Fransk massestrejke decimerer globalisterne og svindelnummeret med klimaforandringer

Schiller Instituttets internationale webcast med Helga Zepp-LaRouche den 12. december 2018

Den franske præsident Emmanuel Macron har kapituleret til De Gule Vestes oprør i Frankrig – hvad er det egentlig, der foregår? Opstanden i Frankrig er ikke en serie af “protester” – det er en type af fænomen, som Lyndon LaRouche tidligere har identificeret som en “massestrejke” (med henvisning til Rosa Luxemburgs indsigt).

Som Schiller Instituttet har advaret om i årtier, er den såkaldte “klimaforandring” en skræmmekampagne, en dækhistorie for en malthusiansk politik med radikale nedskæringer – en britisk-globalistisk plan for at reducere levestandarden, reducere energiforbruget og reducere befolkningen.

Nu ser vi denne underliggende virkelighed bryde igennem.



POLITISK ORIENTERING den 13. december 2018: EU i opløsning:
Fransk protestbevægelse seneste udtryk for oprør fra Vestens befolkning

Med formand Tom Gillesberg


1. del: Indlæg:

2. del: Diskussion:

POLITISK ORIENTERING den 13. november:
1. del: Efter USA’s midvejsvalg, vil Trump og demokraterne samarbejde om
infrastruktur og bankopdeling?
Klik her for 2. del. om et møde med Hussein Askary
torsdag den 29. november på Frederiksberg

Med formand Tom Gillesberg

Video 2. del om mødet med Hussein Askary den 29. november på Frederiksberg (2 min.)



Formand Tom Gillesbergs tale til LaRouchebevægelsens franske partikongres
den 29. september 2018

Lyd (engelsk med fransk oversættelse):


Rapport fra Frankrig:

LaRouche co-thinker Solidarité & Progrès party day a success

During the weekend of Sept. 28-30, Jacques Cheminade’s Solidarité & Progrès
held its yearly General Assembly in Paris, an event which we have
transformed in a few years into a three-day education and action
process: 1) the party congress formalities rapidly, 2) a full day
of presentations on the most urgent questions for the nation, and
3) a morning of market areas and street deployments for all the

Some 130 persons participated this year, coming from
throughout the country: Finistère,  Montpellier, Ardèche,
Strasbourg, Bordeaux, Lille, Rennes, and other areas. Thirty of
them deployed on Sunday to the market places in the Paris area
and some of the more shy sympathizers ended up getting the most
contacts.  The deployment teams distributed an excellent leaflet,
on one side warning of the crash, calling for a new Bretton Woods
organized by the four powers, and denouncing the danger of war,
and on the other side proposing a Rooseveltian policy to create 5
million jobs in France.

Tom Gillesberg, chairman of the Schiller Institute in
Denmark, was our special guest this year from a sister
organization abroad….

Tom Gillesberg first thanked
Solidarité & Progrès for its presidential campaigns, a beacon of
hope for all of us, because we were able to defend our ideas at
the highest levels in an important country of the EU, even
though, like in Denmark, those electoral battles are not really
based on the principle of equality. Those battles oppose
candidates of the same elite, and those who are not part of that
are treated like shadow movements.

In Denmark, he said, even though we don’t have the resources
of the large parties, we defend the ideas and the visions that
others don’t have, thus creating a reservoir of true alternatives
which at a certain point in the crisis will play a decisive role.
Tom then proceeded to show the series of effective posters
they have been issuing in Denmark for local or national
elections. This is the way by which the population has come to
know us, since most people have never read about us in the media.
The only way journalists are allowed to talk about us, is by
criticizing our posters, which, allegedly, nobody can understand.
Who can dare say they are incomprehensible? In 2005: “When
the Bubble Bursts: New Bretton Woods,” in 2009 “Economic
Collapse, Only a New Credit System Can Save Denmark,” in 2015:
“Win-Win with the BRICS: Neither Collapse, Nor War.” But it’s
their 2007 poster, published before the bubble burst that became
quite famous: “After the Crash, Build a Maglev over the
Kattegat.”  Many were asking Tom, how did you know it would

The Danish Schiller Institute participation in the 2019
elections next June is absolutely necessary, since the current
debate is no better or any different than the one in France:
Competition to see who will be stricter against immigrants; who
will be greener than the other, and where will most taxes be cut,
for the rich, or in the health care.

The huge scandal rocking the Dansk Bank at this point,
however, creates an opening to relaunch the Glass-Steagall
campaign. The existence of a EU200 billion dirty money laundering
operation of Russian oligarchs between the Estonian branch and
the Danske Bank has been known since 2006, but it’s only the FBI
campaign against Russia that has brought it to light at this
point. The scandal and the state of bankruptcy of Danske is very
real, but since 30% of all accounts in Denmark, plus the majority
of the public payments, all go through Danske, any attempt to
blow it up, said Tom, would lead to a Danish revolt against the
Anglo-American masters, something which they would want to avoid.
On French issues, Tom Gillesberg debunked the idea
circulated by Macron in France, that the “flexi-security” model
of unemployment payments in Denmark is the most socially
advanced.  The system worked back in the 1970s, said Tom, but
since the early ’90s, “security” for the unemployed has totally
been gutted, and the only thingthat has been reinforced in the
crisis is the flexibility to hire and to fire workers.

Finally, if Tom does not believe Denmark is ready to lead
the way for a big change in Europe, because there is still
relative prosperity still in the country, he concluded by calling
for some help from France, to move things in Denmark, and from
Italy, where the attempt to muzzle the Italian opposition to the
EU austerity policies has not been successful and the Italian
government is moving towards China….

Fra arkivet: Hvordan Frihedsgudinden blev bygget

“Frihedsgudinens sande historie er, at den var en transatlantisk sammensværgelse for at udbrede idéerne bag den amerikanske revolution tilbage til det europæiske kontinent, hvor de blev født.”

“The real story of the Statue of Liberty is one of a transatlantic conspiracy to spread the ideas behind the American Revolution back to the European continent where they were born.”

af Michelle Rasmussen (Michelle Magraw) publicerede i The Campaigner i september 1981.

Download (PDF, Unknown)

Eller klik her for at læse artiklen på The Campaigner arkiv. Klik bagefter på siderne 53-56 på venstre siden (på engelsk).



Franske, belgiske og tyske banker har
størst eksponering i italiensk statsgæld

30. maj, 2018 – Den mest dramatiske situation blandt de store, private banker uden for Italien, og bortset fra Deutsche Bank, der befinder sig i en særlig sårbar tilstand pga. af dens gigantiske eksponering i derivater, er situationen for Belgiens Dexia Bank. Dexia har €15 mia. i italiensk statsgæld i sine regnskaber – dobbelt så meget som bankens egenkapital.

Eksponeringen i italiensk statsgæld er uforholdsmæssigt høj blandt flere banker i Tyskland; i Deutsche Pfandbriefbanks tilfælde er den på 83,2 % af bankens egenkapital; Aareal Bank, 65,9 %; Commerzbank, 42,7 %. Dette er for det meste lån i ejendomme. Deutsche Banks eksponering er relativt lav, med kun 6,51 %; bankens netværk af banker i Italien har imidlertid udstedt yderligere €35 mia. i lån til ikke-offentlige klienter.

Den værste situation, med hensyn til lån til ikke-offentlige klienter, findes her for franske banker, for hvem det italienske marked udgør det næststørste marked efter selve Frankrig: BNP Paribas har udstedt lån til klienter i Italien i størrelsesordenen €154 mia., og Crédit Agricole €95,5 mia.; alt i alt har franske banker €311 mia. i lån til italienske klinter på regnskaberne, af hvilke €63 mia. er til den italienske stat; tyske banker har €91 mia. på regnskaberne, som omfatter €39 mia. til staten; spanske banker har €66 mia., inkl. €45 mia. til den italienske stat.

Tabene for de store privatbanker i ugen fra 22.-29. maj udgjorde: 15,4 % for Unicredit; 12,5 % for Commerzbank; 12,4 % for Intesa San Paolo; Banco Santander, 11,3 %; Deutsche Bank, 9,3 %; Crédit Agricole, 9,3 %; BNP Paribas, 8,5 %; Société Générale, 6,2 %.

Macron udbreder imperienonsens under Kongressens bifaldsbrøl

25. april, 2018 – Præsident Emmanuel Macron adresserede en fælles samling i USA’s Kongres i dag, hvor han både angreb Trump omkring flere spørgsmål og løj, at han havde vundet Trump over til sit syn på andre. Hvad der måske er mere frastødende end Macrons åbenlyse krav om en kolonisering af Mellemøsten, reduktion af CO2 for at redde planeten og bombning af Syrien baseret på britiske løgne, er det faktum, at kongresmedlemmerne, fra begge partier, jublede og udråbte deres støtte til dette nonsens.

Macron angreb grundlæggende set Trump for at skabe frygt og tilbagetrækning fra verden: »Amerikanere og europæere lever i en tid med vrede og frygt under de globale trusler«, sagde han. »Man kan lege med vrede og frygt for en tid. Vrede får os blot til at stivne og svækker os … Vi kan vælge isolationisme, tilbagetrækning og nationalisme … men at lukke døren til verden, vil ikke standse evolutionen i verden.«

Han roste bombningen af Syrien og hævdede fuldstændig utroligt, at det havde »genoprettet det internationale systems troværdighed«.

Han angreb »fake news« for at »underminere vort demokrati« ved at bruge det udtryk, der bruges at dem, der anklager Rusland for at bringe »fake news« til torvs, når det selvfølgelig handler om, at Trump angriber massemedierne i USA og Europa, og ikke Rusland, når han angriber »fake news«.

Macron lød som noget fra Alice i Eventyrland, da han krævede, at verden må forsvare »suverænitet« i Mellemøsten, og forklarede dernæst, at han mente Iran, og ikke briterne, franskmændene og amerikanerne, som bør forblive i Mellemøsten, indtil »vi« får de regeringer, vi ønsker. Iran, på den anden side, må holdes ude af Yemen, Libanon, Irak og Syrien uden at nævne, at Iran er en ven af de suveræne stater Yemen, Libanon, Irak og Syrien, i modsætning til de invaderende, imperialistiske magter fra Vesten.

Men de største og mest entusiastiske bifald og bravoråb kom, da Macron jamrede om, at CO2 ødelagde planeten og ødelagde livet for vore børnebørn. Han hævdede endda, at USA ville erkende sine vildveje og komme kravlende tilbage til Paris-klimaaftalen – eftersom der ikke er noget alternativ, »ingen Planet B«, som han sagde. Han fornærmede Trump ved at vende dennes kampagneslogan på hovedet og sagde, »Lad os arbejde sammen for at gøre vores planet stor igen« – ved at nedlukke menneskeligt fremskridt.

Foto: Frankrigs præsident Emmanuel Macron talte for den samlede Kongres, hvor han høstede jubelråb for sit imperienonsens og endda spåede, at USA ville komme kravlende tilbage til Paris-klimaaftalen, når det havde erkendt sine vildveje!

Macron taler på vegne af Imperiet
– Hører Trump efter?

Leder fra LaRouchePAC, 25. april, 2018 – Hvis man troede på, at præsident Trump accepterede den franske præsident Emmanuel Macrons fantasmer for den samlede amerikanske Kongres i dag, så ville man acceptere, at Trump skulle være rede til at underkaste nationen Det britiske Imperiums kollapsende, gamle paradigme. Macron, der tydeligvis talte for Imperiet (som franskmændene plejer at gøre) opførte sig, som om Trump havde aftalt med ham, at USA skulle forblive i Syrien som en besættelsesmagt; at Trump snart ville vende USA tilbage til den fascistiske, grønne Paris-aftale om afindustrialisering af verden for at »redde planeten«[1] og at, når Trump taler om »fake news«, mener han russerne.

Pardon, Monsieur, men det britiske kupforsøg mod vores præsident er endnu ikke lykkedes; faktisk er det i store vanskeligheder, med MI6-agent Christopher Steele og hans amerikanske medskyldige i Obamas efterretningssamfund og i Obamas Udenrigsministerium, der selv står over for retsforfølgelse for kriminelle handlinger. Medlem af Repræsentanternes Hus for Californien, Devin Nunes, har, med sit formandsskab for Husets Efterretningskomites efterforskning af anklagerne bag Russiagate-fupnummeret, fastslået, at »der ikke var nogen officiel efterretning, der blev brugt til at indlede denne efterforskning«. Det var snarere alt sammen britiske løgne, der blev bragt til torvs i massemedierne som »fake news« – som Trump korrekt har fremført og gentagent fordømt.

