Trump vil mødes med Putin på trods
af stormen over immigration,
der har til hensigt at stoppe ham

25. juni, 2018 – Det bliver stadig mere sandsynligt, at præsident Trump vil holde det »umulige topmøde« for anden gang på en måned, med at mødes med den russiske præsident Putin i Wien 15. juli. Der er allerede tegn, der viser mødets potentiale med afslutning af mange års krig og terror i Syrien og Afghanistan. Trumps beslutsomhed mht. fremme af stormagtssamarbejde med Rusland, Kina (på trods af fejltagelser og handelsspændinger), Indien og Japan fortsætter med at gå fremefter og har det amerikanske folks støtte. »Russiagate« er ved at blive et bandeord.

Der bør ikke herske nogen som helst tvivl om, at det aktuelle hysteri over immigranter, som er blevet udløst af et par liberale folkevalgte og en masse nationale og internationale medier, er det ’sidste udfald fra skyttegraven’ for at række ud efter Trumps afsættelse fra embedet – impeachment – eller endda skabe omstændighederne for fysiske angreb imod ham – før han og ledere som Putin og Xi Jinping totalt river den britiske, geopolitiske »verdensorden« ned. Denne verdensorden, med dens enkeltstående supermagt og ingen begrænsninger for krige for regimeskifte, er langsomt ved at vige for fred. Sammen med fred kommer muligheden for, at produktivitet og økonomisk vækst kan blive frigjort i hele verden, såsom igennem Kinas Bælte & Vej Initiativ for store infrastrukturprojekter – selv, når Trump-administrationen endnu ikke har vist forståelse for dette aspekt.

London, stadig verdens dominerende finanscentrum, kan ikke stå imod dette. Endnu for blot to måneder siden arbejdede UK for den totale isolation af Rusland med sagen om Skripal-forgiftningen – som Theresa Mays regering nu gerne ser gå i glemmebogen. Storbritannien var i færd med at trække Trump ind i et britisk-fransk missilangreb mod Syrien og arbejdede hårdt på at få en permanent amerikansk besættelse og store militærstyrker i det land. Så var der City of Londons finansavis, The Economists spotske overskrift, »Kim Jong Won« (Kim Jong Vandt): mildest talt lovlig smart, usandt, og som alt for tydeligt viser Londons had til den historiske forandring, der nu opnås omkring Trump-Kim-topmødet.

Det er grunden til, at, når Trump-administrationen gør nøjagtig det samme, som Obama-administrationen gjorde med familierne, der immigrerede illegalt, så bliver Trump kaldt for fascist af den Demokratiske fraktion, der forsøger at afsætte ham fra embedet. Fakta er, at Obama aldrig nævnte menneskehandelen, som bragte børn fra Mellemamerika til den amerikanske grænse; præsident Trump har imidlertid fordømt det for at indhøste $500 mio. om året – sandsynligvis et ekstremt konservativt skøn – ved at handle med menneskeliv.

Den førende fortaler for »impeachment«, kongresmedlem Al Green fra Texas, vil nu selv blive smidt ud af embedet af den uafhængige LaRouche-kandidat, Kesha Rogers, i Houstons 9. kongresdistrikt. Det er sådan, man skal tackle denne falske impeachment-kampagne.[1]

Men, den eneste måde til fundamentalt at angribe disse operationer for menneskehandel fra lande, der ligger ned økonomisk, er udvikling, der skaffer produktiv beskæftigelse og produktive gennembrud, både i USA og i disse lande. Det er, hvad Kinas Bælte & Vej Initiativ gør for Kina og for mange udviklingslande, inklusive i Latinamerika. Hvis Trumps Amerika går med i dette store infrastrukturinitiativ, vil det også have grundlaget for at afgøre uoverensstemmelserne vedrørende handel. USA må udstede statslig kredit til byggeri af infrastruktur og til produktive gennembrud for at gøre dette. Og, USA må bryde Wall Street-bankerne op, før de i stedet udløser endnu et spekulativt finanskrak.

15. juni udgav Helga Zepp-LaRouche et forslag om, at de store, europæiske lande gik med i Kinas Bælte & Vej-udvikling i Afrika, i stedet for at flå den Europæiske Union fra hinanden over immigration.[2] Hendes forslag peger ligeledes på grundlaget for den nødvendige handling i USA.

Men, præsident Trump må forsvares imod det britiskanførte fremstød for at afsætte ham eller stoppe hans politikker for stormagtssamarbejde. Lad der komme endnu flere »umulige topmøder«.

Foto: For næsten et år siden på dagen mødtes præsidenterne Trump og Putin sidste gang ansigt til ansigt på G20-topmødet i Hamborg, Tyskland. 7.-8. juli, 2017. (     

[1] Se Kesha Rogers erklæring, »Den økonomiske løsning på immigrantkrisen«.

[2] Se Helga Zepp-LaRouches appel: »EU-topmødet må følge Singapores eksempel«.

Amerika og Kina må samarbejde for at løse
krisen om migranter fra Latinamerika

Leder fra LaRouchePAC, 24, juni, 2018 – De internationale medier har på det seneste været fuld af hjerteskærende historier og billeder af tusinder af desperate immigrantbørn fra Mexico og Mellemamerika, der var blevet adskilt fra deres forældre, efter at de kom illegalt ind i USA. Ser man bort fra de skandaløse røverhistorier, som en stor del af medierne bringer – samt det faktum, at hele spørgsmålet promoveres for at forsøge at stoppe præsident Trumps succesfulde fremgangsmåde over for Koreakrisen – så er der imidlertid en særdeles reel immigrationskrise i Amerika, som har accelereret i de senere år.

Men, lær af Sokrates: Hvis man vil finde et svar, må man først stille det rigtige spørgsmål.

Frem til 2015 var 11,5 mio. førstegenerationsmexicanere (dvs., som er født i Mexico), næsten 10 % af befolkningen, emigreret til USA: over 20 % af El Salvadors 6,3 mio. mennesker havde gjort det samme. Hvis man medtager 1.-3. generationer (inkl. børn og børnebørn af dem, der emigrerede til USA), så flygtede det chokerende tal af 28 % af den mexicanske befolkning og 35 % af befolkningen i El Salvador fra deres land. Situationen er tilsvarende for Guatemala og Honduras.

Hvorfor sker dette?

Fordi den potentielle, relative befolkningstæthed i områdets økonomier med overlæg er blevet mindsket til langt under deres faktiske befolkningstal. Som Lyndon LaRouche forklarer i sin videnskab om fysisk økonomi: Når den potentielle, relative befolkningstæthed – eller en økonomis evne til at opretholde en voksende befolkning på en stadigt bedre levestandard – falder ned under det faktiske befolkningstal i en vis periode, vil denne befolkning enten dø, eller flygte.[1] Det er præcis, hvad der er sket i hele dette område, som det tilsigtede resultat af britiske politikker for befolkningsreduktion: En udplyndring af befolkningen gennem gæld til City of London og Wall Street; udløsning af dødbringende krige; og Londons »Dope, Inc.« ’s[2] og narko-terroristbanders overtagelse af disse lande. Typisk er det faktum, at den sataniske MS-13-bande, der terroriserer El Salvador og andre dele af Mellemamerika, faktisk blev skabt i Los Angeles’ ghettoer for årtier siden, overvåget af George H.W. Bush’ kontra-crackkokain-politik.

