Mobilisér for LaRouches Fire Love
– Mobilsér for menneskehedens fremtid

Leder fra LaRouchePAC, 9. oktober, 2016 – Vi balancerer på spidsen af en dobbelt, dødbringende krise, der umiddelbart konfronterer menneskeheden. En total nedsmeltning af det derivatgennemblødte transatlantiske system kunne indtræffe på et hvilket som helst tidspunkt i løbet af oktober måned, i løbet af denne uge, eller endda så tidligt som førstkommende mandag, den 10. oktober. Der skal ikke meget til, før det, der svarer til en termonuklear kædereaktion inden for det finansielle område udløses. Så langt ude er systemet – som enhver informeret bankier ved, men som stort set ingen er rede til at indrømme højt.

Og så er der fremstødet for at lancere krig – atomkrig – imod Rusland, som promoveres af en overvundet og desperat Barack Obama på vegne af hans britiske controllers. Højplacerede amerikanske efterretningsfolk fordømmer åbenlyst dette som værende »ekstraordinært provokerende og farligt« og advarer om, at »der er nærmest et kollektivt vanvid, der har grebet mange amerikanere … fra Barack Obama og nedefter.«

»Bliver det civilisationen, eller bliver det bankierernes kartel, der kommer ud af denne krise som sejrherre?«, spurgte Helga Zepp-LaRouche søndag under diskussionen med LaRouche-bevægelsens aktivister. »Vi må absolut sætte ind for Glass-Steagall, for, sammen med LaRouches Fire Love, er det den eneste kur imod faren for systemets nedsmeltning.«

Under samme diskussion understregede Lyndon LaRouche, at en sejr kan opnås. »Det nuværende system har nået sin udløbsdato. Men pointen er, at der også vil være reserver, der kunne udvikles, dvs., gennem et aggressivt udviklingsprogram.« LaRouche understregede fremgangsmåden efter Hamiltons principper, som LaRouches Fire Love leverer, og som alene kan standse og vende den sammenbrudskrise omkring, som truer planeten. Han understregede, at det enorme nederlag, som det amerikanske folk gav Obama, med Kongressens underkendelse af hans JASTA-veto, viser, hvad man kan gøre.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche forklarede:

»Denne situation er alvorligere end JASTA-loven, fordi der står meget, meget mere på spil. Så mobilisér de netværk, der gennemførte JASTA-loven, og, som ét af 11/9-familiemedlemmerne sagde: Denne mobiliserings formål er ikke blot det, der skete i fortiden, men derimod, at juridisk retfærdighed også må gennemføres for de fremtidige generationer.«

»Vi må fremkalde den samme, ophøjede ånd, som koncerterne fremkaldte; Mozarts Rekviem, de afroamerikanske spirituals og den kraft, der formåede at bevæge folk under vores mobilisering. For, hvis USA går hen og implementerer Glass-Steagall og Lyndon LaRouches Fire Love, så kan verden reddes. Og vi må lægge os denne mission på sinde.«

Foto: Helga Zepp-LaRouche taler om nødvendigheden af at gøre en ende på geopolitik og vedtage projektet om Verdenslandbroen, på Schiller Instituttets 30-års jubilæumskonference i Tyskland, oktober, 2014.

»Det er vores opgave at skabe
det økonomiske system,
der følger Hamiltons principper
og LaRouches Fire Love«

Jeg mener, at LaRouches understregning af spørgsmålet om Alexander Hamilton og hans arbejde, og LaRouches Fire Love – for forpligtelsen til varefremstilling handler jo ikke om varefremstilling som sådan; det handler om videnskab som drivkraft for fremskridt. Det drejer sig om spørgsmålet, om vi kommer frem til en økonomi, baseret på fusionskraft? Og når vi først har udviklet termonuklear fusion, går vi så videre frem til plasma, til stof/antistof? Og hvilket potentiale åbner det op for?

Download (PDF, Unknown)

ȃt minut over midnat!
Få Kongressen tilbage til Washington for at vedtage Glass-Steagall nu!«
LaRouchePAC Internationale fredags-webcast, 7. oktober, 2016

Vi befinder os midt i en forhøjet mobilisering, og jeg kan sige, at netop, mens vi taler, bliver eksemplarer af det allerseneste nummer af avisen The Hamiltonian, den ugentlige avis fra LaRouchePAC, uddelt i New York City; men også på gaderne i Washington, D.C., uden for det årlige IMF-møde. Hovedoverskriften i The Hamiltonian i denne uge er meget klar; den har titlen »Ét minut over midnat, krakket er begyndt!« Og det kunne dårligt opsummere vores diskussion her i aften bedre. De andre artikler er også apropos; hvis I endnu ikke har læst dem, opfordrer jeg jer til at gøre det. Vi har »Økonomi handler ikke om penge« af Jason Ross; »Finanskrise i oktober; Vedtag Glass-Steagall nu« af Rachel Brinkley; »Et lille skridt for Kongressen, Et kæmpespring for menneskeheden«, af Dennis Speed, om gennembruddet med underkendelsen af JASTA-vetoet; og »Nero-Obamas sidste dage: Fremstød for atomkrigs-folkemord«, af Carl Osgood.

Så avisen uddeles nu, mens vi taler; og vi har allerede sidste-minut-rapporter fra uden for IMF-mødet, hvor personer responderer meget ivrigt, inklusive nogle tyske økonomer, der kendte Alfred Herrhausen personligt, inden han blev myrdet, og som responderer til Alexander Hamiltons stemme via de forslag eller det politiske perspektiv, som Lyndon LaRouche fremlægger netop nu.

Engelsk udskrift.


Friday LaRouche PAC Webcast October 7, 2016



MATTHEW OGDEN:  Good evening; it's October 7, 2016.  My name is Matthew Ogden and you're joining us for our Friday evening webcast from I'm joined in the studio tonight by a guest — Paul Gallagher from Executive Intelligence Review — and by two members of our Policy Committee via video; Bill Roberts joining us from Detroit, Michigan, and Kesha Rogers
joining us from Houston, Texas.
        We are in the midst of a heightened mobilization, and I can say that as we speak, copies of the very latest edition of the Hamiltonian, the weekly broadsheet from LaRouche PAC, are being distributed in New York City; but also on the streets of
Washington DC outside of the annual IMF meeting. The headline of the Hamiltonian this week is very clear; it's titled "One Minute after Midnight, the Crash Is On!"  And I think that couldn't summarize our discussion any better here right now.  The other articles are also apropos; and if you haven't read them yet, I'd encourage you to.  We have "Economics Isn't About Money" by Jason Ross; "Financial Crisis in October; Pass Glass-Steagall Now" by Rachel Brinkley; "One Small Step for Congress, One Giant Leap for Mankind" by Dennis Speed, about the breakthrough with the JASTA veto override; and "Nero Obama Pushes Nuclear Genocide in Final Days" by Carl Osgood.
        So, that is now being distributed as we speak; and we already have up-to-the-minute reports from outside of the IMF meeting, where individuals are responding very keenly, including some German economists who personally knew Alfred Herrhausen before his assassination and who are responding to the voice of Alexander Hamilton via the proposals or the policy perspective that is being laid out by Lyndon LaRouche right now.
        What I want to begin with is a very quick brief overview of the crash as it stands, and as it is unfolding over the coming few days and few hours.  We will also discuss a little bit of the mobilization that we're engaged in.  But we're going to move very quickly from that discussion to an elaboration of what Mr. LaRouche wished to convey as he communicated during the discussion that we had with him a few hours ago.  But before we get to that, Paul, let me just ask you to give us a very quick
overview of the crisis.

PAUL GALLAGHER:  The crash has been on since January 1, 2016.  That's when all the rules in Europe were changed so that banks could not be bailed out.  Supposedly they were going to be bailed-in; that has turned into meaning the depositors and
bondholders were going to have their money taken in order to make new capital for failing banks.  That has turned out to be a complete non-starter; it isn't working.  It was rejected by Italy, and has basically been thrown up into the air and into the
trash basket.  So, but nonetheless, they are facing no bail-out; especially Deutsche Bank recently has been facing no bail-out.
Once that occurred, and the price of oil fell into the thirties and around $40 from nearly 3.5 times that and all the other commodity prices collapsed, that plus the threat of not being bailed out, has meant that not just Deutsche Bank, but dozens of major banks in the countries of Europe, in the United Kingdom, have been at the abyss looking down since then.  Simply waiting to see where the trigger for actual loss of all liquidity in that banking system was going to occur; whether it would be in the
German banking system, in the Italian banking system, in the nationalized banks of the UK — which are in very bad shape.
That's where this entire banking system has sat since January 1st; tremendously over-leveraged.  Eight years, 7.5 years of quantitative easing, which has given them the opportunity to be tremendously over-leveraged; Deutsche Bank is leverage 37:1,
according to a report that just came out from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.  That is worse than the leverage ratio of Lehman when it failed; not much worse, but worse.
        At the same time, they've been marinated for eight years in an environment of 0% interest rates; which means they are not profitable.  They cannot at the same time be prudent and sound commercial banks, and at the same time be profitable.  So, what have they done?  They have generally shoved aside their taking deposits and making loans — their commercial bank has gone wholly into the shark tank of various speculations; selling elaborate complex instruments which no one understands —
including the salesman.  Selling them to their retail depositors, selling them to cities, selling them to towns, selling them to agencies; and essentially trying to loot the deposits in their commercial banking units into their speculative operations, because they can't make money by commercial banking, having been marinated in 0 % interest rates for eight years with essentially an indefinite future of the same stretching ahead of them.  So, you reach the crash.
        What's being discussed around the IMF meeting, and I think we'll get to it because friends of ours are there; in addition to those of us who are getting out the Hamiltonian, there are other friends of ours around these meetings. What's being
discussed there is the potential and the fear of a real liquidity crash being triggered at any moment. What's not being discussed is the crimes that these banks are committing as a result of their speculative culture and as a result of the condition that
they are in after this 8-year marination. The crimes that they are committing now absolutely demand, as a matter of justice as well as sound banking, that they be immediately broken up.
        We don't have to look any further than Wells Fargo, which was supposedly the second-largest bank in the United States, which was supposedly the paragon of non-speculative commercial banking.  Look at what they have been doing.  Their investment banking and securities units have literally been stealing the money from their depositors by the hundreds of thousands in order to make fees and profits on elaborate instruments.  It's criminal.  We remember Detroit and all the other cities around the world — around Europe and the United States anyway – which were also sold very complex derivatives, interest rate swaps. Every time they wanted to issue a bond and borrow some money for the city or the town or the transit agency, whatever it was, they were sold these products.  It is as good as saying that they didn't know what they had; just like the depositors at Wells Fargo weren't aware of these things they had been sold.  So dim was the understanding of the city treasurers and the agency treasurers of these derivatives that the banks were making them buy in order to simply float a bond, that you might just as well say that they sold them those derivatives without the treasurers even knowing that they had them, until they found that they were losing millions and millions of dollars every year. And amazingly, in every single case in every city around the world, the same bet had gone wrong in exactly the same way; and they were running into — in some cases with large cities — into the hundreds of millions of dollars of fines, fees, and losses that they couldn't get out of.  This criminal activity can be ended in only one way. That is by enacting the Glass-Steagall Act. If anyone is telling you that by adding yet another specific little
regulation to the thousands of them that are in the Dodd-Frank Act and so forth, that this criminal activity will stop, they are blowing smoke. There is only one way to stop it. Without Glass-Steagall for the last nearly 20 years, you have had every major bank get much larger, and turn into a boat in the middle full of depositors with a large — in some cases hundreds and thousands of sharks, which are the speculative units of this
immense holding company — all those sharks swimming around the boat full of depositors, and trying in one way or another to get some blood, to get a limb, to get a whole body, to get blood out of there.
        The only way you can return even in an individual huge bank like that, to say give us back a bank which can do commercial banking, which can take in deposits and make loans and actually invest in industry and progress, give us that back. There's only one way to do it; and that is to get out your spear gun and kill
those sharks. The way to do that is enact the Glass-Steagall Act; put it back in effect. Essentially, you make such a fence around the deposits then that the sharks absolutely have no access, and you will find that those speculative units — many of them — will rapidly be bankrupt. We're very welcome to hear a proposal from a legislator in Hamburg in Germany yesterday, to do exactly that with Deutsche Bank. If it can be done with Deutsche Bank, as Lyndon and Helga LaRouche proposed a couple of months ago, then it can be done with any major bank in the world. If you can actually get back a real bank, a commercial bank, a lending bank out of that monstrosity, that mess which is Deutsche Bank today — in the process of failing; then the only way to do it was the proposal this legislator made. The same proposal, that Lyndon and Helga LaRouche had made two months ago known as the Herrhausen Proposal for Deutsche Bank. That legislator said, separate and in an orderly way, run down, eliminate all of these toxic, speculative units. Then the commercial bank may be
capitalized, even by the government, in such a way that it begins to invest seriously in the economy.
        So, that's what's not being discussed; is the crimes and how to stop them. That's a much more fundamental question than which of these banks is going to go first and be the trigger for the general liquidity explosion. We have to get the Congress to
return. What are they doing having left Washington for two months after saying they wanted to get tough with Wall Street in a series of hearings on Wells Fargo's crimes; then leave the city for two months.  Go into recess for a completely meaningless
no-choice election, when instead they should be getting tough with Wall Street; legislating. That's what we're here to discuss, is that mobilization which is now on to get them to go back and restore Glass-Steagall now, and then we'll go on.

OGDEN:  Well the smell of that 2008 crash is back in the air for sure; and I think people are beginning to recognize what time it is, as demonstrated in this. This is a headline from the New York Times yesterday: "Deutsche Bank as the Next Lehman Brothers". They say, "far-fetched, but not unthinkable"; but remember, that 2008 crash happened exactly during this campaign season, and the Congress came back into emergency session.  And at first, voted down the bail-out and then voted the bail-out up. It's that kind of environment; this is what we're seeing.  This is an October crisis; this is not something which is going to wait until after the elections.  This is not something that's going to wait until the lame duck; and that's the lead on the
LaRouche PAC website today.  "Send Congress Back To Enact Glass-Steagall Law; Lame Duck Is Too Late".
        I don't know Bill, if you want to say a little bit about what the status of that mobilization is, and what people have to be thinking about.

BILL ROBERTS:  Sure, Matt.  I can confirm that it was my experience when confronting two Congressmen yesterday here in Michigan, and I think some of our super activists have reported a very similar experience.  While these Congressmen are paying lip service and while their lips say "Yes, I'm for Glass-Steagall"; their actions say "No."  Because as Paul just pointed out, if they were in reality about the fact that Glass-Steagall is something that must be put in place preemptively, then they would
be rushing back to Washington to pass it.  The vote to override Obama's veto of the JASTA bill is quite fortuitous, because really if you think about all of the excuses that these members of Congress have: you can't get the two parties together; you can't take on these high-powered lobbyists.  In both of those cases, the defeat of JASTA — the justice for the families of the victims — the way that this happened, proves that in fact, it is possible.
        This mobilization has got to be accelerated and continued. What our activists are doing–and we are building up a full-scale mobilization on this–is to confront these Congressmen on the full reality of what Glass-Steagall actually is. As Mr. LaRouche
pointed out today, Glass-Steagall is just the first of four steps. I think that while many well-meaning people say they support Glass-Steagall, in fact their unwillingness to take leadership on this so far, reflects a lack of understanding of the reality of the situation, how dire it is, and, frankly, a lack of a sense of what Glass-Steagall is, in the sense that this was a real historical bill that was signed into law by Franklin
        When you hear some of these Congressmen, or Bernie Sanders talk about Glass-Steagall, it's just "break up the banks," and that's it. And then they start talking about the abuses of the pharmaceutical industry, as if it's just this sort of gimmick.
But, as Mr. LaRouche has pointed out, this is a strategy, frankly, for victory against genocide. With JASTA, Obama was confronted on his taking the side of an imperial authority to have arbitrary power over people's lives. This is the same exact question. It is even more deadly.
        I think it's on that sort of level that this mobilization has to upshift to, to get out of the domain of just a question of "Are you for, or are you against Glass-Steagall?," but "What is your commitment, now, Mr. Congressman to ensuring that the
government intervenes to save the American people, as Franklin Roosevelt did?"

OGDEN: Absolutely! Thank you very much. That, I think, brings us directly to the subject that we discussed with Mr. LaRouche earlier, and this is the subject of our "institutional question," which I'm just going to read. It says, "Mr. LaRouche,
you have said that it is absolutely urgent that Glass-Steagall is implemented immediately, and that this is the first step towards a whole series of actions that must be taken to save the economy. Can you please elaborate what the other steps are?" So, that's the question.
        Paul, I'm going to let you elaborate a little bit, and then we can also get to the Four Laws, as Mr. LaRouche specifically identifies them.

PAUL GALLAGHER: Well, maybe we'll get to them very quickly, because it brings us really to the question of these two extremely well-known, very fundamentally important figures in history, extremely controversial and very little understood,
namely, Alexander Hamilton and Lyndon LaRouche. Certainly the recent efforts to lampoon Hamilton on the stage in New York have not aided at all in people understanding what he really contributed to the human race, to this nation, how he built this nation, in an indispensable way.
        We were talking to Lyn LaRouche and Helga LaRouche earlier today about this subject. What Lyndon LaRouche said, repeatedly, actually, was that when he introduced what he called his "Four Cardinal Laws for the Economy" in 2014, he was modelling them directly on the Reports of Alexander Hamilton to the Congress of
the United States. Here is where those reports are found, in this book, The Reports of Alexander Hamilton, [edited by Jacob Ernest Cooke, II] which gives the four Reports that Hamilton made to the Congress, through which he established the legislative
actions– but they were really broad government actions, based on crucial legislation in each case â which made it possible for this country to survive the extreme bankruptcy which it came into during the course of the Revolution, and to rapidly, from that point on, expand and become the leading industrial and technological power in the world.
        What LaRouche was looking at, was four laws and obviously not meaning four traffic laws–four broad actions that must be taken in order to revive the economy from its present zero growth, zero productivity growth state, and nearly zero infrastructure investment, no infrastructure mission. To revive it from that state there are four broad actions which have to be taken, which can be represented and made possible, authorized by legislation, but are really very fundamental.
        Glass-Steagall is the first, and must be done right now, but it just opens the door. It's like taking out the garbage, as we say. It opens the door to the other actions, and it
corresponds very much to Hamilton's establishment on this continent–initially even before the Constitution was adopted, and before any of his Reports to the Congress were made and the institution of a commercial bank and something whose only purpose was to, as he put it, "gather the savings of the country, and place them in the hands of those who could make the most productive use of them."
        That idea of a "commercial bank," in the Bank of New York, which he founded; and, obviously, in the Bank of the United States, which he founded, was unique. Before that, you had merchant banks in Europe, which essentially took partnerships in trade ventures and financed trade; and then you had banks which were formed in order to lend to the government, and get control of government finances. The Hamiltonian bank had absolutely neither of those purposes, but rather the purpose which we'll get into, I think, in the course of this.

OGDEN: Let me just display on the screen, right now, the first slide. This [Slide #1] is the title screen: “The Four Laws, by Lyndon LaRouche.” On the next slide [Slide #2] you'll see the link to the actual document which was published by Mr. LaRouche
on June 8, 2014, which we encourage you to read in full. It's titled "The Four New Laws to Save the USA Now! Not an Option: an Immediate Necessity." []  That's the website you can go to, to read the document in full, and that will also be included in the description to this video, so you'll have access to that as the broadcast continues.
        On the next slide [Slide #3] you'll see a very short quote which I've taken from the introduction to that document, in which Mr. LaRouche says the following: "The only location for the immediately necessary action which could prevent such an
immediate genocide throughout the trans-Atlantic sector of the planet, requires the U.S. Government's now immediate decision to institute four specific, cardinal measures: measures which must be fully consistent with the specific intent of the original U.S. Federal Constitution…."
        On the next slide [Slide #4] you'll see "No. 1: the immediate re-enactment of the Glass-Steagall law instituted by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, without modification, as to principle of action. No. 2: A return to a system of top-down, and
thoroughly defined as National Banking. The actually tested, successful model to be authorized is that which had been instituted, under the direction of the policies of national banking which had been actually, successfully installed under President Abraham Lincoln's superseding authority of a currency created by the Presidency of the United States (e.g., 'Greenbacks'), as conducted as a national banking-and-credit-system placed under the supervision of the Office of the Treasury Secretary of the United States". Mr. LaRouche elaborates after that, that this was the system that
Alexander Hamilton created. "No. 3: The purpose of the use of a Federal Credit-system, is to generate high-productivity trends in improvements of employment, with the accompanying intention, to increase the physical-economic productivity, and the standard of living of the persons and households of the United States. The creation of credit for the now urgently needed increase of the relative quality and quantity of productive employment, must be assured, this time, once more, as was done successfully under President Franklin D. Roosevelt, or by like standards of Federal
practice…" Next slide [Slide No. 5] "…used to create a general economic recovery of the nation, {per capita}, and for the rate of net effects in productivity, and by reliance on the essential human principle, which distinguishes the human personality from the systemic characteristics of the lower forms of life: the net rate of increase of the energy-flux density of effective practice. This means intrinsically, a thoroughly
scientific, rather than a merely mathematical one, and by the related increase of the effective energy-flus density per capita, and for the human population when considered as each and all as a whole." Following this, Mr. LaRouche said, "The
ceaseless increase of the physical-productivity of employment, accompanied by its benefits for the general welfare, are a principle of Federal law which must be a paramount standard achievement of the nation and the individual."
        And then "No. 4." Next Slide. [Slide No. 6] "'Adopt a Fusion-Driver 'Crash Program.' The essential distinction of man from all lower forms of life, hence, in practice, is that it presents the means for the perfection of the specifically
affirmative aims and needs of human individual and social life. Therefore: the subject of man in the process of creation, as an affirmative identification of an affirmative statement of an absolute state of nature, is a permitted form of expression.
Principles of nature are either only affirmations, or they could not be affirmatively stated among civilized human minds."
Following this, Mr. LaRouche elaborates the concept of Vladimir Vernadsky's idea of the noosphere, in which he places man as specifically distinct, and in a hierarchy, above other forms of life; and then elaborates the concept of "physical chemistry," as
the only yardstick in the science of economics.
        So, again, that document, in full, is available to you at The link is available in the description to this video. We encourage to read that and study that, in full, along with these Four Reports that Paul mentioned–the Four Reports by Alexander Hamilton to the United
States Congress. With that said, I think we can open up, especially this fourth point, that I just named here, and I invite Kesha to say a little bit on this subject.

KESHA ROGERS:  Okay. Thank you Matt. I think we really have to start with the unstated-but-consuming principle that exists in all four of those Laws. Mr. LaRouche really captured this in recent discussions: that mankind has to re-discover the meaning of "mankind," and what is the purpose by which we, as the human
species, exist? What is our purpose, in terms of promoting the power of the creative potential that lies only in the human species, unlike any other species.
        When you think about the Fourth Law, people start to say, "Ah, Okay. Well, you know, LaRouche is promoting nuclear power and fusion power, and so forth." It's not just about that. It's a subsuming principle of all Four, that starts with, what I would
define as the principle of Agapé. How do you develop Glass-Steagall? How do you develop the credit system, in the way that Hamilton understood, in the way that LaRouche understands? It comes from the understanding of the benefit to all mankind, which exits in advancing the creative potential for all mankind.
        If you really look at how that has influenced our nation, under Presidents George Washington, and particularly in Roosevelt and John F Kennedy.  These Presidents didn't just look at Hamilton's conception of national credit, Hamilton's conception
of development of economics from the standpoint of just the law. It started with the understanding of a unique principle in the United States to advance the productive and creative powers of every living being in this nation and on this planet.  One thing
that we talk about is what you saw under President Franklin Roosevelt, who was a devout student of Alexander Hamilton, and really what expanded from the period of Franklin Roosevelt through the period of John F Kennedy, was what named as the
Golden Age of Productivity.  I think that what we need right now is a Golden Age of Productivity for the world.
        Where is the opposition coming to this?  Well, if you look at what has happened with the attacks on our US space program, which would be the defining principle, the defining process which would bring together new scientific discoveries for mankind;
revolutionizing science in the way that we should be doing, which is our human potential.  That's what Obama rejects.  When Obama said that we don't need any fancy fusion, and now you've seen not only the shutdown of our manned space program; but now the potential for advancements in new creative breakthroughs of
scientific and technological advancements that exist through programs such as the fusion research centers and development programs at MIT and Princeton.  That's being shut down because we didn't go with Glass-Steagall; we didn't go with the Hamiltonian credit system to actually put the necessary credit into these great scientific endeavors and large scale infrastructure projects.  This isn't just happening because somebody thinks the money should go elsewhere.  It's happening because of a rejection to this truly human identity that it is our human nature to advance to provide for the future; to bring about the creating of a future.  So, when you think about what we're up against here, when people say "Oh yeah, we need to break up the big banks and we need Glass-Steagall"; we need Glass-Steagall, we need to break
up the big banks, but we need it on Hamilton's terms.  We need it on LaRouche's terms from the standpoint of a higher conception.
We have to stop the death rate; we have to stop the mass killing in the United States and around the world.  The way we're going to do this, is that these programs have to be implemented from the standpoint of a higher definition and conception of what it
means to be human.
        I think that gets us to a fundamental point of why you look at what China is doing with the development of their space program — and LaRouche has really emphasized this very emphatically — that China has to be a model from the standpoint of the space program.  Not just because of a singularity of a program they're taking up, because China's now going to the far side of the Moon, unlike any other nation; doing something that no one else has yet to do.  What does this mean?  This is a breakthrough in a revolution in science; this is a breakthrough
in the benefit and the potential progress to all mankind.  I think that is where LaRouche's Four Laws have to start from; and what China is doing right now is what we in the United States, the foundation and the principle of this United States was
founded on.
        What our great visionaries and scientists understood was the unique principle of mankind that defies this oligarchy's rejection of that identity; and why we became a nation committed to this principle of the creative, productive powers of the human
species.  If you think about these visionaries from the standpoint of what China and nations around the world are doing to advance this creative potential, it can really be stated and defined in what the great space pioneer Krafft Ehricke again outlined as what our true extra-terrestrial imperative as a human species is.  One thing I wanted to point is — again, I've stated this on a number of occasions — we brought up Krafft Ehricke's three laws of astronautics and what this really represents to promoting that potential.  But I want to focus in very quickly on the third law, which is not always stated as clearly as it could be; but I think it really captures this idea that he says, "By
expanding through the universe, man fulfills his destiny as an element of life; endowed with the power of reason and the wisdom of the moral law within himself."  I guess the point is, where does this power of reason come from?  Where does this moral law and nature within the existence of mankind lie?  And it lies in
mankind's creative potential, the discovery that exists only in the human species to be able to introduce new scientific principles; to introduce new laws that no other animal species can do.  This is what we're losing sight of right now.
        But the thing is, if we allow for the human population to be killed off en masse, we take away that potential.  Look at what's happening right now:  the death rates; what's happening with the drug overdoses, the suicides.  What's happening with the fact that nations are dying because we don't have the scientific and technological advances to deal with threats that occur in terms of threats that come with natural disasters, that we could be saving lives.  Look at the numbers of people that are going to die in Haiti right now.  All of this could be stopped if we actually had a program in place immediately; a global Glass-Steagall.  So we can actually stop the death rate and organize people around saving human lives so that we can advance for the future; so that we can put forth a new meaning of what mankind and the future of mankind must be.  That's where the Four Laws lie; that's where we have to get Congress, as you said, back in Washington DC right now.  Because they have a responsibility
to this nation and a responsibility to mankind.  The fact that Obama rejected the offer by China for cooperation, rejected the offer by China to be a member of the Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank and to be a part of the New Silk Road Development
Plan, already tells you — once again — his commitment is not to the advancement of the people of this nation and the people of the world.  It is to this financial oligarchy, to this empire, and to the purpose of death that he has been promoting for far too long and cannot continue to get away with.

