Kan vi være vores egen julegave? Løftet om fred i en tid med selvdestruktion

Den 23. dec. 2022 (EIRNS) – På juleaftensdag: Løftet om fred i en æra med selvdestruktion

Verden står nu enten på tærsklen til en ny æra eller på afgrundens rand. I de kommende dage formanes tilhængere af kristendommen, katolikker, protestanter og ortodokse, af deres tro til ikke blot at fejre, men også til at tænke. De opfordres til ikke blot at reflektere, men også til at “besinde sig” og vende tilbage til den snævre vej til den mission, for hvilken Kristus blev “født for at dø og genopstå”. Traditionelt siges det, at verden dengang for over to tusind år siden lå “i synd og vildfarelse og længtes efter en forløsning, som havde været uopnåelig generation efter generation, indtil Kristi fødsel og derefter mission. Da foreslog Jesus en “ny frelse” for menneskeheden, en måde, hvorpå menneskeheden kunne frigøre sig fra den ubrudte cyklus af selvdestruktion: “Du skal elske Herren din Gud af hele dit hjerte, af hele din sjæl og af hele dit sind.” Dette er det første og store bud. Og det andet er lig med det: Du skal elske din næste som dig selv.”

I vor tid er denne foragtede fredsmission, denne smalle vej, den eneste sikre vej ud af den atomare ødelæggelse. Ingen hedonistisk/lykkesøgende gevinstberegning vil fungere, netop fordi den er baseret på snyd, som Angela Merkels bekendelse så lummert og arrogant erklærede til verden. I den nedre verden, som nu er vores verden, er der ingen udvej, ingen pragmatisk løsning, der vil være tilstrækkelig.

Hvordan kan man i den nuværende krise “hugge en sten af håb ud af et bjerg af fortvivlelse”? London Economist’s utilfredshed med pavens fredsinitiativer er et kærkomment tegn på, at vi er på rette vej. De skriver: “Det er tydeligt, at Frans’ bestræbelser på at positionere sig som mægler mellem Rusland og Ukraine er mislykkedes. Paven er en outsider i et sammenstød mellem to overvejende ortodokse lande. Han har også gentagne gange fjendtliggjort både ukrainere og russere med sine udtalelser og udeladelser.” Helga Zepp-LaRouche og Schiller Instituttets hensigt om at genindføre Nikolaus af Cusas metode for Modsætningernes Sammenfald i diplomatiet til en tankeløs verden, er det egentlige indhold af hendes “Ti principper for en ny sikkerheds- og udviklingsarkitektur”.

Den neokonservative (dvs. “trotskistiske” permanente revolution/permanente krigsmager) London Economist, kan ikke håndtere idéen: Det er ikke “mægling mellem”, men over, og i alle nationers interesse. Det er ikke “Rusland og Ukraine”, men som Vatikanets udenrigsminister, kardinal Pietro Parolin, udtrykte det: “Hvorfor så ikke arbejde sammen om at skabe en ny, stor europæisk konference?” Han gik derefter videre: Han talte om et mere flydende diplomati, der nu har taget form, og som er opmærksom på fredsbevægelsernes bidrag – “man kan ikke forspilde den længsel efter fred, der bor i så mange unge menneskers hjerter”. Tilstedeværelsen af Agape som et tankeobjekt i en dialog mellem nationer, eksempelvis som denne dialog for nylig blev ført og løst ved pavens undskyldning til Rusland, kræver et niveau af overvejelser, der hæver sig over “åndelig ondskab i høje kredse”, også kendt som britisk geopolitik.

Vladimir Putins nøgterne vurdering af fiaskoen i hans og Ruslands forsøg på at engagere “Vesten” kom til udtryk i de bemærkninger, han fremsatte i onsdags. “For vores vedkommende har vi altid, eller næsten altid, forfulgt en helt anden tilgang og haft andre mål: Vi har altid ønsket at være en del af den såkaldte civiliserede verden. Efter Sovjetunionens opløsning, som vi selv lod finde sted, troede vi af en eller anden grund, at vi ville blive en del af denne såkaldte civiliserede verden når som helst. Men det viste sig, at ingen ønskede dette på trods af vores bestræbelser og forsøg, og det gælder også mine bestræbelser, for jeg gjorde også disse forsøg. Vi forsøgte at komme tættere på hinanden, at blive en del af denne verden. Men til ingen nytte.” (http://en.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/70159 )

Det betyder ikke, at Putin, Rusland, Kina eller andre nationer, som alle til stadighed er mål for oligarkiske “fyrster og magter”, ikke øjeblikkeligt ville reagere positivt, hvis den politiske anskuelse, som Lyndon LaRouches 40-årige dialog med den russiske intelligentsia er et eksempel på, herunder hans “Udkast til aftalememorandum mellem USA og USSR” fra 1984 om netop de strategiske spørgsmål vedrørende en retfærdig fred mellem nationerne, nogensinde blev vedtaget af nogen synlig fraktion i den amerikanske regering. (https://larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1991/eirv18n02-19910111/eirv18n02-19910111_026-the_larouche_doctrine_draft_memo-lar.pdf )

Vores mission er at ændre forholdet mellem nationerne, fra “viljen til magt”, som i geopolitik – “Storbritannien har ingen venner eller fjender, udelukkende interesser” – til “viljen til sandhed” – “en kamp mod menneskets fælles fjender: tyranni, fattigdom, sygdom og selve krigen”.

Disse sidste ord, der er taget fra præsident John F. Kennedys åbningstale fra 1961, antyder, hvordan en sten af håb kan hugges ud af et bjerg af fortvivlelse, selv nu, sammen med Rusland, Kina og andre. Tænk på pave Paul VI’s tale til De forenede Nationer den 4. oktober 1965 – det var første gang en pave nogensinde havde talt til dette organ. “Her når vores budskab sin kulmination…. aldrig mere den ene mod den anden, aldrig, aldrig mere! Var det ikke netop dette, der var formålet med FN’s oprettelse: at være imod krig og for fred? Hør de klare ord fra en stor mand, som ikke længere er blandt os, John Kennedy, som for fire år siden proklamerede: “Menneskeheden må gøre en ende på krigen, ellers vil krigen gøre en ende på menneskeheden. … Det er nok at minde om, at millioner af menneskers blod, utallige uhørte lidelser, unødvendige massakrer og skræmmende ruiner har sanktioneret den aftale, der forener jer med en ed, som burde ændre verdens fremtidige historie: aldrig mere krig, aldrig mere krig! Det er fred, fred, der skal styre hele menneskehedens nationers skæbne!” (https://www.vatican.va/content/paul-vi/en/speeches/1965/documents/hf_p-vi_spe_19651004_united-nations.html )

Rusland erindrer tydeligvis, måske endnu bedre end USA, hvor meget konfrontationen i oktober 1962 ændrede verden. Fra det tidspunkt handlede JFK for at redde livet for måske hele menneskeheden, som hvert øjeblik kunne blive tilintetgjort enten på grund af overmod eller fejlvurdering. Han besluttede, at der straks skulle ske en ændring i forholdet mellem USA og Sovjetunionen på kort og lang sigt. Hans tale ved American University i juni 1963, hvor han opfordrede til en fælles amerikansk-russisk rumfartsmission, efterfulgt af hans tale ved FN i september, to måneder før han blev myrdet, viser os nu, hvor meget verden kan ændres på mindre end et år. De nye spørgsmål, der for nylig er blevet rejst om mordet på Kennedy som følge af den samtidige offentliggørelse og den fortsatte hemmeligholdelse af dokumenter; Kennedys skridt tilbage fra katastrofens rand i samarbejde med rationelle kræfter i Sovjetunionen og hans samarbejdsrelation med pave Johannes XXIII, kan fremkalde en fornyet undersøgelse af den metode, hvormed politik er blevet ført i USA siden den 22. november 1963. En sådan diskussion og fornyet undersøgelse kan endda blive grundlaget for at skabe det, som kardinal Parolin omtalte som en bevægelse blandt unge for fred.

Forestil jer et Amerika, forestil jer en verden, der er befriet fra de mentale lænker af en falsk historie, som stadig i dag binder hundreder af millioner af mennesker i deres sind. Vores insisteren på sandheden, også om den “tredje verdenskrig i flere dele”, som verden i øjeblikket er ved at blive forført ind i, er den lidenskab, der kan gøre Zepp-LaRouches ti principper og den fred gennem udvikling, som de giver, til virkelighed, på trods af skeptikerne. For at gøre dette er det blevet foreslået, at vi skal være “snu som slanger og blide som duer”. Endnu en anbefaling: Som en veteran fra Birmingham- og Selma-bevægelsen (i USA) for borgerrettigheder har sagt: “Forskellen mellem en protest og en bevægelse er, når folk begynder at synge deres egne sange”. “Dona Nobis Pacem” er den første af disse sange, en sang af og for hele verden, og flere vil følge.

Vi ønsker jer en glædelig og fortrøstningsfuld jul!

Foto: Aleksandr Slobodianyk, Pexels CCO

Maratonvideo hylder LaRouches 100-årsdag: Sandhedens triumf

Den 8. september 2022 (EIRNS) – I dag fejrer den internationale LaRouche-bevægelse årsdagen for det, som ville have været Lyndon LaRouches 100-års fødselsdag, hvis han havde været i live. Der afholdes talrige demonstrationer og lignende aktiviteter til ære for LaRouche. En hel dag med et væld af videooptagelser, herunder individuelle vidneudsagn af så kort varighed som et minut, og optagelser af begivenheder i LaRouches historie på op til tre timer. Dagens overordnede budskaber består for det første af, at LaRouche vidste, hvordan man kunne overvinde spændingerne mellem NATO og Sovjetunionen, ved at forenes som allierede for at neutralisere atomvåben og genoprette økonomisk vækst og teknologisk fremskridt i hele verden. Dernæst fortsætter vi den kurs, som han og hans kone Helga fulgte på det tidspunkt, hvor han døde. For det tredje kan vi sejre, hvis borgerne i Amerika og Europa handler i deres egne interesser i samarbejde med Kina, Indien og udviklingslandene i Asien og Afrika.

Dagen begyndte kl. 6.00 EDT med en tre timers udsendelse af mindeprogrammet fra 2019 med titlen: “The Triumph of Lyndon LaRouche”. Det blev indledt af hans hustru, nærmeste medarbejder og efterfølger til hans lederskab, Helga Zepp-LaRouche. Det blev tillige afsluttet af Helga, efterfulgt af et musikalsk arrangement, bl.a. med Mozarts Ave Verum Corpus, der var dedikeret til den indflydelse, som Kristus’ død har haft på alle kommende tider. Programmet afspejlede Helgas initiativ, som var fuldt ud dedikeret til hendes mands engagement i at inspirere hele menneskeheden gennem direkte og indirekte kontakt med tusinder og millioner af mennesker, for at indgyde dem en forståelse af, at udelukkende menneskelig kreativitet kan tilvejebringe en bedre fremtid for menneskeheden. På nuværende tidspunkt indebærer dette, at kun en umiddelbar udvidelse af direkte kreativ handling vil gøre menneskehedens fremtid mulig.

Et bemærkelsesværdigt træk ved programmet var, at betydeligt mere end halvdelen af tiden bestod af klassisk musik fra Bach til Brahms, herunder en omfattende fremførelse af spirituals. I sine afsluttende bemærkninger fortalte Helga, der roste sin mand som det mest humane og kærlige menneske, hun nogensinde havde kendt, at hun svarede Lyn på hans sidste ord til hende: “Ich liebe dich”, på samme måde. Denne udveksling mellem de to kan opfattes som et bånd, der ikke kun binder de to, men som en påmindelse om deres gensidige forpligtelse over for hele menneskeheden. En forpligtelse, som de gerne ser, at vi alle sammen tilslutter os.

Mindehøjtideligheden blev efterfulgt af en serie i fem dele, “The Power of Labor”, udarbejdet og udsendt første gang af LaRouches organisation i forbindelse med LaRouches præsidentkampagne i 1984, som skulle benyttes sammen med LaRouches lærebog “So, You Wish to Learn All About Economics? Han indledte sit foredrag med at opregne de store genier fra den gyldne renæssance og deres efterfølgere. Heriblandt var Nicolaus af Cusa, Leonardo da Vinci, Gottfried Leibniz og Carl Gauss. Den første af disse, langt den mindst kendte af de fem i det 21. århundrede, kaldte LaRouche “det mest betydningsfulde sind i de sidste 600 år”. Kernen i LaRouches forståelse af økonomi består i, at al virkelighed er baseret på handling. At identificere et objekt som en kendsgerning, hvilket er almindeligt, er ikke videnskabeligt. Alt, der erkendes i universet, er under forandring og følger specifikke regler for forandring, og bevægelse. Den gamle grundlægger af videnskabens sprog, Panini, formidlede dette ved at fastslå, at alt sprog er baseret på transitive verber, dvs. verber, der beskriver handling. I overensstemmelse med hans forståelse, er de fem økonomiske lektioner, der præsenteres, baseret på de moderne fysiske love, som blev udarbejdet af Nicolaus af Cusa og den række af videnskabsmænd, der fulgte hans initiativer.

LaRouche sporede en forståelse af økonomi tilbage, ved at forstå årsagssammenhængen på den måde der formidles i 1. Mosebog kapitel 1, vers 28. Det er det vers, som beretter om Guds velsignelse og råd til Adam og Eva, og som gælder for hele menneskeheden: “Bliv frugtbare og mangfoldige og opfyld jorden og gør jer den underdanig, og hersk over havets fisk og over luftens fugle og over alt levende, der kryber på jorden.” Det betyder, at der er en proces i menneskelivet, som indebærer, at man tager ansvar for en sammenhængende udviklingsproces, der til stadighed tilvejebringer den fremtidige eksistens.

Herefter fulgte en optagelse af LaRouches første foredrag ud af fire om emnet: “Beyond Psychoanalysis”. Heri påpegede LaRouche, at i perioden efter Første Verdenskrig, og som faktisk går tilbage til den situation, som Percy Shelley diskuterede i værket “Defense of Poetry”, at samfundets forståelse af, hvorledes faktuelt organiserede strukturer skal fungere, er afhængig af poetisk kommunikation. Det er ensbetydende med, at poesien er det medium, gennem hvilket en kontinuerlig udviklingsproces kan formidles til menneskeheden. Dette fungerer, for hvis poesien er digterkunst, udtrykker det det faktiske forhold mellem den kreative forståelse og virkeligheden af både social og fysisk handling.

Efter optagelsen af “Beyond Psychoanalysis” blev der fremført en optagelse af LaRouches video “Storm over Asien”. Heri gennemgik LaRouche sin intervention i finansielle og økonomisk-politiske spørgsmål, som går tilbage til 1977 og fortsætter frem til 1999. Hans advarsler om konsekvenserne af Nixons beslutning i 1971 om at skrotte de internationale finansielle aftaler fra Bretton Woods og fjerne guldreserve-støtten til den amerikanske dollar, forekom præcis som han havde advaret om, at de ville indtræffe. Det samme gælder hans advarsel til den sovjetiske regering om Sovjetunionens undergang, hvis landet undlod at slutte sig til USA i Det strategiske Forsvarsinitiativ (SDI), som han havde udformet under præsident Ronald Reagans ledelse. Efter LaRouches hovedpræsentation uddybede Lothar Komp fra LaRouche-bevægelsen i Tyskland og John Hoefle i USA, hvordan den globale finansielle struktur fremskyndede det russiske finansielle systems, den teknologiske vækst og økonomiens undergang. Efter LaRouches afslutning berettede Debra Freeman fra LaRouche-bevægelsen om, hvordan Kongressen og præsident Clinton og hans stab reagerede på LaRouches forslag, og forklarede hvorfor de borgere hun talte til måtte tage ansvar for fremtiden.

Efter et par korte meddelelser fremvistes en video af LaRouche, der talte på seminaret den 17. juni 1997 om Afrikas dystre skæbne. Han startede med at forklare, at det ikke kun er Afrikas problem, fordi “det, som påvirker Afrika, påvirker også dig”.

Dernæst præsenterede pastor Richard C. Boone fra Louisiana, Lyn som fuldstændig troværdig og aldeles pålidelig ved et møde den 8. september 1996 i Monroe, Louisiana. Lyn talte i høj grad om strategi til at stække politikere ved at anvende deres egne holdninger og handlinger imod dem, for at få de nuværende pessimistiske borgere til at bakke op om hans ideer. Han beskrev succeser mod en række personer og oplyste, at hans primære mål var George H.W. Bush.

Det sidste hovedafsnit var Lyndons og Helgas vidneudsagn for det borgerpanel, der havde til opgave at undersøge sagen mod ham.

Der blev vist korte klip fra offentlige demonstrationer for at gøre opmærksom på Lyndons 100-års fødselsdag. Diane Sare, der er kandidat til det amerikanske senat, og som udfordrer spytslikkeren fra Wall Street, Charles Schumer, ledede en demonstration i Zuccotti Park i New York City. Arrangør Feride Gillesberg rapporterede fra en demonstration i Danmark. Jen Pearl rapporterede fra sin organisering på Park Street Station i Boston.

I løbet af dagen blev der udsendt optagelser af forskellige personer. Hulan Jack, der havde været den første sorte borgmester på Manhattan fra 1953-1961 og senere var medlem af bestyrelsen for LaRouche-bevægelsens National Democratic Policy Committee, fremsatte kortfattede bemærkninger. Jack døde i 1979, og der blev afspillet en optaget udtalelse, hvori han anførte, at der var to problemer i Det demokratiske Parti. “Det første er, at Det demokratiske Parti er i ruiner.” Det andet er, at der kun er én mand, som partiledelsen er bange for: Lyndon LaRouche. Partiet har stadig ikke løst det problem, men vi gør en stor indsats under ledelse af Diane Sare for at gøre en ende på deres bekymringer.

Jacques Cheminade, leder af det franske “LaRouche”-parti, Solidarité et Progrès, afgav en kort erklæring, hvor han sammenlignede LaRouche med De Gaulle og henviste til Lyns bog, France After DeGaulle.

Benoit fra Frankrig meddelte, at han er i færd med at lave en video om Lyndon LaRouche, vor tids geni, for at hjælpe sine medborgere til at blive ”LaRouche’ere”.

Karel Vereycken, næstformand for Solidarité et Progrès, fortalte historien om sin opdagelse af, hvad kunst handler om gennem LaRouche, og viste et eksempel på en af sine frembringelser.

Ephraim Haile fra Eritrea fortalte om sin historie i LaRouche-bevægelsen, der går tilbage til 1974.

Senator Bill Owens fra Massachusetts fremførte en hyldest til LaRouche.

LaRouche-aktivisten og landbrugsspecialisten Marcia Merry Baker beretede om sin erfaring med LaRouche siden slutningen af 1960’erne og sagde: “Lyndon LaRouche fik verden til at hænge sammen.”

Bob Baker, landbrugsspecialist i LaRouche-bevægelsen, præsenterede en kort indspillet tak til LaRouche.

Isaiah Madrigal fra Zimbabwe takkede LaRouche og hans bevægels

LaRouche-bevægelsens aktivister Kevin og Jen Pearl aflagde korte beretninger om deres arbejde med LaRouche i forbindelse med udførelsen af deres organisatoriske ansvar.

Michelle Erin, en vidunderlig sopran og organisator i LaRouche-bevægelsen, forklarede, hvordan LaRouche ændrede hendes opfattelse af, hvordan hun kan forme egen fremtid.

Krig mod Rusland? Menneskets værdighed er givet i dine hænder

Den 27. jan. (EIRNS) — Den Russiske Føderation insisterer fortsat på, at USA og NATO forpligter sig til at imødekomme Ruslands behov for forsikringer om, at dets nationale sikkerhedskrav vil blive respekteret. Men besvarelserne i denne uge – officielt leveret af USA og NATO – lever langt fra op til kravene. USA og NATO tilbyder en mulighed for at forhandle om sekundære spørgsmål, men har ikke afgivet nogen positiv tilkendegivelse om Ruslands centrale sikkerhedskrav.

Rusland, som går videre med militærøvelser i Hviderusland og Arktis, og organiserer træningsøvelser med anvendelse af dets atomstyrker, har gentagne gange gjort det klart, at manglende reaktion vil fremtvinge anvendelse af “militære eller militær-tekniske foranstaltninger”. Vil disse foranstaltninger omfatte fremskudt opstilling af hypersoniske atommissiler? Placering af kortrækkende atommissiler i Kaliningrad? USA opretholder omkring 200 nukleare tyndgekraftsbomber i Europa gennem fælles atomare missioner. Hvis Rusland forsøger at lægge et lignende pres på USA, hvor kort bliver så tidsrummet, til at træffe beslutning om at reagere på et reelt (eller opfattet) atomangreb?

Du og jeg kan ikke regne med, at amerikanske politikere, britiske imperialister eller NATO-kommandanter vil gøre det rigtige – for at undgå en situation, der, hvad enten det er bevidst eller ved et uheld, hurtigt kan eskalere til en ikke atomudveksling, man ikke kan overleve, der vil dræbe hundreder af millioner af mennesker inden for en time og ødelægge civilisationen globalt, måske permanent.

De NATO/angloamerikanske galninge, der forsøger at tvinge Rusland og Kina til underkastelse, kan heller ikke regne med samtykke fra deres formodede partnere og redskaber. Udenrigsminister Blinken hævder, at NATO er forenet, at der er “korrelation” mellem USA’s og de andre NATO-landes synspunkter. Men han tager fejl. De, der er opsat på at knuse Rusland, frygter, at et enkelt NATO-land kan udhule den konsensus, som deres beslutninger skal træffes på baggrund af. Vil Kroatien stå fast? Vil Bulgarien? Vil Ungarn pligtskyldigt spille sin selvmordsrolle? Vil Tyskland, efter sit angreb på Sovjetunionen i 1941-1945, virkelig forberede en ny krig mod Rusland? Vil diplomater, politikere, generaler og tænkere bryde geleddet?

Dette er øjeblikkets ubesvarede spørgsmål.

Når russiske diplomater bliver smidt ud af Washington, D.C., mens amerikanske diplomater efter sigende planlægger at forlade Beijing; når mediernes trommehvirvel for krig intensiveres, og når fredstilhængere hænges ud som forrædere – når våben flyver ind i Ukraine, når nye sanktioner overvejes – når opfordringerne til censur vokser – vil du så gå i brechen for den menneskelige arts værdighed og også for dit eget liv? Vil du forkaste det afskyelige malthusianske dogme, som hævder at vi er for mange mennesker, og den falske kultur, som påstår at vi er dyr? Vil vi være her for at beundre de overvældende observationer, som James Webb-rumteleskopet snart vil sende tilbage til Jorden?

En krise af denne størrelsesorden – et absolut skillepunkt i historien – kræver store ting af os. LaRouche-bevægelsen, der ledes af Helga Zepp-LaRouche, har advaret om krisens omfang, som stadig flere mennesker erkender, og har forpligtet sig til at katalysere det nødvendige nye paradigme på denne planet.

I sit digt {Kunstnerne,} udtrykte Friedrich Schiller – Schiller Instituttets navnebror – det ærbødige ansvar, som påhviler hver enkelt af os i dag.

“Menneskets værdighed er givet i jeres hænder,

“Beskyt denne!

“Den synker med dig! Med dig er den opstået!”

Kan fremtiden regne med dig?


Udenjordiske forpligtelse eller atomkrig?

På engelsk:

Dec. 26 (EIRNS)—“The Extraterrestrial Imperative (udenjordiske forpligtelse) is a driving force in the natural growth of terrestrial life beyond its planetary limits. As such, it is an integral part of the obviously expansionistic and growth-oriented pattern of life’s evolution. This drive caused life to grow from infinitesimal beginnings into a force that encompasses and transforms an entire planet through its biosphere. More basically, the Extraterrestrial Imperative expresses a ‘first message,’ a primordial imperative, bred into the very essence of the universe, driving the evolution of matter from simplest forms (elementary particles) to highly complex structures (e.g., the intelligent brain). A vast amount of cosmic energy is released by stellar matter in the initial phase of this process—the transformation of hydrogen to helium and heavier elements—and bound up in the later phases, involving the formation and evolution of living matter. By these roots, it is possible to identify the Extraterrestrial Imperative as a basic principle that can be derived from a consistent interpretation and generalization of recurring phenomena common to evolutionary processes.”

These words were written in 1971 by Krafft Ehricke (1917-84), the German-American visionary and rocket scientist. His concept of Extraterrestrial Imperative asserted that it was the responsibility of humanity to explore space and exploit the resources of the Solar System, in order to sustain the development of the species. There are no external “limits to growth,” Ehricke insisted, because while the Earth is a “closed system,” the exploration of space opens the entire universe to humanity. For Ehricke, as for his friend Lyndon LaRouche, human creativity has no limits.

This concept received a great boost and an inspiring confirmation on Christmas Day, 2021, with the successful launch of the James Webb Space Telescope, a project which involved the work of over 10,000 people from over 14 countries over 25 years. The telescope will be fully functional in June 2022, provided there is success in achieving the extraordinarily complex process of reaching its orbit 1 million miles away from Earth, while opening the apparatus through “50 major deployments … and 178 release mechanisms to deploy those 50 parts,” according to Webb Mission Systems Engineer Mike Menzel in a video titled “29 Days on the Edge.” (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7bz03OnyD2A )

The telescope will look back in time as much as 13.5 billion years. Perhaps it will discover the secret of the Star in the East on a Christmas Day 2021 years ago.

But this burst of progress, and the human optimism and creativity which created it, is confronted by a dark reality on Earth, where multiple crises pose the question of whether or not the human race has the moral fitness to survive. In addition to an out-of-control pandemic, a hyperinflationary explosion and economic disintegration in much of the world, the U.S. and NATO are confronting both Russia and China with thermonuclear war. Certain madmen believe that the U.S. is still the “only superpower,” that their warped view of “liberal democracy” is indeed the perfected “end of history,” and that their threats will force these two great historic nations, both armed with nuclear weapons, to do the bidding of the would-be lords of the world.

The Schiller Institute released an emergency Memorandum on Dec. 24, titled “Are We Sleepwalking Into Thermonuclear World War III?” (https://schillerinstitute.com/blog/2021/12/24/are-we-sleepwalking-into-thermonuclear-world-war-iii/ ), with a timeline demonstrating how this economic and strategic crisis point came to be, and why it is the responsibility of every citizen on Earth to work with us to stop it. Circulate this Memorandum everywhere.

Ny præsident i USA: Krig eller fred?

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POLITISK ORIENTERGING den 4. marts 2021:
Det er ikke i Israel, men i samarbejde med Kina og Rusland,
at COVID-19 og andre problemer løses

Med formand Tom Gillesberg


Lyd: (Der er ingen lyd i et par korte udfald, hvor der blev stillet spørgsmål.)

Schiller Instituttet · Det er ikke i Israel, men i samarbejde med Kina og Rusland, at COVID-19 og andre problemer løses

Af den grund skal vi plante skov på Mars


11. februar (EIRNS) – Den 12. februar er det toårsdagen for Lyndon LaRouches bortgang. Hvilken bedre måde at fejre hans ekstraordinære bidrag på så mange områder til menneskehedens fremtid end med ankomsten af Kinas Tianwen-rumfartøj til kredsløb om Mars den 10. februar, dagen efter ankomsten af UAE’s 'Hope' – som vil blive fulgt af USA's rumfartøj 'Perseverance' om mindre end en uge. Lederen af UAE's rumfartsagentur, Sarah al-Amiri, fangede den samme ånd af videnskabeligt vidunder og formål der kræves for at løse de forfærdelige kriser, som menneskeheden står over for, som Lyndon LaRouche gav udtryk for gennem hele sit liv. I en video fra 2017 sagde hun:

"I dag er vores region, Mellemøsten, fyldt med uro. Det er en region, der gennemgår nogle få af dets mørkeste timer. Og det vi gør med Emiraternes Hope-mission, er at vi sender et signal. I Mellemøsten udgør ungdomsårgangene 50 %. Dette projekt med Hope udføres af et hold på under 35 år, et hold bestående af 34 % kvinder. Gennemsnitsalderen er 27. En hel nation sætter dens lid til et ungdomshold og præsenterer regionen for en besked… for mig er videnskab den mest internationale form for samarbejde. Den er ubegrænset. Den er grænseløs. Og den drives af enkeltpersoners lidenskab til gavn for menneskelig erkendelse".

I dag tweetede Helga Zepp-LaRouche som svar til Sarah al-Amiri: "Tillykke med din fantastiske vision! Du skal blive inspiration for alle statsoverhoveder på planeten, og der vil være fred på jorden! HZL".

Også, i anledning af toårsdagen for LaRouches bortgang, udsendte 'LaRouche International Youth Movement' (LaRouches internationale Ungdomsbevægelse) en erklæring, hvori de opfordrede ethvert universitet og uddannelsescenter rundt om i verden til at tage studiet op af "den amerikanske økonom Lyndon LaRouches metode og bidrag", som et spørgsmål om presserende strategisk nødvendighed.

"Det, vi indpoder i de unges sind og hjerter gennem deres uddannelse", siger erklæringen, "vil give dem værktøjerne til at beslutte, hvad de vil gøre med deres liv, idet de påtager sig opgaven med en 'forpligtelse over for samfundet' for at forbedre universet. Med den metode, som Lyndon LaRouches ideer repræsenterer, vil ordet "engagement" ikke skræmme dem. De vil deri se realiseringen af deres idealer, i takt med at de forbedrer sig selv og derfor søger forbedring til gavn for deres medmennesker… Disse er de ideer, som Lyndon LaRouche forfægtede i livet, og vi unge har påtaget os ansvaret for at tage dem i anvendelse med endnu større styrke i dag". Erklæringen konkluderer: "Den tidligere mexicanske præsident José López Portillo sagde i 1998: "Det er nu nødvendigt, at verden lytter til Lyndon LaRouches kloge ord"; og vi tilføjer: "Det er nu nødvendigt, at han studeres ved ethvert uddannelsescenter i verden".

Lyndon LaRouche selv udtrykte den dybeste indsigt i betydningen af ethvert menneskeliv, inklusive sit eget, og dets forhold til videnskabelige menneskelige bestræbelser såsom koloniseringen af Mars. I sin klassiker fra 1983, "Der er ingen grænser for vækst", skrev LaRouche om at opbygge en jordlignende kunstig atmosfære på Mars og tilføjede:

"Kolonialisterne fra Jorden vil ikke være tilfredse med det. Man kan høre et barns stemme: 'Men far, hvor er træerne?' Vi skal forudse barnets spørgsmål. Vi må have en skov eller to på Mars, alene fordi mennesker kan lide træer".

Sådanne videnskabelige bestræbelser er menneskets karakteristiske natur:

"Så når vi arbejder med dette formål, bidrager hver enkelt af os med noget af vedvarende værdi til kulturen. Denne aktivitet er vores fornøjelse, vores kilde til de største glæder. Denne glæde er forbundet med handlingen med at bidrage til menneskeheden, at nære de guddommelige potentialer i løbet af de kommende generationer. Dette er en glædelig handling af kærlighed til menneskeheden. Uden en sådan kærlighed er viden en død ting…

"Lad os hver især dø med glæde, med et smil på læben, og tanken: 'Det har været et godt liv, og jeg vil ikke opgive så smuk en ting, så længe jeg har midlerne til at holde mig i live et minut længere'. Nogle gange er det nødvendigt at risikere døden, men kun for at andre og det gode kan leve videre efter os. Vi kan viljemæssigt overgive vore egne liv alene for livets sag, og for det gode som livet skal opnå. Af den grund skal vi dyrke en skov på Mars".


Billede: Sikarin Fon Thanachaiary – Foundations World Economic Forum is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Rens Lyndon LaRouches navn. Helga Zepp-LaRouches hovedtale ved videokonferencen.
Verdens valg: Udrydelse eller LaRouches æra. den 26. september 2020.

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HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Goddag! Formålet med dagens begivenhed er, at gøre mange unge mennesker i hele verden bekendte med Lyndon LaRouches navn og personlighed og ideer. Hans ideer er absolut nøglen, hvis verden skal komme ud af den nuværende krise. I betragtning af, at han var min mand i 41 år, og jeg i cirka et halvt århundrede var hans politiske allierede – en af mange – så er det følgende ikke bare noget jeg siger, men noget jeg er dybt overbevist om i min sjæl og mit sind. Han var, og fordi han på en vis måde er udødelig, er stadig den smukkeste sjæl og den mest kreative person i sin tid. Der er en meget stor uoverensstemmelse mellem hvem Lyn virkelig var og er, og det billede der tegnes af ham.

Set fra et universalhistorisk synspunkt, hvis man bedømmer et enkelt menneske ud fra hvor meget de bringer udviklingen af menneskeheden frem, mener jeg han er en af de mest enestående personer i hele historien. På den anden side, den næsten uovertrufne vold – og det siger en del, især i nutidens USA – med hvilken hans modstander angreb ham, tilsmudsede ham, dæmoniserede ham, giver jer en ide om hvor skrækslagne de var for ham.

En af de store tyske naturretsfilosoffer, Friherre von der Heydte, sagde, at LaRouche-sagen mindede ham om Dreyfus-affæren i Frankrig. Og tidligere rigsadvokat i USA, Ramsey Clark, udtalte til en kommission, som undersøgte LaRouche-sagen i 1994, at “LaRouche-sagen repræsenterer et bredere omfang af overlagt, beregnende og systematisk retskrænkelse over en længere periode, med misbruget af den føderale regerings magt, end nogen anden retsforfølgelse af den amerikanske regering i min tid, eller efter min viden.”
Det, eller de, der stod bag dette, er hvad folk i dag kalder “Deep State”, eller rettere, det angloamerikanske efterretningsapparat; det samme slags apparat som har stået bag kupforsøget mod præsident Trump siden 2016, bag Russiagate, bag dæmoniseringen af præsident Putin of Xi Jinping, og bag de folk som nu presser voldsomt på for at få gang i en krig; måske endda før det amerikanske valg, eller i det mindste drive inddæmningen af Rusland og Kina så langt, at det kunne gå helt galt, og vi kunne have den 3. Verdenskrig.

Herunder følger resten af talen på engelsk:

The effect of these people having been relatively “successful” — and naturally, I’m saying that in an ironic way — is the reason why we are now on the verge of World War III; that we have an out-of-control pandemic; that we are still threatened with the danger of a financial collapse of the entire system, and that we have famine especially in the developing countries which could quickly reach Biblical dimensions.