Monsieur Macron fik, desværre, en heltemodtagelse af de korrupte medlemmer af USA’s Kongres, der stod op og applauderede og højlydt jublede, da Macron sagde, at menneskeheden var i færd med at ødelægge denne planet; at CO2 ødelagde ethvert håb for vore børnebørn; at »der er ikke nogen Planet B«, og at »vi må arbejde sammen for at gøre planeten stor igen«. Prins Philip kunne ikke have sagt det mere diabolsk.

[1] Se Introduktion til EIR’s Rapport: »Skræmmekampagne om global opvarmning er befolkningsreduktion – ikke videnskab!« Inkl. oversigt og links til de artikler, der er oversat til dansk. En forhåndsvisning som pdf er tilgængelig.

Men Trump har hidtil ikke kapituleret over for dem, der truer ham, og som forlanger, at han opgiver sine løfter til det amerikanske folk, der skaffede ham valgsejren. Trump lægger skylden for »fake news« på USA’s og UK’s pressehorer, ikke Rusland. Han hævder, at udvikling er vigtigere end klimaforandringens falske videnskab. Han insisterer på, at USA må blive venner med Rusland. Han annoncerede ligeledes tirsdag, at han sender sit økonomiske team til Kina, hvor »vi har en virkelig god mulighed for at indgå en aftale« med Xi Jinping, som er »en fantastisk fyr og én af mine venner«.

Det er præcis dette, som briterne og deres aktiver i USA, såvel som i Frankrig, er desperate for at forhindre. Der er et potentiale for, at der i USA og Europa skabes en massebevægelse imod den imperiale krigspolitik, der drives frem af britiske løgne. Folk reflekterer nu over Tony Blairs eventyr for børn om masseødelæggelsesvåben i Irak, som lancerede de seneste 15 års blodbad og ødelæggelser i hele Mellemøsten, og som atter drev skabelsen af udstrakte terroristnetværk med grobund i de befolkninger, der var mål for denne destruktion, og ligeledes var det, der drev millioner af desperate flygtninge, som således bragte kaos i Europa. En tysk, parlamentarisk komite fastslog 20. april, at det britiskanstiftede missilangreb mod Syrien var »en overtrædelse af folkeretten«, selv om den ynkelige kansler Angela Merkel kaldte det for »nødvendigt og passende«. Verden må i sandhed sige »aldrig mere« til det britiske imperie-krigsparti.

Verden må ligeledes sige »ja« til den Nye Silkevej som det eneste alternativ til diktater fra ’the lords’ fra finanscentrene i City of London og Wall Street, som ikke vil sky noget middel for at redde deres bankerotte system for storstilet spekulation og ditto svindel. De er helt villige til at løbe risikoen for en global krig for at forhindre USA i at gå sammen med Kina og 140 andre nationer, der nu ser en vej ud af nedskæringer og krig gennem det Nye Paradigme, der udtrykkes gennem Kinas Bælte & Vej Initiativ. Den indiske premierminister Narendra Modi rejser til Kina i denne uge med den hensigt at bringe Indien ind i et samarbejde med Kina og Rusland i det globale udviklingsalternativ. Hvis præsident Trump bringer USA ind i et fuldt og helt samarbejde i den Nye Silkevej, ville dette komplettere »firemagtsalliancen«, som Lyndon LaRouche længe har promoveret som den kraft, der er nødvendig for at gøre en ende på Det britiske Imperium.

Ved at forene Øst og Vest, kan vi for altid afskaffe imperiepolitikken med sin »del og hersk«, og menneskeracen kan gå fremefter med opbygningen af en fremtid for menneskehedens fælles mål. Der er intet valg, og dette er et dyrebart mulighedens øjeblik, vi ikke må forpasse.

Foto: Præsident Trump og præsident Macron fra Frankrig,. 24. april, 2018.  (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)

Macron forsøger at sælge Londons »Plan B« i Washington

24. april, 2018 – Tirsdagens fælles pressekonference mellem præsidenterne Donald Trump og Emmanuel Macron startede en time for sent. Begge talte om deres store venskab og deres lange samtale i det Ovale Kontor; Macron kyssede Trump på kinden under ét af flere hjertelige håndtryk mellem de to, og han svingede sin arm op på Trumps skulder, da de forlod podiet. Hvad de faktisk aftalte, ud over betydningen af det tidlige morgenangreb på Syrien den 14. april, er imidlertid fortsat uvist.

Konfronteret med præsident Trumps insisteren på, at han vil trække de amerikanske tropper ud af Syrien, sendte briterne den unge, franske præsident ind for at forsøge at bruge det fælles amerikansk-britisk-franske militære angreb mod Syrien som en løftestang for på en eller anden måde at lænkebinde den amerikanske præsident til en ny variant af deres endeløse, geopolitiske krige i Mellemøsten ved at spille op til hans »Iran er fjenden«-profil for at sælge det.

Macron talte om »humanitær lov« og anti-kemiske våben, men han fokuserede på »fire søjler« i en plan for Mellemøsten, hvor Iran er målet, og som han lagde frem på bordet. De første tre søjler relaterer til at sikre, at Irans atomprogram afsluttes permanent, og at dets ballistiske missilkapacitet fjernes. Den fjerde søjle er den afgørende: at skabe betingelserne for at begrænse Iran i området (han specificerede Yemen, Libyen og Syrien). Sidstnævnte kræver, sagde han, en politisk afgørelse på lang sigt for Syrien, som garanterer, at Syrien ikke falder ind under noget »overherredømme«, og at beslutninger om Syriens politiske fremtid vil blive udarbejdet af Europa, USA og regionale magter, med selv Rusland og Tyrkiet som en del af den regionale pakke. Forespurgt, om amerikanske tropper må forblive i Syrien under en politisk overgang, svarede den franske præsident, at »vi vil« (!) vurdere sådanne behov i de kommende måneder, baseret på omstændighederne på jorden.

De kloge hoveder vil nu utvivlsomt være travlt optaget af at forsøge at fortolke præsident Trumps bemærkninger for at afgøre, hvad hans faktiske planer er – en notorisk upålidelig praksis. Han sagde, at han og Macron aftalte, at vi ikke kan efterlade Middelhavet uden sikkerhed, og at der kræves en meget stærk blokade mod, at Iran når frem til Middelhavet. Han udtalte desuden med eftertryk, at de »ekstremt rige« lande i Mellemøsten, som USA har beskyttet gratis – og I ved, hvem jeg mener, sagde han – må betale for dette og sætte deres egne soldater på jorden for at håndhæve det. (Saudi-Arabien skal være blandt dem, Trump har i tankerne.) USA har fået mindre end intet ud af de $7 billion, det har brugt i Mellemøsten i årenes løb, fortsatte han, men når vi ønsker at bygge hovedveje, tunneller og skoler i USA, siger folk, »åh, vi må udvise forsigtighed mht., hvordan vi bruger vores penge«. Dernæst gentog Trump, at ISIS stort set er udslettet i Irak og Syrien; at han har til hensigt at trække USA ud af Syrien, og at vi meget snart vil træffe »nogle meget store beslutninger«.

En overordnet fredsaftale haster virkelig i Sydvestasien. Ideer, der imidlertid er gennemførlige, til sikring af dette, såsom at forene folkeslagene omkring den udvikling, som den Nye Silkevej ville bringe, kunne meget vel fremkomme af det meget nødvendige topmøde mellem præsidenterne Trump og Putin.

Foto: De angivelige bonkammerater Macron og Trump under deres fælles pressekonference.

Jacques Cheminade fra Solidarité & Progrès til RT France:
Angloamerikanske kræfter arbejder for verdenskrig,
fordi deres monetære finanssystem er truet

Paris, 18. april, 2018 – (Nouvelle Solidarité) – I forbindelse med Skripal-forgiftningen og det angivelige »kemiske angreb« i Douma, Syrien, fik Jacques Cheminade, præsident for Solidarité & Progrés (LaRouche-bevægelsen i Frankrig, –red.) en masse dækning i RT France. Den 9. april blev han interviewet om Skripal-affæren i en halv time, og den 14. april, den dag, angrebene blev udført om natten mellem 13. og 14. april, var han inviteret som gæst på et timelangt Tv-nyhedsprogram. Her er et par uddrag, vi kan bruge fra dette vigtige interview:

Bedt om at kommentere angrebet, svarede Cheminade,

»Hvis man ser isoleret på tingene, kan man kalde dette for et ’engangsangreb’, som den amerikanske forsvarsminister James Mattis gjorde, eller et ’begrænset mål’, eller sige, at russerne var varslet på forhånd, som [den franske forsvarsminister] Florence Parly gjorde. Man kan sige så meget, en symbolsk gestus, eller en gestikuleren. Det er imidlertid ikke virkeligheden; virkeligheden er den strategiske eskalering, der ligger bag, og for at se dette, skal vi ikke se på den isolerede handling, men må i stedet se på den globale, internationale situation. Vi står med en situation, hvor de angloamerikanske kræfter arbejder hen imod en storbrand, en krig, og det arbejder de på, fordi deres monetære system truer med at kollapse hvert øjeblik, det skal være. For dem er krig et våben, der kan bruges som en trussel, og i denne strategiske optrapning leger de med ilden hvert sekund, og det er meget alvorligt.«

»Det, der er alvorligt«, fortsatte Cheminade, »er beviser, som regeringen baserede sig på for at træffe en sådan beslutning: Information, leveret af de Hvide Hjelme; en organisation, stiftet af James Le Mesurier, en direkte britisk agent, som alle ved«, og på »kilder såsom det Syrisk Amerikanske Selskab, et amerikansk selskab, der køres af tidligere associerede til USAID, og Unionen af Læge- og Nødhjælpsorganisationer, der køres af saudierne og muligvis af det Muslimske Broderskab«; vores regering baserede sig »på beviser, der kom fra den ene side i konflikten, og ikke den anden … Præsident Macron måtte på et tidspunkt indrømme, at Frankrig ikke havde en prøve på den kemiske substans, der var brugt, og som ville gøre det muligt for regeringen at vurdere; alligevel fandt disse angreb sted, mens OPCW var ved at ankomme til Syrien, og vi angreb før de kom!«

»Lad os klart fastslå, at Syrien aldrig har truet vores territorium. Vi bruger altså her det angloamerikanske princip, der hedder ’ansvar for at beskytte’ (R2P), hvilket vil sige, beskytte deres egne interesser og bruge humanitære bekymringer som påskud. Der er nogen, der har sagt, at man kan komme militære angreb ind i handsker af humanitær hjælp. Det er, hvad vi står overfor.

For det andet, hvornår fandt dette angreb sted? Efter Skripal-affæren, ud fa alle beviser en iscenesat hændelse, en montage, brugt af dem, der ønsker at skabe en situation med provokationer og krig, og Sergei Lavrov sagde det selv, da han beskyldte britiske interesser for at stå bag det; han sagde ikke amerikanske interesser, når det drejede sig om Skripal-affæren, hvilket er meget vigtigt i denne sag. Nogle siger, britisk hjerne og amerikansk råstyrke.«

Er det ikke det samme, spurgte RT?

»Tja, det er en britisk hjerne, der forsøger at skabe en situation, hvor de kan drage fordel af amerikansk råstyrke. Det var, hvad Lavrov afslørede. Præsident Trump har sine egne grunde til at ønske at berolige tingene med Xi Jinping og Putin, men krigsmagerne skubber ham i denne retning, de samme, der tidligere skubbede Hillary Clinton. Nu har vi alle disse neokonservative, der lægger pres på Trump, gennem Russiagate [imod Trump], som blev iscenesat af en britisk agent, Christopher Steele.«

Så vi finder altså briterne på alle hovedpunkter i denne situation, sagde Cheminade.

Foto: Jacques Cheminade interviewes til RT France.  