Den eneste måde at løse dette problem på, er at omstøde årsagen til det. Den kollapsende, potentielle, relative befolkningstæthed i Mexico, Mellemamerika og det latinamerikanske og caribiske område generelt må dramatisk vendes omkring gennem fuldt og helt at integrere disse lande i Bælte & Vej Initiativet. Koordineret handling fra Kina og USA’s side kan let virkeliggøre dette.

Det første afgørende projekt ville være en højhastighedsjernbanekorridor, der fra Sydamerika løber mod nord, skaber forbindelse over sump- og skovområdet Darien Gap på Panamas og Columbias grænse, løber gennem hele Mellemamerika og ind i Mexico og herfra opad, tværs over Nordamerika til den foreslåede Beringstrædetunnel og opkoblingen til den Eurasiske Landbro.

Kina og Panama bygger allerede sammen den første strækning af en sådan højhastighedsjernbanelinje fra Panama City til grænsen med Costa Rica – hvis regering har gjort det klart, at den ønsker at komme med i projektets forlængelse – hvilket vil blive den første, højhastighedsjernbanelinje på hele den vestlige halvkugle.

En sekundær serie af projekter omfatter forlængelsen af den Maritime Silkevej ind i det caribiske bækken med byggeri af dybvandshavne og tilknyttede industriparker i Ponce, Puerto Rico (en del af USA) og Mariel, Cuba. De ville så udgøre knudepunkter for skibstransport til den amerikanske golf og atlanterhavskysterne, såvel som også til havne i hele det caribiske bækken og Sydamerika, og som ville blive integreret med den nyligt udvidede Panamakanal og ligeledes den foreslåede Store Inter-oceaniske Nicaraguakanal. Det skønnes, at byggeriet af Nicaraguakanalen ville kræve ti tusinder af faglærte jobs, og at virkningen langs kanalen ville skabe produktive jobs til hundrede tusinder af mennesker i hele Mellemamerika.

USA, Kina og hver eneste nation i området har en direkte interesse i at opbygge en sådan fælles fremtid med win-win-samarbejde for deres lande.

Foto: Foto udleveret af Told- og Grænsevagten til en reporter, der var på rundvisning i en detentionsfacilitet i McAllen, Texas. 17. juni, 2018. (US Custom and Border Patrol)   

[1] Se: LaRouche Econ Class series 2017, lektion 6: Hvordan værdi måles. (video og dansk pdf.)

[2] Se ’Dope Inc.’

Store forandringer kan blive ved at komme;
Trump og Xi kan løse både handel og immigration

Leder fra LaRouchePAC, 18. juni, 2018 – Det netop afsluttede topmøde i Singapore har allerede ændret relationerne mellem nationer i Asien til det bedre og vist præsident Donald Trumps usædvanlige lederskabsevner og bør ændre europæernes og amerikanernes syn på, hvad der er muligt. Den meget reelle mulighed for et snarligt topmøde mellem præsidenterne Trump og Putin, som er absolut afgørende for, at der kan komme en afslutning af 15 års konstante krigskatastrofer i Sydvestasien og Nordafrika, vokser nu frem. Og der kan komme endnu flere »game-changers« – ingen krisesituation er i øjeblikket fastlåst, hvis borgere og ledere vil gå optimistisk frem for fred og gensidig økonomisk udvikling.

Dette er frem for alt en tid, hvor mange burde gå sammen med os i Schiller Instituttet og LaRouche Political Action Committee (i USA), begge organisationer, der i årtier, siden Berlinmurens fald (1989), har været fakkelbærer for et »nyt paradigme« for økonomisk og videnskabeligt fremskridt og fred. Det, der finder sted i Asien gennem den Nye Silkevej og Korea-topmøderne, kan »bryde ud« i Europa og USA, hvis der findes beslutsomme ledere for samarbejde mellem stormagtssamarbejde – som præsident Trump har vist, at han er.

Helga Zepp-LaRouches appel om et EU-topmøde i næste uge, der rent faktisk løser den derværende migrantkrise – gennem, at europæere går sammen med Kina i den økonomiske udvikling af Afrika – cirkuleres nu internationalt på mange sprog; og nu er den samme løsning blevet foreslået i den kinesiske avis Global Times. Zepp-LaRouches appel, »Der skrives nu historie i Asien: EU-topmødet må følge Singapores eksempel!« bør uddeles vidt og bredt for at blive det, der udløser handling, og handling nu.

USA må undgå en handelskrig med Kina, skadelig importtold på dets landbrugssektor, samt mere – det må undgå atter at blive politisk polariseret over immigration fra Latinamerika. Det er nemt nok for Demokraterne at skandalisere for at rejse midler og håbe på at vinde valg. Og det er nemt nok for Republikanere at udskyde og opføre sig oprørt i offentligheden. De ved begge, at de ikke foreslår nogen løsning, ingen duelig politik.

Men der findes en løsning, der bryder de statiske regler for partipolitik og geopolitik.

Præsidenten kan forhandle en undgåelse af handelskrig ved at aftale med Kinas præsident Xi Jinping, at de to nationer i fællesskab vil udvikle Latinamerika gennem kreditudstedelse til store, nye infrastrukturprojekter og agro-industriel udvikling. Med andre ord, gå med i, og bringe ind, Bælte & Vej. Det er det eneste grundlag for, at masse-immigration til USA, der er udløst af desperation, kan fjernes.

Men der er flere fordele: USA’s eksport af højteknologi vil begynde. USA’s eksport til Kina vil stige. Det multinationale forsikringsselskab ING har netop udgivet en forudsigelse, der siger, at Bælte & Vej initiativet vil øge den globale handel med 12-15 %; og endnu mere mht. handel mellem lande direkte på den Nye Silkevejs transportkorridorer. Hvem har brug for importtold?

Principperne i Helga Zepp-LaRouches appel til handling er simpelt hen principperne for Singapore-topmødet: Fortiden determinerer ikke fremtiden. »Regler for afgrænsning«, der har holdt kriser fastfrosset i årtier, gælder ikke. Og siden præsident Trump har engageret USA i Asien, hvor der nu skabes historie, er løsninger til kriser overalt mulige.

Det, der nu er brug for, som Helga sagde, er mennesker til at gennemføre disse løsninger.

Foto: Præsident Donald J. Trump og førstedame Melania Trump besøger Kina. 10. november, 2017. (Official White House Photo by Andrea Hanks)

Kinesisk-latinamerikansk-caribisk topmøde en hidtil uset succes

5. dec., 2017 – Arrangører og deltagere i det ellevte Kinesisk-latinamerikanske-caribiske Erhvervstopmøde, som sluttede den 2. dec., i Punta del Este, Uruguay, var enige om, at mødet var en dundrende succes, der havde tiltrukket den største deltagelse – 2.500 mennesker – siden disse begivenheder først startede i 2007. På alle diskussionsniveauer lå fokus på samarbejde med Kina, og med Bælte & Vej Initiativet (BRI), med en forståelse af, at dette repræsenterer muligheden for fremtidig, reel, økonomisk udvikling. Den 2. dec., konferencens sidste dag, fandt tæt ved 1.000 forretningsmøder sted, hvor aftaler blev underskrevet, projekter diskuteret, fremvisninger præsenteret, osv.

