Derfor repræsenterer »LaRouchePAC« ikke længere LaRouches politik.
Pressemeddelelse af Helga Zepp-LaRouche

24. februar 2021 (EIRNS)— Helga Zepp-LaRouche, grundlægger og international leder af Schiller Instituttet og enke efter den kendte amerikanske økonom og statsmand Lyndon LaRouche, bekendtgjorde i dag, at hun, gennem sine advokater, har sendt et brev til Lyndon LaRouche Political Action Comittee (LPAC) og komiteens kasserer Barbara Boyd, hvori hun kræver, at de »omgående ophører med og afholder sig fra, både nu og i fremtiden«, at »gøre brug af LaRouches navn, billede og andre potentielt forvirrende og lignende begreber«. Brevet erklærer, at en sådan brug »sandsynligvis vil skabe forvirring blandt forbrugere, eftersom de kan blive forledt til at tro, at du [Boyd] (som person), LPAC og/eller de varer eller tjenester, som udbydes, i et eller andet omfang, er forbundet med, på licens fra, eller godkendt af vores klient [Helga Zepp-LaRouche]«. Blandt de påkrævede ændringer er, at Boyd og LPAC »omgående tager alle nødvendige skridt til at ændre navnet på jeres politiske aktionskomité, og navnene på enhver tilhørende enhed, til et, der ikke indeholder udtrykket »Lyndon« »LaRouche« eller noget forbundet med eller afledt deraf, og indvilliger i at afstå fra at bruge rettighedskrænkende udtryk nu og i fremtiden på nogen hjemmeside, firma-e-mails, brevhoveder, reklamer, eller andet marketingsmateriale eller korrespondance.«

For at belyse baggrunden for dette tiltag og sætte det i en konkret sammenhæng, fremsatte Fru Zepp-LaRouche følgende erklæring:

»Det, der siden 2004 har været den officielle hjemmeside for den politiske aktionskomité, der blev grundlagt af min afdøde mand Lyndon LaRouche, Lyndon LaRouche Political Action Committee (LPAC), har fået sit indhold overtaget af en gruppe individer forbundet med Barbara Boyd, aktionskomiteens kasserer, og sat i en retning, jeg betragter som værende i direkte modsætning til kernen i den politik, min mand stod for. Mens min mand stadig var i live, var han ansvarlig for den overordnede politiske retning for aktionskomiteen. Men efter hans død i februar 2019, har Fru Boyd og hendes samarbejdspartnere uden mit samtykke overtaget indholdet af hjemmesiden og aktionskomiteens aktiviteter som helhed og bevæget sig i en retning, som efter min mening misrepræsenterer både mine og Hr. LaRouches holdninger.

»Mine gentagne krav om, at aktionskomiteen skulle følge LaRouche-bevægelsens politik og ikke sætte LaRouches navn i forbindelse med politiske holdninger, der var og er i direkte modstrid med vores egne standpunkter, og som tog sin begyndelse i aktionskomiteen umiddelbart efter LaRouches død, blev afvist op til det punkt, hvor Fru Boyd og en gruppe af individer, der delte hendes holdninger, fremlagde et dokument i november 2020, hvori de proklamerede deres »uigenkaldelige« uafhængighed af lederskabet i LaRouche-bevægelsen, mig selv inklusive, der blev grundlagt af min mand for over 50 år siden.

»Mens de lovpriste visse af Lyndon LaRouches ideer, og fremviste videofilm med ham, så afveg aktionskomiteens politiske holdninger i stigende grad fra LaRouche-bevægelsens og min afdøde mands politik, eksempelvis ved at udelukke enhver substantiel vurdering af den internationale strategiske situation, for i stedet, næsten udelukkende, at fokusere på amerikansk indenrigspolitik, og frem for alt på emner, der var på linje med Donald Trumps politik. De undlod i stigende grad at publicere artikler og videoer, som var kritiske over for Trump, så som hans lovprisning af den finansielle boble på Wall Street og hans Kina-kritiske politik, der kom til at dominere hans præsidentskab. Her er et eksempel.:

»I en video der blev lagt ud den 26. januar 2021 på LPAC’s hjemmeside med overskriften »Få kampagnen for en rigsretssag til at give bagslag, byg en bevægelse for at redde republikken« udtalte Barbara Boyd: »Hvis man har den holdning, at mennesker er dyr, og at man kan have et socialt belønningssystem, og det er faktisk, hvad vi er ved at etablere herhjemme med ”Cancel Culture”-bevægelsen – altså, hvis man opfører sig på en bestemt måde, så får man social kredit for at gøre x, y, z, og w; men hvis du er ondskabsfuld eller kommer med dumme kommentarer, eller træder ved siden af, så får man negativ kredit. Det er det, de gør i Kina. Det er, hvad man gør i ethvert totalitært samfund«.

»Disse holdninger reflekterer alene Fru Boyds meninger, hverken LaRouches eller LaRouche-bevægelsens. Jeg er totalt uenig med en sådan karakteristik af Kina, og Lyndon LaRouche udtrykte gentagne gange gennem hele sit liv synspunkter i diametral modsætning til en sådan karakteristik.

»I takt med den voksende misrepræsentation af LaRouches politiske standpunkter, følte jeg og et stort flertal af medlemmerne i LaRouche-bevægelsen, både i USA og internationalt, at vi ikke havde andet valg end at støtte dannelsen af en ny organisation og en tilhørende hjemmeside: »The LaRouche Organization« (TLO), som blev grundlagt i december 2020, for at sikre, at LaRouches navn og ansigt kun forbindes med hans virkelige politik og holdninger. Klik her: The LaRouche Organizations homepage Forskellen mellem TLO og aktionskomiteen ses tydeligt ved f.eks. at sammenligne de intentioner, der kommer udtryk i den grundlæggende udtalelse »Hvem vi er«, som siger:

»»Det eneste formål med The LaRouche Organization (TLO) er at sprede Lyndon LaRouches idéer og kendskabet til hans livsværk, hans metode til analytisk og videnskabelig tænkning, med den hensigt at realisere de løsninger på de mange kriser, menneskeheden nu står over for, som han fremlagde.«

»Sæt dette op imod de »marchordrer«, der blev lagt op på aktionskomiteens hjemmeside den 14. februar under overskriften »Din rolle i »Ny Politik««: »Kæmp for det Republikanske Parti; tving forræderne og »de svage« ud, og før det tilbage til Abraham Lincolns tradition.«

»Fru Boyd og hendes samarbejdspartnere lancerede et nyt design for aktionskomiteens hjemmeside i februar 2021, som bemærkelsesværdigt udelader to sider eller emner, der tidligere var der:

»For det første den utroligt rige dokumentation af de 40 års organiseringsaktiviteter som Lyndon LaRouche og hans internationale samarbejdspartnere var involveret i på tværs af fem af planetens kontinenter. Hvad enten det var intetionen eller ej, så mener jeg, at man, ved at fjerne den historie, giver det falske indtryk, at Hr. LaRouche kun bekymrede sig om, hvad der foregik i USA. Det går imod hans passionerede engagement for menneskeheden som helhed.

»For det andet, så fjerner aktionskomiteens nye hjemmeside også den rolle Hr. LaRouche og hans internationale bevægelse har spillet i skabelsen af det nye paradigme omkring Den Nye Silkevej. LaRouche begyndte allerede i 1970’erne at skrive adskillige økonomiske programmer for Afrika, Asien, Latinamerika og Europa, og brugte en god del af sit liv på at arbejde og føre kampagne både i og for udviklingen af disse lande.

»Fru Boyd og hendes samarbejdspartnere har enhver ret til at etablere en politisk aktionskomité, der udtrykker Fru Boyds holdninger; men jeg mener, at de gør afdøde Lyndon LaRouche en stor uret ved at misrepræsentere hans holdninger – både gennem det, der bringes og det, der udelades – samt ved at forbinde hans navn med deres egne bestræbelser. Af alle disse årsager har vi entreret juridisk bistand for at stoppe aktionskomiteens brug af Lyndon LaRouches navn og ansigt, og for at bevare hans enorme arbejdes integritet.«

Læs LaRouche-organisationens grundlæggende dokument her: LaRouche-organisationen er grundlagt

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Helga Zepp-LaRouche: ’Vælg i stedet holdbar menneskelig overlevelse’

21. februar (EIRNS) – For tiden, under så dramatiske, historiske begivenheder i gang som det andet år af en pandemi med en virus der muterer; og i Nordamerika, med omfattende skader fra energisystemer, som på forhånd var mangelfulde, fortæller fornuften os, at vi burde samarbejde som bare fanden, hjemme og i udlandet, for at rette tingene op. Se på hvad vi gør på Mars! De nødvendige tiltag er blevet formuleret i årtier i form af en udviklingspolitik af økonomen og statsmanden Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., der sammen med sin hustru, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, også viste vejen vej for de diplomatiske initiativer, som kan gøre udviklingen til en realitet. Tiden er inde nu.

Modstanden mod dette udsyn fra de fallerede politisk-finansielle netværk centreret i City of London/Wall Street presser rasende på med mere og hurtigere afindustrialisering, der i første omgang har forårsaget flere kriser. Der slås nu på tromme for det internationale topmøde på 'Jordens Dag', den 22. april, til bekæmpelse af klimaforandringer, hvor Det Hvide Hus er vært. Både præsident Joe Biden og John Kerry, 'Særlig udsending for Klimaet' (National Security Council Special Presidential Envoy for Climate), gentog dette den 18. februar, på dagen hvor USA officielt genindtrådte i Paris-klimaaftalerne. De understreger, at Biden fra nu af og indtil topmødet den 22. april vil udstede de nødvendige foranstaltninger for at opnå større amerikansk reduktion af CO2 inden udgangen af ​​dette årti. En sådan politik vil faktisk indebære ni år med flere blackouts, madmangel, oversvømmelser, brande og et hurtigt fald i forventet levealder. Kerry understregede i fredags, hvor han talte med FN’s generaldirektør Antonio Guterres, at det haster med at handle på CO2-reduktion: "Det der betyder noget er, hvad folk vil gøre i de næste 10 år".

Naturligvis tilslutter de folkemorderiske milliardærer sig. Sir Michael-'anti-kul' Bloomberg var på et konferencekald med journalister den 18. februar for at understrege, at flere kulkraftværker må nedlægges – netop på et tidspunkt, hvor det er elproduktion fra kul- og kernekraftværker, der har afholdt de centrale stater fra at gå fuldstændig i sort. Bill Gates, manden hvis speciale det er at opretholde mangler inden for sundhed, uddannelse og landbrug vha. "filantropi", har ligeledes understreget denne 10-årige tidsramme. Han sagde i et interview i dagens Washington Post Magazine, at "vi skal have gennembrud i det næste årti", så vi kan bruge de følgende to årtier til 2050 "til at erstatte hele den industrielle økonomi". Hvad angår det videnskabelige spørgsmål, der er involveret i den tilsyneladende modsætning mellem kølige storme og global opvarmning, hævdede Gates standardbedrageriet i morges på Fox News, at "det sandsynligvis vil påvirke vejret at udlede yderligere kulstof i atmosfæren". Det er der "superhårde beviser for".

Den nye rapport, der er udkommet i denne måned, piller disse onde klaphatte fra hinanden – EIR’s specialrapport: “Det store spring bagud: LaRouche afslører the 'New Green Deal". Helga Zepp-LaRouche skriver i sin indledning: ”The New Deal for menneskeheden er ikke 'grøn', men menneskelig!", Et afsluttende afsnit har undertitlen: "Vælg i stedet holdbar menneskelig overlevelse". Hun opfordrer til handling og siger:" Selvom mange institutioner synes at have lagt sig fast på den kurs, der er skitseret her [grøn økonomisk katastrofe, geopolitik og krigsfare], er det ikke for sent at vælge alternativet. COVID-19-pandemien har vist, hvor ekstremt sårbare vi i virkeligheden er som menneskelig art, og at vi realistisk set kun har en chance for at sikre vores langsigtede overlevelse ved at finde sammen i et nyt paradigme for samarbejde mellem alle nationer i denne verden for at vie os til menneskehedens reelle fælles opgaver.

"Nøglen til at overvinde krisen ligger i et menneskesyn, der ikke ser menneskeheden som en parasit på naturen, hvis aktiviteter forurener og ødelægger stakkels Moder Jord, så det ville være godt at reducere antallet af mennesker så meget som muligt (bare ikke så meget som til at efterlade oligarkiet uden tilstrækkeligt tjenestefolk!). Mennesket er simpelthen ikke et manipulerbart væsen, der kan holdes under kontrol med den moderne form for 'brød og cirkus' og degradering fra underholdningsindustrien.

"Menneskeheden er den eneste art, hvis kreative fornuft er i overensstemmelse med universets love, og er endog en udviklet, integreret del deraf. Det er netop denne evne, der gør det muligt for menneskeheden igen og igen at opdage nye revolutionerende hypoteser om universets fysiske love, som derefter bruges i produktionsprocessen til at definere helt nye platforme for den menneskelige levestandard, forventet levetid, forståelse af de klimaforandringer, der har fundet sted i millioner af år, og yderligere perspektiv for at skabe forudsætningerne for fremtidig interstellar rumflyvning gennem koloniseringen af det nære rum".

For menneskehedens overlevelse, gør god brug af den nye rapport, og nyd de smukke billeder, der nu stråler til Jorden fra Mars takket være Percy. 

“Vi har så meget at opdage” om vores univers
Schiller Instituttets ugentlige webcast med
Helga Zepp-LaRouche den 10. februar 2021

I sin ugentlige dialog i dag stillede Helga Zepp-LaRouche de spændende horisonter, der blev åbnet af tre næsten samtidige rumflyvninger med ankomst til Mars, i modsætning til det igangværende polariserende cirkus i det amerikanske senats retssag mod tidligere præsident Trump. Mars-missionerne, sagde hun, "viser, hvor menneskeheden skal hen… Vi har så meget at opdage." Hun pegede på de russiske og kinesiske forskeres vellykkede udvikling af COVID-vacciner og deres vilje til at dele dem, som et andet eksempel på den form for samarbejde, der kræves i en krisetid som denne.

Se i stedet på den utrolige situation i USA rettet imod Donald Trump og hans tilhængere. De seneste afslørninger der viser, at ledere af oprøret fra de "Stolte drenge" (Proud Boys) og "Ed-vogtere" (Oath Keepers) var forbundet til FBI, gør det klart, at angrebet på kongresbygningen den 6. januar ikke blev tilskyndet af Trump, men faktisk var en "fælde". Og mens skueprocessen fortsætter, er der en optrapning for regimeskifter mod Putin og Xi, der anføres på vegne af dem, der presser på for den store nulstilling (Great Reset). Hun opfordrede seerne til at studere den kommende EIR-specialrapport om den store nulstilling/grønne New Deal ( og til at deltage i rundbordsdiskussionen om optrapningen af konflikten mod Rusland denne lørdag kl. 19 dansk tid (, som nødvendige skridt til at blive de oplyste borgere, der kræves for at skabe et nyt paradigme for samarbejde blandt suveræne stater.

Se Helgas webcast her: Webcast


Afskrift på Engelsk:


We Have So Much to Discover’ About Our Universe

The LaRouche Organization Webcast with Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

HARLEY SCHLANGER: Hello, I’m Harley Schlanger. Welcome to our weekly dialogue with Helga Zepp-LaRouche. It’s February 10, 2021.

And we’re seeing some extraordinary developments in the United States, of chaos, of the circus-type environment around the impeachment. Helga, what’s your best reading of what’s going on around this situation?

HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE: It is a circus, but let me say something optimistic in the beginning: because you have three Mars missions—one is already in orbit from the U.A.E., another one today from China, and then still another one from the United States on Feb. 18. So that shows you where mankind should be going. But before we come to that, let’s look at what needs to be overcome, and one of those situations is exactly what you are referring to, the unbelievable situation in the United States. Looking at it from a distance, so to speak, I think it’s a very, very dangerous development because you have a clear effort to declare former President Trump a non-person; you have a trampling on the Constitution. Yesterday, 56 Senators voted for impeachment, which means they don’t respect the Constitution, because the Constitution says you can only impeach a sitting President or official, but not a former one. And it is clearly designed to completely confuse the population, brainwash the population.

It will increase the polarization, and the whole thing is phony, because there is now plenty of evidence that the storming of the Capitol was planned long before Jan. 6, probably immediately after the election took place, there were preparations. The FBI now has evidence that there were 200 people, whom they arrested on Jan. 6, who were involved in the preplanning: Some of these people were FBI informants, or had high-level security clearance from the FBI, such as some of the people from the Proud Boys, and also the so-called Oath Keeper head Caldwell. So, this is a sting operation if you ever have seen one, and it is clearly designed to make sure that Trump can never run for office again, so the whole thing is fraudulent.

But you have to see it in the context of other things which are going on in the United States as well: And that is, censorship. What we had seen already beginning against then-President Trump when he gave press conferences, the major TV stations intervened and said, “no, we don’t agree with the content of what he is saying,” overriding and overruling the President of the United States. Now you have a whole pattern of blogs and websites are being banned by the social media. You cannot mention certain words any more. If you say “vote fraud” you are being banned; if you say certain other things which don’t fit the official narrative, so it completely suppresses any kind of open discussion and the First Amendment. And then, you have this very worrisome effort to criminalize the Trump base: Naturally one is against violence of any kind, but when the former CIA station chief for Afghanistan and Pakistan, and Director of the CIA Counter Terorism Center—a person called Robert Grenier—says one has to use the same methods one used against insurgencies in Afghanistan and Iraq against those domestic terrorists, because they swim in a larger environment of support in the population.

This is really incredible: This should upset any person who loves democracy, for that matter, or freedom. And I think it is creating an atmosphere of real—I think McCarthyism is a mild word for saying it—and it’s a very dangerous development. So I can only call on all people to keep free debate, keep open truth-seeking of matters, and—I think it’s a very dangerous development, that’s all I can say.

SCHLANGER: What I find interesting is that parallel to what’s being done against Trump and the Trump supporters, is the escalation for regime change in Russia against Putin, which sort of goes back to the whole issue of Russiagate as targetting both the United States and Russia. What’s the latest you have on this anti-Putin move?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Well, this Navalny story is really a concoction. First of all we should remember that Navalny was not very well-known in Russia until recently, until this so-called “poisoning” through the Russian government was supposedly happening.

As a matter of fact, if you look at his older statements, he is a rightwing person, he called some people “cockroaches” and using a language which we know from Germany from 80 years ago, so he’s not exactly a hero or a nice person. But he is being used to absolutely go for street demonstrations to finance those; there is this video which was published by RT, where one of his top campaign managers, Vladimir Ashurkov, is seen in 2012, where he talks to a member of the British embassy who in reality was an MI6 agent, where Ashurkov asks this British so-called diplomat for $10-$20 million a year, because that would enable them to organize mass demonstrations in Russia.

So this is the reality of this operation, and Maria Zakharova just said in a press conference, that it is very clear that there are powerful circles behind Navalny from the West, and some of them demonstrated in these street demonstrations, members from the embassies and consulates, from Germany, from Poland and from Sweden, which is going against any statutes and standards of the diplomatic service. So Russia expelled these individuals; then, in a reciprocal move, these countries expelled Russian diplomats. But then the thing was crowned by an unbelievably provocative event, which just took place in Brussels, in the Polish mission to the EU, with EU participation, but also U.K., U.S., and Canada, and they basically discussed with Ashurkov and also another person, Leonid Volkov, who is another person from the Navalny team. And they discussed how all these countries should respond together to the jailing of Navalny.

This is a real intelligence operation, and it is aimed to create an environment where you have internal opposition emerging against Putin, and it has the same character as we discussed last week, with the paper of the Atlantic Council targetting Xi Jinping for regime change. []

Now, needless to say, that if from one nuclear power, and the EU, they are running regime change operations against the other two major nuclear powers, this is really very, very dangerous. And I think, it’s completely disgusting. Then also the so-called “foreign minister” of the EU Josep Borrell went to Moscow; he had discussions with Lavrov, supposedly they were very relaxed and friendly. But when Borrell went back to Brussels he gave a press conference and said that he mainly discussed Navalny and the question of human rights, so that then Lavrov said there are two stories: One is what Borrell said at the press conference in Moscow, and another was what he said when he was back in Brussels, so who is running EU foreign policy?

Lavrov also said, and this is extremely worrisome, that Germany would have opened secret files to Navalny when he was in Germany making this so-called movie about luxury mansion of Putin. In other words, the German secret services gave Navalny files which is extremely provocative. And it turns out now that this so-called luxury palace has been empty for many years; Putin has never been in it, and it is being restored to become a hotel. But it was manipulated with Photoshop methods, to look like a private mansion. So these are these methods, which are really prewar creating an enemy-image of a country, and I think it’s completely disgusting.

Even more disgusting is that the German foreign minister Heiko Maas spent €21 million, obviously, of taxpayers’ money, to finance the opposition in Belarus.

Now, I don’t know—this is all really counterproductive, and it should be denounced. It’s a kind of warmongering, and any clear-thinking citizen should really distance himself or herself from these kinds of operations.

SCHLANGER: You mentioned the Atlantic Council paper targetting Xi Jinping. There’s also the commander of StratCom, the Strategic Command for the nuclear defense of the United States, talking about the likelihood of nuclear war, and the Chinese are continuing to very strongly discuss that. At the same time, they’re holding open the possibility of a better relationship. What’s your reading on that?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: There was a very interesting article in People’s Daily, where the author makes the point that if the United States is worried about a nuclear war, then the easiest thing not to have it, is not to make a strike against Russia or China, because it is China’s policy under all circumstances, to have a no-first-nuclear-strike policy. And as you say, they again and again say now is the time to have a new definition of the relationship between the United States and China. So it is very clear that the warmongering comes not from Russia and people should not fall into this trap, because once you are in the dynamic where you keep shouting negative things, you know, you get a reaction. And the Global Times chief editor Hu Xijin, answered and said, “Well, obviously, China must increase its nuclear arsenal, and build at least 1,000 ICBMs to be credible,” but that is the kind of reaction you get. And I think the world is really confronted with so many real problems, that this kind of geopolitical warmongering is really more superfluous than anything else on this planet.

SCHLANGER: One of the problems we’ve been focussed on is the push for the Green New Deal, a global green economy, a green financial bubble, and this just continues to unfold with Biden’s initial executive orders. But there is a real reaction against it from certain countries. How is this developing over the last week?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: It is a bubble, as we discussed many times. The financial system is hopelessly bankrupt. The central banks have pumped money, trillions and trillions into the system since 2008, when you already had a systemic crisis, and it is very clear this cannot be maintained forever. So in one sense, this idea to pump another $30 trillion into the system for green investments, which will ruin the economy! If you go to these low energy flux-density levels, you cannot maintain a modern industrial power, and it really is a last-ditch effort to bail out the banks, to bail out the speculators. And it is more than cynical: One aspect is, and this is unbelievable, that the EU, otherwise famous for their pushback operation in the context of Frontex, which shows you what the mindset is of these bureaucrats; but what they have now done is they have made agreements with 31 African countries to mass produce solar and wind energy and turn it into hydrogen; ship the hydrogen then from Africa to Europe because if you go all green technology and energy in Europe, you cannot build as many wind parks (one shouldn’t call them “parks”)—offshore and onshore wind hubs and solar panels in Europe, because it would cover the entire territory with these things. So what they are planning to do, is to import 80% of their energy from these operations in Africa.

Now, obviously the African nations are poor and they are desperate for all kinds of deals, but it ruins the environment in Africa, it means no industrial development, which is what they really would need, and just shows you the absolutely cynical character of this Green policy, which one can only call an “eco-dictatorship” and in reality, “eco-fascism”: Because it does reduce the population capacity of the Earth, and therefore, one can call it an eco-fascist policy, for sure.

SCHLANGER: One thing we’re seeing in Europe, particularly in Germany, is rising prices for electricity, and also a new wave of industrial layoffs, and this is also pretty troubling.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Yes, the economy is collapsing. You have massive layoffs in all major industries, Thyssen, MAN, and various others, but also many small and medium industries are going bankrupt. And the energy prices increase, I think there was in January alone, in Germany, an energy price increase of 7.5% at once, and when all of these schemes are implemented, it will get worse and worse. And the idea behind it is what the Greens have discussed since a long time: To change the behavior of the population by increasing the prices such that most people cannot afford electric appliances, or warm heating, or going by train somewhere. So it is really an absolute imposition of massive austerity policy, de facto, in respect to the living standard of the population. We should really fight against it.

We will be bringing out tomorrow, Executive Intelligence Review will publish a Special Report on the Green New Deal, on the Great Reset, and I can only encourage our viewers to get this report, because this is designed to explain to people what will be the effect of such a policy and what can be done against it.

SCHLANGER: The other thing we should take up is this question of what went wrong in Europe, in particular, with the vaccines, what EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen did to make it impossible for people to get vaccinated in many European countries. But at the same time, the Russian vaccine, which everyone was scoffing at and making fun of, now is becoming almost a prize for the Russians. What can you say about this?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: It is very clear that the EU—that’s now being discussed everywhere—I mean, the EU does not care about its member states and their population. So they were falling behind very massively in ordering vaccines, and now there is a recognition that if European are going to get themselves vaccinated, they’d better buy vaccines from Russia and China. Even Alexander Dobrin from the [Bavarian Christian Social Union] CSU said that this is what should be done. And Merkel talked with Putin and also with Xi Jinping, so this is underway.

But if you look at China, they have now said that they will donate vaccines to 53 developing countries, and in addition to that, they have agreements for sale of vaccines to another 22 countries. They have developed altogether six vaccines, and I think all the slanders against China are really contradicted by what is happening in terms of deeds. So, I think there is a clear tendency to recognize that all these accusations against China are completely ill-founded.

SCHLANGER: I find it interesting: We started with the question of the Mars missions, and I know we’ll talk about in just a moment, but at the same time, we’re seeing the potential that exists in Russia and China for scientific breakthroughs that are of benefit to the whole world. And of course, in the United States as well, the vaccine program is moving ahead, although there are problems.

But let’s go back now to the question of Mars. This is really extraordinary—this is a big week. I don’t know if there’s an air traffic control system on Mars, but there’s a lot of incoming spacecraft!

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: This is really exciting, because yesterday, the orbiter Hope from the United Arab Emirates, the U.A.E., arrived in orbit of Mars, and they will make images of weather patterns on Mars for future expeditions. This is very exciting, because if you look at some of the pictures from the laboratories in the United Arab Emirates, you see all these men and women—the men dressed in their typical Arabic garb—and it’s just such a completely different image about the future of the Arab world. The last time the Arab world was in the forefront of science was in the Abbasid dynasty, around the time of Haroun al-Rashid, al-Mansur, al-Mamun, and at that time Baghdad was the most advanced science city in the world. The Caliphs gave gold to anybody who would bring a discovery, from Egypt, from Spain, from Italy, and weigh them in gold. And this time, the head of the U.A.E. Space Agency said that they chose one of the most difficult missions, namely to go to Mars, because they thought the challenge would be such that it would provoke the greatest leap forward, the leapfrogging in science and technology. And you know what the average age is of these engineers? Twenty-seven years! And one-third of them are women. So if there is any way to catch up with the future, and modern world, it is exactly that.

And they quote especially a poet, whose name is Al Mutanabbi, but he was born in 915, and they quote him saying, “If you ventured in pursuit of glory, don’t be satisfied with less than the stars.” So I think this is very beautiful.

And as I said, today is the Tianwen-1, it has reached the orbit of Mars. It will be there for a while, and then they will plan very carefully the landing on Mars; I think it will happen in three months. But then, they have a lander and a rover, so this will be a very carefully preplanned operation.

And then, on Feb. 18th, you will have the Perseverance mission from NASA, also a lander and a rover.

So I think this idea that the future of mankind is the colonization of space, and that the best thing which could happen is that all countries work together. The way to overcome geopolitical conflict on Earth is to start to really reach for the stars, to colonize the Moon and Mars, and prepare for future interstellar travel of mankind as one.

I mean, if you look at mankind from space, you see that our little, blue planet is very small, it’s very fragile, and the universe is incredibly big. We have not discovered the first secrets yet—there’s so much to discover, in 2 trillion galaxies, which we know for sure to exist. So it’s really time to overcome what I call the infancy of mankind, where people squabble over territory. If we go for space science, we can completely transform everything which is called a “resource,” and conflicts now which seem to be so big, will completely vanish once we reach the next phase, the next era of human civilization. So I think this is good reason for optimism.

SCHLANGER: Yes, of course, and in keeping with your late husband’s life work, to have that kind of cooperation, what your friend Krafft Ehricke called the Extraterrestrial Imperative. And we should note that we’re coming up on the second anniversary of Lyndon LaRouche’s passing. And on that date, Feb. 12, there will be on the website, 24 hours of videos for people to become more familiar with Lyndon LaRouche.

And Helga just to conclude, in terms of addressing the geopolitical crisis, the Schiller Institute is sponsoring a roundtable this weekend to discuss the situation in Russia. Do you want to say something about that?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Yes, this will be a roundtable of experts; we already have very renowned speakers, Sen. Mike Gravel, I think agreed; then, Professor Edward Lozansky from the American University in Moscow, we also have possibly; Mr. Alex Krainer, the author of Grand Deception, the book on Bill Browder; possibly another expert from Russia; maybe Ray McGovern. So it will be a very important round of people to discuss both what’s behind the operation and why the truth has to be gotten out to neutralize it. So you should all tune in on Saturday at 1 p.m. Eastern Time. So, see you then.

SCHLANGER: Yes, 1 p.m. this time. And I think people would find it not just fascinating but crucial, to address the crises we’ve been discussing. Helga, thanks for joining us, and we’ll see you again next week.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Till next week!

‘Hope’, rumskibet ”Håb”, går i kredsløb omkring Mars; giver håb til jorden.

9. februar 2021 (EIRNS) – Efter planen gik De forenede arabiske Emiraters rumskib, "Hope", i morges succesfuldt i kredsløb omkring Mars. Fartøjet gik ned i fart fra 121.000 km/time til ca. 18.000 km/timen, så det blev indfanget i en bane omkring Mars og bevægede sig pænt på plads efter 27-minutters brænding af dets hjælperaketter. Fartøjet bringer sig nu i position til snart at overvåge vejrforholdene på den røde planet. Hope-missionen er fastlagt til at vare i et helt Mars-år (687 Jorddage).

I morgen forventes den kinesiske 'Tianwen-1' at ankomme planmæssigt til Mars, med et komplekst program planlagt for de kommende måneder. Dernæst ankommer NASA-rumskibet 'Perseverance' den 18. februar for at lande en 'marsbil' på overfladen. Denne februars trekløver bringer det samlede antal nationer, der til dato har lykkedes i deres Mars-missioner, op på fem. Hvis vi gør tingene rigtigt her på Jorden, er Mars sandelig kun begyndelsen på en ny tidsalder for fremskridt for menneskeheden.

Schiller Instituttets præsident Helga Zepp-LaRouche sagde i dag: "Når man ser på Mars-missionerne i sammenhæng, viser det vejen ud af katastroferne og de geopolitiske spil", der er så farlige lige nu. Hun gennemgik disse, begyndende med USA, hvor en rigsretssag, der ikke burde foregå, gennemføres som en ’maraton i vanvid’. I dag var der fire timers argumentation om det forfatningsmæssige grundlag for at anklage en mand, der allerede er ude af det offentlige embede, hvilket kulminerede med en afstemning på 56-44 til fordel for retssagen mod Donald Trump. I morgen er der planlagt 16 timers præsentationer. Dette skal fortsætte til søndag, før der forventes afsluttende argumenter. Det er et globalt skuespil over krisen i USA og en operation til at hjernevaske amerikanerne.

Anklagerne mod den tidligere præsident Donald Trump er fra start til slut en operation rettet imod USA. For hver dag kommer der mere frem, for eksempel om hvordan de personer, der førte an i at sikre at hændelsen den 6. januar ved den amerikanske kongresbygning, Capitol, blev voldelig, alle var kendt og forbundet til eller havde dækning af undergravende efterretningsnetværk. Der har allerede været forlydender om sagen om den nationale formand for 'Proud Boys', der har fungeret som FBI-meddeler i årevis. Nu er det kommet frem, at en leder af de paramilitære 'Oath Keepers', der deltog i angrebet på den amerikanske hovedstad den 6. januar, havde en FBI-sikkerhedsgodkendelse.

Et andet åbenlyst tilfælde af national undergravende virksomhed involverer sammensværgelser mod præsident Vladimir Putin og Rusland. Dette udføres af de samme netværk, der underminerer USA – de i London centrerede finansielle transnationale netværk, der promoverer deres eget diktatur. I går blev der afholdt en online-konference arrangeret af den polske mission ved EU i Bruxelles, med forskellige EU-nationer plus Storbritannien, USA, Canada og Ukraine for at konspirere mod Putin og i øvrigt at destabilisere Rusland. Den selvsamme russiske assistent til 'dissidenten' Alexej Navalny, Vladimir Ashurkov, der blev fanget på video i 2012, hvor han diskuterede store penge med en formodet britisk MI6-agent med det formål at organisere oppositionen mod Putin i Rusland, deltog i gårsdagens virtuelle konference i Bruxelles. I dag sprængte talsmand for det russiske udenrigsministerium, Maria Zakarova bomben om mødet, og beskrev det som en samling af NATO-lande, der benytter Navalny til at organisere undergravende aktiviteter imod Rusland.

Tempoet og åbenlysheden i disse træk over for nationer gør det klart, hvor vigtigt det er med den nye serie online strategiske rundbordssamtaler, der igangsættes lørdag d. 13. februar af LaRouche-organisationen. Deltagelse i og støtte til dette initiativ er den bedste måde at imødegå de vanvittige operationer af alle slags, der nu truer verden. Begivenheden, der begynder kl. 19.00 dansk tid, har titlen "Forum: Forværring af amerikansk-russiske relationer – vend udviklingen med et nyt paradigme eller imødese atomkrig."

For det andet, sørg for at få denne uges udgave af {EIR} (udgivelsesdato, 12. februar), der er en ny "Special Rapport: The Great Leap Backwards – LaRouche Exposes the Green New Deal." (Det store spring tilbage – LaRouche afslører 'the Green New Deal'. Nu er tiden inde til at abonnere. Spred ordet, spred håb.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche om EIR og LaRouche-organisationens afsløring af ‘the Great Reset’

Den 7. februar (EIRNS) – HARLEY SCHLANGER fra LaRouche-organisationen interviewede Helga Zepp-LaRouche, grundlægger og formand for Schiller Instituttet, om rapporten, som vil blive frigivet i denne uge af Executive Intelligence Review om 'the Great Reset', ’Den store Nulstilling’ og dens forhold til 'the Green New Deal', politikken for malthusiansk befolkningsreduktion, som blev afsløret af hendes afdøde mand, Lyndon LaRouche, i slutningen af 1960'erne. ’The Great Reset’ var emnet for en online-konference, som Davos-milliardærerne afholdt den 25.-29. januar.

SCHLANGER: Helga, hvorfor bliver der skubbet så aggressivt på med dette lige nu?

HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Realiteten er, at hele det transatlantiske finanssystem er håbløst bankerot. Man gjorde ikke noget ved det, da den systemiske krise brød ud i 2008, bortset fra massive kvantitative lempelser, trykning af pengesedler, og nu er boblen ved at briste. Og dette er hele tricket: Den store nulstilling og den grønne nye aftale betyder, at de vil skyde 30 billioner $ ind i næste og sidste boble, hvorved det kun er dem, der deltager i spekulationen, dvs. milliardærerne, der bliver rige, mens hovedparten af befolkningen vil blive forarmet. Dette er ikke gennemførligt.