OGDEN:  Yeah, I'm actually glad you brought up the AIIB, the Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank, because one of the other elements that Mr. LaRouche raised in the discussion that we had with him this afternoon, was the necessity for international development bank banking types of activities.  That there has to be a commitment on the level of agreements among nations for these vast development projects, and a Hamiltonian banking system which will allow these to take place.  We see the emergence of this with what China is doing and some of the other collaborative
programs around the development of the New Silk Road.  This is the kind of vast surge in productivity and increased standards of living that we see in places of the world that have suffered almost no development.  The interior of Eurasia and elsewhere.
But it's something that the United States had originated over 200 years ago with what Hamilton conceived; and it's something which the United States is in no way participating in today.  In fact, it's rejecting and attempting to shut down — as you said Kesha. So, that's something that Mr. LaRouche also introduced into the
discussion.  Maybe it's something that we can also discuss a little bit more of.

GALLAGHER:  At this IMF meeting, the IMF introduced a report on the world economy, and they said the big problems are:  no growth, most especially including in the United States and of course in Europe; in Obama's recovery, no growth at all; and too much debt.  What did they propose as a solution?  To cut back credit all over the globe, and especially to insist that China and India — which are the only two engines of real economic and industrial growth in the world — should cut back their issuance of credit.  That tells you that there is functional insanity at the top of the IMF; they are completely unaware of the relationship between credit and debt.  It is in fact the case that what Alexander Hamilton did ⦠The United States now needs a
national investment bank; it needs a national infrastructure bank, whatever you want to call it, it needs a national bank with that purpose.  What Alexander Hamilton created, as LaRouche in the second of his Four Laws, was essentially a bank which he said was needed in order to be the liaison between the government and the private banks.  In the process, again remember that characterization of gathering the savings of the country and placing them in the hands of those who could make the most
productive use of them.  So that Hamilton was able to actually reorganize the debt of the United States and the states – which was largely unpayable at that time; provide a means of extinguishing it over a long period of time and redirect that reorganized debt through a bank into new credit, the purpose of which was to go into the key areas of the development of the productivity of the new American labor force.  It could have been coming to the third action LaRouche is talking about, Hamilton
was most controversial there, because the bank that he created to reorganize the unpayable debt of the United States and the states and make it into credit; that bank could have been a land bank, that was what was being done in Europe.  Alexander Hamilton had studied all those experiments of Turgot and all the other national land banks which had been set up, which had the effect of perpetuating agriculture as really the only economic activity in the country, and of enriching farmers.  But of course, it tended to enrich the monopolists who got control of the production of farmers.  It also potentially that effect.
Hamilton said, no, that is not what we want to be as a nation. We don't want a national bank to finance unchanged farming practices all the way to the Pacific Ocean; which is what Jefferson wanted, and other.  Rather, we want the farms to become the market for truly creative new manufacturing and industrial development — craftsmen, artisans, the founders of manufacturing businesses.  This is what our national bank, said Hamilton, has to bring about; not just the endless extension of farming, the basis of the government finances on a national land bank.
        What LaRouche specified — and again, as he was saying, he was thinking of Hamilton's Four Reports to the Congress in his Four Laws; what he specified is then the national bank's credit must be invested in truly productive infrastructure investment.
We're not going to get productive by investing in endless fields of solar mirrors out in the desert, or making a desert out of what was previously just a plain.  We're going to become more productive by investing in the most advanced infrastructure
investments and missions that the country could possibly have.

That brings us directly to Kesha's conceptual overview, particularly of the fourth critical action; what LaRouche called the Fourth Cardinal Law, that there are frontiers of science.  We know that the exploration of deep space, reviving that with everything that goes with in terms of the human experience and also in terms of developing new means of studying, measuring, and changing potentially, the laws of the universe; Einsteinian action in exploration of deep space.  That requires that we have a major effort such as that which collapsed in the late 1960s when NASA's budget essentially, virtually disappeared overnight just as we were landing on the Moon.  There was not a Hamiltonian credit institution backing that space exploration, that Apollo project, up; and its budget suddenly disappeared.
        We need, according to LaRouche's outline of these actions that have to be taken, to put that on the basis that we are going to go fully at the frontiers of science.  Go with China to the other side of the Moon, from which the universe can be studied
and observed in a way that it never has been before.  Take the Moon's long view of the universe and bring it back and share it with all the nations of the Earth; which is what the Chinese space administrator at the conference in Mexico last week was
committing China to.  So, we also have to make this international, as LaRouche specified.  It is a crime that whereas China has created the institutions of credit — the New Silk Road Fund, the AIIB that Kesha raised — the so-called policy banks which make trillions of dollars in infrastructure at home and abroad.  Where it has created, one hand reached out for an actually international credit and sound banking system, the United States has not responded.  It has no national banking institution; does not have, for the most part, sound and prudent banking going on in the private commercial banking system either.

Germany — the other critical economy in the trans-Atlantic region — same thing; no such national institution.  The Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau which they built up after the war, has practically been eliminated; and therefore, no hands coming from the trans-Atlantic side, from the European economies join with that initiative of China, either in the exploration of space, or in the creation of the credit for it.  Therefore, this terrible predicament that our friends reported and are experiencing who are at the IMF meeting; that they are somehow trying to reduce the runaway indebtedness of the world by cutting off the new credit which could actually — if directed as Hamilton and LaRouche say — if directed into the frontiers of science and technology, could actually make that debt manageable; both by being written off and also by being made whole in the long term.
        This is where Glass-Steagall is intended to lead, is into these kinds of actions.  By first putting an end to the crime syndicate which has taken the place of major banks, and breaking it up and making the rest of these crucial actions possible.
But, as Bill said, we have a lot of members of Congress – why not name a few?  Maxine Waters, who in the hearing on Wells Fargo said, "I'm introducing legislation to break this bank up; and if it breaks the other banks up, so be it."  She's not a sponsor of the legislation which would break that bank up in the way that
would actually make for sound banking.  A whole bunch of Senators at the Democratic Convention, who were interviewed on the floor in a television video, and said they were absolutely for restoring Glass-Steagall; but haven't sponsored the legislation: Senator Stabenow; Senator Booker of New Jersey; Rep. Sherman of
California.  There are so many members of Congress, who are not putting their sponsorship and their action where their — they're like on Facebook.  They "like" Glass-Steagall, but that is the end of it; they haven't done what they have to do.
        So, get like-minded friends of yours and associates, people you know who, like you, support Glass-Steagall, and ambush these Congressmen with bunches of calls all at once to their offices demanding this.  Ambush them as Bill was talking about, at the many town meetings and public appearances that they'll make.
We've got to get them to go back to Washington and take the action against Wall Street before this crash wipes us out.

ROBERTS:  Let me make one more point, too, which is that Glass-Steagall has enjoyed popular support for years; it's in both party platforms.  Why hasn't there been a hearing on Glass-Steagall when you have 130 members of Congress that support
it?  Well, it's simple — because of Obama.  It's the same reason that Obama has sabotaged Glass-Steagall is the same reason that Obama sabotaged the space program.  Because the space program is the one area, as Kesha was developing, where it's completely transparent that the real nature of the human species and the
real nature of economics is the Hamiltonian conception of the increase of productive powers of labor and of real physical economic growth that's generated through the discovery of new principles.  You can't have a space program without that; you
can't send human beings out into space and conquer the Moon and other domains.  There's no pie to divide up; space is infinite. It just becomes utterly clear; it's like this experience that's been related by so many astronauts that go up to the Space Station.  They look down at the bright blue Earth, and they say, "Well, I don't see any borders.  I see these little land masses." And it becomes very clear to them that we are one unified humanity; and that is something that Obama had to kill.  So, just as in the case of the JASTA vote, Obama has to be confronted; there's no nice way about this.  He's the reason why this has not happened.  I just wanted to make that point clear.

OGDEN:  Absolutely!  He was rendered impotent over this historic defeat of his veto of the JASTA bill.  All of the so-called practical political arguments that people presented to you over years and years — "Oh, we're for Glass-Steagall, but it's just not — we can't politically make it happen."  All of those crumbled with this historic victory, secured by the activation of the American people to create the conditions in
which Congress had no choice but to override Obama's veto.  All of these arguments against the immediate re-enactment of Glass-Steagall have crumbled.  There's no better opportunity than in the wake of that victory with the restoration of the
confidence of the American people that in fact, you can force this kind of historic political change to happen through this kind of mass-based activation.  Coming off of that victory, it's the time to create the political climate in this country in which if Congress does not return to Washington to immediately re-enact Glass-Steagall; that that's a toxic environment.  And the American people know how to make that happen; we can do that, we can lead that.  It's the kind of climate in which if you were clear as to how close we are to a total disintegration of this trans-Atlantic system, you wouldn't think twice about doing that.
And any Congressman who's trying to escape from the reality of what it would mean for Deutsche Bank with all of the derivatives counterparties to go through the floor; that this would be far, far worse than the Hell that was experienced in 2008.  That would be a collapse from which you could not recover; you can't bail your way out of that kind of crisis.
        So, it's only through the immediate re-enactment of Glass-Steagall — but also, as you made the point, Bill, I think very clearly — knowing that Franklin Roosevelt created Glass-Steagall in the context of the entire program that he instituted with his Presidency.  The full weight of the FDR program has got to be present with the first step that's taken with re-enacting Glass-Steagall.

ROGERS:  It's important to bring out what we put out as a standard in the report we published — which people should go back to — "The United States Joins the New Silk Road; a Hamiltonian Vision for an Economic Renaissance" — because I think that captures the essence of what we have to seek to bring about.  Not just an economic recovery, not just putting a few people back to work; but we need a whole, complete breakthrough. A revolutionizing of science in the way that LaRouche is calling
for; a revolutionizing in the conception of the nature of mankind; what it means to be human; what we are as a species. And then how we bring together the conception of mankind for the benefit of all from the standpoint that we are now going to
advance and share in the greatest potentials for mankind that ever existed.  That's found in, as Krafft Ehricke said, "leaving the confines of one small planet" and going out into conquering and development of space.  I thought that Bill just said it well;
that that exists not from the standpoint of borders, or from the standpoint of competing for resources.  This is not about competing for resources or existence of borders; but it's that we have a unique potential as a species to come together and to act to create this economic renaissance as it's never been defined before.
        I think that is really what we have to get the emotional quality around, as we saw an emotional drive around this JASTA fight.  It wasn't just about the families of 9/11; but this was the question of the fight for human beings.  The fight that existed really took place in people starting to sing together. When people sang together, the power that they found within themselves with the development of what took place with the
Living Memorial concerts as one; but the principle that people started to really sing together and to realize that they had more power against this enemy than they ever thought existed.  And they acted on that power.  We have to do the same right now to
realize that this evil can be and must be defeated.

OGDEN:  Wonderful.  So, I think that with the title of this week's Hamiltonian — "One Minute After Midnight" — we can proceed with the correct sense of urgency; and everything that has been said today defines exactly what the mission is. So, again, if you can read the full document — LaRouche's Four Laws — which is provided in the link in the description to this video, that's available.  And secondly, the Four Reports by Alexander Hamilton; this is available as a book.  Jacob Cook is
the editor of this version; it can be made available as well.
And please read these in conjunction, and maybe that can be the subject of your Congressman's next town hall meeting.

        So, thank you very much for joining us.  And I would like to thank both Kesha and Bill, as well as Paul.

Please stay tuned at, and Good Night.

Send USA’s Kongres tilbage for at vedtage Glass-Steagall
– Det er for sent med en handlingslammet Kongres

Leder fra LaRouchePAC, 6. oktober, 2016 – Amerikanere bør ikke tolerere en Kongres, der afholdt høringer om at »gå hårdere frem mod Wall Street«, for dernæst i månedsvis at holde pause, mens Wall Street hver dag overfalder bankindskydere, små virksomheder, folk med realkreditlån og almindelige arbejdende mennesker.

Wall Street-giganterne er i færd med at plyndre deres indskyder- og udlånsbanker, oppuste deres spekulative kasinoafdelinger og har kurs mod en finansiel nedsmeltning, der udløses af de bankerotte europæiske bankgiganter. I dag dukkede der endnu en skandale op, der handlede om Wells Fargo, som snyder sine kunder fra små virksomheder i sine salgsafdelinger for almindelige banktjenesteydelser; og en ny afsløring af Deutsche Bank, der skaber mange derivatkontrakter, med det formål at få værdipapirer eller forpligtelser til at »forsvinde« fra bankens regnskab, på lignende vis som Enron. Deutsche Banks massive portefølje af derivater, den største i verden, klassificeres også som den farligste i verden, i stand til at trække snesevis af storbanker med sig i krakket.

Millioner af amerikanere indser nu – lige i tide – at en gen-vedtagelse af Franklin Roosevelts Glass/Steagall-lov er den eneste måde, hvorpå man kan standse den om sig gribende kriminelle aktivitet i banker som Deutsche Bank og Wells Fargo, samt genoprette et sundt banksystem, før det bliver for sent for den amerikanske økonomi.

Det er nu for sent for hundreder af kongresmedlemmer at give det vage indtryk af, at de »gerne ville« bryde Wall Street-bankerne op. Det amerikanske folk må tvinge dem til at vende tilbage til Capitol Hill og rent faktisk gøre det, ved at genindføre Glass-Steagall.

De, der mener, at kun endnu et krak à la 2008 endelig vil få nationens officielle, valgte folk til at genindføre FDR’s politik, må tænke om igen. Et krak vil i stedet presse dem til i panik at vedtage endnu en bankredning, denne gang endnu større, og som vil forarme økonomien og det amerikanske folk endnu dybere. De må formås at vedtage Glass-Steagall, før dette krak finder sted.    

Dette vil blot påbegynde arbejdet med at genoplive vækst, produktivitet og produktiv beskæftigelse i den amerikanske økonomi, efter Bush’ og Obamas 15 års fiasko. Men det vil skabe muligheden for en statslig kreditpolitik i tradition efter Roosevelt, ny infrastrukturudvikling, fremskyndet videnskabeligt fremskridt og et genoplivet rumforskningsprogram.

Men, Glass-Steagall og et nyt, økonomisk paradigme er nu et spørgsmål om liv eller død. Obamas mislykkede økonomiske vækst, hans nederlag mht. handelsaftaler samt Ruslands strategiske succes i Syrien driver nu Det Hvide Hus mod en direkte fremprovokering af krig med Rusland. Der er enorm opposition i Europa og Asien, men »planlægning« af det, der kunne blive til Tredje Verdenskrig, er i gang i Obamas Hvide Hus og Forsvarsministeriet.

Giv Kongressen – i deres distrikter for at føre en dyster, intet-valg valgkampagne – besked på at vende tilbage og vedtage den nødvendige lovgivning, der kan trække landet op af krisen, en lovgivning, som oplyste amerikanere kræver. Det er for sent for en Kongres, der er handlingslammet[1]; det skal gøres nu.

Foto: Wells Fargo er impliceret i endnu mere snyderi og løgn, denne gang over for sine små virksomhedskunder.  


[1]’Lame duck’ – Betegner en periode, hvor valgte embedsfolk eller en valgt gruppe stadig sidder efter et fejlslagent forsøg på at vinde et valg, og så indsættelse af en efterfølger – hvilket resulterer i en handlingslammet regering (i dette tilfælde Kongressen, -red.).

Ny indstilling om bankopdeling i den svenske Riksdag

Stockholm, den 4. oktober, 2016 – En indstilling, der kræver en bankopdeling, blev endnu engang introduceret i dette års svenske Riksdags-samling 2016-17, hvilket er for sjette år i træk. Ligesom sidste år var det økonomisk talsmand for Vänsterpartiet Ulla Andersson, der indgav indstillingen, sammen med fem partifæller i Riksdagen.

Indstillingen kræver en »parlamentarisk undersøgelse til et forslag om en lov, der adskiller traditionelle bank-serviceydelser fra de såkaldte investerings-serviceydelser«. I indstillingen nævnes de forskellige forslag til bankopdeling, i USA »total adskillelse« og i U.K. »ringfencing« (intern opdeling).

Afsnittet om »Bankopdeling« slutter:

»Konkluderende går arbejdet frem i U.K., USA og i EU, med forskellige former for bankopdelingslove. De tekniske løsninger ser forskellige ud, men formålet er det samme: At resultatet af bankernes investeringsaktiviteter ikke må flyde over i resultatet af de mere traditionelle bankaktiviteter, og i værste tilfælde true hele bankens overlevelse, eller også sætte skattebetalernes betaling på spil, for aktiviteter, der ikke er gavnlige for samfundet.«

Indstillingen kræver en »Undersøgelse af Bankstruktur«, som er indstillingens titel, for at adressere bankopdeling, men også en række andre problemer i banksektoren, der stråler ud fra de fire største, svenske bankers oligopolistiske adfærd.  


Leder fra LaRouchePAC, 5. oktober, 2016 – I en høring for USA’s Kongres for flere år siden advarede Thomas Hoenig, viceformand for USA’s Statslige Indskudsgarantifond (FDIC) og tidligere præsident for Kansas Citys Centralbank (Federal Reserve), om, at et nyt finanskrak, værre end i 2008, ville blive uundgåeligt, med mindre hele finanssystemet blev gennemgribende ændret – begyndende med en genindførelse af Glass-Steagall. Han sagde skarpt til de forsamlede kongresmedlemmer, at, hvis de ventede med at handle til efter krakket, ville det være for sent – idet de kollektivt ville give efter for pres fra Finansministeriet og Federal Reserve (Centralbanken) for at vedtage endnu en selvmords-bankredning (bailout).

Ikke alene havde Hoenig ret. Sandhedens time er nu kommet, og det amerikanske folk må nu følge op på præsident Obamas knusende nederlag, med underkendelsen af hans veto mod JASTA-loven (Loven om Retsforfølgelse af Sponsorer af Terrorisme), og handle nu, for at tvinge Kongressen til omgående at træde sammen igen for at vedtage Glass/Steagall-loven, som allerede er fremsat i både Repræsentanternes Hus og Senatet. En vedtagelse af Glass-Steagall er det første, uomgængelige skridt i en total omlægning af USA’s økonomi, som Lyndon LaRouche forklarer det i sine Fire Love (til USA’s (og verdens) omgående redning), der omfatter en lancering af udstrakte anlægsinvesteringer gennem statslig kredit til storstilede infrastrukturprojekter, der vil skabe millioner af produktive, vellønnede jobs, samt en forceret indsats for at genoplive USA’s nærdøds-rumprogram og hermed relaterede felter inden for videnskabens fremskudte grænser.

Deutsche Banks administrerende direktør har været i Washington for at fremføre en tiggertale for Justitsministeriet om at reducere bødestraffen for bankens udbredte svindel med værdipapirer med sikkerhed i realkreditlån (MBS), i håb om, at direktionen vil kunne udskyde bankens kollaps ved at betale $5 mia. i stedet for $14 mia. Den internationale Valutafond (IMF) erkendte i udgivelsen af sin årlige efterårsrapport om den »finansielle stabilitet«, at Deutsche Bank er epicentret for et overhængende, globalt, finansielt krak, og hvor de i rapporten foreslog en række psykotiske ’nøjsomhedsforholdsregler’ (nedskæringer), der mere har til hensigt at blokere for Kinas eurasiske infrastrukturinvesteringer end at adressere kendsgerningen om den umiddelbart forestående evaporation af hele det transatlantiske system.

Denne umiddelbart forestående nedsmeltning er også den nøglefaktor, der er drivkraften bag Obamas Hvide Hus og forsvarsministerens kontor for at gøre fremstød for en åben konfrontation med Rusland. Et møde i onsdags i det Nationale Sikkerhedsråds Lederkomité tog en række eskalerende militære optioner i Syrien op, som alle ville udmønte sig i en direkte fremprovokering af Tredje Verdenskrig. Og forsvarsminister Ashton »Strangelove« Carter har rendt rundt og truet med en førsteanvendelse af atomvåben imod Rusland i takt med, at han gør fremstød for en modernisering og udvidelse af USA’s atomtriade til $1 billion.

Alle medlemmer af Repræsentanternes Hus, samt en tredjedel af Senatsmedlemmerne, er på valg om nogle få uger. De befinder sig nu alle hjemme i deres valgdistrikter, hvor de fører kampagne. De skal, i vendinger, der ikke kan misforstås, have at vide, at de må vende tilbage til Washington – før Deutsche Bank, eller de italienske, britiske eller franske banker, eller Wall Street, udløser den største finansielle nedsmeltning i moderne historie. De institutioner, de har sponsoreret og støttet genindførelsen af Glass-Steagall, må mobiliseres til at handle beslutsomt nu. Både det Demokratiske Partis og det Republikanske Partis valgplatform kræver en genindførelse af Glass-Steagall. AFL-CIO (USA’s største fagforening) promoverer Glass-Steagall. Tiden er inde til at levere varen.

Denne kamp kan og må vindes – og det betyder at vinde, før hele systemet eksploderer. Denne kamp har nu nået et punkt, hvor vi alle befinder os imellem liv eller død, og det er, desværre, ikke en overdrivelse.

Foto: Præsident Franklin Roosevelt holder sin 'Fireside Chat' nr. 6 til det amerikanske folk, september 1934. (Foto: Presidential Library & Museum).





Folketinget åbner: Interviews om Glass/Steagall-bankopdeling og TTIP

Den 4. oktober åbnede Folketinget, og i den anledning havde en række organisationer og folk arrangeret en demonstration foran Christiansborg. Demonstrationen havde flere temaer og handlede om forskellige folkelige protester. Christian Bechmann Olesen, som stillede op til Folketinget uden for partierne i samarbejde med Schiller Instituttets Venner, holdt en tale imod TTIP og CETA – de såkaldte frihandelsaftaler, som forhandles mellem EU og USA, og mellem EU og Canada. 

Han blev interviewet live af TV2 News omkring frihandelsaftalerne, samt af Christiania TV.

Efter interviewet om TTIP gav Christian Bechmann Olesen også et interview til Christiania TV om finanssystemet og det forstående kollaps, som vi står overfor. Derefter talte han om Schiller Instituttet og kampagnen for indførelse af en Glass/Steagall-bankopdeling.

Vesten kan ikke længere skjule det
transatlantiske finanssystems sammenbrud

Leder fra LaRouchePAC, 4. oktober, 2016 – Overskrifter i den førende presse i Europa og USA gør det meget klart, at Finansherrerne over Wall Street og City of London ikke længere kan skjule det umiddelbart forestående og uundgåelige kollaps af deres finansielle system. Tag dagens Die Welt: »Deutsche Bank truer den amerikanske regering med systemisk kollaps.« Eller Bloomberg: »Eksistentiel trussel imod den økonomiske verdenorden overskygger IMF-diskussioner.« Artiklen i Bloomberg omhandler IMF’s World Economic Outlook, den årlige gennemgang af verdensøkonomien, og som blev offentliggjort i dag forud for det årlige IMF-møde, der finder sted i denne weekend i Washington, D.C.
Det bedste ville være at henvise til den aktuelle krise som »Ét minut over Midnat«, snarere end ét minut før. »De kan ikke skjule det«, sagde Lyndon LaRouche i dag. »De er håbløst bankerot

Problemet med udtalelserne fra IMF om krisen er imidlertid, at deres forslag til, hvad man skal gøre ved det, simpelthen er mere af de samme politikker, som forårsagede sammenbruddet i første omgang. For at retfærdiggøre dette, er de nødt til at lyve om årsagen. Transformationen af ​​vestlige storbanker til uregulerede spillekasinoer gennem at ophæve Glass-Steagall i 1990'erne nævnes aldrig, alt imens den paniske gennemførelse af massiv pengetrykning og negative renter til at holde sammen på for-store-til-at-lade-gå-ned-bankerne i de seneste år, på bekostning af den virkelige økonomi, bliver ordineret som løsningen snarere end årsagen.
Ironisk nok bliver fremkomsten af ​​populisme i hele Europa og USA beskrevet som krisens årsag, snarere end dens resultat. "Næret af stagnerende lønninger og aftagende jobsikkerhed, truer det populistiske oprør med at svække en verdensøkonomi, som, iflg. IMF’s administrerende direktør Christine Lagarde, allerede er 'svag og skrøbelig'«, skriver Bloomberg.

