LaRouchePAC Internationale Fredags-webcast, 3. juni 2016:
Vi må rejse ud i rummet og virkeliggøre vores fælles bestemmelse

Ben Deniston gennemgår bl.a. de mange, internationale tiltag, med grafiske fremstillinger, der støtter alternativet til det anglo-amerikanske imperiums fremstød for global atomkrig, og Kesha Rogers fra Texas taler om afdøde tysk-amerikanske rumforskningspionér Krafft Ehrickes filosofi omkring menneskets indtagelse af rummet, og mennesket som et 'multi-globalt' væsen, der ikke er begrænset til blot én planet, m.m.

Engelsk udskrift. 


Friday LaRouche PAC Webcast
        June 3, 2016

        MEGAN BEETS: Hello! It's June 3rd, 2016. I'd like to welcome
all of you to our regular Friday broadcast here at LaRouche PAC.
My name is Megan Beets. I'm joined tonight in the studio by Ben
Deniston, and I'm also joined, via video, by LaRouche PAC Policy
Committee members Kesha Rogers, joining me from Houston Texas and
Diane Sare, joining us from New Jersey and Manhattan.
        To start things off tonight, I'm going to read the question
that came in to Mr. LaRouche from our institutional contact in
Washington, and then turn it over to you, Diane, to deliver Mr.
LaRouche's response, as well as some opening remarks, to start
our discussion off.
        The question reads: "Mr. LaRouche, the U.S. Senate passed a
controversial bill known as the Justice Against Sponsors of
Terrorism Act (JASTA) that would allow the families of 9/11
victims to sue the government of Saudi Arabia for its alleged
financial support of al-Qaeda. The bill now goes to the U.S.
House of Representatives for a vote. What are your
recommendations to the House of Representatives?"

        DIANE SARE: Well, I can report what Mr. LaRouche had to say
about that, specifically, and then more in the background. He
said that "We must state the case straightforwardly. It must be a
clean bill with no loopholes, i.e., loopholes which would allow
the Obama administration, or whatever administration that's
covering up for the Saudis, to claim that there's negotiations
going on with them that would prevent the families from being
able to sue." He said, "It must not only be passed, but with a
veto-proof majority. The issue is clear. The British and the
Saudis were behind the crimes of 9/11 and should be held legally
        I think this is extremely important with what I wanted to
say, in terms of starting off the discussion this evening, which
is that the American population is in somewhat of a quandary.
They're in an unfair position because, thanks to our terribly
controlled news media, they're operating without full knowledge
of the situation that they're in. They're thinking that we're in
a presidential election campaign where they have to choose
between Hillary Clinton, who is nothing but a lying, killer clone
of Barack Obama; maybe Bernie Sanders, who's really just a fraud,
and who has never met an anti-Russian policy that he has not
supported; or Donald Trump, who is an FBI agent with a glorified
        Actually, this is simply not the case. There's a much
greater dynamic in the world right now, which is that the
trans-Atlantic system is completely bankrupt. That means the
British Royal Family and their Saudi and American puppets like
Barack Obama, like the Bush family, are in a mad scramble to
somehow maintain their grip, even as their system completely
disintegrates. What Ben is about to present is the new dynamic of
the planet, which is absolutely huge. It involves over half of
the world's population and it involves over half of the world's
population actually moving in a progressive, future-oriented,
direction, which is something completely anomalous to most people
and most people's thinking in the United States today.
        So, what I just wanted to give a sense of is (1) the danger,
in terms of the urgency of yanking down Obama by exposing his
collusion with Saudi Arabia and Britain, the very people who
committed the atrocities on September 11, 2001 in our country, so
that we don't have thermonuclear war; and (2) that the United
States can be brought to join this greater paradigm, which is
actually what's affecting everything inside the United States,
not the local affairs as you see them.
        I'll just say, people may recall that our Defense Secretary
Ashton Carter a couple months ago actually said that we should
quadruple our defense spending in Europe. He said that we had to
be prepared for a threat from Russia — which is not threatening
us. But, what we are in fact doing is aggressively moving against
Russia, by supporting NATO military drills in the Baltic nations.
Germany has sent 1,000 troops into Lithuania for these drills.
NATO is erecting anti-ballistic missile systems. They have
already been placed in Romania. Now we're talking about placing
them in Poland. These systems can easily be converted to carry
{offensive} weapons; they're not just {defensive} systems. You
can equip any of these rockets with nuclear warheads.
        Putin has addressed this very directly. I'll just share what
Putin had to say about that. He talks about these compact launch
pads. "At the moment, the interceptor missiles installed have a
range of 500 km (310 miles), soon this will go up to 1,000 km
(621 miles), and worse than that, they can be re-armed with 2,400
km (1,491 mile) offensive missiles even today, and it can be done
by simply switching the software, so that even the Romanians
themselves won't know. How can this not be a threat to us? It
certainly is. That is the reason why we have to respond now, and
if yesterday some areas in Romania did not know what it is like
to be a target, today we will have to take action to ensure our
security. Let me repeat, these are response measures, a response
only. We were not the first to take such steps. The same will be
done with regard to Poland. We will wait for certain actions to
be taken in Poland. We are not going to do anything until we see
missiles on the neighboring territory. And we have the necessary
resources. You saw, the whole world saw our capabilities in term
of our medium-range sea- and air-based missiles." He's referring
to what Russia just did with regard to Syria, the phenomenal
accuracy of missiles launched from the Mediterranean and
elsewhere on wiping out ISIS targets. "We are not violating
anything, but our ground-based Iskander missile systems have
proven themselves as superb."
        This is what Putin is now saying, and then our Defense
Secretary Aston Carter went on to give a raving speech in a U.S.
Naval Academy Commencement Address, where he talked about the
great technological superiority of American weapons, which is
simply not the case. Kesha will elaborate further [that] since
Obama has dismantled out space program, we simply do not have the
science and research to produce accurate and effective defense
weapons systems. It's simply a fraud. I'm sure we are spending a
lot of money. It's probably like our health care system, where
we're spending more money than anyone else on the planet, and
doing the worst job of producing anything.
        I'll just say that there was just this study that came out
from a fellow at Dartmouth College, and the Bush School of
Government at Texas A&M University. Secretary of State James
Baker III, at the time when negotiations were being held with
Gorbachev for the reunification of Germany, was {lying to
Gorbachev at that time} [in 1990] — that the United States was
already engaged in plans for expansion of NATO, even as we were
telling Gorbachev that we were not, in terms of the conditions to
reunify Germany.
        So, it is no wonder that Putin is responding in this
fashion. The aggressor is NATO and Obama, as tools of a bankrupt
British Empire system. And what Americans need to know, and what
the world needs to bear in mind, is the strength of the new
paradigm, which is actually huge. It is the actions of Putin and
Xi Jinping which are the reason why we've not plunged into
thermonuclear war earlier. I think, as you'll see, they
definitely have the upper hand in this situation. This is
something that Americans should actually be acting in concert
with, as opposed to the myopic focus of the current U.S. election

