua-projektets enorme skala, der vil transformere regionen. Dette er potentielt et af Lyndon og Helga LaRouches største værker.

Foto: Fiskeri er en væsentlig kilde til millioner af menneskers levebrød i Tchadsøens bækken. (Foto: LCBC/People’s Daily)

Historisk aftale mellem Italien og Kina om Tchadsøen

7. aug., 2017 – Støttet af deres respektive regeringer, underskrev det italienske ingeniørfirma Bonifica Spa og PowerChina, et af Kinas største, multinationale selskaber, en hensigtserklæring om samarbejde omkring undersøgelse, og sluttelig udførelse, af konstruktion af det største infrastrukturprojekt, der nogen sinde er besluttet for Afrika, og som er det integrerede projekt for vandoverførsel, energi og transport ved navn Transaqua.

Erklæringen blev underskrevet under et møde mellem de eksekutive ledere af de to selskaber i Hangzhoi den 6.-8. juni i overværelse af den italienske ambassadør til Kina, men det blev først kendt i begyndelsen af august.

Transaqua er en idé, der blev udviklet af Bonifica i 1970’erne, om at bygge en 2.400 km lang kanal fra den sydlige region af den Demokratiske Republik Congo, og som ville opfange bifloderne på Congoflodens højre bred gennem dæmninger og reservoirer og, gennem tyngdekraften, bære op til 100 mia. m³ vand om året til Tchadsøen med det formål at genopfylde den skrumpende Tchadsø, og desuden producere elektricitet og rigeligt vand til overrisling. Kanalen ville blive en hovedtransportinfrastruktur for det centrale Afrika.

I de seneste årtier er situationen omkring Tchadsøen blevet mere og mere eksplosiv og presserende. Mens udtørringen af søen har fremtvunget en masseemigration til Europa, er forarmelsen af regionen blevet en frugtbar grobund for rekruttering af terrorrister til Boko Haram. Selv om Transaqua tilbød en løsning på disse problemer, har vestlige nationer og institutioner hidtil afvist at acceptere det, med finansielle og ideologiske påskud.

Takket være LaRouche-organisationens kamp i alle disse år, sammen med ophavsmændene til Transaqua-ideen, kan dette projekt nu blive til virkelighed inden for rammerne af Bælte & Vej Initiativet. EIR og Schiller Instituttet har gjort det muligt for Kommissionen for Tchadsøens Bækken (LCBC), under nigeriansk lederskab, og ophavsmændene til Transaqua at komme sammen, og at Transaqua er blevet anerkendt som den eneste, realistiske løsning. I december 2016 underskrev LCBC et forståelsesmemorandum med PowerChina og arrangerede sluttelig kontakt mellem de italienske og kinesiske selskaber.

Den nigerianske minister for vand, Suleiman Adamu, der talte om 2016-MOU’en til Nigeria Tribune den 25. juli, bemærkede, at PowerChina hr ansvaret for den interne overførsel i selve bækkenet. »Kina gør præcis det samme, de overfører vand fra det sydlige Kina til det nordlige Kina. Lige som Nigeria har det sydlige Kina mere vand end det nordlige Kina. I den nordlige del er nogle områder halvtørre, så de overfører vand. Kanalen, de byggede, er på i alt omkring 2.500 km, og det er Fase 1.

Leder af LCBC, engelske Abdullahi Sanusi, har udtrykt sin overbevisning om, at det nye samarbejde vil lykkes med at »blive en del af god historie og bringe håb til dem, der ikke har nogen stemme«.

Se også: »EIR Brings Transaqua Plan, BRICS to Lake Chad Event«, EIR, 5. dec. 2014.

Hvad New York City kan lære af Afrika.
LPAC kortvideo

New York City er nu officielt gået ind i »Helvedessommeren«, skabt af reparationsarbejde, der for længst burde have været udført, omkring Penn Station. Dette arbejde vil reducere pendlernes adgang til dette afgørende omdrejningspunkt med 20 % af den halve million, daglige pendlere.  For et par uger siden efterlod en togafsporing af et A-tog i New York dusinvis af sårede og forstyrrede hundrede tusinder af togrejser. Om to år vil den planlagte nedlægning af L-toget forstyrre 200.000 daglige togrejser i halvandet år.  I dag er der 2,5 gange så mange forsinkelser i New Yorks undergrundsbane som for blot 5 år siden. Det er tydeligt, at transport i Amerikas førende by er på randen af sammenbrud. Og dette bør ikke komme som nogen overraskelse for dem, der har fulgt manglen på infrastrukturinvestering i løbet af de seneste årtier. Og slet ikke for Lyndon LaRouche, der kæmpede imod 1970’ernes ødelæggelse og under-investering i New York City, og Big Mac Kommunale Bistandsselskabs finansielle diktatur, der overtog det.

Mange af de umiddelbart nødvendige udbedringer er fuldstændigt åbenlyse for enhver, der kender til situationen. Erstat de 100 år gamle tunneller, der krydser Hudson- og East-floderne; opgrader koblingssystemet, som stammer tilbage fra Franklin Roosevelts præsidentskab, og forøg vedligeholdelse og reparationer, eftersyn af spor og udstyr; men det, der virkelig kræves, er et langsigtet perspektiv for det næste niveau af infrastruktur, det langsigtede perspektiv, hvis fravær forårsagede den krise, vi nu befinder os i. En krise, hvor New York City blot er et førende eksempel i USA. Uden at kæmpe for at vinde en forpligtelse over for et sådant langsigtet perspektiv for en ny platform, vil alle kortsigtede udbedringer, selv om de er nødvendige, blot være at ’sparke dåsen hen ad gaden’.

