Året 2017:
Den Ny Silkevejsånd fejer hen over verden.
LaRouche PAC Internationale Webcast,
29. dec., 2017

Vært Matthew Ogden: God aften, det er den 29. december; jeg er Matthew Ogden, og dette er årets sidste internationale fredags-webcast fra larouchepac.com.

Som vi nærmer os afslutningen af året 2017, er vi nødsaget til at se tilbage på året, som det udfoldede sig dag for dag, i de seneste 365 dage. Men vi er også nødt til at se fremad, til året 2018, og til forpligtelser og muligheder, som dette år vil bringe os.

Det forgange år, 2017, har selvfølgelig været et af de år, der har budt på flest forandringer i de fleste menneskers levetid. Vi erindrer, at året startede med først, valget, og dernæst indsættelsen af en ny præsident, præsident Donald Trump, og det var helt klart en af de største, politiske rystelser i moderne politisk historie, med valgnederlaget til Hillary Clinton, hvem alle antog for den sikre vinderkandidat til at blive USA’s præsident, og med valgsejren til den nuværende præsident Donald Trump. Men, som hr. LaRouche korrekt sagde på det tidspunkt, så ville det være en fejltagelse at anskue betydningen af dette valg ud fra et rent nationalt standpunkt. Det ville være en fejltagelse at anskue betydningen af denne valgrystelse inden for rammerne af national politik, men det sande perspektiv, man må have, både for årsagerne og også for den følgelige betydning af dette dramatiske, politiske skifte i USA, må snarere være et globalt perspektiv og et perspektiv for en global transformation, der fandt sted på mange, mange måder.

På den ene side har vi afslutningen af en æra, afslutningen af den transatlantiske æra med finansspekulation og med at bringe USA som en del af denne sektor i verden til et punkt for desperation, økonomisk, socialt og på anden vis, her i USA, og som frembragte denne dramatiske, politiske sejr og dette dramatiske, politiske nederlag til Hillary Clinton og det, hun stod for. Og ligeledes den angst, som amerikanerne følte, over, at verden kom nærmere og nærmere til randen af Tredje Verdenskrig, til en konfrontation mellem USA og Rusland, en konfrontation mellem USA og Kina.

Men man må også se den potentielle betydning af denne dramatiske, politiske begivenhed her i USA, ud fra et standpunkt om de muligheder, der er udløst på verdensscenen. Og disse muligheder var, og er fortsat, potentialet for et samarbejde mellem USA og Rusland og USA og Kina, som en relation mellem stormagter for at afslutte æraen med koldkrigs-geopolitik og frembringe et nyt stadie for samarbejde mellem disse store magter i verden, for et nyt paradigme for relationer mellem disse lande, og som ville udløse et hidtil uset potentiale for samarbejde, fredelig, gensidig fordel og »win-win«-samarbejde.

Det er en udfordring for amerikanere at se længere end det daglige melodrama i amerikansk politik og 24-timers nyhedsudsendelser og se, hvad der virkelig har udfoldet sig på verdensscenen i løbet af året 2017. Men, hvis vi ser længere, og vi tager et globalt perspektiv, ser vi, at året 2017 virkelig havde sin historiske betydning med den kendsgerning, at dette er året, hvor hele verden begyndte at blive transformeret af den dynamik, der nu er associeret til den Nye Silkevej, eller Ét Bælte, én Vej-initiativet, som fejer hen over verden fra Kina. Det har haft en transformerende virkning for hele planeten: Hvert eneste kontinent er blevet transformeret, og alle nationer er blevet berørt af Silkevejsånden, inklusive, på signifikant vis, USA. Som vi senere skal tale om, så er Vest Virginia et meget, meget godt eksempel.

Men det, vi har set, er en stor bølge af optimisme, der er blevet udløst. Det er det, der kaldes »Silkevejsånden«, og vi ser, at meget af denne transformation allerede er i gang; men der er selvfølgelig meget tilbage at virkeliggøre.

I dag er tilfældigvis hr. og fr. Lyndon og Helga LaRouches 40 års bryllupsdag, og det er en meget passende dag til at reflektere over den ekstraordinært positive virkning, som disse 40 års frugtbart samarbejde og helligelse til det gode har haft på verden, gennem disse to, ekstraordinært verdenshistoriske personer: både Lyndon og Helga LaRouche. Dette forgangne år 2017 har på en meget virkelig måde været en meget stor modning af disse 40 års utrættelige arbejde på begges vegne, og ligeledes på vegne af dem i bevægelsen, der er blevet inspireret af dem.

I det kommende år må vi sætte os for, og træffe vore nytårsforsætter om at se konsolideringen af denne vision. Alt det, der nu er blevet virkelighed, mht. potentiale i året 2017, nu må konsolideres og krystalliseres i året 2018. Som Helga Zepp-LaRouche har karakteriseret det: 2018 må være afslutningen af geopolitik og lanceringen af et nyt paradigme for den menneskelige race, baseret på win-win-samarbejde mellem alle folkeslag og blomstringen af en renæssance, bestående af det bedste i alle kulturer, civilisationer bragt i dialog med hinanden, og som drager fordel af det bedste af det, alle nationer har at tilbyde det almene vel for menneskeracen som helhed.

Det kunne være nyttigt at tage et snapshot af et par af de mest afgørende vendepunkter i året 2017 for at beslutte den transformerende virkning, der har fundet sted i løbet af dette år. Hvis vi ligesom tager et forskudt tidsbillede af året 2017, selv om alle udviklingerne, der har fundet sted, kan have syntes at være næsten for meget og for dramatisk til at holde trit med; hvis vi ser tilbage, ser vi, på hvor absolut dramatisk vis, verden er blevet forandret af denne Silkevejsånd i dette år, 2017.

Vi begyndte året her på LaRouche PAC med en appel, der blev cirkuleret bredt og faktisk havde en ret intens virkning, og som krævede, at præsident Trump, med sin indtræden i embedet, tog alle sine kampagneløfter og hele sin diskussion om at genopbygge USA’s industri, genopbygge USA’s varefremstilling, genopbygge USA’s infrastruktur alvorligt, men også at tage en ny holdning over for verden og en samarbejdende relation med Rusland og endda med Kina; og denne appel krævede, at præsident Donald Trump rakte en hånd tilbage mod Kina. Det, som Obama havde afvist mht. et samarbejde, et samarbejdende partnerskab med det, Kina havde påbegyndt, Asiatisk Infrastruktur-Investeringsbank, den Nye Silkevej, Bælte & Vej Initiativet, og så i stedet række en ånd frem til Kina for samarbejde og blive en del af dette.

Det har endnu ikke helt båret frugt, og det er opgaven for året 2018, men vi er kommet meget, meget langt.

Lad og se på et par af de meget vigtige vendepunkter i løbet af det forgangne år:

I april – 6. og 7. april, for at være helt nøjagtig – blev præsident Xi Jinping af præsident Trump budt velkommen i USA til et meget vigtigt statsbesøg, der fandt sted på præsident Trumps Mar-a-Lago ferieresort i Florida. Vi har set billederne og videoerne af deres diskussioner og deres moddage i løbet af disse to dage på Mar-a-Lago. Det var under dette topmøde, dette præsident Xi Jinpings statsbesøg, at præsident Trump og præsident Xi begyndte at skabe det, der nu er blevet til en meget nær, personlig relation.

Dette var en meget dramatisk vending af præcis det, præsident Obama gjorde mht. en politik for militær konfrontation, en politik for at omringe Kina og en politik for at forsøge at ophede konflikten over det Sydkinesiske Hav og andre ting, mht. at anbringe USA i en konfronterende holdning over for Kina.

På trods af sit meget krigerske sprog under valgkampen, tiltrådte præsident Trump embedet og besluttede at vende denne Obamas politik og i stedet skabe en, i det mindste på det personlige plan, varm og nær personlig relation mellem ham selv og præsident Xi Jinping. Det begyndte på Mar-a-Lago-topmødet den 6. og 7. april i år.

Den følgende måned, den 9. maj, begyndte LaRouche PAC en meget koncentreret kampagne og en slags nedtælling til det, der tydeligvis skulle blive et meget afgørende topmøde, der skulle finde sted i Kina. Dette var Bælte & Vej Forum for Internationalt Samarbejde, der skulle finde sted 14.-15. maj. Så i begyndelsen af maj indledte LaRouche PAC en to uger lang nedtælling og lagde ekstraordinært pres på præsident Trump for at acceptere præsident Xi Jinpings invitation til personligt at deltage som USA’s repræsentant på Bælte & Vej Forum i Kina. Som en del af denne kampagne udgav vi en video, en meget kort men meget fyndig video, med Jason Ross som fortæller, ved navn »Bælte & Vej Initiativet: Vort århundredes afgørende projekt«. https://larouchepac.com/20170509/belt-and-road-initiative-defining-project-our-century

Denne video blev meget hurtigt cirkuleret bredt og er nu blevet set af 50.000 mennesker; den udlagte video har 50.000 visninger.

Jeg vil gerne tage jer tilbage til dette historiske øjeblik og afspille et kort klip af denne videofortælling af Jason Ross for jer. Den hedder altså »Bælte & Vej Initiativet: Vort århundredes afgørende projekt«.

Her følger resten af udskriftet på engelsk:

[Begin Video]
JASON ROSS:  It would be the biggest mistake ever, if the
U.S. didn’t take advantage of the Belt and Road Forum that’s
taking place in a week in Beijing, China —  the biggest mistake
ever.  This event is going to bring together representatives of
over 100 nations on this planet, including the direct
participation of almost 30 heads of state, and they’re going to
discuss the greatest project of our generation, the Belt and Road
Now, so far, there’s no indication or announcement that
President Trump or other U.S. representatives will attend, but

HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE: “If we can convince President Trump to
take up the offer to join with China and the other nations in the
New Silk Road, he can become one of the greatest Presidents of
the history of the United States….”

ROSS:  This initiative, the Belt and Road Initiative, was
launched officially by China in 2013.  It’s a program of mutually
beneficial connectivity, of infrastructure, of common development
programs.  So far, the proposals and works in progress embrace
over 60 nations, affecting over 4 billion people, the majority
of humanity, with plans for $20 trillion in infrastructure
spending.  That’s two or three times what would be needed to
fully revitalize U.S. infrastructure; it’s 20 times the $1
trillion that Trump has called for so far.  This is a huge
These programs have got the potential to eliminate poverty,
on the globe, within a generation
, completely and totally
eliminate endemic poverty everywhere.
Already over the past few decades, China has seen phenomenal

SECRETARY OF STATE REX TILLERSON: “And China really began to
feel its oats about that time, and rightfully.  They have
achieved a lot: They moved 500 million Chinese people out of
poverty in to middle-class status….”

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: “OK, it’s a great thing, thank you.
And I met with the President of China, at great length in
Florida.  And we had long, long talks.  Hours and hours and hours.  He’s a good man.”

ROSS:  China is springing ahead with its own development,
and working together with its neighbors.  Through Chinese
investment, by the nation, by the corporations, and through new
financing from institutions like the Asian Infrastructure
Investment Bank, the New Development Bank, and the Silk Road Fund
— these are mechanisms created since 2013 — major projects of
enormous scope are made possible.

RICHARD TRIFAN [The Eurasia Center]: “This is an historic
project, as you all know.  It is probably the biggest global
achievement which is analogous to our reaching out into space,
and to the Moon and other planets.  It’s probably the most
comprehensive initiative that many nations will be working
together on….”

ROSS:  So let’s take a tour:  Starting in Asia, there are
six development corridors proposed by China, for road, rail,
water, electricity, communications, along with soft
infrastructure such as education, customs standardization,
cultural exchange.  These corridors are currently under way to
varying degrees.  So much of the world is currently working
together for aims of common development, and a shared future of
advancement, of dignity, and of scientific achievement.  Will the
U.S. join in?  We’re invited with open arms.

ZHANG MEIFANG [Deputy Consul Chinese Consulate, New York]:
“Last, but not the least, I want to quote President Xi as saying
that China welcomes the United States to participate in
cooperation within the Belt and Road framework.  Both countries
should really seize the opportunities….”

ROSS:  Let’s accept this invitation.  The U.S. of a hundred
years from now, looking back, will be so glad that we did.

OGDEN:  Now, that video was released on May 9th, and as I
said, quickly received tens of thousands of views on YouTube, a
very rapid circulation.  And despite the fact that almost no one
in the United States at that time was discussing, or frankly had
even heard of the idea of the Belt and Road Initiative or the New
Silk Road, or the One Belt, One Road policy of China, all of a
sudden this project and this idea asserted itself in a very large
way and was thrust into the center of U.S. political debate.
Almost seemingly out of nowhere, three days after the release of
that video, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer was asked
multiple times during the White House press briefing about the
One Belt, One Road policy and whether or not President Trump was
going to be sending a representative to the Belt and Road Forum
in Beijing, and whether the United States was going to join the
New Silk Road.  So here’s that press briefing from May 12th of
this year:

Q: “I wanted to ask you about the One Belt, One Road summit
that starts on Sunday in China.  You announced yesterday, or
Secretary Ross said that you’re going to send a delegation to
that summit.  Could you talk about how you came to that
conclusion, why it’s important for the U.S to be represented at
what’s ostensibly a major trade initiative by a foreign country?”

PRESS SECRETARY SEAN SPICER: “As you point, it’s a major
trade initiative.  There’s a lot of ports and infrastructure that
they’re going to do, and through those discussions that Secretary
Ross and Secretary Mnuchin and others had at Mar-a-Lago, and part
of this is that this is something they’ve done; we’re going to
continue to work with them.  Obviously, trade is a major issue
for us and what they’re looking to do is of great importance to
our economic and national security, and they’ve asked us to send
people to that.  And we have them attend things that we’re doing
as well.  And I think that’s, as the President has shown in terms
of the relationship that he’s built with President Xi, and the
rest of the team has built with their delegation, those
relationships are clearly paying dividends both on the national
security front and on the economic front.

Q: “…is the U.S. going to participate in the One Belt, One
Road initiative?”

SEAN SPICER: “We’ll have a readout. At this point that’s all
we have on One Belt, One Road….”

OGDEN:  So, as you saw, it was announced that President
Trump had really at the last minute, decided to send a high-level
representative to the Belt and Road Forum.  This is very much,
largely due to the campaign that we waged here in the United
States, and that high-level representative from the State
Department was sent to the Belt and Road Forum in Beijing, Matt
Now, also in attendance at that historic summit in Beijing,
with multiple heads of state and representatives from all around
the world {was}:  Helga Zepp-LaRouche herself.  And that was
really poetically just that she should be there.  Because the
fact is, she is recognized in China as the “Silk Road Lady,” and
the efforts of herself and her husband Lyndon LaRouche and the
movement which has been inspired by them, really has laid the
groundwork for what became in the year 2017, the great
flourishing of the New Silk Road.  So, Helga Zepp-LaRouche
attended this Belt and Road Forum; she was present there in the
proceedings, and she also conducted numerous other meetings.  She
was a speaker at some of the roundtable discussions and break-out
sessions on the side, and then followed that with a two-week tour
of China.  Helga Zepp-LaRouche gave a report back on her
presence, on her participation in the Belt and Road Forum, and
during that report she gave a wonderful overview of the 40 years
of effort that she and her husband, Lyndon LaRouche, have
invested into bringing this vision into actuality.  Going all the
way back to Lyndon LaRouche’s proposal in 1971 for an
International Development Bank and the development of the entire
planet.  You’ll see that she goes through that entire sweep of
history.  So, obviously, reviewing this sweep of history is a
very appropriate thing to do on the occasion today of Mr. and
Mrs. LaRouche’s 40th wedding anniversary that we’re observing
So, I’d like to play for you a short excerpt from that
report back, that very immediate report that Helga LaRouche had
upon her return from this historic Belt and Road Forum on May 14
and 15 of this year.

HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  I just wanted to make sure that you
get a first impression from me from my trip, because the worst
mistake we could make is to respond to the absolutely incredible
propaganda coming from the US mainstream media and the new
liberal media in Europe; like Der Spiegel underlined, the chief
editor piece which was really out of this way.  It is very clear
that people who are primarily relying on such media, have a
completely, totally 100% wrong idea what the reality is that’s
going on.  We should really get that out of our heads and not try
to swim within the fish bowl of an artificially created
environment.  Because from my standpoint, the world looks very
First of all, I said this already and I reiterate it.  With
the Belt and Road Forum, the world has dramatically consolidated
the beginning of a new era.  I don’t think at all that short of
World War III, this is going to go away, because the majority of
the world is moving in a completely liberated way.  This was the
highest level I ever participated in; there were 28 heads of
state speaking one after the other.  Obviously, the speech by Xi
Jinping was absolutely outstanding.  Whoever has time to listen
to it, should really do it; because it was a very Confucian
speech which set the tone for the two-day conference in a very
clear way.  So, please listen to it when you have some time.
I think the way people have to understand what is going on,
is you have to really think what this organization, and Lyn in
particular, did for the last almost 50 years.  The first time
when Lyn in 1971 recognized what the significance of the
dismantling of the Bretton Woods system was, and then all the
many things we did in the last over 40 years.  Lyn coming back
from the Iraqi Ba’ath Party celebrations in 1975 when he proposed
the IDB as an International Development Bank to foster a New
World Economic Order.  The fact that we for one year campaigned
with this IDB proposal which then basically became part of the
Colombo, Sri Lanka resolution of the Non-Aligned Movement in ’76.
Then at the end of the ’70s when we worked with Indira Gandhi on
a 40-year development plan for India.  We published a whole book
about the industrialization of Africa.  We worked with López
Portillo on Operation Juárez.  We put out a 50-year Pacific Basin
Development Plan.  Lyn had already proposed the Oasis Plan.  And
then naturally when the Wall came down and the Soviet Union
disintegrated, we proposed the Productive Triangle and the
Eurasian Land-Bridge.  All of these proposals — and just think
of the many, many activities we did — conferences on five
continents; all of this was on the level of ideas.  But only
after Xi Jinping put the New Silk Road on the agenda in 2013 and
in the four years of breathtaking developments of the One Belt,
One Road Initiative since, these ideas are becoming realized; and
the genie is out of the bottle.  You have now the bi-oceanic
railway discussion and the tunnels and bridges connecting the
Atlantic and Pacific around Latin America.  You have all these
railways now being opened up in Africa.
This is unprecedented; this was not done by the IMF or the
World Bank.  They suppressed it with the conditionalities.  But
with the AIIB [Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank], the new
Development Bank, the New Silk Road Fund, the Maritime Silk Road
Fund, the direct investment of the Chinese Ex-Im Bank, the China
State Bank; all of these projects are now proceeding, and they
have completely changed the attitude and the self-confidence of
all participating countries.
The way people in China look at President Trump is
absolutely different than what the media is trying to say.  They
are very positive about Trump, in the same way that people in
Russia think Trump is somebody you can absolutely have a decent
relationship with; and that is reality.  Forget the media; forget
these whores of the press who are really just prostitutes for the
British Empire.  Don’t pay any attention to what they say, and
don’t allow other people you are talking with to do that either.
When Trump promised $1 trillion investment, this was the
right thing, and we put out the right program saying the United
States must join the Silk Road.  That should be our focus and
nothing else.  Everything else should be a subsumed aspect of
that.  This is the strategically important thing.  And the fact
that the head of the China Investment Corporation, Ding Xuedong,
said it’s not $1 trillion, but $8 trillion that the United States
needs; this is absolutely on the mark and you know it yourself
from the condition of the roads and the infrastructure in all of
the United States.  The fact that this same organization has now
set up an office in New York, advising Chinese investors how to
invest in the United States, and vice versa how US investors can
invest in China; the fact that the Chinese are invited to
participate in this infrastructure conference in June; all of
this is absolutely going in the right direction.
What happened in the Belt and Road Forum and the many
meetings I had afterwards — after all, I spent two full weeks in
Beijing, in Manjing, in Shanghai.  But it’s the fact that in the
many interviews, many quotes, we were treated with the highest
respect possible.  People are fully aware of Lyn’s significance
as a theoretician of physical economy; his ideas are highly
respected.  People treated me as we should be treated; namely, as
people who have devoted their entire lives to the common good of
humanity.  This is in absolute stark contrast to the shitty
behavior that we are getting normally from the neo-liberals in
the trans-Atlantic region.  You should understand that what the
attack on Trump is supposed to do, is to make it so difficult for
him to focus on the positive aspects; and there are quite some
many of them, including his working relationship with Russia and
China, which is strategically the most important.  Basically, he
has to defend his staff, and everybody thinks they have to spend
all the time to defend themselves.  So, don’t fall for it.  The
idea that we are losing is completely off; mankind is on the
winning track, and we have to pull the American population up to
create the kind of ferment so the implementation of the
infrastructure program as a first step is on the agenda and on
everybody’s mind and nothing else.
I have the strong conviction that by the end of this year,
the world will look completely different because the development
perspective is so contagious that I think all the efforts by the
British Empire to somehow throw in a monkey wrench will not work.
So, take the winning perspective; take the high ground.  Think
strategically and realize that what is happening in reality in
many development projects around the world is what this
organization has been fighting for, for almost half a century.  I
just wanted to tell you that, because the worst thing we could do
is look at it from inside the United States, from within the box,
when the whole world has moved out of the box decisively with the
Belt and Road Forum, which is not going to be stopped by
anything.  That is my view I wanted communicate.

OGDEN:  This is an inexorable, almost irresistible dynamic;
this is a dynamic which is not going to be stopped by anything.
Of course, the subsequent months saw a very dramatic attempt to
escalate the campaign to undermine and overturn the Presidency of
the United States; largely because of President Trump’s
willingness and commitment to working together with these
countries which were supposed to be our enemies and our
adversaries under the Obama view of the world.  But also, we saw
the continued expansion of the Silk Road.  This was almost an
unstoppable march of this development perspective to every corner
of the planet.
Perhaps most significantly, we saw the development of
Africa.  This is a continent which for centuries had been kept in
an enforced state of backwardness, poverty, miserable famine
across the entire continent of Africa; with no development.  What
China has done just in the last few months, has been
unbelievable; in terms of the railroads that have been built, the
power projects that have been built, the water projects that are
now under consideration such as the Transaqua project.  But
already, just in the latter portion of this year, we’ve seen the
dramatic transformation of the continent of Africa and the change
in the attitude of the African people; who now are — as Helga
LaRouche has repeatedly noted — have a renewed sense of optimism
and self-confidence because of what China has done to bring
development to that continent.
We’ve also seen the nations of South and Central America
begin to embrace the Silk Road spirit.  We’ve seen increasing
collaboration between China and Russia, with the integration of
the Silk Road and the Eurasian Economic Union idea.  We’ve seen
barriers that have been erected geopolitically between nations in
South and Southeastern Asia crumbling as we speak.  We saw the
forging of a new partnership between Japan and China; two nations
which have historically been at each other’s throats.  We’ve seen
the Philippines join enthusiastically the New Silk Road dynamic
and reach out a hand of collaboration to China in friendship.
And we’ve even seen nations in Europe — most notably southern
and eastern Europe — enthusiastically become part of the New
Silk Road dynamic.  So, you’ve had an almost unstoppable rhythm
of developments, month after month, week after week of nations
embracing this New Silk Road spirit.
As Helga Zepp-LaRouche said at the conclusion of that report
that she delivered immediately after her attendance at the Belt
and Road Forum in Beijing in May of this year, she said, “I am
confident that, by the end of this year, the world will have been
transformed in a very dramatic way by the New Silk Road dynamic.”
Indeed, now we sit at the end of this year, and what Helga
Zepp-LaRouche said at that point is very true.  So, if we fast
forward from May, those dramatic developments leading into and
then leading out of that Belt and Road Forum in Beijing, China;
if we fast forward from May all the way up to November, and take
a look at the historic trip by President Trump to China — the
“state visit-plus” that he made — which occurred in the
immediate aftermath of the historic Chinese Communist Party
National Congress; where President Xi Jinping was elevated to
another term as President of China.  The Silk Road idea was
literally written into the Chinese Constitution.  This historic
trip that President Trump made to China, which was in the context
of his grand tour of Asia, of southern and southeastern Asia as a
whole; this trip consolidated an entirely new era in US-China
Again, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, who is a unique voice in terms
of her analysis, because she’s not just a commentator looking at
this from the outside; but again, is speaking as somebody who has
been on the ground for years if not decades in bringing this Silk
Road reality into existence.  Helga Zepp-LaRouche, in the
aftermath of President Trump’s historic state visit-plus to
China, gave her analysis and her report on what the significance
of President Trump’s visit to Beijing and his continued, very
warm special relationship with President Xi Jinping of China.
So, here’s what Helga Zepp-LaRouche had to say in the immediate
aftermath of President Trump’s historic visit to China in
November of this year.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  I think it is the beginning of a new era of
strategic relationships between the United States and China, as
Xi Jinping had said.  What they did in order to receive Trump and
give him the best possible honors, the characterization was that
this was a “state visit-plus” and President Xi Jinping even said
that this was a “state visit-plus-plus”.  They rolled out the red
carpet, so to speak, in a way that they have never done for any
other foreign dignitary before since the existence of the
People’s Republic of China. What they did is, they had a first
day of introducing President Trump to the ancient culture of
China.  For that purpose, they closed down the Forbidden City for
an entire day; then they had a gala dinner in one of the palaces.
They showed him three different Beijing operas, they showed him
the restoration of art, crafts, and similar things.  Obviously,
President Xi Jinping was the tour guide for all of this.  Anybody
who has ever read or listened to his speeches knows that he is
very well-cultured in Chinese history, but also in universal
history.  So, this is really an incredible thing.  Naturally,
there were other aspects like trade deals for $253 billion.  When
President Trump came back from the Asia trip, he said that he had
deals for about $300 billion, but that would only be the
beginning.  Soon this figure would be three-fold.
But I think much more important — as much as the economic
deals are important; I don’t want to neglect that — but I think
much more deeply was the deep human accord between these two
Presidents.  So, I am confident that the chance to have a new
renaissance, to have an uplifting of people where the best
traditions of all nations and cultures of this planet are being
revived; and out of that, a new renaissance can be created.  I
think that that is an absolutely realistic possibility.  So, be
happy and join us.

OGDEN:  And indeed, an immense optimism was unleashed around
the world after seeing this very successful trip that President
Trump made to China.  There was an optimism from inside the
United States; notably, most conspicuously, the case of West
Virginia.  If we take a look at West Virginia Governor Jim
Justice, who announced in the immediate aftermath of President
Trump’s return from this historic trip to China, he [Justice]
announced an $83.7 billion investment deal that was signed
between China and the state of West Virginia.  This is $10
billion more than West Virginia’s entire annual GDP for the year
2016, which was only $73.4 billion.  So, this investment is $83.7
billion into one of the most impoverished and really despairing
states in the entire United States.  Just take a look at the
optimism and the sheer enthusiasm that Governor Jim Justice of
West Virginia showed in this press conference that he gave, upon
announcing this investment by China into his state.

GOVERNOR JIM JUSTICE:  Who in the world can even begin to
describe what $83.7 billion of money and investments is?  Well,
I’ll tell you what it is.  Do you realize it’s 83,700 $1 million
investments?  Now just think about that.  83,700 $1 million
investments.  I don’t know if you could actually pull this off,
but you could maybe be able to rebuild every city in the state of
West Virginia with $83.7 billion.  I would say to all of y’all
that may be doubters that this could become a reality.  Don’t
get on the wrong side of it, because really and truly, it’s a
comin’; it’s coming.

OGDEN:  So, “Don’t get on the wrong side of it,” this is a
reality.  And “really and truly, it’s a comin’|”.  I think that
perfectly describes this inexorable irresistibility of the New
Silk Road.  I think it encapsulates the year 2017 in just a few
phrases.  2017 truly was the year that the Silk Road spirit swept
the globe; including the state of West Virginia.  It’s indeed,
the perfect optimism out of the mouth of Governor Jim Justice
there in West Virginia.  It’s the perfect expression of the
sentiment that we, as Americans, should all have as we reflect
back on the year 2017 and look ahead at the year 2018.  Don’t get
on the wrong side of this, because it’s a comin’.
So, to conclude our broadcast, and to conclude this year, I
would like to play a short video message by Helga Zepp-LaRouche,
which is really her end of the year message.  This is her appeal
for the year 2018, which she says must be the year that we see
the end, once and for all, of the idea of geopolitics, and the
consolidation of the “win-win” collaboration of all nations in
this New Paradigm.  So, here’s Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s end of the
year message.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  … [T]hat in the almost four and a half
years now that Xi Jinping, the President of China, has put the
Belt and Road Initiative, the New Silk Road on the table, you see
a dynamic which is unbelievable.  First of all, China naturally
is economically exploding with development, with optimism, with
absolute ambitious infrastructure projects — we should talk
about that in detail in a minute — and many other countries, I
think well above 70 countries and 40 international large
associations and institutions are cooperating with the New Silk
Road.  And all of these countries have been gripped by an
enormous sense of optimism, which some people call the “Silk Road
Spirit,” which is the sense of entering a new era of mankind; and
the rest of the Europeans and Americans don’t know it!  The only
people in the United States who have an inkling, are those from
West Virginia and some other states who travelled with President
Trump on his recent trip and came back with enormous deals; like
West Virginia having a deal of $83 billion over the next 10
years.  And people really see that the United States could
absolutely join and be a part of it.
But I think that the key battle in which the world really
is, that you have the old neo-cons, the neo-liberals, who want to
stick, with geopolitics, who want to keep the image of China and
Russia as enemies and want to continue the British Empire game of
divide and conquer, playing one section against another section;
versus what is clearly the winning strategy and that is what Xi
Jinping has put on the agenda, with a “win-win” cooperation of
all nations of the world, and with the idea of a new paradigm, a
“community for a shared future of mankind,” a community of
destiny: The idea that geopolitics can be overcome.  And more and
more countries are joining with this new conception.
So, the battle really is, can we in time, before a new
financial crash comes down on us — you know, it’s hanging over
our heads like a Damocles’ Sword — can we in time get the kinds
of changes in the United States in particular, but also in
Western Europe, to join in this New Paradigm, or will this battle
for civilization be lost?  I’m very optimistic it can be won, but
it requires activity:  We’re not experiencing dialectical
materialism, or historical materialism, where positive events are
just taking on a life of their own; because it is always the
subjective factor which plays a very large role, and one place
you can see this very clearly is in the person of Xi Jinping, who
has really given an already positive Chinese development, a
complete upgrade, and a complete transformation into a New
Paradigm. And we would need such people in the West to do
The Schiller Institute is absolutely committed to doing
everything possible that we can get the United States and Europe
to cooperate with the New Silk Road, because that will be the
decisive battle for the coming year….
So this is the perspective that has to happen in the year
2018, because I think the present status quo is not going to
last.  I appeal to all of you, use this New Year to get the
United States and European countries in the New Silk Road Spirit.

OGDEN:  That is the task for the year 2018.  The key battle,
as Helga Zepp-LaRouche said, is that of the old paradigm of
geopolitics versus the New Paradigm of “win-win” collaboration
and this idea of a community of common destiny for all mankind.
We, as we sit now at the threshold of a new year — 2018 — we
find ourselves at the most crucial decisive inflection point in
that battle.  Everything hinges on victory in bringing the United
States into that New Paradigm; victory in instilling the Silk
Road Spirit into our fellow Americans; and finally, decisively,
the United States abandoning geopolitics once and for all, and
joining the New Silk Road.  Joining the One Belt, One Road
So, we have a crucial piece of material for securing that
victory.  This has just been released; just in time for the New
Year.  This is the new pamphlet from LaRouche PAC — “The Four
Economic Laws of Lyndon LaRouche; The Crucial Physical Economic
Principles Needed for the Recovery of the United States.
America’s Future on the New Silk Road.”  You can see on your
screen there, the link that you can obtain the digital copy of
this, and it’s also circulating in the streets of the United
States as we speak in this pamphlet form.  So, what your task is
for the remaining days, the remaining hours of 2017, is to get a
hold of a copy of this pamphlet.  If you have not yet caught the
contagion of the New Silk Road Spirit, that’s your task for the
remaining hours of this year.  And to hit the ground running as
we enter into this New Year — 2018 — which must see, finally
once and for all, the end of geopolitics and the consolidation of
this community of shared destiny for all mankind.
Thank you very much for joining me here today.  We would
like to thank you for being so active over the course of this
past year — 2017 — which has seen many victories and many
advancements towards victory.  But what we have to do now as we
enter into this New Year is to redouble our efforts.  I think the
perfect way of celebrating and observing the 40th wedding
anniversary of Helga Zepp-LaRouche and Lyndon LaRouche, and
honoring the work that the two of them have done over the last 40
years, is to rededicate ourselves to consolidating a victory for
this vision once and for all during the course of the coming
year.  So, Happy New Year to you, and we will see you again as
you tune in next year to larouchepac.com.  Good night.

Afsæt Mueller og vedtag de Fire Love
som politisk, økonomisk program.
LaRouche PAC Internationale Webcast,
22. dec., 2017.


Vært Matthew Ogden: Det er den 22. dec., 2017, og jeg er vært for vores faste udsendelse fra larouchepac.com med vores strategiske gennemgang her ved ugens afslutning.

Der er nu 40 dage til præsident Trumps planlagte ’State of the Union’-tale for den samlede Kongres den 30. januar. Hen over de kommende 40 dage vil vi se en kamp af hidtil usete proportioner udspille sig på verdensscenen og den internationale scene; en kamp om selve dette præsidentskabs sjæl. Selv om dette har taget form af en angivelig juridisk kamp mht. den såkaldte Mueller-efterforskning, må vi aldrig fortabe os i den konstant udviklende histories ugræs, med alle disse ’connectos’ og skikkelser i denne virkelig tragiske komedie af meget dramatiske proportioner. Vi må aldrig glemme, at det, der til syvende og sidst står på spil her, er en krig, der raser på højeste niveau af politisk beslutningstagning i dette land om, hvad USA’s fremtidige politik skal være. Dette gælder især for vore relationer med resten af verden, og i særdeleshed med Rusland og Kina. Spørgsmålet er, om USA vil fortsætte med at vedtage det 20. århundredes fejlslagne geopolitik, der har bragt verden på randen af Tredje Verdenskrig? Eller vil vi forkaste hele denne fejlslagne ideologi og i stedet vedtage en vision for verden, hvor suveræne nationer ikke blot arbejder for deres egne snævre egeninteresser og i relationer, der udgør en slags imperialistisk blok, som vi har været så vant til under den Kolde Krig; men derimod arbejder for alles fælles fordel.

Sammenhængen i hele dette kupforsøg, som nu udspiller sig og er ved at blive optrævlet, blev fremlagt i det oprindelige dossier, som vi nu genoptrykker – 2. oplag på 10.000 eksemplarer.

Hvis man ser på det afsmit, der hedder, »The True Origins of the Coup Against the President« (Den virkelige oprindelse til kuppet mod præsidenten), så fremlægger det præcis, hvad den globale, politiske sammenhæng var, for fremkomsten af de operationer, der medgik til skabelsen af det såkaldte »Steele-dossier« og lagde fundamentet for det, der har fået betegnelsen »Russiagate«. Som forfatteren af dette dossier (EIR’s Mueller-dossier) gennemgår, så er den virkelige historie her spørgsmålet om krig og fred og involverer hele spørgsmålet om det, der voksede frem fra det tidspunkt, hvor præsident Xi Jinping annoncerede Bælte & Vej Initiativet i Kasakhstan i 2013, hvor han fuldstændig styrtede den eksisterende, geopolitiske verdensorden og fastslog en fuldstændig ny vision for et potentielt »win-win«-samarbejde mellem alle verdens nationer, til alles gensidige fordel.

Som dette dossier gjorde det meget klart, så er og var »disse begivenheder i 2013-2014 en direkte udfordring af det britiske imperiesystem. De udfordrer direkte det monetære system, som er kilden til den angloamerikanske verdensdominans. De udfordrer direkte fundamental, britisk, strategisk politik, der har eksisteret siden Halford Mackinders dage. Under initiativet for ’Ét Bælte, én Vej’, og i forening med Ruslands Eurasiske Union, vil Mackinders ’verdensø’, bestående af Eurasien og Afrika, blive udviklet, gennemkrydset af nye højhastigheds-jernbaneforbindelser, nye byer og vital, moderne infrastruktur, baseret på den gensidige fordel for alle de derværende nationalstater. Under den britiske, geopolitiske model«, har krig, ustabilitet og udplyndring af råmaterialer været virkeligheden for hele dette område i århundreder. »Xi Jinping har også angrebet de geopolitiske aksiomer, ved hvilke USA og briterne har opereret« i årtier. »Han foreslog i stedet en model for ’win-win’-samarbejde, hvor nationalstater samarbejder om udvikling, baseret på menneskehedens fælles mål.«

Så igen, dette er sammenhængen for hele denne krig over det amerikanske præsidentskabs sjæl. Spørgsmålet er altså, om USA vil opgive disse geopolitikker og i stedet vedtage dette totalt anderledes paradigme med menneskehedens fælles ’win-win’-mål?

Dette blev meget klart formuleret af præsident Xi Jinping, faktisk før det nylige Bælte & Vej Forum (maj 2017); dette går tilbage til FN’s Generalforsamling i 2015. Præsident Xi Jinpings tale dér havde titlen, »At arbejde sammen for at udarbejde et nyt partnerskab for ’win-win’-samarbejde og skabe et fællesskab for menneskehedens fælles fremtid’. Så dette er ikke blot en abstrakt idé. I sin historiske tale for FN’s Generalforsamling fremlagde præsident Xi Jinping især, hvad denne idé med et ’win-win’-samarbejde og et «fællesskab for menneskehedens fælles fremtid« i virkeligheden vil sige. Her er et par uddrag fra Xi Jinpings tale. Han sagde:

»Verden gennemgår en historisk proces med accelereret udvikling: Fredens, udviklingens og fremskridtets solskin vil være stærkt nok til at trænge igennem krigens, fattigdommens og tilbageståenhedens skyer.

Som et kinesisk mundheld lyder, ’Det største ideal er at skabe en verden, der i sandhed er fælles for alle’. Vi bør indgå en fornyet forpligtelse til at ’bygge en ny form for internationale relationer med win-win-samarbejde og skabe et fællesskab for menneskehedens fælles fremtid’.

Vi bør vedtage en ny vision, der søger win-win-resultater for alle, og afvise den forældede tankegang, at ’den enes død er den andens brød’ eller ’vinderen tager alt’.

Vi bør ’opgive koldkrigsmentaliteten i alle dens manifestationsformer og skabe en ny vision for fælles, omfattende, samarbejdende og vedvarende sikkerhed’.

Vi må ’arbejde sammen for at sikre, at alle er befriet for nød, har adgang til udvikling og lever med værdighed’.

I deres interaktioner må civilisationer acceptere deres forskelligheder. Kun gennem gensidig respekt, gensidig læring og harmonisk sameksistens kan verden bevare sin diversitet og trives. Hver civilisation repræsenterer sit folks enestående vision og bidrag. De forskellige civilisationer bør have dialog og udvekslinger i stedet for at forsøge at udelukke eller erstatte hinanden. Vi bør lade os inspirere af hinanden for at styrke den menneskelige civilisations kreative udvikling.«

Så igen, det er den vision, som Xi Jinping fremlagde i sin tale for FN i 2015, med titlen, »At arbejde sammen for at udarbejde et nyt partnerskab for ’win-win’-samarbejde og skabe et fællesskab for menneskehedens fælles fremtid«. Denne tale i 2015 ligner faktisk temmelig meget den vision, som Lyndon LaRouche fremlægger i sin bog, der blev udgivet i 2005, med titlen Earth’s Next Fifty Years (Jordens kommende 50 år). I denne bog definerer han rammen for denne nye form for relationer mellem landene. Hvis man går tilbage til denne bog af Lyndon LaRouche fra 2005, så var det en samling af flere artikler, han skrev, og ligeledes nogle taler, han tidligere havde holdt under en turne, han foretog i Europa og Eurasien. Men i denne bogs hovedartikel, der havde titlen, »Den kommende eurasiske verden«, forklarer Lyndon LaRouche detaljeret ideen om, hvad denne vision for en ny form for relationer mellem lande bør være. Og faktisk, hvad er det princip, det videnskabelige princip, ud fra hvilket nationer kan relatere til hinanden ud fra standpunktet om den højeste fællesnævner, i modsætning til det laveste.

Her er den vision, som Lyndon LaRouche fremlagde. Han sagde, »Tag en anden fremgangsmåde. Denne anden fremgangsmåde er menneskehedens fælles interesse. Det, vi bør tilsigte med kulturen, er ideen om menneskets natur; at mennesket har en vis, iboende rettighed, der adskiller mennesket fra dyret. Lad os individuelt og kollektivt bekræfte regeringsstyrelsens forpligtelse over for menneskets værdighed, som det kommer til udtryk i dette menneskes, denne families, rettighed til, for deres børn og børnebørn, at have udsigten til forbedrede livsbetingelser, en meningsfuld fremtid og en anerkendelse af deres personlige identitet som en person, der i sin levetid har fået muligheden for at bidrage til menneskehedens fremtid som helhed; til ære for fortiden og til fordel for fremtiden. Vi må indse, at intet folk kan være funktionelt suverænt mht. forpligtelsen over for sit eget folks overbevisninger, med mindre de er fuldstændigt suveræne mht. deres nationale anliggender. Denne suverænitets afgørende funktion må erkendes som værende kulturel i sin essens. For at regere sig selv må et folk have et fælles grundlag af viden. Relationerne staterne imellem må finde sted efter princippet om en platonisk, sokratisk dialog om ideer. Der er almene principper, der forener nationer omkring et fælles mål, men denne almenhed må udarbejdes i udviklingen af ideer; af nationale kulturer i dialog med nationale kulturer. De principper, der står frem som fornødne, fælles mål, er hovedsageligt sådanne principper som videnskaben om fysisk økonomi. Processen med udvikling af missionsorienteret samarbejde mellem denne planets kulturer må ses som en fortsættelse af en fortsat proces henover de fremtidige generationer.«

Dette var et kort uddrag af en meget omfattende bog, udgivet af Lyndon LaRouche i 2005. Men man ser harmonien mellem den vision, som Lyndon LaRouche her fremlægger, og så det, Xi Jinping siger i sin tale for FN ti år senere, i 2015. Men imellem de to ser man en vision, og nu ser man virkeligheden i det, som denne idé om et ’win-win’-paradigme for relationer mellem landene faktisk repræsenterer; i modsætning til den fejlslagne form for vision, vi kender fra den Kolde Krig, og som har bragt verden til punktet, hvor vi har haft flere verdenskrige, og nu til punktet, som kunne være truslen om en atomar konflikt mellem nationer.

Ser man på, hvad Lyndon LaRouche sagde i denne bog, og ser man dernæst på, hvad Xi Jinping så smukt sagde i sin tale for FN, og sætter man det i kontrast til det katastrofale, beskæmmende, nationale sikkerhedsdokument, der netop er blevet offentliggjort af Trumps Hvide Hus; så ser man et meget signifikant problem mht. den kamp, der stadig raser omkring dette præsidentskabs sjæl og politik. Dette er på ingen måde en sort/hvid eller fuldført kamp. Vi ser, at, på højeste niveau, inkl. internt i administrationen, foregår der stadig denne kamp over, hvilken retning USA vil tage. Vil vi fortsat vedtage geopolitik? Eller, vil vi gå i retning af denne idé med ’win-win’-relation mellem lande, som det er blevet forklaret af præsident Xi Jinping og Lyndon LaRouche?

Her følger engelsk udskrift af resten af webcastet.  

So, let me just give you a little taste of some of the
attitude that is represented in this national security policy
document.  Here are two short quotes.  Let’s start with this one:
“After being dismissed as a phenomenon of an earlier century,
great power competition returned.  China and Russia began to
reassert their influence regionally and globally.  Today, they
are fielding military capabilities designed to deny America
access in times of crisis, and to contest our ability to operate
freely in critical commercial zones during peace time.  In short,
they are contesting our geopolitical advantages and trying to
change the international order in their favor.”  Here’s another
short excerpt:  “Although the United States seeks to continue to
cooperate with China, China is using economic inducements and
penalties, influence operations, and implied military threats to
persuade other states to heed its political and security agenda.
China’s infrastructure investments and trade strategies reinforce
its geopolitical aspirations.  Its efforts to build and
militarize outposts in the South China Sea endanger the free flow
of trade, threaten the sovereignty of other nations, and
undermine regional stability.”  Etc., etc., etc.  Those are just
two very short excerpts from a document which is very lengthy;
but you can see from those two quotes that the inclination of the
authors of this report is to continue to view the world from the
standpoint of geopolitics, geopolitical competition between
nations and blocks of nations.  And you can even see a
not-so-veiled reference to the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative
right there in that quote where they said China’s economic and
trade agenda is only being used to try to advance its
geopolitical advantage.
So, that’s a view straight out of the think tanks in
Washington and the {Economist} magazine of London.  It’s very
curious, because it actually goes contrary to exactly what
President Trump himself has represented on the world stage;
including on his recent “state visit-plus” to China, where he
talked very positively of the initiatives that China has taken
and has forged a very close personal relationship with President
Xi Jinping.  Exactly contrary to this view that China is somehow
our economic and strategic rival, and that we have to compete
with them on the geopolitical world stage.
People have pointed out that when President Trump presented
this national security policy, in a highly unusual way; it’s very
unusual for the President himself to make the speech presenting
the policy document.  But when he did make that speech, he used
very different language, especially in regards to China.  He
spoke about the importance of sovereign nations that are
respecting each other and are working together.  He did not use
some of the more egregious and inflammatory language which is
contained within this document.  But still, the very fact that
this document was published shows you that we have a lot of work
to do to continue to wage this battle inside the United States
over what our policy will be.  Will we continue to embrace
geopolitics, or will we embrace this new “win-win” paradigm which
is emerging now as a replacement to that failed Cold War mode of
I’d like to play for you just a short excerpt from the
webcast that Helga Zepp-LaRouche conducted yesterday, where she
spoke about her reaction to this national security policy
document.  So, here’s what Helga Zepp-LaRouche had to say:

(Hele Helgas tale kan ses på dansk her)

HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  This document is clearly
looking at the world from the standpoint of, as you said,
geopolitics, and if you look at it from that standpoint,
naturally, then China and Russia, but especially China which is
rising, are regarded as rivals or enemies.  And I think that this
paper — Trump, which is very unusual — insisted that he present
the paper, and not the National Security Advisor who normally is
presenting such a report; and obviously, it seems that he did
that in order to soften certain formulations.  For example:
Apart from going through some of the language of the report, he
also said that he wants to build a very strong partnership with
Russia and China, and for example, this had the ridiculous effect
that some European newspapers would say, “he can’t even read the
paper, because he said things which are different than in the
report.”  And I think it reflects the fact that the faction fight
in the Trump administration is far from being over, that there is
still the effort by the neo-cons and by leftovers of previous
administrations, in various aspects of this administration, which
expressed themselves in this report.  And Trump, who after all
had a very successful state visit to China a little while ago and
who has talked successfully on the telephone with Putin in the
last week, defeating a terrorist attack which was planned for St.
Petersburg and similar very productive things; so I think Trump
still has the inclination that he wants to work with Russia and
But I think if you look at the very sharp, extremely sharp
reactions coming from the Russian Foreign Ministry, from Peskov,
the spokesman of the Kremlin, from {Global Times}, from the
Chinese Foreign Ministry, from the Chinese Embassy in Washington,
they all basically say this doctrine reflects an outmoded kind of
thinking; they point to the fact that there is a completely new
era shaping especially the West Pacific, because in this paper,
there are six regions, one of them being the western or eastern
Pacific, and obviously this is one of the areas which is
completely changed through the Belt and Road Initiative, where
all the countries in the region are cooperating with China in a
“win-win” cooperation to the mutual benefit of each of them; and
that therefore, and since the offer was made many times to the
United States, and to Europe to cooperate with the Belt and Road
Initiative, there is actually no reason to go into such an
adversarial position.  The Russians basically called it an
“imperial document,” insist it still reflects the desire to still
insist on a unipolar world, which is long gone, so it’s a
completely futile effort.  And the Chinese also were extremely
critical and saying this is an “outmoded way of thinking” and
cannot lead to anything positive.
But it shows you that the world is very far from being out
of danger zones, and I’m normally giving credit to Trump because
unlike his predecessors, Bush and Obama, he has stretched out his
hand to Russia and China, and he still has the potential to move
the world into a different direction.  But nevertheless, when he
does something which I’m not so happy about, I also take the
liberty to say soâ¦.
But I think we are in one of these areas, and one of the
commentaries in one Chinese paper said, that there are many
different conceptions how the future of mankind should be shaped,
and that is not yet a settled question.  And I think that that is
absolutely true, but that is why it is so absolutely important to
overcome this geopolitical view which has the idea that you have
groups of countries, or one country which has a legitimate
interest against the others, I mean, that is the kind of thinking
which led to two world wars in the 20th Century, and I think it
should be obvious to anybody, that in the age of thermonuclear
weapons, that thinking can only lead to the possible annihilation
of the human species: We should get rid of it.

OGDEN:  So, as you just heard Helga Zepp-LaRouche say, we
are in the midst of a continued battle over really what will be
the soul of this Presidency.  This national security study report
reflects a very bad and failed geopolitical mode of thinking.
Those who are the authors of that represent a leftover aspect of
this kind of neo-con approach to the world which has gotten us
into endless wars, and has really brought us to the brink of a
possible world war conflict between the United States and Russia,
or the United States and China.  In fact, we need to embrace the
new “win-win” paradigm of thinking, as Helga Zepp-LaRouche just
said.  On that note, there is a continued development on the
front of this battling against this attempted coup against this
Presidency, and to try to create the conditions where President
Trump can remain true to what is clearly his personal commitment
to a positive relationship between the United States and Russia,
and the United States and China, to solve the world’s problems.
To take problems which are common problems to the entire world —
terrorism, economic crises, other things such as that — and to
work together in a great powers relationship to resolve those
Now, a couple of updates on the continued unravelling of the
so-called “Mueller-gate” as we continue to see that there was
really, as it’s been characterized, a fifth column inside this
apparatus; who really before Trump was elected, already had made
it clear through those text messages from Peter Strzok and others
for example, that they were completely opposed to the election of
Donald Trump and politically biased beyond hope.  But then have
allowed that political bias to be continued in after his
election, and even after his inauguration to try to bring down
this Presidency from the inside.  More and more people are now
beginning to see that there was an actual collusion between the
intelligence agencies and the Obama administration and the
Clinton campaign to try and set this thing in motion.  That has
continued to operate.  Here is an article from a news publication
called {The Tablet} magazine.  The title of this article is “Did
President Obama Read the Steele Dossier in the White House Last
August?”  The question that they have is a very legitimate
question.  The beginning of this article reads as follows, and I
think it raises some very important aspects of exactly how this
collusion operation worked.  Here’s the beginning of the article.
It says:
“To date the investigation into the Fusion GPS-manufactured
collusion scandal has focused largely on the firm itself, its
allies in the press, as well as contacts in the Department of
Justice and FBI. However, if a sitting president used the
instruments of state, including the intelligence community, to
disseminate and legitimize a piece of paid opposition research in
order to first obtain warrants to spy on the other partyâs
campaign, and then to de-legitimize the results of an election
once the other partyâs candidate won, weâre looking at a scandal
that dwarfs Watergate — a story not about a bad man in the White
House, but about the subversion of key security institutions that
are charged with protecting core elements of our democratic
process while operating largely in the shadowsâ¦.
“Understanding the origins of the ‘Steele dossier’ is
especially important because of what it tells us about the nature
and the workings of what its supporters would hopefully describe
as an ongoing campaign to remove the elected president of the
United States. Yet the involvement of sitting intelligence
officials — and a sitting president — in such a campaign should
be a frightening thought even to people who despise Trump and
oppose every single one of his policies, especially in an age
where the possibilities for such abuses have been multiplied by
the power of secret courts, wide-spectrum surveillance, and the
centralized creation and control of story-lines that live on
social media while being fed from inside protected nodes of the
federal bureaucracy.”
Then the story goes on, using public-source documentation to
link together this entire apparatus going all the way back to the
origins of the Steele dossier.  But this question — Was a
sitting President involved using his intelligence agencies to try
to bring down a political opponent?  That is a story that rises
to the level of Watergate and beyond.  What Helga Zepp-LaRouche
has pointed out, is that this entire thing — that as an example
— the questions are now being asked; including by members of the
United States Senate and United States House.  Devin Nunes,
Grassley, Trey Gowdy, Jim Jordan.  And she acknowledges that
there has been a full mobilization of activists here in the
United States to distribute this Mueller dossier that’s been
circulated in the Congressional offices and the Senate offices.
There’s been very in-depth interest from the relevant people
involved in this counter investigation into what’s contained in
this dossier.  As Helga Zepp-LaRouche said in her webcast
yesterday, “The tide is now beginning to turn.”
So, let me play another short excerpt from Helga
Zepp-LaRouche’s webcast from yesterday:

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  There are rumors circulating that
Trump may come out with a “Christmas surprise.”  Now if that
would happen, it would be an interesting thing, and it obviously
would be somebody to investigate this whole complex in the form
of a special investigator.  But I think also, already now, these
Congressmen and Senators you mentioned, Nunes, Grassley in the
Senate, Gowdy, and Gaetz, and various others, I think they’re
quite fired up already about what they’re finding.
And even the media are not entirely covering it up any more.
There was a quite good article in Denmark, in the conservative
daily {Berlingske Tidende}, which said:  Obama bureaucrats
conspired to prevent the election of Trump and after that failed
they’re trying to topple him; and then they go through the whole
story of who are the culprits.  So it is coming out.  Even the
[major German daily] {FAZ} could not avoid reporting it, even
though, in their typical way, they tried to downplay it and say,
all these people who say “Deep State,” these are conspiracy
theorists, and so on.  But the truth is coming out.
Now, we in the United States that is, our colleagues from
LaRouche PAC, they made a full mobilization with a lot of
activists; they distributed the dossier about Mueller in all the
Congressional offices and all the Senate offices, and as they
were saying they had many in-depth discussions where the interest
about what is happening has been increasingly there.  Because it
seems that some people in the Congress realize that what’s at
stake is the Constitution of the United States.  Congress has
oversight rights against the intelligence agencies, and if these
agencies are loyal to a previous administration who was involved
in such incredible schemes, they are aware of the fact that if
they don’t act right now, then you can throw the Constitution of
the United States in the wastepaper basket.
But I think it will require a continuous effort and
mobilization, because these people are quite desperate.  Because
they see that their whole system is coming down, and if this
investigation continues, I mean, there were several people who
said what was done by the Department of Justice, or some people
in it and in the FBI, were felonies.  So they are trying to twist
the situation to avoid the consequences of their doing, but I
think it’s reaching a very, very serious point where the tide is
turning already.  But it is a fight, so stay tuned with us, and
don’t be complacent, don’t eat too many cookies over Christmas:
Stay tuned and stay mobilized.

OGDEN:  Well, as Helga LaRouche said, the tide is indeed
turning, and we’re seeing evidence of that.  But the sense of
urgency has to be there.  Over this next 40 days, through the
holiday period, all the way up to this State of the Union, the
fight to protect the constitutionality of the US Presidency and
the integrity of that, is definitely something which is
continuing to rage.  However, at the same time, we have to
continue to have a sense of urgency around the fight for the
economic program.  The positive economic solutions to the crisis
that we face, which is this Four Economic Laws campaign.  To
bring the United States into this New Paradigm of development.
That sense of urgency for a victory on that Four Economic Laws
package came into stark perspective again this week with this
horrific tragedy, this horrific train derailment that occurred up
near Tacoma, Washington.  The Amtrak train that jumped the tracks
and came over the bridge and onto the I-5 interstate below.  An
absolutely horrific tragedy.  President Trump actually responded
quite properly to that horrible accident by issuing the following
tweet.  As you can see on the screen here, he said “The train
accident that just occurred in Dupont Washington shows more than
ever why our soon-to-be-submitted infrastructure plan must be
approved quickly. $7 trillion spent in the Middle East, while our
roads, bridges, tunnels, railways and more crumble.  Not for
Indeed, this brings the attention to the necessity for a
massive infrastructure plan.  And as President Trump said all the
way back to the beginning of his administration, he’s called for
a $1 trillion infrastructure plan.  Now, we don’t know what that
infrastructure policy will be once it’s finally submitted, and
once it finally becomes public.  We don’t know what kind of
funding mechanisms the Trump White House is thinking about; we
don’t know what kind of form that’s going to take.  But the form
that it must take is the form that’s contained in those Four
Economic Laws by Lyndon LaRouche.  There can be no variation,
there can be no compromise.  We need to have an immediate
Glass-Steagall reorganization in order to erect a firewall
between productive credit that should be going into
infrastructure and productive employment, and speculative
gambling that takes place on Wall Street.  But we need to have a
national bank; we need to go back to what Hamilton originally
conceived when he created the first national bank.  And we can
apply it in the way that Hamilton did, or we can apply it in the
way that Franklin Roosevelt did.  He had an idea for a national
infrastructure bank.  But you need to have this kind of direct
Federal credit that is directed into these projects and into
productive employment.
Unfortunately, we haven’t seen anything from President Trump
in now almost a year, even though he’s professed that his number
one agenda item was infrastructure.  According to some accounts,
the reason why President Trump won the Rust Belt was because of
his commitment to infrastructure.  These areas of the country
where infrastructure has been crumbling, responded to what
President Trump was talking about with $1 trillion of
infrastructure investment.  However, under the current situation,
first President Trump’s attention was completely focussed on
repealing Obamacare; now it’s completely focussed on the
so-called tax reform package, which has done nothing.  It’s done
nothing but continue to delay the follow-through on President
Trump’s stated, professed agenda of $1 trillion for
infrastructure investment.  It’s also, by the way incidentally,
set the stage for Paul Ryan and others of that ideological bent,
to admit that they’re already setting things in motion to come
right on the heels of the so-called tax reform package with major
cuts to Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid — so-called
“entitlement reform”.
But this is a distraction.  This so-called GOP agenda is a
distraction and we must stay focussed on exactly what the agenda
must be.  And it’s these Four Economic Laws.  As Helga LaRouche
said in her webcast yesterday, she was asked directly by the
moderator what her reaction was to this so-called tax reform
package.  She stated unequivocally that this much ballyhooed tax
bill will do nothing without the full package of Glass-Steagall,
national banking, and the rest of the Four Economic Laws.  So,
I’d like to actually play for you in her own words what Helga
Zepp-LaRouche had to say yesterday in response to this tax reform
bill during her webcast.  Here’s Helga Zepp-LaRouche:

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  obviously, this is celebrated as the
first big victory of President Trump.  I don’t think it will
solve anything, if you don’t put it in the package of other
measures, like for example Glass-Steagall, a credit system, like
Roosevelt’s Reconstruction Finance Corp. or like the National
Bank of Alexander Hamilton; and basically ending the speculation
in the derivatives sector.  If you only lower the taxes under
these circumstances without curbing the other factors I just
mentioned, what it probably will do, it will attract some
investment in the United States for sure.  But people in Germany
already say, “well, we have to protect ourselves, take
countermeasures against it,” so it will lead to an increased
tension internationally; and probably in the United States, the
present big corporations and banks will just use these tax cuts
to invest more in the stock market, in buying up their own
shares, what they have been doing since the crisis of 2008 with
quantitative easing and the zero-interest-rate policy.  And I
think one reason why this is to be feared is Jamie Dimon, for
example, laughed, and said: This is wonderful, this is
quantitative easing four.
I think it just requires a continuation of our mobilization.
I know our colleagues in the United States from LaRouche PAC,
they have produced a new pamphlet with the demand to implement
the Four Laws of my husband, of Lyndon LaRouche, and why the
United States must join with China in building the New Silk Road,
both domestically and internationally.  This pamphlet
[“LaRouche’s Four Laws & America’s Future on the New Silk Road”]
is out.  I would encourage you, our viewers and listeners to get
ahold of this document:  Read it, because it has all the
solutions, what are the correct economic conceptions for the
United States and the rest of the world to get out of this
present crisis.
This is all extremely urgent, because we could have a
meltdown of the system any minute.  And just to mention it
briefly, this bitcoin mania which is going on, is really a
reminder of the Tulip Bubble [in 1637] before it burst.  China
has recognized that danger, they’re basically banning speculation
in bitcoins.  And all of these crazinesses make just clear, the
urgent need to implement Glass-Steagall, and the entire Four Laws
of Mr. LaRouche, which especially includes a massive increase in
the productivity of the workforce through a crash program in
fusion technology, in space cooperation, in high-tech investments
in general; and unless that is done, including high-technology
infrastructure — and the recent Amtrak accident in Washington
State just underlines that this absolutely is necessary — unless
this is all done as a package, I don’t think the world will get
out of this crisis.

OGDEN:  So, as you just heard Helga Zepp-LaRouche state, we
have in fact published a new pamphlet.  This is LaRouche PAC’s
newest pamphlet, called “The Four Economic Laws: The Physical
Economic Principles To Create a Recovery in the United States.
America’s Future on the New Silk Road”.  This is available both
in print form and in digital form; it’s on the LaRouche PAC
website.  You can see the front cover there, also the back cover
which has got a map of some of the key nodal points of the
connectivity of the planet through this idea of a World
Land-Bridge.  This is what would happen if the United States were
to join the New Silk Road.  Then, there listed in summary form,
are the Lyndon LaRouche’s Four Economic Laws.  So, the contents
of that pamphlet, as LaRouche said, absolutely must be studied;
must be emulated by the citizens of the United States; and must
be made the policy of the United States Presidency.  That’s in
fact how we started this program with the 40-day countdown to
President Trump’s State of the Union address on January 30th.
As you heard, there is a battle which is raging for the soul
of this Presidency.  The role that the LaRouche movement is
playing is indispensable.  We have not achieved victory yet.  We
have very clear indications that victory is close at hand on many
fronts, and that victory is indeed attainable.  But it must be
viewed from the highest possible standpoint; not just piecemeal
victories here and there.  We have to view this from the
standpoint of a total policy shift in terms of how the United
States sees itself in the world.  We have to abandon geopolitics;
we have to embrace the new paradigm of “win-win” relationships
between countries.  We have to return to the Hamiltonian
principles of economics — credit creation for high technology
investment.  And we have to join the New Silk Road.  This is our
job over the next 40 days; and we can take encouragement from the
standpoint of the fact that indeed, we have absolutely gained
major victories in the past period.  Both in terms of the
victories against this attempted coup against the Presidency of
the United States, but also victories in terms of securing the
New Paradigm abroad.  We should take a look at what President Xi
Jinping said in that speech to the United Nations General
Assembly, and continue to keep that vision in mind.  In fact, we
should continue to go back to what Lyndon LaRouche himself said
in 2005 in that historic document, {Earth’s Next Fifty Years}.
That’s our mission.  We have 40 days between now and the
State of the Union.  With the new pamphlet that’s just been
issued — that “The Four Economic Laws: The Physical Economic
Principles To Create a Recovery in the United States.  America’s
Future on the New Silk Road” — we have everything that we need
to gain a victory over the course of the next 40 days.
So, thank you very much for watching, and please stay tuned
to larouchepac.com.  We wish you a Merry Christmas, and we will
continue to be bringing you breaking developments over the coming
days.  Thank you very much, and please stay tuned.  Good night.

Nedtælling 45 dage!
En mobilisering for LaRouches Fire Love
som emnet for Trumps ’State of the Union’!
LaRouche PAC Internationale Webcast, 15. dec., 2017.


Vært Matthew Ogden: I mandags indledte vi vores nedtælling på 50 dage (se mandags-opdatering her); 50 dage til præsident Trump holder sin State of the Union tale (Tale om nationens tilstand), der er planlagt til den 30. januar, 2018. Vi er nu fem dage inde i denne nedtælling, så vi har 45 dage tilbage til State of the Union-talen. Lyndon LaRouches og LaRouche PAC’s erklærede hensigt er at sikre, at kernebudskabet i denne State of the Union-tale handler om det økonomiske program, der er nødvendigt for at genoplive den amerikanske økonomi for at bringe USA ind i det nye paradigme, som det er blevet initieret af Kina. Indholdet af dette program er selvfølgelig indeholdt i de fire økonomiske love i Hamiltons tradition, som Lyndon LaRouche har forfattet, og som er blevet cirkuleret vidt omkring af medlemmer af LaRouche Political Action Committee og aktivister her i USA. Dette vil vi gennemgå i detaljer.

Et hurtigt overblik; dette omfatter: en genindførelse af Glass-Steagall; en tilbagevenden til et nationalbanksystem i Hamiltons tradition; anvendelsen af den føderale regerings kreditskabende mekanisme til omgående at øge den amerikanske arbejdsstyrkes produktive evne og til at genopbygge infrastrukturen og det nødvendige, næste stadium af den amerikanske økonomis platform; og den indeholdte faktor i alt dette – et nationalt, forceret program for rumforskning og fusionskraft. Det er den videnskabsmotor, som er det lim, der holder hele programmet sammen.

Vi vil senere annoncere og vi har nogle billeder, men en ny brochure, der indeholder dette program, vil blive cirkuleret i begyndelsen af næste uge. Dette bliver det kernemateriale, I har brug for, for at hjælpe os med at mobilisere de tilbageværende dage af nedtællingen på 50 dage. Jeg sætter dette på skærmen.

Dette er et smugkig af forsiden af den kommende brochure, som bliver udgivet i begyndelsen af næste uge. Her ser man, at titlen er »Lyndon LaRouches Fire Love – De fysisk-økonomiske principper for USA’s genrejsning; Amerikas fremtid på den Nye Silkevej«. Og på bagsiden ser man et fint billede af Verdenslandbroen. Dette er det udviklingsprogram, som vil blive forlængelsen af den Nye Silkevej; og dernæst opregnes LaRouches Fire Love. Dette bliver selvfølgelig et meget afgørende materiale for os at cirkulere i den kommende periode.

Det andet, som selvfølgelig meget hurtigt er ved at udvikle sig i løbet af denne 50-dages nedtælling, er en komplet kovending af dette kupforsøg mod det amerikanske præsidentskab, som er blevet kørt med baggrund i det såkaldte »Russiagate«-hysteri. Dette svindelnummer er blevet brugt som en kølle i et forsøg på at bringe dette præsidentskab til fald og forsøge at drive en kile ind mellem ethvert nyttigt og potentielt produktivt samarbejde mellem USA og Rusland. Vi ser nu også, at dette udvides til at forsøge at drive en kile ind mellem USA og Kina. Her er tingene vendt rundt og har givet bagslag mod dem, der har kørt dette kupforsøg, ved at komme frem i dagens lys og er meget dramatisk. Vi har set afsløringen af hele spindet af korruption hos det personel, der var involveret i denne såkaldte efterforskning, og det er blevet klart, at, endnu før Donald Trump var blevet indsat, eller blot valgt, var der en kernegruppe af disse folk, der havde gjort det til deres egen, personlige mission at gøre alt, de kunne – inklusive at arbejde internt fra den amerikanske regerings institutioner – for at forsøge at bringe dette præsidentskab til fald. Dette er blevet afsløret på forskellig vis. Som I får at høre Helga Zepp-LaRouche sige i et kort uddrag fra Schiller Institut-webcastet fra i går, sagde hun, med sine egne ord, at »anklagerne er blevet de anklagede«. Dette åbner op for en helt ny, strategisk dimension.

Jeg vil nu afspille et kort uddrag af Helga Zepp-LaRouches bemærkninger i går i hendes internationale webcast:

(Hele Helgas webcast på dansk her)

Her følger resten af fredags-webcastet i engelsk udskrift:

HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  This is very fascinating
because exactly the opposite of what was the intention is now
happening; namely that those people who tried to prove collusion
between Trump and the Russian government are now the target of a
potential investigation themselves, with quite incredible
implications.  There are already calls out that all of these
people — from Mueller, McCabe, Bruce Ohr, Peter Strzok, and
various other individuals — that they should all be led away in
handcuffs.  This is the demand of a former judge and state
attorney, Jeanine Pirro, on Fox TV, and what she referred to is
the fact that now it is becoming very clear in the hearings in
the House of Representatives and in the Senate that there was
collusion of people who were absolutely a taskforce against Trump
even before he was elected, who wanted to have sort of a life
insurance against the possibility that Trump may be elected.
They worked together with the “former” MI-6 agent Christopher
Steele on this dirty dossier.  Now it turns out that the degree
of corruption is even much more deep.  For example, the wife of
the recently laid-off Associate Deputy Attorney General, Bruce
Ohr, worked for the very firm which was dealing with Christopher
Steele on behalf of the Obama administration and the Clinton
election team; namely, Fusion GPS.
So, there is very clearly a conflict of interest to say the
least, and what happened in the hearing was basically, the
situation became so hot that McCabe at the last moment discovered
a so-called conflict of his agenda, and he didn’t appear.
Congressman Nunes immediately said he does not believe that for a
second, because obviously it was incredible.  The cover-up is not
functioning anymore, because the questions were asked to these
individuals that they should have brought this information on
their own; if there was an investigation against the President,
they should have prepared the material as evidence and not
covered it up.
So, I think this is turning the whole situation around.
“Russia-gate” is crumbling, and this has incredible strategic
implications, because this whole thing, if we recall how this
developed, was all intended from the very beginning by the Obama
administration and the leftovers from the previous Bush
administration to prevent President Trump from developing a
positive relationship with Russia.

OGDEN:  This is excerpt from Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s remarks
yesterday on her international Schiller Institute webcast.  As
you just heard her conclude there, this whole thing is turning on
its head.  The accusers have become the accused; and she said
that this whole “Russia-gate” hoax is crumbling.  This has
enormous strategic implications.  Obviously, as she was just in
the middle of saying, the purpose of this was to drive a wedge
between any potentially useful collaboration between the United
States and Russia; and then also by extension, the United States
and China.  But this entire thing really now has crumbled in just
the last 48 hours; and it’s moving very quickly as a result of
the probes from various Congressional committees move ahead.  The
most telling are the text messages that were published between
Peter Strzok, who was a agent on the Mueller investigation, and
his would-be mistress, Lisa Page; who were texting back and forth
during the entirety of the campaign and then even after the
election, leading up into the inauguration.  I would just like to
read some of the content of these text messages that have been
released to the public.  It will show you that this is just
symptomatic of, as Helga Zepp-LaRouche called it, a taskforce
which really was put together inside the institutions of the FBI
and the Justice Department; that were planning and plotting how
to bring down President Trump after he was inaugurated.  So,
here’s some of the contents of the text messages.  You’ll see
that not only did they have it out for Donald Trump, they had it
out for Bernie Sanders, Martin O’Malley, and John Kasich.  These
were Clinton partisans; and I think this really goes to the point
that there is a stay-behind apparatus inside these institutions
that really were doing everything they could from {inside} of the
institutions to get Clinton elected.  Talk about a rigged system!
And then once she lost the election, they’ve been trying to do
everything they can to bring down President Trump.  So, here are
some quotes.
Lisa Page said in a text message, “I just saw my first
Bernie Sanders bumper sticker.  Made me want to key the car.” —
this is from August of 2015.  What was Strzok’s reply?  “He’s an
idiot like Trump.  Figure they cancel each other out.”  Later,
Lisa Page said about Donald Trump, “What an utter idiot!”  She
went on to say in another text message, “God!  Trump is a
loathsome human! OMG!  He’s an idiot!”  Strzok replied, “He’s
awful.”  Strzok wrote to Lisa Page in March of 2016, “God!
Hillary should win 100 million to zero!”  He identified himself
as a conservative Democrat, apparently.  Then here are two of
maybe the most telling text messages, that really get at the
heart of what the personnel in this so-called “investigation”
have really been up to.  Lisa Page wrote to Peter Strzok, “Maybe
you’re meant to stay where you are, because you’re meant to
protect the country from that menace,” she said, referring to
Donald Trump.  And Peter Strzok replied, “I can protect our
country at many levels.”  Then later, here’s another text, and
this is perhaps the most intriguing.  Peter Strzok wrote to Lisa
Page, “I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration
in Andy’s office” — referring to Andrew McCabe, the Deputy
Director. He said, “There’s no way he”, referring to Trump, “gets
elected.  But I’m afraid we can’t take that risk.”  So, what were
they plotting in Andrew McCabe’s office?  And then later on,
shortly after the election, Lisa Page wrote to Peter Strzok,
“Just bought {All the President’s Men}.  Figure I needed to brush
up on Watergate.”  Of course, {All the President’s Men} is the
famous book about how Richard Nixon was brought down through the
Watergate scandals.  So, this shows that shortly after the
election, these two Federal employees were discussing how Trump
might be brought down by this sort of scandal.  So, there you
have it — “Russia-gate”.
As Helga Zepp-LaRouche said, this entire thing is falling
apart.  That’s just one small sliver of the story.  There are
entire other aspects of these conflicts of interest and the fact
that Mueller did stack his team with people who were known
partisans, and who had very clear conflicts of interest.  This
entire thing is now turning on its head.  As Helga Zepp-LaRouche
said, this has enormous strategic implications.
Indeed, we see the potential again for a relationship
between the United States and Russia moving forward just today.
As we heard news reports, yesterday President Trump initiated a
call to President Putin, where they discussed several things, as
President Trump said while he was on the south lawn of the White
House this morning, getting on the helicopter to go down to
Quantico.  He said, President Putin talked about some of the
positive things that have been accomplished here in the United
States during the past year of President Trump’s Presidency.
They also talked about some of the conflicts that the US and
Russia have abroad.  But most of all, the subject matter of that
phone call last night was discussing how to resolve the Korea
crisis; North Korea specifically.  As we know, President Trump
has worked very closely with President Xi Jinping of China to try
to address this hotspot.  But he has repeatedly said, if we could
get along with Russia, that would be a good thing, not a bad
thing; because that would enable us to resolve some of these
hotspots around the world, including North Korea.  So, hopefully
we’ll see some progress as we move forward with that.  We
obviously know that that’s a major aspect of the discussion at
the United Nations Security Council today with Secretary
President Trump also said, during this interaction with
reporters this morning when he was getting on the helicopter, he
said this Russia scandal has been a fraud from day one, and
everybody knows it.  He said there is no collusion.  He said,
even my worst enemies come out of these committee hearings and
declare “Yes, that’s true.  There’s no evidence of collusion yet,
but we’ll just keep going and we’re sure to dig up something.”
But President Trump said, the point is, {there is no collusion}.
Let’s now get back to the business of running this country and
dealing with the problems that we have before us here in the
United States.
So, I think that gets directly back to the point.  We have a
45-day countdown now between now and President Trump’s State of
the Union.  Our mission, as LaRouche PAC and the LaRouche
movement, is to ensure that the central core theme of that State
of the Union is “How are we going to revive the economy of the
United States, and how are we going to join this New Paradigm of
‘win-win’ development that’s been initiated by China?”  That is
by no means a long shot, especially if you — as we did on Monday
— take a survey back on some of the positions that this
President has taken on some of the core themes of that Four Laws
economic program.  Glass-Steagall — he espoused it during the
campaign.  It’s been twisted and undermined by Steve Mnuchin and
others, but this is still a stated part of President Trump’s
agenda.  $1 trillion for infrastructure; we know that that was
the core theme of his joint address to the Congress last
February, and he’s come back to it several times.  In what form
it’s not clear; but that immediately must be mobilized.  The way
that it can be mobilized is through a Hamiltonian national bank
or a national infrastructure bank similar to the way that
Franklin Roosevelt did it during the New Deal.  He also talked
about restoring the skills and the employment of the forgotten
man; especially in the formerly industrial Midwest and heartland
of the United States.  Absolutely!  This is an entire layer of
the population that needs immediate relief, but also needs
immediate productive jobs on the cutting edge kinds of
technologies that can be mobilized through a crash program for
space and for ultimately the achievement of fusion power.
We took a large step forward, so to speak, a giant leap in
the direction of bringing mankind back to the Moon this last
Monday afternoon, with President Trump’s signing of the Space
Policy Directive #1.  The speech that he made upon that signing,
was a very inspiring speech.  He said we intend to bring
Americans back to the Moon, not just to put our footsteps on the
surface of the Moon and plant a flag; but to set up more
permanent research and settlement capabilities there, and then
ultimately to use that a launching pad to send men to Mars and
ultimately beyond.  So obviously, that was the 45th anniversary
of the Apollo 17 landing on the lunar surface; which was the last
manned Moon landing that we’ve had in 45 years.
We had the opportunity last night to hear from Kesha Rogers
on the Fireside Chat.  And many of you maybe got to participate
in this, but Kesha Rogers is a declared candidate — and I can
put her image up here [Fig. 3].  An independent candidate for
Congress, for the US House of Representatives in the 9th
Congressional District of Texas for the upcoming 2018
Congressional elections.  And as Kesha Rogers pointed out in her
talk last night, in her entire lifetime — she’s 41 years old —
we have not had a man or a woman land on the surface of the Moon.
Our entire lifetimes, and now we’re talking about the entire
lifetimes of another generation who are now reaching adulthood;
those students in college and those who are graduating high
school, their entire lifetimes have passed up to this point
without human beings returning to the surface of the Moon.  This
is a tragedy and this is an utter travesty when we look at the
legacy of what John F Kennedy and those original Apollo
astronauts intended when they were laying the groundwork for what
was going to be permanent settlements on the Moon and manned
missions beyond.  That was derailed with John F Kennedy’s
assassination, and we as a nation have fallen far behind where we
were even then with the failure to follow through on those
amazing breakthroughs.
So, this is one of things that has obviously inspired Kesha
Rogers in her declaration for candidacy in the Texas 9th District
US House of Representatives campaign.  But she also, in this
talk, called on others to join her; to take this kind of
leadership that her campaign will be the flagship for the
leadership required.  But that others must join with her to take
the leadership to make this vision a reality.  She in no
uncertain terms, made it very clear that in order to make this
vision into an actuality, we needed to make a breakthrough in the
next 45 days on securing Lyndon LaRouche’s Four Economic Laws as
the core law of the land when we’re talking about the agenda for
this Presidency.
So, what I’d like to do for you is actually just play a few
short excerpts from Kesha Rogers’ opening remarks during that
Fireside Chat call last night, just so you can hear this kind of
authoritative voice of leadership in her own voice.

KESHA ROGERS:  I will just start by making
clear for many people who have already heard and those who may be
new on the line who haven’t heard or may not be familiar with my
campaign.  I have just recently, as Dennis stated, filed a
statement of intent here in Texas to run as an independent for
the US House of Representatives in Congressional District 9 in
Texas.  That is the seat that current Congress member Al Green
holds.  Now I’m going to be petitioning for a position on the
November 2018 ballot as an independent following the March
primary elections here in Texas.
I wanted to start just with that, from the standpoint of
first of all, to give you a little bit of background about my
qualifications, my work with Mr. LaRouche over the past now
nearly 15 years.  I have run Congressional campaigns going back
to 2010, when I ran my first campaign and secured the Democratic
Party nomination and also again in 2012 securing the Democratic
Party nomination.  Leading the charge and calling out front to
end and destructive policies against our nation by
President Obama.  Calling for Obama’s impeachment during those
periods; particularly for his continued criminal actions against
our country, including his commitment to war policy,
regime-change, his Tuesday kill list, and most emphatically —
which we’ll get into more — the destruction of our national
space program with the brutal cuts to the Constellation program
and the destruction of our Moon return program that was set into
motion by the Constellation.
But what we saw during the Obama administration was an
outright commitment to defending the interests of Wall Street.
This is what my campaign and many of my colleagues on the
national slate that I ran with as LaRouche candidates on a
national slate, acted immediately to reject this policy of Wall
Street looting of our national economy and to call for the
shutting down of Wall Street and a restoring of Glass-Steagall
banking reorganization.  So, it’s important to understand that
history right now, because this is what actually garnered a great
success with my campaigns here in Texas, despite the fact that
there was a real backlash from the national and local Democrat
Party.  As I said, the victory came about when people in not only
in the district, in the state, supported my campaign calling for
a return to a national mission.  A visionary perspective as
outlined by President John F Kennedy and also President Franklin
Roosevelt, which has been the commitment of Lyndon LaRouche and
his economic policies for many decades now.  Many people
responded to that call of leadership and recognized that our
campaign actually offered solutions.
This is what is absolutely required today.  What I’m hoping
to see is that more people take it upon yourselves to actually
launch into this fight, to run political campaigns yourself.
What we need right now is we need a form of leadership emerging
throughout the country of people all over the nation.  This is
not a matter of party politics; this is a matter of who will
commit to a restoring of a national mission for the country.  I
think it’s very important right now to recognize that we’re not
talking about what’s going to be needed for almost a year from
now in a November election.  But what is required immediately,
and what must be implemented at this present time to save our
nation, to save the US economy, to turn around the decades-long
physical economic collapse that we’ve seen in the country.  We’re
at a very unique opportunity to be able to do that.  It’s going
to require the educational process of the American people; it’s
going to require a number of you and others stepping up to the
plate to provide the leadership that’s needed.  I think it really
is going to require a new commitment and understanding of what
the idea of a national mission really should constitute.  Mr.
LaRouche the model, the mobilization of my
campaigns has been the direct influence of the work that Lyndon
LaRouche has been involved in for many years now.  The national
mission orientation and a science driver crash program for
restoring the productivity of our nation.
So, I think that is the fight at hand right now.  As we look
at the rapid shift toward development in the world at the present
time, you see what’s happening in terms of a commitment by
nations that are joining with China in the Belt and Road
Initiative.  The direction for a national mission for our country
isn’t just for the benefit of the United States itself, but the
world is looking right now towards a unified global paradigm.
Which is a paradigm shaped around the idea that an international
commitment to collaboration, to ending poverty, to ending the
threat of war, to ending hunger, to ending in the United States
and elsewhere the rapid increase of drug abuse, and the collapse
of physical infrastructure.  This has to be our commitment; not
just to our own nation, but to that in collaborations around the
world.  The best way to define, to actually secure the victory of
accomplishing those goals, is through a commitment to a national
driver which is our commitment to reviving our national space
So, that’s what has been my number one priority, is
continuing to campaign even in off-campaign seasons and continue
to be very present in the space community and the scientific
community.  This is what we have a very important obligation to
see through.  So, I think we are in a very unique position to
respond to this demand of leadership.  I take on that challenge
willingly, and I am looking for people to join me and take on
that challenge as I do, and to make sure that we can move the
country in the needed direction in the next 50 days now.  Get the
President to immediately adopt these policies of an economic
recovery program that’s been defined by Lyndon LaRouche in his
Four Economic Laws.

OGDEN:  So there you heard.  These were the opening remarks
from Kesha Rogers during the Fireside Chat last night.  You can
listen to the entire dialogue on the LaRouche PAC website if you
missed it, but her remarks there right at the conclusion; she
said we have this 50-day countdown — now 45 days — to secure
Lyndon LaRouche’s Four Economic Laws as the policy of the
Presidency of the United States.  So, you can see here on the
screen [Fig. 4], this is again the sneak peek to the cover of the
LaRouche PAC pamphlet which will be coming out at the beginning
of next week.  “America’s Future on the New Silk Road.
LaRouche’s Four Laws — The Physical Economic Principles for the
Recovery of the United States.”  And it says on the back there,
these are LaRouche’s Four Laws; and then we have a beautiful map
of the World Land-Bridge as it was conceived originally by the
LaRouche movement over 20 years ago.  Now, this is actually
coming into fruition.  The core contents of this pamphlet are the
text of the keynote speech that Helga Zepp-LaRouche made at the
Bad Soden conference in Frankfurt, Germany about two weeks ago.
Where she goes through the entire vision of what was originally
conceived of by Gottfried Leibniz as the Eurasian collaboration
between European civilization and Chinese Confucian civilization,
reaching across, bridging between those two great civilizations
to bring development to the entirety of the Eurasian continent.
That was Leibniz’s idea originally for what is now this New Silk
Road that the Chinese have initiated.  Now our mission is to
extend that to include the entire world.
Also, we have Lyndon LaRouche’s original document — “The
Four Economic Laws” — reprinted in full in that pamphlet.  Then
we have four sections that break down those four economic laws
and elaborate them a little bit more extensively.  This is
exactly what Kesha Rogers said; we need to have an educational
process for the American people over the coming 45 days in order
to really bring this idea of a recovery program to life.
So, I thought it was very useful to listen to the remarks
from Kesha Rogers, and to hear that in her own voice.  As she
said, we’re in a very unique to respond to the demand of
leadership that’s needed today.  She said, I think that if we
take this kind of national sense of mission, we can really
inspire people across party lines.  This is not a question of
party politics, she said.  She called for a swarm of leadership
from across the nation; she said, “We need a swarm of leadership
of people who will commit to restoring this sense of national
mission for our country”; bring us into this New Paradigm of
development which is now sweeping the globe.  She said what’s
required is for you and for others to step up to the plate and to
provide the kind of leadership required.  She said, “I take on
that challenge willingly, and I’m looking for others who will do
the same.”
So I think on that note, we have our sense of mission for
the next 45 days.  Things will continue to develop very rapidly,
I’m sure; around both the crumbling of this entire so-called
“Russia-gate” investigation, as things become more and more
revealed and brought out into the light of day.  And also as we
continue to make breakthroughs on this campaign to make Lyndon
LaRouche’s Four Economic Laws the law of the land here in the
United States.
So, continue to tune in, please, over the coming days as we
continue our now 45-day countdown.  We will guarantee that we
will continue our mobilization and do everything required to make
sure that we secure a victory in this campaign to restore the
Hamiltonian principles as the law of the land in the United
States.  So, you can follow more about what Kesha Rogers is doing
as we cover her campaign here on larouchepac.com.  And you can
look forward to next week, the publication of this new pamphlet,
“America’s Future on the New Silk Road.  LaRouche’s Four Laws —
The Physical Economic Principles for the Recovery of the United
States.”  And also, we have the 10,000-print run of the Mueller
special dossier that has already penetrated the highest levels of
policymaking here in Washington, DC and across the country, and
will continue to have — I’m sure — a very groundbreaking
So, thank you for tuning today.  Please stay tuned to
larouchepac.com and good night.

