Sammen med hvilket Tyskland kan Europa få en fremtid?

19. juli 2016 (Leder) – I de seneste to uger har vi – som en uopsættelig aktion, der skal gennemføres nu, i denne økonomiske og kulturelle krise – fremlagt Lyndon og Helga LaRouches forslag til at redde Deutsche Bank fra overhængende bankerot, og til at afværge krig. Fordi Tysklands økonomi er den eneste, der har et produktivt potentiale til at redde vraget af Europa ved at koble sig til Kinas storslåede projekt for den Nye Silkevej til udvikling af Eurasien, Mellemøsten og Afrika.

I modsat fald får vi krig med Kina, eller med Rusland. Obamas Hvide Hus forsøger støt og roligt at fremprovokere krigskonfrontationer med både Rusland og Kina og kræver, at Europa fremmer disse provokationer gennem NATO. Hvis terrorsplinterne fra Obamas krige i Mellemøsten og Libyen er i færd med at bombe Europa ind i en tilstand af chok, så har de hans sympati, så længe, de fortsat går med i militære konfrontationer med Rusland og Kina. Hillary Clinton er lige så fast besluttet på denne krigspolitik.

Der er, især efter Brexit, ingen tvivl om, at Tyskland er Europas fremtid. Men hvis det er Angela Merkels og Wolfgang Schäubles Tyskland, forfalsket med det endnu mere krigeriske Grønne Parti, så får vi verdenskrig.

Derfor foreslog hr. og fr. LaRouche: Det må være Tyskland i Alfred Herrhausens ånd, den myrdede leder af den engang produktive, men nu elendige og kriminelle kæmpe, Deutsche Bank. Mere specifikt den Alfred Herrhausen, der i 1989 var i færd med at lancere en udviklingsbank til at løfte Polen og det sovjetiske Østeuropa økonomisk, mens Sovjetunionen kollapsede – og han blev myrdet.

Herrhausens plan dengang for Deutsche Bank og Tyskland, var et paradigme for, hvad Tyskland atter kan blive, såvel som også for Europas fremtid nu.

Det transatlantiske banksystem og finansielle system er ved at falde fra hinanden. Det er offer for sine egne medlemmer, de City of London-centrerede europæiske storbanker og Wall Street-storbankerne, der har knust de reelle, produktive økonomier under sig i løbet af årtiers globalisering. Det, der udløser det umiddelbart forestående krak, er ikke simplet hen italienske bankers dårlige lån, eller ejendomsfonde i London, der lukker, eller at de store tyske og schweiziske banker er i vanskeligheder, og ikke engang ECB’s og Federal Reserves sindssyge politik; men derimod ødelæggelsen af de underliggende økonomiers produktivitet hen over årtier, mens kasinoet voksede på toppen af dem.

Hvis man skal genkapitalisere de fallerede storbanker i Europa, må de tvinges til at afskrive deres kasinoer som totale tab og genvedtage de produktive formål, som Herrhausens lederskab af Deutsche Bank var indbegrebet af. Så kan man skabe statskreditter på samme måde, som Kina har været alene om at gøre i dette århundrede, til den form for projekter, der genopliver menneskers og økonomiers produktivitet.

I løbet af de to uger, hvor vi har fremlagt dette uopsættelige forslag fra LaRouche, har der været betydningsfulde gennembrud i USA. »Det saudiske kapitel« af 11. september-historien er blevet tvunget offentliggjort.

En genindførelse af Glass-Steagall er inkorporeret i valgplatformene hos både Demokrater og Republikanere.

Men den rette måde at kæmpe for en Glass/Steagall-reorganisering af bankerne på, er ved at bruge den »vægtstang«, som er LaRouches forslag. Så bliver denne kamp en kamp for Europas, og også USA’s, fremtid. 



Der findes ingen symbolske løsninger
– hvis man ikke skaber et nyt finansielt
system nu, betyder det krig

19. juli 2016 (Leder) – Det europæiske lederskab er i panik over banksystemets hastige kollaps. Italien skyder skylden på Tyskland og Deutsche Bank, Tyskland skyder skylden på Italien, mens Wall Street klager over, at europæerne undergraver det falske »opsving«. Dette er farligt og psykotisk nonsens. Vi er i færd med at opleve sammenbruddet af hele det transatlantiske banksystem og ikke blot dele af det, og der findes ingen anden løsning end omgående at skabe love i Europa og USA, der muliggør en ny finansiel og økonomisk orden efter Hamiltons principper. Derivat-spillegælden på $2 billarder (2000 milliarder, -red.) må afskrives, og det kommercielle banksystem genkapitaliseres, så det kan udføre sit legitime job, som er at kanalisere kredit ind i en genopbygning af verdensøkonomien.

Den kendsgerning, at både det Republikanske og det Demokratiske parti har lagt en vedtagelse af Glass-Steagall ind i deres valgplatform, har sendt Wall Street ud i hysteriske raserianfald, skrækslagne, som Barrons rapporterer, over, »at der er en ikke-vedkendt risiko for, at Glass-Stegall kunne blive genindført i 2017 eller 2018, uanset, hvem der vinder«.  Kendsgerningen er, at et momentum for Glass-Steagall ikke kommer fra de allerede fallerede kandidater eller de svigtende partier, som de repræsenterer, men fra et skifte i befolkningens tankegang, et skifte, der går i retning af LaRouche-bevægelsens årtier lange kamp for Glass-Steagall.

Det samme gælder frigivelsen af de 28 sider om den saudiske rolle i international terrorisme, en kamp, som LaRouche-bevægelsen har anført. Befolkningen er blevet lullet i søvn om faren ved Bush’ og Obamas åbenlyse støtte til terrorister for at opnå deres mål om »regimeskifte«, og ligeledes om virkeligheden omkring den økonomiske disintegration af hele det vestlige finansielle system under en kasino-bankpraksis. Nu, hvor ingen af delene kan mørklægges, er sandheden endelig synlig for offentligheden.

Som Helga Zepp-LaRouches kriseerklæring fastlægger om Deutsche Banks overhængende kollaps, så må der ske en »omgående genorientering af banken, tilbage til den tradition, der under Alfred Herrhausens lederskab var fremherskende indtil 1989«.  Fr. LaRouche understregede i mandags, at Herrhausen blev myrdet i 1989, fordi han responderede til det dengang igangværende kollaps af Sovjetunionen med en ny politik, baseret på et højere koncept om mennesket og menneskehedens fælles mål. Han fremsatte forslag til en prompte mobilisering af de vestlige økonomier for at lancere en infrastruktur- og industrigenopbygning af Polen, og med tiden af hele Eurasien – præcis, som Lyndon LaRouche havde identificeret det i sin berømte pressekonference, holdt på Kempinski Hotel i Berlin, oktober 1988.

Det Britiske Imperium og dets vasaller kunne ikke tolerere dette nye paradigme, og, med Herrhausens fjernelse, lancerede de transformationen af Europa til et centraliseret diktatur under Maastrichttraktaten fra 1992, under et banksystem, der satte profitmaksimering gennem spekulation over menneskelig udvikling, samtidig med, at man fremprovokerede evindelige krige. Denne proces har nu lagt hele systemet i ruiner.

Lyndon LaRouche gentog i dag, at Tyskland, USA og alle andre vestlige nationer omgående må skabe ny lovgivning for at ændre systemet – hele systemet – tilbage til en bankpraksis efter Hamiltons principper, sådan, som Herrhausen praktiserede det, og de må øjeblikkeligt begynde at skabe kredit op til det transatlantiske områdes nationale økonomiers fulde bæreevne.

Mens farerne stadig mangfoldigføres – for terrorisme, krig og finansielt kollaps – så mangfoldiggøres gennembruddene ligeledes, som med Glass-Steagall og de 28 sider. Med Kina og Rusland, der fører verden imod et nyt paradigme baseret på global udvikling og samarbejde imod terrorisme, er tiden nu inde til at få USA til at vende tilbage til sine rødder i Hamiltons principper, og til at slutte sig til vore naturlige allierede, Rusland og Kina, som vi gjorde, da vi besejrede fascismen i Anden Verdenskrig, og som vi også må gøre for at besejre den nye fascisme, der i dag kommer fra City of London og Wall Street.


»Go Fly a Kite!«
’Helikopterpenge-syndromet’ spreder sig
blandt traumatiserede bankierer

16. juli 2016 – Citigroups cheføkonom Willem Buiter sagde på fuldstændig sindssyg vis til Bloomberg den 15. juli, at en »win-win«-politik for Europas centralbanker ville være udstedelsen af helikopterpenge. Buiter gjorde det klart, at han mener den fulde Weimarregerings udstedelse af »evighedsobligationer« til den Europæiske Centralbank, obligationer, der ikke alene ikke har renter, men heller ingen tilbagebetaling af hovedstolen, nogensinde; ECB trykker tilsvarende kontanter og anbringer dem i statslige konti. Dette er potentielt set ubegrænset – som Zimbabwe også opdagede for nylig – især, eftersom Buiter siger, at, mens ECB gør dette, bør de europæiske regeringer afskrive noget af deres gæld.

»Der er indlysende win-win-situationer, som vi kan få«, citeres Buiter. »En gældsomlægning hvis muligt … og så en budgetstimulus med et veldefineret mål, der sluttelig skal finansieres gennem ECB, folkets helikopterpenge. I et land som Tyskland, hvor der er behov for investering i infrastruktur, annoncerer og gennemfører regeringen et storstilet investeringsprogram« og udsteder evigheds-obligationer »til centralbanken, der skaber det om til penge«, sagde Buiter.

Præsident for den amerikanske centralbank, Federal Reserve, i delstaten Cleveland, Loretta Mester, befandt sig i et interview den 12. juli under den samme vrangforestilling: »Vi vurderer hele tiden værktøjer, som vi kan anvende«, sagde Mester til Australiens ABC. »I USA har vi brugt kvantitativ lempelse (pengetrykning), og jeg mener, at det har bevist sit værd. Så det er min anskuelse, at helikopterpenge bliver en slags næste skridt, hvis vi nogen sinde skulle finde os selv i en situation, hvor vi ønskede at være mere imødekommende.«

Og den tidligere vicedirektør i Federal Reserves bestyrelse Joseph Gagnon citeres for den mest fatale udtalelse: »Centralbanker og regeringer er faktisk én og samme ting.«

EIR’s stiftende redaktør Lyndon LaRouche satte dette på sin rette plads. »Disse vild-øjede planer«, sagde LaRouche, »er svindelnumre i en grad, hvor de udelukkende kan forfølges gennem at føre krig. Der er simpelt hen ingen profit i banksystemet nu, og ingen produktivitet. Det kommer der heller ikke, før vi udrenser dem og starter på en frisk. Luk disse svindelforetagender ned – fjern dem. Erklær dem bankerot. Så kan man komme ind med kredit til et nyt system, der bygger på vækst.«

Det er den skarpe vending i politikken, som LaRouche har foreslået omkring tilfældet med Deutsche Banks krav om bailout – genkapitaliser i stedet banken på basis af en tilbagevenden til bankens tidligere formand Alfred Herrhausens politik for udvikling.

Opkomsten af nazismen på baggrund af Tysklands periode med hyperinflation/kollaps illustrerer LaRouches pointe med, at sådanne »vild-øjede planer« som helikopterpenge, blandt stormagter forfølges »udelukkende gennem at føre krig«.

Foto: ’Go Fly a Kite’ – gå ud og sæt en drage op. Som børnene under Tysklands hyperinflation i 1920-erne selv har lavet af værdiløse pengesedler … Helikopterpenge er ingen ny opfindelse. Det er konsekvenserne heller ikke.


Europæiske banker ved ’Sidste Udkald’ før kollaps

16. juli 2016»Deutsche Bank må reddes, for verdensfredens skyld«, Helga Zepp-LaRouches chokerende advarsel om det kaos, der lurer bag Deutsche Banks krav om en ny, europæisk TARP-bailout, er i raketfart blevet cirkuleret til højtplacerede bankierer, økonomer og medier i hele Tyskland, Østrig og Italien. En af disse bankierer bekræftede over for Zepp-LaRouche i en diskussion over telefon den 15. juli, at hendes fremsatte krav, der placerer de London-centrerede europæiske banker »i allersidste øjeblik« før et kollaps, er korrekt, og mange bankierer ved det. I interviews til medierne »kaster de sand i offentlighedens øjne«, sagde han, med de ved, hvad der snart vil udløses over dem.

En anden kilde sagde til EIR’s europæiske kontor i Wiesbaden, Tyskland, at behovet for at vende tilbage til Deutsche Banks myrdede, tidligere formand Alfred Herrhausens »traditionelle dyder« inden for bankpraksis, gentagent blev bragt på bane under bankens nylige generalforsamling for aktionærerne i takt med, at bankens marked og øvrige kapitalisering styrtdykkede.  Zepp-LaRouches appel, der bygger på hendes mand, Lyndons LaRouches forslag, kræver, at Deutsche Bank skal genkapitaliseres med statslige midler, men at den skal udrenses ved at afskrive dens enorme mængde af giftige værdipapirer og ved at vende tilbage til Herrhausens politik for bankpraksis til industriudvikling og produktivitet.

Endnu en højtplaceret finansperson udtalte sig offentligt om den ekstreme fare for en europæisk nedsmeltning. Philipp Hildebrand, næstformand for Black Rock (der ejer 5 % af Deutsche Banks kollapsede aktier), sagde til Tageszeitung den 13. juli, at den nuværende krise i de europæiske banker er ekstremt farlig og »kunne føre til det værste«. Hildebrand søgte at lokalisere udløseren for nedsmeltningen væk fra Deutsche Bank og Tyskland, i Italien.

Men Deutsche Bank har et presserende behov for genkapitalisering. Samtidig med, at bankens cheføkonom David Folkerts-Landau kom med sine forslag til euro-bailout, og Angela Merkel og hendes finansminister Wolfgang Schäuble benægtede, at det skulle være nødvendigt at gøre noget, fik Deutsche Bank omkring 1 milliard euro i ny kapital fra Qatars kongefamilie, hvilket gør dem til den største aktieindehaver (10 %), foran Black Rock.

Ydermere har Deutsche Banks supervisionsbestyrelse skaffet sig af med Georg Thoma – der havde presset på for at få forebyggende undersøgelser og udrensninger af bankens illegale/umoralske aktiviteter – og har netop erstattet ham med Qatars fremstillede kandidat, Frankfurt-advokaten Stefan Simon.

Kilder i den amerikanske bankverden siger, at Deutsche Bank har behov for, ikke 1 milliard euro i ny kapital, men 7 – 10 milliard euro. Handelsblatt rapporterede den 15. juli, at Tysklands andenstørste bank, Commerzbank, også er i vanskeligheder. Den har måttet rapportere indtægter, der styrtdykkede hen over det seneste år med enorme marginer, 10 – 15 %, afhængig af bankafdeling. Den europæiske Centralbanks nulrentepolitik har bragt denne forhenværende kraftstation for lån til industrien ud på afgrundens rand.

EIR kæmper for de handlinger, som LaRouche foreslår, i både Tyskland og Italien, som er krisens centrale fokusområder. EIR’s og LaRouche-bevægelsens kamp for at genindføre Glass/Steagall-bankopdelingsloven i USA er ligeledes af afgørende betydning.

Og i Danmark er det naturligvis Schiller Instituttet, er fører an i denne kamp for en bankopdeling, også i Danmark.  


Red Deutsche Bank for at finde en løsning, der vil redde menneskeheden!
LaRouchePAC Internationale Fredags-webcast, 15. juli 2016

Helga Zepp-LaRouche: Jeg tror, det er almindelig kendt blandt absolut alle i det internationale finansielle samfund, og i alle regeringer og blandt alle relevante personer i politiske stillinger i den transatlantiske sektor, at det, jeg nu siger her, er absolut sandt. Med andre ord: bankiererne og de ansvarlige personer i det internationale finansielle system alle er klar over, at dette system er absolut bankerot; håbløst bankerot. Det står umiddelbart foran en nedsmeltning, i langt større skala end den, der fandt sted i 2008, af den meget simple grund, at alle de indikatorer, der var til stede, før Lehman Brothers og AIG gik ned, er til stede nu, men i langt større skala.

[Vi arbejder på en dansk oversættelse af hele webcastet. Bliv på kanalen!]  

Engelsk udskrift:


LaRouche PAC International Webcast Friday, July 15, 2016

        MATTHEW OGDEN: Good evening! It's July 15th, 2016. My name
is Matthew Ogden, and you're joining us for our weekly webcast on I'm joined in the studio tonight by Benjamin
Deniston; and we're joined by a very special guest, via video,
Mrs. Helga Zepp-LaRouche. Helga Zepp-LaRouche is the founder of
the Schiller Institute, and also Chairwoman of the German BüSo
(Bürgerrechtsbewegung Solidaritä¤t, Civil Rights Movement
Solidarity) political party.
        Helga LaRouche is joining us tonight to discuss the
initiative that she and Mr. Lyndon LaRouche have taken this week
to act in a very decisive manner to avert World War III and a
global economic blow-out. This concerns the situation that
Deutsche Bank now finds itself in.
        I would like to begin by reading a Statement that Mrs.
LaRouche issued a few days ago, on July 12th of this week. We
will then follow that Statement by a discussion with Mrs.
LaRouche herself. In the Statement that Mrs. LaRouche issued,
titled "Deutsche Bank Must be Rescued, for the Sake of World
Peace," Helga wrote the following:
        "The imminent threat of the bankruptcy of Deutsche Bank is
certainly not the only potential trigger for a new systemic
crisis of the trans-Atlantic banking system, which would be
orders of magnitude more deadly than the 2008 crisis, but it does
offer a unique lever to prevent a collapse into chaos.
        "Behind the SOS launched by the chief economist of Deutsche
Bank, David Folkerts-Landau, for an EU program of EU¬150 billion
to recapitalize the banks, lurks the danger openly discussed in
international financial media, that the entire European banking
system is {de facto} insolvent, and is sitting on a mountain of
at least EU¬2 trillion of non-performing loans. Deutsche Bank is
the international bank, with a total of EU¬55 trillions of
outstanding derivative contracts and a leverage factor of 40:1,
even outdoes Lehman Brothers at the time of its collapse, and
therefore represents the most dangerous Achilles heel of the
system. Half of Deutsche Bank's balance sheet, which has
plummeted 48% in the past 12 months and is down to only 8% of its
peak value, is made up of Level-3 derivatives, i.e., derivatives
amounting to circa EU¬800 billion without a market valuation.
        "It probably came as a surprise to many that Lyndon LaRouche
called today for Deutsche Bank to be saved through a one-time
increase in its capital base, because of the systemic
implications of its threatened bankruptcy. Neither the German
government with its GDP of EU¬4 trillion, nor the EU with a GDP
of EU¬18 trillion, would be able to control the domino effect of
a disorderly bankruptcy.
        "The one-time capital injection, LaRouche explained, is only
an emergency measure which needs to be followed by an immediate
reorientation of the bank, back to its tradition which prevailed
until 1989 under the leadership of Alfred Herrhausen. To actually
oversee such an operation, a management committee must be set up
to verify the legitimacy and the implications of the obligations,
and finalize its work within a given timeframe. That committee
should also draw up a new business plan, based on Herrhausen's
banking philosophy and exclusively oriented to the interests of
the real economy of Germany.
        "Alfred Herrhausen was the last actually creative, moral
industrial banker of Germany. He defended, among other things,
the cancellation of the unpayable debt of developing countries,
as well as the long-term credit financing of well-defined
development projects. In December 1989, he planned to present in
New York a plan for the industrialization of Poland, which was
consistent with the criteria used by the Kreditanstalt für
Wiederaufbau (KfW) for the post-1945 reconstruction of Germany,
and would have offered a completely different perspective than
the so-called 'reform policy,' or 'shock therapy', of Jeffrey
        Helga completes this Statement by saying:
        "Herrhausen's assassination has gone unpunished. However,
there exists 'the dreaded might, that judges what is hid from
sight,' which is the subject of Friedrich Schiller's poem {Die
Kraniche des Ibykus}. The Erinyes have begun their dreadful
        It is now incumbent upon all those who, in addition to the
family, have suffered from the assassination of Herrhausen, upon
the representatives of the Mittelstand, of the German economy and
the institutional representatives of the German population, to
honor his legacy and to seize the tremendous opportunity which is
now offered to save Germany."
        With that said, Helga, would you like to follow up at all
with any opening statements?

        HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Well, I think that it is absolutely
known to everybody in the international financial community and
to all governments and all relevant people in political positions
in the trans-Atlantic sector, that what I'm saying there is
absolutely true. In other words: the bankers and [those]
responsible for the international financial system all know that
this system is absolutely bankrupt, hopelessly bankrupt. It's
about to blow up in a much, much bigger way than 2008, for the
very simple reason that all indicators which were there before
Lehman Brothers and AIG went under, are there, but much more.
        The famous instrument box which they were using, or
pretending to use, in 2008, has been used up: quantitative
easing, zero interest rate, negative interest rate, helicopter
money. Right now you have the situation — and we have this from
extremely reliable contacts in the banking community who agree
with us — where all the central banks are printing money, paper
money, like crazy, because they know perfectly well that
helicopter money is not just electronic, but if you would have a
banking run right now, the whole thing would evaporate within a
very short period of time, in hours.
        This is a situation where if you have an uncontrolled,
chaotic collapse, which is right now eminently possible, because
you have several [inaud 0:07.39]. Not only Deutsche Bank.
You have the Italian Banking sector about to blow. You have the
British situation after the Brexit. The entire European banking
system is absolutely bankrupt. If you had an uncontrolled
collapse, well, as one banker told us, after he read this
statement of mine, he said, "If this is not remedied in the short
term, we are looking towards a Europe of chaos, disorder, and
        The biggest danger, apart from World War III directly, would
be a plunge of the trans-Atlantic sector into chaos. Therefore,
my husband — who has a unique record of being right, in terms of
forecasting, and being unique, in terms of coming up for
proposals how to remedy the situation — made this very
surprising comment: that Deutsche Bank, of all banks, should be
singled out, they should be saved, one last time, but not without
conditions: They must immediately be put in a sort of
receivership. A management commission should be in charge. And
then they need a new business plan, which must go back to the
philosophy of Alfred Herrhausen, who was the last moral banker in
all of Europe, and who had a completely different philosophy.
        We had all kinds of reactions about that. It turned out the
banks are much more hated than meets the public eye. People said,
"Let these banks go bankrupt! Why don't you just close them down?
Nationalize them! Bankrupt them!" You had an outpouring of anger
coming from people you would not expect it — conservative
industrialists, politicians who normally are not speaking in
radical tones at all — but what came out was an explosion of
        It is very easy to be angry about the situation. If this
thing collapses in an uncontrolled fashion, all the life-savings
of people will be ruined. The majority of the people will have to
pay, and this will be associated with poverty. Millions of people
dying. This is not a joke.
        It's not enough to be "against" something; even if banks
have behaved completely criminal and immoral. Deutsche Bank is
spending right now such enormous amounts of money on legal fines
for illegal activity from LIBOR swindles, all kinds of shady
operations, so that they had to write down their profit warnings.
It's not the question of "doing a favor" to Deutsche Bank. Not at
all! The question is: you must find leverage; how to bring this
thing in order, before the whole thing ends up in a collapse,
causing an absolute uncontrollable situation.
        That is why the reference to Alfred Herrhausen is really
extremely important, because he was the head of Deutsche Bank. He
was a banker. Deutsche Bank had a different policy, and
therefore, when you say, "We have to back to the philosophy of
Alfred Herrhausen," at least the older generation knows exactly
what that means. Therefore, I think we should really spread this
and force people to put pressure on the situation, that this is
being done. You have to "unwind" the outstanding derivatives. You
have to deal with the situation that Deutsche Bank has EU¬55
trillion in outstanding derivatives. Half of their balance sheet
is without market valuation, which means that it's practically
worth nothing, because you can't really sell it.
        If you have an uncontrolled collapse, then that could be
really what brings down the whole thing in a chaotic way. If you
go the way Mr. LaRouche has proposed, then you can have an
orderly resolution of this bankrupt system, and replace it with
one which is in the interest of the people. So, it's not just a
technical proposal. Several people, in response to my statement,
said, "This is probably the very last chance we have to prevent a

        OGDEN: I would like to get a little bit more into the
significance of the role played by Alfred Herrhausen in a moment;
but before we get to that, Helga, maybe you also say a little bit
more about what the strategic context of this intervention is,
especially from the standpoint of the role that [inaud 13:06]
play, not only as the only viable economy in Europe right now,
but also the emphasis that Mr. LaRouche has placed on the
relationship between Germany and Russia, being the only means by
which we can prevent the outbreak of a thermonuclear conflict.

        ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Well, people have now all kinds of proposals,
like "Tobin Tax," "tax the speculators" — all these proposals
are floating around. What they don't consider, is that when we're
taking about banking, we're not talking about money or financial
questions; we're taking about the physical pre-condition for a
society to exist. Fortunately, the German economy, despite all of
these paradigm shifts which have occurred in the last 25 years to
the worse, the German economy is still an economic powerhouse.
You still have a very large concentration of very productive
middle-level industry. Middle-level industry is normally where
all the patterns are made, the technological innovation occurs.
That is really the backbone of the productive economy.
        The question is: this German economy, without which all of
Europe would not function, absolutely must be protected, and not
only be protected, because right now, it is already many, many
small firms which are in danger. There are other factors, like
the crazy [nuclear] energy exit of Mrs. Merkel, which has
increased the price of energy tremendously, but the German
economy is sort of weakened; but it is still the absolute crucial
factor because in Germany you have a lot of the industrial
potential which is needed not only for all of Europe, but in
order to get the whole question of Eurasian cooperation on a
sound ground, you need the German economy. The whole question of
the German-Russian cooperation, German-Chinese cooperation in the
development of the Eurasian Silk Road, is absolutely crucial.
        So, the question is the productivity. And what has happened
with the paradigm shift of all the successors of Herrhausen — I
don't want to name all of them — but all of them went into this
high-risk maximization of profit no matter what. Ackermann wanted
25% profit, preferably every month; and they went into these
completely crazy derivative operations, so that Deutsche Bank is
today {the} leading bank in terms of derivative exposure. With
$55 trillion in outstanding derivatives, that's with a GDP of the
German economy of $4 trillion a year; it's more than 10 times
more, even 12 times more the GDP of the German economy. So
Deutsche Bank long has stopped to be Deutsche Bank; it's now
operating from London, from New York. It has become one of the
most aggressive investment banks in the world. But if it goes
bankrupt, which it could at any moment; and that's why the chief
economist Mr. Folkerts-Landau put out every day since Sunday, he
put out an urgent call saying this recapitalization of the
European banks must occur, or else calamity will happen. If
Deutsche Bank would go under, the German economy — and with it,
all European economies — would collapse; and therefore, it's not
a question of choice. Obviously, to just put out more bail-out
packages per se, as the ECB [European Central Bank] and the EU
Commission have done in the past, is completely useless because
it makes the problem worse. Right now, it has reached the limit;
because after helicopter money, what else do you want to do?
        It is not a choice; it is a life and death question, not
only for Germany, but really for the entire trans-Atlantic

        OGDEN: Now, you have emphasized that the circumstances
around the assassination of Alfred Herrhausen continue to be a
crime that the truth has not yet been told fully about. It's
something that in the United States, we can relate to the
assassination of John F. Kennedy, in terms of the magnitude of
what this meant for the turning point in the policy of Germany at
that time. Obviously, it was in the context of the collapse of
the Berlin Wall in the beginning of November 1989, and just less
than one month later, at the very end of November, November 30th,
Herrhausen was assassinated in a very sophisticated attack on his
convoy as he was travelling from his home to the Deutsche Bank
headquarters. You said, Helga, in an article that you wrote in
1992 titled, "New Evidence Emerges in the Herrhausen
Assassination Case," you said, "The key to the motive behind
Herrhausen's assassination lies in 11 pages of a speech he was to
deliver in the United States only four days after he was
ambushed. The speech contained Herrhausen's vision of a new kind
of relationship between eastern and western Europe, which would
have fundamentally altered the world's future course." And then
you have a quotation from the speech, which I think is shocking
when we go back and read that today, in consideration of what Mr.
LaRouche and you were also both advocating for at that time. What
he said, or what he was to say, in that speech that was never
delivered, was the following:
        "There should be assurances that the new credit will flow
into specific, promising projects. It is therefore advisable that
the export guarantees which the German Federal government wants
to expand, be tied primarily to specific projects. In this
connection, at this year's annual meeting of the IMF and World
Bank in Washington, I proposed setting up a development bank on
the spot; i.e., in Warsaw. Its task would be to bundle the aid
and to channel it according to strict efficiency criteria. My
vision is that such an institution could function somewhat like
the Deutsche Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau, which traces its
origins back to the Marshall Plan."
        So, when you compare that speech that Herrhausen was about
to give four days after he was assassinated, to what Lyn said in
his speech in West Germany at the Kempinski Hotel in 1988, when
he forecast the reunification of Germany and the collapse of the
Berlin Wall, he said:
        "Let us say that the United States and western Europe will
cooperate to accomplish the successful rebuilding of the economy
of Poland. There will be interference in the political system of
government, but only a kind of Marshall Plan aid to rebuild
Poland's industry and agriculture. If Germany agrees to this, let
a process aimed at the reunification of the economies of Germany
begin; and let this be the {puntum saliens} for western
cooperation in assisting in the rebuilding of the economy of
        So, I think in the context of this speech that Herrhausen
was about to deliver in New York, his cooperation with Helmut
Kohl in terms of the reunification of Germany; and also the fact
that he was on record calling for the debt relief — at least a
partial debt relief, if not a full debt forgiveness of the Third
World countries. He had met with the President of Mexico in 1987;
he had surprised the world by delivering a speech at the World
Bank in 1987 calling for the forgiveness of the debt of the Third
World. All of these are right in parallel with what you and Lyn
were advocating for, going all the way back to 1975, back to the
Operation Juarez and also with this Marshall Plan Productive
Triangle proposal at the fall of the Berlin Wall. So, I think
that certainly puts his assassination in the correct context to
understand {qui bono}. Who benefitted from the fact that he was

        ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Well, I think I would to take it a little bit
back, because this is not just a question of a murder which
occurred 27 years ago. I want to recall what the period was,
because most people have forgotten that Germany was not always
unified; that the Berlin Wall came down. But this was one of the
most traumatic developments in the post-war period. You remember
that you had the peaceful demonstrations in the G.D.R. [East
Germany], the Monday demonstrations; the Warsaw Pact still
existed, and it was not clear what would happen. Would this lead
to another 1956 like in Hungary, or a new Prague Spring, where
Russian or Soviet tanks come? Then the wall came down, and Mr.
LaRouche had this idea about the German unification which you
referenced, which he presented in the Kempinski Hotel in 1988; so
we had a plan. We put out immediately this proposal for the
German unification, to have a mission; to have the Productive
Triangle to take the region from Paris, Berlin, Vienna — the
economic powerhouse of the world at that time — and develop
corridors into eastern Europe to transform Europe. We were the
only ones who had any idea, because we were the only ones who
even had an inkling that the Soviet Union would collapse; which
Mr. LaRouche had already pronosed in 1984. He said, if the Soviet
Union sticks to their military policy of the Ogarkov plan, which
was basically the idea to gain world dominance; then they will
collapse in five years. And I can assure you, not even the German
government had any idea that unification would be real; even if
that was the primary political goal of the entire post-war
period. Then the Wall came down; and in the official documents
which the German government published ten years later, they
admitted they had no contingency plan for the case of German
unification. Can you imagine that? That was the policy goal
number one to have German unification; and they had no plan. But
we did have a plan.
        So, then developments became extremely traumatic. On the
28th of November, Helmut Kohl did probably the most important
step in his entire political career by putting forward the
10-point program. This was not yet a program for German
unification, but it was a medium-term plan for the moving closer
together of the two German states; the West German and East
German states in a federation. But he did that without consulting
the Allies, and he did it without even consulting the liberal
coalition partner, Mr. Genscher; but it was a first baby step in
the direction of two German sovereignties. We know now that
Francois Mitterand put an ultimatum to Kohl and said, either you
give up the German D-mark and its being replaced by a European
common currency — what became the euro — or we will not agree
to German unification.
        Two days after Kohl had put out this 10-point program,
Herrhausen was assassinated. Everybody in the German elite at
that point — and we talked to many people at that time — said
this is not just an assassination, but since Herrhausen was the
closest advisor to Kohl, this was a message to Kohl. Don't stick
your head out; do not dare to pursue and assert sovereignty.
Because Germany in the entire post-war period was an occupied
country; and at that time the saying went, "The best-kept public
secret of NATO is that Germany is an occupied country and will
remain an occupied country." So by Kohl making this tiny baby
step in the direction of sovereignty with the 10-point program,
that obviously was the contributing factor why this assassination
occurred. As you said, if Herrhausen would have made this speech
in New York in the following week, you would have had a proposal
coming from the leading banker which was practically in principle
identical to what Mr. LaRouche and I proposed at the time;
namely, that the unified Germany should take Poland as an example
for the economic transformation of all the other countries of the
        Then naturally, everything went haywire. The following EU
summit in the beginning of December in Strasburg, everybody
started to attack Kohl; and in an interview later, he said these
were the darkest hours of his life. The circumstances were such
that despite the fact that Kohl knew that the euro would not
function, he said this is against German interests; and he knew
absolutely that you cannot have a European common currency
without political union. So, he knew it wouldn't function; he
knew it was against German interests. But he was forced by the
circumstances to accept it, because you had Bush, Sr. who had the
policy of containment of Germany in the EU. It is well
established that originally Bush was against the German
unification; and only because such more experienced political
advisors like Brent Scowcroft told him if you are now against
German unification, then the United States will lose all
influence in Europe, so we have to basically agree to it. But
let's make sure Germany gets contained. And that is what led to
the infamous EU Maastricht agreement, which was the beginning of
turning the EU into an imperial adjunct of the Anglo-American
system. Helmut Schmidt, the late German Chancellor, in an equally
surprising interview recently before he died, said the whole
Ukraine crisis, which is right now what could be the trigger
point for a war with Russia; really started at the Maastricht
agreement, because this is when the EU decided to do exactly what
NATO has been doing ever since. Namely, to go for an eastward
expansion and move the EU and NATO just up to the borders of
        So, the decision which was made in these really traumatic
weeks and month, set the course; and if Herrhausen had been alive
and advised Kohl, these conceptions could have been implemented
and history would not be at the point where we are now. So, the
Herrhausen assassination not only meant the lost chance of 1989;
everybody agreed at that time this was an historic chance that
happens at best once a century. I called the star hour of
Germany, because if you had the unified Germany developing a
peace plan for the 21st Century together with Russia, the whole
world would look completely different. But as I said, all the
successes of Herrhausen went in the direction of high-risk
speculation, globalization, money for money's sake, the rich
become richer, the poor become poorer, and all the problems we
have today. All the problems we have today are not just caused by
this one assassination, but the assassination is symptomatic for
the paradigm shift to the worse.
        It's a murder which is unpunished; the so-called murderers,
the third generation of the Red Army Faction probably never
existed. There was even in the first German TV channel a
documentary which said there has never been any evidence that any
of the persons who supposedly were the murderers, ever really
existed. So, the {qui bono} — well, it's the financial oligarchy
which profited; and it really has the smell of something quite
different — of an intelligence operation — as many of the
leading figures who did not fit the Yalta norm were assassinated.
But with the Herrhausen case, as you said, for Germany this is as
important in terms of paradigm shift as the assassination was of
John F. Kennedy.
        And right now, when the entire banking system is absolutely
at the verge of collapse, it is the last moment to do justice and
really go back to the policies of Herrhausen. Even so, almost
nobody knows anymore what real industrial banking is, because
they are so money-greedy and absolutely suckers for the latest
profit, that it would be a real uphill battle. But that battle
must be fought if Europe and Germany and the rest of the
trans-Atlantic sector are to survive; and probably beyond that,
much of the world.

        BEN DENISTON: Well, I think just looking at this transition
period, I know that you and Mr. LaRouche had both made a warning
that I think is very appropriate just to state in this context.
That around the fall of the Wall, this lost chance of '89, you
had explicitly said to the world, if we attempt this bankrupt,
collapsing Soviet system with an equally bankrupt trans-Atlantic
system, you're going to head to a collapse that's worse than
what's happening now. I'm paraphrasing you; you might know more
exactly how you stated it. But it seems like that really bridges
this whole process from '89 to what we're seeing today as the
culmination, the expression of what you warned of at that time. I
think a challenge we have is to get across the importance of
acting now on the level needed to make this shift we're talking
about. What Lyn has laid out with this reform program for
Deutsche Bank is the beginning out of this new paradigm. I think
it's important to see it as an intervention in this whole
collapse process you both had warned about and forecast this
would be the consequence of failing to act then. That should give
us greater impetus to know how important it is to act now while
we still have the chance.

        ZEPP-LAROUCHE: I remember that at that time, you had the
problem of the Bush administration, Margaret Thatcher, Francois
Mitterand, who absolutely really ganged up to prevent Germany
from assuming any such role of having an independent policy;
especially in respect to Russia. They were always saying, "Oh,
the West has won over communism." The only other person outside
of us who totally contradicted them was John Paul II, the Pope of
the time; who said, the people who now are triumphant and say the
market economy is winning over communism, are absolutely wrong.
If you don't believe it, look at the condition of the Third
World, to see that the West has not won; because the moral
condition of the developing countries speaks to the contrary.
        Naturally, that is all the more true today; because if you
look at the inhuman treatment of the refugee crisis, for example.
They are still coming by the hundreds, every week by the
thousands, over the Mediterranean; drowning. Even more are
starving and dying of thirst and lack of water trying to cross
the Sahara. That is also the condition of this system. The system
is what causes all of this; and therefore, it is absolutely high
time that we come to the question of how can we — as a human
civilization — give us an economy and a financial system which
is adequate to human beings? And I think it's very important that
we go back to the question of what is actually the creation of
wealth? Is it what Margaret Thatcher said, is it the ability to
buy cheap and sell expensive? The famous speaking of Margaret
Thatcher being the daughter of a grocery trader, or is it the
possession of raw materials? Or is it the control of the
financial system? No; it's not. The only source of wealth is the
creative power of the human being; and when that creative power
is applied, then you have scientific and technological progress.
That is then leading to an increase of productivity in the
        That has been the battle between the American Revolution and
the British Empire; between the free-traders and people like
Alexander Hamilton who insisted that it is the creative power of
labor which causes the well-being and the living standard and the
longevity of the people. That was the philosophy of Friedrich
List, the great German economist, who is now the most famous
economist in China, by the way. That was the policy of Friedrich
List and Henry C. Carey, the advisor of Lincoln; who both advised
and through such people as Wilhelm von Kardoff, who was the
head of the German industrial association in the time of
Bismarck. Who changed the mind of Bismarck from being a
free-trader into being an absolute believer in a protectionist
system and the idea that you have to further the productivity and
creativity of your own population as the only source of wealth.
        So, there is a lot of history involved; and what we are
really talking about is taking Germany back to the ideas of
Bismarck, of Friedrich List, of Henry C. Carey, of Dr. William
Lautenbach, who in 1932 presented a plan to the Friedrich List
Organization in Germany which was identical with what Roosevelt
had proposed with the New Deal and the Reconstruction Finance
Corporation, Glass-Steagall, Bretton Woods. That was all in these
proposals by Dr. William Lautenbach, who as history knows,
unfortunately were not taken up; but instead you had Hjalmar
Schacht, you had Hitler, you had before Mussolini, Franco,
Petain, and you are in bed with fascists.
        The question today is, can we, in time, go back to those
conceptions which have proven to be productive and valuable for
the economy; or are we plunging into a catastrophe of new fascism
and new wars? So, on this question of Deutsche Bank, most people
are so in the day-to-day making money, profits, and balance
sheets, and having dollar notes coming out of their eyes, that
they have forgotten that there is something much more important
about human life. And that is the happiness of people; the common
good of people.
        The reason why in this call to honor the memory of
Herrhausen, using this crisis of Deutsche Bank now as a real
paradigm shift to go back to these policies; why I mentioned the
great poem by Friedrich Schiller "The Cranes of Ibykus." And by
the way, I would really urge our audience right now, who probably
are not familiar with that poem, we have at translation which we
can put on the website so it's easily accessible. But this poem
is so powerful; it's written by Friedrich Schiller. It discusses
not only the murder of the beloved poet Ibykus, but more
importantly even, it discusses the power of nemesis; the power of
natural law, which is a power which works in reality. It's not
that God punishes every little thief who steals something
immediately by chopping off his hand; but it is a power which
revenges great injustice. And this poem discusses this in a very
beautiful way by resorting to the Greek nemesis, this idea which
was used in great Greek dramas to demonstrate this principle of
the Erinyes. That there is this power that revenges this murder
and other injustices; that there is a higher power than the
arbitrariness of people's will. The poem is very, very powerful.
As a matter of fact, I would even urge you to learn German, just
to read and understand that poem; because it teaches something
about history. I think right now the Erinyes, those goddesses of
revenge which Friedrich Schiller has in this poem marching in the
amphitheater — in circles — they are bringing forward this
higher power by the prism of the poem. It's a very, very powerful
way of reminding people that there is a higher power than what
people think when they read the daily newspaper. So, please make
the effort. Read it; in English if you have to, but read it in
German because there is another dimension to history than what
people think. And only if you bring this forward this inner
strength, this inner power which people have almost lost in the
trans-Atlantic sector because people small. They feel impotent,
they feel helpless. But what we have to unleash is exactly this
inner strength so that people really become truly human again,
and take the history and the destiny in their own hands. And
that's exactly what the message is of Friedrich Schiller; who
always thought that man is greater than his destiny by resorting
to these kinds of inner powers and higher authorities than the
laws of money.

        OGDEN: Well, you cited the Ibykus principle in your keynote
speech to the conference that you hosted three weeks ago in
Berlin; this extraordinary conference. But I thought in that
context also, you made it very clear that history is working
according to a higher law. That conference came just days after
the Brexit vote which shocked everybody and threw all of Europe
in disarray. But you said, this is the Erinyes principle in
action. Tony Blair lied to get us into the Iraq War. The Iraq War
set off a series of regime-change operations in the Middle East
that have completely destabilized this region. That has, in turn,
created this refugee crisis; and now you have the Brexit and the
disintegration of Europe as the Erinyes beginning their dreadful
dance, as you said in this statement once again.
        I think that's also highly relevant in the context of the
anticipated news today, where people have read in the press that
the 28 pages, which we have fought for years to force the release
of these 28 pages; the reports are in the press that these very
well could be released today. In what form, we don't know; how
heavily redacted, we don't know. But again, this is the Erinyes
acting, and it's our responsibility to understand this as a
principle of history; and to continue to understand that the
moral arc of the Universe may be long, but it does bend toward
justice. I think Martin Luther King also understood what
Friedrich Schiller was getting at in this poem, as you said.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Well, I think that having said that, I want to
come back to the absolute need to find a handle; because right
now the problem is, nobody has a handle on how to intervene with
this financial crisis. And if the proposal of Mr. LaRouche is
taken seriously, you have a way of dealing with the consequences
of avoiding the dangers of an uncontrollable collapse. You have
to untangle this; you have to shut down this derivative system;
you have to shut down the bubble. You have to do it in an orderly
manner, because there's no point to just say let's just close it
down or tax it or whatever. You have to find a skilled level of
how you take management of a bank — in this case, the Deutsche
Bank; you have to put in a supervisory management commission
which has to evaluate the validity and integrity of the
outstanding obligations. Many of the derivatives have much more
than two parties; they have two, three, four, and more parties.
You have to untangle that. You probably have to write down the
nominal value of these outstanding obligations. That way, you can
put a new basis, a new business plan for the bank which is in
cohesion with the idea of credit policy in general. But you have
to start to do that somewhere. The Herrhausen history and
tradition is exactly what makes it very practical. We are not
proposing something completely outlandish, utopian; this was the
policy of Deutsche Bank at one point.
        So therefore, I want to bring it back to this point; and I
would really urge all the people who are watching to make sure
this proposal is being distributed to all institutions which have
anything to do with the economy, with industry, with people in
political positions who should take care of the common good. And
make sure that we get a serious debate. I know that in both
election platforms of the Democratic Party and the Republican
Party, you have the Glass-Steagall law in the platform. Now that
is very good; we will have the conventions in the next weeks.
This is not necessarily the stated position of the candidates;
but it is in the platform. So there is hope that if we mobilize
in the right way, this change can occur before it's too late. But
it's really one second, or maybe a nanosecond before midnight; so
it's not a time for complacency. It's a time for action.
Therefore, I would really urge you to join us; because we have a
beautiful future ahead of us if we do the right thing. If we miss
this moment, it can be the end of civilization; because the war
danger is very real, not only in respect to NATO against Russia,
but also the escalation around the South China Sea. We are not in
a political void, but we are in one of these moments in history
where a lot depends on the individual courage and the individual
action. Therefore, I really ask you to join us to bring history
in a better direction.