If we want to overcome these dangers, it is — even at this very late stage of affairs — it will depend; and we can discuss, but it is my deepest conviction, it will depend on our ability and your help to free Lyn’s name from the lies, slanders, and distortions, and to implement Lyn’s solutions which really have practically taken care of every single problem which is an existential threat to humanity today. In a very beautiful paper called, “The Historical Individual,” which I would urge you to read, he defined that he saw two major missions for himself. One, he said, I want to get you safely through the worst of the presently onrushing world and national crises. And secondly, to foster a new leadership from among the ranks of our young people, which will understand the systemic features of history, and therefore, will be much less likely to make the same mistakes as the foolish members of the recent two adult generations have made until now.

That fostering towards you. You are the young people who are the future. Therefore, it is up to you to develop out of your ranks the kinds of leaders who will make a difference in history. So, Lyn said, in that same paper, when every nation, every culture is in a tragic moment of great crisis, it is “gripped by the need for a sudden and profound change in the quality of its leadership.” Then the survival depends upon its “willingness to choose a new quality of leadership,” and not leave the fate of humanity to those narcissistic leaders who occupy leading positions now, who are only concerned about their performance, but not about the well-being of their nations or the world. You have to have the aspiration to become, all of you, true great statesmen. You have to take as your examples, according to whom you want to orient your life, such people as Benjamin Franklin, or Abraham Lincoln, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jeanne d’Arc, or Martin Luther King; and I would like to add Lyndon LaRouche.

We have now the greatest danger that the world is run by leaders around the world — there are very few exceptions — who are mediocrities; who are really not fit to lead the world out this crisis. This is at a moment when you would need intellectual and moral giants. So, the indispensable leaders for such times as these, Lyn says in this paper, are those people who succeeded practically from childhood to let themselves be taken over by the natural potential for the sublime. The sublime — that is, that quality described by Friedrich Schiller where a human being attachés his or her identity to higher values than even our physical existence; and becomes not physically safe, but morally safe. Such a person rejects the banality of popular culture and taste. Such a person rejects the world of sense certainty; the pleasure in the here and now, and develops that innate power of that quality which is described in I Corinthians 13 — agapē. A profound passionate love for mankind, without which, the world will not get out of this crisis.

Those relatively free souls among us, Lyn says, are the “ugly ducklings,” those who are mistakenly called “eccentrics” because they don’t fit the mainstream popular accepted taste of the social clubs of that kind of paradigm which got us into this crisis. Lyn jokingly, but not so jokingly, called himself many times an “ugly duckling.” But I can assure you, his mind was the most beautiful swan you ever could see.

As a young man, Lyn studied all on his own the ideas of Leibniz, and he listened to Classical music. He rejects Kant — especially his ideas about aesthetics — that there was no meaning in beauty, and that beauty was arbitrary. He rejected Kant’s idea that there was no knowable universal truth. Lyn then joined the Second World War, participating in the India-Burma theatre. He told us many times his experiences in the Calcutta riots of 1946. This was a very decisive moment in his history, because he saw firsthand the brutish character of the British Empire in action. It was clear in his mind from that point on that the natural course of affairs would be that after the Second World War, the Americans would return back and develop India and other developing countries, as was the intention of Franklin D. Roosevelt to develop the developing countries with American technology.

Lyn was absolutely shocked when he heard that Truman would replace Roosevelt, and already told his contemporaries in India that a great man had been replaced by a very little man. And he was completely appalled when he then returned to the United States and saw how people who had developed a certain greatness in fighting Nazism and in fighting fascism and being in World War II, how they really became petit bourgeois; going into the suburban life of American cities. Lyn developed a healthy contempt for that kind of lifestyle. Then, in his function as a business consultant, he came across the theories of Norbert Weiner and John von Neumann. He studied information theory and systems analysis, and immediately recognized that these systems were not capable of describing real economic processes of physical economy, which he had started to develop into his own system based on the ideas of Leibniz.

He developed this idea of physical economy, which became the basis for him to become the most successful economic forecaster of the recent period. His love for Classical music — Bach, Beethoven — had given him very early the appreciation for the importance of the cognitive potential of each individual. From that standpoint, he was one of the very few people in the 1960s, when everybody was mesmerized by the hippies, by flower power, he immediately recognized that this paradigm shift — which was induced by the oligarchy, but people naturally didn’t know that — would destroy the cognitive potential of the population in the long term. He started an endless campaign against the danger of drugs and the combination of the rock-drug-sex counterculture. Then, I think the most important point in this early period was that Lyn recognized, having been familiar with Franklin D. Roosevelt, with the principles of the Bretton Woods system as it was intended by Roosevelt, as compared to what it would become with Churchill and Truman. He recognized in an absolutely prophetic way, what it meant that Richard Nixon, on August 15, 1971, decoupled the dollar from the gold standard, and introduced the floating exchange rates. Lyn said prophetically, that if that monetarist tendency would be continued, it would inevitably lead to the danger of a new depression, a new fascism, the danger of a new world war, or it would be replaced by a just, new world economic order.

Immediately following this in 1973, Lyn constituted a biological taskforce, whose job it was to study the impact of the austerity of the IMF and the World Bank on the developing sector; the infamous conditionalities of the IMF which prevented the developing countries from investing in infrastructure, health, and forced them to pay their debt instead. Lyn said, if you continue to do that, it would inevitably lead to the outbreak of old diseases and new pandemics. He had an absolute foresight for the epidemics and pandemics which developed since AIDS, SARS, MERS, Ebola, and now the coronavirus. All of this would have been not necessary if Lyn’s policies for the development of the developing countries would have been implemented.

From that perspective, Lyn also immediately recognized the absolute devastation of the implementation of the Malthusian policies of the Club of Rome, and how the paradigm shift occurred at the beginning of the 1970s. The idea that it was a natural question that eventually all developing countries would develop, which was expressed in the development decades of the 1950s and ’60s of the United Nations. And how that was replaced by the infamous theories of the Club of Rome; the idea that there are limits to growth, the idea that population is not a good thing. That the population bomb is the greatest threat to humanity; that there is overpopulation. Basically, Lyn obviously knew that was completely wrong; that this was completely against the laws of the actual physical universe. He developed one of his most important conceptions, which was the idea of relative potential population density. Meaning that it is a law of the universe that people must increase; the number of people must increase; they must develop more abilities to have longevity in order to be able to have more people be able to develop more skills which requires longer education. And that the effect of this would be limitless development. He also knew that the premise of the Club of Rome was completely ridiculous. The Earth is not a closed system; the whole assumption of the Malthusians is wrong. Naturally, his image of man was that man is not an accountant who manages the limited resources, and for sure not a parasite as the Greenies today day. But that the discoveries of man, which can again and again show him new physical principles which are part of the development of the universe. As a matter of fact, the most developed part of it.

Lyn, because he saw the danger these ideas would represent for humanity, he decided, as an individual, as somebody who was not backed by Wall Street or the City of London, he decided for President of the United States. He did that first on the Labor Party ticket, a party which he founded in 1973. And basically, he was in this Presidential campaign in 1976, fighting against the Trilateral Commission and all their rotten ideas, the danger of nuclear war, and the urgent need for the industrialization of the developing sector. This was a very bold idea. Lyn meant it; he went in for winning the Presidency. The U.S. Presidency is probably the most powerful institution in the present world; this is due to the American Revolution, the idea of the Declaration of Independence, that life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is the inalienable right of all human beings, given to them by the Creator. This Constitution of the United States defined it as the task of the government to protect those inalienable rights of all human beings. Therefore, it was the first time that there was actually a form of government which was the complete opposite of the oligarchical model which existed with the monarchies and other forms of government in Europe, where the idea was that the purpose of the government was to protect the privileges of the elite and keep the mass of the population backward.

So Lyn, as in independent, decided to go against this plutocracy, the control of the Democratic and Republican Parties by Wall Street. And actually fulfill the promise of the Declaration of Independence and the American Constitution. Lyn ran for President eight times, from 1976, and then from 1980 to 2004 as a Democrat. He had the concept that he had to wage this battle to turn the United States into a force for good, as it was intended by the Founding Fathers. Already in year before he started the first campaign, in 1975, he developed a revolutionary conception — the International Development Bank. It was the idea that it should replace the IMF; that it should be an incredible credit institution for technology transfer to industrialize the so-called Third World. He developed also in 1975, the Oasis Plan, which was the idea to develop Southwest Asia; develop new water, green the deserts. He developed with his associates, a plan for the industrialization of Africa.

Naturally, immediately, the establishment regarded Lyn as the greatest threat to their system. Because what became known only later, in 1974, Kissinger had developed a paper called NSSM 200 [National Security Study Memorandum 200: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests], which was a blueprint for population reduction. It quite brazenly defined the raw materials in some of the most populous of the developing countries — actually 13 countries — as belonging to the strategic interest of the United States. Therefore, the population should be reduced, because too many people in these countries would consume too much raw materials. This scandalous paper was only made public in the 1990s, but obviously every word Lyn was saying went completely against these ideas. Then, we published these proceedings of the Africa Development; we had a conference in 1976 in Paris, and also in 1976 when Lyn’s Presidential campaign was already in full gear, I was in Paris organizing a one-week diplomatic seminar with a whole bunch of Arab ambassadors who had planned to invite Lyn to come to Paris and give them a one-week course on the Oasis Plan, on his economic theory. This was really a major event. But what happened was, on the day when the seminar was supposed to start, Lyn had just arrived from the United States. I got a phone call from the Iraqi ambassador, who said, unfortunately, I have to tell you that Mr. LaRouche has to develop a “diplomatic flu.” He must basically say he’s sick and therefore cannot participate in the seminar. Even so, he was supposed to be the main speaker, the main teacher. As it turned out, Henry Kissinger had flown himself personally into Paris that day, making pressure on the French government and all the ambassadors to cancel this event all together.

In 1976, we had already organized for one full year in many countries around the world, to implement the International Development Bank. We had talked to many embassies of the Non-Aligned sector, of Africa, of Latin America. In the fall of 1976, the Non-Aligned Movement adopted practically that plan for a New World Economic Order at the Colombo conference in Sri Lanka. So, we were extremely happy. I called up all the media in Germany and asked, “When are you reporting this?” They said, completely arrogantly, “We are not reporting this, because this is not newsworthy.” I said, “What? Three-quarters of the human species want a New World Economic Order, and you say this is not newsworthy?” Well, that was the first major lesson about the control of the media. Then, what happened was a tremendous backlash, where leaders of the Third World like Indira Gandhi, Mrs. Bandaranaike, Prime Minister Bhutto, were all destabilized, and also Gen. Juan Velasco Alvarado from Peru already in 1975, he was one of the leaders of this movement. They all were ousted or killed. But Fred Wills, the Foreign Minister of Guyana already in 1976, introduced the IDB conception to the UN General Assembly. This all happened on the orders of the IMF and the State Department.

In 1976, Lyn was running for President in the United States, and I was running for Chancellor in Germany. I thought that was necessary because the alternatives were Helmut Kohl and Helmut Schmidt; Kohl being your typical mediocre conservative, and Schmidt, who had some good features, but he had also endorsed Hjalmar Schacht, the Finance Minister of Hitler, or his policies. So, I thought it was absolutely necessary to fight for an alternative. That double candidacy brought us also closer, Lyn and myself. So, in 1977, we got married. This was then the beginning of a truly very beautiful marriage, which is obviously very precious to me. Immediately, death threats started. The so-called Red Army Faction, Bader-Meinhof groups. The Red Army Faction is RAF, which happens to also be short for the Royal Air Force of Great Britain. So, one has to think, because some of the third generation of the RAF actually were probably enemies of Lyn’s conception, and were determined that they would suppress these ideas.

Lyn continued his Presidential campaigns. In 1980, he campaigned against Bush, Sr. and ruined his Presidential ambitions at that time, which got him the lifelong hostility of the Bush family. But it also made him an acquaintance of President Reagan, which turned out to be very fruitful later on.

In 1982, we did an enormous amount of things. López Portillo, the President of Mexico, who had gotten to know our youth movement in Mexico, was completely intrigued by the fact that there would be young people who would fight for such ideas. So, he wanted to find out about LaRouche. When the peso was under massive attack, and there was a huge capital flight organized out of Mexico, he invited us to come to Mexico City. He asked Lyn to help him defend the sovereignty and the currency of Mexico. Lyn immediately wrote a program, not just for Mexico but for all of Latin America. This was called Operation Juárez. It was the idea of an infrastructure development plan, a debt reorganization, and basically developed credit mechanisms for long-term real development of the entire Latin American continent. At that time, Latin America had a $200 billion debt. They had paid that debt many times over; this is what we call “banker’s arithmetic,” but $200 billion — which is now proverbial peanuts in terms of all these quantitative easing trillions being pumped into the system. But $200 billion in 1982 was regarded to be enough to bring down Wall Street and the City of London. When López Portillo implemented that policy on September 1, 1982, it just happened to be that Lyn and I, on the same day, were in Germany in Frankfurt meeting with the management of the credit institution for reconstruction. And at 11 a.m., we just were standing there, talking. One of the biggest currency traders rushed into the room and said, “This is it! Wall Street is finished! This is a debt bomb by the Latin American countries. This is the end of the system!” Lyn just smiled and said, “No, don’t worry.” It’s just a way to save these banks; because if you reorganize them in an orderly fashion, that’s the only way they can actually be saved. So, well, that was really a very interesting moment, but the establishment thought that was the end of their system. It increased the resolve to go after Lyn.

In the same year, we went to India, and we met with Indira Gandhi. We worked with her on a development plan for 40 years for the development of India, which also was part of Lyn’s conception to develop the whole world. The programs together, the Mexico program, the India program, Latin America, Asia, Africa; it basically would have meant that the entire Malthusian order as it was then developed, would have been undone.

The same year, Lyn started to work on another grand design for the change of the world, which was that since the end of the 1970s, we had found out that the Soviet scientists were developing beam weapons. They had developed a point defense system for the city of Moscow. Lyn was actually convinced that the biggest danger of nuclear war would arise when one side — either NATO or the Warsaw Pact — would be able to develop new weapons systems based on new physical principles, making nuclear weapons obsolete. In that moment then, the one side would feel encouraged to use nuclear weapons while they are still usable. You also had the development of the medium-range missile crisis, where in Europe you had both the Pershing II and SS-20 missiles directed against each other, with only three or four minutes until they would hit their target. They were always launch on warning, and at that time, you had a gigantic peace movement of people who knew that we were on the verge of World War III. So, Lyn developed a conception how the two superpowers — the United States and the Soviet Union — would not try to out-develop themselves, but develop these new systems jointly. To develop them, to implement them, and for the first time, make nuclear weapons technologically obsolete. Because also the defense would be less costly than the offensive; it was really an absolutely incredible design. It was not what the media made out of it, who called it Star Wars; but it was an absolutely incredible conception of how to technologically make nuclear weapons obsolete. So, for one full year, we organized conferences — in Rome, in Paris, in Bonn (at that time, Bonn was the capital of Germany), in Warsaw, in Washington. Out of that developed negotiations between Lyn and the representatives of the Soviet Union in a so-called “back channel” discussion, where the Soviet Union seriously studied to adopt that policy. After one year, in February 1983, they sent the message from Moscow that this is rejected, because it would give the West more advantages. Later we found out the reasons — namely that the Ogarkov plan had completely different objectives, and therefore rejected it. But, on the 23rd of March, President Reagan announced that very policy to be the official U.S. strategic policy; the SDI, the Strategic Defense Initiative. A little bit later, Lyn developed what that policy could have been. Namely, in a protocol for the superpowers, he described how the development of these new technologies based on new physical principles would lead to a science driver in the military field. And that if they would be applied in the civilian sector, they would lead to an incredible increase of the productivity of the economy. Then, if the two superpowers would work together, they could dissolve the military blocs of the Warsaw Pact and NATO, and jointly make a technology transfer to the developing sector; ending the character of these countries as proxies in a superpower confrontation, and really go in the direction of overcoming poverty and the development of the Third World.

President Reagan had adopted that policy. He wrote two official letters to the Soviets, offering American help to apply these technologies in the civilian sector. That is generally not being discussed at all, but we were very close to establishing a completely human world order. At that time, the determination of the oligarchy to really go after Lyn escalated. Because Lyn was not only able to define conceptions which would have changed the world for the better, but he got heads of state to implement these ideas — López Portillo, Indira Gandhi, President Reagan. So, then when the Soviet Union rejected that in 1984, he said if the Soviets keep their existing policy, they will collapse in five years. Now, they did, as you know. In 1989, when the [Berlin] Wall came down, his prediction was fulfilled.

In 1982, when all of this became very clear, that Lyn was having this impact, Henry Kissinger, in May, made an infamous speech in the Chatham House in London, where he admitted that he always was following the orders of the British Empire much more closely than that of the United States government. Kissinger, in August 1982, wrote a letter to the FBI Chief of that time, William Webster, and demanded that there should be an investigation of Lyndon LaRouche as a Soviet agent of influence. Nothing was further from the truth, but that is where basically the entire apparatus which was completely upset, after Reagan started to put the SDI on the agenda, went completely wild. Bush, Shulz, that faction. However, this was a period when we did so much. In 1984, we started the Schiller Institute. It was my idea, but Lyn was completely supportive. Very quickly, the Schiller Institute, which had the idea that you needed to replace the present policy with a foreign policy based on statecraft, and that nations should relate to each other by referring always to the best of the other. The best culture, the best traditions. That you needed to fight for a new world economic order and a renaissance of Classical culture. So, in the 36 years since, the Schiller Institute has become a very influential institution on five continents. Also in 1985, we had a beautiful conference for the honor of Krafft Ehricke, one of the great space visionaries and rocket scientists, who had not only developed beautiful conceptions about colonizing the Moon and the development of Mars, he developed the idea of the extraterrestrial imperative. The idea that mankind would completely transform its nature through space travel. He was a very good friend of Lyn’s and mine.

In all of these years, Lyn was incredibly productive. He had already developed in the 1970s key conceptions about the fundamental laws of the universe. He had developed the Riemann-LaRouche economic model, which was based on the physical principles of the real universe, and not on the sense certainty perception of the mere shadows, which was one of his ways to absolutely be the best forecaster on the planet. He absolutely made clear the fundamental difference between the Plato and Aristotle traditions in European history. He initiated a beautiful campaign for the protection of the principles of Classical music, the so-called Verdi tuning, which was signed by all major singers of that time, and many instrumentalists. Lyn developed out of this a close friendship with Norbert Brainin, who was the first violinist of the famous Amadeus Quartet. After Norbert spent one time two days in our house in Virginia, he and Lyn spoke for hours and hours; two full days about music. At the end of which, Norbert said, “Well, you know so much more about music than I do.” I think this was an absolutely correct characterization. Lyn also developed beautiful friendships with such singers as William Warfield and Sylvia Olden Lee; with Piero Cappuccilli, with Carlo Bergonzi.

Lyn already in 1974 had founded the Fusion Energy Foundation, which was a scientific institution fighting for the frontiers of science. Life sciences engaged in development projects. We had assembled around us in the 1980s, more than 100 top scientists who agreed with us to build three private universities. One in Peru, one in America, one in Germany, to teach Lyn’s scientific method.

Obviously, that was all interrupted with the infamous raid of our house in Leesburg, our offices, and the prosecution which followed. The life of this organization has completely changed. Up until 1986, we were building, we were optimistic, we were only engaged in productive concepts of how to make the world better. But after this raid, we had to really defend ourselves, and obviously with the prosecution of Lyn and him being innocently in jail, this organization had really to fight for our existence. They wanted to get rid of us all together.

But before the jailing of Lyn happened, he already in 1987, again completely prophetically, wrote an article in 1987, in which he said, if I become President in 1989, I will make sure that there will be a unification of Germany with Berlin as the capital. That idea that Germany should be unified and that Germany should have a peace treaty, was also part of our wedding agreement. We had said that Lyn would be President of the United States for eight years, and then I would be Chancellor of Germany for eight years. So, this was sort of joke, but not totally. It was also meant seriously.

Then, in 1988, Lyn made the famous press conference in the Kempinski Hotel in Berlin, where he predicted that Germany would be soon unified, and Berlin would be soon the capital of Germany. Again, as Lyn’s prognosis that the Soviet Union would collapse, which he said in 1984. In 1988, nobody thought that Germany would be unified. But when the Wall came down one year later, therefore, we were the only ones who had a conception of what to do. Lyn was already sitting innocently in jail, but we immediately worked together on the Productive Triangle, the idea to develop Eastern Europe with the help of modern technology. When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, we immediately prolonged that to become the Eurasian Land-Bridge; the idea to connect the population and industrial centers of Europe with those of Asia through development corridors. We promoted that conception in literally hundreds of seminars and conferences. I’m absolutely sure that whole effort very much influenced what then became the Chinese New Silk Road, the Belt and Road Initiative.

The most important thing Lyn contributed however, was a method of thinking. He opened the access to ideas which had been completely forgotten, pushed aside, by the rewriting of history and the history of ideas through the oligarchy. He again made it possible for people to understand the spiritual power of the mind for hypothesis. A method which, if it would be applied by young people all over the world, would simply mean — and it has to mean — that many of the young people of the world will have a way to access how to become a genius. Many of you will also become outstanding leaders, who can change the world for the better.

So, what is the lesson of all of this? Will we give up just because Lyn’s opponents have made such a mess of the world? They have the questionable success that they succeeded; this is why we are on the verge of World War III, famine, epidemic, and general collapse. But I think if we think — and we will hear about that for the rest of this event — if Lyn’s idea would have been implemented for the past 40 years, we would have Africa to be a blossoming garden. We would have Latin America completely developed. You would have many countries who would be not less developed than China is today. You would have Europe not being the culturally relativistic mess it is right now; but Europe would have revived the beautiful culture of the Golden Renaissance and the German Classical period of Schiller and Beethoven. The United States would be a force for the good, where people would be happy to be friends of that great country.

I think history will, for sure if there is going to be a history, write that Lyn’s enemies were the worst scoundrels, on a match with all the previous scoundrels in the world; among them, Hitler and others. And that the world would have been such a much more beautiful place if Lyn’s ideas would have been implemented. That task is now yours. You will be those people who have to design a new era of mankind. If you think that job is too big, I think you should be confident. The entire history of mankind is the proof that Leibniz’s conception that we are living in the best of all possible worlds is actually true. Every great evil will generate an even greater good. I think that that is exactly what we can do, and it absolutely depends on if there are enough people who have the potential to be truly great leaders. That is what I want you to become.

Schiller Instituttets videokonference
PANEL II (Lørdag d. 6. sept. 21:00 – 24:00 dansk tid):
Videnskabens rolle i skabelsen af menneskehedens fremtid

1. Jason Ross (USA), videnskabsrådgiver ved Schiller Instituttet

2. Dr. Bernard Bigot (Frankrig), generaldirektør for den internationale termonukleare eksperimentelle reaktor (ITER), tidligere direktør for den franske kommission for alternativ energi og atomenergi (CEA)

3. Sergey Pulinets (Rusland), Principal Research Scientist, Space Research Institute, Det Russiske Videnskabsakademi

4. Dr. Stephen O. Dean (USA), præsident, Fusion Power Associates (10)

5. Michael Paluszek (USA), Princeton Satellite Systems

6. Philip Tsokolibane (South Africa), head of LaRouche South Africa

7. Dr. Kelvin Kemm (South Africa), CEO, Stratek Business Strategy Consultants, former board chairman, South African Nuclear Energy Corporation

6. Spørgsmål og svar

POLITISK ORIENTERING den 5. august 2020:
COVID-19 på vej ud af kontrol og
det samme er tilfældet med den internationale økonomi og strategi

Med formand Tom Gillesberg.


Schiller Instituttet · COVID-19 på vej ud af kontrol og det samme er tilfældet med den internationale økonomi og strategi

Sprækker i dæmningen: Stop kuppet, rens LaRouches navn

Den 2. august (EIRNS) – Sprækkerne breder sig i inddæmningen omkring sandheden, der kommer frem vedrørende den russiske løgn, og hele statskuppet mod præsident Trump; et kup der har været afhængig af denne løgn; og om den relaterede, tidligere sag om den uberettigede fængsling og fortsatte bagvaskelse af Lyndon LaRouche. Denne dæmning må nu sprænges helt, hvis vi skal have held med at bryde en vej ud af de nuværende systemiske sammenbrudskriser, som planeten står overfor. Den raserende globale pandemi, den økonomiske nedsmeltning, den voksende fare for atomkrig… alle kræver de presserende handling.

Begivenheden hos LaRouchePAC den 1. august med Roger Stone og Bill Binney sammen med LaRouchePAC’s Barbara Boyd og Harley Schlanger bidrager allerede markant til at nå dette resultat. Fra søndag formiddag havde den historiske begivenhed over 6.000 visninger på YouTube, og Newsweek og Washington Times måtte dække Stones optræden, herunder – for Newsweeks vedkommende – hans eksplosive kommentarer om hvordan LaRouche blev fængslet af Bush-apparatet, samt at han havde arbejdet tæt sammen med Ronald Reagans præsidentskab. Mandag vil der blive bragt yderligere bemærkninger fra Stone i et eksklusivt interview med Harley Schlanger.

Den særlige nødvendighed af at give oprejsning til Lyndon LaRouche og hans ideer blev understreget i begyndelsen af arrangementet den 1. august, hvor uddrag af en international webcast med LaRouche selv fra den 8. september 2009 blev afspillet for publikum; en webcast hvor han viste ”det fremsyn, som gjorde LaRouche farlig” for det britiske imperium, der beordrede hans uretmæssige fængsling. LaRouche beskæftigede sig med betydningen af at menneskeheden begiver sig ud på en mission til Månen og Mars:

”Og det vil forandre karakteren af menneskets opfattelse af sig selv. Mennesket vil ikke længere tænke på sig selv som en jordbunden landstryger. (Ikke landkrabbe, men landstryger.) Mennesket vil opfatte sig selv som en del af solsystemet. Se, det betyder en ændring i menneskets forhold til andre mennesker. Man har et menneske på Mars, som arbejder deroppe, og et menneske på Jorden. Det tager en weekend at rejse derop og tilbage igen. Det vil forandre omstændighederne for menneskelivet. Nu vil alle de teknologier, der bruges til at gøre dette, afspejles i teknologiske revolutioner tilbage på Jorden, herunder dyrkning af føde, fødevarer. Jeg mener – at dyrke grøntsager på Mars: Dette er en virkelig ændring i landbruget. Det udvider ens opfattelse af, hvad landbrug indebærer…

”De [de unge generationer] bliver modtagere og formidlere af denne teknologiske fremgang, og hvad der måtte følge efter. Og så må vi tænke to eller tre generationer forud. Jeg mener, tænker I ikke på jeres børnebørn? Tænker I ikke endog på jeres oldebørn, hvis I er heldige? Er det ikke ens mission i livet? Er det ikke ens fornemmelse for kontinuitet i tilværelsen? Så, hvad er det? En generation, 25 år. Tre generationer, 75 år. Fire generationer, 100 år. Hvad skal I gøre i de næste 100 år, folkens?

”Hvis I tænker på fremtiden, hvis I interesserer jer for jeres børn og børnebørn, der kommer efter jer; hvis I tænker på menneskehedens fremtid og placerer jeres identitet i det I gør for dem, for at muliggøre deres liv, hvad tænker I så over? I tænker over, hvor vi skal være om 75, 100 år fra nu af, og tænker på hvor nøjagtigt vi kan forudsige, hvor vi er til den tid. Hvad er vores muligheder? Hvor er vi på vej hen? Hvad skal vi gøre? Halløjsa, hvad skal I gøre, når I når pensionsalderen i en alder af 75, 78 eller 85 år med forbedret sundhedsvæsen? Hvad skal I stille op med jer selv? Hvad er jeres fremtid? Hvilken slags verden vælger I? Hvilken slags solsystem vælger I at bo i?

”Og det er sådan det gøres. Man gør det ikke ved at komme med en liste over dette eller en liste over hint. Hvad er ens prioriteter? Man går ud med en mission, en mission for menneskeheden. Dette handler ikke om job. Det handler ikke om indkomst. Dette handler om menneskeheden, forskellen mellem mennesket og dyrene. Hvad skal man som menneske gøre, som bekræfter, at man er et menneske, og ikke skamfuld over resultatet set med dine børnebørns øjne? Hvad skal man udrette med sit liv? Vi opnåede noget, vi kom så langt. Hvor langt vil I tage os? Hvor langt videre bringer I den menneskelige race?

”Og det er hvad der får det til at fungere. Det er motivation. Hvordan I vælger at tilbringe jeres liv. Ikke blot få tiden til at gå, men at bruge det, anvende det. Til hvilket formål? Til hvilket endemål? Hvad vil man opdrage børn til, til hvilket endemål? For menneskehedens skyld! Hvorfor skal I huskes af mennesker om to generationer fra nu? Hvorfor skal I respekteres, en generation fra nu af? Hvad skal I gøre for at optjene denne respekt? Jeres identitet som mennesker.

”Og hvis I følger den tankegang og bruger spørgsmålet om rummet, rumforskningen, som en parameter, et paradigme fra vores nylige erfaringsgrundlag, der viser forskellen, så siger I: Vi taler ikke om industripolitik som sådan. Vi taler ikke om landbrugspolitik. Vi taler om menneskelig politik. Vi taler om den menneskelige arts udvikling og fremskridt til et bedre liv for kommende generationer. Og det kræver videnskabelige og teknologiske fremskridt, såvel som de kulturelle fremskridt, der fremmer kreativiteten i det individuelle menneskesind. Det er vores mission”.

Nyt ’rumkapløb’ må skabe en ny økonomi og forhindre en ny verdenskrig

Den 27. juli (EIRNS) – Amerikanske, russiske og kinesiske medier diskuterer mange mulige udfald af det faktum, at tre større Mars-missioner i slutningen af denne uge vil blive opsendt næsten samtidigt for at udforske den røde planet til februar, samt andre missioner til Månens overflade, som nu er under opsejling. Forhandlinger for at undgå at atommagterne begynder en krig i rummet afholdes mellem store amerikanske og russiske delegationer; men på samme tid offentliggjorde kommandøren for den amerikanske ”rumstyrke” også blåstemplingen af en ny ”militærdoktrin for det ydre rum”.

Et topmøde mellem lederne fra de fem nationer af FN’s sikkerhedsråd – USA, Kina, Rusland, Storbritannien og Frankrig – vil sandsynligvis finde sted til efteråret, sågar mens dette potentielt set superproduktive ”rumfartskapløb” med konkurrence og håbefuldt samarbejde er i gang.

Totale ”lynprogrammer” af flere rumfartsnationer på én gang, for endelig at påbegynde den bemandede udforskning af solsystemet fra kolonier på Månen, vil være den ”videnskabsmotor”, som fuldstændigt kan omforme den faldefærdige verdensøkonomi. Denne ”motor” for industri og landbrug vil baseres på nye værktøjsmaskiner med laser- og plasmastråleteknologi og avancerede nukleare teknologier. Dette – hjulpet på vej af en Glass/Steagall-lovgivning til at stoppe plagen fra superspekulative gigantiske banker på Wall Street og i City of London, samt andre af Præsident Franklin Roosevelts økonomiske metoder – har været programmet for Lyndon LaRouche og hans bevægelse siden 1980’erne og hans berømte landsdækkende tv-udsendelse ”Kvinden på Mars” fra 1988, som præsidentkandidat.

Den nuværende pandemi, heraf følgende hungersnød og sammenbrudte økonomier rundt om i verden, gør det nødvendigt at præcis sådan en plan burde opstå fra topmødet, snarligt, mellem disse fem nationer. LaRouches politiske Aktionskomité har fremlagt den som et udarbejdet program: ”Hvordan USA’s økonomi kan genåbnes: Verden behøver 1,5 milliarder nye, produktive job”.

Kommentatorer, som følger de nuværende missioners rumkapløb mod Mars, forestiller sig forskellige scenarier. Hongkongs South China Morning Post skriver i dets leder, at ”verden bør støtte Kinas Mars-mission”, eftersom sund og fredelig konkurrence mellem de førende rumfartsnationer vil skabe flere gennembrud, og hurtigere, med koloniseringen af rummet. I USA citerer en kommentar i The Hill NASA’s administrator, James Bridenstine, som lykønsker Kina: ”Med dagens opsendelse er Kina på vej til at blive en del af gruppen af internationale videnskabsforskere af Mars. Snart vil USA, Europa, Rusland, Indien og snart de Forenede arabiske Emirater byde jer velkomne på Mars og påbegynde et spændende år med videnskabelige opdagelser.” En russisk kommentar, i Regnum-magasinet, går imidlertid endnu længere: Hvis demokraterne overtager Det hvide Hus og Kongressen i november, vil støtten til NASA’s Artemis-program for at vende tilbage til Månen i 2024 simpelthen blive trukket tilbage, og Kina vil dominere Måneforskning og udvikling.

Den erfarne rumfartsjournalist, Mark Whittington, forfattede også en kronik i The Hill, som citerede en artikel fra d. 13. juli fra Ars Technica, der igen refererede til et interview med chefen for Ruslands rumfartsagentur (Roscosmos), Dmitry Rogozin, i Komsomolskaya Pravda, om at Rusland ville foretrække at samarbejde med Kina, frem for at fortsætte det hyppige og meget produktive samarbejde med USA i de sidste tre årtier, ”hvor dets [Ruslands] vigtigste interesser ligger”. Dette identificerer det egentlige problem: Kombinationen af demokraternes sandsynlige tilbagetrækning af støtten til NASA’s Artemis-program og den i London baserede krigsfraktions øgede trusler om konfrontation og krig mod Kina og Rusland – herunder i det ydre rum – bringer Præsident Donald Trump i en vanskelig situation til at gennemføre sin Måne-Mars-mission.

Men han  gennemføre denne, for USA’s og menneskehedens fremskridts skyld. Dette er det afgørende formål med det topmøde, som Schiller Instituttet og LaRouchePAC har påvist nødvendigheden af siden januar, blandt de fem statsoverhoveder, der alle har udtrykt deres respekt overfor Franklin Roosevelts økonomiske udviklingspolitik. Samarbejde i det ydre rum vil ”drive” teknologierne bag denne udvikling, og ikke tillade at supermagterne driver i retning af krig.