SCHLANGER: De kalder dette en "ændring af det finansielle regime". Hvad mener de med det?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Nuvel, regeringer og parlamenter skal ikke længere foretage den lovgivning, der afgør hvordan tingene skal forvaltes, men man ønsker at have et grønt diktatur, hvor det er centralbankerne, der beslutter, hvor meget kød man må spise, om noget i det hele taget; hvor mange rejser man må foretage, hvilken slags bil eller e-bil man kan køre, eller hvad som helst. Dette vil betyde et økodiktatur, der får ethvert tidligere diktatur til at ligne en skovtur.

SCHLANGER: Da din mand tog dette op første gang i 1971, beskrev han det som en schachtiansk korporationspolitik (efter Hjalmar Schacht, Hvad betyder det? Hvad er betydningen af ’Schachtianismen’?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Det er en form for selvkannibalisering af arbejdsstyrken. Problemet er, at hvis man udskifter kul og fossile brændstoffer, og man ikke går over til kernekraft, bliver man helt afhængig af såkaldte grønne vedvarende teknologier og energikilder, så man får en meget lav energitæthed, hvilket betyder at man ikke kan opretholde moderne industrinationer. Dette vil være et hidtil uset anslag imod levestandarden, og for udviklingslandene vil det indebære folkedrab; fordi, som folk ved, har vi en pandemi, der er ude af kontrol; og som lederen af ​​Verdensfødevareprogrammet, David Beasley, advarer om igen og igen, kommer dertil en hungersnød af "bibelske dimensioner". Så hvis man således ødelægger den industrielle kapacitet i de industrialiserede nationer, efterlader man Den tredje Verden i en katastrofe. Man inviterer apokalypsens fire ryttere – sult, sygdom, pest og krig – og det vil føre til en gigantisk affolkning. Dette er essensen af, hvad Hjalmar Schacht (Hitlers centralbankmand og finansminister) drejede sig om, fordi det endte med koncentrationslejrene, og det er, på en anden vis, hvad vi ser på i dag.

SCHLANGER: Du har kaldt dette "den nye fascisme". Hvad er forskellen i forhold til ’schachtianismen’ fra 30'erne og 40'erne, og hvad mener du med "ny fascisme" i dag?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Bare fordi den ikke har alle aspekterne af den gamle fascisme i tradition af Mussolini, Franco, Hitler og så videre; hvis man indfører den form for reduktion af levestandarden, og man går til energi-gennemstrømningstætheder, som indebærer strømsvigt, hvilket igen vil betyde et sammenbrud af industriproduktionen, så er effekten den samme. Så man skal ikke se på etiketten, men på effekten af denne politik, som er en fuldstændig ødelæggelse af arbejdskraftens produktive evne.

SCHLANGER: Du har netop offentliggjort en artikel om faren for en atomkrig. Hvordan er dette relateret til Den store Nulstilling? ("Helga Zepp-LaRouche om budskabet fra Biden-administrationen: Atomkrig er en reel mulighed, '"

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Det forholder sig sådan, at der en utrolig anti-Kina-, anti-Rusland-kampagne, hovedsageligt fordi Kina er for opadgående, Asien er for opadgående, og der er en indsats fra visse oligarkiske kræfter i Vesten for at inddæmme denne opstigning. Hvis nu man ødelægger de vestlige økonomier; hvis man afindustrialiserer Europa, USA og muligvis andre lande, der følger efter, vil man uundgåeligt komme i konflikt med Kina og Rusland. Kina vil muligvis snakke den grønne dagsorden efter munden, men Kina går efter rene, moderne kulkraftanlæg, kernekraftsanlæg; de har et meget ambitiøst program for termonuklear fusion, hvor de er så godt som førende i verden. Så den geopolitiske opposition siger allerede, i lighed med admiral Charles Richard, chefen for den Amerikanske strategiske Kommando, at en atomkrig er sandsynlig, og at Pentagon er nødt til at skifte fra tanken om, at en krig ikke er sandsynlig, til at det er meget sandsynligt. Jeg mener, hvis man lægger alle disse ting sammen, vil denne politik uundgåeligt føre til 3. Verdenskrig.

SCHLANGER: På trods for alt dette har du i de sidste par dage udtrykt en vis grad af optimisme for, at dette kan overvindes: Hvad er grundlaget for din optimisme?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Jeg mener, ​​at denne politik er så åbenlys, at der er folk, der begynder at diskutere det. Og jeg tror, ​​at den eneste måde at besejre det på er at få budskabet spredt ud så vidt muligt, om hvad der ligger bag denne politik, at sørge for at alle ved det. For eksempel sagde G77-landene og De alliancefrie landes Bevægelse på klimatopmødet i København i 2009, at de ikke vil underskrive en sådan selvmordspagt. Jeg er helt sikker på, at Rusland og Kina er meget opmærksomme på, hvad meningen er med denne politik. Jo flere mennesker, industrifolk, ledere af små og mellemstore virksomheder, iværksættere, fagforeninger – jo flere mennesker, der diskuterer det og forstår, at der findes et alternativ til det, nemlig at indføre Lyndon LaRouche's 'fire love' – en global Glass/Steagall-politik; nationalbanker i hvert land; og indlemme disse nationalbanker i et 'Nyt Bretton Woods-kreditsystem, nøjagtigt som Franklin D. Roosevelt havde til hensigt; og derefter gå over til en massiv industrialisering af Afrika og Mellemøsten, som har presserende brug for det. Så kan vi ændre dette. Og jeg tror, ​​at flere og flere mennesker inden for USA og Europa vil forstå, at det er i deres bedste interesse ikke at følge denne politik.

SCHLANGER: I betragtning af dette internationale potentiale er det afgørende hvad der sker i USA. Så hvad skal vores lyttere gøre for at sikre, at vi besejrer 'the Great Reset' og 'the Green New Deal'?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Få som sagt nyhederne ud så vidt man kan, om hvad der ligger bag dette; gør dine venner, dine bekendte, dine kolleger og fortrolige bekendt med dette; sørg for at dit kongresmedlem, dine andre valgte embedsmænd, borgmesteren, byrådet, at de alle ved besked om det, fordi indførelsen af denne politik vil lande på bordet hos de valgte embedsmænd, og det vil bringe dem i en helt utrolig konflikt med deres samvittighed og med de mennesker, hvis interesser de repræsenterer.

SCHLANGER: Helga, tak for dine indsigter i dette og for dit arbejde med at få denne rapport ud. Den udkommer i indeværende uge i det kommende nummer af {Executive Intelligence Review}, og kort derefter vil der være et mindre afsnit af det i en pjece distribueret af LaRouche-organisationen. Så Helga, tak, og vi ses snart igen.


Her er de gratis artikler fra specialrapporten:

The New Deal for Humanity Is Not Green, But Human!  
by Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Prince Charles Invented and Runs the ‘Green New Deal’  
by Richard Freeman

British Crown Think-Tank: We Intend To Take Away Your Food  

by Gretchen Small

Bestil hele rapporten fra os: +45 53 57 00 51,

Samarbejde imod COVID-pandemien og i rummet bevæger
menneskeheden mod et nyt anti-Davos-paradigme.
Schiller Instituttets ugentlige webcast med
Helga Zepp-LaRouche den 4. februar 2021

Schiller Instituttets ugentlige webcast med Helga Zepp-LaRouche den 4. februar 2021, kan også ses her:


Mens det globale oligarkiske etablissement i London følger en politik, der sigter mod at påtvinge et globalt diktatur af bankdirektører og indlede nye krige, fremhævede Helga Zepp-LaRouche, hvad hun optimistisk beskrev, som "babyskridt" hen imod et nyt paradigme, baseret på videnskabeligt samarbejde mellem suveræne stater. I sin ugentlige dialog pegede hun på aftaler indgået imellem Rusland og Kina på den ene side og nationer i Europa – inklusive Tyskland – og Sydamerika, om at levere COVID-19-vacciner, som bevis for, at der er bevægelse mod at realisere hendes opfordring til at udvikle et "globalt sundhedssystem", som den eneste måde at besejre pandemien, og forhindre udbrud af andre pandemier i fremtiden. Hun talte også om den spændende udsigt til, at tre nationer – De forenede arabiske Emirater, USA og Kina – har Mars-missioner, der når planeten i løbet af de næste uger i februar.

Denne positive udvikling stillede Helga Zepp-LaRouche i modsætning til de dystre udsigter, der blev præsenteret i Davos, da finansoligarker desperat forsøgte at påtvinge en grøn finansiel boble for at redde deres kollapsende system; med EU's manglende evne til at håndtere pandemien og den økonomiske krise, kendetegnet ved udsigten til en Draghi-regering i Italien; og med regimeskiftsoperationer rettet mod Rusland omkring Navalny-affæren og mod Kina med Atlanterhavsrådets hvidbog, "Det længere telegram (The Longer Telegram)", der anvender den geopolitiske metode, som førte til den langvarige kolde krig mod Sovjetunionen, hvilket kunne provokere en atomkrig i dag.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche talte også om den dysfunktionelle polarisering af den amerikanske politiske scene med rigsretssagen i Senatet planlagt til næste uge. Hun beskrev Nancy Pelosi, flertalsleder i Repræsentanternes Hus, og andre som folk, der er "gået grassat", især med deres ubehagelige hævngerrighed overfor Trump og hans tilhængere.

Disse babyskridt hen imod samarbejde kan danne grundlag for at fremprovokere en nødvendig "ændring i tænkningen" på verdensplan for at bryde ud af det farlige paradigme skabt af City of London og dets allierede i USA og Vesteuropa.

Mens det globale oligarkiske etablissement i London følger en politik, der sigter mod at påtvinge et globalt diktatur af bankdirektører og indlede nye krige, fremhævede Helga Zepp-LaRouche, hvad hun optimistisk beskrev, som "babyskridt" hen imod et nyt paradigme, baseret på videnskabeligt samarbejde mellem suveræne stater. I sin ugentlige dialog pegede hun på aftaler indgået imellem Rusland og Kina på den ene side og nationer i Europa – inklusive Tyskland – og Sydamerika, om at levere COVID-19-vacciner, som bevis for, at der er bevægelse mod at realisere hendes opfordring til at udvikle et "globalt sundhedssystem", som den eneste måde at besejre pandemien, og forhindre udbrud af andre pandemier i fremtiden. Hun talte også om den spændende udsigt til, at tre nationer – De forenede arabiske Emirater, USA og Kina – har Mars-missioner, der når planeten i løbet af de næste uger i februar.

Denne positive udvikling stillede Helga Zepp-LaRouche i modsætning til de dystre udsigter, der blev præsenteret i Davos, da finansoligarker desperat forsøgte at påtvinge en grøn finansiel boble for at redde deres kollapsende system; med EU's manglende evne til at håndtere pandemien og den økonomiske krise, kendetegnet ved udsigten til en Draghi-regering i Italien; og med regimeskiftsoperationer rettet mod Rusland omkring Navalny-affæren og mod Kina med Atlanterhavsrådets hvidbog, "Det længere telegram (The Longer Telegram)", der anvender den geopolitiske metode, som førte til den langvarige kolde krig mod Sovjetunionen, hvilket kunne provokere en atomkrig i dag.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche talte også om den dysfunktionelle polarisering af den amerikanske politiske scene med rigsretssagen i Senatet planlagt til næste uge. Hun beskrev Nancy Pelosi, flertalsleder i Repræsentanternes Hus, og andre som folk, der er "gået grassat", især med deres ubehagelige hævngerrighed overfor Trump og hans tilhængere.

Disse babyskridt hen imod samarbejde kan danne grundlag for at fremprovokere en nødvendig "ændring i tænkningen" på verdensplan for at bryde ud af det farlige paradigme skabt af City of London og dets allierede i USA og Vesteuropa.


Billede: Mars Rover. Licens: CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication

Rigsdagsbrand i USA // Stop finansverdens grønne New Deal

Download (PDF, Unknown)

Overvind Davos’ ”store omstilling” med LaRouches nye paradigme.
Schiller Instituttets ugentlige webcast med Helga Zepp-LaRouche,
den 27. januar 2021

Se Helgas Ugentlige webcast, her:

Mens de utopiske fascister fra den globalistiske erhvervselite har planlagt at bruge den nuværende Davos-konference som det tidspunkt, hvor de gennemtrumfer deres globale bankdiktatur for at indføre en dødbringende Grøn New Deal, er der tegn på, at en opposition vokser, centreret omkring Kina og Rusland, som også inkluderer nogle europæiske elementer. Helga Zepp-LaRouche beskrev konferencen hidtil som "en pose blandede bolsjer" og sagde, at finansoligarkerne, der fremmer negativ økonomisk vækst og befolkningsreduktion, er stødt ind i ledende nationers hensigter, som ikke er villige til at overgive deres suverænitet for "aktionær-kapitalismens” skyld. Begge præsidenter Xi og Putin opfordrede til samarbejde og multilaterale løsninger, og Xi sagde, at den unipolære model, der afhænger af at sætte nationer op mod hinanden, er forældet. I det som Zepp-LaRouche kaldte et "tidens tegn", støttede Tysklands kansler Merkel Xis appel for multilateralisme, som hun sagde, stred mod den idé, som præsident Biden søsatte for et "demokratisk topmøde" for alle nationer mod Kina og Rusland.

Mens Helga Zepp-LaRouche var forsigtigt optimistisk med hensyn til Biden-Putin-aftalen om at ratificere en femårig NY START-atomnedrustningsaftale, sagde hun, at Bidens belæring af Putin om de sædvanlige geopolitiske spørgsmål viser, at dem der står bag ham stadig er fast besluttet på en strategisk orientering, der kan føre til krig. Yderligere betyder de rige landes manglende evne til at yde hjælp til fattigere lande med at bekæmpe COVID19-pandemien, at vi enten fremtvinger en ændring i tankegangen, eller også vil pandemien ikke blive overvundet. Den eneste løsning på de problemer, som Xi og Putin rejste i deres taler, er den fulde indførelse af Lyndon LaRouches plan for en firmagtsaftale [mellem USA, Rusland, Kina og Indien] for at etablere et Nyt Bretton Woods-kreditsystem, og at gennemføre LaRouches Fire Økonomiske Love på verdensplan. Hun opfordrede seerne til at slutte sig til Schiller Instituttet for at hjælpe til med at realisere potentialet for et globalt system, der giver mulighed for udvikling af alle nationer.


Engelsk afskrift:

HARLEY SCHLANGER:  Hello, I’m Harley Schlanger, welcome to our weekly dialogue with Helga Zepp-LaRouche: It’s Jan. 27th, 2021.  And I think we should start with the ongoing summit of the World Economic Forum, the Davos billionaires, the gathering of corporatists from around the world to talk about the “Great Reset.”

Helga, what’s the latest you have on what’s going on there?

 HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  It’s a mixed bag, because on the one side, you have all the CEOs of the large firms and banks, BlackRock, Standard Chartered, you have basically the people who—they don’t talk about the Great Reset any more because that has been discredited a lot, so they’re calling it the “Great Transition.” For example, Bill Winters who’s the CEO of Standard Chartered bank, said this is the great $50 trillion opportunity for the next ten years; others like Philip Hildebrand, the Vice President of BlackRock and so forth, they’re all saying they need a lot private finance, private investment.  Basically this is a scheme to transform the world economy, get rid of fossil fuels, naturally no emphasis on nuclear energy, and it would mean to bring the energy flux-density of the world down to a level where, for sure, the present level of more than 7 billion people cannot be maintained.  As a matter of fact, Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, the former head of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, he had said many times that he thought the ideal population for the world is 1 billion, and if these policies of these people would be implemented, you would destroy the world’s industrial capacities. Because if you eliminate fossil fuels—first of all there are clean coal plants now; secondly if you eliminate coal plants, especially for the developing sector, there is no way how you can prevent mass death!  And obviously, this is the hidden, or not so hidden, implication of all of these schemes.

This is a big danger, because these are people who are allied with the central banks, the Fed, the ECB, the Bank of England, all the large corporations, but they’re not the only ones in the world who count, because there was also Xi Jinping, who gave the keynote. For some reason WEF director Klaus Schwab asked him to give the keynote, and he had a quite different tone.  First of all, he said the mode of setting countries against each other is outmoded and that what is needed is a multilateralism which is in the interest of all participants.  He also emphasized a lot the role of science and technology innovation, that China is continuously intending to help the other countries of the South to overcome poverty.

So I think the fact that China is just existing, and is offering a different model of development, including having now started to deliver vaccines for the COVID pandemic to 150 countries, is setting a different tone.  And if these oligarchs of the big banks and corporations want to push through their scheme it just means they will dismantle the industries of the United States and Europe and other countries that go along with that; but I don’t think that they can win.  So it is a sign of the times that Chancellor Merkel, who spoke after Xi Jinping basically supported Xi Jinping in his idea of having multilateralism.  She said she does not want to be put in a position where she has to choose where one bloc is centered around the United States and another one is centered around China, and that she thinks future relations must be based on multilateralism.

Now, this is very important, because, as we know, President Biden has been pushing, or had hoped to have this “Democracy Summit” which was his idea to collect all the NATO countries and get them all lined up against China and against Russia; so that is obviously not functioning, so you see a new—it’s still in a nascent form and baby steps, but you see a tendency in Europe to not want to be treated like the colonies of whatever is being said in Washington, and indirectly, naturally, with London given the marching orders from behind.  So this is an interesting development.

However, I just got a report before we started this program, about the speech of President Putin, and while I didn’t have time to read it at length, I think some of the elements which he said are extremely important: Because he said that the danger is that the world risks a conflict of all against all if global development concerns are not taken care. And he also said that he really hopes that it will not come to a hot global conflict, because this could mean the end to our civilization.  []

I think Putin, and the Russians in general, are very clearly aware of the dangers in general are very clearly aware of the dangers which are in the situation, and I think it’s very important that he expressed it with that clarity. 

I think this Davos virtual summit is just a measurement of where the different forces in the world stand. I think the decisions are being made by the central banks and the forces of Wall Street, City of London, Silicon Valley, and that is the new oligarchical power, which is the real problem. 

But as I said, it’s a divided world, and there is an alternative between absolute zero growth, or reduction of growth, poverty, leading to war and conflict, and the perspective of joining hands to attack the problems of underdevelopment together.  So I think it’s new and naturally, people like the BlackRock representative said there is now a new game change, a new landscape because Biden is the new President and he has brought the United States back into this Green New Deal arrangement—yeah, that’s true and it’s very problematic for the United States, but as I said, that is not the only story in town.

  SCHLANGER: To continue that thread a little bit, if you think about what you just said on what Putin said and what Xi said, it’s clear that the alternative to what’s being pushed by the central banks is your husband’s proposal for the four powers as having the strength to combat Wall Street, the City of London and so on. Now in that, when we’re talking about Biden and Putin, they had a discussion yesterday which had some interesting aspects to it, starting with the renewal of the START agreement, but what do you make of that talk?

 ZEPP-LAROUCHE: From the little which is known about it, I think it was useful, because they agreed that the New START Treaty will be extended for five years, which is what Putin had offered, and both sides expressed that it’s in their mutual interest.  [Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei] Ryabkov said that this is very good because it gives five years for a complete reevaluation and the refounding of the relationship between the United States and Russia.  Naturally, then of course, Biden could not help himself to bring in the usual geopolitical issues, like the Navalny case, the supposed hacking of SolarWinds, and similar things, so he had to say these things; but I think it’s important, because when the two largest nuclear powers stop talking, then this is the most dangerous. So while I’m not saying that this is resolving anything, I think it is an important first step. And it is important, because the world is really in a very dangerous situation, so I think that that’s what one can say about it.

SCHLANGER:  One of the dangers is the continuing inability of big powers, including the European Union and the United States, to bring the coronavirus pandemic under control.  This was discussed peripherally there, and Biden’s coming up with a plan.  But unless you deal with this as you proposed, as an international question, with a new health system for every nation, this is not going to be stopped by the kind of half-measures that are being taken.

 ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Well, there is obviously an effort to beef up the production of vaccines. I think there are efforts being made. But now, there’s a huge scandal in Europe, because—this is unfortunately true, that the EU was very slow in ordering vaccines; they clearly had the idea of saving money rather than ordering as many different products from different firms and then see which one comes first, and there is no danger to order too many, because if you have too much you can give it all the other countries in need.  So this was clearly not done by [European Commission President Ursula] Von Der Leyen; she’s now targetted even in {Bildzeitung}—this tabloid—that she did not order, and that the result is in Germany, it’s going very slowly; in other countries in Europe, it’s going very slowly, and this is a reflection of the same austerity  mentality which is really—I hope it shortens the career of Von Der Leyen, because she is just the wrong person to be in any leading position in Europe.

The real problem, however, is what the head of the African Union and President of South Africa Cyril Ramaphosa said, who pointed to the fact that so far the rich countries have mostly cared for themselves, and he said there will be no solution to the pandemic as long as one country is not having the necessary vaccines.  And Tedros from the World Health Organization said that the behavior of the rich countries so far, which got themselves 95% of all the vaccine orders, and leaving the so-called third world with only 5%, that this is a “catastrophic moral failure.”  One can only hope that this is being remedied as quickly as possible, because it now turns out that the idea that Africa was having relatively little problems with COVID-19, turns out not to be true, and as we suspected, it was only due to non-reporting, little testing; and now it comes out through a study from a university in Zambia, that especially the age group between 19 and 59 years of age have the highest mortality rate, {and} children! Now, as we also know there are new strains in Britain, in South Africa, and in Brazil, which are much more lethal and also spread more quickly; and there are now medical experts warning that what could happen is that one of these new mutations, new variants, could develop to become vaccine-resistant. If that would happen, then we would be in a very dramatic situation.

So I think there is not yet a recognition, at least not in any way necessary, of the leading institutions, to really understand that we are in a race against time, because it is very clear that the economic collapse coming from the COVID pandemic, is going to ruin a lot of industrial substance. For example, in Germany and other European countries, a lot of small and medium firms are not going to make it.  The situation now, where a possible lockdown will start again in a hard way in France, or it has started already, with lockdowns from 6 in the evening until morning, people are not allowed to leave their house; so a lot of economic hardship will follow, and a lot of substance will be destroyed. 

So either there is a change in the attitude, that people understand that you have to start to build modern health systems in every single country, or this cannot be controlled, that rethinking has not yet started in a serious fashion and that’s what the Schiller Institute is campaigning for.  Because unless we take this crisis to really start to overcome the underdevelopment of the developing countries in a serious way, there is no guarantee that this will not lead to a major crisis.  And I think Putin, in his speech in Davos reflected that dimension very clearly, that out of chaos you could have a global catastrophe.

The ILO just reported that the loss of jobs in 2020 was equivalent to 255 million fulltime jobs. I don’t think that covers all the shadow industry jobs, but that’s a significant number, and they expect another 130 million losses in 2021, and they say this does not yet take into account the likelihood of a fourth and a fifth wave.  So that all makes clear that we have to change the whole situation:  I cannot see a willingness right now on the side of the central banks in Europe, the United States, to go in that direction, but that will be a subject of mobilizing the population, because if these institutions are unable to reform—and you know, if you look at the situation, with the riots having now spread to Holland, where for four days you had massive riots in 10 cities; last week we had the same thing in Denmark.  This was not unlike the mob which stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6 in the United States, and if you now have more job losses, more unemployment, the danger of blackouts—we have a huge danger that if this Green energy policy is implemented that you will have blackouts leading to complete chaos, I think this could really lead to major social upheavals, and the only way to avoid that would be to really go for our program, starting with the health system in every country.  And we have published this program for 1.5 billion productive new jobs, which have to be created []. And despite the coronavirus condition there has to be a rethinking and there has to be a vision for the population to see the light at the end of the tunnel, that even if some of these things will be very difficult to implement under coronavirus conditions, I think it is important that there is a willingness by the leading institutions to address that.  

Xi Jinping in his speech in Davos also mentioned that he wants to strengthen the G20, because he said that that is the institution to build up global governance—well, that is important because as long as you have some countries at least in that combination that go in a different direction, it is important.  And just to mention it, China has had last year 550,000 new patents, which is an increase of 17%; that is because the Chinese government put a lot of emphasis on science and technological progress innovation, and there was just a study by a German university that found that the civil law in China is compatible to Western standards, essentially because they took the entire canon of civil law in Germany as a model to write their Chinese civil law.  So the university study comes to the conclusion that this an absolutely Western standard and there’s no reason to complain about it.

 And I think there has to be a rethinking about a lot of the prejudices in the anti-China/anti-Russia campaign, because if we want to solve the problems of the world, we have to stop geopolitical confrontation and find a way of putting our forces together to address these urgent questions which face all of humanity.

 SCHLANGER:  As far as being stuck in the old paradigm, we have this fight continuing in the United States against Donald Trump, with the impeachment bill from the House moving to the Senate for trial.  This is dividing the country once again.  It’s being used to create the kind of confrontation that would serve as a pretext for more crackdowns, more censorship. You mentioned that you are somewhat excited, or intrigued by what Tulsi Gabbard said, and also what Putin had said about this.  What’s your thought about what’s going on with this impeachment?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Well, there was the vote in the Senate where only five Republican Senators voted with the Democrats, so the impeachment trial will start on Feb. 9th, but I think it has almost zero chance to succeed, because they would need 17 Republican Senators to go along, and there are already now many voices that there is no basis in the Constitution to even do that, because the Constitution does not allow for private persons to be impeached.  So you can impeach a sitting President, but not a former President.  So that is a big argument. And the whole campaign is ludicrous in the first place, because Trump did not incite violence and the mob to storm the Capitol, despite the narrative which is being put out by the media and the Democrats.  He gave a speech to his supporters!  And then said, “let’s move down Pennsylvania Avenue,” and “we have to take back the country”—I mean, these are normal things to say; many politicians have said many things like that.  So it’s a complete orchestration, and to somehow now criminalize 75 million Trump voters is also not going to work. 

It is the danger of a polarization, naturally, and what Tulsi Gabbard said is quite to the point. She said that the mob which stormed the Capitol, this is dangerous, but she said also dangerous is the John Brennans and the Adam Schiffs and the Big Tech, but they’re more dangerous because they’re more powerful.

 Now, also Putin, in his speech at the World Economic Forum pointed to the role of the Big Tech that they have more power than the elected governments, and I think this is something which should be of concern to everybody, because if these Big Tech firms can allow people to say one thing, and not allow another thing, make total censorship, this is really dictatorship.  And I think the population must be mobilized against it, and governments around the world must take measures to put these high tech  firms under control and under government regulation.  And Biden, if he doesn’t do it, will be discredited by that as much, as well.

 SCHLANGER: Also a reflection of the old paradigm is the effort to continue with sanctions against the Nord Stream 2 project, which is very far advanced in terms of the U.S., the U.K., NATO, and there’s a reaction growing against this from Germany.  What do you think is going to happen?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: I think it’s going to be built. I think it’s only few kilometers left.  They restarted the completion of it, and the government spokesman of Merkel, Steffen Seibert said that this is not something which concerns the government, because it’s a private contract between private firms, and even the Environment Minister Svenja Schulze said these were contracts which were made many years ago, and it would put into question the reliability of Germany as a partner in any kind of trade deal if they would now stop it.  So I think this is interesting, and as I said, I do see baby steps of self-assertion on the side of the German government, and I think it is a tendency in Europe as well; and one could only hope that it would continue.

SCHLANGER: A lot of what you’ve been discussing today Helga, is related to the fight between the old paradigm and the new paradigm, which I think is becoming more obvious to a large number of people.  You’ve been at the center of this fight, you’ve made it the cause of the Schiller Institute to push for a move into a new paradigm, outside of the realm of the false choices that are presented by geopolitics, with neoliberalism.  What can you say to the viewers, that they need to do, to make sure we get this push for a new paradigm?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  We have a program. The program was in large part authored by my late husband Lyndon LaRouche, who said that we need absolutely to have a New Bretton Woods system which has one main goal: to overcome the underdevelopment of the developing sector. Now that happens to be exactly what Franklin D. Roosevelt intended the Bretton Woods system to be, which it never became, because he died before it could be established. But I think that there is the potential to have a global system which allows the development of all nations.  It is the sign of the times. 

The fact that China, Russia, about 150 other nations are going in this direction, I think this is something which is a hopeful development, and I don’t think the efforts by the Biden Administration to go back to the old confrontation with China, with Russia—well, the only thing it can bring is World War III, in which case, nobody would enjoy it, not Biden, and not anybody of his cabinet.  They have no way of crushing this ferment without causing World War III.  Now, that’s a real danger and I don’t want to belittle it for one second.  But I think that if people really think about, there is a way to solve this problem, and that is to do exactly what the American System of economy was, in the beginning of the American republic, what the German economic miracle was in the postwar period, to go back to scientific and technological progress, to go in the direction of increase of productivity, the Four Laws which were designed by my late husband, to go for global Glass-Steagall, get rid of the casino economy; implement national bank in every single country on the planet; then go in the direction of a credit system, cooperate in long-term development projects—it would bring the whole world out of this crisis! 

And we have reached a point, where one year after the pandemic, at a point where it’s very clear the economy is in a very dangerous collapse phase, I mean: Are human beings capable of reflecting on the mistakes which were made and correcting them? I fundamentally think, absolutely yes.  It’s just that we need the kind of discussion, how should we shape the world for this coming period, for the next hundred years, and then take the vision of having the idea of peaceful cooperation.  Why don’t we just allow the different systems, if a country wants to have a different social system and is not trying to impose that on another one, why should we not accept that?  Accept sovereignty, accept non-interference into the internal affairs, accept the different social system.  Can we not have an alliance of republics working for the common good of all of humanity?  That’s what John Quincy Adams was advocating, and I think that that is exactly what is needed now. 

And I also think this must be combined with a cultural renaissance: I think we have to realize in the West that this exaggerated liberalism, where you replace moral standards with the principle of everything is allowed, the more pornographic, the more violent, the more perverse something becomes, the more interesting it becomes—that was a wrong way!  And I think we have lost our way in the West, and all we have to do, is to do the same thing that China is doing, what Russia is doing; they went back to their own high traditions of their high culture.  There is a big revival of 5,000 years of tradition in China.  Russia is doing the same thing.  And we could do the same thing as well!  In Europe, we have a {beautiful} European Classical period, we have the Italian Renaissance, the Andalusian renaissance, we have the Ecole Polytechnique in France; we have the German Classical period. In America, you have the principles of the American Revolution, the American System of economy.  We have so many wonderful traditions which we could revive and be an absolute important shaping factor in the future world.  And I think we have to mobilize the population to rally around that, and then solutions are possible.

So I want to invite all of you, our viewers, to join with us, and help us to get the world out of this crisis.

SCHLANGER: Well, Helga, thank you for your insights, and your optimism in this moment of pessimism, confusion, demoralization is really refreshing, and it ought to be something that will bring people to The LaRouche Organization.  We welcome all of viewers to go to the websites of The LaRouche Organization and the Schiller Institute, where you can much more in-depth material on what Helga has been discussing today.

Helga, thanks for joining us this week, and we’ll see you next week.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Till next week!

Bidens opfordring til “Enhed” er ikke nok: Udvikling er det nye navn for enhed!
Schiller Instituttets ugentlige webcast med Helga Zepp-LaRouche den 21. januar 2021

Se Helgas Webcast på Schiller instituittets Youtube kanal her

I en vidtrækkende og meget provokerende dialog med Helga Zepp-LaRouche indledte hun med at bemærke, at hvis Joe Biden virkelig er fast besluttet på at skabe "enhed", som han sagde i sin indvielsestale, skulle han vedtage pave Paul VI’s rundskrivelse, "Udvikling er det nye navn for fred ", som sin politik. Dette ville kræve, at "identitetspolitik" droppes, samt den grønne New Deal – som han ikke viser tegn på at gøre – til fordel for LaRouche-bevægelsens plan for at skabe 1,5 milliarder produktive arbejdspladser, herunder udvikling af et moderne sundhedssystem i enhver nation for at håndtere COVID-pandemien.

Hun spurgte også, om den paranoia, som Hillary Clinton og flertalsleder i Repræsentanternes Hus, Nancy Pelosi, viste over for Rusland og Trump-vælgerne, gør dem til "QAnon"-tvillingerne [QAnon er en højreekstremistisk konspirationsbevægelse]. På en indsigtsfuld måde forklarede hun, at QAnon er en operation for psykologisk krigsførelse. Hun beskrev, hvordan QAnon har fælles træk med den romantiske bevægelse, som blev skabt af oligarkiet efter Napoleonskrigene, for at ødelægge klassiske tænkemåder til fordel for dissociative følelser.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche berettede, hvorfor hun mener, at EU’s splittelse over den grønne New Deal, og de katastrofale virkninger det vil have på industrien, åbner døren til at besejre den.

Hun diskuterede også konsekvenserne af opdagelsen af ​​nye varianter af COVID 19.


HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Jeg overværede selvfølgelig indsættelsen og hans tale. Først og fremmest er jeg ikke imponeret over hans kunstneriske smag. Jeg fandt, at Lady Gaga var temmelig forfærdelig; Hvis man sammenligner Marian Andersons smukke fremførelse af nationalhymnen ved indsættelsen af John F. Kennedy [og Dwight Eisenhower i 1957] og så Lady Gagas, så får man en fornemmelse af, hvad der er galt med kulturen.

Lad os nu sige, at vi giver Biden kredit for, at han mener, hvad han sagde, at han ønsker forsoning. Nuvel, så har jeg et ganske godt råd til ham – han er katolik, og så burde han læse pave Paul VI’s Encyclical (rundskrivelse -red,), som han skrev i 1967, under titlen ‘Populorum Progressio’ – eller ‘om folks udvikling’ – og hvori han sagde, at “det nye navn for fred er udvikling”. Og på samme måde kan man sige, at det “nye navn for enighed er udvikling”. Den eneste måde man kan håbe på at have enighed inden for USA ville være at sætte et økonomisk program på dagsordenen, der giver produktive jobs til alle amerikanere, hvilket ville annullere de økonomiske uretfærdigheder, der trods alt er grunden til, at Trump blev valgt i 2016, og til at alle Trump-vælgerne stadig holder fast ved ham. Så hvis han ønsker at have forsoning, må han gøre udvikling til det nye navn for enighed, og så vil det gå i samme retning internationalt.
Nu ved jeg ikke – men hvis han mener det alvorligt, er han nødt til at slippe af med identitetspolitik. Fordi så længe man deler folk op efter deres etnicitet eller deres seksuelle eller anden overbevisning eller forskel, er dette polariserende. Dette er nøjagtigt det modsatte af, hvad Martin Luther King sagde, nemlig at alt skal være inkluderende. Lad os nu se, hvad Biden gør; virkeligheden vil vise sig meget hurtigt ved hans gerninger og ikke ved ordene.
 Meget mere kunne siges, men han er ny præsident, så lad os se hvad der sker. Hvis man ser på det hold han har valgt – tja, altså, mange kommer fra den gamle Obama-administration; mange har allerede udtrykt enighed med Pompeo, eksempelvis om holdningen til anti-Kina, anti-Rusland. Tony Blinken sagde, at han er enig med Pompeo mht. Kina, så det tegner ikke så godt… 
Så jeg tror, at mange ting skal ændres, og som jeg sagde, den eneste måde hvorpå Biden muligvis kunne forene USA ville være at bryde fuldstændigt med den politik, han har kæmpet for i valgkampen: ‘the Green New Deal’, fordi ‘Green New Deal’ betyder, at opgaven med at skaffe et produktivt job til enhver amerikaner er helt umulig. Så med mindre han ændrer politik, hvilket naturligvis ikke er sandsynligt, tror jeg ikke, at nogen af de ord han sagde, vil betyde meget.
Så lad os se. Mit råd til Biden ville være at støtte pavens rundskrivelse, ‘Populorum Progressio’, det “nye navn for enighed er udvikling”. 
SCHLANGER: To interessante aspekter ved præsident Trumps afgang: Den ene er, at vi endelig fik offentliggørelsen af noget af dokumentationen omkring Russiagate med frigivelsen af FBI-interviewet med Christopher Steele, hvor Steele indrømmer, at han fremlagde dossieret, fordi han var bekymret over det britiske forhold til USA, og forhåbentlig kommer der mere. Det er lidt sent. Men jeg var ret skuffet over Trumps beslutning om at give en benådning til den korrupte Steve Bannon og ikke gøre noget i forhold til Julian Assange. Har du nogen tanker om det, Helga?
ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Jo, ‘skuffende’ er et mildt ord – jeg synes, at undlade at benåde Assange kan virkelig ikke forsvares; der er ingen tvivl om, at Assange sidder i fængsel i Storbritannien for at have afdækket nogle virkelige forbrydelser. Han er en ‘whistleblower’, der skal have beskyttelse i ethvert samfund, der respekterer dets egne love. Så det er en trussel mod Assanges liv, og nu bliver det meget sværere at redde ham, så jeg mener, at dette absolut er uforsvarligt…

Engelsk afskrift:

Webcast With Helga Zepp-LaRouche: Call for ‘Unity’ Is Not Enough: Development Is the New Name of Unity!
January 21 (EIRNS)—Schiller Institute Weekly Webcast with Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Thursday, January 21, 2021

HARLEY SCHLANGER: Hello, I’m Harley Schlanger with our weekly update with Helga Zepp-LaRouche, the founder and President of the Schiller Institute. It’s Jan. 21st, 2021.