        BEN DENISTON: Thanks Diane. We were discussing with Mr.
LaRouche and Mrs. LaRouche yesterday, and had some discussions
earlier in the week, and I think maybe just to reference what
Mrs. LaRouche defined as just two stark directions the world is
going in. On the one side, as you're saying, you have this
insane, frankly imperial-style push, still, as long as you have
Obama as this Puppet-in-Chief for the British, they're going for
this threat of war drive. Every step they take is just further
and further to insanity.
        I think part of what we're facing in the United States is
people are not going to understand what's really going on unless
they look at the global picture, and unless they look at the
global picture from the right perspective. I think you're
absolutely right. These elections are a joke unless you see them
in the context of where the world's actually going right now.
Obviously, the United States plays a critical role, but you're
not going to define what the United States does, or where the
United States goes, from within the United States. People have to
look at what's happening in the world, to know how to act here in
the United States to actually achieve something.
        So, we want to take some time today and just put a little
bit of depth — and I think we're going to be doing more of this
in additional shows, additional segments in the future — but we
want to put some depth on this new paradigm that is emerging. I
just want to reference some of the developments, some stuff
recently, some stuff from the months and years, but look at it
together as one picture of an emerging — I would really call it
this "win-win" paradigm to reference the refrain and the concept
of China's President Xi Jinping, where he said that what China is
pursuing is a "win-win" policy.
        What we've seen recently, over years, but also just in the
recent days and weeks, is a real consolidation of other nations
coming around that policy, coming around the idea of a win-win
principle. Maybe different nations are approaching it in
different terms, or they have different words for it, or
different expressions, or maybe stated in different languages,
but I think there's a clear unification around this principle —
that we have to move beyond the idea that every nation is
competing for some finite set of resources, and the gains of
another nation are somehow implicitly and inherently going to be
a loss for your nation. In other terms, sometimes, this general
"geopolitical view," as some people discuss it and think about it
— the idea that the world is this big game being played and you
have to ensure that you get the biggest slice of the pie, and any
gains made by another nation are somehow going to be detrimental,
because that's less potential gains for you.
        You've seen a very clear and explicit break from this, not
just in words, not just in statements, but in actual action from
this new paradigm, centered around China, China's alliance with
Russia, and increasingly, cooperation with India. And you're
seeing a clear commitment to the idea that the future of mankind
depends on cooperation in common progress, in common development
— that progress and development in joint cooperation between
nations benefits both parties and other parties involved in, in
the nearby area: this idea of win-win cooperation. It's not
win-loss cooperation. Just because you win doesn't mean the other
guy loses. We need to rise to a real mature understanding of how
mankind progresses, what the nature of progress is for the human
species — that mankind creates wealth, creates progress, by
creative development, and the only way we're going to have a
stable, progressive, future-oriented world — or any world at
all, frankly, at this point, at the level of thermonuclear
technologies — is a policy based on this principle, this
recognition: that we can no longer tolerate the suppression or
the denial of progress of other nations, and we must embark on
policies that ensure cooperative development among nations.
        These are nice ideas. We could talk about this. Everybody's
heard politicians saying these kind of things. Maybe not in the
U.S. so much even, these days. The point is this is actually
happening. These are not just "nice ideas." This is where the
world is going. This is happening now. This is the dynamic taking
over the world. This defines what we have to do in the United
States to ensure that we can be part of this process.
        On the first graphic here we have displayed [Fig. 1], a lot
of this centers around China's pivotal role with their One
Belt-One Road program, comprised of a land-based revival of the
Silk Road orientation, as a real development corridor, bringing
development into the interior regions of Asia and Eurasia, but
also coupled with their Maritime Silk Road initiative. This has
kind of been a keystone of an expanding development of Asia as a
whole, bringing in more and more nations, again, not in a
competitive way necessarily, but in a way of a win-win policy.
        I do want to illustrate, just give a quick sketch, on some
of the developments that have been occurring. But I'd like to
premise this by just referencing some of the recent statements by