Chiles tidligere præsident Eduardo Frei, der også er præsident Michelle Bachelets befuldmægtigede minister for anliggender i det asiatiske Stillehavsområde, talte på den første plenarforsamling den 1. dec. og udtrykte det meget klart. I betragtning af det, han kaldte USA’s »isolationistiske« politik, sagde han, at Latinamerika og de caribiske lande burde gå sammen og udnytte det, Kina tilbyder.

»Bælte & Vej er en politik, der vil gøre det muligt for os at bygge store infrastrukturprojekter i området«, sagde han. »Det betyder kredit, investeringer, [kinesiske selskabers] komplementaritet med vore landes selskaber og muligheder for at konkurrere på globale markeder. Dette betyder udvikling. Dette betyder Bælte & Vej Initiativet.«

Uruguays udenrigsminister Rodolfo Nin Novoa, der talte på samme panel, fremlagde statistik for, hvor mange kinesiske og asiatiske borgere, der forventes at indtræde i middelklassen hen over de næste ti år, og bemærkede Kinas succes med at løfte en enorm andel af sin befolkning ud af fattigdom. Både Uruguay og Latinamerika, sagde han, har kapacitet til at levere mad og andre varer til dette hastigt ekspanderende marked.

Cai Dong, adm. dir. for China Development Bank (CDB), sagde til Spaniens EFE-nyhedstjeneste, at CDB har 200 projekter i 18 af regionens lande i gang og således spiller en førende rolle »inden for rammerne« af Bælte & Vej.

Foto: Chiles tidligere præsident Eduardo Frei, taler her på en tidligere konference i Chile, 2017.

EIR-magasinet udgiver dossier:
Bob Mueller – ’Umoralsk juridisk morder’;
Bryd forræderflokken; Ban vejen for
den Nye Silkevejsæra
Læs EIR’s eksklusive dossier her

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, USA, 27. sept., 2017 – I dag udgav EIR sit ugemagasin (dateret 29. sept.) med dossieret »Robert Mueller er en umoralsk juridisk morder: Han vil udføre sit job, hvis I giver ham lov«. Dossieret, der er på 26 sider, fremlægger Robert Swan Mueller III’s identitet og rolle mht. mangeårige, beskidte operationer imod nationen, imod den patriotiske statsmand Lyndon LaRouche, imod ofrene for 11. september og deres familier, og imod andre. Denne rapport – der cirkuleres via LaRouchePAC’s netværk, er ammunition for at bryde det neo-britiske imperium én gang for alle, for at bane vejen for, at det transatlantiske område kan tilslutte sig den Nye Silkevejsæra for udvikling.

Det faktum, at sådanne stinkende operatører som Mueller så længe har kunnet fortsætte med deres beskidte arbejde, skyldes ikke manglende »information« som sådan i offentligheden – selv om befolkningen berøves viden. Det reflekterer i stedet mindcontrol-operationer for at aflede og demoralisere folk ind i konstruerede klagepunkter, såsom at fordømme Christopher Columbus som en ’undertrykker’.

Denne kulturelle degradering udføres med overlæg af fornægterne af renæssancen med det formål at kunne udføre faktisk fysiske forbrydelser mod menneskeheden. De fremmer en politistatsdynamik for at afskrække alle fra at vove at gøre indsigelse, eller blot stille spørgsmålstegn ved det, der foregår. Men vi kan knække ryggen på disse forræderiske operationer.

En impuls, der er til fordel for dette udbrud, kommer fra det menneskelige ønske om at redde liv og bygge en fremtid, og som man ser hos ofrene og redningsfolkene midt i oversvømmelserne og murbrokkerne efter de udbredte katastrofer, der har ramt de amerikanske lande. Som Mexicos præsident Enrique Pena Nieto sagde i en tale til nationen i går aftes, »Jeg ved, mange af jer føler frygt og ængstelse, men lad mig sige til jer, at vi vil give særlig opmærksomhed til opgaven, at beskytte befolkningen … Min første prioritet er at beskytte jeres og jeres familiers liv … Vi vil fortsat vise, at vi er mennesker, der ikke opgiver over for modgang og er rede til at gå fremad.«

Puerto Rico og De caribiske Øer befinder sig stadig i en nødredningsfase; dernæst følger fasen for opbygning af en økonomi, som vil kræve logistik på militærniveau. Florida, Texas og de andre stater, plus Mexico, står over for en enorm genopbygning, og ny opbygning.

Denne virkelighed rejser spørgsmålet om kredit – hvor skal midlerne komme fra? Svaret blev givet, før katastrofen, af Lyndon LaRouche i hans »Fire Love« fra 2014, om bankpraksis, kredit og videnskabelig og økonomisk opbygning. Katastrofernes virkelighed beviser nu LaRouches pointe; vi er menneskelige. Vi kan skabe kredit. Vi kan bygge og skabe fremskridt.

Et glimt af denne erkendelse kom i går på et møde i Det Hvide Hus om infrastruktur og ’skattereform’. Ifølge deltagere i denne tværpolitiske samling, sagde præsident Trump, at statslig finansiering, og ikke PPP-finasiering (Public Private Partnership), er vejen ad hvilken for at genoplive byggeri af infrastruktur. Statslig finansiering – plus finansiering fra delstaterne og lokalsamfundet – kan betyde, at man må forlade sig på skatteindtægter og mere gældsætning, men statslige partnerskaber med private interesser »er bestemt ikke en ’magisk kugle’, der løser alle nationens infrastrukturproblemer«, iflg. en embedsmand fra Det Hvide Hus, der deltog i mødet. »Vi vil«, sagde han, »fortsat tage alle brugbare muligheder i betragtning.« Trump talte i særdeleshed for en »langvarig« støtte til Puerto Rico. Hvordan man skal gennemføre dette perspektiv – både kortvarigt og langvarigt – forklares i LaRouches Nødhandleplan, som blev udstedt den 31. august, midt i orkanen Harvey.

Ud over de umiddelbare nødhjælpsoperationer i Puerto Rico må vi også »se længere end til horisonten«, som general Joseph Dunford, formand for generalstabscheferne, udtrykte det, da han talte om militærets igangværende rolle i Caribien. Dette var Dunfords svar på specifikke spørgsmål om militærets nødhjælpslogistik under en høring i Senatet i går.

Men tiden er for længst overskredet til at se endnu højere og bredere: den Nye Silkevej i de amerikanske kontinenter er lige netop ’over horisonten’!

Foto: Præsident George W. Bush taler for medierne under et besøg i FBI’s Hovedkvarter med direktør Robert Mueller, venstre, og USA’s justitsminister John Ashcroft. 25. sept., 2001.  (Photo US National Archives)

Læs det eksklusive dossier her:

Det er Bælte & Vej eller nedsmeltning

Leder fra LaRouche PAC, 17. sept., 2017 – Den virkelighed, der konfronterer det transatlantiske finanssystem, har en vis evne til at hævde sig.