Tiden er inde til at forsvare præsidenten, overvinde kuppet,
overvinde Det britiske Imperium og gå ind i en totalt ny og fremgangsrig, skøn fremtid.
LaRouche PAC Internationale Webcast, 8. dec., 2017.

»Tiden er inde til at forsvare præsidenten, overvinde kuppet, overvinde Det britiske Imperium og gå ind i en totalt ny og fremgangsrig, skøn fremtid. Jeg mener, dette er et vidunderligt perspektiv.« (Citat af Helga Zepp-LaRouche.)

Vært Matthew Ogden: God aften. Det er 8. december, 2017; jeg er Matthew Ogden, og dette er vores fredags-webcast med en strategisk oversigt fra larouchepac.com.

Jeg vil straks lægge ud med en meddelelse, som nogle af vore seere måske så i går, fra Kesha Rogers; nemlig, at hun opstiller som uafhængig kandidat til USA’s Kongres, for en plads i Texas’ 9. Kongresdistrikt. Mange af jer kender Kesha fra hendes tidligere kampagner for føderalt embede. Hun har to gange tidligere stillet op som demokratisk kandidat, både i 2010 og i 2012, hvor hun stillede op til USA’s Repræsentanternes Hus. Dernæst stillede hun op som kandidat til USA’s Senat i 2014. I denne kampagne fik hun stemmer nok til at fremtvinge en anden valgrunde (mellem de to kandidater, der får flest stemmer). Alle disse tre kampagner for føderalt embede tiltrak national, og faktisk international, opmærksomhed, pga. den valgplatform, på baggrund af hvilken Kesha dristigt kørte sin kampagne.

For nylig har Kesha været omtalt i en video fra New York Times, om orkanen Harveys ødelæggelse i Houston, Texas, og som på tragisk vis kostede Keshas far og stedmor livet. Hun har nu registreret som kandidat til USA’s Repræsentanternes Hus, hvor hun igen opstiller i Texas’ 9. Kongresdistrikt som uafhængig kandidat. Jeg vil nu afspille Keshas video, som hun optog ved Udenrigsministeriet, efter at have indgivet sit kandidatur med det nødvendige papirarbejde. Kesha Rogers:


Her følger engelsk udskrift af Keshas video og resten af webcastet:

KESHA ROGERS:  Good afternoon everyone.  This is
Kesha Rogers, and I’m here to announce some very exciting news to
you.  I have just filed here in Austin, Texas with the Secretary
of State for an independent candidacy for the House of
Representatives District 9 for the US House of Representatives.
I look forward to bringing more news and information concerning
this campaign that I’m launching at a very timely and needed
circumstance as we find ourselves with a void of leadership in
the country.  Where the discussion of real economic policies,
real solutions for the country are being avoided and you have
much grandstanding going on by political media [inaud; 02:57] and
Congressional representatives.
But what is clear is that there is a shift going on in the
world that’s ready for economic development and cooperation, and
I’m ready to lead the fight in the United States.  Many of your
recognize my campaigns from before, of providing real solutions
to the American people.  So, as I said, I wanted to just bring
that information, that bit of news to you, that I will be running
an independent candidacy for the 9th Congressional District from
the state of Texas for the US House of Representatives.  So, look
forward to more breaking developments around the campaign.  Thank

OGDEN:  Kesha Rogers said in that video announcement, and what
has in fact been the reality over the last few months, is that
there is, indeed, a shift going on in the world in the direction
of economic development.  Of course, led by the initiatives from
China, the Belt and Road Initiative and the New Silk Road.  That
is absolutely the paradigm shift which the United States must
join, and we need leadership that will bring us into that
Now, there’s one thing to note about this announcement by
Kesha Rogers, who made saving NASA and the US manned space
program, the restoration of the US space program, a central
feature of all of her Federal election campaigns.  This
announcement by Kesha Rogers came on the 45th anniversary of the
Apollo Moon landing; that occurred December 7, 1972.  This was
the last time that human beings walked on the surface of the
Moon.  The last living astronaut of that Apollo 17 mission,
Harrison Schmitt, gave an interview which was published also
yesterday, to the {Albuquerque Journal}, in which he outlined the
tragedy of the decision that was taken in the aftermath of the
assassination of John F Kennedy to abandon the US commitment to
the manned space program.  To make the next step after the hugely
Apollo missions to the Moon, the logical next step would have
been a permanent settlement on the Moon and manned missions to
Mars.  What Harrison Schmitt said is that the decision that was
made by the Johnson administration to cut NASA’s budget, and
especially to cut back on the Saturn V class program, the Saturn
V rocket program, the heavy lift rockets; in effect killing the
US space program and preventing us from taking those next steps.
The permanent settlement on the Moon, and the landing of a man or
a woman on Mars; both of which, he said, could have already been
accomplished in the last 45 years.  So, the article in the
{Albuquerque Journal} began by saying the following, and I think
this was right to the point.  It said, “A settlement on the Moon;
mankind well on its way to Mars.  A potential clean power source
so powerful that about 200 pounds could provide electricity to a
major city for a year.  New Mexico astronaut Harrison Jack
Schmitt says that these are a few of the possibilities that might
well have been a reality by now, had the administration of
President Lyndon Johnson not decided to limit production of the
massive Saturn V rockets that carried Apollo astronauts —
including Schmitt — to the Moon.”  The article quotes Harrison
Schmitt, and I’d like to put that quote on the screen [Fig. 1]
here.  He says, “We really gave up on deep space exploration.
Had things gone differently, we could be much farther along now
than we are today.  No question, we would have had a settlement
on the Moon, and would seriously have a program going to Mars if
not already there.”
Then, Harrison Schmitt pointed out in the interview the
importance of mining resources on the Moon which are not readily
available here on Earth; most notably, Helium-3.  He said, “Those
are resources derived from the solar wind and particles of the
Sun.  One of those, Helium-3, isn’t readily available on Earth,
but is embedded in the lunar soil.  It is a nearly ideal fuel for
fusion power.  If we had it here on Earth, I’m convinced we would
be using it right now.”  He went on to say, “It doesn’t produce
neutrons, but it does produce alpha particles and protons; and
those can be converted directly to electricity without any waste
products.  We would have a plentiful, clean power source.  It’s
still there, and it’s not going anywhere.  Two hundred and twenty
pounds of Helium-3 would provide the power necessary to serve
Dallas for a year.”
Then later, the article actually points out that China is
already working on plans to mine Helium-3 on the lunar surface.
Then it concludes by saying the following:  “Schmitt believes
that the current administration” — the Trump administration —
“is committed to continuing construction of a large rocket for a
space launch system.  He said that this new spacecraft, which is
larger and much more powerful than the original Apollo capsules,
is ‘built to take humans farther than they’ve ever gone
before.’|”  Then it ends by quoting Harrison Schmitt, saying that
another benefit of America having this large rocket system is,
“Settlements off the Earth can be very important philosophically
into the future.  It is one way in which the human species can
perpetuate itself against the very remote possibility of a very
large asteroid impact on the Earth.”
So, this is an extraordinary interview with Harrison
Schmitt, talking about the kinds of manned missions to the Moon,
lunar settlements, manned missions to Mars, Helium-3 mining on
the Moon, fusion power here on Earth, and the idea that we have
to protect mankind against the possibility of an asteroid impact
here on planet Earth.  So, I think that’s a very clear statement
of exactly the sort of vision which is needed right now.  And it
really requires the type of political leadership that you heard
from Kesha Rogers to make that happen.  Absolutely, those are a
number of the things that the LaRouche Movement has been focusing
on and calling for, really for decades; going all the way back to
Lyndon LaRouche’s initiative back in the 1980s around his
nationally televised video “A Woman on Mars”, and all of the
crash programs for fusion and space exploration that the LaRouche
Movement has led for decades.
With everything else that we reported on in the recent
period in terms of the New Silk Road and the mega-projects which
have been initiated by China, the same really is true of space.
In that article, they did point out that China has already taken
the initiative to begin a program for exploring the mining of
Helium-3 on the Moon, and really some breakthrough projects in
terms of lunar exploration.  The article that I pointed out, that
article cites the fact that the future is being led by China.
And you can really look at space exploration, I think, as the
fourth facet of this Belt and Road Initiative.  We focus mainly
on the aspects here on Earth.  We can look at the rail
connections over land, that’s the One Belt, One Road.  We can
look at the Maritime Silk Road via sea, we’ve even discussed the
idea of the Silk Road on Ice for the development and exploration
of the Arctic.  But look at the fourth aspect here, and you can
see that China is also leading the way.  The Interplanetary Silk
Road in Space you could call it, for the development of cislunar
space — that’s the space between the Earth and the Moon — not
just low-Earth orbit where the ISS [International Space Station]
is right now, but the other aspects of this cislunar space.  The
settlement and development of the lunar surface, which includes
this Helium-3 mining; and the manned exploration of Mars and
In fact, this was said really beautifully in an interview
with a former astronaut from Romania, which was published in
Xinhua this week.  This is Dumitru-Dorin Prunariu; he was the
first man in space from that country, from Romania.  He said the
following.  This is the interview [Fig. 2] “China Values
Cooperation in the Aerospace Industry”.  This is the quote:
“After the Belt and Road Initiative, I think China has a Galactic
Initiative in mind.  China has invited all developing countries
to conduct experiments on its space station, planned to operate
in orbit in 2022.  In 2022, China will have its own space
station, and it is currently encouraging the developing countries
to take part in space programs for the benefit of mankind.”
So, that’s a beautiful quotation.  He says, “After the Belt
and Road Initiative, I think China has a Galactic Initiative in
mind.”  And indeed, the Chinese have just announced that they are
actively planning the next steps of their lunar exploration
program.  This will follow the robotic missions to the Moon that
are being launched over the next two years.  There are various
possibilities that are being discussed in terms of a permanent
lunar research station to be built by the Chinese.  Either
unmanned with robots carrying out scientific research and
technical experiments on the surface of the Moon, or a manned
permanent research station there on the lunar surface.
A Chinese space science professor by the name of Joao
Weixing from Beijing University was quoted in an article by the
{Global Times} saying the following:  “By constructing lunar
research stations, we can carry out lunar explorations which
would be much larger in scale and richer in content than are
possible with short-term forays.  Such a station could slash the
cost of returning rock samples to the Earth.  It would enhance
lunar geology studies,” he said, “and would have better energy
efficiency than lunar rovers, as the station can deploy a much
bigger solar power generator.”  So, in other words, the lunar
rovers could be stationed at that station, and could go out on
exploration missions, but then come back to recharge; leading to
a much more permanent presence there for research purposes and
exploration on the surface of the Moon.  So, with the
construction of that lunar station, obviously that would require
a heavy lift rocket, similar to those Saturn V class heavy lift
rockets which carried the Apollo astronauts to the Moon almost 50
years ago.  But indeed, China already has a rocket of that
magnitude under development.  In the meantime, China is moving
right along with its other lunar programs, the Chang’e V mission,
which would bring back lunar samples from the Moon, from the
Earth-facing side of the Moon.  And also, a Chang’e 4 mission
which is still in operation and on board, which will land on the
completely unexplored far side of the Moon, which has never been
done before.
So, those two missions by China are already in motion, and
may be launched as soon as next year.  Then close on the heels of
those two missions, there are reports that there a number of
other very significant missions by China that are on the books,
to investigate the geological structure and the mineral
composition of the Moon’s South Pole which has never been
explored before; and to return samples from the Moon’s polar
region.  So, extremely ambitious and extremely important lunar
research missions.  That’s exactly what we would have already
been doing over the last 45 years, Harrison Schmitt said, if we
had not abandoned the commitments that the United States had
under the Apollo Project.
Now, not coincidentally, the LaRouche Political Action
Committee has just announced the pending publication of a new
pamphlet, which is a revival and a further exploration of the
immediate necessity of the implementation of Lyndon LaRouche’s
Four Economic Laws.  And the final of those four economic laws is
to adopt a fusion-driver crash program; which really encapsulates
the subsuming principle from which the other three of those four
laws flow:  1.  Reorganizing this bankrupt financial system with
an immediate Glass-Steagall reform.  2.  The creation of a
Hamiltonian national bank.  3.  The issuance of massive amounts
of Federal credit to swiftly upshift the productive powers of the
US labor force.
But all of those are towards the goal of achieving a giant
leap in the technological platform of our economy as a whole, by
means of this fusion-driver crash program.  That’s the fourth law
as Lyndon LaRouche stipulated it in those Four Laws in his
original 2014 document.  As he states in the conclusion of that
document, and I’m going to put the quote right here up on the
screen [Fig. 3].  This is Lyndon LaRouche’s description of what
the ultimate goal of this program is.
“Man is mankind’s only true measure of the history of our
Solar System and what reposes within it.  That is the same thing
as the most honored meaning and endless achievement of the human
species now within nearby solar space, heading upwards to mastery
over the Sun and its Solar System; the one discovered uniquely as
a matter of fact, by Johannes Kepler.  A fusion economy is the
presently urgent next step and standard for man’s gains of power
within the Solar System and later, beyond.”
So again, that’s Lyndon LaRouche in his June 10, 2014
document, “Four Laws To Save the United States Now”.  And that is
the subsuming principle behind the entirety of that integral
document, that Four Laws vision in terms of what must be done to
immediately mobilize an economic recovery and a dramatic
transformation in the economy of the United States.  Now, since
LaRouche published that document, there have been extraordinary
breakthroughs in terms of the commitment to exactly that kind of
vision that’s coming out of China.  That is this New Paradigm
that we continue to discuss, with these mega projects and the
development of these completely undeveloped parts of the planet.
That’s coupled together with what I just demonstrated as China’s
commitment to a lunar and extra-terrestrial exploration for their
space program there.
Now, what Kesha Rogers stated in that video announcement,
and what she has consistently stood for in her campaigns for
Federal office, is exactly that kind of vision.  We see the
continued campaign to bring the United States into this New Silk
Road; and there have been major advancements along those lines
just even over the last few weeks.  Including with President
Trump’s recent “state visit-plus” to meet with President Xi
Jinping, and their very important personal relationship and this
new era of cooperation in US-China relations.
Now, I should state that 50 days from now, President Trump
will be delivering his first State of the Union address to the
Joint Session of Congress.  It’s been announced that this State
of the Union will take place on January 30th; this will be
President Trump addressing both the House of Representatives and
the US Senate, in addition to the other representatives of the
branches of government — the Supreme Court and the Cabinet.
This will be his first speech to this full Congressional body
since his Joint Address which he delivered in February of this
Now, I think it’s worthwhile to go back and recall a few
aspects of that speech that President Trump made.  Both in terms
of demonstrating what his commitment was when he first came into
office, which he in large measure has retained this commitment,
despite the kind of ongoing, 24-hour around-the-clock attacks on
his Presidency.  But also as sort of a measuring rod against
which we should hold up this next 50 days, as we now initiate
this countdown to the first State of the Union address on January
30th, and recommit ourselves to the implementation of this Four
Laws, Hamiltonian economic program that the LaRouche Political
Action Committee has been leading the fight on over the last
So, let’s recall a few aspects of President Trump’s speech
in February of this year to the Joint Session of Congress.  In
that speech, he said the following — and I’ll put the quotes up
on the screen here [Fig. 4]:  “In nine years, the United States
will celebrate the 250th anniversary of our founding.  250 years
since the day we declared our independence.  It will be one of
the great milestones in the history of the world.  But what will
America look like as we reach our 250th year?  What kind of
country will we leave for our children?  I will not allow the
mistakes of recent decades past to define the course of our
future.”  Then he listed a series of promises [Fig. 5].  He said,
“Dying industries will come roaring back to life.  Crumbling
infrastructure will be replaced with new roads, bridges, tunnels,
airports, and railways gleaming across our very, very beautiful
land.  Our terrible drug epidemic will slow down and ultimately
stop.  And our neglected inner cities will see a rebirth of hope,
safety, and opportunity.”
Now, to accomplish these goals, President Trump referenced a
few key aspects of what he would later identify, correctly, as
the American System of economics.  He quoted Abraham Lincoln,
stating the following.  President Trump said [Fig. 6] “I believe
strongly in free trade.  But it also has to be fair trade.  It’s
been a long time since we had fair trade.  The first Republican
President, Abraham Lincoln, warned that ‘The abandonment of the
protective policy by the American government will produce want
and ruin among our people.’  Lincoln was right, and it’s time we
heeded his advice and his words.”  Then later in the speech,
President Trump cited Dwight D Eisenhower [Fig. 7]. He said,
“Another Republican President, Dwight D Eisenhower, initiated the
last truly great national infrastructure program — the building
the interstate highway system.  The time has come for a new
program of national rebuilding.  America has spent approximately
$6 trillion in the Middle East.  All the while, our
infrastructure at home is crumbling.  With this $6 trillion, we
could have rebuilt our country twice, and maybe even three times.
To launch our national rebuilding, I will be asking Congress to
approve legislation that produces a $1 trillion investment in
infrastructure of the United States, creating millions of new
Then later in the speech, he returned to his theme of the
coming 250th anniversary of the founding of our country with the
Declaration of Independence [Fig. 8].  He said, “On our 100th
anniversary in 1876, citizens from across our nation came to
Philadelphia to celebrate America’s Centennial.  At that
celebration, the country’s builders and artists and inventors
showed off their wonderful creations.  Imagine the wonders our
country could know in America’s 250th year.  Think of the marvels
we can achieve if we simply set free the dreams of our people.
Cures to the illnesses that have always plagued us are not too
much to hope.  American footprints on distant worlds are not too
big a dream.  This is our vision.  This is our mission.
“But we can only get there together.  We are one people with
one destiny.  The time for small thinking is over.  The time for
trivial fights is behind us.  We just need the courage to share
the dreams that fill our hearts.  The bravery to express the
hopes that stir our souls.  And the confidence to turn those
hopes and those dreams into action.  I am asking all members of
Congress to join me in dreaming big and bold and daring things
for our country.  I am asking everyone watching tonight to seize
this moment.  Believe in yourselves, believe in your future, and
believe once more in America.”
Now, that was February of this year.  Again, we have 50 days
until the State of the Union address.  But I think that for any
{honest} member of Congress, or political-minded citizen of this
country, this is the yardstick according to which President Trump
and President Trump’s actions should be measured.  Has he
accomplished these stated objectives for the good of the people
of the United States?  Granted, those are very ambitious and
beautifully stated visions for what the United States could
accomplish over the coming eight, nine years until our 250th
anniversary celebration.  Indeed, over the last several months,
President Trump has repeatedly returned to some of those stated
missions and has clearly retained his commitment to that kind of
bold vision for the United States.  But indeed, we have yet to
see an significant action along the lines of the central core
aspect of what he called for in that speech to Congress, which
was the $1 trillion infrastructure investment.
Now, this must come not in the form of public-private
partnerships or PPPs, or any of those kinds of ill-conceived
concepts; but must come in the form — as we’ve repeatedly made
clear — of a Hamiltonian national infrastructure bank.  This was
stipulated as such in Lyndon LaRouche’s Four Economic Laws.  The
necessary precursor to that is absolutely the restoration of
Glass-Steagall.  We are on the cusp of what could possibly be
another massive trans-Atlantic financial crisis.  So in
anticipation of that, we must immediately erect that kind of
Glass-Steagall firewall.  But, an infrastructure bank, or a
national bank of the form that Alexander Hamilton created, could
then secure these massive amounts of Federal credit flows for the
rapid increase of the productive powers of our labor force;
exactly what is spelled out there in Lyndon LaRouche’s Four Laws
That’s not to say that the kinds of joint investments that
President Trump secured from China, as in the case of the $87
billion in investment in the state of West Virginia; that’s not
to say that that’s not significant.  Of course, that very much is
significant.  But that comes nowhere near the $1 trillion plus
that’s necessary in terms of this massive Hamiltonian Federal
credit investment in the infrastructure of the United States.
But what should be said, and this directly goes to the core of
what we must be telling members of Congress, including those
Democrats such as Al Green from the 9th District of Texas who
would rather spend their time introducing completely unfounded
articles of impeachment against this President.  These articles
of impeachment, by the way, failed miserably; notably the day
right before Kesha Rogers announced her candidacy to run in Al
Green’s district.  These members of Congress should be ashamed
that instead of getting to work, accomplishing jointly in
collaboration — Republicans, Democrats beyond these party
factions.  Instead of getting to work accomplishing these goals
that were set out by President Trump in this speech 10 months
ago, they have spent the majority of their time engaged in
partisan politics and getting swept up in this political hit-job
or witch hunt against President Trump around the so-called
“Russia-gate” collusion.
We have a 50-day countdown, and we should seek to make very
rapid progress in securing these very specific goals that are
contained in the Four Economic Laws of Lyndon LaRouche, between
now and the State of the Union address on January 30th.  And
indeed, this is the context for Kesha Rogers’ announcement for
her candidacy for the US Congress.
Now, this is what should be being discussed on the morning
talk shows, in the editorial pages of the leading national
newspapers and magazine covers. But rather, what are you hearing,
day in and day out?  Russia-gate, collusion, Mueller
investigation, etc., etc.  How much coverage did this ill-fated
impeachment resolution receive, despite the fact that the
majority of the House of Representatives voted against it,
including two-thirds of the Democratic Caucus.  And in spite of
the fact that a CBS poll has just put out that nearly 50% of all
Americans are very clear that this Russia-gate investigation is
100% politically motivated; it has nothing to do with justice.
But what are you hearing about?  Al Green’s grandstanding speech
was played over and over again on Wednesday.  That’s what you’re
hearing about.
What are you not hearing about?  Well, what’s not being
reported is the fact that the entire Mueller apparatus is coming
apart at the seams.  This entire thing is taking on water; and as
the {Wall Street Journal} rightly but uniquely stated in a signed
editorial earlier this week titled “Mueller’s Credibility
Problem; the Special Prosecutor Is Stonewalling Congress and
Protecting the FBI”.  This editorial is the notable exception to
the rest of the propaganda and hype out there from these national
news outlets.  But this is the quote from the {Wall Street
Journal} [Fig. 7].  It says, “The public has a right to know
whether the Steele dossier inspired the Comey probe, and whether
it led to intrusive government eavesdropping.”  Then they say
that they doubt “that Mr. Mueller’s ability to conduct a fair and
credible probe of the FBI’s considerable part in the Russia-Trump
drama.”  This of course is with regards to the bombshell
revelation that has come out about the now-fired FBI agent Peter
Strzok; who was not only responsible for changing the language in
the Clinton prosecution announcement, which led to her being
taken completely off the hook.  But also was central in the
operation to set up General Flynn.  It’s come out through his
text messages and his emails to his mistress, that he was 100%
virulently politically biased against President Trump and in
favor of Hillary Clinton.  But also, it’s not only him; it’s the
entirety practically of this Mueller team, which is hopelessly
biased and conflicted when it comes to their anti-Trump politics.
This was elaborated in detail by Representative Justin Amash
during the hearings yesterday in Congress; also by Representative
Jim Jordan.
Then, as the {Wall Street Journal} goes on to say, “The
latest news supports our view that Mr. Mueller is too conflicted
to investigate the FBI, and should step down in favor of someone
more credible.  The investigation would surely continue, though
perhaps with someone who doesn’t think his job includes
protecting the FBI and Mr. Comey from answering questions about
their role in the 2016 elections.”  So, this should really serve
to demonstrate, along with all the other initiatives that are not
being reported but are steadily proceeding in the US Congress by
Senator Chuck Grassley and others, this should serve to
demonstrate how effective the LaRouche PAC campaign to expose
this entire coup network has been.  With the special
investigation dossier, the “Robert Mueller Is an Amoral Legal
Assassin”, that special report which came out from LaRouche PAC;
this is now going into its second printing.  This has penetrated
the very highest levels of the US Congress and those who are
involved in this investigation on both sides.
So, this is the fight of our lives in terms of the battle
which is now raging over the heart and soul of the US Presidency
and what policy the United States will adopt.  I think if we
juxtapose these two channels, in terms of on the one side, this
ongoing daily ghost of Russia-gate McCarthyism-style propaganda
that you’re being inundated with.  But then on the other side,
this clearly inspired commitment of this reinvigoration of the
vision of the United States.  What Kesha Rogers stands for, and
what she has now initiated in terms of her campaign for US
Congress once again; and then also what is coming from abroad in
terms of the initiatives from China and elsewhere, in terms of
this One Belt, One Road initiative.  And then, as was
characterized, a Galactic Initiative that China has now
undertaken.  This is what Harrison Schmitt is calling for us to
rejoin now 45 years after the shutting down of the Apollo
mission.  The last man to walk on the Moon, 45 years ago today.
So, let me end this broadcast with the words of Helga
Zepp-LaRouche.  She said, during a discussion earlier this week
with associates the following:  “Countries which do not cooperate
with the Belt and Road Initiative are going to be sidelined to
the detriment of their populations.”  She said that this tectonic
shift which is now underway globally with the collapse of the old
trans-Atlantic financial system of speculation and short-term
profit, she said the collapse of that system and then the
tectonic shift which is occurring with the rapid rise of the new
system, this Belt and Road Initiative, we’re seeing an
unbelievable dynamic which is now going on.  She said, as we
covered extensively, “There are conferences every single day from
all across the world; be it South America, Africa, Europe, Asia.
There are more countries, more forces, more businesses and
industries now joining this New Paradigm.  The recent statement
by Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe,” she said, “that Japan
will cooperate with the Belt and Road Initiative is extremely
important.”  She said, “Countries which do not cooperate, indeed,
are going to be sidelined and left in the dust of history.”  She
said that “The Chinese policy, contrary to what you’re being fed
in the Western media, is not a policy geopolitically against any
nation.  Nor is it somehow a conflict between the United States
and other countries.”  She said “This is a question of joining
the future, joining this vision for an absolutely fantastic
perspective of ‘win-win’ cooperation and development for the
entire world.”
So, she said, “Our campaign must be focused on Lyndon
LaRouche’s Four Economic Laws; on LaRouche’s economics.  On the
United States joining the New Silk Road; on US space cooperation
with other countries.  And I think,” she said, “this is a perfect
moment to turn all of the United States towards an optimistic
campaign.  This can become the absolutely decisive turning force
for the whole United States.  Now is the time to defend the
President, to defeat the coup, to defeat the British Empire, and
go into a completely new and prosperous, beautiful future.  I
think this is a wonderful perspective,” she said.
So, with that as our final word, I’d like to thank you for
joining us here in our broadcast today.  There are going to be
rapid developments that occur over the coming days and weeks, and
we implore you to continue to stay tuned to larouchepac.com.  To
keep your eyes out for the second printing of this dossier on the
Mueller coup apparatus, and to also keep your eyes out for the
coming publication of a new pamphlet on Lyndon LaRouche’s Four
Economic Laws.   We enter now a 50-day countdown between now and
the State of the Union address, and I think we have our work cut
out for us.  So, thank you again for tuning in, and please stay
tuned to larouchepac.com.

Vi er vidne til indvielsen af
en helt ny æra på planeten.
LaRouchePAC Internationale
Webcast, 1. dec., 2017

Vært Matthew Ogden: Godaften; det er 1. dec., og dette er vores strategiske fredags-webcast fra larouchepac.com.

Vi har meget stof at gennemgå i aften, for vi bliver i øjeblikket vidne til indvielsen af en helt ny æra på denne planet. Det, vi bliver vidne til, især i løbet af den seneste uge, siden afslutningen af den ekstraordinært historiske Schiller Institut-konference, der fandt sted nær Frankfurt, Tyskland, i sidste weekend, er den kendsgerning, at den Nye Silkevejsdynamik – denne dynamik med store projekter og »win-win«-samarbejde, der er blevet initieret af Kina – denne Nye Silkevejsdynamik er nu den dominerende og virkelig uimodståelige dynamik på denne planet. Dette er noget, der fuldstændig er i færd med at omforme alle nationers politik på denne planet. Og tyngdecentret er skiftet væk fra det gamle paradigme, som vi har set i det transatlantiske system, og til dette Nye Paradigme, der nu har fået overtaget pga. de initiativer, som frem for alt Kina har taget.

Jeg vil gerne lægge ud med at afspille et kort uddrag af Helga Zepp-LaRouches ekstraordinære hovedtale, som hun holdt på denne konference, der var sponsoreret af Schiller Instituttet nær Frankfurt, Tyskland, i sidste weekend. Konferencens titel var »At opfylde menneskehedens drøm«, og titlen på Helga Zepp-LaRouches hovedtale var »Den Nye Silkevej; Den nye model for internationale relationer«. Her er et kort uddrag af Helgas tale:

(Se hele Helgas video og tale i dansk oversættelse her: http://schillerinstitut.dk/si/?p=22734)

(Her følger engelsk udskrift af resten af webcastet)


:  So, let me start with an idea
of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz.  He said that we are actually
living in the best of all possible worlds.  This is a very
fundamental ontological conception.  It’s the idea that we are
living in a developing universe; that what makes the universe the
best of all possible ones is its tremendous potential for
development.  It is in such a way created, that every great evil
challenges an even greater good to come into being.  I think when
we are talking about the New Silk Road and the tremendous changes
which have occurred in the world, especially in the last four
years, it is actually exactly that principle working.  Because it
was the absolute manifest lack of development of the old world
order which caused the impulse of China and the spirit of the New
Silk Road having caught on that now many nations of the world are
absolutely determined to have a development giving a better life
to all of their people.
Now, I think that the New Silk Road is a typical example of
an idea whose time had come; and once an idea is in that way
becoming a material reality, it becomes a physical force in the
Now the Chinese Ambassador to Washington, Cui Tiankai,
recently made the point, that there were 16 times in world history,
when a rising country would surpass the dominant country up to
that point.  In twelve cases it led to a war, and in four cases
the rising country just peacefully took over.  He said that China
wants neither, but we want to have a completely different system
of a “win-win” relationship of equality and respect for each
Obviously, the most important question strategically, if you
think about it, is that we can avoid the so-called Thucydides
trap.  That was the rivalry between Athens and Sparta in the 5th
Century BC, which led to the Peloponnesian War and the demise of
ancient Greece.  If this were to occur today between the United
States and China in the age of thermonuclear weapons, I think
nobody in their right mind could wish that; and therefore, we
should all be extremely happy that Trump and Xi Jinping have
developed this very important relationship.  I stuck my neck out
in the United States in February of this year by saying, if
President Trump manages to get a good relationship between the
United States and China, and between the United States and Russia, he
will go down in history as one of the greatest Presidents of the
United States.  Naturally, everybody was completely freaked out
because that is not the picture people are supposed to have about
Trump.  But I think if you look at what is happening, you will
see that Trump is on a very good way to accomplish exactly that.
So, he came back from this Asia trip with $253 billion worth
of deals with China.  I watched the press conference of the
Governor of West Virginia, Jim Justice, where he said that now,
because of China, there is hope in West Virginia.  West Virginia
is a totally depressed state; they have unemployment and a drug
epidemic.  But he said now we can have value-added production, we
will have a bright future.  So, the spirit of the New Silk Road
has even caught on in West Virginia.  Obviously the United States
has an enormous demand for infrastructure, especially now after
the destruction of all these hurricanes; which just to restore
what has been destroyed requires $200 billion, not even talking
about disaster prevention.  So, this is all on a good way that
China will invest in the infrastructure in the United States, and
vice versa; US firms will cooperate in projects of the Belt and
Road Initiative.
So, just think about it, because almost everything I’m
saying goes against everything you hear in the Western media.
But think:  From whom comes the motion for peace and development?
Is it coming from those who attack Putin, Xi, and Trump?  And
those who side with Obama?  It’s obviously time for people to
rethink how the Western viewpoint is on all of these matters.  Or
change the glasses which they have to look at the world.

OGDEN:  So, as you heard from Helga Zepp-LaRouche, that was
just a short excerpt from her speech, but she said we have to
change the glasses through which we look at the world.  That’s
what she did really with the entirety of her keynote address;
which was an hour long.  It is available on the
newparadigm.schillerinstitute.org website right now; but she
really did change the glasses, through which people should see the
world; both by reviewing what the strategic breakthroughs have
been in terms of the New Silk Road dynamic which has been
sweeping the planet and supplanting this outmoded and failed
geopolitical world order which has brought the world really to
the edge of what she said; this Thucydides trap and the danger of
thermonuclear war.  But she also did some very extraordinary; she
took the audience back through the history of the relationship
between the Confucianism of China and the Leibnizian philosophy
of Europe.  This was the best of European culture, and really the
consolidation of the Renaissance culture of Europe.  What
Gottfried Leibniz was able to do in his time, recognizing the
failures of European culture due to the kinds of rivalries
between these warring empires and what had really turned into a
corruption and a rot at the core of the European system at that
time; he said the future can be secured if we recognize the best
of European culture — the Christianity and the heritage of the
Greek philosophy which built European culture; but put this
together with the aspects of Chinese Confucianism which are in
fact harmonious with the best of the ideas of European
philosophy.  He pointed out, that the idea of an understanding of

the pre-established harmony between man’s creative mind and the
created universe is something, which indeed is recognized in
Leibnizian European philosophy; but is also at the core of
Confucian philosophy.
Helga Zepp-LaRouche said that in a very real way, Xi Jinping
has reflected a profound understanding of this kind of harmonious
relationship between man and the created world, and also between
the nations of this planet, and has given it a substance;
actualized this idea through the form of the New Silk Road.  She
also reviewed the history of her husband’s — Lyndon LaRouche’s
— role in creating the basis of the ideas that are now taking
their form in this New Paradigm of development coming out of
China and the Belt and Road Initiative.  She traced it all the
way back to a paper that Lyndon LaRouche had written in the 1970s
about the development of Africa, and the fact that his ideas —
which were at the core of that vision — are now what are
actually taking place in Africa and other nations that are being
touched by the Belt and Road Initiative.  Again, this is an
extraordinary keynote address, and we would encourage you to
watch the speech in its entirety.
But after Helga LaRouche’s keynote, the conference — which
was a two-day conference — unfolded; and it was a series of
extraordinary panel after extraordinary panel.  The first panel
was titled “The Earth’s Next Fifty Years”; obviously taking that
from the title of a wonderful book that was published by Lyndon
LaRouche over a decade ago.  But this panel began with a keynote
by Professor He Wenping, who’s the Director of African Studies at
the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in Beijing.  The speech
was “President Xi’s Perspective for the Year 2050 and the
Perspective of African Development”.  That was followed by the
former Transport Minister of Egypt, who gave a speech called
“Integration of Egypt’s Transportation Plans 2030 with the New
Silk Road Project”.  Then, there was a statement from George
Lombardi, who is the former social media consultant to President
Donald Trump; and his speech was titled “The Trump
Administration: Impending Economic Policies and Media Discord”.
Then that panel concluded with a speech by Marco Zanni, who is a
member of the European Parliament from Italy.  His speech was
titled “A Future for Europe after the Euro”.
Panel I was followed by Panel II, which was the second panel
of the first day, which was titled “The Need for Europe To
Cooperate with China in the Industrialization of Africa and the
Middle East; Transaqua as the Rosetta Stone of the Continent’s
Transformation”.  This began with an extensive speech by Hussein
Askary, who is the Southwest Asia coordinator for the Schiller
Institute.  This was on “Extending the Silk Road into Southwest
Asia and Africa; A Vision of an Economic Renaissance”.  The bulk
of this is also actually included in a new Special Report that is
just been published by the Schiller Institute, that was jointly
written by Hussein Askary and Jason Ross.  He was followed by the
Foreign Director of the Bonifaca S.p.A., Italy, company, which is
actually involved with China in building this Transaqua project.
It’s called the Italy-China Alliance for Transaqua.  Then, the
General Consul to Frankfurt from Ethiopia spoke — Mehreteab
Mulugeta Haile.  The title of his speech was “The Need for Europe
to Cooperate with China in the Industrialization of Africa”.
Then that panel concluded with a speech by the Executive Manager
of Pyramids International called “Egypt’s 2030 Mega Projects:
Investment Opportunities for Intermodal and Multimodal
The third panel took place on the second day of the
conference, and that panel was titled “Europe As the Continent of
Poets, Thinkers, and Inventors: An Optimistic Vision for the
Future of Europe”.  It was keynoted by Jacques Cheminade, who’s
the former Presidential candidate in France.  His speech was
titled “What Europe Should Contribute to the New World Paradigm”.
Then, Dr. Natalia Vitrenko, who’s the chairwoman of the
Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine, gave a speech — “China’s
Initiative from the Doom of Self-Destruction, to Prosperity and
Progress; A View from Ukraine”.  Then, a speech from a
representative from Serbia; an author and journalist named Dr.
Jasminka Simic.  Her speech was titled “One Belt, One Road — An
Opportunity for Development in the Western Balkans”.  Then that
panel concluded with a speech from Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Professor Mariana Tian — “Bulgaria’s Contribution to the Belt
and Road Initiative”.
There were also two other speeches; the chair of the
Anglo-Hellenic and Cypriot Law Association, and the founding
Director of the China Africa Advisory.
Then, the concluding panel of the entire conference, Panel
IV; “The System We Live in Is Not Earthbound — Future
Technologies and Scientific Breakthroughs”.  This was keynoted by
Jason Ross, scientific advisor to the Schiller Institute.  His
speech was titled “The Scientific Method of LaRouche”.  He was
followed by Prof. Dr. Helmut Alt, from the University of Applied
Sciences in Aachen; who gave a speech — “Energy Transition; From
Bad to Worse”.  Then that concluded with Dr. Wentao Guo, from
Switzerland — “Current Situation of High Temperature Gas-Cooled
Reactors in China”.
Then there was an extensive Q&A period after that, in which
there was very important input from the audience.  The attendees
at this event — which you could see just from the speaker’s list
alone — represented countries from Western Eurasia, from Central
Europe, from Africa, from the United States, from Western Europe,
from Scandinavia, from really literally all over the world.  This
was an extraordinary conference.
There was a resolution that was adopted at the concluding of
the conference that I’d like to put on the screen here [Fig. 1].
The resolution is taking a note from what China has committed
itself to — eliminating poverty by the year 2020 in China.  So,
this is the resolution adopted by the Schiller Institute
conference in Bad Soden, Germany:

“At this conference, with the title ‘Fulfilling the Dream of
Mankind,’ we discussed the incredible transformation of the world
catalyzed by the Chinese initiative of the New Silk Road. The
Belt and Road Initiative, which is creating optimism in Asia,
Africa, Latin America, more and more states in Europe, and after
the state visit of President Trump in China, in several states
within the United States.
“The Belt and Road Initiative has the concrete perspective
on how poverty and underdevelopment can be overcome through
investment in infrastructure, industry and agriculture, based on
scientific and technological progress. The Chinese government
which uplifted 700 million out of poverty in the last 30 years,
has now proclaimed the goal to lift the remaining 42 million
people living in poverty out of their condition, and create a
decent living standard for the entire Chinese population by the
year 2020.
“Within the European Union, there are living approximately
120 million people below the poverty line, according to our own
criteria characterizing the costs of life. Given the fact that
Europe is still an economic powerhouse, there is no plausible
reason why Europe cannot uplift these 120 million people out of
poverty by the year 2020, as well. The best way to accomplish
this is for the EU, all European nations, to accept the offer by
China to cooperate with China in the Belt and Road Initiative on
a ‘win-win’ basis.
“We, the participants of the Schiller Institute conference,
call on all elected officials to join this appeal to the European
governments. Should we in Europe not be proud enough to say, if
the Chinese can do this, we can do it, too?”

As you can see here, newparadigm.schillerinstitute.com, that
is the location of the proceedings of this conference which will
be published as they’re prepared; but also, that resolution that
I just read to you, is available on that website
newparadigm.schillerinstitute.com — and it’s collecting
signatures.  It’s something that you can add your name to and you
can circulate that.  Obviously, it applies not only to Europe,
but applies to the United States as well; this goal of
eliminating poverty by building infrastructure and high
technology projects to increase the living standards and the
productivity of our populations; as China is doing through the
Belt and Road Initiative.  This is what can be accomplished in
the United States.  We’ll review a little bit of that.
I do want to note that Helga Zepp-LaRouche made a special
notice of the statement by West Virginia Governor Jim Justice
after he secured $87 billion in joint investment into the state
of West Virginia; which is greater than the entire GDP of that
state.  This accomplishment is really the spirit of the New Silk
Road, which is now sweeping through the world and has even taken
hold in our very own state of West Virginia here in the United
Now, let’s look at the extraordinary rate of developments
that have occurred since this conference happened in Frankfurt,
Germany last weekend.  This is part of putting on those new
glasses that Helga LaRouche talked about in order to see the
world as it really is; not to see the world through the kind of
spin and propaganda that you’re inundated with on a daily basis
by the media.  If you were following the media, you would think,
that the only issue on the table, are the series of sex scandals
that are coming out from celebrities and news anchors and so
forth and so on.  And you would miss the fact that we are
literally living in the absolute epicenter right now in history
of a total paradigm shift in the history of mankind.
So, let’s look at this extraordinary rate of developments.
This conference, obviously, in Europe — the Schiller Institute
conference — took place right on the heels of President Trump’s
extraordinarily successful trip to Asia; where he had his state
visit-plus visit with President Xi Jinping in China.  And the
$250 billion worth of deals that were signed there for joint
investments, the fact that President Xi Jinping put directly on
the table the idea of the United States and US businesses
collaborating with the Belt and Road Initiative, and the fact
that President Xi Jinping and President Trump solidified a very
close personal relationship and really ushered in a new era of
US-China collaboration.  After that, just during the course of
the last five days, you’ve seen what was just mentioned there in
the resolution from the Frankfurt conference; that nations of
Europe are now beginning to reach out and reciprocate the hand of
friendship that’s coming from China to participate in the Belt
and Road Initiative.
This is taking place most significantly in the more
impoverished countries of Eastern and Central Europe.  We have
the just-concluded 16+1 talks, which occurred in Budapest,
Hungary.  This is the meeting of the so-called CEEC, or the
Central and Eastern European Countries — those are the 16; and
then the +1 is China.  So, this is the 16+1, the Central and
Eastern European Countries plus China.  What was discussed at
this conference was the further coordination between these
countries of Eastern Europe and the Chinese, especially on the
idea of the Belt and Road Initiative; the New Eurasian
Land-Bridge as it was termed by Helga and Lyndon LaRouche back in
the 1980s.  The core feature of that proposal back in the end of
the 1980s, which gave birth to this idea of the Eurasian
Land-Bridge, was the idea of taking these Eastern European
countries — what had been formerly part of the Soviet Union or
the Soviet space — and taking what was an under-developed area
of Europe and developing it through bridging Western Europe with
Russia and then beyond through these kinds of transportation
corridors and high technology development grids.  That’s exactly
what China was discussing with these countries in Eastern Europe
during the 16+1 conference.  These are mainly countries such as
Hungary, Serbia, Poland, which really this is their conception of
themselves; they serve as Europe’s front door onto the New Silk
Road.  As the New Silk Road comes westward across Eurasia, the
front door to Europe are these Eastern European countries.  They
have gone from being on the margins of Europe with
under-development and poverty and prolonged unemployment and
these other crises, they’ve gone from being on the margins to
being at the very center of this new dynamic which is sweeping
from the East.
This is referred to in Hungary as their “eastward opening”;
that Hungary’s future is to orient towards this new era of
development which is coming from Eurasia, rather than orienting
towards the collapsing system of Western Europe and the failed
EU.  Zhang Ming, who’s China’s ambassador to the European Union,
published an article that was published immediately prior to the
16+1 meeting on November 27th, in which he emphasized the central
role of the Belt and Road Initiative in China’s policy towards
Europe.  He said, “As China and Europe work together to synergize
the Belt and Road Initiative, the 16 CEEC countries will play a
more prominent role as a hub which connects Asia and Europe.
Faster development in CEEC countries contributes to a more
balanced development across Europe and European integration.”
So, in other words, the faster development of these impoverished
countries in Central and Eastern Europe will be a “win-win” for
everybody involved.  He used these words, that these countries
will serve a “prominent role as a hub which connects Asia and
Then as Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban stated a few
weeks ago — and he was the host of this meeting in Budapest,
Hungary obviously — but this was a statement that he made back
in October.  This is absolutely to the point of what we’re
discussing on this webcast today; this idea that the Belt and
Road Initiative is now the irresistible and dominant dynamic on
this planet.  This is a quote from Prime Minister Orban:  “The
world’s center of gravity is shifting from West to East.  While
there is still some denial of this in the Western world, that
denial does not seem to be reasonable.  We see the world
economy’s center of gravity shifting from the Atlantic region to
the Pacific region.  This is not my opinion, this is a fact.”
Now incidentally, that quote, that statement by Prime
Minister Orban, is exactly the point that Lyndon LaRouche made in
this book; this very prescient book that he published over a
decade ago called {Earth’s Next Fifty Years; The Coming Eurasian
World}.  In that book, Mr. LaRouche said the dominant dynamic of
the world is going to be the rising countries of Asia; these are
where the most concentrations of population are, this is the
fastest rates of growth.  And this is where the world’s center of
gravity is shifting economically; the coming Eurasian world, or
the Pacific-centered world.  So, this is a direct echo of exactly
what Lyndon LaRouche said way back when before any of this
economic miracle took place.  But Mr. LaRouche was very prescient
on that fact.
Now, while a number of leading European press outlets have
been doing exactly what Viktor Orban said — denying this fact;
trying to deny this inevitable fact that the center of gravity
has shifted from West to East.  You had, for example, the
{Financial Times} ran an extensive article headlined “Brussels
Rattled As China Reaches Out to Eastern Europe”; obviously just
hysterical that these Eastern European countries are now oriented
towards the Belt and Road Initiative.  Despite that fact, there
are some leading circles in Europe who are, indeed, recognizing
that Europe’s future lies in joining this New Paradigm.
Obviously, that could be seen from this extensive speaker’s list
at the Schiller Institute conference in Frankfurt; but there was
another very significant conference that occurred just a few days
later this week in Paris.  This was the first annual Paris Forum
on the Belt and Road Initiative; so it’s going to take place very
year.  This is the first annual event.  It was co-organized by
the Chinese embassy and the French Institute for International
and Strategic Affairs — IRIS is their acronym.  This is the
third largest think tank in Paris.  The founding director is
Pascal Boniface, who is very positive in terms of his attitude
towards this idea of France and Europe as a whole joining with
the Belt and Road Initiative.  There were some 400 people in
participation at this very important event.  There were think
tanks, there were civil servants, people from the French
government, there were heads of different French companies —
CEOs — retired military, there were cultural figures, and there
were media who attended.  Among them, the forum was addressed by
the Chinese Ambassador to France, Zhai Jun.  He put directly on
the table, France, Europe should join this new emerging paradigm,
this Belt and Road Initiative.  This goes directly along with the
attendance by Raffarin, the former Prime Minister of France to
the Belt and Road Forum that occurred this past Spring in
Beijing.  There have been other prominent figures inside France
who have done exactly what these people have done at this very
significant event, and said “Look, this is the future of the
world economy.  The center of gravity has shifted, and we better
get on board.”  This was also the subject, by the way, of Jacques
Cheminade’s speech at the Schiller Institute conference; and this
is something that he’s been in extensive conversation with, with
numerous leading figures inside France as part of his
Presidential campaign.  He even met with the former President of
France, Francois Hollande, while he was President at the Elysée
Palace and discussed exactly this idea.
So, as you can see, the movers and shakers behind this, the
ideas which are driving history, are really the leaders and the
collaborators of the LaRouche Movement worldwide.
Let me shift focus now.  We’re continuing to catalog the
extraordinary rate of developments that have occurred just over
the last five days since this extraordinary conference in
Frankfurt.  Let’s shift focus now to Latin America.  We had the
11th China-Latin America-Caribbean Business Summit, which
happened in Uruguay; actually it’s still happening.  It started
yesterday, and it’s going through this Sunday, so it’s a four-day
conference.  This was to discuss the idea of how Western
Hemisphere countries, especially countries in South and Central
America, can participate in China’s One Belt, One Road
Initiative.  Whereas this is the 11th annual conference between
the Central and South American countries and China, this was by
far the largest of these conferences to have taken place.  There
were over 2500 people in attendance, which included high-level
businessmen, government officials, and policymakers from all over
Latin America.  One of the plenary sessions which took place at
this conference was titled, “A New Vision of Collaboration Among
China, Latin America, and the Caribbean in the Framework of the
One Belt, One Road Strategy”.  So, that’s explicit; this is the
idea of Latin American joining the New Silk Road.
Just because we’re discussing Latin America, there was a
wonderful sentiment which was voiced by Chilean President
Michelle Bachelet.  This was a speech that she gave on November
23rd at the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the founding
of the Confucius Institute in Chile.  She said, “The world is
orienting more than ever towards China and the Pacific Basin.
Therefore, we know very well that our relationship with China and
the Asia-Pacific in particular, is crucial for us to fulfill our
destiny.”  She said, “Chile’s relationship with China goes well
beyond trade ties.  It is one of our primary political partners
on the path to opening integration and cooperation for progress.”
Then Michelle Bachelet said after she retires as the President of
Chile, she intends to study the Chinese language in depth.  So,
that’s a commitment that perhaps all heads of state should make,
as we recognize that the center of gravity of the world’s
strategic and economic reality is shifting towards China.  We did
see that from President Trump’s granddaughter, Arabella Kushner
— that’s Ivanka’s daughter — where she recorded the song in
Mandarin Chinese.  A video of her singing a song in Mandarin
Chinese, and sent that as a goodwill offering to President Xi
Jinping in China.
And one more item I should just note.  This is a
yet-unconfirmed report, but it’s very credible, that Japan — now
we’ve shifted from Europe to Central and South America, and now
we’re in the Asia Pacific.  Japan is actively considering joint
projects with Chinese companies on building the One Belt, One
Road.  This is hugely significant, judging by the historic
conflicts between Japan and China, which have been played on by
these Western geopoliticians for decades; to try to keep these
two extraordinarily significant countries from collaborating.  If
Japan and China collaborate on the Belt and Road Initiative, this
is a dynamic which is absolutely unstoppable.  There was an
article in a Japanese paper titled “Government To Help Japan,
China Firms in Belt and Road”.  It reports that the Abe
government is considering supporting companies to carry out joint
projects with Chinese companies along the Belt and Road.  I think
underscoring this fact, as I stated in the beginning of today’s
broadcast, that the Belt and Road is an absolutely unstoppable
and irresistible dynamic; which has now become dominant and is
something which cannot be ignored.  Underscoring that fact that,
indeed, this New Silk Road is the dominant irresistible dynamic
on this planet, here’s a statement from the {Global Times} which
is absolutely to the point.  It says “Generally speaking, Japan’s
economy has been always greatly dependent on overseas markets.
So, for the sustainable development of its economy, Japan needs
access to the business opportunities offered by the vast
infrastructure projects along the Belt and Road route.”
So, this is the sentiment that’s being expressed by
everybody.  We go from the hosts of this first annual conference
on the Belt and Road Initiative in Paris.  Look at what Viktor
Orban said at the 16+1 conference in Budapest, Hungary.  Look at
what Michelle Bachelet said in Chile at the Confucius Institute.
Look at the statements that were made at this Central and South
American-China Business Forum.  Look at what’s now being said in
Japan.  Look at the statements that were made at the Schiller
Institute conference in Frankfurt.  And look at what was done by
President Trump during his trip to China, and the summit that he
had with President Xi Jinping.  Everything is being shaped by
this initiative, by the New Silk Road; by this initiative which
is coming out of China for “win-win” mutually beneficial
cooperation on great project development for the entire planet.
This is the dominant of the future.
As Helga Zepp-LaRouche said, you need to put on the new set
of glasses to be able to see reality as it really is; not through
the skewed mirrors and the propaganda which is coming out of the
Western media.  I think that perhaps the best statement, and the
most candid statement of all — of all of these statements about
the reality of this future dynamic — and why the United States
and Europe and South America and Asia need to jump on board with
the New Silk Road, need to join with this new dynamic and catch
this spirit of the New Silk Road; probably the best and most
candid of those statements came out of Governor Jim Justice from
West Virginia during his press conference that he gave there at
the state capital, announcing this extraordinary $87 billion deal
between China and the state of West Virginia.  Here’s what
Governor Jim Justice had to say:


:  And I would say to all of you
all that may be doubters that this could become a reality, “Don’t
get on the wrong side of it.”  Because, really and truly, it’s a
comin’.  It’s a comin’.”

OGDEN:  “It’s a comin’.”  I would say to all the doubters,
“this could become a reality, ‘Don’t get on the wrong side of
it.’  Because it’s a comin’,” he said.  “It’s a comin’.”   So,
that was actually from the conclusion of a really wonderful and
important video that was just put on the LaRouche PAC website
this week, all about West Virginia.  West Virginia, which as
Helga LaRouche said, is known across the country right now as the
epicenter of poverty, unemployment, drug epidemic overdoses, and
just general backward economic conditions.  West Virginia could
now become the cutting edge and the economic driver of the entire
Appalachian region here in the United States because of this
“win-win” investment that came from China.  So, I would encourage
you to watch that video in full on the LaRouche PAC website.
But let me just say, this is an extraordinary rate of
development of events that have occurred over the past five days.
I think that anybody who is looking at the reality soberly and
with clarity will see that, indeed, the efforts of the LaRouche
Movement over the past several years to put this question on the
table; to put this idea of a New Paradigm of economic cooperation
and “win-win” development, this New Silk Road — this Eurasian
Land-Bridge, this World Land-Bridge idea.  Put that on the table
and to shape all of the discussions that are occurring at the
highest levels of policymaking worldwide around that idea.  I
think that truly is becoming the dominant dynamic, and it’s a
testament to the fact that a small handful of people with very
powerful ideas, can indeed be very successful in shaping the
course of world history.
Now, I would say that what Helga LaRouche began, those
remarks that I played at the beginning of the show; this idea of
the greatest, the best of all possible worlds — what Gottfried
Leibniz had to say.  This is an understanding of how the universe
corresponds to the creative will of mankind.  That there is a
principle of good that is behind the creation, the creation of
the universe; and that principle of good corresponds with the
creative nature of mankind.  And when mankind acts on that
creative quality, and acts for the benefit of the greatest number
of possible people, the greatest possible General Welfare; acts
on the basis of this principle of good, that the universe
corresponds and, indeed, responds.  Because of this harmony, this
pre-established harmony which Leibniz discussed.  That was at the
core of his understanding of the best of all possible worlds.
So, with that axiomatic understanding of the philosophical
nature of what this effort is all about — to bring about a New
Paradigm of human relations on this planet — let’s conclude with
the concluding quote from Helga Zepp-LaRouche during her keynote
at that Schiller Institute conference in Germany.  Helga
Zepp-LaRouche said the following:  “If we revive the Classical
culture of all nations, and enter a beautiful dialogue among
them, mankind will experience a new renaissance and unleash an
enormous creativity of the human species like never before.
“So, it is very good to live at this moment in history and
contribute to make the world a better place.  And it can be done,
because the New Paradigm corresponds to the lawfulness of the
physical universe in science, Classical art, and these
principles.  What will be asserted is the identity of the human
species as {the} creative species in the universe.”
So, as Helga Zepp-LaRouche said, it is very good to live at
this moment, and to contribute to this New Paradigm which is now
emerging on this planet, and to contribute to the good of
So, thank you very much for joining us here today.  We
strongly encourage you to not only watch Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s
keynote address in its entirety, but to stay tuned to that
Schiller Institute channel as all of these panels, all of these
videos, all of these presentations are produced and put up on the
website for you to watch in their entirety.  So, thank you for
joining in, and let’s continue to spread the spirit of the New
Silk Road.  Thank you and good night.

Præsidenterne Trump og Xi iværksætter et
gigantisk skridt fremad for menneskeheden
LaRouche PAC Internationale Webcast,
10. nov., 2017

Præsidenterne for disse to lande har gentagne gange understreget, at denne nye relation, som de nu indvier, vil gå langt ud over noget, vi tidligere har set, og, gennem den relation, som USA og Kina nu har skabt med præsident Donald Trumps statsbesøg til Kina, kan ikke alene de problemer, som begge disse lande individuelt står overfor, konfronteres og løses, men, med samarbejdet mellem disse to lande sammen med andre partnere i hele verden, kan de fleste af, hvis ikke alle, de problemer, menneskeheden på nuværende tidspunkt står overfor, også løses.

Vært Matthew Ogden: God aften, det er den 10. nov., 2017, og dette er vores strategiske webcast fra larouchepac.com.

Det er ingen overdrivelse at sige, at vi er vidne til det vigtigste øjeblik i moderne verdenshistorie. Vi ser udfolde sig for vore øjne en ny æra; en ny æra, både mht. amerikansk-kinesiske relationer, med de begivenheder, der har fundet sted i løbet af de seneste par dage, og, som følge heraf, også en ny æra for hele verden. Disse to lande, der uden for enhver diskussion er de to, vigtigste lande på planeten, har nu smedet en relation, der ikke har noget sidestykke mht. niveau, og mht. størrelsesorden.

Præsidenterne for disse to lande har gentagne gange understreget, at denne nye relation, som de nu indvier, vil gå langt ud over noget, vi tidligere har set, og, gennem den relation, som USA og Kina nu har skabt med præsident Donald Trumps statsbesøg til Kina, kan ikke alene de problemer, som begge disse lande individuelt står overfor, konfronteres og løses, men, med samarbejdet mellem disse to lande sammen med andre partnere i hele verden, kan de fleste af, hvis ikke alle, de problemer, menneskeheden på nuværende tidspunkt står overfor, også løses.

Jeg vil sætte et par billeder på skærmen fra præsident Trumps »Statsbesøg-Plus« til Kina, som er uden fortilfælde. Her ser vi præsident Trump og Melania Trump hilse præsident Xi og Kinas førstedame, Peng Liyuan; her ankommer de til Beijing. Man ser det kinesiske folks overvældende entusiasme – her er det kinesiske skolebørn, der vifter med kinesiske og amerikanske flag for at hilse præsident Xi Jinping og præsident Trump. Man ser niveauet af entusiasme, som tydeligvis overvælder præsident Trump, og denne velkomst blev iscenesat for ham; og den rundvisning, de fik i Den Forbudte By, og som ikke har noget fortilfælde i historien. På næste billede synger nogle skolebørn fra Beijing for præsident Trump og Melania Trump. De fik også en fuld opførelse af en opera fra Peking-operaen i Den Forbudte By og en meget hjertelig middag. Her har vi et billede af præsident Trump, præsident Xi Jinping, Melania Trump og Kinas førstedame Peng Liyuan.

Som man kan se, så var dette et ekstraordinært statsbesøg, og begge præsidenter sagde gentagne gange, at de to dage, de tilbragte sammen, er absolut uforglemmelige og har tjent til at skabe det, der allerede var et meget varmt, personligt, særligt forhold mellem de to.

Det, vi har set vokse frem af dette besøg, kan kun beskrives som indvielsen af en ny epoke i de amerikansk-kinesiske relationer. Det går langt ud over, hvad en masse af de mennesker, der så frem til denne begivenhed, har forsøgt at sige, og, på trods af al propagandaen i pressen og i medierne i USA, så var dette ekstraordinært i sin store betydning for USA’s og Kinas fremtid, som to lande; men også for verdens fremtid. Det, vi har set komme ud af disse møder, både mellem præsidenterne Xi og Trump personligt, og også af de udvidede møder, der fandt sted langs sidelinjen, er meget i overensstemmelse med linjerne af det, vi har krævet i løbet af de seneste uger, hvis ikke måneder, mht. de forretningsmæssige forbindelser, forretningsaftalerne mellem USA og Kina; men udtrykkeligt også mht. ideen om, at USA tilslutter sig Bælte & Vej Initiativet.

For det første vil jeg rapportere, at der rent konkret blev underskrevet forretningsaftaler og aftaler om bilaterale investeringer til en værdi af over $250 mia. mellem amerikanske og kinesiske selskaber – det er en kvart billion dollar i bilaterale investeringer; men ideen om USA’s tilslutning til Bælte & Vej Initiativet blev gentagene gange meget udtrykkeligt nævnt, af Xi Jinpings egen mund, under begivenheder i løbet af dette topmøde, første gang under den afsluttende, fælles pressekonference, og også under et møde mellem regeringsfolk og erhvervsfolk; og ved begge disse begivenheder opfordrede præsident Xi Jinping udtrykkeligt amerikanske selskaber til at tilslutte sig Bælte & Vej og sagde, at der vil blive praktisk samarbejde inden for energi, samt investeringer i infrastruktur; og helt konkret blev en fælles aftale underskrevet mellem General Electric og den Kinesiske Silkevejsfond, som i fællesskab oprettede en investeringsplatform inden for energiinfrastruktur.

Reuter rapporterer om denne aftale på følgende vis: »General Electric Co. og kinesisk statsfond etablerer Bælte & Vej plan for handelsinitiativ, for i fællesskab at etablere en investeringsplatform til energiinfrastruktur, siger Kinas regering … Silkevejsfonden og GE Energy Financial Services underskrev en aftale om ’samarbejde’ om etablering af platformen i Beijing, sagde Ministeriet for Udenlandsk Valuta (SAFE) i en erklæring, dateret torsdag … ’De to sider vil i fællesskab investere i elektricitetsnet, ny energi og olie og gas, i lande og regioner langs Bælte & Vej’, sagde SAFE. ’Samarbejdet mellem Silkevejsfonden og GE vil ikke alene styrke samarbejdet mellem avancerede produktionsindustrier fra Kina og USA, men også fremme økonomisk udvikling og handelsudvikling i regionerne for denne investering.’«

Dette er et direkte og konkret eksempel på et førende amerikansk selskab, der tilslutter sig Bælte & Vej, og denne samarbejdsaftale mellem Silkevejsfonden og General Electric i dette tilfælde, reflekterer en langt mere generel retningsbestemmelse mht. sådanne aftaler.

Det, som præsident Xi Jinping gentagne gange understregede, var, at Kina er fremtidens økonomi, og den vækst, som Kina har oplevet i løbet af de seneste årtier, vil kun fortsætte, og denne forretningsmæssige og økonomiske relation mellem USA og Kina vil være til fordel for både det kinesiske og det amerikanske folk.

Jeg vil gerne afspille for jer, et par uddrag fra præsident Trumps og præsident Xi Jinpings præsentationer ved diverse anledninger under dette statsbesøg.

Vi vil først afspille et lille klip fra præsident Trumps bemærkninger ved et udvidet, bilateralt møde, hvor man ser [USA’s udenrigsminister] Rex Tillerson og ambassadør Terry Branstad og præsident Trump, der taler for den kinesiske delegation. Man hører fra præsident Trump, hvor fuldstændig overvældet, han var, over den varme modtagelse, han fik, og hvor stor betydning, han tillægger de fremtidige amerikansk-kinesiske relationer; og i klippet siger han, at han mener, de fleste, hvis ikke alle, problemer i verden sandsynligvis kan konfronteres og løses med denne relation, som Kina og USA har skabt.

Umiddelbart herefter, i det samme klip, ser man et par uddrag af bemærkninger fra først præsident Trump og dernæst præsident Xi Jinping for begivenheden for erhvervsledere, der blev afholdt under dette topmøde. Her vil man høre præsident Trump tale om graden af gensidig, økonomisk forbundethed og samarbejde mellem Kina og USA, og dernæst hører man præsident Xi Jinping selv tale om USA og amerikanske selskaber, der går sammen med Bælte & Vej Initiativet.

Lad os lytte til dette klip:

(Her følger resten af udskriftet på engelsk):

[begin video]
PRESIDENT TRUMP:  Mr. President, thank you very much.  It’s
an honor to be with you.  There can be no more important subject
than China-U.S. relation.  We have between us, and we have to
include some other countries which would quickly come in; we have
a capacity to solve world problems for many, many years to come.
Our meeting last night was absolutely terrific.  Our dinner
was beyond that.  We had a dinner that was going to last quickly,
20-25 minutes, because I was travelling and you were so nice.
And you said we’ll just do a quick dinner.  And I think it had to
last at least two hours, and we enjoyed every minute of it, with
your beautiful wife and Melania together.  Their relationship is
a great one; and our relationship has already proven to be a
great one.
Our meeting this morning in front of your representatives
and my representatives was excellent; discussing North Korea, and
I do believe there’s a solution to that, as you do; discussing
trade with the United States, knowing that the United States
really has to change its policies because they’ve gotten so far
behind on trade with China — and frankly with many other
countries.  And I have great respect for you, for that, because
you’re representing China.  But it’s too bad that past
administrations allowed it to get so far out of kilter.  But
we’ll make it fair, and it will be tremendous for both of us.
My feeling toward you is an incredibly warm one; as we said,
there’s great chemistry, and I think we’re going to do tremendous
things for both China and for the United States, and it is a
very, very great honor to be with you.
Thank you very much.  The hosting of the military parade
this morning was magnificent, and the world was watching.  I’ve
already had people calling from all parts of the world — they
were all watching.  Nothing you can see is so beautiful.  So, I
just want to thank you for the very warm welcome and I look
forward to many years of success and friendship, working together
to solve not only our problems, but world problems, and problems
of great danger and security.  I believe we can solve almost all
of them, and probably all of them.
Thank you very much for having us, I very much appreciate
it…. [end video]

[begin video]
PRESIDENT TRUMP:  Thank you very much.  Thank you.  And
thank you [Commerce] Minister Zhong Shan for that introduction;
and especially thank you to President Xi and Madame Peng for
serving as such warm and gracious hosts to Melania and me during
our time, here in your very, very beautiful country.
To both the American delegation and to the Chinese business
representatives here, your discussions greatly strengthen our
partnership and provides a critical bridge between our business
community and yours, and thank you for that.  During my time in
Beijing, President Xi and I have had several conversations about
our common goals and interests.  Beyond that, we talk often.
It’s a very good chemistry between the two of us, believe me.
My administration is committed to improving our trade and
business relationships with China.  The contributions of the
business community represented here today are vital to our
efforts, to ensure peace and prosperity for our two nations.
Together we can unlock a future of opportunity, wealth and
dignity far beyond anybody’s wildest dreams.  In your discussions
today I hope you will learn from each other, and identify new
ways to advance our economic cooperation.  I am depending on all
of you to work together to find opportunities of mutual agreement
and shared prosperity.
The hardworking people of America and the hardworking people
of China deserve the very best solutions to achieve prosperity,
happiness, and peace.  Thank you very much.  Thank you.

ANNOUNCER:  Thank you, President Trump.  And now please
welcome Mr. Xi Jinping, the President of the People’s Republic of
China. [applause]

PRESIDENT XI: [as interpreted] The Honorable President
Trump, Chinese and American business representatives, ladies and
gentlemen, dear friends:
It is my real pleasure to have President Trump with us today
for this China-U.S. business exchange.
Over the years the business communities of our two countries
have been committed to the friendship between our two nations.
You are a strong driving force for economic cooperation and
overall relations between our two countries.  Your commitments
and your contribution are highly appreciated.
This year marks the 45th anniversary of the Shanghai
Communiqué.  Over the past 45 years, China-U.S. economic
relations and trade ties have achieved historic development,
delivering great benefits to our two peoples.  Last year, General
Motors, Ford, and Fiat Chrysler, the three U.S. automakers,
manufactured and sold over 5 million vehicles in China.  The
number was bigger than their combined sales in other parts of the
The Chinese investment in the United States is also rising
rapidly, and has created over 140,000 jobs directly for the local
communities in the United States. During President Trump’s visit
this time, as we have witnessed right now, our companies will
sign commercial contracts and two-way investment agreements worth
over $250 billion U.S. dollars.  These are great examples of the
vast potential and win-win nature of China-U.S. economic
China-U.S. business cooperation has vast potential.  As the
biggest developing and developed country, China and the U.S. have
much more areas for economic cooperation, rather than
competition.  We will continue to encourage Chinese companies to
invest in the United States, and also welcome active
participation of American companies and financial institutions in
the Belt and Road projects.
With our economic relations expanding rapidly, it is natural
that we may have differences, from time to time.  The important
thing is, we act in the spirit of mutual benefit and mutual
understanding, and seek proper settlement through dialogue and
consultation.  A Chinese philosopher once observed that trading
can generate friendship and mutual benefit.  Looking ahead, I
have full confidence that with joint efforts of you, the business
representatives present here, today, and the business communities
of our two countries, China-U.S. economic relations will achieve
greater success on the basis of equality and mutual benefit, and
our two peoples, will grain increasing benefits along this
Thank you. [applause]
[end video]

OGDEN:  So you just heard President Xi Jinping explicitly
say that we will welcome Chinese enterprises to proactively
invest in the United States, and, we welcome U.S. companies and
financial institutions to take part in the projects under the
Belt and Road Initiative.  So that’s explicitly calling for this
kind of win-win, mutually beneficial relationship between China
and the United States, both in terms of investments in the United
States, and infrastructure development, and businesses, and, U.S.
participation in the Belt and Road Initiative.
What you’re about to hear is a few clips from the final
press conference that was held between President Trump and
President Xi Jinping.  And during this press conference,
President Xi repeated that emphasis of the United States
cooperating with China on the Belt and Road Initiative.  He said,
“for China and the United States, win-win cooperation is the only
right choice and the pathway to a better future.”  He said, “It
is necessary to formulate and launch economic cooperation for the
next phase, to have continued in-depth discussion on trade
imbalance, export, investment environment, market openness and
other issues, and work to support practical cooperation in
energy, infrastructure, the Belt and Road Initiative, and other
So let’s play this clip the concluding press conference,
from President Xi Jinping and President Trump:

[begin video]
PRESIDENT XI: [as interpreted] Your Honorable President
Donald Trump, friends from the press, good afternoon.
It is my great pleasure to meet all of you, together with
President Trump.  Let me begin by extending once again a warm
welcome to the President for his state visit to China.
Yesterday and earlier today, the President and I have had
in-depth discussions on China-U.S. relations and major
international and regional issues of mutual interest.  We
reviewed the important progress made in the relationship since we
met at Mar-a-Lago, and we discussed how to further move forward
the relationship in the months ahead in great depth, and we
reached a series of new and important consensus.  Our meeting is
constructive and productive.
I shared with the President, the policies adopted at the
19th Party Congress.  I conveyed China’s firm commitment to
deepen reform, greater opening up, and a path of peaceful
development, and China’s desire to expand converting interests
with other countries and promoting coordination and cooperation
among major countries.
President Trump shared with me his domestic reform agenda
and foreign policy priorities.  The development of China and the
United States is mutual reinforcing, without contradicting each
other.  Our respective success serves the common interests of
both countries.  We believe that facing the complex and changing
international landscape, and maintaining world peace and
stability in promoting global development and prosperity, China
and the United States, being two large countries, share more
common interests, shoulder greater responsibility, and enjoy
broader room for cooperation.
The healthy, stable, and growing China-U.S. relationship is
not only in the fundamental interest of the Chinese and American
people, it also meets the expectations of the international
community.  For China and the United States, win-win cooperation
is the only right choice and the pathway toward a better future.
We agreed to keeping close touch through mutual visits,
meetings, phone calls, and correspondence, with a view to having
timely communications on major issues of shared interest.  We
agreed to make the most of the diplomatic and security dialogue,
comprehensive economic dialogue, social and people-to-people
dialogue, and law enforcement and cyber-security dialogue — four
high-level dialogue mechanisms — and work together for greater
results out of these dialogues.
We believe that China and the United States are the two
largest economies and important engines of global economic
growth.  We need to further expand trade and investment
cooperation, strengthen macroeconomic policy coordination, pursue
healthy, stable, and dynamically balanced economic and trade
It is necessary to formulate and launch economic cooperation
plans for the next phase, to have continued in-depth discussion
on trade imbalance, export restrictions, investment environment,
market openness, and other issues, and work to support practical
cooperation in energy, infrastructure, Belt and Road Initiative,
and other areas.
Just now, the President and I witnessed the signing of some
major cooperation agreements by our businesses.  During this
visit, the two sides signed over $250 billion U.S. dollars of
commercial deals and two-way investment agreements.
According to China’s timetable and roadmap for opening up,
China has announced a number of steps to promote market access.
This speaks volumes of the broad space for further economic and
trade cooperation between the two countries, which would deliver
great benefits to the two peoples.
As two distinctive countries, our two sides may have
different views or differences on some issues.  This is only
natural.  The key is to properly handle and manage them.  There
is far more common interest between our two countries than
differences.  It is important to respect each other’s sovereignty
and territorial integrity, respect each other’s choice of
development path, and our difference.  As long as the two sides
commit to a constructive approach, we can put aside and diffuse
differences, while at the same time build common ground and
advance cooperation.
We also discussed the international responsibilities our two
countries shoulder:  We agreed to enhance communication and
cooperation on major international, regional, and global issues,
and jointly seek proper resolution of relevant hotspot issues to
make greater contribution to peace, stability, and prosperity of
relevant regions and the world at large.
On the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue, we reiterated the
firm commitment to achieving denuclearization of the peninsula,
and upholding international non-proliferation regime.  The two
sides will continue to fully and strictly implement UN Security
Council resolutions. At the same time, the two sides commit to
working toward a solution through dialogue and negotiation, and
we are ready to discuss with relevant parties, the pathway
leading to enduring peace and stability in the peninsula and the
Northeast Asia.  The two sides will maintain communication and
cooperation on the Korean Peninsula issue.
We believe that China and the United States, our countries
are the important influence in the Asia Pacific.  As I said to
the President, “the Pacific Ocean is big enough to accommodate
both China and the United States.”
Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends:  President Trump’s state
visit is a successful and historic visit.  Together the two of us
have set out the direction and draw up the blueprint for
China-U.S. relations in the coming period.  We will work with the
United States and act on the consensus we reached, seek further
progress in U.S.-China relations to bring greater benefit to our
peoples, and people across the world.
Thank you very much.  [applause]

ANNOUNCER:  Thank you very much, Your Excellency.  Now,
President Trump, you have the floor.

President Xi, I want to thank you for that incredible
welcoming ceremony, earlier this morning.  It was truly memorable
and impressive, and something I will never forget.  Melania and I
are honored to visit your country, with its ancient history,
dynamic people, and thriving culture.
I also want to thank you and Madame Peng for a tour that was
given to us yesterday of the very majestic Forbidden City.  Your
people are proud of who they are, and what they have built
together, and your people are also very proud of you.
I want to congratulate you on the recent and very successful
19th Party Congress. Perhaps now, more than ever we have an
opportunity to strengthen the relationship between our two
President Xi and I discussed improving our economic
relationship.  We want a vibrant trade relationship with China,
we also want a fair and reciprocal one.  Today, I discussed with
President Xi the chronic imbalance in our relationship, as it
pertains to trade, and the concrete steps that we’ll jointly take
to solve the problem of the massive trade distortion.  This
includes addressing China’s market access restrictions, and
technology transfer requirements, which prevent American
companies from being able to fairly compete within China.
The United States is committed to protecting the
intellectual property of our companies and providing a level
playing field for our workers. At the same time, our relationship
with you and China is a very important one to me, and to all the
people of our country.  And just by looking at the tremendous,
incredible job-producing agreements just signed those major
companies, we’re off to a very, very good start.
As part of our commitment to regional stability and peace,
the United States also continues to advocate for reforms that
advance economic freedom, individual rights, and the rule of law.
The United States, working with China and other regional
partners, has an incredible opportunity to advance the cause of
peace, security, and prosperity all across the world:  It’s a
very special time, and we do, indeed, have that very, very
special opportunity.  A great responsibility has been placed on
our shoulders, President; it’s truly a great responsibility.  And
I hope we can rise to the occasion and help our countries and our
citizens reach their highest destinies and their fullest
I want to thank you, again — you’re a very special man —
for your gracious hospitality.  I send my warmest regards to your
citizens.  I honor their heritage, and celebrate their great,
great possibilities and potential for the future.  In the coming
months and years, I look forward to building an even stronger
relationship between our two countries, China and the United
States of America, and even closer friendships and relationships,
between the people of our countries.
Mr. President, thank you very much. [applause]
[end video]

OGDEN:  So you just heard President Trump there say that
this is a very, very extraordinary, special opportunity, to build
this cooperative relationship between the United States and
China, one which he said, is very, very important for him, and
also for the people of the United States, — which is very true.
And he said he looks forward to continuing to build a strong and
close relationship between these two countries.  And I thought it
was very notable that he said, on such a personal level, he said,
“this is a special time”; he said, “we, indeed, have a very, very
special opportunity.”  And he said for the two of them, to
President Xi Jinping, “a great responsibility has been placed on
our shoulders.”  He addressed President Xi directly.  He said,
“It’s a truly great responsibility, and I hope we can rise to the
occasion and help our countries and our citizens reach their
highest destinies and their fullest potential.”  And he said, “I
want to thank you again, you’re a very special man.”
This is an extraordinary testament to this relationship that
President Trump has forged with President Xi Jinping and just how
grateful he was for the hospitality that he received, and the
extraordinary successes that came out of this summit.  As
President Xi said, in those remarks you just heard, he said,
together the two of them have “laid out the blueprint for
U.S.-China relations” with the purpose of benefitting the people
of the United States and China.  And he said this was a very
important and very historic visit.
And indeed, it was.  The Chinese foreign minister, at a
press conference laid out, no less than 23 specific areas where
the U.S. and China delegations reached an important agreement.
He said:  “We have reached extensive and important consensus on
the development of China-U.S. relations.”  And those 23 specific
areas included no less than what he said, in his words,
“protecting world peace, stability and prosperity, carrying out
head of state diplomacy,” which includes as you heard from
President Xi, phone calls, continued personal meetings, constant
exchange of views and consultation between these two heads of
state; this also includes giving full play to the four high-level
dialogue platforms that were agreed to previously; enhancing
macro-policy coordination including global economic governance;
exchanges and dialogues at various levels between the two
militaries; drug control was also included.  And, I didn’t
include it in those clips, but one of the things that President
Trump repeatedly came back to, was the agreements that they had
reached in terms of controlling the opioid flow which has
contributed so much to the opioid epidemic here in the United
States, most specifically the fentanyl phenomenon; but also was
included in this, was an agreement for international
non-proliferation and the denuclearization of the Korean
Peninsula, which you heard both of them refer to, and fighting
terrorism, together.
So there are 23 specific areas of mutual cooperation that
were agreed to during this summit.
From those two press conferences, I hope you get the sense
just how historic this visit was and how much significance
President Trump placed on the opportunity to have this state
visit, and how much significance President Xi Jinping placed on
President Trump’s willingness to engage in this bilateral summit;
and how much hope they both have for the continued growth in this
Now, President Xi Jinping immediately went from this summit
that they held in Beijing to attend the APEC summit, and both
President Xi and President Trump delivered important and
significant speeches.  But I think you can see, from the
preliminary reports of President Xi Jinping’s speech, that he has
taken what was consolidated in this bilateral summit between
himself and President Trump, and immediately brought it to the
world stage in terms of the future of the Belt and Road
What President Xi Jinping’s speech at the APEC summit was
completely centered around, is the idea of scientific growth and
innovation, as the driver, the source of the growth, the driver
behind the Belt and Road Initiative.  He said, that an old Chinese
saying reads, that development is an unending journey.  He said,
a Chinese philosopher said, “we should focus our mind on the
future, not the past.  So we need reform and innovation to
achieve growth, we must build a community of shared future for
mankind,” reviewing a theme that he had made a very central facet
of his speech to the CPC Party Congress.
He said:  In order to do that, one, we must pursue
innovation-driven development, new drivers of growth.  He said
the only way to sustain growth is through innovation and
breakthroughs in science.  And then he said, we must enhance
connectivity.  This is the best way to have win-win outcomes.  He
said, this will boost the real economy, and he emphasized that
the Belt and Road Initiative is a joint endeavor for
infrastructure and connectivity.  He said, it is from China, but
it belongs to the world.  It’s oriented to the future, and
although largely focused on Asia and Africa, so far, he
emphasized, it is open to all partners, obviously, the United
States included.
And he said:  It is his hope that the Belt and Road
Initiative will create a broader more dynamic platform for world
economic growth.  And the audience stood up and applauded that
with a sustained ovation.
And then he emphasized at the conclusion of this speech at
the APEC summit, “We want to enable more countries to board the
express train of China’s development.” And then he reflected on
what China has achieved and what China is committed to continuing
to achieve.  He said:  We are embarked on a new journey involving
our greater integration with the world.  We will continue to open
up; we will work with others to create new drivers of development
through the Belt and Road Initiative.  He said:  Our goal is to
ensure a better life for people.  We aim for this in everything
we do.  This involves increasing people’s living standards,
ending poverty.  By 2020, each and every one of China’s 1.3
billion people should have decent lives, he said.  “No one will
be left behind.”
And then he concluded by saying: China also has a new
international approach to create a community with a shared future
for mankind.  China’s dream is connected to the dreams of each of
your countries.  We strive for durable peace, universal security,
and common prosperity.  We want harmony among all nations by
creating a win-win situation.  He said:  We will make the
international order more just and equitable.
So that’s the vision for the world which President Xi
Jinping has laid out, and that’s the vision which now President
Trump has, in a very significant way joined the United States and
China in this idea of a shared and common destiny.
I think we can be assured that out of this historic summit
that we witnessed over the last two days, a very, very close
relationship will continue to be formed between President Trump
and President Xi Jinping, personally; and that relationship, as
we enter this new era in terms of U.S.-China relations, will,
indeed, herald the coming of an entirely new paradigm for
So, what I want to do to conclude here is to play just a
very short excerpt from Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s international
webcast, yesterday, which she broadcast yesterday on the Schiller
Institute New Paradigm site, and is available on the Schiller
Institute YouTube channel [https://youtu.be/iXPHhO2e9fw], and
this was even prior to some of the concluding remarks that you
just heard from President Trump and President Xi Jinping.  But
you can see, the importance that Helga Zepp-LaRouche places on
the events that we just witnessed over the last two days.  So,
here’s Helga Zepp-LaRouche:

[begin video]
HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  I think from what we can know today,
which is the second day of I would say an historic visit of
President Trump in China, I think it is exactly what I expected
would happen:  That both sides know perfectly well that the
future of mankind depends on the relationship between the United
States and China, as the most important two nuclear powers and
economic powers in the world.  And I think it went very well.
The statements by President Xi Jinping characterizing the meeting
as a strategic new beginning, a mutual beneficial relationship of
historic importance which can solve not only the problems of the
two peoples, but of the whole world, I think this is absolutely
to the point.  And President Trump was very enthusiastic:  He
praised China and its great President, who, according to his
Tweet, feels very warm feeling — I mean, this is really good.
Because if the two Presidents understand each other and can make
it work, then I fully agree, there is no problem in the world
which cannot be tackled.
So I think this is a gigantic step forward, and I think it’s
also interesting that Trump, who was very much talking about the
trade gap between the United States and China, however, he said
he does not blame China for that, because he respects it, that
President Xi would do everything for the maximum benefit of his
own country and people; and then he blamed previous U.S.
administrations for having allowed to drop exports to China so
much that this trade gap now exists.  And remember, the Chinese
always wanted to import much more from the United States, but the
previous administrations which were on a confrontation,
containment, encirclement policy towards China, they refused to
sell many of the products which China wanted to buy with the
pretext that they had “dual use,” that things could be used both
for civilian and military purpose — and naturally, there’s
almost anything you can use for either peaceful or not so
peaceful purposes, depending on what is the intent of your
So, I think this is very good.  They concluded, I think,
somewhere in the range of $250 billion in deals, various things
ranging from infrastructure, transport, energy, agricultural
exports from the United States to China, just a very wide variety
of economic deals.  They also decided to not only improve and
strengthen the relationship between the two Presidents, but to
increase the cooperation on all levels, to strengthen the four
permanent dialogues which had been arranged already in Florida in
April, one of them dealing with economic cooperation.  And I
think an absolute basis has been laid to continue to develop this
relationship to the benefit, not only of China and the United
States, but, really, for the whole world.
So naturally, they agreed fully on the need to solve the
North Korea problem, on which they want to work together, and
also Trump expressed a confidence that with the help of China,
and Russia, which he said on an earlier occasion, that problem
can be brought to a positive solution.
While I have not seen any direct mentioning of the United
States working with the Belt and Road Initiative as such, I know
that that is the mindset of President Xi, and I think that also
coming out of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party
of China, where Xi Jinping has made the goal of to build a
“community of a shared future of mankind,” I think this trip by
President Trump has been a gigantic step in the right direction.
And I think the Chinese really know how to bring into
consciousness, the 5,000-year history of China, and Trump was
treated really very well.  They had a one-day or several hour
special treatment in the Forbidden City which was closed to the
public, and they performed three Beijing operas, and showed the
restoration of ancient handicrafts.  So Trump was very, very
happy, and he sent a message to Xi Jinping saying that he and
Melania will never forget this experience. So I think from a
human standpoint this is very positive.
And these journalists should just go and be ashamed of
themselves, because they are so cynical that never will anything
move their hearts and minds, and probably these minds are dried
out like old prunes anyway, so I wouldn’t worry about what
they’re writing, because I think these two Presidents have made a
very positive step, moving human history forward.
[end video]

OGDEN:  So as you can see, Helga LaRouche concluded by
saying, no matter what you read in the Western press, disregard
this, because, indeed, we have just witnessed one of the most
crucial developments in human history.  As you could see, she
said, these two Presidents have moved human history forward.
It’s a very gigantic step in the right direction, she said, and a
very significant victory in our ongoing fight for a new
international paradigm, a “shared future for mankind” in the
words of Xi Jinping.
So with this significant victory under our belt, Helga
Zepp-LaRouche in the last day has called on American to redouble
our efforts for Lyndon LaRouche’s Four Economic Laws here in the
United States:  The Hamiltonian national banking program by which
we can maximize the participation of the United States in this
Belt and Road Initiative.
And we’ve got a lot of potential, that came out of this
visit, and it’s our job to fully educate the American people on
what was discussed and what the opportunities are that are now
before us, with President Trump clearly, personally committed to
this relationship with China, his personal relationship with
President Xi Jinping, and as President Xi Jinping repeatedly
mentioned, this potential for joint investment between Chinese
firms in the United States, and also participation by U.S.
companies in the Belt and Road Initiative — exactly what we’ve
been calling for over the last number of months, in terms of the
United States joining the New Silk Road.
With that said, I think for those of you who viewed those
excerpts, we did witness the unfolding of human history before
our very eyes; with these events over the last several days, we
now are in a new era for U.S. history. And I think we have to
recognize the implications of that, recognize the responsibility
that that presents to us, to continue to move history forward in
this direction.
So thank you very much for joining us, and I’m sure that
we’ll see further developments coming out of President Trump’s
visit to Asia over the next few days.  So please stay tuned to
larouchepac.com, as we have a number of other live events planned
over the coming days, and we’ll see you at the beginning of next

Stor grund til optimisme:
Silkevejsånden smitter!
LaRouche PAC Internationale Webcast,
3. nov., 2017.