the leaders of these nations. Again, Russia, China, and India
coming along as a critical third partner in this whole process.
        Just to highlight a few things, the President of India was
in China just this past week; and while he was there, he gave an
address on India-Chinese relations. And just to quote what he
said, he said: "India and China are poised to play a significant
and constructive role in the 21st Century. When Indians and
Chinese come together to address global challenges and build on
their shared interests, there is no limit to what our two peoples
can jointly achieve." He went on to say, "Both sides should work
with the aim of insuring that we do not burden our coming
generations, by leaving our unresolved problems to them." So,
that was the President of India speaking in China.
        Also earlier this week, you had a former Chinese ambassador
to Russia travel to Moscow and speak about Russian-Chinese
relations. And he just said quite frankly, bilateral relations
between Russia and China are now at a 400-year high. You hear
politicians in the United States, you're lucky if they talk about
a 4-year perspective or a 4-year analysis; let alone a 400-year
assessment. This former ambassador to Russia from China said
there's obviously differences; anytime you have two major
nations, you have differences. But he said, these are of a
secondary level; and he said it's his assessment, as somebody who
deals with top-level relations between these two nations, that
the Presidents of the two nations — Xi and Putin — have a clear
conceptual understanding, a clear conceptual agreement. So that's
significant; again, reflecting this orientation.
        Just this past Tuesday, the Premier of China was speaking to
media editors and newspaper editors for various Asian
publications; and then speaking to an Indian editor, he really
emphasized that Chinese-Indian cooperation not only benefits
China and India, but all of Asia. So again, here's the Premier of
China, you had the President of India saying similar things; the
Premier of China saying similar things. It's a reflection of
Russia being a part of this. These are clear statements just in
the recent period of this move towards this integration
perspective. China's Premier also said — as an interesting note
— that China welcomes India's leadership and role in this new
development project linking India, Iran, and Afghanistan; we can
see this on the next image here on the map [Fig. 2]; centered
around Iran's Chabahar port. This new proposal for water
transport, shipping, the development of this port; the
development of the rail lines and related industry, and
stretching up into Afghanistan. So, this is a new development
project that India's partaking in; Iran's partaking in; and is
going to bring critical development also into Afghanistan. And
this is just typical; this kind of project — if you look at it
in the old paradigm, maybe China could say this threatens our
interests, because it's insuring other nations are gaining more
power and that might be more threatening to our geopolitical role
in the region. But no, this is a different paradigm; this is a
new paradigm.
        That kind of thinking applies in the US and London still; it
still dominates the trans-Atlantic. But you go to Asia, and the
Chinese Premier is saying, great; this is excellent. We encourage
India's role in this type of development; we want more of this.
So, I think this project is just one of a number of projects that
I think are moving closer and closer to what the LaRouches
defined with their Eurasian Land-Bridge perspective. A lot can be
said, but just to highlight a few things. You have this Chabahar
port project, linking India and Iran into Afghanistan. You have
the One Belt, One Road, including the New Silk Road program going
through the heart of the Eurasian continent. You also have just
within the past year, the completion and upgrading of some of
these rail lines; where now you can travel directly from China
all the way to Germany, faster than you could by shipping route,
by direct rail connections through the whole heart of Asia into
Europe across Eurasia. You have the prospect of regular upgraded
rail connections and transport from China down into Iran, now
that the Iran sanctions are lifted; and we have the prospect of
Iran playing a larger role in the development of this region.
        These are just a few examples of building off of China's One
Belt, One Road, further related development projects; just
reflecting the overall orientation towards growth, infrastructure
investment, scientific investment, development throughout the
Eurasian continent, led by these nations.
        I think also indicative of this whole New Paradigm
orientation, very interesting and illustrative of what we're
talking about; you also have in the last two years, the creation
and emergence of another economic development bloc — the
Eurasian Economic Union — highlighted here in yellow. Of which
Russia is the largest component of this economic agreement, this
new economic zone which includes Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus,
Armenia, and Kyrgyzstan. So, this is kind of central north Asian
bloc of economic development.

