POLITISK ORIENTERING den 15. december 2021:
Kun samarbejde kan besejre pandemien og forhindre atomkrig
Se også 2. del: 3 min.

Med formand Tom Gillesberg

2. del: 3 min.


Schiller Instituttets internationale videokonference:
Alle menneskehedens moralske resourcer skal samles:
Menneskeheden må være den udødelige art!


Resumé af Schiller Instituttets internationale videokonference den 13.-14. november 2021

Helga Zepp-LaRouches hovedtale: En frygtelig afslutning eller et nyt paradigme?

Fhv. dansk diplomat, Friis Arne Petersen, opfordrer Europa til at slutte sig til Bælte- og Vej-Initiativet og lære om infrastrukturøkonomi fra Kina

Åbent brev til virologer og eksperter indenfor lægevidenskaben rundt om i verden for at tage hånd om COVID-19 pandemien, af Dr. Joycelyn Elders, tidligere chef for USA’s militærs sundhedskorps  

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Videokonference: Omicron: Presserende behov for et verdenssundhedssystem,
Lørdag den 4. december kl. 19 dansk tid

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På engelsk:

Will the Omicron COVID variant be the warning bell we heed?

Eight months ago, in March 2021, epidemiologists, virologists and infectious disease specialists from twenty-eight nations warned of the dangers to come without a full international vaccination roll-out. Most believed that we had a year or less before truly dangerous mutations proliferated widely. Gregg Gonsalves, Associate Professor of Epidemiology at Yale University eight months ago put it this way: “With millions of people around the world infected with this virus, new mutations arise every day. Sometimes they find a niche that makes them more fit than their predecessors. These lucky variants could transmit more efficiently and potentially evade immune responses to previous strains. Unless we vaccinate the world, we leave the playing field open to more and more mutations, which could churn out variants that could evade our current vaccines …The virus doesn’t respect borders and new variants somewhere on the planet mean none of us are safe.”

But vaccinations alone will not stop COVID. Only full modern health systems everywhere, which require the simultaneous rapid build-out of electricity production and delivery, the provision of clean water–new water systems, and all other required infrastructure, to support the hospitals, the clinics and the ongoing health concerns of people can do the job. 

Only if we develop a full international, in-depth response to the escalation warnings from epidemiologists, virologists and infection disease specialists as advocated by the Schiller Institute beginning in March 2020, and repeated by former U.S. Surgeon General, Dr. Joycelyn Elders just a few days ago, can we stop the growing death, economic despair and that has wrecked so many human lives.

Join us in this conference, and recruit others to join the mission.


Omicron: Urgent Need for a Modern Health System in Every Nation

Nov. 30: Helga Zepp-LaRouche has now urged the movement associated with her, in every nation where it is active and has outreach, to focus on the necessity to catalyze the construction of a modern system of hospital, healthcare, and research facilities in every nation, as a defense of the human race and the planet against pandemics. Taking the worldwide spread and capabilities of pandemic viruses seriously, has been postponed and played with for long enough in the COVID case—possibly too long.

Truly worldwide vaccination, which is urgent, is only one step back from the brink.

Already 21 months ago, on March 13, 2020, Helga LaRouche wrote an editorial statement for the Schiller Institute in EIR, “COVID-19 Pandemic Forces Re-Thinking: International Cooperation Indispensable!,” with an accompanying fact sheet “Urgent Physical-Economic Requirements To Fight the Pandemic.” She wrote then: “If we want to prevent the coronavirus pandemic from spreading in waves and migrating from the Northern to the Southern Hemisphere and back— thus potentially creating the breeding grounds for additional similar and worse viruses—we must initiate radical changes.

“Hospitals with isolation wards must be built throughout the world, following the example of the city of Wuhan and Hubei Province, which built a total of 14 temporary hospitals, including the necessary intensive care beds. World Health Organization standards must be observed in doing so. China, for example, built facilities with 16,000 new hospital beds in just one month.

“International scientific research centers must be established for research on the COVID-19 virus and other viral and bacterial pathogens. Vaccines must be developed and tested. The results of research in biophysics, nuclear biology and space medicine must be made available immediately to all nations. The point of reference for this is the conception of a Strategic Defense of Earth (SDE) developed by Lyndon LaRouche, in which the protection of human life from pandemics is one focal point.”

A great mobilization was needed then, and now: 10 million new hospital beds worldwide in 30,000 new hospitals and clinical centers; new laboratory facilities; 200 new gigawatts of reliable baseload electric power which is essential to such capacities; a tremendous years-long recruitment, including among youth, of 9-10 million physicians and assistants, nurses, engineers, laboratory technicians.

“These worldwide measures,” Zepp-LaRouche wrote, “require investments that cannot be made under the conditions of the present, collapsing financial system. The current actions of the central banks in injecting liquidity into this financial system by the trillions of dollars, and even the allocation of budget funds by governments, is due to a hyperinflationary monetary explosion, and is unsustainable.”

Therefore, she concluded, the “four economic laws” proposed by her husband Lyndon LaRouche were needed for this international construction, beginning with Glass-Steagall bank reorganization and introduction of Hamiltonian national banking.

Read Helga’s statement here.

Now former U.S. Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders, in an open letter Nov. 23, days before the Omicron variant of the COVID virus was identified, “called upon virologists and medical experts throughout the globe to undertake an international, coordinated and integrated educational campaign to establish a sane approach to deal with this and potentially future pandemics.” Dr. Elders was in 2020 the co-founder with Helga LaRouche of the Committee on the Coincidence of Opposites, which has cooperative contacts with physicians and nurses organizations and with medical educators. She asks for a mobilization of ideas, as Helga LaRouche did in March 2020, on these questions (på dansk):

  • Hvad er en pandemi?
  • Hvordan bekæmpes en pandemi?
  • Hvad er offentlig sundhed og hvordan bør vi arbejde sammen for at gennemføre anvendte og allerede testede, fundamentale sundhedstiltag, herunder hygiejne, rent drikkevand og næringsrig mad, og en forsyning af forebyggende og lindrende medicin, inklusive vacciner, som er afgørende for at overvinde pandemien?
  • Hvad er den sammenlignede virkningsgrad af de forskellige vacciner og andre tiltag, som nu bruges i forskellige nationer og regioner, for at forhindre alvorlig sygdom og død?
  • Hvordan sikrer vi tilstrækkelige antal af sygehuse, sundhedsklinikker og sundhedspersonale i hver nation, herunder den systematiske rekruttering af unge, lokale sundhedsmedarbejdere for at hjælpe nu, med at bringe pandemien under kontrol?

Læs hele Dr. Elders’ brev her.

An emergency meeting is called for broadcast on the Internet this Saturday, Dec. 4 at 19:00 Danish time. Join in helping to organize it.