På den ene side er der tænksomme statsmænd, såsom tidligere franske premierminister Jean-Pierre Raffarin, Macron-regeringens udsending til dette års Bælte & Vej Forum i Beijing, der den 16. sept. til Xinhua sagde, at »Europa bør tilslutte sig det af Kina foreslåede Bælte & Vej Initiativ så snart som muligt«, med Xinhuas parafrase. »Lad os gribe muligheden og skabe flere profitter. Jeg mener, vi vil opnå win-win-resultater gennem samarbejde med vore asiatiske partnere«, sagde Raffarin. »Frankrig, såvel som andre europæiske lande, har brug for hastig vækst. Vi bør blive involveret i stedet for blot at diskutere det, for så spilder vi en masse tid. Initiativet er meget vigtigt for Europa … Kina tilbyder en hjælpende hånd.«

På samme måde er Panamas regering, der netop har etableret diplomatiske relationer med Folkerepublikken Kina efter i årtier at have haft relationer med Taiwan, nu i færd med fuldt og helt at komme med om bord i Bælte & Vej Initiativet. Under den kinesiske udenrigsminister Wang Yis besøg til landet, understregede præsident Juan Carlos Varela Panamas betydning som logistisk havne- og lufthavnsplatform og opfordrede Kina til at benytte Panama som dets område for iscenesættelse af Bælte & Vej Initiativet for hele Latinamerika. Medlem af Panama Canal Authority Economics Unit, Eddie Tapiero, understregede en yderligere, afgørende pointe: Bælte og Vej »er en ny forretningsmodel for globalisering i verden, og Panama bør ikke være en udenforstående. USA må, som alle latinamerikanske landes hovedpartner, blive en del af initiativet. Med alle spillerne, der arbejder hen mod samme mål, vil landene på længere sigt opnå en balance i deres styrke og stabilitet.«

Selv Rajoy-regeringen i Spanien synes at have regent ud, hvad vej, vinden blæser. Efter at have deltaget i Bælte & Vej Forum i Beijing, var Rajoys regering vært for et meget succesfuldt besøg i Spanien af Kinas statsrådgiver Yang Jiechi, hvor Spaniens yderligere integration i Bælte & Vej blev diskuteret.

På den anden side er der Wall Streets ekstremt opportunistiske intrigemagere, såsom Jim Rogers, uddannet på Balliol College (Oxford University) og sammen med George Soros medstifter af Quantum Fund, og som nu er gået egne veje som »investor og finanskommentator«, og hvis synspunkter, indrømmer han, bedst beskrives som den Østrigske Skoles monetarisme. I et interview, der blev udgivet af RT den 16. sept., sagde Rogers, at, hvis USA lancerer en fuldt optrappet handelskrig mod Kina, ville dette omgående give bagslag og sandsynligvis føre til, at Kina og Rusland trådte til og omgående erstattede det nuværende internationale finanssystem. »Hvis de indfører store sanktioner mod Kina, bringer det hele verdensøkonomien til fald. Og det vil sluttelig gøre mere ondt på USA end på Kina, fordi det bare vil tvinge Kina og Rusland og de andre lande tættere sammen. Rusland og Kina og andre lande forsøger allerede at etablere et nyt finanssystem. Hvis Amerika indfører sanktioner imod dem, ville de blive nødt til at gøre det meget hurtigere.«

Det, som disse udviklinger reflekterer, understregede Lyndon LaRouche i dag, er, at det, der er i færd med at blive skabt, er udviklingen af et nyt system, der vil fungere. LaRouche var den oprindelige skaber af dette nye system, der skulle erstatte det bankerotte Britiske Imperium, og mange af de personligheder, der i årenes løb var involveret sammen med LaRouche i promoveringen af denne politik, i alle dele af planeten, kommer nu tilbage for at spille større roller. Dette ses fra Thailand, til Europa, til Panama. Det er LaRouches indflydelse, hans ideer, der er drivkraften bag denne dynamik.

Noget er ved at ske, forklarede LaRouche. Hele feltet er ved at åbne op; der kommer atter frisk vand. Forskellige folk og politiske kræfter vil komme med om bord og vil få jobbet gjort. Det er disse mennesker, vi må organisere med dette formål for øje, sagde han.

Foto: Der poseres for fotografen før receptionen med Kinas præsident Xi Jinping som vært for BRIKS-ledere og statsoverhoveder for inviterede stater. September, 2017. (

Mellemamerika begynder at komme ind i Bælte & Vej;
Venter på, at også USA tilslutter sig

17. sept., 2017 – Panamas præsident Juan Carlos Varela og den kinesiske udenrigsminister Wang Yi præsiderede i dag ved åbningsceremonien for den første Kinesiske Folkerepubliks Ambassade nogen sinde i Panama. »En ny æra begynder, hvor vi bør være tættere end nogensinde på vegne af vore folkeslags velfærd. Geografiske afstande vil ikke udgøre en hindring for, at vi er allierede«, sagde præsident Varela ved anledningen.

Frem til for et par måneder siden have Panama, som de fleste mellemamerikanske nationer, diplomatiske relationer med Taiwan, og ikke med Folkerepublikken Kina.

Præsident Varela mødtes med Wang den 16. sept. og understregede Panamas betydning som en logistisk havne- og lufthavnsplatform og indbød Kina til at bruge landet som Kinas bro og kommercielle arm til hele Latinamerika.

Tre dage tidligere havde Panamas første ambassadør til Kina, Francisco Carlo Escobar, præsenteret sine anbefalinger i Beijing, hvor han i et interview, der blev udgivet af Xinhua den 16. sept., understregede, at Panama er meget interesseret i Bælte & Vej Initiativet og i at bringe BRI til hele Latinamerika. Han sagde til Xinhua, at »Panama kan blive [et strategisk sted] … for logistisk distribution og muligvis for at præsentere visse infrastrukturprojekter, der kunne hjælpe Bælte & Vej Initiativet i området.«

Wang bekræftede over for præsident Varela, at præsident Xi Jinping vil modtage ham før udgangen af 2017 i Beijing, hvor han forventer, de vil underskrive flere end 20 aftaler, som nu forhandles mellem de to nationer. Panamas præsidentielle telegramtjeneste rapporterer om Varela-Wang-mødet, at Varela under dette besøg ligeledes officielt vil åbne Panamas ambassade i Beijing og konsulat i Shanghai, såvel som også besøge Guangszhou, Shanghai og Beijing, for at fremme forretninger og turisme.

En repræsentant for Panama Canal Authority Economics Unit, Eddie Tapiero, satte fokus på disse relationers virkelige strategiske potentiale, da han i en tale for nylig om »Panamas nye relationer med Kina og de mulige implikationer for kanalen: OBOR« sagde, at, udover at forøge handlen gennem sine nye relationer med Kina, tilslutter Panama sig også det kinesiske initiativ, »som i de nærmeste år vil forandre verden«, Bælte & Vej Initiativet som, sagde han, også USA må tilslutte sig.

Panamas La Estrella citerede Tapiero i dag: Bælte & Vej er »en ny model for globalisering i verden, og Panama bør ikke stå udenfor. Som alle latinamerikanske landes hovedpartner, må USA blive en del af initiativet. Med alle spillere, der arbejder mod samme mål, vil landene på længere sigt opnå en balance i deres styrke og stabilitet«.