Vært Matthew Ogden: Det er den 3. nov., og jeg er Matthew Ogden på LaRouche PAC Internationale Webcast. Som man ser af titlen på aftenens udsendelse, så er temaet for vores udsendelse, »Stor grund til optimisme: Silkevejsånden smitter«. Vi har været i nedtælling til præsident Donald Trumps rejse til Asien. Air Force One har forladt Washington, D.C., og han er på vej til sit første stop på Hawaii, hvor han vil besøge Pearl Harbor; dernæst fortsætter han til Asien.

På skærmen her ser vi vores kalender. Her er Helga Zepp-LaRouches citat [Fig. 1]. Hun sagde, »Da Xi Jinping på den 19. Nationalkongres sagde, at Kina ønsker at gøre hele verden smuk frem til år 2050, for alle mennesker, så mener jeg, at dette absolut er opnåeligt. Vi bør alle gå med i denne bestræbelse. Silkevejsånden vokser, når man først kender den.« Det var et citat fra Helga Zepp-LaRouches webcast i gårSchiller instituttet har haft en række webcasts om temaet, »Silkevejsånden«. Denne optimistiske ånd, som Helga Zepp-LaRouche har reflekteret, både i det citat, I netop hørte, men også i løbet af de seneste par uger under vores nedtælling til præsident Trumps potentielt historiske rejse til Asien. Denne optimistiske ånd, Silkevejsånden, smitter virkelig. Vi udfordrer dig til, hen over de kommende par dage, at indfange denne optimistiske ånd, og til at hjælpe os i vore bestræbelser for, at USA skal tilslutte sig dette nye, fremvoksende paradigme, der vokser frem fra Kina.

Her følger resten af udskriftet på engelsk:

On the eve of President Trump’s Asia trip, we’re seeing
efforts from both President Xi Jinping and from President Trump
himself to try to set a very positive tone for this upcoming
summit between President Trump and President Xi.  At a speech at
Tsinghua University, which took place on Wednesday, President Xi
Jinping reiterated his commitment to “win-win” relations between
the United States and China.  He stated the following:  “China is
willing to work with the United States side to look far ahead and
to aim high; to establish a community of shared future for
mankind.”  So, that’s an image [Fig. 2] there obviously from
President Trump’s and President Xi’s last visit, which was them
sitting in the living room of the Mar-a-Lago resort down in
Florida during President Xi Jinping’s visit during the Spring of
this year.  But since that time, their relationship has continued
to be positive and has continued to develop.  That kind of
vision, what President Xi Jinping called working “with the United
States to look far ahead and to aim high”, this is the kind of
statecraft that indeed President Trump should engage in.  To have
an over-arching vision which is built on this idea that yes, over
the coming generation, China and the United States will be two of
the leading economies in the world.  Our task at this point is to
look far ahead into the future and to achieve some visions which
are, indeed, very high; and to establish a community of shared
future for all mankind.
Now obviously, that comes in the form of the United States
joining in with this “win-win” vision of cooperation which China
has built around the New Silk Road, the One Belt, One Road
Initiative.  So that was President Xi Jinping obviously trying to
set a very positive tone for this upcoming summit between him and
President Trump.
Now let’s take a look at what President Trump himself had to
say.  In an interview last night with Fox News, President Trump
went into a long discussion of what he expects from his upcoming
trip to Asia; especially with his upcoming trip to China.  Here
you can see a screen shot [Fig. 3] from that interview subtitled
“President Trump on US-Chinese relationship”.  Here’s what
President Trump had to say about his relationship with President
Xi Jinping [Fig. 4].  He said, “President Xi has been pretty
terrific.  I’ve become very, very close to President Xi of China.
I think a lot of good things are going to happen.  I think it’s a
very important trip.  I think this is one of the more important
trips that a President has made.”  So, that’s President Donald
Trump talking about his upcoming trip to China.  As you can see,
even he himself acknowledges the very historic importance of this
trip that he’s making to China.  So, on both sides you can see
both President Xi and President Trump are trying to set a very
positive tone for this upcoming summit that they’re going to be
Now, what did President Trump say about his relationship
with President Xi Jinping?  He said it’s a very positive
relationship.  Now, he is sticking to that, despite all of the
efforts from the mainstream media otherwise in the United States
and in Europe and coming out of the geopolitical faction in Great
Britain, where they’re trying to say “Oh, we have to try to give
Xi Jinping a bad name, and we have to say that he’s actually a
dictator and a new Stalin and a new Mao.”  Well, in fact,
President Trump is acknowledging that President Xi Jinping has
done some very positive things; saying that he’s a terrific
person and that their relationship is very positive.  In fact,
this is the tone that you’re getting from the Chinese media as
we’re leading into this historic summit meeting.
Now if you were reading all of the US media, you would
definitely be getting a completely different picture.  But what
has the Chinese media been saying?  Well, let’s take a look at an
article that just came out yesterday in the People’s Daily
[Fig. 5].  It’s titled “Trump’s Visit to China to Yield
Significant Outcomes”.  The article begins by saying, “U.S.
President Donald Trump’s first state visit to China is an
historic opportunity to boost cooperation between the world’s two
largest economies, and a chance to tackle the problems that
dampen bilateral ties, said experts”¦.
“In addition to security, the two nations’ trade and
economic cooperation will also become a crucial topic during
Trump’s visit “[E]xperts believe that deepened mutual trust and
profound cooperation will benefit both nations in the long run.”
Then it goes on to quote a very significant person, Wang
Huiyao, who is the director of the Center for China and
Globalization, which is a leading think tank in Beijing.  He
said, “Bilateral cooperation in infrastructure will provide great
opportunities for both nations. Trump has rolled out plans to
upgrade America’s infrastructure, but his $1 trillion plan is as
elusive as ever. On the other hand, China has spent $11 trillion
on infrastructure in the past decade, accumulating rich
experience in building high speed rails, roads, and energy plants
and proving itself to be a strong partner.”  Then he went on to
say the following — the article says:
“Meanwhile, the U.S. can also help China’s Belt and Road
initiative, as the former has rich experience in economic
cooperation with countries along the Belt and Road.
“‘It would be a win-win solution for both nations if the
U.S. is willing to participate in the Belt and Road initiative
and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank,’ added Wang.”
So, that was an article in People’s Daily online.  As you
can see, the Chinese experts are saying look the opportunity is
there for Trump to use this visit to China to announce that he’s
joining the Belt and Road Initiative and joining the Asia
Infrastructure Investment Bank.  Of course, this has been the
theme that the LaRouche organization has had for the last several
weeks, as we’ve been carrying out our ongoing countdown to this
historic trip.  Now the Chinese are saying explicitly that Trump
has got the opportunity to announce that he is joining these
crucial initiatives.  Not only for the Chinese side, but saying
explicitly that this is the opportunity for Trump to use the
expertise and the financing that China is willing to provide to
follow through on his promise here in the United States for
trillions of dollars in infrastructure investment.  Take what
China has already accomplished with roads, high-speed rail, water
management, power projects, domestically within China and also
elsewhere, and bring that into the United States; and modernize
the infrastructure here in the United States with that
Another Chinese media outlet has interviewed a US expert,
this is actually an establishment figure; a fellow named Joseph
Nye, who’s the former dean of the Kennedy School of Government at
Harvard University.  This is what he had to say.  This is an
article from XinhuaNet [Fig. 6].  “Interview:  Better
Understanding Between the United States and China Benefits Both
Says US Scholar”.  This is his quote:
“I don’t see any reason why the United States can’t have
cooperation with China on many of the types of projects which
will go into the One Belt, One Road.  The One Belt, One Road
should be able to produce global public goods.  I think it can.
Those public goods are good for China, and they’re good for the
United States; but they’re also good for other countries.  So in
terms of producing public goods or global public good, that’s
‘win-win’ for everyone.”
Again, that’s Joseph Nye, former dean of the Kennedy School
of Government from Harvard University.  As you can see, he’s
saying look this is an opportunity for “win-win”.  Not only would
they benefit China and the United States, but he said there are
also third party benefits.  The entire world could benefit from
this kind of “win-win” relationship between the United States and
China.  So, that’s very significant coming from an establishment
figure here in the United States — the former dean of the
Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.
So indeed, you have a growing chorus of people who are
beginning to recognize exactly what time it is, and exactly what
the potential benefits would be for Trump to announce that the
United States is joining the Belt and Road Initiative coming out
of China.
Helga Zepp-LaRouche had a very significant appearance —
this was actually last week — but it hasn’t received yet the
coverage that it should, although there is an article that is
forthcoming in the Chinese-language press on this event.  But
Helga Zepp-LaRouche delivered a speech at an event in Paris on
October 24th which was jointly sponsored by the international
Schiller Institute and the Geopolitical Academy in Paris — the
Académie de Gépolitique de Paris.  Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s
speech was titled “Achieving a ‘Win-Win’ Cooperation with China”.
Now, I’m going to play a portion of her speech.  You’ll see that
it’s sort of broken up because there was a simultaneous
translation into French for the French-speaking audience; but
we’ve just selected out the portion of Helga Zepp-LaRouche
speaking English for our English-speaking audience here.  But
it’s a very important strategic overview going into President
Trump’s trip to Asia.  So, I’m going to play that speech for you

HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Ladies and Gentlemen, Excellencies,
Dear Guests:  I would like to approach the issue of the China
question from the standpoint that there is right now a complete
clash between what I would call the old paradigm and the new
paradigm, and that new paradigm has been very little understood
in the West.  I would like to start by talking about what just
happened, namely the 19th National Congress of the CPC and
especially the perspective outlined by President Xi Jinping for
the next 35 years.
First I want to say, I was in China for the first time in
1971 in the middle of the Cultural Revolution, and therefore, I
basically take credit of having the advantage of having seen
firsthand, the absolutely incredible development of the Chinese
miracle.  China has developed in the last 40 years in particular,
since Deng Xiaoping’s reforms, into the most incredible economic
transformation of any country on the planet.  It has uplifted in
the last 30 years, 700 million people out of poverty; it has now
a growing middle class of people who are economically doing very
well, and it has a perspective of eliminating all poverty by
2020, that is three years from now, of the remaining 42 million
poor people in the rural areas.
What Xi Jinping did first in his speech, was to take a
review of what has happened in the last five years since he
became General Secretary of the CPC, and that was essentially to
develop the inner and western regions of China, which also is
very difficult, because these are mostly deserts, and it’s very
difficult because this is a tremendous challenge.  But China has
done an incredible job in doing exactly that.
One year after Xi Jinping had become General Secretary, he
announced the New Silk Road, the Belt and Road Initiative in
Kazakhstan, and in the four years since this project has been put
on the agenda, again, the most breathtaking development has taken
place where now, about 70 countries are now actively
participating in this project.

By 2020, Xi announced that China should be a moderately
prosperous country; by 2035 China should be fully modernized, and
by 2050 it’s supposed to become a “strong, democratic, culturally
advanced, harmonious and beautiful nation.”  Xi emphasized that
in China’s development, they were adding miracle upon miracle and
basically would draw on the 5,000 years of China’s history, where
China contributed many advances to humankind, and also develop a
spirit of science, of innovation, and excellence for the future.
He mentioned 14 times in his speech that the aim of all of this
is that people would have a better and a happy life.  Now, I have
not heard that said from any Western politician since a very long
time.  It is in the Declaration of Independence that the “pursuit
of happiness” is an inalienable right of all people, but if I
look at the political processes in Europe or the United States,
“happiness” is not a subject of discussion as the purpose of
What China has done is to take the Chinese economic
miracle, and offer it through the Belt and Road Initiative to all
participating countries, and that has already transformed all of
Asia, much of Europe, Eastern Europe, Southern Europe, Africa,
Latin America.  And at this Party Congress, there were many
leaders who said they will now take the inspiration of the
Chinese model for their own development.
While this is happening in China, you had a peak of
unprecedented attacks on China in the Western media.  Bloomberg,
Time magazine, the Wall Street Journal, you had a barrage of
articles accusing China that this is all just an attempt to gain
global power, to replace the Anglo-American imperialism with a
Chinese imperialism, that it’s a grab for raw materials; that Xi
Jinping would be like Stalin, like Mao Zedong, just nothing which
has not been said.
So, how come the countries that are participating with
China, 70 countries or maybe even more than 100, are all happy,
they’re all praising what China is doing, and how can it be that
there is such a complete difference in perception of what is
going on?  This is what I call the clash between the old paradigm
and the new paradigm, because what China is offering is a
cooperation on the basis of a “win-win cooperation” where
naturally China is pursuing its interests, but it is also at the
same time, giving the interest of the participating countries; so
it’s in a mutual benefit for both sides.
Let’s take it back a little bit:  When the Soviet Union
approached its last phase, in the United States the neo-cons
developed a concept which they called the Project for a New
American Century (PNAC), which was the idea that there should be
only a unipolar world, dominated by the Anglo-Americans.
When the Wall in Berlin came down, the organization around
my husband, Lyndon LaRouche, had an answer:  We proposed the
Productive Triangle economic development Paris-Berlin-Vienna,
which was the idea to transform the Comecon countries with
Western technologies through development corridors.  In 1991,
when the Soviet Union disintegrated, the Iron Curtain was no
longer there, and we proposed the Eurasian Land-Bridge, which was
the idea to connect the population and industrial centers of
Europe with those of Asia through development corridors, and we
called that in ’91 already, the Eurasian Land-Bridge, the New
Silk Road.
We campaigned for this over 26 years, but naturally, if you
go back to ’91, this was not in the interests of the Bush Sr.
administration; or Margaret Thatcher, who called the German
unification the “Fourth Reich”; or even Mitterrand who opposed
German reunification, so there were many geopolitical obstacles
to realize this plan at that time.
So the unipolar world forces pursued their policy which
consists of regime change of any country, any government which
would oppose the unipolar world, color revolution, such concepts
as “right to protect” (R2P), under the pretext of fighting for
human rights and democracy to conduct interventionist wars, which
has given us the mess in the Middle East and the refugee crisis.
This was what ensued over these decades.
That military-strategic policy was combined with an economic
side, which was essentially the lack of development caused by the
IMF conditionalities, which prevented explicitly Third World
development; a policy of the Troika in Europe which prescribed
brutal austerity to Southern European countries such as Greece,
Italy, Spain, Portugal.  And this led to the revolts against this
system which we have been watching for the past almost two years.
That revolt expressed itself in the Brexit, in the election
victory of President Trump and the loss of Hillary Clinton, in
the “no” to the referendum in Italy for the change in the
Constitution; in the recent developments, such as the election
victory of Kurz in Austria, Babic in the Czech Republic, the
eruption in Catalonia, so this is an ongoing revolt.
That policy is now leading to the danger of a new financial
crisis, much worse than 2008, because the causes of that crisis
had not been addressed.  To the contrary, through quantitative
easing, negative interest rates, an enormous amount of liquidity
was pumped into the system which manifests itself now in the form
of a much, much bigger indebtedness of governments, of firms, of
student debt, of car loans, and this is a bubble about to explode
China is not unaware of what is the reaction of the Western
media towards the Chinese model, and I found it very interesting
that in the last days there is a completely new tone in the
Chinese media about this reaction of the West.  They say, with a
very new self-confidence, less diplomatic than the Chinese would
usually speak, that their model is superior to the Western model.
And they talk about the errors of Western conceptions about
China, that the West completely misses the true nature of the
Chinese development, that the West obviously does not want China
to succeed and predicting, that it will not succeed.  One article
says, that the West thinks the closer that China is to the West,
then they’re on the right path; if they are diverging it’s
dangerous; that China should consolidate the interests of the
West, and therefore China’s development is negative and
challenges the world order; and that China should not challenge
what they call “universal values,” but in reality these
“universal values” are just Western interests.  And then, in
several articles, they say, look at the chaos of the West, the
influence of the Western media is shrinking and China should no
longer care about Western prejudices.
So, I’m just touching upon these things, because it is my
firm belief that the New Silk Road dynamic is unstoppable,
because it is the much more attractive model of international
cooperation, and it will eventually also be put on the table in
all of Europe.  I think it would be in the fundamental interests
of European nations to cooperate with China and with Russia, in
the development of Africa:  This is the only human way to stop
and overcome the refugee crisis.  China has offered a “win-win
cooperation” to Mrs. Merkel, to Italy’s Gentiloni, to [former
French Prime Minister] Mr. Raffarin, when he was at the Belt and
Road Forum in Beijing in May, so the offer is on the table.  The
same goes for the reconstruction of the war-torn countries of the
Middle East, where, in the case of Syria, there is already an
emerging tripartite cooperation, where China provides the
infrastructure, Russia the energy, Iran the industrial parks, and
other countries are invited to cooperate in reconstructing Syria;
and also the same goes for Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, and other
countries of the region.
Contrary to what you read in most Western mainstream media,
the possibility that it would come to a good relationship between
Trump and Xi Jinping in the upcoming visit of President Trump to
Asia, where he will go to Vietnam, Philippines, South Korea,
Japan, and a state visit to China, are very good.
The whole Russia-gate against President Trump, the idea that
there was collusion between the Trump team and Russia, whereby
Putin would have helped Trump to win the election, is utter
nonsense, there’s no evidence for it, and it was designed
entirely by the intelligence services of Great Britain and the
Bush-Obama administrations, to prevent Trump from having a
positive relationship with Russia and China — and that is not
The United States is undergoing right now a tremendous
economic crisis, a total collapse of infrastructure due to a
non-investment for about 100 years; infrastructure in the United
States is collapsing.  The United States has 150 km fast train
system between New York and Boston, as compared to more than
20,000 km fast train system in China, and there is right now a
very concrete discussion that China would, together with the
Japan, invest in the infrastructure of the United States, and
this could be a subject in the upcoming Trump visit in China.

There are already many strategic realignments going on: I
only want to point to maybe the most obvious case, that of Japan.
Japan right now is seeking a very good relationship with Russia,
they are developing the Kuril Islands together economically.
Because of the strategic close relationship between Xi Jinping
and Putin, the relation between Japan and China is now improving.
I want to just say, that from the standpoint of universal
history, I think that mankind has reached the point where either
we move to a new paradigm of self-governance of relations among
nations, and stop thinking that war can be, in the age of
thermonuclear weapons, a means of conflict resolutions, if you
don’t want to risk eliminating ourselves as a species.
So we have to think about a new paradigm of cooperation, and
it is on the table.  So, I think that the kind of discussion we
need to have in Europe really needs to take on a completely
different shape and form.  I don’t even think multi-polarity is
what we want, because multi-polarity still has the idea of
geopolitical confrontation, that you have one group of countries
who has an interest against another group of countries; where I
think that the idea pronounced by President Xi Jinping of the
“community of a shared future of humanity,” where you start with
the one mankind first, and then you come to the national or
regional interest, is the way we have to think.
As a last comment, I think that the West can only find this
kind of cooperation if we develop or rediscover our best
traditions, like China has revived its Confucian tradition of
2,500 years, and the West has to revive its best Classical
traditions of all our  European cultures.  If we do that, I think
we are at the verge of a new era.

OGDEN:  So that was a speech that Helga Zepp-LaRouche
presented to a joint event in Paris on October 24th, sponsored by
the international Schiller Institute and the Academy of
Geopolitics in Paris.  As you can see, this is a wonderful
overview of exactly the kind of strategic situation that is now
presenting itself as President Trump is flying on his way to this
historic summit in China with President Xi Jinping.
Now, one more item that we need to conclude with, this is
just some breaking news on the so-called “Russia-gate” narrative,
which is now completely falling apart.  Last week on this
broadcast we reported that the news had come out that Hillary
Clinton and the DNC had been exposed as directly financing the
so-called “dodgy dossier” from Christopher Steele, the British
intelligence agent who had put together this so-called dossier on
President Trump.  Now it has come out that that was only the tip
of the iceberg.  What’s now being revealed is that the Democratic
nomination during the 2016 Presidential campaign was completely
rigged – 100 %; even more than we knew at the time.  The facts
have come out that expose the reality that the DNC, all the way
through the primaries, starting a year before the Presidential
primaries even occurred, was in fact nothing but a subsidiary of
the Clinton campaign.  100 % bought and paid for and controlled.
Donna Brazile, of all people, who is a long-time Democratic Party
figure and was the interim chairperson of the Democratic National
Committee, has just exposed in her forthcoming book; this is an
article that was in {Politico} which is quoting an excerpt from
her forthcoming book, but the article is titled “Inside Hillary
Clinton’s Takeover of the DNC”.  Donna Brazile reported that the
Democratic National Committee’s rigging of the party nomination
for Hillary Clinton against Bernie Sanders, also Joe Biden,
Martin O’Malley, and any other Democratic nominee who never had a
chance.  This rigging of the nomination process was far worse
than we even had known before; and far worse than was even
exposed by the DNC emails and the John Podesta emails that had
been published by WikiLeaks.  In fact, it turns out that the
Clinton campaign was in {total} control, a lockdown of the entire
DNC and total control of every aspect of the so-called “neutral”
Democratic National Committee, beginning all the way back in
August of 2015; almost a year before Clinton became the official
Democratic Party nominee.
Here’s how it worked.  Apparently, Obama had left the DNC
deeply in debt; over $24 million in debt after the 2012
Presidential campaign.  He was paying off that debt very slowly,
so under Donna Brazile’s predecessor, former DNC chairperson
Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, the DNC had signed a secret agreement
with the Clinton campaign which specified that in exchange for
sending money to the DNC, Hillary Clinton would control every
aspect of the Democratic National Committee’s operations — the
party’s finances, the party’s strategy, and all of the money that
was raised by the DNC.  Her campaign would have the right of
refusal of who would be the party communications director, and it
would have the right of final decision on all other staff that
was hired by the Democratic National Committee.  The DNC would
also be required to consult with the campaign about all other
staffing, budgeting, data, analytics, and even mailings that were
sent out by the Democratic National Committee.
So, as you can see, what this shows is that the DNC was
nothing but a bought-and-paid-for subsidiary, a completely
subservient part of the Clinton campaign; whereas it is supposed
to be a completely unbiased party organization which gives every
candidate a fair shake.  Additionally — and this is going to be
a much bigger story over the coming days — apparently the
Hillary Clinton campaign was using the DNC as a fundraising
clearinghouse to evade Federal Election Commission regulations;
virtually laundering campaign cash through the DNC, which was
then funneled into the Hillary Clinton for President campaign,
bypassing or evading FEC regulations.  Under FEC law — this is
the law that every candidate in the entire country is supposed to
follow — the Federal Election Commission says an individual US
citizen can only contribute a maximum of $2700 directly to a
Presidential campaign.  So if you wanted to contribute to the
Hillary Clinton for President-campaign, your max is $2700.  But
the limits for contributions are much higher for contributions to
state party organizations and to the party’s national committee.
So, therefore, any citizen, any individual who had maxed out
their $2700 contribution limit to the Hillary Clinton campaign,
could then turn around and write a check to the Hillary Clinton
Victory Fund, which would be an additional check for up to
$353,000; which represents $10,000 to each of the 32 state party
organization, plus $33,000 to the DNC.  So that money was then
deposited in the state party coffers first, but then was vacuumed
into the DNC and then directly to the Presidential campaign.
Apparently less than 1% of that money stayed in the state party
Now this information, this bombshell, is coming directly
from Donna Brazile; this is not some sort of disinformation or
fake news that’s coming from some troll in St. Petersburg or
something.  This is contained within Donna Brazile’s own book
about the DNC.  As Elizabeth Warren said in response to a CNN
interview yesterday when she was asked “Was the DNC campaign, was
the Democratic nomination process completely rigged in favor of
Hillary Clinton?”  “Yes, it was.”  No other nominee even had a
chance, despite the fact that there was overwhelming support
within the Democratic base for anybody but Hillary.
What President Trump said in response to this news, in a
series of tweets that he put out over the last 24 hours, is the
following.  He said, “This is real collusion and dishonesty.
This is a major violation of campaign finance laws and money
laundering.  Where is our Justice Department?  Let’s go FBI and
Justice Department.”  Then he also said, “Bernie Sanders
supporters have every right to be apoplectic of the complete
theft of the Democratic primary by crooked Hillary.”
So, this is a bombshell.  This news will definitely develop
over the next few days, and this is going to be a major story as
President Trump leaves on his historic trip to Asia.  We have an
opportunity right now to organize the entire country to say
“Let’s abandon this entire Russia-gate false narrative.  Let’s
focus on the true story.”  Let’s take a look at the opportunities
that are ahead of us for our President as he takes this trip to
Asia, and what all Americans have in common.  We have crumbling
infrastructure, we have an opioid crisis which is unprecedented
in its proportions.  The stories about this are absolutely
unfathomable about how many deaths we’ve experienced over the
last year from opioid and heroin overdoses.  The statistics are
that we have had one September 11th every three weeks in terms of
the number of Americans that have died.  Or, over the past year,
more Americans have died from opioid and heroin overdoses than
died in the entirety of the Vietnam War.  This is the economic
reality that is confronting the American people; and this is the
kind of situation which could be resolved overnight by taking a
completely different turn towards a spirit of optimism which
Helga Zepp-LaRouche has characterized as the spirit of the New
Silk Road.

So, let me put on the screen one more time as we conclude
our webcast, the image of our calendar [Fig. 7].  We’ve been
counting down the days up to today over the course of the month
of October, as we approached the departure of President Trump for
his historic trip to Asia.  President Trump and President Xi
Jinping will be meeting on November 8th and November 9th, so this
is coming up next week.  This historic summit between President
Trump and President Xi Jinping could, indeed, be a
history-changing event.  So as the title webcast stated, “Great
Cause for Optimism:  The Silk Road Spirit Is Contagious”.  We
challenge you to catch the Silk Road spirit over the next few
days, and to do everything that you can to ensure that this
summit is indeed a watershed moment for the history of US-China
relations and the history of the entire human race.
Thank you very much for tuning in today, and please stay
tuned as we follow this important and historic trip that
President Trump is making to Asia as we approach this bilateral
summit on November 8th and 9th next week.

Thank you for tuning in, and stay tuned to larouchepac.com.

Én uge fra i dag:
Et potentielt vendepunkt i historien.
LaRouche PAC Internationale Webcast,
27. okt., 2017

Før vi kommer til disse historiske muligheder, der nu ligger foran præsident Trump under hans statsbesøg til Kina, så må vi rapportere om et meget signifikant, strategisk gennembrud, der har fundet sted her i USA. Det drejer sig om den historiske, potentielle vending af dette kup, der er blevet kørt imod præsident Trump internt fra de amerikanske institutioner, samt den kendsgerning, at, med afsløringer, der er kommet frem i løbet af de seneste 5-6 dage, så har dette kupforsøg totalt givet bagslag. Vi har nu mulighed for, ikke alene at fjerne den såkaldte narrativ, ’fortællingen’, om »Russia-gate«, der har hængt over præsident Trumps hoved siden før hans indsættelse; men vi har også mulighed for at nedtage hele dette apparat, denne organisation, der har kørt dette kupforsøg.

Vært Matthew Ogden: Det er den 27. okt., 2017, og jeg er Matthew Ogden med vores ugentlige fredags-webcast fra larouchepac.com.

Som I kan se her på skærmen, er titlen på dagens webcast »Én uge fra i dag: Et potentielt vendepunkt i historien«. Som I ser her, har vi vores kalender, som vi krydser dagene af på, som vi nærmer os den historiske rejse, præsident Trump skal foretage til Asien. Han rejser om en uge fra dags dato, altså om nøjagtig en uge på næste fredag. Vi har talt dagene ned til, at denne historiske rejse vil finde sted; og vi ved, at der kunne indgås nogle potentielt historiske aftaler mellem ikke alene ham og præsident Xi Jinping fra Kina, men også mellem ham og premierminister Abe fra Japan og andre lande. Men dette, langs linjerne af, at USA tilslutter sig det Nye Paradigme for udvikling, der er vokset frem fra Eurasien generelt, men meget specifikt fra præsident Xi Jinpings handlinger i Kina.

Før vi kommer til disse historiske muligheder, der nu ligger foran præsident Trump under hans statsbesøg til Kina, så må vi rapportere om et meget signifikant, strategisk gennembrud, der har fundet sted her i USA. Det drejer sig om den historiske, potentielle vending af dette kup, der er blevet kørt imod præsident Trump internt fra de amerikanske institutioner, samt den kendsgerning, at, med afsløringer, der er kommet frem i løbet af de seneste 5-6 dage, så har dette kupforsøg totalt givet bagslag. Vi har nu mulighed for, ikke alene at fjerne den såkaldte narrativ, ’fortællingen’, om »Russia-gate«, der har hængt over præsident Trumps hoved siden før hans indsættelse; men vi har også mulighed for at nedtage hele dette apparat, denne organisation, der har kørt dette kupforsøg.

Jeg vil gerne begynde med at læse den erklæring, som LaRouche PAC udstedte i går om spørgsmålet om de afsløringer, der er kommet frem om Hillary Clintons rolle og DNC’s rolle i at finansiere denne såkaldte »oppositions-research« fra den britiske agent Christopher Steeles side, samt den kendsgerning, at det faktisk har vist sig, at den udenlandske magt, der blandede sig i USA’s demokratiske valgproces, ikke var Rusland, men derimod Storbritannien. Denne erklæring har titlen, » BAM! Clinton Colluded with the British — Part of the Coup Is Now Exposed« (Bang! Clinton indgik aftalt spil med briterne – En del af kuppet nu afsløret). Det lyder som følger:


»Hillary Clinton-kampagnen og Demokraternes Nationalkomite har indrømmet, at de direkte finansierede den britiske efterretningsagent Christopher Steeles arbejde. Indrømmelsen, der er indeholdt i et brev fra Perkins, Coie, LLP, Rådgivere for DNC og Hillary i 2016, er det første træ i skoven, der falder, under forudsætning af, at vi bevarer fokus på de strategiske årsager til kuppet og de faktiske mekanismer, de er i spil. Dette fokus må holdes på briterne for deres rolle i at forsøge at diktere det amerikanske valg med det strategiske formål at opretholde det dekadente og kollapsende, anglo-amerikanske imperium efter Anden Verdenskrig. Som vi demonstrerer i vores dossier om Robert Mueller, så, hver gang, I hører, at Rusland gjorde noget for at blande sig i vore valg, så udskift det med ’briterne’, og I vil være på sandhedens kurs.

At fokusere på det britiske Steele-dossier, der er blevet udbredt i dette land som et resultat af en alliance mellem Orbis Business Intelligence, et firma med direkte og fortsatte bånd til MI6, og Fusion GPS, nominelt hjemmehørende i Delaware og Washington, D.C., er nøglen til ikke alene at stoppe kuppet mod præsidenten, men også til at afsløre Obama-administrationens embedsfolks forbrydelser med oprindeligt at forsøge at vinde valget for Hillary Clinton, og dernæst, at forsøge at ødelægge præsident Trumps præsidentskab. Man vil huske, at Richard Nixon brugte USA’s officielle efterretningstjenester til at ramme og tilsvine sine politiske modstandere. Det er forbrydelser i denne størrelsesorden, vi her ser.«

Det er altså de to første afsnit af en erklæring, der blev udstedt af LaRouche PAC i går; igen med titlen »BAM! Clinton Colluded with the British — Part of the Coup Is Now Exposed«. Jeg vil opfordre jer til at læse memoet i sin helhed, den fulde erklæring, for det indeholder mange flere detaljer, som er meget nødvendige at kende mht. baggrund. Men vi viste lige billedet af Robert Mueller-dossieret på skærmen. Det lyder, »Rober Mueller er en umoralsk, juridisk morder. Han vil gøre sit job, hvis I giver ham lov«. Dette dossier er nu blevet cirkuleret i omkring tre eller fire uger, en måneds tid; og det har haft en meget signifikant virkning med at vende ’narrativen’ omkring Russia-gate. Det har faktisk fremtvunget et bagslag i ansigtet på det apparat, der har forsøgt at køre dette kupforsøg mod den amerikanske administration. Faktisk er, som denne erklæring, jeg netop oplæste, påpeger, den kendsgerning, at Hillary Clinton og embedsfolk i Obama-administrationen bevidst brugte amerikanske efterretningstjenester i aftalt spil med en britisk efterretningsagent for at forsøge at udføre oppositions-research og afpresning mod først, på den ene side, en præsidentkandidat, og dernæst, efter han faktisk var blevet valgt og indsat, en siddende amerikansk præsident. Dette er noget, der når op i samme størrelsesorden som det, der tvang Richard Nixon til at træde tilbage – at bruge amerikanske efterretningstjenester til at ramme og tilsvine deres politiske modstandere.

Det, der er kommet frem efter denne afsløring, er voksende krav om Robert Muellers tilbagetræden som leder af denne efterforskning. Dette er meget betydningsfuldt og i overensstemmelse med linjerne i dossieret, udgivet af LaRouche PAC; denne specialefterretningsrapport med titlen, »Robert Mueller Is an Amoral, Legal Assassin«. Vi er nu ved at nå det punkt, hvor folk begynder at forstå præcis, hvad det er, de kører, og disse krav om Robert Muellers tilbagetræden er ekstremt signifikante.

Her følger engelsk udskrift af resten af webcastet.

So, first what I’m going to put on the screen here is the
editorial which was published in the Wall Street Journal [Fig.
3].  As you can see, this is titled “Democrats, Russians and the
FBI.  Did the Bureau use disinformation to trigger its Trump
probe?”  Now, before I get into the details of this, let me
forewarn you.  The attempt to try to bring the Russians in on
this is something which should be pointed out, that this is not a
question.  This is not the FBI being used as Russian
disinformation, but in fact, anybody who is clever enough to
point out that this is actually an attempt to divert the
attention from the British.  But the call by the {Wall Street
Journal} to have Robert Mueller resign, is a very significant
aspect of this editorial.  So, let me read you some excerpts from
this editorial.
“The Washington Post revealed Tuesday that the Hillary
Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee jointly paid
for that infamous dossier, full of Russian disinformation against
Donald Trump.  They filtered the payments through a US law firm,
Perkins, Coie, which hired the opposition research hitmen at
Fusion GPS.  Fusion in turn, tapped a former British spook,
Christopher Steele to compile the allegations.  This news is all
the more explosive because the DNC and Clinton campaign hid their
role, even amid the media furor after BuzzFeed published the
Steele dossier in January.  Reporters are now saying that Clinton
campaign officials lied to them about their role in the dossier.
Current DNC chair Tom Perez and former chair Debbie
Wasserman-Schultz deny knowing about the dossier arrangement, but
someone must have known.
“Two pertinent questions:  Did the dossier trigger the FBI
probe of the Trump campaign?  And, did Mr. Comey or his agents
use it as evidence to seek wiretapping approval from the Foreign
Intelligence Surveillance Court, of Trump campaign aides?
Congressional investigators need to focus on the FBI’s role, and
House Speaker Paul Ryan was correct on Wednesday to insist that
the Bureau comply with Congress’ document demands ‘immediately’.
All of this also raises questions about Special Counsel Robert
Mueller’s investigation.  The Fusion GPS news means the FBI’s
role in Russia’s election interference must now be investigated;
even as the FBI and Justice insist that Mr. Mueller’s probe
prevents them from cooperating with Congressional investigators.
Mr. Mueller is a former FBI Director, and for years he worked
closely with Mr. Comey.  It is no slur against Mr. Mueller’s
integrity to say that he lacks the critical distance to conduct a
credible probe of the Bureau he ran for a dozen years.  He could
best serve the country by resigning, to prevent further political
turmoil over that conflict of interest.”
So, again, this is a very significant break in this case;
and a very significant call by the Wall Street Journal
Editorial Board for Robert Mueller to resign as Special Counsel.
Now following that editorial, there was an editorial which
was published in the Washington Examiner [Fig. 4], as you can
see here on your screen.  This is by Byron York, and the title of
that editorial is “After Trump Dossier Revelation, FBI Is Next”.
This goes even further, placing the role of the FBI squarely in
the center of what should be being investigated around this
entire Steele dossier.  So, let me read some excerpts from this
editorial for you.
“Investigators looking into the so-called “Trump dossier”
were not surprised when news broke Tuesday night that the Hillary
Clinton campaign and the DNC, working through the Democrats’ law
firm, Perkins Coie, financed the ‘salacious and unverified’
compilation of allegations of Trump collusion with Russia”.
“But knowing that the Clinton campaign, the DNC, and Perkins
Coie supported the dossier is not the end of the story. The most
important next step is the FBI.
“Sometime in October 2016 — that is, at the height of the
presidential campaign — Christopher Steele, the foreign agent
hired by Fusion GPS to compile the Trump dossier, approached the
FBI with information he had gleaned during the project. According
to a February report in the Washington Post, Steele ‘reached an
agreement with the FBI a few weeks before the election for the
bureau to pay him to continue his work.’
“It was an astonishing turn: the nation’s top federal law
enforcement agency agreeing to fund an ongoing opposition
research project being conducted by one of the candidates in the
midst of a presidential election.”
“The new Clinton/DNC/Perkins Coie revelation will likely
increase pressure on the FBI to explain what it did, and did not
do, with the dossier.“

“Republican investigators had two big questions about the
dossier. One was who paid for it, and that now seems answered.
The other was: Did the FBI or other agencies use any information
from the dossier as a basis for warrant requests before the
[FISA] Court? In other words, did, say, the FBI use the dossier’s
“salacious and unverified” information to make the case that the
bureau should be granted the authority to conduct intercepts?…
“When the Post story broke Tuesday night, some journalists
noted that Democrats involved in the story had been lying about
their role.”
“Yes, they did. But the importance of the Democrats’
involvement in the dossier is that it could be one step on the
road to a bigger story. What did the FBI do with the dossier
material? Did judges make surveillance decisions in the
Trump-Russia investigation based in whole or in part on the
dossier? To what degree is the ‘salacious and unverified’ dossier
the source of what we think we know about allegations of
collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign?
“In the end, a House subpoena squeezed the information out
of key players in the who-funded-the-dossier side of the story.
But so far, the FBI has been much harder to crack.”
So, both of those editorials serve a very important purpose
in continuing to crack open this entire false narrative around
the so-called “Russia-gate” Trump-Russia collusion.  And in fact,
they place squarely in the center the true characters who should
be being investigated.  On the one hand, Robert Mueller should
resign, because he has an obvious conflict of interest; and on
the other hand, the question should be:  What was the Federal
Bureau of Investigation doing funding or offering to fund
Christopher Steele, who is a foreign intelligence agent — a
British intelligence agent — to run an opposition research
campaign against a major party Presidential candidate, and then
following that, continuing to use that salacious material that
was put together by Christopher Steele to attempt to blackmail
President Trump and then to release that and to use it to
continue to run this false narrative Russia-gate campaign against
him?  So, the entire story at its source is a total fraud.  As
now several members of the US Senate — Joe Manchin pointed this
out in an interview with CNN — in fact, this should not be a
question of Russian intelligence meddling in the US electoral
campaign; but really, this is a question of British intelligence
meddling in the US campaign, and colluding with Hillary Clinton
and the FBI.
So, this is exactly case which was laid out in that dossier
which LaRouche PAC issued on Robert Mueller.  In fact, going even
further back, as you can see here from a copy of the
Hamiltonian [Fig. 5] which is titled “VIPs Report Shows
Russia-gate Is a Fraud”; then in the subtitle it says, “The
British role in the coup against the President; a Master Class”.
This is from August 11th of this year, so going even further
back.  This is the story, and in fact, it’s been the activities
of the LaRouche PAC breaking this open as the story.
It’s very significant that this has broken at the time that
it has, because we’ve been continuing this countdown to President
Trump’s visit to Asia; most importantly, his state visit to
China.  To break open this entire false narrative is very
significant in the week leading up to his sit-down meeting with
President Xi Jinping.  There are also reports that he might have
a sit-down meeting with President Putin in the context of the
ASEAN summit as well.
President Trump had an interview on Fox News the evening
after those two editorials came out.  This is an interview with
Lou Dobbs from just this past Wednesday, October 25th.  In that
interview, he denounced the entire so-called Russia-gate dossier
as a total fraud and a disgrace.  He said the entire narrative
has fallen apart.  He reported that a high-level official who he
didn’t name, who had a meeting with him in the White House, said
that this Russia, Russia, Russia story has been hanging like a
dark cloud over his head since the day that he became President.
The fact that this is now clearing away is a very positive thing.
Then, what President Trump also had to say in this interview, is
that it would be very positive not only to work with Russia, but
also to develop a positive relationship with China.
So, let me put on the screen here, this is a still image
[Fig. 6] from this interview, and you can see up in the upper
corner, the title is “Trump: Russian dossier is a disgrace.”  But
you can also see here, this is the subtitle which was put on the
screen — “Trump: We have a very good relationship with China.”
President Trump is reporting in this that he just had gotten off
the phone with President Xi Jinping of China, congratulating him
for his elevation to be President and Chairman of the Party for
another five years.  So, here are some quotes from what President
Trump had to say during that interview with Lou Dobbs.  He said
the following:
[Fig. 7] “I want to say this:  I think it would be great if
we got along with Russia. I don’t think there’s anything wrong
with getting along.  You know, they are a power.  They’re a
nuclear power.  I think we could have a good relationship.  I
think that the North Korean situation would be easier settled,
and I just spoke to the President of China.  I congratulated him
on his big victory at the CPC National Congress.”
[Fig. 8] “But it would be wonderful if we could speak to
China and Russia.  I just spoke to President Xi Jinping a few
minutes ago, just before I walked into the room.  You know,
something has been given to him that’s never been — it’s really
virtually never happened in China.  He’s been given powers that
nobody’s been given since Mao.  He’s a very powerful man.  I
happen to think he’s a very good person.”
[Fig. 9] “Now, with that being said, he represents China.  I
represent the USA.  So, you know, there’s always going to be
conflict.  But we have a very good relationship.  People say we
have the best relationship of any President-President.  We have a
very good relationship, and that’s a positive thing.  It would be
good to have that relationship with Russia and other countries,
[Fig. 10] “I’ll be going there, to China, in two weeks.
We’re going to Beijing and other places, wherever he would like
to take me.  And we’ll be spending two days there, and we’re
going also to Japan and South Korea.  And it will be, I think,
hopefully, it’s historic and positive.”
So, this is what President Trump had to say about his
upcoming visit to Beijing and his upcoming meeting with President
Xi Jinping.  Hopefully, it will be historic and positive.  He was
very complimentary to President Xi Jinping and said repeatedly
that they have a very close personal relationship and that
President Trump personally thinks that President Xi Jinping is a
very good man.  So, this is obviously in accordance with exactly
what we’ve seen since President Xi Jinping’s state visit here to
the United States earlier this year.  And this personal
relationship continues to be very positive.
Now, with President Trump’s upcoming visit to China, it’s
very significant that President Xi Jinping has not only secured
this very powerful position in China with his re-election to be
party chairman for another five years and President of China.
But also the fact that the Chinese Communist Party has placed Xi
Jinping’s thought as central to the Chinese Party Constitution;
and that includes the Belt and Road Initiative.  This Belt and
Road Initiative and everything that that entails, including the
“win-win” perspective in terms of Chinese relationship with the
rest of the world, and this New Paradigm of relationships between
nations, this has been enshrined in the Chinese Constitution.
What President Xi Jinping had to say in this very significant
speech that he delivered to the Chinese Party Congress is
something which Helga Zepp-LaRouche had some very important
remarks about during her international webcast on the Schiller
Institute YouTube channel yesterday.
So, what I’m going to do for you here, is play an excerpt
from the beginning of Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s remarks during that
webcast yesterday.  You’ll hear her analysis of what President Xi
Jinping had to say; the significance of that Party Congress; and
the potential significance of the opportunities that President
Trump has ahead of him as he departs next week — a week from
today — for his trip to Asia and his state visit to China.  So,
here’s what Helga Zepp-LaRouche had to say:


First of all, I would like to note
the fact that the Western media in their either non-coverage or
what they decide to focus on, are just completely ridiculous.
The main attention they paid to the fact that Xi Jinping did not
present a visible successor.  Now, he was just voted for five
more years, so this is obviously not the key point.  But what
this Congress represents is a strategic shift; it is in line with
the Belt and Road Initiative and the whole new model of
international relations China has developed under the leadership
of Xi Jinping.  I think the West has not caught up with what this
is actually all about.  They are so much behind the curve, it is
almost absurd.  Because I think what Xi Jinping has accomplished
in the five years of his Presidency so far — the previous five
years — is he has successfully taken on some of the problems
China had; such as corruption, such as a slowing economy, and
various other problems.  So, he has actually been extremely
successful; and everybody who has been in China and looked at it
without prejudices could not help noticing it.  That it has led
to a population which for the most part is very satisfied — 83%
of the people are absolutely happy about what the government is
doing.  I would like to see the Western country which has such
approval rates.
But what has happened at this 19th national congress is
truly amazing, because in more than a week duration, what Xi
Jinping has consolidated the party around is a many-fold
perspective, which I want to start to discuss various aspects of.
First of all, in the immediate next three years until 2020, the
aim is to eliminate poverty, to lift the remaining 42 million
people who are presently living in poverty in China above that
level.  Now, that compares with a similar amount of people in the
United States, except that China is about four times bigger than
the population of the United States. And it compares with the
roughly 120 million poor people in the European Union, who are
poor since 20 years and nothing has been done about it and there
is no perspective to eliminate poverty in the EU.  The next
period from 2020 to 2035, the aim is to make China a moderately
prosperous, functioning socialist country.  And then from 2035
until 2050, China is to become a completely developed,
harmonious, culturally advanced, democratic socialist, and
beautiful country.
Now, there is an additional element.  First of all, what
impressed me very much is the focus of Xi Jinping and other
people who spoke, on the purpose of this all; namely, that it is
the improvement of the lives of people, that people should live a
better, happier life.  That is lacking in the discussion in the
West completely.  That the aim of politics is that people should
be happy; happiness is an inalienable right which was, after all,
in the Declaration of Independence of the young United States.
But there is another aspect to it.  Xi Jinping, especially in his
concluding remarks, talked about a socialist model with Chinese
characteristics for a new era.  The aim, which was formulated
very explicitly, was that China will take a global role in
creating a beautiful future for all of mankind.  Now that is
really something.  When has any Western politician had a vision
to create a beautiful future for all of humanity?  You have to go
back a long way until you find people even thinking in these
terms.  I think that China has provided a model of international
governance and international relationships based on sovereignty,
respect for the other social model of the other country; in other
words, non-interference.  No attempt to change the system to the
Western model or to their own model, but to respect the other
country’s sovereignty.
I think that this is an incredible perspective, because if
you look at it from the long arch of human history, this was an
initiative that had to be made at a certain point in the
development of humanity.  There had to be at some point somebody
to say, “We are the human species.  The human species is one.”
Xi Jinping always calls it “the shared community for the future
of mankind”.  A vision how we can organize our affairs on this
planet in such a way that the result of it is a good life for all
people living on this planet.
Now, Westerners tend to not understand that; they tend to
either overlook it and say it’s propaganda, it’s just Communist
rhetoric.  Or they cannot imagine that it could be true, because
they themselves are so unused to think in these terms that the
power of imagination is completely lacking to imagine that there
could be a political leader who thinks that way.  But I’m
absolutely convinced that Xi Jinping is a Confucian man; that he
wants to shape the world in a Confucian harmonic way.  I think
that the West should really — people in the West who want to
understand what’s going on, they should not just push it aside,
but really try to get a grasp of it.  It’s a tremendous
potentiality for all of humanity which must be supported and
should be taken up.  I think it’s important that people undergo
the intellectual integrity to try to understand what he is
talking about.

HARLEY SCHLANGER:  I found it very interesting that he
traced the period that he described as a miserable period for
China to the Opium War.

OGDEN:  And so as you could see, just in the very end there, that
was Harley Schlanger who interviewed Helga Zepp-LaRouche.  He was
pointing out that also part of Xi Jinping’s speech was that he
said the disgrace that China felt under the colonial powers.  He
didn’t obviously reference directly, but saying the Opium War,
which is a direct reference to the British Empire; that this is
something that China has recovered from, and has fought and
struggled its way back from being a disgraced, ruined country to
reclaiming its great role as one of the ancient civilizations on
Earth.  And a leading power now; in fact, one of the leading
great powers of the future.
Now at the conclusion of the CPC Party Congress, the Party
issued a final resolution which located what Xi Jinping had to
say in the global context of a vision for what China is seeking
to accomplish over the coming years.  The 5 years, 25 years, and
a vision for the next 50 years.  They announced their commitment
to “preserving world peace and promoting common development”.
They also said that the keystone of that mission is to “actively
promote international cooperation through the Belt and Road
Initiative”, and they said that the “win-win” approach which has
been formulated, articulated, and championed by President Xi
Jinping will “help China work together with the peoples of all
countries to build an open, inclusive, clean, and beautiful world
that enjoys lasting peace, universal security, and common
Now, obviously, included in that and a major aspect of that
will be China’s offers to work with the people of the United
States; to build that kind of new world of common prosperity,
universal security, and lasting peace. “A beautiful world”, in

the words of Xi Jinping.  So, it will be the question for
President Trump as he departs for this trip.  Will he reciprocate
those offers from his personal friend, President Xi Jinping, and
will that personal relationship on the level of these two
Presidents turn into a formal international bilateral
relationship between the United States and China in the context
of the United States joining the Belt and Road Initiative, the
New Silk Road.
Helga Zepp-LaRouche, later in that webcast, was very
confident that there are strong possibilities that exactly that
kind of agreement could come out of these meetings.  It’s clear
that China will be offering this, since it has been such a
central aspect of President Xi Jinping’s agenda, and now is
written into the Constitution of the Chinese nation.  But it will
also be clear that President Trump, who is under massive pressure
to follow through on his promises to rebuild the infrastructure
of the United States — a commitment which he just rearticulated
during a trip to Texas, where he met with Governor Abbott.  He
said, “I’m the builder President, you know”; and said that he
will be assisting in funding some of the flood control
infrastructure that Texas so desperately needs.  It’s obvious
that President Trump will have infrastructure on his mind; and
it’s also been reported that he will be travelling along with a
retinue of other business leaders from the United States, all of
whom understand that US business would have everything to gain
from the United States cooperating directly with President Xi
Jinping and the Chinese New Silk Road initiative.
So, there are very strong indications that we could emerge
from this Presidential visit to China with a completely new world
on our hands.  It’s very significant that the coup attempt
against President Trump is now disintegrating here in the United
States; which will be giving him much more freedom to act with
the authority that he requires to make these kinds of bold policy
decisions in the United States.  This Presidency, which has been
under continuous attack since Day 1, since its inception, now
will regain some of the necessary freedom of action that it needs
to follow through on some of these bold visions that President
Trump laid out during his campaign.
Let me just conclude by saying that it will be our job to
continue to follow up on this campaign to break this coup
attempt; with the confidence now that these revelations have come
out about the role that the DNC and the Clinton campaign played
directly in financing British agent Christopher Steele’s
so-called opposition research.  Then the role that the FBI played
in following up on that and continuing that process of collusion
with the British intelligence foreign entity to try to bring down
a sitting US President.  It will also be incumbent on us over the
coming seven days, the coming week between now and President
Trump’s departure, to continue with our education campaign to
educate the American people and the American leadership on
exactly what the significance is of what you just heard from
Helga Zepp-LaRouche, what just occurred at this Party Congress in
Beijing; and what the significance of China’s offers to the
United States to join the New Silk Road are.
So, one the very important aspects of that will be a meeting
up in New York City, which will be occurring tomorrow.  This is
our regular Manhattan town hall meeting.  Will Wertz, who is an
editor with {Executive Intelligence Review} and has appeared on
this broadcast over the last couple of weeks a few times; Will
Wertz will be preparing a presentation on exactly what is the
philosophical basis for this emerging New Paradigm which the
United States and China could collaborate on bringing about.  He
has gone back to some of the papers that Lyndon LaRouche wrote
about ten years ago, which were compiled in a book called
Earth’s Next Fifty Years.  One of major papers in that was
titled “The Coming Eurasian World”.  In that paper, Lyndon
LaRouche, going all the way back to the philosophy of the
European Renaissance, Nicholas of Cusa, and other thinkers of
that time; but also, some of the thinking of Vladimir Vernadsky
and other more contemporary philosophers and scientists, laid
exactly what is the scientific and philosophical basis for this
kind of new mode of cooperation among mankind for the common
benefit of all of the human race.  Or, as Xi Jinping calls it,
“the common destiny of the community of man”.
So, that presentation by Will Wertz will be very significant
in terms of continuing to articulate exactly what this New
Paradigm which the United States now has the opportunity to join,
will be.
So, let me put on the screen here in conclusion, the title
image [Fig. 11] of our broadcast again here today, as we continue
to countdown on our calendar the days between now and President
Trump’s departure for Asia.  As you can see, the title of our
broadcast was “One Week from Today: A Potential Turning-Point in
History”.  So, if you look at that calendar, we have seven days
left in our continuing campaign.  If the last seven days are any
indication, history can definitely change very rapidly between
now and President Trump’s departure for his state visit to China.
So, thank you all for tuning in, and please stay tuned to

I de næste 14 dage må amerikanerne
stampe hårdt i gulvet: ’Vi vil have,
at USA tilslutter sig den Nye Silkevej’
LaRouche PAC Internationale Webcast,
20. okt., 2017

Før vi lægger ud, vil jeg blot fremhæve et par vigtige punkter, som præsident Xi Jinping fremlagde i sin hovedtale i onsdags på den 19. Partikongres i Kina, som der har været store forventninger til. Det vil Bill forklare lidt mere om; men blot til jeres almindelige orientering, så er her Xi Jinpings egen stemme. Ét af de betydningsfulde aspekter af hans tale fokuserede på den ekstraordinære rate af udvikling og lettelse af fattigdom, som Kina har været i stand til at præstere i løbet af de seneste fem år, og optrapning af den rate, ved hvilken de har til hensigt fortsat at løfte det kinesiske folk ud af fattigdom i løbet af de næste fem år. Målet er frem til år 2020 at have løftet og totalt udryddet fattigdom fra Kina fuldstændigt. Han sagde, at, med Bælte & Vej Initiativet, som nu er den kinesiske regerings primære politiske initiativ, »Er det kinesiske folks drømme og andre folkeslags drømme i hele verden tæt forbundet«. Han sagde, at Kina stræber efter »menneskehedens fælles skæbne og varig fred og stabilitet«. Hans anden understregning var, at den kinesiske regerings eneste opgave er at fremme det kinesiske folks lykke og velfærd. Og det er gennem dette forpligtende engagement til udvikling, til videnskab, til teknologi og til udryddelse af fattigdom, at den kinesiske regering og præsident Xi Jinping agter at udføre denne opgave.

Download (PDF, Unknown)

Nedtælling til Trumps besøg i Kina:
Ny Silkevej, ikke geopolitik.
LaRouche PAC Internationale Webcast,
13. okt. 2017

Vært Matthew Ogden: Som titlen på vores webcast, »Nedtælling til Trumps besøg i Kina: Ny Silkevej, ikke geopolitik«, antyder, så befinder vi os i en nedtælling til en begivenhed, der kunne vise sig at blive et vendepunkt i verdenshistorien; hvis vi gør vores job rigtigt. Om 21 dage, nøjagtig 3 uger fra i dag, vil præsident Trump tage af sted på sit første statsbesøg til Kina; som finder sted i forbindelse med en rundrejse til andre asiatiske lande og Trumps deltagelse i ASEAN-topmødet. Alt imens en stor del af mediefokus har været på Nordkorea, så er de virkelige nyheder, at der foreligger en meget klar mulighed for, at præsident Trump under sit besøg med Xi Jinping kunne bruge denne mulighed til at signalere, at USA er villig til at tilslutte sig Kinas store projekt for Bælte & Vej Initiativet. Selv om præsident Trump tydeligvis fremstillede et billede af sig selv under valgkampen som værende anti-Kina, sandsynligvis under indflydelse af pseudo-højrefløjs-populistiske Kina-angribere som Steve Bannon og andre, så peger præsident Trumps handlinger under sin embedstid på et helt andet billede. Under præsident Xi Jinpings statsbesøg i USA – det såkaldte Mar-a-Lago-topmøde – udviklede han og præsident Trump en meget varm, særlig, personlig relation. Og det var ud af denne konstruktive relation med præsident Trump, at denne gav sit samtykke til præsident Xi Jinpings anmodning om, at der blev sendt officiel amerikansk repræsentation til Bælte & Vej Forum; det storslåede, internationale Silkevejstopmøde, der fandt sted i maj i år (i Beijing). Dette fulgte præsident Trump op på og sendte en særlig repræsentant fra Udenrigsministeriet, Matt Pottinger, som blev særligt bemærket af Kina. Og, som vi har berettet, har præsident Trump, under flere private møder med højtplacerede repræsentanter fra den kinesiske regering – inklusive med statsrådgiveren (Yang Jiechi), som er den tredjehøjest rangerende embedsmand i den kinesiske regering – indikeret sin beredvillighed til USA’s tilslutning til den Nye Silkevej.

Vi ved, det haster med, at disse planer bliver til virkelighed. Det haster mht. den internationale, strategiske situation; det haster mht. USA’s nationale, økonomiske situation; og det haster med endelig at afviste fortidens mislykkede geopolitik og erstatte den med hr. LaRouches økonomiske metode – som vi gennemgår hver onsdag på denne hjemmeside.[1] Vi vil fortsætte med at udvikle disse temaer. Men dette kræver et totalt skifte i tankegang, hvor vi afviser de forfejlede aksiomer med begrænsede resurser og affolkning, som er blevet tvunget ned over os; og at vi erstatter dem med en helt ny idé om økonomi, ja, faktisk hele menneskets forhold til omgivelserne og Universet, som er baseret på en idé om en til stadighed ekspanderende produktivitet i overensstemmelse med menneskets unikke, skabende natur. Dette er faktisk kernen i LaRouches økonomiske metode; og i løbet af disse kommende uger, hvor du, forhåbentlig, deltager i denne undervisningsserie i økonomi, vil du lære, at det er den sande kerne i en aksiomatisk forståelse af, hvad sande »win-win«-relationer må være baseret på.

Det er i denne sammenhæng, at det haster med, at USA tilslutter sig den Nye Silkevej. I løbet af de kommende 21 dage, hvor vi tæller ned til Trumps statsbesøg, kan jeg forsikre jer for, at dette bliver spørgsmålet; det bliver de parametre, der er i færd med at udforme verdenspolitik og verdenshistorie. Spørgsmålet om denne rejse og dens resultat inkarnerer på en meget virkelig måde alt, som er det centrale spørgsmål i denne aktuelle krig, som nu finder sted, over selve det amerikanske præsidentskabs sjæl. Det har mange aspekter. Det omfatter ikke alene det institutionelle kup, som køres mod præsidenten indefra, men vi kan også se virkningerne fra krigsførelsen mht. informations- og mediekrigsførelse, der kommer, ikke alene fra mainstream-medierne, men fra den skændige rolle, der spilles af personer som Steve Bannon og andre, i forsøg på at tvinge Trump ind i en anti-kinesisk dagsorden. Det er vores ansvar at modgå dette og informere det amerikanske folk om, at vejen frem for USA udelukkende ligger i, at USA tilslutter sig den Nye Silkevej.

Dette spørgsmål om, hvorvidt USA afviser fortidens mislykkede, britiske geopolitik og tilslutter sig den Nye Silkevej og vedtager den nye, internationale, økonomiske orden og dette nye »win-win«-system for internationale relationer, som Kina på det seneste har været fortaler for; dette spørgsmål er faktisk på en meget virkelig måde kerneprincippet i alt det, som Lyndon og Helga LaRouche har kæmpet for i de seneste 40 år. Dette spørgsmål er selve roden i det kup, man forsøger at gennemføre imod vores siddende, lovmæssigt, behørigt valgte præsident. Lad dig ikke narre; det har intet at gøre med Trump personligt. Det har alt at gøre med det potentielle resultat af et skifte i politikken i dette land i løbet af de forestående dage, uger og måneder; med vores beslutning om, hvad vores fremtid vil være i relation til dette Nye Paradigme, dette nye, fremvoksende »win-win«-system for internationale relationer, som Kina er i færd med at opbygge omkring Bælte & Vej Initiativet.

I går beskrev Helga Zepp-LaRouche det under sit webcast; det er som med billedet af Gulliver fra Jonathan Swifts berømte Gullivers Rejser, hvor han bliver bundet til jorden af hundreder eller tusinder af små bitte reb af Lilliputterne, som han møder. Dette er det billede, man må have, når man forestiller sig situationen i Det Hvide Hus; med præsident Trump, der bliver forhindret i at gennemføre nogen af de positive programinitiativer, som fik ham valgt. Infrastruktur; genopbygning af ’Rustbæltet’; genopbygning af amerikansk industri; begrænsning af Wall Street; genindførelse af Glass-Steagall. Som vi har set af dækningen af valgstrategien, så var det dette, som amerikanerne responderede til; dette er grunden til, at folk, der både var konservative og Demokrater, skiftede over og valgte denne præsident. Det var pga. disse spørgsmål, der stadig plager det amerikanske folks hverdag, men vi mangler stadig at se beslutsom handling finde sted mht. disse presserende spørgsmål for det amerikanske folk. I mellemtiden har vi den overhængende trussel om et transatlantisk finanssammenbrud, som, med hensyn til proportionerne, langt kunne overstige det, der fandt sted i 2008.

Som en erklæring, der gik ud til LaRouche PAC’s mail-liste i går, korrekt sagde, så vil udfaldet af denne kamp – det, jeg netop har forklaret – med disse 21-dages nedtælling til Trumps besøg i Kina, og om vi vil lykkes med at guide dette land i retning af at tilslutte sig dette fremvoksende Nye Paradigme; udfaldet af denne kamp vil afgøre, hvad der vil ske med dette land i de næste 50, for ikke at sige 100 år. Det er en sådan historisk skillelinje, vi står ved.

Her følger resten af udskriftet på engelsk:

That statement, which I just referred to, went on to read as
follows:  “The British have a plan.  It is the same one which
they have always used: control political entities, whether it be
the anti-fa on the left, or the alt-right on the right; split the
country in two on issues of identity.  The actual ideas and
philosophical roots of this country, the great republican ideas
of our founders, who built upon the revolution of the
Renaissance, those actual ideas are lost in the heated wars of
fake populism.
“Look at what is missing.  Puerto Rico is a disaster, as its
entire infrastructure was destroyed, not by a hurricane, but by
Wall Street predators.  California is in flames.  Texas and
Florida have not recovered from the manmade disasters which
destroyed whole cities and the livelihoods of thousands.  Day by
day, hundreds of our citizens, particularly in the economically
devastated formerly industrial heartland, are dying of drug
overdoses.  This epidemic is killing more people daily than AIDS
at the height of its devastation.  Wall Street stands on the
verge of another financial collapse.
“President Trump began to move on answers to all of this —
overthrowing the British thinking which had come to govern us.
That is at the center of the whole furor against Trump.  Lyndon
LaRouche has provided a comprehensive solution in his Four
Hamiltonian Economic Laws.  Implementation of these ideas will
actually overthrow the swamp which is in the process of
destroying this country; but only if we go all out right now.”
So that’s the kind of call to action for the next 21 days.
That spells out exactly the parameters within which this fight is
being waged.
Those of you who might now know this yet, there is a new
feature from Helga Zepp-LaRouche which is being featured on the
Schiller Institute New Paradigm website every week on Thursdays,
which is an international webcast on the New Silk Road.  That’s
accessible via the Schiller Institute New Paradigm YouTube
channel, but we’ve also been posting a link to that on the
larouchepac.com website.  This is a very important initiative
from Helga Zepp-LaRouche; and it’s coming from somebody who is
not merely a commentator watching events unfold as if from the
outside, but somebody who is directly at the center of making
history unfold around this direction of the New Silk Road.  As
those of you who have watched this broadcast know, Helga
Zepp-LaRouche herself was personally one of the featured guests
at the Belt and Road Forum back in May in Beijing, China;
speaking at several of the roundtable discussions and sideline
meetings, and attending in person the main event, where she heard
President Xi Jinping’s keynote along with the addresses of all of
the other heads of state who attended that conference.  Helga
Zepp-LaRouche was also featured in a major one-page full spread
article in China Daily just about one month ago, for her
history in terms of her lifetime dedication to fighting for the
emergence of the new international economic order, which is now
taking its form in this New Silk Road — the Belt and Road
Initiative in China.
So, what I would like to do to promote this weekly webcast
that Helga Zepp-LaRouche is doing, and also to highlight some of
the very important strategic insights that she had in her webcast
that she broadcast yesterday, I would like to play just two short
clips for you from that broadcast yesterday.  Here’s the first
one, and I’d like you to listen to her strategic overview, and
also the call to action that she has at the very end of the
remarks that you’re about to hear now.

HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  As a matter of fact, this
coming trip of President Trump to Asia will be extremely
important, because this trip occurs in the context of a very
dramatic strategic situation.  We have all signs that a new
financial crash is in the workings, and we can talk about that in
a little while.  There is an alternative already in existence,
which is the incredibly dynamic Belt and Road Initiative which
has been initiated by China four years ago.  As we already made
the point before the first summit between President Xi and
President Trump in April, that the best way to solve the
strategic situation is if you could get the United States and
China to work together in the Belt and Road Initiative.  That
would mean Chinese investments in infrastructure in the United
States, which is starting slowly.  There is very good news that
there is a new taskforce which has been formed in California in
San Francisco, which is supposed to make it easier for Chinese
investors to invest in infrastructure in the United States.
There is bidding going on where Chinese railway companies are
trying to win the bid to build fast train systems in California.
So there are promising signs.
But given the enormous destruction of the infrastructure,
both through attrition — because all of this infrastructure in
the United States, much of it is more than 100 years old — so
it’s decrepit already all by itself.  But then you had the
hurricanes in Florida, Texas, Puerto Rico; and now you have the
wildfires in California.  So, there is a gigantic requirement.
We want China to invest in infrastructure in the United States as
part of the Belt and Road Initiative.  On the other side, we want
American firms to be involved in the many, many projects of the
Belt and Road Initiative in Asia, Africa, and Latin America.
That must somehow be more on top of the agenda.  We are
right now mobilizing, mostly in the United States, but also
elsewhere, that when President Trump makes this long-awaited and
extremely important strategic trip of a state visit to China in
the context of his Asia tour, we wish very much that the Belt and
Road Initiative is formalized.  I think that there are absolute
potentials that this could occur.  If it occurs, we really are
over the hump of the danger of war; that is my deepest belief.
Because the “win-win” cooperation of the New Silk Road offers a
new model not only of relations among nations in general, but
especially one big component has been the proposal by China to
set up a new model of major power relations.  If there would be
such a transformation, I think the world would really enter a new
era of cooperation in the mutual benefit to end geopolitical
games, to end for sure the policies of the Bush and Obama
administrations of interventionist wars for regime change, of
color revolution.  You would replace that with a system of
sovereign nations working together for their mutual benefit.
So, if we can all work together to accomplish that, and I
appeal to all listeners and viewers of this program to help us;
because the mainstream media are still not reporting the
extraordinary importance of this new dynamic.  Therefore, it is
not generally known enough, but I think this must be changed in
the next three weeks.  So, I’m really asking all of you to help
to spread the message.

OGDEN:  So, as you just heard, that was a direct appeal from
Helga LaRouche to all of the viewers, asking you directly to help
spread the message.  She said, I appeal to all listeners and
viewers to realize the extraordinary importance of the next three
weeks.  This, in fact, could be the beginning of an entirely new
era in terms of international politics and policy; that’s this
kind of watershed moment.
Now, the question of what has prevented these positive
inclinations from coming to fruition up to this point, and what
must be defeated if we are to allow these positive inclinations
of the Trump Presidency to take precedence; that’s the issue
which Helga LaRouche took up next.  I’d like to just play this
clip for you here.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  I actually would like to talk about
the battle inside the United States first, because there is right
now, as you say, an attempt to prevent Trump from having a
positive relationship with China and with Russia.  Now the famous
Russia-gate is about to be put where it should have been from the
beginning — in the trash can.  Namely, there is no evidence.
There was a statement by Senator Burr and one other Senator, who
said they investigated all the accusations about collusion
between the Trump administration and Russia and they could find
nothing.  But there is still reason, they say, to assume that
there is Russian collusion because the intelligence agencies are
saying so.  Now this is an incredible story, and we have produced
a dossier about who is the apparatus behind the effort to impeach
Trump or have a coup against Trump; namely, it is all centered
around Special Counsel Robert Mueller.  This dossier is an
absolute bombshell, because it establishes without any doubt that
the same people and the same apparatus which went after my
husband Lyndon LaRouche in the ’80s and after that, is the same
apparatus which covered up the Saudi role in 9/11, and which is
now organizing with the British Intelligence to set up a fake
story against President Trump.  This is a huge battle.  There is
some fight, for example, Senator Grassley and Congressman Nunes
both in their respective committees, pointed to the fact that
there is collusion, yes; but not with the Russians, but with
British Intelligence.  Senator Grassley made a big point that the
so-called “evidence” of Comey and Mueller about Russian
cooperation is actually centered around this firm GPS Fusion,
which hired the former MI-6 agent Christopher Steele who produced
this infamous so-called dodgy dossier about Trump.
Now, Senator Grassley made the point that the FBI was not
investigating this on its own, but they took material from
British Intelligence as evidence.  So, this is an unbelievable
story, and it is at this point very unclear which side will come
out on top.  But it is the opposite of the way it is being
portrayed; namely, it’s those people who are going after Trump
who are the ones who are the ones who should be investigated, and
in the case they’re found guilty, put on trial.  So that is
really what is going on, and the aim is to make with Trump — you
remember this picture in {Gulliver’s Travels}, where Gulliver was
tied with so many little ropes and so forth that he couldn’t
move.  Obviously the whole idea of the campaign against Trump is,
that he is so busy defending himself, that he doesn’t get to his
actual agenda.  So this is the battle on which the existence of
the United States depends, and by implication the rest of the
world, given the strategic importance of the United States.

OGDEN:  So that video is available in full; there’s a link
to it on the LaRouche PAC website, so you can watch Helga
LaRouche’s full strategic webcast from yesterday.  As I said,
this is a new regular feature that she will be engaged in.  What
you just heard Helga LaRouche talk about was this bombshell
dossier which has been issued by LaRouche PAC, and is already
being circulated quite widely in the United States; although we
have the responsibility to circulate far, far more widely over
the coming days.  But it’s been circulated in the US Congress,
among very relevant Congressional committees; it’s being
circulated in various cities across the United States.  We’re
encouraging you to access the digital version of this pamphlet
online.  I’m going to put an image here on the screen for you of
the cover of that pamphlet [Fig. 1]; you’ll see it right here.
This is “Robert Mueller Is an Amoral Illegal Assassin: He Will Do
His Job if You Let Him”.  As it says on the back cover [Fig. 2],
“Robert Mueller has played a central role in three of the most
shameful chapters of our nation’s recent history:  the frame-up
of Lyndon LaRouche; the cover-up of September 11th; the set-up of
President Trump. This dossier exposes the story of deceit that
has been perpetrated against the American people for far too
long.  Read the contents of this report, and help us to stop the
attempted coup now being run against the US Presidency.”  So,
again, that’s available on the LaRouche PAC website —
http:lpac.co/ytdos — the link is available on the screen there.
Now, I’m going to show you one snapshot from the inside of
this pamphlet, this is the next image [Fig. 3].  And this
actually gives you a sense of not just the mechanisms of this
kind of apparatus and how it is utilized to try to suppress
certain tendencies in US policy, as was just documented by Helga
LaRouche; but it actually gives you the sense of what the true
issue at the root of this is, and what links these episodes
together going back to Lyndon LaRouche’s fight for a new
international economic order and going forward to today around
the question of what Trump’s relationship will be to this new
international economic order which has emerged.  What you’ll see
there on the screen, is a snapshot of 1982.  This is another
crucial watershed moment in history, comparable in a very real
way to where we find ourselves now, although things have advanced
much more since then.  But at that period, 1982, which is taken
up in detail by the contents of the dossier, this was a moment in
history where this new international economic order was on the
table in very high-level circles, and was central to many of the
historic events of that period.  So, you’ll see there on this
page, a few pictures of Lyndon LaRouche.  On the top left corner,
this is a picture of Lyndon LaRouche meeting with several leading
policymakers in India, during a trip that he made to India in
1982.  The purpose of this trip was for Lyndon LaRouche to meet
with the prime minister of India, Indira Gandhi, which he did in
1982; he did again the following year in 1983.  They were
discussing exactly the role that India could play in helping this
new international economic order to emerge.  In fact, Indira
Gandhi, when she hosted the Non-Aligned Movement summit in India
in 1983, put this on the table as the central principle of the
Non-Aligned Movement; the emergence of a new international
economic order.  Now tragically, Indira Gandhi was assassinated
less than one year later.
Now the other aspect of that 1982 period was Lyndon
LaRouche’s involvement with another head of state.  This was
Mexican President Jose Lopez-Portillo.  There’s a picture there
also on that page of Lyndon LaRouche and his wife Helga
Zepp-LaRouche at a press conference in Mexico City in 1982;
directly following a personal meeting that they had with
President Jose Lopez-Portillo.  What were they discussing?
Lyndon LaRouche’s policy for a new international economic order.
That was spelled out in detail in a document called “Operation
Juarez”, and this was a proposal for the debtor countries of
Central and South America to use their collective status as
debtor countries as a strategic leverage, and to declare a
unilateral simultaneous debt moratorium which would cause the
reigning IMF and World Bank system to be forced into a new
international economic order.  That was spelled out in detail in
LaRouche’s document “Operation Juarez”, and in fact, Jose
Lopez-Portillo adopted this as his personal policy.  In an
appearance at the United Nations General Assembly in the autumn
of that year — 1982 — Jose Lopez-Portillo called for exactly
this: a new international economic order.  He warned that were
this new economic order not to be adopted, the world would be
facing a new medieval dark age.
So, you can see just in that snapshot of 1982, that Lyndon
LaRouche was central to the policies that were shaping world
history, and this was something which really was a battle for the
very soul of economic policy, both in the United States and
abroad.  Now, at that time, this was the moment in which the
legal prosecution against Lyndon LaRouche was ramped up to a
level that was unprecedented in our republic’s history.  This was
something that former Attorney General Ramsey Clark personally
said, that he had not ever witnessed this kind of government
campaign against a private US individual in his entire career or
elsewhere.  So, it was this question, however, this fight for a
new international economic order.

Now, we are 35 years later, and we’ve fast-forwarded from
1982 to 2017.  Look at how the world has changed; look at the
fact that the world’s leading most-populous country on the
planet, China, has adopted the New Silk Road policy, the new
international economic order which Lyndon and Helga LaRouche have
fought for, for so long.  This is the defining question of
history:  What will our relationship, as the United States, be to
this emerging new dynamic as it’s taken its form?  This is the
question for President Donald Trump.  As we approach this
historic visit, this historic summit between Trump and President
Xi Jinping, this state visit to China, we have 21 days as we
count down between now and three weeks from now when President
Trump departs for this trip.  In a very real way, it will be the
activities of the intellectual leadership of this country, among
those of you who are watching this broadcast, to educate our
fellow Americans and to ensure that the positive proclivities of
this administration are allowed to be fulfilled and are allowed
to take their culmination in President Trump having a very
positive and constructive meeting with President Xi Jinping; and
announcing for the world to hear, that the United States is done
with the failed British geopolitics of the past.  It has only led
to failed states, regime change, and perpetual war.  The era of
the future is “win-win” relations, great projects in the image of
the New Silk Road, and a great power relationship between the
United States, China, and Russia; and as Lyndon LaRouche has
called for, India as well.  These four great powers can revisit
what President Franklin Roosevelt intended to shape the world
into following World War II; as he was intending to take the New
Deal of the United States, the American System, and bring it to
the countries of the world — including the former colonial
countries — to develop them and to bring an end to British
imperial geopolitics once and for all.
So that job has come down to us, and we must shoulder the
responsibility to make the fullest out of this next 21 days as we
count down to what could be a watershed historic moment for the
history of the world.  So, thank you very much for joining us
here today.  Please stay tuned over the next 21 days, as we
proceed through this very important period in history.  Thank you
and good night.

[1] Se tag: 

Også danske læsere kan tilmelde sig undervisningsrækken: Meld dig til her: lpac.co/econ2017

 LPAC-Interview med Fouad al-Ghaffari,
Yemen. BRIKS-ungdom i Yemen siger til
deres amerikanske partnere:
’Følg Lyndon LaRouches vise ord
og gå med i hans bevægelse’.
LaRouchePAC Internationale Webcast,
6. okt., 2017

Vært Matthew Ogden: I dag, mens vi taler, begås der en folkemordskrig mod Yemens folk. Denne krig, der nu har raset i godt to år, begås af det saudiske kongedømme, med den stiltiende og direkte støtte fra både USA’s regering og Det forenede Kongerige (UK). Denne støtte omfatter våbensalg for milliarder af dollars, som omfatter kampfly, ammunition og andre tunge våben, samt direkte støtte på slagmarken i form af overvågning og brændstofpåfyldning (i luften). Ifølge den seneste rapport fra FN er over 10.000 mennesker døde i denne krig; flest civile. Andre tusinder er såret. En stor del af dødsfaldene skyldes sygdom, inklusive kolera; og der er mindst 19 millioner mennesker, der har desperat behov for humanitær hjælp. 7 million mennesker har desperat behov for mad. De har imidlertid ikke haft mulighed for at få adgang til de nødvendige forsyninger, fordi saudierne har blokeret alle nødhjælpsforsendelser.

Mange amerikanere er fuldstændig ubevidst om denne menneskelige tragedie, der forårsages af en totalt uretfærdig og ulovlig aggressionskrig imod Yemens befolkning. En krig, der frem til i dag støttes af USA’s regering. For at gøre det amerikanske folk bekendt med dette folkemord, og for at stoppe blodbadet, der foregår, endnu mens vi taler, udstedte LaRouche Political Action Committee (LPAC) en nøderklæring for et par uger siden [17. sept.], med titlen, »Det Nye Silkevejsparadigmes fjende: Saudisk folkemord i Yemen« [dansk, 12. sept.; en senere EIR-opdatering, 17. sept. kan læses her, engelsk].

Indledningen lyder som følger:

»Nye afsløringer om Saudi-Arabiens rolle i 11. september-angrebene mod USA udgør påbuddet: Det igangværende saudiske folkemord mod Yemen må stoppe; de saudiskrelaterede netværk, der udfører sådanne forbrydelser imod menneskeheden, må overvindes. At handle på dette lægger vejen helt åben for hele verden, inklusive Mellemøsten, til at deltage i den Nye Silkevejs – Bælte & Vej Initiativets – fremstød for udvikling, som er den nødvendige proces for »fred gennem udvikling«, som behøves for at gøre en ende på evindelig krigsførelse i området.

Det, der blandt andet kræves, er skabelsen af en kommission til undersøgelse af Saudi-Arabiens handlinger imod Yemen. …

* Stands al udefra kommende indblanding i Yemen for at gøre det muligt at vende tilbage til den forhandlingsproces, der eksisterede, før bombeangrebene begyndte, og gå frem mod en løsning af nationale uoverensstemmelser.

* Levering af omgående mad, vand, sanitet, medicin, energi, sundhedsydelser og anden social nødhjælp, fuldt og helt.

* Levering af al anden humanitær og økonomisk hjælp, der er presserende nødvendig, især til transport, husly og logistik.

* Indledning af beredskab til internationalt samarbejde for at genopbygge Yemen og byde dets deltagelse i udviklingsfremstødet for den ’Maritime Silkevej’ for Eurasien-Afrika, velkommen.«

Erklæringen fortsætter – Endnu mens dette folkemord fortsætter,

»fortsætter UK og USA med at forsyne den saudiske ’koalition’, der begår dette kriminelle overgreb, med våben«.

Siden denne erklæring blev udstedt, er der kommet et meget vigtigt initiativ fra USA’s Kongres. En tværpolitisk gruppe af kongresmedlemmer har introduceret en samtidig resolution med titlen, »H.Con.Res.81«, som påbyder præsidenten, i overensstemmelse med sektion 5c af War Powers Resolution (fra 1973, der kontrollerer præsidentens beføjelser til at forpligte USA til en væbnet konflikt uden Kongressens samtykke, -red.), for at fjerne USA’s bevæbnede styrker fra de uautoriserede fjendtligheder i republikken Yemen. Dette lovforslag har nu 22 medsponsorer, inkl. kongresmedlemmerne Walter Jones, Thomas Massey, John Conyers, Barbara Lee, Tulsi Gabbard, Keith Ellison og flere andre. Dette er en meget vigtig intervention, der møder tiltrækning i Washington. En af de ting, I kan gøre, er omgående at tage kontakt til jeres kongresmedlem; ring omgående til dem og kræv, at de bliver medsponsorer af H.Con.Res.81.

Jeg har i dag en meget særlig gæst; hr. Fouad al-Ghaffari, der er med os fra Sana’a i Yemen, Yemens hovedstad. Hr. Al-Ghaffari er en tidligere diplomat og tidligere chef for kontoret for ministeren for menneskerettigheder i Yemen, og er nu grundlægger af og formand for Yemens Rådgivningsråd for Koordinering med BRIKS.

Det er en ære at have dig med os i dag, hr. al-Ghaffari. Velkommen til larouchepac.com. For det første vil jeg gerne spørge dig, om du kan beskrive for vore seere her, der ser dette interview, hvordan forholdene er på stedet i Sana’a, og i resten af Yemen?

Vi ved fra rapporter, at over 10.000 mennesker er blevet dræbt, og at landet konfronteres med en alvorlig humanitær krise. Hvad har virkningen af denne krig været på Yemens befolkning?

Her følger engelsk udskrift af resten af interviewet:

AL-GHAFFARI: First of all, I would like to bring you,
Matthew and the LaRouche PAC team, my warmest greetings from
Sana’a. These days we have been celebrating the third anniversary
of the September 21st revolution, and the 55th anniversary of the
September 26th revolution.
Last week, on September 21st, Mr. Saleh Al-Sammad, the
President of the Supreme Political Council, made a speech in the
center of Sana’a in a celebration attended and followed by
millions of Yemeni citizens. In his speech he praised the
position taken by the BRICS nations on Yemen in their recent
Xiamen Summit in China. He also sent a message to the UN General
Assembly on the occasion of the International Day of Peace.
[Shows video excerpt of Sept. 21 Sana’a speech by President
Saleh, with English subtitles]
Going back to your question, the war of aggression against
Yemen was preceded by different kind of wars launched against
Yemen by Wall Street and the international financial institutions
such as the World Bank and the IMF. Then it was followed by the
move by British Prime Minister David Cameron and President Barack
Obama, who bypassed their Parliament and Congress, to throw their
internal failures and their hatred upon Yemen. While the
operation to destroy Yemen was disguised in complex ways before,
the latter genocidal war is attempting to completely uproot
Yemen’s people and destroy their land. The Revolution of
September 21, 2014 was launched to prevent that from succeeding.
As for the effects of this war of aggression, which is
spearheaded by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, on the
living conditions here, they are really horrible and dark, and
they surpass any human reasoning as the war has turned to the law
of the jungle. The situation is so bad, that it is becoming
difficult to smile, or even remember how to smile. Sana’a,
relatively speaking is better off than other cities, but it lacks
all the ingredients of life and of progress that have been
prescribed by Lyndon LaRouche to the nations of the world. But
that puts us on an equal-footing with other capitals that lack
these same ingredients. But although Sana’a is breathing with big
difficulty, it is looking forward to a reconstruction project
that would become a unique model, if the world starts to realize
the uniqueness of Yemen’s geographic position.

OGDEN: As you know, the LaRouche movement has issued an
emergency statement which has been circulated internationally;
which is titled “Enemy of the Silk Road Paradigm: Saudi Genocide
in Yemen”.  This statement, as I said, has been circulated by the
LaRouche movement, including being distributed in front of the UN
General Assembly meeting and distributed to the missions there.
Now, you met with the Foreign Minister Hisham Sharaf — who
represents the popularly-approved government in Sana’a of former
President Ali Abdullah Saleh — and you delivered a copy of this
statement. What can you tell us about the content of your
conversation with him, and his response to the initiative that
the LaRouche Movement has taken?

AL-GHAFFARI: As you know, genocide is the mother of all
crimes, and we are facing an enemy which is randomly bombarding
our cities and blockading our ports, airports, and territories.
On top of that, the enemy is falsely telling the world that it
has the solution to our problem. Here, I would like to thank the
LaRouche Movement for issuing that statement. It is a reflection
of your well-recognized intellectual and moral principles that
are always thinking outside the box. This feature is really
His Excellency the Foreign Minister Hisham Sharaf is a
follower of your reports. He had sent a letter to Mrs. Helga
Zepp-LaRouche in March this year on the occasion of the Women’s
Day, and invited her to visit Yemen.
On the day the LaRouche Movement’s statement was released,
His Excellency was meeting with the envoy of the UN Human Rights
Commission. And just before the arrival of the with the new
chargé d’affaires of Russia, His Excellency asked me to come to
his office to inform me of his appreciation of the calls in the
statement, the first on stopping the Saudi-led aggression, and
the second on moving towards the reconstruction process along the
lines of the New Silk Road. At that meeting I also presented to
him the Chinese Foreign Ministry’s Policy Paper on the Arab
World, because that document, I believe, includes the correct
policy to be followed by the governments of the region.
In the next days, the Minister was following the campaign of
your movement on the streets of the many nations. Therefore, he
immediately sent a letter of appreciation to Mrs. LaRouche and
the entire international LaRouche Movement, assuring them that
Yemen is planning to become an active component in the vision and
the steps of building the New Silk Road to establish world peace.
He also said that Yemen will be a key global partner to
accomplish the UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030.