Malthusiansk folkemord vokser på verdensplan –
LaRouche-Organisationen tilvejebringer politisk og intellektuel ammunition

Den 23. september (EIRNS) – Et hurtigt blik på verden af i dag kan kun få enhver samvittighedsfuld person til at græde – og forpligte sig til at kæmpe:
Scener med farvede mennesker, der blev omringet ved den sydlige amerikanske grænse, gennet ind i biler med lænkede hænder og ben og transporteret til udlandet uden at få oplyst deres destination, fik i dag den amerikanske særlige udsending til Haiti, Daniel Foote, til at træde tilbage og udtale i en erklæring: "Jeg vil ikke forbindes med USA’s umenneskelige, kontraproduktive beslutning om at deportere tusinder af haitiske flygtninge og illegale immigranter til Haiti, et land, hvor amerikanske embedsmænd er henvist til at opholde sig i sikrede omgivelser på grund af faren fra væbnede bander, der kontrollerer dagligdagen. [Haiti] kan simpelthen ikke understøtte den tvungne indstrømning af tusinder af hjemvendte migranter, der mangler mad, husly og penge, uden yderligere menneskelig tragedie, hvilket kunne undgås. Voksende skarer af migranter til vores grænser vil kun forøges, jo mere vi føjer til Haitis uacceptable elendighed”.
I Libanon meddelte det nationale elselskab, at det har nået bunden af sine sidste resterende lagre, og at det kan producere under 500 megawatt elektricitet med olie sikret fra Irak. Meddelelsen lød: "Netværket har allerede erfaret totalt blackout i hele landet syv gange, og hvis dette fortsætter, er der stor risiko for at nå total og fuldstændig blackout i slutningen af september".
I Syrien udtalte udenrigsminister Faisal Mekdad til pressen: ”Sanktionerne fra USA er ved at kvæle det syriske folk. Fattigdomsniveauet er steget, manglen på medicin er steget. Bemærkelsesværdigt nok har vi ikke engang adgang til den vigtigste medicin til behandling af mennesker, der lider af kræft, andre sygdomme, endog coronavirus”.
I Yemen advarede David Beasley, lederen af Verdens Fødevareprogram, om at "16 millioner yemenitter er tæt på at sulte", og at rationerne vil blive reduceret yderligere i oktober, hvis der ikke kommer nødhjælp. “Vi har for det første behov for at krigen slutter”, sagde han, “så hvis donorerne bliver udmattede, ja, så afslut krigen! De har ikke flere penge tilbage til at købe noget for. Det er hjerteskærende, det er det virkeligt”.
Da den amerikanske statskasse af påståede "humanitære" årsager nægter at frigive 8 milliarder dollars, der tilhører det afghanske folk, har Beasley advaret om, at 28 millioner mennesker – ud af de 37 millioner mennesker i Afghanistan – er stillet over for sult, i en nation, der er ødelagt af 20 års NATO-besættelse og krig.
I hele Europa er gas- og elpriserne steget katastrofalt på grund af de grønne fanatikere, der lukker atom-, kul- og gasdrevne anlæg, således at næsten tre millioner arbejdende familier ikke engang har råd til at opvarme deres hjem.
Der lægges ikke skjul på galskaben. Uden for Asien er det overalt – både i fattige nationer og i industrialiserede lande – umuligt ikke at erkende, at vi i stigende grad lever i en mørk tidsalder, hvor børn får at vide, at de kan tage sindsødelæggende stoffer og ændre deres køn, som det passer deres manipulerede luner, men er nægtet enhver følelse af en fremtid som et produktivt og lykkeligt menneske. Økonomier bliver mast af den falske videnskab, der faldbydes som menneskeskabte klimaforandringer og af en voksende hyperinflationær eksplosion i det vestlige finanssystem, samt manglen på inddæmning af coronavirus. På trods af visdommen i at afslutte den "endeløse krig" i Afghanistan, planlægges der åbent nye krige mod supermagterne Rusland og Kina af det angloamerikanske militærindustrielle kompleks og deres finansfolk på Wall Street og i London. Klassisk skønhed er blevet kasseret til fordel for forherliget grimhed.
Og alligevel ser Schiller Instituttet og LaRouche-Organisationen dette som et optimistisk øjeblik, i hvilket – som den engelske digter Percy Shelley sagde i sit politiske skrift ”A Defense of Poetry” – den ekstreme fare tvinger folk til at afstå fra deres ligegyldighed over for resten af menneskeheden, og i højere grad blive i stand til at forstå "intense og lidenskabelige begreber angående mennesket og naturen". Dette er et revolutionerende øjeblik.
LaRouche-Organisationen udgav i dag en pamflet på 56 sider til massedistribution med det formål at opruste befolkningen intellektuelt til denne revolution. Den har titlen: "The Coming U.S. Economic Miracle on the New Silk Road" (Det kommende amerikanske økonomiske mirakel på den Nye Silkevej) – indholdsfortegnelsen og pamfletten kan ses på vores hjemmeside. Om den menneskelige race vil nedsynke i Ragnarok eller skabe en ny global renæssance afhænger af, hvorledes du vælger at handle i dette skæbnesvangre øjeblik i historien.

Billede: Abdul Majeed Goraya / IRIN | www.irinnews.org

POLITISK ORIENTERING den 9. august 2021, video og lyd:
De store problemer kan kun løses,
hvis vi erstatter geopolitik med samarbejde

Med formand Tom Gillesberg


POLITISK ORIENTERING den 23. juli 2021:
Vi kan løse problemerne –
men kun hvis vi bryder fri af den mentale spændetrøje

Med formand Tom Gillesberg


Schiller Instituttet · Vi kan løse problemerne – men kun hvis vi bryder fri af den mentale spændetrøje


NYHEDSORIENTERING MAJ 2021: Vores moralske sammenbrud råber på et nyt paradigme

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Schiller Instituttets konference Panel 2 resumé: Metoden bag Modsætningernes Sammenfald: Kun en samlet verdensomspændende sundhedsindsats,
uden sanktioner, kan vende en global pandemi

Ingen tilbagevenden til normaltilstand:

Kun et paradigmeskifte kan afhjælpe den eksistentielle krise

af Janet G. West

8. maj (EIR årgang 48, nr. 20) — Det andet panel, ”Metoden med 'modsætningernes sammenfald': Alene en samlet verdensomspændende sundhedsindsats uden sanktioner, vil kunne vende en global pandemi”, under Schiller Instituttets konference den 8. maj, samlede ledere fra USA, Europa og Sydamerika for at tackle den trefoldige krise med krig, hungersnød og pandemi. 

Ordstyrer Dennis Speed brugte to videoklip til at perspektivere diskussionen i forhold til den overskyggende fare for krig, og til at behandle hvordan krige opstår. Først var et klip fra Lyndon LaRouches tv-udsendelse fra 1999, 'Storm Over Asia', hvori han understregede, at Rusland vil kæmpe tilbage, hvis det presses op i et hjørne – "det er deri faren ligger". For mange mennesker agerer under den vildfarelse, at de kan gøre som de vil i udlandet,  "uden at det giver bagslag". Hvis London og Wall Streets kontrol over den amerikanske politik fortsætter, vil sandsynligheden øges for at Rusland vil kæmpe tilbage til grænsen af atomkrig.

Derefter et klip fra et nyligt interview med tidligere admiral Marc Pelaez (USN, fhv.), som har været kommandør for en atomubåd under Den kolde Krig, om karakteren af beslutningen om at påbegynde atomkrig. Pelaez sagde, at hvis han havde modtaget en ordre om at skride til handling, ville han have gjort det. ”Afskrækkelsen skal være troværdig,” sagde han, “Min ubåds kapacitet kunne udslette alle større byer i USA øst for Mississippi. Og det er bare én ubåd!” Hvis man  gjorde det, "vidste man imidlertid, at der ikke var noget at vende hjem til".