For at gøre dette langsigtede perspektiv klart, lad os se på, hvad vi kan lære af Afrika og Kina.

Med et par af de lidt mere udviklede nationer, såsom Egypten og Sydafrika, som undtagelse, befinder afrikansk infrastruktur sig på et ynkeligt underudviklet niveau. Overvej engang disse tal:

Den totale transport af fragt via jernbane er i Afrika mindre end 10 % af det, den er i USA, Kina eller Europa.

Energiforbrug pr. person i Afrika: Kun 10 % af USA’s, kun en tredjedel af Kinas. Det bliver tydeligere, når vi fokuserer på den højere form for energi, repræsenteret af elektricitet: Forbruget pr. person i Afrika er kun 6 % af det, det er i USA, og kun en fjerdedel af Kinas forbrug. Ja, faktisk har under halvdelen af afrikanere adgang til elektricitet overhovedet. Et typisk, amerikansk køleskab bruger mere end det dobbelte af det gennemsnitlige elektricitetsforbrug hos borgere i Nigeria eller Kenya.

Med en sådan utilstrækkelig infrastrukturplatform er udbredt økonomisk fremskridt simpelt hen umuligt. Og alligevel siger visse mennesker – og med ’visse mennesker’ mener jeg Afrikas tidligere koloniherrer, med briterne i spidsen – at udvikling i Afrika bør ske ved hjælp af ’tilpassede teknologier’; at man bør have en trinvis fremgangsmåde over for forbedringer; at vandpumper, betjent med fødderne, eller solpaneller på en hytte, ville være nyttige opgraderinger. Det er nonsens. For eksempel den ynkelige ’Power Africa’-plan, som præsident Obama foreslog; det ville knap nok efterlade et mærke i de uhyrligt lave udviklingsniveauer.

(Obama): ’Det bliver jeres generation, der kommer til at lide mest. Hvis man sluttelig tænker på alle de unge mennesker, som alle her i Afrika talte om; hvis alle får en forhøjet levestandard i en grad, hvor alle har en bil, og alle har aircondition, og alle har et stort hus, ja, så vil planeten koge over’.

Afrika må gå frem i store spring, ikke kravle fremad, og dette kan ske. Alene Congofloden vil kunne skabe skønsmæssigt 100.000 MW elektricitet; tilstrækkeligt til 100 millioner mennesker, eller flere. Med 40.000 MW alene fra den planlagte Grand Inga-dæmning. Transaqua for Vand-programmet, der ville bruge vand fra Congofloden og dens bifloder til at genopfylde, og sikre sejlads på, Tchadsøen, der nu er ved at tørre ud; dette ville være i en størrelsesorden, der ikke har sin lige nogetsteds i verden. Udvidelse af jernbanelinjer i Afrika indtager i dag en førende plads i verden. Det vokser; nye transportruter i hele Afrika vil forbinde oplandet omkring moderne udvikling, og dette vil ændre situationen for nogle af indlandsområdernes nuværende isolation. For at give et eksempel: de nuværende fragtomkostninger ved at bringe en container gødning fra Singapore til Rwanda eller Burundi, er mere end 2,5 gange omkostningerne, forbundet med at bringe det til havnebyen Alexandria i Egypten pga. den forfærdelige, utilstrækkelige kvalitet af transportinfrastrukturen over land på hele kontinentet. Så, ved at skabe adgang til effektiv transport, har regioner fordel af mulighederne for at bringe udstyr og forsyninger ind, for at eksportere deres produkter og ideer, og for indbyggerne til at rejse. Med elektricitet til rådighed, frigøres en højere evne til produktivitet, og værdien af landet, og befolkningen, stiger. Det er der nogle mennesker, der indser. Ulig synspunktet i den transatlantiske verden, ser Kina Afrika som, ikke simpelt hen en kilde til råmaterialer; som et kontinent, det er bedst at holde nede i en tilstand af underudvikling; men derimod som en mulighed for massiv, hurtig, intens, generel, økonomisk udvikling; som potentielle partnere og fælles fremgang; som nye markeder, nye samarbejdspartnere.

Så, alt imens amerikanske og europæiske investeringer i Afrika er tungt orienteret mod udvinding af mineraler og resurser, så går kinesiske investeringer primært til infrastruktur og små og mellemstore foretagender. I 2010 overhalede Kinas handel med Afrika USA’s handel med Afrika og er i øjeblikket mere end dobbelt så stor som USA’s handel med Afrika. Og Kina finansierer store projekter; den næsten 500 km (300 miles) lange jernbane med standardspor i Kenya, bygget på 3 år; den 750 km (500 miles) lange jernbane mellem Djibouti og Addis Abeba, som vil blive forlænget; den reducerer rejsetiden fra dage til timer, mens den farer forbi med 100 miles/timen. Sådanne store investeringer, sammen med den fremtidige færdiggørelse af Grand Inga-dæmningen, af Transaqua-vandsystemet; de vil fuldstændigt transformere Afrikas økonomi, og alle lokaliteterne i den, og bringe adgang til vand, energi og transport og gøre et højere niveau af industri, udvinding, landbrug, videnskabelige og kulturelle satsninger muligt; produktiviteten vil vokse.