        So again, if you're thinking like a British geo-politician,
you might think this is a competition to China's One Belt, One
Road program. Here you have Russia coming in, working with these
other nations in the northern regions, trying to expand their
economic development; while China is leading the way with their
One Belt, One Road program. But in Asia, in the New Paradigm, in
the way these leaders are thinking in a real sane, human fashion,
they're not thinking about it in those terms. You had President
Putin recently explicitly saying that they're looking towards
integration and cooperation with the One Belt, One Road program
explicitly. He said they're even working on specific projects as
part of the Eurasian Economic Union, which will directly
integrate into the New Silk Road, the One Belt, One Road program.
It's not competition; it's not a geopolitical perspective. It's a
perspective of win-win cooperation of development, or progress;
and this is what has the trans-Atlantic powers, these
geopolitical mindset people all freaked out.
        Just to highlight a few other things, you have space. You
have a Renaissance of space exploration in Asia, while the US is
decaying under Obama's cancellation of the manned space program
and his cuts and his complete lack of leadership in space; you
have rapid progress being made in Asia. Just within the recent
period, you have two new space launch centers, advanced space
launch centers now open in Russia and China; as indicated here.
        You have major water projects; massive south water north
projects, which is remarkable. They've made manmade rivers of a
large scale, directing water from the abundant waters of the
south to the water-starved regions of the north. And they've made
major steps in managing and developing their water system as a
nation as a whole; and they've got plans to further that with
some of the more challenging aspects going further west with some
of the western routes. So, they've already accomplished certain
parts of this; and they're taking further steps.
        But again, they're looking at positive developments for the
whole region; they're recently said that they're looking towards
helping the development of the Mekong River valley down in
Southeast Asia. Where you have the Mekong River running through
Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam — this region here — and
there's been recent droughts, major water shortages and
difficulties; largely just from lack of development, lack of
doing what the US did under Franklin Roosevelt with the TVA
[Tennessee Valley Authority]. Lack of developing basic dams,
irrigation reservoirs, water management systems to actually
manage this river valley as a whole to insure regular, steady
water supplies are available to the people. So, China's saying
they want to look into helping to facilitate that process as a
new project.
        You have India now re-raising the prospects for another
massive water transfer program — their river inter-linking
project; where they can actually interlink some of the major
rivers and again manage their water system as a national
territory as a whole in a much more efficient and much more
productive program.
        And I'd just like if you look at these projects together,
and this is just a sample of some of the stuff that's either in
process, or is becoming likely, or is being coming discussed and
could be a future orientation. If you look at this together,
you're looking at the greatest and development and management of
the water cycle in this entire East Asia, South Asia, Southeast
Asia region, to be the greatest management of water that mankind
has ever undertaken in the history of our species on this planet.
        So, these are the kinds of things you see happening, in a
win-win cooperative paradigm. And I want to end with just one
last project; something very close to Mr. LaRouche specifically,
because he's played a major role in supporting this. Which is the
Kra Canal proposal; and this is a canal for water transport
that's been proposed to cut through the Kra Isthmus in Thailand.
To facilitate greater trade between, as you can see here, the
South China Sea and obviously stretching into the Pacific and
China and Japan and Korea and into the Indian Ocean. From which,
India is obviously a major player there; but then also, those
routes obviously go up through the New Suez Canal — constructed
by Egypt in a remarkable amount of time — and up into Europe.
These major anchor points of world trade — in the Pacific with
China, Japan, Korea on the one side; and then in the Indian Ocean
and over into Europe on the other side. This entire trade process
suffers a massive bottleneck currently, as all this trade has to
currently go through the Malaccan Strait; which is this narrow
passage between Malaysia and Indonesia.
        Right now, something on the order of one-fourth of all
global trade goes through these narrow straits; not one-fourth of
the trade in this region, or one-fourth of the Asian trade.
One-fourth of all trade globally goes through this region. I've
seen different estimates, I'm not sure; that might be one-fourth
of total ships or one-fourth of tonnage, or one-fourth of value,
I'm not sure exactly. I've seen other estimates say that it's 40%
of global trade; I think it probably depends upon exactly how you
count. But this is a major chunk of all trade occurring on the
whole entire planet; going through this one congested, some parts
very shallow and narrow, region down around Singapore in the
Malaccan Straits. And this has been known now for many years to
be major bottleneck constraining cheap, efficient, rapid trade
between these sections of the world. So, in the '80s, Mr.
LaRouche became very involved in this proposal to make a new
canal through this relatively narrow passage; this narrow isthmus
in Thailand. And enable a dramatic increase in the volume;
reduction of the cost; increase in the speed of trade through
these regions. Despite having been fought for for many years, now
in this new paradigm, this is now being put on the table again.
        You just had an official advisory board of the Thailand
government endorsing this program. China has made it clear it
would like to do this program, and maybe even finance the whole
thing if it goes forward. You have official experts in the United
States recognizing the importance of this program as kind of a
keystone; relieving this bottleneck, and another major component
of facilitating this vast expanse of economic growth, trade, and
development in this whole region.
        So, this is a very exciting, singular project, but it's
emblematic and I think an example of the whole perspective we're
talking about. And again, I think the theme is win-win. You have
China, you have Russia, you have India; they've had conflicts,
they've had wars, they've had tensions. But you have leaders now
in these nations — typified by Xi Jinping, typified by Putin,
Modi's role in India. They're now saying, we as mankind, as
nations, as participants in humanity, need to move beyond this
geopolitical approach to our existence on this planet. We have to
move to a policy where we recognize growth, development,
progress; all these things we're talking about here are necessary
for everybody. Not just for us. We can no longer tolerate the
suppression of this kind of development for others; we have to go
to a global system centered around this kind of development. And
again, that's not just being talked out, as you saw here, as you
see what's going on with these developments.
        Again, this is just a sketch; you could spend weeks going
through what's happening in the world. And by the time you got
done, you'd have a whole other set of things to catch up on;
because a lot would have happened since the time you started. But
this is now the center of what's happening in the world; and this
defines how we need to think about what's happening. This is what
has these London-Wall Street imperial faction people freaked out.
Because how have the British existed? Well, it existed on
geopolitics; they've been the geo-politicians. They've been
existing based upon looting; if there's nations they can't loot
directly, I'm sure there's perpetual conflict between different
regions. And especially under Obama, the United States has come
under this geopolitical imperial orientation.
        And to just come back to what you said Diane, the opposition
from this imperial faction couldn't be clearer. They're taking
step after step towards what would be thermonuclear annihilation
in response to this emerging New Paradigm. This NATO summit
coming up; the exercises being started now by NATO. Putin
couldn't be clearer or saner in his response; saying, we've been
talking about this for years. You guys are making clear overt
military threats to us with your expansion of NATO, with the
development of more advanced weapons systems closer and closer to
our borders. What do you expect us to do? We have to respond for
our own safety, and for the safety of the world, quite frankly.
        So, I just think the situation couldn't be more stark; but I
think especially here in the United States, we have to uplift the
level of discussion to this global perspective. What's happening
in Asia now, what's happening between Putin and Russia and China,
increased collaboration with India; that is now increasingly
becoming the defining factor for the world situation.