At løse det uløselige

Helga Zepp-LaRouche, grundlægger af Schiller Instituttet, kom med indledende bemærkninger, hvor hun henviste til civilisationskrisen i 1453 med Konstantinopels fald, da Det osmanniske Rige erobrede det byzantinske imperiums hovedstad og effektivt knuste det. Befolkningen blev brutaliseret af angriberne, og mange døde. Nicolaus Cusanus stod over for udfordringen med at forholde sig til denne krise, og hvordan det enorme had fra den ene side til den anden kunne forliges på en sådan måde, at man kom frem til en løsning på et højere niveau. Resultatet af denne inspiration var hans dialog: ''Freden i Troen' (De Pace Fidei), hvor repræsentanter fra mange nationer og trosretninger kom i samtale med Gud i en dialog om, hvordan de kunne leve i fred. 

Efter en række spørgsmål om tilsyneladende modstridende ideer og Guds svar, var konklusionen, at der kun er én sandhed – at universet er lovmæssigt, og at hele menneskeheden bærer den guddommelige gnist inden i sig; at alt menneskeliv er helligt. Så derfor, fortsatte hun, kan de tilsyneladende forskelligartede perspektiver og problemer kun løses ud fra et højere princip, og dette var 'Modsætningerne Sammenfald'; at hinandens udvikling bliver af primær interesse for én selv. Det er ud fra dette synspunkt, at hun gentog sit krav om oprettelsen af et globalt sundhedssystem, at starte opbygningen af den nødvendige infrastruktur i alle nationer, og at alle sanktioner skal elimineres. Og for at gøre det må vi tackle det moralske sammenbrud, især inden for USA.

Standarden: ’moralsk excellence’

Dr. Joycelyn Elders, tidligere cheflæge for militærets sundhedskorps i USA, talte om ideen med at genoplive ”standarden for moralsk excellence” – at gøre mere end hvad vi mener, vi er i stand til; ikke at give op, før målet er nået. Denne standard for moralsk excellence er ikke bare et godt ideal – det er en nødvendighed. Hun gennemgik statistikken: over 2 milliarder mennesker har ikke adgang til rent drikkevand; over 2,5 milliarder oplever fødevareusikkerhed, og 270 millioner mennesker står over for potentiel hungersnød. Omkring 1,2 milliarder mennesker har ikke adgang til elektricitet, og uden elektricitet kan sygdomme ikke overvindes… og [samtidig] hævde, at pandemien er et resultat af moralsk, og ikke lægelige svigt.

Eftersom uafhængighedserklæringen taler om umistelige rettigheder, herunder: "Liv, frihed og higen efter lykke," sagde dr. Elder, at vi nu skal inkludere adgangen til midlerne [for] livets opretholdelse – rent vand, rigelig mad og billig elektricitet skal være tilgængeligt for alle nationer, for uden disse ting er der ingen måde at have et sundhedssystem på eller [at opretholde] livet. Hun kaldte den nuværende politik for "ligegyldighedens selvmordsøkonomi" og afsluttede med at opfordre alle til at blive involveret, genvinde "standarden for moralsk excellence" og understregede, at apati er den værste pandemi af alle.

Dr. Khadijah Lang (USA), formand for 'National Medical Association (NMA) Council on International Affairs' og præsident for 'Golden State Medical Association'; samt Marcia Merry Baker, en ekspert inden for fysisk økonomi og medlem af EIR´s-redaktionskomité, præsenterede de succeser og udfordringer, som udbuddet af medicinsk behandling, mad, vand og sanitet internationalt står overfor. Dr. Lang diskuterede NMA's tidligere arbejde med at indsætte hold og medicinske forsyninger til Mozambique i samarbejde med lokale myndigheder for at yde sundhedspleje og bidrage til uddannelsen af kirurger. Hun beskrev de barske forhold i Østafrika med den nylige græshoppeplage, der ødelagde afgrøder efterfulgt af successive kriser, som alle ramte Mozambique hårdt. Da COVID-19 ramte, var det ødelæggende, for så kunne folk ikke engang gå ud for at skaffe mad…

Mere senere fra dette afsnit.

Vi må overvinde COVID-krisen overalt:

Pastor Robert Smith, bestyrelsesformand for den Nationale baptistorganisations udenlandske Mission talte til konferencen fra Michigan under titlen: ”'Læge, helbred dig selv': Red en nation i krise gennem kærlighed”. Han beskrev prøvelserne med at håndtere de mange COVID-dødsfald i sit eget samfund og den styrke det krævede for at opfriske os med kærlighedens kilder, kilder der er en gudgiven kerne i vores menneskehed.

Luis Vasquez talte fra Peru og præsenterede: "Glem ikke: Den globale koncentrationslejrs ovn er nu nuklear”. Som mangeårigt medlem af Schiller Instituttet, begyndte han med at fortælle, at han og hans kone for nylig var syge med en ny variant af COVID-19, og havde det ikke været for hjælp fra deres familie, var det usandsynligt, at de ville have overlevet. Under ødelæggelsen fra en nyliberal økonomi har deres nation nu ingen offentlige tjenester, ingen skoler, ingen transport, og at få COVID-19 svarer til en dødsdom. I hele Lima er der ingen ledige intensiv-senge med respiratorer; enhver intentiv-seng har en venteliste på op til 300 personer. En iltcylinder koster $1.000; en genopfyldning koster $200. ”Hvis du ikke kan betale, dør du. Dette er en holocaust … ekstremerne er nået … vi er i en global koncentrationslejr”.

Vi kan betragte de forkerte økonomiske beslutninger, der er taget siden 1974, som anstifter af denne nuværende tragedie; verdensøkonomien er et kasino på kanten af ​​konkurs. Vi må mobilisere vores forsknings- og udviklingskapacitet i alle lande; vi ved, at vi kan udrette disse ting, fordi mennesket er kreativt. Vi er alle forbundne nu, og omtanke for andre er ikke kun moralsk, men videnskabeligt sandt.

Dr. Walter Faggett (USA), tidligere cheflæge i Washington, D.C.’s sundhedsafdeling, og i øjeblikket medformand for D.C. område 8 Sundhedsråd, berettede om de succeser, de har haft med at koordinere samarbejde mellem samfundsorganisationer, kirker, universiteter og sundhedspersonel for at øge graden af​​ COVID-19-vaccination i Washington. Han fik følgeskab af Genita Finley (USA), 2. års medicinstuderende og designer af Mississippi Deltas medicinske  skoleprogram, der diskuterede, hvordan hendes program lykkedes med at bringe flere studerende ind på sundhedsstudier og hjælper dem med at overvinde problemer med deres identitetsfølelse af ikke at være "kloge nok" til at blive sundhedsarbejdere. Mississippi Delta har en af ​​de største koncentrationer af fattigdom i landdistrikterne i nationen.

Mere kommer senere.