Schiller Instituttets spørgsmål på konferencen:
Magt og politik i Mellemøsten og Nordafrika
arrangeret af Dansk Institut for Internationale Studier og

Schiller Instituttets medlemmer og partnere stiller spørgsmål om den positive rolle, Kina spiller i Vestasien og Afrika, med den Nye Silkevej (Bælte & Vej Initiativet) d. 31. januar 2018 ved et møde, arrangeret af Dansk Institut for Internationale Studier (DIIS) og Udenrigsministeriet, med titlen “Magt og politik i Mellemøsten og Nordafrika”. Se video:

Schiller Institute in Denmark intervention at Middle East/North Africa conference

COPENHAGEN, Feb. 2, 2018 (EIRNS) – Members of the Schiller Institute Denmark went to an event hosted by the Danish Institute for International Studies and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on “New Trends in Power and Politics in the Middle East and North Africa” on Jan. 31. The conference speakers included the Danish foreign minister (who didn’t take questions) and international and Danish think tank analysts. About 200 people attended the event, and it was live-streamed. The main theme of the conference was that now there is an unstable political vacuum in the area due to the end of the neo-liberal world order. The Schiller Institute intervention was to bring the potential of new paradigm into the discussion. Two of the Schiller Institute members asked questions calling for the USA and Europe to join the New Silk Road, as Lyndon LaRouche has been calling for, and together with China build up Africa and West Asia with a win-win spirit as opposed to geopolitics, as French president Macron lately called for. Our upcoming seminar on Extending the New Silk Road to West Asia and Africa was also mentioned. (A woman from the German Marshall Fund in the U.S. Said that the Chinese investments were a great potential, but we have to see if we can go along with what the political price tag may be, another woman from the Carnegie Institute in Washington said that the U.S. should not join the Silk Road, which was just to benefit Chinese interests, but pick and choose what to participate in.) One question was about why there was not more support in the U.S. for Trump’s policy to cooperate with Russia and China, (a man from the Atlantic Council said that the problem is that Russia is on a different page on Syria), and the last question was about our campaign to end geopolitics, and which group of investors attached most conditions to their investments, the Transatlantisists or the Chinese. Mehran Kamrava answered, that the Chinese investments in the MENA region were purely economically oriented.

Macron tilslutter Frankrig den Nye Silkevej

Nu må Danmark på banen af formand Tom Gillesberg:
Den franske præsident Emmanuel Macrons besøg i Kina 8.-10. januar, hvor han annoncerede, at Frankrig vil samarbejde tæt med Kina om Xi Jinpings Bælte og Vej-Initiativ, er et glædeligt og dramatisk skifte i international politik. For første gang markerede en vestlig stormagt, tilmed et af de fem permanente medlemmer af FN’s sikkerhedsråd, at man vil forlade det fejlslagne, gamle, vestlige paradigme, hvor man har insisteret på en unipolær verdensorden med USA som verdens politibetjent, der sikrer, at private finansielle interesser med centrum i London og New York kan diktere, hvad der foregår i verdensøkonomien. Hvem, der kan få udvikling og hvem, der skal leve på tredje klasse. Kina har de seneste årtier formået at løfte 700 mio. kinesere ud af dyb fattigdom og ønsker med Bælte & Vej-Initiativet at gøre det samme muligt for resten af verdens nationer. Det anerkendte Macron og erklærede, at Frankrig vil deltage i denne proces, særligt i Afrika, hvor Kina er i gang med at udvirke infrastrukturelle mirakler, og hvor Frankrig har en lang kolonihistorie og (mener Macron) en forståelse for, hvad der rører sig blandt afrikanerne. Han fremhævede, at man ikke må gentage kolonialismens fejltagelser, som han mente, at Frankrig har sin del af ansvaret for, men have en inkluderende investeringspolitik, hvor alle kan være med. …


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Paris og Beijing indvier fælles fusionsforskningscenter

13. jan., 2018 – I hælene på præsident Emmanuel Macrons besøg til Kina i sidste uge, blev det kinesisk-franske, fælles fusionsforskningscenter den 11. jan. indviet i Hefei, som er stedet for Instituttet for Plasmafysik under det Kinesiske Videnskabsakademi, og hjemsted for den Eksperimentale Avancerede Superledende Tokamak (EAST). Den franske side anføres af Ministeriet for Videnskab og Teknologi og den franske Atomenergikommission. Science and Technology Daily, der udgives af det Kinesiske Ministerium for Videnskab og Technologi, rapporterer, at rammeaftalen for etablering af et fælles forskningscenter blev underskrevet sidste november. Centrets hovedformål er at udføre forskning til støtte for ITER’s (International Termonuklear Eksperimental Reaktor) internationale fusionsprojekt, der er under opførelse i Frankrig.

Centret vil påbegynde sin fælles forskning i Europas Wolfram-miljø i Steady-State Tokamak (WEST) maskine som sit første projekt. Kinesiske og franske videnskabsfolk vil arbejde på tekniske udfordringer, som ITER vil stå over for, når den er i drift, inklusive udvikling og verificering af nøglekomponenter. Efter begge parters etablering af fælles laboratorier, vil de udføre forskning på begge landes fusionsmaskiner.

Paraplyaftalen inkluderer fælles bud på kontrakter for fusionsprojekter, fusionsvidenskab og eksperimentalforskning i fysik, sikkerhed og tekniske standarder i »projekter af gensidig interesse« og fælles arbejde på den næste generations fusionsreaktorer.

Kina og Frankrig, rapporterer nyhedsbrevet, har en lang historie for samarbejde inden for termonuklear fusionsenergi, der går tilbage til 1980’erne. Det begyndte med samarbejde mellem Frankrigs Tore Supra tokamak og Kinas HT-7-maskine, og som »gradvist transformeredes« til de nuværende maskiner i drift.

Foto: Kina og Frankrig åbnede i fællesskab et fusionsforskningscenter torsdag, 11. jan., 2018, i Hefei, hovedstad i den østkinesiske provins Anhui.

Frankrig omfavner den Nye Silkevej:
Bliver USA den næste?
LaRouche PAC Internationale Webcast,
12. jan., 2018



Vært Matthew Ogden: Som I ser, så er temaet for aftenens show, at vi fortsat befinder os i en nedtælling til præsident Trumps State of the Union-tale den 30. jan. i år. Der er nu 18 dage tilbage til denne tale; og vi holder fortsat fast i vores forpligtelse til, at det er vores job at sætte to punkter på dagsordenen: Nummer ét: præsident Trump må vedtage Lyndon LaRouches Fire Økonomiske Love. Nummer to: præsident Trump må udtrykkeligt erklære, at USA går med i den Nye Silkevej.