IMF kræver løsninger i form af tre punkter: flere frigjorte penge (negative renter), flere offentlige udgifter (kvantitative lempelser), samt strukturreformer (en eufemisme for anti-arbejdsmarkedspolitik). Det er faktisk, hvad der allerede finder sted i det transatlantiske område. Financial Times erkendte tirsdag, at »I årets sidste tre måneder forventes Storbritannien, Japan og Europa sammenlagt at slå mønt (trykke penge) for $506 milliarder til opkøb af værdipapirer – det største kvartalsvise beløb, der er trykt siden starten af den amerikanske Centralbanks, Federal Reserves, program for kvantitativ lempelse i 2009.«
Lige så vel som, at kendsgerningen om sammenbruddet ikke kan skjules for offentligheden, således kan og må den eneste mulige løsning fremlægges for befolkningen og den lovgivende magt (parlamenterne) i hele USA og Europa – nemlig den, at gøre en ende på det nuværende, bankerotte system ved hjælp af den selv samme metode, som Franklin Roosevelt gennemførte, da han i 1933 tiltrådte sit embede som præsident. Den omgående genindførelse af Glass-Steagall er den eneste metode til at redde de vestlige nationers kommercielle banksystem. Det vil betyde afslutningen af ​​de fleste af Wall Streets og Londons TBTF-bankers eksistens – men den eneste måde, hvorpå de virkelige mennesker, der er indfanget i den massive boble, kan redde livet, er at sørge for, at boblens kollaps sker på en lovmæssig måde, der gør det muligt for banktilsynsmyndigheder at skelne mellem hasardspillerne og så dem, der blev narret til at betro deres opsparing og pensioner til de kriminelle institutioner.

Så begynder det virkelige arbejde – det glædelige arbejde med at opbygge en nation. Gennem en genoprettelse af »det Amerikanske System« for statslig bankpraksis, som det blev udviklet af Alexander Hamilton, og udstedelse af kreditter gennem dette system til at skabe produktiv beskæftigelse og en forøgelse af reel produktivitet gennem øget energigennemstrømning (i produktionsprocesserne, -red.), kan nationen genrejses økonomisk. At genoprette Amerikas tabte engagement mht. videnskabens fremskudte grænser, gennem udvikling af fusionskraft og en genoplivning af vores rumprogram, vil give vore børn den nødvendige fremtid, befriet fra Obamas narkotika-befængte modkultur, og genintroduceret til klassisk musik og klassisk kultur, både vores egen kultur og kulturen hos vore naturlige allierede i Kina, Rusland, Indien og Mellemøsten, så vel som også de nyligt fremgangsrige nationer i Afrika og Latinamerika.

Det faktum, at, hvis man ikke opnår disse udviklinger nu, før den vanvittige valgproces er afsluttet i USA, så vil det snart føre os til en global krig, må adresseres. Aldrig har verden været tættere på atomkrig i takt med, at Obama og hans forsvarsminister »Atom-Ash« Carter deployerer verdens mest avancerede militære våben helt frem til de russiske og kinesiske grænser, samtidig med, at de lancerer et program formedelst $1 billion til at genopbygge hele USA’s atomvåbenarsenal. Carter insisterer på, at USA må opretholde en atomar »førsteangrebs«-kapacitet til at imødegå truslen fra russisk side om en imaginær, konventionel invasion af NATO. Faktisk træffer Obama og hans krigsparti nu forberedelser til krig mod russiske og syriske styrker i Syrien; en krig, som omgående kunne fremprovokere en verdenskrig.
Denne galskab har intet med den ikkeeksisterende trussel om militær aggression fra Ruslands eller Kinas side at gøre, men derimod med den meget reelle »trussel« imod det anglo-amerikanske, finansielle imperium, som Rusland, Kina, Indien og deres BRIKS-partnere har skabt. Med støtte fra næsten alle udviklingslande på Jorden, er disse nationer ved at skabe et nyt paradigme for verden, centreret omkring Kinas udviklingspolitik med Den Nye Silkevej og samarbejde om at komme narkotika og terrorisme i hele verden til livs.
Afsløringen af ​​Obamas åbenlyse støtte til terrorister og deres sponsorer, med hans (underkendte) veto af JASTA-loven, åbner vejen for, at han kan fjernes fra embedet for «høje forbrydelser og forseelser« (»high crimes and misdemeanors«, –red.).

USA og Europa kan og må slutte vanviddet og tilslutte sig det nye paradigme.

Gennemtving Glass-Steagall nu
– før Deutsche Bank kollapser

Leder fra LaRouchePAC, 3. oktober, 2016 – Der er ikke et øjeblik at spilde. Kongressen skal kaldes tilbage til Washington for omgående at genindføre Glass-Steagall – før et kollaps af Deutsche Bank sænker hele det transatlantiske finansielle system og udløser kaos og en mulig atomkrig over planeten.
Med topledere fra Deutsche Bank, der nu er i Washington, D.C., i et kapløb med tiden for at lave en aftale med det amerikanske Justitsministerium om at reducere dens trussel om en bøde på $14 milliarder for bedrageri med pantebreve, erkender man nu åbenlyst, at Deutsche Banks massive eksponering til derivater og bankens gearing på 25:1 er ved at bringe hele spillekasinoet i London og på Wall Street til fald. I lørdags tiltalte en dommer i Milano, Italien, seks nuværende og tidligere topledere fra Deutsche Bank, sammen med 11 andre top-bankfolk fra Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena (BMPS) og Nomura, på en anklage om forfalskning af BMPS regnskaber for at skjule massive tab for banktilsynsmyndigheder og kunder.

Russiske anklagere undersøger nu endnu en tidligere topmægler fra Deutsche Banks Moskva-kontor, og som angiveligt har været involveret i en ulovlig ordning med russiske gangstere om hvidvaskning til $10 milliarder.
Alt imens denne retsforfølgelse finder sted, så har det amerikanske Justitsministerium endnu ikke rejst tiltale mod så meget som en eneste direktør for en for-stor-til-at-lade-gå-ned-bank for den største finansielle svindel i historien. Resultatet er, at en endnu større finansboble, der er baseret på derivater til flere hundrede billioner af dollars, atter er opbygget – og som nu er klar til at eksplodere. En førende japansk ekspert sagde det ligefremt under en nylig diskussion: Enten bliver Glass-Steagall genindført før kollapset, og alle de kriminelle top-bankfolk bliver arresteret, eller også bliver vi alle konfronteret med faren for et systemisk krak og truslen om krig. Med en gentagelse af kommentarer fra Lyndon LaRouche erklærede han, »Oktober er det kritiske øjeblik.«    

Den eneste løsning er netop en omgående genindførsel af Glass-Steagall, en afslutning af alle derivatkontrakter på en bestemt fastlagt dato, samt retsforfølgelse for kriminelle handlinger af alle de TBTF-bankierer, der plyndrede deres egne kunder. De forbrydelser, der for nylig blev afsløret i Wells Fargo-banken, udgør den reelle norm på Wall Street og i [City of] London. Glem ikke HSBC’s rolle i hvidvaskning af kokain-provenuet fra de colombianske og mexicanske narkokarteller, og som finansierede deres dødspatruljer.
Øjeblikket er modent til netop sådanne nødforanstaltninger, der umiddelbart skal følges af lanceringen af en fysisk-økonomisk genrejsning gennem massive anlægsinvesteringer i infrastruktur, jobskabelse og videnskabelig forskning. Præsident Obama, briterne og saudierne har netop modtaget det mest ødelæggende slag fra den amerikanske Kongres, i og med tilsidesættelsen af Obamas JASTA-veto.

Som Lyndon LaRouche bemærkede til kolleger i mandags, så er Obama udmattet – hans vitalitet er væk. Alt er i færd med at kollapse omkring ham, og han kan og må trænges godt og grundigt op i en krog, så han kan ikke gøre noget.
Der er vitalitet i Asien, hvor den fortsatte funktionsdygtighed af disse førende nationer – dvs. Kina, Rusland, Indien og andre – må forsvares imod eventuelle desperate handlinger fra Obama. At sikre de asiatiske initiativer, som vil blive fremmet om 12 dage, hvor statsledere fra BRIKS-landener samles i Goa, Indien, til deres årlige topmøde, er en global prioritet.

Det amerikanske folk kan besejre Obama
igen – for at stoppe et bankkrak,
der er værre end i 2008

Leder fra LaRouchePAC, 2. okt., 2016 – Hvad skal vi gøre for at stille Wells Fargo og Wall Street for retten, før de atter bringer massearbejdsløshed og forarmelse over os?
Kongressens næsten enstemmige underkendelse af præsident Obamas forsøg på at nedlægge veto mod Loven om Retsforfølgelse af Sponsorer for Terrorisme (JASTA) var et stor slag for retfærdighed. Det var et alvorligt nederlag for en farlig præsident, hvis administration offentligt truer med at gøre Rusland til mål for terrorisme, eller endda for atomvåben.

Brug erfaringerne fra JASTA til at minde jer selv om, hvad den amerikanske befolkning kan gøre af egen vilje, som de gjorde, da de rejste sig og opnåede denne tilsidesættelse. Husk jer selv på, hvordan en lignende opstand stoppede Obama i 2013, da han, i kølvandet på den katastrofale Libyenkrig, var i fuld gang med at kaste amerikanske styrker ind i Syrien og mangedoble katastrofen.

Begge gange blev den planløse og hykleriske Kongres forvandlet til et seriøst, forfatningsmæssigt organ af en folkelig mobilisering, da nationens moralske overlevelse og værdighed stod på spil.  

Vi står over for et banksystem, der har kurs mod et nyt kollaps, som, med mindre vi hurtigt skifter over til Glass/Steagall-politik, vil forarme de europæiske og amerikanske folk langt ud over noget, som krakket i 2008 forårsagede. Storbankerne i Europa og Amerika er alle ét stort London- og Wall Street-centreret roderi, der begår umoralske handlinger og forbrydelser uden ende, og som atter truer med at implodere i kaos.

Deutsche Bank er verdens »leder« inden for spekulation i derivater, og »leder« nu det transatlantiske banksystem ind i endnu et krak.

Wells Fargo var en af de absolut største, der hævdedes at være den »reneste«, og som er blevet afsløret som en af de værste. Juridisk retfærdighed fordrer, at Wells Fargo og de andre giganter på Wall Street bliver brudt op, deres kasino-derivatoperationer afskrevet og deres ledelser udskiftet. Juridisk retfærdighed betyder, i Wall Streets tilfælde, Glass/Steagall-retfærdighed.

Og vi må få Kongressen til at gøre dette hurtigt.

Det, der fundamentalt er på spil, er økonomisk fremgang, udsigten til at vende tilbage til investeringer i teknologiske fremskridt og reel produktivitetsvækst.

Det går tilbage til den foreslåede vedtagelse af »Fire Kardinallove« for langsigtet fremskridt, som EIR’s stiftende redaktør, Lyndon LaRouche, detaljeret forklarede i erklæringer fra maj-juni 2014.

Den første kardinallov er at genindsætte Glass/Steagall-loven, som ligeledes vil fremprovokere en omgående følgevedtagelse i de europæiske lande. Den anden kardinallov er udstedelse af statslig kredit til produktion, gennem en Nationalbank efter Hamiltons principper eller en Kreditinstitution for Genopbygning efter Roosevelts principper (Reconstruction Finance Corporation). Den tredje kardinallov er, som rettesnor for denne kredits investering, at definere de mest avancerede infrastrukturprojekter, der vil tilføre vores befolkning den største grad af ny produktivitet, inklusive et stærkt genoplivet program til udforskning af Månen og det ydre rum, i samarbejde med i særdeleshed Kina. Den fjerde kardinallov er – endeligt – at vedtage et veritabelt forceret program for udvikling af fusionsenergi og fusionsteknologier.

Denne fremgangsmåde vil afgøre økonomiens faktiske kapacitet for fremskridt, produktiv beskæftigelse og produktivitet. Og arbejdet med henblik på disse fire kardinallove siden maj-juni 2014 har gjort det muligt, at Glass-Steagall er det primære spørgsmål mht. økonomisk retfærdighed og fremskridt i USA lige nu.

Foto: CIA-direktør John Brennan og Obama, loyale venner af det saudiske kongerige, led et uopretteligt nederlag i sidste uge, med vedtagelsen af JASTA.

RADIO SCHILLER den 3. oktober 2016:
Deutsche Bank kollapser: Glass-Steagall eller kaos?//
USA’s Kongres tilsidesætter Obamas veto

Med formand Tom Gillesberg


Leder fra LaRouchePAC, 29. sept., 2016 – For fem dage siden udstedte Lyndon LaRouche marchordrer for de presserende opgaver, som nationen umiddelbart står overfor: »Tilsidesæt JASTA-vetoet, Afsæt Obama; Vedtag Glass-Steagall!« På daværende tidspunkt rapporterede vi, at »de næste 72 timer bliver afgørende for JASTA og Obamas skæbne, og dermed for USA’s og planetens skæbne.«

LaRouche havde ret. Med onsdagens ydmygende nederlag til Obama, med Senatets og Repræsentanternes Hus’ vedtagelse af at tilsidesætte hans JASTA-veto, har vi nået vores første mål. »Det her ser godt ud; dette var en særdeles god udvikling!«, kommenterede Lyndon LaRouche i dag og tilføjede: Dette spørgsmål er nu lukket og kan ikke kan omstødes. Det skete rent faktisk; det var det rigtige; og det kommer til at holde.

Vi har opnået en sejr, der allerede er i færd med at skabe et fundamentalt, strategisk skifte, både her i landet og internationalt; et skifte, som den amerikanske befolkning kun lige er begyndt at fornemme, og som ikke vises frem i det aktuelle præsidentvalgcirkus.

I dag fortsætter vi vores pres: Kongressen skal mobiliseres til at vedtage Glass-Steagall straks, som det første skridt hen imod en generel, økonomisk reorganisering, før hele det transatlantiske system falder fra hinanden. Og der er overhovedet ingen tid tilbage til at handle i: Deutsche Bank, Tysklands største bank, er i færd med at synke som en sten og står over for et massivt, spekulativt »shorting«-angreb fra gribbefonde og folk som George Soros, der spiller på, at den tyske regering kan blive tvunget til at redde banken (bailout) – dvs., at spekulanterne er indehavere af ’short’-aktier – til tonerne af et tocifret milliardbeløb i dollars. Og Deutsche Bank er kun toppen af isbjerget af hele det derivat-gennemsyrede, transatlantiske banksystem.

Hvad angår Obama og den skæbne, der venter ham, mindede LaRouche i dag kraftigt folk om aldrig at glemme Obamas ansvar, ikke kun for at mørklægge og forsvare (som Bush før ham) de britisk-saudiske terrorister, der udløste 11. september, men også for alle de amerikanske borgere og andre, som han henrettede i forbindelse med sine tirsdagsdrabsorgier – de hemmelige møder i det Hvide Hus, hvor han personligt besluttede, hvem der skulle dræbes af amerikanske droneangreb. Disse drab er karakteristiske for Obama, erklærede LaRouche; Obama er, i lighed med sin stedfar, en slagter. Obama er en massemorder på alle skalaer; og alligevel underkastede folk sig ham og beundrede ham som en autoritet.

»Obama er virkelig ond«, sagde LaRouche, og han må omgående fjernes fra embedet. Obama repræsenterer et bundløst dyb af ondskab, og han har simpelthen myrdet mange amerikanske borgere og andre. Og der var ingen væsentlig respons, der modsatte sig disse forbrydelser, udtalte LaRouche. Nu kan vi, med det, der er kommet i gang med tilsidesættelsen af JASTA-vetoet, endelig slippe af med denne morder af amerikanske borgere og andre. »Dette er kendsgerningerne,« insisterede LaRouche.

Den politisk set blodbesudlede Obama har på lignende vis besluttet at optrappe sin konfrontation med Rusland og Kina lige til bristepunktet. I går truede talsmand for Udenrigsministeriet John Kirby med at udløse terror inden for Ruslands grænser, hvis ikke Putin underkaster sig Obamas alliance med terrorister i Syrien. Den russiske respons til truslen kom prompte, var urokkelig og præcis: »Vi kan ikke betragte dette som andet end en de facto støtte til terroristerne fra USA’s side«, udtalte viceudenrigsminister Sergej Ryabkov.

Nu, da det amerikanske folk og dets repræsentanter i Washington har fået en forsmag på, hvordan Obamas onde politikker kan stoppes med et øjebliks varsel, så lad os smide ham ud – og omgående vedtage Franklin D. Roosevelts Glass/Steagall-lov.

Foto: LaRouchePAC-aktivister demonstrerer foran Det Hvide Hus for Loven om Retsforfølgelse af Statssponsorer af Terrorisme, JASTA. Obamas veto af JASTA er blevet underkendt af Kongressen, med en hidtil uset tværpolitisk støtte. 20/9, 2016 [Foto/Jason Ross/Alle rettigheder reserveret]


Kongressen leverer en øredøvende lussing til Obama og anglo-saudierne

Leder fra LaRouchePAC, 28. sept., 2016 – Den amerikanske Kongres leverede i dag en rungende tilsidesættelse af Barack Obamas veto fra 23. september imod S. 2040, JASTA-lovforslaget (Loven om Retsforfølgelse af Sponsorer af Terrorisme), med et stemmetal i Senatet på 97-mod-1 til fordel for tilsidesættelse; og en stemmeoptælling i Repræsentanternes Hus på 348-mod-77. Tilsidesættelsen krævede et flertal på 2/3 i begge Kongressens kamre, hvilket blev opnået med en bred, tværpolitisk margin. 
Konsekvenserne heraf er massive.

Med JASTA-loven nu som gældende lov i landet, er de smuthuller blevet fjernet, der blokerede for, at familier og overlevende fra angrebet d. 11. september kunne sagsøge Kongeriget Saudi-Arabien ved amerikanske føderale domstole, for deres meddelagtighed i 11. september. En høring er allerede planlagt i den Føderale Domstol for New Yorks Sydlige Distrikt i november, og her vil familier til ofre for 11. september endelig blive i stand til direkte at konfrontere det saudiske monarki og forfølge yderligere beviser på den saudiske regerings støtte til 11. september-flykaprerne, hvoraf 15 var saudiske statsborgere.

 Muligheden for at gøre nye opdagelser vedrørende den saudiske rolle i angrebet d. 11. september 2001 blev for nylig, den 15. juli, 2016, yderligere forstærket med den offentlige frigivelse af det 28 sider lange kapitel fra den oprindelige Fælles Kongresundersøgelsesrapport om 11/9, fra 2002, som afslører tidligere hemmeligholdte beviser for den rolle, som den tidligere saudiske ambassadør til USA, prins Bandar bin-Sultan, spillede i at støtte mindst to af terroristerne fra 11. september, sammen med dokumentation for flykaprernes tilknytning til snesevis af andre saudiske embedsmænd på alle niveauer i regeringen og kongefamilien.

Prins Bandars rolle i angrebene d. 11. september er af særlig betydning på grund af hans nære forbindelser til Bush-familien og endnu tættere bånd til briterne. Bandar var, sammen med den tidligere britiske premierminister Margaret Thatcher, mægleren i Al Yamamah-aftalen, en tuskhandel om britiske våben for saudisk olie. Under Al Yamamah-byttehandlen blev hundreder af milliarder af dollars omdirigeret til hemmelige, fælles anglo-saudiske offshore-konti, med henblik på at finansiere terrorisme, mord og politiske kup i hele verden. Et fremtrædende medlem af det britiske Underhus, og som også er en højtplaceret person i det britiske forsvarsetablissement, advarede i juni ligefremt om, at, hvis JASTA skulle blive vedtaget som amerikansk lov, kunne det britiske monarki og den britiske regering blive sagsøgt, sammen med saudierne.

 »En historisk sejr«

Lyndon LaRouche, hvis Politiske Aktionskomite (LPAC) har mobiliseret intensivt for dagens resultat, beskrev afstemningen som »En historisk sejr. Den er en anledning til glæde; den har vendt et nyt blad i historiebogen. Det verdensomspændende, positive potentiale er enormt.« Men LaRouche advarede imidlertid, »Hvor langt, og hvorhen, det bringer os, er endnu ikke klart. Gør jer klar til at finde ud af det.« Han tilføjede: »Husk, at I har såret Djævelen hårdt. Og Djævelen vil ikke takke jer for det!«

Det overvældende nederlag til præsident Obama og saudierne kom på trods af, at hele Obamaadministrationen var blevet mobiliseret til at lægge pres på Kongressen om at støtte hans veto, og det saudiske monarki har, rapporteres det, hældt $9,4 millioner ind, i en desperat lobbyindsats for at købe medlemmer af Kongressen. I sidste ende afviste en tværpolitisk koalition af førende senatorer og kongresmedlemmer Obamaadministrationens løgne om, at JASTA udgør en trussel mod amerikanske interesser i udlandet, og de leverede det største politiske nederlag til præsident Obama, siden han først tiltrådte embedet.
I dag afholdt begge Kongressens kamre en to timer lang debat forud for den historiske afstemning, og langt de fleste af indlæggene understregede 11. september-familiernes rettigheder til langt om længe at opnå juridisk retfærdighed, og til at konfrontere det saudiske monarki og dets agenter for deres medskyld i det værste terrorangreb nogensinde på amerikansk jord. 

Meget af debatten var optaget af at aflive Obamas påstand om, at JASTA ville åbne op for gengældelse mod amerikanske soldater, virksomheder og diplomater fra udenlandske regeringers side. Førende fortalere for JASTA, herunder senatorerne Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) og Charles Schumer (D-New York), og kongresmedlemmerne Robert Goodlatte (R-Va.) og Jerome Nadler (D-New York) gjorde det gentagne gange klart, at JASTA blot lukker et smuthul i lovgivningen, der har eksisteret siden 1970'erne, og således nu gør det muligt for amerikanske borgere at sagsøge udenlandske regeringer, der beviseligt har ydet støtte til terrorangreb på amerikansk jord. Men dette smuthul har gjort det muligt for Kongeriget Saudi-Arabien at unddrage sig amerikansk, juridisk retfærdighed i de sidste 15 år, og den mulighed er nu bragt til ende.


Bredere strategiske muligheder

Den succesfulde, tværpolitiske indsats, der underkendte præsident Obamas veto imod JASTA, kan og skal nu, med samme intensitet, rettes imod andre vitale spørgsmål, begyndende med behovet for, at Kongressen omgående vedtager de lovforslag om genindførelse af Glass-Steagall, der allerede er fremsat i begge Kongressens kamre; lovforslag, der sigter mod at opdele for-store-til-at-lade-gå-ned-bankerne, som befinder sig på kanten af et sammenbrud, der er langt værre end i 2008. Tysklands Deutsche Bank, den største indehaver af derivater blandt alle banker i verden, står umiddelbart foran sammenbrud, og hele det transatlantiske banksystem står til at krakke, som et direkte resultat heraf

En genindførelse af Glass-Steagall er det første, uomgængelige skridt mod at lancere en reel, økonomisk genrejsning, gennem massive kapitalinvesteringer i presserende tiltrængte infrastrukturprojekter, forskning og udvikling, og især en genoplivning af Amerikas nu kollapsede NASA-rumprogram. En sådan indsats kan, nu og her, skabe millioner af nye produktive arbejdspladser. I Eurasien bliver et massivt program for infrastrukturinvesteringer gennemført under Kinas ledelse, og under banneret af præsident Xi Jinpings initiativ for Ét bælte, Én vej. Den russiske præsident Vladimir Putin har vedtaget dette initiativ og har foreslået, at den Eurasiske Økonomiske Union integreres i indsatsen, som tidligere USA-ambassadør Chas Freeman nyligt beskrev som det største infrastrukturprojekt i menneskets historie. 
I stedet for at arbejde på at sabotere det Ny Silkevejsprojekt, hvilket har været USA’s politik under præsident Obama, bør USA fuldt ud omfavne programmet for Ét bælte, Én vej og således udvide det til at blive en ægte Verdenslandbro

USA’s Kongres har for første gang i lange tider handlet med én stemme på vegne af det amerikanske folks vitale interesser. JASTA-loven gavner alle amerikanere og især dem, der mistede deres kære i angrebene d. 11. september, eller selv blev alvorligt såret.
Afstemningen frembyder en større håbets bavn for, at den samme ånd af national interesse nu hurtigt kan overføres til de øvrige handlinger, der er afgørende for USA’s og verdens overlevelse og fremgang.  

Foto: USA’s Senat vedtager med stemmerne 97 mod 1 at underkende præsident Obamas veto af Loven om Retsforfølgelse af Sponsorer af Terrorisme. Få timer senere fulgte Repræsentanternes Hus trop, og JASTA bliver nu landets lov.  


Stormvejr over JASTA mod Obama/Bush/London;
LaRouche: »Bliv ved! Stop ikke!«

Leder fra LaRouchePAC, 21. sept., 2016 – I går, sammenfaldende med åbningen af FN’s Generalforsamlings generelle debat mellem verdens ledere, brød helvede løs over Obama og Saudi-Arabien i Washington, D.C. To demonstrationer og en pressekonference fandt sted ved Det Hvide Hus og Senatet under ledelse af æres-familierne til ofrene for 11. september-terroren og bragte aktivister fra østkysten ind til at beordre, at S.2040 JASTA-lovforslaget (Loven om Retsforfølgelse af Sponsorer af Terrorisme) blev sat i kraft (gennem præsidentens underskrift). Som demonstrationsskiltene sagde: »Stop beskyttelse af Terrorisme-$$!« Til præsident Obama: »Ingen veto mod JASTA!« Til kongressen: »Gør veto ugyldigt!« Loven vil gøre det muligt for amerikanerne at sagsøge Saudi-Arabien.

I løbet af natten har en medieoffensiv gjort budskabet landsdækkende, gennem USA Today, HispanTV, og mange andre. »Hvorfor familier til ofrene for 11. september føler sig forrådt af Obama«, lyder overskriften i McClatchy News D.C. i dag.

I dag fortsætter lederne for JASTA deres tilstedeværelse for fuld styrke på Capitol Hill og insisterer på retfærdighed, for sig selv, for nationen og for verden. JASTA er allerede blevet enstemmigt vedtaget af Repræsentanternes Hus tidligere på måneden, og af Senatet i maj, men Obama har sagt, at han vil nedlægge veto imod den. Men selv, hvis han nøler med at gøre det frem til ugens udgang, har medlemmer af Senatet lovet at forblive i session og underkende vetoet. I går sagde advokater, at de står klar til omgående at anlægge retssager mod Saudi-Arabien, på vegne af ofrene for 11. september.