Schiller Institute International Conference, June 27, 2020
-Will Humanity Prosper, or Perish? –
The Future Demands a ‘Four-Power’ Summit Now
Panel 2: “Why a 1.5 Billion Productive Jobs Program Can End War, Famine, Poverty, and Disease”

Panel 2: “Why a 1.5 Billion Productive Jobs Program Can End War, Famine, Poverty, and Disease”

DENNIS SPEED: Good afternoon. Welcome to the second panel of the Schiller Institute’s June 27th conference “Will Humanity Prosper or Perish? The Future Demands a ‘Four Power’ Summit Now!” This is the second panel of our conference and it is entitled “The World Needs 1.5 Billion New Productive Jobs To End War, Famine, Poverty and Disease.”

Our first panelist is Jacques Cheminade, President of Solidarité et Progrès in France. He’s speaking on “How Food Production Can Unite the World.”

JACQUES CHEMINADE: Good day. I’m very honored to be with you today, because of all you have done until now, and mainly because of what we all are going to do after this Schiller conference.

Food production unites the world: We are all conscious of the fact that the two first human rights to be upheld, are to be fed and to be kept in a good healthy condition, in order to contribute to the common good and the future of our societies. If we look at the world as it is we cannot but recognize that these two human rights are continuously and constantly violated and that the present policies of the main states and institutions, with a few remarkable exceptions, are leading us towards a world which is going to be much worse, if we allow it. We are set to become inhuman.

The question is therefore not to comment any more about what is happening or to complain, but to do something about it. That’s why we are here, to mobilize the best of our cultures and our nations to generate a world where the true creative powers of humanity will prosper, against all odds. It starts by food production which unites all people beyond and above cultural and language barriers. It seems commonplace to say such things, but the fact that we are morally and economically compelled to do so is precisely the sign of the inhuman condition in which we have been plunged, with the immediate threat that 100 million of our fellow human beings could die from hunger — 300,000 a day — while the farmers are trapped into a Malthusian world where they literally can’t breathe.

If we start from what humanity needs, taking into account the requirements for an adequate quantity and quality diet, sufficiency for everyone and the indispensable need to create food reserves, we must first double our food production. To produce 5 billion tons of grain, for example, means to more than double the present world harvest.

We hear in the Unites States “We American farmers can feed the world” and it’s true. We hear in Europe, “We European farmers can feed the world,” and it’s true. And we hear in the rest of the world, “We also can secure our food security and sovereignty,” and it’s true.

So what is happening? What’s happening, which makes this potential to not be actualized.

First, the whole world is ruled by the financial dictatorship of Wall Street and the City of London, which cannot care less for people and, in fact, openly promote world depopulation. Unable, in their own terms, to keep their power and to feed the world at the same time, they prefer to keep their power and envisage a world populated with less than 2 billion human beings. Their policy is to kill, either by murderous action, or by voluntary neglect. They let their ideologues openly front for it, under black or green colors.

Second, the outgrowths of this financial dictatorship, i.e., the food and farming cartels, dominate or control all the chains of transportation, distribution and sales in foodstuffs, including the property of vast domains of land.

Third, an anti-productivist ideology is promoted among the urban sectors of the service economy, dominant in numbers among Western countries, betting on both their ignorance of what a productive life is (they don’t even know what a productive life is!), and on their cultural pessimism, induced by the media and the entertainment sectors. There were no stocks of masks or tests in our Western states to deal with the coronavirus pandemic, just as there are almost no grain reserves today to deal with food shortages: the World Trade Organization and the cartels left it up to the marketplace. As a result, China has one-year grain stocks for its needs, Russia six months, the United States much less, and the European Union at best 45 days! Under its Green Deal, the European Commission has decided to cut by 50% the use of pesticides, by 20% the use of fertilizers and by 50% the use of anti-microbials for livestock and aquaculture. It expects to transform 25% of the land into organic bioproduction against 7.5% today. The point here is that, under the guise of caring for us, they obey their real financial masters and cut the means of production without providing any alternative to feed us and feed the world.

It’s criminal not to maintain food reserves. It is criminal to have brought farming prices below the cost of production. It is criminal to have pitted the producers of the world against each other, to lower the prices paid to them for the benefit of the worldwide cartels in grains, meat, seeds, seafood…. It is criminal, that in the poorest countries of the world, 70% of the production is allowed to be lost because there are no cold chains and too many rodents. It is criminal to compel those countries to pay more for the debt service to financial agencies than for building and maintaining hospitals or schools . It is, as Lyndon LaRouche repeatedly said, the model of the private British East India Company spread all over the world, controlling the chains of production, transportation and trade.

So this crisis should be the opportunity to recognize the absolute right to produce food and to get rid of the cartel monopoly system. This, of course, cannot be done as a thing in itself. It demands the shutdown of their source of money supply: the Wall Street and City of London rule, the British Empire. The criminal policies in the area of food and health, are, in that sense, for the people of the world the visible side of the oligarchy’s iceberg and our main weapon to fight the oligarchy. To show the peoples of the world that to fight for a new Glass-Steagall Act, a public credit policy, a National Bank, is not a technical question but a very concrete matter of life or death. The present financial system cannot be maintained through the rule of an unjust law and order, which has mutated into a system of chaos and disorder, based on an “everything bubble” which kills all the more as it inflates.

Therefore we have to come back and rethink about how we can inspire a strategy based on the Four Laws of Lyndon LaRouche, because they represent the architectural, unifying body for a change. To put it more concretely, the only possible exit door from the present fire.

As I am in Western Europe, I feel obliged to tell you how something which had a good start, failed because its environment was not shaped by a coherent principle corresponding to the Four Laws of Lyndon LaRouche: I am talking about the European Common Agricultural Policy, launched on July 30, 1962. It was based on four goals: increasing productivity; securing a fair living standard for food producers; establishing a sort of parity price including reinvestment; securing the food supplies and a reasonable price for consumers. It worked for about 30 years, based on a self-sufficient single market, with a productive priority connected to industrial progress (modern tractors, fertilizers, pesticides…), plus financial solidarity and a European preference. The financial aid and support were given in the form of a minimum price guaranteed to the producer, called “indirect aid.” As a result, the Common Market members, as it was called in those days, became self-sufficient and Western Europe grew to be the second world exporter of foodstuffs. The farms grew moderately in size, and the whole agricultural sector underwent a period of relative prosperity, despite its in depth and fast transformation.

Today, we have all the European farmers desperately protesting, hostages to the banks and living on subsidies, having become indebted, working hard and gaining very little, with their sons and daughters abandoning their farms to go to the cities. What happened?

First, under the pressure of the global financial deregulation, the Common Agricultural Policy was changed in the 1990s, the same period characterized by de-industrialization, banking rule and deregulation, mainly in France, but also in all Western Europe. The indirect aid based on price guarantees disappeared and were replaced by so-called direct aid, proportional to the surface of the farms. This was done under the pressure of the World Trade Organization with the pretext of avoiding “price distortions.” As a result, within a context of falling purchasing power of foodstuffs, the aid, decoupled from production, went mainly to the big landowners such as the Queen of England, the Prince of Monaco and the Duke of Kent. The small and medium-sized farmers were strangled through price decreases and the fall of aid. Their only option was either to leave or to be further strangled by the banks, including the farmers’ bank, the Crédit Agricole, which became a bank like all the others and even worse to its old clients! The European Union budget for agriculture was reduced in purchasing power and has decreased in percentage of the total EU budget. Add to that the vulnerability of all producers to the system of floating exchange rates, the middle-sized or small ones sinking and the big ones becoming more like “experts” of the Chicago market than real farmers!

Today, the main talk is to replace the “direct” aid based on farm surfaces, by “environment and climate aid,” of which only the very big ones can benefit. This is a policy of desertification and agricultural depopulation within a context of a green world depopulation. Within this system, there are a few Scotch tape measures proposed, which are maybe relatively helpful but not of a nature to change the situation. For example, it is proposed that the distribution of aid be based not on the surface of farms, but on the number of persons active in them. Others call for stocks of food security against the instability of the markets, fair prices and measures to fight against world hunger. Good intentions, but nothing tackling the depth of the challenge.

Our commitment is precisely to do that, to go to the roots of the problem. The Common Agricultural Policy failed because it did not deal with its global environment. Same thing for parity prices in the United States. You cannot do it within a system which creates all the conditions to go in the opposite direction. Besides, even in its best years, the Common Agricultural Policy was mainly defensive, in French terms, a kind of a Maginot Line doomed to fail under flanking attacks or attacks from above. And whereas it temporarily solved the food crisis within Western Europe, it did nothing to organize markets and food stocks at the needed level of an alliance of world nations of world population.

Clearly, we have now with the Four Laws of Lyndon LaRouche, not as mantra, but as a roadmap for the fight, the means to break with the existing rules of the game, which was not done under the Common Agricultural Policy. But for that we need to inspire and put pressure on the peoples of the world so that they pressure their governments, as was said in the preceding panel. That is for each of us an issue of life or death. And it can only win with a winner mind, with a tenacious commitment renewed every morning.

For that reason, let me tell you about two things, as a conclusion.

First on the way through which we can inspire. There are LaRouche’s Four Laws as a reference to explore, facing their numerous challenges for real, in the existing world. There is their application in our recent two programs: Build a global health system now! LaRouche’s “Apollo mission” to defeat the global pandemic crisis, and I would add “and beyond” the global pandemic crisis, and LaRouche’s Plan to reopen the U.S. economy: the world needs 1.5 billion new, productive jobs. It is only through this anti-parochial organizing, based on a dynamic development, that we can inspire people who are today so submerged by information and permanently thrown into situations leading them to emotional cop-outs as we see on both sides of the Atlantic. It is through our personal example, based on a tenacious directionality every single day of our lives, that we can lead them to become free organizers.

Second, I would like to give you an example of that, directly linked to our subject matter: It is that of the Maisons Familiales Rurales (Rural Family Houses), a project created by Abbot Granereau, a French countryside priest who introduced a new way of learning in the rural areas of France and beyond. There are now 432 of these MFR rural houses in Europe, 112 in Latin America, 118 in Africa (Mauritania, Democratic Republic of Congo, Guinea…) and in the Indian Ocean and a few in Asia. In France this education is run in association with the state and the local governments, but with absolute emphasis put on the involvement of the families.

Abbot Granereau was the son of a peasant family, who at a very early age questioned both the Napoleonic, pyramidal organizing of the French education system and the fact that the public education system led the best sons of the farmers to quit farming, leave the countryside and often break with their traditionally-oriented families. He decided to solve the problem by launching a new system of his own, that the families could afford and that he called on “Our Lady of the Social Revolution” for inspiration. His idea was to have the high-school age students reside one week every month at an educational home for professional training, which he provided; he went around, buying places to have the students spend a week there, which he provided, not far from their homes and run jointly with the families and later with the teachers. The program ran from November to April, so that the parents could have their children the rest of the time to work at the farm. The education was to be paid by the parents and the status of the students was one of apprenticeship. During the three other weeks of the month, the students were provided with two hours of homework every day. The key to its success was the associative responsibility of the families family integration, and also the students educating their families; this concept of family integration which would be very useful today; the respect of the individual personality of every student, not as units but as persons; and the promotion of actions of social development: visits to farms, producing modern tools, tractors or fertilizers.

Granereau started in 1935 with three farmers, committed to support his project and four apprentices. And he managed in about 30 years to change the fate of the rural world and avoid, at the time, its debasement.

The secret behind his method was to be very rigorous and at the same time to make the students responsible. For every activity one of them was appointed to be responsible for all the others. His commitment was to give to all a good level of education, giving back their dignity to his brother farmers, a knowledge of the new methods of production within an education for their souls. For him, a good farmer had to be what he called “a scientist of the land.” When enough pupils and students came, he separated the functions of teaching, under a good and committed teacher from the Purpan high-level school of agriculture in Toulouse, from those of guidance, which was his full-time responsibility. Granereau wanted to create “peasant leaders” to enter the coming new world with Christian principles. He invented “in his way,” an active method based on exploration, cooperation, participation and mutual trust. He himself did change during all his life: he created a section for young women and girls, then organized a mixed-gender school, carefully promoting a mutual respect of the two sexes; and finally opened up his schools to all families, understanding that the notion of family and mutual respect was key and above religious affiliations. A lot of people were shocked, but he was delighted.

I am convinced that such an approach, based on the respect of every individual mind and the service to the other, should be thoughtfully considered as an inspiration to our methods of teaching today, those against which Lyndon LaRouche has so often polemicized. Not to copy it as such, of course, but to follow its spirit of exploration and creativity. In the countries with a longstanding family farming culture, like in Africa, it would be a model to ensure the transition of agricultural labor, as it has been in France.

The case of Granereau is also a good reference for how to change things. We should ourselves think much more about what Lyndon LaRouche did at the beginning: gathering a few persons in a pilot project addressing not academic questions but, from top down, the key challenges of our times, and sending memos and launching debates all the time. Then you have the best kind of excitement of actually discussing and enriching a program, all the time, and even the higher excitement to make it exist. Let’s do it.

Thank you.

SPEED: Thank you, Jacques.

We’re now going to hear from Diogène Senny, the founder of the Pan-African League — UMOJA. He is a Professor of International Intercultural Management, specialist in economic intelligence and international economic relations, Founder of the African School of Management (EAM) in Congo.

He’s speaking on the topic, “Prosper or Perish: An Introduction to the Geopolitics of Hunger and Poverty”

DIOGÈNE SENNY: Dear Speakers, Dear Participants, Dear Guests, First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to the Schiller Institute for having associated me with this discussion at this very special time.

I. Introduction

Ladies and Gentlemen, far from the one-off event, the circumstances in which this conference takes place make of it an Historical Moment, because the enormous health, economic and social consequences connected to COVID-19, are like “Challenges” and “Confrontations” launched against societies and men in the sense of the British historian, Arnold Toynbee.

For once, we are going to connect the issues of Hunger, Poverty and Health with History; not only in a memorial function, but also and above all to view history as the most powerful manifestation of social energy and the will of man to survive.

STORICISMO, in other words Historicism, as the Italians would say, is the act by which one creates one’s own action, one’s own thought, one’s own poetry by moving from the present consciousness of the past. We know that at least 13 billion people, twice the world’s population today, could be fed by the world’s agriculture. Therefore, the destruction of tens of millions of women, men and children by hunger is unworthy of such a rich century! Can we seriously consider alternatives to Hunger, Poverty and Health while maintaining a historical amnesia on matters of the economic and social rights of peoples?

II. Fight against Amnesia

Ladies and Gentlemen, who remembers that a third of the civilian and military deaths of the Second World War were due to malnutrition, tuberculosis and anemia? Who remembers the heaps of coffins have piled up in the churches of Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague because of hunger? And especially in Poland and Norway, the fact that some families survived by eating rats and bark of trees? 1947, two years after this appalling reality, who recalls still this attack by the ambassador of Great Britain, while working with the Commission responsible for drawing up the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, I quote: “We want free men, not well-fed slaves!” End of quote. Who recalls the direct response of his Ukrainian counterpart, I quote: “Even free men can starve to death,” end of quote? This exchange illustrates the beginning of a new geopolitical order, that is to say, the Cold War, and the defeat of the recognition of economic and social rights in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of December 10, 1948.

However, how to believe that the civil and political rights can be effective, without the economic and social rights? It took 45 years, almost half a century, in June 1993 for the UN to adopt a new Declaration in Vienna, making all rights (civic, political, economic, social and cultural) indivisible and interdependent. Alas, what wasted time !

III. The Disappointments of the End of the Cold War

Ladies and Gentlemen, The hope raised by the end of the cold war in terms of economic and social rights was very quickly lost because of the fact that the planetary power of transcontinental agro-industrial companies and Hedge Funds, these funds that speculate on food prices, arable land, seeds, fertilizers, credits, etc., is significantly higher than that of states. Hunger is not inevitable, it comes from organized crime. 90% of peasants in the south, in the 21st century, only have the following working tools: hoe, machete and scythe. FAO reports in the 2010s indicate that 500 million farmers in the South have no access to selected seeds, mineral fertilizers, or manure, and do not own animals. The overwhelming majority of farmers in India, Peru, Burkina Faso, Niger, Ecuador, etc. have no irrigation system. How can you be surprised then that 1 hectare of cereals gives about 700 kilograms to Africans, against 10,000 kilograms for the same space for their colleagues from the Gironde in France. As we have already said, Hunger is not inevitable. It is the result of the will of a few. And it is by the determination of men that she will be defeated.

Some examples to illustrate predation situations by multinationals of the agro-industry in Africa:

In Cameroon: In 2006, we remember the admirable struggle lead by the Development Committee of the N’do region, which brought together farmers’ unions and civil society in the fight against the grabbing of 11,000 arable lands by SOSUCAM (Société Sucrière du Cameroun) , authorized by the Cameroonian government. It should be noted that SOSUCAM is the property of Alexandre Vilgrain, a French industrialist and that this company had already acquired 10,000 hectares in Cameroon in 1965. Here, the colonial continuum is still in full swing in the economic field.

In Senegal: Here it was the Great Senegalese estates (GDS), belonging to French, Spanish, Moroccan, etc. financial groups which acquired tens of thousands of arable land in Saint-Louis, depriving the peasants of necessary spaces for basic crops. As in Cameroon, the farmers of Walo reduced to modest harvests on only 1 hectare of rice, organize themselves to resist with much dignity. In Nigeria, Benin and Mali: International hedge funds also rely on local oligarchs to organize land grabs.

This is how the wealthy merchants of Sokoto and Kano got hold of tens of thousands of hectares of food land.

In Benin, it is the political and economic barons who accumulate hectares, voluntarily left fallow, while waiting to resell them for a higher price instead of investing in the region of Zou, the former breadbasket of Benin’s Wheat.

Finally, we note the same trading mechanism in Mali where wealthy businessmen from Bamako are used to acquire arable land at low prices for resale at gold prices to Saudi princes or Hedge New York Funds.

In Conclusion

Ladies and Gentlemen, The ruin of the economy and the disasters that are looming following the coronavirus pandemic are part of what is known as Cyclical Hunger. Its peculiarity lies in the suddenness and unpredictability of the highly visible damage generated. Its spectacular nature should not blind us to these real causes. However, what has been described throughout this intervention is structural hunger. Structural hunger has root causes. It is permanent and unspectacular, psychically and physically destroying millions of human beings. Structural Hunger exposes millions of malnourished mothers to give birth to deficient children.

Ladies and Gentlemen, We will precede the alternative presented by this conference “Prosper or Perish,” by the word Unity. Because, for us pan-Africanists, the question of Hunger is less about Food Security than Food Sovereignty. Only Political Unity will give us the weapons necessary to protect the immense resource of arable land all over the African continent. It is at this price that Food Sovereignty will be guaranteed to all Africans!

Umoja Ni Nguvu, Thank you.

SPEED: Thank you very much, particularly for that idea about food sovereignty. So people just know, we were listening to a translation from French.

We’re going next to Walter Formento, Director, Center for Political and Economic Research, Argentina. His topic is, “South America on the New Multipolar Road.”

WALTER FORMENTO: Good Afternoon: My name is Walter Formento. I’m the director of the Center for Political and Economic Research (CIEPE), and also a member of the Latin American Social Sciences Network, which is involved in all five continents.

It means a lot to us to be part of this conference, and we hope we can contribute to the dialogue that is beginning here.

In terms of the development and contributions of the New Silk Road and the World Land-Bridge which connects us all, we believe that South America—extending from Mexico to Argentina-Brazil, going through Colombia-Venezuela, Peru-Bolivia and Paraguay—has in its Hispano-American and South American history, a real and concrete accumulation of capabilities for building sovereignty, strategic industries, science and technology—both to contribute and to receive. This stems from each one of these nations individually and then, from an organized pluri-national, South American community, based on their common Hispano-American origins, but even more specifically, on the 2001-2015 period based on UNASUR (the Union of South American Nations), and CELAC (the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States).

Looking first from Argentina: This South American nation launched the development of its strategic industries from the very moment of its battle against the British invasions of 1805-1807. At the beginning of the 20th century, the process continued with the development of its oil-related energy industries and hydroelectric projects, always interacting with the international context and receiving feedback from that framework.

From the Great Depression which was caused by the systemic crisis of 1929-1944, Argentina, together with Chile and Brazil—the ABC Alliance—deepened the process of sovereign development, strengthening their rail, maritime and river transportation as well as automobile and aircraft industries, which then became the basis for the development of their aerospace and submarine industries. While these industries maintained international ties, they always collaborated with each other, which allowed for their own joint scientific and technological development, This was once again a function of an international context favorable to South America, and particularly to Argentina, Brazil and Chile.

In the Argentine case, beginning in 1946, this positive process led to the creation, between 1963 and 1991, of a state-run, public-private industrial, technological and scientific matrix, in which 80% of the goods and services and parts required for national development were produced in our internal market. This also consolidated a social reality in which 90% of the labor forcé was formally employed, with a strong university-educated, technical-professional component, and in which the unemployed labor force was also formally recognized as well. So, from the standpoint of values, this was an integrated and committed social reality.

That is why South America (or Hispano-America), based on its own experience, recognizes the importance of developing a national strategic-industrial-technological complex, but also a South American community of nations as well.

The war and defeat which the London and New York-based Anglo-Dutch oligarchy imposed on Argentina and on South America, and did so with a vengeance, beginning with the 1976 coup d’état in Argentina, followed by the 1982-1991 Malvinas War period, put an end to this virtuous cycle and launched a cycle of decadence enforced by global financial neoliberalism.

Thus today, when we reflect on the New Silk Road and new multipolar financial system, and in that context the World Land-Bridge and its empowering the productive abilities of humanity and nature, including the Dialogue of Civilizations, we see this as auspicious and hopeful. We are called on to commit ourselves, to contribute to and transmit those initiatives promoting aerospace, transportation and new energy technologies.

In some ways, we’re already part of this. There’s the [bioceanic] rail transportation corridor from Brazil, traversing Bolivia and ending in Peru. We’re also involved in the modernization of a rail line, which extends from Buenos Aires (with its factories and workshops for maintenance of machinery and railroad cars), from the province of Santa Fe to Córdoba, Chaco, Salta and Jujuy in the north, then connecting to the main trunk line. In a joint effort, with Russia supplying components and new technologies together with Argentina, we are building a modern new railroad system capable of developing this area even further. We are also developing nuclear reactors, using Chinese and Argentine technology, as well as new hydroelectric projects in the southern Patagonia, close to Antarctica and the islands of the South Atlantic, with their natural interoceanic route that connects the three great oceans: the Indian, Pacific and Atlantic.

After 2008-2010, into 2014, the financial crisis of 2008-2009 again paralyzed the world, which revolved around speculative financial earnings.

But today there is another world, the multipolar world seen in the World Land-Bridge, the world of the New Silk Road, committed to interacting with all continents, and with all nations for a peaceful, harmonious development integrated into a new reality for all humanity—and for nature. We are a committed part of this process; we see ourselves as committed—in thought, in practice and in action—committed through our entire history.

This is our first contribution to these conferences you have been holding, and connecting us to the five continents and with the actors who are the great historical power— in this new commitment to humanity and nature in terms of social and integral inclusion.

I send you a warm abrazo and hope to be able to contribute further to answer any questions you may have. Thank you.

SPEED: Thank you very much, Dr. Formento.

We have gone from Europe, to Africa, to South America, and now we go to the Caribbean. Dr. Kirk Meighoo, political economist, broadcaster, and former Senator, Trinidad and Tobago: “The Caribbean’s True Importance in the Making and Re-Making of the Modern Global Economy”

KIRK MEIGHOO: Hi. My name is Dr. Kirk Meighoo, I’m a political economist, broadcaster, and former Senator from Trinidad and Tobago in the Caribbean. It’s a real pleasure to be here, to be part of this conference, with the Schiller Institute and I thank the organizers for inviting me.

I’ve been friendly with the LaRouche movement and the Schiller Institute for a number of years now. There are so many things that we share in common, and there’s a lot of projects that I want us to collaborate on, and this certainly is one them.

Now, I’m also a member of the official opposition party. We do have an election coming up this year, and we hope to take government. The platform, the manifesto of our party — and this is from before the COVID crisis — was to create 50,000 new jobs in the economy. And in our small economy, we have 1.3 million people in our island, and the labor force is about 650,000, so 50,000 was a big number. However, with the COVID-19 lockdowns and what it’s done to our economies and the whole global economy, we need to increase that number, at least to 150,000 and by combining it with this program from the LaRouche movement for 1.5 billion productive jobs around the world, there is an incredible synergy that we must take advantage of.

Now, one of the things that I’m always concerned about, is that we small states in the Caribbean, we are actually one of the bigger islands, with over a million population; like Jamaica has 2 million, a little over 2; many of the other islands are much, much smaller; there’s a tendency for us to be overlooked, for us to be forgotten in such schemes, and that is part of our lack of development here. But it is not just a matter of a lack of development, it’s also the type of development we’ve been undergoing.

I’m also part of a tradition of intellectuals here, started in the 1960s, soon after our formal independence, called the “New World Group.” And it’s incredible, the overlap with the LaRouche movement in terms of our analysis and our goals and our solutions. I have always found that to be an amazing thing, and it’s just another illustration on how the truth is one, and we can all arrive at the same truth from our very different points in time, space, and circumstance, and this is certainly one of those instances.

For the Caribbean, the point I’m making about the inclusion of the Caribbean in this global program that the Schiller Institute and the LaRouche movement is proposing, is not just a matter of charity. Because what the LaRouche movement is proposing is an end to the trans-Atlantic system, what might traditionally be called “imperialism,” to the imperial system, to the post-Columbus system, if you want to put it in those terms, and that is precisely what we have been calling for, for decades ourselves. Because, you see, the Caribbean has a special place in this 500-year modern world economic system, that we need to understand, because our participation in it was central. The Caribbean was where the modern world began: It’s where Columbus came in this voyage, it’s where the first global production of sugar, rum, alcohol, etc., which enriched New York, Boston, the East Coast of the United States, fed into the industrial revolution. The organizing of these huge plantations in the Caribbean was a forerunner to industrial capitalism in Europe, and our great intellectuals, such as Dr. Eric Williams, our first Prime Minister spoke about that in his seminal book from 1944, Capitalism and Slavery.

So, we’ve had a long experience, analyzing this, our own experiences. Because we represent the dark side of this modernity. Of course, modernity has brought a lot of good to the world. But in the Caribbean, this type of economy now has become, let’s say since the 1980s and ’90s, the neo-liberal system, but it really starts from the system of slavery in the Caribbean. Because, think about it: These economies were founded on slave labor, which is imported farm labor at cheap or free cost. It decimated local economies. We made nothing for ourselves here. Everything was around sugar production, mainly; sometimes some other people had other crops, but whatever the early English colonists had here for their own self-development — tobacco, food crops, etc.—local settlements, colonies in the true sense of the word, where you’re making your own settlement elsewhere — part of this imperial system that the Caribbean was central to, and this global sugar production, the triangular trade where we were central — this is actually what’s going on in the rest of the world. Because when they established it here, they had to gut out the independent farmers; they had to buy out all the independent landowners, so that the big sugar interests could own all the land, control all the production, in a global system of raw-materials export, where the value added would be done elsewhere, and you break up the whole chain of production.

What did that mean? That meant no manufacturing here. What did that mean? That meant that we were connected to the metropole, rather than to ourselves. So, for example, it’s easier for us in Trinidad to go to New York, and it’s cheaper for us to fly there, than it is to a neighboring island, like Curaçao, or even Antigua, or St. Kitts. Because our communications and infrastructure were always to the metropole. We did not have an internal economy with manufacturing: We did not make our own clothes, we did not make our own food, we did not make our own basic commodities and services for survival. They were all imported. We were a pure import/export economy and we remain so, whether it be in tourism or offshore banking, or oil and gas, like we have in Trinidad and Tobago.

So we’re been struggling with this issue and problem for a very long time. We have some great insight into it, which we can offer the world. And what we see is that this same process is happening around the world, to other countries. So it’s as if they took this early model, pioneered in the Caribbean, which produced tremendous inequality, tremendous misery, tremendous underdevelopment, this is what the trans-Atlantic system is projecting to every country in the world.

Now, solving the problems here will help us solve the problems for the rest of the world. This is where it started. We pose some challenges because of our size, but there are also some opportunities. Our small societies in the Caribbean are like the small city-states of ancient Greece, where Plato and Aristotle and the great philosophers flourished. It’s like the Florentine city-states: These places were 40,000 people at their maximum population. We live in human-scale societies, and these massive, mega-cities which are part of the whole trans-Atlantic system, mainly financial centers processing these huge, global, faceless corporations, those are inhuman environments. And I think it is not coincidental, that much of the violence that we’re seeing in the world is happening in these big cities, where there’s so much anomy, so much alienation, and a lack of humanity, of the face-to-face societies that we have here in the Caribbean, that have produced such amazing creativity, such amazing thinkers, like V.S. Naipaul, like Sir Arthur Lewis, like Derek Walcott, like C.L.R. James, from such tiny, tiny, small islands.

So, this is a plea, a reminder, to think of how we can take our outlying territories, which seem like outliers are the world system, but were essential for the development of the modern world system, and I daresay, we can play an essential part in the remaking of that world system to a more humane, global system.

I want to thank you for the opportunity to make our presentation. I look forward to questions and to interacting with you and also partnering in the future.

Thanks very much.

[Editor’s note: For time reasons, the prerecorded remarks of Mark Sweazy, former UAW trade union leader, were unable to be aired in the panel. We include here his complete remarks, on “Returning the U.S. Work Force to a Culture of Scientific Progress.”]

MARK SWEAZY: Hello, and welcome! My name is Mark Sweazy. I’m the Past President of Local 969 in Columbus, Ohio of the United Auto Workers’ Union. I learned a lot about the Labor Department and how labor works in the United States. With the international union, I chaired for six years the meeting of the 21 Delphi [auto parts] plants in Detroit. When we come together obviously we discussed our problems and the future. What we saw was, the door was shut on our future. 17 of those 21 plants closed. It changed people’s lives forever and ever. I also learned that our history, that you’ve heard some about, teaches us that the struggles and the conflicts and the wars have consequences that become a negative and seldom produce a positive or good result. So, we faced these things over a period of time.

What we face today is the need to put people back to work, regardless of where you live or what you do. We need to get people gainfully employed in the workforce so that we can make better lives for the people themselves, better lives for their families, and better lives for the area in which they live. So, this is a worldwide situation; it’s not just one locale, or one area of a country. This is worldwide. I hope you understand that little bit of an entry, because it’s important. This affects each and every one of us. If we have pride, we want to restore — let’s say we want to restore a great workforce as infrastructure projects have produced in the past. We’re looking to put people back to work regardless of occupation. You can start one place, and transfer to another. There’s nothing that says in the workforce that you have to continue to do something that you’re not fond of, or you just don’t like that job. You can always retrain and become trained to do another job. So, keep that in mind also.

What rewards do we expect? Our rewards in life are in direct proportion as to what we contribute. So, if we contribute something to life itself, we’re going to see the rewards. That’s important to me, because there’s nothing more rewarding than seeing a person who enjoys what they’re doing, and the fact that what they’re doing is productive to our culture. There’s nothing worse than seeing people that don’t have opportunities. As I visited Mexico, Mexico City, Monterrey, what have you, 9 cities in Mexico, I saw people who were educated, become college graduates. But the opportunity to work was not there, and it broke my heart because I’d look into the eyes of these graduating classes, and I’m saying to them, “Are you happy?” And they’d look at me, and they’re questioning — why would I ask them are they happy? Well, there’s no opportunities to work in Mexico; it’s a darn shame. Very few. They’ve got taxicab drivers that should be an attorney. You’ve got taxicab drivers who could have been an engineer. You’ve got taxicab drivers that could’ve been a doctor. I can’t imagine that. In the country I come from, the United States obviously, I can’t imagine somebody going to school and having that type of training, but not having the opportunity to use that training.

So, this is an opportunity to get worldwide training. Not just in the labor fields, but completely through skilled trades, machine tool trades, tech center trades, the building trades — of course, that’s plumbing, pipe-fitting, welding. There’s no end to what this can offer. And how the unions will actually gain, and all the independents who work without unions will gain as well. But who will gain in the end? The communities and the families. The opportunity is there; we just got to look for it. We’ve got to honestly make it happen. This is not a project that’s going to last one year, six months, one or two years. We’re talking 10-20-year projects.

So, LaRouche organization has lined up projects all over the world. And of course, now Helga’s at the helm, and we have a good leader. We want to continue to carry on with that leadership and get people to work so we have viable jobs. People doing what they can for their own families, and possibly in a few years we’ll see these results. And everybody will benefit. The unions will benefit, the independents will benefit, everybody will benefit on that spectrum. It’s a great opportunity for those that need to be employed, and that’s anybody that’s graduating from a high school or tech school or what-have-you. But take it from there. We’ve got people 30, 40, 50 years old looking for jobs. Everybody knows that; it’s not a secret. And not only in this country. So, the benefits are greater than we’ll ever imagine, and what an opportunity we’ve got today to do it in.

Our world deserves today, tomorrow, and in the future, an immediate effort to develop this program, or this type of program. So, the opportunity is ours; the hard work is yet to happen, but it can be done. And that’s what I want everybody to understand. The work can be done. The infrastructure projects are in front of us. So, let’s pick up our shovels, push out our chairs, let’s get up and go back to work. I think we’ll not only enjoy a better life, but I think we’ll enjoy a better future for our nations, as we work together to solve some of these worldwide problems that can be solved through cooperation. To me, I think that’s the real answer that I would have, is worldwide cooperation. We need that today, more than ever. Working together, forming solidarity, and hoping that we can stay employed because of what took place. This program was the beginning. As we look back, we’ll say, “Well, I was part of that in the beginning.” That’s to me the most rewarding aspect that we could ever say for each of our nations today.

So, with that, I’m not going to hold you to your chairs and hope that you take heed to this, but I pray you will. Because it’s necessary and needed. I want to thank you, take care, and remember, the LaRouche organization is there for you. All you have to do is ask the question; they’ll get you an answer. Thank you. Mark Sweazy over and out.

SPEED: Thank you, also.

Now, we’re going to hear from Bob Baker, who’s the agricultural desk for Schiller Institute, and he’s going to be introducing the next video which is by Mike Callicrate.

BOB BAKER: Thank you, Dennis, and thank you Schiller Institute, Mrs. LaRouche, panelists and participants throughout the world.