Her følger engelsk udskrift af resten af webcastet:
On that latter point, a very dramatic breakthrough has
occurred this week, and the world has substantially changed.
However, you most likely have not heard this news; unless, of
course, you are watching  But the western media
is failing to report what is probably one of the most strategic
changes in the alignment of the world in many years.  That news
comes out of a trip that French President Emmanuel Macron made to
China in the beginning of this week.  Now, this may come as a
surprise to many people who might not have expected that this
would occur.  But we do have to say that the activities of the
LaRouche movement yet again have now come to bear and really
deserve significant credit for this strategic shift that has
occurred in France.  Of course, you remember that Jacques
Cheminade, who is a collaborator of Lyndon LaRouche in France,
ran a very high-profile Presidential campaign just last year, in
which he called for France to join the New Silk Road.
Now, what has Emmanuel Macron done?  He has announced that
he intends for France, and also by consequence, Europe to
collaborate with China on the New Silk Road.  This is an
extraordinary change.  Emmanuel Macron was the first European
leader to visit China in the aftermath of the 19th Party
Congress.  He had a very high-level, substantial state visit
which lasted several days, with President Xi Jinping.  What has
he announced?  France is now making the commitment that France
will collaborate with China’s Belt and Road Initiative of great
infrastructure projects across Eurasia and notably in Africa.
That’s a very important point for France, due to its history in
Africa.  Emmanuel Macron and President Xi Jinping announced that
they will particularly be focussing on French-Chinese cooperation
in developing nuclear power technology.  This is something that
France is a leader in, in Europe; and China is also now an
emerging leader in nuclear power.  This will be what will power
the world’s economies, including the economies of all those
nations along the New Silk Road.
This makes France not the first European country to make
this commitment and to announce their interest in joining the New
Silk Road.  Of course, the 16 countries of Eastern Europe have
already made that announcement.  We had the summit at the CEEC
[Central and Eastern European Countries] conference in the fall
of last year.  These Eastern European countries have already
announced that they are enthusiastic about joining the New Silk
Road, and being the front door for the Silk Road into Europe.
However, what this is, is the first Western European country to
announce unequivocally this intention to collaborate with China
on the New Silk Road.  France is the number two economy in
Europe; it’s a leading world power.  Obviously, a global power
and a very longstanding civilization; and it is one of the
permanent United Nations Security Council members.  That topic
was also part of the discussion between Macron and Xi Jinping.
So, I would assume that, unless you’ve been watching, you do not know the significance of this news.
But what we’re here to do today, is to communicate to you exactly
what occurred during this historic trip by Emmanuel Macron to
China.  And to ask the question:  Now that France has taken this
step, whither the rest of Europe, and whither the United States
of America?  The invitation is on the table for the United States
to join the Belt and Road Initiative.  The door is wide open.
President Trump has expressed his clear intention and interest in
working together with President Xi Jinping and developing a close
relationship and a new era in US-China relations.  Now all he
needs to do is take that step through that open door, and to do
exactly what President Macron on France has just done.
So, I would like to share with you some excerpts.  First, of
a speech that Emmanuel Macron made in Xi’an, which is one of the
historic cities at the terminus of the Silk Road in China.  This
is the city where they have the famous terra cotta warriors; and
Emmanuel Macron did make a tour of that astounding museum.  When
you see this with your own eyes, you realize the power and the
depth of the ancient civilization that China represents.  Then,
subsequent to that, I will share with you some of the comments
that he made to the same effect during a joint press conference
he had with President Xi at the conclusion of his trip.
So, here are a few quotes from President Macron’s speech in
Xi’an.  What President Macron said during this speech is, he went
through the history of French-Chinese relationships and stressed
how significant this shared history has already been.  Then he
said the following:  “I want you to understand something today.
France is here; becoming transformed in depth and wants to be
that country of dialogues and construction of a new partnership
for the 21st Century, with China.  With it, Europe wants, through
the building of its own power to build a balanced cooperation
with China in the coming century.  When you build a relationship
of friendship, it is a balanced cooperation that you seek.
“It is in the same spirit that I wish for us to advance
on the New Silk Road.  Indeed, One Belt, One Road is the
perspective gave itself and that it has proposed to the world.
When a proposal is on the table, it is not my habit not to
discuss it.  I understand the opportunities for China on the
economic level for finding new markets internationally; on the
political level in order to open up regions hit by
under-development; on the diplomatic level to stabilize trade in
fragile regions where there are states in difficulty, and in
developing regions; on the cultural level, since it is a matter
of exerting leadership with the force of new ideas.  I think that
the initiative of the New Silk Roads can meet our interests —
those of France and of Europe — if we give ourselves the means
to really work together.  After all, the Silk Roads were never
purely Chinese, if I’m honest.  When we talk about the Maritime
Silk Roads, they were first Portuguese.  On land, they went
through Central Asia — Iran, Iraq, Tyre, and Antioch — and in
so doing, they were Sino-European.  The genius of the first Silk
Roads was to have often re-invented European roads and made them
Chinese roads.  I am saying that in a consubstantial way, these
roads are still shared.  And if these are roads, they cannot be
one way; they must be a two-way street.  I am thus ready to work
to the announced objectives.  Road, railroad, airport, maritime
and technological infrastructure programs along the Silk Roads
can provide a response to the infrastructure deficit;
particularly in Asia.
“The pooling of our financial resources, public and private,
for cross-border projects, can strengthen the connectivity
between Europe and Asia and beyond.  To the Middle East and
Africa, and allow better integration, structure, and opening up
through the growth of trade.  At the same time, it will do much
more.  And the city of Xi’an is a living example.  Those first
Silk Roads brought Buddhism and Islam and Christianity here.
These New Silk Roads will inevitably lead to cultural and
educational exchanges and to profound transformations in the
countries that they cross.
“Finally, it is a matter of giving ourselves a perspective
at a moment when the shared grand narratives are so sorely
lacking in the world.  I must say, it is one of the great merits
of these Silk Roads proposed by Xi Jinping.  These Silk Roads
re-activate the imagination of a new civilization of fruitful
exchanges, of shared wealth.  And they show to all those who
thought that we were in a tired, post-modern world where the
great stories were forbidden, that those who decide to live great
epics can make others dream as well.  I believe profoundly in
great stories.
“It is up to France, and with it to Europe, to contribute
its share of imagination to this proposal, and to work at it in
the months and years to come.  This will be the object of my
exchanges with President Xi Jinping:  To define the agenda of
trust that I want, that we put together.  I know that some will
say that this agenda of trust must be one to create an
equilibrium between a developed country and a developing one.
But China is no longer a developing country; it is a country
which is bypassing that, largely.  Therefore, we must reinvent
here the terms of a new relationship; and the Silk Roads are the
very expression of that new relationship of China to the world.
I propose to identify very concretely the political framework in
which we can build that partnership, that cooperation, and that
common strategy.  I am convinced profoundly that if Europe and
China know how to establish that goal together, this initiative
could be the occasion of relaunching very pragmatically the
multi-lateralism which is today lacking in concrete realizations.
“I am ready to play a key role in this direction, making
sure that the European countries progress in unity.  Because
China needs to have a solid interlocutor to exchange and build on
its own initiative.  I want the Silk Roads to not limit
themselves to economic questions, but be enlightened in Europe by
a deep comprehension of China.  All resources must be used to
this end; from the publishing world to the world of theatre and
cinema; from the French Sinology school to the world of arts.
These are the roads of exchange that we must build.
“You have understood, ladies and gentlemen, that my will is,
indeed, in this framework.  That France and Europe take up their
full responsibility and meet the proposal offered by China.”
So, that was an excerpt of French President Emmanuel
Macron’s speech in Xi’an in China; just a short excerpt.  It’s a
very elaborated speech in which he also discusses the importance
of not returning to imperialism.  He talked about the need to
create harmony between countries, and not to be competing for
so-called limited geo-strategic interests.  He said, if we equip
ourselves with the means to really cooperate, we can create a new
civilization.  He praised China’s work in Africa, and he said
China has invested heavily in infrastructure and in raw materials
in recent years, with a financial power that European countries
could not have done.  He called for French-Chinese cooperation in
developing Africa; saying that to implement projects that are
really useful and financially sustainable for growth on that
continent, because that’s where the future lies.  We must not
repeat the mistakes of the past, he said, by creating political
and financial dependence under the pretext of development.  He
also said that the West must overcome the “one-sided imperialism”
that has been perpetrated by France and other European powers in
Africa and elsewhere.  Then he commented that China’s example of
lifting 700 million people out of poverty, is the example that
must be taken everywhere.
Now, in the concluding joint press conference between French
President Emmanuel Macron and President Xi Jinping, Emmanuel
Macron elaborated and repeated and emphasized some of the points
that he made in that initial speech in Xi’an.  So, here are a
couple of quotes from that speech during the concluding press
President Macron said, “The last point in the global agenda
is the New Silk Road; the Belt and Road Initiative.  I’m
convinced that this initiative will have a considerable impact
and will provide elements that will stabilize in the regions
crossed by the Silk Road.  We have proposed to work together on
this.  Historically, the Silk Road was shared; shared by the
Europeans and the Chinese because it was a road for trade and
exchanges.  So, it’s important that this New Silk Road in terms
of its philosophy and spirit, that it should revitalize the
balanced exchanges and cooperation between us.  I look for close
collaboration with President Xi Jinping.  We will be working to
ensure that whenever and wherever we implement this initiative,
we fight against corruption and imbalanced forms of development;
to allow societies to benefit fully from the growth thereby
“Finally, you mentioned culture.  Culture is a powerful,
historic element along with language.  And again, this reflects
the quality of our bilateral relations.  I would like us to
strengthen — through multiple initiatives — our cultural
cooperation.  First of all, by organizing several exhibitions to
better understand the mutual influence of our cultures; to better
understand the China of yesterday and today; and also the history
of the Silk Road.”
So, this was an extraordinary strategic breakthrough, and it
did take people by surprise.  However, it should be viewed as a
consequence of the persistent effort by a handful of leaders such
as the leaders of the LaRouche movement and Lyndon and Helga
LaRouche particularly; and Jacques Cheminade in France, and
others, to put this agenda on the table.  It proves that the
winds of change have come.  The New Silk Road is indeed now the
prevailing dynamic worldwide.  The leaders of European countries
who are not committed to being dinosaurs and being stuck in the
past in a failing trans-Atlantic geo-political world, are
recognizing that they have nothing to lose and everything to gain
from reciprocating President Xi Jinping’s offer of mutual benefit
and “win-win” cooperation.
Now, apparently directly following Emmanuel Macron’s trip to
China, the European Union has announced that it is drafting its
own “inter-connection blueprint” for the Eurasian continent.
This “inter-connection blueprint for Eurasia” is intended to
dovetail with the Belt and Road Initiative of China.  This was
stated by the EU Ambassador to China, Hans Dietmar Schweisgut, at
a press conference that he gave this week, which was held
literally within hours of French President Macron’s return from
his state visit to China.  The EU ambassador stated that this
economic blueprint for the interconnection of the Eurasian
continent is something that they are intending to pursue.  Now,
in what form is not clear, and the big question is, will the rest
of the countries of Western Europe get on board — Germany most
of all.  Will Germany abandon some of the failed policies, the
debt break and the anti-nuclear policies and others, that would
hold Europe back from participating fully in this Belt and Road
In response to a question on the announcement of this
so-called EU blueprint for interconnectivity in Eurasia, the
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman, Lu Kang, said the following:
“The European side is welcome to participate in the Belt and Road
Initiative.  And we are ready to work with them for ‘win-win’
cooperation in interconnection and in other fields.  Based on the
principle of achieving shared growth through discussion and
collaboration, China will join the EU in promoting prosperity and
stability of the entire Eurasian continent, and building a
community of shared future for mankind.”  So, that was the
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman in response to this EU
interconnection blueprint plan.
Now also in the wake of Macron’s trip — and I think this
really indicates that there’s a seriousness among the French
political and strategic policymaking elite that this is going to
be the directionality for France.  It’s been reported that the
Sorbonne, which is the leading foreign policy university and
institution in France, and really one of the leading foreign
policy institutions in all of Europe, the Sorbonne has announced
that they will be hosting a series of 11 seminars on the New Silk
Road.  The first one is going to be hosted and chaired by the
former Prime Minister of France, Dominique DeVillepin.  So, we
can see I think indications going all the way back to the
attendance by Raffarin at the Belt and Road Forum in China in the
spring of last year, that there was this undercurrent in France.
But it has now taken a really dramatic form, with Macron’s trip.
We see that there are other countries which have also begun
moving very clearly in this direction.  There was a major
conference in Milan, Italy which was called “Belt and Road:
Building a Concrete Roadmap with Italy’s and China’s Joint
Growth”.  This was sponsored by the Italian Industries Ministry
and the Chinese Trade Ministry, and also the Lombardy Association
of Industry.  It was organized by the Italy-China Business Forum.
The coverage of this conference indicates that there are very
strong indications inside Italy also that they move in this
direction.  We do know that the Prime Minister of Italy,
Gentiloni,  and President Macron just had their own summit
meeting on the sidelines of the Mediterranean European countries
summit, where it is very much to be assumed that they discussed
Macron’s trip to China and the necessity for all of southern
Europe and the Mediterranean countries to join the New Silk Road;
exactly what has been the subject of a prolonged campaign by the
LaRouche movement in Europe.
So, this indicates that what France has done is setting the
agenda which the rest of Europe and frankly the United States
must follow.  We even see that the Paris newspaper {Le Monde} is
beginning to understand exactly what time it is when it comes to
the role that China will play in the future of Europe.  They
published an extensive story under the title “China: The
Innovation Dragon”.  They said, “The pace of China’s
transformation over the last four years is unprecedented.  The
country’s GDP grew by nearly 10% per year on average, while
reshaping global trade patterns and becoming the second-largest
economy in the world.  That success lifted 800 million people out
of poverty.  The mortality rate of children under five years old
was halved between 2006 and 2015.  The question now is whether
China, well-positioned to become the world’s innovation leader,
will realize that opportunity in 2018 or soon after.”
So, this is exactly the point.  China has accomplished a
miracle that no other country has accomplished on the entire
planet.  That model of what China has done is the standard which
all other countries now must measure themselves against, and must
become participants in; not in a competitive way, but in a
“win-win” way with this idea of a common destiny for the future
of mankind.  We also know that there was a very interesting
conference that occurred, believe it or not, in Wall Street at
the New York Stock Exchange just this week.  With Chinese leaders
discussing the necessity for a new measurement of economic
prosperity.  Not GDP, which can be a very fraudulent measure of
so-called economic growth; but actually measuring the rate at
which you are increasing the living standards of the population,
the rate at which you are incorporating new technologies and
innovations, and some very important measuring rods that you need
to measure the true success of an economy — not just stock
market bubbles.  That is a lesson which must be taken to heart by
the American people and by President Trump himself.
Now what I would like to do is, share with you the remarks
that Helga Zepp-LaRouche had during her international webcast
from the Schiller Institute yesterday, where she responds
directly to the significance of this trip by President Macron to
China.  This is Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s comments on Macron’s
decision to bring France into the orbit of the New Silk Road.

HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Well, this is a real
breakthrough, and I know that many people have different opinions
about Macron, but I must say, if somebody goes in the right
direction, one should be positive about it.  What he did, is he
went on a three-day visit to China.  He was the first European
leader after the 19th Party Congress of the Communist Party of
China; and he went to Xi’an first, which is the place where the
ancient Silk Road started from the Chinese side, and he made a
very remarkable speech. And I would urge all interested political
people, people who are really trying to get to the truth of the
matter, don’t believe what you read in the media, just read the
speech.  It’s a 1 hour and 15 minute speech, and the fact that he
admits some of the most horrible mistakes of Western policy is a
reason why I tend to believe that he really is making a change in
French policy.
For example:  He not only fully endorsed the New Silk Road
of China, he called it a “treasure to civilization”; he said we
must never repeat the mistakes of the past, like Iraq, Libya, and
then he also said he wants to invite China to cooperate with
France in projects in Africa, so that France would not make the
same mistakes of the past of imperial unilateralism in Africa.
He also said that one must make sure that one does not create new
dependencies politically and economically under the pretext of
development aid, but that therefore he invites China, because if
China and France are working together on development of Africa,
these mistakes can be avoided.
So I think there are a lot of other elements in his speech:
He praised the Chinese policy of being a great epic, one of the
great epics of history.  He said, we in the West have become
tired and epics have not been allowed any more, but that is
exactly what is needed.
I think this is a very, very positive development, and on
the plane on the way back to Europe, he was asked by reporters,
but what about the tension between the EU and China?  And he
said, this is not to be blamed on China, it’s entirely the fault
of the EU.
These kinds of statements really convince me that he means
what he says, and I find it highly interesting that today, that
is just three days after his speech in Xi’an — or maybe
yesterday already — the EU put out a statement saying that they
want to come forward with their own plan of connectivity which is
supposed to be linked up with the Belt and Road Initiative of
China.  This was welcomed by the Chinese Foreign Ministry,
praising it, saying this means there will be a “win-win”
cooperation to the benefit of both sides.
So, there is a lot going on, and I think this is very
positive, because this can only be an inspiration for President
Trump, because if even the EU, which has been really against
this initiative, they tried to block it out entirely for years,
if even they move now, one has to see obviously what they do
about financing this, because the famous, or infamous “Juncker
plan,” which supposedly had EU350 billion never materialized
because it was all based on the idea of private investments which
never came.  Because obviously this kind of infrastructure cannot
be financed by private capital, but this is something which needs
a credit system.  And that would mean the EU has to change.  They
would have to abandon their debt brake, which is now in the
constitutions of all member-states, and they would have in
Germany, to, if they would ever join, to abandon the policy of
the so-called “black zero.”  I mean Germany just had a budget
surplus, I think of $38 billion which is quite a bit.  So they
could already start investing some of this money in these
projects, because the infrastructure in Germany is also in a very
pitiful condition, let alone other European countries.
This is a breakthrough and all the various opponents of the
New Silk Road, I think they will realize that the Silk Road is
there, it’s coming, it’s spreading, and it is a new paradigm.
And I think it’s the victorious one, as compared to the outdated
neoliberal model.

OGDEN: ⦠yesterday on her webcast about the
breakthrough of Emmanuel Macron’s trip to China.
Now what I would also like to do is share with you a portion
of a briefing that Paul Gallagher, who is the EIR Economics
Editor, presented last night on the Fireside Chat — the national
activist call.  Paul very clearly puts this breakthrough which
just occurred within the context of the decades-long fight by
Helga and Lyndon LaRouche to conceptualize this idea of what was
originally the Eurasian Land-Bridge and now has become known at
the New Silk Road or the One Belt, One Road initiative; going all
the way back to the collapse of the Soviet Union.  What Paul also
does is he gives some more details on what the agreements were,
that were made between Emmanuel Macron and President Xi Jinping;
most particularly around nuclear power.  There are some very
stunning developments on that question.  Then Paul puts directly
this development within the context of the urgency of immediately
implementing Lyndon LaRouche’s Four Economic Laws here in the
United States.   So, here’s a portion of Paul Gallagher’s
briefing from last night.