        DENISTON: Absolutely.

        OGDEN: Thank you very much for joining us today, Helga. This
was a special broadcast, and I think a very important and timely
one for the American audience. We're going to make the statement
that you wrote on this subject — which I read from in the
beginning of the broadcast — available in the video description
to this video and also on the website. This is absolutely one of
the key pieces of material that people can use to, as you said,
to do outreach to all the key layers in the United States and
elsewhere to put this proposal very seriously on the table. We
will also make the English translation of "The Cranes of Ibykus"
available to our audience as well.
        Would you like to make any final remarks before we close, or
is that a good place to conclude our broadcast?

        ZEPP-LAROUCHE: I just would like to really express my hope
that enough people recognize that we have now a point where
history will be either totally a catastrophe — and most people
are already thinking that; the people who are not completely dead
because of drugs or other problems, they know that we are in a
really unprecedented civilizational crisis. Even worse than any
of the prewar situations of the 20th Century. Just yesterday, one
of the key advisors of the Kremlin said, all the signs are of a
prewar period; and that's true. We are in a prewar period; and
unless we remove the real reason for the dynamic for war, which
is the danger of a collapse of the trans-Atlantic financial
system. Unless we remedy that, I'm almost certain that war will
happen; and if that war would happen, it's the logic of war that
in that case all weapons available will be used. In the case of
thermonuclear weapons, that would be it; there probably would not
anybody to even record what happened, because it would be the
elimination of civilization. And therefore, the remedy of the
financial crisis is not just a banking technical affair; it
really is the question of putting society back on a course where
we all can survive as a human civilization. In a certain sense,
it's what {The Federalist Papers} discussed. Can we give
ourselves a political order which is suitable for man to organize
his own affairs and govern according to the common good? So, it's
a much larger issue; and I'm very optimistic that it can be done.
But it requires an extraordinary effort, and it requires all of

        OGDEN: OK, thank you very much for joining us today, Helga.
Hopefully, we can do this at some point again in the future.
Thank you all for tuning in. Please stay tuned to; and take this discussion and take what Mrs.
LaRouche just had to say very much to heart. So, thank you very
much and good night.

Bankkollaps? Lyndon LaRouche understreger:
Gå tilbage til ’Gå’ og Start forfra!
Produktivitet er af primær betydning – Herrhausen-metoden

15. juli 2016 – Her til morgen gentog Deutsche Banks cheføkonom David Folkerts-Landau i et interview på CNBC-TV sit krav om en bailout/genkapitalisering for de europæiske banker og sagde, at centralbankens politik er en fiasko og ødelægger kanalen for kredit til SME-sektoren (Små og Mellemstore Entrepriser). Efter en briefing om dette bemærkede LaRouche, at spørgsmålet er meget fornuftigt, men, af de involverede elementer er nogle kendte, mens andre repræsenterer tvivlsspørgsmål. Han pointerede betydningen af Alfred Herrhausen, formand for Deutsche Bank fra 1971 og frem til november 1989, hvor han blev myrdet.

LaRouche sagde, at kapitalisering som sådan ikke er et effektivt instrument for situationen. De tvivlsomme værdier bør annulleres. Det er den eneste måde at komme ud af dette rod på. Det er ligesom at få en syg person til at blive endnu mere syg, og så kalde ham én, der ’med succes er blevet mere syg!’

Det er selve fremgangsmåden, der er problemet. Deduktiv tænkning er altid problemet. Vi står med et svindelnummer, et system, der er et falsum. Så vi må tilbage til ’Gå’ og starte om igen. Man kan ikke forsøge at ’fikse det’. Det er ikke et ’fiks det’-problem.

Overvej det følgende: Hvad er det økonomiske system? Man må følge det, Herrhausen var i færd med at etablere. Han blev myrdet for at annullere denne indsats, der skabte den ødelæggelse, der fulgte. Det var formålet med mordet. Enhver idé om at »forhandle« et skifte vil være et falsum.

Der må komme en annullering af såkaldt rigdom, der ikke er berettiget til at bære dette navn. Se så på, hvad der er tilbage. Find ud af, hvad der skal gøres. Der må være et selvudviklende program for produktivitet. IKKE en proces, hvor man tinger! Man skal ind på en anden kurs. Kursen kan ikke være forhandling. Man må udvirke produktive evner, og udvirke øget produktivitet på permanent basis.

Graden af produktivitet er den primære skabelse. Man kan ikke »tilføje« noget ved at tilføje det. Man skal bygge noget nyt, til en start. Annuller alle former for forhandling. Man skal acceptere Herrhausens program. Accepter hans program, ikke noget i den retning. Motivet for at myrde ham, øjensynligt af de franske og britiske netværk – var at standse dette system. Vores fremgangsmåde må være den, ikke at tale om »forhandlinger gennem tilpasninger«. Vi må eliminere det nuværende koncept om et finanssystem, ikke »udbedre« finanssystemet. Vi ønsker ikke et »blødere system«. Glem alt om penge, og tænk i stedet på økonomi, hvad det gør for økonomi.

Det, som det britiske/franske system gjorde ved at myrde Herrhausen, var for at forhindre en flugt fra svindelen. Man kan ikke »fikse op« noget, der var et falsum fra begyndelsen. I dag må vi komme op med et godt instrument. Afslutte det, der var forkert dengang, og nu.

Det er simpelt: 1) Herrhausen blev myrdet; og 2) briterne og andre systemer var involveret. De gjorde det for at nedlægge alt, der var forbundet med ham. Gerningsmændene havde til hensigt at forhindre Herrhausen, eller noget som ham, i nogensinde at tage styringen. Se lige på, hvem der stadig er der – George Soros, et førende problem, og britisk.  

Foto: Alfred Herrhausen (1930 – 1989), tysk bankier og formand for Deutsche Bank. Var fra 1971 og frem til sin død medlem af bankens bestyrelse. Rådgiver til kansler Helmut Kohl. Ingen er nogen sinde blevet straffet for hans mord.


Helga Zepp-LaRouche vil være hovedgæst ved
LaRouchePAC Internationale Fredags-webcast.
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Det afgørende, unikke led i kæden

14. juli, 2016 (Leder) – For 48 timer siden ændrede vi alting i hele vores fremgangsmåde på globalt plan – men mange af jer gik glip af det. Tænk! Mind jer selv om, at det ikke nytter at klage over den overhængende fare for et panik-kollaps af verdens økonomiske system ud i et dødbringende kaos. Og at advarsler mod en termonuklear tilintetgørelseskrig i sig selv ikke vil forhindre det i at ske alligevel – lige så lidt, som de blotte advarsler nogen sinde har forhindret krig i fortiden!

Det, Lyndon LaRouche netop har gjort, er at pege på det afgørende, unikke led i kæden, der, hvis I griber fat i DET, og trækker i DET, lige akkurat vil være i stand til at trække Europa væk fra klippekanten – og som, i absolut sidste øjeblik, kan afbøje denne historiske, tankeløse, automat-lignende march ud over afgrunden.

Skub dette til side for hellere at overveje det i morgen, og I er færdige! Der vil ikke være noget i morgen – hverken for jer, eller for nogen andre.

Alle disse overvejelser er forklaret i Helga Zepp-LaRouches udtalelse d. 12. juli, »Deutsche Bank må reddes, for verdensfredens skyld!« 

Men der er mange mennesker, der ikke taget denne udtalelse til hjerte og indledt den omgående kovending, der er påkrævet.

Zepp-LaRouches udtalelse må studeres og genlæses i detaljer. Men for at rekapitulere nogle punkter for vores formål her: Frankrig, Italien og andre europæiske stater er totalt bankerot; Europa har inden for få dage kurs mod en nedsmeltning, som, under de nuværende omstændigheder, vil føre til krig. Tysklands derivat-tyngede Deutsche Bank kan meget vel blive udløseren af en sådan nedsmeltning, der omfatter hele Europa. Men det er paradoksalt nok Tyskland, der stadig har den potentielle økonomiske produktivitet, der kunne føre Europa tilbage mod sikkerhed. Og, hvis Deutsche Bank blev reddet fra kollaps, og man omgående vendte om og slog ind på den politik, som Alfred Herrhausens kurs stod for, ville DB blive hovedkraften i organiseringen af et sådant tysk opsving.  

Lyndon LaRouche har krævet, at regeringen skal forøge Deutsche Banks kapitalgrundlag, der skal ledsages af en omgående ændring af bankens politik tilbage til den politik i Hamiltons tradition, som Alfred Herrhausen førte. Samtidigt må der udpeges en ledelseskomité, der kan finkæmme og reorganisere bankens aktiver.

I løbet af de seneste to dage er mange af vore venner eksploderet i raseri over dette livreddende forslag fra Lyndon og Helga LaRouche og har spruttet, at de store banker er vore fjender, og at vi er modstandere af bailouts. Men, som Diane Sare fra LaRouche PAC Komité for Politisk Strategi påpegede i går, så er det letkøbt blot at aflire en liste af korrekte »holdninger«. Men hvad får man ud af det, andet end et pas til et Trotskistisk Paradis? Langt sværere [er det] at forstå og gribe den ene, sidste chance, som historien tilbyder, og som vi nu må gøre.

De, der myrdede Herrhausen, skabte en fortsat grusomhed, der ikke er sluttet den dag i dag; de, der gjorde det, må fjernes, ellers er der ingen løsning. Før eller siden vil noget, man har undladt at gøre, komme tilbage og ramme én.

Foto: USA's første finansminister Alexander Hamilton foran USA's Finansministerium i Washington, D.C.


Helga Zepp-LaRouche vil være hovedgæst

ved LaRouchePAC Internationale Fredags-webcast.

Vi udlægger video samt et engelsk udskrift lørdag morgen.

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Nødaktion over for Deutsche Bank eneste måde at redde Europa og verden

14. juli 2016 (Leder) – Selv, mens tåber som Angela Merkel og Wolfgang Schäuble holder fast ved, at både de italienske banker og Tysklands største bank, Deutsche Bank, ikke er i alvorlige vanskeligheder, udvider cheføkonom for Deutsche Bank, David Folkerts-Landau, sin tidligere advarsel om, at hele EU-banksystemet er på randen af kollaps. Han lagde i vid udstrækning skylden for dette på den Europæiske Centralbanks præsident Mario Draghis Quantitative Easing, QE (kvantitative lempelser; ’pengetrykning’) – med ubegrænset opkøb af skrantende obligationer – og med nedsættelsen af rentesatserne til negative værdier. »Europa er alvorligt syg«, sagde han i et interview med Die Welt og tilføjede, at en hurtig kur krævedes og i særdeleshed forholdsregler, der atter giver gnisten til økonomisk vækst, for uden vækst kan bankkrisen ikke overvindes.

Folkerts-Landau sagde, at levestandarden i hele Europa er alvorligt truet, og at dette er en væsentlig årsag til den hastige vækst af anti-EU-følelser i hele Europa.

Lyndon LaRouche har direkte interveneret i denne krise og påpeget den faktiske årsag til denne krise, der udspiller sig – nemlig, det politiske mord i 1989 på formand for Deutsche Bank, Alfred Herrhausen, som LaRouche identificerede som den sidste tyske bankier, der forstod bankernes nødvendige rolle i skabelse af kredit til realøkonomien. Siden dette mord er Deutsche Bank, og tysk bankvirksomhed generelt, blevet overtaget af briterne, både rent bogstaveligt i den betydning, at briterne nu ejer Deutsche Bank, og også mht. at skifte over til spekulation snarere end produktiv investering.

Se: Helga Zepp-LaRouche: Deutsche Bank må reddes for verdensfredens skyld!

De fleste transatlantiske nationers økonomier er implicit bankerot, sagde LaRouche i en diskussion onsdag med sin Komite for Politisk Strategi. Men den tyske økonomi har i sig midlerne til at redde de europæiske økonomier, og videre endnu, pga. den historiske tyske helligelse til investeringer i videnskab og teknologi. Skulle Deutsche Bank gå hen og kollapse, advarede han, ville resultatet blive ikke alene et økonomisk sammenbrud i hele Europa, men også krig – global krig.

Alt imens en genkapitalisering af Deutsche Bank derfor haster, så må det ikke blive et spørgsmål om penge per se, i sig selv, men derimod en reorganisering af bankens enorme eksponering til stort set værdiløse derivater og dårlige lån, samt en tilbagevenden til produktiv investering sådan, som Herrhausen havde tænkt. Den tyske økonomi kunne dernæst levere den nødvendige margin for at bringe den europæiske økonomi tilbage til skabelsen af reel profit.

Krigsfaren kunne ikke være mere åbenlys end den er i dag. En af Putins toprådgivere, Sergei Karaganov, sagde til Der Spiegel i dag, at den udstrakte NATO-deployering af styrker på den russiske grænse, som blev yderligere implementeret ved NATO-topmødet i Warszawa i sidste uge, er en militær provokation, og at, »hvis NATO indleder en overskridelse – imod en atommagt som os selv – vil de blive straffet.«

På samme tid responderede Kinas ambassadør til USA, Cui Tiankai, i tirsdags til de multiple militære trusler mod Kina siden Obamas »omdrejningspunkt Asien« og den amerikanske intervention imod Kinas suverænitet i det Sydkinesiske Hav og sagde: »At sende disse hangarskibe og bombefly er en manifestation af loven, ’magt er ret’. Kina må derfor gøre modstand mod det og afvise det. Dette sker i den sande ånd af international lov. Og hvis det kan ske for os, kan det ske for hvem som helst.«

Der findes ingen delvise forholdsregler, der kan håndtere den eksistentielle økonomiske og strategiske krise, der nu konfronterer menneskeheden. Der må komme en kreativ løsning, baseret på nye principper, og som hviler på den forståelse, at ethvert menneske har et kreativt potentiale til at bidrage til menneskehedens fælles mål. En afslutning af geopolitik, og af den dyriske filosofi, der lyder »alle mod alle«, mellem individer og mellem nationer, haster, er mulig og nødvendig.  

Foto: Den Europæiske Centrabanks bygning.  

Europa på randen af total finansiel nedsmeltning

12. juli 2016 (Leder) – Europa konfronteres med tre mekanismer, der kunne udløse en nedsmeltning, et sammenbrud, af det transatlantiske finansielle system, og enhver af disse mekanismer kunne detonere, hvad øjeblik, det skal være. Og så er de endda på ingen måde de eneste kilder til det transatlantiske, London/Wall Street-ledede systems kollaps.

For det første er de italienske banker på randen af kollaps. Man har offentligt indrømmet, at de førende italienske banker har for 360 milliarder euro gæld, der er i betalingsstandsning – og uofficielle estimater sætter tallet langt højere. Men, som den italienske premierminister Renzi korrekt har advaret om, så er krisen omkring Deutsche Bank »hundrede gange værre«. DB sidder med aktuelle derivater til $72,8 billioner og har et bjerg af insolvent gæld. I søndags krævede DB’s cheføkonom David Folkerts-Landau en omgående haste-bailout af de europæiske storbanker til 150 milliarder euro – med start i hans egen DB. Iflg. EU-love, der trådte i kraft 1. januar, skal banker først gennemgå en bailin (ekspropriering af visse typer indeståender), før de kan få en bailout (statslig redningspakke), og dette udgør i sig selv en sikker udløser af en systemisk nedsmeltning.

Fra mandag at regne konfronteredes Londons store ejendomsfonde med et stormløb fra investorerne, i kølvandet på Brexit-afstemningen, og udsigten til et umiddelbart forestående sammenbrud af hele den britiske ejendomsboble er meget virkelig. I en klar panik over den accelererende disintegration vred det regerende Konservative Parti armen om på den ene af de to tilbageværende kandidater til partiformandsposten for at trække sig som kandidat, således, at Theresa May kunne blive installeret som premierminister på onsdag – for at have en regering på plads til at håndtere den fremstormende krise.

Dette umiddelbart forestående, systemiske krak kan ikke adskilles fra den voksende fare for atomkrig i kølvandet på NATO-topmødet for statsoverhoveder i Warszawa i sidste uge.

Det er præcist pga. denne kombinerede fare for et kollaps ud i kaos og en potentiel udslettelseskrig, at Lyndon LaRouche har krævet en engangs-bailout af de tyske banker for at standse blødningen længe nok til at lancere et reelt skifte i politikken, baseret på hans egne Fire Love for, hvordan verdensøkonomien skal genoplives gennem kreditter, der er rettet mod at forbedre arbejdskraftens produktive evne, gennem investering i infrastruktur, fremskudt, videnskabelig grænseforskning, der anføres af en massiv udvidelse af rumprogrammet, og lignede tiltag. LaRouche advarede kolleger den 10. juli om, at, hvis Tyskland tager et styrtdyk ud i kaos, er krig umiddelbart overhængende. Tyskland sidder inde med nøglen til en ny europæisk politik over for Rusland, baseret på strategisk og økonomisk samarbejde, og hvis dette forhold spoleres, vil konsekvenserne blive katastrofale.

Tiden er inde til at se den nuværende krises virkelighed i øjnene, krævede LaRouche, og til at handle på basis af denne nødsituation, som krisen kræver det.

Læs: LaRouches Fire Love til at redde USA (og verden …) 



Italienske banker og Deutsche Bank fører an i den transatlantiske sektors krak

11. juli 2016 – Pressen i den transatlantiske verden er fuld af dækning af krisen i Deutsche Bank og de italienske banker, som understreger betydningen af Lyndon LaRouches intervention, hvor han kræver en engang-bailout af Tyskland for at forhindre kaos i Europa, men baseret på behovet for gennemgribende ændringer i banksystemet for at forcere kreditter ind i realøkonomien og lukke derivativerne og andre spekulative bobler ned.

Russia Today har David Folkerts-Landaus interview med Welt am Sonntag, hvor cheføkonomen for Deutsche Bank (DB) krævede en haste-bailout til 150 milliarder euro, og det citerer også udtalelser fra Lorenzo Bini Smaghi, formand for Societe Generale, hvor han advarer om, at den italienske bankkrise kan brede sig til hele EU. DB-aktier er faldet 48 % i løbet af de seneste 12 måneder, Societe Generales aktier er faldet 63 %, og Bloombergs Europa-index over 500 banker og finansielle serviceselskaber er faldet med 33 %, det laveste i syv år. En tidslinje i Bloomberg-artiklen har titlen, »Deutsche Banks episke kollaps«, og som gør det ganske klart, at det europæiske banksystem nu står på randen af et umiddelbart krak.

RT har også en nylig, underskrevet kronik af George Soros, hvor han erklærer, at EU’s kollaps er blevet »næsten uundgåeligt« siden Brexit-valget.

»Det katastrofale scenario, som mange har frygtet, har materialiseret sig og gør en disintegration af EU praktisk talt uigenkaldelig«, skrev han for Project Syndicate (som han financierer kraftigt). Han tilføjede, at det finansielle kollaps i UK i kølvandet på Brexit var det værste i tre årtier. »Det europæiske projekts blotte overlevelse er indsatsen i forhandlingerne om, hvordan Brexit kommer til at forløbe.« RT’s dækninger bemærker, at Marine LePen mødtes med den franske præsident Hollande og pressede på for at få en folkeafstemning om en «Frexit«, men blev afvist.

Reuters har også en omfattende dækning af Folkerts-Landau-interviewet. Cityam, en online finans-publikation, bemærkede, at italienske banker sidder med insolvent gæld til 360 milliarder euro, og aktier i samtlige italienske storbanker og andre banker i Middelhavsområdet – Unicredit, Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena, Banco Popolare og Intesa San Paolo (Portugal) – er faldet med 25 % siden Brexit-valget. Michael Hewson fra CMC Markets UK citeredes for at sige, »hvis Italien går ned, vil det tage resten af Europa med sig«.

The Street havde følgende hovedoverskrift tilbage den 5. juli, »Vil Deutsche Bank initiere den næste finansielle krise? Aktier kunne være på vej til nul«. Artiklen nævnte paralleller til Lehman Brothers og viste, at DB er i en langt værre tilstand end Lehman var mod slutningen. IMF advarede om, at det største overløb fra DB vil ramme Frankrig, UK og USA, der »har den største grad af overløb fra omverden, målt ud fra den gennemsnitlige procent af kapitaltab hos andre banksystemer pga. chokket i banksektoren i oprindelseslandet«. En grafisk fremstilling i Wall Street Journal, der nævnes af The Street, viser bank-til-bank-forbindelserne i Deutsche Bank. DB er belånt med over 40:1, langt værre end Lehmans 31:1 på tidpunktet for dens kollaps; og DB’s aktuelle portefølje af derivater udgør $72,8 billioner, hvilket er 13 % af alle globale, udestående derivater. »Hvis domino-effekten opstår, vil Tyskland, med sit BNP på $4 billioner eller EU med sit BNP på $18 billioner ikke være i en position, hvor de kan få kontrol over det.«

New Europe online har hovedoverskriften, »Hvorfor Deutsche Bank er den farligste bank i verden«, og spørger, hvad prisen ville være for den tyske regerings bailout, versus konsekvenserne af at lade det nedsmelte med systemiske implikationer.