Sideløbende hermed blev det endnu hedere for saudierne og Obama, i form af en debat i Senatet om vedtagelse af S.J. Res. 39: »Resolution om afvisning af et $1,51 mia. stort våbensalg til Saudi-Arabien«. De fire forslagsstillere – Rand Paul (R-KY), Chris Murphy (D-CT), Al Franken (D-MN) og Mike Lee (R-UT) – kom alle med udtalelser imod de saudiske grusomheder i Yemen og imod kongerigets opbakning af radikal ideologi, der fører til terrorisme. Murphy sagde, at saudiernes handlinger »ikke har andet formål end kaos og forøgelse af områder, der ikke kan regeres …« Selv om lovforslaget ikke blev vedtaget, men blev suspenderet (en måde at blokere det uden direkte at afvise det) med stemmerne 71 mod 25 (aftaler om militæreksport bliver typisk vedtaget), havde Murphy på forhånd udtrykkeligt sagt, at, selv, hvis lovforslaget ikke vedtages, »vil det stadig sende et signal«.

Lyndon LaRouches respons på dette momentum imod Obama lød: »Bliv ved! Stop ikke!« Han understregede, at vi må »udvide rækkevidden af det, som bør optage folk …« Og endvidere: »Få folk til at komme tættere sammen, som et reelt team. Gå ikke i stå i en lukket kreds; kom ud af kredsen.«

Intet er mere presserende nødvendigt end at benytte dette momentum til at få de i begge Kongressens huse fremsatte Glass/Steagall-lovforslag vedtaget. LPAC-aktivister bragte dette frem i forreste linje i går på Capitol Hill, over for de mange individuelle kongresmedlemmer, der var hurtige til at fordømme Wells Fargo-bankens forbrydelser – dagens korrupte nassekarle – men var tavse og dårligt informerede om behovet for en akut indsats for at genindføre Glass-Steagall, og for en akut indsats for at træffe alle nødvendige foranstaltninger til at sætte økonomien i gang og redde nationen, og verden. Men alle i Kongressen ved, at det har været LaRouchePAC’s aktivisme, der har tvunget Glass-Steagall frem til toppen af virkelighedens dagsorden. Og jo mere, fremtrædende borgere og valgte regeringsfolk (dvs. Kongressen) ved om den umiddelbart forestående nedsmeltning af hele det transatlantiske finanssystem, desto større er chancerne for, at man i tide griber til nødforanstaltninger.

På Manhattan bliver Helga Zepp-LaRouches erklæring vedrørende de presserende spørgsmål, der ligger foran verdensledere, som er forsamlet i New York til FN’s Generalforsamling, fortsat bredt cirkuleret, under overskriften »APPEL til FN’s Generalforsamling: Et nyt Paradigme for Menneskehedens Fælles Mål!« 

Her til morgen talte den kinesiske premierminister Li Keqiang med sine egne ord om begrebet om de »fælles mål« folkene imellem, ved at henvise til sin nations forpligtelse til den »win-win«-anskuelse, der er involveret i forpligtelsen til at gøre, hvad der kræves for at skabe økonomisk vækst for alle nationer og folkeslag. Kun økonomisk udvikling kan fremme den menneskelige civilisation og det menneskelige fremskridt, sagde han, og løse vore problemer, selv terrorisme. Verden står i dag over for mange farer, men Li sagde, at »svære øjeblikke kræver stærkere tillid.«

Foto: Aktivister demonstrerer uden for Det Hvide Hus for JASTA-loven. Loven vil gøre det muligt for overlevende af 11. september-angrebene at sagsøge Kongedømmet Saudi-Arabien for dets direkte involvering i angrebene. [foto: Jason Ross/alle rettigheder reserveret]

Se også: Video: Pressekonference afholdt ved Capitol Hill af repræsentanter for familier til ofrene for 11. september, samt senatorer.


Kina engagerer FN-institutioner
i Bæltet-og-Vejen, alt imens Obama forsøger
at fremprovokere en krig med Rusland

Leder fra LaRouchePAC, 20. sept., 2016 – På sidelinjen af FN 's Generalforsamling underskrev Kina i dag sin første aftale med en international institution, nemlig FN’s Udviklingsprogram (UNDP), vedrørende samarbejde om at fremme og gennemføre Bælt-og-Vej-initiativet (BRI). Helen Clark, administrator af UNDP, sagde: »Bælt-og-Vej-initiativet repræsenterer en stærk platform for økonomisk vækst og regionalt samarbejde, der involverer mere end 4 milliarder mennesker, hvoraf mange bor i udviklingslandene. Det kan blive en vigtig katalysator og accelerator for målene for bæredygtig udvikling.«  Kinas koncept om »bæredygtig udvikling« er tydeligvis dagens vinder i FN.
Men det har ikke vundet USA for sig, som det ses af præsident Obama, der i sin tale til FN’s Generalforsamling i dag afslørede en rablende psykose. For et tavst publikum, der ikke applauderede, ignorerede Obama det nye paradigme, der under Kinas ledelse er blevet til i de seneste uger, og hævdede i stedet, at hans ledelse, og hans angrebskrige (beskrevet som »beskyttelse af de sårbare«) og hans sponsorering af ’farvede revolutioner’ (beskrevet som forsvar af menneskerettigheder og demokrati, i Ukraine og Mellemøsten), havde skabt en verden, »der er mindre voldelig og mere velstående end nogensinde før«. To gange angreb han Rusland og beskrev det som en imperialistisk magt, der »forsøger at genvinde sin tabte storhed ved brug af magt«. Det er overraskende, at de forsamlede verdensledere ikke gjorde noget for at få ham fjernet, enten til et fængsel eller en sindssygeanstalt.

Obamas formand for generalstabscheferne, general Joe Dunford, er i mellemtiden kommet meget tæt på at indrømme, at USA sidste lørdag med overlæg bombede den syriske hær – og at de måske kunne gøre det igen. »Måske skulle vi – før vi slår ind på vejen med 'hvad gik der galt’ – foretage en undersøgelse og rent faktisk sikre os, at noget gik galt«, sagde han til journalister, der rejser med ham. »Det kunne være … når man undersøger det, at fakta vil fortælle, at vi ville gøre det, vi gjorde, igen.«

Den anden ugerning, der har fundet sted i Syrien i denne uge – ødelæggelsen af en FN/Røde Halvmåne-konvoj med humanitær hjælp – fik Rusland omgående skylden for af embedsmænd fra USA’s Udenrigsministerium, hvis talsmand sagde, at USA ville »revurdere fremtidsudsigterne for samarbejde med Rusland«. Dette er præcis, hvad krigspartiet i Det Hvide Hus og Pentagon har til hensigt – at forhindre ethvert amerikansk-russisk samarbejde.

Men de beviser, der findes ved selve angrebet på hjælpekonvojen, siger noget helt andet. Det russiske Forsvarsministerium erklærede, at der ikke havde været nogen russisk eller syrisk luftdeployering i området, men at al-Nusra havde lanceret en offensiv, der sigtede i den retning. Faktisk blev lastbilerne ødelagt af en brand, udløst af artilleri-beskydning, og ikke bomber, viser en video af scenen.

Vil det lykkes Obama at lancere en krig imod Rusland, og gennem forlængelse mod Kina? Det kan stoppes. I dag fandt en demonstration og en pressekonference ved familierne til ofrene for angrebet d. 11. september sted ved det Hvide Hus, med krav om, at Obama ikke gennemfører sin intention om at nedlægge veto imod JASTA-lovforslaget, som vil gøre det muligt for ofrene at sagsøge saudierne for deres rolle i 11. september-angrebet på Amerika. Og Senatets ledere bekræftede, at de har de nødvendige stemmer samt viljen til at gøre Obamas lovede veto ugyldigt.

I kølvandet på rapporten fra den britiske Chilcot-kommission, der anklagede George Bush og Tony Blair for deres angrebskrig i Irak, som lancerede det nuværende helvede på jorden, og Parlamentets rapport, der anklagede Cameron og Obama for aggressionskrigen mod Libyen, som dermed udvidede dette helvede og skabte den flygtningekatastrofe, der nu er ved at rive Europa fra hinanden; hvorfor har da det amerikanske folk og dets repræsentanter ikke taget skridt til at stille for en rigsret og fængsle, massemorderen i Det Hvide Hus? Hvis Kongressen udviser det samme mod, som de gjorde ved enstemmigt at vedtage JASTA-lovforslaget, til også at afholde høringer om Obamas medskyldighed i, sammen med saudierne og briterne, at støtte terrorister, og hvis Kongressen ville vedtage Glass-Steagall (på trods af Obamas visse veto), så kan den globale, mørke tidsalder, som menneskeheden nu står overfor, erstattes med det nye paradigme for fred gennem udvikling, der nu spreder sig fra Kina og Rusland.

Foto: Et enkelt kort, der viser de nationer, der er med i det landbaserede »Økonomiske Silkevejsbælte« og den søfartsbaserede »Maritime Silkevej«. [image af: Tart/Xxjkingdom/CC BY-SA 3.0]

Opgør med Obama over JASTA-loven og Glass-Steagall.
LaRouchePAC Internationale Fredags-webcast, 16. sept. 2016

Med indgangen til denne weekend har vi set en dramatisk række udviklinger, inklusive det faktum, at netop på tærsklen til 15-års dagen for 11. september, vedtog Repræsentanternes Hus JASTA-loven, Loven om retsforfølgelse af sponsorer af terrorisme. Dette sker kort tid efter, at Senatet ligeledes vedtog loven for et par måneder siden. Men det blev fra Obamas Hvide Hus gjort meget klart, at han agtede at nedlægge veto imod loven. I sammenhæng med denne dramatiske optrapning af kampen, deltog Schiller Instituttet i en række meget, meget historiske koncerter, sponsoreret af Fonden for Genoplivelse af Klassisk Kultur i New York City-området og New Jersey: Fire koncertopførelser efter hinanden af Mozarts Rekviem – koncerter med stor deltagelse af publikum, inklusive en koncert, der fandt sted i sammenhæng med en messe, som biskop [Nicholas] DiMarzio fra Brooklyn-bispesædet holdt i fælleskatedralen St. Joseph i søndags, den 11. september.

Engelsk udskrift.

Showdown with Obama over JASTA & Glass-Steagall


LaRouche PAC International Webcast
September 16, 2016

        MATTHEW OGDEN: Hello! Today is September 16th, 2016. My name
is Matthew Ogden, and you're joining us for our weekly broadcast
here on Friday evening with the LaRouche PAC webcast. I'm joined
in the studio today by Jeff Steinberg, from {Executive
Intelligence Review}; and via video, by Diane Sare, member of the
LaRouche PAC Policy Committee, and coordinator of activities up
in New York City.
        We're meeting here in the immediate aftermath — really in
the midst — of the further developments that came out of this
past weekend. Going into this weekend we had a dramatic series of
developments, including the fact that right on the eve of the
15th Anniversary of 9/11, the House of Representatives
unanimously passed the JASTA Bill, the Justice Against Sponsors
of Terrorism Act. This is on the heels of the Senate doing the
same thing a few months ago. But it was made very clear from the
Obama White House that he was going to veto this Bill. In the
context of that dramatic escalation on this battle, the Schiller
Institute participated in a series of very, very historic
concerts sponsored by the Foundation for the Revival for
Classical Culture in the New York City area and in New Jersey:
four concerts in a row of the Mozart Requiem — very, very
well-attended concerts, including one that happened in the
context of a mass celebrated by Bishop [Nicholas] DiMarzio of the
Brooklyn Diocese at the Co-Cathedral of St. Joseph on Sunday,
September 11th.
        We're going to begin our broadcast tonight with a very short
set of remarks that were delivered Terry Strada, the widow of Tom
Strada, and leader of the 9/11 Families Against State Sponsors of
Terrorism, who attended the concert in Morristown, New Jersey on
Monday, September 12th, at which she endorsed the concert and was
invited to the stage to express her views about the crime of
9/11. You'll see what Terry Strada had to say, which was
delivered before the music began, during that Monday concert. I'd
like to just begin with a quick excerpt of Terry Strada's

        LYN YEN (pre-recorded): At this point I would like to
introduce somebody very special to all of you. Many of you
probably know of her. Her name is Terry Strada. She is the
national chairwoman of the 9/11 Families United for Justice
Against Terrorism. She and her organization were instrumental in
the release of the 28 pages of the congressional report on 9/11.
Without further ado, I'm going to turn the mic over to her.

        TERRY STRADA (pre-recorded): Thank you! Thank you very much!
My name is Terry Strada, and I lost my husband on September 11th,
2001. Tom was 41 years old when he went to work that day, and
never came home again. We have three children. At the time, they
were 7 years old, 4 years old, and our youngest was only 4 days
        On September 12th, 2001 I woke up — well, I probably didn't
sleep that night — so when the sun came up, the questions were,
"Who did this? Why would they do this?", and "How could they
possibly do this? How could they attack our country like this,
and how could they kill so many innocent people in one day?"
        Because I wanted to know the answers, I started to ask the
questions more and more. And so did more and more 9/11 families.
United to Bankrupt Terrorism was our first title, and now we're
United Together for Justice Against Terrorism. Of course it was
the 28 pages that we focused on in the beginning that needed to
be released. And when they were released, there were two key
things that we learned. One is that Saudi Arabia has never been
fully investigated for the role that they played in 9/11; and
two, that it is indisputable that the Saudis played a very
important role in 9/11.
        The second piece of legislation that I've been working on
for over four years now is called the Justice Against Sponsors
of Terrorism Act. This bill is intended to fix a minor problem in
our current Foreign Sovereignty Immunity Act of 1976. So, it's a
40-year-old law that has stood for 40 years, until we looked
further into the Saudi's role in 9/11, found the evidence, and
tried to hold them accountable.
        What happened next was that the courts decided to
misinterpret the law and dismiss them on sovereign immunity. Make
no mistake. No country, no entity, no individual is entitled to
immunity — sovereign immunity, any type of immunity — in the
case of a terrorist act. This bill is intended to hold {any
nation} accountable for a terrorist attack on U.S. soil that
kills United States citizens.
        We've chosen this path because it's a peaceful way to fight
terrorism. We don't want to see more bloodshed; we don't ever
want to see more people die over 9/11. And we also want to
protect our borders; we want to protect our country; we want to
protect {you}; I want to protect my children. And the way that we
do this, is by holding the nations accountable that fund known
terrorist organizations, like al-Qaeda, ISIS, Boko Haram.
        People say, "You can't fight the lone wolf." I say, "Yes, we
can!" If we cut off the funding, and we destroy their
capabilities to recruit and incite, and bring on more terror and
to brainwash people, we can eliminate ISIS. And that is our
long-term goal. The short-term goal, right now, is to get Saudi
Arabia off of this crazy [situation] that they're not held
        In May, the Senate passed unanimously this Bill, and on
Friday, September 9th, it went to the U.S. House of
Representatives. I was in the gallery and was honored and proud
to see each and every one of our 435 Members in the House vote
"Yes" for JASTA. [applause] Thank you, thank you. I don't really
know how many times this has ever happened on our history, that
we have both Chambers of Congress voting "Yes" unanimously. What
this means for the President: as of 4:00 today, he was still
threatening to veto the Bill. The Bill will be sent over to his
office for signature later on tonight, at the latest tomorrow.
We're doing everything we can to convince him to not do this.
        You probably hear things in the news — and I'll kind of
wrap this up, because I want to hear the music as badly as you do
— but you may hear in the news, things about the Bill. They're
simply not true, if they're coming from the Administration.
Unfortunately, they are the mouthpiece for the Saudis at this
point. We just need to point out to them how important this is,
to hold them accountable — any nation, going forward — would be
held accountable, and how important it is for our country to have
that type of security net.
        If the President does decide to veto this Bill, it will be
our last hurdle; it may be our biggest. But we plan to overcome
it, and override the veto. Hopefully the Senate and the House
will fall into line and do that for us.
        If there's anything that you'd like to do to help, going
forward, it's That's our website. It's updated as
often as I can get to a computer and update it. There are usually
just simple instructions of how you can reach out to the White
House, your Representative, or a co-sponsor of the bill. This is
very important legislation. I thank you very much for taking the
time to listen to me, and now I'm so honored to have these
wonderful musicians. I have heard them practice. You are in for a
treat. This is going to be a very wonderful time now for us to
just transcend ourselves from the evil, to a higher place — to a
place where Good is. I believe Good will win, and I thank you for
coming. [applause]

        OGDEN: So, as you can see, we're right in the midst of a
{very} active battle on the JASTA front, as Terry Strada had to
say, right there. It's all dependent on action that is taken in
the next coming days and hours, in order to create the conditions
where Obama is boxed in, and to create the kind of upsurge that
is necessary around this. I know there are actions being planned
to be taken in Washington, D.C. in the coming days. I'll let Jeff
talk about some of that, and also mention some of the activities
that {you} were involved in, Jeff, up in New York City, at the
same time, this past weekend, as these events were taking place.

JEFFREY STEINBERG: Yes, there will be a series of demonstrations
on Tuesday in Washington, D.C., which is when the House and the
Senate will be back in town. There'll be a demonstration in front
of the White House. And then, also, another demonstration, I
believe, on the Senate side of the Capitol grounds.
        The point is very obvious. I think Mr. LaRouche put it
succinctly: everything that Obama has done as President has been
a reflection of the fact that he's an agent of the British
System, the British Monarchy. Therefore, it should be presumed
that, even though he will make himself an avowed enemy of the
American people — and especially the 9/11 families — if he does
go ahead with this veto, we should assume that that's exactly
what he will do, because that's what the British want him to do.
They don't care about justice for the 2,997 people who perished
on 9/11, or the perhaps-by-now tens of thousands of people —
first responders, others who were at the scene at the World Trade
towers, at the Pentagon, in Pennsylvania — who suffered
tremendously, and have developed diseases, illnesses related to
9/11. There's one estimate that 40,000 people have been afflicted
with serious illnesses because of their heroic actions
immediately following the 9/11 attacks.
        Obama is on the other side. These are impeachable crimes.
Being an agent of a foreign power, while serving in the Executive
Branch of the U.S. government — I mean, that is treachery. The
fact of the matter is that Obama can be forced by an enormous
amount of public mobilization, to go forward and actually sign
the Bill into law, or simply let it pass into law without his
signature. But that's going to be only on the basis that he is
convinced that there will be an overwhelming, bipartisan,
near-unanimous voice vote, if he attempts to veto the Bill.
        This is an existential issue, not just for the Saudis, but
for the British as well. Remember, a month or so back, at the
height of the mobilization after the Senate unanimously passed
JASTA, a British Tory Member of Parliament wrote in the {Daily
Telegraph} that if the Saudis can be sued by the families, then
the British can be sued also. Now, he claimed it was because of
failure to crack down on the jihadist networks that were given
safe haven in Britain, but we know that the reality is, that
Prince Bandar was the central figure organizing the support for
the 9/11 hijackers. We know it through the 28 pages, and that
barely scratches the surface of the evidence. Bandar's another
British agent. Bandar and Margaret Thatcher, in 1985, created the
Al-Yamamah program, and it was funds from that Al-Yamamah program
that were probably going into the hands of the 9/11 hijackers.
        So this is a {very big deal}. And it's going to come down to
a head-to-head political battle. Everyone listening to this
broadcast should contact your senators, contact your
representatives. Deliver a very blunt message to the White House,
that this will be considered an act of treachery, perhaps an act
of treason, on the part of President Obama, if he fails to sign
JASTA into law and allow the 9/11 families, at last, their day in
court. No matter where the evidence goes, no matter what's proven
or not proven, they have every right under our Constitutional
system to take appropriate legal action in a court against the
Saudis, and the JASTA Bill removes what in this case was an
illegitimate sovereign immunity.
        So, I think that's where we stand.
        This past weekend of 9/11 in New York, the Schiller
Institute had an extraordinary event. And the full video of that
is up on this website; and I would urge everybody to watch it.
There was another event that took place at the historic Cooper
Union campus in lower Manhattan; and I was honored to speak on a
panel on the 28 pages at that conference. There were a number of
other speakers: Judge Imposimato from Italy, who was the judge
who went after the Gladio apparatus around the strategy of
tension attempted coups in Italy in the 1970s and '80s, the Moro
assassination. He was one of the keynote speakers. Dan Sheehan,
the lawyer who broke open the Iran/Contra affair spoke. But
everybody was laser focused on the implications of the 28 pages
and JASTA; and the importance now of making sure — as Senator
Bob Graham said at a recent event in Washington, DC, the release
of the 28 pages just simply pops the cork. Now we go after the
full content of the bottle. There are millions of pages of
classified material that are yet to come out that deal with
Sarasota, Florida, San Diego, California, Paterson, New Jersey,
Herndon, Virginia, and other locations unknown. And of course in
Europe, Hamburg, Germany. The point I made both at the Schiller
Institute event and at the Cooper Union event, is that there is
no statute of limitation on the truth; and we've got to drive
that point forward.

        OGDEN: At the Schiller Institute event in New York on
Saturday, September 10th, not only did Jeff speak, not only did
Virginia State Senator Dick Black deliver a very dramatic and
sharp speech. But also, the Ambassador from Syria to the United
Nations was the featured guest, and delivered a very strong
speech in which he denounced the Obama administration and the
Bush administration campaign of regime change that has taken
place in the region over the course of the last 15 years since
9/11. Starting with Saddam Hussein, then with Qaddafi, and then
with the attempted regime change against Assad in Syria. I think
that the developments of this week, with the lower house of the
UK Parliament where they delivered a very strong rebuke to David
Cameron in terms of the grounds on which the Libyan invasion was
launched; which led to Cameron's resignation. This also applies
just as much to the case of Obama; and this is something which
Obama is continuing to push during his time in office. So, I
think all of these are coming together in the context of Obama's
rejection on his trip to Asia, during the ASEAN and G20 summits.
He is being boxed in; and his true colors are very clear as he
sides with the Saudis against the American people. I don't think
it can be taken for granted that the conjunction of all of these
events up in New York City over the weekend has set up the most
dramatic political showdown of Obama's entire career, as we go
into the coming days here in Washington.
        So Diane, you probably want to give a little bit more of a
context to that.

        DIANE SARE: I think what we're talking about is a certain
profound question of justice; not retribution, but the ability
for mankind to actually move forward. What distinguishes Asia and
Russia under Vladimir Putin from the United States and the
trans-Atlantic system is that these nations are actually
committed to a world in which the future is brighter than the
present or the past. That is, the leaders of these nations are
saying, my children, my grandchildren, my great-grandchildren are
going to live in a world in which their standard of living is
higher, their educational level is superior, the number of
diseases they're subjected to is fewer; the way that Americans
used to think not so long ago. Part of the significance of the
work of the chorus, which is here directed by John Sigerson and
myself, is to remind the American people what is actually a human
standard; as opposed to a bestial standard. I have to say in that
regard, I found Senator Richard Black's comments and particularly
his passion and his anguish when he was describing what was being
done in Syria by these so-called "moderate" Syrian rebels who the
US is funding; the people we are funding who are beheading
children that they're kidnapping out of hospitals, or the rebels
we are funding who are carting women around in cages. Where our
own State Department spokesman says, "Well, how can we stop
funding them? We're not going to judge what they do on one single
incident of beheading. Other than the fact that they behead
children, they might be wonderful." It is so evil! And the idea
that Americans have lost the capacity to feel outrage when you
are confronted with this kind of evil; where it's all kind of
numb, and people say, "Well, there's nothing you can do."
        I think the process of the election of Hillary Clinton, who
may be suffering some serious illness, we don't know; who was
destroyed by her capitulation to Barack Obama. And Donald Trump,
who's just a pure FBI thug lunatic. What's happening is that the
population is putting up a kind of teflon veneer where they are
trying not to think about anything. Of course, that's death; we
have to think. What you have in the rest of the world is a
break-out of the human spirit, of this quality of creativity.
        So, what happened this weekend, the involvement of our
chorus in this series of concerts sponsored by the Foundation for
the Revival of Classical Culture, is that you got a glimmer of
the power — I think both the fact that JASTA had passed the
Senate and then the House on that Friday going into the weekend;
and then what we were presenting musically from the
African-American spirituals to the Mozart to the Handel, in terms
of what it actually means for us to be human. And a certain
quality of human life which we hold sacred; and which is not in
our physical being. And perhaps this was most powerfully sensed
at the Catholic mass which was dedicated to the firefighters and
those who had died on September 11th. The Bishop made the point
that these are people who are giving their lives not simply for
their brothers or for their friends, but for complete strangers.
At the end of the Mass, it's not typical that people applaud and
give standing ovations; but when the Mass closed, the standing
ovation of the crowd — it was very clear it was not simply for
the musicians; but it really was in deep and profound
appreciation of what these people had done.
        I have a sense that we really are in a moment in the United
States like Germany in 1989. Maybe we're in May of '89 and not
October yet; but there's a kind of awakening of the better spirit
of the American population. People are not prepared to sit back
and tolerate criminal injustice. If we will act with courage,
since about two-thirds of the world is already on the other side
of this; and China, for example, the idea of talking about
legalizing drugs? They would think you are completely insane;
being addicted to drugs, distributing drugs is not tolerated.
There's certainly a harsh crackdown on drug trafficking in the
Philippines which we're seeing now; and I don't think Duterte
appreciates Obama's accusations of human rights violations for
someone who's trying to shut down the drug trade. In other words,
there's a whole different standard in the world which, when we
find our courage and stand up, is going to resonate. There's no
reason for people to believe that what happens in this country is
going to be determined by the fraud of what's call the elections.
I would just say that what Jeff, you were saying earlier about
Obama; we have to really stick to this. There's no point in
talking about the candidates unless Obama, who is the evil who is
occupying the seat of leadership of this country right now, is
removed from office and prosecuted in a criminal court.