PAUL GALLAGHER: The Belt and Road Initiative
launched by China — and remember, this is a policy first thought
of as bridging the whole Eurasian continent with new rail lines
and communications corridors and lines of new cities going across
from the Atlantic coast to the Pacific coast; essentially from
the Spanish coast over to the Chinese coast.  These Belt and Road
Land-Bridges were initially the idea of Lyndon and Helga
LaRouche; they were their idea in the late 1980s, when the Soviet
Union began to break up and when the Iron Curtain was being
removed as the absolutely impassable barrier to this kind of
transportation and communications development of the entire
Eurasian continent.  When that was finally being removed, they
immediately came forth with this idea.
Now this is the policy of the Chinese government, as you
know.  In a pretty important development in the last few days,
it’s become the policy of the French government.  This is the
number two economy in Europe.  The President there is a new
president.  He just made a trip to China for a summit meeting.
Out of that came a commitment of France to join into the
development of the Belt and Road initiative.  Macron and the
Chinese President spoke about the fact that this would create
much more space for the economic and technological development of
France, to be part of these Eurasia-crossing great projects of
infrastructure development.  In particular, France is a leader in
nuclear power; the two of them agreed that they had special
responsibilities to cooperate in new fourth-generation reactor
technologies for the nuclear fuel cycle in order to power all the
economies on the New Silk Road and on the Maritime Silk Road.  To
power all those economies increasingly with advanced third- and
fourth-generation nuclear power plants.  France is in the lead in
that.  They are simultaneously going to be building — in China
— a European power reactor which is a new reactor design; it’s
called the EPR [European Power Reactor].  It’s a new design for
which France is largely responsible.  They’re going to be
building that as a model in China; they’re going to be building a
fuel reprocessing facility in China.  For the first time there,
in order to reprocess used nuclear fuel to make new nuclear fuel.
They’re going to assist China in developing advanced breeder
reactors at the same time, to make more fuel.  And also a system
in the certification of the nuclear reactor which China has
developed, which is called the Hwa Hwong 1000.  This is the first
time that China has developed its own domestically built and
sourced nuclear reactor, and they’re trying to get it certified
by the international nuclear authorities like Euratom so that it
can be sold to other countries and this development can take
So, they made this partnership.  They also talked about
partnership in astrophysics, astronomics, and in space
exploration in which China right now has the most aggressive
space exploration program of any of the space-faring nations at
this point.  But France is in there, too.  So, you have the
number two economy, and also as the Chinese President noted,
these two countries are permanent members of the Security Council
of the United Nations.  Therefore, in cooperation, they have a
certain power against the tendency of neo-cons and others in
Britain and the United States and elsewhere to come in with these
crazy resolutions which demand that one or another regime be
overthrown and so forth.  They have a certain stabilizing
authority also in the United Nations Security Council.
So, this is really an extremely important partnership which
has suddenly been concretized between China and France.  It means
that pressure is on Germany, which at present is in some disarray
and has only a caretaker government; the pressure is on Germany
— the number one economy [in Europe] — and it now means that
it’s not only the Eastern European countries like Serbia and
Poland and Hungary and Austria and Greece.  It’s not only all
those Eastern European and Balkan countries which have been
enthusiastically jumping into collaboration on the Belt and Road
Initiative; but now you have the number two Western European
economy and power, which has also jumped in.
Now this really means for the United States, here it is.
Already, China has made this major investment in West Virginia.
The governor yesterday gave a State of the State address in which
he talked about the Chinese investments in his state, which is
the third-poorest state in the United States, as the 800-lb
gorilla in the room.  He had a lot to say about the importance of
this for the prospect of pulling West Virginia out of what it had
fallen into.  Already this is obviously in front of the United
States, and the French move only makes it that much clearer an
offer to the United States.  Everyone is looking for an
infrastructure initiative from the Congress and from the
President; it’s supposed to be occurring in January.  Well, it is
occurring; it’s the Belt and Road Initiative, and it’s coming
right at us both in the now hundreds of freight trains every week
that are crossing Eurasia and all the new lines that are being
opened up. But it’s also coming at us in the development of
high-speed rail across the Bering Strait and the potential that
this will come all the way down to Vancouver and into the
so-called Cascades rail corridor in the United States.
So, it’s there.  The infrastructure initiative is there.
Essentially what we talk about as the third one of LaRouche’s
Four Laws, the third action that’s necessary; the use of the
credit to develop new high-technology infrastructure.  That’s
coming to us; we have to join it as a nation.  Those Four
Economic Laws of Lyndon LaRouche, those four actions that he
specified four years ago, need to be taken.

OGDEN:  So, that’s our campaign.  We need to make the Four
Economic Laws of Lyndon LaRouche the policy of this Presidency
and the policy of the United States.  That’s the means by which
we can join the New Silk Road dynamic.  Now the pamphlet, which
is “LaRouche’s Four Laws: America’s Future on the New Silk Road”,
has now been printed, it’s in circulation.  Ten thousand copies
are in print form, and are being circulated both in the streets
of cities across the country, in key constituent layers and farm
and industry layers across the United States, including in the
Heartland.  And notably this week, a very successful distribution
of this pamphlet to all of the relevant offices in the United
States Congress.  Volunteers with LaRouche PAC were on the ground
in Washington, DC getting this pamphlet around into the hands of
members of Congress and their key advisors, and having impromptu
meetings right there on the spot.  Including very relevant
questions that were being asked by these policymakers, such as
“Now, how do you turn debt into credit?”  Well, that’s a question
for Alexander Hamilton, isn’t it?  But that’s the question that
is answered in these Four Economic Laws pamphlet.  Notably,
yesterday was the birthday of Alexander Hamilton.  Perhaps that’s
an appropriate way to celebrate Alexander Hamilton’s birthday.
We will continue our mobilization around these Four Economic
Laws, and expect that over the coming 18 days, things will
continue to very dramatically change.  What we would like you to
do is to immediately get the copy of this pamphlet; this is the
link that you can see on your screen where you can get the
digital version of this pamphlet — LPAC.CO/4LYT.  It has to be
circulated everywhere, and this has got the be the subject of
every political discussion in the United States.  The contents of
this pamphlet and “Hey! Did you know that the world changed this
week?  You might not have heard it on CNN; you might not have
heard it on Fox News.  But France, the number two economy of
Western Europe just indicated that they want to join the New Silk
Road.  When will it be {our turn}?”  That’s the question that’s
on the table.
So, we ask you to tune in again on Monday, because first
we’ll have some very important updates to share with you as to
what China has already been doing to bring various states in the
United States into this New Paradigm.  The billions of dollars
that are being invested around the country — Alaska, Iowa, other
states — and most notably, $83.7 billion into the state of West
Virginia.  You heard Paul Gallagher report that Governor Jim
Justice gave his State of the State address this week.  We’ll
have some excerpts of that address, and continue to follow the
inspiration that is coming from China to this state in West
Virginia.  That State of the State really should be the template
for President Trump’s State of the Union.  We should be
discussing the future is on the New Silk Road.
Then also on Monday, we will share with you an initiative
which is being launched by LaRouche PAC.  This is LaRouche PAC’s
intervention into the 2018 Congressional elections.  LaRouche PAC
has issued a statement; it is being prepared for mass
circulation, but it’s also an endorsement.  It’s a call to
action.  All leaders within the American population should
endorse this statement of intent from LaRouche PAC, get on board
with the Four Economic Laws, get on board with the New Silk Road.
So, on Monday we will be launching that officially; and that will
be a campaign that you can immediately join, and you can
immediately assist us in circulating all across the United
With that said, please tune in on Monday for some very
special content, and thank you very much for watching today.
Thank you and please stay tuned to  Good night.

Kinas Silkevejsånd inspirerer Frankrigs Macron;
Hvornår vil den nå Berlin og Bruxelles?
Helga Zepp-LaRouche i
Nyt Paradigme Webcast, 11. jan., 2018.
pdf og video

Mange gange er denne form for pessimisme blot en ’comfort zone’, for når folk først har boret hælene i jorden med deres pessimisme, betyder det, at de ikke behøver gøre noget, for verden er alligevel håbløs, og derfor behøver man ikke ændre den.

Det er min holdning, at, når tingene udvikler sig i en positiv retning, har alle – næsten alle på denne planet – mulighed for at forbedre ting og ændre ting til det bedre, hvis muligheden skabes. Jeg vil derfor appellere til folk om at have et kulturelt optimistisk livssyn på disse spørgsmål, for at sidde på hænderne og intet foretage sig i et historisk øjeblik som det aktuelle, er næsten en forbrydelse.



Download (PDF, Unknown)

Frankrigs præsident besøger Kina og går
med i Silkevejen og fælles projekter i Afrika.
Politisk Orientering med formand
Tom Gillesberg, 11. jan., 2018

Tom Gillesberg:

Velkommen til disse meget dramatiske tider, men også tider, hvor, selv om man ikke rigtig kan føle det gennem den dækning, vi ser i den danske presse og i det hele taget i pressen her i den vestlige verden, så sker der ufatteligt meget. Der er i løbet af Emmanuel Macrons besøg til Kina den 8.-10. januar; så har de tektoniske plader under verden simpelt hen flyttet sig. Og de, der kender noget til den slags, ved, at når det sker, så er det ikke bare et jordskælv, der udløses, så er det mange jordskælv, der udløses; måske kommer der ét lige bagefter, men når de store plader flytter sig, så skal de store jordmasser ovenover på et eller andet tidspunkt også til at have udløst de spændinger, der nu er kommet i jordskorpen. Det giver så efterfølgende meget store konsekvenser. Det kan godt være, det tager lidt tid; det sker ikke øjeblikkeligt, men det kommer til at ske.

Derfor vil jeg, bare for, at vi kan få dette nye ind, denne meget store udvikling, der er sket, begynde med at dække lidt af den tale, som Frankrigs præsident holdt i Xi’an i Kina her 8. januar, da han indledte sit tredages besøg, fordi det også er en tale, der er ekstremt unormal i disse tider; for det første er det et af de permanente medlemmer af FN’s Sikkerhedsråd, den franske præsident, der holder det; samtidig er det også en refleksion over, hvad der har været galt i den franske politik, i EU’s politik, i Vestens politik, og som ellers er noget vi ikke ser …

Hør hele Tom Gillesbergs analyse:


Hør diskussionen her:



Du vil ikke tro på, hvad der netop er sket i verden

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, USA, 10. jan., 2018 – Hvis du bor i USA eller Europa, vil du ikke tro på, hvad der netop er sket i verden! – For du kan ikke læse eller høre noget om det.

Den franske præsident Emmanuel Macron har, under sit besøg til Kina, netop indgået en forpligtelse: Frankrig vil samarbejde med Kinas Bælte & Vej Initiativ for store infrastrukturplaner i hele Eurasien og Afrika. Han og den kinesiske præsident Xi vil især fokusere på fransk-kinesisk samarbejde omkring udvikling af nukleare teknologier for at levere energi til verdens økonomier.

Det er den samme, store, kinesiske »Marshallplan«, du har hørt om; hvordan den »ikke spiller efter vore vestlige regler« for gennemskuelige projekter – det er bare Kina, der prøver at dominere asiatiske og afrikanske nationer, og skinne på Vesten.

Ikke alene er 16 lande i Øst- og Centraleuropa allerede entusiastiske for at deltage i denne kinesiske «Nye Silkevej«; nu er det samme tilfældet for en af Vesteuropas betydelige magter – Frankrig, et permanent medlem af FN’s Sikkerhedsråd.

Og invitationen til USA om at gå med i Bælte & Vej Initiativet er vidt åben.

Et initiativ for infrastruktur er lige præcis det, USA har ventet på, lige siden Donald Trump fokuserede sin præsidentkampagne på dette. Det er lige til at plukke: Bælte & Vej Initiativet. Bare spørg Vest Virginias guvernør.

Mens vi taler om præsident Trump: Du ville ikke tro på, at Sydkoreas præsident netop i går gav ham kredit for at muliggøre de nye forhandlinger mellem Nord- og Sydkorea – en bekræftelse af præsident Trumps egen påstand.

Den samme præsident Trump, der, ved du nok, udveksler barnlige fornærmelser med Nordkoreas Kim og bringer os alle til randen af atomkrig, mens gode mennesker alle sammen ønsker forhandlinger? Han fik tilsyneladende sat fredsforhandlingerne mellem de to Korea’er i gang, og den sydkoreanske præsident Moon Jae-in sagde, »Jeg ønsker at vise min taknemmelighed« for det over for Trump. Præsident Trump blev trods alt valgt, fordi han sagde, han ønskede at afslutte Amerikas evindelige oversøiske krige, såvel som også at genindustrialisere Amerikas økonomi. Heraf kommer det, at man nu i et helt år har forsøgt at drive ham ud af embedet.

Du ville ikke tro på noget af dette, hvis det er din sædvane at konsultere nyhedsmedierne i Europa eller USA. Du ville ikke tro på, at det var EIR’s stiftende redaktør Lyndon LaRouche og hans hustru, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, der for 30 år siden fremlagde konceptet for denne Eurasiske Landbro for stor infrastruktur, og som for 20 år siden kaldte det den »Nye Silkevej«; at LaRouche indledte fremstødet for at genindføre Glass-Steagall og bryde Wall Street op, tilbage i 2007, før krakket; at disse handlinger er blevet forklaret i LaRouches »Fire Nye Love til nationens redning« fra juni 2014.