POLITISK ORIENTERING den 16. april 2021:
Vestens civilisationskrise: krig eller fred gennem udvikling

Med formand Tom Gillesberg


Schiller Instituttet · Vestens civilisationskrise: krig eller fred gennem udvikling

POLITISK ORIENTERGING den 4. marts 2021:
Det er ikke i Israel, men i samarbejde med Kina og Rusland,
at COVID-19 og andre problemer løses

Med formand Tom Gillesberg


Lyd: (Der er ingen lyd i et par korte udfald, hvor der blev stillet spørgsmål.)

Schiller Instituttet · Det er ikke i Israel, men i samarbejde med Kina og Rusland, at COVID-19 og andre problemer løses

Dødsfald fra strømsvigt i Texas er et forvarsel om hvad der vil ske,
hvis der kommer en Grøn New Deal.
Schiller Instituttets ugentlige webcast med
Helga Zepp-LaRouche, den 17. februar 2021



I sin ugentlige dialog advarede Helga Zepp-LaRouche om, at de totalt unødvendige dødsfald og lidelser i Texas og andre amerikanske delstater på grund af en polarkoldfront giver et tegn på hvad der vil ske, hvis den ”store nulstilling” og dens grønne New Deal ikke stoppes. Disse dødsfald er ikke resultatet af en "naturkatastrofe", men en advarsel om hvad for en fremtid vi står overfor, hvis nedlæggelsen af​​ kul- og atomkraftbaseret elektricitetsproduktion ikke tilbagerulles. Den nye EIR-rapport, ”The Great Leap Backwards” ("Det store spring bagud"), giver både en analyse af de tydelige farer ved at vedtage en grøn dagsorden, og et alternativ baseret på hendes afdøde mands, Lyndon LaRouches, videnskabelige idéer.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche diskuterede også, hvordan kampagnen for konfrontation med Rusland og Kina udsætter menneskeheden for truslen om atomkrig på et tidspunkt, hvor samarbejde ikke kun er bydende nødvendigt, men også opnåeligt. Hvis NATO insisterer på sanktioner mod Rusland over den meget opblæste Navalny-affære, burde nationer som Tyskland, Frankrig og Italien forlade NATO. Tilsvarende viser EU’s manglende evne til at beskytte sine borgere mod COVID-pandemien ved igen at forkludre leveringen af ​​vacciner, at denne form for overnational institution ikke er i stand til at sørge for borgernes behov – en fiasko, der også ses i de sandsynlige ødelæggende virkninger af dets kampagne for en europæisk Grøn New Deal, hvilket kunne føre til en nedbrydning af det europæiske energinet.

Hun stillede de økonomiske og strategiske tragedier, der udvikler sig i de transatlantiske nationer, i modsætning til det optimistiske potentiale i de tre samtidige rummissioner til Mars. Det faktum, at De forenede arabiske Emirater startede sit rumprogram for kun seks år siden, giver håb om at, med internationalt videnskabeligt samarbejde, kan nationer bevæge sig hen imod en fredelig udforskning af vores univers, med enorme fordele for alle.

Afskrift på engelsk:

Deaths from Power Outages in Texas Give a Foretaste of Things To Come with the Green New Deal

The LaRouche Organization Webcast with Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

HARLEY SCHLANGER: Hello, I’m Harley Schlanger with our weekly dialogue with Helga Zepp-LaRouche, the founder and chairwoman of the Schiller Institute. It’s February 17, 2021, and Helga, we have an extremely dramatic development, which seems ironically to coincide with the release of our Special Report, and that is the cold front that has hit Texas, leaving between 3 and 4 million people freezing in the dark. This is really quite dramatic, isn’t it?

HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Yes, it is actually very horrible, because already 26 people died. Now, this is incredible, and you have the state of Texas, where the wind turbines froze up, the solar panels were covered with snow, so the energy production went down from an average of 25,000 MW to only 12,000 MW, and naturally you have blackouts, not only in Texas, but now there are rolling blackouts in 14 other states in the United States.

Now, this is absolutely unnecessary, and it’s not a natural catastrophe. People should not look at it this way, because if you had normal coal-generated energy and nuclear energy, you would not have this situation, so people should not say this is a “natural” catastrophe. Because I would rather say, if we want to have a good note about it, we should take it was a warning from St. Peter, a warning sign what could happen with the weather if you don’t have the energy required to deal with it.

Since we have this new report out, “The Great Leap Backward—LaRouche Exposes the Green New Deal,” and the Great Reset, there we have warnings in it, that this will lead to blackouts and the blackouts could be even more dramatic. We have the case of the EU, where studies were made by the scientific advisory service to the German Parliament, already nine years ago, that you could have a collapse of the entire European energy grid, and that would have much more devastating consequences that even this. But this is bad enough. I think 4 million people in Texas, in the U.S., and 5 million people in the north of Mexico are without electricity. Now, that means people can die in the cold, they can die of the effects of it in various ways, and I think it’s quite important that the former governor of Texas, Rick Perry, who was also the Energy Secretary in the Trump administration, blasted this in a very powerful way, saying that if you cut out coal, if you cut out nuclear energy, then you are completely dependent on an ideologically based energy policy, and people are dying! And that is what would happen if you have an energy policy defined by such people as AOC [Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez] and the like.

So, this is a very serious warning, and I can only advise people to get the Special Report EIR has put out, because the consequences of what the Great Reset would do, the Texas developments give you a meager foretaste of the kind of economic collapse which would result as a consequence of the implementation of this policy. And this could lead to very dramatic developments, social chaos; it would have a devastating effect on the strategic situation, because some parts of the world are not so stupid—Japan, for example, when they had a snowstorm, I think it was last December, the Energy Minister immediately said that Japan must turn back on all of its nuclear plants; and obviously, Russia, China, India, they are all massively investing in the production of fission energy, of the third generation fission energy, and naturally, very much emphasis on fusion power [research]. But the idea that the world can live without coal plants, modern coal plants which are absolutely environmentally friendly, I think this is really an illusion and must be corrected immediately.

SCHLANGER: One of the things I found most interesting, is that Rick Perry, in his discussion also mentioned the advances of nuclear fusion, so that’s a very good sign that there are at least some people thinking.

But Helga we have another problem that this comes up against, which is the absolute dysfunction of the political parties in the United States, with a feud going on in the Republican Party which broke out this week; with the Democrats somewhat chaotic and stuck with nothing but the Green New Deal. How does this look to you?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: It looks very worrisome, because also the fact that Kamala Harris is now conducting foreign policy with President Biden resting in Camp David. This has caused the raising of quite some eyebrows, because normally a Vice President participates maybe, in overseas phone calls, but here, Kamala Harris is conducting foreign policy all by herself. So the question is, in what condition is President Biden? Naturally, the situation in the Republican Party is one of utmost chaos.

And I think the only way how this can be addressed, is that we have to organize with The LaRouche Organization and the Schiller Institute to really promote, absolutely, the solutions of my late husband Lyndon LaRouche, and hopefully large segments of the population will understand that a change of the paradigm is absolutely necessary. At this point, the only voice of reason is really coming from The LaRouche Organization and the policies promoted by my late husband. But it needs a broad mobilization of the population to change the course of these developments.