STEINBERG: I just wanted to add something; a footnote on what
Matt mentioned earlier, about the actions by the British House of
Commons this week. The Foreign Affairs Committee produced a
report, which was a damning indictment of Cameron, Sarkozy, and
Obama over the disastrous consequences of the overthrow and
assassination of Qaddafi in Libya. On a certain level, the
British House of Commons — with everything that we know; with
all the caveats about the power of the British monarchy and all
of that — the House of Commons puts the US Congress to shame.
They forced Cameron out of office; they forced his resignation
from the House of Commons on the grounds of his role in the Libya
disaster. Above all else, the United States, Britain, and France
lied to the world — they also lied directly to Russia and China
— when they promised at the outset that there would be no regime
change in Libya; but it was strictly a humanitarian intervention.
Well, it turns out that the House of Commons report is, if
anything, an even more stunning indictment of Obama than of
Cameron. The report makes very clear that Cameron and Sarkozy
were the drivers behind the need to intervene to prevent the
humanitarian disaster in Benghazi. In fact, they were protecting
British-created terrorist networks that were back in Libya from
having fought the wars in Afghanistan; the same wars that created
al-Qaeda. But what was made clear is that it was President Obama
who insisted that a no-fly zone was insufficient; a no-fly zone
failed in Iraq, it failed in Bosnia, and it would fail in Libya.
Therefore, the UN resolution had to have much more teeth; it had
to be a "no-drive" zone. It had to give a carte blanche to defend
the so-called victims of Qaddafi forces by all out military
        On the one hand, everybody swore up and down to Russia and
China that it was not about regime change. As a result, Russia
and China abstained from the vote when the Security Council
resolution was passed to create the no-fly zone and the no-drive
zone; and to use all forms of military force that were deemed
necessary to "save" the civilization population of Benghazi.
Well, the report makes clear that after the first 24 hours, they
were safe; there was no threat to them anymore. From that moment
on, the whole exercise was all about regime change. There was one
exchange where one of the ministers in the Cameron government at
the time, Liam Fox, lied and said no, this was never about regime
change; we didn't have any agenda. The questioner pointed out
that on April 14, 2011, the New York Times published a signed
op-ed by Barack Obama, David Cameron, and Sarkozy; in which the
three of them said, "Qaddafi must go, and go for good." So, they
were lying openly; and if anything, Obama did more heavy lifting
to create this disaster than either Sarkozy or Cameron. It
included a conscious decision to assassinate a foreign leader.
        So, the British House of Commons has delivered a new bill of
impeachment against President Obama; and I hope that Congress
will take that seriously. Needless to say, the US media has
blacked out the story totally up to this point.

        OGDEN: In a very real way, this is like a Chilcot Report 2.0
in the case of Libya and Obama's role in that. Honestly, that's
exactly what you called for, Diane, in the petition that you were
circulating about a month or a month and a half ago. Look at
what's developed since the publication of that petition: We've
won the fight on the release of the 28 pages; although there are
tens of thousands of other pages that need to be released. JASTA
has gone through — this was your point, too — JASTA has gone
through both the Senate and the House; and despite the fact that
Obama is still threatening to veto, as it stands, it could be
overridden in the first veto override of the Obama
administration. Although he's trying to delay it, and deploying
Saudi agents crawling Capitol Hill right now. We have reports
that the Saudi Foreign Minister is personally going to Capitol
Hill and meeting with members of the Senate; threatening that you
have to withdraw your support for this JASTA bill. But that is a
fight which is active; this Chilcot Report type of approach, as
you called for in your petition, Diane, this is what we now see
coming out of the UK House of Commons. Also, the overarching
question of cooperation between the United States and Russia to
actually defeat terrorism worldwide.
        I thought it was very important that this was one of the
themes around these concerts with the image of the 9/11 Teardrop
Memorial in Bayonne, New Jersey; which was contributed by Russia
in support of the world's struggle against terrorism after 9/11.
And also, during this Schiller Institute seminar in New York City
on Saturday, Senator Dick Black pointed out that we're right in
the midst of this ceasefire negotiation between Kerry and Lavrov.
And according to reports, Kerry has really isolated himself from
the Obama administration; or at least there's a faction which is
trying to actively undermine these efforts to work with Lavrov.
So, these are ongoing battles; and it's all around the question
of the type of leadership that was exhibited in that petition
that you put out about a month and a half ago, Diane. Obviously,
we're now preparing for the convening of the United Nations
General Assembly this week and next week in New York City. I
think these events that were happening at the Schiller Institute
conference with the Syrian ambassador and so forth, should be
seen as preparing the way for what will be the defining questions
— hopefully — put on the table at the UN General Assembly. Both
that and the question of the new international financial
architecture, coming out of the G20 meetings; we have a big
responsibility on that as it comes to the question of
Glass-Steagall, which is something that I'd like to get to in a
        But maybe, Diane, you want to say a little bit more about
the events leading up to this UN General Assembly meeting.

        SARE: Sure. Actually, I'm thinking, I don't know what the
conspiracy is this time. Last year, as followers of our website
know, President Putin had gone to China for the V-J Day parade
and then come to the UN and proposed his coalition to wipe out
ISIS; and created that to great effectiveness. Now, the UN
General Assembly comes in the wake of the G20 meeting, the ASEAN
meeting, the Vladivostok conference, where all of these nations
which have been represented, signed more and more agreements with
each other on various economic projects and so on. And, I think
it's significant that, going into the G20, Xinhua ran that
interview with the Russian representative; who said that Beijing
and Moscow must work with Washington. We have to bring Washington
in on this; and Washington is a complex and unpredictable

partner, I think were the words that were used. So, clearly, I'm
sure that they're not coming into this General Assembly with no
plans. I don't know what plans they have; I think it'll be very
interesting as it unfolds. I think it's very important for
Americans to do our part to make the United States less full of
complexes; I'll put it that way, and less unpredictable by
addressing this Obama criminality problem. I think what Jeff said
about Cameron — it really is something. Tony Blair first with
the Chilcot Inquiry; now you have this whole report on Libya. Any
American, any member of Congress can get their hands on this; and
it is absolutely damning in terms of Obama's role. I think that
would be an important contribution for the United States, because
the truth of the matter is, we should be part of the Belt and
Road; we should be part of the New Paradigm. The American people
are suffering horrifically, horrendously with this economic
collapse; and I guess that brings us to the point that you were
talking about, which is the Glass-Steagall moment.

OGDEN: Right; exactly. On that subject, let me just read the text
of the institutional question we got for this week. I know Mr.
LaRouche had a direct response to this. It reads: "Mr. LaRouche,
Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren is marking the 8th
anniversary of Lehman Brothers' bankruptcy with a new push to
investigate and potentially jail more than two dozen individuals
and corporations who were referred to the Justice Department for
criminal prosecution in 2011 by the Financial Crisis Inquiry
Commission, a government-appointed group that investigated the
roots of the 2008 financial crisis. None was ever prosecuted. In
a letter to the Justice Department's Inspector General, Warren
calls the lack of prosecutions 'outrageous and baffling', and
asks the Inspector General, Michael Horowitz, to investigate why
no charges were brought. 'The DoJ record of action on these
individuals nearly six years after DoJ received the referrals, is
abysmal,' she writes.
        "In your view, is Senator Elizabeth Warren's new push to
investigate and potentially jail nearly two dozen individuals and
corporations who were referred to the Justice Department for
possible criminal prosecution a step in the right direction; and
will it help the prospects of Glass-Steagall's passage?"
        So, Jeff, maybe you want to say what Mr. LaRouche's response
was on this.

        STEINBERG: I think the point is, again, we're looking at the
irresponsible behavior of leading government elected officials.
The fact is, that in 1933, you had the Pecora Commission, which
was a Senate investigation into the crimes of the too-big-to-fail
banks of the Depression era; and bankers did go to jail. They
were called to testify under oath before Congress; they were
forced to produce their tax records; and there was a climate that
was created through that process that led to the passage of
Glass-Steagall and a number of other critical legislative
initiatives in the first 100 days of the FDR Presidency. Where we
are today is in the midst of a financial crisis that's much
larger, that's much more global in its scope than what we were
dealing with in 1933. Yet, there's been virtually no significant
action by either the Justice Department or by Congress against
these criminal swindlers who are CEOs of major banks. Just an
illustration: The woman who was the head of the division of Wells
Fargo that was caught basically creating phony accounts for their
own customers in order to charge fees so that employees of the
bank could get special bonuses; that person resigned from the
bank, but received a $125 million golden parachute on her way out
the door. It's night and day. So, Mr. LaRouche's comment on
Glass-Steagall was, {"Do it!} It's needed right now; we can't
wait another minute."
        Today, Deutsche Bank was given a $14 billion fine by the
Justice Department for their involvement in mortgage-backed
securities fraud in the run-up to 2008 and beyond. Yet, no
official of Deutsche Bank has gone to jail. In fact, Deutsche
Bank's $14 billion fine virtually bankrupts it; the entire bank
capitalization, market capitalization of the bank is $19 billion.
Were they to pay the fine out of their own deposits, they'd be
out of business tomorrow morning. So, we're at a moment where
this is all deadly serious. Yes, of course, these bankers should
be put in jail; but why is Elizabeth Warren not doing more to
push Glass-Steagall? Why is Elizabeth Warren instead tiptoeing
around the issue because she's basically been anointed by Hillary
Clinton as the attack dog against Donald Trump? Again, hold it up
to the gold standard of Franklin Roosevelt, the Pecora
Commission, and you'll see that once again — as we just
discussed with the British House of Commons actions compared to
the complete inaction on impeaching Obama or taking other
measures to deal with these problems — it's shameful; and it's
all part of a recurring pattern.
        As Diane just said, there may only be four or five months
left in the Obama Presidency, but every day that he remains in
office is a threat to the survival of this country and the
survival of humanity. Libya was all about starting the process of
war provocations against Russia and China. Lyndon LaRouche warned
about that the day that Qaddafi was assassinated back in 2011;
and we're still in that trajectory towards war. So, yes, we
urgently need Glass-Steagall; it should be taken up immediately.
There are bills in both Houses. Yes, the Justice Department
should reverse its policy of no jail time for too-big-to-fail
bankers; throw them all in the slammer — they all deserve it.
All of the top executives of all of the big eight US commercial
banks — they're all involved in multiple crimes, whether it's
mortgage-backed securities fraud, LIBOR fraud; the crimes are
manifest and the actions have been pathetic.

        OGDEN: As you referred to, there is a major problem with the
Democrats right now being compromised because of their defense of
Obama and Hillary; both of whom are avowed — as it stands right
now — opponents of the restoration of Glass-Steagall. As Terry
Strada said, right now the Obama White House is a spokesman for
the Saudi regime; but in the exact same way, it's a spokesman for
Wall Street. You have Glass-Steagall in both party platforms; you
have the biggest mobilization in years from some of the trade
union movements — the AFL-CIO — other activist layers around
Glass-Steagall. Getting this to a vote — preferably {before} the
elections take place, if not sooner — but the problem is, you
have an intention from the top to suppress this from within the
ranks of the Obama faction of the Democratic Party, which Hillary
Clinton finds herself in right now.
        I would say that there is also a broader, a little bit of a
deeper agenda here; and this came up in the discussion we had
yesterday with Lyn and Helga. Helga pointed out that there's a
recent report that has now been put out by the Club of Rome,
which has been around for 40 years now — an avowedly
neo-Malthusian movement to reduce population; that's been their
agenda — and the title of the report in German is "One Percent
Is Enough"; explicitly saying that the kind of dramatic growth
percentages that you see year on year on year, coming out of
China and other countries that are now part of this New Silk Road
dynamic, is somehow dangerous to the planet. And that we must
enforce a zero-growth or at least very low growth agenda; which
is what is coming out of the British monarchy and is coming out
of a lot of these trans-Atlantic circles. That is really the
foundation around which this fight between the new international
economic order, this New Paradigm that you see coming out of
China, the BRICS, and the Silk Road countries, versus the Obama,
trans-Atlantic regime that's taking place. It's a longstanding,
deeply rooted, ideological opposition to the idea of the no
limits to growth, perpetual increases in productivity kind of
idea of mankind; which Mr. LaRouche has made a career out of
defending and deepening with his approach to physical economics.
So, you have this as a deeper agenda which, again, Obama has
found himself as a spokesman for, and has made it very explicit
on multiple occasions. Remember his trip to Africa, where he said
you guys aren't allowed to have access to modern technology such
as electricity; because if you do, the planet will boil over. And
on other occasions, he said, we don't need any fancy stuff like
fusion power or anything like that.
        So again, I think it comes down to this much deeper idea of
what is your conception of man; and what is your scientific idea
of this perpetual progress; or the conception that there is no
limit to creative discovery, there are no limits to growth.
That's the deeper agenda that we now see also bubbling to the

        STEINBERG: These guys are genocidal lunatics; they've been
that way for 40 years. The LaRouche Movement was in a certain
sense, launched as a war against the Club of Rome when they came
out with their 1972 report, "Limits to Growth". The whole history
has been a battle between those led by Mr. LaRouche and Mrs.
LaRouche, who represent the principle of real human creativity;
versus people who work for an oligarchical system that is
consciously out to suppress it. You've got Prince Philip, the
British royal consort, calling for the population reduction of
this planet by 80%. If the Club of Rome report, 1% cap on growth,
were to be put into effect, this would represent mass genocide on
an unprecedented scale in human history; and it would happen
right away.

OGDEN: Right. As was made very clear in these concerts over the
weekend, there's an element of inspiration which, when it is
unleashed in the American population, it is overwhelming. The
kind of turn-out that we saw at these concerts in New York —
full to capacity audiences in almost every single venue;
including downtown Manhattan, the cathedral in Brooklyn, a
concert that happened in Morristown, one that happened in Lehman
College in the Bronx; there's an undercurrent of desire for this
kind of beautiful celebration of the nature of mankind. I thought
it was really significant to place Mozart's Requiem, which is
an incredibly profound and has a resonance which goes deep in the
American population; including the fact that the last time it was
celebrated as part of a Mass was 50 years ago at the request of
Jackie Kennedy, at a memorial service for the slain President,
John F Kennedy, at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross in Boston.
That was the last time this was presented in the context of the
mass itself. But the conjunction of that, together with these
four African-American spirituals, which is this call for justice,
for freedom, and for the dignity of the human being; putting
these together in the counterpoint between the two, it really did
awaken something very profound and very deeply rooted in the
people who participated in this community chorus which is growing
in an exponential way, but also in the people who participated as
members of the audience. So Diane was the conductor of the first
part of these concerts, of the African-American spirituals, and I
would personally say, I think you were channeling the spirit of
Sylvia Olden Lee and her collaborators. It was very moving, and I
think it's part of something that we're going to see continue to
grow; in not just the desire for justice, but the desire for
human dignity and creativity among the American people.
        So, maybe you want to say a little bit about what the plans
are for the community chorus in that context, Diane.

        SARE: I hope it's going to grow, and there are a lot of
plans. But my parting words to our audience would be: One, that
people should join the actions in front of the White House on
Tuesday in support of the JASTA bill and against Obama's veto;
and a challenge to the American people and the members of the US
Congress. Which is, are you more cowardly and gutless than the
British House of Commons? If they can throw out Cameron and
expose the crimes against humanity that he has participated in,
and if they are already naming Obama; what is holding you back?

        OGDEN: Good. Well, those events in front of the White House
are scheduled currently for 12:30pm on Tuesday, and apparently
there may be another rally in front of the Senate at 2pm the same
afternoon. So, if you are in the area, or you can make it into
DC, that's something to participate in. There will probably be
more information on the website that Terry Strada
mentioned at the beginning of this broadcast in her remarks at
that Morristown concert. And please, circulate tonight's webcast
as widely as you can so that Terry Strada's very emphatic
statement that she made at that concert can be heard more widely.
I think this is something that needs to be heard by the American
people; and that's something that you have a responsibility to
assist in.
        So, I'd like to thank both Diane and Jeff for joining me
here today. Please stay tuned to; we will have
coverage of this rally next Tuesday, and you can join us for our
regularly programming as well. So thank you very much, and good

Obama er en britisk agent, og han vil
handle i overensstemmelse hermed,
indtil han sparkes ud af embedet

Leder fra LaRouchePAC, 15. sept. 2016 – Præsident Barack Obamas fortsatte trussel om at nedlægge veto mod JASTA-lovforslaget er en klar påmindelse om, at USA’s præsident i realiteten er en agent for det britiske system, og han vil gøre præcis, hvad den britiske krone giver ham besked på – og give pokker i det amerikanske folk. Lyndon LaRouche advarede i dag om, at ingen bør forvente, at Obama vil gøre det rigtige ved at underskrive JASTA-lovforslaget og dermed gøre det til lov og lade retsvæsenet tage sig af det saudiske monarki, der muliggjorde angrebene den 11. sept., 2001.

»Obama vil vride sig og lave undvigemanøvrer om spørgsmålet, lige til det sidste – og så vil han nedlægge veto mod JASTA – med mindre der kommer en sådan udladning af pres fra det amerikanske folk, at han ikke har andet valg«, erklærede LaRouche. »Til syvende og sidste er Obama en britisk agent, og han vil handle i overensstemmelse hermed.«

LaRouche tilføjede, »Obama er et falsum og skal ryges ud«. Obama holdes kunstigt oppe ved hjælp af en række Store Løgne, der faldbydes af de amerikanske mainstreammedier, der gentager regeringens løgne, inklusive den sindssyge påstand om, at den amerikanske økonomi er forbedret, lønningerne på vej op, arbejdsløsheden på et lavpunkt, osv. Dette er løgn alt sammen, som enhver ærlig amerikaner, der kommer fra den 90 % store, laveste indkomstgruppe, ved. Henved 93,5 mio. amerikanere i den arbejdsføre alder er ikke engang medregnet i arbejdsstyrken. Den Store Løgne-kampagne, der holder Obama kunstigt oppe, kan smadres. USA er blevet et land med ubegrænset statistisk forfalskning.

Lige så vel som, at JASTA-lovforslaget må vedtages nu, hvad enten det sker ved at tvinge Obamas hånd, eller det sker gennem en overvældende vedtagelse i Senatet og Repræsentanternes Hus, der gør et veto fra Obama ugyldigt, således må også Glass-Steagall omgående vedtages som lov – inden den totale disintegration af det transatlantiske finanssystem finder sted, hvilket kan ske når som helst. Forlad jer ikke på Elizabeth Warren (demokratisk senator) til at føre an i denne kamp – hun er for kompromitteret af sine partiske ønsker om at forsvare Obama og Hillary Clinton. »Få det bare igennem!«, sagde LaRouche igen i dag.

De handlinger, som det britiske Underhus (House of Commons) traf beslutning om i denne uge, hvor de smed David Cameron ud af dennes plads i parlamentet pga. hans rolle i krigen i Libyen, baseret på løgne, er et signal om at vågne op og foretage en lignende handling, som den amerikanske Kongres skal gennemføre over for Barack Obama. Han skal sparkes ud af embedet nu.

Blandt Obamas mange forbrydelser er den brutale måde, hvorpå han terroriserede og dernæst brugte Hillary Clinton, især omkring invasionen i Libyen og mordet på Gaddafi. Denne handling, hvor Hillary Clinton fuldstændigt gav efter for Obama og herefter ikke mere blev den samme, var begyndelsen til Obamas krigsfremstød mod Rusland og Kina. LaRouche forudsagde dette, dengang Gaddafi blev myrdet, og alt, hvad der siden er sket efter disse begivenheder i 2011, har bevist, at han havde ret. Faren for en krig med Rusland og Kina har nu nået et punkt, hvor hele menneskeheden er i fare, hver eneste dag, hvor Obama fortsat sidder ved magten og kan starte en atomar verdenskrig. Og som begivenhederne i den seneste uge klart har demonstreret for offentligheden, så er Hillary Clinton nedbrudt, og hun må trække sig.

Det amerikanske folk har desperat brug for hjælp og for, at man tager i betragtning, hvilken dårlig forfatning, det befinder sig i. I stedet er Romklubben atter dukket frem med krav om et globalt folkemord, tilsløret af dens påstand om, at »en procents vækst« er alt, hvad verden behøver, og at det Ny Silkevejsprogram bør skrottes. Romklubben er stadig det samme redskab for folkemord, der lancerede den oprindelige Malthus-kampagne med Grænser for Vækst tilbage i 1972. Dengang førte Lyndon LaRouche og LaRouche-bevægelsen an i afsløringen af Romklubben som en bande morderiske løgnere, hvis sande dagsorden var at slå milliarder af mennesker ihjel – den præcis samme dagsorden som det britiske monarkis, og som klarest er blevet udtrykt af den royale gemal, Prins Philip.

Denne politik må nu endelig lægges i graven.

Foto: Kong Salman af Saudi-Arabien byder præsident Barack Obama farvel, Saudi-Arabien, den 27. januar, 2015. (Foto: Det Hvide Hus)

Anbefalet læsning (dansk):

»Skræmmekampagne om global opvarmning er befolkningsreduktion – ikke videnskab!« (EIR-rapport i forbindelse med COP 2015, Paris) 

»Det britiske Imperiums politik, der drejer sig om befolkningsreduktion … for at reducere verdens befolkning med milliarder af mennesker«, EIR-hovedartikel. 



Verden er forandret – Alt kan nu ske, men Obama må afsættes

Leder fra LaRouchePAC, 12. sept. 2016 – Spektakulære begivenheder fandt sted i Asien i sidste weekend, hvor det overvældende flertal af verdens nationer forenede sig bag et nyt paradigme i verden, centreret omkring programmer for »storstilet udvikling«, ved hjælp af den Nye Silkevej og de nye finansinstitutioner, der er skabt af Kina, BRIKS og andre.

Denne samme ånd befandt sig over New York i den forgangne weekend, med Schiller Instituttets »Levende Mindesmærke« for ofrene for terrorangrebene den 11. september, 2001, og for ofrene for den politik for ’evindelige krige’, der siden da er blevet udløst af regeringerne Bush og Obama. Skønheden i Mozarts Rekviem, med deltagelse af flere end 3000 mennesker i de fire Schiller Institut-koncerter i flere bydele i New York City, skabte den samme frihedens ånd som det Nye Paradigme, der skabtes i Asien.

Begivenhederne demonstrerer i sandhed Friedrich Schillers indsigt i, at vejen til frihed går gennem skønhed.

Men stanken af ondskab og hæslighed hænger stadig over USA, med krigene, der fortsætter, den økonomiske degeneration, der accelererer, narkotika, der kræver hidtil uhørte ofre, og med pessimismen, der er fremherskende – især med en valgkampagne, hvor befolkningen foragter begge kandidater, og med god grund. Der er ingen duelig kandidat præcis, fordi det amerikanske borgersamfund har forsømt at fordømme den siddende præsident som den massemorder, han er – og som han faktisk er stolt af at være.

Men verden er ændret i de seneste dage. Lyndon LaRouche sagde i dag, at absolut hvad som helst er muligt i dette øjeblik med faseskifte i menneskehedens historie. Idet han tager de voksende beviser for Hillary Clintons alvorlige helbredsproblemer i betragtning, sagde LaRouche, at verden må undersøge problemet lidt mere i dybden:

Hillarys helbred begyndte at gå ned ad bakke, da hun kapitulerede over for Obama under og efter valget i 2008, hvor hun på tåbelig vis gik med til at tjene som hans udenrigsminister. Det onde, hun gjorde i denne stilling, blev induceret af Obama, dræberen, der lærte at tage drab til sig fra sin morderiske stedfar i Indonesien. Hendes fejltagelser og fiaskoer kan alle henføres til Obama. Det er Obama, som det drejer sig om. Han ødelagde hende. Hendes karakter ændrede sig. Hun degenererede til at blive et redskab for Obama. Bagved Obama spores skylden tilbage til det britiske monarki, som han elsker og adlyder, samt til dets saudiske skabelse for folkedrab, der tilsammen har skabt menneskehedens nuværende lidelser.

Obama må fjernes nu – der findes ingen anden mulig løsning. Hillary ville gå ned sammen med ham, og valgprocessen ville blive ændret, med nye kandidater, der måtte udpeges.

Ikke praktisk? Revolutioner skabes ikke gennem praktiske (pragmatiske) trin, men gennem kreative opdagelser og nyskabelser i den historiske kurs, som med den Nye Silkevej, og som det skete med Amerikas Grundlæggende Fædre, og som det reflekteres i Franklin Roosevelts og Jack Kennedys livsværk. Der kræves noget nyt og bedre i dag; i modsat fald vil civilisationens kollaps og atomkrig blive resultatet. Alternativet består ikke længere i en idé, der skal kaperes rent intellektuelt, men består i, at denne idé nu er under reel opbygning i Asien, og i de usædvanlige begivenheder i New York City denne forgange weekend.

De udviklinger, der vil finde sted i månederne september og oktober, er uforudsigelige, men der vil med sikkerhed finde betydningsfulde, dramatiske ændringer sted. Vi må være forud for udviklingskurven og handle, før kaos sænker sig over os. Der er pustet nyt liv i Kongressen gennem dennes handling imod saudierne, med den enstemmige vedtagelse af JASTA-lovforslaget, som Obama har lovet at nedlægge veto mod – men et veto, der kan tilsidesættes. Kongressen må ligeledes tvinges til at handle modigt og hurtigt, med vedtagelse af de Glass/Steagall-lovforslag, der nu er fremsat i begge Kongressens huse, med det formål at lukke Wall Street ned, før dets ukontrollerede kollaps tager nationen og hele verden med sig i faldet. Tiden er nu til optimisme og handling.

Foto: Mindeplade opsat på stedet, der skuer over Ground Zero på den anden side Hudsonfloden, og hvor mindesmærket for ofrene for 11. september, det 10 etager høje »Tåremonument«, en gave fra Rusland, senere blev rejst (skete 11. september, 2006). Teksten på mindepladen, på engelsk og russisk, lyder:

»Fra det russiske folk – præsident Vladimir Putin. Dette sted vil blive hjemsted for monumentet for kampen mod global terrorisme. Kunstner Zurab Tsereteli.«

New York: Schiller Instituttet i spidsen for
Levende Mindesmærke for ofrene for
terrorangrebene 11. september

Leder fra LaRouchePAC, 11. sept. 2016 – På 15-års dagen for terrorangrebet mod New York City og Washington D.C., intervenerede Schiller Instituttet, stiftet af Lyndon og Helga LaRouche, i fem bydistrikter i New York for at løfte mindedagen for denne tragiske dag til et højere niveau, et »levende mindesmærke«, ved at bruge stor kunst til at opløfte sindet og sjælen hos alle mænd og kvinder, bort fra frygt og tanker om hævn og til tanker om kreativitet og menneskehedens fremtid.

Tre fremførelser af den storslåede Rekviemmesse af Amadeus Mozart blev opført i New York City af Schiller Instituttets New York borgerkor, med fuldt orkester, sponsoreret af Fonden for Genoplivelse af Klassisk Kultur, på datoerne 9., 10. og 11., i bydelene Bronx, Manhattan og Brooklyn. En fjerde opførelse vil finde sted mandag aften i Morristown, New Jersey, hjemsted for mange af de familier, der mistede deres kære den 11. september.