Bloomberg har også advaret om, at Londons ejedomsmarked er ved at krakke, og dette er endnu en konsekvens af Brexit. Standard Life Investments annoncerede, at fra og med i dag, vil de suspendere deres UK Ejendomsfond for at afværge investorer, der kræver deres penge tilbage. Dette udløser allerede smitte, med flere andre store ejendomsinvestorers meddelelse om lignede fastfrysninger af klienternes midler, og med endnu andre, der simpelt hen meddeler, at de trækker sig ud af eksisterende handler om prima ejendomsprojekter i London.

Samlet set er tilstandene i Italien, Deutsche Bank og ejendomsmarkedet i London mere end tilstrækkelige til at eksplodere hele den transatlantiske finansielle sektor. Det er præcis pga. denne allerede igangværende krise, at nødforanstaltninger, nøjagtigt i overensstemmelse med LaRouches krav, omgående må vedtages.     

Lyndon LaRouche: »Vi må hjælpe Tyskland,
for uden at opretholde et stabilt tysk system,
kan vi ikke forhindre krig!«

11. juli 2016 (Leder) – Det transatlantiske finansielle system befinder sig på et punkt, hvor der er umiddelbar fare for et sammenbrud, og det, der er sket blot det seneste døgn, er, at den italienske premierminister Renzi på en fælles pressekonference med den svenske statsminister har erklæret, at, alt imens de italienske banker har store problemer og behøver en bail-out, så er dette af mindre betydning i forhold til de europæiske storbanker, der står over for et massivt sammenbrud af derivater. Han refererede meget specifikt til Deutsche Bank, der har en eksponering til derivater til en værdi af $75 billioner, og som af alle betegnes som den største enkeltkilde til et nyt systemisk sammenbrud.

Renzi lagde pres på Merkel og især den tyske finansminister Schäuble for at overgive sig og tillade Italien at opgive kravene til bail-in, der har været gældende i Europa siden 1. januar, for at kunne udføre en bailout af Monte dei Paschi og andre italienske banker.

Hvad der siden da faktisk er sket er, at Deutsche Bank offentligt har opfordret til en massiv europæisk bank-bailout, hvor man selvfølgelig begynder med sig selv, og de kræver grundlæggende set en i det mindste midlertidig annullering af reglerne for bail-in. Dette er en erklæring fra Deutsche Banks cheføkonom David Folkerts-Landau i Welt am Sonntag i søndags. Han siger, at banken har brug for en bail-out på EU150 milliarder for at genkapitalisere, og at det må gøres uden at ekspropriere obligationsindehaverne og indskyderne.

Som respons på disse dramatiske udviklinger udsendte den amerikanske, politiske økonom Lyndon LaRouche et dramatisk krav om handling:

»Det, som vi præcist må gøre, er at støtte en midlertidig reorganisering af disse bankers økonomi, og dette må vi sikre for at standse blødningen. Med andre ord, så er pointen den at stoppe blødningen, og integrere og introducere vilkår, der vil gøre det muligt for os at opretholde en sådan operation.«

»Man må med andre ord skabe, for hele den tyske økonomi er en afgørende faktor. Det er noget rod. Vi ved alle, at det er noget rod. Det har været noget rod; det blev til noget rod … Schäuble og så videre har gjort det til noget rod! Det ved vi. Men vi vil ikke lukke den tyske økonomi ned på baggrund af det faktum, at vi har en flok skurke, eller mistænkte skurke, der sidder i visse stillinger. Det, vi vil gøre, er, at vi vil løse det her; vi fixer det, og vi bakker det op, for en enkelt gangs skyld.«

»Ryd op i det hele, og etabler et program, der vil sikre, at Tysklands banksystem fungerer. Når det først er gjort, kan man arbejde videre derfra!«

En sådan engangs-manøvre vil nødvendigvis involvere en annullering af disse $75 billioner i derivater og så at gå over til en bankopdeling og den slags ting, der ville gøre kredit til realøkonomien mulig.

LaRouche uddybede: »Man er nødt til at kvalificere det yderligere og sige, at vi gør det som en engangs-operation, for at redde økonomien. Og det er det.«

»Dette er en redning af økonomien, og til trods for alle de fejl, der er begået, vil vi gøre det for en enkelt gangs skyld, fordi vi vil prøve at redde Tysklands økonomi. Og det er, hvad der står på spil. Og Schäuble er ikke nogen nyttig person, heller ikke Merkel.«

»Vi må hjælpe Tyskland, for uden opretholdelse af et stabilt tysk system, kan vi ikke forhindre krig!«

»Det, vi behøver, er et program, der udsteder kredit til den tyske økonomi, en éngangskredit til tysk økonomi. Og man må præsentere det på den måde, og fremstille det for folk på den måde, for at give dem tiltro til det, de gør, og sige til dem, at de ikke skal gentage, hvad de gjorde tidligere. Det er pointen.«

»Man må sige til den tyske økonomi, ’Hør, I har begået fejl, alvorlige fejl. Nu vil vi redde jer, men I må selv adlyde; I må gå i gang med jobbet og gøre, hvad I må gøre, og forsøg ikke at snyde mere’.«

»Jeg siger, at Tyskland er et nødstilfælde. Vi må organisere det her sådan, så Tyskland kan komme ud af dette problem. Og antage, at organisationerne i tysk økonomi vil operere på en sådan måde, at slaget vindes.«

»Og Schäuble er jo egentlig ikke på højde med mit niveau på det område … Men fokusér essentielt på de betingelser, der må tilvejebringes, og som gør dette her muligt. I må have et system, der vil sikre den tyske økonomi, den finansielle økonomi, og det må I gøre; og I må få det til at fungere. Hvis ikke, vil I få kaos.«

LaRouche refererede til 1989-perioden, da Berlinmuren faldt og Tyskland gik i retning af en genforening, og regeringen Helmut Kohl søgte at genoplive de økonomiske og politiske bånd til Østeuropa og det, der snart skulle blive til Rusland efter Sovjetunionen.

»På den tid havde vi tilfældet med en stor leder i den tyske økonomi, der blev myrdet af franskmændene – præsidenten for Deutsche Bank, Alfred Herrhausen. Vi ønsker ikke et nyt Herrhausen-overgreb. Lad tyskerne være frie, og send de andre ud på græs. For det var, hvad der skete. For man havde et tidspunkt her, hvor man havde en ledende person i det ledende embede i tysk politik, og man lukkede det ned, og man fik tingene til at gå i en anden retning, og man ødelagde den indledende fase til den tyske økonomi!«

»Så vi må sige til nogle af folkene i dette område, at de begik en stor fejltagelse, og at de bør være en smule mere generøse i deres håndtering af denne ting.«



Tiden er inde til at sætte hårdt ind for at lukke Obamas krig ned.
LaRouchePAC Internationale fredags-webcast, 8. juli 2016

Lyndon LaRouche (lydklip): »Vil Obama bombe verden, eller vil Obama opgive? Eller vil han gøre noget andet, midt imellem? Pointen er, når man ser på kendsgerningerne, på de samme personer, så ville jeg sige, at spørgsmålet her er: Luk det her ned! Luk denne krig ned! Luk krigen, og alt, hvad den repræsenterer, ned, nu! Vi har denne ting fra Storbritannien, vi har andre ting i Europa, og ting i andre dele af verden. Jeg tror, at tiden er kommet til at sætte hårdt ind, og effektivt, for at lukke denne krig ned! Luk denne form for krigsførelse, luk det ned!

Hvilket betyder, at vi må skabe et økonomisk system, der vil bidrage til befolkningens behov, både i USA og andetsteds. Spørgsmålet er derfor ikke krig; spørgsmålet er: Er befolkningen i USA parate til at samle sig og genoverveje deres skæbne? Er de villige til at skabe et system, hvor mennesker skaber rigdom, og sørge for, at dette bliver svaret, alternativet til det, der f.eks. finder sted i USA – alle de mennesker, der er ved at uddø eller lider, osv., som de gør nu?

Derfor, vil vi finde alternativet til denne og lignende former for nonsens? Det er spørgsmålet. Jeg mener, at vi virkelig må være meget hårde med dette og få en virkelig solid fremgangsmåde og sige, at, nu gør vi det her for at redde civilisationen, på basis af, hvad Manhattan (projektet) kan tilbyde.

Vi har USA. USA kan vendes omkring, noget langsomt nu, men vi har evnen til at vende tingene rundt, med vores teknologi, der også er i en forfærdelig forfatning. Men vi har nok til at stille uret tilbage, til at gøre en ende på denne evindelige frygt og ondskab. Vi må forsvare USA, dvs. befolkningen i USA, ved at genoprette den form for system i USA, som behøves omgående, for folk i hele USA, og vi må tilskynde andre nationer til at acceptere det samme valg. Jeg mener, det kan gøres.«     


LaRouche PAC Friday Webcast, July 8, 2016

        MATTHEW OGDEN:  Good evening! It's July 8th, 2016. My name
is Matthew Ogden, and you're joining us for our weekly Friday
evening webcast with I'm joined in the studio
today by Megan Beets, from the LaRouche PAC Science Team; and I'm
joined via video by two members of our Policy Committee, Diane
Sare, from the New York City Manhattan Project; and Kesha Rogers,
from Houston, TX.
        We're going to begin our webcast tonight with a very
hard-hitting and important clip from a discussion that we had
with Mr. LaRouche yesterday. This is an audio recording of some
remarks that Mr. LaRouche had, and I think this is going to
inform the discussion that we'll be having here tonight.

        LYNDON LAROUCHE (audio clip): Is Obama going to bomb the
world, or is Obama going to give up? Or is going to do something
else, in the middle? The point is, I would say that the issue
here, when you look at the facts, the same people, the question
would be: shut this thing down! Shut this war down! Shut down the
war and what it represents, now! You've got the thing from
Britain, you've got things in Europe otherwise, you've got the
things in other parts of the world. I think the time has come to
{push hard}, and effectively, to shut this war down! Shut this
kind of warfare, shut it down!
        Which means there's an obligation to create an economic
system which will contribute to the needs of the population, both
in the United States and elsewhere. Therefore the question is not
war; the question is: Are the people of the United States
prepared to reassemble themselves, and reconsider their destiny?
Are they willing to create a system of creation of wealth by
people, and have that thing become the answer, the alternative,
to what's happening, for instance, in the United States–all the
people who are dying out or suffering, and so forth, as now?
        Therefore, are we going to find the alternative to that kind
of nonsense, and similar kinds of nonsense? That's the question.
I think we've really got to go hard on this thing, and get a real
solid approach to say we are now going to do the thing to save
civilization, on the basis of what Manhattan has to offer.
        We've got the United States. The United States can be turned
around, somewhat slowly now, but we've got the ability to turn,
with our technology, which is also in terrible shape. But we've
got enough to {turn the clock around}, to end this perpetual fear
and evil. We've got to defend the United States, in the sense of
the people of the United States, by restoring the kind of system,
{in the United States}, which is needed for the people
{immediately} throughout the United States, and to encourage
other nations to accept the same option. {I think it can be

        OGDEN:  Wonderful! Thank you very much for playing that
clip. We also have a few other very significant things that
happened this week. Obviously, Mr. LaRouche just responded, in
the remarks that you heard, to the developments that are
occurring in Britain. There's a rejection of the entire status
quo, which can be seen very clearly from the Brexit, and then the
{unpredictable} fallout that's happening around that. But also
you have the release of the Chilcot Inquiry Report, which really
just confirms that [former British Prime Minister] Tony Blair is,
in fact, a war criminal, and everybody else who went to war in
Iraq based on false premises, deserves to be prosecuted along
those lines.
        Elsewhere in that discussion, Mr. LaRouche laid out a very
clear continuity of the process, beginning with the Al-Yamamah
deal, the decision by [Saudi] Prince Bandar and [then British
Prime Minister] Margaret Thatcher and George Bush, Sr., at that
time, to initiate this irregular warfare operation. In that case,
it was against Russia, proceeding through to the September 11th
attacks, the cover-up of those attacks, (which is what the 28
pages is concerning), and then the entire process of
"regime-change warfare" that was premised on that lie: Tony
Blair's Iraq War operation; Obama's overthrow of the government
of Libya; and then the attempted overthrow of the government in
Syria. That is the next phase in that process. The Bush/Cheney
phase, the Tony Blair phase, the Obama phase; and now you have
the escalation to the point of the danger of World War III — the
doubling down by Obama this week on his aggressive warfare
operation against Russia, in terms of the build-up of the NATO
troop presence in Europe, and also the confrontations in the
South China Sea, which risk the outbreak of World War III in that
region of the world as well.
        There was another very significant event that occurred in
Washington, DC this week. Very unique, in the "belly of the
beast," which was sponsored by a Chinese organization, the
Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies and the National
Institute of the South China Sea Studies. It also included very
significant, prominent participation, by Bill Jones, the
Washington Bureau Chief for {Executive Intelligence Review}, who
was on the speaking panel. Helga Zepp-LaRouche, the founder of
the Schiller Institute, was also present, and made a very crucial
        We would also like to play a very short video clip from that
event, to give you a little bit more of a sense of the context
for our upcoming discussion.

        HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE (video clip):  My name is Helga
Zepp-LaRouche. I'm the President of the Schiller Institute. I
have two questions. One I would like to ask [U.S. Naval Academy]
Professor [Brian] Mulvaney. The United States itself has
recognized the historical rights of China in the past. For
example, there's several State Department memorandums, from 1943
and 1944, which clearly say that the United States and the
Philippines have no claims to the islands, and, basically, that
they were China's historical territory — a position that was
then reversed at the [1951] San Francisco Peace Conference. But
that is clearly the source of all this trouble. Why is the United
States not recognizing the historical rights of China? That's my
first question.
        My second question is more general. There are many military
experts internationally who are warning that the situation today
is more dangerous than during the height of the Cold War.
Furthermore, we are about to experience another financial crash
worse than 2008. I think the terrorist activities, especially of
the last two weeks, in Bangladesh, Turkey, Indonesia, European
countries, clearly shows terrorism is out of control. Actually
with the Brexit, the European Union is in a process of
disintegration, very rapidly.
        My question is: Can mankind not rise to a higher level of
cooperation and go for a new paradigm, where geopolitics is
overcome, and replaced by the common aims of mankind? The world
is in dire need for the United States and China to work together,
because I think without the two countries joining hands, the
world is in trouble. So, the question is: Can the world move to a
new paradigm of peaceful cooperation for the future tasks of all

PROF. BRIAN MULVANEY:  I totally disagree. I don't think we are
anywhere near large-scale conflict. This is not the Cold War.
This is not the Cuban Missile Crisis. China and the United States
are not about to go to war. At the absolute very worst, there may
be some sort of crisis that erupts, and it's contained, in the
South China Sea. It will be small, if at all. I think it will be
completely, it is completely, avoidable, and I personally
believe it will be avoided, and that, hopefully, cooler heads
will prevail. So, I disagree with the premise of the fact that
this is a more dangerous time than we've seen in a long time.
        As far as humanity goes, I am hopeful. Hopefully, Truth,
Liberty, and Democracy can brave throughout the world, and
everyone can come together in great harmony. Unfortunately, the
history of mankind doesn't seem to bear that out, but we do keep
getting better, and, probably not in my lifetime, but perhaps
down the road.

        BILL JONES:  When they talk about the "rule of law," you
have to ask, "Whose law, and who sets it?" The United States
sends the thing, as President Obama said it, with regard to the
TPP [Trans-Pacific Partnership Treaty], "We've got to make the
rules!" But the world is much different now. There are many
different countries. Other countries also have a say in making
the rules. As long as, I think, the idea is, what is for the good
of the people, this is what should determine the rule of law. I
think China is completely consistent with that in their
attitude, if they reject this arbitration.
        Let me also say something on that. It's very important that
these dialogues occur, because it's the only way that each side
can really understand what the other is talking about. It doesn't
necessarily change people, but over the long term, I think it has
a positive effect. Here in the United States, the mainstream, I
would agree; that is, I would consider it somewhat "hard line."
The mainstream is influenced by the mass-media, by the press. You
read the {New York Times}. Look, I read the {New York Times}
every day. I have not yet found, over the last ten years, an
article in the {New York Times} which was positive towards China.
[laughter] Of course, almost every day, there are articles on
China. [Responding to the audience laughter] I read it pretty
closely. I don't think I have missed any article.
        So, that a lot of what goes on between the discussion of
experts, is not effective, because of what I said, that the media
really distorts China's actual view. But, I'll also say, in the
United States, there has generally, throughout the years, been
positive attitudes towards China, among the general population.
The United States was not a colonial power. We had the
Philippines, and Franklin Roosevelt gave them their independence.
We were an anti-colonial power. This is why we were, over 200
years, very good friends with China. And it's only recently, I
would say in the post-Cold War period in particular, where the
United States remained the major military power; that a new
attitude was adopted, away from Franklin Roosevelt's Dialogue of
Nations, which he tried to create in the last days of his life
and didn't quite succeed because he died so early; and that it
had become more and more like what I call a British Imperial
attitude: we are the Lords of the Seas, and therefore we control
it, because we've got the guns and the boats and everything else.
        That has affected I would say the "think-tank class," or the
"intellectual class," [which] is permeated with this; whereas the
general population is not. So, I think what has to be done is
there has to be more of this "meeting of dialogues," not at an
experts' level so much, but at the people-to-people level, so
that people here in the U.S. who are reading the {New York Times}
can go to China and say, "Boy, the {New York Times} really has a
wrong foot, entirely! They don't get it!" And they would see it.
I think also what China's doing with the Belt and Road, if it
were done here, if we would agree, if they would build high-speed
rail here, people would have a different attitude toward China.

        OGDEN:  I think that provides a very good foundation for a
productive discussion. The very first point that Mr. LaRouche
made in the beginning was, "Are the citizens of the United States
willing to re-assess themselves, re-assemble themselves, and
re-consider their destiny? Are we going to allow this war to
happen, or are we going to shut it down? Are we going to save
civilization?" I think that's the question on the table.

        DIANE SARE:  Well, he did put a particular — as we heard —
very strong emphasis on Manhattan; and I think there are a number
of aspects to that.  One, perhaps the biggest, is the question of
Alexander Hamilton. And I was just reflecting as we heard these
comments from these people, this character from the US Naval War
College, who was somewhat hostile in the way he pounced on Mrs.
LaRouche's question; and then you hear his view of mankind.  It
indicates a lack of ability to think of the future or to be
creative, because if you think about Einstein or you think about
Kepler, or you think about Hamilton, for example.  What does
Hamilton come from?  He was on a British-colonized,
Dutch-colonized plantation place in the Caribbean, where he saw
the real evils of slavery and usury firsthand.  He comes to the
United States, which is a colony of the British Empire, and
nonetheless, has a very clear vision of how mankind {should} live
without ever having actually experienced it himself.  And that is
really unique.
        And if we think about Einstein and the question of
gravitational waves, similarly he was able to think through,
without the measuring instruments that we've had only recently,
but in his mind he said, no, this must be the principle of
ordering of the universe; and similarly Kepler's thinking.  And
it's not different from the question of human economics and the
development of mankind as a species that it is the natural state
that we become better, more intelligent, live longer, healthier,
and you have more of us with a higher standard of living; that is
actually the natural state of human affairs.  Many people today
have trouble thinking of this because the entire system has been
geared against creativity, and has been set up to crush the
ability to actually think of unthought-of thoughts; to think of
something new.  Instead, people go with a Bertrand Russell
algebraic approach that everything has to follow in a sequence of
what it's been doing.  And I would say it's that outlook that has
led us to have a record number of suicides, a record number of
heroin overdoses, and a collapse; and people seemingly lacking
the vision to actually solve it.  And I think it's just so
crucial that people take note of what just occurred at this
conference organized by Mrs. LaRouche, that she and her husband
were at in Berlin.  They actually don't operate in the way that
you may have been thinking that they do for most of your life.

MEGAN BEETS:  Well, I had a similar thought, Diane, listening to
the counterpoint between Helga's question and the answer by the
gentleman on the podium there.  The question raised — maybe not
in these words — but the question before us all now is, is
mankind capable of rising to the level of reason?  Is society
capable of assuming a state of existence as we're seeing and
calling for in this New Paradigm which has never happened before.
If you look back in history, people like Friedrich Schiller was
facing the same question with the failure of the potential and
the opportunity of the French Revolution which failed.  And he's
looking at the question of can mankind actually educate itself to
be rid of the characteristic of barbarism within society for
good.  Can there actually be a perpetual renaissance?  And two
other people who obviously contemplated this and had a certain
optimistic vision of this, are Helga Zepp-LaRouche herself, and
also Krafft Ehricke, who had a completely optimistic view of the
future of mankind in space; and knew that it would only come
about through an aesthetical education of society.  I think it is
a very challenging view for people today to contemplate the
notion that it is possible to move beyond this childishness of
mankind into a state where warfare and geopolitics are things of
the past, and are no longer part of human society.  I think that
does require exactly what you said: the tapping into the
creativity of the population, as Hamilton recognized was the
basis of economics, and what LaRouche has based his economic
discoveries on — the human mind's ability to create that which
never existed before.