Bælte & Vej blev også understreget i Wangs stop i Costa Rica, det eneste, andet mellemamerikanske land, der har relationer med Folkerepublikken Kina, etableret for 10 år siden. Forud for Wangs besøg, havde præsident Luis Guillermo Solis den 1. sept. entusiastisk talt om de kinesisk-costaricanske relationer, men fremførte, at, før en deltagelse i Bælte & Vej Initiativet, bør de bilaterale relationer først udvides. Men efter Wangs besøg den 15. sept., hvor han mødtes med både præsidenten og Costa Ricas udenrigsminister Manuel Gonzales, sagde Gonzales, at Costa Rica er rede til aktivt at tage del i byggeriet af Kinas Bælte & Vej Initiativ, som vil fremme Costa Ricas egen udvikling. Han tilføjede, at Costa Rica er villig til at udforske et trilateralt samarbejde med Kina og Panama.

Teddy Roosevelt må vende sig i sin grav. Og Lyndon LaRouches ven, general Manuel Noriega, smiler bestemt glad.

Foto: Den kinesiske udenrigsminister Wang Yi (v), Panamas præsident Juan Carlos Varela (c) og Isabel Saint Malo de Alvarado, Panamas vicepræsident og udenrigsminister, deltog i en underskrivelsesceremoni i Panama City, 17. sept., 2017 [Photo/Xinhua]

Kina og Latinamerika må skabe Ny Silkevej
med de gamle opdagelsesrejsendes mod

14. juni, 2017 – I en debatartikel i Xinhua i dag, med titlen, »Bælte & Vej åbner mere rum for at skabe et Kina-Latinamerika/Caribien-fællesskab for en fælles skæbne«, minder forfatterne Liu Lianxiang og Zhao Hui om, at den gamle Maritime Silkevej omfattede en rute fra Asien til den mexicanske havn Acapulco, via de berømte Manila-galleons-søfarere, eller Nao.

I dag, bemærker de, »udstrækker Kinas foreslåede 21. Århundredes Maritime Silkevej sig til Latinamerika og Caribien«, et område, der er ivrig efter at deltage i projektet. Handel mellem de to områder er vokset, tilføjer de, og efterlader meget lidt tvivl om, at Kina og Latinamerika »er naturlige partnere«. Latinamerika er ivrig efter at komme væk fra at være eksportør af råmaterialer, og Kina kan bidrage mere aktivt til dette, siger forfatterne, »idet de ikke alene kan være formidler af den fælles udviklingsfilosofi … men også formidle sine avancerede teknologiske og finansielle resurser«. De påpeger, at de infrastrukturprojekter, Kina foreslår – jernbaner, flytransport, hovedveje, vandveje, kommunikation, osv., – »langt overgår de kinesiske nao-søfareres forestillinger, der begrænsede sig til den maritime forbindelse«.

Forfatterne understreger, at, hvis den spanske munk og søfarer, Andres de Urdaneta, der opdagede Manila-Acapulco-ruten i 1565, »havde opgivet over for det voldsomme hav og uforudsigeligheden af denne lange og anstrengende ekspedition«, ville handelsruten, der blomstrede i 250 år mellem Asien og Latinamerika, »aldrig have fået fremgang … I dag må Kina og Latinamerika udvise samme mod og hengivenhed som de opdagelsesrejsende fra det 16. århundrede« for at overvinde de protektionistiske vinde, der blæser visse steder, »og således holde kursen på vejen til global udvikling«.

Foto: Manila-Acapulco Galleons-mindesmærket på Plaza Mexico i Intramuros, Manila.

Latinamerikas fremtid ligger
på den Nye Silkevej.
Af Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Zepp-LaRouches videopræsentation til en konference, »Latinamerikas fremtid ligger på Silkevejen«, 4. maj, 2017. Fr. Zepp-LaRouche udvikler her en dramatisk vision om økonomisk »win-win-samarbejde«, der kan løfte hvert eneste menneske ud af fattigdom; og om den Ny Silkevejspolitiks potentiale for at udløse menneskelig kreativitet på hele planeten, der kan skabe en ny, kulturel renæssance.

Helgas tale blev vist ved møder, der var samlet i Mexico City, Hermosillo og Querétaro (i Mexico); i Lima og Pucallpa (i Peru); og i Guatemala City, og blev ligeledes udsendt live over Internettet.

Engelsk udskrift:

Dear Friends of the Schiller Institute,

I will speak to you about the “Future of Ibero-America Lies in the New Silk Road,” and I want to send you my most heartfelt greetings, watching the video in Peru, Guatemala, Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, the United States, and maybe elsewhere.

We are only eight days away from an event which will make clear to the whole world that the world is changing, that we are already in the process of developing a completely new paradigm, that of the New Silk Road, otherwise called the Belt and Road Initiative. In Beijing, between the 14th and 15th of May a summit will take place. Already 28 heads of state, or 28 nations have agreed to attend, and those heads of state include those of Argentina and Chile, but also there will be high-level representatives and delegates from 110 nations, altogether 1,200 delegates; there will be 60 international organizations represented. And they will sign in the context of this summit, 20 cooperation agreements between China and 20 countries into a document which then will define the goals and principles, and specify cooperation; it will develop an international new platform on science, technology, exchanges and training of talent among the participating countries.

This Belt and Road Forum will be an historic event. It will be the consolidation of a process which started three years and eight months ago, when President Xi Jinping in Kazakhstan announced the New Silk Road. And in this period, the true conception of “win-win cooperation” among altogether almost 70 nations, has become a reality, where it is clear that no longer is this a zero-sum game where one has advantage and the other one suffers, but this is a true “win-win cooperation,” where each country is having equal benefits from such cooperations.

Now the significance in this conception of the Belt and Road Initiative which is open to all nations of the world, including the United States and the European nations, even though they are still not so clearly in favor of it, or at least it’s a mixed situation, the significance of this concept lies in the fact that for the first time in human history, it overcomes geopolitics — geopolitics which was the cause of two world wars in the 20th century — because it establishes a higher level of reason, and since it’s open to every country, it can reach into the farthest corner of the world.

Since this program has been put on the agenda by Xi Jinping it has led to an unbelievable explosion of development, absolutely unprecedented in history. China has signed more than 130 bilateral and regional transport agreements. It opened 356 international road routes, for both passengers and freight; there are now 4,200 direct flights connecting China with 43 Belt and Road countries; there are presently already 39 China-Europe freight train routes; currently, there is daily leaving such a cargo train from Chongqing to a European destination.

There are in the meantime, six major industrial development corridors, and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. These corridors not only are, one, a corridor from China to Central and Western Asia which is intended to be extended through Iraq, Syria, Turkey, into Europe and into Africa; there is a second corridor from China to Western Europe which goes from such cities as Chengdu, Chongqing, Yiwu, Lianyungang, going to Duisburg, Hamburg, Rotterdam, Lyon, and Madrid. There is thirdly the Mongolia- China-Russia corridor which involves 32 large projects. There is fourthly, the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), where China has invested $46 billion and this project is creating 700,000 new jobs in Pakistan. There is the Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar (BCIM) corridor, which bridging the whole region of Southeast Asia. Then you have the China-Indochina Peninsular corridor, and you have in the meantime the development of an entire railway network in Eastern and Central Africa.