Invitationen til koncerterne, og til en konference om eftermiddagen den 10. september i Manhattan, sponsoreret af Schiller Instituttet, lød: »Denne september måned, hvor De Forenede Nationer åbner, lad da alle, der afskyr vold og krig, droppe deres uoverensstemmelser og komme sammen i højtidelig erkendelse af det, der er menneskeligt i os alle. Lad Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart tale til vore hjerter på musikkens sprog, og til det, Abraham Lincoln kaldte ’den bedre side af vores natur’.

Påtrykt invitationen var et billede af »Tåremonumentet«, en magtfuld, 10 etager høj skulptur i Bayonne, New Jersey, der skuer over Ground Zero på den anden side af Hudsonfloden. Dedikeret »Til kampen mod terrorisme i hele verden« var monumentet en gave fra Rusland efter 11. september. Ved ceremonien for monumentets afsløring, 11. september 2006, deltog præsident Vladimir Putin,

Selve begivenheden den 11. september vil leve videre i historien. Hvert år siden 11. september har det fælles bispesæde i St. Joseph i Brooklyn sponsoreret en march fra Ground Zero, over Brooklynbroen og til deres smukke katedral til en messe til ære for dem, der døde, og for dem, der på anden vis blev berørt. Mange af de hundreder af brandfolk, der gav deres liv for at redde andre som de første på stedet ved World Trade Center, kom fra Brooklyn. I år inviterede biskoppen, for første gang, Schiller Instituttet til at deltage direkte i selve messen, ved at opføre Rekviem. Den magtfulde og bevægende opførelse blev udsendt live over bispesædets TV-netværk.

Slående er det, at, blot få dage før denne historiske begivenhed, fredag, den 9. september, vedtog Repræsentanternes Hus enstemmigt et lovforslag, der har været genstand for en lang kamp, anført af mange af de samme familier til ofre for 11. september, LaRouche-bevægelsen og nogle få, modige kongresmedlemmer – Lov om juridisk retsforfølgelse af sponsorer af terrorisme (Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA). Denne lov vil nu gøre det muligt for familierne til ofrene for 11. september at lægge sag an mod Saudi-Arabien for dets rolle i angrebet 11. september. Den saudiske kongefamilies finansiering og støtte til 11. september-terroristerne blev offentligt afsløret, da regeringen blev tvunget til at frigive de »28 sider« af Den fælles Kongresundersøgelsesrapport over 11. september, om finansieringen af angrebet, der i 13 år havde været hemmeligstemplet af præsidenterne Bush og Obama, på trods af, at Obama, da han førte valgkamp, havde afgivet løfte til familierne om at frigive dem.

Obamas rolle, såvel som Bush’, i at støtte terrororganisationerne, der var skabt og finansieret af saudierne, og som havde til formål at opnå regimeskift mod lande, der ansås for at befinde sig uden for amerikansk og britisk kontrol, står nu afsløret. Hans støtte til Wall Streets og City of Londons udplyndring af realøkonomien står ligeledes afsløret, men Kongressen har endnu ikke udvist samme mod mht. det presserede behov for at vedtage den Glass/Steagall-lovgivning, der er fremsat i begge Kongressens huse.

De verdensforandrende begivenheder i Kina i sidste uge, ved G20-topmødet, skabte kernen i en ny verdensorden, bestående af næsten alle verdens nationer bortset fra USA og Europa, og baseret på udvikling for alle gennem den Ny Silkevejsproces, og et nyt, globalt finanssystem til erstatning for det bankerotte kasinosystem i Vesten. Den inspiration, der kommer fra New York i dag, angiver retningen – at mobilisere befolkningen gennem skønhed og fornuft for at bringe Amerika og Europa ind i et samarbejde med Kina, Rusland og menneskehedens fælles mål.        

Helga Zepp-LaRouche:
»Vi kan sikre verdensfreden ved at omfavne menneskehedens fælles mål«.
Hovedtale ved Schiller Instituttets konference
i New York, 10. sept. 2016

»Og vi må få USA til at opgive geopolitik; vi må få EU, der alligevel er ved at disintegrere efter Brexit, vi må få disse lande til at opgive geopolitik og mobilisere USA’s og Europas befolkning til at tilslutte sig et nyt paradigme, der begynder med den idé, at menneskeheden er forenet, og at folk kan og bør være patrioter, men de bør også samtidig være verdensborgere. Og, som den store digter Friedrich Schiller sagde, »Der ligger ingen modsætning i at være en patriot og en verdensborger«.

10. september 2016Dennis Speed: På vegne af Schiller Instituttet vil jeg gerne byde jer velkommen til dagens konference, »Vi kan sikre verdensfreden ved at omfavne menneskehedens fælles mål«.

Schiller Instituttet blev stiftet i 1984, og forud for dette, den 27. september 1976, talte en af Schiller Instituttets medstiftere og samarbejdspartnere, nu afdøde Fred Wills, der dengang var Guyanas udenrigsminister, til FN’s Generalforsamling som repræsentant for FN’s Sikkerhedsråd, for 40 år siden, hvor han fremlagde et af de tidligste udtryk for økonomen og statsmanden Lyndon LaRouches politik for udvikling. LaRouches hustru, Helga, grundlagde Schiller Instituttet i 1984, og vi er alle lykkelige og stolte over at have været tilknyttet disse årtier lange bestræbelser.

Vi vil indlede konferencen med et videoindlæg fra Helga LaRouche, stifter og forkvinde for Schiller instituttet:

Helga Zepp-LaRouche: God eftermiddag. Kære deltagere på konferencen: Hr. LaRouche og jeg ville selvfølgelig meget have foretrukket at være personligt til stede på jeres konference, men vi overbringer vore hilsener på denne måde, for vi er i øjeblikket i Europa, hvor vi har meget vigtige ting at gøre.

Lad mig ikke desto mindre overbringe jer et budskab med meget gode nyheder. For, hvad der stort set er gået upåagtet hen i massemedierne i USA og Europa, så har verden ændret sig i løbet af de seneste dage, og til det bedre. Der har været et par internationale konferencer i Asien. Den første var i Vladivostok med meget prominent deltagelse af præsident Putin, premierminister Abe fra Japan, præsident Park fra Sydkorea; og fokus for mødet var at indgå aftale om meget, meget store, økonomiske projekter og en økonomisk integration af den Eurasiske Økonomiske Union (EAEU) og initiativet for Silkevejen/Bæltet-og-Vejen. Det betyder en enorm udvikling af Fjernøsten og en økonomisk integration af alle disse asiatiske lande for et fredeligt samarbejde. Der var endda drøftelser om en mulig fredstraktat mellem Rusland og Japan, hvilket ikke er sket i 70 år, så dette er meget, meget vigtigt.

Men hvad der er endnu vigtigere, så var der G20-topmødet, der netop har fundet sted i Hangzhou, Kina. Se, Kina havde en meget, meget ambitiøs plan for G20-topmødet. De havde forberedt det intenst i over et år, gennem mange konferencer på ministerplan, og med tænketanke og diverse grupperinger, og planen var at transformere G20 fra at være en alliance af lande, der blot ville tale om kriser, som finanskrisen i 2008, og til at være en alliance af lande, der vil danne en organisation for den globale styrelse, for i fællesskab at tage sig af spørgsmålene omkring denne Jord. Og dette lykkedes de med.

I har måske ikke hørt om det i medierne, eller, hvis I har, så er det med en ondskabsfuld drejning, men det, der virkelig skete, er, at Xi Jinping allerede i et møde for erhvervsledere, det såkaldte B20, og også ved det egentlige G20-møde, fremlagde en plan for at sætte innovation i centrum for den globale økonomi; og allervigtigst, at invitere især udviklingslande og fremvoksende lande til fuldt ud at få del i frugterne af videnskab og teknologi, af innovation, med det formål, ikke at forhale disse landes udvikling.

Dette har fuldstændig ændret dynamikken i verden, for nu har man en situation, hvor en stor del af Asien – og dette fortsattes ved det efterfølgende ASEAN-topmøde – arbejder sammen for fredeligt samarbejde om et »win-win«-perspektiv, gennem grundlæggende set at vedtage den kinesiske model for økonomi.

Alle de af jer, der nogensinde har været i Kina, vil bekræfte, at Kina har undergået den mest utrolige, økonomiske transformation i noget land på denne planet. For 40 eller 45 år siden var Kina, under kulturrevolutionen, fuldstændigt tilbagestående og fattigt, og folk havde det elendigt, og så, med begyndelse i Deng Xiaopings reformer, begyndte Kina at lægge meget vægt på sin egen arbejdsstyrkes intellektuelle udvikling, på innovation, på at foretage syvmileskridt; og der var en lang periode, hvor Kina blot kopierede teknologier fra andre lande; den periode er nu ophørt, og Kina er nu spydspidsen inden for rumteknologi, højhastighedstog, elektronik og inden for diverse andre områder med avanceret videnskab og teknologi.

Kina har nu tilbudt resten af verden at blive en del af dette kinesiske, økonomiske mirakel, i et »win-win-samarbejde« gennem udviklingen af initiativet for den Nye Silkevej/Bæltet-og-Vejen, som et globalt udviklingsperspektiv til hele verden.

Denne idé har en sådan tiltrækningskraft, at, f.eks. alle ASEAN-landene, på ASEAN-konferencen i kølvandet på G20-mødet, grundlæggende set vedtog den kinesiske dagsorden om at gøre en ende på konflikten over det Sydkinesiske Hav og sagde, at, i fremtiden vil alle territoriale og andre konflikter blive løst gennem forhandling og dialog. Der vil blive samarbejde mht. at bekæmpe spørgsmål, der vedrører sikkerhed, såsom bekæmpelse af terrorisme, og mht. at udvikle andre midler til hinandens gensidige udvikling. Og derfor er hele denne truende konflikt over det Sydkinesiske Hav faktisk afsluttet.

Dette er vidunderligt nyt! Og det demonstrerer, at, hvis man sætter et udviklingsperspektiv »i den andens interesse« på dagsordenen, så er der intet problem på denne planet, der ikke kan løses. Dette betyder, at vi nu, for første gang, har mulighed for virkelig at gå over til et nyt paradigme. Udviklingssektorens, USA’s og Europas problemer er selvfølgelig stadig gigantiske, og der har hidtil ikke rigtig været en løsning på den kendsgerning, at banksystemet i øjeblikket er lige så truet, som det var i 2008 med Lehman Brothers’ kollaps. For eksempel har Deutsche Bank nu de samme omkostninger for CDS, credit default swaps, til sikkerhedsstillelse for derivater, som Lehman Brothers havde i 2008; hvilket betyder, at spekulanter spekulerer, vædder på muligheden for, at Deutsche Bank krakker. Rentepolitikken, nulrenten, negative renter i alle centralbankerne, som har anvendt det, har nu fået en ende. Mulighederne er opbrugt; hvad vil man mere gøre, end have negative renter? Hvor banker og kunder må betale penge for at indsætte deres penge i banken, i stedet for at få renter? Hele politikken med kvantitativ lempelse har i virkeligheden skabt en skjult hyperinflation, og »helikopterpenge« er virkelig vejs ende.

Den indsats for at gennemføre Glass-Steagall, der i øjeblikket gøres i USA og Europa, må blive gennemført, og vi må mobilisere Europa og USA til simpelt hen at tilslutte sig dette perspektiv med fælles udvikling. USA må vende tilbage til Franklin D. Roosevelts reformer; Europa må vende tilbage til den politik, der, f.eks., eksisterede med Adenauer og de Gaulle; og så kan alle problemerne blive løst, for den Nye Silkevej skaber ikke alene et perspektiv for økonomisk udvikling, men har også allerede skabt et alternativt banksystem: Asiatisk Infrastruktur-Investeringsbank (AIIB), den Ny Udviklingsbank (’BRIKS-banken’), den Nye Silkevejsfond, den Maritime Silkevejsfond, Shanghai Samarbejdsbanken og mange flere sådanne institutioner, der virkelig applikerer økonomisk politik i traditionen efter [Alexander] Hamilton, ved at have en kreditpolitik i stedet for en pengepolitik.

Dette er særdeles gode nyheder. For dette er noget, som hr. LaRouche og hans bevægelse har kæmpet for i over 40 år. Dette er præcis, hvad hr. LaRouche foreslog i 1975 med den Internationale Udviklingsbank. Det var ideen om, at IMF skulle erstattes af en international udviklingsbank, der skulle organisere en overførsel af teknologi til omkring $400 mia. om året, for at overvinde udviklingslandenes underudvikling.

Dette blev fuldstændig vedtaget af den Alliancefri Bevægelse i 1976 på den berømte Colombo-konference i Sri Lanka. Dengang led indsatsen for at skabe en retfærdig, økonomisk verdensorden et enormt tilbageslag: Man fik en destabilisering af de ledere, der have påtaget sig denne sag som deres. For eksempel blev fr. Indira Gandhi destabiliseret; fr. Sirimavo Bandaranaike fra Sri Lanka blev fordrevet fra embedet; den pakistanske premierminister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto blev væltet og sluttelig myrdet.

LaRouche-bevægelsen fortsatte imidlertid sin kamp for dette, med ideen om at udvikle de underudviklede lande i verden; for, vi kan ikke bare leve med en sådan uretfærdighed, som vi i øjeblikket ser i Afrika. Hr. LaRouche foreslog således i 1982 det berømte Strategiske Forsvarsinitiativ, der blev vedtaget af præsident Reagan i 1983, og som var officiel amerikansk politik i omkring otte måneder. Kernen i denne politik var præcis samme idé, der lidt senere blev formuleret af hr. LaRouche som supermagternes protokol, og som grundlæggende set var ideen om at nedlægge de militære blokke, opgive NATO, opgive Warszawa-pagten, og så dernæst, gennem et program med videnskab som drivkraft, udvikle den yderligere produktivitet, bestående i at gennemføre en gigantisk teknologioverførsel til udviklingslandene, med det formål for altid at overvinde deres underudvikling.

Hold op med at behandle den Tredje Verden som stedfortræderlande for krige, og få i stedet et fælles udviklingsperspektiv. Dette var naturligvis også ideen, da vi i 1991, med Sovjetunionens kollaps, foreslog den Eurasiske Landbro/Silkevejen, der var ideen om at forbinde industri- og befolkningscentrene i Europa med dem i Asien gennem udviklingskorridorer. Dette førte vi kampagne for i 25 år, hvor vi afholdt hundreder af konferencer.

Vi var derfor ekstremt glade, da Xi Jinping i 2013, i Kasakhstan, satte den Nye Silkevej tilbage på dagsordenen. Og det er nu, efter tre år, eksploderet mht. at skabe et helt nyt paradigme for udvikling, for en reel indsats for at overvinde fattigdommen i store dele af verden.

Tag for eksempel Afrika: Afrika er i øjeblikket i en forfærdelig forfatning, hvilket er grunden til, at folk i tusindvis drukner i Middelhavet i forsøg på at nå til Europa, eller de dør af tørst i Sahara, når de forsøger at krydse ørkenen.

Den tyske udviklingsminister Gerd Müller har netop holdt en lidenskabelig tale i den tyske Forbundsdag, hvor han sagde, at det, der foregår i Afrika og andre udviklingslande, er, at de er ved at blive flået i stykker at noget, som han sammenlignede med tidlige former for kapitalisme, hvor de rige bliver rigere; hvor 10 % ejer og forbruger 90 % af alle ressourcer, og hvor 80 % af alle afrikanere ikke har adgang til elektricitet; og dette har skabt en utålelig situation. Gerd Müller krævede dernæst en Ny Marshallplan for udvikling i Afrika og andre udviklingslande. Og den rette måde at forfølge dette på er selvfølgelig en forlængelse af den Nye Silkevej ind i Afrika, ind i Mellemøsten, for at genopbygge de krigshærgede lande Afghanistan, Irak, Syrien, Libyen og Yemen, og de tilstødende områder.

Dette kan gøres med det samme, og det forudsætter blot, at vi får USA til at opgive den idé, at de må insistere på en unipolær verden, for denne unipolære verden eksisterer ikke længere: Efter G20-topmødet kan alle i hele verden se, at »omdrejningspunkt« Asien (doktrinen Asia Pivot), som Obama forsøgte at gennemføre for at udøve amerikansk indflydelse i Sydøstasien og disse områder, ikke fungerede. ASEAN stillede sig på Kinas side. TPP-handelsaftalen, om hvilken Obama i Washington Post sagde, at USA »laver reglerne« for handlen, ikke Kina.

Det virkede ikke: Formændene for begge Kongressens huse, Repræsentanternes Hus og Senatet, sagde, at TPP ikke kommer på dagsordenen i år; og de to præsidentkandidater har allerede sagt, at de er imod TPP. Så den er død. Og TTIP, den tilsvarende frihandelsaftale for Europa, er ligeledes allerede erklæret død af den franske regering og den tyske økonomiminister.

Så der er i øjeblikket en ny mulighed for at bruge G20-topmødet til at fastsætte et nyt regelsæt for handel, for samarbejde, for et »win-win«-perspektiv mellem landene. Og jeg mener, at, hvis vi på kort sigt kan få USA til at gå med i dette kor af nationer for skønhed, for samarbejde, så kan verden virkelig i løbet af meget kort tid opleve et nyt paradigme. Grunden til, at jeg siger »skønhed«, er den, at gallaaftenen inden åbningen af G20-topmødet var en vidunderlig dialog mellem kulturer, meget lig det, vi forsøger at gøre med rækken af koncerter i denne weekend i anledning af 11. september; denne gallaaften begyndte med meget smukke, kinesiske folkesange; der var en smuk scene fra balletten Svanesøen af Tjajkovskij; og sluttelig kulminerede forestillingen med en meget smuk opførelse af dele af Ode til Glæden, baseret på Friedrich Schillers digt til Ludwig van Beethovens musik. Jeg mener, at det var klogt af den kinesiske regering at vælge Ode til Glæden, hvor teksten på et sted proklamerer, »Alle mennesker forbrødres« (»Alle Menschen werden Brüder«), som et kulturelt udtryk for denne idé om et »win-win-samarbejde« mellem alle civilisationer.

Så mit fundamentale budskab til jer er et budskab om absolut optimisme. Jeg siger ikke, at alle problemer er blevet løst. Vi har stadig eksistentielle problemer; vi har stadig faren for krig; vi har stadig faren for en finansiel nedsmeltning, muligvis i dette efterår. Men alternativet er allerede etableret af en magtfuld gruppe nationer, der tilsammen repræsenterer flertallet af menneskeheden, flere end 4 mia. mennesker.

Og vi må få USA til at opgive geopolitik; vi må få EU, der alligevel er ved at disintegrere efter Brexit, vi må få disse lande til at opgive geopolitik og mobilisere USA’s og Europas befolkning til at tilslutte sig et nyt paradigme, der begynder med den idé, at menneskeheden er forenet, og at folk kan og bør være patrioter, men de bør også samtidig være verdensborgere. Og, som den store digter Friedrich Schiller sagde, »Der ligger ingen modsætning i at være patriot og verdensborger«.

Tiden er virkelig inde til, at vi forstår, at løsningen for menneskeheden kun kan findes på det højeste fornuftsplan, og ikke i en eller anden sideorden eller en eller anden angivelig interesse hos én nation imod en anden nation, eller gruppe af nationer.

Jeg føler mig fuldstændig overbevist om, at vi kan foretage dette spring og skabe et nyt paradigme; og alt imens I senere på dagen vil lytte til Mozarts skønne musik (Rekviem), til minde om dem, der døde under angrebet 11. september, mener jeg, at vi kan gengive dem liv og gøre dem udødelige ved at sige, at vi højtideligt vil forpligte os til at bringe USA ind i dette nye paradigme, og så vil deres liv have bidraget til noget udødeligt, og de vil forblive i vort minde for altid.       

Det Britiske Imperium kollapser i takt med,
at det nye paradigme vokser frem

8. september 2016 (Leder) – Det Britiske Imperium har, ligesom alle tidligere imperier, opretholdt sin evne til at plyndre og dræbe i hele verden gennem »del og hersk«-operationer, der satte potentielle venner og partnere op imod hinanden ved hjælp af religiøse, etniske, nationale eller andre geopolitiske brudlinjer. Denne politik for evindelige krige kan ikke med held imødegås på en én-til-én basis. Den eneste vej til fred og udvikling er et nyt globalt paradigme, som demonstrerer overfor alle og enhver, at det, at blive manipuleret ind i en konflikt, er en sikker metode til selvdestruktion, alt imens det, at finde og gennemføre politikker, er i ens egen, de »andres« og den menneskelige race som helheds fælles interesse.

Dette er præcist, hvad der nu finder sted i et utroligt hurtigt tempo i hele verden, i takt med at vi ser, at selve tiden bogstaveligt talt går hurtigere. Vladimir Putin og Xi Jinping har interveneret i næsten hver eneste imperialistiske krise, med »win-win«-politikken for store infrastrukturprojekter til erstatning for imperialistiske krige. De tre på hinanden følgende konferencer i Asien i den seneste uge – Vladivostok Østlige Økonomisk Forum om fælles udvikling af det russiske Fjernøsten; G20-topmødet i Kina; og ASEAN og Østasiatisk topmøde i Laos – har indført et nyt paradigme, centreret om selve begrebet kreativitet, sådan som Lyndon LaRouche længe har insisteret på (Xi Jinping har valgt at kalde det »innovation«), for at erstatte det knækkede og destruktive Britiske Imperium med et fællesskab af nationer, dedikeret til menneskehedens fælles mål.

I løbet af de seneste uger har vi set den imperialistiske kontrol over Tyrkiet blive brudt, da Tyrkiet oplevede at se sig selv truet af kaos og ødelæggelse og vendte sig mod Rusland, der nu arbejder sammen med Tyrkiet om at bygge atomkraftværker, gasledninger og universiteter, og selvfølgelig tager skridt til at knuse terroristsvøben i Syrien.

I Asien har vi set den imperialistiske kontrol over Filippinerne blive brudt af en ny regering, som modigt har identificeret den kendsgerning, at fred og udvikling med Kina er den eneste fornuftige fremtid, fremfor Obamas økonomiske udplyndring af landets ressourcer og udnyttelse af billig arbejdskraft, mens landet bruges som base for militær konfrontation med Kina.

Selv i Europa og USA er potentialet for et dramatisk skift i retning af fornuft i sigte. Den tyske udviklingsminister Gerd Müller undsagde i går de »primitive kapitalistiske strukturer, der er skabt gennem en globalisering uden begrænsning og værdier«, og som har skabt »en situation, hvor 10 procent af verdens befolkning ejer 90 procent af værdierne, og 20 procent opbruger 80 procent af råvarerne og ressourcerne. Det kan ikke fortsætte med, at denne saks gaber mere og mere. Det er nemlig grundlaget for konflikter, spændinger og krige, og er årsag til, at millioner af mennesker bliver flygtninge«. Udviklingspolitik er fredspolitik, understregede Müller.

Og talskvinde for det russiske udenrigsministerium Maria Zakharova meddelte onsdag, at Bibi Netanyahu og Abu Abbas i princippet havde aftalt at mødes i Moskva. »I respons til appellerne fra palæstinenserne og israelerne, bekræftede vi vores beredvillighed til at arrangere et møde i Moskva. Vi er overbevist om, at der er behov for at genoptage forhandlingerne.« Ingen dato er blevet fastsat. Alt imens sagde et typisk vestligt orakel, prof. Elena McLean, at »sandsynligheden for succesfulde drøftelser er ikkeeksisterende«, da angiveligt »intet fundamentalt har ændret sig« mellem Israel og palæstinenserne. Men den »fundamentale ændring« er faktisk sket i verden som helhed og har brudt de imperialistiske kontrolmekanismer, hvilket netop er grunden til, at der er en chance for en reel løsning på selv denne betændte krise.

Og i dag ser vi dramatiske, om end forsigtige, skridt til at inddrage selv de mest dødbringende af det Britiske Imperiums dræber-satrapper – Saudi-Arabien og Israel. Efter at Putin mødtes med prins Mohammed bin Salman (saudisk forsvarsminister og anden vicepremierminister) i Kina sidste søndag, underskrev de to nationers energiministre en historisk aftale om at samarbejde om udvikling og markedsføring af olie, mens Rusland har tilbudt at bygge 16 atomkraftværker i kongeriget. Xi Jinping har også tilbudt saudierne en central placering i forhold til Silkevejen – men at føre krig mod naboerne Yemen og potentielt Iran, mens man sponsorerer terrorisme i hele verden, vil ikke kunne sameksistere med et reelt udviklingsprogram for landet, med russisk og kinesisk hjælp.

I USA er Kongressen trådt sammen, med en underdønning af en folkestemning for en genindførelse af Glass-Steagall, for at afslutte Wall-Streets kasino-økonomis ødelæggelser og genoprette produktive investeringer – en folkestemning, der tvang Glass-Steagall til at blive optaget på begge partiers valgplatforme. De Glass-Steagall-lovforslag, der er fremsat i begge Kongressens huse, kan og må blive tvunget til at komme til afstemning og omgående blive vedtaget.

Få hele historien om Glass-Steagall

Vil Obama nedlægge veto imod Glass-Steagall? Lige så sikkert, som han har skabt den ene krig efter den anden, myrdet utallige uskyldige og støttet terrorister for at nå sine mål med »regimeskift«. Det er derfor, Obama må fjernes nu – og ikke efter en vanvittig valgproces mellem to værktøjer for Wall Street. Der er ingen tid at spilde, men al mulig grund til at være optimistisk, eftersom »forandring« er blevet det nye normale.

Foto: Solnedgang over London. [foto: ytulauratambien CC-SA]

Vi må vække samme lidenskab i befolkningen,
som udtrykkes gennem Mozarts Rekviem
og Benjamin Franklins »En Republik, hvis De kan bevare den.«

Uddrag af LaRouchePAC Fredags-webcast 2. sept. 2016.