        ROGERS: I think that what we're seeing going on in the world
right now, and what you just laid out, really puts the
perspective on the table of the decades-long fight of Mr. and
Mrs. LaRouche now coming to fruition. I thought that it was
important that you brought up Mr. LaRouche's fight around these
development projects; around the Kra Canal in the '80s. And the
fact of the matter is, at that very time, he was also fighting
for the development of space exploration; around the "Woman on
Mars" Mars mission, and the importance of mankind in space.
        Now, I think what we're seeing right now can really be
characterized from the standpoint of what the German-American
space pioneer Krafft Ehricke described as the emergence of
mankind into a poly-global world. And I think when you think of
this conception of a poly-global world, where mankind is not
confined to the limited resources of one globe, but moves out
into the expansion of space; that's what we're seeing happen
right now. What Russia and China represent is a move away from —
we're not just talking about one globe; we're talking about one
globe that has been dominated by a British Empire, a policy of
murder. A population reduction, and defying this conception of
the creative nature of human beings and the human mind. When you
think about Russia and China are doing to pull together over 50%
of the world, this is quite remarkable; and it can only be looked
at from the standpoint of a new species of mankind. It's a real
force of good versus evil; and the evil is completely being
destroyed and losing. Because the drive right now for
thermonuclear war being pushed and perpetuated continuously by
the stooge Obama in the White House; who's been pushing the
murderous policy to protect the British Empire, protect the
Saudis. And to continue to push a policy that's going to lead to
not just a continuation of a confinement to one world; but a one
world where people are on the verge of being exterminated and
blowing themselves up, unless we change our attitudes now. And I
think the matter is, is what Diane and you both presented; which
is that we have a real clear choice and opportunity before us. I
think it's very important as to the very important fight that our
international organization is leading right now, that we have to
put an end to Obama, to this drive for thermonuclear war, and to
NATO and what it represents in terms of its escalations and
provocations of war towards Russia and China.
        But I think to continue to look on the optimistic, positive
side, which most of the world is moving toward, we have to give
the United States and American people a sense of what we must be
participating in, in terms of our mission to join in this drive
toward peaceful cooperation and progress. I think it's very
important to note that today is the 51st anniversary of the first
American to walk in space — Ed White; which was June 3, 1965.
        As I was stating, you take the conception laid by the German
space pioneer Krafft Ehricke; what he conceptualized was not
something that was confined to one people or one nation. But that
was going to be the intention that was going to unify all people
in a common interest that our destiny and mission as mankind was
to break with the confines of Earth that put limitations on man,
and that bestialized human beings and pit human beings against
each other; to find our common interest in the development of
space. And you're seeing more and more people starting to
recognize this intention and this need for cooperation. It was
just reported today that at an international air show in Germany,
the head of the European Space Agency, Johann-Dietrich Wörner,
actually made the point of manned missions being indispensable
for space and planetary research. He said because human
astronauts can access and act independently — unlike robots. He
also talked about the need for building permanent lunar bases;
and he called this a Moon Village. And he said that this Moon
Village can be constructed with a lot of material already
existing on the Moon; and that the Moon Village would be a
stepping stone to reaching other planets such as Mars and so
        Now, I wanted to say in that context, that I attended an
event last night, and the speaker was speaking on the Curiosity
mission; which most people remember landed on Mars in 2012. What
I brought up at that time was that the excitement around the fact
that — as Mr. LaRouche conceptualized it — that the mind of man
and the extended sensorium of man had now been put on Mars; but
that there are limitations to that. And the speaker recognized
those limitations and he said something to the effect of what Mr.
Wörner said in Germany; which is, we have an obligation as
mankind to actually go out into the reaches of space. To colonize
the Moon; to colonize Mars. And to build these colonies because
of the limitations that are put on mankind. And he said that we
have to look at it from the standpoint that this is our destiny.
        This is exactly what Krafft Ehricke recognized as he
presented a principal work called {Lunar Industrialization and
Settlement; Birth of Poly-Global Civilization}. In the work, he
summarizes "the major aspects of lunar industrialization and
settlement, and identifies that scientific and evolutionary facts
leading to a definitive justification of why man must
industrialize space. Changing our present closed world into a
present world. He also establishes the philosophy of the
extra-terrestrial imperative as a defense of justification for a
long-term based on mankind's ability to transcend the limits of
one small planet." And that is what Russia and China are
representing; the transformation and transcendence of this one
small planet being controlled by an imperial policy which is
ready to be ended and to be destroyed, {if} we do the right thing
and we take the right actions.
        If you look at this from the standpoint of the continued
aspect of what you presented, Ben, as the objective of what China
put forward as a win-win strategy of cooperation. They're
continuing to do that, as the Chinese space leaders have just put
forth an additional perspective to that win-win strategy of
cooperation, international collaboration on the future Moon
missions. The first Chinese astronaut presented that a study is
being conducted to justify the importance of lunar exploration;
and Russia and the European Space Agency are already discussing
collaboration on lunar missions. The intention is that there
would be astronauts sent to the Moon by China by 2036; and he
presented this speaking at a conference on manned space
exploration in Russia. I think that that is quite extraordinary,
because when you look at the fact that Obama has continued to
push a murderous policy against our space program, and to
continue to drive and perpetuate an extermination war for
mankind. The question is, why are the American people still stuck
in a completely insane world of lies and fraud; thinking that an
election actually has some real bearing on the future of mankind,
when it doesn't?
        What is going to determine the future is that the United
States has to join with this perspective of a poly-global world,
a world not confined by limitations; as Krafft Ehricke laid out.
I think what we're going to witness — and Megan has presented
this on many occasions — within the next two years with China's
mission to the far side of the Moon, puts a real perspective on
the development of space. And building the permanent colonies;
but more importantly, it puts a perspective on that which is
going to determine what the future of mankind is going to be.
It's not going to be this election; it's not going to be this
bankrupt British Empire and Wall Street system. It's going to be
the emergence of a new human species that — as Mr. LaRouche has
defined — is actually focusing on what type of future do we want
to create and must we create for our children and grandchildren.
And that's the way that Russia and China and 50% of the world is
joining them; they're not taking up these projects just because
they want to build infrastructure and new projects. No lower
intention of our perspective as a species can be taken up, except
for the one which actually transforms the conception of who we
are as a human species. That's what this political election is
missing; that's what we've been missing in society as we've sat
back with our eyes closed, blindfolded. Doing nothing about the
injustices, the murderous policy, the war and so forth that has
been dominating our society for far too long. Now that you're
seeing that this drive for evil is about to end now, we should be
a part of participating in that perspective for mankind; which is
the alternative that's being presented right now.