This is unprecedented in human history, because after literally centuries of suffering colonialism and poverty and underdevelopment, for the very first time, through this Chinese initiative is the perspective for the developing countries to overcome poverty, hunger, underdevelopment and realize the true potential of all these countries.

Well, it is most astounding, but then, not so astounding if you think about it, that about this greatest infrastructure project in all of history, there is almost nothing being reported in the mainstream media, at least in the United States and in Western Europe. The mainstream media, with very few exceptions such as for example Forbes magazine, they had a six-part series about the potential of the New Silk Road, all the other mainstream media pretend it doesn’t exist. So the populations of Europe and the United States know very little about it, and once they realize it, mainly through our efforts, the efforts of the Schiller Institute, they realize that this is a tremendous potential also for their future. And mostly people get extremely angry that they have been deprived of this knowledge.

Now, it is very clear that the old forces of the old paradigm, the paradigm of geopolitics, a system based on so-called globalization which emerged after the collapse of the Soviet Union, and which was and is based on the “special relationship” between the British and the United States, this system which was based on profit for the rich, making the gap between the rich and poor ever wider, a system which is now specifically now aiming to overcome poverty in the whole world and have a “win-win” relationship among equal nations with equal rights, equal respect for their sovereignty, these old geopoliticians regard this new system as a complete threat to their existence. So they try to maintain the illusion that it does not exist.

Just today appeared a very interesting article by Robert Parry, who is an investigative journalist in the United States, who became rather famous because of his coverage of the Iran/Contra affair; he wrote an article with the title, “The Existential Question of Whom To Trust.” And he says, “The looming threat of World War III, a potential extermination event for the human species, is made more likely because the world’s public can’t count on supposedly objective experts to ascertain and evaluate facts. Instead, careerism is the order of the day among journalists, intelligence analysts and international monitors — meaning that almost no one who might normally be relied on to tell the truth can be trusted.” He says, and I fully agree with that, what replaces objective reporting is “groupthink,” where experts “have sold themselves to … powerful interests in order to keep high-paying jobs and … don’t even seem to recognize how far they’ve drifted from principled professionalism.”

Well, that will not help them, because the positive alternative of the Belt and Road Initiative does exist and it is also the remedy to the two existential crises facing human civilization at this point: First, the danger of a global nuclear war, which is now most obvious in the crisis around the two Koreas, and naturally, still to a certain extent the situation in Syria; and secondly, the danger of an uncontrolled crash possibly to occur this year, which if it would occur would lead to uncontrollable chaos out of which the danger of a nuclear war would arise as well.

Let’s briefly look at the second danger. On July 25th, 2007, my husband, Lyndon LaRouche made truly history forecast: He said, this present global financial system is hopelessly finished and all which you will see now is that the different elements will come to the surface. And it will not be resolved until you have complete, total reorganization of this bankrupt system through a number of measures, Glass-Steagall, a return to a credit system and the American System of economy.

Exactly one week later, the secondary mortgage crisis in the United States erupted, which then, since it was not dealt with by the measures which LaRouche proposed, escalated into the big financial crash of Lehman Brothers and AIG in September 2008.

At that point, for a very short period of time, actually some days and weeks, the leaders of trans-Atlantic world were absolutely convinced this was a systemic crisis, and some of them, like Sarkozy of France, even called for a New Bretton Woods, because they were so scared that this whole system may disintegrate. Unfortunately, this shock lasted not very long, and already at the next G20 meeting in Washington on Nov. 15, of the same year, they basically decided to paper it over, go for quantitative easing and use other so-called “tools” of the instruments of the central banks in the United States rather than going for the Glass-Steagall separation law of Franklin D. Roosevelt, which my husband has prescribed, they went into Dodd-Frank, which basically was just a cover-story to keep the high-risk speculation of the big banks going.

In the meantime, the central banks of Europe, the ECB, of Great Britain, Japan, and the Federal Reserve decided to go into quantitative easing, and they created $15 trillion in lending facilities to the too-big-to-fail banks, and that added a de facto zero-interest rate since about 10 years. They spent part of this money for so-called bail-out packages, which supposedly went to countries like Greece, but in reality 97% of these bail-out packages went back to the to the big European banks and the American banks.

In the United States this liquidity pumping increased for example, so that corporate debt rose from 2008 to today, from $8 to $14 trillion; that is, an increase of 75%, of which almost $9 are in commercial mortgage backed securities (CMBS). Since 2013, 80% of the corporate borrowing has been used for, not productive investment, but so-called “financial engineering.” Now, that is, corporate firms buy up their own stocks to drive up the price, or they’re buying other firms in so-called mergers & acquisitions (M&As) for the same effect. They are using $500 billion per year into driving up those stock indexes, while at the same time, betting on the derivatives of these manipulations.

Despite all of this, the total non-financial corporation profits have not increased since 2011 and started to fall since 2013. Morgan Stanley just put out a report in April that the ratio of non-financial corporate debt to cash from operations is at an all-time high, at a ratio of 3.2 to 1.

Now, with this situation, where the debt is going through the roof relative to the operating cash, and profits are declining, normally, what firms used to do, is to go to the banks and borrow more, but this is now no longer happening, because the banks stopped giving credit because they know this whole system is coming to an end and it’s not maintainable.

Just at the recent meeting of the IMF in Washington, they put out a 2017 Global Financial Stability Report, where they basically wrote that the U.S. debt service to income ratio of the non-financial corporations has gone up 37% in 2014, to 41% in 2016; and those corporations have $7 trillion more debt than in 2008, but $3 trillion less equity invested in them. As a result, a wave of defaults has already started. The default rate for the non-financial corporations jumped from 3% at the beginning of 2016, to 5% at the end, and it is expected to be 5.6% in June. The IMF warns that if the interest rates go up, as they did in the period from November to January, then 20% of all U.S. corporations could default. Now, that is higher than the highest mortgage default rate in the crash of 2008.

Now, this gigantic bubble of corporate debt is made more unpayable because of the complete lack of growth in the real economy. The miserable 0.7% growth which was published about the GDP in the United States — and remember that the GDP statistics are always manipulated, and every knowledgeable person in Europe, for example, makes jokes about it — it went up only 0.7% in the first quarter of this year, and that does not pay for this huge bubble.

But the problem is not only in the United States, it’s also in Europe. Just recently, the Italian Banking Association put out the figures of the Level3 derivatives in the European countries, where the highest ratio is in Germany, it was 25.5%; British banks, 25.4%; French banks, 20.5%. And Italy, which is always scolded for having the biggest commercial losses, has only 15%. Now, Level3 derivatives are derivatives which don’t have a market price because nobody wants to buy them, because people know they are completely toxic. So they are assets collateralized with debt and therefore pretty worthless, but the ECB has allowed the banks to price them according to their own bank model and count them as assets. In the recent stress tests of the European central banks, they left out Level3 assets, so this is a complete illusion which is being maintained because an admission would basically reveal the complete bankruptcy of the system.