Lad os nu vende tilbage til New York City. Hvad er det, der har manglet i New York City? Vedligeholdelse? Nej. Det, der har manglet, er en forpligtelse til at opdage og bygge den næste platform for infrastruktur for området. I sammenhæng med et statsligt kreditsystem, med højhastighedsjernbaner, udført af en statslig jernbanemyndighed, med opgraderede og pålidelige vandveje, med højteknologiske, nye designs af kernekraftværker, og alt dette bygget med et potentielt internationalt samarbejde. Og i denne sammenhæng, hvordan passer så New York City ind i dette større område, som det eksisterer i? Hvor vil den næste generation af transport- og udviklingsknudepunkter komme til at ligge? På hvilke teknologier vil de være baseret? Hvordan kan magnetisk svævetogs-teknologi ændre vores syn på transport? Hvordan vil kommerciel fusionskraft, der virkeliggøres inden for et årti gennem et gennemfinansieret forskningsprogram; hvordan kan dette ændre vores forhold til energi, til materialer, til produktion, til transport? Hvordan vil den udvidede adgang til vand, energi og transport åbne nye områder i landet for udvikling, og for højere former for udvikling? Hvordan vil Beringstræde-forbindelsen ændre verdens handelsruter? Vil New York City stadig være nationens førende metropol om hundrede år?

Så, jo, reparér L-toget; ja, byg de nye tunneller under Hudsonfloden; udbedr absolut katastrofen, kendt som Penn Station. Men gør det alt sammen i en national og international sammenhæng; en sammenhæng, der har et fremtidsorienteret, økonomisk standpunkt om at foretage spring til en højere infrastrukturplatform. I takt med, at vores fremtidige, nationale jernbanemyndighed bygger et togsystem, der kører 300 miles/timen, med start i hele det nordøstlige område; i takt med, at transit og byer opgraderes til at gøre det muligt for pendlertiden at være en halv time snarere end halvanden time; i takt med, at Verdenslandbroen bliver forbundet med Nordamerika og gør det muligt at rejse over land fra New York til Beijing, fra Nordamerika til Asien; i takt med, at alt dette sker, hvilke totalt nye projekter vil så ske i New York City? Hvad vil byens fremtid være, og hvad vil byens mission være? Fortidens fejltagelse var den, ikke at have en fremtid, og denne fejltagelse må slutte.

Offentliggjort den 14. jul. 2017

Xi Jinping til G20 topmøde:
Bevar fokus fra Hangzhou-topmødet
på win-win-løsninger og innovation

9. juli, 2017 – Den kinesiske præsident fokuserede i vid udstrækning på globale, økonomiske spørgsmål i sin officielle tale til G20-topmødet i Hamborg den 7. juli og opfordrede til, at man gjorde fremskridt mht. de punkter, der blev aftalt under sidste års G20-topmøde, der blev holdt i Hangzhou, Kina. Xi understregede behovet for at »søge vinder-løsninger for alle på de fælles udfordringer, der konfronterer os«, og at »vi bør skabe nye kilder for vækst i den globale økonomi. Innovation er, mere end noget andet, en sådan ny kilde til vækst«.

Xi afsluttede sine bemærkninger ved at referere til det succesrige Bælte & Vej Forum i Beijing den 14.-15. maj i år, hvor vi, »ledet af en ny vision for regeringsførelse, byggede en ny platform for samarbejde for at udnytte nye kilder til vækst. Forpligtelsen fra Bælte & Vej Forum er i høj grad forenelig med målet for G20.«

I endnu en tale den 8. juli opfordrede Xi G20 til at gøre mere for at hjælpe Afrikas udvikling og erklærede, at »Kina er en oprigtig partner for Afrika … Kina støtter Afrikas udvikling gennem konkrete projekter, hvor der ikke er tilknyttet politiske betingelser«.

Foto: Kinas præsident Xi Jinping ses her i samtale med  Sydafrikas præsident Jacob Zuma, med hvem han havde et møde på sidenlinjerne af G20 i Hamborg. 

»Det nye navn for fred er økonomisk udvikling«
Helga Zepp-LaRouches hovedtale til
Schiller Instituttets m. fl. Konference,
Mad for Fred, New York, 7. juli, 2017. (PDF)

Det er bestemt sandt, at tiden for den unipolære verden er forbi, men multi-polaritet er stadig ikke løsningen, for det indbefatter stadig geopolitik, der var årsag til to verdenskrige i det 20. århundrede, og denne geopolitik er stadig i operation, i Nordkorea, i Syrien og i Ukraine.

Vi må derfor finde et højere niveau. Vi må få verden frem til at blive det, præsident Xi Jinping altid kalder »et samfund for menneskehedens fælles fremtid«. Et stort skridt i denne retning kunne være mødet mellem præsident Trump og præsident Putin, der mødes i dag for første gang som præsidenter. Dette er selvfølgelig et meget vigtigt skridt, for mellem præsident Trump og præsident Xi Jinping er der allerede etableret en meget positiv relation, så det er meget, meget afgørende, hvad der kommer ud af Trump-Putin-mødet. For de spørgsmål, vi må løse, er presserende og dramatiske.

Download (PDF, Unknown)


Videoklippet med Helgas tale kan ses her, start 15:45 min.: 


International konference i New York:
Mad for Fred, 7. juli, 2017

(Denne introduktionstekst forekommer på invitationen til konferencen):

Efter sin tale som deltager i Topmødet for Globale Tænketanke under Bælte & Vej Forum i Beijing, 14.-15. maj, sagde Helga Zepp-LaRouche, stifter og formand for Schiller Instituttet, i et interview til Shanghai Daily:

»Jeg mener, at Bælte & Vej Initiativet betyder et revolutionerende skridt hen imod en ny epoke i civilisationen. Ideen om at have win-win-samarbejde mellem nationer er første gang, et konkret koncept for at overvinde geopolitik er blevet fremsat.