Image 1. Coronavirus

Look at the state of farming and food in the world, and you see huge disruptions. Just one little microbe—the new corona virus, coming on top of the system already in breakdown, has led to terrible things.

There is a disaster in the meat industry. The mega-global, cartelized packing houses from Australia to Germany to the Americas, are in a breakdown crisis, as workers are sick and living in poor conditions. Masses of meat animals are stranded. And the farmers were hit hard as they’re forced to kill their own livestock.

IMAGE: 2, 3, 4 Doctors Without Borders, or a migrant worker

There is a disaster in fruits and vegetables. Thousands of workers, who travel between countries, and work in hard and poor conditions in fields and orchards, are sick, from California, to Spain and the Middle East. It’s so bad, Doctors Without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières) went into Florida last month, to care for thousands of poor farmworkers who had nowhere to turn. In Canada, 60,000 such workers—one-half of them from Mexico—are getting hit, and with the sickness hitting so many Mexican workers in Canada, Mexico’s government suspended travel this week, until something can be worked out.

There is a disaster in the staff of life—wheat, corn, rice. It is—fortunately—not because of a bad crop failure somewhere, except for the locusts in Africa and South Asia, but because we are growing far too little grain. Period.

Lyndon LaRouche would say that the way to think of how much food the world needs, is to start from 24 bushels of total grains per person a year. What that would mean is, we should be having a world harvest of 5 billion tons of all kinds of grains together. Currently, the world is growing less than 3 billion tons. And that would mean enough for direct eating as bread, noodles, tortillas—whatever you like, and milk, meat, eggs and so on. Plus, another 25% for reserves, which now, because of the World Trade Organization, does not exist.

In Biblical terms, it’s seven lean years and seven fat years. We should have strategic storage reserves, we should have silos and warehouses all over the world, of grain, cheese, butter, sugar and other basics. Stockpiles in case of storms, epidemics, fires, locusts. We must double food production.

IMAGE 5: World Map of Hunger

Instead, we’ve had decades of what should be called a “famine policy.” The City of London/Wall Street circles have cartelized the farm-food chain so extremely, so they can “harvest money.” Yes: harvest money. They decide where and how anything is produced, and who gets to eat or not. They ripped off the farmers with below-cost of production prices and make record profits from the consumer by jacking up the retail price. And that is how you cause hunger for millions throughout the world.

IMAGE 6 & 7: June map of locust spread

No wonder we are vulnerable to locusts, and diseases. The locusts in South Asia and East Africa are now heading westward. By August they may reach Mauritania. This must be stopped. A fellow speaker today, from Kansas-Colorado area, will be talking more about the physical conditions connected with just “harvesting money” instead of food. And we will soon hear from the Mexican grain belt.

IMAGE 8, 9, 10: Astronaut farmer

How did we get this way? It is not because we had no alternatives.. We are in the age of the astronaut farmer. We can produce food for all. And it wasn’t like we were all given a pill to make us dumb—except that comes from the entertainment and news media: communication monopolies.

We are all played off against each other, and that must stop. Farmer vs. city people. Nation vs. nation. There is all the talk about “competition” in world food trade. And about having a “level playing field.” It’s all Bunk! It’s not a game. It’s not a playing field. It’s food. It’s the means to life! And farmers are on the streets again in Germany with tractorcades for the right to grow food!

In conclusion, I think of President Abraham Lincoln in the 1860s, when the whole United States nation was played off against each other. In fact, the British sent in forces to help bust up the new nation. Still, during Civil War and a great depression, in only a year, Lincoln and others implemented measures for science and hope. They created science-based farm colleges (the Land-Grant system), settle the entire Midwest with the Homestead Act, crossed the country with a new railroad and corridors of development, and issued a new credit called the Greenbacks.

In this same tradition, a hundred years later, with the help of the two fathers of the scientific Green Revolution, Henry Wallace and Norman Borlaug, a scientific Green Revolution spread from Mexico and the U.S. among international scientists, to make India food self-sufficient in 1974, and China self-sufficient in 1984. Let’s make the whole world self-sufficient in food! Let us begin with Africa right now on an emergency basis; and then, open up the universe!

Thank You.

I’d like to now take this opportunity to introduce Mike Callicrate, who is a board member of the Organization for Competitive Markets, a rancher, and a meat producer from the Kansas-Colorado area. His topic is “Food Unites People Around the Planet.”

MICHAEL CALLICRATE: I’m Mike Callicrate, I’m in Colorado Springs, Colorado. I have a company called Ranch Foods Direct. I also produce livestock on my operation in northwest Kansas, which I’ve done for the last 45 years. But my focus has really been to try to build an alternative food system to the industrial one that we have now.

When I’m asked the question, “Prosper or perish?” it makes me think of David Montgomery’s book Dirt. In his book, David Montgomery talks about the erosion of civilizations and the importance of soil. Without soil, we basically don’t have life. So, I’m going to kind of come at this question of “Will humanity prosperity or perish?” from that perspective, because I think soil is critical to our survival as human beings. The impoverishment and nourishment of a civilization is directly with the consolidation and industrialization of the food supply. Concentration of power and wealth is the greatest threat to any free society. Rather than creating new wealth from healthy soil, the current system is mining and destroying our land for the short-term benefit of a few global corporations. This is a photograph from northwest Kansas where I live. This photograph was taken in December 24, 2013, Christmas Eve. The dirt cloud extended 200 miles from Colorado Springs to the Kansas border. It was 12,500 feet high above sea level to the top; 4 miles across, moving at 50 miles per hour. This is soil; this is the blowing away, the destruction of civilization currently. Much of eastern Colorado’s topsoil is already gone. I fly back and forth between my rural community of St. Francis, Kansas and the urban center of Colorado Springs, where we market our meats that we produce. This is what you see across the eastern plains of Colorado, is the mining of these soils. The withering away of that topsoil. Previously, when it had fertility, it grew healthy plants that fed livestock, which in turn became food for human consumption.

We’re mining our water resources. HBO’s “Vice” did a documentary called “Meat Hook; End of Water” that talked about the global water supply being consumed and used up. This is another indication that humanity is going to perish if we don’t change our ways. We’re pumping the precious fossil water from the Ogallala Aquifer, just to name one of many around the world that is being pumped dry for the benefit of industrial agriculture. Again, an example of a mining operation.

We’re ravaging the environment; we’re building factory farms in low-lying areas. These low-lying areas on the East Coast of North Carolina, South Carolina, places where there’s a lot of rainfall. We’re locating these facilities in low-lying areas because it’s the cheap land. It’s also the place where the cheapest workforce resides. So, this is exploitation of the environment, of the workers. Think about being an animal in one of these facilities, inside one of these barns. Again, in Hurricane Florence, we flooded the factory farm facilities, and rather than let these animals out, they sort of learned their lesson. They kept the animals in the barn, where they starved and consumed one another before they died. This is the earlier Hurricane Floyd, where they let the animals out, and so we’ve got a total disregard of animals, which is another indication of a failing system in a failing society. St. Francis of Assisi said, “If you have men who will exclude any of God’s creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who will deal likewise with their fellow men.” Which is certainly what we’re seeing today.

“This global cartel, controlled food system rather than nourish the people who sustain it, consumes them. The result is a food system that concentrates money and power at the top, and poverty at the bottom, while compromising food access, quality, and safety in the process.” That’s a quote from Albert Krebs, Agribusiness Examiner.

With the help of the U.S. government, global gangsters have turned our agriculture into a massive agribusiness mining operation. Meet felons Wesley and Joesely Batista of JBS, who have been in prison, and have recently because they’re considered essential, been invited back to run the biggest meat company in the world — JBS. JBS is headquartered in Greeley, Colorado, and has been part of the four big meatpackers now under investigation for lowering prices to livestock producers at the same time they’re raising prices to consumers. These men should not be involved in anything to do with a critical industry, especially food; but our government allows them to operate.

Allan Savory I thought put it well. He said, “We have more to fear from USDA than any foreign power.” USDA refuses to enforce the Packers and Stockyard Act, which would have prevented the shared monopoly that the Batista brothers hold with Tyson, Cargill, and Marfrig (another Brazilian company). USDA makes life for small plants extremely difficult; making it impossible for them to operate, and giving the advantage to the biggest meat plants who have now failed us in this COVID-19 outbreak.

The industrial food system did fail the COVID-19 test. It has no resiliency. It has extracted, it does not create and build well, it extracts well. It destroys our very mechanisms that we create wealth from; that is, the soil. On the left, you see my store in Colorado Springs, on the same day — March 13, 2020 — on the right is the big box stores in Colorado Springs. Shelves were completely empty; no meat was available. Yet in my store on the left, which is about a 200-mile supply chain from St. Francis, Kansas to Colorado Springs, Colorado, you see full shelves. So far, our supply chain has held up well. We don’t stack employees on top of each other; we remain healthy in our operation.

So, let’s look at what I think we ought to be doing. I think we ought to be returning to a regenerative farming and ranching operation. One that’s made sustainable because it’s supported by consumers who care about the soil, who care about communities and people and the environment in general. So, I’ve set up what I call the Callicrate Cattle Company Regenerative Farming and Ranching concept, where basically it’s a circular economy, not a linear economy that extracts. It’s a circular economy that puts back into the soil, into the community, into the people. So, we start with the soil, and we return to the soil. Critical to this concept working is our ability to access a marketplace that demands what we produce.

“The soil is the great connector of lives; the source and destination of all. It is the healer and restorer and resurrector by which disease passes into health, age into youth, death into life. Without proper care for it, we can have no community, because without proper care for it, we can have no life” (Wendell Berry, The Unsettling of America: Culture and Agriculture).

Creating community around local food will be essential in supporting this new regenerative approach to agriculture and food systems, where family farmers, ranchers, and small businesses can prosper, and consumers can have access to safe, dependable, and healthy food. Thank you.

SPEED: Thank you. Our final presentation today is by Alicia Díaz Brown, of the Citizens Movement for Water, Sonora, Mexico. We’re going to play an excerpt of this, because of time constraints. Her presentation is,

“Let Us Return to the Best Moments of the U.S.-Mexico Relationship.”

ALICIA DÍAZ BROWN: Let’s turn to the best moments in the U.S.-Mexico relationship. We thank the Schiller Institute and its President Helga Zepp-LaRouche for kindly giving us the opportunity to participate in this international gathering, in which special importance is given to the problem of food production. In every civilizational crisis the threat of hunger, epidemics and war appears. That is why we agree with the title which headlines this meeting: Will humanity prosper, or perish?

My name is Alicia Díaz Brown and I live in the Yaqui Valley in the south of the state of Sonora in Mexico. I belong to a family of agricultural producers, pioneers in this valley, and I am a member of the Yaqui Agricultural Credit Union and of the Citizens Movement for Water.

For many years, I have been involved in the discussion of problems related to the production of basic grains; but in the last decade I’ve been more intensely involved, because the public policies in Mexico have grown in their disregard of the countryside, to the point of proposing to take water from this region to divert it towards activities which they consider more profitable monetarily, even though that means reducing the land under cultivation and with it the production of food. They don’t care about harming a region that produces 50% of the nation’s wheat production, as well as a significant percentage of its corn production.

I recently saw a photograph that captures a very evocative moment of historical intimacy and common purposes that Mexico and the United States shared in the noble task of producing food to relieve hunger in the world. The picture takes us back to the decade of the 1940s, and the photo shows the then Vice President of the United States Henry Wallace touring a wheat crop in the Texcoco region of Mexico, and receiving a technical explanation from Dr. Norman Borlaug. accompanied by Mexico’s Secretary of Agriculture and ex-President Lázaro Cárdenas. The government of President Ávila Camacho was just underway.

That was a time in which Mexico and the United States enjoyed governments with sufficient social strength to enforce the principle of the general welfare. Those efforts culminated with the Green Revolution, whose improvements in seed genetics made it possible for there to be substantial increases in yields per acre, principally of wheat and corn. The entire world benefited from this; the hunger of hundreds of millions of human beings was relieved for a time, and it turned out to be a fundamental experiment which demolished the Malthusian and anti-population theories which accept hunger and its aftermath of death as a matter of fate.

The Yaqui Valley in Sonora and the Texcoco region in the State of Mexico were experimental centers, in which Borlaug shared with Mexican researchers and producers his own research, his discoveries, but above all his human conviction that, with the systematic use of science, you can constantly maintain growth of production and combat the blights and fungus that damages plants. They proved that hunger is not an inexorable evil, but rather the result of twisted practices in economic and marketing criteria.

So Mexico and the United States share the prize that, at one point in history, we were able to relieve hunger in the world, because this knowledge was taken to India and to the countries most affected by hunger on the African continent.

But we lost that mission, and the production of food, as with other strategic areas of our economies, was trapped by the corporatization of the economy and by monetarist criteria, in which monetary profits comes first and foremost, and physical production is no longer a moral imperative, and instead becomes an optional element dominated by financial speculation. These policies took over at the beginning of the 1990s and they govern the free trade agreements among the United States, Canada and Mexico.

During the last 30 years, national grain production in Mexico has lacked a price policy which would guarantee the producer his capitalization. Parity prices were eliminated—they had been the cornerstone for the country to be able to achieve an important degree of self-sufficiency in wheat, corn, beans and rice. The state withdrew from the marketing process; the domestic market was abandoned; and national production passed into the hands of international corporations which monopolize world trade and speculate on grain prices on the Chicago Board of Trade

The result of all this is that Mexico has become an importer of basic grains. The current government talks about food self-sufficiency, but they confuse it with self-consumption, and they disperse resources to regions of the country that only consume what they produce, but which lack the ability to produce the food that the country needs. The regions with the greatest productive capabilities in wheat and corn have been left to the mercy of the big corporations that control the international markets, and they withdrew the compensatory support that allowed them to survive.

They try to make Mexican producers believe that these policies benefit North American producers. But at this meeting we see that authentic American producers are complaining about the same problems. If these policies are harming the producers of both countries, we should ask ourselves: Who are the big winners and predators under these rules of the game?

The big winners and predators are not engaged in producing food; they speculate with existing production. They control the prices on the Chicago Board of Trade, and they have turned the market into a dictatorial instrument. They are not interested in producing. Their preferred world is one of shortages and hunger. And what is sorrier still is that our governments have given in to those interests. In that way, the U.S. loses, Mexico loses, and the world loses.

When governments give in, we citizens have the moral and political duty to enforce the principle of the general welfare. At the beginning of my remarks, I referred to a photograph which bears witness to a historical moment of excellent relations between Mexico and the United States. For now, we do not have in our governments people of the moral stature and courage of those who were shown in that photograph.

For that very reason, I believe that now is the time for citizens to make their governments rise to the challenge. Let these meetings serve to begin to weave an alliance of Mexican and North American producers with the ability to exercise the required political and moral pressure on our governments, and in that way establish common goals in terms of how to increase food production; how to reestablish parity prices; how to increase yields per acre; how to build great infrastructure projects of a bi-national nature to manage increased quantities of water and power, which will allow us to significantly increase land under cultivation.

These are some of the tasks we have before us; but what is most urgent is to tell the world that we have initiated this relationship, that we are going to maintain it, and that we are going to resume the historical impetus of the best moments of the Mexico-U.S. relationship, to demand the required agreements among the world’s powers that are morally obligated to lift humanity out of the uncertainty in which the shocking economic crisis has placed us, with its inherent threats of pandemics, hunger and war.

Thank you very much.

Questions & Answers

SPEED: What we’re going to do now is bring our entire panel — everybody that’s live with us — up on screen. We’ve got one or two pieces of business from the first panel that we have to conclude. One question in particular which we are going to direct to Jacques Cheminade, which will get us started. Then Diane has two questions which will be addressed to the entire panel.

So, this question is from Ambassador Dr. A. Rohan Perera, former Permanent Representative of the Republic of Sri Lanka to the United Nations. I’m going to direct this to Jacques. He says:

“The biggest foreign exchange earner for Sri Lanka has been the tourism sector, which had been dependent on tourist arrivals from Europe, and on the garment export sector, mainly to the U.S. market. The total estimated loss as a consequence of the coronavirus lockdown is in the region of $10 billion. In the garment sector, recovery efforts will require liberal access to the U.S. markets.

“Overall, Sri Lanka will require debt restructuring arrangements with lending agencies like the World Bank and with the developed countries who determine their policies. It may be recalled that the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) Summit Declaration — adopted in Colombo at the Fifth Summit in 1976 — cited the New International Economic Order which referred to, among other things, debt restructuring, debt moratoria, and the restructuring of multilateral financial institutions like the World Bank. The idea of BRICS — Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa — is a step in that direction.

“Please comment on the vital question of debt restructuring, amidst this coronavirus crisis, and new institutions that may be required. Thank you.”

JACQUES CHEMINADE: First, on this tourist issue. Very different countries, like Sri Lanka, Cuba, or France, had, because they were not able to develop industrially or to really have a fair development of agriculture, have to make money on tourism; on their beautiful things to see in Sri Lanka, in Cuba, or in France. But this tourism was of a kind not of an educational treatment of the culture of the country, but to a kind of servant economy transformation of the country where there was a service economy based on let’s say arranging things for people who wanted to have fun. This has been a complete disaster. This is because of a lack of a commitment to an economic physical development, like Lyndon LaRouche developed during all his life, and industrial development connected to, as part of representing this in-depth economic development. Therefore, what happened is that progressively, despite the benefits of tourism — I would say because of the type of economy what was created — the countries were trapped into a debt system. This affected first the countries of the Southern Hemisphere. It affected countries of Ibero-America, countries of Asia, and in particular Africa. Through a system of accumulation of interest over interest, this is what our friend Dennis Small calls the banker’s economy or free market. The free market becomes sort of a flee market where they rob you; it has become that. So, it has become debt that accumulates over debt, and you have normally, or if you follow this accumulation of debt because in an unfair economy, you have to pay two, three, four times more debt that what you got from the loans. This is what was imposed on the countries of the South. It is coming inside countries like Spain, Italy, or France at this point.

So, you have the whole world trapped into this debt system. And the whole economy now is an economy which is no more, I would say, a free market economy. It is a controlled free market economy by the laws of the British Empire imposed by central banks. So, this is only maintained through fake money. You have flows and flows of fake money dumped on the markets, which don’t go to the producers, don’t go even to the consumers. This fake money goes into the whole financial secrets of the oligarchy. So, this is what has to be forever eliminated. It’s the British system of Anglo-ization of Anglo-Dutch system of an economy which is not based on a human level and human development, but it’s based on financial dictatorship. Which I call now the system under which we are; a market economy without a market; a dictatorship of these financial interests in all sectors, including culture.

So, we have to free ourselves from that. All the life of Lyndon LaRouche in particular as a point of reference historically, was in 1982 with Lopez Portillo, and in 1976 with our friend Fred Wills in Colombo, was to say we need to be freed from the debt. And we need a bank organized for the development of whole countries of the world. This is what the World Bank was intended to be after World War II. But then, as the Bretton Woods system, it was miscarried by all the Western leaders. What we need now, is what the Chinese with the New Silk Road are doing by let’s say directing economies. It’s an economy based on real physical development, and a growth based on the development of the creative potential of the human being, including in culture. There are efforts in China for Classical culture, for Classical Chinese poetry. And all of this is connected to the whole — which the West would never tell about that — to the whole development of the New Silk Road concept of the Belt and Road Initiative.

So you have that as a reference. And you have the whole fight of our lives which comes into this direction. And now we have a big chance that this becomes for us a real point existing in reality and accomplished. So, we have to go much further, and we speak about the World Land-Bridge. There has been a World Land-Bridge, as we said it with the United States, China, Russia, India, and all other countries that would be connected to this system. So, it demands a mobilization of the leaders of the world, but also the populations everywhere to put pressure on the leaders of the world and the economic system. It’s very interesting from that standpoint that the Yellow Vests in France are calling some of us to be experts in this debt moratorium or debt amelioration, which would get rid of this debt system and see what’s fair and unfair debt.

So, the Glass-Steagall proposal is absolutely a part of that. It means that banks which are involved in giving credit or organizing deposit accounts would be separated from banks which are involved in the markets and which are becoming elements or scions of this whole British system. So, the separation would clean the system.

We need much more, that’s why we need a credit system for the future, developing this type of physical economy with increasing productivity per unit of surface per human being and per matter brought into it. So, this is a sense of a high flux density economy; high energy-flux density should be the choice of this economy.

Among the Four Laws of Lyndon LaRouche, this is the fourth law. What you should choose once you clean the system, and once you get rid of this debt system. That’s the key, because it’s there that you have to invest human creativity in things that put human beings at the border of this capacity to create. And it will connect the space programs — the astronaut, after all, has to work both with his brains and his hands; exactly like farmers have to work with their brains and their hands. The more advanced farmers in the United States or in Europe are, in their tractors, real astronauts on Earth. I liked a lot this presentation of our American farmer, Mike Callicrate, who said that the soil itself has to be seen as a living matter. It is something that is alive, and it has to be enriched and developed. It has not to be seen as a support or something that you take advantage of; it is something that you feed into for the future. I think that this concept is what links the astronaut and the farmer and which links all of us in this society. I raise this issue of farmer’s education, because I think, what we always discussed with Lyndon LaRouche, that the type of education that this requires is an education which creates or generates in human beings this constantly increasing capacity and this joy to create when you do something socially good for the others. It’s a big issue today, as Helga said before, is public health, because it’s a matter that involves the whole world. It demands world cooperation. And what I keep repeating is that instead of organizing hospitals through financial management, we should organize states as hospitals for the care and development of the people.

SPEED: Thank you, Jacques. Now, Diane, who is an orchestral conductor, has the following task. We have approximately 15 minutes all together. It means that what we have here is very little time for discussion. In fact, what’s going to happen is, she’s going to pose something that came from a couple of countries, and each of you is going to have approximately two minutes to say whatever you have to say, both to one another, you can choose to respond to the question or not, but that’s what you’re going to have. Diane will now take the floor, and if necessary, I will intervene.

DIANE SARE: OK. This question is from Ambassador Mauricio Ortiz, who is the Ambassador of Costa Rica to Canada. He says:

“In your proposal you mention ‘an emergency mission to build a fully functional health infrastructure for the world particularly in South America, Africa, and parts of Asia.’ This proposal is very much needed in those regions.

“Are the international financial institutions willing to invest in that proposal, and what will be the arguments from the Schiller Institute to these institutions to make it real?

“If your proposal is realized, you might note that our country, Costa Rica, has an efficient primary health system with more than 1,000 rural health posts and, along with Chile and Cuba, one of the best health programs in Latin America. This is a system that can be replicated in other countries, including developed countries.”

I’m going to ask the other question here as well. This one comes from the Mission from Colombia to the United Nations:

“Dear all, on behalf of the Permanent Mission of Colombia to the United Nations I would like to pose the following question: How can Latin America play a determining role in the consolidation of this new global configuration?”

“Best regards, Carolina Gutiérrez Bacci; Third Secretary”

SPEED: OK, so what we’re going to do is this. You can choose to address either of the questions or neither of the questions, because you only have, as I said, a couple of minutes. I’m going to start quickly with Bob Baker.

BOB BAKER: Thank you, Dennis. In terms of the health infrastructure and my particular focus on agriculture, I think it’s an absolutely vital situation to develop a food system where everybody can get a proper diet of nutritional food. That is the basis on which to build the argument why every community should have access to the most advanced healthcare that science has brought us to this day. But the driver in that obstacle behind the scenes is an international financial cartel that’s building world global monopolies to stop that. To the extent the nations of the world can expose that and unite the people to take a stand against it, that’s going to be a very important aspect of getting a healthcare system internationally. But this is also why this type of conference we’re having becomes very instrumental if not a key element of getting that done.

SPEED: Thank you. Now I want to go to Kirk Meighoo, whose presentation I particularly appreciated.

KIRK MEIGHOO: Thank you very much. I’ll quickly address the problem. We’re close neighbors of Costa Rica, and we have some links with them that we’ve established recently. This problem of self-sufficiency is something, especially for a small society, and all these small little islands, the question of self-sufficiency in everything is just simply not there.

So, people have even asked questions whether we deserve to be independent, or should we be permanent colonies? These are questions that stay with us, even after independence. It’s something we struggle with. We do have to have a system where we do access, just as the last speaker said, the best healthcare possible for all humanity. But we cannot simply be recipients, receivers of these things; dependents, colonial dependents as we have been for 500 years. We have to have a system where we are also producers.

So, what is the system of trading a local economy, of local production where we are contributing to our own development, as well as participating with others? That is the type of system that the global financial system has been against, and has never been for. It is the old imperial system, and they are just merely modern continuations of that. What we have to do, what our task is, is to create this new system. Not just money from the old system to create this, but how do we make the system where not only do we each benefit from the best the world has to offer, but that we are also contributors, as full human beings to it, as well. That is where I would like to leave it.

SPEED: OK, thank you. Walter Formento, you’re up.

WALTER FORMENTO: [as translated] All of the contributions that are made are very significant. It’s clear that for South America the call for the five nations that Putin made, which Helga also referred to, is a matter of great hope, because this would allow us to ensure that we could achieve peace. Therefore, it will be international politics that will allow us to decide things based on a dialogue of civilizations, a dialogue of peoples, of nations, what the future of mankind and nature will be. In Argentina in particular, the production of food — Argentina is a great producer of food, along with South America, along with Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia, Uruguay as well. The great multinational conglomerates involved in the food sector have taken control as of 30 years ago in Argentina, both in terms of our ability to produce as well as export.

Therefore, at this moment in Argentina and in South America, governments have changed, and with the backing of such an international conference that President Putin has called for, we can move forward in providing sovereign channels for both producing and exporting. The policies that can be carried out inside Argentina in the food sector have to do with allowing producers’ cooperatives to be a part of the great conglomerates that engage in production. We shouldn’t dissolve large-scale production and technology, but rather introduce the nations and all society through such cooperatives so that they participate in the solution, and to be part of the solution. Therefore, there is a way to democratize production.

SPEED: We’re going to have to stop. Thank you. Sorry, we’re going to have to move on. Mike Callicrate?

CALLICRATE: I was really moved by Dr. Meighoo’s comments about islands and the small economies on those islands. I can really get somebody pretty seriously depressed when we talk about the state of the world. But, I can also lift them and get them more excited when I talk about the possibility of going home. Going home to our communities and making them as good as we possibly can. Become wealth creators, grow things, make things, restore the primary wealth trading enterprises to societies around the world. Like with Kirk, if you can just stop the predators, the economic, financial, big food monopoly predators from extracting the wealth and leaving nothing but poverty behind, I think we can begin to repair this damage. Because we do control, as farmers and ranchers and citizens, we do to a large extent control our ability to create the wealth. It’s what happens to it after we create it. The last speaker talked about we shouldn’t dissolve the big corporations. I would argue yes, we should dissolve them. The big corporations should be broken up; not completely eliminate their facilities, but at least put them to where they have to perform in line with the public good. So, I love that analogy of those small islands of Trinidad and Tobago, and islands all across the Caribbean and how that is very much like the islands in rural America, in rural communities around the world. I’m saying let’s go back to making things and growing things, and teach that and kill this model of industrialization of these critical industries, like food.

SPEED: Thank you, very good. We’re trying to get Diogène Senny’s audio up. I don’t think we have it yet. So, let’s go to Jacques.

CHEMINADE: Just one word about Cuban doctors, to speak about that island. It’s proof that you can have the most advanced medicine, interferon, where French doctors have to go there to learn from them. Then you have the best doctors, because they stay and live where the patients stay and live. And third, they are involved in cooperation with other countries in the whole world. They send them, and they do a very good job. In particular, they are now in Doha, in Europe in Italy, and now in French Martinique, so the French have to recognize — and sometimes it’s difficult for them — that these were the best; a team of 15 Cuban doctors in Martinique now. So that’s proof that an island can do an excellent job in a very advanced field, and at the same time they are most human.

SPEED: Thank you. I hope that we have the audio for the Pan-African Congress representative. We are not going off until I hear that. We’re going to do a sit-in until we hear from him!

SENNY: [as translated] The global question of poverty is just a part of the world situation and the African situation. We all know that when we present the situation of the continent, we are more interested in the question of the debt, money, slavery, and we forget that, for example, monoculture which has been imposed by the international cartels have destroyed agriculture with the hedge funds that I denounce, because they want to make money with our land. They buy what we have in our continent, in our countries, to generate profit for them, for a small group of people. But not allow millions of lives of people to develop their land.

That’s why this question of agriculture and self-sufficiency in Africa is one of the most important problems. It’s not an agriculture, it’s a money culture; that’s the agriculture we have. If we want to have modern rice, we have to have modern developments. It’s very important for us, this agricultural question. We see that it is a world problem. What was used before by the African farmers are not in their own hands, because it is in the hands of the hedge funds, the speculative hedge funds.

It is very important to understand, and it is not very well known in the international debate now. That’s what I wanted to add. Thank you very much.

SPEED: Thank you very much. So, now Diane, you have 45 seconds, and I have 45 seconds. Do your postlude.

SARE: OK. I’ll be very brief. I think we should all remember that we have been blessed to have inhabit a beautiful, fertile planet which is very conducive to sustaining life, and in particular human life, if we are sane. But there are 2 trillion galaxies or more in the universe, and each of these many have many other planets. So, contrary to the views of the Malthusians and the money-changers, the creativity of each and every human being on this planet is urgently needed; because we are not capable of making too many discoveries to develop the universe as a whole. Therefore, we have to grow into a new era of mankind.

SPEED: Thank you. So, I will now conclude this panel — largely due to time — by just pointing out that we’ve had Europe, Africa, South America, the Caribbean, and the United States all on this panel in the form of discussion. This is the process that must be correlative to whatever happens among heads of state. And this process which the Schiller Institute is initiating, which is also bringing up various forms of important ideas and painful truths as well, is crucial to the actual success of the global Four-Power and related summit that we’ve been talking about. Finally, in the era of coronavirus, this is the only means by which people will be able to prosper and not perish; is this people-to-people dialogue we’ve conducted here.

I want to thank all of the panelists who were with us today. I think there’s a lot that can be done also in additional presentations that we may find in the future, pairing some of you together. I’d certainly like to see the Pan-African Congress together with Mr. Mike Callicrate. I’d like to see Kirk Meighoo involved in some discussions like that. Jacques is always welcome, and he’s always teaching us things. He had something new for us today; go back and take a look at his presentation afterwards, because he has some very interesting ideas that he put forward there.

So, we’re going to conclude now…

Videoer af tre paneler, invitation og afskrift af Panel I:
Schiller Instituttets internationale konference lørdag den 27. juni:
Vil menneskeheden blomstre op eller gå til grunde?
Fremtiden kræver et ‘Fire-magts topmøde’ nu

Et afskrift på engelsk af Panel I findes nedenunder.

Ovenover: Panel I: “Til erstatning for geopolitik: principperne for statsmandskab”

Schiller Instituttets stifter og præsident Helga Zepp-LaRouche og internationale diplomater, amerikanske valgte politikere, osv.

  • Keynote speaker: Helga Zepp-LaRouche: “The Alternative to a Dark Age and a Third World War”
  • Dr. Jin Zhongxia, Executive Director for China, IMF; Washington, D.C., United States: “The Fundamentals of East-West Philosophic Relations”
  • Boris Meshchanov, Counselor, Russian Federation Mission to the UN, New York City, United States: “Russia’s Global Economic Perspective, Post COVID-19”
  • Dr. Joycelyn Elders, former Surgeon-General of the United States
  • Ding Yifan, Deputy Director, Research Institute of World Development, China Development Research Center, China: “A Chinese Perspective on a Post-COVID Paradigm”
  • Daisuke Kotegawa, former Executive Director for Japan at the IMF; Research Director, The Canon Institute, Japan
  • Mayor DeWayne Hopkins (fmr); Former Mayor, Muscatine, Iowa; The Mayor’s Muscatine-China Initiative Committee, United States: “A View from the Iowa Farm Belt: the Muscatine-China Cultural Connection”
  • Question and Answer session


Panel II: ”Producenter i Verden, foren jer! Hvorfor et program for skabelse af 1,5 milliarder produktive job kan afslutte krig, hungersnød, fattigdom og sygdom”

Jacques Cheminade, lederen af LaRouche-bevægelsen i Frankrig og fhv. præsidentkandidat, og landbrug, fagforening og politiske ledere fra Afrika, Sydamerika og USA.

  • Jacques Cheminade, President Solidarité & Progrès, France: “How Food Production Can Unite the World”
  • Diogène Senny, Founder of the Pan-African League: “Thrive or perish: An Introduction to the Geopolitics of Hunger and Poverty”
  • Walter Formento, Director, Center for Political and Economic Research, Argentina; “South America on the New Multipolar Road”
  • Dr. Kirk Meighoo, political economist, broadcaster, and former Senator, Trinidad & Tobago: “The Caribbean’s True Importance in the Making and Re-Making of the Modern Global Economy”
  • Mark Sweazy, former UAW trade union leader, United States: “Returning the U.S. Work Force to a Culture of Scientific Progress”
  • Robert L. Baker, Schiller Institute, United States
  • Mike Callicrate, Board of Directors, Organization for Competitive Markets, Owner Ranch Foods Direct, United States: “Food Unites People Around the Planet”
  • Alicia Díaz Brown, Citizens Movement for Water, Sonora, Mexico: “Let Us Return to the Best Moments of the U.S.–Mexico Relationship”
  • Question and Answer session


Panel III: Ungdommens opgave

Daniel Burke, senatorkandidat i New Jersey, USA fra LaRouche-bevægelsen, og universitets og andre ungdomsledere fra Frankrig, Yemen, Colombia, Mexico, Tanzania, og USA.

  • Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Schiller Institute, Germany: Opening Remarks
  • Keynote: Daniel Burke, Schiller Institute, United States: “If You Sat Where They Sit, What Would You Do?”
  • Carolina Domínguez Cisneros, Mexico; Sebastián Debernardi, Peru; Andrés Carpintero, Colombia; Daniel Dufreine Arévalo, Mexico: “Getting Back the Great Ideas That Were Stolen From Us”
  • Franklin Mireri, YouLead Partnerships Coordinator, Tanzania: “The Greatest Want of the World is for True Leaders.”
  • Sarah Fahim, Student from Morocco Studying in Paris, France
  • Chérine Sultan, Institut Schiller, Paris, France
  • Lissie Brobjerg, Schiller Institute, United States: “Are You a Large-Scale Geological Force?”
  • Areej Atef, Education Committee Vice President of BRICS Youth Parliament, Sana’a, Yemen: “Youth of the World Face Two World Systems: The Old and the New”
  • Jose Vega, Bronx, NY: “A New Space CCC”
  • Youth Day of Action Invitation Video
  • Question and Answer session


Efter vore vellykkede internetkonferencer den 25.-26. april samt den 9. maj på V-E-dagen, vil vores næste konference være den 27. juni, kl. 16:00. Hjælp venligst med at sprede denne meddelelse bredt blandt venner, sociale medier osv.