        SARE: Well, I think that's great. And to return to what was
brought up at the very beginning, one of the flanks on this
matter is the question of the Saudi role and Obama's protection
of them in the 9/11 attacks. If you think about all of the wars
that the United States has been engaged in since September 11,
2001, if that could be addressed in a sharp fashion; and if Obama
were to be brought down, jailed, impeached, indicted. That
obviously would have a dramatic impact on what the future of the
United States looked like, and the potential for our nation to be
a welcome partner in this phenomenal change of direction for the

        DENISTON: Yeah, that's definitely the critical flank we
have. And I know, Diane, that you've expressed the importance of
this obviously in New York in particular; obviously the major
epicenter of these attacks. But the other aspect of this is,
Obama has to go; the idea that we're going to wait for the
election or something. This is bigger than that; this is about
freeing the United States from this 9/11 dynamic as a whole. You
look at this British-Saudi operation; it wasn't just something in
and of itself. It was the event that was used by these British
assets, who were created well before the event and had been
operating well before the event, for these types of activities.
Something that LaRouche has been going after since the '80s in
terms of these covert, irregular warfare-type operations the
British have created; including these Saudi fundamentalist
        I was just looking back at Putin's statements recently; how
he was referencing the threat Russia is being faced with in
regards to this NATO advancement. And he again referenced the US
pulling out of the ABM Treaty in 2002. What was the ostensible
reason for us doing that? 9/11. Now are we worried about
ballistic missiles coming from the mujahideen in Afghanistan? Is
that why we had to pull out of the ABM Treaty; because we worried
about Osama bin Laden out of some case we can't even find,
operating ballistic missiles? It's been the cover to really
pursue this whole insane perpetual war policy; this police state
policy in the United States. The things you hear — "It was Bush,
not Obama. So, how are you blaming Obama?" Obama is actively
covering up for the worst atrocity committed against Americans on
American soil in American history; and he's protecting that. And
he's protecting the continuation of that as a process to ensure
that the United States continues to act in this post-9/11 mode.
        So I think breaking this issue, like you're saying, there's
nothing else that needs to happen but that at this point.