Eftersom geopolitik var årsagen til de to verdenskrige, mener jeg, det er et fuldstændig nyt paradigme for tankegang, hvor en idé, der fremsættes af ét land, samtidig vil have den nationale interesse i overensstemmelse med hele menneskehedens interesse. Dette er aldrig tidligere sket.

Dette har indgydt et enormt håb blandt udviklingslandene om, at de har en mulighed for at overvinde fattigdom og underudvikling. Og jeg mener, dette er et initiativ, der vil vokse, indtil alle kontinenterne er forbundne gennem infrastruktur og udvikling.«

I samarbejde med Kinas Energifondskomite og Fonden for Genoplivelse af Klassisk Kultur, afholder Schiller Instituttet en konference i New York City fredag, den 7. juli, 2017. Vi vil bringe sammen, landbrugsledere, forskere og ingeniører inden for landbrug og politiske og diplomatiske, officielle personer fra hele USA, ledere fra Kina og fra andre nationer. Opgaven bliver at formulere en politik for fødevareproduktion og handel – i kølvandet på gennembruddet med Bælte & Vej Forum i Beijing i maj, 2017 – for omgående og radikalt at UDVIDE den globale fødevareproduktion og brødføde verden, katalyseret gennem den mest avancerede, 21. århundredes nuklear- og satellitteknologi.

Den amerikanske økonom og videnskabsmand, Lyndon LaRouche, der for 29 år siden var den oprindelige ophavsmand til konceptet og politikken med den »økonomiske udviklingskorridor« – i dag kendt som Verdenslandbroen – erklærede i sin rapport fra 1983, ’Der er ingen grænser for vækst’, at nationer nu, med de eksisterende teknologier, har evnen til at producere tilstrækkelig med fødevarer af høj kvalitet til at brødføde 25 mia. mennesker, med en sund kost!

Han påpegede desuden, at Afrikas udvikling er af strategisk betydning – dvs., af strategisk betydning for Asien og for hele verdens befolkning. Hr LaRouche forklarede dernæst de detaljerede politikker for at virkeliggøre Afrikas potentiale for at blive både hele verdens »brødkurv« og et center for videnskab og rumforskning.

I dag, hvor 100 nationer aktivt deltager i Kinas Bælte & Vej Initiativ, er Vejen åben for at gøre netop dette!

Billede: »Fields of Gold«, af kunstneren Jane Small.

»Det nye navn for fred er økonomisk udvikling«.
LaRouche PAC Internationale Webcast,
7. juli, 2017

Vært Matthew Ogden: Jeg vil gerne indlede med at fortælle vore seere, at, i dag er en meget historisk dag. Vi har endnu ikke fået de fulde rapporter om alt, der er sket; men vi har i dag set to meget vigtige konferencer, der finder sted, mens vi taler. Én af dem er naturligvis G20-topmødet i Hamborg, Tyskland, og den anden er konferencen (Schiller Instituttet, Kinesisk Energifond, Fonden for Genoplivelse af Klassisk Kultur), der finder sted i New York her i USA. Sidstnævnte er selvfølgelig konferencen med den meget passende titel, »Mad for Fred; Mad for Mennesker; Mad for Tankerne. Det nye navn for fred er økonomisk udvikling«; der, som jeg sagde, er sponsoreret i fællesskab af Schiller Instituttet, Kinesisk Energifond og Fonden for Genoplivelse af Klassisk Kultur. Vi vil i aftenens show vise videoen med Helga Zepp-LaRouches hovedtale på denne konference.

Men før vi kommer til det, så finder dagens anden, potentielt verdenshistoriske begivenhed sted på sidelinjerne af G20-topmødet i Hamborg, Tyskland. Selve G20-topmødet er relativt betydningsløst, sammenlignet med det langt vigtigere og større møde mht. potentiel signifikans, der fandt sted lidt tidligere i dag, mellem præsident Trump fra USA og præsident Putin fra Rusland. Og dette er, som jeg sagde, langt større mht. dets potentielle signifikans. Dette var muligheden for, at præsident Putin og præsident Trump kunne have deres første, regulære møde ansigt til ansigt. Ifølge nyhedsrapporteringer varede dette topmøde – der, som jeg sagde, var den første mulighed for disse to præsidenter at mødes ansigt til ansigt – over to en halv time. Det var kun meningen, mødet skulle vare 30minutter; men det faktum, at det fortsatte så lang tid – 2,5 time – er allerede og i sig selv et meget potentielt godt tegn. Det er tydeligvis en lovende udvikling; og uanset indholdet af denne drøftelse – som bestemt vil være meget signifikant; men, uanset dette, så varsler muligheden for USA’s og Ruslands præsidenter at mødes ansigt til ansigt, og at skabe en direkte, personlig relation, godt for fred og stabilitet for hele verden, men også for relationerne mellem disse to lande og for skabelsen af en sund relation uden andres mellemkomst mellem disse to verdensledere. Og på trods af alle forsøg i de seneste uger på at sabotere potentialet for dette møde, så holdt det, og det fandt sted. Vi har endnu ikke modtaget de fulde rapporter om drøftelserne.