Well, we’re three weeks into the New Year, and already it’s been a year of surprises and tumult, chaos. We had yesterday the inauguration of Joe Biden, and I find it a bit ironic that Biden’s main theme was unity, when I guess he intends to enforce unity through censorship, through a new Patriot Act—what did you make of his speech, Helga?

HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE: I watched the inauguration and his speech, naturally. First of all, I’m not impressed by his artists tastes. I thought that Lady Gaga was quite horrible; if you compare the beautiful singing of Marian Anderson of the National Anthem at the inauguration of I think if was John F. Kennedy [and Dwight Eisenhower in 1957] and Lady Gaga, then you get a sense of what is wrong with the culture. []

Now, let’s say we would give Biden the credit that he means what he said, that he wants to have unity. And well, then I have very good advice for him—he’s a Catholic, and then he should read the Encyclical of Pope Paul VI that he wrote in 1967, which was called Populorum Progressio, or On the Development of Peoples, and in which he said that the “the new name for peace is development.” And in the same way, one can say that the “new name for unity is development.” The only way one can hope to have unity inside the United States would be to put on the agenda an economic program which would give productive jobs to every American, which would undo the economic injustices which are, after all, the reason why Trump was elected in 2016, and why all the Trump voters are still sticking to Trump. So, if he wants to have unity, he should make development the new name for unity, and internationally it would go in the same direction.

Now, I don’t know—if he means it seriously, he has to get rid of identity politics. Because, as long as you divide people by their ethnic or sexual or other conviction or distinction, this is polarizing. This is exactly the opposite of what Martin Luther King said, that everything has to be inclusive. Now, let’s see what Biden does, if the reality will show itself very quickly by its deeds and not by the words.

A lot more could be said, but he’s a new President, so let’s see what will happen. If you look at the team he has selected, well, many of those are from the old Obama Administration; many have come out already agreeing with Pompeo, for example, on the anti-China, anti-Russia stance. Tony Blinken said he agrees with Pompeo on China, so that does not forebode very good. And one cannot forget that the shadow which is hanging over the Biden Administration is exactly what was done in the five years of the Trump candidacy in 2016, the four years of Trump’s Presidency when we had Russiagate, we had the Mueller report, we had impeachment 1, impeachment 2; we had the collusion of the heads of intelligence with British intelligence against Trump for this entire period. So that is the heritage, and now, basically, if everybody who voted for Trump is potentially a domestic terrorist—well, if somebody is a white male and voted for Trump, if he is labeled a domestic terrorist, that makes about, at minimum, something like 40 million Americans domestic terrorists—I don’t think that that will work for unity.

So, I think a lot of things have to be changed and as I said, the only way how Biden could possibly unify the United States, would be to completely break with the policy he has campaigned on in the election campaign: the Green New Deal, because the Green New Deal means that the task to have a productive job for every American is absolutely impossible. So if he doesn’t change policy, which is not likely, obviously, I don’t think any of the words that he said will mean much.

So, let’s see. My advice to Biden would be to go with encyclical Populorum Progressio, the “new name for unity is development.” []

SCHLANGER: Two interesting aspects of the departure of President Trump: One is that finally we got the declassification of some of the documentation around the Russiagate, with the release of the FBI interview of Christopher Steele, in which Steele admitted that he produced the dossier because he was worried about the British relationship with the United States, and hopefully there’ll be more coming. It’s a little late. But, I was quite disappointed in Trump’s decision to issue a pardon to sleazy Steve Bannon and not to do something with Julian Assange. Do you have some thoughts on that, Helga?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Yeah, “disappointing” is a mild word, I think, not to pardon Assange is really not defensible, because there’s no question that Assange is sitting in jail in Great Britain for having uncovered some real crimes. He’s a whistleblower which should be protected in any society which respects the laws it has given itself. So it’s a threat to Assange’s life, and now it will be much more difficult to save him, so I think this is absolutely indefensible.

Concerning Bannon, this unfortunately is not a surprise, because it was clear for the better part of 2020, that Trump, who had distanced himself from Bannon, which was a good thing, had moved back into the influence domain of Bannon starting in April, when he started to say this line that the COVID virus was deliberately spread by China, which is scientifically ridiculous. Nobody in the world who has any knowledge about pandemics would argue like that, and it was also wrong. It is a matter of act that China has done an enormous job to contain the virus, and to then immediately help a lot of other countries, first with masks, then with medical supplies, now with the vaccine.

So, it is wrong, and to say something like that is also dangerous, because it is creating an enemy-image, which in line with what the military-industrial complex is saying and doing against China, is creating an enemy-image for a potential future military conflict, which is really inexcusable.

I think this is really bad. And Trump also stuck to his line that the U.S. economy is doing great because the stock markets are going up, or are up—I mean, all of these are the weak points, and I don’t think that that was a very good departure at all.

SCHLANGER: You mentioned the strategic continuity between people like Blinken, the new Secretary of State, or would be Secretary of State, with Pompeo. We saw something that was quite hideous with Hillary Clinton and Pelosi conspiring to criminalize all 75 million Trump voters, but also continuing the targetting of Russia. If this continues, this is extremely dangerous.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: I mean, sometimes one wonders if either Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi are the Democratic version of QAnon, or, maybe the two ladies have a severe attack of paranoia. Because the idea, what Clinton actually said, that she thinks it’s possible that Trump was on the telephone with Putin during the attack on the Capitol on Jan. 6—it’s a world full of conspiracies, of insinuations; it’s just completely, I think, deranged.

SCHLANGER: [laughs] I like that. The twin “Q Sisters.”

Now, the other thing that’s happening is we’re seeing a kickoff in a couple of days of the Green New Deal with the World Economic Forum, the Davos group, pushing their Green policy based on the Great Reset. There’s resistance developing to that. This really is no solution, but what do you think is going to come of this meeting, in the next few days?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: It will be interesting, because, it’s a virtual meeting; it will be addressed by many heads of state. Not all of them are on this Green Deal line. You have President Alberto Fernández from Argentina, President Xi from China, Prime Minister Modi from India, Merkel, Macron; so I think we will hear quite different accentuations from these different leaders. But it is very clear that the Davos crowd—this is the top 2,000-3,000 CEOs of the top financial institutions and multinational corporations, they are pushing for the Green New Deal, the Great Reset, the idea of implementing a “stakeholder capitalism,” as they say. There will be a tremendous push to brainwash the whole world into accepting the idea that everything has to be Green, all investment must go into only Green technology. But the reality is there are now the first voices realizing, or speaking out, that this will be a catastrophe. For example, of a place where you would not necessarily expect it from—namely, an economist from Deutsche Bank, Eric Heymann—he put out a quite interesting article saying that the policy of the EU, which naturally also for the Green Deal, is very dishonest, because they’re not telling people that this will only go through with a massive reduction in the living standards. And that, in turn, can only be implemented through massive eco-dictatorship, in other words, a complete bending of all legality and constitutionality by implementing dictatorial measures.

Now, that is slowly dawning on some people. For example, when the EU just recently tried to implement the infamous “taxonomy,” as they’re naming it, which means that all the firms have to give their CO₂ footprint, ten countries refused to do that, and the EU was forced to postpone this whole affair, because they couldn’t get the unity—it was mostly East European and South European countries, that obviously have already been on the losing end in terms of the EU austerity policy, so their enthusiasm for the EU policy is very limited to say the least in the first place.

So, I think that this whole Green Deal is absolutely crazy. For example, the head of Toyota in Japan, Akio Toyoda, he calculated and said that if you want to put Japan entirely on e-cars, electric cars, it would cost investments in infrastructure of over $1 trillion. Now, we took the figures given by the Toyota study and tried to calculate a similar cost for the EU: Germany alone is already scheduled to lose 400,000 jobs in the auto sector if there is a transition to e-cars, because they have much less components for the motors, so the supply industry becomes shrunk. But it’s much, much worse: First of all, you would need an investment in infrastructure for e-cars in Europe of over €1 trillion, probably €1.2 trillion, and then naturally you have no electricity because we already had several almost blackouts for the entire European energy grid, last week! Now, if you try to put all these cars on electric fuel, the electricity is by far not sufficient. So this whole thing is economically very stupid. It would destroy the industrial countries of Europe, the United States and Asia if they would go with it. So I can imagine that there will be a lot more resistance once people start to realize what the effect is: it will drive energy prices even higher, it will cause mass unemployment; it will drive prices in general much higher.

So I think that if there is an effort to implement that in earnest, what we have seen in terms of the Brexit vote, the Trump vote, riots in the streets, Yellow Vests, all of that will increase, because you cannot destroy the livelihood of millions and millions of people without their starting to go to the street in protest, when they realize that their livelihood is in danger.

So I can only say, people should abandon this idea. There is climate change—obviously—but what it is exactly is not so clear. There are big debates in the scientific community; there are many studies which attribute the climate change to very different phenomena, such as galactic cycles. We have introduced on the Schiller Institute website a page, which is called “Science—Stop Green Fascism” []. And there we will institute an international debate, where we already have many scientific papers, by many scientists. And I invite you to go to this page—we will have many more coming in the next days and weeks, so that is a place where you can inform yourself about what is really behind this Green Deal, and get a more scientific approach.

SCHLANGER: And while we’re talking about this question about the loss of energy production that’s planned with the Green New Deal, we have an attack from Pompeo in the United States against the Nord Stream 2 [pipeline] which is crucial for Germany. But we’re also seeing something interesting: The choice for the new chairman for the Christian Democrats in Germany is someone who’s considered to be anti-Green. How significant is this?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: First of all, it is not so clear that the German industry and politicians will capitulate to the U.S. sanctions [against firms working with Gazprom to build the Nord Stream 2 pipeline from Russia]. I mean obviously, the danger of being hit with such sanctions is a deterrent, so one of the industries involved, Bilfinger, already withdrew. Even Gazprom said it’s questionable if it can be brought into completion, but there is also massive resistance, because people know that what’s behind that is an effort, on the one side, to treat Germany and the other 12 European countries that participate in Nord Stream 2 as a colony, and people don’t like that so much any more. And secondly, everybody knows the U.S. wants to sell their liquefied natural gas and that is also pretty obvious; it’s more expensive, it’s more environmentally unfriendly (to say the least), so I think there is still resistance.

Concerning Mr. Armin Laschet [new Christian Democratic Union chairman], he has already been attacked that he is “soft” on Putin, that he did not agree with the Skripal interpretation; that he didn’t make enough fuss about the Navalny case—I think all of that speaks for Laschet, because all of these cases were efforts to manipulate an anti-Russian hysteria. That’s all I can say on that point for now.

SCHLANGER: Going to the more crazy side of U.S. politics, we have this movement called QAnon, which was predicting a military coup, that Biden would be arrested, Hillary Clinton arrested, Trump would be brought back in—this has many people wrapped up in it, and it’s turning out, from the research we’re starting to do, that this was a military psy-ops from the beginning, using the military side of artificial intelligence and so on. This is also emerging in Europe, as well. What do you make of this, Helga?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Well, it is a psychological warfare operation against the population, to try to confuse them: As you say, we are looking into the connections to the military right now, but there is also another interesting observations which intrigued me. It’s written by a designer of games, Reed Berkowitz, and he basically says that looking at the way the QAnon operation works, he said it’s exactly like the games he is designing, that it leads to something which he called “apophenia,” which is a notion coming from psychology which means that people have a sort of free association, where they connect things and put them together in a pattern which looks logical but these things are not connected, or at least not in the way they’re being put together. For example, you have this really crazy interpretation of people who say that the entire COVID-19 is just a conspiracy to implement military or dictatorial means. This is a mental disorder, because the pandemic is quite real, which we should talk about a little bit later. But I think this idea of game theory, or designing games is actually quite accurate. []

And when I read the article by Berkowitz, I was immediately reminded of my research into the Romantic movement. Now, this is extremely important. Because how do people judge things, like reality? How do they know that their judgment is truthful or at least trying to be truthful? Well, you have to think like a scientist, or you have to think like a Classical artist, because these are the only two groups of people who think in terms of universal principles. A universal principle is something which you can verify everywhere, no matter if you are in Africa, or in the United States, or in Europe, because it’s a universal principle because it’s universal; therefore, you have a test of reality.

The last time there was a culture which was based on such universal principles, was the German Classical period, which produced such giants as Bach and Beethoven, Haydn, Schubert, Schumann, Mozart; but in poetry, Schiller; Shakespeare would another, from another period, proponent of such universal thinking; and this was extremely important, because it established a high standard of morality, a high standard of intelligence, of creativity, and it would have liberated the population to be truly free if that would have been the dominant culture. And it was on a good way in Germany, because one of the closest collaborators and friends of Schiller for example, Wilhelm von Humboldt, had designed the Humboldt education system, and when he was Education Minister he started to implement it. And it would have meant that the entire population would have been rational creative, the potential of everybody would have been brought out, so it was on a very good way.

But then, a counter-movement developed, which started maybe innocently as a Romantic, just slightly confused form of thinking in the person of Novalis. But then, soon there were some others, like August Wilhelm and Friedrich Schlegel, Tieck, and these people were quickly taken over by Metternich, by the Restoration, and they became the political Romantics. Now, what is the difference between Classical thinking and Romantic thinking? In Classical thinking it’s what I said before: you have an absolute ability to find the truth by the method of exhaustion, by establishing principles which can be found, and established and proven again and again, because they are principles which are pertaining to the real universe.

What the Romantics started to do, they started to consciously take the poetical stringent form of the Classical culture apart, by saying there should be no beginning, there should be no end, day and night, and waking and dream should all be interwoven; you should have free association follow diffused emotions, and this became a real Schwärmerei and it turned the absolute optimism of the German Classical period into the pessimism which now, in the end—and I’m leaving out many steps in between—it ended with the horrible 12 years of the National Socialism in Germany, which was sort of the end form, or in the modern deconstruction of all modern art.

So, when you see something like that, and you see a method being applied which consciously confuses people, as it is clearly the case in the QAnon movement (or whatever), it is psychological warfare of people, because it goes against science, it makes people deliberately believe things which they are no longer able to think through, and I think it’s a real dangerous thing, and we will do some more work on it, to discover what it really is.

SCHLANGER: Good, that was very important, what you just went through. We’re down to just a couple minutes, so I’m going to jump ahead to the one question that you referred to earlier, which is the importance of addressing the new variants of coronavirus. This is now out of control in Germany, in the United Kingdom; the situation seems to be getting worse, the vaccines are not ready. Where is this headed?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Well, just today there was an EU meeting, and Merkel, who is not my favorite politician, but she said something which is extremely truthful, unfortunately, and she seems to have a little bit better grasp on COVID than most politicians have shown; and she is warning of something which many medical experts have express extreme concern about in the recent days: Namely that these new variants, which emerged in Great Britain, in South Africa, and Brazil—each of them being different—are rapid variations, and there is a danger that soon these variants will be vaccine resistant. Now, if that would happen, then we would look into a completely different kind of catastrophe, because up to now, for example, in the United States, most of the bets, at least in the previous administration were put on quickly developing a vaccine, and if that goes out of the window, then you are really in trouble.

I think the only possible answer to that, is, we have to have a world health system: This is what we have been saying since the beginning of this pandemic, that unless you have a modern health system in every single country—in Haiti, in Mali, in Ecuador, in India—just simply every single country, you are not going to protect your country. The idea that American, or Germany, or any one of these so-called advanced countries can be protected when the pandemic is raging in the developing countries, is simply an illusion. And since the medical experts already have been warning that new viruses are already waiting to spread new variants of MERS and SARS, that this question of really changing the attitude towards the developing sector is becoming a question of the moral fitness to survive for the entire human species. That means, we have to build modern health systems in every country, and that is only possible if you have infrastructure! If you don’t have clean water, electricity, means of transport and communications, you can’t do it.

So we are at the crossroads where we in earnest have to go to the policy of Franklin D. Roosevelt, what he intended with the Bretton Woods system, which was never realized because he died too early; but he wanted to increase the living standard of the entire population of the world, and that, he said, is the precondition for peace. I think we are at that point, where we either correct that failure of the entire post-war period, or we will go into an endless series of catastrophes.

That is the program which we have been putting forward, 1.5 billion productive jobs have to be created anew, and the whole drive has to start with this idea of a world health system. And I would appeal to all of you who are listening to this, that if you agree with that, then you should join our efforts. We have a Committee for the Coincidence of Opposites, which is trying to get an approach to all the aspects of this problem, meaning to double food production worldwide to deal with the famine of “biblical dimensions,” and at the same time train young people to be helpers for medical personnel, partnerships of the developing countries—all of this is still in the works.

But I think we really have to start with a change in the attitude: You cannot this pandemic in one country, and you cannot, for sure, solve it with the Green Deal. If you go for the Green Deal, there is no way how the necessary science and technology can be available, or the industrial capacities to implement such a world health system. So, we are at a crossroads, and you should join the Schiller Institute and work with us to give this whole thing a different direction.

SCHLANGER: For updates on this story of the coronavirus, as well as everything we were discussing today, you can get them at The LaRouche Organization website [] as well as the Schiller Institute []

So Helga, thank you for joining us today, and we’ll see you again next week.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Till next week.

Vi sider på en krudttønde: Det drejer sig ikke bare om valgsvindel.
Schiller Instituttets internationale webcast med
Helga Zepp- LaRouche den 13. januar 2021

I sin ugentlige dialog kiggede Helga Zepp-LaRouche på begivenhederne den 6. januar (angrebet på kongresbygningen in USA) ovenfra og ned og gav seerne et strategisk overblik, der aldrig vil komme frem i de almindelige medier eller fra de såkaldte eksperter. Hun kritiserede skånselsløst påstanden om, at begivenhederne den dag var resultatet af, at Trump slap en “fascistisk pøbel” løs, og sagde i stedet at det var en “Rigsdagsbrand”, et påskud for et fascistisk kup for at påtvinge den “store nulstilling” (centralbankernes Great Reset). Udover at tjene som en begrundelse for sociale mediers/internet-giganternes censur af præsidenten og hans tilhængere, blev Kongressens efterforskning om valgsvindel lukket ned, og der er et pres for at kriminalisere enhver, der taler imod den kommende Biden-administrations hensigter.

I mellemtiden har de optrapninger, der blev bekendtgjort af udenrigsminister Pompeo, til formål at øge faren for krig, som involverer fire brandpunkter, Yemen, Cuba, Iran og Taiwan, der låser Vesten i geopolitiske konfrontationer. Verden sidder på en krudttønde og står over for et accelererende finansielt sammenbrud, som kun kan vendes ved kreativ tænkning, der anskuer det fra et højere niveau, hvorfra de nuværende kriser er blevet skabt. Dette er metoden bag oprettelsen af Komitéen for modsætningernes Sammenfald, som hun startede med en forpligtelse til at skabe et nyt paradigme for menneskeheden.

Engelsk Afskrift:

HARLEY SCHLANGER: Hello, I’m Harley Schlanger. Welcome to our weekly dialogue with Helga Zepp-LaRouche. Today is January 13, 2021. We’re coming off a stream of extremely eventful and tense and turbulent weeks. Today, a bill of impeachment will be introduced in the House of Representatives against Donald Trump, when they failed to get Pence to go with the 25th Amendment. This is really unprecedented, what they’re doing at the end of a presidential term, isn’t it Helga?

HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Yes. It is something quite unbelievable what is happening, and I think we should look at both the events as they were unfolding and then try to get a view from above, so to speak. Because, what happened on Jan. 6 is in my view not what meets the eye. The way this has been portrayed around the world is that this was a fascist mob which stormed the Capitol, and this was all instigated by Trump who refused to admit that he lost the election, and that he keeps saying there was vote fraud.

Now, this is not what happened. What happened was, and we investigated that in detail with a whole bunch of international legal experts, with lawmakers from different countries, and there is no question that there was massive irregularity [in the vote]. That was not allowed to be investigated; the media always said that Trump would not have produced a single shred of evidence. But there are so many witnesses, hundreds, if not thousands of eyewitnesses, who reported that they saw unbelievable things happening in these six swing states, and Jan. 6 was the day when all of this was supposed to be presented before the joint session of Congress, and that would have probably have been the only chance to shed some light on what happened.

Now, Trump had organized his supporters, and he did say something wild will happen, Jan. 6 is the big day; but he did not they should commit violence, and when he made the speech before the White House, I listened to it, and I did not think that it really had a vision. I thought he sounded bitter, he just repeated the many incidents where he is convinced that it was vote fraud. And then he said, why don’t we walk down Pennsylvania Avenue, which is the route to the Capitol. He did say all of this. But then, what happened with the event on—before people started to gather before the Capitol, and then there was the breach, I think there is now many, many questions which have to be answered: Why was there no adequate security? There were ample indications that it would be a big demonstration, that it could have violent elements in it. Normally, when you have such events, all or most of the major government buildings in Washington are closed, museums are closed—nothing of this happened.

And it is now very clear that there were, from eyewitness reports, from video, handi/smart phone videos and others, that there were some provocateurs, some instigators, who then caused this breach and unbelievable event in the Capitol, which was absolutely horrible. And the whole world correctly said this is something happening in the United States, what normally only happened in banana republics or countries which were the target of color revolution, by a certain apparatus which we have identified many times in the past.

So I think the most likely thing which has happened is that this was another September 11th, another Reichstagsbrand [Reichstag Fire]. In other words, when something happens, where this is just the pretext to implement something else. And what is the something else? Namely, it became very clear immediately afterwards, that the giant tech firm from Silicon Valley started to continue the censorship of Trump and all his Trump supporters, or many of them, what had already started after the election: when Trump would give a press conference, the executives of the big TV stations would blend in, sort of overrule the press conference, and say “this is fake news, don’t believe what he is saying.” It was already incredible. But then, this was a step beyond. They started to kick him out of Twitter, Facebook, and even now there were incidents where the sound was turned off when he gave a press conference.

Now, many people were confused, and reacted—because they have some dislike of Trump, so there were many people who said “oh, this is very good, this person should finally be shut off.” But there were a few people—not enough, but some few important people who recognized what this is. Most outstanding the President of Mexico López Obrador, who immediately in a press conference said, this is an absolute, unprecedented effort to implement mind-control censorship; he talked about the “Holy Inquisition,” he said this is very dangerous, we must think about an alternative. Also extremely important, Edward Snowden, who after all was the first whistleblower to really show what this apparatus is all about, the global surveillance which they have produced, he also warned and said, this is a very dangerous precedent. And then even some Europeans woke up, like Chancellor Merkel said this is absolutely not acceptable, and even better, the French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire said, this is a “digital oligarchy,” and this must be absolutely condemned.

So what is at stake here? What is at stake is that they want to suppress not only that vote fraud can be investigated, and there is no question that there were incredible irregularities and all the media—normally if you would say there is a charge, a violation of the election in Hungary or in Italy or some other country, there would be immediately an outcry and say, “OK, we have to have investigative journalists, they have to go and find out.” I have not seen one incident of a so-called mainstream journalist from the trans-Atlantic world who would have reacted that way. There was nobody who said, “I’m going to interview the senators from Georgia, the state representatives from Pennsylvania”—I have seen nothing of that! There was a unisono, lockstep reaction by the mainstream media that this is completely outrageous; and now, the social media are all basically banning anybody who uses the term “vote fraud” or “stop the steal,” or any of the other words which they want to suppress.

Now, this is really incredible! And I think that the underlying reasons must be investigated and people have to wake up, because this is the effort to not only silence Trump with the impeachment proceedings, to prevent him from running again as a presidential candidate in 2024, to outlaw his entire movement, which after all was 75 million Americans who voted for him, and I think all of this is increasing the danger of violence, it makes people more angry.

And if you then look at the enormous amount of disinformation and craziness which is being fueled, you know, people who still say to the present day, that Trump has everything under control, that he will deploy the National Guard and arrest Pelosi and Biden, this all is steered to make people completely crazy. Nothing of this sort will happen. Trump repeatedly said after the storm on the Capitol, that he is condemning the violence, that he is calling for healing, for peace. So there is an enormous about of orchestration in this whole affair. But people should really wake up and understand that this is not what people think, or what people are supposed to think, but something quite different and extraordinary is going on here.

SCHLANGER: Well, you mentioned the similarity to what we’ve seen over and over, to U.S.-inspired and British-inspired regime change in other countries. Clearly you can’t separate what happened on Jan. 6 from the four-year campaign of vilification and slander against Trump, the fabrication of the Russiagate story. But I think also, as you just mentioned, it’s a pretext to criminalize anyone who would oppose the agenda of the trans-Atlantic establishment, and I think that’s really what this is all about. And you mentioned earlier the Great Reset, that’s what they’re trying to do, is to silence anyone, aren’t they?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Well, also now, the big banks and big corporations are cutting off the Republicans who voted to have this debate in the Congress—I think these were 130 or 170 congressmen—cutting them off from all funding. And there is a motion, also by they Democrats that they should be prevented from politics based on the 14th Amendment. Now, the 14th Amendment was introduced in the context of the Civil War against leaders of the Confederacy, that they would not be allowed to become Congressmen. Obviously, this is incredible. The Congressmen who dared to demand an investigation of the vote fraud, are being put on the same level as the insurrectionists of the Confederacy! This is unbelievable! And it just shows you how absolutely wrong this whole question is.

Now, you mentioned the Great Reset: I think that the same banks and the same big corporations, especially including Silicon Valley, Wall Street, but also the City of London, what these people are aware of is that their system is completely bankrupt, and they’re now preparing for what they call the “Great Reset”: This is supposed to be featured big time with a virtual seminar starting on Jan. 25-29, and it’s supposed reorganize the entire financing so that only Green projects will be allowed to be financed, and that’s already started to happen with the major banks.

What people don’t know, they think, this has to do with CO₂ emission or climate—it’s nothing of this sort. If you put the entire financing on the basis of Green technology, of decarbonization of the economy, this is the old scheme of the neo-Malthusian oligarchy, the combination of the finance sector and the Green ideologues. This is something we have been identifying and warning against since the beginning of the 1970s, at least, because this was when the Club of Rome came out with their fraudulent thesis for the first time, that there are limits to growth, that there are only limited resources, and that the world has developed up to that point, the beginning of the ’70s, and now these resources are being exhausted, and therefore you have to asymptotically somehow stop industrial investment, because we are in a closed system.

So this has been the origin of the Green movement. The Green movement was the result of this propaganda of the Club of Rome. It started to panic generations after generations of especially young people. This propaganda was spread with an enormous amount of money by British Petroleum which distributed free games int the schools so that students would learn to think this way. And the whole, entire Green movement was really groomed and it was changed—at one time, it was the acid rain, then it was the ozone hole, so they changed their focus and now it’s naturally the climate change; climate change does happen, but the science of climate change has been discussed by many scientists from many countries. Thousands of scientists have made the argument that climate change is the result of galactic changes, and it’s been going on for millions of years, with changes from warm periods, ice ages, and that the anthropogenic component of climate change is negligible.

So obviously, if there’s climate change, you have to make adjustments, where you do have some real problems, you do have to make changes, sometimes evacuate the people if the sea level is increasing; but these are things which have nothing to do with the kind of fascist scheme which is being implemented right now. People have to think this through: Because what we are really looking at is a new fascism. A new fascism, where all financing and all economic activity would be controlled in the interest of big finance, big tech, Silicon Valley: And the result would be a massive depopulation, because you cannot maintain the presently existing number of people living on the planet, with the kind low energy flux-density that the Green policies prescribe.

So this is the danger of fascism. And if they go for that kind of censorship, this is a prescription for disaster, because it will go against the interests of survival of so many people, that I only can say we need a completely different policy, and it may still be time to change it.

SCHLANGER: One other aspect of the drive for fascism and a dictatorship is the proliferation of new wars. And unfortunately, we see that even though President Trump is still trying to get troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan and he campaigned to do that, his Secretary of State Pompeo is travelling around the world pushing new wars, targetting Yemen, Cuban, Iran, Taiwan, even North Korea. This is really one of the dangers people are not facing right now.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: No, I think Pompeo is really trying to almost create a scorched earth behind him. He just accused Iran of protecting al-Qaeda, which is Iran has completely denied, and we know what General Flynn said about who is backing al-Qaeda—that was his whole argument against Obama in 2012, namely the United States, itself. Well, then, what Pompeo did by putting the Houthis in Yemen on a terrorist list is an absolute crime! This means that the aid to a country which is already starving in the biggest famine, will be decreased, and it will cause the deaths of many millions of people: I think this is a human rights violation of the most unbelievable dimensions, and it should call all the other governments to action, to increase food aid to Yemen on a short-term emergency basis.

Then to put Cuba on the terrorist list, when Cuba is one of the countries that have been going out of their way to help other countries in the COVID crisis, by sending medical teams to Africa and other places, Latin America. And naturally, the biggest danger, maybe even his decision to basically declare Taiwan to be an ordinary country, and in that way violating the One China policy of China, to which the China has reacted extremely harshly. They said they, under no circumstances, will tolerate this, that we may be looking at the ten most dangerous days in the history of U.S.-China relations; they said this two days ago, so we are talking about eight days now. They also said that they will absolutely react with all means necessary, including the possibility of military reaction, if there would be such a provocation.

So we are sitting in the last days of the Trump Administration on a complete powder keg. And that is not the doing of Trump, that is the doing of the apparatus which is really behind Russiagate, and which is the establishment which goes above parties and it’s not limited to either the Republicans or the Democrats. But it is the British Empire, with its dependencies in Silicon Valley, in Wall Street, naturally the City of London itself. So people better wake up that this is something absolutely unprecedented, or going beyond the precedence of the Reichstag’s Fire and even beyond September 11th, in its potential strategic implications.

SCHLANGER: While Pompeo is pushing for confrontation with China, the idea of containment or encirclement, new sanctions against China, the Chinese are continuing to move in a very interesting direction in Africa, working with African countries; and also you had Xi Jinping with a very significant perspective on China’s domestic economy, none of which is really being reported in the United States. Instead, we’re getting an anti-China landslide coming from the same people behind Russiagate.

What is the policy of China, really, Helga?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Well, we don’t know yet what Biden’s policy on China will be, but if you read an article he wrote in Foreign Affairs in March/April, it does not forebode too good. Because he said, now it’s time to “get tough with China.” I mean, what we have seen in the last years was a total deterioration in the relationship between the United States and China, and if he thinks that that is not “tough” enough, that does not sound good. And he repeats in this article, the same untrue assertion that China is trying to take over the world, and the typical lines we know already—this is not what is happening. [“Why America Must Lead Again: Rescuing U.S. Foreign Policy after Trump”]

Wang Yi, the Chinese foreign minister, was just on a five country trip in Africa, and basically in many speeches, but also through their actions, said that China is committed to help Africa to leapfrog to modern technologies and modern industrial development.

Now, I do not know of anybody in the West saying that—nobody in Europe, not in the United States, but China is doing things, and all the Africans I have every talked with are extremely grateful and happy, and say, we do not want Sunday sermons about human rights and democracy. We want to have real industrial help to get out of our problems. So I think this is quite different from what people think. The Chinese also published a on Jan. 10 a new White Paper on their relationship to the developing sector, where they reiterate the commitment to help these countries to overcome their underdevelopment. And I think this is extremely important; it has nothing to do with taking over the world. It has everything to do with the fact that these countries are in a horrible crisis, faced with a pandemic, with famine of “biblical dimensions,” and it’s the only way how you can overcome that. And people should cooperate with China on that, rather than having this horrible view. [“China’s International Development Cooperation in the New Era,”]

And the speech Xi Jinping gave before the Party school, was also very interesting, because he said that has obviously everything to do with the anti-China campaign: He said that China will concentrate on building up the domestic economy, the increase of consumption, the increase in living standards of the Chinese people, to increase the focus of innovation on science and technology as the motor to improve the productivity of the economy. So if you look at these different aspects of Chinese policy, it would be in the fundamental interest of the United States to say, let’s stop this anti-China campaign and cooperate!

I mean, the problems of the world are so many, that if the largest countries of this planet are not cooperating to solve them, I mean, that is the test of our morality, it is the test of our human identity as a creative species, and we are not somehow pigs that fight for the best place at the trough; but we are a species of creative reason, and if we sponsor and encourage the creativity of the other, the other human being, the other nation, it comes back a zillion times to us and it makes our own life and perspective better. So we have to change the thinking about these questions in a fundamental way.

SCHLANGER: One of the ironies about this is the people who are accusing China of preparing to take over the world, are the same people who are setting up this global bankers’ dictatorship, called the Great Reset. And the ones who are accusing China of loading up Africa on debt, are precisely the ones who have been doing that for the last 50, 60 years.

Helga, when you talk about a “new method,” you’ve created a committee, in cooperation with a number of other people, the Committee of the Coincidence of Opposites, that actually is oriented around this method you were just discussing. How is this organizing process going?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: It is going very well. We are now in the process of applying that method to both try to get young people involved in being productive in the health sector in the United States; there are many medical associations that are very interested in this approach. We are trying to get actual food shipments into Africa, medical shipments, talking to countries in Africa who are extremely in need for such an approach.

But I want to say something about it more from the standpoint of method: It’s very clear that the United States is in a deep, deep polarization. Some people even talk about the danger of a civil war. I’m not going to predict one thing or the other, but it’s very clear that if you don’t find a way to overcome this present extreme polarization, you cannot go into this and say, “we are going to fight this to the death,”—this can only lead to an absolute tragedy or lead to a situation like Weimar Germany, where in the end-phase between the National Socialists and the Bolsheviks you had the fight going back and forth, and we know how that ended.

What I think needs to be done is a completely different approach. It is the approach of the “coincidence of opposites,” an idea which was developed by Nicolaus of Cusa, the idea that the human mind can define a level of solution which is on a higher plateau than that where the conflict arose. What that means concretely, in a situation like that, that people from a sectors of the political spectrum should work together to address the real problems, like the famine, like the pandemic, like giving a perspective to the young people, and that is, in a certain sense a method which was emphatically used by Mahatma Gandhi. And those people say “Oh, Mahatma Gandhi…”—well, he defeated the British Empire and nobody can deny that; and it’s also an established fact that the work and life’s work of Mahatma Gandhi inspired Martin Luther King. He even travelled for five weeks to India, and met with the family of Gandhi, and the whole civil rights movement in the United States was based exactly on this approach.