        BEETS: And on that, I think people are beginning to wake up
to the war danger, which is becoming impossible to ignore
especially in places like Europe. You had on Thursday night, a
significant television segment on German TV which was titled "The
Backers of 9/11; The Secret of the 28 Pages". Which centered on
an interview with former Senator Bob Graham; going through
exactly how the Bush and Obama governments have covered up what
was clearly known to be Saudi government involvement in funding
9/11. And poses the question that not only do the past 15 years
have to be re-examined and understood from a new perspective; but
also raising the question of what this means for Germany. And I
think that's very important from the standpoint of what you just
raised, Diane. What are the flanks; what are the things we can
pull? And we have this petition featured on the LaRouche PAC site
right now, which is beginning rapidly gain signatures
internationally; which is called "The Warsaw Summit Prepares for
War; It's Time to Leave NATO Now". And I would encourage
everybody to get on the site, sign it, and circulate it. I do
think this discussion has been very important, because it really
does pose the question to the American people: Are we going to
continue in this perpetual state of childhood, adolescence?
Closing our eyes and sleepwalking into what would be the biggest
disaster for mankind in all of history — complete extinction
warfare — will we permit that? Or will we choose a more
beautiful and better future? Which I think you laid out
beautifully, Kesha. And it reminded me, I just finished the
memoirs of the astronaut Michael Collins last night; the third,
sometimes forgotten member of the Apollo 11 crew. And he says at
the end of the book, I wish every member of government could get
out into space and look down onto our planet; because borders
completely disappear. And you begin to realize that the so-called
"conflicts" between people on Earth amount to nothing and that we
have a common destiny. So, I think what you laid out there,
Kesha, really is what people need to be thinking about.
        We need to forget our commitment to this dangerous insanity
and silliness; and decide that we're committed to building a
        So, unless there's anything else, we could leave it there
for this week.

        DENISTON: We have a lot more coming. I know there's going to
be a rather exciting conference in the San Francisco Bay area,
coming up in the middle of next week; June 8th. So, I think we'll
look forward to getting reports on that, and more focal points of
focus on getting the United States shifted to the direction we

        ROGERS: If you're in the area, you should attend this.

        DENISTON: Absolutely. It's to be seen as another follow-on
after the excellent conference we had in Manhattan just recently.
There's a lot going on; we're going to be doing a lot more. And
again, this petition; we can post a link to it in the description
below. People should be circulating it, signing it; getting as
many signatures as possible. This is certainly a critical flank
right now in the build-up to the upcoming NATO summit.

        BEETS: Good. Thank you Diane and Kesha; thanks Ben. And I'd
like to thank all of you watching; so stay tuned to

Xi Jinping i Storbritannien

19. oktober 2015 – Den kinesiske præsident Xi Jinping ankom til Det forenede Kongerige i dag, hvor han skal bo på Buckingham Palace og indlede sin mødekalender tirsdag, den 20. oktober med de kongelige, premierministeren, oppositionslederen Jeremy Corbyn, en tale i Parlamentet og et besøg til byen Manchester for at drøfte Kinas deltagelse i indsatsen for at opbygge Englands industrielle nord.

Reuters bemærker, at, alt imens briterne forventer at underskrive aftaler om kernekraft, højhastighedstog og andre større projekter under besøget og taler om en »gylden æra« for relationer mellem U.K. og Kina, så vil der være nogle anti-kinesiske demonstrationer fra Amnesty International, uighurer og andre NGO’er.

I et nedskrevet interview med Reuters (forberedt af hans stab, men godkendt af præsident Xi), understregede Xi økonomisk samarbejde og bemærkede, at, »alt imens den globale vækst er langsommere, så vokser investerings- og forretningssamarbejdet mellem Kina og U.K. fortsat«.

Xi sagde: »U.K. har erklæret, at det vil være det vestlige land, der er mest åben over for Kina. Dette er et visionært og strategisk valg, der fuldt ud imødekommer Storbritanniens egne, langsigtede interesser.« Om U.K.’s ambition om at blive Kinas finansielle nav sagde Xi: »Som et af de globale finanscentre er London en vigtig pumpestation i den verdensøkonomiske livline, så at sige. Et styrket, finansielt samarbejde med London er afgjort et win-win-valg for begge lande.«

Lyndon LaRouche bemærkede, at der er britiske topinteresser, der står med et virkeligt problem og som ønsker at ændre det overfladiske udseende mht. det, de foretager sig, men ikke substansen i deres politik.

Xi kom med stærke indvendinger imod klagerne over den kinesiske stats rolle i forretningslivet: »Selv under markedsbetingelser støtter lande deres selskabers vækst på forskellige måder, og sådanne forholdsregler bør ikke have etiketten statslig støtte. Kinas system er anderledes end de vestlige landes. Af historiske grunde udfører kinesiske selskaber mange sociale funktioner, der er vanskelige at måle ud fra en simpel regneformel.«

Han angreb også den virkelige årsag til den megen ståhej over den langsommere vækst i Kina (en »afmatning« ned til en vækstrate i det seneste kvartal på kun 6,9 %!): »Som en økonomi, de er tæt knyttet til internationale markeder, kan Kina ikke forblive immun over for den globale økonomis glansløse præstation. Vi er bekymrede over den kinesiske økonomi, og vi arbejder hårdt på at løse det. Vi er også bekymrede over den træge verdensøkonomi, der indvirker på alle lande, især udviklingslandene.«


Xi Jinping kaster handsken og udfordrer til reformer af det internationale system

16. oktober 2015 – Under en særlig samling af Kommunistpartiets Politbureau den 12. oktober, der var indkaldt for at drøfte spørgsmålet om den globale styrelse, krævede præsident Xi Jinping en omfattende reform af det globale styrelsessystem, rapporterede Xinhua tirsdag. Reformer er nødvendige for at Kina kan spille en større rolle i den globale styrelse, sagde Xi, og internationale organisationer må reformeres for at reflektere betydningen af fremvoksende markeder og udviklingslande. Reformer er en »uimodståelig tendens«, sagde Xi, og reformer på globalt plan handler om at »fastlægge regler for den internationale orden og for internationale mekanismer« så vel som for »at træffe bestemmelse om, i hvilken retning verden skal gå«.