Vi ved, at der kun var seks personer, der deltog; så dette var en meget personlig mulighed for Trump og Putin til at udvikle denne form for arbejdsrelation. Mødet bestod af USA’s udenrigsminister Rex Tillerson, Ruslands udenrigsminister Sergei Lavrov, de to tolke – den russiske og den engelske – og så selvfølgelig, de to præsidenter. Dette blev tilsyneladende gjort for at gøre det muligt for diskussionen at være meget åben, meget fri, og meget fokuseret på at maksimere det positive potentiale, som denne historiske mulighed bød på. Selve mødet indledtes med korte bemærkninger fra begge præsidenter til pressen, der fik lov at komme ind i lokalet lige i begyndelsen. Der var fotomuligheder, mens de trykkede hinanden i hånden, og de sagde, at de begge så frem til en meget grundig og positiv diskussion. Trump sagde det følgende:

»Præsident Putin og jeg har diskuteret forskellige ting, og jeg synes, det går meget godt. Vi ser frem til, at der vil ske en masse positive ting for Rusland og for USA, og for alle andre berørte.«

Dernæst fulgte præsident Putin op på disse bemærkninger:

»Vi har talt sammen over telefon, men telefonsamtaler er afgjort aldrig nok. Jeg håber, at, som De sagde«, med henvisning til præsident Trumps bemærkninger, »vore møder vil give positive resultater.«

Dette møde mellem de to præsidenter fulgte efter et timelangt møde tidligere på dagen mellem udenrigsministrene Tillerson og Lavrov, hvor de, iflg. rapporter, diskuterede potentialet for en antiterror-koalition mellem Rusland og USA; med nogle detaljer mht. situationen i Syrien og præsident Assad. Nogle af detaljerne i denne foreslåede plan blev afsløret i pressen i går og i dag. Planen inkluderede såkaldte »sikre zoner« og tilsyneladende også en aftale om at gøre det muligt for præsident Assad at forblive ved magten; men dernæst at gå frem med en diplomatisk løsning på situationen dér. Men der er heller ikke blevet rapporteret eller afsløret nogen detaljer om dette møde mellem udenrigsministrene Lavrov og Tillerson. Men det anses selvfølgelig generelt som forberedelse til drøftelserne mellem Trump og Putin.

Bortset fra det, så har G20-topmødet været temmelig domineret af meget voldsomme protester og aktivitet fra uropolitiet uden for topmødet i Hamborg; og, på selve topmødet, af diskussioner om frihandel og klimaforandring. Men betydningen af de bilaterale møder, der finder sted på sidelinjerne, er naturligvis langt vigtigere end nogen diskussion, der finder sted på selve G20-møderne. En positiv indikation er imidlertid, at der tydeligvis er gang i noget mht. relationen mellem Tyskland og Kina. Helga Zepp-LaRouche sagde, da vi talte med hende for ca. 30 min. siden, at hun ser noget meget positivt, der finder sted i retning af kinesisk-tysk samarbejde om Afrikas udvikling. Kinas præsident Xi Jinping benyttede lejligheden af sit besøg i Tyskland for at deltage i dette G20-topmøde, til at få et regulært møde med Tysklands kansler Angela Merkel, og hvor de underskrev en aftale om i fællesskab at bygge et vandkraftværk i Angola. Under den fælles pressekonference efter mødet sagde Xi Jinping:

»Vi fejrer i år 45-året for relationen mellem Tyskland og Kina. Det er en succeshistorie. Vi står nu over for en ny begyndelse, hvor vi har brug for nye gennembrud.«

Helga Zepp-LaRouche sagde:

»Dette er tydeligvis begyndelsen til noget, der potentielt er meget positivt mht. de bilaterale relationer mellem Tyskland og Kina, men også mht. den idé, at Tyskland spiller en meget positiv rolle med at deltage i de udviklingsprojekter, som Kina allerede bygger i Afrika.«

Xi sagde, at Kina er parat til at gå sammen med Tyskland for at konsolidere den gensidige tillid mellem de to lande; opbygge mere konsensus og fremme samarbejde og forbundethed (konnektivitet).

Helga Zepp-LaRouches analyse af dette var, at der tydeligvis var åbnet op for noget; og dette kommer i hælene på Bælte & Vej Forum, der fandt sted i Beijing i midten af maj. Selv om Tyskland ikke spillede noget særlig positiv eller aktiv rolle på dette forum, så sagde Helga, at,

»De er tydeligvis ikke så dumme, at de ikke kan se, hvad vej vinden blæser. Hvis de ikke springer med på vognen nu, vil de blive efterladt i mørket. Udviklingen af Afrika er tydeligvis en mulighed for Tyskland og andre lande i hele verden til at deltage i disse fordelagtige tredjeverdensrelationer med Kina og de afrikanske nationer.«

Én meget interessant udvikling på denne front er et andet topmøde, der finder sted samtidig med G20-topmødet i Tyskland, og det er Schiller Institut/Kinesisk Energifond-konferencen, der finder sted i New York City. Dette er et topmøde under den Afrikanske Union; og hovedtalen på dette topmøde blev holdt af FN’s vicegeneralsekretær, en kvinde ved navn Amina Mohammed, der er tidligere nigeriansk regeringsminister. I sine bemærkninger til denne konference under den Afrikanske Union kom hun med en meget vigtig henvisning til den rolle, som Kina spiller gennem Bælte & Vej Initiativet for at bringe udvikling til det afrikanske kontinent. Hun opmuntrede alle nationerne i den Afrikanske Union til at »benytte sig« af denne massive, kinesiske regeringsinvestering og infrastrukturprojekter, der har gjort det muligt for disse lande at begynde at bevæge sig, med spring fremad, forbi den tvungne tilbageståenhed, der var blevet dem påtvunget gennem århundreders kolonialisme og imperiepolitik. I sin tale roste Amina Mohammed »Kinas Bælte & Vej Initiativ, der tilsigter at bygge en Ny Silkevej, bestående af havne, jernbaner og veje for at udvide handels-konnektivitet i hele Asien, Afrika og Europa«, iflg. nyhedsrapporteringer. Hun sagde, »Dette er en mulighed for ikke alene at give alternativer for at gøre skydevåbnene tavse for vort folk, men en mulighed, der vil bevare vore aktiver – både menneskelige og naturlige – på kontinentet og bygge vort i morgen, i dag.« Dette er en meget vigtig bemærkning fra FN’s vicegeneralsekretær, og vi ved, at Antonio Guterres, FN’s generalsekretær, havde meget positive bemærkninger, som han udtalte om Bælte & Vej Initiativet på tærsklen til Bælte & Vej Forum i Beijing.