SCHLANGER: One of the things that The LaRouche Organization is doing is conducting a series of dialogues, such as the one from last Saturday on U.S. Russia policy. [https://laroucheorganization.nationbuilder.com/forum_worsening_u_s_russian_relations_reverse_them_with_new_paradigm_or_face_nuclear_war] It is clear that the war machine that was never removed under President Trump is now back on all gears, targetting Russia and China. Where do you see this headed?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: It is extremely dangerous. We had the Atlantic Council Paper, “The Longer Telegram,” so-called, basically referring to the “long telegram” paper by George Kennan from 1946, now referring to the need to have regime change against China, especially targetting Xi Jinping to be toppled. Now, if you put yourself in the shoes of such a government as China, and you hear that coming from the largest nuclear power, and probably still the largest economy in the world, it has consequences. It leads to a hardening of positions. And in a certain sense, this is going on against Russia, with the Navalny campaign. So I think it’s quite interesting that Prof. Lyle Goldstein, who is from the Naval War College, he made a couple of warnings, both in the radio and also in the Washington Times, basically saying that this is leading to a situation where there is practically a warlike situation between the United States and Russia, and that the people who are pushing the Navalny campaign should be aware of the fact, is it really in the interest of the West to have a very sizable nuclear power like Russia to have chaos, or is it not in the interest of the Western countries, that the nuclear weapons of Russia should be under the control of a stable, unified force—I mean, just imagine, you have a civil war in Russia and then these nuclear weapons would get into the hands of some strange, terrorist kind of forces!

I think that there is actually the need to really be aware of that, and come to the conclusion that this whole policy of sanctions against Russia is not functioning; this was, for example, just made as a statement by the head of the Kiel Institute for the World Economy [https://www.ifw-kiel.de/], Mr. Gabriel Felbermayr, who said that the whole idea of sanctions against Russia does not function, because you don’t get countries like China, or India, or other partners of Russia to cooperate, so therefore, the only forces which are hurt by the sanctions, is, in this case, emphatically Germany. So, this whole policy of geopolitical confrontation can only lead to a complete catastrophe, if it is pursued.

SCHLANGER: There’s also a very sharp warning coming from Sergey Lavrov, the Russian Foreign Minister, about the policies of the EU, which are definitely part of this anti-Russian grouping.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Yes. He said that if this is stopped, if these sanctions are not stopped, that Russia is prepared to break off all relations to the EU. Now, there was a rather stupid article in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, basically pooh-poohing it, saying this is just meant to cause people to now say, “Oh, we should do something now that this doesn’t happen.” But these liberals, and the FAZ is full of them, they don’t understand the connection between cause and effect, but these policies, as I said, they lead to dramatic changes.

I mean, if you put yourself in the shoes of Russia and China, what is the natural consequence of these policies coming from the U.S., from the EU, from Great Britain? Already in October 2020, at the annual Valdai conference, Putin raised the possibility—this is not the first time it was raised, but he raised it publicly at this Valdai conference—the possibility of a Russian-Chinese military alliance. And this was brought up again on Feb. 4, this year, in a meeting between Wang Yi, the Chinese Foreign Minister, and Sergey Lavrov, discussing this option. Now, Putin in some context, also said it’s not necessary, but obviously, it would be a major change in the strategic situation. What it would do is, it would protect China, if China would sort of come under the nuclear umbrella of the Russian nuclear forces, which are sizable, they’re extremely modernized; Putin had introduced these new weapons systems, the hypersonic missiles, the nuclear-powered submarines—all weapons systems which sort of make the previous plans for a global missile defense system by the U.S. and by NATO obsolete; obviously, all these countries are working high-speed in their own hypersonic missiles, so it’s a dangerous arms race.

But, it would mean, if China would come under the nuclear umbrella of Russia, it would completely change the situation for good; it would basically make a limited nuclear attack on China impossible, unless you want to have World War III all the way. It would basically allow China a greater flexibility in dealing with the problems in the South China Sea, in respect to Taiwan. It would definitely have an incredible signal effect on all the countries participating in the Belt and Road Initiative. It would basically give them assurance that there can be a peaceful win-win cooperation.

Now, obviously, the efforts by the U.S. is to counter that, and that was going on already with the Trump administration, Pompeo and Esper, to build the Quad, that is, the Indo-Pacific alliance, trying to pull India into an alliance with the United States against Russia and China. But that is the kind of geopolitical games which really is what led to World War I and World War II, and I think it is really something we have to overcome: Because if this kind of geopolitical maneuvering is going on, the Damocles Sword of nuclear extinction hangs over the world. And people should really wake up.

The only consequence for European nations is to stop the sanctions campaign against Russia, to stop supporting Navalny, who is—it’s a typical Western intelligence-promoted operation for regime change in Russia. I think his support in Russia is very little. He has maybe a few hundreds of supporters—that looks big when they go on the street—but in reality it’s a very tiny fraction of the Russian population, and as we discussed previously, Ahurkov, one of the campaign managers of Navalny had begged the British second in command in the Moscow Embassy for money so they could do these operations. This is really something which should not happen! Regime change policy is a complete interference into the sovereignty of a country, and it is what Obama and Tony Blair were doing, the so-called “humanitarian interventions,” “spreading democracy”; democracy has gotten a very bad name as a result. And what should happen instead, is that the European nations, like Germany, France, Italy and others should leave NATO and rethink what is their security interest. I think we need to discuss a new security architecture, and that must represent the security interests of every single country on the planet, if we want to overcome the danger of nuclear war.

So, I think the consequence of this is to really leave the kind of NATO alliance, which has become obsolete in any case, after the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact, and right now, the idea to expand NATO as a global force, is really—it will lead to World War III if it’s not stopped.

SCHLANGER: You mentioned China possibly going into an alliance with Russia: The Chinese made a threat that they may withhold rare earth materials that are necessary for aircraft construction and other kinds of defense contracting. How serious is that threat?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Well, I think it’s being seriously looked at. I think the Chinese government has started an investigation, exactly of what the effect would be, as you say, on the military sector, on the production of fighter jets, and if this escalation increases, one could actually see that happening. That would be a sort of nuclear bomb, but it would be one of these signs of a prewar situation if it happens.

SCHLANGER: And speaking of pre-war, we’re seeing a number of developments in Southwest Asia around Yemen, also around Syria with the Israeli strikes on Syria, threats to Iran. How does this situation look from your standpoint?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: The situation in Yemen is a complete tragedy, and also I can only say the world community which allows this to happen—I mean, the Yemen population is the worst humanitarian catastrophe in years; it’s escalating; everybody knows it, nobody does anything decisive about it. Right now you have 2 million Yemeni children under the age of 5 who are in acute malnutrition; 400,000 of those are in acute severe malnutrition, which is acute danger of starvation. Now how easy would it be to tell the Saudis, “you open the ports, you allow the entrance of food aid,” and if the EU and the United States and some other countries would really put their foot down, it could be remedied, practically in a week! The fact that this is not happening, I really think that the EU policies on the question of refugees, what they have done with Frontex [EU’s border guard] backing and participating in the pushback operations against refugees, all of these policies are completely inhuman, and I think any nation in Europe that wants to have a decent policy should leave the EU! The EU and NATO, right now, are really alliances which are completely against the interests of the member states, and there is no need to have a bureaucracy in Brussels.