OGDEN: This meeting that you just told us about was covered
in the press; they covered the meeting that you held with
Minister Sharaf, and the press coverage featured the role of
Lyndon and Helga LaRouche. The article in the {Sana’a News} was
titled “Foreign Minister Receives the Statement of the LaRouche
Movement Concerning Yemen and Calling for Stopping the
Aggression.” How well known are Lyndon and Helga LaRouche in

AL-GHAFFARI: Both my first meeting with the Minister and the
letter His Excellency sent to Mrs. LaRouche were widely covered
in the Yemeni media.
For your question about the LaRouches, this makes me smile,
because Mr. Lyndon LaRouche has been known in Yemen for many
years by both the elites and the laymen. As for Mrs. LaRouche, I
guess I was the first to circulate her name among the elites, but
most importantly among the middle class which means the
As we say in Yemen, “he who does not appreciate other humans
does not appreciate the Creator.” I therefore would like to say
that [Arabic {EIR} editor] Mr. Hussein Askary has made the
biggest effort and carried the greatest burden to make the ideas
and visions of Mr. LaRouche accessible to the people in Yemen.
The issue was not “do you know LaRouche?” or “have you heard
about him?” The issue is what he is saying in reality, not what
Google says about him. The translation of the {EIR} report “The
New Silk Road Becomes the World Land-Bridge” into Arabic, which
was done by Mr. Askary, will be the talk of people in Yemen for
generations to come.

OGDEN: We certainly hope so.
In your view, what is the geopolitical purpose of this war
of aggression being waged against your people, there in Yemen by
the Saudis? Were this criminal war to be ended, how could things
change there, on the ground in Yemen? What could changes in terms
of the conditions of life?  And most of all, what is the role
Yemen could play in the overall New Silk Road?

AL-GHAFFARI: Geopolitically, the enemy wants to create a
breeding ground for terrorism to threaten the world with, and to
pay the financial debts of the evil empire. They also want to
pull Yemen away from the New Silk Road, and thus to destroy the
New Silk Road itself and the aspirations for achieving the
Sustainable Development Goals 2030, which were approved by the
nations of the world.
What Yemen can present to the world is a unique opportunity
to establish a true national credit bank, because the governing
alliance here has the power and authority to make this decision.
This could become, without any doubt, Yemen’s ticket to join the
train of the BRICS nations.
Another reason for this war is that Yemen could become a
strong regional guardian of the New Silk Road in all its three
routes: land, sea and space. The brains and arms of Yemen’s brave
soldiers, combined with modern technology can assure that.
But, in order to turn this situation around, Yemen must
fully join the New Silk Road, and build its own foundations and
structures on its principles and visions. This will give us
credibility in the eyes of our international friends, who will
see that we are as serious as the other nations that have been
admitted to this project. There is no luxury in this issue.
Yemen’s need for the elements of the New Silk Road project is as
greater as Yemen’s need for air to breathe, if we really realized
the dignity and happiness this Silk Road carries within it.

OGDEN: Yes, absolutely.  And we really admire the courageous
actions you have taken there.
Finally, I would just like to say, that the American people
have no idea currently what crimes are being perpetrated there in
Yemen, and the American people have to know that our government
and implicitly, we, ourselves, are complicit in this genocide,
due to our support for the Saudis, through arms sales and our
political alliance with that regime.
As you know, there have been efforts on the parts of
numerous members of Congress to bring a halt to these arms sales,
and also as we mentioned earlier in the show, the House
Concurrent Resolution 81 that has been introduced, to withdraw
the U.S. involvement in this war.  And there’s even been efforts
to bring attention to the Saudi royal family’s role in financing
the 9/11 attacks. There are currently lawsuits that are being
litigates by members of the families of the 9/11 victims.
Let me ask you: What would you say to the American people,
now that you’ve had a chance to show them what the conditions are
on the ground there in Yemen, and what the effects are that our
policy is having on the people of Yemen? What should American
citizens do to an end to this atrocity?

AL-GHAFFARI: We, the BRICS Youth in Yemen, would like to
thank those Congressmen who are our partners in humanity and
Yemen today is paying the bill of the 9/11 terrorist
attacks. We announce our solidarity with the families of the
victims of the 9/11 attacks. We feel that we and the American
people are in the same side, because their conditions are not
pleasing, as their politicians are more interested in enslaving
people around the world rather than solving the crises in Texas,
Florida, and the New York subways. All these policies, that are
crimes indeed, are due to the fact that the main culprit in the
9/11 attacks, the Saudis, have escaped the deserved punishment
until now.
Our advice to the American people is: Follow the wise words
of Lyndon LaRouche and join his movement!
LarouchePAC: Well, thank you so much for that advice, and
thank you so much for joining me here, today.  It was such a
pleasure, and a privilege for me to have had a chance to speak
with you, and it was truly an honor.
I would like to thank all of our viewers, who had the
opportunity to watch this extraordinary interview just now.
Thank you for tuning in.  And again, you can take action to stop
this atrocity right now, by calling your member of Congress, and
demanding that they cosponsor this resolution, House Concurrent
Resolution 81, — H.Con.Res.81.  And you can also help us
distribute this emergency statement which was issued by LaRouche
PAC.  The link to that statement in the description to this
webcast immediately below
So thank you, once again, to Fouad Al-Ghaffari for joining
us here today, and thank you for tuning in.  Please stay tuned to

AL-GHAFFARI:  Thanks to you, Matthew, and regards to Jason
and all.  We’ll see you very soon.

Robert Mueller er en umoralsk, juridisk morder:
Han vil gøre sit job, hvis I giver ham lov.
LaRouche PAC Internationale Webcast,
29. sept., 2017.

Vært Matthew Ogden: God aften; det er den 29. september, 2017. Med mig i studiet i dag har jeg William Wertz fra Executive Intelligence Review. Vi vil diskutere den netop udkomne specialundersøgelses-rapport; dossieret med titlen, »Robert Mueller Is an Amoral Legal Assassin; He Will Do His Job if You Let Him!«

Fig. 1

Jeg viser rapportens forsidebillede her på skærmen [Fig. 1]. Som I ser, så er rapporten nu tilgængelig; den er allerede blevet cirkuleret i over et døgn. Den er allerede i hænderne på folk i hele USA, og man kan se den her: lpac.co/ytdos (LPAC’s hjemmeside; EIR-rapporten findes som pdf på vores hjemmeside).

Rapporten er delt op i tre afsnit og følger tråden af personen Robert Mueller igennem tre af de mest berygtede forbrydelser i de seneste 30 år. For det første, de falske anklager og retsforfølgelsen af Lyndon LaRouche – LaRouche-sagen; for det andet, det aggressive bedrag af det amerikanske folk mht. sandheden om begivenhederne den 11. september, 2001, som dernæst blev brugt til at lancere en række krige for regimeskifte; og for det tredje, det igangværende kup imod den siddende amerikanske præsident, mens vi taler. Og I vil se, forhåbentlig i løbet af denne udsendelse – og vi opfordrer jer til at læse hele dossieret – at tråden til Robert Mueller kan spores hele vejen igennem disse afgørende, historiske vendepunkter. Hvis man trækker i denne tråd, vil hele dette apparat, hele denne operation, blive optrævlet.

Will Wertz er her i dag for at fremlægge nogle af rapportens punkter i en overordnet gennemgang, og for at guide jer gennem rapportens indhold og komme med nogle refleksioner over hvert af disse tre, afgørende knudepunkter, som detaljeret dækkes i rapporten. Og, forhåbentlig også for at lokke jer og tilskynde jer til at læse og studere denne rapport i detaljer. Jeg vil lade Will gå i gang, og vi vil vise noget materiale på skærmen undervejs, men vi vil gennemgå noget af indholdet fra rapporten.

William Wertz: Tak. Matt. Skønheden i denne rapport – som er noget, der omgående må handles på for at redde denne republik og præsidentskabet og bevæge verden ind i et Nyt Paradigme, som det defineres af den kinesiske politik for Ét Bælte, én Vej, og som er blevet vedtaget af mange lande i hele verden, inklusive Rusland, og som USA er blevet inviteret til at tilslutte sig – er, at den identificerer dette angreb på præsident Trump og det amerikanske præsidentskab over en længere tidsperiode; og hvor det fundamentale spørgsmål er, om verden fortsat skal være domineret af et bankerot, finansielt imperiesystem, der kontrolleres af briterne, eller om vi i stedet bevæger os ind i et Nyt Paradigme, baseret på princippet om fred gennem økonomisk udvikling. Det er det fundamentale spørgsmål. Dette er noget, som Lyndon LaRouche har kæmpet for i årtier. Tilbage i 1971, den 15. august, fremlagde han meget klart de alternativer, der ligger foran menneskeheden, og foran dette land, med Nixon, der annoncerede første fase, anden fase, af nedtagningen af Bretton Woods-systemet, som Roosevelt havde indsat efter Anden Verdenskrig. Han (LaRouche) sagde dengang, at vi har et alternativt valg; alternativet er at satse på en politik for økonomisk udvikling på global skala, eller også vil vi blive konfronteret med et forsøg på at gennemtvinge en fascistisk, økonomisk politik i Schachts tradition, som ville resultere i massive dødstal over hele verden. Med ’Schachts tradition’ refererer jeg til Hjalmar Schacht, finansminister under Adolf Hitler, der kom til magten med hjælp fra sådanne folk som John Foster Dulles og briterne.

Det, LaRouche gjorde i 1970’erne efter denne vurdering, var, at han fremlagde mange absolut afgørende udviklingsprogrammer. I 1975 var han fortaler for skabelsen af en International Udviklingsbank. Senere krævede han oprettelsen af en Nationalbank i USA efter samme principper som Alexander Hamiltons Første Nationalbank. Han præsenterede udviklingsprogrammer for områderne i Stillehavsbækkenet og det Indiske Oceans bækken. Han præsenterede et program ved navn Operation Juárez, for Mexicos udvikling, som en model for Nord-Syd-relationer gennem udveksling af mexicansk olie til gengæld for amerikansk teknologi. Senere præsenterede han programmer for den Eurasiske Landbro i samarbejde med sin hustru, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, og som senere udvikledes til Verdenslandbroen. Briterne var totalt modstandere af denne politik – totalt. Vi vil få at se, at dette har været en kamp under hele perioden 1970’erne og 1980’erne og under hele 11. september-perioden, og frem til det aktuelle angreb på Trumps præsidentskab. Det har været en kamp mellem Det britiske Imperium, som har interveneret i USA for at forhindre, at USA gik i denne retning, som Lyndon LaRouche har forsøgt at styre USA i; og som LaRouche er på randen til at styre USA i, i dag, og som er årsagen til, at briterne er så bange!

Tilbage i 1980’erne spillede Lyndon LaRouche en afgørende rolle i udformningen af den tiltrædende Reagan-administration. LaRouche var ophavsmand til det Strategiske Forsvarsinitiativ, som Reagan senere annoncerede i marts måned, 1983. LaRouche var også modstander mod briterne i krigen om Malvinas-øerne (som briterne kalder Falklandsøerne), og han krævede en gennemførelse af Monroe-doktrinen imod briternes kolonipolitik dér. Som et resultat mødtes LaRouche og hans hustru i 1982 med Indira Gandhi; han og hans hustru mødte Indira Gandhi i april 1982 for at diskutere udviklingen af det indiske subkontinent og Stillehavsbækkenet. I maj 1982 mødtes han med José López Portillo (Mexico) for at diskutere Operation Juárez. Som respons på dette sendte Henry Kissinger, i august 1982, et brev til FBI-direktør William Webster med krav om en efterforskning af Lyndon LaRouche på en anklage om angivelig chikane af Kissinger for at være britisk agent. Der blev ligeledes sendt et brev den 27. august 1982 fra den britiske regering til FBI; som krævede en efterforskning af Lyndon LaRouche og hans organisation. Den 24. september 1982 skrev FBI, i skikkelse af chef for kontraefterretning, James Noland, et svar til briterne.

Matthew Ogden: Vi har faktisk en FOIA-udgivelse (FOIA: Freedom of Information Act) af dette FBI-memo, som vi viser på skærmen [Fig. 2]. I kan selv se det følgende citat, som Will vil læse.

Fig. 2

Will Wertz: Der står, og det er altså fra James Noland til den britiske regering: »Vi vil gerne gentage vores konklusion om, at, alt imens mange af NCLC’s chikane-aktiviteter« – NCLC var Lyndon LaRouches organisation – »og de temaer, som NCLC’s publikationer promoverer, såsom EIR [Executive Intelligence Review] ofte er favorable over for sovjetisk misinformation og propagandainteresser, så er der ingen direkte beviser for, at russerne dirigerer eller finansierer LaRouche eller hans organisation. Det er imidlertid helt igennem sandsynligt, at russerne (sovjet-russerne) har udviklet eller vil udvikle kilder internt i NCLC, der befinder sig i en position, hvor de kan indskyde sovjet-inspirerede anskuelser i NCLC’s aktiviteter og publikationer. Det er sandsynligt, at russerne vil forsøge at drage fordel af eller udnytte NCLC-meninger, der er paralleller til eller fremmer sovjetiske, udenrigspolitiske mål.«

Minder dette jer om interventionen på vegne af Storbritanniens Government Communications Headquarters – GCHQ – eller på vegne af MI6’s Christopher Steele, for at forsøge at få en efterforskning af USA’s præsident Donald Trump, for angiveligt ’aftalt spil’ med russerne?

Alligevel skete der det, at præsidentens Udenrigspolitiske Råds Styrelse den 12. januar, 1983, krævede en efterforskning fra FBI’s side. Robert Mueller kommer ind i billedet i 1982. Han blev en del af USA’s justitsminister William Welds stab i Boston i 1982. Efter valgene i 1984 lancerede Weld en efterforskning af LaRouche; og i 1986 efterfulgte Mueller Weld, da Weld af George Bush – det var faktisk Ronald Reagan, der var præsident, men under indflydelse af George Bush, senior – blev udnævnt til at lede Justitsministeriets Kriminal-afdeling. Mueller bragte dernæst en vis John Markham ind for at udføre retsforfølgelsen af Lyndon LaRouche, der begyndte i Boston. Efter en razzia den 6. oktober, 1986 i Leesburg, Virginia, mod LaRouches hovedkvarter, hvor der var en trussel om, og en faktisk plan for, at forsøge at iscenesætte mordet på Lyndon LaRouche. Dette forsøg blev forpurret, men retsforfølgelsen forsatte i de sene 1980’ere.

Her følger resten af webcastet i engelsk udskrift:

This prosecution was typical of Mueller’s corruption.  For
instance, in Boston itself, the prosecution ended in a mistrial
after government misconduct had been brought to light.  The jury,
when they polled themselves afterwards, having only heard the
complete prosecution case, unanimously said that they would have
voted for acquittal.  The judge in that case made the following
statement:  He said that the government had “engaged in
systematic and institutional prosecutorial misconduct”; this is
Robert Mueller.  The case was then shifted to Virginia, and what
they did there was that they had a judge in the so-called “Rocket
Docket” who made it impossible for the defendants to raise the
fact that the government had illegally put companies associated
with LaRouche into involuntary bankruptcy.  That was a very
significant factor in undermining the defense in that case.
After the case had resulted in convictions, the bankruptcy judge,
Martin Bostetter, ruled that the bankruptcy was a “constructive
fraud on the court.”
Ramsey Clark was the attorney for Lyndon LaRouche in the

OGDEN:  Let’s put this quote on the screen, too; we have
Ramsey Clark’s quote [Fig. 3].

WERTZ:  What Ramsey Clark said was that “The LaRouche case
represents a broader range of deliberate cunning and systemic
misconduct over a longer period of time using the power of the
Federal government, than any other prosecution by the U.S.
Government in my time and to my knowledge.”  Later in another
spin-off case in New York State, New York State Supreme Court
Justice Stephen G. Crane said, “The actions of the Federal
prosecutors raise an inference of a conspiracy to lay low these
defendants at any cost.”  This is not just one judge.  We’re
talking about at least two judges, a bankruptcy judge, and the
former Attorney General of the United States Ramsey Clark, who
effectively denounced this so-called honest Robert Mueller for
conducting one of the most incredible corrupt prosecutions in
U.S. history.
If we look forward to the 9/11 period, Lyndon LaRouche
wrongly imprisoned by this apparatus which was launched by the
British and carried forward by the Bush administration.  Bush was
President at the time of the trial and the sentencing.  LaRouche
was out of prison and continued his fight for a policy of
economic development; calling for a New Bretton Woods system to
replace the system which had been abandoned by Nixon in 1971.  He
was working, as he had in the earlier period, on negotiating in
the early 1980s with the Soviets for the National Security
Council of the United States under Reagan for the SDI.  He
continued those discussions with the Russians, this time around a
New Bretton Woods conception under President Clinton.  Clinton
himself, before the impeachment proceedings were launched against
him, called for a new financial architecture at a speech before
the CFR [Council on Foreign Relations] in New York, along the
lines of what LaRouche had advocated.
LaRouche was also at the end of the 1990s, he was warning
about the campaign to create an Arc of Crisis around Russia — no
longer the Soviet Union, but Russia.  He produced a video called
“Storm Over Asia” in which he developed precisely how this
operation was being run against Russia.  Then in January of 2001,
he warned that there could be some sort of terrorist action in
the United States such as a Reichstag Fire [which brought Hitler
into power], which could be engineered under the Bush
administration.  That’s precisely what occurred on September 11,
Again, what do we have here?  Mueller assumed office as FBI
Director on September 4, 2001, just days before 9/11.  What he
did from that point on, was to carry out what Senator Bob Graham,
who headed up the Congressional investigation of 9/11, has
described as “aggressive deception.”

OGDEN:  Here’s a clip from a press conference that Bob
Graham did a little bit over a year ago at the National Press
Club, where he discusses the role that the FBI played in
stonewalling the Congressional investigation into 9/11; both in
terms of the details regarding San Diego — that’s what was
contained in the 28 pages — but also in an even bigger case of
cover-up, the details of the cell that was located in Sarasota,
Florida.  So you’ll hear Bob Graham talk about what he called
“beyond a cover-up, but an aggressive deception campaign against
the American people.”


:  It appeared as if the FBI was
moving from a cover-up which I considered to be a passive
withholding of information, to aggressive deception in the case
of Sarasota — which is one of several examples.  They rewrote
the narrative; they said we’ve finished the investigation, and we
have found no connections.  When in their own files, written by
their own special agent who was from the Tampa office,
incidentally, they had contrary information.  They then, and have
continued, to withhold that information, other than the 80,000
pages from the public.  I consider to justify the categorization
of being aggressive deception.

OGDEN:  Then later in the same press conference, which you
can watch in full there — it’s lpac.co/graham-press-conference.
But later in the same press conference, he talked about how the
Deputy Director of the FBI actually detained him and his wife at
Dulles Airport, and warned them to stop pursuing the truth about
what was contained in these documents about the Saudi connections
to 9/11.  So, here’s a short clip where he talks about that
warning from the FBI to him and his wife.


:  The question is raised, “Why are you doing
this?  Fifteen years later, what difference does this make?  Get
a life.”  I was told that by the Deputy Director of the FBI.
FEMALE REPORTER:  Just one follow-up.  You were pretty much
harassed by the FBI when you tried to go further in your
inquiries.  Since you went public, have you heard of anybody else
who had that kind of treatment from the FBI?
GRAHAM:  No.  This was a situation which occurred in 2011 as
all this information about Sarasota was starting to come out.  My
wife and I flew up from Miami to Dulles to have Thanksgiving with
our daughter who lives in Great Falls.  We were met at the
airport by two FBI agents.  They said that an official of the FBI
wants to talk with you about the Sarasota situation. Well, I was
encouraged; feeling that maybe some of the questions that we’d
been asking were now going to be answered.  So, we drove with the
two agents to the office at Dulles which the FBI has.  My wife
was put in one room, and she was given as entertainment the FBI
training manual.  If you want to know some arcane aspects of FBI
training, she’s fully prepared.  I was taken into another room,
with the Deputy Director of the FBI, a young female FBI agent,
and a middle-aged lawyer from the Department of Justice.
Essentially, the message was, we’ve done this complete
investigation; everything that’s known is known, and you need to
get a life.  I pointed out what he didn’t know was that I had
actually read two of the investigative reports by their agent,
which contradicted what they had said publicly and what he had
just said to me privately.  He said, “Oh, you don’t understand.
One, that wasn’t a very good agent.”  Well, the idea that has
there been an investigation by the FBI in its history that was as
important to the American people as full knowledge as 9/11?  And
the very fact that they would say they had sent as an
investigation into what I think was an important component of the
total picture, someone that they declare to be less than a fully
capable person was itself revelatory.  And then he proceeded to
say, “And we have other information that puts what you read in
context.  And you will see that in fact what we have said is
true.”  So, I said “Fine.  Could I see the information that will
put it into context?”  And he pointed to the young female agent,
and directed her to assemble the files.  We arranged a time to
meet at the FBI office for the District of Columbia.
So, a few days later, I showed up for our meeting, prepared
to read these files.  The Deputy Director was there, and he said
the meeting is cancelled and we’re not going to reschedule.  And,
since I knew who the agent was who had been described as less
than competent; and I had called him to try to have a telephone
conversation, and he said “I know you’ve been calling Agent ‘X’.
Stop calling him, because I’ve told him to not take your calls.”
That was the last of any official character meeting that I had
with the FBI. [END VIDEO]

OGDEN:  There are more details concerning Mueller’s direct
involvement in this kind of stonewalling around the Congressional
inquiry into 9/11; telling Bob Graham and his other investigators
not to fly out to interview one of the known personalities in San
Diego.  They disobeyed those orders and did it anyhow.  But just
parenthetically, immediately after this press conference that Bob
Graham did in Washington D.C. at the National Press Club, a fight
erupted around the so-called JASTA bill — Justice Against
Sponsors of Terrorism — which would allow the 9/11 families to
sue Saudi Arabia for their role in financing and coordinating the
9/11 attacks.

CNN coverage.

Yesterday just happens to be the one-year anniversary of the major victory — you can see on the screen
here [Fig. 4] — of the Senate override of Obama’s veto of this
JASTA bill, which was absolutely dramatic.  This was a rally in
front of the White House [Fig. 5] of 9/11 families and activists,
asking the Congress to override Obama’s veto; and then next [Fig. 6], this is an article in one of the Capitol Hill newspapers.
“Senate Poised To Override Obama Veto.”  Then this is the final picture [Fig. 7], this was actually in the cloakroom immediately after the Senate cast their votes.  The cloakroom of the U.S. Senate.  I had the pleasure to actually be there in the gallery with the 9/11 families when the U.S. Senate overrode Obama’s veto of the JASTA bill.  That was the CNN coverage.  This was obviously a major victory, parenthetically.  But it’s part of the story, and the role that Bob Graham had to play in going directly head-to-head with the FBI and others in the Executive Branch who were trying to cover up and protect the Saudis in the 9/11 case.

WERTZ:  Now, there are, along with the statement from James
Noland that I read earlier, in response to the British
government’s request back in 1982 for an investigation of Lyndon
LaRouche, there were two other attachments which were
declassified.  The one basically was an attack upon LaRouche for
having opposed in what they called the Falkland Islands, but
which is the Malvinas Islands.  LaRouche did that from the
standpoint of the Monroe Doctrine.  The second was they objected
to the LaRouche Movement revealing that the policy of the British
was to promote the Muslim Brotherhood.  If we look at the period
after 9/11, in which Robert Mueller is carrying out this
“aggressive deception” as Senator Graham puts it, to cover up the
role of the Saudis.  When you’re talking about the Saudis, you’re
talking about a satrap of the British; that’s what you’re talking
about in this situation.
What follows 9/11?  Regime-change wars.  What follows 9/11
immediately is Tony Blair’s sexed up dossier claiming that Saddam
Hussein had weapons of mass destruction; which, as it turns out,
he did not have.  And which the British undoubtedly knew he did
not have.  Once again, British intervention.  And after the
invasion of Iraq, you had the effective creation of ISIS; you had
then under Obama, continued regime-change policies under the name
of the Arab Spring, which was just a policy of bringing the
Muslim Brotherhood to power in such locations as Tunisia, Egypt,
Libya, and Syria.  As Lyndon LaRouche said after the
assassination of Qaddafi, the reason they assassinated him was
that they were in a hurry to move into Syria, as part of what he
had earlier described as the “Storm Over Asia”; an effort to
encircle Russia and to ensure that a New Paradigm does not
A critical point in this narrative really is in the period
of 2013-14.  I should just say, Mueller stepped aside as FBI
Director on September 4, 2013; and as you know, he was replaced
by James Comey.  James Comey, it should be remembered, was the
Deputy Attorney General under Mueller from December 2003 until
August 2005.
In the year 2013, President Xi of China went to Kazakhstan,
and he announced the Chinese commitment to the Silk Road; a
policy which had been advocated for a significant period of time
by Lyndon LaRouche and his wife, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, who is well
known today as the Silk Road Lady.  The Chinese have an immediate
appreciation of the role that she has played in advocating this
In the next year, you have the Ukraine coup — February
2014; orchestrated by Obama and by the British and the French,
among others.  But the basic idea here was, again, encirclement
of Russia, in this case with a bunch of Nazis, which is what the
Maidan consisted of.
On July 16, 2014, as the dossier that Barbara Boyd has
authored on Mueller indicates, you had the BRICS organization
meeting in Brazil, and what they formed was the New Development
Bank.  Remember, LaRouche had called for an International
Development Bank, back in 1975: This whole policy that LaRouche
had advocated over these decades, at that point was in the
process of coming into existence, and it was at point,
particularly following the coup in Ukraine, that the operation
against associates of Trump’s began, that is, even before he
announced for President.  We now know, that contrary to the lies
of James Comey and [then Director of National Intelligence] James
Clapper, there was wiretapping of associates of President Trump.
We know for a fact that the dossier indicates that Paul Manafort,
who became Trump’s campaign manager when he announced for
President, was wiretapped beginning in the year 2014; and this
continued through 2016.  It was discontinued for a certain period
of time, and then resumed into 2017 before Obama left office,
including a time period in which it was known that Manafort, even
though he was no longer campaign manager, was speaking to
President Trump.  Manafort had a residence in the Trump Tower all
of this time.
Why was he targetted, initially?  Well, because he had
provided advisory services to the Yanukovych government [in
Ukraine] — this was a duly elected government, which was
overthrown unconstitutionally in 2014, by Nazis.  So, of course,
that becomes grounds for investigating somebody whose client was
overthrown by a bunch of Nazis, by the Obama administration!
The investigation begins there.
Also, in 2014, Michael Flynn was fired by Obama — why?
Because he had opposed the Obama Arab Spring policy, which gave
rise to ISIS, Michael Flynn said at the time.  So you can imagine
that it is perhaps the case that surveillance of Michael Flynn
began at that time as well.
Now, what the dossier on Mueller goes through is that
Mueller should be removed as Special Counsel, and there should be
an actual Special Counsel who investigates the crimes which
Mueller aggressively deceiving the American people about, in his
investigation of President Trump.  And I would also point out,
think of the statements by various judges about the corrupt
investigation and witch hunt directed at Lyndon LaRouche — well,
on June 15, 2017, Trump wrote:  “You are witnessing the single
greatest witch hunt in American political history.”  And I would
say that, the precursor for this was the unprecedented witch hunt
against Lyndon LaRouche, but that President Trump is effectively
getting the same treatment as Lyndon LaRouche did then, from the
same sources, from the British.
Now, there are seven areas, that should be investigated — ,

OGDEN:  We can put this on the screen here.  We have the
list of the seven actual crimes.

WERTZ:  First, instigation of a coup against the United
States by a foreign power.
So, although the charge is that President Trump, or his
associates, colluded with the Russians, the fact of the matter
is, that all the evidence shows that this entire operation has
been concocted by the British, and been carried out by stooges in
the intelligence community under President Obama; who was
particularly happy every time he visited Buckingham Palace.
Now what do we have as evidence?  Well, the {Guardian}
reports that as early as 2015, shortly after he announced for
President, that the British began to surveille Trump and his
associates.  And according to the public account — and this
cannot be taken at face value; this investigation of Trump may
have started earlier.  The communications between the British and
[then CIA Director] Brennan or others in the U.S. intelligence
community, could have occurred before 2016. The report in the
{Guardian} says that sometime in the summer, Hannigan of the
Government Communications Headquarters,  the GCHQ, which is the
equivalent of our NSA, spoke with Brennan about allegations that
Trump was being influenced by the Russians or working with the
But the point is, it was the GCHQ which was directly
involved — according to public accounts in the {Guardian}, in
prompting Brennan to create a six-intelligence agency taskforce
to investigate Trump, {during} the Presidential campaign!
And I think the only other case of this kind of thing, was
what happened to Lyndon LaRouche, because Lyndon LaRouche was
running for President, back in 1988, and the investigation of him
was launched while he was a Presidential candidate in the United
States, and — really, actually, an indictment during the
Presidential campaign, which is completely unprecedented.
Additionally, you have the Christopher Steele dossier:
Christopher Steele is allegedly an “ex” MI6 agent.  He headed up
the MI6 Russian desk in Moscow, until 2009.  In 2009, he left
that position and formed Orbis Business at the same time period
Fusion GPS, a U.S. company which was involved in commissioning
Steele’s dossier, was also created.  And these two companies were
working together since at least 2010 when they signed a
confidentiality agreement between them as a shield for revealing
what was actually going on.
So you have the circulation of the Christopher Steele
dossier — and they didn’t just produce this for Hillary Clinton.
They were briefing the press!  They were giving direct briefings
to the press; they were giving it to John McCain who then gave it
to Comey, and so forth.  They were actively circulating this
unverified, so-called “intelligence” against Donald Trump, who
was a candidate for President, then became President.
And it’s very important to understand that Christopher
Steele, it’s public record that he worked with the FBI’s Eurasian
Organized Crime Unit in New York City, from at least 2010. The
former head of the FBI’s Eurasian Organized Crime Unit in New
York City is none other than Andrew McCabe; who for a while,
after Comey was fired, was Acting Director of the FBI, and is
still Deputy Director of the FBI.  And it’s believed that McCabe
was the person who was working closely with Christopher Steele.
It came to light, for instance, that the FBI actually offered to
pay Steele $50,000 to continue with his research, although the
FBI’s been stonewalling on the details on that.
So what you have here is completely a British operation
directed at Trump and his associates; and I’ll get to this in
terms of the wiretapping.
And it’s also believed that the Christopher Steele dossier
provided the roadmap for the FBI’s investigation, and also may
have been used for getting ,” FISA [Foreign Intelligence
Surveillance Court] surveillance authorization directed at people
such as Manafort.
Second crime is false reporting of a crime: And that’s
precisely what has occurred in the case of the allegation that
the Russians hacked Podesta and the DNC. It has been documented
thoroughly by numerous sources that this was a leak by an
insider, and not a hack by the Russians.  The most definitive
proof of this is the memorandum put forward by the Veteran
Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS).  And these are
top-notch former NSA, former CIA agents such as William Binney
and Ray McGovern.  They prove forensically that it could not have
been a hack over the internet; it had to be a leak onto some sort
of memory device, because of the speed involved [in the data
This has been submitted to Mueller; he’s done nothing on it.
It’s been submitted to the President with the idea that he should
ask Pompeo of the CIA to get to the bottom of this.  We don’t
know if anything’s been done along these lines.
They also show that at least the Guccifer 2.0 claimed
hacking, attributed falsely to the Russians, when in fact there
was cutting and pasting to put the Russian language on the
alleged hack trail.  This is something which the CIA has the
capability to do under Brennan; it’s called the Marble Framework.
Assange of WikiLeaks has denied that this came from the Russian
government.  He recently met with Congressman Dana Rohrabacher,
and said that he was willing to provide testimony which would
definitely establish that this was not a hack and that it was not
given to him by the Russians.  Rohrabacher (R-CA) has been trying
to meet with Trump in order to present this evidence, but it’s
been blocked, according to him, by the staff at the White House.
Craig Murray, a U.K. former ambassador to Uzbekistan, has
said it was a leak and he knows it personally, because he met
with a person that he said was the leaker.
Seymour Hersh was taped in a discussion, without his knowing
he was being recorded, and he indicated that he had sources who
indicated that Seth Rich,  a DNC computer technician, may have
been the person who carried out the leak.
So all of this information is not being taken into account,
in continuing with the narrative that this was a Russian hack,
and you’re supposed to believe that.
Then you have the third crime, which is an attempt at
entrapment of Donald Trump, Jr., Manafort, and Jared Kushner,
among others, in a Trump Tower meeting.  The British hand is all
over this: The person who set up the meeting and sent the emails
to Donald Trump, Jr., which misrepresented the purpose of the
meeting, was one Ron Goldstone, a British national.  It should
also be pointed out that one William Browder, who testified
before Congress, in this case against Fusion GPS, because they
were lobbying against the Magnitsky Act, which was the subject of
the discussion at the Trump Tower.  This was a person who
renounced his U.S. citizenship in 1989 and became a British
So again, what we’re dealing with here is a complete British
operation. It’s just transparent that that’s the case.  But this
was a deliberate attempt to try to set up a situation which would
involve the Trump immediate circles, in attempting to get
information on Hillary Clinton allegedly coming from the
Fourth area: Felonious leaks of intelligence by the Obama
administration.  This has to do with the unmasking, which was
completely out of control, or I guess you could say it was under
very directed control by the Obama administration officials.  For
instance, it’s been revealed that Samantha Power, the Obama UN
ambassador, requested 260 unmaskings of U.S. citizens in the
course of 2016.  And she even tried to get even more unmaskings
before the inauguration of Donald Trump.  What reason does she
have to be asking for such intelligence, from the standpoint of
being at the UN?
Obama National Security Advisor Susan Rice, it is known
asked for many unmaskings, in this case, her National Security
Council records were transferred to the Obama library, so that
justice could be obstructed, because records at the library are
sealed for a number of years.
This is a deliberate policy of targetting U.S. citizens,
particularly Trump associated by the Obama administration, and
those are two such cases.
You have also the attempted J. Edgar Hoover-style sexual
blackmail of Trump, by Comey:  This is the fifth area that should
be investigated.  Comey met with Trump in Trump Tower on Jan. 6,
2017; he met with him alone.  Other people had come to the
meeting, but he asked them to leave and then met with Trump
alone, and presented him with an aspect of the Steele dossier
which claimed that he had been involved in sexual perversions in
a hotel in Moscow.  Trump has reportedly asked for an immediate
investigation of this fraudulent dossier, which Comey refused to
But this is the kind of thing that J. Edgar Hoover did to
many, to Martin Luther King, Jr., and to many others, as a means
of terrorizing and controlling people to go along with a policy
desired by J. Edgar Hoover’s controllers, which is also the case
with respect to Comey.
A sixth area for investigation is the wiretapping of Trump
associates, and then the lying by Comey and Clapper to the U.S.
Congress. Clapper in particular was asked, was there a FISA
ordered surveillance of Trump or his associates?  He said no.
“Would you know about it if it had occurred?”  “Yes, I would,”
and he left a loophole and said: Well, there may have been some
other jurisdiction was carrying out a wiretap that I don’t know
But this is what he said, and he definitively said there was
no FISA Court wiretap, and yet, that’s precisely what came out:
That Manafort, the campaign manager of Trump, was wiretapped and
he had a resident at Trump Tower, and this is precisely what
Trump had tweeted on March 4th, 2017:  “Terrible! Just found out
that Obama had my ‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower just before the
victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!”  So that has to be
And then the final thing in the dossier, is the attempted
entrapment of the President by Comey himself, into an obstruction
of justice charge:  So you have the head of the FBI who is acting
virtually as somebody who goes to a meeting with wires on, and
goes back to his controllers at the FBI to consult after each
visit with Trump.  And then writes memos, which he illegally
leaked to the press, and he actually said:  “I thought that might
prompt the appointment of a special counsel.”  So he had the
intention of getting a special counsel against Trump, on the
grounds  — one would be to claim that Trump asked him not to
pursue an investigation of Michael Flynn; of course Trump didn’t
do that, as indicated.  He merely said, “I would hope that he
wouldn’t be prosecuted.”  And of course, as has been pointed out,
the President has the right to actually pardon somebody.  So, as
Alan Dershowitz, the civil rights attorney, and Democrat, has
said he had every right to say what he did.
And the other aspect is to say that somehow Trump was
obstructing justice by firing Comey!  So the attempt was set up
to get Mueller to be able to carry out this kind of an
investigation against Trump.
Using methods of entrapment, lying throughout, what you had
is a witch hunt against a President of the United States.  It’s
not the first time that the British have been involved in this,
and their stooges in the United States, but this is really
unprecedented, with the exception of the witch hunt which was
carried out earlier against Lyndon LaRouche.
And it’s time that this be stopped! And that’s the whole
point of this dossier.
The dossier should be seen as a political weapon in the
hands of the American citizenry.  The issue here is what Benjamin
Franklin said after the Constitutional Convention adopted a
Constitution.  We have a republic, the question is, can you keep
it?  And the responsibility rests on the American citizen to use
this dossier to actually force the issue in the country right
now, to stop this British coup.
Robert Mueller’s full name, as the dossier indicates, is
Robert Swan Mueller III.  Our intention is to make this operation
being carried out by Mueller right now, to be his final swan

OGDEN:  As we saw on the screen there, the question that was
asked at the conclusion of this final section of the dossier is
the following: “{Have our intelligence agencies, actually
instigated an Active Measures counterintelligence program
illegally and against a sitting President?}” [emphasis in
So that’s the question and as the dossier states a little
bit later on:  It’s very clear that there has been a foreign
government that has intervened to attempt to sway the U.S.
electoral process and the U.S. democratic process, and that that
foreign government is the British government.  And so if you
follow the thread of Robert Mueller, not just in the attacks
right now against President Donald Trump, but if you follow it
back to the aggressive cover-up of the events of 9/11, and even
the prosecution and witch hunt against Lyndon LaRouche in the
1980s, you’ll see if you pull that thread it will unravel a much,
much larger apparatus, and it will reveal a lot more.
This dossier follows that thread very clearly through these
three crucial inflection points in our nation’s recent history
and the call to action is obviously to access this dossier which
we’re making available and to circulate it as widely as possible.
Will, you made the point that the context for all of this is
much more significant than maybe even all of the mechanisms by
which these crimes have been carried out.  The context is what
reveals and uncovers the true motivation behind this entire
process, and I think if you take the connections between this
dossier, which choose 1982 as a crucial year to examine what
Lyndon LaRouche’s activities were at that time — meeting with
López Portillo, meeting with Indira Gandhi, proposing the
Strategic Defense Initiative, and authoring {Operation Juárez},
and if you trace that forward to the announcement in 2013 by Xi
Jinping of the new Silk Road, the Eurasian World Land-Bridge, and
the new international financial institution of development that
that represents, that’s the unifier for this entire period of
And despite the attempts, over and over, and over again, to
derail that locomotive of world history, we’ve reached the point
where that is the prevailing dynamic on the planet. And the
attempts to try to sabotage that and undermine it continue to
fail.  And so, this is the latest attempt in that, but to look at
what the motivation is — maybe you can just say a little bit
more about what that context is.

WERTZ:  I think the point is, in defeating this British
operation which Mueller is spearheading at this point, we create
the conditions under which President Trump can move to join with
Russia, China, India in the development of the One Belt, One Road
policy.  This is crucial in terms of reversing the destructions
over the recent decades of our industrial capacity in the United
States; it’s crucial in terms of developing world peace, solving
crises such as Korea, solving crises such as the terrorist
onslaught in the Middle East and Northern Africa in particular.
That collaboration is crucial.  Trump has signalled that he wants
to move with such collaboration.
And this is a longstanding fight to bring humanity together,
operating on a common destiny of humanity, what John Quincy Adams
called a “community of principle among a family of sovereign
The British Empire, as the Venetian Empire before it, has
been opposed to that.  It has operated under the geopolitical of
dividing nations among themselves, creating warfare such as we’ve
seen repeatedly over the last more than a hundred years, with two
world wars, and perpetual warfare ever since.
And so we’re in a situation, where, as Lyndon LaRouche
recently said, “Victory is within our reach,” and you have to
understand this broad arc of history in order to have an
appreciation of what’s occurring in so-called contemporary
affairs.  It’s not what meets the eye:  it’s this broader
question — we’ve got a financial crisis in the world.  The
system is overbloated and ripe for collapse; the problems of 2008
were never solved.  And we have a solution before us which is New
Paradigm:  Peace based upon economic development, cooperation
among nations for the purpose of promoting, as our Constitution
says, the General Welfare, not just of our own population, but of
the population of the entire planet.
And I think that’s the issue between the British Empire
policy of geopolitics, versus the policy of a community of
principle among nation-states, which is a U.S. policy; the policy
expressed by President Xi of China of a “win-win” policy, as
opposed to a zero-sum game — this is what’s at stake right now.
I think the American citizen, as this dossier concludes, has to
take responsibility, circulate this dossier!  We’re going to be
producing a leaflet and maybe multiple leaflets that you can get
from our site and then circulate throughout the country, to bring
people’s attention to this dossier.  We’re not in a position to
produce a large number of these in hard copy, but we do have an
electronic version which will be available on the LaRouche PAC
And by doing this, we can create the conditions under which
not only is the presence of the United States defended against
this coup attempt, and it’s very much like the Maidan in Ukraine
that’s being attempted right now; what’s being done to Trump is
almost precisely modeled on the Maidan that brought about the
coup in Ukraine.  But more broadly than that, by defending the
Presidency was the chance of bringing about a different geometry
on the globe as a whole, and creating the conditions under which
we can move towards what the actual mission of mankind is:, which
is not only to develop this planet Earth, but also to assert
dominion over the Galaxy and eventually the Universe.

OGDEN:  Well, thank you, and let me put on the screen, one
more time, the cover page of this dossier, so you can get a look
at it, and we’ll have the link here on the screen.  You can
access this dossier at lpac.co/ytdos. And again, the title:
“Robert Mueller Is An Amoral Legal Assassin:  He Will Do His Job
If You Let Him.”
You’ll find this report fascinating:  You’ll learn a lot
about history, the history of this country over the last 30, 35
years that you did not know, I guarantee you.  And you’ll learn a
lot about what’s going on right now.  There’s much, much more
than what meets the eye.
Thank you for joining me, Will.  And thank you for tuning
in, and we encourage you, read the dossier and circulate it as
widely as you can.  And stay tuned to larouchepac.com

»Drag ikke udenlands i søgen efter uhyrer at ødelægge«.
LaRouche PAC Internationale Webcast,
22. sept., 2017.

I sin berømte tale til Kongressen advarede John Quincy Adams om, at Amerika »drager ikke til udlandet i søgen efter uhyrer at ødelægge«, men snarere respekterer »andre nationers uafhængighed samtidig med at bevare sin egen … og afholder sig fra indblanding i andres anliggender«. Et ekko af denne principerklæring fra John Quincy Adams kunne i denne uge høres i præsident Trumps tale til FN’s Generalforsamling, hvor han reelt erklærede afslutningen på politikken for regimeskifte og en unipolær verdensorden, som har domineret de seneste to administrationer, og erklærede, »Vi forventer ikke, at forskellige lande skal være fælles om de samme kulturer, traditioner eller endda regeringssystemer« og opfordrede til »en verden af stolte, uafhængige nationer, der … gør fælles sag i den største fælles interesse for os alle: en fremtid med værdighed og fred for befolkningen på denne vidunderlige Jord«.

Men præsident Trump modsagde imidlertid sig selv i selvsamme tale og opremsede bogstavelig talt et litani af ikke mindre end et halvt dusin »uhyrer, der skulle ødelægges«, fra Nordkorea til Iran, til Cuba, Venezuela og Syrien. Denne dobbelthed, som man ikke kan karakterisere som andet end »En fortælling om to taler«, som indeholdt det bedste og det værste, reflekterer den kamp, der nu raser, om dette præsidentskabs sjæl. De positive elementer af denne tale, som åbenlyst reflekterer en hældning mod at arbejde sammen med nationer som Kina og Rusland, må omfavnes. Men de andre, meget destruktive aspekter må opgives og summarisk afvises, og erkendes som det, de er: forsøg på at køre af sporet, det positive potentiale for et nyt system med win-win-relationer, udført af dem, der af geopolitiske grunde er imod det fremvoksende, nye paradigme for fred gennem økonomisk udvikling, som eksemplificeres af Kinas politik for den Nye Silkevej.

Vært Matthew Ogden: Godaften; det er 22. sept. 2017. Tak fordi I lytter til vores ugentlige, strategiske webcast her fra LaRouche PAC.

I denne uge har vi set FN’s Generalforsamling samles i New York City. Lad mig begynde aftenens udsendelse med at citere en stor, amerikansk præsident, statsmand og diplomat, hvis 250. fødselsdag vi fejrer i år: John Quincy Adams sagde det følgende i sin berømte tale til Kongressen den 4. juli, 1821: »Amerika udråbte for menneskeheden de umistelige rettigheder, som er menneskets natur, og de eneste lovlige fundamenter for regering. I forsamlingen af nationer … rakte Amerika det ærlige venskabs, den ligeværdige friheds og den generøse gensidigheds hånd frem til dem. Hun har … respekteret andre nationers uafhængighed og samtidig hævdet og bevaret sin egen. Hun har afholdt sig fra indblanding i andres anliggender, selv, når konflikterne har været over principper, som hun holder sig til, som til den sidste, vitale dråbe, der når hjertet … Hvor som helst standarden for frihed og uafhængighed har udfoldet sig, eller vil udfolde sig, dér vil hendes hjerte, hendes velsignelser og hendes bønner være … Men, hun drager ikke til udlandet i søgen efter uhyrer, der skal ødelægges. Hun er en velynder af frihed og uafhængighed for alle. Hun forfægter og advokerer kun sin egen. Hun vil anbefale den almene sag gennem sin stemmes udtryk og sit eget eksempels venlige sympati. Hun ved meget vel, at, ifald hun melder sig under andre faner end sin egen, er det end fanen for udenlandsk uafhængighed, ville hun involvere sig, så hun ikke kunne vikle sig ud, i alle krigene født af interesse og intrige, af personlige griskhed, misundelse og ærgerrighed, der antager frihedens farver og tilraner sig en frihedens standard … Hendes politiks fundamentale grundsætninger ville umærkeligt skifte fra frihed til magt. Båndet på hendes pande ville ikke længere gløde med frihedens og uafhængighedens uudsigelige pragt; men ville i dets sted snart blive erstattet af et imperialt diadem, der med falsk og uren glans udsender de skumle stråler af herredømme og magt. Hun kunne blive verdens diktator: hun ville ikke længer være herskeren af sin egen ånd.«

Denne principerklæring fra John Quincy Adams, som blev holdt for næsten 200 år siden, og som på mange måder var forudvidende på grænsen til det profetiske i sin advarsel; denne tale bør udgøre grundlaget for vores udenrigspolitik som republik, og er faktisk fortsat i centrum for spørgsmålet og fred og krig den dag i dag. Det er i forhold til denne erklæring, at vores lederes udtryk, siden dengang og frem til i dag, for amerikansk udenrigspolitik må måles og sammenlignes.

Her følger engelsk udskrift af resten af webcastet:  

Now, let us shift our focus to the speech which President

Trump delivered at the United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday

of this week.  I don’t think that there’s any other way of

characterizing what President Trump had to say other than to call

it “The Tale of Two Speeches”.  In some respects, it could be

seen as the best of all possible speeches; but in other respects,

and in a very large way, very substantially so, it was the very

worst of all speeches.  As Helga Zepp-LaRouche said, it was

almost as if he delivered two completely separate and

contradictory speeches at once.  One thing that’s very clear for

the observer, is that there are many opposing interests at work

in this administration, and that there’s a fierce policy war

ongoing right now behind the scenes for the very soul of this

Presidency.  It’s one which it is our responsibility to be very

clear-eyed about, to understand what the factors involved here

are, including the ongoing political coup attempt against this

Presidency from inside many of the institutions of our own

government.  But also to articulate the fact that this war is

ongoing, with sobriety and clarity.  And we must do this if we

are indeed intending to allow the very positive potential which

is reflected in this speech, to defeat the very negative

tendencies which are also very clearly present.

So, let’s take a look first at the positive elements of this

speech.  Granted, if you’ve only been reading the Western media

accounts, you might not have been exposed to many of the parts

which you are about to hear; and you might be very ignorant of

the fact that there was a very substantially positive aspect of

this speech.  For those who were there in the assembly hall

listening to the speech, and then for you who are viewing this

webcast right now, you might be surprised at the positive and

hopeful and clear-headed tone which began this speech.  One which

is perhaps very reminiscent of some of the statements that you

just heard John Quincy Adams make in that speech from almost 200

years ago.

What I’d like to do for you, is just play about seven or

eight minutes of the beginning of President Trump’s speech to the

United Nations General Assembly.



:  To put it simply, we meet at a

time of both of immense promise and great peril. It is entirely

up to us whether we lift the world to new heights, or let it fall

into a valley of disrepair.

We have it in our power, should we so choose, to lift

millions from poverty, to help our citizens realize their dreams,

and to ensure that new generations of children are raised free

from violence, hatred, and fear.

This institution was founded in the aftermath of two world

wars to help shape this better future. It was based on the vision

that diverse nations could cooperate to protect their

sovereignty, preserve their security, and promote their


It was in the same period, exactly 70 years ago, that the

United States developed the Marshall Plan to help restore Europe.

Those three beautiful pillars — they’re pillars of peace,

sovereignty, security, and prosperity.

The Marshall Plan was built on the noble idea that the whole

world is safer when nations are strong, independent, and free. As

President Truman said in his message to Congress at that time,

“Our support of European recovery is in full accord with our

support of the United Nations. The success of the United Nations

depends upon the independent strength of its members.”

To overcome the perils of the present and to achieve the

promise of the future, we must begin with the wisdom of the past.

Our success depends on a coalition of strong and independent

nations that embrace their sovereignty to promote security,

prosperity, and peace for themselves and for the world.

We do not expect diverse countries to share the same

cultures, traditions, or even systems of government. But we do

expect all nations to uphold these two core sovereign duties: to

respect the interests of their own people and the rights of every

other sovereign nation. This is the beautiful vision of this

institution, and this is foundation for cooperation and success.

Strong, sovereign nations let diverse countries with

different values, different cultures, and different dreams not

just coexist, but work side by side on the basis of mutual


Strong, sovereign nations let their people take ownership of

the future and control their own destiny. And strong, sovereign

nations allow individuals to flourish in the fullness of the life

intended by God.

In America, we do not seek to impose our way of life on

anyone, but rather to let it shine as an example for everyone to

watch. This week gives our country a special reason to take pride

in that example. We are celebrating the 230th anniversary of our

beloved Constitution — the oldest constitution still in use in

the world today.

This timeless document has been the foundation of peace,

prosperity, and freedom for the Americans and for countless

millions around the globe whose own countries have found

inspiration in its respect for human nature, human dignity, and

the rule of law.

The greatest in the United States Constitution is its first

three beautiful words. They are: “We, the people.”  Generations

of Americans have sacrificed to maintain the promise of those

words, the promise of our country, and of our great history. In

America, the people govern, the people rule, and the people are

sovereign. I was elected not to take power, but to give power to

the American people, where it belongs.

In foreign affairs, we are renewing this founding principle

of sovereignty. Our government’s first duty is to its people, to

our citizens — to serve their needs, to ensure their safety, to

preserve their rights, and to defend their values.

As President of the United States, I will always put America

first, just like you, as the leaders of your countries will

always, and should always, put your countries first. [Applause.]

All responsible leaders have an obligation to serve their

own citizens, and the nation-state remains the best vehicle for

elevating the human condition. But making a better life for our

people also requires us to work together in close harmony and

unity to create a more safe and peaceful future for all people.

The United States will forever be a great friend to the

world, and especially to its allies. But we can no longer be

taken advantage of, or enter into a one-sided deal where the

United States gets nothing in return. As long as I hold this

office, I will defend America’s interests above all else.

But in fulfilling our obligations to our own nations, we

also realize that it’s in everyone’s interest to seek a future

where all nations can be sovereign, prosperous, and secure.

America does more than speak for the values expressed in the

United Nations Charter. Our citizens have paid the ultimate price

to defend our freedom and the freedom of many nations represented

in this great hall. America’s devotion is measured on the

battlefields where our young men and women have fought and

sacrificed alongside of our allies, from the beaches of Europe to

the deserts of the Middle East to the jungles of Asia.

It is an eternal credit to the American character that even

after we and our allies emerged victorious from the bloodiest war

in history, we did not seek territorial expansion, or attempt to

oppose and impose our way of life on others. Instead, we helped

build institutions such as this one to defend the sovereignty,

security, and prosperity for all.

For the diverse nations of the world, this is our hope. We

want harmony and friendship, not conflict and strife. We are

guided by outcomes, not ideology. We have a policy of principled

realism, rooted in shared goals, interests, and values.


OGDEN:  So, that was the beginning of President Trump’s speech to

the United Nations General Assembly.  As has been reported,

immediately afterwards in a press conference, Foreign Minister

Sergey Lavrov of Russia responded very favorably to that aspect

of the speech.  As he said, “I think it’s a very welcome

statement, which we haven’t heard from an American leader for a

very long time.”  This is true, in this aspect of the speech;

because what you just heard from President Trump was essentially

a declaration that the policy of regime-change was over.  He

said, we’re looking for a coalition of strong and independent

nations that will be sovereign nations, but will exist in shared

security, prosperity, and peace.  So, an end to the so-called

“unipolar” world.  He said, “We do not expect diverse countries

to share the same cultures, traditions, or even systems of

government.”  He said we should “let diverse countries with

different values, different cultures, and different dreams not

just coexist, but work side by side on the basis of mutual

respect.”  And, he said, these countries can work to make a

better life for all people by working together in “harmony and

unity”.  For the diverse nations of the world, this is our hope,”

he said.  “We want harmony and friendship, not conflict and


So, this is a very positive statement of US foreign policy;

and one which could be taken as an end to the commitment to

geopolitics and a unipolar world.  However, from there, the

speech took a very dramatic turn.  Immediately after vowing that

the policy of regime-change was over, President Trump proceeded

to list off no less than half a dozen regimes in this world which

must be changed or overthrown.  Literally, he had a litany of

“monsters to destroy”, in the words of John Quincy Adams.  Apart

from vowing to “totally destroy North Korea”, he also called to

dismantle the Iranian nuclear deal; calling the Iranian

government a “corrupt dictatorship behind the false guise of a

democracy”.  And he similarly went after Syria, Cuba, and

Venezuela.  Curiously, nowhere did he call out the Saudis for

their genocidal war that’s now being perpetrated against the

people of Yemen, or their support — financial and otherwise —

for the hijackers that attacked the very city in which he was

speaking on 9/11 and killed almost 3000 Americans.  A case which

is now being litigated by family members of the victims of 9/11

in front of US court.

So, after hearing the initial statements of harmony and

friendship and respect for sovereignty and not seeking to impose

our way of life on anyone, but rather letting diverse nations

with diverse values, cultures, dreams, and even systems of

government, not merely mutually coexist but work side by side on

the basis of mutual respect.  After hearing those words —

frankly so reminiscent of what you heard John Quincy Adams say in

his address from 1821 — it was rather shocking to then hear in

exactly the same speech, President Trump proceed with a litany of

threats and regime change which frankly was reminiscent of George

W Bush’s infamous Axis of Evil speech.  We saw how that proceeded

with the case of the regime-change war in Iraq.  So, this is

precisely what John Quincy Adams had warned so strongly against

in the words “Let us not go abroad in search of monsters to


But then, after that litany of threats, President Trump then

proceeded to conclude his speech by saying the following: “Our

hope is a world of proud independent nations that embrace their

duties, seek friendship, respect others, and make common cause in

the greatest shared interest of all.  A future dignity and peace

for the people of this wonderful Earth.  This is the true vision

of the United Nations, the ancient wish of every people, and the

deepest yearning that lives inside every sacred soul.”

So, as I said, it was almost like the Tale of Two Speeches,

which somehow both got combined into one address.  But the kind

of self-contradiction and duality which was on display and came

across almost as being schizophrenic on the part of the speech

writer, taking very due note of the very positive aspects of what

he laid out in the beginning, what maybe could be called the

Trump Doctrine, the end of this unipolar world and the end of

regime change; the very dangerous and negative aspects of what he

then proceeded to say in the very same speech should not be

sugar-coated by any means.

In speaking with Helga Zepp-LaRouche earlier today, she had

the following to say.  She said, “It’s very clear that Foreign

Minister Lavrov responded to the positive elements of Trump’s

speech.  But it’s also clear that there are very negative and

very destructive elements of Trump’s speech which came across as

almost two different speeches.  How can you denounce regime

change on the one hand, and then make a list of half a dozen

regimes that you demand to be changed in the very same speech?”

She said that “The solution here is that Trump has to follow

through on the constructive things he said; but he must also

abandon the policies which are obviously destructive.  This North

Korea thing could blow up at any minute, if this policy

continues,” she said.  “It’s nice that he said the things that he

did in the beginning; but it’s almost like they are two opposing

policies coming out of his mouth.  What’s very clear is that

there are two opposing interests working on Trump.  There’s a war

ongoing for the soul of this Presidency.  The positive elements

of this policy statement must be reinforced and strengthened,”

she said.  “But, the negative elements — such as the verbal

escalation against North Korea — should be recognized as an

effort on the part of certain elements in this administration to

drive a wedge in the potential for cooperation between the United

States and China.  This policy,” she said, “has clearly been

inserted by the neo-con elements which are still influencing this


“What we must do, is demand that Trump stick to his promise

which he expressed in the campaign, to cooperate with Russia and

with China.  This is the world of independent nations united for

‘common cause and shared interests’ which he referred to in the

conclusion of his speech.  This should absolutely be pursued,”

she said, “but what that means is that this other stuff has got

to go.”  She noted that now with the increase in the US military

budget, which is now greater than ever before, we have nearly

$700 billion in our military budget; far greater than the next

seven countries in the world combined.  She asked the question:

How much of this money could be used for infrastructure instead?

She also emphasized that the point is that we have an

extraordinary opportunity on our hands; but there are also very

real dangers facing us as well.

In reflecting on what’s occurred this week, it’s always very

important to approach the situation from above; from the top

down.  The defining question for anybody who’s sober-minded in

international relations today is, will the world unite around the

New Paradigm of development which has been initiated by China in

the form of the New Silk Road policy?  Or, will a continuation of

the perpetual warfare policy and regime-change policy of the past

two administrations be allowed to escalate and to derail this

emerging potential?  Both in terms of undermining the ability of

the United States and countries such as China and Russia to

cooperate, and also in a very real way, threatening to actually

bring the world to the brink of thermonuclear war.  Will the

United States abandon the geopolitics associated with the Cold

War and the British imperial of zero-sum game and unipolar

hegemony, and instead embrace the win-win paradigm of peace

through development and relationships between countries based on

mutual respect, mutual benefit, and mutual gain?

The answer to that question still remains unclear in the

wake of President Trump’s address to the United Nations General

Assembly, either in the positive or in the negative.  But, if you

look at the world stage, we are watching before our very eyes, a

new paradigm in the relations between nations emerge.  This is

seen very clearly in the Belt and Road Initiative and all the

developments that are associated with that — the positive

development projects that China is bringing to central Asia, and

emphatically bringing to Africa, and bringing to Latin America.

Apart from all the political gossip and all the partisan

propaganda and media punditry that you’re exposed to on a daily

basis, the question for an American citizen to ask is, how will

President Trump respond to this emerging new paradigm?  And how

will the United States fit into that emerging new international

dynamic of peace through development?  That’s the measuring rod

against which not only his words but his actions must be judged.

He has some very clear opportunities in the coming months to

follow through on what is clearly his inclination for a positive

relationship with China and with Russia; including his seemingly

very positive personal relationship with President Xi Jinping.

The ASEAN summit is upcoming in less than two months, and it has

been announced that President Trump will be travelling to attend

the ASEAN summit.  As part of that trip to Asia, he will be

making his very first state visit to China.  This has all of the

positive potentials; it implies everything that could occur in

terms of the United States joining the New Silk Road, following

up on the attendance to the Belt and Road Forum by Matthew

Pottinger, who was sent personally by Trump as an envoy of the

United States.  The personal visits that President Xi Jinping has

made to the United States; the very good appointment of Terry

Bransted to be the Ambassador to China, who we know has very

positive views of China-US relations.  Also, emphatically the

question of Chinese investment into rebuilding the infrastructure

of the United States, in the wake of Hurricane Harvey, Hurricane

Irma, now Hurricane Maria and the destruction that that has

wrought on the island of Puerto Rico.  This question of not only

reconstruction, but construction of an entirely new

infrastructure platform in the United States could not be more

urgent.  President Trump has committed himself to at least $1

trillion in investment in that kind of infrastructure.  We know

that the scale is far, far greater; and that requires a return to

Hamiltonian economics.  But it also requires the United States to

enter into a very decisive and reciprocal relationship with China

in terms of mutual investment and mutual development.  That is

the framework around which the positive opportunities for

cooperation with China can be built.

If we take that kind of approach from above and say it’s not

within the interstices of Congressional partisan politics, or

bickering inside the halls of Congress that we’re going to make

the necessary policy revolution in terms of the economics of the

United States.  But it’s from recognizing that a far greater

global process is now underway; a dynamic which is sweeping the

planet.  It’s sweeping away both the geopolitical paradigm of

British imperial divide and conquer geopolitics; but it’s also

bringing in an entirely new approach to how you construct peace

through economic development.

So, the defining question in international relations is, how

will the United States fit into that?  That remains the

overarching question at the very root of this fight for the soul

of the US Presidency.

As we’ve documented and will be continuing to document in an

exposé which is forthcoming from LaRouche PAC, there is a very

real concerted effort from inside the institutions of the United

States to undermine this Presidency and to box Trump into making

very real strategic mistakes.  The time has come for him to learn

those lessons and to throw that aspect out, and to embrace the

positive aspects as you could hear in the beginning of this

address to the United Nations General Assembly.

So, let me go back to the words of President John Quincy

Adams, who was our chief diplomat as Secretary of State for many

years, who was diplomat to the nation of Russia, and after being

President for one successful term, returned to the United States

Congress and fought a battle against slavery which in turn

inspired Abraham Lincoln.  But in his prophetic and very

prescient speech, he warned that yes indeed, the United States of

America will proclaim the “inextinguishable rights of human

nature”, will abstain from “interference in the concerns of

others”, will “respect the independence of other nations while

asserting and maintaining her own.”  “But America does not go

abroad in search of monsters to destroy.”  He warned that if we

were to do that, the “fundamental maxims of our policy would

change insensibly from liberty to force.  We would no longer beam

with the splendor of freedom and independence, but instead an

“imperial diadem would be substituted, flashing in false and

tarnished lustre in the murky radiance of dominion and power.”

We would become the dictator of the world; “no longer the ruler

of [our] own spirit.”

So, let us take a lesson from the words of John Quincy

Adams.  Let us once and for all abandon the regime-change

geopolitics of the last two administrations; and let us embrace

decisively and fully the new win-win paradigm which has been

spelled out so clearly by President Xi Jinping of China, both in

words and in actions.  And was indicated by President Trump in

the beginning of his speech to the United Nations General

Assembly.  Let us embrace those policies, and let us abandon the

policies of regime change and perpetual war.

Thank you for joining me here today, and please stay tuned

to larouchepac.com.


Med Lyndon LaRouches 95-års fødselsdag
har vi den velsignelse at høre de vise ord fra
den Meget vise gamle mand iblandt os. 
LaRouche PAC Internationale Webcast,
15. sept., 2017

Vært Matthew Ogden: Aftenens udsendelse er noget speciel. Mange af jer ved, at hr. Lyndon LaRouches 95-års fødselsdag blev fejret for en uge siden, den 8. sept.; 95 år, en moden alder. Jeg lægger et billede op på skærmen af hr. LaRouche ved sin fødselsdagsfest den følgende dag. Det var en meget glædelig fest. Mange af de hilsner, der kom fra hele verden, var varme lykønskninger og hyldest fra mennesker, der har kendt hr. LaRouche, der har arbejdet med hr. LaRouche, og som respekterer hans bidrag til at ændre verdenshistoriens gang hen over disse mange og produktive 95 år. Nogle af disse hilsner er blevet samlet i et Festskrift; heriblandt hilsner fra meget fremtrædende politiske ledere fra USA – valgte repræsentanter og tidligere valgte repræsentanter. Richard Black fra Virginia, tidligere kongresmedlem Lacy Clay, tidligere justitsminister Ramsey Clark har sendt de varmeste hilsner. Tidligere senator Mike Gravel, der ligeledes har været præsidentkandidat og er berømt for Pentagon Papirerne. Der var dr. Hal Cooper, en ingeniør, der har arbejdet meget hårdt på visionen om Verdenslandbroen og har deltaget i nogle af de seneste begivenheder i New York City. Mark Sweazey, der er en leder af UAW (United Automobile Workers) fra Ohio, der har arbejdet med hr. LaRouche for at stoppe nedlukningen af automobilindustrien. Carol Smith, en aktivist fra Kentucky. Ron og Denna Wierczorek, meget kendte aktivister fra South Dakota, borgere i dette land. Så er der kunstnere – Maestro Anthony Morss fra New York City, en fremtrædende dirigent; Alan Leathers, en sanger fra Washington, D.C. Dernæst, politiske, videnskabelige og militære ledere fra hele verden. Latinamerika – fra Argentina, Bolivia, Brasilien, Colombia, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru. Der kom hilsner andre steder fra; fra hele Asien, inklusive flere hilsner fra Kina og Rusland. Folk fra Australien, Malaysia, Filippinerne, Thailand. Vi havde en rapport herfra for nylig; hr. Pakdee Tanapura, der arrangerede det meget succesfulde møde om Kra-kanalen, der netop fandt sted i mandags. Fra Spanien, og endda fra Yemen fra hr. Fouad al-Ghaffari, der er præsident for BRIKS’ Ungdomskabinet. Vi håber at kunne udsende et interview med ham i løbet af de næste par dages aktivisme, han vil gennemføre i Yemen for at stoppe saudiernes folkemordskrig mod det yemenitiske folk.

Men, som I ser, så er det kun et lille udvalg af de mange varme hilsner, der er kommet fra hele verden og hele USA i denne glædelige anledning af hr. LaRouches 95-års fødselsdag.

I aften vil vi faktisk gå nogle år tilbage i tiden. Vi vil gå fem år tilbage til hr. LaRouches 90-års fødselsdag. Ved denne lejlighed holdt hr. LaRouche en tale, der nu er blevet temmelig berømt, og hvori han kræver afslutningen af partisystemet; men han fremlægger også programmet for USA’s økonomiske genrejsning og en helt ny vision for det, der må sker mht. internationale relationer og dette lands politik.

Der er sket meget siden dengang, for fem år siden. Det synes næsten at være en evighed siden, mht. verdenshistoriens forløb. Hvis man tænker på, hvad der er sket, så blev denne tale, som vi skal ske et klip fra, holdt før kineserne vedtog den Nye Silkevej som deres officielle politik – Bælte & Vej Initiativet; før overfloden af nye udviklingsbanker, der kom fra BRIKS-landene – den Ny Udviklingsbank og Asiatisk Infrastruktur-Investeringsbank; før alle disse udviklinger fandt sted i udlandet. Og selvfølgelig, før det skelsættende valg i 2016 her i USA.

Hvis man ser på, hvad der er sket i USA, i betragtning af, at denne tale, som vi skal se et klip fra, blev holdt under præsidentvalgkampen i 2012 mellem Barack Obama og Mitt Romney. Men det er næsten fænomenalt, hvor forudvidende, hr. LaRouche var, mht. det, der ville finde sted i USA; noget, som ingen andre så komme og sikkert ikke troede på, da de hørte hr. LaRouches ord dengang. Begge de såkaldte politiske partier i dette forrige præsidentvalg ophørte med at eksistere i deres tidligere form. Der er intet genkendeligt Demokratisk Parti, eller Republikansk Parti. Der er måske nogle af de samme personer, men ikke de såkaldte establishment-partier, vi havde før 2016, før oprøret i det Demokratiske Parti, der formede sig omkring Bernie Sanders, og dernæst oprøret i det Republikanske Parti omkring Donald Trump; før begge disse ting indtraf, fremlagde hr. LaRouche det, han kaldte afslutningen af establishment-partisystemet, der var i færd med at ødelægge selve USA’s sjæl.

Vi har set dette fortsætte i 2016-valget, meget klart. Der var meget mere, der forenede det amerikanske folk end splittede det. Se f.eks. på den brede støtte til Glass/Steagall; noget, vi skal høre hr. LaRouche tale om i denne tale fra for fem år siden. Se på den brede støtte til infrastruktur, til produktive jobs; se på den brede opposition til konfrontationen med Rusland, der ville føre til Tredje Verdenskrig. Det er, hvad Hillary Clintons kampagne repræsenterede i det amerikanske folks øjne. Dette er, hvad det etablerede Republikanske Partis forskellige kampagner repræsenterede i det amerikanske folks øjne. Der var meget mere på det tidspunkt, der forenede det amerikanske folk end splittede det. Det var i realiteten LaRouche-programmet.

Går vi frem til nutiden og ser, hvad der er sket i USA i de seneste par uger, ser vi igen, at det amerikanske folk forenes. Se, hvad der skete i Houston omkring Harvey; den form for uselviskhed og næstekærlighed, som folk viste ved at gå ud for at redde og beskytte folk mod denne naturkatastrofe. Dette kendte ikke til skel; der var ingen partilinjer. Der var ikke noget, »Er du et flertal, er du et mindretal? Er du Republikaner, er du Demokrat? Er du konservativ, er du liberal?« Alle var amerikanere. Den samme stemning skete i Florida i kølvandet på orkanen Irma dér. Vi ser nu, at det endda smitter i politik i Washington. I en meget spirende form, men USA’s præsident har nu virkelig fornærmet establishment-personerne i det Republikanske Parti – Mitch McConnell og Paul Ryan og deres lige – ved at række ud til det Demokratiske Parti for at gennemføre et genrejsningsprogram for Houston og begynde at arbejde på noget af den politik, der burde have været politik fra Dag Ét. Dette skulle have været hans første 100 dage i embedet: Infrastruktur; produktive jobs. Dette begynder nu endelig at vise sig i en spirende form; og det er vores ansvar at forsætte med at lede.

Men jeg vil afspille dette uddrag af hr. LaRouches bemærkninger.

(Se hele LaRouche 90-års tale her (dansk): »Evnen til at gøre det gode – Mennesket har en særlig opgave i universet«)

Her følger resten af webcastet i engelsk udskrift:

I think you’ll find it fascinating

reflecting on what has happened in the past five years between

Mr. LaRouche’s 90th birthday and Mr. LaRouche’s 95th birthday.

In fact, what is the power of ideas to shape history?  What do we

have to expect in the days, weeks, months, and years to come?

This is the vision that leadership, that statesman-like

leadership that you’re about to hear from Mr. LaRouche.  This is

how history is formed.



LYNDON LaRouche: … The problem is, {the party system}.

Now, George Washington, President George Washington and

others, at the founding of our republic, as an independent

republic, tried to {prevent} the formation of {a party system}.

And I think, the time has come, to eliminate {the party system}.

[applause]  At this time, it’s the only way, formally, through

the legal process, that we could eliminate the possibility of

these two kinds of Presidents.

What’s wrong?  Why should we have {party systems}?  We have

a Constitution, which is defined;  the Constitution is fine, if

it’s carried through, as intended; it is our system.  But why do

we have to have parties intervening in between the process of

selecting Presidential leadership in national government?  Why do

we do that?  What screwball invented this kind of nonsense?

Because that’s what happened:  People become partisan, and say,

“which party wins is going to determine the fate of the nation!”

No party has that kind of right!  There can not be a party,

that has the right, to oversee and control the destiny of the

nation!  You can have a President, there’s nothing wrong with

that.  But you can’t have a President as the President of a

party.  Or, you can not have a conniving, between two

Presidential teams, or two party teams, which connive by special

agreement among themselves, to create the composition of a

national government!  These things are obscenities, which leaders

of our nation, beginning from the George Washington

Administration, recognized as evils!  And the idea of going to a

European kind of government, which is inherently corrupt — by

its very nature, not necessarily by the {intention} of the

people, or the intention of the politicians, {they just don’t

know any better!}

And the only way this can be done, is, if we infect the

population, with the realization, {we do not want a party

system!}  We have state governments, don’t we?  Under our

Constitution.  We have local governments, within state

governments, under our Constitution.  We have bodies which the

nation creates, to perform functions of the Federal government,

the military and the rest of  it. {So we don’t need parties!}

They don’t do any damned good!

I mean, it’s like Franklin Roosevelt:  If Franklin Roosevelt

had just been the President and didn’t have to deal with these

damned parties, we would haven’t the mess we got into.  What we

need, we need to have {not} a contention, over which {party} is

going to win, when the party was {not] inherent in the conception

of nation.  What we need is a Federal Republic, with its state

composition and other local compositions playing their role.

{We don’t need this party system} which is a system of

inherently corruption.  What we need, is the election, due

process election, of a composition of government.  And we don’t

want people diverting the attention of the population, from the

issues of the nation, over the issues of partisanship! {That’s}

where the problem lies!

When you rely on parties, as such, you set up a kind of

controversy, or competition, for power, between or among party

systems.  These party systems then {excite the passions} of the

foolish voters, who now are concerned about voting for the

{party, first}, and the {nation, second!}  When it must be the

{nation, first,} and the not the party.

The voluntary part of the system, that’s fine; the citizen

has a right, to make formations, to make agreements among

themselves, and to cast their votes accordingly, and to discuss

these matters accordingly.  But we don’t want the top-down rule

of a party system, which is controlled by the money sent to them,

by financial interests which control the money which gives one

party advantage over the other!  You want the bare citizen, as a

citizen, to have an equal right, and independence of this party


This has been said, again and again, in the course of the

history of the United States!  That people with insight, realize

the essence of the corruption in the United States, is based in

and derived from the use of the party system.  And you see it

right now:  You have, the nation is now mortgaged, for the

selection of its government, its national government, is

mortgaged to the {party system!}  Everything is stopped, except

which party is going to win!  And one is almost as bad as the


And why should we be spending our time, selecting a

government, of two parties, neither of which is fit to be our

government!  Why don’t we have a national government selected in

the way that George Washington, for example, President George

Washington, had intended?  We would not {have} that mess!  And

the citizen would be called upon, not to decide who’s butt he

wants to kiss, but rather what the issues are and programs that

this citizen wishes to express.  We want to engage the citizen in

the dialogue!  We don’t want to take the competition {between}

groups of citizens.  {We want the citizen to force the reality,

that he or she is voting for the government.}  And what the

citizens do in voting for a government, will determine the fate

of the nation.

We want to {confront} the citizen, with the responsibility

of {his} being accountable, or her being accountable, for the

responsibility of what government is, and what it becomes.  We

have to {force} responsibility upon the individual citizen, as a

citizen, not as a sucker, playing into some kind of game.  And

this has been understood for a long time, by the best thinkers of

the United States, that it is the party system, as typified by

the Andrew Jackson Presidency, one of the most corrupt

Presidencies in our history.  And the corruption that was done,

to the United States, by the election of Andrew Jackson, and the

people who controlled him,  which were British bankers; so,

Andrew Jackson was a tool of British imperial bankers:  They

owned him.  They ran him.  And it was because of the party

system, that this could happen.

And we got the same thing today:  You’re shacked up with a

couple of clowns — Dummo and the Crook, and the Insane Crook.

Now, the only thing we can do, or the only thing I can do,

on this thing right now, apart from telling you about this

wonderful information, is to awaken you to realize what we’re

really up against, to recognize what the real problems are.  If

you’re thinking about looking at this mess out there, from the

standpoint of Democratic or Republican, you’re not thinking!

Because you’re not thinking in terms of the essential interest.

Because what you’re doing, whatever you do, you are imprisoned to

pledging your support, to a party!  Not to the nation.  Yes, you

say, “to the nation,” but it’s the party that controls you.  And

that is how Andrew Jackson destroyed the United States, was with

the party system! That’s what doomed Franklin Roosevelt. Franklin

Roosevelt would never have had this clown, Truman, stuck on him,

except for the party system business.  And that’s where our

problem lies.

And we have to make that clear.  Because we know what the

state of mind is?  What’s the state of mind of the voter?  He’s

playing football, not politics!  He’s playing a version of

football, baseball, whatever — gambling!  Racketeering,

whatever!  And his mind, his passion, is associated with winning

this, for this party, this team, this that, that and so forth —

{not for the nation!}  The objective of our system of government

must be to {force the citizen, as a citizen, to think through

what the national interest is!}  And we don’t do it.  We say,

“Which party are you going to support?”  Well, what’s the party

going to do? “Well, I think it’s a good party,” in other words,

they don’t know what the hell they’re doing — and they’re

passion is involved in being sure they won’t do it. And that’s

where we stand. And that’s the thing we’ve got to think about.

And you’ve got to destroy the self-confidence of those

damned fools, who think that the “party vote,” the vote for the

party {should determine the decision of the nation.}  That is a

false and fraudulent conception, and it’s about time we called a

halt to it.  And right now, would be a very good time.  All

right.  [applause]

Now, what’re we going to do?  Let’s lay out, here, we have

our organization.  We have a conception of how to organize this

nation, how to deal with the great crisis, the financial crisis,

the economic crises, which occur in this nation; and which occur,

also, similarly, in other nations, which I think would tend, at

this time, to look with a friendly eye at what I might propose

here, right now.

All right: First of all, the world is bankrupt.  The

trans-Atlantic region is {totally, hopelessly bankrupt!} Every

part of Western and Central Europe is totally bankrupt!  It’s

{incurably} bankrupt, under its present system.  Nothing be done

to save it in its present form.  There’s no way you can bail it

out!  There’s no way you can take it out of this — except one

way:  Glass-Steagall.

Now, of late, you will have observed that Glass-Steagall has

become increasingly popular, in England, in the continent of

Europe, and other notable places!  So what does Glass-Steagall

do?  Well, essentially it says that the system of government

we’re running under right now, is hopelessly corrupt; so, let’s

shut it down!  Let’s shut down all the bail out.  We’re not going

to pay it!  We jes’ ain’t gonna pay it!  [applause]

So what’re we going to do?  Well, we’re going to have a

grand old time:  We’re going to go to a straight credit system,

which is Glass-Steagall, immediately!  Now, that means, that all

those other guys, the gamblers, Wall Street types and so forth,

are going to find themselves sitting — well:  They have all

these claims.  All these values.  They own all this property, in

terms of title.  But we say, the point is here, with

Glass-Steagall, that you can run your kind of banking system if

you want to  —  under penalties of law, of course! But you don’t

have any right to come to the Federal government, to demand that

the Federal government bail them out, if they happen to go


Now, I can tell you, as you probably have suspected, that

practically every part of the whole system in the United States,

today, {is already hopelessly, incurably bankrupt!}  And there’s

only one way we can escape from this bankruptcy:  You want to

have some money to live on?  There’s one thing you got to do:

Glass-Steagall!  And that will open the… it won’t solve the

problem, but it will open the gates, to permit the problem to be


If you take, and say, all these things that are not and

don’t conform to Glass-Steagall, all these things must be

cancelled.  That means these banks can still have their banking

system, as long as they don’t go bankrupt.  We’re not going to

shut them down arbitrarily, we’re just letting them out on their

own, and saying, “this is not our business.  The Federal

government is not responsible for this.”

All right, now that will reduce the debt of the United

States, {tremendously!}  It would have a similar effect in

nations of Europe!  The French banks would not be pleased with

  1. They would probably say some very nasty things about me,

but… things like that.

But the point is, the world now knows, and increasingly in

Europe, and starting in England and other countries in Europe

itself, there’s an understanding that Glass-Steagall is a

necessary alternative.  And these guys are having a terrible

time, in fighting off the Glass-Steagall popularity.  But that

will do it.

The problem is, because we waited so long, since we

cancelled Glass-Steagall, we waited too long, and they ran up a

hyperinflationary debt, which is really beyond even dreaming.  So

therefore, the result is, if we go with Glass-Steagall, we’re

going to have relatively little money, under our Federal system;

because we wasted it by throwing it into the garbage pail, and we

can’t get it back.  So therefore,  we’re going to have to go to

another measure.  Now, I said, national banking.  Now, why

national banking?  Because, unless you create a banking system,

under the U.S. government, under protection and regulation of the

U.S. government, you can’t do anything much with the economy.

We have very little industry left in the United States, it’s

been systematically destroyed.  Especially since the last three

terms of the Presidency.  We have been running a garbage pail;

and therefore, we have no means, by ordinary means, to save the

economy.  We don’t have jobs.  Now, as most of you know, under

NAWAPA, we would create, quickly, {4 million or more jobs} —

real jobs! Really productive jobs.  We would create, at least,

immediately, a couple million more highly skilled categories of

jobs.  We would start the process of a general recovery of the

United States — but oh!  Wait a minute!  Got one more problem.

Where’s the money going to come from, that we’re going to loan,

for NAWAPA, and loan for other high-technology jobs, and certain

other kinds of skilled jobs?  The Federal government is going to

have to {create credit}, which will be run through national

banking system, so that under national banking and Federal

government approval, we can conduit credit into creating these


Let’s take the practical question of the food supply in the

United States right now:  As you probably know, food is about to

be cancelled, and the Obama Administration is doing everything

possible to destroy it.  Because they’re doing everything to

destroy food, for fuels.

So therefore, what’re we going to do?  Well, what we’re

going to do, is by giving the Federal credit, into, say, the

NAWAPA system, we’re going to create a flow of credit, into the

various phases of this process, which will immediately charge

NAWAPA, in particular, and other things that go with NAWAPA.  We

have also, we have the lost auto industry, the whole Detroit

system, for example, and we’re going to put that back into work!

So, we’re going to create, instantly, that is, by Federal decree

— instantly create sufficient growth, not only to get rid of

this hopeless debt, which never was really a legitimate debt, at

all, and we’re going to restart the economy, by taking people,

when you have very few people who are actually involved in

productive jobs, they’re not involved in producing things;

they’re mostly employed in various kinds of services, which are

not particularly productive, and do not lend any productive value

to the U.S. economy.  They’re simply pass-outs, under one guise

or the other.

So in this case, we are launching a recovery of the U.S.

economy, by supply the credit, as we did in the beginning of the

development of our economy, after we won our Revolution, we’re

going back to that system of recovery to get things moving, and

it’s going to start immediately.  And the easiest way for us to

do this, is NAWAPA.  NAWAPA is a project, which is relevant,

because it’s focused on {water management}.  And the problem we

have in the United States today, is a water management problem!

In the Central States, we don’t have rain!  We don’t the means to

grow crops.  And we don’t have people who are employed, in

actually productive forms of employment!  Physically productive

forms of employment.

The difference is, with this kind of reform, of three steps:

NAWAPA as a driver, an incentive driver, which will save the

organization of production in the Central and Western States of

the United States!  The going back into the area of the so-called

Detroit area, with several million jobs, immediately, will have a

similar effect.  Which means that we then can use a credit

system, managed under Federal control, as we’ve used credit

systems, like Franklin Roosevelt did in the past, and use that

kind of credit system under a Glass-Steagall type government

system, and we can start the regrowth of the U.S. economy.

We also have, as a byproduct of this:  If we as the United

States {do} this, you will find that the nations of Eurasia, will

join us.  You will find that nations of Europe, who are now being

destroyed by their own system, will now go back into functioning,

and we will use international credit, which is an extension of

the national banking concept, instead of speculation, in order to

restart the economy.  And that can be done.

So there is a practical solution, a {sane} practical

solution, as opposed to the other kind, for this problem we have

as a nation. How far are we from getting it, is the question?

Well, that depends.  It depends how desperate people are,

and how much their desperation is moderated by the sense of

attachment to a solution.  Our job is to present the solutions.

You know, society is actually led, when it’s led, by a tiny

minority of the human race.  We have not, because of our

underdevelopment, we have not built up nation systems, which are

actually rationally, and truly represent {the will of human

beings.} What we approach is the conditional will of human

beings, by providing them with promises, which we hopefully can

keep, and that they will be satisfied by trusting us, by the

means of the measures we offer to them, as suggestions.  A very

tiny minority, of the human population in all nations, actually

has any comprehension, any qualifications for comprehension of

how an economy runs or how it should be run. We have to bring

them to us, to our ideas, our conceptions, based on the fact that

they need precisely the solutions that we present.  It may not

exactly what they would dream for, but it’s what we could

deliver!  And if people understand that that’s what the game is,

they’ll accept it, at least in large part.

It’s what they can believe that we can deliver.  And it’s

our saying that we can deliver this, but we {can’t do that, yet}.

And if you promise everything, they’re not going to trust you,

and for good reason.  If you give specific promises, that {will

work}, and make sense, and can be explained to the people, it’ll

work!  And if they don’t accept it, that’s their fault!

But our responsibility, which is limited — we don’t run the

world; we don’t have powers to supervise the world as a whole. We

can only argue!  We can only argue as an intelligentsia, that we

have done some thinking that the other people have not yet caught

onto, or didn’t know about.  And we can tell them, what [we} can

do!  What {we} understand, what {will} work for them; and say,

“We’re going to have to work harder, and better, in order to

fulfill the kind of promises we wish to deliver.”  And say, we

need their cooperation in doing that.