Dette fører os direkte til den konference, der finder sted, mens vi taler, i New York City. Denne konference, der fandt sted parallelt med et møde i FN om sikkerhed for fødevareforsyning og bæredygtighed i landbruget, blev adresseret i fællesskab af Helga Zepp-LaRouche – og vi vil afspille hendes bemærkninger om et øjeblik – men også af Patrick Ho, der er viceformand for Kinesisk Energifondskomiteen. Han havde netop talt i FN sammen med en meget stor kinesisk delegation af kinesiske landbrugseksperter, den foregående dag, i går. Han holdt en tale, der stemte meget godt overens med den tale, han holdt tidligere på dagen på denne begivenhed i New York, sponsoreret af Schiller Instituttet. Den tale, han holdt, var – iflg. rapporter – en meget anti-Malthus-tale om potentialet for en hurtig udvikling af bæredygtigt landbrug, for at brødføde den konstant voksende befolkning på denne planet. Noget, der naturligvis direkte tilbageviser argumentet i Malthus-traditionen, og som er kommet fra Det britiske Imperium så længe. Men med de rapporter fra denne konference, der stadig finder sted, mens vi taler, så er der 175 deltagere; diplomatiske delegationer fra diverse lande i hele verden via deres konsulater i New York City; aktivister, der deltager; folk fra diverse colleges i omegnen af New York City; og den officielle repræsentation fra den kinesiske delegation og fra en landbrugsdelegation, der er kommet tilrejsende fra USA’s Midtvesten. Denne konference åbnedes med bemærkninger fra den tidligere borgmester af Muscatine, Iowa, som personligt overbragte hilsner til konferencen; men dernæst gav han deltagerne på konferencen en slags lektion i baggrundshistorien om, hvorfor Iowa-Kina-porten er så afgørende for amerikansk-kinesiske relationer. Meget af dette drejer sig om præsident Xi Jinpings personlige relation til staten Iowa og byen Muscatine pga. hans interesse for landbrugsmetoder i USA i den tid, hvor Xi Jinping var provinsguvernør i Kina. Han havde således et personligt bånd til staten Iowa, men også til den tidligere guvernør Terry Branstad, der nu er USA’s ambassadør til Kina. Efter borgmesteren af Muscatines bemærkninger holdt Patrick Ho sin tale; og dette efterfulgtes så direkte af Helga Zepp-LaRouches hovedtale.

Jeg vil nu gerne give jer lejlighed til selv at høre de bemærkninger, som Helga Zepp-LaRouche kom med til denne konference, og som fik en meget varm modtagelse og bragte hele diskussionsniveauet op på et meget højt niveau mht. de muligheder, der ligger forude, for at konsolidere dette Nye Paradigme i internationale relationer; især med muligheden for fuldt og helt at bringe USA ind i en deltagelse i den Nye Silkevej.

Her følger Helga Zepp-LaRouches bemærkninger:

(Her følger resten af webcastet på engelsk).          