Look what they did in terms of getting vaccines: Ursula von der Leyen is a complete failure; this woman was a problem when she German Defense Minister. Now her record as the so-called President of EU Commission is a disaster. Why does she not resign? She should resign! And I think the European nations should leave the EU and form an alliance as republics of “fatherlands” as de Gaulle was calling for it, and you can have a multinational cooperation for the development of Africa, for the reconstruction of Southwest Asia, and you don’t need a supranational bureaucracy.

These things have to be remedied, and these policies are clearly not in the interests of the European nations. And in the case of Yemen, I really appeal to all of your viewers—that is, you—to help to change the policy in respect to this genocide which is going on before our very eyes.

SCHLANGER: Now, speaking of the EU, we have the man from the British royal yacht Britannia, who is now moving into power in Italy, Mario Draghi, former head of the European Central Bank: This is just another disaster, and he’s committing himself to the entire policy of so-called “monetary integration.” Is this going to go over in Italy?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: We have to see. Right now, you have the Lega being in the government, and they have one minister post; I think one big test case will be what happens to the Messina Bridge and also the Taranto steel plant, which Draghi basically wants to shut down, and the EU wants to shut down: This steel plant is the production facility which could actually produce the amount of steel needed for the Messina Bridge [to Sicily], which obviously would completely change the dynamic in terms of the Mezzogiorno, bringing real development to Southern Italy and Sicily. And the Lega basically wants to convince Draghi to go ahead with this bridge. Let’s see how this plays out: Draghi made his first speech in the Senate which was unfortunately, everything one could expect. He made the absurd statement saying that the more there is European integration, the more Italian, the Italians become. He also called for Schumpeter-like “creative destruction,” saying that some industries are not worth saving. So this is exactly what one could expect from somebody who has been in the ECB for many years, and demanding all kinds of “reforms” which created the problems in which Italy right now finds itself. So this does not look good.

SCHLANGER: To conclude, we want to go back to this question of Lyndon LaRouche’s solutions, and you’ve been speaking very enthusiastically about the development of the space program in the United Arab Emirates. We now have a Chinese mission on Mars, and as of tomorrow, there will be U.S. rover landing on Mars. How significant is this? This really does represent—when you talk about the Texas situation being the foretaste of the bad things that could come from the Great Reset, doesn’t this project around Mars give us a foretaste of the good things that could come out of international scientific cooperation?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Obviously. Look, for the Mars missions—I’m still most impressed by this U.A.E. operation, because this was a Mars mission which was only started, I think six years ago; so, in an incredible speed, they caught up, at least with Japanese help, but nevertheless, and they have now an spacecraft in Mars orbit. This shows you that any developing nation—after all the Gulf States only discovered oil less than 30 years ago—and turned from total desert states into, in some cases, states which are really doing quite remarkable things, in terms of for example, the Emirates have an island which they irrigated and turned into beautiful gardens and forests. And when my husband and I were in Abu Dhabi in 2002, he made a speech there on the future of oil; this was organized by the Zayed Center. And he basically said, look, forget oil as a fossil fuel, it’s too precious and should be used for chemical production, for pharmaceutical production, and use the revenue to invest in the production of water, that will green the deserts. [https://larouchepub.com/eiw/public/2002/eirv29n23-20020614/eirv29n23-20020614_006-the_middle_east_as_a_strategic_c-lar.pdf]

And he advised basically to go for innovation and leapfrog—and this is exactly what the Emirates have done, and other Gulf States are going in a similar direction. They are cooperating with China on the Belt and Road Initiative, and now you have this Mars mission.

Now, if you think what incredible technologies are opened up with space research and space travel, we have seen it many years ago with the Apollo Project, where it’s often cited that every cent investment brought back fourteen cents in terms of value as computers, as all kinds of spinoff products. But we are now on the verge of getting fusion power as a propulsion, which is the only way how human beings could safely get to Mars. There is discussion about studying the weather patterns, the underground water, the traces of life. And obviously, not only manned Mars missions are what is being looked at, but also a village on the Moon, a city on Mars, creating the conditions for longer term existence of man on these planets, as a stepping stone for future interstellar travel. Now, that means that the character of humanity will completely be transformed, because it’s very clear that once you undertake such endeavors, you cannot have a geopolitical war on Mars, or else you will not live, and you will not exist.

And the kind of international cooperation among astronauts which we have seen on the International Space Station (ISS), that is the model for the future cooperation among nations, like the United States, Russia, China, India, Europe—the best policy of Europe is their work on ESA, the European Space Agency, where its head, Mr. Jan Wörner, is enthusiastically speaking about the village on the Moon all the time; and ESA has just put out a request for young people to be trained as astronauts. That program should be enlarged. Europe should have a much, much larger space program, and if a small country like the Emirates can have a Mars mission, why cannot Germany have a Mars mission on its own? You know, Germany right now is in place 27, in terms of the number of people being vaccinated; the Emirates are in place 6 or 7.

So there’s something right which the Emirates are doing, and something fundamentally wrong what Germany is doing and the EU is doing. However, this is the future, and if mankind is supposed to live as an immortal species—and that was a notion which was coined by my late husband—because we are different from other species, because we have creative reason. We can solve any problem through scientific and technological breakthroughs, by discovering new laws of the universe. And since our mind is the most advanced part of that universe, there is all the reason for optimism that once we attune our own existence and our own practice with the laws of the universe, our chances to become the immortal species is absolutely there. But it does require space travel as a precondition, and I think this idea of nations working together to discover the beautiful secrets of the universe, that gives you a taste of what the future of man can look like, when we decide to become adults.

SCHLANGER: Well, Helga, it’s always good to end with a healthy dose of optimism, as you just did. For our viewers, let me remind you: You can get the new report “A Great Leap Backward—LaRouche Exposes the Green New Deal” on why we have to defeat the Great Reset and the Green New Deal, go to https://schillerinstitute.com and get an invoice for it.

And Helga, I guess that’s what we have now, so we’ll see you next week.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: And join the Schiller Institute!

Rigsdagsbrand i USA // Stop finansverdens grønne New Deal

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Haste appel til præsident Biden:
Tiden er inde til afgørende handling for at imødegå truslen om folkemorderisk affolkning i Afrika

På engelsk:

Jan. 31 (EIRNS)—I am Ramasimong Phillip Tsokolibane, the leader of the LaRouche movement in South Africa.

I lend my support to warnings delivered by our President, Cyril Ramaphosa, of the need for urgent action to get vaccines to Africa, and to nations elsewhere in the South, to fight the deadly COVID-19 virus. He delivered his warnings and demands to the world’s nations in his Special Address at the virtual Davos Conference of the World Economic Forum (see video excerpt here.).

As quoted by the South African daily, Business Day, President Ramaphosa warned on Jan. 26, “We are all not safe if some countries are vaccinating their people and other countries are not vaccinating,” urging that nations that have oversupplies of vaccines make them available to those who do not have them. This hoarding can have disastrous consequences, as will the continued use of patents by big pharma to restrict production and to overcharge the poorest nations. Speaking on behalf of the African Union, which South Africa currently chairs, Mr. Ramaphosa has called for those patents to be released or seized, so that production, and sale at cost, can take place in countries like South Africa, which have the necessary production facilities.

Mr. Ramaphosa reported to the World Economic Forum that the AU’s African task team for COVID-19 vaccine acquisition has secured a provisional 270 million doses for the continent directly through vaccine manufacturers. This is in addition to the 600 million doses expected from the COVAX initiative. But that is still well short of what is required for the 1.2 billion Africans to receive two doses each.