Now, there is only one way to prevent a chaotic blowout, and that is the implementation of the Glass-Steagall law which Franklin D. Roosevelt implemented in 1933. And the good thing is that there are presently two legislations in both Houses of the U.S. Congress, and also the head of the National Economic Council Gary Cohn, recently told a group of senators that the Trump administration is absolutely committed to realize Glass-Steagall soon, and that President Trump will fulfill his election promise to go for Glass-Steagall. As a result, there is presently a flood of articles in the last three weeks attacking Glass-Steagall, saying it would not have solved the problem of 2008 — which is a complete lie — and obviously, this expresses the complete nervousness of Wall Street and the City of London because it would bankrupt them and curb their power down to size.

Now, contrary to the asset-based economy of the United States, and partially of Europe, where you have a huge diversity between the different EU members and therefore the whole Eurozone does not function, where basically the situation is completely unsustainable as well, China on the other side, in the first quarter of 2017 had a surprisingly high GDP of 6.9%. All the agencies, like Bloomberg, PricewaterhouseCoopers and others all agree that the primary driver of this Chinese economic growth is the extraordinary investment in infrastructure, both in China domestically, as well as in the Belt and Road countries. For example, Chinese factory output in the same period has been 7.6% in the first quarter also. Household disposable income went up by 7.5%; retail spending up 10.4%. There was a study of PricewaterhouseCoopers in February which said that the great projects of infrastructure grew in the last year already by 50% in value, and there is a new study by the U.S. National Bureau of Economic Research that, based on physical economic factors such as the illumination seen by night from space, that the Chinese economy is actually growing faster than even the Chinese government reports.

Xinhua reported that the goods trade between China and the Belt and Road countries went up by 26.2% in the first quarter. Chinese exports to Belt and Road countries went up by 15.8% in the first three months. Imports to China went up by 42.9% from the 60 countries of the Belt and Road. There are 781 new companies with investments in the Belt and Road countries that have sprung up. Chinese enterprises signed 952 contracts in 61 countries along the Belt and Road.

So the Chinese economy and the Belt and Road Initiative has long become the real engine of the world economy.

So for the United States to come out its present financial danger, there is only one way out, and that is to implement the Four Laws of Lyndon LaRouche: First, Glass-Steagall. Separate the commercial and the investment banks, write off the unpayable debt and toxic paper of the investment banks, put the commercial banks under protection. Then, go to a credit system in the tradition of Alexander Hamilton, implement a National Bank; and increase the productivity of the economy by having a massive investment in fusion technology and space cooperation, and other vanguard technologies to increase the productivity of the labor force.

Now, this could be massively helped by the Chinese cooperating with America on the Belt and Road Initiative which has been offered by President Xi Jinping, at the recent Florida summit with President Trump.

Now Trump has said he wants to invest $1 trillion into infrastructure in the United States. The American Society of Civil Engineers estimated that the real need of infrastructure is $4.5 trillion, but Chinese experts estimated that what the United States really would need is $8 trillion worth of infrastructure. And China could easily help America to rebuild its infrastructure because they have an extraordinary expertise from having done the Belt and Road project for the last three and a half years. China also has offered, already, to invest its $1.4 trillion they’re holding in U.S. Treasuries. If this would be channeled, let’s say, through either an infrastructure bank in the United States or a National Bank in the tradition of Hamilton, this could help to revive the American economy.

Now, the same goes for European nations: They urgently need Chinese investment, because the EU has not been providing it, and that is why right now, you have the complete turning around of European nations — they want to be part of the New Silk Road. For example: Greece, Serbia, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Belarus, but also Italy, Portugal — they have already all stated they want to become “hubs” of the New Silk Road. So there is a complete change of the wind, representing the potential to really realize this fantastic new perspective.

However, the second existential crisis, the danger of nuclear war, now, it is obviously centered right now very massively around the North Korea crisis. Again, there, the solution will be the integration of the two Koreas into the New Silk Road. But it is extremely dangerous. Pope Francis just put out a statement saying “the situation has become too hot,” that the world is at the brink of war, and he said, “We are talking about the future of humanity. Today, a widespread war would destroy — I would not say half of humanity — but a good part of humanity, and of culture, everything, everything. It would be terrible. I don’t think that humanity today would be able to withstand it.”

Now, if you study the logic of thermonuclear war, the danger is not half of humanity, the danger is that it could lead to the extermination of all life, of all human life on this planet.

This danger is the result of the old geopolitical manipulation, because the situation in Korea is not unsolvable at all. Already in the ’90s and again in 2002, we were very close to establishing a permanent peace on the Korean Peninsula. North Korea, at that time, in the ’90s, had signed the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT); they agreed not to build a nuclear weapons plant, and in return they were allowed to build a peaceful nuclear energy facility. Then, at a certain point the U.S. Defense Secretary William Perry in the Clinton Administration was convinced that Pyongyang was diverting plutonium and he was actively considering the option to take out the [North Korean] Yongbyon plant in a surgical strike. At that point, the former President Jimmy Carter went to Pyongyang and met with North Korean leader Kim Il-sung and they reached an agreement which was supported by the Clinton administration, South Korea, North Korea, with the support of China, Japan and Russia, and they called this the Agreed Framework, which included the idea that North Korea would take down its Yongbyon plant in exchange for which the U.S. helping North Korea build a full-scale 1000 MW nuclear plant; and they also began to provide North Korea with oil until this plant was ready. Inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) went there and started to monitor, and there were pledges that they would move very quickly towards a peace agreement surpassing the armistice which still existed — and still exists.

But then unfortunately the Clinton administration came to its end, and was replaced by the Bush and Cheney administration, which immediately started this talk which we know only too well from the present days, that they couldn’t work with a “brutal dictator,” and not cooperate. So basically, this already put a cloud over this whole project. But still, in 2002, South Korean President Kim Dae-jung adopted the “Iron Silk Road” which had initially been proposed by Lyndon LaRouche, who had always maintained that the way to solve the Korea crisis is with the New Silk Road: That you have to build the railroads from Busan at the southern tip of south Korea, through North Korea, all the way to Rotterdam. And once you have South Korean and North Korean engineers working together building railways, that the real basis for peace could be established.

Now the two railroads started to be built, but also one of them going from Seoul via Kaesong to the old Silk Road, the Chinese railway; and one was supposed to go up the east coast to North Korea and then link up in Vladivostok with the Trans-Siberian Railroad. Also in 2002, in the village of Kaesong, they started to build an industrial park, where South Korean companies deployed very high-skilled North Korean labor to build up industries, set up factories and things actually went along very well. Also, there were Six-Party Talks supporting this Sunshine Policy of the South Korean President.

At that time, Bush and Cheney reluctantly went along with it, but all the time kept nagging North Korea as cheating, “don’t believe them,” and so forth. At a certain point, the Six Party Talks ended, and when Obama came in, and started his “Asia pivot” policy, which was not aimed at North Korea, but really aimed to isolate China, and in encircle it, they started to build up military forces aimed against China.