Det er LaRouche-parret, som »ingen lytter til«. Deres oprindelige koncept for den Eurasiske Landbro fra 1989 tilbydes nu USA i form af Kinas Bælte & Vej Initiativ. Schiller Instituttet og LaRouche Political Action Committee har været i gang med at mobilisere med et »Mueller Dossier«, for at forsvare præsident Trump mod kupforsøget med »Russiagate«.

Nu mobiliserer de med massecirkuleringen af brochuren for LaRouches »Fire Love: Amerikas fremtid på den Nye Silkevej«, der netop er uddelt til hvert enkelt medlem af USA’s Kongres. Hvis der skal være tale om et »infrastrukturinitiativ« fra præsident Trumps State of the Union-tale, så er dette den eneste måde, det vil ske på.

Gå med i denne mobilisering; støt den. Du vil ikke tro på, hvad der kan ske.

Foto: Frankrigs præsident Emmanuel Macron besøgte terrakottahæren , der er begravet sammen med kejser Qin, i Xi’an, en af Kinas ældste byer og udgangspunkt for den antikke Silkevej. 

Kinas præsident Xi: Den franske præsident Macrons besøg
hæver relationer op på et nyt udgangspunkt

10. jan., 2018 – Den kinesiske præsident Xi Jinping og den franske præsident Emmanuel Macron aftalte at opgradere deres omfattende strategiske partnerskab under den franske præsident Macrons besøg til Kina, 8.-10. jan.

Xi opfordrede Frankrig og Kina til at intensivere samarbejdet inden for traditionelle områder, såsom kernekraft og rumfart; at dyrke nye vækstområder for samarbejde og at samarbejde omkring landbrug og fødevarer, sundhed og mere endnu, rapporterer Xinhua i dag.

Xi erklærede, »De bilaterale relationer står nu ved et nyt udgangspunkt. Kina er parat til at fremme udvekslinger og fremme gensidig tillid og samarbejde med Frankrig, med det formål at indsprøjte en ny impuls i udviklingen af det kinesisk-franske, omfattende strategiske partnerskab«.

Xinhua rapporterede, »Xi understregede, at de to lande fuldt og helt bør udvikle den ledende, politiske rolle, som spilles af diplomati mellem statsoverhoveder, samt promovere kommunikation mellem regeringer, lovgivende organer, politiske partier og militæret i de to lande«. Xi forklarede yderligere, »De to lande bør gribe de muligheder, der er skabt af Bælte & Vej Initiativet og gennemføre praktisk samarbejde inden for rammerne af Bælte & Vej, med det formål at promovere velstanden i Eurasien«.

Han fremhævede ligeledes fordelen af tættere, kinesisk-franske relationer for den strategiske stabilitet og sagde, »Vi to lande bærer, som permanente medlemmer af FN’s Sikkerhedsråd, et stort ansvar for global sikkerhed«.

Præsident Xi gentog, at Kina er en fast tilhænger af europæisk integration og vil fortsætte med at tilpasse sin strategi med den europæiske side, samt intensivere et gensidigt fordelagtigt samarbejde for yderligere udvikling af Kina-EU-partnerskaber for fred, vækst, reform og civilisation. Efter forhandlingerne overværede de to statsoverhoveder underskrivelsen af dokumenter for bilateralt samarbejde inden for kernekraft, miljøbeskyttelse og finanssektor.

Om mellemfolkelige udvekslinger sagde præsident Xi, at begge lande bør bruge Beijing Vinter-OL 2022 og Paris Sommer-OL 2024 som muligheder for at intensivere sportssamarbejdet og fremme turisme og udvekslinger mellem ungdommen.

Efter sit møde med præsident Xi, mødte den franske præsident den kinesiske premierminister Li Keqiang og toplovgiver, formand for den Nationale Folkekongres’ Stående Komite, Zhang Dejiang, tirsdag eftermiddag. Efter mødet sagde premierminister Li, »Kina vil fortsætte med at intensivere reformer og åbning, samt yderligere lempe adgangen til markeder«. Macron sagde til Li, at Frankrig er parat til at samarbejde med Kina omkring videnskab og teknologi, kunstig intelligens, luftfart, kernekraft og landbrug.

Foto: Den kinesiske præsident Xi Jinping, venstre, og den franske præsident Emmanuel Macron inspicerer en kinesisk æresgarde under en velkomstceremoni i Folkets Store Hal, Beijing, tirsdag, 9. jan., 2018.

Frankrigs præsident Emmanuel Macrons officielle besøg til Kina: Tale i Xi’an

Den franske præsident Emmanuel Macron valgte at indlede sit tredags officielle besøg til Kina i byen Xi’an, en af Kinas ældste byer og udgangspunktet for oldtidens Silkevej; han holdt her en fem kvarter lang tale med titlen: Kinas Nye Silkeveje, en ny betydning og en ny grammatik hen imod en fornyet verdensorden og en drøm for menneskeheden.

Her følger en ikke-officiel, uredigeret engelsk oversættelse, vi har fået fra vores søsterorganisation i Paris:

(Foto: Emmanuel Macron (midt) og hustru Brigitte Macron besøger byen Xi’an i det nordlige Kina, 8. jan., 2018.)

Macron Speech in Xian: The New Silk Roads of China, a New Meaning
and a New Grammar towards a Renewed World Order and Dream for
PARIS, Jan. 9 — Macron started his presentation at
Daminggong Palace by describing beautifully the special quality
reached by relations between France and China at some points in
history. (The translations are not official–ed.) “For a long
time, the French nation has contemplated itself in the mirror of
China, a China which brought together thought, poetry, art,
reflections on war, on power, on human life, as well as a world
of imagination around adventures and trips of extraordinary
merchandises and singular discoveries.” The China of merchants
discovering with Marco Polo the treasures of a mysterious and
poorly understood civilization, travelling on those Silk Roads, to
which you give today a new meaning and a new grammar. Imagine
those caravans arriving at the oasis of Dunhuang, treasure of
your civilization, in the midst of sand dunes echoing.  Among the
merchandise exchanged also came certain thoughts, words, customs
which rapidly would take over the globe, faster than marching
legions.  They brought objects and products which France and
other countries loved. Not the ephemeral time of a fad, but with
the intensity of a discovery that integrated our own historical
patrimony.  There is not a royal chateau today that doesn’t have
a Chinese salon, no artists, artisans or engineers who have not
been fascinated by the styles and techniques from China … to
this day because China is a country of inventors and engineers
which is always inventing the future.”
He then attacked the theory that China would be a
“inscrutable continent.” “We need humility, and a long but
respectful and reciprocal dialogue, and friendly curiosity. We
find beautiful what you find beautiful and have a common
attachment to historical sites.” We share a common sense of the
history of the world and of the people. General de Gaulle in
reestablishing relations with China in 1964 made “a choice of
reason,” but also a “choice of evidence.” France and China are
not only two nations, he said, but two civilizations, because
both share a certain conception of man.
Humanity is today at a crossroads, and its future is at
stake, and in this context, China and France “have a common
The key notions around which this relationship must be built
are three: intelligence, justice, and balance.
INTELLIGENCE: We need shared intelligence, he said, to
create a better world and to fight all forms of obscurantism:
Islamic terrorism, blind nationalism which lead to war,
isolationism, a vain attempt to protect oneself from the world.
Intelligence to overcome fears “which exist in Europe
against China. In one generation you had the energy to become one
of the main world powers and now you have the ambition to go
beyond. The rapidity of that change can provoke fears…. The
only way to overcome is to work to understand what the word
‘power’ means for each of us.”
By intelligence, he means more education for all the
citizens, but also a joint partnership on digital technologies
and artificial intelligence.  China has 37 million university
students, the Confucius Institutes, artists, massive investment
in new, digital technologies and artificial intelligence. France
is also moving in that direction.  “Even though we are known here
for our art of living, gastronomy, and romanticism, we are also a
digital power, energy transition, artificial intelligence,
innovation, research, industry, a financial industry,” stressed
We will be stronger if we lead this fight for “intelligence”
together, he stressed, proposing first to multiply cultural
projects such as the permanent exhibit on the Han Dynasty at the
Paris Asian museum, Musée Guimet. Macron proposed also to create
“a great European Sinology institute,” and to found new
partnerships on innovation, digital, and technologies. For this
we need creative individuals, numerous, and free innovation. The
strength of your country, is that you have millions of people who
are creative individuals.  Also partnerships on energy
transition, medical innovation, innovation in agriculture and
food industries, to ensure our food sovereignty. Encourage also
the teachings of languages, in particular French.
JUSTICE in the crisis of global capitalism.
The 2nd pillar, is the fight for justice, and first of all,
social justice, said Macron recognizing that China has succeeded
in pulling some 700 million out of poverty in the last decades.
This is a challenge for France, confronted to mass unemployment
but also to the whole world is undergoing a crisis of globalized
capitalism which has led to an explosion inequalities and to the
concentration of wealth, over the last ten years.
JOINT DEVELOPMENT IN AFRICA, overcoming the “unilateral
imperialism France once experienced.”
Macron argued for France and China to work together in
Africa, where China has invested a lot in recent years in
infrastructure, on raw materials with a strong financial strike
force that European nations don’t have. But France has a
historical and cultural knowledge of Africa which are important
for the future. He called on launching projects together there
which are really useful to the growth of the continent,
sustainable financially and not to reproduce the errors of the
past, i.e., creating financial and political dependency under the
pretext of development. Tomorrow the Agence Française de
Développement, and the China Development Bank will sign a
contract on this basis. “France has experienced a unilateral
imperialism which sometimes lead to the worst” and today as these
New Silk Roads are being launched, the partnership between France
and China can avoid those errors.
Macron invited China to join the conference on partnership
in education France is organizing next February in Dakar, Senegal
so to give another face to those Silk Roads where immense work
has been done in infrastructures and economic development.
BALANCE: a new world equilibrium from which China will not
be excluded.
Finally, the last pillar Macron called for is one of
reaching a balance, a kind of new world order from which China
will no longer be excluded.
The histories of both countries have been sometimes made of
“tensions,” of “periods of hegemony,” and of “imperial wills,
each in its own manner, maritime or continental,” he recognized,
stating, however that what unites France and China is their
connection to the world, their claim to universality.
“We live in a world where the equilibrium was thought more
than 60 years ago, at the end of one of the world conflicts we
have undergone, where barbarianism struck at the heart of Europe.
We structured globalization with a notion of international law,
and international structures of which China is at the heart of,
like we, as a permanent members of the Security Council, but
where, I know, China sometimes has the feeling of having been
left outside,” a feeling that “this postwar order is a Western
order not really made for us. And sometimes the Western powers
have contributed to develop that sentiment.”
“We are living today through a crisis of this contemporary
world order which has been weakened by the emergence of
authoritarian powers, because nuclear proliferation has reemerged
and grasping its outlines, and that contemporary capitalism is
being overwhelmed by its own excess and is producing the social
inequalities, I alluded earlier, or the climate inequalities we’re
In this context, Macron raised the geopolitical problems in
the world, North Korea, international terrorism, the Middle East.
On the Korean crisis, he praised China’s contribution to
help solve the problem and that it has more leverage, but
committing France to a negotiated solution to the crisis. In the
fight against terrorism, he said that he expects terrorism to
rebound in Asia, after having been eliminated in the Middle East.
On these questions, Macron made a {mea culpa} for France and
the West’s role in the destabilizations Libya and Iraq, and
committed himself never to use force against people’s
“From Central Asia to Southern Asia, there are numerous
threats which can weaken the while continent. It is therefore our
responsibility to fight together against them, building also
political solutions to the conflicts and drawing the lessons of
past errors. I want to say this very clearly: I think there must
be a community of views concerning how to solve those conflicts.
In each country where divisions exist, where authoritarian
regimes are deployed, where sometimes the worst is on hand,
France will not defend military solutions which will act against
people’s sovereignty. We will do everything to work with civilian
societies and with our friends to bring about pluralist political
solutions that will allow all people at the same time to respect
one another, to eradicate terrorism, and also to build durable
political solutions.
“We must draw the lessons of past errors. Every time
we tried to impose the truth or the law against the people
themselves, we were wrong and sometimes even produced
worse situations. Such was Iraq, or Libya today. We need to work
together to develop the respect of sovereignty of the
peoples….” He expressed the wish in this respect that both can
work together toward “inclusive” political situations in Libya or
in Syria in the coming months, and called to jointly fight
against the sources of terrorist financing. This is the aim of a
conference which will occur in Paris in April which is open to
China as well.
Macron called for China and France to define themselves as
powers “for multilateralism,” a notion defied today by a “more
and more straightforward demands for a unilateralism which puts
into question the intangibility of borders, such as in the
annexation of Crimea, or the principle of international law as
was the case in the question of Jerusalem,” i.e., Russia and the
“Multilateralism must thus be profoundly reinvented on the
basis of this notion of equilibrium that we have. Some say in
China that the rules presiding over international relations have
been written thus far by the West. To that I respond very soberly
that history sets a frame but does not necessarily impose it upon
us. Our two millenary nations have survived because they were
always able to reinvent themselves, suffer history sometimes,
invent often, accept difficult periods but seize the
opportunities to grow and radiate.”