Siden januar har Schiller Instituttets formand Helga Zepp-LaRouche insisteret på, at USA, Rusland, Kina og Indien skal mødes. Deres ledere må vise det statsmandskab, der kræves for at overvinde åndsforladt koldkrigerisk propagandataktik og geopolitik, og tage del i en hastemission for at opbygge en fuldt funktionsdygtig sundhedsinfrastruktur for verden, især for Sydamerika, Afrika og dele af Asien, der kræver opførelse af hospitaler, vandværker, vejsystemer og uddannelsesfaciliteter til unge læger, sygeplejersker og lægeassistenter.

 I over 35 år, og især i de sidste syv år, har Schiller Instituttet kæmpet for netop den slags statsmandskunst.

 Verden må nu vælge mellem to modstridende syn på menneskehedens næste 50 år:

 Et synspunkt kræver at vende den forestående affolkning af jorden på grund af globale pandemier. Disse pandemier er uden undtagelse resultatet af mislykkede finansielle, økonomiske og militære politikker, og især af den fuldstændige deregulering af de finansielle markeder igennem de sidste tre årtier. Det andet, modstridende synspunkt, kræver en ‘Green New Deal’ -energipolitik, som umiddelbart vil forværre planetens nuværende sundhedskrise og kunne muligvis endda resultere i døden for størstedelen af den menneskelige race.

 Vi må tage afstand fra denne affolkningspolitik, organisere den transatlantiske verden for at tilslutte sig det nye kulturelle paradigme, der nu føres an af Kinas Bælte- og Vejinitiativ, og bevæge verden til det som Schiller Instituttet har kaldt ‘Verdens Landbroen’.

 Netop mens Kina igennem præsident Xi Jinping´s Bælte- og Vejinitiativ har engageret 150 nationer i et forsøg på at stoppe fattigdom i hele verden, har malthusianske økonomiske kræfter i USA og Europa, der er imod dette, stigmatiseret Kina som ‘virussets udspring’ – en slet skjult genoplivning af den racistiske doktrin for 100 år siden kaldet ‘den gule fare’.

 I 1923 skrev medlem af det britiske Overhus Lord Bertrand Russell:

 ”De hvide befolkninger i verden vil snart ophøre med at stige i tal. De asiatiske racer vil blive flere, og negrene stadig flere, før deres fødselsrater falder tilstrækkeligt til at stabilisere deres antal uden hjælp af krig og pestilens. Indtil det sker, kan fordelene som socialismen sigter mod kun delvist realiseres, og mindre reproduktive racer bliver nødt til at forsvare sig mod de mere reproduktive ved metoder, der er oprørende, selvom de er nødvendige”.

 Verden, og især vores ungdom, der skal opbygge planeten i de kommende 50 år, må så stærkt som muligt afvise sådanne ideer og politikker for at pålægge systemisk tilbageståenhed globalt, herunder i forklædning af “Green New Deal”. Der kan ikke længere være nogen tvivl om, at verdens mest avancerede teknologier – i rummet, i fremstillingsindustrien, i minedrift, i landbruget – straks, i kraft af hasteprogrammer, må anvendes mod den globale pandemi og den økonomiske krise, som ellers kan føre til snesevis af millioner døde og fordrevne på kort sigt. En sådan massedød forekommer allerede i Brasilien og andre nationer. ‘Verdensfødevareprogrammet’ advarer om, at vi om nogle måneder vil kunne se så mange som 300.000 mennesker dø af sult dagligt, primært i udviklingslandene.

 Et nyt dokument, ‘The LaRouche Plan to Reolen the U.S. Economic; The World Nees 1.5 Billion New, Produktive Jobs’, (LaRouche-planen til genåbning af den amerikanske økonomi; Verden har brug for 1.5 milliarder nye produktive job) skitserer, hvordan denne tragedie kan vendes ved at søsætte den største økonomiske ekspansion i menneskets historie, herunder 50 millioner produktive job i henholdsvis USA og Europa.

 Da den sydafrikanske præsident Ramaphosa lykønskede Elon Musk, der har dobbelt sydafrikansk-amerikansk statsborgerskab, med den vellykkede gennemførelse af den amerikanske mission til Den internationale Rumstation, udtrykte han den form for nationalt lederskab, der kræves for endeligt at bringe globalt tyranni med globalisering og geopolitik til ophør. De seneste gennembrud inden for videnskab, gjort tilgængelig for de mest nødlidende, kan nu indlede en ny æra, der kunne kaldes ‘menneskelig økonomi’. Som Lyndon LaRouche redegjorde: “I stedet for disse for nærværende fejlslagne ideer, må vi antage en forestilling om økonomi, hvis målestok er funktionelt i overensstemmelse med det afgørende særpræg: princippet om kreativ fornuft”.

 Denne stræben efter økonomisk retfærdighed, især for de af verdens børn, der er født ind i livstruende omstændigheder, vil have den yderligere fordelagtige virkning at tage fat på andre problemer med social retfærdighed, der for nylig har fået så megen international opmærksomhed.

Kontact os for at få tilsendt udgaver med tysk, fransk eller spansk oversættelse. Ring +45 53 57 00 51


Panel I afskrift:

Panel 1: “Instead of Geopolitics: The Principles of Statecraft”

DENNIS SPEED: My name is Dennis Speed, and I want to welcome you to today’s international conference and webcast. We had a technical problem for a moment, and now we think we’ve solved that problem.

Today’s conference is called “Will Humanity Prosper or Perish? The Future Demands a ‘Four-Power’ Summit Now.” We’re going to begin today by the late economist and statesman Lyndon LaRouche. He was keynoting a panel of the Schiller Institute — this was in Germany — and the name of the particular panel on that occasion was “Rescuing Civilization from the Brink: The Role of Classical Culture. An Imperative for Mankind.”


This is truly the most important of all strategic questions we have to face today: the fact that the human species is absolutely unique in its capabilities. There’s no other known species in the universe, ever known to have existed, or could exist — even though we have not fully explored, of course, the Crab Nebula or similar parts of the great galaxy which we’re involved in, called the Milky Way. There may be many species with cognitive powers out there. Because the Solar System of which we are immediately a product, although always under the control of the galactic processes — and we know a good deal, today, about those kinds of things: Our organization in the United States has spent a good deal of effort on concentrating, inclusively, on just this question: How old is life? How long has life existed in this galaxy, or within some place in it? What is the nature of mankind, who’s been on this planet only for a few million years? There was no human being on this planet, to the best of our knowledge, until a few million years ago.

And yet, we’re talking about billions of years of this galaxy, during which all living processes known to us have come into existence. And all life is creative, but there’s a sad part: that over 95% of all known living species have been rendered extinct, as failures, in their time. The question, therefore: Why, in these times, when we have entered a period in which there will be more great kills of living processes, at this phase of the movement of the Solar System through the galaxy, why should we be so presumptuous as to imagine that human life is not about to disappear as the dinosaurs did in the last great kill?

What is there about human beings that says they’re not just another animal species, ready to get to the chop in the course of their time?

The answer is a very little-known question. Most people don’t have an inkling of what the answer is! As a matter of fact, our societies are run on the basis of people who have no inkling what the human species is! All they can come up with is an explanation of some kind of an animal, with animal characteristics of pleasure and pain, and things like that, that might control the behavior of this animal.

So why should we expect that we have a right to claim that the human species is going to survive the approaching point of a great kill in the course of the movements of the Solar System up and below and around the galaxy we inhabit? How do we know that this 62-million-year cycle is not going to take the human species away, as it’s taken so many away before? And then, before that, and then before that?

And here you have all these people talking about politics; they’re talking about issues of politics; they’re talking about “practical opinion,” and public opinion, and differentiations in customs, and all those kinds of things! And here we are: We’re approaching the time of the great kill, where everything about us may suddenly disappear; so what are we worried about? If we’re going to disappear, why do we worry? Why do we fight it? [laughter]

What is there in us, that is not in other living species known to us? That might, somehow, miraculously, pronounce a destiny for our human species which we grant to no other living species? The name for that specific quality, which we know in the human species, which does not exist in any other known living species: There’s a quality of creativity, which is absolutely unique to mankind. And if you’re not creative, and if you don’t understand creativity, you haven’t got a ticket to survival yet! Because creativity won’t save you, unless you use it. [end video]

SPEED: We’re continuing to experience highly unusual technical difficulties. There were some problems in some of our international connections….

As soon as we have this technical problem somewhat under control, we’re going to go directly to our keynote speaker, Helga Zepp-LaRouche. We are about now 15 minutes behind schedule, but we’ll be able to do certain things to make that up. We want to apologize again, so that people have an idea, this is a highly unusual circumstance, we’re not going to talk a lot about that right now. Let me simply say so that the format is known, we are going to have first our keynote speech, followed by representatives from China and from Russia, and several others. The topic of the panel, as we announced before, is “Instead of Politics, the Principles of Statecraft.”

Let me say about the Schiller Institute and what we’ve been doing with this conference, or this process of conferences, because it actually began back in April of this year. April 25th and 26th, we held the first of what is now the three conferences. These conferences were devoted to the idea of the creation of a Four-Power summit — Russia, China, India, and the United States. There are various processes that have been able to move in that direction already, and we are in a process today. In fact, among many of the things we’ll be talking about today is a new proposal that has been put forward by President Vladimir Putin of Russia to that effect. Let me also say that for people in the United States in particular, the crisis that has been on people’s minds, as exhibited in the social and political crises in the streets of America, is merely one predicate of a broader international process. And that’s what why we’re starting today with this first panel, to give that broader overview, and to allow you and others to become part of an international operation to reverse that circumstance.

Now, as I said, I think the primary problem that we are dealing with is that we are trying to make sure that the international contacts are also connected. We have translators and we have a need to make sure that everything is moving in sync; that’s one of the particular problems of this kind of international operation.

Let me say one other thing concerning the excerpt that you saw from Lyndon LaRouche, which was done in 2011. LaRouche’s conception there concerning the idea that was strategy; the idea of thinking about strategy from the standpoint of a galactic process, and then looking then — and only then — at the various political episodes that were occurring on Earth, was a way of trying to actually look at what he often also referred to often as intelligence. He was the founder in 1974, of Executive Intelligence Review. And that publication, which is still published to this day, specialized in trying to make his method of intelligence and investigation available generally in American analysis.

This was very successful, in particular, in the drive for certain policy changes that occurred in the United States; most notably, that of March 23, 1983, with the creation of the Strategic Defense Initiative. This was the product of a process of negotiation that LaRouche carried out as a back-channel negotiator with the then-Soviet Union, and with the knowledge of the National Security Council and then-President of the United States Ronald Reagan. That policy, and the creation of that policy, and that dialogue with the then-Soviet Union, is, in one sense, not a model for now, but is the same sort of process that must needs be allowed to continue and to happen between President Donald Trump, President Vladimir Putin, President Xi Jinping, and Prime Minister Narendra Modi, among others. The idea of the Four-Power summit is not exclusionary. It doesn’t say that other powers are not involved. In fact, recent proposals have amplified or expanded the number of persons that might, in fact, be involved.

But what is important to understand is that, as LaRouche once said in another document published in 1980 called “A Dialogue with Leonid Brezhnev,” then the head of the then-Soviet Union, “The Content of Policy Is the Method By Which It Is Made.” So, in the clip that you’ve seen, there, today, the idea of culture and the idea of what a culture actually is, is a strategic matter. In the case of the United States, and in the case of the present-day United States, these matters of a cultural paradigm-shift are actually often far more important than the particular political issues that people talk about. For example, if you look at today’s United States, the issue of our having gone away from being a productive culture, in fact the most productive economy in the world’s history, between the period in particular of the 1933 resurgence of America that occurred under Franklin Roosevelt, through the period of 1945, and then the subsequent period of 1944 through 1971 with the Bretton Woods system. It’s been the need to return to that, and to return to these ideas — those that had come into currency under Franklin Roosevelt’s Presidency — that is the template for what we are saying should be the character of discussion between President Trump, President Putin, President Xi, and Prime Minister Modi.

I want to make one thing clear to everyone as we are about to transition, to get to the keynote, that in thinking about what we are all involved in today — namely, that global pandemic condition created by the coronavirus: Clearly what has happened is, there is a need for all of us to change our axioms. That the idea of international cooperation among sovereign, independent nation-states, for the purpose of creating a worldwide alternative to what’s otherwise going to be, perhaps, the destruction of civilization — not because absolutely everybody would die of the coronavirus or something like that — but the cascading effects and the interconnected effects of a global pandemic condition that we don’t really medically understand, plus the ongoing problem of the financial virus that has, of course, plagued humanity particularly since the time of the collapse of the Bretton Woods system, this combination would create a circumstance in which only all nations working together can possibly achieve an actual reconciliation of this process.

I think we’re about ready to begin.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche is the founder of the Schiller Institute — that was back in 1984. She also, of course, is the wife of the late economist and statesman Lyndon LaRouche, who passed away in February 2019. She played a crucial, decisive role in a set of conversations and dialogues with the government of China during the period of 1993 to 1996; launching the process that became what we now know as the New Silk Road. And we’re happy and proud to present her to you now, to begin the dialogue again. The panel as a whole is, “Instead of Geopolitics, a New Form of Statecraft.” So, it’s always my honor to introduce Helga Zepp-LaRouche.

The Alternative to a Dark Age and a Third World War

HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE: After this difficult beginning, I’m all the more happy that I’m finally connected to you. And I’m going to talk about the alternative to a Dark Age, or the danger of a new world war. And even if it’s inconceivable for most people at this point, if we do not succeed in the relatively short term in replacing the hopelessly bankrupt financial system by a New Bretton Woods system, exactly as originally intended by Franklin D. Roosevelt, that is, to create an instrument for forcefully overcoming the underdevelopment of the so-called developing sector, then the current orientation of the world….

I don’t know if you heard what I said before because there were some technical problems, but I was saying that even if most people cannot imagine that that can occur, that unless we, in the very short term, implement a New Bretton Woods system, exactly as Franklin D. Roosevelt had intended it, that the current orientation of the world towards ever more conflicts, both domestically in many states of the world, but also on a strategic level, threatens to escalate into a great new world, a Third World War, which because of the existence of thermonuclear weapons would mean the annihilation of the human species — the “great kill” even if it is meant in a slightly different way than Lyn just was heard on this video clip.

Although it is absolutely astounding how many misguided people still believe that the COVID-19 pandemic is either no worse than the flu or a just conspiracy of Bill Gates, the much more likely perspective is unfortunately what epidemiologist Dr. Michael Osterholm has said: namely, that we still have an incredibly long journey ahead of us. Until now, 10 million people have been infected, half a million have died from COVID-19, and we have still not reached the peak of the first wave. The almost non-existent health systems of many developing countries are already hopelessly overstretched. The pandemic has ruthlessly exposed the fact that the neo-liberal economic system not only depends on cheap production in the so-called Third World, but has even created in the United States and Europe slave-labor conditions, as can be seen in the outbreak of the virus in the many slaughterhouses in Europe and the United States.

The economic shutdown has thrown a spotlight on the fragility of what is called “globalization.” In the U.S., around 40 million jobs were lost in three months; the central banks pumped an unbelievable over $20 trillion into the financial system and various government support programs could just barely cover up the timebombs still ticking until expiring of the short-work programs. The IMF currently expects global production to decline by 4.9% this year, and only China is expected to have an increase in production of 2%, which is obviously is much less than it used to be, but nevertheless it grows. Sectors such as air traffic, catering, tourism, the car industry, have suffered massive declines, some of them long-term, but also a large number of medium-sized companies fear they will not survive a second wave and another economic lockdown. The result would be a huge increase in unemployment, poverty and price deflation, while at the same time the central banks’ liquidity pumping is creating hyperinflationary bubbles. Bail-outs of large systemic corporations and banks, as well as politically explosive bail-ins would be further desperate options for governments to implement, but they could not prevent a collapse of the global financial system. A plunge into chaos and anarchy would follow.

In the meantime, a continuation of the current policy would not only lead to increased death rates as a result of the pandemic, but would do absolutely nothing to counter the hunger catastrophe, of which David Beasley of the World Food Program is warning that it will soon take the lives of 300,000 people a day.

Whoever may have thought that a dark age could be ruled out in our modern times, is in for a reality shock. And last but not least, the hedonism acted out by demonstrators who confuse liberties with freedom, is reminiscent of the flagellants and the descriptions of the 14th century as they are given by the writings of Boccaccio, and the paintings of Breughel.

Against this background, it is to be expected that the attempt, originally instigated by the British secret services, to oust President Donald Trump from office by a coup, impeachment or assassination — such was the headline of the British publication The Spectator on Jan. 21, 2017 — or by a “Maidan” coup, as President Putin warned in 2016, these will intensify. The instrumentalization of the outrage resulting from the murder of George Floyd by violent groups funded by George Soros is part of this campaign. The reason for the relentless hostility of the neo-liberal establishment and the mainstream media on both sides of the Atlantic against Trump after what, for them, what his unexpected election victory, was, and still is, the intention he expressed at the beginning of his term, to establish good relations with Russia and a good relationship with China. And of course, Trump’s promise to end the “endless wars” of his predecessors, to bring U.S. troops home.

What followed was a three-and-a-half-year witch hunt against Trump. The war cry “Russia, Russia, Russia,” based on grounds for which not the least shred of evidence subsists, was followed by an attempt at an impeachment, followed by the no less malicious war cry “China, China, China,” although there is just as little substance to the charges against China as there was for Russiagate.

During all that, the representatives of the neo-liberal system were not ready for one second to consider that it was the brutal consequences of their own policies for the majority of the population worldwide, that had triggered the global wave of social protest, which included the Brexit and Trump’s victory, as well as the mass protests worldwide from Chile to the Yellow Vests in France. But this establishment is never interested in discovering the truth, only in controlling the official political narrative, in compliance with Pompeo ’s principle, as he explained in his speech in Texas: “I was the CIA director. We lied, we cheated, we stole … we had entire training courses for that.”

NATO’s official narrative about Russia’s allegedly increasing aggressiveness, accused of “redrawing borders by force in Europe,” fails to mention of course the broken promises made to Gorbachov, that NATO would never extend its borders all the way to Russia’s borders, and the preceding color revolutions that can be described as acts of war, and finally the coup in Kiev with the open support of Victoria Nuland, which triggered the referendum in Crimea in reaction.

China’s “crime” is not only that it has lifted 850 million of its own citizens out of poverty, and has become, with an economic policy based on scientific and technological progress and a population of 1.4 billion people, the second most powerful economic nation, and in some technological areas, such as high-speed rail systems, nuclear fusion, aspects of space exploration and 5G telecommunications, already the number one. In addition, China’s offer for cooperation on the New Silk Road, and the Belt and Road Initiative, is the first real opportunity for the developing countries since the time of colonialism, to overcome poverty and underdevelopment by building infrastructure.

NATO’s response to China’s regaining its role as a leading nation in the world, a role it played during many centuries of its 5,000-year-long history, has been global expansion into the Indo-Pacific region. This is the stuff of which world wars can be made. And yet, that is exactly the direction that NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has indicated in his outline for “NATO 2030,” which he just presented in a video conference with the Atlantic Council and the German Marshall Fund. German Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer took part in another webinar last Wednesday with Anna Wieslander, director of the Atlantic Council for Northern Europe, who, in opening the event quoted Lord Ismay, NATO’s first general secretary, who said that the purpose of NATO is “to keep the Russians out, the Americans in, and the Germans down.” But AKK (as she is nicknamed) did not even seemingly realize the insult in these remarks. The geopolitical scenario of a globalized NATO, which is openly designed to instrumentalize NATO for the purposes of the British Empire, on based on the Commonwealth, and which would also rope the EU into playing that role, and would finally position India against China, must be totally rejected by all those who have an interest in maintaining world peace.

President Putin has just written, on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II, a striking article on the pre-history of the Second World War and the course of that war, and called on all nations to publish all the up to now classified historical documents from that time, so that by studying the causes of the greatest catastrophe in the history of mankind up to that point, the lessons will be learned for avoiding an even greater catastrophe today. Putin writes in a very personal tone, he speaks of the suffering of his own family, of the immense importance June 22nd has for the Russian population, the day on which “life almost comes to a halt,” and why May 9th, the anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War in which 27 million Russians lost their lives, is Russia’s most important holiday. But the indirect message is also that just as the Soviet Union defeated Hitler’s Germany with a gigantic effort, the Russian people will never surrender to renewed threats. Just as Napoleon was led through a long line of defense into the inhospitable Russian winter, and his army was finally as good as wiped out, the evacuation of the people and industrial capacity to the east from 1941 on allowed the Soviet Union to surpass the military production of the Nazis in only one and a half years.

But also the short-sightedness of the Versailles dictate, the support for Hitler from members of the aristocracy and the Establishment on both sides of the Atlantic, and above all the Munich Pact, which is simply called in Russia the “Munich betrayal” or “Munich conspiracy,” is considered as the real trigger for the Second World War. Because it was there, where not only the appeasement of Hitler, but also the joint divvying up of the booty took place, as well as the ice-cold geopolitical calculation, that focussing Hitler’s Germany on the East would inevitably lead Germany and the Soviet Union to tear each other to pieces.

According to Putin, what is the main message of the study of the Second World War for today? That it was the failure to take up the task of creating a collective security system that could have prevented this war was the most important piece! Putin’s article ends with an urgent reminder of the summit of heads of state of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, which he has been proposing since January, and which should address precisely these principles of how to maintain world peace and overcome the world economic crisis.

The most important aspect of that is that this format will put the United States, Russia and China around the same table to negotiate the principles that must be the basis of international policy if mankind is to avoid wiping itself out! And yesterday after a long phone call between Putin and French President Emmanuel Macron, Macron said that he stands for a Europe from Lisbon to Vladivostok, which opens not only the perspective of an integration of the European Union, the Eurasian Economic Union, the Belt and Road Initiative, but also the establishment of a common security architecture based on common economic interests.

However, if we are to meet the gigantic challenges of the pandemic, the global economic crisis and the profound social shocks that have destroyed the trust of large parts of the population in their institutions in many countries around the world, further steps are necessary. Obviously, cooperation between the United States and China, as the two largest economies, is indispensable. Even if this currently appears to be an insurmountable hurdle, the extremely tense relationship between the United States and China must be replaced by cooperation on the common aims of mankind.

Who, if not the governments of the strongest economies, the countries with the largest populations and the greatest military potential, should solve the problems? The Boltons must be removed from these governments and replaced by responsible people who are able to find, in the cultural phases of their respective cultures, the starting points for cooperation on a higher level. Benjamin Franklin’s admiration for Confucian philosophy and Sun Yat-sen’s orientation to the ideals of the American Republic are better advisors than Gene Sharp’s “How To Start a Revolution” or Samuel Huntington’s different scribblings.

One has to define a plane on which the solutions for these quite disparate problems become visible. There is one philosopher, born in the 15th century, known in Russia as Nikolai Kusansky, Nikolaus of Cusa, who developed exactly that method of thinking: the coincidence of opposites, coincidentia oppositorum. This concept expresses the fundamental quality of human creativity, which is able time and time again and at increasingly more developed levels to find solutions on a higher plane, where the conflicts that have arisen on the lower levels, are dissolved.

This can only be the immediate implementation of a credit system, that provides the global economy with credit for industrialization, and thus the real development, of all nations on this planet. The entire life’s work of my late husband, Lyndon LaRouche, was primarily devoted to achieving this goal; he drew up his first plan for the industrialization of Africa in 1976, the Oasis Plan for the industrialization of the Middle East in 1975; then followed the 40-Year Plan for India in collaboration with Indira Gandhi, Operation Juárez with then Mexican President José López Portillo for Latin America; a 50-year development plan for the Pacific Basin; and then finally, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Eurasian Land-Bridge, as a peace plan for the 21st century. Many of these projects are being implemented today thanks to China’s New Silk Road, and all nations of the world are called upon to contribute to this World Land-Bridge! This is the blueprint for the creation of the 1.5 billion jobs, that are necessary today to overcome the crisis! It should begin with the establishment of a modern health system in every single country, in order to combat the current and future pandemics, which will not only benefit poor countries, but also the so-called developed countries, that can only avoid new waves of infections in that way. Most countries have a large number of unemployed or poorly employed youth, who can be trained as medical personnel and deployed to build up such health centers.

When millions of people are threatened with starvation, as the World Food Program warns, why can farmers not double their food production and be paid a parity price that guarantees their existence, including with regard to the expected increase in the world’s population to over 9 billion by 2050? Can we not consider ourselves as one single human species, and help to build mankind’s common construction sites with the same solidarity that the entire Chinese population helped the people in Wuhan and the province of Hubei? Is it not time that we stopped wasting trillions on military build-ups, as President Trump said he would soon take up together with Putin and Xi Jinping, when we could use those resources to overcome hunger, disease and poverty, and to develop the creative potential of the current and future generations?

I think it is time for us, as mankind, faced with an unprecedented disaster, to take the qualitative step of making the 21st century the first truly human century!

Thank you very much.

SPEED: Thank you very much, Helga.

Our next speaker is Dr. Jin Zhongxia, who’s the executive director for China of the International Monetary Fund, located in Washington, D.C.

DR. JIN ZHONGXIA: Thank you, Mr. Speed. I would like to thank Schiller Institute for the invitation to attend this important conference. Also, I thank Madame Helga for her excellent keynote speech.

2020 is a very special and challenging year. The trade war, the eruption and spread of coronavirus, the riots in the U.S., world economic recession, and escalated geopolitical tensions, I just name a few major ones. Global growth is projected by the IMF at negative 4.9% this year.

In the following discussion, some of my observations and comments are kind of thoughts in research and of academic by nature, I will speak in my personal capacity only.

Global challenge should be handled globally with a multilateral approach. No country will be safe until every country is safe.

When we start to discuss the multilateral approach in dealing with the pandemic and the global crisis, I recognize that there is a debate on the value of multilateralism and the multilateral institutions. Some people are talking about economic decoupling, a Cold War, and even a conflict of civilizations. Since I am from China, I ask myself: Is there any fundamental conflict between civilizations in the East and West?

Chinese civilization is unique in many aspects, but it’s not fundamentally different from Western civilization. One example: In the 6th century B.C., China had Taiji or Yin Yang concept, which is the co-evolution of two opposite forces. I found in surprise that this was also a core concept in physiological theory in Greek medicine in the same period of time. Another example: A core concept of Confucianism is the “middle course approach,” that also corresponds to the “doctrine of the mean” that was explored extensively by Hippocrates, Plato and Aristotle in ancient Greece.

In 16th century, the brilliant Jesuit missionary, Matteo Ricci, recognized the striking parallels in Confucius and Mencius to the Christian concept of man in the images of the God and devoted his life to building an “ecumenical alliance” between China and the West.

During the evolution of trade tension between the United States and China, some opinions in the media have demonized China as an evil trade partner that is systematically engaged in illegal subsidizing, cheating and stealing. That reminds me of the overwhelming public opinion in the media against Jewish people in some parts of Europe before World War II. The truth is that after more than 40 years’ market-oriented reform and opening-up, China has already been transformed into a market-based economy. In fact, the share of fiscal resources in GDP mobilized by some European governments is higher than that in China due to extensive social welfare arrangements, but no body in Europe complain that this welfare has distorted the market.

China has profound tradition of market economy both in theory and practice. In the 6th century B.C., Laozi, a famous philosopher and the founder of Daoism, advised his government to “rule without intervention,” which is an ancient version of the invisible hand of Adam Smith. Another famous economist and philosopher Guanzi, in the 7th century B.C., suggested that in the years of economic depression, government could increase expenditure to implement seemingly wasteful projects for the purpose of creating employment. That is the ancient Chinese version of Keynesian economics. Financially, China was also highly developed. As early as in 11th century, China introduced the first official paper currency in the world.

On the issue of economic and technology decoupling, the attempt to block a major people and civilization from competing fairly with other countries and getting access to new scientific and technological knowledge is morally wrong, and will help China to win sympathy around the world.

On the other hand, China has the largest pool of educated labor force, including a largest pool of engineers. That will enable the country to be more innovative, professional, practical and rational.

Compared with other multi-country free trade zones, China has already become the largest single-country retail market by itself. It is more than equivalent to a free trade zone with a highly integrated infrastructure network, centralized fiscal and monetary policy, and deep and liquid labor and capital market. The authorities have also determined to further open its economy, greatly enhance intellectual property (IP) protection, and implement structural reforms, including introducing competitive neutrality for state-owned enterprises (SOEs). In the end, it is the effectiveness and efficiency of China’s domestic resource allocation that will determine China’s international competitiveness.

I am not specialized in geopolitics. But I learned that the scenario of decoupling and a new cold war is based on an old strategy called “divide and conquer,” or “offshore balance.” It is very smart from the offshore players’ perspective. But it will benefit the offshore manipulator at the expense of onshore neighbors. I wonder whether those equally smart onshore players are willing to buy this, and how high a price the offshore player wants to pay to convince so many countries to engage a long-term conflict with their major trade partner.

It is not objective to exaggerate China’s conflict with India at the border. It is important to recognize that the current border is largely a stable equilibrium. The common interest of these two ancient civilizations is to cooperate and develop their economies and achieve a joint historical revival. The two countries should benefit from their common cultural heritage based on centuries of peaceful and friendly cultural exchanges, particularly the exchanges in the form of Buddhism.

The history issue between China and Japan often looks like a deadlock, but a forward-looking approach is the key. China has largely recovered its self-confidence, and it is very clear that China’s revival does not mean revenge. When new generations from China visit Japan as tourists, most of them feel they like Japan. Japan is China’s only neighboring country that has maintained a lot of Chinese characters in their written language, and they use chopsticks, eat rice, use soy sauce, and practice calligraphy, all of these are the typical reflections of East Asian culture.

A healthy and stable Sino-Russian relationship can be much more sustainable than many people’s imagination. Their stable cooperative relationship can be attributed to many factors. It is not a coincidence that their combined territory maps the Mongolian Empire in history. Toward the end of last century, China and Russian leaders reached a wise and visionary agreement to delimit and confirm their common border. Their mutual respect and support to core interest of each other can go a long way.

The biggest loss the United States could incur from a decoupling and a new cold war is that many of the 1.4 billion Chinese people, who are otherwise very friendly toward America, could turn into opponents. By contrast, a friendly and cooperative China will be definitely the Americans’ greatest fortune in Asia.

I believe a constructive competition and cooperation between China, the United States and other countries under a rules-based multilateral system should be the right choice. Fortunately, the IMF is still functioning normally and has played a constructive leading role, which is also supported by the World Bank and other multilateral banks.

In just a few months, recently, the IMF has implemented debt relief to more than 27 countries, supported by contributions from a group of better- resourced members, including China. The Fund has augmented its lending instruments to low-income countries by more than 10 billion SDR, and approved emergency financing (RCF and RFI) of 47 billion SDR for more than 74 countries. It has created a new short-term liquidity line (SLL), and is pushing for approval of new agreement of borrowing of 365 billion SDR, and preparing for a new round of Bilateral Borrowing Agreement of 138 billion SDR. China has actively participated in all the above efforts and made its own contribution.

The Fund and the World Bank jointly proposed a Debt Service Suspension Initiative that has been endorsed by the G20. China has further called for an extension of this initiative to 2021. A fair burden-sharing and full participation of all creditors is critical for a successful implementation of this initiative.

China has made more efforts outside the multilateral framework, including 1) additional $2 billion grant assistance to most affected countries, especially developing countries, to combat COVID-19 and recover social and economic development; 2) establish a Sino-Africa hospital cooperation program covering 30 hospitals in Africa, China has recently sent five emergency professional medical teams to Africa, which is in addition to the existing 46 Chinese medical teams in Africa; 3) in addition to implementing the G20 debt moratorium initiative, China will provide more assistance to countries that have been most heavily affected, together with other stakeholders; 4) China has promised that once it completes developing and testing its own vaccine, it will provide this product to developing countries as global public goods; 5) China will establish a comprehensive storage and transportation hub to support global medical supplies, under the direction of the United Nations.

The merit of multilateral assistance is that it is rules-based, approved by a collective board representing all its member countries; and the recipient countries are facing the multilateral institution, rather than a particular country or country group, therefore it can reduce (although not eliminate) geopolitical sensitivity. Although there are different views on many different issues, and even bilateral tensions between some member countries, the majority of the Fund’s membership have been able to find common ground on many issues.

The Bretton Woods institutions could do two more things, in my view.

First, a general allocation of SDRs that will increase the supply of international reserve asset, reduce the burden of any single country to supply its reserve currency excessively and provide low-income countries necessary resources to alleviate their debt distress.

Second, the multilateral banks should greatly expand their lending to include not only developing countries, but also developed countries, including the United States, itself. That will fully utilize the low interest rate environment and greatly stimulate global demand and pull up growth in receiving countries.

In conclusion, I wish the after-COVID-19 world a more cooperative and peaceful one. Thank you.

SPEED: Thank you very much.

Now we will hear from the Hon. Boris Meshchanov, Counselor, Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations

HON. BORIS MESHCHANOV: Dear and distinguished Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche,

Dear colleagues and friends from so many countries,

Our video broadcast audience,

The problems put in the center of today’s discussion are of high importance. We welcome highlighting acute questions of international relations through the prism of development, building physical infrastructure, cooperation between major powers in the interests of the poorest and most vulnerable, in accordance with the United Nations Agenda 2030. We fully share the crucial significance of industrialization, eradication of poverty, reforming of international credit-generating institutions and ensuring food security. Those are basically in the spotlight for the whole global community. We emphasize that the right to development persists as a basic human right. Development beats inequality, contributes to peace and is an indispensable condition for building just, peaceful and inclusive societies.