And I think such a voice of reason right now, that which Martin Luther King whose birthday we celebrate in two days, and then the holiday is on Monday [Jan. 18], that is something to reflect upon. When we worked very closely with many civil rights leaders in the past, Amelia Boynton Robinson, with Rev. James Bevel, who was the assistant of King, and many, many others. And I think we need to introduce that kind of an element of working together on solving the problems, rebuilding the United States. I mean, we have to really give a perspective to the ordinary people who have fallen out of the American Dream, if they were ever in it, and I think that that can only be done by moving the relations among nations to completely different paradigm.

I mean, you have to make up your mind: Do you want to have war with Russia and China, and blow up the whole world in a nuclear war, leading to a complete annihilation of the human species? Or do you want to have an approach of a new paradigm, solving problems together? And I think that that difference, either you go for an all-out war, all-out confrontation is the same methodologically if you apply it in the United States or if you apply in the realm of the strategic situation.

So I think we need to have a different approach, and say, the world needs urgently a new paradigm, a New Bretton Woods system as my late husband had developed for many decades; and I think it is that thinking of Mahatma Gandhi, of Martin Luther King, of Lyndon LaRouche, which is now needed, and not some hoola-hoola, let’s go to war.

I think this is a very serious moment in American history, it’s a grave moment for the whole world. But I think there are enough forces of good will around the world that we can hopefully put an alliance and a partnership together to save civilization, because that’s what’s really at stake.

SCHLANGER: Well, we have some events coming up this weekend: The Schiller Institute and The LaRouche Organization. You can check out the website of the Schiller Institute and The LaRouche Organization for details. And Helga, I want to thank you for joining us today. These are momentous times, and we really do need to elevate our thinking and not just fall into the traps that are being set. So, see you next week!

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Till next week.

Zepp-LaRouche genopliver opfordring til et topmøde mellem
lederne af de fem permanente medlemmer af FN’s Sikkerhedsråd

29. december 2020 (EIRNS) — Helga Zepp-LaRouche sagde i en diskussion den 28. december med medlemmer af Schiller Instituttet fra USA, Canada, Gambia, Irland, Danmark, Italien og Tyskland, om USA’s udenrigsminister Pompeos sindssyge politik midt i faren for ekstreme internationale spændinger under pandemien, og truslen om en hungersnød af bibelske proportioner, at det var af presserende betydning for præsident Donald Trump at ringe til Rusland og Kina for straks at indkalde til et topmøde blandt de fem permanente medlemmer af FN’s Sikkerhedsråd, som Ruslands præsident Putin opfordrede til i januar i år.

Hun sagde:

»Jeg tror, at præsident Trump, uanset hvad der sker den 6. januar, uanset om han vil være i Det Hvide Hus den 20. januar, kan gøre én ting. Han kunne straks indkalde Rusland og Kina og sige, at på grund af krisen forårsaget af pandemien, på grund af hungersnøden, og på grund af faren for verdensfreden, ønsker han at reagere på Putins tilbud om at afholde topmødet mellem de fem permanente medlemmer i FN’s Sikkerhedsråd, som præsident Putin har opfordret til siden januar. Trump burde sige, at han vil have topmødet med det samme. Og det ville være det allerbedste, han kunne gøre for at imødegå al denne propaganda.

“Jo mere folk ringer til Det Hvide Hus for at foreslå dette, og som udtrykker behovet for topmødet på andre måder, jo bedre. Jeg aner ikke, hvorfor Trump ikke har smidt Pompeo ud. Han er lige som John Bolton på mange af disse spørgsmål. Præsident Trump havde modet til at smide Bolton ud. Det var en af de bedste ting, han nogensinde gjorde.

“Men jeg tror at det, for at omgå disse farer, i denne utroligt komplekse situation, er nødvendigt for præsident Trump til nu at følge op på Putins tilbud om dette topmøde, og mødes med Putin, og Xi Jinping. Dette møde kan ske. Frankrigs præsident Macron har allerede sagt, at han støtter et sådant topmøde, og Boris Johnson har udtalt, at han støtter det. Men de virkelig vigtige mennesker er præsidenterne Trump, Putin og Xi Jinping, som vil gøre forskellen på et sådant møde. Johnson og Macron kunne ikke ødelægge en sådan kombination. Det er den ene ting, som Trump må opfordres til at gøre. Jeg er 100% sikker på, at Rusland og Kina absolut ville støtte det med det samme.”

Nikolas von Kues og menneseheden den udødelige art.
Helga Zepp-LaRouches tale ved Schiller Instituttets videokonference:
Verden efter det amerikanske valg – skabelsen af en verden baseret på fornuft

12. december (EIRNS) — Panel 2: At undslippe faren for 3. verdenskrig: En strategisk orden baseret på menneskehedens fælles mål

Den første taler i dette panel, der giver vores hovedpræsentation, er Helga Zepp-LaRouche, grundlægger og præsident for Schiller Instituttet.

HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Hej, godaften eller god eftermiddag, afhængigt af hvor I befinder jer. Da vi [i sin tid] besluttede at afholde denne konference kort efter det amerikanske valg, forventede vi, at det ville være et meget farligt øjeblik i historien, og vi navngav konferencen: “Skabelsen af en verden baseret på fornuft”. Nu lyder det måske meget fjernt, men denne konference er ikke beregnet til akademisk diskussion af de rejste spørgsmål, men skal fungere som en appel til alle institutioner, regeringer, folkevalgte, mennesker af god vilje… til at hjælpe Schiller Instituttet med at organisere en international alliance af mennesker, der griber ind i den nuværende situation, fordi løsningerne er der. Det er absolut muligt at finde en vej ud af hver af kriserne. Men det kræver, at folk aktiveres og optræder som statsborgere.

Hvis man ser på verden nu, vil mange mennesker let begynde at fortvivle, for hvis man tænker på ordsproget: “Dem, som guderne ønsker at ødelægge, gør de først vanvittige,” finder man et ekko heraf i mange hjørner. Og det er også meget klart, at man kan spørge sig selv, hvorvidt menneskeheden har den moralske egnethed til at overleve? Fordi adfærden af mange institutioner og mennesker undertiden synes at sige det modsatte.

Kombinationen af kriser er virkelig hidtil uset. Lad mig blot berøre nogle af dem. Vi har en pandemi. Denne pandemi er blevet håndteret forholdsvis godt i Asien, i flere asiatiske lande, men den er fuldstændig ude af kontrol i USA, i Europa og også i mange udviklingslande. Alene den 10. december var antallet af nye infektioner i USA 217.729 nye tilfælde. På en uge, fra 3.-9. december, døde der 16.850 mennesker. I Tyskland, som gjorde det relativt godt i starten, men den 11. december, dvs. i går, havde man 27.217 nye tilfælde – det er helt ude af kontrol; 524 dødsfald på én dag. Og de forskellige guvernører og regeringen taler om muligheden for en komplet, total nedlukning, selv før jul og derefter ind i det nye år.

Det havde ikke behøvet være sådan, for hvis folk ville have fulgt, hvad der har vist sig at være en effektiv metode, nemlig generel test – test, test, kontaktsporing, anvendelse af digitalisering og moderne teknologi; og derefter sætte folk i karantæne – så kunne det have været bragt under kontrol, og det gøres stadig ikke.

Oven i COVID-krisen, som faktisk forværres enormt heraf, er en hungersnød, der af Verdensfødevareprogrammet karakteriseres som værende af “bibelske dimensioner”, hvilket betyder, at hvis der ikke gøres noget dramatisk for at ændre det, kan der til næste år være 270 millioner mennesker døde. Og selvfølgelig kunne dette afhjælpes meget hurtigt, ved også at redde landbruget i USA og Europa og andre såkaldte avancerede lande, og fordoble fødevareproduktionen.

Dette er naturligvis bare toppen af den underliggende krise, hvilket er, at systemet kollapser: Det finansielle system er håbløst bankerot og alle de billioner af penge, der er blevet pumpet ud af Den europæiske Centralbank, som i alt udstedte 1,85 billioner Euro, hovedsageligt gennem et ‘Pandemic Emergency Purchase Program’; den amerikanske centralbank, Federal Reserve, et sted mellem 6 og 7 billioner dollars, som alle gik til at redde det bankerotte system og ikke så meget til i investeringer i realøkonomien. Og dernæst, ud over dette igangværende sammenbrud, som ikke er afsluttet, har man den virkelig vanvittige bestræbelse fra Den Europæiske Union for at gennemføre en ‘Green Deal’. De mødtes netop i går og besluttede at reducere udledningen af CO2 i 2030 fra de planlagte 40% til 55%; det samme forsøges med Green New Deal i USA, hvis Biden bliver den nye præsident. Det er det rene vanvid, fordi det vil betyde, at man svækker en allerede kollapsende økonomi ved at dirigere alle investeringer udelukkende i retning af grønne teknologier – og på den måde kan vi ikke opretholde moderne industrisamfund.

Den europæiske og amerikanske økonomi falder sammen, sidste år med ca. 10% i gennemsnit, mens Kina, f.eks. allerede i tredje kvartal, efter at de var kommet sig godt efter COVID-krisen, havde en vækstrate på 4,9% og i november måned steg den kinesiske eksport i gennemsnit med 25%.

Det er den egentlige årsag eller en af de medvirkende årsager til denne absolut hysteriske anti-Kina-kampagne. Fordi, det som vi grundlæggende ser på, er sammenbruddet af det gamle paradigme, det neoliberale system, det der har udgjort det såkaldte “vestlige finanssystem”, det transatlantiske system, og det er derfor at Pompeo har holdt den ene tale efter den anden og forårsaget et anti-kinesisk hysteri, der går langt ud over McCarthyismen: Han har netop talt i Georgien og sagde, at enhver kinesisk studerende i USA, enhver professor, er en kinesisk spion. Og [marskal] Billingslea, præsidentens særlige udsending for våbenkontrol, holdt netop den 17. november, meget faretruende, en tale for ‘National Institute of Public Policy’, hvor han stort set gik grassat mod Rusland og Kina og sagde, at man ikke kan stole på Rusland i spørgsmål om våbenkontrol; at Kina er ansvarlig for at slippe coronavirus-pandemien løs rundt om i verden, og grundlæggende, at Rusland vil fremme en nuklear doktrin, der fremmer tidlig anvendelse af atomvåben med strategien “optrap for at vinde”.

Altså, denne påstand er en fuldstændig løgn. Det er faktisk, hvad den nuværende NATO-doktrin siger, men de hævder, at Rusland har en plan om at angribe NATO og regner med NATO’s kapitulation. Billingslea sagde også i samme tale, at han rådede Trump-administrationen, eller præsident Trump personligt, til ikke at bekræfte Reagan-Gorbatjov-erklæringen om, at atomkrig ikke kan vindes af nogen. Dette er grunden til, at den russiske udenrigsminister Lavrov i den seneste periode mange gange har advaret om, at der er en meget farlig illusion om, at en begrænset atomkrig kan vindes. Og som mange andre eksperter, herunder fra ‘Federation of American Scientists’, har advaret om, findes der ikke sådan en ting som en “begrænset” atomkrig, fordi det er selve kernen i atomvåben, at det øjeblik man benytter ét af dem, vil de alle blive benyttet.

Billingslea beskyldte også Kina for at opbygge sit atomvåbenarsenal bag en ”Stor mur af hemmeligholdelse”. Virkeligheden er imidlertid, at mens både USA og Rusland har, tror jeg, et sted mellem 6.000-7.000 nukleare missiler, har Kina en blot 290; og i betragtning af det faktum at der er denne kontinuerlige anti-Kina-kampagne, føler de sig naturligvis nødsaget til at opbygge deres atomarsenal. Og man har en dynamik, hvor der er en hærdning i Kina, aldeles tydeligt, og der er et tysk ordsprog, som siger: “Som man råber ind i skoven, får man svar tilbage”. Så man er i en optrapningsspiral, som er yderst farlig. Maria Zakharova, talskvinde for det russiske udenrigsministerium, sagde, at alt dette kun er et påskud for, at USA moderniserer sine mellem- og kortdistance-atommissiler.

Det er en ironi, at Trump-administrationen nægtede en anmodning fra ‘Federation of American Scientists’ om at offentliggøre størrelsen på deres lagre med atomsprænghoveder blot fem dage før denne rablende tale af Billingslea. Det plejede de at gøre indtil 2018, men ikke længere. Og Hans Kristensen sagde dybest set, at Billingsleas beskyldninger mod Kina ville være meget mere troværdige, hvis USA ville afsløre deres antal i så henseende.

Så man har en utrolig situation på alle disse områder. Og hvad vi diskuterede i det sidste panel, de utrolige begivenheder i USA, de fem års operationer mod Trump, først som kandidat, derefter i hele hans præsidentperiode; Russiagate, som ikke kunne bevises; rigsretssagen, som var baseret på løgne; og nu endelig den forsøgsvise, eller faktiske, svindel ved valget – og en helt utrolig censur fra de store tv-stationer, der erklærer hvem som vandt valget; af de sociale medier, der censurerer indhold! Så man har en situation, der virkelig er ude af kontrol. Og det er derfor, vi skal tænke tilbage og overveje, hvordan kan vi udvikle en anden tilgang til tænkning? For jeg synes, det er det vigtigste spørgsmål. Og titlen på denne konference er “Modsætningernes sammenfald”.

Jeg vil gerne tage et skridt tilbage til hvad min afdøde mand, Lyndon LaRouche, har understreget i hvert eneste land, han nogensinde har rejst til: Han bad folk, især unge mennesker, om, at de skulle begynde at reflektere over deres særlige ideologi. Fordi når man er i USA, er det meget let at se, at folk i Europa tænker anderledes i europæiske lande, hver enkelt af dem tænker stadig anderledes; mennesker i Latinamerika tænker anderledes. Men når man er i et land, tænker man ikke meget over det; man synes alt er indlysende. Og Lyndon LaRouche er meget berømt, og det kan man overbevise sig om ved at læse hans mange bøger – hvilket vil holde én beskæftiget i et stykke tid – fordi han var meget optaget af hvordan man giver folk en metode til at blive selvbevidst om sin egen metode til tænkning.

Vi har lige nu, som en del af denne civilisatoriske sammenbrudskrise, en reel krise i metoden for tænkning. Der er enorm forvirring omkring meninger, og det har nået et absolut krisepunkt efter pandemiens udbrud, hvor mennesker, der op til det tidspunkt var ret rationelle, gik ind i de vildeste fortolkninger og sammensværgelsesteorier og bestræbelser på at forklare noget, som tydeligvis er meget skræmmende. Nu sætter de fleste mennesker ikke spørgsmålstegn ved det aksiomatiske grundlag for deres synspunkter. De betragter dem som selvindlysende sandheder, som kendsgerninger, som den eneste sande sandhed. Men hvis man foretager en erkendelsesteoretisk undersøgelse af disse meninger, finder man ud af, at de mange gange er dannet på baggrund af nominalisme – at folk bare tager et ord og derefter springer derudaf, som om det skulle være forklaringen; eller empirisme, positivisme, og konklusioner drages som et resultat af en reduktionistisk metode, deduktionisme, eller der foretages en analyse på baggrund af at verden ses gennem konkave briller: Hvis man gør det, projicerer man et kort af sit eget sind og egen tro på hensigterne over på den formodede opfattelse af den anden person.

Vi kan se det lige nu: Dette er typisk tilfældet for folk, der eksempelvis definerer, lad os sige EU’s formodede geopolitiske interesse, over for Ruslands og Kinas. Eller hvad man for øjeblikket har i USA, de kredse, der beskylder Kina for imperialistiske tilbøjeligheder, fremmer selv nøjagtig sådanne tilbøjeligheder, hvor enhver, der ærligt undersøger sagen, må komme til den konklusion, at den kinesiske udviklingsmodel ikke kun har udryddet ekstrem fattigdom i Kina – det færdiggjorde de for bare to uger siden, og alt i alt har Kina løftet 850 millioner mennesker af sin egen befolkning ud af fattigdom til en voksende, stor middelklasse; men Kina tilbyder også sin udviklingsmodel til udviklingslandene, hvilket åbenlyst udfordrer påstanden om imperialistiske tilbøjeligheder.

Nu sagde jeg, at det overordnede emne for denne konference begrebet om ‘Coincidentia Oppositorum’ – sammenfaldet af modsætninger, et koncept, der blev udviklet af Nicolaus fra Cusa (Cusanus), der var den vigtigste tænker i det europæiske intellektuelle liv i det 15. århundrede. Og, hvad der faktisk er meget vigtigt, han var den første til at udvikle principper for den moderne suveræne nationalstat. Det gjorde han hovedsageligt i sin ‘Concordantia Catholica’, der for første gang præsenterede ideen om, at regeringen skal arbejde med samtykke fra de regerede, og at der må være et gensidigt forhold mellem regeringen, repræsentanterne og de regerede.

Han er også ophavsmand til moderne naturvidenskab: Han udviklede en metode til at tænke – at tænke noget helt nyt – og han sagde meget selvbevidst, at han foreslog noget, som intet menneske nogensinde havde tænkt før. Og den metode ligger også til grund for alle de filosofiske skrifter og den økonomisk-videnskabelige metode fra min afdøde mand, Lyndon LaRouche, og hans fysiske økonomi. Det er grundlæggende tanken, at menneskelig fornuft har evnen til at definere en løsning på et helt andet og højere niveau end dem, hvor alle konflikter og modsætninger opstod. Det omhandler kapaciteten til at tænke en Helhed, der er af en højere orden og kraft end de Mange, enkelte elementer. Og når man først har trænet ens sind til at tænke sådan, har man en ufejlbarlig nøgle til kreativitet, og man kan anvende denne tankemåde indenfor stort set alle domæner af tænkning.

For at nærme sige modsætningernes sammenfald er man nødt til at starte med en afvisning af den aristoteliske metode. Altså, Aristoteles siger: “hvis noget er A, kan det ikke samtidigt være B.” Men ‘sammenfaldet’ er heller ikke A plus B divideret med 2 eller en anden algebraisk eller aritmetisk beregning. Nicolaus udvikler sit koncept i flere af sine skrifter, men i vid udstrækning i ‘De Docta Ignorantia’, (Om den tillærte Uvidenhed), som straks blev angrebet af professoren og skolastikeren fra Heidelberg, Johannes Wenck, i et angreb på ‘De Docta Ignorantia’, kaldet ‘De Ignota Litteratura’ (Den uvidende lærde), en hentydning til Nicolaus. Nicolaus svarede flere år senere, fordi han ikke modtog denne skrivelse med det samme, i et lille skrift, som jeg anbefaler jer alle at læse, kaldet ‘Apologia Doctae Ignorantiae’, hvori han beklager, at den aristoteliske tradition i dag (hvilket vil sige i Cusas tid) var fremherskende, hvilket ville kategorisere ‘modsætningernes sammenfald’ som kætteri, da denne skole fuldstændigt afviser denne tilgang som helt modsat deres hensigter; nu var intentionerne i virkeligheden af en oligarkisk karakter, hvilket han ikke siger her, men det var hvad det var. Derfor siger Cusa, at det ville være et totalt mirakel og ville være en fuldstændig transformation af deres skole, hvis de ville opgive Aristoteles og nå frem til et højere perspektiv.

I modsætning til den aristoteliske metode, der bliver viklet ind i kampen mellem modsætningerne, betragter synspunktet med ‘modsætningernes sammenfald’ processen fra et højere niveau. Og dette blev nævnt i den lille video, som blev vist i begyndelsen [i Panel 1], hvor jeg taler om behovet for at udgive Lyndon LaRouches samlede værker: At opfattelsen om sammenfald er som at betragte begivenheder som fra et højt tårn: Hvor man ser jægeren, den jagede og processen med jagt. Og det giver én et helt andet perspektiv, end hvis man var jægeren eller den jagede, eller bare løb med næsen i sporet.

For at nå et [sådant] niveau af tænkning kræves imidlertid en enorm anstrengelse. Det kræver en spænding i sindet. Det er ikke noget, man kan tænde for, men det er en intellektuel kamp. Men når man først har gjort det, har man evnen til at bevæge sig ind i områder, der ellers er helt lukket. Nicolaus henviser til hvordan tænkere som Avicenna (også kaldet Ibn Sina) har brugt negativ teologi for at få sindet ud af vanen med at lægge sig fast på det trivielle, der udspringer af sanseopfattelserne. Men det smarteste, siger Cusa, var Platons argument i Parmenides-dialogen, hvilken for enhver der har kæmpet med Platons dialoger, sikkert er den mest udfordrende af alle disse dialoger. Parmenides var lederen af den metodologisk reduktionistiske, eleatiske skole, der udsagde, at tingenes essens kun kan erfares gennem tankeprocessen og ikke gennem noget der har med materien at gøre. Men at samme essens skulle være enkel i en streng forstand, uden al mangfoldighed og variation – og især uden nogen ændring og bevægelse. Al mangfoldighed tilvejebragt gennem sanserne og de deraf følgende forandringsprocesser, er dermed kun tilsyneladende, sagde Parmenides. De er illusoriske, hvorfor enhver mangfoldighed og forandring hverken hører til tingenes essens eller tager del i dem.

I denne dialog lokker Platon Parmenides til at afsløre netop det iøjnefaldende paradoks i hans tænkning, nemlig at Parmenides udelukkede forandringsprincippet. I den tradition, som Platon etablerede, er “forandring” ikke den lineære udvidelse af et euklidisk rum, men den kontinuerlige rækkefølge af originale aksiomatisk revolutionære opdagelseshandlinger, der fører til et forbundet sæt opdagelser af universelle fysiske principper, som uddyber kendskabet til det fysiske univers og perfektionerer de kreative kræfter hos alle de mennesker, som disse fremskridt overføres til. Nicolaus siger på et tidspunkt, at gennem denne uddannelse genskaber ethvert menneske udviklingen i hele universet op til dette punkt i sit sind. Det er dette mikrokosmos i sindet, der svarer til makrokosmos som helhed, hvilket er universet, der gør det muligt for hvert menneske potentielt at have forhåndsviden, at vide nøjagtigt, hvad den nødvendige næste opdagelse må være for at fortsætte den lovmæssige proces med skabelse.

Dette er meget vigtigt, fordi det har alt at gøre med begrebet relativ potentiel befolkningstæthed, som blev udviklet af Lyndon LaRouche, fordi det også giver dig en målestok for den absolut nødvendige næste opdagelse.

For Platon er hver enkelt sådan opdagelse resultatet af en tilfredsstillende opdagelse, som det menneskelige sind kan skabe på en “intuitiv” måde, hvorfor Einstein understregede, at “fantasi er vigtigere end viden. For viden er begrænset, mens fantasien omfavner hele verden, stimulerer fremskridt og føder evolution”.

Platons svar på Parmenides er derfor hans ontologiske forestilling om at ‘blive til’, som det menneskelige sinds fortsatte evne til at frembringe sådanne hypoteser eller hypotesen om den højere hypotese, hvor den altomfattende ændring er ‘det ene’ [helheden], som inkluderer ‘de mange’ på et højere niveau.

Den samme metode til tænkning blev anvendt af Nicolaus, da han løste et problem, som havde efterladt mange tænkere og matematikere søvnløse siden oldtiden, nemlig problemet med cirklens kvadratur. Archimedes, en tidligere matematiker, havde forsøgt at løse problemet med udelukkelsesmetoden ved at indskrive og omskrive et stadigt stigende antal polygoner på cirklen. Den forkerte antagelse er, at omkredsen af de to polygoner i sidste ende vil falde sammen med cirklen. På denne måde fandt Archimedes en brugbar tilnærmelse af tallet pi, men i virkeligheden blev problemet ikke løst. Fordi Cusa siger, at jo flere vinkler polygonen har, jo længere væk kommer man fra cirklen.

Det krævede Cusas revolutionerende tankemåde for at løse problemet med cirklens kvadratur, ved at gøre det klart, at en cirkel ikke kan konstrueres med en geometri, der er baseret på den aksiomatiske antagelse om selvforklarende punkter og lige linjer, men at en aksiomatisk anderledes geometri må anvendes, hvorved cirkulær aktion erstatter den euklidiske selvindlysende antagelse om punktet og den lige linje. Det isoperimetriske princip, som det kaldes, om cirkelens forrang, gør det klart, at man fra cirklen kan nå frem til polygonen, men ikke omvendt. På denne måde tilvejebragte Nicolaus den afgørende demonstration af forskellen på det matematiske domæne, der er begrænset til de sammenlignelige ting, og så det helt særskilte domæne med de usammenlignelige ting.

Denne fremadskriden fra Archimedes’ forståelse af cirklens kvadratur til Cusas finere forståelse illustrerer også rollen af den menneskelige opdagelse af et allerede eksisterende universelt princip og ændringen af dets eksistens som et potentiale, men som et potentiale, der tidligere var skjult fra udgangspunktet af menneskets erkendelse, til “realiseringen” af dette princip gennem den menneskelige opdagelse. Det er denne kontinuerlige opdagelsesproces, som ontologisk, erkendelsesmæssigt set, er primær, dette er helheden der er vigtigst, relativ til indholdet af alle og enhver af ‘de mange’.

Bernhard Riemann, hvis videnskabelige metode bidrog til at navngive LaRouche-Riemanns økonomiske model, uddybede den samme idé i et skrift, der blev citeret af Lyndon LaRouche, “Zur Psychologie und Metaphysik” – “Om psykologi og Metafysik” – ved at beskrive den menneskelige sjæl som en kompakt, tætpakket og mangfoldigt forbundet masse af idéer, “Geistesmassen”, som denne forestilling blev udviklet af Herbart og derefter taget op af Riemann; eller som Lyn kaldte det, “tankeobjekter”. Hver ny sådan ”Geistesmasse” eller idé vækker genklang med alle de tidligere akkumulerede [idéer], og interagerer på en gensidig måde, så meget desto mere, som der er en indre affinitet imellem dem. Riemann siger også, at disse kompakte ‘Geistesmasser’ fortsætter med at eksistere, selvom den person, der har skabt dem, er død og bliver en del af det, han kalder Jordens sjæl. I det væsentlige udtrykkes den samme idé af Vernadsky, da han holdt et foredrag i Paris i 1925, hvor han beskrev den menneskelige art og det kollektive menneskelige sind som en ”geologisk kraft” i universet. Vernadsky insisterede på, at hele universets historie beviser, at Noössfæren – det der er påvirket af menneskelig intellektuel aktivitet og fornuft – vil få mere og mere herredømme over biosfæren. Og det er denne anti-entropiske karakter af det menneskelige sinds kreativitet, som er den mest avancerede del af det fysiske univers’ drivkraft, hvorfor der er grund til optimisme for menneskehedens fremtid.

Det antyder, at flere og flere mennesker i alle forskellige nationer og kulturer vil blive i stand til at hæve sig over det infantile niveau af sanselig vished og overvinde mislykkede ideologiske traditioner, såsom skolen for sofistisk retorik, som ikke bekymrer sig om sandheden, men om sejren for hvilken som helst påstand, som sofisten ønsker at fremsætte for at fremme sit eget ego.

Konceptet om modsætningernes sammenfald kan anvendes på den nuværende strategiske situation, og faktisk alle områder af menneskelig viden. Menneskehedens interesse, hvis man definerer den, ikke som den nuværende levende befolknings interesse, her og nu, men med hensyn til alle kommende generationers interesse, i det væsentlige den samme idé som indledningen af den amerikanske forfatning: At det ikke alene er nutiden, men alle fremtidige generationer, som det fælles gode skal tjene, og i denne tid hele verden, hele den menneskelige befolkning.
At opnå en forståelse af hvad dette betyder, vil sige, at hvis man tænker over hvordan man kan anvende det, som jeg lige sagde teoretisk på den nuværende verdenssituation, hvis man tager hver enkelt nation som et mikrokosmos, er fred i makrokosmos, ifølge Nicolaus fra Cusa, kun muligt, hvis hvert mikrokosmos har den bedst mulige udvikling, og tager det som værende i sin egen interesse, at alle de andre mikrokosmos udvikler sig. Det vil sige, at man ikke tager den såkaldte geopolitiske egeninteresse af nationen eller en gruppe af nationer, og positionerer sig imod den påståede interesse fra alle de andre, men at man har en anden opfattelse, og afviser at der skulle være en modsætning, som hævdet af den aristoteliske metode. Hvis man tager et primært ontologisk udgangspunkt i Platons forandringsbegreb, kan udviklingen af hvert mikrokosmos betragtes som en kontrapunktisk komposition, en fuga, hvor udviklingen af hver node og hver idé bidrager til den fremtidige udvikling af alle andre.

Der er allerede fungerende eksempler, hvor man kan se en tilnærmelse til, hvordan det kan fungere. F.eks. i det internationale samarbejde i den termonukleare fusionsreaktor i Cadarache, Frankrig, ITER, som er det fælles samarbejdsprojekt mellem 34 nationer, der alle drager fordel af opdagelserne. Der er naturligvis også det potentielle internationale samarbejde inden for rumforskning og -rejser: Vi har i øjeblikket tre meget fascinerende missioner til Mars, som alle i løbet af et par uger ankommer til Mars, og ville det ikke give mening at slutte sig til forskningen i fællesskab. Nu er det ikke spørgsmålet om, hvem der sætter det første flag på Mars, eller hvem der sætter den første kvinde eller mand på Mars, men det er spørgsmålet om, hvordan vi erobrer solsystemet til menneskelig beboelse?

Se, vores solsystem er utroligt stort. Jeg ved ikke, om man for nylig har kigget op til stjernerne, eksempelvis til Mælkevejen, men endnu længere væk; vores galakse er kun en ud af 2 billioner galakser, som hidtil er blevet opdaget af Hubble-teleskopet!

Tænk bare på menneskehedens langsigtede eksistens: Menneskeheden har eksisteret i et par millioner år, men i henseende til beviselig registreret historie kender vi i virkeligheden kun en smule til de sidste 5.000 år, gennem arkæologi ved vi lidt mere, men stadig kun virkelig en meget kort tidsperiode. Ønsker vi nu, at menneskeheden skal være en udødelig art, eller ønsker vi, at menneskeheden bare skal være som en af de mange andre arter, der kommer og går, og som forsvinder i forbindelse med de store masseudryddelser? Det betyder ikke noget, så skaber evolutionen sidenhen andre arter med et højere stofskifte, så det betyder ikke rigtig noget, om menneskeheden forsvinder i processen. Altså, det mener jeg ikke. Fordi jeg tror på, at menneskeheden, uanset hvad vi finder i universet generelt, hvis der skulle være andet intelligent liv et eller andet sted, er menneskeheden helt enestående. Vi er indtil videre den eneste kendte kreative art.

Om nogle få milliarder år vil Solen holde op med at fungere, og sætter os ude af stand til at leve på jorden, og derefter er det sidste udkald for at kolonisere rummet; at gøre andre planeter beboelige for den menneskelige art vil være et spørgsmål om vores arts overlevelse. Jeg tænker det udmærket er muligt, hvis vi bevæger os væk fra den nuværende tilstand af at opføre os som spædbørn, som små drenge, der sparker hinanden over skinnebenene, og at vi udvikler vores fulde potentiale, samarbejder med andre mennesker, samarbejder med andre kulturer og opfylder menneskehedens langsigtede skæbne, som den art der bevidst skaber forandring i universet, og på den måde opfylder vores sande mission som en menneskelig art. Se, jeg mener det er op til os at foretage denne forandring, og på denne måde skabe evnen til at komme ud af denne krise i live og med glæde.

Og det var, hvad jeg ønskede at sige.

Strategisk fokus er nødvendigt for at vinde kampen mod valgsvindel i USA.
Schiller Instituttets ugentlige webcast med Helga Zepp-LaRouche
den 26. november 2020

Alt imens bevismaterialet for valgsvindel nu fremlægges i amerikanske retssale – og i modsætning til mediernes løgne er der massevis af bevismateriale – er det vigtigt, at man holder øje med den strategiske udvikling. Det er klart, at briterne bevæger sig fremad med forventningen om, at Biden bliver præsident, i takt med at de udlægger et perspektiv for inddæmning og konfrontation med både Rusland og Kina, der truer med at føre til krig. Inkluderet i dette perspektiv er den globale håndhævelse af den grønne klimaplan, ‘Green New Deal’, som en del af deres planlagte “Great Reset” (nulstilling), at placere al økonomisk magt i hænderne på centralbankerne og de bankerotte banker, som de repræsenterer.

Zepp LaRouche mindede seerne om vigtigheden af et topmøde for P5-nationerne, hvilket atter er blevet taget op af præsident Putin, som måden til at overvinde de vanvittige geopolitiske utopier, som næres af det britiske imperium og deres allierede i USA, centreret i netværkerne omkring Bush-Clinton/Obama. Hun sagde, at det vil være vigtigt for præsident Trump at deltage i topmødet. Hun gav også en kraftig advarsel om farerne ved en ny, “moderniseret” fascistisk bevægelse, som kommer fra “retten-til-en-værdig-død”, der presses på med, i takt med at COVID-krisen fortsætter, og den dæmoniske Ezekiel “dødspanel” Emmanuel bliver bragt ind som en rådgiver for den lige så uhyggelige Biden.

Hun opfordrede seerne til at deltage i Schiller Instituttets online-begivenhed denne lørdag om at stoppe valgsvindlen, såvel som konferencen der bliver afholdt den 12.-13. december – se webstedet Schiller for detaljer.

Gandhis vision for et nyt paradigme i internationale relationer,
et globalt sundhedssystem og direkte ikke-voldelig handling
i tider med socialt sammenbrud.
af Helga Zepp-LaRouche, præsident for det internationale Schiller Institut

Helga Zepp-LaRouche præsenterede denne artikel på den todages online internationale konference, holdt den 30.-31. oktober 2020 af Foreningen af asiatiske Lærde for at fejre Gandhis 150-års fødselsdag, med titlen ”At gense Gandhi: Fred, retfærdighed og udvikling”. Hun leverede også en forkortet 10-minutters version af artiklen og deltog i spørgeperioden.

To uddrag:
… Så spørgsmålet er: Kan Mahatma Gandhis filosofi stadig anvise en køreplan for oprettelsen af en ny verdensorden i lyset af en verden, der på mange måder virker fuldstændig ude af kontrol, og hvor tvang og tyrannisering synes at have erstattet diplomati og dialog? Det er en rimelig antagelse, at Gandhi ville håndtere dette spørgsmål med den samme indre retning og vilje til at befri hele menneskeheden fra åget af imperialistisk undertrykkelse, som han håndterede spørgsmålet om at befri Indien fra kolonial underkastelse i sin tid….


Disse tre eksempler: Paradigmeskiftet i internationale relationer, behovet for et globalt sundhedssystem og den direkte sociale handling for de unge, viser den fremtrædende betydning og den absolutte relevans af Gandhis filosofi for en tilgang til de største udfordringer i vores tid. Hans idé om selvophøjelse kan også danne grundlag for en dialog mellem kulturer blandt de filosoffer og digtere, som også har et ophøjet billede af mennesket. En sådan dialog ville være med til at katalysere en kulturel renæssance, der er så presserende nødvendig for at redde verden fra den nuværende civilisationskrise, vi befinder os i. Men vigtigst af alt er at tænde den indre kærlighed, som Gandhi står for, så flere mennesker kan blive store sjæle.