        KESHA ROGERS:  I think it's important to look at what Mr.
LaRouche laid out a few  years ago in June of 2014, as the
alternative and the only option for saving the United States and
the survival of mankind.  Which now really has to be looked at in
an even greater context in terms of the role of the United States
in cooperation with nations such as Russia and China, around
meeting the common aims of mankind as Mrs. LaRouche indicated.
Mr. LaRouche has laid out four fundamental principles — really
scientific principles and  Constitutional principles as he named
them — which are governed by our US Constitution and were
reflected in the policies of people such as President Franklin
Roosevelt, John F Kennedy, and President Lincoln before; and
really were centered around the foundation of our Constitution as
Diane said, with the Hamiltonian conception of a credit system.
        More importantly, it gets to the question of what is your
conception of the nature of human beings.  Do you think that
human beings are just animals or beasts; or do you see human
beings as superior and having mental capacity over lower forms of
life?  When he put these four laws out, which state — I'll just
go through them; and I think we should have a further discussion
about it. The first law was that we must re-enact Glass Steagall
in the precise form that Franklin Roosevelt put into effect.  2.
Return to a system of national banking, as Alexander Hamilton had
intended, and was described under Abraham Lincoln's greenback
system.  3. Institute a Federal credit system to generate
high-productivity improvements in employment. 4. Adopt a fusion
driver crash program.
        Now, on this fourth point, it was encompassing of the entire
program that Mr. LaRouche put forward; because it wasn't just
about nuclear power or building nuclear power plants and so
forth.  It really got to this conception of what is our human
destiny; how do we view the nature of mankind as acting to remove
any limitations that are put on human progress?  It reminded me
that these four laws were very in tune to the laws of Krafft
Ehricke in his three laws of astronautics, that he put out in
1957; because when you think about this, the fourth law of Mr.
LaRouche's fusion crash driver program was very much in line with
what Kennedy had intended when he made his address on May 25,
1961, calling for landing a man on the Moon and returning him
safely to Earth.  This program was actually exemplified by this
very question of what is mankind's mission in participating in
the creative process.
        What Krafft Ehricke brings up is just that; it is the
question of the moral law of human beings that they are actually
doing away with this conception that mankind is nothing more than
beasts.  It was interesting listening to this comment — as Diane
said it was pretty hostile.  It was hostile because this
gentleman has a very low conception of what the nature is of
human beings.  He has already made the determination that you can
only allow something to happen that has already been determined
and decided for you.  As he was making the point, "Well, I would
like to have a nation where we live in peace and harmony; but
unfortunately that's not the world we live in."  Well, the
question is, how are we going to make the determination that we
must create that world and bring that world about.  That was the
basis, and continues to be the basis of Mr. LaRouche's economics
and what he means by the conception of these four laws.  And what
was defined also by Krafft Ehricke's laws of astronautics; that
are not just the basis of how you go about into space travel, but
more so the principle of what mankind must overcome to be able to
create these breakthroughs which are necessary to define a future
progress and a future human destiny.  The idea, as we've stated
on many occasions, that nobody and nothing under the natural laws
of the Universe impose any limitations on man except man himself;
that's something that really had to be defined in this discussion
that was had at the Chinese press conference there.
        But the key thing right now, as Mr. LaRouche said, is are
people going to prepare themselves to reconsider their destiny?
And reconsidering their destiny means we have to get rid of these
limitations; we have to now move immediately to shut down this
war drive of Obama, and everything that he represents in terms of
this culture of death.  Right now, we are seeing the escalation
towards all-out war, and we'll speak more on this in just a few
moments.  But the fact that, as we speak right now, the NATO
summit in Warsaw, Poland is happening; Obama is there, pushing
more provocations against Russia.  It is very clear that
Americans do have to make the decision that we want to
collaborate as human beings with other nations for the betterment
of mankind.  We have to stop this killing and this war threat and
actually move toward a new conception of human nature.
        So, I wanted to start with that, and then I'll come back
with more.

OGDEN:  I think that is very significant, because the whole
threat that Obama is making — and this is what Mr. LaRouche said
last week — this is a very empty threat.  This entire system
which Obama represents is completely bankrupt.  Look at what's
happening in Europe; the entire European system is splintering
apart.  Nobody has any idea how the consequences of the Brexit
vote are going to pan out; the leadership of all the parties is
collapsing, it's crumbling, it's imploding.  Then you have Obama
making these boastful threats.
        The point is, Europe is bankrupt; you have an emerging New
Paradigm; you have China and Russia; the Eurasian system could
encompass all of Europe.  You could have, finally, an integration
of this entire continent around a New Paradigm; a new system of
relations among nations, as Helga said at her intervention at
that event in DC.  This is a completely new concept of the
relationship between nations.  And yes, people within the think
tank class — as I think Bill Jones rightly called it, the pundit
class — are extremely pessimistic people; they don't have
vision, they don't have imagination.  That's why you have
leadership like Helga at that event.  Then, what happened?  You
had this Berlin conference which was incredibly good timing; two
days after the Brexit vote.  So, one thing on that subject,
because I think it ties together the question of the bankruptcy
of this trans-Atlantic system.  What both Diane and you, Kesha,
brought up about what's the new system?  This is Hamilton;
Hamilton is back.  We have the solution; the Four Laws are
self-explanatory, they're on the table.  They could be enacted
overnight; and this really is, in effect, the United States
joining the New Paradigm.  So, this is I think an important
comment by Mr. LaRouche; it came out of a discussion he had with
Jeffrey Steinberg earlier today.  Jeff presented him with the
institutional question that we got this week from contacts within
DC.  The question was:  "In your view, Mr. LaRouche, can the
European member countries post-Brexit chart a constructive and
viable economic course?  And how can they reverse their economic
decline?"  And I think Mr. LaRouche's remarks are very apropos.
He said, "The European Union must consent to end the system of
trash nations."  And by trash nations, he said [he meant]
"nations in the EU like Italy, that are treated like trash.
Other nations — Greece; that's obviously treated like trash.
This is resulting in the destruction of the nations of Europe."
Mr. LaRouche said, "You are going to have to depend on
cooperation between Putin and the right people in Germany; who
are in a minority, but are tied to the real, productive economy.
You're going to have to rely on that cooperation between Russia
and Germany to make the needed shift.  You have to return to
principles of physical economy, or all of Europe will collapse
very soon.  The anchor is the Russia-Germany collaboration."
        So, in reality, this is the path forward.  And for all of
Obama's threats in Warsaw, and all of the bluster from NATO; yes,
this is a very dangerous situation.  As Helga said, it is far
more dangerous than at any moment during the Cold War.  But, this
is the face of a collapsing system; and the only solution here is
the return to Hamilton.  And I think the leverage is very clear,
Diane; we've got the leverage to do this in Manhattan, in New
York City.  With the necessary escalation that could be enacted
now, we have the leverage to lead the United States from our
center in Manhattan, around the principles of Hamilton.  And I
think the other thing that we're going to get into, is in the
months leading up the 15th anniversary of the attack on September
11th; we're going to get to the truth of who lied, who was behind
these attacks, and who is covering up the truth about these
attacks and for what reason.

        ROGERS:  When you brought up this question of the principles
of physical economy, I think it's very important that we
understand that this is the principle of the human mind.  Mr.
LaRouche's {Science of Physical Economy} gets at this question of
how do you actually more creative and productive citizens in your
society.  When you think about these Four Laws, this is what we
have to actually bring about; the adoption of these Four Laws is
going to be done under the context that you are moving the
population toward building a more productive society that's going
to be able to create something better for their future and for
the future of those not yet born.  I think that we've lost sight
of that in our society.  Most people right now are — it's a
dying culture, a dying — as you said, Matt — financial system
that people are trying to hang onto.  We cannot do that; we have
to have a total reversal of the direction that this nation has
been going in.  And that reversal is really being led by China
and Russia taking up this principle of what the embodiment of
Hamilton represents; or the embodiment of what our American
System has truly represented.  I know Diane will say more on how
the mission of the United States is going to come from — as
we've stated — Manhattan to carry out that mission here in the
United States.

SARE:  Well, I'll just say that when Mrs. LaRouche spoke at the
conference in Berlin, she made this point of the question of
justice.  That when Tony Blair launched his fake campaign about
the alleged weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, and he launched
what has now been admitted to have been a war of aggression —
which is a crime under the Nuremburg Statutes.  She said that
justice will be done in this case; sometimes it's not immediate.
The Universe will ensure justice is done; however it is better if
mankind can act on behalf of justice.  Because if we let things
go too far, justice of the Universe may end up being the
annihilation of ourselves.  If we don't stop thermonuclear war,
if we don't stop our society from going down that path.
Similarly what we've had in the United States in the wake of
these attacks on September 11th, is we've had two murderous
regimes.  We've had the Bush/Cheney administration, who were
fully happy to collaborate with Tony Blair and his lies to enter
the war with Iraq.  We've had Obama, who has been probably the
most murderous President we've ever had in history.  And I think
it's important to say this here, because I know many people are
very upset about the recent killings in Minnesota, New Orleans,
and then Dallas.  I find it tragic.  We've heard of lone
assassins before from Dallas.  We've also heard of what happened
in Orlando by supposedly one person.  I think Americans are
growing increasingly skeptical of these stories.  What we see in
the case of 9/11, which I think gives us the ability to break the
whole thing open and end this train of abuses, is, for example,
the role of the FBI in covering up and hiding evidence; the role
of the Bush and Obama administrations in refusing to release the
28 pages.  I haven't read them, of course, but from what I
understand, they deal with how the hijackers were supported when
they came into the  United States.  Obama said he would do
various things, and did not; and there has now recently been an
escalation coming from the US Congress.  We have a clip which
people should watch of a press conference given this week by
Congressman Walter Jones, Stephen Lynch, and Massey, who are the
co-sponsors of a new bill on the 28 pages; which addresses the
fact that these 28 pages are actually the property of the
Congress.  I won't say more, I'll let them speak for this; but
this is a very important flank.  It's very important in Manhattan
in particular, because thousands, millions of people in this area
were very directly impacted by this; and they're not in a mood on
the 15th anniversary of this to just let it go another year
without the truth coming out.  People had a very feisty response
when the Saudis were threatening financial warfare in response to
any legislation in the Congress against Saudi Arabia.  I think
this is something which could break this open and fundamentally
change the United States, and emphatically destroy Obama's
ability to wage the kind of war and destruction that he wants to
now.  So, if you have that there, I think it would be useful to
show that clip of this press conference.

        CONG. LYNCH:  There is precedent; and the thing is, that if
the President — and I hope he will keep his word to the people.
But if not, we wanted this.  And that's the reason we introduced
this, so it would go to the Intel Committee; because again, Kevin
Nunez says yes, he thinks it ought to be declassified, and so did
Adam Schiff, the ranking member.  So we want to give them an
opportunity, if the President does not keep his word.  And I hope
that Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Trump, when they make their acceptance
speech, that they will call on the President to keep his word.
But if not, then we're going to be pushing this when we come back
in September; and hopefully get a hearing and get the families
back down here to listen to the justification for declassifying
this information.  There is precedent.
        And on a finer point, if you look back during the Pentagon
Papers, the Church Commission generated a report.  While the
White House refused to allow that report to be publicized,
Congressman Gravel went to the well of the House and read the
Pentagon Papers; and was protected — the Supreme Court ruled —
was protected by the Speech and Debate Clause of the United
States Constitution.  So, even though they tried to prosecute him
for reading that, the Supreme Court said that the Separation of
Powers gives Congress the right to speak and debate on issues
that affect the American people.  That Separation of Powers and
the Speech and Debate Clause protected that member of Congress,
who went to the Floor and actually read those papers.  So, we
believe we're protected.  It may come to that; it may come to a
point that myself and Walter and Mr. Massey go to the well of the
House and read the text of the 28 pages, if we can get it
released to us.  That's the key; because when we go down to the
Intel Committee room and read the 28 pages, they have people sit
there in front of you.  They take your phone away; no
electronics; you're not allowed to take notes.  You're allowed to
read it and read it under the observation of either Intel
Committee staff or other folks that are there for security
purposes.  So, we don't have the 28 pages.  We can sit there as
long as we want and try to memorize it and read it, and go over
and over it.  We have done that, each of us; but in order to
release it, you have to have custody of it.

        OGDEN:  This is available on the LaRouche PAC website.  It's
very significant to watch that press conference in full.  There
were remarks from both Congressmen Walter Jones and Walter Massey
in addition to what Congressman Lynch said.  Also, Terry Strada
and her daughter, Kaitlyn Strada, had extremely powerful
statements making the point that the White House had promised to
get back to them with the declassification review on June 17th;
and that date has come and gone, and they have still to hear one
peep out of the White House.  They are not returning the calls of
the 9/11 families, they are not returning the calls of the
members of Congress. They are not returning the calls of Senator
Bob Graham; who is the one who wrote, or who oversaw the writing,
of the 28 pages.  So, there is a stonewalling by the White House.
The press corps should be asking these questions during the press
briefings.  Terry Strada said you've got Josh Earnest and Jim
Clapper basically reading right out of the Saudi Arabian talking
points; the talking points of the government of Saudi Arabia.
Whereas, the people who wrote the 28 pages are contradicting
every single thing that the Administration says.  So, it's hugely
significant that House Resolution 779 has been introduced;
because it says,  we are bypassing President Obama.  We are going
to go right to the floor; this is the property of the United
States Congress.  And it's doubly significant what you just heard
from Congressman Stephen Lynch.  He said, it may well come to the
three of us going to the floor of the House and having a Senator
Gravel moment.  We may very well read these papers into the
public record; which would be absolutely historic and
groundbreaking.  So, I really encourage everybody to watch the
press conference in full.  There's been some coverage, but not
enough.  And to circulate this very widely.
        Obviously, this is also feeding into some of the work that
we're going to be doing in Manhattan in the coming months;
especially around the commemoration of the 15th anniversary of
these attacks.  So Diane, maybe you want to say more about that.

SARE:  Well, I can say on that point, because it gets at what I
was thinking about, which is LaRouche's question of whether
Americans will re-assemble themselves.  I think the most
important thing for Americans right now, is to not allow
ourselves to be divided; which is clearly the intent of these
operations and the news media coverage of them in such a way over
these last days, and the intent of our President, who perhaps
wants us all to start shooting each other while he launches a
nuclear war against Russia and we don't notice.  What is planned
around New York City is a series of performances of the Mozart
{Requiem}; and we have a number of choruses of the Schiller
Institute in now Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, and New Jersey.
We'll be doing a series of performances of the Mozart {Requiem}
on and around September 11th.  The response to this is very deep;
people — as I said earlier — were profoundly affected.  And
what people in New York want is not revenge; people don't want to
go blow up some country like Saudi Arabia.  What people want is
justice; and they should be able to rest assured that such crimes
will never be allowed to occur again.  That, in turn, would give
profound meaning and immortality to the lives of all of those
people who have died in 9/11 and in the wake of 9/11.
        So, I think this question before us about whether the
American will re-assemble ourselves and reconsider our destiny is
the pressing question of the moment.  Not simply from the
standpoint of abolishing evil; but from the standpoint of
actually creating the good.

        ROGERS:  That brings to mind the very question and the
important point that was made by President Franklin Roosevelt,
because I think to accomplish this destiny, the question is also
whether or not people will allow themselves, or continue to allow
themselves to live in fear.  When Franklin Roosevelt made his
first inaugural address, and people recite these famous words all
the time, of his call that "We have nothing to fear but fear
itself.  Nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which
paralyzes needed efforts to turn retreat into advance."  The
problem right now is that we have a culture that has numbed
people to the point where the advance which is necessary, and the
fear which must be overcome to actually demand justice now, is
very dominant.  And I think this what we have to overcome.  The
destiny that we have to create for ourselves requires that we're
not just talking about implementing the 28 pages; but we're
talking about doing away with this evil which creates this type
of fear and this type of injustice that actually paralyzes
people.  To actually do away with that fear, and to be able to
bring that destiny about.  So, when you're thinking about —
Diane, you had your discussion yesterday — you have to deal with
this a lot, just in terms of the fear that people were
expressing.  And I think that right now, we've been given a very
unique and important opportunity that we don't have to live in
fear.  That — as was already stated — this Empire, their stooge
Obama, this whole financial system has no power; it's
disintegrating, it's collapsing right before their ugly faces.
So now we have the power to finish that off and create something
better for mankind.

        OGDEN:  I think one of the sources of the fear is that our
fellow citizens are victim of a concerted propaganda war.  The
number of lies that Americans are told on a daily basis, the
continuing lie of what was actually the truth of who financed and
organized 9/11, which has been the overshadowing lie for the last
15 years.  Then the lies in succession:  Tony Blair's lies;
George Bush's lies.  The lies justifying these so-called
regime-change wars, these regime-change operations.  And now the
lies that are being told to people about Russia, about China.
Look at what China is doing:  uplifting hundreds of millions of
people out of poverty; developing technologies that have not been
developed before; bringing access to the modern world to the
entire interior of the continent of Eurasia; exploring the dark
side of the Moon.  Is this what you're told about in the pages of
the {New York Times}?  No!  People are victims of a propaganda
war.  One other item we've provided for our viewers this week on
the LaRouche PAC website, is an extraordinary interview with a
state senator from Virginia, Richard Black, and another citizen
of the US, who travelled to Syria and actually saw what the
situation was on the ground in Syria.  Met with President Assad,
incredibly.  The title of the video, I think is apropos — it's
called "Breaking the Propaganda War Vis-à-vis Syria".  This is a
huge responsibility.  People have to realize they have a
responsibility to figure out what is true; and to then act on
that basis.
        And I think the re-assembling of American citizens, as Mr.
LaRouche said, and the decision that we are going to change our
destiny; and we are not going to allow Obama to carry us, in our
name, into a Third World War, is a decision that has to be made
by the American people.  Again, the leverage to lead the rest of
the nation comes from what is happening in Manhattan.
        OK; well, I might give myself the final word.  On that note,
we've referenced and shown you little bits and pieces of several
items that you can now immediately go and watch on the LaRouche
PAC YouTube channel.  You will subscribe to the YouTube channel
and receive notifications every time we post a new item, such as
that.  So, I would ask you to subscribe to the YouTube channel
and to circulate all of that material as widely as you can.  If
you haven't yet, please subscribe to the LaRouche PAC daily email
update; you will get the news as it really is happening, to your
inbox every single day.
        Thank you for tuning in, and please stay tuned to  Good night.

Enten skaber menneskeheden et nyt paradigme –
eller også er menneskeheden fortabt

6. juli 2016  – På tærsklen til det ildevarslende NATO-topmøde i Polen d. 8. – 9. juli, der meget vel kunne vise sig at blive snubletråden for global atomkrig, er også hele det transatlantiske finansielle system ved at gå op i sømmene. Sterling-pundet er efter Brexit styrtdykket til det laveste niveau i 30 år; et halvt dusin ejendoms-hedgefonde i London, angiveligt med en samlet ’værdi’ på $20 milliarder, har indstillet handlen for at standse panik-udtræk; og banker i hele Europa – ikke kun i Italien – står umiddelbart over for konkurs og kræver desperat ubegrænset supplerende likviditet for blot at holde sig oven vande.
Bank of England har, sammen med alle de transatlantiske centralbanker, trykket på panikknappen og annoncerer nye måder, hvorpå de vil pumpe en uendelig strøm af værdiløse midler ind i systemet, alt imens de løsner vilkårene for, hvornår banker kan påtage sig en stadigt større eksponering til derivater – det præcist modsatte af den Glass-Steagall løsning, der er påkrævet.

Lyndon LaRouche langede i dag kraftigt ud efter dette vanvid, som en total »politisk katastrofe, der ikke vil føre til noget, bortset fra den totale bankerot af hele det britiske system.«

Rent politisk er hele den Europæiske Union og dens institutioner ved at smuldre. Etablissementet aner i bund og grund ikket, hvad de skal stille op og har ingen forbindelse til den virkelighed, som deres egne politikker har udløst, med trussel om atomkrig, uhæmmet satanisk terrorisme og økonomisk nedsmeltning – samt den plagede befolknings voksende had og raseri mod etablissementet. Den samme proces karakteriserer USA under Obama. 

Det turde være åbenbart, at videreførelsen af disse politikker i kortere eller længere tid vil føre til en katastrofe for menneskeheden. Enten skaber vi et nyt paradigme for menneskehedens fælles mål, eller også er menneskeheden fortabt, understregede  Helga Zepp-LaRouche i dag. Det var det centrale budskab ved vores Schiller Institut- konference i Berlin d. 25. – 26. juni, og det er det udsyn, der må gennemtrænge ethvert aspekt af vores aktivitet, og hver diskussion, som vi har på alle dele af planeten. Der er ingen løsning for nogen enkeltdel, uden en løsning for helheden – enhed går forud for diversitet, hvad enten det passer det Britiske Imperium at acceptere dette universalprincip, eller ej.

Hvis folk som modsætning hertil tænker, at mennesket grundlæggende set er et dyr, der først og fremmest hytter sit eget skind; og hvis de handler – eller undlader at handle – på basis heraf, så står vi over for slutningen på civilisationen. En ny tænkemåde, et nyt billede af det kreative menneske, et nyt paradigme er den eneste mulighed.

Som Helga Zepp-LaRouche fremstillede spørgsmålet ved en pressekonference i Washington D.C., der blev holdt i dag ved Chongyang Instituttet for Finansielle Studier og det Nationale Institut for Studier af det Sydkinesiske Hav:

»Der er mange internationale militæreksperter, der advarer om, at situationen i dag er mere farlig end på højden af den kolde krig. Endvidere er vi på vej til at opleve endnu et finansielt sammenbrud, værre end i 2008. Jeg mener, at de terrorhandlinger, der især har fundet sted i de seneste to uger i Bangladesh, Tyrkiet, Indonesien og europæiske lande, klart viser, at terrorismen er ude af kontrol. Og rent faktisk befinder den Europæiske Union sig med Brexit i en disintegrations-proces, der er meget dramatisk.

Så mit spørgsmål er: Kan menneskeheden ikke hæve sig til et højere niveau af samarbejde og satse på et nyt paradigme, hvor geopolitik er en saga blot og erstattet af menneskehedens fælles mål? Jeg mener, at verden har hårdt brug for, at USA og Kina arbejder sammen, for jeg mener, at, uden at de to lande tager hinanden i hånden, så står verden i problemer til halsen. Så spørgsmålet er: Kan verden bevæge sit mod et nyt paradigme med fredeligt samarbejde om hele menneskehedens fremtidige opgaver?«

Foto: Brexit- afstemningen demonstrerer etablissementets manglende forbindelse med befolkningen. Vil vi hæve os til et nyt paradigme for hele menneskehedens fremtid, eller forpasse chancen for at gribe dette store øjeblik?