“Through its participation in these continental and global initiatives, S.A. continues to promote the need for universal, fair and equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines,” he said. “We all must act together in combating coronavirus, because it affects all of us equally, and therefore our remedies—our actions to combat it—must also be equal.” (Se her. )

Three months ago, I issued an urgent appeal to then-President Donald Trump, calling on him to take bold and decisive action to deal with the twin crises of the COVID-19 virus pandemic and the conditions of starvation that were already beginning to ravage the African continent. Making vaccines available at low cost, with financial aid as needed, is a central feature of my proposal.

I pointed out that the U.S. Presidency, with its vast executive power, has the ability to address these problems with measures that would get medical aid and food to people who need it, and thereby save perhaps hundreds of millions of people facing certain death, as has been warned of, loud and clear, by no less an authority than former South Carolina Governor David Beasley, who is now Executive Director of the United Nations World Food Programme. I made this case once again in December.

The capacity of the United States—working with other nations to supply the medicines and health supplies, as well as the staffing needed to administer them—needs to be mobilized to avert the worst genocide in human history. The power of U.S. farmers to produce needed foodstuffs and the U.S. military’s marvelous logistical capabilities to get food and medicine to where it is needed, could be mobilized by the U.S. President. I have since submitted the outlines of a plan to accomplish this and I am working to refine the proposal with a group of experts and others on the Committee for the Coincidence of Opposites, created by international Schiller Institute President Helga Zepp-LaRouche. (The plan is appended.)

For whatever reason, President Trump failed to act on my proposal, or any proposal, to deal with these crises. As a result, Africa is stalked by mass death on a scale unprecedented in human history. I can say with the assurance of certainty that this is and will be the case if action is further delayed.

There is now a new Administration in Washington, so I must place this crisis before the new President, Joe Biden, and his staff, and say that the world will judge harshly, indifference to these crises. The plan I propose offers the new President a chance to do something both great and important. Such is the responsibility that all who take the Presidential oath of office must face and act upon. The Presidency of the United States is the most powerful institution on the planet. The power of the Presidency gives the President a moral responsibility for the well-being of people beyond the borders of the United States. While respecting the sovereignty of nations, the President must seek cooperation to save the lives.

Read the words of a truly great American President, Franklin D. Roosevelt, speaking to his fellow Democrat successor across time, who in his acceptance speech for renomination to the Presidency in 1936, said:

“Governments can err, Presidents do make mistakes, but the immortal Dante tells us that divine justice weighs the sins of the cold-blooded and the sins of the warm-hearted in different scales. Better the occasional faults of a Government that lives in a spirit of charity, than the constant omission of a Government frozen in the ice of its own indifference.”

Heed this sage advice! I speak not only as a representative of South Africa, but on behalf of all Africans who are calling on President Biden to act now to save lives. Tomorrow will be too late!

Ramasimong Phillip Tsokolibane

29 January 2021

POLITISK ORIENTERING den 29. januar 2021:
Regimeskifte i USA og den “grønne genstart” fjerner ikke verdens problemer

Med formand Tom Gillesberg

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eller her på YouTube.



Schiller Instituttet · Regimeskifte i USA og den "grønne genstart" fjerner ikke verdens problemer.


Schiller Instituttet tager på det kraftigste afstand fra Men in Black

Schiller Instituttet pressemeddelelse den 25. januar 2021

25. januar 2021 — Schiller Instituttet i Danmark tager på det kraftigste afstand fra de holdninger, demonstrationer og aktiviteter, der er foregået under betegnelsen "Men in Black".

Schiller Instituttet har været meget aktive for at sikre en effektiv bekæmpelse af COVID-19-pandemien (se udtalelsen Operation virus ud af skindpelsen fra den 30. marts 2020, og for at sikre, at vi både i Danmark og internationalt kan få oprustet sundhedssystemerne – både med henblik på at få nedkæmpet COVID-19-pandemien og forhindre andre pandemier som måtte true menneskeheden i fremtiden.

Schiller Instituttet har støttet den internationale indsats for at få udviklet vacciner imod COVID-19 og ønsker dem udbredt hurtigst muligt i Danmark og i resten af verden.

Vi beklager, at et tidligere medlem i Schiller Instituttet og kandidat for Schiller Instituttets Venner, Christian B. Olesen, har valgt at være aktiv i Men in Black, som det blandt andet kunne læses i dagbladet Politiken den 24. januar 2021. Christian var medlem i Schiller Instituttet indtil november 2020, men har aldrig diskuteret Men in Black med Schiller Instituttet. Så længe han fortsat er aktiv i og deler holdninger med Men in Black er han ikke velkommen igen i Schiller Instituttet.

Tom Gillesberg
Formand for Schiller Instituttet i Danmark

Kontakt formand Tom Gillesberg: mobil: +45 24 48 29 97
Eller mobil: +45 53 57 00 51  

Erklæring om COVID-19-tiltag af Dr. Joycelyn Elders, fhv. chefmilitærlæge i USA
på vegne af Komitéen for modsætningernes sammenfald

På engelsk:

This statement was released on Christmas Eve, December 24. The Committee, initiated in July 2020 by a call from Helga Zepp-LaRouche of the Schiller Institute, involves many medical professionals, educators and retired U.S. military officers.

As the year 2020 draws to a close, let us fervently hope and diligently work, that the new year will bring about a great transformation for the health and well-being of all humanity.

This year has seen a sea of troubles, starting with the COVID-19 pandemic, which has already killed over 1.7 million people worldwide; which has exacerbated a famine crisis in large parts of the world, and which according to World Food Program director David Beasley, now threatens the lives of 270 million people; which has created mass unemployment and increasingly desperate conditions throughout the globe.

The COVID pandemic is not under control. We are now seeing new and more infectious strains of the coronavirus, as in Great Britain, which is creating economic chaos. This catastrophic situation can be remedied, but it requires the urgent mobilization of the population, including emphatically the implementation of public health measures, that have proven to be effective in containing the virus. We cannot simply wait for the vaccines to be administered. This emergency requires that nations work together to accomplish these solutions. Pandemics don’t discriminate. Any nation, any region, any group of people not treated in the course of this pandemic will come back to harm us.

The following measures should be undertaken by national, regional, and local governments. Community organizations, universities, medical institutions, religious groups, and others can begin to implement aspects of this immediately. This will spur broader action and save lives in the interim.