Hele talen på engelsk:

International Relations

As the Covid-19 pandemic spreads around the globe, all the many unacceptable problems of systemic injustice previously plaguing the world, the poverty and underdevelopment that has existed in the entire post World War II period, have suddenly exploded and torn away the thin veil, which had masked the fragility of the present global system the whole time. As of now, the pandemic has killed more than one million people, and according to the WHO, it threatens to kill at least another million before a vaccine can be applied to the whole world population, and it even may be worse than that. 1 According to the ILO, this year 500 million jobs will be lost, and if the prognosis of the director of the WFP, David Beasley,2 turns out to be right, we could face a famine of biblical dimensions soon, killing up to 300,000 human beings a day.3

The world financial system which has dominated the world since 1945, and which has become increasingly deregulated since Richard Nixon dismantled the original Bretton Woods System by introducing floating exchange rates in August, 1971, a process which accelerated after the collapse of the Soviet Union, already was at the point of systemic collapse in 2008. All the Quantitative Easing by the central banks since has enlarged the financial bubble since, to the advantage of the rich becoming richer, the middle class shrinking, and the poor becoming poorer. These same central banks according to the intention stated by former Bank of England chief, Mark Carney, now want a “regime change,” whereby they want to replace governments in defining financial and fiscal policy.4

Just to touch upon it briefly: as a result of the sharpening of the transatlantic financial crisis the various hotspots have also heated up to a very dangerous point of escalation, in several areas even to the point of actual war, like between Azerbaijan and Armenia, in other areas, as ongoing regime change operation, like Belarus, and in still other areas as potential hot conflicts such as the South China Sea or around Taiwan. In all of these crisis areas one can trace the geopolitical manipulation of the modern form of the British Empire, an empire which continues to exist in the form of the financial system of central banks, investment banks, hedge funds, insurance and reinsurance companies, etc. The most visible manifestation of this empire is the City of London and Wall Street, which historically developed as the junior partner of the City.

So the question is: Can the philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi still show a roadmap for the establishment of a new world order, in light of a world which seems in many ways completely out of control and where coercion and bullying seems to have replaced diplomacy and dialogue? It is a fair assumption that Gandhi would approach this question with the same inner direction and determination to free all of humanity from the yoke of imperial repression as he approached the question of freeing India from colonial subjugation in his time.

As we commemorate this year the 75th anniversary of the adoption of the UN Charter, it is more urgent than ever before that we renew the principles upon which the UN Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights-UDHR were built. It is important to remind the world that Gandhi’s philosophy of non-violence and the practical example of his victory over the British Empire, was the most important of the influences that shaped the formulation of these groundbreaking documents. He had been the greatest inspiration for fight against colonialism and the intense debates around the Indian constitution. The Indian representatives, who had taken part in the different aspects of the drafting of the UDHR, Begum Hamid Ali, Hansa Mehta, Lakshmi N. Menon, and M.R. Masani, were all influenced by the ideas of Gandhi. Hansa Mehta was in the group of Eleanor Roosevelt at the UN Commission on Human Rights, which formulated the UDHR.

The principles of Gandhi’s conception of non-violence continued to influence later the five principles of peaceful coexistence, Panchsheel, as it was expressed for the first time formally in the “Agreement on Trade and Intercourse between the Tibet region and India” on April 29, 1954. In the preamble, these principles were spelled out: 1, Mutual respect for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the other; 2, Mutual non-aggression; 3, Mutual non-interference into the inner affairs of the other; 4, Equality and Cooperation for the mutual benefit; and 5, Peaceful coexistence. This same philosophy persisted in the first conference of the independent Asian and African states in Bandung, and under the leadership of Indian Prime Minister J. Nehru and Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai, these principles were enlarged into the Ten Principles of Bandung. They also constituted the core according to international law of the conference of the Non-Aligned Movement in Belgrade in 1961.

It underlines both the humbleness and integrity of J. Nehru, that in an interview with the editor of the Blitz tabloid, RK Karanjia, in 1960 he answered the journalist, who had referred in a question to the “Nehru era,” which he suggested would have begun after 1947 very explicitly. Nehru said: “Your usage of words like Nehru era and Nehruvian policy is wrong. I would like to call my time as authentic Gandhian period, and the policies and philosophy we are trying to implement are the policies and philosophy taught by Gandhiji.” Further in the interview, Karanjia stated his assumption, that Nehru would gone beyond the principle of non-violence by creating the principle of Panchsheel and peaceful coexistence in response to the impending menace of the atom bomb.

Nehru’s answer again gave the credit to Gandhi by answering: “All this was inherent in Gandhian philosophy. In fact, the path of Panchsheel, peace and tolerance, the sentiment of “live and let live” has been fundamental to Indian thought since ages and you will find it in all the religions. Kings like Ashoka practiced it and Gandhiji integrated it in the practical philosophy of Karma which we have inherited.”

Nehru elaborated further: “His (Gandhi’s) thoughts, methods, and solutions have helped to bridge the gap between the industrial revolution and the atomic era… after all, the only possible answer to the atom bomb is non-violence, isn’t it?”

In the meantime, the National Archive in Washington has published historical documents which reveal that the use of nuclear weapons in Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of World War II was militarily completely unnecessary. The war was practically over, Japan was cut off from its supply lines through the American sea blockade and the Russian occupation of Korea and Northern China. Truman’s decision, which was completely backed by Churchill, to drop the bomb was at this point only a demonstration of the principle of “Schrecklichkeit” in respect to future Anglo-American policy against the Soviet Union and as a test of its effect on the civilian population. Behind this was the entire strategy which had been published by Bertrand Russel in an article in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists: “The Atomic Bomb and the Prevention of War” in 1946, and which had been emphasized by H. G. Wells already before World War II, that the issue was to make the experience of war so horrible, that any enemy could be forced to give up their sovereignty and submit to de facto world government.

More than 200,000 people lost their lives and many more had lasting effects on their health as a result.

At the recent 75th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov warned about a change in US military doctrine, which regards nuclear weapons as “deployable,” which is obviously based on the idea that a limited nuclear war is “winnable.” 5 This seems to be a reference to the W76-2 low yield warhead that is now deployed on Ohio class submarines.6Serious nuclear weapons experts, such as MIT professor Theodore Postol however have argued convincingly, that it is the nature of nuclear weapons, that if it comes to the use of one, that they all will be deployed. In the age of thermonuclear weapons this would obviously mean the annihilation of the human species.

To return to the question posed earlier: Is the philosophy of non-violence of Gandhi still applicable in light of this existential question for all of humanity? The answer is yes, but it requires the same kind of fearless commitment to throw off the yoke of empire, which guided his actions In Gandhi’s name there must therefore begin in all countries a campaign about the threat posed to the existence of humanity by nuclear weapons and the necessity for their total elimination. This goal is in accordance with the principles of the UN from the very beginning, since the first resolution of the General Assembly in 1946, there was the demand of global nuclear disarmament. Since then there have been numerous diplomatic efforts spearheaded by the UN, aiming at the elimination of nuclear weapons and all other weapons of mass destruction.

Today there exist more than 13 000 nuclear weapons, which are in the possession of eight countries–this arsenal, if it ever would come to be used, would be enough to eliminate the world population many times over. But with the withdrawal from the ABM Treaty, the INF Treaty, the Open Sky Treaty and the immediate danger that the last nuclear arms control treaty, “new START” will expire in February 2021, there will be the danger that for the first time, the world’s two largest strategic nuclear arsenals will be unconstrained since the 1970s. In the absence of previously existing arms control regimes, many experts have expressed the concern that the present situation is more dangerous than even at the height of the Cold War, where even in the Cuban missile crisis the communication between John F. Kennedy and Nikita Khrushchev did function. While the reconstruction of arms control is urgent to constrain the danger of an out of control arms race, the actual goal to eliminate nuclear weapons for good probably can only be accomplished if they can be made technologically obsolete through new technologies based on new physical principles, and that these new technologies are being implemented by all nuclear powers in cooperation, as it was proposed in the proposal by the American statesman Lyndon LaRouche to the Reagan administration and the Soviet Union, which then became the Strategic Defense Initiative, SDI.

The UN General Assembly has designated September 26 in its resolution 68/32 in December 2013 as the “International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons” and has observed that day every year ever since. But in light of the imminent danger resulting out of an increasing geopolitical confrontation between NATO and the US on the one side, and Russia and China on the other, the campaign for the elimination of nuclear weapons can not be reduced to one day, but must become an ongoing accelerated campaign for every day, in every country, and on all levels of society.

Gandhi always believed that the youth of every country have the power to move mountains, and that they are responsible to uplift and develop their countries. It was his firm conviction that it was specifically leadership from the upcoming generation which could bring together all layers of society. In light of the danger of nuclear war, it is therefore of the utmost urgency to remind the youth of the world of the message of peace and non-violence, of Mahatma Gandhi and the great gift of Ahimsa that Gandhiji gave to humanity. The renaissance of Ahimsa will also be the way for young people to learn from Ganhiji’s idea of spirituality and self-purification, as a way to rid themselves from the yoke of mind control through all kind of addictions, be it drugs, alcohol, or excessive internet use.

In light of all these dangers, it is very clear that Mankind is being put to the final test: Do we as the only creative species known in the universe so far, have the capability to give ourselves an order, which guarantees the longtime survivability of humanity? We therefore urgently need an international debate about the necessity to return to the principle of the Panchsheel as the foundation of the international order. These principles need to be deepened, as their ontological connection to the cosmic order can be demonstrated. In all great cultures and religions there are references to the substance of these principles, even if the language used to express them varies.

On that basis we have to establish a new paradigm in the relations among nations, where the interest of the other is the interest of each. The common good of humanity as a whole must be the guiding principle against which no national interest must be in contradiction. Once all nations concentrate in this way on the common aims of Mankind, a new era of the human civilization will be reached.

A World Health System

The coronavirus pandemic, which is now raging across the globe, has pulled off the veil from the present world system and has revealed how dramatically underdeveloped many countries are. Covid-19 has already cost more than a million human lives and according to the WHO will in all likelihood cost another million lives before a vaccine has been developed and administered in every corner of the world. But it is not only the people who died of Covid-19 or have long term medical damage from it. The other major category of victims are those two billion of people, who according to the ILO are working in the so-called informal economy, including subsistence agriculture with its horribly low productivity, who are now threatened with the sudden loss of income as a result of lockdowns or interruptions in the supply line of production. According to the ILO, 500 million people will have lost their jobs by the end of the year. In Africa, the real unemployment rate is 65%, in Latin America 42% when we count not just the official unemployment statistics, but also the great number of people who daily scramble for money so that they and their families can eat from one day to the next, but who don’t actually produce anything. The youth of the world are particularly affected by this “informal” economy, better called the “shadow economy.” In the 15-24 age bracket, 77% of all jobs are “informal.”

The pandemic also has severely hurt agricultural production in many parts of the world, be it because of Covid-19 hitting the workforce in meatpacking plants, forcing farmers to cull their herds, or because farmers themselves were hit by the sickness in poor countries. As a result, the world is also threatened with a hunger catastrophe, which according to David Beasley of the WFP soon could reach “biblical dimensions” of up to 300,000 people dying of hunger per day.

It was Gandhi’s principle of Sarvodaya that influenced the UN Agenda for Sustainable Development 2030 and its idea of “Leave No One Behind,” as well as to “endeavor to reach the furthest behind first.” The extraordinary gravity of the Covid-19 crisis requires that the timetable to reach these goals must be accelerated. The implementation of Sarvodaya means that the most urgent first step must be the construction of a world health system, without which this pandemic and the threat of future pandemics cannot be conquered. Gandhi said that poverty was the worst form of violence and that the progress of society should be determined by the state of the most vulnerable and the weakest. For the case of the pandemic this is obvious: It will not be over until it is defeated in every single country.

There is one important lesson to be learned from the present crisis. Coronavirus would not have become a pandemic if every country had a modern health system. After the outbreak in Wuhan and Hebei province, the Chinese health system was capable of being geared up, rapidly building new hospitals in a few weeks, and mobilizing health professionals from around the country. After two months China had the pandemic essentially under control and has been able to prevent a new outbreak ever since. If every other country would have had the same capability it would not have become an out-of-control pandemic.

The reasons for the pandemic are not primarily medical but economic. In 1973 Lyndon LaRouche initiated a biological taskforce with the task to investigate the effect of IMF conditionalities on the developing countries. That taskforce came to the conclusion that by preventing the so-called “Third World” from investing in infrastructure programs, health, and education systems, and instead favoring debt repayment, the result would be the emergence of old and new diseases and pandemics. The lowering of the immune systems of entire generations in several continents caused by hunger, lack of clean water, lack of medical facilities, etc., would necessarily lead to a biological holocaust. If the many programs for industrialization for Africa, Latin America, Asia and even the poor regions of Europe and the United States, which LaRouche and his movement worked out since the seventies, would have been implemented, every single human being on this planet would enjoy a decent life today.

To apply Gandhi’s principle of Sarvodaya today, there must be a coordinated international effort to build a modern health system in every country on the basis of the same standards that the American health system has used when the Hill Burton standard was applied, the same standards of the German and French health systems before privatization replaced the principle of the common good with greed and profit in the 1970’s. The Wuhan medical system is another good reference point. The building of such health systems then must be the starting point for the building of the new world economic order that the Non-Aligned Movement has been fighting for since the 1950s. The motivation for the industrialized countries to participate in building this world health system will be their own self-interest: This pandemic, and future pandemics of which virologists and epidemiologists are now warning, will surely come and will not be able to be contained unless the needs of all, especially the poorest countries, are equipped to deal with the threat.

Naturally, one cannot build hospitals unless there is clean water, sanitation, electricity, transport infrastructure, communication etc. Today more than two billion people lack access to clean water, adequate sanitation, or both,

So the urgent need for a health system, consisting of modern clinics which can be virtually connected to the best professional care in clinics in advanced countries, comprehensive medical supply stations in rural areas, and medical research centers, will be the catalyst for the kind of real development programs that should have been realized many decades ago. The effect of not doing this is that 800,000 children under five years of age are dying from diarrhea every year. Proper disposal of sewage and the purification of water sources is an absolutely indispensable precondition to save billions of people’s lives. Temporary sanitation facilities can be mass produced and distributed in the developing countries as a stop-gap measure, until durable infrastructure has been built up. The building of this infrastructure will provide meaningful employment for many million people in all countries involved.

The world has currently an inventory of 18.6 million hospital beds, which represents a huge deficit. The Hill Burton standard in the U.S. requires 4.4 hospital beds per 1,000 people. Current levels are 2.8 hospital beds per 1,000 people, 0.7 for South Asia, and 0.5 for Nigeria. To meet the standard of 4.5 per 1,000 people, one would have to increase the number of hospital beds to 35 million, nearly double the current number. This will require the construction of 35,200 new modern hospitals, especially in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

Other concrete aspects that must be targetted include testing capacity which must be brought up to several millions a day, depending of the size of the population, first through emergency import, than as quickly as possible through the building up manufacturing capacities. And we need: contact tracers who must be trained and hired, masks and more sophisticated personal protective equipment (PPE) which must be made available to allow a dramatically increased number of health care workers to perform their jobs safely. Ventilators must be made available in sufficient quantities. Research for treatments and vaccines must be funded. All of these measures as such are not enough to save lives, to do that we need a vastly increased number of medical staff, doctors, nurses, and health workers. About this more in the following section. But as we have seen, the principle of Sarvodaya is not only noble, it is indispensable for the survival of the human species.

Direct Civil Action Today

There are a great number of political leaders and movements around the world who have been or are now inspired by Mahatma Gandhi. But maybe the most consequential of them so far were the famous civil rights leaders in the United States, Martin Luther King Jr., Amelia Boynton Robinson, and James Bevel, who adopted the principle of nonviolence in their fight against the remnants of slavery, racism and segregation, which accomplished the signing of the Civil Rights Act in 1964 by President Lyndon B. Johnson. What inspired them was Gandhi’s conception of nonviolence as satyagraha, the idea that one has to consciously cultivate the power of truth-seeking and love within oneself, so that it becomes impossible to participate in any evil because one has completely freed one’s mind and soul from the that potential danger of being corrupted by purifying oneself. King first applied the method of nonviolent action in 1955 in the Montgomery bus boycott, about which King wrote: “while the Montgomery boycott was going on, India’s Gandhi was the guiding light of our technique of nonviolent social change”. And later he would say: “I came to see for the first time that the Christian doctrine of love operating through the Gandhian method of nonviolence was one of the most potent weapons available to oppressed people in their struggle for freedom.”

In 1959 King and his wife Loretta travelled for five weeks to India in order to get a deeper grasp of Gandhi’s thought. Many people in India were absolutely aware of the Montgomery bus boycott. King met numerous members of Gandhi’s family, Indian activists, and officials, including Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. That trip had a big role in subsequent development of the civil rights movement in the US and, that King became sort of the moral conscience of the US. He was on the way to become the righteous President of the U.S. when he was assassinated. King, Malcom X, J.F. Kennedy, and Robert Kennedy got killed, and the real background of their murder was essentially covered up. Both the murder and the coverup of these four personalities, who stood for a tremendous cultural optimism, a firm belief in the creative powers of human beings, freedom and justice, had a major impact in the paradigm change which occurred in the value system in the US ever since, and the transformation from a basic optimism about what man can accomplish in shaping a better future for humanity, to the present social mayhem. A great number of Civil Rights leader, who had worked with King, have over the years given an elaborated picture to this writer about the reality of the existence of two Americas, a black America, which is completely aware of the white America, which is the only one the white population perceives, and then the black America, which in some areas looks more like enclaves of the third world in terms of living standard, access to food, quality of housing and health care, etc.

Recently, after a whole series of police killings of black citizens on top of a high crime rate and black on black shootings, the eight minute long horrific murder of the Afro American George Lloyd by a policeman, filmed with brutal clarity with a smartphone and spread through the internet around the world, has set off a wave of protest in many American cities. Initially most of the protesters were genuinely upset about the manifestation of racism, which no black person in the US denies exists, unless they have been corrupted and belong to that relatively small upper crust of media-public relations-academic-intelligentsia section, who “have made it” and therefore think like the establishment.

But very quickly these protests were kidnapped by violent groupings of different stripes, The larger context for the outbreak of riots is the relentless war, which the neoliberal establishment of the US and Great Britain and their intelligence services, which are shortened often being called the “Deep State,” have conducted first against the presidential candidate and then President Donald Trump. His election victory in 2016 upset their control of the US, and with it the special relationship between Great Britain and the US, upon which the present form of the British Empire and its conception of a unipolar world order rests. Trump had dared to promise to bring the relation with Russia in order, end the “endless wars,” and give a voice to the “forgotten men,” who Hillary Clinton had called disdainfully the “deplorables”.

The riots which broke out in several US cities were instrumentalized to be part of various scenarios to actually overturn the American Constitution. Interest groups, such as Transition Integrity Project (TIP) and related organizations have put out game plans which give cause for the assumption that the various violence-prone street forces, such as Antifa, Black Lives Matter, etc., could actually have a role in being the pretext of what some retired military forces, such as Col. Richard Black, former chief of the Army Criminal Law Division, Office of the Judge Advocate General at the Pentagon, are warning could lead to a military coup in the context of the US election. This has led to the strange situation, where proponents of one side of the political isle call these riots “peaceful protests,” while the vast majority of the Afro Americans, and citizens of the violence affected cities completely reject the violence, which goes along with vandalism against statues of American history and even figures, who were heroes in the fight against slavery.

Most of the ideology of these protest groups are derivatives of the influence of the Frankfurt School, which was a CIA-sponsored cultural warfare project in the postwar period after the Word War II, which targeted values such as “hard work, rational thinking, the nuclear family, morality, belief in God” as characteristics of an “authoritarian personality,” which therefore had to be fought against. The latest result of a long chain of such changes in values is the LGTB culture and the so-called “identity politics,” which separate the different sociological groups according to their sexual preferences, or cultural, ethnic, or political likings. The net result of these changes in outlook is a new segregation and the complete opposite of what Martin Luther King had been fighting for, namely, that human beings should not be judged by their color, but by the content of their character.

It is for these reasons, despite the fact that there are social tensions and political polarization in the US that threaten any cohesion of society and actually the foundations of the US as a constitutional republic, that the incredibly rich heritage of King and the Civil Rights Movement are not mentioned up to now. But it should be obvious, that while the historic predicates are very different, that the essential roots of the conflict are located in the same de facto unsurmountable conflicts as both Gandhi’s and King’ s fights. The issue in all of these cases is the same: the effect of an imperial order, which denies the basic human rights to large sections of the population, and the point, where these injustices become unbearable, as it is mentioned in the American Declaration of Independence.

There is a very specific way that the spirit of Mahatma Gandhi and the tradition of Martin Luther King can show the way to a constructive approach in respect to the violent demonstrations in the United States, or France, or any country where they are taking place. The principle of Sarvodaya can be the spark for a nonviolent strategy to address the problem. Since it is the young people of this world whose future is the most threatened by the combination of the pandemic and the economic crisis, there needs to be a perspective that addresses the problem of the pandemic, and at simultaneously gives them a concrete way for productive tasks. As was discussed in the second section of this article, the Covid-19 pandemic and future pandemics can only be dealt with if every single country on the planet have modern health systems, and that requires much larger cadre of trained medical personnel than presently available.

There is presently an effort underway to set up a Committee in the U.S., Europe, and Africa to organize partnerships between universities, clinics, hospitals, and medical facilities. The task of these partnerships is to train unemployed youth, to first become medical auxiliaries and then medical personnel, on the model of Roosevelt’s Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC). In poorer segments of the population. the necessary health measures to combat the pandemic are not necessarily familiar, so the first step will be to train young people and deploy into the communities or villages to teach the population what to do. In Tuskegee (Alabama), Tennessee and St. Louis (Missouri) there is the beginning of such activities involving retired doctors, healthcare workers, and local police in confidence-building measures such as home visits. This is crucial given the general confusion in the population as a result of the spread of conspiracy theories against masks, vaccines, etc., and ignorance about how infection spreads. At the same time, one can initiate more in-depth medical training of these youth to become doctors, nurses, and health workers.

The aim is further to rapidly start work in African partnership projects for the joint training and deployment of American, European and African youth, who can be build up with the help of medical personal, churches, and disaster-control organizations to provide the same services to the populations here. Because of the famine, the distribution of foodstuffs must be added, and this work will be quickly expanded to include training in infrastructure building, farming, and industrial projects. There are many farmers, young and old, in various countries who have been responsive and would regard it as an honor to help out in a crisis moment like this.
call for the creation of this committee says: “As soon as these projects take on a concrete form, they will spark the kind of enthusiasm that all great pioneer projects can generate, despite the seriousness of the situation, and they will give future prospects to many young people who would otherwise be dragged into social revolts and violent activities.”

As mentioned, such a private initiative (direct civil action) in the tradition of the non-violent actions of Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, cannot, by itself, solve the gigantic challenge before us. But it can provide a practical example of how people of good will can intervene in an otherwise desperate situation and point to the required solution. These concrete examples will then encourage governments, or put pressure on them, to join forces and create, through a new credit system, the framework to permanently overcome underdevelopment in the developing countries.

This multifaceted initiative will accomplish many things at once: it will support people against the pandemic, it will create a future for youth, and it will help to overcome poverty by initiating real economic development.

These three examples: the paradigm shift in international relations, the need for a world health system, and the direct social action for the youth, show the eminent importance and the absolute relevance of the philosophy of Gandhi for an approach to the greatest challenges of our time. His idea of self-ennoblement can also be the basis for a dialogue of cultures among those philosophers and poets who also have an elevated image of man. Such a dialogue will help to catalyze a cultural renaissance, which is so urgently needed to save the world from the present civilizational crisis we are in. But most important, is to kindle within people the love for which Gandhiji stands, so that more people can become great souls.

Hvad der står på spil er hvilket paradigme der kommer ud af denne situation

25. oktober (EIRNS) — I sit ugentlige webcast den 22. oktober sammenfattede Helga Zepp-LaRouche, grundlægger af Schiller Instituttet, hvad der står på spil ved det amerikanske præsidentvalg den 3. november og ugerne umiddelbart efter, både for USA og for verden.

”Hvad står der på spil her? Man havde en rigsretssag mod præsident Trump og i det mindste et forsøg på domsfældelse med beskyldningen om, at han havde truet med at tilbageholde hjælp til Ukraine, hvis de ikke ville dække over at han var involveret. Nu er realiteten, at nøjagtig det modsatte skete. Hvad de under rigsretssagen beskyldte Trump for at have gjort er, hvad Joe Biden rent faktisk gjorde”!

Zepp-LaRouche fortsatte: ”Det der står på spil her er ikke kun et spørgsmål om, hvem der vinder valget, men spørgsmålet er: Vil USA forblive en republik og vende tilbage til de grundlæggende fædres idé om, at det er en forfatningsmæssig republik; eller vil det blive et imperium, der grundlæggende styres af det særlige forhold mellem USA og Storbritannien, som det rent faktisk unipolære britiske imperium? Betydningen af dette er gigantisk, og jeg tror, at alt afhænger af at få Biden-historien ud, som han og briterne er så desperate efter at dække over…

”Så, hvad der virkelig står på spil her, er spørgsmålet om krig og fred, for der er ingen tvivl om, at ‘Biden-dagsordenen’ er at bringe hele krigspartimaskinen tilbage – man behøver blot at se på rollebesætningen, og hvad de har sagt om Rusland og Kina”.

Zepp-LaRouche understregede den underliggende økonomiske krise, der driver briterne og deres malthusianske grønne dagsorden, såvel som deres geopolitiske balancegang. ”Hvad der står på spil, er spørgsmålet om hvilket paradigme der kommer ud af denne situation som vinder. For med finanskrisen, den tydeligt voksende pandemi, næsten overalt undtagen i Kina, en utrolig hungersnød i Afrika samt en sammenbrudt realøkonomi, er det meget klart, at disse mennesker har til hensigt at forsvare deres døde system for enhver pris: inddæmme Rusland, inddæmme Kina og igangsætte et geopolitisk spil, der indeholder kimen til 3. Verdenskrig.

Mennesker bliver testet: krig eller fred, sult eller udvikling, afhænger af individer, der handler for det fælles bedste, bekræftede Zepp-LaRouche. Det betyder, at vi må mobilisere for at sikre Trumps rungende genvalg, og det inkluderer mobilisering for at handle på den presserende appel fra LaRouches sydafrikanske leder, Phillip Tsokolibane, til præsident Trump og til hele verdenen om at handle for at stoppe den truende sult for snesevis af millioner i Afrika, og for at bringe en endelig afslutning på det ‘britiske system for folkedrab’, som er Joe Bidens største sponsor.

Sandhedens styrke – transatlantiske initiativer imod det britiske overvågningsnetværk

6. oktober (EIRNS) — Domstolen for Den Europæiske Union (EU-Domstolen) afsagde I dag i Luxembourg dom over Storbritanniens overvågningspraksis med massedataindsamling og -lagring, og fastsatte restriktioner for dataindsamling baseret på “alvorlig trussel mod den nationale sikkerhed”. Denne domstol har tidligere besluttet, at pagten mellem EU og USA om deling af overvågningsdata er ugyldig, fordi amerikansk national sikkerhedslov og praksis ikke beskytter europæere ordentligt. Dette kommer kun måneder efter at en skandale brød ud i Danmark om, at den amerikanske Nationale Sikkerhedstjeneste, NSA, samt britiske forbindelser i årevis har høstet data fra en kommunikationscentral i Danmark, hvilket muliggør masseovervågning af mennesker i hele Eurasien. Der har været flere skandaler i de sidste årtier, herunder at den amerikanske efterretningstjeneste tappede data fra den tyske kansler Angela Merkels mobiltelefon.

EU-Domstolen er ikke et magtfuldt agentur til håndhævelse, men sagen er, at dens afgørelse i dag ligger i tråd med skridt fra præsident Donald Trump og andres side for at afsløre omfanget og hensigten med de lovløse, tværnationale efterretningsnetværk. Deres herkomst er de britiske efterretningstjenester. De må lukkes ned.

I går sagde stabschef i Det Hvide Hus, Mark Meadows, at han har ordrer fra præsident Trump om at fremskynde frigivelsen af dokumenter til offentligheden – for indeværende hemmeligstemplede – hvilket vil afsløre overvågning og beskidte operationer, der blev brugt imod hans kandidatur og præsidentskab, på kritiske tidspunkter i 2016 og siden da. “Oprigtigt har han bedt mig om at få sat gang i afklassificering som opfølgning på nogle af de anmodninger, som kongresmedlem Devin Nunes og andre har fremsat”. Nunes (R-CA), højtstående medlem af Efterretningsudvalget i Repræsentanternes Hus, talte den 4. oktober på Fox TV, og beskrev hvilket materiale der skulle frigives, hvis ikke de agenturer, der er involveret i hemmeligholdelsen, skal suspenderes fra at arbejde i det hele taget.

Dette er tegn på sandhedens styrke. At afsløre og stoppe de lovløse netværk har været missionerne for de tidligere eksperter fra NSA og ‘whistleblowers’, William Binney, Kirk Wiebe og andre, der i tæt samarbejde med LaRouche-bevægelsen har leveret detaljerede “retsvidenskabelige beviser” for, hvordan netværkerne fungerer.

Se på, hvorfor general Michael Flynn (fhv.) er blevet så ubarmhjertigt, lovløst forfulgt – fordi han vidste besked om disse beskidte netværk og blev udnævnt af Trump som national sikkerhedsrådgiver. Dokumentationen for dette er beskrevet i et nyt indlæg i dag på LaRouchePAC, “Why Won’t They Give Up on Flynn? Because It Leads Right to Obama/Biden”. (”Hvorfor lader de ikke Flynn være? Fordi det leder direkte til Obama/Biden”).

I dag, den 6. oktober, markerer en særlig dato i den forræderiske historik for undergravende viksomhed, idet der for 34 år siden blev gennemført et væbnet angreb fra FBI og andre agenturer mod boligen i Virginia og kontorer tilknyttet Lyndon LaRouche og Helga Zepp-LaRouche, med det formål at lukke fuldstændigt ned for deres organisationer og indflydelse, og endda – hvilket senere blev afsløret – at fremprovokere skyderi, hvor de kunne blive dræbt. Skønt dette ekstreme udfald heldigvis ikke skete, var de følgende år vidne til domsfældelse og fængsling af LaRouche og flere af hans medarbejdere. Se “LaRouche and Trump: The Time for Reckoning Is Now.” ( LaRouche og Trump: Afregningens time er kommet).

Helga Zepp-LaRouche reflekterede i dag over razziaen om morgenen den 6. oktober 1986, og pointerede overfor kollegerne, at ”vores organisations historie er absolut vævet sammen med nutidens begivenheder… Dette er ikke bare nogle historier fra fortiden, men noget, der virker ind i nutiden”. Og, sagde hun, hvad vi gør nu vil være bestemmende for fremtiden. Det fremgår klart af alt dette, at Lyndon LaRouches oprejsning er afgørende. Det er et spørgsmål om lederskab. Der kommer intet lederskab fra G20 eller lignende formationer. Vi er kaldet til at mobilisere imod det globalistiske overvågningsapparat som en del af optrapningen for en kursændring blandt nationer, væk fra centralbankernes forfejlede program, digital valuta, grøn galskab, og hen imod samarbejde mellem nationer for at besejre pandemien, det økonomiske sammenbrud samt krigsfaren, og opbygning af en lys fremtid for alle.

Mindehøjtidelighed for LaRouche-bevægelsen leder Phil Rubinstein

Vi bringer den smukke mindehøjtidelighed for Phil Rubinstein, som fandt sted i New Jersey, USA, den 4. oktober 2020. Han var et enestående og beskedent menneske og omsorgsfuld leder, med stor indsigt i videnskab, filosofi, historie, økonomi og politik.

Nogle af jer kendte Phil fra møder i Danmark, når han var på besøg i sin hustru Lenis hjemmeland.

Afskrifter af mindetaler af Helga Zepp-LaRouche og Harley Schlanger findes nedenunder.

Her er to LaRouchePAC-film, som Phil medvirkede i.

The Extraordinary Genius of Albert Einstein:

1932: A True History of the United States

Helga Zepp-LaRouche Remarks at the Phil Rubinstein Memorial October 4, 2020

Dear Leni, dear friends of Phil Rubinstein:

We are gathering here today to honor our great companion, teacher, and friend, Phil Rubinstein. I can’t help but think that at a moment when the whole human civilization is in such a fragile condition, that the world must suffer the loss of such an exceptional person like Phil, who was one of the very few people who had a deep understanding about the scientific ideas of Lyn, which are so crucial for the world to overcome its present situation.

Lyn always said to me that he thought that Phil was completely integral. He was one of the most reliable persons; he would always try to get at the essence of the scientific ideas, and making them intelligible for everybody. He had no respect for academic formalism or academic personas. He was actually a kind of Socrates, who made it his life’s vocation to teach and educate the youth. His writings are very important, but even more important was the direct impact he had on hundreds, and over the decades, thousands of people whom he introduced to scientific ideas which would change their lives, and to Lyn’s method of thinking. He was always concerned to look for breakthroughs in real science, and he would not get stuck in questions of mathematics or molecular biology, where science has been stuck for a very long time.

Phil made it his mission to communicate effectively the knowability of Lyn’s idea, that creativity per se is the essence and the substance of the universe, because the human mind is not outside the universe, but it is the most developed part of that universe. Phil also had a very clear identity and understanding of the role of imagination in scientific breakthrough. That is because he had no fear of formalism; and especially in the foundation of the organization in the 1970s, he had an absolutely crucial role. It is not an accident that there are still so many people from the original Buffalo local in the organization. He had no respect for scientific bluster, which some people at that time clearly had, and also not for the effort to get lower-level influence. It soon would turn out that those people didn’t have the strength to stay within the organization.

Phil played an absolutely crucial role also in the recruitment of the LYM — the LaRouche Youth Movement — on the West Coast and beyond. Phil was, and everybody has funny stories about that, was an absolute expert in the animal kingdom, and he knew the behaviors of many different animals very much in detail. He knew what skills these animals had, but he also never tired of emphasizing that there is a fundamental difference between all the animal species and the human mind. From the same standpoint, he rejected the idea that it would be possible at any moment that artificial intelligence or computers would bypass human creativity.

If you read the beautiful Festschrift which was pulled together for this occasion of the memorial, and actually to pay tribute to Phil’s impact on people, you can actually see how much impact he had on people and how much love he caused them to experience for him and for humanity. Phil represented the kind of leadership where he was leading through inspiration, and never emphasizing his rank or his importance. Everybody who knew Phil was convinced and spoke of the absolute deep goodness of his character, the gentleness of his soul. He was incapable of any nastiness. He had a very genial absence of any ego. He was humble in his manners, yet very bold in his intellect.

Together with Leni, they had a very exceptional relationship and marriage. There are many marriages which are good or even excellent, but there are those where the couple is becoming almost one because they are becoming so complementary in the way they think. That is for sure the case about Leni and Phil; that was known around the world from Taiwan to Denmark, from the North to the South. I could name a couple of such extraordinary couples, but without doing that, I want to already put Phil and Leni on such a short list.

It is very clear that we cannot replace Phil, but we can honor his contribution to the LaRouche movement and mankind by striving for scientific and artistic breakthroughs, and reach out to the many young minds around the world with the solemn commitment to pull back the human species from the abyss where it finds itself at this moment.

We will miss you, Phil, but you will always be alive in our fight.

Harley Schlanger Eulogy for Phil Rubinstein

Oct. 5 (EIRNS) — Eulogy for Phil Rubinstein Memorial Event, by Harley Schlanger, October 4, 2020

Dear Leni, Richard, Dear Friends and Colleagues,

When I think of Phil Rubinstein, our beloved colleague and mentor, friend and counsellor, two Yiddish words keep coming to mind; two words with both a simple meaning when applied to everyday life, but words which also contain within them a shadow of the Infinite.