Finansiel panik og krigsråb hen over Europa –
Kun et »Skifte på højere niveau« kan give historien en ny retning

5. juni 2016 (Leder) NATO’s chef Jens Stoltenberg gentog, i en tale i Bruxelles på den amerikanske uafhængighedsdag, sit vanvittige krigsråb mod Rusland og pralede med, at NATO har gennemført den største mobilisering af militære styrker siden den Kolde Krig, men fremførte, at dette ikke er nok. »Vi må nu tage de næste skridt«, sagde han og udtalte, at NATO-topmødet i Warszawa i denne uge »yderligere vil forstærke vores militære tilstedeværelse i alliancens østlige del« – dvs. på Ruslands grænse.

Polens forsvarsminister Antoni Macierewicz gik videre og fantaserede over for Associated Press om, at NATO’s nye militære indsættelser vil udgøre »afslutningen af frygten« i Østeuropa. »Kun en demonstration af, at vi reelt er parat til at forsvare vore grænser, kan effektivt standse Ruslands aggressive planer«, sagde han og tilføjede: »Rusland kan glemme alt om at true Polen, de europæiske lande og andre lande i verden.« Selv, mens NATO deployerer tropper, kampvogne, militærfly, krigsskibe og missilsystemer hele vejen langs Ruslands grænse, beskyldte den forrykte Macierewicz Rusland for at »forøge intensiteten af Ruslands aggression i de seneste dage« og pegede på, at Rusland flytter tropper rundt inden for sine egne grænser!

Der er imidlertid voksende tegn på fornuft i Europa, med modstand mod krigspolitikken mod Rusland og Kina, såvel som også mht. den økonomiske ødelæggelse af de europæiske økonomier. General Harold Kujat, den tidligere chef for de tyske væbnede styrker, sagde i et interview i dag, at han fuldt ud støtter den tyske udenrigsminister Frank-Walter Steinmeiers fordømmelse af »NATO’s sabelraslen« over for Rusland.

Den græske premierminister Alexis Tsipras er på rejse i Kina, hvor han yderligere bestyrker »Silkevejs«-transportforbindelserne mellem Europa og Kina.

Selv Italiens premierminister Matteo Renzi viser modstand og er uvillig til at give efter for EU’s krav om, at Italien tvinger en »bail-in« ned over sine truede banker. Det rapporteres, at Renzi kræver ret til at re-kapitalisere bankerne med statslig kapital, snarere end at lukke dem ned, eller stjæle indskydernes og obligationsholdernes penge gennem en bail-in, for at betale dem, der har dyrket hasardspil med derivat-værdipapirer.

Lyndon LaRouche svarede i dag, at disse og andre lignende skridt er korrekte og nødvendige, men ikke tilstrækkelige. Ingen af dem vil fungere, sagde han, medmindre et »skifte på et højere niveau« bliver gennemført fra oven af. Enhver enkeltstående indsats for at standse den finansielle panik, der nu fejer hen over Europa, og snart også USA, eller for at standse den gale dræber Obamas virke for krig, vil være utilstrækkelig uden et sådant »skifte på et højere niveau« til et nyt paradigme. Dette skifte må være baseret på en Glass/Steagall-bankreorganisering for at lukke de banker, der er ’for store til at lade gå ned’, og for at genetablere produktiv kredit, samarbejde med Kinas Nye Silkevejsproces og Vladimir Putins »Projekt Storeurasien«, og, hvad der er særdeles vigtigt, en mobilisering af vore borgere – i særdeleshed ungdommen – til skønhed, gennem en genoplivning af klassisk musik og kultur.

LaRouche har advaret om, at NATO’s krigsmobilisering er bluff – om end en meget farlig bluff. I dag gentog den russiske analytiker Dmitry Yevstafiev LaRouches advarsel i en artikel i Izvestia. Yevstafiev anfører, at de massive NATO-øvelser på Ruslands grænser faktisk er en »dækoperation« for et førsteangreb med strategiske styrker. At tro, at Rusland vil tillade den form for systematisk oprustning på sine grænser, i lighed med, hvad Hitler gjorde før sin Operation Barbarossa-invasion af Sovjetunionen, ville være det samme som at anse Ruslands ledere for at være imbecile. Kendsgerningen er den, tilføjede han, at NATO ikke længere har evnen til at understøtte sådan en konventionel krig og dækker over gabet med propaganda. Men dette »fremprovokerer en tiltagende efterspørgsel« af krig. Lige som Japan ved Pearl Harbor kan en sådan svag stat tænkes at ville angribe først og »håbe på at opnå en fordel«, afsluttede han. 

En vækkelse af menneskehedens kreative gnist, der i de vestlige lande er blevet slået ned af de evindelige krige, økonomiske kriser og den kulturelle degenerering, er den nødvendige forudsætning for at standse denne fare og få menneskeheden til at gå videre til det nye paradigme, der nu er i færd med at blive skabt fra Kina, Rusland og Indien, som repræsenterer flertallet af den menneskelige race og det moralske lederskab i verden.

Foto: Den amerikanske udenrigsminister John Kerry, viceudenrigsminister for europæiske og eurasiske anliggender Victoria Nuland sidder sammen med NATO’s generalsekretær Jens Stoltenberg og deres modparter i NATO’s hovedkvarter, 27. juni 2016 [flickr/statephotos]


USA: Borgmesterkonference fordømmer Obamas atomkrigsprovokationer

3. juli 2016 (Leder) – Den årlige borgmesterkonference i Indianapolis, USA, fra 24. – 27. juni, udstedte en sønderlemmende kritik af Obamaregeringen, som direkte angreb de massive NATO-øvelser, der nu finder sted på Ruslands grænser, Obamas 1 billion dollar store modernisering af atomvåben, det faktum, at han ikke har taget initiativ til at reducere atomvåbnene, hans krigsgale politik over for Rusland og Kina, og hans negligering af det drastiske kollaps, der kendetegner USA’s basale infrastruktur og befolkningens almene vel. Det er værd at bemærke, at end ikke én eneste af de større amerikanske aviser så meget som har rapporteret om denne aktion.

Borgmesterkonferencen fandt sted samtidig med den historiske Schiller Institut-konference i Berlin, hvor Helga Zepp-Larouche indledte sin tale med at sige, at

vi oplever en systemisk og eksistentiel civilisationskrise, der er absolut uden fortilfælde. Vi har sammenfaldet af en fare for krig, hvor NATO konfronterer Rusland på en meget, meget aggressiv facon – hvilket kan føre til en tredje verdenskrig. Vi har en amerikansk konfrontation mod Kina i det Sydkinesiske Hav. Der er risikoen for en ny finanskrise af samme type som i 2008, og som kan sprænge det finansielle system.

Borgmestrenes resolution erklærer dernæst, alt imens den kommer med en svag ros for Obamas besøg i Hiroshima og hans indgåelse af en aftale med Iran:

Samtidig har Obamaregeringen reduceret USA’s lager af atomvåben mindre, end noget præsidentskab efter den Kolde Krig, og den har lagt fundamentet til, at USA skal bruge en billion dollars hen over de næste tre årtier for at vedligeholde og modernisere sine atombomber og sprænghoveder, produktionsfabrikker, affyringssystemer og kommando og kontrol, og de øvrige atombevæbnede stater følger trop … De atombevæbnede lande kommer stadigt nærmere til randen af en direkte militær konfrontation i konfliktzoner i hele verden, og det største NATO-krigsspil i årtier, der involverer 14.000 amerikanske tropper samt aktivering af amerikanske missilforsvarssystemer i Østeuropa, bærer ved til bålet af voksende spændinger mellem atombevæbnede giganter, og iflg. tidligere forsvarsminister William Perry: ’Sandsynligheden for en atomar katastrofe er større i dag, mener jeg, end den var under den Kolde Krig.’

Denne fare og dette enorme spild af ressourcer står i direkte kontrast til den kollapsende, amerikanske økonomi:

»Den stadigt mere forværrede infrastruktur udgør en fare for befolkningens sikkerhed og livskvalitet, og den voksende ulige fordeling af rigdom tvinger folk til at forlade Amerikas byer, og vore lokalsamfund har et desperat behov for statslig investering til opførelse af billige boliger, jobskabelse til lønninger, man kan leve af, forbedring af offentlig transport og udvikling af bæredygtige energikilder«. Resolutionen kræver en omfordeling af de midler, der bruges på atomoprustningen, for at »løse vore byers presserende behov og genopbygge vor nations smuldrende infrastruktur.«

Resolution fremkommer ikke med det krav (der turde være åbenlyst), at denne præsident omgående må fjernes for den beskrevne forbrydelse – dvs., for at skabe en umiddelbar eksistentiel trussel mod menneskeheden gennem atomkrig. I stedet kræver den, at »den næste præsident« må gribe til handling. Ikke desto mindre kræver den, at »der tages nye, diplomatiske initiativer, som en hastesag, for at nedbringe spændingerne med Rusland og Kina.«

Det, som mangler, er selvfølgelig løsningen, og heri ligger den afgørende forskel mellem Borgmesterkonferencen og Schiller Instituttets konference i Berlin. Zepp-LaRouche sagde til tilhørerne i Berlin:

Denne konference har ét emne, eller ét underliggende emne, og det er at definere løsninger på disse kriser: at diskutere, hvad det nye paradigme skal være, og hvorvidt menneskeslægten er i stand til at løse en sådan eksistentiel krise. Vi har fremtrædende talere fra fire kontinenter og fra mange lande, og dette er selvsagt mennesker, eller repræsentanter for mennesker, der er fast besluttet på, at en løsning skal findes.

Og næsten hver eneste af talerne talte vitterligt om, at det hastede med at gennemføre de løsninger, der længe har været knyttet til Lyndon og Helga LaRouche – nemlig reorganiseringen af det bankerotte, vestlige finansielle system gennem vedtagelse af en Glass/Steagall-lov i USA og Europa, samt udvidelsen af Kinas projekt for Den Nye Silkevej til at omfatte hele verden, et projekt, der vil gøre en ende på geopolitik til fordel for udviklingsprojekter, der imødekommer menneskehedens fælles mål.

Det mod, der udvistes på USA’s Borgmesterkonference, en upartisk institution, der repræsenterer alle byer i USA med flere end 30.000 indbyggere, og hvor den igangværende trussel om en global atomkrig blev identificeret, pålægger alle amerikanere et endnu større ansvar – for at mobilisere disse borgmestre og deres vælgere til at gennemføre LaRouches program, før Obama kan trykke på knappen.

Foto: Præsident Barack Obama holder sin første, større tale, hvori han erklærer sit forpligtende engagement over for at søge at opnå fred og sikkerhed i en verden uden atomvåben, foran tusinder af tilhørere i Prag i den Tjekkiske Republik, 5. april 2009. [flickr/whitehouse]  

Tiden er nu inde for en
Ny Renæssance for menneskeheden!
LaRouchePAC Internationale
Fredags-webcast, 1. juli 2016.
Inkl. videoklip fra hovedtalere på
Schiller Instituttets konference i Berlin.

Aftenens webcast omfatter en eksklusiv video-premiere fra Schiller Instituttets internationale konference i Berlin, 25.-26. juni – en global intervention, der ikke kunne være kommet på et vigtigere tidspunkt. I kølvandet på Brexit-valget ser vi det finansielle systems sammenbrud dukke op igen og en accelerering af fremstødet for krig – udviklinger, der ikke blev forårsaget af Brexit-valget, men som er udtryk for det samlede transatlantiske systems sammenbrudsproces som helhed. Lyndon LaRouches vurdering er klar: diverse manøvrer og spil internt i systemet kan ikke fungere; systemet er gået ned, og der er ingen måde, hvorpå det kan overleve i sin nuværende form. Dette betyder ikke, at vi absolut skal i krig, men man spiller et meget farligt bluff. Som det blev demonstreret på denne historiske konference, så er den eneste løsning den at indføre en ny tankegang, et nyt paradigme for menneskeheden, et skifte i lighed med det, der fandt sted med den berømte, 14-hundredetals Gyldne Renæssance, som Helga Zepp-LaRouche uophørligt har understreget.

Lyndon LaRouche på Schiller Institut-konference i Berlin (uddrag; se video min. 14:05):

»For det første undersøger vi dette spørgsmål med, hvad er mennesket pr. definition? Menneskets evne til at skabe højere niveauer af udvikling af menneskehedens menneskelige evner?

Det andet er: Hvordan finder vi ting, der vil gøre menneskeden mere succesfuldt eksisterende? Det er endnu et spørgsmål. Alle disse ting er enkle, videnskabelige spørgsmål, og det, vi er afhængige af, er det, vi kalder at fremme fysisk videnskab, og at fremme det til et højere niveau, pr. person, uophørligt. I denne proces må man definere, ved hvilke midler, dette skal gøres. Det har altid været min interesse at komme frem til en ny, mere avanceret teknologi; en teknologi, der vælter og fjerner behovet for en eksisterende teknologi. Mit speciale er at koncentrere mig om revolutionen i anvendelige teknologier. Og dette er det eneste redskab, jeg kender til, ved hvilket mennesket kan forbedre det, mennesket nu har behov for [for fortsat at eksistere].«

Engelsk udskrift.      


LaRouche PAC Friday webcast for July 1, 2016

        MATTHEW OGDEN: Good evening! It's July 1st, 2016. My name is
Matthew Ogden, and you're joining us for our weekly webcast here
on Friday evening from As you'll see, I'm joined
in the studio by my colleague Benjamin Deniston; and we're joined
via video by two members of the LaRouche PAC Policy Committee:
Bill Roberts, joining us from Detroit, Michigan; and Michael
Steger, joining us from San Francisco, California.
        We have a very special broadcast tonight in which we will be
featuring a short video "teaser," which will provide you a
substantial overview of the conference, the very important and
historic conference, which just recently concluded over last
weekend in Berlin, Germany, sponsored by the Schiller Institute.
        As a preface to that video, which will provide us the
material for a further discussion here tonight, let me just say
that it couldn't have come at a better time — this conference.
It's clear to see that there's an absolute disintegration of the
trans-Atlantic system, which we are experiencing right now. This
is not {only} an economic or financial disintegration, but this
is in fact a disintegration of the entire {system} as a whole.
This is a political breakdown, this is a social breakdown; this
is an intellectual breakdown of the axioms which have provided
the foundation of that failed system. The axioms underlying this
trans-Atlantic system have failed. It's bankrupt in every sense
of the word, not only financially, but also politically,
culturally, intellectually, and the only solution to that would
be replacing this failed system with an entirely new paradigm.
        This is exactly what Mr. LaRouche had to say when we had an
extensive discussion with him yesterday. The people who are on
this broadcast tonight all participated in that discussion. What
Mr. LaRouche said is that there is no way that this
trans-Atlantic system can survive. It's not to say that it is not
very dangerous and that it could have very terrible consequences
if the war were to be launched or if other things were to get out
of hand. But what's being done under these circumstances by the
so-called "leadership" of this failed trans-Atlantic system "is a
complete bluff. It will not work," Mr. LaRouche said. He said,
"We're facing a very serious kind of collapse, one which mankind
is not well-prepared to deal with."
        This is very clear. At the same time that you have a
plummeting of the entire financial markets in the trans-Atlantic
system, you've got an inverse escalation in the bellicosity and
the aggressive stance that is coming out of Obama and his
colleagues, against Russia and China, both. Obama was in Ottawa
just yesterday at [the “Three Amigos”] summit of the North
Americas, in which he was {twisting} the arm of the Canadians,
telling them that they need to participate in a much more
prominent way in combatting so-called "Russian" aggression, by
lending their troops to this NATO deployment.
        The Atlantic Council is calling for this NATO deployment to
become a {permanent} deployment on the borders of Russia. Russia
is very clear: Shoigu, the Defense Minister, responded, saying
that NATO has already doubled its deployment along the border of
Russia and this is already before the NATO Summit has happened,
which is scheduled to occur in Warsaw, where you can expect that
that deployment will "significantly increase."
        Mr. LaRouche went on to say, when we were discussing this
with him yesterday, that you can see that all the so-called
"leadership" of this system is bankrupt. "The leadership itself
is bankrupt as an institution. Not that they {have} a problem,
but that they {are the} problem." "They are fraudsters," he said,
"and we are, in fact, the only leadership available on the
        What Mrs. LaRouche had to say — and this is, again, in the
aftermath of her experience as the primary organizer and keynote
speaker of this very important conference which you are about to
see some excerpts from — she said, "Look, this could not have
come at a better time. This was literally two days after the
Brexit vote. And the Brexit is merely paradigmatic of the entire
breakdown crisis. You have an ongoing disarray, ongoing chaos and
disintegration coming out of this. You have the breaking apart of
the entire leadership of the United Kingdom. All of the major
political parties are like gangs of wolves at their own throats,
and it's very possible that Scotland, Ireland could both leave
the United Kingdom, turning 'Great' Britain into 'Lesser'
Britain, or 'Very Small' Britain."
        She said we have no idea where this is going, but it makes
it very clear that this conference couldn't have occurred at a
better time, because what was presented and what you will see in
this brief overview that we're about to play for you, is that
{there can be no piecemeal solutions.} Too little, too late. You
can't solve this problem here and this problem there, and try to
piece it all together. The only thing that will work is an
entirely new paradigm that supplants the failed way of thinking
with an entirely new of principles, she said, "A new era of
civilization. And, if you don't make the jump," she said, "you're
just not going to make it."
        With that said, I would like to present to you a brief
overview of the conference which occurred in Berlin. This is to
entice you to watch the full proceedings, which will be available
in video form in due time.

        HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE: I think we all have all come to this
conference because everybody who is in this room knows that we
are experiencing an absolutely unprecedented, systemic, and
existential crisis of civilization. You have the coincidence of a
war danger, where NATO is confronting Russia in a very, very
aggressive fashion which could lead to a third world war. You
have a U.S. confrontation against China in the South China Sea.
You have the danger of a new 2008-type of financial crisis which
could blow up the financial system. And, two days ago, you had
the Brexit — Great Britain voting to leave the European Union.
As we all know, this was not a vote against Europe as such, but
it was a vote against a completely unjust system and a corrupt
        The conference has one subsuming topic, and that is to
define solutions to these crises, to discuss what would be the
new paradigm, and is mankind capable of solving such an
existential crisis?
        We have distinguished speakers from four continents, from
many countries. They are representative of the kinds of people
who are determined that a solution is being found. Before I go
into touching upon these various mortal dangers, the solution is
easy. So, be addressed and be calm. If men unite for a good plan
and act in solidarity with courage, {any} crisis in human
civilization can be overcome, because that is the nature of human
beings: that when we are challenged with a great evil, an even
greater force of good is being awoken in our soul.

AMB. (ret) CHAS W. FREEMAN, JR: Helga, I'd like to thank you for
that very inspiring set of opening remarks. We have entered a
world in which, as William Butler Yeats put it in 1919: "Things
fall apart; the center cannot hold; mere anarchy is loosed upon
the world." In Europe, in America, and in parts of Asia there is
a sense of foreboding — an elemental unease about what is to
come. There is vexing drift amidst political paralysis.
Demagoguery is ascendant and the stench of fascism is in the air.
        This is the global context in which China has proposed to
integrate the entire Eurasian landmass with a network of roads,
railroads, pipelines, telecommunications links, ports, airports,
and industrial development zones. If China's "One Belt, One Road"
concept is realized, it will open a vast area to economic and
intercultural exchange, reducing barriers to international
cooperation in a 65-country zone with 70% of the world's
population, with over 40% of its GDP, generating well over half
of its current economic growth.
        In concept, the Belt and Road program, which is one of the
major topics of this conference, is the largest set of
engineering projects ever undertaken by humankind. Its potential
to transform global geo-economics and politics is proportional to
its scale.

        COL. (ret) ALAIN CORVEZ: I want to congratulate the Schiller
Institute for organizing this conference at a critical moment
when the threat of a nuclear war which would lead to the
extinction of humanity becomes clearer every day, because of the
concentration in the heart of Europe of weapons capable of
destroying the planet within seconds.
        To respond to the reinforcements of U.S. strategic forces
inside NATO on European territory, Russia was forced to deploy an
equivalent arsenal of deterrence on its western borders. It's
therefore high time that the strategists of various countries,
even those far from the European Theater, demand restraint and
more wisdom from the heads of state of the entire world.
        This is the purpose of this beneficial institute founded by
Mrs. Helga Zepp-LaRouche, whom I wish to compliment personally.

        JACQUES CHEMINADE; French Presidential candidate: So,
LaRouche thinking proceeds from the becoming, as a science which
is the active principle of the economy. The trans-Atlantic
financial system in which we are living, based on accumulation of
money, is leading to the opposite, not to increasing the size of
the physical economy, but to chaos and war, or, more precisely
and more tragically, to a combination of both.
        The preceding speakers have shown that the current world is
more dangerous, yes, more dangerous, than it ever was during the
height of the Cold War. Those proclaiming themselves "realists"
and "reasonable," while following the rules of the system, in
reality contribute to its collapse by the mere fact that they
operate inside the system without fighting it.
        Now we have arrived at the point in history where systemic
change, a just concept of economy and man, are necessary for the
survival of all. Money has no intrinsic value. It is nothing but
an instrument, acquiring value through what it promotes. From
there on, what is the goal to reach?

        LYNDON LAROUCHE: First of all, we're looking at this issue
of man, as such — man's ability to create higher levels of
development of the human powers of mankind. The next thing is:
how do we understand, how do we find things that are going to
make mankind more successfully existent? That's another question.
All these things are simple, scientific questions. What we depend
upon, is driving what we call "physical science," and driving it,
{per capita}, to a higher level, always.
        In that process, you have to define what the means is by
which you're going to do this. My concern is always to come up
with a new technology, a more advanced technology, one which
overturns and obviates the need for an existing technology.  My
specialty is concentrating on the revolution in the applicable
technologies; and that is the only device by which I know that
mankind can improve the requirements for mankind now.

        MARCO ZANNI; head of M5S delegation in the Eco. and Monetary
Affairs Cttee. of the European Parliament: The European financial
system is collapsing; it's collapsing because of wrong policies
brought about by European governments and by the European Union.
Clearly, a first step — and we proposed one bill in the Italian
Parliament and one in the European Parliament in the framework of
the banking structure reform is restoring banking separation.  We
think that we have to set up a sort of modern European
Glass-Steagall that will simplify the regulation on the banking
system, and will make the separation between the core part of a
bank and a speculative bank in order to create a banking system
that is no longer focussed on speculation, on the financial
system; but on the needs of the real economy, on the needs of
people.  This is the first step.