Against Geopolitics, Harmony

“With the more important place a country occupies, comes
also greater responsibilities. The multilateralism which must be
redefined implies finding balanced cooperation to be invented for
this new opening century. There should be neither a disguised
supremacy, nor a conflict between competing supremacies. All our
art, if I can use that word, will not be an art of war but an art
of balanced cooperation in order to ensure in the geostrategic,
political and economic, level the harmony our world needs.
“If the multilateralism that we have is challenged and if
China wants to engage in this battle, the conclusion is for me
very clear. It is up to Europe and Asia, up to France and China,
to define and propose together the rules of a game in which we
will all win, or we will all lose.  I have come thus to tell
China my determination to have the Euro-Chinese partnership enter
into the 21st century with this new grammar we must all define
together. Europe will engage resolutely in this strategy because
it is conscious of its role in the century to come.”

Europe and the Silk Roads

“Europe is back,” claimed Macron, and saying that it is so
“because some of us want to give it a perspective of medium term,
10 to 15 years to rebuild a sovereign, united, democratic Europe
which will be an economic, social environmental, and scientific
power able to dialogue with China and the U.S.” He continued, “We
are working with the German Chancellor, and number of other
European leaders for a project aimed at providing the heart of
Europe with the elements of sovereignty and the year 2018 will be
a turning point in this respect. …
“I want you to understand something today: France is here,
becoming transformed in depth and wants to be that country of
dialogue and construction of a new partnership for the 21st
century with China. With it, Europe is back and wants, through
the building of its own power, to build a balanced cooperation
with China in the coming century.
“It is through honest, loyal and readable dialogue that we
will be able to progress. … It is a trust build by trial and
error methods. It is to decide to make a step, then another and
that we decide together, and that there is no lasting friendship
if it doesn’t follow this road. … It is in this same spirit
that I wish for us to advance on those Silk Roads. Indeed, One
Belt, One Road is the perspective that China gave itself and that
it has proposed to the world. And when a proposal is on the
table, it is not my habit not to discuss it. I understand the
opportunities for China, on the economic level for finding new
markets internationally; on the political level in order to open
up regions hit by underdevelopment; on the diplomatic level, to
stabilize trade in fragile regions where there are states in
difficulty…; on the cultural level since it’s a matter of
exerting a leadership with the force of new ideas.”

The Silk Roads Must Be Shared Roads

“I think that the initiative of the New Silk Roads can meet
our interests, those of France and of Europe, if we give
ourselves the means to really work together. After all, the Silk
Roads, were never purely Chinese, If I’m honest. When we talk
about the Maritime Silk Roads they were first Portuguese. On
land, they went through Central Asia, Iran, Iraq, Tyr, and
Antioch and in so doing they were Sino-European. The genius of
the first Silk Roads was to have reinvented often the European
routes to make the Chinese. … I’m trying to say that those
roads are simply consubstantial, those roads are always shared.
And if they are routes, they cannot be only one sided. They must
go back and forth.”

I Am Ready To Work with the New Silk Road

“I am thus ready to work to the announced objectives. The
programs of road, railway, airports, maritime, technological
along the Silk Roads can bring elements of response to the
deficit in infrastructure, especially in Asia, and to create
perspectives in sectors such as transport, water management,
wastes, durable cities, green economy. The bringing in common of
our financial resources, public and private, for trans-border
projects can reinforce the connectivity between Europe and Asia
and beyond the Middle East and Africa, contribute to better
integrate, structure, open up by trade and growth.
“They will do even better and the city of Xian is the living
example. Those first Silk Roads brought here Buddhism, Islam and
Christianity. Those roads will lead to cultural, educational
exchanges and to profound transformations in the countries they
are crossing. It is a matter of giving ourselves a perspective at
a moment when then shared epical stories, are so cruelly absent
in the world. I must say, it is one of the great merits of those
Silk Roads proposed by Xi Jinping. Those Silk Roads reactivate
the imagination of a new civilization, of fruitful exchanges of
shared wealth and they show to all those who thought that we were
in a tired, post-modern world, where the great epics were
forbidden, that those who decide to live great epics can make the
others dream as well. I believe profoundly on great epical
stories. It is up to France, and with it, to Europe to contribute
its own part of imagination to this proposal and to work at it in
the months and years to come. …
To create balanced cooperation, “I believe that to progress
towards those objectives that we share, we must give ourselves
also the good rules. … They must respond to objectives, that
assign ourselves as common goods. … They cannot be the routes
of a new hegemonism, which would make vassals of the countries
they cross. They must contribute to the intelligence of the 21st
century.” Among the new rules:  those of “transparency,
interoperability, opening of public markets, respect of
competition, intellectual property, sharing of risks, that we
deal with already together in the framework of the G20. The
respect for those principles is obviously essential, simply
because they allow for a mutually beneficial partnership, and an
increased financial sustainability and therefore success of the
projects engaged. …
“This will be the object of my exchanges with President Xi
Jinping to define the trust agenda that I want that we put
“I know some will say that this trust agenda must be one to
create an equilibrium between a developed country and a
developing one. But China is no longer a developing country; it
is a country, which is bypassing that largely. And therefore, we
must reinvent here also the terms of a new relationship, and the
Silk Roads are the expression of that new relationship of China
to the world.
“I propose to identify very concretely the political
framework in which we can build that partnership, that
cooperation and common strategy … I am convinced profoundly
that if Europe and China know how to establish that goal
together, … this initiative could be the occasion of
relaunching very pragmatically the multilateralism which is today
lacking in concrete realizations.
“I am ready to play a key role in this direction making sure
that the European countries progress in unity, because China
needs to have a solid interlocutor to exchange and build its own
initiative. I want the Silk Roads to not limit themselves to
economic questions but be enlightened in Europe by a deep
comprehension of China. All the resources must be used to this
end, from the editing world to the world of theater and cinema;
from the French Sinology school, pioneer and recognized, to the
world of arts. You have understood it, my will is indeed, in that
framework, that France and Europe take full responsibility and
meet the proposal offered by China.”
Macron continued that a few days ago he visited the panda
offered by China to Mrs. Macron and other than pleasure he and
his family got from this, he looked closer to see if something
there could inspire his trip to China and he didn’t have to look
for a long time, he says: “His very name enlightened me. The
little panda’s name is indeed Yuang Meng, ‘the realization of a
dream.’ We live in a world where France and China can allow
themselves to dream together.”

Macron: I Will Come to China at Least Once a Year

“Trust is built progressively. I know that also the word for
wisdom in Chinese is ‘to listen.’ Therefore I have decided to
adopt a method: To say things as I said them to you today, to try
define an objective as we will try to do with President Xi
Jinping, and in trust, with method, to listen, to propose, to
progress and build trust.
“At the heart of our two nations, the élan grows, which will
make the world of tomorrow a world at the level of the challenges
of humanity. It is this élan that I want to share with you, tie
with you, build with you. Our grand past gives us an insatiable
taste for the future and this future awaits us. It needs France,
Europe, it needs a China respected and listened to. We are the
memory of the world, it is up to us to decide to be the future.”

Amerikanere skal vide, hvad Macron har gjort

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, USA, 9. jan., 2018 – Den franske præsident Emmanuel Macron har med sin tale, som han holdt i byen Xi’an på første etape af sit besøg i Kina, udløst en særdeles signifikant intervention i det næsten universelle idioti, som dominerer den Europæiske Union. For at skabe en transformation af denne art kræves der, for det første, en erkendelse af den rædsel, der nu dominerer de politiske og økonomiske omstændigheder i Vesten, samt ligeledes den degenererede tankegang hos eliten, medierne og en stor del af befolkningen i Europa og USA. For det andet, så kræves der en erkendelse af det historiske Nye Paradigme, som Kinas Nye Silkevej har udløst. For det tredje, så kræves der en vision for at se, at, at få Europa og USA til fuldt og helt at tilslutte sig Kinas Bælte & Vej Initiativ sådan, som næsten hele resten af verden har gjort, giver det nødvendige grundlag for at skabe den nye verdensorden, baseret på fred og udvikling.

Og Macron har taget et betydningsfuldt skridt til at opnå disse tre forholdsregler – selv om man bestemt ikke ville vide noget om det ved at læse den vestlige presse.

Med hensyn til det første punkt, så bemærkede Macron, at Kina »har lykkedes med at løfte 700 million mennesker ud af fattigdom i de seneste årtier. Dette gælder også for Frankrig, hvor vi konfronteres med massearbejdsløshed med den bydende nødvendighed af at give et fremtidsperspektiv til en hel sektion af vores befolkning; men det er en udfordring for hele verden, der i dag lever i en krise som følge af globaliseret kapitalisme, der, i de seneste årtier, har fået sociale uligheder og koncentrationen af rigdom til at eksplodere«.

På den strategiske side sagde Macron, at Vesten må overvinde den »ensidige imperialisme«, som Frankrig og andre europæiske magter fører i Afrika og andre steder, og tilføjede: »Vi må lære af fortiden. Hver gang, vi forsøgte at gennemtvinge ’sandheden’ eller ’loven’ imod selve befolkningen, var det forkert, og vi har undertiden frembragt en endnu værre situation – som i Irak, eller Libyen i dag. Vi må samarbejde for at udvikle respekt for folkets suverænitet.«

Han talte direkte imod det geopolitiske paradigme, der dominerer vestlig tankegang: »Der bør hverken være en overhøjhed i forklædning eller en konflikt mellem konkurrerende overhøjheder. Al vores kunst, hvis jeg må bruge dette ord, vil ikke være krigens kunst, men en samarbejdets kunst, der er afbalanceret med det formål, på det geostrategiske, politiske og økonomiske niveau, at sikre den harmoni, vores verden har brug for.«

Han refererede til Vesten som en »træt, postmoderne verden, hvor de store heltedigte blev forbudt«.

Og det vigtigste af alt: Macron identificerede den Nye Silkevej som den forbindelse, der er nødvendig mellem alle folkeslag for at opnå denne nye verdensorden. »Jeg mener, at initiativet med de Nye Silkeveje«, sagde han, »kan imødekomme vore interesser, Frankrigs og Europas, hvis vi giver os selv midlerne til virkelig at arbejde sammen … Det er op til Europa og Asien, op til Frankrig og Kina, at definere og foreslå reglerne for et spil, i hvilket vi alle vil vinde, eller alle vil tabe. Jeg er således kommet for at meddele Kina min faste beslutning om, at det euro-kinesiske partnerskab skal entrere det 21. århundrede med denne nye grammatik, vi alle i fællesskab må definere.«

Han hyldede Kina for dets arbejde i Afrika, hvor »Kina i de senere år har investeret kraftigt i infrastruktur og råmaterialer med en finansiel styrke, de europæiske lande ikke har.« Han opfordrede til fransk-kinesisk samarbejde i Afrika, for at »udføre projekter, der virkelig er nyttige for kontinentet og finansielt bæredygtige – for det er dér, fremtiden ligger, for vi må ikke reproducere fortidens fejltagelser, der skabte politisk og finansiel afhængighed, under påskud af udvikling.«

Det meste af den vestlige presse fremstiller på tåbelig vis dette som »anti-Trump«, eller som et foredrag for Kina om at åbne sine markeder, hvis pressen da overhovedet dækker besøget. Dette demonstrerer så igen, at vestlige ledere og deres medietalspersoner ikke er villige til, eller i stand til, at lægge deres geopolitiske briller, og deres mentalitet med darwinistisk nulsumsspil, væk.

Med en refleksion over Macrons ekstraordinære besøg bemærkede Helga Zepp-LaRouche, at de nationer, der ikke tilslutter sig den Nye Silkevej, vil blive ladt tilbage i historien. Og dog blæser der en vind af historisk forandring i retning af dette nye paradigme. Præsident Trump har omfavnet Kinas afgørende rolle i historien og for fremtiden; den japanske premierminister Shinzo Abe har forpligtet sig til at finansiere projekter i fællesskab med Kina langs den Nye Silkevej; og nu bryder Frankrig ud af modstanden mod den Nye Silkevej, som kommer fra EU, og fra Tyskland i særdeleshed.