So under the pressure from President Obama very recently, South Korean President Park Heun-hye cancelled the Kaesong industrial park and agreed to the deployment of THAAD missiles, and these Terminal High Altitude Area Deployment missiles, again, are not deployed against North Korea, but aimed at China and Russia: Because North Korea is only 30 miles away from Seoul, and they don’t need to send ICBMs into space to then hit Seoul 30 miles away because North Korea has sufficient artillery to accomplish the same aim; but these THAAD missiles have X-band radar which can see deeply into the territory of China and Russia, which is why both countries have named these THAAD missiles as an existential threat to their national security.

This is a very dangerous situation, because if North Korea would strike Seoul, all of North Korea would be wiped out in return, the entire North Korean leadership would be killed as has been stated by many forces around the United States, and the population of Seoul would be wiped out very clearly also. If this war would escalate, it would clearly have the potential to escalate to Japan, to the United States and also lead to a global nuclear war.

Now, that danger is presently absolutely real. The only sign of hope, is that since the summit between President Trump and President Xi Jinping in Mar-a-Lago, Florida, where a very positive working relationship and almost friendship has been developed between these two Presidents, this summit has been called by the Chinese a “complete success”; Secretary of State Tillerson has said this has absolutely enhanced mutual trust and both have stated that their common aim is the de-nuclearization of Korea; that they want to resolve the situation through a peaceful dialogue.

Now that requires, also, that the recent Chinese proposal to have a so-called “double suspension,” meaning a suspension of the missiles and nuclear tests on the side of north Korea; and a suspension of the joint military drills on the side of South Korea and the United States on the other side. Russia has completely supported this Chinese policy of double suspension. That would be the first step.

What is needed then, is a comprehensive approach of the New Paradigm, of “double suspension,” to include North Korea in the Belt and Road Initiative, integrate the Sunshine Policy with the New Silk Road and the key to it is the collaboration between Xi Jinping and Trump. It can absolutely work, because there are elections on May 9th in South Korea, where the likely winner already came out against the THAAD deployment, so the hurried deployment now makes absolutely no sense; also, in the recent month, the relationship between Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan with Putin of Russia has absolutely increased and positively developed, where you have joint Russian-Japanese investments in the Far East of Russia, and therefore, the elements of a solution are absolutely there.

What has to be put on the agenda, therefore, is the “Greater Tumen Region Development project, which we also represented in the World Land-Bridge report. This is a regional development project involving the Greater Tumen Initiative, a development project which would build up the entire border region between China, Russia, Mongolia, North Korea, and South Korea, and develop the entire region around it, around the Tumen River which is the border between China and North Korea; and North Korea was a part of this project, until 1993, at least in its initial forms.

So, what has all of this today with the future of Latin America, and the my speech has, that “The Future of Latin America Lies in the New Silk Road”?

Now, I personally believe for a very long time, that the great German mind, and philosopher, and statesman, and natural scientist, Nikolaus of Cusa was absolutely right, when he, already in the 15th century, said that the solution to fundamental problems cannot be in partial remedies, but that you have to find a level of the solution which establishes a higher level of reason which he called the “coincidence of opposites,” or the coincidentia oppositorum. You have to establish a level of reason where the One has a higher reality than the Many, and that is exactly the “win-win cooperation” of the Belt and Road Initiative today.

Now, in the age of nuclear weapons, of the internet, of air travel which can bring you in a few hours to every part of the globe, the world has become a very small place. And unlike in previous periods, where you had one culture going under and some other culture at some other part of the world didn’t even know about it, because it would take years to travel from one region to the next, this time, we are sitting in one boat, and therefore, people have to start to think strategically and not think that the financial crisis of the trans-Atlantic sector, or the North Korea crisis is something alien to them, but that we have to solve all of these problems simultaneously, or else there will be no solution for anybody.

Now the only way for Latin American countries to solve the problem of the drug epidemic which is haunting some countries in an existential way; or of poverty, or of underdevelopment, is to revive the development plan of Lyndon LaRouche, which he called in 1982 Operation Juárez, when he worked with President José López Portillo to integrate all of Latin America in one large infrastructure-integrated network. This is possible to be realized today, and it is possible, because of the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative.

What we have to do, is we have to build a fast train system connecting the southern tip of Latin America in Chile and Argentina, going all the way up north, through Central America, North America, to the tip of Alaska, connecting through the Bering Strait Tunnel with Siberia, and in that way linking the trans-American transport corridor with the trans-European-Eurasian infrastructure network.

The infrastructure offered by China is already going in this direction. China has offered financing and help in the construction of the Bi-Oceanic Railroad, which you will hear about in the next presentation, which will be a railroad between Brazil and Peru, and another route through Bolivia; China is presently already building a science city in Ecuador, where at the recent state visit of President Xi Jinping in Lima, and Ecuador, and Chile last fall, attended a joint meeting with the former President of Ecuador President Correa in which both stated the intention that very soon China and Ecuador will be on the top of science and technology, representing the state-of-the-art in these areas. Now, this is a very ambitious and very hopeful intention.

Also, the fact that Chilean President Michelle Bachelet will go to the Belt and Road Forum and then add a state visit in China to that, represents the potential of bringing all of these projects a big step forward. The former Ambassador to China from Chile Fernando Reyes Matta said the world leaders who are attending the Belt and Road Forum are betting on the future. He said: Should we think from Latin America about linking with the One Belt and Road if it will have the same effect as the Marshall Plan on Europe? Well, the answer is obviously, yes, because the Belt and Road Initiative is already now twelve times larger than the Marshall Plan was in its time, and it is open- ended and it can be extended without a limit.

Now this fantastic economic development perspective also has, and must have a cultural dimension to it. At the recent Ancient Civilizations Forum in Greece, where the foreign ministers of ten countries that have long, old cultures attended, among them, were the foreign minister of Bolivia, of Mexico, and Peru, all countries which had a very proud, ancient tradition, they were intending to revive this old culture, in order to connect it to the ambition of the future. Because it is necessary for this whole project to succeed, that we revive the best traditions of each nation on this planet, of each culture, and then have a dialogue, so that each nation knows about and finds out about the treasures what actually universal history has accomplished to this present point.

If we have an economic “win-win cooperation,” it will uplift every human being out of poverty, it will unleash the tremendous potential of human creativity, and it will lead, I am absolutely certain, to a new cultural Renaissance. Where people in Latin America must absolutely know about, that we as a human species as a whole are on the verge of a completely decisive branching point in human history: That the New Silk Road allows for a completely New Paradigm, where for example, the old idea that earning virtual money, money figures which could disappear from your bank account instantly, once you have a financial crash, and what you never owned because it was always virtual, you can also never lose, that this wrong idea will be replaced by the concept of a meaningful life where each person can unfold the totality of his or her creative potential; and something which was only possible for a very few individuals in history, such geniuses as Dante, Kepler, Einstein, Schiller, Vernadsky, Beethoven, but very few people could reach that level of personal creativity, because people up to now were so burden by having to earn their livelihood, by the constraints of managing their daily lives, that they could not fulfill this potential. Now this will be possible to change and we will have a society, increasingly, on our planet, where more and more people, and eventually all people can be truly human by developing all potentials they have embedded in them.

So provided we can solve the two existential crises I mentioned, we are really looking at a very bright future. If Latin America would link up with the Belt and Road Initiative this potential can be realized for all of us in a very short period of time.