        AMB. (ret) LEONIDAS CHRYSANTOPOULOS:  Another threat facing
humanity is the US animosity towards Russia, as if we were still
in the Cold War period.  This was discussed in the previous
panel, but very roughly I would just say about it.  A missile
system is being set up to encircle Russia; and of course, Moscow
is preparing a defense field to counter it.  The EU embargo on
Russia after the Ukrainian crisis is not at all helping the
situation.  Also, threats have been recently made by Obama
against China and the need to restrict her economic power.  With
a collapsing EU and a USA looking for confrontation with Russia
and China, a solution for humanity can be the BRICS initiative;
which is the initiative of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and
South Africa to pursue a policy of economic development for the
benefit of humanity.  They have created their own development
bank to invest in the necessary development projects.  China has
established the Asia Infrastructure [Investment] Bank; joined by
over 20 Asian nations as founding members, and has set up a Silk
Road Development Fund.

        AMB. HAMID SIDIG; current Ambassador of Afghanistan to
Germany:  I would like to express my gratitude and honor to be
part of this important event.  Over the past 30 years, the
Schiller Institute has played a significant role in promoting
international discussion on major topics, and has shaped the
future of our work.  Since ancient times, the Silk Road has been
a symbol of the commercial artery to connect Asia and Europe;
creating wealth and cultural exchange to benefit all countries
involved in this area.  Our conference today — and I hope to
build on this ancient tradition, by bringing together scientists
and politicians to develop a New Silk Road; and begin the process
of healing, integrating, and regenerating this very important
region — Central Asia.  Our vision is to create a secure and
peaceful life for our region, which will allow thousands of
refugees to return back to their homes and rebuild their
communities again.

        BEREKET SIMON; chairman of Commercial Bank of Ethiopia,
advisor to PM:  I would like to express my heartfelt sympathy and
support to the people of Syria, Iraq, Libya, and the larger
Middle Eastern and North African countries who are subjected to a
wanton destruction as a result of a mistaken policy of regime
change by some global powers.  Allow me also to thank the
Schiller Institute for inviting me to speak on a broad topical
issue — the importance of the economic development of Ethiopia
in the context of the New Silk Road and the greater African
        Dear Friends, Ethiopia considers China's Silk Road economic
projects and maritime Silk Road projects jointly known as One
Belt, One Road as another milestone opportunity that could
contribute to sustain its economic development together with all
the countries in our region.  We believe that the last decade or
two have witnessed the resurgence of trade between Africa and the
East.  The New Silk Road would also further strengthen the mutual
benefits of expanded trade between nations.  This will apply to
the relationship between Ethiopia and its traditional partners
[inaud; 20:49].  Together with our neighbors in the region, we
are determined to an Ethiopian, and indeed African, renaissance
which can harness the new possibilities opened by developments
like the New Silk Road.  I thank you.

        AMB. (ret) MICHEL RAIMBAUD:  Good morning.  I want to talk
to you about Syria and the title of my intervention is "In Syria
and Elsewhere, Against the War Party and the Law of the Jungle,
We Have to Rebuild Peace and International Law"; these are my
themes.  First of all, the world today is in great danger of war;
more than ever before.  It's going through a global crisis —
that has been said already.  One hears much about a new Cold War,
which would lead us back to the old confrontation between the
free world, so-called, the Axis of Good, and the totalitarian
bloc, dubbed the Axis of Evil by George Bush.
        We have lift immediately the sanctions; if there's a message
I want to give you, these sanctions have to be lifted.  It's a
crime of war; it's a major crime of war.  This has to be lifted
right away; we have to fight for this.

        Message from FOUAD AL-GHAFFARI; Chairman of Advisory Office
for Coordination with BRICS, Yemen:  Dear Mrs. Helga
Zepp-LaRouche, the noble chairwoman of the Schiller Institute and
the New Silk Road Lady; dear Mr. Hussein Askary, the Middle East
coordinator of the Schiller Institute, Ladies and Gentlemen who
are gathered in this conference here in Berlin today; I carry a
great deal of joy and gratitude for you and for your team for the
outstanding awareness achieved in my country about the New Silk
Road and the World Land-Bridge, and the new economic system of
the BRICS.  All that awareness delivered special marks that is
occurring through our advisory office, the rights to publish and
distribute the Arabic of the EIR Special Report, "The New Silk
Road Becomes the World Land-Bridge"; and printing 1000 copies for
the Yemeni market.

        DR. BOUTHAINA SHAABAN; from the Presidency of Syria: If we
need to create a world for all, if we need to create a peaceful
world, if we need to create a prosperous world for all, we need
to create a conceptual, intellectual concept of one world; we
need to create a conceptual concept of the Silk Road.  Not only
an actual Silk Road, but an intellectual Silk Road.  All of you
know that Aleppo and Syria were extremely crucial in the ancient
Silk Road that connected Asia to Europe.  Syria and the Syrian
people will be more than happy to be also very active in a New
Silk Road, in a political, social, intellectual Silk Road that
connects Asia to the West; that connects Eurasia to the West.

PROJECT PHOENIX video:  Not only Aleppo, but all of Syria with
its people, culture and artifacts, represents a unique and living
testimony to the coexistence and continuity of different human
civilizations.  It is imperative that the world defend and
preserve it; and when peace is established, make it the world
capital for the dialogue of civilizations.

        HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  So, I think we should be fully
conscious that in this present crisis lies a tremendous chance to
reach a new Renaissance as significant, and maybe even more
significant, than the change from the Middle Ages to the modern
times.  That if we break with the axioms of the globalization, of
the deductive thinking, of all the things which have led to this
crisis; and focus on the creativity of mankind as that which
distinguishes us from other species, that many of us can probably
live to see a world where each child is educated universally and
that the normal condition of mankind will be genius.  That that
which is human will be fully developed, to have all the
potentials developed of the human species as creative composers,
scientists, engineers, extraordinary people discovering things
which we doesn't even know the question here of; like China going
to the far side of the Moon.  We will understand secrets of the
Universe which we don't even know yet to ask.  And people will
become better people.  I believe that the true nature of human
beings is good; that every human being has a capacity of
limitless perfection and goodness of the soul.  And to accomplish
that, is within reach; and let's work for it.

        OGDEN:  So, as you can see, this was an absolutely
extraordinary conference.  And on the final screen, you saw
briefly the website displayed where you can find the full
proceedings of the conference.  It's  And although that was a tour
de force of incredible speakers of a really incredible caliber,
that was not even all of the speakers who were present.  So, we
encourage you to go to the website and watch all of the
presentations in full.  Mrs. LaRouche was emphatic in saying
after the fact, that this was an absolute breakthrough in terms
of the activity of the LaRouche Movement, the types of people,
the caliber of people who were there.  This was not just an
analysis, or talking about issues, or the problems of the planet.
But it could be seen very clearly that we are the center of
organizing the solution, organizing the change in paradigm.
        One of the other things that was a major feature of this
conference, which we just couldn't include in that overview, was
an outstanding Classical musical concert that was organized on
the evening of the conference.  This included a Russian
children's choir singing Russian songs; it included a string
orchestra based out of London that plays professionally at the
lower Verdi tuning of A-432; it included a performance of Chinese
folk songs and other Classical music; and then a grand finale
performance of the Mozart Coronation Mass by the greater European
Schiller Institute Chorus, joined by other choruses from around
        So, this is an absolute breakthrough; and as Mrs. LaRouche
said, the conceptions which lie at the heart of the solutions to
the crisis were there.  And this was representative of the
leadership of the world.  And I think that's what we have to
offer in this moment of danger and uncertainty.
        So, I think we can open up the discussion from there; it's a
hard act to follow, I'm sure, but …

        MICHAEL STEGER:  Well I think that the point that Helga made
that you just referenced, Matt, on this question of shaping
policy; what you see increasingly now not only in Eurasia, but
what we saw with the participation at the conference with
significant participation from Europe, high-level participation
from the United States.  You see an increasing desire to look at
the fact that this current system, even the {New York Times} had
the intellectual ability to recognize that this post-World War II
system, the system set up by Churchill, by the FBI — this Wall
Street system — since Franklin Roosevelt's death, is essentially
now coming to an end.  That's what the Brexit references.  The
conference as a whole was in the context of the Brexit vote; but
it's not simply a vote to leave the European Union.  This is a
reaction by an increasing majority in the trans-Atlantic within
the population; which recognizes that the system is dying.  It's
dead.  There's no longer a future, a life in the current system
they're living in.  Whether that's Great Britain, whether it's
the United States, where you see the major populist revolts here;
this was discussed by many of the speakers.  And many of them
didn't expect it to occur; and yet, when you're on the ground and
you're organizing the population, when you have increasing
suicide rates, increasing drug overdoses, increasing levels of
unemployment, it's not hard to figure out when talking to the
        It's a new system, a system of value, a financial system;
but it's a policy.  It's a policy for the long-term development
of mankind that has to be conjured and redeveloped in the minds
of the population.  And I think that's what's so essential about
the conference is that Helga's entire intent with this
conference, and why Lyn's participation was so important, was
because it provokes a quality of discussion.  A new conception of
where mankind must go and what mankind must become; and that
really is the essential nature.  Because at this point, this
trans-Atlantic system has no longer any life; it almost like it's
breaking, it's fracturing.  Each break leads to more breaks.  The
question is, what's the new whole; what's the new conception of
mankind in the trans-Atlantic and for the world?
        And I think we have a lot of work to do, but clearly it's
the most open situation politically that we've ever seen.

        WILLIAM ROBERTS:  I would just add that I think for an
American audience, the thing really to take away from this whole
process is that clearly what we're seeing in terms of the process
of development of the New Silk Road, and in terms of the beauty
of the idea which I think people, as they have a chance to
experience the cultural panel, the musical process from this
conference, will geopolitics is irrepressible at
this point.  What that means is that there's no turning back;
there are no half measures or piecemeal measures to do anything
of a halfway nature at this point.  I would say that this
includes that it really should be very obvious to the American
population that this current election process is a complete and
utter sham.  A so-called "democratic" election process, where you
have a couple of candidates, but there's absolutely no discussion
of the ridiculous war crimes of the last 15 years of
administrations in the United States.  Even in Britain now, you
have Jeremy Corbyn who is threatening to bring a war crimes
tribunal, should he come into government, against Tony Blair. The
Blair crowd is shaking in their boots, and you can see that there
is a complete and total situation of weakness of this entire
British Empire at this moment.  And because this is really
unclear in the minds of the American people, and because it's
very unclear how close we are to thermonuclear war, how
aggressively the threat of thermonuclear warheads is being used
against China and Russia.  Because the ignorance to that is the
most dangerous thing that's contributing to the danger that's
facing this planet right now.
        I think the one pathway or one tool in the United States
that expresses that level of an abrupt shift against geopolitics
in particular, is what is now the motion around the 28 pages to
expose the role of the British and the Saudis and the cover-up of
that process.  Sen. Bob Graham has made the point in a recent
interview in the {Daily Beast} that it's very clear now that the
two-month period that the Obama administration gave him
assurances of that they would review the pending release of the
28 pages.  That's come and past now; and it's clear the intent is
to keep this thing in the dark and continue the desperate war
        I'll just mention one more thing.  There are also now, the
Obama administration is completely pushing a lie and vastly under
counting the number of innocent civilians that have been killed
by drone strikes throughout the countries that we're not at war
with.  It should really just hit people, the contrast between the
beauty of this process of a world beyond geopolitics and the
unconscious war crimes and the acceptance of the legitimacy of a
process which completely covers over and overlooks the tremendous
war crimes of these recent two administrations.  So, I think that
should be a real immediate wake-up call that we do have to, as
Americans, break out of this current paradigm.

        OGDEN:  What Helga began the discussion with, which I think
shaped the entire quality of all of the panels, was the statement
— which was a very profound statement — that in the face of
great evil, mankind is capable of finding within himself great
good.  And I think that you were witnessing that in all of the
speakers.  The spirit that was moving all of these speakers, is
one that this system can no longer be allowed to continue; it has
reached the point where it is too horrible to contemplate the
logical outcome of following through with a continuation of the
values that underlie this system as a whole.  And we see it
breaking itself down all around us.  None of these events that
have occurred are somehow causal of the breakdown of the system;
they are merely systematic, they are paradigmatic.  The Brexit is
paradigmatic; everything that you see in terms of what Michael
was sighting about the depression, the demoralization, the
despair in the populations in both the United States and Europe.
This is symptomatic of a system that is in dire need of dramatic
        The good news is that that change, the wind is blowing in
from the East.  You have a new system, which has come to life
based on proposals that Lyndon and Helga LaRouche laid out in
their seed form 30 or 40 years ago.  It's now taken the form of
the official policy of the most populous country in the world.
You have the official, public integration between the New Silk
Road and the Eurasian Economic Union; this is explicitly based on
a return to the values that Franklin Roosevelt envisioned would
dominate the world following World War II.  However, [they] were
supplanted by some very evil and destructive forces.  Now you
have the New Silk Road, you have the opportunity for an entirely
new paradigm, which Helga says repeatedly; and which she said at
that conference.  It would be so easy; this is not some daunting,
never-ending distant dream of a new system which is a fantasy.
It's very real; it's very present; and it's something that, on
the turn of a dime, by a handful of leaders comprised of many of
the people you saw speaking at that conference and the circles
that they represent.  A decision overnight to enter this new
paradigm and to drop some of the failed values that have led us
down this path to danger and destruction, would be sufficient to
bring Europe, to bring the United States, to bring the Western
world into harmony with a New Paradigm which is already emerging.
Not that anything is perfect, but there is a directionality,
there is an impulse towards the perfection of man, towards the
increase of the productive powers of the human race, towards the
greater good of the human species; which is guiding us or pulling
us into the future.  And if we're willing to listen to that
voice, the voice from the future; we can save man at this
critical juncture in our history.

BENJAMIN DENISTON:  I think it really goes to the issue to the
power of ideas in this whole process.  Because I think Helga made
the very emphatic point that this was a major breakthrough
conference.  If people are familiar with the Schiller Institute,
much of its activity is centered on these international
conferences.  And if you go back to the mid-'90s, the conferences
we were involved in, Helga was involved in then, and the
launching of the whole Eurasian Land-Bridge perspective when it
was just an idea.  It was just a conception; it was a right idea,
it was true, it was on principle.  And Lyn and Helga fought for
that conception; and now you see it coming to fruition.  So I
think this whole process is useful, especially for people who
watch too much TV in the United States and are immersed in the
insanity of the United States, to get a sense of what's actually
real; what's actually powerful.  What matters in history.  It's
not the crap you see thrown around that this culture is inundated
with; that is a passing breeze in history that's going to come
and go.  What matters is your truthful commitment to principles,
to true ideas.
        And I think Helga's concluding remark about looking at where
we are from this much longer historical perspective and saying
"We need a new shift in our very recognition of what mankind is.
We need to look to things like the Golden Renaissance; and look
at mankind in the Middle Ages, in the Dark Ages.  And compare
that to what mankind became after the Renaissance.  It's a
complete transformation of the human species that I think Lyn was
intervening with in some of the discussions; that we have to
recognize that that character of continual complete revolution in
the very nature of our existence, is human.  So you're looking at
a moment like this, and Lyn really emphasized the self-breakdown
of this trans-Atlantic system.  This self-feeding breakdown
process.  People talk about the Brexit like what maneuvering are
they doing; why did they decide to do that.  They're panicking;
they're responding to crises that are being created by the
breakdown process itself.  This is not something that's in
control.  In that complete disintegration, it's these
conceptions, these ideas, this gathering of people of this
caliber for international discussion around what does mankind
really need to be doing as mankind on this planet.  Can we
finally reach the point where we actually unite nations around a
real conception of what is a universal, unifying, truthful
principle about humanity?  About what makes our species unique
and different from anything else we see on this planet.  That's
us; that's mankind.  We can have that as a common goal, as a
common unifying factor; and that's emerging now.
        So, I think for people inundated with the degeneracy of the
political process, the cultural process, this stands out as a
reference point that people can use to lift their minds out of
the gutter of popular opinion and into history and see what's
actually happening right now.

        OGDEN:  Absolutely.  One thing that people will have noticed
from that overview video that you had the opportunity to watch,
is that there was a very significant involvement from leadership
within Syria.  Right in the war zone, including a government
advisor, Her Excellency, the advisor who you saw speaking; which
was a live video hook-up directly from Damascus.  And she engaged
in a dialogue process with the attendees of that conference,
which was very significant.  Helga LaRouche said that that panel,
which was an entire panel on the reconstruction of Syria.  What
happens after we bring peace?  How can we bring peace to this
region?  A region which is a crossroads of civilization; was a
crossroads of the old Silk Road, is a crossroads between three
continents.  She raised the fact that President Assad, prior to
the outbreak of the fighting, had proposed an idea called the
Five-Sea Strategy.  And if you look at the five oceans — the Red
Sea, the Caspian Sea, the Black Sea, the Mediterranean, and the
Persian Gulf — you have Syria situated right in the middle of
those.  So, it's not only a crossroads of the Silk Road as a land
route from Asia to Europe to Africa; but it's also a crossroads
of the Maritime Silk Road, and the connections between these five
        There was a video presented which was prepared prior to the
conference called "Project Phoenix"; which is a vision for the
reconstruction of Syria.  And there was other dialogue at the
conference from very high-level persons from within cultural
circles and also government circles within Syria.  So, Helga was
emphatic to say that this panel on the reconstruction of Syria
was certainly a highlight of the conference; and I think it was
just exemplary of the fact that the Schiller Institute really is
the go-to body in terms of these people who are desperate for a
solution, desperate for a future for their countries.  They know
who has the ideas, they know where to go to get those ideas.  So,
the combination between the expansion of the New Silk Road, the
reconstruction of Syria, there were three resolutions that were
passed at the conference.  One for the immediate end to the
sanctions against Russia; another for an immediate end to the
sanctions against Syria; and also one against the Saudi
bombardment of Yemen, which is ongoing to this day.  And you saw
a gentleman who sent in a video from Yemen; right from the war
zone there.
        I can't emphasize enough, and I think you got a little bit
of a flavor during that overview, of the caliber of this
conference.  But I really can't emphasize enough:  You need to
watch this conference in full.  You need to share this; you need
to get this around to everybody who you know.  As you were
saying, Ben, this is a completely different perspective on the
world than what you would normally get from your average
mainstream media.  So, I just wanted to encourage you, again, to
— as the videos become available — to go the website.

        STEGER:  Just to add to that, Matthew, I think you might
have mentioned this at the beginning; but in the discussion with
Helga and Lyn yesterday, the reality is that the kind of collapse
and crisis we are now incurring is something beyond anything
mankind has experienced up to this point.  This is not a collapse
of the stock market; it's not a Lehman Brothers financial
collapse.  You're now seeing the political dissolution.  The
Presidential spokesman for Russia, Peskov, made some comparison
to the breakdown of the Soviet Union; but you see that this is
even of a greater scale than that kind of collapse.  You might
say that the world is better prepared for this crisis than the
one in 1989, but I would say that it's not prepared sufficiently.
And the leadership in the United States and the trans-Atlantic is
not prepared sufficiently at all at this point.  And the
population has to bear some responsibility on this.  There's so
much emphasis on democracy in the West; democracy in and of
itself is not a principle.  As Ben referenced, we need an actual
return to a sense of universal principles; knowable scientific,
physical characteristics of the Universe to shape our policies.
But those principles cannot exist within a small set of people;
you can't expect an elite to somehow solve and address the
problems we now face.  The population as a whole — and this is
why our outreach in the United States to uplift people beyond
this Presidential fiasco; and to recognize that there is not a
preparation, there is not yet a capability to address this
problem sufficiently.  But what this conference addresses is the
level of discussion, the level of participation that begins to
move it in that direction.  And that is of an urgent nature;
because these events, as we saw last week, are only going to
increase in the weeks ahead.
        Just in the last couple of weeks, you've seen fundamental
changes in orientation from Japan towards Russia and China.  The
new Philippine President Duterte made major motions toward the
FDR and Lincoln tradition and a collaborative effort towards
China.  You've seen major changes even in the last week by Turkey
and their rapprochement towards Russia.  There are major
developments constantly happening which are reshaping the world.
But the crisis of a collapse of this trans-Atlantic system is far
beyond anything most people have ever imagined; and I think the
seriousness and urgency to develop these ideas and participate in
this dialogue has never been greater.

        DENISTON:  The collapse goes to the heart of this British
system.  A lot can be said, but go to Adam Smith, go to the
original fundamental cultural assumptions, ideas about the nature
of man.  Man is governed by pleasure and pain; that mankind is
just a species that can respond only to pleasure stimulus, avoid
pain stimulus.  The whole ideological framework of the British
system, which has increasingly infected and taken over the United
States and run the trans-Atlantic system, goes to those deep
issues about what is your understanding of the nature of mankind
in the Universe.  And we're seeing the breakdown of this entire
British ideological imperial cultural system that has dominated
really for centuries.  I think that is the scale that we're
looking at.  This is the breakdown of a century-spanning imperial
outlook that's had ebbs and flows and increases and decreases of
its dominance; but it's not reaching the point of self-inflicted
collapse.  So in a certain sense, Americans have a certain
tradition in direct opposition to that clearly; and people should
be celebrating that in the next couple of days, not just hot dogs
and fireworks.  But actually use this as an opportunity to get a
real rooted sense of what is our mission as Americans in
opposition to this imperial ideology.  In direct resonance and
collaboration with what you're seeing out of Asia right now; this
is the time to bring that back.