I would like to start my presentation, citing the report by the United Nations Secretary-General saying: “As we are facing multidimensional and multifaceted impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, global solidarity with Africa is an imperative — now and for recovering better. Ending the pandemic in Africa is essential for ending it across the world.” In the context of this challenging crisis we all seek to re-assess the model for development with the needs of the most vulnerable at its cornerstone. I would like to address this issue with respect to how our country deploys relations with the African continent.

It is justified that today more than ever before, our eyes are directed to the regrettable fortunes of populations in remote corners of the world, where governments are grappling with triple crisis of health and finance, trying to avoid widening social disparity and future economic distress. Aware of its historical responsibility for the formation of the modern system of international relations and its further improvement, the Russian Federation considers international development assistance as an effective mechanism to solve global and regional problems, and to respond to new challenges and threats. Our priorities have been the eradication of poverty and promotion of sustainable socio-economic development of partner states; influencing global processes in order to form a stable and just world order based on universally recognized rules of international law and partnership relations among states as well as responding to natural and man-made disasters and other emergencies.

In doing so, as it can easily be seen through the ideals of Russian philosophers and artists and classical Russian literature, assisting our friends abroad has always been based on the respect of the other’s dignity. It has been reflected in our national policies and priorities, and technical and humanitarian assistance has always been delivered at the request of the recipient side. We have proceeded from the assumption that any approaches in the spirit of colonial rule, like the General Act of Berlin of 1884, bringing about the principle of “effective occupation” that prejudiced the freedom of the Africans themselves, attempts to come to an agreement behind one’s back and act solely from the standpoint of mercenary calculation, will most likely not be accepted by these peoples themselves. On the contrary, we value and promote equitable partnership on the international arena ,upholding the principles of truth and justice, respect for the civilizational identity of each people, the path of development chosen by each people themselves.

As the Russian President Vladimir Putin recently emphasized, the development of relations with the countries of the African continent and their regional organizations is one of the priorities of Russian foreign policy. Links between us are based on the friendly relations between the Russian Federation and African states and the traditions of the joint struggle for decolonization and achieving the independence of African states, as well as on the rich experience of multifaceted and mutually beneficial cooperation that meets the interests of our peoples.

Dear colleagues and friends,

One of the main lessons learnt from this pandemic is an urgent need for international solidarity and cooperation, without exclusions and exemptions. In line with this objective, we have committed to giving Russian-African interaction a truly systemic and integrated character. African states are confidently gaining political and economic weight, affirming themselves as one of the important pillars of the multipolar world, and are taking an increasingly active part in working out the decisions of the international community on key issues of the regional and global agenda. We need to respect their rights to benefit equally from globalization, whatever shape it will take following the impacts of the pandemic.

In our strong opinion, the world needs Africa not just like a pantry of valuable minerals or a bread basket, but strong and sovereign region, developing an equal dialogue with its partners in accordance with the norms of the national legislation, based on the multilateral nature of the world order. Today, when proposals are made to reform the global governance system, we are consistently upholding the need to reflect the role of Africa in those structures that are engaged in global governance.

Our fundamentals are not only ensuring the wide global participation of African states, but also resolving conflict situations, on the principle of “African solution to African problems.” Together, we are able to counteract political dictatorship and currency blackmail in the course of international trade and economic cooperation, in order to put pressure on objectionable countries and unfair competition. Introduction of unilateral coercive measures not based on international law, also known as unilateral sanctions, is an example of such practices. Joint efforts are needed to promote trade, investment and sustainable development in order to make the global economic system more socially oriented, to oppose any manifestations of a unilateral approach, protectionism and discrimination, to support the world trade, based on the rules of the World Trade Organization.

Under this paradigm the first Russia-Africa Summit and Economic Forum took place in October 2019 in Sochi, with 92 agreements, contracts, and memoranda of understanding, worth $12 billion signed and problems of trade, investments and banking, industry and construction, transport and logistics, energy and high-tech addressed, among others.

We paid special attention to identifying promising areas of economic, trade and investment partnership of the Russian Federation, as a member of the Eurasian Economic Union, with the African Union, as well as with the leading regional organizations of Africa — the Arab Maghreb Union, the Sahel Five, the Southern African Development Community, the Common Market for East and South Africa, the East African Community, Economic Community of West African Countries, Economic Community of Central African States, and others.

In our movement towards Africa we need to be creative and promote new mechanisms for partnership, encourage active participation of business in exhibitions, fairs, and congress events, and develop the practice of exchanging business missions.

Moving towards Africa in this new old world would be impossible without learning each other better, taking into consideration local customs and traditions for our partners, rich cultural and linguistic variety. In Sochi in 2019, we have committed to develop cooperation in the field of education, implement vocational training, and academic exchange programs to promote social stability by protecting people, especially youth, women and persons with disabilities, and expand their capabilities by increasing the availability of education, technical and vocational training. Participants in the Russia-Africa summit confirmed that obtaining quality education and developing skills by young men and women can become a driving force for structural economic transformation and industrialization in African countries, as well as the basis for strengthening the industrial potential necessary to diversify the economy.

It so happened that our country has already contributed to the development of the African continent, in particular, in industry, infrastructure and energy security, areas promoted by the Schiller Institute as the fundamentals of the so-called physical economy, so I would focus on them briefly.

So far, Russia has been involved in the creation of the Russian industrial zone in Egypt. Among the key competencies of Russia for Africa, one cannot overestimate the role of rail infrastructure for the development of Nigeria, Egypt, Democratic Republic of Congo, and Angola. Under current conditions, it is important that the use of technologies such as medical trains in Africa will prevent the spread of infectious diseases and fight epidemics.

In energy, we count on the future construction of the first nuclear power plant in Egypt and the Russian Center for Nuclear Science and Technology in Rwanda facilitating the development of integrated solutions in the field of nuclear energy in agriculture, health, education, science and industry. Those two are not the only countries in Africa that intend to develop nuclear energy. Kenya, Uganda, Nigeria, Sudan and Zambia are also on this growing list. Most African countries suffer from severe electricity shortages. Accordingly, in the near future they should double their generating capacity to meet current needs. The current pandemic-caused crisis, apparently, has aggravated this challenge for them.

In saying this we should not forget about stepping up efforts to combat climate change in Africa, transfer relevant technologies, build the capacity of African states. Meanwhile, general greening of the economy, in our approach, needs to be based on responsibility, consistency and realism. Key to that is technological progress. Serious efforts are being deployed to improve energy efficiency in industry, agriculture, housing and transport. In our country, we have launched national project “Environment” to create incentives for Russian business to implement best “green” technologies, to ensure the environmentally friendly low-emission development. And we will proceed to provide assistance to developing countries, including Africa, to help them meet their own climate goals without prejudice to the objectives of ensuring inclusive and sustainable economic growth, industrialization of economies and leaving no one behind.

The pandemic is spreading across the world, threatening to backslide the efforts applied to build a more resilient architecture. It’s high time for humanity, responsibility and spirit of partnership to be demonstrated. A truly systemic issue with reference to today’s discussion, is food security, which holds a special place among Russia’s priorities in its efforts to achieve sustainable development globally. First of all, we believe that it has to be addressed at the level of supplying the world enough high-quality food to stabilize international markets, and make it more accessible and affordable for a maximum number of people. At the same time, the zero-hunger goal must be addressed as a matter of urgency for those countries that are food insecure. To that end, over the last 20 years, Russia has been steadily and consistently increasing its own production and export of food — grain, cereals, pulses, meats, poultry, oils, milk and dairy products, etc. Russia has become one of the world’s largest exporters of food.

During the pandemic, food supplies were transferred to the Union of Comoros (172 tons) and Madagascar (about 500 tons).

Apart from tackling the problem of food security, Russia donated hundreds of KAMAZ trucks, together with the necessary parts, equipment, and technical support, for key World Food Program operations in Africa. Starting from 2020, $10 million are being reserved exclusively for Africa. It is the first time that Russia assigns a geographic priority for its voluntary contribution to the World Food Program.

In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, East Africa is experiencing its largest invasion of desert locusts in decades, and our country is making a $10 million contribution to support FAO [Food and Agriculture Organization] operations in Ethiopia, Kenya, South Sudan and Uganda.

In connection with the coronavirus pandemic, Russia received requests from a total of 29 African countries, as well as from the African Union, asking for assistance in combatting the impacts of COVID-19. To date, units of laboratory supplies and personal protective equipment have been provided to the Democratic Republic of the Congo; multi-purpose medical modules, tents and accessories to Djibouti; test systems to South Africa and Guinea.

At the same time, we believe that helping a sick person with a virus is paramount, but only part of the problem is solved. A fundamental factor is the availability of an effective preventive and educational system in the countries affected by the epidemic. As an example, I refer to the example of the Republic of Guinea, where two mobile hospitals have been deployed, and where mobile laboratories based on KAMAZ vehicles were transferred, and medications were delivered. With the participation of Russian experts in this country, more than 800 specialists have passed specialized training since 2015. Russia makes a significant contribution to the scientific research of the Ebola virus. With the support of one of the flagships of Russian business, the United Company RUSAL, the Russian-Guinean Research Center for Epidemiology and Prevention of Infectious Diseases was established in the Guinean city of Kindia.

Last, but not least, long and intensive discussion is ongoing concerning the unbearable debt burden of African states. Russia actively contributes to alleviating it under the debt-for-development program intergovernmental agreements. Those between Russia and Madagascar, Mozambique, and Tanzania, are being implemented. For instance, as part of these arrangements, the Government of Mozambique in cooperation with the World Food Program, has launched a multi-disciplinary national school feeding program. It provides for the conversion of a part of the county’s debt to Russia amounting to $40 million during 2017-2021, into activities that address malnutrition among sick children and foster primary education in Mozambique.

With that, I deeply thank you for your attention, and look forward to your questions.

SPEED: And we want to thank you very much, also, Mr. Meshchanov, because we had some problems with the video as you were speaking. We’re going to first of all make sure the entire speech is made available immediately in terms of the actual text, and we’d like to also apologize. We’d like to have, at some point and I want to say this publicly, if we can actually re-do your video, because it was not quite in synch. The audio was fine, people could hear it very clearly and it was an extremely important message. And so, I want to thank you, again, very much for what you just did.

MESHCHANOV: Thank you.

SPEED: Our next speaker is Dr. Joycelyn Elders, former Surgeon General of the United States.

DR. JOYCELYN ELDERS: Hello. I’m Dr. Joycelyn Elders, and I am happy to speak to the Schiller Institute conference today, whose theme is “Will Humanity Prosper or Perish?” I hope, as I am sure you all do, that humanity prospers.

Ironically, a lethal disease, the coronavirus pandemic, may be the only way to unify the world to reverse what might otherwise appear to be a sure slide into disaster.

We are here to discuss a new paradigm for the whole world—not just for the richer or more well-off nations. Helga Zepp-LaRouche has proposed that a world healthcare platform must be constructed to respond to the present crisis. She has circulated a short memo to this effect, calling for a Committee of Opposites to be formed to implement it. I would like to respond to one passage of that memo in particular. Here is what it said.

“A very large number of youth in the U.S. and the European nations coming from the economically disadvantaged segments of society are presently looking without a perspective into the future and are therefore exposed to an entire specter of perils. They could be educated through a training program in the tradition of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s CCC program to become medical auxiliary forces and could be deployed together with doctors and medical professionals in the building of first temporary, and then permanent hospitals and hospital wards in African and other developing sector nations. For the countries of the Southern Hemisphere the support from the industrialized nations is existential: Therefore it will be possible to find cooperating institutions, such as governments, religious and social organizations, as well as youth organizations, who can help to set up such facilities and win the trust in the population for such an approach. In the industrialized nations, for example, hospitals could set up partnerships with existing hospitals in the developing nations, which then could be used as affiliates for the construction of an expanded health system. One can also draw in nongovernmental organizations with experience in so-called conflict areas, such as the Peace Corps, catastrophe protection organizations, and various relief organizations.

“In the U.S. and European nations retired doctors, helpful individuals, and social and religious organizations could work in a Committee to put together teams of medical personnel and apprentices for this deployment….”

Now, I think that this can be done, but we must think about how we would do it. It will be very important, for example, in the countrysides of Africa, just as it is important in the cities of the United States, for people from these neighborhoods and communities to be very involved in this process. Therefore, young people from Africa should be paired with young people from America, and be trained together from the beginning. We should remember that they are significant communities of African-American youth that are in the United States, whose parents came from Nigeria, Sudan, Ethiopia, Senegal, and many other nations. Importantly historically black colleges and universities could be used, as well as high school campuses in the urban centers, as central coordinating points, to assemble volunteers that want to participate in such a program. More broadly, various land-grant colleges, community colleges, and churches, and other organizations already deeply involved in such outreach, need simply be encouraged by young people who want to assist in doing what perhaps only they can do—save the lives of their peers in Africa, the Americas, Asia, and elsewhere through demonstrations of hope and health.

First, we will need many community healthcare workers. We can take a page out of what was done in the American Civil War in 1861 in New York City, with what was called the Sanitary Commission. We just take some people in the community, give them some basic health education, and develop them as medical assistants and medical technicians. Most importantly, they will be very well known in their communities. They can communicate very well with the people in their communities. You can have supervisors of these community healthcare workers, who are also trained, and of course coordinate with nurses, nurse practitioners and doctors. But this gives you a far larger force to work with, which is what we need.

We can’t teach what we don’t know, and we can’t lead where we won’t go. We have to have tiers of people who are from the community, healthcare workers who understand the community and know the community, as well as immediate supervisors, to people with enough medical training, all the way up to nurse’s assistants, practitioners, doctors, and others, right up to the level of super-specialist. We often do too much special care, and not enough public health. We do not do enough of the basic public health which would do far more to maintain the health, more than 100 surgeons.

This is not an attack against specialization, but it is an assertion that we are in a condition like that of a world war, which requires something that Martin Luther King and others have often talked about—creative, nonviolent directed action, but in the field of health. And we need volunteers, just as the American civil rights movement had volunteers. They will be the backbone of this effort. In this case, we need to establish brigades and battalions of courageous young people, who may even risk their lives, but in a responsible way, to save the lives of others, both here and in other countries.

This is not, by any means, completely new. Many nations have tried elements of such programs, which have worked relatively successfully in the past, and members of the African Union , or WHO, are well aware of these measures. This, however, is a circumstance that requires the equivalent of a wartime alliance, but this is truly a wartime alliance for progress. Here we can count successes, not in the numbers of enemies killed through combat, but through the numbers of lives saved through healthcare. We will also be aided by the omnipresence of certain social media capabilities that can provide means of close coordination that would otherwise be unavailable.

The fight against this virus must have a human face. There is no section of our population we can afford to ignore. For example, our already-overcrowded and often abusive prisons will see an explosion of infections. Should such people who have been accused of a theft or other non-violent crime, or anyone else, for that matter, be given a de facto death sentence, or be put in harm’s way, solely because the rest of us have decided to forget who they are? What about the families that visit them? What about the children, or spouses, or parents attachéd to those people? And I believe that this can be a mobilization that replaces the image of young people as a problem, or a potential source of unrest, with the image that they are the healers, those dedicated to preserving life, not destroying it.

There may be more than 2 million American young men currently held in prisons for non-violent offenses who could be more than willing to become part of this solution, to help bring health both in their communities here, as well as to other nations. And it would only be in such an emergency as this, that this sort of bold thinking would be attachéd to an urgent, dire, but resolvable crisis.

I pray that this moment may find us equal to this challenge to our normal way of thinking. All the world is at stake, and all the world is in need. Thank you.

SPEED: Thank you very much, Dr. Elders.

We’re now going to hear from Dr. Ding Yifan, Deputy Director, Research Institute of World Development, of the China Development Research Center of China.

DR. DING YIFAN: Dear Friends,

It’s a pleasure talking with you on this very important, historical moment. The COVID-19 pandemic has caught the whole world by surprise. Not only have the economies been paralyzed and human life threatened, but all life habits have changed also. Moreover, in many countries, people have not been able to effectively curb the spread of the virus, because they have no experience. Although many institutions have tried to produce vaccines, but are now afraid that the vaccine would be short-lived because the virus evolves so quickly.

In the face of an epidemic, we humans are very vulnerable. If we’re not enlightened and work together to fight the virus, the time for the virus to spread will prolong, and the longer we will suffer. So, here, I’d like to highlight four points:

Firstly, when China’s epidemic broke out, many countries helped China and provided China with various materials for prevention and to fight the virus, in creating masks. Countries, such as Japan, have picked up sentences from ancient Chinese classics, and write on the boxes for transferring those materials to China, to show the close relationship and cooperation between East Asia area’s countries. Once the epidemic situation had been brought under control in China, and the situation became intensified in Japan and South Korea, China sent a lot of materials to Japan and South Korea, to help people there fight the virus.

Secondly, many such token stories have also been staged between Chinese and American companies. Once the epidemic situation got worsened in the United States, many Chinese companies had sent materials for prevention and to fight the pandemic in the United States, as well as masks, protective clothing, protective glasses, ventilators and even [s/l ratings] for nucleic acid detection. So this cooperation showed that our humanity in society is really a community of common destiny.

Thirdly, unfortunately, the political opinion and the political spirit in the United States have made China unintentionally a scapegoat. Radical Congressmen and Senators try to compete with the hoax in the Trump Administration to show off who has the hardest line toward China. These attitudes cannot help Americans fight the epidemic, on the contrary it can only exacerbate the mistrust between China and the United States, making cooperation even impossible between the Chinese and the American governments, within an obstinate pandemic.

Fourthly, in fact, the world economy has not come out completely from the last financial crisis in 2007, and then, a new crisis happened. The pandemic might make this crisis deeper and more difficult to deal with, because we are faced with a dilemma: Restoring the economy and preventing the virus from spreading. The largest economies in the world need to expand their cooperation and take joint measures to fight the virus, and to boost economic growth. We have to use a stimulus package not only to alleviate the problem of the population in trouble, but also to use this stimulus package to invest in infrastructure, not only in traditional infrastructure, such as highways, bridges, or telecommunications means, but also in the development of new infrastructure, such as means of prevention of epidemics for the masses, and the treatment of these masses in pandemics, also including the remote means to check the temperature of the masses.

Only by rebuilding trust among big powers can we unite and fight the coronavirus with success. Then we can bring humanity back to the harmonious development path again. So, I think we have to unite our forces or strengths in the middle of the fight against the coronavirus pandemic, and then, we could try to find a way to common development, after the pandemic.

Thank you.

SPEED: Thank you very much Dr. Ding.

Our next presentation is by former Mayor DeWayne Hopkins, mayor of the town of Muscatine, Iowa. And he represents the China-Muscatine Friendship Society.

FORMER MAYOR DEWAYNE HOPKINS: Good day, everyone. My name is DeWayne Hopkins. I’m the former mayor of a small community in eastern Iowa, located right on the Mississippi River.

And I have a story to tell you. But in order to tell this story, where it begins I’m going to have to move the clock back in time to 1985. Back in that timeframe, the country of the People’s Republic of China, sent four individuals to Iowa. These individuals had never been in the United States before, but through the Sister Cities and Sister States organization, these individuals came right directly to Muscatine, Iowa. One of these individuals was Xi Jinping, and of course at the time, he was pretty young, and he was a provincial official in Hebei province.

Well, they came to Muscatine, and they toured some of our plants around town, and so on and so forth. They even enjoyed a barbecue with spareribs and corn on the cob and things of that nature. In any case, they spent three days in Muscatine, and then moved on to Des Moines, Iowa, where they met with then-Governor Terry Branstad.

Now, I’m going to fast forward a little bit to 2016. Our governor was on a kind of an agricultural mission trip to Beijing in the People’s Republic of China. And he was meeting with Xi Jinping, who at the time had moved up in the ranks to the position of Vice President. Xi Jinping just happened to ask Governor Branstad, because he had known him for that length of time from 1985 to 2016, he asked him how his friends Sarah and Roger Lande were. Well, Sarah and Roger Lande are residents of Muscatine. Roger is a retired attorney. Back in 1985, Sarah was the President of the Sister States organization here in Iowa. Well, Governor Branstad responded that they were in good health and everything was fine, but that’s what started the wheels in motion about a revisit to Muscatine from then-Vice President Xi Jinping. That happened on, I believe it was February 12th. He was on a trip from Washington, D.C., then to meet President Obama in Los Angeles, California. He thought he would have time to stop by Muscatine, Iowa, which he did.

We all greeted him on the porch of the Lande residence. We all went inside, and enjoyed snacks and conversation, and sort of rehashing old times, thus become the title “old friends.” So, a great number of his old friends — that is, Xi Jinping’s — were in attendance at the Lande residence, and they all had just a marvelous time. Xi Jinping’s time came about, he had to leave, and that was OK.

But a short time after returning to China, Xi Jinping suggested via email to Sarah Lande, that we engage a community in China about having a sister city relationship. So, that’s what started the wheels churning for that adventure. That city in China became Zhengding. The rest is kind of history. I went to China and visited with the folks in Zhengding; their mayor, Mayor Yang, came to Muscatine and visited with our folks. We sat down and signed a letter of intent to become sister cities. So, that’s kind of how that went.

As time went on, Xi Jinping became the President of the People’s Republic of China, and Sarah Lande is still in Muscatine, and they stay in contact every now and then. But it’s a relationship that started here in Muscatine, and it’s ongoing.

I will say that we have moved hopefully into the future, and we now have in our high school, four years of Mandarin language. We also have an orchestra that is fairly well-versed in the usage of Chinese instruments, which as you may know, are all stringed instruments. They have sent us some of these instruments, and we’ve learned to play them. And of course, every year, here in Muscatine, is a concert put on by an orchestra either from Beijing or from Shanghai. I believe we’ve done four of those already. And we’re done with this pandemic of the coronavirus, I look for more of those kinds of events to be scheduled.

That’s just another element of the relationship that we have with the People’s Republic of China. They’re outstanding musicians and they communicate with those in attendance at their concerts very, very well. It’s a pleasure to have them here. It’s a pleasure to know that they’ll be coming in the future, and we enjoy having them very much.

I guess, what I’m saying to you is, we’re a small community, and we have a friendly relationship with the People’s Republic of China: That isn’t going to change, and we really don’t care a lot about what they do in Washington, D.C., or what they do in Los Angeles, California. We have a relationship with the People’s Republic of China. They’re great people, they have a good sense of humor; and I wouldn’t mind having one of them as a neighbor.

[Mr. Hopkins then played a short clip from a very lively concert by the Chinese orchestra.]

SPEED: Just one correction: Former Mayor Hopkins misspoke: Actually, when Xi Jinping returned to Muscatine in 2012, he was the Vice-President, not the President at that time. And he came back, and that’s when the meeting was, and it was in 2012, not in 2016. We apologize, and the Mayor apologizes for that unintentional misspoken phrase.

Our final presentation is by Daisuke Kotegawa, Research Director at the Canon Institute, and former Executive Director for Japan at the International Monetary Fund.

“Recollection My Involvement in Economic Assistance”

DAISUKE KOTEGAWA: 1. In the mid-1980s, when I worked as a staff member of the World Bank, I had an opportunity to complain about the slow development of African countries despite a large amount of aid to Africa to a British and a French staff, both of whom had devoted their lives to economic development in Africa. Their answer was amazing. “Mr. Kotegawa. It is wrong to expect fast economic growth in Africa which can be compared to those in Asia and Japan. Because Africa is trying to achieve what humanity has done in 2000 years within 100 years.”

  1. When I returned to Japan in 1987, I became the budget examiner in the Ministry of Finance in charge of the budget of the foreign economic assistance. We reviewed Japan’s basic policies regarding economic assistance to Africa, and we started to try to create a country that will become a model for development in Africa, that is, “Japan” in Africa. I was convinced that it was very important to create a Japan in Africa, because at my days at the World Bank, I realized that Asian countries found Japan as their model and hope, having come to believe that Asian countries can reach the level of Western countries if they work diligently like the Japanese.
  2. The first step is to select the target country. The target country had to have a moderate economic scale, but small enough not to have internal contention such as tribal conflict. We chose Ghana, Cameroon and Malawi. As for Ghana, young and clean leader Rawlings were also a major factor. We poured all three kinds of economic aid into three countries: concessional loans with focus on the construction of economic infrastructure, grants focused on construction of social infrastructure in the medical and educational sector, and technical assistance with the aim of technology transfer through dispatching experts and inviting trainees.
  3. A backlash from the former colonial powers was expected, and Japan, which had historically little relationship with African countries, lacked the know-how to build aid projects there. So, we made an arrangement with Crown Agents, a British aid agency, for consulting our projects in Africa. As a result, about one-third of its total annual income in the early ’90s came from Japan. Ghana, in particular, has achieved great economic growth and if we had continued to do so, a “Japan” in Africa could have been realized within 1990s.
  4. However, having watched the success of such Japanese aid, the British and French began to be vigilant. Ms. Cresson, who became French prime minister in 1991, made such remarks as, “Japanese are yellow ants” and “The Japanese are enemies and are plotting to conquer the world without obeying the rules” and repeated such remarks as “Japanese economic assistance is Jurassic.” Against such criticism, Japan was forced to review its aid policy and had to reduce aid to Africa before Ghana became a Japan in Africa. Since then, proposals for UN Millennium 2000 Target, including the debt relief, which mainly targeted Japan’s yen loans, have been drafted mainly by the U.K., and Japan’s presence in the world of economic assistance has gradually been lost.
  5. I think that there is a fundamental difference between Western concept of economic assistance and that of Japan. The underlining idea of Western aid is a charity. This leads to the emphasis on “humanitarian aid,” and the idea of economic independence of recipient country is scarce. On the other hand, the basic idea of Japan’s aid is recipient country’s economic growth and independence. This is the idea that flows to the root of Japan since the Meiji Restoration, which has been trying to catch up with and overtake the West, witnessing the plight of Asian colonies under imperialism.
  6. On the issue of economic assistance policy, I had to fight with the Western countries wannabe scholars, critics, and mass media at home, as well as those abroad, with friends of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs who had the same sense of mission. Mr. Ishikawa, who wrote several books at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was my greatest collaborator.
  7. One day, a Japanese journalist came to me and started to criticize Japan’s aid policy. His argument was not original which echoed the well-known Western criticism of Japan. For example, he said that Japan built hospitals in developing countries, but only some wealthy people in the country can use such hospitals, and it is not for the poor general public. Or he said that Japan is building telephone network in developing countries where most people do not have a telephone, or that Japan has built international airports in the capital in order to advertise its aid. It would not benefit at all the general public in the developing country who did not have the chance to go abroad. He also took the example of the Philippines, claiming that “It is wrong that Japan has built a hospital for the rich in Manila. Sweden built apartments for the poor in the slums of Manila.” I asked him, “By the way, what would you be most worried about if you were asked by your company tomorrow to go to Manila next week?” He replied, “Whether I can call up Tokyo smoothly, whether is the airport there is fine, or whether there is a proper hospital.” So, I told him, ” What you said are exactly what foreign companies which make investment in the Philippines are concerned about. If there are no problems on such matters, overseas companies will build factories in the Philippines in search for cheap labor and hire people with low wages with minimal education. In this way, employment increases, and the gap between the rich and the poor decreases. I visited to the Smoky Mountain in Manila, which is the core of slum where Sweden built an apartment. The place is a garbage dump, and residents sleep on the bench on the pile of garbage and they protect themselves from rain by the roof made by tablecloth. It stinks very bad. People living there dig out what can be used from the pile of garbage and sell it in the city. The apartment built by Sweden became a slum again in less than six months. Because residents don’t have regular employments, and no income. It is not possible to maintain the apartment no matter how splendid the dwelling is. Japan’s aid help companies increase employment by building economic infrastructure such as railways, ports, airports, roads, power plants, and telecommunication networks with yen loans, creating preconditions for overseas companies to enter the country, and help provide facilities for basic education as a social infrastructure. Gradually, technology will be transferred from the foreign company to the local company, and the industry will grow in the developing country. Just as we were providing economic assistance to Asian countries with this way of thinking, the value of the yen doubled as a result of the Plaza Accord, and the relocation of factories to Asia began by Japanese companies that were no longer able to stand up to labor costs in Japan. The relocation began in Malaysia, where politics were stable and the power generation capacity built by yen loans was firm, and proceeded to Thailand, Indonesia, and China, and the so-called geese-type economic growth started in Asia. This steady economic development continued until the Asian economic crisis of the late 1990s.

I allocated to my Japanese colleagues to join the Belt and Road Initiative as proposed by China, especially when they proposed the establishment of AIIB, and also with the United States. Because I thought the cooperation among these three countries are the best mix to build up economic infrastructure in the developing countries. Because, in my view, the Chinese have a shortfall in their capacity to build up the new projects, which is actually the major part of the advantage for Japanese bankers as well as American bankers.

So United States and Japan can draw up a kind of blueprint for economic development and China should be in charge of financing and also actual construction of those projects. And after the completion of those projects, Japan would like to take the lead in maintenance and the rehabilitation of those completed projects, if they are needed. Because this is the kind of area that Japanese companies are quite good at.

So I believe this is the best way of collaborating, for these three countries for the future of this globe.

Thank you.

SPEED: Thank you very much, Dr. Kotegawa.

We’re about to go to the questions and answers. What we’re going to do is to allow the panelists who are with us live, to have some cross-talk, to discuss things and to respond to what they have all heard. Not everyone is with us live.

And just prior to doing that, I’d like to introduce my colleague Diane Sare, who has something to say.

DIANE SARE: Right now, we are going to have a greeting from the leader of the LaRouche Society in South Africa by video — Ramasimong Phillip Tsokolibane.

RAMASIMONG PHILLIP TSOKOLIBANE: From the Republic of South Africa, I offer my greetings to those of you gathered virtually around the globe for this important conference. My name is Ramasimong Phillip Tsokolibane, and it is my great honor to lead the LaRouche Movement in South Africa.

The matters upon which you are deliberating will determine whether or not mankind survives our turbulent times. Around the globe, people are in the streets, rising up to protest the intolerable injustice of the dying neo-colonial order that has enslaved all of us. It is a deadly monetarist order that values pieces of speculative financial paper above human life. The collapse of this global British financial empire is certain. What will replace it is not. What must be brought into being is a New World Economic Order based on the unleashing of the greatest power in the universe: the power of human creativity to build on this planet a world of hope, peace, and posterity, where we will be truly, finally free.

We shall extend our dominion beyond Earth into the vast expanse of the universe beyond. This was the mighty dream of the great Lyndon LaRouche, who taught us that the final conjunctural crisis of the old evil British Empire was coming, and that we must, as revolutionaries, be prepared to seize the moment to shepherd the great change for the good.

As we deliberate today, we must remember the teachings of Mr. LaRouche. It is now truly his time, a time in which troubles can be turned into opportunities. To do otherwise, would be to allow those evil people, who lorded over us as the masters of the old empire, to continue their rule in an even more brutish and deadly form. A global fascist order whose policy intention it is to kill more than three-quarters of all people on Earth — that is, if they don’t stumble into a general thermonuclear war that kills all of us. As the COVID-19 virus slashes its deadly path across my continent, which will leave tens of millions dead in its wake, if not more, we see the results of the British Empire policy of enforced underdevelopment, combined with the equally deadly famine and attempts to start wars here and around the globe. We can count more millions murdered through the Empire’s policy.

It does not have to be this way. LaRouche’s policies and programs for development and jobs point the way to the future. For Africa, it is go with LaRouche, or die with the old neo-colonial empire. Africa wants to lead, and we have, with some help, the means to survive and prosper. My country, the only full-set economy on the continent, can help produce both the machinery and the machine tools required for the industrialization of Africa. We can help train the hundreds of millions of new productive workers that will be needed. We have one of the most advanced nuclear energy industries on the globe, which is under constant attack from London.

So, it is our future and the future of billions of Africans to come, that this conference is discussing. Best wishes for the success of your deliberations.

Panel 1: Questions & Answers

SPEED: Thank you very much, Phillip Tsokolibane.

So, now we’re going to go to our live panelists: That will be Helga Zepp-LaRouche, I see Dr. Elders who is there; and Mr. Meshchanov is there — great.

I just want to first ask any of the panelists if they have any response or any thoughts about what they’ve heard? Helga, I’d like to start with you.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: I think the reason why we wanted to have this conference is to show a way how governments can actually work together; how people can support that, and in that way help to create an environment where the absolute urgent question of a new world economic order, a new financial system can actually be put on the table.

I’m very encouraged, because what Dr. Jin did is very much our approach; that you need a dialogue of cultures. That you need to look for those ideas which resonate in the other culture even if the predicates are different. I think he did an excellent job in doing that.

I think the fact that Mr. Meshchanov chose to focus on Africa is a sign of the times, because I believe that the fate of the Africa continent is really what will decide if we are morally fit to survive. If we cannot get our act together and work together as nations to help to overcome the dangers coming from the locusts, the famine, the pandemic, I think that this is the most crucial focus. Also, to put aside all kinds of geopolitical contrary interests and really work together in the common task of getting humanity into a different age, really into a different era.

I was very happy with what Dr. Elders said, because I think this idea to call on the youth; that they have to have an absolutely important role, because it’s their future, it’s their world. Young people always like to talk to other people from other countries and work together, so I think that is one of the leverages how we can influence the governments to go in the direction in which they need to go.

Naturally, very delightful was what Mayor Hopkins demonstrated, because it really beats back the idea that small communities can’t do much. He has demonstrated that it can be done, and the fact that the great community of Muscatine has a relationship to Xi Jinping, it just is very bold and is a very good example. I think especially in the end, when he blended in these musical performances, it touched off exactly what needs to be touched off — namely, love between different cultures. Because different cultures are not a threat, they are actually an enrichment once you start to know them and to encounter them.

I also want to thank Ding Yifan, who is an old acquaintance of ours going back to the 1990s, and so is Mr. Kotegawa. So, I think this was really a very powerful and very useful demonstration of how you can work together on different levels and set an example.

SPEED: Counselor Meshchanov, I have a particular thing I’d like to ask you, because we had a question which is going to come your way, and also your speech very much dealt with the question of Africa. But one of the questions that came in, I think you can maybe answer as you give us your own reflections is: “What is President Putin’s thinking in calling for a P5 summit [Five-Power summit], and how does this compare with Mrs. LaRouche’s proposal?”

MESHCHANOV: Thank you for your question, but first off, thank you for inviting us. Again, thank you for the opportunity to speak and deliberate on very acute and intelligent problems of the current moment.