These two words are TSOURIS and NACHES.

The simple definition of Tsouris is the pain and suffering one experiences in daily life, the troubles, the woes, the grief and aggravation which are often our everyday companion. Tsouris is experienced when we have setbacks, as when our efforts to find solutions to difficult problems are dashed, or when we or others fail to live up to our expectations, or, as today, when we are confronted with the loss of a loved one.

Naches is defined as proud pleasure, or special joy, such as that which accompanies seeing the first glint of understanding in the eyes of a baby, when watching a child learning to read, or play a musical instrument, as there is a glimpse in that moment of a future potential which warms the heart of any sentient adult.

In everyday life, these two emotional states, which seem to be such opposites, often coexist. We learned this from Sholem Aleichem, who provided profound insights into the human condition, through the eyes of his poor dairyman, Tevye. Tevye had seven daughters: for him, this was, on the one hand, a blessing, a source of Naches, as he took delight as he watched them grow; but, on the other hand, it was a source of Tsouris, for as they grew, he felt helpless when they were confronted by problems, many of which were related to being the daughters of a poor dairyman. An additional source of Tsouris was that he must provide seven dowries, if he wished to see them properly married — “Oy”, one can hear him sigh, from the rickety milk wagon pulled by his lame horse, through the rutted roads of the Russian shtetl of Yehupetz, “what’s a Mensch to do?” followed by a wistful, “Ah, but such is life.”

With Phil, these moments of Tsouris in everyday life involved such perplexing problems as how can we pay the office rent and taxes, and still have enough money to feed the 50 or so youth we have recruited? And Naches resulted when he saw those 50 or so youth recruit another 50 or more — of course, bringing with them, future Tsouris.

But with Phil, the higher meaning of these two concepts was ever-present in his search for the meaning of human existence, which was often the real subject of his classes and briefings. Both contain within them a deep longing for a better world, even as we know that such a world will still contain hardships and even bitter disappointments. But that world is also one which can be changed by human creativity.

To me, it is clear that Phil discovered that there is both Tsouris and Naches in his life-long investigation of the struggle of humans to advance from a simple hunting and gathering society, to our complex world today, a history which includes great tragedies, of awful suffering, many of which could have been avoided, had wisdom prevailed; as well as great universal triumphs, such as the defeat of evil by the allies, under FDR’s leadership, which ended the Second World War, or the footsteps left by American astronauts in the dust on the Moon.

Phil was fascinated by the full scope of the three phase spaces that we know of — the non-living, the living, and the noetic — and by the dynamic interaction between them. His hunger for discovery was insatiable, to the last days of his life. And he took great pleasure in sharing with others what he had learned, not just as presenting “facts” or “plausible explanations” of historic events or scientific discoveries, but in providing insights into the workings of his mind, as he struggled to get to the inner truths behind these developments. Even as we burst into laughter as he described such things as the war between “eternal enemies” — the hyenas and the lions — and mocked the irony that Californians would turn to an ego-driven Austrian bodybuilder to address a $30 billion budget deficit — we marvelled at his tenacity in investigating the nature of the concept of the Infinite, his rigor in tackling the difficulties inherent in Gödel’s Proof, or Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, and his patient willingness to provide others with the method of his own discoveries. He didn’t just teach us about Socrates, but provided us with a living example of the Socratic method.

In this process, even as we sometimes had to struggle to grasp the ideas he was presenting, we were moved by his humble nature, and his generosity of spirit. Many have shared their stories of watching Phil at a cadre school, polemically challenging young people long after midnight, by the dying embers of a bonfire in the mountains, passionately demonstrating his commitment to their development.

As in the example of his mentor, Lyndon LaRouche, Phil cared little for the societal norms that defined success. Lyn often teased Phil, referring to him as a “Luft-Mensch,” a type of Jewish scholar who was too thin, as he was too poor to eat, but lived on the air he breathed.

As in the case of Lyn, Phil long ago entered the sacred realm of the Simultaneity of Eternity. If one had an opportunity to spend time with him, you found yourself transported, if only momentarily, into the domain of infinite possibility. For in Phil, as in the case of Lyn, one experienced a profound appreciation for the Leibnizian concept, that “this is the best of all possible worlds” — this was not a slogan, but a physical, mental and emotional reality, which included a profound challenge to each of us, to make ourselves the best of all possible examples for those who work with us today, and those who will come after us.

It is in this realm of the infinite expanse of time and space, where Phil now dwells. We saw that, even in his struggles with his health in recent years, he gave us everything he had. Along with his Leni, for whom he had an infinite love, he touched many of us, making us better people, as he prepared us to deal with the moments of Tsouris and Naches we will encounter in our lives. I miss you terribly, Phil, but your living presence will remain an inspiration to me, and I know, for many others.

And for that, we shall be eternally, and infinitely, grateful.

Schiller Instituttets videokonference for unge lørdag den 26. september 2020 kl. 16 dansk tid:
Verdens valg: Udrydelse eller LaRouches æra. Unge kan deltage aktivt via Zoom.
Alle kan se konferencen via YouTube.

Vær med på Schiller Instituttets eksemplarisk online-konference, for studerende og unge over hele verden. Deltagerne får mulighed for at gå i dialog med Helga Zepp-LaRouche og andre fremtrædende paneldeltagere.

Unge: Tilmelding for at deltage aktivt via Zoom:

Hvor ville menneskeheden være i dag, hvis Lyndon LaRouche – og hans ideer – ikke var blevet uretfærdigt fængslet, gennem det der er blevet beskrevet som “bevidst og systematisk embeds- og magtmisbrug” og et “tragisk justitsmord”? Hvis hans ideer var blevet hørt uden fordomme i den nationale og internationale politisk debat, havde vi måske allerede udviklet en videnskabelig koloni på Månen, udryddet fattigdom for altid og mestret fusionskraft, hvilket ville have ført til en global økonomisk og videnskabelig renæssance. I dag er behovet for hans frifindelse måske mere presserende end nogensinde.

Schiller Institute indkaldte til en ekstraordinær online-konference for at diskutere LaRouches frifindelse. Deltagerne var unge fra mere end 25 lande fra alle verdensdele. Sagen om LaRouches frifindelse blev præsenteret for dem af nogle af dem, der kender allermest til den;
LaRouches enke, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, ledere, der kæmpede for hans prøveløsladelse og efterfølgende frifindelse – Jozef Mikloško, tidligere vicepremierminister for den tjekkiske og slovakiske føderale republik; Marino Elsevyf, advokat i den Dominikanske Republik; og Theo Mitchell, tidligere statssenator fra North Carolina – samt LaRouches kollegaer, som blev sendt i fængsel sammen med ham, Paul Gallagher og Dennis Small.
Videoklip af LaRouches ledende advokat, Odin Anderson, den tidligere statsadvokat Ramsey Clark og Lyndon LaRouche selv, som alle vidnede i LaRouche-sagen ved de “uafhængige høringer om misbrug af det amerikanske justitsministerium” i 1995, udpenslede de forbrydelser, der var blevet begået.

Programmet på engelsk:
Panel 1: “The World Needs the Exoneration of Lyndon LaRouche”
10:00 AM – 1:00 PM EDT Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Founder and Chairman, Schiller Institute

– Jozef Mikloško, Former Deputy Prime Minister of the Czech and Slovak Federative Republic
– Marino Elsevyf, Attorney-at-Law, Dominican Republic, Member of 1995 MLK Tribunal
– Paul Gallagher, EIR Economics Editor, Former Political Prisoner
– Dennis Small, EIR Ibero-American Editor, Former Political Prisoner

Panel 2: LaRouches idéer præsenteret af unge:
“Videnskab, kultur og store projekter i en global renæssance”


– Yao Fei, Ministerråd for Folkerepublikken Kinas ambassade i Spanien: “Kinas syn”.
– Michele Geraci, tidligere italiensk viceminister for økonomisk udvikling.
– Marcelo Muñoz, grundlægger og præsident emeritus, Cátedra Kina, Spanien: “Kina og Vesten: To verdener”.
– Helga Zepp-LaRouche, grundlægger og præsident, Schiller Instituttet, Tyskland: “Konfutse og Schiller: menneskets æstetiske uddannelse”.
– Dr. Ángel Álvarez, ingeniør, Cátedra Kina, Spanien: “Kinas svagheder i informations- og kommunikationsteknologi i lyset af den aktuelle konflikt med USA”.
– Jacques Cheminade, præsident for Solidarité & Progrès, Frankrig: “Økonomisk sameksistens for at overvinde geopolitik”.

Præsentationer om:

• Verdenslandbroen: udryd fattigdom for altid.

• Tunnellen under Bering-strædet: Forbind verdens kontinenter

• En alliance blandt præsidenter: LaRouches plan for Latinamerika

• LaRouches plan for Afrika: springet ind i et nyt paradigme

• Europas udvikling og en mission for de unge

• Johannes Kepler og sansernes dårskab

• Tænk som Beethoven!

• Kreativitet i en tid med kunstig intelligens

• Alexander Hamilton, LaRouche og kreditsystemet

Panel I: At overvinde geopolitik: Hvorfor et P-5-topmøde er presserende nødvendigt nu  
Hovedtale af Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Schiller Instituttets stifter og internationale præsident 

Se alle fire paneler her.

Ordstyrer Dennis Speed dedikerede konferencen til to af LaRouchebevægelsens langvarige medlemmer, Ted Andromidas og Phil Rubinstein, der døde for nyligt. Derefter blev der afspillet en video med et uddrag af en tale af Lyndon LaRouche (1922-2019).     


   DENNIS SPEED: For at påbegynde vores første panel i dag er det mig en ære at introducere Helga Zepp-LaRouche, grundlægger og præsident for Schiller Instituttet.   


   HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Jeg hilser jer, hvor end I befinder jer på Jorden, og lad mig i dette meget farlige øjeblik i historien fortælle jer om formålet med denne konference. Hvis menneskeheden skal formå at overvinde den nuværende trussel mod vores eksistens, så må denne konference – samt mobilisering af netværk over hele verden, som er i kontakt med os – skabe en vigtig intervention, der kan trække verden tilbage fra afgrundens rand, atomkrigens afgrund, og dermed – og dette er ikke en overdrivelse – den mulige udslettelse af den menneskelige art! 


Formålet med denne konference i Schiller Instituttet er at foreslå koncepter og løsninger til den indeværende hidtil usete krise. Vi har – som aldrig før – en kombination af en pandemi, der er ude af kontrol, hungersnød, den største økonomiske krise siden afslutningen af 2. verdenskrig, et verserende finansielt sammenbrud og – mest fatalt – risikoen for en ny verdenskrig, samt, sidst men ikke mindst, en dyb kulturel krise. På grund af den enorme størrelsesorden af disse forbundne kriser, kan der ikke være separate løsninger for disse problemer, eller delvise aspekter heraf. Hvad, der er behov for, er et helt nyt paradigme, en løsning på et højere niveau end det, hvorpå alle disse kriser brød ud. Vi er nødt til at skifte til et nyt niveau for tænkning; noget, som Nikolaus Cusanus kaldte »Coincidentia Oppositorum«, modsætningernes sammenfald. 


Hvorfor befinder vi os på randen af krig, og hvorfor kan den nuværende konfrontation meget hurtigt blive en ny verdenskrig? Det korte svar er, fordi det britiske imperium hellere risikerer udslettelsen af den menneskelige art end at lade imperiet erstattes af et system med suveræne republikker. Lige siden præsident Trump til deres overraskelse vandt valget i 2016, har et ubarmhjertigt kupforsøg udfoldet sig, tilskyndet af MI6 i samarbejde med Obama-administrationens efterretningsapparat. Russiagate, som vi vil høre om fra [fhv. teknisk chef for USA’s Nationale Sikkerhedsagentur NSA] Bill Binney, en indsats for en bedragerisk rigsretssag, og et igangværende oprør fra dem, som Trump selv benævner det militær-industrielle kompleks og »den dybe stat« – herunder med voldelige optøjer. 


Ikke alene lovede Trump i 2016, at han ville arbejde for at genoprette forholdet til Rusland – hvilket Russiagate som helhed var designet til at modvirke – men fra Det britiske Imperiums synspunkt var hans præsidentembede et uheld, som aldrig skulle have været tilladt. Tag i betragtning, hvad I netop har hørt i videoklippet med Lyndon LaRouche, hvilket stadig er sandt i dag. Det grundlæggende strategiske spørgsmål i dag er, at der i det væsentlige er to politikker, som står i grundlæggende modsætning til hinanden: Den ene er Det britiske Imperium og den anden er forbundet med principperne i USA’s uafhængighedserklæring og indledningen til USA’s forfatning.    



Den grundlæggende konflikt   

Hele historien igennem de sidste 250 år i den såkaldt vestlige verden og derudover skal ses i perspektivet af denne grundlæggende konflikt. Det britiske Imperium forligede sig aldrig med tabet af deres mest dyrebare koloni. De forsøgte at vinde den tilbage med krigen i 1812, samt i borgerkrigen, hvor Storbritannien åbenlyst var allieret med Sydstaterne. Efter at de indså, at de ikke kunne vinde Amerika tilbage militært, besluttede de at undergrave det amerikanske etablissement for at få dem til at vedtage modellen for Det britiske Imperium fra det britiske Round Table og Fabian Society til H.G. Wells ’»Open Conspiracy« og læren fra William Yandell Elliott, mentoren for et helt samfund af anglofile fra Kissinger til Samuel Huntington og Zbignew Brzezinksi. Med administrationerne under Bush junior og senior samt Obama – Clinton var i det mindste opmærksom på problemet – lykkedes den britiske overtagelse af amerikansk politik endelig. »Project for a New American Century« (Projektet for et nyt amerikansk århundrede), PNAC,  var etablissementets svar på Sovjetunionens sammenbrud og havde sigte på endelig at realisere Bertrand Russels utopi for et verdensimperium: en unipolar verden, hvor alle genstridige regeringer efterfølgende skulle elimineres gennem farvede revolutioner, regimeskifte, interventionistiske krige eller direkte mord, som i tilfældet med Gaddafi. 


Og her var så Trump, der ønskede at normalisere forholdet til Rusland, afslutte de uendelige krige, bringe de amerikanske tropper hjem, og som i starten af hans periode endda talte om venskab med præsident Xi Jinping. 


Der er også andre udtryk for det samme forsøg på at etablere en unipolær verden. I løbet af de seneste år og måneder har der i stigende grad været en acceleration i geopolitiske konfrontationer med Rusland og Kina, der sigter mod at isolere Rusland og inddæmme Kina,  regimeskifte imod præsidenterne Putin og Xi Jinping, samt fuldstændig økonomisk afkobling fra Rusland og Kina – til trods for de strategiske realiteter – for at tvinge verden tilbage under den unipolære »regelbaserede« orden, der køres under kontrol af det angloamerikanske »særlige forhold«. 


Det seneste aspekt af dette er operationen omkring den påståede forgiftning af Navalny med den kemiske nervegift Novichok – berømt fra Skripal-sagen – som angiveligt dokumenteret af et specielt laboratorium i det tyske forsvar i samråd med det britiske laboratorium i Porton Down, Salisbury, som spillede en meget mærkelig rolle i Skripal-affæren. Forskerne bag udviklingen af Novichok, Leonid Rink og Vladimir Uglev, sagde grundlæggende, at hvis der var brugt Novichok, ville Navalny være død, og alle andre mennesker, der havde haft kontakt med ham, ville være blevet forurenet. Så det er totalt latterligt. Hvis Putin ville have Navalny dræbt, hvorfor skulle han så lade flyet lande i Omsk? Hvorfor ikke bruge tiden på hospitalet der til at dræbe ham? Hvorfor ikke nægte ham at blive fløjet til Tyskland? 


En meget tvivlsom rolle i dette spilles af »Cinema for Peace Foundation«, der betalte for et special-team af læger og hyrede et dyrt chartret fly i flere dage. Hvis man ser på, [hvem der sidder i] den internationale komité for denne organisation, finder man Gary Gasparov, David de Rothschild, brødrene Klitschko, Joschka Fischer og andre. Af en eller anden grund bragte Merkel denne sag op på EU- og NATO-niveau. Berygtede høge som Norbert Röttgen, krævede øjeblikkeligt – som en vred, knurrende hund, der blev sluppet løs –  »Lad os nu ophæve Nordstream II«. 


Så hvis man ser på »cui bono« (hvem har gavn) i denne sag, er det tydeligvis ikke Putin. Det gavner klart den side, der ønsker økonomisk afkobling fra Rusland og Kina. At afkoble Rusland og ramme Tyskland på samme tid. 



Forhøjet international spænding   

Igennem de seneste uger har der været en acceleration i antallet af militære flyhændelser, der var tæt på at udvikle sig til ulykker, hvilket er et udtryk for den øgede internationale spænding. Et par eksempler ud af mange:    


Et amerikansk kampfly kom ind i luftrummet i det nordlige Kina, hvor PLA (People Liberation Army, den kinesiske hær, red.) holdt en øvelse med skarp ammunition. Kineserne reagerede ved at opsende to missiler fra to forskellige steder til i det sydkinesiske hav. I forbindelse med en NATO-øvelse, der blev afholdt samtidigt i alle NATO-medlemslandene, fløj B-52-bombefly over Østersøen og blev stoppet af en skarp »intercept« af to russiske Su-27-kampfly. Der var også »intercept« af et RC-135 rekognosceringsfly over Sortehavet. Der blev også opsendt et russisk MiG-31-kampfly fra Nordflåden for at afskære et P-3C Orion maritimt patruljefly fra det norske luftvåben over Barentshavet. Rusland har rapporteret om et dusin sådanne begivenheder på en måned.  


Nogle af disse »intercepts« var på meget tæt hold. Hvis der bliver begået en menneskelig fejl, kunne det øjeblikkeligt udløse en større optrapning. Folk skal reflektere over det faktum, at hvis verdensfreden på nuværende tidspunkt afhænger af en pilots flyveevner, befinder vi os i store problemer. 


Husk på, at alt imens alt dette finder sted, males fjendebilledet af Rusland og Kina hver dag i stadig mere uhyggelige farver, og virkeligheden vendes på hovedet; en farvet revolution og et nazistisk kup påbegyndt af Obama, Biden og Victoria Nuland mod Ukraine fordrejes til en fortælling om, at »Rusland ændrer grænserne til Krim med magt«; Putin forgifter sine modstandere; Kina er ansvarlig for spredningen af coronaviruspandemi og den økonomiske skade forårsaget af nedlukninger; kineserne står bag optøjer i amerikanske byer. Hvor kommer alt dette fra?  



De økonomiske udviklingsplaner af Xi og LaRouche    

I september 2013 i Kasakhstan annoncerede præsident Xi Jinping politikken for Den Nye Silkevej, som hurtigt skulle blive det største infrastrukturprogram i historien. Schiller Instituttet offentliggjorde straks derefter en 360-siders rapport, »Den nye silkevej bliver til verdens-landbroen«, en opdatering af vores økonomiske platform gennem 40 år om, hvordan man overvinder fattigdom og underudvikling i udviklingslandene. Vi var meget begejstrede, fordi der var store lighedstræk mellem Xi Jinpings politik og livsværket fra min afdøde mand, Lyndon LaRouche, og vores bevægelse, som allerede i 1975 foreslog at erstatte IMF med Den Internationale Udviklingsbank, idéen om at have en reel udviklingspolitik i udviklingslandene.    


LaRouche nedsatte allerede i 1973 en biologisk arbejdsgruppe til at undersøge, hvordan IMF-betingelserne – ved at sænke levetidsstandarden for hele generationer over en lang periode – ville øge faren for en genopståen af gamle og opståen af nye sygdomme, såsom den nuværende pandemi. 


Han udviklede Oasis-planen for Sydvestasien i 1975. Vi udarbejdede en første udviklingsplan for Afrika i 1976. I 1982 arbejdede vi med Mexicos præsident López Portillo på en plan for at udvikle Latinamerika. En 40-årig udviklingsplan til udvikling af Indien. Det strategiske forsvarsinitiativ i 1983, som var et koncept for at overkomme militærblokkene – NATO og Warszawa-pagten – samt at udnytte den hertil forbundne videnskabelige udvikling til en gigantisk teknologioverførsel til udviklingslandene. Rapporterne »Den Productive: Trekant Paris-Berlin-Wien« (1988) og »Den Eurasiske Landbro« (1991) indeholdt de mange versioner af LaRouche’s genopretningsprogram, herunder hans forskellige programmer til genopretning af USA, som fremført i forbindelse med hans præsidentkampagner. 


I Lyndon LaRouches opfattelse af fysisk økonomi er tanken, at den eneste kilde til rigdom er individets kreativitet. Opdagelsen af nye universelle fysiske principper anvendt som videnskabelig og teknologisk fremskridt i fremstillingsprocesserne, hvilket leder til en forøgelse af arbejdskraftens produktive evne og kapacitet. Dette kræver en voksende befolkning, en større grad af arbejdsdeling, en stigning i den relative potentiel befolkningstæthed samtidig med stadigt højere energigennemstrømningstætheder.   


En sådan opfattelse af økonomien vedrører naturligvis menneskebilledet. Menneskeheden ses som den hidtil eneste kendte kreative art i universet. Menneskelig kreativitet er den mest magtfulde geologiske kraft i et anti-entropisk univers under udvikling. Og det er denne kraft, der fremskynder denne udvikling på anti-entropisk vis. 


Med Xi Jinpings Nye Silkevej er verdens næststørste økonomiske magt nu i overensstemmelse med denne idé om, at overvinde underudviklingen i udviklingslandene. Dermed trækkes der også tråde tilbage til Franklin Roosevelts hensigt og hvad det oprindelige Bretton Woods-system kunne være blevet til, hvis ikke Roosevelt var død i utide. Idéen om, at fred i verden som helhed kun er muligt, hvis alle menneskers levestandard forøges. 


Dette var kontroversen mellem Roosevelt og Churchill; at stille det amerikanske system for politisk økonomi til hele verdens rådighed, i modsætning til det britiske koloniale system med dets opretholdelse af de øverste klassers privilegier på bekostning af flertallet af befolkningen – såvel de britiske undersåtter som dem, der blev underlagt i kolonierne. 


Det var forbløffende: Snart udvikledes det største infrastrukturprogram i verdenshistorien nogensinde. Med en enorm udviklingshastighed havde man snart seks store økonomiske korridorer, togforbindelser, dæmninger, broer, industriparker. I starten af 2017 var der mere end 130 bilaterale og regionale transportaftaler, 365 internationale vejruter, 4200 direkte flyvninger, der forbinder Kina med 43 Bælte og Vej-lande og 39 godstogsruter mellem Kina og Europa. I april 2017 besøgte præsident Xi Mar-a-Lago, og i maj 2017 afholdtes Bælte og Vej-Forum, som jeg var så heldig at deltage i. Og jeg oplevede, hvad der var sket. Hvordan verden havde ændret sig og blev inspireret af ånden i Den Nye Silkevej. 


Hvad denne ånd indebærer, er et perspektiv for udviklingslandene om for første gang at overvinde underudvikling. Det er muligheden for at overvinde geopolitik ved at lægge et win-win-samarbejde mellem suveræne nationalstater på bordet. Kina agtede eksplicit ikke at erstatte USA som en hegemon, men at respektere den anden parts sociale system, ikke-indblanding i de interne anliggender. En vision om den ene menneskehed og Xi Jinpings opfattelse af et fællesskab omkring menneskehedens fælles fremtid. 


I mellemtiden har der været gentagne tilbud fra Kina om at åbne Bælte og Vej-Initiativet for alle; at have win-win-samarbejde. De har gentagne gange tilbudt USA et stormagts-forhold. Det kom, der aldrig rigtigt et svar på. I november 2017 aflagde Trump et besøg i Beijing – det, som kineserne kaldte et »statsbesøg-plus« – med tilbuddet om et fuldstændigt indblik i Kinas 5000 år gamle historie. Præsident Trump talte på det tidspunkt mange gange om »Min ven, præsident Xi Jinping«. 



Det Britiske Imperium slår tilbage   

Alt dette fandt sted, og der var så godt som ingen dækning af Den Nye Silkevej i de store massemedier i over fire år! Men bag denne mur af tavshed foretog det militærindustrielle kompleks forberedelserne til en komplet geopolitisk modreaktion. Hvad, der udviklede sig, var et vildt og voldsomt modangreb – af kræfter i Det britiske Imperium – for at forhindre, at »den internationale orden efter 2. verdenskrig« – dvs. opretholdelsen af den koloniale, malthusianske kontrol over udviklingssektoren, og principperne om den »regelbaserede orden« – ville blive undermineret ved, at Rusland og Kina tilbød dem adgang til industriel og videnskabelig udvikling såsom atomkraft, infrastruktur, eller endda at springe til de mest avancerede teknologier ved at tilslutte sig »Rum-Silkevejen«. 


I december 2017 var der offentliggørelsen af den amerikanske nationale sikkerhedsstrategi NSS under ledelse af H.R. McMaster, den daværende fungerende nationale sikkerhedsrådgiver, som for første gang på en meget skarp måde definerede Rusland og Kina som geopolitiske rivaler, og udtaler:  


»Kina og Rusland udfordrer amerikansk magt, indflydelse og interesser og forsøger at udhule amerikansk sikkerhed og velstand. De er fast besluttede på at gøre økonomierne mindre frie og mindre retfærdige, at udvide deres militær og at kontrollere information og data for at undertrykke deres samfund og udvide deres indflydelse«.    


NSS-doktrinen krævede en genovervejelse af politikken i de foregående to årtier. Dette refererer til accepten af Kina i Verdenshandelsorganisationen WTO og Fukuyamas erklæring om »historiens afslutning« – troen på, at ved at integrere Rusland og Kina i de vestlige institutioner, så ville de til sidst tilslutte sig den liberale model for økonomi og det vestlige demokrati. I stedet udviklede Kina en model meget tættere på det originale amerikanske system: En meget dirigistisk politik med kinesiske karakteristika – men genoplivede samtidigt Kinas 5.000-årige historie. NSS-doktrinen antog, at »Deres inklusion ville gøre dem til godartede aktører og pålidelige partnere. I det store og hele viste denne forudsætning sig at være falsk«, konkluderes det. 


Tilbuddet fra Bælte- og Vej-Initiativet (BRI) til udviklingslandene – og endog de EU-medlemmer, hvis økonomiske udvikling er blevet undertrykt af EU-Kommissionen, såsom de øst- og sydeuropæiske lande – om at deltage i BRI-projekterne, blev betragtet som »at skabe indbyrdes splid mellem vores allierede og partnere«. Dette ville alt sammen underminere amerikanske fordele, og derfor vil USA’s opgave være at »sikre, at amerikansk militærs overlegenhed varer ved«. 


Rusland og Kina blev betragtet som en langt mere alvorlig trussel mod USA end global terrorisme. De »udvikler avancerede våben og kapaciteter, der kan true vores kritiske infrastruktur og vores kommando- og kontrolinfrastruktur«. Kina og Rusland kaldes »revisionistiske magter«, idet det hævdes, at Kina ville forsøge at fordrive USA fra Indo-Stillehavs-regionen, udvide rækkevidden af sin statsdrevne økonomiske model og omorganisere regionen til sin egen fordel.    


Og Rusland – hvilken forbrydelse – »søger at genoprette sin stormagtstatus« (efter at Jeltsin med succes havde samarbejdet med det vestlige oligarki for at gøre Sovjetunionen til et tredjeverdens råvareproducerende og eksporterende land, og blev fornærmet af Obama som værende blot en »regional magt«. De beskylder Rusland for at forsøge at genoprette »indflydelsessfærer nær dets grænser«, fordi de ønskede at udvide NATO op til Ruslands grænser. Dette blev betragtet som generende.    


Kort sagt: »de bestrider vores geopolitiske fordele og forsøger at ændre den internationale orden til deres egen fordel«. Derfor konkluderer dokumentet, at USA og dets allierede skal bevare den militære overmagt, og overbevise modstanderne om, »at vi kan og vil besejre dem – ikke bare straffe dem – hvis de angriber USA«. 



Farlige ændringer i militærdoktriner   

Blot en måned senere, den 19. januar 2018, annoncerede Pentagon »National Defense Strategy«, et dokument, der stadig er klassificeret; denne gang under ledelse af forsvarsminister James Mattis. Det hævder:    


»Det er i stigende grad klart, at Kina og Rusland ønsker at forme en verden, der er i overensstemmelse med deres autoritære model, idet de får vetoret over andre nationers økonomiske, diplomatiske og sikkerhedsmæssige beslutninger«.    


Dokumentet understreger opbygningen af et militært beredskab til »en mere dødbringende fælles styrke«, der prioriterer beredskab til krig, afskrækker aggression i tre nøgleregioner – Indo-Stillehavet, Europa og Mellemøsten – modernisering af nøglekapaciteter, herunder atomstyrker, krigskamp-evner i rummet, cyberspace, kommandokontrol og efterretningssystemer, missilforsvar osv. 


I februar 2018 fulgte Nuclear Posture Review (NPR), der viderefører Obama-administrationens modernisering af atomvåbnene indenfor alle tre ben af »triaden« og tilføjede »supplementer«, som inkluderer udrulningen af sprænghoveder med lav sprængkraft, hvilket de hævder, ikke vil reducere tærsklen til atomkrig – som alle ved, at det gør – men som de hævder, vil hæve denne tærskel – og udstyre et mindre antal Trident ubåde med sådanne sprænghoveder med lav sprængkraft og også hav-lancerede krydsermissiler med atomsprænghoveder. 


Med frigivelsen af disse doktriner skete der også pludselig et skift i alle større transatlantiske tænketanke, som havde ignoreret BRI i fire år. Nu vedtog de alle linjen om, at Kina bliver den strategiske rival. 


I februar 2018 udsendte den tyske tænketank MERICS en undersøgelse kaldet »Authoritarian Advance« (autoritativ fremgang), som, i tråd med amerikanske tænketanke, pressede på med linjen om, at Kina er et autoritært land; Silkevejen er bare en gældsfælde; det sociale kreditsystem spionerer på egen befolkning. Dette er optrappet til den indeværende forstærkede McCarthyisme vendt mod kinesiske studerende, professorer, medier og diplomater i USA. 


En måned senere, den 1. marts, annoncerede præsident Putin nye atomvåbensystemer, det hypersonisk  Avantgardmissilkompleks, det hypersoniske Kinzhal-krydsermissil, et nyt interkontinentalt missil med en hastighed på 20 gange lydens hastighed med fremragende manøvredygtighed, og som derfor kan udmanøvrere alle eksisterende luftforsvar og missilforsvarssystemer og gøre dem overflødige, herunder atomdrevne krydsermissiler, hurtige drone-ubåde og laservåben. 


I de to et halvt år siden har USA’s forsvarsministerium gennemgået en total omorganisering i henhold til de nævnte doktriner. De tilføjede en ubåd med ballistisk missil i Ohio-klassen, som nu inkluderer et eller flere missiler, bevæbnet med W76-3-sprænghoveder med lav sprængkraft og atomvåben-bærende B-52-bombefly, der flyver inden for rækkevidden af russisk og kinesisk luftforsvar. En amerikansk rumkommando blev etableret, og en amerikansk rumstyrke blev oprettet. Rumdoktrinen gør det klart, at målet er amerikansk dominans for at forhindre Kina i at definere nye regler i rummet. Den nye øverstbefalende for US Space Force, hærgeneral James Dickinson, sagde i en nylig tale:    


»Selvfølgelig vil vi forsøge at undgå konflikter, men for at gøre det helt klart: Hvis afskrækkelse ikke lykkes, er vores ordre klar. Vi vil vinde. Jeg vil koncentrere mig om at udvikle, fremme og acceptere en kultur med rumkrig«. 


Alle disse forandringer i militærdoktrin skete i tæt koordinering med briterne. Flere uger efter at NPR blev frigivet, var den britiske minister for de væbnede styrker, Mark Lancaster, i Washington og understregede, at NPR’s politik, NSS, NDS, også var den britiske regerings politik, og at de to programmer var tæt afstemt med stærk vægt på modernisering af alle disse stridskræfter. 


Ud over Pence, der holdt den første store anti-Kina-tale i henhold til disse idéer i 2018, er det Bolton, om hvem Trump korrekt sagde, at hvis han ikke havde smidt ham ud, ville sjette verdenskrig allerede være indtruffet, FBI’s direktør Christopher Wray, National sikkerhedsrådgiver Robert O’Brien, direktør for handels- og fremstillingspolitik Peter Navarro, justitsminister William Barr, og især udenrigsminister Michael Pompeo, der har stået i spidsen for kampagnen mod Kina.    


Pompeo, der i begyndelsen af juli i år i London mødtes med de selvsamme britiske kredse, der indledte russiagate-historien og kuppet mod Trump, tweetede, at det er »fantastisk at være tilbage i London for at bekræfte »det særlige forhold«, som vi deler med vores nærmeste allierede«. Pompeo satte sig derved åbenlyst i selskab med Kissinger, som den 10. maj 1982 fremsatte disse berygtede bemærkninger i Chatham House: »Som national sikkerhedsrådgiver holdt jeg det britiske udenrigsministerium bedre informeret og tættere engageret end det amerikanske udenrigsministerium«. 



Går vi i søvne ind i Tredje Verdenskrig?    

Så i betragtning af al denne militære sabelraslen og opbygning, herunder den nylige militære rapport fra Pentagon, som skildrer Kinas militære magt fuldstændigt ude af proportion i forhold til USA’s fokus på den »asiatiske pivot«-politik, der har været på plads siden Obama administration, og rækken af 400+ militærbaser, som USA har bygget i en ring omkring Kina, og NATO’s nylige bestræbelser på at udvide sin globale politik til Indo-Stillehavet, går vi så i søvne ind i tredje verdenskrig? 


Ja og nej.    


Nej, fordi nogle af militærstrategerne åbenlyst nærer en illusion om, at en regional atomkrig kan vindes; hvilket Rusland igen og igen har advaret imod, og har designet sin egen militære doktrin med henblik på at ødelægge denne mulighed for enhver tænkende modstander. Dette blev gentaget den 2. juni i år, hvor Rusland igen offentliggjorde de betingelser, hvorunder det ville blive tvunget til at gå over til en politik med at bruge atomvåben først. 


Ja, søvngængeragtigt, for som Lyndon LaRouche skrev i en artikel, hvori han diskuterede metoderne til den britiske manipulation af befolkningen i hele verden, »The Toynbee Factor in British Grand Strategy«:    


»I en ordentlig republik (og lige nu har vi ikke en ordentlig republik) – hvilket kræfterne omkring Benjamin Franklin og George Washington forstod korrekt – er den største enkelte kilde til potentiel fare for republikken en slags fremmedgørelse af borgeren fra en rationel forståelse af de nationale politiske spørgsmål, som er fremherskende i USA i dag. Dette spiller, som vi snart vil demonstrere, direkte ind på Toynbee-syndromet«.  


Se, det er i sandhed det største problem. At vi befinder os på randen af 3. verdenskrig; noget, der kunne udløses når som helst, og for hvilket, de militære doktriner er baseret på illusioner om at kunne vinde en mulig regional atomkrig, og at krigen vil kunne stoppes, når der først er taget atomvåben i brug. Jeg tror, at alle, der har beskæftiget sig med skrifter fra sådanne personer som Ted Postol, klart kan se, at når man først har taget atomvåben i brug, så vil hele arsenalet blive brugt. Det er denne fremmedgørelse af den almindelige borger, der ikke er opmærksom på dette, ikke bekymrer sig om det, som gør folk så ekstremt modtagelige for Russiagates synkroniserede propagandakampagner. Og nu, med hensyn til Kina, som den systemiske modstander, og den samtidige internationale dæmonisering af såvel Trump som Putin og Xi.  