        OGDEN:  Right.  It's exactly what you said — to constantly
come back and say what is the ideological failure which is
underlying all of the events that you're seeing.  The breakdown,
the refugees, the disintegration politically, financially,
culturally of the European system; and as Helga emphasized at
this conference, it's only a paradigm shift on the level of
change from the Dark Age to the Renaissance which will something
that will function at this moment.  That didn't just happen; that
was not some sort of organic process of historical materialism
transforming itself.  That was a willful change; that was a
willful change in the fundamental ideas underlying society and
the way that society worked.  It's people who have to ability to
self-consciously reflect on the fact that we are facing the
failure of a system of thinking; and then to say to examine what
those failed ideas are.  And then to say, how do we replace them;
how do we discover a new principle and create a fundamental
intellectual revolution which will allow mankind to carry itself
forward into the future?  I think that's what we witnessed in the
proceedings of that conference; but as Michael said, it's
something which cannot stay within the confines of that
conference and the people who attended it.  It is something which
must become an integral part of our national dialogue as a
people; and it's our responsibility to bring that about.  That's
not something that we can sit back and wait for somebody else to
        So, I think that's a good Independence Day message.

DENISTON:  People think they are what they experience; they think
that's what they are.  That's not what you are; people are what
they create, or what they fail to create.  People are not just
your experiences in life; people are what is your new fundamental
contribution you're making to human society, or you're failing to
make to human society.  Until people completely transform their
understanding of what they think their lives mean, we're not
going to reach the level needed to make the transition that was
presented very clearly this past weekend.

        OGDEN:  All right.  I'm going to bring a conclusion to our
show at this point, but what you should immediately do is visit
the website.  Some of the
videos are available; I know that Helga Zepp-LaRouche's keynote
video is available in full.  That's a 30-35-minute length video;
so at least please watch that.  And then, as the other videos
become available, it'll be posted on that website; so bookmark
it, make sure that you follow the YouTube channel, and you'll be
notified as soon as those videos are made available.
        So, I'd like to thank all of you for joining us today.  And
I'd like to thank Bill and Michael for joining us via video.  And
again, to emphasize:  And we
will have continuing coverage on as well.  So,
thank you very much.  Happy Independence Day, and good night.

Lyndon LaRouche:
Det transatlantiske finansielle system
er dømt til undergang (og det ved I!)


30. juni 2016 (Leder) – Under en diskussion torsdag med sin Policy Committee og andre kolleger understregede Lyndon LaRouche, at det nuværende, finansielle system er ved at bryde sammen, og at systemet, som system, ikke kan overleve. De store, finansielle institutioner, inklusive centralbankerne, er håbløst og uigenkaldeligt bankerot. LaRouche bemærkede, at, alt imens der eksisterer en forfærdelig risiko for krig, der drives frem af de kredse, hvis magt udspringer af det aktuelle finansielle system, så er en stor del af de trusler, der kommer ud af munden på Barack Obama og nogle NATO-folk, faktisk ikke andet end bluff. Truslerne, som de udslynger imod Rusland og Kina, virker ikke.

Ikke desto mindre kan denne sammenblanding, med både den finansielle front og krigsfronten, føre til et alvorligt sammenbrud, som menneskeheden ikke er parat til at håndtere.

I denne uge udstedte både Den Internationale Valutafond (IMF) og Den Internationale Betalingsbank (BIS) rapporter, der klart indikerede hele det transatlantiske finansielle systems disintegration. Bankernes udlån i hele den avancerede sektor er totalt kollapset. Der er ingen som helst kapitalindstrømning til realøkonomien, den produktive økonomi, i henhold til de data, som BIS har frembragt. IMF har udstedt en dyster advarsel om, at Deutsche Bank står foran nedsmeltning, og alene dette kunne udløse en systemisk krise.

I takt med, at NATO-folk færdiggør planerne for statsledernes topmøde i Warszawa, Polen, den 8.-9. juli, opbygges vanviddet mod Rusland yderligere. Onsdag var præsident Obama i Ottawa til sit endelige topmøde med sine canadiske og mexicanske modparter. Han benyttede anledningen til at kaste sig ud i en tirade imod Rusland og nærmest tiggede Canada om at udsende en kampbataljon til De Baltiske Stater.

Sæt denne galskab op i kontrast til Schiller Instituttets ekstraordinære konference, der fandt sted sidste weekend i Berlin, hvor ledere fra fire kontinenter kom sammen for at diskutere spørgsmålet om et nyt paradigme for en tankegang, der skal få verden ud af den nuværende, eksistentielle katastrofe.

Som både Lyndon og Helga LaRouche understregede under weekendens begivenheder i Berlin, så er det presserende nødvendigt, at vi skaber et revolutionært skifte i tankegang, der fokusere på en opbygning af en fremtid med samarbejde mellem suveræne nationer og integrerede regioner i verden. Kinas program med ’Ét bælte, én vej’ er paradigmatisk for denne nye form for tankegang, der må vedtages af ledende borgere i verden.

Det nuværende system er dødt, og det kan ikke overleve ret meget længere.

Video: Hør Helga Zepp-LaRouches hovedtale fra konferencen i Berlin, 25.-26. juni, 2016. En dansk oversættelse af talen er på vej. Bliv på kanalen!

Titelfoto: Mineudlæggeren FNS Uusimaa fra den finske flåde sejler i Det baltiske Hav (Østersøen) under BALTOPS den 7. juni, 2016, som en del af øvelser, der skal demonstrere beslutsomhed hos styrkerne fra NATO og dens partnere.


Bliv ikke igen krigens ofre –
Der findes en løsning

28. juni 2016 (Leder) – Ved afslutningen af todages-konferencen i Berlin, sponsoreret af Schiller Instituttet, hvor ledende talere fra fire kontinenter fremlagde det rædselsvækkende billede af både den ’evindelige krig’, der finder sted i dag, og truslen om en atomkrig i morgen, samt de nødvendige løsninger med den Nye Silkevejs-proces, kom Lyndon LaRouche med følgende bemærkninger (parafrase):

Vi kan som et folk indgå aftale om ideer om en fredelig løsning på den krise, vi står overfor, hvilket er afgørende. Send et stærkt og klart opråb; spred ordet. Vi søger ikke krig. Der er en anden løsning end atter at blive krigens offer.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche afsluttede dernæst konferencen, som stifter af og præsident for Schiller Instituttet, med ordene: »Jeg opfordrer jer til at tilslutte jer Schiller Instituttet og, hvad der ligeledes er vigtigt, at følge Lyndon LaRouches vise ord.«

Aldrig har den overhængende krise stået mere skarpt. Den britiske Brexit-afstemning sidste torsdag afslørede den kendsgerning, at Imperiets finansielle system går rundt i den bare natskjorte. Brexit forårsagede ingenting – den afslørede simpelt hen den kendsgerning, der i mange år har været åbenlys for alle, for nær de blinde, at det enorme spillekasino, kendt som det transatlantiske finansielle system, ikke kan »reddes« – og ganske bestemt ikke ved, at man trykker flere penge for kunstigt at stive de bankerotte banker af i endnu nogle uger eller måneder. Londons førende bankaktier er kollapset med over 30 % siden Brexit-afstemningen torsdag, og med halvdelen i løbet af det seneste år. Alle de vestlige »To Big to Fail«-banker – ’for store til at lade gå ned-banker’ – står over for en lignende skæbne, der allerede er i gang.

Vi må gøre en ende på systemets elendighed med en total Glass/Steagall-afskrivning af de værdiløse værdipapirer, der dominerer de såkaldte aktiver i storbankerne. Først da kan et kreditsystem efter Hamiltons principper blive genindført, som det kræves, for at Vesten kan tilslutte sig Rusland og Kina i den globale udviklingsproces, der nu er i gang, sammen med verdens nationer og folk, gennem programmet med Ét bælte, én vej, Shanghai Samarbejdsorganisationen, den Eurasiske Økonomiske Union, den Asiatiske Infrastruktur-Investeringsbank, BRIKS’ Nye Udviklingsbank – som alle er helliget til, og nu aktivt investerer i, regionale infrastrukturprojekter i stor skala i hele verden. Som LaRouche har understreget hele sit liv – udelukkende kun en sådan kreativ transformation af verdens borgeres produktivitet, gennem videnskabelige opdagelser, kan gøre en ende på det mareridt, menneskeheden nu står overfor.

Det vestlige finansoligarkis frygt er, at Storbritanniens afgang fra EU vil indgyde mod i det voksende antal ledere i Europa, der ønsker at afkaste City of Londons og det sjælløse EU-diktatur i Bruxelles’ lænker. Den tyske udenrigsminister Steinmeiers fordømmelse af, at NATO rasler med atomsablen og udøver militære provokationer mod Rusland, har mange støtter, der blot mangler modet til at tale offentligt. Dette er vores opgave – LaRouches »stærke og klare opråb« om, at der er en løsning, hvis folk finder det sublime i sig selv og handler på vegne af menneskeheden som et hele.

Foto: Lyndon og Helga LaRouche på Schiller Instituttets Konference i Berlin,  25. – 26. juni, 2016.

Nyhedsorientering, maj/juni 2016:
Stop NATO’s fremprovokation af atomkrig

Af Tom Gillesberg: Goldman Sachs fik sin kæmpebonus. Vil et britisk nej til EU lede til euroens kollaps, kaos i EU og udløse et internationalt finanskrak værre end i 2008? NATO er i gang med den største militæropbygning langs Ruslands grænse siden 2. verdenskrig. Kan vi forhindre en fortsat konfrontationspolitik, der vil føre til atomkrig? Putin åbner den asiatiske flanke, og Obamas plan for asiatisk NATO vendt imod Kina fejler. Terrorangrebet i Orlando viser, hvorfor de hemmelighedsstemplede 28- sider om terrorangrebet den 11. september 2001 må frigives. De netværk, der blev etableret og finansieret af Storbritannien og Saudi-Arabien gennem den såkaldte al-Yamama våbenhandelsaftale, og som blev beskyttet af FBI, stod ikke blot bag udåden i 2001, men står stadig bag blodige terroranslag. De er også kilden til Islamisk Stat og andre terrororganisationers store fremgang, for lande som Saudi-Arabien, Qatar og Tyrkiet har støttet dem i deres forsøg på at tage magten i Irak og Syrien. Læs mere på 

Dette er en redigeret udgave af et foredrag af Schiller Instituttets formand Tom Gillesberg den 9. juni 2016. Se foredraget og den medfølgende diskussion på

Download (PDF, Unknown)

USA: Gør Glass-Steagall til Landets Lov

7. juni, 2016 – I en lang artikel, der blev udgivet 6. juni af, foreslår den tidligere regeringsembedsmand under Ronald Reagan, David Stockmann, en ”Super Glass-Steagall” som eneste måde at løse den finansielle katastrofe, der eksisterer i USA i dag.

Han understreger, at, hvis Kongressen havde været seriøs omkring at ændre det system, der var årsag til finanskrakket i 2008, ”ville den overhovedet ikke have befattet sig med Dodd-Frank-loven – og lovens uforståelige 1700 siders lovgivningsmæssige, bagatelagtige spidsfindigheder”.

I stedet, fastslår Stockmann, burde den have ”taget fat om problemets rod og vedtaget en Super Glass-Steagall, der ville have sparket de Wall Street-baserede spekulationshuse helt ud af FDIC[1]”. Wall Streets gigantiske spekulationsmonstre, hævder han, har i årtier misbrugt og taget indskydergaranti til indtægt for sig selv, og indskydergarantien står nu som en ”enorm perversion af, hvad den oprindelige hensigt var … helt tilbage til de mørke stunder i 1934”.

Stockmann beskriver meget detaljeret For-store-til-at-lade-gå-ned-bankernes forbrydelser og påpeger, at under hans foreslåede Super Glass-Steagall, ville de finansielle enheder, der ønsker at fortsætte med deres kasinopraksis, derivathandel osv., gøre det på det frie marked og synke eller svømme uden beskyttelse. Ingen Multi-billion-bailout, eller TARP.[2]

”Genindfør Glass/Steagall-loven” lyder titlen på et udlæg fra 6. juni på Golden Eagle investorers nyhedsbrev, der fremfører, at ”såkaldt finansiel åbenhed” – afregulering – har forhøjet odds’ene for et krak og forøget uligheden. Med en klage over de finansinstrumenter, som storbankerne bruger ”imod os folk”, advarer forfatteren om, at den eneste måde at løse dette på, er ”at genindsætte Glass/Steagall-loven som Landets Lov”. I øvrigt har hverken politikere eller centralbanker nogen anelse om, hvad man skal gøre ved den forværrende økonomi eller den ”finansielle tilstand for folk, byer, (del)-stater og lande i hele verden”.



[1] Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (svarende til Statens Indskudsgarantifond i Danmark)


[2] Troubled Asset Relief Program


POLITISK ORIENTERING den 31. marts 2016:
Det britiske Imperium og Obama forsøger at knuse BRIKS
– Tjekkiet inviterer Kina indenfor –

Med formand Tom Gillesberg

2. del (5 min)


Hold op med at skjule katastrofen – Se den i øjnene, og tag ansvar!

21. marts 2016 (Leder fra LaRouchePAC) – Finanssystemets kollaps kan ikke længere skjules for befolkningerne i Europa og USA. Bankerne er gået i panik – med en udvidelse af den kvantitative lempelses pengetrykning, negative rentesatser, banker, der opkøber deres egne aktier for at bevare skinnet af solvens, og snak om »helikopterpenge«, som om penge var problemet. Det handler ikke om penge, men om realøkonomiens sammenbrud. Selvmordsraten blandt tidligere beskæftigede specialarbejdere handler ikke om penge – det handler om, at de er blevet skubbet til side af en satanisk politik, der kun er interesseret i penge, ikke mennesker.

Og alligevel accepterer de fleste mennesker det, af frygt – frygt for, at FBI og NSA skal »fange dem«, hvis de taler offentligt, hvis de taler om det, der er en åbenlys kendsgerning. USA og Europa er i forfald, i færd med at dø, mens Kina og Rusland vokser og lægger vægt på deres befolkninger, og verdens befolkninger, og de rejser ud i rummet, mens Obama lukker NASA ned; de bygger jernbaner i hele verden, mens Obama lukker dem ned, og de udvider uddannelse, mens Obama legaliserer narkotika.

Den amerikanske kulturs død kan ikke udtrykkes bedre end gennem den kendsgerning, at Obamaregeringen fremlagde en »Ven af retten«-brief (Amicus curiae) i en sag, der blev anlagt af Colorados nabostater for at standse Colorados legalisering af marihuana, som gør det umuligt at begrænse den narkotika, der strømmer over grænsen. Den største heroinepidemi i amerikansk historie, der nu berører hver eneste kommune i landet, stammer direkte fra legaliseringen af narkohandlen – eftersom netværkerne for pot er de samme som dem, der spreder heroin og kokain. Narkohandler George Soros var henrykt, da Højesteret i dag dømte til fordel for Obamas narkohandel og afviste at lade sagen mod Colorados narkopolitik komme for retten.

Chefen for Indiens centralbank, Raghuram Rajan, advarede i dag om, at verden befinder sig i en »voksende farlig situation« pga. de vestlige bankers tiltag med at trykke penge, mens deres fysiske økonomier er ved at kollapse. »Det internationale samfund har et valg«, fremførte Rajan. »Vi kan lade som om, alt står vel til med det globale, monetære ikke-system og håbe på, at der ikke er noget, der går helt galt. Eller også kan vi begynde at opbygge et system, der passer til det 21. århundredes integrerede verden.«

Wall Street og City of London, der meget vel ved, at deres finansimperium er ved at smuldre, er af den mening, at det eneste svar er krig for at bryde den »trussel« mod deres magt, der kommer fra Kina og BRIKS-nationerne. Befolkningerne i USA og Europa bliver således tvangsfodret med en daglig dosis hysteri om »russisk aggression« og »kinesisk aggression«, i et desperat forsøg på at forhindre befolkningen i at se, at det nye paradigme, baseret på videnskab, udvikling og menneskeligt fremskridt, der er centreret omkring Kina og Rusland, er en kendsgerning. Selv, når amerikanere hader deres præsident og væmmes ved det klovneshow, der kaldes præsidentvalget, så forstår de ikke, hvorfor 80 % af det russiske folk støtter Vladimir Putin, og at over 90 % af kineserne støtter Xi Jinping.

Det er der en grund til. Det er baseret på at give befolkningen en fornemmelse af en fremtid, i en mission, der indbefatter fremskridt for hele menneskeheden – en vision, der engang var kendt som Det amerikanske System. Det må genoplives i Vesten og erstatte det døde pengesystem og den døende kultur. Alle borgere har ikke alene en andel i denne mission; de har også et ansvar for at virkeliggøre den.


Foto: Den tidligere bilfabrik Packard i Detroit, Michigan. Da fabrikken blev bygget, var den verdens mest moderne bilfabrik.

Info: Indbyggertallet i byen Detroit er faldet betydeligt fra slutningen af det 20. århundrede og frem til i dag. Mellem 2000 og 2010 faldt indbyggertallet med 25 procent. I 2010 havde byen et indbyggertal på 713.000, et fald på mere end 60 % fra byens top-indbyggertal på 1,8 mio. ved folketællingen i 1950. Faldet skyldes, at Detroits industri, primært bilindustri og maskinværktøjsindustri – realøkonomien – gradvist er blevet afmonteret, med den heraf følgende enorme arbejdsløshed. I 2013 blev byen erklæret konkurs, med en ubetalelig gæld på 1,8 mio. dollar.

Lyndon LaRouche har foreslået, at byens fabrikker ombygges – gennem Franklin Roosevelts politik med statslig kredit til investering i den produktive økonomi, i traditionen efter USA’s første finansminister, Alexander Hamilton, også kaldet Det amerikanske System – til at deltage i produktion i forbindelse med LaRouche-bevægelsens foreslåede NAWAPA-projekt, samt i forbindelse med opbygning af et højhastigheds-jernbanenet i USA, og mens der endnu findes faglærte arbejdere, der kan være med til at videreføre deres knowhow til den unge, arbejdsløse generation, der aldrig fik chancen for at tilegne sig faglige, produktive færdigheder.

Se også: LPAC’s digitale brochure: The US joins the New Silk Road 

Se også: Brochure (dansk): Hvorfor USA og Europa må gå med i BRIKS


Økonomisk kollaps = Fascistiske stemmer i Europa og USA;

14. marts 2016 (Leder fra LaRouchePAC) – Den kinesiske avis Global Times udgav i dag et indsigtsfuldt synspunkt på afstand i det truende kollaps af visse amerikanske institutioner og udbruddet af massestøtte til en præsidentkandidat à la Mussolini – som, bemærker avisen, bryder frem som følge af økonomisk nedgang.

»Trumps tilhængere består for det meste af hvide fra den lavere klasse, og de mistede meget efter finanskrakket i 2008«, skrev avisen. »USA plejede at have den største og mest stabile middelklasse i den vestlige verden, men mange har oplevet en nedtur. Så var det, at Trump dukkede op. Stor i munden, antitraditionel, direkte med indslag af overgreb, er han den perfekte populist, der havde let ved at provokere offentligheden … han er endda blevet kaldt en ny Benito Mussolini eller Adolf Hitler af nogle vestlige medier … USA konfronteres med udsigten til fiasko for de etablerede institutioner, der meget vel kunne blive udløst af en voksende mængde problemer i det virkelige liv.«

Det samme sker i hele Europa, hvor et mønster, der spreder sig, med stemmer til den ekstreme højrefløj, som vi atter så det i denne weekend, hvor partiet AfD, Alternativ for Tyskland, skød frem med 15-20 % af stemmerne i valget i nogle af forbundsstaterne, efter at partiets leder truede med at skyde immigranter på stedet. AfD’s stemmeprocent svarede i bogstavelig forstand til arbejdsløshedsprocenten i den ene stat efter den anden.

Vi befinder os i realiteten i en tilstand med institutionernes sammenbrud i USA og Europa. Det kommer efter 15 år med økonomisk stagnation, massearbejdsløshed og indkomsttab, samt en hel stribe af frygtelige krige, som blev startet af Bush og Obama, samt af disse let bevæbnede, men rasende krigere, Storbritanniens Cameron og Frankrigs Hollande. Der har været så mange af disse massemordskrige, at den seneste, med Obama, Cameron og Hollande, der hjælper Saudi-Arabien med at ødelægge Yemen, knap nok omtales i de fleste medier.

Obama kan stilles for en rigsret alene pga. disse forfatningsstridige krige.

Men, hvad der er værre en tabet af respekt for nogen institution, så blev USA’s og dets borgeres mission – på den fremskudte grænse af teknologisk fremskridt – dræbt af Obama, da han afsluttede NASA’s planer for udforskningen af Månen og rummet.

En genopbygning af NASA’s programmer – der mobiliserer amerikanernes kreativitet i en genoplivning af USA’s rumudforskningsfremtid – er den centrale kraft, der kan vende dette kollaps omkring.

De økonomiske midler hertil er dem, der stod deres prøve under præsident Franklin Roosevelt, for at løse problemet med Wall Street og skabe statskredit til en økonomisk genrejsning. Men, det større mål er atter at have denne mission, menneskehedens fremtid i rummet.

Anfører af denne missions genrejsning er den demokratiske LaRouche-leder Kesha Rogers fra Texas, der identificerer dette som den enkelte, sikre vej til at vende det økonomiske kollaps, som Kinas Global Times ser. Og hun kræver, at dette gøres i samarbejde med især Kina, som nu er den nation, der hurtigst går frem i rummet og i opbygning af infrastruktur på Jorden.



RADIO SCHILLER den 14. marts 2016:
Den gamle verden kommer ikke tilbage//
Valget i Tyskland//
Draghis bazooka//

Med formand Tom Gillesberg

Den Europæiske Centralbank skruer op
for pengehanen. Eksproprier
spekulanterne, ikke bankkunderne!
Af Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Vi står på randen af det totale sammenbrud, og det er absolut utilgiveligt, at regeringerne giver mulighed for, at dette system, der er baseret på bedrageriske intriger og fusk, kan opretholdes så meget som en dag længere. Storspekulanternes kasinoøkonomi må øjeblikkeligt lukkes ned gennem en streng Glass/Steagall-bankopdeling! Der findes en løsning, men den kræver, at man på dramatisk vis går bort fra den nuværende, neoliberale model og genindfører realøkonomi og økonomisk genopbygning.

Download (PDF, Unknown)