We’ve got to give them a sense, that whatever we’re

promising them, we’re committed to delivering, and that our

promise of delivery has been made credible to them.  And that

experience, as in the case of the Franklin Roosevelt recovery in

the United States during the 1930s, the same program, the same

policy that Franklin Roosevelt used in reviving the U.S. economy.

But we have to tell these guys, “Stop being the kind of

idiot, who believes in the party system!  That’s number one.

Number two, don’t believe in Obama, get him out of there, and

make sure he’s removed quickly.”  And we’re going to have to

figure out what we’re going to do about this Republican.

[laughter]  Because that’s a real weak point, there.

However, I believe this:  If we can establish a functional

Presidency of the United States as was done in establishing the

United States  under George Washington’s Presidency, if we have a

President, and we use our system of government, our

constitutional system of government, we can solve this problem.

Not the way people would like, by “wish factory” or something,

but by the fact, we can point the direction, and it’s up to the

people to follow the direction, and choose to follow the


{But we must do what is not done right now}:  The problem

with government now, is that the U.S. government and its

functions, are chiefly one, big, damned lie!  They promise things

that do not exist, or will not exist, and make rules which make

no sense, and are willing to get into wars, by which civilization

and mankind in general, could be destroyed.  And we have to use

that argument and that bill of particulars, as a method of

convincing them, this has to be done.

And the key thing is this, to come back to the theme I

started with:  Space.  It’s obvious, there’s a limited timeframe

within which mankind can continue to live safely under the system

of the Sun, the current Sun system.  The Sun has a limited —

some people say 2 billion years; some would say, well, long

before 2 billion years, the Sun is going to act up, and life is

going to be {most unpleasant} on this planet!

So, we as mankind, have to address this question.  And it’s

obvious that to address this question, we have to give new

attention, to space, the questions of space.  We have to find

ways of intervening in the space system, or the solar space

system and so forth, and this is possible.  But we must turn to

that direction, to think, “well, we can’t stand around, following

a fixed recipe, like a kitchen cookbook recipe, forever.  We have

to  anticipate the problems which face mankind in the future, we

have to search for solutions to those problems, and we’ve got to

convince people.

And the big thing you have to do, is this:  Most people in

the United States today, behave stupidly, and this, of course, is

helped by the educational system, it’s helped by the terrible

conditions of life of children, as well as adolescents, and there

are many things that have to be done.  And our job is, as a

minority in society, and with other minorities in society which

{wish}  to find and initiate true solutions for these problems,

we have to get out, and convince people, and educate them.

And in particular, get them immediately to understand, that

these two Presidencies that they’ve stuck out there for voting,

ain’t shucks! And we’ve got to do something about that, and the

best way, is to go out and say that these guys aren’t fit to run

anything, and give some indications of what we’re thinking.

It can work.  It can work because the situation of all

humanity, on this planet right now, is almost a hopeless one. The

war danger, the thermonuclear war which is hanging over us right

now, is threat number one.  The shortage of food in the United

States, for people, citizens of the United States, is another.

The conditions of health care, are another.  All of these

conditions are intolerable!  {And nobody’s doing a damned thing

about it, from the standpoint of government on down!}  I don’t

hear of any big riots coming out of the Congress, against the

lack of such needed reforms!  They’re going by… the party

system. And I think we have to just treat the party system, as

the kind of fraud that it has always been!

We should have a system of representative government, in

which the citizens can use those other citizens who are the most

qualified, and the most committed, to provide leadership, to

provide the ideas and the leadership which is needed for the

rest.  If you can’t be something, inspire it in somebody else.

Thank you.  [ovation]  [END VIDEO]


OGDEN:  So as you can see, this is a speech which remains

very timely in terms of its urgent political importance, and we

would encourage you to watch the speech in its entirety; we’ll

make that available for you.

But if you just thinking about what you’ve just heard, the

economic program, the prescience of what Mr. LaRouche’s remarks

there were, five years ago, our country still finds itself in a

state of dire economic emergency, perhaps even having gotten

worse in the last five years;  and that program is still urgent

in terms of its implementation.

But what {has} changed is, indeed, the party structure as we

thought we knew it at that time, has ceased to exist, in terms of

the two establishment parties — what was the Democratic Party

and what was the Republican Party.  And this is a change,

perhaps, in par with what we saw in the middle of the 19th

century when the two established parties at that time nearly

ceased to exist:  This was a turmoil out of which, perhaps the

greatest President of our entire history, Abraham Lincoln,


But our responsibility, and what we have to recognize, is

that the importance of Mr. LaRouche’s leadership and the

importance of the leadership of that small minority which he was

discussing, is perhaps more important now, because of this very

reality, than ever before.  As you just heard Mr. LaRouche

describe, in a very eloquent way, our job is to present the

solution, because society is actually led, by a very tiny

minority of intellectual leaders, and society as a whole invests

their trust in those whom they are confident have their best

interests in mind, and have the unique understanding of what must

be done; a very tiny minority has any qualified understanding of

how an economy actually must be run, and can deliver on that

understanding, which is the crucial ingredient.  That’s where

leadership comes from, that’s what makes leadership qualified,

and that’s what serves as the actual qualified leadership in a

republic such as ours.

Now, speaking of a republic, as my colleague Benjamin

Deniston noted in his {Festschrift} contribution to Mr.

LaRouche’s 95th birthday: “When age is measured, not merely in

years, but in wisdom and in creativity, and especially in

contributions to the progress of society, we can truly say,

taking due note of Plato’s famous {Timaeus} dialogue, we are

truly blessed with Mr. LaRouche’s 95th birthday, to have an old

man among us, a {very} old man among us.”

So we wish Mr. LaRouche a very happy 95th birthday, and we

wish him many more.

Thank you very much for tuning in to this special broadcast

tonight, and we encourage you to watch that address in its

entirety. Thank you and good night.

Orkanen Harvey var en menneskeskabt
katastrofe; Glass-Steagall og investering i
infrastruktur er hjælpemidlet.
LaRouchePAC Internationale Webcast,
8. september, 2017

Jeg vil gerne sige, at dette virkelig bør være alarmklokken, der ringer for at vække, ikke alene nationen til at respondere til denne umiddelbare katastrofe, men også til, at vi nu begynder at respondere til det intellektuelle lederskab, som hr. Lyndon LaRouche har demonstreret under hele sin karriere – i 40-50 år, eller mere. I dag er en meget passende dag for denne opfordring om, at tiden nu er inde til at lytte til Lyndon LaRouches vise ord, eftersom det i dag, den 8. september, er hans 95-års fødselsdag. Vi ønsker hr. LaRouche Tillykke med fødselsdagen! Men det er vores mission at tage denne opfordring til efterretning og træffe den beslutning, at det nu er tidspunktet for at respondere til denne historiens alarmklokke og tage de nødvendige skridt til at påbegynde et totalt og komplet paradigmeskifte i den måde, hvorpå vi går frem med nationalpolitik og international politik.

Vært Matthew Ogden: God aften. Det er den 8. september, 2017; jeg er Matthew Ogden, og dette er vores ugentlige fredags-webcast fra larouchepac.com. Med mig i studiet i dag har jeg Paul Gallagher, EIR’s økonomiredaktør; og via video har vi Benjamin Deniston fra LaRouche PAC-websiden og vores forskningsteam. Vi vil have en meget rig diskussion, tror jeg. Før vi kommer til det, vil jeg blot sige, at vi nu er to uger, mindre end to uger, inde i katastrofen med orkanen Harvey; og vi har udstedt en nøderklæring, som vi har diskuteret i de seneste par udsendelser, med titlen: »Ikke flere Houston-katastrofer! Lyndon LaRouche siger, hvad det er, der nu må ske!«

Jeg vil gerne sige, at dette virkelig bør være alarmklokken, der ringer for at vække, ikke alene nationen til at respondere til denne umiddelbare katastrofe, men også til, at vi nu begynder at respondere til det intellektuelle lederskab, som hr. Lyndon LaRouche har demonstreret under hele sin karriere – i 40-50 år, eller mere. I dag er en meget passende dag for denne opfordring om, at tiden nu er inde til at lytte til Lyndon LaRouches vise ord, eftersom det i dag, den 8. september, er hans 95-års fødselsdag. Vi ønsker hr. LaRouche Tillykke med fødselsdagen! Men det er vores mission at tage denne opfordring til efterretning og træffe den beslutning, at det nu er tidspunktet for at respondere til denne historiens alarmklokke og tage de nødvendige skridt til at påbegynde et totalt og komplet paradigmeskifte i den måde, hvorpå vi går frem med nationalpolitik og international politik.

Før jeg begynder, vil jeg gerne opfordre alle vore seere til – hvis I ikke allerede har, og LaRouchePAC har tweetet et link til det – at se den 8 minutter lange video, der blev produceret af New York Times. Den har titlen »Into the Deluge« (Ind i syndfloden), og er en kort dokumentar om den hærgen og ødelæggelse, som orkanen Harvey har forårsaget i Houston, Texas, og det omkringliggende område. Videoen fortæller historien om Kesha Rogers (medlem af LaRouche PAC Policy Committee) og hendes familie, og hendes far og stedmor, der mistede livet i oversvømmelserne efter Harvey. Videoen starter med et uforglemmeligt smukt soundtrack af Kesha selv, der synger en spiritual, »Walk With Me«, lagt hen over utrolige optagelser af de dramatiske ødelæggelser efter orkanen Harvey og oversvømmelserne. Den fortæller, som jeg sagde, historien om ikke alene hendes far og stedmor, men også andre ofre, andre overlevende og de første nødhjælpsfolk, der trådte til efter orkanen Harvey. Den slutter med et citat af Kesha Rogers, som jeg mener, bør være temaet for vores udsendelse her i aften. Jeg viser det på skærmen [Fig. 1]. Kesha siger,

»Det er denne form for tragedier, der får folk til at komme sammen. Der har været en utrolig respons fra hele nationen og hele verden. Men man har ikke tid til at sidde hjemme og græde. Jeg har en mission«, sagde hun. »Jeg har arbejde, der skal gøres; det har vi alle. Det er pointen.«

På skærmen kan I se citatet af Kesha, og det er også nævnt i videoen fra New York Times, der har titlen, »Into the Deluge«. Jeg opfordrer jer til at finde den online og se den. Vi har tweetet linket til videoen, og I kan finde det på vores twitter-feed.

Men, dette er netop pointen; at vi alle har arbejde, der skal gøres, og det er denne katastrofe, der skete i Houston – men også andre, der nu truer os, inkl. med stor sandsynlighed orkanen Irma, der nu stormer af sted med retning mod Florida. Brug dette som alarmklokken til den ’bratte opvågning’ for endelig at samle denne nation og til at påbegynde den form for presserende nødvendige, økonomiske handlinger, der kan sikre, at denne form for tragedier aldrig mere kan ske. Disse orkaner er muligvis nok naturfænomener, og det vil vi diskutere lidt senere med Ben Deniston. Men den katastrofale hærgen i deres kølvand bør aldrig få lov at forekomme. Og de er virkelig menneskeskabte katastrofer, fordi vi har forsømt at tage de nødvendige skridt, som vi på forhånd er vidende om, for at forebygge og beskytte os mod virkningerne af denne form for naturfænomener. Vi kan gøre disse ting, fordi vi er menneskelige, og fordi vi kan forstå og tøjle naturens kræfter, og faktisk ikke alene mildne de ødelæggende virkninger, men sætte disse naturkræfter til at arbejde for det gode; som det, hævet over enhver tvivl, blev demonstreret med Tennessee Valley Authority. Vi dækkede TVA sidste fredag og viste et kort uddrag af en video; men dette er et eksempel herpå. Vi kan som nation gøre dette, fordi vi har en Forfatning og et økonomisk system, der blev grundlagt af Alexander Hamilton med netop dette formål.

Som jeg nævnte, så udstedte vi en nøderklæring, »Ikke flere Houston-katastrofer! Lyndon LaRouche siger, hvad det er, der nu må ske!«, og den fremlægger et omgående firepunktsprogram: Genindfør Glass-Steagall, bryd Wall Street og dets magt op; skab nationale kreditinstitutioner baseret på FDR’s Reconstruction Finance Corporation og Hamiltons nationalbanker; investér kredit i ny infrastruktur med helt nye teknologier; og vedtag et forceret program for fusionskraft, der kan lade en stor udvidelse af NASA’s rumforskning blive drivkraften bag produktivitet og produktiv beskæftigelse. Selv om dette er en presserende nøderklæring, der blev udgivet for kun en uge siden, og vi vil gennemgå, hvad der er sket på denne front, siden denne erklæring blev udstedt, så er det ikke nyt. Lyndon LaRouche har krævet dette i mindst et årti, eller mere. Så før vi går over til Paul Gallagher og Ben Deniston, vil jeg gerne vise et kort, 3-minutters klip af Lyndon LaRouche selv, i kølvandet på en tidligere naturkatastrofe. Dette var et webcast, som han holdt i dagene umiddelbart efter orkanen Katrina, der ramte New Orleans. Dette er i august, 2005, og her kan I se præcis, hvad Lyndon LaRouche havde at sige dengang, som de nødvendige skridt, der måtte tages, og hvad der er, og ikke er, blevet gjort siden denne historiske storm i 2005. Lad mig afspille dette for jer:

Lyndon LaRouche (video):

»De fleste mennesker forstår ikke arten af situationen, fordi de ikke tænker ud fra standpunktet om, hvad en præsident for USA bør tænke på et sådant tidspunkt. Vi har nu en krise, der hovedsagligt er en menneskeskabt katastrofe i tillæg til det, der ellers ville have været en kontrollabel, men alvorlig, naturkatastrofe. Det er den menneskeskabte katastrofe, som er det hovedproblem, vi må konfrontere og overvinde.

Det, som vi nu må gøre, og årsagen til, at vi nu har denne krise i Louisiana, Mississippi og Alabama, er, at vi opgav politikken om en forfatningsmæssig forpligtelse til fremme af det Almene Vel. Og derfor, fordi vi indførte nedskæringer, nedskæringer af det Almene Vel, med den måde, hvorpå vi udplyndrede de sociale ydelser (til arbejdsløshed, sygedagpenge, sundhedsydelser m.v.), opretholdt vi ikke længere levestandarden og støtten til disse områder, som ville gøre det muligt for dem at håndtere mange af disse problemer. Vi leverede ikke det, der krævedes, i Louisiana, Mississippi og Alabama, selv om vi vidste, det behøvedes, fordi vi ikke ville bruge pengene, fordi vi forsøgte at skære ned på midlerne til vores sociale ydelser, så vi, lad os sige, kunne føre krig i Irak, eller en ny krig, de vil have i Iran – denne form for ting. Vi har nu denne situation for os, som er skabt af vor befolknings lidelser i disse tre stater i særdeleshed. Men det er ikke problemet; det stiller et større spørgsmål til os. Er vi en nation? Hvad definerer os som nation? Vi kan redde denne nation; vi kan bringe dens værdighed tilbage. Vi kan ikke bringe de mennesker tilbage, der mistede livet pga. embedsmisbrug i denne periode, men vi kan redde denne nation. Vi kan sige, at vi vandt denne krig. Det er op til jer. Vi må gå tilbage til Fortalen til USA’s Føderale Forfatning og anerkende, at denne nations grundlæggende lov findes i Fortalen. Ikke alene mht. det nationale forsvar, men også i fremme af det Almene Vel for de levende, og deres efterkommere. Vi har overtrådt princippet om nationens forsvar, åbenlyst. Vi har endnu mere åbenlyst overtrådt politikken for fremme af det Almene Vel. Vi dømmer os selv til foragt, med mindre vi går tilbage, og nu gør fremme af det Almene Vel for de levende og deres efterkommere til regeringsgrundlaget. Tak.«

Matthew Ogden: Dette var altså et webcast med Lyndon LaRouche fra september 2005. Under den efterfølgende spørgsmål-og-svar-tid, forklarede han faktisk mere detaljeret, hvordan man skulle anvende princippet om det Almene Vel for at redde USA. Det kommer her på skærmen [Figurer 2 & 3], to korte klip, og så læser jeg dem. Hr. LaRouche sagde:

»Der er derfor én løsning; og det er at gå til Fortalen for USA’s Forfatning, om nationalforsvar og fremme af det Almene Vel for de nuværende og fremtidige generationer. Regeringer sætter det nationale banksystem under konkursbehandling og bankerot og forhindrer bankerne i at smække dørene i; går igennem en finansiel reorganisering af systemet for at sikre, at folk ikke bliver smidt ud af deres hjem; deres foretagender fortsat er åbne; deres pensioner udbetales; og vi fortsætter med at vokse …

USA er den eneste nation, der har en Forfatning, der pr. tradition kvalificerer os til at gå over til statslig bankpraksis, som det beskrives af Hamilton. De private banker skal under konkursbehandling … de skal reorganiseres. Man rydder op i værdipapirerne, og man skaber ny kredit, der får økonomien til at vokse, gennem investering i infrastruktur og andre ting, der er tilstrækkelige til at sikre, at det, vi tjener om året, overstiger det, vi bruger om året med hensyn til de nuværende regnskaber. Og dét må vi gøre.«

Som I ser, så var dette for 12 år siden; og Lyndon LaRouche var allerede på scenen med præcis den politik, som er fremlagt i denne nøderklæring, som vi udstedte i sidste uge.

Jeg vil nu bede Paul Gallagher om at forklare lidt mere om dette. Hvor er vi nu, siden denne nøderklæring blev udstedt, og hvad mangler der at ske?

Her følger Paul Gallaghers indlæg, der efterfølges af Ben Denistons indlæg, i engelsk udskrift:  

PAUL GALLAGHER:  You mean the emergency statement that we
issued about two weeks or ten days ago.  I’ll come to that, but I
just want to point out, Lyndon LaRouche was making that statement
not only at the end of 2005 immediately after the devastation
from Hurricane Katrina, but also in the then-foreseeable — and
he had foreseen it for sure — preparations for the financial
crash of 2007-2008.  He was saying that in regard to that
oncoming crash and the disaster that had occurred in Louisiana,
Mississippi, and Alabama, the reorganization of the private banks
of the United States under a Glass-Steagall standard, enabling
them to be mediators of credit both from savings and from the
Federal government into the businesses of the economy and also
the creation of national banking and large amounts of national
credit in that way precisely for infrastructure, not just
reconstruction.  Construction of infrastructure that never had
been produced, and had to be produced with new technologies then
in order to prevent future such disasters.  So, he was looking to
There is a memory in the United States obviously of three
major cities being devastated.  And when we put out this policy
statement, we were thinking of the fact that the memory of the
devastation of New Orleans, the devastation of the New York-New
Jersey area a few years later, the devastation now of
southeastern Texas a few years after that, and the threat of
another one in Florida.  These are essentially a single memory, a
single thought in the minds of many millions of Americans about
what has to be done that hasn’t been being done.  When we as a
nation have allowed three of the greatest cities of the country
to be effectively, at least temporarily, destroyed.  In the case
of New Orleans and New York, the long-term damage to their
neighborhoods, to their school systems, to their transportation
systems, is still there.  The long-term damage to their economies
is still there, and it’s getting worse.  So, this has shown
something very clear that if you postpone and do not act on a $25
or $50 billion or even $100 billion infrastructure that must be
made, you will shortly be paying, in one way or another, hundreds
of billions of dollars in economic losses.  Losses of wages,
losses of jobs, losses — tragically — of human lives by the
hundreds and perhaps thousands as in Katrina; because you have
not done that.
In the 1930s, there was a kind of thinking which was driven
by Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s leadership.  We’ve seen in the
last ten days the first — as Shelley would say, the locks of the
approaching storm — the first indications of the revival of that
kind of thinking.  The way they thought then about this was made
clear in the government TVA film that you showed on this program
last week, when the announcer said in showing the devastating
flooding, the raging Tennessee River and its tributaries
destroying buildings, destroying agricultural areas, killing
people.  The announcer described it as devastating effects on
human beings of greed and neglect; not of nature, but of greed
and neglect.  And it’s that neglect which LaRouche was speaking
about there, and it’s that neglect which we’ve seen in New
Orleans and the Gulf Coast, then New Jersey and New York, now
again in Texas and the Gulf Coast in the destruction of whole
cities and killing of people, completely unnecessarily.  This was
man-made, and I think there is a video which has come out down in
Houston, put out by the newspaper, the {Houston Chronicle}, of
the former flood control director of Harris County — which
includes Houston — in which he says very strongly right at the
beginning, “This was a man-made disaster”; meaning the flooding
of Hurricane Harvey and everything that it did.  He knew that
because he was personally involved in trying to get one of the
infrastructure solutions — only one of them — right in the city
of Houston that was necessary in order to prevent this kind of
devastating flooding.  He was unable to get it done because of
political and because of greed and neglect.  Neglect of the
Constitution, neglect of the General Welfare of the population,
he was unable to get it done.  He says this was a man-made
Now, things are beginning to change.  I was in a meeting
with a senior figure who works for the House of Representatives
Transportation and Infrastructure Committee immediately after
Hurricane Harvey.  He said that they expected that discussion of
legislation on infrastructure funding would start sometime next
year.  This was only ten days ago.  He was saying it would start
sometime next year that they would begin to discuss the
possibility of legislation to fund new infrastructure in the
United States.  We were then in a situation in which the nearly
year-long and in a certain sense with his candidacy year and a
half-long attack on President Trump to attempt to force him out
as a candidate, and then attempt to force him out of the
Presidency.  That attack — the Soros forces, the British
intelligence initiated attack and the way in which the Democratic
Party leadership had gone along with this — had created a
tremendous division in the country; one which people only have to
remember back to the Charlottesville events of a month ago, to
realize how deep and how that implicit racial division in the
country was being pushed at the same time that war was
threatening from many directions.  We have to realize that, going
all the way back to the 1960s when John F Kennedy was
assassinated after having launched this tremendous infrastructure
program known as NASA and the Apollo Project, and having tried to
get started an equally ambitious Earth-based terraforming and
water management project for the entire West of North America —
the North American Water and Power Alliance program.  That it was
war, it was the Vietnam War and the tremendous economic,
budgetary, and political and social effects of that war which
destroyed those things.  It will consider and push them off the
table from then until now — for 50 years.  That kind of
preoccupation with regime change wars, it will push the General
Welfare off the table over and over again unless the American
people realize that, at a point like this, we can’t let that
happen.  Now we have to build.
So, we have seen some changes.  The one that got the most
publicity, of course, was the sudden agreement between President
Trump and the Democrats in Congress.  On the part of the
Democrats, they had already agreed and acknowledged and more or
less admitted in the days before that, that their strategy of
Resist promotes racial divisions.  Resist tried to impeach the
President.  This strategy was a failure and was dangerous to the
country, and they were going to abandon it if Hillary Clinton
would only shut up.  They were going to try and get something
done instead.  That already had dawned on them before the
terrible lesson of Hurricane Harvey and the perhaps $100 billion
in economic losses; clearly more than 100 precious lives being
lost.  This hit them on top of that.  You then had this agreement
that enable $15 billion in a first down payment of recovery aid
to go through, together with a measure to fund the government for
the next three months and a measure to remove the debt ceiling
for the next three months.  Clearing the decks perhaps for
further expansion of what is going to be done to rebuild.  Not
only to rebuild obviously in east Texas, but to rebuild in
Florida and to rebuild in Puerto Rico and some of the smaller
islands.  Puerto Rico has had for some time a very clear
possibility of a development bank needing only the guarantee of
the Federal government in order to turn development of its port
position particularly into development of infrastructure on the
island; electrical and transportation, which is currently in such
bad condition and which has now been knocked out. So, that door
was opened.
Then already yesterday, we saw the President having a
meeting with a large number of members of the Senate and the
House on the so-called Gateway Project, the major necessary
infrastructure step to repair what Hurricane Sandy left behind it
in terms of inoperable or increasingly deteriorating and failing
transportation; subway and freight rail transportation all around
the New York City area, which has famously been turned into the
Summer of Hell this summer in terms of trying to get anywhere.
You’re taking your life in your hands to get anywhere in New
There was a meeting between Trump and the two governors of
New Jersey and New York, the Senators from New Jersey and New
York, a number of members of Congress of both parties, in which
there was a least a tentative agreement made to proceed with this
Gateway Project.  This involves building two new tunnels — each
one way — under the Hudson River from New Jersey to New York in
the general northeast rail corridor of the United States.  Having
done that, then to be able to repair the tunnels which were made
almost inoperable by Sandy; which incredibly have nonetheless
been used in the five years since.  Also, to replace the bridge
which is in such terrible condition in Hackensack, over which all
of the East Coast passenger and freight rail goes from Florida
all the way to New England.  Supposedly, 10% of the GDP is
waiting to fail when that bridge cannot be hammered back into
line so the trains can go over it.  There are other improvements
in this Gateway Project.  It was given a top priority in the
National Governors’ Association list of major new infrastructure
projects in the country, which they issued earlier this year in
The members of Congress coming out of this meeting made
clear that there was an optimism and a thrust, a potential
commitment of the Trump administration to fund all the funding
that remains to be needed for that; this is on the order of up to
$15 billion from the Federal side that needs to be put in that
investment.  They were, at least on the part of the President,
they were ready to make that commitment, and talked about others
as well for that general area; including reconstruction for the
international airports there and connecting those international
airports — which incredibly, are not connected by transportation
now.  This then started people talking about the potentials for
Congress to meet these bills.  There is not a means, and there
hasn’t been a means really since Franklin Roosevelt’s
administration, there hasn’t been a reliable means by which the
Federal government can create this kind of credit that Mr.
LaRouche was talking about, and on that basis actually fund the
new infrastructure that is needed.
Now you have in Texas as well, members of Congress from both
parties talking about a major new building of flood control for
the cities along the southeast coast of Texas on the Gulf.  I’ll
just read you the comment of one Republican member of Congress.
He said, “There’s going to be another Harvey, and we need to
build at least one more reservoir, maybe two or more reservoirs.
We have to figure out how to get the water out of the Houston
area down to the Gulf of Mexico without flooding.”  There have
been plans for at least 50 years which at least expressed in
general, if you have that slide I gave you [Fig. 4], we could
show one of them, which expressed at least in general how this
has to be done.  It’s very small and can only be indicated in the
broadest strokes that what is involved there is, at the lower
right, the construction of an intercoastal canal.  Essentially a
large canal for moving water either from the northeast to the
southwest along the coast, but behind the cities of the coast.
Moving it in either direction by pumping.  Thereby you can see
generally, the numerous rivers which come down to the Gulf, which
are involved always in the flooding of all of these cities
whenever there is a hurricane. What you probably cannot see
clearly on that slide, is that there are nine new reservoirs
specified in that plan on those rivers, which together with the
canal make it possible to control flood waters that are
threatening the cities on the Texas Gulf coast and to move water
in either direction.  Either for drought relief, if that’s
necessary, but more critically here, for flood relief by bringing
the water eventually all the way down to the Rio Grande at the
Mexican border.  This is one element.  At the top of the screen
is shown another main element canal system to bring flood water
from the Mississippi River across northern Texas into the dry
plains where the Ogallala Aquifer is, which could be recharged.
These were plans of the Texas State Water Authority.  These
were state plans typical of those which were made at the time in
Harris County, within which is Houston.  Other plans were being
made for a channel underneath one of the freeways that was being
built, which would discharge water.  A very large underground
channel, tunnel, which would discharge water from those two
reservoirs which everyone heard and saw overflowing ten days ago.
It would discharge and bring that water down to the Houston ship
channel and into the Gulf.  That was, I think, particularly the
plan which the former Harris County Flood Control Commissioner
was referring to in his interview with the {Chronicle} in which
he said, “This was a man-made disaster that we did not get this
Now these clearly are, as the New York project is, these are
new infrastructure efforts which will require tens of billions of
dollars in investments.  That is exactly what we have been
circulating in Congress, and circulating this statement now with
them in order to get a national bank created, which can generate
$1-3 trillion in national Federal credit for investment in this
new infrastructure.  And in order to get the existing
Glass-Steagall legislation in both Houses to be passed so that
these disasters are not added to by a looming financial crash
which takes the banks to be bailed out again.  But rather, those
banks can be counted on to take part in this kind of rebuilding
effort because they are taking in deposits and they are lending
them into the economy.
Ben is going to talk more about the contributions here of
the space program.  That also must see not just $100 billion or
whatever it’s going to be in recovery aid for Harvey, but a great
deal more money in accelerating and reviving NASA space
exploration, which went the way of the Vietnam War nearly 60
years ago.
So the view of this is changing.  The Texas governor has now
created a commission to rebuild the state.  As a Republican, he’s
appointed a Democrat to head it.  On all of these levels, there
is the potential now that this lesson will actually be learned,
because the country has been put in a different state of mind as
a result of seeing this kind of disaster occur unnecessarily time
and time again, and the tremendous human costs that it has.  So,
let’s really push that to the greatest extent we can, and do it
in exactly the spirit that LaRouche was laying out there 12 years
ago.  He, by the way, is 95 years old today.  He has lived and is
living an incredibly productive human existence, and we wish him
many more.

OGDEN:  And one of the results of what Lyn has done over the
last 40 years alongside Helga is what’s now emerging
internationally.  You can counter pose what hasn’t been done here
in the United States in terms of these great infrastructure
projects with what is being done now by China and the Belt and
Road Initiative.  It’s a necessary counterpoint to draw.  Look at
what Xi Jinping had to say at the BRICS conference which occurred
— this is the 9th BRICS conference — which occurred in China
over the course of last week and the beginning of this week.  You
look at what China is actually now building.  Obviously, the
Three Gorges Dam is an incredible example; that’s the Chinese
TVA, but on an even grander scale in certain regards.  But look
at now what’s being done abroad, including the example of the
Transaqua water transfer program to refill Lake Chad in Africa.
There’s an excellent video update that was published by Alicia
Cerretani on larouchepac.com just a couple of days ago on that
subject.  But that indeed should continue to be the inspiration,
encapsulating the entirety of this emergency program that must be
done nationally, we also have to follow through on the initiative
for the United States to join this great projects dynamic abroad.
What’s being done by China with the New Silk Road and the Belt
and Road Initiative.
What Paul has just been discussing, and even what I
referenced with what China has done, is an element of the
terrestrial infrastructure that indeed must be built, and should
by built by all means.  But there’s an entirely different
dimension that also must be included in this picture when we’re
talking about these great weather episodes and other aspects of
what it means to understand and harness nature.  I decided to ask
Ben Deniston to come on today because he has a bit of an
exclusive breaking report on what the space weather conditions
are right now as we speak, which are coinciding with the
developments around Hurricane Irma and the other approaching
hurricanes that are now tracking across the Atlantic.  So, Ben,
go ahead.

BENJAMIN DENISTON:  Thank you, Matthew.  So, we are seeing a
very interesting situation with respect to certain activities of
our Sun, our Solar System, and what you might call the cosmic
environment that we’re watching very closely; because these could
play into a strengthening of Hurricane Irma, which could push an
already potentially dangerous situation into something even
worse.  I’m going to get into that a little bit more in just a
second, but I think first and foremost, coming off of what was
discussed, these events — the tragedy of Harvey, the major
earthquake just off the coast in Mexico, the largest earthquake
in Mexico in 100 years.  We have Irma as we just said, coming
towards Florida, which hopefully will avoid a dangerous situation
there, but it does look like it could be potentially very
catastrophic.  All of these events should remind us that what
we’re dealing with as a single mankind on one small planet in the
Solar System and in this Galaxy.  These are unfortunate events,
but also an opportunity to bring people together as we discussed,
not just in the United States, but internationally.  To realize
what mankind can uniquely do to defend ourselves against these
kinds of situations.  Some of that includes a better
understanding of what factors actually play into these things.
In passing, just because there’s so much crazy propaganda
about supposed man-made climate change being a factor in these
storms, that’s just bunk; that should just be said outright.
It’s unfortunate that we even have to say it, but given the fact
that this is being pushed as a major top-down propaganda
campaign, we should just say outright that there is no evidence
at all that storm systems and extreme weather has been getting
worse as a function of increasing CO2 levels in the atmosphere.
There is no evidence of that.  Even just look at the history of
hurricanes in the United States.  Since 1970, we’ve had four
Category 4 or higher hurricanes make landfall on the United
States.  In the 40 years prior to that, we had 14.  So, what’s
all this talk about extreme weather getting worse?  We just
recently exited a very anomalous drought of hurricanes, where we
had no Category 3 plus hurricane make landfall on the United
States for almost 12 years earlier at the turn of this century.
So, there’s no evidence that we’re seeing more extreme
situations; there’s no evidence that human CO2 emissions play any
factor at all.  Again, it’s unfortunate that we have to waste our
time to even address this, but just because it’s being pushed
down the throats of the American people and much of the world
population, we should just make that clear outright.
But what we do have is natural weather and natural storms
and natural extreme events.  Instead of this false blaming of
human CO2 emissions, we should instead be taking a higher
perspective on what factors actually do influence extreme weather
and climate change.  These are factors that go beyond the Earth.
These are factors that go to the Sun, that go to the Solar
System.  That again, forced mankind to realize we are one very
unique species on one very small planet; and we know very little
about what actually determines the conditions we live in here on
Earth.  So, it’s about time that humankind as a whole wakes up,
stops playing these insane geopolitical games to try and compete
over some small amount of wealth developed on the planet so far,
and realizes that if we collaborate as one species, we can uplift
the entire population of this planet to a much higher level.  And
we can collaborate on defending our entire planet from disasters
like this.
So, as Matt mentioned, this is a developing situation that I
briefed him on and Mr. LaRouche and Mrs. Helga Zepp-LaRouche on
earlier this morning about possible space weather effects which
could worsen Hurricane Irma.  Again, this is an ongoing process
that is playing out, so we don’t know exactly what’s going to
happen.  But it is worth highlighting what we know so far.  As we
know, Hurricane Irma is now thought to be a couple of days away
from most likely making landfall on the southern coast of
Florida.  It is already a very extreme and intense hurricane.
Just a few days prior, our Sun — if we can switch over to the
graphic animation [Fig. 5] we have here — our Sun released the
strongest solar flare in about a decade.  This was released on
September 6th.  So that bright flash in the lower right central
region is this explosion on the surface of the Sun.  This was
classified as an X-9 flare; a very strong solar flare.  That was
actually the strongest of a series of intense solar flares that
the Sun has released in the last week.  So, the Sun — despite
going into a bit of a slumber — has decided to send out a
barrage of rather strong outbursts.  These outbursts send a
strong wave of gas and plasma from the Sun barrelling at the
Earth.  As we see in this next graphic [Fig. 6], as is a rather
well-known phenomenon, when the Earth’s magnetic field gets
blasted by these outbursts from the Sun, it causes the Earth’s
magnetic field to begin to fluctuate wildly; what’s called a
“geo-magnetic storm.”  So, a storm in the Earth’s magnetic field.
I’m sure most people know, our entire planet is surrounded
by a magnetic field that is critical to supporting and protecting
life on Earth, providing certain unique electromagnetic
conditions to the biosphere on Earth; it’s part of our regular
Earth system we live with day to day, year to year, etc.  When
the Earth’s magnetic field gets blasted with these outbursts of
solar activity, the Earth’s magnetic field goes into these
fluctuations referred to as “geo-magnetic storms.”  What you’re
looking at here [Fig. 7] is an index provided by NOAA of the
level of geo-magnetic activity over the last three or four days.
As you can see, coming into the night of September 7th and into
the very early morning of September 8th, we saw an explosion of a
very intense geo-magnetic storm, corresponding with these
outbursts of solar activity which are referred to as a “coronal
mass ejection”; an ejection of material from the surface of the
Sun, corresponding with that intersecting Earth’s magnetic field.
As you might intuit from this diagram, what we’ve currently
experiencing is a very intense event; a very intense geo-magnetic
storm classified as severe by NOAA’s metrics.
There’s much that can be said about this.  These
geo-magnetic storms are known to be potentially dangerous to the
Earth’s electrical infrastructure.  That’s something that’s
becoming a very well-known and clear point of concern, that when
we have these types of geo-magnetic storms, this can actually
wreak havoc on our electrical grid.  That’s something we actually
want to keep a very close eye on today and in the coming days.
But another aspect of this, which we see in the next graphic
[Fig. 8] is that when the Earth’s magnetic field is compressed
like this, this actually temporarily increases the shielding of
the Earth from galactic cosmic radiation.  So, we temporarily
have a stronger protection from this continuous flow, this
continuous input of radiation coming from our entire galactic
system.  This is also another well-known phenomenon; this is
referred to as a “Forbush decrease,” named after the scientist
who identified this event whose name was Scott Forbush.  But as
you can see here, from the most recent data being provided, this
is an indication of the level of galactic radiation reaching the
Earth’s atmosphere, and we can see this sharp drop coming
immediately in the context of this geomagnetic storm and the
solar outburst.
These are all well-known phenomena.  These are not
mysterious, these are not unexplained or unknown, but there’s an
element of this that does not yet get enough attention; which is
that, when you have this particular type of activity, geomagnetic
storms, reduction of the cosmic radiation reaching the Earth’s
atmosphere, this is known to very likely be a factor in
potentially increasing the severity and strength of hurricanes
and cyclones.  And what we have on the screen here is one study,
showing that in 2005, this tragic event of Hurricane Katrina
which we heard referenced earlier, was actually partially
strengthened by the activity of the Sun in a very similar way to
what we’re looking at right now. [Fig. 9]  This was a study by
Prof. Sergei Pulinets, and some associates as you can see on the
byline there; where they analyzed a very similar situation where,
when Katrina was a few days off the Gulf Coast for its actually
second landfall, there was a coronal mass ejection, there was a
geomagnetic storm, and that led to a strengthening of Hurricane
Katrina at the time.
What we’re looking at now, today, is a potentially similar
situation, where what we see with these cosmic effects on the
weather system, is that when you have these reductions in cosmic
radiation reaching the atmosphere, that actually can lead to a
greater temperature difference between the surface of the ocean
and the top of the atmosphere, which can lead to a greater rate
of convection and a strengthening of the hurricane.
And so those are the conditions we’re immediately watching
now with Hurricane Irma, which is already a very strong
hurricane.  We’re already seeing a geomagnetic storm. Various
people who are aware of these potential cosmic influences on
these events are watching very closely to see if we will see a
strengthening of Irma in response to these conditions.
This is a developing situation; I’m sure we’ll have more on
this in the coming days, but as I said at the beginning, this is
an unfortunate but valid example of the kinds of lessons we
should take to heart as mankind, and realize that this is for
example the perfect area of study that we, the United States.
should be collaborating on with Russia and with China on
developing greater insights into.
This brings back to mind Mr. LaRouche’s work on the
Strategic Defense Initiative and the revival of that proposal
with the “Strategic Defense of the Earth,” where the same
principle was brought forward; namely, that the United States,
Russia, leading powers need to move beyond a system of conflict
and mutually assured destruction and towards a system where we
realize that mankind as a whole, and especially these leading
most powerful nations, have to come together and provide all the
resources we have available as nations, all of our scientific
capabilities, all of our technologies, and actually bring these
together in joint efforts to defend our planet as a whole from
these types of events.  Better understand these cosmic influences
driving our climate and weather systems, and begin to determine
what we can do to defend our populations from these types of
So we’ll be watching the situation very closely.  We’ll see
what develops over the coming days, and we’ll certainly have more
on this very dramatic situation with these coming hurricanes as
things develop.

OGDEN:  Thank you, Ben.

GALLAGHER:  Actually, I have two questions, Ben.  The
meteorologists are saying now that there’s an extremely high
temperature differential between the upper atmosphere and the
Earth’s surface in the western Atlantic and the Gulf; they’re
connecting that directly to the great strength of these
hurricanes.  Are you saying this is related? In that work that
you just showed [by Pulinets, et al.], that this is related to
the reduced cosmic irradiation of the upper atmosphere?  That’s
one question.
The other has to do with the space assets that are watching
all this.  Do they need to be increased?  I heard, for example,
that in the case of radar satellite observations of the
development of Harvey, that these were German radar satellites
that were doing this.  Are there missing assets or assets that
should be increased in the U.S., in the NASA program?

DENISTON:  Yes, to take the first question.  Generally, over
time the upper atmosphere will be cooler than the oceans in this
region.  So you have a certain temperature differential that’s
already naturally there.
The role that galactic radiation plays, is that actually
helps to facilitate a higher rate of condensation of water vapor,
and release of latent heat, in this region. So the flux of cosmic
radiation actually helps to facilitate a slight warming of the
upper atmosphere in this region.  If you have that process all of
a sudden halted, you’ll get less warming, and obviously cooling
of the upper atmosphere, which could increase the temperature
difference and lead to an even stronger hurricane.
That process is happening now; the conditions that are being
reported on already are before we’re seeing the effects of this.
Now obviously, this is not a simplistic, mechanical, 1, 2, 3,
process.  There are many factors involved, there’s variations in
the cosmic radiation flux coming in already; there’s many other
factors involved in affecting the hurricane itself.  So we’re not
in a position to absolutely say one way or the other exactly what
the effect of this situation is going to be.  But we can
definitely identify Katrina; and then other hurricanes have been
studied as well, where it’s been shown that there formation or
their strengthening often comes a couple days after these types
of geomagnetic storms and drops in the cosmic radiation flux.
Again, the mechanism, the causal relation that Professor Pulinets
and others have presented, is that relates to this heating of the
upper atmosphere by cosmic radiation flux.
But that directly ties into your second question, is that,
yeah, we need many more satellites and other instruments to be
monitoring these conditions, much more extensively and in real
time around the world.  We do have some very impressive assets up
there;  but much more is needed to really better understand, not
just the Earth’s own atmosphere and weather system, but the
relation to the activity of the Sun and the activity of the
Galaxy.  One of our key assets for directly measuring the
activity coming from the Sun towards the Earth, which is called
the ACE satellite, is already many years past its life expectancy
and expected to fail at any time.  As of now, we have no
replacement ready to send up.  That’s just one example.  That’s a
satellite that sits directly in between the Earth and the Sun,
and intercepts the high-energy radiation, especially the plasma,
coming from the Sun before it reaches the Earth, and at least
gives us a little bit of a warning and analysis of what the Sun
is sending at us.  And that thing is ready to go.  That’s just
one example.
I think this also relates to the question of earthquakes and
earthquake forecasting which we’ve covered on this site before
also. [See interview with Prof. Sergey Pulinets
http://archive.larouchepac.com/node/17944]  We could use
dedicated satellites that could help measure the precursor
conditions, that could alert us to coming earthquakes, like this
devastating earthquake that just hit off the coast of Mexico.
So there are certainly more satellite systems that we could
be developing, more ground-based systems as well,  to get some
better understanding of the intersection of solar activity,
galactic activity, the activity intrinsic to the Earth system
itself;  and actually begin to get a better handle on how all
these factors play together in affecting the climate and
affecting the weather.  And really, to get serious about it,
begin to think about how we can manage these situations and
intervene; and obviously, forecast and give early warning, but
potentially even intervene to change these conditions and defend
life on Earth.
And that should be a top, strategic priority of leading
nations of the world. And I think that just goes hand in hand
with this new paradigm that we’re seeing potentially emerging
with the leadership of China, with its Belt and Road initiative,
and with this idea of “win-win cooperation”; in which we can move
beyond, finally, and put behind us this insane geopolitical games
which you’re still seeing attempting to be rammed down Americans’
throats with this crazy lie about Russian “hacking” and
attempting to make the Russians look like the biggest bogeymen in
the world, and play up this crazy game of conflict against
Russia, economic warfare against China. These are our allies!
We’ve got to put all of this behind us and look at them as
collaborators, for our nation, for other nations in the world
that can help us to defend our species as a whole against these
kinds of conditions.

OGDEN:  Let me pick up directly off what you just
referenced, Ben, and put on the screen the advertisement for the
conference that’s coming up in New York City tomorrow, which will
go directly to that point.  This is a conference as you can see
that’s featuring William Binney, NSA whistleblower; Ray McGovern,
the founder of the Veterans Intelligence Professionals for Sanity
(VIPS) and himself a veteran CIA analyst; and William Wertz from
{Executive Intelligence Review}.  The title of the event, is:
“The Russian ‘Hack’ Inside Job:  Who’s Trying To Destroy the
Presidency and Start a World War with Russia?”  As you can see on
the screen there, there’s still time for you to RSVP and register
to attend, that’s going to be available, http://lpac.co/ytvips .
That link is active now, but it’s going to be available in the
description of the video which is immediately below this video in
the YouTube player.  If you’re in New York City also you can get
in contact, and register for the event in person.
This is going to be an historic event, following up on the
memo, which is becoming a controversial memo which was published
by William Binney, Ray McGovern and others from VIPS, which
documented that according to the metadata the so-called “Russian
hack” of DNC emails could not have been a hack, but was in fact
some sort of inside job, a leak in order to set up the conditions
where, now, you have this so-called Russia-gate, and the mad
drive to undermine the efforts that Trump had at least intended
to initiate to restore the kinds of cooperate relation between
the United States and Russia.
It’s this kind of great powers relationship between the
United States and Russia, the U.S. and China, what we now see
developing in terms of the BRICS, with Russia, China, India,
Brazil and South Africa and other national relationships:  This
is what Lyndon LaRouche has been campaigning for for years, in
that form.  To say, now is the time to abandon and discard this
British Imperial mentality of geopolitics, petty competition over
so-called natural resources, or “limited” natural resources, and
perpetual war; and to initiate exactly what you’re saying, Ben,
this kind of cooperation within the species as a whole: To say,
what are the common aims of mankind and how can we collaborate in
a “win-win” modality to achieve those common aims.
And under that category you would say that common defense of
mankind  from these great natural and terrestrial,
extraterrestrial phenomena, which we see expressed in discrete
ways in the form of these hurricanes, those kinds of natural
disasters; also these earthquakes, which are obviously part of
much broader and much larger kind of terrestrial phenomena, which
we have yet to understand.  And what is the connection of that to
the space weather that our planet exists in?
So that’s a fascinating kind of view.
But just in the same way that we have to abandon those
geopolitics abroad, we also have to abandon the kinds of
British/Wall Street mentality here in the United States, which is
this insane negligence of our physical infrastructure, and in the
interest of mere, monetary speculation; and to return to the
general welfare principle, you heard Mr. LaRouche so beautifully
and emphatically say that, in that webcast excerpt that we have
from 2005, in the aftermath of Katrina; return to the general
welfare and restore the system of Hamiltonian national credit.
So I think that’s a sufficient place to conclude our
broadcast here, today.  I’d like to thank you, Ben, for joining
us, remotely there.  And we’ll stay tuned for developments as
they occur on that front.  And I’d like to thank Paul Gallagher
for joining me here in the studio.
So please tune in on this website tomorrow, at 1 p.m.
Eastern Time, for the historic conference out of New York City,
featuring Bill Binney, Ray McGovern, and Will Wertz; and we’ll be
back with you on Monday for our strategic overview.
Thank you for joining us and please stay tuned to

Houston, vi har en løsning:
Hvad der nu må gøres.
LaRouche PAC Internationale Webcast,
1. september, 2017

… denne orkan Harvey, der virkelig er uden fortilfælde mht. ødelæggelser … dette må være momentet for at initiere en fuldstændig ny holdning hos amerikanerne og vores nationale regerings skifte til en helt anden politik, og det er formålet med den nøderklæring, vi har udstedt.

… det må genkalde en holdning, som vi mistede i dette land, der går tilbage til mordet på John F. Kennedy, men faktisk går tilbage til Franklin Roosevelts død. Og den måske mest signifikante case study, vi kan anvende, er TVA, som du nævnte, Tennessee Valley Authority.

Vært Matthew Ogden indleder webcastet med at oplæse Lyndon LaRouches erklæring, »Ikke flere Houston-katastrofer: Lyndon LaRouche siger, hvad det er, der må ske ’lige med det samme’«

Det efterfølges af en rapport fra repræsentant for LaRouche-bevægelsen i Texas, Brian Lantz, om den aktuelle situation i Houston og en analyse af de nødvendige forholdsregler, der må tages.

Herefter vises et klip fra en film, der blev produceret under Franklin Roosevelts præsidentskab, om det store infrastrukturprojekt, kaldet TVA – Tennessee Valley Authority.

Her følger en dansk oversættelse af dette videoklip og Matthew Ogdens kommentarer.

Efter dette følger komplet engelsk udskrift af hele webcastet.

Min. 31:20 (FDR-klip minuttal 35:15):

Brian Lantz (slutning): Hvor skal pengene komme fra? Det er selvfølgelig det forkerte spørgsmål at stille. Spørgsmålet er, hvad er det for institutioner, vi må skabe? Det er præcist, hvad LaRouche foreslår: Glass-Steagall, statslig kredit, en nationalbank, der kan finansiere strømmen af statslig kredit til at bygge de nye TVA’er, de nye projekter, der kræves for at sikre ikke alene kysten her, men også for at påbegynde en stor, økonomisk genrejsning af USA til dets position i verden.

Matthew Ogden: Netop, og denne orkan Harvey, der virkelig er uden fortilfælde mht. ødelæggelser, som du gjorde det meget, meget klart, Brian – dette må være momentet for at initiere en fuldstændig ny holdning hos amerikanerne og vores nationale regerings skifte til en helt anden politik, og det er formålet med den nøderklæring, vi har udstedt.

Og, som du sagde, så må det genkalde en holdning, som vi mistede i dette land, der går tilbage til mordet på John F. Kennedy, men faktisk går tilbage til Franklin Roosevelts død. Og den måske mest signifikante case study, vi kan anvende, er TVA, som du nævnte, Tennessee Valley Authority.

Hvis vi går tilbage til før Franklin Roosevelt og før New Deal, havde vi hele områder af landet, der var underkastet såkaldte naturkatastrofer, og som simpelt hen var forsømte. Det måske mest signifikante område i landet, det mest bemærkelsesværdige, var den såkaldte Tennessee-dal. Det er meget ironisk, at Tennessee-dalen, der er et helt område ikke blot i Tennessee, men omfatter alle disse tilgrænsende stater, er det område, der har den største totale regnmængde på det amerikanske kontinent.

Og hvad er så den årlige regnmængde i Tennessee-dalen? Den er på 51 inches (ca. 130 cm) om året; det, vi netop har oplevet i Houston, er 51 inches på fem dage eller mindre. Det er simpelt hen en svimlende mængde vand, der kom ned fra himlen! Men Tennessee-dalen var også udsat for meget lange perioder med voldsomme regnmængder, for det meste som følge af orkaner, der spredte sig – virkningen af orkaner, der kom op fra Golfkysten (den Mexicanske) og så fortsatte ind over denne centrale, sydøstlige del af USA.

Hvad skete der? Franklin Roosevelt, der blev citeret i vores nøderklæring, sagde, at det, der behøvedes, er »handling, og handling nu. Nationen kræver handling«. Han sagde: Vi vil ikke tillade denne ødelæggelse, som Tennessee-dalen oplever år efter år, og som skaber et af de mest forarmede områder i hele verden: Dette var Appalacherne – evnen til at læse og skrive var i bund, malaria, det øverste jordlag, der blev vasket bort. Man havde virkelig vilkår som i den Tredje Verden, lige midt i kontinental-USA. Roosevelt sagde, nej, vi vil gøre noget, som ingen før har gjort, og vi vil ikke blot forsøge at kontrollere en enkelt flods strøm, men vi vil tage et helt flodbækken, og vi vil ikke alene kontrollere dette vand hydrologisk, men vi vil indsamle energien fra dette vand og sætte det til at arbejde til gavn for de mennesker, der bor dér.

Jeg har en video, jeg gerne vil vise vore seere, et ca. 4 min. langt klip, som blev lavet af Roosevelt-administrationen. Den blev ironisk nok produceret det år, Roosevelt døde, i 1944. Men den viser, hvad Tennessee-dalen var udsat for, og det bør faktisk minde jer om de videoklip, I netop så fra Houston; men den viser også, hvad der blev gjort fra Roosevelt-administrationens side og filosofien, der lå bag TVA. Her kommer klippet:

Fortæller: Ødelæggelse fra himlen. Sådan var det, år efter år, i et glemt område af USA. Dette var den ødelæggelse, der var forårsaget af grådighed og neglekt, med mænd, der arbejdede alene og uden hjælp mod naturens kræfter. Landbrug, byer, industri – smadret; hundreder druknede, tusinder blev hjemløse. Flodens energi, der gik til spilde – og menneskenes energi ligeså.

[Landmand] Henry Clarks problemer var 3 millioner amerikaneres problemer i Tennessee-dalen. Det blev 130 millioner amerikanere i 48 staters direkte anliggende, en udfordring for demokratiet og dets evne til at drage omsorg for sine egne folk.

Tennesseefloddalen [kort] ligger i det sydøstlige USA. Det dækker et område på 40.000 kvadratmil, næsten lige så stort som England. Det var et problem, der handlede om genopbygning; genopbygning af land og af mennesker. Demokratiet bestod prøven: Det fandt mændene, der kunne overvåge jobbet – James P. Polk, national senator fra det vestlige USA; Harcourt Morgan, præsident for Tennessees Universitet, og som havde udarbejdet et landbrugsprogram for hele området; David Lilienthal, administrator og fortaler for en lov om kooperativ elektricitet; George Norris, en stor, amerikansk statsmand, der længe havde drømt om regional planlægning, om at etablere et nationalt eksperiment i én region, der kunne fungere som målestok for alle regioner. Dette var planen [kort over progressiv udvikling], at tøjle floden gennem en række gigantiske dæmninger, der kunne kontrollere oversvømmelserne, og åbne floden for sejlads fra dens udspring til dens bifloders tilstrømning; at lade fordelene ved moderne videnskab og forskning komme farmerne til gode; at hjælpe dem til at kontrollere vandet på deres jorder og genoprette jordens frugtbarhed, at genbeplante millioner af acres med skov på de hærgede bjergsider, at udvinde områdets mineralresurser; at bruge elektriciteten, skabt af dæmningerne, til at udvikle og rehabilitere industri i byerne, at føre elektricitet til landbrugsejendommene gennem et landligt kooperativ; og frem for alt, at bevise, at menneskelige problemer kan løses gennem fornuft, videnskab og uddannelse.

Tennessee-dalen skulle atter engang blive en fremskudt grænse, denne gang for at blive udviklet, ikke udplyndret; denne gang ikke til fordel for de få, men for de mange, som boede dér. Disse mennesker var de nye pionerer, arkitekterne, forsknings-kemikerne, landbrugseksperterne, elektricitetsfolkene, ingeniørerne, der designede vandkraftværker: Deres metode var at kontrollere naturen, ikke ved at trodse den som i den ødsle fortid, men ved at forstå den og tøjle den til gavn for menneskeheden …

(Slut video)

Ogden: Det var sådan, amerikanere plejede at tænke; dette var Franklin Roosevelt-administrationen, dette var New Deal. Lad mig blot lige gentage for jer, hvad I netop har hørt: Fortælleren sagde, hvad var formålet med Tennessee Valley Authority, dette projekt over alle projekter? »Frem for alt, at bevise, at menneskelige problemer kan løses gennem fornuft, videnskab og uddannelse. Tennessee-dalen skulle atter engang være en fremskudt grænse … for at blive udviklet … ikke til fordel for de få, men for de mange … Disse mennesker var de nye pionerer … Deres metode var at kontrollere naturen, ikke ved at trodse den … men ved at forstå den og tøjle den til gavn for menneskeheden …«

Det er sådan, amerikanere tænker.

Engelsk udskrift:


MATTHEW OGDEN:  Good afternoon.  It’s September 1, 2017.  My
name is Matthew Ogden, and I’d like to welcome you to our Friday
evening webcast here on larouchepac.com; our strategic overview
for the end of this week.
This has been a very dramatic week, and I’ve asked Brian
Lantz, who is a LaRouche PAC organizer in Houston, Texas to join
us for our broadcast here today.  He’s been on the ground; thank
you Brian.  Welcome.  He’s been on the ground there in Houston.
He survived Hurricane Harvey, and he has seen firsthand the
devastation.  Those of you who were on the LaRouche PAC Fireside
Chat last night, got to hear a preliminary overview report from
him.  Also, Brian Lantz will be the featured guest at the
LaRouche PAC Manhattan Town Hall meeting tomorrow afternoon in
New York City on Saturday.  But we’ve asked Brian here to review
with us the extent of the devastation and the necessary solutions
that Hurricane Harvey should prompt us to usher in for the
Before I get to Brian, I am going to read to you in full the
emergency policy statement that has been issued by LaRouche PAC,
which is available at the LaRouche PAC website.  You’ll see the
text here right on the screen from larouchepac.com [Fig. 1].  The
title of this statement is “No More Houstons!  Lyndon LaRouche
Says What Must Happen Right Now!”  So, the statement reads as
“The catastrophe in Texas is a man-made disaster
accomplished by the criminal negligence of this nation’s elected
officials, who have continued to support Wall Street’s
speculative economy and imperial ambitions while arguing that the
nation cannot afford to rebuild and replace its ancient and
broken-down economic infrastructure. For the third time since
2005, major American cities have been flooded and their people
devastated, because the plans for new infrastructure to protect
the people, requiring tens of billions in investments, have been
ignored and turned down. Hurricane Harvey now looms as the worst
national disaster in our nation’s history and it is a disaster
which did not have to happen.
“In 2005, Hurricane Katrina killed nearly 2,000 people and
wreaked $130 billion in economic losses. Only then, slowly, new
flood-control and sea gate infrastructure was built — at last —
for New Orleans, at a fraction of the human and monetary costs of
the damage inflicted by the storm. How many unnecessary deaths
and suffering could this project have averted?
“Four years later, the American Society of Civil Engineers
met in Manhattan to discuss several storm surge barrier options
for the New York City region. The estimate for the largest of
these was $9 billion. The government decided to do nothing. Then,
in 2012 Superstorm Sandy killed more than 100 people and caused
$65 billion in economic losses. New York area residents now are
going through a ‘Summer of Hell’ as the 100-year-old regional
transportation system, flooded and damaged five years ago, also
was not repaired or replaced at the necessary pace.
“The staggering economic and human suffering caused by
Hurricane Harvey in the Texas and Louisiana Gulf region are not
yet known, and will grow in magnitude as the water recedes; but,
what has been known for many years, is that Texas Gulf cities are
flood-prone, and have repeatedly flooded. Yet, no flood control
or storm protection infrastructure has been built since the end
of World War II. Plans for a new system for the Houston area had
been drafted, but their $25 billion cost was deemed ‘too high’ a
price tag for our Wall Street-dominated agencies and elected
officials. Now, hundreds of billions of dollars, and priceless
human lives, are lost.
All of these disasters, and others in the recent period, could
have been averted for a fraction of their eventual cost in lost
wealth, let alone in lost lives. The media insist to Americans
that each city’s disaster is caused by its particular economic
habits, its choice of location, its squabbling jurisdictions, its
ignoring of climate change, or its being close to water! This is
nonsense. Wall Street, which has been bailed out repeatedly to
the tune of trillions of dollars, with nothing but increased
impoverishment of the American people to show for it, must no
longer be allowed to dictate the economic policy of the United
States of America.
“|’The nation calls for action, and action now!’ in
President Franklin Roosevelt’s words. During his presidency, and
through the 1940s, the new infrastructure to prevent such
‘natural disasters’ — such as the Tennessee Valley Authority —
was funded by national credit, as through the Reconstruction
Finance Corporation and the Works Progress Authority.
“Hurricane Harvey drowning cities in East Texas should be
the national alarm which ends 70 years in which the country has
been without any such national credit institutions.”
The next subhead is titled “A Sea Change Is Required”.
“Lyndon LaRouche on August 30 called for a ‘sea change’ in
policy ‘right now.’ He called for the immediate creation of a
national credit institution for new, high-technology
infrastructure, like that employed by Franklin Roosevelt when the
vast majority of our current infrastructure was built. There is
no alternative to creating a national credit institution, like
that employed by Alexander Hamilton and in accord with our
Constitution, to fund the necessary trillions in new
infrastructure investment.
There must also be action on reinstating Glass-Steagall banking
separation right now, as a new financial crisis looms and Wall
Street speculation continues to prevent actual productive
investment. Allowing Wall Street to eliminate the Glass-Steagall
Act in the 1990s led to a crash that caused {$10 trillion} in
lost wealth, mass unemployment, and untold loss and shortening of
human lives.
“LaRouche insists that his ‘Four Economic Laws To Save the
Nation’ must be implemented right now if this country is to
recover from Hurricane Harvey and prevent similar disasters
stemming from our rotting physical economy now ticking like a
time bomb:
1. Re-institute Glass-Steagall: break up Wall Street and its
2. Create national credit institutions based on FDR’s
Reconstruction Finance Corporation and Alexander Hamilton’s
national banks;
3. Invest the credit in new infrastructure with frontier
technologies, including high-speed rail, fourth-generation
fission and fusion power technologies, and modern storm
protection and water management systems;
4. Adopt a fusion-driver ‘crash program’: Let a great
expansion of NASA space exploration provide a driver for
productivity and productive employment.”
Then, the final section is titled “A New Paradigm Takes
“China’s Belt and Road Initiative, an international program
of new rail ‘land-bridges’ and great projects of infrastructural
development, offers immediate cooperation for the credit and the
building of a new infrastructure in the United States. This
initiative is now moving on great projects they have long
identified as absolutely essential, such as the Kra Canal in
Southeast Asia, and the revival of Lake Chad in sub-Saharan
Africa; projects long championed by Lyndon LaRouche and his wife,
Helga Zepp-LaRouche.
“Helga and Lyndon LaRouche are leading a national
mobilization focused on moving President Trump to immediately
bring America into the China-initiated Belt and Road Initiative
of worldwide building of new infrastructure. That ‘win-win’
initiative, and the United States joining in its worldwide
projects and also building its own new infrastructure, means the
revival of the United States as an industrial power.”
The statement goes on to quote Helga Zepp-LaRouche in her
speech to the Manhattan conference on August 26th.  Then, after
that quote, it concludes by saying:
“LaRouche PAC has taken the responsibility to drive
President Trump and the Congress into this action. But this is
also the responsibility of all Americans that think of themselves
as citizens: those who have been actively supporting the
President, or supporting Sen. Bernie Sanders; those who supported
no one, out of disgust at the manipulation, and continued
manipulation of the election, but who have wanted a drastic
change in the deindustrialization and Wall Street speculation
policy ruling the country; those who know people killed, or made
homeless and impoverished by Wall Street’s induced ‘natural
disasters.’ All must now act and make their voices heard.
Because, watching what is happening, again, to great American
cities, leads anyone sane to the same conclusion: {There is no
So, that statement, which is available in full on the
LaRouche PAC website, again, under the title “No More Houstons!
Lyndon LaRouche Says What Must Happen Right Now!” is available
for you to circulate.  That is our call to action, which we’re
here to discuss today.
So Brian, I’d like to just introduce you and give you a
chance to give us an overview of what the conditions are on the
ground in Houston; what the impact is on the national economy,
and what must be done.  While you begin, we’re just going to play
some drone footage that was taken and was posted on Facebook by a
user chaseboogie; and we thank him for the permission to use this
footage.  It will just give our viewers a very visceral
on-the-ground sense of what exactly the conditions look like
there in Houston as you speak.  So, Brian, thank you for joining
us here today.

BRIAN LANTZ:  Good to be here.  I think first of all, I
should emphasize that this hurricane and hydrological disaster is
still unfolding.  Just a matter of a few hours ago, this is
Friday; Mayor Sylvester Turner requested more evacuations from
the Atticks Reservoir area, the Atticks Dam area, because of the
continued releases of water in the spillway.  Uncontrolled
releases into the area, which are necessary to relieve pressure
behind these dams.  These dams are in Houston on the Buffalo
Bayou.  Here today, the sun is out; but that doesn’t change
really the picture you’re seeing in this video, this drone
footage.  Just the extent, and what you’re seeing really is only
a small portion of Houston; the devastation extends over 50
counties — {50 counties}.  An area encompassing some 11 million
Now, besides continued rising water on the Buffalo Bayou —
slowly rising; which runs through Houston itself, right through
the downtown area and so forth.  That’s what this footage largely
covers is the area around downtown.  You also have rising water
still coming down the San Jacinto River, but also from the
broader San Jacinto Basin, draining into the San Jacinto River
and on down to the ship canal.  You have the Brazos River and the
Colorado River on the west side of Houston; these are still
continuing, particularly the Brazos, to rise.  There’s been
ruptures of the levees along the Brazos River; that’s something
they’re combatting.  There are mandatory evacuation orders and so
forth that have been placed in parts of that for days.
This all continues to unfold.  Smaller towns, over 300
smaller towns and cities are dramatically affected.  Off to the
east, roughly let’s call it two hours east of Houston down I-10,
going towards New Orleans, is Beaumont and Port Arthur.  You may
have been seeing some footage from there.  Beaumont lost its
water supply.  This is a city of 120,000 people; they’ve lost
their water supply.  They’re now evacuating their evacuation
centers because of the rising Natchez River.  This is a disaster
that’s still unfolding.  Beaumont is largely under water.  Port
Arthur, next door, is under water.  Rescue efforts are ongoing.
Here in Houston, we have over 30,000 people registered in
various evacuation centers around the city.  But of course, far
more are staying with neighbors or relatives.  You can imagine,
hotels and so on and so forth.  Also, out of some of the
surrounding areas down by the coast; Dickinson, for example.  You
had military cargo planes flying people out of the area through
Galveston up to Dallas.  This is still all unfolding.
I guess I could give a couple of just simple examples.  It’s
thought that at least 500,000 cars are lost in the flooding.  I’m
sure that’s an underestimate when you take in the broader area.
I think those figures are regarding Houston itself.
I think also to go to the heart of this, you’ve got to go to
the industrial side of this picture.  So, I’ll do that in just a
second.  But first, I want to just bring forward the other side
of this; which there has been reporting on.  That is, the
outpouring of aid that Houstonians and Texans have provided to
their fellow citizens and our neighbors from as far away at least
as New York.  I believe the first responders who came into
Houston were from New York City; fire teams from New York City to
take part in the rescue.  So, we have them here from Kansas, we
have them of course Fort Worth, Texas; 4.5 to 5 hours to the
north.  We have them from Dallas.  Hundreds of police have now
come in, arriving really as brigades into the city to relieve
policeman who, up until yesterday, hadn’t slept for days and
days.  A tremendous rescue effort; you might have heard about the
“cajun navy”; loosely organized, bringing over their boats, their
high-rise trucks and behind them pulling their boats.  This is
thousands of people, and hundreds and hundreds of boats coming
in, that have been playing a critical role at the request of law
enforcement, of the mayor, or the first responders here in
southeast Texas.
So, if you go to some of the slides, just the first [Fig. 2]
you have a still of some of the damage in downtown Houston.  I
think if you follow that up, you’ll see what Hurricane Harvey
looked like coming in [Fig. 3].  Partly I’m putting that up just
to give you a sense of the extent of this hurricane in terms of
its length and breadth.  Those outer bands — that picture was
taken basically at landfall down near Rockport, which is just
close to Corpus Christi to the south.  Those outer bands,
particularly as you see them on the east side; this is the “dirty
side” as they say, of the hurricane.  This was coming in
simultaneously more or less into the rest of the coast to the
east of landfall there in Rockport; which was, of course, this
small town just devastated along the coast.
If you go to the next picture [Fig. 4], I’m putting these up
partly to give you a sense of the geography in terms of where
we’re talking about relative.  You see there the state of Texas
off to your left, the broader state of Texas.  You see the swath
of area; that was a prediction early on. You see the top of the
monitor there, the peak they’re expecting is 15 inches [of rain].
Well of course, we got between 30 and 50 inches in rainfall in
the course of just a few days.  The next slide [Fig. 5] gives you
a sense of how this process has then trailed off to the east up
through Louisiana; now moving off into Arkansas and Tennessee.
But again, that’s to give you just a kind of sense of the
geography of this.  And all along there, you’re talking about,
across the bottom, you see the Gulf Coast.
So, having spoken a bit about the tremendous effort and so
forth, I want to return to the physical economic impact of this,
if I can.  Think of a compromised human body from disease or
aging, you name it.  Then think of that body being slammed by
some new effect, a shock to the system.  You have to ask, how
many shocks can that person take?  Well, think of our US economy
and the world economy in a different way, but related, in that
context.  For example, as some of you know, the Colonial
Pipeline, which is the largest pipeline in the United States,
which carries oil and gas and so forth; that an other pipelines
have stopped because the refineries are shut down.  20% to 30% of
the nation’s refining capacity is right now shut down here along
the Gulf Coast.  Particularly in Houston, but extending over to
New Orleans, Baton Rouge, the South Louisiana port — which is
the largest port by tonnage in the United States.  All of these
are affected to varying degrees.
That means that New York right now is not getting oil from
the major pipeline serving the New York area; but also serving
Atlanta, Washington DC, and so forth.  Gas prices are spiking and
so forth and so on as a result of this.  That pipeline, the
Colonial Pipeline, is not going to be back online until at least
the end of the weekend.  So, this is not disconnected; we’re
talking about one systemic process here, already weakened by the
horror stories of the Bush and Obama years, the financial
blow-out of 2008, Wall Street’s predatory speculation. The
British Empire’s choking off of the American System increasingly
since the passing of Franklin Roosevelt in 1944.  So, this is
having consequences across the United States.
Just to give you a sense of this, if you skip forward to the
last slide [Fig. 6], you’ll see a map of the ports along the Gulf
Coast.  Just so you have a fair assessment of this, eight of the
twelve largest ports in terms of tonnage are along this coast,
the third Coast, the Gulf Coast.  You see those in red, but also
now of course, Port Arthur; those ports are all still closed,
including the little barge port of Victoria, Texas.  Corpus
Christi is a major port.  You see Houston, it’s also next to it
in that same block as Texas City, which is a separate port also
on the Galveston Ship Canal to Houston.  So, those ports are all
closed down.  This is a long-term disruption.  Rail lines are
disrupted, the Union-Pacific Corporation, Berkshire Hathaway’s
BNSF — Burlington Northern Santa Fe — they are currently closed
for operations.  Likewise Kansas City Southern or regional
railroad.  This is going to have follow-on repercussions, not
only in terms of cargo moving out of the United States, but cargo
moving into the United States.  The Port of Houston just opened
up today for truck traffic; but this is not easy.  You can
imagine the amount of muck they’ve got to clean out of there.
Containers have shifted; they’ve got to be restacked.  This is
not an easy process to put some order back into this chaotic
The ship canal itself, the currents coming down the ship
canal are such that that itself interferes with the possibility
of ships coming in.  That’s coming down from the San Jacinto
River and the San Jacinto Basin and so on and so forth.  There’s
debris in the ship canal.  How much has shifted underwater?  The
Army Corps of Engineers has got to go in; they’ve got to make
sure that the ships can get up that canal safely.  Is there going
to be emergency dredging required?  All of these things have to
be worked out.
Corpus Christi has opened up to small traffic today; smaller
ships.  But at last report, you still have a major obstruction at
the port there in Corpus Christi.  A ship that broke loose.  Not
some sailing skiff or something; but a major merchant ship broke
loose and is blocking part of the harbor.  So again, these have
knock-on follow-on effects; and I’m hoping that I’m giving you at
least some sense of that.
In terms of the ranking of ports, the port of South
Louisiana, which is 54 miles long, the breadth of it, between New
Orleans and Baton Rouge, is the largest port in the United
States.  The second largest is Houston, Texas — by tonnage.
Third is New York-New Jersey.  Fourth is Beaumont, Texas; that
wasn’t even on that map.  That’s now also shut down.  Then comes
Long Beach, California; then Corpus Christi, which we mentioned.
New Orleans; Baton Rouge; Mobile, Alabama; Plaquemines,
Louisiana; a little bit further down, Texas City.  So, this is
enormous.  This whole area, this entire area is lowlands; people
live on coasts because it’s close to cheap transport and
communications and all the rest.  If you ask people to move, as
some Greens would like to say, “Well, people should move away.”
Well, excuse me, where are they?  Montana?  What are you
suggesting? The lifeblood of the country, its arteries of its
body are still largely these three coasts; and then of course,
the river systems and the canals and so on, including the Great
Lakes and all the rest.  This is what what’s left of the entire
US economy depends on today.  The compromise that’s been made,
the disastrous bloody compromise that’s been made has been to
withhold the resources to build the kinds of systems that would
protect from storm surges and hurricanes like Hurricanes Sandy,
Katrina, Ike and so forth.  That’s one issue; we can take that
But also what we’re talking about here is not simply
meteorology and storms and hurricanes coming in.  Most of the
damage from Hurricane Harvey has been from rainfall; as we
mentioned, 30-50 inches of rainfall in the course of a few days.
All of these low-lying areas — the high point in Houston is 50
feet above sea level.  A dam built here, say on Lake Conroe on
the San Jacinto River, it holds 14% of what the Oroville Dam
holds in northern California; because it’s built on flat land.
It’s a low-lying dam; broad, but shallow.  The capacities of
these dam structures are limited.  What’s required is an enormous
investment in canal building, retention ponds, and a whole
hydrological approach; which the Army Corps of Engineers has
engaged in, but under increasingly tight budget restrictions.
And of course, with this blind-sided approach of politicians and
policymakers looking the other way and ignoring the consequences.
Well, the consequences are now here.
Maybe I should stop there, and we can have some discussion
on this.  But I hope that gives people an essential overview of
what we’ve got to deal with now as a nation; with the Four Laws
of Lyndon LaRouche, with national credit.  This storm is going to
cost more than Katrina that hit New Orleans in 2005.  That was
$130 billion simply in terms of Federal funds; simply in terms of
Federal funds essentially after the fact.  This is going to
outstrip that by far.
Where’s that money going to come from?  Well, obviously,
that’s the wrong question to ask.  The question is, what are the
institutions we have to create? And it’s exactly what LaRouche
has proposed: Glass-Steagall, national credit, a National Bank to
finance that flow of national credit, to build out the new TVAs,
the new projects required to safeguard not only the coast here,
but to begin a major recovery of the United States to its
position in the world.

OGDEN:  Yeah, exactly, and this Hurricane Harvey, which is
really unprecedented in its devastation, as you made very, very
clear, Brian, this must be the moment of initiating an entirely
new attitude among the American and an entirely new change in the
policy of our Federal government, and that’s the purpose of this
emergency statement that we put out on
And, as you said, it must recall an attitude which we lost in
this country at least going back to the assassination of John F.
Kennedy, but really going back to the death of Franklin
Roosevelt.  And perhaps the most significant case study that we
can use would be the TVA, as you mentioned it, the Tennessee
Valley Authority.
Going back to before Franklin Roosevelt and before the New
Deal, you had whole regions of the country which were subject to
so-called natural disasters, and which were just neglected.  And
perhaps the most significant region of the country, the most
notable, was the so-called Tennessee Valley.  And what’s very
ironic is the Tennessee Valley, which is an entire region, not
just in Tennessee, but it’s all of these bordering states, is the
area of the highest annual rainfall total of any watershed in the
continental United States.
Now, what’s the annual rainfall in the Tennessee Valley
watershed?  It’s 51 inches per year; what we just experienced in
Houston was 51 inches in five days or less.  It’s just
mind-boggling the amount of water that came out of the sky!  But
the Tennessee Valley was also subject to very extended periods of
high rainfall, mostly because of the dissipating hurricanes —
the effect of hurricanes that were coming up off the Gulf Coast,
and then going into this Central Southeast region of the United
But what happened?  Franklin Roosevelt, who as we quoted in
this emergency statement, said what’s necessary is “action, and
action now.  The nation calls for action.”  He said:  We’re not
going to allow this devastation that the Tennessee Valley
experienced year-in and year-out, creating one  of the most
impoverished areas of the entire world:  This was Appalachia —
literacy was through the floor, malaria, top soil was washing
off.  You had a really Third World kind of conditions, right
there in the continental United States.  And Roosevelt said, no,
we’re going to do something that has never been attempted before,
and we’re going to not just try to control the flow of one river,
but we’re going to take an entire river basin, and we’re going to
not just control that water hydrologically, but we’re going to
harness the power of that water, and put it to work for the
benefit of the people who live there.
I have a video I just want to show our viewers, a roughly
four minute excerpt, a video that was put out by the Roosevelt
administration.  Ironically, it was produced the year before
Roosevelt died in 1944.  But it shows you what the Tennessee
Valley was subjected to, and it should actually remind you of the
video footage that you just saw from Houston; but it also shows
you what was done by the Roosevelt administration and the
philosophy that was behind the construction of the TVA.  So,
here’s a clip from that video

NARRATOR:  Destruction from the sky.  This is the way it
was, year after year, in a forgotten part of the United States.
This was the havoc caused by greed and neglect, and men working
alone and unaided against the forces of nature.  Farms, towns,
industry — smashed; hundreds drowned, thousands made homeless.
The energies of the river running to waste,  — the energies of
the people, too.
[Farmer] Henry Clark’s trouble was the trouble of 3 million
Americans in the Tennessee Valley.  It became the direct concern
of 130 million Americans in the 48 states, a challenge to
democracy and its ability to care for its own.
The valley of the Tennessee River [map] lies in the
Southeastern United States.  It covers an area of 40,000 square
miles, nearly as large as England.  It was a problem of
reconstruction, reconstruction of land, reconstruction of people.
Democracy met the test: It found the men to supervise the job —
James P. Polk, United States Senator from the West; Harcourt
Morgan, president of the University of Tennessee, who had worked
out an agricultural program for the whole area; David Lilienthal,
administrator and champion of legislation for cooperative
electric power; George Norris, a great American statesman who
long had dreamed of regional planning, of setting up a national
experiment in one region which could serve as a yardstick for
every region.  This was the plan [progressively developing map],
to chain the river through a series of giant dams, checking the
floods, to open it to navigation from its mouth to its
headwaters; to give the farmers the benefit of modern science and
research, to help them control the water on their land and
restore the fertility of the soil, to reforest millions of acres
on the ravaged hillsides, to exploit the mineral resources of the
area;  to use the electric power generated by the dams to develop
and rehabilitate industry in the cities, to electrify the farms
through a rural cooperative; above all, to prove that human
problems can be solved by reason, science, and education.
The Tennessee Valley was to be pioneered again, this time,
to be developed, not plundered, this time not for the benefit of
a few, but for the many who lived in it.  These were the new
pioneers, the architects, the research chemists, the agricultural
experts, the power men, the designers of hydroelectric dams:
Their method was to control nature, not by defying her as in the
wasteful past, but by understanding her and harnessing her in the
service of humanity….

OGDEN:  This is how we as Americans used to think, this was
the Franklin Roosevelt administration, this was the New Deal.
Let me just repeat back to you, what you just heard:  The
narrator said, what was the purpose of the Tennessee Valley
Authority, this project above all other projects?  “Above all, to
prove that human problems can be solved by reason, science, and
education.  The Tennessee Valley was to be pioneered again … to
be developed … not for the benefit of a few, but for the
many….  These were the new pioneers… Their method was to
control nature, not by defying her  … but by understanding her
and harnessing her in the service of humanity….”
That’s how Americans think.
So Brian, what lessons can we learn from what Franklin
Roosevelt did?  What do we have to do right now, what should have
been done before this disaster of Harvey, but what do we have to
do now to rebuild the United States?

LANTZ: Well, we’ve already touched on it in terms of Lyndon
LaRouche’s Four Laws, and that’s what’s required. But
specifically, it is up to us, we Americans who understand
ourselves to be citizens of the United States, to now mobilize at
this moment where there’s a receptivity among Americans to face
what has been building as a crisis across the nation, in many
dimensions,  — the opioid epidemic, the crises generated by
continuing storms — not the storms themselves, but the
inadequacy of our ability to respond and defeat them; all of this
and more requires that we step up to the plate and create a
future looking 50 to 100 years into the future, beyond our own
life spans.
I think we have, in the example of China, China that’s
lifted 700 million people out of poverty in the last three
decades.  Looking at the TVA dam footage, obviously, the Three
Gorges Dam that China built on the Yangtze River, an enormous
project exactly to continue the process of taming that river for
mankind, and the upcoming projects for Lake Chad and related
projects throughout Africa.  This should be an inspiration:  We
can unite with the Belt and Road Initiative  of China.  This is a
very important element.
We now have, with the Trump administration, we have a sea
change, at least relatively speaking, from what we have with Bush
and Obama.  Think back to Bush’s response to Katrina in 2005.
Ike hit here in Texas in 2008.  Trump, working with the governor
of the state, Governor Abbott, enormous resources have been
mobilized.  There’s at least 12,000 National Guardsmen in here,
now; there’ll be as many as 24,000, Governor Abbott has stated in
the coming weeks. I spoke earlier about the influx of first
responders as well as volunteers.
That’s a start, but we cannot allow the United States to now
dish out on itself the Haiti treatment:  Look at the island of
Haiti.  What was proposed there by the Joint Chiefs of Staff at
the time, by the LaRouche organization, by Mr. LaRouche himself,
was a massive mobilization of the Army Corps [of Engineers], C-5
cargo planes to rescue Haiti, move people out of the flood areas,
the earthquake areas in 2010, get them onto high land.  Build new
cities, build new infrastructure that never existed there, and
pick up where Roosevelt had left off with his projects in Haiti
among other nations.  Instead, a cold shoulder was given to
Haiti. Obama turned his back on Haiti, and instead, all we had
was NGOs and various private relief efforts — band aids applied
to Haiti, and it’s arguable that the situation in Haiti today is
no better off, fundamentally, than it was before the 2010
earthquake, perhaps worse.
We have to rectify that.  We have to rectify the situation
in Puerto Rico.
So this is a wake-up call to mobilize a national effort.  If
this is left to sports figures and Hollywood stars and a few
billionaires to wave around their largesse in millions of
dollars, and we have “GoFundMe” accounts and the Red Cross and
that’s the extent of it, the whole nation will be further
damaged!  New Orleans has never recovered, has never been allowed
to recover, much less develop.  So we have to address that, as
you said, Matt:  We have to address this now, the American people
have got to mobilize now:  Our congressmen, our senators,  and
President Trump have got to hear very clearly from the American
people that the Four Laws have to be implemented now.

OGDEN:  Well, the truth is that there is a development
dynamic which is already sweeping the globe and you mentioned it,
it is the Chinese New Silk Road: It’s the Belt and Road
Initiative, which frankly was something which was originally
initiated and conceptualized by the LaRouche movement, going back
30 years.  But this is now the policy of the most populous nation
on the planet, and not only are they using it for the development
of China and for the development of the Chinese people, but it’s
also being something which is for the general welfare of the
people of the planet as a whole!
You mentioned the Three Gorges Dam, this really could be
characterized as the Chinese TVA, but if you look at the history
of China and the amount of devastation that the Chinese people
have suffered because of flooding, exactly what you saw in that
drone footage which is happening right now in Houston, exactly
what you saw in that eerily familiar footage from the Tennessee
Valley, prior to the TVA, that we showed just now  — going back
hundreds of years you had that kind of devastation in China.
There’s a very famous flood in 1954, which was the flood of the
Yangtze River, and you’ll see on the screen here a memorial to
the victims of that flood. [Fig. 7]  The Yangtze River flooded,
and killed 33,000 people and displaced 18 million people!  The
city of Wuhan, which is where this memorial is, was a city of 8
million people, and it was literally under water for over three
months.  So, 1954, that was only ten years after that video that
we just saw about the TVA was made.  But this was an absolutely
unprecedented natural disaster.
There was another flood in 1998 in China, which killed over
1500 people and was equally devastating in terms of the flooding
of the Yangtze River.  But the next item that I just had on the
screen there, this is an image of the Yangtze River, before
[1987] and after [2006] the construction of the Three Gorges Dam,
[Fig. 8]. You can see the extent of the engineering marvels that
the Three Gorges Dam is: This is a picture from space.  There was
another flood of the Yangtze River in 2010, but that time, the
Three Gorges Dam and the reservoir created by it was able to
absorb that excess run-off, and in fact, not only did it
alleviate the flooding and the effects of the flooding
downstream, but it was able to hold that run-off for later to be
distributed downstream during the dry months of the year.  So at
the time there was a drought and a necessity for water, the water
was available, and not only was it available for farming and for
use in the cities downstream, but it was also available to
produce electricity, through this magnificent hydroelectric dam
that’s been built there.  The Three Gorges Dam produces almost
100 terawatts of electric power.
So you’re harnessing the power of this river, which before
was a menace, and you’re putting each one of those little water
droplets to work. There’s no unemployed water in the Yangtze
River any more.  Every single water droplet has a meaningful
purpose to its existence.
But that’s what China has built domestically, and then look
at abroad.  You also mentioned what’s being done in Africa.  I
have a slide here from the proposal which was put together by the
Schiller Institute for the Transaqua program. [Fig. 9]  You’ll
see here, this is the Transaqua water transfer project which
would refill Lake Chad, which has been drying up over the past
several decades, by transferring 100 billion cubic meters of
water, a distance of 2,500 km from the Congo River, all the way
northwest to Lake Chad and replenish Lake Chad.  So this is not
just on the books, but in fact, we’ve had the really optimistic
news over the past few weeks that a deal has been reached by a
Chinese corporation, PowerChina, which was involved incidentally
in building the Three Gorges Dam, and an Italian firm, Bonifica
Spa.; they’re going to conduct the feasibility studies, they’re
going to get started with making this Transaqua project a reality
on the ground.  Again, this is something that the LaRouche
movement has been fighting for for decades.
So these are the kinds of projects that are already ongoing.
We could also take a page out of Japan’s book:  There’s a
wonderful project in Tokyo, which is called the Metropolitan Area
Outer Underground Discharge Channel, and Tokyo is very similar to
Houston, in the fact that urbanization has created a very dense
population, but there’s monsoons which creates these flooding
conditions.  So you’ll see a picture here [Fig. 10].  This is one
of the engineering marvels of the world:  This is Tokyo’s
underground floodwater diversion facility.  You could say it’s
the Notre Dame cathedral of flood-water control infrastructure.
There’s some videos you can watch, but it’s the magnitude of what
Tokyo has built underground, under that city, is amazing.  You
have five concrete containment silos, each one of them
distributed at various strategic points around the city; each one
of them could fit the Space Shuttle inside, or the entire Statue
of Liberty. Those containment silos are then connected by 6.5 km
of underground tunnels that are buried 50 meters under the ground
level of the city and then all of those empty into that chamber
that you just saw, which you could see the proportions of it,
with the human being standing in there; it’s 65 meters high.  And
the magnitude of this kind of containment tank has caused every
storm since it was built in 1992, to be something that could be
— they were still devastating storms, but they could be
controlled, through the powers of science and the powers of this
engineering marvel.
So why hasn’t something like that been built in Houston?
Why hasn’t something like that been built in New York City?  Why
hasn’t something like that been built in the various areas of the
continental United States, which are just as much under threat as
Tokyo was?  So all of these projects, the Three Gorges Dam, the
Transaqua water transfer project, which really should be the
model for what we do with the NAWAPA project — the North
American Water And Power Alliance — which is an equal
water-transfer project; and then this Metropolitan Discharge
project in Tokyo, these are things that can be built!  We’ve
already built them!  This is the power that engineering and
mankind have if we just put our minds to it, and if we direct the
necessary national credit to the construction of these.
So you know, President Trump has called for $1 trillion in
infrastructure in the United States. The magnitude of the
investment should be far beyond that, $8, $9, $10 trillion is the
estimate that some people have given, but it’s not a problem, if
you use Hamiltonian credit.  The question has to be asked, could
we have already built some of these necessary projects and
mitigated the disaster, if you hadn’t had 16 years of failed
presidencies, with the Bush/Obama years, and if you hadn’t had
the full-scale mobilization for a political coup against this
current Presidency, in his six months in office up to this point.
But this is now the point of decision:  We have to make the
decision now, this is a sea change in U.S. policy.  Let’s now get
onboard with the great development dynamic which is sweeping the
planet, and {join} with this One Belt, One Road initiative, not
only to build projects abroad, for the benefit of people across
the planet, such as in Africa, but also to build these great
projects right here at home.
So Brian, is there anything that you want to say just in
terms of maybe the specifics of what could be done in Houston,
but also just some of the broader, actual physical projects that
could be built here in the United States?