Matthew Ogden: … På hjemmefronten har vi en meget intens kampagne, der nu optrappes, for at genindføre Glass-Steagall; og for at styre kræfterne til at gennemtvinge en vedtagelse af dette lovforslag, før præsidentvalget finder sted (8. nov.). Dernæst har vi indsatsen for at genåbne en fuld undersøgelse af terrorangrebene den 11. september (2001); med frigivelsen af de 28 sider må dette nu fortsætte med at forfølge de ti tusinder af andre sider, der fortsat tilbageholdes. På denne front befinder vi os én uge fra 15-års dagen for disse forfærdelige angreb den 11. september; og vi vil se en række koncerter, der vil finde sted i New York City – det kan Diane (Sare) fortælle os mere om – med en opførelse af Mozarts Rekviem, der vil blive opført i katedralen i Brooklyn, en stor kirke i Manhattan og andre steder, for at mindes ofrene for disse angreb, og for at bringe retfærdighed …

Ogden: Diane, du er lige nu selvfølgelig midt i at arrangere 15-års mindehøjtideligheden og seminaret, og med at lede aktivistbegivenhederne i New York City. Så, kan du tage den herfra?

Diane Sare: Jeg vil faktisk gerne lige træde et skridt tilbage; for én af de ting, som senator Graham sagde om, hvorfor, det var så vigtigt (for senator Grahams indlæg om retfærdighed for ofrene for 11. september, se fredags-webcast, med engelsk udskrift, her:

Han sagde, at der var tre grunde: én var spørgsmålet om juridisk retfærdighed for familierne til de mennesker, der blev dræbt; To, et temmeligt indlysende spørgsmål, som er spørgsmålet om sikkerhed. Hvis vi ikke udrydder disse netværk, er de der, for at blive brugt igen. Og tre, som jeg mener, er virkelig vigtigt og ikke kan overdrives, og det er spørgsmålet, om folk stoler på deres regering. For, når USA’s befolkning først kommer dertil, hvor de ikke længere stoler på regeringen, hvilket er, hvor vi næsten er nu, så mister man republikken. Vores republik, der går helt tilbage til Nicolaus Cusanus’ ideer og Concordantia Catholica[1], hviler på dette spørgsmål om de regeredes tilsagn (konsensus). Hvis man ikke stoler på sin regering, vil man ikke give sit tilsagn til, at den repræsenterer én. Det, som hr. LaRouche har sagt de seneste dage, er, hvad vi har set mellem det gennembrud, der fandt sted med vores arbejde som drivkraft, og så kongresmedlemmerne Jones og Lynch, der bogstavelig talt truede – ikke helt med disse ord – men som sagde, vi ved, at vi er immune, hvis vi læser dette (de 28, hemmeligholdte sider) ind i Kongressens protokol; og så det, der sker med Glass-Steagall mht. partiernes valgplatforme, er, at disse kongresmedlemmer begynder at blive tvunget til at repræsentere deres befolkning.

Jeg sætter dette i en international sammenhæng, med det, der nu er forestående med møderne i Vladivostok, der finder sted netop nu (2. – 3. september), og G20-topmødet (3. – 4. september); og det transatlantiske system er totalt bankerot. Der er intet, som Obama og den nuværende opstilling, den Europæiske Centralbank; hvad har de at tilbyde verden? Negative rentesatser? Lad dine penge står hos os, og vi vil få dig til at betale for det! Med andre ord, de kan intet gøre; men hvad har vi med Rusland og Kina? Kinas arbejde – som folk, der følger os på vores hjemmeside, vil have set på vores onsdags-udsendelse; det Nye Paradigme-show om spørgsmålet om Månens bagside, eller udsendelsen torsdag aften (Manhattan-projektet). Der er et helt univers, der åbner sig for os – vi begynder med Solsystemet – med dette samarbejde, som Asien kan tilbyde. Kineserne er vært for G20, og de har gjort præsident Putin til æresgæst. Dernæst er [den egyptiske] præsident al-Sisi endnu en æresperson ved dette møde. Hvad er Obamas respons? Han tror, at han dér vil gennemtvinge [handelsaftalen] Trans Pacific Partnerskab, som er dømt til at blive et totalt flop, en fuser. Russerne gjorde, i et interview i Xinhua før dette møde, det ganske klart, at Moskva og Beijing behøver Washington som partner. Det gjorde mig glad som amerikaner, for jeg mener, at USA bør være en partner i dette her. Og, paradoksalt nok, sagde den person, der blev interviewet, at Washington kan være en kompleks og uforudsigelig partner.

Så jeg vil sige, at vores job som amerikanere er – vi har på en måde fået en mission, at andre, meget betydningsfulde ledere siger, at USA ønskes som en skattet partner i dette Nye Paradigme. Det er vores opgave at yde dette partnerskab, ved at stille dette kriminelle [amerikanske] regime, vi har, stolen for døren. Noget af det, vi så med 11. september, er, at mørklægningen er fortsat igennem to regeringer; at Obama har været ikke alene medskyldig i dette, men med sin politik i regionen har bidraget til ISIS’ vækst, al-Qaedas vækst, og deres mulighed for at rekruttere. Vi har i løbet af disse seneste år mistet næsten 4500 soldater i Irak, som man nu ved, var en total løgn og et bedrageri; det var konklusionen af Chilcot-undersøgelsen. Med hensyn til spørgsmålet om 11. september, så er spørgsmålet: Vil vi se retfærdigheden ske fyldest? Og retfærdighed betyder ikke hævn eller gengældelse; det betyder, vil vi genrejse vores nation til at blive til noget, hvor folk vil ønske at give deres tilsagn til at blive regeret af denne regering?

Når man ser på spørgsmålet om Mozart, og hans Rekviem, som vil blive opført, og som vores (Schiller Instituttets) kor vil deltage i og arbejder med; Mozarts engagement var dette. Han var en tilhænger af den Amerikanske Revolution; han var tilhænger af ideerne om at skabe en republik, og han blev myrdet. Hans arbejde blev fjernet; hans bidrag; det, han kunne have gjort, hvis han havde levet længere. Dette musikstykke har levet videre, fordi det har en udødelig egenskab; som faktisk legemliggør spørgsmålet om menneskelig kreativitet. Vi ser her en respons fra de mennesker, der er engageret i denne opførelse, med, at de udvikler en form for lidenskab, der nok altid fandtes i dem. Men, fordi de har mulighed for at deltage i noget, der vil blive så intenst og så smukt, og som har en mission i den virkelige verden, så bliver de igen lidenskabelige; hvilket er noget, jeg mener, har manglet. Alle kan komme i tanke om samtaler, de har haft med venner og naboer, om det forestående valg, eller noget andet; og befolkningen er blevet lidenskabsløs, hvilket er grunden til, at folk ikke handler, når de burde, eller når de kan.

Jeg har en fornemmelse af, at vi virkelig står over for et betydningsfuldt gennembrud, som USA vil blive en del af; selv om mange mennesker i USA ikke fuldt ud forstår, hvorfor det er her, og hvordan de blev engageret i det.

Ogden: Absolut! Jeg vil blot følge dig i det, du netop sagde, Diane. I sin tale i Press Club citerede senator Graham den ofte citerede anekdote af Benjamin Franklin under Forfatningskonventet i Philadelphia; da en kvinde spurgte, »Hvad har De givet os?«, svarede han, »En republik, hvis De kan bevare den«. Den lidenskab, som senator Graham har udvist omkring dette, hvor han har bevaret sin rolle og sin kamp igennem 15 år for frigivelsen af disse dokumenter; hvor kommer denne lidenskab fra? Selv om FBI forsøgte at intimidere ham personligt og gav ham besked på at trække sig, fordi han ser dette – som det også skal ses – som et eksistentielt spørgsmål for den Amerikanske Republik. Ikke kun ud fra et juridisk standpunkt og et standpunkt om national sikkerhed, men som selve vores nations overlevelse som en republikansk form for regering. Jeg vil hævde, at vi ser på præcis den samme form for eksistentielt spørgsmål, når det kommer til genindførelsen af Glass-Steagall. Selve omfanget af det transatlantiske systems implosion, som vi står overfor – hvis dette her kom ned over os, uden det nødvendige lederskab på plads omkring genindførelsen af Glass-Steagall og lignende, for at beskytte det amerikanske folk fra konsekvenserne af denne form for finanskrise – så ville denne republik ikke overleve.

Muligheden er umiddelbart forhånden, for at gå med i den nye, finansielle arkitektur, og for at skabe de produktive vækstbølger, som denne nation aldrig før har set; som ville overgå selv det, vi så under FDR’s New Deal, hvis vi tilsluttede os den Nye Silkevej, der netop nu ledes af Kina og andre. Så det er den samme form for lidenskab, der også må anvendes til dette spørgsmål.

Hele fredags-webcastet, med engelsk udskrift, kan ses her:

Et dansk uddrag af webcastet, omhandlende spørgsmålet om Glass-Steagalls betydning, kan ses her:  



[1] Se: Specialrapport: »En dialog mellem kulturer: En hyldest til Nicolaus af Cusa«,


USA og Europa: Det er Glass-Steagall versus en finansiel
nedsmeltning af de transatlantiske økonomier,
med massedød i befolkningen til følge

Hr. LaRouche …»Hvis man ikke gennemtvinger Glass-Steagall, som udgangspunkt for en sådan total omstrukturering af hele USA’s finansielle og monetære system«, og selvfølgelig også udstrækker det til Europa; »så vil et enormt antal mennesker dø. Det er den enkle kendsgerning.«

Uddrag af LaRouchePAC Fredags-webcast, den 2. september 2016. Hele webcastet inkl. engelsk udskrift kan ses her:

Matthew Ogden: God aften. Det er den 2. september 2016, og dette er vores ugentlige fredags-webcast på Med mig i studiet i aften har jeg Jeffrey Steinberg fra EIR, og via video to medlemmer af LaRouchePAC Politiske Komite: Dave Christie fra Seattle, Washington, og Diane Sare fra New York City-området. Velkommen til jer begge to.

Vi havde en diskussion med Lyndon og Helga LaRouche for et par timer siden. Det er helt klart, at vi står ved et punkt, hvor tre, meget afgørende initiativer, som LaRouche-bevægelsen har stået i centrum for i flere år, nu kulminerer. For det første står vi umiddelbart foran G20-topmødet; topmødet i Vladivostok er i gang; og to uger efter disse begivenheder træder FN’s Generalforsamling sammen. Det er helt åbenlyst, at man tager initiativerne til at skabe en ny, finansiel arkitektur for planeten omkring udviklingen af den Nye Silkevej. Jeg vil blot ganske kort nævne, at, hvis man ikke har set den endnu, så har vi en fremragende, ny, 20 minutter lang video (på – se den danske hjemmeside, inkl. udskrift: »Den Nye Silkevej bliver til Verdenslandbroen«. Den går i dybden med meget af indholdet i EIR’s rapport af samme navn. Den må I bestemt se, hvis I ikke allerede har.

På hjemmefronten har vi en meget intens kampagne, der nu optrappes, for at genindføre Glass-Steagall; og for at styre kræfterne til at gennemtvinge denne vedtagelse, før præsidentvalget finder sted. Dernæst har vi kampagnen for at genåbne en fuld undersøgelse af angrebene den 11. september (2001); med frigivelsen af de 28 sider må man nu gå videre med at forfølge [frigivelsen] af de ti tusinder af sider, der fortsat tilbageholdes. På denne front befinder vi os nu én uge fra 15-års dagen for disse forfærdelige angreb den 11. september, og vi vil se en række koncerter, der vil finde sted i New York City – det kan Diane fortælle meget mere om – med en opførelse af Mozarts Rekviem, som vil blive opført i Brooklyns katedral, i en stor kirke i Manhattan og andre steder, for at holde en mindehøjtid for ofrene for disse angreb, og for at bringe retfærdighed [for dem]. Dette vil finde sted samtidig med et strategisk seminar, der sponsoreres i New York City om samme emne. Og samtidig foregår der et kraftigt initiativ for at gennemtvinge en afstemning i Repræsentanternes Hus – forhåbentlig i næste uge, før mindedagen – om JASTA-lovforslaget (Justice against State Sponsors of Terrorism Act; Loven om Retsforfølgelse af statslige sponsorer af Terrorhandlinger). Kongressen vender tilbage fra ferie i næste uge.

Som en del af dette fremstød var tidligere senator Bob Graham i Washington D.C. i forgårs, hvor han deltog i en betydningsfuld pressekonference, som han holdt i National Press Club. Både Jeff Steinberg og jeg selv havde mulighed for at deltage i konferencen, og vi vil fremlægge nogle uddrag af denne pressekonference som en del af vores udsendelse i aften.

Men før vi kommer til det, vil jeg gerne begynde med den diskussion, vi havde med hr. LaRouche for blot et par timer siden; især om nødvendigheden af at lancere en omgående mobilisering omkring genindførelsen af Glass-Steagall. Så for at introducere dette spørgsmål, vil jeg læse det spørgsmål, vi har fået fra institutionelt hold til i dag, og som blev forelagt hr. LaRouche. Jeg vil bede Jeff Steinberg om at uddybe det, som hr. LaRouche sagde som respons til dette spørgsmål. Det lyder:

»Hr. LaRouche, De har advaret om, at, med mindre USA’s Kongres handler – og handler her i september – for at genindføre Glass-Steagall som det første skridt i en langt større omskabelse af den økonomiske og monetære politik, så har hele det transatlantiske system kurs mod en nedsmeltning. Vil De venligst uddybe vigtigheden af at vedtage Glass-Steagall under den næste Kongressamling, umiddelbart efter Labor Day (mandag, den 5. september)?«

Jeffrey Steinberg: Hr. LaRouche var meget ligefrem; han sagde: »Hvis man ikke gennemtvinger Glass-Steagall, som udgangspunkt for en sådan total omstrukturering af hele USA’s finansielle og monetære system«, og selvfølgelig også udstrækker det til Europa; »så vil et enormt antal mennesker dø. Det er den enkle kendsgerning.« De europæiske storbanker, der er fuldstændig viklet ind i de store Wall Street-banker, har en beholdning til nominelt billioner, hvis ikke hundreder af billioner af dollars, af derivater og insolvente lån og anden hasardspilsgæld, så vil man ikke have nogen som helst mulighed for på nogen som helst måde at omstøde den situation, vi har i USA’s økonomi lige nu; og det samme er tilfældet for Europa. Nemlig [den situation], at der er et sammenbrud i produktiviteten; tro ikke på tallene for jobskabelse, for virkeligheden er den, at 93,5 millioner jobkvalificerede amerikanere i den arbejdsføre alder står uden arbejde. For de har opgivet at finde et job; og de er derfor aldrig blevet talt med i arbejdsstyrken i det hele taget. Hertil kommer, at et voksende antal mennesker nu finder, at de er henvist til at arbejde deltids; undertiden et par timer om dagen i flere forskellige jobs, fordi der ikke er nogen fuldtidsjobs inden for produktion til rådighed i økonomien. Der er en masse parasit-jobs; der er en masse andre jobs, der, i en sund, voksende økonomi, ville være nødvendige og nyttige. Men, når man har et sammenbrud i produktion, som vi har i USA og Europa, og når man oven i dette lægger denne form for massive bankkrise – en finansboble, der overgår den i 2008; så har man en perfekt storm for noget, der vil resultere i massedødsfald.

Glass-Steagall er det første skridt; det er på ingen måde totaliteten af det, der må gøres. Hr. LaRouche har fremlagt de Fire Nødvendige Love, fire hovedinitiativer, der må tages for at genrejse produktiviteten; for at skabe ægte, produktive jobs. Men udgangspunktet må være at opbryde og udskille de legitime, kommercielle bankfunktioner fra de spekulative aktiviteter, der fuldstændigt har plyndret de kommercielle bankers indskyder-grundlag, siden Glass-Steagall blev ophævet (1999). Begge de politiske partier (Demokrater og Republikanere) har i deres valgplatforme støttet en genindførelse af Glass-Steagall; dette var ikke bare en rutineting. Der var en kamp under Republikanernes konvent mellem folkene i Platform-komiteen; der var et aggressivt fremstød for at gennemtvinge en vedtagelse af Glass-Steagall. Så begge partier har taget stilling. Der er lovforslag fremsat i begge Kongreshuse, og man skal og må vedtage det; ikke efter præsidentvalget, og ikke under ’lame duck’-sessionen, men i løbet af den kommende 2-3 uger lange periode, der starter på tirsdag, den 6. september, den aften, hvor Kongressen vender tilbage. Onsdag bliver den første, hele dag, hvor Kongressen har sammentræde. Dette må være én af denne Kongressamlings allerførste handlinger i løbet af denne overgangs-samling; og det vil ikke ske, med mindre der finder en total mobilisering af det amerikanske folk sted. Der er betydningsfulde institutioner, fra AFL-CIO (USA’s største fagforening) og til diverse borgerrettighedsgrupper, der er med os i dette spørgsmål om Glass-Steagall. Men det kræver en absolut fokuseret og hård og laserlignende intervention. Og der er nok ikke noget, der opsummerer dette mere klart end det, som hr. LaRouche gentagne gange har sagt i løbet af de seneste dage: Nemlig, at, hvis man ikke vedtager Glass-Steagall; hvis man ikke intervenerer for at sikre, at Kongressen gør det, så kan man dø som følge af det.


Vi kan ændre historiens gang:
Handling nu for at gennemtvinge Glass-Steagall.
LaRouchePAC Internationale Fredags-webcast, 2. sept. 2016

Matthew Ogden: Vi havde en diskussion med Lyndon og Helga LaRouche for et par timer siden. Det er helt klart, at vi står ved et punkt, hvor tre, meget afgørende initiativer, som LaRouche-bevægelsen har stået i centrum for i flere år, nu kulminerer. For det første står vi umiddelbart foran G20-topmødet; topmødet i Vladivostok er i gang; og to uger efter disse begivenheder træder FN’s Generalforsamling sammen. Det er helt åbenlyst, at man tager initiativerne til at skabe en ny, finansiel arkitektur for planeten omkring udviklingen af den Nye Silkevej. Jeg vil blot nævnte ganske kort, at, hvis man ikke har set den endnu, så har vi en fremragende, ny, 20 minutter lang video (på – se den danske hjemmeside, inkl. udskrift:»Den Nye Silkevej bliver til Verdenslandbroen«. Den går i dybden med meget af indholdet i EIR’s rapport af samme navn. Den må I bestemt se, hvis I ikke allerede har.

Engelsk udskrift.

You Can Change History: Act Now to Force a Vote on Glass-Steagall        


International LaRouche PAC webcast, Saturday, September 3, 2016   

        MATTHEW OGDEN: Good evening; it's September 2, 2016. My name
is Matthew Ogden, and you're joining us for our weekly webcast
here on Friday evening with I'm joined in the
studio tonight by Jeffrey Steinberg from {Executive Intelligence
Review}, and via video by two members of the LaRouche PAC Policy
Committee. We have Dave Christie joining us from Seattle,
Washington; welcome, Dave. And we have Diane Sare joining us from
the greater New York City area.
        I'll just say to start off, we did have a discussion with
Lyndon and Helga LaRouche just a few hours ago. It's very clear
that we are at the intersection point of the culmination of three
very crucial initiatives that the LaRouche Movement has been
right in the center of leading for several years. Number one,
we're on the eve of the G20 summit; we have the Vladivostok
summit which is occurring; and in two weeks following that, we
have the United Nations General Assembly. It's very apparent that
the initiatives are being taken to create a new financial
architecture for the planet, around the development of the New
Silk Road. I'll just say very quickly here, if you haven't seen
it yet, there's an excellent new 20-minute video feature on the website which is about "The New Silk Road Becomes
the World Land-Bridge". It elaborates a lot of the {Executive
Intelligence Review} publication by that same title. I would say
to definitely watch that if you haven't yet.
        On the domestic front, we have a very intense campaign which
is now being escalated to reinstate Glass-Steagall; and
marshalling the forces to force that to a vote before the
Presidential elections take place. Then we have the push to
reopen a full investigation into the attacks on 9/11; with the
declassification of the 28 pages that happened, you have to
further that with the pursuit of the tens of thousands of more
pages which continue to be withheld. On that front, we are one
week away from the 15th anniversary of those horrific attacks on
9/11; and we will be seeing a series of concerts which will take
place in New York City — Diane can tell us a lot more about that
— of Mozart's {Requiem} that will be performed in the cathedral
in Brooklyn, a major church in Manhattan and elsewhere to
commemorate the victims of those attacks and to bring justice.
This is happening in conjunction with a strategic seminar which
is being sponsored in New York City on the same subject. And at
the same time, there's a powerful push to force a vote in the
House of Representatives — hopefully next week, before the
anniversary happens — on the JASTA bill (Justice against State
Sponsors of Terrorism Act). Congress is returning next week.
        As part of that push, former Senator Bob Graham was in
Washington DC the day before yesterday, at a major press
conference which he held at the National Press Club. Both Jeff
and I had the opportunity to attend that conference, and we will
be featuring some excerpts from that press conference as part of
our broadcast tonight.
        But before I get to that, I do want to start with the
discussion that we had with Mr. LaRouche just a few hours ago;
particularly on the necessity of launching an immediate
mobilization around the reinstatement of Glass-Steagall. So, in
order to introduce that subject, I'm going to read the
institutional question which we received today, which was
presented to Mr. LaRouche. I'm going to ask Jeff to elaborate a
bit on what Mr. LaRouche's comments were in response to this
question. It reads: "Mr. LaRouche, you have warned that unless
the United States Congress acts — and now in September — to
reinstate Glass-Steagall as the first step in a much larger
overhaul in economic and monetary policy, then the entire
trans-Atlantic system is headed for blow-out. Would you please
elaborate on the importance of the passage of Glass-Steagall in
the next session of Congress immediately after Labor Day?"

        JEFFREY STEINBERG: Mr. LaRouche was very blunt; he said, "If
you don't implement Glass-Steagall as the starting point for such
a total overhaul of the entire US financial and monetary system,"
and extending that obviously into Europe as well; "then an
enormous number of people are going to die. It comes down to
that." The major European banks, which are completely co-mingled
with the big Wall Street banks, are carrying trillions — perhaps
hundreds of trillions — of dollars in derivatives and
non-performing debt of all other kinds as well. They're
hopelessly bankrupt, and unless you implement Glass-Steagall and
separate out and just simply write off all of that derivatives
and other gambling debt, you have no chance whatsoever for any
kind of turnaround in the situation that we have in the US
economy right now; and similarly in Europe. Namely, that there is
a collapse of productivity; don't believe the numbers about job
creation, because the reality is that 93.5 million eligible,
working age Americans have no work. Because they've given up
trying to find a job, or they've never found a job; and therefore
have never been counted in the working force to begin with. On
top of that, a growing percentage of people are finding
themselves relegated to working part-time; sometimes a few hours
a day on several different jobs, because there are no full-time
productive jobs available in the economy. You've got a lot of
parasitic jobs; you've got a lot of other jobs that in a healthy,
growing economy would be necessary and useful. But when you've
got a collapse of production as we have in the United States and
Europe, and you put on top of that a kind of massive banking
crisis — financial bubble bigger than 2008; then you've got a
perfect storm for something that will result in mass deaths.
        Now, Glass-Steagall is the first step; it's by no means the
totality of what must be done. Mr. LaRouche has laid out the four
cardinal laws, four major initiatives that must be taken to
restore productivity; to create genuinely productive jobs. But
the starting point has to be to break up and separate out the
legitimate commercial banking functions from the speculative
activities that have completely looted the depositor base of
commercial banks since the repeal of Glass-Steagall. Both
political parties, in their platforms, have endorsed reinstating
Glass-Steagall; and this was not just simply a perfunctory thing.
There was a fight at the Republican convention among the Platform
Committee people; there was an aggressive push to force
Glass-Steagall's adoption. The same thing happened on the
Democratic side. Hillary Clinton has not publicly called for
reinstating Glass-Steagall. So, you've got both parties poised.
You have bills in both houses of Congress and a vote can and must
be taken; not after the elections, not during the lame duck
session, but during this next 2-3 week period starting Tuesday,
the 6th of September, when Congress returns that evening.
Wednesday will be the first full day that Congress is in session.
This must be one of the very first acts of this Congress during
this interim session; and it's not going to happen unless there
is a full-blown mobilization of the American people. There are
major institutions from the AFL-CIO to various civil rights
groups that are with us on this question of Glass-Steagall. But
what's required, is an absolutely focussed and tough and
laser-like intervention. And I think nothing sums that up more
clearly than what Mr. LaRouche has said repeatedly over the last
few days: Namely, if you don't pass Glass-Steagall; if you don't
intervene to make sure that Congress does it, then you may die as
a result of that.

        OGDEN: Well, I want to use as an example of the kind of
strategic leverage that is going to be required to force through
this passage of Glass-Steagall, I want to use as an example what
the LaRouche Movement was able to do by marshalling forces across
the country to force the declassification of the 28 pages.
Because it's a very similar example of the kind of widespread
upsurge in activism across the country led with this kind of
laser focus, that's going to be required right now in the coming
weeks to force the Glass-Steagall vote. So, on that note, I'd
like to introduce a short 7-minute video clip which is excerpts
from the blockbuster press conference that former Senator Bob
Graham held at the National Press Club this past Wednesday. We
can invite you to watch the full press conference, which is
available on the LaRouche PAC YouTube channel. For right now, I'd
like to introduce that, and then use that to open up a broader
discussion here.

FORMER SEN. BOB GRAHAM: Thank you very much, Mr. Burr; and thank
you for the opportunity to come back to the National Press Club.
        As has been said, on July 15th, after some 14 years, the
chapter of 28 pages from the final Report of the Congressional
Joint Inquiry into 9/11 was released. This was removing the cork
from the bottle; but there is a significant amount of information
which, like the 28 pages, has been withheld. It was necessary to
get this first block of material to the public in order to build
the support that will be necessary for the balance of the
material to flowâ¦.
        Now that the bottle is open, what is likely to pour forth?
        I think there are three tasks in which the liquid will flow.
One is, the 28 pages were written in the Fall of 2002, but were
not — in a number of instances — completed. We were under a
mandate to submit our final report before the end of that session
of Congress; which meant by the end of December of 2002. There
were some issues that have not been taken fully to ground. As an
example, the role of Prince Bandar, the long Saudi ambassador to
the United States. In the 28 pages, it is disclosed that in the
book of Abu Zabadeh[ph], one of Osama bin Laden's closest
operatives, were the telephone numbers — which were otherwise
unavailable — to Bandar's mansion in Aspen, and to his bodyguard
here in Washington. There was also information about the fact
that both he and his wife had been involved in money transfers
which appeared to go to the mentors and protectors of the three
hijackers in San Diego. Was that where that money flow ended; or
did it end up supporting the hijackers? That's the kind of
questions which were raised in the 28 pages; but I hope that we
will now get information to close those loopsâ¦.