Vi bringer i dag ligeledes en national erklæring fra LaRouche PAC: LAROUCHE PAC’s INTERVENTION I USA’s VALG 2018 – KAMPAGNEN FOR AT VINDE FREMTIDEN, som vil blive præsenteret til institutioner i hele landet, med det formål at samle valgkredsenes organisationer bag LaRouches Fire Love som basis for at genoplive den amerikanske økonomi, og for at gå med i den Nye Silkevejsproces for global udvikling.

Foto: Den kinesiske præsident Xi Jinping (højre) mødes med sin franske modpart, Emmanuel Macron, i Hamburg, Tyskland, 8. juli, 2017.  (Xinhua/Li Xueren)

Macron i Kina: Europa må arbejde sammen med Kinas Silkevej

Paris, 9. jan., 2018 – Den franske præsident Emmanuel Macron valgte at begynde sit officielle tredagesbesøg til Kina i Xi’an, meget symbolsk, som han har for vane, fordi Xi’an er den by, fra hvilken Silkevejene udgår med kurs mod vest. Efter at have besøgt den berømte terrakottahær, der er begravet sammen med kejser Qin (tredje århundrede f.Kr.), holdt han en stærk, fem kvarter lang tale i Daminggongpaladset for dem, der ledsagede ham, inklusive Kinas vicepræsident og andre dignitarer, samt hele den franske, 100 mand store delegation.

På en meget poetisk, men præcis måde, definerede præsident Macron sit syn på omridsene, reglerne og indholdet af et fransk-kinesisk samarbejde i det Nye Silkevejsprojekt, men også for et europæisk-kinesisk samarbejde med det Nye Silkevejsprojekt, eftersom han gjorde sig selv til samtalepartner på Europas vegne i denne henseende.

De væsentligste udtryk, der indikerer en positiv retning og forandring, er: Macrons afvisning af krigsparadigmet og for en udtrykkelig win-win-verden; hans mea culpa (’min skyld’) for Vesten mht. Irak og Libyen; hans mea culpa mht. fransk imperialisme; hans hyldest til kineserne for at have bidraget til en »ny, episk fortælling« for den »trætte« vestlige verden om at forudse en ny drøm.

General de Gaulle havde denne sætning mht. dem, der havde sluttet sig til ham i London efter besættelsen af Frankrig: »Jeg forventede katedralerne (dvs., katolikkerne), og jeg fik synagogerne (dvs., jøderne)! I dag kunne vi også sige: Vi forventede, at de europæiske tilhængere af suverænitet tilsluttede sig den Nye Silkevej, og vi fik tilhængere af Europa, der benyttede muligheden!« Med et klart, anti-geopolitisk standpunkt, gjorde Macron sig selv til talsmand for et Europa, der sammen med Kina søger at finde en løsning til at få verden tilbage til en win-win-multilateralisme, og som hermed implicit kritiserede USA’s »unilateralisme« (Jerusalem) og Rusland (Ukraine). Men bemærk imidlertid, at, for Macron, er EU og euroen ikke et dogme. Under præsidentkampagnen erklærede han, at, hvis hans europæiske indsats ikke virkede, ville han droppe det.

Det andet element, der er allestedsnærværende i hans intervention, er kampen imod klimaforandring og for en verden, der respekterer miljøet. Dette går imidlertid ikke imod investeringer i infrastruktur, industrier og teknologier. Både kineserne, der har indledt en fuld mobilisering mod luft-, jord- og vandforurening, og Macron, er for kernekraft. Dette er mere et udtryk for at snakke Weltgeist efter munden, og ikke en ’grøn’ ideologi i Malthus-traditionen som sådan.

Hvis Frankrig og Europa fuldt og helt går ind for perspektiverne i den Nye Silkevej, vil de tydeligvis snart løbe ind i en modsigelse: Behovet for en finansiel reform, og etableringen af nationalbanker for at udstede statskredit til investeringer i infrastruktur, industrier og nye teknologier.

Foto: Frankrigs præsident Emmanel Macron indledte sit tredages besøg til Kina med at holde en tale i byen Xi’an, der var udgangspunktet for den gamle Silkevej mod vest.   

Frankrigs Macron i Xi’an: Kina har ’gjort en
drøm til virkelighed!’ Verden må tilslutte sig

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, USA, 8. jan., 2018 – Den franske præsident Emmanuel Macron indledte i dag sit tredages besøg i Kina, i Xi’an, en port til den gamle Silkevej, hvor han hyldede nutidens Bælte & Vej Initiativ (BVI) og sagde, at Kina »har gjort en drøm til virkelighed«. Han omtalte den gamle Silkevej som en skat for civilisationen og roste Kina for at genopfinde den. Kina har genaktiveret forestillingsevnens domæne, sagde han. Frankrig og Kina må begge arbejde sammen om fremtiden; og det samme bør Europa gøre.

Med hensyn til økonomi sagde Macron, at, midt i den unipolære, kapitalistiske verdens krise, bør Kina og Frankrig samarbejde. Han talte om, hvordan Kina har løftet 700 mio. mennesker ud af fattigdom, og nu kan Kina komme til Europa og være med til at gøre det samme dér.

Macrons standpunkt lægger pres på hele den transatlantiske verden, hjemsted for den døende og dødelige Wall Street- og City of London-operation for monetarisme og geopolitik. Schiller Instituttets præsident Helga Zepp-LaRouche kommenterede, at Macrons handling spænder den tyske regering ind; Berlins og Bruxelles’ anti-Kina, anti-BVI-holdning bliver mere og mere isoleret. Se på den omstrukturering af alliancer, der er i gang, for at søge win-win-udvikling med Kina og BVI: Schweiz, Balkanlandene, Østeuropa, Middelhavsområdet og nu, Frankrig. Lokaliteter stiller op på række og kappes om at blive et knudepunkt for den Nye Silkevej, fra Valencia, Spanien, og til Minsk, Belarus, og med mange kandidatbyer imellem.

Den 11. januar vil Macron være i Rom, en route på vej hjem fra Kina, til et todages topmøde for »Med-Seven«, en gruppe nationer i Middelhavsbækkenet, der alle har voksende relationer med Kina og BVI-udviklingsprojekter – Portugal, Spanien, Frankrig, Italien, Grækenland, Cypern og Malta.

Husk, understregede Macron, at BVI virker begge veje: »De gamle Silkeveje var aldrig blot kinesiske. Disse veje kan pr. definition kun være fælles. Hvis de er veje, kan de ikke være ’ensrettede’.«

Macron lagde særlig vægt på Frankrigs forpligtende engagement til at arbejde sammen med Kina i Afrika, på BVI-projekter for jernbaner, havne og anden infrastruktur med forbindelse til Europa og Asien.

Silkevejs-fremgangsmåden er presserende nødvendig i USA, hvor præsidenten, der har forpligtet sig over for den »glemte mand«, som han i dag gentog det for Farm Bureau-konventet i Tennessee, fortsat applauderer aktiemarkedsboblen, alt imens tog forulykker, broer kollapser og selve den forventede, gennemsnitlige levealder i USA falder. Men dette er ikke et håbløst fortvivlelsens hul; det er et tomrum, der kan fyldes af en viden og ånd for »hvad der må gøres«, som det forklares i LaRouche PAC’s nye rapport, »LaRouches Fire Love: De fysisk-økonomiske principper for USA’s økonomiske genrejsning – Amerikas fremtid på den Nye Silkevej«. Aktivistteams er i denne uge linet op for at udlevere eksemplarer af denne rapport i Washington, D.C., til alle 435 kontorer i Repræsentanternes Hus, der atter samledes i dag. Delstatskongresser åbner igen, og andre muligheder for intervention er i fuldt sving for 2018. Der er tre uger til præsident Trump holder sin State of the Union-tale til nationen.

Macrons budskab vil sende chokbølger gennem hele verden på mange fronter, understregede Zepp-LaRouche i dag. Det er en vending af politikken. Brug det til at ruske op i systemet og installere et andet.

Foto: Den kinesiske præsident Xi Jinping (nr. 2 til højre) og hustru, Peng Liyuan (nr. 1 til højre) tager opstilling til gruppefotografering med den franske præsident Emmanuel Macron (nr. 2 til venstre) og hustru, Brigitte Macron, ved Diaoyutai Statsligt Gæstehus i Beijing, 8. jan., 2018. (Xinhua/Li Xueren) 

Danmarks førende pressebureau sætter fokus på Macrons udtalelser om,
at Silkevejen bør være et fælles kinesisk-europæisk projekt

København, 8. jan., 2018 – Med en understregning af Helga Zepp-LaRouches udtalelse om, at Macrons besøg til Kina vil forårsage et positivt, internationalt chok, udgav det danske Ritzaus Bureau en historie, der er blevet gengivet i den danske presse, med titlen, »Frankrigs præsident: Kinas nye silkevej går begge veje«. Indledningen lyder: »Under sit besøg i Kina hylder Frankrigs leder et gigantisk projekt, der vil forbinde Kina, Europa og Afrika.« Artiklen er for det meste entusiastisk og skæmmes kun af to reminiscenser af en geopolitisk analyse.

(Danske/svenske læsere kan læse den oprindelige artikel ved at Google på titlen, »Frankrigs præsident: Kinas nye silkevej går begge veje«.)

Hvad Europa bør yde af bidrag til det globale paradigme.
Af Jacques Cheminade; tale på Schiller
Instituttets konference i Frankfurt, Tyskland

Det bør stå helt klart, at den nuværende Europæiske Union er baseret på et forræderi af de bedste historiske og kulturelle kilder i Europa – og jeg mener kilder, ikke rødder, der klamrer sig til jorden. Men det bør ligeledes stå helt klart, at de europæiske nationer og deres ledere, og ligeledes deres såkaldte populistiske opponenter, også har skænket deres sjæl bort. Hvor ligger håbet så? Hvad kunne vore europæiske bidrag være? Det ligger selvfølgelig i en fornemmelse af at forstå, hvad en nationalstat er, noget, der er latent, om end skjult, i alle sande europæeres hjerte. Det er vores opgave at inspirere til, at den sovende fornuft vågner.

En nationalstat er meget mere end et territorium eller en befolknings givne tilstand, eller endda en religion eller en tradition. Det er en idés dynamik, som udvikler sig og vokser i magt og omfang i historiens løb.

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Tidligere franske premierminister de Villepin argumenterer
for europæisk forpligtelse til Bælte & Vej

17. nov., 2017 – På sidelinjerne af en international konference for tænketanke i Beijing sagde den tidligere, franske premierminister, Dominique de Villepin, til Sputnik: »Den Europæiske Union bør øge sin deltagelse i initiativet, ’Ét Bælte, én Vej’ (OBOR). Det kan opnås gennem den Europæiske Investeringsbank eller, for eksempel, gennem den franske Fond for Innovationer [Fonds Pour les Innovations]. Disse instrumenter bør samarbejde mere aktivt og gennemføre specifikke projekter inden for rammerne af OBOR.«

De Villepin fortsatte, »Den Europæiske Kommission og regeringerne i flere EU-stater er bekymrede over de kinesiske selskabers investeringer i strategiske sfærer af økonomien. Jeg er overbevist om, at den Europæiske Union ikke bør opgive andre lande ved at introducere endeløse kontrolforanstaltninger. EU-landene bør opbygge et samarbejde på basis af gensidig fordel, ligesom Kina gør.«

Han antydede, at disse spørgsmål ville blive diskuteret under den franske præsident Emmanuel Macrons forestående besøg til Kina, der forventes at finde sted i januar, 2018. De Villepin påpegede ligeledes spørgsmålet om Afrikas udvikling: »Det initiativ, som den [kinesiske præsident] Xi Jinping foreslår, gennemføres i Asien, bør vi gennemføre i Europa. Den Europæiske Union bør opbygge tættere partnerskaber og et tættere samarbejde med Maghreb-landene og Afrika i lighed med Kinas Bælte & Vej. Vi kunne udvikle infrastruktur i de afrikanske stater, som ville være meget fordelagtige for vore foretagender og give en impuls til disse landes økonomier.«

De Villepin, der var fransk premierminister fra 2005-2007 under præsident Jacques Chirac, sagde, at sådanne forbindelser ville være fordelagtige for både Afrika og Europa. »Afrika ses ofte som et spørgsmål om flygtninge og udokumenterede migranter. Jeg mener, vi skal af med disse fordomme. Vi kunne skabe projekter, hvor selskaberne og institutionerne både fra den Europæiske Union og de afrikanske stater deltager. Hvis ens naboer ikke har stabilitet, er der heller ingen stabilitet i Europa«, understregede de Villepin.