LANTZ:  First, thanks for correcting me on Three Gorges as
being on the Yangtze, not the Yellow.  But I wanted to say, this
is what great civilizations do, reaching back to the Grand Canal
that connected the Yellow and Yangtze Rivers back 600 A.D. or
thereabouts.  You can go back further to Egypt.  This is what
great civilizations do as opposed to empires, the defining
distinction, this question of the development of mankind.  When
we look today, at the United States, why not build, as Helga
Zepp-LaRouche has proposed, 50 new cities in the United States,
rather a sprawl of concrete that only increases the dangers?  It
does the opposite, by mitigating the danger of these hurricanes
and storms.  For instance, why not build the equivalent of the
Tokyo facility for the greater Houston area?  Why not really
conquer this problem?  We can channel water, we can store it, but
we’ve really got to move it off the area, fast. And what Tokyo
has done is an exemplar.
Likewise, as we’ve discussed on prior programs, Hurricane
Sandy and what has to be done, not just for New York City, but
for essentially a 100-mile diameter area reaching down to
Philadelphia as one great, mega-city of development, modeled on
similar projects in China.  Their process of building mega-cities
and transforming regions into mega-cities.
This is some of what’s occurred.  All of this requires
energy:  It requires nuclear energy, it requires the development
of fusion energy.  And I just wanted to conclude, if Kesha Rogers
could be here today, she would stress the role of science, as you
brought it up in regard to the approach to the TVA project, but
also brought up otherwise.  This hurricane — just think about it
— this hurricane would have been far worse, if we didn’t have
the kind of satellite capacity that we have, the kind of
resolutions in terms of cameras and all of that:  The whole space
program gave us a capability.  Just imagine if this had hit
without forewarning.
And that leads into the broader question of the broader
development of the U.S. space program and our cooperation again
with countries, including the leading country of China, in
advancing mankind’s knowledge of our relationship to our
planetary system, but beyond that to the galaxy, to these larger
processes that we know are at work, that man needs to gain
control of.  And really, it’s from that standpoint that we can
really begin to measure the projects we need to build now.

OGDEN: And that’s reminiscent of the point that was made in
exactly that video produced by the Roosevelt administration on
the TVA, that our human problems can be solved by “reason,
science, and education,” and we can harness nature, control
nature, not by “defying her, but by understanding her,”  and
harnessing those powers for the benefit of mankind and the entire
planet.  So this is done not just through infrastructure on the
ground,  — which absolutely must be built, the hardcore physical
infrastructure on the ground — but also through, as you
mentioned, understanding what are these meteorological processes,
what are the atmospheric processes, how do you direct these
atmospheric water flows?  Is that possible through ionization and
other ways?  And also, how do you understand how Earth’s weather
is created through our interface with the cosmic environment that
we exist in.  And how does this impact the actual large changes
in cycles in terms of our climate and how climate changes over
time, and the relationship that mankind plays to that, in a
positive way?
And we can see instances of that positive power of mankind
to improve nature, in the Tennessee Valley, in the Yangtze Valley
with the Three Gorges Dam, and now what’s happening in Africa
with the Transaqua project:  That’s mankind’s nature and I think
that’s the ultimate point here:  When will mankind recognize what
we are as a species, and change our view of ourselves, in order
to harness the full powers of that unique creative quality that
mankind as a species possesses, which really lies at the core of
all of the science of economics as Lyndon LaRouche has defined
So I would recall for people, these Four Economic Laws,
which are contained in the emergency statement which I read at
the beginning of this broadcast, this is embedded in a larger
policy document that Lyndon LaRouche wrote in which he explores
exactly this question:  What is the noëtic characteristic of
mankind?  How have we progressed over our history as a species?
How have we harnessed the powers of nature, not just through
water control, but also through different forms of fire and
energy; and what is this Vernadskyian idea, the ideas of Vladimir
Vernadsky, of the planet as a “noëtic planet” — the noösphere —
shaped by the creative powers of man?  How can we initiate that
noëtic age of man through these types of great projects which are
typified by the One Belt, One Road initiative out of China, but
which we must now initiate here in the United States, in the wake
of this {horrible} devastation, wrought by Hurricane Harvey.
So, thank you so much Brian for joining us here today.  I’m
glad that you could join us from on the ground there in Houston,
and give us this very visceral picture  of what’s happening, but
also what must be done.  And I’d like to ask all of our viewers
to take this as your call to action, as was said in the statement
on the LaRouche PAC website:  “No more Houstons.”  We must now
initiate this revolution in U.S. economic policy, we cannot watch
and wait for the next Harvey to happen, but we must act now.
“There is no alternative.”
I’d like to invite people to tune in to the broadcast of the
Manhattan Town Hall meeting tomorrow, where Brian Lantz will also
be the featured guest, and it will be the opportunity for some
dialogue with him if you’re there in person in New York City.
And otherwise, please stay tuned to larouchepac.com, as we
issue marching orders over the coming days and weeks.
So thank you one more time, Brian for joining us.  And we
give our condolences to the family of Kesha Rogers, who lost her
father and her stepmother, tragically, in the floods there in
Houston, in the wake of Hurricane Harvey, and we dedicate our
future mission to the memory of not only her father, but also all
who have been lost in these preventable manmade, natural
Thank you for joining us and please stay tuned to

Charlottesville var en iscenesat hændelse!
LaRouche PAC Internationale Webcast,
18. august, 2017

For at sætte scenen for aftenens diskussion, der vil handle om en ny flanke af kupforsøget mod præsident Trump, vil jeg begynde med meget positive nyheder fra Kina. Her ser vi [Fig. 1] forsiden af en historie, der blev publiceret i China Daily, med titlen, »Identifikation med Kina«. Det er en historie om Helga Zepp-LaRouche og hendes arbejde over mange årtier sammen med sin mand, Lyndon LaRouche, for udvikling, for bedre forståelse og for samarbejde med Kina. Artiklen begynder med Helgas rejse til Kina i 1971 under Kulturrevolutionen, da hun var passager om bord på et svensk fragtskib. Hun så nationer i Afrika, hun så Kina, og hun kom tilbage fra denne rejse med den absolutte overbevisning, at verden måtte ændre sig, at den måtte blive forbedret. 

Vært Jason Ross: Det er 18. august, 2017… Med mig i studiet i dag har jeg Will Wertz fra Executive Intelligence Review (EIR), og remote, Diane Sare, medlem af LaRouche PAC Policy Committee.

For at sætte scenen for aftenens diskussion, der vil handle om en ny flanke af kupforsøget mod præsident Trump, vil jeg begynde med meget positive nyheder fra Kina.

Fig. 1

Her ser vi [Fig. 1] forsiden af en historie, der blev publiceret i China Daily, med titlen, »Identifikation med Kina«. Det er en historie om Helga Zepp-LaRouche og hendes arbejde over mange årtier sammen med sin mand, Lyndon LaRouche, for udvikling, for bedre forståelse og for samarbejde med Kina. Artiklen begynder med Helgas rejse til Kina i 1971 under Kulturrevolutionen, da hun var passager om bord på et svensk fragtskib. Hun så nationer i Afrika, hun så Kina, og hun kom tilbage fra denne rejse med den absolutte overbevisning, at verden måtte ændre sig, at den måtte blive forbedret.

I artiklen opstiller China Daily kontrasten mellem det potentielle samarbejde mellem Kina og USA under henholdsvis Obama-administrationen og Trump-administrationen. Artiklen siger, efter at have citeret Helga for at sige, at »Det kinesiske, økonomiske mirakel er virkelig den mest succesfulde model«, og at »i modsætning til Obama-administrationen, der var mere modvillig over for kinesiske initiativer fra Asiatisk Infrastruktur-Investeringsbank (AIIB) og [Bælte & Vej Initiativet]; så har den amerikanske præsident Donald Trump sat infrastruktur øverst på sin dagsorden og sendt en mellemorganisatorisk delegation under lederskab af Matthew Pottinger, seniorrådgiver i det Nationale Sikkerhedsråd, til Beijing-forummet.« Helga Zepp-LaRouche refererer her til Bælte & Vej Forum i maj måned, som Helga Zepp-LaRouche også deltog i.

Jeg mener, at artiklen virkeligt beviser, hvor stor betydning, Kina tillægger Helgas rolle, og den slutter med et citat af hende. Hun siger: »Vi er meget glade. Det er én ting, at en lille organisation som vores producerer ideer; en ganske anden ting er, at verdens største land begyndte at udføre dem«, med reference til Kinas vedtagelse af Bælte & Vej Initiativet i kølvandet på Schiller Instituttets mangeårige organisering til fordel for den Nye Silkevej og Verdenslandbroen. Hun afslutter med at sige, at hun håber, Lyndon LaRouche vil kunne besøge Kina, og han helt bestemt har stor kærlighed til landet.

Så det reelle potentiale, der eksisterer for et Nye Paradigme i verden, for USA’s tilslutning til Kinas utrolige succes med at komme fri af finansspekulation, fri af Wall Street, fri af London, og for at gå i retning af udvikling i Franklin Roosevelts stil, er enormt. Det er på grund af dette potentiale, at der er en massiv indsats for at afsætte præsident Trump. Vi har været meget aktive i dette, gennem f.eks. vores reklame for Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity’s (VIPS) Memorandum; VIPS har foreløbig udarbejdet 50 memoranda om USA’s politik. Deres seneste memo om, at hele historien om Russia-gate er et svindelnummer, har virkelig haft enorm trækkraft. Det er blevet taget op af Salon, Bloomberg og især The Nation i en meget stor artikel.

Fig. 2

Dette har i de seneste uger fremkaldt angreb fra f.eks. The Hill, som vi ser her [Fig. 2]; der udgav en artikel, »Why the Latest Theory about the DNC Not Being Hacked Is Probably Wrong« (Hvorfor den seneste teori om, at DNC ikke blev hacket, sandsynligvis er forkert).

Fig. 3

Vi så et angreb komme ud i Washington Post [Fig. 3], der sagde, de ikke tror på, at The Nation, det magasin, der udgav en historie om VIPS-memoet; at The Nation er i færd med at revidere deres historie, der sår tvivl om russisk hacking af DNC. Washington Post siger, der virkelig håber, The Nation får »rigtigt fat« på denne historie.

Her følger resten af webcastet i engelsk udskrift:

There has been a response that came out from two media
outlets.  One of them, Disobedient Media [Fig. 4], is the
publication that first put out the results from the Forensicator,
who had analyzed meta-data that came from files released by the
Guccifer 2.0 persona; and also from Adam Carter [Fig. 5], who
maintains a website that goes through the Guccifer 2.0 persona.
I just want to review a few highlights of what these articles
have to say, because I think it’s very important.  The VIPS
memorandum is correct; a deliberate attempt was put in place to
create false Russian footprints, false Russian evidence, to make
it appear that the DNC leaks were actually a Russian hack.  The
fact of the matter is that no actual evidence has ever been
presented showing that Russian actors hacked the DNC and provided
the material that Wikileaks later published, that caused such a
commotion that it forced the resignation of Debbie
Wasserman-Schultz and other top officials in the Democratic
National Committee.
The attacks on the VIPS memo focus on something about data
transfer speeds, which were used to show that the files that
Guccifer 2.0 released, had been copied to a flash drive rather
than being hacked over the internet.  That’s pretty much the only
thing that these articles have to complain about.  They say that
the speed of transfer could have been possible over the internet.
I’ll just review a very few aspects of this, which is that the
information that was processed, the analysis that came from the
Forensicator and from Adam Carter, showed that not only that the
speed was too high for many internet connections but that it very
specifically matched the typical transfer speed of a USB2.0 flash
drive.  They also showed that file manipulation occurred on the
East Coast time zone.  They showed that the files showed evidence
of being used in a FAT file system, which is only used on flash
drives — at least in the past decades; and of course the fact
that there is absolute proof that the Russian fingerprints that
were found and discovered in the documents released by Guccifer
2.0, were put there deliberately so that they could be found.
Those aspects simple are not even touched by the legacy media’s
attacks on the VIPS’ revelations.
So, this whole Russia-gate thing is falling apart.  The
attempts by the {Washington Post}, {New Yorker} magazine to cover
things up, are really a dismal failure if you read the articles.
That brings us to the topic that we’re going to be hearing from
in depth from Will Wertz; which is the latest flank in the
attempt to unseat President Trump — namely, the events and the
reactions to those events in Charlottesville.  So Will, what can
you tell us about this?

WILL WERTZ:  First of all, what I want to point out, is that what
President Trump said in his first press conference following the
Charlottesville event, that there is bigotry and violence on many
sides, is in fact true.  I think that not only applies to the
Charlottesville case per se, where you had Nazis on one side, you
had anti-fa on the other side, which is an anarchist, violent
organization; and it’s most likely that you may have had
provocateurs.  It’s hard to believe that the FBI was not involved
in some way under the guise of monitoring the situation.  But if
you stand back and look at the overall climate in the country,
it’s also the case that there is violence and bigotry on many
sides; and specifically directed at President Trump.  I want to
review some of the highlights of that, which represent an
unprecedented situation in terms of violent threats against a
President of the United States.
First of all, just as he was being inaugurated, the British
publication {The Spectator} wrote “Will Donald Trump Be
Assassinated?  Ousted in a Coup? Or Just Impeached?”  You had a
number of statements from the would-be Hollywood royalty,
including Madonna; who said, “I thought an awful lot about
blowing up the White House.”  Then you had CNN correspondent —
former correspondent now — Kathy Griffin, who held up a mock
decapitated head of the President of the United States.  You also
had, over the summer, Shakespeare in the Park doing a performance
of {Julius Caesar} in which Julius Caesar was portrayed as Donald
Trump and was viciously assassinated on the stage.  You had
another Hollywood actor — Johnny Depp — who joked, “When was
the last time an actor assassinated a President?  It has been a
while, and maybe it’s time.”  In July of this year, there was a
book released by a {Guardian} reporter by the name of Jonathan
Friedland.  It’s entitled {To Kill a President}.  Just within the
last 48 hours, a Missouri state senator, Maria Chappelle-Nadal,
wrote in her Facebook “I hope Trump is assassinated.”  And we
should not forget that on June 14th of this year in Alexandria,
Republican Congressman Steve Scalise was shot while practicing
with 20-25 other Republican Congressmen for a Congressional
baseball for charity.  If the police present on the scene had not
responded appropriately, you could have had a massacre of
multiple Republican Congressmen or Senators.
So, let’s be honest about the threat of violence.  This is
virtually unprecedentedly directed at a President of the United
States, and we have had Presidents who have been assassinated, as
people know.  So this is the actual reality of the situation.
Now what I want to do, is to look at this situation in
Charlottesville, which is merely the most recent escalation of an
ongoing attempted coup against the President of the United
States.  It’s modelled upon what was done in Ukraine — the
Maidan, or the various color revolutions which preceded the coup
in Ukraine.  On January 17th, just before President Trump’s
inauguration, President Putin of Russia said, “I have an
impression they practiced in Kiev, and are ready to organize a
Maidan in Washington” against President Trump.  On February 21,
2017, {Executive Intelligence Review} released a 17-page dossier,
which was entitled “Obama and Soros Color Revolutions; Nazis in
Ukraine 2014, USA 2017?”  If you look at the situation in
Ukraine, you get a direct parallel to what is being orchestrated
in the United States.  In the dossier what we disclose is that
there were more than 2000 non-governmental organizations — NGOs
— in Ukraine; funded by the US government, the United Kingdom,
the European Union, and George Soros’ Open Society.  In fact,
Victoria Nuland, the State Department representative for Ukraine,
testified on December 13, 2014 as follows:  “We have invested
over $5 billion to assist Ukraine in building democratic skills
and institutions.”
The coup that was carried out in Ukraine was carried out by
an organization called the Right Sector, and various other
organizations associated with it.  The Right Sector is an
organization which traces its origin back to Stepan Bandera and
his Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, or the OUN.  Which
organization collaborated with Hitler during World War II, and
carried out mass exterminations of Poles and Jews.  The Right
Sector celebrates Bandera and actually carries out marches in
Kiev and elsewhere in Ukraine celebrating him to this day.  After
World War II, Bandera, this Nazi war criminal, was recruited by
Britain’s MI-6; and his top official, Mykola Lebed, who carried
out the Ukrainian exterminations, went onto a CIA payroll as of
1948, thanks to CIA Deputy Director Allen Dulles.  The intention
was to use the OUN, the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists,
to carry out uprisings against the Soviet Union in the post-World
War II period.  People will perhaps recall that Allen Dulles and
James Angleton were very much involved in the Nazi ratlines after
World War II; helping Nazi criminals to escape.  Some to South
America; others like Bandera and Lebed to London or to the United
Soros himself, who helped fund the Ukrainian coup, was 14
years old when the Nazis occupied Hungary, and he has publicly
admitted that during that period, his father and he hid their
Jewish background and worked with the Nazi occupation to
confiscate the property of fellow Jews who had been sent to the
concentration camps.  He actually views this experience very
positively, with no regret whatsoever.
Now, let’s turn to Charlottesville with this in mind.  As I
said, the events in Charlottesville last Saturday, I think are
very clearly a pre-staged event with Nazis on the one side,
anti-fa or anti-fascist violent anarchists on the other side.
Remember in thinking about this what happened in Ukraine.  There
were snipers who fired on demonstrators, and this was blamed on
Yanukovych, the President of Ukraine, who says that he never gave
any such orders.  It is believed that the snipers were actually
organized by a third force, or by the Right Sector itself, or a
combination of the two; in order to carry out the coup by blaming
the violence on Yanukovych.  So that should be kept in mind.
There’s also a longstanding methodology of the British.  This was
formulated in a book called {Gang Countergang} by a British
general by the name of Kitson, who used this methodology in Kenya
as part of a counterinsurgency operation against the Mau-Mau.
Please show graphic #11 [Fig. 6].  If we look at
Charlottesville, what stands out?  It’s that all of the key
Democratic Party operatives involved in the Charlottesville event
have direct connections to George Soros, to the Obama-Clinton
State Department, and to John Podesta’s Center for American
Progress; which has become the center for the entire so-called
Resist Movement against President Trump in the United States.
The Center for American Progress was founded in 2003 by John
Podesta. At the time, George Soros promised to donate $3 million
to its foundation.  John Podesta, of course, was the campaign
manager of Hillary Clinton, and had previously been a senior
counselor to President Obama.
The mayor of Charlottesville, a man by the name of Michael
Signer, gave a speech on January 31, 2017 in Charlottesville in
which he said:  “I am here today to declare that Charlottesville,
the historic home of Thomas Jefferson, is the capital of the
resistance.”  So, this is January 31st; President Trump had only
been in office for about ten days.  It’s obviously several months
before the events which occurred last Saturday.  So, this is what
we’re dealing with in the city of Charlottesville; it is the
capital of the resistance to President Trump.  Mayor Signer had
previously been a senior policy advisor to John Podesta’s Center
for American Progress.  In 2008, he worked with John Podesta on
President-elect Barack Obama’s State Department transition team.
Two years later, he travelled to Panjshir province, Afghanistan
as a member of a USAID-sponsored mission to monitor Afghanistan’s
parliamentary elections.  So what you have is a mayor of
Charlottesville who works closely with John Podesta’s Center for
American Progress, which is the center of the resistance; which
is obviously a Clinton-Obama operation, which is funded by George
Soros.  He’s also someone who has experience with respect to the
State Department.
The individual who took the video of the car driven into the
counter protesters, which resulted in the death of Heather Heyer
and the injury of many others, was an individual by the name of
Brennan Gilmore.  Gilmore is a former State Department employee.
In 2011, Gilmore was deputy chief of mission in the Central
African Republic.  In 2015, he was the top aide to Tom Perriello,
a former Congressman who was appointed by Obama to be Special
Envoy to the Great Lakes Region and the Democratic Republic of
Congo.  In 2016, Tom Perriello ran for the Democratic nomination
for Governor in the state of Virginia; a race which he eventually
lost.  Brennan Gilmore was his campaign chief of staff.  In his
campaign, Perriello received a total of $500,000 from George
Soros personally.  He also received $50,000 from George Soros’
son Gregory.  Two other sons of George Soros, not to be left out,
Alexander and Jonathan, gave a total of $135,470 to Tom
Perriello.  So, Perriello received a grand total of $685,470 from
the Soros family in his campaign.  Perriello also received
$300,000 from Donald Sussman, a hedge fund manager who sits on
the board of directors of Podesta’s Center for American Progress.
Tom Perriello, like Charlottesville mayor Michael Signer, also
worked directly for Podesta’s Center for American Progress.  In
fact, from 2010 to 2014, Tom Perriello was the President and CEO
of the Center for American Progress Action Fund.
We know that Brennan Gilmore was present at the scene of the
Charlottesville events, because it was his video which has
circulated very widely.  But Tom Perriello was also present, and
he indicates that with an article which he wrote the day after —
August 13 — for the publication {Slate}.  The article is
entitled “There Is Only One Side to the Story of
Charlottesville”.  Of course, this is also the point made by Joe
Biden, former Vice President, who tweeted at the time, “There is
only one side to Charlottesville,” in opposition to what
President Trump had said.
Perriello is a native of Charlottesville, and during his
campaign for governor, he tried to position himself as the
candidate of the anti-Trump resistance movement.
Let me just add that there were three other organizations
that were present as part of the counter demonstration, all of
which were funded by George Soros:  Progressive Change Campaign
Committee; Standing Up for Racial Justice; and Refuse Fascism.
But what you have here, in summary, is a US State Department,
George Soros-funded nest of operatives who have worked for John
Podesta’s Center for American Progress, which is the
institutional center of the resistance movement against President
Trump.  This is the operation which went into action immediately
after the events in Charlottesville, to escalate the campaign
against President Trump; which we now see spreading throughout
the country.  I would point out that this, again, as I stressed
at the beginning, these personnel — State Department, Soros —
are the same personnel that were involved in the Maidan coup
d’etat in Ukraine against President Yanukovych.  It should also
be pointed out that the only way you can remove a President in
Ukraine, according to the Constitution, is through impeachment.
He was never impeached; it was a violation of the Constitution of
Ukraine.  What happened was, an agreement was reached which was
signed on to by European countries as guarantors.  When it was
presented to the Maidan, they rejected it, and said that they
were going to storm the Presidential residence if Yanukovych
didn’t reverse his position in respect to the EU association.  He
fled the country for fear of his life.
Now we all know what happened to Allende in Chile, so is
that unreasonable for him to have fled?  And yet, there was an
unconstitutional coup and it was backed by the United States; by
Obama, by Hillary Clinton.  These are the people who back Nazis
who are attacking President Trump because he says there’s
violence on both sides; which there very clearly is.
After the incident in Charlottesville, [former] President
Obama tweeted a quote from Nelson Mandela: “No one is born hating
another person because of the color of his skin or his background
or his religion.”  According to twitter, this is the most popular
tweet that has ever been communicated on twitter in its entire
history.  I think that the Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman,
Maria Zakharova, gave a very good response to this.  She quoted
from Mandela as follows:  “No country can claim to be the
policeman of the world, and no state can dictate to another what
it should do.  Those that yesterday were friends of our enemies,
have the gall today to tell me not to visit my brother Qaddafi.
They are advising us to be ungrateful and forget our friend of
the past.”  Then Zakharova addresses Obama directly:  “Mr. Obama,
a person was killed with your direct involvement who Nelson
Mandela called his brother and thanked for help in gaining
democracy.  True democracy; not one invented in the Oval Office.”
She might also have pointed out, as implied by President Putin’s
statement, that it was Obama who installed Nazis in power in
Ukraine; and forced a duly-elected President to flee the country
for his life.
So, I think what we have here is a very clear case of a
deliberate policy being carried out in the United States to
overthrow through a coup, through impeachment, or through
assassination as {The Spectator} said, a President of the United
States.  This has to be stopped.  We are circulating a petition
on LPAC, which I would certainly encourage everyone not only to
sign, but to circulate to others.  At this moment in history,
it’s absolutely crucial that Americans stand up and insist that
the President move on an investigation of the VIPS’ charges as
critical to undermining the entire Maidan-style color revolution
which is being attempted against the President of the United
States at this moment.  That is crucial because, as the article
in the {China Daily} indicates, Trump — as opposed to Obama —
is someone who could potentially; and he’s given indications that
he would like to do this; would potentially work with China and
Russia on the One Belt, One Road Silk Road.  At the same time,
work with President Putin in a coordinated campaign to defeat
terrorism.  We just had more terrorist attacks in Spain within
the last 24-48 hours; so this is not a fight which has been won.
Yet, it’s absolutely crucial.

ROSS:  I think that’s a very strong case you pulled together
there, Will.  This is very clear; very clear this is a coup.  In
terms of the response that this type of material is getting,
although the people in the media, or the way that the legacy
media report things, you’d think that everybody believes that
Donald Trump was put in office by the Russians, and that that’s
something thinks is a really important issue; that’s not the
response we’ve been getting when we’ve been talking to the
population more generally.  So, I’d like to bring on Diane Sare
at this point, and ask you, Diane, what can you tell us about the
opportunity to organize people around this One Belt, One Road
Initiative and get past this Trump coup operation?

DIANE SARE:  What I can report is that the American population is
not having any of this psycho Goebbels-style propaganda against
the President.  It is so over the top that it is impelling and
propelling people who were not even Trump voters or Trump
supporters to stop at our tables.  I will also say, as I told Mr.
LaRouche yesterday, that it’s very important to remember in this
context that Lyndon LaRouche has a history in the United States
as being the spokesman, the leader of something known as the
American intellectual tradition.  That is, there is no person
alive today who has a greater understanding of the work of
Alexander Hamilton, John Quincy Adams, Abraham Lincoln, the fight
for our republic and its roots in the work of people like
Nicholas of Cusa, Leibniz, and others.  Then Lyndon LaRouche.  As
people know, LaRouche has been organizing this fight to get our
republic to live up the principles in the Constitution and the
Declaration of Independence for at least the last 50-60 years;
his entire adult life since he was in the military in World War
II.  So, over these decades, LaRouche has been the founder and
editor of {Executive Intelligence Review} magazine; we had
various newspapers published — {New Solidarity}, the {New
Federalist}.  We have online news services, a Facebook page.  He
ran for President eight times.  As a result, LaRouche has
actually a very large following in the American population, who
remember his work; who remember his taking a principled stand on
their behalf when others would not.  And who paid the price for
that by undergoing a criminal witch-hunt run by exactly the same
people, down to the individuals like Robert Mueller, who are
going after Trump today.
So that combination — LaRouche’s record, his authority, his
voice; and the fact that the American people have suffered
incredible hardship over these last 16 years in particular of
Bush and Obama, and the bail-outs of Wall Street and a perpetual
war policy since 9/11 — the media simply does not carry the
weight.  So what we are getting in the New York metropolitan
area, for example yesterday, we had three teams out across the
area in Westchester County, Long Island, and New Jersey.
Combined, they signed up 32 new members to the LaRouche Political
Action Committee; which also means a financial contribution, etc.
They got probably 80-100 signatures on the petition; that we’ll
just mention.  The kind of things that are happening is that
people are coming up and identifying themselves.  In one case, a
person came up and said “I’m the chairman of the county
Democratic Party.  I don’t want my party controlled by George
Soros.  I know this Russia-gate crap is a lie.”  Republican Party
members are coming up and saying “We think the Republican Party
should get rid of the elephant, and instead have as its mascot
the Cowardly Lion from the Wizard of Oz.  Why won’t they stand up
and defend the President?”  People are really furious with both
parties.  They’re furious with the Republican Party for not
taking a stand; they’re furious with the Democratic Party for
taking a stand in the wrong direction.  And they remember Lyndon
LaRouche very well from these years of fighting.
I would say, I think it’s crucial what Will mentioned
earlier, and what Mrs. LaRouche has been insistent on; that if
President Trump were to bring the United States into
collaboration with the Belt and Road of China, which would
require the reinstatement of Glass-Steagall, a national banking
system to direct credit into fusion research; things that
generate real growth or a real increase in productivity as Mr.
LaRouche outlined in his Four Laws; Trump would go down in
history as one of the great leaders of all time.  Now so far what
we’ve seen is that he has a very productive relationship with
President Vladimir Putin of Russia; they met for two hours at the
G-20 meeting in Hamburg.  You have a ceasefire in Syria as a
result.  ISIS is getting crushed.  You have his relationship with
Xi Jinping of China, which seems to be productive; it makes it
possible to resolve the North Korea situation without resorting
to war or military action of any kind.  And that’s the potential.
On the other hand, what you have is the death of this
trans-Atlantic system; namely the British Empire, the City of
London, the owners of George Soros — who may think that he owns
the Queen because he handles her offshore accounts, but I would
say it’s the other way around — who are desperate.  If the
United States returns to its American System tradition, which is
what Lyndon LaRouche embodies, then they lose; it’s the end of
the empire.  And it’s an era of a New Paradigm for mankind where
Americans can once again have the dream that our children and our
grandchildren will live longer, be better educated, be geniuses
like Beethoven and Einstein, be free to produce from the
potential of their God-given talents; that’s what the Founding
Fathers intended in our nation.  That’s the potential.
What we’re seeing in the streets — and this is across the
country; you have to think, this is the greater New York
metropolitan area, this is not the part of the country where
President Trump won the election.  We got a report yesterday from
the West Coast; in the San Francisco, a couple set up in front of
a post office.  While the postmaster wasn’t that thrilled, and
had them move their table a little away from the door; they were
with their signs to defend President Trump and got a very
positive response.  Yesterday morning we had organizers up on the
Upper West Side of Manhattan; for people who know what that
means, that’s a liberal Democratic area.  They were getting out
that {Hamiltonian} that Jason, you were holding up earlier with
the big headline “Russia-gate Is a Fraud!”  They said when they
put up the giant sign that said “Defend President Trump”, it got
a little bit testier; but they reported really only 1 out of 15
people getting a look on their face like they just sucked on a
lemon.  Everyone else was either non-responsive or downright
supportive; they got out 400 copies of the newspaper there in
just 2-3 hours’ time.
So, the truth of the matter is, the media has lost its
mandate.  What is published in the {New York Times}, on CNN, the
{Washington Post} is simply no longer credible.  People who took
it upon themselves to watch President Trump’s press conference
with this pack of howling hyenas, saw that he actually did a very
competent job; and therefore the population is prepared for a
fight.  But I would say that it’s very urgent that everyone here
take personal responsibility to not be a coward; to add your name
to the petition; to speak about the coup that is going on against
the President.  There is an attempt by the British to depose
through one means or another, another American President; and
what would be put in place if such a thing were to occur, would
be catastrophic for the United States and mankind.  We cannot
allow this to occur.  I think the American people don’t want it
to occur; this is what we’ve been seeing.  The LaRouche Political
Action Committee and Lyndon LaRouche personally, are at the
leadership of this fight.

ROSS:  I think that’s right on.  Why don’t we take a look at
some of the responses that we’ve been getting from Facebook and
from twitter from the use of this newspaper in particular; that
“Russia-gate Is a Fraud!”  Here we go; have a look at some people
on Facebook [Fig. 7].  And we’ve got some pictures that were sent
into us from twitter as well [Fig. 8].  If you’re organizing
around this, please tweet things out.  #Russia fraud;
#Russia-gate; #Russia-gate fraud; use those hashtags.  Make sure
that people are able to find this material, and make it very
public.  This is a fight that absolutely has to be won to prevent
a coup that will tie the hands of President Trump and prevent us
from being able to have the kind of future that we could have; of
development and growth and cooperation with China.  I guess you
can see a few more here [Fig. 9].
So, get out there!  Do this kind of activity.  Get people
signing up; sign this petition, share it with everybody.  When
you post your picture on twitter, on Facebook, on Instagram, make
sure you’re using the hashtag #Russia Fraud, or #Russia-gate
Fraud, or #Russia-gate, or all three of them.  And include a link
to the petition.  You can contact us for your own personal link;
you can also use the link that we have displayed on the screen
several times during this show — that’s lpac.co/yt17 — to share
that petition with others.  Do outreach.  Do it in this manner,
do it in other ways.  We need to raise this call to President
Trump to take this British apparatus on directly.  Unless it’s
defeated, it’s not just going to give up and go away; it has to
be taken on explicitly and taken down.  That’s the way that we
can insure the opportunity to have a different orientation for
our country.
So, I think that will do it for the show this week.  Very
grateful to have had Will Wertz with us in the studio again for
his very comprehensive look on the theme that Charlottesville was
a very directed operation; staged event.  Also, that we were able
to have Diane Sare with us today, joining us from the Manhattan
area.  Thank you for watching.  Please subscribe to the YouTube
channel; make sure you send out this video as well.  This is a
very comprehensive and excellent statement on the events of a
week ago.  We’ll be seeing more of you here at larouchepac.com.

Et dybt dyk ned i oprindelsen til
Russia-gate. LaRouche PAC
Internat. Webcast, 11/8 2017

Det, jeg vil gøre her i dag, er at fremlægge den dokumentation, der viser, at det, vi i realiteten har her, ikke er en russisk indblanding i USA’s interne anliggender; men at det snarere er en særdeles dirigeret indblanding på vegne af Det britiske Imperium. Dette er, hvad man burde efterforske, i modsætning til det såkaldte »aftalte spil« mellem præsident Trumps valgkampagneteam og så russerne. Det er meget vigtigt at dokumentere dette, og det er absolut afgørende, at dette kup stoppes; for, på dette tidspunkt i verdenshistorien, befinder vi os på randen af et nyt finanssammenbrud, langt større end i 2008. Vi befinder os i en situation, hvor briterne, for at opretholde deres bankerotte finanssystem, der har hjemsted i City of London og på Wall Street, har helliget sig til at bringe den amerikanske præsident til fald for at forhindre, at alternativet til dette sammenbrud bliver realiseret. …


Lyndon LaRouches indtrængende budskab til USA’s præsident og befolkning: ’Opgiv det britiske system; red folket’

Vært Jason Ross: Det er den 11. aug., 2017 og dette er fredags-webcastet på at larouchepac.com. Jeg er Jason Ross og aftenens vært. Vi har en særlig gæst i dag; Will Wertz, medlem af EIR’s redaktion. Vi hører fra Will om et øjeblik.

I forbindelsen med aftenens show vil vi diskutere noget, vi har talt en hel del om på dette program og denne webside; og det er memorandaet fra VIPS, Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, der på en meget afgørende måde, baseret på computerteknisk efterforskning og Adam Carter, viser, at det russiske hack var et inside-job. Dette er forsiden af The Hamiltonian-avisen i denne uge, der kommer direkte til sagen; og denne historie udgives nu af store publikationer, inkl. The Nation ugemagasinet og Bloomberg News. Meget af den måde, dette er blevet præsenteret på, eller meget af den måde, hvorpå Russia-gate-kuppet mod Donald Trump opfattes af folk, der forstår, at det er et kup, er, at ’deep state’-apparatet kører en operation for at afsætte præsidenten og selv afgøre amerikansk politik.

Vi skal i dag høre fra Will Wertz, der vil dykke dybere ned i dette og hjælpe os til at forstå, at der ligger meget mere i dette end det, der kaldes ’deep state’. Roden til denne kup-operation går ud over USA’s grænser og går på fremtrædende vis til Storbritannien, til det endnu eksisterende Britiske Imperium. Lad os gå over til Will: Hvad kan du fortælle os om de dybere følgeslutninger, vi bør træffe ud fra dette kupforsøg mod præsidenten? Hvad betyder det; hvor kommer det fra?

Will Wertz: Lyndon LaRouche kom med følgende kommentar:

»Det amerikanske folk må kræve, at det igangværende, forræderiske, britiske kup mod det amerikanske præsidentskab og selve nationen må stoppes, og gerningsmændene retsforfølges og fængsles. Det britiske system må opgives, og præsidenten må intet middel sky for at redde dette lands befolkning, og resten af menneskeheden, fra yderligere britiskdirigerede afsavn mod deres liv. Opgiv det britiske system; red folket.«

Det, jeg vil gøre her i dag, er at fremlægge den dokumentation, der viser, at det, vi i realiteten har her, ikke er en russisk indblanding i USA’s interne anliggender; men at det snarere er en særdeles dirigeret indblanding på vegne af Det britiske Imperium. Dette er, hvad man burde efterforske, i modsætning til det såkaldte »aftalte spil« mellem præsident Trumps valgkampagneteam og så russerne. Det er meget vigtigt at dokumentere dette, og det er absolut afgørende, at dette kup stoppes; for, på dette tidspunkt i verdenshistorien, befinder vi os på randen af et nyt finanssammenbrud, langt større end i 2008. Vi befinder os i en situation, hvor briterne, for at opretholde deres bankerotte finanssystem, der har hjemsted i City of London og på Wall Street, har helliget sig til at bringe den amerikanske præsident til fald for at forhindre, at alternativet til dette sammenbrud bliver realiseret. Alternativet til dette sammenbrud er det, Lyndon LaRouche har kaldt Firemagts-konceptet; en alliance mellem USA, Rusland, Kina og potentielt Indien, og som repræsenterer den industrielle magt på denne planet og det overvældende flertal af verdens befolkning. Denne kombination kan løse bogstavelig talt ethvert problem, vi konfronteres med på planeten Jord, og hinsides. For eksempel kræver krisen over Koreahalvøen et samarbejde mellem USA, Kina og Rusland; hvor de to sidstnævnte er naboer til Nord- og Sydkorea. Kampen mod terrorisme i Mellemøsten og Nordafrika, som strækker sig endnu længere end dette, kræver et sådant samarbejde. Genopbygningen af verdensøkonomien kræver et sådant samarbejde – især gennem, at USA slutter sig til bestræbelserne, som Kina har initieret – den såkaldte Silkevej eller Bælte & Vej Initiativet, som Lyndon og Helga LaRouche i årtier har kæmpet for og refereret til som Verdenslandbroen.

Alle disse problemer kan løses med dette samarbejde; og dette samarbejde ville ødelægge Det britiske Imperium én gang for alle. Det er, hvad der i øjeblikket står på spil. Jeg vil også påpege, at Det britiske Imperium rent historisk har været helliget massiv befolkningsreduktion, folkemord, og en reducering af verdens befolkning fra de nuværende mere end 6 mia. og til 1 mia. mennesker. Dette imperium er villigt til at bringe verden til randen af atomkrig med sin geopolitiske strategi mod Rusland og Kina. Det er det underliggende spørgsmål, der ligger bag det aktuelle forsøg på at gennemføre et kup mod USA’s præsident.

Beviserne for den britiske involvering er gennemskuelige. Donald Trump annoncerede sin præsidentkampagne den 16. juni, 2015. Der var en artikel i The Guardian af 13. april, 2017. Her siger de, at »britisk efterretning blev først i slutningen af 2015« – dvs. få måneder efter, at Donald Trump annoncerede sin præsidentvalgkampagne – »opmærksom på det, det kaldte ’mistænkelige interaktioner’ mellem personer med tilknytning til Trump og kendte eller mistænkte russiske agenter«. Artiklens titel lyder, British Spies Were First to Spot Trump Team’s Links with Russia’. I artiklen siger de, at disse såkaldte ’interaktioner’ først blev afdækket af noget, der hedder Government Communications Headquarters – GCHQ, hvilket svarer til NSA. De gør meget ud af at pointere, at, »det er klart, at GCHQ på intet tidspunkt udførte en operation rettet mod Trump eller hans team, eller proaktivt søgte information. De angivelige samtaler blev opsnappet ved et tilfælde.«

De siger også, at GCHQ spillede en fremtrædende rolle på et tidligt tidspunkt, hvor de kickstartede FBI’s efterforskning af Trump-Rusland, og som begyndte i slutningen af juli, 2016. Husk, at det Republikanske Konvent, der nominerede Donald Trump, fandt sted fra 18.-21. juli, 2016. Så GCHQ følger Donald Trump få måneder efter hans annoncering af Republikanernes nominering til præsidentkandidat; og GCHQ kickstarter FBI’s efterforskning af Donald Trump, sandsynligvis få dage efter hans nominering i juli 2016. Artiklen siger, »FBI og CIA forstod kun langsomt arten af de angivelige kontakter mellem Trumps associerede folk og russere. Dette skyldtes til dels amerikansk lov, der forbyder amerikanske tjenester at undersøge amerikanske borgeres private kommunikationer uden en retskendelse. De var uddannede til ikke at gøre dette.« Den lov, de henviser til, er selvfølgelig USA’s Forfatning; som amerikanske efterretningstjenester desværre ikke har overholdt så nøje, som Edward Snowden afslørede.

De rapporterer dernæst, at Robert Hannigan, chef for GCHQ, i sommeren 2016 videregav materiale til CIA-chef John Brennan; og at Brennan brugte denne information til at lancere en stor efterforskning på tværs af tjenesterne, af et internt anliggende. Så det er et spørgsmål, om det er en overtrædelse af CIA’s charter, at en sådan efterforskning overhovedet lanceres; og dernæst at briefe lederskabet i de Demokratiske og Republikanske formandsskaber og højtplacerede medlemmer af Husets og Senatets Efterretningskomiteer om denne information, som endnu i dag ikke er blevet bekræftet.

Dette er altså britisk efterretnings indblanding i valgene. Føj hertil dossieret, der blev udarbejdet af den såkaldte »tidligere« MI6-agent Christopher Steele. Dette har fungeret som køreplanen for FBI’s efterforskning. Kopier af det blev givet direkte til FBI, hvis ikke af GCHQ, så af MI-6. Vi ved, at John McCain gav FBI en kopi, da han fik en sådan kopi. Hvad har vi så her mht. Christopher Steele? Han er en tidligere MI-6-agent; han arbejde under dække af det Britiske Udenrigsministerium i ambassaden i Moskva, men var en efterretningsagent. Tilbage i 2009 dannede han et selskab ved navn Orbis Business Executives. Fra mindst 2010 og frem havde han arbejdet med FBI’s Enhed for Eurasisk Organiseret Kriminalitet, med hjemsted i New York City. Samme år, som Orbis Business Executives blev lanceret – 2009 – blev et andet selskab lanceret i USA, ved navn Fusion GPS; samme år. Så tidligt som i 2010, iflg. retslige dokumenter, havde disse to såkaldte selskaber en fortrolighedsaftale. Så selv om den officielle historie er, at Fusion GPS hyrede Orbis Business Executives til at udføre efterforskning af politiske modstandere imod Donald Trump på vegne af Hillary Clinton, så er kendsgerningen den, at disse to selskaber har arbejdet sammen siden deres oprettelse i 2009; og deres fortrolighedsaftale går tilbage til året efter, 2010. Denne fortrolighedsaftale bruges af Fusion GPS som en grund til ikke at overgive information til Senatets Retsudvalg, som har krævet det i forbindelse med dette dossier.

Så hvad har vi her? Vi har GCHQ, der kickstarter en efterforskning gennem international overvågning; vi har tidligere MI-6-agent Christopher Steele, der får information fra russere, som i dette tilfælde ikke er særlig pålideligt; og bruger dette som en køreplan til at lancere en efterforskning af USA’s præsident efter, han var valgt. Det bør påpeges, at en af hovedpersonerne i FBI, der har været involveret i dette, er den tidligere, fungerende direktør for FBI. Han var fungerende direktør efter Comey gik, og han er nu erstattet af Christopher Wray. Men Andrew McCabe var i sin tidligere karriere chef for FBI’s Enhed for Eurasisk Organiseret Kriminalitet i New York City. Senator Grassley har sendt en hel række spørgsmål til vicejustitsminister Rod Rosenstein om Andrew McCabe; for mistanken går ud på, at Andrew McCabe var direkte involveret som Christopher Steeles manager. Det bør ligeledes påpeges, at, på et vist tidspunkt, havde FBI i tankerne at betale Christopher Steele for at fortsætte sin såkaldte efterforskning. Det spørgsmål, som Grassley stiller, er, var McCabe involveret specifikt i denne situation? Man må her forstå, at Andrew McCabe aktuelt er under efterforskning, fordi han var involveret i en beslutning om, at hans kone, Jill McCabe, skulle stille op til delstats-senator for staten Virginia mod senator Dick Black. Dette blev arrangeret gennem guvernør McAuliffe, en nær tilhænger af Hillary Clinton; som på det tidspunkt blev efterforsket af FBI. McCabe menes også at have været involveret i efterforskningen af Hillary Clintons e-mails. Der er her tale om en total interessekonflikt på vegne af McCabe; som måske var hovedpersonen, der arbejde hos FBI med Christopher Steele.

Dette er forbindelsesleddet til Det britiske Imperium, som er direkte involveret i operationen imod USA’s præsident. Dens formål er at ødelægge USA’s præsidentskab, så præsident Trump ikke kan udvikle samarbejdsrelationer med Rusland og Kina i særdeleshed, i kampen mod terrorisme; og ikke kan arbejde på at bringe USA ind i et samarbejde med Rusland og Kina omkring perspektivet for Bælte & Vej, som ville være afgørende for at udvikle USA’s økonomi ved hjælp af det amerikanske systems metoder.

Jeg tror, vi slutter her og hører, hvilke spørgsmål, I har.

Her følger resten af webcastet i engelsk udskrift:

ROSS:  I think you really pulled together the British origin
of the whole Russia story around Trump; and it’s sort of shocking
thing that this dossier of material that was compiled by Steele,
who as you note is a “former” MI-6 agent.  If it’s dirt on Trump
coming from Russians, apparently that’s fine to launch an
investigation about using the CIA and the FBI.  But the mere
suspicion that Donald Trump might have gotten dirt on Hillary
from Russians by any means — regardless of a hack or just
getting information — is considered to be proof of some
nefarious act.
Let me ask you; you had discussed the difference in
orientation between what the motivation would be behind a British
outlook versus what America might do.  Just as a reminder for our
viewers, we’re now four years into a process that was launched in
September 2013 when President Xi Jinping of China, in a speech in
Kazakhstan, announced the One Belt, One Road Initiative; which
has now come to encompass dozens of countries around the world
and hundreds of billions of dollars towards infrastructure and
other cooperative investments.  So there’s really a new game in
town taking shape on the planet.  Could you describe for us or
help us understand how the British view this; or understand the
difference in outlook between British geopolitics compared to
what the United States could adopt as a national policy

WERTZ:  Yes.  May I have photo 1?  Now, the British policy
is a policy of geopolitics; and this is a longstanding policy.
In 1919, Halford Mackinder wrote a paper entitled “The
Geographical Pivot of History”.  What he wrote there in summary
is as follows:  Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland.
Who rules the Heartland commands the world island.  Who rules the
world island commands the world.  As you can see from this
graphic, Russia is the pivot area; the heartland.  Surrounding it
is an area which is called the Inner Crescent; which today would
be called the Arc of Crisis, as defined by another geopolitician,
Bernard Lewis.  Who was born in Britain, but later became an
American citizen.  That’s the policy that we’ve been carrying
out.  Who rules East Europe?  Think about the move eastward by
NATO to the very borders of Russia.  Think about the policy of
regime change in the entire Arc of Crisis area indicated here as
the Inner Crescent surrounding Russia.  This is the policy that
was also implemented under Zbigniew Brzezinski during the Carter
administration.  We see it today; it’s continuing today with the
regime change policies in Libya, in Egypt before it was reversed
by el-Sisi against Morsi.  We see it in Iraq beginning in 2003;
we see it today in the attempt in Syria.  Before that, we saw it
in Afghanistan, and that’s still a crisis today.  We see it in
Ukraine today.  This is the geopolitical policy of the British
which led to World War II by the way, because this was the policy
of Hitler.  The Mackinder policy was picked up Haushofer, who was
instrumental in defining Hitler’s policy of marching East to
Russia — the Soviet Union at that time.  So this is the
geopolitical policy which is operative today.
Contrast that now to the World Land-Bridge policy — photo
2, please.  This is the policy proposed by Lyndon and Helga
LaRouche.  As you see, the world island is essentially Asia,
Europe, and Africa.  This policy is not limited to the so-called
world island; this is a policy for all of humanity, extending
into the Western Hemisphere.  The policy is one of economic
development.  As the Chinese say, a “win-win” strategy; peace
based upon economic development.  That is the central conception,
so as to realize the actual potential of humanity for further
improvements in its standard of living, its quality of mentation,
and its ability not only to develop the planet Earth for man’s
benefit, but eventually to colonize outer space; which is man’s
fundamental mission.
So, these are the two contrasting views; and what Americans
and others throughout the world need to know is the British
Empire is alive, and it is carrying out the same policy which it
has carried out at least over the last 100 years, which has led
previously to world wars, and threatens to lead to world wars
today.  But there is an alternative, which is the World
Land-Bridge, the One Belt, One Road policy; the Silk Road, which
has been adopted by a vast majority of countries throughout the

ROSS:  You talked about the British Empire and the
geopolitical objectives of Halford Mackinder.  This is sometime
in the past; you had mentioned its link to Adolf Hitler’s
orientation towards attacking to the East.  But today, I think
that most people believe that there is no British Empire; or that
the power of the British Empire has waned so dramatically from
its peak that it’s hardly a driving force in world affairs today.
Why do you speak about the importance of the British Empire?  How
important is it today?  What’s its power?  How does it exist?

WERTZ:  Please show photos 4 and 3.  Most people don’t
understand that the British Empire is really based upon the
Venetian system.  Venice was not big in terms of military forces,
or geography; it’s a city.  Yet, the Venetian system, as a
financial system, was an imperial system; and the British system
from its inception is modeled upon that financial imperial
system.  The goals of the British Empire are really totally
anti-human.  You could compare it to the Greek mythological
figure of Zeus, who did not want mankind to develop; did not want
mankind to have science; did not want mankind to have technology.
In opposition to that, you had Prometheus, who gave man fire;
science; the means of developing the human mind so as to further
the mission of humanity.  The British policy is fundamentally a
policy of financial imperialism, particularly after World War II;
and it is also a policy based upon a perspective of destroying
the notion of the sovereign nation-state; of reducing world
population from the current levels of over 6 billion to a level
of 1 billion or less, as I said earlier.
I want to just indicate two of the leading figures in
developing the British conception of empire.  One is H.G. Wells,
who wrote a piece called {The Open Conspiracy} in the year 1928.
What he said in that is the following:  “It lies within the power
of the Atlantic communities to impose a world state, a world
directorate upon the world.  The open conspiracy rests upon a
disrespect for national sovereignty.  Its main political idea,
its political strategy is to weaken, deface, incorporate, or
supersede existing governments.  It considers all existing
governments as entirely provisional in nature.”  At one point he
says, “There will be little need for a President.”  That’s the
policy of H.G. Wells.  As you can see, this is the policy of
so-called limited sovereignty; it’s the policy of super-national
institutions.  Like for instance, the European Union has become.
As you can see, the basic idea is to eliminate national
sovereignty, create super-national institutions in which you’d
have no need for a President.  Of course that’s the view that the
British take today.  They would just as soon there not be a
President who would assert the principle of national sovereignty
and develop the people through developing the economy of the
nation, and working with other nations to have the same effect in
respect to the world population.
Bertrand Russell.  Lyndon LaRouche at one point called
Bertrand Russell the most evil man of the 20th Century.  He’s
often known as an advocate of peace.  Well, H.G. Wells made the
same kind of argument for world peace; that was the justification
for dictatorial methods.  In the case of Bertrand Russell, after
World War II Bertrand Russell actually proposed — when he
thought the United States had a monopoly on nuclear weapons —
that the United States threaten to use nuclear weapons against
the then Soviet Union.  He was not able to act on that idea,
because as it turned out, the Soviet Union developed nuclear
weapons.  But let me just read an interchange with Bertrand
Russell on this subject.  He was asked, “Is it true or untrue
that in recent years you advocate that a preventive war might be
made against Communism, against Soviet Russia?”  Russell: “It’s
entirely true.  And I don’t repent of it now.  It was not
inconsistent with what I think now.  There was a time just after
the last war when the Americans had a monopoly of nuclear weapons
and offered to internationalize nuclear weapons by the Baruch
Proposal.  I thought this was an extremely generous proposal on
their part.  One which it would be very desirable that the world
should accept.  Not that I advocated a nuclear war; but I did
think that great pressure should be put upon Russia to accept the
Baruch Proposal, and I did think that if they continued to
refuse, it might be necessary actually to go to war.  At that
time, nuclear weapons existed only on one side, and therefore the
odds were, the Russians would have given way.  I thought they
would.”  Question: “Suppose they hadn’t given way?”  Russell: “I
thought and hoped that the Russians would give way.  But of
course, you can’t threaten unless you’re prepared to have your
bluff called.”
So, this is the policy of Bertrand Russell; to create a one
world directorate as in the case of H.G. Wells, and to threaten
preemptive nuclear war against the then-Soviet Union in order to
enforce such a perspective.  Now we are once again on the verge
of, in this case, thermonuclear war; and that is the policy of
the British Empire.  The British basically view war as one means
by which they can reduce world population.

ROSS:  In going after British policy, this seems to be
something that very clearly the U.S. has been opposed to since
its inception.  The American Revolution, the first of the
complaints in the Declaration of Independence wasn’t about
taxation without representation; it was that the King had refused
his assent to laws that were necessary for the common good.
I think the way that you posed things, in terms of Zeus and
Between having power by preventing others from developing versus
causing and fostering development is a very good way to look at
the way at the relationship between the British Empire and the
U.S. over our history.
This must have shifted at some point given that there’s so
many factions in the U.S. now who are adopting policies that
sound very much like British policies — the “responsibility to
protect” doctrine, which was announced by Prime Minister Tony
Blair in Chicago a decade ago.  This has become sort of an
orthodoxy almost in Washington, D.C., where it’s considered
perfectly natural to intervene in nations that aren’t posing any
particular threat to the U.S., in order to prevent some internal
calamity, used as an excuse to cause the chaos that we’ve seen in
Libya, the mess that we’ve seen in Syria, etc.  So can you tell
us more about this shift?  Has this always been a fight inside
the United States, or when did the U.S. begin to adopt an almost
British outlook on foreign affairs?

WERTZ:  It’s important for people to maintain a perspective
involving a long arc of history.  People know in this country
that the United States fought, before it became officially the
United States and adopted a Constitution, fought a Revolution
against the British Empire.  In 1812, it was the British who
burned down the White House.  This has been an ongoing conflict
between the British and the United States.  And when I’m
referring to the British, I’m not referring to the British
people, that should be very clear;  I’m referring to the British
Monarchy, the British Empire as a system of government.  Now, the
British also supported the Confederacy in the Civil War.  And
Lincoln was assassinated at the end of that war by individuals
who it is believed were actually funded by the British,
specifically by one James Bulloch, the uncle of Theodore
Roosevelt, who was based in Great Britain during the entire Civil
War, and was essentially the foreign agent of Confederacy based
in Britain.
But the United States was able to proceed after the Civil
War, and I think it became clear to the British that they were
not going to be able to take over the United States by military
means, as in the Revolution, the War of 1812, or the Civil War,
but rather they had to use other means; although those other
means continued to involve assassination.  One of the key
breaking points in the whole process was the assassination of
President McKinley in 1901, and of course the person who became
President at that point was Theodore Roosevelt.  This is in the
period leading into World War I, and under McKinley, and prior to
his assassination, the United States had very close relations
with Germany under Bismarck, with Russia, with Japan.  And this
was reversed by Teddy Roosevelt, who established the so-called
U.S.-British “special relationship.”  And undoubtedly his uncle
and the influence of his uncle on Teddy Roosevelt played a
critical role in his perspective.
Now, Franklin Roosevelt had a completely different
perspective.  He traced his heritage back to Isaac Roosevelt, who
worked closely with Alexander Hamilton, and Roosevelt’s entire
policy was based on the American System of economy, the same kind
of American System of economy which President Trump has, in
recent speeches in Kentucky, Detroit, and elsewhere, advocated,
including Glass-Steagall.
Now, during World War II, the British who had backed Hitler,
had backed Mussolini, had backed Franco, realized when Hitler
turned westward into France and threatened Great Britain, that
they needed the United States to defeat Hitler at that point.
And what you have from that point on, is a situation where the
British operated in the United States to help bring the United
States into that war.  But when Roosevelt died, what happened, is
that the British took over, once again.  Not fully, but you had a
situation where the British began a process of trying to reverse
what Roosevelt had done.  And during World War II there was a
famous meeting between Roosevelt and Churchill.  Do you have
photo 5? [Stalin, FDR, Churchill at Tehran 1943]  There was a
famous meeting between Roosevelt and Churchill [April 1941]
reported by Roosevelt’s son, Elliot Roosevelt, in which Franklin
Roosevelt said, we’re not fighting World War II in order to
preserve the British Empire, but rather, after this war we’re
going to use American System methods of economic development to
develop the entire world and to end colonialism altogether.
When Roosevelt died, the British, through Churchill, through
their intelligence agencies, and through Harry Truman, moved to
begin the process of attempting to bring the United States into
this British Empire orbit, and that has been the ongoing conflict
that we’ve had over the last 70 years or more.  And it’s not
resolved to this day and it has to be resolved by defeating the
British Empire.
During World War II, the British set up intelligence
operations in the United States,  — can I have pictures, 6, 7,
and 8.  There was an individual by the name of Sir William S.
Stephenson, you see him there, Canadian born.  He set up
something called the British covert operations which operated
under the cover of the British Security Coordination, which was
located in Rockefeller Center.  And they ran covert operations in
the United States during this whole period, basically from 1939
through 1944, and he represented both MI6 and MI5; he worked
directly with Allen Dulles who had an office in the same
building, on the same floor as Stephenson.  Dulles, of course,
later became head of the CIA, until he was relieved of duty by
John F. Kennedy.  Stephenson also worked very closely with the
FBI, with J. Edgar Hoover.
So, in a certain sense, this apparatus, from that period,
consolidated after Roosevelt’s death, and for instance, in 1946,
there was something signed called the “U.K.-U.S.A. Agreement” and
it was an agreement to have intelligence collaboration between
the U.S. and the U.K. in respect to the Soviet Union and the East
bloc countries.  This later was transformed into the “Five Eyes,”
which was the United States, U.K., Australia, New Zealand, and
Canada.  So in a very real sense, the United States became a part
of the British Empire intelligence apparatus.  And what we see
today with GCHQ/MI6, their work with Brennan at the CIA, with
Comey and McCabe at the FBI, and Clapper [as DNI], is a
continuation of that U.S.-U.K. Agreement.  The surveillance was
done under the codename “Echelon” and it’s still being done under
that name; even after the Soviet Union collapsed, it’s directed
against the former Soviet Union and East bloc countries.  And
that is what we see today, as I said.  As Snowden, in describing
this relationship said, the Five Eyes are a “supranational
intelligence organization that doesn’t answer to the known laws
of its own countries.”  So that’s the picture I can give you.

ROSS:  This is a you might say chilling picture, a very
scary picture.  What is it that we ought to do?  This is much
bigger I think than people, even those who understand that a coup
is in process or that Russia-gate is a whole bunch of baloney,
this is a lot deeper than what most people believe they’re up
against.  I think you put out a very good picture of what we’re
up against, what the mission is; could you lay out for our
viewers what ought to be done:  How do we fight against this? and
what do we create in its stead?  What’s our objective here?

WERTZ:  Lyndon LaRouche yesterday said that we have to “pour
it on.”  We have to really escalate the mobilization to get a
breakthrough in respect to the VIPS memorandum which we discussed
at the very beginning.  The whole edifice of the lie that the
Russians interfered in the elections, that the Trump campaign
colluded with the Russians, is about to fall.  And we have to
make sure that it falls.  As you indicated in the beginning, the
VIPS memo was produced in July, it was sent to the President,
it’s been sent to the Justice Department, it’s been widely
circulated.  We, in our movement, got out something like 100
copies of the VIPS memo in offices in Washington, D.C. two weeks
ago, concentrating on the Intelligence Committees of both the
House and Senate, as well as the Judiciary Committee.  We also
got this out, this week, at the Old Executive Office Building in
Washington, D.C. and at the Justice Department.
And the story is beginning to break:  You mentioned the
article in {The Nation}.  This is a very powerful article that
just appeared, and what the author, Patrick Lawrence, says is the
following: “Under no circumstance can it be acceptable that the
relevant authoritiesthe National Security Agency, the Justice
Department (via the Federal Bureau of Investigation), and the
Central Intelligence Agencyleave these new findings without
Now, the company that the DNC hired, CrowdStrike, the one
that claimed that they had evidence that the Russians had hacked
the DNC computers, they just said, “we continue to stand by our
report,” arguing that by July 5th, all malware had been removed
from the DNC’s computers.  But as Patrick Lawrence points out,
“But the presence or absence of malware by that time is entirely
immaterial, because the event of July 5 is proven to have been a
leak and not a hack.”
The point here is, you have {The Nation} article, you have
Newsmax, which gave coverage to this; Bloomberg had an article
yesterday on the VIPS and their conclusions.  What’s required is
for the American people to take back their country and ensure
that the Constitution survives, that the republic of the United
States survives.  We have to mobilize to force a situation where,
instead of investigating Trump, what should be investigated is
the British role in all of this and the role of members of U.S.
intelligence in participating in this attempt at a coup against
the United States of America and against the President of the
United States of America. John Brennan recently argued that if
President Trump were to fire Mueller as Special Counsel, that
members of the Executive should refuse to obey his orders:
That’s a call for a coup by the ex-CIA director.
So as Lyndon LaRouche said at the beginning, we’ve got to
cancel the British system, we’ve got to save our people.  What’s
being run in this country is the equivalent of the British Opium
War against China, from 1800s in the opioid and more widespread
drug addiction that’s destroying this country.  We have to free
the President, to be able to carry out the policies which he at
least has indicated he has an intention to implement, to the
benefit of this country and the benefit of the world.  That’s the
issue that’s before us right now.
So what I would encourage every American citizen to do, is
to contact the President:  Tell him, that he has their support to
move on this issue.  It was not a hack, it was a leak.  A lie has
been used as a pretext for overthrowing the President of the
United States, and it’s being conducted by a foreign government,
in collusion with traitors in the United States like Brennan and
others.  So those people should be investigated; and here you
have a situation where a crime was allegedly committed at the
DNC.  The DNC hired its own private investigator; the private
investigator announced what the conclusion of its investigation
was.  The police were never invited to the scene.  They never
secured the crime scene, they never investigated the crime scene,
the computers have never been seen by the FBI.  This is
completely preposterous!
And the entire country has been put in jeopardy as a result
of something which is unheard of!  Have you ever heard of a crime
where the police were not allowed to secure the crime scene and
investigate the crime?  And the alleged victim of the crime,
who’s now carrying out a campaign against the President of the
United States, is allowed to determine how the investigation is
conducted and also what the conclusion of the investigation is.
So this is intolerable!  And as Patrick Lawrence said, it
cannot stand that there is not a reply.  The forensic evidence is
solid.  It is presented by experts from the NSA itself, who know
how this is done.
So we have to ensure that this lie collapses immediately,
that the people involved in this coup against the President are
investigated and imprisoned if found guilty.  That is what’s
required.  So contact the President, tell him that you support
him, and go in public with this.  Demand that the representatives
of the VIPS be allowed to testify before the various committees
of Congress, to get at the bottom of this crime which has been
committed against our President and against our country.
And if we do that, then we create the basis for
collaboration between the United States, Russia, China, and
India, which, as Lyndon LaRouche said in his four powers concept,
is the necessary means for dismantling the British Empire once
and for all.  What we need to do, is destroy Zeus and free

ROSS:  Great.  Our viewers have got an opportunity to join
in on this. You’ve mentioned many of the ways that this can
occur, and there’s many things that supporters and activists are
doing — holding rallies at their town hall, going to
congressional meetings or on congressional teleconferences and
bringing up the VIPS memo, bringing up the Russia-gate fraud.
We’re urging people to take pictures of their activities about
this, take pictures of getting out the material about the
Russia-gate fraud, and mark it “#Russia-gate fraud”; let
everybody know and spread the word about this.
We have a petition to the President, where we’re asking
Donald Trump not to try to hope that this Russia thing goes away,
but to take it on directly, to “investigate this British
subversion of the United States.  And as you can see on the
bottom of your screen, you can sign that petition [President
Trump, Investigate British Subversion of the U.S.A.”] and spread
it to others at the link, http://lpac.co/yt17.  We’ll have that
link on the webpage for this week’s webcast as well.
So spread the word.  We’ve got to defeat this coup; it’s
absolutely urgent to free up the United States to have a
functioning Presidency, so we can take on matters that are
actually important to our future, like implementing
Glass-Steagall, putting in place the economic proposals of
LaRouche, the Four Laws, to make it possible to finance an
economic recovery and to do so in conjunction with China, with
Russia, to put the world on a path towards development and
progress.  Help make that happen: Please contribute to the
Will, I’d like to thank you for being on the show today, I
think you really put together a very comprehensive picture on
this, and we’ll see everybody again, next week.

Det er et internationalt anliggende
at stoppe kuppet imod Trump.
LaRouche PAC Internationale Webcast,
4. august, 2017

Zepp-LaRouche: Jeg mener, at dette ikke blot er en vedtagelse i Senatet, eller i Kongressen; men dette handler om præsidenten i amerikansk historie lige fra USA’s grundlæggelse. For det, som denne vedtagelse gør, er, at den fuldstændig omstøder den Amerikanske Forfatning, der giver præsidenten beføjelserne til at bestemme udenrigspolitik. I henhold til den aktuelle situation, efter at Kongressen (Repræsentanternes Hus) og Senatet med dette overvældende flertal vedtog at indføre sanktioner, så, hvis præsident Trump ønskede at omstøde dette, skulle han sende et brev til Kongressen; og Kongressen er forpligtet til at svare inden 30 dage for enten at godkende eller afvise det. Det betyder, at Kongressen kaprer beføjelsen til at bestemme politikken fra præsidenten. Jeg tror, det amerikanske folk hellere må se at vågne op til den kendsgerning, at det, der her bliver fjernet, er den Amerikanske Forfatning.

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Jason Ross: Godaften. Det er fredag, 4. august, 2017. Jeg er aftenens vært, og vi er meget glade for at have med os i studiet som vores særlige gæst, Helga Zepp-LaRouche via video fra Tyskland. Godaften, Helga.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche: Godaften, hvordan går det?

Ross: Fint! Som en lille indledning til aftenens show, før vi hører fra Helga, så så vi i denne uge, at Donald Trump underskrev loven om sanktioner, der blev vedtaget af Huset og Senatet – HR 3364 – der indfører sanktioner mod Iran, Nordkorea og Rusland. En del af loven hævder som selvfølgeligt, at Rusland blandede sig i det amerikanske valg; en del af loven siger, at USA aldrig vil anerkende Krim som en del af Rusland; og loven binder præsidentens hænder på mange måder mht. sanktioner mod Rusland og mange diplomatiske prioriteringer, diplomatiske krav, der er vedtaget af Huset og Senatet snarere end gennem den udøvende gren (præsidenten). Donald Trump underskrev i denne uge loven og udstedte en erklæring i forbindelse med underskrivelsen, mht. de dele af loven, han finder forfatningsstridige. I går tweetede Trump, at »Vores relation med Rusland er på det laveste og farligste punkt nogensinde. Et meget farligt lavpunkt. Det kan I takke Kongressen for«, siger han.

Rusland responderede ved at kræve udvisning af et vist antal amerikanske diplomater ned til samme niveau som russiske diplomater i USA; noget lignende det, præsident Obama gjorde med russiske diplomater og russisk diplomatejendom, osv. Det betyder overordnet set, at det virkelig øger presset på de amerikansk-russiske relationer og gør det meget vanskeligt for Trump at gennemføre ét af sine kampagneløfter, som var en potentiel opnåelse af detente med Rusland. Med hans berømte ord, »Det er ikke dårligt at komme godt ud af det med Rusland; det er en god ting.«

Jeg vil gerne have Helga på nu for at tale om vores syn på dette. Jeg ved, din mand, Lyndon LaRouche, har sagt, at, hvis dette kup mod Trump lykkes, så vil det virkelig lægge truslen om atomkrig op på bordet. Hvad er din mening om situationen?

Zepp-LaRouche: Jeg mener, at dette ikke blot er en vedtagelse i Senatet, eller i Kongressen; men dette handler om præsidenten i amerikansk historie lige fra USA’s grundlæggelse. For det, som denne vedtagelse gør, er, at den fuldstændig omstøder den Amerikanske Forfatning, der giver præsidenten beføjelserne til at bestemme udenrigspolitik. I henhold til den aktuelle situation, efter at Kongressen (Repræsentanternes Hus) og Senatet med dette overvældende flertal vedtog at indføre sanktioner, så, hvis præsident Trump ønskede at omstøde dette, skulle han sende et brev til Kongressen; og Kongressen er forpligtet til at svare inden 30 dage for enten at godkende eller afvise det. Det betyder, at Kongressen kaprer beføjelsen til at bestemme politikken fra præsidenten. Jeg tror, det amerikanske folk hellere må se at vågne op til den kendsgerning, at det, der her bliver fjernet, er den Amerikanske Forfatning. Jeg vil tro, at alle amerikanske patrioter, der elsker Amerika – og jeg ved, at det amerikanske folk generelt er meget patriotisk – de må forstå dette moment. For, dette kan ikke være tilfældet, og forblive ignoreret. Dette har så mange implikationer.

Min mand, Lyndon LaRouche, sagde, at, hvis dette består, er vi tilbage til en umiddelbart overhængende konfrontation med Rusland – og også Kina – som vi var under Obama-administrationen og de neokonservatives kontrol; som har kontrolleret USA’s politik under to embedsperioder under George W. Bush, og to perioder under Obama. Det var disse neokonservative, der var fuldstændig oprørt over, at en systemisk ’outsider’, eller en person, der ikke tilhørte systemet – som Donald Trump – vandt valget. Jeg husker klart, at, den 21. januar, havde den britiske avis The Spectator allerede en overskrift, der lød, at det blot var et spørgsmål om tid, før man ville få Trump ud af embedet gennem impeachment (rigsretssag), gennem et kup, eller gennem politisk mord! Processen frem mod impeachment er helt i gang, som I ved. Det er netop blevet offentliggjort, at Robert Mueller, den særlige rådgiver, allerede har en ’grand jury’ (juridisk enhed, der kan undersøge og afgøre, om der er belæg for at anlægge en strafferetssag, -red.), der angiveligt skulle være hemmelig; men der har igen været et læk til The Guardian og andre medier. Så formålet med dette er tydeligvis at fremme en eller anden historie, der viser bånd fra Trump eller hans team til Rusland.

Lad mig understrege dette helt klart. Sandheden om dette her skal ud. Det er rent historisk af den allerstørste betydning, at VIPS-organisationen – Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity – tidligere højtplacerede efterretningsfolk fra diverse amerikanske efterretningsorganisationer, for omkring en uge siden sendte et memorandum til præsident Trump; hvori de fastslog, baseret på deres indiskutable ekspertise og kriminaltekniske beviser, at der ikke fandt nogen russisk hacking sted. I stedet var der tale om et insider-læk; der var nogen, der simpelt hen downloadede data fra DNC-computerne, og som dernæst maskerede det hele, som om det var blevet udført af russerne. At efterforske dette og diskutere disse resultater fra VIPS-memoet, er den vigtigste måde, hvorpå dette kup kan køres af sporet. Heldigvis har ét af de kongresmedlemmer, der var modig nok til at stemme imod denne uhyrlighed – Dana Rohrbacher – allerede kommenteret VIPS-memoet. Jeg mener, at vi må mobilisere den amerikanske befolkning til at kræve, at Kongressen indbyder VIPS-repræsentanterne til at aflægge forklaring, til at fremlægge deres beviser, og ligeledes bestræbelserne fra sådanne personer som kongresmedlem Nunes, der efterforsker, hvem det var, der afslørede dette, hvem, der lækkede. Og ligeledes senator Grassleys bestræbelser for at gøre det samme; det må støttes. Derudover mener jeg generelt, at denne Kongres fuldstændig har bragt sig selv i miskredit. Kongressens anerkendelses-rate er lige nu, iflg. de seneste opinionsmålinger, kun 10 %; det er ligeledes et historisk lavpunkt, mener jeg.

Men jeg mener, det nu afhænger af det amerikanske folk; og man bør finde alle mulige organisationer og institutioner, der repræsenterer folket, og som støtter præsident Trump. Retfærdigheden må ske fyldest; de, der lækkede, må gøres til genstand for efterforskning; og sandheden må genoprettes. Dette er af den største, strategiske betydning. Dette er ikke blot en intern, amerikansk affære; jeg mener, at russernes karakteristik, at dette er en intern kamp, ikke er korrekt. Jeg mener, at dette er noget langt mere dystert. Den tidligere våbeninspektør i Irak, Scott Ritter, som var våbeninspektør under Irakkrigen, kom med en dybtgående karakteristik. Han sagde, den kendsgerning, at der var denne totale enstemmighed i de amerikanske medier, FBI, andre amerikanske efterretningstjenester og næsten enstemmighed i begge Kongreshuse; hvordan får man en sådan fuldstændig – i Tyskland ville man sige »Gleichschaltung«, ensretning – hvordan får man et sådant enstemmigt kor? Scott Ritter peger på spørgsmålet om, at dette peger på en langt mere generel sammensværgelse, der finder sted i det amerikanske samfund. Jeg ved, at folk normalt bliver meget enerverede, når man nævner ordet »sammensværgelse«, men jeg mener ikke, der findes andre ord, der kan karakterisere det, der foregår. Man har det, folk nu om dage kalder »deep state«, og som forsøger at omstøde valget af en amerikansk præsident; og så har man briternes rolle i alt dette her. Jeg mener, at der er en indsats fra Det britiske Imperiums side, efter en genetablering af kontrollen over amerikanske institutioner, for at gå tilbage til det, vi engang havde med de neokonservative i 1992 – Wolfowitz-doktrinen; og som var ideen om, at USA aldrig skulle give noget andet land eller nogen anden gruppe af lande lov til at overgå USA’s militærpolitiske eller militære magt. Det var et kup, udført af de neokonservative efter Sovjetunionens kollaps, og de gik frem for at forsøge at etablere en unipolær verden. Jeg mener, at dette præcist kommer til udtryk i det, Kongressen gjorde med disse sanktioner, og det betyder gennem implikation, at gå tilbage til konfrontationen med Rusland, og selvfølgelig en genoptagelse af spændingen i relationerne med Kina.

Dette er en krigssti. Dette har utrolige implikationer. Jeg vil blot nævne et par stykker af dem. For det første, så reagerede premierminister Medvedev meget skarpere end præsident Putin. Han sagde, at dette afslutter håbet om en forbedring mellem USA og Rusland. Så var der diverse kommentarer i kinesiske publikationer, der tilbød at hjælpe Rusland mod virkningerne af sanktionerne; og som ligeledes sagde, at dette blot vil betyde en meget tættere forhold mellem Rusland og Kina, og sammen har vi en afskrækkelse imod USA. Det var ikke det, kineserne ønskede; de har tilbudt USA at samarbejde omkring Bælte & Vej Initiativet; men det er, hvad det fører til.

Lad mig blot påpege to yderligere sidevirkninger af dette. Det er relationen med Europa, for sanktionerne har som deres primære mål leveringen af russisk naturgas og ideen om at bygge endnu en gasledning – Northstream II; som Tyskland har brug for, fordi olieforsyningerne fra Mellemøsten er meget lunefulde pga. den ustabile situation dér. Oliereserverne i Nordsøen er ved at være udtømt. Sanktionerne ville selvfølgelig, fordi USA fremfører, at de har ekstraterritorial bemyndigelse, ramme alle de firmaer, der producerer materialer og byggetjenester til projekter med russerne. Dette er fuldstændig umuligt. Det ville f.eks. også ramme europæiske investorer i USA, hvis de gør forretninger med Rusland; de kunne blive eksproprieret i USA, eller deres kapital indefrosset, og sådanne ting. Dette skaber ødelæggelse. Den Europæiske Union og den tyske regering har allerede sagt, at de vil overveje modforholdsregler; at dette kunne føre til en handelskrig. Forbløffende nok har en talsmand for en førende tænketank, der står den tyske regering nær, netop sagt, at dette vil give bagslag, for, hvorfor skulle lande, der rammes af sanktionerne, være med til at gennemføre dem? Så han forudsiger, at der kommer en boomerang-effekt for amerikanerne; men det er selvfølgelig en effekt, der er meget farlig. Forskellige tyske industrisammenslutninger er ligeledes kommet frem og har sagt, at dette er fuldstændig uacceptabelt.

På et mere fundamentalt plan bringer dette hele spørgsmålet om international lov (folkeretten) frem. Hvorfor tror USA, at deres amerikanske lov kan træde i kraft i hele verden? Dette er en krænkelse af international lov, og dette er derfor en krise uden fortilfælde. Den har, som jeg sagde, implikationer for den Amerikanske Forfatning, for international lov, for relationerne med Rusland og Kina; den kan, for første gang, bryde alliancen med Europa. Så jeg tror, folk virkelig forstår, at dette må omstødes.

Ross: Fantastisk! Dette sætter virkelig scenen. Kan jeg bede dig om at forklare et bestemt punkt? Du kom med ideen om, at folk har en »deep state« (omtr. ’staten i staten’,-red.), der kører USA. Hvor det altså ikke kun drejer sig om denne enkelte lov, men, at der igennem længere tid har været en voksende magt fra visse agenters side internt i USA. Lad mig stille dig et spørgsmål om måder, hvorpå folk fortolker disse ting. En måde er, at der simpelt hen er en koldkrigsmentalitet, der ikke er blevet overvundet; folk lever i fortiden og ser stadig Rusland som en trussel, hvor de i tankerne sammenligner Rusland med Sovjetunionen. En anden måde er ideen om »deep state«; at efterretningstjenesterne har udviklet et slags begær efter magt for sig selv. Tag f.eks. eksemplet med J. Edgar Hoover; og at disse tjenester ønsker at køre USA af en særlig grund. Du rejste et spørgsmål, som de fleste kommentatorer ikke rejser, og som er briterne; eller, at der er noget uden for amerikansk indenrigspolitik, der udformer denne opposition til samarbejde med Rusland. Og, med dine mange rejser til Kina og med dit arbejde med Verdenslandbroen – Bælte & Vej Initiativet – har du en meget dyb forståelse af et andet paradigme, der i stigende grad slår rod i verden.

Kunne du sige mere til vore lyttere om, hvad du ser som manglerne i ideen om »deep state« eller den Kolde Krig? Med andre ord, hvad er det, der virkelig promoverer denne opposition til samarbejde med Rusland? Hvad kan vi gøre ved det?

Zepp-LaRouche: Jeg mener, det er en reminiscens af geopolitik, og geopolitik er den idé, at man har en gruppe nationer eller en nation, der har en fundamental interesse imod en anden nation eller en anden gruppe nationer; og, om nødvendigt, så kan man kæmpe for dette i krige. Det var denne tankegang, der førte til to verdenskrige i det 20. århundrede, og det er indlysende, at, hvis vi ikke overvinder dette i atomvåbenalderen, så taler vi om faren for den menneskelige arts udslettelse, hvis det kommer til krig. Vi er meget nærmere ved dette, end de fleste mennesker bryder sig om at tænke på. Da Sovjetunionen gik i opløsning mellem 1989 og 1991, opstod der muligheden for at få en varig fredsorden. Kommunismen var blevet besejret, og vi foreslog på dette tidspunkt den Eurasiske Landbro; allerede dengang kaldte vi det, den Nye Silkevej. Det var ideen om at etablere et nyt paradigme med samarbejde i alle deltagende landes interesse. Det ville have været en politik, der i høj grad ville have ændret historiens kurs, men, på det tidspunkt havde man Margaret Thatcher, man havde Bush senior, man havde Mitterand; og de besluttede, at, for at forhindre Rusland i nogensinde igen at rejse sig, fra at reducere Sovjetunionen, der var en supermagt, og til at blive et Rusland, der blot skulle være et tredjeverdensland, der producerede råmaterialer. De besluttede, at, i stedet for at få en fredsorden, så lad os satse på den gamle, angloamerikanske politik med at styre verden som et imperium; og lad os gennemtvinge en unipolær verden. Det var politikken i 1990’erne og begyndelsen af 2000’erne; dette var ideen om regimeskifte, dette var ideen om ’farvede revolutioner’. Dette har ligget til grund for krigene, der byggede på løgne, i Afghanistan, Irak, mordet på Gaddafi; disse politikker har ødelagt Mellemøsten. De har været årsag til flygtningekrisen; de har næsten udløst et sammenbrud af den Europæiske Union, for der er ikke tale om nogen Union, som det blev klart under flygtningekrisens forløb.

Denne politik står nu for at eksplodere. Alan Greenspan, af alle personer – den person, der igen og igen advarede mod overstrømmende irrationalitet – er netop trådt frem og har sagt, at der er en ny nedsmeltning af en gældsboble på vej, og at dette vil udløse et krak på aktiemarkedet. Dette imperium er i færd med at kollapse, og jeg mener, det er grunden til, der hersker en sådan desperation for at forhindre Kinas fremvækst; selv om Kina har tilbudt en totalt anden model, der ikke bygger på geopolitik, men derimod bygger på »win-win«-samarbejde; og hvori alle nationer, der samarbejder i Bælte & Vej Initiativet, ville få gavn af det.

Jeg mener, at det, som virkelig står på spil her, er: Går vi tilbage til Det britiske Imperium? Og folk, der kender amerikansk historie, ved meget vel, at Det britiske Imperium aldrig har opgivet ideen om at generobre USA. Kong George III mistede forstanden på tidpunktet for den Amerikanske Revolution, og de forsøgte at vinde Amerika tilbage; først i Krigen i 1812, og dernæst i Borgerkrigen, hvor Det britiske Imperium var allieret med Konføderationen (Sydstats-udbryderstaterne). De finansierede Konføderationen gennem Østkystbankerne. Efter dette indså de, at dette ikke kunne gøres militært, så dernæst forsøgte briterne at underminere det amerikanske establishment og overbevise dem om at styre verden som et imperium, der byggede på den angloamerikanske, særlige relation.

Ser man på hele operationen imod Trump, som i realiteten begyndte længe før Trump vandt valget; det var britisk efterretning, der initierede dossiererne, som fabrikerede efterretninger. Men, de blev så selvfølgelig hjulpet af amerikanske efterretningstjenester, hvor strukturen fra Obama-perioden stadig eksisterede. Så man har virkelig – »deep state« er for kort en formulering, for det inkluderer ikke den kendsgerning, at dette er et britisk kup. Det aftalte spil er ikke med Rusland; det aftalte spil er med Det britiske Imperium. Amerikanere må forstå, at hele deres revolution står på spil; Forfatningen – der stadig, med hensyn til forfatninger, er et af de mest fantastiske dokumenter i verden – den er totalt i fare. Det er allerede blevet overtaget, og dét må det amerikanske folk omstøde.

Ross: Stærke ord. Mange tak. Jeg tror, vores mission står temmelig klart på dette tidspunkt. Vi ser nogle muligheder for, hvad der kan ske, hvis vi skaffer os af med denne mentalitet om global konflikt. Blot et enkelt eksempel ville være, at præsident Trump stoppede Obama-programmet for at bevæbne de såkaldte syriske »oprørsgrupper«. Alene en sådan handling ville være en ændring af den retning, vi har gået i det seneste halvandet årti med de krige for regimeskifte, vi har haft. At sige, det gør vi ikke mere. Vi siger, OK, der kunne blive ting, som hvis vi opgiver dette fremstød for konflikt.