Actually, at the United Nations, we have been involved in organizing the summit even before the pandemic, and we’re still looking forward to having it under the new circumstances. We proceed from our President Vladimir Putin’s own statements earlier this year from Jerusalem, when proposing the summit of the United Nations Security Council Five. The rationale for organizing the summit is not to miss, as he said, new sprouts of hate and discrimination between people and peoples.

According to our President, the country’s founders, the United Nations, and the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, that the responsibility for preserving civilization lies with them. These countries are called upon to become an example for other states in this regard. So, such a summit would demonstrate loyalty of countries to their responsibilities; countries that combatted together back to back against Nazism and fascism, back 75 years ago. [http://en.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/62646]

So, this is how we see it, and how we see the objectives of this summit. We believe that this current moment unfortunately has contributed to this rationale, because borders and discrimination and inequality between countries are getting worse. That is why we have selected the issue of Africa for our presentation at this event of the Schiller Institute. Because we are strongly convinced that, as one of the previous speakers has stated, and it’s commonplace in the United Nations, no one is safe, if someone is not safe.

Reflecting on my colleagues’ presentations, I was highly impressed by our friend from Muscatine’s presentation on the cultural links between the peoples of the United States and China; specifically because my previous posts were somehow associated with promoting direct links between people, between human beings, in consular posts in Greece and Mongolia. It’s very timely now to speak about culture, about eternal values that unite peoples and actually can overcome the politicizing trend in international economic relations.

We also, to conclude, speak of Africa, and many thanks to our colleague from South Africa, a member country of the BRICS association, an association that we’re trying to build on principles of dignity and respect for sovereignty, and promoting independent ways of making decisions. That is the only way our new multipolar world is capable of saving humanity from new conflicts and new wars. Thank you.

SPEED: Thank you very much. Dr. Elders, we’re going to ask you for your comments, but I also see someone who is a colleague of yours, who I think is up there on the screen. If I’m not mistaken, that is Dr. Kildare Clarke from New York City. I know Dr. Clarke has sort of a short time, and he’s been waiting in the queue. Dr. Clarke, is there something you’d like to say, before we hear from Dr. Elders?

DR. KILDARE CLARKE: I would like to say a lot, and I don’t think I probably have the time here. So, for the 4 o’clock youth meeting, I hope I can get by. I agree a lot with Dr. Elders. The problem to me is that I recognize that we’ve got to fundamentally change the educational system in this country, if we really want to get out of the problems we are facing. And we cannot continue to have groups upon groups, planning groups and proposals — we’ve got to act emergently. We’ve got to change educational systems; we do not have to wait until he tries to get to high school or college, before he knows that he’s going to go to medical school. These things can begin in the elementary school. You’ve got to expose people. When they are exposed, they get interested. We are selectively excluding a large part of the population who can become excellent healthcare workers. They might not start in medical school. They could be assistants, learn, understand what it takes to get there, and go back to school. But if we do not expose them now, we’re going to lose a whole generation of excellent physicians, nurses, and other healthcare professionals, because we don’t think it was OK to educate them now….

SPEED: I need to tell you, Dr. Clarke, your audio is bad. I think we got the basic thrust of what you were saying, which is you were pointing out that the entire educational system has to be changed. If you didn’t know this, we’ve been having some technical problems all morning. Dr. Elders, were you able to make out what he was saying?


SPEED: Dr. Clarke, I’m going to ask you to let her respond, and also get her reflections, because I think she knew clearly what you were getting at. So, Dr. Elders?

DR. ELDERS: I thank first of all, the Schiller Institute for putting on this conference. I think it’s been excellent in bringing up some problems that we all have. One of the things we all have to know is, whatever we’re talking about doing, you can’t do it unless you’re healthy. So, I feel very strongly we’ve got to have healthy populations, and we’ve got to start early. I agree with Dr. Clarke. I always tell people that children are half as tall as they’ll ever be by the time they’re three. They know half as much as they’ll ever know by the time they’re four. Hope, will, and drive has been determined by the time they’re five. So, we’ve got to start early. Children can’t be what they can’t see. So, we’ve got to make sure that they’re exposed, and we can start them early. They don’t have to start out being a brain surgeon, but they can start out being what they can be.

And most of all, we’ve got to keep them healthy. All human beings feel that the three things that they need to be, more than anything else, they need to feel that they can be successful. We need to make sure they’re healthy, educated, motivated, and have hope for the future. I thought, that’s where we can start, and every country can start with that. What we’ve heard about what we’re doing for countries, but we’ve got to start with health. And we’ve got to educate them. You can’t keep an ignorant population healthy. So, we’ve got to start with educating the population, and we’ve certainly got to start with doing everything we can to keep them healthy. We have to know that we’ve got our trust and global solidarity. If we don’t trust each other to do the things we need to do, we can’t get it done. We have to go out and work in the communities. Find out what the communities need, rather than giving them what we think they need.

I especially enjoyed the Counselor from Japan’s talk on the things that they were doing. Sometimes you think you’re doing exactly what a country needs. Going into Africa and doing what they needed; but maybe they needed something else. Involve the African nations to find out what does the nation feel that they need, and help them develop what they think they want and need. And we may have to start in our small communities, starting out with the young people; training them to be community health workers. Later, they grow up to be nurses, and nurse-practitioners, physicians, and then to being super-specialists. But we want to improve the health of the world, which we’ve got to do, because we all know this coronavirus has taught us that anytime one country is not healthy, all the rest, we’re all at risk. So, we’ve got to make sure that we help every country to be healthy and improve their health. We’ve got to start with the young people who are going to determine what the world’s going to be. We have to do everything we can to train them to be the best that they can be.

I never fail to go to an old Chinese proverb that says that “The society grows great when old men and old women plant trees under whose shade they know they’ll never sit.” To me, this institute, what you’re trying to do with the Schiller Institute is pull the nations together in solidarity, globally, so that they can plant trees for the bright young people of the future to sit under. Thank you.

SPEED: Helga, do you have anything you’d like to say at this point, either to Dr. Clarke, or in response to this?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: No, I just feel very — my heart is moved by what you are saying, because it is that kind of human spirit which is needed now to move mountains. And these mountains need to be moved quickly, because the dangers are many. So, I’m very happy that you are saying what you are saying.

SPEED: So Dr. Clarke, we’re going to move on, because we have other questions. But I need to know if you will be able to join us for the later panel, when we will have a panel of youth. That’s going to be later this afternoon. I don’t know if your schedule allows it, but it would be important.

DR. CLARKE: I’ll make myself available.

SPEED: And we have to do something about your audio over there on the other side, too. Thank you.

Diane, we’re going to come back to you now. Do you have something for us?

SARE: Yes. I have a question from the Ambassador from Ghana to Canada. But I actually wanted to bring up one thing, since it turns out Mr. Meshchanov has been involved in cultural affairs, which is to express my desire that at some point, somehow, the city of St. Petersburg, which apparently had an absolutely phenomenal chorus, was the location of the premier of Beethoven’s sublime work, the Missa Solemnis. I know the chorus there must have been excellent, because our chorus is working on it, and it’s very difficult. This being the Year of Beethoven, and Beethoven being a composer who I think really embodies the love of mankind as a whole, I think it would be something we have to figure out how to commemorate, if not this year because of the COVID, then as soon as possible.

So now, having said that, I have a question from Ambassador J. Ayikoi Otoo, who is the High Commissioner from Ghana to Ottawa, Canada. He writes:

“I think the suggestion for four leaders to meet to brainstorm on the effects of the pandemic in order to find universal solutions is a brilliant one. But, with President Trump reeling under pressure for not having taken the pandemic seriously, and with this leading to several deaths, with President Trump pushing the blame on China and making derogatory remarks about China — Can you see these two leaders working together? Considering the fact that President Trump recently withdrew from a Zoom conference organized by leaders of the EU and China, on the subject of the raising of money to fight the pandemic worldwide, what are the prospects for the four leaders, whom you cite [I think he’s referring to Mrs. LaRouche], to come together?”

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: First of all, I want to make one important correction in your question, because it may be true that President Trump was not picking up on the warnings coming from China quickly enough, but neither did the European countries. They also lost precious time. But I want to emphatically make the point that this pandemic would not be a pandemic if there would have been a good health system in every country. And that is a provable fact because, in Wuhan and Hubei province, the Chinese were able to contain it, to put strict quarantine, and then after two months it was under control. That approach, if you had a similar health system in every country in Africa, in Latin America, in Asia, in Europe, you could have stopped this from becoming a pandemic. Therefore, I think it’s very important to say that the blame of all this is the neo-liberal system which prevented the building up of infrastructures and health systems in the whole world.

This was a point made by my late husband already in 1973. He warned, and actually set up a biological holocaust taskforce to investigate the effects of the IMF policies at that time. And in the following years, of the so-called IMF conditionalities, which prevented developing countries from investing in their health systems, because they were forced to pay their debt burden first. These conditionalities actually created the condition that the pandemic even could arise. Naturally, the predecessors of Trump, such as the Bushes, such as Obama, they did much more to contribute to create the conditions than President Trump in his admittedly slightly delayed reaction. So, I just wanted to correct that, because it’s very easy to say it’s the guilt of Trump, but he definitely did not cause the problem 50 years ago.

I think that unfortunately, I believe that this situation will get so much worse. I think the surges which you see now in more than two dozen states of the United States, you see it in Brazil, in India. In general, it is estimated that this is not even a second wave; this is still the first wave which has not yet peaked. Several of the American epidemiologists and virologists said it’s no point to talk of a peak; the peak is not yet here.

So, I fear that the kind of collapse which we are seeing right now in terms of the effects of the economic shutdown, is also just the beginning. I think the situation will worsen in the short-term, long before the election takes place in November, and that the kind of social ferment which exists right now — which in part is due to the murder of George Floyd and others, but it’s also naturally manipulated and taken over by people who just want to create social trouble in the same way like President Putin warned that Trump would be faced with a “Maidan.”

So, it definitely has absolutely elements of that as well. I think this will get worse, and that means our intervention in the United States, but also around the world will be absolutely crucial. Because it is my absolute conviction that if you have more examples like that of the Mayor of Muscatine, people who just start relationships and create an environment which counters the absolutely malicious lies in the mainstream media and the crazy talk by such people as Marco Rubio or Menendez, or such people who just are completely irresponsible in what they say. There should be a standard of truth that you shouldn’t say things which are made up; but some of these people have lost all hesitations to just, for their own purposes, lie.

So, I think it’s very important that this is being countered by a lot of citizens. And I think if we can get this initiative, which I proposed with this taskforce to find solutions on the level of the coincidence of opposites, that can become an important factor, because the idea that you have to replace geopolitical confrontation with cooperation to solve this pandemic and all the other problems together, must become the steamroller in the population. I also think that if there is a chorus of countries — from Africa, from Latin America, from other places — and individuals of positions, who demand that the problems of humanity are so big that they only can be solved by the leading countries; the most powerful economically, the most powerful militarily, and those countries which have the most population, that they must get together. Because where else should the solution come from?

I think if we all work together, we can orchestrate an environment where these ideas are being picked up, and all the advantages which lie in that may convince even those countries which seem to be at loggerheads right now, to actually come together and work together, because it will benefit them more than to keep the confrontation going.

SPEED: Thank you. Our next question is from Isaiah K. Koech, Counsellor for the Kenyan High Commission [embassy] in Ottawa, Canada. I think this question will be largely for Helga and for Mr. Meshchanov.

“Whereas there is advocacy for the world’s powerful countries to meet in the ‘Four-Power’ Summit to discuss solutions that would mitigate global crises, how sure are we that the powerful leaders will incorporate issues that directly affect African countries? (This question is based on the premise that the Four-Power Summit will not have any representation from the African continent which is equally large and full of potential).”

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Well, Mr. Meshchanov, if you want to go first?

MESHCHANOV: OK. With this, I will try to briefly focus on several questions posed before, starting with a positive conversation of our colleague referring to cultural links. We would like to reiterate our deep understanding that culture is stronger than politics, and we are availing of this opportunity to thank the Schiller Institute for issuing brilliant chorus song in Russian associated with Victory Day in May, which we would highly encourage everyone to see a brilliant and bright presentation of cultural links and culture bridging gaps between our countries. We are deeply appreciative of this work by the Schiller Institute. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcLGy8yIOVM&t=5s]

And of course the Year of Beethoven deserves to be commemorated. Our embassies, consulates, and missions all over the world are open, especially in these difficult times, to any proposals of collaboration in the cultural sphere. So, thank you very much for your remarks.

As for the four leaders summit proposal by the Schiller Institute, we believe it’s a great idea, and not contradicting the Russian President Vladimir Putin. I would like once again to reiterate the idea of five countries, specifically the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, was issued and proposed in association with the 75-year anniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War — the Second World War, talking globally. It is addressing the idea of recollecting the common responsibility of our countries for preventing discrimination, hated, hatred on borders between countries, bearing in mind the responsibility lying with these specific countries, which are founders of the United Nations, and winners in the Second World War.

So, that was the rationale to reiterate, but that doesn’t prejudice against deliberating on any alternative forums. I’m speaking in my personal capacity of course now, but that reminds me of the rationale behind the establishment of the BRICS association, which somehow started back in the 1990s from the ideas of our outstanding and well-known academic and diplomat, and former Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, Yevgeny Primakov, who tabled the idea of Russia, India, and China collaboration and systemic cooperation, meetings, and summits. That was sort of an idea that could also be taken into consideration, because our great predecessor Mr. Primakov foresaw the rising role of India, and the rising role of African countries, as a natural process of moving forward the multipolar world after the collapse of the bipolar system. That is why we strongly believe in multilateralism, multilateral forums.

Coming to the third question of the United States and China, and the possibility of cooperation, and all the controversies and conflicts that we see now. We also do not have very smooth and easy relationships with the Western world and the United States, as you are, of course, aware. But still we try to find mutual interests; that we did even under the Cold War situation back many decades. Now, something that contributes to finding solutions is the pressure of business circles, investors, diasporas, cultural links, parliamentary relations. Even being oppressed by coercive measures by several Western countries, we stick to the policy of cooperation and collaboration with our Western partners. China is also objectively interested in developing relationships with the United States, as well as the United States cannot do without China in the modern economic system. That is why we are sort of optimistic on U.S.-China reconciliation.

To focus briefly on African countries, we believe that the development of the African continent recently, not only in terms of economic growth, but also diversifying trade and investor partnerships, and maturing political collaboration between African countries, will contribute to their capability of speaking in one voice. That probably opens good perspectives of African countries joining the global governance system which is going to be revisited and reformulated. As I also stated in my presentation, our country has always spoken on raising involvement of African countries in any global forums. It should be inclusive, not exclusive.

With this, I thank you.

SPEED: OK, very good. Helga, do you have anything?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: I would like to add that there is probably not any problem globally, both regionally and economically and otherwise, which could not be solved if the geopolitical confrontation between the United States, Russia, and China in particular, would be eliminated. Because the entire game plan of what we call the British Empire, which is really the City of London, Wall Street, the financial institutions which are behind the neo-liberal system; their entire ability to keep the rule over the world’s institutions depends on the geopolitical game to divide the United States and Russia and China. People don’t realize that it is exactly the same forces financial, media, political, who are behind the coup attempt against Trump; who are behind the anti-Russia campaign; and who are behind the anti-China campaign. Once you realize that, you have a completely different view, and the reason why my husband originally many years ago picked up on the idea of Prime Minister Primakov, and added the United States to this combination of Russia, China, and India was the recognition that you need a combination of states which are powerful enough to be stronger than the City of London and Wall Street. Once these four, or especially those three, get together, then you can solve any other problem. I have said many times, this summit is not going to be only one summit. Because the problems are so deep and many, that you probably need a whole summit process, where you start to put the kinds of mechanisms like for a New Bretton Woods system into motion; you start to take care of the cultural question, the health system. So, I look at it more that once you have this format, that the presidents of those countries start to cooperate to solve the common problems of mankind, you can develop it to become an integrative process where naturally other countries, other continents, other states are absolutely welcomed to support that process. But I think it’s important to first put together the core of power which can actually change the world, and not just have it like many conferences where you have a democratic kind of back and forth and nothing gets accomplished. I think this is also why President Putin wants to keep the veto power in the Permanent Five countries so that it doesn’t degenerate into just a debate where no results can be accomplished. It should be open; we are organizing that countries such as Japan or Germany, Italy, France, countries from Africa. They should absolutely support that. The best thing is to it now; to add your voice that such a summit must take place, and I think it can be done. I think it’s absolutely doable, but we need a worldwide mobilization to accomplish it.

SPEED: We’re getting a lot of questions, and that’s very good. But we have the problem that we lost some time at the beginning of the broadcast. So, what we’re going to do here is, first of all, we’re going to encourage people to keep going with the questions. Several of them are with respect to the coronavirus pandemic and related matters. The next panel, which will begin at 1:30 p.m., will continue to cover that, and we will try to refer some of the questions there. Also, we certainly will refer all of your questions to any of the panelists to have them answer.

We’re going to take two more questions, one of which will come from me, and then the other one will be from Diane. We’ll then ask the panelists to conclude.

This is a question from Dr. Abdul Alim-Muhammad of Washington, D.C.; well-known to the Schiller Institute, and very important in our work over the years. This one, I believe, is for both Dr. Elders and for Helga: “How can the rest of the world learn and benefit from the Chinese and Cuban collaboration in flattening the curve of the epidemic centered in Wuhan? How can those lessons be applied here in the United States and elsewhere, like Brazil and countries in Africa, to flatten the curve? Why isn’t Cuba’s interferon alpha-2B available to save American lives? Should there be an international standard of criminal public health neglect?” Then, he just appends to this “The Crime of Tuskegee”; he’s talking about the Tuskegee syphilis experiments. “Was the deliberate withholding of known effective treatments to suit a racist agenda? Is history repeating on a global scale?”

So, that’s his question. Either Dr. Elders or Helga, whichever would like to start.

DR. ELDERS: I think we all realize that we have a global pandemic now. But as in all pandemics, we’ve got to have the right leaders if we want to come out of this, and I think what the Schiller Institute is doing, we’ve got to have the kind of leaders who are willing to lead. And they have got to make the sacrifices and do the things that they need to do to lead and move forward. Our public health system has not been well funded. We’ve got to invest more in our public health, but when we think of public health, we’ve got to always remember, that public health is not just about individuals. It’s about the whole community; it’s all of us. We’ve all got to be involved, and you can’t keep our people healthy if we don’t educate them to be healthy. I think that that’s an important issue that all of our communities have to be aware of. The reason? I won’t say the reason, I don’t know the reasons. Some of the reasons why we in the United States, our curve is not flattened as well as that in China and some of the other countries is because of our culture and the education of our people. We’re not willing to do the things; we know we need to do them, but we just didn’t do them. Like our social distancing, which we could do. Handwashing. Wearing a mask. Then, everybody wanted to get back, and start socializing again. So, these are things the Chinese were willing to do and did. They enforced it, and we did not do it. That was partly related to our leadership, that we’ve not done.

If we think about the Tuskegee Institute, I think that was a public health, leadership mistake. We’ve worked through that now. I do not feel in any way that anybody was trying to take anything away or trying to not provide therapy or treatment. And I do not feel that we’re not trying to do everything we can now to make sure we do what we can to eliminate the coronavirus. But we do not have a vaccine; we do not have adequate medications. All we have are the public health issues that we know we need to follow in order to get it done. We’ve got to educate our people. The reason why we’re seeing more problems in our very low-income, less well-educated people is because of what’s happened. We know that we’ve got to address those issues if we’re really going to make a difference.

And I think the same is true for Brazil. I think Brazil is behaving much like America; we’re not doing the things we know we need to do.

SPEED: OK. Helga, do you have anything, or should we continue?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: I just would like to add briefly that if people remember, in January, when China started to take these very rigid measures — quarantining people, tracing contacts, cutting out social contact by allowing families to go shopping only once every three days and only one member of the family — all of these things. There was a huge freak-out in the West, saying “This is a dictatorship! See how horrible! They’re violating human rights again.” But in reality, what helped them to contain is aided by a deep cultural difference between Western and Chinese culture. In the West, it was a big accomplishment that the rights of individuals were held high. This is a good thing, but unfortunately, this individuality became excessive. People mistook freedom with liberties and hedonism. What Dr. Elders just said, people wanted to go back to the beaches, they wanted to go back to partying. You have these really insane behaviors which are an expression of such exaggerated individuality. While the Chinese culture — and all Asian cultures, for that matter — have traditionally much more focus on the common good as the primary thing. And that the individual right is sort of subsumed under the right of the community and the cultural good. The individual cannot prosper if the community does not prosper. I think this is a cultural difference which I think is very much worth to study. Because we will come out of this pandemic with the need to adjust some of our values. They may not be exactly what people tout to be the so-called “Western values”; because these Western values — that’s a whole other subject. But I think we have to really think how we can give humanity principles for our durable survival. And that is part of this process that we are trying to do with these kinds of conferences; that people start to really reflect and say, “How can we become a species of rationality and creativity, and not compete with some piggies who are trying to get to the trough the quickest?” I think it’s really a fundamental question of identity, of moral values, which has to be addressed.

SPEED: OK. Last question for this panel will be from Diane Sare.

SARE: This question is from Dr. Katherine Alexander-Theodotou of the Anglo-Hellenic and Cypriot Law Association. It is in four parts.

“1. What do you suggest to do in an effort to bring the European nations together to reflect on democracy, basing the institutions on democratic lines, creating a real democratic union, including Russia? The vast culture of the civilization of Europe will be the fortress of prosperity and peace.

“2. How can the Schiller Institute assist? The Schiller Institute can assist by continuously advocating unity, cooperation, education, and preventing the undermining of nations’ sovereignty of Europe by others ruled by undemocratic institutions such as Turkey, threatening the sovereignty of its neighbors such as Greece and Cyprus.

“3. There is a need for European health policy and coordination of the health authorities in order to have common standards of health policy and provide competent healthcare to the peoples of Europe.

“4. There is the question of slave populations throughout Europe, especially in the U.K., where there are almost 1 million people living for almost 15 years with no identity, as they are immigrants [I think she means no legal identity] whose voice is being suppressed by the immigration laws. There are also others in other European countries. How can we stop this system of slave labor?”

Those are the questions.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: I think this present EU needs to be changed, because I think the EU has developed into a gigantic bureaucracy which is very little in touch with the interests of its member states. I could cite you a whole list of examples for this. I think we have to really think how to integrate Russia. I think one of the lessons Putin said in his article was that there was a failure before World War II to develop an integrative security system. I’m quite interested — I’m putting it carefully — I’m quite interested about the report that between Putin and Macron in a long phone conversation yesterday, Macron said that he stands for a Europe which goes from Lisbon to Vladivostok, which obviously would mean that you really talk more about the Eurasian Economic Union, the Belt and Road Initiative integrated into one body. I think I’m a firm believer in the principle of sovereignty. I think this present crisis has demonstrated that in any case the EU did nothing. It was the nations which jumped in and recognized that you need food security in a nation; you need sovereign control over your production of medicine and health equipment.

Nicolaus of Cusa, who I quoted earlier, was the first one to develop the concept of why only a sovereign nation-state which has a reciprocal relationship between the government and the governed, which I think is the only way how you can guarantee how the common good is being defended; especially under conditions of crisis. So, I think this present EU, which is trying to attach itself to a NATO globalization, to play all kinds of geopolitical games, is not necessarily the vehicle with which Europe should be reformed. Maybe that should be the subject of a whole other webinar, because this is a very complicated question. But I think an alliance of sovereign nation-states in the spirit of de Gaulle would make much more sense to represent the interests of all the people.

As for the slave labor, I think that has come out, that this present neo-liberal system depends not only on the exploitation of cheap labor in countries like Bangladesh or some other countries, but that you have slave labor conditions inside the Western countries. Like in Germany, where it’s now seven or eight slaughterhouses which have all Romanians and people from other East European countries, who are living in horrible conditions. They have become the breeding ground for COVID-19 break-outs, because there is no health system, no social distancing is possible. I think taking care of the health system is the first precondition for everything to function, exactly as Dr. Elders says. If you are not healthy, you cannot do anything. So, protection of the health of the citizens has to really start in every country, not just in some.

SPEED: All right. So, we’re now at the conclusion. We’ve got about one minute per person for responses. I’d like to get kind of a summary idea. We’ll start with you, Mr. Meshchanov, if you have any remarks that you’d like to make in conclusion.

MESHCHANOV: Thank you. I had some technical problems, and unfortunately couldn’t catch the last part of the discussion. But now, wrapping up what has been laid out in this very important discussion, I see in an optimistic way what is happening. Meaning that when the situation is up-ending, and this is something that has been happening in any crisis in history, the word crisis derives from the Asian-Greek word of krisi, which means taking decisions; taking choice. So, we need to take the right decision, the right choice; and I fully support Mrs. Helga LaRouche’s statement on changing values after this crisis. We believe that in this crisis, constructive forces such as the Schiller Institute and many others in our country as well, are heard better. That’s probably one of the systemic significances of this crisis. Briefly, speaking on our President’s article, which you have repeatedly referred to, Mr. Putin underscores in his article devoted to the 75th anniversary of the war end, the Munich conspiracy. That is something that he starts with, but he finishes his article by underscoring the significance of cooperation, collaboration, and shared responsibility of great powers. That is why we are optimistic on this future cooperation which sometimes crises and great systemic catastrophes can contribute to.

SPEED: Thank you, Counselor. Dr. Elders, any concluding remarks?

DR. ELDERS: This has been one excellent conference, and I think what is talked about is how in all conferences we need to trust each other, we need to learn to work together, and that our cooperation and trust is going to do more to overcome this virus and the health of our people than anything else. The more we squabble among each other, the more this virus grows, divides, and spreads. So, the first thing is, we want to improve our economy, educate our people. We’ve got to first do everything we can to keep them healthy. We just can’t develop an excellent working society unless we have a healthy society. We know how; and it’s time we began to use the knowledge we know and make our leaders stop squabbling about where, when, and how it started. Let’s look at what we can do to make a solution. We need to get all nations that we can involved, so we can all work together to try and make a healthy global world. That’s how I feel we’re going to also address our economy.

SPEED: Thank you. Helga?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: I would like to bring people’s memories back to what we saw in the beginning — the video of Lyn; who focussed very much on the fact that we are the creative species. At least, the only one which has been discovered in the universe so far. I think if we strengthen that quality of our species which distinguishes us from all other ones, the creativity, then also the question of trust will be easy. Because a human being who relates to the creativity of another one, doesn’t have prejudices. At best, you have a wish to increase the creativity of the other one for the common good of all of humanity. I think it is that rethinking of trying to make people better people, to make them do more good, to really get rid of all of this hedonistic decay of our culture which prevents people from being creative. Because if people just want to go partying and get drunk and have dope, they are ruining that which makes them human. I think may be hopefully one of the outcomes, because I believe absolutely that we need a renaissance of cultural values, of Classical culture. That we all have to learn to think like Beethoven, and to think like Lyndon LaRouche. Then we are best equipped to deal with this and any other problem.

SPEED: Thank you. I want to thank all of the panelists who were with us today. We’re going to conclude this first panel. But I think we managed to soldier through all of the difficulties that may have some metaphorical importance to what we’re going to have to do in the world as a whole to make this dialogue work as well.

’Obamagate’ er sat i gang, samtidig med at Trump genkalder Kennedys rumfartsprogram
og Crew Dragons succes for at inspirere til fællesskab

Den 3. juni (EIRNS) – Samtidig med at den interne desintegration af op mod 50 amerikanske byer chokerer amerikanere og folk over hele verden, markerer to, i dag, påbegyndte begivenheder tilbageslaget mod anarkiet, som medierne og mange valgte embedsmænd spreder, i forsøget på at forvandle det instrumenterede kaos til ”fase tre” af kupforsøget mod Præsident Donald Trump.

Den første begivenhed var offentliggørelsen fra Præsident Trumps præsidentkampagne af en kampagnevideo med overskriften: ”Gør Rumfart Stort Igen” (”Make Space Great Again”). Han begyndte reklamen med den Demokratiske Præsident John F. Kennedys tale ved Rice-universitetet: ”Disse Forende Staters land blev ikke bygget af dem, som ventede og slappede af og ønskede at kigge bag ud”. Derefter fulgte Kennedys berømte forkyndelse, at ”rejse til Månen i dette årti og gøre de andre ting,” efterfulgt af Neil Amstrongs skridt på Månen, med sit ”kæmpe spring for menneskeheden”.

Trump påpeger dernæst ”dette storslåede øjeblik”, som viser hvad amerikanere kan opnå, når de alle arbejder sammen, og tilføjer at vi nu skriver dette ”næste kapitel i amerikansk rumforskning”, baseret på en ”ny platform”, som vil gøre det muligt for amerikanske pionerer at vende tilbage til rumforskning.

Aldrig før har nationen haft mere brug for sådan optimisme og inspiration, hvilket blev vækket til live af Falcon 9s opsendelse og Dragon Endeavours dokning over weekenden. Skønt masseoptøjerne, plyndringerne og brandstiftelserne over hele nationen blev reduceret markant tirsdag aften, demonstrerer beviser fra borgmestre og guvernører, samt politichefer over hele landet, optøjernes organiserede natur, der drager fordel af det legitime raseri fra millioner af borgere, som ikke blot væmmes ved en racistisk betjents brutale mord på en ubevæbnet mand, men også af sammenbruddet af den amerikanske økonomi som er uden fortilfælde, de 50 millioner arbejdsløse og belastningen af nedlukningen. De samme kredse, som styrede de tre års heksejagt mod Præsident Trump, kendt for at være ledt af britisk efterretning, forsøger nu febrilsk at forvandle den nationale krise til en anti-Trump-kampagne, hvilket vil blive dokumenteret i de kommende udgivelser af EIR og EIR Alert Service.

Den anden vigtige begivenhed i dag, fandt sted i senatets justitskomité, hvor undersøgelsen af kupforsøget mod præsidenten begyndte med afhøringen af den tidligere vicejustitsminister, Rod Rosenstein, som ansatte den ”retslige snigmorder”, Robert Mueller, som specialrådgiver for at undersøge den (ikke-eksisterende) aftalte spilt mellem Trump og Rusland. Trump har kaldt dette for ”Obamagate” – de primære skurke i USA var en del af Obamas efterretningshold – men det kunne bedre betegnes som den ”tredje krig mod det Britiske Imperium”, efterfølger til den Amerikanske Revolution og Borgerkrigen. Komitéens formand, Senator Lindsey Graham, hævdede der vil komme kriminelle retsforfølgelser som følger af justitsministeriets undersøgelse, og at hans komité grundigt vil udforske Muellers undersøgelse, samt sagen mod General Michael Flynn, med hensigten også at vise, at den undersøgelse ikke retfærdigvis skulle have været påbegyndt. De primære aktører forsøger allerede at bøje af ved at bebrejde hinanden, som Rosenstein beskyldte McCabe, og McCabe hurtigt kaldte ham en løgner. Uheldigvis er Senator Graham en integral bestanddel af den fortsatte løgn, fra begge partier, om at Rusland hackede DNCs computere og ”greb ind i valgene i 2016”.

Den fremstormende finanstsunami vokser sig stadigt større, som den nærmer sig kysten. Argentina blev erklæret insolvent, d. 1. juni, af gribbene fra den Internationale Swaps- og Derivatforening, hvilket igangsatte omkring $1,5 milliarder i ”credit default swaps”. Billederne fra 2008 viser sig overalt, med den undtagelse, at derivat-boblen med ”spillegæld” i dag er næsten dobbelt så stor som i 2008, samt den utrolige hastighed af pengetrykkeri – som for det meste ikke går til den reelle økonomi, men til at holde bankerotte banker oven vande – som denne gang truer med en eksplosion af hyperinflation.

Den eneste løsning til alle disse kriser er en øjeblikkelig, revolutionær transformation af systemet selv, som vil skabe millioner af arbejdspladser i en nødhjælps rekonstruktion i USA og verden over, og tage banksystemet igennem en Glass-Steagall reform, så kreditter kan begynde at blive styret ind i den reelle økonomi: Rumforskning og grundlæggende opdagelser i videnskabens grænseområder, såsom fusionsenergi.

Se ”LaRouche-planen for at genåbne USA’s økonomi: Verden har brug for 1,5 milliarder nye, produktive arbejdspladser”.

Udmønt potentialet for fornuft – ’Verden har brug for 1,5 milliarder nye job’

Den 2. juni (EIRNS) – Verdenssituationen er ude af kontrol på mange fronter – i USA, pandemien, global hungersnød og den spændte strategiske situation. Over vores hoveder hænger Damoklessværdet – det økonomiske system, der er klart til at bryde sammen.

 Hvis alle disse faktorer lægges sammen står det klart, at der er et akut behov for fornuft. Vi har brug for en anden tilgang. Vi har brug for et totalt  paradigmeskifte. Dette er udformet i det nye program, “LaRouche-planen til genåbning af den amerikanske økonomi; Verden har brug for 1,5 milliarder nye, produktive job”.

 Hvad der er tydeligt i De Forenede Stater er, at midt i denne kraftigt voksende folkemængde, der ønsker et nyt, retfærdigt økonomisk system og frihed for misbrug og lidelse, er den britiske efterretningstjenestes hånd og dens imperialistiske kupmagere på færde. Et iøjnefaldende aspekt af dette er den bevidste antændelse af konflikt og vold i en tid med sorg, vrede og potentielt broderskab og forandring. Dette viser sig i form af ”professionelle agitatorer”, der griber ind i forskellige byer under skøre navne – ‘Boogalo Bois’, ‘Antifa’ eller anonymt.

 På nuværende tidspunkt har mere end 40 byer, i 20 stater, natligt udgangsforbud for at afskrække vold, som er forekommet de sidste par nætter i ellers store, fredelige demonstrationer, der fulgte efter mordet den 25. maj på George Floyd i Minneapolis af politibetjent Derek Chauvin, som siden er blevet tiltalt. I dag marcherede tusinder af mennesker i timevis i byer, kyst til kyst, fra Los Angeles, til Chicago til New York City.

 Spørgsmålet, som de lokale borgmestre og lederne af borgerrettighedsbevægelserne rejser, er: Hvem er disse udenforstående grupper, som tilskyndede til og udførte volden? Se til London.

 Hvad der står klart i situationen er, at alt kan gå galt, og føre til kaos og forfærdelige konsekvenser – netop hvad de britiske aktører ønsker. Samtidig fremmer de samme undergravende politiske kræfter et internationalt slutspil for USA, ved at presse på for et forrykt brud med Kina og ensidig økonomisk selvdestruktion.