  • Public health measures should be strictly adhered to and enforced. These measures were recently reiterated by Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams, appearing on Sunday’s “Face the Nation,” December 20th: “We need to wash our hands, wear a mask, watch our distances, keep our household gatherings small.”
  • Get vaccinated. While this cannot be a mandatory requirement and is not without legitimate questions and concerns, it is highly recommended, as the best option, at present, to beat the COVID pandemic.
  • Rapidly recruit, train, and employ thousands of young people to work as community health care workers to educate people regarding the public health measures cited above and to overcome “vaccine hesitancy and fear,” and, where viable, to assist medical personnel with vaccine administration.
  • Conduct mass testing, especially in areas of vulnerable populations, i.e., the elderly, the impoverished, and “hot spots,” etc. This should be done with a rapid test, so that people get results immediately. This testing should be done regularly, once per month, until the area has a 65-70% vaccinated population. Testing sites should be established in areas where the vulnerable populations live, i.e. neighborhood churches, supermarket parking lots, etc. Mobile medical/clinic vehicles should be utilized wherever possible to reach out-of-the-way areas.
  • Isolate and quarantine infected individuals. A safe, secure environment should be provided where people can recover and receive good food and medical treatment, while doing so.
  • Begin public protocols immediately on promising prophylactic treatments, including Alpha-interferon and Vitamin D-3 supplements. These promising treatments and their results have generally been unreported. This may also address and build trust among the medically underserved communities, who have in many cases legitimate concerns about their general health conditions, independent of COVID-19.
  • Get everything moving as rapidly and on as large a scale as possible. What would it take to get everyone in the U.S. and in most of the world vaccinated and COVID-free by Independence Day, July 4, 2021? In this regard the expertise of the U.S. military including the National Guard and the Army Corps of Engineers, should be utilized.

It is often said that hindsight is 20/20. Let the year 2020 be remembered as the year the population woke up, realized our past mistakes, and changed, in order to create a better and healthier world for all mankind.


Verdensøkonomien under nulpunktet: Hvordan genopretter
vi produktiviteten og stopper sult-pandemien?

4. oktober (EIRNS) – Blandt de største industrielle økonomier i verden ser det i øjeblikket ud til at Kinas økonomiske vækst på 2% i 2020 – hvis den endda er så høj – vil være førende i verden. Hele den globale økonomi ligger længere under nul end selv centralbankernes renter – de samme centralbanker, som er værre end værdiløse i denne krise. Økonomierne i USA, Vesteuropa og Centraleuropa, Indien, Brasilien, og Sydafrika er alle skrumpet ind i årets løb; og i mange af landene ser afmatningen ud til at blive værre i årets sidste måneder.

Ikke alene lider alle disse nationer under massearbejdsløshed – som atter ikke viser nogen forbedring fra sidste måned – men i betydelig grad også de meget store bølger af sygdomsepidemien. De lider også – omend i meget forskellig grad – af en pandemi af sult stammende fra arbejdsløshed. Ifølge Den internationale Arbejdsorganisation er der tabt 500 millioner fuldtidsjob over hele verden i 2020, og pandemisk sygdom og grænselukninger har lukket for høstafgrøder, forarbejdning og forsendelse. Sultpandemien er værst i Afrika og Latinamerika, men den bider kraftigt i Indien og endda i USA. (Bloomberg News, 28. september: “Intet kød, ingen mælk, intet brød: Sultkrisen ryster Latinamerika.” Antallet af mennesker der står over for ”alvorlig fødevareusikkerhed” – sult – er firedoblet i disse områder i år, og fordobles over hele verden ifølge Verdensfødevareprogrammet.)

De seneste beskæftigelses- og industriproduktionsrapporter fra USA og Europa, der snarere end genopretning viser stagnation på et lavt niveau, skulle være det sidste signal der er nødvendigt i dette kriseår om, at der skal “handling til, og handling nu” for at igangsætte produktionen, hæve den produktive beskæftigelse og øge økonomiens produktivitet – og sådan handling kræver naturligvis samarbejde mellem de store nationer, der er ramt således.

I USA udviser “Sleepy Joe” Biden og hans kampagne ingen bevidsthed om eller evne til dette, overhovedet. Faktisk blev det bemærket, at selv i søndags gjorde præsident Donald Trump – der er indlagt på hospitalet for behandling af COVID-19 – flere offentlige optrædener end Biden gjorde; Trump kørte rundt i en karavane for at hilse på sine tilhængere på gaderne omkring Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, og annoncerede begivenheden på sin Twitter-konto. Og den demokratiske formand for Repræsentanternes Hus, Nancy Pelosi, blokerer nu rent faktisk for handling i Kongressen. Og dog har det faktum, at præsident Trump har været nødt til at håndtere pandemi og økonomisk sammenbrud – under konstant og voksende destabilisering hidrørende fra britisk efterretningstjeneste, amerikanske efterretningsagenturer og militærindustrielle grupperinger – givet Biden føringen i meningsmålingerne. Og desforuden ligger der potentielt uger forude med kaos efter valgdagen som følge af enorme mængder af brevstemmer og gadedemonstranter på udkig efter en ”farverevolution”.

Skulle præsident Trumps politik for at afslutte “regimeændrings-krigene” og indgå i konstruktivt samarbejde med Rusland og Kina fortabes, ville det være et nederlag for den amerikanske republik til det militærindustrielle kompleks, der i årtier har været ganske tilfreds med Biden; det ville være et knusende slag mod håbet om at genoplive rumforskning og videnskabelig og teknologisk udvikling. Men med præsidenten sygdomsramt, og under sådant et angreb, er det direkte op til enhver amerikaner, der tænker for sig selv, at forstå hvad der skal gøres – ikke blot at beklage og modsætte sig, men at vide hvad der er nødvendigt.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Schiller Instituttets internationale grundlægger, sagde følgende ved en særlig LaRouchePAC’s ‘rådhus’-webcast lørdag den 3. oktober: ”Det turde være klart, at med den kombination af problemer vi har i dag – en pandemi der er ude af kontrol, et økonomisk sammenbrud værre end noget andet siden Anden Verdenskrig, faren for et økonomisk nedbrud værre end i 2008, faren for at en geopolitisk konfrontation med Rusland og Kina går ud af kontrol – er vi er nødt til at ændre kurs. Og det er derfor, vi har brug for et topmøde, og den eneste realistiske mulighed på bordet lige nu, er det som præsident Putin har anmodet om. De permanente fem medlemmer af FN’s Sikkerhedsråd må mødes og behandle disse spørgsmål:

”Opret et nyt globalt finanssystem, et nyt kreditsystem, et nyt Bretton Woods-system; fordi dette nuværende system er bankerot, og der er brug for kredit til udvikling og til at finansiere alle disse ting i tråd med Franklin D. Roosevelts oprindelige intention og idé med Bretton Woods-systemet. Og så, naturligvis, LaRouches Fire Love: Glass-Steagall til at gøre en ende på kasinoøkonomien. Indfør Glass-Steagall i form af en bankadskillelse; beskyttelse af de kommercielle banker. Hold op med at redde fallerede spekulanter. Opret en nationalbank, ikke kun i et enkelt land, men i alle lande på planeten.

Og etablér derefter et kreditsystem, der samarbejder om langsigtede investeringer til genopbygning af verdensøkonomien. Iværksæt derefter et lynprogram for fusionsteknologi, der p.t. virkelig gør utrolige fremskridt, som vi hørte på en nylig Schiller Institut-konference. Og støt internationalt samarbejde om udforskning af rummet, således som præsident Trump har sagt, at Artemis-projektet skal være.

”Hvis alt dette aftales mellem USA, Rusland og Kina, som et minimum, og andre industrielle magter, der har kapacitet til at rekonstruere verden, derefter slutter sig til, kan vi løse dette problem. Men hvad der kræves er, at mange sådanne patrioter virkelig begynder at tage ansvar for udfaldet af denne periode. Jeg tror ikke der er andet, der vil fungere, og jeg tror virkelig, at det kan gøres”.