: Dear conference participants, I feel
very honored to address you, even if it is by video, because I
think we are all aware that we are involved in the historically,
extremely important process of trying to improve the relationship
between the United States and China, in the context of the Belt
and Road Initiative. This is especially important in the area of
agriculture and food production, because this is an extremely
urgent question. Because, while at the G20 meeting in Hangzhou
last year, China and all the other participating nations devoted
themselves to eradicate poverty by the year 2020, we have not yet
reached that goal. Just a couple of days ago, the UN Food and
Agriculture Organization put out a report that world hunger is on
the rise, and that the situation, especially in Yemen, is
terrible: Half or more of the population is in acute danger of
starvation; but also in Nigeria and South Sudan and many other
areas, the situation is worsening.
Well, today, there is also the G20 summit in Hamburg, and
the outcome will be a surprise, either way, because until last
year’s G20 in Hangzhou, which was very harmonious and
characterized by a great optimism for the future of mankind, this
time the tensions are very high. In the last couple of days
however, there was a sort of prelude in the form of a summit
between President Putin and President Xi Jinping in Moscow, which
was really extremely important, and both characterized it as the
most important event of the year for their nation. They deepened
the strategic partnership, they established an even deeper level
of their personal friendship, and they declared that the time of
the unipolar world is over, because of the strategic partnership,
This is certainly true, that the time of the unipolar world
is over, but multi-polarity is still not the solution, because it
implies still geopolitics, which was the cause of two world wars
in the 20th century, and this geopolitics is still in operation,
in North Korea, in Syria, in Ukraine.
We must therefore find a higher level. We must get the world
to what President Xi Jinping always calls “the community for a
shared future of humanity.” One big step in that direction could
be the meeting President Trump and President Putin, who are
meeting today for the first time as Presidents. Obviously, this
is a very important step because, between President Trump and
President Xi Jinping, a very positive relationship has been
established already, so whatever comes out of this Trump-Putin
meeting is very, very crucial. Because the questions we have to
solve are urgent and dramatic.
The food crisis, the hunger crisis which I mentioned is only
a symptom of the fact that the old economic model is not
functioning any more. We are sitting on a powder-keg crisis which
erupted in 2008, which could come back with a vengeance, only
much, much worse. Because even a slight increase in the interest
rate, moving away from quantitative easing could lead to a
blowout of the corporate debt. Now, the firms which got the zero
interest rate liquidity from the central banks, the quantitative
easing, used this money, not to invest in productive investment,
but for so-called financial engineering by buying up their own
stocks to make it look better on the books, having more nominal
value but also increasing the corporate debt which could now
could blow out if there is an increase in the interest rate.
And that is only one aspect of the systemic crisis which we
still have. The other one is the so-called level 3 derivatives
which many European and other banks are sitting on. Level 3
derivatives are those, which no market … because you can’t sell
them, and the banks still keep them as assets, which really is a
sort of mega-fall [ph 5.03].
So the problem is that just yesterday, the fourth largest
bank in Italy was taken over by the government, and combined with
a bail-in, whereby the customers could only sell their bonds and
stocks at 18 cents to the euro, and that is a threat which is
hanging over the entire banking system.
Now, what could be done to solve that? Well, let’s look at
one other aspect of the crisis: Just a couple of days ago, in one
single day, 80,000 refugees arrived from Libya in little boats,
being picked up by NGOs in Italy. Eighty thousand people in one
day overstretches the capacity of any country, and Italy has
already taken in so many million people. So when they requested
that other countries located on the Mediterranean like Spain and
France should also take some of these refugees, these countries
rejected that.
Now that obviously shows there is no unity in the European
Union on this question.
Now how could you address this whole series of problems?
What should actually be on the agenda of the G20 in Hamburg?
Well, if you would put a global Glass-Steagall separation on the
agenda, doing exactly what Franklin D. Roosevelt did in 1933, by
separating the commercial banks and the investment banks, putting
the commercial banks under state protection, writing off the
non-performing the derivatives of the investment banks, and then
going to a Hamiltonian credit system by setting up national banks
in every country and issuing large-scale, low-interest rate
credits, then we could solve the problem.
Mr. LaRouche has defined Four Laws to remedy the financial
crisis and the Fourth Law is the crash program for the
realization of thermonuclear fusion power. And there, the good
news is that China just accomplished a major breakthrough in this
respect, with its [EAST] tokomak in Hefei where they reached a
so-called “steady-state H-mode operation” for 101.2 seconds. This
is a major step towards the realization of thermonuclear fusion.
If such a reorganization according to these Four Laws,
Glass-Steagall, national bank, credit system, crash program for
fusion and space technology would be implemented, then the
trans-Atlantic countries could cooperate with such banks as the
AIIB, the New Development Bank, and others, together with China,
and build up, for example, Africa. China is so far the only
country which has done something to fight the root causes of the
refugee crisis, by investing large-scale in rail lines in Africa,
in dams, in power plants, in industrial parks, and in
agriculture. And this is actually, the only way to solve the
refugee crisis in a human way.
One promising step in this right direction is that between
President Xi Jinping and Chancellor Merkel, yesterday they agreed
that they will build together the hydropower complex in Angola,
and stated that that could be a model for the cooperation between
China and Germany in Africa in general.
Now, the Africans, because of what China has been doing, in
building up huge industrial complexes for the first time in
Africa, they have a new sense of self-confidence and they’re
telling the Europeans, “we don’t want to have your sermons on how
we should have good governance, we want to have investments in
infrastructure, in manufacture, in agriculture, as equal business
Can we expect the G20 to do this, to go in this direction of
a global reorganization of the financial system and then go for a
real intervention in the development of Africa? Well, I’m afraid
they will not.
But this will remain the issue which has to be accomplished.
The Four Laws of Lyndon LaRouche, and to get the United States
and European countries to cooperate with China in the Belt and
Road Initiative, in the New Silk Road, is, indeed, the approach
how you can tackle all problems in the world. But this
conference, the Food for Peace conference is a very important
step in this direction. As a matter of fact, to get the United
States and China to work together on the New Silk Road
perspective, in the New Silk Road spirit, is in my view the most
important aspect in this process: Because if the two largest
economies can work together, I think we are on the right way to
win for all of civilization.
Therefore, let’s work together to join the Chinese dream,
and to revive the American dream, because the American dream
needs to be revived, because it has almost been forgotten. But
together, we can accomplish the dream for all of humanity.