Xi sagde, at opkomsten af udviklingslande som Kina har fremkaldt »revolutionerende ændringer« i verdensordenen, og det er nu nødvendigt, at Verdensbanken og Den internationale Valutafond, f.eks., gennemfører reformer for fuldt ud at reflektere de fremvoksende markeders behov og interesser. »Det er ikke simpelt hen et spørgsmål om at konkurrere om den mest fordelagtige position i den økonomiske udvikling, men om, hvilke roller og funktioner, nationer vil indtage i den internationale ordens langsigtede, systemiske arrangement.«

»I dag må lande, i langt højere grad end på noget andet tidspunkt, forhandle«, sagde Xi. »Problemer er ikke begrænset af de interne grænser, og udfordringer kan ikke håndteres af noget land alene.« Han nævnte Kinas koordinering af den regionale handel og infrastrukturnetværket under politikken med Et bælte, en vej og dens forslag om en ny, mere samarbejdende model for relationer mellem store lande, som eksempler på en fokusering på fælles interesser.

Xi understregede »en resolut bevarelse« af den internationale orden og et system, der er centreret omkring principperne i FN’s Charter, såvel som »en bevarelse og konsolidering« af de nyttige resultater af sejren i Anden Verdenskrig. »hensigterne og principperne i FN’s Charter har ingen dato«, sagde Xi og tilføjede, at den kendsgerning, at de ikke er blevet virkningsfuldt gennemført bærer skylden for rivaliseringer og uretfærdigheder i dag.[1]

Xi krævede også bevarelse af et åbent verdensøkonomisk regime og »et klart standpunkt imod« handels- og investeringsprotektionisme, en ikke ligefrem subtil kritik af det nyligt gennemforhandlede TPP, som af Global Times blev karakteriseret som et regime med »imperial præference« i britisk stil.

Xi sagde, at Kina bør forsvare sine egne interesser såvel som udviklingslandenes fælles interesser, og ikke alene fokusere på sine behov, efterhånden, som det udvikles, men også på de forventninger, som det internationale samfund har til Kina. Han opfordrede indtrængende til opbygningen af et »samfund af skæbnefællesskab« og til promoveringen af en global styrelse med gensidig rådslagning, indsats og gensidigt fællesskab.

[1] Se: Præsident Xi Jinpings tale til FN’s Generalforsamling, komplet dansk tekst


Kina har lanceret globalt yuan-betalingssystem, CIPS

Kina har lanceret et globalt yuan-betalingssystem til transaktioner over landegrænser i yuan, med navnet Kinas Internationale Betalingssystem (CIPS). Systemets første transaktion fandt sted i denne uge mellem Standard Chartered Bank og Sveriges IDEA, iflg. RT, der også bemærker, at 19 banker er blevet autoriseret til at benytte CIPS, inklusive otte kinesiske afdelinger af udenlandske banker. »Kina forsøger ligeledes at reducere sin afhængighed af den globale organisation for transaktionsydelser, SWIFT«, rapporterer RT.

Den kinesiske præsident Xi Jinpings tale til FN’s Generalforsamling,
komplet dansk tekst

Som det lyder i en gammel, kinesisk talemåde: »Den største idealist skaber en verden, der i sandhed er fælles for alle«, således er fred, udvikling, lige-værd, retfærdighed, demokrati og frihed menneskehedens fælles værdier og De forenede Nationers ophøjede mål. Og dog er disse mål langt fra at være opnået, og vi må fortsætte vore bestræbelser for at imødegå dem. I nutidens verden er vore lande indbyrdes afhængige og har en fælles fremtid. Vi bør forny vort forpligtende engagement over for formålene og principperne i FN’s charter og opbygge en form for internationale relationer med win-win-samarbejde, og skabe et samfund for en fælles fremtid for menneskeheden.

Download (PDF, Unknown)

Schiller Instituttets stifter, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, præsenterer EIR’s rapport
“Den Nye Silkevej bliver til Verdenslandbroen” på symposium i Beijing

Ideen om Den nye Silkevej peger på skabelsen af et nyt paradigme for menneskeheden, sagde Zepp-LaRouche til sit publikum, og på, at man går bort fra »geopolitik« som en ideologi, der i løbet af det seneste århundrede har forår-saget to verdenskrige, og i stedet erstatter det med ideen om menneskehedens fælles interesser, der reflekteres i Xi Jinpings »Win-win-politik«.

Alt imens »Ét bælte, én vej« er blevet den gængse term for det kinesiske projekt, så lagde fr. LaRouche vægt på betydningen af præcedensen med Silkevejen. »Vi bør bevare termen Den nye Silkevej«, sagde hun, »da den er et klart udtryk for denne kulturelle vision om samarbejde, som den antikke Silkevej manifesterede.«

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BRIKS-Topmødet: Halvdelen af menneskeheden
lancerer en ny, økonomisk verdensorden

– I midten af juli måned, mens planeten var ved at blive slået til vrag af de voksende krigsrædsler i det østlige Ukraine, Irak og Gaza, og som følge af en økonomisk depression, forårsaget af det transatlantiske finanssystems dødskramper, samledes statsoverhoveder, repræsenterende halvdelen af menneskeheden, i Brasilien, hvor de tog de første skridt henimod skabelsen af en Ny økonomisk Verdensorden.

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