Jeg vil gerne afslutte vores show med nogle ideer til, hvad folk kan gøre, og nogle rapporter om, hvad folk har gjort. Én ting er dette VIPS-memo, som vi har diskuteret og dækket meget på vores webside. Der har været meget aktivitet i landet; vi kan vise jer nogle billeder herfra om et øjeblik, af den form for aktiviteter, vi har været engageret i – stævner på gaden her i New York City. Her er ét til. Det er meget vigtigt, at denne historie kommer ud, for det er absolut eksplosivt; og det virker, det kommer ud. Det er et spørgsmål, som, som vi nævnte, kongresmedlem Rohrbacher har rejst; dette er noget, som bliver rejst af mange af de nye, alternative kilder. Oliver Stone har for nylig igen rejst spørgsmålet, og folk i hele landet rejser det på steder som under møder, der afholdes af kongresmedlemmer. For eksempel havde Ted Lew for nylig et borgermøde i sit valgdistrikt, og han blev af en LaRouche PAC-aktivist spurgt, »Hej, hvis DNC-computerne blev hacket, hvorfor har FBI så aldrig efterforsket dem?« Bare pil denne historie fra hinanden. Der er kommet breve i et pænt antal til avisredaktioner, og som bliver publiceret i aviser i hele landet. Der har været folk, der har indsat annoncer i de lokale aviser, og som siger, at I skal kende til denne historie om, at den russiske hacking var et inside job. Læs VIPS-memoet; gå ind på LaRouche PAC websiden.

Vi har en tilhænger, der har holdt gårdudsalg for at rejse midler til LaRouche PAC. Vi har folk, de afholder stævner i deres hjemby. Et eksempel fra Connecticut, hvor en LaRouche-tilhænger sagde, »Jeg laver et stævne foran mit rådhus«. Det gjorde han, og vi havde et succesfuldt stævne dér, som blev dækket af lokalaviserne og det hele. Byråd, radiointerviews. Der foregår en masse aktivitet. Vi var f.eks. uden for Chuck Schumers kontor i New York; vi spurgte folk, hvor de syntes, vi skulle ’smide’ (chuck) Schumer hen, hvilket ville være en vidunderlig idé. Der er rigtig meget at gøre. Ordet om dette må absolut spredes i sammenhæng med, hvad alternativet kunne blive.

Jeg vil gerne takke Helga Zepp-LaRouche for at være med os her i dag. Jeg vil gerne spørge dig, om du har yderligere kommentarer som afslutning af showet?

Zepp-LaRouche: Jeg mener, at dette er et af de historiske øjeblikke, hvor det er det enkelte individ, der tæller. Jeg ved, mange mennesker er blevet deprimeret, fordi de ikke tror, man kan gøre noget alligevel; men jeg mener, at vi er lige så tæt på Tredje Verdenskrig lige nu, som vi er på et fuldstændig nyt paradigme. Forestil jer blot en fremtid, hvor Amerika igen vil være venner med andre lande. De fleste folk kan godt lide amerikanere; de kan ikke lide det aktuelle kup, og de kan ikke lide de britiske politikker, der er kommet fra den amerikanske regering i de seneste 16 år. Men, det amerikanske folk har givet udtryk for noget meget vigtigt med valget af præsident Trump. Hvis det amerikanske folk omgående ville gribe muligheden for at støtte denne præsident – Trump har indledt en forbedring af relationen med Xi Jinping; han har fundet et godt samtaleniveau med Putin på G20 i Hamborg. Kina har tilbudt at hjælpe med ved genopbygningen af USA’s infrastruktur og indbudt USA til at tilslutte sig Bælte & Vej Initiativet i hele verden. Hvorfor kan USA, Rusland og Kina, som de tre, mest betydningsfulde nationer, ikke arbejde sammen? Hvis dette kan opnås, kan I så forestille jer, at vi kan få en tryg fred i verden? At vi kan arbejde sammen om at fjerne fattigdom, ikke alene i USA, men overalt? Jeg mener, at dette er de spørgsmål, vi bør tale om, og jeg er enormt overbevist om, at der er noget meget godt i det amerikanske folk, der vil sejre.

Ross: Vidunderligt! Godt. Mange tak. Tak til alle for at være med os i dag. Vi beder om, at I bliver medlem af LaRouche PAC; at I følger denne YouTube-kanal og sørger for at modtage besked om alle vore videoer, alt det, vi udgiver. Og det materiale, vi har diskuteret – VIPS-memoet fra Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, og videoerne, vi har fremstillet om spørgsmålet – kan ses på din YouTube-kanal. I finder mere i videobeskrivelsen, og vi har her et link til en af disse videoer til jer. (dansk: http://schillerinstitut.dk/si/?p=20816)

Tak for at se med; lad os se at komme i gang!

Brug VIPS-memo til at sprænge
Russia-gate i stykker!
LaRouche PAC Internationale Webcast,
28. juli, 2017

Jason Ross: I dag vil vi dække et spørgsmål, der er af største betydning for nationen. Med mig i studiet i dag har jeg Diane Sare fra New York, fra Manhattan-projektet i New York.

Emnet, vi i dag vil beskæftige os med, er »Russia-gate». Vi har så ofte og så meget hørt sagt om de uigendrivelige, angivelige beviser på, at Donald Trump blev anbragt i Det Hvide Hus gennem Vladimir Putins rænkespil, at det næsten bliver taget for givet. Alle formoder, at det fandt sted; faktisk var det indført i loven om russiske sanktioner, der netop er blevet vedtaget i Repræsentanternes Hus og Senatet, som en antagelse, at vi ved, Vladimir Putin fik Trump valgt til embedet. At Putin beordrede en indflydelseskampagne mod det amerikanske valg.

Det er ikke sandt.

Mandag i denne uge offentliggjorde en gruppe ved navn Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, eller VIPS, et memo med titlen, »Var russisk hacking et inside job?« I dette memo piller de den centrale påstand om hele historien med Russia-gate ned. Denne centrale påstand er, at russiske hackere var involveret i at få materiale fra Demokraternes Nationalkomite, DNC, materiale, der var meget pinligt for Hillary Clinton, og offentliggøre det via WikiLeaks. Dette har det centrale internet-individ, kendt som Guccifer 2.0, som omdrejningspunkt; den vurdering fra en efterretningskomite, der blev udgivet 6. januar, 2017, i Obama-administrationens sidste dage. Dette er den rapport, som alle har citeret, og som angiveligt alle efterretningstjenesterne er enige i.

Det er ikke sandt.

Kun en håndplukket gruppe af efterretningstjenester var overhovedet involveret i denne vurdering, og deres vurdering er ikke enstemmig. Denne centrale bevisfaktor er, hvad vi i dag, mht. VIPS-memoet, vil tale om.

Vi var så heldige at kunne interviewe et af de stiftende medlemmer af VIPS, Ray McGovern, der er tidligere CIA-analytiker på topniveau, og som i løbet af sin karriere dagligt udarbejdede briefinger til præsidenten, og som talte med os i går aftes. Vi bad ham om at fremlægge, hvad implikationerne af det memo, de har fremstillet, er, og her er, hvad han sagde:

Ray McGovern: Den 12., 15. juni? Så snart, de opdagede, at Julian Assange havde e-mails med forbindelse til Hillary Clinton, hvad gør man så? Jamen sådan, som jeg har rekonstrueret det, så siger vi, »Det kommer fra russerne«. Så Crowdstrike – der arbejdede for DNC – meddeler, »Der er skadelig software, og vi mener, det var russerne«. Dernæst siger Guccifer, omgående, den samme dag, »ja, ja! Vi gjorde det, og vi arbejder for Julian Assange«.

Ideen – det er selvfølgelig, som vi fortolker det – ideen var den, at, eftersom Julian Assange ville offentliggøre e-mails på et eller andet tidspunkt; måske gør han det lige før Demokraternes Nationalkonvent. Gud, det ville være forfærdeligt. Så vi siger, han fik det fra russerne, og på denne måde kan vi aflede opmærksomheden fra det, der står i disse e-mails; for himlen må vide, hvor meget han har; han kunne måske vise, at vi stjal nomineringen fra Bernie Sanders. Det er jo sikkert i materialet. Så lad os foretage dette lille, forebyggende træk; lad os – her i juni, før han overhovedet får dette her ud; før – Julian forfalsker ikke disse ting, han gør det, at han fremlægger dem så man kan søge på dem – det kommer til at tage lidt tid. Så vi har lidt tid, seks uger eller så; de vidste ikke, hvor længe, men lad os gøre det med det samme. Så, når Julian Assange kommer ud med det, er det forberedt til, at de alle siger, »Aha! Det var russerne, der hackede«.

Dette var storslået – jeg husker den gamle film eller bog, Magnificent Obsession (da. Titel ’Den store læge’); dette var storslået afledning. For, så snart Julian Assange kom ud med disse e-mails med relation til Hillary Clinton – det var den 22. juli – tre dage før Demokraternes Nationalkonvent begyndte; så var de forberedt. De var forberedt til at sige, »Aha! Russerne gjorde det; Rusland gjorde det!« Man kan se dem ligesom sidde rundt om et bord. Hillary siger, »Min Gud! Hvad skal vi gøre? Hvad vil Bernie sige? Han har allerede sagt, at han indvilliger, men hvad vil han nu sige?« En eller anden siger, »Jeg ved, hvad vi gør. Vi giver russerne skylden«. »Men det var ikke russerne, det var Julian Assange.« »Det er OK. Vi siger, at Julian Assange arbejdede for russerne.« »Ja, men hvad skulle logikken være?« »Hør nu her! Russerne ønsker, at Trump skal vinde, fordi han har sagt pæne ting om Putin; det bliver nemt at bevise. Nogen bedre ideer?« »OK, det gør vi.« Det virkede perfekt.

Ross: Så her har vi sammenhængen. En kronologi for vore seere, for dette er blevet så tilsløret i tidens tåge, at det ligesom er blevet svært at se de enkelte dele. Vi genopfrisker, at, i juni meddelte Julian Assange, stifteren af WikiLeaks, at han havde fået materiale fra DNC, og at han ville offentliggøre det. I løbet af få dage meddeler DNC’s IT-firma Crowdstrike, at de har beviser på, at Rusland hackede deres computere. Ligeledes er der en internet-hacker, der kalder sig Guccifer 2.0, der dukker ud af det blå og siger, at han er hackeren bag DNC; han kom ind i deres system, og han siger, »Jeg vil bevise det. Her er noget af det, jeg stjal«. I juni blev der offentliggjort dokumenter af denne Guccifer-skikkelse, der omfattede de mest klodsede falske spor, du nogen sinde har set. Disse dokumenter blev med overlæg forfalsket til at indeholde – med kyrilliske bogstaver – »Felix Edmundovich« som dokumentets ’sidst redigeret af’. Se, Felix Edmundovich Dzerzjinskij (død 1926) var stifteren af det sovjetiske hemmelige politi. Man kunne måske mene, at, hvis russiske hackere gør noget, gør de det ikke så åbenlyst som at markere sig på deres computere med dette navn; det er simpelt hen et åbenlyst falsk spor, man skal finde. Der kom yderligere, angivelige beviser med Guccifer 2.0, der forsøgte at skjule sin identitet og foregav at være rumæner, selv om han faktisk ikke kunne tale rumænsk; så folk kunne sige, »Aha! Han skjuler sin identitet. Vi fandt disse absolutte beviser« – som i virkeligheden var ’røde sild’ (misvisende ledetråde) – »disse russiske navne i dokumenterne. Dokumenterne var indstillet til det russiske sprog. Aha! Dette er bevis.«

Det, det i virkeligheden betyder, er, at disse dokumenter blev kunstigt forfalsket. Det er, hvad VIPS gennemgår i dette memo ved navn, »Var det russiske hack et inside job?« Dette memo er tilgængeligt på nærværende videodeskription, såvel som med links på LaRouche PAC’s webside. Som hr. McGovern sagde, så fulgte der en stor udgivelse af dokumenter fra Guccifer engang i september, 2016. Disse dokumenter afslører, iht. de kriminaltekniske analyser, som VIPS har gennemgået, at dokumenterne ikke blev hacket; men de blev derimod lækket; de blev kopieret. Hastigheden i datatransmissionen, hastigheden af skabelsen af filerne, indikerer en hastighed, der overgår, hvad det er muligt at opnå over internettet, hvis man hackede ind i en computer og dernæst udtrak filer. De konkluderer så, at dette indikerer, at disse filer simpelt hen blev kopieret og dernæst offentliggjort, forfalsket med dette Guccifer 2.0 individ for at give det skær af russisk involvering i hackingen. Kendsgerningen er, at der ingen som helst beviser er blevet præsenteret, der kan vise, hvorfra WikiLeaks fik deres materiale. Stifteren af WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, sagde, dette var et læk, det var ikke et hack; det kom ikke fra Rusland, det kom ikke fra en statslig russisk aktør. Det var et læk. Som hr. McGovern sagde, så var der mange mennesker i DNC, der ikke var glade for den måde, man håndterede primærvalgene på. Der mangler ikke motiver for at udgive sandheden om, hvordan DNC havde opereret.

Men, oven i disse fabrikerede beviser, har vi nu en situation, hvor dette anti-russiske hysteri er fænomenalt. I går vedtog man en lov om anti-russiske sanktioner i Huset og Senatet. Denne lov, HR3364, tager det for givet, at Rusland hackede de amerikanske valg og påtvinger meget strenge sanktioner i flere tilfælde, og den forbyder præsidenten at ændre dem. Med andre ord, så fjerner loven præsidentens evne – i dette tilfælde, præsident Trump – til at indlede udenrigspolitik; hvilket rent faktisk er en del af præsidentens job. Sådan arbejder vi i dette land.

Så en af de mest chokerende ting om alt dette er, at denne angivelige handling fra Ruslands side, som er blevet kaldt en krigshandling af flere kongresmedlemmer – folk siger, at, pga. dette, bør Donald Trump afsættes ved en rigsret (impeachment); dette har kongresmedlemmer sagt. For noget af denne størrelsesorden, en krigshandling, der fører til sanktioner og et potentielt udbrud af konflikt med verdens mest magtfulde atommagt ud over os selv, mon dog ikke, man ville have gennemført en solid efterforskning? Det skete ikke. Ja, faktisk, efter DNC-computerne blev hacket, hvem efterforskede dem? Efter den angivelige hacking, hvem efterforskede dem? Ikke FBI. Et privat firma – Crowdstrike – med politiske forbindelser, der gør dets resultater meget mistænkelige.

VIPS afsluttede deres memo med at spørge, hvem er Guccifer 2.0? De siger, »Vi bør måske spørge FBI«. Så jeg spurgte Ray McGovern, »Hvorfor bør vi måske spørge FBI?«

McGovern: Efter det blev afsløret, at DNC var blevet, om jeg så må sige, ’hacket’, ville det, der normalt ville ske, med mindre jeg skulle tage meget fejl, være, at FBI ville blive indbudt til at se på det og finde ud af, hvem, der gjorde det. Eller DNC ville sige, »Vil I ikke nok komme og se, hvem der gjorde dette?« Men ved I hvad? Ingen af dem syntes at være særligt interesserede i at se på det. Så, med al respekt – og vi skylder faktisk ikke meget respekt – James Comey er skyldig i embedsmisbrug, og ikke blot embedsmisbrug. Folk skriger, at dette er en krigshandling, og han læner sig tilbage og siger, »Jeg ønsker ikke at sende mine teknikere ind her«? Hvorfor? Ja, jeg kan fortælle jer, hvorfor. Det ser for mig ud, som om, at, når man er efterretningsanalytiker, så har man tendens til at forbinde punkter; det er, hvad vi kalder en analytiker af alle kilder. Man ser ikke kun på de tekniske detaljer, de kriminaltekniske data, vi nu har, men også på, hvad der sker udenfor; hvad man finder ud af gennem aviserne. Og derfra ved vi, at CIA, med hjælp fra NSA, havde udviklet – det tog dem 15 år – en utrolig evne.

Ross: Denne evne, McGovern henviser til, er det, WikiLeaks afslørede i marts, med Vault 7-programmet. Ét aspekt af dette program hed Marble Framework; noget, CIA udviklede, og som gjorde det muligt at sløre kilden til cyber-angreb. Med andre ord, så havde CIA brugt en enorm indsats – hr. McGovern skønner det til milliarder af dollars, der blev brugt – til at udvikle evnen til at udføre hack, og dernæst at kunne tilskrive dem til andre nationer, til andre aktører. Han siger, at dette Marble Framework gjorde det muligt for CIA med overlæg at plante falske beviser for russisk involvering. De havde tekst med kyrilliske bogstaver, der kunne indsættes; med andre ord, så var det muligt at få det til at se ud, som om angriberne kom fra Rusland. Spørgsmålet er så, er dette blevet efterforsket? Har Trump med sine efterretningstjenester diskuteret en efterforskning for at finde ud af, om denne type evner blev brugt? Hr. McGovern siger, at det er blevet afsløret, at de blev brugt i 2016. Var det dette, de blev brugt til? Det ville en efterforskning kunne vise.

Dette rejser også spørgsmålet: Hvorfor denne fjendtlighed imod Rusland? Er dette en kynisk kampagneplan fra Demokraterne for at komme sig over et valg, som de tabte, og forsøge at afsætte Trump og forsøge at få magten i landet tilbage? Eller hvad andet er der i spil her? Hvorfor blev denne lov om sanktioner vedtaget så enstemmigt, med kun tre kongresmedlemmer (i Huset), der stemte imod, og kun to senatorer? Vi spurgte Ray McGovern, hvad han mente om dette:

McGovern: Det kommer mest fra Demokraterne, sært nok. Og det var oprindeligt, som jeg før forsøgte at forklare, et forsøg på at sværte russerne for at hjælpe Hillary til at blive valgt. Da hun så ikke blev valgt; »Hovsa! Vi kan stadig bruge dette her.« Hvordan kan vi bruge det? Til at vise, at Hillary ikke tabte valget; det kunne ikke skyldes, at hun ikke var en særlig god kandidat, eller at ingen stolede på hende. »Det er russerne!« Så nu tror de fleste amerikanere – ifølge opinionsundersøgelserne – at denne her fyr, Trump, som vi nu har som præsident, er der, fordi Vladimir Putin hjalp ham med at blive valgt. Det er dårligt! Det er virkelig dårligt.

Hvad er så målet nu? Jamen, målet er ikke alene at gøre Trump illegitim, men også at blive ved at fyre op under spændingerne med Rusland, så der ikke kan komme en reel detente; så vi kan sværte russerne og sige, »Se så dér!«

Ross: Det andet mål, eller den anden begivenhed, der forårsagede hele dette Ruslands-hysteri, var det, der skete i Ukraine; hvor et kup i 2014 væltede den valgte præsident af Ukraine og installerede en ny regering. USA’s involvering i dette kup var helt åbenlys; det var klart som dagen. De af os, der så med, så på YouTube videoerne, der dækkede audio-optagelserne af amerikanske regeringsfolk, der planlagde, hvordan den nye, ukrainske regering skulle se ud. Victoria Nuland var involveret i at være med til at etablere en ny regering i Ukraine. Som resultat af hele denne udvikling kom Krims gentilslutning til Rusland. Dette er blevet brugt til at sige, »Vi får aldrig fred med Rusland, før Rusland giver Krim tilbage til Ukraine« – hvilket med sikkerhed aldrig vil ske – »sanktionerne vil fortsætte. Rusland er alles fjende.«

Med dette in mente, at det var USA’s indblanding i Ukraine, der skabte betingelserne for destabilisering i den østlige del af Ukraine, som sluttelig førte til Krims gentilslutning til Rusland, kan vi stille os selv spørgsmålet, »Hvad vej går dette, hvis denne udvikling ikke stoppes?« Her er, hvad hr. McGovern havde at sige om det:

McGovern: Læg alt dette sammen, og man får en syntetisk; en slags kunstig konstruktion af Vladimir Putin som selveste Djævelen. Hele pressen foretager denne ’meme’ (indforstået information), og alle går med på det – især Demokraterne – og det er det mest besynderlige, jeg nogen sinde har set. Her har vi Donald Trump. Han vil gerne tale med Putin; og hvad sker der? De får en aftale om våbenstilstand (i Syrien). Det er ikke det hele, men en lille del af Syrien. Bliver det rapporteret i pressen? Nej, måske på en side inde i avisen.

Ross: De siger, det er at bøje sig for russerne.

McGovern: Så, hvis nogen af os har interesse i at stoppe blodbadet i Syrien, hvilket vi burde gøre; vi burde applaudere Trump for enhver anden indsats for at arbejde sammen med de andre styrker i spil. Ikke alene russerne, men også syrerne, tyrkerne og iranerne. Hvis vi ikke har et fælles mål imod ISIS, hvem har vi så et fælles mål imod?

Så al denne bagtalelse – og det, som nu bliver interessant; Trump besluttede i denne uge, at der ikke kommer mere støtte, ikke flere våben og penge til de såkaldte »moderate« oprørere. De oprørere, som USA har støttet i Syrien. Det er stort! Det er CIA’s pose; det er milliarder af dollar, der er investeret i det. Hvad vil der ske? Jamen, Trump er nu gået op imod CIA i dette spørgsmål. Og jeg genkalder nu, at ingen har arbejdet i Washington længere end senator Chuck Schumer, højest-rangerende Demokrat i Senatet. Han gav et interview til Rachel Maddow –

Rachel Maddow: Han tager disse skud og modsætningsforhold –

Chuck Schumer: Jeps.

Maddow: – som håner efterretningstjenesterne.

Schumer: Lad mig fortælle dig, at, hvis man går op imod efterretningssamfundet, så har de hundrede og sytten måder, hvorpå de kan hævne sig på dig.

McGovern: Rachel Maddow siger, »Åh, vi skal pause.« (McGovern) Giv mig mikrofonen! Hvis det var dig, ville du så ikke sige, »Siger du, at USA’s præsident bør frygte efterretningssamfundet?« Det er selvfølgelig, hvad han sagde. Hvorfor refererer jeg til dette? Juryen er ude. Han er gået lidt op imod dem. Om han gør det mht. det russiske hack, ved jeg ikke. Måske er [CIA-direktør Mike] Pompeo bange for at spørge disse fyre; eller bange for at spørge … Men, hvis han er bange, vil han så følge sin forgængers eksempel? For, Obama var dødsens ræd for John Brennan; det er derfor, han forsvarede ham, da Brennan hackede ind i Senatets computere. Det er derfor, han forsøgte at forhindre offentliggørelsen af memoet fra Senatet om CIA-tortur; for det viste, at Brennan og de andre havde løjet gennem tænderne om effektiviteten af torturteknikker. Så Obama forsvarede i høj grad sig selv, eller forsvarede dem, for sluttelig at forsvare sig. Om Schumer har ret, får vi sandsynligvis at se, snarere før end siden.

Ross: Vi finder ud af det snarere før end siden, baseret på, hvordan præsidenten, og hvordan det amerikanske folk, responderer til dette pres. Prøv lige et minut at tænke: Hvad ville det betyde, hvis Trump blev smidt ud af embedet baseret på noget, vi ved er en fabrikering, en løgn, skabt af efterretningstjenesterne? En løgn, der siger, Vladimir Putin anbragte ham i embedet? Hvis USA’s præsident kan fjernes fra embedet, baseret på nonsens, skabt af efterretningstjenesterne, har vi så en valgt regering i USA? Jeg tror, det er det spørgsmål, som vi må rejse, som en hastesag, ved at få de eksplosive nyheder om dette memo ud, som kommer fra Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS).

Her følger resten af webcastet i engelsk udskrift:

DIANE SARE:  We are going to ask everybody watching this
program to mobilize to break this story.  I first want to address
some of the questions that people may raise:  “Of course we know
the Russians didn’t hack the election. I voted for Trump; and I
wasn’t told to vote for Trump by Vladimir Putin.  So, what’s new
about this?”  Or people say, “We’re used to being lied to all the
time.  Why does this make a difference?”
First I just want to say a little bit about who some of
these people are.  In case you missed it, Ray McGovern is a
former US Army and former CIA intelligence; I believe he is
fluent in Russian and has a great deal of knowledge on this.
Bill Binney, who is the co-author of this report, is the former
NSA Technical Director for World Geopolitical and Military
Analysis, the co-founder of NSA Signals Intelligence Automation
Research Center — that is the data-mining.  But he designed in
part the technology to be able to spy on everyone; he knows this
very well.  The expert who did the forensics on these so-called
hacks which turned out to be a leak, is someone named Skip
Holden; who’s a retired IBM Program Manager for Information
Technology.  He’s the one who looked at this, who came to the
conclusion — as has been reported earlier — that there was no
hack.  That what happened was that 1976MB of data were copied in
only 87 seconds; which cannot be done over the internet.  That
cannot be done through cyberspace, but only by using some kind of
thumb drive or USB port, some kind of storage device that is
actually inserted into the computer to copy this data.  And that
this was done by someone operating in the Eastern time zone; so
an insider.  Then this was blamed on Russia.
The point is, we have in hand in this report by a group of
certified experts, proof, the documentation that this thing is a
[inaud; 23:49] fraud from the beginning.  That is extremely
important.  We discovered when going to the Congress yesterday,
four LaRouche PAC organizers took about 1000 copies of the VIPS
report to Congress and discovered that nobody there had heard
anything about this; which is outrageous.  You might remember
before the elections that President Obama and others had promised
there was going to be a classified briefing from the Congress,
presenting the alleged proofs that the Russians were hacking into
the Democratic Party and sabotaging the elections; and then such
briefing never occurred.  There never was any evidence presented.
I just want to take a step back for a second, because on the
other hand, to understand this.  When Lyndon LaRouche heard about
Comey’s testimony and the story about Russia, he said “The people
pushing this want thermonuclear war.  If they succeed, we’re
going to have thermonuclear war with Russia.”  I’d like to remind
people that what happened in Ukraine was the direct result of a
deliberate policy, as Jason said.  You remember it was economic,
in terms of whether Ukraine was going to orient economically
towards Russia or Europe.  They were put in a position where they
were allegedly being forced to choose one or the other; as
opposed to working with both.  So, a false crisis was created in
order to bring in virtual actual Nazis.  We can just show one
picture [Fig. 1], the first one which I think has their Svoboda
party, which looks like swastika armbands.  They violently
overthrew the government with $5 billion laundered through the US
State Department; largely from George Soros.  Victoria Nuland,
who was under Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State.  In other
words, we were provoking war with Russia; deliberately moving
NATO eastward, putting Nazis — actual supporters of Hitler and
Stephan Bandera — in power in Ukraine on Russia’s border.  Why?
Because the trans-Atlantic system is on the brink of total
disintegration.  The British Empire, this empire monarchy, is in
its final agony; it will not survive.  They’ve printed trillions
of dollars, they’ve bailed out the banks time and again, they’ve
created a gigantic bubble; it’s going down.  Therefore, there is
a push to expand the ability to loot and to either bluff or
directly have what they think could be  a limited nuclear war
with Russia.
The same thing in Syria. People may remember, Hillary
Clinton was proposing a no-fly zone over Syria so that we could
shoot down Russian planes in defense of ISIS.  As Ray McGovern
mentioned in the interview, one of the positive developments of
the Trump Presidency — a very significant one — is he met with
Putin, got a ceasefire; and we are no longer arming the so-called
“moderate” groups who are running around chopping people’s heads
off and filming it.  It’s a huge breakthrough.
So, I just want to underscore that the fact that we have in
our hands, by a group of highly competent professionals, the
proof that the entire story about Russia hacking the elections
was a fraud, is critical.  What Jason described about this new
round of sanctions against Russia, which is based on crimes that
were never committed.  Russia did not start the violence in
Ukraine; that was launched under Victoria Nuland with funding
from George Soros and the State Department.  It’s a bunch of
Nazis.  They did not illegally annex Crimea.  The people of
Crimea, who are predominantly Russian and Russian speaking, held
a referendum where they voted to leave Ukraine so they wouldn’t
be burned to death in buildings for speaking Russian; which is
what these Nazis did to people in Odessa, for example.  There was
a legitimate vote in Crimea; and there was no hack of the DNC
The evidence that came out, as Putin said “Why are people so
concerned?  You should be concerned that what was leaked was
actually true”; which was that the Hillary Clinton campaign had
ripped off Bernie Sanders in every imaginable way, and there was
nothing honest or upfront about the way she conducted her
campaign.  People suspected it, and that was then proven.  People
remember that Wasserman-Schultz had to resign.
The point is, we have this in hand; and what we are asking
you to do is several things.  One, obviously the Congress should
stop being a bunch of sold-out, gutless wonders, and they should
hold hearings with the actual evidence.  That is, Ray McGovern,
Bill Binney, Skip Holden; they should be invited to testify in
hearings in the Congress.  You can call into the Congressional
switchboard, which is (202) 224-3121.  You can see on the screen
the petition [Fig. 2] being circulated by the LaRouche Political
Action Committee.  Everybody should sign the petition, but you
should also circulate it on social media.  As I mentioned, what
we discovered in Washington is that no one had even heard of this
report.  We have to change the so-called narrative; that’s one
thing that we’ve run into in DC.  Everyone talks about narrative
this, narrative that, as if there’s no such thing as truth.
Well, the narrative right now is that somehow Vladimir Putin is
responsible for every evil that’s occurred on the planet in the
last 10 years at least; and that therefore, we should impose
sanctions on Russia and even risk a war with that country.  This
is completely insane; it is not true.  The truth of the matter is
that there is a New Paradigm which is being led by China; which
the US can join with China and Russia.  It has the potential, as
President Trump has expressed his intent to make American great
again.  The way we make America great again, is by collaborating
with China, with Russia to go back to a Hamiltonian system of
political economy.
So, our job, as Mrs. LaRouche put it, is we have to get the
truth out on this story.  The Veteran Intelligence Professionals
for Sanity — VIPS — have given us a weapon.  She said,  “You
know the phenomenon where people are marching across a bridge at
such a frequency that the footsteps resonate with the
construction of the bridge; and it creates a vibration that
causes the bridge itself to collapse.  What we want to do with
this mobilization is break the back of this lie.”  The American
people have been lied to for a very long time.  We were lied to
about the Kennedy assassination with devastating consequences to
our republic.  We were lied to about 9/11; we were lied to about
the Saudi and British role in 9/11 explicitly.  We are now being
lied to about the election; and these lies could have the
consequence of running a coup d’etat against a legitimately
elected leader and putting us on a trajectory for World War III.
We can break the back of this by circulating this report.
So, I would urge people to take the material from the
LaRouche PAC website, get it out on your Facebook accounts, send
it out through Twitter.  Call the White House and urge President
Trump to appoint special counsel to launch a Presidential
investigation of what happened in the DNC computers.  That we
have evidence that someone, as Ray McGovern asked, What does the
CIA know about this?  What does Brennan know about this?  What
does the FBI know about this?  Who was it who went into the DNC
computer and tried to make it look like Russia had done this?
President Trump, as President of the United States, has a
legitimate right to demand such an investigation.  You should
call the White House and demand this.  Call your Congressman and
say “Have you read the report from the Veteran Intelligence
Professionals for Sanity?  Have you read that report?  Don’t you
think there should be hearings?  We have to investigate this.”
Get this out to all of your friends; it’s absolutely urgent.
Because when we break the back of this, then we can transform the
So, I would just say that it is very important that people
take action.  The LaRouche PAC website will be the center of this
mobilization; giving you the ammunition that you need and the
resources that you need to get to your elected officials.

ROSS:  Absolutely!  And that ammunition is available for you
right here.  In the video description you’ll find a link to the
Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity memo —
russia-hack-evidence/. The full interview with Ray McGovern
will be available on our website over the weekend; we’ll be
posting it soon.
I just wanted to bring up one more aspect of this in terms
of the coup.  Diane had brought up John Brennan.  Well, John
Brennan, at the Aspen Security Forum just a couple of days ago,
had said that if Trump fires Robert Mueller, the special
investigator, that the intelligence agencies should refuse to go
along with it.  In essence, he’s calling for a coup against the
President based on a political decision that he might make.  So,
ask yourself:  Do you want to have a government?  Or do you want
to have John Brennan and other non-elected people dictating and
determining policy in a way that is to the absolute detriment of
our nation?  If this isn’t removed, the opportunity to work with
Russia, to work with China, and to work towards a better future
as Diane had mentioned, will simply be impossible.  So, get that
memo out; make sure everybody you know reads it.  It’s absolutely
dynamite and it definitively puts to rest the whole Russia-gate
nonsense.  It’ll be great to move on from that, won’t it?
So, thank you for joining us.  I’m looking forward to your
action to make this a reality.  We’ll see you next time.

Stop det næste økonomiske kollaps –
LaRouches Fire Love, NU!
LaRouchePAC Internationale Webcast,
21. juli, 2017

Benjamin Deniston: Vi har et par vigtige afsnit til jer i dag, inklusive annonceringen af en nødmobilisering, der i dag lanceres af LaRouchePAC, med et krav om forebyggende handlinger, der er nødvendige for at standse et nyt finanskollaps – et kollaps, der er værre end krisen i 2008. Det kommer vi til.

Vi vil også afspille en video med en appel fra fr. Helga Zepp-LaRouche, der taler direkte til det amerikanske folk; med en opfordring til, at det amerikanske folk rejser sig og forsvarer præsident Trump, især med hans løfter om at genopbygge den amerikanske økonomi gennem at vedtage Glass-Steagall og satse på det Amerikanske Økonomiske System. Videoen kommer lige om lidt.

Vi vil afslutte med nogle rapporter direkte fra gaden om LaRouche Politiske Aktionskomite (LPAC) i hele landet. Så bliv her på kanalen, for dette får du med sikkerhed ikke i medierne i dag, og som er en ægte aflæsning af, hvad det faktisk almindelige, patriotiske, amerikanske folk ønsker; hvad de tænker nu, og hvad de ønsker at gøre.

Men før vi kommer til disse to sidstnævnte afsnit, har vi i dag en meddelelse om, at LaRouchePAC udsteder en nødmobilisering og kræver, at de relevante regeringer griber til forebyggende handlinger for at standse et nyt kollaps af det transatlantiske finanssystem. I løbet af de seneste 24 timer har både Lyndon og Helga LaRouche krævet denne nødmobilisering; der skal føres både i USA og i nationerne i hele Europa for at kræve, og gennemtvinge og forlange, at de relevante regeringer – inklusive præsident Trump – griber til de nødvendige, forebyggende handlinger for at reorganisere finanssystemet og reorganisere det økonomiske system. Og at gøre dette, før den nye sammenbrudskrise rammer. Alle, der følger os her på LaRouchePAC, ved, at de forebyggende handlinger, der må foretages omgående, er absolut krystalklare. Vi har LaRouches økonomiske genrejsningsprogram, Fire Love, der begynder med vedtagelse af Glass-Steagall som blot det første, indledende skridt.

Før vi kommer nærmere ind på dette, vil vi belyse den kendsgerning, at der er nye diskussioner og nye bekymringer om mange mulige udløserpunkter for denne nye finanskrise. Vi har f.eks. nye udviklinger i den såkaldte italienske bankkrise; der faktisk ikke er begrænset til Italien, men det er, hvad man diskuterer. I de seneste par dage har diverse finanseksperter advaret om, at 16 ud af 19 italienske banker – det er 85 % af bankerne i Italien, 16 ud af 19 – i øjeblikket ikke kan leve op til de europæiske standarder mht. misligholdte lån (Non-performing Loans; NPL)[1]. Det rapporteres, at disse banker skal rejse $32 milliard for at leve op til EU-standarder. Denne helt nye udvikling kommer i sammenhæng med en igangværende krise i eurozonen. For eksempel har Marco Zanni, både i sine egne interviews med andre publikationer og i interviews med LaRouchePAC, advaret om, at vi nu har kurs mod en ny bankkrise. Han har udtalt sig offentligt imod dette og har meget nøje overvåget situationen med de italienske banker og eurozone-bankerne. Under diskussionen i morges med fr. Helga Zepp-LaRouche, kom hun med en meget klar pointe. Hun sagde: »Hvis der er amerikanere, der tror, at dette er et italiensk spørgsmål, eller dette er et europæisk spørgsmål, så må I hellere tro om igen og indse, hvad situationen er.« Det er almindeligt kendt, at amerikanske banker har en derivateksponering på over $2 billioner over for europæiske banker. Det er ikke noget nyt; vi så det i 2007, 2008, 2009. Det transatlantiske banksystem er så indbyrdes sammenflettet og afhængigt, at en nedsmeltning i en hvilken som helst af disse regioner let kan sende hele systemet til tælling.

Det er den situation, vi ser på i Europa. I USA er der signaler over det hele. For eksempel situationen i Texas, hvor, den 11. juli, Houston Cronicle rapporterede, at selskabers misligholdelse af lån i hele staten Texas i dag allerede er højere, end den var under krisen i 2008-2009. Så selv om vi angiveligt ikke er i en krise – det er, hvad man fortæller os – så er graden af selskabers misligholdelse allerede højere i Texas i dag, end den var under krisens højdepunkt, da den sidst voksede frem. Dette omfatter visse helt enestående situationer. For eksempel, en situation, der beskrives som »uhørt«, en begivenhed uden fortilfælde; og det var sammenbruddet af en Houston-baseret, privat kapitalfond ved navn EnerVest, Limited, der vurderedes til $2 milliard. Men, efter dens kollaps, vurderedes den helt ned til nul. Før denne begivenhed ville typiske tab fra denne form for situation, hvor en privat kapitalfond går ned, ende med et tab på 25 %. Her har vi tab på 100 %. Dette bliver åbenlyst indrømmet som en begivenhed uden fortilfælde. Wall Street Journal interviewede under sin dækning af det eksperter, der advarede, »Flere andre energi-fokuserede fonde er i fare for en lignende situation«.

Ud over denne specifikke situation i Texas er det velkendt, at graden af selskabers misligholdelse i hele landet allerede var i støt stigning i hele 2016 og fortsættende i 2017. Der er endnu en situation omkring restancer i billån, der nu er på et niveau, der kan sammenlignes med restancerne i ejendomslån i 2006, umiddelbart inden kollapset af boblen i ejendomslån. Jeg håber, vore seere er klar over, at billån er blevet brugt til en lignende virkning med at skabe værdipapirer og andre bjerge af svindellån på basis af disse oprindelige lån. Man er bekymret for, at restancerne på billånene på samme måde kunne udløse en krise.

Og så har vi selvfølgelig den igangværende saga om de uophørlige bailouts med politikken for kvantitativ lempelse. I Europa sender enhver blot antydning eller diskussion om, at den Europæiske Centralbank skal nedskære deres QE – kvantitativ lempelse – bailout-program omgående markederne ud i uro. Så her otte, ni år inde i dette fortsatte bailout-program, sender den blotte nævnelse af at nedskære dette en lille smule markederne ud i krise; for blot at give jer en fornemmelse af, hvor følsom situationen er dér.

Vi bringer disse punkter frem, fordi de blot er nogle mulige punkter, der kunne udløse denne krise. Jeg vil gerne understrege, at Helga Zepp-LaRouche her til morgen specifikt satte fokus på den italienske banksituation som et kritisk område, man skulle overvåge. Men dette er blot mulige udløserpunkter; ikke ét af dem er i sig selv årsagen. Ethvert af disse punkter kunne gå af, de kunne udløse nedsmeltningen; eller, det kunne blive noget helt andet. Som vi drøftede det med Lyndon og Helga LaRouche, så er årsagen den samme, systemiske fallit i hele det transatlantiske system, der stod bag krisen i 2008, og som ikke blev løst på nogen som helst måde af bailout. Helga understregede her til morgen, at, ikke alene løste bailout ingenting; det førte faktisk systemet over i en fremgangsmåde med reel, accelereret udplyndring af befolkningen i USA og Europa. Udplyndring af det amerikanske og europæiske folk i et desperat forsøg på at opretholde og fortsætte denne boble. Vi har nu nået et nyt vendepunkt i denne krise.

Vi kunne nævne mange ting om dette, men blot et par udviklinger, der er sket i de seneste dage: Nye rapporter om de ødelæggende virkninger af nedskæringer af pensioner, som et resultat af Obamas politikker. Vi har især et tilfælde med Multi-employer Pension Fund Reform Act[2], som Obama underskrev og satte i kraft i 2014; hvilket angiveligt skulle have været et forsøg på at redde mange pensioner fra at gå ned, til trods for, at disse pensioner angiveligt skulle være garanteret til de mennesker, der indbetalte til dem og havde tjent dem. Vi hører nu, at nedskæringer på op til 63 % af disse pensioner er blevet annonceret over for medlemmerne af Cleveland Stålarbejdere Lokal 17. Dette er blot ét eksempel, og det første eksempel, på, hvad der kunne blive en hel bølge af massive nedskæringer af pensioner for denne form for arbejdere, som et resultat af disse politikker fra Obama-æraen. Det er sikkert overflødig at sige det, men det er altså en massiv nedskæring; man tager folk, der har planlagt en anstændig middelklasse pensionisttilværelse, og nu kastes de ud under fattigdomsgrænsen. Dette truer med hjemløshed for mange af disse mennesker.

Det er blot ét eksempel. Mere generelt er det også blevet annonceret, at 33 forskellige stater i hele nationen nu rapporterer om nedgang i deres forudsete indtægter. Hvilket betyder, at vi må være forberedt på fornyet diskussion om nedskæringspolitik i hele landet i diverse stater, som respons hertil. Og, som vore seere er udmærket klar over, så har vi selvfølgelig det igangværende, fysiske sammenbrud af USA; hvilket er et absolut indbyrdes forbundet og indbyrdes afhængigt spørgsmål. Den basale, nødvendige finansiering for blot en minimal, basal vedligeholdelse af vore infrastruktursystemer – de systemer, der holder vores økonomi i gang, der holder folk i live – er blevet nægtet; er blevet fjernet under dette sindssyge, Wall Street-kørte, spekulative system.

Pointen er, at dette system er mere råddent, end det var i 2008. Ethvert af det amerikanske folks fysiske vilkår er værre, end det var i 2008, som et resultat af Bush’ og Obamas politik. Vi er nu ved et punkt, hvor boblen igen er rede til at briste; der er mange mulige udløsere. Som respons til denne situation har Lyndon og Helga LaRouche understreget, at vi må kræve forebyggende handling. Vi kan ikke vente på, at krisen rammer og så respondere i sammenhæng med et krisescenarie. De relevante regeringer må gå ind og intervenere og forhindre et sammenbrud med LaRouches Fire Love-programmet. Hvis vi venter på et kaotisk kollaps, kunne det være for sent.

LaRouches Fire Love-program er ganske enkelt, det er meget klart. Man kan finde mere information på LaRouchePAC-websiden. Programmet begynder med 1) Glass-Steagall; en anerkendt, kraftigt støttet handling for at omstrukturere banksystemet ved at rejse en brandmur mellem legitim, standard, kommerciel bankpraksis og så de mere spekulative hasardspilspraksisser af den type, der praktiseres af investeringsbanker og Wall Street. Simplet hen adskille dem; det er alt, man behøver gøre som første skridt.

Hr. LaRouches trin 2 er at komme ind med et statsligt banksystem i Hamiltons tradition. Skab en ny nationalbank, der kan udstede kredit til disse kommercielle banker og andre banker til at finansiere et finanssystem, der er frit og uafhængigt af Wall Street, City of London og disse internationale finansoligarker. Det er, hvad vor nation har gjort på forskellige tidspunkter i hele vores historie; det er en politik, der er rodfæstet i den Amerikanske Forfatning og vor nations grundlæggelse, for at have statslig, national kontrol over det monetære system, over vores kreditpolitik. For at sikre, at vi kan kontrollere, hvordan vi bruger vores penge, hvorhen vi dirigerer vores kredit, og at vi ikke er prisgivet Wall Streets eller et internationalt finanskartels luner.

Men det bringer os frem til punkt 3, som virkelig er afgørende for hr. LaRouches enestående indsigt i realøkonomisk vækst og genrejsning; og det er at sikre, at vi ikke blot skaber kredit til jobs som sådan, men at kreditten må gå til produktive jobs, der øger arbejdskraftens fysiske produktivitet; der øger den fysiske nettoproduktion af de varer, der er nødvendige for at det amerikanske folk kan opretholde samfundet. Der må være en forståelse og en prioritering af kreditudstedelse til ting, der med garanti har denne fysiske væksteffekt, der vil skabe en anti-entropisk forøgelse af vækst i den amerikanske økonomi. En fremtrædende komponent i dette er infrastruktur; en genopbygning af infrastrukturen; opbygning af en ny infrastrukturplatform for vores land, på et højere niveau. Det er denne form for fysiske investeringer, der behøves. Som et nationalt, højhastigheds-jernbanenet, der helt vil forandre transport i hele landet. Nye vandsystemer, nye energisystemer; sådanne ting.

Det 4. punkt i LaRouches Fire Love er et forceret program for termonuklear fusionskraft; og dens anvendelse til at støtte en ny rummission, med videnskab som drivkraft, for udvikling af Månen og udvidelse af menneskehedens snarlige aktivitet i Solsystemet. Og igen; dette er rodfæstet i hr. LaRouches erkendelse af, at dette er en form for investeringer, der ikke bare koster penge. Men de fremmer og fremtvinger faktisk den form for teknologiske og videnskabelige revolutioner, der rykker hele samfundet opad. Apolloprogrammet, det forcerede Måneprogram, betalte mange gange den oprindelige investering tilbage gennem effekterne af de nye teknologier, der blev udviklet til denne mission, og som dernæst blev benyttet i hele økonomien. Det er basal, økonomisk vækst; og hele denne pakke er nødvendig, som et hele, som en totalitet, for at komme ud af denne krise.

Det er, hvad hr. LaRouche har sagt siden før nedsmeltningen i 2007-2008; og nu siger han det igen. Tiden er nu inde til, at folk lytter og griber til handling omgående, og ikke venter på, at dette her skal ske igen.

Vi ved alle – vi har diskuteret det– at præsident Trump viser en åbenhed over for at satse på dette program. Han har åbent udtalt sin støtte til Glass-Steagall. Han har åbent diskuteret det Amerikanske System for politisk økonomi; noget, der sandsynligvis ikke er blevet omtalt af nogen præsident i godt og vel 100 år. Spørgsmålet er sandsynligvis, om der overhovedet har været en præsident i dette tidsrum, der forstod, hvad det ville sige; vi skal nok tilbage til Franklin Roosevelt. Men Trump har lagt disse ting på bordet; han har opfordret til at støtte disse politikker. Men, det amerikanske folk må indse, at dette er en kamp. Han går op imod Wall Street; han går op imod City of London; han går op imod det britiske establishment med denne politik. Han har brug for den nødvendige støtte til at sikre, at han rent faktisk kan bringe dette program til at bære frugt.

Og vi er nu kommet til en særlig videotale, som Helga Zepp-LaRouche optog tidligere på ugen som en direkte appel til det amerikanske folk om ikke blot at læne sig tilbage og klage eller håbe. Men derimod at gribe til omgående handling for at sikre, at vores præsident har støtten til disse særlige spørgsmål og har mulighed for at gennemføre sit økonomiske revolutionsprogram. Det er ikke nogen let kamp; det er ikke en kamp, hvor hverken det ene eller andet udfald er garanteret. Lige nu er det en kamp, hvor udfaldet er åbent. Så vi afspiller nu Helga Zepp-LaRouches bemærkninger for jer.

(Se: Helga Zepp-LaRouches videotale, med dansk oversættelse: http://schillerinstitut.dk/si/?p=20761 )


Her følger resten af webcastet i engelsk udskrift:


DENISTON:  So I think that was a very clear and appropriate
message, and I think that transitions us directly to our
concluding brief segment on the show today; which is the response
that we’re getting from the American people when we take this
message to them.  As you hopefully know, LaRouche PAC is not a
news service; we’re not just here providing information.  We are
a political action committee; we are active all around the
country, online, social networks; but also in the streets around
the nation.  What we are getting is a very clear and strong
response when the proper leadership — as Helga just displayed —
is brought to the American people.  Despite all of this crazy
media bombardment and what Helga referenced in terms of the
top-down control of the political parties trying to maintain
these different narratives about Trump, about the election, about
Russia, etc., etc.  The reality is, the common American person
has a very clear and immediate response when the actual issues of
the economic breakdown, the fight against Wall Street, and the
need to rebuild the country along the lines of LaRouche’s Four
Laws are brought to them.  When these points are brought to them,
they respond.  Democrat, Republican, independent, Green,
whatever.  There is a unity in the American people that needs to
be mobilized, built upon, and rallied to support Trump on these
specific measures, so he can take on Wall Street; take on the
City of London; and preempt this crisis with the entire Four Laws
program.  So, with that, we have a very short additional video
report we want to bring to you, featuring LaRouche PAC organizer
Kevin Pearl from the Boston, Massachusetts area.  He has a report
on the activity and response he’s getting from his direct
activity with the American people.


:  Hi.  Kevin Pearl with the LaRouche
Political Action Committee in Raynham, Massachusetts.  I just
wanted to give people a quick report of the responses that we’ve
been getting out in the streets over the course of the last week;
which is very different from what you might expect from the media
reports.  The reality is, a huge number of Democrats —
particularly blue-collar Democrats — are thrilled to see us out
here defending Trump.  This is not a Republican-Democratic
question.  There’s a division between those who want to
reindustrialize and rebuild the country and are thrilled at the
idea of Trump investing $1 trillion or more in American
infrastructure, versus those who are willing to defend the Wall
Street financial casino at all costs.  People are disgusted by
the propaganda that Russia somehow stole the election.  Many
people sheepishly say, “Frankly, I like Putin.  I think he’s
doing more to stop terrorism than Obama did or Bush did.”  Many
people sheepishly admit that they themselves are Democrats;
because they think that only Republicans support the President,
because of the media brainwashing.  The reality is, Americans
want to rebuild the country along the lines of Republicans that
think like Lincoln and Eisenhower, and Democrats that think like
Franklin Roosevelt and John Kennedy. It’s time to cut the
partisan crap and do that.
So, that’s the sense that we’re getting in the streets out
here. That’s my quick report for today.  Keep in touch.

DENISTON:  So, as you saw there, that’s one taste of what
we’re getting.  We also had similar reports from around the
country.  I’ll just highlight very briefly a fun report we got
from the greater New York Manhattan area; where one of our
organizers was approached by a somewhat suspicious character who
was asking very probing questions and kind of trying to get under
our skin a little bit.  At a certain point, when provoked, she
said, “Well actually, I was told to come down here and harass you
guys, because you have some support of Trump as part of your
presentation here on our street corner.  I was alerted through my
Facebook group that we should go down here and harass you for
being Trump supporters.”  We got into a basic discussion with the
woman; she agreed with us on everything we were talking about.
She wants Glass-Steagall, she wants the Four Laws program, she
wants to rebuild the country.  So, it’s another example of how
thin this propaganda is that’s being put out by the media.  What
cuts through it is the economic reality of the situation and the
actions needed.  So, if we can mobilize the American people —
and that is your job out there as our audience, as our activists,
as our supporters.  One leading item we still have is our
petition, calling on the Congress to support this activity to
rebuild the country.  We need to continue to build support around
that; build support for the Four Laws program as a whole.
Again, just to reiterate, we are now launching an emergency
campaign to call for preemptive action.  There are new signs that
this system, which has been rotted to the core for many years
now, and is only being supported by the looting of the general
population; that this system is now coming to the point where it
is ready to blow out again.  It could be tomorrow; it could be
next week.  It’s not a mechanical scenario where one particular
event is going to trigger it; it could be any event.  The problem
is in the inherent nature of the system itself, not in any of
these particular scenarios we cited earlier — although those
should be watched as potential triggers.
So, that’s our situation now.  That’s our task before us.
We are happy to bring you this show this week, and we will
continue to bring you more information as things develop.  Thank
you for joining us at larouchepac.com.

[1] Et banklån regnes for misligholdt, når der går mere end 90 dage, uden at låneren betaler de aftalte afdrag og renter. Misligholdte lån – NLP’er – kaldes også »dårlige lån«.

[2] Multiemployer Pension Reform Act fra 2014 er en føderal lov, der havde til formål at tillade visse amerikanske pensionsordninger, der har utilstrækkelige midler og dermed risikerer insolvens, at reducere de udbetalinger, de skylder pensions-indbetalerne.

Vi har brug for et nationalt infrastrukturprogram, NU!
LaRouche PAC Internationale Webcast,
14. juli, 2017

Det er den 14. juli, 2017; og, som de ville sige i Frankrig, »Bonne Fête Nationale!«. Vi ved, at præsident Trump netop er kommet tilbage fra at deltage i fejringen af Bastille-dagen i Paris, Frankrig, hvor han havde et succesrigt møde med præsident Macron, iflg. rapporter. De fejrede mere end 200 års fransk-amerikansk partnerskab, der går helt tilbage til vores alliance for at besejre briterne i den Amerikanske Revolution.

Men, der er gået nøjagtig én uge siden det historiske møde mellem præsident Trump og præsident Putin fra Rusland, på sidelinjen af G20-topmødet i Hamborg, Tyskland.

(Her følger det engelske udskrift af webcastet.)


LaRouche PAC International Webcast

MATTHEW OGDEN:  Good evening; it’s July 14, 2017.  My name
is Matthew Ogden, and you’re joining us here for our weekly
webcast on larouchepac.com.  I’m joined in the studio by Paul
Gallagher, {EIR} Economics Editor.
It’s July 14, 2017; and as they would say in France, “Bonne
Fête Nationale!”  We know that President Trump has just returned
from attending the Bastille Day celebrations in Paris, France,
where he had a successful visit with President Macron according
to reports.  They celebrated over 200 years of French-American
partnership going all the way back to our alliance to defeat the
British in the American Revolution.
But it’s been exactly one week since the historic meeting
between President Trump and President Putin of Russia, on the
sidelines of the G-20 in Hamburg, Germany.  We have a picture
[Fig. 1] here I can put on the screen of President Putin’s and
President Trump’s meeting, as you can see here.  As was correctly
cited by Stephen Cohen in an article in The Nation yesterday,
this was a very successful summit.  The achievements included: 1)
formalizing a new direct partnership between the United States
and Russian Presidents — personal relationship; 2. negotiating a
very successful ceasefire in southern Syria, which continues to
hold to this day.  This is part of a more general policy of
coordinating anti-terrorism campaigns; 3. — according to reports
— creating a bilateral US-Russia channel to try to resolve the
ongoing civil war in Ukraine.  But, over the past week, we’ve
also seen an escalation to a real fever pitch of the so-called
“Russia-gate” campaign.  We’ve seen this very rapid escalation of
attacks against the Trump Presidency.  But as Paul Gallagher
pointed out correctly in a lead that was published yesterday on
the LaRouche PAC website, this latest series of frenzied
outbursts against President Trump over the so-called
“Russia-gate” is not due to some sort of 20-minute meeting that
one of Trump’s children had with a Russian lawyer at Trump Tower
during the campaign.  But rather, it’s over the fact that
President Trump himself had a very successful 2.5-hour meeting
with President Putin of Russia last week.  This is a meeting that
Trump’s opponents never intended to allow to occur, let alone
turn out as positively and successfully as it did.  This has
been, emphatically, the issue all along in this so-called
“Russia-gate” collusion scandal; going all the way back to before
Trump’s inauguration.
I’d like to put on the screen here a tweet [Fig. 2] that
President Trump tweeted out on January 7th of this year, where he
correctly identifies exactly what the issue here is.  This is two
weeks before the inauguration.  He says, “Having a good
relationship with Russia is a good thing, not a bad thing.  Only
‘stupid’ people or fools would think that it is bad.  We have
enough problems around the world without yet another one.  When I
am President, Russia will respect us far more than they do now,
and both countries will perhaps work together to solve some of
the many great and pressing problems and issues of the world.”
So, indeed, that’s what Trump has been able to succeed in
accomplishing; and he’s stuck to this, despite the environment of
Russophobia which far rivals anything that we’ve seen at least
since the Cold War, maybe going all the way back to the infamous
McCarthyism of the 1950s.  You’ve reached a point now where even
Senator Tim Kaine, the former running mate of Hillary Clinton
during the campaign, has openly accused the sitting President of
the United States of treason over the fact that Trump’s son
allegedly met with a foreign national to receive so-called
damaging information against his opponent Hillary Clinton in the
Presidential campaign.  While at the same time, Hillary Clinton
herself had actively solicited damaging, salacious misinformation
against her opponent Donald Trump from a known former agent of
British Intelligence, Christopher Steele.  So, that’s quite the
double standard, if you ask me.
But to make the point, in the face of this entire apparatus,
President Trump’s policy of cooperating with Putin and
establishing a good relationship with President Xi of China is,
indeed, a courageous one.  But as Paul Gallagher made the point
in this same lead which I cited earlier, which he titled “Trump’s
Policy of Peace with Putin and Xi Is Courageous; But His Policy
of Peace with Wall Street is not”.  Very correctly, Paul, you
said “What is not courageous is this President’s inability to
take any steps against Wall Street towards carrying out the
economic recovery policies on which he ran his campaign.  Rather,
Wall Street, led by the likes of Treasury Secretary Steve
Mnuchin, is running all over him.  President Trump is fighting
the British imperial policy and it is British Intelligence which
launched ‘Russia-gate’ against him a year ago, and has driven the
Congressional leadership into McCarthyite madness.  But neither
he, nor either party in Congress, is fighting Wall Street; that
is up to the rest of us, and it cannot be delayed or the next
looming crash will wipe us out entirely.”
So, Paul, that’s what you said in the lead of the LaRouche
PAC website yesterday, very correctly; and I think we’ll get into
that.  But this was echoed by Helga Zepp-LaRouche during
discussions we had with her just a little bit earlier today.  She
said what is clearly urgently necessary and seriously lacking in
the current Trump administration is a commitment to following
through on what she called “an industrial program for the United
States.”  She said we need to get people to focus on this.  The
Trump agenda internationally is fine, clearly; especially Trump’s
stance on Russia, China, US cooperation, which is obviously
positive she said.  And which is the source of the unprecedented
attacks against his administration by those who wish to sabotage
such a relationship.  But domestically, we need a real economic
program.  She said, “As the famous saying goes, ‘it’s the
economy, stupid!’|”  She said that we do expect that sometime
this month, the US-China economic cooperation report is expected
to be published, which was commissioned during President Trump’s
and President Xi Jinping’s summit at Mar-a-Lago a few months ago.
But, as far as can be seen up to this point, there is really
nothing yet happening in terms of Trump’s promised $1 trillion
infrastructure investment plan for the United States.  She said
this is a big weakness, along with Trump’s indefensible cowardice
in the face of Wall Street.  So, it’s our responsibility to
escalate this campaign to get this infrastructure campaign going
in the context of LaRouche’s Four Economic Laws; starting with
Glass-Steagall, which we’re going to discuss more in a minute.
We can use the reconstruction of the New York City region as a
necessary catalyst and a keystone to energize this entire
national infrastructure vision.
So, just to begin with, I’d like to play a short video which
was just posted on the LaRouche PAC website, narrated by Jason
Ross, on this subject.  The title of the video is “What New York
City Can Learn from Africa”.

JASON ROSS:  So, New York City has now officially
entered the “Summer of Hell” created by long overdue maintenance
work around Penn Station.  This work is going to reduce commuter
access to this vital hub by 20% for the half million commutes
daily.  A couple of weeks ago in New York, the derailment of an A
train left dozens injured and disrupted hundreds of thousands of
trips.  In two years, the planned shutdown of the L train will
disrupt 200,000 daily trips for a year and a half.  Today, New
York City’s subway delays are 2.5 times what they were just five
years ago.  It’s clear that transportation in America’s leading
city is at the breaking point.  This should be no surprise to
anyone who has followed the lack of infrastructure investment
over the past decades; particularly to Lyndon LaRouche, who
fought against the 1970s destruction and under investment in New
York City and the Big MAC (Municipal Assistance Corporation)
financial dictatorship that took it over.
Many of the immediately needed fixes are totally obvious to
anyone familiar with the situation.  Replace the 100-year-old
tunnels crossing the Hudson and East Rivers; upgrade the
switching equipment that dates back to Franklin Roosevelt’s
Presidency; and increase maintenance and repair, overhaul of
track and equipment.  But what’s really required is a longer-term
perspective of the next level of infrastructure; the long-term
perspective whose absence caused the crisis that we now find
ourselves in; a crisis in which New York City is merely a leading
example in the United States.  Without fighting to win a
commitment to such a long-term perspective for a new platform,
any short-term fixes — even needed ones — will just be kicking
the can down the road.
To make that long-term perspective clear, let’s look at what
we can learn from Africa and China.  With some exceptions of the
more developed nations such as Egypt and South Africa, African
infrastructure is at a pitifully under-developed level.  Consider
these figures:  The total shipment of freight by rail.  In
Africa, it’s less than 10 % of what it is in the United States,
China, or Europe.  Consider per capita energy consumption in
Africa; only 10% that of the US, only 1/3 that of China.  It’s
more clear, when we focus on the higher form of energy represented
by electrical energy.  Per capita use in Africa is only 6 % what
it is in the United States, and only 1/4 that of China.  In fact,
less than half of Africans have reliable access to electricity at
all.  A typical US refrigerator uses more than double the average
electricity use of citizens of Nigeria or Kenya.  With such an
insufficient infrastructure platform, extensive economic progress
is simply impossible.  Yet, some people — and by some people, I
mean Africa’s colonial masters, led by the British — say that
African development should be through “appropriate” technologies.
That an incremental approach to improvement should be taken; that
foot-powered pumps for water, or solar panels on a hut would be a
useful upgrade.  That is nonsense!
For example, the pathetic Power Africa plan proposed by
President Obama would hardly make a dent in the outrageously low
levels of development.

OBAMA:  It’s going to be your generation that suffers the
most.  Ultimately, if you think about all the youth that
everybody’s mentioned here in Africa, if everybody’s raising
living standards to the point where everybody’s got a car, and
everybody’s got air conditioning, and everybody’s got a big
house, the planet will boil over.”

ROSS:  Africa must leap ahead, not crawl forward; and this
can happen.  The Congo River itself could support an estimated
100,000 MW of electricity; enough for 100 million people or more,
with 40,000 MW from the planned Grand Inga Dam alone.  The
Trans-Aqua water program which would use water from the Congo and
its tributaries to refill and to provide navigation to Lake Chad
which is currently drying up; this would be larger by an order of
magnitude than any other project in the world.  The expansion of
rail lines in Africa is currently at a world-leading level today;
it’s growing.  New transportation routes across Africa will
connect the hinterlands, allowing modern development.  This will
change the situation from the current land-locked regions of the
To give one example, the freight costs for bringing in a
container of fertilizer from Singapore, to bring that into Rwanda
or Burundi, it’s more than 2.5 times the cost of bringing it to
the port city of Alexandria in Egypt; due to the terrible,
insufficient quality of overland transportation infrastructure
across the continent.  So, by creating access to efficient
transportation, regions benefit from the opportunity to bring in
equipment and supplies; to export their products and ideas; for
residents to travel. With the availability of electricity, higher
productive capabilities are unlocked.  The value of the land and
of the people increases.
Some people recognize this.  Unlike the outlook of the
trans-Atlantic world, China views Africa not simply as a source
of raw materials, as a continent that’s best kept in a state of
under-development; but as an opportunity for massive, rapid,
intense, overall economic development.  As potential partners for
economic prosperity, as new markets, new collaborators.  So,
while US or European stock in Africa is heavily oriented towards
mining and resource extraction, Chinese investment goes primarily
to infrastructure and small- and medium-sized businesses.  Back
in 2010, Chinese trade in Africa overtook that of US trade with
Africa; and it is currently more than double the US-Africa trade
level.  China is financing big projects.  The nearly
500-kilometer, 300-mile standard gauge railway in Kenya; built in
only three years.  The 750-kilometer, 500-mile Djibouti-Addis
Ababa rail line, which will be extended.  It reduces travel time
from days to hours, as it whizzes by at 100mph.
Such major investments, along with the future completion of
the Grand Inga Dam, of the Trans-Aqua water system, they’re going
to completely transform the economy of Africa and each locality
within it.  Bringing water, power, transportation access;
allowing a higher level of industry, mining, agriculture,
scientific and cultural pursuits.  Productivity will grow.
So now, return to New York City.  What has been missing in
New York City?  Maintenance?  No.  What’s been missing is a
commitment to discovering and building the next platform of
infrastructure for the region.  In the context of a national
credit system of Federal high-speed rail authority work, of
upgraded and reliable waterways, of high-tech new designs of
nuclear plants; all of these potentially built with international
cooperation.  In this context, how does New York City fit in this
broader area that it exists in?  Where will the next generation
of transportation and development hubs lie?  And upon what
technologies will they be based?  How can magnetic levitation
technology change our view of transportation?  How will
commercial fusion power, realized within a decade by a fully
funded research program, how could this change our relationship
to power, to materials, to production, to transportation?  How
will the expanded availability of water, power, and transport
open new areas of the country to development; and higher types of
development?  How will the Bering Strait connection change world
freight flows?  Will New York City even still be the nation’s
leading metropolis in a century?

So, sure.  Fix the L train; rebuild the Hudson River
tunnels.  Absolutely.  Redo the disaster known as Penn Station.
But do it all in a national and international context; a context
of a future orientation, of an economic outlook to the value of
leap-frogging to a higher infrastructure platform.  So as in the
future, our national high-speed rail authority builds a 300mph
train system, starting across the Northeast.  As transit in
cities are upgraded to allow for commutes of half an hour rather
than an hour and a half; as the World Land-Bridge connects to
North America, allowing land travel from New York to Beijing;
from North America to Asia.  As all this takes place, what
totally new projects will take place in New York City?  What will
be its future; and what will be its mission?
The mistake of the past was failing to have a future; and
that error must end.

OGDEN:  So, this is clearly the kind of national economic
vision that we need for the United States, and which needs to be
adopted by this administration.  So, I just wanted to ask Paul to
give us a sense of where the fight around this stands, and then
some of the updates in terms of Glass-Steagall, which is the
urgent first step.

PAUL GALLAGHER:  Well, first of all, you’ve already pointed
it out, but I want to point out that some political leaders here,
and most of the media, who are going crazy against since the
meeting between the Presidents of the United States and Russia.
Most of them are directly opposing peace and the potential
economic benefits that follow from the end of the last 15 years
Bush-Obama regime change wars.  As the President pointed out
yesterday, there has been what is already a long ceasefire in
southern Syria, and two other ceasefires being worked on
imminently directly coming out of that meeting that he had with
President Putin of Russia.  That means lives are being saved
there; American lives, Syrian lives, lives of others are being
saved there.  There is also an agreement that came out of similar
negotiations whereby the supply of water for the Palestinian
Authority is being tripled.  This agreement was just announced
yesterday by Jason Greenblatt, the special envoy of President
Trump to the embryonic Mideast peace or Palestinian/Israeli peace
negotiations that are going on.  More importantly, Syria and the
Middle East have become a clear location for the New Silk Road,
the increasingly vast array of infrastructure developments and
projects which include what Jason was just discussing there in
Africa.  The massive investment that China is making with some
other countries as partners in the development of new
infrastructure across Eurasia, now in Africa and into the Middle
East.  There was just a large meeting in Beijing earlier this
week of experts planning the reconstruction of Syria as soon as
the wipe-out of ISIS and the ceasefires now being put into effect
are actually in effect, the reconstruction with large-scale
investment as part of the Belt and Road, as the Chinese call it.
This New Silk Road.
So, there is tremendous potential coming out of these summit
meetings, and the readiness of the President to work with Putin,
with Xi, and the readiness on the other side of the Chinese
leadership to continually expand this tremendous investment that
they have been making in new infrastructure projects across
Eurasia into Africa through the Middle East.  Obviously that
stands ready as well to work in the United States; but that is
where we come to the roadblock that we were referencing earlier,
Matt.  That the Trump administration has been completely unable
up to now, to follow through on the economic promises that it
made to the American people in the course of winning the
Presidency.  Those promises included reinstating the
Glass-Steagall law; putting — for starters — $1 trillion in new
investments.  And everyone thought that meant public investments
into new infrastructure in the United States; including such
things as new ports, new airports, national high-speed rail
networks, connectivity for broken-down transportation systems
like that of New York.  This has not moved at all, because of
tremendous deference to Wall Street and the White House looking
to Wall Street — the worst possible place to look — Wall Street
and environs.  Private equity funds which claim to be setting up
infrastructure funds, all this sort of thing.  Looking entirely
in the wrong place for a large-scale investment in fundamentally
new infrastructure platforms in the United States.
We had a glaring example of this in regard to New York City
and the New York metropolitan area crisis just this week.  It was
announced that what I believe is the very first investment of the
Trump White House under the Transportation Infrastructure
Financing and Innovation Act — it’s called TIFIA.  For the
little bit of public funds from the Federal government that have
been going into transportation projects in the recent years,
TIFIA is a big deal in a very little pond.  The very first TIFIA
investment in transportation infrastructure under the Trump
administration was in Penn Station; and specifically the creation
of a second station across 8th Avenue from Penn Station in New
York.  To make a long story short, this development of a second
station, which is not trains, is not tunnels, is not bridges, is
not new routes, not new connectivity into high-speed rail going
into New England and going into the Northeast corridor south and
going West through New Jersey and Pennsylvania.  It’s not any of
those things; it’s a train station.  It’s only for some of these
lines, and it is merely one small part of what is really the
development of a huge shopping and office mall in this former
Post Office location directly across 8th Avenue from Penn
Station.  This is almost $600 million in this Federal investment
grant being combined with investments more or less ordered by the
various transportation agencies in the New York area, and a
significant investment by the state of New York, essentially in
order to create 850,000 square feet of new office and retail mall
Now what’s going on with malls across the United States?
They’re going bankrupt.  So, what we’re creating here is an
immediate, new potential large-scale bankruptcy like the one that
just occurred with the public/private partnership for the Indiana
Toll Road; like the one that just occurred with the
public/private partnership for Route 130 in Texas, which just —
God bless it — emerged from bankruptcy for the second time under
a new private/public partnership which will soon go bankrupt for
the third time.  These projects which can’t even take tolls; not
even high tolls.  Even with those high tolls can still not meet
the rapacious demands of the private investment banks, private
equity funds, and the other Wall Street which want 10% return on
their investment annually; want all of their capital back in ten
years.  They simply cannot meet these demands, even with tolls
that drivers cannot pay.  This kind of failure is going on all
over the country of exactly this kind of large-scale investment
that we unfortunately just saw go into New York.
What is needed, clearly, is in the trillions; the $1
trillion is a low estimate of what is needed if the United States
were to stop the decline in per capita provision and use of
electricity and instead increase it again.  If it were to stop
the decline in all of the most productive forms of the use of
water, and instead increase it again by new water management,
water transfer, and even at the frontiers of technology, water
creation; that is, storm creation technologies, especially in the
West of the country.  If the United States were to stop the
decline in passenger rail and freight rail travel annually, and
instead build out an entirely new national high-speed rail
network.  If it were really to attack the problems of storm
management, or storm protection; the kind of thing which would
have prevented the ruination of the tunnels in the New York
subway and rail systems in the first place.  If they had been
able to have sea gates to stop the destruction wrought by
Hurricane Sandy, the replacement of water infrastructure
nationally with new infrastructure.  This clearly requires
trillions, and it requires trillions in a short period of time.
There is only one way that this can be attempted, and that is to
create a national credit institution which both attracts new
Federal credit and also attracts the investment of holders of
existing US Treasury debt, the investment of holders of municipal
debts, of state debts who want to put that in the way that
citizens did in the period of World War II into new war bonds;
who want to put that into a new bank created by Congress and make
a bank capable of issuing trillions of dollars in infrastructure
credit; and have it coming from sources already existing within
the Federal government at the same time, as well as the
participation of infrastructure bonding by state and municipal
agencies.  It is only through that kind of Hamiltonian national
credit issuance that, putting aside all the nonsense about
public/private partnerships or the idea that some in the Trump
administration had of an infrastructure bank which was really
more like a private/private partnership, a kind of giveaway to
organized capital in the United States in order to put it into a
bank which would reward them with tax credits equal to what they
were putting in, and then borrow and borrow and borrow on the
debt markets.  This kind of Wall Street scheme absolutely is
destructive, and results not simply in these repeated
bankruptcies, but actual destruction of infrastructure in the
Clearly, that requires that Glass-Steagall be reinstated.
Why?  Take a look at the issuance of credit of China over the
last ten years.  It clearly has been driving the majority, and at
all times over that decade, a third or more of the growth in the
world.  It’s been doing that perhaps on the order of $10 trillion
or more in credit issued by the major public commercial banks in
China; what are sometimes called the policy banks, but they are
public, commercial banks.  Although the Chinese system is clearly
Helsomewhat different than ours, nonetheless commercial banking
is commercial banking; whether it’s being done by
government-backed banks or being done by commercial banks which
are entirely private.  Their publicly-backed commercial banks
have put $10 trillion or more in new credit into the development
of the Chinese economy.  Increasingly in the last two years, into
the projects that I was referencing in the beginning in other
countries along what they call the Belt and Road, the economic
Belt and the maritime Silk Road; which have now crossed into
Africa and are now crossing into the Middle East war zones to
reconstruct them.  Perhaps $400-500 billion is already invested
and committed outside China in the last two years by these major
Now, how have they done it?  Obviously during this period of
time, there have been some bubbles created in the Chinese economy
in real estate and so forth, bad debt of the same kind which
brought down the banking systems of the United States and Europe.
How have they avoided that?  First of all, the vast majority of
that new credit has gone into the most productive and most
productivity-generating investments; in particular, the platforms
of new infrastructure from nuclear power to fusion power research
to the dynamic space program and to the national high-speed rail
networks, the North-South water transfer, projects which have
changed the availability of water in the Chinese economy.  That’s
first of all.  Second of all, they have operated under a fairly
strict enforced Glass-Steagall regimen since January 1, 1995.
That has also enabled those banks to overcome the formation of
bad debt, the existence of bankruptcies, and to keep on issuing
this productive credit.  They have, despite this huge credit
issuance, stayed below 3% of the world’s banking systems’
exposure to derivatives.  Less than 3% of that exposure is in the
Chinese commercial banking system.  Their income, their revenue
has been overwhelmingly from loans, including 70% to 80% and more
of the annual revenue of all of these banks in comparison to half
or less than half of the income of the megabanks in the United
States coming from interest on loans.  That has indicated the
Glass-Steagall ordering of their banking system, and has enabled
them to keep doing this.
We have to reinstate Glass-Steagall here immediately in
order to put the commercial banking system of the United States
in a condition where it will make productive loans of that kind,
and in order to head off what is clearly now an approaching crash
on the order of, or greater than, 2008.  You have all sorts of
bankruptcies, not just public/private partnerships; all sorts of
bankruptcies rising fairly dramatically in the United States
after a tremendous issuance of credit to the banks, and by those
banks to the largest corporations and on the high interest debt
markets of other corporations, which have set them up for another
crash which is now approaching.  Just to give one example, it was
reported the day before yesterday that in Texas, which of course
brings together the central area of the shale oil and gas boom of
the last ten years and all of the companies associated with that,
along with retail chains and malls.  The rate of corporate
bankruptcies in the first six months of this year in Texas has
been an all-time record; much higher than even in 2009, the real
of the real, total collapse.  It has been about 50% higher than
the same period of time last year.  When you look at the auto
loan delinquencies rising rapidly, the credit card delinquencies
rising rapidly, the fact that the Federal government has just had
to restate its exposure to student debt in such a way that it
suddenly produced a deficit in June of nearly $100 billion in the
Federal budget in a month in which there is usually a surplus,
simply because of the losses coming from the write-off of
defaulted student debt.  This kind of a crash would not only
devastate our economy, it would also cause tremendous for the
international collaboration in development; which is really the
leading and positive feature of these summit meetings which have
As the American people have been demanding, we have to
reinstate the Glass-Steagall Act.  Janet Yellen was asked about
this just yesterday again in her Senate testimony; and gave the
usual nonsense explanation that we should value highly the
Lehmann Brothers of the world, because because of Glass-Steagall,
she said, Lehmann Brothers failed.  Because of Glass-Steagall,
other investment banks failed.  Whereas, if we had not repealed
Glass-Steagall, they could be rescued by big commercial banks and
therefore, these Wall Street speculators could keep on doing what
they were doing.  But the question alone indicated that — the
question was from a Senator who asked her “Did we make a mistake
in repealing Glass-Steagall?” — indicates that that question is
still reverberating through Congress.  We have to get that
reinstated in order for the rest of this program which is our
objective, to work.  So, that’s what I would say about it, Matt.

OGDEN:  As you stated correctly yesterday, this is the major
weakness of the Trump administration at this point.  Even the
ability to follow through on these kinds of productive
relationships with China in terms of great projects and
infrastructure development is in jeopardy.  Not only because
you’re missing the entire mechanism to make that work in the form
of a national bank, but also because we’re flirting with disaster
as another financial crisis — potentially worse than 2008 — is
looming over the entire trans-Atlantic.

GALLAGHER: And all of the collaboration of the sort that we
just saw in Africa, if people can actually put themselves in that
situation; all of the collaboration that we saw there could be
replicated in terms of collaboration and development of, for
example, high-speed rail networks in the United States with the
Asian powers which are financing that in Africa and in other
areas of Asia.  But not if our policy is going to be one of no
national public funding, no national public credit institution.
There will be no way for those investments and that engineering
assistance to take place.

OGDEN:  It’s only now that China has actually even been able
to take off in terms of this global infrastructure program in the
way that it has wanted to.  As Bill Jones went through on this
program on Monday, despite the fact that it was all the way back
in 1991, 1994 that the Eurasian Land-Bridge idea was being
discussed in high-level circles in China with Helga Zepp-LaRouche
attending forums on this subject in Beijing in 1994.  We had two
major economic crises in the intervening period:  1997, but then
in a major way, 2008.  It’s only been since 2013 that Xi Jinping
has been able to get this program off the ground.  So, if you
look at this in the long term, you really are at a crucial
decision point for the entire globe on which this decision by the
Trump administration — are you going to follow through on this
promise you made in the campaign?  The future of a lot hinges on
that.  Frankly, with the kind of courage Trump has shown in the
face of the severity of the propaganda and attacks against him on
the Russia question, there is no excuse why he should not have
the same kind of courage in the face of Wall Street.  One
question is, as Mr. LaRouche identified it all the way back in
the transition period, what is the nefarious role that is being
played by Steve Mnuchin, for example, in undermining and
sabotaging what was clearly one of the issues on which the
American people voted in the Trump campaign; which was
Glass-Steagall and finally getting tough on Wall Street.

GALLAGHER:  You’ll remember as recently as a month or so
ago, in an interview, the President said some people want to go
back to the old Glass-Steagall system; we’re looking at that
right now.  That’s what he said.  Clearly, there is also strong
opposition from certain people in Congress who are in Wall
Street’s pocket in the Republican Party, and also from Mnuchin
and others in the administration who want to give Wall Street a
complete deregulation instead.  The President has been letting
those people have their way; and so of course, have the
Republican leadership in both Houses of Congress been kowtowing
in the extreme to the demands of Wall Street to take off
regulations, to let them again leverage up in the way that they
did right before the last crash where they got up to 30:1 and
35:1 debt leverage.  They want to have the capital requirements
lowered so they can leverage up again.  These kinds of demands
are being granted by the leadership in Congress and by the
President, when they have clearly said to the American people, we
want productivity; we want development to return; we want new
infrastructure development to return; we want to rebuild the
country.  They’re not doing it.  I would just emphasize that
those members of the House and the Senate in the order of 50 or
60 total who have put their names on Glass-Steagall legislation,
they have done so with large-scale petition drives being done by
constituency groups with which we’ve been working, which have put
them in a position to say “My constituents are demanding this;
and constituents across the country are demanding reinstating
Glass-Steagall.”  They moved from that, so it’s really up to us
to get this done and break through this combination of money and
fear and cowardice which is really letting Wall Street continue
to run this infrastructure issue.  They will absolutely destroy
what little remains of the infrastructure in the country; they
will make these breakdown crises as in New York and dam that
collapsed in California and the locks that are threatening to
collapse on our major waterways.  They will make them far worse
by their toll-looting schemes and their public/private
partnership schemes.  That’s got to be completely replaced by a
policy of Hamiltonian national credit; that’s the only thing that
will work.

OGDEN:  Exactly.  As Helga was saying when we spoke with her
earlier today, this is the strategic priority in terms of a
breakthrough on the domestic front in the United States; is
securing the kind of momentum necessary to force the
Glass-Steagall measure through, and to create the kind of
political environment in which it’s impossible to oppose
Glass-Steagall.  The kind of situation that is now hitting in New
York, we’ve now come into the official “Summer of Hell” as Jason
said in the beginning of that video; this creates the kind of
political conditions on the ground where you can really catalyze
at least a discussion of the type of infrastructure vision that
you need for the United States.  But this comes in the context of
what could potentially come out of a US-China cooperation on Silk
Road development, or the Belt and Road Initiative development.
As Jason said, you do have to really think in terms of at least
50 years into the future.  What is the kind of economic geometry
in which these current crises, these current projects fit?  And
the only form of economics which is based on that kind of
thinking, is what Hamilton came up with at the origination of the
United States:  This credit system which is fundamentally
different from the kind of monetarism which this public/private
partnership approach is based on. That’s the only kind of
philosophy which thinks in terms of 50-100-year returns in terms
of real physical wealth and real increases of productivity rather
than just accounting.

GALLAGHER:  There are people such as our friend Hal Cooper,
a very experienced and expert railroad engineer and planner, who
have exactly that kind of vision of how the now-collapsing
transit system around New York City could be transformed into
something in which the lines would not all be converging on Penn
Station and stopping there, and then going into tunnels and
gradually going back the other way — all of it at 10mph or less.
But rather, those transportation lines within the city would be
opening up and connecting directly into high-speed lines coming
out of that area, going to New York State and New England, going
west across the belt between New York and Chicago and the whole
high-speed planning area there; going down all the way to Florida
in the Northeast corridor.  That these kinds of directly flowing
connections which would make the transit system around New York
merely the major node, the biggest node in the country in a
continually connected national high-speed transportation network.
These kinds of plans do exist; they require — as I was saying
before — naturally they require a great deal of investment.
They don’t require a few hundred million dollars from here and
there and everywhere else into an office and shopping mall to
make a new train station.  They require serious, long-term, high
productivity building of the kind of transportation
infrastructure that we have nowhere in this country at this time.
That’s where Hamiltonian banking and credit comes in; and it’s
really the only thing that can make that possible.

OGDEN:  Well, thank you very much, Paul.  I know that your
last appearance on this program generated a lot of views on the
internet, and also a lot of questions.  I think a lot of the
viewers appreciated the opportunity to write in via the comments
on YouTube.

GALLAGHER:  I tried to answer some of them.

OGDEN:  You had the opportunity to answer them.  So, we
would invite people again; if you have questions for Paul, go
ahead and write them in the comments section on this YouTube
video.  Maybe we can do another follow-up video where it’s a
question and answer kind of session like that.  This is an
ongoing discussion, obviously; and we’ve got a lot of
responsibility on our shoulders to follow through on this policy
and to make this work.
So, thanks a lot, Paul, for joining us.

GALLAGHER:  Thank you.

OGDEN:  Thank you for watching; and please stay tuned to larouchepac.com.

»Det nye navn for fred er økonomisk udvikling«.
LaRouche PAC Internationale Webcast,
7. juli, 2017

Vært Matthew Ogden: Jeg vil gerne indlede med at fortælle vore seere, at, i dag er en meget historisk dag. Vi har endnu ikke fået de fulde rapporter om alt, der er sket; men vi har i dag set to meget vigtige konferencer, der finder sted, mens vi taler. Én af dem er naturligvis G20-topmødet i Hamborg, Tyskland, og den anden er konferencen (Schiller Instituttet, Kinesisk Energifond, Fonden for Genoplivelse af Klassisk Kultur), der finder sted i New York her i USA. Sidstnævnte er selvfølgelig konferencen med den meget passende titel, »Mad for Fred; Mad for Mennesker; Mad for Tankerne. Det nye navn for fred er økonomisk udvikling«; der, som jeg sagde, er sponsoreret i fællesskab af Schiller Instituttet, Kinesisk Energifond og Fonden for Genoplivelse af Klassisk Kultur. Vi vil i aftenens show vise videoen med Helga Zepp-LaRouches hovedtale på denne konference.

Men før vi kommer til det, så finder dagens anden, potentielt verdenshistoriske begivenhed sted på sidelinjerne af G20-topmødet i Hamborg, Tyskland. Selve G20-topmødet er relativt betydningsløst, sammenlignet med det langt vigtigere og større møde mht. potentiel signifikans, der fandt sted lidt tidligere i dag, mellem præsident Trump fra USA og præsident Putin fra Rusland. Og dette er, som jeg sagde, langt større mht. dets potentielle signifikans. Dette var muligheden for, at præsident Putin og præsident Trump kunne have deres første, regulære møde ansigt til ansigt. Ifølge nyhedsrapporteringer varede dette topmøde – der, som jeg sagde, var den første mulighed for disse to præsidenter at mødes ansigt til ansigt – over to en halv time. Det var kun meningen, mødet skulle vare 30minutter; men det faktum, at det fortsatte så lang tid – 2,5 time – er allerede og i sig selv et meget potentielt godt tegn. Det er tydeligvis en lovende udvikling; og uanset indholdet af denne drøftelse – som bestemt vil være meget signifikant; men, uanset dette, så varsler muligheden for USA’s og Ruslands præsidenter at mødes ansigt til ansigt, og at skabe en direkte, personlig relation, godt for fred og stabilitet for hele verden, men også for relationerne mellem disse to lande og for skabelsen af en sund relation uden andres mellemkomst mellem disse to verdensledere. Og på trods af alle forsøg i de seneste uger på at sabotere potentialet for dette møde, så holdt det, og det fandt sted. Vi har endnu ikke modtaget de fulde rapporter om drøftelserne.