Hvad må der gøres?  

Vi er nødt til at vække folk op til den overhængende fare for tilintetgørelse. Vi er nødt til at mobilisere verden over for at topmødet med præsidenterne for de fem permanente medlemmer i FN’s sikkerhedsråd finder sted i denne måned. Disse præsidenter og premierministre må vende tilbage til der, hvor Franklin D Roosevelt – som de alle tidligere har omtalt positivt – ikke var i stand til at realisere sin hensigt med den originale Bretton Woods-aftale. De skal erklære deres hensigt om at afslutte kasinoøkonomien, etablere en global Glass/Steagall-lov, etablere et Nyt Bretton Woods-kreditsystem for at tilvejebringe langfristede, lavt forrentede kreditter til genstart af økonomierne i de industrialiserede lande, og give kredit til et seriøst industrialiseringsprogram for udviklingslandene; hvilket naturligvis må starte med opbygningen af et moderne sundhedssystem i hvert eneste land på planeten, så denne og fremtidige pandemier kan besejres.  


Undersøgelserne, som Schiller Instituttet udviklede, om hvordan »Den nye Silkevej bliver til Verdenslandbroen« [Fig. 1]  i kombination med et lynprogram til realisering af fusionskraft og et internationalt samarbejde om koloniseringen af Månen og Mars [Fig. 2], som præsident Trump har understreget i sit Artemis-program, kan etablere den nye økonomiske platform, hvorved alle nationer kan drage fordel af en højere produktivitet i økonomien.  


Den reelle velstand, som vil blive skabt af sådanne stormskridt i produktivitet, vil meget hurtigt kompensere for de angivelige tab forårsaget af et stop for stadigt større våbenhandel. Men i modsætning til sidstnævnte vil det øge samfundets reelle velstand i stedet for den slags primitiv akkumulering af den fysiske økonomi, forårsaget af den militære opbygning.  


Når der først er enighed om at erstatte geopolitisk konfrontation med win-win økonomisk samarbejde til menneskehedens fælles bedste, findes der et grundlag for en ny sikkerhedsarkitektur. Præsident Trump har gentagne gange udtalt, at han betragter en ny aftale om atomvåben med Rusland som det største udestående problem i verden. Topmødet bør derfor bekendtgøre, at det er hensigten at forlænge den nye START-traktat, samt atter at bekræfte princippet om at udelukke atomkrig.  


Verden står helt klart ved en korsvej, og det er op til disse fem ledere at sikre, at der ikke vælges en blindgyde, der fører til den egentlige afslutning på historien.  


Tag ikke det værste, men det bedste fra alle store kulturer  


Vi er nødt til at tilføje endnu en dimension. Vi må afvise den afstumpede populærkultur, som alle imperier til alle tider har brugt til at fordumme befolkningen, hvor man kontrollerer den ved at fornedre deres impulser, præcis ligesom romerne gjorde ved at lade masserne samles for at se drab  i cirkus og blive medskyldige i beslutningen om, hvorvidt gladiatorerne skulle leve eller dø. Og vi må drage vores konklusioner af det faktum, at Biden afslørede fordærvet af hans egen modkultur ved at forsøge at gøre sig mere attraktiv ved at samarbejde med sådanne »stjerner« som Cardi B, hvis video, WAP (Wet Ass Pussy), afslører et menneskesyn, som oligarkiet er mere end glade for at befolkningen har, fordi en befolkning, der er så fornedret, aldrig vil udfordre deres magt.  


Hvis menneskeheden skal undslippe den truende katastrofe, har alle store kulturer i verden brug for at frembringe deres bedste traditioner, de højeste idéer fra deres filosoffer og digtere, deres komponisters mest forædlede kompositioner, de smukkeste kunstværker indenfor maleri, skulptur og arkitektur. Vi bør alle blive inspireret af de skatte, som menneskeheden hidtil har produceret og begynde at tænke som patrioter og verdensborgere som en helhed. Ikke kun på planeten Jorden, men som medlemmer af den samme art, der snart vil bo sammen i en beboelse på Månen og en by på Mars. De fem ledere på det kommende topmøde må have modet til at formidle en storslået vision om fremtiden for den menneskelige art, for de millioner af genier, der endnu ikke er født, og som de er nødt til at beskytte ved at skabe et nyt paradigme i internationale relationer. Og de må tænke og handle på niveau med »Coincidentia Oppositorum«, modsætningernes sammenfald.  




Helga Zepp-LaRouche afsluttede det første panel som følger:  


»Som svar på spørgsmålet fra Virginia om, hvordan vi kan få folk til at se til stjernerne og løfte sig op over den nuværende fornedrende kultur, og jeg synes virkelig, at det er det vigtigste spørgsmål af alle, for det er min absolutte overbevisning, at enhver politik, uanset hvad den måtte være, udgår fra folks menneskesyn. Hvis man har et fornedret menneskesyn, eller hvis man tror, at kun nogle mennesker tilhører en elite, eller at andre mennesker kan betragtes som kvæg, der kan decimeres, som heloterne i Sparta eller slaverne i Rom, så dikterer dette menneskesyn alle aspekter af ens politik.  


»Så derfor mener jeg – i kombination med dette P-5 eller topmøde mellem fire stormagter, uanset hvilket det måtte være – at der er behov for et topmøde. Hvad der er brug for, hvad der absolut må inkluderes, er en renæssance af klassisk kultur. Dette er meget vigtigt, og jeg har nævnt det allerede, men jeg ved, at mange afroamerikanere synes, at hun er en stor stjerne, denne Cardi B. Men for mig er dette den absolutte inkarnation af slaveri, at acceptere en fornedret sindstilstand, og hvad vi i stedet har brug for – og jeg ved, at folk er meget ejendommelige med hensyn til deres musiksmag – men vi er i Beethoven-året (Beethovens 250-års fødselsdag, red.), og hvis man sammenligner den slags musik med den absolut ophøjende, forædlende ånd fra Beethoven og mange andre klassiske komponister – så burde det være indlysende, at hvis menneskeheden ikke løfter sig ud af dens nuværende tilstand nu, ved at gå tilbage til de største traditioner i hver kultur, så tror jeg ikke vi vil nå det.  


På den anden side er stor kultur absolut tilgængelig, og i morgen vil vi høre en smuk opførelse af sådan musik, og jeg vil gerne have folk til at reflektere over, at vi ikke løser disse problemer, med mindre vi ændrer den måde folk tænker på. Jeg er enig med Friedrich Schiller – og det er grunden til, at Schiller Instituttet er opkaldt efter ham – at det kræver stor klassisk kunst for at gennemføre æstetisk uddannelse, moralsk forædling af mennesker. Jeg kan fortælle jer, at hvis man ser på nutidens unge mennesker; hvis ikke vi forbedrer dem moralsk, hvis vi ikke gør noget, har vi ikke et snebolds chance i helvede for at komme ud af denne krise. Så spørgsmålet om kultur er den absolutte forudsætning for at løse alle disse kriser«. 

Se alle fire paneler her.


Schiller Instituttets videokonference d. 5 -6. september, foreløbigt program den 1. sept.

31. august (EIRNS) – Påmindelse: begivenheden udsendes live på Zoom og YouTube. Der vil være simultantolkning på spansk, fransk og tysk på Zoom-platformen.

Dette opdaterede program udgives også på Schiller Instituttets NationBuilder-websted:

Bevægelse hen imod krig og Armageddon – eller et nyt paradigme mellem  suveræne nationer, der er forenet af menneskehedens fælles mål?

PANEL I (lørdag 16:00 – 22:00): At overvinde geopolitik: Hvorfor et P-5-topmøde er
presserende nødvendigt nu
1. Helga Zepp-LaRouche (Tyskland), grundlægger og præsident, Schiller Instituttet

2. Andrey Kortunov (Rusland), generaldirektør for Det russiske råd for internationale Anliggender

3. Zhu Feng (Kina), professor i internationale relationer og administrerende direktør, China Center for Collaborative Studies of the South China Sea, Nanjing

4. Dr. Edward Lozansky (US), American University i Moskva; Moskow State University

5. Martin Sieff (USA), senior korrespondent for udenrigsanliggender, UPI; Senior Fellow, American University i Moskva

6. James Jatras (USA), tidligere rådgiver, det amerikanske senats republikanske lederskab

7. Spørgsmål og svar, del 1

8. Marco Zanni (Italien), formand, Europa-Parlamentets gruppe for identitet og demokrati

9. Oberst Richard H. Black (USA ret.), Tidligere leder af hærens strafferetlige afdeling i Pentagon; tidligere statssenator, Virginia

10. William Binney (USA), tidligere teknisk direktør, National Security Agency og andre

11. Spørgsmål og svar, del 2


PANEL II (21:00 – 24:00 ): Videnskabens rolle i skabelsen af menneskehedens fremtid
1. Jason Ross (USA), videnskabsrådgiver ved Schiller Instituttet

2. Dr. Bernard Bigot (Frankrig), generaldirektør for den internationale termonukleare eksperimentelle reaktor (ITER), tidligere direktør for den franske
kommission for alternativ energi og atomenergi (CEA)

3. Sergey Pulinets (Rusland), Principal Research Scientist, Space Research Institute, Det Russiske Videnskabsakademi

4. Dr. Stephen O. Dean (USA), præsident, Fusion Power Associates (10)

5. Michael Paluszek (USA), Princeton Satellite Systems

6. Spørgsmål og svar


PANEL III (16:00 – 20:00): Bælte- og Vejinitiativet bliver til 'Verdenslandbroen': Franklin D.
Roosevelts uafsluttede projekt
1. Dennis Small (USA), latin-amerikansk redaktør, EIR

2. Dr. Natalia Vitrenko (Ukraine), præsident for Progressive Socialist Party, tidligere parlamentsmedlem og præsidentkandidat

3. Michele Geraci (Italien), tidligere minister for økonomisk udvikling

4. Hassan Daud Butt (Pakistan), tidligere projektdirektør, CPEC; Administrerende direktør for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Provincial Board of Investment & Trade

5. Marcelo Muñoz (Spanien), grundlægger og præsident emeritus for Cátedra China, dekan for spanske forretningsmænd i Kina

6. Dr. Björn Peters (Tyskland), fysiker, iværksætter og politisk rådgiver inden for energi, bæredygtighed og råvarer

7. Spørgsmål og svar, del 1

8. Dr. Joycelyn Elders (USA), tidligere chef for USA's sundhedsvæsen m.m.

9. Marlette Kyssama-Nsona (Republikken Congo), farmaceutisk kemiker, politisk leder af Panafrican League UMOJA og specialist i folkesundhedsspørgsmål

10. Spørgsmål og svar, del 2


PANEL IV 21:00 – 24:00): Opbygning af tillid i internationale relationer: Klassisk kulturs
rolle og bekæmpelse af global hungersnød
1. Jacques Cheminade (Frankrig), leder af Solidarite & Progres, tidligere præsidentkandidat

2. Marcia Merry Baker (USA), EIR-redaktionen

3. Bob Baker og amerikanske landbrugsledere

4. Fred Haight (Canada), Schiller Instituttet

5. Michael Billington (US), chef for asiatiske anliggender, Executive Intelligence Review

6. Spørgsmål og svar

7. Beethoven-messe i C-dur, opførelse af Schiller Instituttets kor i New york City.

Dansk oversættelse: Grænsen for det rimelige er endegyldigt overskredet:
Et åbent brev i Beethovenåret til dem, der holder af klassisk musik
af Helga Zepp-LaRouche

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Om den manglende evne til at komponere musik.

Et åbent brev i Beethoven-året til de tyskere (og andre), der holder af klassisk musik:

Menneskehedens værdighed er givet i jeres hånd, Bevar den!
Den synker med jer! Med jer vil den sig hæve.
      – Friedrich von Schiller

Det første man kan sige om opførelsen af Beethovens Fidelio på Staatstheater Darmstadt i en iscenesættelse af Georg Dittrich og en musikalsk bearbejdelse af finalen ved Anette Schlünz er: Den er mere end elendig. Fuldstændig elendig ud fra et musikalsk, et kunstnerisk, et filosofisk og et menneskeligt synspunkt. I en lang række af stupide, smagløse, gentagne opførelser af regiteater, sådan som de er blevet fremført i over et halvt århundrede(!) – først indskrænket til teateret, men i nogle år også overført til operaen – var denne opførelse det absolutte lavmål.

Da Hans Neuenfels i sommeren 1966, som en 25 år gammel instruktør på teateret i Trier, lod et flyveblad omdele for at annoncere den »første happening i Rheinland-Pfalz«, hvor han også fremsatte spørgsmålet: »Hvorfor misbruger De ikke småpiger?« var han helt i overensstemmelse med 68-ernes overbevisninger, sådan som man senest så det hos Cohn-Bendit. Siden da – efter 53 år – parrer forskellige nøgne mennesker, rockere, skizofrene eller nazi-klædte sig på scenerne og har med stor succes forvrænget de klassiske digteres og komponisters værker til ukendelighed. Originalitet er noget helt andet.

Darmstadt-teaterets Fidelio-opførelse præsenterer ikke blot et multimedie-miskmask af æstetiske smagløsheder, fremmedgørelseseffekter i Brechts stil og en overlejring af de musikalske scener i den første del med et lærred, der optager hele scenen, og hvorpå der projiceres billeder og filmudsnit, der skal illustrere den tidsmæssige baggrund for de otte opførsler, der har fundet sted fra 1805 til i dag. Det samlede indtryk er kaotisk, man får ondt af de sangere, der må synge imod dette sønderskårne flimmer, som for eksempel Leonore, der hele tiden må løbe rundt på scenen som en hovedløs høne.

Men den virkelige monstrøsitet finder sted i den anden del, hvor finalen, operaens storslåede frihedshymne, sønderhakkes af Anette Schlünz af kompositioner i den nye musikalske stil. Schlünz beskriver sine komponerede indskydelser på følgende måde i programhæftet:

»Lidt efter lidt opstår der sådant et »Heil-kor«, der delvist forstummer, eller hvor kun enkelte stemmer eller ord bliver stående. Flere gange radikaliserer jeg også Beethovens instrumentering for at forstærke hans ideer yderligere, eller jeg gentager enkelte takter og stopper så pludselig. Det var et meget stort ønske hos mig at indflette fremmede klange og indfarve
musikken forskellige steder. Den trompetfanfare, der lyder allerede ved forestillingens begyndelse fra statsteaterets balkon, tager jeg op og udvider: Det er det signal, der giver tegn til opbrud. Enkelte instrumenter og musikere falder så at sige ud af orkesterklangen og bringer derved noget nyt ind i den.

Ensemblestykket i F-dur – et fantastisk stykke musik med en ophøjethed og harmoni, som jeg ikke ville vove at røre ved – lader jeg derimod stå uberørt som en ædelsten. Det følgende mellemspil med min musik, hvor forskellige klange, inklusive otte kvindelige sangeres røster sendes ud i rummet, bryder Beethovens klangverden fuldstændigt op.«

Fra de maltrakterede tilskueres synspunkt havde Schlünz’s indskudte brag, hvor sangerne og musikerne udbasunerede deres øredøvende larm midt blandt publikum og fra alle sider, ikke mere det ringeste med musik at gøre: Grænsen til legemsbeskadigelse var entydigt overskredet.

Hvor stærkt følelsesmæssigt forstyrret Schlünz er, fremgår tydeligt af hendes næste sætninger:

»Når jeg har lyttet, har jeg ofte forestillet mig, at jeg sad ved tangenterne på en mikserpult og skruede hastigheden yderligere op. Og der ville jeg ganske enkelt tillægge Beethoven den ide, at han under kompositionen næsten havde til hensigt at drive musikken over gevind. Det er en rigtig jubelmaskine! Det minder mig om børn, der overreagerer fuldstændig af begejstring, fordi de ikke ved, hvordan de skal styre deres følelser.«

Hvis der er noget der er overreageret her, så er det den ynkelighed, Schlünz demonstrerer her, hendes følelsesmæssige impotens til at begribe det ophøjede ved kærlighedens sejr mellem Leonore og Florestan. Endvidere kan hun øjensynligt ikke udstå denne storhed; hendes forestilling om at skrue musikkens hastighed op ved hjælp af en mikserpult, er det samme ukontrollerede tab af besindelse, som Ibykus’s mordere forråder sig selv med, efter at Erinyernes kor har påkaldt poesiens højere magt i teateret i Korinth. Små, tarveligt tænkende sind kan hverken udstå store ideer eller ophøjede følelser.

Den storslåede finale i Fidelio, hvor Beethoven hylder tyranniets overvindelse ved modet i ægtefællernes kærlighed, er udtryk for den ædleste humanitet, hvor kærlighed, mod og frihedsvilje finder deres musikalske udtryk. I Leonores arie siges der forinden: »Jeg vakler ikke, vort ægteskabs kærlighedspligter styrker mig.« Beethoven valgte operaens stof: en vellykkede idealisering, i Schillers ånd, af en historisk begivenhed: markis de La Fayettes, Den amerikanske Frihedskrigs og de franske republikaneres helts, befrielse fra fangenskabet ved hans hustru Adrienne. Deri kommer Beethovens eget republikanske sindelag til udtryk, hvilket under datidens feudale strukturer og Napoleons felttog krævede personligt mod.

Sådanne dybt menneskelige følelser er ikke længere tilgængelige for det ødelagte følelsesliv hos Frankfurterskolens repræsentanter og den liberale tidsånd. Teaterinstruktøren Paul-Georg Dittrich sagde på afslørende vis i sit interview i programhæftet, at finalen forekommer ham »som en fejring, hvor man ikke engang ved, hvad der egentlig bliver fejret«. Selvom Dittrich og Schlünz ikke ved det, betyder dette under ingen omstændigheder, at de også har retten til at ødelægge denne tilgang for almindelige mennesker gennem dekonstruktionen af Beethovens komposition.

I ånden af Kongressen for Kulturel Frihed

Men præcis dette var fra begyndelsen hensigten med de forskellige strømninger, i hvis tradition Dittrich, Schlünz og hele Darmstadt-produktionen befinder sig – et sammensurium fra Adorno, Eisler-Brecht-skolen og Kongressen for Kulturel Frihed. Med et bemærkelsesværdigt stænk af sandfærdig reportage, berettede FAZ den 12. november 2017 i artiklen »CIA og kulturen: Hvordan man stjæler de store ord« om en udstilling i forbindelse med det 50-årige jubilæum for skandalen, der i 1967 blev offentliggjort, at hele den gigantiske operation fra Kongressen for Kulturel Frihed var en CIA-finansieret operation, der var en del af Den kolde Krig. Og dertil, for FAZ, den nærmest sensationelle tilståelse om det hele: »Den foruroligende pointe, at efterretningstjenesten ikke blot fremmede en ondskabsfuld reaktion, men at de derigennem hjalp med denne venstreliberalismes gennembrud, hvilket til den dag i dag har skabt de vestlige intellektuelles mainstream-standard.«

Darmstadts Fidelio-produktion er til en hvis grad endemorænen af denne proces. Det begyndte med forandringen af den amerikanske efterkrigspolitik. Efter Roosevelts utidige død, under hvis ledelse USA i 2. verdensskrig var allieret med Sovjetunionen i kampen mod fascismen, havnede den intellektuelt væsentlig mindre Truman hurtigt under Churchills indflydelse. Med sin berygtede Fulton-tale den 5. marts 1946 indledte han Den kolde Krig. Dermed fik forløberne til de elementer i det amerikanske sikkerhedsapparat, som Eisenhower, der refererede til dem som det militærindustrielle kompleks, advarede om, og som i dag ofte kaldes for den »dybe stat«, overhånden.

Den nu proklamerede kolde krig krævede, at de dybe følelser, der gennem krigsoplevelsen bandt amerikanere og russere sammen, og som fandt sit højdepunkt ved Elben i Torgau, måtte erstattes af anti-russiske følelser. Der måtte stilles et nyt fjendebillede op, og det samlede aksiomatiske tankesæt i befolkningen måtte forandres. For USA betød dette at forandre de grundantagelser, der havde bidraget til at støtte Roosevelts politik. For Europa, og specifikt for Tyskland, måtte den europæiske humanistiske kulturs rødder, som var den kulturelle identitet, der lå på den anden side af tolv års skrækherredømme, ødelægges, og erstattes gennem en konstruktion – dekonstruktionen af den klassiske kultur.

Instrumentet, der blev skabt til dette formål, var Kongressen for Kulturel Frihed (CCF), et gigantisk program af psykologisk krigsførelse, som udførtes af Allan Dulles’ efterretningskredse under ledelse af Frank Wisner – den datidige chef for udenrigsministeriets kontor for politisk koordination. Senere blev CCF flyttet til afdelingen for skjulte operationer. Operationen varede officielt fra 1950 til 1967, hvor New York Times, den 27. april 1967 offentliggjorde, at CCF var en CIA-operation – en afsløring der udviklede sig til det 20. århundredes største skandale. CCF var aktiv i 35 lande, udgav 20 magasiner, og faktisk talt styrede CIA hver eneste kunstudstilling og kulturel begivenhed. I Europa var der på dette tidspunkt så godt som ingen forfatter, musiker, maler, kritiker eller journalist, som ikke i en eller anden udstrækning stod i forbindelse med dette projekt – nogle gange bevidst, andre gange uden nogen som helst anelse.

Disse kulturprojekters orientering var i væsentlige træk de samme, som dem fra Frankfurterskolen, hvis ledende repræsentanter var i eksil i USA under den nationalsocialistiske periode, og var dér delvist hyret af den amerikanske efterretningstjeneste, som f.eks. Herbert Marcuse og andre. I hvert fald passede Frankfurterskolens syn perfekt i CCF’s program. Theodor Adorno havde f.eks. den absurde og uvidende opfattelse, at Friedrich Schillers idealisme havde ført direkte til nationalsocialismen, fordi den havde indtaget et radikalt standpunkt. Derfor var det nødvendigt at fjerne skønheden fuldkommen fra kunsten. I sin afhandling »Kulturkritik og samfund«, skrevet i 1949, toppede hans misantropiske synspunkt i den ofte citerede sætning: »Efter Auschwitz er det barbarisk at skrive et digt.«

I Darmstadt er her heller ikke noget nyt under solen: I programhæftet til Fidelio-opførelsen udtrykker George Steiner præcis denne samme mening: »Er det muligt, at der i den klassiske humanisme selv, i sin tilbøjelighed til den abstrakte og æstetiske værdibedømmelse, findes et radikalt svigt? Er det muligt, at massemord og dennes ligegyldighed overfor det vederstyggelige, som hjalp nazismen på sin vej, ikke er civilisationens fjender eller negationer, men dennes hæslige, men naturlige, medskyldige?«

Hvad der her meget tydeligt udtrykkes, er præcis CCF’s psykologiske krigsførelse, styret af CIA, som skulle udslukke den humanistiske identitet i den tyske befolkning til fordel for en anglo-amerikansk kulturel værdiskala.

Et spørgsmål om menneskesyn

For nu at understrege det en gang til: Der er ingen større modsigelse end den, der findes mellem humanismens ophøjede menneskesyn og den klassiske kunst og nationalsocialismens barbariske menneskesyn. Det klassiske menneskesyn betragter mennesket som principielt godt, som det eneste fornuftsbaserede væsen, der, gennem den æstetiske opdragelse, kan fuldkommengøre sit medfødte potentiale til et harmonisk hele, til en skøn karakter, som Wilhelm von Humboldt udtrykker dette. De klassiske kunstværker i digtningen, i billedkunsten og i musikken fejrer denne skønne menneskehed og er selv igen inspirationen for læsernes, tilskuernes og tilhørernes kreative evner.

I modsætning hertil er nationalsocialisternes menneskesyn, med dens ‘blod-og-jord’-ideologi, baseret på en racistisk, chauvinistisk og socialdarwinistisk opfattelse af den »ariske« races overlegenhed. At hævde at der er en indre forbindelse mellem disse diametralt modsatte ideer, blot fordi begge fænomener – klassicismen og nationalsocialismen – fandt sted i Tyskland, er lige så absurd som at hævde, at den amerikanske forfatning direkte gav anledning til Bush- og Obama-administrationernes interventionskrige, eller at Jean d’ Arcs (Jomfruen fra Orleans) overbevisninger var grundlaget for den franske kolonipolitik. Påstanden kom faktisk fra CIA’s djævlekøkken, og har senest siden CCF’s tid indeholdt sådanne »opskrifter« som »nødvendige løgne« og »urokkelige benægtelser«. I den seneste periode har verden igen været udsat for en rigelig dosis af dem i det igangværende kup mod præsident Trump, gennem den britiske efterretningstjeneste i samarbejde med den »Dybe Stat«.

Et af de vigtigste spørgsmål her, er spørgsmålet om, hvordan det var muligt at gå fra de tyske klassikeres ideal til nazi-styrets afgrund. For at besvare det er man nødt til at overveje hele idéhistorien fra Romantikkens angreb på Klassicismen og den deraf afledte opløsning af den klassiske form, til starten af kulturpessimismen, der startede med den konservative revolution som reaktion på ideerne fra 1789 og den politiske genoprettelse [restoration] under Wiener-Kongressen, og frem til Schopenhauer og Nietzsche, ungdomsbevægelsen forud for Første Verdenskrig og endelig Første Verdenskrig og dens konsekvenser.

Fremkaldelsen af kulturpessimisme

Fremkaldelse af kulturpessimisme var også målet for diverse CCF-musikprojekter. I 1952 afholdt CCF en månedslang musikfestival i Paris med titlen: »Mesterværker i det 20. århundrede«, hvor over 100 symfonier, koncerter, operaer og balletter af mere end halvfjerds af det 20. århundredes komponister blev opført. Boston Symfoniorkester, der kom til at spille en ledende rolle i andre CCF-projekter, åbnede festivalen med en højst mærkværdig opførelse af Stravinskys »Sacre du Printemps« (»Forårsritual«). Andre stykker blev fremført af de »atonale« komponister som Arnold Schoenberg (en af Adornos lærere) og Alban Berg samt Paul Hindemith, Claude Debussy og Benjamin Britten, for blot at nævne nogle enkelte. Til udbredelse af atonal og tolvtonemusik fulgte yderligere konferencer i Prato og Rom, konferencer, som udelukkende blev tilegnet avantgardemusik. Ved alle disse velfinansierede begivenheder blev det taget for givet, at alle skulle foregive at nyde den hæslige musik.

Ved »Darmstadts Sommerkurser for Ny Musik«, der også blev støttet af den amerikanske militærregering og CCF, optrådte Schoenberg, Anton Webern og Béla Bartók. Foredragsholdere som Adorno, Olivier Messiaen og John Cage holdt foredrag om deres musikteori. I en officiel anmeldelse af disse kurser skrev Ralph Burns – leder af USA’s militærregerings kontor for Kulturanliggender – »Review of Activity«:

»Der var generel enighed om, at meget af denne musik var værdiløs, og ville været bedst tjent med ikke at blive spillet. Overvægten af tolvtonemusik blev beklaget. En kritiker beskrev koncerterne som »en triumf for dilettanteri«.«

Pointen her er ikke at forhindre nogen i at komponere eller lytte til atonal eller tolvtonemusik eller andre former for avantgardemusik. Hver person har sin egen smag. Pointen er, at ideen om ligeværdighed af alle toner i den ‘tempererede’ kromatiske skala massivt begrænser de langt højere frihedsgrader, der flyder fra den polyfoniske, harmoniske og kontrapunktiske komposition, som den blev udviklet af Bach, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Schumann og Brahms. Det eliminerer tvetydigheden forbundet med noderne og forholdet mellem tonearterne og muligheden for harmonisk »forvekslinger«: »Motivführung« er en form for komposition, der ud fra en enkelt musikalsk idé udvikler yderligere temaer, bevægelser og til sidst hele kompositionen. Denne kompositionsteknik blev – som det blev uddybet og grundigt demonstreret i forskellige mesterklasser af Norbert Brainin, førsteviolinist i Amadeus-kvartetten – udviklet til højere kompleksitet og perfektion gennem værker som Haydns »russiske« kvartetter Op. 33, til Mozarts »Haydn«-kvartetter og derefter til Beethovens sene kvartetter.

I betragtning af de højder, som klassisk komposition opnåede med Beethoven, repræsenterer den såkaldte moderne musik – og der findes uden tvivl også gode moderne kompositioner – hvis den kaster disse principper ud af vinduet, en tilbagegang der kan sammenlignes med at reducere et anti-entropisk univers i stadig udvikling og med to billioner hidtil kendte galakser, til en flad Jord.

Klassisk musik forædler

Så godt som alle virkelig kreative mennesker, fra Confucius (Kongfutse) til Albert Einstein, anerkendte og brugte virkningerne af god eller klassisk musik til at fostre deres egne kreative evner og befolkningens æstetiske uddannelse. Confucius bemærkede med rette, at et lands tilstand kan aflæses i kvaliteten af dens musik. Fordybelse i værkerne af de store klassiske komponister åbner op for den dybeste adgang til de kreative evner i menneskets sjæl og ånd. Hvor ellers, hvis ikke i klassisk musik, kan man styrke og uddybe den passion, der er nødvendig for at se ud over ens egne bekymringer og beskæftige sig med menneskehedens store spørgsmål? Eller hvor kan man uddanne den sensibilitet, der er nødvendig for at imødekomme Schillers krav, som det blev sagt i hans tale om universel historie:

»Der skal gløde en ædel længsel i os for, ud fra egne ressourcer, at tilføje vores bidrag til den rige arv af sandhed, moral og frihed, som vi har modtaget fra tidligere tider, og som rigt forøget skal overleveres til de kommende tidsaldre; og til denne umådelige kæde, der snor sig gennem alle menneskets generationer, at fæstne vores egen flygtige eksistens.«

Det er netop denne følelsesmæssige kærlighed, som det kommer til udtryk i finalen af Fidelio, kærlighed til ens ægtefælle, kærlighed til menneskeheden og ideen om nødvendigheden af frihed, ideen om at udføre ens pligt med lidenskab og derved at blive frie, at Schiller definerer de ideelle kvaliteter af geniets smukke sjæl. Det er indbegrebet af hele klassicismens æstetiske metode og i særdeleshed Friedrich Schillers: »Det er gennem skønhed, at man opnår frihed.«

Det er imidlertid netop dette frihedsbegreb, som blev angrebet af tilhængere af det moderne regiteater, disharmonisk musik og postmoderne dekonstruktion, da det, snarere end frihed, går imod deres liberale forestilling om »frihed«.

Derfor dykker de uhæmmet ned i kassen med mølkugler og fremmedgørende effekter a lá Bertolt Brecht: afbrydelser, filmklip, bannere, kameraer, der rettes mod publikum osv., for at »chokere« seerne ud af deres vante lytte- og tænkevaner. Hvad der kom ud af det i Darmstadt var en blanding af »Clockwork Orange« (den voldsomme [filmiske] gru fra Stanley Kubrick, ledsaget af Beethovens niende symfoni), og så popstjernen Helene Fischers intellektuelle dybde. Når Helene Fischer iført et rødt latex-antræk og med orgastiske bevægelser skriger sin sang ud, »Can you feel the love tonight?« til et betaget publikum, er det omtrent lige så subtilt, som hvis spørgsmålet »rører det dig?« skulle lyse op på scenen med store neonbogstaver under hele finalen af Fidelio. Instruktøren Dittrich mener naturligvis, at det intellektuelt udfordrede publikum skal vækkes med en vognstang. Dertil kom så det tidligere nævnte bombardement af øredøvende støj fra instrumentalisterne og kormedlemmerne spredt rundt omkring i operahuset.

Publikum udtrykte sin taknemmelighed med en pligtskyldig mini-applaus. Hvis målet med iscenesættelsen var at indkalde publikum til politisk handling i nuet eller at udbrede moderne musik til et »bredere publikum« (Dittrich), må man i begge tilfælde sige: Missionen mislykkedes. Den (for tysktalende) velkendte »Hurz«-sketch fra Hape Kerkeling (tysk komiker f. 1964, red.) beskriver ganske passende reaktionen fra de fleste tilskuere, der tilsyneladende gennem alt for lang tid er blevet vænnet til de uhyrlige krav fra regiteater og CCF’s kulturkrig, som stadig pågår.

Endelig er det på sin plads med et citat fra Alma Deutscher, der virkelig kan komponere: »Hvis verden er så grim, hvorfor skal vi så gøre den endnu grimmere med grim musik?«

Før eksemplet med Annette Schlünz efterfølges og andre klassiske musikkompositioner »skændes« i Hans Neuenfels ånd, bør denne anmeldelse tjene til at starte en debat i Beethovenåret om, hvordan man kan forsvare klassikerne mod sådanne overgreb.

Fejring af Beethovenåret

Dette Beethovenår, som vil byde på opførelser af mange af mesterens kompositioner, ikke kun i Tyskland, men over hele verden, giver os en vidunderlig mulighed for at huske på vores bedre kulturelle tradition i Tyskland, til at modstå det moralske forfald i de forgangne årtier, og til, ved bevidst at lytte til Beethovens musik, at finde den indre styrke i os selv, til at levendegøre vores egen kreativitet.

Verden befinder sig nu midt i en epokegørende forandring, hvor æraen domineret af de atlantiske lande klart er ved at slutte, og hvor fokus for udvikling skifter til Asien, hvor der er mange nationer og folk, som er meget stolte af deres civilisationer, og som nærer deres klassiske kultur. Nogle af disse civilisationer er mere end 5.000 år gamle. Hvis Europa har noget at bidrage med i en humanistisk ånd til at forme det nye paradigme, der fremkommer i verden, er det vores højkultur fra renæssancen og klassicismen.

Mange videnskabsmænd, kunstnere og folk over hele verden, der sætter pris på Tyskland, har i nogen tid undret sig over, hvad der er galt med tyskerne, siden de har distanceret sig så meget fra at være et folk af digtere og tænkere. Hvis vi tillader Beethovenåret at blive spoleret, vil Tyskland sandsynligvis blive afskrevet for altid som en kultiveret nation.

Yderligere diskussion om dette emne er nødvendig og hilses velkommen.
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Helga Zepp-LaRouches tale på 50-årsdagen for månelandingen ved konferencen: Apollo + 50

Homo sapiens extraterrestris: Mennesket er et rumvæsen

Helga Zepp-LaRouches tale på 50-årsdagen for månelandingen ved konferencen: Apollo + 50:
En dialog mellem kulturer om, hvordan man udvikler befolkningen og den produktive arbejdsstyrke i løbet af Jordens næste 50 år. Menneskets fremtid må bestemme vore nutidige handliger.

Schiller Instituttet holdt konferencen på 50-årsdagen for månelandingen den 20. juli 2019 i NYC.  Se hele konferencen her: 

Mine damer og herrer, kære venner af Schiller Instituttet, det er et meget glædeligt øjeblik i dag, hvor vi fejrer 50-årsdagen for månelandingen. Dette er en virkelig universel begivenhed, en begivenhed der forener hele menneskeheden. I 1969 var der 500 millioner mennesker, der så landingen på Månen. Det skabte utrolig inspiration og spænding på det tidspunkt. I kan være sikre på, at i dag, når kommunikationen er så meget bedre, hvor der allerede i de seneste adskillige uger var millioner af mennesker, der så programmer fra fortiden, dokumentarer, at der atter vil være hundreder af millioner af mennesker, der vil forenes og fejre denne utrolige begivenhed. I 1969 var det hvert syvende menneske på planeten [der så månelandingen]. Årsagen til, at rummet er så absolut vigtigt, er, fordi det har alt at gøre med menneskehedens identitet. 