        ??: Senator Graham, thanks and congratulations for what
you're doing in insisting that the facts on 9/11 come out. As you
pointed out, and as the media pointed out, the 28 pages and
credible media reporting that there were meetings, there were
facts here; not just myths and wonderings, but facts. In San
Diego, the meetings by the Saudi Director of Religious Affairs
with at least three of the hijackers; and 15 of the 19 hijackers
were from Saudi Arabia. There was money paid from Prince Bandar's
account. Those are the facts; but it just seems that the American
policy is to hide and to obfuscate. Why? Is it a matter of
Democrats and Republicans alike just want to pander to Saudi
Arabia? What I don't understand is the reason why we don't just
take the facts and move from there; because these are the facts.

        GRAHAM: No, this is not a partisan issue. In fact, in the
House, the effort to pass this JASTA legislation that will modify
the sovereign immunity defense, and prior to that, a resolution
urging the President to release the 28 pages, was led by a
Republican, Walter Jones from North Carolina, and a Democrat,
Stephen Lynch from Massachusetts. This has had strong bipartisan
support. If anything, it's more of an Executive Branch versus the
people of America; it's been the Executive Branch through not
only Justice and State, but Treasury and the intelligence
agencies, that have largely been the barrier to allowing this
information to be known by the American people. And let the
American people then form a judgment. What do they think we ought
to be doing in this relationship with Saudi Arabia?

        STEINBERG: Jeff Steinberg; {Executive Intelligence Review}.
Senator, former Navy Secretary John Lehman, who was a
commissioner on the 9/11 Commission, told "60 Minutes" back in
April that there really never was a complete investigation by the
9/11 Commission; and you've already said that the Joint Inquiry
was limited by time and resources. Now, 15 years later, we have
the 28 pages. As you just indicated, there's lots of facts in
there. There was a 47-page report written at the beginning of the
9/11 Commission by the two people on your staff who were
following up on the Saudi leads. They listed 22 Saudi officials
who had direct contacts with just the San Diego hijackers. What
do you envision as the next step? Can there be a new
investigation without the time restrictions and other problems?
Do you support that? How would you envision moving forward from
here in addition to the lawsuit which we do hope will be
reinstated against the Saudis for discovery?

        GRAHAM: In addition to the request to the National Archives,
who are the custodians of the 9/11 papers, to release those
sections of its report which have been withheld which relate to
following up to the leads which are in the 28 pages. So, we could
ask, in those pages, is there a chapter about Prince Bandar that
pursues the leads that were outlined in the 28 pages? Second,
will have to be more Freedom of Information Act with the FBI and
the CIA. Another thing would be the President; I can understand
why George Bush acted the way he did. I cannot understand why
Barack Obama is acting the way he has. This information is going
to be known; whether it's in 2016, or 2026, or '36, or '46, it
will — like the Pentagon Papers and all these other old scandals
— eventually it's going to come out. I think the legacy of
Barack Obama is going to be stained when the people recognize how
much information was under his control, that he made the
executive decision to continue to restrict from the American
people. So, those are, I think, the principal levers; they all
eventually come to the American people. The American people care
about knowing what their government did in this particularly
egregious action; and if so, will they put enough political
pressure? The most immediate thing is to contact your member of
Congress and urge he or she to vote for JASTA. That bill has had
a roller coaster existence over the last four or five years; it
seems to be closer to reaching its destination today than at any
time during that long period. The key is going to be, will the
House take it up? That's where the pressure needs to be until
that important task is accomplishedâ¦.
        What I think are the most likely three directions after the
28 pages are: One, following up on the leads that were in the 28
pages; such as the role of the then-Saudi Ambassador to the
United States, Prince Bandar. Second, there's been information
developed since the 28 pages were written in the Fall of 2002;
such as the existence of this relationship between a prominent
Saudi family, Mohammed Atta and two of his compatriots in
Sarasota, Florida. Then third, the litigation that is being
frustrated by the sovereign immunity defense; which the Kingdom
of Saudi Arabia has been raising. Those are, I think, the three
major channels in which we will get additional information on the
relationship between Saudi Arabia and the 19 hijackers. The
report, I think, made a case that an investigator reading what
Prince Bandar had done, would say, "I want to pursue this
further." The question is, were those leads pursued? And if so,
to what end? I hope what we'll find is that yes, they were
pursued; and here are investigative reports that carry this case
to its conclusion.

        OGDEN: So, as you could see, yours truly Jeff Steinberg was
on hand to ask Senator Graham a question; and Senator Graham's
emphasis, which he repeatedly came back to, was to open up the
file on Prince Bandar, the Saudi ambassador. So Jeff, maybe you
want to elaborate a little bit more on where this investigation
needs to go.

        STEINBERG: Well, I think Senator Graham was very clear that
there are 80,000 pages of documents that the FBI has acknowledged
belatedly and begrudgingly exist in Sarasota, Florida. I'm sure
that that was a small fraction of the documents down there, as
Senator Graham said, 13 of the 19 hijackers, at one point or
another, were based in Florida before the attack. Paterson, New
Jersey was another center where the hijackers were living and
training for a period of time. Falls Church, Virginia was both a
place where a number of them were present for a while, but it was
a convergence point; a kind of a staging area. There was a
confirmed report that a high-ranking Saudi minister was at the
same hotel in Falls Church, Virginia as a group of the hijackers
the night before the hijacking. So, there are many leads.
Undoubtedly, between the FBI, the CIA, the National Security
Agency, there's an alphabet soup of 16 intelligence agencies that
undoubtedly have millions and millions of pages of undisclosed
        I think one of the most crucial things — and again, Senator
Graham was very clear on this — the most aggressive and
effective form of forcing out new information on what really
happened is by having the Saudi monarchy reinstated in the
lawsuit. Meaning that the JASTA bill has to pass the House; it
has to pass by a veto-proof majority. Once again, we're back to
the same question: Are you, the American people, going to stand
up and fight for something that's urgently needed? Or, are you
going to treat democracy as a spectator sport? If you choose the
latter, then the consequences are going to be more of the same
and worse. I think that the fact that Senator Graham focussed on
further disclosure — as he said, the bottle is uncorked; but the
contents have been barely trickled out. There's an enormous
amount more that has to be done; and of course, next weekend is
the 15th anniversary of the initial 9/11 attacks. Let's not
forget, it's the fourth anniversary of the second 9/11 attack in
Benghazi in 2012. That's not only a very relevant issue in terms
of the consequences of the original cover-up of the Saudi
involvement, but it's a very immediate and intensive issue
related to the Presidential elections in the US. We've got to be
fairly blunt about that. The cover-up of Benghazi is part of the
continuation of the cover-up of the Saudi role in the original
9/11 attack.

OGDEN: Well, Diane, you're right in the middle obviously of
putting together the commemorative anniversary celebrations and
the seminar, and just leading the activism there in New York
City. So, maybe you can just pick up from here.

        DIANE SARE: Well, I'd like to actually take a step back;
because one of the things that Senator Graham brought up about
why this was so important. He said there were three reasons: One
is the question of justice for the family members of the people
who were killed; Two, a somewhat obvious question, which is the
question of security. If we don't root out these networks,
they're there to be used repeatedly. And three, which I think is
really important and cannot be overstated, which is the question
of whether people trust their government. Because once the
population of the United States no longer trusts the government,
which is almost where we are right now, then you lose the
republic. Our republic, going back to the conception of Nicholas
of Cusa and {Concordantia Catholica}, depends on this question of
the consent of the governed. If you don't trust your government,
you will not consent to have it representing you. What Mr.
LaRouche said in the last days, is what we've seen between the
breakthrough that was driven by our work, and then Congressmen
Jones and Lynch virtually threatening — not exactly in those
words — but saying we know that we are immune if we read this
into the record; and what's moving on Glass-Steagall in terms of
the party platforms, is that these Congressmen are beginning to
be forced to represent their populations.
        I would put this in an international context, because what
you have coming up with the Vladivostok meetings going on right
now, and the G20; the trans-Atlantic system is completely
bankrupt. There is nothing Obama and the current configuration,
the European Central Bank, what are they offering to the world?
Negative interest rates? Keep your money with us, and we'll make
you pay! In other words, there is nothing that they can do; but
what you have with Russia and China. China's work — which people
who are following our website will have seen the show on
Wednesday; the New Paradigm show on the question of the far side
of the Moon, or the talk Thursday night. There is an entire
universe — we'll start with the Solar System — which is opening
up, which this collaboration in Asia has to offer. What the
Chinese have done is, they're hosting the G20 meeting, and
they're making President Putin the guest of honor. Then they're
having President al-Sisi as another honored figure at this
meeting. What is Obama's response? He thinks he's going to go
there and somehow push the Trans-Pacific Partnership; which is
bound to be a complete flop, a non-starter. The Russians made
very clear in an interview in Xinhua going into this meeting,
that Moscow and Beijing need Washington as a partner. I found
that somewhat — it made me happy as an American, because I think
the US should be a partner in this. Also, paradoxical. Then the
person who was interviewed, said Washington can be a complex and
unpredictable partner.
        So, I would say that our job as Americans — in a sense —
we've been given a mission that other very important leaders are
saying that the United States is wanted as a valued partner in
this New Paradigm. It is for us to deliver that by straightening
out this criminal regime that we have. Part of what we saw with
9/11 is that the cover-up has gone on through two
administrations; that Obama has been not only complicit in this,
but with his policies in the region, has contributed to the
growth of ISIS, the growth of al-Qaeda, their ability to recruit.
We've lost over these last years, almost 4500 soldiers in Iraq,
which is now known to be a complete lie and a fraud; that's what
came out of the Chilcot Inquiry. The question of 9/11, therefore,
becomes will we get justice? And justice doesn't mean revenge or
retribution; it means will we restore our nation to something
which someone would want to give their consent to be governed by
this government?
        I think when you look at the question of Mozart, which is
the {Requiem} which will be performed, which our chorus is
participating in and working on; Mozart's commitment was that. He
was a supporter of the American Revolution; he was a supporter of
the ideas of creating a republic, and he was murdered. His work
was eliminated; his contribution, what he could have done had he
lived longer. The piece has lived on because it has a quality
which is immortal; which actually embodies the question of human
creativity. What we're seeing here in response is that the people
who are engaged in this are developing a certain kind of passion
which probably was always in them. But because they have a chance
to participate in something which is going to be so profound and
so beautiful, and it has a mission in the real world, they are
becoming passionate again; which is I think is something that's
been very lacking. Everyone can think of conversations that
you've had with your friends and neighbors about the upcoming
election or almost anything; and the population has become
passionless, which is why people don't act when they should or
when they can.
        So, I have a sense that we really are on the brink of a
major breakthrough that the United States will be a part of; even
if many people in the United States don't fully appreciate why it
is here and how they came to be involved in it.

        OGDEN: Absolutely! I would just echo exactly what you just
said, Diane. In his speech at the Press Club, Senator Graham
quoted the often-quoted anecdote from Ben Franklin at the
Philadelphia Constitutional Convention; when the woman asked,
"What have you given us?" And he said, "A republic, if you can
keep it." The passion that Senator Graham has exhibited around
this, sustaining his role and his fight for 15 years for the
declassification of these documents; where does this passion come
from? Even though the FBI tried to intimidate him personally, and
told him to back down; basically "Get a life!" they said. Senator
Graham has refused to back down, because he sees this — as well
it should be seen — as an existential question for the survival
of the American republic. Not only from justice and the
standpoint of national security, but the very survival of our
nation as a republican form of government. I would assert that
we're looking at exactly the same kind of existential question
when it comes to the restoration of Glass-Steagall. The magnitude
of the implosion of the trans-Atlantic system that we are about
to see — if this thing came down without the necessary
leadership in place around the restoration of Glass-Steagall and
otherwise, to protect the American people from the fall-out from
that kind of financial crisis — this republic would not survive.
        The opportunity is there at our fingertips to join the new
financial architecture and to create the kinds of productive
surges in growth that this nation has never before seen; that
would surpass even what we achieved during FDR's New Deal, if we
were to join the New Silk Road which is being led right now by
China and others. So, it's that same kind of passion which needs
to be applied to that question as well.

DAVE CHRISTIE: Just to add, because I think the other side of
this is what Mr. LaRouche has identified that we're at a point
now where the old concept of sovereignty from the standpoint of
geopolitics; that the moves that are being made in the world by
the leadership of Russia, China, and India, are obviously the
echo of what Mr. LaRouche and his wife Helga have put on the
table for over a 40-year period. The discussion of the new
financial architecture really began when Mr. LaRouche proposed
the International Development Bank; his proposals for a New
Bretton Woods conference, starting in the '90s. That was picked
up by Nestor Kirchner of Argentina. Putin was actually discussing
this concept as well, of the new financial architecture, in the
early 2000s. So clearly, the role of the LaRouches is at the
forefront of this New Paradigm and the potential for that to come
into existence. What Mr. LaRouche has stressed is that we're
going to move beyond the old nation-state system. That doesn't
mean we're going to cease to have nations; but rather, the first
and foremost thought will be of mankind viewing itself from the
common aims of mankind. That humanity will be thought of first. I
think that's what we're seeing with the implications of the New
Silk Road policy and the new financial architecture; it is just
simply to facilitate the expansion of this concept.
        In that light, I think it's important that {The Hindu} just
had an interview with Helga Zepp-LaRouche; and in the coverage of
that article, they cite the question of the Bering Strait, which
is the tunnel underneath the Bering Strait to link Eurasia with
North America. I think that's relevant to the ongoing discussion
in Vladivostok; because clearly the ability for Japan, for Korea,
for China and Russia to come together in this part of the world,
represents an amazing potential. Just think of the scientific and
technological potentials of those nations: China's space program;
Russia's space capabilities; the high-tech capabilities of Japan
and Korea. It really represents a very profound potential; and
when you begin discussing the development of the Siberia region,
the Far East region, you're building up that economic potential
right up to the doorstep of the Bering Strait. So, I think that's
obviously reflected in this {Hindu} article which interviews
Helga Zepp-LaRouche and her call to make the New Silk Road become
the World Land-Bridge; which is actually the title of that
        So, I think the importance of what Diane referenced — this
idea of the consent of the governed — in a sense, these
discussions that are going on this weekend with the Vladivostok
conference, the G20 conference, that is what is actually being
discussed. As the Europeans are complaining about Obama, they're
trying to ram the TTIP and the TPP down the throats of the
Europeans; where prominent leadership of Germany and France are
saying, "Wait a second. Aren't we going to be involved in any
kind of discussion about this? Is this a democratic process?" But
of course, for Obama and the imperial interests that control him,
there's no discussion; no democratic process. I think that's
actually what is on the table. Just to come back to it, there's
no other place than space, which is perhaps the greatest
reflection of the end of the idea of the old system of
nation-state. There are no nation-states in space.
        We were discussing earlier the fact that this SpaceX rocket
just blew up; the great privatized space program that we're now
going to have after Obama dismantled NASA. It turns out that its
payload was a satellite launched by Facebook to run broad band in
Africa. This is the level of technology that we have in the
United States, or that we're concerned about. Whereas, if you
look at what China's doing with the far side of the Moon, look at
this collaborative effort; that can be the way to bring Asians on
this planet together to actually realize the common aims of

        OGDEN: If you go back to the inaugural speech that John F
Kennedy made in 1961, when he was elected President; that was
obviously the focus of a previous generation of this country. He
said, we must move beyond the age of war; because all-out war is
not conceivable anymore in the age of nuclear weapons. This would
lead to the extermination of not just one country or another, but
the entirety of the human race. Instead, what we must do, is move
beyond the age of war to an age where nations are collaborating
to achieve the common aims of mankind. He said, our mission must
be to explore the stars, to conquer the deserts, to cure poverty
and disease, and to bring an end to the age of war itself.
        When you look back one year at the speeches that Vladimir
Putin and Xi Jinping made at the United Nations General Assembly
meeting in New York, that was exactly what the subject matter
was. It was the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II, and
the framework that was put together by Franklin Roosevelt after
that war before he died, was intended to be a framework of
international relations based on bringing the New Deal, bringing
the awesome achievements that the United States had accomplished
under the American System to the rest of the world. And, bringing
an end to imperialism and colonialism once and for all. So, they
harkened back to that framework in which the United Nations was
originally conceived, and said this must be the foundation of the
paradigm going forward. Immediately after those speeches at the
United Nations General Assembly, Helga LaRouche issued a call for
a new security architecture for the planet. If you look at how
much has changed just over the past one year, in terms of what
now exists in actuality in those terms; that new security
architecture, the new economic architecture, this new
international order has now begun to coalesce.
        As Diane was saying, it's incumbent on the American people
to impress upon yourself how rapidly the situation in this
country could change, if the necessary steps are taken in order
to bring the United States into that new framework. If you bring
yourself outwards by a couple of months or one year from the
present date, and look at how much has changed since that
previous United Nations General Assembly meeting; you can see how
rapidly things could change for the better. I know that's been
Helga's assertion over and over again. The future is so close;
it's at your fingertips. It would be so easy to achieve. But
there are bold actions that must be taken in the United States;
and absolutely that starts in the month of September with the
convening of an immediate vote on Glass-Steagall, and ramming
that through the United States Congress.

        STEINBERG: I think that Mr. LaRouche has emphasized
repeatedly that winning this fight in the United States,
basically restoring the United States to its historical tradition
— which was an anti-colonial, anti-imperial, specifically
anti-British Empire nation that came into existence through a
struggle against all those principles of empire that have been
gradually more and more adopted by the last two administrations;
by the Bush 43 administration and equally so if not even more so
by Obama. The fact of the matter is, that we can at this point —
as the 28 pages fight indicated, as the momentum for
Glass-Steagall indicates — we can win this fight in the United
States; but it's got to be done now, and it's got to be done in a
timely fashion where people realize that there are critical
flanking battles that must be fought. Many other things are
merely irrelevant or distractions; and should just be ignored. We
win the fight on Glass-Steagall; we win the fight on the full
exposure of the Saudi 9/11, because that is really a
British-Saudi story that goes deep into our own national security
structures. So, these are the things that are going to be
measured in the next immediate days and weeks ahead. It has
virtually nothing to do with the election show that's going to be
more and more of a dominant factor.
        We've got to win this fight for Glass-Steagall; we've got to
win the JASTA fight. Those things can be won in the Congress in
the immediate several weeks ahead of us. That's going to take an
enormous mobilization, a focussed mobilization of the American
people. It means a lot of institutions that can be dragged in
many different directions, have to have the same kind of laser
focus that Mr. LaRouche is calling for and demanding of our own
forces. AFL-CIO actively involved in Glass-Steagall. Now is the
moment to pull out all of the stops and force the issue; because
Glass-Steagall is merely the starting point. It begs the issue of
a national system of credit; of national banking; of establishing
priority projects. Including, first and foremost, reviving NASA;
reviving our government-backed space program. Because these are
the things that are the only way that you're going to revive real
productivity in the US economy, given how far down it's sunk

OGDEN: I would just say one thing. Those two subjects — the
forcing of the reopening of the 9/11 investigation and the
immediate mobilization around Glass-Steagall — these are
featured in this week's edition of {The Hamiltonian}; which is
hitting the streets today. That is a direct focus in terms of
activism that everybody needs to be involved in, is the
saturation of New York City, specifically with this weekly
publication that is now coming out — {The Hamiltonian}. So,
maybe before we conclude this broadcast, Diane, you can give us a
quick update on how that's changing the situation on the ground
in New York; and what people have to do between now and next
weekend in order to maximize the effect of the events that are
coming up in a week.

        SARE: I would say that people should certainly contact the
Manhattan Project office about coming to our meeting tomorrow in
Manhattan; where people can pick up copies of {The Hamiltonian}
and can join us on the distributions. We've been getting them out
all over the city and in the neighboring boroughs, and getting a
very favorable response. It's amazing; this one we're printing
now is only the fourth issue, but we already clearly have a
following of people saying, "Do you have the next one?" I think
it's also shaping the perception of what people are willing to
say. It may have been a coincidence, I don't know, that we ran
our first issue on Hillary Clinton as a stooge for Obama's wars
and Wall Street; and that week, Maureen Dowd came out with her
column on Hillary Clinton as the pro-war perfect replacement for
Dick Cheney was the idea. As we've seen in the past, there are
certain things that we take the point on, and we change what
people are allowed to discuss. Like when Mr. LaRouche, years ago
during Cheney and Bush, talked about Leo Strauss; and we produced
a series of reports — ultimately a book — on this policy of
lying and ramming it down people's throats as a way of
terrorizing the population to go along with fascism. The next
things you knew, the {New York Times} was running this big
article about Leo Strauss, who I'm sure most people had never
heard of until we did this.
        If you go back to what happened with the 28 pages, Obama had
absolutely no intention to ever release those pages. We created a
situation where he could not not release them; he had to do it.
Therefore, people should take heart in a certain way, that what
you used to consider as the powers that be, or the things that
are unmovable, or what can't be changed; that is no longer the
case. Now is really the moment to pick up — Jeff said it clearly
— the American Constitution, Alexander Hamilton; what our nation
is actually supposed to represent in the world. Now is the moment
for Americans to find their guts and stand up on their hind legs
and demand that nothing lower than that standard is going to be
tolerated by us at this point.

        OGDEN: Absolutely. So, I would encourage everybody to please
contact the New York office if you're in the area, or if you can
travel there. There's going to be a series of events that you can
participate in over the next week; and it's very significant. If
you have not yet, please subscribe to our YouTube channel, but
also, watch the two latest features that have been posted on the
LaRouche PAC YouTube channel and the LaRouche PAC website. As I
mentioned, the full press conference that Bob Graham delivered at
the National Press Club is available; the short address of that
is We'll put that in the description
of this video here today. Also, the 20-minute video called "The
New Silk Road Becomes the World Land-Bridge: a Tour"; which is
very well-composed overview of exactly what the New Paradigm and
the new economic architecture looks like. Again, we'll put the
URL of that video in the description as well.
        So, thank you very much for joining us here today. I think
this was a very important discussion. Please stay tuned to Thank you very much; good night.

Valg i USA: Det er det, du gør i dag
– og ikke den 8. november – der tæller!

Torsdag, 1. september 2016 (Leder) – En ny, fredelig verdensorden, helliget videnskabeligt fremskridt, reel økonomisk fremgang og en gennemført indsats for udforskning af rummet, bliver nu sammenvævet i en række af i alt fire, internationale topmøder i løbet af månederne september og oktober. Alle fire topmøder komplementerer hinanden, men den vigtigste af dem er topmødet mellem Gruppen af 20, der finder sted den 4.-5. september i Kina. Hvis amerikanere nu, i september, viser tilstrækkelig intelligens og det fornødne mod til at ryste Obamas og hans liges døende system af sig, kan USA begynde at genoplive vores nations moralitet, og med denne, vores videnskab og industri. For dem, der er gamle nok til at huske det, vil virkningen være lig den, der kun blev os lovet gennem den myrdede John F. Kennedys kortvarige regering, der bragte os ud i rummet og til Månen, hvor der siden 1969 har været et mindeplade med ordene, »Vi kom i fred for hele menneskeheden«.

Vi må tilbage til Månen! Vi vil komme tilbage! Månen er den uerstattelige port til Solsystemet, og hinsides dette.

Den stimulus, som John Kennedy gav den amerikanske økonomi i løbet af de få, korte måneder, han fik lov at tjene, var ikke fuldstændigt opbrugt før starten af 1970’erne. Nu er det Barack Obama, der endelig har aflivet alt, hvad der var tilbage af den amerikanske økonomi, ved at nedlukke vores rumprogram. Og den fakkel, som John Kennedy kastede, da han blev dræbt, er blevet samlet op af – Vladimir Putin! Tilsammen med Kinas præsident, Xi Jinping, der står for at skulle åbne topmødet for Gruppen af 20.

Det, som Rusland og Kina tilbyder os, er på den ene side et medlemskab af det udstrakte, voksende eurasiske system med indbyrdes forbunden infrastruktur og en voksende, videnskabsbaseret økonomi. Dette koncept har Lyndon og Helga Zepp-LaRouche været forkæmpere for fra begyndelsen af 1980’erne. Det er nu blevet en realitet som Kinas politik for Den nye Silkevej, der blev vedtaget i 2013, ved navn »Ét bælte, én vej«.

Den anden, komplementære del af deres tilbud er det, der kaldes en »Ny finansiel arkitektur«. Det nuværende finanssystem, der er dømt til undergang, befinder sig på randen af endnu en nedsmeltning, som vil kvæle midlerne til livets opretholdelse i hele det transatlantiske område. Økonomisk udvikling baseret på videnskab, udforskning af rummet og »infrastruktur-udviklingskorridorer«, kræver, at vi vender tilbage til det finanssystem, som blev opfundet af Alexander Hamilton, og som Abraham Lincoln og Franklin Roosevelt senere også vendte tilbage til.

Vi må omgående gribe til handling nu for at sikre, at de spekulative derivaters finansielle fordringer, som på verdensplan er evalueret til 2 billard dollars, ikke pludseligt kollapser og knuser os omgående, sådan, som det truede med at ske allerede i 2007-08. Dette kræver den omgående tilbagevenden til Franklin Roosevelts Glass/Steagall-lov, for at adskille normal, kommerciel bankvirksomhed fra hasardspilsspekulation, mens der endnu er tid. Der er fremsat lovforslag om at genoplive Glass-Steagall, med mange sponsorer fra begge partier, i begge Kongreshuse. Hvad er det, vore kongresmedlemmer og senatorer foretager sig? Har de nogen som helst idé om, hvor mange, der vil dø i vores befolkning, hvis disse vitale beskyttelsesforanstaltninger yderligere udsættes?

Hvis man venter med at handle til den 8. november, vil det sandsynligvis være for sent. Informer dig og handl i dag, og opsøg og tag kontakt med alle andre, der vil handle sammen med os. Verdens største nationers regeringer appellerer til os om at gøre dette, og de har ret.    

Foto: Præsident John F. Kennedy taler foran Kongressen den 25. maj 1961, hvor han erklærer, »… Jeg mener, at denne nation bør forpligte sig til, før udgangen af dette årti, at fuldføre det mål, at landsætte en mand på Månen og bringe ham sikkert tilbage til Jorden«.