Vi ved, at der kun var seks personer, der deltog; så dette var en meget personlig mulighed for Trump og Putin til at udvikle denne form for arbejdsrelation. Mødet bestod af USA’s udenrigsminister Rex Tillerson, Ruslands udenrigsminister Sergei Lavrov, de to tolke – den russiske og den engelske – og så selvfølgelig, de to præsidenter. Dette blev tilsyneladende gjort for at gøre det muligt for diskussionen at være meget åben, meget fri, og meget fokuseret på at maksimere det positive potentiale, som denne historiske mulighed bød på. Selve mødet indledtes med korte bemærkninger fra begge præsidenter til pressen, der fik lov at komme ind i lokalet lige i begyndelsen. Der var fotomuligheder, mens de trykkede hinanden i hånden, og de sagde, at de begge så frem til en meget grundig og positiv diskussion. Trump sagde det følgende:

»Præsident Putin og jeg har diskuteret forskellige ting, og jeg synes, det går meget godt. Vi ser frem til, at der vil ske en masse positive ting for Rusland og for USA, og for alle andre berørte.«

Dernæst fulgte præsident Putin op på disse bemærkninger:

»Vi har talt sammen over telefon, men telefonsamtaler er afgjort aldrig nok. Jeg håber, at, som De sagde«, med henvisning til præsident Trumps bemærkninger, »vore møder vil give positive resultater.«

Dette møde mellem de to præsidenter fulgte efter et timelangt møde tidligere på dagen mellem udenrigsministrene Tillerson og Lavrov, hvor de, iflg. rapporter, diskuterede potentialet for en antiterror-koalition mellem Rusland og USA; med nogle detaljer mht. situationen i Syrien og præsident Assad. Nogle af detaljerne i denne foreslåede plan blev afsløret i pressen i går og i dag. Planen inkluderede såkaldte »sikre zoner« og tilsyneladende også en aftale om at gøre det muligt for præsident Assad at forblive ved magten; men dernæst at gå frem med en diplomatisk løsning på situationen dér. Men der er heller ikke blevet rapporteret eller afsløret nogen detaljer om dette møde mellem udenrigsministrene Lavrov og Tillerson. Men det anses selvfølgelig generelt som forberedelse til drøftelserne mellem Trump og Putin.

Bortset fra det, så har G20-topmødet været temmelig domineret af meget voldsomme protester og aktivitet fra uropolitiet uden for topmødet i Hamborg; og, på selve topmødet, af diskussioner om frihandel og klimaforandring. Men betydningen af de bilaterale møder, der finder sted på sidelinjerne, er naturligvis langt vigtigere end nogen diskussion, der finder sted på selve G20-møderne. En positiv indikation er imidlertid, at der tydeligvis er gang i noget mht. relationen mellem Tyskland og Kina. Helga Zepp-LaRouche sagde, da vi talte med hende for ca. 30 min. siden, at hun ser noget meget positivt, der finder sted i retning af kinesisk-tysk samarbejde om Afrikas udvikling. Kinas præsident Xi Jinping benyttede lejligheden af sit besøg i Tyskland for at deltage i dette G20-topmøde, til at få et regulært møde med Tysklands kansler Angela Merkel, og hvor de underskrev en aftale om i fællesskab at bygge et vandkraftværk i Angola. Under den fælles pressekonference efter mødet sagde Xi Jinping:

»Vi fejrer i år 45-året for relationen mellem Tyskland og Kina. Det er en succeshistorie. Vi står nu over for en ny begyndelse, hvor vi har brug for nye gennembrud.«

Helga Zepp-LaRouche sagde:

»Dette er tydeligvis begyndelsen til noget, der potentielt er meget positivt mht. de bilaterale relationer mellem Tyskland og Kina, men også mht. den idé, at Tyskland spiller en meget positiv rolle med at deltage i de udviklingsprojekter, som Kina allerede bygger i Afrika.«

Xi sagde, at Kina er parat til at gå sammen med Tyskland for at konsolidere den gensidige tillid mellem de to lande; opbygge mere konsensus og fremme samarbejde og forbundethed (konnektivitet).

Helga Zepp-LaRouches analyse af dette var, at der tydeligvis var åbnet op for noget; og dette kommer i hælene på Bælte & Vej Forum, der fandt sted i Beijing i midten af maj. Selv om Tyskland ikke spillede noget særlig positiv eller aktiv rolle på dette forum, så sagde Helga, at,

»De er tydeligvis ikke så dumme, at de ikke kan se, hvad vej vinden blæser. Hvis de ikke springer med på vognen nu, vil de blive efterladt i mørket. Udviklingen af Afrika er tydeligvis en mulighed for Tyskland og andre lande i hele verden til at deltage i disse fordelagtige tredjeverdensrelationer med Kina og de afrikanske nationer.«

Én meget interessant udvikling på denne front er et andet topmøde, der finder sted samtidig med G20-topmødet i Tyskland, og det er Schiller Institut/Kinesisk Energifond-konferencen, der finder sted i New York City. Dette er et topmøde under den Afrikanske Union; og hovedtalen på dette topmøde blev holdt af FN’s vicegeneralsekretær, en kvinde ved navn Amina Mohammed, der er tidligere nigeriansk regeringsminister. I sine bemærkninger til denne konference under den Afrikanske Union kom hun med en meget vigtig henvisning til den rolle, som Kina spiller gennem Bælte & Vej Initiativet for at bringe udvikling til det afrikanske kontinent. Hun opmuntrede alle nationerne i den Afrikanske Union til at »benytte sig« af denne massive, kinesiske regeringsinvestering og infrastrukturprojekter, der har gjort det muligt for disse lande at begynde at bevæge sig, med spring fremad, forbi den tvungne tilbageståenhed, der var blevet dem påtvunget gennem århundreders kolonialisme og imperiepolitik. I sin tale roste Amina Mohammed »Kinas Bælte & Vej Initiativ, der tilsigter at bygge en Ny Silkevej, bestående af havne, jernbaner og veje for at udvide handels-konnektivitet i hele Asien, Afrika og Europa«, iflg. nyhedsrapporteringer. Hun sagde, »Dette er en mulighed for ikke alene at give alternativer for at gøre skydevåbnene tavse for vort folk, men en mulighed, der vil bevare vore aktiver – både menneskelige og naturlige – på kontinentet og bygge vort i morgen, i dag.« Dette er en meget vigtig bemærkning fra FN’s vicegeneralsekretær, og vi ved, at Antonio Guterres, FN’s generalsekretær, havde meget positive bemærkninger, som han udtalte om Bælte & Vej Initiativet på tærsklen til Bælte & Vej Forum i Beijing.

Dette fører os direkte til den konference, der finder sted, mens vi taler, i New York City. Denne konference, der fandt sted parallelt med et møde i FN om sikkerhed for fødevareforsyning og bæredygtighed i landbruget, blev adresseret i fællesskab af Helga Zepp-LaRouche – og vi vil afspille hendes bemærkninger om et øjeblik – men også af Patrick Ho, der er viceformand for Kinesisk Energifondskomiteen. Han havde netop talt i FN sammen med en meget stor kinesisk delegation af kinesiske landbrugseksperter, den foregående dag, i går. Han holdt en tale, der stemte meget godt overens med den tale, han holdt tidligere på dagen på denne begivenhed i New York, sponsoreret af Schiller Instituttet. Den tale, han holdt, var – iflg. rapporter – en meget anti-Malthus-tale om potentialet for en hurtig udvikling af bæredygtigt landbrug, for at brødføde den konstant voksende befolkning på denne planet. Noget, der naturligvis direkte tilbageviser argumentet i Malthus-traditionen, og som er kommet fra Det britiske Imperium så længe. Men med de rapporter fra denne konference, der stadig finder sted, mens vi taler, så er der 175 deltagere; diplomatiske delegationer fra diverse lande i hele verden via deres konsulater i New York City; aktivister, der deltager; folk fra diverse colleges i omegnen af New York City; og den officielle repræsentation fra den kinesiske delegation og fra en landbrugsdelegation, der er kommet tilrejsende fra USA’s Midtvesten. Denne konference åbnedes med bemærkninger fra den tidligere borgmester af Muscatine, Iowa, som personligt overbragte hilsner til konferencen; men dernæst gav han deltagerne på konferencen en slags lektion i baggrundshistorien om, hvorfor Iowa-Kina-porten er så afgørende for amerikansk-kinesiske relationer. Meget af dette drejer sig om præsident Xi Jinpings personlige relation til staten Iowa og byen Muscatine pga. hans interesse for landbrugsmetoder i USA i den tid, hvor Xi Jinping var provinsguvernør i Kina. Han havde således et personligt bånd til staten Iowa, men også til den tidligere guvernør Terry Branstad, der nu er USA’s ambassadør til Kina. Efter borgmesteren af Muscatines bemærkninger holdt Patrick Ho sin tale; og dette efterfulgtes så direkte af Helga Zepp-LaRouches hovedtale.

Jeg vil nu gerne give jer lejlighed til selv at høre de bemærkninger, som Helga Zepp-LaRouche kom med til denne konference, og som fik en meget varm modtagelse og bragte hele diskussionsniveauet op på et meget højt niveau mht. de muligheder, der ligger forude, for at konsolidere dette Nye Paradigme i internationale relationer; især med muligheden for fuldt og helt at bringe USA ind i en deltagelse i den Nye Silkevej.

Her følger Helga Zepp-LaRouches bemærkninger:

(Her følger resten af webcastet på engelsk).          


: Dear conference participants, I feel
very honored to address you, even if it is by video, because I
think we are all aware that we are involved in the historically,
extremely important process of trying to improve the relationship
between the United States and China, in the context of the Belt
and Road Initiative. This is especially important in the area of
agriculture and food production, because this is an extremely
urgent question. Because, while at the G20 meeting in Hangzhou
last year, China and all the other participating nations devoted
themselves to eradicate poverty by the year 2020, we have not yet
reached that goal. Just a couple of days ago, the UN Food and
Agriculture Organization put out a report that world hunger is on
the rise, and that the situation, especially in Yemen, is
terrible: Half or more of the population is in acute danger of
starvation; but also in Nigeria and South Sudan and many other
areas, the situation is worsening.
Well, today, there is also the G20 summit in Hamburg, and
the outcome will be a surprise, either way, because until last
year’s G20 in Hangzhou, which was very harmonious and
characterized by a great optimism for the future of mankind, this
time the tensions are very high. In the last couple of days
however, there was a sort of prelude in the form of a summit
between President Putin and President Xi Jinping in Moscow, which
was really extremely important, and both characterized it as the
most important event of the year for their nation. They deepened
the strategic partnership, they established an even deeper level
of their personal friendship, and they declared that the time of
the unipolar world is over, because of the strategic partnership,
This is certainly true, that the time of the unipolar world
is over, but multi-polarity is still not the solution, because it
implies still geopolitics, which was the cause of two world wars
in the 20th century, and this geopolitics is still in operation,
in North Korea, in Syria, in Ukraine.
We must therefore find a higher level. We must get the world
to what President Xi Jinping always calls “the community for a
shared future of humanity.” One big step in that direction could
be the meeting President Trump and President Putin, who are
meeting today for the first time as Presidents. Obviously, this
is a very important step because, between President Trump and
President Xi Jinping, a very positive relationship has been
established already, so whatever comes out of this Trump-Putin
meeting is very, very crucial. Because the questions we have to
solve are urgent and dramatic.
The food crisis, the hunger crisis which I mentioned is only
a symptom of the fact that the old economic model is not
functioning any more. We are sitting on a powder-keg crisis which
erupted in 2008, which could come back with a vengeance, only
much, much worse. Because even a slight increase in the interest
rate, moving away from quantitative easing could lead to a
blowout of the corporate debt. Now, the firms which got the zero
interest rate liquidity from the central banks, the quantitative
easing, used this money, not to invest in productive investment,
but for so-called financial engineering by buying up their own
stocks to make it look better on the books, having more nominal
value but also increasing the corporate debt which could now
could blow out if there is an increase in the interest rate.
And that is only one aspect of the systemic crisis which we
still have. The other one is the so-called level 3 derivatives
which many European and other banks are sitting on. Level 3
derivatives are those, which no market … because you can’t sell
them, and the banks still keep them as assets, which really is a
sort of mega-fall [ph 5.03].
So the problem is that just yesterday, the fourth largest
bank in Italy was taken over by the government, and combined with
a bail-in, whereby the customers could only sell their bonds and
stocks at 18 cents to the euro, and that is a threat which is
hanging over the entire banking system.
Now, what could be done to solve that? Well, let’s look at
one other aspect of the crisis: Just a couple of days ago, in one
single day, 80,000 refugees arrived from Libya in little boats,
being picked up by NGOs in Italy. Eighty thousand people in one
day overstretches the capacity of any country, and Italy has
already taken in so many million people. So when they requested
that other countries located on the Mediterranean like Spain and
France should also take some of these refugees, these countries
rejected that.
Now that obviously shows there is no unity in the European
Union on this question.
Now how could you address this whole series of problems?
What should actually be on the agenda of the G20 in Hamburg?
Well, if you would put a global Glass-Steagall separation on the
agenda, doing exactly what Franklin D. Roosevelt did in 1933, by
separating the commercial banks and the investment banks, putting
the commercial banks under state protection, writing off the
non-performing the derivatives of the investment banks, and then
going to a Hamiltonian credit system by setting up national banks
in every country and issuing large-scale, low-interest rate
credits, then we could solve the problem.
Mr. LaRouche has defined Four Laws to remedy the financial
crisis and the Fourth Law is the crash program for the
realization of thermonuclear fusion power. And there, the good
news is that China just accomplished a major breakthrough in this
respect, with its [EAST] tokomak in Hefei where they reached a
so-called “steady-state H-mode operation” for 101.2 seconds. This
is a major step towards the realization of thermonuclear fusion.
If such a reorganization according to these Four Laws,
Glass-Steagall, national bank, credit system, crash program for
fusion and space technology would be implemented, then the
trans-Atlantic countries could cooperate with such banks as the
AIIB, the New Development Bank, and others, together with China,
and build up, for example, Africa. China is so far the only
country which has done something to fight the root causes of the
refugee crisis, by investing large-scale in rail lines in Africa,
in dams, in power plants, in industrial parks, and in
agriculture. And this is actually, the only way to solve the
refugee crisis in a human way.
One promising step in this right direction is that between
President Xi Jinping and Chancellor Merkel, yesterday they agreed
that they will build together the hydropower complex in Angola,
and stated that that could be a model for the cooperation between
China and Germany in Africa in general.
Now, the Africans, because of what China has been doing, in
building up huge industrial complexes for the first time in
Africa, they have a new sense of self-confidence and they’re
telling the Europeans, “we don’t want to have your sermons on how
we should have good governance, we want to have investments in
infrastructure, in manufacture, in agriculture, as equal business
Can we expect the G20 to do this, to go in this direction of
a global reorganization of the financial system and then go for a
real intervention in the development of Africa? Well, I’m afraid
they will not.
But this will remain the issue which has to be accomplished.
The Four Laws of Lyndon LaRouche, and to get the United States
and European countries to cooperate with China in the Belt and
Road Initiative, in the New Silk Road, is, indeed, the approach
how you can tackle all problems in the world. But this
conference, the Food for Peace conference is a very important
step in this direction. As a matter of fact, to get the United
States and China to work together on the New Silk Road
perspective, in the New Silk Road spirit, is in my view the most
important aspect in this process: Because if the two largest
economies can work together, I think we are on the right way to
win for all of civilization.
Therefore, let’s work together to join the Chinese dream,
and to revive the American dream, because the American dream
needs to be revived, because it has almost been forgotten. But
together, we can accomplish the dream for all of humanity.

OGDEN:  So, we will have much more coverage of the conference in
New York after it concludes.  That was Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s
keynote to that conference; “Development Is the New Name for
Peace”.  As I said, there is a very significant delegation from
China which attended that conference in New York City.  This just
testifies all the more to the role that the LaRouche movement is
playing here in the United States to being the leading mediator
in terms of the relationship which is being forged between these
two great countries.  The idea originally came out of Lyndon and
Helga LaRouche’s initiative for the Eurasian Land-Bridge; and the
role that the LaRouche movement played could not be any more
critical in terms of making that happen, and making that into a
reality.  We are definitely making steps along that road, but as
you heard Helga LaRouche say, it is crucial that we make some
very important breakthroughs here in the United States in order
to allow that to occur; including a full-scale adoption of the
Hamiltonian economic program that was spelled out by Lyndon
LaRouche in that Four Economic Laws.  This is the prerequisite to
the United States being able to accomplish the kinds of
developmental miracles that China has demonstrated over the last
15-20 years.
Emphatically, that begins with the restoration of
Glass-Steagall.  The news out of Italy with the nationalization
of Monte dei Paschi Bank just emphasizes evermore crucially how
fragile the entire trans-Atlantic system is right now.  We are by
no means in the clear, despite the fraudulent claims that have
been coming out of the Federal Reserve over the last few days.
We are definitely still on the cusp of what could be a far
greater crash than what we experienced in 2008.  As Helga
mentioned in those remarks, a lot of this is coming from the
build-up in the corporate debt bubble and in other means.  You
still have the life expectancy crisis across the United States;
you’ve got the opiate addiction crisis across the United States.
We have some new developments in terms of the statistics in that
regard that have just come in today.  But this is appalling, and
it could not be more urgent that this initiative be taken.
We do know that there was a press availability at 1pm this
afternoon in the break between the two panels at this conference
in New York City.  Diane Sare was representing the LaRouche
movement; and as we have been told, there were some pretty
significant press involvement.  So, we will look forward to
seeing some coverage of this conference that happened up in New
York; and we’ll have a much fuller report for you after that
Let me just finish the broadcast here today by paraphrasing
for you some remarks that Helga LaRouche had just about 30
minutes ago when we spoke with her, after she had the chance to
view the proceedings of that conference and also to review some
of the outcomes of the G-20 that have been occurring over the
course of the daytime hours today.  She said look, there are very
clearly positive developments that are occurring.  We could list
them, but as we’ve seen just today, some of these developments
are very positive for the future stability [among] these three
great countries — China, Russia, and India; but also in terms of
the relationship for building the future.  But, she said, people
should be no means become complacent or satisfied.  Things are
very clearly moving in our direction, the direction of the ideas
of a New Paradigm; but we need much bigger breakthroughs in every
respect on the road towards that New Paradigm.  Nothing has been
consolidated.  Clearly the world is inclined in that direction,
and you could read into the relationship between Germany and
China, saying these countries are now beginning to realize what
is the dominant dynamic on this planet.  But, we are by no means
there yet; we have not reached the goal.  There is still a long
ways to go until that new reality is safely and securely
consolidated.  In the meantime, we have a lot of work to do;
especially as we begin to realize the magnitude of the impact
that the ideas of the LaRouche movement have had on world
history.  We also have to become very sober and clear-eyed about
what this means our responsibilities are at this moment.  They
are on a far greater scale than we have ever had, as we reflect
on the magnitude of the opportunities that these recent
developments pose to us as a movement, and to humanity.  She said
this — again — is no time for complacency; everything can fall
into place.  Or, everything could fall apart.
So, I think that’s a very active picture of a very rapidly
changing world situation, as we have it right now.  These
simultaneous summits — the G-20 in Germany and the conference
that’s happening in New York — I think are very important
crossroads; a very important conjunctural turning point in terms
of the opportunity for consolidating this vision of a new
relation between the great powers on this planet.  We have yet
to, I think, have the full report of what has come out of both of
these two summits.  So, on that note, I would like to encourage
you to please stay tuned to the LaRouche PAC website, because we
will definitely have an analysis and a full reading on what has
come out of the events as they’ve proceeded today.  I can let you
know that as we look forward to next week, the Monday update on
this website, our regular Monday afternoon Policy Committee show,
will feature an interview with Bill Jones, who is the EIR
Washington bureau chief and has accompanied Helga Zepp-LaRouche
on many of her trips to China over the recent few months and
years.  So, we’ve invited Bill Jones to come into the studio to
give his exclusive view and perspective on what the outcome of
these events over this weekend will have been as we reach the
beginning of next week.  So, we encourage you to tune in again
for our show here next Monday, and in the meantime, stay tuned to
larouchepac.com and we’ll be sending out updates as we get them.
Thank you for watching here today, and please stay tuned.

Et hundrede år med ’vise og skønne’
Sylvia Olden Lee –
’Thi skønhed lever sammen med venlighed’.
LaRouche PAC Internationale Webcast,
30. juni, 2017

Vært Matthew Ogden: Vi har et meget dramatisk billede, der venter os forude, og vi står nu ved åbningen at det, der vil vise sig at blive en meget dramatisk juli måned. Vi er nu præcis syv dage fra G20-topmødet, der finder sted i Hamborg, Tyskland. Selv om indholdet af topmødet sandsynligvis ikke bliver bemærkelsesværdigt i sig selv, så er dette en ekstraordinær mulighed. Det bliver første gang, at præsident Donald Trump fra USA vi få mulighed for at have et bilateralt, regulært, ansigt-til-ansigt møde med præsident Vladimir Putin fra Rusland. Der har i løbet af den seneste uge, tre uger, fire uger, været forsøg på at køre dette potentielle topmøde af sporet og gøre det mislykket selv inden det løber af stablen. Vi må i de næste syv dage holde nøje øje med ethvert forsøg på at sprænge dette i luften eller sprænge muligheden for den rolige og klare, rationelle relation, som præsident Trump og præsident Putin kunne få ved et regulært møde.

Vi har set en række provokationer i Syrien, først og fremmest. Vi så et syrisk fly, der blev skudt ned; vi så et amerikansk militærfly, der chikanerede [den russiske forsvarsminister] Shoigus fly. Og i de seneste dage har vi set forsøget på at sætte en fælde for præsident Trump til endnu en direkte konfrontation med Syrien – og, gennem forlængelse, med Rusland – over såkaldte »kemiske våben«, de angivelige kemiske våben. Dette forsøg døde i fødslen, og der er mange faktorer i dette, vi sikkert ikke kender alle detaljerne omkring. Vi ved, at der finder en intens kamp sted om politikken bag scenerne i Det Hvide Hus. Vi så dette udspilles i forskellige offentlige former; vi så også udgivelsen af denne meget vigtige artikel af reporter Seymour Hersh, der beviste, at disse beskyldninger om kemiske våben i den tidligere hændelse, hvor Trump-administrationen bøjede sig og angreb den syriske flybase, var falske, og blot var operationer ’under falsk flag’.

Og igen, dette er alle faktorer, der er i overensstemmelse med dette forsøg på at køre dette mulige topmøde mellem Putin og Trump af sporet. Men alt peger nu på, at det kører på skinner og kunne vise sig at blive et meget vigtigt møde med det formål at stabilisere og normalisere relationerne mellem USA og Rusland. Vi ser, at ’narrativen’ er begyndt at flosse i kanterne og faktisk er ved at trevle helt op omkring historien med det såkaldte »Russia-gate«. Vi ser nu meget offentlige og fremtrædende tilbagetrækninger, som CNN blev tvunget til at foretage, og vi har set den seneste fra New York Times. Denne medie-narrativ begynder nu at gå i opløsning i kanterne, og det amerikanske folk begynder at gennemskue det. Vi har set forskellige Demokrater i Huset og Senatet sige til det Demokratiske Partis lederskab, vi kan ikke blive ved med at gå ud i valgkredsene og sige »Trump, Trump, Trump; Putin, Putin, Putin. Det hele handler om russerne, der hacker valgene. Vore vælgere er ikke interesseret i denne narrativ. Det, de er interesseret i, er økonomiens kollaps og perspektiverne for beskæftigelse. Hvordan skal vi overvinde krisen med narkotikaafhængighed? Og, meget reelt, USA’s kollapsende infrastruktur?«

Vi vil gå lidt i dybden med dette spørgsmål, men lad mig blot bemærke, at den anden, vigtige mulighed, som vi kunne få at se på G20-mødet, er en opfølgning af topmødet mellem præsident Trump og præsident Xi Jinping. Vi ved, at en meget vigtig relation blev skabt mellem Trump og Xi på Mar-a-Lago-topmødet for nogle ganske få måneder siden, da præsident Xi kom til USA. Men flere dramatiske begivenheder er indtruffet siden da; først og fremmest, Bælte & Vej Forum, der fandt sted i Beijing, hvor præsident Trump traf den meget kloge beslutning at sende en repræsentant på højt niveau – Matt Pottinger. Dette har nu etableret den mulighed, hvor der finder en meget seriøs diskussion sted på meget højt niveau omkring USA’s formelle tilslutning til Silkevejens udviklingsprojekter – Ét Bælte, én Vej-initiativet; og omkring at bringe Kina ind til at assistere med genopbygningen af infrastrukturen her i USA. Der er flere udviklinger, som vi dækkede detaljeret i sidste uge, men den vigtigste af disse var et regulært møde mellem rådgiver Yang og præsident Trump, der fandt sted i Det hvide hus; hvor præsident Trump – iflg. rapporter fra Xinhua – sagde »Ja, vi er meget interesseret i at deltage i en fælles relation med Kina for at bygge Bælte & Vej«. Dernæst var der flere satellitbegivenheder, der fandt sted omkring dette, og som diskuterede detaljerne i, hvad det ville betyde at få en sådan form for fælles samarbejde omkring udvikling både udenlands og herhjemme.

Denne diskussion om USA’s tilslutning til den Nye Silkevej kunne ikke være mere presserende nødvendig. Infrastrukturen internt i USA befinder sig nu ved et punkt, hvor den totalt er ved at disintegrere. Vi har netop haft nyheder fra New York City, som vi har dækket, om, at der har været den ene afsporing efter den anden togbrand, den ene krise i undergrundsbanen og forsinkelse efter den anden i New York City. Det leder alt sammen til det, der bliver kaldt »Helvedessommeren«. Vi har en overskrift her, som jeg viser på skærmen; dette er fra New York Times.

»Guvernør Cuomo erklærer New York Citys undergrundsbane i nødtilstand«.

Guvernør Cuomo har erklæret, at, efter den seneste togafsporing, der skete i onsdags – og som er en temmelig skræmmende oplevelse for alle involverede – med tog, der brændte og forsinkelser, der forstyrrede dusinvis af New York-indbyggeres dagligliv. Dette er blot en af mange i rækken af farlige og ødelæggende katastrofer, der er indtruffet i dette 100 år gamle undergrundssystem i New York. Det, som guvernør Cuomo nu har gjort, er at erklære New York City i en nødtilstand for så vidt angår Metropolitan Transportation Authority [MTA]. Han har givet MTA-formand Joe Lhota 30 dage til at fremlægge en komplet plan for reorganisering. Han har sagt, at staten New York vil bevilge yderligere $1 mia. i midler til MTA’s hovedplan.

Her er et citat fra guvernør Cuomo, som jeg viser her på skærmen, så I kan se, hvad han sagde om denne nødtilstand.

»Forsinkelserne driver New Yorkere til vanvid«, sagde han. »De er rasende over manglen på kommunikation, pålidelighed og nu ulykker. For kun tre dage siden var der bogstavelig talt et tog, der kørte af sporet. Det er en perfekt metafor for hele det dysfunktionelle system. I dag vil staten New York sende penge efter sine ord.«

Det er altså et citat fra guvernør Cuomo i New York.

Så jo, infrastrukturen ikke alene i New York City, men i hele USA er i en nødtilstand. Vi har brug for en nødplan for at udbedre og genopbygge vores eksisterende infrastruktur; meget af den er et halvt, hvis ikke et helt århundrede gammel og er ude over sin naturlige levetid. Men herudover, og meget eftertrykkeligt, kan vi ikke blot have en fremgangsmåde, hvor vi flikker kanterne sammen og kommer plastre på et system, der er i forfald og blev bygget i det foregående århundrede. Vi må også fuldstændig gentænke og danne os nye begreber om, hvordan en fremtidsorienteret, 50-100 årig vision for USA skal være. En vision med et USA, der er integreret i den nye, globale platform med den Nye Silkevej; med Bælte & Vej-initiativet, der er i færd med at forandre plantens fremtræden, mens vi taler.

Som sagt, så handler det ikke om at flikke ting sammen i kanterne og fikse den eksisterende infrastruktur. Det, vi har brug for, er en helhedsvision, en national vision, ikke kun for nutiden, men forlænget 50-100 år ud i fremtiden, og som vil bestemme de nødvendige delelementer, som vi bygger, for at komme derfra og dertil, for at opnå denne vision om en fremtidig platform i USA. Jeg kan godt lide det billede, som kineserne har talt om i Afrika; ideen om at bygge et helt nyt kontinent. Det, kineserne har været i stand til at præstere i Afrika på nogle ganske få år, er forbløffende mht. et økonomisk mirakel, som de bibringer dette kontinent; men det er præcis en sådan fremgangsmåde, som vi har brug for, for kontinental-USA og for hele den vestlige halvkugle – Nord- og Sydamerika tilsammen. En komplet vision for, hvad en kontinental infrastrukturplatform må være, integreret i denne Ét Bælte, én Vej; det Økonomiske Silkevejsbælte og den Maritime Silkevej. Og en af hjørnestenene ville være at bygge jernbaneforbindelsen over Beringstrædet, der ville forbinde de to, store, kontinentale landmasser på planeten på en måde, der i geologisk historie aldrig før er sket.

Men, hvordan skal vi gøre det? Dette kan tydeligvis ikke ske ved hjælp af økonomisk frimarkedstankegang. Man må have en vision, der dirigeres fra toppen og ned centralt, af den nationale regering; der blev skabt som en Forfatningsmæssig Føderal Republik af Alexander Hamilton til dette formål. Man må sige, hvilke er de nødvendige projekter? For Alexander Hamilton var det havneprojekter, veje, at åbne op for det indre af kontinentet; at bringe vareproduktion ind i det, der før blot havde været en tidligere landbrugskoloni på det tidspunkt. Men Alexander Hamiltons vision nødvendiggjorde dernæst skabelsen af de nødvendige, statslige finansinstrumenter – den Første Nationalbank – for at bringe denne vision til virkeliggørelse.

Det er sådan, kineserne har diskuteret, hvordan de har bygget den Nye Silkevej. Xi Jinping fremlagde sin vision i 2013, under en tale i Astana, Kasakhstan; og han har nu på fire korte år været i stand til at gøre denne vision til virkelighed. Som han sagde, »fra tanke til handling«. De har nu erklæret, at kineserne har til hensigt om tre år at fjerne fattigdom fuldstændigt fra Kina, og det er en bedrift, vi kan tro på, de vil opnå; som det er blevet demonstreret af det økonomiske mirakel, der hidtil er kommet fra Kina. Men dette er essensen i Henry Clays [udenrigsminister 1824-29 under præsident John Quincy Adams] og Abraham Lincolns Amerikanske System. Dette er, hvad programmet for USA’s præsidentskab bør være.

(Her følger udskrift på engelsk af resten af webcastet)   

We have a very fascinating report just incidentally, that

there is continuing to be discussion around this idea of the

American System; even coming from Republican circles inside

Washington.  Representatives of {Executive Intelligence Review}

attended a briefing in Capitol Hill just a few days ago, that was

sponsored by the American Opportunity Foundation and the American

Public Transit Association.  This drew some leading Republicans

from the levels of Federal and state government, who are strongly

in support of the idea of large public financing of

transportation infrastructure.  This might not seem to fit the

Republican profile, but if you go back to the original Republican

Party platform that President Trump cited from McKinley in the

end of the 19th Century, the idea of the American System was

written directly into the Republican Party platform.  Abraham

Lincoln, after all, was a strong advocate of the American System

and was the founding President of the Republican Party.  In fact,

two speakers at that event, surprisingly former Virginia Governor

Jim Gilmore and then the former Connecticut Department of

Transportation Commissioner Emil Frankel, both referenced by

name, explicitly, the “American System of Henry Clay.”  So, I

would not discount the fact that the ideas that the LaRouche

Movement have been championing along this front for years if not

decades, are becoming very pervasive in policymaking circles in

the United States.  Not only in the Republican Party, but in the

Democratic Party, too.

But it’s our job to consolidate and to pull this together

into a national leadership cadre who understand not just in

words, but in principle, the concept which underlies Lyndon

LaRouche’s Four Economic Laws.  If you start with Glass-Steagall

and return the banking system to what it was originally to be as

a commercial banking system which is able to guarantee credit for

small businesses and for projects of development which have

knowable rates of return, instead of this kind of Wall Street,

Las Vegas-type casino gambling which has been predominant on Wall

Street for the last 17-18 years since the repeal of

Glass-Steagall; that’s the necessary open door that we then

create the possibility to build the Third National Bank or an

equivalent of such.  And to direct large flows of direct Federal,

public credit into infrastructure not just of the 20th Century

variety, but infrastructure projects which have yet to be

conceived of.  The infrastructure of the future; or as Mr.

LaRouche identifies it in his Four Economic Laws, the platform

for creating a higher state of existence for the human economic


So, this is the critical element, and I cannot say enough

how important it is to understand that we’re now at the point

where the United States integrating itself into this New Paradigm

is a very real concept.  This is something which could happen in

a very substantial way.  We have a countdown now of seven days

until the possibility for a sit-down meeting between President

Trump and President Xi, where they can discuss this in much more

detail; and the very strategically important meeting that will

occur between President Trump and President Putin, despite all

attempts to derail, undermine, and sabotage this potential


Here in the United States, I think we just have to take a

moment to recognize the leadership significance of what has been

provided on the street level by LaRouche movement and LaRouche

PAC activists across the country; but most importantly, as we’ve

seen recently, in New York City.  We’ve had several on the ground

reports that we’ve shared with you via the LaRouche PAC Facebook

page and the LaRouche PAC website.  We’ve had some very important

insights that the American people are at the point that if you

present this kind of optimistic vision of what could possibly be

achieved if we were to overcome this geopolitics and the

attempted coup against the sitting President of the United

States, it’s a very optimistic kind of picture.  Americans are

ready to participate in that.

The other element of this though, is that there is a certain

element of optimism which has been able to cut through the

pessimism and cynicism that have pervaded the American people for

the last 16 years.  If you look at the two terms of George W Bush

followed by the two terms of Barack Obama, the American people

have become so demoralized and beaten down, and become so

acclimated to the idea that America’s role in the world is to

spread perpetual war; and the Federal government’s role

domestically is to bail out speculators on Wall Street.  But when

they see that someone’s willing to take this establishment on,

the American people have now begun to break out of their shells.

There are many elements of that.

As we’ve cited in recent days on the LaRouche PAC website,

there is a line to be remembered from the famous essay by the

19th Century English poet, Percy Bysshe Shelley, in his essay “In

Defence of Poetry,” where he talks about a time in which people

are able to absorb and communicate much more profound and much

more impassioned ideas about the future state of man and man’s

relationship to the Universe.  This was an insight that Percy

Shelley had as a poet; but as he said, “the poets are the

unacknowledged legislators of the world.”

Now, in a very, very special event that occurred yesterday,

just last night, that I had the great honor and pleasure of

attending, in New York City at the historic Carnegie Hall, there

was a great poet and artist, who was honored on her 100th

birthday:  This was Sylvia Olden Lee, who was born on this date,

June 29th — yesterday — one hundred years ago, in 1917.  She

would have been 100 years of age last night.  And a tribute to

her memory and to perpetuating her living legacy, was sponsored

by the Foundation for the Revival of Classical Culture, at

Carnegie Hall in New York City, to an absolutely packed audience,

and an audience which was impassioned in their involvement in the

memory and celebration of the legacy of this incredible woman.

Now, this tribute concert, which was called “Tribute to

Sylvia Olden Lee, Master Musician and Teacher” comprised of arias

that were sung by leading students of Sylvia Olden Lee from

across the United States who are now leading operatic singers,

people who had been touched by her and had learned from her and

who had lived alongside of her, they sang Verdi arias, Donizetti

arias; they sang art songs by Johannes Brahms, by Franz Schubert,

but they also sang the Spirituals, the African American

Spirituals which were so much a legacy of this woman: Sylvia

Olden Lee, who was the first African American vocal coach to be

hired by the Metropolitan Opera.  And she created the opportunity

for Marian Anderson to break the color barrier and become the

first Black woman singer to take the stage at the Metropolitan

Opera, with so many others to follow behind her.

Also was presented choral selections of Spirituals, of these

arrangements of {Lift Every Voice and Sing}, of {Lord, I Don’t

Feel No Ways Tired}, {Go Down Moses}, {Soon I Will Be Done}; but

also the {Ave Verum Corpus} by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and the

Hallelujah chorus from Beethoven’s {Christ on the Mount of


So this was an absolutely stunning musical event, but it was

also an event which testifies to the immortality of the human

soul.  Because I think, as everyone who was present at this

tribute concert can tell you, Sylvia Olden Lee was not just

remembered at this concert; she was not just remembered by those

in the room, but she was physically and spiritually present to

those who were gathered in that room in her honor.  She {was}

there, in person, in a very real way.

Now, along with these beautiful musical tributes that were

sung and presented by all the various musicians that were

involved, there were also an astounding number of written and

spoken tributes that were presented in her honor. Sylvia Olden

Lee’s daughter, Eve, spoke in person at Carnegie Hall. Her former

husband, Everett Lee, spoke via video; and there was even a video

that was played of Sylvia Olden Lee herself speaking at a

Schiller Institute conference in 1994, in which she spoke about

the relationship that she had to the legendary Roland Hayes who

was a close friend of Sylvia’s father.


There were also written greetings from Jessye Norman who is

a world renowned opera singer;  Willis Charles Patterson, a

bass-baritone; George Shirley, also a world renowned opera

singer;  Eugene Simpson, a renowned conductor and music arranger;

Everett Lee III who is the son of Sylvia Olden Lee;  Bobby

McFerrin, who is the godson of Sylvia Olden Lee and the son of

the famous Robert McFerrin, one of the renowned 20th century

African American opera singers.  Bobby McFerrin himself is a

renowned jazz vocalist here in the United States.  A variety of

others: William Ray, Marti Newland from Oberlin; also Jesse

Hamilton, a New York state senator; Blanche Cook, distinguished

professor of history at John Jay College; Gail Robinson, soprano;

Marian Dora Howe Taylor, and many others.  Also there was a

greeting from the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.

And present at the event, was the biographer of Sylvia Olden

Lee, Elizabeth Nash, who worked so closely with Sylvia to draft

her memoirs, which appropriately were published under the title

{Who Is Sylvia?}, a reference to a famous English-language

Schubert Lied, based on text from William Shakespeare.  That song

was also presented at the beginning of the second half of this

extraordinary, historic concert.

The shocking thing that occurred for the audience, was in

the beginning of the second half, a representative of Mayor Bill

De Blasio’s office came out onstage, and declared that an

official proclamation had been issued by the Mayor of New York

City, declaring that June 29th, 2017 was “Sylvia Olden Lee Day.”

And I’d like to put on the screen the text of this proclamation

from Mayor De Blasio.  It reads as follows:

“Office of the Mayor, City of New York


“{{Whereas:}} The creative energy that defines the five

boroughs has long

inspired people from across the world, and generations of diverse

artists and musicians have flocked to our city and shaped our

cultural landscape. As a trailblazing African American vocalist,

pianist, and music educator, the late Sylvia Olden Lee is among

this group of influential performers who advanced the music scene

in the five boroughs and beyond. Tonight, on what would have been

Lee’s 100th birthday, New Yorkers and performing artists of all

backgrounds will celebrate her life and legacy during a concert

at Carnegie Hall, hosted by the Foundation for the Revival of

Classical Culture, the Schiller Institute, and Harlem Opera


“{{Whereas:}} Born in 1917, Sylvia Olden Lee was raised in

Mississippi by

parents who were gifted musicians, and she began learning piano

at age five. Equipped with immense natural talent, she went on to

study piano at Howard University and at age 16 she was invited to

perform at the White House for Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s

inauguration. Lee also excelled as a vocalist and she possessed a

deep knowledge of African American spirituals. In 1954, Lee

became the first African American professional hired by New

York’s Metropolitan Opera, where she worked for many years as a

vocal coach and played a key role in coordinating the

groundbreaking debut of Marian Anderson at the Met. During her

long and successful professional career, Lee accompanied and

coached singers throughout the United States and Europe, and she

worked with many internationally-acclaimed artists, among them

Paul Robeson, Jessye Norman, Kathleen Battle and Robert McFerrin.

“{{Whereas:}} As a dedicated vocal coach and a passionate

music educator,

Lee was a mentor to generations of young artists, and her legacy

continues to inspire emerging and established musicians in the

five boroughs and beyond. Through her hard work, enthusiasm,

phenomenal talent and encyclopedic knowledge of spirituals and

classical music, Lee made tremendous contributions to the world

of music, and as a pioneering African American artist, she

fostered diversity in the cultural sector, paving the way for

others. As you gather tonight to enjoy an evening of performances

in Sylvia Olden Lee’s honor, Chirlane and I are pleased to join

in paying tribute to an outstanding artist who shaped the history

of music in New York and around the world.

“{{Now therefore,}} I, Bill De Blasio, Mayor of the City of

New York, do hereby proclaim Thursday, June 29th, 2017 in the

City of New York as:  {{Sylvia Olden Lee Day}}”

So this was an incredible tribute and celebration of Sylvia

Olden Lee Day in the City of New York.  This commemorative

program went out to everybody who was present, with this

beautiful picture of Mrs. Lee on the front of the program.  And

on the back it said, “Lift Every Voice and Sing” which was

appropriate for the concluding piece of this concert, which was a

wonderful and rousing arrangement of that national song of

freedom, {Lift Every Voice and Sing}, which was arranged and

conducted by the famous Roland Carter.  And as soon as the music

began, the audience on its feet, singing along.

Now, Lynn Yen, who is the executive director of the

Foundation for the Revival of Classical Culture, invited

everybody present to join the Schiller Institute Community Chorus

and to become part of a growing movement for the revival of

Classical culture in New York City and beyond, setting as a goal,

one year from today, that that community chorus should have 1,500

members.  And I think many members of the audience were so

inspired by that concert that they were very eager to join such

an extraordinary chorus.

The combined choruses of the Harlem Opera Theater and the

Schiller Institute Chorus comprised a chorus of hundreds on the

stage of Carnegie Hall last night.

Now, one more greeting that was written and included in this

commemorative program, was from Helga Zepp-LaRouche, herself, who

is the founder and director of the Schiller Institute.  And I’d

like to put in the screen the tribute to Sylvia Olden Lee from

Helga Zepp-LaRouche.  She said:

“Sylvia Olden Lee was one of those absolutely outstanding

artists, who are capable of crystallizing for her many pupils and

the people she inspired, the essence of a piece of music, the

true idea, only accessible to those individuals, who can read the

intention of the poet and the composer.  She implanted in many

minds throughout her life the knowledge in her students, how the

artists, the singer, the instrumentalists steps modestly behind

the composition, but at the same time adds his or her ennobled

individuality to the performance, to make it both unique and

absolutely truthful.

“In doing that, she was always playful, polemical, full of

humor, profound, loving and with a disarming openness, and by

representing all of these characteristics, she would liberate her

students, as well as the audience out of their normal un-elevated

condition to the higher plane of true art.  She was able, like

only a few, to let those around her participate directly in the

creative process, in the diligent work of the kind of perfection

it takes, to actually produce art, and not just nice sounds.

“The afternoons and evenings she would participate in

{Musikabende} or coaching sessions in our place in Virginia,

together with William Warfield, Robert McFerrin, and numerous

other Classical artists, belong to the fondest memories for my

husband, Lyndon LaRouche, and myself.  Sylvia and Bill [Warfield]

were for many years on the board of the Schiller Institute and

added an invaluable treasure to its work.  In thinking about

Sylvia, one suddenly wishes she would be still there, since what

she taught is so very needed for our humanity. — Helga

Zepp-LaRouche, Founder, Schiller Institute”

Now, I think that spirit was infused in the entirety of the

performers and the audience that was present, and many of them

are gathering again, as we speak today, in New York City at the

Lincoln Center for a follow-up symposium, again sponsored by the

Foundation for the Revival of Classical Culture, which is the

conclusion of this two-day tribute to Sylvia Lee, which is

called, “The Aesthetical Education of Humanity through Music,”

and is involving a discussion among many of those performed last

night, and who were teachers and who were touched by Sylvia Olden

Lee; including a presentation on the necessity for a return to

the so-called “Verdi tuning”: This is the A=432 tuning which was

mandated by the great operatic composer Giuseppe Verdi; and a

return to the idea of a discussion for a proposed, new National

Conservatory of Music.

Now, what I’d like to show you, just inclusion for today’s

broadcast, to give you a little bit of a taste of the

extraordinary character of Mrs. Sylvia Olden Lee, as we celebrate

her 100th birthday, is this small video excerpt from the

conclusion of a speech that she delivered at a conference of the

Schiller Institute in February 1994:

“I know from the fact that you’re here, your presence

attests to the fact that you believe in justice and one world.  I

hope you keep persevering and going into the far corners of this

globe, selling it to other people, because {we are one family}.

We all belong to {one God}, no matter what you call Him. And as

such, we should keep in touch with each other, through Classics

{and folk music}. [applause]”

So I think that’s a beautiful rallying call for all who are

believers in justice, as she said “one world,” a cooperation

among humanity, that we all send this message, sell this message

to the ends of the Earth and that we work tirelessly, to achieve

that beautiful vision, and to remain in touch with each other

through music and art, the Classics and the folk songs alike.

So again, this was a beautiful event.  All of those who had

the opportunity to attend, I’m sure, will remember this for the

rest of their lives, and will be inspired to follow in the

footsteps of such a beautiful and inspiring teacher.

As I said in the beginning of our broadcast, we are now in

the eve of the beginning of the month of July, I think we can

expect some very important opportunities, as things continue to

develop, as we look ahead to the July 7-8, one week from today,

summit — the G20, but the important bilateral meetings that will

occur on the sidelines, between President Trump and President Xi,

and President Trump and President Putin.

So we continue our work here in the United States for the

U.S. to join the New Silk Road, and it couldn’t be any more

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Trump vil samarbejde med Kina om Bælte &
Vej / Indsats for Glass/Steagall optrappes:
LaRouche PAC Internationale Webcast,
23. juni, 2017

… Ifølge det Kinesiske Udenrigsministeriums rapport om mødet, responderede præsident Trump til denne udtalelse fra rådgiver Yang ved at sige, at han – præsident Trump – ville være åben over for at samarbejde med Kina om Bælte & Vej Initiativet og hermed relaterede projekter. Han sagde, han er tilfreds med de positive fremskridt, der er sket i de kinesisk-amerikanske relationer, siden sit møde med præsident Xi i Mar-a-Lago. Og han meddelte, at han planlægger at besøge Kina inden for det næste (nuværende) år.

Matthew Ogden: Med mig i studiet i dag har jeg Paul Gallagher, redaktør for EIR’s økonomiske stof, og som har været meget aktiv i Washington, D.C., i den eskalerede kamp for genindførelsen af Glass/Steagall og resten af hr. LaRouches Fire Økonomiske Love i Hamiltons tradition. Han har mange opdateringer til os på denne front. Og via video har vi Diane Sare, LaRouche PAC Policy koordinator for New York, med os fra Manhattan. Hun har netop skrevet en artikel med titlen, »Gullivers rejse til Manhattan! Kun LaRouches Fire Love og Kinas Bælte & Vej Initiativ kan løse Manhattans infrastrukturkrise.« (EIR, 23. juni). Som vi alle ved, venter »Helvedessommeren« forude i New York City, mht. transportinfrastruktur.

Jeg vil straks begynde med nogle meget signifikante udviklinger i kampen for at bringe USA ind i den Nye Silkevej, ind i Kinas Bælte & Vej Initiativ. For det første vil jeg rapportere direkte, at Xinhua, et kinesisk nyhedsmedie, rapporterer, at præsident Donald Trump i går mødtes med Kinas statsrådgiver Yang Jiechi i Det Hvide Hus, og til statsrådgiveren Yang sagde, at USA er villig til at samarbejde om projekter relateret til det kinesiske Bælte & Vej Initiativ. De to havde dette møde i Det Hvide Hus som en del af statsrådgiver Yangs besøg til Washington; dette var et møde på højt niveau. Og, iflg. nyhedsrapporter, sagde Yang til præsident Trump, at Kina var meget tilfreds med, meget glad over og satte meget stor pris på det faktum, at Trump-administrationen havde besluttet at sende en repræsentant på højt plan – Matthew Pottinger – til at deltage i Bælte & Vej Forum i Beijing i sidste måned. Vi har rapporteret, at denne repræsentant for USA var en beslutning i sidste sekund fra Trumps side, og at det var en meget god beslutning. Rådgiver Yang sagde også til Donald Trump, at Kina ville være villig til at arbejde sammen med USA om Bælte & Vej Initiativet. Ifølge det Kinesiske Udenrigsministeriums rapport om mødet, responderede præsident Trump til denne udtalelse fra rådgiver Yang ved at sige, at han – præsident Trump – ville være åben over for at samarbejde med Kina om Bælte & Vej Initiativet og hermed relaterede projekter. Han sagde, han er tilfreds med de positive fremskridt, der er sket i de kinesisk-amerikanske relationer, siden sit møde med præsident Xi i Mar-a-Lago. Og han meddelte, at han planlægger at besøge Kina inden for det næste (nuværende) år. Dette blev bekræftet af udenrigsminister Rex Tillerson i en pressekonference, han holdt onsdag. Præsident Trump rapporterede ligeledes, at han ser frem til igen at mødes med præsident Xi Jinping ved G20-topmødet i Hamborg, Tyskland, i juli måned. Det var første punkt, og det er naturligvis en meget signifikant udvikling.

Det andet punkt er, at der samtidig, dagen før dette møde mellem præsident Trump og statsrådgiver Yang, var en møde på højt niveau mellem tidligere kinesiske regeringsfolk og amerikanske erhvervsledere på højt niveau, i regi af et bilateralt eller fælles møde, der fandt sted mellem USA’s Handelskammer – der repræsenterer førende, amerikanske erhvervsinteresser – og Kinas Center for Internationale Økonomiske Udvekslinger, der er en regeringstilknyttet tænketank med base i Beijing. Under dette møde udstedte disse to grupper et fælleskommunike, der promoverede fælles samarbejde mellem USA og Kina.

Her følger resten af webcastet på engelsk:

So, I’m going to put on the screen here a picture of this
meeting that occurred [Fig. 1].  As you can see, it’s the 9th
U.S.-China CEO and Former Senior Officials Dialogue; jointly
sponsored by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the China Center
for International Economic Exchanges.  What the joint communiqué
reports is that not only would the U.S. businessmen be interested
in joint cooperation on the Belt and Road, but they would also be
interested in cooperation on building U.S. infrastructure here
domestically.  So you can see here a direct quote from their
communiqué.  This is under the subtitle “Strengthening Investment
Cooperation Under the Framework of Belt and Road Initiative and
Through Other Means.”  So, here’s what it says:
“Investment is an important driver of China-U.S. trade
relations and the growth of the two economies.  There is great
potential for the two sides to further expand mutual investment.
China’s Belt and Road Initiative, which has spurred investment in
infrastructure building, will considerably broaden the space for
Chinese and U.S. investment and open many opportunities for
Chinese and U.S. companies to cooperate in third countries.
Significant participation by U.S. companies, including in
partnership with Chinese companies, can make new contributions to
the furtherance of China-U.S. economic and trade relations.  In
certain areas, U.S. companies can offer the world’s best
technology and management capability, thereby helping to insure
smooth and efficient completion of Belt and Road projects.
Infrastructure building in the U.S. will generate an enormous
need for investment, and the new U.S. administration has
indicated that this is a major priority.  China has strong
capabilities and cost advantages in infrastructure building,
including the building of urban roads, expressways, fly-overs,
high-speed rail, and ports.”
It goes on to say: “Chinese companies and financial
institutions are ready to contribute to this effort through
financing and through the provision of goods and services.
Chinese investment in certain areas of U.S. infrastructure
development has the potential to help strengthen business
relations between the two sides, and in some cases, speed up
completion of the needed projects at lower cost and with greater
efficiency.  Both sides agreed that the two countries can engage
in full cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative and
through a number of other means, including the Asia
Infrastructure Investment Bank, the World Bank, and other
multilateral investment and financing institutions.”
Then it has a subtitle:  “Agreed Action”
“Within the next twelve months, the CCIEE and the U.S.
Chamber of Commerce will organize a conference on the Belt and
Road in China or in the United States; which will allow the
Chinese side to brief the U.S. side on the Belt and Road plans,
including initiative content, current progress and projects that
might be appropriate for U.S. company participation, including in
partnership with the Chinese companies.  The U.S. side will brief
the Chinese side on the latest infrastructure developments in the
United States and share reflections on pathways for Chinese
companies to participate in U.S. infrastructure revitalization
So, this is a very important development.  And now, third,
here’s an article from {China Daily} which reports on a rather
extraordinary forum that happened in San Francisco yesterday,
which was titled “2017: U.S.-China Transportation Cooperation
Forum.”  Before I get to the next slide, just see here, the
beginning of the article.  It’s titled “Chinese Builders Wanted
in the U.S..”  The beginning of the article says, “Chinese
infrastructure techniques are urgently needed to rehabilitate
America’s poorly maintained and in some cases dilapidated bridges
and road system, industry experts from both countries agree.  The
fact that the U.S., the world’s most economically and
technologically powerful country, should import fast-train
know-how from a developing China, reflects a new normal for
China-U.S. cooperation and communication.”  Then, the article
quotes Chinese Consul-General to San Francisco Luo Linquan, who
gave the keynote.  He said, “China and the U.S. cooperation on
the infrastructure front is posed to become the new highlight in
the trade engagement between the two countries.  California along
with its neighboring states has especially close trade relations
with China,” he added. “The import and export volume between this
region and China has mounted to more than $201 billion in 2016.
The One Belt, One Road Initiative was conceived in China,” he
added, “but it provides a global platform for economic
development for all the countries participating.”
So clearly, all three of these are extraordinary
developments, highlighted by this meeting in the White House,
where Donald Trump said — according to Chinese reports — that
the United States would be happy to participate in the Belt and
Road Initiative.  This is clearly coming along very rapidly; and
as Helga LaRouche said when she was briefed on these developments
earlier today, she said “Remember, it was only three years ago,
in 2014, that the LaRouche movement put out the call for the
United States to join the Silk Road.”  I think you can remember
the pamphlet that was printed by the LaRouche Political Action
Committee that was called “A Hamiltonian Vision for the Future of
the United States:  The United States Joins the New Silk Road.”
But Helga LaRouche said, at that point — 2014 — this idea was
almost unheard of.  But now, as you can see from these
developments and otherwise, this initiative has really gained
prominence and is becoming a dominant reality.  It is very
urgently needed.  “We’ve seen a very significant victory,” she
said, “on this front; and we should recognize it as such.”  She
said, “I think an appropriate for this is ‘Ideas Matter; Ideas
Shape History’.”
I think you can really expect the consolidation of this with
the meeting between Trump and Xi at the G20 summit in July.  And
I think we can also see some dramatic developments between the
potential for a bilateral meeting — and this is becoming more
solid as the days go on — between Trump and Putin.  But, as the
lead article on the LaRouche PAC website states very clearly
today, although it’s widely expected that President Trump and
President Putin will meet for the first time on the sidelines of
this G20 summit, it’s very clear that the opponents of this
world-changing event of the United States-Russia-China
cooperation, are doing everything they can in an hysterical
fashion, to try to undermine this before it ever happens, to
force the cancellation, to cause it to become totally hostile, or
to cause there to be no positive progress that can be made out of
such a summit.  You see this crazy Russian sanctions bill that
was rammed through the Senate 98-2; you can see the efforts by
the U.S. forces shooting down this Syrian jet over Syrian
territory, which has the potential to develop very rapidly.  This
forced the Russians to again terminate the non-confliction
hotline between the United States and Russia.  You can see Steve
Mnuchin’s efforts to levy new sanctions against 38 Russian and
Ukrainian firms and individuals.  Then you can see this F-16 that
buzzed the military aircraft that was carrying Russian Defense
Minister Shoigu.  All of these are very dangerous, and are
obviously planned to try to derail any potential for a positive
relationship between the United States and Russia.
One only has to read this hysterical article in the
{Washington Post} today, “Obama’s Secret Struggle to Punish
Russia for Putin’s Election Assault,” which only continues this
false narrative.

PAUL GALLAGHER:  Not so secret.

OGDEN:  Not so secret.  So, that gives you a picture of
where we stand, but a very optimistic picture, as Helga LaRouche
underlined; if we see in terms of the potential for this United
States New Silk Road, New Paradigm consolidation.  But it’s very
urgent that this happen as well.  That was why I asked both Paul
and Diane to join me on the show today.
First, I’d like to ask Diane to go through a little bit of
what you have in this article.  As I said, it’s titled “Gulliver
Travels to Manhattan! Only LaRouche’s Four Laws and the Belt and
Road Can Save Manhattan Infrastructure Crisis.”  So Diane.

DIANE SARE:  Sure.  I was inspired, if one can call it that,
by my attendance at a Cranes, New York real estate conference,
where they had three panels.  The way it was billed was that —
and they had the CEO of the Port Authority, and the building
trades union, and Staten Island and Brooklyn.  And given what’s
about to happen here, which people may or may not be aware of,
basically we are at a total breakdown point in the greater
Manhattan area.  During the day in Manhattan, you have about 3.1
million people; at night, it’s about 1.8 million.  There’s
something between 1.5 million and 1.8 million who commute into
the city to the island of Manhattan on a daily basis.  That’s a
very large traffic flow.  Penn Station handles about 650,000
people a day; I think that’s triple what it was built for.
Similarly, every other major transit point, whether it’s coming
in from Long Island and Brooklyn across the East River, or coming
in from New Jersey on the western side, everything is completely
overloaded; at or well above capacity.  So now, the system itself
is anywhere from 70 to 100 years old, and very little maintenance
or repair or upgrading has been done.  We’re using switching
systems which were built before World War II largely; I think
they’ve modernized one line so far, and another one will be done
in a few years.  It really is insane.
So, I went to this conference, because starting on July 10,
since there were two train derailments in early April in Penn
Station on the tracks there, they’ve decided they cannot put off
repairing those tracks.  But of course, to repair tracks, then
you cannot use them while you’re repairing them.  They’re saying
they’re going to have to reduce the traffic coming in from Long
Island by 20%; I don’t know what the percentage is from New
Jersey, but it’s probably something similar or greater.  I know
the commuter routes from Essex and Morris Counties, which include
commuters coming in from Pennsylvania who go to various places
and then take a train into Penn Station, that’s all going to be
rerouted into Hoboken; the PATH system which is also overloaded.
At any rate, these repairs start on the 10th of July, and they’re
going to be going on for at least six weeks or longer.  Who
really knows, frankly?
There’s no redundancy.  This is a system that any section of
it that you shut down, if you’re talking about transit points
that are already functioning or not functioning I should say, at
over capacity.  And you’re going to add 20% more traffic, or 30%
more traffic, or 50% more traffic to it; you could have a total
breakdown of everything.  None of the plans I’ve seen so far
really are adequate.  I don’t know what they’re going to do as
they get closer; maybe they’re going to have to have people come
into work on rotating shifts, people’s hours are going to change,
I don’t know.  But at any rate, I was hoping that this conference
might address it.  What I heard there — and it’s not as though
these speakers were completely incompetent or were not aware of
the crisis in some way — but what you saw was that people’s
thinking has been so warped.  One, as I said in the article, by
this Bertrand Russell legacy that there’s no such thing as a
creative idea, or a new idea; but that everything is an algebraic
system of linear deduction.  Of course, from that standpoint, you
could never conceptualize where this region should be in 50 or
100 years.
So, the things that they were proposing be done, like
turning Rikers Island into a part of LaGuardia Airport —
LaGuardia Airport, as people may know who have travelled into New
York, is very much overloaded.  They don’t have the space for the
number of flights that are coming in, and they’re projecting that
by 2030 there will be another 30 million people per year trying
to fly into the city.  So, how do you handle this?  They said,
well we need 75 more flight operations per hour.  Taking over all
of Rikers Island for this and a new wastewater treatment plant,
only gives you an increase of 30 more flight operations per hour.
So, why would you do that?  What is the point of investing in
something that doesn’t even meet either the current needs or what
you are projecting?  It’s really insane.  So, you have that
factor; and the other factor is the funding, which I think Paul
may deal with more; but the idea that everything can only be done
through public-private partnerships.  As people know, my
colleague Bill Roberts has an article in the same issue of {EIR}
about the Soo Locks, where of course they figured out in 1986
that this is a key transshipment point for coal and other things
in the United States; and they really needed to be repaired and
modernized.  So, this was approved in 1986, but they concluded
that you’d only make back 75 cents on the dollar of what was
invested.  Clearly by Bertrand Russell-type methods, where it’s
all linear, because if you cause 11 million people to be
unemployed, which is what would happen if this thing wasn’t done,
that’s not taken into account.
Similarly, the speaker at this conference from Brooklyn,
showed pictures of the damage from Hurricane Sandy, which were
horrific; I was here in New Jersey when that occurred.  We didn’t
have electricity for about two weeks; it was very damaging, very
devastating.  There were several proposals made in 2009 at a
conference in Manhattan for storm surge barriers.  My favorite
was a five-mile one that went from Sandy Hook in New Jersey to
the Rockaways.  So you go across the whole area before you even
get to Staten Island, and it would have an underground tunnel and
it would have gates that came up; but normally the ocean would be
flowing through.  I think that would cost something like $6
billion.  I can see these silly accountants with their
mathematical methods saying $6 billion, what’s the profit?  Well,
how about saving $80 billion?  $6 billion versus $80 billion in
damage when you get one of these storms.  But nonetheless, they
decided not to build it, and we got what we got with Hurricane
Sandy.  So, because of the way people think in terms of
worshipping money, as opposed to seeing money as a means of
credit generation, or as a means of figuring out how to measure
the cost of an improvement that you need; which will lead
ultimately to the increase in the productivity of your
What does it mean when you say we want our standard of
living to be higher?  Well, that doesn’t mean having seven
television sets in every room as opposed to one, or something
like that.  When you say the standard of living, we mean things
like life expectancy, being free from disease, being better
educated.  How many Americans speak only one language, and maybe
that’s an exaggeration to say that Americans even speak a
language.  Many people now do not have a very good command of the
English language, which is our language in this country.  In
other words, how many Americans know how to read music?  How many
Americans have conducted basic scientific experiments in school;
have ever tried to make a painting or a work of art or write a
poem?  In other words, by standard of living you mean that
there’s a life expectancy which allows for a young person to be
educated to the age of 22, 25, 28; and then that person has an
adult lifespan in which they’re still developing and learning.
You can get human beings developing a quality of genius which
contributes to the future for all mankind.
The only reason for money, is to create a situation where
you can think in those terms.  That the people living 100 and 200
years from now will live longer, be healthier, be better
educated, and be better; which is what you would want.  Who
really wants to be the best of all time?  That means, in effect,
that your life is meaningless, if everything coming after you is
going to be worse than you.  So, that’s the point of economy; but
none of these people was thinking that way at all.  It really
struck me that here we are sitting on potential complete chaos;
you already had two weeks ago, there was a subway that got stuck,
and it didn’t have air conditioning because the power was out.
So you had people packed in this car, and the temperatures were
getting to 100 degrees, it was like a sauna in there.  No one
could move for 45 minutes and they were on the brink — as you
might imagine — of getting completely panicked.  Happily, no one
had a heart attack or other medical disaster, but it does make
people nervous.  A few days ago, another subway car was stalled
out, so people went out the back exit and got down on the track
and started walking to the station.  That’s extremely dangerous.
What happens if you lose all order because people just panic
because they don’t know if they’re going to reach their
destination?  They don’t want to be stuck in a subway for hours
on end.  We’re really on the brink of a situation like that.
People would be prepared to tolerate hardship if they knew that
there was a plan to actually address it.
For example, if President Trump, as a result of his
dialogues with Xi Jinping and President Putin, were to say “Look,
we actually think the Bering Strait tunnel should be built within
the next decade; and we’re going to launch a crash program with
China and Russia to develop high-speed rail corridors across the
United States.  So that Manhattan really should be connected with
Paris; and that’s something that will happen.  I’m going to
initiate that in my Presidency, and it’s something that will be
completed during a future administration.”  Now knowing Trump,
he’d probably say “Well, it has to be done within my first term.”
But at any rate, what would that mean for Manhattan?  What kind
of infrastructure would you want to have in place?  If you had
high-speed rail connecting Washington D.C., Philadelphia,
Manhattan, New York City, and Boston, then you would know that
you might have a free flow of people in the entire northeastern
coastline — this huge metropolitan area — because you’re
talking about taking an hour to travel from D.C. to New York.
So, what does that mean?  What do you want New York City to look
like under those circumstances?  Maybe we have to consider taking
advantage of this massive 22% of New Jersey’s land areas in the
Pine Barrens, and convert part of that into a large city where
part of the population of New York City could be relocated, while
you build something which is actually appropriate.  But no one is
thinking in this way.
Apparently, plans have been made, as we know with the Soo
Locks, plans have been made.  There are engineers who are highly
competent who are aware of these things, who know that there are
limits on the life expectancy of cast iron and things like that.
They may have long life expectancies, but there is a point at
which things begin to corrode and things like that.  So, plans
have been made, plans exist.  But where do you get the funding to
implement it?  What is the magnitude of these plans?  If the
population were aware that such a thing existed, that is was
going to be set into motion, then people would be prepared to put
up with a certain amount of hardship; probably very happily,
knowing that their children were going to live in a much more
beautiful and functioning location than we currently do now.
So, this is the battle.  And I think Matt, what you reported
just at the beginning of this show, in terms of the commitment of
President Trump to work with the Chinese, the commitment of the
U.S. Chamber of Commerce explicitly to collaborate with the Belt
and Road Initiative; this is extremely promising, and should
absolutely be promoted.

OGDEN:  Well, I think those scare stories you have from New
York City should probably encourage people that this is a rather
urgent initiative.  I know from talking to Paul, that you have a
few more scare stories that you might want to share with us.  I’m
going to just let you go through a few of those also.

GALLAGHER:  Well, I’m going to come back to this.  I wanted
to just briefly sketch the fight around Glass-Steagall; but I’m
going to come back to this in particular on the character of the
PPPs — public-private partnerships — as actually “poison pill
policy,” which is really threatening this entire potential for
collaboration, China-U.S. collaboration both on the Belt and
Road, and also starting with the Bering Strait Tunnel.  Also in
regard to infrastructure in North America and infrastructure in
the United States.
But on Glass-Steagall, let me just indicate, you have a very
stark comparison in terms of infrastructure investment between
the United States and China.  In the United States, about $300
billion is invested in infrastructure every year, and that is,
every school, every hospital, every road job, every subdivision’s
new sewer and water and optical fiber, and so forth — that is
absolutely everything, public, private, local, Federal, amounts
to about that much investment.  In China, the four major state
banks which provide the credit for the infrastructure
breakthroughs that have been made in China, those four banks
issue about $140 billion worth of credit annually for high-speed
rail in China alone.  And just that form of advanced
infrastructure and just that public investment by those four
national banks:  the Exim Bank, the China Development Bank, the
other China policy banks, as they’re called.  That investment in
just high-speed rail is half of the total investment made by the
United States — public, private, in every form, on every kind of
infrastructure and every public band-aide that’s put on, and
claimed as infrastructure, every year.
In addition, those banks in China have invested and
committed $300 billion just in the three years since the Belt and
Road Initiative of President Xi began to take off, and that $300
billion invested and committed by those banks is outside China.
So that’s going on simultaneously with the large-scale
investments in completely frontier, including things like maglev
subways, in the major cities of China, and there are many, many,
many major cities in China as people know.
So this is widely in the financial press in the United
States and Europe, the old imperial liberal order defends itself
by saying, “This credit issuance of China can’t possibly be
sustained.  There will be a tremendous, earthshattering collapse
of all of this infrastructure credit, because the banks — it has
dwarfed even what the Federal Reserve has done for the banks
here, and for a good purpose, and it can be sustained; it’ll all
blow up.”  There is a very fundamental difference here, though,
in that China, for the last 20 years has had bank separation; it
has many shadow banks, it has a lot of investment companies
involved in broker-dealers, but they are completely separated
from the both private commercial banking system, which they want
to build up further, and also from this kind of public banking.
So that these banks are not involved in the $550 trillion
derivatives exposure of the banks in London and New York.  These
banks are not involved in securities speculation.  They are able
to handle bankruptcies; they’re able to handle non-performing
loans when they appear in various sectors as the economy
develops.  So, Glass-Steagall, although they don’t call that law
“Glass-Steagall” in China, that bank separation is important to
what they are able to do and the fact that they’ve been doing it
now for 20 years on a level of spending nearly 9% of their GDP on
new infrastructure every year, for more than 20 years.  Compare
that to the United States, which spends about 1.3% of its GDP now
on infrastructure annually. They’ve been able to do that, and
keep it up.
Now, we’ve been fighting for Glass-Steagall in Washington.
It’s really taken on much more of the characteristics of a good
brawl, in the recent weeks.  It’s become a big public fight, for
one thing, where you have on the one hand, especially for the
last two months, three months,  — on the one hand, you have all
the financial press and the major national {Wall Street Journal,
Washington Post, New York Times}, running all kinds of editorials
and op-eds on why Glass-Steagall is not necessary, why it’s
terrible, why it’s completely outdated;  it was only repealed 20
years ago, but it’s completely outdated, practically a relic of
the Middle Ages, why it didn’t have anything to do with the crash
in 2008, and so on and so forth.  You have that going on, you
have think tanks in Washington, like Heritage Foundation and
American Enterprise Institute running whole events which consist
of nothing but examining Glass-Steagall.  I went to one recently,
at the American Enterprise Institute, where six different
speakers were attacking Glass-Steagall.  The only person in the
room who was fighting for Glass-Steagall was me, and I was not
one of the speakers.
So you have these kinds of attacks on it, but also the
sponsors.  The main sponsors of the House bill, Marcy Kaptur (D)
of Ohio, Walter Jones (R) of North Carolina, the Republican main
sponsor, have started to really fight publicly.  They had a
public press conference when they introduced the bill three and a
half months ago with 25 sponsors.  They now have about 55
sponsors as a result of fighting for it publicly since then.
This is a much faster rate of getting sponsors onto the bill than
was the case in the last session, where eventually there were
about 85 sponsors after two years of work.  But in this case, the
week before last they had a congressional briefing for the staffs
of Congressmen throughout the House, about somewhere between 35
and 40 other Congressmen sent their staffs to this briefing, so
it was really quite a packed event in one of the office
buildings, to take notes and report back to their Members of
Congress.  And not only Kaptur and Jones, but also experts from
the AFL-CIO, from the Americans for Financial Reform, from Public
Citizen; Nomi Prins, an independent, former investment banker and
author on banking, independent expert — they all testified.  And
this is causing a tremendous amount of discussion throughout the
House in particular.
On the Senate side, the leading sponsors have all made it a
point to draw out the Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, and make
it clear that what he was advising Donald Trump to do during the
campaign essentially, was not the real Glass-Steagall or anything
like it; but rather Mnuchin’s advice to Trump during his
campaign, was to talk about Glass-Steagall while Mnuchin
privately was designing something which was really Wall Street
deregulation like the bill that recently passed the House.
So the fact that they have really broken Mnuchin down on
this and made him say “No, no, no, I don’t believe in anything
like separating commercial and investment banking.”  This has
also dramatically clarified issues for people in both the Senate
and the House.  And secondly, we have begun to get close to the
mobilization of large organizations, large trade unions,
coalition organizations like Public Citizen, and in this I don’t
mean them endorsing Glass-Steagall, I mean them mobilizing their
hundreds and hundreds of thousands of members to demand this from
Congress.  We’ve come very close to getting to that stage, and in
particular you saw last week a broadcast that Public Citizen ran
on their Facebook page with Rep. Marcy Kaptur, in which they were
motivating and calling on their reportedly 400,000 members to go
after Congress to get this.
So the objective is to get from the 55 sponsors now to 100
— fast.  Because it’s not so important in the Senate, to pile up
a lot of sponsors — there are only a 100 Senators. It’s very
important in the House, when the leadership of both parties is
against Glass-Steagall, which they are: Both the Republican and
the Democratic leadership do not want to see it; the Democratic
leadership wants to cling onto this failed Dodd-Frank Bill, and
pretend that Obama came up with something nice there.  And the
Republican leadership wants to give Wall Street every kind of
deregulation that they’ve ever asked for.
So in that situation, it is crucial to get to 100 sponsors.
This is the stated objective of the major sponsors in the House
and when they do that, then they really want to go public and
start to hold the kind of press conferences and press bugging of
other Members which will get widely covered in the media and
really  make this into a bigger brawl.
So that’s just an indication of some of the things we have
been getting going.  And one of the arguments that Jones and
Kaptur have started to use, for example when they — I didn’t
mention this, but they also went to the Rules Committee when it
was marking up this crazy Republican deregulation bill called the
“Financial CHOICE Act.”  They went to the Rules Committee with an
amendment that said, strike CHOICE Act, take it away, and put
Glass-Steagall reinstatement in its place, and that’s our
amendment.” So they got to make a fight in front of the Rules
Committee on that.
But they’ve begun to make the very coherent argument that
not only did Glass-Steagall’s elimination lead directly to the
crash in 2008; there’s no need to go over this now, it’s the most
obvious thing in the world to most thinking Americans.  It’s like
the guy who ate nothing but McDonalds food for four months and
after four or five months his organs were failing, he was
catastrophically obese, he was near death!  And this is like
saying “there was no connection, there were other factors that
brought this guy into this condition.  It wasn’t the McDonald’s
Big Macs that he was eating.”  That’s what it amounts to to tell
Americans that less than 10 years after getting rid of
Glass-Steagall, the whole banking system blew up simultaneously,
which has never, for all of the major banks to be bankrupt at the
same time, as Ben Bernanke admitted they were, has never happened
in the entire history of the United States.  It took less than 10
years without Glass-Steagall to bring that about.
So they also are now arguing that the period in which
Glass-Steagall was in effect, which is also the period in which
the biggest infrastructure investments in new infrastructure in
the United States were being made, from the ’20s, up through the
end of the ’60s and into the ’70s, that that was a golden era of
productivity in the United States.  We had a banking system then,
which concentrated not only on loaning to  — but you see it in
many examples of the history of that period — concentrating on
making commercial and industrial loans to businesses for
expansion and for participation in major projects.  You don’t
have that kind of a banking system without Glass-Steagall;
instead, you have a banking system which wants to underwrite bond
issues for only the biggest corporations, with which they can
play around with their stock prices and so on.  And it brings the
entire economy down.
It gets us right back — and they’re making now the right
argument and very powerful argument, that if we want to rebuild
the United States, and particularly build new, frontier new
infrastructure in the United States, we have to have a commercial
banking system which is separated from securities broker-dealing
and speculation in the derivatives markets; and which is
concentrating on household lending and commercial and industrial
lending to the companies participating in these great projects.
Now, public-private partnership is, again, back to Treasury
Secretary Mnuchin, the conference that was held in Washington
last week, SelectUSA, which was a conference trying to get
foreign investment in the United States.  So this is the Treasury
Department; you’ve already given the context for this, along with
what Diane reported, in terms of the imminent potential,
absolutely imminent potential for large-scale investment,
particularly from China in an infrastructure build in the United
States.  instead, what the Treasury Secretary went there and
offered was, he said:  We want this kind of investment and
public-private partnerships are critical.
Suffice it to say, never in the United States has a major
infrastructure project or major new element of the infrastructure
of the United States, {never} has such a thing been constructed
with a public-private partnership, let alone by private
investment alone.  The Transcontinental Railroad was by no means
a public-private partnership.  And these things simply don’t
work.  The investors in them want their capital back in 10 years,
and they want 10-12% rates of interest in their invested capital
during that 10 years.  Well, that means they want it back, if
it’s anything major, while the thing is still not finished, and
still not being used to a full extent; and they want to
absolutely rob the public taxpayers whose money is going into
such a project.  It simply cannot work, and it will sabotage
foreign investment in new infrastructure building in the United
States if this method is used.
We have a threadbare public investment in infrastructure
now.  What President Trump has spoken about, the time has run out
for him and for the Congress to implement it.  They have to now
create, immediately, a National Bank on the order of $1-2
trillion in capital, in the way that Alexander Hamilton and his
successors in the American System built such National Banks
starting in 1790, through the 19th century.  They have to create
such a bank {now}, so that there is a credit institution here, to
cooperate with the credit institutions like those in China that I
was discussing earlier.
Otherwise, we are really facing disaster.  I’ll give you an
example:  I went to  a Congressional hearing yesterday and talked
to some of the witnesses who were involved in exactly trying to
organize some of the infrastructure developments that Diane
indicated are so needed in the New York area.  One of them is a
bridge over the Hackensack River near Secaucus, New Jersey,
called the Portal Bridge, which is 108 years old.  It was
designed in the 19th century, completed in 1910.  It has ships go
under it by splitting the bridge, but opening as a drawbridge.
All of the rail traffic, freight and passenger, between Florida
and Massachusetts goes over that bridge — all of it!  And that
bridge, when they open it to get a ship go through, when they try
to close it now, 9 times out 10, according to the fellow who
spoke to me there, 9 times out of 10 it doesn’t close properly,
so that rails don’t align.  And they then send workers out on the
concrete abutment of the bridge with sledgehammers, and they
hammer at the iron trusses of the bridge to get the rails to
All that it would take is for them to be able to unable to
get them to align, once, and as he estimated, that would be a
single-point loss of potentially 10% of U.S. gross domestic
product.  Right there.
And then you have, in the Poe Lock, the potential failure of
the Poe Lock between Lake Superior into Lake Huron, and the whole
Mesabi Iron Range, and all of the ships which are carrying all of
the strategic metals, the iron, the coal coming out of Northern
Minnesota, Ontario, the Mesabi Range, all of that would be
stopped:  another 10% of the gross domestic product of the United
States would be frozen and they estimated up to 11 million jobs
would be lost.
So you say, “well of course, they’re replacing this bridge
at Hackensack,” but actually, they’re not!  They don’t have the
funds!  They have a plan, it’s all worked out, it’s engineered,
but the replacement is not under way.
So you have here, the makings of a movie you could call it,
a suspense thriller: “The Bridge over the Hackensack River.”  But
with 10% of the U.S. economy hanging on the guys banging those
rails back into place, but there is not any funding arranged to
replace that bridge.  And you can multiply that for all the other
things that have to be done.
We’re very far from the frontier, national high-speed rail
network, nuclear desalination plants, the Western water
management systems,  — we’re very far from the frontiers in
space infrastructure that we have to be building. We’re actually
threadbare in terms of just continuing to use, and have an
economy, what we already have.
So there’s no time at all left, for these wonderful
prospects by the discussions with the Chinese now at the highest
level, between President Trump and one of the tope people in the
Chinese government, State Councilor Yang Jiechi, for these
wonderful prospects to be backed up by the institution which
issues credit for the United States, a Hamiltonian bank for
investment.  It must be formed.  It must come out of the Congress
with the drive from the White House in order to get it done.

OGDEN:  As you said, time is running out: We’re five months
now into the Trump administration, and you highlighted the role
of Steve Mnuchin:  I think this continues to be a very bad
element in the Trump administration.  And the kind of support
that Trump gained from his support for Glass-Steagall during the
Presidential election campaign, is something that has now — that
has to become visible.  That has to become a visible, vocal, sort
of element from the population, from the constituency.  And I
just want to put on the screen the URL that we have for the
mobilization that we have for H.R.790: That’s the bill that’s in
the House, the “Return to Prudent Banking Act” —

GALLAGHER:  The Glass-Steagall bill.

OGDEN:  Which was introduced by Marcy Kaptur and Walter
Jones.  This is the return to Glass-Steagall.  As you can see,
this is the website:  http://lpac.co/hr790  And I think that this
goal of reaching 100 cosponsors in a very short amount of time,
is a very tangible goal that we can mobilize for, along with this
vision of, the United States joining the New Silk Road.  But
Paul, as I think you just laid out very clearly, that is
impossible without Glass-Steagall.  You cannot set up the kind of
national credit institutions, the national banking credit
institutions that would channel that kind of joint investment
into this infrastructure in the United States, without this
critical first step of the return to Glass-Steagall.
One thing I wanted to ask you about, Paul, is just the
prognosis on how close we could be to another disastrous blowout
of the trans-Atlantic banking system.  I know Nomi Prins did an
interview a few months ago with you, where she highlighted a few
of these things with the corporate debt bubble.  But that’s
something that Marcy Kaptur cited in her testimony to the Rules
Committee, and I think that element of urgency is also necessary
to put in here.

GALLAGHER:  We don’t know how much time, because it’s
impossible to put a finger on a date when a really huge and
increasing unproductive debt bubble, in this case, as
Representative Kaptur identified, the corporate debt bubble in
the United States, when it’s going to blow up.  But, the size of
corporate debt in the United States has doubled in seven years,
from about $7 to about $14 trillion, with really the great
majority of that tremendous debt expansion being used for what
they call “financial engineering” by large companies: Meaning
buying back their own stock, mergers and acquisitions, finding
ways to increase the dividends they give to their stockholders,
increasing their own executive compensation — all of this kind
of financial engineering has used in various years up to 80-85%
of this new corporate debt.
What has really suffered in the process has been business
capital investment and the commercial and industrial lending,
which it depends on. So that that tremendously expanding bubble
has stopped expanding.  And this has been noted  rather suddenly,
by everybody from the IMF to individual bank research teams,
since April of this year, that suddenly that tremendous expansion
has stopped; as happens with an immense bubble that’s about to
explode, and it started to shrink.  And there was a report put
out by UBS bank in Switzerland about two weeks ago which caused a
certain amount of alarm, because they found that what they call
the “credit impulse,” had gone negative in the last six months —
they’re talking globally now — meaning that the second
derivative, the rate of the rate of growth of business lending
around the world had suddenly in the last six months become
negative.  And that is something which virtually always points to
a bubble about to collapse.
This is a very huge one, indeed.  The IMF estimated that if
interest rates were to go up sharply in the United States, 20% of
all the companies in the United States would default.  That’s way
above the rate of defaults on mortgages even at the worst 10
years ago; and the whole thing would come crashing down.
So we need the reorganization of the banking system,
urgently, for that reason, also in order to make the commercial
banking side of it proof against this kind of a blowout.  And so
you don’t have, again, a situation in which the bankruptcy of any
investment bank, let’s say, becomes, almost overnight, the
bankruptcy of every major U.S. based bank as happened in late
September 2008.

OGDEN:  I would say, this is real policy.  This is what
anybody who’s serious is discussing right now.  And the failed
decision by the Democratic Party, for example, to just be the
party of resistance, is increasingly proven to be an increasingly
proven to be very ill-advised policy.  And I think even Sen.
Chris Murphy made some headlines this week where he said:  Look,
none of my constituents are talking about “Russia,” when I go
home.  They’re talking about jobs, drugs, poverty.  They’re
talking about exactly what we’re discussing here!  Hmm, gee,
maybe we shouldn’t be pumping anti-Putin propaganda all day every
So, I wanted to ask Diane, you know, we’ve had some
surprising reports — or surprising for some — from the streets
of Manhattan, where you would assume because of the 24-hour-a-day
anti-Putin propaganda that people are being inundated with, that
this would be the only thing that’s on people’s minds.  But as we
saw, the reality on the ground in New York is the collapsing
infrastructure.  This is what people are actually interested in
talking about.  And we’ve had some rather surprising readings
from the population there in New York and northern New Jersey, in
the recent weeks.

SARE:  Sure.  We’ve had numbers of teams set up by the
roadside in New Jersey or right in the middle of the large
sidewalks in Manhattan, with giant signs saying “Defend Trump.
Stop Here.  Donald can’t do it alone, join LaRouche PAC.  The
U.S. must join the Belt and Road.  Russia-Gate Is a Comey Plot!”
And many people are coming up to our tables and we’re actually
getting a very hot response, much more intense than at any period
since the election, with people coming over saying, “You know, I
thought I was the only one.  The propaganda is so intense, I
don’t dare to say that I supported Trump at my workplace.”
We had a very strong response also in Connecticut, Long
Island, Jersey and Manhattan per se, where we are getting this
type of response.
And I also just wanted to add, in light of this crazy
continuing of the story about the alleged Russian hacking which
somehow caused people to change their mind on how they were
voting.  Remember we did just did have the special election for
Congress, in South Carolina and Georgia, where the Democratic
candidates, one of whom I think spent $33 million or some
absolutely obscene amount of money, and still lost the election.
And it’s not because the Republican candidates were so brilliant;
it’s because the population has really had it and this is where,
if President Trump moves in a very big way, very public way to
embrace the Chinese offer, to reinstate the Glass-Steagall Act so
we can have a sane banking system, and to launch some of these
infrastructure projects on a Federal basis, you would just see an
incredible upsurge of support.  And most of this vicious,
including assassination threats and so forth, these attacks on
the President, would simply evaporate and the people that persist
would be shown for the paid agents of the British Empire and
George Soros that they are.

OGDEN:  I think it was clearly said by Helga LaRouche:  We
have a very significant victory to claim, I think both in terms
of the further consolidation of this idea that the United States
should join the New Silk Road, and the fact that these
discussions are now going on at the very highest level between
the United States and China.  But also in terms of this fight for
Glass-Steagall and as Paul said, this is something that LaRouche
PAC has been directly involved in, on the forefront of leading
for year — 2008, 2009?  Lyndon LaRouche’s call at that time was
for a complete bankruptcy reorganization of the economy.  It was
initially the Homeowners and Bank Protection Act and that became
this idea of the Four Laws.

GALLAGHER: August 2007 was the Homeowners and Bank
Protection Act.

OGDEN:  That’s right. So now we’re coming up on 10 years!  I
think that’s widely recognized, the leadership that the LaRouche
movement has played, including on Capitol Hill from the sponsors
of this legislation.  So this decision now to mobilize and to
really enter into a brawl, the fight is on on that front and we
have a responsibility to pour as much as we can, from around the
country, in mobilizing on that front, too.
I think that’s a good conclusion for our webcast here,
today.  Thank you Diane, for joining us from New York, and thank
you very much Paul for joining me here.

GALLAGHER: A pleasure.

OGDEN:  Stay tuned to larouchepac.com and we’ll talk to you