Som min afdøde, elskede mand Lyndon LaRouche sagde, er rummet beviset for, at den menneskelige art ikke er jordboere; vi er rumrejsende, og vi har alle den guddommelige gnist af fornuft, der sørger for, at hver enkelt af os er i stand til ubegrænset selvfuldkommengørelse, til at studere, og bedre end nogensinde opdage det fysiske univers’ love. Eller, som vores kære ven og store rumpioner Krafft Ehricke sagde: {Homo sapiens extraterrestris}; Mennesket er et rumvæsen. Det er glædeligt, at i dag, efter bogstaveligt talt årtier med afbrydelser, med nedskæring af NASA og den sparsomme finansiering af ESA [Den Europæiske Rumorganisation], er perspektivet for industrialiseringen af Månen og for en koloni på Mars helt tilbage på dagsordenen. Som Dennis netop nævnte, sagde præsident Trump, at USA vil sætte en mand og en kvinde på månen inden 2024. Kineserne har i anledning af dette 50-års jubilæum netop genoptaget deres månemission med Chang’e-4-rover og et landingsfartøj på den fjerne side af Månen. 

I dag, også udsat til denne dato, er en Sojuz-løfteraket taget af sted fra Baikonur, med en russer, en amerikaner og en italiener, for at tage til den Internationale Rumstation i den næste periode. Italieneren – Luca Parmitanovil være øverstbefalende ISS i den anden del af denne mission. Han sagde, at hvad vi gør ISS er for Jorden, det er for hele menneskeheden. Ligeledes til denne lejlighed er den indiske mission til Månens sydpol, Chandrayaan-2, som vil undersøge isen i kraterne sydpolen af Månen, blevet en smule udsat, men det er meningen, at den lander Månen i september. Fra Rusland sendte Dmitry Rogozin, lederen af Roscosmos, også sine lykønskninger til NASA’s chef, Jim Bridenstine, og priste de tre første astronauter – Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin og Michael Collins – og alle de store rumpionerer før dem, fordi de “turde tage af sted en rejse til det ukendte, med henblik at skubbe grænserne for den tilgængelige verden for hele menneskeheden”. 

Hvis man tænker universets enorme udstrækning, hvad der hidtil er kendt takket være billederne fra Hubble-teleskopet, er der mindst 2 billioner galakser. 

For nylig blev det bevist, at Einsteins antagelse om gravitationsbølger faktisk er en realitet. Og at det også kunne bevises, at Einsteins antagelse om, at sorte huller faktisk findes i midten af hver galakse; hvilket betyder, at vi lever i et relativistisk univers. Det er meget tydeligt, og dette sidste eksempel er det endelige bevis, hvis man behøver et, fordi billeddannelsen af disse sorte huller udelukkende kunne opnås, fordi otte lande fra hele verden samlede deres radioteleskoper for at kunne fremstille et sådant billede. Det vigtigste budskab er derfor: Rumforskning og rejser, kræver internationalt samarbejde; samarbejde og ikke konfrontation. Derfor bør vi ikke være involveret i et “kapløb” til Månen eller et “kapløb” til Mars. Dette er en enestående chance for fremskridt, hævet over den geopolitiske konkurrence mellem lande. Vi er nødt til at se på fremtiden i rummet set ud fra hele menneskehedens fælles interesse. Der er flere grunde til, at rumforskning, rumfart og kolonisering er absolut nødvendige. På den negative side – ja, en enkelt stor asteroide ville være nok til at eliminere al civilisation og alt det smukke menneskeheden nogensinde har skabt; fra de store dramaer af Shakespeare til de store kompositioner af Beethoven. 

Derfor har vi brug for det strategiske forsvar af Jorden, det internationale samarbejde mellem alle nationer. Men den positive side er, at hvis man ser på den lange bue af menneskelig udvikling, hvordan mennesket i en relativt kort periode, i betragtning af universets alder i sin helhed, har udviklet sig fra en hulemand, som brugte håndøkser til at dræbe sine medmennesker, til den form for fornuftigt internationalt samarbejde, som vi har set med ISS gennem lang tid. Det er det internationale samarbejde i rummet, som derfor også er den næste fase i udviklingen af menneskeheden; hvor vi som menneskeslægt udvikler os fra vilde teenagere til smukke sjæle i Schillers betydning, at frihed og nødvendighed, pligt og lidenskab er en og samme ting. Eller som Krafft Ehricke sagde: Mennesket bør lade sig lede af den udenjordiske forpligtelse. 

Rumforskning og rejser og kolonisering har alt at gøre med menneskebilledet og den kulturelle optimisme, som er grundlaget for denne kreativitet og menneskets sande frihed. Det er det mest magtfulde bevis på, at vi ikke lever i et jordbundet system med begrænsede ressourcer. Denne tanke om et jordbundet system er hele grundlaget for eksistensen af økologibevægelsen; der for nylig er blevet en hysterisk udryddelsesbevægelse, der forårsager komplet kulturel pessimisme og fortvivlelse. Lad os se 90 år tilbage. I 1929 lavede Fritz Lang denne utrolige film, “Kvinden i månen”, som var et smukt polemisk argument mod al tilbageståenhed og antiteknologisk stemning. Den videnskabelige rådgiver for denne film var Hermann Oberth, en af de fremragende pionerer inden for raket- og rumfartsvidenskab. Denne film virkede som inspiration for mange af rumpionererne. 

En af dem var den enestående Krafft Ehricke, som dengang selv var en vigtig bidragyder til Atlas-raketten. Han var chefen for Centaur-programmet. Allerede i 1950’erne og 60’erne udviklede han en utroligt fremsynet vision om Månen som springbræt til koloniseringen af Mars og til sidst hele solsystemet. 40 år efter “Kvinden i månen” fandt den begivenhed sted, som vi fejrer i dag – landingen af Apollo 11 på Månen; hvilket faktisk betød et stort spring for menneskeheden. Men i går, interessant nok, lagde Mike Collins – astronauten der ikke gik på Månen, men som var i kredsløb – faktisk vægt på, at for ham var Apollo 8 et endnu større vendepunkt, den kendsgerning at et menneske for første gang helt havde undsluppet Jordens tyngdekraft i rummet. Dette er noget, der er værd at reflektere over, fordi det faktum, at mennesket var i stand til at forlade Jordens overflade og komme ud i rummet, ikke er en selvfølge. Det udgør allerede det absolutte bevis på, at vi ikke lever i et jordbundet system. 

Det første menneske, der gik på Månen dengang, forårsagede en eksplosion af optimisme i hele verden. Men det var også meget tydeligt, at det internationale oligarki ikke var fornøjede med idéen, fordi deres magt er baseret på tanken om, at befolkningsmasserne skal tænke på sig selv som undersåtter; at de skal være pessimistiske om deres fremtid. Så allerede i 1964 begyndte forskellige undersøgelser og meningsmålinger at undersøge “virkningen af rumprogrammer” på de forskellige sektioner af befolkningen. I en berømt rapport under ledelse af en vis Hr. Robert N. Rapaport, en antropolog fra ‘Northwestern University’ og ‘Rumudvalget’, står der: “Afledede konsekvenser: Et metodologisk essay om indvirkningen af Teknologi “. Rapportens tese var, at rumprogrammet havde produceret et farligt udbrud af kulturel optimisme; af en tro på at kreativ videnskabelig tænkning kunne løse ethvert problem på planeten. Oligarkiet lancerede øjeblikkeligt Romklubben imod denne optimisme samt deres ‘forfuskede’ Grænser for Vækst {Limits to Growth}, med ideen om at mennesket er begrænset til Jorden, at ressourcerne er begrænsede, og at vi er nødt til at gå i en tilstand af nulvækst. Samtidigt producerede Harris og Gallup meningsmålinger, der angiveligt skulle vise, at amerikanerne var imod de fortsatte udgifter til bemandet rumfart. Disse meningsmålinger påvirkede valgkampen mellem 1970 og ’72. Nedskæringer i finansieringen af rumfartsprogrammet blev et valgtema. 

Alt dette førte til en relativ stilstand, i det mindste hvad det amerikanske rumfartsprogram angår. Så, da der i 1985 blev afholdt denne konference til ære for den netop afdøde Krafft Ehricke, som i mellemtiden var blevet en meget nær ven og samarbejdspartner med Schiller Instituttet, var der en diskussion mellem min mand og nogle af deltagerne på konferencen om forslaget om at tage Krafft Ehrickes idé om en permanent koloni på Mars; et forslag, som Lyndon LaRouche derefter drøftede i den helt utrolige film, som I så begyndelsen af, “The Woman on Mars” (Kvinden på Mars), hvis manuskript han udarbejdede første gang i 1987. I denne film, og i skrifter der fulgte med, sagde Lyn grundlæggende set, at Den nationale Rumfartskommission allerede et år efter Krafft Ehricke-konferencen vedtog en plan for at gøre nøjagtigt dette: udvikle et 10-års program til kolonisering af Mars, et program, som derefter blev godkendt af præsident Reagan. 

Lyn sagde dybest set, at Mars-koloniseringsprojektet herefter – og dette var en håbefuld forudsigelse – ville blive en del af ‘Nationens Tilstand’ – talen af USA’s næste præsident i 1989. Men som det skulle vise sig, blev det præsident Bush, Sr., så der skete ingen ting. I stedet var Bush meget medvirkende til, ikke kun at sætte Lyn i fængsel, men sammen med ham, hele det tankegods af ideer, som han repræsenterede. 

Så Lyn havde, forinden da, i mange skrifter, inklusive “Kvinden på Mars,” udviklet den smukke vision om at have en koloni på Mars i 2027. Han sagde også, at hvis NASA-programmet efter Apollo-landingen ikke var blevet nedtrappet, ville en koloni på Månen have været mulig allerede i 1986. Derefter definerede han det kommende 40-årige perspektiv for, hvordan man trin for trin opnår det nødvendige gennembrud for denne plan. Det krævede et gennembrud i termonuklear fusion, fordi det tager 3 dage at komme til Månen; men med konventionelle metoder tager det otte måneder at komme til Mars, hvilket den menneskelige krop ikke er i stand til at mestre. Der behøves en fortsat acceleration den første halvdel af rejsen og derefter deceleration i den anden del. Det krævede et gennembrud i lasere og andre retningsbestemte elektromagnetiske impulser som et grundlæggende værktøj. Udviklingen af optisk biofysik og mere kraftfulde computersystemer; højere energitæthed på selve Mars til brug for ‘terraforming’ (transformering af en planet, så den minder om Jorden, specielt med henblik på at kunne opretholde liv -red.); konstruktionen af kupler; en kunstig atmosfære; og den anden generation indenfor termonuklear fusion. Lyn udviklede seks faser: industrialiseringen af Månen; bæredygtige forsyninger af fødevarer og materialer fra Månen; landbrugs- og industriel udvikling; forbundne satellitter i kredsløb om Mars; et komplet astrofysisk observationskompleks; en rumterminal i fast kredsløb omkring Mars til levering af materialer til konstruktion af en permanent beboelse på Mars’ overflade. 

Lyn tænkte to til tre generationer frem med idéen om, at dette projekt til sidst ville kræve titusinder af forskere og ingeniører til at opbygge en sådan koloni; og, til sidst, at bygge kolonier i samme skala som vigtige byer på Jorden; nemlig med millioner af mennesker. Det er i princippet, hvor vi er nu; præsident Trump har bebudet snart at sætte det amerikanske flag på Mars. Han lovede også, at det ville ske i et internationalt samarbejde. Dette er hvad Kina vil søsætte til næste år, en test af om ‘terraforming’ er muligt på Mars. Kineserne har allerede en model af denne Mars-koloni i Gobi-ørkenen, hvor de kinesiske astronauter har foretaget en [prøve-]landing. Det kaldes Huaxing Huanghou, GD Mars Base nr. 1. Det er en modelrumstation, der har boliger, genbrugsanlæg, dyrkning af planter til fødevarer. Og der opføres nærliggende træningscentre og hoteller; hoteller, fordi der er en enorm begejstring hos den kinesiske ungdom for at blive involveret i rumforskning og -rejser. 

Lyn havde en vision om internationalt rumsamarbejde, fordi det som intet andet forbinder fornuften med idéen om, at enhver nyttig idé er til gavn for hele menneskeheden. Lyn var også absolut optimistisk med hensyn til idéen om, at det øger godheden hos mennesker at rejse i rummet, samt er befordrende for den moralske karakter. Krafft Ehricke var glad for Schiller Instituttet, fordi han indså det helt afgørende i, at den æstetiske uddannelse går hånd i hånd med teknologiske og videnskabelige fremskridt, med henblik forædlingen af et menneske. Lyn var i forskellige skrifter meget optimistisk om, at den moralske og intellektuelle udvikling af vores børnebørn og oldebørn gennem rumfart, ville være af meget bedre kvalitet, end den er i dag. Det er kun gennem kolonisering af Månen, Mars og solsystemet, at mennesket kan blive den udødelige art. 

Der kan drages to vigtige lektioner fra de sidste 50 eller endda 90 år, hvad angår rumforskning og udvikling. For det første må der være tilstrækkeligt med vedvarende finansiering til aldrig mere at få sådanne tilbageslag, som vi har oplevet i de sidste 40 år. Og vi må absolut have en samlet rumalliance, internationalt samarbejde, og overvinde konfrontation for altid. Det er nu tiden til at vende tilbage til det optimistiske billede af mennesket; at menneskeheden er den eneste kreative art, der er kendt i universet, indtil videre. At det er vores opgave at formere os og underlægge os – nej, ikke Jorden – men hele solsystemet, og måske længere ud endnu. Hvorfor skulle vi gøre det? Fordi vi er mennesker: Vi har i os en medfødt godhed, en kapacitet til agapé (næstekærlighed -red.), og alt det onde i verden er kun et resultat af en mangel på udvikling, som vi vil kunne afhjælpe gennem rumfart.  

Mange tak. 

Afskriftet af Helga Zepp-LaRouches tale til Schiller Instituttets og EIR’s
seminar for diplomater den 29. november 2018

(Vi er i gang med at oversætte talen til dansk.)

Helga Zepp-LaRouche addressed the seminar via video conference from Germany. In addition EIR Economics Editor Paul Gallagher by pre-recorded video from Virginia, and Hussein Askary in person addressed the seminar in Copenhagen. Diplomats from nine countries attended the seminar, as well as members and contacts of The Schiller Institute.

TOM GILLESBERG: Helga Zepp-LaRouche was very beautifully introduced, I think, by Hussein Askary, in his presentation going through the fantastic road. She as the founder of the Schiller Institute has taken upon herself as the “Silk Road Lady” in bringing about this Belt and Road policy, the New Silk Road policy. So we are very proud and very happy to be able to have her on here live to discuss what is in the situation the world is in right now, after the U.S. midterm elections, and here, the day before we’ll have the G20 summit taking place in Buenos Aires.

So, Helga, thank you for being here with us. The word is yours.

HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Well, I want to say hello to you and I’m very happy to be able to speak to you, even if it’s only via video. Obviously, we have reached a very important point in history, and for once, I have to agree with President Macron of France, who just said that the upcoming G20 meeting better produce some real results, or else, such a gathering of the heads of state would be even counterproductive.

Now, I agree with that.

We have made a campaign for the last several weeks and actually months, that basically what should be the outcome of this G20 meeting. Given the fact that we have both war danger, as was demonstrated very acutely again in the case of the incident in near the Kerch Bridge in the Black Sea, and the general situation between the major nuclear powers is not exactly a calm one, so we have the danger of nuclear war, potentially. Then, we have the immediate danger of a repetition of the financial crash of 2008, except this time, it could be much, much worse, because all the parameters are much worse than in 2008.

In light of these two existential crises, we have defined what should be the outcome of either the G20 meeting or, at least, of those heads of state where one can expect they can go in the direction of establishing a new paradigm: And that refers to President Trump, Putin, Xi Jinping, Prime Minister Modi, and possibly others, Prime Minister Abe, and maybe some other heads of state and government. And what we defined as the absolutely necessary outcome, is that they establish a New Bretton Woods system to replace the presently completely bankrupt financial system, with a New Bretton Woods, which would be in the position of the old Bretton Woods system, however it would include the added features which Franklin D. Roosevelt originally wanted, namely, to end colonialism for the developing sector, which then, unfortunately was not implemented, because Roosevelt died, and the Bretton Woods was established by Truman and Churchill, at least under their political guidance.

And obviously, a New Bretton Woods would only function if it is accompanied by Four Laws which were defined by Lyndon LaRouche already in 2014, as the absolutely necessary changes in the financial and economic system, being: first, the implementation of Glass-Steagall banking separation; secondly to go to a national bank, to bring the power of credit generation back under the control sovereign powers, under the sovereign control of governments; and thirdly, to create an international credit system; and fourthly, to increase the productivity of the world economy by going for a crash program for a fusion economy and establish more close international space cooperation to get the necessary increase in the productivity of the world economy.

Given the fact that it cannot be expected that all countries of the G20 will agree with that — I can easily imagine that those which are absolutely tied to the City of London and the opposition to Trump coming from Wall Street, that there will be some countries that will absolutely oppose such a solution. And therefore, we have proposed that it can only be the cooperation of those countries which are powerful enough to resist the power of these financial centers, London and Wall Street, and that can only be: President Trump, President Xi Jinping, President Putin, and prime Minister Modi, the four powers together, which represent both the largest nuclear powers, the largest economies, the largest populations, that they have to work together.

Obviously, that potential exists. And since President Trump has again and again reiterated, in the election campaign and again after he became President, that he wants to improve the relationship with Russia, and the entire Russiagate was launched in order to prevent that from happening. Now, Russiagate, by now, is pretty much discredited, and despite the tensions with China on the trade issue, there are positive signs that both China and the United States may be willing to find an agreement to overcome the present war of tariffs.

That potential clearly exists, and it is very obvious, that on that hangs the question, will mankind be able, in light of existential dangers, be able to give itself a governance, structure of government, which allows the long-term sustainability of the world population. And that that is a very acute question you could see, for example, by the fact that the present Chinese ambassador to the United States Cui Tiankai just yesterday issued a very clear warning that the world must learn the lessons of the Great Depression of the 1930s, resulting in World War II, and he warns that the inability to resolve the present tensions could lead to a new world war, and a new financial crisis worse than the Depression of ’30s.

The same Ambassador Cui, already in a speech about a year ago in New York, had basically posed the question: What is going to be the relation between the United States and China? He said that in history, there were 16 cases where the dominant power was replaced by a rising power — referring obviously to the present situation between the United States and China — and that in 12 cases, this led to a big war; in 4 cases, it led to a situation where the rising power simply replaced the up to that point dominant power, and it did not lead to war. And he emphasized that China does not want, at all, either, naturally the situation of war, but it also does not attempt to replace the United States as a dominant power in the world, but that the policy of China is propose a completely new set of international relations of a win-win cooperation between sovereign powers and respect for the sovereignty of the other, respect for the different social system of the other country without interfering into the internal affairs, and simply have a cooperation for the mutual benefit of all participating in this new system.

And that is, in my view, what we have seen in reality in the last five years, since President Xi Jinping proposed the New Silk Road in Kazakhstan in September 2013. And we have seen the enormous development of the New Silk Road in the meantime, including more than 100 countries and having completely transformed the spirit in Africa, which has been caught by the Spirit of the New Silk Road due to massive investments in infrastructure, industrial parks, energy projects and similar things. The same is true for almost all of Latin America, many countries in Asia and even some Europe countries which are absolutely seeing the advantages of cooperating with this new system.

Now, it took the West, or better, Western think tanks and media, almost four years before they even admitted that this was going on. I mean, this was going a spectacle: Because here you have the largest infrastructure project in history, ever, already now about 30 times as big as the Marshall Plan, and the Western media would not take note of it! Then, about a year ago, they realized this was absolutely unstoppable, so they started a whole barrage of slanders and attacks on this New Silk Road, and quite telling, was that the channel of the Anglo-American establishment, the New York Times, over the last weekend and the weekend before, had I think altogether some 10 or 12 articles on the New Silk Road, in which they admit, basically, well, it’s unstoppable, it’s here, the West was completely wrong by thinking that if you offer to China to be a member of the WTO and join the free trade system, that eventually China would take over the Western liberal system, Western democracy, or, if they would refuse that, they would simply collapse under the burden of an autocratic leadership.

And the New York Times begrudgingly admits that this was a wrong estimate, that China had not adopted the Western democracy model, and it for sure has not collapsed. But it has the astounding recording of 40 years of uninterrupted economic growth rates, which have completely transformed not only China, but also much of the world economy, and that China now has a middle-class, well-to-do part of the population of 400 million, and this will be doubled in the next 10 years. And basically, the Chinese model is attractive to many countries in the world.

They basically say, as a conclusion, that the only way to deal with that is the effort to contain China, and if need be, confrontation and even war. And some American general has already said a couple of weeks ago that a war between the United States and China is more likely in the next 50 years, than not.

So this is obviously the famous “Thucydides trap”: This refers to the situation in ancient Greece, the rivalry between Athens and Sparta, which led to the Peloponnesian War, and as a consequence — which people don’t usually mention, when they talk about the “Thucydides trap” — the demise and collapse of ancient Greece.

That is the obvious question: Can the West relate to the fact that China is rising, that there is nothing you can do about it, because, first of all, China was a country which was the leading economic and cultural power over many centuries for the last millennia, with only a very short interruption. And it is deciding to go back, not to replace other countries, but to take a leading role on the world stage. And since the Chinese government has a policy which allows it to do that, mainly by putting the emphasis on continuous innovation, of leapfrogging to the most advanced technologies, of putting a lot of emphasis — they have the most advanced fusion power research program; they have a very, very advanced space exploration program; and they are putting a lot of emphasis on education, excellence in education for the young people, combined with Xi Jinping emphasizing the need to have especially an aesthetical education of the youth, and also the older people. Because aesthetical education goes in the direction of the beauty of the mind and the beauty of the soul.

And given the fact that China has a population of 1.4 billion people, the idea of the West that it would be possible to contain this without war is ludicrous. And if it comes to war, it should be noted that there are many military experts who make the point that once you start to use only one nuclear weapon, it is the logic of nuclear weapons, in complete contrast to traditional, conventional weaponry, that all weapons will be used. And that would obviously would mean the annihilation of human civilization.

So, this paradox obviously exists, and it is the view of the Schiller Institute that it can only be overcome by winning the West, winning countries of the world over to join in the new paradigm in a win-win cooperation.

Now, that the danger of war is very real, we just saw in the incident involving provocation by Ukrainian warships in the Black Sea, close to the Sea of Azov and the Kerch Bridge. And some people in Ukraine already having proposed some weeks ago, that the newly built bridge between Russia and Crimea, should be blown up. This was obviously an incident a couple of days ago [Nov. 25], whereby Ukrainian warships did not follow the rules which are otherwise established between Russia and Ukraine, to announce their intention to pass through the Kerch Strait; so they will held up by the Russian military; the crews were basically arrested and interrogated, and in the meantime, written material has been found with this crew, which instructs them not to announce themselves, to go to this point of the Kerch Strait in secrecy, clearly indicating a provocation.

What happened, was, immediately, the war-hawks, like NATO General Secretary Jens Stoltenberg, immediately said NATO fully on the side of Ukraine; and some other hawks, immediately, like representatives of the Integrity Initiative — about which I will same something in a second — immediately said that NATO should send a whole flotilla into the Sea of Azov.

Now, this was absolutely denounced by President Putin yesterday, who waited a couple of days, and then basically said this was a clearly preplanned provocation, and the big fault lies with the nations of the West, who, without thinking immediately take the side of Ukraine. And in his typical Putin humor, even said, if Ukraine would demand to eat babies for breakfast, the West would immediately agree.

And this was also strongly denounced by the former Chairman of the NATO Military Committee, who had also been the Chief of Staff of the German military before that, Gen. Harald Kujat, who denounced Stoltenberg, and said he made a grave mistake: That in an incident like that, it is of the utmost importance that it be investigated and the other nations should not beat it up, but try to deescalate the whole situation. Fortunately, most of the West European governments did, because they obviously realized that a war between Ukraine and Russia could completely go out of control in no time and lead to a World War III.

So I think that this incident, in which the danger is not yet over because Poroshenko announced martial law in parts of Ukraine, and our dear friend Natalia Vitrenko, a Ukrainian politician, warned that this means Poroshenko is actually establishing a dictatorship in Ukraine — martial law, eliminating all kinds of civil rights, being an extremely hot situation.

Now, who is the instigator of this whole provocation? If you look at the fact that just recently, a couple of days ago, it was revealed that there is this thing called “Integrity Initiative.” This is a very strange institution. It’s basically run out of British embassies all over the world, and it is actually a subdivision of British intelligence. One of their spokesmen, Edward Lucas came out in the context of this Ukraine crisis, and immediately said: This is completely like Nazi Germany attacking Poland in 1939, and demanding an immediate escalation, sending warships into the Black Sea, in a clear provocation.

What is this Integrity Initiative? The new British Chief of General Staff Gen. Mark Carleton-Smith said Russia is a greater danger to the U.K. than ISIS or al-Qaeda, in a completely war-mongering statement. So what this Integrity Initiative outfit does, is they have defined so-called “cluster groups,” in all kinds of countries; and if you look at their website and look at the names of the people involved, it is the Cold War faction all over the world. For example, in the United States, it involves Ian Brzezinski, the son of infamous Zbigniew Brzezinski, of the {Great Chessboard} infamy, and this Ian Brzezinski is a leading member of the Atlantic Council, which can be really regarded as one of these subdivisions of the Anglo-American empire, or the British intelligence. And in Germany, it involves Gen. Klaus Naumann, who is famous for his Cold War attitudes towards Russia. So it is this apparatus which is basically sticking to the idea that you need to have a geopolitical confrontation with Russia and with China. And this is the faction which brings about the war danger in the closest fashion.

Now, we have to get over the idea that the world forever needs to be divided into geopolitical blocs, where you have one nation, or one group of nations being in complete conflict with another group of nations. And unfortunately much of the European Union thinks that way; Macron thinks that way; Mrs. Merkel in the same way. When Macron recently demanded the establishment of a European army, to be able to defend Europe against Russia, China and even the United States, he said! That is typical for this kind of thinking, which under conditions of a financial breakdown crisis and general tensions is exactly a prescription for the danger of a repetition of the two catastrophes of the 20th century.

Now, the alternative is fortunately, also very clearly there. I already mentioned the New Silk Road Spirit having transformed Africa, where people for the first time have the legitimate hope that with the help of China, and now, more and more other countries, such as India, Japan, Indonesia, Turkey and many others, having recognized that Africa, which will have 2.5 billion people by the 2050, and as Xi Jinping at the Johannesburg BRICS summit in September correctly noted, Africa having the biggest development potential of all the continents on the planet, that one can say that Africa will be the “new China with African characteristics.” That you will have a very young population, which if they are educated and provided with the necessary infrastructure investments, can really become the most productive continent on the planet.

That obviously, is a nightmare for those people who have tried to suppress the development of the developing countries, such as the IMF, with their “conditionalities,” which was the real debt trap. You know, the IMF conditionalities basically made sure that the developing countries would remain indebted, and that they were not allowed to use their income for either investment in social expenditures, education, infrastructure, but that they had to pay debt as a priority, and that was one of the main means how the development of these countries was suppressed.

And naturally, you had the very unholy role of the World Wildlife Fund, preventing infrastructure, for the sake of snails rather than human beings. And you had the whole unholy ideology of the Club of Rome that supposedly the resources on the planet were limited, and therefore development of the developing countries had to be suppressed.

When China launched the New Silk Road, all of that went out of the window, because, now, for the first time, there is the real possibility to overcome the underdevelopment of the developing countries, and that has been understood by the countries of the Global South — these are all the major organizations, such as the G77, the Organization of Islamic Countries (OIC), Mercosur [Mercado Común del Sur], the African Union, all of these organizations are now basically inspired by the New Silk Road idea.

And even in Europe, this is dramatically quickly changing: You had the 16+1, Eastern and Central European Countries plus China, which very happy to be hubs between Europe and Asia, in the Silk Road development. You have Greece, which is completely transformed because of Chinese investments in Piraeus and other infrastructure projects. The new Italian government had completely changed: They no longer listen to the EU in respect to China. The leading ministers, like Giovanni Tria, and the undersecretary for Economic Development Michele Geraci, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, himself, they all basically look to cooperation between China and Italy, not only for mutual investments, but especially to invest in joint projects in Africa. And one of the most glorious examples, is the agreement between China and Italy to jointly work together with the countries of the Lake Chad Basin Commission to implement the Transaqua project, which I’m sure Hussein already talked about.

But then you have also Spain, where President Xi was just there on a state visit, and having very far-reaching cooperation agreement between China and Spain, emphasizing the 2,000 years of cultural ties between the two countries. And then Xi Jinping will also go to Portugal when he comes back from the G20. And between Portugal and China there is an absolute agreement that Portugal, also, will become the hub — Spain and Portugal will not only be the hub for the Eurasian connection of the New Silk Road, but also the hub for all the Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking throughout the world. So this is what the Schiller Institute emphasized in our “World Land-Bridge” report, to work on the so-called Atlantic route, and in this way, combining the Caribbean, Central America, South America, with those Portuguese- and Spanish-speaking countries and therefore Europe.

So the World Land-Bridge is coming into being. And we had just had a very interesting and hopeful even in Hamburg, between China and the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce, where, with the exception of one Greenie, who was completely beside himself, but all the other speakers were more or less very optimistic in talking about how Hamburg is the natural link not only for the land connection — and I think per week now, 23 trains are coming from China into Hamburg — but obviously, also a crucial aspect of the Maritime Silk Road, given the fact that Hamburg is the largest port in Germany.

This is all very, very interesting. Then, I should not forget to mention Switzerland, which is also onboard. Austria: Austria’s new government even has it in its coalition treaty that Austria wants to become a hub for the New Silk Road. So I think the development is actually, objectively very, very promising. But obviously, a lot more has to be done, because if you reflect on what I said in the beginning, what should become the outcome of the G20, a New Bretton Woods system and a new system in order to safeguard our nations against the danger of a new financial blowout, that has not yet been accomplished.

Otherwise, objectively, despite all the dangers I’ve referred to, I think we can be very optimistic, because a new system is within reach. And I just want to say, that economic development absolutely must be combined with a Classical Renaissance. Because, if you look at the values of the West right now, — I want to identify very briefly what I mean by that — the neo-liberal or liberal philosophy or ideology which has taken over in the West, it is correctly rejected by Russia and by China — it’s the principle “everything is allowed.” You have not two genders, but now you have about 49 genders; you have pornography without limits; children can go on the internet and see the worst-possible atrocities, the violence which is now, unfortunately having roots in the United States — you have the mass shootings in the schools almost every day. In the United States, there were already more than 300 mass shootings [this year]. You have the opioid epidemic in the United States. You have an increase of [inaudible 35:42] alcoholism, drug addiction; longevity in the United States has gone down for the first time in the last two years! If there is any parameter for a collapsing economy it is that the life expectancy goes down.

And in Europe, we are not that far behind, if you look at the violence in the schools in Germany, just to name one element. I think we are in an absolute dire need to have a Renaissance of human culture, of Classical culture, of Classical music, poetry, and other areas of art.

This has been understood in China. I mentioned already Xi Jinping’s emphasis on the need for aesthetical education, and the main Chinese speaker at this Hamburg conference yesterday, Vice Premier Liu He, who is the main economic advisor of Xi Jinping, he deviated from his written text and said that he wanted to share a story with the audience, that during the Cultural Revolution, when he was young, he had to hide in one of the hutongs in Beijing — these are the old buildings — and he had to listen in secrecy to the Violin Concerto in C-minor of Felix Mendelssohn, and that meant that he fell completely in love with Classical music and he has pursued that passion ever since.

I think this is very promising. Because as you know, we are convinced that human nature is that all human beings essentially are good, that man has the limitless capability to self-perfect, not only in terms of intellect, but also that the aesthetical education means that you can educate your emotions until you can blindly follow them because they would never tell you anything different than what reason commands. This is the Friedrich Schiller’s definition of the beautiful soul. He says, necessity and passion, free will and duty all fall in one, and this is the condition where man is truly free: Because you do with passion what is necessary, because you cannot think in any different way other than on the level of reason.

And I think that is not a utopia, but that is something which can be absolutely accomplished and is inherent in the philosophy of Confucius, who also had almost the same idea of aesthetical education as Friedrich Schiller, that is, through music, through poetry, through learning [inaudible 38:49], that you can actually transform the character of people to become beautiful characters, and to becoming wise and serve the common good.

Now, I think that if mankind is supposed to reach the New Paradigm, not only will the relations among nations be like that, that each nation will refer to the best tradition of the other and be enriched by discovering the beauty of the most advanced culture of the other nation, but that that will increasingly become the nature of relations among nations: that we will stop behaving like little four-year-old boys, kicking each other in the shins, meaning, conducting war and things like that, and we will become adult as a human species and renovate our relations, like the astronauts, who all, — all the astronauts who have been in space, who were on the ISS, they all report the same thing: That once you are in space, you recognize that you can only cooperate on the basis of reason, because otherwise you won’t exist, and that when you look at our little, blue planet from space, you recognize that there is {so} much to be discovered! First of all, there are no borders, there are no races, there is only one humanity, and you recognize that our universe is so huge! And that we as a human species have to cooperate, to be able to have a sustained existence in this universe, over the next thousands and thousands of years.

And the Hubble telescope discovered that we presently know of the existence of 2 trillion galaxies! Now, that is boggling the minds — if I try to think of the Solar System, the Milky Way, the galaxy, that is already gigantic. But the idea of 2 trillion galaxies, that shows you that we as a human species have just made the first baby steps in the direction of the perfection of our species.

Anyway, I just think we are at the change of an epoch. I think we have a very good chance to leave the epoch of geopolitics behind us, that we can really create a system of governance which makes the coexistence in peace and development possible for all of humanity. And I would encourage you to be optimistic about it, and join efforts with the Schiller Institute, because this has been our perspective for the past 40 or 50 years — in the case of my husband, 50 years — and I think we are on the verge of seeing the realization of that vision.

Thank you. [applause]

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Helga Zepp-LaRouche:
»En fælles fremtid for menneskeheden«
Introduktion til bind II af
rapporten, »Den Nye Silkevej
bliver til Verdenslandbroen«

20. juni, 2018 – Vi har den glæde at præsentere Helga Zepp-LaRouches introduktion til den kommende Schiller Institut rapport, »Den Nye Silkevej bliver til Verdenslandbroen, bind II: En fælles fremtid for menneskeheden«. Rapporten forventes udgivet i slutningen af denne måned.

»Den Nye Silkevejsånd« har ændret verden til det bedre i en langt mere gennemgribende grad, end den transatlantiske sektor hidtil blot nogenlunde har forstået. Siden den kinesiske præsident Xi Jinping satte den Nye Silkevej på dagsordenen i september 2013 i Kasakhstan, er en hidtil uset optimisme fejet hen over udviklingslandene i særdeleshed; en følelse af, at fattigdom og underudvikling kan overvindes i en nær fremtid, takket være kinesiske investeringer i infrastruktur, industri og landbrug. Geopolitisk orienterede kredse i Vesten har ikke forstået, at Kina gennemfører en ny model for international politik, der takler det underskud, som arven efter kolonialisme og imperialisme har testamenteret frem til i dag: den absolutte mangel på udvikling. Og fordi Kina således adresserer milliarder af menneskers eksistentielle behov, vil denne politik sandsynligvis blive den største revolution i menneskehedens historie.

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