 Udenrigsminister Mike Pompeo tjener dette formål godt. I en række offentlige begivenheder i de sidste tre dage – søndags-tv, en mandagstale og i dag sammen med præsident Trump med en erklæring om global religionsfrihed, hamrede Pompeo løs med den pointe, at Kina skal besejres, og for det andet antydede han stort set, at Trump vil gøre, hvad Pompeo siger. Pompeo sagde på Fox News søndag, at det ”aggressive” Kinesiske Kommunistparti (CCP) er en kraft for det onde, og ”ser sig selv som havende til hensigt at ødelægge vestlige ideer, vestlige demokratier og vestlige værdier. Det bringer amerikanere i fare”. I går sagde Pompeo i en podcast med American Enterprise Institute, at ”præsident Trump snart vil fremlægge en række skridt, som vi vil tage” imod Kina.

 Helga Zepp-LaRouche, præsident for Schiller Instituttet, identificerede i en briefing til medarbejdere i dag en modgift til krisen: det fremtidsorienterede udgangspunkt for forskning og videnskab i rummet, som det fremgår af rapporten, “The World Needs 1.5 Million New, Productive Jobs” (Verden har brug for 1.5 milliarder nye, produktive job). Søg at få den bredest mulige diskussion af dens ideer.

 Zepp-LaRouche mindede folk om, at Londons ‘The Spectator’ i januar 2017 bragte en forsidehistorie med overskriften om, at Trump skulle sættes fra embedet – ved kup, rigsretssag eller attentat – ellers må han tvinges til at tilpasse sig det britiske imperiums dagsorden. Pompeo, med flere, prøver at gøre netop dette, men han kan stoppes.

 I går gjorde præsident Trump netop en af de ting, som er årsag til at det britiske geopolitiske system har ham i sigtekornet: Han indledte en venlig telefonsamtale med den russiske præsident Vladimir Putin. De drøftede adskillige emner (oliepriser, Trumps idé om G10), men vigtigst af alt var rumfart. Som rapporteret af Kreml: “Den russiske præsident lykønskede Donald Trump med den vellykkede opsendelse den 30. maj af det bemandede rumfartøj Crew Dragon, som bragte amerikanske astronauter til Den internationale Rumstation. En fælles holdning til udvikling af indbyrdes fordelagtigt samarbejde inden for rumfartssektoren blev bekræftet …

 ”Betydningen af at styrke den russisk-amerikanske dialog om strategisk stabilitet og tillidsskabende foranstaltninger i den militære sektor blev noteret. Præsidenterne blev enige om at fortsætte kontakten på forskellige niveauer. Samtalen var konstruktiv, forretningsmæssig og væsentlig”.




’Håb og begejstring’ midt i kampen

Den 1. juni (EIRNS) – En nation, som endelig har fundet tilbage på vejen til reel, menneskelig udforskning af solsystemet og efterfølgende revolutioner i videnskab og teknologi, har i de seneste fire nætter set voksende optøjer med det formål at afsætte præsidenten, som havde bragt den tilbage på denne vej. De voldelige optøjer, som sigtede på at omstyrte Kinas autoritet i Hongkong, er nu bevidst blevet ”spredt” for at forsøge at vælte et Hvidt Hus, der netop i går bebrejdede Kina for at håndhæve denne autoritet.

I by efter by ser vi kontrasten mellem afro-amerikanere i forpinte protester mod politidrab af ubevæbnede, sorte amerikanere, og en pøbel af anarkistiske uromagere, hvoraf nogle tydeligvis er veteraner og professionelle i afbrændinger, slagsmål og ødelæggelser, der finder paller fulde med sten på mystisk vis placeret langs vejen til disses natlige optøjer. Vi kender ikke organisatorerne endnu. Men det britisk efterretningsvæsen var dybt involveret i Hongkong-optøjerne, og en gruppe af tidligere britiske udenrigsministre er blevet dannet for at klappe dem selv på ryggen for det britiske ”lederskab” i forsøget på at vælte Kina i Hongkong.

Der er rigelig med mennesker rundt om i verden, som ønsker at udbrede ironierne mod Præsident Donald Trump; eller mod formanden for Repræsentanternes Hus, Nancy Pelosi, som havde kaldt optøjerne og overfaldene i Hongkong for ”et smukt syn”; eller mod guvernører, der holdt folk i deres hjem i tre måneder pga. coronavirusset, nu for ingen verdens nytte.

Men, hvad der betyder noget er, at millioner af mennesker havde lavtlønnet arbejde og ingen produktiv fremtid før pandemien, og nu har de mistet disse arbejdspladser; alt imens amerikanere i byerne i tyve år har været ude af stand til at få angiveligt ”reformerede, omorganiserede, gentrænede” politistyrker til at stoppe disse drab.

Hvad der betyder noget er, på en synlig måde, at opbygge en ny, anderledes fremtid – en fremtid der netop kunne skimtes i Amerikas tilbagevenden til rummet d. 30. maj og den påtænkte tilbagevenden til Månen om fire år for at påbegynde vores march ud i solsystemet.

Det er i lyset af en sådan fremtid, at Sydafrikas præsident, Cyril Ramaphosa, gav sine lykønskninger for rumopsendelsen til sin landsmand, Elon Musk, chefen og hoveddesigner af SpaceX, fordi ”i midten af vores kamp mod COVID-19… har vi [sydafrikanere] fået dette håb og denne begejstring”. En ny bedrift i rummet tilhører altid hele menneskeheden.

LaRouches Politiske Aktionskomités nye rapport om hvordan 50 millioner nye, faglærte arbejdspladser kan skabes i USA og 1,5 milliarder produktive arbejdspladser verden over – med de rumrejsende nationers udforskningsprogrammer som spydspidsen – kan faktisk bringe amerikanere sammen, specielt unge amerikanere. Og den, rapporten, blev udarbejdet for at bringe lederne af disse teknologisk førende nationer sammen – USA, Kina, Rusland, Indien – i et topmøde for et nyt kreditsystem og denne store opgave.


5 %-løsningen

Den 28. maj (EIRNS) – ‘Executive Intelligence Review’ annoncerede i dag, at det stiller en separat 29-siders digital reproduktion af forsidehistorien af EIR-magasinet 29. maj 2020 til rådighed: “LaRouche-planen til genåbning af den amerikanske økonomi”: Verden har brug for 1,5 milliarder nye, produktive job.” Dette diskussionsgrundlag – der giver detaljerede oplysninger om den måde, hvorpå 50 millioner nye, produktive job kan skabes i USA som drivkraft til et globalt fremstød for industrialisering, som vil give produktiv beskæftigelse til 1,5 milliarder, for øjeblikket ledige mennesker, over hele verden – er begyndt at cirkulere blandt ingeniører, arbejdere, landmænd, videnskabsfolk, studerende og andre over hele landet. Det oversættes også til en række fremmede sprog, med henblik på at opnå bred cirkulation internationalt.

 Kernen i rapportens forslag er Lyndon LaRouches specifikation af, at en virkelig sund, anti-entropisk økonomi må have omkring halvdelen af sin arbejdsstyrke beskæftiget som produktive, vareproducerende arbejdere, og yderligere 5 % skal involveres i det videnskabelige og teknologiske arbejde, der er den kreative motor, som driver hele økonomien fremad. I det indledende afsnit af kapitel 6 i den nye undersøgelse, “America’s Space Mission: Youth’s Next Frontier,” (Amerikas rum-mission: Ungdommens næste grænseland) sættes der skarpt fokus på dette punkt:

 ”Amerikas rumfartsektor vil spille en afgørende rolle i at flytte 5 % af den amerikanske arbejdsstyrke til forskning og udvikling. Som specificeret af LaRouche, er dette nøglen til at øge produktiviteten for hele arbejdsstyrken. ‘Stigninger i produktivitet kommer ene og alene fra forbedringer i teknologi, der stammer fra grundlæggende videnskabelige opdagelser; jo højere hastighed hvormed grundlæggende fysiske opdagelser omdannes til praksis, jo større er stigningen i produktiviteten pr. indbygger og per kvadratkilometer areal ‘. (Lyndon LaRouche, 2. september, 2000)

 Denne anskuelse lokaliserer bedst betydningen af Amerikas forestående tilbagevenden til at opsende rumfartøjer fra sit eget territorium, en opgave der blev udsat fra i går, 27. maj, til lørdag 30. maj på grund af vejret. Amerikas øjne vender sig endnu en gang mod himlen. Som Nicole Mann fra NASA’s astronautkontor erklærede: ”Dette handler ikke kun om en opsendelse; dette er ‘startskuddet’ for Amerika. Det handler ikke kun om NASA; det er ‘startskuddet’ for Amerika, og det er enormt …. Det er det første store skridt på vores køreplan for Artemis-missionen til Månen, og i sidste ende til Mars”. Rummet er endvidere et domæne, der kræver internationalt samarbejde, som NASA-administrator Jim Bridenstine for nylig understregede, da han blev spurgt om det amerikanske forhold til Rusland: “Vores samarbejde er hævet over jordisk geopolitik”.

 Der er ikke meget andet, der er vigtigere end dette. USA og hele verden bliver ramt af en økonomisk, politisk og kulturel chokbølge, der er værre end hvad vi har set i nyere tid, advarede Helga Zepp-LaRouche i dag. Den kommer fra en forværret pandemi, massearbejdsløshed, en økonomisk sammenbrudskrise og en skræmmende optrapning i retning af krig mellem USA og Kina og USA og Rusland. Intet mindre end Lyndon LaRouches forslag om konkursomlægning af det nuværende finanssystem og oprettelsen af et nyt Bretton Woods, vil være i stand til fuldstændig at ændre denne globale dynamik, tilstrækkelig hurtigt. De uophørlige provokationer fra udenrigsminister Mike Pompeo, sammen med andre, der handler på vegne af det britiske imperiums geopolitik, dominerer i stigende grad det officielle Washingtons politik, og sætter Kina og Rusland under pres. Vi ignorerer deres stigende alarmerede advarsler om denne politiske tendens – til fare for os selv, udtalte Zepp-LaRouche. Tværtimod er det netop øjeblikket, hvor vi burde samarbejde tæt med Kina, Rusland, Indien og andre nationer om rumforskning, stoppe pandemien og genoplive verdensøkonomien med 1,5 milliarder nye, produktive job.

 Man kunne kalde det 5 %-løsningen.



Trumps ‘Tale om Nationens Tilstand‘ og Senatets frikendelse skaber et optimistisk øjeblik,
en åbning for LaRouches politik.
Schiller Instituttets ugentlige webcast med Helga Zepp-LaRouche den 5. februar 2020

Den 5. februar (EIRNS) – Den “overvældende optimisme” i præsident Donald Trumps ‘Tale om Nationens Tilstand’ tirsdag aften, kombineret med hans frikendelse i Senatet ved en afstemning onsdag skaber et øjebliks optimisme, hvor der er mulighed for at strategiske og økonomiske kriser, der truer menneskeheden, nu kan løses, sagde Helga Zepp-LaRouche i sit ugentlige internationale webcast. Med Trump frigjort fra den seneste trussel om at blive fjernet fra embedet, opfordrede Helga Zepp-LaRouche seerne af hendes ugentlige webcast til at støtte ham i et fuldstændigt brud med de britiske økonomiske og geopolitiske doktriner, der har skabt kriserne. Hun understregede, at tiden nu er inde til at ”folk virkelig burde gå videre med LaRouches Fire-punkts program, herunder Glass-Steagall, en nationalbank, et hasteprogram for fusion og internationalt rumsamarbejde, herunder mobilisering for at få fuld finansiering af Artemis (NASA’s måneprogram, red.) presset igennem i Kongressen.” Zepp-LaRouche understregede også behovet for et hastetopmøde mellem Trump, Putin, Xi og Modi, og en rensning af hendes mands navn, Lyndon LaRouche, der døde for næsten et år siden.

Frifindelsen af LaRouche, sagde hun, vil gøre det muligt for folk at studere hans ideer inden for økonomi, historie og videnskab, at hæve sig op til det niveau af strategisk tænkning, der er nødvendigt for at drage fordel af dette øjeblik. Et af de virkelige problemer vi står over for, som kan overvindes ved at være bekendt med LaRouches metode, er, at forbindelsen mellem ‘energi-gennemstrømningstæthed’ og ‘potentiel relativ befolkningstæthed’, et af nøglebegreberne for succes i den fysiske økonomi, ikke forstås. I stedet tages væksten i aktiemarkedet og andre finansielle aktiver, både internationalt og i USA, med urette til indtægt for at repræsentere reel økonomisk værdi.

Virkeligheden er, at vi står over for en nedsmeltning af det britisk styrede transatlantiske finanssystem, kombineret med et fysisk økonomisk sammenbrud, hvilket gør det næsten umuligt for det meste af verden at håndtere kriser som f.eks. græshoppesværmene, der nu hærger i Afrika og store dele af Sydvestasien samt spredningen af den nye coronavirus (2019-nCoV). Sådanne kriser, såsom den fortsatte fare for regional og endda termonuklear krig, kræver presserende et topmøde mellem statsoverhovederne for USA, Kina, Rusland og Indien, sådan som både Helga og Lyndon LaRouche gentagne gange har opfordret til.

Optimismen, der fejer hen over USA, og præsident Trumps demonstrerede vilje til at kæmpe, har gjort sådanne politiske valg til en meget reel mulighed.

I modsætning til denne optimisme talte Zepp-LaRouche om Nancy Pelosis “Rumleskaft-øjeblik” (tysk eventyr af brdr. Grimm, 1812, red.) under præsidentens tale om nationens tilstand, hvor hun på teatralsk vis rev sin skriftlige kopi af præsident Trumps tale i stykker; fiaskoen ved Demokraternes primærvalg i Iowa; “spærreilden af racisme” imod Kina i forbindelse med den nye coronavirus, samt Bloomberg-kampagnens ‘grønne fascisme’, som eksempler på trusler der må overvindes.

Året 2020 er året, hvor det gamle system sandsynligvis vil kollapse – lad os sørge for at det bliver erstattet af et nyt paradigme, der handler i interesse for menneskehedens fælles mål, afsluttede Zepp-LaRouche.




Samarbejde for fred mellem USA-Rusland-Kina-Indien
foreslået af Schiller Instituttet i Danmark på regeringens rumkonference

København, den 26. januar – den 22. januar afholdt det danske Uddannelses- og Forskningsministerium den anden årlige rumkonference med omkring 300 deltagere i Eigtveds Pakhus ved Udenrigsministeriet. Den specielle gæstetaler var Danmarks eneste astronaut, Andreas Mogensen, der fløj på en mission til ISS i 2015. Den første del af konferencen handlede om partnerskaber i adskillige emner mellem universiteter, offentlige institutioner og private virksomheder. Under præsentationen om forskningspartnerskab i rummet, sagde taler Thomas E. Andersen, at rumforskning var vigtig for verdensfreden og påpegede, at Andreas Mogensen rejste til ISS ombord på et russisk rumfartøj.

I spørgetiden understregede en medarbejder fra Executive Intelligence Review og Schiller Instituttet, at hvad Andersen sagde om betydningen af rumforskning for freden, var meget sandt – at samarbejde mellem de fire førende rumnationer, U.S.A., Rusland, Kina og Indien, er afgørende for verdensfreden, hvad enten det er i Mellemøsten eller andre steder. Hun fremviste og læste op af teksten på en af valgplakaterne fra de uafhængige kandidater fra Schiller Instituttets Venner under det sidste valg:

“Helium-3 fra Månen til ubegrænset fusionsenergi på Jorden: Samarbejde, ikke krig, mellem U.S.A., Rusland og Kina”, og spurgte om de i deres partnerskab havde drøftet udvinding af helium-3 fra Månen. Andersen svarede, at det havde de ikke, men at han vidste, at ressourceudvikling var et vigtigt emne i Luxembourg og kunne inkluderes i det danske partnerskab, hvis der var interesse for det.

Desværre handlede den anden del af konferencen om, hvordan rummet kan hjælpe med den grønne omstilling. Astronauten Andreas Mogensen henviste kun til den grønne dagsorden et par gange, men primært gav en præsentation om Det Europæiske Rumagenturs (ESA’s) programmer.

Talerne af forskningsministeren og en repræsentant fra FN’s Kontor for Anliggender i det ydre Rum (UNOOSA) var ren hjernevask fra den grønne dagsorden.

EIR’s og Schiller Instituttets medarbejder talte kort med astronauten og skabte mange kontakter, inklusive flere der var imod den grønne dagsorden.

Hvad der venter, efter en rigsretssag mod Trump:
Dyb recession, finanskrak og en ny grøn aftale.

Den 16. oktober (EIRNS) — Hvis amerikanere kræver, at de grundlæggende principper i Lyndon LaRouches økonomiske love iværksættes nu – fra en Glass/Steagall-lov for at opløse Wall Street, til lynprogrammer inden for rumforskning og udvikling af fusionskraft – kan vi styre uden om den dybe recession og det truende finansielle krak.

Uden dette, sker det nu. Den internationale Valutafond har netop udsendt en meget stærk advarsel: 40% af samtlige selskabers gæld er klar til at eksplodere på Wall Street og i Londons banker, så snart vi rammer den økonomiske recession – hvilket de påpegede, at hele verdensøkonomien er på vej imod. Den amerikanske centralbank har forsøgt at stoppe en “likviditetskrise” i banksystemet, ved at pumpe 50-100 milliarder dollars af kortfristede lån ind i de store banker, hver morgen i en måned. Wall Street kræver fortsat mere og mere; der er store problemer der, og de afdelinger af bankerne, som specialiserer sig i spekulationer, må omgående opdeles, så udlånsbankerne kan beskyttes. Dette kræver, at Glass/Steagall-loven bringes tilbage.

Vi har brug for en langt større vækst i produktiviteten, kredit til nye infrastrukturprojekter der kommer fra en nationalbank, en mission til Månen og Mars for at fremme økonomien. Vi kan vende tilbage til hastig teknologisk vækst og videnskabeligt fremskridt. Lyndon LaRouche formulerede denne politik som grundlaget for USA’s samarbejde med andre højteknologiske, rumfarende nationer: ja, Kina, Rusland og Indien.

USA går fortsat ind for industriel udvikling og teknologiske fremskridt, fordi Donald Trump er dets præsident. Alle fortalere for en rigsretssag, alle hans fjender, vil nu have den såkaldte Nye grønne Aftale: at bruge billioner af dollars på tilbagestående energiteknologier, nedlægge industrien, slå mennesker ihjel for at “redde planeten”. Medierne bag en rigsretssagsproces ledes af de britiske og amerikanske efterretningstjenesters krigspartier – de bruger den “Nye grønne Aftale” som et våben mod Rusland og Kina, såvel som mod Trump. De grønne milliardærer, som Michael Bloomberg og George Soros, ønsker at se den menneskelige befolkning reduceret. Enhver demokrat, praktisk talt enhver europæer eller embedsmand i FN, der taler om “infrastrukturudgifter”, hentyder til den jammerlige Nye grønne Aftale.

Præsident Trump er ikke blot, som han sagde, “alene” om at ville afslutte krigene i Mellemøsten og Afghanistan; han står også i vejen for de vilde antiindustrielle tiltag i “klimaændringernes” navn. På den måde udtrykte han sandheden, da han tweetede i dag: “Vores rekordstærke økonomi ville bryde sammen, ligesom i 1929, hvis nogen af disse klovner blev præsident!”

Hvis vi tillader at rigsretssagen lykkes, vil det koste os alle meget dyrt. Forstå LaRouches fire love og hans foreslåede Nye Bretton Woods-kreditsystem, måden at samarbejde på med disse andre rum- og videnskabelige magter. Vi kan gå udover alt hvad menneskeheden hidtil har været i stand til at udrette; og rigsretssags-kuppet vil blive besejret.


Det vil kun fungere med amerikansk samarbejde med Kina, Rusland og Indien.

Den 8. oktober (EIRNS) — Der er en række nøgleerfaringer, der kan drages fra Schiller-Instituttets konference i New York City d. 5. oktober under titlen “Menneskeheden som en galaktisk art: det nødvendige alternativ til krig.” En af de vigtigste er: at understrege Lyndon LaRouches banebrydende rolle i udformningen af en fusionsbaseret rumudforsknings- og koloniseringsmission, som den næste videnskabelige og teknologiske platform, som er påkrævet for menneskeheden.
[Hvad der] også blev understreget i hele den internationale webcast, herunder i hovedtalen fra Helga Zepp-LaRouche, er, at en sådan mission kun kan lykkes som udførelsen af de fælles mål for menneskeheden, hvis den er baseret på samarbejde mellem store og nye rummagter. Det gik ikke tabt for nogen af deltagerne, at Ruslands ambassadør i De Forenede Stater, Anatoly Antonov, sendte en meddelelse med hilsener og opmuntring til konferencen; og at Xing Jijun, rådgiver og chef for videnskab og teknologisektionerne i Generalkonsulatet for Folkerepublikken Kina i New York, fremsatte bemærkninger ved begivenheden, der også opfordrede til samarbejde med De Forenede Stater. (Se dækning heraf i EIR, 11. oktober-udgaven, som vil omfatte Antonovs hilsen og Dr. Xings bemærkninger.)

Ret nu blikket fra stjernerne til den turbulente planet Jorden. Hele det transatlantiske finansielle system er på kort sigt ved at blive trukket ind i et sammenbrud, fordi det er blevet overtaget af en grådig finansiel kræftsygdom, som den amerikanske centralbank og de andre centralbanker desperat fodrer med hyperinflationære forsøg på ‘bailouts’. Som en finansiel lederskribent skrev den 7. oktober, “den eneste rimelige konklusion, der kan drages af Feds meddelelse fredag om, at den udvider sit pengeindsprøjtnings-program til Wall Street indtil mindst 4. november … [er], at det er en form for ‘nødsituation’, der finder sted”.

På den anden side slår Kina ned på sin skyggebanksektor og bringer den i første halvdel af 2019 ned på det laveste niveau i 3 år, og kanaliserer i stedet kreditter til infrastruktur og andre produktive aktiviteter. Et sådant tolags kreditsystem ville gøre Alexander Hamilton stolt. Hvad Kina gør, kunne godt beskrives som det amerikanske system [for politisk økonomi] med kinesiske karakteristika.

Skulle USA og Kina ikke samarbejde om en sådan fornuftig økonomisk politik og sætte Wall Street ud af funktion?

Se nu på Syrien, hvor præsident Donald Trump med gennemslagskraft – igen – har udtalt, at han har til hensigt at trække de amerikanske tropper ud, som en del af hans valgløfter om at afslutte de evindelige krige, som er testamenterede fra Bush og Obama-administrationerne. Og slænget af neokonservative og -liberale demokrater, de samme, der har til hensigt at vælte ham ved en rigsretssag, hylede op – endnu en gang – i protest over, at Trump “truer sikkerheden” ved at forsøge at afslutte krigen.

For at få succes med denne politik er USA nødt til at samarbejde med Rusland for at forhindre, at den komplekse situation i Sydvestasien eksploderer, for at stoppe terrorismen, og for at opretholde alle landes suverænitet og territoriale integritet.
Burde USA og Rusland ikke samarbejde om at bringe den britiske geopolitik til ophør for altid?

Et sådant amerikansk samarbejde med Kina og Rusland, og også Indien og andre nationer, er det eneste fundament, hvorpå et nyt paradigme kan bygges, en alliance specificeret af Lyndon LaRouche, som er stærk nok til at feje det gamle britiske imperialistiske paradigme ud. USA vil kun finde den moralske styrke til at tage dette skridt ved at ved at rense Lyndon LaRouches navn; LaRouche, der – mod alle odds – designede de politikker og videnskabelige gennembrud, som et sådant nyt paradigme skal baseres på.

LaRouches fire love: Alternativet til krig

Den 7. oktober (EIRNS) – Præsident Donald Trump vil ikke møde andet end modstand i Washington ved igen at agere for at bringe de amerikanske tropper ud af Sydvestasien; det er kun det amerikanske folk, der vil være glade for at se dette. Og hvis han samarbejder med Ruslands præsident for at holde Tyrkiet eller andre nationer fra at udløse endnu en krigskatastrofe, vil han blive bebrejdet for at “fedte for Putin”. Hver gang præsidenten modsætter sig ‘endeløse krige’ eller afskediger typer som John Bolton, ‘blæser krigspartiet i fløjten’. (ordspil på ‘whistleblower’, red.)

Den virkeligt presserende sag er kampen imod Wall Street, hvor Donald Trump som præsidentkandidat i 2016 lovede at “punktere den gigantiske boble på Wall Street,” men hvor Trump som præsident har svigtet dette løfte. Dette er en opgave for dem, der støtter den afdøde økonom og statsmand Lyndon LaRouche. Her, otte måneder efter hans død, bliver LaRouche endnu engang svinet til i New York Times, Washington Post, BuzzFeed osv., idet hans forslag til at stoppe det økonomiske sammenbrud eller forhindre den “nye grønne aftale” – og løfte økonomien igen, atter står i en hel central position.

Vi befinder os nu igen tilbage i 2007 … set i forhold til det økonomiske nedbrud i 2008. Dette var sidste gang, hvor Federal Reserve skulle yde store “likviditets-nød lån” til Wall Street og de store europæiske banker – hvilket man nu har gjort siden den 17. september, med tocifrede milliardbeløb hver dag. ‘The Fed’ har forberedt sig på, at skulle foretage daglige kortvarige indskud i disse banker for tæt på yderligere 300 milliarder dollars i løbet af de næste fire uger. Dårlig gæld suser ud af den “altings-boble”, som disse banker understøtter, lige så hurtigt, eller hurtigere, end de nye trykte penge pumpes ind i den. Det er lige så høj grad en økonomisk nødsituation som det var i foråret 2007 – og dengang hørte man heller ikke om det i de nationale medier.

LaRouche beskrev dette præliminære nedbrudsfænomen for 25 år siden, og kaldte det “en typisk kollapsfunktion”. Mere vigtigt er det, at han påpegede det i netop 2007 (i et internationalt webcast den 25. juli det år) og beskrev, hvordan det kunne stoppes.

Genindførelsen af Glass-Steagall-bankopdelingen for at opbryde Wall Streets kombination af enorme spekulative aktiviteter, og alene beskytte de kommercielle udlånsdele, blev til den første af LaRouche’s fire love for at redde økonomien og nationen. Nationen og præsidenten har nu brug for denne handling hurtigst muligt.

På en ekstraordinær konference i Schiller Instituttet i New York sidste lørdag, blev LaRouches årtiers lange kampagne for en Månen-Mars-mission for NASA og andre rumnationer, og for et forceret program til udvikling af fusionskraftteknologier, på en overbevisende måde præsenteret som “det nødvendige alternativ til krig”. Denne fejring af NASAs videnskabelige “International Observe Moon Night” bør ses. Videoen er tilgængelig på Schiller Instituttets webside.

Dette er LaRouches fjerde lov – at disse nationer skal deltage i den menneskelige udforskning af solsystemet, begyndende med Månen, – og [i denne forbindelse] lave gennembrud til fusionskraft. Det kunne være nært forestående nu, hvor NASA arbejder på en fremskyndet Månen-Mars-mission bestilt af præsident Trump. Men det er afhængigt af, at have den nationale kredit til at gøre det, og dermed at det truende finansielle sammenbrud afværges ved hjælp af Glass-Steagall bankregulering, og at der skabes et nyt [nationalt] kreditinstitut for teknologiske fremskridt og infrastruktur.

Tiden er inde til at rense LaRouches navn og at realisere hans ideer. Det er netop i tide til at undslippe konstante krige og gentagne økonomiske sammenbrud og gå over til reelle menneskelige fremskridt.


Alt imens psykotiske ’regimeskiftere’ går amok, breder der sig
en verdensomspændende revolutionær ånd

Den 6. oktober (EIRNS) – Idet hun skelnede skarpt mellem handlinger begået af de skøre centralbankfolk, og så de økofascister og regimeskiftere, som de har finansieret og sluppet løs, talte Helga Zepp-LaRouche i dag under Schiller Instituttets webcast om ånden i den revolutionære optimisme, der fejer over kloden. Bestræbelserne på at vælte Trump, sagde hun, kan meget vel give bagslag, da justitsminister Barr og rigsadvokat Durham fortsætter efterforskningen af kuppet med møder i Storbritannien og Italien for at afdække den reelle udenlandske indblanding i det amerikanske valg i 2016 – hvilket Rusland ikke stod bag!

Samtidig vil forsøget på at anvende de terroristiske voldsomheder fra “et virulent og højtråbende mindretal” i Hong Kong til at udløse et regimeskifte i Kina ikke lykkes, da langt de fleste kinesere er optimistiske med hensyn til deres fremtid, hævdede hun. Indgriben fra den britiske guvernør i Hong Kong, Chris Patten, der opfordrer ”folket” til at danne en alternativ regering i Hong Kong, gør det klart, hvilken rolle det britiske imperium spiller i forbindelse med kupforsøget. Kineserne, foreslog hun, skulle kræve en fuld undersøgelse af Londons kriminelle rolle i at støtte den voldelige ‘Jacobiner-pøbel’, der forsøger at ødelægge Hong Kong og Kina.

I kontrast hertil talte Zepp-LaRouche om Schiller Instituttets konference i New York den 5. oktober, der fandt sted som en del af fejringen af den internationale ‘Måne-Observation’, hvor hun og andre talere talte om det nye fremkommende paradigme, med temaet “Menneskeheden som en galaktisk art: Det nødvendige alternativ til krig.” Hun opfordrede tilhørerne til at lade sig smitte med den “sunde sygdom, månefeberen”. “Stil jer ikke ud på sidelinjen,” sagde hun. Den optimisme, der er nødvendig for at vinde, kommer af at bevæge sig ind i ”de nye grænseegne for viden.”

Talerrækken inkluderede en Andrea Jones, international direktør for NASAs ‘International Observe the Moon Night’ den 5. oktober; Dr. Xing Jijun, den videnskabelig rådgiver ved Kinas mission i New York; et bevægende tilsagn om støtte fra den russiske ambassadør i U.S.A. Anatoly Antonov, med historien om det amerikansk-russiske samarbejde i rummet; Medlemmer af Schiller Instituttets videnskabelige team Ben Deniston og Jason Ross; NASA-stipendiat Aaron Olson, der forsker i helium-3 minedrift på Månen; og Joseph Foster, en signalspecialist om emnet: ”Fra Diana-projektet til Projekt Artemis.” Den fulde konferencevideo er lagt ud på Schiller Instituttets website.

Læsere af nærværende ‘EIR Daily Alert’ bør ikke gå glip af at se den dejlige ”Jonathan Swift-agtige” – intervention af en repræsentant fra LaRouchePAC på et [såkaldt] ‘town hall meeting’ med Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, den dumme, førende “Green New Deal” -proponent i Repræsentanternes hus. Det har bogstaveligt talt haft millioner af seere over hele verden. Kvinden fra LaRouchePAC optrådte lige nøjagtigt som en forstyrret øko-fascist, og sagde, at det ikke var nok at stoppe kulbrinter, at der ganske enkelt var for mange mennesker, og at selv bombning af Rusland ikke ville være tilstrækkeligt, fordi alle udsender CO2 – så vi må spise babyer for at stoppe klima-katastrofen! AOC’s respons er uvurderlig.

Link til https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4820884/eat-babies

Schiller-konference i New York: ‘Menneskeheden som en galaktisk art:
Det nødvendige alternativ til krig’

Den 5. oktober (EIRNS) – Dagens konference i Schiller Instituttet på Manhattan med ovennævnte titel, bød på seks udvalgte talere – enten via livestreaming eller personligt i salen – overbragte hilsner fra den russiske ambassadør i USA, Anatoly Antonov, en videohilsen fra Andrea Jones, direktør for NASAs internationale månenats observation (5. oktober), samt et stærkt videosegment fra en webcast med Lyndon LaRouche fra den 3. december 2009: “Lad os industrialisere Månen nu som basis for fremtidig udforskning af rummet”. De begivenheder, der blev streamet live, var både dybt informative indenfor adskillige aspekter af videnskab og teknologi, og på samme tid en inspiration i forhold til at aktivere en tilstand hos menneskeheden, “hvor fantasiens styrke bliver nationernes politik”, som moderator Dennis Speed udtrykte det, idet han citerede Lyndon LaRouche

Forinden livestreamingen begyndte kl. 13 EDT, startede konferencen med “Sangen til Månen” fra operaen Rusalka af Antonin Dvorak.
Efter Speeds bemærkninger (se transkription,) Jones’ hilsener og LaRouches video, blev hovedtalen dernæst afholdt af Schiller Instituttets præsident Helga Zepp-LaRouche (se transkription). Hun startede med at udtrykke, at det er en “fuldkommen glædelig dag i dag” og at erklære, at “Månefeber er en sund sygdom.”

Den næste taler var Dr. Xing Jijun, som er videnskabs- og teknologirådgiver ved Kinas Generalkonsulat i New York. Han uddybede, hvad han betegnede som de to nøgleord, innovation og samarbejde.
Benjamin Deniston fra LaRouches videnskabelige gruppe, “The Basement Team” -, talte derefter – via videoforbindelse – over emnet “Menneskehedens fremtid ligger ude blandt stjernerne”, der beskæftigede sig med implikationer af videnskabelige resultater fra Månen med henblik på at forstå Universet.

Dr. Aaron Olson, tidligere NASA-forskningspartner, talte efterfølgende om “Udvinding af Helium-3 på Månen” og fremviste udstyr og koncepter, der er involveret for at få dette til at ske. Jason Ross’ præsentation havde titlen “CO2-reduktionspolitik – dyrt, dødbringende og unødvendigt.” Han førte tilhørerne gennem emnet med nådesløs ironi.

Joseph Foster, en signalspecialist fra New Jersey, holdt derefter en præsentation med titlen “Fra Projekt Diana til Projekt Artemis”, hvor han gav en livlig historisk gennemgang af den teknologiske udvikling, begyndende i 1946 med de første radarsignaler, der blev reflekteret fra Månen under Projekt Diana, og op til nutiden og hvad der er planlagt for Artemis-projektet. Konferencen blev afsluttet med spørgsmål- og svar og afsluttende bemærkninger fra Helga Zepp-LaRouche, som forblev online under hele konferencen på trods af en tidsforskel på seks timer.