OGDEN:  So, we will have much more coverage of the conference in
New York after it concludes.  That was Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s
keynote to that conference; “Development Is the New Name for
Peace”.  As I said, there is a very significant delegation from
China which attended that conference in New York City.  This just
testifies all the more to the role that the LaRouche movement is
playing here in the United States to being the leading mediator
in terms of the relationship which is being forged between these
two great countries.  The idea originally came out of Lyndon and
Helga LaRouche’s initiative for the Eurasian Land-Bridge; and the
role that the LaRouche movement played could not be any more
critical in terms of making that happen, and making that into a
reality.  We are definitely making steps along that road, but as
you heard Helga LaRouche say, it is crucial that we make some
very important breakthroughs here in the United States in order
to allow that to occur; including a full-scale adoption of the
Hamiltonian economic program that was spelled out by Lyndon
LaRouche in that Four Economic Laws.  This is the prerequisite to
the United States being able to accomplish the kinds of
developmental miracles that China has demonstrated over the last
15-20 years.
Emphatically, that begins with the restoration of
Glass-Steagall.  The news out of Italy with the nationalization
of Monte dei Paschi Bank just emphasizes evermore crucially how
fragile the entire trans-Atlantic system is right now.  We are by
no means in the clear, despite the fraudulent claims that have
been coming out of the Federal Reserve over the last few days.
We are definitely still on the cusp of what could be a far
greater crash than what we experienced in 2008.  As Helga
mentioned in those remarks, a lot of this is coming from the
build-up in the corporate debt bubble and in other means.  You
still have the life expectancy crisis across the United States;
you’ve got the opiate addiction crisis across the United States.
We have some new developments in terms of the statistics in that
regard that have just come in today.  But this is appalling, and
it could not be more urgent that this initiative be taken.
We do know that there was a press availability at 1pm this
afternoon in the break between the two panels at this conference
in New York City.  Diane Sare was representing the LaRouche
movement; and as we have been told, there were some pretty
significant press involvement.  So, we will look forward to
seeing some coverage of this conference that happened up in New
York; and we’ll have a much fuller report for you after that
Let me just finish the broadcast here today by paraphrasing
for you some remarks that Helga LaRouche had just about 30
minutes ago when we spoke with her, after she had the chance to
view the proceedings of that conference and also to review some
of the outcomes of the G-20 that have been occurring over the
course of the daytime hours today.  She said look, there are very
clearly positive developments that are occurring.  We could list
them, but as we’ve seen just today, some of these developments
are very positive for the future stability [among] these three
great countries — China, Russia, and India; but also in terms of
the relationship for building the future.  But, she said, people
should be no means become complacent or satisfied.  Things are
very clearly moving in our direction, the direction of the ideas
of a New Paradigm; but we need much bigger breakthroughs in every
respect on the road towards that New Paradigm.  Nothing has been
consolidated.  Clearly the world is inclined in that direction,
and you could read into the relationship between Germany and
China, saying these countries are now beginning to realize what
is the dominant dynamic on this planet.  But, we are by no means
there yet; we have not reached the goal.  There is still a long
ways to go until that new reality is safely and securely
consolidated.  In the meantime, we have a lot of work to do;
especially as we begin to realize the magnitude of the impact
that the ideas of the LaRouche movement have had on world
history.  We also have to become very sober and clear-eyed about
what this means our responsibilities are at this moment.  They
are on a far greater scale than we have ever had, as we reflect
on the magnitude of the opportunities that these recent
developments pose to us as a movement, and to humanity.  She said
this — again — is no time for complacency; everything can fall
into place.  Or, everything could fall apart.
So, I think that’s a very active picture of a very rapidly
changing world situation, as we have it right now.  These
simultaneous summits — the G-20 in Germany and the conference
that’s happening in New York — I think are very important
crossroads; a very important conjunctural turning point in terms
of the opportunity for consolidating this vision of a new
relation between the great powers on this planet.  We have yet
to, I think, have the full report of what has come out of both of
these two summits.  So, on that note, I would like to encourage
you to please stay tuned to the LaRouche PAC website, because we
will definitely have an analysis and a full reading on what has
come out of the events as they’ve proceeded today.  I can let you
know that as we look forward to next week, the Monday update on
this website, our regular Monday afternoon Policy Committee show,
will feature an interview with Bill Jones, who is the EIR
Washington bureau chief and has accompanied Helga Zepp-LaRouche
on many of her trips to China over the recent few months and
years.  So, we’ve invited Bill Jones to come into the studio to
give his exclusive view and perspective on what the outcome of
these events over this weekend will have been as we reach the
beginning of next week.  So, we encourage you to tune in again
for our show here next Monday, and in the meantime, stay tuned to and we’ll be sending out updates as we get them.
Thank you for watching here today, and please stay tuned.

Kina bygger et nyt kontinent i Afrika

29. juni, 2017Die Zeit har en artikel i dag, der afviser den vestlige propaganda, der beskylder Kina for neo-kolonialisme i Afrika. Faktisk er kineserne i færd med at bygge et nyt kontinent dér og investerer milliarder og atter milliarder af dollars. Afrikanere er ved at blive mere oprørske over for de tidligere kolonimagter og afviser udviklingsbistand, der er knyttet til uacceptabel betingelsespolitik.

Den angolanske økonom Jose Careiro kritiserer, at, »for den vestlige udviklingsbistand skal vi kun have ører, ikke munde« og understreger, at, alt imens forhandlinger med kineserne er hårde, så finder de sted ansigt til ansigt. Det paradoks eksisterer, at Etiopien for tiden er den største modtager af kinesiske lån, på trods af den kendsgerning, at det ikke har meget i form af råmaterialer, og at de kinesiske investeringer dér udgør tre gange så meget, som de udgør i lande, der er rige på resurser, såsom Sudan eller D.R. Congo.

En undersøgelse fra John Hopkins Universitet, som citeres af Die Zeit, viser, at USA investerer langt mere i afrikanske råmaterialer end kineserne – 68 % af de totale amerikanske investeringer dér, imod kun 28 % for Kinas vedkommende. Henved 70 % af afrikanerne hilser den kinesiske rolle velkommen, hvorimod de fortsat er skeptiske over for Vesten. Tyskland ønsker imidlertid at ændre sin politik, og udviklingsminister Gerd Müller har underskrevet en »Traktat for Bæredygtig Udvikling« med Kina, bemærker Die Zeit.